Montini Catholic High School


Montini Catholic’s 56th school year came to a close on May 26, 2022 and I was happy to report that our 2021-22 year was filled with a great deal of success and excitement.
Over the summer (2021) we completed three significant capital improvement projects to our campus:
• The revitalization of the cafeteria
• The installation of a wire public address system for the school
• The removal of the last heat exchanger in the power plant and the re-piping of heating lines into the school building
Over $350,000 was invested in these capital projects. In addition, another $130,000 was invested in other smaller capital improvement projects including the installation of LED lighting in the gymnasium, the repainting and re-caulking of the exterior of the Academic and Administrative Center, parking lot repairs and technology upgrades.
The fall of 2021 marked the 25th anniversary of our Golden Gobbler Food Drive which is just one of many service opportunities that our students participated in over the course of the school year.
On May 22nd, 120 graduating seniors were added to our Alumni Association. This class earned close to $16 million in academic scholarship offers - well over $20 million with athletic scholarships included. There was a great spirit of togetherness with this class and it was apparent throughout the school year. I am especially proud of how our students welcomed their transfer classmates from St. Joseph High School.
During Founder’s Day we were honored to award the very first John L. Duffy Memorial Scholarship. We proudly welcomed Stephen McPartlan, step-brother of John along with Jim Ronan ‘70 and Mike Manna ‘70 to present this very special award to junior Brighid Barratt.
This year we were also truly honored to host the first 50th Anniversary Class Reunion with members of our Class of 1971 (one year delayed due to Covid -19), on June 12th. For many it was their first time back on campus. (On October 8th we welcomed our Class of 1970 for their 50th Anniversary Reunion (actually their 52nd reunion) titled the ‘Class of 1970 turns 70’. Our Class of 1972 held their 50th Anniversary on October 22nd.
It was certainly a very historic year with our Girls Volleyball Team winning its first State Championship, the Broncettes finishing 2nd at the IHSA State Dance Championship, the Girls Basketball team winning the GCAC Conference and IHSA Regional Championships, and our Boys Basketball Team winning the IHSA Regional Championship (the first since 83-84). Our Broncos enjoyed an outstanding spring sports season, highlighted by our Girls Soccer Team making history by finishing 3rd in the state. Our Robotics Team finished 12th in the VEX Robotics State Championship and was the highest placing private school in the state competition. Our Math Team placed 6th in the ICTM State Math Championship making this the 21st straight year that the team has placed in the top 11 in state.
The success we enjoy each year is due to the hard work and dedication of our faculty, staff and studentsin addition to the support and generosity that we receive from our extended family, you! Thank you for all you do to support Montini Catholic!
As always, "May Jesus Live In Our Hearts ... Forever."
Jim Segredo, President2021-22 School Year
Janis M. Orlowski, M.D. ‘74
Chief Health Care Officer Association of American Medical Colleges
Washington, DC
Michael Manna ‘70 President The Manna Consulting Group Trevor, Wisconsin
Edward Mack Partner (Retired) Accenture Darien, Illinois
Treasurer Michael Bava
Chief Financial Officer (Retired) Diocese of Joliet Joliet, Illinois
Jeannette (Workman) Bartosz ‘85 Director of Diocesan Finance Diocese of Joliet Joliet, Illinois
Frank Conforti, Jr. ‘86
Owner and Manager Frankie's Deli Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois
Joseph Dailey
Chief Financial Officer (Retired) Diocese of Joliet, Catholic Charities Crest Hill, Illinois
Charles Erdman
President/Owner Chemray Corporation Naperville, Illinois
John Gavin ‘91
Jackdaddy Consulting Clarendon Hills, Illinois
Michael Gilmartin ‘86
Vice President - Claims at Berkley Program Specialist (a W.R. Berkley Company) Naperville, Illinois
Catherine Hoovel
Corporate Vice President
Chief Accounting Officer McDonald's Corporation Chicago, Illinois
Leigh-Anne Kazma President Kazma Family Foundation Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Scott Kier
Superintendent of Lasallian Ed. Midwest District Brothers of Christian Schools Burr Ridge, Illinois
Charles Kirk ‘78 President Kirk & Associates Downers Grove, Illinois
Dennis McNicholas Attorney at Law Lombard, Illinois
James Miller President QMI Itasca, Illinois
John Nania ‘79 President Nania Energy, Inc. Warrenville, Illinois
Richard Rafanelli ‘76 Manager Meade Investments, LLC Indian Head Park, IL
Michael Santay
Partner - Audit Services (Retired) Grant Thornton Chicago, Illinois
Michael Schumacher ‘71 Entrepreneur Spring, Texas
Shannon Smith ‘89 Consultant G3 Alternatives Broadview, Illinois
Tracy TreDenick-Fricke
Head of Regulatory & Quality Assurance and Founding Partner at BioTechLogic, Inc. Cave Creek, Arizona
James Van De Velde ‘70 Chairman Emeritus President (Retired). WLI Industries Villa Park, Illinois
Walter Weisenburger ‘75 Chairman Emeritus Senior Vice President (Retired) The Northern Trust Company Chicago, Illinois
Carol Winfrey Director BlueHole Strategy Chicago, Illinois
James Nelson Business Manager Montini Catholic High School Lombard, Illinois
Kevin Beirne Principal Montini Catholic High School Lombard, Illinois
James F. Segredo President
Montini Catholic High School Lombard, Illinois
School Attorney
Michael Devine Nisen & Elliott, LLC Attorney/Member
Chicago, Illinois
Ronald Mangelsdorf Alumni Parent Westmont, Illinois
Janet McGivern Alumni Parent Westmont, Illinois
Chub Thompson Alumni Parent
Bonita Springs, Florida
Montini Catholic High School is a family-centered, coeducational, college preparatory high school, rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ as emulated by St. John Baptist de LaSalle and committed to the education of the whole person.
Our LaSallian tradition recognizes the sacredness of all persons and educates students of diverse abilities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Each student is expected to participate in an educational setting that will emphasize the message of Christ, service, and responsibility to Church, family and community.
Montini has a religious purpose and an academic purpose. The eligious is primary, as the religious nature of the school pervades the entire school community. Montini works to create a Catholic educational community in which faith, culture and knowledge are integrated among teachers, students and parents in a
spirit of cooperation. Montini's programs attempt to challenge and encourage the spiritual, intellectual, personal, cultural, social and physical development of each student.
The Brothers of the Christian Schools sponsor and manage Montini Catholic in association with lay men and women, religious and clergy. In accordance with the Christian Brothers' presence, the following characteristic elements are given priority:
• Attention to the individual
• Special concern for the poor
• Commitment to excellence
• Creative education for a variety of ability levels
• Religious instruction & service
• Promotion of justice & peace
• Faith-filled & zealous teacherstion
Donations received from 1998 - June 30, 2022
Builders of Excellence ($1,000,000+)
Kazma Family Foundation
Ed & Pam Mack
Legacy Society ($500,000 - $999,999)
Catholic Education Foundation of The Diocese of Joliet
Pope Paul VI Society ($100,000 - $499,999)
3D Exhibits, Inc.
James Barron
Michael & Valerie Bava
Jeffrey & Tina Bell
Theresa & Joseph Borsellino
John & Brenda Boudreau
Christian Brothers of the Midwest Adopt-a-Student
Christian Brothers of the Midwest District
J. Robert Collins†
Anthony & Christine Costello
Helen Brach Foundation
Madeline & Michael† Hughes
Ron & Patricia Mangelsdorf
Bill & Linda Mullins
James & Mary Norton
Dr. Janis Orlowski '74
Charles Porcelli
David & Paula Rogers
Ryan Smith Foundation
Mike '71 & Diane (Kosmach) ‘71
Helen & J. Wendell† Sherry
Jennifer & Norman Sidler '87
Mark Sullivan
Charles & Joan Thompson
Robert & Diane Van De Velde
James Van De Velde '70
Vibern Foundation
Signum Fidei Society
($50,000 - $99,999)
Active Glass
ASG Staffing
Bibby Financial Services, Inc.
James & Lara Briggs
Mike & Jean† Colletti
Construction Management Corporation of America
Joseph & Mary Sue Dailey
Thomas & Lauren Fitzgerald
Frankie's Deli
Ricardo & Bertha Garcia
Pete & Barbara† Giebel
Michael Gilmartin '86
James & Margaret Hermesdorf
Diocese of Joliet, Bishop Emeritus Joseph Imesch†
Irish Fellowship Education & Cultural Foundation
Leigh-Anne Kazma
McDonald's Corporation
Thomas & Janet McGivern
Stephen McPartlin
James & Mary Miller
Michael & Sharon Mullins
Joan† & John† Mullins
Edward & Patty Mullins
John Murphy '77
John Nania '79
Norkol, Inc.
Judith & Mark† Ogan
Dushan & Nancy Petrovich
John & Nancy Phelan
Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria
Quest Food Management Services
Michael & Cynthia Santay
Sebastian Family Charitable Foundation
Selden Fox
Shannon (Mullins) '89 & Brian Smith
Michael & Eva Smith
State of Illinois
Matthew Thompson '76†
Louis & Susan Tinucci
Gerald Van Enkenvort
Marianne & William Vivirito
Rita & Walter Weisenburger '75
Kim & Robert Westerkamp '83
Founders Society ($25,000 - $49,999)
Rocky & Kerry Aiyash
Rich & Mary Binder
Lewis '75 & Julie (Savaiano) ‘76 Borsellino
Briggs Paving
Mike & Kathy Brinati
Jack & Beth Bruscianelli
Kathryn (Mullins) '85 & John Burke
Dennis & Connie Colleran
Roger & Karen Daluga
Diane (Boeh) Davies ‘74
Roberta & Lawrence Diedrick '82
Diocese of Joliet CCW
Gameday USA
Laura Gicela
Catherine & Brian Giffin
Tom & Cathy Glennon
Diocese of Joliet, Bishop Ronald Hicks
Siham & Samuel Ibrahim
Iocom Technologies
William & Jean Keeley
James & Kathleen Kersten
Dr. Martin Kolinski '71
Larry '75 & Marguerite (Rogers) Kolinski '77
Jerry & Julie Kulhanek
Andrew & Candice Langert
Link Unlimited
Mark & Patricia (Bonnamy) Loftus ‘83
John & Judy (Mullins) Lucas ‘79
Michael Manna '70
Karen & Michael† Martin
Montini Catholic Parent Club
Michael & Marie Mourek
Don & Julia (Whalen) Musil ‘77
Roseann & Rory† Neill
Orange Crush
John O'Reilly
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc
Premium Concrete
Prism Healthcare Management
R J Sanders Memorial Fund
Richard Rafanelli '76
Richard & Susan Salerno
Maureen† & Nicholas† Savaiano
Frank† & Marie† Serio
Ron Skwarek
Daniel & Dolina Stevenson
The Kro Foundation
Tracy Tredenick Fricke & Mark Fricke
William† & Joan Tribble†
John Vosicky
Wachovia Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Peggy (Murphy) '79 Wier
Christian Brothers Society ($10,000 - $24,999)
700 Club Montini
Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers
Richard & Beatrice Almassey
Dorothy† & Joseph† Andriano
Christopher & Deanna Andriano
Archer Daniels Midland Corporation
Roberta & Alan Farnell Arquilla
Atomic Transmissions
John† & Helen† Ayres
Mark & Barbara Baessler
James & Erika Baka
Jeannette (Workman) '85 & Chris Bartosz
Baxter International Foundation
Edward & Ruth Beamish
James '81 & Catherine (Baloun) ’82 Beverley
Jon & Alison Black
Thomas Boeh '76
Brooks & Julie Boyer
Robert & Cheryl Brach
Richard & Patricia Brash
Buck Services
Jeffrey ’88 & Kimberly (Gary) ‘88 Bukovsky
BW Industries
Miles & Patricia Cahill
Dan & Milea Callaghan
TJ & Trisha (Engel) Campbell ‘93
Jack Capodice
Tony & Annie Cappetta
Dennis & Janine Carter
John & Jo Ann Cavanaugh
Jack Caveney
Reeny Caveney
Christian Brothers of the Midwest District
Christian Brothers Services
Deidre (Chase) Clingen ‘80
Dennis '90 & Cynthia (Krones) ’90 Colleran
Dr. Michael Colletti
Cooper Industries
Michael & Jeanne Cronin
Margaret & Edward† Crotty
Robert & Laura Daly
Joe & Carolyn DeFalco
Montini Catholic's Class of 2022 celebrated 4 years of hard work, discipline and achievement on May 22nd at our 53rd Baccalaureate and Commencement ceremony. 120 graduates were added to our alumni family! The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Ronald A. Hicks.
"You’re passing from one world to another. One is marked by having others, primarily your families, taking care of you. The other is marked by you beginning to take of yourself," said Principal Beirne. "One is marked by others ready to pick you up when you fall while the other is marked by you pushing yourself up and brushing yourself off. One is marked by adults telling you what to do and when to do it, while the other is marked by you setting your own priorities, schedules, and agendas."
Mr. Beirne reflected on the disruption of 'normalcy' caused by the pandemic which affected the Class of 2022 for the majority of their high school experience. "Your sense of community didn’t just
survive, it thrived. The disruption caused by the pandemic was more prolonged for your class than any other. As students, you could have just survived academically, getting through these four years. You decided to thrive instead. Keep that in mind as you face new challenges moving forward."
"We persevered in the face of whatever the world hurled in our direction," said valedictorian Audrey Kekstadt. "As we enter the reality of adulthood, we must constantly enlighten ourselves to prepare for the future. We all were created to adapt to
various circumstances through learningnot just as a means of survival but also as a way to truly enjoy life to the greatest extent."
Audrey concluded with words of encouragement and inspiration. "Remember this: Curiosity, passion, perseverance are what ultimately drive excellence—not intelligence alone. God created us to glorify Him through our talents so we, too, can continue to create history. We possess the responsibility of fostering our passions and abilities not for our own glory, but for His."
"As you set forth after this milestone and rite of passage, please listen to that inner voice inside you, that one that has enabled you to thrive,” concluded Principal Beirne. “Allow it to carry you forward and over any challenge you’ll encounter. You’re ready not only to survive what lies ahead, but to truly thrive as you pave the way for others to follow. Your teachers and I know you’re ready to transform the world around you! Congratulations Class of 2022 - we will miss you!"
“We possess the responsibility of fostering our passions and abilities, not for our own glory, but for His." – Audrey Kekstadt ‘22
Peter & Diane Dellaportas
Allison Dennis
Mike & Marge DiBenedetto
Divine Mercy Polish Mission
Donald P. & Byrd M. Kelly Foundation
Raymond & Barbara Dowjotas
Patricia & Louis† Duerinck
Dupage Medical Group
Enesco Corporation
Perry & Opella Ernest
Eugene Faut
Five-Star Audiovisual Inc.
Flood Brothers
Mike & Rita Florio
Focus Limited
Follett Books
Fred Fosnacht '74
Toby & John† Fox
Jerry & Mary Lou Frett
Stanley & Susan Fronczak
Tom & Tracey Gannon
John Gavin '91
Giuseppe & Vincenza Giannola
Charles† & Genevieve Gilmartin†
Jean Giustino
Glenn Krisch Land Surveyors
Daniel Gorczyca '75
Paul & Hertha (Susi) Gordon
Frederick Grane
Eduardo Greco
Guaranteed Rate, Inc.
Br. Thomas Harding, FSC
Helen M. Harrison Foundation
Tim ’85 & Julie (Tharp) ’85 Hendricks
Jerry & Melinda† Hensley
HFS Chicago Scholars
Owen & Gail Hilding
Holy Cow Sports
Tom & Laura Howard
John & Ann Huber
Ernest & Pamela Iannotta
Illinois Lady Lightning
Jo Jackson
Kevin & Erin Jackson
Steven & Mary Kay Jennrich
James & Barbara Johannesen
John S. Swift Company
Gwen (Zeisel) Johnson ‘80
Judith Katz
Kazarian Family Foundation
Keeley Construction Inc.
Larry & Anne Kelly
Michael Krisch '70
Paul & Jackie Krug
La Preferida
Robert & Kathy Landi
Marie (Murphy) Langdon ‘83
Susan & John Luka '81
Terrence Lynch
Sean '82 & Jana (Aiello) ‘83 Maher
Patrick & Jamie (Savaiano) Maloney ‘78
Vita & Jody Marano
Bobby & Amy Marciniak
Mark Morton Memorial Fund
Mary Queen of Heaven Parish
Philip & Nicolette May
Mc Cauley Mechanical Construction
Stephen & Kathleen McShane
Valentino Menis
Midwest Mechanical
Montini Catholic Football
Mullins Food Products
James Murphy '82
Gary & Alice Myk
Nania Energy
National Investment Services
National Italian Invitational Golf
National Truss Co. Inc.
Nikro Industries Inc.
Annette Nitti
John & Joan Noonan
Oakley Steel
Tim Ogan '90
Old Second Bank
Edward & Maureen† Pionke
David Pojman '77
Gary & Laura (Kirk) Pomykala ‘77
Prairie Materials
Purcell Charitable Foundation
Rick Rafanelli '76
Joseph '86 & Vicki (Jaloszynski) ’88 Ream
A.B. Reeb
Ellen (Kolinski) Rehm ‘77
Anne Resni
Robert Morris University
Robinette Demolition
Andrea Ryant
Ron Scarlato
Alan & Pamela Schwed
Paul & Laura Severin
Glenn Shimkus '88
Michael & Pamela Shuta
Robert & Pamela Signorella
Mary & Michael† Slattery
Michael & Debbie Sliwoski
Ss. Peter & Paul Parish
Joseph Stangarone '74
Paula (Fabbri) Stelter ‘78
Frederick & Linda Stumbaugh
Ethel Sullivan†
Steven & Lauren Taylor
The Dupage Community Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
Kevin '79 & Christine (Cribari) ’80 Tribble
Dr. Nicholas Trongale '74
William '81 & Kathleen (Holler) ’82 Tumpane
Janet Viane
Theresa & John† Vlahos
Joseph & Kathleen Warzecha
Dan & Laura Webb
Tom & Ann (Stangarone)
Wenholz ‘73
John & Susan Wick
Mary & Jay Williams '76
Ronald Williamson
Scott & Karla Wills
Matt & Carolyn Wind
Michael & Carol Winfrey
John & Cheryle Wittert
James & Ruby Wright
Dr. Michael & Sharon Zygmunt
July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 (Annual Fund Gifts only)
Pope Paul VI Society
Kazma Family Foundation
Signum Fidei Society
($50,000 - $99,999)
Catholic Education Foundation of The Diocese of Joliet
Christian Brothers of The Midwest
Jennifer & Norman Sidler '87
Founder’s Society
($25,000 - $49,999)
Ryan Smith Foundation
Sebastian Family Charitable Foundation
Christian Brothers Society
($10,000 - $24,999)
ASG Staffing
TJ & Trisha (Engel) Campbell '93
Jack Caveney
Frankie's Deli
Catherine & Brian Giffin
Helen M. Harrison Foundation
Madeline Hughes
Ed & Pam Mack
Ron & Patricia Mangelsdorf
McDonald's Corporation
Thomas & Janet McGivern
James & Mary Miller
Dr. Janis Orlowski '74
Purcell Charitable Foundation
Mike '71 & Diane (Kosmach) '71
Helen Sherry
John & Shannon (Mullins) Smith '89
Tracy Tredenick-Fricke & Mark Fricke
($5,000 - $9,999)
James & Erika Baka
Jon & Alison Black
James & Lara Briggs
Briggs Paving
Joseph & Mary Sue Dailey
Focus Limited
Gameday USA
Michael Gilmartin '86
Daniel Gorczyca '75
Irish Fellowship Education & Cultural Foundation
Leigh-Anne Kazma
Jackie Keenan
Bill & Linda Mullins
Margaret (Batten) O'Flaherty '87
O'Keefe Lyons & Hynes LLC
John & Nancy Phelan
Richard Rafanelli '76
Glenn Shimkus '88
Robert & Melissa Surrette
Charles & Joan Thompson
Rita & Walter Weisenburger '75
William & Evelyn Fuchs Family Foundation
San Miguel Society
($2,500 - $4,999)
Michael & Valerie Bava
Jeffrey & Tina Bell
Rich & Mary Binder
Brooks & Julie Boyer
Dennis & Connie Colleran
Dupage Medical Group
Horizons For Youth
Thomas & Claire Johannesen
Kevin Lynch
Michael Manna '70
Dan & Jayne Marsico
Philip & Nicolette May
Pete & Marianne Messina
Midwest Mechanical
Tom & Margaret Mulvey
James & Mary Norton
Oakley Steel
Pinnacle Flooring Company Inc.
Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria
Richard & Susan Salerno
Michael & Cynthia Santay
President’s Circle
($1,000 - $2,499)
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Michael & Nancy Allred
Christopher & Deanna Andriano
Art Flo Screenprinting & Embroidery
Chris & Jeannette (Workman) Bartosz '85
Mark & Patricia Bava
Edward & Ruth Beamish
Kristen (Manzeske) Berryhill '88
Thomas Boeh '76
Bradford & Kent
Buck Services
Patti & Edmund Burke '88
Tony & Annie Cappetta
Carolyn Bronke Wind DDS, PC
Dennis '90 & Cynthia (Krones) '90 Colleran
Sara Colleran '94
Collins Family Heritage Foundation
Margaret Crotty
Roger & Karen Daluga
Dennis Uniform Manufacturing LLC
David & Mary Kaye Doll
Dr. Michael Colletti
Kevin & Kathy Durkin
Eco Tekk International
Financial Investments Corporation
Michael & Susan Fisch
Bernadette & Michael Fitzpatrick '88
Jim Fitzpatrick '71
Richard & Anita Gatto
Paul Gavin '96
GE Kinsella Services LLC
Global Marble and Granite
Arnold & Barbara Hansmann
HFS Chicago Scholars
Illinois Lady Lightning
Jack Phelan Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram
JNO Roofing
Gwen (Zeisel) Johnson '80
Kazarian Family Foundation
Dr. Martin Kolinski '71
Michael & Diane Kordecki
Dina & Daniel Laughlin '86
John & Judy (Mullins ) Lucas '79
Sean '82 & Jana (Aiello) '83 Maher
George & Dana Maragos
Karen Martin
Mary Queen of Heaven Parish
Dennis & Karin McNicholas
Stephen McPartlin
Steven '06 & Justine (Moreno) '06 Montalto
Joan & Thomas Mullins '82
Edward & Patty Mullins
Michael & Sharon Mullins
Don & Julia (Whalen) Musil '77
Nania Energy
Bernard & Diane Napolski
National Investment Services
Mark & Truc Nelson
James Oberweis
Kimberly & Timothy O'Connor '87
Old Second Bank
Orange Crush
Orlando Imports
Anthony & Kim Pacelli
James Parrilli '76
Dushan & Nancy Petrovich
Preferred Rate
Bob & Amy Rawski
Scott Reid '85
Sean Ross '78
Rule One Proteins
Jim & Rhonda Sipchen
Ron Skwarek
Mary Beth (Tokarski) Smedinghoff '71
Kevin Spahn
Joseph & Mary Ellen Spokas
St. Matthew Parish
Suburban Door Check & Lock Service
Steven & Lauren Taylor
Terrence & Maureen Taylor
The Butler Group
Marianne & William Vivirito
John & Susan Wick
Gregg '79 & Susan (Reedy) '78 Williams
James & Ruby Wright
De La Salle Club
($500 - $999)
David & Patty Anderskow
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Atomic Transmissions
Barnwood Sports Anonymous
James '81 & Catherine (Baloun) '82 Beverley
Joe Binder
Joseph & Theresa Borsellino
Robert Brandt '83
Bob & Kathy Bronke
Bryan Bylica '02
Dennis & Janine Carter
James SusicDeidre (Chase) Clingen '80
William & Kimberly Dahlborn III
Diane (Boeh) Davies '74
Donald '70 & Eileen (Finn) '70 Davis
Dawson's Tree Service
John Deis
Michael & Jeanne Devine
Roberta & Lawrence Diedrick '82
Donaly Roofing & Construction
Dr. Brett Blacher DDS
State Representative Jim Durkin
Empower Illinois
Fitzgerald Law Group
Mike & Stacy Flannery
Brian Forde '89
Ellen Franks
Edward & Bridget Gannon
Ricardo & Bertha Garcia
Kathy & Fred Garfield
John Gerlesits '70
Alec Gizzi
Glenbard Auto Body
Tom & Cathy Glennon
Mike & Caryn Guinta
Br. Thomas Harding FSC
Healthy Change Vending
Jim '96 & Katie (Doll) '96 Hubeny
Ernest & Pamela Iannotta
Michael & Pat Janko
David & Alexia Johnson
Dr Scott Kier
Doug & Tiffany Kinney
Catherine Kitz '13
Knights of Columbus Council #5918
Garry Kraemer
L. Neill Cartage Company, Inc
Eugene Larcker
Jordan Lazowski '15
Royal & Maurine Lefere
Michael & Tina Long
Long Realty Inc.
Charles & Tracey Loverde
Tony Massaro
McCahill Painting Company
Julie (Salerno) McGlade '88
Jim McIntyre
Stephen & Kathleen McShane
William & Peggy Mersch
Scott & Karen Minauskas
Edward & Patty Mullins
Nisen & Elliott LLC
Michael O'Hara '93
Pamela L. Brosnan, DDS
George Panos '81
Miles & Melanie Petersen
Don & Nancy Petkus
Tony Pigatti
Power Accounting Group
Br. Michael Quirk FSC
Rosemary & Jean's Public House
Tony & Linda Rossi
John & Nancy Segredo
Bob & Kathy Sheehy
David & Julie Sheeran
Larry & Andrea Sheppard
Michael & Debbie Sliwoski
Kevin Smith '72
Laurie Snukst
Greg & Shannon (Herold) Spanos '99
Special T Unlimited
St. Alexander Parish
Jacqueline (Mullins) Stent '83
Fred & LaDonna Stokes
Jesse Szlaga
William '81 & Kathleen (Holler) '82 Tumpane
Todd & Patti Wernet
James '79 & Donna (Botel) '80 Westerkamp
Thomas & Joyce Westerkamp
Collins Whitfield
Peggy (Murphy) Wier '79
Patrick '74 & Janis (Goebel) '74 Williams
Michael & Carol Winfrey
Ronald & Lynn Zaba
Gary & Cathy Zabinski
Joe Zdziarski
($250 - $499)
Joseph Aiu '78
Amazon Smile
Ascension of Our Lord Parish
Kimberly (Ellinger) Barnes '99
Donald & Maureen Barratt
Jeffrey '88 & Kimberly (Gary) '88 Bukovsky
Joe Champagne
Christ The King Parish
Citizens For Dan Cronin
Richard & Barbara Conrath
Anthony & Christine Costello
Mark & Karen Cronin
Don Daliege
William & Barbara Dawes
Ronald & Sheryl Desanto
Jack & Lori Disimone
John & Randa Duncan
Dupage Credit Union
Grant & Pat Ellington
Charles & Marlene Erdman
John & Susan Fahey
Mike & Heidi Farrell
Thomas & Barbara Finn
Sven & Anne Flodstrom
Fox Landscaping
John Frendreis '71
Jerry & Mary Lou Frett
Theodore & Laura Fuger
Jason Herrmann & Maria Garcia-Herrmann
Garvey Office Products
Amy (Tharp) Georgitsis '84
Glenbard Security
William Gorman '81
Chad & Melissa Gramann
Christopher & Michelle Hoeflich
Bob & Jayne Hoppenstedt
Joe Hubeny
Hubeny Realty
Huntington Learning Centers
Courtney James '04
Sean Jamieson '83
Janko Group LLC
Raymond Kingsfield & Christina Locher
Rebecca Laho
Michael Lamontagna '99
Lewis University
Lombard Toyota
Lowery McDonnell Company
Anthony & Susan Lucatorto
Bobby & Amy Marciniak
Frank Markett '88
Dr. Richard Martinello '87
Alexander & Jaime Martinello
Charles Matthews & Juliette Giner
Robert & Marianne McKeague
Br. Terence McLaughlin FSC
Rocco & Kelly (Wilson) Melarkey '86
Mia Micaletti & Dameon Jones
Mike's Meat Market
Kathy (Schmitt) Miley '79
Terry & Karen Miller
Charles Montgomery
Charles Montgomery '09
Michael & Marie Mourek
Eileen Mueller
Michael & Lara Muersch
Kathleen (Happel) Naatz '78
Tyler Neill '02
Nifong Realty Inc.
Notre Dame School Class of 2022
Karrie & Daniel O'Connor '88
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish
Mary & Daniel Owczarski '83
Packey Webb Ford
Palmasani Financial
James & Karen Pogorelec
John & Dawn Quinnert
Range At 355
Charles Raucci '86
Edwin & Angela Reyes
John Riggs '80
Jim Ronan '70
Keith & Laura Ross
Alexander Santay '12
Anna (Thallemer) Sharp '91
Robert & Pamela Signorella
Sixsibs Capital Corporation
Scott & Susan Skarda
Sky Basketball
Bon & Marilyn Sledzinski
Anthony & Monica Spatafore
Sports Brain
St. Mary of Gostyn Parish
Robert Starvel '89
State Representative Terra Costa Howard
Daniel & Dolina Stevenson
Frederick & Linda Stumbaugh
Suburban Mailing Services
Michael Sullivan '94
Sullivan Family Funeral Homes
James Susic '84
Joseph Susic '87
Sustainable Lighting
Ed Swies
Chad Sypkens
Paul & Mary Beth Tomich
Top Driver
Timothy Trotter '86
John & Kathi Vosicky '89
Bob Walters
James & Irene Watson
Patrick & Kelly Weiland
Bennett & Christine West
Greg & Suzanne Wolf
Andrew Young '77
Bruce Zidarich '82
Bronco Pride Club ($100 - $249)
Gina Adelphia
David & Julie (Simms) Ahern '90
Sasithorn Aiemwat
Richard & Charity Alikpala
All Star Pediatrics
Richard & Beatrice Almassey
James & Pam Angsten
Paul Aronian '76
Shirley Augustinius
Rick & Anna Aumann
Chanell Ayers
Christine (Temborius) Babb '76
Radek & Zuzana Bahnik
Bruce & Terry Bailey
Derrick & Calmette Baker
Robert Baker
Sofia Bala
Thomas & Kristin Bamford
John & Audrey Barbarotta
Ramon & Norma Barbosa
Michael & Tamara Barnes
John & Kathleen Barrett
Joseph & Stephanie Batka
Michelle Bauman
Kevin & Suzanne Bauman
James & Carol Bellandi
Thomas & Marisa Bianco
BIG Athletics
Binder Realty Consultants
Brett Blacher & Pamela Brosnan
Michael Blanchette
Steven & Kelly (Kramer) Blim '86
Blue Lake Wealth Advisors
Catherine Bonnice
Loretta Botel
Noreen (Daluga) Brennan '99
John & Laurel Brill
Luis & Estelita Briones
Bob Brusich
Paul & Denise Bujak
Michael Bukovsky '83
Steve & Connie Calabrese
John & Karen Calhoun
Noel & Susan Camba
Robert & Brenda Carlevato
John & Beth Carmody
Courtney Carter
Celar Chiropractic
James Cernugel '89
Jacqueline Cerven
Thomas & Linda Chatton
CJ Erickson Plumbing
Emmit Clifton & Wendi Molenaar
Cmc Materials, Inc.
Dr. Vincent Colletti '05
Jean Marie Considine
Elizabeth & Michael Considine '86
Judith Cook
Calvin Cornish
Mary Cortesio
Thomas Costantini '01
Madelyn Cox
Jamie Cressman
Karla Cuenca
Mark Cull '91
Matthew & Angela Cushing
Joan Daluga '05
Jack Daluga '01
John & Angela Daly
William Dawes '13
Michael Decaluwe
Thomas Delgado
Christine Dellacroce
Robert Demarco '74
Carol (Kolinski) Desimone '73
Douglas Diedrick '11
Edward & Kimberly Dinkel
Diversified Print Group
Richard Dolan '70
Patricia Duerinck
Harold & Mary Duffy
Robert & Marguerite Dupuis
Randy & Rosemary Dus
Robert & Natalie Egan Jr
Dennis & Elisabeth Epps
Armand '70 & Gwen (Tregler) '71 Esposito
Peter Esposito '97
Ubaldo & Tracey Esquivel
Mary (Bielski) Faber '70
John Faragoi '83
Kathy & Leonard Farina
Kenneth Fernandez '78
Joseph & Melissa Fisher
Joe & Maureen Flavin
Diane Flynn
William & Luanne Flynn
John & Staci Fountain
Sue Ann Fraher
Friends For Deborah A Conroy
Friends of Dick Schroeder
Friends of Suzy Glowiak
Leticia Garcia & Ramon Paulino
Robert & Lynn Gartlan
Brian & Annie Gaughan
Laura (Doran) '85
Vince Gavin '88
Steve & Michele Gertsen
Tonilyn Gianatasio
Catherine (Calhan) Giancana '75
Giuliano's Pizza
Michelle & Shawn Gleason
Kristopher & Jill Goetz
Jerry & Vanessa Gramarossa
Mark Gransee '75
John Grayson
Ray & Lynne Grigsby
Maureen & Leonard Grimsley '85
Bridgitte & Steven Guertler '79
Diane (Starsiak) Hahn '70
Joseph & Anna Hajek
Howard & Andrea Hall
Catherine (Murphy) Henry '72
Michelle Herron
Kirk Holman '79
Elizabeth Holtquist
Kimberly Holyfield
Clyde & Karen Hughes
Mick & Connie Hyland
Giancarlo Iannotta '07
Ike & Oak Brewing Company
Kevin Jaeger '71
Steven & Mary Kay Jennrich
Pete & Sara Jezyk
Michael Jocic & Mimi Sealey
Susan Johnson
Erica & Willie Jones Jr
Allan & Ronda Joubert
Jonathan & Kimberly Joyce
Scott & Mary Juda
Frederick & Jeanne Kaefer
Marie Kalas '13
Thomas & Maureen Kalas
Ed & Nicole Karas
Jennifer (Long) Kavanagh '97
Hon. Carol (Kearney) Kelly '70
Larry & Anne Kelly
James & Kathleen Kersten
Key Carpet
Susan & Jim King
Michael Kisicki
Michael & Constance Kline
Donald & Judy Knox
Daniel & Rosalia (Badalamenti) Knudtson '89
Jacqueline (Susic) Koustrup '85
Kenneth Kovarik '80
Thomas & Patricia Kramer
Dirk & Elizabeth Krueger
Kryken International D.B.A Home Instead
Michael & Denise Kuczynski
Sarah (Birdsall) Kulick '04
Jeannie Kuntz
John & Dina Kwit
Deanna Lachappell
James & Elizabeth Landano
Larson Equipment & Furniture Co
Brianna Latko '89
Laura Ellmann For Illinois State Senate
Matthew & Margaret Leahy
Dan Lee
Robert & Kelly Lehnherr
Patricia Licata '76
Brian Lindstrom '84
Margaret Lindstrom '72
Victorino Llanes & Yadira Sosa
Chris Locascio
Michael & Colleen Lowery
Shannon Lucas '09
Richard & Erin Lugowski
Michael & Mary Beth Lyons
Gary Mack '70
Thomas Mahoney '85
Daniel Maimonis & Rachel Martin
Philip & Linda Malysa
Quentin Manley
Manna Consulting Group LLC
Quincy & Cindy Maquet
Vita & Jody Marano
Fred & Jennifer Maringer
Maureen Marino
Colleen Marks
Dr. Susan Marschall '87
Nicole Marshall
Brian & Christina Martin
Marco & Erika Mattiuz
Aurimas & Joanna Matulevicius
Daniel '77 & Catherine (Tumpane) '77 McCann
Michael McCarthy '86
Nancy McGregor
Beth (Lillig) McInerney '86
John & Janice McLean
Jay & Tama McWhinney
Bethany Meger
Charles & Donna Meister
Eric Melendez
Michael Mersinger
Midwest Transit Equipment
Mike & Laura (Gradishar) Miller '86
Laura Mitchell
Waukauna Mobley
Ricardo & Janet Moraga
Dennis Morajda '88
Emily & William Moran '82
Barbara Moran
Mary Moreillon
Janice (Baldasar) Morgando '70
Sylvia & Richard Mueller
Cesar & Alexandra Navas
Dan & Colleen Neustadt
Garrick & Maureen (O'Neill) Nielsen '87
Walter & Ann Noonan
Tom Novy '75
Jim & Melinda (Bayro) Nowak '89
Sally Nwafor
Rito & Gabriela Ochoa
Michelle (Ptak) '88 & Patrick '81 O'Connor IV
Tim Ogan '90
Joan O'Hara
John & Carol L. Olechny
Andres Osorio & Nicoli Palomino
David & Stacy Ostrowski
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Christine Palmer
PamPlona Investment Club
Kerry Paprockas '91
Brian & Lisa Paradis
Ray Parello
Robert & Barbara Pauley
Dennis & Dawn Pavlopoulos
Peaches Boutique
B. David Pepping '84
Brian & Jill Piekarski
Pirates Baseball
Kelly Ragonese '95
Roberta & Gary Raike
Rick Ramos
Nancy Ranquist
Mark & Lisa Rasche
Christopher Reed '93
Tameca Reed
John Regan '73
Timothy & Carol Reinhart
Ronald Rench
Jeff & Gina Riemma
Riggs Brothers
Carol Ripp
Robert & Roseanne Ripper
Steve & Becky Rizzi
Robert Egan Plumbing
Jonathan Robinson
Joann Rodi
Robert Roller '71
Scott Ross '72
Christi & Christopher Rovansek '88
Reginald & London Royal
Mark Rudins '79
Michael '97 & Ann Elizabeth (Cull) '97
Richard & Phyllis Rutkowski
Jaime Salamanca & Anita Ramirez
Fernando & Maria Sanchez
Jesus & Marina Sandoval
Alberto & Bertha Sandoval
Bill Sanford
Stephen Santay '07
Br. Joseph Saurbier FSC
Peter Scheffler '85
Dale & Martina Schieman
Mark & Lydia Schinsky
Jeannine Schonta '71
Dick Schroeder '74
Todd & Maria Schumerth
Michael & Joanne Scott
Brian Searcy & Wytonya Byrd
Adrienne Segovia '79
James & Terri Segredo
Selden Fox
Service Pallet
George Sheffer '70
Steven Shimkus '84
Phillip & Jean Siewerth
Signature Transportation
Earl & Mary Signer
Mike & Nilda Small
Martin & Kelly Smego
Gregory Smith '70
Tricia Smith
Tom & Margret Smith
Smith & Cull Ltd.
Gregory & Diane Sosnovich
Joel & Catherine Southern
Alexander & Diane Spanos
Michael & Dina Spidale
Francesco & Adele Spizzirri
St. Isidore Church
St. James The Apostle Parish
State Farm Insurance Companies
Patricia Stephan
Andy Stoltman '87
Megan & Pat Stoltz
Georgiana Struble
Rebecca (Stumbaugh) Murray '99
Gregory & Lisa Suffield
Donna Sweda
Maureen (Barry) Sypkens '86
Nelson & Blanca Tapia
Michael Tellone '71
Lucious & Natasha Thomas
Rebecca Thompson
Jerry & Sheila Thornton
John & Loretta Tierney
Tyler Tumpane '14
Mary Ann Tumpane
Christina Turner
Anthony & Nina Utrata
Joseph & Erica Valdez
Michelle & Brian Vanhorn
42% gifts to the annual fund made by montini alumni
60% Our Class of 1970 led the way with the largest amount of Annual Fund donors followed closely by 1971, 1972,
Thomas '81 & Sharon (Zeisel) '82 Venchus
Imelda Vera
Donne & Geraldine (Dulkoski) Viau '87
Viking Awards
Vedrana Vislavski
Joseph Vitale & Debra Schwartzers
Rob & Michelle Voss
Thomas Wasilowski II '05
Heather (Eagan) Watters '89
Marc Weisenburger '71
Katherine (Janko) Whitfield '00
Sharlena Williams-Smith
Don & Betty Willig
Matt & Carolyn Wind
Fiona Winfrey '16
Philip & Aimee Wisch
Janice Wolak
Elzbieta Wozniak & Pawel Bednarczyk
David & Liz Wozniak
Val Yaros
York Center Firefighters Association
Thomas Young '70
Karim & Tania Yunez
Zach Frazier Orthodontics
Michael Zaura
Marwan & Rana Zayed
Richard & Catherine Zeisel
Henry Zeisel '81
Friends of Montini Catholic ($1 - $99)
Ronald Abramowicz
Peter & Nancy Abruzzo
Darren & Christina Alonzo
Barry & Kristin Andres
Jenna (Steiner) Archuleta '97
Glen & Diane Armstrong
Evelyn Arnold
Amy Bagley
Phillip & Jean Balsamo
Diana Basso
Megan (Taylor) Becksmith '93
Quinton & Sucada Bell
Eligio & Regina Bertucci
William Botel '73
Eduardo & Norma Brambila
Paul '78 & Maureen (Donlan) '79 Breen
Frank & Melanie Cabello
Olivia Capparelli
Cheri Carrico
Patricia Castrogiovanni
Kingsley & Margaret Church
James & Jillian Clausing
Suzanne Collins
Jerry & Maureen Collins
Dr. Lisa Conaghan '84
Denis & Mary Lou Corpora
Joseph & Carla Cousineau
Carla Cox
Rita Crosse
Keith Demchinski
Mike & Marge DiBenedetto
Raymond & Linda Diletti
Erica (Novak) Distelhorst '91
Jim Donovan '71
Robert & Melissa (Bonomo) Doucet '94
Eliza Drake
Kathleen Duffy '70
Geraldine Dulkoski
Dana & Nick Early
Mike Eckenroth
Donald & Christine Ernat
2022 Prom Court l to r: James Stiso, Mick Flannery, Mary Ann Lah, Anna Carrigan, Aerin Sidler, Ryan Hubeny and Vincent Burger5 Conference Championships
6 Regional Championships
4 Sectional Championships
4/21 Team/Individual State Qualifiers
IHSA State - Girls Soccer
IHSA State - Broncettes
IHSA State - Girls Volleyball
Individual IHSA State Wrestling Champion
Jennifer Fahey '17
Mike & Kate Fahey
Colleen Fahey '04
Bridget Fahey '08
Connor Fahey '13
Angela Ferrentino
Thomas Finch '74
Dolores (Powers) Fisher '72
Robin (Finnerty) Freiburger '84
Kevin & Ann Garvey
Jennifer (Doll) Gedraitis '94
Vera Gojewycz
Robert Goldin
Dan & Tammy Gosselin
Sam Greenberg
Hal & Elizabeth Greenwood
Stephen Gryl '78
Abigail (Saez) Gualberto '01
Martha (Grant) Hadjidakis '05
Sarah & Gabriel Hamer
Thomas & Mary Hanik
Katie Haraburda
Kevin & Linda Haynes
Kurt Heerwagen
Ronald & Robin Hein
David & Cindy Hernandez
Patricia Herold
Lisa (Kicmal) Hichens '86
Zach & Mary Ann Hillard
John Hlavacka '70
Stephen & Jennifer Hoke
Carl & Vivian Homolka
Helene Hosking
Dwayne & Sermethia Houston
Edward & Diane Jandacek
Bonnie (Brach) Janssens '70
Breah Jerger
Kathryn & Harley Jordan
Eugene Karczewski
Amanda Karlovich
Maureen & Earl Green Keating
Tammy Kocher '89
Kenneth & Arlene A. Kotz
Dennis & Nancy Koziol
Maureen & Brian Krause
Daniel Landano '92
Scott & Allison Leise
Joe & Cathy Lindt
Mario & Anne Lipira
Dennis & Patricia Lisauskas
David & Christina (Connelly) Loftus '86
Charles Long '13
Thomas Long '14
Mary Long '15
Jack & Eileen Maggiore Jr
John & Nicole Manganello
Sandra Marcoux
Anthony & Daniela Marré
Charles Gatling & Janene Marshall-Gatling
Christopher & Judith Martin
Jennifer (Willig) Mayerik '01
John & Susan Mazeika
Shawn McGady '97
Matt McIntyre
Mary Kate McIntyre
Leroy & Teresa McKelvy
John & Christine (O'Neill) McManus '88
Michael McNamara '72
Bryan '86 & Bridget (Moriarity) '86 McNamara
Danielle Meinke
Alexander & Annie Mendez
Zak & Niki Metry
John & Presy Milas
Katie Miller
Ruth & Frank Mitera
Nancy Monbrod
Deanna Mulay '14
Jim & Janice Nelson
Edmund & Mary O'Brien
Karen (Hrovatin) O'Brien '72
Timothy O'Connor '83
Patrick & Mary Ann O'Connor
Rafael & Denise Ortiz
Paul & Lisa Palasek
Robert & Charlene Paprockas
Mark & Rhena Patacsil
Richard & Zandra Patera
Patterson Elementary Staff
Gregory & Beverly Peck
Edwin & Bernadette Petak
Robert & Barbara Petrungaro
Phayvanh & Candice Phengkeokaisone
James & Lillian Picker
Lt. Robert Piper '10
Marjorie (Ferri) Ploense '79
Bill & Ann Pogorelec
Sue Preston
Lisa (Giovannelli) Price '91
Maggie (Fahey) Quigg '06
Ashley (Petrovich) Raimondi '03
Edward & Jessica Ranquist
Carmela & Angel Reyes
Dan & Kimberly (Caffarelli ) Richmond '81
Peter & Natividad Rigor
Andrew Rogus
Sarah Rousseau
Oleh & Maria Sajewych
Chuck Sanders '72
Kimberly (Shroka) Schiller '78
Daniel & Tina Schmidt
Bernard & Winifred Schorle
Ann (Sullivan) Schwartz '79
Maria Seager
Patricia (Gary) Sebben '90
Kristina Sessa
Mary Lou Sidlow
Joe & Erin Simpson
Mark & Mary Jane Slaten
Rory & Mary Smith
Nathan Sniegowski '20
Henry & Teresa Sokalski
Patrick & Noreen Somers
Peter Squier '77
Eric & Angelique Stacy
Emily (Fahey) Steinberg '10
Stanley & Sarah Strzempek
Craig & Kellie Stumbaugh
Angela (Hillebrand) Suwanski '91
Nora Sypkens '21
David & Kathleen Tawech
Jack & Laverne Terracciano
Deborah (Darley) Tharp '78
Jennifer (Herold) Thompson '89
William & Jill Tierney
Mary (Cesaretti) Traficanti '70
Gregg & Bethany Trapp
Graham Traynor
Abet & Leah Vego
Dan & Joanne Viollt
George & Beth Vlahos
Diane (Tauscher) Ward '70
Paul & Linnea Warda
Kim Weisenburger '07
Samantha Wilkes
Kathleen & Stan Zelenski
Lineta Zileniene
James & Peggy Zirko
July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 (Annual Fund Gifts only)
Class of 1970
Donald Davis
Eileen (Finn) Davis
Richard Dolan
Kathleen Duffy
Armand Esposito
Mary (Bielski) Faber
John Gerlesits
Diane (Starsiak) Hahn
John Hlavacka
Bonnie (Brach) Janssens
Hon. Carol (Kearney) Kelly
Gary Mack
Michael Manna
Janice (Baldasar) Morgando
Jim Ronan
George Sheffer
Gregory Smith
Mary (Cesaretti) Traficanti
Diane (Tauscher) Ward
Thomas Young
Class of 1971
Jim Donovan
Gwen (Tregler) Esposito
Jim Fitzpatrick
John Frendreis
Kevin Jaeger
Dr. Martin Kolinski
Robert Roller
Jeannine Schonta
Mike Schumacher
Diane (Kosmach) Schumacher
Mary Beth (Tokarski) Smedinghoff
Michael Tellone
Marc Weisenburger
Class of 1972
Dolores (Powers) Fisher
Catherine (Murphy) Henry
Margaret Lindstrom
Michael McNamara
Karen (Hrovatin) O'Brien
Scott Ross
Chuck Sanders
Kevin Smith
Class of 1973
William Botel
Carol (Kolinski) Desimone
John Regan
Class of 1974
Diane (Boeh) Davies
Robert Demarco
Thomas Finch
Dr. Janis Orlowski
Dick Schroeder
Patrick Williams
Janis (Goebel) Williams
Class of 1975
Catherine (Calhan) Giancana
Daniel Gorczyca
Mark Gransee
Tom Novy
Walter Weisenburger
Class of 1976
Paul Aronian
Christine (Temborius) Babb
Thomas Boeh
Patricia Licata
James Parrilli
Richard Rafanelli
Class of 1977
Daniel McCann
Catherine (Tumpane) McCann
Peter Squier
Andrew Young
Class of 1978
Joseph Aiu
Paul Breen
Maureen (Donlan) Breen
Kenneth Fernandez
Stephen Gryl
Kathleen (Happel) Naatz
Sean Ross
Kimberly (Shroka) Schiller
Deborah (Darley) Tharp
Susan (Reedy) Williams
Class of 1979
Steven Guertler
Kirk Holman
Judy (Mullins) Lucas
Kathy (Schmitt) Miley
Marjorie (Ferri) Ploense
Mark Rudins
Ann (Sullivan) Schwartz
Adrienne Segovia
James Westerkamp
Peggy (Murphy) Wier
Gregg Williams
Class of 1980
Deidre (Chase) Clingen
Gwen (Zeisel) Johnson
Kenneth Kovarik
John Riggs
Donna (Botel) Westerkamp
Class of 1981
James Beverley
William Gorman
Patrick O'Connor IV
George Panos
Kimberly (Caffarelli) Richmond
William Tumpane
Thomas Venchus
Henry Zeisel
Class of 1982
Catherine (Baloun) Beverley
Lawrence Diedrick
Sean Maher
William Moran
Thomas Mullins
Kathleen (Holler) Tumpane
Sharon (Zeisel) Venchus
Bruce Zidarich
Class of 1983
Robert Brandt
Michael Bukovsky
John Faragoi
Sean Jamieson
Jana (Aiello) Maher
Timothy O'Connor
Daniel Owczarski
Jacqueline (Mullins) Stent
Class of 1984
Dr. Lisa Conaghan
Robin (Finnerty) Freiburger
Amy (Tharp) Georgitsis
Brian Lindstrom
B. David Pepping
Steven Shimkus
James Susic
Class of 1985
Jeannette (Workman) Bartosz
Laura (Doran) Gaughan
Leonard Grimsley
Jacqueline (Susic) Koustrup
Thomas Mahoney
Scott Reid
Peter Scheffler
Class of 1986
Kelly (Kramer) Blim
Michael Considine
Michael Gilmartin
Lisa (Kicmal) Hichens
Daniel Laughlin
Christina (Connelly) Loftus
Michael McCarthy
Beth (Lillig) McInerney
Bryan McNamara
Bridget (Moriarity) McNamara
Kelly (Wilson) Melarkey
Laura (Gradishar) Miller
Charles Raucci
Maureen (Barry) Sypkens
Timothy Trotter
Class of 1987
Dr. Susan Marschall
Dr. Richard Martinello
Maureen (O'Neill) Nielsen
Timothy O'Connor
Margaret (Batten) O'Flaherty
Norman Sidler
Andy Stoltman
Joseph Susic
Geraldine (Dulkoski) Viau
Class of 1988
Kristen (Manzeske) Berryhill
Jeffrey Bukovsky
Kimberly (Gary) Bukovsky
Edmund Burke
Michael Fitzpatrick
Vince Gavin
Frank Markett
Julie (Salerno) McGlade
Christine (O'Neill) McManus
Dennis Morajda
Daniel O'Connor
Michelle (Ptak) O'Connor
Christopher Rovansek
Glenn Shimkus
Class of 1989
James Cernugel
Brian Forde
Rosalia (Badalamenti) Knudtson
Tammy Kocher
Brianna Latko
Melinda (Bayro) Nowak
Shannon (Mullins) Smith
Robert Starvel
Jennifer (Herold) Thompson
John Vosicky
Heather (Eagan) Watters
Class of 1990
Julie (Simms) Ahern
Dennis Colleran
Cynthia (Krones) Colleran
Tim Ogan
Patricia (Gary) Sebben
Class of 1991
Mark Cull
Erica (Novak) Distelhorst
John Gavin
Kerry Paprockas
Lisa (Giovannelli) Price
Anna (Thallemer) Sharp
Angela (Hillebrand) Suwanski
Class of 1992
Class of 1993
Megan (Taylor) Becksmith
Trisha (Engel) Campbell
Michael O'Hara
Christopher Reed
Class of 1994
Sara Colleran
Melissa (Bonomo) Doucet
Jennifer (Doll) Gedraitis
Michael Sullivan
Class of 1995
Kelly Ragonese
Class of 1996
Paul Gavin
Jim Hubeny
Katie (Doll) Hubeny
Class of 1997
Jenna (Steiner) Archuleta
Peter Esposito
Jennifer (Long) Kavanagh
Shawn McGady
Ann Elizabeth (Cull) Russo
Michael Russo
Class of 1999
Kimberly (Ellinger) Barnes
Noreen (Daluga) Brennan
Michael Lamontagna
Rebecca (Stumbaugh) Murray
Shannon (Herold) Spanos
Class of 2000
Katherine (Janko) Whitfield
Class of 2001
Thomas Costantini
Jack Daluga
Abigail (Saez) Gualberto
Jennifer (Willig) Mayerik
Class of 2002
Bryan Bylica
Tyler Neill
Class of 2003
Ashley (Petrovich) Raimondi
Class of 2004
Colleen Fahey
Courtney James
Class of 2005
Sarah (Birdsall) Kulick
Dr. Vincent Colletti
Joan Daluga
Martha (Grant) Hadjidakis
Thomas Wasilowski II
Class of 2006
Steven Montalto
Justine(Moreno) Montalto
Maggie (Fahey) Quigg
Class of 2007
Giancarlo Iannotta
Stephen Santay
Kim Weisenburger
Class of 2008
Bridget Fahey
Class of 2009
Shannon Lucas
Charles Montgomery
Class of 2010
Lt. Robert Piper
Emily (Fahey) Steinberg
Class of 2011
Douglas Diedrick
Class of 2012
Alexander Santay
Class of 2013
William Dawes
Connor Fahey
Marie Kalas
Catherine Kitz
Charles Long
Class of 2014
Thomas Long
Deanna Mulay
Tyler Tumpane
Class of 2015
Jordan Lazowski
Mary Long
Class of 2016
Fiona Winfrey
Class of 2017
Jennifer Fahey
Class of 2020
Nathan Sniegowski
Class of 2021
Nora Sypkens
July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022
Brian & Christina Martin in memory of Thomas Alderton
Robert Baker in memory of Natalie Baker
Janice (Baldasar) Morgando '70 in memory of The Baldasar Family
William Botel '73 in memory of William Botel Sr.
Charles & Tracey Loverde in memory of Dawn Brancheau
Dennis & Janine Carter in memory of June Bussa
Dennis & Janine Carter in memory of Thomas Bussa
Dennis & Janine Carter in memory of Ann & Sylvester Carter
Dr. Lisa Conaghan '84 in memory of John Conaghan
Dr. Richard Martinello '87 in memory of Colleen Considine
Ms. Jean Marie Considine in memory of Jack Considine
Timothy Trotter '86 in memory of Michael Crosse Sr.
Patrick '81 & Michelle (Ptak) '88 O'Connor IV in memory of Sr. Micheline Curtis, CHM
Diane Davies '74 in memory of Sr. Thomas Frances Decanio
David & Patty Anderskow in memory of Thomas Herold
Shirley Augustinius in memory of Thomas Herold
John & Audrey Barbarotta in memory of Thomas Herold
Paul & Denise Bujak in memory of Thomas Herold
John & Karen Calhoun in memory of Thomas Herold
Amy Caveney '94 in memory of Thomas Herold
Jerry & Maureen Collins in memory of Thomas Herold
Carla Cox in memory of Thomas Herold
Roger & Karen in memory of Thomas Herold
John Deis in memory of Thomas Herold
Keith Demchinski in memory of Thomas Herold
David & Mary Kay in memory of Thomas Herold
Eliza Drake in memory of Thomas Herold
Robert & Marguerite Dupuis in memory of Thomas Herold
Jerry & Mary Lou in memory of Thomas Herold
Kevin & Ann Garvey in memory of Thomas Herold
Sarah & Gabrie lHamer in memory of Thomas Herold
Katie Haraburda in memory of Thomas Herold
Kurt Heerwagen in memory of Thomas Herold
Ronald & Robin Hein in memory of Thomas Herold
Zach & Mary Ann Hillard in memory of Thomas Herold
Carl & Vivian Homolka in memory of Thomas Herold
Helene Hosking in memory of Thomas Herold
Mike & Pat Janko in memory of Thomas Herold
Breah Jerger in memory of Thomas Herold
Kathryn & Harley Jordan in memory of Thomas Herold
Maureen Keating & Earl Green in memory of Thomas Herold
Susan & Jim King in memory of Thomas Herold
Doug & Tiffany Kinney in memory of Thomas Herold
Kryken International D.B.A Home Instead in memory of Thomas Herold
Jeannie Kuntz in memory of Thomas Herold
Michael Lamontagna '99 in memory of Thomas Herold
Anthony & Susan Lucatorto in memory of Thomas Herold
Maureen Marino in memory of Thomas Herold
John& Janice McLean in memory of Thomas Herold
Michael Mersinger in memory of Thomas Herold
Notre Dame School Class of 2022 in memory of Thomas Herold
Pam Plona Investment Club in memory of Thomas Herold
Patterson Elementary Staff in memory of Thomas Herold
Power Accounting Group in memory of Thomas Herold
Sue Preston in memory of Thomas Herold
Andrew Rogus in memory of Thomas Herold
Oleh & Maria Sajewych in memory of Thomas Herold
Bill Sanford in memory of Thomas Herold
Sixsibs Capital Corporation in memory of Thomas Herold
Patrick & Noreen Somers in memory of Thomas Herold
Alexander & Diane Spanos in memory of Thomas Herold
Patricia Stephan in memory of Thomas Herold
John & Loretta Tierney in memory of Thomas Herold
Graham Traynor in memory of Thomas Herold
Michelle & Brian Vanhorn in memory of Thomas Herold
Val Yaros in memory of Thomas Herold
Ron & Lynn Zaba in memory of Thomas Herold
Kathleen & Stan Zelenski in memory of Thomas Herold
Hon. Carol (Kearney) Kelly '70 in memory of Larry Kearney
Dr. Martin Kolinski '7 in memory of Mary Ellen Kolinski
Sandra Marcoux in memory of Gerald Marcoux
Charles & Janene Gatling in memory of Paul Marshall
Dan & Jayne Marsico in memory of Anthony Marsico '03
Dr. Susan Marschall '87 in memory of Jocelyn Monis
Dennis Morajda '88 in memory of Maureen Morajda
Eileen Mueller in memory of William Mueller
Karrie & Daniel O'Connor '88 in memory of Patricia O'Connor
Tim Ogan '90 in memory of Mark Ogan
Scott & Karen Minauskas in memory of Aurora Pernia
Gwen (Zeisel) Johnson '80 in memory of Patricia Pier
Dennis & Connie in memory of Robert Ptak
Anthony & Christine Costello in memory of Robert Ptak
Dana & Nick Early in memory of Robert Ptak
Dan & Tammy Gosselin in memory of Robert Ptak
Mick & Connie Hyland in memory of Robert Ptak
Mike & Pat Janko in memory of Robert Ptak
Jennifer (Long) Kavanagh '97 in memory of Robert Ptak
John & Judy (Mullins) Lucas '79 in memory of Robert Ptak
Michael Manna '70 in memory of Robert Ptak
John & Susan Mazeika in memory of Robert Ptak
Sara & Shawn McGady '97 in memory of Robert Ptak
Ruth & Frank Mitera in memory of Robert Ptak
Jim Nelson in memory of Robert Ptak
Patrick '81 & Michelle (Ptak) '88 O'Connor IV in memory of Robert Ptak
Timothy O'Connor '83 in memory of Robert Ptak
Christine Palmer in memory of Robert Ptak
Richard & Zandra Patera in memory of Robert Ptak
Robert & Barbara Pauley in memory of Robert Ptak
Edwin & Isabel Ptak in memory of Robert Ptak
Nancy Ranquist in memory of Robert Ptak
Dan & Kimberly (Caffarelli) '81 Richmond in memory of Robert Ptak
Donna Sweda in memory of Robert Ptak
Marianne & William Vivirito in memory of Robert Ptak
Ron & Lynn Zaba in memory of Robert Ptak
Charles Raucci '86 in memory of Patricia Raucci
Karen & John Regan '73 in memory of Martin John Regan '76
Kathy (Schmitt) Miley '79 in memory of Edward Schmitt
Kathy (Schmitt) Miley '79 in memory of Leona Schmitt
Jean Marie Considine in memory of William Scott
Adrienne Segovia '78 in memory of Dennis Segovia '78
Helen Sherry in memory of J. Wendell Sherry
John & Presy Milas in memory of Timothy Sidlow '84
Mary Lou Sidlow in memory of Timothy Sidlow '84
Mary Beth Smedinghoff in memory of Anne Smedinghoff
Henry & Therese Sokalski in memory of Dominik Sokalski
James Susic '84 in memory of Adrienne Susic
Christine (Temborius) Babb '76 in memory of Joan Temborius
Christine (Temborius) Babb '76 in memory of John Temborius
Christine (Temborius) Babb '76 in memory of John Temborius
Carol Ripp in memory of Matthew Thompson '76
Kathy Garfield in memory of Kristin Walters '00
Marc Weisenburger '71 in memory of Carolyn (Drengler) Weisenburger '71
Robert & Brenda Carlevato in honor of Ashley (Carlevato) Abramowicz '05
Kevin Spahn in honor of Jason Balogh
William Dawes '13 in honor of Michael Bukovsky '83
Robert & Brenda Carlevato in honor of Nicole Carlevato '13
Robert & Brenda Carlevato in honor of Steven Carlevato '08
Jim Donavan '71 in honor of Class of 1971
John Frendreis '71 in honor of Class of 1971
Mike & Kate Fahey in honor of Jennifer Fahey '17
Nancy Monbrod in honor of Kathy Filipiak
Diane Flynn in honor of Matthew Flynn '10
Ellen Franks in honor of Devin Hoovel '20
Eugene Karczewski in honor of Jake Karczewski '18
Raymond Kingfield & Christina Locher in honor of Johanna Locher-Kingsfield '19
Charles Montgomery in honor of Zander Montgomery '11
James '79 & Donna (Botel) '80 Westerkamp in honor of Montini Catholic Faculty & Staff
Don & Nancy Petkus in honor of James Segredo
Vera Gojewycz in honor of Ryan Starbeck '13
Angela Ferrentino in honor of Nora Sypkens '21
Thomas Johannesen in honor of Kathleen Tomei
Friday, August 12, 2021
The Andriano Family
Art Flo Screenprinting & Embroidery
ASG Staffing
Atomic Transmissions
Barnwood Sports
BIG Athletics
Binder Realty Consultants
Blue Lake Wealth Advisors, Jim Beverly ‘81
Buck Services
Jeff ’88 & Kim (Gary) ’88 Bukovsky
Class of 1986
Drs. Colletti, DDS
Rita Crosse
Diversified Print Group
Donaly Roofing & Construction
Frankie's Deli, Frank Conforti ‘86
GE Kinsella Services LLC
Glenbard Auto Body
Hubeny Realty, Jim Hubeny ‘96
Ike & Oak Brewing Company
Illinois Lady Lightning
Jackdaddy, John Gavin ‘91
Kazma Family Foundation
– Leigh-Anne Kazma
Key Carpet
Garry Kramer
L. Neill Cartage Company, Inc,
Ryan ’01 & Tyler ’02 Neill
Larson Equipment & Furniture Co
Brian Lindstrom ‘84
Long Realty Inc.
Lowery McDonnell Company
Shannon Lucas ‘09
Manna Consulting Group LLC – Mike Manna ‘70
Tony Massaro
Midwest Mechanical
Midwest Transit Equipment
Mike's Meat Market, David Casey ‘79
James & Mary Miller
NFO Financial Advisory LLC
Nisen & Elliott LLC
Pat ’81 & Michelle (Ptak) ’88 O’Connor
O'Neill's Pub, The O’Neill Family
Kim & Tony Pacelli
Pirates Baseball
Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria, Mike Allred
Rick Rafanelli ‘76
Riggs Brothers, John ’80 & Jim ’81 Riggs
Rosemary & Jean's Public House, Matt Nelson ‘89
Rule One Proteins
Mike ’71 & Diane (Kosmach) ’71 Schumacher
Selden Fox
Service Pallet
Jennifer & Norm Sidler ‘87
Signature Transportation
Sky Basketball
Smith & Cull Ltd., Mark Cull ‘91
Special T Unlimited
Sports Brain, Frank Markett ‘88
State Farm Insurance Companies
Sullivan Family Funeral Homes
– Brian Sullivan ‘93
The Susic Family
Sustainable Lighting
The Family of Chub Thompson
Rita & Walter Weisenburger ‘75
The Greg Wolf Family
All Star Pediatrics
Art Flo Screenprinting & Embroidery
Ascension of Our Lord Parish
ASG Staffing
Atomic Transmissions
Bradford & Kent
Briggs Paving – Jim & Lara Briggs
Buck Services
Carolyn Bronke Wind DDS, PC
Jack Caveney
Christ The King Parish
Citizens For Dan Cronin
CJ Erickson Plumbing
Dr. Michael Colletti, DDS
State Representative Jim Durkin
ECO Tekk International
Empower Illinois
Thomas & Barbara Finn
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Bernadette & Michael Fitzpatrick ‘88
Fox Landscaping
Frankie's Deli – Frank Conforti ‘86
Friends For Deborah A Conroy
Friends of Dick Schroeder
Friends of Suzy Glowiak
Garvey Office Products
Richard & Anita Gatto
Michael Gilmartin ‘86
Giuliano's Pizza
Global Marble and Granite
– Joe Giannola
Healthy Change Vending
Illinois Lady Lightning
Jack Phelan Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram
JNO Roofing
Kazma Family Foundation
– Leigh-Anne Kazma
Michael Kisicki
L. Neill Cartage Company, Inc
– Ryan ’01 & Tyler ’02 Neill
Laura Ellmann For Illinois State Senate
Lewis University
Judy (Mullins) ’79 & John Lucas
Kevin Lynch
George & Dana Maragos
McCahill Painting Company
Br. Terence McLaughlin, FSC
Midwest Mechanical
Mike's Meat Market
James & Mary Miller
Joan & Thomas Mullins ‘82
Edward & Patty Mullins
Michael & Sharon Mullins
National Investment Services – Norm ’87 & Jen Sidler
Old Second Bank
Oakley Steel – Ed Libbey
Orlando Imports – Eddie & Kelly Greco
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Palumbo Family Foundation
Anthony & Kim Pacelli
Preferred Rate
Q's Restaurant & Pizzeria – Mike Allred
Richard Rafanelli ‘76
Bob & Amy Rawski
Robert & Roseanne Ripper
Robert Egan Plumbing
Michael & Cynthia Santay
Mike ’71 & Diane (Kosmach) ’71 Schumacher
Brian & Shannon (Mullins) Smith ‘89
Special T Unlimited
St. Isidore Church
St. James The Apostle Parish
St. Mary of Gostyn Parish
St. Representative Terra Costa Howard
Suburban Door Check & Lock Service
Suburban Mailing Services
Robert & Melissa Surrette
The Butler Group
Tracy Tredenick-Fricke
Viking Awards
Marianne & William Vivirito
James & Ruby Wright
York Center Firefighters Association
Zach Frazier Orthodontics
Zeman Technologies
Greg & Caryn Zeman
Montini Catholic High School 2021-22 Annual Report
Joseph Andriano Memorial Fund
Patricia Arlis Scholarship Fund
James & Dorothy Bell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jean Diane Colletti Scholarship Fund
Colleen Considine Memorial Fund
Deborah Cummane ’89 Memorial Scholarship Fund
John L. Duffy Memorial Scholarship
Genevieve & Chuck Gilmartin Scholarship Fund
Brian Grigsby Memorial Fund
Leon & Edna Jacobs Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Richard Kane Memorial Scholarship Fund
Br. Christopher Kavanaugh, FSC Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kolinski Family Endowment Fund
Gerald Marcoux Scholarship Fund
Henry J. McDonald Memorial Fund
William Mueller Memorial Scholarship Fund
J. Peter & Kathleen Murphy Scholarship Fund
Susan Musil Memorial Fund
John Nania ’79 Scholarship Fund
Ogan Family Scholarship Fund
Martin Regan ’76 Scholarship Fund
Bridget Reynolds ‘93 Scholarship Fund
Mike ’71 & Diane (Kosmach) Schumacher ’71 Scholarship Fund
James Segredo Scholarship
Fredereick & Ann Smith Memorial Scholarship
Johnathan Weiger ’15 Scholarship Fund
Weisenburger Family Scholarship
Diversified Print Group, Bob Rawski
Alex Mendez
State Farm Insurance, Robert Goldin
Rita & Walter Weisenburger ‘75
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Baxter International Foundation
Campbell Soup Foundation
CME Group Community Foundation
McDonald's Corporation
National Investment Services
Nextera Energy Foundation Inc.
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Trans Union LLC
Wells Fargo Foundation
On April 20, 2022, Montini Catholic hosted its 31st Annual Benefit Auction, the Maroon & Gold Gala, at Montini Catholic (main gym and cafe). This event brings together current parents, alumni parents, alumni and Montini Catholic community supporters to raise money for the mission of the school. Over 320 attendees participated in raffles, the silent auction, the live auction as well as our annual Fund-a-Need (Boys and Girls Bathrooms). The evening concluded with the drawing of the Champions Club Raffle.
St. Andrews Golf Course hosted the 32nd Annual Bronco Classic Golf Outing. Golfers filled both courses for a round of golf complete with golf challenges and games. The event also featured raffles and a silent auction which were held during the dinner.
This past year Montini Catholic held 2 major raffle drives: The Champions Club Raffle (winner pulled at our Maroon & Gold Gala); and the Tuition Raffle.
The Montini Catholic Fashion Show has been a tradition for many years. The annual event features junior and senior students entertaining guests, while modeling the latest fashions from local business supporters. Current family and alumni members are also invited back to join in the holiday fun by modeling in the show.
The Fashion Show benefits the San Miguel Fund, which provides financial assistance to Montini Catholic families who find themselves experiencing hardships, such as serious illness, death or severe financial difficulties. The fund provides an opportunity for a Catholic education that they may not otherwise be able to afford.