Montini Catholic High School Viewbook 2021

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at Montini Catholic

A Lasallian College Preparatory High School

be inspired, b e a champion , be engaged, be an artist, b e a servant, b e prepared . . .

#be a

B ronco

It truly is an

exciting tim e to be a Bro Montini Ca nco! tholic provid es the idea - large enou l-sized com gh to offer munity a w id e breadth o and opport f programs unities, and s m a ll enough for actually tak students to e advantag e o f th em. We wo maintain a rk hard to uniquely str o n g s e nse of com family and fa munity, ith. Our stu d e n ts will increas themselves ingly find engaged in their own le arning proc - Kevin Beir ess. ne, Principa l

Our Mission Montini Catholic High School is a family-centered co-educational college preparatory high school rooted in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as emulated by our founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle. We are committed to the education of the whole person. Our Lasallian tradition recognizes the sacredness of all persons and educates students of diverse abilities, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Our History St. John Baptist de La Salle, a French cleric, founded the Brothers of the Christian Schools in the late 17th century. Named the Patron Saint of All Teachers, St. John Baptist de La Salle dedicated his life to providing a well-rounded, Christian education to students of all faiths. In 1963, the De La Salle Christian Brothers were invited to sponsor and manage a new Catholic High School in the Lombard area, and in 1966, Montini Catholic opened its doors to 217 freshmen. Today, Montini Catholic has graduated over 7,000 Lasallians, who are a diverse group of individuals that are lifetime members of one unique community. Our school consists of students from over 122 private and public grade schools in over 61 cities in the Chicagoland area. All faiths are welcomed members of the Montini Catholic family.


Montini students are part of a Lasallian community spanning 80 countries and currently educating over one million students worldwide.

the a member of is c li o th a C i tin stian Locally, Mon LaSalle Chri e D e h T f o t tric ies and Midwest Dis ree universit th s e d lu c in ich Brothers, wh h schools. fourteen hig ing five interlock n o rs te n e c cation Lasallian edu are: values which ducation • Quality e community • Inclusive f God e presence o th in h it a F • for the poor • Concern for all people • Respect lic means ontini Catho M t a n o ti a c u d ly believe A Lasallian e to us. We firm rs e tt a m g in ll ique that your ca should be un e c n e ri e p x e h school uches that your hig olic family to th a C i n ti n o s. Our M ership to your need ltivates lead u c d n a , s d lates min service. hearts, stimu life, work and r fo ts n e d u to prepare st duates i Catholic, gra n ti n o M t a ars ong After four ye women, life-l d n a n e m d e d are ready are well-roun citizens, who le ib s n o p s re learners and beyond. ge years and e ll o c ir e th e to fac

inspired #be

Graduation Requirements Our graduation requirements meet and exceed those recommended by the Illinois Board of Education for a college preparatory high school. Theology English/Speech Mathematics Science Social Studies/Economics World Language Physical Education/Health Fine Arts Electives Community Service

4 credits 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 2 credits 2 credits 1 credit 2.0 credits 40 hours

An average cla ss size of


allows teacher s to get to kno w each student a nd carry out our founder’s m ission to “touch their he arts and minds .” Montini Cathol ic’s pursuit of ac ademic excelle is reflected in a nce comprehensive rigorous college preparatory cu rriculum. Our gr aduation requir ments exceed ethose recomm ended by the Ill State Board of in ois Higher Educati on. Each year, Bron cos excel in AC T and Advance Placement exam d inations – well ex ce ed in g and state averag national es in both testin g programs. Our pursuit of academic exce llence, is also ro in our commitm oted ent to small clas s si ze , individualized scheduling, digi tal learning and m os t importantly, engaging classr oom instructio n . A de dicated and talented facult y immerse stude nt s in their daily classroom inst ruction by utiliz in g iP ad technology as well as tradit ional instructio n m et h ods. With an offering of 15 A dvanced Place m en t, 4 0 Honors Level and 4 Dua l College Credit C ou rs es, Bronco students are se t up for succes s. As Lasallian ed ucators, our fa culty is dedicate knowing their st d to udents, knowin g how they lear providing indivi n, dual attention and helping th reach their full em academic poten tial.

Montini’s prepared me really well for college, and I know the leadership qualities, work ethic, and social skills I’ve developed throughout my time here will be crucial for college, and even the rest of my life. - Heather Sledzinskil, Class of 2021 (Purdue University) University of Illinois

ACT Averages Top 10% Top 25% Top 50% Top 75% MCHS Average National Average (Class of 2020)

33.2 30.8 28.7 26.8 24.6 20.8

AP Statistics

Average AP Test Score Comparison 3.27 Illinois Global USA

3.03 2.91 2.89

Montini Catholic’s academic program paves the way for higher academic achievement resulting in graduates accumulating close to 88 million in academic scholarship offers in the past five years alone. 15 AP Exam Options (Sophomores-Seniors); 66 students took 119 AP Exams; 23 Perfect scores of 5 were recorded in 8 courses; 94 scores were 3+; Over 79% of the exams taken earned a 3 or better resulting in college course credit at most universities.

(Class of 2021)

a g n i r u s n E s s e c c u s f lifetime o


t place students olic is that we do no th Ca i tin on M at e to take courses A unique featur lum allows students cu rri cu ur O s. ck into academic tra rs, College Prep ed Placement, Hono nc va Ad ls: ve le ic within 4 academ and Signum Fidei. Exam results, ent and Proficiency em ac Pl by ed in rm ns. Levels are dete her recommendatio ac te ol ho sc e ad gr s and/or i is grade school record ucation, Signum Fide ed ive us cl in of n io llian miss (Following our Lasa 20 students each signed to work with de m ra og pr ic em a selective acad ging and aid in All classes are enga l.) ve le e ad gr w lo year who test be aring them for ique level while prep un r ei th at n ar le ts helping studen llege. the demands of co

Course List for 21-22 School Year Business

World Languages

Science (continued)


Chinese I, II, III & IV

Earth Science

Advanced Accounting

AP French

Physical Science


Honors French

Environmental Dynamics

French I through IV

AP Physics I

AP Spanish

Honors Physics

Computer Technology Introduction to Technology AP Computer Science Principals

Honors Spanish Spanish I through V

CAD - Computer Aided Design I & II Programming For Robotics I & II


Programming in Java*

Foundations in Algebra Algebra I & II, College Prep & Honors


Algebra III with Statistics

English, Honors

Modern Algebra I

AP English Language

Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry *

AP English Literature

Plane Geometry

College Preparatory Reading College Preparatory Writing & Research Communications I & II

Geometry, College Prep & Honors Modern Mathematics Algebra III with Statistics

Creative Writing

Statistics & Probability/Trigonometry

Advanced Creative Writing Journalism

Analysis & Pre-Calculus, Honors

Social Studies World History & Geography Honors World History & Geography AP World History: Modern AP U.S. History U.S. History & Geography Honors U.S. History & Geography Contemporary American History Contemporary American History, Honors AP Political Science & Economics Economics, Honors Chicago History Introduction to Psychology AP Psychology

Calculus III *

Fine Arts

AP Calculus AB


Art I & II

AP Calculus BC

Theology 9 - The Bible and Jesus Christ

Multilevel Art

Multivariable Calculus

Theology 10 - The Paschal Mystery

AP Statistics

Design I & II

& the Church

Digital Design & Photography

Introduction to Engineering

Pottery I & II

Physical Education

Acting I & II Music Appreciation

Physical Education/Health Strength & Agility I & II

Digital Music Freshman Choir Chamber Choir Concert Choir Varsity Choir Concert Band Honors Symphonic Band


Advanced Placement Courses

Theology 11 - Morality Theology 12 - Social Justice & Spirituality Theology of the Human Person World Religions Introduction to Philosophy

Science AP Biology

* Dual Credit Course

Biology, College Prep & Honors

Upon completion, students earn both

Honors Human Anatomy & Physiology* high school and college credit for the AP Chemistry

course and get a head start on their college journey.

Chemistry, College Prep & Honors

One-to-One iPad Program

40 Honors Level Courses

Innovative STEM Program


Dual Credit Courses

Our STEM initiative introduces learning that is collaborative, project based and centered on real world problems and solutions.


t of STEM fields is a very important par Increasing student experience in 3, nce at Montini Catholic. Since 201 the well-rounded academic experie t and extra-curricular projects tha we have been developing classes Our blem solving and critical thinking. encourage the use of creative pro s who , creative, and flexible self-starter STEM initiative creates innovative rld. The program incorporates our are prepared for the changing wo y e course offerings with Technolog extensive Mathematics and Scienc r Science Principals, CAD (Compute courses, including AP Computer Robotics and Programing in Java. Aided Design), Programming for m, Flight Club (Drones), Robotics Tea Extracurricular activities include b and Computer Club. Students Math Team, Math Club, Science Clu us competitions including the VEX compete annually in the numero n. the ICTM State Math Competitio World Robotics Competition and tion ter, encourages student collabora Our state of the art Innovation Cen to technology based learning. and competition - which are key

Our Robotics Team was the only private school team who qualified for the State VEX Competition and ranked among the top



in the world for the 2021 season.

Our Innovation Center focuses on technology concentrating on 3D design & printing, robotics & drone design building. Our Math Team has finished in the top 11th at the ICTM State Competition for


consecutive years.

champion #be a

29 244 51

IHSA State Championships

Teams have received the IHSA Academic Achievement honor since the program’s inception in 2003.

Division I Athletic Scholarships Earned in the past 5 years!

Montini stud ents excel on the field while never losing focus of the ir academic go als in the classr oom.


Being a champ ion means mor e than state an conference titl d es. It also involv es h ar d work, discipline and dedication to ex ce lle n ce in the classroom and on the playing fie ld or court. Two-hundred an d forty-four Bro n co te ams have earned the IHSA Team Academic A ch ievement Award (establis hed in 2003) w h ic h is p resented to teams maint aining a 3.0 or b ett er gr ade point average during their sport seas on.

Our excellence in the classroo m is matched by the long traditio n of athletic te am and individu success in stat al e and conferen ce co m p etitions. Since the year 2000, Montini C at h o lic teams have won 29 IH SA state cham p io n sh ip s and numerous sect ional, regional an d co n fe rence titles. Bronco athletes have b ee n off er ed Division 1 (D1) scholarships to p re st ig io us schools and Big Ten Un iversities.

Montini is a great school with alot to offer. My experience was amazing. Teachers and coaches truly prepared me for college by pushing me to do my best and teaching me the discipline that is needed for success in the class and on the (volleyball) court ! – Joslyn Boyer’19 (University of Wisconsin Badger)

Athletic programs emphasize team play and leadership among students while promoting positive self image.


Montini Catholic’s athletic program is committed to providing opportunities to our students in a positive and challenging environment. Our success is due to the emphasis that is placed on hard work, dedication, good sportsmanship and leadership along with the importance of team, and the bond that is formed between team members and coaches. Twenty-five athletic programs (13 for boys; 12 for girls) are available for students to choose from at the varsity and frosh/soph level. In a time in our society when the trend is to specialize in one sport, Montini Catholic encourages participation in multiple sports and a great number of student-athletes participate on two or more varsity athletic teams. ....

20-21 Athletic Achievements Our Broncettes were

#2 at State IHSA this

year and our Softball and Baseball teams both took home Regional Championship titles. Girls Soccer also brought home a Regional Championship trophy. Girls Volleyball

2nd in the Red Division. JV Hockey placed 1st in the Hayes Suburban finished

League Championship and Varsity Hockey won their 6th

1st Place trophy in the

Cougar Cup League Championship. Montini celebrated

35 All Conference

4 CCL/GCAC Athlete/Players of the Year. 15 Bronco athletes committed athletes and

to further their athletic careers in college during four National Sports Signing Days (despite not having regular seasons).


athletes earned Academic All Conference honors in the 20-21 school year.

Team Sport Opportunities Girls


Basketball Cheerleading Cross Country Golf Hockey Lacrosse Pom Pons Soccer Softball Tennis Track Volleyball

Baseball Basketball Cross Country Football Golf Hockey Lacrosse Rugby Soccer Tennis Track Volleyball Wrestling

Students are motivated to step out of their comfort zones and to get engaged.



of Broncos participate in at least one extracurricular activity.

engaged #be



Involvement in our student life program is a very important

First Step Social Game Day Kickoff Rallies Bronco Jamboree Bingo Night Homecoming Week Retreats Adopt-A-Family Drive Golden Gobbler Food Drive Music/Band Concerts March for Life Mother Son Brunch Father Daughter Brunch Catholic Schools Week Turnabout Week Tacos & Trivia Night Habitat for Humanity International Mission Trip Junior Senior Prom Dress Down Days Pep Rallies Founder’s Day Comic Con Trip Robotics Competitions Theater Productions Volley for a Cure

aspect of the well-rounded Montini Catholic college preparatory experience. Participation in clubs, organizations, activities and events enriches the educational experience and is considered an extension of the classroom. Students gain experience and knowledge beyond iPads and textbooks, develop leadership and social skills and make long lasting friendships by participating in Montini’s student life program that features over 25 clubs and honor societies and over 20 activities and social events. Students are encouraged to further develop their talent and skills in activities that they have a passion for and to “step out” of their comfort zones and experience new things in a friendly, respectful and supportive school community.

Your high school journey can be anything that you want to be and is limited only by your own ambition and creativity.

– Jake Mondschean, Class of 2018, Iowa


#Be an Artist Acafellas Broadcasters Drama Club Treblemakers

#Be Creative Literary Magazine Media Club Yearbook Club

#Be a Leader Peer Tutor Peer Minister Pro Life Activist Student Ambassador Student Government

#Be a Scholar Chinese NHS French NHS Mu Alpha Theta National Honor Society Spanish NHS Thespian Society Tri-M Honor Society

#Be Social Montini Maniacs

#Be a Thinker Computer Club Chinese Club French Club Math Club Math Team Robotics Team Science Club Spanish Club

Bands Concert Symphonic Pep

Choirs Chamber Varsity Singers Liturgical Freshmen

Musical Ensembles Acafellas Treblemakers Percussion

Theatrical Productions Fall Play Spring Musical Summer Theater Camp

Concerts Fall Concert Christmas Concert Choral Christmas Tour Band Christmas Tour Winter Concert Spring Concert

Extracurricular Activities Broadcasters Drama Club Set Crew

Honor Societies Tri-M Music Thespian


#be an


Our Fine Arts program provides a number of opportunities for aspiring thespians, artists and musicians. Students can take advantage of opportunities to explore and develop their talents in a wide range of course offerings. Fine Art is a graduation requirement for all Broncos. Eighteen courses are offered in art, music and drama. These include four choirs and three bands which perform in six concerts each year. Extra-curricular experiences include three music ensembles, two theatrical productions, and clubs for students interested in drama, film and photography. Music and Theater each have honor societies - opening up a world of opportunities for students who are both gifted and academically capable.

t n a v r se

#be a


Service is one aspect of the Montini Catholic experience that sets us apart from other schools. Our Lasallian Mission of education is rooted in the belief that we are servants of God. Through a four year theology curriculum, a four year retreat program (which includes Kairos Retreats), peer ministry activities, mission trips and an extensive community service program, we provide each student with a number of opportunities to grow spiritually, socially and to become difference makers. Students grow as Christian leaders. They develop respect for themselves and for others, they become more aware of social issues and social injustices, they see the importance of helping others, and they realize that they truly have the ability to “Touch the Hearts” of others.

2 Habitat for Humanity Service Opportunities Each Year

I truly see my role as a ministry, much more than a job. I am blessed to help students have these experiences that are life changing. –

Michael Blanchette, Campus Minister

1 International Service Trip to Jamaica Each Summer

4 Year Retreat Program

Mission Trips

All School Masses

On Site Chapel Daily Prayer

Our Lasallian m ission fosters service to church, family and com munity and provides m any opportunities for spiritual growt h. Campus Minis try Eucharistic Min istry Food & Clothin g Drives Freshman Day of Recollection Habitat for Hu manity Trips International M ission Trip Junior Overnig ht Retreat Kairos (Senior) Retreat Lasallian Youth Group March for Life Trip to D.C. Peer Ministry God Squad Reconciliation Opportunities Youth in Govern ment Sophomore Da y of Service Community Se rvice Projects


Service hours performed during the 19-20 school year by the Montini Catholic student body. * numbers reflect up until March 2020 when students experienced Covid shut down. Service obligations were paused for the 20/21 school year due to Covid.

d e r a p e pr #be

I look back at my years at Montini as being the formative years that launched me successfully for college and for life.

– Dr. Jan Orlwowski ‘75, Montini Catholic Board Chair SVP & Chief Medical Officer at Medstar Washington Hospital Center (Georgetown University); Association of America Medical Colleges, Chief Health Care Officer

After their Monitni Catholic experience, graduates are confident, well-rounded men and women who are life-long learners, leaders and responsible citizens, ready for their future and the challenges that await them.




of 2021 graduates earned an un-weighted GPA of 3.5+ at their time of graduation.



Million dollars in academic scholarship offers were made to members of our Class of 2021.



of 2021 graduates participated in the Advanced Placement program & earned college course credit before stepping on their college campus.

The Montini Catholic College Preparatory experience prepares each student for success in college and in life. The Lasallian Mission of Education enriches the whole person through classroom instruction, use of technology and the development of the student’s cultural, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual well being. Traditionally, 99% of graduates continue their education in some of the most prestigious universities and colleges throughout the United States. Montini Catholic students are not only assisted by a staff of three full-time counselors, but also by a full-time college admission counselor. In addition to the personal attention that our students receive from their counselors, they are also aided in their college and career search through the Naviance® college and career software program, college visit days, regular visits from college admission representatives to the Montini campus, college planning seminars, annual college fair and career day.

Montini’s rigorous courses have taught me how to sufficiently manage my time. I was prepared to take on all college had to throw at me!

Gianna Salzbrun n

Class of 2016, Ea

stern Michigan

Graduates earn scholarship offers from & attend some of the most prestigious colleges and universities. Academy of Art University, SF Arizona State University Augustana College Benedictine University Boston College Boston University Bradley University Butler University California Institute of Technology Case Western Reserve University Catholic University of America Colorado State University Columbia College Chicago DePaul University Dominican University Eastern Michigan University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Fordham University Harvard University Hope College Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois State University Illinois Wesleyan University Indiana University Lewis University Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Maryland Marquette University Miami University

Miami University of Ohio Michigan State University Missouri University of Science & Technology New York University North Carolina State University North Central College Northern Illinois University Northwestern University Ohio University Ohio State University Oklahoma State University Philadelphia University Princeton University Purdue University Robert Morris University Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Savannah School of Art & Design Southern Illinois University Southern Methodist University St. Ambrose University St. Joseph’s College - Indiana St. Louis University St. Mary’s College Notre Dame St. Mary’s College of California St. Mary’s University in Minnesota Stanford University Syracuse University Texas A & M University Texas Christian University

United States Naval Academy University of Advancing Technology University of Alabama University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Dayton University of Illinois Champaign University of Illinois Chicago University of Iowa University of Kentucky University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Missouri University of Nebraska University of North Carolina University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Southern California University of Tennessee University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Valparaiso University Vanderbilt University Villanova University West Point Academy Western Michigan University Xavier University Yale University

#get started Tuition


Fees • Application Fee: $35 • Registration Fee: $190 • iPad Lease Fee: $250

Checklist √

Schedule a Shadow Day

by calling our Admissions Office at 630-627-6930 x182.

Attend an Open House Wednesday, October 13, 2021 and/or Sunday, November 7, 2021 View times & Register at

Take our Placement Test

Earn an Academic Scholarship

on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 8:00 AM (Practice Test on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 7:00 PM)

which are awarded to incoming freshmen who sit for the December Placement Exam at Montini Catholic. Academic Scholarships are renewable for four years and range from $1,000 to $2,500 - based on a student’s national composite score on their Placement Exam.

Apply for Other Scholarships/Grants

• Student Fees: Freshman & Sophomore: $495 Junior: $635 Senior: $600 • Ebook/Textbook Fees are based on each student’s schedule. • Uniforms are available at Dennis Uniform ( • Transportation Fee (optional): $995 For more information regarding fees, please visit: and click the ‘Admissions’ button.

Transportation Montini Catholic is conveniently located in Chicago’s Western Suburbs. We are proud to offer 4 morning transportation routes. Every year, we alter our pick up locations to best accommodate our students who utilize our bus service. Buses arrive at Montini Catholic around 7:30 AM.

2020 - 21 Routes West:Plainfield, Bolingbrook, Naperville, Aurora, Lisle Southwest: Downers Grove, North Lemont, Darien, Burr Ridge, Westmont, Woodridge East: LaGrange, Western Springs, LaGrange Park, Westchester, Bellwood, Elmhurst North: Bloomingdale, Roselle, Addison, Lombard

Students can earn up to $10,000 over their four years of high school. Montini Catholic’s Academic Scholarship Program awards students up to $10,000 over their four years of high school. Scholarships are awarded to students based on national percentile ranking of the Placement Exam scores for students taking the first Placement Exam on December 4, 2021. Scholarships are renewable for four years if a student meets the renewal criteria. • Students scoring between the 95th to 99th percentile receive a $2,500 scholarship. • Students scoring between the 90th to 94th percentile receive a $1,500 scholarship. • Students scoring between the 85th to 89th percentile will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Apply for Other Scholarships/Grants • Empower Illinois Tax Scholarship Program* • Montini Catholic Financial Aid Grant • Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) Grant • Kazma Family Foundation Scholarship • Bishop Blanchette Scholarship • LINK Unlimited Scholarship • Holy Family Scholarship Chicago Scholars • Johnathan Weiger “Johnny Always Wins” Memorial Scholarship • S.P.A.C.E. Grant for Full-time Employees of schools within the Diocese of Joliet • Montini Catholic Work Study Program


scholarships * Visit:

Visit for scholarship and grant deadlines, plus details about the application process.

Students at Montini Catholic appreciate their differences, and grow as one community.

Jim Segredo, President Montini Catholic High School

Students come from many different areas within Chicagoland to be a part of our tradition of excellence.

74 Zip Codes

61 Cities

122 Grade Schools

When choosing a school for our children, we loved knowing that faith and family are important parts of daily life at Montini. - Mrs. Denise Ortiz (alumni parent)

“Let us remember, that we are in the holy presence of God.” - St. John Baptist de La Salle

Jennifer Long Kavanagh ‘97 Admissions Representative 630-627-6930 x182

Mike Bukovsky ’83 Admissions Representative 630-627-6930 x183

Montini Catholic High School • 19W070 16th Street • Lombard, IL 60148 • #WeAreMontini


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