The "Green Heart" of Italy.
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worldwide for a variItaly isetyknown of reasons. Personalities,
art, food and music are just some of the tip-ofyour-tongue facts people who go on Jeopardy knowalltoowell.Herearesomefastfactsabout Italyforanyoneinterestedintheirmeccaofculture. Italy has several volcanoes, and one that is still active even into our current century. Mount Vesuvius is one of three active volcanoes in continental Europe (the other two, Etna and Stromboli, are also in Italy); it is also considered oneofthemostfamousvolcanoesintheworld. Its name is recognized in many places, even when volcanoes aren't even an after-thought. Pompeii,anItaliancity,wasdestroyedbyVesuvius in AD 79; the city was buried under lava and thousands of people were swept up in the molten mess. Can you imagine the size of the state of Arizona? You see it? That's just about the size of Italy. Italy is shaped like a panhandle, much like the state of Florida. However, unlike Florida, Italy's population has more than 20 per cent over the age of sixty-five. While Florida is a hotbed of retirement, for the most part, seniors that move to the state are retiring there as opposedtolivingthereforthedurationoftheirlives. TheAzzurri, Italian for light blue, represents the name of their soccer team. Though, don't call it soccer overseas! In Europe, especially places like Italy, it's called football. Azzurri refers to the colorofthenationalsoccerteam'shomejersey, and now fans cheer them on with colorful chants alluding to the blue of their home country. You've heard a lot in the news lately about the selection of the next Pope. Well, this conclave takesplaceinMichelangelo'sSistineChapel,in Rome. Michelangelo painted the roof of the chapel on his back, lying high above the floors, whichcausedhimmuchdistress.Justimagine
General Informations lying on your back for four years! SpeakingofthePope,morethan97percentof Italians are Roman Catholic. Vatican City, the home of the Pope, is located in Italy but is considered an independent city-state. They have theirownpoliceforce,governmentandarerecognized worldwide as their own country. Citystates originated in theAD Who hasn't seen pictures of the leaning Tower of Pisa? It's one of the most well-known paper weightssittingondesksacrosstheworld,asit's an eye-catching building that everyone loves talking about in conversation. However, do you know why it's leaning? Well, when first built, the top soil the foundation was built on wasn't entirely stable, but the builders didn't know it at the time. They built the entire tower, and as the years went by, it began to slowly tip to one side. It's said that eventually it might just fall over, but there is no timeline as to when those standing under it should run. Italians have very small families, not including theMafia,ofcourse!KeepinmindthattheMafia is just an organization or a group of people cometogetherforacommongoal.Itdoesn'talways associate itself with The Sopranos and otherillegaloperations.TheaverageItaliannuclear family is made up of five people, whereas theextendedfamily-suchastheMafia-canbe comprised of hundreds. Italy is the fourth most visited country in the world,whichmeansthere'sagoodchancethat someday you'll get to see all the sights and soundsofthecountryinyourlifetime.Morethan 40millionforeignerstouchdowntovisitsomeof themostamazingplacesintheworldduringjust one year. Don't be left out, be one of them before you hang up your passport. Pasta, one of the world's most consumed foods, was invented in Italy. It's also their national dish! Each Italian consumes more than 25 kilograms of pasta in just one year. Need-
less to say, there are not many leftovers in an Italian family's refrigerator. Milan is considered the fashion capital of the worldbydesignersandfashionistasalike.Many flock their throughout the year for fashion line launches, previews and other walkway runthroughs to catch up on the latest trends, fashions and other clothes hitting the stores during the year. Such designers as Armani, Versace andGuccialllaunchclothesfromMilanatsome point during their business year. "Italyisademocraticrepublic,foundedonlabor," is the official state motto. While not very robust, asmanyothermottosarethroughouttheworld, it is a statement left over from the Roman foundation that is the country. Many buildings, government or otherwise, are branded with the initials SPQR that denote that they are recognized by the Imperial Senate and the people of Rome. Many facets of ancient Roman culture stilldwellinthecity,thoughyouwon'tseemany spears and shields lying around, except in museums. As you can see, Italy is filled with fun facts for everyone, and many of these facts are learned by many more people than just those who are Italian.There'sawealthofinformationoutthere foranybodywhoseeksit,andItalyhassomeof the most interesting history for those who read into it.Five of these regions have a special autonomous status that enables them to enact legislation on some of their local matters, and are marked by an *. It is further divided into 109 provinces (province) and 8,101 municipalities (comuni). TraditionalfestivalarecelebratedinmostItalian towns and villages in commemoration of local historical or religious events. The most notable are listed here. The dates of many traditional festivals may vary from year to year.
Calendar of Traditional Events in Italy Agrigento ALMONDBLOSSOMFESTIVAL FirsthalfofFebruary Folkfestivalofsong,dance,costumes,fireworks Arezzo GIOSTRAdelSARACINO(JoustoftheSaracen) FirstSundayinSeptember Tiltingcontestofthe13thcenturywithknightsinarmor Assisi CALENDIMAGGIO(CelebrationofHolyWeek) EasterWeek Celebration of spring according to rites dating back to medievaltimes Ascoli-Piceno TORNEOdellaQUINTANA(JoustoftheQuintana) First Sunday inAugust Historical pageant with people in15thcenturycostumes Asti PALIO-SanSecondo May2 A700yearoldceremonywithprocessionin13thcenturycostume.FlagThrowingPalio. ThirdSundayinSeptember Ancientfestivalwith800costumesparticipants Bari SAGRAdiSanNICOLA May7 Historicprocessionincostume. Cagliari SAGRAdiSant'EFISIO May1to4 Oneofthebiggestandmostcolorfulprocessionsinthe world. Several thousand pilgrims (wearing costumes datingbackto1657)accompanythestatueofthesaint onfoot,cartsandhorses Firenze SCOPPIODELCARRO(ExplosionoftheCart) EasterSundayApyramidoffireworksintheCathedral Squareissetoffbyamechanicaldovedrivenfromthe AltarduringHighMass. CALCIOFIORENTINO(SoccerMatch) June24to28 Revival of a 16th century football match in medieval costumes. June24th Fireworksdisplayfromtheterracedgardensoverlookingthecity Foligno GIOSTRAdellaQUINTANA(JoustoftheQuintana) Second Sunday in September Revival of a 17th cen-
tury joust with 600 knights in costume, historical procession Genova PALIOMARINAROdeiRIONI June29th Rowingraceinancientdress Genzano INFIORATA(Flowerfestival) CorpusDominiAreligiousprocessionalongthestreets carpetedwithflowersinmagnificentdesigns. Gubbio FESTAdeiCERI(RaceoftheCandles) May15 Aprocession in local costume in witch tall shrines are carriedtothechurchonthetopofMountIngino. PALIOdeiBALESTRIERI(ThePaliooftheArchers) Last Sunday in May Medieval crossbow contest between Gubbio and Sansepolcro with medieval costumesandarms. La Spezia PALIOdelGOLFO FirstSundayofAugust RowingcontestMarostica (Vicenza)PARTITAaSCACCHIconPERSONAGGI VIVENTI (Living Chess Game) Second weekend of September in even-numbered years Chess game is playedinthetownsquarebylivingpawnsinperiodcostume. Napoli FESTIVALofSanGENNARO September19 Areligious ceremony honoring the patron saint of the city Nola FESTAdelGIGLIO(TheLilyFestival) SundayfollowingJune22nd Allegorical towers are carried in a colorful procession costume Nuoro SAGRAdelREDENTORE(FeastoftheRedeemer) August27to30 ColorfulprocessioninSardiniancostumes Oristano SASARTIGLIA February24to26 Medievalprocessionandjoustingofmaskingknights Palermo FEASTofSantaROSALIA July10to15 Procession,bands,fireworksinhonorofthepatronsaint ofthecityPianadegliAlbanesi CELEBRATION of the EPIPHANY from the BYZANTINERITE January6 Pisa GIOCO del PONTE (BattleoftheBridge) FirstSundayinJune Medievalparadeandcontest REGATTA of the GREAT MARITIMEREPUBLICS The friendly contest and historic regatta in which eachoftheformermaritime republics (Amalfi, Genoa, PisaandVenice)racefora price Roma EPIPHANY FAIR at PI-
AZZANAVONA January5th Afair of toys, sweets and others presents takes place intheopenairamongThebeautifulBerninifountains FESTADE'NOANTRI July19thto26th Folklore of Old Rome in Trastevere, including colorful procession for the Vergine del Carmine, folk dances andsongs,carnivalfloatsandfireworks Sansepolcro PALIOdeiBALESTRIERI(ThePaliooftheArchers) LastSundayinMay Medieval crossbow contest between Gubbio and Sansepolcrowithmedievalcostumesandarms. Sassari CAVALCATASARDA(SardinianCavalcade) NexttolastSundayinMay Traditional procession of more than 3,000 people in Sardiniancostumes Siena PALIO July2ndandAugust16th Processionandhorserace.Participantsaremembers ofancientcitydistricts,competingforthebanner(Palio). Colorfulmedievalpageantry. Taranto PROCESSIONoftheMYSTERIES GoodFriday Renownedforitscostumesandsolemnity Venezia CARNIVALinVENICE February/March Celebrations in costumes and masks, entertainment instreetsandsquares.Music,mimesandfireworks. ILREDENTORE(TheFeastoftheRedeemer) ThirdSundayinJuly Procession of gondolas commemorating the end of theepidemicof1575 HISTORICALREGATTA FirstSundayinSeptember Traditional competition between two-oar racing gondolasandprocessionofceremonialboats. Viareggio CARNEVALE(Carnival) February/March .
Eating Out in Italy - How and Where to Dine Eating in Italy: Eating a leisurely Italian meal is one of the pleasures of traveling in Italy! Italians take food very seriously. Each region, and sometimes even a city, will have regional specialties that they are very proud of. Your expereience might be enhanced by telling your waiter that you want to try the specialties. Understanding how Italians traditionally eat will help you get the most out of your travel experience.
The Italian Menu: Traditional Italian menus have five sections. A full meal usually consists of an appetizer, first course and a second course with a side dish. It's not necessary to order from every course, but usually people order at least two courses. Italian meals may last one or two hours or even longer. Italians often go out for a long Sunday lunch with their families and restaurants will be lively. It's a good chance to experience Italian culture.
Italian Appetizers - Antipasti: Antipasti come before the main meal. One choice will usually be a plate of the local cold cuts and there will probably be some regional specialties. Sometimes you can order an antipasto misto and get a variety of dishes. This is usually fun and can be more food than you'd expect for the price! In the south, there are some restaurants that have an antipasto buffet where you can select your own appetizers.
The First Course - Primo: The first course is pasta, soup, or risotto (rice dishes, especially found in the north). Usually there are several pasta choices. Italian pasta dishes may have less sauce than Americans are usually used to. In Italy, the type of pasta is often more important than the sauce. Some risotto dishes may say minimum of 2 persons.
The Second or Main Course - Secondo: The second course is usually meat, poultry, or fish. It doesn't usually include any potato or vegetable. There are sometimes one or two vegetarian offerings, although if they are not on the menu you can usually ask for a vegetarian dish.
The Side Dishes - Contorni: Usually you will want to order a side dish with your main course. This could be a vegetable (verdura), potato, or insalata (salad). I
sometimes order only a salad instead of the meat course.
The Dessert - Dolce: At the end of your meal, you will be offered dolce. Sometimes there may be a choice of fruit (often whole fruit served in a bowl for you to select what you want) or cheese. After dessert, you will be offered cafe or a digestivo (after dinner drink).
Drinks : Most Italians drink wine, vino, and mineral water, acqua minerale, with their meal. Often the waiter will take the drink order before your food order. There may be a house wine that can be ordered by the quarter, half, or full liter and will not cost much. Coffee is not served until after the meal. Getting the Bill in an Italian Restaurant: The waiter will almost never bring the bill until you ask for it. You may be the last people in the restaurant but the bill still doesn't come. When you are ready for the bill, simply ask for il conto. The bill will include a small bread and cover charge but the prices listed on the menu include tax and service. You may leave a small tip (a few coins) if you want to. Not all restaurants accept credit cards so be prepared with cash.
Where to Dine in Italy: If you just want a sandwich, you can go to a bar. A bar in Italy is not just a place for drinking alcohol and there are no age restrictions. People go to the bar for their morning coffee and pastry, to grab a sandwich, and even to buy ice cream. Some bars also serve a few pasta or salad selections so if you just want one course, that's a good choice. A tavolo caldo serves already prepared food. These will be fairly fast. More formal dining establishments include: osteria - this used to be a very casual eating place but now there are some more formal ones. trattoria - also a more casual eating place but may be the same as a restaurant. ristorante - restaurant
Italian Meal Times: In the summer, Italians usually eat fairly late meals. Lunch will not start before 1:00 and dinner not before 8:00. In the north and in winter, meal times may be half an hour earlier while in the far south in summer you may eat even later. Restaurants close between lunch and dinner. In large tourist areas, you may find restaurants open all afternoon. Nearly all shops in Italy are closed in the afternoon for three or four hours, so if you want to buy a picnic lunch be sure to do it in the morning!
Where To relax
Italy's richness in thermal and mineral waters, combined with the mildness of the climate and the beauty of the scenery, have made it a favourite venue for "health care tourism". Since the last century hotels with extensive facilities have grown up around spas, which have established international reputations. Abano, Salsomaggiore, Chianciano, Montecatini, Fiuggi and Ischia are just a few names among the many which are known throughout the world and which attract millions of visitors every year.
Thermal waters in Italy In this field Italy has taken up and developed a practice which has been widespread through-out the peninsula since the time of the Romans, when thermal waters and baths were already a typical feature of town life. Interest in the Italian spas is not exclusively for health care reasons. Their proximity to great centers of art makes the spa resorts excellent bases for cultural excursions. In addition the splendid parks surrounding the most famous spas, and the infrastructure which has been created for leisure activities, make them ideal holiday resorts in their own right. Italian thermal spas are not only those which exploit hot water resources (as the literal meaning of the word "thermal" might suggest) since mineral water springs are now also generally included in this category.
The major thermal spa regions The determining factor in the presence of hot water or mineral springs is the geology of Italy, a relatively young country, which is rich in volcanic phenomena and permeated, in every sense of the word, by a dense network of groundwater channels. In north-eastern Italy many spas have developed on the slopes of the Euganei Hills in Veneto, volcanic highlands where numerous hot water springs gush out. The main form of treatment is mud therapy, recommended for rheumatic illnesses and problems of the respiratory organs and the female genital organs. Abano Terme alone has almost two million visitors a year, half of whom come from abroad.
Moving further south, there is a series of thermal resorts in Emilia-Romagna on the foothills of the Apennines. There are about fifteen localities, including in particular Tabiano, Salsomaggiore, and Castrocaro, all of which have the word "Terme" (Spa) as part of their official names. The springs have chemical properties which are all very similar (predominantly sulphurous, or containing sodium chloride, iodide or bromide). They are recommended for a wide range of afflictions: metabolism disorders, problems of the respiratory system and the vascular system and skin diseases. Another Italian region with a high concentration of spas is Tuscany. The exploitation of this resource also has a long tradition here. A number of springs which were already in use in Roman times are still popular today, including Saturnia, Roselle, Chianciano and Chiusi. In this century the Tuscan resorts have changed from being exclusive meeting places and holiday locations. Montecatini and Chianciano have acquired ever greater importance and the statistics confirm the reputation which they have built up. Montecatini has 1,700,000 visitors a year (a quarter of them from abroad) while Chianciano counts 1,860 000 (180,000 foreign). The spa resorts in Latium are linked to the volcanic activity which has shaped the morphology of much of the region. Bagni di Tivoli, on the outskirts of the capital and Fiuggi, further east, are especially well known. Fiuggi waters are especially noted for the treatment of renal calculus and their fame has led to the development of 250 hotels.
In southern Italy the numerous spas forming an arc around the Gulf of Naples are extremely important. This is one of the most active volcanic zones in Italy with heat bursting through from a supply of magma underground. which is very close to the surface. Ischia has 2,400,000 visitors a year (about 700,000 of whom are foreigners); oral treatment, baths (including steam baths) and mud treatment are recommended in particular for rheumatism, arthritis, obesity and metabolism disorders.
The economy of Italy has changed dramatically since the end of World War II. From an agriculturally based economy, it has developed into an industrial country ranked by both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as the world's seventh largest economy in USD exchange-rate terms and tenth largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) by World Bank, IMF and the CIA World Factbook. More recently, Italy has faced sluggish economic growth
are Barbaresco, Barolo and Barbera (Piedmont), Brunello di Montalcino (Tuscany), Montepulciano d'Abruzzo (Abruzzo) and Nero d'Avola (Sicily). Quality goods in which Italy specialises are often DOC or 'of controlled origin'. This DOC certificate, which is attributed by the European Union, ensures that the origins and work that goes into a product are recognised. This certification is considered important by producers and consumers alike, in order to avoid confu-
and reduced international competitiveness. However, statistics as of 2007 show signs of acceleration in GDP growth, estimated at 2% in 2006, a record high since 2000. The country belongs to the Group of eight (G8) industrialized nations; it is a member of the European Union and the OECD. Italy's economic strength is in the processing and the manufacturing of goods, primarily in small and medium-sized family-owned firms. The country has been less successful in terms of developing world class multinational corporations. In addition, the small and mediumsized firms typically manufacture products that are technologically moderately advanced and therefore increasingly face crushing international competition.
sion with low-quality mass-produced ersatz products, such as Cambozola, a German copy of Gorgonzola. Italy is known also for its fashion houses, such Versace, Valentino, Fendi, Gucci, Prada, Roberto Cavalli, Sergio Rossi, Dolce & Gabbana, Benetton, and Armani. FIAT is an automaker specializing in utilitarian and luxury vehicles, with the brands FIAT, Lancia,Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Maserati. The Piemontese group has struggled in recent times due to high input costs and declining market share, although a recent revival has seen a return to profit[citation needed]. Manufacturers like Piaggio and Ducati produce motorcycles. Italy has a substantial home appliance construction industry, especially in Lombardy (Candy), Marche (Merloni, Indesit) and Northeastern regions. A quarterly report prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of Barclays Wealth in 2007 estimated that there were 2,800,000 dollar millionaires in Italy.(page 7) The Time magazine reported in early 2008 that the mafia's purchasing power was estimated at almost $125 billion (or 15 cents per minute)
Industrial sectors have long been concentrated in northern areas of Piemonte, Lombardia, and Veneto. The region supplies easy access to the rest of Europe, hydroelectricity from the Alps, and workable, flat land. The FIAT factory, for example, is located in Turin. Most Italian industries, often of small size, are located in the "industrial triangle" (Milan, Turin, Genoa) and in some centres of Northeast and Emilia Romagna. The most famous Italian wines are probably the Tuscan Chianti and Piedmontese Pinot Grigio. Other famous wines
Piemonte Piedmont (Italian: Piemonte; Piedmontese and Occitan: Piemont; French: PiÊmont) is one of the 20 Regions of Italy. It has an area of 25,399 km² and a population of about 4.4 million. The capital is Turin. The main local dialect is Piedmontese. Occitan is also spoken by a minority in the so called Occitan Valleys. The name Piemonte is a contraction of the Italian "Ai piedi del monte", meaning "At the base of the mountain" Piedmont is surrounded on three sides by the Alps, including the Monviso (Mont Vis), where the Po rises, and the Monte Rosa. It borders with France, Switzerland and the Italian regions of Lombardy, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna and Aosta Valley.
Turin owns a huge heritage represented by cultural institutions that operate in the most diverse fields of knowledge and are united by a great dynamism. Home of a renowned university, especially famous for its studies in history, economics and sciences, and its world class School of Engeenering at the Polytechnic, Turin also houses a number of cultural institutions of international repute thanks to their splendid libraries, collections of rare and ancient books and priceless documents, as well as the organisation of numerous presti-
gious activities. Turin today is a dynamic reality engaged in a modernisation process unrivalled in Italy. From the city of motor car to a centre of advanced technology and integrated productive systems, following an original redevelopment project. Although it is internationally renowned as an industrial city and a capital of the motor car this, for Turin, is now a stereotype, an incomplete picture. Today, its image is different, more diverse: the city is oriented towards the new high-tech Europe, that of advanced research.
Things to do major Italian film studios, and it is an apt host of the Museo Nazionale del Cinema.
Museu Egizio - the Egyption museum The Museo Egizio in Turin is second only to the Museum of Cairo and remains popular among visitors to Turin. Piazza Castello Piazza Castello is right in the centre of Turin and the point where Via Po, Via Roma and Via Garibaldi converge. Piazza San Carlo Piazza San Carlo is home to the "Caval 'd Brons" and renowned for an imperial grandure and tranquility.
San Lorenzo church Rising above the Palazzo Reale in Piazza Castello is the church of San Lorenzo, dating from the second half of the 16th century.
Juventus How to find Juventus tickets and make sure you see one of Italy's greatest football clubs.
Whatever your interests are you'll be able to find things to do in Turin. Turin is worth visiting for its piazzas alone, where cobbled streets full of architectural wonders suddenly give way to huge open spaces, the contrast between the confines of the streets with the squares quite breathtaking on its own, but even more splendid due to the fantastic structures, statues and artistic treasures around. Other things to do include visiting some of the museums. There are over one hundred museums ranging from fine arts to motor cars, Egyptology and the cinema.
Tour Turin's fabulous city centre by bus, hopping on and off to get a closer look at some of the architecture, monuments and sweeping squares that are so abundant in the city. Suggested things to do in Turin
Museo dell' Automobile - the motor museum The Museo dell' Automobile is one of the largest car museums in the world with a collection of 170 cars. The museum charts the progress of Turin's motor industry from its beginnings. La Mole Antonelliana At over 167 metres, La Mole Antonelliana was the highest brick building in the world at the time of its completion and remains the tallest building in Turin.
Museo Nazionale del Cinema - the cine museum Turin was once the Hollywood of Italy, home to a number of
Shopping in Turin A guide to Turin shopping, a city where you are bound to fall in love with some shop or other, from a selection that runs from designer boutiques to discount stores.
The sightseeing bus The Turismobus Torino is ideal for Turin sightseeing as it allows you to see a lot of the city without having to walk from place to place.
where to stay Principi di Piemonte *****
The elegant hotel Principi di Piemonte is situated in the heart of Turin, only a few steps from the most important museum and theatres, surronded by prestigious shops and typical cafĂŠs, and 150 meters from the Porta Nuova railway station. The hotel features an elegant hall, a bar, a restaurant and a conference centre featuring state-ofthe-art equipment as well as secretarial and translating services. Le Meridien Turin Art+Tech *****
Welcome in the Le Meridien Art+Tech Hotel, the most fascinating property in Turin, where modern technology and art combine to create unique atmosphere. The hotel features functional amenities and exquisite decoration, including bright colours, marble, glass, steel and wood. The hotel houses a brilliant restaurant, Art+CafĂŠ, where guests can relish traditional dishes in a bright setting, under the accompaniment of music and art exhibitions. There is also a Wi-Fi Internet connection and meeting room at the disposal of our business clientele. Last but not least this futuristic property boasts superior location, so that you can fully experience the unique charm of the beautiful city of Turin.
Art Hotel Boston****
Situated within easy walking distance (800 metres) of Turin's Porta Nuova central station and Valentino Park, this art themed hotel offers individual and stylish accommodation in a central location. The rooms are adorned with many styles of art design; from Post modern to ethnic style. In the common area there are many important contemporary pieces from artists including Boetti, Castellani, Fontana, Mondino and Warhol. To relax you can enjoy the hotel's picturesque internal garden, or sample traditional Piedmontese cuisine at the hotel's restaurant.
where to stay Grand Hotel Sitea****
With its refined hospitality, the Grand Hotel Sitea, located in the city centre behind Piazza San Carlo, embodies the very best in the Turin hotel tradition. Rooms and suites are decorated with taste and elegance. The warm, relaxing Carignano restaurant offers sophisticated international cuisine and dishes from the famed Piedmontese tradition.
The hotel offers 24 hour, free entrance to the new fitness centre. Charm and quality, together with personalised service and careful attention to detail provided by the thoughtful staff, make the Sitea ideal for a comfortable stay. For business guests, there are 4 rooms for small conferences, able to accommodate from 15 to 100 participants. Hotel Interporto ***
The hotel offers a wide range of services for both business and leisure clients. It has 112 rooms equipped with satellite TV, air conditioning and a telephone. Some rooms also have a terrace. In addition there are meeting rooms and a wellness area with a gym and a sauna.This newly built hotel offers comfortable accommodation with warm and friendly staff to provide a complete and efficient service.
Express by Holiday Inn Turin***
This newly built hotel offers comfortable accommodation with warm and friendly staff to provide a complete and efficient service.
Multilingual staff are on hand to offer information about the city. Start your day with a tasty American hot and cold buffet, that uses fresh products. After breakfast, the hall becomes an ideal place to enjoy a drink, meet people, read a newspaper or simply relax.
A daily, shuttle service runs to the city centre and Lingotto. Within walking distance of the hotel you will find shops, restaurants, banks, pharmacies and sports facilities.
LOMBARDIA Lombardia is the richest region of Italy. This is also where the Lega Nord, the ex-independence movement of the North of Italy, has its roots. Despite the opinion of this small group of people, Lombardia is very Italian. Milan, its capital, is also one of the leading cities in the world of fashion. It has a large number of monuments and you can spend days just in the town of Milan.
In the North of Lombardia there are a few very pretty lakes, the Lago di Como, the Lago di Lugano, the Lago Maggiore. A little to the west, actually in Piemonte is the smaller but equally charming Lago d' Orta. The lakeside villages are very nice, you can take boat trips on the lakes and visit the islands in the lakes. The city of Como is well worth a visit as well. For centuries is has been an important rival of Milan and it has as much history and as many sights as the bigger city, but without the traffic jams and the crowds. Also the small city of Varese with the lake of Varese and others smaller, worth a visit specially for its Sacro Monte (Holy mountain). In the province of Varese also you can find Malpensa Interntional Airport (MXP), connected to Milan by the A8 highway as well by Malpensa Express train and to Linate Airport by bus service.
Further East is Bergamo. Bergamo Alta has one of northern Italy's loveliest centres, fresh mountain air, wanderable streets and a lively, yet easygoing pace. It's a favourite weekend retreat for people from Milan, so if you have the choice you will find the place much quieter during weekdays. All the way in the east you find the charming Lago di Garda, another very beautiful lake region with charming towns and
great looking countryside.
South of Milan you find the medieval cities of Cremona, Pavia and Mantua. Of these Mantua is the most attractive one.
Milan is the biggest city of North Italy. The powerhouse of the country and one of the most stylish cities of the planet. But it is also a city with many important museums and wonderful monuments. See the Castello Sforzesco the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (which displays Leonardo’s Last Supper) the Brera Museum (Madonna and Child and Pieta by Bellini) and many other museums monuments and churches. Moreover, Milan is a lively city, with several pubs, discos and nightclubs. Being a fashion capital too, you might run into a top model or designer. The best chances are in the area around Brera (the artist zone) or the Navigli area. And if you have money to spend, just make a visit in via Montenapoleone and via della Spiga where you’ll find boutiques by Gucci, Ferragamo, Valentino, Armani, Ferre, Fendi and others. Look for other famous designer labels and items such as shoes, camelhair blankets and leather goods.
Things to do Milan is a glamorous city, but not quite in the same class as Rome, Florence, or Venice. The city provides the tourist a number of delightful explorations that are tightly clustered in the vicinity of the Duomo, Milan's ostentatious cathedral. Widely known as a fashion center, Milan is a great place for shopping Be sure to see the Duomo, La Scala, Castello Sforzesco and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. The Piazza del Duomo
The Piazza del Duomo provides several famous sights, including the Duomo (Milan's Cathedral), the Museum of the Duomo, the Galleria Vittoria Emanuele II and the Palazzo Real. The Piazza is a great place for pictures, if you can clear a small area of the ever-present pigeons and "doodad" hawkers who are trying to sell tourists anything Milanese (curiously, most of what they sell is made in China). On the western end of the Piazza, there are a number of neon signs that detract from the overall beauty of the square. Duomo
The Duomo is an impressive site. The gothic cathedral's architecture is decorated with numerous spires and more than three thousand statues. Construction started in the fourteenth century and was completed only fifty years ago. The massive cathedral is one of the largest in the world. Museum of the Duomo
The Museum of the Duomo is closed for restoration. A date from re-opening has not yet been announced. (Most of the real treasures from the Duomo were removed for purposes of conservation and renovation. The Museum is arranged into approximately twenty small rooms containing statutes, paintings, columns, metalwork and a variety of impressive original items from the Duomo. During a visit to the museum, you can view all items up close and appreciate the amazing artistry that went into the construction and decoration of the Duomo.
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
The Galleria, reputed as one of the finest shopping malls in Italy, is an extraordinary arcade that is as beautiful as it is impressive. The stores and restaurants are not of as high quality as one would expect, but the cross-shaped Galleria provides a great walk-thru and shortcuts to La Scala and the Duomo, depending on where you enter.
The well-known Savini restaurant is located in the Galleria, but there has been increased discussion as to whether the quality of its food still matches the steepness of its prices. Palazzo Reale
The Palazzo has had a checkered past having been altered by several conquerors (including the Spanish and the Austrians)
and severely damaged in World War II. The Palazzo currently houses the Museum of the Duomo and Milan's Contemporary Art Museum.
Monumental Cemetery
Monumental Cemetery is located in an area of 250,000 mq. Inaugurated in 1866, it was designed by the architect Carlo Maciachini (1818-1899). The construction first met the hygienic and town-planning needs linked to the presence of a high number of burial places inside the town. Moreover, the Municipality wanted to give the community a representative place by joining the cult of the dead. Within its walls, Monumentale gives hospitality to graves of different cults an religions, including the sections for non-Catholics and Jews.
where to stay Hotel Principe Di Savoia*****
Located between Milan’s main railway station and the historic city centre, this 5-star hotel offers luxury accommodation, great services, a relaxing atmosphere and a complete wellness centre. Walk to historic monuments and designer-name shops from Hotel Principe Di Savoia. You will be within easy reach of La Scala, the Duomo and the Brera Art Gallery. Friendly staff can assist you with city-centre transfers, and tourist and travel information. Relax in comfortable, spacious rooms and suites. Accommodation at Hotel Principe Di Savoia includes classical decorations and fine fabrics. Hotel Principe di Savoia combines old-fashioned luxury with the latest in technology and design. Le Méridien Gallia*****
Overlooking one of Milan's most characteristic squares, Piazza Duca d'Aosta, the hotel is well known for its vibrant cultural surroundings, only a short drive from the cultural and financial hub. Opened in 1932, Le Méridien Gallia features a dominant and memorable Art Nouveau façade, within easy access of Milan’s main attractions, including the designer shopping streets of Via Montenapoleone and Via della Spiga. You can also visit the Pinacoteca di Brera, founded by Napoleon, which displays stunning Venetian and Lombard masterpieces and the works of Rubens and Rembrandt. The hotel benefits from excellent transport links and can be found close to the central railway station (Stazione Centrale) and the airport terminal, making it an ideal destination for both business and leisure travellers. Hotel Berna****
Enjoying great transport links in this convenient location just 200 metres from Milan’s central station. Hotel Berna sets itself apart through its excellent service and its helpful, friendly staff. With Metro stops located just a 2-minute walk away and trains and airport shuttles 5 minutes away, travelling around Milan couldn’t be easier than from the Berna. Inside Hotel Berna enjoy drinks or snacks at the American bar or top up your caffeine levels at the convenient tea and coffee corner, where you can help yourself to free drinks 24 hours a day. This generous hotel also gives you free use of a non-alcoholic mini bar in your room. Use of the Berna’s internet point is also free for up to an hour, as is the WiFi connection. Hotel Berna’s breakfast is perfect whether you have an early start or feel like sleeping in. Served from 07:00 to 11:00 you will find a large buffet offering a huge variety of different options, making sure that you have a wonderful start to your day.
where to stay
Brunelleschi Hotel****
The Brunelleschi Hotel is set in the heart of Milan, close to the Duomo and the famous La Scala theatre, and just 50 metres from the Missori metro stop. This elegant hotel is located in a quiet but central location in the city’s financial district. It is surrounded by elegant boutiques and designer stores and just a short stroll away from the theatre. At Hotel Brunelleschi you can enjoy a late check-out time of 14:00, free internet point and room service. Relax in the lounge bar and enjoy traditional Italian cuisine in the restaurant. Hotel Sempione***
Hotel Sempione welcomes you to a busy yet quiet area of Milan, within walking distance of excellent transport links, including the central railway station and the Repubblica metro station. Hotel Sempione will strike you with its impressive traditional façade. The interior is furnished in a contemporary style and is equipped with modern comforts. Enjoy lightly decorated, spacious and comfortable accommodation with cosy furnishings and a homely feel. Facilities include a refined restaurant which serves tasteful cuisine and a cosy bar. Modern meeting rooms are also available and the reception is open 24 hours a day. You can also rent a car directly at Hotel Sempione. Hotel Ariston****
The Ariston Hotel, restructured according to sustainable architectural principles, aims to protect you from pollution while safeguarding the environment using natural or non toxic materials, paints, fittings, mattresses and fibres. The Ariston is centrally located in Milan, close to the famous La Scala Theatre, the Cattolica University and not far from the Duomo Cathedral. Enjoy the modern ambiance of the whole establishment and the comfort of the Ariston rooms, also offering complimentary bikes to go around the city with less impact on the carbon emissions. Rooms: 52.
Veneto he Veneto region (pronounced with the stress on the first syllable) is located in the north-east of Italy, along the Adriatic Sea. It's bordered by the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino - Alto Adige, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and a small stretch of Austria in the far north. Although most travellers head straight to Venice, the region also contains other popular tourist destinations, such as Verona, Padua, Vicenza, Lake Garda and the ski resort of Cortina d'Ampezzo. There are also many attractive towns and landscapes which are less well-known but can combine to create an enjoyable and interesting holiday. The regional capital is Venice (Venezia), and the region is divided into the provinces of Venezia, Padova, Verona, Vicenza, Belluno, Rovigo and Treviso. Around four and a half million inhabitants are spread between the cities, plains, lagoon, hills and mountains. For long stretches of its history, much of the Veneto was under the control of the rich and powerful Venetian Republic, and you'll see the city's emblem, the winged lion of St. Mark, all around the region.
Venice (Venezia) really needs no introduction. The Serenissima has been a fabled destination for centuries. Just the name Venice is enough to conjure up a host of images, even for those who have not yet set foot in Italy: gondoliers in striped jerseys, the Rialto and the Bridge of Sighs, masked balls, golden barges, courtesans in gondolas and crumbling palaces facing streets made of water. The western world's most famous figures visited Venice, marvelled at the gold mosaics of St Mark's, admired art in churches, explored the city's maze of canals (or, in Byron's case, swam in them), and then proceeded to preach Venice's wonders to those unable to make the journey. In these days of budget airlines, however,
Venice really is open to anyone. Both Ryanair and Easyjet run flights to Venice, so the city of lions and doges has never been so accessible.Venice is a glorious clichĂŠ, more romatic, more beautiful and more surprising than you could expect. No matter how many photographs or films you may have seen, it is still a jaw-dropping experience seeing Venice's canals and palaces for the first time. That first cruise down the Grand Canal - punctuated by exclamations and photo-snapping - is one of life's unforgettable experiences. Venice is composed of more than a hundred tiny islets, packed closely together around canals. The city is in a lagoon, protected from the sea by a long strip of land called the Lido. Venice is famously sinking. Every year high water levels (acqua alta) threaten the city's fabric, and it has long been feared that the beautiful city will one day disappear beneath the water. Many ideas (and funds) have been put forward to protect the endangered heritage site, but the problem is a complex one and 'solutions' such as those to construct a giant water-gate are controversial.
Things to do
Venice, located in northeastern Italy, is a wonderful city to visit. The city has been built on piers and is slowly sinking into the water, but measures are being taken to stop the decline and preserve the buildings most affected. Its rich history is evident as the visitor views amazing centuries-old attractions. Here are 10 things to do and see in Venice.
PIAZZA SAN MARCO St. Mark’s Square is the main square in Venice and has long been a central meeting place for Venetians; it serves that purpose for tourists now also. The square has a dominating clock tower, the Basilica, political and religious buildings, restaurants, bars, and shops, and is known as one of the most beautiful squares in the world. Café Florian, dating back from the 1700s, is a popular place, as is Café Quadri, also on the square. It usually seems as though there are millions of pigeons in the square, and that many people too; it’s difficult to really see the fine features and architecture there unless visiting at off-peak times.
BASILICA SAN MARCO St. Mark’s Basilica is the third building that has been constructed on that spot on St. Mark’s Square. Two other churches were there previously, the first built to hold the stolen bones of St. Mark, for whom the church is named. The present basilica dates back to 1063, has a very ornate façade with the golden winged lion, which represents St. Mark and is the symbol of Venice, and is filled with amazing mosaics, domes, statues, and the High Altar that supposedly contains
some of the remains of St. Mark. This church is a must-see for any tourist to Venice.
DOGE’S PALACE Aseries of 120 Doges ruled Venice, and their incredible 3-storied palace dates back to before Renaissance times. The facade features beautiful arches, pink and white marble, and is located on St. Mark’s Square. The inside of the palace is amazing, and it contains priceless artwork by Tintoretto, Titian, Bellini, Veronese and more. Tours will take visitors across the Bridge of Sighs, which connected the palace to the prison, and to the prison cells, one of which housed Cassanova. The Great Council Hall displays the largest oil painting in the world (Tintoretto’s “Paradise”), and the Golden Staircase is just amazing. The Doge’s Palace is one of the most opulent residences ever; it almost puts Versailles to shame. MURANO Murano, located north of Venice, is famous for its beautiful, hand-blown glass. There’s a glass museum there, and many glass-making shops; you can go into the factories and see the glass blowers shaping the lovely pieces as they are being made. The glass blowers were moved to Murano long ago to lessen the chance of fires in Venice, and they have remained there ever since; you can find less expensive prices on the fine glass there than in the Venice shops, and you can bargain with the shops for even lower prices. The glass factories send boats over to St. Mark’s Square to lure over customers; take
the free boat over and the vaporetto back.
CARNEVALE The grand Carnevale is held in Venice each year before Lent for 12 days, and people from all over come to celebrate. The main public ball is held on St. Mark’s Square, and private balls are held all over the city. Extremely elaborate costumes can be seen at Carnevale, and the festival dates back to 1162; it used to begin the day after Christmas. There are many shops selling the elaborate masks used by Carnevale participants, and you can find funny, scary, and emotional masks in windows all around the city any time of the year. Artists create the masks using materials such as porcelain, papiermache, feathers, leather, etc., and many tourists wouldn’t consider leaving Venice without a Carnevale mask as a souvenir. ACQUA ALTA High tide in Venice is known as acqua alta, and if you’re unprepared for it your feet and pants can get wet. The local Venetians know when it’s coming and carry around their rubber boots to be prepared. Sometimes the water is very high and floods most of the city; other times only the lowest areas are flooded. It can be a problem for the boats trying to get under the bridges also. There’s a website that predicts how high the tide will be for the next few days; check it before going to Venice if you want to stay dry. The Venetians are working hard to solve the flooding problem, and it’s interesting to see it up close.
where to stay Hotel Metropole*****
Overlooking the lagoon from a privileged position, Hotel Metropole offers luxurious accommodations, utmost comfort and an enchanting atmosphere, just a short stroll from Saint Mark’s Square. Welcoming and intimate, the hotel is comparable to a small museum. lt boasts an eclectic collection of rare visiting card cases, antique fans and art objects. Distinguished by its personality and history, Hotel Metropole occupies a fascinating Venetian palace where great names of the past such as Freud, Marcel Proust, Thomas Mann and Vivaldi, have once stayed. The hotel is also preferred by contemporary celebrities such as Lou Reed, Annie Lennox and Grace Jones.
Hotel Metropole is set in the historic centre of Venice, within easy reach of the most important attractions in this unforgettable city. Its strategic location allows you to discover the wonders of Venice by leisurely exploring its charming streets and canals. Hotel Bella Venezia****
Housed in a 16th century palace, which has been carefully restored with respect to the original, Italian Belle Arti, this hotel faces a charming canal where gondolas pass by. The hotel’s renovation has restored an ancient splendour to the Venetian bedrooms, all of which offer views over the canals, streets, and attractive roofs with Saint Mark's bell tower in the background.
The hotel also has a delightful breakfast room, where a rich American breakfast is served daily and brunch is available on request. The helpful and professional staff will do their utmost to ensure that you enjoy your stay.
Albergo Cavalletto & Doge Orseolo**** Opened in 1308 the Albergo Cavalletto & Doge Orseolo is one of the oldest hotels in Italy. It is set in an unbeatable location, on St. Mark’s Square.
This elegant hotel has been host to a number of refined guests, including Winston Churchill, in its long history. It combines old-world charm with modern facilities, including Wi-Fi throughout the entire hotel. Its sophisticated meeting rooms all look out onto the city’s most famous square. Start your day with a rich buffet breakfast in the dining room overlooking the moored gondolas. Sample some typical Venetian cuisine at the elegant restaurant, recommended by guide books.
The professional team of staff will be delighted to arrange tickets for concerts, opera performances and train journeys.
where to stay Hotel Dei Dragomanni****
Occupying an excellent position in Venice, within easy reach of the city’s main attractions, the hotel is set within a 17th-century building which combines tradition and modernity.
Set in a splendid scenario, the hotel is close to the marvellous Campo S.Maurizio, famous for its antiques market (6 times a year), the Accademia Gallery, preserving the Venetian masterpieces and the wonderful Piazza S.Marco.
Featuring one of the last examples of the Alla Leonardesca double staircase, the property's central position will allow you to breathe the magical atmosphere of the city, suspended between east and west, and tour the charming nearby islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello.
Hotel Violino d'Oro***
Enjoy real Venetian accommodation in an 18th-century building with traditionally decorated rooms overlooking the San Moisé canal. Hotel Violino d’Oro is less than 5 minutes’ walk from Saint Mark’s Square. Enjoy characteristic Venetian views from the Violino d’Oro’s roof terrace, where you can also enjoy drinks and snacks. Watch the gondolas pass by as you gaze out over the rooftops. Interiors are special at the Violino d’Oro; exposed wooden beams, crystal chandeliers and sumptuous furnishings add to the magic of the city’s atmosphere. Inside you will find a TV room as well as a snack bar, and a breakfast room which overlooks the canal.
Hotel Dell' Opera*** Next to La Fenice, Venice’s historic theatre and opera house, Hotel Dell’Opera is a 2 minute walk from St. Mark's Square and only 10 minutes from Rialto Bridge. The famous Accademia, the Guggenheim Museum and Calle Larga XXII Marzo with its elegant shops are all minutes away from this luxurious 3-star hotel in the centre of Venice. Here, deluxe rooms rediscover the 18th century style of Venice, when literary figures and artists made this wonderful city their second home. Enjoy the comforts and services of Hotel Dell’Opera. You will have Free Wi-Fi in every room and a roof-top terrace where you can enjoy drinks and stunning panoramic views. Hotel staff will help make your stay a pleasurable one. On request they can arrange your airport transfers and make reservations for museums, tours, day trips, restaurants and cultural events. Let Hotel Dell’Opera know if you will be arriving by car: they will be happy to make arrangements with a private garage where you will enjoy special rates.
TOSCANA From the Etruscans to the Romans to the Renaissance, Tuscany is possibly the greatest repository of art in the world, from extraordinary paintings and sculpture to frescoes and architectural masterpieces. Visitors to Tuscany come for many reasons. Many come in search of fine art, others to explore the extraordinary countryside. Gourmets and wine buffs descend on Tuscany to enjoy the simple yet wonderful cuisine and wine. Walkers enjoy the mountain paths, cyclists the rolling hills, summer vacationers the sea coast and islands. Students come to learn the beautiful Italian language and culture. There is a lot to see and do in Tuscany, the difficulty is really where to start. Certainly most should start with Florence, then continue on to Siena and Pisa. The roll call of città di arte, cities of art, is daunting: Arezzo, Cortona, San Gimignano and Lucca are all striking. The more you come to know the region, the more extraordinary Tuscany appears. Enjoy your visit! Florence
Florence ( Italian: Firenze /fiˈrɛnʦe/ , Old Italian: Fiorenza, Latin: Florentia ) is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany and has a population of 364,779 (696,767 in the urban area[1]). The city lies on the River Arno and is known for its history and its importance in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance, especially for its art and architecture. A centre of medieval European trade and finance, the city is often considered the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance; in fact, it has been called the Athens of the Middle Ages.[2] It was long under the de facto rule of the Medici family. From 1865 to 1870 the city was also the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. The historic centre of Florence continues to attract millions of
tourists each year and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982. Florence is known as the “cradle of Renaissance” (la culla del Rinascimento) for its monuments, churches and buildings. The best-known site and crowning architectural jewel of Florence is the domed cathedral of the city, Santa Maria del Fiore, known as The Duomo. The magnificent dome was built by Filippo Brunelleschi. The nearby Campanile (partly designed by Giotto) and the Baptistery buildings are also highlights. Both the dome itself and the campanile are open to tourists and offer excellent views; The dome, 600 years after its completion, is still the largest dome built in brick and mortar in the world The Ponte Vecchio bridge over the River Arno. In 1982, the historic center of Florence (Italian: centro storico di Firenze) was declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO for the importance of its cultural heritages. The center of the city is contained in medieval walls that were built in the 14th century to defend the city after it became famous and important for its economic growth. At the heart of the city in Piazza della Signoria is Bartolomeo Ammanati's Fountain of Neptune (1563-1565), which is a masterpiece of marble sculpture at the terminus of a still functioning Roman aqueduct. The Arno River, which cuts through the old part of the city, is as much a character in Florentine history as many of the people who lived there. Historically, the locals have had a lovehate relationship with the Arno — which alternated from nourishing the city with commerce, and destroying it by flood. Facade and Campanile (bell tower) of Santa Maria del Fiore. The Baptistery can be seen in the right foreground. One of the bridges in particular stands out as being unique — The Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge), whose most striking feature is the multitude of shops built upon its edges, held
Things to do
up by stilts. The bridge also carries Vasari's elevated corridor linking the Uffizi to the Medici residence (Palazzo Pitti). Although the original bridge was constructed by the Etruscans, the current bridge was rebuilt in the 14th century It is the only bridge in the city to have survived World War II intact. The church of San Lorenzo contains the Medici Chapel, the mausoleum of the Medici family - the most powerful family in Florence from the 15th to the 18th century. Nearby is the Uffizi Gallery, one of the finest art museums in the world - founded on a large bequest from the last member of the Medici family. The Uffizi ("offices") itself is located at the corner of Piazza della Signoria, a site important for being the centre of Florence civil life and government for centuries (Signoria Palace is still home of the community government): the Loggia dei Lanzi was the set of all the public ceremonies of the republican government. Many well known episodes of history of art and political changes were staged here, such as: In 1301, Dante was sent into Exile from here (a plaque on one of the walls of the Uffizi commemorates the event). 26 April 1478 Jacopo de'Pazzi and his retainers try to raise the city against the Medici after the plot known as The congiura dei Pazzi (The Pazzi conspiracy) who murdered Giuliano di Piero de' Medici and wounded his brother Lorenzo; the Florentines seized and hanged all the members of the plot that could be apprehended from the windows of the Palace. In 1497, it was the location of the Bonfire of the Vanities instigated by the Dominican friar and preacher Girolamo Savonarola On the 23 May 1498 the same Savonarola and two followers were hanged and burnt at the stake (a round plate in the ground commemorates the very spot were he was hanged) In 1504, Michelangelo's David (now replaced by a reproduction as the original was moved indoors to the Accademia dell'Arte del Disegno), was installed in front of the Palazzo della Signoria (also known as Palazzo Vecchio). It is still the setting for a number of statues by other sculptors such as Donatello, Giambologna, Ammannati and Cellini, although some have been replaced with copies to preserve the priceless originals.
Uffizi and Palazzo Vecchio.
In addition to the Uffizi, Florence has other world-class museums. The Bargello concentrates on sculpture, containing many priceless works of art created by such sculptors as Donatello, Giambologna, and Michelangelo. The Accademia dell'Arte del Disegno (often simply called the Accademia) collection's highlights are Michelangelo's David and his unfinished Slaves. Across the Arno is the huge Pitti Palace containing part of the Medici family's former private collection. In addition to the Medici collection the palace's galleries contain a large number of Renaissance works, including several by Raphael and Titian as well as a large collection of modern art, costumes, cattiages, and porcelain. Adjoining the Palace are the Boboli Gardens, elaborately landscaped and with many interesting sculptures. The Santa Croce basilica, originally a Franciscan foundation, contains the monumental tombs of Galileo, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Dante (actually a cenotaph), and many other notables. Other important basilicas and churches in Florence include Santa Maria Novella, San Lorenzo, Santo Spirito and the Orsanmichele, and the Tempio Maggiore Great Synagogue of Florence. Florence has been the setting for numerous works of fiction and movies, including the novels and associated films Hannibal, Tea with Mussolini and A Room with a View. Today, the city is so rich in art that some first time visitors experience the Stendhal syndrome as they encounter its art for the first time.
where to stay
Grand Hotel Villa Medici*****
Set in an elegant noble residence from the 18th century, this exclusive 5-star hotel offers high-quality service, suites with spectacular views, and a peaceful garden with outdoor pool. With Florence train station around 500 metres away and on-site parking available, you can easily explore the many sights of this magnificent city on foot. Within 20 minutes you can reach impressive attractions such as the Duomo, Uffizi Gallery and Ponte Vecchio, as well as the shopping districts. If you would rather not leave the hotel you can relax or keep fit in the Sina Fitness Club. Later, for some Tuscan cuisine and fine wines, the hotel's Lorenzo de’ Medici restaurant is a great choice. You can also dine in the new Conservatory, set overlooking the pool, before socialising or listening to live music in one of the two bars. Montebello Splendid*****
Celebrate Tuscan style and charming Florentine traditions at this 18th century villa with private garden, in the lively, warm, refined heart of the city.
Transformed into a 5-star boutique hotel, the villa’s rooms are elegantly designed and equipped with up-todate comforts. Look out across the splendid garden with a fountain of bronze cherubs, a Neoclassical temple and the little Meridian Palace with sundial.
Surrounded by streets of delightful shops and characteristic artisan bottegas, the hotel is the ideal starting point for absorbing the city’s cultural offerings. At just 100 metres from the river bank, you can reach Ponte Vecchio, the Uffizi, and other major attractions in minutes Hotel Pierre****
Right behind Piazza della Signoria and just a block from Piazza del Duomo, Hotel Pierre brings you luxurious accommodation and exceptional service, all in the perfect location. Just outside your door you will find some of Florence’s best-loved attractions, including the Ponte Vecchio and the unmissable Uffizi Gallery. You will also be able to indulge in designer shopping heaven as some of the most elegant shops in the city are close by. Occupying a stunning 13th century building, Hotel Pierre is warm and welcoming, with sumptuous furnishings and stylish décor. Rooms are spacious and equipped with all modern comforts, including a generous courtesy kit. And if anything you require isn’t there, there’s always room service – nothing is ever too much trouble for Pierre’s attentive and professional staff.
where to stay Starhotels Tuscany*** Located north of Florence, in the modern commercial area of Novoli, this well-styled, modern hotel is a few minutes from Firenze Peretola Airport. Reopened in March 2005, the hotel has been completely renovated and fully equipped with cutting-edge technology. Rooms and common areas are characterised by designs reminiscent of ancient Tuscan residences. Un-plastered walls, wrought iron, old brass and antique furniture in carved and inlaid oak all contribute to the atmosphere of bygone days, traditions and memories. The fireside is an ideal meeting place and focus of conviviality, with its colours reflecting the harmony of the Tuscan countryside. For your convenience the hotel offers a large outdoor car park, and a shuttle service to the city centre, the station and the airport.
Hotel Ginori Al Duomo**
The completely restructured Hotel Ginori Al Duomo is situated in a typically Florentine noble palace of the 15th century, a symbol of Renaissance in the heart of the historic centre. The hotel is strategically located 5 minutes on foot from the central railway station, just in front of the San Lorenzo Basilica, only 120 meters from the Duomo Cathedral and Baptistry and 200 metres from the Uffizi Gallery and Ponte Vecchio. In such beautiful surroundings, the Ginori boasts comforts typical of receptive structures of superior category, with particular care in offering diverse and beautiful rooms. Every room is unique in its kind, including one displaying frescoes of the 19th century and overlooking the main road, one set in the mansard and displaying beams in wood and Tuscan-red bricks, one set on 2 floors and finally the spacious suite with living-room.
Hotel Tornabuoni Beacci***
Set on the top floors of two Renaissance buildings, this elegant hotel features a panoramic rooftop garden with beautiful views over the historic centre of Florence.
Each of the guest rooms at Hotel Tornabuoni Beacci is complete with antique pieces, Satellite TV and air conditioning. Some have beautiful views of the hills surrounding Florence.
The central location of the Tornabuoni Beacci Hotel means you can walk to the Uffizi Gallery and Duomo in less than 10 minutes. It is located in one of the most elegant streets in Florence; close to some of the city’s most exclusive shops.
Relais Alla Corte del Sole Ristorante L’Essenza
In the middle of the Trasimeno Valley, surrounded by gentle and fertile hills, Four Star Superior ’Relais Alla Corte del Sole’, a quite and peaceful oasis, is perfect for those who yearn to be entranced by traditional flavors and great cuisine, and the comfort and hospitality of a charming and refined country residence.
At our restaurant ’L’Essenza’, our guests can taste delicious dishes that are expertly created by our first-class Chefs, according to the ancient wine and gastronomic tradition of Tuscany, and in absolute observance of seasons and quality of ingredients. The presentation of the dishes and the professional and careful service will further intensify the pleasure of all our recipes.
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Umbria Art: In Umbria the traces of the Etruscan civilization are remarkable, as visitors can see in Todi, Bettona, Orvieto and Perugia. Spoleto has important Roman remains; Spello is a city, where the Romans left some impressive remains. Other important Roman works can be found in Assisi and Gubbio. The Romanesque architecture thrived in thins region at the beginning of the twelfth century: some beautiful examples are the Cathedrals of Spoleto and Assisi, St. Silvestro and St. Michele in Bevagna. The Gothic style reached very high levels, and imposing examples are present in almost every city. The Renaissance can be seen in magnificent monuments in Perugia, Gubbio, Todi, but it enjoyed a smaller development than other styles.
The region is mostly mountainous and hilly and presents a landscape rich in woods and water resources. It is crossed by the Apennines, which form numerous valleys. This region has a comparatively large lake: the Trasimeno.
Cities: Perugia is the regional capital. Other important cities are Assisi, Gubbio, Orvieto, Todi, Spoleto,Terni.
Museums: In Perugia there is the National Gallery of Umbria, which is one of the most important exhibition of the Gothic painting, with masterpieces by Duccio di Boninsegna, Beato Angelico, Piero della Francesca. The National Archaeological Museum of Umbria houses a splendid and very rich Etruscan collection. Assisi, birthplace of St. Francis, one of the greatest figures of Christianity, has the superb Basilica of San Francesco with the world famous Giotto’s frescoes, showing in 28 splendid paintings the life of the Saint; the Pinacoteca Civica and the Cathedral’s Museum. Spoleto has the Gallery of Contemporary Art. In Gubbio there is the Civic Museum, which holds the famous “Eug u b i n e
tables”: seven bronze plates, from the second century B.C. Foligno can offer the tourists the Archaeologic Museum and the Pinacoteca Civica. To be visited: Rich in history and in nature, Umbria offers the Falls of the Marmore, which are the highest in Italy; the sources of the Clitunno and Mount Subasio. The Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli and the Rocca Maggiore. The ancient city of Spoleto offers the Roman Theater and Druso’s Arch. Near Perugia, people can visit the Ipogeo del Volumni, which is an Etruscan tomb. Perugia, the great "Guelf strong-hold" rises up in the region's heart, with its 5 storical quarters closed-in by its Etruscan
Things to do
town walls. These enormous bastions formed by cyclopic square masses, were constructed 22 centuries ago and are still visible for long stretches. When the city of Rome was little more that an encampment of huts, one could already enter the etruscan Perugia Italy using one of 7 portals, among which one was particularly mighty, the Porta Pulchra or of Augustus, dating back to Etruscan times. Entering the city via Porta San Pietro, whose exterior was remodelled by Agostino di Duccio in 1475, you'll arrive at the basilica of St. Dominic on the right-hand side; the very important National Archeological Museum of Umbria is to be found in the adjacent cloisters and convent. Continuing along, you'll reach the Piazza del Sopramuro, where the 15th century Palace of the Old University and the adjacent Palace of the People's Captain look down on the square. Further on, after a short climb, you'll find yourself in one of Italy's most important squares, where you'll see the Priors'Palace, the Cathedral and the 13th century fountain Major Fountain at the center. These monuments render the Piazza Grande of Perugia (now called Piazza IV Novembre) a superb architectural complex. At the extreme end of Corso Vannucci you'll find famous panoramic gardens built on the foundations of the Rocca Paolina, a stronghold built by Pope Paul III in 1540. These foundations contain, similar to under an enormous bell, an entire quarter of the old Perugia: a dead city, a sort of Medieval Pompei which has been brought tot light again and which is fascinating to visit. Perugia's ascents and stairways are usually quite steep, both the most ancient and the most recent.
The way Via delle Prome is a typical example. Leaving from the Augustus Arc, this way lead to the upper point of Perugia, where used to be the castle of Porta Sole, erected in the XIV century by the dal Gattapone, and destroyed later for willing of the whole town people. A short visit in Perugia is definetly interesting, but is a longer visit which will reveal all the atistic jewels in detail. Even if you are on a short visit, you should not miss the archtectural complex of St. Francesco, with the Oratory of St. Bernardino, a masterpiece of Agostino di Duccio, who, in covering the facade with bas-reliefs of enchanting grace and modelled fineness made it a little poem of Renaissance sculpture. Among the most important manifestations taking place in the city we should absolutely mention the musical festival Umbria Jazz and the gastronomic festival Eurochocolate. Gubbio, Laying on the slopes of
Monte Ingino, Gubbio is one of the most ancient towns of Umbria, extremely well preserved during centuries and rich of monuments testifying its glorious past. Two important witnesses of the past are the Tavole Eugubine, one of most important documents referring to the ancient people called Italici and the Roman Theatre just outside the walls of the town. Dominated from the top by the Basilica on which the rests of St. Ubaldo are buried, Gubbio keeps architectonic masterpieces testifying the beauty and the imprtance of what used to be during the Middle ages, a real town-state. At the beginning of the XIV century the Consuls Palace, today symbol of the town, was constructed together with the square Piazza Pensile and Pretorio Palace. To remind the palaces Beni, del Bargello with the famous fountain, of People Captain , in typical renaissance style, Dukes Palace by Francesco Giorgio Martini which testity the importance of the period on which the Montefeltro's family had the administration of the town. Very interesting are also the Cathedral (XII century), St. Maria Nuova (inside which one can admire the Madonna del Belvedere painted by Ottaviano Nelli on 1413), Church and Convent of St. Agostino (XIII century ) with inside frescoes of Nelli, Church and Convent of St.
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Francesco (XIII century), St. Giovanni (XII century) characterised by the facade and bell tower in romanic style, St. Peter enlarged in 1505 and St. Domenico enlarged in the XIV century. Among the most important manifestations taking place in the city we should absolutely mention the Racing silk of the Crossbow and the Ceri Race.
Foligno is one of the very few Umbrian cities built in the plain. It rises up on the banks of Topino river where the river erupts into the valley in an area where extensive drainage of the large swamplands took place, first during Roman times, then during the 15th and 16th centuries, and finally in the 19th century. Very probably, the most significant part of one's stay at Foligno is a visit to the Piazza della Repubblica and the adjoining Piazza Duomo. The former, in its present-day appearance, with its elongated shape and the junction of four streets at the corners was planned according to the lay-out popular in the 12th and the 13th centuries for many Umbrian town squares. The Cathedral and the Town Hall, erected between 1262 and 1265, the Pretorio Palace, the Orfini Palace (1515) and the Trinci Palace, which preserves traces of the original beautiful decorations and some rooms with valuable frescoes, look down on the square. More attentive tourists should not leave Foligno without having visited the Romanic church of St. Mary Infraportas and the Abbey of Sassovivo,(actually in restoration) situated at only 6 km's dis-
tance from the city center. The former is distinguished, other than by the frescoes dating back to to the 15th and 16th centuries, by its beautiful bell-tower and by its 11th century portico. You'll remember the latter because of its Romanic cloister (13th century), with its 128 slender columms and its mystical atmosphere, typical of Benedictine places of worship. Among the most important manifestations taking place in the city we should absolutely mention the festival Tournement of the Quintana.
Spoleto, even if shows evident traces of the Roman era even in its urban structure, substantially mantains a medieval
appearance, due to the period in which it was first a flourishing longobard Duchy, and then an important city within the Papal State. The Arch of Drusus (23 A.C.) to be found near the Romanic church of St. Ansano , the Roman theater, whose construction goes back to the first years of the Empire, and the paleocristian basilica St. Salvatore of the 4th century (at about 1.2 km's distance to the north), are testimonials of Spoleto's earliest origins. Close by, the church St.Gregorio Maggiore,(12th century), characterized by its evocative apsis zone and by the elevated presbitery, a Roman bridge (also called "the Bloody") consisting of three arches in travertine
Things to do stone blocks and the amphitheater of the 2nd century A.C. can be found. More modern monuments which are as fascinating are the churches of St. Dominic and St. Ponziano, both of which were built during the 12th century. The church of St. Peter is surely of great interest because of its extraordinary bas-reliefs which decorate the facade which dates back to the 12th century. From the area found in front of the church of St. Peter one enjoys a wide panorama which encompasses all of Spoleto until the mighty Bridge of the Towers (ten arches with a total height of 80 meters and 230 meters long), which connects the Castle, which was constructed from 1352 onwards on the orders of the Cardinal Egidio Albornoz according to plans by Matteo Gattaponi, to the runners of the mountain which dominates the city. Monteluco was, in fact, the sacred mountain of the anchorites, who having settled in this zone from the 7th century on, founded the convent of St. Francesco, to be found at about 8 km's distance from the inhabited
area, and the church of St. Julian. Without doubt, on the person who has the good luck of visiting these sights, the entire Cathedral complex constructed during the 12th century and caracterized apart from the richness of furnishings of the interior also by the mosaics in the Byzantine style on its facade, and the Romanic church of St.Eufemia will make an unforgettable impression. Among the most important manifestations taking place in the city we should absolutely mention the festival Festival of the two Worlds.
Castiglione del Lago has been constructed on a limestone cliff cape on the east side of the Trasimeno Lake. Etrurians were probably the first to occupy this area, as confirmed by the findings of tombs in the area. After the Roman occupation, the village belonged respectively to the marquis of Tuscany, to the abbey of S.Germano from Campoleone, to Perugia, to the Duke Della Corgna until 1647, again to the grand-duke of Tuscany and, in the
XVIII century to the Papal State. Inside the urban center, the middle age town walls, the Town hall and the palace of Della Corgna Dukes are still well preserved. The latter, probably a remake of a preexisting structure realized by the Vignola or the Alessi, has frescoes of mithological topic painted by Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi and Salvio Salvini. The most fascinating building of all the village is without any doubt the castle which, with its four towers, represents one of the most remarkable examples of military art in Umbria.
Todi There are several theories on the origin of the name: the word Todi or from the etrurian "tudicolare", or even from "tutus" ("a fortified place"). Beside the legends about the origins of Todi, the town was founded by the Umbrian people on 2700 before Christ. Later on, before the etrurians and after the romans held the power of the town, and building up a number of monuments, most of which can still be admired, like the Nicchioni Romani, on Mercato Vec-
Things to do within which, one will find two museums: the Museum of the Opera del Duomo and the Museum of Modern Art. Moreover we remember the Mancinelli Theatre (1866), the suggestive Underground City and the Necropolis of the Crucifix of Tufo dating back to the Etruscan period.
chio square, which at the beginning were probably part of a basilica. On 88 b.C. Marco Crasso took for himself all the wealth of the town, and during the fall of the roman empire the town was robbed and destroyed. During this time bishop Fortunato bacame the protecting Saint of the town. During the Middle Ages, Todi was always in fight against the close Orvieto. On the XII century it bacame free commun, being this the onset of a very positve period, and marvelous monuments like Capitain Palace, il Priori Palace, the Dome and the very remarkable St. Fortunato Church were built. On 1236 Jacopone da Todi was born here, one of the firts poets to write in italian dialect and not in latin. On 1500, after a long dark period, the town rised again under the Renaissance influence; dated during this time has to be found the marvelous Consolazione Temple. Many of the public buildings rised during this time are due to the bishop Angelo Cesi.
Orvieto origins go back to the Etruscan civilization: the first Etruscan settlements, going back to the 9th Century B.C., infact, were found inside the tufaceous caves in the bedrock upon which today rises the city. Annexed in the 3rd Century B.C. to the territories of Rome, it remained under the Roman domination until the decline of the Western Roman Empire. Afterwhich it became a free municipality, and during
the struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines, was a valiant opponent of Barbarossa, remaining faithful to the Pope. Riding on the support of the Papal State, it was allowed to prosper through the entire Medieval Period, reaching the top of its development in the 13th Century with the constitution of the General Council of the 400 and the election of the Captain of the People. It was during this period that one saw the fervent work of erecting palaces and holy buildings among which the very famous Cathedral stands out, dating back to 1263, undoubtedly the most important architectural landmark of the city, with its splendid Gothic facing and the richness of the ornaments and internal chapels. In the ancient town we also find the St.Patrizio well, built in 1527 based on a plan of Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane, the Palace of the Seven from 1300, the Palace of People Captain (12th Century) inside which took place the meetings of the People's Council, Saint Andrew's Church (12th Century), Saint Domenic's Church (12th Century), Saint Giovenale's Church (11th Century), Soliano Palace (1262)
Cascate delle MarmoreTaking the State Road "Valnerina" from Terni, you'll reach the very famous Marmore Waterfalls after only 7 km. This is definitely an absolute must for whoever decides to visit Umbria. The Waterfalls, which are immersed in a natural scenery of incomparable beauty, are an artificial work due to the Romans. In fact, at that time, the Velino river was greatly enlarged and had created a vast zone of stagnant waters, swampy and unhealthy. Aiming to make these waters deflow, the consul Curius Dentatus had a canal dug which directed them in direction of the Marmore cliff. From there, he had them precipitate, in a total fall of 165 meters, into the river-bed of the Nera river which runs along below. In every age, the beauty of the Waterfalls has inspired poets and artists, among these: Virgilius, Cicero, G. Byron, and many others. For about 50 years now the waters of the Waterfall are used to fuel the hydroelectric power plant Galleto. Therefore, the spectacle of the Waterfalls can only be admired during the opening hours which are quoted in the table below. It was in fact due to the abbundance of these waters and the energy they generate that it was possible to establish the metal-working, electrochemical and electric industries at Terni.
Brufani Palace Hotel*****
The luxury provided at the 5-star Hotel Brufani Palace in Perugia is multifaceted, beginning with breathtaking views of the green wooded hills of Umbria. The hotel features a fabulous Belle Epoque style of interior design. Such beauty does not end with the sumptuous rooms and suites of this honeymoon hotel in the centre of Italy. Hotel Le Tre Vaselle*****
Enjoy your stay in this traditional 17th century building in the beautiful village of Torgiano situated between Perugia and Assisi in the heart of the Umbrian countryside.
Among the centuries-old olive trees you will find an oasis of tranquillity where you can relax by the outdoor pool that overlooks the valley. For year-round fitness, the heated indoor swimming pool with a counter current, sauna and fitness centre are also available for your use. The Fauno living room with its large stone fireplace will welcome you with a wide embrace. Le Tre Vaselle is the perfect place for a relaxing holiday and is within a few minutes drive of world famous sites of art, history and religion. Sangallo Palace****
Set in the historic city centre just 50 metres from the ancient fortress of Rocca Paolina, the award-winning Sangallo Palace offers modern, quiet rooms with comprehensive amenities. All of the landmarks, monuments and famous churches of Perugia are within walking distance of the hotel’s privileged location. With a short stroll you can reach the bus terminal. From there, regular lines can take you to interesting cities in Umbria such asAssisi and Gubbio in approximately 30 minutes. For relaxing moments, Sangallo Palace boasts an indoor pool (heated at 26°- 28°C) as well as a modern gym. For business meetings and special events, the hotel features 7 well-equipped conference rooms that can accommodate up to 250 people. Hotel Perusia****
This newly built 4-star hotel is situated in a peaceful location, not far away from the historic city centre, and offers some beautiful views of the surrounding area from its rooftop garden. The hotel provides a contemporary, yet traditional, setting for your stay with its mixture of modern and renaissance architecture. Due to the hotel’s location in the highest part of the city you will be able to enjoy some splendid views of the surrounding Umbrian countryside. Take a dip in the hotel’s pool, located on the roof garden, with the stunning Tiber Valley providing the backdrop to your swim. Dine in the elegant restaurant where you can enjoy a taste of fine Umbrian cooking, have an aperitif on the roof garden or unwind with a drink in the bar.
WHERE TO STAY Hotel Tirrenus Perugia***
Nestled in the beautiful Italian countryside, the hotel offers tranquil accommodation, with easy access to the historic town of Perugia and it's main sights. The historic centre of the town lies only 3.5 km away and can be easily reached by car or public transport (a bus stop is located just 50m from the hotel). The friendly staff are always available on the 24-hour front desk to help make your stay as comfortable as possible, in addition to this, the hotel has free parking and internet access. Gubbio
Bosone Palace**** Located a few metres from Gubbio’s Piazza della Signoria, the Bosone Palace was built in the fourteenth century and housed famous guests such as Dante and Petrarca. Located in the historic centre of Gubbio, the Palace is set near the Cathedral, Palazzo dei Consoli and many monuments and churches. Positioned in the northeastern and verdant region of Umbria, Gubbio offers an ideal position to discover other surrounding cities such as Perugia,Assisi and Città di Castello. Originally built for the Raffaelli family and formerly part of the Raffaelli Palace, the building became the official residence of the Patrizia Eugubina Bosone family. Today the Palace is a small, charming hotel which will be remembered for its beautiful furnishings. Try one of the Renaissance suites which features seventeenth century frescoed ceilings. Castiglion del Lago Hotel La Torre***
This boutique, family-run hotel is situated in the beautiful ancient center of Castiglione del Lago, a charming, picturesque village on Trasimeno Lake, in a lush, green part of Umbria. On the border between Umbria and Tuscany on the banks of Lake Trasimeno, near Perugia, the beautiful medieval village of Castiglione del Lago is rich in history, traditions and culture. The hotel itself is located in the pedestrian center only a few steps from the Palazzo Ducale and the castle, between the church of Santa Maria Maddalena and the 16th century church of San Domenico. The hotel is in a great location for those wishing to enjoy a quiet, relaxing cultural holiday. The elegant, renovated en suite accommodation is perfect as a tranquil, peaceful base for a holiday or a romantic break. Relais Alla Corte del Sole****
Relais Alla Corte del Sole is your choice for a relaxing break in the heart of the Italian countryside, next to the beautiful Lake Trasimeno. Set on the border of 2 stunning Italian regions, Tuscany and Umbria, the hotel is surrounded by natural beauty. This charming country residence has been carefully restored to preserve its original architecture.
Villa Dei Platani****
Set in the heart of one of the most beautiful medieval Umbrian towns, Villa dei Platani is housed in a completely restored fin de siècle building immersed in a context of vivid greenery and century-old trees. Mostly painted in warm tones of brown and fitted with modern, original design furniture, the hotel boasts an atmosphere that pleasantly contrasts light and shade. Stylish yet cosy environments for relaxation are provided by the hall, illuminated by huge windows and decorated in minimalist style, and by tastefully furnished common areas such as the Cult CafÊ and the lounge. Villa dei Platani is equipped with the latest technology, allowing leisure and business travellers to enjoy a perfect balance between picturesque tradition and cutting edge convenience. Delfina Palace Hotel****
Built in they style of a 19th-century Umbrian residence, this new 4star hotel is immersed within the lush greenery of its own private park, complete with olive groves, tall trees and a swimming pool. The hotel is located in Foligno, in close proximity of the Foligno Nord exit of the S.S. 75 motorway and is closely linked to the most important Umbrian towns, such as Assisi, Perugia, Spello, Orvieto, and Montefalco. During your stay you can keep in contact with family, friends, and colleagues by taking advantage of the hotel’s internet access (additional cost).
Cavaliere Palace Hotel****
The Cavaliere Palace Hotel is located in the historic centre of Spoleto in the 17th century Accoramboni della Valnerina Palace, adorned with splendid frescoes. The Cavaliere Palace Hotel was recently and completely renovated, preserving the fascinating ambiance of this historic building. Relax in the garden, in the frescoed halls or in the typical lounges with vaulted ceilings. Enjoy easy connection to the main tourist attractions and landmarks in town. All the rooms are very spacious, bright and equipped with all modern comforts in order to make your stay pleasant and unforgettable. Hotel dei Duchi****
Right in the historical centre of Spoleto, looking out onto the Roman Theatre and situated within the gardens of the Ancajani Park.The Hotel dei Duchi is the ideal location for a breathtaking walk towards Piazza del Mercato and Via dei Duchi with its local handicraft medieval shops, the Cathedral, the Castle and the Caio Melisso theatre. Here events for the Festival of Two Worlds take place. A private car park is available for hotel guests.
Fonte Cesia****
Todi is a mediaeval town set in the green heart of Umbria, full of charm and traditions. The town is rich in suggestive alleyways and historic buildings from the 14th and 15th centuries, which will transport you to surroundings of another era. In Jacopone’s town, which has been defined as the most liveable of the year 2000, you will find accommodation steeped in the warm tradition and elegance of the refined Hotel Fonte Cesia. The hotel is the result of the careful renovation of an ancient and noble palace from the 17th century. It consists of 31 bedrooms, 5 junior suites and the restaurant Le Palme. The previous church of Saint Benedetto (13th century), which adjoins the hotel is today the beautiful frame of a lecture hall. Residenza San Pietro Sopra Le Acque****
San Pietro sopra le Acque Historical Residence was a convent dating back to the early 1600. It offers 15 rooms completely equipped with satellite tv, frigo bar, hydromassage and high speed internet hookup. The hotel has been distinctly furnished in period pieces, complementing prestigious Umbrian artisanship, wrought iron or wooden beds and Mastro Raphael linens. Elegance and magic in a world where comfort, nature and antique art are the foundation to make each moment unforgettable. The hotel is also provided with a convention hall and business center apart from the elegant and refined restaurant. Orvieto
Hotel Palazzo Piccolomini ****
Enjoy the excellent location and superior accommodation of this 4-star hotel set within a renovated, medieval building in the heart of Orvieto, just metres away from The Duomo. Hotel Palazzo Piccolomini offers an enchanting atmosphere. The interior design features Medieval, Etruscan and Renaissance elements. Here you can admire the use of soft colours, terracottatiled floors and historic halls. Once a noble palace, Palazzo Piccolomini features cosy rooms that successfully mix classical design with modern comforts. Here you will find fine, chestnut-wood furniture and LCD TV with satellite channels. All rooms at Palazzo Piccolomini are air conditioned and most rooms are accessible to the disabled. Hotel Corso***
In a beautiful restructured building located in the heart of Orvieto’s old town lies Hotel Corso, just steps away from monuments, museums and charming medieval streets. The hotel’s bright and cosy rooms maintain much of the building’s original character, with wooden beams on the ceilings and elegant décor. Some rooms enjoy their own balconies and the hotel also has its own terrace which all guests can use. Conveniently located just 300m from the funicular which takes to you the train station and with free car parking even closer, Hotel Corso is the perfect solution for a comfortable stay in historic Orvieto.
LAZIO Lazio is found in central Italy, located on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It borders with Tuscany, Marches, Umbria, Abruzzi, Campania and Molise. In general, Lazio has a mild climate thanks to the influence of the Mediterranean Sea. Lazio’s population accounts for about 9% of total Italian population with 5.205.139 inhabitants divided into the 5 provinces, Rome (the capital), and from the more populated to the least populated, Latina, Frosinone, Viterbo and Rieti, in their turn divided into 378 municipalities. Lazio offers a variety of landscapes including lakes, mountains and sea… and a lot of chances from the point of view of tourism. For those who want to discover Lazio history and origins throughout monuments, archaeological sites and ruins of ancient populations the region offers a wide range of possibilities. Lazio also allows tourists to choose a different kind of tourism, discovering the oeno-gastronomic itineraries and showing the unique traditions and peculiarities of Lazio cooking style. In addition to this, nature is another of the special features making our Region an ideal place for vacations and relax. And, to conclude, Lazio hosts lots of events, fairs, exhibitions in the frame of entertainment in general, all initiatives are aimed at bettering tourist offer and making the Region attractive both to foreigners and Italian visitors. Rome
No other city comes close. It may no longer be caput mundi (capital of the world), but Rome is an epic, bubblingover metropolis harbouring lost empires. One visit and you’ll be hooked. Rome has a glorious monumentality that it wears without reverence. Its architectural heirlooms are buzzed around by car and Vespa as if they were no more than traffic islands.
The city bombards you with images: elderly ladies with dyed hair chatting in Trastevere; priests with cigars strolling the Imperial Forums; traffic jams around the Colosseum; plateloads of pasta in Piazza Navona; sinuous trees beside the Villa Borghese; barrages of pastel-coloured scooters revving up at traffic lights as if preparing for a race. People in Rome encapsulate the spirit of the city. Pass a central café and the tables outside are animated with people, downing fast shots of espresso and sporting big black sunglasses. They are neither posing nor hung over. Nuns flutter through the streets, on the trip of a lifetime or secondment from the Philippines, bustling across the road before treating themselves to an ice cream. Churches fill during Mass, and the priests, dressed in purple, cream or red silk (right down to their socks), read the rites to a hushed congregation (mostly from out of town). Here the national preoccupation with the aesthetic fuses with incredible urban scenery to make Rome a city where you feel cool just strolling through the streets, catching the sunlight on your face outside a café, or eating a long lunch. It’s a place that almost encourages you to take things easy.
Things to do
apart from the frescoes of the Renaissance and the many rooms build in the Roman period.
Piazza del Popolo Piazza del Popolo is one of the most popular place for foreigners in Rome. The oval square is located near the Borghese Park and features an authentic obelisk from Heliopolis, Egypt. On the north side, the Porta del Popolo leads to the the Via Flaminia,a route built 220 to connect Rome with the Adriatic coast. During the Middle Ages, the route constituted the main entrance to the city for pilgrims and travelers. The obelisk of Ramses II was later placed in 10 BC in the center of the square by Pope Sixtus V, being the second oldest and one of the tallest in Rome.
The square is the intersection of the streets: the Via del Corso in the centre, the Via del Babuino on the left and the Via di Ripetta on the right. At the junction of the roads stand twin churches of Santa Maria dei Miracoli (1681) and Santa Maria in Montesanto (1679), which were commissioned by pope Alexander VII in 1658 and designed by Carlo Rainaldi.
Many works of art are found inside the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo: frescoes by Pinturicchio located inside theDella Rovere chapel, sculptures by Sansovino on two funeral monuments; paintings by Caravaggio inside the Chapel Cerasi and finally the Chigi Chapel, on project by Raffaello Sanzio. Its current aspect was given by G.Valadier, who created two semicycles, arranged a slope of the terrace
of Pincio, and built four constructions on the corners of the square.
St. Angel's Castle Originally tomb of the emperor Hadrian erected in 130 A.D. as a mausoleum for himself and his family, the castle later became a stronghold linked to the Vatican Palace. The building is nearly 50m high and the base had a surface of 89m sq., the body having a diameter of more or less 64 metres.
The name of the castle comes from an apparition during the plague of 590. The tradition says that Pope Gregorio Magno, while praying, was visited by an angel who was cased the sword, gesture seen as the end for disease in the area. This came to be known as the savior of the people and his name was given to the magnificent castle.
In 1277, the State of the Church takes ownership of the castle and turns it into a fortress-jail, also building the connection to the Vatican Buildings. Theodoric, the king of Italy (493-526), also used the building as a prison. During the Middle Ages, the castle gradually turned into a fortress and a fortified passage was built in order to connect the castle to the Vatican palaces. Thanks to the relative National Museum of Castel Sant'Angelo, the inside of the castle can be visited by tourists, and is made of five floors,
The Borghese Gallery The Borghese Gallery is a famous art gallery located in the former Villa Borghese Pinciana. Built between 1613 and 1614, the house was commissioned by Cardinal Scipione Borghese to Flaminio Ponzio and Vasanzio. The art collection contained by the gallery is renowned all over Europe. Napoleon even bought a large part of the collection in 1807 and transferred it to the Louvre. After new pieces were added in the 19th century, the collection was bought by the Italian state along with the entire property.
The gallery houses twenty rooms across two floors, the visit taking about 2 hours. Works by Gian Lorenzo Bernini can be found in the gallery and bust sculptors, two of Pope Paul V, and a portrait of his first patron, Cardinal Scipione Borghese.The Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna is also located Villa Borghese gardens, gallery specialized in 19th- and 20th-century Italian art. The gallery is opened 09:00am 7:00pm from Tuesdays to Sunday (except Saturday: 9:00am 11:00pm), and closed on Mondays. Prices vary between 6 Euro for persons between 18 and 25 years old and 12.50 Euro for persons over 25 and below 65 years old.
The Colosseum Known as the greatest amphitheater in the antiquity, the Roman Colosseum was built about 1900 years ago by Vespasian. It is considered one of the greatest architectural achievements of the Antiquity and is proof of the grandeur of the Roman Empire. The Colosseum was built in the place of an artificial lake, sign of Nero's reign. Titus, Vespasian's successor, held hundred-day hames to inaugurate to newly finished construction in 80 AD. Originally capable of seating 45,000– 50,000 spectators, the Colosseum
Things to do
namely the Forum of Caesar, the Forum of Augustus, the Temple of Peace, the Forum of Nerva and the Forum of Trajan. The Forum of Caesar was constructed as an extension to the Roman Forum. The second monumental square, the Forum of Augustus, was added in 2 BC. The Temple of Peace was built in 75 AD under Vespasian, in order to celebrate the conquest of Jerusalem.
was used for holding gladiator contests and shows for the Roman people. The crowd watched shows involving exotic animals, naval battle simulations and fights with lions. The most popular games held were the venationes (hunts) and the munera (gladiatorial games).
The Colosseum is built in the shape of an ellipse, measuring externally 188 m x 156 m, reaching a height of more than 48 meter. The amphitheater has eight entrances so that spectators could arrive and leave easily. The Colosseum remained intact until the 8th century. After that, Pope Paul III ordered to take stones from the building in order to built his palace.
The Colosseum remained in use for four and a half centuries. In 217, the Colosseum went through considerable damages after a fire was started by a lightning. The Colosseum suffered damages throughout several centuries, inflicted by earthquakes or plunders. As a result, two thirds of the original construction have been destroyed and the
present site is only a shadow of the great ancient wonder. The last battle among gladiators was held in 404, while the last hunt in 523.
Today, the Colosseum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Modern Rome, being visited by millions of visitors every year. Even today, in a world full of skyscrapers or other impressive buildings, the Colosseum stands as a glorious monument of the world.
The Imperial Forum The first Imperial Forum was built by Julius Caesar. He built a great fortune to demolish the buildings on the site and build the establishment. The most appreciated building of the forum is the temple dedicated in 46 BC to the goddess Venus Genetrix, Casear claiming he is her relative. This forum was inaugurated in 46 BC but the construction was later completed by Augustus.
The temple contained statues of Casear, Cleopatra and Venus. The Imperial Forums hold overall 5 temples,
Forum of Nerva, or the Transitional Forum is the building which connects all the other forums. After the death of Domitian, the forum was inaugurated by Nerva, from which it received its name. The forum of Trajan was last built, in between 112 and 113. The construction marks the conquest of Dacia and was the most complicated process from all the 5 fo-
The Mouth of Truth The Mouth of Truth or La Bocca della Verita, located in the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, is a remarkable marble mask and a popular attraction for many tourists. Thought to be part of an ancient fountain, the cracked statues represents an image of the river god and is well-known for its legend. According to popular belief, any liar that put its hand inside the mouth of the statue can not withdraw it, the statue eating the mouth of the liar. The Church of Santa Maria was built in the 6th century, over the remains of some Roman establishments. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Church was looked after by Greek monks and is well known for its bell tower. In older times, to keep the superstition alive, a priest would stick a scorpion in the crack to sting the hands of fibbers.
The Mouth of Truth was featured in the film “Roman Holiday�. Gregory Peck,
Things to do
one of the main actors, stuck is hand in the crack and, when pulling it out, jokingly hid his hand in his sleeve, shocking Audrey Hepburn. The cast appreciated the scene so much that they featured it in the movie.
The Pantheon The Pantheon's construction began in 27 BC following the orders of statesman Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, and it was originally built as a temple to the seven deities worshiped in Ancient Rome. The Pantheon temple, along with others, was destroyed in a fire in the year 80. The Pantheon was reconstructed during Emperor Hadrian's reign, between AD 118 and 128. The building was then repaired by Septimius Severus and Caracalla in 202.
Studies show that the present temple is merely a reconstruction of the temple from the time of Hadrian. The interior measures 43,40 meters in diameter, and the same in height. Light and air still enter through the opening at the top. The temple's exterior was covered by bronze tiles stolen in 663 by the Emperor of East Constant II. The bronze that covered the porticoes was used by Pope Urban VII for the casting of cannons. The walls are 25 feet wide and the bronze entrance doors are 20
tons each.
The Pantheon was an important influence for the architects of the Renaissance, for example Brunelleschi's dome of the Duomo of Florence, completed in 1436. British Museum Reading Room, Thomas Jefferson's Rotunda at the University of Virginia or the Low Library at Columbia University, New York, are a few of the buildings that burrowed the structure of the Pantheon.
The building is regarded as one of the wonders of the Ancient period because of its dome and its construction, being considered one of the greatest spiritual buildings of the world. The Pantheon is open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on holidays that fall on weekdays except for Christmas Day, New Year's Day and May 1, when it is closed. Admission is free. The Piazza Navona The Piazza Navona, or "Circo Agonale" is the most famous square of the Baroque Rome. A ancient wonder of light and sculpture, the square has three magnificent fountains, an old church and is constructed on the remains of the Circus Domitianus, Domitian's stadium. Starting with the reign of Domitian, the place was used only for sport events, including the well-known August regatta.
Fountain of the Four Rivers, one of Piazza Navona's attractions was built in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. A popular tourist attractions is the church of Sant'Agnese in
Agone, built by Francesco Borromini and Girolamo Rainaldi. Commissioned in 1652 by Pope Innocent X, the church was finished in 1670 and is now visited by milion of tourists daily. It is said that here Agnese was exposed naked, but miraculously covered by the prodigious growth of her hair. The two fountains of the square were sculpted by Giacomo della Porta — the Fontana di Nettuno (1574), found in the northern area and the Fontana del Moro (1576), in the southern area of the piazza.
The central and most popular of the three fountains is he Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (fountain of the four rivers). It was constructed between 1647 and 1651, on the request of Pope Innocent X. The fountain depicts four rivers of four continents, the Nile, Ganges, Danube and Rio della Plata. The square is a very active place, with many cafes open, while in the summer, artists draw and pain in the square for a small fee. Vatican City The city was created in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty and is solely governed by the Pope. Vatican City is located on the Vatican hill, on the right bank of the Tiber River, within the city of Rome. The city is known as one of the European micro states, and is the smallest sovereign state in the world, with a surface of 0.44 square kilometers. The 558 citizens live inside the walls and are part of the city's diplomatic corps. Vatican City has a great cultural significance, especially for Catholics. St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel house some of the most famous art works in the world by Botticelli, Bernini and Michelangelo. The basilica has a double colonnade and a circular piazza in front, with palaces and gardens as its borders.
Vatican Library and the collections of the Vatican Museums are also part of the world's historical and cultural inheritance. Most famous monument within this small city state is of course the San Pietro Basilica. The Sistine Chapel is one of the oldest building in the city and dates from the 15th century.
Hotel Majestic Roma***** The luxurious Hotel Majestic Roma is set right on worldfamous Via Veneto. Walk to the Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain in under 10 minutes. Known for its hospitality and welcoming atmosphere, the hotel guarantees a personalised service. Try some delicious Roman cuisine at the elegant restaurant. Established in 1889, the Hotel Majestic has always been popular with an elite clientèle who wish to experience Rome’s Dolce Vita. Villa Borghese and its famous art gallery are just around the corner, and all monuments and landmarks of Rome are within easy reach of the hotel. Rooms: 98. Hotel Chain: The Leading Hotels of the World.
Exedra A Boscolo Luxury Hotel***** Set in an impressive, 19th century, marble building, the Exedra A Boscolo Luxury Hotel, is a truly extravagant choice for an unforgettable stay in spectacular surroundings. This strikingly elegant hotel is located in one of Rome’s most renowned squares, facing Rutelli’s Fountain of the Naiads and next to the ancient ruins of the Diocletian Baths and Michelangelo’s basilica. Immersed in history and culture, this exclusive hotel has an unbeatable location close to the most popular shopping areas and fashion boutiques. Take the glass elevator up to the hotel’s private rooftop terrace and pool where you can relax with a glass of fine wine and admire the stunning views of the historic centre. Here you may also enjoy a massage or beauty treatment at the adjoining spa and wellness centre. The Exedra A Boscolo Luxury Hotel is ideal for any occasion. Its grand business centre combines old with new; exposed original Roman ruins are complimented by state-of-the-art audio-visual technology. There is a choice of 2 modern, tempting restaurants and the Tazio brassiere. This is named after the original paparazzo, Tazio Secchiaroli, whose most famous celebrity photos are displayed throughout the bar. Rooms: 238. Hotel Chain: Boscolo Luxury Hotels.
Hotel Morgana**** The elegant Hotel Morgana is set in the heart of Rome, 5 minutes from Termini station and links to the airports. Walk to the Coliseum in just 15 minutes. The Morgana Hotel features a comfortable tea room, bar, and conference room with a capacity of 50 people. Start your day with a rich buffet breakfast. Each of the guest rooms is comfortable and has a mix of antique furniture and modern technology, including free Wi-Fi. At Hotel Morgana you have excellent public transport links and are very close to the city’s main shopping district and the Rome Opera House (Teatro dell’Opera). The professional team of staff will be delighted to offer you recommendations to make your stay in Rome special.
Starhotels Metropole**** Located in the Umbertine section of Rome, near the central Termini station and a few steps away from the Teatro dell'Opera, the hotel is ideally located to explore this historic city.
During the day you can explore the famous art sights of Rome before unwinding in the hotel’s piano bar, with live music. Dominated by the Liberty-style skylight, the bar is perfectly illuminated, creating an enchanting atmosphere.
The hotel features 6 meeting rooms, which can accommodate up to 495 people and can be adapted for various meeting requirements. Rooms: 243. Hotel Chain: Starhotels. Hotel Contilia*** Only 200 metres from Termini railway station, the elegant 3-star Hotel Contilia is the perfect location to discover Rome.
Within a 1 km radius you can visit the Coliseum and Imperial Forums. With the hotel’s immediate access to Rome’s main lines of public transport, you can reach main attractions in minutes. This comfortable hotel offers free Wi-Fi and an extensive selection of tours of Rome, its surroundings and all of Italy. At Hotel Contilia you can also enjoy 24-hour room service and a rich buffet breakfast served in an elegant dining hall from 07:00 until 10:00. Rooms: 55.
Eurostars Domus Aurea*** The hotel enjoys a central location on a quiet and ancient street, just 100 meters from the Termini Rail Station and the underground line A/B.
On the top floor, the hotel’s lovely roof-garden with solarium enjoys a splendid view of Rome, including the Terme di Diocleziano and the Santa Maria degli Angeli. You can also make use of the wireless internet access or internet connection in public areas. During the day you can explore the historical centre and the nearby attractions, including: Diocleziano Bath; Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore; the famous Via Veneto; Via Nazionale; and the business area, with the most important government buildings, including the Ministry of Interior Affairs, Treasury, Defence and Air Force. Rooms: 48. Hotel Chain: Hotusa, Eurostars Hotels.
Campania Even if you have never heard of this Italian region, we'll bet you've dreamed of visiting it at least once! With Naples as its capital, it is home to the world-renowned Amalfi Coast, the ancient tragic city of Pompeii, and the romantic Isle of Capri (pronounce that CAH-pree, please!). What else is it proud of? Well, if you asked a local, the first thing he would probably tell you is that this is the Birthplace of Pizza, Spaghetti, and Buffalo Mozzarella. See, we were right, weren't we? You have dreamed of visiting Campania! Back in the 18th and 19th centuries, no self-respecting Northern European aristocrat would dream of leaving Italy without spending a month or so in Naples. But then, after the Unification in 1870, the city fell into ill repute and, all during the 20th century, it was considered dangerous and depressing. This wonderful harbor, once the third largest city on the continent, still has some less-than-picturesque neighborhoods, but the entire historic center was extensively restored in the '90s, and today we think it is one of the most interesting locations Italy has to offer. After all, what we foreigners usually remember best about our Italian vacations is the people, the lifestyle, the local color and the food - and nowhere on the peninsula are these ingredients present in such undiluted quantities as in Naples. From dawn to midnight, the cobblestone streets are alive with the vibrant, larger-than-life type of characters we all first encountered in the films of a local girl called Sophia Loren. The city offers ornate Baroque churches, a world-class Royal Palace, two massive fortresses and a pair of superb museums - all of which we highly recommend you see - but truly, the #1 Tourist Attraction in Naples is its streets, its shops, its little restaurants, its breathtaking bay, and the wonderful people who call them home. When you have finished your own Grand Tour of the city, set out along the coast to discover Europe's scariest road, which
will take you to Sorrento, Positano, Amalfi, Ravello and Vietri (the ceramic lover's mecca). Or you can take the easy way out and travel there by ferry or hydrofoil, from the same docks that take you to Capri, the spa island of Ischia, and Procida, where the locals go for their holidays. Just east of Naples, surrounded by the huge ranches that produce unparalleled mozzarella, is the Royal Palace of Caserta. If you like oldtime regal domiciles, most of the experts think this 1200-room treasure trove equals or betters Versailles. Few foreigners make it south of Salerno, but those who do can treat themselves to a classic Italian beach vacation: along the cape called Palinuro the water is cleaner and the beaches far nicer than anything on the Amalfi Coast. You can even take in some world-class culture by visiting Paestum to see the oldest, best-preserved and most beautiful Doric temple in existence today. And if it's really the authentic Italy you're after, just head inland to the provinces of Avellino and Benevento, abandoned a century ago by so many who would go on to become Americans. Park your car in any village at all and you will receive a warm welcome. No matter what kind of blood runs in your veins, you are likely to be invited in for a sip of homemade wine and a look at the family album, including shots of faraway relatives in Buffalo or Melbourne. Naples, Napoli in Italian, is the third most-populated city in Italy and the biggest city in Southern Italy. Its name comes from the Greek Neapolis meaning new city. Its close proximity to many interesting sites, such as Pompeii and the Bay of Naples, makes it a good base for exploring the area. Naples is a lively and vibrant city, full of wonderful historical and artistic treasures and narrow, winding streets with small shops, making it worth at least a few days visit.
Things to do Naples’s heart is the historic city, which UNESCO declared a Cultural Heritage site. Its narrow alleyways lead to mysterious churches, catacombs and underground caves. Until today, Naples’s old folk culture reveals itself to the visitor among craftspeople, fluttering laundry and shouting fish sellers. The historic city is characterized by many churches. You often find several of them in one street among Baroque style palazzi of aristocratic families and antique residences. Naples’s most important church is the San Gennaro (St. Januarius) Cathedral, where each year the famous Miracle Blood ceremony takes place. The Gothic churches, San Lorenzo Maggiore and San Domenico Maggiore, as well as the Baroque church, Gesù Nuovo , are worth a visit.
The San Severo Chapel is fascinating because of its mysterious anatomic machines, two skeletons that are inexplicably covered with a system of fossil veins and arteries. In addition, you can see beautiful Baroque sculptures from the 17th and 18th century. A wonderful place to take a rest is the garden of the Santa Chiara Convent with its columns, little benches, and walls that are wainscoted with beautiful colourful majolica. Vis-à-vis on Via San Sebastiano, you can find music stores that, because of their vicinity to the conservatory, still sell mandolins. Nearby is the street of the booksellers, Port’ Alba, where you can buy delicious pizza at the street counter of the pizzeria of the same name and eat it right away. A trip to Naples’s underworld is an exciting experience: Under the city, which stands on tufa, is a labyrinth of caves some 80 km long. The gate to the underworld is tucked away at the Piazza San Gaetano. The guided tours take 1.5 hours. The historic city offers numerous places to do some shopping, above all, for crafts, antiques, and souvenirs. You should definitely visit the Via San Gregorio Armeno, the famous street of the nativity scene makers (neapolitan cribs, in italian presepe napoletano). During Christmas time, more than half a million tourists come to see the shops with the original miniature figurines. However, they are open all year round and you can take your time and have a look around after New Year’s.
Via Partenope is the beginning of the seafront road where Castel dell’Ovo (Egg’s Castle) rises on an island that is connected to the mainland. From the castle, you have a fantastic view of the Mount Vesuvius as well as the quarters Mergellina and Posillipo. At the picturesque marina you find excellent restaurants and bars. A little further, Villa Comunale, a big park with palm trees, chalets, and beautiful fountains, extends along the famous seafront road, Via Caracciolo. If you are interested, you can visit the zoological station, Aquarium Dohrn, which is Europe’s oldest aquarium. The walk along the seashore to the touristic harbour of Mergellina is very romantic. Close by the harbour, fishermen sell their freshly caught fish. At the end of Via Caracciolo, nice chalets invite you to have a cocktail while you are enjoying the sea view. Tip: On Sundays, the seafront road is closed for cars and you can walk freely, or rent a bicycle. And on some weekends from September to May, the antique fair, Fiera Antiquaria Napoletana, takes place in the mornings.
Grand Hotel Parkers *****
Grand Hotel Parkers offers extremely luxurious accommodation in an excellent position in the heart of Naples, at the beginning of residential Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
The Parkers matches the elegance of the fashion district it is set in, within walking distance from the world-renowned artistic and cultural attractions of this magnificent city.
Grasp the beauties of Neaples and then relax in the hotel's premises, offering a bar and cigar room, spa/wellness centre with various treatments (including sauna, Turkish bath and massages), and a gym. Gourmet delights await you at the George Restaurant, a cosy environment on the top floor, where Chef Baciot practices his talents and offers delicate perfumes and Mediterranean flavours. This sensational and sophisticated cuisine, offering original fruit dishes, fresh vegetables, fish and seafood (delicately marinated in a blend of spices), will guarantee a wonderful holiday. Rooms: 82. UNA Hotel Napoli****
n a superb location, in the ancient heart of Napoli, the hotel combines a beautiful, historic exterior with superb, stylish, modern accommodation and interiors.
The hotel’s striking original structure dates back to the late 1800s. Inside, the hotel has been completely and sensitively renovated, preserving its beautiful original features while sympathetically incorporating chic, contemporary accommodation. In the centre of the city, all of Napoli’s magnificent sights and attractions are within walking distance and the hotel is situated in the Hotel Royal Continental****
With superb sea views out over the Bay of Naples and the Castel dell'Ovo, the Hotel Royal Continental is set in an unbeatable location on the seafront promenade.
You can relax at the hotel’s stunning rooftop swimming pool and sample typical Neapolitan dishes and international cuisine at the restaurant while enjoying spectacular views of the surrounding sea and the city’s magnificent castle.
The hotel has recently been refurbished and all guest rooms are equipped with modern facilities. For business guests the hotel features an auditorium, conference and meeting rooms all with the latest audio-visual and IT services. Rooms: 403. Albergo Palazzo Decumani ****
Hotel Palazzo Decumani is set in an elegant early 20th century Liberty building, located in the heart of the city in the Decumanus Inferior neighbourhood, UNESCO World Heritage area.
Right by the hotel are the impressive Palazzo dei Grandi Archivi di Stato, San Gregorio Armeno, San Biagio dei Librai and the Monastery of Santa Chiara, just to name a few of the nearby landmarks. Important renovation works have transformed Palazzo Decumani in a stylish urban hotel, offering comfortable accommodation in its spacious, elegant rooms and luxurious suites. Rooms: 28. Art Resort Galleria Umberto****
The hotel is situated in the well known Galleria Umberto I; a great architectonic building rich in mosaics, arching domes and Renaissance and Baroque ornamentation. In its interior, you can find cafès, businesses, book shops and fashionable stores. The hotel faces some of the main streets of the city, including Via Toledo and the San Carlo’s Theatre, which is one of the most famous theatres in the world. You will be able to discover the real Naples; the lively and vibrant city full of wonderful historic and artistic treasures. Its tradition Hotel Clarean***
The Clarean, enjoying an extremely central position by Piazza Garibaldi, is a recently opened, modern and trendy hotel, respecting the environment and offering every comfort for a delightful Neapolitan experience. The building was created by the Italian contemporary architect Cino Zucchi, who used natural materials, vaulting stone arches, wooden attics and parquet floors. The careful design and final decorative touches provide a modern, refined atmosphere, ideal for a relaxing stay after pleasant days in the hustle and bustle of Naples’ streets.
Let the friendly and caring staff suggest you the best itineraries and venues in town and around the area, take advantage of the Clarean’s proximity to all main means of public transportation and you are sure to enjoy a pleasant stay. Rooms: 17.
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