www.wasing.co. k/eventsPUMPKIN EVENT Pick Your Own Pumpkins Woodland Trail Hot Drinks, Snacks & Cakes 21st - 30th October 2022 Berkshire Back to School issue Issue 158 5th September – 9th October www.primarytimes.co.uk 62,400 COPIES FOR FAMILIES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN Berkshire’s only what’s on and where to go guide covering the whole county … READING • NEWBURY BRACKNELL • WINDSOR • MAIDENHEAD • WOKINGHAM • SLOUGH … and every town and village in between!

Register www.lvs.ascot.sch.uk/admissions/open-daysat: Whole School Open day Saturday 21 January 2023 An education that lets you discover the courage and freedom to learn

when and where you can. The copyright on all written material, logos and advertising artwork produced by our studio remains with Primary Times or
have supported this publication and
The team here at Primary Times hopes you’ve had a fabulous summer break and are looking forward to the start of an exciting new school year. Welcome back to our regular readers and a big ‘hello’ to those starting school life for the first time.
To keep up to date between issues, it’s worth visiting our website www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire to take advantage of extra competitions and unique offers. You can also stay connected by following us on Facebook and Twitter for daily news. Happy reading and we wish you all an enjoyable, successful first term. See you again in October with plenty of ideas for half term adventures!
4 LOCAL KNOWLEDGE 8 EDUCATION 10 AUTUMN DAYS OUT 12 WHAT’S ON WHERE 16 SCHOOL GUIDE 37 AUTUMN CLUBS & CLASSES 38 FAMILY THEATRE GUIDE OctoberissueNextout10th FOR ADVERTISERS We are the largest free magazine in Berkshire reaching over 156,000 family readers, in this issue. If you’d like to advertise directly to this audience please call 0118 972 4980 HELLO READERS!
For those new to us, our magazine is a practical “what’s on and where to go” guide, with child friendly events, days out, local news and great competitions. As well as this Back-to-School edition, Primary Times will be popped into your child’s book bag just before each holiday, full of ideas for entertaining the family during the school breaks.
contributor. Primary Times is currently publishing over 2 million copies per issue under franchise licences throughout the UK. Primary Times Berkshire is operated under franchise licence. Published by Moonscape Media Ltd • T: 0118 972 4980 • E: office@primarytimesmag.com Editor: Michelle Dilger • Production: Tristan Kayes • Advertising: Niki Whitwell, Suzanne Mason Listings Editor: Suzanne Watson • Features Editor: Helen Chitham CONTENTS This magazine is audited by BPA MEMBER 3BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out www.maryhare.org.uk | @maryhareschool OUR BRAND-NEW PRIMARY SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 2022 DESIGNED TO SUPPORT DEAF CHILDREN AND THEIR EDUCATION Assessments are now open for Primary pupils. Scan the QR to book in your appointment.
Primary Times is independently published and distributed free through primary schools in Berkshire. It aims to inform families and children about current educational issues, forthcoming events, courses, attractions and to give teachers, pupils and parents the opportunity to participate in the magazine by adding to its contents or by joining in the competitions. It is NOT our intention to publish any racist, sexist or politically based material whatsoever. also undertake not to carry any advertising which we would consider to be offensive to young families or harmful to the best interests of young children. Primary Times would like to thank all the schools in Berkshire for their assistance in distributing the magazine and for their contributions to its contents. would also like to thank all the advertisers who therefore made it possible. support endeavours with the relevant
And, while the days are getting shorter and warming stews come back on the menu, there is still family fun to be had! Throughout this issue, we’ve included events and activities, inside and out, to help keep all ages entertained this autumn. Looking beyond the school curriculum, you’ll find some super options for after school activities – as well as new skills, children can enjoy making friends, feel part of a group and discover new-found confidence, so it’s worth taking a look at what’s on offer.

4 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out EXCITING FUTURE FOR MARY HARE SCHOOL WITH OPENING OF NEW PRIMARY SCHOOL
At TISKA Karate, children and adults alike learn the essentials of etiquette, respect, self-discipline, self-awareness, confidence, fitness, and self-defence. Classes are taught by TISKA’s Chief Instructor, 8th Dan Black Belt, Shihan Sahota. Students at TISKA start from the age of 4 years old and up. It is a very family-based club, and many families train together. Karate for children can help with bullying issues, exam stress and the building of self-esteem. It teaches children etiquette, respect and politeness to fellow students and their instructor. It can also help develop their concentration and focus. Karate for adults can help with general fitness and wellbeing and, with regular training, strength and flexibility will improve. Contact them directly for further details about their 4-week free trial.
E: office@tiska.com W: www.tiska.com
September 2022 marks a special date in the Mary Hare diary as it sets to open its brand-new purpose-built Primary School. Now on the same campus site as the Secondary School, the Primary School has been making the big move from its current school site, Mill Hall, to a new school that has been designed to support deaf young people and their education.
T: 0118 931 3115 E: greenpark.nursery@childbase.com
Complete Childcare is on the search for talented individuals who have what it takes to make a child’s day special. Passion, enthusiasm and excellent communication skills are essential, as well as a positive attitude towards self-development. They like staff to feel they belong to their family and love supporting and developing them, recognising staff for their successes and hard work. They encourage and support career development for those seeking to further their skills and have a culture where ambition and personal accountability is rewarded. There is a fantastic rewards package for staff including discounted childcare rates, and they pay a welcome bonus once you’ve passed probation (bonus not applicable to all nurseries). Complete Childcare is a well-established group of 15 day nurseries and pre-schools located in Aldermaston, Arborfield, Banbury, Bracknell, Finchampstead, Newbury, Reading and Wokingham. For more information please call T: 0118 2076 600 E: hr@completechildcare.co.uk W: www.completechildcare.co.uk
There are other exciting changes for Mary Hare as they welcome new Principal, Mr Robin Askew. ‘I feel privileged to be commencing my appointment as Principal of Mary Hare at this time. The school mission to transform the lives of deaf children and their families is central to everything we strive to achieve.’ Bookings for your child’s assessment are now open. Visit www.maryhare.org.uk to find out more and to get in touch to visit the school.
At the award-winning Green Park Day Nursery in Reading, devoted practitioners are on a mission to give children the best possible start in life. For the team of professionals at the setting on South Oak Way, each child from six weeks to nearly five years is unique, and this individuality is actively celebrated. From imaginative learning spaces to state-of-the-art ICT, toys and equipment, children’s days are filled with exciting activities which are planned around their personal interests. In the garden outside, pre-schoolers can immerse themselves in activities such as vegetable planting and insect observations, for which they have gained a prestigious ‘Green Flag’ award as part of the international Eco-Schools scheme. The nursery is also accredited with the sought-after ‘Food for Life Served Here’ award, which acknowledges the use of ethically sourced ingredients and has recently gone ‘climate positive’ after saving more greenhouse gas emissions than it generates.

powering each Individual Showcase CELEBRATION Saturday 17 September t2022 h Whole School Open Event s can to rese r v e your plac e 09:00 13:00

Fewtomorrow’screatewinnersthingsareasrewardingasfostering.Emailustodayatfostering@wokingham.gov.uk and we’ll call you back or for more info and online event dates visit https://fostering.wokingham.gov.uk/ BEDWETTING SOLUTIONS –CHANGING FAMILIES’ LIVES, ONE DRY NIGHT AT A TIME
Wizard of Oz -Wilde Theatre, Feb '23! for Wokingham Borough Foster for Wokingham and help
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE 6 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out Mini 4+ Junior 7+ TryoutsFree2Week FREE 2 week tryout in any class! All classes held in Bracknell. FREE and discounted holiday classes and workshops. Classes for ages 7-24 Full time FREE performing arts sixth form college. Ofsted Childcareregistered.vouchers / Tax Free Childcare accepted. Mini Hip Hop Mondays 4-5pm Appear in real shows, £46.80 term Mini Cheer Sundays 4-5pm Take part in competitions, £50 term Little Actors Saturday 10.30am-12pm Appear in at least 2 shows a year! £100 term. Junior Hip Hop Mondays 5-7.30pm Technique classes and competition crews, £46.80-£117.00 term Youth & Junior Cheer Sundays from 5pm Take part in competitions, £125 term Junior Theatre Company Saturday 9am-12pm OR 12pm-3pm Appear in at least 2 shows a year! £150 term. Acting |Musical Theatre | Hip Hop |Cheer www.artemis-studios.co.uk.www.bracknellcheer.co.uk.01344info@artemis-studios.co.uk.429403.
Bedwetting Solutions never underestimate the impact bedwetting has on the whole family. Children and teenagers feel they are doing something wrong and often experience feelings of embarrassment and shame. However, the majority of bedwetting issues are hereditary and can be easily sorted with the right help and support. Bedwetting Solutions hire out medical grade enuresis alarms for children aged 6+, provide a full support package to guide parents through every step of the training, and have an NHS nurse on their team in an advisory capacity. The good news is children typically complete the programme with just 5-7 weeks of use. This month’s mention goes to Oscar (name changed) who has Down’s Syndrome. Oscar, aged 14, was really fed up with wetting the bed every night but with the help of the programme, he is now dry and loving life! If you think your child could benefit from support, please get in touch. 0118 981 3521 E: W:

New foster family, Emma, Alastair Edwards and their children, said: “Fostering was something we had talked about for some time, however it was only during the first lockdown that we really started to explore the idea more seriously.
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE CODING THROUGH GAME BUILDING EXPLORE TECH Kids aged 7 14 learn to code by building games in our fun, safe and inspiring centres CODING THROUGH PLAY Young leaners aged 5 7 build a foundation of coding and problem solving through fun games and activities Explore exciting topics like Minecraft, robotics, Roblox, video game development, and much more! L E A R N Contact your local centre to book a FREE taster session! RWOKINGHAMLEADING ANGLEY MAIDENHEAD Problem solving skills Critical thinking skills STEM skills NEWBURY 01635 745072 01753 316089 07877 412766 07506 647942 07957 220201
After a reassuringly in-depth assessment period, we were approved in February this year. Things then moved very fast and the little baby we have been caring for has been such a lovely addition to our family. Our own children, who are all teenagers, have all been incredibly helpful and thoughtful which has made such a difference. I think it has made them appreciate their own lives more and made them more compassionate. Although we are only at the start of our journey, we hope that we will be able to make a small difference in the lives of the children we care for by giving them a stable and loving home for the time they are with us.”
For more information, email fostering@wokingham.gov.uk and they’ll call you back or join one of their online information events: visit https://fostering.wokingham.gov.uk
Jubilee has a wonderful garden bursting with lots of homegrown fruit and veggies. Their onsite gardener Sonja plants lots of delicious produce from seed with the children so that they can learn all about the process of gardening. The children love to regularly water all the carrots, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes (just to name a few!) and it’s always an exciting time to see how much they have grown. When they are ripe enough to pick, the vegetables and fruit are used in their freshly prepared meals and snacks for the children to try! Jubilee’s sensory garden is also blooming with lots of beautiful flowers and plants to encourage lots of wildlife. They have a bug chart to note all the bugs and insects that make the garden their home…the children’s bug hotels are particularly popular with the resident creepy crawlies!
T: 0118 970 1600 FB/INSTA: @jubileedaynursery W: www.jubileedaynursery.co.uk

Susan Daughtrey Education has operated extremely successful 11+ Courses in Earley for 5 years. The 11+ Foundation Courses for students in Year 4 start in January and run until the October half-term. Then the Year 5 Preparation Course begins and continues up to the 11+ tests in September. The courses comprise of weekly tuition during term time and follow a technique-focused approach. Homework is set weekly to practice and consolidate the techniques taught in the lesson. more information Fiona at their Earley Centre, Reading.
With over 60 years of experience, the Kumon Maths and English Programmes help children of any age and ability to develop into confident, independent learners with strong study skills. An independent research study revealed that Kumon students significantly outperform their peers in maths at the end of primary school. Kumon nurture students by giving them the tools they need to enjoy learning and thrive academically, increasing their enjoyment across a wide range of subjects at school, alongside preparing them for personal and professional success later in life. To enable you to experience the benefits of Kumon, your local study centre is offering a one-week Free Trial to all new students from 1 October – 15 November 2022. At participating centres, you can also experience the new Kumon digital worksheets on your tablet using KUMON App – a new, convenient way to study Kumon! W: www.kumon.co.uk
Every child can benefit from focused attention from an enthusiastic, knowledgeable teacher. Whether it is one-to-one or group tuition, strengths and areas for development can be easily identified, so that tutors can support children by progressing their confidence, skill set and a love of learning. To help improve your child’s chance of success, here’s our pick of the best.
The Berkshire grammar schools are extremely well regarded. Places are offered to pupils who score highly in the 11+ entrance exams. These tests comprise of a selection of topics such as: verbal reasoning, numeracy (maths), creative writing and non-verbal reasoning topics.
E: fwyeth@sde11plus.com. W: www.susandaughtreyeducation.com 8 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out 1 OCTOBER – 15 NOVEMBER One WeekFree Trial Kumon delivers proven academic success. Our expert Instructors will develop your child’s confidence and help them thrive at school. Book your Free Trial today! Bracknell Central 07814 722830 Maidenhead Central.....01628 290452 Reading Earley .............. 07532 799598 Windsor .......................... 07432 213543 Wokingham .................... 01753 362298 kumon.co.uk For research findings on Kumon study, please visit kumon.co.uk. Terms and conditions apply. Fees vary. Participating centres only. Please refer to your local study centre. Subject to availability. AT HOME | IN CENTRE | ONLINE

With the Moon Method, your child can flourish in all aspects of their education. W: www.moontuition.co.uk
www.learning-club.co.uk Join The Learning Club for 11+ Tuition Children will develop and practise their skills in: • reading, writing and comprehension • spelling, grammar and punctuation • mathematics and numerical reasoning • verbal reasoning, including cloze procedure • non-verbal reasoning, including 3D and spatial
Start a new routine this school year at Code Ninjas, where your child will learn valuable and life changing STEM skills for the future while building their very own video games. By adding new coding skills to the mix, kids see real progress and gain confidence, and acquire problem solving, math and logical thinking skills from coding. They offer fun & flexible coding education for kids aged 5 – 14 years which includes: Build, play & learn at their own pace After School: Boost the fun of learning after school or on weekends Learn coding, problem solving, game building, apps, robotics, teamwork, and math skills Extend Coding and STEM learning activities outside School Code Ninjas Create: Signature 9-belt program for kids to learn coding using JavaScript, Lua & C# Why not schedule a free session at your nearest location?
for thousands more great days out Contact
TUITION GIVE YOUR CHILD A HEADSTART THIS SEPTEMBER AT CODE NINJAS! « Grammar Schools 11+ « Independent Schools 4+, 7+, 8+, 10+, 11+, 13+, 16+ « GCSE, A Level « 121 & group tutoring « Online & in person tutoring « Term Time & Holiday Intensive Courses « Moon Maths & English After School Club « ‘Global 100’ 2022 Winner « ‘Most Educational Tuition Service Provider – UK’ Title MOON PREPARESTUITIONYOUR CHILD FOR 11+ & 13+ WWW.MOONTUITION.CO.UKSUCCESS! Centres in Reading & London Chelsea E: ukmoontuition@yahoo.com M: 07920 172 006 MOON TUITION HELPS CHILDREN FROM 4-18 YEARS OLD REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL! JOIN THE LEARNING CLUB FOR 11+ TUITION Courses written by Susan Daughtrey, M.Ed, leading tutor and author of 11+ tests used by the Berkshire Grammar Schools For more information call Fiona on 0118 929 1631 or email fwyeth@sde11plus.com BOOKING NOW IN EARLEY: 11+ PREPARATION COURSES FOR YEAR 5 STUDENTS The Learning Club is an Ofsted-registered educational consultancy that provides high-quality, structured tuition courses in Bracknell for children in Year 4 and Year 5 who are preparing for 11+ examinations for entry into grammar schools and independent schools. Small-group classes and engaging activities help children to enjoy their learning and feel a sense of personal achievement. Parents are supported with regular feedback on progress, a fully resourced homework schedule and individualised advice. Children will develop and practise their skills in: • reading, writing and comprehension • spelling, grammar and punctuation • mathematics and numerical reasoning • verbal reasoning, including cloze procedure • non-verbal reasoning, including 3D and spatial All classes are delivered by Dawn Willoughby (BSc PGCE SFHEA MEd) who is a qualified teacher with many years of experience working with students of all ages in schools and also as a home tutor.
W: www.learning-club.co.uk
T: 07814 722830 E: info@learning-club.co.uk
The Moon Method – a proven unique and winning formula. Led by Moon, the former International Mathematical Olympiad coach, Moon Tuition was formed in 2009 in response to the increasing demand for 11+ and 13+ tutoring. The Moon Method blends the rigorous focus on numeracy and literacy from very early years with the fostering of creativity and original thinking. This creates highly capable students who are adept at taking exams, but who are also excellent communicators of ideas and have a great ability for creative writing and the arts. Tutoring is available for 4+, 7+, 11+, 13+, 16+, GCSE and A Level either online or in Reading and London centres. Moon Tuition has helped many children gain places at top grammar and private schools around the country, as well as helping many A Level students win places at Cambridge University, Oxford University, Harvard University, Princeton University etc.
W: www.codeninjas.co.uk to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire Dawn Willoughby on 07814 info@learning-club.co.uk722830

There will be plenty of things going bump in the night at this spooktacular Family Raceday on Saturday 29th October. The Ascot Round Table join forces with Ascot Racecourse to produce what has been described by many as the “best firework display in Berkshire”. The magnitude of the display will not disappoint as guests can enjoy this breath-taking pyro-musical show featuring over 20,000 fireworks launched from the centre of the track. Racegoers can expect an abundance of spooky activities and fairground rides alongside thrilling racing action. Fairground rides are free during racing then from 4pm they are charged at £1 with all proceeds from the rides and profits from the day donated to local charities. Tickets from £30pp; Kids Go Free with a full paying adult. W: www.ascot.com Reading Borough Council’s High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) team, in partnership with Sound UK, have created two self-guided audio trails around the town centre’s heritage sites. Created by local artists Aundre Goddard, Fiona Talkington and Richard Bentley, each trail takes listeners on a journey celebrating Reading’s heritage and revealing hidden histories along the two routes.
• Market Place & London Street: Huntley & Palmers themed trail.
The new audio trails include:
• Pies, pints and protest - the hidden worlds of Castle Street & St Mary’s Butts: Brings the rich history of St Mary’s Butts and Castle Street to life. The audio trails are free and are available to listen from www.reading.gov.uk/audiotrails You can walk the trails using your smartphone and personal headphones.
10 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out AUTUMN DAYS OUT 2022 Friday 18 November to Sunday 1 January Tickets from £12 The Watermill Theatre & Restaurant, Bagnor, Newbury RG20 8AE Principal Sponsor Family Pass4 tickets from£40 - £80available until17 December FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR FAMILY RACEDAY AT ASCOT REVEALING READING’S HIDDEN HISTORIES WITH NEW AUDIO TRAILS WASING’S PICK YOUR OWN PUMPKINS AND WOODLAND TRAIL ENTERTAINMENT!PLENTYPARKATHALF-TERMOCTOBERSOUTHHILLDELIVERSOFFAMILY
• No ifs, No buts, Only Gingernuts: Huntley & Palmers Journey
South Hill Park has your half-term packed with a range of family shows to enjoy. On Tuesday 25th October, go along to marvel at Morgan & West in their show full of Unbelievable Science. Join much loved children’s author and illustrator, Nick Sharratt, for a special Halloween themed draw-along on Wednesday 26th October. Go on an adventure in the Dinosaur Show, packed with fun, facts and incredible puppetry on Thursday 27th October To finish off, The Amazing Bubble Man is there on Saturday 29th October with his art, magic, science and fun with bubbles. Book your tickets now. W: www.southhillpark.org.uk
This October half term, you’re invited to Wasing’s Pumpkin Event! Follow the enchanting woodland trail through Wasing Estate’s stunning autumnal woodland & encounter upon some creatures inspired by those living in our trees & fields, including bats, spiders & snails. Then head to the pumpkin field to pick your own organic pumpkins – plenty of sizes, shapes & colours to choose from! Warm up afterwards with some tasty seasonal snacks, sweet treats & hot drinks under their stretch tent with wonderful views of the Estate. Open 21st – 30th October 2022 Tickets £5 (Adults & Children aged 2+). Under 2s free. Free parking. More info & tickets W: www.wasing.co.uk/events E: events@wasing.co.uk
Long lighter evenings may have left us, but the most glorious, colourful season is here! You will still find plenty going on to entertain the troops with some brilliant local events and great days out on offer, so pop on an extra layer and round up the family for some boredom-busting autumn activity.

11BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out Who are the people of the Oxford www.reading.gov.uk/hshazRoad?#OxfordRoadStoriesAn exhibition of photos and voices uncovering the hidden stories of the people who are the Life of Lifespring at the Pavilion. A Reading Borough Council High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) project. Tuesday 13 –Saturday 17 September Racegoers can expect an abundance of spooky activities and fairground rides to enjoy throughout the day. This is a community event, held in association with the Ascot Round Table, which provides a safe environment for families to enjoy exhilarating sporting action and seasonal fun. Tickets from £30 | Under 18s go free Book now at ascot.com SATURDAY 29 TH FAMILYSPECTACULARFIREWORKSOCTOBERRACEDAY FS22_PrimaryTimes_Half Page_W183mmH131mm.indd 1 01/08/2022 08:37

W: www.goape.co.uk
The castle is open from 10.30am –4.15pm (last entry 3pm) The castle is closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Pre-booked tickets required. W: www.rct/visit/windsor-castle
The Living Rainforest
Boat Hire at Dinton Pastures Hire a range of pedalos, paddleboards, canoes, single and double kayaks starting from £8 for half an hour. Runs weekends April-October and every day during the school holidays.11am-5pm. W: activities/boat-hirewww.dinton-pastures.co.uk/ Windsor Castle
The Look Out Discovery Centre
A new display examining the impact of Huntley & Palmer’s on the town and its people. Running until 25th September 2022. Museum of English Rural Life. £3 per pack, suitable for children aged 5+. https://merl.reading.ac.uk
FAMILY LIFE ROOKIE LIFEGUARDS – SUPPORTS SKILLS & PHYSICAL DofE! C H I L D R E N & A D U LT S W I M M I N G L E S S O N S jo@swimlessons.co.uk | swimlessons.co.uk 07853 194327 • Classes in Thatcham, Pangbourne & Compton • Max 6 children per class – from 3yrs. old • Instructors are Qualified, Insured with DBS • All locations have free parking – lovely pools! • Continual assessment and lane progression • We are an Institute of Aquaphobia approved Swim School ‘Every child is different, every child is equal’ 01344 www.pinewoodgymnastics.co.uk773237Bookonlinenow KinderGym Classes At Pinewood Gymnastics Club KinderGym classes and pay and play sessions are available every day. Please see our website for full details and online booking for pay and play sessions. • Consists of warm up games, gymnastic based apparatus circuits and basic gymnastic skills. Develop balance, coordination, spatial awareness and body control. • All in a purpose built gymnastics facility. Activities may include: Fun games, outside play area, trips, bouncy castle, themed activities including art & craft, cookery & lots more Holiday Clubs operate during all school holidays (including Christmas) Contact: 07973 791 www.kidzenterprise.co.uk419 Ofsted regi s deret October Half Term – Monday 24th - Friday 28th October Christmas Holiday Club – Monday 19th to Friday 30th December (closed 26th & 27th) Holiday FunH o l i d a y Fu n At Cippenham School Breakfast 7.30am – 6pm daily Age: 4-12 yearsfree for early birds 12 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out ON-GOING Fairways Family Golf Centre Offers many ways to play golf that everyone can enjoy. Featuring a 9-hole golf course, 9-hole Foot Golf course and one of the country’s newest and best 18-hole Disc Golf facilities. Book online: W: www.fairwaysfamilygolf.co.uk
Weekly Classes at Cobbs Play Barn
There are some fantastic classes happening at Cobbs Play Barn near Hungerford every week: Yabba Dance Class, Wednesdays £7 per child. A dance class for under 5s with a focus on promoting confidence, and ownership of their dancing impulses. Boogie Mites, Thursdays £6 per child. Music, movement, and sensory class for under 5s. There are catchy songs, lots of instruments, fun props, and bubbles for you to enjoy. To learn more visit W: www.cobbsplaybarn.co.uk
SEPTEMBER Saturday 10th Heritage Open Day Drop in throughout the day for talks about the history of Shaw House and West Berkshire Museum, Newbury. Visitors also have the option to book a visit to see the bake house. W: https://booking.westberks.gov.uk We take great care to ensure this information is correct at the time of going to press. However, we would advise parents to phone and check details prior to making a long trip…or promise!
GolfPlex Bracknell GolfPlex, the family entertainment centre in Binfield, Berkshire, offers adventure golf with 3 courses including the new Desert course. In addition to the pyramids, golf adventurers will navigate a sphinx, numerous camels, an obelisk and a mythological serpent, as they tackle the 7 holes course. Fun for all the family. W: www.golfplex.co.uk
Discover a world of inspiration at The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknell, an interactive science centre perfect for a family day out. Investigate how hot air balloons work, create a flying machine or look into an infinity mirror! Visit the outdoor playground and explore acres of woodland in Swinley Forest. W: discovery-centregov.uk/leisure-services/look-out-www.bracknell-forest.
West Berkshire Museum
Biscuit Town: 200 Years of Huntley & Palmers in Reading
The Museum is open every Wednesday to Saturday, 10am – 4pm. The Wharf, Newbury, West Berkshire RG14 5AS. T: 01635 519562 W: www.westberkshireheritage.org
The charity run visitor attraction is all-weather and indoors. There are free ranging animals and birds that make it feel just like a real rainforest! With free parking and a great value annual ticket, it’s a fantastic day out for families. W: www.livingrainforest.org Go Ape Bracknell Go Ape Bracknell is an ideal family or school trip. From super-fast zipwires and tree top crossings, to high-wire bridges and free-fall Tarzan Swings plus unforgettable children’s birthday parties. Make a day of it and explore the bike and walking trails of 2,600 acre Swinley Forest. @goapebracknell

T: 0118 934 0118 E: cedar.park@childbase.com Cedar Park Nursery, Bridge Farm Road, Twyford, Berkshire, RG10 9PP T: 0118 931 3115 E: greenpark.nursery@childbase.com Green Park Day Nursery, 200 South Oak Way, Lime Square, Green Park, Reading, RG2 6UQ T: 01344 780070 E: greengables.nursery@childbase.com Greengables Day Nursery, 34-36 Yeovil Road, Owlsmoor, Sandhurst, Berkshire, GU47 0TE T: 01628 671116 E: mulberry.nursery@childbase.com Mulberry Day Nursery, 9 Boyn Hill Avenue, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 4ET WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM www.childbasepartnership.comYOU Now taking registrationsOPEN7.30AMTO6.30PMFOR CHILDREN AGED 6 WEEKS TO 5 YEARS Fun is an essential ingredient in all our nurseries where the care and education opportunities for each and every child are as extraordinary as our colleagues who provide them. 13BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

Helping children believe they can do anythingBOOK NOW
Friday 21st Wasing’s Pick Your Own Pumpkins & Woodland Trail Follow the enchanting woodland trail through Wasing Estate’s stunning autumnal woodland & encounter creatures inspired by those living in our trees & fields, including bats, spiders & snails. Head to the pumpkin field to pick your own organic pumpkins. 21st – 30th October Tickets £5 (Adults & Children aged 2+). Under 2s free. Free parking. Wasing PYO Pumpkins, Wasing Lane, Aldermaston, RG7 4LY. E: events@wasing.co.uk
The Broadway musical sensation
Friday 28th October
Saturday 29th October
Singing, dancing and acting classes for 4 - 18 year-olds
The Addams Family is on stage at the BritVic Theatre Ascot. Runs until Sunday 30th October. “They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky, they’re altogether ooky!” W: www.ticketsource.co.uk/oceantheatre
ASCOT stagecoach.co.uk/ascot NEWBURY stagecoach.co.uk/newbury
Creative Courage For Life®Stagecoach Performing Arts is the trading name of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Limited. Stagecoach Theatre Arts schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach and Creative Courage For Life are registered trademarks of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Limited.
Community event at Ascot Racecourse run in conjunction with Ascot Round Table. With over 20,000 fireworks to a pyro-musical show. Spooky activities and fairground rides alongside thrilling racing action. Tickets from £30pp, Kids Go Free with a full paying adult. T: 0344 346 3000 W: www.ascot.co.uk Forest School Come along and experience our superb facilities and resources. Talk to our friendly staff and students as they proudly showcase their work. Enrichment activities for prospective 2023 students will be available during the evening. Headteachers address at 5:30pm and again at 6:30pm. Open Evening 15th September 2022 5pm – 8:30pm www.forest.academy take great care to ensure this information is correct at the time of going to press. However, we would advise parents to phone and check details prior to making a long trip…or promise! future
WINDSOR AND LANGLEY stagecoach.co.uk/windsor
Raise your mug for Macmillan Cancer Support’s annual fundraiser Macmillan’s Coffee Morning is an annual event dedicated to bringing people together over a cuppa to raise vital funds for people living with cancer. This year the official event date is Friday 30th September but a Coffee Morning can be held at any time. Whatever your reason to host, no reason is too big or too small, and will help us directly support people living with cancer. Every penny raised at a Coffee Morning helps Macmillan to provide support for people with cancer, who need it now more than ever.
of the arts OctOber half term at SOuth hill Park Box office 01344 tsouthhillpark.org.uk484123heDinosaurShowtour2022 Thu 27 Oct 12noon the amazing bubble man Sat 29 Oct 2pm
Sunday 18th Fobney Fun Day Free Fobney Fun Day where you will get the chance to meet the wild creatures living around Fobney Lock and explore the Turbine House, where Thames Water will share their plans for its restoration. You may even get the opportunity to take a sneak peek inside the usually closed door! 11.30am-3.30pm.
W: www.wasing.co.uk/events
W: https://whatsonreading.com
Sign up at macmillan.org.uk/coffee or by searching Macmillan Coffee Morning and the Macmillan Team will send you a fundraising kit with top tips to get you started. to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out
Registered charity 265656 Please support the
Fireworks Spectacular Family Raceday
Saturday 10th Free Reading Abbey Quarter Tour
To celebrate Heritage Open Days, join the expert tour guides for a free Abbey Quarter Tour. 1½-hour tour starting at 11am, meet at Reading Museum’s reception on Blagrave Street. All ages. Book online at W: www.readingmuseum.org.uk
Monday 25th Junior and Teen Sailing Weeks
Information: T: 01260 288690
Saturday 22nd Halloween Festival Head to the Pumpkin Patch this Half Term and to pick your own pumpkin ready to carve – plus see what other Spooky Surprises are in store! Running until 30th October. Odds Farm Park. W: www.oddsfarm.co.uk/special-events
BRACKNELL NORTH (WARFIELD) stagecoach.co.uk/bracknellnorth
READING CAVERSHAM stagecoach.co.uk/readingcaversham WOKINGHAM stagecoach.co.uk/wokingham
Learn to sail during the holidays. The Junior Sailing Weeks progress through the RYA Youth Sailing Scheme Stages 1-4 and are suitable for 8-16 year olds. Weeks available for ages 13-17. Dinton Pastures Country Park near Wokingham. W: junior-sailing-weeksactivities/holiday-clubs-junior-8/www.dinton-pastures.co.uk/
Friday 30th Magical Community Event – Circus Starr Circus Starr is a not for profit organisation that tours the country staging circus shows that can be enjoyed by every child regardless of additional need or background, they can have fun at one of the performances. The next event is at the Memorial Recreation Ground, Headley Road, Woodley RG5 4JZ.
The Addams Family

We would like to invite you to attend any of our forthcoming Open Events Junior School - 12 October - 13:00 - 15:30 Senior School - 22 September - 17:00 - 20:00 Sixth Form - 29 September - 16:30 - 19:30 To register your place, please visit: www.theabbey.co.uk/events One of the country’s foremost independent girls’ schools from 3-18 Leading with confidence, learning with purpose, living with joy

School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages The Brakenhale School Rectory Lane, Bracknell RG12 7BA 01344 423041 www.brakenhale.co.uk 11 to 18 Easthampstead Park Community School Ringmead, Bracknell RG12 8FS 01344 304567 www.epschool.org 11 to 18 Edgbarrow School Grant Road, Crowthorne RG45 7HZ 01344 772658 www.edgbarrowschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Garth Hill College Bull Lane, Bracknell RG42 2AD 01344 421122 www.garthhillcollege.com 11 to 18 King’s Academy Binfield St George’s Park, Binfield, Bracknell RG42 4FS 01344 306983 www.kgabinfield.uk 11 to 18 Ranelagh School Ranelagh Drive, Bracknell RG12 9DA 01344 421233 www.ranelagh.bonitas.org.uk 11 to 18 Sandhurst School Owlsmoor Road, Sandhurst GU47 0SD 01344 775678 www.sandhurstschool.org.uk 11 to 18 BRACKNELL FOREST PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools. Open Evening Wednesday 14 September 2022 4:30pm - 7:00pm Easthampstead Park Community School Ringmead, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8FS www.epschool.org Morning School Tours 12 16 and 19 23 September 22 9.30am - 10.20am Parents and children are invited to visit the school to look at our curriculum areas, see displays of students’ work, and meet our staff and students. To book a tour, please telephone reception on 01344 304567 or contact us via email at info@epschool.org. Parents and children are invited to make an appointment for one of our tours and see the school in action. Tours are followed by refreshments and the opportunity to ask questions of a Senior Leader. King’s Academy Binfield Open Events For Year 7 Entry 2023 Open Evening Wednesday 21st September 2022 from 6.00pm to 9.00pm Dare to be Remarkable Open Mornings Last week of September and throughout October From 9.15am to 10.30am St. George’s Park, Binfield, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 4FS Tel: 01344 306983 Booking your place: Bookings for these events will be made using Eventbrite. To secure your place on our opening evening or one of the open mornings please visit our website (www.kgabinfield.uk) under the ‘Open Events’ menu option. SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 16 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 Rectory Lane, Bracknell RG12 7BA At Brakenhale School, we strive for excellence in everything that we do. We’re a school that has been on an exciting journey. We have a vibrant and positive learning environment that is led by a visionary Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team who are visible, supportive and driven by the aim to make us exceptional. OFSTED January 2019 rated Brakenhale a “Good School” with 3 Outstanding Categories stating: The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. Leaders have engendered a strong ethos of high expectations for behaviour and academic progress. Consequently, the school provides a calm and orderly environment for learning. Open Evening Thursday 6pmSeptember15th2022to8pm Please contact us on 01344 423041 or mainreception@brakenhale.co.uk to book your place on a School Tour Open Mornings Monday 26th September 2022 | 9am – 10.30am Wednesday 5th October 2022 | 9am – 10.30am “I BELIEVE I CAN BECOME AN RAF PILOT AND FLY PLANES TO PROTECT MY COUNTRY” ADAM Excellent all-round day and boarding education for boys and girls aged 11–18 years, Wokingham, Berkshire. OPEN MORNING Saturday 15 October 2022 “WHERE THERE IS BELIEF THERE IS POSSIBILITY” Book online at: www.luckleyhouseschool.org Tel: 0118 978 4175 Email: Registrar@luckleyhouseschool.org Luckley House School, Wokingham 17BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages Blessed Hugh Faringdon Catholic School Fawley Road, Reading RG30 3EP 0118 957 4730 www.hughfaringdon.org 11 to 18 Highdown School & Sixth Form Centre Surley Row, Emmer Green, Reading RG4 8LR 0118 901 5800 www.highdown.reading.sch.uk 11 to 18 John Madejski Academy 125 Hartland Road, Reading RG2 8AF 0118 937 0200 www.johnmadejskiacademy.co.uk 11 to 18 Kendrick School 41 London Road, Reading RG1 5BN 0118 901 5859 www.kendrick.reading.sch.uk 11 to 18 Girls King’s Academy Prospect Cockney Hill, Tilehurst, Reading RG30 4EX 0118 959 0466 www.prospect.reading.sch.uk 11 to 18 PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools. Open Event This event will be an exciting opportunity for you to visit the school and meet and talk to students, staff and subject leaders. There will be lots to do and see including: • Presentation by the Headteacher • Presentation by Student Leaders • Hands-on activities • Subject information • Enrichment information • Tours of the school led by students Presentations in the Main School Hall at 5:30pm and 7:00pm Opportunity, diversity and success for all Reades Lane, Sonning Common, RG4 9LN 0118 972 1500 maidenerleghchilternedge.co.uk Tuesday 27 September | 5:30pm until 7:30pm Follow us @MEChilternEdgeon requiredNobooking We are pleased to invite families and primary school students to join us for an open event at The Wren Come and tour our fantastic school, meet our staff and students and get a glimpse into life at The Wren Open Events Now On Come And Join Us We Are The Wren Open Day Thursday 29 September 2022 'Each child, regardless of background, will receive a world-class education and be be nurtured, challenged and inspired to aim high.' 4 7pm @WeAreTheWren @WrenSchool www.wrenschool.org Ruhemann Street, Reading RG30 3AE th READING 18 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 Best Academic Progress in Berkshire Fully Co-Ed Since 1993 Annual Open Morning: 9.00am, Sat 24 Weekday Open Mornings: 9.00am, Fri 14 Taster Days for Year 7 Entry: Thurs 13 Book online at www.leightonpark.com/visit-leighton-park www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk Reading Girls’ School OPEN everyThursdayEVENING22ndSeptemberOpenDays,allday,dayinSeptemberNorthumberland Avenue, Reading RG2 7PY head@readinggirlsschool.co.uk 0118 986 1336www.readinggirlsschool.co.uk “Pupils are very proud of their school. They are keen to achieve academically and are exceptionally ambitious for their futures.” “Pupils know that they are expected to work hard, and they rise to this challenge. They are active and enthusiastic learners.” Ofsted, November 2021 Open Event • Subject displays and talks • Enrichment information • Presentation by the headteacher and students • Tours of the school led by students 81 Crescent Road, Reading RG1 5SL Telephone: 0118 966 8065 If you are interested in attending, please visit our website at reading.co.ukwww.maidenerleghschool to reserve a place and book a seat at one of the presentations. willpresentationsHeadteachertakeplace at 5:30pm and 7:00pm. This event is subject to change. For regular updates, follow us on Twitter @MESReading 27 September 2022 5:30pm until 7:30pm 19BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge Reades Lane, Sonning Common, Reading RG4 9LN 0118 972 1500 www.maidenerleghchilternedge.co.uk 11 to 18 Maiden Erlegh School in Reading 81 Crescent Road, Reading RG1 5SL 0118 966 8065 www.maidenerleghschoolreading.co.uk 11 to 18 Reading School Erleigh Road, Reading RG1 5LW 0118 901 5600 www.reading-school.co.uk 11 to 18 Boys Reading Girls’ School Northumberland Avenue, Reading RG2 7PY 0118 986 1336 www.readinggirlsschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Girls The Wren School 61-63 Bath Road, Reading RG30 2BB 0118 214 3888 www.wrenschool.org 11 to 18 PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools. HIGHDOWN SCHOOL & SIXTH FORM CENTRE Surley Row, Emmer Green, Reading RG4 8LR Telephone: 0118 901 5800 Email: office@highdown.reading.sch.uk 11-18 mixed comprehensive • 1,560 on roll Rachel Cave, Headteacher, will address parents at 6pm in the Hall This will be followed by a tour of the school’s curriculum areas where you may see displays and exhibitions of students’ work. OPEN MORNINGS FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS Monday 3rd, Wednesday 5th & Friday 7th October 2022 See the school on a normal working day • Tours at 9am www.highdown.reading.sch.uk PROSPECTIVE YEAR 7 PARENTS AND STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO AN OPEN EVENING ON THURSDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER 2022 between 5.45pm and 8pm Our prospectus can be found: Located in Winnersh, Oak Tree School is an exciting collaborative project for Reading and Wokingham. Our new school will provide a safe and happy learning environment for 150 learners, from Y1 to Y13, with an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and associated complex needs including Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and/or Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). Further information about us can be found on our website together with details of an Open Event we are holding in the autumn term. Opening September 2023 @OakTreeSchool1 www.oaktreeschool.org OTS@maidenerleghtrust.org READING 20 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School 01753 527020 • www.st-bernards.slough.sch.uk Upton Court Grammar School 01753 522892 • www.uptoncourtgrammar.org.uk Open Evenings You are invited to visit and view the Slough Consortium Grammar Schools at their open evenings. School Open Mornings Each school will be holding open mornings in the Autumn term, please check the individual school websites for dates and details. For further details about the our Open Evening please contact the individual schools or visit our websites Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools September 2023 Entry The Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools consists of Herschel Grammar School, Langley Grammar School, St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School and Upton Court Grammar School. We operate a shared 11+ entrance examination process using the same examination papers and common eligibility mark in the test. The 11+ examination for entry in September 2023 will be held for registered children on Saturday 17 September 2022. Please note that the registration for the 11+ examination has now closed. The full schedule for the Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools 11+ entrance examination process can be found on the schools’ websites. Herschel Grammar School 01753 520950 • www.herschel.slough.sch.uk Langley Grammar School 01753 598300 • www.lgs.slough.sch.uk St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School Wednesday 21 September 2022 | 4pm – 7.30pm Upton Court Grammar School Tuesday 13 September 2022 | 4.30pm – 8pm Herschel Grammar School Monday 19 September 2022 | 5pm – 8pm Langley Grammar School Tuesday 20 September 2022 | 4pm – 7pm

Thursday 22nd September 2022 4pm – 7pm Friday 23rd September 2022 9am – 11am (booking is required) look forward to welcoming you to our academy. tours are available at 9.30am on Thursdays. Booking is required. Parking is very limited and we ask that you respect our neighbours on the Kings Reach Estate so if you have to drive then please use the Upton Court Car Park off Upton Court Road and walk down to the academy. www.dittonparkacademy.co.uk
Ditton Park Academy opened in September 2014 when we welcomed our first cohort of Year 7s, and we will be growing every year until the academy is fully subscribed in 2021. We moved into our new £19 million new build in September 2017. The school comes from a unique, innovative and collaborative partnership involving the headteachers of the existing secondary schools in Slough and is the first school opened by The SASH Education Trust (Slough Association of Secondary Headteachers). Ditton Park Academy is the first school opened by The SASH Education Trust (Slough Association for Secondary Headteachers) and benefit enormously from the support and collaboration of the 13 secondary Head teachers in Slough. We are formally part of a Multi Academy Trust. Please check the school website for any changes to the scheduled dates and times.
SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages Ditton Park Academy Kings Reach, Slough, SL3 7UX 01753 537594 www.dittonparkacademy.co.uk 11 to 18 Grove Academy Ladbrooke Road, Chalvey, Slough, SL1 2SR 01753 517359 www.groveacademy.co.uk 4 to 18 Herschel Grammar School Northampton Avenue, Slough, SL1 3BW 01753 520950 www.herschel.slough.sch.uk 11 to 18 Langley Grammar School Reddington Drive, Slough, SL3 7QS 01753 598300 www.lgs.slough.sch.uk 11 to 18 St Bernard's Catholic Grammar School 1 Langley Road, Slough, SL3 7AF 01753 527020 www.st-bernards.slough.sch.uk 11 to 18 The Westgate School Cippenham Lane, Slough, SL1 5AH 01753 521320 www.westgate.slough.sch.uk 11 to 18 Upton Court Grammar School Lascelles Road, Slough, SL3 7PR 01753 522892 www.uptoncourtgrammar.org.uk 11 to 18 We are delighted to announce our Open Day/Evening events for admissions 2022 – 2023 DITTON PARK ACADEMY KINGS SL3BERKSHIRESLOUGHREACH7UX
01753 537594 •
SELF-WORTH ASPIRE SUCCESS HONESTY PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools.SLOUGH 22 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages Altwood Church of England School Altwood Road, Maidenhead, SL6 4PU 01628 622236 www.altwoodschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Charters School Charters Road, Sunningdale, Ascot, SL5 0QY 01344 624826 www.chartersschool.org.uk 11 to 18 Churchmead School Priory Way, Datchet, SL3 9JQ 01753 211330 www.churchmead.org 11 to 18 Cox Green School Highfield Lane, Maidenhead, SL6 3AX 01628 629 415 www.coxgreen.com 11 to 18 Desborough College Shoppenhangers Road, Maidenhead, SL6 2QB 01628 634 505 www.desborough.org.uk 11 to 16 Boys Furze Platt Senior School Furze Platt Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7NQ 01628 625308 www.furzeplatt.com 11 to 18 Newlands Girls’ School Farm Road, Maidenhead, SL6 5JB 01628 625068 www.newlandsgirlsschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Girls Manor Green School Elizabeth Hawkes Way, Cannon Lane, SL6 3EQ 01628 513800 www.manorgreenschool.co.uk 2 to 19 PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools.RBWM 23BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages Denefield School Long Lane, Tilehurst, Reading RG31 6XY 0118 941 3458 www.denefield.org.uk 11 to 18 The Downs School Compton, Newbury RG20 6AD 01635 270 000 www.thedownsschool.org 11 to 18 John O’Gaunt School Priory Road, Hungerford RG17 0AN 01488 682 400 www.johnogauntschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Kennet School Stoney Lane, Thatcham RG19 4LL 01635 862 121 www.kennetschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Little Heath School Little Heath Road, Tilehurst, Reading RG31 5TY 0118 942 7337 www.littleheath.org.uk 11 to 18 Open Evening 2022 Thursday 15th September Departments will be open to guests from 4.15pm to 7pm. Please allow 2 hours+ for your visit if you would like to see the whole school. Presentations by the Headteacher are at 5.30pm and 7.00pm LITTLE HEATH SCHOOL No need to book for Open Evening. Please telephone reception on 0118 942 7337 to reserve a place on an Open Morning tour. Please find our online prospectus at www.littleheath.org.uk Engage • Respect • Achieve E: office@willink.w berks.sch.uk www.willinkschool.org.uk We are a friendly, busy, vibrant school with high expectations and aspirations for all members of our learning community. Come along to our Open Evening and Open Morning to discover more about our school. Open Morning Monday 19th September starting at 9am and 10am Please book with our Business Support Manager, Mrs Bailey E: lbailey@willink.w berks.sch.uk Daytime visits are also welcome throughout the Autumn Term by individual appointment booked via Mrs Bailey. Open Evening Thursday 15th September 6pm – 8.30pm Headteacher’s presentation at 6:15pm & 7:15pm PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools.WEST BERKSHIRE 24 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 St Bartholomew's School "It already feels like a home. Everyone is friendly, I’ve made loads of new friends and there are lots of different clubs and activities." Elle, Year 7 Open Evening: Tuesday 20 September, 5.00pm – 7.45pm Open Mornings: Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 September, 9.00am – 10.45am. No booking required. www.stbarts.co.uk office@stbarts.co.uk • 01635 521255 Tel: 01488 682400 Email: jogoffice@excalibur.org.uk www.johnogauntschool.co.ukOpen Evening Wed 12th October 2022, 4.30-7.00pm Head’s address 4.45pm and 5.45pm Open Morning Tours Thur 13th and Fri 14th Oct, 9am to 11am Please contact the school office to book an Open Morning Tour I feel happy, safe and confident here, like I could go on to do anything’ Y7 student ‘We’re small, but we dream mighty! Y10 student ‘Everybody knows you. There’s always someone looking out for you, always someone to build your aspirations and encourage you! Y10 student We look forward to welcoming you to look around John O’Gaunt. ‘Small school care, big school ambition!’ We understand that choosing a new school for your child is a huge decision and the many factors that have to be considered. Throughout the process, you will be steered by an unswerving belief that your child deserves the very best igh-quality learning environment, of course, ulture that embraces care, tolerance School, we share your belief. Our aim, quite simply, is to enable every p upil in our care scover their best’; t o grow into a responsible and fulfilled adult, with the skills, qualifications and confidence to shape their futures. OPEN EVENING 22 September 2022 (5 8pm) Stoney Lane, Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 4LL 01635 862121 BESTYOURoffice@kennetschool.co.ukwww.kennetschool.co.uk@kennetschool 25BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages Park House School Andover Road, Newbury RG14 6NQ 01635 573 911 www.parkhouseschool.org 11 to 18 St Bartholomew’s School Andover Road, Newbury RG14 6JP 01635 521 255 www.stbarts.co.uk 11 to 18 Theale Green School Church Street, Theale RG7 5DA 0118 930 2741 www.thealegreen.w-berks.sch.uk 11 to 18 Trinity School Love Lane, Shaw, Newbury RG14 2DU 01635 510 500 www.trinitynewbury.org 11 to 18 The Willink School School Lane, Burghfield Common, Reading RG7 3XJ 0118 983 2030 www.willink.org.uk 11 to 18 Book at: pangbourne.com/visit DISCOVER PANGBOURNE COLLEGE Open Morning - Saturday 24 September admissions@pangbourne.com | 0118 976 7415 PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools.WEST BERKSHIRE 26 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 OPEN MORNING SATURDAY 1 OCTOBER Independent Co Educational Day School Nursery | Junior School | Senior School | Sixth Form 01635 555680 | stgabriels co uk/bookyourvisit Join us for individual tours of our Co Educational Junior & Senior Schools SCAN HERE TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE forSuccesslife Open evening 6–8.30pm, Thursday 22 September* www.denefield.org.uk/openevening 0118 941 3458 Denefield School, Long Lane, Reading RG31 6XY covidto*Subject timetheatrestrictions An Independent Day School for Boys and Girls 11 18 With 40 years’ experience teaching girls at A level, Reading Blue Coat is excited to extend its Co-Ed provision to welcome girls into Year 7 from September 2023. Open Morning: Saturday 8 October 2022 Register your attendance at rbcs.org.uk Welcoming girls into Year 7 from 2023 27BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages Bohunt School Wokingham Sheerlands Road, Arborfield RG2 9GB 0118 907 6237 www.bohuntwokingham.com 11 to 18 The Bulmershe School Woodlands Avenue, Woodley, Reading RG5 3EU 0118 935 3353 www.thebulmersheschool.com 11 to 18 The Emmbrook School Emmbrook Road, Wokingham RG41 1JP 0118 978 4406 www.emmbrook.wokingham.sch.uk 11 to 18 The Forest School Robin Hood Lane, Winnersh, Wokingham RG41 5NE 0118 978 1626 www.forest.wokingham.sch.uk 11 to 18 The Holt School Holt Lane, Wokingham RG41 1EE 0118 978 0165 www.holtschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Maiden Erlegh School Silverdale Road, Earley RG6 7HS 0118 926 2467 www.maidenerleghschool.co.uk 11 to 18 Oakbank Secondary Free School Hyde End Lane, Ryeish Green, Reading RG7 1ER 0118 988 3616 www.oakbank.anthemtrust.uk 11 to 16 The Piggott School Twyford Road, Wargrave, Reading RG10 8DS 0118 940 2357 www.piggott.wokingham.sch.uk 11 to 18 St Crispin’s School London Road, Wokingham RG40 1SS 0118 978 1144 www.crispins.co.uk 11 to 18 Waingels College Waingels Road, Woodley RG5 4RF 0118 969 0336 www.waingels.wokingham.sch.uk 11 to 18 Waingels Open Evening Thursday 6th October 2022 | 5pm-8pm Waingels Open Mornings Monday 10th October 2022 | 9am-11am Tuesday 11th October 2022 | 9am-11am “We aim to be an exceptional school, at the heart of our community where Better Never Stops” Online bookings for Open Evening and Open Morning will be by appointment only. Please continue to check our website for updates on our Open Events and how you can book. Our Year 6 to 7 Transition webpage is full of information, videos and a virtual tour for you to start exploring! Email: WaingelsTransition@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk Web: www.waingels.wokingham.sch.uk Waingels College, Waingels Road, Woodley, Berkshire RG5 4RF Phone: 0118 969 0336 PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools.WOKINGHAM 28 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

It is a modern, eco-friendly building, with light, airy and inspiring learning spaces. Taking a prominent position at the front of school, it is a wonderful new development, enjoyed by pupils, staff and parents alike.
The new Pavilion delivers approximately 3000 sq ft of new teaching space, including a beautiful library, art room, music room, two further classrooms and WC facilities. It also boasts a lovely outdoor decking area, overlooking a pond on one side and the school’s tennis courts on the other. Please contact us if you would like to visit, explore our exciting new facility, and learn more about what makes Dolphin a truly unique school.
Headmaster of Dolphin School, Adam Hurst, is delighted to announce that the Heather Brough Pavilion opened its doors to pupils this term!
www.dolphinschool.com Avenue, Reading, Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out
inspires a love of learning that lasts a lifetime… Please visit our website to learn more, or contact Kate admissions@dolphinschool.comSpooner www.dolphinschool.com 0118 934 1277 Waltham Road, Hurst, Berkshire, RG10 0FR
An Independent Prep School for & Girls aged 3-13 School

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages The Abbey Senior School Kendrick Road, Reading RG1 5DZ 0118 987 2256 www.theabbey.co.uk/senior-school 11 to 18 Girls Crosfields Senior School Address: Shinfield Rd, Reading RG2 9BL 0118 987 1810 www.crosfields.com 11 to 16 Holme Grange School Heathlands Road, Wokingham RG40 3AL 0118 978 1566 www.holmegrange.org 3 to 16 Leighton Park School Shinfield Road, Reading RG2 7DE 0118 987 9608 www.leightonpark.com 11 to 18 LVS Ascot London Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 8DR 01344 882 770 www.lvs.ascot.sch.uk 4 to 18 Long Close School Upton Court Road, Slough, Berkshire SL3 7LU 0175 352 0095 www.longcloseschool.co.uk 2 to 16 Luckley House School Luckley Road, Wokingham RG40 3EU 0118 978 4175 www.luckleyhouseschool.org 11 to 18 Pangbourne College Pangbourne, Reading RG8 8LA 0118 984 2101 www.pangbourne.com 11 to 18 Queen Anne’s School Henley Road, Caversham RG4 6DX 0118 918 7300 www.qas.org.uk 11 to 18 Girls Reading Blue Coat School, Holme Park, Sonning Lane, Sonning-on-Thames RG4 6SU 0118 944 1005 www.rbcs.org.uk 11 to 18 Boys 16 to 18 Co-ed Girls in y7 from 2023 St Gabriel’s Sandleford Priory, Newbury RG20 9BD 01635 555 680 www.stgabriels.co.uk 6 mnth to 16 from 2022 Co-ed 16 to 18 Girls The Marist School Kings Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 7PS 01344 624291 www.themarist.com 2 to 18 Girls PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools.INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS 30 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out Co-educationalEstablishedschool Scan to visit usOver 40% girls SeniorAward-winningSchoolbuilding 54% Bilingual ambassadorsWellbeing Co-curricularactivities 90+ Weeklyfixtures Over 40 languages spokenLeading boys and girls sports teams 25 metre pool

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 Primary_Times_SUMMER_183X131mm_Queen_Anne’s_School Queen Anne’s is an independent day and boarding school for girls aged 11 to 18 KIND HEARTSFIERCE MINDSSTRONG SPIRITS OPEN EVENT Saturday 17 September BOOKBOOK TTODODAAYY:: qas.org.u k London transport serviceFull and boardingflexioptions Paddington to Reading in just 26 minutes 31BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 School Name and Address Telephone Website Ages The Abbey Junior School 30 Christchurch Road, Reading RG2 7AR 0118 931 3111 www.theabbey.co.uk/junior-school 3 to 11 Girls Cheam School Headley, Newbury RG19 8LD 01635 267822 www.cheamschool.com 3 to 13 Crosfields Junior School Shinfield Rd, Reading RG2 9BL 0118 987 1810 www.crosfields.com 3 to 11 Dolphin School Waltham Rd, Hurst RG10 OFR 0118 934 1277 www.dolphinschool.com 3 to 13 Elstree School Home Farm, Woolhampton RG7 5TD 0118 971 3302 www.elstreeschool.org.uk 3 to 13 St George’s School Windsor Castle Windsor SL4 1QF 01753 865553 www.stgwindsor.org 3 to 13 St John’s Beaumont Priest Hill, Old Windsor SL4 2JN 01784 432428 www.sjbwindsor.co.uk 3 to 13 Boys Upton House School 115 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 3DF 0175 386 2610 www.uptonhouse.org.uk 2 to 11 Waverley Preparatory School and Nursery Waverley Way, Finchampstead, Wokingham RG40 4YD 07768 708743 www.waverleyschool.co.uk Three months to 11 years Find out more about what makes our school so special, meet our Headteacher, and enjoy a tour of the school. Saturday 17 September 2022 10am - 12pm Holme Grange School Independent Co-educational Day School 3-16 years Open Morning Saturday 17th September +44(0)118 978 1566 www.holmegrange.org Heathlands Road, Wokingham, RG40 3AL PLEASE NOTE Data correct at time of press. Please verify with the individual schools.PREP SCHOOLS 32 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 ST G E O R ’ WINDSORSSTGEORGE’SSCHOOLWINDSORCASTLE A future-focused education Join us at our open event on Saturday 1 October Discover an education that will make your child real-world ready at our leading independent preparatory day and boarding school for ages 3-13. Follow us @stgwindsor www.stgwindsor.org New school bus service available from Gerrards Cross and Maidenhead. Upton House School Based in the heart of Windsor, Upton House is a thriving Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School for boys and girls aged 2-11 years. Self-esteem and happiness, we believe, are paramount to each child’s success and we pride ourselves on developing confident and happy children with a love of learning. Now delivers an enhanced selective curriculum, including Music Technology. Exciting school events all live streamed innovatively and recorded for parents/family to share. Great Scholarship success each year. Call 01753 862610 or email registrar@uptonhouse.org.uk Join us for the journey 33BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out Book now: sjb.admissions@sjb.email01784494053 EXPERIENCE A SCHOOL LIKE NO OTHER Open Day September30thPreparatory School for boys 3 13 years + academicOutstandingresults + Small class sizes & individual care + Large estate with superb facilities www.SJBwindsor.ukEst. 1888 ConvenientlylocatedinOldWindsor

SCHOOL GUIDE 2022 O P E N M O R N I N G E X P L O R E C H E A M w w w . c h e a m s c h o o l . c o m C h e a m i s a l e a d i n g i n d e p e n d e n t , d a y a n d b o a r d i n g p r e p s c h o o l , n e s t l e d i n 1 0 0 a c r e s o f B e r k s h i r e c o u n t r y s i d e , f o r p u p i l s a g e d 3 t o 1 3 y e a r s P l e a s e j o i n u s f o r O p e n M o r n i n g a n d s e e f i r s t h a n d w h y C h e a m i s s u c h a s p e c i a l a n d i n s p i r i n g p l a c e f o r c h i l d r e n t o s p e n d t h e i r f o r m a t i v e y e a r s P l e a s e r e g i s t e r o n l i n e W e l o o k f o r w a r d t o w e l c o m i n g y o u Friday 14 October 2022 | 10am to 12.30pm 34 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

• Junior Sailing Weeks • Wild Days Holiday Club • Birthday Parties • SUP, Pedalo & Kayak Hire • Guided Paddles facebook.com/dintonpasturescpdintonactivitycentre@wokingham.gov.uk0118www.dinton-pastures.co.uk9344424 g 36 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

Join Ocean Youth for fun, creative drama sessions where they explore the magic and excitement of theatre with acting, drama and games. Sessions are run by an experienced stage and TV actress and assisted by two members from the Main Company who support and mentor the students. They’re all about developing confident, collaborative and creative young people. Ocean Youth doesn’t just offer performing skills but encourages the development of public speaking, communication and building confidence in a relaxed setting, allowing children to enjoy the process with no pressure of performance. Ocean Theatre Company has been working with local youth for 14 years. Regardless of skills and abilities they welcome any student into their inclusive and supportive environment. Ocean Youth for 10-13 year olds. Saturdays, 10 – 11:30am, Ascot. Book your free taster session at: E: youth@oceantheatre.com W: www.oceantheatre.com/ocean-youth
Are you thinking about after school activities for your children? While some kids may be too tired after a school day, others will have plenty of energy left to be channelled! And weekend clubs are always a good way to bring structure and activity into the day too. It’s well documented that the benefits are huge – regular activities can provide new friends, skills and self-confidence that could last a lifetime. Read on to discover a whole world of possibilities for your little one. YOUR CHILD’S CONFIDENCE WITH STEPPIN OUT
Steppin Out are offering a FREE taster on September 16th and 17th September. Please quote Primary Times when booking. Contact Shelley on T: 07970 034488 E: shelley@steppinoutstars.co.uk W: www.steppinoutstars.co.uk
Steppin Out continues to offer amazing opportunities to its students. From performing at Disney, Formula 1 and South Hill Park Theatre through to building essential life skills and confidence, Steppin Out is the place to be! They offer classes as young as 3½ -17 years in Dance, Drama, Singing, Tap, Musical Theatre and in recent years have set up a very successful performance Troupe. Eastenders and Strictly Finalist Emma Barton who attended this year’s show said, “The show was magical, professional and the children look like they are having so much fun on the stage. It was brilliant and I am so proud!”
ACTIVITIES GIVE YOUR CHILD THE GIFT OF CONFIDENCE WITH RAZZAMATAZ THEATRE SCHOOL! With a branch in Newbury, Razzamataz’s fun and funky classes in drama, singing and street dance will give your child the opportunity to make new friends and keep fit, while developing their self-confidence, communication and team working skills! Why not join in the fun? Go along and take part in a Free Taster Session on Saturday 17th September. Give Debbi a call to book or visit their website for details of classes and times. T: 01635 905404 E: newbury@razzamataz.co.uk W: www.razzamataz.co.uk SPRINGBOARD TO FUN! Kindergym classes for children aged 1-4 years parentandofferGymnasticsweekthroughoutruntheandPinewoodClubbothwith,without,classes dependent on age. Pay as you go drop-in classes are also available. Classes consist of warm up games, gymnastic based apparatus circuits and the chance to develop the basic beginning gymnastics skills. Classes will help develop a child’s balance, co-ordination, spatial awareness and body control whilst also using colours, numbers and word association in a safe and fun purpose-built gymnastics facility. Each session brings a new adventure with the classes taking on a different theme weekly. Qualified British Gymnastics coaches are on hand to coach, help and encourage the children as they start on their gymnastics pathway. T: 01344 773237 W: www.pinewoodgymnastics.co.uk GET FIT, IMPROVE CONFIDENCE AND MAKE NEW FRIENDS WITH TAE KWON DO Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and courage. These are the tenets of Tae Kwon Do. Reading Tae Kwon Do Academy has over 30 years’ experience guiding people through this martial art, helping to improve balance, fitness and selfconfidence and offer classes starting from 4-6 years (Tiger Cubs), through to junior and adult. Children progress and improve kicking and punching skills in a fun, controlled environment. If you are looking for a new way to stay fit, gain self-defence skills, discipline and confidence whilst making new friends, Reading Tae Kwon Do Academy may well be the right choice!
Principal Shelley Otway has run her hugely successful schools for 13 years. She said, “ Yes, we have children in West End shows and adverts, but the greatest reward is seeing a child’s confidence blossom”.
T: 07766 125735 W: www.reading-tkd.com to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands more great days out

W: www.artemis-studios.co.uk or www.bracknellcheer.co.uk
FAMILY THEATRE GUIDE 38 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk/berkshire for thousands
Friday 30th September –Sunday 2nd October DINOSAUR WORLD LIVE Dare to experience the dangers and delights of Dinosaur World Live in this roarsome interactive show for all the family.
CORN NEWBURYEXCHANGE cornexchangenew.com Saturday 15th –Sunday 16th October THE VERY CATERPILLARHUNGRYSHOW Four timeless stories are brought to life in one delightful show. NORDEN MAIDENHEADFARM norden.farm Wednesday 26th –Thursday 27th October SPY MONKEY A new comedy dance film featuring popular characters from the Indian
Tuesday 25th October
Morgan & West present captivating bonkersphenomenalchemistry,physics,andbiologyinthisfun for all the family science extravaganza.
The Performing Arts are so much more than singing, dancing, and acting. At Stagecoach, they help children develop Creative Courage For Life and unlock your child’s potential. They help to enhance life skills such as confidence, teamwork, coordination, and communication through fun and engaging classes. They offer a two-week trial giving your child the opportunity to try their classes and meet new friends, whilst channelling energy through creativity and expression. Stagecoach offers weekly classes in singing, dancing and acting during term time for 4 – 18 year olds and you can sign your child up for a two-week trial for the Autumn Term to see if it’s right for them!
GR Swimming Schools has an amazing team to support you & your children in their swimming journey and their reviews speak for themselves. Jo is a strong supervisor who values communication - bulletins keep parents informed about lessons and she is on hand to answer questions from parents at sessions and explain GR’s unique lesson structure and progression. There are 12 million people in the UK who are Aquaphobic (have a fear of water). GR have a certified Advanced Aquaphobia Coach, helping with the emotions that adults and children have with water which greatly affects their lives. GR’s Rookie Lifeguard courses follow the RLSS syllabus, supporting the Physical and Skills sections of the DofE in secondary schools (Duke of Edinburgh Awards). Participants must be good swimmers of 100m+ ability as they must wear clothes for all sessions –which is gruelling! Is your child up to the GR challenge? www.swimlessons.co.uk epic, the 4+.
Thursday 27th October THE DINOSAUR SHOW Join Hunter and Shelly as they step back 65 million years on their mission to rediscover the Lost Kingdom of the Dinosaurs. The Dinosaur Show brings a host of pre-historic creatures to life and the opportunity for you to see them up close. Ages 3+. more great out
Join award winning Little Bulb (house band in CBEEBIES The Nutcracker) as together you will prepare to take a very long nap! Audience members are encouraged to bring a favourite blanket and any cuddly friends who would like to tag along! For ages 3-7 and their families
Artemis Studios is a children’s performing arts charity offering outstanding training for children and young people. They specialise in musical theatre productions, acting and musical theatre exams, and have competitive cheerleading and hip hop crews. They are Ofsted registered and can accept childcare vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare payments. With incredible, qualified staff, including West End directors and choreographers, they offer classes from just 4 years old - through to 24! As well as evening and weekend classes, they offer free and low-cost holiday classes. Artemis classes are subsidised –so no student pays more than £5 an hour, with the average being only £3.90 an hour.
Saturday 8th October HIBERNATION
Full of spooky songs to get you and the kids shakin’ like a Skeleton, moanin’ like a Zombie and stompin’ like a Monster. Johnny and the Raindrops promise to get children and grown-ups dancing and moving, singing and grooving.
From the producers of Singa-Long-a Sound of Music and Sing-a-Long-a Frozen, the smash hit film musical of 2021 about the Family Madigral with lyrics on screen that everyone can’t stop singing.
Sign up now for a free two-week try out for acting, singing, dancing, Hip Hop or Cheer!
Ramayana, including interaction with the cast. Ages
READING ARTS whatsonreading.com Sunday 18th September MINISTRY OF SCIENCE Join the presenters as they dive deep into the world of science and look at how science shapes the modern world we live in with a few loud bangs along the way!
Sunday 16th October A-ENCANTOSING-A-LONG-
SOUTH HILL PARK BRACKNELL www.southhillpark.org.uk Sunday 23rd October BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Set to a stunning classical score, this production will showcase new choreography by Artistic Director, Christopher Moore, as well as feature new sets and costumes created especially for this production.
Join much loved children’s author and illustrator, Nick Sharratt, for a special Halloween themed drawalong. He’ll be sketching gently spooky characters from a selection of his fun-filled picture books, including the hugely popular You Choose’, Shark in the Park’ and ‘Pants’ series. And you can draw along with him. Ages 4yrs+
W: www.stagecoach.co.uk

Discover our independent day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 months to 18 years old. BOOK YOUR VISIT: email registrar@reddamhouse.org.uk or sign up via Reddamhouse.org.uk Address: Bearwood Road, Sindlesham, Wokingham, Surrey RG41 5BG. Telephone: +44 (0) 118 947 8300 REDDAM HOUS E BERKSHIRE Open SaturdayDay1stOctober 2022 kind / dedicated / a future change maker We inspire individuality and empower every student to excel

Whether you’re looking to spend your festive celebrations with colleagues, friends or family, we have a variety of events and packages to suit all at Holiday Inn Reading-South! From Winter Wonderland Party Nights and Festive Lunches to New Year’s Eve Family Buffets, we make every moment magical. Join us for your Christmas celebrations this year where you can eat, drink and be merry! For more information speak to a member of our events team or visit letsdochristmas.com to download our brochure. Starting from £20 per person BOOK NOW @HIReading_South/HolidayInnReadingSouthM4Jct11@HolidayInnReadingSouth