Let it Glow! Head to RHS Garden Bridgewater for a new trail full of festive colour and sparkle for all the family Reaching families in Cheshire, The Wirral and Greater Manchester 83,300 COPIES FOR FAMILIES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN Back to School issue 178 September 5th – 9th October 2022 Cheshire, The Wirral and Greater Manchester www.primarytimes.co.uk

Call us for a personal tour: Burnage Academy for Boysan academic, caring school where your son will thrive.OpenWeds21Sept4pmEvening burnage.manchester.sch.uk 0161 432 1527 Top 3% of North West Schools for Boys’ Progress
Burnage Academy for Boys, we are experts in boys' education. Our exam results speak for themselves, and pupils develop into rounded, confident young adults ready to contribute to society. With a strong focus on enrichment, personal development and thorough pastoral care, we're confident that Burnage Academy for Boys is the right choice for your son. RESILIENCE INDEPENDENCE CARE

This magazine is audited by BPA MEMBER 3BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out
Happy reading and we wish you all an enjoyable, successful first term. See you again in October with plenty of ideas for half term adventures!
is operated under franchise licence. CONTENTS Moonscape Media Ltd • T: 07710 229189 • E: kerry@moonscapemedia.net Michelle Dilger • Production: Tristan Kayes • Advertising: Kerry Beardsmore Suzanne Watson • Features Editor: Helen Chitham 4 LOCAL KNOWLEDGE 6 AUTUMN DAYS OUT 8 EDUCATION 13 WHAT’S ON WHERE 14 FAMILY THEATRE GUIDE FOR ADVERTISERS We are the largest free magazine in Cheshire, The Wirral and Greater Manchester reaching 208,250 family readers. If you’d like to advertise directly to this audience please call 07710 229189 HHHHH The List ‘A TRULY THEATRICAL FEAST’ WED 7 DEC 2022 – SUN 8 JAN 2023 BOOK NOW 0343 208 6000 | THELOWRY.COM Pier 8, The Quays, Salford M50 3AZ
For those new to us, our magazine is a practical “what’s on and where to go” guide, with child friendly events, days out, local news and great competitions. As well as this Back-to-School edition, Primary Times will be popped into your child’s book bag just before each holiday, full of ideas for entertaining the family during the school breaks.
Whilst the days are getting shorter and warming stews come back on the menu, there is still family fun to be had!
Throughout this issue, we’ve included events and activities, inside and out, to help keep all ages entertained this autumn.
and advertising artwork produced by our studio remains with Primary Times or with
Times is currently publishing over 2 million copies per issue under franchise licences throughout the UK. Primary Times Cheshire and
The team here at Primary Times hopes you’ve had a fabulous summer break and are looking forward to the start of an exciting new school year. Welcome back to our regular readers and a big ‘hello’ to those starting school life for the first time.
Primary the Wirral Greater Manchester
Primary Times is independently published and distributed free through primary schools in Cheshire and the Wirral and Greater Manchester. It aims to inform families and children about current educational issues, forthcoming events, courses, attractions and to give teachers, pupils and parents the opportunity to participate in the magazine by adding to its contents or by joining in the competitions. It is NOT our intention to publish any racist, sexist or politically based material whatsoever. We also undertake not to carry any advertising which we would consider to be offensive to young families or harmful to the best interests of young children. Primary Times would like to thank all the schools in Cheshire and the Wirral and Greater Manchester for their assistance in distributing the magazine and for their contributions to its contents. We would also like to thank all the advertisers who have supported this publication and therefore made it possible. Please support their endeavours when and where you can. The copyright on all written material, logos the relevant

Whether you are at the start of your career or wanting to upskill, the University of Salford provides a wide range of healthcare related and society focused courses.
wgs.org YEAR 3 TASTER MORNING THURS 6 OCTOBER WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN EVENTS THURS 3 & SAT 5 NOVEMBER If you wish to attend these events or be kept up to date on other opportunities to learn more about a Withington education please call 0161 249
“I started University as a single parent with three young children and I can honestly say that the support I received throughout my degree was amazing, choosing Salford has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am now a Health and Lifestyle Advisor, which involves offering nutritional advice and exercise programmes to adults and families!” –Sarah, BSc (Hons) Nutrition and Exercise as Medicine Graduate For more information, visit www.salford.ac.uk
or email admissions@wgs.org
If you are considering a Grammar or Independent school for your child’s secondary education, they will need to sit an 11+ entrance exam. With over 18 years of experience, KSOL understand what it takes to succeed!
4 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out LOCAL KNOWLEDGE FOR PARENTS & TEACHERS
KSOL offer a unique combination of award-winning personalised online courses, plus direct support from a team of qualified teachers. Their expert TargetTeach® technology will pinpoint gaps in your child’s knowledge to ensure that their course is tailored to suit the individual. Your child’s 11+ journey starts here, and KSOL have an offer where you can save up to £50 with their fantastic “Back to School” offers on Year 4 & 5 online tuition. For more information you can call 0161 327 2003 to speak to one of their friendly educational advisors or visit www.ksol.co.uk 3371

5BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out Whatever stage you’re at in your career, find the right course for you: / ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS / COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY / NURSING AND MIDWIFERY / PSYCHOLOGY / SOCIAL WORK / SOCIOLOGY, CRIMINOLOGY & POLICING / SPORT, EXERCISE & NUTRITION Visit www.salford.ac.uk/open-days for details of our upcoming Openenquiries@salford.ac.ukDayswww.salford.ac.uk01612954545 TIME START?YOURFORFRESH 368 Primary Times Ad update_A6_v2.indd 1 26/07/2022 15:07 Enrol and SAVE Back to OFFERS!School Your child’s 11+ journey starts here... Award-Winning 11+ Specialists R www.ksol.co.uk Call us today! 0161 327£50!2003 up to SAVE 0115 9939 www.nationaljusticemuseum.org.uklearning@nationaljusticemuseum.org.uk811 Unique opportunities to learn about law and justiceManchesteracross We provide opportunitiesuniquetolearn about the role of law and active citizenship in Manchester and the North-West in settings such as the Greater Manchester Police Museum and in Manchester Metropolitan University’s moot courtroom, where children can meet law students. Hitting topics such as PSHE and careers, students can access recordings of real judges and take the courtroom roles on themselves. A visit offers hands-on understanding of the law and justice and a trip to one of the North-West’s most popular universities.

Join the East Lancashire Railway for spectacular family fun on a Day Out with Thomas!
T: 0333 320 2830 W: www.eastlancsrailway.co.uk
Manchester Science Festival returns from 21st-30th October with a packed programme of events, produced by the Science and Industry Museum. Highlights include the brandnew exhibition Turn It Up: The power of music. Prepare to get hands-on, with your ears and hearts open, and explore the science of music’s mysterious hold over us through weird and wonderful objects and hands-on activities. Enjoy an out-of-this-world dance experience with a new interactive installation by choreographer Corey Baker. Throw some shapes and learn more about how the human body moves under different gravity conditions. With family friendly activities taking place every day throughout half-term at the Science and Industry Museum, plus special events at Central Library and Manchester Arndale, Manchester Science Festival is not to be missed.
W: www.scienceandindustrymuseum.org.uk/manchestersciencefestival
Live music, and the human interaction that accompanies it, is one of the most multisensory activities in which young children and their caregivers can engage in together. Studies have found that day-old infants breathe differently depending on whether they are listening to music, and that babies will listen calmly to a lullaby for twice as long as baby talk or adult speech. At The Stoller Hall they understand the importance of first access to music and culture and their family programme of live music and events has been made specifically for little ones and their grown-ups. You can find them in the heart of Manchester city centre where they welcome families of all shapes and sizes to their venue. See what’s on via their website.
W: www.stollerhall.com/families
Gandeys sensational new production ROAR! brings you world class acts from across the globe with an international cast of over 30 artistes coming together to wow audiences in a production staged in Gandeys Big Top of Dreams. Braving the heights of the High Wire, motorbikes roaring around the Thunderdome, incredible Mallakhamb Pole, towering Rola Rola, suspenseful Hair Hanging, and Europe’s favourite clown, and so much more! Thrills, excitement and laughter for the entire family, they look forward to welcoming you once again in 2022 with their brand-new production ROAR!, from their family to your family. W: www.gandey.com
The summer holidays may have come to an end, but Brio Leisure has a fantastic offer to help keep you and your little ones happy and active! This September, juniors can join Brio Leisure for just £10 per month for September, October and November! From casual swim sessions to off-peak racquet sports, there are loads of activities to keep the kids entertained at your local centre. Adults can also take advantage of this offer for just £20 per month too, so whether you want to take a dip in the pool, find your favourite fitness class or sweat it out in the gym, there is plenty of choice. To join and benefit from this offer, visit your local centre today or go online. W: www.brioleisure.org Set in the heart of the Cheshire countryside, this delightfully quirky and intimate venue offers a wide range of musical events – from folk to gospel, to opera and jazz, and many other events besides. Clonter is only a 30-minute drive from Manchester, 10 minutes from two railway stations, and offers ample free parking. Clonter prides itself on being a one-stop entertainment shop, where you can immerse yourself in the exciting world of live musical theatre with several dining options. The venue is also available to hire for weddings, conferences and celebrations. W: wwww.clonter.org
Long lighter evenings may have left us, but the most glorious, colourful season is here! You will still find plenty going on to entertain the troops with some brilliant local events and great days out on offer, so pop on an extra layer and round up the family for some boredom-busting autumn activity.
book tickets,
On the 1st – 2nd October, meet Sir Topham Hatt and cheeky station sweepers Rusty and Dusty in Bury before taking a ride with Thomas the Tank Engine himself. Complete your day with Thomas themed games and activities, fun fair rides, balloon modellers, singing, dancing and much more. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Don’t delay, Thomas and friends will be waiting for To find out more, and to visit them online or

WEEKENDS AND SCHOOL HOLIDAYS BOOK NOW 7BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out

The College is a unique, inspiring and memorable place to learn and grow, where the caring and committed teaching and support staff will do all that they can to help your child fulfil their potential. The College is a safe and friendly school community, where they work with each child’s individual interests, passions and strengths; while also encouraging them to try new things, take risks and be creative.
W: www.stockportgrammar.co.uk
W: www.burnage.manchester.sch.uk
Musicians from Stockport Grammar School headed to London to take part in a series of concerts across the capital. Concert Band, Jazz Band, Wind Orchestra and Junior Chamber Choir kicked off the concerts with performances at St James’ Church, Piccadilly. The musicians wowed audiences on the bandstand at Alexandra Gardens with performances by Concert Band, Jazz Band, Wind Orchestra and Big Band. They also enjoyed a tour of the National Theatre before their final performance at St Paul’s Church in Covent Garden. Lower Sixth student Lily Amet commented: “Being able to show a different community our talent, alongside just having fun and enjoying ourselves, was really memorable. A highlight for me was the tour around the National Theatre as it helped give me an insight into how hard people work behind the stage and the effort that goes into making an amazing show.”
Burnage Academy for Boys prides itself on a tailored transition programme. Following a summer club focused on preparing for secondary school and healthy lifestyles through sports and nutrition, Year 7 have now started their bespoke personal development curriculum. Pupils learn to be organised, enhance resilience, work independently, and take advantage of a rich extracurricular programme and outstanding facilities. Alongside this, pupils develop the soft skills needed to be successful – developing healthy friendships, being safe online, and caring for their self-esteem and wellbeing. The values of independence, resilience and care underpin the work of all staff and pupils.
Burnage Academy Open Day is on 21st September, 4pm-7pm.
The aim of the College is to lead and coach each child during these critical, formative years, so that they may achieve the best they can academically with a clear sense of self and how they can go on to make a positive difference to our world in the future - with courage and with compassion. W: www.abbeygatecollege.co.uk
Ms Eleanor Losse, who took up the post of Head of Junior School in January 2021, describes her role: “It is an absolute privilege to lead the Junior School at MGS. It’s an incredibly busy, vibrant and welcoming environment. Our Junior School pupils have access to outstanding facilities and resources, such as our Performance Theatre, Art Department, dedicated Junior Science laboratory and our exceptional sports facilities which include: playing fields, swimming pool, astros, tennis and squash courts. Senior School Specialist Teachers (in subjects such as Maths, English, Art, Science, History and Latin) work alongside Junior School Form Tutors, who are responsible for the core teaching and pastoral care of Junior School pupils. All our pupils are proud to take part in the Hugh Oldham Award, which combines elements of outdoor learning with community service and volunteering, and strengthens links between home and school.”
Withington Girls’ School Year 6 pupil, Eden Hamilton, has made her film debut in The Railway Children Return alongside Sheridan Smith and Jenny Agutter, who reprised her role from the original film. Eden plays ‘Pattie’ the middle child and youngest daughter in this next generation sequel to The Railway Children. Eden joined Withington in Year 3 and has been involved with music and drama from the same age. She recently played a compelling Miss Trunchbull on one of two nights of Withington’s Junior production of Matilda the Musical Jr, showcasing the talent that earned her the role of Pattie to an appreciative school audience. W: www.wgs.org
W: wwww.mgsglobalconnect.org F: w@mgs_1515
Abbey Gate College is an independent school for pupils aged 4-18 years, located in the historic Saighton Grange and Aldford Village, nestled in 20 acres of beautiful grounds while offering modern facilities.

9BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out EDUCATION Open Days Register www.kingschester.co.ukNow Our recent ISI inspection rated the school as excellent in all areas: "Pupils are highly articulate, confident and resilient" Telephone: 01244 689 553 Email: admissions@kingschester.co.uk E VERY OPPORTUNITY. ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES WILLOW LODGE Saturday 15 October 9.30am - 12pm KING’S JUNIORS Saturday 15 October 10.30am - 1pm KING’S SENIORS & SIXTH FORM Saturday 1 October 9am - 12.30pm FBURSARIESAVAILABLEORYEAR7ENTRY Thursday 22 September 4.30pm–7pm Saturday 5 November 9.30am–12 noon Events Contact Kath Heathcote 0161 224 7201 extension k.heathcote@mgs.org234 MGS.org @mgs_juniors ‘Many of our youngest pupils enjoy travelling on the bus from a wide geographic area, increasing their independence.’ Eleanor Losse, Head of Junior School

10 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out EDUCATION Register online now thequeensschool.co.uk/open-events • OPENSCHOOLLOWERHOUSE Fri 7 Oct • SCHOOLSENIOR MORNINGOPEN Sat 8 Oct • FORMSIXTH EVENINGOPEN Thurs 20 Oct October Open Events AN OUTSTANDING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL for girls aged 4-18 in the heart of Chester. Small enough that we get to know every girl personally, and big enough to provide a wealth of opportunities that go well beyond the classroom, challenging your daughter along the way to ensure a successful and happy future. forAWARDLEVELGOLDoutstandingcareersprovision Ignitingherpotential INDEPENDENTSUPPORTIVEMOSTSCHOOL2022–NorthWestEngland Oct open events 88-131.indd 1 23/06/2022 11:55 An Independent School for children aged 4-18 in the heart of Cheshire 2022 Open Day Senior School - Saturday 24th September We’re delighted to announce the date of our upcoming Register your interest now at grange.org.uk or simply scan the QR code 01606 539039 The King’s School in Macclesfield www.kingsmac.co.uk | 01625 260000 Open Day Saturday 8 October REGISTER NOW at www.kingsmac.co.uk • Stunning new incampus80-acrePrestbury • agegirlsartState-of-the-facilitiesfor&boys3–18 • Excellent GCSE & resultsA-Level ‘EXCELLENT ’ IN ALL AREAS - ISI Inspection 2022 1137204No.Charity Infants & Juniors: 9am 1pm Seniors & Sixth Form: 10am 2pm Birkenhead School 58 Beresford Road Oxton, Wirral, CH43 2JD Open Events Seniors & Sixth Form Open Evening Thursday 29th September, 6.00pm Prep Open Morning (Reception—Year 6) Friday 18th November, 9.15am Find out more and register online at: visit.birkenheadschool.co.uk

Highlights this year include their two class residentials, the Year 6 production of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, and their class buddies system where they teamed up with some of the younger children and formed strong relationships as they completed activities together. Headteacher Rosemary Evans comments, “We are very proud of our pupils for working so hard to achieve their first choice Secondary School. We start to prepare pupils for the entrance procedures well in advance with our comprehensive Transfer programme and our children are going to a variety of excellent schools.”
The Hammond is a performing arts boarding school based in Chester. Recognised as a national centre of excellence for Dance training, and a member of the Music and Dance Scheme (MDS), it provides funded places for talented dancers aged eleven to sixteen. In addition to their Dance provision, they have developed their Theatre Arts courses to support aspiring young actors and musicians in reaching their full potential as creative and performing artists. The Lower School courses are fun, challenging, and rigorous. Students in Years 7-11 receive upwards of 16 hours of vocational training per week with classes running alongside an outstanding academic curriculum.
W: www.firsschool.net
W: www.stdavidscollege.co.uk
The Firs School Chester, the leading independent school for boys and girls aged 2-11 years old, is celebrating all their Year 6 pupils who are moving on to their first choice of secondary school, with some receiving academic scholarships.
E: admissions@stdavidscollege.co.uk
W: www.thehammond.co.uk
As part of the students’ and the school’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and the environment, the children were keen to learn more about ways in which we can reduce the release and negative impact of greenhouse gases and found the visit very informative. W: www.grange.org.uk
Following a letter to TATA to ask how they would be tackling their power plant emissions, Edie in Year 3 was invited to the opening of TATA’s Carbon Capture & Utilisation Plant in Winnington, near Northwich. The plant is a world first in capturing carbon dioxide from power generation plant emissions. Edie was accompanied on the trip by Head of the Grange Junior School Mr Rands and joined by her twin sister, Bella, as well as Grace, Daniel and Stirling also in Year 3.
Staff and students at the King’s School Chester are celebrating after achieving the highest possible rating of excellent in all areas of a recent ISI inspection report. The report praised the school’s excellent academic outcomes, as well as its impressive co-curricular programme, which gives students opportunities to excel in so many areas outside of the classroom. Headmaster Mr Hartley is particularly proud that the school’s commitment to pastoral care was also commended: “Our pastoral care programme allows pupils to develop into self-assured, thoughtful and high-achieving individuals, all within our culture of mutual support and respect.” Discover King’s for yourself at their Senior School Open Day on Saturday, 1st October. W: www.kingschester.co.uk
St David’s College is a mainstream co-educational independent school for children aged 9 to 19 years old. Their award-winning school is set in a 30-acre Tudor Estate, nestled between Snowdonia National Park and the North Wales coastline. Snowdonia is their classroom, their theatre, their playground, their lifeblood. Their aim is a simple one – to create a unique wholeperson education centred on the individual, built on Christian principles, and embedded in a family atmosphere. Taking a “whole person” approach, allows them to find the true gifts of every individual and tailor pupils’ education accordingly.

The Queen’s School in Chester is proud to have retained the top rating of ‘excellent’ in all areas after a recent full inspection from the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Hot on the heels of this endorsement, the school was awarded the highestlevel gold award in recognition of the outstanding careers provision for students throughout the school. Led by a dedicated full-time Head of Careers, Queen’s achieved the national Quality in Careers Standard awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers, and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school. Queen’s has also been recognised as the ‘Most Supportive Independent School 2022 – North West England’ in the recent Private Education Awards for the academic and pastoral support all students receive. Tours and taster days are available throughout the year, email admissions@thequeensschool.co.uk
W: www.kingsmac.co.uk
A last ball thriller saw the talented King’s School U13 team lift the prestigious David English, Bunbury National School’s Cup against the pride of London. It is the first time King’s has ever lifted a National Schools’ Cricket Cup, with the boys’ cavalier performance set to become the stuff of legend. With a brand of cricket resembling the modern ‘Bazball’, King’s took on renowned sports school Dulwich College in a blow-by-blow encounter at Oakham School in Rutland. But cometh the hour, cometh the man, with tough death bowler Leo Burns bowling a tight last over of just four runs to deny Dulwich’s last pair. However, it wasn’t just the last over, but the very last ball that counted, with the Dulwich number 11, needing only one run to tie and two to win, hammering a drive to cover point only for the fearless Ollie Price to hang to a world class catch and win the match.
12 BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE 2022 Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out EDUCATION YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR OPEN DAY ON SATURDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER at 9.30am - 12.00pm For further information or to arrange a visit contact: The Firs School, 45 Newton Lane, Chester, CH2 2HJ. Tel: 01244 322443 Fax: 01244 400450 Email: admin@firsschool.org www.fircones.net www.firsschool.net Independent day nursery and primary education specialists for boys and girls 0-11 NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 22 0-4 year olds all year round A TOP-PERFORMING YEAR FOR QUEEN’S
. Discover for yourself why Queen’s is the right environment for your daughter to flourish at their Open Events in October. Register now at www.thequeensschool.co.uk/open-events

W: www.brioleisure.org Saturday 10th Heritage Open Day –Making Macclesfield
An international cast of over 30 artistes come together to wow audiences in a production staged in Gandeys Big Top of Dreams. Gandeys sensational new production “Roar!” brings you world class acts from across the globe! Braving the heights of the high wire, motorbikes roaring around the thunderdome. Incredible Mallakhamb pole, Europe’s favourite clown, and much more. Running until Sunday 25th W: www.gandey.com www.primarytimes.co.uk
Harvest Festival
This September, juniors can join Brio Leisure for just £10 per month for September, October and November!
Get hands on and see science brought to life in the free interactive gallery designed for the whole family to enjoy together. Science and Industry Museum, Manchester. W: org.uk/whats-on/experimentwww.scienceandindustrymuseum.
From casual swim sessions to off-peak racquet sports, there are loads of activities to try, enjoy and keep the kids entertained at your local centre. Adults can also take advantage of this offer for just £20 per month too.
Saturday 17th Clocks and Cogs
Friday 9th Inspired by Brio Leisure
There will be events taking place in the Silk Museum, Granelli’s, St Michaels Church and Christ Church as part of the Heritage Open Days. W: https://macclesfieldmuseums.
ONGOING Experiment
for thousands more great days out FAMILY EVENTS at The StollerINVENTIONSPROFESSORHallLIGHTBULB’SMARVELLOUS DAVIDJUKEBOXFAMILYGIBB’S 05.11.22 | 11.12.22stollerhall.com/families1pm|11am & 3pm + interactive workshop at 1pm We take great care to ensure this information is correct at the time of going to press. However, we would advise parents to phone and check details prior to making a long trip…or promise!
Free entry weekend at Lyme Park. Discover Lyme’s glorious house filled with six centuries of history. Introduce yourself to Lyme with a new exhibition of rarely seen sketches and paintings. There’s a printing with sunshine workshop as part of the Heritage Open Day, Lyme, Disley, Stockport. W: www.nationaltrust.org.uk Storyseekers
The ManchesterRevolutionShow Enjoy an action-packed show that tells the story of how science met industry in Manchester. Manchester Science and Industry Museum. W: manchester-showorg.uk/whats-on/revolution-www.scienceandindustrymuseum.
Discover Chester’s clock-making past, and make your own clocks and cogs! 11am-2pm. Grosvenor Museum, Chester. W: westcheshiremuseums.co.ukhttp://grosvenormuseum.
Your family can discover real artefacts and find moving and surprising stories from people who braved shark-infested waters to ingenious nurses and those who built machines of conflict. A wonderful way for families to learn together about the global impact of conflict from the Second World War to today. Runs weekends until 16th October. Imperial War Museum North. W: whats-onwww.iwm.org.uk/visits/iwm-north/
Crossing The Line Coinciding with the UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 tournament, the new exhibition, Crossing the Line: the story of women’s football, chronicles the game’s early growth, the effects of the FA’s de facto 1921 ban, its survival and its resurgence in recent decades. Runs until 31st December 2022. The National Football Museum, Manchester.
Wednesday 21st Gandey’s Big Top of Dreams
A chance to celebrate the annual harvest by joining in with the Farm’s harvest festival. See the steam engine running, have a go at scarecrow making and spinning or make your own corn dolly. Also on 11th September. Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire. W: www.tattonpark.org.uk Heritage Open Day

Thursday 27th October – Sunday 19th February THE LION KING Set against the majesty of the Serengeti Plains and to the evocative rhythms of Africa, Disney’s multi award-winning musical is a unique theatrical experience that you will remember forever.
The Quays, Salford T: 0343 208 https://thelowry.com6000
Tuesday 4th October
THE BOOKCHILDREN’SSHOW Daniel Morden has travelled all over the world as a professional storyteller, bringing to life the stories and tales that have helped us make sense of our world through the ages. His collection of traditional stories, Secret Tales from Wales, are tales of enchantment, mystery and danger, where ordinary people triumph through their own bravery and native wit. Year 5 and 6 children will be enthralled by this hour of riveting storytelling by one of the Bookshow’s bestloved performers.
Saturday 15th October PROFESSOR JIGGET’S STORY SUITCASES World famous magical explorer, Professor Jigget, brings his collection of storytelling suitcases to The Met. Inside each one is a world of magic and mayhem... For ages 7+
Wednesday 12th –Sunday 16th October SHREK THE MUSICAL Join the favourite green orge and his friends on a musical adventure in a show celebrating local talent that’s fun for all the family!
Tuesday 11th October GRANDAD ANANSI Grandad is as smart and mischievous as the Anansi legend; can he find a way to tell his granddaughter his plans to return to Jamaica? An uplifting tale for ages 4-9 years.
CREWE LYCEUM https://crewelyceum.co.uk
Thursday 27th –Sunday 30th October THE TIGER WHO CAME TO TEA Join the tea-guzzling tiger in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-along songs and clumsy chaos. Don’t miss this stunning stage adaptation of the classic tale of teatime mayhem… expect to be surprised!
Featuring a soundtrack of top pop hits from artists such as Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor and Miley Cyrus, plus all the best songs from all your favourite films and musicals.
THE MET BURY https://themet.org.uk
T: 0333 320 2830 W: www.eastlancsrailway.co.uk
Saturday 1st Day Out With Thomas
Saturday 24th September I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE It’s Molly’s birthday party, but when her presents go missing, can you save the day? An interactive family musical, based on the book by Steven Lee. Ages 2+.
THE CROWN BALLET PRESENTS SWAN LAKE Swan Lake is a tale of two young women, Odette and Odilie, who resemble each other so strikingly one can easily be mistaken for the other.
Sunday 2nd Apple Day Join in games and children’s activities at Tatton Park. In the gardens taste delicious apple varieties and children can pick their own fruit, tasting a variety of apples and pears from Tatton’s historic orchard. The Housekeepers Store will be stocking locally-sourced apple juice, ciders, cakes, sauces and more. Also pick up hand-picked apples and seasonal produce, fresh from the orchard and Kitchen Garden (while supplies last). W: www.tattonpark.org.uk
HOME MANCHESTER https://homemcr.org
Join the East Lancashire Railway for spectacular family fun on a Day Out with Thomas! Meet Sir Topham Hatt and cheeky station sweepers Rusty and Dusty in Bury before taking a ride with Thomas the Tank Engine himself. Thomas themed games and activities, fun fair rides, balloon modellers, singing, dancing and much more. Also on 2nd October. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
Set in the heart of the Cheshire countryside, this delightfully quirky and intimate venue offers a wide range of musical events – from folk to gospel, to opera and jazz, and many other events besides. Easily accessible, a 30 minute drive from Manchester and 10 minutes from two railway stations. A production of “Drop Me Off in Harlem” is taking place on 8th October.
Wednesday 5th –Saturday 8th October ENGLISH BALLET-SWANNATIONALLAKE English National Ballet brings this timeless classic to life.
Saturday 8th Away from the Hustle and Bustle at Clonter Opera Theatre
Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th Family Friendly Food Festival back at Arley Hall for a weekend of foodie fun!
Sunday 23rd October
W: www.clonter.org
Wednesday 12th Autumn Deer Walk Triggered by shortening daylight hours and cooler weather, the rut marks the time of year when male deer compete to mate with the females resulting in much posturing, bellowing and wallowing. Join the Rangers for a guided walk of the autumn parkland and witness the drama of the rut. Please note that this event has a minimum participation age of 8 years old. This event includes a workshop with our experienced Rangers, an opportunity to experience the park ‘after hours’ and entry into the parkland on the day of the event. 4-6pm. £15 per person. Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire. Other dates available. W: www.tattonpark.org.uk Friday 21st Manchester Science Festival With family friendly activities taking place every day throughout half-term at the Science and Industry Museum, plus special events at Central Library and Manchester Arndale, Manchester Science Festival is not to be missed. Runs until 30th October. W: org.uk/manchestersciencefestivalwww.scienceandindustrymuseum.
Tuesday 20th –Saturday 24th September SHREK THE MUSICAL BCMCS return to the Albert Halls with their production of Shrek the Musical, a favourite for all the family.
Saturday 22nd October
The Great British Food Festival is back this year at Arley Hall. The line-up includes over 100 top local and national producers, tasty street food, Celebrity chef demos, BBQ stage, great live music, kids activities and men v food. The Great British Food Festival is also dog friendly, so its perfect for the whole family. There is entertainment for all the family throughout the weekend, including free circus skills, a ‘wacky races’ area, children’s rides and a mini zoo. The events is the perfect recipe for a fun, foodie day out where the whole family can get together, visit www.greatbritishfoodfestival.com for more details, tickets and all the dates and venues. For regular updates and fun foodie photos, head over to their Instagram @gbfoodfestival and Facebook at Great British Food Festival Go to www.primarytimes.co.uk for thousands more great days out
ALBERT HALLS BOLTON www.alberthalls-bolton.co.uk
Saturday 24th Grub Carnival Wythenshawe Visit street food specialists Grub at their new monthly travelling food festival. Enjoy street food, take home produce, drinks, family fun, music, and community appearances. 12-8pm. Wythenshawe Market, Poundswick Lane, Wythenshawe, M22 5RF. W: www.manchester.gov.uk
PALACEMANCHESTERTHEATRE palace-theatre-manchester/www.atgtickets.com/venues/

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