Feminine Magick

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Feminine Magick Volume 2 of “The Merlin Collection”

Feminine Magick A Note from The Merlin When the Goddess selected me to be the instrument to write the words for “Spirit of Yule” (a song recorded by self styled “Everyday Goddess” Celia Farran) during late December 2014, little did I know that I was taking the first step onto a whole new pathway. This pathway led me to create The Merlin Collection - volume 1 which is a collection of 13 original poems, written over a 14 day period. To create the poems I drew my inspiration from the artwork of Visionary Artist and long term friend Peter E Pracownik. I knew from the start that The Merlin Collection was going to consist of more than one book / cd but I did not expect that volume 2 would follow so quickly. However, the fact that this project began heading at break neck speed towards Beltane 2015 (1st May) is proof enough. Conceived after a meeting and photoshoot with Celia on 27th April 2015 The Merlin Collection - volume 2 “Feminine Magick” again draws on Peter’s work and is centred around his portrayal of women within his art. I sincerely hope that this work and the CD that will follow will bring you pleasure and encourage you to consider how strong and powerful women are essential to 21st Century life. And so I wish you, the best things that life can give. Love, Light and Blessed Be Merlin.

1st edition published by: Moonshadow Media Productions ©2015 Moonshadow Media Productions

Feminine Magick Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The Gift Moon Witch Crystal Cave Force Of Nature Moon Mother Rainbow Bridge Spellbound White Witch Solstice Yew Feminine Magick The Goddess Moon My Heart Belongs To Avalon

Feminine Magick The Gift An eagle beats its wings and soars As lightning crackles o'er The Tor The sky turns purple in the night With feathered wings the bird takes flight The Priestess looks toward the sky Focused on that bird so high A gift is brought, a message wound From afar on mortal ground To Avalon’s Isle beyond the mist The eagle sent upon a quest To gather maidens dark and fair And bring them into Goddess care The mists are closing deep and cold To protect within the island's soul From those who'd see her be undone Those without sight, the mortal's sons.

Feminine Magick Moon Witch Dressed in white she stands alone With candles, symbols, standing stones The full moon rising at her back The eagle there against attack What Magick symbols she holds dear To summon faithful to draw near Incantations rising high Soaring up to midnight sky The crescent moon upon her brow Tingles with her Goddess power The call is sent this power night To reach its goal by morning light Come my sisters journey home There is much Magick to be done Chanting, runes and herbs to use No single moment must we lose

Feminine Magick Crystal Cave Standing here in robes of white Crystals sparkling round her bright She feels the power of full moon light Great Magick woven on this night Adorned with colours orange green Gazing 'cross the Summer Sea She knows her strength is Goddess born Her sisters sent her silent call Unite the power that we share Build our Magick in the air Maiden, mother and the crone Power of crystals, sacred stones As we sisters join our thoughts We fill the earth with awesome force Our gift we must impart for free To all who need it Blessed Be!

Feminine Magick Force Of Nature A pentacle drawn on the ground Amongst dark trees, a rhythmic sound Power builds with every beat Finding strength from head to feet Hair thrown back her body sways Blood is pumping through her veins She feels it building in her core With every moment needing more Her heart is pounding in her chest Yet still there is no time for rest Fireflies dance between her toes And with each breath the magick flows Primal screaming from her lips Power flowing through her hips The force of nature makes her high As lightning crackles in the sky And in the moment she is spent Body limp and gently bent Kneeling softly on the floor Spent completely to her core

Feminine Magick Moon Mother Avalon Mists rise up to meet you As you stand in silent thought Robes wrapped tight against your body Hold you close and keep you warm You watch the lake as moonlight bathes you As you stand in silent thought Thoughts and feelings kept in silence Standing, waiting watching o'er The sword held proudly at your shoulder As you stand in silent thought Do you think about your children? Priestess Maiden Mother Crone Amulets adorn your forearms As you stand in silent thought Your lips held closed in resolution As you think what may befall You see the future stretch before you As you stand in silent thought Moon Mother, Merlin both together Oak Grove waiting, feel the call You know the future is uncertain As you stand in silent thought The Mists may close within your future Unless the words are spread afar But the way is far from simple As you stand in silent thought Not every seeker gets the calling To pass beyond the sacred port To climb atop the Tor at Solstice And to stand in silent thought Moon Mother holds you in her comfort An Avalon daughter newly born

Feminine Magick Rainbow Bridge A secret place, a far off land With memories and unborn plans A place of comfort and of peace With grasses swaying at your feet A distant shore not often seen Cloaked in mist, a waking dream But access will not be denied If you have truth within your mind To reach it is a mighty quest And one that will create a test Yet hands will join inside the mist Where the rainbow bridge exists And you can join us in this hour And share with us our magic power If you can cross the rainbow bridge You can play your part in this.

Feminine Magick Spellbound So as you gaze into the ball And focus on this moonlit night Send your magic far and wide As Goddess power you call down To bring awareness to the fore And bring attention to our lore Summon maiden mother crone As Goddess power you call down To use our power within the world We let our power upwards curl And weave a gentle magick spell As Goddess power we call down By weaving knowledge we all know We take the world to somewhere new So summon forth the Power of Three And end our work So Mote It Be!

Feminine Magick White Witch Looking from an ink blue sky Towards the henge She casts her eye Starlight twinkles, crescent glow Earth awakes as magick flows The Lady wears a knowing smile And something in her face beguiles The secret kept within her mind That with a little work you’ll find You know that you are Goddess born And from a line long since begun With certain powers you possess We look to you the earth to bless And help us make it whole again By thunder lightning wind and rain With bell and candle, book and sword Bring peace and love throughout the world

Feminine Magick Solstice Standing alone by the magickal hillside Eyes looking up to the gold of the sky Waiting in silence no voices around me The moment draws closer my senses rise high I climb to the peak with the greatest elation Knowing Her power is with me today Something exciting is building within me Futures are changing for ever this day I sit on the grass and I welcome the sunrise With deep meditation of solitude born Knowing the pictures revealed in this moment Show my life's work in the simplest of form My life plays before me yet nothing is certain My time with The Goddess begins on the Tor I welcome the Lady on this very morning At Solstice I'm dancing and greeting the dawn

Feminine Magick Yew The gathering cloud in the darkening sky The eagle is watching his wings open wide The cauldron is boiling with some potent brew As witchcraft is forming below the great Yew Boil cauldron bubble the three women say The power of magic be with us this day With chanting and singing our spell craft we make And building the power with root of mandrake And now as the sunlight fades down past the gate The bell in the tower chimes thirteen past eight The cross of the Celtic so white and so proud The eagle is watching from up in the clouds Blessed the maiden, the mother, the crone Believe in their magic and honour the stones Laid by our forebears in times long since gone When life was so simple and enemies none

Feminine Magick Feminine Magick I sit in silence day on day Sewing gemstones as I pray To the Goddess "keep him safe" As I do this scabbard make The Magick sword is power full And with these spells incredible None can hurt the future king Except by cunning downfall bring So I weave within a trance Nimble fingers gaily dance Across the ages I recall The potent symbols I was taught My female Magick holds the power To keep my brother safe this hour And so my Goddess I do ask My king. my brother, safely back

Feminine Magick The Goddess Moon A silver light in a darkened sky She watches, guiding you and I With pure clear sight she sees it all So will you answer to her call? The Mysteries along the way Will be shown to you one day Step by step you walk the path With Fae to help you learn her craft Spirit, spell and candle work The Goddess Moon you will not shirk Craft and knowledge gaining strength Until the crescent you can take A Priestess of the Goddess Moon With book and candle, bell and rune Building power at each Moon Dark Silver flash and lightning spark

Feminine Magick My Heart Belongs To Avalon My heart belongs to Avalon And has for years since I began To make my travels to her shores And learn the ways of Magick lore She called me once, she called me twice But had no need to make it thrice I heard the voice within my mind Her teaching I was soon to find But yet the way has not been easy I met some serpents on the journey Silver tongues and venom breath Creeping up in silent stealth Yet I survived their poisoned words And worked much harder to be heard To speak my truth for Avalon Whilst knowing they have not yet gone But as these words come to their end I bid you safe my unseen friend And one day soon I will return To rest once more in Mother’s womb

Feminine Magick This part of the tale has now ended and sets with the sun, but off in the distance a light has begun to twinkle and glimmer. The grey matter has begun to think about the next work in the series and without wishing to say too much at this early stage, the Fae are playing with ideas as we speak. It is a fantastic pleasure and a great honour to be given these works to put out into the public domain, to be the instrument via which the words from The Goddess reach the page. I sincerely look forward to working on the audio version of this work as it will feature the voices of ladies from around the planet all with one thing in common, they are all from The Goddess and speak with Her voice. My thanks go out to everyone who has helped make this possible, to those who have given me the encouragement to carry on when things seemed to be losing momentum, to the special friends who have agreed to take part in this project. And to you for taking the time to read the work or listening to the audio version. May the Goddess look upon you all and bless you with Love and Light

Blessed Be

Š2015 wytchwynd photography

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