YNC presentation boards

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YCN BRIEF : i Newspaper


- Britain’s first and only concise quality newspaper - ‘The Essential Daily Briefing’ - 20p - Non-biased - Sister newspaper to The Independent Issue: Newspapers have recently become less popular amongst students and young people, who are currently accustomed to receiving the news via digital media. We have created a campaign that aims to transform the way the newspaper is currently perceived by university students. Yafet Bisrat & Michael Mooney Leeds College of Art yb96290@students.leeds-art.ac.uk mm98132@students.leeds-art.ac.uk



+ Student.

Proposed Resolutions


Vending Machines We have taken inspiration from distribution methods used in other parts of the world in order to offer an alternative to traditional sales techniques in the UK. Implementing newspaper vending machines in carefully considered locations would significantly increase enthusiasm and circulation amongst students.

Proposed Resolutions


‘i Student’ The inclusion of a weekly student pull-out section containing relevant, informative content could serve as a nationwide platform for the student community. Potential Content: - - - - -

Student News Matrix/Editor’s letter University profile/article Secondary articles Reviews/event listings Student sports news

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