HOLIDAY ISSUE! Tis the season!
22 What else can we eat besides turkey for the holidays?
23 Holiday Drinks
33 Holiday Movies
5 From your VP 17 Nadia Brown Davis
18 Author Carol White
19 Henrietta Richey 20 Meet Toshia Stelivan
27 Gwen Burno 28 Lisa Randolph 29 Alisa Allen
From the Desk of Colette Letter on p. 35
30 Elizabeth M. Arévalo
Merry Bright and
Love from WE Magazine
From your VP TO OUR READERS Greetings! Merry Christmas! We have arrived at the end of 2020! A year that started off with much anticipation and expectation of a fresh start, new opportunities, and new beginnings leaving behind the dreaded 2019. Boy, were we wrong. This year felt like the depths of Hell opened up and swallowed us. From the massive deaths of COVID-19, Hurricane destruction, wild-fires, evacuations and displacement, rioting, hate crimes, a divided country, millions of people unemployed, businesses shut down, savings for the future depleted, food shortage, loved ones ‌gone, and the list goes on. When we stop and think about the season we are in, Christmas, for some it doesn’t seem like it at all. But, it should bring to mind the actual meaning. We get so wrapped up into commercializing the holiday, Santa, and the extravagant gift giving leading to debt for the following year. Ahhh, the simplicity of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for those who believe. The true meaning of Christmas. The thought of having a child be born and placed in a manger around animals. Nothing fancy, no elaborate celebration, not even family around to congratulate the young couple. However, 3 Kings who knew not the child, but of the child, and led by a star indicating where the Prince of Peace would lay! The magnitude of that story warms my heart.
From your VP A wonderful celebration, a day to be glorified with love, kindness, and Peace. A day that we should all be calm, take a deep breathe, and just be still. Reminding ourselves that it’s the love from our heavenly father that got us through this year. We may not be where we were for most, for some it is where we would like to be. We are here, alive and there is a plan for us. We should be thankful and reflect on this day… what is to be; what is to come. Yes, many things and people have been lost, but there’s a greater power that will pull us through. Not only as a nation, but as a people. There are others that are far worse off than us. Be still, breathe, and behold the greatness of December 25th. The bells still ring. We still are able to smile. We still can give the gifts of kindness and empathy. We still are able to give gifts of gratitude and appreciation. There still is a magic that comes along with this day. So don’t give up! Please continue to Believe in the spirit of Christmas. The spirit of love for all. Merry Christmas! Be blessed and safe.
Hello from Moore TV's Executive VP Shirlette Robinson is a serial entrepreneur resulting in creating streams of income from the things that she holds dear to her heart.Her first love, Visual Artistry by SJR started 8 years ago as a self taught photographer and has now grown into a visual arts company that does everything from photographing weddings to helping companies brand themselves in today's market. Then came The Wandering Bohem, as holistic coach her mission is to spread positivity and inspire healthier communities by connecting people back to self, through nature. This came about by simply wanting to share the healthy new lifestyle choices she'd made for her son and herself to the community. As of December 2019, Shirlette is also a published author. Her debut novel Evenfall is a peek into the fantasy world that exists in her mind. Keep an eye out for her sophomore novel, Dwani coming out in October. From fairies to super heros and beyond, she writes magical stories where black is the default instead of the token. Next, we have Meraki Broadcasting Group. A platform that exists simply to inform the masses, boost entrepreneurs and creatives of color and bring awareness to topics that matter.
Lastly, Shirlette is co-owner of Black Women for Black Excellence, a business management and consulting firm. We specify in getting black and brown businesses off the ground as well as helping black and brown business owners create generational wealth. Our objective is to change the narrative. As for Moore Television Network, Shirlette is just here to make things pretty. Visual Artistry is what she does. Shirlette shows no signs of slowing down and is having the time of her life discovering herself through these outlets
Shirlette Robinson
Dr. Cheri Moore, Ph.D., CBT, NLP Master, CDVC, Master Herbalist, CFC, CCFC, CCJC – Forensic Diplomate DECEMBER 2020
Dr Moore has traveled across the US providing information on Juvenile Violence in Schools, providing information in seminars and on radio about Domestic Violence in homes, providing Forensic Linguistics to strengthen the environment over the past five years. She is a graduate of Pace University. She has a Political Science/Marketing background. Her Graduate studies were in Christian Counseling and Psychology from the Clinical aspect as well as the Behavioral. Graduate of The Christian Bible College & Seminary as well as the Therapon Institute; her counseling experience spans 20+ years in a variety of settings: churches, clinics, schools, private practice and a psychiatric hospital. She offers a wide variety of seminars on Christian Values and Christian Living. Dr. Moore has designed, coordinated and implemented programs addressing psycho-social rehabilitation, support groups, career counseling & placement assistance, Christian marriage counseling and development, and positive teen intervention groups. She has also provided assessments in the following areas: Neuropsychological health, Behavioral Health, Forensic, Personality, Cognitive, Intellectual, Ability/Achievement and Learning Assessments. Dr. Moore holds Certifications as a Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, Certified Forensic Counselor, and holds the Diplomate status in Forensic Assessments and Evaluation. She is recognized by the American College of Certified Forensic Counselors. Dr. Moore has had the opportunity to be involved in many different businesses. She is a true Entrepreneur. Cheri has secured over 5.8 billion dollars in funding both in grants and through private investors, over the past 7 years. In a crowded marketplace of ideas, it is important for organizations to establish a well-defined niche. While most are not selling products, they are selling their organization's mission, their ideas, their programs, and their services. In a world where everyone is inundated with information, a strong image is the key to community awareness. Developing and maintaining a visible and credible identity through marketing will increase local support for your organization. Dr. Cheri Moore offers a unique blend of Psychology, Marketing and Public Relations, Political Science and Excellence in all aspects of Business Acumen. www.DrCheriMoore.com is Dr Moore the Motivational Speaking Company that offers Keynote Addresses, Seminars, Trainings, Conferences and Workshops on a wide variety of Topics: Writing, Travel, Economic Stress, Business /Team Building, Communication, Marketing, Internet Development, Negotiations, Strategic Planning, Travel Tourism and Hospitality Excellence, Planning, Motivational Seminars to lift the mood and productivity level of Staff … Dr. Cheri Moore is the planner for her seminars. She always comes from a Psychological Perspective that is inspirational and fun for all. Available for your event – Call 817-247-9346 Email: DrCheriMoore@icloud.com WE MAGAZINE | 7
The other day, when I went running, I chose a park with a
I think 2020 has been like that for a lot of business owners,
circular track. That means my beginning point got further
right? Some of us had to close our doors. Some of us were
and further away as I ran...and I got really discouraged, until
met with less-than-encouraging financial reports. A lot of us
I realized that, because the path was circular, I was actually
had to restructure our businesses down to the very bones
getting closer to the finish line as I got further from it. What
to adjust to the crisis around us. And I’m willing to bet, we’ve
looked like a setback was actually the door to my finish line.
all felt discouraged and personally inadequate at least a
Irony? Paradox? Indeed. But I think our journey as
handful of times.
entrepreneurs is much the same. The
You may not be a runner, but you’ve likely seen the Olympics
unsuccessful ones is that when the winners felt like they
(not this year, unfortunately) and admired the skill and
were running away from the goal, tripping up, failing, they
lifelong dedication of the athletes. I only know a few athletes
just kept running. They got up one...more...time. They didn’t
personally, but I know for sure that ALL competitors have
let the emotional oppression of defeat determine their
one thing in common: failure. Days when they didn’t meet
their goals. Days when they were disappointed in their own
compulsion to give up by focusing not on the obstacle, but
performance. Races they lost, games they forfeited, feelings
on the finish line. They looked past their feelings into the
of despondency they had. Times when it felt like they were
future. There is a reason that the Bible compares our
moving in the opposite direction of their goals.
lives in Christ to the running of a race.
The journey of starting your own business is naturally fraught with failures, disappointments, mistakes, and speed bumps of every kind. Sometimes you can feel like you completely knocked over the hurdle, fell on your face, and broke your nose. Sometimes you feel like you dropped the baton and hit your own foot with it. Sometimes, you feel like you’re running in circles, or even in the opposite direction of where you want to go. Sometimes, as in a marathon, you simply can’t see the ribbon at the end, and throwing yourself into small daily tasks--yet again--doesn’t seem worth the energy when we aren’t guaranteed success. And the emotions associated with these setbacks are very real. In those darker moments, when the feelings of excitement fade, we can be very tempted to give in to fear, discouragement, anxiety, dejection, and hopelessness. We want to quit. We wonder why we left that nice, secure job and comfortable paycheck. We question if we’re really capable of achieving our dreams. We’re sitting on the sidelines, watching others run on, while our emotions feed off of each other, playing nimble games with our minds.
Pretty soon, we hear the voice of that five-year-old...or tenyear-old...or twelve-year-old girl inside of us--the one who was abused, hurt, bullied, or criticized. What were you thinking? You will never succeed. You don’t have what it takes. You make too many mistakes. You aren’t fit for this. You’ll never be anything. Just quit before you get hurt any more. The temptation to give ourselves over to emotion in these times is almost unbearable. Emotions can feel so deep, so potent and consuming, so tangible. It’s easy to throw a pity party--and our emotions are the guests that bring their friends and never leave. Emotions are legitimate and should be acknowledged. But they are also temporary. They are like houseflies: real, annoying, but short-lived. In those moments of depression and hopelessness, stop and think: why did I want to start this business anyway? Do these momentary feelings outweigh the greater picture of my purpose? Maybe you want to be financially successful to leave a legacy for your children. Maybe you want to look back at the end of your life with no regrets. Maybe you want to change a family inheritance of poverty and failure. Maybe you simply just know what you were created to do, and you are driven to do it and never look back. Whatever your reason, it has to be stronger than self-doubt, disappointment, and all of the other feelings that want to bring you down. Like a runner, you have to realize that the difficulties are fleeting, the discomfort is temporary, and the rewards are great. Little steps every day build big futures. Envision that future with all of your might.
"Do these momentary feelings outweigh the greater picture of my purpose?"
Sometimes, it helps to call a friend and get her perspective. Our friends, spouses, and relatives often see who we really are, beyond the noise of childhood hurts and momentary disappointments. I have many friends who will remind me who I am to the point that I get angry, because I’m determined to have a pity party, and they won’t let me. But all the outside encouragement won’t mean a thing if that little girl inside you doesn’t believe it. So be your own best cheerleader. Pat that little girl on the head and give her a hug; then tell her to get the heck over it, and refocus on your why. When I was running the other day, I had the momentary temptation to quit because I felt like every step was carrying me away from the finish line. I felt overwhelmed. But sometimes, when you feel that way, you just have to keep going. What looks and feels like a setback may actually be a God-given opportunity. He already knows where the trail will lead. You’ll circle back around. When I realized that, I ran harder, visualizing my goal. Don’t sit there and complain that the path isn’t straight. Be thankful that there is a God who shaped the path before you were born, and who is your biggest fan in the race. Things will change. Things will get better. Dust yourself off, girl. You have a God-given, God-anointed purpose, and if He is for you, who can be against you? So confess your feelings, because they’re legit; but don’t let them run your life. You are too strong not to finish the race. And please, send this article back to me when I start complaining about my own perceived inadequacies. We all need each other. Exhort yourself, and then go out and pull another woman up to her feet. We can do this.
"So be your own best cheerleader."
“There’s something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer.” – Rihanna
(Coco) The Boss Coach COLETTE MARTIN
Lives in Texas, Native New Yorker, born and reared in The Bronx. Educator, Speaker, Trainer, CEO, TV show host, Business Advertising Promoter, T-shirt line of clothing. Certifications include; -Education -Trainer -Life Coaching -Advertising & Marketing Vice President of WE Magazine and CEO of Business In Pearls, W.E.W.I.B. Advertising Promoter & T-shirt Brand. Business In Pearls is a show that highlights women in business through different platforms by emerging them in the World of Commerce in order to secure financial success. My brand is called W.E.W.I.B. by Colette; an acronym that means Women Empowering Women In Business. I offer; • Business Coaching/ and a Advertising Promoter • T-shirt line of clothing ( different colors, long / short sleeve & different sizes; S, M, L and XL ) https://checkout.square.site/buy/YDK6FXEZC5EHJQM 7S43VKL64
It’s a Movement! Contact me today to see how we can continue to empower each other. businessinpearls@gmail.com
TIPS ON SAVING THE MONEY DURING HOLIDAYS With the hype that holidays usually bring, people always have the tendency to buy more and spend more without taking into account the consequences that their actions can bring. Hence, it does not necessarily mean that because it is the holidays you have all the reason in this world to buy whatever you want and spend how much you want. Some people contend that it’s just once a year, so better give what you have. The problem is that giving something just for the spirit of the holidays does not mean you have to spend gold. You can still give something that will be deeply appreciated without having to spend more money. Here’s how: 1. Make a budget and stick to it The problem with most people is that they find making a budget relatively easy but sticking to it is doubly hard. So what’s the point of making a budget when you do not know how to conform to what you have stated in there? Making and using your budget should always go hand in hand. Therefore, when you make your budget this holiday season, it is best that you follow the things that are written in it so that you would be able to save more money. 2. Live within your means Of course, everybody would want to give gifts because that is what the holiday season calls for. However, it does not necessarily mean that you have to spend more than what you can afford. The trick to saving more money is to always live within your means. Spending more than what you can afford will definitely bring more problems than you can afford to solve. 3. Personalize it! As they say, it is the thought that counts. Hence, there are no better ways to show how much you have thought of those people this holiday season than making personalized gifts. 4. Shop and compare It really pays to shop around and doubly better when you compare prices. You will never know which items are better priced than the others are when you do not compare their values. The point here is that you should not be confined to one shopping portal. Try to look for other items, usually in thrift stores and consignment shops, where you can find the best items at a lower price. Indeed, shopping for the holidays can be fun, but you don’t have to be spendthrift. Nowadays, you really just have to be practical.
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. ANÄIS NIN
Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia via The Bronx, New York City, Scott is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) with a Master of Science degree in Mental Health Counseling. He has served in the capacity of clinician, teacher, coach, and mentor to adults, adolescents, and children. Mr. Gordon is the founder and CEO of two organizations. A Safe Space LLC, is designed to eradicate the stigma of mental health in our communities by providing a safe space to share emotions and feelings and Camp Mdogo Kondo (Young Warriors), a summer youth camp, for inner city at risk boys.
He has experience working with many populations and mental health concerns, including, emotional instability, anger management, drug and alcohol issues, stress, anxiety, depression, parenting issues, career concerns, racial trauma, and self-esteem issues. He works to formulate treatment goals that are tailored for your unique and specific needs. His Educational qualifications include: License and State: Georgia Practice: 5 Years PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision - Capella University Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling -2015 Capella University Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Counseling, Theory in Couple and Family Systems, 2015 Capella University Bachelor of Science in Education, Training and Development (Magna Cum Laude) 1993 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL “I assist clients by providing therapy, medication management, coaching, and more.” Scott offers services in Therapy, Therapeutic Mentorship, and Behavioral Analysis.
In his spare time Scott wrote a book. A life story of a young man growing up in New York City; The Spring of My Life: Chronicles Of A Woman Addict. It is a book mostly based on personal experiences. However it is not totally auto-biological. It focuses on relationships that molded Scott positively and negatively. The names were changed to protect those involved. It is a nostalgic look of “back in the day”. The way teenagers and young adults dressed, dance, and the music they listened to. As an author he has found a new passion from within. Displaying his inner talents of his life in print. Be sure to pick up this juicy novel available on Amazon now! H.ScottGordon@asafespacetobe.com https://mentalhealthmatch.com/therapist-profile/georgia/atlanta/harry--gordon https://www.instagram.com/h.scottgordon/ (404) 558 3930
NADIA BROWN DAVIS, AUTHOR I am an Author, Mental Health Professional, Advocate, and Professional Life Coach with extensive experience in Mental Health as well as the Criminal Justice System. Over the years, I have become well versed in substance abuse, rehabilitation, corrections, mental health, community-based services, and the psychology of them all. While working in the juvenile justice system, I excelled quickly and received several promotions. Here I learned that one of my greatest passions is creating ways to "Meet children and families where they are to teach them where they are!" As I grew in my career, I discovered an intense interest in social sciences. My mission is to: Empower People through Empathy, Etiquette, Education, Experiences, Encouragement, Enrichment, & Excellence. I am very nurturing by nature and have spent years advocating for others. I have also taught clients as well as their families how to advocate for themselves. Many people are unable to advocate for themselves due to a lack of knowledge. Others are just unaware of their rights; they have no idea who to contact for help, while others are just afraid to ask for help. Neither the clients nor the families understand the clients' rights, responsibilities, or advocating. I also found that many mental health patients are sitting in jail, not medicated. The lack of knowledge prompted me to start writing about the information that I thought would benefit others, such as rights, how the prison started, probation, and bail. I included Black History, American History, Criminal Justice, and court systems into one place. I thought that compiling the information would help get it into the hands of more people. Seeds In the Mud is my attempt to share the importance of knowing your rights, the laws, and the policies and procedures of the criminal justice system. Education is critical to ensure that we avoid falling prey to devices created to destroy us. The book allows you to experience the criminal justice system, Black History, and America in a new way, truthfully! We requested the things that we had worked for, earned; they created more situations to suppress and stifle our growth. We want our legacy released from the lies, tell the truth of lynchings, allow us the rights given to us under the Constitution, and please stop disproportionately taking Black lives for the love of GOD. Explore Jim Crow, Black Codes, "Rocking" Ronald Reagan "Rocked" the Nation with Crack Cocaine, and the corrupt NOT broken Criminal Justice System. Once slaves were free, "they" needed a legal way to disenfranchise Black people. The American Criminal Justice System is the machine created to do so. It's high time that we share the knowledge that will help our brothers and sisters BLOOM! This information is essential to us right now. Knowing your rights is NOT optional. We cannot afford to let our loved ones continue to perish to this system. If only it were as easy as reading a book. If only someone had shared the information! When not writing, Nadia enjoys speaking publicly to educate people on their rights, history, mental health, the courts, and the criminal justice systems. Nadia has a passion for advocacy and social services. She believes that no matter how big or small, everyone can and should "Do Something!" For motivation find me on IG @ Post_2B_Healed Purchase the Book on: Amazon
CAROL WHITE What literary pilgrimages have you gone on? None. I actually had to look up what that was… What is the first book that made you cry? “To Be A Slave” by Julius Lester. I bought it when I was in the 6th or 7th grade through the Scholastic Book Club. To read how those people, MY people, were treated broke my heart. What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry? For me there are a couple; plagiarism and copyright infringement. There are rules to this game! Also there is a level of respect that you must show to your fellow authors. If you use their material, GIVE THEM CREDIT. Does writing energize or exhaust you? Answer: For me, it does both. I get so energized when writing, and when my projects are completed, I’m wiped out! But I don’t have time to rest because there’s the publishing and promotion to handle… What are common traps for aspiring writers? FEAR AND INSECURITY!!! Does a big ego help or hurt writers? I think it would tend to hurt; while we write what’s on our minds and in our hearts, the reality is that we must write to our audience. This means putting your ego on the back burner. What is your writing Kryptonite? ME!!! I have a habit of becoming distracted over the slightest thing, especially when I’m tired… Have you ever gotten reader’s block? Not yet, but I know my turn on the bubble is coming! Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym? Nope!
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Meet a
y e h c i R Henriett As an Entrepreneur I come up with new ideas and start businesses based on them. They forgo the security of a salaried job to take on their own endeavor, assuming all the risk in hopes of great rewards. A serial entrepreneur takes on this challenge repeatedly. Once a business is established, I delegate the responsibility of running its operations and move on to other ventures. I have even sold earlier businesses. Serial entrepreneurs often experience windfall gains when their companies are sold at high premiums or continue to generate profits without much effort on their part.As an entrepreneur you must have a passion for what you are doing. Networking is essential. The motivations for becoming an entrepreneur are diverse and can include the potential for financial reward, the pursuit of personal values and interest, and the interest in Social change. Here are some of the questions that will be asked: How did you get started? I started in a home-based business during daycare so I can be at home with my children and provide a nurturing environment for other children. What was the motivating factor in being an Entrepreneur? It is that I can provide a nurturing and healthy environment for other parents that must go outside the home for work and help my own family progress.
What do you enjoy most about what you do? I enjoy helping others excel and discover their full potential. I enjoy helping people to develop their skills. I also love helping others to discover differences besides the global. As a Black Businesswoman what are your challenges in today’s society? Getting people to separate my business from race. Also getting people to match my profession with my race. While everything was well on the business there were racial undertones because of my race. When it came to the Daycare Center aspect of my profession. My professionalism was received well. Until it came to racial undertones. As an Entrepreneur, what outreach programs are you a part of in your community? I went abroad in my community and developed a non-for-profit organization to minister to the needs in my community. Where My organization provided food pantry, household items, mentoring, counseling, essential items, lawn and garden items, appliances, furniture, clothing, financial gifts and or blessings. Do you still enjoy your family life? I Absolutely enjoy the rest after working hard. I enjoy family vacations as well as dreamcation. I especially love seeing my children unwind and learn as we explore dreamcation here and abroad.
How does your family impact your Businesses? I really enjoy the different aspects of learning that my family obtains as a result of the different venues and the first hands on experiences that they obtain through giving and volunteering. Do you Mentor? Yes, I mentor teen parents, Business owners, adult professionals, training programs, credit counseling, business corporate credit, travel excursions and health and nutrition. If so what types of people do you prefer to have as your mentees? People who are Teachable, Trainable and coachable. The Bottom Line Entrepreneurial ventures can offer huge financial gains, but require dedication, time, energy, the vision to succeed and the courage to fail. Serial entrepreneurs work their way from one business to another, not merely sitting back and reaping the rewards of their past successes, but banking on their experience to start new ventures. Many of them have established themselves in a diversified set of businesses, and their successes, as well as their failures, provide important lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. For more information about my services, please go to my website at‌ www.henriettarichey.com
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Toshia Stelivan What literary pilgrimages have you gone on? I took a trip with my mother to Los Cabos in Mexico. It really cleared my mind and allowed me to write. What is the first book that made you cry? Beaches. It was a compelling story of friendship and loss. I lost one of my best friends at a young age due to Parkinson’s. What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry? I would say charging authors to be published. I believe that your work should be good enough to be discovered by a publisher and not have to pay for it. Does writing energize or exhaust you? Writing energizes me it takes my mind on a journey and it puts me in a creative mode. What are common traps for aspiring writers? Believing that everyone believes in you and wants to help you. It is a very money driven world, and everyone has their eye on your wallet. Does a big ego help or hurt writers? It is always a great idea to believe in yourself and keep pushing yourself to the next step, but to the public you should be humble and check your ego at the door. Sometimes a big ego can deter people from wanting to buy your book. What is your writing Kryptonite? Country music and hot tea or coffee. It prepares me for the writing space I need to be in. The stories from the country songs puts me at ease and gets my mind ready for the journey. Have you ever gotten reader’s block? Yes, I have. I had to wait until a concept came to me to begin writing again.
Are you feeling sluggish? Need to be energized? Does your body need to Detox? What about loose weight? Would like to exercise, but not really? Would you like to earn money while you sleep and get healthy?
If these are questions you answered YES to, then try‌
Total Life Changes!
I’m a Life Changer and I can help you with our amazing products. Natural products that will help you with your health needs. Go to https://retail.totallifechanges.com/the bosscoach You will be glad you did! Life Changer - Colette Martin
WHAT ELSE CAN WE EAT BESIDES TURKEY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? Are you not a fan of turkey? A lot of people aren’t. Here are popular meat alternatives…
Classic Beef Wellington
Roast Rib of Beef
Baked Glazed Ham
Roast Pork With Crackling
Buttery Roast Chicken
Pulled Pork
Fried Chicken
Squash Casserole Sweet Potato Rolls Scalloped Potatoes Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole Spoon Bread Crispy Leeks Spicy Root Vegetables Cornbread Stuffing
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Way Back Spiked Nog Over the top Hot Chocolate Christmas on the beach
Warm Cider Punch Sugared Cranberry Fizz
$5 Fabulous
TO THE WOMAN WHO... To the woman who Desires less stress in her life Craves peaceful and tranquil thoughts Wants to explore more confidence and courage Attempts to move beyond her past Needs a confidant to talk through life matters and strategies
I WANT YOU TO MEET: Gwen Burno Life Coach, Ramsey Financial Coach The life you desire is within your reach, your grasp. You have the capability to create the life of your dreams. My passion as a Life Coach is to partner with my clients and assist them in removing the distractions that hold us back. I am a faithbased coach who believes that you possess God-given talents. Life is a gift from God and when we choose to live honoring this gift, it is our ultimate expression of gratitude. Life experiences, education and natural gifts/talents equip me to serve you well. My life experiences include successes and setbacks along the way, i.e., 30-year marriage, 3 children, career choices, love, laughter and sorrow. My life-long learning approach positions me to speak to your specific need. Formal education comprises an MBA, Alaska Pacific University and MABS, Dallas Theological Seminary. Education is not complete without the lessons learned from living day to day. I am constantly seeking out opportunities to continue to learn and grow from others’ wisdom and reading. My growth translates into effective teaching and pouring into my clients’ lives..
If you are seeking clarity, improving (mental, physical, professional, spiritual, financial) strength, and a godly partner for life’s decisions, reach out! Implementing godly principles can be the game changer missing from your life. Currently offering holiday discounts if you mention this publication.
Gwen BurnoLife Coach |Ramsey Preferred Financial Coach www.displaystrength.com 972-886-8370
LISA RANDOLPH “Your Kaizen Coach” Business Coaching & Consulting Firm “Your Kaizen Coach” Business Coaching & Consulting Firm collaborates with entrepreneurs, small corporations and nonprofits to launch or grow their business or organization. Some of the services provided: Business Coaching and Strategic Planning (for start-up and established entrepreneurs) Group Coaching for Entrepreneurs Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas Strategy Sessions 8- Hour VIP Coaching Days (for individuals and small teams) Leadership Development Training Corporate and Organizational Structural Development Business Development Employee and Upper Management Relationship Improvement Standard Operating Procedures Development or Modification Executive and Employee Coaching For more information on other services and offers view our website at www.yourkaizencoach.com About the Owner
Hello, I’m Lisa Randolph the CEO and Founder of “Your Kaizen Coach” Coaching & Consulting Firm. I’ve been a fulltime entrepreneur for 24 years, mentor, business coach, workshop and retreat facilitator, published author and speaker. I am known for helping my clients “Map Out A Plan” to take their ideas or dreams from the vision stage, to implementation, to manifestation. I’m fully committed to making sure they are equipped with all tools and strategies to reach their goals, which empowers them to walk in their purpose of impacting their clients and community.I would love to visit with you to see how I can support you with accomplishing your business goals. Let’s schedule a time to talk (see my scheduling link under contact information) Contact Information:
Schedule time with Lisa: https://schedulewithyourkaizencoachlisa.as.me/IndividualDiscoverySession Email: lisa@yourkaizencoach.com Office: 469.399.0587 ext. 1 Text: 214.727.6463 (leave name and reason for contacting me) Social Media Information: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourkaizencoach/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourkaizencoach/ Facebook: Yourkaizencoach
Alisa Allen is a certified etiquette instructor and owner of Your Presence is Important. Her company has enlightened individuals on the importance of etiquette (corporate, dining, and protocol). Alisa has devoted more than 25 years to refining her knowledge of etiquette for the purpose of enlightening people of all ages of its importance and preparing individuals for success on professional platforms. She is also the current president of the National Association of Urban Etiquette Professionals (NAUEP). Ms. Allen began her journey of being an etiquette instructor in 1998. She realized while working as a Recruiter at her corporate job, that although students did great in their interviews, they needed to improve in their social skills. She has devoted years of developing her company’s programming and her mission is to assist people in achieving opportunities that open doors to their success on the professional platform. Her company provides in-person and virtual training. The services provided to all areas of etiquette include; etiquette in dining, children/youth communication, civility, business attire /imaging, And etiquette for social and social media outlets.
In addition to developing character and confidence, proper etiquette can pave the road to healthy social and professional relationships that endure for a lifetime. Her reach has been to churches, professional organizations, and conferences. She teaches the core values that lay at the foundation of Your Presence is Important. While working with youth and young adults, she founded an opportunity to give back to students through her passion of couponing. In 2018, Alisa started, “Couponing for College�. She collects coupons every Sunday and knew that there were students who could benefit from her savings. She came up with the idea to use her discounts to purchase school items for college students. These items are packaged in totes and gifted to students who are leaving for the first time to college. To contact me and learn more about my services go to www.yourpresenceisimportant.com Also go to Instagram@Alisa School of Etiquette for weekly etiquette tips.
ELIZABETH M. ARÉVALO. Mrs. Arévalo is the Education Liaison for Urban Strategies Inc. and is responsible for supporting the implementation of education strategies, with an emphasis on a cradle to career continuum of solutions, for children and youth. She develops strong working relationships with neighborhood schools and education partners to provide solutions to address needs around academic achievement and supports families in their efforts to educate children in the home, school and community.
Mrs. Arévalo, originally from San Antonio, Texas was previously an elementary school teacher in the Harlandale Independent School District where she was actively engaged with campus and district PTA and aided in family, school and community involvement through campus wide events and after school clubs. She has also worked in collaboration with American Institutes for Research and Fort Worth ISD to evaluate teacher effectiveness in improving student achievement.With over 15 years of experience in education and human services, Mrs. Arevalo is an accomplished professional with a passion for serving children and families. She volunteers as a Board Member for The Boardroom Project, developing a strong pipeline of young girls and professional women to be the next generation of business, board, and community leaders. Mrs. Arévalo received her Master of Arts degree in Bicultural-Bilingual Studies from the University of Texas at San Antonio and is a proud wife and mother of three children. Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant
www.marykay.com/EArevalo 210-954-4409
ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE OUTLINE Module One: Getting Started Housekeeping Items Pre-Assignment Review Workshop Objectives The Parking Lot Action Plan Module Two: Decide On The Type Of Business Is It Feasible? What Are Your Interests? Do You Have The Experience? Are You An Expert In The Field? Case Study Module Two:Review Questions Module Three: What Is The Market/Competition Like? Is The Venture Lucrative? Is There Competition? How Can You Set Yourself Apart From The Competition? How Is The Customer Prospect? Case Study Module Three: Review Questions Module Four: Basics Of Starting A Business Decide On A Name Legal Structure Of Business Register The Business Choose A Location Hire An Accountant Case Study Module Four: Review Questions Module Five: Create A Business Plan What Should Be Included In The Business Plan? Gather Documentation Develop Business Plan Outline Draft Business Plan Case Study Module Five: Review Questions
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Module Six: Get Financing Contact Organizations For Guidance Decide The Type Of Financing Shop Around What To Do Once Approved Case Study Module Six:Review Questions Module Seven: Hire Employees Develop Job Description(S) Advertise Positions Interview Candidates Select Candidates Case Study Module Seven: Review Questions Module Eight: Training Employees Teach Company Culture Implement Actual Training For The Position Provide Feedback Offer Additional Training, If Necessary Case Study Module Eight:Review Questions Module Nine: Market The Business Traditional Marketing Create A Website Social Media Networking Groups Case Study Module Nine: Review Questions Module Ten: Run The Business Procurement Sell! Sell! Sell! How To Manage Cash Flow Budgeting Case Study Module Ten: Review Questions Module Eleven: Grow The Business Offer More Products / Services Open Another Location Franchise Opportunities Scoring Large Contracts Case Study Module Eleven: Review Questions Module Twelve: Wrapping Up Words From The Wise Review Of The Parking Lot Lessons Learned Recommended Reading Completion Of Action Plans And Evaluations
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Welcome to ACAROLCHRISTMAS the holidays! WE MAGAZINE
Here is a popular line-up of movies to sit back and relax and enjoy! Of course there are others but these are classic, not so classic, and just funny to watch and enjoy!
THE GRINCH No list of Christmas movies is truly complete without this latest animated version of one of our favorite holiday stories — which has Benedict Cumberbatch taking on the voice of our favorite holiday grump.
A must-watch for the entire family, Disney's animated take on the classic Charles Dickens story offers a unique visual experience (and also stars Jim Carrey as Scrooge!).
In this timeless cartoon, Charlie Brown seeks out the true meaning of Christmas with the help of his friends, his dog and one tiny Christmas tree. Take note: The Charlie Brown holiday films will be exclusively streaming on AppleTV+ this year.
Decades after his trusted apprentice betrayed him, a oncejoyful toymaker finds new hope when his kind and curious granddaughter comes into his life. Starring:Forest Whitaker, Keegan-Michael Key, Hugh Bonneville A 2020 film.
In this heartwarming rom-com drama, Queen Latifah plays a small-town saleswoman who spends her life savings on a holiday trip to Europe after finding out she has a terminal illness ... except there's a twist!
Tom Hanks plays four distinct characters in this magical Christmas film from 2004. The Polar Express tells the story of a young boy who's losing his faith in Christmas, until he embarks on a wild journey to the North Pole on a mysterious train.
If you're looking for a Christmas comedy that will put you in a holly, jolly mood, turn on this hilarious flick. It's the seventh film in Tyler Perry's Madea franchise, and follows Madea as she navigates the silly — and sometimes awkward — intricacies of getting the entire family together on Christmas.
Looking for a throwback? This 1996 film featuring Denzel Washington and Whitney Houston tells the story of a New York City pastor who is visited by an angel. Keep your ears perked too: the movie was nominated for the Oscar for Best Music.
What happens when eight college friends reunite for Christmas nearly 15 years after graduating? Watch this 2013 rom-com featuring the likes of Taye Diggs and Regina Hall to find out.
CHRISTMAS SOLO This 2019 rom-com chronicles two single parents who have remarkable chemistry with each other — until they learn their teenage daughters are both vying for the same solo in their school's Christmas concert.
SANTA CLAUSE 2 If you loved the first Santa Clause movie, be sure to watch the heartwarming sequel which this time has Santa looking for a Mrs. Claus.
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Merry Christmas Shout out goes to our WE Magazine Members: Josephine Phan Me’Lo MarLina Calhoun Monica Lopez Veronica Coney Marsha Carney La Shone Montgomery Angela Marie Nicole Franklin Alisa Allen Bola Harding Carole Kilgore Anne Buse Diane Curley Lisa Randolph
Thank you for your support! We appreciate you. May you and Everyone in our WE Magazine family, have a safe, happy, healthy Merry Christmas and New Year! WE Magazine
Women are Powerful! Women are Strong! WE are Powerful, Strong & Dynamic!!! DrCheriMoore COO & Publishing Editor