Unstoppable | The Magazine For Men

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Premier Issue

December 2020 • issue 1


Andre Joseph

Derron Rowan

H.Scott Gordon

Rev Keith Moore Shirlette Robinson

The Framwork

20 CARS Ten Things to Check For When Buying a Used Car



Golf Tips



It is time that we speak out about the Intelligent Men, the Renaissance Men, the Executive Men, the Unstoppable Men of our Time.

ANDRE JOSEPH Through the lens







Not understanding when I was

While most children come through divorce

My counseling style is client-

being inspired, or when the Lord

relatively intact and healthy (some studies confirm that in the right situation, the

centered, focusing on building

was talking to me and putting

child may even thrive after divorce), other

trust and rapport with each

those thoughts in my head.

children suffer more and need extra help

client. I am warm and engaging

getting through the emotional trauma they’re experiencing.





“But of him are ye in Christ

Five Must-Know Facts about

Jesus, who of God is made unto

Making Investments

us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption” – 1 Corinthians 1:30

in session and care about you.

TALK TO US Call 817-247-9346 Email: DrCheriMoore@icloud.com




The Agenda

FROM THE PEN OF DRCHERIMOORE I have always wondered, what would it be like to inspire men. I know that I am a woman and supposedly; I know nothing about being a man. But in all the years of living and of being around men of all ages, I have learned a couple of things.

This publication will highlight Men from all walks of Life. They will share information on their Passion. The information will be presented in many forms. Unstoppable is the mantra for this magazine. This is our premier issue. Men are Unstoppable.

Men are to be looked up to, honored, and respected. The Men that grace this publication are Honorable and Respectable. Throughout the Years, Men have been abused and beaten by society in many different ways.

It is time that we speak out about the Intelligent Men, the Renaissance Men, the Executive Men, the Unstoppable Men of our Time.




Dr. Cheri Moore PHD, CBT, CDVC, CCFC, MH, NLP MASTER, CCJC, CJC, CFCDIPLOMATE- IN ASSESSMENTS & EVALUATIONS DrCheriMoore Cheri has successfully assisted in over 550 Start-ups. She has coached Vp-Level Executives that have become







Marketing Strategies, Branding Strategies and Creative Growth Strategies for Investor Groups, C-Level Executives and







accomplished Executive herself, she has managed over 10 million dollars in Budgets for Operations.She has coined the phrase - Entrepreneurial Mogul to describe herself. She is a Inspirational & Motivational Speaker, Author of over 135 books and over 500 articles. She has Founded The






Sapphires of Love - Nonprofit, Bliss7 -Fine Art Photography Gallery,






Network that





streaming Big



TV of




Dr. Cheri Moore has been married to her childhood sweetheart-


Pastor Keith Joseph Moore, Sr. since August 1981. She has 2 sons,














Magazines.DrCheriMoore is a student of the Word of God.

Executive Chef, and she is both a Photographer and Collector of

She owns The Isaiah Institute; an online University. She has

Art. She loves tea and nature. Since surviving cancer her mantra

spoken to Women all across the World. She ministers to

is “ Live Life With Vibrancy”!

the mind and heart. She is Christ centered and Lives her life for the Education of God’s Word. She has survived cancer, by God’s Grace and Mercy. She has a wealth of knowledge on over 180 topics that she has spoken on, as well








knowledge.Dr. Cheri Moore is a Seasoned Professional, that is driven to assist others to realize their success. She has worked with Non Profits and For Profit Companies and Firms with the common goal to increase their Bottomline success, as well as, direct them into creative marketing/pr strategies




create brand awareness.






Food For Thought Everything that occurs to us occurs for a reason. And sometimes, one thing leads to a different. Rather than locking yourself up in your cage of fears and hollering over past griefs, embarrassment and failures, treat them as your instructors and they would become your tools in both self-improvement and success. Success and happiness tend to be hand and hand, but, you have to work out what it is that would make you feel successful and pleased. Occasionally you'll find that success and happiness will lead you in 2 different directions. For instance, you might find that your current living situation makes you happy, but if you ever wish to become a CEO then you'll need to head for the city. You'll have to consider,


















happiness, then you've more personal success than you may ever imagine. Everyone's goals ought to be to lead to happiness and if it does, then you'll find success.

So, when does self-improvement get to be synonymous with success? Where do we start? The one tip that you'll have to keep in mind is that you have to be open to the universe. Essentially, there are going to be times where you'll get lost and confused; however, you have to trust yourself. Your heart and your head will direct you to enough success, as long as you listen to your feelings. You'll need to consider the fact that you're going to alter your brain and you're going to alter your heart. There's no point in doing anything that your heart isn't into. It's likewise pointless for you to not listen to your brain either. You'll need to comprehend that altering your brain isn't surrendering. You're not a quitter; however, you are simply perpetually reaching for bigger and better matters.

You can't think of yourself as a failure simply because you didn't give yourself time to accomplish your goals, however, you ought to consider yourself lucky to know once something isn't worth as much as you first believed. You have to shut your eyes, right now, and consider 5 items that you need to achieve to be happy and to be successful. You'll need to jot them down and likewise the pros and cons to each of the goals. You'll then have to come up with a plan of attack. There will be some dreams and goals that you'll have to give up, at the moment, as they're merely not realistic. Move on with the goals that you are able to accomplish and later on come back to the list and update your goals. You'll notice that there will be a few minor achievements; however, you'll likewise see how naturally

















You can't simply make yourself successful or happy overnight. You have to think that this is something that you're going to have to work hard for and you'll likewise need to keep in brain that these goals are short-run and long-run. There's a great amount of work and energy to be happy and successful. You'll have to think about the outcomes of all your actions, so that you are able to choose rather or not things will move you close to accomplishing your ultimate goal. Happiness and success are conceivable for everybody, however, the definitions of happiness and success are likewise different for everybody, and that's a difference that has to be realized while setting goals.

Excerpt of“Get A Handle On It” BY DRCHERIMOORE

You'll have to consider re-inventing yourself personally, professionally, and likewise in some of the relationships that you have with other people. You'll find that there are no rules or principles that you'll have to follow in the re-invention, but you ought to try to make matters more beneficial or simpler for yourself. You'll have to do your best to try to re-invent yourself in a favorable way. Once it comes to change, you have to learn how to embrace it. You'll wish to consider about the fact that there's a particular amount of expectation s and goals that you're going to have to meet for yourself. You'll have to consider the fact that there are a lot of fantastic matters that you'll have to embrace in life, but you'll wish to keep in mind that your biggest accomplishment will be in yourself. Figure out what it is that you require in your life first. Then you have to attempt and work it out into a plan of action. You likewise have to work out where your glass ceiling is. A few individuals have a "glass ceiling" this is where they may see the top, however feel that they're unable to get there. The thing is that you're going to try and work matters out to the furthermost point, but eventually you'll have to stop and consider yourself and feel a sense of pride. Self-actualization is really hard to accomplish. Some individuals spend their whole life trying to get to the point of self-actualization. For you to re-invent yourself you're going to have to consider your fortes and your failings. You'll have to work on both so that your failings aren't really failings and your fortes are stronger than ever. You'll discover that only through self-evaluation will you ever be able to find yourself on the correct path to contentment. You'll see that with your skills you'll be able to stand out above the rest with a bit of work. Once you re-invent yourself you'll need to consider growth in the concern of your spiritual health, physical health, mental health, and likewise deal with a few of your attachments. You'll wish to make certain that you consider who you are and who you are in particular areas of your life. First, you'll wish to consider the fact that you've many relationships with a lot of important individuals. You'll wish to make certain that you do everything you may so that you may make the best possible impression on other people, but likewise show other people the new and improved you. You'll be able to accomplish a lot of matters once you consider utilizing your whole self to achieve your goals. You'll need to consider ways that you may utilize your body, mind, and soul, so that you may do a complete renovation on yourself. You likewise have to consider utilizing all of yourself so that you may accomplish your own stardom and be really happy. You'll likewise wish to consider the fact that your shift won't occur overnight. You'll wish to keep in mind that there's a lot of time and energy that you're going to have to put in yourself in order to make your goals into something. There are a lot of improvements that you may make, but you're likewise going to have to evaluate yourself from time to time. If you would like “Moore”, please go to www.MillionaireMembership.clubJoin Any level and you will receive My book-“Get A Handle On It”. Blessings From DrCheriMoore UNSTOPPABLE: A MAGAZINE FOR MEN

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DERRON ROWAN: #MINDSET What is the first book that made you cry? Loose That Man TD Jakes

What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry? Price Gouging. I interviewed several companies before deciding, and the dollar amounts they were asking was ridiculous in some cases Does writing energize or exhaust you? Both. There were times when I couldn’t get the words on the paper fast enough because the ideas were just flowing, and I find myself excited and biting my nails. Then there would be times when I would write and couldn’t find any energy to produce a thought to write. What are common traps for aspiring writers? Working outside your lane. What I mean is trying to be an expert in all areas of your topics. Also self-doubt. Self-doubt is a killer to writing momentum. Does a big ego help or hurt writers? I am not sure. I would think it’s a certain amount of confidence and cockiness to complete your script. I do think you need a certain level of confidence to talk about any matter. If you aren’t confident in your words on the paper, I think your readers will sense that insecurity in you, lose interest in your work. What is your writing Kryptonite? Routine. I didn’t understand my routine and when I was the most creative. Not understanding when I was being inspired, or when the Lord was talking to me and putting those thoughts in my head. I would not capture them and then when I thought it was time for me to write I could not recall the thought. What does literary success look like to you? I want to write work that I can be proud of and actually blesses people. When I started to write this book, I wrote this without looking for anything. I was really clearing my head at first. Then the Lord started giving me things to say, that wasn’t in me, and I started to slowly realize the manuscript was bigger than me. What’s the best way to market your books? I am still learning that. At the price that social media offers you and the potential reach you can have by clicking the post button, you have to take advantage of that. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book? I was my research in the beginning. Then as the book became more lively, more engaging, I researched for hours and hours. Learning different points of view, listening to podcasts of some of the greats, taking notes, youtube was a big help as well.

What does literary success look like to you? I want to write work that I can be proud of and actually blesses people. When I started to write this book, I wrote this without looking for anything. I was really clearing my head at first. Then the Lord started giving me things to say, that wasn’t in me, and I started to slowly realize the manuscript was bigger than me. Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice? Spiritual practice. I guess that would depend on what you're writing. For me it definitely was. When I was writing, there were times when I felt like I was writing a sermon lol. There were times when I would write and be like, where did that come from, but thank you, God. Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice? Spiritual practice. I guess that would depend on what your righting. For me it definitely was. When I was writing, there were times when I felt like I was writing a sermon lol. There were times when I would write and be like, where did that come from, but thank you God.

Have you ever gotten reader’s block? Lawd yes. It has taken me several months to finish books before. But I really wasn’t always a big reader. It was something I had to develop. I got back in the habit of reading while I was acting. Reading scripts is just like reading a book. Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym? Yes, I wanted to write a steamy love story once, I mean steamy. I just didn’t have the guts to do it lol Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? I attempted to deliver a message that my readers could relate to. I remember hearing on a podcast from one of the greats I listen to, that said, my job is just to write it and deliver it. It will inspire some at the moment, and others it will hopefully resonate with later. What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer? My Pastor is an Author who actually wrote my foreword for the book. Other than him, I just studied writers off of social media and a couple of motivational speakers. I also ran several chapters by my daughters and parents for feedback. Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? It’s my desire to build a body of work with connections. I have always been a person to try and uplift people, to see good in them even if they don’t see it in themselves. I want my lane to be an uplifting lane, helping individuals as I get help from them as well. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Embrace your journey, to understand that the stories that make up your life and the lives of others, can be a written compilation of stories that may one day, be in manuscript form to inspire others How did publishing your first book change your process of writing? Research. Research Research. And your routine on when to write. When you’re feeling inspired. I also have learned to use apps, apps that will transcribe for you. And really to be serious, give your thought time to mature. Don’t be so anxious to get it on paper. There are some reports that say it took Leonardo 12 years or more just to paint the lips of the Mona Lisa. My point is just to slow down and let your work mature. Because once it's submitted it cost to amend it. What was the best money you ever spent as a writer? On my graphics. I have two wonderful friends that own their own businesses. Michelle Ignacio (probably said that wrong) owns the official screenshot she did my book cover design, business cards, and website. Rodney Pitts Photography did my photoshoot for my headshots. They were both patients with me, understanding that my promotion had to be perfect. What authors did you dislike at first but grew into? Honestly none. I purchase what I am familiar with. Now I am growing into a knowledge base that is allowing me to grow and study new authors. That I can learn from to enhance my knowledge for my followers. What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?I am not sure, I haven’t had that issue yet. But I would imagine not being bias in your conversation and your perspective. How long were you a part-time writer before you became a full-time one? 1 day. Well, I started other manuscripts in the past, but for one reason or another, I did not finish.

What did you do with your first advance? When I get it, ill let you know lol 19. What was an early experience where you learned that language had power? I am a PK (preacher kid) so I learned at an early age how powerful words and delivery can be. I use to marvel at how my dad could study a text as a scripture and make it a story that is livable and relevant for people. I mean look at TD Jakes, is there really a better inspirational voice that can make words live and give life than him. What are the most important magazines for writers to subscribe to? I don’t subscribe to any. What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel? I don’t have one. I only purchased books that fit my season. I wasn’t concerned about reviews are what others thought. It was bought because it was something I needed at the time of my life. How do you balance making demands on the reader with taking care of the reader? I tried to keep the reader engaged with real-life stories. And sometimes with stories from the bible. This is an area amongst others that I will have to improve on in the future What period of your life do you find you write about most often? (child, teenager, young adult) Adult being my first book. But I do want to write a children's book with the same message just on a smaller mental level What did you edit out of this book?” Several experiences actually. For this manuscript, the material I edited out was the best fit for the next manuscript I am hoping to work on. Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction? No What are the ethics of writing about historical figures? If I was to write about historical figures, I would say to show them their respect. Put some respect on their names. Definitely don’t misquote them. That is a foul. But I would say show them their respect and quote them in context. How do you select the names of your characters? It was non fictional. I either used their names or I didn’t.

What one thing would you give up to become a better writer? My doubt and fear of being judged. Those two words are paralyzing. What are your favorite literary journals? I don’t really have one favorite. I am more into podcasts and youtube videos at the moment. It fits my personal time as I drive to and from work. What is your favorite childhood book? Why do I want to say green eggs and ham here? What is the most difficult part of your artistic process? Being transparent. Allowing that part of you to be available for people you know and those you don’t. Does your family support your career as a writer? Oh yes. They have been great and nondisruptive. If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do? Nothing. My journey was tailored for me How long on average does it take you to write a book? I am not sure, but is there a rush. I don’t want to rush out material and put out non-quality work. Do you believe in writer’s block? Yes, I experienced it a time or two during this process. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? No relevance here, but I'm a Louisville Cardinal fan out and in. So a Cardinal will be my choice. What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters? My book is nonfiction so the characters in my book are real. I owe them the respect of telling them the truth. The truth about how they blessed me when we spoke, crossed paths or motivated me in one way or another. I have thanked many of them, and their value to me isn’t worth money. How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? Just one. It is a book that I was writing when I was finding myself in-between the seasons of my life. (While you wait) The book was too much for me at the time, but if the Lord is willing, I want to finish that. How many hours a day do you write? I believe my max was 4 hours. But there were days when I would write, close the computer, write and close the computer. So there were days when I would write as long as inspiration was there.

If you didn’t write, what would you do for work? I work lol. I have a job that demands about 50-60 hours per week. Plus I have the Mindset Apparel company. Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones? Well, I don’t know just yet, but I am sure not to make everyone happy, or please everyone. And that is ok because some you will inspire and some you will annoy. I am just as hard as the movies I go watch lol Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? No, but that would have been creative. I will keep that in mind going forward. What was your hardest scene to write? The Chapter on being a survivor. I have seen directly the effects of domestic violence and how it affects the people you love. And you are so concerned about them but you know its nothing you can do. Do you Google yourself? I use to all the time.

SIGNS THAT A CHILD NEEDS EXTRA HELP While most children come through divorce relatively intact and healthy (some studies confirm that in the right situation, the child may even thrive after divorce), other children suffer more and need extra help getting through the emotional trauma they’re experiencing.

Skipping School If your child starts skipping school during or after your divorce, consider it a severe warning sign of problems to come. Some kids will respond to your orders and demands but many won’t. Talk to the school counselor to find out about resources that might help your child. Open the lines of communication with your child so they know you’re on their side. Failing Classes Grades can slip during any crisis. If you are noticing more serious issues than a slip, such as actual failing grades, you’ll want to find out how you can get some help for your child sooner rather than later. Your child’s counselor at school might offer some recommendations for your needs. Abusing Substances Using any substance that is illegal is a serious sign that needs to be addressed by a professional. However, sometimes kids will abuse substances that you have no idea about such as food. If your child is using food, drugs, sex, gaming, or anything in an unhealthy way, you may consider helping your child find a counselor. Acting Out Violently Emotional bursts aren’t uncommon when a child is experiencing the additional stress associated with divorce. Their whole world has changed, after all. However, being violent to others or themselves is not acceptable and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible with the help of a professional counselor or psychiatrist. Thoughtless and Impulsive The problem with impulsive actions is that it can hurt people. If your child is making choices that are dangerous and impulsive, they may need additional support with a therapist. You can also try opening the lines of communication because sometimes their actions are so unconscious that they need help expressing their feelings. Acting Angry and Defiant Even before they start doing dangerous things, a sign that your child needs extra help shows up if they are acting angry and defiant. Even if they’re sad and depressed, being that way all the time is something that needs to be dealt with. Avoiding Family Time Sometimes the start of disturbing behavior, especially with teenagers, is not showing up for family time. Not sitting at the table with the family during dinner. Not enjoying favorite TV shows. Not going to games. If that starts happening, it’s a strong sign that they’re having issues accepting the change in circumstances. Other People Notice Something Is Wrong If anyone - from a neighbor to a teacher, to another parent, to a friend - suggests that your child is having issues with your divorce, don’t ignore them. Children will sometimes reveal things to others that they don’t to you because they are protective of you and don’t want to hurt you. Even if you don’t notice any of these signs that your child needs extra help getting through your divorce, it never hurts to take advantage of resources that can help them before they need it. Your attorney is an excellent resource to help you find counselors and other resources that you can use to help your child. You can also ask your family doctor for help identifying the resources in your area. If you are experiencing any issues: www.DrCheriMoore.com



One of the hardest things a parent will ever do, outside of informing their children a parent has passed, is telling their children they’re getting a divorce. While it will depend on your own circumstances, there is a best way to let your children know about the divorce – which is to do it together. However, that is not always possible. The important thing is to ensure that the kids aren’t afraid, that they know what is going to happen from here on out, and that they are safe.

Do It Together If possible, set aside a time for a family meeting so that you can inform the children together about the divorce. Often kids already know something is up, and it's going to make them feel a lot more relieved if you tell them together. Before you tell the kids, work with a counselor to practice how you’ll let them know. Don’t Place Blame When you do tell the kids, don’t place blame even if it is clearly one person’s fault. That other person is your child’s parent, and you don’t want to make them feel bad about that. Just tell them that you’re going to divorce but that it’s not about them, and you’re both going to be okay too. Reassure Your Kids It’s Not Their Fault Almost all kids, even adults, think their parents' divorce is somehow their fault. They think if they were better and didn’t cost so much or didn’t cause fights, then their parents would stay together. Of course, this is not true, but that’s what they think. Therefore, it’s essential to verbally tell your kids that it is not their fault even if they do not ask. Demonstrate Your Love for Them Both parents should sit with their kids, hug them, and look them in the eyes with love on their faces. The kids need some extra cuddling and affection after hearing something like this. A tickle party for younger kids, going out for ice cream for bigger kids, and a cuddle and a movie for teenagers can go far. Explain What Will and Won’t Change When you tell your kids about the divorce, make sure that you also explain how it’s going to be moving forward. Where they will live, where the parents will live, how often they will see them, and how it will all work needs to be discussed right away, because they’re going to be worried about it if it’s not addressed. Give Them Time to Get Used to the Idea Some kids will react very strongly to the news. Others will seem unaffected. You really won’t know for a while. Let them get used to the idea. Let them know that they can ask you questions if needed if they are worried about something. But mostly leave them alone for a bit while they get used to the idea. Go to Family Counseling One way to tell kids is to take them to family counseling with you and your soon-to-be-ex so that the counselor can help you tell them the right way. Also, a counselor can help identify the best ways to reassure individual children who are having issues. Plus, they can help you emotionally too. Offer Individual Counseling If Needed Let children know that if they want to talk to someone not in the family about their feelings regarding the divorce, you can set them up with a personal counselor who can help them. Kids - especially older ones and teens - have a lot of feelings they don’t want to share with you because they don’t want to hurt you. A stranger who is trained can help a lot. The truth is, when parents work hard to get along post-divorce for the sake of the kids, the kids end up doing great. They tend to thrive, and some even do better post-divorce if their parents are also doing better. Of course, every household is different, but if you work toward putting the kids first and letting them know without any surprises what’s happening, they will end up fine even if it gets bumpy - because you’re going to help them get through it. If you or someone you know needs help please visit: www.DrCheriMoore.com



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“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption” – 1 Corinthians 1:30 I have heard people testify about how they found Jesus. While that makes for a most compelling story, it has no basis in scriptural. Jesus has never been lost. As a matter of fact, He is always right there. This verse makes that clear.

The Serva

By Rev. Keith J. Moore

It starts by saying that because of God we are in Christ Jesus. In two of the preceding verses Paul makes it plain that God chose us and not because of anything superior about us. He chose us because He is our sovereign God. Not only did He choose us, but He gave us a legitimate relationship with Him through the work of His Son. Jesus came to earth and lived with us creating disciples and teaching us about the Kingdom of God. In short, the living Word gave us divine insight into living and the word of God. Jesus also imputed His righteousness to our accounts in exchange for our sin. He paid our debt in full and gave us standing before the throne of God as His children because we are in Christ. The sanctification is the process by which He sets us apart for Himself. We do not find Jesus, we respond to His voice, His call, the conviction of the Holy Spirit and surrender to His will. In Christ, and only in Christ, we are truly something special as He purifies and calls us to holiness. Finally, Jesus is our great Redeemer. He ransoms us out of the marketplace of the world. Before Christ we were all slaves to sin. Jesus is our great Emancipator, the Lover and Redeemer of our souls. Oh, how I love Jesus, because He FIRST loved me. Do you know how special you are? He came from heaven to do all of this for you and me. Now let us live the love His has for us and placed in us.

nt's Corner

”Trust in Him at all times; ye people, Pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.” – Psalm 62:8 These days it is difficult to find that which is trustworthy. The news is full of contradictory stories. Our leaders are constantly at odds with each other. We live in a time where true has become relative. But the Psalmist has a message for these times. He tells us that we are to trust in God at all times. That means the good times, the bad times, the uncomfortable times, and the times of leisure. We are to put our confidence in God. To believe what He says in His word and to believe in Him. And we are to never stop trusting God. He tells us that we are to pour out our hearts. God tells us to cast all of our cares on Him. He knows that we cannot handle them, and that we need to release them. Pouring out is what one does to empty a container. Pouring out reveals what was contained within. Pouring out, make the container available to be filled with something else.

The last thing that he tells us is that God is our refuge. That means He is our safe place. Our protection from the storms of life. A safe place where we can rest from the weight of our world. The Selah at the end is a call to pause. Sometimes we just get too busy, and we miss things that we should get. The Psalmist is saying don’t miss this. Stop and listen. God is there for you, always. Trust me on that. When is the last time you poured out your heart to God, and surrendered yourself fully to His plan? Rev Keith Moore at revkjmoore@gmail.com

MONEY | 18


Investing is compounding!

Five Must-Know Facts about Making Investments

In simple terms, investment equals putting your money to ‘work hard’ to earn more money. It works on compounding, i.e. reinvestment of earnings and time. For example, if you invest 10,000 USD at 5% annual interest, your earning would be 500 USD for the first year, 525 USD (5% of 10,500 USD) for the second year, and 551.25 USD (5% of 11,025 USD) and forever increasing year after year! While investment can make a person rich, one must bear in mind that it is not gambling, neither it is a get-rich scheme. 2.

You must first know yourself before you start investing.

Three key questions you need to ask yourself before investing: what is your financial status, what are your financial goals, and what kind of risk you can tolerate. Knowing yourself is important because this would, directly and indirectly, decide your preferred style of investing and the type of investors you become. There is no single investing style that works for everyone, but there is always the right one that fits your needs and the kind of environment you are in.


Investing is about educating yourself!

Investment requires skills and knowledge. The last thing you would want to do with your hard-earned money is to blindly throw them into some investment schemes that you yourself are unsure of, that would be equal to gambling! So, you should spend some time to educate yourself about the area of investment you intend to participate in. Understand how it works can help you to plan your investment portfolio.


Investing is like a long adventure trip.

You need to have planned before you embark on a trip, similarly for your investments. Budget the amount of money you can invest as well as devise a strategy on how to maximize the usage of your money. The strategy must not only include how to enter the market, but how to exit with your profits. Proper planning can lower the risks of losing money.


Never put all your eggs in one basket.

Diversify your investment. Put it simply, if you are investing in a stock market, invest in more than one company. You risk losing all your money if you put them in a single company when its shares nosedive. It would be wiser to invest in more than one sector or different types of investments.

The Hidden Costs of Buying a Car We all think that we know all about buying a car especially you guys. But do you really? Sometimes the obvious isn’t clear. Sometimes you just need another mind to help you along. So, instead of making a rash decision, please heed this little advice. Single guys and married guys all fall into these traps. So just start off we will identify some problem areas. Buying a car, whether it’s used or new, is an exciting time. It’s always exciting to buy a car because regardless of what anyone says, cars are not just a means of transportation. Sometimes they’re a means of self-expression too. However, you don’t want your individualism to break the bank. Watch out for these hidden costs of buying a car when you start shopping. Financing Charges While not really a secret, if you do finance a vehicle, you’ll be paying most of the interest upfront. Car loans are "front-loaded," which means your first couple of years of making payments is going mostly to the interest tacked on to the loan. Besides "interest" there are often other charges for financing such as loan origination fees and so forth. Sales Taxes No matter where you buy a car in the USA, you’ll be paying taxes. It’s either going to happen in your home state or where you buy the car. Often you cannot choose even if you want to. You’ll need to check the rules and regulations for your area. Title and Registration Fees Every state requires that you register your vehicle and get a tag that proves you registered it. The cost for this varies widely from state to state. Registration is typically based on the amount you paid for the car, while the tags are a standard cost based on the type of tag you get. Dealership Fees Most dealerships like to tack on various dealer fees, from shipping to docking fees. They all like to call it something else. Many times, this fee can be negotiated away but is often the same amount the salesperson will make for selling your car, while the dealership might get other money from the sale too. Car Insurance How much car insurance costs depends on the type of car you buy, the price you paid, the price the insurance company believes it’s worth, and other factors. Calling your insurance company to get a bid before you get a final price can be very helpful when you are negotiating, as the insurance company can give you more info about what the car is worth. Maintenance Costs You cannot really know for certain how much it’s going to cost to keep a vehicle in tip-top shape. For most people, this is not a factor they ever consider. However, if you do your research on the make and model of the car before buying it, you can go in with your eyes wide open in terms of this cost. Fuel Costs While also not hidden since it’s listed with the vehicle how much it should get in terms of gas mileage, it’s also something most buyers fail to consider. You cannot know future costs for sure since fuel prices fluctuate so much. Initial Technology Costs If you buy an electric car, for example, you may need to have a charging station installed in your garage. That can be pricy if it’s not included in your purchase price and if there are no more tax credits. Plus, there can be monthly charges for some features you may like, such as OnStar and other technology you may want to use. One way to combat some of these fees is to ask your dealer for the price "out the door," which means tags, registration, dealership fees, and some of these hidden costs can be included upfront. However, the main thing is to be aware of all the costs associated with buying and maintaining your car purchase.


CARS | 20

When you buy a used car - especially if you’re buying it from an individual, it’s imperative that you do your due diligence to ensure that you are buying what you think you’re buying. Even if you’re buying from a dealer, always check out these ten things before buying the used car. 1. Get the Carfax – You can order a Carfax for the vehicle you think you want to buy by getting the vehicle identification number. The car faxes aren’t very expensive and are a good way to avoid problems with purchasing a lemon or a car that has been refurbished after floods and other natural disasters. 2. Ask for Maintenance History – Responsible car owners often keep all their maintenance records. The reason is that it’s the only way to prove what was done to maintain the car in case of warranty issues. But it’s also a great way to get top dollar for a trade-in or private sale to prove regular maintenance. 3. Check for Paint Damage – Especially nowadays with the awesome paint and materials that most cars are made with, paint damage is often a sign of a previous accident. If there is paint damage, make sure you find out why. 4. Check for Rust – Like other types of damage, the existence of rust can be a sign of a severe problem. Most cars don’t rust these days. If there is rust, you need to know why so that you can negotiate a fair price. 5. Frame Issues – You often cannot check this yourself, but if you get your car inspected before buying it, a good mechanic can tell if there is frame damage. This can happen from wrecks, so if there is an unreported wreck or problem with the vehicle, you want to avoid it. 6. Look under the Hood – Even if you know nothing about a car, look under the hood to check for cleanliness. Look around the battery to see if there is corrosion or rust inside that you can see. Also, check for leaks, taped up hoses, and other signs. Take it to a mechanic before buying once you feel that you want it. 7. Check the Tire Condition – Buying tires is a significant expense that you don’t want to have right after buying a car. Check the tires to ensure they have some life on them. If they have a receipt that shows when they bought the tires, they may still be under warranty, so that info is useful to know. 8. Double Check the Mileage – For one car, 50K miles is going to be acceptable, but for another make and model it might not be so great. Always understand how the mileage affects the value of the car that you are looking at. Also make sure the number matches other information you have. 9. Ensure All Technology Works – Double check the windows, the window washers, the headlights, tail lights, the radio, Bluetooth, the lighter, and every bit of tech inside the vehicle. Don’t assume it works; check each thing. 10. Look at All the Upholstery and Interior – You can often tell how well a car was cared for by looking at the interior and the upholstery. If it’s stained, ripped, smelly, and so forth, did the person care for this car as much as they could have for the price that they’re asking? Buying a used car is exciting because usually you can get a much better deal than if you buy new. However, you should always act with caution and double-check any facts by doing your research on the make, model, and actual vehicle by getting the Carfax.

Your Legal Rights When Buying a Car When it comes to consumer protections for car buying, the USA has very seller-centric laws. In most cases, after you have purchased the vehicle, you’re simply out of luck if you don’t want it anymore. However, it does depend on where you live. Automotive Purchasing Laws Are Local One thing that is difficult about the laws surrounding car purchases is that most of the laws are local in nature. Each state in the USA has a different rule. Other countries offer various levels of consumer protection that may be more or less than in the USA. Check Your Lemon Laws Every state has some form of lemon law, so make sure you know it before you start your purchasing process. Knowing it is going to help you ensure that you really check out every car and seller before you make your purchase. In most cases, if you can prove the car is a lemon within 30 days of purchase, you may be able to get your money back. Having said that, you’re likely going to have to deal with arbitration since most dealer contracts force you to sign an arbitration agreement. Lemon Laws Don’t Apply to Private Sellers When you buy from a private seller who is not a dealer (and that can be disputed if they sell a lot of cars), you generally have no right to get your money back even if the car breaks down the next day. For this reason, always take the vehicle to your own mechanic for a pre-purchase inspection before buying. There Is No Three-Day Rule with Cars Many people think that they have three days to change their mind on buying a car they’ve signed a contract on and left with. However, this is not true. As mentioned, there are some rules about lemons, though, so it’s essential to read about lemon laws to ensure that your situation matches. Federal Automotive Buying Rules and Regulations There are many regulations that the federal government places on dealers that don’t apply to private sellers. For example, in most cases, a dealer must disclose information about the car regarding potential defects and prepurchase inspections, and they must warn you that anything spoken and not written isn’t legally binding. They must disclose warranty information and other information to you as well. Only two states in the USA offer consumer protections that are stronger than the federal laws on the subject. Wisconsin and Maine offer comprehensive used car purchaser protections that help. Make sure you read up on your local laws. The primary protection you have is doing your due diligence before purchase to ensure that you are buying a car that works from a person who is acting honestly.


GOLF TIPS 1. Watch professional golf players play the game. If you want to become a golf player, it is a good idea to watch professional golf players playing the sport. When you watch them, you would become more inspired in getting better with your game. Aside from that, you could also take note how they carry themselves on the field, as well as how they make their swings.

2. Find a playing partner. Playing golf is interesting, especially if you do it together with a friend. Find a friend who also wants to learn how to play golf, so that you can each share some pointers. Aside from that, you can both boost your motivation by competing against each other from time to time. 3. Hire a trainer. To begin learning the sport, it is best if you can hire a trainer. The professional trainer can guide you on how to execute the proper swing. Aside from that, he can also monitor how you handle yourself with each swing, and be able to make adjustments. Moreover, a trainer can provide you the guidance you need in every aspect of the game. 4. Buy a good pair of sunglasses. Buying accessories for your newfound sport can be fun. One of the more important accessories though would be a pair of sunglasses. This is because, when playing the game, you would be doing it out in the field, when the sun is shining bright. A good pair of sunglasses would provide your eyes the protection that it needs. 5. Find a good pair of golf shoes. There are lots of golf shoes available in the market today. However, you should know that they are not all the same. Thus, it is best if you do your research about the brands that are more preferred by professional golf players. This way, you can choose a pair of golf shoes that can really serve its purpose for a long period of time. 6. Buy golf clubs. Having your own golf clubs is important if you are serious in playing golf. Just keep in mind though that golf clubs are pretty expensive. Therefore, you should purchase a set that are really made with the best materials. Aside from that, you should also know how to compare the different sets of clubs, so that you can choose the best ones while playing the game.


Andre Joseph Through the lens

How did you get started? As a child, I enjoyed watching a lot of movies, TV shows (especially cartoons), and playing Nintendo and Sega games. Since I was big into collecting action figures, I would take them and reenact things that I saw on TV or create my own stories that came out of my head. I loved telling wild imaginary stories to people wherever I went. When I was in 4th grade, I took a writer’s workshop class which was the first time that I put my story ideas on paper for kids to read and enjoy. Sometimes, my cousins and I would act out those stories or movies we saw whenever we visited my grandmother’s apartment in Brooklyn. But I did not get interested in making videos until I got involved in a kids’ video camp program at Snug Harbor in Staten Island, NY. I learned some simple basics about producing a television show and how video cameras worked. Then one day, my uncle purchased a VHS camcorder which we wanted to use to film our skits. Though he felt we were too young to use it, my cousins and I still wrote out ideas we wanted to make into movies one day. When I turned 13, my mom got her own camcorder and she allowed me to use it for a short detective film we shot with friends on a summer vacation in Hilton Head Island. After that, I started filming short projects at home almost all the time with my family and friends from school. That’s when I decided that moviemaking would be my career in life. I went on to take an intensive summer course at the New York Film Academy when I was 17 and later graduated Magna Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in Film at Emerson College. What do you enjoy most about what you do? There is something about the surreal feeling I get when I see my vision come to life. It’s one thing when I sit down to write my scenes and create dialogue for my characters in a script. It’s a whole other level of excitement when I witness professional actors bringing those scenes and their respective characters to life on set. When the moments work on camera, I just know it deep in my gut. The musical score sweetens it even more. And when an audience responds to the feelings and emotions that I want to convey in a film, nothing beats that.


What was the motivating factor in being an Entrepreneur? I grew up idolizing legendary filmmakers such as Steven Spielberg, Spike Lee, Richard Donner, and Clint Eastwood among others. Each of them had a great deal of creative control of their work. So, it came naturally to me from the time that I started making movies to learn the filmmaking process on my own and through various video classes at school. Without much help, in the beginning, I practiced my skills in screenwriting, directing, acting, and editing through my own projects. As I got older and had a better understanding of the team effort rather than wearing all hats at once, I realized within the process of making my first feature film PRICELESS that my ultimate shortcoming was a lack of understanding of the actual film business itself. To have such knowledge about marketing and distribution is so key in sustaining a long-term career in all forms of entertainment. That is why I aspire to be a self-made entrepreneur so I can balance my artistic side with the determined instinct to treat this medium as a business. As an Entrepreneur, what outreach programs are you a part of in your community? I’ve done some guest speaking at an after-school program for videomaking at I.S. 61 in Staten Island. I love talking to young kids who are starting out the way I did by making short videos for fun. I share my knowledge of the process as well as my thoughts about the current state of the film industry. I’m also a proud supporter of Moonlight Productions run by my friends Christine Zahra and Victoria Venezia. They are a touring company that educates and produces community theater productions with children, senior citizens, and the mentally challenged. Having contributed behind the scenes for them, I find what they do as an organization is so inspiring to the Staten Island community and I would love to see them expand to greater heights.

As a Film Maker, Producer, Actor what are your challenges in today’s society? The film industry is rapidly changing compared to when I started professionally 13 years ago. Without going through the major studios in Hollywood, there’s more opportunity to get your work seen publicly via streaming platforms like Netflix, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Technology for filmmaking has become so advanced to the point where filmmakers can produce cost-effective projects that rival a bigbudget studio picture with A-list talent. We are also getting more inclusive and diverse as these new platforms are providing a chance for filmmakers of color, gender, and orientation to make their voices heard. The challenges, however, are the hurdles to gain funding for projects that require private financing or promoting a well-strategized crowdfunding campaign. Not every investor is willing to change their archaic attitude about the way that a film can only be taken seriously if it has name talent and gets released in a major multiplex. It’s always a risk to support something brand new. I also believe that with increased production of high-quality films produced independently, the waters become more treacherous as illegitimate film distributors manage to find ways to manipulate ambitious filmmakers into one-sided deals that see no returns on their investment as well as a lack of control. If you are starting out today, I highly recommend having the proper legal representation to help separate distributors with bad deals from the ones with a solid track record of success and outreach. What type of Motivation Style do you Prefer? I prefer to be goal oriented. After I graduated from Emerson, I learned very quickly how easy it is to get disorganized without a weekly schedule to follow. Especially when time can move extremely fast with age. So, I motivate myself by putting together a list of short-term and long-term goals to follow every week. I know I can’t tackle everything all at once. But if I give myself some specific objectives to complete before the end of each week, I will feel like I’m getting one step closer to making those goals.

How do you differentiate between all of the roles that you have? I try to give myself months, sometimes over a year, to prepare for a new film project. Usually, I map out my shots in advance and collaborate closely with my cinematographer to balance my ideas with what is most practical to pull off in a realworld setting. If I’m only directing a project, I work the most closely with my actors through table reads and simple blocking rehearsals prior to production. Then I let them go once the day of shooting begins. I try not to micromanage their performances in any way. I’ll have a co-producer on set to handle such production needs as feeding the crew and coordinating transportation so I can focus on the creative aspect of the shoot. If I’m acting as well as directing, it’s obviously more challenging. I go through a similar process except I do my own preparation with the character that I’m playing and then rely mostly on my assistant director on set to keep a close on me in front of the camera. I also believe in doing playbacks on the monitor between shots to be sure of what I’m trying to achieve on screen. What type of Motivation Style do you Prefer? I prefer to be goaloriented. After I graduated from Emerson, I learned very quickly how easy it is to get disorganized without a weekly schedule to follow. Especially when time can move extremely fast with age. So, I motivate myself by putting together a list of short-term and longterm goals to follow every week. I know I can’t tackle everything all at once. But if I give myself some specific objectives to complete before the end of each week, I will feel like I’m getting one step closer to making those goals. How can People contact you, for your Classes? I can be reached via email at ajepyx1@gmail.com. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @ajepyx. I’m at André Joseph on Facebook. All my news and updates for all my film projects can be found at ajepyxproductions.com.

"There is something about the surreal feeling I get when I see my vision come to life." Are you Married, Dating, Divorced, Single? At the present time, I’m very much single. For me, the dating scene in New York has its difficulties at a time when people seek instant gratification in a ‘loose’ relationship. Dating apps like Tinder and Bumble have only made it worse by making people choosier about whom they see and there’s a level of dishonesty that can come across if a profile doesn’t live up to the hype. Based on what I’ve witnessed in the romantic lives of my friends and my cousins, some of whom are married, chemistry and trust are essential in making the best relationships last. I’ll be honest when I say that the time that I have committed to my career is a metaphorical double-edged sword as more people close to me get married off and have children. What I try to do to prevent any feeling of regret about failed attempts at a relationship is to just remind myself that where I am today is where I am supposed to be and God willing the right kind of woman will come around with the uplifting qualities that I’m looking for in a real romance. How do you enjoy your life? When I put the film career aside, I’d like to say that there is value in spending time around family. Since my parents separated when I was 12, I go between Staten Island where I currently reside with my dad, and Delaware where my mom lives. Sometimes, I have anxiety about getting older and how fast time moves. That’s why I try to spend a lot of time with them and my relatives as much as possible. The current crisis with the pandemic has given me perspective about valuing my life and the people around me. It’s very easy to get frustrated when setbacks in work and 24-hour news coverage can raise my blood pressure. There have to be those quiet moments of clarity for me to have that reminder of my accomplishments and choosing the best path to move forward into the future.

Hobbies? What do you do for fun? I try to enjoy nights out with my life-long friends between New York and New Jersey. We’ll try different bar venues, get together for sporting events like football and wrestling, and go see the latest big movies in the theater. Besides watching movies and shows, regular hobbies I engage in are exercising at the gym, swimming, quiet walks in the park near my house, listening to music, writing, and reading books in mostly in the biographical and motivational genres. Every summer, my dad and I would go see the Yankees play and go to concert events in the city for many old school acts in R&B and jazz. Lastly, I love to travel whenever I can. My last vacation was in London two years ago and I got to meet some friends that I’ve only connected with through social media in the past. How do your Beliefs impact your Creative Process? I’m very fair with the people in my life and I try to do a lot more listening than imposing my own thoughts and feelings most of the time. I often get criticized for being too quiet when I’m actually being more observant in group settings. When I work with actors and crew, I want everyone to bring their best. I don’t believe in behaving like a cold, conceited tyrant who has to scream and curse to get everyone’s attention. It may work for some filmmakers who can afford to do it on a multi-million-dollar blockbuster. What I aspire to do is to have my teamwork in a relaxed, flexible environment where we support each other not just to get through the day, but also to share the equal goal of making the best project possible. Anytime I have a table read with my actors, I often leave off by telling them to remember this specific project 10 years from now and do so with the belief that they gave 100% of their commitment to it.

Do you teach? I taught still photography to special needs kids at my last job two years ago. Since then, I’ve been teaching virtually through a video series called NO-BUDGET FILMMAKING FOR BEGINNERS which is currently on the learning website, Skillshare. It’s a 10-part class that helps people learn a more simplified process of making their first movie from the script stage to post-production. The class is designed for anyone who has never picked up a video camera before or has been intimidated by the thought of spending thousands of dollars on making a movie.

Do you Mentor? If so what types of people do you prefer to have as your mentees? I have a few young, aspiring filmmakers who have interest primarily in producing and directing. At least two of them have interned on past projects that I’ve made. I’m open to mentor anyone regardless of their background if they have a serious desire to be successful in the film industry. Usually, I prefer mentees in college or just graduating who are looking for on-set experience. But I also want them to learn the pre-production process because even though it’s not the most exciting part compared to on-set work, it’s the most important to know about because of every detail that goes into executing the story and crafting a shoot that we want to go as smoothly as possible. What do you think your future hold? Are there any programs or projects that you are involved in? What do you focus on? Someone once told me that the longer I stay in the business, the greater chance that I will be catapulted to greater success. I’m very blessed to have such ongoing support from my family and having achieved so much in award accolades for my recent films, VENDETTA GAMES and THE SAXOPHONIST. Yet, I still believe that reaching for the stars isn’t necessarily about being at Steven Spielberg’s level of historic fame. My goal (aside from finding representation in an agency and/or professional manager) is to make this career a serious living for me financially, inspire audiences worldwide, and give back where I can to aspiring filmmakers as well as to the community at large. Should the dream become a reality where Disney/Marvel or Warner Bros. comes to me with interest in directing a major studio film, I don’t think I could say no! In terms of future projects, I have a western called AMERICAN GUNSLINGERS about two brothers of different races in the late 1800s searching for a treasure buried by their late father. Not only is it a great story filled with action and intense drama, but it’s also the kind of project that will push me to raise my skill levels on almost all aspects of film production. I hope to get that made very soon along with a crime saga web series that I’ve been developing with one of my cousins for the past 4 years. After that, I’m hoping to produce a follow-up of my previous feature film, VENDETTA GAMES, and potentially a new script I just finished that will be a smaller, character-driven project loosely based on true events.

The award-winning crime thriller VENDETTA GAMES is now available on DVD at Amazon and all Walmart and Target retailers. Available for streaming on Tubi, RokuTV, and Xumo. The award-winning short film, THE SAXOPHONIST, now available on Amazon Prime. Sign up for our new Skillshare class, NO BUDGET FILMMAKING FOR BEGINNERS.


H.SCOTT GORDON Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia via The Bronx, New York City, Scott is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) with a Master of Science degree in Mental Health Counseling. He has served in the capacity of clinician, teacher, coach, and mentor to adults, adolescents, and children. Mr. Gordon is the founder and CEO of two organizations. A Safe Space LLC, is designed to eradicate the stigma of mental health in our communities by providing a safe space to share emotions and feelings and Camp Mdogo Kondo (Young Warriors), a summer youth camp, for innercity at-risk boys. He has experience working with many populations and mental health concerns, including, emotional instability, anger management, drug and alcohol issues, stress, anxiety, depression, parenting issues, career concerns, racial trauma, and self-esteem issues. He works to formulate treatment goals that are tailored for your unique and specific needs. His Educational qualifications include: License and State: Georgia
Practice: 5 Years PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision - Capella University Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling -2015 Capella University Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Counseling, Theory in Couple and Family Systems, 2015 Capella University Bachelor of Science in Education, Training and Development (Magna Cum Laude) 1993 Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL “I assist clients by providing therapy, medication management, coaching, and more.” Scott offers services in Therapy, Therapeutic Mentorship, and Behavioral Analysis.

In his spare time, Scott wrote a book. A life story of a young man growing up in New York City; The Spring of My Life: Chronicles Of A Woman Addict. It is a book mostly based on personal experiences. However it is not totally auto-biological. It focuses on relationships that molded Scott positively and negatively. The names were changed to protect those involved. It is a nostalgic look of “back in the day”. The way teenagers and young adults dressed, dance, and the music they listened to.

As an author, he has found a new passion from within. Displaying the inner talents of his life in print. Be sure to pick up this juicy novel available on Amazon now! H.ScottGordon@asafespacetobe.com https://mentalhealthmatch.com/theap ist-profile/georgia/atlanta/harry-gordon https://www.instagram.com/h.scottgor don/ (404) 558 3930



Inside Moore Television Network

SHIRLETTE ROBINSON Moore Television Network VP & Creative Director

Shirlette Robinson is a serial entrepreneur resulting in creating streams of income from the things that she holds dear to her heart. Her first love, Visual Artistry by SJR started 8 years ago as a self-taught photographer and has now grown into a visual arts company that does everything from photographing weddings to helping companies brand themselves in today's market. Then came The Wandering Bohem, as a holistic coach her mission is to spread positivity and inspire healthier communities by connecting people back to self, through nature. This came about by simply wanting to share the healthy new lifestyle choices she'd made for her son and herself to the community. As of December 2019, Shirlette is also a published author. Her debut novel Evenfall is a peek into the fantasy world that exists in her mind. Keep an eye out for her sophomore novel, Dwani coming out in October. From fairies to superheroes and beyond, she writes magical stories where black is the default instead of the token. Next, we have Meraki Broadcasting Group. A platform that exists simply to inform the masses, boost entrepreneurs and creatives of color, and bring awareness to topics that matter. Lastly, Shirlette is co-owner of Black Women for Black Excellence, a business management, and consulting firm. We specify in getting black and brown businesses off the ground as well as helping black and brown business owners create generational wealth. Our objective is to change the narrative. As for Moore Television Network, Shirlette is just here to make things pretty. Visual Artistry is what she does. Shirlette shows no signs of slowing down and is having the time of her life discovering herself through these outlets www.shirletterobinson.life

DRCHERIMOORE WANTS YOU.... I’m starting a PILOT PROGRAM soon, and I’m looking for a few specific people. If you... 1. Have a service business like coaching, consulting, speaking, training or are an author 2. Are willing to follow what I teach that is a proven business growth formula that turns your business around 3. Have time to work with 3-5 new clients right away 4. Have at least $5000 to invest to DIRECTLY get coaching and consulting from DrCheriMoore that has 20 years experience in successful Business and Development, Business Coaching and Leadership 5. Are friendly and coachable Reply to this Message with the words: "Moore Mentors", to this Email Address: DrCheriMoore@icloud.com I’ll be choosing people this January. You will have access to DrCheriMoore, 10 hours per week. Your training will be tailored to and for your Business. You will be able to successfully use your Certification as a Professionally Trained Business Coach and become a Partner in Her Business Coaching Program. You will learn and be a part of the Very Prestigious and Elite World of Executive Business Coaching... Virtual Tours, Your own Speaking Platform, and So Much “Moore”. This program is a 7 week course. You are not given a structured schedule, so you can do this on your flexible schedule and I will be available to assist you step by step.

Blessings, DrCheriMoore VIP Business Executive Coach


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