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Change Of Scene
Stuck at home? These day trips might be just the ticket…
As you get older, life can become more narrow. It can be harder to get out and about and explore the world around you. Yet we know that doing just that is so important to keep us in good shape both physically and mentally.
Wellmoor, a community health and wellbeing organisation based in Moretonhamptead, are running weekly excursions to places of interest around Devon. The trips are aimed at people over 55 who live in the local area, and may have limited opportunities to socialise.
Previous outings have included Exeter for a spot of shopping, The Box Museum in Plymouth, and Totnes. The outings are free, with coffee and cake on arrival, and are supported by a team of friendly volunteers.
A recent participant said that ‘the trip was wonderful, especially the social part. I’ve been having a pretty lonely time for the past few months….chatting and singing on the bus is great!’

Upcoming destinations include Sidmouth, Dartmouth and Dart’s Farm in Topsham, leaving in a minibus from Moretonhampstead. Any donations or profits from the trips go directly to Wellmoor’s Community Support Fund, helping people in the local area who are struggling with the cost of living.
To secure your place call Wellmoor on 01647 478378 or email admin@wellmoor.org.uk.
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Ornamental Vegetable Growing
Growing vegetables doesn’t have to be all about straight rows and functionality. At Rosemoor we plant the Potager with vegetables not only for productivity but also to be an ornamental feature in the Formal Garden.
The term ‘Potager’ originates from France: in medieval times it simply referred to a vegetable garden, but over time it evolved to include more stylised productive gardens which had aesthetics at their heart. One of the most famous Potager gardens is found at Château de Villandry, where vegetables are grown in highly elaborate patterns on terraces. Traditionally, beds in a Potager garden are edged with low hedges, woven willow or hazel hurdles, or herbs (such as chives). This serves to mark out areas and provide an attractive border. Structures are a popular choice too: these can be used to add height whilst supporting flowering plants such as runner beans and tall-growing pea varieties.
At Rosemoor, the Potager is kept planted from March through to January. The first planting includes hardy crops such as peas, lettuce, shallots and cabbages. Crops are chosen for their ornamental features (such as flower or leaf colours) and are generally sown under glass and planted out when they reach a reasonable size. Planting shallots from sets ensures an earlier harvest: they are started off in pots of compost, then planted out in a diamond shape at the corners of the beds. Peas are supported with twiggy hazel peasticks, whilst taller crops, such as the heritage Broad Bean ‘Crimson Flowered’ provide height and a splash of colour in the centre of the beds.
In summer, as the earlier crops are harvested, other vegetables take their place. Once the risk of frost has passed, runner beans are planted to climb up over hazel tunnels. The vertical lines of leeks are mirrored by the tall stems of the popping sweetcorn ‘Fiesta’ forming a central block to be viewed from all angles. Swiss chard is a good ornamental choice as there are several varieties with brightly coloured stems (‘Bright Lights’ is a popular choice), plus it also provides an ongoing crop well into winter. Kales are another mainstay of the Potager: they will go right though to January, especially if they are staked to protect them from high winds. Twotone varieties such as ‘Emerald Ice’ and ‘Midnight Sun’ are especially striking. There are also some perennial vegetables and herbs that can be incorporated into a Potager-style garden. Artichokes are a good choice as they have attractive silvery foliage and make a handsome spectacle: the variety ‘Violet de Provence’ has dusky purple flower heads. Elephant garlic, asparagus and rhubarb could also be used, along with many different herbs: fennel and dill are particularly dramatic with their tall feathery foliage and zingy yellow flowers.

Finally, flowers provide more colour and interest, adding to the overall aesthetic of the area. Providing they are single or open-flowered, they will attract beneficial insects to pollinate crops, and some flowers (such as nasturtiums) may also act as sacrificial plants, reducing the effect of the cabbage white butterfly on your brassicas.
Growing vegetables in a more ornamental way can be extremely satisfying and the layout possibilities are endless. The key is to keep sowing plants to fill in gaps as you harvest, and you should have a beautiful productive area to look out upon for most of the year.

Jobs March/April
• Plant early potatoes. Easter is the traditional time to plant early potatoes: if they have been chitted this will speed up their growth once they are in the ground.
• Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials. If plants seem to have died out in the centre, it is time to divide and rejuvenate them. Simply lift them from the ground and slice into chunks with a garden spade, or divide using two forks back-to-back. Replant and keep watered until they have settled back into growth.
• Protect fruit blossom from late frosts. Cover with horticultural fleece (or an alternative) to ensure the cold does not cause blossom to fall off and deprive you of a harvest later this year.
• Top-dress containers with fresh compost. Scoop out the top layer of old compost and replace with new: this will neaten up your display and provide more nutrition for the plants.
• Sow hardy annuals, herbs and wildflowers outside. These plants are able to cope with colder weather and so will germinate quickly with rising temperatures.
• Plant summer-flowering bulbs, such as oriental lilies and gladioli. These can be planted in pots or in well-drained soil in the ground.
Catherine Mawdsley, Horticulturist

Bow Garden & Aquatic Centre
Where are you based and how long have you been in business?
We are based half way between Okehampton and Crediton, just outside the village of Bow. Our family, the Tuckers, have been farming and growing crops in Devon since 1411. Bow Garden & Aquatic Centre was established in 1983 and we took it over 10 years ago. We have always had a passion for plants, fish keeping, and supporting our local community - our business is a great way to combine all three.
What plants do you sell?
Plants are in our DNA, and we offer a wide range of quality plants that are largely sourced from Devon growers. We have beautiful bedding plants, a fantastic range of trees, shrubs, alpines, soft fruit, vegetable plants and herbs, and buying local means supporting local businesses.
When did you start catering for pond owners?
Bow has been synonymous with ponds and fish since our foundation. A pond is ideal for attracting wildlife to your garden, and we have lots of pond plants to help with this. For fish ponds we have Japanese and classic Koi, and many varieties of pond fish. We offer friendly, expert advice on setting up a wildlife or fish pond – ask us, it’s easier than you might think.

Do you supply fish for indoor aquariums as well as outdoor ponds?
We have over 200 tanks full of tropical, coldwater fish, and a range of Marine fish and corals. Fish-keeping reduces stress and lowers blood pressure; it’s also a great hobby for kids.

What can customers expect from you?
Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and can always expect to feel welcomed and that nothing is too much trouble. We will happily load your car for you. We believe in the personal touch and our team love to hear of our customers’ garden, or pond plans, and we offer expert, friendly advice should our customers need anything.
What sets you apart from other garden centres?
We like to be different to chains, by offering friendly, expert advice on all things gardening or aquatic. We like to support our Devon community by sourcing local plants, and food from local suppliers wherever possible. Plus, we provide a local post office to help serve our community. Our Waterside Cafe is also in a tranquil location, next to a giant koi pond, with a stream running alongside it, so it’s a very peaceful, and with delicious home-made food too.