More to Life Winter 2011

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Welcome to the Winter edition of

More to Life

Well this is it, the edition that takes us into the highly anticipated 2012, and what an adventure it promises to be! Change seems to be the only certainty so let us embrace what the universe has in store for us, learn from the lessons we are being given (even when they challenge us to the limit) and honour the opportunity to be on this planet at such an extraordinary time. There is no doubt that only very special, elevated souls would be able to witness such profound change and we should draw great comfort and confidence from our part in this great drama. In order to reach as many people as we possibly can 2012 will see More to Life in an interactive digital format as well as the current printed version so sign up to our newsletter to ensure you are sent your copy. We promise to continue to deliver powerful, authentic and well intentioned articles throughout the coming year and welcome any of you to share your thoughts and experiences of the magic that is ahead of us. Love, Love, Love – its all you need. Jayne Editor


A Funny Thing Happened on My Way To a Life Purpose

Dealing with uncertainty



2012 Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities


Being Vulnerable


The Pursuit of Happiness

Relating motorway driving to the flow of life



The Magic of Silence

A Balanced Diet



The Spiritual Awakening of Humanity

Prophets & Loss




It began in Nepal

More to Life magazine is published by More to Life Publications Ltd. 1 Liverpool Road North, Liverpool L31 2HB | T: 0151 527 1577 Reg: 6927353 VAT: 976 5944 53 Considerable care has been taken to ensure that the advertisements and features contain accurate information and no liability is accepted by the company for any loss or damage caused by any innacuracy or misprint of any advertisement or feature in this issue. 3



Happene� As a child, a lucid dream sparked a desire for greater knowledge. Behind the scenes of an artistic career there was always the practice of balancing the outward journey with the inward journey. Following her inner Guidance led Gina Charles to writing her first book, Shift Happens, A Laypersons Guide To Awakening, a product of three decades of metaphysical practices and inquiry. In it, Charles points to the inner shifts that result in the spiritual awakening or Conscious expansion, that is the next step in human evolution. For more, see:


More to Life Magazine

A Funny Thing Happened on My Way To a Life Purpose By Gina Charles


or the past several years I had been hot on the lookout for my elusive life purpose. I had already spent many years of my life doing what I believed I was meant to do, until it was time for me to move on from that, to something new. I never anticipated doing anything new. I didn’t know how to do that.

Despite having been fervently searching for my life purpose, in this moment I had never before felt more like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. The experience went beyond the words I use to describe the knowing that I was doing exactly what I was meant to do, in this moment, lying in a circle on the floor.

In an attempt to find the spot I am meant to stand in, I read books, meditated, filled notebooks with written exercises, tried new things and even went back to school. Every time I thought I was getting close to identifying what my new life purpose could be, my new endeavor would turn a bit sour and the trail would run cold. I felt like I was running in place.

For it was in that space that I lost myself and experienced being an anonymous part of the whole. This was it, this was home. Being an anonymous part of the whole was the most natural feeling space I had ever been in. I had clicked into place. It was wonderful. No, it was much bigger than wonderful. I felt like a fountain that was overflowing in the most beautiful way. As I experienced what felt like water overflowing, or something pouring out of me, it produced the feeling of elation. Elation was filling me up and spilling over. How could I ever want to be anywhere else?

'I worked on letting go, and going with the flow, even if I had no idea where it would lead' I worked on listening for and deciphering the steps my Guidance was urging me to take. It took some time to get my thinking mind to stop trying to identify each step I took, and in haste, label it as some kind of new career, or life purpose. I worked on letting go, and going with the flow, even if I had no idea where it would lead.

Happily, the afterglow of this experience stayed with me for a full week. I still had no idea where I was supposed to be, or what I was supposed to be doing. Only this time, it didn’t matter. I was too preoccupied with basking in the lingering elation I had been so vehemently chasing, the elation I believed could only be found in a life purpose. The fear of not finding what I was ultimately looking for was gone. I had been wearing the ruby slippers all along.

I decided to “surrender” to the Universe and to my Higher Self. I didn’t I had been going about things backwards. It’s never about the want my thinking mind to decide what my life purpose should be by “what.” It’s always about the “how.” No matter what I do in conjuring one up with nothing more than its logical deduction. After this life, as long as I’m tapping into my Source, I will flow the all, a thinking mind never knows for sure. I believed that no matter happiness that I am made of into that endeavor. what my purpose is, once I find it, I will know it by the vast joy I feel, no matter what it turns out to be. My Higher Self is the one that holds the GPS to my best life. It’s holding the compass to what makes my heart sing. And what makes my heart sing are the sign posts that lead to the life of my dreams. I wanted one of those. Imagine that. We spend our lives wondering how we could “achieve” our happiest life, our little “heaven on earth.” Most every I attended a weekend workshop with the intent of eliminating the one of us, having been pointed in that direction, search outward. obstacles, if any, that would account for my seeming stagnation My experience told me I had been looking in the wrong places. and lack of direction. I wanted to clear my own runway for takeoff. There is no happiness outside of me. In retrospect, I can see how my experiences during this workshop weekend were all crumbs that led my way home. The degree to which I experience happiness is the degree to which I have touched the happiness that I am. The happiness I experience in A funny thing happened to me on my way to a new life purpose. During this place I call life, is flowed from within, outward. If I am cut off from one of the workshop exercises we were all lying on the floor on our that place, or can only access a small portion of it, that is the extent to backs, chanting to music. I had never chanted before, and just went which the happiness will be reflected and experienced in my life. The along for the ride, stepping outside of my comfort zone as another journey only looks like it’s on the outside of me. The journey is within. means of growth. I could feel the vibration of sound in my chest. I could This is my life purpose. You’ll now find me travelling an enjoyable ride, feel that vibration being blended by means of the blending of our many wherever it leads, mapped out by my inner GPS, my Guidance. I will voices. It was at this moment I experienced something very profound. be the one wearing the ruby slippers.

'There is no happiness outside of me'

Winter 2011 |


Dealin� wit� Uncertaint� How Resilient are YOU? By Mike George


hen things go ‘belly up’, when bad news arrives out of the blue, when adversity strikes, how well do you cope? When one of those disastrous days shows up and everything seems to ‘go south’, how resilient are you? Have you developed your ‘bouncebackability’? Are you able to absorb, with equanimity, what the world seems to want to throw at you? Or do you collapse in a heap and need days and perhaps an army of sympathizers and supporters to pull you through? Being resilient seems to come naturally to some, but for others it’s almost impossible. In essence ‘resilience’ is our ability to recover and regain our strength, albeit physical, mental or spiritual, following some form of ‘adversity’. However, everyone’s idea of adversity is different as we each have our own values, beliefs, habitual perceptions and lifestyle expectations. What is a catastrophic disaster to one person can be less than a pin-prick to another.

life to come from outside of our self! These and many other beliefs set us up for some form of adversity and therefore the weakening of our capacity to adapt and bounce back strongly in the face of other people’s behaviours and day-to-day events. For many people just one negative thought can open the floodgates to many other thoughts and a roller coaster ride through an array of emotions that sabotage our ‘bouncebackability’. Our level of resilience then depends on how quickly we can change our thinking and dissolve our emotionally reactive states. Not so easy without daily practice. Some seek such practice with great enthusiasm as they recognize the priceless value of building their inner strength of character. Others seem to be forced to build that strength, simply because a series of particularly adverse events and circumstances appear to come to test and challenge them on their journey through life.

Our body has a natural resilience built in. Known as the ‘immune system’ it’s job is to eliminate or expel foreign invaders while helping us to recover our physical strength after an illness. We can help it or hinder it with the Others learn quickly to enact the lyrics of that famous song as they power of our mind and the quality of our intentions. ‘pick themselves up, dust themselves down, and start all over again’! Being mentally resilient is something we also have ‘built in’ to our While some simply collapse into utter helplessness at the first sign of psyche. However, a lifetime of ‘indoctrination’ may have installed something going slightly not to plan or the smallest loss of something many mental viruses which sabotage our ability to adapt and recover previously deemed to be a little precious! Each person’s capacity to recover from adversity. Indeed these viruses can even serve to create our varies but it is a capacity that can be strengthened and expanded. It can adversities without us being aware that they do so. even be transcended. These mental viruses include: learned perceptions which then generate negative thoughts and emotions; basing our self worth/esteem on external things like our appearance/possessions etc; believing that happiness is dependent on others/circumstances etc; expecting and wanting love in 6

Freedom from Adversity In order to expand our capacity to recover from adversity we need to find the ‘roots of resilience’ which are prior to our physical and mental Continued on page 8 More to Life Magazine

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states. It’s prior to our thoughts and feelings that we can find the inner ‘states of being’ that can eventually make even resilience a redundant and unnecessary ability. It’s when we live in and from these states that we ensure adversity never strikes. So here goes. First the theory, which although challenging in itself is always easier than the practice. To transcend and free our self from adversity the primary state we need to access within our own consciousness is the state of ‘innate knowingness’! It is a state that could be called ‘beyond belief’ which means prior to our beliefs. This is the inner awareness of the truths that challenge and dissolve the beliefs and perceptions that are responsible for our experience of adversity. In this state of innate knowingness we ‘know’ (we don’t just believe) that we have nothing to lose as we have realized the truth that nothing and no one is ever ‘mine’. In this state of innate knowingness we ‘know’ (we don’t just believe) that we already have what we seek as we have realised the truth that while we are motivated to find peace, love and happiness in all that we do we know that we are already our own inner source of such states of being. In this state of innate knowingness we ‘know’ that everything around is happening, emerging, evolving, progressing, regressing exactly as it should.

'Each person’s capacity to recover can be strengthened and expanded' We have realised that the flux of continuous change in the world around us is but the backdrop to our life. We have realized and ‘know’ the truth that life is a game that we are here to ‘play’, not in a childish sense (though occasionally that too!) but more in a theatrical sense. And sometimes our playfulness includes helping others who are still suffering because they have not yet ‘realized’ that nothing is mine and that they already have what they seek and that life is a game. From these ‘states of knowingness’ we are able to see that nothing bad ever happens. Whatever happens just …happens. And what is adversity but the belief and perception that something has been lost because something bad has just happened and that life is a seriously serious business! Freeing our self from the beliefs, and habitual reactions that arise


from those old beliefs, is unlikely to happen instantly, especially after a lifetime of ‘adversity conditioning’! While we may recognise such truths, in reality we cannot live ‘from’ such truths without daily attention and the intention to free our self from such conditioning. It takes time to translate our intellectual realizations into our thoughts, attitudes and behaviours on a moment-by-moment basis. It’s between here and there i.e. where we are now, which is our belief in loss and therefore adversity, and our ability to respond ‘from’ truly knowing we have nothing to lose, that we can work on our resilience, on our ability to bounce back. Perhaps the middle path is the ‘philosophical’ path as opposed to the ‘realized’ path. The philosophical response to adversity sounds more like, “Ah well stuff happens…it’s not the end of the world… life goes on so let’s move on….you can’t change what’s already happened”. Whatever approach we do take however, one thing is for sure, the suffering that comes when we believe in adversity is a messenger. And the message is simple. There is something we need to change within our own consciousness, there is something that needs to shift at the level of the beliefs and perceptions that we are creating and sustaining. Why, because adversity originates as a belief, arises as a perception and emerges through our attitudes and behaviours. Which is why one person’s adversity is another’s celebration. Being free of adversity is to be free of any cause to mourn or to celebrate. And while some may say that that is not living, others may contend that that is only when life and living can truly begin. For them living life fully, free of suffering which means free of adversity, is in itself the only true celebration. And yet, only by ‘seeing’ this for our self can we ‘know’ the truth for our self. May you ‘see’ …for your self! Question: What was the most recent adversity in your life in which you were personally affected? Reflection: Which of the above beliefs within your consciousness shaped your perception of adversity – loss, not getting what you want, life is seriously serious! Action: How would you, could you, respond next time if something similar happened?

Questions/comments to

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Predictio�s Prophecies & Possibilitie�


Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities By Joylina Goodings


, what’s it all about? Let me In 1909 British physicist Geoffrey Ingrave Taylor discovered that the say now that I do not believe mere presence of consciousness affects the way quantum particles behave. that the world will end in 2012. There is the famous occasion when two scientists watched the same Nor do I believe there will be any experiment, the one who expected to see a wave saw a wave and the significant events. But I do believe that we are in a time of quantum person who expected a particle saw a particle. Our world is a result of change - a change in human consciousness in which we all have a part our quantum beliefs, loves, fears, and judgments.“We change our reality to play. However to understand that possibility it is necessary to have when we change the way we think and believe. So by changing the focus some understanding of the vast array of information that surrounds of our awareness we actually change our reality.” (Hugh Everett III, 1957). this time in our evolution. Albert Einstein said,“You cannot solve any problem in the same state of consciousness in which it was created.” But we can change our individual The subject is vast and the amount on the internet overwhelming. states of consciousness and thus our reality, in very simple ways. According to the prophecies of many indigenous peoples across Asia, North & South America, Africa and Australasia something is due to happen now…

'Think about what is missing in your life'

The most topical is the ending of the Mayan Calendar.The Maya lived around Think about what is missing in your life. What do you want? How do 1500 years ago in what is now Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. They were you feel? Now think about what you have in your life. How do you feel? preceded by the Olmecs and succeeded by the Aztecs.They seemed to have You have changed your state of consciousness in a moment.You have appeared from nowhere and then vanished 500 years later. As stargazersthey changed the way you feel and what you have chosen to think about. created the most accurate galactic clock we had prior to the atomic clock. You have taken action that has affected you for the better. They studied the stars and their calendar follows the passage of our solar system around the galactic centre. This calendar ends on 21.12.2012 hence Many believe that current human consciousness is an unnatural state all the prophecies. of separation, a‘me’ and ‘not me’. The source of thought within us is separate from everything else. Because we feel cut off, we then want, The Mayans believed that the centre of time and space would be revealed we notice a lack, and from a place of lack we want more or need more when the big calendar ends with the galactic alignment. The Mayan Calendar or hoard more and thus stop flow. But we can change the focus of our is basically a galactic clock that tracts the rare celestial alignment of our sun awareness and thus change our reality. and our planet within the galactic centre over a 26,000 year period. It began in 3114 BC, at the same time as the Egyptian Hieroglyphs started. What is it we want? What makes us happy? Is it money? Is it being in control? Is it being right? Is it to be a captain of industry?Is it to Since 1980 the sun has been crossing the equator of our galaxy. On the be in a relationship? Or is it to be successful? But what is success to 21.12.2012 our planet and our sun will be in direct alignment with the centre of you… For example if you want a relationship what it is the quality you our galaxy and, some say, the Universe. At the centre of our Milky Way galaxy expect to receive from it. Presumably love, but that can come in many is a quasar, which emits types of radio waves; gamma rays, electromagnetic different ways, such as a baby, or a puppy, not just in a relationship. rays, cosmic dust etc from which suns and planets are formed, like a dormant volcano that, occasionally becomes active and spews forth ‘stuff’. Liberation of mind from its attachments, i.e. beliefs and need to control etc, is just the first step. Sense of I-ness, sense of self, is just NASA says we are a dormant galaxy, others say last time the quasar was an illusion, like the world being flat. The more we learn, the more our active was 13,000 years ago. It possibly lasted 1000 years. From earth it is perception of reality changes.Mystics recognise that the concept of said it would probably have looked like an eye. Some refer to it as the womb the unique self is an illusion and that a separate ‘me’ is a fantasy – we, of the world and it may have given raise to the many Goddess myths about along with everything else, are interconnected. So we begin to realise the birth of creation. we are awareness, consciousness and presence. We can search and have our own mystical experience. Then we remember we have to pay This process has spawned a number of theories and ideas, some the mortgage and we fall back into old patterns and feelings of lack. positive and some negative giving rise to fear mongering, the most common of these relate to poleshifts, sunspots, Armageddon, alien encounters and a purging of humans on earth by Mother Nature herself.But despite the amount of media attention the ‘negative spin’ around this date gets, upon further inspection the ancestral wisdoms and a growing majority of softly spoken, but powerful voices speak of We are the consciousness in which thoughts take place and we are the a much more interesting and positive conclusion…this date marks a consciousness that take the actions. So, by changing our thoughts, we time of change, offering new opportunities to humankind. And these can change our actions and thus we change our reality. As we enter opportunities include; a leap in quantum consciousness and evolving an age of wisdom, a new single spiritual philosophy is being distilled intelligence and interaction with the source of all life itself…. from all spiritual wisdoms.

'changing our thoughts, can change our actions'

Continued on page 15

Winter 2011 |


Being Vulnerable By Coran Foddering


he usual media hype describes this as being the victim, of suffering, being taken advantage of, being made the scapegoat, letting bad things happen to oneself, no self-confidence, of low self-esteem. Some people experience events and situations in their lives that paint forever their role as the timid, the meek, the slave, the servant, the lower cast. Not a very nice place to be in anybody’s book.

For me, being vulnerable is one of the most powerful states to experience (once I had fully understood what vulnerability actually means that is!). I have encountered many events and situations in my life and these have provided me with a new way of seeing the world, a different perspective, a new perception that painted me in an altogether new and more complete spectrum of light. Yes, I was the timid, the scapegoat, the servant, the slave but later events conspired to force my life’s direction into something much more spiritual. And yes, I did resist. For years actually, until my little finger, my last connection with the cliff’s edge, finally gave in and I fell, spiralling downwards in that forever space in-between tick and tock, and into the abyss of personal growth and transformation landing in the comforting arms of spirituality.

'The only way forward was to accept responsibility for my own life' I was not rescued by another person, God, or the Rapture often quoted by the religious communities. Sure, God threw into my path the right people at the right time to help guide the crawl out of the chrysalis but it was my willingness to open my own personal Pandora’s Box and stare intently at its contents. I found the only way forward was to accept responsibility for my own life, my very own Phoenix moment, and cast off the baggage manacled to me by my ancestors. With that, I had to accept the inner shadow as well as the inner light. Most people don’t realize how essential the inner shadow is. It gives us depth, roundedness, power and strength, gravitas. If we had no shadow we would be flat, uninteresting, shallow, trivial and one-dimensional. We don’t exist just as black or white. We are grey, all colours of the spectrum, visible and invisible. As we grow from babies, to infants, and eventually into adults, we garner many things which are both good and bad, useful and not so useful; deciding which is one of the most difficult things to do. We gather the dust that others shed thinking that this is the way to act, to behave, to perform, unknowing at the time that we will have to spring clean eventually when we discover the wrongness and the hideousness of that dust. Our journey through life brings us into sharp focus with many people whose role it is to guide, to teach and to help us grow into something more than just a clone of them. The clone is the typical 12

result, particularly in those countries that have a democracy so obvious by its absence. Religious doctrine and political ideology hang around the throat like chains, insidiously seeping into every crevice of the growing mind stifling freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of action.

'find out who you really are?' Are you strong enough to throw off the shackles and bindings of the past and those of your ancestors to find out who you really are? My journey has given me many blessings but also many blind alleys which have, and only from the distance of time and hindsight, been the most transformative moments in my life. Routes we see presented before us ask us to make choices, mostly difficult choices, to move on from where we are and into a new state of being, of growing in wisdom, in stature and in confidence. We can always choose to disregard the opportunities given but that will leave us at a disadvantage compared with those who are excited by the challenge and experience of being outside their comfort zone. Most people will find and use techniques to manipulate and control, suppress and subsume those around them just so that they can maintain their view of their world. They do this simply because it is the easiest way to manage the distress and agony they experience from those dark feelings and emotions surging up from the depths of their inner world, many of which they would rather not look at or even accept exist. Real vulnerability comes from the willingness to view, to dissect, to dismantle and to explore those deeply suppressed feelings. As there is an outer journey defined by our relationships with others, so there is an inner one; and that is our relationship with ourselves. If we do not or cannot honour ourselves then we insult those around us because we are not truly authentic or genuine. We manufacture barriers and walls that stifle communication and build assumptions that damage our reputation. Real vulnerability is experienced through honesty, truth and openness. Being brutally honest with oneself means looking under all the unturned stones, un-papering the cracks and admitting you have defects and flaws, and that occasionally, you might just be wrong. Real vulnerability with another is to let the mask fall away to show the real you. You waste time and expend energy concocting routes that curve around the truth saying lots but never really communicating anything. How can you possibly mean what you say unless you can say what you mean? I discovered that the more I liberated myself from other people’s opinions, the more I became vulnerable, honest and free. The weight of other people views became much less a burden allowing me to develop on my own terms and in my own time. The less fear I broadcast from my sleeves, the less I was challenged by those around me. Very freeing indeed.

Continued on page 14 More to Life Magazine

Vulnerabl� Bein�

Continued from page 12

As I moved further into this transformation, I began to preach to everyone wanting to shout how wonderful spirituality was and how this was The Way. I was oblivious that this action actually turned people off the very thing they needed to embrace, or what I thought they should embrace. Thinking you know where another person should be is the height of ego. When the shackles of the voice are broken, we explode outwards trying to find our boundaries again. It was as though I had become the very thing I hated in others; that preachy, born again Christian who shouts from the rooftops about sin and redemption. I wasn’t that bad but I still had to find the edge of my new comfort zone. Rather than preach about religion, I preached about spirituality. My opinion and philosophy was now a position I had to defend at all costs. Once the explosion had subsided and the dust settled, the mellowing period began. Instead of preaching (doesn’t work, never will work), I would teach. Not in the classroom sense but more of a listener, listening to the struggles of those I was giving healing. I was also advising from my experience rather than helping them to discover their own answers. It was more of a telling them rather than asking them to question their thoughts and opinions. Still further down the transformational road, I began to be. I began to teach by example, showing rather than prescribing, illustrating rather than imposing, allowing those around me to see the transformation, and seeing the possibility of change within themselves. I had become the pebble thrown into still waters. This vulnerable space is really difficult to describe. It is an empty space, a space full of infinite potential, full of light, full of darkness, a space where I became the observer and the observed. It is a space, a philosophical space where I never have to defend me. Gone are the shackles, gone are the reasons to protect and preserve a belief or to attack another for having differing beliefs. Gone is the need to be the puppet or the slave to another’s needs. I am a watcher, an observer, a witness to another person experience the very same struggle as mine but not becoming part of that person’s struggle. I observe with great compassion the sadness in the world due to misunderstanding, lack of complete honesty, the lies, the deceits and the many being used by the few. I can do little to help another come to the same gnosis as mine simply because their journey has a different map littered with different obstacles. I can though be there when they are ready to open their box to explore its contents. So what does being vulnerable really mean? It means observation, acceptance, compassion, surrender, support, consensus, agreement, communication, freedom. It means that your belief about you and your life is not dependent upon another’s belief about you, or to put it another way, your belief about their belief about you. It means you have nothing to defend. And when you have nothing to defend, you are simply being vulnerable.


More to Life Magazine

Continued from page 11

Things happen faster, people are awakening and awakening can be sudden - who would have predicted the collapse of Communism? Interestingly enough apparently at that time the magnetic resonances of the Earth in northern Europe were very low. Look at the growth of the current wave of spirituality – individuals’need to search for better answers. Discontent with the way our lives are and the way world is going. We feel that there must be more to life than this.

a window of opportunity for evolution? So where does this leave us? Did the Maya just vanish? Or did they manage to raise their vibration enough to just disappear i.e. transcend to the 4th dimension? Is 2012 going to be the end of the world as suggested in the recent Hollywood blockbusters? Or is this a window of opportunity for evolution? Is it a choice point when we can individually and collectively transform our selves and our world? Are we wise enough to grasp this opportunity and emerge into our greater potentiality? Do we now break down or break through? Perhaps the vast majority is being woken. Perhaps this leap in consciousness will wake us up so we break through into the next step of evolution. That is, if we don’t want to destroy ourselves like cultures before us. Will you take ownership of your part in our collective future? The responsibility belongs to us all. As we work with our individual reality and perception of our world and ourselves, as we let go of the misconceptions, beliefs and fears that hold us back from living our true potential, perhaps we will tip the scales into creating peace in our world and in our lifetimes. If we have the will, we also have the way. My Living with Soul work is one. There are many tools and techniques to raise your consciousness and vibrations.Just as there are many different ways to God none are better than any other. They are all as different and unique as each of the cells in our bodies. Together they make one being. Do we have the courage, the determination and the wisdom, to become the best we can be, individually and thus ensuring our survival? I believe 2012 is a window of opportunity for evolution, a collective transformation, a choice point, and I firmly believe we all have the power and the responsibility to create our own new world. We just need to do it. To experience first hand the vibrational changes taking place and to assist your personal/spiritual growth join me in the land of the Maya as I undertake a sacred journey to Mexico in 2012 find out more by visiting

Winter 2011 |


Pursui� o�


The Pursuił of Happiness By George Williams


n life we can find ourselves blown off course, lost in an ocean of life, challenges and mixed emotions. Our journey of discovery is finding our way back, and having the courage to search for the truth as to who we really are.

All my life I have been searching, never really feeling satisfied, even with great success I still felt unfulfilled. So many of us for so long want to be more than who we are and what we have. And for some of us it’s only when we lose everything do we find what we are searching for, ourselves. Do we ever really appreciate what we have until it’s gone? I’ve heard so many people say “I just want to be happy”. In the pursuit of happiness I believe we’re all searching and looking for answers as to who we really are and why we are here. What is our purpose and identity? We’re tirelessly trying to fulfil our dreams and ambitions, longing to be accepted and respected, often feeling misunderstood, even sometimes crying inside to be loved. How many of us are reaching for something to fill that empty space within us. Drink, drugs, food, relationships, the list is endless. We can spend a lifetime in the pursuit of happiness and end up lost, alone and full of regrets. I watch people reach a certain age full of anger, bitterness and resentments. Life hasn’t turned out the way they’d planned. They want to blame others for their misfortune or unhappiness when actually all the answers lie in the mirror. Life wears people down. I look at people and think when did you stop learning, when did you stop playing, when did you stop listening, when did you stop laughing. Life in the 21st Century is so demanding and stressful that we lose sight of who really matters and what is really important. We become slaves to our fears and anxieties and if we’re really honest become tired and worn out by life itself. When people have a near death experience they usually value each day from that moment. When people lose everything they usually only

then appreciate what they really had and when people find themselves lost they discover who they really are. For me, I have a faith within, and not a faith “out there”. We are born, we live and we die and I’ve always believed it’s not a dress rehearsal. Yes there may be life after death, yes there may be spirits, and yes there may even be alien life out there but for me, I want to experience everything and form my own opinion. Isn’t our life learning about experiencing, feeling, adapting, surviving? We are only limited by our imagination and prevented by our fears. How can I appreciate love if I haven’t experienced pain? How can I feel joy and happiness if I have not felt sorrow? How can I appreciate what I have until it has gone? In searching for answers as to who I am, I believe those answers lie within. How precious is the gift of life that we can waste time on so much that doesn’t really matter, doesn’t fulfil us and most of all doesn’t make us happy. “If you want to make the world a better place just look at yourself and change”.

'helps me to connect with who really matters and what is really important' In my mind each day I sit on a desert island, some may call it meditating. I step out of the rat race and recharge my batteries. This time and place helps me to connect with who really matters and what is really important. It allows any unwanted thoughts or negative feelings to disappear and it helps me focus. I’ve been lucky in life whereby I’ve never wanted to swap places with anyone else, even in my darkest hour. “Only in the dark can you see the light”. Life is learning, experiencing, feeling, adapting and surviving. Life is for living, not merely existing. So value each day, each moment, each breathe for one day it will be your last. You can contact George Williams through

Winter 2011 |


Flow O� Life

Relating motorway driving to the flow of life "you have to relax and flow with life" By Sensei Wasyl Kolesnikov


s a teacher of mind and body development I often say to my students ‘you have to relax and flow with life’. Although it is easy to say, it is perhaps more difficult to do and understand what it means. Whilst driving on the motorway one day an inspiration came to me. I realized as I was driving, the flow of life was in action all around me at that moment.

'a point where I started and a destination point, not yet reached' The present is me driving in the car - the past is me looking back in the mirror. The future is me looking forward to see where I am going. Although I am sitting still in the car it is moving at 70mph. There was a point where I started and a destination point, not yet reached, and there are signs along the way to help me get to that destination and not get lost. Other cars are also travelling to different destinations and at different speeds, some faster and some slower. The 3 lanes help people find where they are most comfortable, so that no matter what speed they travel, they arrive at their destination. As long as everyone harmonizes there is no problem. The problem arises when someone has to stop in the road because of an accident or a bad decision. Then there can be a pile up and people are injured and lives are lost which in turn affects many other people’s lives and families. To carry the metaphor further, there are places to stop and rest ready for the next phase of the journey. If people make mistakes or lose concentration whilst driving, they cause a disturbance in the harmony to a greater of lesser degree; Winter 2011 |

this can upset other drivers and we get instances of road rage etc. If you are calm and able to perceive what is happening around, you can take evasive action and carry on unhindered and flow without getting angry or panicking. If you were to stop on the motorway, you would pay very dearly very quickly. Life is the same, but it is more subtle. Let us substitute the body for the car; it moves where it needs to and flows with other bodies being directed by the mind (driver) which is influenced by inner and outer situations. As long as the mind has control over the body with good positive thoughts, then it flows well through life, no matter what obstacles may be placed in front of it.

'If however, the mind is full of negativity and has little control of itself, then life becomes at the very least a drudge' If however, the mind is full of negativity and has little control of itself, then life becomes at the very least a drudge. Each time the mind is effected by situations and stops, when it gets to problems it is like mini accidents to the system, gradually weakening it. Getting back to the motorway, you are made very aware of the reality of making a mistake because it could be lethal. In life these mistakes can go unnoticed and have a more subtle insidious effect, but over time the effect is felt in the form of disease (dis-ease) and other symptoms. By learning to keep the energy flowing freely through the mind and body system you can meet life with your full power and potential. Flowing is vital to life. 19




∆e Magic of Silence Continuing the Journey of the Soul By Tony Khan


hrough the ages, prophets and inventors have all sought a silent space when they required inspiration and clarity. Moses went into in seclusion for forty days before receiving the Ten Commandments; Lent celebrates Christ’s forty day retreat into the wilderness and Mohammed would often go to the cave known as Hira, for long periods of introspection and silence. Many unassuming individuals spontaneously retreat into a silent mind space just prior to achieving great feats. What can we learn from silence and the potential magic it may hold?

Why do we long for peace of mind? Believe it or not, your natural state is silence and peace for the soul [you] has no organs or senses to manage and be aware of. In this restful state, the mind is also at peace. It is this deep memory of peace, this knowing peace that drives you to re-engage with a silence you know so well, naturally. A definition of silence is not merely limiting external and internal noise and chatter but it is a mind free from the influence of negative, hostile or unhelpful thoughts. It is these heavy thoughts that drag the mind into dark places and suffering.

'a mind free from the influence of negative, hostile or unhelpful thoughts' Many people experience temporary peace of mind after accumulating physical possessions, meeting people and building relationships, having holidays, being recognised with awards, by gaining recognition, status or respect from others, etc. However, these feelings are often short lived. They may even feel hollow and, like the drug addict, they are soon in search of another fix. These continual highs and lows yo-yo the mind into a state of exhaustion. Silence frees the mind from these yo-yo-like emotional states and enables it to tap into its higher qualities and realise its true nature of peacefulness. How to calm my mind Using the simple analogy of a soaked sponge, imagine that your mind is a soaked sponge, one that over your lifetime has become heavy and soaked with your experiences, habits, opinions, personality traits and chatter. Being full of noisy sogginess, your mind is now limited in its capacity to absorb anything new. This is why children, with less cluttered minds, can rapidly absorb and utilise information so much faster than adults.

watching and not interacting with your mind’s chatter, you will find it soon quietens down. • Method: create a habit of sitting for five minutes - try it three times a day when you quietly gather yourself into the present moment. Pick something you can focus on (i.e. a lit candle or your breathing). Concentrate gently and watch how your awareness fills the present moment, the ‘now’. If you feel your mind wandering, gently bring it back to the present moment. Regular practice will empower your ability to concentrate and focus in other areas in your life, too. Strengthening my mind Going back to the sponge analogy, it is pointless to squeeze the waste from it, only to refill it with yet more junk. The trick to dealing with this precious space is to be consistent and conscious in your efforts to bring silence into your everyday lifestyle. Without regular practice you will struggle to control the negative thoughts that toss your mind about every which way. Ideas to help strengthen the mind • Develop a habit of getting up a few minutes earlier in the morning and sitting in silence. Read any text that encourages a positive spiritual experience for you, and reflect on it. Write down any ideas you have about this text or the experiences you have from thinking about it. Go back into silence and allow these ideas to take root inside you. Take time during the day to review and reflect on these thoughts and ideas for a few minutes. Sometimes share these thoughts with other like-minded people. • Regularly choose one silent day to be your day of simplicity. During the day speak little and listen with attention; eat simple natural foods; appreciate each scene and person as they are; spend time in solitude and time appreciating nature. In the evening write down your discoveries and see how this exercise affects your state of your mind. • Try this simple meditation for one minute each hour - breathe slowly, deeply and imagine and experience the following activity - you will be amazed at the result: I the soul, a point of light situated in the middle of the forehead, am spreading light and might all around me. This light is full of peace… I am a peaceful being radiating peace... I love peace... I share peace with others... [further one minute meditations:] You can try a different divine virtue, e.g. peace, mercy, love, inner purity, joy, bliss or truth.

The initial effect of silence is a gentle squeezing out of useless and negative thoughts. Removal of these space-fillers provides your mind [sponge] with a lightness and space to once more take in information and experience its natural peace and calm.

A daily diet of silence and meditation brings out a soul’s innate virtues. The greater a soul’s experience of these divine virtues, the more powerful

Exercises to calm my mind • Remembering that you are the controller of your thoughts and your mind’s chatter, you can always choose a different thought. The art of calming your mind begins with the daily practice of observing your mind’s chatter. Through the lens of a detached observer, you can watch the scenes your mind plays but you can choose not to take part in the script. Through

Making my mind powerful One of the most powerful virtues is unconditional love. The worldly love of relationships is sustained by expectations which often end in disappointment

Winter 2011 |

the mind becomes to deal with and control negative thoughts. By regular experiences of these natural qualities, you will find your mind calmer and more peaceful. You will be more resilient and life takes on a new meaning.

Continued on page 23


Epic Odyssey


to reach 3 million people worldwide

Never doubt that one person can change the world

you are that one person

Here’s what to do:

please donate just ÂŁ1 GBP *

Then ask people that you know through your networks, family and friends to do the same. Find out more and donate online at: *you can also gift aid your donation

Continued from page 21

and are therefore short-lived. A loving mind, sometimes known as a loving heart, is forged in silence, strengthened by giving and sustained with blessings.

Daisa Morgan

Proposed new ce


My name is Daisa Morgan one of the Co-founders of The Odyssey Cancer Care Centre, North Lincolnshire, England and also the author of Beneath the Mask (The Odyssey of a Quiet Heart). The Odyssey Centre has been providing complementary care on a day care basis for over 14 years to people with a cancer diagnosis, their carer and health professionals. It is a well respected and valued service to people not only in the local area but also around the world through their distant healing regime. The centre’s existing premises are now unsuitable for their growing needs. Exciting and ambitious plans have now been made to build a new ecological and sustainable building at a cost of £3 million. This new building will encompass a Children’s Wing and a facility to teach people how to grow their own food. I have taken up this EPIC challenge to reach 300 million people worldwide in 5 months initially by contacting people worldwide who have received a copy of ‘Beneath the Mask’ to then ask them all to forward on this story and intention and ask their network of family, friends to donate just £1 GBP on the Odyssey Cancer Care website. As a big ‘THANK YOU’ for helping with your donations a Map Of The World will be created using the names of each person who has helped them to complete this Epic Odyssey utilising the skills of local colleges and place this in the Welcome Reception Entrance of the new Centre. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for responding to this call.

The question: “How can I love someone who insults me?” By adopting the habit of looking to others for gratification and acceptance, you have forgotten that you are a soul, whose original divine nature is of love. It’s like trying to find a necklace that is around your very neck! Coming into your self respect with the understanding that you can love unconditionally, whether you are insulted or praised, allows you see the good in others. Exercises to make my mind powerful • To remain in self-respect is to appreciate and experience your divine virtues, i.e. mercy, peace, love. etc… in your own life. Whatever you are doing - walking, travelling or engaged in physical work - develop a habit of fostering a merciful, loving and peaceful relationship with yourself. Paying such positive attention to your self then becomes a hobby and you will quickly become resilient and strong. You will be powerful because your mind is full of divine virtues, the main one being love. Then, as you choose to share them in your life, through your feelings, thoughts, words and interactions, you will help others, too. After all, you cannot share what you do not experience yourself. • The more love you share with others without expecting anything in return, the greater the number of good wishes and blessings you’ll accumulate in return. This is altruism. As fertilizer nurtures the seed, blessings nurture your soul, and will encourage your divine virtues to shine. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to receive these blessings from everyone you make contact with? Make this your purpose and God will smile on you too. A loving heart respects all others. A loving heart does not try to control others because the focus is always on self-respect. Even if you do not receive the results immediately, a loving heart always conquers because everyone is searching for respect. Connecting my mind to God, the Supreme Being Meditation, reflective silence and prayer often finds a fidgety mind-state. A loving heart however, that is free of mind’s chatter, will experience an increased concentration and calm power. A mind that deeply feels the soul’s innate quality of love will be drawn like a magnet towards God, the Source. The intellect is the part of the soul that discriminates, judges and exercises its power in the form of will. Many faiths and religions were founded in history when there was time for silence and reflection. In today’s global climate of chaos, change and a need to be in constant communication has made the “silent mind” man’s most sought after commodity. Silence is no longer a luxury but a necessity for modern living. Silence allows man to connect with his core self, his strength, his values and ultimately God, the Supreme Being. Understanding silence is the only armour that stands between the mind’s destruction and its freedom. Act now, make the choice and embrace silence and make it your most prized possession and habit. If you don’t, and disaster strikes, there will be no time for peace of mind to be found in the moment of crisis. The trick is to build in the habit and have essential peace reserves already in place to deal with any eventuality. Start today, and it won’t be too late… © Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) Registered Charity Number: 269971 (England & Wales) SC040512 (Scotland) Raja Yoga Meditation as practised by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is a perfect tool to bring about changing our awareness and attitude. Come and experience for yourself the benefits of meditation by visiting or telephoning 0161 834 8016 for more details and information

Registered Charity number – 1104244

We hope that we are successful in raising enough money to build our new centre. If we raise more money than is needed, then we may use the funds you have donated to carry out the general good work of the charity. Similarly, if we do not raise sufficient money to achieve Winter 2011 | our goal, the funds you have donated may be used for the general purposes of the charity.


Balance� die� ? Ca� we �et � By David Barrie


xperts tell us to eat a balanced diet. Ask most people and they’ll probably say that they do. On the surface it sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? The shops and supermarkets offer us a dazzling choice of foods, yet why do people continue to suffer from ailments and diseases that can often be traced back to nutritional deficiencies? You only have to think of the high incidence of Osteoporosis for example. Clearly something must be wrong.

“We live in one of the best fed nations on Earth, yet one of the least nourished.” A doctor, who had an interest in nutrition, once said to me, “We live in one of the best fed nations on Earth, yet one of the least nourished.” The sad truth is that most of us simply aren’t getting all the nutrients from food, as we should. Leaving aside all those who make choices about eating junk food, the fresh fruit and vegetables we buy often contains little nutritional value. The Governments own figures show there are less than half the essential minerals in the soil than in the 1930’s. At the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the Worlds’ leaders agreed there was 76% less essential minerals in the soil than 100 years ago.

These days usually only 3 minerals, all concerned with growth, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, are added to the soil, whereas it is recognised that 22 minerals are vital for health, and over 40 to function properly. In the USA the Surgeon general declared that 15 out of every 21 deaths involved nutritional deficiencies. Linus Pauling, the only man ever to win two Nobel prizes, one for his work on Vitamin C said, “You can trace every sickness, every ailment, every disease, to a mineral deficiency.” Uncompromising stuff! So you can imagine, when someone talks to me about a ‘balanced diet’, (and that differs from person to person anyway,) that I can’t help being a little sceptical. Oh, and then there’s the effects of pollution too…. So what can we, the British public do to attempt to source good healthy, nourishing, food? Actually, quite a lot. More and more, we are making informed choices; no longer is price such a formidable issue. (It’s estimated we spend less than 12% of our income on food now whereas it was around 40% in the 1950’s.) We are choosing organic, fair-trade, food produced for quality, and ethics. Farmers markets are attracting ever-larger crowds. The supermarkets are being forced to follow the trend. All this is to be applauded. We owe a debt of thanks to the pioneers who have brought about this food revolution.

Put it in context; you’d have to eat 26 apples to get the same amount of iron you would have got in one apple in the early 1900’s. And why is this? It’s down to so-called modern farming methods, herbicides, Yet above all this, with a modern lifestyle, the effect of pollution on the and so forth. Add to that the production methods of processed foods, body, there is no doubt all of us would benefit from the insurance policy which often take out the goodness, and you will see our diet is far of taking at least an added good quality multivitamin and mineral a day, from satisfactory. such as one of the superior brands found in Health Stores. In addition, many ailments can easily be treated by taking a specific vitamin or Couple all that with that Nature does not distribute her bounty evenly, mineral that will target that condition. for example a vital mineral, Selenium, can be found nowhere in the UK soil with the exception of North Norfolk. It was research Next time I’ll talk about this in some detail. into establishing why people lived longer there than elsewhere that uncovered that fact. Contact David Barrie at 24

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Winter 2011 |

Awakenin� o�


The Spiritual Awakening of Humanity The Extraterrestrial Dimension By Ayub Malik


The awakening to life beyond this world be on the verge of open contact with intelligent • NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell has been life beyond Earth? quoted as saying: ‘...that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real’. The Spiritual awakening of humanity He has further stated ‘it’s been well covered up As incredible as open contact with intelligent by all our governments...’ extraterrestrials may sound, it becomes more Daily Mail, 24.07.2008 credible when you consider the historical evidence. Ancient Indian, Buddhist and Biblical • It has been reported that on May 9th, 2001, texts - both Old and New Testament - make more than twenty military, intelligence, references to beings from other worlds who government, corporate and scientific witnesses have observed and helped humanity in many came forward at the National Press Club in different ways. Humanity has witnessed many paradigm shifts. Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs The 17th century saw astronomer Galileo Galilei or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life going against the thinking of his time to state forms, and resulting advanced energy and that the Sun was more important than the propulsion technologies. Earth and that the Earth was not the centre of the universe. The Church condemned his These twenty plus witnesses came from a pool of assertion and he was tried and imprisoned by over 400 credible witnesses who have testified Study of the ancient Indian epic, the the Inquisition. to their direct, first-hand experience of UFOs Mahabharata, will reveal descriptions of and extraterrestrial life. The Disclosure Project: beings from other worlds who, foreseeing What would have been the reaction if someone global catastrophe, descended to Earth had openly expressed a belief in extraterrestrial from their other-worldly homes to guide life in that era? Thankfully, expressing one’s •‘Aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear and protect humanity at a critical time in belief in such things today does not bring the missile sites and deactivated the weapons’ our history. Inquisition to our doors! In fact, it is increasingly -according to US military pilots. common to come across people who have Daily Telegraph, 27.9.2010 Some Buddhist monks claim that there are similar beliefs, or who are at least open to the worlds where people have long overcome the possibility of extraterrestrial existence. These are just three of countless examples that cycle of pain and suffering that we on Earth are contributing to the change in attitudes to currently experience. They also claim that The mounting tide of extraterrestrial-related belief in the extraterrestrial presence in our skies. many hundreds of years before the advent evidence will eventually culminate in the global of modern aircraft, beings in a flying vehicle acceptance of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Considering all the evidence, why have came from another world to deliver certain Furthermore, the increasing global awareness governments not officially disclosed the truth ancient Buddhist teachings to Earth. of the extraterrestrial presence is an integral of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial part of the mass awakening of consciousness life? Is it because they fear losing power and The following example from the Old that is taking place in the hearts and minds of control? Is it because they believe humanity isn’t Testament, The Book of Exodus, Chapter 13, so many of us on this spaceship we call Earth. ready for such revelation? verse 21, depicts a UFO appearing to guide the people of Israel during the exodus from Whatever the reason, despite government cover- Egypt: ups, which Edgar Mitchell and other prominent people have claimed have indeed taken place, And the LORD went before them by day in a the evidence continues to mount. pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; To discount the extraterrestrial presence, The endless stream of worldwide UFO sightings to go by day and night: despite ever-growing evidence, because of and close encounters; NASA’s recent discovery fear or any other irrational reason, would of the existence of life on Earth where it was For those who want to investigate more be to maintain and further strengthen the thought life could not exist; and NASA’s latest fascinating extraterrestrial encounters bars of ignorance which imprison our true amazing discovery of 54 Earth-like planets w h i c h h a v e t a k e n p l a c e t h r o u g h o u t Spiritual potential. The Aquarian age is all certainly seem to be acclimatizing people to history, I highly recommend Richard about breaking the self-imposed barriers to the concept that life, possibly not as we know Lawrence’s latest amazing book UFOs Spiritual freedom; awakening to higher truths it, could exist beyond this world. It’s almost and the Extraterrestrial Message: A and working together to create a better future as though humanity is being psychologically Spiritual Insight into UFOs and Cosmic for ourselves and humanity. prepared for something, but what? Could we Transmissions (Cico Books). New Age is coming. An Age where poverty, war, greed and the economic system which supports such things will not exist; where peace, freedom and technological advancement will be enjoyed by all, rather than being the privilege of the few; where vista-widening experiences of outer space and interaction with other-worldly civilizations will be the norm. Believe it or not, advanced extraterrestrials are working to manifest this vision for our benefit.

'life could exist beyond this world'

'imprison our true Spiritual potential'

Winter 2011 |


'change on a Spiritual level is essential if we on Earth are to evolve' The interest of advanced extraterrestrials in our Spiritual development is not only confined to the past – even now they are helping and guiding us. The following extract, from a communication channelled through Western Master of Yoga and contactee Dr. George King (1919 – 1997) while he was in an advanced positive mediumistic trance state, is an excellent example of their altruistic spiritual approach: “We are disbelieved, our presence is ignored, our very existence is laughed at by those people who should know better. “Now do you see, dear friends, why we cannot reveal these great secrets to you until you reveal to us the manifestation of the Spiritual potentialities of your soul. “Reveal this to us and we will give you everything we have. “Reveal this to us and we will land among you. “If we landed before this great revelation upon your part, we would be breaking the Laws as laid down by The Lords of Karma.” The Master Aetherius – A Communicator from a higher frequency realm of the planet Venus Beings from other worlds knew many thousands of years ago that change on a Spiritual level is essential if we on Earth are to evolve and create better conditions for ourselves. Changes in laws, governments and the economy will not eliminate the war, famine, greed and ecological disasters currently taking place throughout our world, unless, such changes are motivated by a higher, more Spiritual consciousness than that consciousness which


created such suffering. Developing, and acting in, the realisation of the inter-connectedness of all Life, or Oneness, is one such Spiritual potential that advanced extraterrestrials would like us to manifest more fully. By hurting others, we hurt our individual selves. On the flipside, by our acts of unselfish service to others we directly help our individual selves as well as helping to raise the consciousness of humanity. How else can we better control and master our destinies except through applying such Spiritual principles in our daily lives? May you be blessed in your journey back to the Source. Ayub Malik is a voluntary worker for The Aetherius Society, the worldwide Spiritual organization founded in 1955 by Master of Yoga and contactee Dr. George King (1919-1997). Ayub has studied, researched and lectured on the connection between extraterrestrials and Spirituality for more than a decade. - Recommended Study

The Nine Freedoms (Aetherius Press) by George King The Twelve Blessings (Aetherius Press) by George King Contacts with the Gods from Space (Aetherius Press) by George King with Richard Lawrence Realise Your Inner Potential (Aetherius Press) by George King and Richard Lawrence UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message (Cico Books) by Richard Lawrence

All the above books can be ordered from

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Winter 2011 |




ProphcΩs & Loss

"Is a false pursuit of prophetic teachings actually causing a loss far greater than we can ever imagine?" By Kate Osborne


obody living today can honestly give a first hand account of the lives of any of the accepted great ‘prophets’ (teachers and healers), yet around the world people are still prepared to kill and die in their names – why?


Can anyone actually claim to know that this is what these sages, these often gentle yet determined men and women, would have wanted? Their teachings and the way they went about their mortal lives speak the opposite. Only thanks to later interpretations is any licence given to the drastic and fatal actions caused by human conflict based on a belief. Is a false pursuit of prophetic teachings actually causing a loss far greater than we can ever imagine? At the risk of upsetting some, I would argue that all of us, those before us and those to come are ‘human’ first and foremost and we gamble losing the incredible gift of the ‘human’ experience by trying to chase an intangible soul experience that was never designed for this Earth – and it is a message that flows through the teachings of all the prophets. As a teenager I went on a mission – a ‘walk about’ in my mind. Using my heart as a compass I endeavoured to learn as much as I could about all the main faiths in order to find what I believed to be the ultimate answer – God. But nothing, not one faith or belief felt right for me.

'Why is there a need to embellish, disguise and distort the messages…' The paths all seemed to lead back to ‘man’. I even remember being in a small chapel in Germany, weeping profusely at the sight of a smiling, arms outstretched statue of Christ. The precise reason I never really understood then, but recall thinking I am so sorry for what has become of your words. And many years later having learned more about the words and actions of Buddha, Muhammad and the dozens of other men and women, who have sought to bring unity to their people at times of injustices and disharmony, I am left wondering why their simple truths are not enough for us? Why is there a need to embellish, disguise and distort the messages… what positives have we gained? Is there still time to prevent an unfathomable ‘loss’ - the idea that perhaps this is it, all that we will ever really know and remember and so we should seek to find ‘ours on Earth’. When we speak of ‘traditional’ prophets, Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad are probably the best known. Of the three the most elaborate story is that of Jesus, even to this day scholars debate his very existence. However, the more that we learn of these men, their journeys and their teachings, the more their similarities out weigh the differences. They walked along the same path, albeit at different times. They sought to deliver a fairer life for their peoples – rebelling against the established ‘rule or law’ (that governed through division) – in order to restore harmony, not just between the people but within the hearts and minds of the individuals.

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Taking these three accounts as a way of mapping a timeline of spiritual deliverance, we appear to be getting more confused and further away from ‘peace’ than closer to it. Buddha never claimed a special relationship with ‘God’, in fact his central theme was about ‘enlightenment’ from within. This was echoed many years later in Christian teachings, but somehow didn’t seem to appease enough, coming from a ‘mere mortal’ no matter how pure his heart or wise his words – perhaps the idea of making him ‘super human’ would make us sit up and take note.

'Muhammad too understood real ‘peace’, embracing and respecting differences' Muhammad too understood that real ‘peace’ came not by provoking argument over differences, but embracing and respecting those differences in order to deliver the basic needs for a good life for all. But again it would appear that just being a ‘decent human’ was not enough. But it is precisely because we are all ‘human’ (spirit in the flesh), that our basic needs must be taken into account first. We will be forced to focus on these again soon. Water, food, shelter, good health, to love and be loved sustain us at the real grass roots level. The good health of wise men and women ensures they can teach, they can lead by example and people will pay due attention. We don’t want young martyrs, their lives should mean more than a fleeting moment to be gossiped about today and forgotten tomorrow. Now there are some that would suggest that being alive in the human form is the ultimate deception, that only when we free ourselves from the attachment of being human do we really become enlightened. Well I would say, fine, but does that mean I have to endure this life rather than find my peace as a human being, enjoying the ‘attachments’ I have to my family and to others I care for? No, I choose to embrace the experience not endure. I choose to stumble upon ‘Nirvana’ when I am ready, not spend my whole life desperately chasing it.

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By continuing to focus on our differences, even down to differentiating between those who appear more ‘spiritual’ than human, we run the real risk of taking our eye off the one thing that really is a certainty – we are all in this together. This ‘experience’ of the thing we call ‘life’ has a beginning and an end, neither of which we have a great deal of control over. It’s the time in between that we can influence, we can make conscious choices and surely we have been told and shown enough times by now. The ‘prophets’ have morphed into ‘common sense’. Perhaps we have had our quota of great mystical ‘teachers’ and now we need to put into practice the knowledge we have inherently accrued. How we ‘came’ to ‘be’ is not the big question, but how we ‘choose’ to ‘be’ is. And it is now entirely up to us. Short of a huge spaceship landing in full view of the world’s press, with accommodating visitors stepping onto our soil and spelling it out to us that if we don’t make the most of our ‘Eden’ something else just might, what more do we need? What more proof do we have to have? How many more decent humans have to run the risk of a shortened life, through conflict, starvation, disease and disillusionment to try and help voice a simple message, before we just stop driving ourselves mad and get on with living in the real ‘Heaven’ that life on this Earth can offer. We have long sensed the true simplicity of happiness, we are all born with it – and its loss is never more obvious than when we mean nothing and have no one. Perhaps that was at the heart of it all, that the idea of ‘God ‘ simply enabled those who had no one and felt their lives were without meaning to experience a sense of ‘love’ and in that their lives had meaning and mattered. Perhaps the prophets simply wanted nothing more than to have us remember that so long as we each exist to someone, somewhere, we matter we are loved. The thing we may really be at risk of ‘losing’ in all the chatter of ‘who’ and ‘what’ is right or wrong, or better or worse, is our ability to remember that one simple message and what it really means to be human.

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Detachmen� By Daphne Whitehouse


efore we can actually create detachment we must understand what it is.

What I mean by attachment is a dependency on a person, belief, religion, emotion, material object, etc. Something that you feel you can’t do without and you just have to have it. Let us look at how attachment can come about. While the baby is in the womb it forms a very strong bond with the mother; an incredibly natural procedure. In time, the baby’s demands on mum will lessen and gradually the parent should allow the child to grow and develop a sense of confidence and independence. Not doing so can suffocate a child and help develop an unhealthy attachment that becomes hard to overcome in later years. It is perfectly normal and healthy for a child to have a good emotional relationship with the parent. 34

It only becomes attachment when the child relies on this connection for its very existence, allowing the parent to affect actions and decisions and constantly yearning for approval from the parent.

Every child wants to be loved and to give love in return. If a child is born to parents who ridicule, neglect, disapprove or belittle, they will develop behavioural patterns to try and gain their parent’s approval and love. When separation is forced on the relationship; going to nursery, starting school or being apart for any reason it becomes an emotional trauma for the child. Attachments may then be transferred to a friend or sibling and if one day this replacement is missing the child can retreat into themselves causing loneliness and making it virtually impossible to relate to the other children in the playground. Their attachment becomes their emotional crutch.

'Every child wants to be loved and to give love in return'

Continued on page 40 More to Life Magazine



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March 21- April 20

A strength begins to (re)emerge from you over the coming weeks as you feel increasingly empowered when it comes to moving your life and your path forwards. You have faced some challenges, but in many ways, each of these has made you stronger and more determined to succeed.

Aries Taurus

At the same time, these challenges have helped you to focus on what you truly want from your life and so galvanised your energies into a well-defined flow. It seems clear that this is a time of decisions for you, a time to declare your intentions to the Universe and to have the courage of your convictions in order to move your life forwards. Your inner strength is formidable and incredible, exciting and inspirational; use it wisely...


April 21 - May 20

Your path ahead looks clearer and more defined now. There is a sense that you have let go of a great deal in your life; including many of those things that clutter you up, on every level of your being. You may not have shed all of it, but enough to give yourself the space and freedom that you now need and deserve.

Taurus n Gemi i

As the weeks progress, it seems clear that you need to overcome your fears and doubts in order to take an important leap forwards on your path. Facing your fears is never easy, but it is an important part of your learning curve. It is time now to realise just how strong and capable you truly are. You should give yourself far more credit, you know...


May 21 - June 21

Head versus Heart. Mind versus Creativity. These are two different sides of the same coin in your life. Yet, why does there have to be any paradox or challenge? Why does there need to be a ‘versus’? You have reached a threshold in your life, a time to let go of the paradox and duality that constantly pulls you from one side to another.



It seems that the time has come for you to fully integrate and become whole. You are a head person, a heart person, a mind person and a creative soul, so why not embrace them all? What an amazing combination that is! It is time to celebrate your many different facets and to see the fullness of the gifts that you have. So, no more inner battles; it is time now for peace...


June 22 - July 22

The theme of ‘your life being in your hands’ continues over the coming weeks as you look set to face a major crossroads ahead. There is a choices of routes, and you may well feel torn as to which way to turn. Try not to fear, and try not to lets doubts erode your confidence, for this is a time to have self-belief and strength in order to take a step forwards into unknown territory.

Cancer Winter 2011 |

Remember that you are a multi-talented and versatile soul; your empathy, compassion and creativity all make you a special and unique individual. Sometimes, you have to walk a path less travelled in life simply because it is the one for you. This is a time to follow your own lead, let the crowd choose their path and you choose yours.. 37


July 23 - August 23


You have been on ‘fast forward’ mode recently; you have been forging ahead on your path making great progress with your plans. You seem driven and totally focused on your destination. So much so, that you have lost sight of the joys and beauty all around you now! It seems clear that you need to find more of a balance in your life between achieving your goals and in enjoying the journey to those goals. Life is not all about achieving one goal after the other, it is not all about the end goal either; it is also about the experiences in between. You look set to enjoy some wonderful ‘in between’ moments over the coming weeks, one in particular looks set to change your life for years to come...


August 24 - September 22



‘A little of what you fancy does you good’. There is wisdom in these words, and it would be an idea for you to truly think about them when it comes to your life. You are very good at working hard, doing what needs to be done and focusing on your ‘to do’ list, but how much of what you do happens because you simply fancy doing it? From taking a walk in the woods to afternoon tea at the Ritz, how often do you do something purely for its own sake rather than as part of a project or task? It is time now to find some ways in which to re-inject some magic and sparkle back into your life. Routine and structure is good, but an added sprinkling of unpredictability and spontaneity is better...


September 23 - October 22



Decisions, choices and decisions; your life seems full of them at the moment! You are not one to naturally embrace such a chaotic and unpredictable climate, but it seems that the time has come for you to consider the reasons why not! Is change itself the issue? Or maybe stepping into the unknown? Or could it simply be that you doubt that you ‘have what it takes’ to succeed? You are talented and gifted, but you seem to hold back, lingering on the periphery of life. You have a chance now to take a huge leap forwards towards your dreams. Only you know how important this dream is for you and only you know if you can have the self-belief and self-confidence to shine. So, focus, belief and intent are top of your agenda now...


October 23 - November 22



You have been going through quite a transformation recently. Your thoughts and perspective have shifted and you are now seeing both your Self and your life quite differently. It seems clear that you have yet to decide if you are to step into the unknown in your life when it comes to your dreams; but what does now seem clear is that you are unsettled hovering in unknown territory! As the weeks progress, it seems that you need to make some clear and informed decisions about your life, and once made, to begin moving your life forwards once again (whichever path you choose). You are not a natural procrastinator, so this will come as a welcome relief. However, do not forge ahead just for the sake of it; do try to let your intuition guide you.

Scorpio Check out your horoscope update at: 38

More to Life Magazine



November 23 - December 21

There is one thing that can always be said for Sagittarians, and that is, you never do things by halves! You are in the middle of a powerful and profound metamorphosis which is rippling through every level of your life. Your priorities have shifted and your whole outlook on what you want from life has changed as you continue to look for a new direction that gives you everything you are now searching for.

Sagittarius Capricorn

This new direction begins within, and it begins with you acknowledging your strengths, gifts and talents and realising that you are already ‘enough’. Learning is great, but not when it comes at the cost of you putting your life on hold until you have become ‘more’. Live your life now and love yourself as you are; you are fabulous and amazing...


December 22 - January 20

Deep within you, right at the core of your Being there are some rumblings and grumblings. These rumblings are the beginning of something quite special that looks set to completely re-define your life. They are connected to you reaching towards a new pathway in life; this could be a new job or a new venture, but more likely is a new understanding of your Self (although anything is possible!).

Capricorn Aquarius

You look set to completely change your perspective as you realise that you actually want more meaning and purpose from life. You no longer seem happy to tick along in the herd, going with the flow, for you are a magical goat programmed to reach those parts that others simply cannot reach. It is time to be inspired and to use your strengths to your full advantage...


January 21 - February 19

Finding yourself has always been one of your key goals in life. Knowing yourself is another one. Believing in yourself is, perhaps, a lesser thought of, third goal. Yet all of these goals should come naturally to you. They should not be ‘goals’ for they should simply be a part of your everyday life. You are a philosopher and deeply creative being, but intellectualising this won’t work; for you need to ‘feel’ it. When you get lost in your busy head you can lose sight of who you are, yet deep down you do know yourself and you also know that you ‘have what it takes’ to do just about anything you focus on. Now is the time to re-connect to your true nature, to let doubts fade away and to be the shining star that you know yourself to be...

Aquarius Pisces


February 20 - March 20

Although the days are short, the light is sparse and the nights are long, you seem as bright as a button! Your inner creative fire burns brightly and you seem deeply contented with the world. Over the coming weeks there is a sense of forwards movement when it comes to making some important decisions about your path ahead. It seems that you have reached a point of your life when you can begin to truly choose between what you feel you ‘ought’ to do and what you ‘want’ to do. This may sound simple and even a little obvious, but the freedom that it creates within you is astounding! Knowing that you can make your own choices reconnects you to a long held dream, and you look set to finally bring it back to life...


About Sarah-Jane Grace

Sarah-Jane Grace works intuitively through the medium of astrology to inspire, empower and enlighten. She is a writer, healer, energy adept, intuitive, hereditary shaman and integrative therapist. She has studied a great many healing techniques, spiritual philosophies and teachings over the years. For further information, please see Sarah’s website: or or email her at: Winter 2011 |


Guide Whats Oďż˝

Continued from page 34

'bereavement of any kind can virtually destroy' Later in life the attachment is transferred to material objects and even relationships and can cause a person to stay in abusive and dangerous relationships in order to maintain that addictive attachment placing them in the role of victim. The fear of detachment is too much to handle. Then there is the attachment to beliefs - taken on from people we are attached to and holding onto them for dear life unwilling to consider other view points. The attachment starts to spread through every aspect of life and takes more and more effort to satisfy. It reaches a place where bereavement of any kind can virtually destroy them, they are lost without the connection. Why are attachments formed? I believe attachments are formed to give the person a sense of self worth. The people, material objects, emotions etc they attach themselves to allow a feel good factor to develop and that feeling can be addictive, people hold on desperately not wanting to let go at any cost. It can also work the opposite way and attachments can form to those who they want love from, they would feel worthless if they were abandoned. So these people, emotions, material objects etc. are fulfilling the need they have inside to feel worthy. Sadly, they seem to miss the fact that whatever you are attached to controls you. The solution to all of this is to learn to look inside, love yourself and build your own self worth and self esteem. Stop looking to others to fill that need. That is the road to detachment and the way out of this destructive behaviour. In a healthy relationship the emotional bond between parent and child will be nurtured. The parent will treat the child in such a way to allow a build up a sense of self confidence and independence to anchor inside the child allowing a freedom from the need to form attachments of any kind. The child will grow up being able to create healthy relationships with people, beliefs, emotions and material objects etc. To live a healthy balanced emotional life we need detachment. We need to have enough self worth and self love and respect to be able to let people, beliefs and material objects etc to move freely in and out of our lives. It is therefore vital for us to learn to love ourselves and build our self esteem. We then no longer need anything from anyone or anything else to make us feel good. We do that for ourselves. We can then let go of attachment and become detached. Detachment sets us free. Š 2011 daphnewhitehouse Please see Daphne’s advert on page 25 40

These pages are dedicated to those Mind, Body and Spirit Fair organisers who have events in the Forthcoming months. Be sure to check them out, they are filled with so much to see, do and learn.


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Ił bcgan in Ncpal "Om Mani Padme Hum" By Bronia Sandell


had previously visited this amazing country 18 months before and had fallen in love with its people, its mix of Buddhist and Hindu spirituality and its tolerance of the eclectic mix of misplaced people. This time I had returned with my husband, as I wanted him to experience the deep-rooted spirituality first hand as I had.

We had a wonderful tour of Nepal, from Kathmandu to Tansen and Bandiphur, to Chitwan National park, where we rode elephants through the jungle, to Lumbini, birthplace of Buddha where we chanted and queued with Buddhists from all over the world to eventually stand before the spot where Buddha emerged from his Mothers armpit.

spiritual practises. Up to my diagnosis I had my own practice doing various therapies and teaching Reiki. In fact my first trip to Nepal was to receive training and attunement in Karuna ® Reiki. I was happily following my path and going with the flow of the Universe. It had taught me many things and brought amazing people into my life that would further help with my spiritual development. I had worked through a lot of pain and cleared old emotional debris from my soul. I felt I was well on my path. How little did I know?

After the initial shock and grief of my diagnosis I must admit to a feeling of excitement- this arose following a particularly deep spiritual experience I had whilst meditating one evening in the hospital ward following my operation. I know how bizarre that may sound, but my experience made me realise that this time would give me the opportunity to continue my development, from a place of greater Now we were once again in Kathmandu on the last leg of our journey. inner knowing and understanding. I had already started to write a We had spent the morning doing Kora (walking clockwise 3 times) blog and decided to call this time my SOL summer of learning. I have around the great Stupa at Boudanath with the Tibetan refugees been given time to study, to meet with other spiritual people. I have chanting ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’. The energy of the place coupled been taught Transcendental Meditation, which has given me greater with the chanting was tangible. Then visiting the Buddhist monasteries understanding of my inner being. dotted all around the Stupa, listening to the clamour of the conch shells and horns that form the basis of their rituals. Now on return back to A consequence of all this is that my cancer and its treatment has just our hotel after receiving a wonderful Ayuvedic massage I mentioned been a mere interruption in my learning. I have been given access to my husband a sore spot that had appeared during the massage. to my spiritual energies in ways I never thought possible. I have a Now as I felt just below my right breast I felt a hard lump the size of great inner peace and can accept my own mortality. I don’t however a grape. I knew then and there I had cancer. There was no doubt in believe I am to pass just yet. I feel my journey has a long way to my mind – I just knew. go. Working with some special spiritual pointers and guides I have concluded that I have been given this opportunity by the Universe It took three long weeks to get confirmation, I was told by the to understand and help others who are going through the process consultant at the Breast Clinic that I had three areas of cancer inside of cancer treatment. my breast, that it was an aggressive level three type and that I would need a full mastectomy followed by six rounds of Chemotherapy then Radiotherapy. I wasn’t upset, I couldn’t cry, only the sight of my husbands face when we told him touched me. In the immediate days after diagnosis I did find the ability to grieve. I felt emptiness within, a I have been able to express myself creatively in order to help others shocking pain of what was to come and grief because I felt my life was gain the spiritual knowledge to help them in their journey through over. It was being taken from me without my consent. I was staring at this terrible illness. I believe my cancer has given me a spiritual my own mortality. I was 51. rebirth, a deeper understanding of my life’s path. A renewed joy in life’s simple pleasures. I don’t know where or when my particular If you asked anyone that knows me, the one word they would all journey will end and I don’t want to know. For me now living in the use is strong. Not in the physical way but emotionally and mentally. moment and sharing and helping others to do the same in the most And I do have inner strength, developed over time through various precious gift I have been given.

'The energy of the place was tangible'

' a deeper understanding of my life’s path'

Winter 2011 |



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