Supporting our program Workforce Management Strategy Workforce planning ensures that we have the people we need to achieve the shared community vision and deliver the activities in our Delivery Program over 4 years. Our Workforce Management Strategy outlines how we will develop and prepare our workforce to meet the changing demands of our community as well as the challenge of attracting and retaining a skilled workforce. The Strategy includes: • •
analysis of our current workforce, consideration of future needs, identification of gaps and challenges actions to develop effective leadership, retain and attract a diverse and capable workforce, improve productivity and leverage technology, promote Council as an employer of choice, improve workforce planning, develop a good culture and contemporary workplace, and invest in skills and training.
Asset Management Strategy and Plans Asset management is the combination of management, financial, economic, engineering and other practices applied to physical assets with the objective of providing the required level of service in the most cost-effective manner. Council adopts the principles of financial sustainability, inter-generational equity, probity in acquisition and disposal in our integrated asset management system to ensure our assets are fit for purpose and meet the needs of our current community without comprising the needs of future generations. Council is custodian to $681 million of infrastructure and community assets that enable us to provide services to the Shire and the activities in our Delivery Program. These assets include: • • • • • • • •
roads and footpaths airports stormwater drainage water systems sewer systems community facilities (such as halls or pools) parks and open spaces administration buildings and works depots.
The Asset Management Strategy is a 10-year document that sets the current situation of our assets, where we want to be and actions we will undertake to get there. The four Asset Plans across our asset classes (Buildings and Other Structures, Sewer, Transport and Water) set out the assets under Council’s control, community expectations on levels of service and actions and resources required to deliver on this level of service, and long-term projections of asset maintenance, rehabilitation, renewal and replacement. These projections link to our Long-Term Financial Plan and are reviewed annually.
Long-Term Financial Plan Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan is a 10-year document that’s reviewed annually that identifies the financial impacts of providing services and assets to the community. It helps us plan how we will financially resource the services and assets identified through the annual budget process, which draw direction from our Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program, Workforce Strategy and Asset Management Strategy. Council is budgeting a surplus over the four-year period. This surplus, and a planned surplus of future years, puts Council in a good position to deliver priority infrastructure projects that will be required to facilitate expected growth resulting from the Moree SAP and Inland Rail. Further information about Council’s current financial position can be found in the Operational Plan and Budget 2022/23.
Delivery Program 2022-26
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