Career Guide 2019-20

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Your complete guide to career planning and job searching





2021-22 A resource of Morehead State University Career Services 150 University Blvd., ground floor of the Camden-Carroll Library 606-783-2233 |

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Welcome to our latest MSU Career Guide.


YouWelcome have in your hands a wonderful that will help you Explore, to our latestresource MSU Career Guide. Connect, Experience and Succeed! This resource guides you through the career Welcome our latest Career Guide. The Career Guide is a MSU resource that guides you through planning andtojob/internship search process. Inside, you will the findcareer tools toplanning get and job/internship search process so you can Explore, Connect, Experience and started exploring, samples resource to build athat strong cover You have in yourguides handsand a wonderful will resume help youand Explore, Succeed. You will find to getto started exploring, information letter, tips onExperience interviewing and more help you beguides career-ready! Connect, andtools Succeed! This resource you throughand thesamples career to build a strong resume and cover letter, tips on interviewing and more to help you planning and job/internship search process. youand willhelp find you toolsdetermine to get Ourbe talented staff is always available to meetInside, with you career-ready. started exploring, guides and samples to build a strong resume and cover and achieve your career goals. We offer personality and interest inventories letter, tips on staff interviewing and to more toyou helpdetermine you be career-ready! Our talented is available help your career to help you explore majors and careers. We help connectand youachieve with employers goals. We offer personality and interest inventories for exploring majors and Our talented is always to meet with you and help you determine and/or graduatestaff schools. If youavailable are thinking about gaining relevant experience careers. We help connect you with employers and/or graduate schools and andorachieve career credit goals. or Wenon-credit), offer personality inventories gain (paid unpaid,your academic reach and out. interest Career Services relevant experience (paid and or unpaid, academic credit oryou non-credit). The Office to to help you explore careers. helpportfolio connect withexperiences employers want help you plan majors awants strategy to build aWe solid skills, of Career Services to help you plan a strategy toofbuild a solid portfolio and/or graduate schools. If you are you thinking about to gaining relevant experience andof accomplishments that will make attractive employers skills, experiences and accomplishments that will make youand marketable to (paid or unpaid, academic credit orhired. non-credit), reach out. Career Services or/graduate schools so you can get employers and or/graduate schools. want to help you plan a strategy to build a solid portfolio of skills, experiences Take advantage of all Career Services to offer! WeWe looklook forward and accomplishments will make you has attractive employers andforward to Take advantage of that all that that Career Services has toto offer! to working with you. or/graduate schools so you can get hired. working with you. Take advantage of all that Career Services has to offer! We look forward to working with you.

MEGAN BOONE MEGAN BOONE Director Director Career Counselor MEGAN BOONE Employer Liaison Director Career Counselor Employer Liaison


Career Services Mission & Team

We offer exceptional career programs partnerand withpartner students, stafffaculty, and employers the purpose of preparing We offer exceptional careerand programs withfaculty, students, staff and for employers for the MSU Eagles for the global workforce. purpose of preparing MSU Eagles for the global workforce. We offer exceptional career programs and partner with students, faculty, staff and employers for the purpose of preparing MSU Eagles for the global workforce.

HAYLEY MURPHY JACOB MURPHY KATIE MATTOX CareerMURPHY Coach HAYLEY Career Development Career Coach Career Coach


Located on the ground floor of the Camden-Carroll Library · 150 University Blvd. · Morehead, KY 40351 Located on the ground of the Camden-Carroll Library ·· 150 University Blvd. · Morehead, KY 40351 606-783-2233 · floor 606-783-2233 · ·

"Morehead State University Career Services" "Morehead State University Career Services"


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Four-Year Plan 3

Planning your personal path to success.

SOAR Higher. 4

Begin exploring the career path for you.

Career Competencies 5

Learn what you need to be career-ready.

Graduate School 6

Find out if post-graduate education suits your goals.

Search Basics 7

How to begin looking for a job or internship.

Networking 8

Discover why your network could be the single most important factor in landing your dream job. Find out how social media and “netiquette” can impact the job search.


Internship/Experiential Education

Gain real-world experience to prepare for your future.


Meet and network with real employers and graduate programs.



Make the right impression with a strong resume. Write to impress.

With our guidance, construct strong professional documents and correspondence like resumes, cover letters, graduate school applications and personal statements.

Career counselors assist in tailoring a plan for your search. Learn tips and strategies to help you find your perfect job or internship, and learn how to evaluate employment and salary offers.


Resumes 14 Cover Letters/References

Secure academic credit for an internship, either through your department or through our own MSU 339 experiential education program. We can help you gain important experience in your field.


Get information on Eagle CareerNet & InterviewLink, two online resources.

Attend a Career Fair

Completing a few simple assessments will help you discover majors and occupations that best fit your personality, interests, values and skills. Schedule an appointment with a career counselor to discuss a plan for your career success.


Eagle CareerNet/InterviewLink 11





Managing Your Digital Presence

Eagle CareerNet is our online career management system. Find work-study positions, internships and full-time jobs. Keep up with events and workshops happening at the Career Center.


Interviewing 21

Learn the STAR Method to showcase your skills and experience.

Professional Dress 23

Access InterviewLink to practice interviewing online using a webcam. Invite peers, professors or career counselors to review and assess your performance. In-person mock interviews are available to help you prepare for a specific interview.

EMPLOYERS ON CAMPUS Career Services invites employers and graduate programs to campus to connect with you. Keep up-to-date on events like career fairs, information sessions, on-campus interviews and career workshops.

SUIT BANK A service that provides free professional clothing for a job interview, career fair or networking event. Various sizes and styles are available.

Dress to make a positive impression.

What Employers Want 25

Know the career skills employers seek and a list of employers recruiting at MSU.





Update your Eagle CareerNet and LinkedIn profiles.

Becoming career-ready is a process that takes place inside and outside the classroom. It takes time, reflection and different experiences to prepare you for your future career. Use the checklist above as a guide to get started today.


Access these resources at

SOAR Higher. Pursue a career path that’s an ideal fit to your particular strengths. The MSU Office of Career Services offers a range of services and tools – both online and in-person – to help you learn more about yourself, explore majors and career fields, and establish your professional goals.

TypeFocus TypeFocus is MSU’s interactive, online platform that assists you in identifying and achieving your career goals. TypeFocus allows you to:

• Assess your strengths

Identify your personality type, interests, skills and values.

• Explore occupations

Learn which majors, fields and occupations suit you best based on assessment results.

• Set goals

Develop a focused road map to your professional journey.

Schedule a Career Decision-Making appointment with one of our staff to learn more about your TypeFocus results or for individual guidance.

What can I do with this major? Whether you’re exploring several majors or looking for specific information about your chosen field, What Can I Do With This Major will help you connect majors to career options. •

Learn about the many paths graduates take with a particular major.

Discover the types of employers who want to hire you.

Identify strategies to implement while in college as a student to make you more marketable.

Candid Career If you’re interested in gaining an inside perspective from professionals in your future field, check out Candid Career. •

A fun and effective way to explore careers through short video clips.

Search thousands of career videos according to category to learn from industry professionals sharing professional advice and inside perspectives about their backgrounds and job insights.

Discover numerous career fields and learn what it takes to get hired in these fields.

Gain advice on networking, resume writing, interviewing and many more topics to help you get hired.

BuzzFile Use BuzzFile to identify specific employers in your field. Locate and research thousands of potential employers – in Kentucky or nationwide – filtered according to your major or area of interest.


ARE YOU CAREER READY? Employers say that these are the top 8 skills that will get you hired. CRITICAL THINKING


COMMUNICATION (oral & written)











Graduate school may be a good choice for you if you enjoy research, want to study a field in-depth or have a desire to teach.

Some career paths will require an advanced degree. If you want to be a doctor, lawyer or faculty researcher, additional education beyond an undergraduate degree is required. You also need to complete a professional master’s program if you wish to advance in fields like social work.

An advanced degree sometimes can translate into a higher salary or a better job. Salaries vary by profession, job market and location. Spend time researching your profession and the need for advanced degrees by talking to faculty members, your career counselor and professionals in your field.

Planning to go to graduate school? What now? If graduate school is the right choice for you, understand the importance of GPA, involvement on campus and undergraduate research. Begin building experiences to make your application stand out now. Try as a resource to identify graduate programs of interest to you. Investigate graduate school funding (TAs, GAs, fellowships, etc.). Take time to understand the admissions requirements for various programs. Each school has its own criteria for admissions but GPA, test scores, presentations and professional or research experience in your field are often important. You will likely need letters of recommendation, so take the time to connect with faculty in your major. Once you identify programs that fit your goals, take time to develop relationships with admissions recruiters and schedule visits to campus to meet with faculty.

Why do they want a Curriculum Vitae (CV) rather than a resume?

TIPS FOR WRITING A STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Follow the guidelines given by the graduate program in the application process. Organize your thoughts before you start writing. Start with a theme and communicate this main point throughout your essay. Ask yourself: What makes you a special, unique, distinctive or impressive candidate for the program? Include concrete examples from your life that support your theme. Include your career goals and hands-on experiences that have helped you to solidify these goals. Have several people read it prior to submission, including your career counselor.

CVs and resumes have a similar purpose as marketing tools that showcase your skills, experience, knowledge, education and accomplishments. CVs are more focused on academics and commonly used for graduate and professional program applications, as well as jobs in academia, science or research. Our staff is available to help you craft the best possible CV. Consider including headers focused on presentations, publications, teaching, research experience and academic honors. On-campus involvement, professional memberships, internships and volunteer experiences are valued by graduate school admissions committees and can help you stand out in a positive way.


The Average Professional Job Search Takes 3-To-6 Months Students seeking internships or employment in May should begin searching in the fall semester. Depending on the career field, the time between when you turn in your application materials and the time you are called for an interview can be months. Continue to explore opportunities until you are hired.

WHERE TO LOOK There are many ways to search for jobs/internships. Eagle CareerNet is the place to start. In addition, here are a few common sites:

CONNECT. Search Basics The job/internship search can be overwhelming but these three steps break it down into a manageable process. It is important to stay organized and carefully tailor each application to match the position requirements. Continue to apply and interview for positions until you land one and remember that Career Services is here to help. Get started now checking off these steps and you’ll be on your way to a great opportunity.

Prepare to apply. Update your resume and compose a cover letter. Have Career Services review them. Ask professors, supervisors, co-workers or advisors to be references. Get their full contact information. Establish a LinkedIn page, using a professional picture. Make sure your social media positively represents you (contains no inappropriate pictures, obscene language, extreme political or offensive statements, etc.).

Make sure you have professional clothing.

Attend the Career and Internship Fairs in the spring and fall semesters.

Be sure to visit the Career Services website for additional resources. Use Chamber of Commerce business directories in your geographic region. Professional organizations often have job boards. Savvy job seekers will invest time in looking for unadvertised opportunities. Having an extensive network of contacts in your field (via LinkedIn, professional organizations or other networking) can help access this hidden source of employment.

Update your Eagle CareerNet profile. Join professional organizations related to your field.

Apply for positions. Continue searching/applying for jobs or internships. Check Eagle CareerNet and set up a job alert. Keep track of your contacts, applications and search activities. Polish your interview skills with a mock interview. Research salaries for jobs in your field. Attend a Career and Internship Fair.

Continue your search. Continue searching/applying for jobs or internships until you get hired. Check Eagle CareerNet several times a week. Research (in detail) companies that call you for an interview. Develop questions to ask the employer in the interview. Send a thank you after an interview.




Networking is any activity that connects you with people who are doing what you might like to do. Networking can help you determine a direction for your career, learn what important skills to develop and make connections to secure an internship or job. Although you might feel nervous when approaching a potential contact, don’t let that stop you. Networking is a skill that develops through practice. Most people enjoy talking about themselves and will give honest advice.

Questions to ask your network: •

What do you like most or least about your work?

Can you describe a typical week?

What advice would you give someone trying to break into this field?

Networking is a two-way street. If you want people to help you, you should help them and keep in touch over time. Consider sending an article on a topic of mutual interest, offering to treat them to lunch, referring a friend for an opening at their company or congratulating them on a promotion. Connect with them on LinkedIn.

Classmates, alumni, teammates.

Past/current employers, co-workers.

Contacts in MSU Eagle CareerNet.

Faculty, staff, teachers, advisors.

Members of civic, religious or professional organizations.

Relatives, neighbors, friends, family friends.

Service providers: Hairstylist, banker, realtor, dentist.

ASK FOR ADVICE – NOT FOR A JOB! ASK: “Do you know someone who knows about ‘xyz’ type of work?” DON’T ASK:

Dining Etiquette A meal is included as part of many interviews and in networking situations. In these situations, dining etiquette is very important when you are trying to leave a positive impression. In any business situation, having a firm handshake, smiling and making eye contact convey a professional image.

“Do you know someone who can get me a job?”

To make a good impression: •

Be sure to arrive on time.

Place napkin in lap before drinking or eating.

Wait to eat until everyone is served.

Eat at the same pace as others.

Have good posture.

Bring food to your mouth (not your head to the plate).

Work from the outside in with utensils.

Pass salt and pepper together.

Place napkin beside plate at end of meal.




Email address Use a professional email address. Employers are likely not going to respond well to DragonSlayerr@ If necessary, get a separate email address for professional networking (something simple like FirstName.LastName is ideal) or use your address. Writing style Be professional when writing to an employer or contact. Don’t use internet abbreviations or acronyms, don’t type in ALL CAPS and keep any correspondence as close to business format as possible. Address the person by name and be polite. Social media platforms Think about what your social media profiles tell others before they have even spoken to you. Avoid vulgarity, remove any offensive or questionable images and think about the subject matter of any listed interests and hobbies. Comments and “shares” Think about any comments you leave or things that you share on social media sites. Never post negative comments about former or current employers or co-workers. Also, consider the sheer quantity of comments and shares. What does it say about you if an employer visits your Facebook profile and sees that you have shared 15 cute/funny pictures since yesterday? Research yourself Try searching for your own name on Google and see what comes up. (Note: LinkedIn is optimized for search engines. You are more likely to have a professional page near the top of the results if you have a LinkedIn profile.)


LINKEDIN LinkedIn is a professional networking site that helps people connect with others in their field. You can even find alumni groups, job postings, company profiles and more. It is common for employers to source candidates through LinkedIn, so you should develop a profile and consider this your “digital resume.” Be sure to join the Morehead State University Career Services group to connect with the Career Services staff and employers, get and share tips on the job search process, and stay up-to-date on events.

FACEBOOK With billions of monthly active users, Facebook is the largest social networking site on the Internet. While it is not intended for professional networking like LinkedIn, the sheer number of users and groups utilizing it makes Facebook a powerful job search and professional networking tool. Employers may check your profile before interviewing you. When searching for terms on Facebook, you can narrow results down to people, pages, groups, links and more, which gives you a wide range of networking options. Many organizations have group Facebook pages, some of which are even career-focused. These pages are powerful tools for research and communication. You can even “Like” them to keep up-to-date with their news and announcements. Find MSU Career Services at

TWITTER Consider using Twitter to look for positions since recruiters are using it to share information about opportunities. Follow people and companies that interest you and search using hashtags such as: #Internships, #Employment, #JobAngels, #Hiring, #Careers . Find MSU Career Services at

EXPERIENCE. Why is gaining experience essential? Gaining experience in any and all of its forms while you’re still a student is essential to your post-graduation success. Earning a college degree is an accomplishment but will not guarantee a professional job. Employers want their new hires to have relevant experience, which is why gaining hands-on experience is extremely important. National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) research shows that candidates with career-related experience receive more interviews, multiple job offers and higher starting salaries than candidates without such experience. How do you gain experience? Some academic programs require experiential education for graduation while others offer experiential courses as electives. Explore Level UP! courses as they are designed to integrate hands-on experience into the classroom. Other ways to gain experience include: •

Becoming active on campus by joining clubs and organizations.

Volunteering in the local community or enrolling in a service-learning focused course.

Researching with a faculty member.

Working on or off campus.

Learn more:

What is an internship? Employers consistently rate engaging in internships as the top way to stand out from other applicants. Internships provide career-focused learning and skill application with an employer or organization. Internships can be called by many other names such as cooperative education (co-op), student teaching, clinicals, practicums and externships. These can be paid or unpaid, local, remote, national or international.

Gain hands-on experience. MSU 339 If you are in a major without an experiential course and have secured an internship offer, you can take MSU 339, which is open to all majors. MSU 339 is an online class taught by staff in Career Services that allows you to gain experience in your field, build a network and earn college credit. Students do professional-level work with an employer, log their hours and submit written assignments via Blackboard. To enroll, a student must have an internship site and complete a learning contract. Students can intern where they currently work if their supervisor agrees to give them new projects related to their career goals or Career Services can help you find an internship location.

Frequently asked questions IS ACADEMIC CREDIT REQUIRED FOR INTERNSHIPS? That depends on your major. Check with your academic advisor to determine if internships are part of your program. Otherwise, paid internships do not have to be done for academic credit. Coupling a class with work site experiences helps connect what you learn in the classroom to the real world.

WHERE DO I FIND INTERNSHIPS? Eagle CareerNet is the first place to look. Other places to search include, or any search site (see Search Basics on page 7). A simple web search for “internships” with a specific career field, plus the name of a city and/or state, can uncover opportunities. My internship served as an opportunity to challenge the status quo, gain new experiences, showcase my talents, and change my perspective on my own path forward. I can attribute my successes in my current role and recent interviews directly to my experiential education opportunity. My internship provided a much needed jump start to my career, forging a path forward for my future. I now have clarity and a fresh vision in regards to my professional career.

Robert Meadows, Social Media Intern at Amazon, university studies major

I value experiential education having studied abroad and interned with two organizations. My internships have greatly impacted my life as a college student. I’ve been able to put the skills and material learned in the classroom into a real world perspective plus I now have strong examples that I can talk about in an interview.

Angelique Clay, Public Policy Intern at Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, political science major






resume on file to apply.





get hired! ATTEND A CAREER FAIR BEFORE THE CAREER FAIR Research the organizations. Visit for a complete list of organizations attending the career fair. Research the companies you are most interested in by visiting their websites or viewing their Eagle CareerNet profiles. Rank your favorites. You may not have time to visit every booth, so rank the organizations by your level of interest. Prepare your resume. Have your resume reviewed by Career Services to make sure that it is strong and error-free. See page 14 in this guide for resume tips and advice. Craft a winning introduction. Prepare a short 30-to-60-second “commercial” to introduce yourself, including things like your name, major, year in school, relevant experience, etc.


What is a career fair?

A career fair is an event where a number of different organizations gather for the pur of recruiting employees and interns and/or offering information about their organizat Career fairs are great opportunities to research employers and graduate programs fro across the country and to expand your professional network plus potentially “get you in the door” with a company. Plus, these organizations have chosen to participate, so know that they are interested in recruiting from Morehead State University.


What is a career and internship fair?

A career and internship fair is an event where several different organizations gather for the purpose of recruiting employees and interns and/or offering information about their fairsemployers are not just forgraduate job seekers. organizations. Career fairs are great opportunities toCareer research and programs from across the country and to expand plus Don't your wait professional until you are network a senior to attend your first one. potentially “get your foot in the door” with a company. Plus, these organizations have chosen to participate, so you know that they are interested in recruiting from Morehead State University.

It is never too early to start expanding your network and many organizations offer internships/co-ops or part-time opportunities.

You have the opportunity to impress and make your name known to employers in you or graduate schools you are interested in attending. Take advantage.

Career and internship fairs are great opportunities for any student. Don’t wait until you are a senior to attend your first one.

DURING THE CAREER FAIR Dress professionally. Dress as if you were going to an interview (with a full business suit, if possible). Find one at our free Suit Bank. Bring a few essential items. Be sure to bring several copies of your resume, along with a pen and notepad. You may also bring a few work examples, if relevant. Don’t dominate the conversation. Be polite and make sure to respect the time of employers and other attendees. Get as much information as possible. Take time to ask questions, get a business card and jot down notes.

AFTER THE CAREER FAIR Follow up. Take time to send a thank-you note or email. This increases your professional image and shows your interest and initiative. MSU CAREER GUIDE | 13

Career Thoughts From Students and Employer It is never too early to start expanding yourFair network and many “I look forward to attending the spring “Career organizations offer internships/co-ops or part-time opportunities. YouServices havewas a huge help for m and fall career fairs because I know I’m I loved attending the career fair many tim the opportunity to impress and make knownthatto employers your goingyour to meetname qualified candidates and reallyin enjoyed meeting with people th are ready to start their careers. Cintas in were doing what I am doing now and we field or graduate schools you are interested in attending. Take advantage. Ashland, Kentucky, has hired more MSU grads in the last five years than all other colleges/universities combined.” – Tracey Human Resource “The career fair is a great opportunity to Scruggs, talk to employers one on one Manager withwith Cintas and learn more about different career options myCorporation major. The fair has boosted my professional confidence and made me a better candidate for jobs upon graduation. Everyone should attend.”

also MSU alums. Hearing from people wh are actually working in the field I was look into was super helpful.”

– Chad Hedrick, Convergent Media Alumn May 2016

Jessica, psychology major “Attending Career Fairs gives students the chance to introduce themselves to company representatives and learn of internship and employment opportunities first hand. They are able to gain knowledge and put a face with a resume often setting themselves apart from the crowd.”

Ann-Phillips Mayfield, Director of Recruiting, Northwestern Mutual “The career and internship fair gives me a chance to meet candidates in person and assess career skills such as oral communication and professionalism which can’t easily be judged from a resume. As a regular attendee, I’ve found many interns and employees that are ready to launch their careers at MSU’s fair.”

Kay Moss, Human Resources Manager, Stober Drives


rketing d you an e hundreds lly spend ith each. In me should ere are



A resume is your personal “marketing brochure.” Its purpose is to land you an interview. Employers often have hundreds of resumes to review and initially spend only about 15-to-20 seconds with each. In order to get noticed, your resume should be focused and easy to read. Here are some basic tips: •

Use headings to clearly organize your content.

Use action oriented bullet points rather than paragraphs.

Be specific about your skills and accomplishments.

Composing your resume •

Never use a template – this is your marketing brochure and should spotlight you. Templates look generic and are often hard for online software to read.

High school activities/information should be left for an employer to understand what you have accomplished.

Include relevant clubs, organizations, class projects and volunteer experiences in addition to jobs and internships.

Use professional terminology. Using nouns, verbs and phrases common to your chosen field demonstrates that you are informed and qualified.

Do not use first person (“I” or “me”) when writing your resume.

Never use an abbreviation on first use (unless it is very common in your field); use the full phrase, then in paranthesis put the abbreviation. Example: Adron Doran University Center (ADUC). When the phrase is used next, all you need is the abbreviation without parenthesis.

Once you have created your resume, have someone proofread it. Spell checkers may not catch all errors. Career Services can help.

QUICKresume RESUMEguidelines GUIDELINES Quick

Avoid templates.

Keep it to one page.

Use standard fonts, size 10 to 14, such as: Arial, Calibri, Verdana.

Be consistent in formatting throughout the document.

Make headers and contact information larger than body text.

Use action verbs to begin bullet points where possible.

Create a separate reference page.

han writing

lls and

RESUME BLITZ Our Resume Blitz gives you the opportunity to find out what employers think of your resume and receive multiple opinions. Bring your resume for instant feedback and advice from professional recruiters. This event is held each fall and spring semester.


this is your marketing brochure and should spotlight you. Templates ignored by employers.


resumes RESUMES The ACE Method - A simple formula you can follow to construct accomplishment-oriented bullet points is the "ACE" Method, The ACE Method

which stands for Action, Challenge and End-result. Start your bullets with action verbs. Applied to your resume, the ACE Method allows you to: •

Action: Discuss what you did to address the challenge.

Challenge: Identify a responsibility or issue at work – the challenge itself.

End-Result: Showcase the positive outcome of that action.

While this may seem like a lot to fit into one bullet point, you’ll be surprised by how easily ACE can be implemented. Consider the example below: Developed new filing and organizational practices, saving the company $3,000 per year in contracted labor expenses.

ace Examples Action Oriented Examples BASIC: Serve patrons at a restaurant. ORIENTED: NON-ACTION ORIENTED: Serve

patrons at a restaurant.

IMPROVED ACTION ORIENTED: Memorize stock and mealsaccompany, they should accompany, leading to daily ACTION-ORIENTED: Memorized restaurant’s winerestaurant’s stock and wine the meals theythe should leading to daily wine sales wine sales averaging $150, fully 20% higher than company average. averaging $150, fully 20% higher than company average. Write patron’s on on slips, memorize orders or enter ordersorders into computers for tansmittal to kitchento staff in a 110-seat Write patrons’food foodorders orders slips, memorize orders or enter into computers for transmittal kitchen staff in restaurant. a 110-seat restaurant. NON-ACTION ORIENTED: Answered office telephone line and organized files.

BASIC: Answered office telephone line and organized ORIENTED: IMPROVED ACTION ORIENTED: Organized overfiles. 1,600 paper files into a new database in Excel. Answered incoming callsOrganized (avg. 40/day) resolving issuesfiles with into bothacustomers and billing department. ACTION-ORIENTED: over 1,600 paper new database in Excel.

Answered incoming calls (avg. 40/day) resolving issues with both customers and billing department. NON-ACTION ORIENTED: Care for patients and monitor vitals.

IMPROVED ORIENTED: Provide direct quality care to patients including daily monitoring of temperature, blood Care forACTION patients and monitor vitals. pressure, insulin drips, catheters for up to 20 patients per day.


ACTION-ORIENTED: Provide direct quality care to patients including daily monitoring of temperature, blood pressure, insulin Led and mentored 10 newly licensed nurses in developing and achieving professional expertise. drips, catheters for up to 20 patients per day. Led and mentored ORIENTED: 10 newly licensed nursesteacher in developing and3rd achieving professional expertise. NON-ACTION Classroom in 2nd and grade reading and math. IMPROVED ACTION ORIENTED: Increased students’ scores in standardized tests by 24% in literacy and 35% in math.

ORIENTED: Classroom teacher in 2nd and 3rd grade reading and math. BASIC:

Educated an average of 18 students in 2nd and 3rd grade, and received the “Best Teacher Award.”

ACTION-ORIENTED: Increased students’ scores in standardized tests by 24% in literacy and 35% in math. NON-ACTION ORIENTED: Worked projects with engineers. Educated an average of 18 students in 2ndonand 3rd grade, and received the “Best Teacher Award." IMPROVED ACTION ORIENTED: Redesigned loading ramp with cost efficient materials to ensure safety of laborers. Collaborated with vendors, engineers and laborers to gather necessary information to implement a solution. ORIENTED: Worked BASIC: on projects with engineers.

ACTION-ORIENTED: Redesigned loading ramp with cost efficient materials to ensure safety of laborers. Collaborated with vendors, engineers and laborers to gather necessary information to implement solution. .

Match wording on your resume to the TO jobTHE description. MATCHthe THE WORDING ON YOUR RESUME JOB DESCRIPTION Be sure to to include the professional terminology that you see in the position in your bullets. tracking Be sure include professional terminology from your field.descriptions Tailor your resume forApplicant the position systems (a.k.a. computers) are ofteninthe to reviewdescription. your resume and scanensures for keywords. can ensure yourhighly resume by mimicking the language thefirstposition This yourYou resume ranks ranks highly by carefully crafting yourwords bullets with keywords. tracking systems (aka computers). when being scanned for key by application MSU CAREER GUIDE | 15


Professional Memberships, Professional Asso CREATIVE Collaborated Inspired Acted Contributed Led Achievements, Awards/Recognitions, Notable Conceptualized Cooperated Succeeded Created Mediated Surpassed Achievements, Honors, Fellowships, Awards Designed Participated Developed Partnered MANAGEMENT anguage to describe your work experience, Fashionedskills and Planned Assigned ments. Using action verbs to begin bullet points will Founded Prioritized Chaired Choose the resume headers that best Job reflect you! description language vs. resume lan Recommended Contracted mployer to see your accomplishmentsIllustrated with just a glance Instituted Scheduled Consolidated Useactive activelanguage languagetotodescribe describeyour yourwork workexperience, experience,skills skillsand and Use Language used in a resume should differ from that in a RESUME HEADER CATEGORIES ume. Integrated Strengthened Coordinated accomplishments.Using UsingInvented actionverbs verbstotobegin beginbullet bullet points will accomplishments. action points will Education: Education, Education and Credentials, Choose the resume headers that best you!while a res A job description defines whatreflect theyou! job does Choosethe theresume resumeheaders headersthat that best reflect you! Choose best reflect Delegated Performed TECHNICAL Directed NT RESEARCH allowananemployer employertotosee see youraccomplishments accomplishmentswith with justaaglance glance allow your just HELPING to summarize your skills and accomplishments in that j Related Training,Assembled Study Abroad, Professional Seminars, Revitalized Evaluated Collected Assessed yourresume. resume. to “convert” job descriptions to resume entries. Here a atatyour Shaped Built Licenses and Certifications, Academic Projects, Related Executed Critiqued Coached Education: Education, Education andCredentials, Credentials, Education: Education, Education and Calculated Managed Diagnosed Counseled Coursework, Publications, Presentations ACHIEVEMENT ACHIEVEMENT RESEARCH Computed FINANCIAL RESEARCH HELPING HELPING Oversaw Examined Educated Job Description: • Manage appointment sched RelatedTraining, Training,Study StudyAbroad, Abroad,Professional Professionaloffice Seminars, Related Seminars, Achieved Achieved Collected Designed Administered Collected Assessed Assessed Supervised Extracted Facilitated Licensesand andCertifications, Certifications, Academic Projects, Related for 12 Licenses Projects, Related Completed Completed Critiqued Devised Allocated Critiqued Coached Coached Trained Resume: Academic Scheduled appointments Identified Guided Delivered Delivered Diagnosed Engineered Analyzed Diagnosed Counseled Counseled Inspected Referred Coursework, Publications, Presentations Coursework, Publications, Presentations Skills and Qualifications: Languages, Relevant Skills,consultants using Microsoft Outlook Enhanced Enhanced Examined Fabricated Appraised Examined Educated Educated PROBLEM SOLVING Interviewed Represented Increased Increased Extracted Maintained Audited Extracted Facilitated Facilitated Analyzed Investigated Technical Expertise, Areas of Expertise, Capabilities, averaging 120 appointments per we Negotiated Negotiated Identified Operated Balanced Identified Guided Guided Corrected Organized INITIATIVE Key Qualifications, Skills and Qualifications, Marketing Obtained Obtained Inspected Programmed Budgeted Inspected Referred Referred Eliminated ATION Summarized Devised Skills and Qualifications: Languages,Relevant RelevantSkills, Skills, Skills and Qualifications: Languages, Produced Produced Interviewed Remodeled Calculated Interviewed Represented Represented Reduced Surveyed Established Job Description: • Supervise work crew. Skills, Core Competencies, Summary of Abilities, Career Secured Secured Investigated Repaired Computed Investigated Reshaped Formulated TechnicalExpertise, Expertise,Areas AreasofofExpertise, Expertise,Capabilities, Capabilities, Technical Use active language toSystematized describe your work experience, skills and Organized Solved Developed Organized INITIATIVE INITIATIVE Reorganized Generated Highlights Resume: Managed aMarketing teamyou! of 20 craftsmen accomplishments. action verbs to beginSummarized bullet points will KeyQualifications, Qualifications, Skills andQualifications, Qualifications, Marketing Key Skills and Choose the resume headers that best reflect COMMUNICATION Using COMMUNICATION Summarized Forecast Devised Devised Resolved d TEACHING Initiated including carpenters, plumbers and Addressed Addressed Surveyed Planned Surveyed Established Established Reviewed allow an employer to see your accomplishments with just a glance Adapted Introduced Skills,Core CoreCompetencies, Competencies,Summary SummaryofofAbilities, Abilities,Career Career Skills, Authored Authored Systematized Projected Systematized Formulated Formulated Revised Advised Launched masons, while completing a $20 mil at your resume. Clarified Clarified Researched Generated Generated Highlights Simplified Clarified Originated Experience: Work Highlights History, WorkEducation, Experience, Recent and Education: Education Credentials, condominium project. Communicated Communicated TEACHING TEACHING Initiated Initiated Solved Coached Redesigned Experience, Relevant Experience, Teaching Experience, ACHIEVEMENT RESEARCH HELPING Composed Composed Adapted Adapted Introduced Introduced Streamlined Coordinated Set up Related Training, Study Abroad, Professional Seminars, Achieved Collected Assessed Convinced Convinced Advised Advised Launched Launched Tackled Enabled Started Volunteer Experience, Campusand Leadership, Community Licenses Certifications, Academic Projects, Related Completed Critiqued Coached Corresponded Corresponded Clarified Clarified Originated Originated Utilized Experience: WorkHistory, History, WorkExperience, Experience, Recent Experience: Work Work Recent Encouraged MSU CAREER Delivered Diagnosed Counseled Edited Edited Coached Coached Redesigned Redesigned Involvement, CareerExperience, Highlights, Academic Experience, Evaluated LEADERSHIP Coursework, Publications, Presentations Experience, Relevant Experience, Teaching Experience, Relevant Experience, Teaching Experience, Enhanced Examined Educated Explained Explained Coordinated Coordinated Set up Set up Facilitated Accomplished International Experience, Career Profile, Internships, Increased Extracted Facilitated Informed Informed Enabled Enabled Started Started Guided Conducted Volunteer Experience, CampusLeadership, Leadership,Community Community Volunteer Experience, Campus Negotiated Identified Guided Interpreted Interpreted Encouraged Encouraged Informed Demonstrated Military Service, Extracurricular Involvement Obtained Inspected Referred Involvement, CareerHighlights, Highlights, Academic Experience, Involvement, Career Academic Experience, Lectured Lectured Evaluated Evaluated LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP Instructed Drove Skills and Qualifications: Languages, Relevant Skills, Produced Interviewed Represented Marketed Marketed Facilitated Facilitated Accomplished Accomplished Stimulated Expanded International Experience, Career Profile, Internships, International Experience, Career Profile, Internships, Research, Internships Secured Investigated Persuaded Persuaded Guided Guided Conducted Conducted Technical Expertise, Areas of Expertise, Capabilities, Guided Organized INITIATIVE Presented Presented Informed Informed Demonstrated Demonstrated TEAMWORK Implemented Military Service, Extracurricular InvolvementMarketing Military Service, Extracurricular Involvement Affiliations, Memberships and Awards: Key Qualifications, Skills and Qualifications, COMMUNICATION Summarized Devised Promoted Promoted Instructed Instructed Drove Drove Assisted Improved Addressed Surveyed Established Reported Professional Memberships, Professional Associations, Reported Stimulated Stimulated Expanded Expanded Collaborated Inspired Skills, Core Competencies, Summary of Abilities, Career Authored Systematized Formulated Translated Translated Guided Guided Contributed Led Achievements, Awards/Recognitions, Notable Clarified Generated Highlights Wrote Wrote TEAMWORK TEAMWORK Implemented Implemented d Cooperated Succeeded Affiliations,Memberships Membershipsand andAwards: Awards: Affiliations, Communicated TEACHING Initiated Assisted Assisted Improved Improved Mediated Surpassed Achievements, Honors, Fellowships, Awards ProfessionalMemberships, Memberships,Professional ProfessionalAssociations, Associations, Professional Composed Adapted Introduced CREATIVE CREATIVE Collaborated Collaborated Inspired Inspired Participated Convinced Advised Launched Acted Acted Contributed Contributed Led Led Partnered MANAGEMENT Achievements,Work Awards/Recognitions, NotableRecent Achievements, Awards/Recognitions, Notable Corresponded Clarified Originated Conceptualized Conceptualized Cooperated Cooperated Succeeded Experience: History, Work Experience, Succeeded Planned Assigned Edited Coached Redesigned Created Created Mediated Mediated Surpassed Surpassed Achievements, Honors, Fellowships, Awards Achievements, Honors, Fellowships, Awards Prioritized Chaired Experience, Experience, Teaching Experience, Job description language vs. Relevant resume language Explained Coordinated Set up Designed Designed Participated Participated Recommended Contracted Informed Enabled Started Developed Developed Partnered Partnered MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT Scheduled Consolidated Volunteer Experience, Campus Leadership, Community Language used in a resume should differ from that in a job description. Interpreted Encouraged Fashioned Fashioned Planned Planned Assigned Assigned Strengthened Coordinated Career Experience, Lectured A job description definesInvolvement, what the job does whileHighlights, a resume needs Evaluated LEADERSHIP Founded Founded Prioritized Prioritized Chaired Chaired Delegated JOB DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE VS. RESUME LANGUAGE Job description language vs.Academic resume language Job description language vs. resume language Marketed Facilitated Accomplished Illustrated Illustrated Recommended Recommended Contracted Contracted TECHNICAL Directed to summarize your skills International and accomplishments in that job. Take time Experience, Career Profile, Internships, Persuaded Guided Conducted Instituted Instituted Scheduled Scheduled Consolidated Consolidated Assembled Evaluated Language usedinentries. inaaresume resume should differfrom fromthat thatininaajob jobdescription. description. Language used should differ to “convert” job descriptions to resume Here are examples: Presented Informed Demonstrated Integrated Integrated Strengthened Strengthened Coordinated Coordinated Military Service, Extracurricular Involvement Built Executed A job description defines what the job does while a resume needs A job description defines what the job does while a resume needs Promoted Instructed Drove Invented Invented Delegated Delegated Calculated Managed Reported Stimulated Expanded Performed Performed TECHNICAL TECHNICAL Directed Directed Computed to summarize your skills and accomplishments in that job. Take time to summarize your skills and accomplishments in that job. Take time Oversaw Job Description: • Manage office appointment schedule. Translated Guided Revitalized Assembled Revitalized Assembled Evaluated Evaluated Designed Supervised “convert”job jobdescriptions descriptionstotoresume resumeentries. entries.Here Hereare areexamples: examples: toto“convert” Wrote TEAMWORK Implemented Shaped Built Resume: Shaped Built Executed Executed Devised Trained Affiliations, Memberships and Awards: Scheduled appointments for 12 Assisted Improved Calculated Calculated Managed Managed Engineered consultants using Microsoft Outlook, Professional Memberships, Professional Associations, CREATIVE Collaborated Inspired Computed FINANCIAL Computed FINANCIAL CRITICAL THINKING Oversaw Oversaw Fabricated PROBLEM SOLVING JobDescription: Description: Manage office appointmentschedule. schedule. Job ••Manage office appointment Acted Contributed Led Designed Administered Designed Administered Supervised Supervised Maintained Analyzed averaging 120 appointments per week. Achievements, Awards/Recognitions, Notable Conceptualized Cooperated Succeeded Devised Allocated Devised Allocated Trained Trained Resume: Scheduledappointments appointmentsfor for1212 Operated Resume: Scheduled Corrected Created Mediated Surpassed Engineered Analyzed Engineered Analyzed Achievements,consultants Honors, Fellowships, Awards Programmed Eliminated consultants using Microsoft Outlook, using Microsoft Outlook, Designed Participated Fabricated Appraised Fabricated Appraised PROBLEMSOLVING SOLVING PROBLEM Remodeled Reduced Job Description: • Supervise work crew. Developed Partnered MANAGEMENT Maintained Audited Maintained Audited Analyzed Analyzed averaging120 120appointments appointmentsper perweek. week. Repaired averaging Reshaped Fashioned Planned Assigned Operated Balanced Operated Balanced Corrected Corrected Solved Reorganized Resume: Managed a team of 20 craftsmen Founded Prioritized Chaired Programmed Budgeted Programmed Budgeted Eliminated Eliminated Resolved Jobcarpenters, description language vs. resume language Illustrated including and work Recommended Contracted Remodeled Calculated Remodeled Calculated Reduced Reduced Reviewed JobDescription: Description:plumbers Supervise workcrew. crew. Job ••Supervise Instituted Scheduled Consolidated Repaired Computed Repaired Computed Reshaped Reshaped Revised Language used in a resume should differ from that in a job description. masons, while completing a $20 million Integrated Strengthened Coordinated Solved Developed Solved Developed Reorganized Reorganized Simplified Resume: Managed a team of 20 craftsmen Resume: Managed a team of 20 craftsmen A job description Invented condominium project. defines what the job does while a resume needs Delegated Forecast Forecast Resolved Resolved Solved including carpenters, plumbers and job. Take time including carpenters, plumbers Performed TECHNICAL Directed Planned Planned Reviewed Reviewed to summarize your skills and accomplishments in and that Streamlined Revitalized Assembled Evaluated Projected Projected Revised Revised Tackled masons,while while completing $20 million masons, completing aa$20 million to “convert” job descriptions to resume entries. Here are examples: Shaped Built Executed Researched Researched Simplified Simplified Utilized MSU CAREER GUIDE | 17 condominium project. condominium project. Calculated Managed Solved Solved FINANCIAL Computed Oversaw Streamlined Streamlined Job Description: • Manage office appointment schedule. Designed Administered Supervised Tackled Tackled Devised Allocated Trained Utilized Resume: Scheduled appointments 12 Utilized MSUfor CAREER GUIDE| |17 17 MSU CAREER GUIDE 16 Engineered Analyzed consultants using Microsoft Outlook, Fabricated Appraised PROBLEM SOLVING Maintained Audited Analyzed averaging 120 appointments per week. Operated Balanced Corrected


Resumes Resumes RESUMES

Resume header categories:

Resumeheader headercategories: categories: Resume


Resume header categories:

resumes RESUMES

resumes There's no one way to do a resume. Pick and choose thesamples style and elements that work best for you from Resume these samples.

Business sample resume


Y 5



(606) 555-7777



Morehead State University, Morehead, KY Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance) Relevant Courses: • Quantitative Analysis for Business • Entrepreneurship & Innovation • Principles of Managerial Accounting


On-campus Involvement


Languages – CNC, HTML, C++, .NET Don’t forget to include• vounteer work/community service. framework 3

Classroom practice with 3D modeling Familiar with lean manufacturing principles Software – AutoCAD, SAP

Continuous improvement mindset

EXPERIENCE Widget Company Louisville, KY Supply Chain Intern January 2016- August 2016, January 2017 - present • Designed a new layout for unloading zone that resulted in enhanced time efficiencies. • Researched and tested 12 GPS systems. Based on this research, a single uniform GPS system was bought for all company vehicles (32 total trucks/cars). • Implemented lean projects to increase efficiency in dock operations and storage; increased storage capacity by 36%. • Consulted with safety experts to reduce operator related damages; reduced bent pins on motors saving $50,000 per quarter.

Tip: Employers only spend 15-to-20 seconds skimming your resume. Tip: Include your most impressive sections and content at the top of your resume.

Unknown Public Library Owensboro, KY Library Technician Summer 2014 and 2015 • Developed database in Access that tracked book availability, leading to improved catalog accuracy. • Assisted an average of 120 patrons, daily, by answering questions and checking in/out books while delivering prompt, friendly service. • Managed reservation schedule for two new meeting rooms in response to need for additional space. • Trained two new workers in electronic reserves scanning, leading to 20% increase in available digitized records.



Bachelor of Social Work GPA:articles 3.43 for blog, resulting in 25% increase in subscribers. Expected May 2019 ~ Researched and(BSW) conceived Relevant Courses: Sociology of Punishment, Substance Abuse Treatment Issues, Death and Dying, Family ~ Produced business materials, including: letters, reports, proposals and forms. Systems and Therapy, and PTSD in Military Personnel. ~ Relevant Proof read and edited for publication the internet to ensure accuracy and quality. Project: Posterwritten Projectmaterials “Post Deployment Familyon Trauma and Treatment”

Anticipated Graduation: May 2020 GPA: 3.0

Finance Club Morehead State University Founding Member Spring 2018 – present • Completed paperwork to be recognized as official organization, recruited 50 members and developed mission and bylaws. • Secured $1,075 in the first year from member dues, campus fundraisers and solicitation of local businesses, resulting in a 20% increase in year-to-year revenue. • Grew the club’s investment portfolio to $3,200 in the club’s second year. • Organized visits to the Federal Reserve Bank and Chicago Board of Trade by booking hotels, securing transportation and acquiring travel insurance for 14 club members. Students in Free Enterprise Morehead State University Member Fall 2017-present • Researched, developed and presented a seminar on Asia-Pacific investment in Kentucky for the regional Kentucky Student Finance Association conference. • Volunteered at the Browning Orchard Festival, providing entertainment for 800 visitors.

Tip: Include your most impressive sections and content at the top of your resume.

Football Team Morehead State University Defensive Back Fall 2016-present • Dedicated an average of 25 hours/week to practice, weight lifting, travel and games. • Mentored 12 freshmen (gave campus orientation & reviewed NCAA policies) • Nominated for Morehead State University Athlete of the Year.

1 4

Community Engagement

Special Olympics Lexington, KY Volunteer Summer 2017 SUSIE MARKETER • Supervised and motivated 6 athletes at the Summer Special Olympics 1234 Maple Avenue · Morehead, KY · 40351 · (606) 555-2746 ·


LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES MARKETER Association ofSUSIE Technology, Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Sally S. Smith 1234 Maple Avenue · Morehead, KY · 40351 · (606) 555-2746 · Morehead State University Chapter 100 Soaring Eagle Lane | Morehead, KYAugust 403512016 - present (606) 555-5555 | • Vice President: Developed a financial incentive strategy that increased membership by 10%. Created an alumni network consisting of 28 current engineering professionals in three states. QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION Writing Skills meeting and other activities. Filed registration paperwork with the • Secretary: Documented Morehead State six University Morehead, Kentucky ~ Wrote press releases and circulated to local newspapers. national office and Morehead State University Student them Activities.

Technical sample resume (606) 323-7777

Focus on your most relevant courses.

• • •

Objective: To join the Bank of America Financial Advisor Summer Development Program Education

(606) 323-7777 EDUCATION Morehead State University Morehead, KY Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology Anticipated December 2019 • Design and Manufacturing emphasis • Full-tuition scholarship • Cumulative GPA, 3.2 • Awarded Sophomore of the Year Coursework: Manufacturing & Fabrication, Robotics Systems, Material Science Course project: Tool & Equipment Design (Spring 2018) – Designed & tested rotor. Developed prototype and presented results to a faculty panel.

2 experience. Focus on your activities if you don’t have work

Y nt



Technical sample resume

123 Mountain Drive Morehead, KY 40351

7 u

Y 9

Richard Resume

4040 Eagle Lane; Morehead, KY 40351 (606) 555-5555 |


McBrayer Elementary School

Morehead, KY

QUALIFICATIONS Volunteer Summer 2017 Writing Skills • Read books to first grade students on a weekly basis to promote literacy ~ Wrote six press releases and circulated them to local newspapers. ~ Researched and conceived articles for blog, resulting in 25% increase in subscribers. ~ Produced business materials, including: letters, reports, proposals and forms. ~ Proof read and edited written materials for publication on the internet to ensure accuracy and quality.

Marketing Skills • Interviewed family members at two Army bases utilizing qualitative inquiry / storytelling Marketing Skills ~ Designed, developed and implemented fundraising campaigns, which raised $5,000. • Assisted Dr. Jones in identifying symptoms and resilience attributes in families Designed, developed and implemented fundraising campaigns, which raised $5,000. ~ Evaluated target markets and proposed marketing strategies to clients, leading to adoption of a successful • Presented poster at the Kentucky National Guard Health Symposium November 12, 2017 ~ Evaluated target markets and proposed marketing strategies to clients, leading to adoption of a successful social-media campaign. • Participated in a therapy team to create treatment and support plans for military families social-media campaign. ~ Managed direct mail projects; monitored production teams; oversaw print operations and coordinated ~ Managed direct mail projects; monitored production teams; oversaw print operations and coordinated mailing process with projects completed under budget. EXPERIENCE withPsychiatry projects completed Veterans mailing Hospital,process Outpatient Departmentunder budget. Ft. Pain, Georgia Communication Skills Full-time field placement – Internship May 2018 – August 2018 Communication Skillsassessment for at-risk military personnel returning from deployment utilizing Clinical ~ Addressed customer inquiries; interpreted and delivered information; proposed suggestions; provided • Conducted intake ~ Addressed customer inquiries; interpreted and delivered information; proposed suggestions; provided Assessment of Depression (CAD) guidance; identified, investigated and negotiated conflicts, which resulted in enhanced client-satisfaction. and (PHC) negotiated conflicts, which • guidance; Reviewedidentified, Personal investigated History Checklist and HIPPA forms withresulted clients in enhanced client-satisfaction. ~ Conducted over the phone surveys and analyzed results using the SPS data system to identify ~ • Conducted the phone surveys and between analyzedpsychiatric results using the SPS system to identify Observed over individual treatment sessions physician anddata clients opportunities to deliver new services. deliver new services. • opportunities Created andto facilitated group sessions with family members that promoted self-advocacy ~ Planned, coordinated and hosted engaging events for audiences ranging from 10 to 100 people. ~ • Planned, and hosted engaging events for military audiences ranging from 10 to 100 people. Referredcoordinated family members to government resources personnel • Developed and maintained a resource directory for military families which resulted in a 25% year-to-year Technical Skills increase in referrals Technical Skills ~ Edited videos for use on the internet and in local theaters using Adobe Premiere. Recorded counseling notes SOS Case Manager to ensure accurate data collection ~ • Edited videos for use on the in internet and in local theaters using Adobe Premiere. ~ Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, ~ Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and all Internet functions. Camp Ojibwa Anytown, Ohio Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and all Internet functions. ~ Enhanced social media presence and increased followers across platforms, including but not limited to Camp~Counselor Summersincluding 2015, 2016, Enhanced social media presence and increased followers across platforms, but 2017 not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram • Facebook, Lived in the bunk-house and supervised 15 girls, each summer Twitter, and Instagram ~ Designed and managed website layout and content using WordPress to establish strong brand identity. Planned and and led out-door activities for seventh and eighth campers order tostrong facilitate team~ • Designed managed website layout and content usinggrade WordPress to in establish brand identity. building and social-skills development EDUCATION • Awarded “Counselor of the Year” in 2017 EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Communication – Public Relations option Expected May 2019 Bachelor of Arts in Communication – Public Relations option Expected May 2019 Morehead State University Morehead, KY Bobby’s Barb-b-que Mytown, Kentucky Morehead State University Morehead, KY ~ GPA 3.7 Assistant Manager September 2013 – May 2015 ~ • GPA 3.7 ~ Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Sciences (full-tuition) scholarship Trained 15 new employees with focus on delivering excellence in customer service ~ • Caudill Collegeemployee of Arts, Humanities & Sciences scholarship Coordinated availability and organized(full-tuition) work schedules in order to optimize efficiency WORK HISTORY Cashier/Server WORK HISTORY Fashionable Store, Hebron, KY • Served an average of 45 customers per hour while maintaining 100% accurate register balances Fashionable Hebron, KY • Assistant Manager, May 2017—August 2017 • Passed Store, state mandated health inspection training with A rating • Assistant Manager, May 2017—August 2017 • Clerk, May 2015—April 2017 • Clerk, May 2015—April 2017 PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT MSU National Association of Social Workers August 2015 - present Trendy Place, Hebron, KY Project ChairPlace, ElectedHebron, May 2016 Trendy KY • Display Designer, Spring 2015 • Organized andDesigner, facilitatedSpring the #BackpackForSnacks project at a local middle school to promote healthy • Display 2015 eating habits ACTIVITIES • ACTIVITIES Raised $2,350 to purchase food to fill 125 backpacks with healthy food for underprivileged children Omicron Theta Sorority, Morehead State University Omicron Theta Sorority, Morehead State University • Philanthropy Chair, January 2016—present MSU Nature August 2015 – May 2019 • Eagles Philanthropy Chair, January 2016—present • Event Planner, January 2015—January 2016 Member • Event Planner, January 2015—January 2016 • Co-organized “Eco-Olympics,” which had 88 faculty, staff and students participants Helping You, Hebron, KY • Helping Secured $350 in monetary You, Hebron, KY prizes from community members • Social Media Volunteer, Summer 2014—present • Social Media Volunteer, Summer 2014—present

31 ~


Helping profession sample resume

Functional sample resume 2







Tip: Track when and where you've sent your resume and follow up.

u have:Tip: A functional format may be for you if you have: • A long work history. • Unrelated work experience. • Many similar jobs. 18 | MSU CAREER GUIDE | 17




resumes RESUMES


Resume samples resumes

Technical sample resume Technical sample resume


Resume samples

(606) 555-7777 (606) 323-7777 CHRIS M. SAMPLE CHRIS M. SAMPLE 123 Mountain Drive (606) 555-7777 (606) 323-7777 (Preferred pronouns: He/Him/His) EDUCATION Morehead, KY 40351 123 Mountain Drive (606) 555-7777 (606) 323-7777 Morehead, KY Morehead, KYAnticipated 40351 EDUCATION ng Technology December 2019 Morehead State University Morehead, KY CHRIS M. SAMPLE ng emphasis • Full-tuition scholarship EDUCATION (606)Technology 323-7777 ScienceSophomore in Engineering 2019 123 Mountain Bachelor Drive (606)Anticipated 555-7777 December Morehead, (606) 323-7777 • of Awarded Morehead State University of the Year KY • Material Design and Manufacturing emphasis • Full-tuition scholarship Morehead, KY 40351 Fabrication, Robotics Systems, Science Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology Anticipated December 2022 • Cumulative GPA, 3.2 • Awarded Sophomore of the Year ent Design (Spring 2018) – Designed & tested rotor. Developed • panel. Design and Manufacturing emphasis • Science College of Engineering Academic Coursework: Manufacturing & Fabrication, Robotics Systems, Material EDUCATION presented results to a faculty Scholarship (full-tuition award) • project: Cumulative GPA, 3.2 Course Tool & Equipment Design (Spring 2018) – Designed & tested rotor.KYDeveloped Morehead State University Morehead, project:Technology Tool & Equipment Design (spring 2021) –panel. Designed & tested prototype and presented results to a faculty Bachelor ofSKILLS ScienceCourse in Engineering Anticipated December 2019rotor. Developed prototype and presented results to a faculty panel. modeling • Design and Manufacturing • Languages emphasis – CNC, HTML, C++, .NET • Full-tuition scholarship SKILLS Sophomore of the Year • Cumulative GPA,framework 3.2 • Awarded uring principles SKILLS • • Classroom practice with 3D mindset modeling • Languages – CNC, HTML, C++, .NET Coursework: Manufacturing & Fabrication, Robotics Systems, Material Science Continuous improvement • Classroom practice with 3D modeling • Developed Languages – CNC, HTML, C++, .NET framework • Familiar with lean manufacturing principles Course project: Tool & Equipment Design (Spring 2018) – Designed & tested rotor. framework Familiar with lean results manufacturing principles • Continuous improvement mindset •• Software AutoCAD, SAP to a faculty prototype and –presented panel. EXPERIENCE • Continuous improvement mindset • Software – AutoCAD,(606) SAP 323-7777 Louisville, KY EXPERIENCE SKILLS January 2016- August 2016, January 2017 - present Widget Company Louisville, KY • zone Classroom practice 3D modeling • Languages – CNC, HTML, C++, .NET nloading that resulted inwith enhanced time efficiencies. EXPERIENCE Supply ChainaIntern January 2016- August 2016, January 2017 - present framework • Familiar lean manufacturing PS systems. Basedwith on this research, singleprinciples uniform GPS system was Widget Company Louisville, KY • Designed that resulted in enhanced time efficiencies. Continuous improvement mindset cles (32 trucks/cars). • total Software – AutoCAD, SAP a new layout for unloading• zone Chain Intern August 2020, 2021 - present •Supply Researched and storage; tested 12increased GPS systems. Based on this January research,2019a single uniform GPS January system was to increase efficiency in dock operations and storage • bought Designed a new layout for unloading zone that resulted in enhanced time efficiencies. for all company vehicles (32 total trucks/cars). EXPERIENCE Researched and tested 12 systems. Based on this research, astorage; singleKY uniform GPS system was •• Implemented lean projects to GPS increase efficiency in dock operations and increased storage Widgetoperator Company Louisville, ts to reduce related damages; reduced bent pins on motors capacity SupplyCHRIS Chain Intern January 2016, January 2017 - present bought by for36%. all company vehicles (322016totalAugust trucks/cars). M. SAMPLE • Consulted with safety experts to reduce operator related damages; reduced bent pins on motors • Designed a new• layout for unloading zone that resulted in enhanced timeinefficiencies. (606) 555-7777 (606) 323-7777 Implemented lean projects to increase efficiency dock operations and storage; increased storage saving per quarter. • Researched and tested 12$50,000 GPS Based Owensboro, on this research, KY a single uniform GPS system was capacity bysystems. 36%. bought for all company vehicles (32 total trucks/cars). Summer 2014 and 2015 • Consulted with safety experts to reduce operator related damages; reduced bent pins on motors Unknown Public Library Owensboro, KY EDUCATION Implemented lean projects to increase in accuracy. dock operations and storage; increased storage ss that• tracked book availability, leading to improved catalog saving $50,000 perefficiency quarter. Library Technician Summer 2014 and 2015 Morehead, capacity by 36%. patrons, daily, by answering questions and checking in/out books while KY Developed database inoperator AccessDecember that tracked book availability, leading to motors improved catalog accuracy. Public Library Owensboro, KY ering Technology Anticipated 2019 • Consulted with•Unknown safety experts to reduce related damages; reduced bent pins on service. an average of 120 daily, by answering questions and checking in/out books while Summer 2018 and 2019 uring emphasis •Technician Full-tuition scholarship $50,000•Library perAssisted quarter. ule for twosaving new meeting rooms in response to need for patrons, additional delivering prompt, friendly service. • Awarded Sophomore of thethat Yeartracked book availability, leading to improved catalog accuracy. • Developed database in Access • Managed reservation schedule for two new meeting rooms in response to need for additional Unknown Public Library Owensboro, KY &electronic Fabrication, Robotics Systems, Material Science reserves scanning, leading to increase in available • Assisted an20% average of 120 patrons, daily, by answering questions and checking in/out books while Library (Spring Technician Summer 2014 and 2015 ment Design 2018) –space. Designed tested rotor. Developed delivering& prompt, friendly service. Trained two that new tracked workersbook in electronic reserves scanning, leading to 20% increase in available nd presented results to a•faculty • Developed database inpanel. Access availability, to improved catalog accuracy. • Managed reservation schedule for twoleading new meeting rooms in response to need for additional digitized records. SUSIE MARKETER • LEADERSHIP Assisted anACTIVITIES average of 120 patrons, daily, by answering questions and checking in/out books while space. 1234 Maple Avenue · Morehead, KY · 40351 · (606) 555-2746 · SKILLS prompt, friendly(ATMAE) service. nagementdelivering and Applied Engineering • Trained two new workers in electronic reserves scanning, leading to 20% increase in available SUSIE MARKETER LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES D modeling • schedule Languages CNC,new HTML, C++, .NET pter August 2016 - present • Managed reservation for– two meeting rooms in response to need for additional 1234 Maple Avenue · Morehead, KY · 40351 · (606) 555-2746 · digitized Association ofrecords. Technology, Management framework acturing space. strategy financialprinciples incentive that increased membership by 10%. and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) QUALIFICATIONS Morehead State University Chapter August 2016 present • Continuous improvement mindset consisting of 28 current engineering professionals in three states. • Trained two new workers in electronic reserves scanning, leading to 20% ACTIVITIES increase in available Writing Skills LEADERSHIP • Filed Viceregistration President: Developed financial strategy that increased by 10%. records. ~ membership Wrote six press releases and circulated them to local newspapers. eting and digitized other activities. paperworkaManagement with the incentive QUALIFICATIONS Association of Technology, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Created an alumni network consisting of 28 current engineering professionals in threeand states. Writing Skills EXPERIENCE ~ Researched conceived articles for blog, resulting in 25% increase in subscribers. ad State University Student Activities. Morehead State University Chapter August 2020 - present SUSIE MARKETER ~ Wrote six press • Secretary: Documented meeting and other activities. Filed registration paperwork with the SUSIE MARKETER ~ Produced business materials, including: letters, reports, proposals and releases forms. and circulated them to local newspapers. Louisville, KY LEADERSHIP ACTIVITIES 1234 Avenue · Morehead, KY · 40351 · (606)incentive 555-2746 strategy · • Maple Vice President: Developed aState financial that increased by written 10%. materials 1234 Maple Avenue~· Morehead, KY ·and 40351 · (606) 555-2746 ·for Researched articlesand blog, resulting in 25% increase in subscribers. ~ Proof membership read and edited for publication on the internet to conceived ensure accuracy quality. national office and Morehead University Student Activities. January 2016August 2016, 2017 - present(ATMAE) Association of Technology, Management andJanuary Applied Engineering Created an alumni network consisting of 28 current engineering professionals in three states. ~ Produced business materials, including: letters, reports, proposals and forms. r unloading zone that in enhanced Morehead Stateresulted University Chapter time efficiencies. August 2016 - present Marketing paperwork Skills ~ Proof read and edited written materials for publication on the internet to ensure accuracy and quality. • Secretary: Documented meeting and other activities. Filed registration with the QUALIFICATIONS GPS systems. Based on this research, a single uniform system wasincreased membership by 10%. • Vice President: Developed a financial incentiveGPS strategy that QUALIFICATIONS ~ Designed, developed and implemented fundraising campaigns, which raised $5,000. Writingnetwork Skills consisting national office andofMorehead State University StudentinActivities. ehicles (32Created total trucks/cars). an alumni 28 current engineering professionals three states. Writingmarketing Skills Marketing Skills ~ Evaluated target markets and proposed strategies to clients, leading to adoption of a successful ~ Wrote six press releases and circulated them to local newspapers. ts to increase efficiency in dock operations increasedFiled storage ~ Wrote six press anddeveloped circulated and themimplemented to local newspapers. • Secretary: Documented meetingand andstorage; other activities. registration paperwork with the ~ releases Designed, fundraising campaigns, which raised $5,000. ~ Researched and conceived articles for blog, resulting in 25% increase in social-media subscribers. campaign. ~ Researched and conceived articles for blog,and resulting in 25% increase in subscribers. national office and Morehead State University Student Activities. ~ Managed direct mail projects; monitored production teams; oversaw print operations and coordinated ~ Evaluated target markets proposed marketing strategies to clients, leading to adoption of a successful ~ Produced business materials, including: letters, reports, proposals and forms. ~ Produced materials, including: erts to reduce operator related damages; reduced bent pins on motors mailingaccuracy process and with quality. projects completed under business campaign.letters, reports, proposals and forms. ~ Proof read and edited written materials for publication on the internet to ensure ~ Proof read and~ edited written materials for publication on the internet to ensure accuracy and quality. and coordinated er. Managed direct mail projects; monitored production teams; oversaw print operations

GPA is optional but relevant. Include 3.0 or higher.

Technical sample resume


Technical sample resume

Even if you haven’t earned it yet, include your degree.








Technical sample resume





Tip: Include your most impressive sections and Tip:your Include your most impressive sections and content at sample the top of resume. Technical resume content at the top of your resume. Tip: Include your most impressive sections and Tip: Include your most impressive sections and content at the top of your resume. content at the top of your resume. 2





3 Tip:


Include your most impressive sections and 2 1 content at the top 5 of your resume. 3




3 impressive sections and Tip: Include your most content at the top of your resume.


3 onal sample resume Functional sample resume

Communication Skills mailing process with projects completed under budget. Marketing Skills Marketing Skills Addressed Owensboro, KY ~ Designed, developed and implemented fundraising campaigns, which~raised $5,000.customer inquiries; interpreted and delivered information; proposed suggestions; provided ~andDesigned, developed and implemented fundraisingclient-satisfaction. campaigns, which raised $5,000. guidance; identified, investigated negotiated conflicts, which resulted Communication Skillsin enhanced Summer 2014 and 2015 ~ Evaluated target markets and proposed marketing strategies to clients, leading to adoption of a successful 1234 Maple Avenue · Morehead, KY · 40351 · (606) 555-2746 · ~ and Evaluated target proposed marketing strategies to clients, leading to adoption of a successful ~ Conducted over the phone surveys analyzed results usingand thecustomer SPS datainquiries; system to identify and ~ markets Addressed interpreted delivered information; proposed suggestions; provided social-media campaign. cess that tracked book availability, leading to improved catalog accuracy. social-media campaign. opportunities to deliver new services. guidance; identified, investigated and negotiated conflicts, which resulted in enhanced client-satisfaction. ~ Managed directand mail projects; monitored production teams; oversaw print operations and coordinated 0 patrons, daily, by answering questions checking in/out books while ~ Managed direct mail projects; monitored production teams; oversaw print operations and coordinated ~ Planned, coordinated and hosted engaging events ~for audiences 10 to 100 people. Conductedranging over thefrom phone surveys and analyzed results using the SPS data system to identify mailing process with projects completed under budget. QUALIFICATIONS y service. mailing process with projects completed budget. opportunities to deliverunder new services. edule for two new Writing meeting Skills rooms in response to need for additional Technical Skills ~ Planned, coordinated and hosted engaging events for audiences ranging from 10 to 100 people. Skills and circulated them to local newspapers. ~ Communication Wrote six press releases Communication Skills using Adobe Premiere. ~ Edited videos for use on the internet and in local theaters Addressed customer inquiries; and delivered suggestions; provided ~ ~Researched and conceived articlesinterpreted for blog, resulting in 25%information; increase inproposed subscribers. ~ Addressedknowledge customer inquiries; and delivered information; in electronic reserves scanning, leading to 20%investigated increase in available Technical Skillsinterpreted ~ Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher,proposed suggestions; provided guidance; identified, and letters, negotiated conflicts, whichand resulted ~ Produced business materials, including: reports, proposals enhanced client-satisfaction. guidance; identified, investigated and conflicts, resulted in using enhanced client-satisfaction. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and all Internet ~ functions. Edited videos for usenegotiated on the internet and which in local theaters Adobe Premiere. Conducted thewritten phonematerials surveys and analyzed results thetoSPS data system toand identify ~ ~Proof read andover edited for publication on theusing internet ensure accuracy quality. phone and analyzedbut results using the SPS dataofsystem to identify ~ Enhanced social media presence~andConducted increased over followers acrosssurveys platforms, including not limited to ~ the Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated knowledge Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, opportunities to deliver new services. opportunities to deliver new services. Facebook, and Instagram Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and all Internet functions. SUSIE MARKETER LEADERSHIP ~ ACTIVITIES Planned, from 10 to Twitter, 100 people. Marketing Skillscoordinated and hosted engaging events for audiences ranging ~40351 Planned, coordinated and hosted engaging events audiences from 10 toplatforms, 100 people. ~ 1234 Designed and managed website and content WordPress to establish strongfor brand identity.ranging Maple Avenue · Morehead, KY ·layout · (606) 555-2746 · ~using Enhanced social media presence and increased followers across including but not limited to Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) ~ Designed, developed and implemented fundraising campaigns, which raised $5,000. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram hapter 2016marketing - present strategies to clients, leading to adoption of a successful Technical Skills ~ Technical Evaluated Skills target markets andAugust proposed EDUCATION ~ Designed and managed website layout and content using WordPress to establish strong brand identity. ~social-media Edited videos for use on the internet and in local theaters using Adobe Premiere. campaign. d a financial incentive strategy that increased membership by 10%. Edited videos option for use on the internet and in local theaters using Adobe Premiere. QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Arts in Communication –~Public Relations Expected May 2019 ~Managed Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, direct mail projects; production teams; oversaw printMorehead operations and coordinated rk consisting of 28 ~current engineering professionals inmonitored three states. ~ Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Writing Skills State University Morehead, KY EDUCATION Adobe Photoshop, Adobe completed InDesign, and all budget. Internet functions. mailing process with projects under Adobethem Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and all Internet functions. Wrote releases and circulated to local newspapers. meeting and other activities. Filed registration paperwork with the ~ ~ GPA 3.7 six press Bachelor of Arts in Communication – Public Relations option Expected May 2019 ~ Enhanced social media presence and increased followers across platforms, including but not limited to ~ &Enhanced social media presence and followers across platforms, including butMorehead, not limitedKY to Researched conceived articles for blog, resulting in 25% increase in increased subscribers. head State University Student Activities. Morehead State University ~ ~ Caudill Collegeand of Arts, Humanities Sciences (full-tuition) scholarship Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Communication Skills Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram ~establish Produced business materials, including: letters, reports, proposals and forms. ~ GPA 3.7 ~ Designed and managed website layout and content using WordPress to strong brand identity. ~ Addressed customer inquiries; interpreted and delivered information; proposed suggestions; provided ~ Designed and managed website layout and content using WordPress to establish strong brand identity. ~ Proof read and edited written materials for publication on the internet to ensure accuracy and quality. WORK HISTORY ~ Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Sciences (full-tuition) scholarship guidance; identified, investigated and negotiated conflicts, which resultedFashionable in enhancedStore, client-satisfaction. Hebron, KY ~ EDUCATION Conducted over the phone surveys and analyzed results using the SPS data toSkills identify EDUCATION Marketing • system Assistant Manager, May 2017—August 2017 WORK HISTORY Bachelor of Arts in Communication – Public Relations option Expected May 2019 opportunities to deliver new services. Bachelorfundraising of Arts inFashionable Communication – Public Relations option Expected May 2019 ~ • Designed, developed and2017 implemented campaigns, which raised $5,000. Store, Hebron, KY Clerk,KY May 2015—April State University Morehead, ~ Morehead Planned, coordinated and hosted engaging events for audiences ranging from 10 to 100 people. Moreheadmarketing State University Morehead, KY ~ Evaluated target markets and proposed strategies to clients, leading adoption of a successful • Assistant Manager, Mayto2017—August 2017 ~ GPA 3.7 ~ GPA 3.7 social-media campaign. Trendy Place, Hebron, KY • Clerk, May 2015—April 2017 ~ Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Sciences (full-tuition) scholarship Technical Skills ~ Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Sciences (full-tuition) scholarship ~ • Managed direct mailSpring projects; monitored production teams; oversaw print operations and coordinated Display Designer, 2015 ~ Edited videos for use on the internet and in local theaters using Adobe Premiere. mailing process with projects completed under budget. Trendy Place, Hebron, KY HISTORY ~ WORK Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, WORK HISTORY ACTIVITIES • Display Designer, Spring 2015 Fashionable Store, Hebron, KY Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and all Internet functions. Fashionable Store, Hebron, KY Communication Skills Omicron Theta Sorority, Morehead State University • Assistant May 2017—August 2017 ~ Enhanced social Manager, media presence and increased followers across platforms, but not limitedinquiries; to • Assistant Manager, May 2017—August ~ •including Addressed customer interpreted and delivered information; proposed2017 suggestions; provided Philanthropy Chair, January 2016—present ACTIVITIES • Clerk, May 2015—April 2017 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram • negotiated Clerk, MayOmicron 2015—April 2017 identified, investigated and conflicts, which resulted Morehead in enhanced client-satisfaction. Theta Sorority, State University • guidance; Event Planner, January 2015—January 2016 ~ Designed and managed website layout and content using WordPress to establish strong brand identity. ~ Conducted over the phone surveys and analyzed results using the SPS data system to identify • Philanthropy Chair, January 2016—present Trendy Place, Hebron, KY Trendy Place, Hebron, KY opportunities to deliver new services. Helping You, Hebron, KY • Event Planner, January 2015—January 2016 • Display Designer, Spring 2015 EDUCATION •2014—present Display Designer, Spring 2015 ~ • Planned, coordinated and Summer hosted engaging events for audiences ranging from 10 to 100 people. Social Media Volunteer, Bachelor of Arts in Communication – Public Relations option Expected May 2019 Helping You, Hebron, KY ACTIVITIES Morehead State University Morehead, KY Skills ACTIVITIES Technical • Social Media Volunteer, Summer 2014—present ~ Omicron GPA 3.7 Theta Sorority, Morehead State University Omicron Sorority, Morehead StatePremiere. University ~ Edited videos for use on the internet andTheta in local theaters using Adobe • Philanthropy Chair, January 2016—present ~ Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Sciences (full-tuition) scholarship • Philanthropy Chair, of January 2016—present ~ Achieved computer proficiency; demonstrated knowledge Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, • Event Planner, January 2015—January 2016 • and Event Planner,functions. January 2015—January 2016 Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, all Internet WORK HISTORY ~ Enhanced social media presence and increased followers across platforms, including but not limited to Helping You, Hebron, KYKY Fashionable Store, Hebron, Helping You, Hebron, KY Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram • Social Media Volunteer, Summer 2014—present • Assistant Manager, May 2017—August 2017 • Social Media Volunteer, Summer ~ Designed and managed website layout and content using WordPress to 2014—present establish strong brand identity. • Clerk, May 2015—April 2017




Functional sample resume 1 5





ional sample resume






nal format may be for you if you have: Tip:. A functional format may be for you if you 5have: g work 5history • A.long work history. ated work experience have:Tip:4 A functional format may be for you if you • Unrelated work experience . have: y similar jobs. • A long•work . jobs. Manyhistory similar • Unrelated work experience. 5 • Many similar jobs. 4 ave: MSU CAREER GUIDE | 19 Trendy Place, Hebron, KY • Display Designer, Spring 2015

ACTIVITIES Omicron Theta Sorority, Morehead State University • Philanthropy Chair, January 2016—present • Event Planner, January 2015—January 2016

Helping You, Hebron, KY • Social Media Volunteer, Summer 2014—present

EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Communication – Public Relations option Expected May 2019 Morehead State University Morehead, KY ~ GPA 3.7 ~ Caudill College of Arts, Humanities & Sciences (full-tuition) scholarship WORK HISTORY Fashionable Store, Hebron, KY • Assistant Manager, May 2017—August 2017 • Clerk, May 2015—April 2017



COVER LETTERS Cover letters

Cover letters can be a great way to differentiate you as an applicant. Keep in

Cover letters be a greatletter way to youapplication. as an applicant. Keep ainpoorly mind mind that acan well-written willdifferentiate only help your However, one can letter be detrimental. Since there is no oneHowever, way to write a letter that thatwritten a well-written will only help your application. a poorly written will work for every situation, you should give as much thought and time to your one can be detrimental. Since there is no one way to write a letter that will work for letter writing you as you do your other search activities. These tipsletter should help get every situation, should give as much thought and time to your writing as you started on the right track. you do your other search activities. These tips should help get you started on the right track.


What to do and not to do

Don’t write a generic impersonal letter.

Don’t write a generic impersonal letter.

Formatting FORMATTINGguidelines GUIDELINES •

Avoid generic letters or templates.

Use business letter format.

Keep it to one page.

Use common fonts, size 10.5 to 12, such as: Arial, Calibri, Verdana.

These simply don’t work. Tailor your letter to the organization and the position for

These simply work. Tailor your to the organization positionmotivated for whichand youaare applying. Doing so will which you don’t are applying. Doing so letter will demonstrate that youand arethe informed, good fit. demonstrate that you are informed, motivated and a good fit.

Do connect your background to the job description.

DoPay connect your to background to the attention the qualities thatjob aredescription. being sought in the job description. Brainstorm before you write the letter, make a list the stated from the position description your key Consider qualifications. Payofattention to needs the qualities that are being sought inand theidentify job description. brainstorming before you write the letter. Make a list of the stated needs from the position description and identify your key qualifications.

Don’t be self-centered.

Don’t beyour self-centered. sure to write your letter from a work/employer-centered perspective. Thisyou is can youradd chance to and show that Write letter fromBe a work/employer-centered perspective. This is your chance to show that value youcause can add and cause thetoemployer to about want toyou. learn more about you. thevalue employer to want learn more include relevant accomplishments. DoDo include your your relevant accomplishments. Include specific examples. Don’t state Microsoft Excel. a detailed example shows Include specific examples. Don’t justjust state thatthat youyou cancan use use Microsoft Excel. GiveGive a detailed example that that shows howhow you’ve you’ve usedpast. it in You the past. You can draw examples work, activities, volunteer internships, activities, internships, student used it in the can draw examples from classfrom work,class volunteer athletic or athletic student or organization organization participation. Youpertinent need to lay all pertinent so the can hiring manager canexperience easily see your participation. You need to lay all information out information so the hiringout manager easily see your and qualities are experience and qualities are a fit for the employer’s needs. Bulleting your accomplishments in your cover letter is an a fit for the employer’s needs. Bulleting your accomplishments in your cover letter is an option. option.

Don’t forget to customize.

Don’t forget to customize.

If you are applying to a number of similar positions, you may be tweaking the same cover letter and using it for multiple openings. If you are applying to a number of similar positions, you may be tweaking the same cover letter and using it for multiple Don’t forget to update the company, job and contact name. openings. Don’t forget to update the company, job and contact name.

Do proofread.

Do proofread.

YouYou want to present the best image possible and typos and grammatical errors create a poor impression. Be sure to have your want to present the best image possible and typos and grammatical errors create a poor impression. Have your letter letter thoroughly proofread. Career Services is available review these. thoroughly proofread by someone you trust or CareertoServices. Don’t repeatrepeat your resume. Don’t your resume.

ThisTell is ayour chance to tell a more story proving skillsthe andskills qualifications that are briefly outlined your resume. more detailed story usingdetailed the STAR method thatthe proves and qualifications that are briefly in outlined in your Employers request a cover letter to evaluate writtenyour communication skills, so keep sentence structure clear and resume.often Employers often request a cover letter your to evaluate written communication skills, so keep sentence structure concise. You want to build a case that you are the best fit. clear and concise. You want to build a case that you are the best fit. DoDo sendsend a thank-you letter.letter. a thank-you of the most effective tools a search. is used to express appreciation strengthen candidacy. ThisThis cancan be be oneone of the most effective tools in ainsearch. It isItused to express appreciation and and strengthen youryour candidacy. A good good ruleisofthat thumb is thatwho everyone anyaway gets a letter. thank-you great way toafter follow-up after ruleA of thumb everyone helps who you inhelps any you wayingets thank-you It’s aletter. great It’s waya to follow-up an interview. an interview. If you forgot to discuss a relevant accomplishment, If you forgot to discuss a relevant accomplishment, then include it in then your include letter. it in your letter.


20 |


today's date

This example provides an outline for how to format your cover letter and guides you in the creation of specific paragraphs. Your cover letter must reflect your own personal writing style and connect your background to the employer’s needs.

Opening paragrah Middle paragraph(s) Last paragraph



TIPS FOR PHONE AND VIDEO INTERVIEWS Prepare notes to use during the interview, but don’t simply read your responses. Keep your tone friendly and pleasant by smiling when you speak. Speak clearly and be concise. Avoid filler words such as “like,” “you know” and “umm.” Rather than holding the phone up to your ear, try putting it on speaker phone. Make sure that there is no background noise. Dress professionally as if you were going to an in person interview. Pick a quiet, well-lit, uncluttered space to do your video interview. Test equipment and technology beforehand. Close all other programs on your computer. Look at the camera rather than the screen. Practice in these conditions. Do a mock interview using the InterviewLink software.


INTERVIEWING What is the purpose of an interview? It is ultimately to exchange information. The employer is evaluating you and your ability to do the job and you are evaluating the organization to see whether or not it matches your interests and values.

Interview preparation Know the company, the position and yourself. Impress your interviewer with your knowledge of the organization or the position for which you are applying. Give yourself ample time to research and think how your qualifications match the company and the position. This research will help prove your interest in the organization during the interview and will CONSIDER THESE QUESTIONS help you formulate good, intelligent questions to ask your interviewer. Where do you research basic facts about the company? •

Company website.

Social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).

External review sites (such as Glassdoor).

Your network.

Know the logistics. Interviews can come in a variety of forms; one-on-one, panel, lunch, phone and more. Be prepared for a specific style. Know the date, time, location, parking details and your interviewer’s name(s). If these aren’t initially provided, just ask. Prepare your route ahead of time, consider traffic patterns at different times of day and plan to be there 15 minutes early.

What are the organization’s mission, vision and values? What products and/or services does the organization provide? How large is its staff? Who are some of its top clients and competitors? Where are its main offices located? What direction has the organization taken over the past couple of years? How does this position contribute to the organization’s mission? What job responsibilities does this position entail? How do my qualifications prepare me for this position? What salary ranges are typical at this position, industry and location?

Take a few key items with you to the interview. Carry a professional looking portfolio with paper, a pen, extra resumes, transcripts and references. If your field warrants, take a few samples of your best work. Be prepared to present and discuss them if an appropriate moment arrives.

Behavioral-based interviews are a common questioning style that asks you to focus on your past experiences to demonstrate whether or not you possess the skills and behaviors that the employer is seeking. It's easier to answer these questions if you have analyzed the job description interview and know what skills are required. Then, you can Answering questions identify situations where you have demonstrated those skills and Behavioral-based are a common questioning style that behaviors. Try the interviews following method: asks you to focus on your past experiences to demonstrate whether Answering interview STAR METHOD or not you possess the skills and behaviors that the employer is questions seeking. It's easier to answer these if you have analyzed S Situation: Where were you?questions What happened? the jobBehavioral-based description and know whatare skills are required. Then, style you can interviews a common questioning Tidentifythat Task: What needed to be done? Why? asks you to focus on your past experiences to demonstrate situations where you have demonstrated those skills and whether or not you possess the skills and behaviors that the behaviors. Try the following method: A Action: What did you do? How did you do it?



employer is seeking. It’s easier to answer these questions if youResults: have analyzed the job know what skills STAR METHOD R What was thedescription outcome ofand your actions? are required. Then, you can identify situations where you have S Situation: Where wereand you? What happened? demonstrated those skills behaviors. Try the following method:



A me about Action:a What did you did you it? in a team." "Tell time when youdo? hadHow to deal withdoconflict R What was the were outcome ofWhat your actions? S Results: Situation: Where happened? POSSIBLE RESPONSE USING THEyou? STAR METHOD: "[S:] Last was inneeded a Public Relations Campaign course T semester Task:I What to be done? Why? where we had to design aINTERVIEW marketing campaign for a local nonprofit's TYPICAL QUESTION: A BEHAVIORAL What did you do it? dog show. [T:] ItAction: was difficult toyou get do? the How teamdid members to agree "Tell me about a time when you had to deal with conflict in a [A:] team." on the best way to promote as everyone had different ideas. R Results: What was the outcome of your actions? IPOSSIBLE organized aRESPONSE group brainstorming session to focus on common USING THE STAR METHOD: themes in the ideas. [R:] We focused on three ideas ranging from "[S:] semester I was in a Public Campaign courseand pressLast releases local newspapers toRelations socialQUESTION: media awareness TYPICALinBEHAVIORAL INTERVIEW where we participation had to design marketing campaign a conflict local nonprofit's “Tell me about a time when you had to dealfor with in increased bya 15 percent." dog show. [T:] It was difficult to get the team members to agree a team.” on the best way to promote as everyone had different ideas. [A:] POSSIBLE USING THEto STAR I organized a groupRESPONSE brainstorming session focusMETHOD: on common “[S:] Last semester, I was in a Public Relations Campaign Questions to ask the interviewer themescourse in the where ideas. we [R:]had Wetofocused on three ideas ranging from design a marketing campaign for a local press releases local newspapers todifficult social will media awareness Near the end ofinthe interview, employer likely ask you ifand nonprofit’s dog show. [T:] the It was to get the team members increased participation byIt way 15 percent." to agree on the best to promote as everyone had different you have any questions. is crucial that you ask questions showing ideas. [A:] I organized a group brainstorming session to focus that you have done your research and that you are interested in the on common themes in the ideas. [R:] We focused on three ideas company. It is a good idea to prepare a list of potential questions ranging from press releases in local newspapers to social media beforehand, keeping mind that some of them may be answered Questions toinincreased ask the interviewer awareness and participation by 15%.” in the natural flow of the conversation. Near the end of the interview, the employer will likely ask you if Some example questions for yourthat interviewer: Questions ask the you have any questions. It isto crucial you ask questions showing that you have done your research and that are interested in the • What are some projects that I can you expect? interviewer company. It is a good idea to prepare a list of potential questions Neardid the end choose ofinthe interview, the will likely ask you if • Why you tothat work foremployer company? beforehand, keeping mind some ofthis them may be answered you have any questions. It is crucial that you ask questions in the natural flow of the conversation.

skills/accomplishments. Common question themes are leadership, teamwork problem-solving so prepare STAR responses with COMMONandQUESTIONS these in mind. There are unlimited questions that may be asked. However, most interviews consist of questions related to items in the job Tell me aboutTryyourself. COMMON QUESTIONS description. preparing STAR responses for your Top 5 relevant skills/accomplishments. Common question themes are leadership, teamwork and problem-solving prepare STAR responses with How didare you choose this as yoursocareer field? There unlimited questions that may be asked. these in mind. Practice preparing STAR Method responses for these: What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses? Tell me about yourself. Tell me about a time when you were participating in a team project How did you choose thispulling as yourhis/her careerweight. field? What did you do to and somebody was not help the team finish the project on time? What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses? Give me an example of a time that your communication skills helped accomplish a task. Tell me you about a time when you were participating in a team project and somebody was not pulling his/her weight. What did you do to helpme theabout team afinish on time?on a project and an Tell timethe youproject were working unexpected obstacle came up. How did you handle it? Give me an example of a time that your communication skills helped accomplish a task. Give anyou example of a time that you were tasked with meeting a deadline. Tell me about a time you were working on a project and an unexpected cameyou’ve up. How didwith you an handle Tell me aboutobstacle a time that dealt upsetit?customer. Give anareexample of a timegoals? that you were tasked with meeting a What your short-term deadline. Why are you the best person for the job? Tell me about a time that you’ve dealt with an upset customer.

Discussing salarygoals? What are your short-term

After thediscussion interview Save the salary for after you receive an offer, but you

should have a salary range expectation from your research prior to

Why you thetyped best thank-you person forletter the job? Send anare individual, or email to each the interview. Researching a salary time.thing Contact career interviewer within 24 hours. This is notcan onlytake a polite to doabut for data on first salary offers., acounselor way to strengthen your candidacy and toTry remind him/her of your or Try to bracket your qualifications.

Discussing salary

salary range to start within the employer's probable range and end Save theabove salarywhat discussion for after receive an offer, but you slightly you expect. Takeyou time (at least 24 hours) to Discussing salary should have a salary range expectation from your research prior tothat consider any job offer before refusing or accepting it. Remember the interview. Researching a after salaryyou canreceive take time. Contact a career Save the discussion for an offer, but you salary is salary not the only factor. • How would culture? showing thatyou youdescribe have doneyour your company research and that you are should havefora salary from research prior to counselor data onrange first expectation salary offers. Tryyour, the company. is a good idea to prepare a list of Some interested example inquestions for Ityour interviewer: the interview. Researching a salary can take time. a career or TryContact to bracket your After the interview • What do you like most (least) keeping about working here? potential questions beforehand, in mind that some of them counselor for data on first salary offers. salary range to start within the employer's probable range and end • What areanswered some projects that flow I canofexpect? may be in the natural the conversation. Send an individual, typed thank-you letter or email to each slightly above what you expect. Take timeor( least 24 hours) to Try, interviewer 24 hours. This is notwithin a polite to do, but • Why didpossible you choose to work company? Try to bracket youroffer salary range to start the employer’s consider anywithin job before refusing oronly accepting it.thing Remember that Some questions for for yourthis interviewer: also a way to strengthen your candidacy and to remind him/her of probable range and end slightly above what you expect. Take time salary is not the only factor. What some projects that I can expect? • How • would youare describe your company culture? (at 24 hours) to consider any job offer before refusing or yourleast qualifications. did you workworking for this company? • What• do Why you like mostchoose (least)toabout here? •

How would you describe your company culture?

What do you like most (least) about working here?

After the interview

accepting it. Remember that salary is not the only factor.

CAREER Send an individual, typed thank-you letter MSU or email to eachGUIDE | 23 interviewer within 24 hours. This is not only a polite thing to do, but also a way to strengthen your candidacy and to remind him/her of your qualifications. 22


PROFESSIONAL DRESS What’s appropriate to wear to an interview? The first impression you make is the most important one and the initial judgment an interviewer makes is often based on how you look and what you are wearing. That’s why it’s always important to dress professionally for a job interview, even if the work environment is casual. A good rule of thumb is to dress one step above the day-to-day attire at the organization. You want to present yourself as a qualified professional. Consider everything. Think about your hair, breath, clothing, shoes, smile, handshake, eye contact and what you carry with you.



Consider if sandals/ flip flops, tennis shoes and/or tattoos are appropriate for the work place.

Tuck in your shirt.

Keep facial hair well-trimmed.

Wear closed-toed shoes.


NIAH Biology

HUNTER Social Work

KARISS Science

Appropriate dress varies depending on the situation. Do your research so you can dress to fit the work environment and nature of the interview. A conservative law firm probably prefers you to wear a full suit, while an interviewer for a part-time job at a retail store may prefer you wear khakis and a polo shirt. If you are unsure about what to wear for an interview, ask the recruiter.

Need professional clothing? Career Services offers a free Suit Bank to MSU students and alumni. The Suit Bank is located in our office and can be accessed during normal business hours (drop-ins welcome). We will be happy to help or advise you on how to choose appropriate attire for an interview or presentation. Available clothing includes: men’s suits, shirts and ties, as well as women’s suits (pants and skirt), blouses and shoes.

BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL Wear matching jacket and bottom.

Carry a portfolio. Polish your shoes.

Press your clothes.

RILEY Horticulture

FRANK Space Science Engineering

CHEYENNE Masters of Communication

BRENT Masters of Business Administration 24

TOP1010 ATTRIBUTES DESIRED Top attributes desired BY EMPLOYERS by employers


Ability toskills work in a team Top 10 attributes desired 1.1. Communication (written) Problem-solving by employers 2.2. Problem-solving skills skills

skills 3.3. Ability Analytical/quantitative to work in a team Communication skills (verbal) 4.4. Initiative Communicationskills skills (written) 5.5. Analytical/quantitative 6.6. Initiative Strong work ethic


Education abroad

• Internships Chronicle of Higher Education •

Undergraduate research

Service learning/volunteering

On-campus clubs/ organizations

7.7. Leadership Communication skills (verbal)

8. Leadership Technical skills 9. Flexibility/adaptability 9. Detail-oriented 10. Strong work ethic 8.

10. Technical skills

Source: National Association of Colleges Employers This a sample of theoforganizations recruitingrecruiting MSU students. Thisisisonly only a sample the organizations MSU students. Source: National Association of and Colleges and Source: NACE Research: Job2019 Outlook 2016 – Job Outlook There are more than 4,000 organizations in CareerNet. Log in to view them. Employers – Job Outlook 2021 There are more than 4,300 organizations in CareerNet. Log in to view them. Adecco Adecco Aerotek Inc. Aerotek Alliance Healthcare Services Amazon Customer Service Amazon Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH) American Cross AppalachianRed School of Law Aramark - MSU School Dining of Law Appalachian Ararat Ridge Zoo AppHarvest Asbury Theological Seminary Asbury Theological Baldwin CPAs, PLLC Seminary Baptist& Health Lexington Baird Baird, P.S.C. Becker Professional Education Baptist Health Lexington Bluegrass Writers Studio Low-Res MFA Bechtel BluePearl Veterinary Partners Bon Secours Blue & Co.,Health LLC System Brasfield & Gorrie Bluegrass Chemical Bridge Logisitics Inc. Agent-Destruction Campbellsville University Graduate Pilot Plant (BGCAPP) Admissions Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital Bluegrass Writers Studio Christian Appalachian Project Low-Res MFA Cintas Corporation CareSource Clark Regional Medical Center Consulting Pharma Services Incorporated Catalent Solutions (CSI) Correct Care Solutions CHI Saint Joseph Health Country View Family Farms Chism Automation Countryside Rentals (dba Rent-2-Own) CTI Foods Christian Appalachian Project Divisions Maintenance Group Cintas East Kentucky Power Cooperative Cornett Eastern Kentucky University - MA in English D&S Community Services Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) Deloitte Consulting Services Eastern Kentucky University Master of Public Health Disney College Program Eastern Kentucky University Online Eastern Kentucky Correctional Eastern Kentucky University, Dept of Educational Leadership & Complex Counselor Education Eastern Kentucky University EKU Department of Recreation & Park (EKU) Administration EKU School of Justice Studies Eastern Kentucky University EKU/Bluegrass Writers Studio Low-Res MasterMFA of Public HealthHoldings Program Enterprise Family Connection, (Hope Hill Youth Eastern KentuckyInc. University Services)

Online Eastern State Hospital Farm Credit Mid-America Fayette County Public Enterprise HoldingsSchools

Fluor-BWXT Portsmouth LLC Fresh Start Health Centers Foresters Financial Services, Inc. Fund forRegional Global Medical Health Center Frankfort Goodwill of Kentucky GatewayIndustries Area Development Hardin County Public Schools District Highlands Regional Medical Center GattonAutomotive College ofSystems Business and Hitachi Americas, Inc. Economics-University of Integrity Staffing Solutions Kentucky J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. Greater Cincinnati Veterinary Kalmbach Swine Management Specialists Kenney Orthopedics Kentucky Bank Regional Medical HCA’s Frankfort Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Center Services KalkreuthCareer Roofing and Sheet Kentucky Center Metal, Kentucky OneInc. Health Kentucky HealthVeterinary - Saint Joseph KanawhaOne Valley Mount Sterling Emergency Hospital Kentucky Personnel Cabinet King's Daughters Medical Center Kentucky Agricultural Education Kroger Company Kentucky Department of Fish and KVC Behavioral Healthcare Kentucky Wildlife Resources/ Camp KY Staffing Solutions Robert Webb Lexidan FoodsC.D/B/A Waffle House Lexington Police KentuckyDivision EquineofManagement Lexington Fire Department Internship (KEMI) Lexington Theological Seminary Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual Lexington-Fayette Urban County Insurance Company Government-Community Corrections Kentucky Personnel Cabinet Logan Regional Hospital KentuckyMetro StatePolice Police Louisville Department Lowe's Improvement Daughters Medical Center King’s Home Madison County Public Schools Lexington Hospital for Cats Mary Kay Cosmetics by Hannah Lightwell Mazak Corp. MedVet LION Medical & Cancer Centers for Pets Marshall University School of Mercy Health Pharmacy Midway University Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America, MAXIMUS Inc. Mazak Woodmen Corp. of America Modern Modis MedVet Montgomery County Schools Mount St. Joseph University Morehead Youth Development Center/ Dept ofSchool Juvenile Justice MSU Graduate MSU Army ROTC MSU Undergraduate Research MSU Camden Carroll Library

Federal Correctional Institution


MSU Department of Communication, MSU/U.K.Media, Physician Assistant and Languages Program MSU Graduate School MSU Human Resources MSUTeach MSU Master of Arts in Communication Murray State University MSU Master of Public Affairs (MPA) Program Graduate School MSU Nursing Department Network of International MSU Tutoring and Learning Center Christian Schools MSU Upward Bound Noah’s Ark Animal MSU, Masters of PublicClinics Administration MSU/U.K. Physician Assistant Northeast KY Area HealthProgram MSUCorps Education Center Murray State University Graduate Northern Kentucky Programs University NifcoGraduate America Corporation Programs Northeast Kentucky Regional Health Northwestern Mutual Financial Information Organization Network OneMain Financial Owensboro Health RegionalPartners, Hospital Nutrient Management (Owensboro Medical Health LLC Systems) Pathways, Inc. Auditor of Public Office of the Pikeville Medical Center Accounts Precision Resource Owensboro Health Regional Rajant Corporation Hospital (Owensboro Medical Ramey-Estep Homes Health Regal Beloit Systems) Ridgeway PetersonNursing Farms and Rehabilitation Shawnee State University Ramey-Estep Homes Sherwin-Williams Republic Foods National Distributing Smithfield Social Security Administration Company Southern Ohio Medical Center Rutherford County Schools Speedway LLC Shaping Camps Our Appalachian Region SpringHill SRG (SOAR) Global (Guardian Automotive Trim) St. Claire Regional Shawnee FamilyMedical HealthCenter Center Stober Drives, Inc. Smithfield Subway Franchise World Headquarters Social Security Sunrise Children's Administration Services The Sherwin-Williams Company Special Olympics Kentucky The University of Kentucky Gatton MBA St. Claire Healthcare Program The Washington Center Co Sunesis Construction Three Rivers Medical Center The Ohio State University, Total Quality Logistics Couple U.K. Master’s CooperativeProgram ExtensioninService U.S. and ArmyFamily Therapy U.S. Bank U.S. Navy

UC Health The University of Kentucky University of Charleston School of GattonPharmacy MBA Program University of Cincinnati of Life The Wolfe Agency -College Colonial Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services Tourism, Arts, and Heritage University of Kentucky College Cabinet, Dept. of Parksof Communication U.K. Cooperative Extension and Information Science Service University of Kentucky College of Nursing/Medical Center UK Healthcare University of Kentucky College of Public UniversityHealth of Charleston School University of Kentucky College of Social of Pharmacy Work Universityof of Kentucky University Kentucky School of Science UniversityInformation of Kentucky College of University of Louisville Graduate Dentisty Admissions University Louisville Kent College School ofof Universityof of Kentucky Public Social HealthWork University of Louisville School of Public UniversityHealth of Louisville and Information Sciences University of Louisville Kent UPS School ofAND Social Work US CUSTOMS BORDER PROTECTION USDA-Natural Resources USDA Natural Resources Conservation Conservation Service (NRCS) Service (NRCS) Valvoline USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services Vaco VCA Animal Hospitals Valvoline Vector Cellular Marketing Verizon SalesCorporation Walgreens Vertiv - Liebert Veteran Affairs Medical Center Wellpath Walgreens Western Kentucky University Wal-Mart Graduate WDKY-TV FOX 56School Western Kentucky University Graduate WKYT-TV School Woodland Oaks Healthcare WKYT-TV Facility WoodmenLife WYMT-TV Xavier University Accelerated BSN Program

NOTES _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Morehead State University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, other protected veterans, and armed forces service medal veterans, or disability in its educational programs, services, activities, employment policies, and admission of students to any program of study. In this regard the University conforms to all the laws, statutes, and regulations concerning equal employment opportunities and affirmative action. This includes: Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, Equal Pay Act of 1963, Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Kentucky Revised Statutes 207.130 to 207.240; Chapter 344 and other applicable statutes. Vocational educational programs at Morehead State University supported by federal funds include industrial education, vocational agriculture, business education, and the associate degree program in nursing. Any inquiries should be addressed to: Affirmative Action Officer, Morehead State University, 301 Howell-McDowell Administration Building, Morehead, KY 40351, 606-783-2097.




Your complete guide to career planning and job searching





2021-22 A resource of Morehead State University Career Services 150 University Blvd., ground floor of the Camden-Carroll Library 606-783-2233 |

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