COMING HOME Alum Kelly Wells named director of athletics
schools. At Mason County, Kelly Wells (Class of he coached the Royals to a 1995) will tell you he 2003 state championship literally grew up on the and helped to develop future campus of Morehead State University of Tennessee University. His mother, standout, Chris Lofton. Doris Wells (Class of 1977, 1986), spent her career From there, he transitioned to on campus, serving as an the college arena – coaching at administrative assistant. Hawaii Pacific before returning His father, Mickey Wells home to eastern Kentucky (Class of 1965, 1967), at the University of Pikeville taught health and physical (UPike). He coached the Bears education. Mickey also was for 13 seasons, leading them the women’s basketball Basketball Eagles Kelly and Shawne to 20-win seasons, a 2011 NAIA coach – becoming the national championship, and winningest coach in became the winningest coach in UPike history. the program’s history, a success that earned In 2018, he became the director of athletics. him a spot in the MSU Athletics Hall of Fame. He led all athletic programs to new heights, earning numerous accolades along the way. Wells became interested in basketball and vividly recalls visiting his dad’s new office When MSU was searching for a new director in the Academic-Athletic Center (AAC) of athletics in 2023, Wells knew this was his overlooking the still dirt-covered floor of chance. While his years in Pikeville were special, the arena. MSU, safe to say, was home. it was always a long-term goal to come back home where it all began. Wells was hired as He attended Rowan County Senior High School, where he helped lead the boys’ basketball program the new athletic director in July of 2023. to its first appearance in the Sweet 16 state “It was a dream come true,” he said. “I had tournament. He continued his basketball career, always wanted to come back home, but the where else? Morehead State. During college, timing and opportunities had never quite worked he met his future wife, fellow athlete Shawne out. I think this time, it was meant to be.” Marcum Wells (Class of 1997, 2008, 2022), a member of the women’s basketball team. On his first day back on campus as athletics director, pulling into the parking lot of the AAC and Though Wells’ playing days ended at college, walking into the building was surreal. Wells’ parents his basketball career was just beginning. He set passed away in 2021, yet he felt surrounded by his sights on coaching and served successful them and the memories they built at MSU. tenures at Marion and Mason County high 10