MORE Magazine

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CONTENT disclaimer: Where opinion is expressed it is that of the author’s and does not necessarily coincide with the editorial views of the publisher or MORE. All information in this magazine is verified to the best of author’s and publisher’s ability. However, MORE does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on it.

{July 2010 | Volume 2 | Issue 12} tElEcom

09 nsn’s sHow of power Spectrum should not be seen as something that the government must use to squeeze money out of private capital

tEchnology Convenient style of 11 afreezing food With technological evolution, the latest and the most common form of food preservation is freezing. Freezers are now used by every other household.


12 Ufone fUtsal extravaganza Youth in Lahore as well as Islamabad enjoyed an extravaganza of passion for Futsal, blast of music and fun as the craze for Ufone’s Uth package and soccer continue to rule the minds of all.

gives a taste 14 saMsUng of 3d tvs Samsung Electronics, a global leader in digital media, electronics and mobiles organized a Grand Exhibition of a wide range of innovative Samsung products in Karachi.

After so many achievements and landmarks, we are yet to see a mature usage pattern in Pakistani cellular market. As 3G and 4G is more concerned about the data and tons of VAS, our companies are still relying mostly on the SMS bundle packages, gift offers for those who activate their forgotten SIMs. It would be a wise strategy for all the operators to develop a customer base using VAS in their daily lives using GPRS/EDGE and get them ready for a next speedy ride


free 18 Call froM laHore ZONG has launched Location Based Charging (LBC) ‘Lahore Unlimited’ in Lahore – a special promotion – to maximize benefits for ZONG subscribers in Lahore.

new brand 19 Mobilink aMbassador, naseeM HaMeed Mobilink held an exclusive event to pay tribute to Naseem Hameed, the first Pakistani female athlete to win the short sprint gold in the 26-years history of the South Asian Games.

ColoUrs’ HigHly 21 ‘vibrant praised at alHaMra


The ‘Vibrant Colours of Pakistan’, a solo photographic exhibition by Yasir Nisar was launched at the Alhamra Art Gallery on Tuesday.

22 byin pakistan Mr. yoo beyl-nam Mr. Yoo Beyl-nam, a Korean photographer conducted his solo exhibition “In Pakistan” at Alhamra Art Council which was sponsored by Samsung Electronics Company and Daewoo Pakistan

latEst in tEch


09 14

latEst in tEch

28-39 banking for tax inCentives for life 40 Call insUranCe/takafUl indUstry Pakistan’s income tax regime has introduced tax incentives for institutions such as mutual funds and retirement benefit schemes as well as incentives targeted at individuals.

mobilE PhonEs



42-43 camEras

44 gadgEts

45 MORE Magazine printed at Banquet Printing Press 28-A, Nisbat Road, Lahore and published by Mudassar Jehangir Mufti at 2nd Floor, Ali Mansion, 41-A, Lower Mall, Lahore Tel: 042 2106737 Email:

editor-in-Chief Mudassar Jehangir Mufti | group editor Sumaira Mudassar | editor Halima Qureshi | advertising Manager Ahmed Malik (Lahore), Aamir Malik (Karachi) designer Assaad Chughtai | Marketing executive Syed Faisal Ahmed, Zain Zahid | international Correspondent Ireland: Alina Amir |US: Ovais Qureshi | registration no. PCPB 286

{covEr story |

Mudassar J Mufti


Spectrum should not be seen as something that the government must use to squeeze money out of private capital n

Through 3G licensing, we will gener-

ate good revenues for Pakistan, these are

high tech lucrative licenses. On the other side, the existing opera-

country, India, where 3G and broadband licensing has fetched multibillion dollars

the words of Advisor to Prime Minister on

tors are still reluctant to pay the hefty

to the government. In fact, this entire

Information Technology Mr. Latif Khosa.

price for licensing. A senior official from

process has earned government of India

The government in its 2010/11

the second leading cellular company re-

some 22 billion dollars, far more than the

Budget proposals has revealed non-tax

cently talked about the inability of Pak-

expected revenue.

revenue target for Pakistan Telecom Au-

istani operators to run successfully if

thority (PTA) at Rs. 51 billion compared

government asks for too much money.

istani government is to fill its pockets

with just Rs1 billion in FY10. Whether 3G

Another official from a leading telecom

with much needed dollars to address the

It appears that the intention of Pak-

will change the way we communicate or

company told that government should

country's economic challenges following

not but it certainly has become a tool to

have introduced 3G much earlier, as we

India’s entire licensing process but the

fulfill government’s appetite that is grow-

are too late, government is all set to earn

market in Pakistan shows different statis-

ing to ease its budget deficit. Govern-

something extra out of this.

tics than India as Pakistan is currently not

ments, particularly third world countries

At a telecom event recently held in Is-

a profitable mobile market. India has

around the world are looking forward to

lamabad, Mr. Khosa, highlighted the bull-

been able to attract large investments

earn something good by awarding these

ish mood of investors in the neighboring

because of the sheer size of its popula-

6 | more | July 2010

{covEr story} tion and the potential it represents for

vantage of having launched 3G services

mobile broadband services.

before the private players. Till date, MTNL

After this battle of viability, Airtel’s

Talking about India, the telecom sec-

has about 5 lakh 3G subscribers com-

chairman has announced that we are not

tor is on a high surge. According to Gart-

bined in Delhi and Mumbai. The operator

going to offer anything that doesn’t cover

ner, Indian mobile subscriber base will

tried lower-pricing strategies selling its 3G

the cost. In other words, be prepared to

cross 771 million by 2013. In fact, the total

SIMs for the cost of GSM services. It came

shell out more than 1000 rupees per

telecom subscriber base for India has al-

up with a plethora of offers for its brand

month for basic packages for 3G. There

ready reached 638.05 million subscribers

3G Jadoo, but they failed to spell any

might be no unlimited packages at all if

with a tele-density of 54.10 adding 16 to

magic. The operator's endeavors to pull

we are to look at their wired broadband

20 million subscribers every month.

3G subscribers could hardly be trans-

packages. 3G spectrum has been sold at

vate capital.”

After the launch of 3G services by all

formed into tangible results. It bundled its

obscene prices in India. Companies who

the operators, it is expected that graph will

3G wireless solutions with Dell laptops

have bid on them would have to recover

further rise drastically. The market will defi-

just like Wateen in Pakistan did to sell its

all of it in stages before they can even

nitely heat up with innovative products

WiMax connections by offering note-

think about making profits on 3G.

and services which would be beneficial for

books for Rs. 2000 per month.

Mittal has been quoted as saying sev-

the customers as well for the service

The entire process of 3G licensing has

eral times now that cheap broadband is

providers. And in this rapidly expanding

been criticized by market leader, Bharti.

going to remain a dream for Indian con-

market, companies with new and unique

Company says, the auction format and se-

sumers in the near future.

solutions will emerge as the leaders. But it is not at all rosy for the Indian market itself. Things are getting difficult

vere spectrum shortage along with ensu-

When the head of world’s fifth largest

ing policy uncertainty drove the prices

company is talking to his countrymen in

beyond reasonable levels.

such a manner, then why we have to follow the same dark aspect of the entire process.

It appears that the intention of Pakistani government is to fill its pockets with much needed dollars to address the country's economic challenges following India’s entire licensing process but the market in Pakistan shows different statistics than India as Pakistan is currently not a profitable mobile market. India has been able to attract large investments because of the sheer size of its population and the potential it represents for mobile broadband services

There is more to 3G than the faster internet access and downloads, excess data limit, and better video and picture quality. The technology and the capital involved in providing 3G services to the customers is complex. In fact, 3G operations require large scale investment and are highly risky due to increasingly diversified and segmented requirements. Additionally, the investment patterns will lead to more diversification in the market. There would be more direct investment from stakeholder and strategic investor, borrowing from

there. Companies, MTNL and BSNL, who

As a result, we could not achieve our

local and international financial market, ven-

had started 3G services months ago, have

objective of a pan-India 3G footprint in this

dor financing from suppliers and revenue

already asked for a refund from the govern-


generation from current asset like tower.

ment that amounts to some 290 billion. MTNL has once again gone through

From the hue and cry, it is obvious

In addition, it would be necessary for

that Manmohan Singh’s government

the service providers to have a robust

another year of loss making. The opera-

used the 3G auction to tackle India’s bal-

network to roll out the 3G services where

tor's revenue dipped 18.7%, totaling at Rs

looning budget deficit, it also comes as

the scalability of the network would be-

3.6 billion. The downfall in FY 2009-10 was

his government faces growing criticism

come extremely important. So as to pro-

more than the previous fiscal's 5% de-

for its regulation of the sector.

vide seamless services to its customers, it

cline. The revenue from wireless services

Analysts say, “Spectrum should not be

would become increasingly more critical

depleted by 6.3% in 2009-10. The opera-

seen as something that the government

for the service providers to have the cor-

tor failed to get any mileage from the ad-

must use to squeeze money out of pri-

rect infrastructure and network, and the

July 2010 | more | 7

{covEr story} appropriate amount of capital. Even though 3G offers much higher bit rates as compared to 2G, there are

ing fee by 60% from US $25 million to US $ 10 million. Pakistan is soon going to have its 100

a long wait for its return on investment. After so many achievements and landmarks, we are yet to see a mature

other technologies that enable the serv-

millionth customer, however, despite a mo-

usage pattern in Pakistani cellular market.

ice providers to cater to the ever-increas-

bile penetration of just 54 percent, the

As 3G and 4G is more concerned about

ing demand for fast wireless broadband.

market is fiercely competitive and operator

the data and tons of VAS, our companies

These kinds of technically innovation can

ARPUs are among the lowest in the world.

are still relying mostly on the SMS bundle

not only improved the ROI but can also

In 2010, Mobilink’s first quarter ARPU

packages, gift offers for those who acti-

cut down the costs of deploying mobile

was just US$ 2.8, falling from US$3 a year

broadband networks. All these demands

ago. Telenor was the best performing op-

It would be a wise strategy for all the

and economical sense have led the serv-

erator in the quarter in terms of connec-

operators to develop a customer base

ice providers to 4G technologies.

tions, just surpassing Mobilink in terms of

using VAS in their daily lives using

quarterly net additions and recording the

GPRS/EDGE and get them ready for a

The possibility cannot be ruled out as

vate their forgotten SIMs.

Mobilink has already confirmed months ago that it is ready for a 4G operation and the statement from Mr. Latif Khosa further proves the business plan of market leader. He says, “There is a possibility that simultaneously with 3G licenses, Pakistan might also auction the license to operate the fourth generation mobile phone services (4G)”. Statistic shows that India has some 480 million potential customers for 3G services whereas; Pakistan’s total popula-

Airtel’s chairman has announced that we are not going to offer anything that doesn’t cover the cost. In other words, be prepared to shell out more than 1000 rupees per month for basic packages for 3G. Spectrum has been sold at obscene prices in India. Companies who have bid on them would have to recover all of it in stages before they can even think about making profits on 3G. Cheap broadband is going to remain a dream for Indian consumers in the near future.

tion is not even half the size which is currently 180 million approximately. Though,

highest year-on-year connections growth

next speedy ride. For example, a current

both the countries have similar kind of

(16 percent). However, the unit continued

TVC of Telenor Djuice only highlights the

obstacles and challenges to adopt the 3G

to make an operating loss for its Norwe-

side effects of sending too many SMSes.

services like low GDP per capita, intense

gian parent, posting a US$1.4 million loss

Hardly, this package convinces the sub-

price pressure in a dominant prepaid mar-

for the quarter compared to a US$ 14 mil-

scriber to use the mobile phone healthily.

ket, high import taxes on handsets and an

lion loss a year ago. Telenor's monthly

Even after this long journey of years,

often chaotic distribution network.

ARPU in the quarter was US$2.3.

operators and government have re-

Operators in Pakistan has been debat-

Ufone saw its connections base drop

mained unsuccessful to ensure the pri-

ing and arguing for years over PTA’s deci-

4 percent year-on-year in the first quarter.

vacy of a subscriber. Even today, mobile

sion. According to them, Pakistan is not

Warid Telecom’s connections base shrunk

phone subscribers are experiencing the

yet ready for anything like 3G keeping in

by 6 percent year-on-year in 1Q10 as it

negative results of undocumented SIMs.

view the existing operations and ever de-

reined in operating expenditure. Warid

The pond hasn’t been cleaned by the reg-

creasing ARPU. According to them, by set-

also deactivated 2.7 million subscribers in

ulator; it’s full of unregistered SIMs.

ting high 3G license fee, existing

the very same quarter.

Like India, mergers and buyouts are

operators will struggle to cope with high

Zong, the smallest one, launched in 2008

long due. In such an environment, it is the

cost of network deployment, conse-

following China Mobile Communications

highest responsibility on Government’s

quently leading to inappropriate services

Corporation's (CMCC) acquisition of Paktel

shoulder, not to think about its budget

and pricing in a highly price-sensitive

the previous year, the Chinese firm has in-

deficit and short term revenue benefits


vested over US$1.6 billion over the last few

only. Overall situation has to be made

With a long term vision, Kenyan Gov-

years building-out and marketing the net-

balanced and favorable for all the stake-

ernment has recently reduced 3G’s licens-

work. However, it has admitted that it faces


8 | more | July 2010



NSN’s show of power

Group Picture shows ( L- R ) Philip Schutz, Daniel Gunzel, Saad M. Waraich, Mohamed El Ayyat, Mohamed Abdelrehim & Atifa Asghar at LTE Road Show organized by Nokia Siemens Networks.


Leading global telecommunications

enabler Nokia Siemens Networks is transforming mobile broadband user experience in the Middle East Africa (MEA) region with its Long-Term Evolution (LTE) offering that delivers improved and faster data speeds to support a suite of multimedia and rich call applications. “The timing of our road show could not be more opportune,” said Saad Waraich, Pakistan Country Director for Nokia Siemens Networks. “With Pakistan’s

“Leading the evolution of broadband technology means our customers will be the first to benefit,” added Waraich. “Today, we are reinforcing our vision of helping operators enrich customers experience, via a showcase of the latest next generation mobile broadband technology to mobile operators in the region.”

telecommunication industry witnessing strong growth, the need for a richer com-

Pakistan as it connects rural businesses

sire to use mobile and data applications

munications services in Pakistan is raising

and consumers to the rest of the world,

in Pakistan- surfing the web and applica-

the demand for 3G and 4G. New services

enables new ways of doing business and

tion downloading – reaches up to 55 per-

now and in the future require higher

adds agility to urban enterprises. In fact

cent of the population. Usage of audio

speeds at an affordable cost.”

as per a Broadband Survey conducted by

/music mobile downloading alone has

Nokia Siemens Networks in 2009, the de-

shown an interest rate of 88 percent.

It is clear that broadband can change

July 2010 | more | 9

{tElEcom} LTE is the de-facto evolution path of the 3G mobile standard that is based on a full flat IP architecture and is optimized for data and multimedia traffic. Having demonstrated the world’s first LTE demo with data speeds up to 160 Mb/s, Nokia Siemens Networks has been at the forefront of developments in this space. In Middle East Africa specifically, Nokia Siemens Networks was behind the region’s first LTE contract with Zain Bahrain. “Leading the evolution of broadband technology means our customers will be the first to benefit,” added Waraich. “Today, we are reinforcing our vision of helping operators enrich customers experience, via a showcase of the latest next generation mobile broadband technology to

Saad M. Waraich answering the media queries at the event

mobile operators in the region.” tainment, digitally-controlled home appliances and much more.

Networks’ solution is its Flexi Base Station that supports multiple technologies from

“What’s more the Nokia Siemens Net-


works LTE proposition is based on software

a single platform. Being only 20% of the

upgrades to current 3G networks that are

size and weight of a conventional base

Handheld Spectrum Analyzer LTE will truly revolutionize the region’s mobile market, changing the way businesses and individuals communicate. The technology will unleash a plethora of new devices such as Internet telephones and videophones to end user services

LTE Demo Equipment that NSN displayed to show its strength

such as teleconferencing, telecommuting, to wider benefits in medical services

currently deployed by a majority of re-

such as remote diagnosis, interactive dis-

gional mobile operators,” added Waraich

tance education, rich multimedia enter10 | more | July 2010

At the heart of the Nokia Siemens

station, it is energy efficient and designed to minimize the overall cost of network operation and maintenance.



Meeraj Alam

| tEchnology}

Dawlance Vertical Freezer brings quick chilling performance at your finger tips. As each compartment is equipped with its own cooling system, it offers these benefits: •

Performs a quick freezing action that in turn keeps the food structure intact –giving the food its original taste and texture

Stops bacterial growth and enzymes action, hence no odor and no food deterioration takes place.

This feature is not available in chest freezers where you have n

With technological evolution, the latest and the most common

no other choice but to store all kinds of food at the same temper-

form of food preservation is freezing. Freezers are now used by

ature. This practice at times deteriorates the quality of food when

every other household. While freezing is considered the most ideal

it is thawed.

form of food preservation, according to a research conducted by

Dawlance Vertical Freezer takes much less floor space com-

Dawlance 74% of women find it inconvenient to use deep freezers.

pared to chest freezer. Available in almost the same size as a regular

The common problems associated with deep freezers are:

refrigerator, Dawlance Vertical Freezer can be easily placed in the

1. 2. 3.

The tedious task of placing and taking out required food

kitchen area. This leads to easy access to food items stored in freezer


particularly when you need them for cooking purpose.

Organized food storage and full capacity utilization is a

Dawlance Vertical Freezers are available in a sleek design which


makes it a high-end product rather than a big, bulky machine that

Cleaning of chest freezer is a major hassle

chest freezer is. Thick insulation that is part and parcel of Dawlance

Today’s Pakistani women have an alternative in terms of vertical freezer. Introduced by Dawlance in the market, the new vertical

Vertical Freezer ensures that each section retains cooling for a much longer period in case of power failure.

freezer makes up for all the issues that women have had so far with

Cleaning of freezer couldn’t have been easier! With Dawlance

regular deep freezers. Vertical freezer is the ultimate in storage con-

Vertical Freezer, there is no need to wait for the freezer to defrost.

venience. With its innovative design and various features, storing

Instead you can simply slide out each drawer, wash it with water

food in freezer is now a much simpler and hassle-free task. Dawlance

and put it in place in Vertical Freezer.

Vertical Freezer has user-friendly drawers / roll-out baskets that let

Now is the time for Pakistani women to forget backache from

the user store food in an organized way and as per the temperature

bending over the chest freezer. Using Dawlance Vertical Freezer is al-

requirements of each food item. Drawer-like compartments in

most like using a regular refrigerator. Dawlance Vertical Freezer is here

Dawlance Vertical Freezer ensure better cooling retention in case of

to bring to you the kind of healthy lifestyle you have never imagined

electricity failure. At the same time, it also allows easy access to all

before. The benefits of Dawlance Vertical Freezer combine to offer bet-

compartments. Separate drawers also act as a sealing agent between

ter health through better food quality and organized food storage.

different types of food products. For example, Meat which has blood

Considering the variety of convenience features that are part

dripping issue can be stored in a separate drawer to avoid its odor

of Dawlance Vertical Freezer, its price is surprisingly affordable.

from mixing with other food items. Drawers with a solid front also

Adding a new concept to the freezing technology, Dawlance Ver-

make the storage area more enclosed, so less cold air escapes when

tical Freezer has got all the right ingredients to make the lives of

you open the freezer. Lower freezing temperatures of less than -18•C

Pakistani housewives easier and more organized. Pakistani women

ensure that the food is frozen in the shortest possible time and it

would now have a new companion that would let them manage

maintains optimum food quality when used for cooking.

their home in a better way.


July 2010 | more | 11


Ufone recently conducted Futsal matches between local team at Scout Club to celebrate FIFA Worldcup 2010 in its traditionally vigorous way. Picture shows the winner “PJ” and runner up “Red Devils” at the event. Youth in Lahore as well as Islamabad en-

Before the grand finale, both at Islam-

as well and in the break time it displayed

joyed an extravaganza of passion for Futsal,

abad and Lahore, events were made more

Ufone Uth ads and FIFA's official song of the

blast of music and fun as the craze for

participative as some active spectators

world cup 2010 which took crowd on to

Ufone’s Uth package and soccer continue

from the crowd were also called down into

their toes and they were dancing all the way.

to rule the minds of all.

the ground for 10 very short 3 each penalty

After the concert two lucky young


The Lahore final of Futsal was played

shoot matches in which the maximum

spectator each from Lahore and Islam-

between LUMS and Deathrow. After some

scorer of each match was given a souvenir

abad got PS3 through lucky draw con-

very intense and anxious moments

in the shape of Ufone Uth shirt. The finals

ducted on the spot.

Deathrow snatched a sensational win over

in Lahore and Islamabad were followed by

In the end the spectators both in La-

LUMS with four goals to three. The winning

a live concert of popular music band “Call

hore and Islamabad stayed on as the world

team was awarded with a cash prize of Ru-

The band” The Crowd sang and danced all

cup first semi final between Netherlands

pees Fifty thousand and the runner up re-

the way with almost all the numbers. The

and Uruguay was presented live for Lahore

ceived a prize of Rupees twenty five

band performed various numbers however

football lovers whereas the second thriller

thousand. Whereas the final in Islamabad

the ever green 'Sab Bhula kay' received an

between Spain and Germany played last

was played between PJ’s and Red Devils in

electrifying response from the crowd.

night was presented live on the big LED

which PJ’s snatched a sensational win over

One LED TV screen was also displayed

arch rivals Red Devils with two goals to nil.

at the venues which projected the concert

12 | more | July 2010

screen for Islooites as an icing on the cake for a very lively and fun filled night.




| covEr story}

July 2010 | more | 13


From (L-R) Mr. Zeshan Qureshi, Manager Mobile Phones, Samsung Electronics, Mr. Steve Han, General Manager Samsung Pakistan, Mr. Injae Lee, Senior Manager, Samsung wearing the 3D glasses at the event Samsung Electronics, a global leader in

tionary 3D TVs. For the 1st time in Pakistan,

The Festival attracted thousands of

digital media, electronics and mobiles or-

this exciting display of innovative products

people from all walks of life. The consumers

ganized a Grand Exhibition of a wide range

showed glimpses of famous 3D movies on

were thrilled by this fantastic display of

of innovative Samsung products in Karachi.

Samsung 3D TV screens at the vast Pak-

Samsung’s latest products including Digital

Thousands of visitors were provided with a

istan Air Force Museum in Karachi. This

Cameras, Mobile phones, Air conditioners

first-hand experience of Samsung’s revolu-

event held on 3rd and 4th of July 2010.

and 3D LED TV products, where the de-


14 | more | July 2010

{EvEnt} lighted visitors appreciated Samsung’s cutting-edge products. The enthusiastic response to this exhibition reflects the strength of Samsung’s technology and the popularity of its brand in Pakistan. Distinguished professionals and management of publications and media along

Mr. Khurram Farooq, Head of TV Division, Samsung Electronics briefing the media about 3D TV

Miss. Rabiya Siddiqui, Manager PR, Samsung Electronics is seen along with her colleagues

with consumers including Techies and bloggers were seen curiously exploring the features and technology of 3D TVs at this innovative show.

The General Manager Samsung Pakistan Mr. Steve Han said; “The Samsung “Universe” Exhibition in Karachi has surpassed our expectations and proved to be

a highly successful Mega Event. Samsung is the first company to offer a complete 3D product line-up including TVs, Blu-ray player and home theater. This vast festival at the PAF Museum Karachi also delivered the amazing experience of Samsung’s highly evolved 3D technology to the consumers. In future, our global research will July 2010 | more | 15

{EvEnt} bring more attractive and exciting products for the Pakistani consumers, including the best-in-class 3D experiences.” The festival also featured 3 gaming zones for the consumers with a flair for gaming technology. Another highlight of the show was a photo studio where the participants were getting their pictures taken and cheerfully walked away with instant print-outs of their photographs. 3D TV display became the center of attraction at the Exhibition.

Seen in the picture are Mr. Steve Han, GM Samsung, Pakistan and Mr. Ahmed Fazal, Director Marketing, Orient along with other dignitaries

Picture shows Steve Han General Manager Samsung and Zeshan Qureshi Head of Mobile phone division Pakistan and Afghanistan along with their marketing team at their new Samsung Universe exhibition of innovative products in Karachi. leisure activities. In addition to 3D LED TV

Printers, Side-by-Side Refrigerators, classy

Samsung has its focus on consumer

this festival also showcased a wide range

Microwaves, and Virus-Free Air-condition-

preferences to lead the way in the devel-

of state-of-the-art Digital cameras, Cellu-

ers from Samsung. This electronics giant

opment and enhancement of such tech-

lar and smart phones including Galaxy,

also offers the “Bada mobile platform” and

nologies. Pakistani consumers have


an integrated store of games, navigation,




eagerly waited for the 3D Television tech-

phones. Also on display were the fastest

social-networking, and other lifestyle ap-

nology to enrich their entertainment and

PCs, Thinnest Monitors, high-capability

plications called “Samsung Apps”. n

16 | more | July 2010



| covEr story}

July 2010 | more | 17

{EvEnt |

More Team


Call free from Lahore and converting as much people into subscriber as possible. While talking to Zong’s official, we came to know that an average of

4000 SIMs are being activated on daily basis. This is the first time that any mobile phone company has launched such a facility in Pakistan. ZONG’s LBC in Lahore is den

ZONG launched Location Based Charg-

ing (LBC) ‘Lahore Unlimited’ in Lahore – a special promotion – to maximize benefits for ZONG subscribers in Lahore. The activity was designed keeping in view ZONG'S keen interest to provide its subscribers with dynamic and cost effective benefits for their loyal customers with its bench-mark network quality in Lahore the ‘Lahore Unlim-

ited’ , a wonderful solution for Laborites. The offer says, you can call any ZONG

and expand its subscriber base. ZONG has

number in Pakistan while you are in Lahore

introduced concentric layer technology –

and talk unlimited without any charges. The

by further strengthening its facilities and al-

price of the package is Rs. 199 per month.

ready strong network quality in Lahore.

Company in this regard is doing road shows 18 | more | July 2010

signed to effectively utilize ZONG network

Salman Wassay, Head of Marketing,


sider it an innovative gift for the subscriber of Lahore from ZONG. At present this offer is valid for Lahore ZONG, while expressing his views said that

make keeping in touch more affordable

city and selected suburbs. Calls have to

ZONG is determined to add value to the lives

for subscribers in the city with anyone

be made from within the area covered by

of its subscribers by making it possible for

across the country,” says Salman Wassay.

the designated BTS sites while the normal

them to remain in touch as often as they like.

“We believe the city of Lahore has im-

tariff and other availed packages will be

“Providing our subscribers with the

mense potential due to our existing sub-

applied outside of the city. Only the call-

best possible rates, simplicity and a wide

scriber base and our superior network

ing subscriber needs to be in the locality

range of services is the hallmark of the

quality.” No one in the cellular industry

while the recipient need only be a ZONG

ZONG philosophy. ‘Lahore Unlimited’ will

has offered this facility so far and we con-

subscriber anywhere in Pakistan.


Mobilink announces new brand ambassador,

Naseem Hameed n

Mobilink held an exclusive event to

pay tribute to Naseem Hameed, the first Pakistani female athlete to win the short sprint gold in the 26-years history of the South Asian Games. Mobilink Jazz, Pakistan’s premier prepaid brand that connects more than 30 million subscribers has added Naseem to its panel of brand ambassadors. This move is aimed to recognize and celebrate Naseem’s success while also giving the youth an inspirational icon to look up to. Unveiled the song capturing Naseem’s struggle and accomplishments and commemorating those who helped her

Bilal Munir, VP Marketing, Mobilink delivering the shield to South Asian Sprinter Naseem Hamid July 2010 | more | 19

{EvEnt |

More Team

} something about naseem

Manager PR of Mobilink, Sadia Dada along with Naseem Hamid

22-year-old Naseem Hameed from Karachi made headlines when she clocked 11.81 seconds at the South Asian Games in Dhaka in February, 2010 to become Pakistan’s first female athlete to win the short sprint gold in the 26-years history of the South Asian Games. Dubbed as the fastest woman in South Asia, Naseem started her career as an athlete while she was in school. During her time in college, she was noticed by Army coaches and was allowed to practice in Army grounds near Korangi. She won various local events during this time and was picked by Pakistan Railways as an athlete. Naseem has received training from former 100m national champion Maqsood Ahmed. Naseem’s consistent performance earned her a place to represent Pakistan at the South Asian Games in Dhaka in 2010 where she brought great honor and pride to her parents, team, mentors and her country. President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari has appointed Naseem as Ambassador of Sports in recognition of her success at the SAF Games. Mobilink Jazz has added Naseem Hameed as a brand ambassador to inspire the nation and youth in particular.

achieve her goals, Bilal Munir Sheikh, Vice

seconds to land the 100m gold and the

President Marketing, Mobilink, shared,

title of Fastest Woman of South Asia,

“Mobilink Jazz believes strongly in the

shared, “It is indeed a great honor to be

bonds we create and the objective of this

associated with such a prestigious brand

tribute is to encourage all those who

like Mobilink Jazz. I want to thank my par-

dream to reach out their loved ones for

ents, especially my mother who believed

support so they can achieve what they

in me and always had faith in me. My

Director Syed Noor and Actor Noman Ijaz at the event

Group of Mobilink Team at the event want to, and much more. Naseem is a

message to the youth is to follow their

hero we all needed and we hope that

dreams and always strive to make their

through the Jazz platform she will inspire

loved ones proud.”

many more. We are indeed very proud

Notable celebrities, socialites, media

and privileged to have her as our Brand

community were also present at the

to be aired on all leading tv channels


event along with Jazz Brand team and

from July second. Download the song

Speaking to the guests at the ceremony,

senior Mobilink employees.

from Mobilink’s official website

22 year old Naseem, who clocked 11.81

The Jazz Apna Hai tribute video is slated

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More Team

| EvEnt}

Canon supports ‘Vibrant Colours’ n

The exhibition depicted the coun-

try’s rich cultural heritage and beauty and its cultural diversity from the Indus Valley to modern-day Karachi, and was aimed at highlighting the country’s “true colours”. The main subject of the photographer was the beauty and vastness of the country. The content varied from the mundane daily aspects of life, to elements that are purely human, dealing with the various facets of Pakistani life. Curator Tanya Sohail said the photographer had gone to the remote areas of the country and taken astonishing pictures, adding that the colour balancing and composition of the pictures were excellent.

Famous Writer and Columnist Attaul Haq Qasmi inaugurating the exhibition

had started taking pictures of his surroundings while on vacation and on class tours. He has learned since then, and has specialized in scenic beauty, cultural heritage, sports and fashion photography. Yasir’s work has been printed and displayed at a national and an international level in various books, calendars, travel magazines and newspapers. He is a professional sports photographer and has photographed various na-

Visitors reading the photographic material at Canon's stall

The exhibition’s aim is to change

tional and international sports compe-

people’s perception of Pakistan.

titions, including the ICC Champions

Yasir told Daily Times that Pakistan

Trophy 2009 in South Africa. He has ex-

is a richly textured country with a

hibited his work in two solo exhibi-

True colours:The theme ‘Vibrant Colours

distinguished history and an increasingly

tions in Lahore and South Africa and in

of Pakistan’ aims to show the true picture

vibrant contemporary cultural scene. He

various group exhibitions in Pakistan

of the country as the international media

said his aim was to bring out the best of the

and the United States of America. He

has focused on a politically turbulent Pak-

four provinces and present them all to-

has won numerous national awards,

istan, promoting stereotypical images of

gether. He said his interest in photography

and has launched the first quarterly

a violent country infected by fanaticism.

stemmed from his student days when he

online tourism magazine.


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{EvEnt |

More Team


In Pakistan has assumed Pakistan as his second home and portrays the land and the people of the country beautifully. At the exhibition Mr. Yoo Beyl-nam introduced the audience to his pictorial experiences across Pakistan. He refuses the general perception that Pakistan is dangerous place, terrorism and poverty-ridden country. In paradox, he rather discovers the arrogance and prejudice of the common people from the pure heartedness of Pakistani people and particularly the innocence of children that he could sense


Mr. Yoo Beyl-nam, a Korean photogra-

photography and project a more positive

pher conducted his solo exhibition “In

image of Pakistan.

Pakistan� at Alhamra Art Council which

The event was also supported by the Em-

was sponsored by Samsung Electronics

bassy of Republic of Korea, National

Company and Daewoo Pakistan. Inaugu-

Council of Art, and the Ministry of Cul-

rated by the Ambassador of Republic of

ture, Government of Pakistan.

Korea, this exhibition aimed to promote

This young photographer and traveler

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| covEr story}

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{EvEnt} through his visits. So he tries to show the people of Pakistan and its inhabitants as they are overcoming such prejudice. It is his belief that if one approaches to another people with open heart, then they will also treat you in the same way. The General Manager Samsung Pakistan Mr. Steve Han expressed his opinion by saying; “This exhibition will help in promoting the landscape, culture and warmth of the people of Pakistan. Besides that, it also reflects the ties between the people of Korea and Pakistan. Samsung seeks to further strengthen these relations by providing the most innovative high-quality products from Korea”.

President and CEO, Daeewo Pakistan, Chang IL Kim

Samsung Team at the stall Pakistan is a very good place to invest,

again. We are also expanding our routes

yes, there are problems like terrorism but

to the other parts of the country.

most of the times these things are mis-

The photographer Yoo-Beyl-nam came to

guided and misunderstood by others.

Pakistan in the year 2000 and the trip

There are issues but that is all around the

changed his course of life from being a

world and I think it is really worthwhile to

sculptor to a professional photographer.

invest in Pakistan. I would really like to in-

Yoo has also published a book, titled “In-

vite my fellows in Korea and other part of

shaAllah” in 2006 in which he introduced

President and CEO, Daeewo Pakistan,

the world to do investment in Pakistan.

the people and the natural scenery of

Chang IL Kim talked to More Magazine

To a question he said, “Government is

Pakistan, through the photographs he

and said, “ The activity today was really

doing a good job for the promotion of

captured during his trip through Pak-

nice. Lahore is the cultural hub of Pak-

tourism in Pakistan, on our end, we are

istan. He has already held several exhibi-

istan and I would like to convey this mes-

expanding our routes to the north. In the

tions of his photography in Seoul, Korea.

sage to other people across the world

last few years we could not expand in

During his several television and Radio

that how warm hearted Pakistanis are.

Swat area but now after the successful

appearances, he says that he is deeply in-

Everyone knows that Pakistan is full of

military operation everything has been

spired by the people, places, culture and

natural resources.

cleared and we have started to expand

traditions of Pakistan.


Group photo of Daewoo Pakistan Team, Group Editor MORE, Sumaira Mudassar is also seen on right 24 | more | July 2010

{latEst in tEch} 3d video Camera Dxg Technology Corp. recently introduced the world’s first 3D digital video camera called 3D View. The DVX5D7 is a unique digital video camera is able to shoot and playback 3D and 2D video images by adopting parallax barrier auto-stereoscopic technology without the need for 3D glasses. But for a user to fully appreciate the 3D video experience, a 3D digital photo frame or 3D digital LCD monitor is required.

Apple is Foxconn's biggest customer.Foxconn is preparing to shift part of its production of Apple gadgets from Shenzhen to north and central China, amid a greater willingness from the US company to work with factories away from its long-time Chinese hub.Recent protestors from SACOM (Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour) burned effigies of Apple products during a demonstration near the offices of Foxconn in Hong Kong. The founder of Taiwan's Foxconn Group broke his silence over a string of suicides by its employees in China, denying the deaths were related to conditions at the technology giant's factories.

Cooler Master has launched a hardware giveaway in order to promote the launch of its new Silent Pro Gold Series Power Supplies offering some cool prizes.The giveaway includes a flash game lucky draw every week winning you some gold trinkets along with cooler master products like the Haf X Gold case, V6 CPU cooler, a 64GB SSD and a Gold USB drive while the owners of the Silent Pro Gold Series can use their serial number to enter in the GTX480 lucky draw along with every other goodies.

Nothing will make your entire family cringe more than you wearing around a Hatcam. Sure, it means all the handsfree videos that you could ever desire, but you’ll still look like a dork. Now there are certain cases where some things prove more important than looking like a sane human being. Like if no one ever believes you when you say how big the fish was that you almost caught, now you can have proof. These hats come in blaze orange, khaki, camo, forest green and pink. The design was actually created by Randy Peterson who loves hunting and fishing. Although this was made for the outdoorsy types, I’m sure you could find other uses for it. The hat alone is $34.99 and the full kit is priced at $204.99

Indian actor Aamir Khan poses for a picture with Samsung smartphones during a product launch Samsung Wave and Samsung Galaxy. The Samsung Wave is the first phone to use Samsung's Bada mobile operating system. It's designed to bring the smartphone experience to everyone, regardless of cost or geographic location. The Wave's camera can take 720p video, and has a wealth of options such as auto-focus, anti-shake, auto-contrast and blink detection. The resulting pictures are sharp and crispy.

GIGABYTE 14-inch M1405 reflects GIGABYTE’s continuous efforts to match the tastes of end user combining great design and looks with powerful computing experience. M1405 in Dark Blue, Wine Red, Bright Gold and Silver, instantly attracts the eye, and what sets it apart is its powerful docking station with NVIDIAR GT220 graphic card, delivering desktop like graphic performance. The innovative docking station greatly expands the connectivity of M1405 up to extra 2 displays, all at once, providing a wide desktop utilizing up to 3 displays. The M1405 offers a long lasting computing experience through unique design of the optical disk drive which can be easily exchanged for a second battery, extending the battery life up to 10 hours. GIGABYTE M1405 combines great looks and design with powerful computing experience, a complete and powerful desktop replacement solution with great innovation. July 2010 | more | 25

{latEst in tEch} Horizon Minipak: first fuel Cell Charger Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies has launched a pocket-sized fuel cell charger, aimed at the huge global market for portable consumer electronics. Horizon says the MiniPak® is the world’s first fuel cell product to compete on cost with both disposable and rechargeable batteries. And a single refillable cartridge supplies as much power over its life as 1000 disposable AA alkaline batteries. The MiniPak ‘personal power center’ delivers 1.5–2 W of continuous power using a standard USB port, and uses refillable fuel cartridges able to store up to 12 Wh of net energy. It is designed to charge small portable electronic devices, such as cell phones, smart phones, MP3/MP4 players, and GPS devices. It also frees up the many USB applications that can be connected to and powered by PCs, such as flashlights, wireless speaker systems, fans etc. The MiniPak micro fuel cell uses a combination of Horizon’s mass-produced PEM fuel cells and a new low-cost metal hydride storage solution, which is able to store hydrogen safely as a dry, nontoxic and non-pressurized material. The fuel cartridge contains a metallic sponge that can absorb hydrogen and form a solid hydride.

tough job to market nintendo 3ds Don’t you just hate it when you have to wear glasses on top of your normal glasses just to watch a movie that’s in 3D? With Nintendo's new 3DS, you don't need to wear the extra glasses to experience the 3D effects. With this advanced product, the company is in a fix, how to market it. 3DS boss Hideki Konno admitted that the company will have to look beyond "traditional advertising methods." "We are constantly discussing how to market the product," he said. "Our internal PR departments are saying that we should use cinema advertising, because cinemas are capable of showing 3D movies." Seems like a smart idea, but there's a catch. "Our key point with 3DS is that you don't need glasses, which you obviously need to use in cinemas," he added. "So we think regular marketing and promotional activities will be very tricky for us. I think that a lot of awareness about 3DS will be spread by word of mouth."

A staff member of high-tech company IDesia displays a gadget that helps computer users check their stress and mood levels. The new gadget that helps computer users check their stress and mood levels was unveiled just recently at Asia's biggest IT trade fair uses a person's unique heartbeat to tell whether they need to take some time out to relax.

eCg Machine Cum smartphone Are you having chest pains and wondering if you should rush to hospital? The EPI Life, could be what you need. At first glance, the 106-gram (3.7-ounce) touch-screen phone looks like any other fancy smartphone, but its tiny frame also holds an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine, which can put your heart reading literally at your fingertips. An ECG, which can detect abnormal heart rhythms, is usually carried out at a hospital or clinic, but Chow U-Jin, medical director at Ephone International, which developed the EPI Life, said the device is able to condense the whole ECG process onto a mobile platform, making it a life-saving gadget. And when it's not on medical duty, EPI Life works just like a normal phone. Inside this device there exists an ECG machine, which allows a non-medically trained person to perform an ECG by him or herself just by touching their fingers on the sides of the phone, stated AFP. Instead of having to run off to a clinic whenever you have chest pains, you do the ECG immediately and that's where you have the maximum chance of capturing an abnormal rhythm. The phone, which has been launched in Singapore, is aiming to sell 10,000 to 15,000 units in Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong by the end of this year.

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{month in focus} standard Chartered and advance telecom in agreement n Standard Chartered and Advance Telecom signed an agreement for Straight2Bank, Standard Chartered Bank’s electronic banking platform. Standard Chartered’s relationship with its clients is a manifestation of its commitment to Pakistan. The bank is keen on building long term partnerships with its clients by offering banking solutions that help add value to their businesses. Straight2Bank is one such global product. It is a tool to efficiently execute and monitor cash management, foreign exchange and trade finance activities. It also offers a wide range of payment solutions on a single platform. This includes transfers, corporate cheques, pay orders, payroll and telegraphic transfers. Commenting on this occasion, Mr. Imran Ahad, Managing Director, Origination and Client Coverage, Standard Chartered said, “Standard Chartered, consistent with our brand promise of being here for good for our clients, offers banking solutions and products that greatly enhance our clients’ operational efficiency. We believe that this product offering to Advance Telecom will go a long way in helping Advance Telecom further streamline their business operations through efficient and secure cash management solutions.”

Seen in the photograph below are Mr. Imran Ahad, Managing Director, Origination and Client Coverage and Mr. Rizwan Majeed, COO Advance Telecom, along with their respective teams. Advance Telecom, with approx 40% share of the USD 360 million cell phone market in Pakistan, will move to Straight2Bank from August 1, 2010. Share of Advance Telecom in the Nokia official cell phone market in Pakistan is close to 60%. It is hoped that for Advance Telecom, adopting this product will lead to reduction in internal costs, facilitate reconciliation and enhance their control levels. Commenting on the agreement, Mr. Rizwan Majeed, COO Advance Telecom

said” I am impressed with the functionality of the Straight2bank product. Using the Straight2Bank electronic platform has led to improved workflow within the company, resulting in considerable time saving in processing of transactions especially with regards to opening of Letters of Credit. I am confident that this product will contribute in helping Advance Telecom further cement its leadership position in the mobile phone market.”

enjoy Jazz foosball league battleground then hurry up and give your best shot to beat the Jazz foosball team in the JFL. Log on to create your team by inviting your friends and get your game on!

how to Play:

n Mobilink Jazz brings for all fast-paced, action loving foosball players the ultimate online foosball experience like no other. Mobilink Jazz challenges you and your team to beat the Jazz foosball team and win exclusive Mobilink goody bags by playing your team to the top of Jazz Foosball League (JFL). If you think you are a foosball-pro and online gaming is your

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step 1: register yourself Click on the Login tab at the top right hand corner of the page and then click on the “Register now” button. Fill in the required details. step 2: create your team In order to play it is mandatory for you to create your team. Send out invitations to three friends, by providing their email addresses. step 3: manage your team Once you’ve created your team you become the team manager. You have the option to: • Hire players who are already registered, but are not a part of any team, only if you have an empty player slot. • Invite someone who is not registered to join your team, only if you have an empty player slot. • Kick-out players you think are inactive or not doing good.

{month in focus} zabardast recharge offer n Mobilink Jazz brings yet another exciting offer for its valued customers where free minutes and Free SMS will be awarded immediately on every recharge of Rs. 100 or more. That’s not all. On recharge of Rs. 500 and above, Jazz customers will be entitled to enter into a lucky draw to win three 1800cc Cars and Return air tickets to the destination of their choice anywhere in the world! If you are a Jazz customer then here’s what you immediately get on every recharge of: recharge incentive Rs 100-299 30 minutes 30 SMS Rs 300-599 100 minutes 100 SMS Rs 600-999 300 minutes 300 SMS Rs1000 and above 1000 minutes 1000 SMS

3g launch after Consultation from stakeholders n “We are committed to take all possible measures for the growth of telecom sector of the country. All stakeholders of the industry will be taken on board before finalizing the policy for 3G broadband technology and after an extensive analysis and discussion, this technology will be launched in the country” said Minister In charge for IT, Sardar Mohammad Latif Khan Khosa while addressing a seminar on 3G mobile broadband technology as chief guest, organized by PTA in collaboration with Qualcomm and Central Asian Cellular Forum (CASF). On this occasion Secretary IT, Naguibullah Malik was the guest of honour while Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), Dr. Mohammed Yaseen moderated the panel discussions among the participants of the event. Representatives from the IT & telecom industry and academia also participated in the seminar titled “Connecting Pakistan Through 3G Mobile Broadband”. Addressing the seminar, Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa said that the telecom sector of Pakistan has seen unprecedented growth ever since the deregulation of the industry. He said that currently our teledensity stands at 63.5% and we are well on our way to cross the 100 million mobile subscribers mark in the near future. The past two years have also seen broadband growth of 150%, never before experienced, he added. The Minister said that the recent auction results of 3G spectrum, in India, ending at US$ 15 billion is a sign of bullish mood of investors in introducing latest telecom facilities in this region. He appreciated PTA’s initiative of inviting all stakeholders of the sector at one platform to have a healthy discussion on challenges being faced by the Pakistan’s telecom market for the launch of 3G technology. He said that PTA should arrange such forums in other provincial capitals of the country as well to enlarge the scope of input being received from the all concerned stakeholders. On this occasion, Mr. Naguibullah Malik said that telecom sector of Pakistan has seen an admirable growth during the last five years which is clearly reflected by the sharp rise in teledensity from a meager 12% to 63% since 2005. He said that before the deregulation we could only guess benefits of telecom for our people but today we exactly know how it benefits each segment of society and age group. Our job is to ensure cheap and easy availability of

Chairman PTA, Dr. Muhammad Yaseen presenting a momento to Minister IT, Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa at seminar on 3G. Secretary IT, Nugaib Ullah Malik is also seen in the photo modern technology to the people; they will learn how to make best of the services to their advantage, he added. He said that 3G Mobile Broadband will ensure availability of a number of data intensive value added services such as real-time access to medical records, on demand TV, e-education, cloud computing, video calls real-time weather forecasts and advisory for farmers and many more. While chairing the panel discussions Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammad Yaseen said that 3G can act as catalyst in the proliferation of broadband and it can bring positive growth in all segments of the national economy. He asked mobile operators to give serious consideration to the early launch of 3G technology in Pakistan so that the consumers can avail latest telecom and data services. Senior Director Global Business Development Qualcomm, Raheel Kamal also talked on the occasion. During the Seminar, Local and international experts also delivered presentations on 3G mobile Broadband service. The objective of this seminar was to deliberate upon the regulatory, policy and technical challenges in connecting Pakistan through 3G Mobile Broadband. During the seminar participants gave their recommendations for the introduction of 3G services in Pakistan. July 2010 | more | 29

{month in focus} rs. 30 billion loss is not true ptCl reinforces Migration of digits from 7 to 8

n The increases in Approved Settlement Rates (ASR) are made on the basis that the level of ASR directly affects the contributions towards USF for proliferation of telecom services and the same was increased to help the Government to expand the USF projects in remote areas. Number of projects has lately been completed by USF Fund in Sindh and Balochistan. Five Optical Fibre projects costing Rs. 4.5 Billion and Twelve Broadband projects costing Rs. 6.35 Billion have already been awarded. Owing to this, the broadband proliferation has increased manifold in Pakistan showing a growth of 150%, thus putting Pakistan amongst the top ten countries in the world in terms of growth. The broadband subscribers have reached approximately 0.8 Million. Therefore as reported in certain sections of the media, government has not suffered a loss of Rs 30 billion on account of collection of Access Promotion Contribution (APC). On account of APC for USF, PTA was collecting Rs.12 million/month in January, 2005, Rs.85 million in October, 2007, Rs.86 million in May, 2008 while Rs.1083 million/month and Rs.1564 million/month in Feb, 2009 and July, 2009 respectively. In fact, as data shows, changes in the APC and ASR over the period of time have helped in increase of revenues to the USF Fund. Historically, when ASR was at its minimum level from October 2007-April 2008, the average monthly minutes were 499 Million per month. In May 2008, when the ASR was increased to 10 cents/minute, there was no negative impact on the traffic pattern due to the installation of equipment to curb grey traffic. From May 2008 onwards, average incoming traffic remained at 500 plus Million minutes per month, resulting in an increase in APC for USF contribution of US$ 14 Million per month (May 2008-Jan 2009) which further increased to US$ 22 Million per month from February 2009 to June 2009 when PTA increased the ASR to 12.5 cents/minute. Since the reported traffic never reached to the level of one billion minutes per month even when ASR was at its minimum level, the assumption that the legal traffic fell below 400 Million minutes per month, thereby resulting in a loss of Rs 30 Billion, as being projected in the media, is not based on facts. Another reason for increase in ASR is that the earlier reductions in ASR were not passed on to the end users by foreign operators who continued to charge high tariffs from users calling Pakistan from abroad and the same was conveyed to PTA through complaints from Pakistani expatriates. The Telecom Act 1996 and APC Regulations empower PTA to revise ASR/APC which PTA carries out after the due consultation with telecom operators through a fair and transparent method. And the decision of PTA is appealable in the courts as well. PTA conducted 28 successful raids, on grey traffickers, since March 2009, which included small and big gateway operators. Number of persons including foreigners were also apprehended. In the campaign against illegal telephony 20,092 mobile SIMs were blocked. Furthermore, licenses of Local Loop operators and LDI operators were suspended, while LDI operators were also fined on this account. Thousands of operators/equipments involved into grey traffic are being blocked every month. PTA has saved Rs.1.5 billion (US$ 18 Million per month) so far by taking action against the illegal operators and after installation of latest equipment in April 2008 at PTA. It is pertinent to mention here that PTA has established a dedicated Vigilance Cell of experts whose expertise are well recognized in monitoring such illegal telecom traffic with the help of state-of-the-art equipment to curb the grey traffic. International regulators have shown their interest to acquire similar system to curb grey traffic in their respective jurisdictions.

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n As per the instructions of PTA, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) shifted its fixed line number plan from 7 to 8 digit series in July 2009. Initially migration from 7 series to 8 digit series has been implemented in Lahore and Karachi only. Digit “3” was added to all existing 7 digits numbers of Karachi and Lahore except the numbers starting with “9”. Another digit “9” was added in all existing numbers starting from “9”. It is important to understand that extra digits have been added to the existing phone numbers and not the area codes. Army exchanges are exempted from this change and their numbers would remain the same. For customer with awareness and facilitation for PTCL requested PTA that the new series plan should run parallel to old one for a period of one year w.e.f July 01, 09 till July 01st, 2010. However at the completion of this period to ensure connectivity and customer convenience, customers would now hear an announcement advising them to add digit 3 or 9 to get through on PTCL Karachi and Lahore incase they forget to dial the new required digit. SEVP Commercial Naveed Saeed said PTCL in this regard also plans to run an awareness campaign to save our customers from any inconvenience and connect them without any problems. Aasif Inam EVP Consumer Services said this will apply to all callers calling on PTCL landline in Lahore and Karachi from PTCL landline, Mobile, NTC, SCO or other LLOs and we are specially focusing upon publicizing the change to save our customers from facing any inconvenience.

Wi-tribe Team during a walk-a-cause and tree planting activity conducted as part of wi-tribe's WOW CSR initiative

{month in focus} re-kindling partnership with Ufone n ACCA Pakistan recently awarded Approved Employer status to Ufone. Currently, Ufone has 20 ACCA trainees working in the audit and finance department to complete their PER (Practical Experience Requirement), which is a mandatory milestone towards attainment of the ACCA membership. Ufone is a Gold Approved Employer, a prestigious title endowed by ACCA to appreciate the unwavering commitment of an organization towards development of ACCA professionals. This is proof of Ufone’s continuous strife towards establishing best practices and international standards in internal and external operational processes of the organization. Mr. Arif Masud Mirza, Head of ACCA Pakistan presented the Approved Employer certificate to Mr. Nadeem Khan, Chief Financial Officer, Ufone. ‘As the world of telecommunications advances, Ufone promises its customers to stay ahead and to achieve this, an organization must have the right people with the right set of skills, who can lead with their

innovation and expertise. The partnership with ACCA will help us achieve this goal to a great extent with finance function being the backbone of the business strategy,’ commented Mr. Nadeem Khan. Mr. Arif Masud Mirza, Head of ACCA Pakistan lauded Ufone for their continuous support and extended commitment towards helping Ufone in tackling key development issues of finance professionals and establishing a diligent finance func-

tion. He added, ‘ACCA talent fits very well with Ufone’s organizational culture of innovation. The ACCA Approved Employer scheme is a 360 degree solution for recruitment, retention and development of Accounting and Finance professionals who not only come with an in-depth knowledge and skill background but also deliver to the standards of professionalism and ethics’.

Ufone introduces fUtsal in pakistan

n Ufone is celebrating Football World Cup 2010 with gusto and gaiety as the company kick started Uth FUTSAL (A shorter or “T20 version” of Football) in its traditionally vigorous way in the country. Uth FUTSAL has been launched with exciting promotions in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. The idea is unique since it caters well for time constraints and paucity of play grounds. FUTSAL is a variant of football that is played on a smaller playing surface. This name is derived from Portuguese and Spanish words which can be translated as "hall football." The game is played on a surface delimited by lines and between two teams of five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper and is played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a regulation football. Organized according to international standards of this game, Ufone will host a back-to-back chain of matches in Islamabad, La-

hore and Karachi in the first half of July this year. Out of the two day activity at each of the three stations, day one will conclude with underground bands performing live. On day two, the final of that city will be played followed by a concert of the very renowned 'Call the Band' for which the passes are available in all three cities with the Uth squad, comprising of the very talented Uth brand ambassadors. The Uth ambassadors shall inform the youth about the recently launched 'Uth Package' which is professionally crafted to cater for the needs of the youth of Pakistan. The first match of this series will be held in Lahore on July 5th followed by final on 6th. On the same pattern, a two day activity will be hosted in Islamabad on the 6th & 7th similarly in Karachi on the 10th & 11th. Mr. Akbar Khan Chief Marketing Officer Ufone said, "The youth is the future of the country and Ufone’s Uth package has been designed to ensure we cater to each of the youths likes. Being a part of the Uth family is sure to bring many surprises for the youth of Pakistan". "FUTSAL is only the beginning of many of the surprises planned for our valued customers. As always Ufone is striving to bring a smile to all segments of the society", he added. July 2010 | more | 31

{month in focus} warid and Mobile zone signs Contract

warid expands 500 Cities

n Warid Telecom (Pvt.) Ltd. and Mobile Zone signed a contract at MZ Lahore office, through which customers will get Warid Golden or Silver number on commitment and 2 line rents worth money back after 6 months along with Samsung handset with MZ warranty. Seen in the picture sitting from right Mr. Akbar Khan Head of strategic Alliance Warid Telecom with Mr. Ifran Aziz, Director Mobile Zone. Standing at back from right Mr Hassan Awan, Taimoor Kully & Syed Waqar.

Jam-a-Jingle for dell n Dell Pakistan has recently launched a jingle competition for its Face book fans named “Jam a Jingle for Dell”. Fans are invited to ignite their creative talents and compose jingles for Dell. The winner of the competition will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs.50, 000. Head of Marketing for CSMB at Dell Pakistan, Nubla Iftikhar stated, “Dell as a stylish brand is happy to engage the youth by giving them the opportunity to express their musical talent with respect to the emotive association they have with Dell”. This exciting competition will continue till July 10, 2010 during which fans will post their musical compositions on Dell’s fan page. Later in the competition fans will be able to vote for the best jingle. The top voted compositions will be handed over to popular VJ Dino and VJ Anoushey who will be choosing the winner of this competition for the cash prize.

n Warid Telecom (Pvt.) Ltd. achieves another milestone by expanding its quality network services to 500 cities of Pakistan. Connecting all major cities, rural areas, small villages and towns the network covers a road length area of 12500KM across Pakistan. Warid’s commitment to excellence and unparalleled network experience has led it to provide coverage in extremely difficult terrain of South-West Punjab collaboration with USFCo for DG Khan Lot. Being acknowledged as most reliable network service provider the company is also the first one to introduce proper In-Building Solution with Distributed Antennae System (DAS) in Pakistan. Currently Warid has 66 IBS on Air in the network that covers buildings include all Airports, Major Shopping Malls, Major Hotels and Important Corporate Buildings. With an ambition to maintain and deliver unmatched high quality network experience to every nook and corner of the country Warid is pursuing an aggressive expansion strategy to spread its network coverage from cosmopolitan cities to smaller towns and villages of Pakistan.

zong launches lowest rate, 67 paisa per min n ZONG, in an extraordinary move, has launched Pakistan’s lowest call rate of 67 paisa per minute with the same charge being applicable to calls to any other network at any time. The package is designed to offer ZONG subscribers with the greatest value for the least expense. The new package is part of ZONG’s new array of products and services with which the company is rewarding its subscribers. At 67 paisa per minute ZONG is making keeping in touch extremely economical. The new package, unlike many other offerings in the market, gives benefit for both no on-net, off-net calls. A ZONG subscriber can call any other network for the same tariff. In addition to the lowered call charges, this package also offers unlimited free SMS with the best rates. Salman Wassay, Head of Marketing, ZONG, said, “ZONG is repeatedly taking steps to provide the greatest value to our subscribers. Reduced call rates across the board is one benefit we are proud to give our loyal customers.” He added that price moves are only one way in which we serve our subscribers but it is a key strength of the organization. Acknowledging the need to have economical ways to call offnet numbers is a central part of the philosophy of this package.

n Intel Pakistan recently launched a float activity with the latest Intel technology such as the Atom based computers and the new 2010 Core Processor Family showcased for the Pakistani consumers. The float in partnership with Viper Technology is scheduled to tour across the nation targeting all education institutes and general public to create awareness about latest technology and affordability for every man. The campaign is a means of promoting computer literacy in Pakistan. Picture shows the set-up inside the Intel Float where people are observing the latest Intel products and learning more about information technology from the Intel team.

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{month in focus} dell sponsors pakistan’s first ever blog awards n Dell recently sponsored Pakistan’s first ever blog awards ceremony held at a local hotel in Karachi. It was a pioneering event in which Pakistani blogs were awarded for their brilliant content and quality. Altogether 207 blogs participated in the competition in the 41 defined categories. The participating blogs were scrutinized and judged by 14 experts from different fields. The main categories were technology, politics, education, humor, business, science, health care, Urdu blogs, celebrities, automobiles, literature, sports, photo blogs, music blogs, video blogs, food blogs and many others. The competition was hard-hitting among blogs of different categories; one blog in each field was chosen among them and awarded as the best blog. More than 300 people, including bloggers, technology experts and industry specialists participated in the awards distribution ceremony and enlightened the evening. Head of Marketing for CSMB at Dell Pakistan, Nubla Iftikhar stated, “Dell is happy to

Head of Marketing CSMB at Dell Pakistan, Nubla Iftikhar presenting an award at Pakistan’s First Blog Awards ceremony. have pioneered the concept of recognizing talent in Pakistani blogs; there’s a lot of enthusiasm, skill and the urge to create inter-

esting content.” Nubla Iftikhar was also one of the judges from the panel of the blog awards.

number 1 memory manufacturer, kingston n iSuppli and DRAMeXchange, the third-party market research organizations, both, recently announced that Kingston Technology is ranked as the world's number-one memory module manufacturer for the third-party memory market in 2009. To share the joy of success and the secret behind it, Kingston Technology Company, Inc., the independent world leader in memory products held “Kingston Insider Premiere” party during Computex 2010 and disclosed company’s history and latest product information. The party started with an exclusive opening video called “Kingston Insider” which unveiled Kingston’s secrets of success to maintain leadership in memory market for the past 23 years. Then it was followed by highlight of event, the showcase of “Twin” SSDNow by two beautiful twin models. In addition to Kingston SSDNow V-series 30GB twin pack, Kingston also demonstrated the latest memory module and flash products, including HyperX H2O, HyperX blu, HyperX LoVo, the fastest RAM in the world, HyperX 2544Mhz (See the video on YouTube:, USB 3.0 HyperX SSD, SDXC 64GB, Kingston SSDNow product family, and lots of Kingston’s products at the FUN Party. “In 2009, Kingston not only reached revenue of 4.1 billion USD, but also was positioned again as the leading independent memory module manufacturer according to the recent survey from the third-party market research organizations (iSuppli 2010 / DRAMeXchange 2010),” said Scott Chen, Vice President, APAC Region, Kingston Technology. “This contribution comes from the great support of our loyal customers, vendors, media friends, channel and alliance partners. To meet end customers’ expectation, Kingston will continue developing new products and providing quality services. In 2010, our main focus is to expand the market share of both SSD and HyperX product lines and gain a stronger foothold in this burgeoning area.”

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{month in focus} samsung unleashes wave and Champ n Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. a global leader in cutting-edge technology has unveiled its new range of mobile phones Samsung WAVE and CHAMP for its Pakistan customers. The launch was attended by senior media scribes who witnessed wide array of the new mobile phone features. Zeeshan Qureshi, Head of Mobile Phones Division, Samsung Pakistan & Afghanistan at this occasion expressing his views stated, “Samsung’s Wave and Samsung’s Champ mobile phones are our commitment to deliver rich, connected and innovative smart phone experience to everyone. By launching these two phones we want to strengthen our lead-

ership with the overall touch-screen handset category.” Steve Han, General Manager, Samsung Pakistan stated, “These phones are designed for individuals who seek innovative and productive ways of using their mobile phones. The Samsung’s latest phones offer an unrivalled level of performance, customization and choice in how they connect with their world.” Samsung Wave offers AMOLED 3.3” display that makes the screen truly come alive, a social Hub to bring closer to contacts and connections and TouchWiz for an intuitive customizable user interface. Multi-codec support for DivXXvid, MP4 and WMV and supports for virtual 5.1

surround delivery transforms the device into a personal entertainment system. Above all HD video decoding and recording capabilities make the Samsung Wave an outstanding device for capturing and sharing equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The Samsung Champ enables an immerse experience with a built-in radio, 3D sound effects and a dual speaker. With its long battery life consumers won’t have to sacrifice portability and can enjoy hours of multimedia use. Users can download java applications and enjoy embedded java apps. Champ offers Bluetooth; 2.4” touch display, 8 GB memory and ultra compact design.

tag Heuer f1 lady steel & Ceramic by Maria sharapova

n Women don’t experience time the way men do. Men cut it up into fractions and sequences in order to visualize it, while women see it as a circular system, a poetic flow, an eternal return. For men, time is linear. For women, it is cyclical. To please women, then, every object must be bestowed with the fullness, softness and emotion it deserves. Generosity and tenderness are essential. Design, not function, pleasure, not utility — these are paramount values. A watch doesn’t just tell time; it must be an object of pure seduction. When TAG Heuer asked tennis superstar Maria Sharapova to help design its new TAG Heuer Formula 1 ceramic watches, it wasn’t because of

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her Grand Slam victories. Nor because she had been working closely with TAG Heuer for the last five years as part of a close circle of brand ambassadors. It was because she is a woman — a TAG Heuer woman — endowed with special qualities and the systematic approach that comes with the territory. Ceramic is a multisensory material, soft and warm yet unalterable: like a diamond, it cannot be scratched. Strong and exquisite, it is especially appealing to women. Combined with stainless steel, it creates a sublime bracelet with butterfly clasp — perfect for the most delicate wrist. The bezel on the jewelled version sparkles with 60 diamonds. The black edition is perfect for night on the town; the white, for anytime and anyplace. For total star power, opt for the fully set bezel version with a new bracelet in ceramic and steel — the ideal accessory for those seeking something different, not overly showy or ostentatious, and always in the best of taste, no matter the circumstance.

“Mr. Abu Nasar Siddiq, Category Head-IT, Samsung Electronics at the roadshow introducing ML-1660, world’s smallest laser monochrome printer”

Mr. Reza Burne Nokia Care Manager Pakistan & Afghanistan along with team at the briefing session on Nokia Care Center services to journalist. Syed Meraj Alam, Media Manager, Syntax Communication is also seen on the right side

{month in focus} dawood Hercules contracts dupont for safety standards

n Dawood Hercules Chemicals Limited, a leading fertilizer manufacturer in Pakistan, has appointed DuPont Sustainable Solutions to help it achieve worldclass safety standards at its Sheikhupura fertilizer plant near Lahore, in an ambitious three-year timeframe. The contract consists of a comprehensive safety management consulting programme tackling a number of tasks from evaluating the initial safety performance to introducing technological and organizational changes, as well as process safety procedural improvements. It also includes the training of top and middle management and the development of a behaviour based safety culture. Dawood Hercules is a Pakistan-based company which specializes in the production, purchase, and sale of fertilizer – mainly urea. The company’s overall safety performance has improved significantly over the last eight years and reached

record levels at the end of 2009. However Dawood Hercules management wants to improve its safety management system further to ensure the safety of employees, processes and equipment. The new safety programme involves all management and employees, approximately 500 people in total. Dawood Hercules is the first fertilizer manufacturer in Pakistan to obtain ISO-9001:2000 certification. This company is also certified against OHSAS18001 and ISO- 14001 standards by MOODY International. In 2009 it was awarded the National Environment Excellence Award by the National Forum for Environment and Health. “DuPont is globally recognized as one of the safest companies in the world. Based on its know-how, expertise and established methodologies gained from advising hundreds of manufacturing companies worldwide, we trust DuPont can provide our company with solutions to help us

achieve world-class safety standards,” Shahzada Dawood, Chief Executive at Dawood Hercules says. “This is a challenging project considering the three-year timeframe. The full commitment and high level of enthusiasm across the organization, from top management down to shop-level workforce, are key drivers that will lead Dawood Hercules to implement the right changes in order to achieve best practices,” Asma Kazmi, business development and project manager for the DuPont team in Pakistan, claims. As accidents and injuries in the workplace have remained startlingly common in countries experiencing rapid industrialization, it is vital that companies improve safety performance by embracing safety as a core value. DuPont Sustainable Solutions facilitates progress towards reducing incidents in the workplace and the related societal cost.

pso celebrates Customer Care day n Pakistan State Oil, the largest public sector organization in the energy sector, celebrated Customer Interaction Programs (CIP) and CNG Customer Care Day at select PSO outlets in Karachi. The objective of the day was to honor and increase interaction with the customers while providing them with an opportunity to interact with PSO management. Senior members of the Company were present at the venue and

interacted with customers. The initiative was in line with Company’s vision to enhance customer experience and portray a proactive customer-centric approach to all stakeholders. As part of the program, a special consumer promotion scheme was also launched to further augment customer experience. Under the promotion, all customers who purchased a CNG Plus Oil lu-

bricant received a free CNG refill worth Rs. 100. The initiative was well received by customers who were forthcoming in terms of feedback and greatly appreciated the Company’s initiative and environmentally friendly products. Customers also enjoyed free giveaways and refreshments at the venue and said that PSO should provide more customer interaction platforms like these.

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{month in focus} pia management and Cepia to improve airline

MD, PIA, Captain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon and senior officer in a meeting with council of employees of PIA (CEPIA) discussing the welfare of the airline and ways and means to turn around the corporation at the head office. n Managing Director PIA, Captain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon and the Council of PIA employees (CEPIA) in a meeting at Head Office unanimously agreed to improve the organization by cost cutting and proactive service for making the airline efficient and profitable. Managing Director PIA, Captain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon accompanied by Senior Officers discussed the handicaps being faced by the Corporation with CEPIA a representative body of Pilots, Engineers, Technicians, Employees Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA) and the Senior Staff Association. Captain Sohail Baluch led the CEPIA team accompanied by General Secretary CBA, Mr. Kamran Chaudhry, President SEAP, Mr. Shaukat Jamshaid, General Secretary SEAP, Mr. Zakir Farooq, President

FENA, Mr. Aziz Suharwardy, General Secretary FENA, Mr. Nadeem Afghan, President ATAP, Mr. Najeeb Ur Rehman, General Secretary ATAP, Mr. Maqsood Anwar, President PIASSA, Mr. Abid Saleem, General Secretary PALPA, Captain TM Rabbani and General Secretary PIASSA Mr. Asad Sadiq. CEPIA expressed their resentment on the liberal Open Sky Policy which was hurting the National Flag Carrier quoting countries like Germany and France which discourages Open Sky Policy. They demanded that PIA management should also protest over the Open Sky Policy with the government for allowing foreign carriers operate in Pakistan. MD PIA said that PIA management has always and at every forum presented the airline’s point of view. He emphasized on the CEPIA representatives that at the mo-

ment, it is necessary to make the Corporation profitable for which saving and cost cutting in daily operational matters was one way of improving the financial condition of the airline. Employees Representatives wholeheartedly supported the idea of saving; MD PIA decided to form a Committee comprising three representatives of PIA Management and three employees representatives of CEPIA to ensure cost cutting on expenses. On the request of CEPIA another committee was formed comprising two members of CEPIA and officials of Human Resource Department to solve the pension issues of retired employees. On the complaint of CEPIA regarding the quality of food being served to PIA employees, MD PIA requested the CEPIA members to help the management in ensuring the quality of food and clean environment at the employees cafeteria by making the canteen contractor perform as per the contract, the details of which would be provided to them by the management. CEPIA agreed to form a committee with General Manager Industrial Relations and make surprise visits to ensure good quality food for the employees as PIA was contributing funds for ensuring quality food at low cost to the employees. MD PIA assured the CEPIA representatives that the management would always be available for effective communication and discuss any issue for the improvement of the airline and betterment of its employees.

salim lauds govt. plan of automating pakistan post n Salim Ghauri, former Chairman Federal Task Force on Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), has appreciated government plan of introducing IT in postal service. In a statement, Mr Ghauri said only a vibrant plan of introducing latest information technology in postal service can bring this national organization out of abyss of ignorance. He said an organization like Pakistan Post with 48,000 employees and more than 13,000 post offices besides an extensive network with such huge numbers of postal employees was a valuable strength

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of the organization and no courier company could match the postal organization with such a huge infrastructure. Mr Ghauri, however, lamented that a hesitation from within the organizations like Pakistan Post is a hurdle in bringing about radical changes in public sector. He urged the Pakistan Post should also effectively use the information technology and the quality software to facilitate its customers. According to him, IT is now recognized as an important vehicle for accelerated development and uplift of the people in many countries of the world. This, in turn,

is facilitating the worldwide exchange of information and sharing of experience, knowledge and services. In the recent past, global recession has slowed down the economies, but information technology is showing the way to recovery of the businesses and economies through innovative and smarter solutions. Mr Ghauri said timely automation of Pakistan Post would make it a vibrant and effective organization, able to compete with private sector efficiency besides going for further innovation in its specific areas of activity.

{month in focus} 90pc computerized registration of the adult population achieved n Pakistan has emerged as one of the very few countries in the World where 90 per cent of the adult population is registered through most secure biometric technology introduced by National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA). “We are striving to attain 100 per cent registration and if we hit 94% we are as good as 100% because on average 6% turns 18 every year” said Tariq Malik, Deputy Chairman NADRA. While stating the benefits of registration, He observed that biometric identification of every Pakistani citizen of this country would bring transparency in all social political and economic affairs besides providing the vital health, education and social information for initiating targeted development programs. “We have issued 79.13 million ID cards so far against eligible adult population of 87.89 million. Overall registration increase in last two years (2008-2010) is 60% whereas female registration growth is 88.7% when compared against previous two years (2006-2008)” said Tariq. He said the registration of adult male population has already reached 99 per cent but female adult registration is still 77 per cent due to cultural inhibitions. We have overcome many hurdles in this regard as the overall registration in one of the most conservative province of Kyber Pakhtunkwa has already reached 99 per cent. He said the people of this province realized the benefits of registration to avail many social benefits. Tariq said the registration level at Azad Jammu and Kashmir is also 99

Mobilink fans enjoying FIFA final match

per cent followed by Punjab 91 per cent, Gilgit-Baltistan 88 per cent, Sindh 84 per cent and Baluchistan 74 per cent. “Our focus is now Sindh and Baluchistan and we are moving ahead in FATA despite severe law and order situation" he said adding that the task would be achieved within this calendar year. He said some important government initiatives also facilitated increase in issuance of Computerized National Identity Cards. "Prime Ministers decision to provide free CNICs attracted 1.7 million people and BISP attracted poorest of poor to get registered” added Tariq Malik. He said successful cash disbursement using biometric technology and rehabilitation of Internally Displaced People as an after math of SWAT operation was also possible due to accurate data available about the population with NADRA. Banks in Pakistan he added are flourishing because they know the identity of all their account holders. He said crimes have been unearthed after tracing the identity of criminals’ mobile phones that are issued after verification of their CNICs. “It is high time that the elections should be held on CNIC basis. This would definitely bring transparency in elections” said Tariq. NADRA opened many new registration centers, increased its fleet of mobile registration vans and established make shift semi mobile registration centers to cope with the surge in far flung areas. “Our mountaineers are trekking in mountain searching for unregistered population." Tariq added.

Mobilink Jazz fueled up fifa world Cup in pakistan n Mobilink Jazz brought FIFA World Cup live to big screens in Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi offering all Jazz customers a chance to get a free ticket of the match on every recharge of Rs. 200. Hundreds of football fans enjoyed watching their favorite teams on the big screens playing the game to enter into the FIFA World Cup final. The football fever reached its peak on the night

of the final match between Spain and Netherlands. Mobilink Jazz had arranged different fun activity stalls including face painting, trivia quiz and lucky draw for all Jazz customers. Football fans danced to the beats of Waka Waka and Waving Flag and celebrated the FIFA World Cup 2010 will full zest. Here’s a compilation of photos of football fans having a great time at Cinepax Rawalpindi. July 2010 | more | 37

{month in focus}

NEW ROADS, NEW EXPERIENCES shop involved experimental techniques using paper and fabrics and the exploration of shape, pattern and light using the materials. When describing her experience conducting the workshop Yemi said “It was enlightening, I learned so much from the students here, a lot that will come out in my work in the future” and went on further to say, “the students brought fabrics from home, since the students came from all over Pakistan they brought a variety of fabric with them”. Yemi was very animated about “I didn’t come expecting anything

cloth markets where she discovered first

the various fabrics she had a chance to see

really; I was just open to a new and unique

hand the “eye opening” art of haggling. “I

including fabrics from Balouchistan and



was quite horrible at it but I saw some bona

NWFP, regions she did not get to visit herself.

Yemi Awosile, a textile designer and re-

fide experts at work there”, she said good-

It is unfortunate that Yemi didn’t get to visit

searcher from the UK volunteered to come

naturedly, when spreaking about her expe-

many such culturally rich regions in Pakistan

to Pakistan as part of the New Silk Road De-

rience bargaining with the Dukaandars in

due to the current security situation, but

sign Residency Program by British Council

Liberty Market, Lahore.

thanks to the diversity of students at the

Pakistan. The design residency aimed to

NCA, she at least got a taste of what they

showcase the unique traditional skills and

had to offer.

crafts of Pakistani textiles and bring it to-

Despite Pakistan’s declining position in

gether with technical expertise in the UK,

the textile export market, Yemi’s remains en-

through a cultural exchange between both

thusiastic; she sees in technicolour the pas-


sion, talent and practicality present in the

When asked about her decision to come

country, and hopes that better utilisation of

to Pakistan, Yemi said “I wanted to learn

the numerous resources available could

about Pakistan since I didn’t know much

save the Industry from stagnation. “The (tex-

about it”. She also expressed an interest in

tile) industry has a lot to offer to the interna-

the country’s diverse & colourful textile her-


itage and the traditional natural dyes indige-

advantage… people have a great under-

nous to the region. Equipped with what little information she found about the country and stories






standing of textile here”. And verifying her Yemi Awosile

faith in the industry is her desire to set up a

Apart from visiting the textile hub of

business in Pakistan sometime in the future,

from friends who had visited earlier, Yemi ar-

Pakistan as part of her Design Residency

mostly dealing in accessories. “I think they

rived in Lahore in early March looking to ex-

program by the British Council, Yemi con-

will be quite popular here, and in the UK”.

perience the extraordinary and the unusual.

ducted workshops at the NCA, the Pakistan

It is hoped that the New Silk Road Cam-

With her residency primarily based in

School of Fashion Design (PIFD), Beacon-

paign is successful not only in strengthening

Lahore, Yemi got to view the city for all it had

house National University (BNU), Indus Val-

ties between the UK and Pakistan, but also

to offer; from a bumpy ride in a colourful

ley College of Art and the Government

in restoring Pakistani textiles and crafts back

and “fascinating” rickshaw to the bustling

Polytechnic Institute for Women. Her work-

to the cultural forefront internationally.

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{month in focus} evo in 100 cities now

n PTCL has extended its wireless Broadband EVO service in 100 major cities & towns across Pakistan. PTCL EVO is a superior 3G wireless technology experience that gives opportunity to roam freely with an average download speeds from 300 kbps to 500 kilo bits per second. PTCL has made the broadband technology affordable by lowering the barriers to entry and now geographically also service is within the reach of a common person across Pakistan. With a true vision and clear objectives PTCL has now successfully provisioned broadband EVO service in 100 cities and towns i.e. Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, Quetta, Hyderabad, Chakwal, Gujranwala, Muzzafarabad, Rawalakot, Mirpur, Okara, Sargodha, Sialkot, Multan, Faisalabad alongside other small towns and cities across Pakistan. Expansion of PTCL broadband net-

EVO launch in 100 cities reflect in PTCL’s commitment to connect its customers to the world via internet and company’s commitment to provide its customers with best telecom services at their doorsteps. work will continue to ensure that more customers get the opportunity to experience the latest wireless broadband and related technologies. Naveed Saeed SEVP Commercial on achieving this important milestone said EVO launch in 100 cities reflect in PTCL’s commitment to connect its customers to the world via internet and company’s commitment to provide its customers with best telecom services at their doorsteps. Working in a market where technology changes every minute; PTCL always strives to introduce products and

services that brings more value to its customers. Syed Asim Ali, EVP, Commercial Planning said through superior 3G experience we offer to our customers variety of Prepaid and Postpaid options to suit their needs as well as their budget. With nationwide roaming, customers can take their EVO anywhere and be connected at super fast speeds (except Peshawar). Customers have the freedom to download as much data as they want with EVO postpaid and MAX packages, as there are no download limits with these packages.

ptCl reinforces Migration of digits from 7 to 8 n As per the instructions of PTA, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) shifted its fixed line number plan from 7 to 8 digit series in July 2009. Initially migration from 7 series to 8 digit series has been implemented in Lahore and Karachi only. Digit “3” was added to all existing 7 digits numbers of Karachi and Lahore except the numbers starting with “9”. Another digit “9” was added in all existing numbers starting from “9”. It is important to understand that extra digits have been added to the existing phone numbers and not the area codes. Army exchanges are exempted from this change and their numbers would remain the same. For customer with awareness and facilitation for PTCL requested PTA that the new series plan should run parallel to old one for a period of one year w.e.f July 01, 09 till July 01st, 2010.

However at the completion of this period to ensure connectivity and customer convenience, customers would now hear an announcement advising them to add digit 3 or 9 to get through on PTCL Karachi and Lahore incase they forget to dial the new required digit. SEVP Commercial Naveed Saeed said PTCL in this regard also plans to run an awareness campaign to save our customers from any inconvenience and connect them without any problems. Aasif Inam EVP Consumer Services said this will apply to all callers calling on PTCL landline in Lahore and Karachi from PTCL landline, Mobile, NTC, SCO or other LLOs and we are specially focusing upon publicizing the change to save our customers from facing any inconvenience. July 2010 | more | 39

{banking |


Kamran Saleem


Pakistan is ranked third in the list of 11 most developed

or developing economies around the world in terms of low na-

mation will help emphasize the need for tax incentive if greater insurance market penetration is truly desired:

tional savings. National savings, as percent of GDP, declined from 20.8 percent in FY03 to 14.3 percent in FY 09. Low household savings further aggravated by unattractive investment avenues due to certain fiscal policies has con-

in india, Individuals with taxable income of under IRs.

500,000 (approximately Pak Rs. 650,000 are allowed a tax rebate of a proportion of the life insurance premium paid, such rebate being:

tributed to increased preference for low risk and fixed income


financial instruments such as Bank Deposits and National Sav-

30% if the person’s taxable income is below IRs. 100,000 and taxable income constitutes 90% of

ings Schemes (NSS).

total income;

Pakistan’s income tax regime has introduced tax incentives


20% if the person’s taxable income is below


15% if the person’s taxable income is between

for institutions such as mutual funds and retirement benefit

IRs. 150,000 and the above does not apply;

schemes as well as incentives targeted at individuals. However, no such incentive has been proposed for investment in life in-

IRs. 150,000 and IRs. 500,000.

surance/Takaful. As a result, Pakistan has one of the lowest life insurance pen-

in malaysia, life insurance premiums or takaful contri-

etration rates in the world, that being a mere 0.27% of GDP and

butions are allowed to a maximum total tax relief of RM 6,000

significantly lags behind India (4%) and Bangladesh (0.42%).

(approximately Rs. 105,000). A further tax relief of RM 3,000 (ap-

Life insurance penetration in other regional countries also surpasses that of Pakistan: South Korea (7.27%), Singapore (6%),

proximately Rs. 50,000) is given for insurance premiums with respect to medical and educational purposes.

Malaysia (3.6%), and Thailand (1.99%). The following is a country-wise summary of tax incentives with respect to life insurance/family takaful industry. The infor40 | more | July 2010

in korea, Life insurance premiums are tax deductible

up to 1 million Korean won (approximately US$ 1,060) Given the

{banking} policy objective of increasing life insurance penetration, it is

both the privileged and the socially unprivileged societies at

proposed to introduce a similar tax incentive in Pakistan. The

large. Moreover, there are an approximate 110,000 insurance

design of the proposed incentive should keep in view incentives

agents providing increased market penetration as compared to

given to other savings schemes in Pakistan.

those promoting mutual funds industry which is negligible. It is seen that the tax incentives allowed to Mutual Funds

mutual funds: Unit holders of the mutual funds, other than

and VPS has contributed minor success in boosting savings and

a company, are entitled to a tax credit under section 62 of the

economic growth. The regulatory authorities need to revisit

Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 on purchase of new units. The

policies governing the life insurance/takaful industry so that it

amount on which tax credit is allowed is the lower of (a) amount

becomes competitive and attractive for the general public as

invested in purchase of new units, (b) 10 percent of the taxable

better means of investment.

income of the unit holder, or (c ) Rupees 300,000/-, and is calculated by applying the average rate of tax of the unit holder for the tax year. If the units are disposed within twelve months, the amount of tax payable for the tax year in which the units are dis-

advantages of providing tax incentives to life insurance/takaful industry of Pakistan: 1.

posed is increased by the amount of credit allowed.

Support to the government in the provision of high quality pensions, healthcare and social security (financial protection) to the masses

there are two specific incentives targeted at individuals, these being as follows: a) As per Section 62 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, an


life insurance/takaful for the masses 3.

individual investor can claim tax credit upto Rs. 60,000 (in case

infrastructural development and sustainable growth 4.

vidual’s taxable income (whichever is the lower), subject to that an investment is held for a period of one year. b) There is a Tax Credit allowed for investment by individuals in pension funds approved under the Voluntary Pension System

Provides long-term source of finance for investment in the economy of the country, thus contributing to

of a salaried person) or Rs. 75,000 (in the case of self employed) in a tax year on investment upto Rs. 300,000/- or 10% of indi-

Incentive for savings and investment in

Promotion of the concept of self-sustainability amongst the masses

It is therefore proposed to introduce a tax incentive for life insurance/takaful as is available for investment in the IPO of shares or investment in the VPS.

Rules 2005(VPS Rules) issued by the Securities and Exchange

Although the incentive can be designed in many forms it is

Commission of Pakistan (SECP) (S63 of the Income Tax Ordi-

proposed that the format used for the VPS (a Tax Credit) is re-

nance 2001). The credit is calculated by applying the average

tained for the sake of consistency.

tax rate on taxable income to the contribution/premium paid,

While introducing the incentive, it will be necessary to pro-

there being an upper limit on the latter of the lower of 20% of

tect against life insurance / takaful companies introducing what

the taxable income (higher proportions for older persons under

are essentially pure savings products in the guise of life insur-

transitional arrangements) or Rs. 500,000.

ance / takaful policies. This is best done by ensuring that the level of life insurance / takaful cover (as opposed to savings) is

strengthening Pakistan’s life insurance/ family takaful industry through a supportive fiscal Policy: Life Insurance/Family Takaful is of vital importance for eco-

of a minimum level. It is therefore proposed that the incentive be introduced for premiums / contributions paid into “qualifying life insurance / takaful policies”, with the definition of a qualifying policy being

nomic growth of the country and the only industry which gar-

that the amount payable on death (not limited to accidental

ners long terms savings. Investments of insurance/Takaful

death) must be at least equal to the greater of :

companies are largely in government bonds/Sukuk and equity

infrastructure and contributes towards the development and modernization of capital markets. Compared to Mutual Funds, which is unable to offer the re-

10 times the premiums / contributions paid in the first year; or

of long-term nature. This generates long term funds for country •

the total premiums / contributions payable under the policy over its term

It is also necessary to define limits up to which the incentive

tail market reach, the life insurance/family Takaful offices are

is provided. It is suggested that this should be the same as that

spread in metropolitan cities as well as in rural areas covering

of the VPS (currently Rs. 500,000).


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