MORE Magazine

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CONTENT disclaimer: Where opinion is expressed it is that of the author’s and does not necessarily coincide with the editorial views of the publisher or MORE. All information in this magazine is verified to the best of author’s and publisher’s ability. However, MORE does not accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on it.

{June 2010 | Volume 2 | Issue 11} cover sTory epISode, evIl playS 06 facebook double gaMe When we compare it with the widely publicized issue of facebook privacy, in that case the situation has become so problematic for facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, that he had to cancel the celebration of his 26th birthday and attend some very important meetings on the privacy matter

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Telecom TelecoM’S poTenTIal needS 10 More exploITaTIon Despite such a big market potential, the country is somehow lacking somewhere, to attract hefty investments. During the last year, the sector’s financial health could not...

preferS naTIonal 12 chIna InTereST over google Chinese search engine Baidu saw a huge increase in its search market share due to the government’s disagreement with Google.

Banking bankIng: QualITy of 16 ISlaMIc ServIce IS IndISpenSable Islamic banks should not only target their marketing towards those consumers who have a religious tilt, there has to be a competitive system whereby specialized products...

Technology TelevISIon: a bIg 18 InTerneT MedIa revoluTIon In Pakistan, Internet television is still an advent and going through the evolutionary period. The online TV service providers are still experimenting with a variety of access...

IncubaTIon 20 Technology cenTre, nuST An important task being carried out by the Centre is to maintain constant liaison with public and private sector enterprises and funding sources, government agencies,...

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46 - 50 MORE Magazine printed at Banquet Printing Press 28-A, Nisbat Road, Lahore and published by Mudassar Jehangir Mufti at 2nd Floor, Ali Mansion, 41-A, Lower Mall, Lahore Tel: 042 7321920, 2106737 Email:

editor-in-chief Mudassar Jehangir Mufti | group editor Sumaira Mudassar | editor Halima Qureshi | Sub-editor W. khaliqdad advertising Manager Ahmed Malik (Lahore), Amir Malik (Karachi) designer Assad Chughtai | Marketing executive Syed Faisal Ahmed, Zain Zahid | International correspondent Ireland: Alina Amir |US: Ovais Qureshi | contributor Fahad Chishty registration no. PCPB 286

{cover sTory |

6 | more | June 2010

W. Khaliqdad


{cover sTory} The highly sensitive facebook

Just look at the foolish justification of

following example. A facebook user, Saad

episode is finished as the deadline set by

the perpetrators of this highly deplorable

Mustafa Warraich based in Karachi, cre-

the Lahore High Court is over. About 2.5

act, "We are not trying to slander the av-

ated an Adolf Hitler page to observe how

million users from Pakistan got off from

erage Muslim, we simply want to show

much the torch-bearers of freedom of ex-


the facebook on the court orders and are

the extremists that threaten to harm peo-

pression were true in their claims. Within

back in usual business after some emo-

ple that we are not afraid of them. That

a short time, tens of people joined the

tional protests on the streets as well as

they can't take away our right to freedom

page named “H | T L E R” but, as expected,

through emails and certain blogs. Same

of speech by trying to scare us into si-

Saad was banned for ‘violation of face-

expressive but short-lived reaction which

lence." How naive that they want to teach

book regulations’ and his account was

has become our hallmark since long. Both

lesson to the extremists while getting ex-

disabled a night before facebook was

the Government and the public are to be blamed, the Government for its inefficiency to make viable and long-term proactive policies and not taking other Muslim nations on board, and the public for just venting their anger in a dispersed manner and, surprisingly rather shamelessly, majority of the users are back on the facebook. So what were they protesting against and what was the ultimate objective?

Just look at the foolish justification of the perpetrators of this highly deplorable act, "We are not trying to slander the average Muslim, we simply want to show the extremists that threaten to harm people that we are not afraid of them. That they can't take away our right to freedom of speech by trying to scare us into silence."

No doubt, the world community has once again shown double standards in re-

tremists themselves. The facebook page,

banned in Pakistan. Look what the web-

sponse to a very very sensitive issue that

which is the focus of the current dispute,

sites’ managers had to say in reply to

had earlier caused worldwide protests by

had encouraged users to (God Forbid)

Saad’s query, “Hi Saad, After reviewing

Muslims in 2005. On one hand the west-

draw the sketch of our dear Prophet

your situation, we have determined that

ern powers are big advocates of rooting

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) with a purpose

you violated our statement of rights and

out extremism while on the other hand

to protest threats made by a Muslim

responsibilities. One of facebook’s main

they only deplore such acts by a Muslim

group against the creators of "South

priorities is the comfort and safety of our

individual or a group but when a person

Park", again for blasphemous depiction of

users. We do not tolerate hate speech.

or group belonging to their own religions

the Prophet (SAW).

Targeting people based on their race, eth-

and beliefs intentionally hurt the feelings

Speaking at 37th session of the OIC

nicity, national origin, religion, sex, gen-

of millions of people, they call it freedom

Council of Foreign Ministers, Nawabzada

der identity, sexual orientation, disability

of expression. Knowing it very well that

Malik Amad Khan, Minister of State for

or disease is a serious violation of our

such condemnable actions, as committed

Foreign Affairs, rightly said, "Political div-

standards and has resulted in the perma-

by the Danish cartoonist or now a certain

idends reaped by Dutch extremist Geert

nent loss of your account. We will not be

lobby having support of facebook man-

Wilders in regional elections is encourag-

able to reactivate your account for any

agers, are disastrous for world peace they

ing extremists in other countries to resort

reason. This decision is final.”

just don't care because it does not come

to Islam bashing in election campaigns.

Like the 2005 incident, this latest act

under their definition of extremism. So

Negative stereotyping of the Muslims

of extremism via facebook also angered

one can easily judge that where are the

and defamation of Islam have become

Muslims who were shocked by the inci-

roots of extremism and terrorism, which

fashionable under the pretext of freedom

dent. In Pakistan also, the Government

have jeopardized the world peace and the

of expression."

whole humanity is living in a constant state of danger.

blocked the facebook on orders of the La-

The double standards of the facebook

hore High Court. Rallies were held

managers becomes crystal clear from the

throughout the country to protest the

June 2010 | more | 7

{cover sTory} sacrilegious move wherein demonstra-

mous acts know that they can easily ex-

have to realize that occasional protests

tors shouted anti-American slogans and

ploit Muslims' feeling, for example only in

and blocking websites will never serve

burned US, Danish and Swedish flags.

Pakistan there are around 2.5 million users

our cause in the long-term. We have al-

Moreover, PTA also banned websites like

of social networking websites. We can see

ready experienced it as in 2006

Youtube and more than 450 other links

our helplessness that when the facebook and all ad-

containing blasphemous material. It may

users in Pakistan complained to its man-

dresses were blocked in wake of the Dan-

be mentioned here that YouTube was

agers, the response was not positive.

ish controversy but what is the result,

also blocked by the government in 2008

When we compare it with the widely

after almost five years we find ourselves

to stop access to a movie trailer depicting

publicized issue of facebook privacy, in

in the same situation again and this time

Quran-e-Majeed as a fascist book. But this repetition of blasphemous

that case the situation has become so

its eect is much higher. Then there is an-

problematic for facebook CEO, Mark

other issue that when a website is blocked, people find rerouting addresses

When we compare it with the widely publicized issue of facebook privacy, in that case the situation has become so problematic for facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, that he had to cancel the celebration of his 26th birthday and attend some very important meetings on the privacy matter

for its access, therefore it is also important that there are alternate options for the users. No doubt the Muslim community as a whole and especially Pakistanis have the potential but due to lack of policies and government's will, things don't move forward. In Pakistan, people have tried to develop local social networking websites but the projects were not successful due

acts by these western extremists also

Zuckerberg, that he had to cancel the cel-

to lack of proper ground work and more

raises question as to what have the Mus-

ebration of his 26th birthday and attend

importantly the government's support.

lims done to convey their resentment and

some very important meetings on the

Soon after the facebook controversy and

anger in a forceful manner. Muslim lead-

privacy matter. Not only thousands of


ers should have sit together, discussed

protesters organized the Quit Facebook

"" has been launched





and adopted a joint strategy to stop such

Day, they have also spurred the develop-

which has successfully attracted a large

extremist actions after the unfortunate

ment of a potential competitor for face-

number of people who signed up on this

incidents of 2005. The ban on websites is

book called Diaspora.

website in just a few hours. Likewise an-

a temporary solution and for a long-term

Having been blessed with enviable

other website "" is

and permanent resolution, there is a

natural resources, brain power and enor-

also serving the same purpose. The ex-

need to call a special summit of the Mus-

mous chunk of population on the globe,

amples have been quoted here to show

lim countries to identify and agree on the

the Muslims shamelessly and callously

that potential is there, initiatives are

ways by which the world community is

are draining away their talent, human

being taken and it can go a long way if

strongly conveyed the sentiments of the

capital and their prestige even. No power

legal and technical issues are addressed

whole Muslim Ummah.

on earth can dare to challenge the ideo-

properly and the government takes up

Another important issue is that how

logical beliefs of Muslims and humiliate

the issue seriously otherwise we shall

long the Muslims will remain dependent

them to the height of the gross miscon-

continue to depend on others.

on the western nations for adopting

duct if they raise a unified voice and are

It is happy to note that over the last

newer technologies. Had we progressed

well-versed with the theory and practice

few years, research culture has flourished

in latest technology and competed to de-

of technological advancements.

in Pakistan and our universities/R&D or-

velop our own systems, the abovemen-

Still there is time that Muslims wake

ganizations have started moving in that

tioned incidents would never happen as

up and get united to compete technolog-

direction. After visiting universities' IT de-

the people indulging in such blasphe-

ically in the rapidly developing world. We

partments and Engineering campuses, it

8 | more | June 2010

{cover sTory} There is a dire need to develop a consensus among the Muslim nations and utilize our resources for technological revolution because cyber war can never be fought in the streets. Do we even remember as to what was the purpose of establishing the organizations like OIC and COMSTECH? Had these bodies achieved their objectives, the standing of Muslims at global level would be very different today. becomes evident that Pakistan's young professionals have enough potential to compete in the world of science and technology (S&T), what they need is encouragement and facilitation. If we take the example of google, the project was initiated by university students, which has now developed to become a necessity for citizens of almost every country on the globe. So if serious efforts are made, there is every possibility that we strengthen our own technological infrastructure and operate independently. Whatever the case may be, there is no doubt that invitation of a facebook member to draw blasphemous sketches deserves the highest level of condemnation. It must be understood internationally that freedom of expression does not mean that anybody anywhere gets up and produces material which is highly offensive to any belief, religion or region etc. Secondly, we as an Ummah and as a nation must learn that violent protests give harm only to our own countrymen, and moves like blocking the whole websites will not help us achieve our cause. It is reiterated that the need is to develop a consensus among the Muslim nations and utilize our resources for technological revolution because cyber war can not be fought in the streets. Do we even remember as to what was the purpose of establishing the organizations like OIC and COMSTECH? Had these bodies achieved their objectives, the standing of Muslims at global level would be very different today. In this technology-driven world, the cyber experts in the Muslim world must launch conscious efforts to combat the cyber predators and this is not possible until the Muslim leaders, legislators, technocrats, academia, intelligentsia, and media in particular feel their responsibility and act to their fullest.


June 2010 | more | 9

{Telecom |

More Report


Since taking over paktel, china Mobile has not only increased investment in local telecommunications infrastructure, it has also promoted local telecommunication and improved employment levels. This has been a win-win situation for the two countries, and contributed to enhancing the pakistani-chinese friendship. It may be mentioned here that china Mobile is the leading mobile telecom operator in china and is listed on the hong kong and new york stock markets and has the highest market value of all telecom operators.

China Mobile is planning to invest

may be reluctant to come to Pakistan but

for the company and Pakistan’s telecom

another US $ 300 million in Pakistan’s

China, like its strategic investments in differ-

sector. We may also be proud of the fact

telecommunication sector. It may be re-

ent other countries, has continued its proj-

that this is the first-ever venture of China

called that the company has already in-

ects in Pakistan and the Chinese companies

Mobile outside their homeland. The com-

vested over $721 million in FDI during the

have not stopped their operations in the

pany is determined to invest for the devel-

current financial year. At a time, when the

country rather they are expanding it.

opment of transmission facilities, GSM


overall investment scenario is very bleak in

ZONG has set up over 5000 cell sites

networks, support systems and for growth

Pakistan, the announcement made by

across the country and the brand is ranked

of new businesses and technologies. The

China Mobile is a welcoming one. Due to

third as far as number of base stations is

previous record of the company shows

different reasons, many foreign investors

concerned, which is very optimistic both

that it has followed the policy of providing

10 | more | June 2010

{Telecom} innovative services and has all the poten-

in cellular and fixed-line phone network

There was a perception that granting

tial of sustaining a leadership position in

over the last seven to eight years. This ex-

maximum licenses to fixed-line operators

the telecom industry.

pansion has created jobs for hundreds of

was enough as the market forces would

Since taking over Paktel, China Mobile

thousands of people and this is not lim-

themselves play a role for expansion but

has not only increased investment in local

ited to one region or province rather it

the result was the opposite. It was also an-

telecommunications infrastructure, it has

has impacted each and every aspect of

ticipated that a fast roll out of wireless

also promoted local telecommunication

the socio-economic growth of Pakistan.

technology might balance the decreasing

and improved employment levels. This has

As per statistics of Pakistan Telecom-

fixed-line penetration, in this case also the

been a win-win situation for the two coun-

munication Authority, our cellular market

consequence was not optimistic as there

tries, and contributed to enhancing the

ended 2009 with 97,579,940 subscribers.

was a lack of investment by wireless oper-

Pakistani-Chinese friendship. It may be

Though the figure of active users may be

ators, including Wateen and Wi-tribe who

mentioned here that China Mobile is the

less than that but even then it shows the

have skillfully redirected their resources for

leading mobile telecom operator in China

potential in the Pakistani telecom market.

the development of broadband and have

and is listed on the Hong Kong and New

As far as mobile users in Asia are con-

focused on new technologies like WiMax.

York stock markets and has the highest

cerned, the country stands at fifth posi-

Then the issues like right of way and lack

market value of all telecom operators. During the last about six years, the

tion, following markets like China, India

of unbundling were among major imped-

and Indonesia and Japan.

iments for the development of fixed line. It must be realized that a major chunk of

Despite such a big market potential, the country is somehow lacking somewhere, to attract hefty investments. During the last year, the sector’s financial health could not improve as was expected, factors including taxes and falling exchange rates, which placed unprecedented burden on the operators import bills. Though the operators have swiftly expanded their infrastructure, providing access to majority of the populace but still spheres including broadband, wireless, fixed-line and manufacturing have huge investment opportunities.

investment will be needed to roll out new generation of fibre networks, which provides a wonderful chance to the bigger players of investment. If we like to see the telecom sector flourishing and bigger investments coming into the market, the Government will have to focus on introducing a few radical reforms and a new tax structure as to facilitate investors from the difficulty of the tax structure. It must be realized that tax reforms are indispensable for attracting and then re-

nations that have invested over 70 per

But despite such a big market poten-

taining the investors. If our government has

cent in our telecommunication sector in-

tial, the country is somehow lacking

long-term policies, it will ensure the launch

clude UAE, USA, China and Norway.

somewhere, to attract further invest-

and implementation of the long-term

Among these, the United Arab Emirates

ments. During the last year, the sector’s fi-

plans. It is an established fact the world over

has been the foremost investor having al-

nancial health could not improve as was

that consistent policies increase investors’

most 36 per cent of the whole foreign di-

expected, factors including taxes and

confidence. The point is not just to criticize

rect investment in Pakistan.

falling exchange rates, which placed un-

the government, which has otherwise

No doubt Pakistan is an ideal country

precedented burden on the operators

some very good things to its credit but

for investment, which has in abundance

import bills. Though the operators have

some fundamental changes need to be in

the English speaking human resource

swiftly expanded the infrastructure, pro-

place. We need to have simplified, updated

with cost-effective managers and techni-

viding access to majority of the populace

and transparent laws and regulations sys-

cal workers, an ever-increasing domestic

but still spheres including Broadband,

tem, and their discretionary application

market having over 160 million con-

WLL and manufacturing have huge in-

must be discouraged. The availability of

sumers, and an improving physical and

vestment opportunities. Similarly, the sit-

better quality and more reliable services in

technological infrastructure. That’s the

uation in fixed-line penetration should be

all areas of infrastructure are key ingredi-

reason that country’s telecom sector has

one of the top most priorities for our

ents of a business environment conducive

received investment of billions of dollars

planners and regulators.

to foreign investment.


June 2010 | more | 11

{Telecom |


Alina Qureshi


If we thoroughly analyze the face-

clear as how to control the flow of informa-

the internet. Rather the situation has created

book dispute that is a source of anger and

tion to its publics, terming the actions of

problems for the Google as the Chinese in-

disturbance for the whole Muslim world, ra-

Google as totally wrong. A representative

ternet search market can’t just be ignored,

tionally speaking the onus lies on ourselves

of the Chinese government as quoted by

which is growing by 40 percent a year.

because history proves that we always

Xinhua news agency said, "Google has vio-

On the other hand, the Chinese search

show knee-jerk reactions to such unfortu-

lated its written promise it made when en-

engine Baidu saw a huge increase in its

nate incidents in an emotional manner and

tering the Chinese market by stopping

search market share due to government’s

afterwards it becomes a matter of the past.

filtering its searching service and blaming

disagreement with Google. Baidu's profit

Let us compare our situation with a recent

China in insinuation for alleged hacker at-

reached $US 70 million in the first quarter.

dispute between China and Google,

tacks. This is totally wrong. We are uncom-

The profit was helped by online marketing

wherein the Chinese government took a

promisingly opposed to the politicisation

customers increasing spending by 34 per-

firm stand against the latter for violating the

of commercial issues, and express our dis-

cent. As a result, the market share of Google

laws and disseminating content, which was

content and indignation to Google for its

was reduced by 4.7 percent in the first quar-

against the country’s interest.

unreasonable accusations and conducts."

ter, while Baidu's share increased 5.6 percent

After a tough round of discussions with

Another Chinese IT specialist Chen Yafei

in the same period. So much so that Baidu is

the Chinese government, the Google closed

said that Google should have accepted Chi-

looking forward to an increase of $US 268mil-

its search engine based in China (

nese regulation if it wanted to operate in

lion to $US 274 million in the second quarter.

and redirected them to Hong Kong based

the country. “Any company entering China

The point to be noted here is that the

site ( with the hope that the

should abide by Chinese laws. Our internet

way the Chinese government dealt with

Chinese government will relax its censor-

users will have no regrets if Google with-

Google to implement its own policy for en-

ship of the search engine. But a few hours

draws," he stressed.

suring security and stability of the country

after the Google took this step, China was

Even the US government showed its dis-

is an excellent example for the Muslim world

already censoring those searches from

appointment over China’s decision but noth-

as a whole and also for every individual which were politically sen-

ing stopped them from implementing what

country that if we are united and deter-

sitive, but did not block the entire site.

they thought is in their national interest.

mined, and are strengthening our own sys-

They did not care that one of the world's fa-

tems, no external player could dare cross its

Google may be an influential and dominant setup in the world, but Chinese

mous corporations is no longer willing to op-

limits and implement its own agenda with-

sticked to their stance and have been very

erate in China because of its censorship over

out taking into account our concerns. n

12 | more | June 2010



| cover sTory}

June 2010 | more | 13

{inTerview |

More Team


Some roles suit certain people more than others. But seldom do you get the opportunity to watch a role become a person where you, the casual observer, think of a specific designation, that professional comes to mind. Any company would be fortunate to have a CEO fit that kind of a profile. And that’s precisely the reason why Naseer Akhtar, President and CEO of InfoTech Group, is the man with the vision.

when was infoTech established and what are the key functions of the organization? Established in 1995. InfoTech, is a recognized market leader in Business & Information Management Consulting, Technology Solutions Provisioning, Systems Integration and Outsourcing Services.

what has been the biggest achievement for infoTech since it was established? InfoTech was in the running with the likes of Tata Consulting and MIT from Sri Lanka when we were pitching for the automation of Ghana Stock Exchange and won. That was the first step in altering the perception the global enterprise space had for a Pakistani Systems Integrator.

most men end up following their father’s steps when it comes to career decisions. what made you divert to another field? I wanted to make something for myself, challenge

naseer akhtar, President & CEO, InfoTech

myself and choose the road less explored. I wanted to discover the world for myself. I have a lot of faith in the Pakistani brand. There is a ready market of 170 million people waiting to be served and talent that can be generated right from it. It’s all here.

14 | more | June 2010

{inTerview} initially when you started, was your main focus only on infoTech? when did you realize that it was time to have more focused, niche operations?

have a problem of size. There isn’t enough of

versus IT Spend. Take a look at the Govern-

a sizeable value either being generated or

ment sector as an example. Government is

consumed. But given what exists, I think we

a major spender whether it is technology or

have executed some of the largest projects

other development expenditure. There is al-

available in Pakistan in terms of value, chal-

ways such discrepancy between reported

When we started out, we were doing

lenge and complexity. And servicing the local

figures and what is really being invested.

everything. And while that works when you

market becomes a confidence booster for any

The Ministry of IT, for example, had a budget

are trying to find your ground, you need to pull

company. If you have a strong domestic track

of Rs.700 million for e-Government. That’s a

in and start investing into focused areas. Doing

record, only then will that impact and influ-

little less than $10million. Three months

a little bit of everything and little bit of every-

ence the kind of international work you do.

later, the budget was revised to half where

sustainability has always been an issue for iT organizations. what has been previously done wrong?

ally only spent Rs.60million. That’s less than

where simply doesn’t work in the long run. We needed clear focus into identifying our industry, along with figuring out our target market segments to get a better understand of the size, nature and type of our customers.

the figure stood at Rs.340 million, but actu$1million in a year! Does a million dollars justify commitment of any organization to a long-term cause like e-Government?

I have seen some great companies come

how do you become an industry leader? what makes a company stand out?

up and then fail because they tried to grow too quickly and on their own. Take an earlier System Integrator organization that failed. I

how important is the part of a company in grooming students who are just stepping into the professional lives?

Like many companies, we were just

thought the idea was brilliant, though if you

spread out too thin. We did everything we

take a closer look at one of their failings, it

I feel companies need to play a more

could find in the first 10 years of business.

was that they didn’t collaborate. ‘Big’ doesn’t

proactive role in the lives of students. More

Later on I spent two years conducting a critical

refer to only the size of your company - that’s

than finances, students need support. Men-

self-assessment. I envisioned us to be a true

where collaborative forces come into the

toring; the ability to confidently communi-

system integrator. Not just a software devel-

picture. Being inclusive and willing to collab-

cate an idea and resolve a difference. These

opment house, hardware retail shop or a net-

oratively reap the benefits of the effort. That’s

real life skills are what CEOs need to help

work vendor but a System Integrator who

a big ingredient that is missing.

with. The students need to be nurtured and challenged. More than anything, there is a

could handle enterprise-level customers.

many companies say there are too many challenges when trying to operate in Pakistan. Do you agree?

why do you feel companies need to merge resources in order to increase services, in order to generate revenue? We’ve got too many small companies

large population of young talent that just needs to be polished. If we don’t invest in polishing them, we shouldn’t complain that they aren’t well groomed. This ignorance is what is going to continue to increase the

Of course there have been road blocks

and there is great possibility and potential

gap between the industry and academia.

that we’ve had to overcome like any other busi-

for sharing resources to increase opera-

Students should be required to spend at

ness. I think our decision to get into the Enter-

tional capacity and outreach. Companies

least one year at a company as part of their

prise segment very early on helped steer our

need collabrations that enable clients to be

graduation requirement. And there are a lot

course. Generally I agree there are more chal-

serviced in depth and breadth.

of creative ways to approach this problem.

how would you evaluate success and do you see growth for your business?

My basic aim is to do to do valuable work;

Do you feel there is a problem in the iT sector and is our government giving enough revenue to enhance the iT sector?

the kind of work that global enterprise-level

That is a big problem and I don’t think

on every single person. I see a lot more

companies roll out and do that for organiza-

it’s being addressed by enough people.

growth provided we continue to focus on

tions in Pakistan. Unfortunately local projects

There is an inherent gap between IT Budget

the fundamentals of business.

lenges than many other developing countries.

how do you define good work ethic and value in the local industry?

I am constantly evaluating, I calculate everything and the combined impact it has

June 2010 | more | 15

{Banking |

Syed Kamran Abbas


sponding to queries. So it is not only that Is-


Islamic Banking is a budding sector

in the global financial market with a marvelous potential, and a competitive and reliable alternate for the traditional banking.

Islamic banks should not only target their marketing towards those consumers who have a religious tilt, there has to be a competitive system whereby specialized products and services are offered, and proper programs are in place to train relevant personnel to support these products and services.

The Islamic financial institutions are oper-

lamic banks target their marketing towards those consumers who have a religious tilt, there has to be a competitive system whereby specialized products and services are offered and proper programs are in place to train relevant personnel to support these products and services. Meezan Bank Limited received the first Islamic commercial banking license from SBP in January 2002 while the State Bank of Pakistan established its Islamic Banking Department in 2003 with an aim to develop the Shariah compliant banking as an alter-

ating throughout the world. Only one Is-

is not new to the banking customers in Pak-

nate and reliable banking system, which

lamic bank existed in 1975 while today

istan but still many of them have doubts

goes well with the international financial

there are hundreds in more than 75 coun-

whether the system is really Islamic or not.

sector and assures an equitable economic

tries, prominent among them are Pakistan,

Being a Muslim country, majority of cus-

growth. And over the years, the progress of

Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Uzbek-

tomers may think of adopting products and

Islamic Banking in Pakistan has been com-

istan, Sudan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Alge-

services of Islamic banking, provided they are

mendable. Currently there are a number of

ria, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan,

truly Islamic and offer all the necessary serv-

licensed Islamic Banks and many conven-

Malaysia, Yemen, Syria and Kazakhstan.

ices in an efficient manner. While some of

tional banks are managing their Islamic

As per current practice in the Muslim

them do not go for halal banking products

Banking Branches in more than 50 cities

world, having an overall population of

feeling insecure as what will happen if credit

across the country

around 1.7 billion, Islamic banking has two

facilities are withdrawn. However, if Islamic

In a nutshell, Islamic banking is big busi-

strides. Some countries have attempted to

banking is a success in non-Islamic countries

ness and is growing everyday. However, in

change the whole fiscal system according

like Singapore, UK, Australia etc, there is no

order for Islamic banks to be competitive

to Shariah while others have adopted it as

reason that it does not do well in Pakistan,

with conventional products and attractive

a system parallel to the traditional interest-

where a large number of consumers are al-

to customers, Islamic financial products

based banking. In conventional banking, an

ready inclined towards interest-free banking.

must meet the risk/reward profiles of in-

asset is defined as an item with future eco-

On the other hand, looking at the past

vestors and issuers while fulfilling the tenets

nomic benefit attached to it regardless

attitude of consumer satisfaction, it has

of Shariah and remaining sufficiently cost-

whether there is legal control by the report-

been observed that the quality of services

effective. Moreover, Islamic banks must ed-

ing bank. While in the Islamic banking, an

plays a significant role in attracting the cus-

ucate their personnel to understand the

item may be taken as an asset only when

tomers, which include paying proper atten-

tenets of Islamic law that pertain to bank-

the bank has legal right to hold, use or dis-

tion with politeness, capacity of human

ing, and to train them to comply with

resource to properly manage different

Shariah as they serve their Islamic customer

tasks, and accuracy of information while re-


pose of the item. Though the concept of Islamic Banking 16 | more | June 2010




| cover sTory}

June 2010 | more | 17

{Technology |


Sumaira Mudassar


In this age of online revolution, majority of people do

our lifestyles have dramatically changed. Now one can watch

not even remember the time when the transmissions of Pak-

television from any location in the world, at any time and almost

istan Television ended daily with Farman-e-Elahi, and thus the

free of cost. After dish antenna and cable television, the next

viewers had no other choice but go to sleep. During a span of

upcoming development is the online television. It may be from

about two decades, technology has developed so rapidly that

your desktop, laptop and even through the mobile phone.

18 | more | June 2010

{Technology} Internet television is basically the dissemination of television

Though Internet television is like receiving signals via an an-

content through Internet. Television, as we know it, was a cen-

tenna or a chain of cable wires, the distinction is that informa-

tralized and controlled medium with networks choosing the

tion is shared as data over the Internet. Similarly, a viewer may

type and scheduling of content. Even some people would not

discover more diversity on Internet than the other forms of mass

feel good when they could not watch their favourite show at

media. Moreover, in addition to many of your favorite programs,

their preferred time. With the passage of time, different record-

different websites present independently produced programs

ing technologies developed that gave users the freedom to

for specific people. If you want to watch a show on cooking, for

view that content as per their convenience. And a time has

example, you could probably find it more easily over the Internet than on regular TV. Pakistan has seen a tremen-

In Pakistan, Internet television is still an advent and going through the evolutionary period. The online TV service providers are still experimenting with a variety of access and distribution programs so as to balance the ease of use and market appeal with licensing and other considerations. Looking at its scope, it may be assumed that Internet TV will become a big part of the media revolution, as the already existing types of media struggle to acclimatize to the enveloping influence of the new media.

dous growth in the electronic media in the last seven to eight years, for which the previous regime must be given the credit. The open media policy has resulted in every big group opening up its television channel. One can easily judge the level of competition among different news and entertainment channels in Pakistan. To survive in the market and retain their viewers is not an easy task and the new dimension of In-

come when the content distribution has become so quick and easily accessible that the audiences now anticipate much easier access to the desired stuff.

ternet television has made things more challenging for them. The technicality of accessing the content through Internet is another big question. During the primitive years of internet

A very recent example has been to watch live cricket online

TV, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks were the best choice available

through PCs. With the advances in internet connections and

for the users. It is easier for such networks to share heavy video

broadband capabilities, many of the Pakistani spectators

files. Through this system, users had to download files entirely

watched live streaming cricket online. Just imagine that a cricket

before viewing but the cost of continuing with P2P servers and

fan may follow his team online through a high-quality service

network that could endure the ever-increasing demand proved

without interruption. He may be at work, abroad but he can just

to be very complex. Therefore, most providers converted to

login and watch live cricket.

streaming, which delivers the content as it is viewed.

The speedy broadband has made the experience much more

In Pakistan, Internet television is still an advent and going

appealing. The television networks have realized that they will

through the evolutionary period. The online TV service

have to provide online access to their news and programs. There

providers are still experimenting with a variety of access and

is an increasing desire among the viewers to watch the content

distribution programs so as to balance the ease of use and mar-

on their PCs and mobiles. Though attempts to display media on

ket appeal with licensing and other considerations. Looking at

computers date back to the earliest days of computing, however,

its scope, it may be assumed that Internet TV will become a big

little progress was made for several decades, primarily due to

part of the media revolution, as the already existing types of

high cost and limited capabilities of computer hardware. Since

media struggle to acclimatize to the enveloping influence of the

the technology is advancing with every passing day, same is the

new media.

progress of the internet media. It should not come as a surprise

It is hoped that the Government would apprehend the chal-

to those interested to watch television on computers as there

lenges for the proper regulation of Internet television and unlike

are millions already doing so. Billions of video streams are

PEMRA’s attitude towards the private television channels, either

watched every single day and people are getting used to watch-

too relaxed or too stringent, would take concrete steps to legal-

ing entertainment media using their PCs online.

ize the emerging dimension of new media.


June 2010 | more | 19

{Technology |


More Report


The Technology Incubation Centre (TIC) of the

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) was established in 2004 to replicate the concept of incubators in the country. The Centre is one of those glaring projects of the University, which have helped the institution to become a world renowned University. The mission of TIC, a unique centre of its kind, is to provide an environment that attracts and nurtures

An important task being carried out by the Centre is to maintain constant liaison with public and private sector enterprises and funding sources, government agencies, industrial associations, chambers and the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry so as to provide facilitation and networking for incubatee companies.

technology based start-up companies transforming them into commercially viable enterprises. It helps potential entrepreneurs including students, University’s faculty

through their deas, prototype development etc, NUST has es-

members as well as general public to incubate their technology

tablished a dedicated cell to assist the aspiring individuals to

based companies. It also provides support to different con-

guard their intellectual marvel from theft. TIC also offers a spa-

stituent colleges, institutes and centers of NUST to patent their

cious office with latest infrastructure providing a congenial en-

research and development work.

vironment to the individuals. Moreover, it provides training and

Set up in a rented accommodation at the time of its inception, TIC Tower is being built in the new campus of University in

guidance to the individuals to set up their businesses and promote their technological breakthroughs.

Islamabad, which can accommodate more than 15 hi-tech start-

Shoaib Alam, a young entrepreneur, who has graduated

up companies. A number of these companies are expected to

from TIC, has successfully launched his own business venture

graduate from the Technology Incubator into the country’s first

“Turnotech” that provides Infrastructure Solutions, Network

Technology Park creating hundreds of new job opportunities

Planning and Optimization Charging and Payment Solutions,

thus stimulating technology based economic growth.

Enterprise 2.0 – Collaboration and Dash Boards.

An important task being carried out by the Centre is to

“TIC is playing a pivotal role in developing physical infra-

maintain constant liaison with public and private sector enter-

structure extending its operational help, legal expertise, identi-

prises and funding sources, government agencies, industrial as-

fication of funding options and training for the aspiring

sociations, chambers and the Federation of Pakistan Chambers

entrepreneurs which is contributing to our economic growth

of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) so as to provide facilitation

and TIC is providing a platform to the young entrepreneurs to

and networking for incubatee companies.

materialize their innovative ideas”, says Mr. Shoaib.

In order to protect the intellectual property rights such as

The activities of the Centre show that it will serve as an im-

copyrights, patent and trademarks of the individuals who suc-

petus for others to initiate similar ventures and it will definitely

cessfully accomplish the technological developments whether

be a significant contribution to the country’s economy.

20 | more | June 2010




Forget about robots taking over the

technology works.

world, as we now have something else to

Now Dr Venter believes organism, nick-

worry about, Synthetic life forms. Re-

named Synthia, will pave the way for more

stripping bacteria cells of all original DNA and substituting it with the new artificial code.

searchers in the US have developed the first

complex creatures that can transform envi-

The resulting "synthetic cell" was then

synthetic living cell.

ronmental waste into clean fuel, vaccinate

"rebooted" and it started to replicate. The

against disease and soak up pollution.

ability to reproduce or replicate is consid-

Dr. Craig J. Venter has created a syn-

ered the basic definition of life.

thetic life cell by inserting DNA-like code

But his development has also triggered

into a group of cells; he generated a digital

debate over the ethics of "playing god" and

Dr Venter compared his work with the

code using a computer, and now it is some-

the dangers of the new technology could

building of a computer. Making the artificial

how self replicating as the genome in a

pose in terms of biological hazards and

DNA was the equivalent of creating the

group of living cells.


software for the operating system. Transfer-

The scientists hope to use this technol-

"We are entering an era limited only by

ogy to design a new bacteria, which could

our imagination," he said announcing the

be programmed to perform specific func-

research published in the journal Science.

ring it to a cell was like loading it into the hardware and running the programme. "This is the first synthetic cell that's been

tions, and they have even said that they

Dr Venter, a pioneer of genetic code se-

made, and we call it synthetic because the

could eventually develop a bacteria that

quencing and his team at the J Craig Venter

cell is totally derived from a synthetic chro-

could absorb carbon dioxide which could

Institute in Rockville, Maryland, have been

mosome, made with four bottles of chemi-

help repair damage to the environment.

chasing the goal for more than 15 years at

cals on a chemical synthesizer, starting with

a cost of ÂŁ30m.

information in a computer," said Dr Venter.

Dr Craig Venter, a multi-millionaire pioneer in genetics, and his team have man-

First they sequenced the genetic code

aged to make a completely new "synthetic"

of Mycoplasma genitalium, the world's

life form from a mix of chemicals. They manufactured a new chromosome from artificial DNA in a test tube, then

smallest bacteria that lives in cattle and goats, and stored the information on a computer.

transferred it into an empty cell and

Then they used the computer code to

watched it multiply – the very definition of

artificially reproduce the DNA in the lab-

being alive.

oratory, slightly modifying it with a "wa-

The man-made single cell "creature", which is a modified version of one of the simplest bacteria on earth, proves that the

termark" so it was distinguishable from the original natural one. Finally they developed a technique of June 2010 | more | 21

{Technology} "This becomes a very powerful tool for

more complicated species, and into a world

make the most powerful bioweapons

trying to design what we want biology to

of artificial animals and people only envis-


do. We have a wide range of applications [in

aged in films such as Ridley Scott's

mind]," he said.

Bladerunner and Steven Spielberg's Artifi-

Human Genetics Alert, said: “What is really

cial Intelligence.

dangerous is these scientists’ ambitions for

The researchers are planning to design

Dr David King, director of the watchdog

algae that can capture carbon dioxide and

Professor Julian Savulescu, an expert in

total and unrestrained control over nature,

make new hydrocarbons that could go into

Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford,

which many people describe as ‘playing


said: “Venter is creaking open the most pro-


They are also working on ways to speed up vaccine production, making new chemicals or food ingredients and cleaning up water, said Dr Venter. While a major technological leap for-

found door in humanity’s history, potentially peeking into its destiny.

“Scientists’ understanding of biology falls far short of their technical capabilities.

"He is going toward the role of a god:

We have already learnt to our cost the risks

creating artificial life that could never have

that gap brings, for the environment, ani-

existed naturally.

mal welfare and human health.”

ward the life form is still incredibly simple in

"The potential is in the far future, but

natural terms. Its DNA is made up of 485

real and significant: dealing with pollution,

genes, each strand of which is made up of

new energy sources, new forms of commu-

He said: "It's part of an ongoing process

one million base pairs, the equivalent of

nication. But the risks are also unparalleled.

that we've been driving, trying to make

"We need new standards of safety eval-

sure that the science proceeds in an ethical

rungs on a ladder. A human genome has 20,000 genes and three billion base pairs. Nevertheless it is the beginning of the process that could lead to creation of much

uation for this kind of radical research and

fashion, that we're being thoughtful about

protections from military or terrorist misuse

what we do and looking forward to the im-

and abuse.

plications to the future."

"These could be used in the future to

can they make living beings? talked to Aristides Patrinos, Greek scientist behind the creation of the first synthetic bacterial cell by J. Craig Venter Institute. Dr. Patrinos is currently the President of Synthetic Genomics Inc, the company that funds most of J. Craig Venter Institute’s research. Before he was the director of the Office of Biological and Environmental Research overseeing human and microbial genome research, structural biology, nuclear medicine and health effects and global climate change. Being one of the most respected scientists in his field he has received numerous awards and honorary degrees, including three Presidential Rank Awards and two Secretary of Energy Gold Medals. Dr. Patrinos talked to GreekReporter about the benefits of his recent discovery.

what does your new achievement (activating a cell with a lab made chromosome) means for us (people who are not scientists)? It means a new era for biotechnology because it gives us a much more powerful tool to apply for solutions to the major challenges we face in medicine, energy, and the environment. They include far more effective vaccines, better and cheaper biofuels and biochemicals, and new ways to clean up the environment such as the current spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

22 | more | June 2010

Dr Venter has called for reviews so that debate keeps up with the science.


Does this mean we can create artificial life and in what form? how close are we? The scientific accomplishment we reported last week was a proof-of-principle that DNA is the software of a cell. The DNA was synthesized chemically to match the DNA of an existing organism (call that A) and was then placed into the cell of a related organism (call that B) inactivating the host genome. The invading genome booted up the cell which eventually assumed all the characteristics of A. Keep in mind that these are single cell organisms. Very small but very much alive.

what can be the benefits and applications of artificial life? I gave some examples above. Especially designed microbes can also be used for targeted therapies such as delivering specific chemicals to internal organs and changing metabolic rates. Keep in mind that our body is composed of 100 trillion cells but we also have at least that many microbial cells on us and within us. Influencing them in specific ways can lead to new ways to cure diseases.

will we ever be able to create a human being? is that the scientists goal? I hope not, and it is certainly not our goal. Such things are just in the science fantasy realm.

{leaTesT in Tech}

June 2010 | more | 23

{laTesT in Tech}

Chairman Microsoft India Ravi Venkatesan (L) and Director Microsoft Business Solutions Microsoft India Sanjay Manchanda (R) pose for a picture during the launch of The Microsoft Office 2010 system in New Delhi on May 13, 2010. Microsoft India announced the availability of Office 2010, SharePoint 2010, Visio 2010 and Project 2010 for business customers in India and across the world.

A natural foot replica in form of a prosthesis is displayed at the booth of German Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH at the international trade show for orthopedics and rehabilitation technology in Leipzig, eastern Germany

A worker of Polish Bank BPS (Bank Polskiej Spoldzielczosci) shows how to withdraw money from a cash machine in Warsaw on May 11, 2010 using finger vein biometric technology.

A model stands next to the Toyota Plug-in Hybrid Prius concept car at the Beijing Auto China 2010 show held in Beijing. The first Chinese-made car to hit the U.S. market might be an all-electric minivan that skips over gasoline technology and gets a head start on the auto industry's next era

A model wears 3d glasses displays a note book computer able to display 3D images, by Asus, at a press conference in Tokyo on April 14, 2010. The new 3D note book computer is equipped with Intel's Core i&-720QM processor on its CPU and a 15.6-inch LCD display.

24 | more | June 2010

acer aspire Timeline 1825pT notebook Acer has added another convertible notebook to its range with the launch of the Acer Aspire Timeline 1825PT. The Acer Aspire Timeline 1825PT features an 11.6 inch multitouch, swivel LCD display with a resolution of 1,366 x 768 pixels. Processing comes in the form of an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and graphics is provided by integrated Intel 3500MHD graphics, memory is in the form of up to 8GB of DDR3 RAM. The Acer Aspire Timeline 1825PT also features integrated 802.11 a/b/g/n WiFi, a web camera, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR and the choice of either a 250GB or 320GB hard drive. The Acer Aspire Timeline 1825PT will come with Windows 7 home Premium and prices start at £599, about $886.

{laTesT in Tech}

nvIdIa’s Tegra 2 android Tablet NVIDIA has shown off a prototype tablet which runs Google’s Android OS at this years Google I/O conference. The NVIDIA Android tablet features their 1GHz Tegra 2 processor and a 9.7 inch wide screen display. Other specifications include 1GB of RAM, two USB ports and a front facing camera, as you will see in the video below, the tablet is still in the prototype stage and we can see it running a game, it certainly does look very polished.

nike plus heart rate Monitor for iphone and ipod launching June 1st It looks like Nike’s heart rate monitor for the iPod and iPhone is scheduled to launch soon in the US and the heart rate monitor will be an add on to the existing Nike+ devices. As well as being able to track your distance and various other statistics with the Nike+ devices, users will also be able to monitor their heart rate with this new add on. There are no details as yet on how much the Nike+ Heart Rate monitor will retail for, it is also expected to launch in Europe and other countries later this summer.

German Bertolt Meyer shows the handling of his finger prosthesis made by Scottish company Touch Bionics at the international trade show for orthopedics and rehabilitation technology in Leipzig, eastern Germany

A woman plays with an electricity display near the Chevrolet Volt MPV5 concept electric car at the Beijing Auto China 2010 show held in Beijing. The first Chinese-made car to hit the U.S. market might be an all-electric minivan that skips over gasoline technology and gets a head start on the auto industry's next era. Sony CEO Howard Stringer, left, and Intel CEO Paul Otellini smiles during a Google TV announcement at the Google conference in San Francisco

June 2010 | more | 25

{review |

More in house

26 | more | June 2010


{review} The HTC Tattoo is a very distinctive

easily, with no separate icon for video

phone for users who wish to express

player in the main menu. The video files

themselves. The unique features make

can also be shared on Gmail, HTC mail,

this smart phone conspicuous, which has

Messages or YouTube.


inspired users worldwide. In addition to

The view of the music library is the

the superior connectivity, the HTC Tattoo

Artists section, but you can easily switch to

is a standard smart phone package, the

one of the other six tabs beneath, which

first-generation Android having typically

are for Albums, All Songs, Playlists, Genres,

crowded navigation deck – including

Composers and Purchased.

hardware call buttons. The HTC Tattoo is

HTC Tattoo offers outstanding connectivity options. 7.2Mbps HSDPA, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0 are the highlights, besides features like quad-band GSM and USB 2.0.

HTC Tattoo has a 3-megapixel camera

compact and the rounded edges make

having no flash. That keeps users’ expecta-

for a pleasant look. It’s definitely a phone

tions low. The camera interface is pretty sim-

for the young and also gives it a mature

ple with little controls and few customization

businesslike frontage.

options. There is a camera/camcorder switch

Though it runs on Android OS’s ver-

and a gallery button. The confirm button

sion 1.6 but its preinstalled Sense UI

serves as a shutter key. The video is not much

makes a vivid difference. It is the same

better either. The phone captures CIF video

thing that users get with the high-flying

at 15 fps. Bringing the resolution down to

HTC Hero but with a major difference. The

QVGA increases the framerate and fixes

QVGA resolution does not do the Tattoo

things up a bit but videos still do not get as

user interface justice. The contact details

smooth as we would have liked. The cam-

gives basic information for the contact, in-

corder interface sports a setting for picking

cluding name, snap, numbers, emails etc.

between MP4 and 3GP encoding, which give

Voice quality of the HTC Tattoo is good

a choice between smaller file and a higher-

while the call volume is demure. The dialer

quality video.

features a keypad and a list of contacts beneath and also has smart dialing. It can handle every form of messages

HTC Tattoo offers outstanding connectivity options. 7.2Mbps HSDPA, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0 are the highlights, be-

like SMS, MMS and email very easily.

sides features like quad-band GSM and

Email support is perfect and the social

USB 2.0. Accessing the connectivity op-

media buffs will be pleased with the level

tions can be done via the Main Menu by

of integration of that content as well. Like

looking up Wireless controls under Set-

on other Androids, if you have only one

tings. On the Android market, the QVGA

SMS message, a line in the notification

screen is limiting the HTC Tattoo in terms

area displays the sender and part of the

of compatible content. The market ap-

message itself. The SMS and MMS border

plies automatic filtering, listing only ap-

is fairly simple there are no folders, just a

plications compatible with the QVGA

new message button. The gallery has a

resolution. Anyway, the number of com-

novel menu list-with-thumbnail structure

patible applications must have increased

to replace the previous view. The Albums

since the launch of the Tattoo. And it's

app automatically searches images and

only likely to keep going up now that

videos, no matter where they are stored.

more QVGA droids are emerging.

Images and videos stored in different

Having critically analyzed all that, it

folders appear in different sub-galleries

becomes obvious that HTC Tattoo has no

that get the name of the folder - quite ef-

stable competitor in the market. You can

fective file management. The users can

not find handset with the same price and

access the video files from the subfolder

similar characteristics.


June 2010 | more | 27


Dell is a global technology leader in

reflected by its 1.6GHz processing speed, en-

inspiron 1464/1564 (i-5/430 core)

computers, offering the latest range of

hanced by Turbo up to 2.8GHz, along with 4

Another Inspirational Notebook model

high-performance Notebook computers,

Threads and a 6MB Cache memory.


from Dell is the Inspiron 1464/1564 with an

including the Dell-“Studio” and Dell-“Insp-

The Dell Studio 1557 boasts a 4GB DDR-

Intel Core i-5/430M processor that offers an

iron” series. These futuristic and stylish ma-

3 Random Access Memory (RAM), along

amazing speed of 2.26GHz, that reaches upto

chines are powered by the latest Intel “Core

with a 320 GB Hard Drive. The other desir-

2.53GHz using Turbo. Other features include

i-Processors” delivering unprecedented in-

able capabilities of Studio 1557 include

4 Threads and a 3MB Cache. It has a 3GB DDR-

telligence, speed and storage capacity. Core

WiFi, Bluetooth, LAN, Web camera, and a

3 RAM and a 320GB Hard Drive. At an eco-

i-processors are the latest technological

Card Reader.

nomical price of Rs. 68,900/-, this amazing

tools for enhancing computer performance to the Next-Level. As a result, the Dell-Inspiron-Mini offers

The most advanced Operating system

Notebook offers great communicative and

branded as the “Windows-7 Home Basic”

interactive capabilities like; WiFi, Bluetooth,

makes this machine a dream computer for

LAN, Webcam, Card Reader and DOS.

revolutionary capabilities and unmatched

every user who seeks the Lasting Top qual-

speed contained inside a compact shell. The

ity of Dell, and wants to achieve total free-

inspiron 1464/1564 (i3/330 core)

Stylish Inspiron-Mini comes in a wide array

dom in communication, processing and

Extending truly unmatched features at

of colors like Pretty-Pink, Obsidian-Black,

entertainment. Dell Studio offers the most

a truly unmatched price of Rs. 59,900/-, the

Cherry-Red, Passion-Purple and many more.

impressive value-for-money. Available at a

Dell Inspiron comes with a capable, eco-

The communication and social net-

very reasonable price of Rs. 89,900/-

nomical, and agile i3/330M Core processor, offering an amazing speed of 2.13GHz

working enthusiasts can find diverse

inspiron 1464/1564 (i-5/520 core)

along with 4 Threads and a Cache memory

products. Users with a heavy appetite for In-

The premium model of Dell Inspiron

of 3MB. This impressive computing device

ternet access anywhere, anytime, can now

1464/1564 series comes with a speedy

is complete with a 2GB DDR-3 RAM, a

fulfill their passion for performance, design

Intel i5/520M Core processor, presenting

250GB Hard Drive, WiFi, Blue Tooth, LAN,

and style with these latest Dell Notebooks.

a speed of 2.4GHz, which goes upto

Webcam, Card Reader and DOS. This ma-

The salient features of Dell’s new range of

2.93GHz through a Turbo option. Addi-

chine is the best buy in its category, offering

Notebooks are stated as under:

tionally, a 3MB Cache Memory and 4

great value-for-money to the consumers.

modes of self-expression through these

Threads are also included. This Notebook

Dell studio 1557 (i7-720 core)

Another remarkable highlight of all Dell

also comprises a 4GB DDR-3 RAM and

Notebooks is the exceptionally long battery-

Studio 1557 is the most advanced, Top-

powerful Hard-Drive options of 320GB

life for extended and continuous usage.

of-the-Line Notebook from Dell, powered by

and 500GB. Other worthy features in-

Therefore, it is concluded that Dell has cre-

the Intel Core: i7-720QM processor, which is

clude WiFi, Bluetooth, LAN, Web-camera,

ated truly exclusive digital experiences with

globally acknowledged as the ultimate pro-

Card Reader and a Disk Operating System

powerful Multi-core technology, providing

cessing tool for computers today. The fantas-

(DOS). This highly capable machine is at-

all the bandwidth needed for next-genera-

tic performance of Dell Studio 1557 is

tractively priced at Rs. 79,900/-.

tion, highly-threaded applications.

28 | more | June 2010




| cover sTory}

June 2010 | more | 29


30 | more | June 2010

{review} n

Navibot is the first robot vacuum cleaner we have seen from

able to clean the house using the smartest amount of time and effort.

a major manufacturer since the short-lived Electrolux Trilobite back

If one charge is not enough to finish cleaning a particular zone,

in 2001. Samsung claims that its new Navibot uses market-leading

NaviBot automatically returns to its docking station without losing

technology and innovation to deliver faster, more intelligent clean-

its way and fully recharges within 2 hours. The NaviBot is then able

ing than rival robot vacuum cleaners.

to restart to clean from the exact location where it left off. Two rooms or 10 rooms, NaviBot can do the job.

smarter cleaning Rather than bouncing around the room erratically like other

robot vacuum settings When set to ‘auto’ the Navibot will clean a whole house without

robot vacuum cleaners we’ve seen, the Samsung Navibot comes with a visionary mapping system.

stairs by moving to a new room each time it finishes one - without

The NaviBot has 38 sensors to ensure more reliable cleaning

you needing to pick it up or move it around. The base unit needs

and to avoid problems such as falling down the stairs, severe colli-

to be placed somewhere the Navibot can access easily - so not

sion and getting entangled in cables. The NaviBot easily accesses

tucked away in an awkward corner. The ‘max’ setting instructs the robot vacuum cleaner to clean

difficult areas to reach in a home, such as under the coffee table, and is perfectly suited for everyday cleaning.

until its battery runs out and then return to its docking station. A

Featuring a Visionary MappingTM System, NaviBot is driven by

‘spot’ mode concentrates the Navibot on any particularly dirty

a level of intelligence never seen before. Two CPU control chips run

patches for it to thoroughly clean. There’s a remote control and a

the “brain” behind an innovative intelligent navigation program, al-

manual setting so you can direct the Navibot yourself if you fancy

lowing the NaviBot to see your home and remember where it is at

it. You can also delay the start of cleaning for up to 23 hours on the

all times in relation to objects and the charging base. A small inte-

basic model. If you go for the more expensive version of the Navibot you can

grated camera provides a Visionary MappingTM System, taking 30 photos per second of the room.

use the weekly scheduler to program it to clean at a set time each day.

Using these images, NaviBot creates a virtual map of the home, iden-

It’s also got two anti-tangle sensors which automatically un-

tifying the exact location of obstacles such as furniture and interior dec-

wind any cords or tassles that it gets tangled in. Plus it has a HEPA

orations. Calculating the quickest and safest route to take, the NaviBot is

filter to trap dust and allergens.


Samsung & “orbit” announce hd-Tv partnership Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, has signed a sponsorship agreement with Orbit Showtime Network (OSN) to support the launch of Orbit’s High-Definition (HD) decoders and channel line-up. OSN is the first and only broadcaster, in the Middle-East region, offering an exclusive bouquet of highdefinition channels The agreement will span all of OSN’s offerings in the Middle-East, from 1st May, 2010 to 30th September 2011, and highlight the enhanced experience of OSN HD viewing, enabled by Samsung’s HD-TVs. The Samsung-OSN HD partnership will offer unparalleled entertainment experience with 75 premium channels including eight HD channels – such as OSN Movies, Show Sports 1 HD, Nat Geo Wild HD, and Food Network HD among others. The General Manager Samsung Pakistan, Mr. Steve Han said: “Our partnership with OSN marks the collaboration of two leaders in home entertainment. As OSN’s new HD decoder roll-

out offers unprecedented content quality and choice, Samsung has become the recommended brand for HD-TV products. We will be deploying our leading technologies and distinctive marketing platforms to create a long-term association with OSN. This will further enhance our market share in the Middle-East region”. Marc-Antoine d’Halluin President and CEO of OSN said: Watching HD content on an HD ready TV will offer the ultimate TV experience. We are proud to partner with Samsung. It really highlights us as front-runners in the industry”. With cutting-edge television technology, Samsung will be bolstering its full line up of HD flat panel televisions for a comprehensive 3D TV solution. The HD 1080i delivers an exceptional audio-visual quality, offered by the OSN along with “Dolby Digital plus”. Samsung’s latest 3D LED Televisions can also convert 2D signals into genuine 3D content. Several valueadded offerings will be realized through this partnership to create the best home entertainment solution.

June 2010 | more | 31

{review |


Meraj Alam


Air pollution in our environment has

increased multi-folds and is causing a num-

tually work against polluted air which

ment the consumers’ lifestyle. For this rea-

makes the environment pleasant.

son, Dawlance pay much attention to what

ber of health-related problems for us. What

Unfortunately, the days without rains in

its consumers need. With the goal to pro-

most of us are oblivious of is that indoor

Pakistan are much higher than the rainy

vide better products to consumers in mind,

pollution is more harmful that outdoor pol-

days. These days mostly make us feel

Dawlance Research Team decided to con-

lution as stated by WHO (World Health Or-

drowsy and dull due to which we can’t give

duct a study around air conditioner usage


our best to the work we do. Particularly, the

and what consumers really expect from the

Home environments today contain air-

fast-paced lifestyle that majority of urban

product. The study revealed that con-

borne allergens, infections, irritants and tox-

Pakistanis are leading today results in high

sumers are looking for more value-added

ins that can reduce the quality of life and

stress levels and very little time to pay at-

features in air conditioner particularly those

cause disease. Indoor work and living envi-

tention to a healthy lifestyle. High levels of

who are health conscious. Consumers be-

ronments concentrate air contaminants

indoor and outdoor pollution in Pakistan’s

lieve that air conditioner is not just sup-

and create "sick buildings."

urban areas further reduces our chances of

posed to cool the air but also clean, refresh

A decrease in indoor air quality is the re-

enjoying natural fresh air that makes us feel

and purify the atmosphere of the room.

sult of reduced ventilation and inefficient

so good. Our most common shield from

With this need identified, taking a step

construction practices, sealing homes and

summer heat is air conditioner. While air

ahead from the healthy lifestyle perspec-

office buildings from the outdoor environ-

conditioners are known to provide tempo-

tive, Dawlance is introducing a new air con-

ment. Reduced ventilation contributes to

rary relief from the cruel heat of summer,


the "Sick Building Syndrome" (SBS) with

they are not a good defence against indoor

health-related features to cater to the con-

symptoms such as headache, fatigue,

pollution. With the increasing pollution in

sumer’s latent need of breathing clean and

malaise, mental confusion, eye and throat

the environment and the fact that Split AC

fresh air in an air conditioned environment.

irritation, coughing and wheezing.

only re-circulates the air in the room with-

The new H-Zone air conditioner can





Air inside buildings contains local

out any fresh air exchange, the air in the

offer the kind of healthy indoor environ-

aerosols that are more concentrated than

room gets heavily polluted after some time

ment that regular air conditioners have not

outdoor air. A smoker in the living room of

and lacks oxygen. Until now, the air condi-

been able to offer so far. It is a complete air

a house produces a toxic aerosol that per-

tioning solutions available in the Pakistani

conditioning machine that improves the

meates the rest of the house. Smoke parti-

market only provided cooling without any

indoor environment while

cles settle on walls and every object in a

other feature.

taking care of all our health

room so that a smoker leaves a trail of con-

Dawlance is the leading household

needs. H-Zone air conditioner

tamination that non-smokers smell as soon

name in Pakistan as a reliable consumer

has a special Built-in Health

as they enter the room.

electronics maker. Dawlance has always

Sensor that detects the quality

aimed to develop products that compli-

of air in the room and in case

It is a well-known fact that we all love rain in our part of the world. It almost always leaves us with a sense of revitalization that is not experienced on hot and sunny days. The rain makes us feel more vibrant and active because the negative ions discharged by lightening ac32 | more | June 2010

{monTh in Focus} of air getting polluted (with reference to

which alerts the user when it is time for the

the quality of air at the time of starting the

filter to be cleaned.

kind of unpleasant or repulsive smell. Evaporator Self-Cleaning feature im-

AC); it indicates the user to open up the

Supplementing the Filter Clean De-

proves air conditioner’s performance, in-

window to refresh the air. This Health Sen-

tector, H-Zone air conditioner also con-

crease its service period and life and even

sor is particularly efficient in detecting to-

tains Evaporator Self-Cleaning function.

save energy consumption.

bacco smoke and alcohol/spirit. H-Zone air

This feature also automatically cleans the

H-Zone air conditioner is available in

conditioner is also equipped with an Ion-

dust that settles on the evaporator. One

an elegant design and a highly competi-

izer that becomes active at the time of air

of the main causes of odour emitting

tive price. Thanks to advancements in air

quality warning to clean and refresh the air.

from an air conditioner is the mould and

conditioning technology now being in-

An environment where positive ions are

bacteria growth on the evaporator due to

troduced by Dawlance, we can enjoy the

high, lower energy level and drowsiness is

excess accumulation of dust and water.

pleasant sense of fresh air whenever we

experienced. Contrary to this, when nega-

This function can clean the evaporator

want with the convenience of staying in-

tive ions are released in air they create a re-

automatically and reduce the possibility

doors. It’s time to say goodbye to that dull

vitalising effect in the environment and

of mould and bacteria breeding inside

feeling caused by indoor pollution and

help a person feel more active and ener-

the air conditioner. This means that the

welcome the new healthy indoor envi-

getic. . H-Zone air conditioner is also

evaporator also act as a deodorizer and

ronment with Dawlance H-Zone air con-

equipped with Filter Cleaning Detector

protects the room environment from any


Kinnaird College Students capturing photos of their favorite Singer Ali Zafar at the memorable musical night organized by Mobilink Jazz

Versatile Singer & Mobilink Jazz Brand Ambassador Ali Zafar entertaining the Kinnaird College Students at the musical concert night


Picture shows students completely engrossed, dancing & singing on the melodious voice at musical concert organized by Mobilink Jazz

June 2010 | more | 33

{monTh in Focus}

Before unveiling Wave 14, Kamal Ahmed,

improving output and collaboration.”

Country Manager Microsoft Pakistan said,

Wave 14 focuses on three key user ex-

“Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 define the

periences. Organization can now get the

future of productivity. With the 2010 set of

flexibility, choice, and value they need to

products, organizations will save, innovate

solve problems. With an integrated infra-

and grow as their people benefit from work-

structure, businesses can deploy, manage

ing across the PC, phone and browser.”

and help secure corporate assets and com-

Wave 14 launch products are being her-

ply with government regulations more eas-

alded as Productivity Solutions across the

ily. This may be one of the winning

Chief Minister Punjab, Mian Shahbaz Sharif receiving souvenir from Country Head Microsoft Pakistan, Kamal Ahmed

PC, Phone and Browser. The new range is

strategies that form the legacy of Mi-

providing users with a better user-friendly

crosoft’s products. The launch of this new

Microsoft Pakistan recently an-

interface for their computers, mobile

range of software was sponsored by the


nounced the next generation of productiv-

phones and browsers, making it even easier

main stream IT firms like Mantaq Systems,

ity applications, making Pakistani users a

for them to create, communicate and col-

Maison Consulting, Advanced Business Sys-

part of the 90 million existing business cus-

laborate from any location.

tems, P@SHA, Pakistan Software Export

tomers from all over the world. The an-

Present at the event, Azhar Jafri, Director

Board and Government of Punjab. Talking

nouncement was made at a launch

IT and Back Office, Wi-Tribe, Pakistan said,

about the usability of the Wave 14 Launch

ceremony held in Lahore.

“Wi-tribe is focused; delivering the best in-

products, Sultan Hamdani, CEO, Maison

The new applications include Microsoft

ternet service across its network of opera-

Consulting and Launch Partner said, “Wave

Office 2010, Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Mi-

tions. To support our goal, Wi-tribe chose

14 offers users the best productivity expe-

crosoft Visio 2010 and Microsoft Project 2010.

Microsoft Information Worker applications

rience across the PC, phone and browser

Professionals from all over Pakistan

globally for internal use. We found that both

and with our business intelligence solu-

were present to see Microsoft unveil its

Microsoft Office 2010 and SharePoint enable

tions; we seek to help people in every part

most widely used software under the Wave

our employees to innovate in a productive

of the organization turn data into informa-

14 platform; that have allowed users to be-

environment, providing enterprise capabili-

tion so that they make competitive deci-

come more productive and efficient.

ties within our organization and significantly

sions for the business fast.”

34 | more | June 2010



Gul Andaam Orakzaiv

| monTh in Focus}

June 2010 | more | 35

{monTh in Focus}

Director Marketing ofs HP, IPG Division, Shahid Khan briefing the audience about the benefits of newly launched printers

HP today bolstered the HP LaserJet Pro printer line with a

“Our customers demand easy printing and we’re giving it to

new ”plug and print” technology that allows customers to begin

them – no awkward CD-ROMs to install, no drivers to download,”

printing in as little as two minutes by simply connecting a netbook,

narrated Shahid Khan, Director Marketing, Imaging and Printing

notebook or desktop PC to the printer with a USB cable – no CD

Group, HP. “HP Smart Install offers the future of printing, today.”



Shahid further added, “The printers feature new HP Auto-On Tech-

New monochrome printers featuring HP Smart Install include

nology, which intelligently senses activity – such as when a print

the HP LaserJet Pro P1102/w Printer series – the most energy-effi-

job is sent to the printer – and awakens the device automatically

cient laser printer on the planet(1) – the HP LaserJet Pro

from “off” mode.(2) It complements HP Auto-Off Technology, which

M1130/M1210 Multifunction Printer (MFP) series and the HP Laser-

automatically adjusts the power settings and turns the printer off

Jet Pro P1566/P1606dn Printer series.

when there is no print activity.” The new HP LaserJet Pro lineup features a sleek, black finish and delivers professional, cost-effective results while enabling small and midsize businesses (SMBs) to reduce their environmental impact. With HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology, the new HP LaserJet P1100 Printer series can save up to 72 percent on energy costs versus its predecessor.(3) The printers also use Original HP LaserJet print cartridges with energy-efficient toner for energy savings of up to 35 percent on every page versus earlier products.(4) In addition, the company is unveiling HP LaserJet Black Print Cartridge Dual Packs to help SMBs reduce the cost of high-volume printing. Beginning next month, dual packs for the HP LaserJet P2055 Printer series, HP LaserJet P1505 Printer series and HP LaserJet P1005/P1006 Printers will be available worldwide except in China and India, where dual packs for the HP LaserJet P1007/P1008 Printer will be available. n

36 | more | June 2010

{monTh in Focus}

Mobilink sends lucky Winners to South africa n Mobilink announced the three grand prize winners of its Mobilink indigo World Cup 2010 promotion. Mobilink indigo users Shahid Iqbal, from Lahore, Khawaja Yousuf Raza from Karachi and Tahir Shahbaz Khan Tareen from Sialkot are the recipient of the all inclusive trip to watch the exciting World Cup match including match tickets, 5-night hotel stay as well as return tickets to South Africa. Presenting the grand prize to one of the winners, Irfan Akram, Vice President Customer Care at Mobilink, said, “During recent years, football has gained massive popularity in Pakistan. Keeping in mind the needs and interests of the consumer; we offered this exciting opportunity and the response was overwhelming. We wish the winners a fantastic World Cup experience and congratulate winners of other valuable prizes as well.” Commenting on receiving the prize, one of the winners said, “When I heard I had been selected as one of the winners heading to South Africa to watch the World Cup, I could not believe it. I am very thrilled to go and watch my favorite sport and I am extremely thankful to Mobilink indigo for providing this once in a lifetime opportunity to its privileged customers. “ All Mobilink indigo customers who signed up for Talk Fiesta were given double free minutes in addition to thousands of other prizes including BlackBerry® handsets, unlimited SMS bundles, and indigo world cup gift hampers. Mobilink indigo is

Irfan Akram, Vice President Customer Care, Mobilink presenting grand prize to Shahid Iqbal, one of 3 lucky Mobilink indigo users to win an all inclusive trip to the World Cup 2010 in South Africa. Pakistan’s leading post-paid brand that strives to provide customers top-of-the-line services and quality care.

government assures full support to chairman Telenor group

n Mr. Saleem H. Mandviwalla, Minister of State / Chairman, Board of Investment (BOI) held a detailed and interactive session with a 5 member delegation of Telenor Group which was headed by Mr. Harald Norvik, Chairman Telenor Group. Senior management of Telenor including Mr. Sigve Brekke, Head of Asia, Telenor Group, Mr. Jon Eddy Abdullah, CEO Telenor Pakistan and Mr. Aamir Ibrahim, Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Affairs Division, Telenor Pakistan. Mr. Mandviwalla noted that Telenor is now a flagship company of Pakistan which has captured a sizable market share within a very short period of time through their operations in the country, and lauded Te-

lenor Group for recognizing the potential in the cellular market of Pakistan and investing a significant amount of US$ 2 billion in this sector. The delegation called on Chairman BOI to discuss various issues regarding the current tax rate situation in Pakistan. Telenor Group argued that the current GST for telecom companies is higher than any other sector amounting to 19.5% and an introduction of value added tax (VAT) in this sector would reduce this rate and help telecom companies in the country to focus in other areas of investment. Mr. Ibrahim mentioned that currently telecom sectors contribute approximately Rs. 120 billion in advance tax and GST to the Government of

Pakistan. He also stated that just recently the Cabinet resolved the Access Promotion Contribution (APC) issue and have allowed a 22.5 cent APC which is still less than 5 cents which is provided to PTCL even though most access has been given by cellular companies in the country. Most people do not even have a landline to their name and are solely dependent on their cellular phones. Mr. Abdullah noted that the decision on APC will allow Telenor to reinvest and help them to focus on expansion in untapped areas and municipalities in Pakistan. He further mentioned that currently only 30-40% of areas are covered in Pakistan and currently 60-70% population is a subscribed with a cellular network. Therefore there is a tremendous opportunity to introduce cellular services in remote areas of Pakistan. The noted that Balochistan proposes a tremendous opportunity, if the Government can provide adequate facilities and security to telecom companies in the province. Mr. Bekke noted that the only way the telecom industry will achieve further growth is if telecom companies and the Government work in tandem. The notion that the telecom sector is stagnant was negated by CEO Pakistan, and June 2010 | more | 37

{monTh in Focus} he stated that there is still room for expansion in Pakistan and Telenor sees a growth potential of 15-20 million customers to its existing customer base of 95 million. Mr. Abdullah also noted that since their establishment in Pakistan, Telenor has not repatriated a single dollar as they believe in a long term invest-

ment perspective and have reinvested all their earnings back in to Telenor Pakistan. He praised the working of the Universal Service Fund (USF) and how it has helped to streamline bidding processes for broadband, fiber and GSM contracts for under served and unserved areas of Pakistan.

Mr. Saleem H. Mandviwalla assured the Telenor Group that they will voice their concerns of taxation with the concerned authorities and facilitate and assist them in every possible way. He praised Telenor’s commitment in Pakistan and appreciated their expansion plans in the country.

netsol awarded chairman PTa made the PTA as a model organization with his untiring efforts within Asia Pacific Region. He has made collaboration with his counterpart in the Asia Pacific Region as well as around the world in the telecom regulatory body, specially his efforts for sharing views on new emerging technologies as an important and significant achievement, he added. Salim further said Dr Yaseen has also participated in the bilateral and mutual interest at the international forums, as encouraged and supported the cooperation on a variety of areas, such as regulation of telecom and electronic teleChairman & CEO NetSol Technologies Ltd Salim Ghauri awarding the shield to com market, telecom market Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammed Yaseen liberalization, legal and regulan NetSol Technologies Ltd has awarded Chairman Pakistan tory framework for the telecom sector and tariff issues. Telecommunication Authority Dr Mohammed Yaseen with Award Speaking on the occasion, He said Total PTA deposits from of Excellence in recognition of his services to the development of July ’08 to March ’09 (9 months) were approximately Rs4.92 bilInformation & Communication Technologies (ICT) in Pakistan. lion, and accordingly the contribution per quarter was approxChairman & CEO NetSol Technologies Ltd Salim Ghauri con- imately Rs1.6 billion including Jan-March 09. ferred the Award of Excellence to Chairman PTA on his visit to According to him, the telecom sector has deposited Rs.12.2 NetSol Technologies Ltd Monday. billion and Rs.3.4 billion to National Exchequer in the form of Salim Ghauri said Dr. Mohammed Yaseen Chairman PTA has GST and Activation Tax respectively during Jan- March 2009.

ufone shakes the telecom market n Ufone has once again shaken the telecom market by introducing 'Uth Package' which is exactly crafted in accordance to requirements of the Pakistani Youth. The highly competitive telecom market in Pakistan has ensured that the customer is the biggest winner. Time after time Ufone has led the way in terms of presenting best value packages & offers to its customers. The launch of ‘Uth package’ is yet another initiative that is sure to delight the Pakistani youth. Youth has been at the center of many products and services being introduced today and all cellular companies have cre-

38 | more | June 2010

ated offers to cater to this huge segment in this country. This new package from Ufone has everything the youth could ask for - the lowest SMS package rates of 300 SMS/day in just Rs 1.99, the most valuable FnF rate of Rs 2.99/hour from 12am till 5pm and free call after 2 minutes from 12am till 9am to all Ufone numbers! That’s not all, Uth package offers free first month subscription to its early adopters for exciting youthful services like Background Music, Love and Humor service and Music Station. The attractive long calling rates are sure to benefit the working class as well

who are working far away from home by giving them the opportunity to talk to their hearts content with their families at very low rates. Mr. Akbar Khan Chief Marketing Officer Ufone said that this is a no brain choice for Pakistani youth with all that our youth wants. Ufone’s launch of its Uth package is going to bring the Pakistani youth an amazing & unmatchable bouquet of offers and surprises which will delight our youth and offer them a cost effective package with excitement jo soch hai aap kee. The early birds will get to win ipads, handsets etc.

{monTh in Focus}

June 2010 | more | 39

{monTh in Focus}

Over the years many students have traveled a very longdistance from Pakistan to compete at the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair. Seen in the photo is Zain Shami, 17, with his project titled "'Preparation of Black Ink Roy Chang, Manager Samsung Electronic presenting memento to from Fruit Arils of Pomegranate (Punica Granatum)' who Shabbir Machyara, Owner Star City Mall at the inauguration of Sam- participated in the world's largest pre-college science competition, Intel ISEF 2010, in San Jose, California. sung Customer Service & Display Centre

Pakistan Blog awards n Nokia presented Pakistan’s first Blog Awards on the 28th of May in Karachi. The 1st Annual Blog Awards and UnConference were organized by CIO Pakistan and Google Pakistan. Driven by a passion to showcase the bright minds who endorse the brand ‘Pakistan’ in today’s tech-savvy and integrated world, the Pakistan Blog Awards showcased more than 200 blogs across 33 categories and had more than 10,000 unique votes cast in support of the showcase. The Awards and UnConference were co-sponsored by DELL, Canon, Supernet and CommTel Soft, and supported by Dawn News, City FM89, Digispace,, RadioOne FM91, and OPEN Silicon Valley.

Pia to surpass rs. 100 Bn revenue target n Managing Director PIA, Captain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon said that PIA Revenue income would surpass Rs. 100 billion this year. PIA has achieved Operating Profit in the year 2009 whereas during the preceding years, the airline had operating losses. This remarkable achievement would not have been possible without the cooperation of our business partners, MD PIA acknowledged. He was addressing a ceremony to award PIA’s Top performing Travel Agents of Karachi region. With the entire PIA Marketing and Sales Team and Support functions coupled with the combined efforts of PIA Travel Agents, there is no doubt that PIA will once again be a profitable entity; We have to continue making our joint efforts to take the airline to greater heights said Managing Director PIA. MD PIA commended the performance of PIA Travel Agents and the Marketing and Sales Team of Karachi region as Karachi is the biggest sales contributing station for domestic sales; more needs to be done in improving the international sales as well, he added and assured the PIA Travel agents of the airline’s full support and cooperation. He said that PIA will award its business partners and from next year onwards separate evaluation would be made for the performance of IATA Travel Agents and

40 | more | June 2010

Managing Director PIA, Captain Muhammad Aijaz Haroon addressing at the ceremony PIA Sales Agent (PSAs) for the award. He further said that PIA was pleased to announce the commencement of its flights from Pakistan to Chicago via Barcelona from June 2, 2010. Besides this PIA will be the only airline operating Non stop to USA from Barcelona. He said that the airline was in the process of reviewing its bilateral agreements due to be held with Saudi Government and if successful, will be offering additional flights to Saudi Arabia.

{monTh in Focus}

Senior Vice President Qatar & Indian Subcontinent Qatar Airways Fathi Al Shehab, Regional Manager Qatar Airways Abdul Rashid Mordiffi, Regional Vice Chairman TAAP Yahya Polani, Vice Consul General Germany Martin Lotzer, Ajmal Zahidi, Rafiq Khan, Rizwan Marchant, Fazal Mahmood, Shazia Zaheer and others photographed at a reception hosted by Qatar Airways.

Zrg offers flexible crM Solutions at MefTec, bahrain n Middle East Financial Technology Conference; also known as MEFTEC, Bahrain is a premier technology event that brings together financial industry’s leading professionals and latest technology solutions all under one roof. In this prestigious and exclusive event, ZRG International demonstrated flexible and cost effective business solutions. ZRG solutions such as CTI, eForms, IP Soft Phone, multi-media ACD received excellent response due to the open standards approach and the level of customization capabilities available. ZRG solution experts were available to share key information on how businesses can use intelligent customer interaction and relationship solutions to improve their customer service, accessibility, increase productivity to achieve cost reduction objectives.


Javed Ijaz of al-hafeez photo center calls it the industry killer policy. He says, it has affected our business because of the fact that most of our customers visit us or other shops after their daily office and working hours. Those who do not work at offices do not visit us either because of scorching temperature during the day hours. We used to work late at night because of workload but now things have gone worst and we are having very few customers and that is destroying our business.

asif Shahzad, ceo, decent computers at Hafeez Center says, we are happy to end our daily businesses practice at 8 PM. It is helping us giving adequate time to our families. Customers are also getting used to this routine. On the whole, it will benefit the society in the long run. By not using electricity at business points after the evenings is helping us save energy and we have experienced a reduction load shedding after this action.

arshad Mehmood, ceo, united Mobile franchisee says, it is beneficial for us to close the market at 8. It affected our sales in the start but now people have are getting used to it and now they are visiting the market within allowed timings and sales graphs are coming back to normal. It happens in other countries where businesses are closed in the evening, so it is quite normal practice. Now we give more time to our families which will help us socially.

Jaffer kazmi, ceo, M. a2 expresses his views as “ it is really destructive for us to close down our shops at 8 o clock, the working hours should be extended till 10 o clock. Government should review its decision. We are not able to pay our monthly shop rent and utility bills. People like us are ending their businesses because of declining income with each passing day. Shopkeepers with their own shops are not facing much difficulty but rest of us are forced to take loans. Things should be balanced for everyone. June 2010 | more | 41

{energy |

Halima Qureshi


Looming Energy Crisis

only long-term measures will ensure sustainability During the last few years the elec-

conference held in April this year, the fed-

tricity crisis has worsened in the country to

eral and the provincial governments suc-

This included closure of businesses at 8 pm

an alarming extent. As soon as the summer

cessfully reached an agreement on some of

and marriage halls an hour later, two holi-


the short-term energy saving measures.

season comes, it seems as everything has come to a standstill. The situation has hit the country’s economy very hard, especially the industrial sector. This year the outages problem was so severe throughout the country, e.g. in case of rural areas it went up to 16-18 hours a day. In response to the rising protests in every nook and corner of the country, the government was forced to convene a National Energy Conference to bring some immediate relief. At the end of the two-day 42 | more | June 2010

For long-term viability of the energy sector, it is better if the government converts the largely state-controlled industry to a system whereby the government holds a strategic presence while the private sector takes the lead role in the development process. The policies for supplementing this system should incorporate appropriate division of responsibilities for policy formulation, regulation, administration so as to avoid overlaps and conflicts.

{energy} days a week, cutting down electricity to bill-

with an enormous investment will have to

The energy requirements of the coun-

boards and diversion of gas from transport

be carried out. The mistakes, rather blun-

try are expected to grow immensely in the

and fertilizer sectors to the power genera-

ders, committed by all the previous govern-

coming years. By 2030, the nation’s energy

tion, etc. It was estimated that these steps

ments regarding mega energy projects can

needs will be seven times as compared to

will help in reducing the electricity demand

only be rectified if the same unity and vigor

the current utility. So without any delay, the

by 2100 megawatts.

is shown by the federal and provincial gov-

government must progress to ensure a


continuous availability of energy resources.

However, the initiatives brought a mixed response, with a large section of the

What is remorseful is that a country rich

The hurdles being faced by the private sec-

business community opposing the new de-

in energy resources is passing through such

tor should be addressed on an urgent basis

cisions. The Federation of Pakistan Cham-

a critical stage of energy crisis. Pakistan has

and a comprehensive mechanism be developed for attracting further investment in the energy sector. Special incentives may

Critics argue that the short-term measures may have brought some immediate relief but will not help in overcoming the everincreasing energy crisis, which is engulfing each and every sector of the economy. They emphasize on the most urgent need of developing a national consensus on mega energy projects and implement the same on the priority basis. No doubt, energy conservation or efficient use of electricity is very important but this is not the real solution to the looming crisis.

be given to the foreign investors, especially those working in the exploration sector. Then the role of gas distribution companies needs to be streamlined. The price regulation of electricity and oil (petroleum, kerosene and other oil products) will have to be standardized. The relief provided to the business/industrial sectors and the common man will definitely be short-lived if long-term and concrete measures are not developed and timely implemented.

bers of Commerce and Industry maintained

abundant resources of hydro power. An es-

For long-term viability of the energy

that the two weekly holidays will badly

timate shows if planned and implemented

sector, it is better if the government con-

harm the country’s economy, arguing that

properly, we may generate over 40000

verts the largely state-controlled industry

it will further increase unemployment in

megawatt of hydro-power, as compared to

to a system whereby the government holds

the country. Critics argue that the short-

our current generation of 8000 megawatt.

a strategic presence while the private sector

term measures may have brought some

Our policy makers have miserably failed to

takes the lead role in the development

immediate relief but will not help in over-

comprehend the importance and benefits

process. The policies for supplementing this

coming the ever-increasing energy crisis,

of alternate energy sources such as solar,

system should incorporate appropriate di-

which is engulfing each and every sector of

windmill energy etc. They are cheap and

vision of responsibilities for policy formula-

the economy. They emphasize on the most

quick methods for producing electricity.

tion, regulation, administration so as to avoid overlaps and conflicts.

urgent need of developing a national con-

Pakistan is a very blessed country because

sensus on mega energy projects and imple-

solar energy is available in most cities all

There should be a proper procedure

ment the same on the priority basis. No

year round. The wind energy is also readily

that provides suitable incentives and en-

doubt, energy conservation or efficient use

available in the coastal areas. These energy

hance competition in the private sector, in

of electricity is very important but this is not

sources if tapped can be of great help in re-

addition to viable pricing mechanism to ac-

ducing the current demand supply gap.

count for cost-of-service and subsidies that

Nuclear energy is another key source, which

are transparent and address social and en-

the real solution to the looming crisis. Though rulers must be appreciated for developing a consensus on short-term

may also be effectively exploited. Then we

vironmental concerns. Realizing the im-

measures in the best interest of the country

have got the world’s largest coal reserves in

probability in the international energy

and its hapless people, but they must real-

Thar and by putting only two percent of it

markets and increasing requirements of

ize that same unity will be needed if the

into use we can produce 20000 megawatts

other developing economies, the energy

county has to be taken out of this quagmire

of electricity for the next 40 years. So it is

plans should focus on maximum utilization

and that the time is running out at a fast

very easy to assume that where does the

of indigenous energy resources to lower

pace. Immediate planning and execution

fault lie.

the dependence on imported energy. n

June 2010 | more | 43

{agri-Tech |

Agha Nadeem

The issue of wheat procurement is


found guilty will not be forgiven. But re-

with which the gunny bags were distrib-

in the limelight for the last few months, as

ports suggest that despite these claims the

uted was sluggish and it was done inten-

is the case every year during the harvesting

small scale growers badly suffered through-

tionally since the Corporation had limited

season. The farmers’ representatives have

out the province.

funds and for reaching the abovemen-


rebuffed the wheat procurement policy of

It was very rightly suggested during a

the Government, claiming it is not

conference held in April this year that the

tioned target of purchasing wheat, the Corporation needed at least Rs. 13 billion.

favourable for the growers. They take

government should pinpoint real faults in

Amid all of these problems, the ulti-

strong exception to the Punjab govern-

the system rather than implementing

mate victim is the farmer who is forced to

ment’s delaying tactics for procurement

counterproductive policies as the whole

accept the price prevailing in the open mar-

and the decision to authorize the issuance

rural economy has been disturbed by the

ket. It is well known by the government that

of Bardana to the Revenue department,

bardana, emphasizing that it must be elim-

farmers prefer to sell their product in the

which has been termed terrible due to the

inated. The lack of coordination among dif-

open market because of complicated pro-

arrogant attitude of its staff. Furthermore,

ferent departments involved in the

cedure and the price issue. The previous

the restriction to give only eight bags per

procurement process was also strongly crit-

year, the Punjab Government had done

acre with a maximum limit of 200 bags,


away with the requirement of gunny bags

with an additional constraint of coded bags

There was an opinion that as a political

for procurement and growers could bring

means stopping the inter-provincial and

move, the government spent huge money

the harvest in any bag and the government

inter-district movement of wheat.

on schemes like Sasti Roti and Food Stamp

paid the price. It was very first time when

Critics describe it as an ill-planned pro-

because of which it ran short of resources

the farmers remained safe from the ex-

curement process as it confines the pro-

at the time of procurement. Though

ploitation of food inspectors, as availability

curement period to 6-8 weeks and after

provinces and Pakistan Agriculture Services

of gunny bags is a big instrument for them

which the farmer are not able to sell their

and Storage Corporation (PASSCO) were al-

to exploit the farmers.

wheat. v

ready aware of the looming credit crunch

This is very miserable situation that we

Though Mian Shahbaz Sharif has re-

for wheat procurement and the State Bank

boast of being an agricultural country, yet

peatedly claimed that rights of farmers

of Pakistan had also shown its inability to

we could not develop the very basic sys-

would be secured at any cost. He even di-

put money into wheat procurement, yet no

tems in this sector which is the back bone

rected the provincial ministers to go to var-

tangible steps were taken by the federal as

of our economy. It must be clear that until

ious districts and make sure that each and

well as provincial governments to cope

and unless small farmers, comprising 67

every grower, especially those working at

with the situation.

percent of the whole farming community,

small scale, receive due payment for their

By mid May, PASSCO procured 948000

are not facilitated and their problems are

harvest. The Chief Minister has also been

metric tons of wheat as compared to the

not addressed, our governments should

very vocal for not tolerating the corruption

goal of 1.6 million metric tons during the

stop making claims of a revolution through

during procurement, stressing that anyone

year. It had to be like that because speed


44 | more | June 2010


{PakisTani ProFessionals } n

Dr. Muddassar Farooq, Director of

largest professional association for the ad-

Next Generation Intelligent Networks Re-

vancement of technology, one of the few

search Centre at FAST National University,

senior member of the ACM (Association for

Islamabad is one of those rare scholars of

Computing Machinery) from Pakistan, and a

our country who have done wonders in a

member of Pakistan Engineering Council.

young age and whose research has been

In his book, he has guided the readers

acknowledged at global level. Very recently,

in a survey of nature-inspired routing

his peer-reviewed research book entitled

protocols and communication tech-

"Bee-inspired Protocol Engineering: from

niques observed in insect colonies. He of-

Nature to Networks" has been published by

fers the design of a scalable framework

Springer-Verlag in Natural Computing se-

for nature-inspired routing algorithms

ries, which is a big honour not only for him-

and examines a practical application

self but for the whole nation as there are

using real networks of Linux routers. He

very few researchers in Pakistan whose re-

also utilizes formal techniques to analyti-

search book is published by an internation-

cally model the performance of nature-

ally renowned publisher.

inspired routing algorithms.

Dr. muddassar Farooq

Dr. Farooq has successfully conducted

In the last chapters of the book, the

on antenatal care, Next Generation Enter-

a unique research for telecommunication

writer introduces an immune-inspired se-

prise Security Project for developing a

networks, based on techniques observed in

curity framework for nature-inspired algo-

general-purpose AIS based, open-source,

the honey bee colonies. The book intro-

rithms, and uses the wisdom of the hive for

windows based Intrusion Detection Sys-

duces a multipath routing algorithm for

routing in ad hoc and sensor networks. He

tem, IMS Security Project for developing

packet-switched telecommunication net-

has also provided a comprehensive bibliog-

an intelligent Bio-inspired self-defending

works. Dr. Farooq’s research observes that

raphy to serve as a reference for nature-in-

security framework for IMS and Next Gen-

the honey bee networks demonstrate ro-

spired solutions to networking problems.

eration All-IP Networks, and Smart Phone

bust adaptive efficient agent-based com-

The book has bridged the gap between

Security Project, which looks into conven-

munications and task allocations without

natural computing and computer network-

tional techniques of computational intel-

centralized controls, which are desirable

ing. What sets this book apart from other


features in the network design. BeeHive al-

texts on this subject is its natural engineer-

Artificial Immune System to build an op-

gorithm, developed by Dr. Farooq, is dy-

ing approach in which the challenges and

timized and light weight security system

namic, simple, efficient, flexible and

objectives of a real-world system are iden-

that can be deployed in Linux Kernel. The

represents an important step towards intel-

tified before its solution, nature-inspired or

proposed secure kernel will provide ade-

ligent networks that optimally manage re-

otherwise, is discussed.

sources. The balanced exposition of the




quate security against Malware threats

The competence of Dr. Farooq has been

and denial of Service attacks on network

book makes it equally suitable for telecom-

acknowledged at home and abroad. He is

interfaces (GSM/GPRS and WLAN) of mo-

munication network designers and theo-

the winner of Silver Medal of the Hummies

bile devices.

rists, and computer science researchers

Competition at GECCO 2009, Montreal,

engaged with artificial intelligence, agents,

Canada; winner of both Gold and Silver

inspiration for researchers, especially

and nature-inspired techniques.

Medals for R&D at PASHA Awards, 2009 Pak-

younger generation. His work shows that

Dr. Farooq, a graduate of the National

istan and a number of other awards.

People like Dr. Farooq are definitely an

our nation is full of talent, which is not re-

University of Sciences and Technology in

In addition to a large number of re-

stricted to any field or region of the country.

Avionics, did his PhD in Informatics from Uni-

search papers and conference presenta-

These scholars, who are the real asset of this

versity of Dortmund, Germany and Masters

tions, Dr. Farooq has been involved as

country, must be encouraged and pro-

in Computer Science and Engineering from

Project Director of Remote Patient Moni-

moted and that is the only way through

the University of New South Wales, Australia.

toring Project aimed to design a generic

which we can progress and compete in the

He is also a member of IEEE, the world's

remote health care system with a focus

comity of nations.


June 2010 | more | 45

{moBile Phone}

46 | more | June 2010

{moBile Phone}

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{home aPPliances}

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52 | more | June 2010



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