Part 3: Prevention and Interventions: what, where, how, and cultural relevance Culturally Grounded Programming and Holistic Perspectives The need for culturally based programs, policies, and interventions are widely understood to be central to any sustainable paths toward prevention and healing for Indigenous young men and boys (George et al, 2019; George et al, 2021; Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres, 2016; TRC, 2015). A holistic perspective that considers the many different dimensions of health and wellness, also known as social determinants of health, is central to traditional Indigenous notions of wellbeing. This implies approaching physical, social, and psychological wellness as being intricately interconnected to each other and linked to historical events. The following provides a brief overview of culturally relevant examples of programming and initiatives that currently exist (and are ongoing, to the best of our knowledge) to serve Indigenous young men and boys across Canada.