1 minute read


At the invitation of Hardwick Primary School, a couple of times a month a company of strolling players from Southgate Church leads the Monday Morning Assembly with a short piece of drama called Open the Book.


With costumes and props, Bible stories are shared with the children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. The stories spark imagination, inspire exploration, give hope, create a smile, teach important lessons and connect generations.

The most recent story was the well-known David the Giant Killer. The huge Goliath caused quite a stir when David’s stone hit him and he collapsed to the ground with a loud clatter! At the end we asked the children to think of a problem they wanted help with. Finally, this prayer was said.. Dear God, when our problems seem very big –please remind us that you are there to help us. And if the children wanted to make the prayer their own – to say - Amen.

Ali Burgess, Team Leader adds: “We all really enjoy going to Hardwick Primary and telling these stories – especially as the children are so receptive.”

If you’re part of a local church and are interested in joining our team, contact Southgate Church’s Family and Community Worker, Ali, at alison.burgess@ southgatechurch.org.uk or 07940 247038.


Tuesday 22 – Friday 25 August: 10 – 12 each day


Southgate Community Centre


Fun and Games – Crafts and Activities – Puppets and Songs – Bible stories – Drinks and Snacks


Children between 4 and 11


Just £1 per session


Scan below


30th July

10.30am Morning Worship services with groups for children of all ages Service on 16th July includes Holy Communion

Bring and Share lunch after service on 23rd July, beginning around 12.30pm

Friendship Club for older people meet on Thursdays at 2.30pm:-

6th July meet for a talk by Catherine Buchanan – The History of Table Manners

20th July meet for a talk by Stephen Spencer – Fifty Years of Lawrence of Arabia

Thursday (Ladies) Club meet on 27th July for a trip to Fullers Mill Garden – pre-booking essential.

During term time, the following mid-week groups meet In Church Centre: Liquid, for young people in school years 8 to 13, Mondays 7pm to 9pm

Southgate Parent & Toddlers, Wednesdays 9am to 11am.

Youth Club, for school years 5, 6, 7, Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.45pm

At Hardwick Primary School: Wednesday Club for Years 1 & 2

Rock Solid for Years 5 & 6 on Monday lunchtimes

CoffeeStop, Mondays, 10am to 12noon in Church Centre Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and Chat

For further information on any of these events – contact Jackie

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