7-sure fire ways to guarantee failure in your business

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December 7th, 2012

Published by: WorkWithMorgan

7 Sure-Fire Ways To Guarantee FAILURE in Your Business • •

7 Sure-Fire Ways To Guarantee FAILURE in Your Business December 7th, 2012

7 Sure-Fire Ways To Guarantee FAILURE in Your Business by Morgan Fleur De Lys | on October 16, 2012

How To Guarantee FAILURE in Your Business

Even Polar Bears Can Fail There seems to be a certain group of would-be entrepreneurs and business leaders that are destined for failure in their business. They may have lots of positive traits, resources and connections to set themselves up for success, but manage to fail nonetheless. May these “reverse” tips give you the proper guidance on things to avoid along the way to the success you deserve and at the end of the article, I share with you my secret viral marketing strategies to get your business in front of targeted prospects NOW!

Business Failure is CERTAIN For These People I should warn you, I get a little passionate in the video below. I hate to see so much potential in a person that isn’t fully realized. But, for those individuals that do not avoid these 7 sure-fire ways to failure in their business, it’s nearly impossible from them to reach the next level. They will be stuck in their situation for as long as they continue doing the wrong things, time and time again. http://youtu.be/oYktYYaJ5IU Here’s my 7 Sure-Fire Ways TO Guarantee Failure in Your Business 1. Lack Of Belief. If you do not believe it can be done, guess what…..YOU’RE RIGHT! I can’t be done…at least by you. You must KNOW, not “think” or “try” or “maybe”, you must know it, through and though. Be Yoda here: “Do or Do Not, there is no try.” 2. Lack Of Commitment. Sure you may know it’s going to work, but failing to actual commitment to the plan to achieve it is a recipe for disaster. 3. Not Starting At The End. You must begin with the end in mind. Where do you want this business of yours to take you. What is the end goal? If you fail to do this you may find yourself working on things that do not support what you really want out of your business and quite possibly, your life. Some people spend decades chasing the wrong things. 4. Rolling Solo. No man is an island. You need a team. Having great people around you will lift you higher and provide you with the much needed support when times get tough. Get a team in place ASAP! 5. No Value. You must provide value in the modern world more than ever before. You have to contribute to people’s lives in a meaningful way. It could be as simple as sharing some business insights (like this blog post), helping people success 1

December 7th, 2012

Published by: WorkWithMorgan

directly, providing exceptional service or producing products that exceed expectations. You clients and customers will love you for it. 6. Listening To Naysayers. From the very beginning, people are going to share the negative, limiting belief system with you, whether you ask for their opinion or not. You must not allow these people near you. Keep them as far away as possible. You may love some of them very dearly, but you must keep their pessimism in a very tight check. Stand firm! 7. Failure to market DAILY. No matter what business you are in, you must continually attract new prospects, clients and customers into your sales funnel. I can’t stress how mission critical this is. The days of build it and they will come and long gone for businesses. MARKET MARKET MARKET!

How To Avoid ONLINE Business Failure NOW! While you start working on the first six and improve your ability to steer clear of those business-killing pitfalls, you should IMMEDIATELY start marketing your business to bring in more money into your bank account. The beauty of a viral marketing system is that you can start to produce high-quality, targets leads and sales DAY ONE if you are using the right system and training. You are currently on one of the most powerful websites in the world, ranked in the top 500 globally and the top 200 in the U.S. Imagine what that could do for your business and you start to rank on Google and drive traffic through our social sharing systems. Plus, you can actually have your marketing pay for itself! See how it works by clicking here. To Your Abundance,


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