Patriarch of Parity

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CONTENTS introduction


m a r k e t a n a ly s i s


brand philosophy




ta rg e t m a r k e t




s u s ta i n a b i l i t y


c o m pa r at i v e a n a ly s i s











Roles have changed in the lives of men, women, fathers, and mothers. With a greater push for equality, women have begun to experience more empowerment within the workplace, while men have been given more equal responsibilities in the home. This has created a slight narrowing in the gender gap. There is still significant change to be made, however. Just as important as it is to empower women within the workplace, their male counterparts require further empowerment within the home and in child care. Men often feel insecure when it comes to raising children, as current stigmas perceive fathers as less competent than their wives. Most consumer goods, baby products, and parenting communities (ahem...mommy & me?) are marketed towards women, as they have previously been the primary shoppers for the household. Fathers need to feel a more welcoming presence in care giving. There is a need for a brand to advocate for the modern dad. Patriarch of Parity is an e-commerce brand based in Stockholm, Sweden providing transitional bags for fathers to use both at home or the office. Founded upon Scandinavian philosophies on gender parity, “POP� manifests itself as an icon for a new spirit in fatherhood. This brand not only provides products that appeal to working father’s needs and their personal style, but serves as a platform and community for them to research, inform, connect and advocate for fatherhood and social change.



FATHERHOOD IN FLUX The picture has changed for working dads. Old conventions of fatherhood are being outgrown just as fast as their baby’s clothes. Media outlets have become aware of the changing state of fatherhood with shows like Modern Dad. The Dove Men + Care campaign encourages “#realdadmoments” that do away with images of a “deadbeat dad”. Today nearly 63% of families with children are dual income in which both parents work. 7% of these are fatheronly. Within the last 30 years, the number of father only families has more than tripled, and they are nearly all working dads. No longer the traditional breadwinner and disciplinarian of the family, simply putting food on the table doesn’t cut it any more. There is higher expectations and involvement for the fathers of today, particularly due to the emergence of working mothers. Dads are doing nearly an hour more childcare and housework a day than in 1965. Whether or not they take on the role as the primary breadwinner, modern dads view this as an opportunity to be better parents rather than juggling a work life balance. Now men can have it all: a successful career and being a responsible daddy. The definition has changed for what it means to be a man, and it is more wholesome.


It has, however become harder than ever for dads to balance work and family. With a more active role in childcare and at home, 60% of fathers in dual earner families experience work-family conflict. Like moms, many dads are not offered paid leave and flexible work hours to help manage this conflict. It has been found that dads who take care giving leave or are open about family responsibilities at work suffer negative consequences within their careers. Discussions around flexible work schedules have been focused on women more so than men. Because of the shift in gender roles, and women taking on similar roles in the household, this conversation is changing. Over ž of men in the United States are working flexible schedules, and nearly 77% of them are happy doing so. Men are increasingly shopping for themselves and their families. Empowered by technology, men have embraced mobile and social media to conveniently inform their decisions for their children. Men are finding themselves more capable and empowered within the home and realizing they can do it as well as their wives...or even better. Men who previously felt emasculated, rather “emomulated,â€? by their perceived incompetence as fathers are now viewing themselves more capable and empowered knowing they can do it as well as their wives...or even better.






“We provide stylish, and transitional products that support the needs and principles of the modern dad. “

“We aim to reimagine the ideals of fatherhood by promoting the values of gender parity and work-family balance.”

Family stability. Personal style. Gender equality. Self-empowerment.


S C A N D I N AV I A N I N VA S I O N Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Patriarch of Parity was established under Scandinavian principles of gender parity. As a core mission, we aim to perpetuate and inspire our customers to adopt these values, influencing a revolution in equality. Having developed a strong distribution base domestically in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway, we are now achieving a global presence within the UK, and the United States. These countries are beginning to make strides in closing the gender gap. We hope that by extending our values amongst these influential countries, the principles of the modern household will soon have a global presence.

G E N D E R R O L E S I N S C A N D I N AV I A Scandinavian countries have very forward views and policies regarding gender roles and child rearing. Having the narrowest gender gaps in the world (World Economic Forum), these countries serve as a role model and benchmark for gender parity. Scandinavian countries have progressively achieved work-family balance for both genders. As nearly 8/10 women are employed outside the home, they are not only entering, but thriving in the workplace. The Scandinavian mindset is that if you are not working, you are not contributing. Parental leave policies work to encourage shared participation in childcare and labor within the home. Sweden offers a gender neutral paid parental leave allowance, paying 90% of wages for 480 days per child, and parents are able to divvy up the days however they please. Close to 90% of Swedish fathers take paternity leave. “Daddy Month� was introduced in 1995, giving families in which each parent took at least two month of leave received an additional two months to add to their allowance.


More men have been able to feel more confident in their role at home, assuming roles that have been traditionally left to mothers. The pay gap has begun to close with studies showing a mothers future earnings increasing by 7% for every month the father took off. Divorce rates also started to go down, at a time when they were rising in other countries. Splitting parental leave more equally has created positive ripple effects for women. Since Scandinavian men have started to take more responsibility in child rearing, women have seen both their incomes and levels of happiness increase. This simple little change, giving dads incentives to take parental leave, has had a profound effect on employees, employers, women, men, and families. In other words, paying dads to change diapers and read bedtime stories seems to benefit the entire family (Economist). In the United States, men and women have been confined to traditional roles in terms of work and child rearing. America seems to have an allergy to taxes regardless of the historically low rates. Mothers do not even receive a paid maternity leave, only a guaranteed protected leave for up to 12 weeks. American values do little to create economic and family stability.


THE N E W PAT R I A R C H Patriarch of Parity is an icon for the modern dad, equally comfortable carrying a briefcase, gym bag, and diaper tote. we support the man who is just as concerned with bringing home the bacon, as they are frying it up in a pan. No more “dead-beat dad,” no more “Mr. Mom.” Our dads are capable and empowered, climbing both the corporate ladder, and the jungle gym.


FAT H E R S A G E 2 5 - 4 5 W I T H C H I L D R E N A G E S 0 - 5 HOUSEHOLD INCOME:

$120,000+ LO C AT I O N : Suburban areas outside major metropolitan cities within the US, UK, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark

O C C U PAT I O N : Business professionals working flextime hours



P h o t o g r a p h e r : Ma t t h i a s Vr i e n s Mc G r a t h

Ryan Gosling, Mark Wahlberg, Orlando Bloom

O R L A N D O BAC K PAC K MSRP: $229.0



R YA N B R I E F C A S E MSRP: $259.00

CO M PAC T C H A N G I N G K I T MSRP: $49.00


MSRP: $289.00


R YA N B R I E F C A S E m i x e d l e at h e r b r i e fc a s e


l e at h e r

MSRP: $259.00 burgundy




O R L A N D O BAC K PAC K m i x e d l e at h e r bac k pac k


l e at h e r

MSRP: $229.0 burgundy




MARK DUFFEL m i x e d l e at h e r d u f f e l


l e at h e r

MSRP: $289.00 burgundy




I N S U L AT E D B O T T L E H O L D E R 1 0 0 % p o ly u r e t h a n e l e at h e r MSRP: $89.00





CO M PAC T C H A N G I N G K I T brass hardware, plastic l e at h e r , n y lo n MSRP: $49.00 burgundy




DESCRIPTION: The Ryan briefcase is made of 100% leather with frog leather paneling on the front. It includes multiple compartments to fill both you and your baby’s necessities. The POP insulated bottle holder and changing kit fit within these compartments. This bag fits most laptops.

DESCRIPTION: The Orlando backpack is made of 100% naked leather with frog leather paneling on the front. It includes multiple compartments to fill both you and your baby’s necessities. Including a side bottle holder, front pocket, durable leather straps, and top handle, this bag is perfect for the traveling breadwinner.

DESCRIPTION: The Mark duffel is made of 100% frog leather with bull leather straps. It offers plenty of space to fit both you and your baby’s necessities. perfectly suited for the office, the gym, or the park, this bag is meant for the modern dad.

DESCRIPTION: This insulated leather-look bottle bag has a wipeable outer cover and fastens with a zip. The top handle can be attached to a stroller or changing bag. Fits in all POP bags.

DESCRIPTION: Classy and covert, this changing kit includes everything a dad needs to be prepared while on the go. This full grain leather changing kit includes a branded wipes case, a water resistant changing pad, and stroller clips. Fits into all POP bags. 17



Cattle rearing has significant environmental impacts such as deforestation, land degradation, water pollution, and it is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. In collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), we enact sustainable ranching practices and ensure traceability within all our leather sources. We responsibly source our leather from domestic livestock and do not come from farming systems that have converted precious ecosystems into grazing lands.


PRODUCT CO M PA R I S O N Patriarch of Parity stands alone as the brand for the professional, working father. There are very limited choices for fathers looking for a diaper bag that doesn’t scream “I wipe bottoms all day.” This is even more so the case for fathers seeking sophisticated and stylish bags that are appropriate for the workplace. Nothing would ruin a professional reputation more than carrying a baby blue whale printed diaper bag around the office. There currently are no other brands in the marketplace that provide collections of professional, and transitional diaper bags for men. Similar products are offered by brands as part of a private label collection and are typically marketed as “unisex.” These bags offer similar features to Patriarch of Parity bags, including multiple compartments, ample space to fit laptops, baby bottle holders, and portable changing pads. While they compare in terms of functionality and price, the aesthetic quality of these bags are found to appear more utilitarian, sporty, or well...look like diaper bags. In short, our bags ranks above all others of its kind by offering affordable pricing, thoughtful features, refined style, and versatile function.





cow h i d e l e at h e r d i a p e r bag

h e at h e r f e lt d i a p e r b a g

p o ly e s t e r d i a p e r b a g

Price: $280.0

Price: $160.00

Price: $98.00



l e at h e r sac h e l d i a p e r bag

nylon diaper bag

Price: $329.99

Price: $270.00



this is not a condom



l at e fo r t h at .



Our products are sold online through our e-commerce website and through the subscription commerce website Mr. Mr. Porter is an online powerhouse for mens fashion and a global retail destination for men’s style. It sells over 300 leading international brands including Alexander McQueen, Givenchy, J.Crew, and Raf Simons and ships to 170 countries. It is viewed by 2.5 million unique visitors per month, Mr. Porter will provide our dads a convenient and informative shopping experience.

Patriarch of Parity wishes to provide a platform for fathers to connect with others, read and share advise on products, activities, the topic of fatherhood, and work-life balance. Fathers are also encouraged to post their family moments to an instagram feed with the hashtag #popmoments, that will be displayed on the website. Fathers have been empowered by technology and social media to make their decisions. The the rise of the “daddyblog” has enabled fathers to discover activities to do with their children, ask questions and read advice from other parents, and also to create their own public journals to someday be read by their children. More dads are assuming the role of family shopper. According to BPN 2013 Retail Trends Report, men are now the primary shoppers within 40% of households, over double the rate two decades ago. As a side effect of the rise of the “mansumer”, social media outlets have begun to see an increase in usage amongst fathers, whereas Pinterest savvy mothers have previously been noted as primary social media users in the family. Fathers are now engaging in the same types of social media activities that new moms enjoy, such as posting family photos and family related status updates on a daily basis. This increased engagement is indicative of a generational shift in attitudes toward fatherhood.

WE’RE FOR HE FOR HEFORSHE Gender aside, we all want the same thing: good careers, loving relationships and happy families*. In the spirit of gender equality and female empowerment, many advocate that in order to help men achieve this, you must help women. Patriarch of Parity believes that the converse is also true. How do we help women? By helping men. As the roles of dual earner families converge, it has become just as important to empower fathers within the home as it is to empower wives within the workplace. Neither women nor men can achieve the lives they want without support from their counterparts. Patriarch of Parity supports feminism as the defined advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Gender equality is not just a women’s problem. When there is gender inequality, everyone loses. We are supporters of the UN Women’s solidarity movement for gender equality called “HeForShe.” This campaign invites men into the discussion on gender equality, enlisting men from all over the world to fight for gender equality. We will participate in the HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 framework by adopting its “Women Empowerment Principles.” We will also donate 10% of purchases within this year, until the campaign concludes in 2015. In other words...WeForHe for HeForShe

Women and men rated "being a good parent" (94% of women, 91% of men) and "having a successful marriage" (84% of women, 83% of men) equally highly, and nearly twice as important as "being successful in a high-paying career.(Pew Research)

WOMEN EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES • Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality • Treat all women and men fairly at work by respecting and supporting human rights and non discrimination • Ensure health safety, and well-being of all male and female workers • Promote education, training, and professional development for women • Implement enterprise development, supply chain, and marketing practices that empower women • Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy • Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality



1. Ammari, T. and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). “Understanding and Supporting Fathers and Fatherhood on Social Media Sites.” In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015. 2. Behson, Scott. “The Rise of the Hands-On Dad.” Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Publishing, 13 June 2014. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.<>. 3. “The Rise of the Hands-On Dad.” Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Publishing, 13 June 2014. Web. 5 Mar. 2015. <https://hbr. org/2014/06/the-rise-of-the-hands-on-dad/>. 4. Gretchen Livingston, 2014. “Growing Number of Dads Home with the Kids: Biggest increase among those caring for family.” Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center’s Social and Demographic Trends project, June. 5. “It’s 2014, and the Picture Has Changed for Working Dads. Here’s How.” The White House., 9 June 2014. Web. 5 Mar. 2015. <>. 6. “Marketing to Modern Dad.” Edelman. Edelman, n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2015. < marketing-to-modern-dad/>. 7. Worford, Davod. “Top Misconceptions About At-Home Dads.” About Parenting., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2015. <http://stayathomedads.>. 8. “Top Misconceptions About At-Home Dads.” About Parenting. About. com, n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2015. < thesahdstigma/tp/SAHDmisconceptions.htm>.



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