MPA Curriculum Guide

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Curriculum Guide

Table of Contents Our Mission, Vision and Values ............................................................................................... 2 LOWER SCHOOL ...................................................................................................................... 2 Preschool Course Descriptions ............................................................................................................... 3 Kindergarten Course Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 5 Grade 1 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................... 7 Grades 2 Through 4 ................................................................................................................................... 8 Grade 2 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................... 9 Grade 3 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................. 10 Grade 4 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................. 12

MIDDLE SCHOOL ................................................................................................................ 13 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 13

UPPER SCHOOL .................................................................................................................... 27 Graduation Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 27 Advanced Placement (AP) Designation .............................................................................................. 28 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 32


Our Mission


Morgan Park Academy engages the whole child, inspires the independent learner, and prepares the global leader of tomorrow to make a positive difference in the world.

Morgan Park Academy’s Early Childhood program consists of full-day Preschool 3-4, Kindergarten and 1st grade. Each Early Childhood section is limited to 15-18 students and taught by a certified Early Childhood teacher. Preschool sections are also staffed by a certified teacher and fulltime aide.

Our Vision Morgan Park Academy aspires to be a beacon of education for the Chicagoland area by developing a learning community of innovative teachers, the best and brightest students, and exceptional facilities and resources.

The primary learning outcome of the Early Childhood program is to address the whole child in the areas of social, creative, cognitive, physical, and emotional development. Activities and lessons are designed to ensure a developmentally appropriate, child-centered program. The curriculum is teacher-created and responsive to the children’s interests, needs, and individual levels of development.

Our Values Independent Thinking: We believe in providing a rigorous, broad-based liberal arts program that inspires a student's pursuit of skills, knowledge and values.

It is the Academy’s belief that young children learn best through play and meaningful experiences. Structured activities are coupled with free explorations at various learning centers that are visited by the youngsters throughout the day. These centers include dramatic play, puzzles, sand and water measuring, cooking, computer, reading corner, and construction area. Other centers are often built around interdisciplinary themes or units.

Global Leadership: We believe that our student body should be socioeconomically, ethnically and culturally diverse, so that students delve into a curriculum that sees the world's challenges through a global lens. A Whole Child Approach: We believe in an education that is both challenging and nurturing, by engaging students' heads, hearts and hands.

Academics are approached in a developmentally appropriate manner. It is important that children at this age develop an experiential background and a love of learning. The language arts curriculum focuses on four main components: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Everyday Math, which is the basis of the primary math experience, emphasizes that math is a real part of everyday life. The science curriculum allows children to explore and observe the world around them. The social studies curriculum is designed to help children organize and develop their perception of

Mutual Respect: We believe that a school community should stand for and teach a set of core values: integrity, respect, responsibility, diligence, kindness, cooperation, and service.


themselves and their world. Students are also take a trimester of French, Spanish and Mandarin, forming the base for their study of world languages throughout their Lower School years.

centers reinforce the theme/unit and academic skills (reading, math, science, and social studies) that are the main focus at that time.

Character education, including self-esteem and social skills, involves highlighting the theme, The MPA Way (Be Kind and Do Your Best), through role modeling and positive social interactions. The wellness program further enhances these themes.

READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS The reading and language arts component immerses children in print materials. A variety of children’s literature, rotate weekly, is available for children’s use at the reading corner. Strategies to build children’s sight words include labeling classroom objects, displaying children’s names throughout the classroom, and writing down the words children use whenever possible. Big books and trade books are read aloud by the teacher several times a day, followed by a discussion of the book’s plot, character, dilemma, and/or solution. Song and poem charts with corresponding pictures are presented during meetings.

PRESCHOOL COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The main objective of the preschool program is to enhance children’s social skills and selfimage. In order to be successful learners, cooperation, turn-taking, and problemsolving skills must be developed. In addition, it is important for young children to feel confident in their ability to make choices, initiate a learning encounter, ask questions, and use their knowledge.

To encourage a love of writing, the four-yearolds are encouraged to write letters, words and journals by themselves. Each four-yearold has a personal mailbox in order to foster letter writing. Key words related to themes are written on cards and are accessible for the students to copy and read.

Activities and lessons are designed to ensure a developmentally appropriate, child-centered program according to standards set by the National Association for the Education of Young People (NAEYC). The curriculum is responsive to children’s interests, needs, and levels of development; some themes and units arise from the children’s academic interests and inquiries.

The listening center allows the four-year-olds to follow a book by listening to a tape, and interactive CD-ROM stories are available in the computer station, as well as basic word processing.

We recognize that children learn primarily through play and meaningful experiences. Therefore, structured activities are coupled with free exploration at various centers, which include dramatic play, painting, reading corner, listening center, sensory table, markers, puzzles, blocks, Duplos, play dough, beads, pattern blocks, art projects, games, sorting, office, and computer. Every day the children have the opportunity to choose in which centers they will participate. The

The reading readiness skills students develop at this age include recognizing and writing their own name, using illustrations to understand the story, being aware of the multiple purposes of print, left-to-right reading directionality, recitation and recognition of the alphabet, knowledge of front and back of books, an introduction to authors and illustrators, reproduction of letters via copying, awareness of beginning sound-letter associations, knowledge that a 3

“string” of letters creates a word, and the use of pictographs and sentence/picture journaling.

plants and flowers, bugs and insects, bubbles, babies and human growth, and animals (forest and zoo).

MATHEMATICS The focus of the mathematics component is on developing children’s number sense. This is achieved through daily hands-on math encounters. To develop an awareness of numeration, students use manipulatives to make one-to-one correspondence. The threeyear-olds are expected to recognize and count from one to 10, and the four-year-olds from one to 20. They can also estimate more and less, and use number books.

SOCIAL STUDIES The primary goal of the social studies component is to promote the acceptance of the differences and similarities (cultural, ethnic, religious, physical and cognitive capabilities) of world cultures and people. The course outline includes units that arise from the children’s interests, as well as an anti-bias curriculum, and topics including differences and similarities among people, houses and homes, construction and families.

Geometry work includes free play with pattern and wooden blocks, being able to name basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star, octagon, and geometric solids), recognize these shapes in everyday objects, and use the shapes in art activities such as collages. Free play is also used to help students learn about money and calculators in the dramatic play center (e.g. grocery store).

WORLD LANGUAGES The curriculum for world languages exposes children to the study of French, Spanish and Mandarin. The goal is to allow children to explore new sounds and learn basic vocabulary words and short phrases in French, Spanish and Mandarin. The goal of this exposure is to inspire a lifelong interest in language learning as well as integrating essential 21st century skills in the early childhood program.

To learn about charts and graphs, students complete a daily attendance graph, daily weather chart, and create two-column graphs related to a unit or activity. Students learn about calendar patterns, hand-clapping patterns and skip counting by patterns such as 2-4-6-8. Children learn about measuring in hands-on activities such as water and sand play with volume (pails, cylinders, boxes, etc.), free play with measuring tools, and weighing activities using a beginner’s scale.

Students receive a trimester of French, Spanish and Mandarin, with two weekly classroom lessons. These lessons are taught by teachers in the World Languages department, and may include activities with the Upper School AP/honors French and Spanish students under the guidance of the World Languages teachers. Lessons focus on games, activities, songs, rhymes, and chants. Many props are used to engage the children. No written work is intended in this program; instead, the children learn experientially, by participating in various activities. Basic topics covered include greetings, numbers from one to 10, colors, animals, body parts, family, food and feelings.

SCIENCE The objective of the science curriculum is to make the world familiar to children via hands-on explorations of everyday objects. The course outline includes units that arise from the children’s interests, as well as weather, colors and color-mixing, magnets, 4

ART Young children are primarily processoriented artists. Multiple opportunities to explore the media are necessary before they can be expected to create a purposeful art piece. Because of this, the preschool art program does not focus on the end product, but rather on the process that the child experiences. By designing process-oriented art encounters, the children’s skills in drawing, painting, pasting, cutting, tearing, and sculpting can be extended to their fullest potential. Furthermore, all artistic endeavors, great or small, are appreciated.

following rules and directions) and academic knowledge (counting, alphabet, colors).

KINDERGARTEN COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The main objective of the Kindergarten program is to develop the whole child socially, intellectually, physically, creatively and emotionally. The enhancement of the child’s self-esteem and growth of a healthy self-image are valuable assets that can be instilled in a child in Kindergarten. The program is tailored to the needs, developmental levels and interests of each student in order to provide a positive learning environment that fosters an enthusiastic attitude toward learning.

Students use the following media throughout the school year: pencils, markers, crayons, tempera paints, watercolor, clay, pastels, chalk, collage and play dough. MUSIC The music component broadens the children’s exposure to a wide range of songs and instruments in order to increase their appreciation of music. Formal music class is three days a week for three-year olds and four times a week for four-year olds. The program’s goal is to help children become confident in their abilities to express themselves and have fun through music. Songs are sung multiple times and children have free and structured exploration of musical instruments and various soundmakers. Upper School band members visit, introduce, and play their instruments. The children also have the opportunity to create their own songs and sound-makers.

CHARACTER/SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Social and character development are stressed continually through heightened awareness, programs, and role modeling. All interactions (child-to-child, child-to-adult) offer opportunities for character growth. These positive interactions are emphasized in all settings, including the classroom, centers, transitions, and recess. Programs include: the MPA Way, Let’s Find Out Newspaper, and the Wellness Program.

READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS The language arts program (readiness/reading) places an emphasis on the development of literature awareness and “how print works,” as well as specific skills. In compliance with this philosophy, each child’s readiness or actual reading level will depend on his/her personal maturation on all levels. Through an eclectic approach including whole language, phonics, and author studies, the reading program offers

MOVEMENT The physical education program encourages gross- and fine-motor development. The children participate in fun, interactive cardiovascular activities, both in the classroom and in the gymnasium, while also working on their social skills (taking turns, 5

varied approaches and focuses. Specific skills include letter-sound associations, phonetic word approach, word sense, story order, predicting outcomes, rhyming, word families, real vs. fantasy, cause and effect, sight vocabulary, and comprehension.

Calendar Corner is an integral segment of the Everyday Math program. Calendar activities include day, month, year, days of the week, counting forward and backwards, place value, graphing weather, interpreting weather graphs and recognizing seasons. Materials include manipulatives, the Everyday Math student guide, Home Links, games and charts.

Literature-based material and texts used include Big Books, trade books, Rookie Readers, Story Box readers, emergent readers, pattern books, poetry folders, literacy charts, and interactive word and sentence pocket charts. Controlled vocabulary is introduced and reinforced through the daily message and Kindernews. Daily Kindernews is published monthly to reinforce basic sight vocabulary within the context of a sentence.

SCIENCE The science curriculum revolves around different topics, which are sometimes dictated by student interests. There are integrated units involving colors, water, trees/leaves/seeds, and farm animals. Life cycles may include apples, pumpkins and butterflies. Units are integrated through various yearly themes and centers. Materials used include theme-related centers, Big Books, trade books, Let’s Find Out Newspaper, and poetry.

Through the writing process the student naturally expands his/her vocabulary base. The printing/writing/reading process includes: ABC letters (upper and lowercase), letter-sound associations, emergent writing, beginning writing, Color Me Happy weekend writing, journals using illustrations and transitional spelling, story response activities and group language experience stories.

SOCIAL STUDIES The Social Studies curriculum is designed to help each child organize and develop his perception of himself and his world. Class discussions and activities involve the child, his family, and the people around him. Throughout the year, activities, art projects, calendar time, books, and discussions give emphasis to seasons and customs of appropriate holidays. Units are integrated through various yearly themes and centers. Materials used include the Let’s Find Out Newspaper, trade/holiday books, themerelated centers, and poetry. Units include The MPA Way (developing appropriate social skills throughout the year), community helpers, international celebration (country of emphasis varies), current events, and various cultural and national holidays.

The language arts curriculum focuses on the four main components of speaking, listening, reading and writing. All areas are integrated throughout the day and the value of each component is recognized. Language Arts units are integrated with math, science, and social studies themes when applicable. Varied language arts centers provide opportunities for reinforcement and enrichment throughout the year. MATHEMATICS The mathematical strands include: counting, numerations, operations, time, measurement, money, geometry, attributes, patterns, graphing, symmetry and 100th day of school. Each strand is designed as a spiral that begins at a simple level and grows with the child’s experience. At times, a full unit stressing a particular concept is presented. 6

CENTERS Continual exploration and reinforcement of reading, math, science, and social studies is offered through various centers. Thematic centers offer reinforcement of lessons presented. Centers may include thematic explorations, puzzles, games, tapes and accompanying books, interactive bulletin boards, interactive pocket charts, puppets, dramatic play, building blocks, beads, legos, play dough, store, computer games, writing and art.

as literature-based topics provide the incentives to stimulate written expression. Penmanship skills are taught and reinforced during the year. Spelling words and grammar exercises are emphasized in relation to the whole language program. MATHEMATICS Mathematics students build mastery and confidence of basic skills through a spiraling curriculum. In first grade, they learn the basics of numeration and counting, explore the use of a calculator and gain a basic understanding of money. Students learn basic addition and subtraction, and begin to work with fractions. Problem-solving skills are developed throughout the course, and students learn to order and sequence data that they have recorded, and they display data using graphs. Foundational skills in geometry with 2D and 3D shapes are explored, as are skills in estimating, measuring, comparing, and recognizing patterns.

GRADE 1 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS In first grade the primary emphasis is on linking reading and writing as they relate to the total child. In addition to the whole language approach, a concentrated study is also placed on word attack skills with initial development of vocabulary and comprehension skills, using basal readers, workbooks, children’s literature and material relating to auditory and visual recall. Students learn to read independently, orally, and strategically.

SCIENCE AND HEALTH Through discussion and simple experiments, Grade 1 students explore a variety of topics in the life sciences, earth science, physical science, and the human body. Skills that are stressed include communication, observation, gathering data, making inferences and conclusions, classification, and experimentation.

Language Arts is interrelated with our reading and whole language approach. The program includes development of the understanding of sentence structure using capital letters, punctuation, and the use of capital letters for proper nouns. Initial instruction is given in basic language usage concepts; sentence structure, plurals, possessives, and describing works (adjectives, adverbs). The main purpose of language arts is to communicate effectively, recognize patterns in words, and write stories with a focus.

In the life science unit, students learn about the nomenclature of trees and plants, gain an understanding of the systems that help them grow, and learn about insects and their life cycle. In the physical science unit, learners explore the idea of matter, the five senses, and the scientist’s tools. For earth science, students explore the themes of weather and the seasons. During the units on health and the human body, students delve deeper into how their five senses work in practice, and learn about nutrition and good health.

A writing workshop gives the children the opportunity to utilize and apply these skills. Personal and imaginative experiences as well 7

Languages. This core coursework is supplemented throughout the grades by experiences in Fine Arts, Physical Education, Computer Studies, and Character Education.

SOCIAL STUDIES A weekly news publication is the source for the topics discussed and explored in the classroom. Current events, people in the news and world problems are emphasized on a weekly basis. Students also explore their world through map and globe work. The overarching goal of the program is to develop students’ self-concept while learning to have positive and caring interactions with others.

The development of reading and language arts skills is a major focus of the Lower School. An eclectic approach, combining children’s literature with exercises from basal readers, is used. Emphasis is placed on phonics and other word attack strategies, comprehension skills, and vocabulary building. All other aspects of language arts – grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. – are incorporated into the program through writing, which is an integral part of the language arts program. During the intermediate years (Grades 3-4), students continue to build upon this foundation through the use of trade books, basals, and the Junior Great Books program. Reading instruction includes both whole-group lessons and small, cooperative group activities. The emphasis on writing continues in these grades with portfolios and journal writing.

The social studies curriculum includes foundational geography, as well as history and world cultures. Students learn the names of landmasses and oceans, countries, states and our capital. They learn the names and basic facts about our president, governor and mayor, and become familiar with local and national landmarks. Students become aware of other cultures and their unique customs and holidays, and they are encouraged to share customs, language, and food at our yearly International Celebration. Students also plan a cultural diversity parade, and learn about the first Thanksgiving.

The Everyday Mathematics program, which begins at the preschool level, continues throughout the early childhood and lower school grades. The spiraling curriculum helps children to master basic numerical processes and understand key mathematical concepts. In the 3rd and 4th grades, students are transitioned from this constructionist mathematical program to a more traditional one, forming a bridge to Middle School.


In the lower school grades, the social studies curriculum is designed to help children organize and develop appropriate perceptions of themselves and the world around them. Class discussions and roleplaying are used, along with materials from various programs designed to strengthen selfconcepts and decision-making skills. In the intermediate grades, students learn of factors that have shaped their world, develop

Each class in Grades 2 through 4 is made up of two sections of 18 children. In accordance to the Academy’s philosophy of teaching the whole child, the program strives for a balance among intellectual, social, creative, and physical activities. The academic program focuses its attention upon five major disciplines: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and World 8

research skills, learn how to read and create maps, and begin to develop the skills necessary for critical analysis. To enhance their studies, students frequently work in cooperative groups, give oral presentations, enact historically significant events, and make use of the computer as a tool in research and presentations.

projects, listening to modeled instruction, and other learning experiences.

GRADE 2 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS Students in second grade are provided with an integrated literature-based language arts program composed of various experiences in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They are given multiple opportunities to interact with print, choose materials to read, collaborate and communicate with each other using literature as a foundation.

In science, students develop an understanding and working use of the scientific method as they practice questioning, predicting, observing, experimenting, collecting data, and drawing conclusions. Activities and experiments encourage students to develop skills of scientific inquiry as they deal with a wide range of topics within the physical, chemical, and biological sciences.

Reading strategies for monitoring comprehension and vocabulary are taught. Students set pre-reading goals, clarify unclear information, sum up, predict, and ask questions. Students monitor comprehension for unknown vocabulary. Contextual strategies for developing word meaning are stressed. Word attack skills are taught, consolidated and extended. Sight vocabulary is increased. Students are taught as a class and in small “needs� groups. Evaluation is accomplished through discussion, daily written work, and teacher-made tests.

WORLD LANGUAGES The curriculum for world languages exposes children to the study of French, Spanish and Mandarin. The goal is to allow children to explore new sounds and learn basic vocabulary words and short phrases in French, Spanish and Mandarin. The goal of this exposure is to inspire a lifelong interest in language learning as well as integrating essential 21st century skills.

Students are given many opportunities to write about topics and issues of their own choosing. The Power Writing format is introduced and expanded upon throughout the year. Students move from writing a cohesive five-sentence paragraph to a multiparagraph essay in which the story’s ideas are logically presented through details and elaboration.

Students receive a trimester of French, Spanish and Mandarin. World language study, introduced during the early childhood years, continues throughout the Lower School. In an informal, yet structured and sequential program, songs, poems, games, and dialogue are used to emphasize vocabulary development and correct pronunciation in the early grades. With the introduction of textbooks, students at the intermediate level continue to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. More advanced vocabulary, grammatical concepts, and basic verb conjugations are introduced at this level. Lessons are based upon themes and include conversations,

Capitalization, punctuation, correct sentence structure and recognition of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns are emphasized. Spelling is taught in relation to reading and phonetic materials, and editing of final copies of writing. The process of writing is emphasized through planning, setting 9

writing goals, self-selection of topics, drafting, revising, editing and sharing. Evaluation is accomplished through discussion, daily written work, and writing process progress.

SOCIAL STUDIES The 2nd Grade social studies curriculum focuses on relationships, similarities and differences in neighborhoods, large and small. The year begins with discussion and role-playing of the characteristics of a good citizen. With an understanding of how people must work together in neighborhoods, we begin studying and locating neighborhoods around the world and simultaneously review the basic concepts of maps and globes. Visiting other countries lays a foundation for upcoming units on continents, land forms, bodies of water, and customs around the world. An emphasis is on discussion and personal reflection.

MATHEMATICS Using the Everyday Mathematics and Homelinks programs, students progress in their understanding of numbers and counting up to five digits, positive and negative numbers, and the breakdown of a whole into its parts. Topics include strategies for addition and subtraction, comparisons, mathematics vocabulary work, exploring and presenting data and more progressive geometry, and further study of measuring, estimating, money and patterns. By solving real-life problems using math, students build their confidence and understand the relevance of mathematics.

GRADE 3 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS The year-long theme for the 3rd Grade is living in harmony. The goal is to have the students learn how they can live harmoniously with other people by reading, writing, discussing and thinking about relationships with family members, friends, communities and people from different countries and cultures around the world. We will also stress relationships between people and animals and people and their environments in the language arts, science and social studies topics that we cover.

SCIENCE Developing scientific thinking in students is an important part of the 2nd Grade science program. Students are given frequent opportunities to develop the science process skills, critical-thinking skills, and reasoning skills that support scientific inquiry. The students also perform a series of experiments that acquaint them with many branches of science. Each experiment follows the scientific method, uses proper terminology, and encourages higher-level thinking skills. Students delve further into the life sciences, focusing on the impact of living things, including people, on environments. Light and color are explored, as are the properties and states of solids, liquids and gases. Students learn about the Earth’s changes through time, including a study of fossils and dinosaurs, and they pursue a unit on health and nutrition, which explores health and illness, and prevention of injuries. They also begin to learn about motion and forces through observation.

Numerous novels and basal readers are made available in the classroom and library, and are read by students for book report projects, research projects and recreational reading. Students practice writing skills in journal entries, literature responses, paragraphs on assigned topics and a variety of longer writing assignments, which are carried through the steps of the writing process. Oral communication and listening skills are practiced in class discussion, cooperative group work, performance of plays, oral reading of stories, reading or reciting of 10

poetry, and oral presentations of reports or projects to the class.

Students are encouraged, but not required, to participate by doing a science fair project.

MATH In the 3rd Grade, students explore mathematics themes through eight units, and through a multidisciplinary unit on weather, in which students research and report on rainfall, the length of day, the use of a thermometer, and temperature records. Problem-solving skills are developed through each unit, with topics such as place, value and money; addition and subtraction; data and probability; the basics of multiplication and division; time and measurement; geometry; and fractions and decimals. In each unit, students review the essentials from the previous year so that they can build on their previous knowledge. The textbook is supplemented with teacher-designed activities, and components of the Everyday Math program.

SOCIAL STUDIES Students in 3rd Grade use materials such as library books, magazines, videotapes, computer software, filmstrips, state tourist information, photos, souvenirs, slides, and maps to explore social studies. Field trips include the Chicago Children’s Film Festival, the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences, and the Graue Mill and Museum. Art projects, performing plays, music experiences, games and food samplings are also be part of the curriculum. Students use the book Kid’s USA Road Atlas and a set of six reference books on Illinois to cover themes including national parks, preservation versus recreation, family heritage and cultural traditions, African American history and experiences, and families in Native American cultures.

SCIENCE Using the Discovery Works text, students examine units on the roles of living things, health and nutrition, the sun, moon and Earth, and a weather and climate unit in preparation for 4th Grade. Students become more familiar with the processes scientists use, such as observing, classifying, communicating, hypothesizing, experimenting, recording data and drawing conclusions. During the roles of living things unit, students learn about food chains and webs, and how living beings adapt to their environments; the health and nutrition unit focuses on the different systems of the human body, as well as nutrition and the sense; the moon and planets unit challenges students to imagine life on the moon, and understand distance, the motions and effects of the Earth and moon; students explore basic electricity as a mini-unit; students also learn about simple machines and inventions. Cross-curricular connections are made in language arts, social studies and mathematics.

Leading up to the International unit, students learn facts about the country each class has chosen and gain empathy for and understanding of the history, culture, and life experiences of people who live in those countries, so that they can share and present this information to the students in Grades 3 and 4, and enjoy the foods of different countries. Students also learn about the state of Illinois, weather and climate, and pioneer life.


Students articulate their understanding of grammar through daily proofreading activities and discussion. Punctuation is reviewed and expanded, along with recognition of the eight parts of speech. An understanding of sentence structure is developed and reinforced through the use of complete sentences in a variety of writing assignments. The structure of a complete, five-sentence paragraph is also reviewed. Spelling rules (and exceptions) are covered in weekly spelling lists and exercises.

GRADE 4 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS READING Word attack skills are reviewed and redefined, but the primary focus for reading instruction at this level is on the development of comprehension skills, vocabulary, and critical thinking using basal readers, workbooks, and trade books. Independent reading is encouraged through book reports and in-class libraries. Reading instruction is done in a variety of forms including whole class and grouping according to skill level or interest.

MATHEMATICS In the 4th Grade, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, pace value, and exponents are reviewed and expanded. Included are: multi-digit multiplication; multi-digit division; measurement; geometry; place value; word problems; addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions; mixed numbers; decimals; properties of addition and multiplication; greatest common factor; least common multiple; and prime factorization.

In addition to using basal readers and workbooks, students read novels such as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli, and Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. Students engage in creative writing, and create posters, mobiles, murals and puppet shows to reinforce their understanding.

Students work in partners and small groups, as well as learning from direct instruction. A large emphasis is placed on using manipulatives and concrete examples. Some supplementing of the text occurs to promote mastery of key concepts and to challenge high-achieving students.

LANGUAGE ARTS Writing is taught as a process. From brainstorming to publishing, the importance of working through multiple drafts is modeled, while proofreading skills are supported by daily oral language and grammar exercises. Creativity and correctness of form are established as separate focuses to free the writer during the creative phase of a writing project. Different genres of writing are identified and then practiced by students in compositions of their own creation. Regular journaling encourages expression through writing and creative thinking. The six traits of good writing are articulated in the Writing Rubric, are practiced during structured writing activities, and are identified and clarified by the class during evaluation of sample essays.

SCIENCE Students work with experiments and activities to promote the understanding of the phenomena of their daily lives and learn to use the scientific method by observing results, graphing, and making written reports. This program gives an overview of the nervous system, human brain, and sense organs. Students will discover the five kingdoms of life (protists, fungi, monerans and viruses, plants and animals) through the use of a microscope. Physics is introduced through a unit on electricity that covers the charges of atoms, static electricity, circuits, and magnetism and electricity. Finally, simple 12

chemistry is explored through kitchen science and other experiments.

intimacy of Middle School, our studentcentered approach provides an environment in which students can flourish in academic areas and develop their leadership and interpersonal skills through co-curricular opportunities.

SOCIAL STUDIES Using Our Country’s Regions as the text, and a number of different resources, artifacts, websites and videos, the 4th Grade students learn the processes that historians and geographers use for their crafts. Regions of the United States form the basis of study designed to help students understand and appreciate the people, climate, history, and landforms of our country. Students will interpret and design maps using geographic tools. Class discussions, research, report writing, and project making are included. Units of study include the Middle West, the Southwest, the Southeast and the Western United States. During each unit, students explore the map, history, personalities, customs and traditions, and religious beliefs in the different regions.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ENGLISH Fifth Grade In the 5th Grade, whole group novels and small group novels, helps students to build on their skills in reading comprehension and writing. Phonetic decoding and use of context for vocabulary meaning are reviewed in the novel study, as well as with the spelling book. Sentence and paragraph structure are taught using examples from literature read in class and through daily language lessons. Grammar, capitalization, and punctuation rules are taught through examples in our readings, the students’ writings, as well skills taught with worksheet pages. Response to literature includes summaries, responses to specific questions requiring specific evidence and examples from the text, as well as creative projects associated with the novels. Students write regularly in their notebooks in response to their reading or current writing project. The writing process is used to bring several creative stories and research projects to completion each year. Written essays containing introductory paragraphs, a two-tothree paragraph development, and a concluding paragraph are introduced. Comprehension skills, use of the text to support one’s statements, responding to other students’ ideas, and expressive oral reading are modeled and practiced in class discussion. Small group skills and partner work are also developed through small novel groups and other assignments. Oral presentations are also done periodically throughout the year. Publishing Parties

MIDDLE SCHOOL The Academy’s Middle School offers a strong foundation in English, mathematics, science, music, drama, art, physical education, social studies, and world languages for students. This continues the Academy tradition of being integrated and experiential, leading to both deeper and wider understandings and allowing numerous opportunities for individual expression. In Middle School, which encompasses grades 5 through 8, the faculty works closely with students to teach them to organize learning and absorb information into a meaningful whole that supports increased independence. As these skills are refined, students move toward mastery in the academic areas and become independent, resourceful thinkers. Small class sizes and a low student-to-teacher ratio help to establish a dynamic community of learners at the Academy. Within the 13

celebrate the completion and sharing of longterm writing assignments.

through a project based on local history. Classes are conducted as workshops covering library skills, the use of the Internet, the use of primary and secondary sources, and project organization and presentation.

Sixth Grade This course aims to improve the reading ability of students who have already mastered most basic literacy skills. Working with novels as texts, students learn to read for comprehension using the interpretation of themes and different literary techniques. Classroom approach and assignments are designed to encourage student ownership and interpretation of materials. Some novels allow students to recognize the links between literary and historical themes; some text settings allow for the interpretation of primary sources; and others lend themselves to authentic learning experiences. Vocabulary work includes wordplay around meaning, roots and parts, diction, word form, and dictionary skills. A brief history of English includes lessons on etymology as well as Old, Middle, and Modern English. The reading program is supplemented with a required summer reading list, which bridges learning from one year to the next. Students study traditional grammar as an editing tool as well as to promote understanding of language structure and use. The focus on grammar includes study of parts of speech, and the functions of words, phrases, and clauses within a sentence. Students use diagramming to analyze and identify sentence parts, and they use online activities and quizzes to practice their skills. Students produce essays in response to novels, emphasizing the process through invention and drafting techniques, developing a sharp thesis statement and supporting paragraphs with examples. Block scheduling allows for writing workshops in which students may share ideas and offer suggestions for revision. Throughout the year students explore the elements of good writing with lessons on purpose and audience. Assignments include an autobiography, a descriptive essay, and several small reading response pieces. Students are also introduced to research skills

Seventh Grade In 7th Grade, literature is studied by genre, including short story, non-fiction, science fiction, and drama. In the works covered students learn to identify the genre and discuss universal themes that are timeless in classic to contemporary literature. Authors’ backgrounds and time periods in which they lived help students understand the importance of context in literature. Reading comprehension includes the study of literary elements in various short story selections and non-fiction. In the second semester, students are expected to engage in discussion of conflict, irony, plot, setting, characterization, symbolism, theme and climax as they relate to science fiction and drama. Students study the vocabulary of each work, as well as poetry. They learn critical thinking skills to demonstrate their understanding of literature, and become more proficient in the writing process (brainstorming, mapping, outlining, drafting, conferencing, and revising), placing emphasis on descriptive and expository writing in conjunction with creative narratives. Various writing exercises help students develop effective grammar and writing skills. Students use portfolios for all written work, which allow them to appreciate the writing process. Students read additional texts from the independent reading list, and they prepare and deliver a book talk presentation based upon their reading, which develops oral language skills. Written feedback gives students the basis for developing a formal speech. Students are expected to actively participate in small and large group discussions about literature, and their listening skills are also developed through activities in which they use these skills to summarize and explain the purpose and main ideas of an oral presentation. 14

listen and participate in small and large group discussions about literature. Formal and informal oral presentations help students to develop strategies to manage and overcome communication anxiety.

Eighth Grade The study of literature by theme in English 8 integrates several genres including short story, autobiography, fiction, drama and poetry. Students identify and interpret themes within their context and apply them to their own life and the larger world. A continued focus on plot, character, setting, point-of-view, conflict, symbolism, and irony are part of literature analysis. Using the thematic link of man’s humanity or inhumanity to man, students read short stories and novels from different periods to identify and compare prevalent problems in society. The review of literary terms and short story elements prepares students to study more complex genres such as Shakespearean drama and modern drama in the second semester. The study of poetry also emphasizes an understanding of poetic devices and forms including the narrative, lyric, dramatic and light verse. Each literature unit also encompasses vocabulary study and review. Throughout the year, students produce a portfolio that reflects samples of their narrative, persuasive, expository, and creative writing. Writing assignments in the course are often based on the literature reading assignments. Students work on formal writing skills by developing a thesis statement for essays and research writing. The focus is to convey a clear, logical expression of thoughts and ideas with smooth transitions between paragraphs, consistent point of view and tenses, proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Grammar is studied within the context of writing to teach students to recognize and use correct sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and paragraph structure. Students also develop their oral language skills by making book talk presentations based on individual reading, and an oral presentation focusing on adjusting their language for the purposes of persuading and informing an audience. In addition, students are expected to actively

MATHEMATICS The Mathematics program at Morgan Park Academy stresses the importance of process in understanding math concepts. Each year, students build upon the foundations established in the previous years, and more complex ideas can be mastered. Mathematics standards for each grade include: mathematical process; number operations; geometry; measurement; statistics and probability; and algebra. Fifth Grade Students in fifth grade math explore more advanced topics in mathematics. Students master the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division with twoand three-digit whole numbers; and place value and exponents are reviewed and expanded. Other topics include: multi-digit multiplication; multi-digit division; properties of addition and multiplication; solving expressions using Order of Operations; and the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, positive and negative integers; and in one-step equations. Also included are the concepts of divisibility rules; greatest common factor; least common multiple; prime factorization; ratios and proportions; percentages and graphing. Additional enrichment lessons may include measurement, geometry and probability. In math, independent and group problem solving is emphasized. Interpretation of written word problems is integral to the curriculum. Concrete understanding is built through physical manipulation, drawing, and graphing information. Throughout all the units, the teacher aims to help students gain a 15

positive attitude toward math, as well as develop a sense of a real-world purpose to math.

list, and write an equation; probability and statistics; and experiences involving ratio, proportions, and percents. Many topics are introduced and practiced with the use of a variety of manipulatives.

Sixth Grade In 6th Grade Math concepts covered include: all operations with decimals, fractions, and integers; comparing and ordering decimals, fractions, and integers; mathematical properties; problem-solving strategies and applications; factors and multiples; divisibility rules; computational shortcuts; mean, median, and mode; writing algebraic expressions; solving one- and two-step equations; inequalities and their graphs; order of operations; prime factorization; exponents; equivalent fractions and lowest terms; as well as ratios, rates, and proportions.

Computational skills from previous levels are continually reviewed and built upon. Technology is used as a math tool where possible, and logic puzzles and problemsolving exercises are used throughout the year. Students complete daily assignments, which are evaluated, and chapters are approached in smaller, thematic sections. Every effort is made to identify and correct common student errors prior to formal assessment. Foundations of Algebra (8th Grade) This foundational algebra course challenges students to develop better conceptual understanding of the structure of algebra and stronger problem-solving skills. Students learn to make connections among different branches of mathematics and solving real-life problems. By the nature of algebra, mastery of many of the techniques in this course is a prerequisite for higher-level math and science courses. Students in this class encounter beginning topics of algebra and are expected to take Algebra 1 as high school freshmen. The topics covered in this course include: Integers and Rational Numbers, Equations, Inequalities, Functions, Exponents and Polynomials, Polynomials and Factoring.

As students build on math skills, they are exposed to more complex problems and abstract mathematical concepts such as absolute value; percents; geometry; use of the scientific calculator; probability; compass and straightedge constructions; scale drawings; and linear equations and their graphs. Computational skills from previous levels are reviewed and built upon. Technology is used as a math tool where possible, and logic puzzles and problem-solving exercises are used throughout the year. Students complete daily assignments, which are evaluated, and chapters are approached in smaller, thematic sections. Through this method and the evaluation of daily homework, every effort is made to identify and correct common student errors prior to formal assessment.

Computational skills from previous levels are continually reviewed and built upon. Technology is used as a math tool where possible, and logic puzzles and problemsolving exercises are used throughout the year. Students complete daily assignments, which are evaluated, and chapters are approached in smaller, thematic sections. Every effort is made to identify and correct common student errors prior to formal assessment.

Seventh Grade Pre-Algebra The pre-algebra curriculum is designed to build student confidence in mathematics through computational experiences involving: whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers; non-routine problemsolving employing a variety of techniques including guess and test, make an organized 16


component is made at this time with a switch to the Cells and Heredity textbook. Both plant and animal cell structure and function are studied in depth, as well as cell growth and division and the cell cycle, first through the text and then via a hands-on microscope unit. Students examine how materials flow into and out of a cell through osmosis, diffusion, and active transport, and they discover how cells obtain and use energy through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Additional enrichment activities may include Mendel’s genetics concepts.

Fifth Grade Fifth Grade students engage in interdisciplinary inquiry and project-based Science learning that emphasizes critical thinking and the habits of mind of scientific thinkers. Students build their knowledge of Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science through hands on activities. They apply their understanding of essential questions by developing hypotheses and designing experiments to test their ideas. They also work to develop their skills as effective readers, researchers, and writers through lessons and projects.

Seventh Grade - Physical Science Seventh Grade Physical Science is lab-based, stressing a hands-on approach aimed at developing curiosity, an understanding of the world around and within us, laboratory skills, and keen powers of observation and analysis for later advanced study. Class and lab work involve hypothesizing, experiment design, measurement, data collection and interpretation, and formulation of conclusions. Technology is integrated with this course. After completing the course students will be able to explain and use the methods and tools of scientific inquiry, applying them across scientific disciplines; identify properties of an atom, element, compound, and mixture; apply their knowledge to use of formulas and equations; describe the concepts of friction, gravity, waves, and kinetic and potential energy; describe the environmental cycle involving water and discuss the global implications of altering it; identify sources of environmental distress and discuss different measures that humans are taking to improve the health of the planet.

Sixth Grade The sixth grade science course allows students to study a portion of both physical and life science. Topics introduced in sixth grade are foundational, so the building of prior knowledge is vital as students complete the program. Students work in large and small cooperative groups to complete a variety of meaningful laboratory activities, which supplement the learning in each chapter. Activities may be completed during the regular 42-minute class periods or during the 87-minute block day. In the textbook Chemical Building Blocks, physical science topics include an introduction to matter; mass, weight, volume, and density; the principal states of matter and accompanying phase changes; physical and chemical changes; the classification of matter as mixtures, elements or compounds; and the chemical symbols, formulas, and equations used by scientists. Students also learn about the history of the atomic model, and the development of the periodic table. Finally, the world of carbon chemistry is explored including hydrocarbons and the four main classes of organic compounds. These concepts help students understand the basic characteristics of life and the organic compounds that are the building blocks of life. A natural transition to the life science

Eighth Grade - Life Science The eighth grade Life Science course is designed to offer an organized sequence of experiences that help students develop an understanding and appreciation of the natural world of which they are a part. This course using scientific methods introduces students 17

to basic concepts in biology. The building of prior knowledge is a strength that is apparent as the students complete the program. Topics include: the four main classes of organic compounds in living things; Mendel’s genetics experiments; the factors that control the inheritance of traits; the principles of probability and how they are related to the theory of inheritance; the role of chromosomes, multiple alleles, and sex-linked traits in inheritance; causes and symptoms of human genetic disorders; Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution; the way in which organisms are classified today; the seven levels of classification; the six kingdoms; bacteria and viruses; protists and fungi; vascular and nonvascular plants; characteristics of animals; fish, amphibians and reptiles; birds; mammals; the chemistry of communication; animal behavior; and adaptations in the living world. A variety of meaningful laboratory activities are planned for each chapter, and working in both large and small cooperative groups is incorporated at these times.

Body image and healthy eating Media influence on health Hydration Sleep Hygiene Self-Esteem Stress Mental Health 8th Grade: Active listening Team building Personality, learning style Goal Setting Peer pressure Mental, emotional, and physical health connection Physical activity Body image and healthy eating, eating disorders Substances - drugs, alcohol, tobacco Media influence on health Sleep Healthy relationships Conflict resolution Mental Health, including depression and suicide prevention

Essentials of Health and Wellness Essentials of Health and Wellness is designed to instill in students the critical thinking, decision making, and thoughtfulness required to make healthy decisions throughout their lifetimes. We will examine several topics which are particularly relevant to the physical, mental, and social-emotional health of adolescents. Students will be encouraged to analyze the various influences on their healthy decisions; including peers, family, and the media. The focus will be on making wellinformed decisions and taking responsibility for one’s health. Topics may vary based on student interest and include:

SOCIAL STUDIES Fifth Grade (Early American History) The fifth grade course focuses on American history. Various primary and secondary resources such as art, photos, comics, speeches, and skits will be used to supplement the material in the text. Students take objective tests, write reflections, make hands-on projects, and work on a picture timeline for assessments. The goal of the 5th Grade social studies curriculum is to gain an interest and appreciation of history. The year begins by looking at what discovery is, and if Columbus really “discovered” America. Students then study the early inhabitants and exploration of the New World. The curriculum includes English colonization, the Revolutionary War,

7th Grade: Active listening Team building Personality, learning style Peer pressure Nutrition and physical activity 18

and the Constitution. Students then take part in a simulation of the Westward Expansion, followed by the Civil War Era. WWI, the Great Depression, and Women’s Rights are covered in the course with a culminating unit on WWII and the Holocaust.

The 7th Grade history course is a survey of United States history from the earliest settlement to the present day, and includes units on the United States and Illinois Constitutions. The study incorporates exploring the reasons for geographical exploration and expansion of our nation, and an examination of the problems encountered in the historical development of the U.S. Students are encouraged to realize the importance of past events and to understand how they relate to the present and to themselves. Emphasis is placed on learning and understanding historical facts in a variety of contexts, map skills, graph reading, and skills required for development of both oral and written reports. A major emphasis is placed on identifying and analyzing cause and effect relationships. Furthermore, students evaluate aspects of history to determine the relative importance and influence of each, and discuss their findings with their classmates in order to determine the most important/influential aspects of U.S. history. Students are given opportunities to use the school library as a source of information and to express their creativity through a variety of projects.

Sixth Grade (Ancient History) Sixth Grade history provides the foundation for the study of six historical themes: geography, culture, economics, government, belief systems, and science and technology. Using these themes, students explore early man and the effects and influence of discoveries such as fire and agriculture on the development of civilization. Basic elements of civilizations serve as the focal point for the study of several chapters: Mesopotamia, early empires, and Greece. Each chapter unit is supplemented with specific skills such as map and timeline interpretation and the recognition and use of primary and secondary sources. Vocabulary, word study and note-taking skills are incorporated into each chapter. In addition, each unit includes supplementary activities such as the nature of government, the development of law, and the influence of geography within historical contexts as well as application to the current world. A foundational understanding of the nature of civilization provides perspective to explore both historical and contemporary events. A unit on comparative religion explores the basic beliefs, major figures, symbols, and common practices of five major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Students are introduced to research skills through a project based on local history. Classes are conducted as workshops covering library skills, the use of the Internet as resource, the recognition and use of primary and secondary sources, and project organization and presentation.

Eighth Grade (World Geography) This course begins with an overview of basic geographical terminology, skills and map reading. Next, students study the physical geography of the Earth followed by a series of units on the continents. Throughout these units, the focus is first on the environment, then at its effect on the history and cultural development of each area. Students are also made aware of the present state of affairs in countries. The course’s primary goal is to study other regions of the world, focusing on the relationship between the environment and the values and lifestyles of the people living in each region. Oral and written reports, both individual and group, form an integral part of the course, in order for the students to develop research and critical-thinking abilities. Tests and quizzes are also given as a means of

Seventh Grade (U.S. History and Government) 19

evaluating student progress. Homework is designed to reinforce what has been discussed in class and as a study aid.

irregular verbs. Students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking in Spanish will also improve through the completion of various exercises and assignments. Students will understand the global nature of Spanish as a world language and culture and begin to make comparisons to their own culture.


Seventh Grade Seventh Grade Spanish is a communicative course that focuses on listening, speaking, and writing comprehension. At this level, some instruction is in Spanish, and students are encouraged to use Spanish at all times. Throughout the year, vocabulary is expanded and new grammatical structures are introduced. Students are able to communicate using longer sentences, and their writing and oral production progresses to longer paragraphs. Various ways to present material for multiple intelligences are presented throughout each unit.

Fifth Grade Fifth Grade Spanish is a world language course to further the students’ knowledge of the language and culture of Spanish speaking countries. Various communicative activities, oral presentations, essays and reading comprehension are introduced in the course. Students are given assignments to assist in the development of oral and aural proficiency, basic communicative competence and an appreciation of the Spanish speaking countries and the diverse cultures within each of these countries. Each unit in the course maintains the standards of the full World Language curriculum that include: communication, cultures, connections, comparison and communities. Students are also expected to begin to work collaboratively with peers and teachers in order to begin to develop strategies to learn a new language.

Spanish I This is a communicative course that focuses mainly on developing listening, speaking, reading and writing at an appropriate introductory level. Most of the instruction is conducted in Spanish, and the use of Spanish during class is encouraged at all times. New vocabulary, idioms, controlled readings in the form of short stories, and more diverse aspects of culture are introduced. Oral presentations, daily life conversations, and essays using the present, present progressive, and past tenses are required.

Sixth Grade Sixth Grade Spanish is a world language course which furthers students’ knowledge of the language and culture. Various written, spoken, reading, audio and cultural activities ensure students are prepared with important skills for further instruction in the Spanish language. Students also experience a true Spanish-speaking neighborhood by visiting Pilsen during an annual field trip to the National Museum of Mexican Art. By the end of the course, students should be beginning to communicate in the target language and understand and respond to basic conversational Spanish. Students will be familiar with the use of many regular verbs in the present tense as well as some important

Spanish II Spanish II focuses mainly on developing the students’ speaking, listening, and writing skills. Oral expression completely in Spanish is encouraged at all times. Writing activities progress from paragraphs to compositions of increasing length and complexity. Vocabulary is expanded, becoming more specific, and more difficult grammar structures are put into use. Oral presentations, essays, reading comprehension, 20

memorization/implementation of verb tenses, and communicative activities are essential.

appropriate skills for continued studies in French. Students learn basic French vocabulary and grammatical structures including regular and irregular verbs in the present tense. Emphasis is placed on developing oral and aural proficiency, communicative, competence, and an appreciation for francophone cultures. Listening comprehension exercises challenge students to improve their aural abilities while speaking skills are further developed by classroom discussions and student presentations. Students practice writing and reading skills in order to enhance the foundation for further study in French. Students continue to explore areas of cultural interest in the French-speaking world. By the end of the year, students are able to communicate effectively in the target language, both orally and written, in the present and near future tenses.

FRENCH Fifth Grade Fifth Grade French is a course in which students develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and cross-cultural awareness through a communicative and experientially based learning environment. Lessons are based upon various themes. Each theme includes a theme song and a final project. Instruction focuses on engaging students in active learning while also providing more formal knowledge of grammatical structures. Activities include seeking and conveying information through interviewing partners, listening to audio, working together on group projects including developing oral presentations and role-play scenarios.

French II After reviewing French I grammar concepts, more sophisticated grammatical structures are introduced. In this class, focus on oral and aural skills intensifies. Students are encouraged to use the language in order to communicate their ideas, thoughts, and questions. Students will be able to use all five tenses with emphasis on the past and imperfect tenses with ease and accuracy both in speaking and writing. A strong emphasis is placed upon written expression and reading comprehension. Students write compositions of increasing length and complexity, using extensive vocabulary and complex grammatical structures. Communicative activities, oral presentations, essays, and reading comprehension exercises play an integral role.

Sixth Grade Students are formally introduced to present tense regular verbs as well as several commonly used irregular verbs. Emphasis is placed on writing and reading skills. Listening comprehension exercises challenge students to improve their aural abilities while speaking skills are further developed through classroom discussion. Students also explore areas of cultural interest in the Frenchspeaking world. By the end of the sixth grade year, students are able to communicate effectively in the present tense in both written and oral French. French I In French I, students are encouraged to speak the target language from the first day of class. Audio and visual tapes are used to ensure proper pronunciation. In addition to the acquisition of oral and aural proficiency, emphasis is placed upon writing and reading skills in order to prepare students with the

MANDARIN Mandarin Chinese is an exploratory language course for students in fifth, sixth, seventh, 21

eighth grades offered for a half-semester. It seeks to build students’ basic conversational proficiency in Mandarin Chinese and gradually expose them to Chinese language and culture. The course focuses on speaking and listening skills, and cultural exposure. Students are exposed to key Chinese characters under each thematic unit, and lessons are developed around themes and sub-topics.

In the 5th Grade, students continue incorporating the seven elements of art, emphasizing originality and uniqueness of thought in forming ideas. Color mixing, blending and three dimensional effects are covered. Art history is incorporated and exposes students to cultural diversity. Students also engage in activities that develop self confidence and pride in creative visual expression.

Engaging student-centered lessons include songs, hands-on activities, games, children’s rhythms, Smart-Board activities, digital flashcards, and Chinese storybooks. Students also participate in paired and group activities to help them understand the Mandarin Chinese language. The course also includes Chinese cultural explorations of the Mooncake festival, Chinese Zodiac, lucky color and lucky numbers through hands-on activities such as paper- cutting, writing Chinese characters, origami, and traditional Chinese games.

Sixth Grade In the 6th Grade, importance is placed on exploring components of realism. Linear perspective and the human figure are explored. Expressionism and the concept of depicting emotion by using color and line are stressed. Students make sketchbooks that are filled with quick drawings. Assignments are designed to introduce some of the concepts that will be explored in greater depth in Upper School. Students are encouraged to work at their own pace. Seventh Grade In the 7th Grade, students learn to apply the principles and elements of design using abstract and realistic art. They are given the opportunity to experience a wide variety of media. Special emphasis is placed on drawing skills, and on shading and creating depth using light and shadow. Sketchbooks are introduced as a valuable organizational tool as well as a visual diary to explore emotions and identity issues. Students are introduced to aesthetics through teacher-led critiques.

ART The Middle School art program builds on the artistic foundations established in Lower School. Students encounter a variety of activities to develop skills in aesthetics, art criticism, art history, and production. Instructors emphasize the development of drawing skills and encourage students to experiment with different drawing media to discover expressive techniques. The program includes a survey of major trends in art history and activities which directly relate this study to the production of creative works. The goal is to provide students with a broad background in the basic art disciplines and to allow maximum time for individual experimentation and creative application of the ideas presented.

Eighth Grade In the 8th Grade, students learn to implement the elements of design. Individual responsibility and personal style are stressed, with more opportunity for student decisionmaking regarding the nature of projects. They refine their understanding of scientific perspective as increased emphasis is placed on life-drawing skills. Students are introduced

Fifth Grade 22

to basic color mixing and the use of color schemes. Students will be exposed to art criticism and aesthetics through teacher-led critiques of works of art.



instruments and piano are also used as appropriate. By the end of 6th Grade, each student should be able to name and attach definitions to each element of music. Students will also have experience learning music in pentatonic and modal music, and doing some music composition.

Fifth Grade In Fifth Grade Music, students work with the elements of music at a more complex level and includes that comprises musical activity in class. The Soprano recorder, which is introduced in grade four, continues and is incorporated with other instruments and activities in developing the ensemble experience. Some of the techniques utilized include group echo of the teacher, individual echo and question-and-answer (teacher plays, students respond with something different) both in groups and individually, laying the ground work for improvisation. As students gain confidence and competence, improvisation becomes a bigger part of their experience, stretching their creativity both vocally and playing the instruments. Analysis of musical form is developed further. Rhythmic notation is regularly addressed. Student notation is incorporated. Ensemble work reaches advanced levels as the students utilize their voices, recorders, pitched percussion and experiences.

Seventh Grade In 7th Grade general music classes are taught using the Orff-Schulwerk process. Processoriented classes are experiential in nature and require the student to participate on a high level. Music used in class is usually found in the Music for Children series gathered by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman, rich in folk resources and composed music. Activities also consist of folk music, games and activities. Students learn to play a piece of music as a class, and after the piece is finished and performed as a group, we analyze the piece according to how all of the elements of music are found and used in the piece’s composition (melody, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, harmony, timbre and form). Classroom work includes use of instruments (both pitched and non-pitched percussion), singing and soprano recorder. Band instruments and piano are also used as appropriate. By the end of 7th Grade, each student should be able to name and define each element of music. Students will also have experience learning music in pentatonic and modal music, and some work in I-V functional harmony. Students will also do some music composition.

Sixth Grade Sixth Grade general music classes are taught using the Orff-Schulwerk process. Processoriented classes are experiential in nature and require the student to participate on a high level. Music used in class is usually found in the Music for Children series gathered by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman, rich in folk resources and composed music. Activities also consist of folk music, games and activities. Students learn to play a piece of music as a class, and after the piece is finished and performed as a group, we analyze the piece according to how all of the elements of music are found and used in the piece’s composition (melody, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, harmony, timbre and form). Classroom work includes use of instruments (both pitched and non-pitched percussion), singing and soprano recorder. Band

Eighth Grade Eighth Grade general music classes are taught using the Orff-Schulwerk process. Process-oriented classes are experiential in nature and require the student to participate on a high level. Music used in class is usually found in the Music for Children series gathered by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman, rich in folk resources and composed music. Activities also consist of folk music, games and activities. Students learn to play a piece 24

of music as a class, and after the piece is finished and performed as a group, we analyze the piece according to how all of the elements of music are found and used in the piece’s composition (melody, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, harmony, timbre and form). Classroom work includes use of instruments (both pitched and non-pitched percussion), singing and soprano recorder. Band instruments and piano are also used as appropriate. By the end of 8th Grade, each student should be able to name and define and apply each element of music. Students will also have experience learning music in pentatonic and modal music and functional harmony. Students will also do some music composition.

building an ensemble, feeling comfortable about performing in front of others, and recognizing each student’s patterns of movement. Students develop their ensemble skills, vocal articulation, and confident vocal and physical presentation style. By participating in group exercises, they learn to provide objective responses to classmates’ work, and find ways to physically express their thoughts and feelings in a clear, concise and creative manner. Seventh Grade In the 7th Grade, movement is the primary focus, and students begin to explore stage combat, yoga and Laban's effort actions. Students work to develop and define their ensemble, improvisation and personal style skills, and using text, they learn to develop character through biographies, examinations of relationship, etc. Students also learn to apply vocal articulation to character, and implement character traits into presentations.

DRAMA The drama curriculum is both process and performance-oriented. As students are introduced to the concepts of drama, they learn about movement, voice, and the melding of their personal style with the needs of a character’s. From developing improv techniques to presenting monologues, Middle School students have the opportunity to discover their individual voice and creating a scene with their fellow actors.

Eighth Grade During the 8th Grade, individual responsibility, personal style and leadership are stressed, with more opportunities for student decision-making regarding the nature of projects and means of expression. Emphasis is placed on the performance of actual written text. Students practice applying import of content to presentation skills, modifying personal style to create characters, and developing physical character. They also learn to analyze scenes and monologues based on moment-to-moment acting.

Fifth Grade In the 5th Grade, students are introduced to foundational concepts in theater arts. Through warm-up techniques, improvisation and movement, students learn the importance of voice and body control as well as the importance of technical aspects of drama such as lighting, sound, and costumes. The course is very participatory with an emphasis on public speaking skills that students use for presentations and performances.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Physical Education curriculum allows each student to develop a sound skills foundation and an understanding of a variety of sports activities. The program contributes to the development of social interaction and promotes a lifelong commitment to fitness. Students develop a physical fitness foundation and explore recreational activities

Sixth Grade In the 6th Grade, students are introduced to movement for the theatre, and the realization of the “self” on stage. Emphasis is placed on 25

that will meet their individual fitness needs. Sportsmanship, cooperation, decisionmaking, and coping skills are among the other skills taught in class that can be applied to everyday life.

current athletic activities that are in progress at that time (i.e., soccer is taught during soccer season, basketball is taught during basketball season). Middle School students, whether they previously attended the Academy or are starting at the Academy for the first time, should have a basic understanding of how their body works, how their skill and athletic abilities compare to others in their peer group, and their basic sense of coordination. The program is built so that each student finds success in class, although age, maturity and interest play a large role in this success. The instructional approach at this level allows students to participate in a wide variety of activities. This ensures that as students become more proficient, they build their self-esteem. Therefore, the physical education curriculum not only improves students’ health, but it also enhances their health, emotional outlook and wellness.

Middle School physical education classes meet daily for 45 minutes. Classes are not divided by grade level, skill level, or gender. The physical education department believes that grade and gender crossovers are integral components to students’ physical, mental, and social growth. The Middle School curriculum is designed around individual and team activities that involve the teaching of advanced skills, techniques and strategies of individual and team sports. The major emphasis is on participation and individual improvement. Topics covered in Middle School are taught in units, which may be either one week or two weeks in length. Most units mirror the


Additional Graduation Requirements Global Retreat 4 years of Student Advisory 4 Project Week units Service Learning: 10 service hours are provided during the school year with two scheduled service days; students are expected to match the service hours with an additional 10 hours per year, for a total of 20 service hours earned each year. Eighty service learning hours are required for graduation.

UPPER SCHOOL The Upper School, which encompasses Grades 9 through 12, completes the program of college preparation at the Academy. As students transition from the Middle to the Upper School, learning continues to be authentic and engaging with rigorous curriculum offerings at three levels: college preparatory, honors, and advanced placement. Dialogue and interchange between teachers and students are hallmarks of the Upper School, where the focus moves from subject mastery to higher-order thinking skills. In this unique setting, students have the opportunity to develop their individual talents and creativity through a carefully sequenced and integrated curriculum.

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Beginning in 2015, the minimum major course requirements for graduation from Morgan Park Academy are 24, earned while enrolled in secondary school. Of this number, 20 must be as follows: English – 4 credits Mathematics – 3 credits History and Social Studies- 3 credits Science and Technology- 3.5 credits World Language – 3 credits Fine Arts - 2 credits Physical Education/Health – 1.5 credits College and Career Studies - .5 credit Additional Electives – 3.5 credits

** All students must carry a minimum of 5.5 courses. Additionally, seniors must pass all courses carried.


exam is not automatically exempt from taking a final examination.

ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) DESIGNATION Upper School students may elect, or may be placed in, courses which are officially predesignated as Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Students pursue these academically challenging courses and exams to earn college credit or advanced placement. If the student completes the course and takes the Advanced Placement examination, the AP designation will automatically be entered on the permanent record card. (Note: All students enrolled in AP courses are required to take AP examinations. If, because of emergency, the exam cannot be taken, the AP designation on the permanent record card will be removed.)

HONORS DESIGNATED COURSES Upper School students may be enrolled in courses which are officially pre-designated as Honors courses. Morgan Park Academy offers the following Honors courses: Algebra 2 H, Pre-Calculus H, World Language 4 H, World Language 5 H, Geometry H. CRITERIA FOR HONORS OR AP COURSE PLACEMENT The following outlines the requirements and expectations for placement in honors and advanced placement courses. The school takes a strong position that appropriate student placement is a necessary first step to helping students achieve their best.

Morgan Park Academy offers the following Advanced Placement courses: Biology AP, Chemistry AP, Physics AP, Environmental Science AP, English Language and Composition AP, English Literature and Composition AP, French Language and Culture AP, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics and Probability AP, Spanish Language and Culture AP, Spanish Literature and Culture AP, United States History AP, Studio Art AP, American Government and Politics AP, Human Geography AP, Music Theory AP.

FOR PLACEMENT IN: English AP Language and/or Literature and Composition  88th percentile on verbal or reading standardized test scores (ASPIRE or PSAT)  end-of-year average of B+ or higher in current English course  demonstrated ability and desire to learn  for AP, reasonable expectation that student can benefit from college-level course  recommendation of current English teacher

The requirements for earning the AP designation in a course not pre-designated as Advanced Placement are as follows:  Student has written the appropriate Advanced Placement examination  A grade of 80% or higher  The successful completion of additional work as specified by each department

Note: Faculty will notify the Upper School Office in writing of such situations. A student not enrolled in an AP designated course who takes the AP


US History AP  final average of 87 or higher in World History;  recommendations of World History teacher and curriculum leader

2. excellent study skills, acceptance of responsibility for academic performance 3. resourceful use of materials 4. demonstrated commitment to hard and focused work in the academic arena 5. ability to quickly grasp abstract concepts and apply concepts in solving new problems 6. successful completion of Lab Science Honors/Biology coursework 7. successful completion of summer preparation homework

AP American Government and Politics  Grade of 87 or higher in US History;  Recommendation of US History teacher and Curriculum Leader. Geometry H, Algebra 2-H, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics  final average of B or higher in current Honors math section  final average of A (93%) or higher in a current regular section and a strong expectation that the student will attempt to earn Honors credit in the current regular section  demonstrated ability and desire to learn and a solid, independent work ethic  demonstrated commitment to excel in rigorous academic environment  appropriate placement test score (for incoming 9th Graders and transfer students)  recommendation of current math teacher (a strong recommendation can help a student gain placement if other criteria are not as strong)

Chemistry Advanced Placement  Successful completion of both Laboratory Science Honors course and Chemistry course with grades of at least 85  Recommendation of Biology and Laboratory Science instructors based upon: 1. grades in those courses 2. excellent study skills, acceptance of responsibility for academic performance 3. maturity 4. demonstrated commitment to hard and focused work in the academic arena 5. performance on the Honors Chemistry final 6. willingness to complete summer work prior to the course World Language

Policy on Advancement: Because of

the cumulative nature of language study, the following grade requirements are needed in order to progress to the various levels of language classes.

Biology Advanced Placement  Successful completion of Laboratory Science Honors with final grade of at least 85;  Successful completion of Introduction to Advanced Placement Biology;  Demonstrated ability to perform at a post-high school level  Recommendation of Laboratory Science instructor based upon: 1. final grade in the course

To take level IV Honors: • recommendation of level III instructor To take AP level: • end-of-year average of 85 or higher in level IV Honors; • end-of-year average of 85 or higher in another AP language course;


end-of-year average of 85 or higher in level V To take level V H: • end-of-year average of 80 or higher in level IV Honors or AP; • recommendation of level IV Honors or AP instructor

*The world language instructor's recommendation can override the grade requirement in cases where a student shows marked improvement and genuine interest in language over the course of the year




Elective Major Courses

English I ** Algebra I, Geometry or Geometry H ** (Algebra 2 H**) Biology Digital Citizenship (0.5 credit) World Languages (Mandarin 1 or French or Spanish 1, 2 or 3**) World History Consumer Economics (0.5 credit) Semester Journalism Music Appreciation 101 Music Appreciation 102 Introduction to Art Drawing and Painting 1 Introduction to Ceramics Introduction to Photography Acting 1

10th GRADE English 2 Geometry or Geometry H Algebra 2, or Algebra 2 H or Pre-Calculus H** Chemistry or Biology AP** World Languages ( Mandarin, French, Spanish) 1, 2, 3, 4H, AP Language** U.S. History Consumer Economics (0.5 credit)

11th GRADE

12th GRADE

English 3 or English AP Literature** Algebra 2, Algebra 2 H** Pre-Calculus H**, Mathematical Applications & Statistics AP Calculus AB or BC** College Algebra

English 4 AP Language or 2 semester cours Language and Composition** Consumer Economics (0.5 credit)

Consumer Economics (0.5 credit)

Semester Acting 1 Humanities I Humanities II Genetics Human Anatomy and Physiology Statistics Law, Politics and Society Global Issues

Semester Acting 1 Journalism Intro to Art Drawing and Painting I Intro to Ceramics Intro to Photography Directing 1 Music Appreciation 101 Music Appreciation 102 Law, Politics and Society

Speech Creative Writing Journalism Intro to Art Drawing and Painting I Drawing and Painting 2 Intro to Ceramics Intro to Photography Directing 1

------------------------Full-Year AP Statistics** Chemistry AP** Chemistry Physics or AP French 1, 2, 3, 4-H**, French AP Language** Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4-H** Spanish AP Language Mandarin 1, 2, 3 US History AP** Human Geography AP Music Theory 201 Music Theory AP AP Environmental Science

--------------------Full-Year Spanish 1 *** French 1 *** Mandarin 1, 2 ***

Required Minor Courses Elective Minor Courses (0.5credit each)

Physical Education Health/Wellness

Band Chorus

Semester Acting 1 Humanities I Humanities II Genetics Human Anatomy and Physiology Statistics AP Calculus BC** Law, Politics and Society Global Issues Speech Creative Writing African American Literature English through Philosophy Graphic Novels Middle East Studies Journalism Intro to Art Drawing and Painting I Drawing and Painting 2 Intro to Ceramics Intro to Photography Directing 1 ---------------------------Full Year AP Calculus AB** AP Statistics ** Pre-Calculus H College Algebra Physics or AP Chemistry French 1, 2, 3, 4-H, French 5, French AP Language** Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4-H, Spanish 5, Spanish AP Language** Mandarin 1, 2, 3, 4 Human Geography AP Music Theory 201 Music Theory AP AP Government and Politics AP Environmental Science

College 102

Physical Education Health/Wellness

Band Chorus

Band Chorus

**Note: Administrative approval required


Band Chorus

*** Note: Students may begin a second world language as early as sophomore year with department and administrative approval.

and individual conferences, and a written portfolio help students understand the relationship of their thought process to both oral and written expression. Students are expected to complete the summer reading assignment to be prepared for the first week of classes. Students may work for nondesignated honors credit by maintaining a final grade of “B+” or higher, and completing the additional work as assigned by the instructor.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ENGLISH Overview The goal of the English classes in the Humanities department is to ensure steady growth in the critical and creative abilities of students as readers and writers, as these skills are needed to ensure students’ academic and career success. These needs are met by affording students ample opportunities to develop these skills through oral and written expression based upon analytic reading of selected literary texts not only from traditional Western and nonWestern literature, but increasingly from contemporary authors in a variety of genres. Throughout high school, students explore ideas in a variety of written modes - from informal journal writing to more formal personal and analytic essays. Increasingly, students are engaged in real-world writing activities using various web-based tools in the writing process. Many of the students’ experiences in class are discussions, centered on the best classic and contemporary literature. In addition, students write in-class journal responses to literature, full-length essays, and independent projects. English classes are traditionally small and informal, allowing students to gain the necessary skills to become better writers and develop more confidence in their writing ability. This personal attention at all grade levels is the hallmark of the English program.

010 - English 2 The sophomore level course explores the history and the cultural progress of our country primarily through seminal texts in American literature. We start at the roots – American Indian storytelling – and work our way from the time the Europeans started arriving until the modern era. Students will examine the issues raised by such texts through reading and reflection, journals, discussion, group projects and various forms of written discourse, and, in the process, continue to develop all of those skills which are commonly associated with literacy in the highest and broadest sense. Students are expected to complete the summer reading assignment to be prepared for the first week of classes. 020- English 3 The junior level course aims to explore, in an open-ended fashion, the issues raised by a wide range of seminal texts focusing primarily on drama and poetry. Students will discuss and study how drama and poetry challenge audiences, whether it be through social, political, cultural, or deeply personal issues. Reading, reflection, and discussion lead to extensive practice in various forms of written discourse. Students are expected to complete the summer reading assignment to be prepared for the first week of classes.

001- English 1 Focusing on individual reader response to literature, freshmen learn to pose analytic questions and search for answers supported by the text to discuss, debate, and write about the issues uncovered. Special emphasis is placed on the in-class essay, a skill valuable throughout their academic career. Class discussions, self-evaluations


031- English Advanced Placement Literature & Composition AP English Literature and Compositions offers students the opportunity to study various genres of literature in-depth. Of particular interest to participants in this course will be poetry, drama, fictional prose and the epic. As students prepare for the AP English Literature and Composition examination in May, they will compose formal essays/précis that vary in length as well as familiarize themselves with critically challenging multiple choice questions that analyze selections of prose and verse. The reading requirements for this course are heavy, and class participation is mandatory for success in this course. There is also a strong emphasis on the proper use of literary terminology both in conversation and in writing. This course is offered for juniors, but seniors may take this course with administrative approval. The course is college level and follows the general recommendations of the College Entrance Examination Board in preparing students for the AP exam.

This Senior course will study the significance and meaning of both celebrated and emerging classics. Whether delving deep into psychology with a story like The Watchmen or witnessing history unfold firsthand through a memoir with a work like Persepolis, students will gain a better understanding of this genre. Students will study the relationship between pictures and words, and how the medium determines the message of each graphic novel that we study. Students will write papers and complete projects that analyze the role and purpose of the graphic novels in culture – and perhaps gain a new appreciation of an often-ignored literary field. 006- African American Literature (0.5 credit) This Senior course begins with a look at African American slave tales and narratives, this course will focus on reading and discussing works by African American authors from the 19th and 20th centuries, with a specific focus on the African American short story and the Harlem Renaissance. Students will explore the cultural, theoretical, and literary significance of African American literature while exploring works by authors such as Frederick Douglass, Charles W. Chestnut, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, and Alice Walker, to name a few. Students will be assessed by reading notes, quizzes, tests, class attendance and participation, and a final project.

032- English Advanced Placement Language & Composition This senior course focuses on developing the skills and proper vocabulary to analyze a writer’s purpose and the techniques employed to achieve this purpose. Examining a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts, students discern both important ideas and rhetorical methods. Students practice their acquired skills by writing research papers and expository and creative essays, giving presentations, and participating in class discussion. Students are expected to complete the summer reading assignment to be prepared for the first week of classes. The course is college level and follows the general recommendations of the College Entrance Examination Board in preparing students for the AP exam.

007- English through Philosophy (0.5 credit) This Senior course presents students with a general background of philosophical writers and requires students to delve into reflective inquiry into several issues of philosophical interest. Beginning with Plato’s Socrates and the allegory of the cave, students will be introduced to concepts that deal with the nature of reality, social values, ethical issues

008- Graphic Novels (0.5 credit) 33

and dilemmas, the theory of knowledge (Epistemology), and the individual’s role in society. Students will be assessed through brief précis, quizzes, tests, class attendance and participation, and a final examination.

The study of social sciences in the Humanities department cultivates an understanding history as a means of understanding ourselves. To achieve such an understanding, students study civilization, cultural diffusion, and innovation. They discover the consequences of human interaction with the environment. Values, beliefs, political ideas, and institutions are discussed. Also covered are various patterns of social and political interaction.

042- Journalism (0.5 credit) This course is designed to introduce students to the basic tenets of journalism writing and to facilitate students in writing publications for the MPA Way and other school publications.

100 - World History This required freshman course traces the emergence of mankind from its earliest precivilized condition to modern high-tech societies within a global context. This survey course is a basic introduction to social studies skills, including library research and writing term papers, geographic awareness and understanding, and an introduction to the separate disciplines of economics, anthropology and political science. The goals of the course are to provide a core of common understanding in terms of world history, enhance social studies skills, and provide in-depth studies of major cultural regions.

041 - Creative Writing (0.5 credit) This junior/senior semester elective provides students with the exercises, community, and responses essential to a writer’s creation of original, well-crafted fiction, poetry, and play writing. Founded in a workshop structure, students learn to share and respond to the writing of others, create a public dialogue about the craft of creative writing, and discover a sense of good fiction and literature written in one’s developing voice. Considerable time is devoted to reading and the critique of student work, as students learn methods for generating and reworking their writing. An independent creative project in the genre and subject of each writer’s choosing culminates the course. This course is offered as an online/hybrid course on a rotational basis.

120 - United States History This required course will challenge students to think about social, economic, and political issues in United States history with an emphasis on meaning. Students will also consider issues in historiography. How do you construct a story out of primary sources? Can history be objective? Why do we study history? Students will identify a thesis, or point of view, in their readings and work on thesis development in their own writing. Evaluation is based on research, writing, tests, and *projects. The course will require preliminary work during the summer.

038 - Speech (0.5 credit) Speech is a semester course that provides students with the fundamental skills of how to be effective and successful public speakers. Students study “real world” public speaking experiences, as well as participate in group discussions, debates and panel work, career interviews, special occasion, mock trials, and mass media. SOCIAL SCIENCES

121 - United States History Advanced Placement (AP)

Overview 34

This is a rigorous survey course in United States history from its pre-Columbian days until present. This course will challenge students to think about social, economic, and political issues. Those critical-thinking skills will be developed through analysis of primary and secondary sources, research, essay writing, and class discussion. Students will identify a thesis or point of view in their readings and work on thesis development in their own writing. Test-taking and study skills will be emphasized in preparation for the AP exam. The course will require preliminary work during the summer.

look for evidence of these thought patterns in our own culture. 163 - Humanities II (0.5 credit) (not offered in 2015-2016) This semester elective is a continuation of Humanities I, beginning with the Renaissance and continuing through the modern age. The focus remains on the philosophies of a culture and their expression. Students will gain familiarity with the philosophers, writers and artists who have been most influential in shaping the beliefs of our own culture. Students in this course are expected to draw upon the foundation laid in Humanities I.

188 – Consumer Economics (0. 5 credit) In this semester course, students will acquire an array of skills that promote good personal finance habits and create an awareness of how to secure their financial futures. Budgeting, money management, taxes, credit, investments, housing, transportation and insurance are a sampling of the many topics that students will study in this course. *Consumer Economics is a graduation requirement. The course is offered during the school year and during the summer.

124 - Global Issues (0.5 credit) (not offered in 2015-2016) In a world increasingly linked by technology, all nations and people are inextricably interconnected. This course will explore selected global issues through readings, case studies, projects and simulations. Students will be empowered to more thoughtfully participate in the world they will encounter as workers and citizens. Among the issues to be explored are: ethnic and religious conflict, food and hunger, global governance, human rights, diversity and nationalism, population and movement of people and women’s issues.

132 – Law, Politics, and Society (0.5 credit) This course continues the focus of the American system of government, especially the Constitution and the American legal system. The course examines the American legal system with a study of several precedent-setting Supreme Court cases. Students will participate in several mock trials.

118- Middle East Studies (0.5 credit) This Senior course focuses on the study of contemporary Middle East literature, mostly in English translation. Placing works in their historical and cultural context, we will study the works of Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt from native writers. We aim to gain some sense of the traditions from which these authors have sprung, and to familiarize ourselves with persistent concerns that intersect their work: the place of women, the fortune and misfortune of regional history, and the encounters and influence of the west. Essays and a

162 - Humanities I (0.5 credit) (not offered 2015-2016) In this semester elective, students will focus on the Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, and African cultural roots, the Humanities student learns to read a culture’s great philosophers and identify the expression of these philosophies in the art, architecture and literature of that culture. Students then 35

culminating research project will test students’ understanding of these class goals.

them to integrate and apply the geographic knowledge they have acquired. For example, one project might focus on the sweat shop industry. Students will examine the way economic pressures, economies of scale, and weak regulations encourage sweat shops in third world countries. In addition to the conceptual elements of geography students will also work with maps of many types and be expected to have a working knowledge of countries, major cities, rivers and other important geographic features.

123- AP Government and Politics This full year elective for seniors contains two AP courses and exams in government and politics: United States Government and Politics and Comparative Government and Politics. AP United States Government and Politics introduces students to key political ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles, and behaviors that characterize the political culture of the United States. AP Comparative Government and Politics introduces students to the rich diversity of political life outside the United States. This course utilizes a comparative approach to examine the political structures, policies, and challenges among six selected countries: Great Britain, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China, and Nigeria.

MATHEMATICS Overview The math offerings in the S.T.E.M. department offers a sequence of courses designed to prepare students for college admission, to facilitate advanced work in mathematics and science, and to enable graduates to use mathematics with competence and understanding in their life’s work. The faculty strives to create a coherent vision of what it means to be mathematically literate both in a world that relies on calculators and computers to carry out mathematical procedures, and where mathematics is rapidly growing and is extensively applied in diverse fields. In addition, the department works judiciously to set educational goals for its students that reflect the importance of mathematical literacy.

125 - World Religions (0.5 credit) Students will study the history, origins, dogma, and practices of various religions from around the globe such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam. Discussing the similarities and differences found among the faiths covered in the course allows students to understand how these religions have aided in the development of the diverse cultures from where they originated and are still practiced today. 164- AP Human Geography This course is offered to juniors and seniors as a year-long social studies elective. Students will study geographic concepts and come to a solid understanding of how the interaction between humans and their environment creates the world we live in. For each unit students will learn about a given concept in general terms (e.g. demographic transition) as well as through specific applications (e.g. the Irish potato famine). Students will be asked to write papers and complete projects that require

200 - Algebra 1 This first-year algebra course challenges students to develop a better conceptual understanding of the structure of algebra and stronger problem-solving skills. Students will be actively involved in making connections among different branches of mathematics and solving real-life problems. By the nature of algebra, mastery of many of the techniques in the course is a prerequisite for higher-level math and science courses. 36

computational skills will be emphasized and refined through practical applications.

210 - Geometry This non-honors geometry course approaches the ideas in Euclidean geometry in a less formal manner. Emphasis is on developing deductive reasoning while exploring topics, which include: triangles, parallelism, areas and volumes, proportions, angles and arcs in circles. During the course, students will be involved in several projects such as creating tessellations using transformation and building models of three dimensional figures. Coordinate geometry and algebra will be applied in the solving of many problems.

221 - Algebra 2 Honors The topics from both intermediate algebra and trigonometry are studied within this year-long course. An emphasis is placed upon the understanding relations and functions including quadratic functions, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions. The course is also structured for more capable students, extending the structure and concepts of algebra and stressing the development of computational skills. Problem-solving techniques are emphasized and refined through practical applications. The fundamentals of trigonometry are covered as well as matrix theory. Some basic concepts from analytic geometry are also introduced.

211 - Geometry Honors This is a proof-based geometry course that uses dynamic geometry software provided by Geometer’s Sketchpad or Geogebra. It offers students an opportunity to rely on mathematical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving skills to investigate and explore geometry. The course is designed to develop concepts and insight into parallel lines, congruent triangles, important lines in a triangle, quadrilaterals and polygons, similarity, right triangle geometry, trigonometric ratios, circles. Algebraic principles, including the use of coordinates, are applied to geometric problems. Measurement of figures will be explored. To appreciate the power of logic as a tool for understanding the, the concept of proof is a substantial focus of the course.

238 - Mathematical Applications and Statistics (not offered in 2015-2016) This course has a focus on “non-traditional” topics and applications of mathematics in the real world. These topics have a relevance to everyday life and foster a general appreciation for the world. A review of the structure and operations of our number system and the use of sets, functions, and graphs gives students a common language of mathematics. The statistics units emphasize data gathering and the use of formulas. The course fosters understanding through realworld activities, projects and integrated technology.

220 - Algebra 2 This course revisits some Algebra I material, but in combination with other ideas and as extensions. Trigonometry is integrated throughout the course, including a study of the unit circle. The course is designed to further explore topics in algebra like linear graphs, systems of equations, quadratics, right triangle trigonometry, circular functions, exponentials, logarithms, polynomials, and rational expressions. Both algebraic structure and the development of

236 - College Algebra and Trigonometry This course is designed for students who are in need of a math course beyond Algebra 2 and are either not recommended for the rigor of a Pre-Calculus course or not interested in pursuing Calculus in high school or college. Most of the topics in the course – functions, analytical geometry, matrices and trigonometry – parallel the content of a typical first-year college math 37

course or Pre-Calculus high school class, albeit without the depth or rapid pace of the latter.

the course. The content, rigor and approach are the same as in Calculus AB; BC simply covers additional topics. These topics include sequences and series, vectors, and advanced methods of integration. The course will require preliminary work during the summer.

231 - Pre-Calculus Honors This course is intended for students who have demonstrated an aptitude and interest in pursuing AP Calculus during their senior year, or in college. Algebra is used as a tool to investigate functions and their properties, as well as to model real-life problems. Students are encouraged to verbalize, analyze, and represent graphically (with the aid of a graphics calculator) the many types of equations. These include polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric equations. Other explored areas include matrices and determinants, polar and parametric equations, combinations, series and sequences.

235 - Statistics Advanced Placement This course provides college-level work in statistics, data analysis, and probability. The skills emphasized will enable students to gather, present, analyze and interpret data. Students are exposed to these themes: exploring data, planning a study, anticipating patterns and statistical inference. Some problems, examples and projects will demand real-life statistics to describe and analyze school and community issues. The graphing calculator is heavily relied upon. The course will require preliminary work during the summer.

232 - Calculus Advanced Placement (AB) This is a standard course in introductory calculus that follows the program recommended by the Committees on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM), the National Association of America, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Students completing this course take the Calculus AB or BC Advanced Placement Calculus examination depending upon their level of achievement. The strategy for achieving these recommendations falls into four categories: problem solving, technology, communicating mathematics, and real-life applications. The course will require preliminary work during the summer.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Overview The science and technology courses offered by the S.T.E.M. department develop students’ understanding of nature and the interactions of physical systems. Students learn how to draw conclusions about the physical world around them, as they experience the excitement of seeing and understanding natural phenomena. Emphasis is placed on developing both a knowledge base and problem-solving skills, which allow students to be successful in science during college and beyond. Biology, chemistry, and physics are offered at multiple levels and several electives are offered to appeal to different interests. The goal is to meet the needs of the student by customizing the curriculum. Teachers provide students with an experiential approach to science; experiments dominate class activities. Small class sizes facilitate this hands-on approach to the curriculum.

234 - Calculus Advanced Placement (BC) (0.5 credit) This rather ambitious, fast-moving Calculus course engages students in topics typically explored in two complete semesters of college calculus (whereas AB covers one and one-half semesters of college calculus). Successful completion of Calculus AB and teacher recommendation are required to take 38

315 - Biology This course provides an understanding of life and the interactions of living things on this planet. Homeostasis, biochemistry, cell theory, classical and molecular genetics, evolution, ecology and basic anatomy and physiology form the framework of the curriculum. The course uses multimedia resources, experiments, computer simulations, and hands-on activities to explore each topic.

depth understanding of the material world. Topics include atomic structure, condensed states of matter, bonding, solutions, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, gases, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, nuclear chemistry, electron energy states and electrochemistry. 317 - Physics This elective college-preparatory course is at the honors level. The course is designed to acquaint students with the fundamental behaviors of matter in the universe, the states of that matter, and to frame an understanding of the universe in terms of mathematical precision and physical insights. Because many of the students are in Calculus concurrently, calculus and advanced mathematical tools are used liberally. Extensive laboratory experiences are presented, many using calculators and computer-based equipment. Formal laboratory report writing is a required component of this course. This course challenges students to apply rational reasoning and physical laws to understanding the existence of an ordered universe.

312 - Biology Advanced Placement Biology Advanced Placement is comparable to the first-year college biology course. This course uses a college textbook and students have double lab periods to be able to fulfill the college board requirements. Students explore the principles of cell life, inheritance, evolution and diversity, plant/animal structure and function, ecology and behavior. The course uses multimedia resources, experiments, computer simulations, and hands-on activities to explore each topic. Students in this course are expected to be able to perform inquirybased learning and make connections between the different units to understand the world we live in. Students need to be recommended to take this class and the course does require preparatory work during the summer.

332- AP Physics 1 The AP Physics 1 course includes topics in both classical and modern physics. A knowledge of algebra and basic trigonometry is required for the course; the basic ideas of calculus may be introduced in connection with physical concepts, such as acceleration and work. Understanding of the basic principles involved and the ability to apply these principles in the solution of problems are the major goals of this course. This course will utilize guided lab based inquiry and student-centered learning to foster the development of critical thinking skills.

316 - Chemistry This is a college-preparatory laboratory course, which provides students with a basic understanding of all types of matter and their interactions. Topics include atomic structure, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, states of matter, reaction rates, the periodic table, equilibrium, acids and bases, and electrochemistry. 321 - Chemistry Advanced Placement Chemistry Advanced Placement is a collegelevel laboratory course that prepares students to take the AP Chemistry exam. This course provides students with an in-

340 - Principles of Genetics (0.5 credit) This one-semester course expands upon the basic principles of genetics offered in 39

Biology class. Topics include gene interaction, linkage, crossing over and evolution. Lab work and a variety of classroom activities are performed weekly. This course is open to any students who have completed Biology.

introductory college course in environmental science, through which students engage with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The course requires that students identify and analyze natural and human-made environmental problems, evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Environmental Science is interdisciplinary, embracing topics from geology, biology, environmental studies, environmental science, chemistry, and geography. Prerequisites: Biology or AP biology and Chemistry or AP chemistry

306 – Human Anatomy and Physiology (0.5 credit) (not offered in the 2015-2016 school year) Students will gain a foundation in the eleven human body systems, and develop a strong understanding of the interconnectedness between the systems to maintain homeostasis. In this semester course, students will be expected to complete the following: fetal pig dissection (among other dissections), lab practicals (different tables identifying different anatomical structures), online practicals to express understanding of physiology, and case studies to investigate a variety of diseases and conditions. This semester course is offered on a rotational basis during the summer. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Honors Biology or AP Biology. 308 - Human Computer Interaction (0.5 credit) Human Computer Interaction is a senior elective available to students who have completed algebra trig and have little to no experience with computer programming. In the class students use Python to develop an understanding of the synthax with which computer programs are written. The class is based on a project based learning model, which allows the students to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of how programs are created. The programs students write are interactive, and become more complex as the class progresses. The projects range from creating a simple clock to recreating the video game asteroids.

805 - Digital Citizenship (0.5 credit) To live, learn, and work successfully in an increasingly complex and information-rich society, students must be able to use technology effectively and responsibly. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed National Technology Standards for Students (NETSS) to define educational technology standards for students. In this required semester course, students will obtain handson experience in creating professional documents, performing cell formula calculations in Excel, using both web-based and non-web-based applications necessary for school projects such as Prezi, edmodo, Engrade, PowerPoint, Googledocs, and Socrative just to name a few. In addition, students will learn valuable social media skills that will enable them to communicate effectively and appropriately through the ever-changing platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Social media is a part of the everyday life of our students and this course will help guide them to making good decisions when using it.

314- Environmental Science AP AP Environmental Science is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester,

704 - Health/Wellness 1 (0.5 credit) Health and Wellness is an important concept that includes all aspects of a person’s being; 40

it means having both a healthy mind and body. This semester course introduces students to a variety of health-related issues. It allows the opportunity for students to begin to make responsible lifestyle choices. Areas of discussion and instruction are determined by current health/wellness concerns. Topics include health and wellness, personality and emotions, stress, nutrition, addictive behaviors, wellness, AIDS, and STD’s.

to speak Spanish at all times. Students’ writing progresses from paragraphs to compositions of increasing length and complexity. Oral presentations, essays, reading comprehension, communicative activities, and the ability to use the most important verb tenses, are essential in the curriculum. 421- Spanish 3 Third-year Spanish begins with a review of major verb tenses. During the remainder of the course, students learn all other major grammar topics, including uses of the subjunctive, future, conditional, and perfect tenses. Students work with reading selections that include short stories, poems, and news articles during the year. Projects include several different kinds of creative and formal writing assignments and speeches, as well as research on an historical or cultural topic. Spanish is used almost exclusively in this course.

WORLD LANGUAGES Overview The World Language offerings provides a sequence of courses that encourages the appreciation of language learning, while enhancing students' understanding of other cultures and history. Upon completion of the Upper School world language sequence, students are able to function in the areas of oral and written expression, listening and reading comprehension in a way allows for clear understanding of and communication with speakers and writers of the target language. Through the study of a world language, each student develops communication skills, an understanding of how language functions and an appreciation for other cultures.

433 - Spanish 4 Honors This course is an option for students who have completed the third level of Spanish and wish to continue progressing toward fluency in the language. The purpose of the course is to develop conversation skills while delving more deeply into the culture and civilization of Spanish-speaking countries. This purpose is achieved while adhering to the standards developed throughout the world language curriculum which includes communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. Students who complete this course can enroll in AP language the next year, grades and teacher recommendation permitting.

401- Spanish 1 In the first year of Spanish students are introduced to basic vocabulary and grammatical structures. Instruction immediately encourages the use of Spanish in class. Classroom activities, combined with lab work, emphasize the development of oral and aural proficiency, communicative competence, and an appreciation for Hispanic cultures.

432 - Spanish Advanced Placement Language Spanish AP is a class designed to prepare students for the College Board exam. Grammar instruction will include common errors and review of more advanced topics. The course focus, however, is improvement

411- Spanish 2 This is a communicative course that focuses mainly on developing the students’ speaking and writing skills. Students are encouraged 41

in the three modes of communication in both formal and informal settings. Work centers on themes based on literature and discussion of Spanish-speaking cultures and our own. Students are expected to commit themselves to using Spanish exclusively in class.

Spanish 4H, or AP Spanish Language or Literature 400- French 1 In the first year of French, students are introduced to basic vocabulary and grammatical structures of the French language. They are encouraged to speak the language immediately. Audio and video components are used to ensure proper pronunciation. In addition to working toward oral and aural proficiency, preparation in the basics of French grammar is also provided. Students practice writing and reading skills in order to lay the foundation for continued study in French. By the end of the year, students start to communicate effectively in French, both orally and in writing, in the present, past, and near future tenses.

443- Spanish Advanced Placement Literature In this course, students prepare to take the AP examination in Spanish literature. The course focuses on the mastery of four language arts skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), while further emphasizing reading comprehension and the writing of good quality essays. Literary selections include novels, plays, short stories and poetry from the Spanish-speaking world. The course proceeds mainly through discussion of the literary texts.

410- French 2 After reviewing French 1 grammar concepts, more sophisticated grammatical structures are introduced. In this class, focus on oral and aural skills intensifies. Students are encouraged to use the language in order to communicate their ideas, thoughts, and questions. Audio and video components are used to ensure proper pronunciation, as well as a solid understanding of spoken French from different Francophone countries. A strong emphasis is placed upon written expression and reading comprehension. Students write compositions of increasing length and complexity, using extensive vocabulary and complex grammatical structures. Communicative activities, oral presentations, essays, and reading comprehension exercises play an integral role.

442 - Spanish 5 Honors The goal of this course is to further develop fluency in expression, and accuracy in both the spoken and written language. In this course, the students will expand upon previously learned grammar, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to develop more sophisticated conversational skills. They will hone their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through a variety of activities such as engaging in both free and guided conversation, small group and paired work, situational role-playing, reading and discussing articles, texts, and stories, discussing and analyzing Spanish language films and listening to music and recordings of native speakers. Students will be expected to write short papers and make oral presentations. Spanish literature and media will be incorporated as a vehicle for class discussion and vocabulary acquisition. Students will also view Spanish films which will also serve as topics for discussion and as a means of vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension practice and cultural awareness. Prerequisite: Completion of

420- French 3 Following an in-depth review of basic vocabulary and grammar, more advanced grammar is introduced. Students learn to engage in longer conversations, read and interpret more challenging texts, and 42

understand French-language films and videos. The main objectives are the development and reinforcement of communication skills, as well as the development of reading skills and cultural awareness. Various readings help develop cultural literacy and deepen students’ appreciation of French and Francophone cultures. Students hold extended conversations in all tenses, and relate past and future narration using complex sentences. They also express conditions, emotions and wishes in complex sentences.

French to enhance students’ oral and aural skills. The use of appropriate AP materials for listening and speaking is an integral part of the course. 437 - French 5 Honors The goal of this course is to further develop fluency with regard to ease of expression and accuracy in both the spoken and written language. In this course, the students will expand upon previously learned grammar, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to develop more sophisticated conversational skills. They will hone their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through a variety of activities such as engaging in both free and guided conversation, small group and paired work, situational roleplaying, reading and discussing articles, texts, and stories, discussing and analyzing French language films and listening to music and recordings of native speakers. Students will be expected to write short papers and make oral presentations. French literature and media will be incorporated as a vehicle for class discussion and vocabulary acquisition. Students will also view French films which will also serve as topics for discussion and as a means of vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension practice and cultural awareness. Prerequisite: Completion of French 4H, or AP French Language

430 - French 4 Honors This course provides an opportunity for students who have already completed three levels of French study to continue progressing toward fluency in the language. The purpose of the course is to further develop conversation skills while delving more deeply into the culture and civilization of the countries where French is spoken. Students view and critique one French film per quarter and read selected works of literature as springboards to self-expression in French. Students who complete this course can enroll in AP language the next year, grades and teacher recommendation permitting. 431- French Advanced Placement Language The course seeks to develop language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) that can be used in various activities and contexts rather than to cover any specific body of subject matter. AP French Language features in-depth exploration of French language and culture with excerpts from writings by a variety of Francophone authors providing a context for the review of complex grammar structures presented in the course. Extensive training in the organization and writing of compositions is also emphasized and accomplished through a variety of writing assignments of varying topics and lengths. Classes are conducted in

464 - Mandarin 1 The Mandarin course is designed for students to develop a basic knowledge of Mandarin. In the course, the student will learn the Pinyin vocalization system, how to write Chinese characters, about 800 words of vocabulary, basic grammar, and simple sentence structure. Cultural topics focus on traditions, family, cuisine, customs, and celebrations. Students increase their language proficiency and cultural awareness by viewing video, film, and audio clips and by reading selections. Students will be able to use Internet resources to learn more 43

about China and Chinese-speaking countries in Asia. Introduction to Mandarin is recommended, prior to taking Mandarin 1.

music, food, traditional beliefs, politics and history. Prerequisite: Mandarin 3 VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS

465 - Mandarin 2 In this second level Mandarin course, students will continue to integrate crosscultural awareness and understanding into language learning; students will participate in cultural exploration projects and culturebased activities. Students will continue to consolidate four basic language skills in Mandarin Chinese through an active communicative approach and be exposed to more real-life related topics, develop extensive vocabularies, and learn complex grammar points. Students will continue to use Pinyin and practice their mastery of four tones. The course will help students to recognize and write an additional 300-350 characters and use modern instructional technology to learn and type Chinese characters.

Overview In keeping with the philosophy of Morgan Park Academy to educate the whole child, fine and performing arts are an integral part of the Academy’s curriculum. Celebration and creativity echo throughout the fine arts, music, and drama programs. This unparalleled exposure complements the academic curriculum and helps develop wellrounded individuals. 620 - Acting 1 (0.5 credit) This one-semester course focuses on the examination of self, successful working with “the other� (both a single partner and an ensemble atmosphere) and the basics of realistic acting. Students explore improvisation, character development and scene analysis, with an emphasis on the moment-to-moment, honest portrayal of well-developed characters.

466 - Mandarin 3 In this course students will continue to expand their character base (by approximately 200-250 new characters), will increase their oral and aural proficiency, and will be introduced to more complex grammatical patterns. Throughout the course, students also will be exposed to various aspects of Chinese culture, including daily life, celebrations, music, food, traditional beliefs, politics and history. Students will use the same textbook series as that of Mandarin 1 and 2, with additional materials supplemented by the instructor. Prerequisite: Mandarin 2

601 - Chorus (0.5 credit) Chorus provides vocal ensemble opportunities for any interested Upper School students. Emphasis is placed on performance and musical learning, including singing, interpretation and expression. Student accompanists are encouraged. Chorus meets twice weekly once after school and once during the school day. Chorus performs several times during the school year. 602 - Band (0.5 credit) Band is available to non-beginning instrumentalists. Musicianship (blending and balance of sound accuracy and intonation) as well as performance preparation are the main emphases. Band meets twice weekly and performs several times during the school year. Solo ensemble contest

467- Mandarin 4 Students will continue to expand their character base, will increase their oral and aural proficiency, and will be introduced to even more complex grammatical patterns. Throughout the course, students also will be exposed to various aspects of Chinese culture, including daily life, celebrations, 44

opportunities are available for Upper School vocalists and instrumentalists

control. We will explore the elements art and principles of design in photographic composition. Students learn framing within the viewfinder, and utilize various compositional principles. Students also learn to examine images through weekly critiques. Digital processing techniques are introduced using various photo editing applications. Students should be prepared to spend at least 3 hours outside of class on assignments.

524- Intro to Art (0.5 credit) Beginning level art class introducing elements of art and principals of design, and applying them using a variety of materials and mediums. Prerequisite: none. 525- Drawing and Painting 1 (0.5 credit) Building off of concepts learned in Intro to Art, this class focuses on more advanced technical drawing and painting skills using utilizing a variety of mediums. Students will be required to maintain a sketchbook, and will produce a portfolio of work. Prerequisites: Intro to Art (or its equivalent at the approval of the teacher).

535- Directing I (0.5 credit) This class is for students interested in directing theatre, TV and film, and will focus on directing techniques including how to work with actors, how to design a set, working with sound, how to tell a story on stage, etc. Scenes are rehearsed and presented in the classroom. If preferred, students are welcome to shoot and edit video outside of class and bring in their scene work for class (note that equipment is not provided). Prerequisite: none.

526- Drawing and Painting 2 (i.e. AP Studio Art, not offered in 2015-2016) Students’ body of work in this class will be individually driven, using advanced skills to produce a portfolio of work. Students will be required to maintain a sketchbook. Prerequisites: Drawing and Painting 1, or Photography 1 (or its equivalent with a portfolio review and the approval of the teacher).

546- Music Appreciation 101 (0.5 credit) Beginning level music appreciation class introducing music and sound, and applying these concepts using a variety of projects. Students should have GarageBand (or equivalent) and iMovie (or equivalent) on their PED. Prerequisite: none.

527- Intro to Ceramics (0.5 credit) Beginning level art class focusing on basic hand building techniques. Prerequisites: none.

547- Music Appreciation 102 (0.5 credit) Building off Music Appreciation 101, students will study more specifically into genres of their choice (and/or as assigned by the instructor). Projects will be in-depth and students will be expected to create aspects of the genre using analog and digital instruments. A knowledge of playing an instrument prior is not needed. Prerequisites: Music Appreciation 101 (or its equivalent at the approval of the teacher).

528- Ceramics 1 (0.5 credit) Building off concepts learned in Intro to Ceramics, this class continues hand-building techniques as well as introduced students to wheel-throwing. Students will also learn more advanced glazing and firing techniques. Prerequisites: Intro to Ceramics. 529- Intro to Photography (0.5 credit) Beginning level photography class focusing on using a digital point-and-shoot or single lens reflex camera. Camera settings explored to offer creative and technical

543- Music Theory 201 Building off the knowledge of playing an instrument, and studying scales, this class 45

will delve into reading, writing, and analyzing music theory. Prerequisites: 1 year of Band (or its equivalent and the approval of the teacher).

boosted. Therefore, physical education not only improves the students’ health, but also enhances their emotional outlook and wellness, thereby enhancing them as a whole person. Effective 2011-12, students are required to take physical education within their freshman, sophomore or junior year. During their sophomore or junior year, students may earn P.E. credit by: participating fully in one team sport or taking the Health/Wellness II course.

545- Music Theory AP (0.5 credit) (Not offered in 2016-2016) Building off the knowledge of playing an instrument, and studying scales, and materials learned in Music Theory 201, this class will continue to develop reading, writing, and analysis skills. Prerequisites: Music Theory 201 and 2 years of Band (or its equivalent and the approval of the teacher).

704 - Health/Wellness 1 (0.5 credit) Health and Wellness is an important concept that includes all aspects of a person’s being; it means having both a healthy mind and body. This semester course introduces students to a variety of health-related issues. It allows the opportunity for students to begin to make responsible lifestyle choices. Areas of discussion and instruction are determined by current health/wellness concerns. Topics include health and wellness, personality and emotions, stress, nutrition, addictive behaviors, wellness, AIDS, and STD’s. This course is offered as an online/hybrid course on a rotational basis.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Overview The Physical Education, Health and Wellness Department has designed its curriculum so each student can develop a solid foundation of skill and an understanding of a variety of sports activities. The program contributes to the development of social interaction and promotes a life-long fitness attitude. Students develop a physical fitness foundation and seek recreational activities that meet their individual needs of fitness. Sportsmanship, cooperation, decisionmaking, and coping skills are among the other skills taught in class that can also be used in everyday living.

OTHER MINOR COURSES 906 – College Planning 102* (0.5 credit) This semester course is designed to prepare students for the college search, application and selection process. In College 102 students will be introduced to essential college research strategies and learn the importance of maximizing college campus visits. They will prepare for college interviews, create their high school resume, write a college essay, and learn about letters of recommendation. Students will be expected to participate in activities that help them understand this process, and will become familiar with informational and school-based resources while building rapport with the Director of College Preparation and Placement. Students will

700 - Physical Education (0.5 credit) The Physical Education course is designed around individual and team activities that involve the teaching of advanced skills, techniques and strategies of individual activities and team sports with an emphasis on individual improvement. Physical education provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop as a total person. In this developmental stage, students are encouraged to try activities that are new or challenging. When students become somewhat proficient, their self-esteem is 46

complete a portfolio of personalized college information and resources they can use as they start applying for admission to colleges and universities in their senior year. Beginning with the Class of 2015, College

Planning 102 is a semester course requirement for students, taken during their junior year.


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