Kids' Chronicle Fall 2015

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Kids’ Chronicle

Volume 2, Issue 1 Semester 1, 2015

Purpose We are proud to continue publishing Kids’ Chronicle. This tradition began with former Lower School Prin-

Amazing Authors in Lower School

cipal, Joyce Rasmussen.

We all learned valuable

3-Year-Old Preschool During a week study on the letter “H”, the students in Pre-K 3 listened to and learned the nursery rhyme, “Humpty Dumpty”. We brainstormed ideas on what we thought might have caused Humpty Dumpty to fall. We also came up with different ways we could help put Humpty Dumpty back together. Here are some of our thoughts:

lessons from Joyce. Joyce began the Kids’ Chronicle

Cameron: “Maybe he fell off when he was trying to eat some pie.”

because she strongly believed in highlighting the talents of each and every

Isla: “I think he fell off because he was dancing.” Joshua: “Someone pushed him.” Hazel: “Use some glue and tape to fix him.”

Dreux: “Use string and tie a bow.” Patrick: “Use a band aid.”

student. Our Lower School faculty and administration

As a class, we decided to use band aids to piece Humpty Dumpty back together. We also made him a sturdy wall out of sponge painted bricks to sit on. We hope that Humpty Dumpty will not fall and hurt himself again!

4-Year-Old Preschoolers Can Do... Pre-K 4 completed a two week author study on Eric Carle! After reading the book From Head to Toe, we decided to create our own version of the story. Each Pre-K student came up with something special that they could do. They shared their special activity with a teacher and drew pictures demonstrating what they could do. Our class book turned out great! Here are a few examples from our book: I am Charlie D. and I can hop high in the sky. Can you do it? I can do it! I am Symone and I can jump on my bed. Can you do it? I can do it! I am Ethan W. and I can kick a ball really high. Can you do it? I can do it! I am Addison and I can bounce a ball. Can you do it? I can do it! I am Charlie M. and I can shoot a basketball. Can you do it? I can do it! I am Mackenzie and I can float and swim in the water. Can you do it? I can do it! I am Ethan S. and I can make things. Can you do it? I can do it!

I am Chase and I can fly in the air. Can you do it? I can do it!

share this belief. Kids’ Chronicle is a vehicle through which we can showcase the creative writings of all our stu-

dents. Half of the students will have an entry published in the First Semester issue, and the remaining children will be featured in the Spring. As you read through the publication, we aim not only to celebrate individuals, but also to illustrate the writing continuum throughout the Lower School. The

growth in writing is impressive and we hope you may also witness this incredible development.

Kind Kindergartners In celebration of Thanksgiving and friendship, the kindergartners in Ms. Misulonas’ class began focusing on the theme of Kindness. We read the stories Fill a Bucket – A Guide to Daily Happiness for Young Children and

Bucket Filling from A to Z – The Key to Being Happy by Carol McCloud.

The students learned that everyone has an invisible bucket that holds all the happiness and love that you receive each day. When your bucket is full, you feel happy. When your bucket is empty, you feel sad. However, what we also discovered is that bucket filling is like magic. When you fill a friend’s bucket by being kind and loving to them, your bucket fills up, too. So, how can you fill somebody’s bucket?

“I can help my brother.”

By Ivan

“I can play with everyone.”

By Alina

“I can invite everyone to a play date.”

By Connor

“I can help with school jobs.” Here’s how the children responded: “I can give my friend a hug.”

By Nadia

“I can help you write your name.”

By Willow P.

By Savannah

“I can help clean up school work.”

By Willow G.

When it is full, what will happen? We will see!

“I can help you with a puzzle.”

By Remi-Nicole

“I can love my family.”

By Ryan

“I can show The MPA Way.”

By Kennedy

“I can share my toys.”

By Jacob

When Kindergartners Grow Up... Ms. Boarden noticed that the class was very focused on the future. They often ask what will happen next before focusing on what is happening now. To work with their active imaginations and future focus we created the “When I Grow Up” book in November. The kindergartners were given the prompt “When I Grow Up” and asked to complete the sentence with “I will be a __.” While it was hard for some of them to narrow their ideas down to just one choice, they each wrote out their future career and illustrated what they would like to be. The predictive text books are some of the favorites in the class. With repetitive patterns at the start of each sentence, everyone can read the Volume 2, Issue 1

book and enjoy each other’s illustrations. I will be a nurse. “I want to be a nurse so I can help people and get babies out of their stomach too.”

By Lailah I will be a movie maker. “I want to be a movie maker because I want to make a movie that teaches people about things and colors. So babies can know them.”

By Tenny I will be a train driver. “I want to be a train driver because I want to drive trains because they are the best thing to drive on tracks.”

By Duke I will be a motorcycle driver.

“I want to be a motorcycle driver because you can drive and be cool while driving. And you can get a trophy.”

By Tony I will be a pet sitter. “I want to be a pet sitter because pets are really cool and I like Hazel, she’s my dog.”

By Havillan I will be a teacher. “I want to be a teacher because you teach people how to learn and you get to teach other people to be like you.”

By Lea Page 2

First Grade Thanksgiving Recipes The first graders look forward to the delicious meal they share with their families during Thanksgiving. As we discussed some of our favorite foods, turkey was one that seemed to be well liked. We soon found ourselves talking about how the turkey is prepared. They had many interesting ideas. We hope you enjoy their delicious turkey recipes. First, go into the woods and hunt for a turkey. Next, cut the head off with an ax and take it home.

Then put spices on it like red hot peppers and hot tomatoes. Last get a fork and a knife and slice it up. Put some on a plate and enjoy.

By Kaiden

First, go to Walmart to buy eggs. Take them home and wait for one of them to hatch into a turkey. Next, go to the hot dog stand and get some ketchup to put on it. Heat it for 1 hour wait until it’s done and eat it.

By Madison

First, go to the farm and ask the farmer if he will give you a turkey. Next take it home and chop off the head. Then give the turkey a shot of turkey sauce. Last, wash your hands to get the garbage off.

By Bryson

First, go to Taylor Street and buy a turkey at the turkey stand. Next, take your turkey home and go outside to your garden to get some spices. Get mint leaves, lemon, and basil. Then put it in the oven for five to ten minutes. Last take it out of the oven and put it on a plate to cool.

By Delia

First, get a turkey from the barn in the forest. Next, come home and put the turkey on the table. Take a spoon and spread some Sriracha sauce all over it. Then take out all the bones and throw them away. Last grab a piece of the turkey and give some to the whole family.

By Francesca

First Grade Turkey Trouble First graders read "Turkey Trouble" by Wendi Silvano. The turkey is NOT looking forward to Thanksgiving. He doesn't want to be caught by the farmer for dinner. He decides to disguise himself so that he's safe from the Thanksgiving meal! First, the class made their own creative turkeys out of construction paper. Then, they decided on a new disguise and covered their turkeys with the costumes! They wrote stories about their own disguises and wrote their arguments so that the farmer didn't think that they were indeed the turkey. I'm NOT a turkey! I'm a mermaid. I live

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under the sea. My dad is King Triton. I love Eric, the Prince. I have 3 sisters. I am in the movie "The Little Mermaid". I love the Prince. I have a tail. I have a crown. I have peach skin. I wear pink shells. I don't know where the turkey is... By Amelia Sanchez I'm NOT a turkey. I'm Elsa. I have ice powers. My sister is Anna. She doesn't have any powers. I love the movie Frozen. I have no idea where the turkey went... By Isabella

pink and dark pink dress. I love Prince Phillip. I don't know where the turkey is... By Charlize I'm NOT a turkey. I'm a Bears football player. I live in a house. I wear a jersey. I love lockers and playing football. I love my wife and my child. I have lots of fans. We win all the time. I have no idea where that turkey went... By Cecelia

I'm NOT a turkey! I'm Princess Aurora. I live in a castle. Maleficent gave me a bad potion and I slept. I wear a light

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Second Grade Trip to the Zoo

Our Brookfield Zoo field trip was a culminating activity to crosscurricular second grade units in reading and science. Back in the classroom students expanded their writing skills as they wrote about their discoveries of three selected habitats using the Power Writing method and graphic organizers. Enjoy their wild encounters! One warm fall day the second graders had a field trip to Brookfield Zoo and explored three amazing habitats. We jumped on the bus and started to stroll along. First, my group sang songs while we raced to Habitat Africa. We stared at many amazing animals. I discovered a klipspringer. It was eating hay by the back of the rocks. Then I gazed at a mongoose. Its tail was very long and it was very fast. Next, my group zoomed to Tropic World and viewed many animals. I glared at a gorilla. It had lots of fur and its shelter was a cave. I also observed a spider monkey swinging on the vines. Last, I ran to The Swamp and spied many different animals that live in the wetlands. I discovered an alligator, it looked like a statue but it was real. I viewed river otters that were sleeping in the back. I loved seeing tremendous animals at Brookfield Zoo and spying on many different habitats. I hope next time I go to the zoo I will see even more.

By Sarah

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One fall morning our class journeyed on a field trip to Brookfield Zoo and we explored three beautiful habitats. First, I visited Australia House. Did you know that Australia is also called the Land Down Under? I loved watching the bats! They were hanging upside down. I also learned about a porcupine. That was my favorite animal. Next, we zoomed to Habitat Africa and we stared at many beautiful animals. I viewed a cool zebra with black and white stripes. Then I gazed at buffalo. It looked giant when you got up close. Last, we flew to Tropic World and glared at many primates and other animals. I spotted lots of silky, furry otters swimming in circles. Then I noticed a daddy gorilla, he was ginormous! This was a tremendous field trip to the zoo! I loved learning about many different animals and exploring habitats. I hope I learn new things next time.

By Max

One beautiful fall morning the second graders of MPA journeyed on an adventure for a field trip to Brookfield Zoo and we explored three amazing habitats. First, we sprinted to the Living Coast. We gazed at animals and birds that live on the coastline. What an amazing habitat! I spied moray eels. I watched how they slither through reefs like snakes. I stared at the starfish and noticed how each one is different. Next, our group ZOOMED! and RACED! to Habitat Africa and observed many wondrous animals from this continent. I noticed lots of

giraffes and learned that each one of their patterns is different. Then we skedaddled to the lions’ cage. We discovered how the male lion guarded the pack. There can be no more than one or two male lions in a pack. Last, we hiked to Tropic World and spotted primates from so many countries! I spotted a spider monkey and was surprised at how it hid in the trees. What an amazing creature! I gazed upon an anteater. I viewed how it used its long tongue to catch ants from holes. What an extraordinary trip to Brookfield Zoo! I can’t wait for the next field trip.

By Grace

Last week the second grade class journeyed to Brookfield Zoo and looked at three awesome habitats. First, we raced to Habitat Africa and spied many different animals from this continent. I spotted a couple of African wild painted dogs. They were sleeping in a pack on the rocks. Then I stared at a giraffe and it was eating leaves from the trees. Next, we walked to Tropic World and watched animals walking and swinging around. I found black and white spider monkeys swinging from the trees. We glared at an orangutan sleeping in the trees. Last, we skipped to The Living Coast and discovered many beautiful coastal creatures. We observed the starfish. They were sticking on the glass. Then we viewed the penguins and they were swimming. We had a spectacular day at the zoo learning about animals in their habitats!

By Parker

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Second Grade Trip to the Zoo (cont’d)

Once there were 5 kids who rode with the other second graders to Brookfield Zoo. First, we strolled to Africa. On the way to Africa we passed the kangaroos in the Australia section. Then we got to Habitat Africa and we looked around. There were lots of animals to see. Then we saw a zebra and watched it for a little while. Then we had a snack. After seeing the Habitat Africa we had lunch and we played for a little while on the playground. Next, we ran to Tropic World and spotted some monkeys. I liked the white cheeked gibbons and they were really active climbers. They were so cool. Did you know that a child fell down in the gorilla habitat and a mama gorilla saved the kid? Last, we trudged to the swamp and went for a boat ride. We saw pictures of swamps and I pretended to steer the boat! We observed the river stingray. We did not know there was such a thing as a river stingray. On the way home I thought about the white cheeked gibbon. It is one of my favorite monkeys.

By Caeden

The MPA second graders got on the bus and rode to the amazing Brookfield Zoo. First, we strolled to the Living Coast. At the Living Coast

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I studied a cow nosed stingray. Then I saw a catfish. I loved its whiskers. Next, we explored the Wonders of Wetlands. I was fascinated by a snowy egret. Its furry looking feathers were white as snow. I thought that the crocodile was so cool because of its spiky back! Last, we ran to Tropic World. I was blown away by the white cheeked gibbon. I liked how they played up in the trees. One jumped about 20 feet down to another tree. The otters were adorable. They make cool sounds. When we were all done we had so much fun. It was the end of the day. We had the greatest time of our life.

By Demi

Our class travelled on a field trip and we discovered all kinds of animals at the Brookfield Zoo. First, we wandered past the kangaroos on the way to Habitat Africa. Then we stopped to look at the giraffes. One stuck out its long tongue on the branch. Also in Africa I liked the tiny duikers. They were adorable. They like to eat tiny seeds. Next, we explored the Tropic

World. I gazed at the otters. They are very funny. I like how they spin in the water. They also live in Asia. When they climb out of the water they are wet. Last, I ran to the Swamp. I spotted two crocodiles. They were very slow. Then I gazed at the stingrays. They are very powerful. Then we went on a video boat ride. It was very fun! I felt very happy. I loved going with my group. It was amazing!

By Chloe

When we journeyed to Brookfield Zoo, we explored three amazing habitats. First, we travelled to Tropic World. It was amazing. At Tropic World we watched the small clawed otters. They lived in the forest with homes in tree stumps. They like to swim in the water with their waterproof fur. Next, we skipped to the swamp of wonders. I chose a bird called the snowy egret. It was peacefully sitting in a tree. Last, in Habitat Africa we spied on a klipspringer. It was peaceful, but cute. The fur was brown, white, and black. The shelter where it lived was caves and rocks. They seemed comfortable in their habitat. When we took a field trip my favorite thing was my group and when my mom came with me.

By Addysen

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Second Grade Halloween Mysteries Sheba and the Mistress Witch decide to live in the abandoned house together. They live happily ever after.

By Zuri

Our second grade students listened to the story, Detective Mole and the Halloween Mystery, by Robert Quackenbush. However, we withheld the ending to the mystery. Students were asked to take over as authors and write their own endings. After publishing, the children shared their versions with the class. They were surprised to find that they preferred many student versions of the ending better than the original author’s ending. We hope you enjoy their renditions. When the Mistress Witch sees the signal, she flies all the way down and finds Sheba. The witch pats Sheba, she sees everyone else, and whispers to Sheba, “Do you want to help me set up a surprise?” Sheba asks, “Aren’t you supposed to be at your council? Could we take everyone else to the meeting? “ Next, the Mistress Witch decides to have the witches fly to the party in the haunted house instead. Sheba goes to check with the townspeople, and they say, “Yes!” At the party there is spider juice, candy corn, Tombstone Pizza, and a roller coaster called, The Wizard! Volume 2, Issue 1

When the Mistress Witch sees the signal, she skips the Witches’ Council and meets Detective Mole. She says, “Thank you! Thank you!” First, the Council Wizard, Stiz asks everyone at the council, “Where is Mistress Witch?” They can’t have the meeting without her, so they all fly off looking for her. Next, Stiz Witch leads them to the party at the haunted house. They play Wand Toss, broom races, and Witch Checkers. Last, they eat wizard cake with cupcakes, and dragon blood punch. Everyone has so much spooky fun! Mistress Witch and Sheba decide to live at the haunted house. Every Halloween at midnight, they fly to the Witches’ Council meeting.

By Liam

all the pumpkins. So she and Sheba helped return all of them. Next, they made a big Halloween party in the center of the town. They had fun dancing, breaking piñatas, and eating lots and lots of candy. There were bowls and bowls of it. Then Mistress Witch and Sheba figured out that they didn’t have a house, so they fixed the old haunted house into a shiny new house.

By Jordyn

When Mistress Witch saw the signal she headed towards it and landed there. Detective Mole explained how Sheba got there.

First, he told how he found the cat family and found the glasses. Next, he went to see Elmo and they tried to see who was stealing the pumpkins. Last, Elmo and Detective Mole found Sheba and the pumpkins. The witch was angry at Sheba, but also surprised and happy that she was found. She said, “Let’s join this party and then fly to our meeting!”

By Monte

When Mistress Witch saw the signal, she screamed, “Sheba-a-a! Are you down there?” “Yes,” said Sheba. The witch came down and she saw

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Third Grade Friendship Cinquains In third grade, the students completed a reading unit on Friendship. They then wrote a cinquain poem about a special friend.

Tom Colorful, fluffy Flipping, jumping, running He can play fetch Dog

By Christopher

Juniper Cute, fast Running, playing, jumping She is so soft Dog

Lauren Funny, fast Talking, running, playing A very special person Cousin

By David

By Micaiah

Aria Nice, cool Laughing, playing, talking She’s a great friend Sister

Cupcake Loud, cute Sleeping, running, eating Fun to play with Dog

By Lauren

By Christian

Thankful Third Graders In honor of Thanksgiving, students wrote paragraphs about the things for which they are thankful. I am thankful for many things. One of them is my family because they care for me, love me, and I love them. I am thankful for my friends because they always help me feel better when I am sad. I am thankful for my school because my teachers teach me well.

By Serena

I’m thankful for many things. First, I’m thankful

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for family because they care for me, and they miss some things to take me places like the doctor and the fun worlds. Next, I’m thankful for friends because when I’m sad, they make me happy. Last, I’m thankful for water because when I’m hot, I can get clean, fresh water. This is what I’m thankful for.

By Kailey

I’m most thankful for my parents because they sacrifice so much for me. I’m also thankful for my basketball coach, my dad, because he’s made me into a great player. I’m also thankful for friends because they cheer me up when I’m sad.

By Omari

I’m thankful for many things. First, I’m thankful for my family because

they help me with work and they are the best. Next, I’m thankful for my food because I need food to survive. Last, I’m thankful for my house because I need somewhere to grow and sleep and learn.

By Tyler

I am thankful for many things. First, I am thankful for my family because they bring me to school, they make me happy when I am sad, and they give me food. Next, I am thankful for my cat, dog, and lizards because they always play with me when I am bored, so I have something to do. Finally, I am thankful for my school because I can learn, eat, and do fun stuff and play with my friends.

By Walter

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Fourth Grade Reading Response Activities After reading the novel, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, fourth graders were asked to make connections to characters Sarah Ruth or Bryce. They were given three choices to prompt their writing. They had to respond to either: Have you ever received a gift that was so special? Have you ever given someone a gift that made them happy? Have you ever broken a special toy, but then received a replacement? My sister has been so happy ever since I bought her pink, cheetah-printed cards. She originally had blank index cards that she would always write on so I thought she may want nicer cards to draw on. So when I went to our class store, I saw the pink, cheetah cards and knew they would be perfect for her and the best part is that they only cost 5 tickets! The happiness on her face made me feel even better. By Elo

One time I received my all time, favorite toy. I could not believe it! It was the top toy on my list. I did not expect to get it so I was so surprised when I did. That made the toy even more special. By Nicholas I gave a laptop to my Cousin, India. She

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does not have many electronics. She was so happy! Now she uses it all the time. I bought them because I felt bad that she did not have electronics. By Seth When MPA had a bake sale, I had enough money to buy 2 sugar cookies so I bought 2. I had already eaten my lunch and only wanted one, so I gave the other one to my math and social studies teacher, also known as Ms. Smoler. The cookie made her happy. By John I gave my brother a special teddy bear because he was in the hospital. It made his day and he gave me a big hug. I made him really happy. I also gave him a new tablet. I even put his favorite apps on it for him. He almost cried. He said, “I love you more than I did before.” By Jeanell Once, on Christmas morning, I came downstairs and in my stocking, I saw a teddy bear. I named him Teddy. He is my favorite stuffed animal to this day. I play with him a lot and make him clothes with my sewing machine. We have all sorts of fun, like when I pretended he was a giant or when I slept with him in a tent. I can’t sleep without him; he is like my nightlight. Sometimes I sleep on him like a pillow or I might just cuddle with him all night. He is also very brave so when I am with him, I know I am safe. By Leona

When I received my Elf on the Shelf, I was so happy because I knew my Elf on the Shelf, Joy, would be my new best friend. Every morning when Joy is at my house, she will hide somewhere and I will try to find her. I am careful not to move her or else she might leave! By Kaylie I bought my sister a cactus and a man eating plant also known as a Venus Fly Trap. I bought this for her because of the play she is in, The Little Shop of Horrors. The play is about a Venus Fly Trap so it made her really happy! By Emma My connection with Sarah Ruth is that once I was sick and I had a broken doll. I understand why Bryce would give his sister a new doll. I was so happy when my Aunt took me to get a new doll, an American Girl doll. I wanted one for so long. I still play with this doll to this day. By Sydni

Once I broke my phone by accidently dropping it. My mom tried to get it fixed but it could not be fixed. I went weeks without a phone. I didn’t know what to do. On Christmas morning, when it was time to open presents, I opened a brand new phone. I was so happy. I am extra careful with this one. By Taylor

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Fourth Grade Book Reviews Fourth graders read a book of their choice and presented book talks, which included making their own book jackets and writing reviews of their book. The reviews were written passionately to get other readers interested in reading their book. Enjoy their recommendations. The Lightning Thief

By Michael Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a half-blood? Percy Jackson is at a boarding school. When a teacher gives Percy a pen, his life is changed. Now Percy is after something special. Percy and two other friends are trying to save Olympus. Percy is the son of Poseidon. Zeus’ master bolt is stolen and Percy is most wanted. The gods are angry and might start war! Percy must not only catch the thief but also bring peace to the gods. Will the gods destroy the world?!?! Frindle

By Jia Would you want to be famous? A boy named Nick Alan was an ordinary boy at Lincoln Elementary School. Then, one day this boy, Nick, had an idea. A brilliant idea! He created a word for pen. It was called FRINDLE! Later on all of the students are saying the new word, but all of the teachers are annoyed. The

new word is spreading around everywhere! Can anybody stop it? Tales From the Odyssey

By Moses What if you were lost at sea and did not know how to get home? Well, a guy named Odysseus is going to war against the Trojans because a prince has stolen a Queen named Helen. How will Odysseus and his men get home from the war? Would you like to be lost at sea?

I Survived the Destruction of Pompeii

By Noah Have you ever been in a volcano eruption? This book is about an eleven year old boy named Marcus and his dad, Tata. They are involved in a volcano eruption. Everybody is in danger! Hot rocks are falling everywhere. What would you do if you were in a volcano eruption?

The Tail of Emily Windsnap

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

By Trinity

By Braelyn

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a mermaid? Well, Emily hasn’t until the first day of swim lessons. When you open this book you will be amazed! Emily meets new friends that are mermaids, and finds an old person from her past. You will really love this book, but keep it a secret. Emily doesn’t want anyone to know. The Tail of Emily Windsnap is a splash-tific book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Will Emily’s secret be exposed?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be told that you have magical powers? Harry Potter has just found out that he is a wizard and how his parent really died. Go with Harry on this magnificent but wild journey! Will Harry meet his destiny or will he not?


By Tess How would you like to find a boat and have it all yours? This girl Zia and her brother, Mando, find a small wooden boat. What should they do and where should they go with it? Zia and her

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brother hide the boat in San Felipe Lagoon. Should they tell or should they keep it a secret?

The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet By Joshua Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an Origami? Well, find out in this book! You will also find out how to make an Origami after reading this. I have already said too much….but find out more in Jabba the Puppet! Will Origami Yoda beat Darth Paper?

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Fifth Grade Journal Entries Journal writing continues in fifth grade. This vehicle serves as an outlet for creative expression. Whether writing in response to a particular season, holiday, or novel read in class, fifth graders love the opportunity to record their thoughts.

A Poem for Fall Colors changing, leaves falling I see fall, I hear it calling. Make it last, soon ending Colors changing, leaves falling. Autumn breeze see it moving. Red, yellow, orange and green. See it blooming on trees. Cars passing, wind blowing. This is Fall, the best of all!

By Saanvi

Leaf Fall is how the leaves feel We stare at the trees And one by one the leaves Trickle towards the ground. I wonder what it would be like to be a leaf To trickle and plunder towards the ground. Leaves, float free of time, Free of the school bells, Chime free to float softly towards the hard lonely ground. Then, there’s more falling until a giant pound hits them. What it’s like to be a leaf.

By Alexandre

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It is important to get an education so when you get older you will know how to read, write, and get a good job. It is also important to go to school so you can make new friends. You can learn more about math and social studies. In school you can learn about music and art. If you are in a store or market you will be able to read the signs. You also need to get into a good college. Other people in the world cannot go to school, so we should be happy we are able to get an education. In school, we are reading about Malala Yousafzai who is a young girl who loved to go to school and get an education. One day in Pakistan, education for girls was banned, so she did a non-violent protest to get her education back. Some of the students in her class went to school in secret. Malala did it too, so that shows she loved school so much she would do anything for it. She was very brave to go back to school, after a while girls were allowed to go to school again. Malala is still working for all girls to get an education.

By Michaela

I Am Malala taught me about life in

Pakistan. I was surprised about how girls and women are treated. Women are not allowed to go out in public, and their names are not listed in the family tree. In the United States, we are really lucky. Women have the right to vote, get an education, and to

follow their dreams. We can be proud of ourselves. Every country has laws to live by, but they are not all for one gender. I love Malala! She is an inspiring young lady. Malala wants to change how women are treated in Pakistan. One person really can change the world and I think that is going to be Malala. She wants women’s lives to be happy and free with the same opportunities as men. Malala is a one of a kind girl!

By Sheridan

It is great to have an education because you will be able to get into a good college. In college, you can get a degree. Once you get a degree you can get a great job such as a lawyer, engineer, and doctor. You must have an education to pay taxes. You must learn math like division and multiplication. With an education, it’s possible to become Prime Minister or President! Education is very different in the United States, compared to Pakistan. In Pakistan, girls have to fight for education. Their relatives are sometime part of the Taliban. The Taliban banned women from going to school. In America, women can go to school freely and in Pakistan they have to hide to go to school. That is why it is important to get an education because not everyone has that freedom.

By Justin

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Fifth Grade Personal Narratives Using the Six Traits of Writing, the fifth grade students were guided through the writing process as they wrote personal narratives. Part of their Writers’ Workshop included peer reviews prior to publishing their final product In their narratives, students were asked to think of a time when they had to face a fear and show bravery. The Only Part Of My House I Did Not Walk I felt something touch my forehead. I looked up. ‘’AHHH’’, I screamed. It was 2008. “Hey dad, can we go in that weird room that’s like a dust mite’s house?” I said. “No” he said. “But Dad please, please, please!’’ I exclaimed. “Maybe later” he said. Four years later I asked again. “Hey, Dad, can we go in that room that seems as creepy as the house of torment?” I said. “Maybe later,” he said. “DAD YOU SAID THAT 4 YEARS AGO!!!” I screamed. Fast forward to 2015. “Fine, I’ll do it myself” I thought in my head. I had always been curious about what was in that room. I was hoping to find old, cool things from the person who lived in my house in the 1940’s. I headed straight for my hoodie for protection. Then I got the biggest flashlight I have. Creek went the door and my mom said, “Hey ,where are you going?” “In the creepy room in the basement,” I said. “Ok,” as long as you stay in the house, alright?” she said. “Ok,” I responded then I slipped on some shoes and went for the basement. Since I have watched a lot of horror movies I was already imagining a psycho killer in the basement as I slammed the door behind me. I walked down the

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creaky steps. Then I was standing right in front of the door to the room I had wanted to go in for so many years. I flashed the light on the door knob and jerked open the door. I looked in and realized it wasn’t that spooky. So, I walked in to explore when something touched my head. I looked up, “AHHHH!” I screamed. “Oh, it’s just a spider web.” I went back in and looked around. All I saw was a ladder and an old chair. There was nothing very interesting or scary so I went back upstairs. I was disappointed because I didn’t find anything from the past, but I am glad I conquered my fear.

By Melia

The Giant Drop I will never forget the day I went on the Giant Drop. I was at a carnival with my friends from camp. It was a hot, sunny day outside. I wasn’t feeling well because the last ride made me dizzy. The Giant Drop was as high as a lighthouse and I was afraid of heights. The first thing I thought was, “I am not going on that ride!” After we went on a couple of rides and had some food, my counselor suggested we go on the Giant Drop. I was scared so I said ‘no’. Then, my counselor teased me by saying I was scared to go on. Even though I was scared, I would never back down from a challenge. Then, I went on the Giant Drop. As soon as we left the ground I was mad at my counselor for tricking me. At first, we were going slowly, but I knew that as soon as we got to the top it would go zooming down. When we got to the top, my heart sank. We were zooming down like lightning. It was only three seconds, but it seemed like three hours. As soon as I

got down I thought, “That was fun!” Even though it was fun, I still did not want to go on again. That day I overcame my greatest fear.

By Miles

Flying Like Superman Look up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s Robert on the Superman Roller Coaster! My family and I went to Six-Flags Great-America. We were there for my little sister’s big cheerleading competition. Cheerleaders were EVERYWHERE! It was as if they were aliens invading our world! While we were watching the competition, we had candy, pop, and even heard a band. Finally the competition ended, and we finally got to ride some rides! Since it was getting late, my dad said we only had time to get on 5 rides. After we got on the first four rides, I couldn’t figure out what to get on next. My dad said, “Hey, I’ll give you $5.00 if you get on the Superman with me.” Of course I had to take the dare. So I replied, “Let’s do this!” Then we shook on it. It was a long, SUPER boring, and intense wait. As every roller coaster went by, all the people were screaming. This kept making me more and more nervous so I started to sweat and my hands were shaking. I felt like I was about to throw up, and I was thinking, “You can’t do this!” So I even got to the point where I wanted to call off the bet, but I wouldn’t let myself. All of a sudden, we were next in line. When it was our turn, my dad and I stepped into the cart, and put our seatbelts on. My heart was POUNDING like a drum! I was terrified as we climbed up to the drop. I wanted to keep my eyes closed, but I couldn’t. My fear of the drop wouldn’t let me. We slowly got closer and closer to the top, and then suddenly, we went ZOOMING down like the speed of light! I screamed for the rest of the time I was on the roller coaster. Before I knew it, the ride came to a stop, and I realized we were

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Fifth Grade Personal Narratives (cont’d) back at the gate. “I can’t believe we’re back at the gate. I can’t believe you actually did that!” my dad said. “Me neither!” I exclaimed. When I got off, I was shaking like I was in Antarctica, but it was all worth it because I faced my fears AND still got my $5.00!

By Robert

Playing Outside on Halloween One Halloween I had a great accomplishment. This is the story of my bravery when my friends and I were playing outside. One of my friends accidentally bumped into me. My other friends were teasing him and I had to stand up to them. At first, I was hurt so I could not say anything. My nose was bleeding and I had two scrapes on my leg. When I came out of the house, I saw that my other friends were saying mean things to the friend that bumped into me. When I saw that they were saying mean things I had to be brave and stand up to my friends. I said, “Stop teasing him. I am okay now and nothing happened.” After I did that the friend that bumped me thanked me and I felt good. Then we all went inside and played hide and seek. After the party was over, I went to bed feeling good. The next day, I was happy I had the courage to stand up to my friends. I learned that doing the right thing is always good, even if doing the right thing means standing up to your friends. This has been a good experience for me. I am happy I can be a kind person.

By Arnav Dark Hiker One day we decided to go camping, but more extreme. I had never gone backpack hiking be-

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fore. I had only gone camping, so I was really scared. I was crazy once I heard this. I thought that a bear would eat me whole. I had the most terrifying dreams in the world. So on a sunny day, I was crying so much I couldn’t stop. My friend was with me and asked me what was wrong. I told him the whole story and he said not to worry. So, I didn’t. Until the day before the trip, I had a dream that I was stranded on an island in a forest and nobody could help me. I had to survive, but when I was sleeping a bear came up to me and said hello and then ate me. I woke up and it was the day to go hiking and I was mental. When we got there, it was beautiful. So I walked around and felt the cool breeze and thought this is going to be awesome, and it was. We had s’mores, a pit fire, and much more. We had a great time. My dad and I carved a stick, but the only bad part was that I cut my nail with a hunting knife because I was not paying attention. It hurt, but it wasn’t such a big deal. Did I tell you that we were hiking in Manistee River Park? My hiking trip there, that I was so scared of, ended up being really fun!

By Alex I. How I Went on the Tower of Terror

I thought that I would never drop 13 stories so fast in my life! That was before my dad made me go on the Disney World ride, Tower of Terror. I waited in line with my mom, uncle, grandma, and sister (who was in tears). As I got closer to the elevator, my heart was beating so loudly that I thought it was going to burst! As they put me in my place to get

on the ride, I felt like I was going to cry. I have to admit the first part wasn’t so bad, but as soon as we went up I knew that we were going to drop. I hugged onto my mom and so did Sarah. Then my mom saw how high we were and she tried not to look out. After the ride, my sister was still crying. We got a picture and in the picture my uncle is pointing to us saying to look out. Our grandma was looking at us to see if we liked it or not. Then you see my mom, sister and I bunched up together for dear life. A part of the ride that I thought was funny was when there were two people having the time of their lives in the back of the picture! After the ride, we went to go see my dad and Patrick. In Disney World there’s this new thing called the parent swap. It is for parents who have a young child (in this case, Patrick). One parent will go on the ride with the child or children. Then, the other parent gets to go on without waiting, but has to be with a child. My mom asked if any of us wanted to go on it again. Of course, my sister said “no”. I felt really bad about my dad not going on the ride. He said it was ok if I didn’t want to go on again. But I said I would do it, even thoughtI was scared. I felt okay to go on the ride again, but as soon as we got into our places I told my dad that I didn’t want to go anymore. But he said I have to do it because we were ready to get on. I still didn’t like it. But I felt good to do something nice for my dad and something brave. After the ride, my family told me how brave I was to go on it again. Now every time I look back at this moment I will remember how brave I was. By Olivia Page 12

Fifth Grade Letters to Malala

Students wrote letters to Malala Yousafzai in response to reading her book, I Am Malala. They wrote about how she has impacted their lives and inspired them. They were asked to specifically think about what they learned about themselves, the value of education, and giving back to people around them. Dear Malala, You have impacted my life by standing up for girls’ rights. Your example of bravery makes me want to stand up against racism across the world. You showed me that I must use my words to be heard, making a difference in the lives of others. I will speak for those without a voice. Your story has taught me that I should always persist and never give up on my beliefs. I must always try my best. I learned that I am powerful and have a great assignment in life. Last, but not least, your story showed me I should always follow God and to put him first. In America, education is great. Boys and girls are allowed to attend schools equally. In poorer countries, education is not the best. That is why UNICEF is there to assist them. Otherwise, American schools are great. You may choose a public education, which is open to all, or a private education, which has additional costs. Like you, I will help my community by donating funds to purchase food

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for those in need. On the night of Halloween, as I prepare to trick or treat, I will get a small box. After I ring each doorbell, I will ask adults to donate money to UNICEF. The collections will be placed inside of my box and then given to this organization. UNICEF will then make sure that those who are hungry will have meals to eat. Sincerely, David

Dear Malala, I just read your book, I Am Malala. You are a very brave girl for standing up to the Taliban and saying that girls in Pakistan and in the world should get an education. I think education is a great thing to have and every girl should get one. It is not right to let girls work at home all day and boys gtt to school all day. Both girls and boys should go to school. It was very frightening to read the few chapters of when the Taliban attacked the bus that you were on. That must’ve been very scary for you. You have inspired me to be a leader of our community and stand up for girls’ education. I believe everyone, regardless of their gender, should have the right to go to school. Sincerely, Riya Kingra Dear Malala, Hi. How are you? My name is Kole. I am a fifth grader at Morgan Park Academy in Chicago, Illinois. I really loved reading your book and I have a few questions for you. How is your new life in Birmingham? Are you going to write another book soon? Lastly, you are a strong girl. How did you become so brave? My family also enjoyed hearing your story and seeing your interview with Oprah. I hope

this letter means a lot to you because I’m putting my heart into it. I want you to know that I think you will be an awesome Prime Minister someday. You have already done so much at such a young age. That speech at the UN was awesome! You did a wonderful job! Also, you really deserved the Nobel Peace Prize. Reading your story has inspired me in so many ways. I really want to do my best in school because so many kids aren’t fortunate enough to be able to go to school. The colleges I’m thinking of going to are Harvard, Stanford, and Tuskegee University. When I am successful, I plan to encourage other kids on the streets to stay in school and, hopefully, I can pay a bus company to pick up poor kids in the community and take them to school. We both know that’s an important thing. There is a lot of crime in Chicago right now. I hope that more people can hear your story and want to do better. I know soon my community will be awesome, but we need to keep on fighting for change and leading by example. Education has changed a lot since a long time ago because they are giving us challenging things, such as giving us work from a grade ahead. We have access to all types of technology to help us learn. Also, my school is very diverse. I am able to go to school with kids of all races. We get to learn about each other’s cultures. Thank you so much for sharing your story with the world. Sincerely, Kole

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Fifth Grade Letters to Malala (cont’d) Dear Malala, The book, I Am Malala, has been an inspiration to me. It inspired me to keep going to school and to love others whenever you can. Before I read your story about how you had to fight for girls’ rights to go to school, I thought people all around the earth were free to go to school and learn. I just wish someday that people will accept everyone as an equal and care for them. And when I saw you on the TV fighting for girls’ rights, it made me think why people do this, while in some cultures girls don’t get to go to school and they have to stay home and work, clean and take care of their kids. You taught me how some people in the world don’t have the privileges that some of us have and to think of others. You also taught me to always give to others even though you don’t know them. It’s always important to care for others and to give them something even little like $20 so they can eat or have a place to stay. In our country a lot of people are homeless

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or poor and have no one to support them, so I always love to help. One day I will be able to save more people’s lives from starvation and from other distress. I will try to think more about others rather than just about me. Thank you for sharing your experience. I have learned that somewhere there are unfair situations with girls’ education and that there are many young people who need help. You have inspired me to think about others and how I can help. I hope one day this world will change for the better. Hope to meet you someday! Respectfully, Andrew

Dear Malala, I used to wake up every morning and think, “Why do I have to go to school?” and “Uhh, school is so boring.” Then one day I read, I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Patricia Cormack. It really opened my eyes. While reading, I discovered that in many different parts of Pakistan, girls could not go to school and have a proper education, and some even begin married at the age of 11. The reason for this is the Taliban, a group of terrorists, are trying to kill the “Un-Islamic”. You could simply get killed for dancing, listening to music, going out in public without your husband, and not wearing a traditional

burqa that covered your whole face except for tiny slits for your eyes. This changed school for me and put it in a whole new perspective. Now, instead of waking up and thinking bad thoughts about school, I think “How lucky am I that I get to go to such a great school like mine!”. During class, and for homework, my teacher lets us do sheets on the chapters we had read that night or in class. Answering the questions make me think more and more about Malala’s story and all the tough times she had been through. I wonder now and then what it would be like if I didn’t go to school, didn’t know how to read, or even couldn’t have an education. I wondered things like “Would I be a different person? Could I will have the same friends as I have now?” It’s cool to be able to have an education and to be able to learn so much at my school. I thought that the book was really interesting and I learned a lot more about education and the things it can do for a person. I know that anyone in the world without an education would love to have one like mine. Now I know that everyone should value education and that it could be so easily taken away from you, like it was taken from Malala. Sincerely, Nora

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