Academy Magazine - 1994

Page 1


MPA Science, Then and Now....

Providing Superior Education - Established 1873-

Table of Contents School News Section New Members of MPA Family Development Section

Cover: This photo was found in the 1935-36 MPMA Viewbook. Just as in the years past, MPA continues to provide superior education through the science programs offered to our student body. (See "Notes from the Headmaster" for the latest developments in the science program.)

The Academy Magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. All information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. All news items should be addressed to: Academy Magazine, Office of Development, Morgan Park Academy, 2153 W. n1th Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60643 or call (312) 881-6728. Thank you in advance for your efforts and support. These issues would not be possible without your generosity. Alana Mateling Dir. of Development Editor in Chief! writer

Jeff Thieman Dir. of Marketing/P.R.I Alumni Affairs Assistant editor I writer

Page 3 Page 6 Page 8

Music Room Contributors List

Page 9

Fall Fashion Show

Page 11

Salute to Excellence

Page 12

Alumni Section

Page 13

New Hall of Fame

Page 14

Veteran Visits MPA

Page 15

Class Notes

Page 16

Lost Alumni List

Page 19

MPA Science, Then and Now.... NOTE FROM THE HEADMASTER

David A. Jones One of the strongest programs and most carefully developed curricular areas at the Academy is our program of instruction in science. Beginning in the pre-first grade and continuing throughout high school, students have the opportunity to pursue a rigorous sequence of scientific study and investigation. Several criteria were diligently adhered to in developing this curriculum. The curriculum had to create an interest in, and appreciation for, science and technology. It had to involve hands-on laboratory experiences which emphasized participation rather than observation. In addition, the activities provided had to encourage a spirit of inquiry, emphasize analytical skills, and enable students to draw valid conclusions on the basis of their investigation and experiments. Pre-first and first grade science projects are designed to enhance an awareness and appreciation of the world around us. Topics covered include weather and seasons, animals and their habitats, food and nutrition, and care of the environment. Focus in Second Grade is on the human body and its functions . In Grade Three, students study the solar system, weather and climate, and simple machines. By fourth grade, students are formally introduced to the scientific method and use of the microscope. Specific studies

"I am immensely

proud of the growth and development I have seen in our program of instruction in science here at MPA."

include classification of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, and diseases. In the fifth grade, topics covered include sound, light, and the properties of matter. Health issues are included, covering topics such as drugs, alcohol, nutrition, exercise, and stress management. The sequence of studies in the Middle School is Earth Science, Physical Science, and Life Science. In sixth grade, the earth, oceans, atmosphere, and natural resources are covered with an emphasis on the application of scientific principles to everyday life. Physical science topics in seventh grade include energy, motion, heat, electricity, sound, light, and nuclear science. Then in eighth grade,

Middle School Science Fair 1

MPA Science, Then and Now.... students review the ecological relationships of living things. The gathering, organizing, and interpreting of scientific data are stressed in studies of the plant and animal kingdoms, cell structure, animal organs and systems, and reprod uction. Throughout the Lower and Middle School grades, experimentation is stressed, along with reading of scientific materials and writing of lab reports. Some classrooms have pets such as fish and gerbils for student observation, and once a year, student projects are incorporated into a science fair. Many students are actively involved in practical science projects such as recycling and flower plantings, and a series of field trips expand and augment the information garnered in the classroom and from textbooks. In the Upper School all freshmen carry a semester of chemistry and a semester of physics. Course content provides students with experiences in theoretical and experimental science. Topics relevant to life in a technological society are included to produce people literate in basic scientific methods of thinking. Problem solving and investigation and application skills are developed through laboratory experiments; research skills are exercised through a major project. Biology and chemistry in the tenth and eleventh grades are offered at Regular, Honors, and Advanced Placements levels. Major emphasis is placed on problem solving activities, and research methods. The twelfth grade physics course is designed to acquaint students with the fundamental behaviors of the matter of the universe, stating those behaviors in terms of physical laws in mathematical form when possible. The focus is on experimentation, understanding, and the expression of scientific study in written form .


Throughout the entire science sequence the use of the computer is closely coordinated with the study of science. While successful completion of the science sequence provides strong preparation for continued scientific study, an equally important objective is to produce scientifically literate students who understand, appreciate, and can apply scientific principles and technology to their everyday lives. David A. Jones Headmaster

School News MORGAN PARK ACADEMY STUDENTS EARN ADVANCED PLACEMENT SCHOLAR AWARDS Park Fourteen Morgan Academy students have been named AP Scholars by the College Entrance Examination Board in recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level Advanced Placement (AP)

Vanderweele '94 (Worth).

school, are graded on a ~point scale (5

Two students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning grades of 3.0 or above on four

is the highest). Most of the nation's colleges and universities award credit and/ or placement for grades of 3.0 or

or more AP Examinations, with an average exam grade of at least 3. These

higher, and more than 1,300 institutions award a year of credit to students





Approximately 10 percent

number of qualifying

of America's graduating seniors have taken one or more AP examinations,

grades. There are 29 AP examinations offered in 16 disci-

but only about 12 percent

plines, each consist-

of the more than 459,000

ing of multiple-choice

students who took AP


Examinations in May 1994 at a suffiperformed

(essay or problem solving) questions.

ciently high level to merit such recognition.

The College Board is a national

The College Board recognizes three levels of achievement -

r-R;t;"'v;;:;::t.J;;;;-k::JTo:;:"T=-'W::::>h'::::-;::::::::;::::=-=':'7r:;--.-::-:,--';:;=;;===~ non-profi t association Boyd'94

that champions educational excellence for all students through the ongoing


collaboration of nearly 2,900 member

Rita Yeretsian, Jennifer Lee, Heather Gramberg and Christian Kaiserlian

the AP Scholar with

Distinction, the AP Scholar with Honor, and the AP Scholar. Last spring, nine Morgan Park Academy students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning grades of 3.0 or above on five or more AP Examinations, with an average exam grade of at least 3.5. These





Aruguete '94 (Orland Park), Kannan Arumugam '94 (Palos Heights), Michael Bechtel '94 (Calumet City), Sanjay Bhojraj '94 (Hobart,IN), Jabari

De Ron '94 (Chicago), Jennifer Lee '95 (Palos Park), Patricia Pongched '94 (South Holland), Matthew Ulmenstine '94 (Country Club Hills) and David

students (Evergreen





Gramberg '95 (Chicago).

schools, colleges, universities, educa-

Three students qualified for

tional systems, and organizations. The

the AP Scholar Award by completing

Board promotes - by means of respon-

three or more AP Examinations, with

sive forums, research, programs, and

grades of 3.0 or higher. The AP

policy development - universal access

Scholars are Christian Kaiserlian '95 (Chicago), Leon Que '94 (Palos Park)

to high standards of learning, equity of opportunity, and sufficient financial

and Rita Yeretsian '95 (Chicago).

support so that every student is

Of the award recipients, four are currently seniors: Christian Kaiserlian, Rita Yeretsian, Heather

prepared for success in college and work.

Gramberg and Jennifer Lee. AP



students take after completing challenging college courses at their high


School News Letter from the Mothers' Club

MPA Presents Shakespeare

The Morgan

Drama Department of




School presented Shakespeare's comedy ''Twelfth Night" on Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5 in the Beverly Art Center. The comic themes of love, hidden identities and justice were energetically displayed by a cast of 16.

The production was an adaptation and interpretation by J.G. Barefield which presents a 90 minute escape into "understandable Shakespeare." "The language and style of Shakespeare were all there as well as the costumes and settings," said Director Norman Nilsson, Middle School and Upper School drama and speech teacher.

This past year has gone by so quickly for me as President of the Mothers' Club. Our governing board members and room mothers have done an outstanding job supporting our many activities, and keeping the spirit of MPA alive and well. We need the help of our new families to share ideas and their talents with us. We reached an 86% membership last year and we are hoping it will be 100% this year! We are making some wonderful friends in the process and providing special services to our kids. I would like to thank those wonderful friends who made me feel comfortable and made working at the school so much fun. Your dedication, commitment, and friendship make volunteering a very worthwhile profession. Please help me make this year a memorable one! Sincerely, Marlene Mesleh Mothers' Club President

International Night Over 200 friends joined the Mothers' Club to celebrate the ethnic diversity of our school community on Saturday, November 5 as part of MPA's International Night. Each participating family was asked to prepare an ethnic dish to be part of a delicious buffet dinner. Following the feast, the Foreign Language and Art Departments from Lower, Middle and Upper School shared with everyone some of their wonderful talents. The evening was then followed by the Upper School play "Twelfth Night". 4

School News Nbgcv1 PakAcademy Dedicates M.Jsic Room

Letter from the Fathers' Club The Fathers' Club would like to

Headmaster Jones participates in the dedication of the Ross W. Beatty Memorial Music Room. During Morgan Park Academy's Homecoming celebration, the newly finished expansion of the Barker Hall music room was dedicated in memory of Ross W. Beatty. Mr. Beatty and his wife, Marian, were long time residents of the Beverly community. Ross W. Beatty, the former President of the INR Beatty Lumber Company in Oak Lawn, was on the Board of Trustees at Morgan Park Academy for 23 years. In 1967, Mr. Beatty was instrumental in bringing about the construction of Barker Hall. The room at the south end of Barker Hall was used originally for the Pre First Grade. At the time of construction that area of the building was only one story, but was constructed so that another level could be built above it. Now, after 25 years, that room has been finished. It is very appropriate that there is a music room in Barker Hall named in honor of a great man, Ross W. Beatty.

Mr. & Mrs. Beatty's son, Robert, and his wife, Misty, attended the ceremony to accept thanks from the students of the Academy for their generous contribution that made this project possible. Robert Beatty attended Morgan Park Academy for many years and was a member of the graduating class of 1967. After service in the army and attending college, Robert joined his father's company, and today Mr. Beatty is president of the firm. Following in his father's footsteps, Mr. Beatty has now served as a member of MPA's Board of Trustees for several years. The music room could only become reality because of the generous support of many alumni, parents, Trustees, faculty, and friends. A bronze plaque will display names of those who have contributed $1,000 or more toward the project. (See page 9 for donor recognition.)

thank ~l .o.f you who participated in club actiVItIes thus far this school year. Our annual Pancake Breakfast was enjoyed by many alumni, parents, stu~ents and friends who joined us dunng Homecoming last September. Now that we are looking toward the end of the winter season, and future events, like the Jessie White Tumblers benefit on April 9th, it is appropriate to extend another invitation to fathers to become involved. Please come and join us every first Tuesday of the month, at 7:30 pm, in the MPA dining hall. Our meetings are informal and fun! Hope to see you there! Sincerely,

Robert Collins Fathers' Club President

Alumni: Always welcome to visit M.P.A. Morgan Park Academy would like. to encourage Alumni (M.P.M.A., Lormg and M.P.A.) to visit the campus whenever they are in the area. We would love to chat with you and fill you in on what's been happening around the Academy. If the Academy was important to you when you were here, it promises to be just as important now and in the future. Stop by and say "Hi". 5

School News Morgan Park Academy Proudly Introduces New Members of the MPA Family The first days of school always bring a lot of new faces to the classrooms and halls of MPA. Morgan Park Academy welcomed 61 new families during the '94-'95 school year. In addition to these new students, MPA welcomed Michael Hannan, Upper School Principal; six new faculty members: Susan Cheuvront, Lower and Middle School Spanish; Abbitt Downey, Second Grade Teacher; Laura Gierach, Lower and Middle School U.S. French; Andrew Joseph, History /Minority Uterature/ Model UN; Robert Langston, Art Instructor (5-12); and Charles Schroeder, Physical Education (K-12). The Office of Development has recruited a new team of Development Officers including: Alana Mateling, Director of Development, Wendy Drynan, Special Events Coordinator and Jeff Thieman, Director of Marketing, Public Relations and Alumni Affairs. Michael Hannan

Mr. Hannan holds a BA in French from St. Bonaventure University, a M.A. in English from the State University of New York, and is currently completing work for an Ed.D in Educational Leadership at the University of Mississippi. In addition to teaching, Mr. Hannan served as Dean of Academics and Assistant Headmaster at the Northwood School in Lake Placid, New York, and for the last three years has been Head of the Computer Science Department at St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Jackson, Mississippi. Michael also teaches a class in Fiction Writing at MPA. 6

School News NEW FACULTY Susan Cheuvront

Laura Gierach

Susan is a native of Ohio. She received her B.S in Education with a certification in Spanish from Bowling Green University in May, 1992. In August of 1994, Susan graduated from Michigan State with a Masters of Arts in Spanish. While at MSU, she worked as a graduate teaching assistant in the Spanish Department. Susan has traveled extensively throughout Europe and studied in Madrid, Spain. Susan joins MPA's faculty as a Lower and Middle School Spanish instructor of the foriegn language department.

Laura is from Orland Park, IL, but currently resides in Chicago. Laura went to school at Indiana UniversityBloomington where she received her B.A. in French and a teaching certificate. Last year she worked and volunteered full time at the New Learning Center in Palos Heights, IL. Laura also teaches conversational French for adults at St. Xavier University in Chicago. Laura joins the foriegn langauge department as a Lower and Middle School French teacher.

Abbitt Downey

Robert was -.---..-...."...."..,..........born and raised in Austin, Texas. He moved to Chicago in 1981 and graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago in 1988. Robert has shown his work at the Old Town Triangle Arts Gallery, Bucktown Art Festival and in a New Buffalo (MI.) gallery called "Compassions." Robert has taught art in Chicago and Blue Island Public Schools and has also taught adult classes at the Beverly Art Center. Robert, an instructor in art, hopes to develop the art program for the Upper School students as a preparation for continuing study in higher education within fields such as graphic arts, conservation and the more traditional areas such as painting and sculpture. Robert and his wife have three children.

Ro bert Langston Originally _-----___. from Rosemont, PA, Mrs. Downey received her first degree from Wittenberg University with a B.A. in Religion. _"........" . ~ After running a _-";'-...I.:r.'!'It..... group home for five mentally retarded women, she decided to go back to college for her certification and Masters in Elementary Education. She received her degrees from Cabrini College in May of 1993. Abb:t ~J now teaching Second Grade for MPA. She was married in July 1993 and moved to Chicago in August 1993 to be with her husband who is attending DePaul College of Law.

Charles Schroeder Prior to coming to Morgan Park Academy, Charles spent six years as a Health and Physical Education Teacher in several public and private schools, all in Ohio. Along with his teaching duties, he coached several sports at all levels, including softball, varsity basketball, junior varsity basketball and junior high soccer. He received his Bachelor's degree from the Defiance College, located in Defiance, Ohio, in May of 1988. While at Defiance College he was a four-year member of the men's basketball team, including the 1988 NAIA District 22 Champions. He has taken graduate classes at The Defiance College, Wright State College and is currently in the Master of Science Education Program at Chicago State University. Charles joins the physical education department as a KG - 12 P.E. Instructor. Charles and his wife live in Elmhurst with their three sons, Brady (age 4), Brock (age 2) and Trey (3 months old).

Andrew Joseph Andy recently graduated from Indiana UniversityBloomington where he received his B.A. in History with a minor in English. Andy is from the Washington D.C. area where he grew up. Andy is now teaching US social studies and history, coaching IV Basketball and is Model UN sponsor at MPA. 7

Develop-.:..:..m.::.:::e:..:...:n:..::.,.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

News from the Office of Development Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends of Morgan Park Academy: On behalf of the students and faculty of Morgan Park Academy, I want to thank you, our donors, for your generous support. All contributions, large and small, ensure that MPA's education will be available to young people for generations to come. The Annual Giving Fund went into high gear in November, setting the ambitious goal of raising $105,000 for the school's operating budget by June 30, 1995. Annual Fund brochures were mailed to MPA families, alumni and friends. Opening Phonathons were held November 16 and 17, with more to be scheduled. Leadership solicitation, led by the Chairman of the Board, Roger Lis, has begun. Chairpersons of the fund drive include: Davis and Anne Boyd, parent's committee; Michael Rogers ('69 MPA), Madonna Abdishi ('63 Loring), and Ronald Drynan, Sr. ('49 MPMA), alumni committee. To date, over $50,000 has been raised in gifts and pledges toward this effort. In other development news, the "95 Fall Fashion Show" raised $8,700. Part of the proceeds from this event were applied toward the Edward E. Ford Foundation matching grant for Faculty Enrichment. The Office of Development is currently in receipt of the final payment of this $30,000 grant. The "Salute to Excellence" committee is diligently working to assure the continued success of the school's most popular fundraising event. It is anticipated that "Salute 95" will raise over $103,000. Special thanks to Colleen Coulas, Mary Ellen Tatro-Mendoza, Salute Co-chairpersons; Raymond and Denita Baldi, Honorary Co-chairpersons; and Wendy Drynan, Special Events Coordinator. These two events, combined with the Annual Giving Fund Drive,


provide the necessary unrestricted funds needed to make up the margin of difference between the tuition charged and the actual cost of educating each MPA student, a difference of approximately $1,552 per student. Homecoming on October 1 set out to be a festive celebration of the success of the Barker Hall Music Addition Campaign Fund Drive. As part of the ceremonies, Headmaster Jones dedicated the new addition in memory of Ross W. Beatty. Of the $100,000 goal, $60,095 has been raised thus far. It's not too late to add your name to the many wonderful contributors who have helped make this dream a reality! (See page 12) Efforts are strongly being placed to revive the Alumni Association and Class Agent Program. The recent purchase of development software will enable our department to better serve all of our constituencies. If you are interested in assisting us in any way, please feel free to contact us. Our new Development Team is eager to

help make the Alumni Association the best ever!! I could go on and on about exciting things taking place at the Academy, but I am running out of space. Most importantly, it is imperative you know we are eternally grateful to all of you who contribute. Your generous support plays a significant role in sustaining the excellent student body and programs of Morgan Park Academy. Look for the 1994-95 Honor Roll of Donors in the next issue of the Academy Magazine. Best wishes in 1995 and please be sure to write to us and let us know what's new in your lives!!! Sincerely, Alana Mateling Director of Development

(L to R) Alana Mateling, Dir. of Development; and Board of Trustee members: Mrs. Diana Cuevas, Mr. Steven Driscoll, and Mr. Robert D. Watkins, Sr.

Develop-!..!..m!:!::e:..!.!n:.!:..t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ross W. Beatty Memorial Music Room Gifts and pledges to the Ross w. Beatty Memorial Music Room since its inception through December 1994 total $60,095.91. The fund drive will enrich music and art education at MPA by providing the necessary space needed to house these two fine arts programs. The new Music Room provides a beautiful environment for learning and ample storage for instruments and equipment. In addition, the first floor room will now be used as an Art Room for Lower and Middle School students (a class fonnerly taught in the basement). Sincere appreciation is extended to the following donors whose generous support will prepare the school, its campus and programs for the 21st century.

DONORS ($1.00 - $99.(0) Mr. Richard L. Berliner '45 Dr. Walter S. Hofman '50 Mr. John Hom '69 Mr. Edward C. Juneman 'SO Ms. Jodi Kapjon '93 Mr. Michael Kartsounis '91 Captain R.J. Lavery '27 Mr. Tom Malcolm Palos Sports Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price '44 Mrs. Allison (Reitz) Smith 77

Mr. Handy and Dr. Rachel Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Mrs. Laura Lopez Campbell Aerica '88 and Kelly '93 Love Dr. John Lumpkin and Dr. Mary Blanks Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McCartin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Mizen '71 Morgan Park Auto Service MPA Eighth Grade Mr. and Mrs. Don Norton, Jr. '73 Mr. Patrick O'Toole '83 Mr. Yemisi and Dr. Mary Ann Onayemi Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rhodes FRIENDS ($100.00 - $999.(0) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rund '61 Andrew '87, Stephen '85, &: Elizabeth '90 Akers Ms. Kaarina Salovaara 72 Mrs. Harriet Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schneider Drs. Jose and Christine Aruguete Dr. William Schwer and Mrs. Mary Benz Mr. Richard Ayers'36 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snodell '62 Dr. and Mrs. Ken Bielinski Southwest Financial Bank Bob's Speedy Print Mr. and Mrs. William Springer '61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Butler '79 Mr. and Mrs. George Stemmler, Jr. '44 Canteen Corporation The Field Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cappozzo Mr. George Theodore Chicagoland Business Systems Tom Strasser Plumbing Company Mrs. Alice Coller Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Unger '70 Ms. Oaire Concannon '85 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Vasquez De Sitter Carpets, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Watson Dean Witter Dr. Linda Weinfield 76 Dr. Edgar Del Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Winkless, Jr. '37 Mrs. Karen DeRon Head Mr. and Mrs. George Yaksic Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drynan Jr. '79 and son Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dumanian '79 PARlNERS ($1,000.00 - $2,999.00) Dr. William Earman and Mrs. Linda Wolgamott Ameritech Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George Eck Mr. &: Mrs. John Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Groebe '30 Dr. II Wong and Dr. Young Zin Chang Mr. David and Dr. Maria Hibbs Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Concannon Mr. Stuart Huck '68 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danielewicz &: Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson Mrs. Tanya Downer and Dana Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Jr. '78 MPA Fathers' Club Mr. and Mrs. William Keefer '43 First National Bank of Evergreen Park Mr. and Mrs. John Kitch, Jr. '51 Dr. and Mrs. R. William Gilbert '42 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Klein '55 Drs. Jayant and Sunita Ginde Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Knudson '53 Bob and Karin (Kemp) Gunst '65 Mr. Mark and Mrs. Emily (Wilton) Kobilca 76 Dr. and Mrs. Mahmoud Halloway Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Kralovec, Jr. '39 Heritage Pullman Bank and Trust Mr. and Mrs. George Kumis '66 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Levit '67

Mr. David and Mr. Mark Hibbs in Honor of John Hibbs Mr. and Mrs. Earle Irwin Mr. and Mrs. David Jones Kiwanis Oub of Blue Island Drs. Floro and Emma Maandig Mr. and Mrs. Michael McClure '60 in Memory Of Thomas W. Gifford '59 Estate of Mr. John Montgomery '68 MPA Mothers' Club Dr. and Mrs. Richard O'Young Dr. Mark Reiter and Dr. Kathleen Ward Dr. and Mrs. Hernan Reyes Mr. Michael and Karin Nelson Rogers '69 Southwest Kiwanis Club Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steinbarth and Family'81 The Oeaning Company, Inc. The John Stack Family '61 Mrs. Winnie Theodore Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Thrall'44 Mr. and Mrs. James Tuthill Mr. Darrel Van Kirk Mr. and Mrs. Dan Webb

LEADER ($3,000.00 and UP) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty '67 in Memory of Ross W. Beatty



Develop-.;...;....m;.....;;...e..;....;...n.;...;,...t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Key Club Corner Jessie White Tumblers to Visit MPA on April 9th

Key Club continues to be extremely active again this year. Thus far in the past few months, the club has raised $3,493.62 for the Spastic Paralysis Research Foundation contribution. Key Club sponsor, Darrel Van Kirk, says, 'We should have no problem topping our goal of $5,000.00." Key Club membership, which totals 106, supported two local Kiwanis clubs this year on Peanut Day. They raised over $3,200.00 for the Kiwanis Club of Southwest Chicago and just over $400.00 for the Kiwanis Club of Blue Island. The Blue Island Club was so impressed with their efforts, that they in turn contributed $1,000.00 to the Ross W. Beatty Memorial Music Room. "November was an exceptionally busy month," says Van Kirk. The Key Club held their annual fund raiser for regular club expenses, and two fund raisers for the Spastic Paralysis Research Foundation. Some students volunteered to sell


extra bags of candy which went toward the Research Foundation. On November 17, 1994, they sponsored a Parent/Child Bowl-a-thon at Maplewood Lanes and made their monthly visit to the Washington and Jane Smith Retirement Home. In addition, they also sponsored their annual Thanksgiving canned food drive for the Maple/Morgan Park Food Pantry. During December, Key Club members visited the Washington and Jane Smith Home as they worked with the Builders Club to co-sponsor and contribute to the annual toy drive for the Cook County Children's Hospital. The Key Club continues to work with local business communities (95th Street and the Morgan Park/Beverly Hills Business Association) and the Beverly Area Planning Association with the recycling program, now in its fifth year.

The internationally known Jessie White Tumbling Team will be performing at Morgan Park Academy on April 9th, 1995, at 2 pm as part of a special 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament fundraiser. Proceeds from the event will go toward MPA's athletic department. If you are interested in participating in the Tournament or would just like to be a spectator contact the Office of Development at (312) 881-6719. Get your teams together now and call us!!!


Develop-_m_e_n_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fall Fashion Show '94




~ Morgan Park Academy's fall fashion show '94 took place at Georgio's D La Poro in Orland Park, Illinois. This years theme was" A Taste of Chicago Fashion" featuring designs by our own MPA student, Steven Rosengard. Four of Steven's beautiful designs were worn by three Upper School students: Tiffany Lis, Elizabeth Boyd and Veronica Garzaand along with one faculty member, Nikki Goutis. Steven is a senior and plans to go on to fashion design school after he graduates. Also featured in the show were designs by Carol Green of Lacacris; fashion show chairperson, MPA mom and fonner fashion model. Elegant gowns by local designer, Patricia Rhodes, were also featured. Stores included in the show were Crumbsnatcher, Move Over Mother Goose, Gingiss Formalwear, Cache, Episode, Andriana Furs and The Gap. The show was coordinated by Joyce Niemann and "Fashions with Flair". There were 28 student models, one faculty member and seven professional models. The show opened with the Homer

~Bryant Ballet performing two separate numbers. The first was perfonned by MPA students: Lauren Green, Tiffany Griffin, Leigh Davenport and Courtnay Thomas. Many student helpers, parents and committee members helped to make the event a day to remember. This year's profits totalled over $8,700 with non-cash donations of $1,990 for a grand total of $10,690. A


portion of the cash proceeds from the event will be applied to a matching grant by the Edward E. Ford Foundation eannarked for the Faculty Enrichment Fund. Plans are already underway for next year's event. Thanks to all who contributed in so many ways to the success of the "Fall Fashion Show '94."



Develop-.;..;..m;.,..;;.e.:....:.n..:.,..t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Come, Join, Be a Part of Salute '95! Dear Alumni, With March fast approaching, MPA is gearing up for its largest and most important annual fundraising event, "Salute to Excellence." This year's theme "Phantom of the Auction" promises to make it one of the most entertaining events of the year. This one event contributes much of the additional funds, over and above tuition, needed to operate the school and meet the annual budget. As alumni, who can forget Dr. Brown? Without additional funds raised by "Salute", he would not have had the opportunity to create the "Dr. Brown information highway" (the school's computer network). Salute helped fund the remodeling of the Lower/Middle School locker rooms and provided the teaching staff with new audio/visual equipment. As you can see, "Salute to Excellence" is appropriately named it provides the school with a means to help the students attain excellence in their academic careers. On a lighter side, my wife and I attended "Salute" for the first time last year. We had a great time, talked to old friends and had fun bidding on auction items. "Salute" provided a diversion to life's daily routine. We thoroughly enjoyed our night out on the town and are looking forward to this year's event taking place at the Drake Hotel, March 18,1995. Please consider attending "Salute to Excellence" or purchasing an ad in the Program Book. As Alumni our continued support will ensure that MPA provides excellence in education now and in the future. For your consideration, we have included an Alumni page in this year's Program Book. Or maybe you might consider purchasing a raffle ticket. Let's get involved and salute Morgan Park Academy.


Shown here, Mrs. Denita Baldi and son, Robert, show their enthusiasm about two of this year's hottest Live Auction items, a lease option on a BMW 318i or Mercedes-Benz C-Oass Sports Sedan - Compliments of Laurel Motors and Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Baldi, 1995 Salute Honorary Chairs.

Phan rom or rhe Auc rion Sa]u te to Excellence 1995 March 18, 1995 5:30p.m - 12:00 a.m. Name._________________________________________ Addr~,


Daytime phone ____________ Evenln& phone _ _ _ _ _ __ Pleaae make _ _ adult r~erVlitJona at 0$150.00 per peraon Pleaae make _ _ atudent reaervatJona at 0$75.00 per penon ____] "ould Ilke to pJa.ce an Advert16ement In the Pro&ram Book. ____Pleaae accept the enckl6ed check for 0$'25.00 for an Alumni Ad. Entree 16 broiled filet: ml&nOn ____ ] vould prefer a ve&et:arlll.n en tree ____ Number of Ve&etarlll.n entreea Pleaae aend___ tJcke1:a for the 0$10.000 raffle at 0$100.00 per tJcket.

] am unable to aHend, bu1: v16h 1:0 con1:rlbu1:e________

Ron Drynan, Jr. '95 Salute to Excellence Alumni Chairman


EncJoaed 16 my check for 0$_ _ _ _ _.

]'tim pay by _ _ VlSA,-,_ _Maa1:ercard (you "m be contacted for 1:he neceuary card lnformatJon)


Mike Rogers This year, the Alumni Association held its Annual Alumni Basketball Game on December 28, 1994. Over 90 Alumni watched the teams play. Refreshments were served in the upper gym after the game. Please join us on Sunday, April 9th at 11am for the 1st Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament and the Jessie White Tumbling Team Half-Time Show. The tumbling team will perfrom in the Academy gym at (2pm), so come out and enjoy the show. Also on tap is the "Salute to Excellence" Dinner and Auction on March 18th at the Drake Hotel. Over the years, countless graduates of our school have enjoyed this fine gala evening. Our new Alumni Directory is llOW available, so start calling your old classmates and get those reunions

organized. If you have not received your directory yet or if you have any questions or discrepancies regarding the directory, please feel free to contact Earlene Woods of the Bernard C. Harris Publishing Company at 1~ 877-6554. Our next Alumni Reunion Dinner will be in June of 1996. (Our last Officers 1994-1995 dinner was a big success with over 125 MPMA, Loring and MPA Alumni on President.................Michael Rogers '69 hand.) This year the MPMA/MPA Vice President.........Ronald Drynan '79 Alumni Association is looking for Class Agents. Each representative Secretary...............Tom Danielewicz '89 would be in charge of keeping in touch with classmates and attending 1reasurer..............Madonna Abdishi '63 our Association meetings. Please call Jeff Thieman for Oass Sergeant at Arms......... Brian Coller 79 Agent or Reunion information at (312) 881-6719. Have a wonderful New Year and remember you are always welcome at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Morgan Park Academy!

1995 Commencement Exercises Saturday, June 10, 1995 Jones Bowl 10:30 am

Alumni Dinner Reunion Alumni Dining Hall $35.00 per person 6pm-12am

For reservations, please call or write Jeff Thieman at the Academy, 2153 W. Illth St., Chicago, IL, 60643 (312) 881-6719

AlumniAssoci-atl-on Board

Alumni Association Class Agent Program The Alumni Association is interested in rejuvenating its Class Agent Program. The Association will be meeting on April 22 at 1 pm at Joe Bailey's on Western Avenue. We would like to invite any interested parties to join us. If you keep in touch with your former classmates, are planning a reunion in the future, or would like to learn how you can become more involved with MPA's Alumni Association, please call us. For more information contact MPA Alumni Affairs at (312) 881-6719.


Alumni HALL OFLFAME DEVELOPED TO HONOR OUTSTANDING MPMA ORING, AND MPA GRADUATES AND FRIENDS ' Alumni, Trustees, Life Trustees, and friends of the Morgan Park Academy community are invited to nominate individuals for membership in Morgan Park Academy's Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame will honor men, women and friends of Morgan Park Academy whose lives exemplify, to an extraordinary degree, the values and standards which Morgan Park Academy represents. Standards for induction into the Hall of Fame include: 1) good standing as a distinguished alumnus or friend. The nominee must have graduated from MPMA, Loring, or MPA at least five years ago, or if a friend, demonstrated a strong relationship to Morgan Park Academy for at least five years. 2) Outstanding personal contribution must be apparent. The achievements or contributions to society or Morgan Park Academy for which the candidate is nominated, must exceed those which are normally expected. Such achievements or contributions, which may be connected with the nominee's profession, career, community, or 14

volunteer activities, must be more than just the nominator's personal opinion. Evidence, such as awards, publications, press clippings, or testimony from colleagues and associates, should also support the nomination. 3) Personal lifestyle should reflect the mission statement Morgan Park Academy. Candidates must exemplify ..""".,.... . the highest ethical, moral, and spiritual qualities. His or her way of life should reflect credit on his or her association with Morgan Park Academy and demonstrate the principles of high ethical conduct that Morgan Park Academy strives to inculcate. Nominations will be considered by the Hall of Fame Selection comprised Headmaster, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, and the Director of Development. Anyone wishing to make a nomination should contact Alana Mateling, Director of Development, by writing to MPA, c/o Development Office, 2153 W ll1th, Chicago, IL. 60643 or calling (312) 881-6728.


Alumni Alumni Basketball Game

Colonel Harold A FriIz Speaks at VeleJans~1y

On December 28, 1994 the Alumni Association held its Annual Alumni Basketball Game. About 90 alumni watched the odd years outscore the even years, 57 to 55. Everyone had a great time visiting with each other, munching on chips and pretzels, and most of all ... watching a terrific basketball game. The even years took an early lead in the game but the odd years kept on fighting back. With a flurry of three pointers the odd years managed to take the lead and hold on to a victory. Some of the Alumni in attendance included: Michael Panos '89, Tina Panos '90, Robin Goss '63, Jean Silberman '74, James Wognum '63, Stanley Richards '79, Deborah Jurado '92, Kenneth Copeland '94, Christine Chaney '92, Latania Broyls'93 and many more. Thanks to all who attended this event.

Stanely Richards '79 played while his wife, Roxanne, and his two children, Stanley Jr. and Monique, watched.

Morgan Park Academy's Key Club hosted a Veterans Assembly on Thursday, November 10, 1994. Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Harold A. Fritz spoke on the topic, 'What is a Veteran?" Along with Morgan Park Academy alumni and students, Kiwanis Club members and veterans attended the assembly. Colonel Fritz, a native of Chicago, spoke about what veterans have done and continue to do for this country. Colonel Fritz received his Medal of Honor while serving as a platoon leader with troop A, near Quan Loi in Vietnam. Colonel Fritz was leading his seven vehicle armored column when they came under intense enemy crossfire. The Colonel was hit

and seriously wounded. Realizing his platoon was surrounded and vastly outnumbered, Col. Fritz jumped on top of his vehicle with disregard of his own wounds and repositioned his men holding off the enemy attack until reinforcements came. Despite his wounds, Colonel Fritz returned to his position, assisted his men, and refused medical attention until all of his comrades had been treated and evacuated. The extraordinary courage and selflessness displayed by Colonel Fritz, at the repeated risk of his own life above and beyond the call of duty, earned him the Medal of Honor. MPA is always proud to meet and visit with our Veteran Alumni! After the assembly representatives from the Key Club gave tours of the campus. 15

Alumni • Class Notes 132

Charles Kozel

of Glendale, CA writes that he recently celebrated his 80th birthday. Congratulations! !!


Robyn Dare

of Gulf Breeze, FL writes "on my 79th birthday I'm still thinking more about what I'm doing today and this summer, whether to go to U.K. for a month or so or more likely just spend it near my 3 children and their families." Robyn spends most of his time fishing in the front yard on Saint Rosa Sound located on the Northside Gulf of Mexico's Emerald Coast. Robyn says '1t's a tough life, but someone's gotta do it."

134 Kenneth H. Vinje of Elkart, IN and wife Virginia have a son, Richard, and a daughter, Sue Ann. They also have two grandchildren. Ken served in the Schriner Tyrian Lodge as Chaplin for 10 plus years, and has been Mizpah Ambassador for 5 years. Ken was named Elkhart Shrine Oub "Shriner of the Year" - 1985 and 1991.


38 Capt. D. RobertMdJenathan

of Little Rock, AR writes that he retired in Little Rock, Arkansas where he worked for the VA. He enjoys hunting, fishing and vacationing at various State and National Parks.



Ralph Hitz

of Frankfort, IL is working 5 days a week at Burke Electric Construction in Frankfort, IL. He is enjoying life and his family. He now has a great granddaughter. Congratulations Ralph!


Charles Pagels

of Devenport, FL recently reminisced with our staff about his special memories of sledding down the hill behind the School, Ben the Barber, etc ... "MPMA had an effect on the rest of my life and the way I learned to deal with challenges."



Robert N. Burchinal

of Scottsdale, AZ is presently renting an apartment pending completion of a new home. Number ten grandchild is due from his youngest daughter. Robert is still working on a reduced schedule and plans to continue doing that in the future.



Richard L. Duchossois

of Barrington Hills, IL recently wrote in his correspondence to Captain Jean Landon Taylor, former MPMA faculty and writer of "Retired Academy News", " We were all trained well. I often wonder what would have happened to each of us had we not had the privilege of being educated at the Academy." Mr. Duchossois is the prominent owner of the historic Arlington International Racecourse. Congratulations Mr. Duchossois in your efforts to keep the gates at Arlington open. Let the races continue!


William P. Braker

of Matteson, IL retired after 43 years from the John G. Shedd Aquarium in December 1993 after spending 30 years as Director. William is keeping busy with tennis, golf, skiing, grandchildren, church, club and keeping his wife happy!


Robert A. Whitfield

of Lutz, FL is recuperating after having spinal surgery. Get well soon Rob!


Jerome S. Levin

of Northbrook, IL is a partner at Levin & Rosen LTD. in Skokie, IL. which concentrates in family law. Jerome is President elect of the Illinois chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.


Don Norton, Sr.

of Chicago, IL has been in television production and audio-visual advertising, for many years (since 1949 - he was a TV Director with channel 2 CBS, Chicago). In 1960 Don joined D' Arcy Advertising as a TV producer and audio-visual specialist for 12 years. He then returned to CBS before moving on to an AV production company and then starting his own AV production company called DN-B Production until 1988. Since this, he joined the city of Chicago, Office of Cable Communications, as a writer and producer where he is currently.


Wayne W. Eden

of Palm Bay, FL wants to say "Hi" to all of his friends.


William V. Gaps

of Chicago is a proud owner of Gaps Sales Company. William sends his regards to all his classmates.


Jack Fehlandt

of Streamwood, IL owns and operates Mr. Perfection Home Inspections. "I perform pre-purchase home inspections for buyers allover the metropolitan Chicago area. I am a certified

Alumni • Class Notes member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and chair the village of Streamwood's Veterans Memorial Commission."

'54 Edwars Crush of Houston, TX writes that he is a Regional Manager at Comstock Michigan Fruit Company in Rochester, NY.


Major Robert C Metsker

resides in Walton Beach, FL. He and his wife, Janis, have purchased a 32' Irwin sail boat for their retirement years. ''We are currently outfitting and re-rigging it. Lots of water here in Florida."

, 55 Philip R. Rosi of Traverse City, MI is the brother of Peter '53, Tom '57 & Bob Rosi '59. Philip and wife, Joann, have four children, Rachele, Philip II, Emma, Jenny and one grandchild named Philip III. Philip says that "the last of the children has left home and it is finally quiet!" Joann and Philip are living in a log cabin in the woods on Grand Traverse Bay. Philip sends his regards to all and he would enjoy communication.


James G. Pappas

of Ellensburg, WA moved to Washington State in 1980. "I am still the Dean of Academic Services at Central Washington University. I have two children - George and TIna - both recent college graduates." James and his wife Tina recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. TIna works at the CWU Ubrary. James would like to hear from his classmates!

'57 Jack Mateer of Sparta, NJ is still flying for TWA as a DC-9 Captain/Instructor out of St. Louis, MO. "Nancy and I have just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary in May 1994. Our two children, Philip and Joyce, live in Phoenix, AZ and are employed by America West Airlines. Philip is an operational planner and Joyce is a flight attendant. Everyone is healthy and in good spirits. Best regards to all."

'60 Michael DeStewart Mc:.Oure of Houston, Texas is the Executive Vice President of the Houston Oilers. Good luck in the upcoming '95-'96 season!


Ronald Elmore

Ron and Janet (Wiegel - Loring '60) have been living in Boca Raton, FL since 1976. Ron retired from investment banking a few years ago and enjoys spending summers in Colorado. Janet is a dental hygienist and enjoys working one day a week. Their son Geoffrey is residing and working in the San Francisco area.

'61 John M. Stack of Indianapolis, IN traveled to China in June with 42 other Christians to smuggle Bibles across the border. ''We carried 19,000 Bibles, 23,000 tracts and talked with several underground church people. As a side benefit, we toured the Great Wall and other historic parts of Beijing."


Robert Gunst

of Kentfield, CA was recently praised in the January 16, 1995 issue of "Forbes" magazine as one of the "Good Guys" now competing in

consumer electronics. Gunst is President and Chief Executive Officer of San Francisco area-based The Good Guys, Inc., a $725 million (revenues), 59-store West coast retailer of highquality stereos, VCRs, Televisions and other consumer electronic equipment. Special thanks to fellow Alum, Jack Borok, for sharing this information.

, 65

Leon Witkowsk~ D.D.S.

of Crete, IL is looking forward to the 30th reunion. ''My oldest son, Leon ill, is headed for the University of Iowa this year. My youngest son, Brian, is a sophomore playing soccer for Marian Catholic H.S."

'66 Judy (Norton) Secord resides in Seattle, WA and has three children.

, 66 AnnMarle (Johncol) GelviDa of Brookfield, IL is retired while her husband is busy opening his 5th TAPAS restaurant! "I'm enjoying our new home in the Upper Peninsula of with our two Michigan Granddaughters visiting often. Hello to everyone from the class of '66."

, 69

Gail (Steinbrick) Mahar

of Wilmington, MA recently became an Assistant in the Dean of Studies office. Gail married in October 1994. Gail would like to hear from her classmates

'70 Jeff Unger, M.D. of Alta Loma, CA has published two articles this year in Medical Uterature, one on the management of headaches, and the second on the use of intensive insulin therapy in the treatment of Diabetes. Dr. Unger would like to send his regards to Mr. Stelton! 17

Alumni • Class Notes 172

Francie (Kluck) Portrey

of Fort Meyers, FL was appointed the National Director of the Chicago Bears Fan Club in April of '94. The Fan Oub will unite Bears fans across the United States into the strongest fan club

base in the NFL.


Don W. Norton, JL

owns his own Advertising agency and is teaching in Macomb, IL.


Ronald Drynan, JL

of Evergreen Park is proud of his son, Ronald III who is attending his 4th year at MPA. He's in the 3rd grade. "This year we bought a home in Evergreen Park and we are the proud owners of a new golden retriever puppy. Hope to see you at Salute '95."


Eric Odell

176 Raymond P. Weiss, M.D.

of Chicago, IL and his wife, Joyce Marie, are the proud parents of their first child, Sean Kearns Odell. Sean was 8 lbs 15oz.

has joined Meyer Medical Group in Chicago, as of July 1, 1994, to continue his practice in internal medicine.



Brian Coller

of Evergreen Park, IL was married to Maria Abbatantuono of Arlington Heights, II. on June 25, 1993. Congratulations Brain and Maria!

179 Gregory Duntanial\ MD. of Pittsburg, PA and his wife, Rauda, would like to announce the birth of a beautiful baby girl, Zari Prapione Dumanian, on November 19, 1993. The family will live in Baltimore for the '95-'96 scholastic year during the ninth and final year of Gregory's residency in plastic surgery.


Daniel Ablan

of Chicago, IL started his own business in January of 1993. "AGA is a company that produces 3D animation and computer graphics for television and video production." The company is based in downtown Chicago. 1

86 Tara Brigham

of Chicago Ridge, IL is engaged and moving to Phoenix, AZ. "1 would like to remind the members of my class that our 10 year reunion is coming up and to contact myself or fellow classmate Sarah Kim if you would like to be involved in planning it."


James Cosentino, Jr.

of Oak Lawn, IL is working aboard the Northern Star at Harrah's Casino located in Joliet, IL. "1 deal black jack and craps during the night shift. I would like to invite all classmates to come visit me on the ship."


Annemarie Hennelly

of Tucson, A. will graduate from the University of Ariwna Law School in May '95. Upon graduation she will be an associate with the law firm Snell & Wilmer in AZ.


Michael Panos

moved to London in October where he is trading index options on the the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE).


Nikhil Raj

of Olympia Fields, IL. has survived an intensive training program with Price Waterhouse Management Consulting in Florida.


Marcellus Moore, Jr.

of Chicago, IL graduated Cum Laude from Morehouse and is attending Northwestern Law School.

190 Richard Prosk of South Holland, IL is working as a substitute teacher during the day while going to college full-time to become a high school history teacher.

190 Amy(Danie1ewicz) M.Qnnb, of Jacksonville, IL writes that she recently completed her first year of graduate school and expects to receive her Master's degree in clinical psychology in December of '95. She will continue her graduate internship at the Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council (a state government agency that collects and disseminates data on health care in Illinois).

191 Michael Kartsounis of Chicago, IL traveled to Greece this summer on a scholarship sponsored by the Greek Ministry. He is studying Greek Language and culture.

191 Demetrius Hawkins of Chicago, IL is a senior at Illinois Benedictine College, majoring in


Alumni • Class Notes

Sports Management. He is the sports editor for the school's newspaper, and was one of six representatives from his school to attend The National College Media Convention in New Orleans during November. Demetrius is also the Administrative Assistant for the basketball team.

'91 Angela A. Rosiak of Chicago, IL has just recently finished her third summer interning with the United States Gypsum Corporation. She will graduate from Northwestern University in June 1995 with a dual B.S. in industrial and manufacturing engineering.


DeborahJurado of Milwaukee, WI is a junior attending Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. "I'm double majoring in advertising and psychology, and hope to have a career in the advertising field. Doing what exactly? That I don't know yet. Hopefully my internship at Butler Communications in Ventura, California will shed some light. I am attempting to put out a Class of 1992 newsletter, but have received few responses. We'll see ..."

Lost Alumni List The Office of Development is currently working on updating our Alumni mailing list. If you have information or addresses for any of the following, please contact the Office of Development. Martin Allen 'SO John Binnall 'SO Lory Brix 'SO Richard W. Chester '50 Ronald A. Paul '50 Robert Allen '51 Donald Brown '51 Joseph L. Contino '51 Charles Lovejoy '51 Charles R. Bell '52 John S. Bertrand '52 Ronald J. Davis '52 Robert Hatch '52 Lester Liebschutz '52 Edwin J. Nelson '52 Benny G. Andrews '53 Daniel J. Castellanos '53 Ronald W. Francis '53 Gerrald F. Pepper '53 Mario J. Simi '53 Matthew Bertash '54 Roger Elliot '54 Robert S. Foerster '54 Robert K. Freed '54 Fred Schick '54 Lew A. Zibas '54 George Beil '55 Alan L. Berman '55 Dale J. Diamond '55

Herbert L. Felson '55 Melville J. Schwab '55 William Beard '56 Donald E. Davis '56 John Dietz '56 Clinton Elliott '56 John V. Ahearn '57 Francis R. Bastis '57 James A. Moss '57 Rex Stengele '57 Ruben Cano '58 Jerald F. Charrlin '58 Basil G. Condos '58 James Craft '58 Kent A. Sirel '58 Dennis Berry '59 John J. Cairns '59 Charles Choucalas '59 Curtis A. Karstrom '59 Bruce A. Turkstra '59 Edward N. Ballard '60 Charles G. Cleary '60 Daniel A. Dickinson '60 Walter Anderson '61 James Hess '61 Cary Sappenfield '61 Robert Sippel '61 John D. Adams '62 Richard Campbell '62

Bradley Daniel '62 Richard D. Cain'63 Jack Funderburg '63 Mark Leaf '63 Roald S. Anderson '64 David Fry '64 Jeffrey Northrup '64 Garwood L. Vana '64 Pierre E. Audet '65 Robert J. Becht'65 Kay Krasin '65 Carolyn Moore '65 William Bell '66 Michael A. Hamel '67 Robert J. Adler '69 George Szatkowski '69 Dorthy Wagner 71 Brian J. Olson '72 Sarah Spurgin '75 Indre Vepstas 78 Stephen Shropshire '81 Elizabeth Yang '82 Terry Stanton '85 Kathi Kennedy '87 Kimiko Masuda '89 Michael Guihan '91 Vincent Guihan '91

Leon Que Class of 1994 Leon joined Model UN. at the University of Chicago and in November attended the conference held at the University of Pennsylvania which attracted delegates from the top Universities across the country. He was assigned to the Security Council sub-committee and later received the Outstanding Delegate Award. Apparently his Model UN. experience at MPA stood him in good stead! Leon writes, "Aside from the Model United Nations, my classes are challenging and I am still adjusting to the tempo of the University of Chicago. I am working very hard in my classes, but I am not struggling the way many of my classmates are. I credit the preparation I received at the Academy for my relative ease in adjusting to the workload at the University of Chicago. The Academy exposed me to many of the subject areas that I am currently encountering at the University of Chicago, which many of my classmates have never encountered before." 19

Class of '79 Fifteen Year Reunion The Gass of '79 Fifteen Year Reunion took place on November 26, 1994 in the Donald Mancini Library. Fifteen members of the class of '79 attended. Ronald Drynan, Jr. said, "It was a great night of reminiscing and recapping old friendships. Please join us at the All-Oass Reunion in June and find out just what's new with your old classmates and MPA." Back row, L to R; James Branit, Earl Williams, Ronald Drynan, Jr., Mark Wiegel, Brian Coller, Stanely Richards. Front row L to R; Lisa Kimbrough, Alice Coller, Douglas Hoeksema, Barry Kritzberg. (Not pictured: Diane Kumarich and Dr. Brown)





Wolf Memorial Fund

The Martin J. Wolf Memorial Fund has been established as a pennanent endowment fund at MPA. Proceeds from this fund will be used for scholarship purposes. Contributions to the fund may be made to Morgan Park Academy, 2153 West ll1th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60643. As '82 alumnae, Carrie Swearingen stated in a letter to the Academy, "I feel it is important that each recipient of the Martin J. Wolf Memorial Scholarship Fund be told about the special man who inspired it. I hope that the student who receives the scholarship 20 years from now is still able to hear stories about the wonderful teacher who pulled his pants up too high, kept his glasses at the tip of his nose, and spoke many words of wisdom through a sarcastic smirk. Mr. Wolf was one of a kind."

Estate Planning Estate Planning can be one of the most important documents that a person plans during a lifetime. It allows an individual to control his or her assets, and allows a person to make basic decisions about who should benefit from his or her labors. Bequests made through wills can help Morgan Park Academy in a significant manner. Individuals can designate a specific amount of cash or property or can bequeath a percentage of the total estate. The bequests can be restricted to particular programs or the school can be allowed to decide how the money is used. If you have named Morgan Park Academy in your will or if you are interested in discussing this type of planned gift, please contact Alana Mateling at (312) 881-6728.


1994 MPMAIMPA All-Class Alumni Reunion

The '93 - '94 All-Class Alumni Reunion was held on Saturday, June 11, 1994 in the Alumni Hall dining room. 125 Alumni attended this special night. Cocktails were served at 6:30 pm followed by dinner at 7:30 pm. Some of the Alumni that attended were: Robert Wolfe '52, Edwin C. Juneman 'SO, Mike Rogers '69, Madonna Abdishi '63, Val Miletic '63, Pam West '69, Allan Bruno '64, Fred Montgomery '64, Robert Theodore '69 and Chuck Anderson '63. The classes which had the highest attendance were: the Class of '64 with seven members, the Class of '63 with 11 members and the Class of '69 with 14 members. Don't miss this year's AllClass Alumni Reunion on June 10, 1995 at 6:30pm. Get your fellow classmates together and reserve your table now!

Mike Rogers '69, Pam West '69, Val Miletic '63, Tony Laban '69

Members of the Classes of '63 and '64.

Madonna Abdishi' 63


Office of Development and Alumni Affairs Morgan Park Academy 2153 W. 111th Street Chicago, IL 60643

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