Academy Magazine - Fall 1985

Page 1

headmaster's notebook

About the Cover ... The new Alumni MerrIOrlal Monument

uttIizes the orlginalllntel lrom BLAKE HALL, one 01 the original Academy buildings. Built In the 1800s, It was destroyed by lire InJuIy 011962. The photo was taIIen by Lee Winter, MPMA cItus 01 1945. :1

Summers are a busy time at Morgan Park Academy, and this year has been no exception. We have just con cluded a full summer school session with 150 students enrolled in English, reading, mathematics, science, and computer classes, as well as in our Day Camp and Sports Camp. The sixweek program provides both developmental and enrichment work to our own students and to children from numerous other area schools. At the same time, the summer months provided the opportunity for extensive work on our physical plant. This year, we have had the floors in both gyms refinished, new carpeting installed in seven classrooms, six nev. fire doors installed, two roofs repaired, the parking lot partially resurfaced, and all our classrooms and hallways repaired and cleaned or repainted. Even the dining hall has been repainted, and you'll never recognize Dr. Brown's office! New equipment has been added, as well. Most members of our staff now have electronic typewriters and a textwriter for general use. Computer terminals are being provided for the Librarian and the Development Office, and we expect to have about five word processing stations in the library for student use. Two VCRs and monitors have been purchased for

use in Upper School classes, and we've replaced forty old chairs in the dining hall, and Sixty old desks in Hansen Hall. All of these changes and additions are long overdue. During the school year just ended , our entire faculty made a thorough review of our curriculum and instructional goals. The suitability o f all textbooks and materials used was reviewed, and changes were made where desirable. While our basic curriculum throughout the school will remain about the same, we are confident it will provide the strong academic training which is the foundation of our educational philosophy. We will continue to enricp the basic curriculum with field trips, seminars, and a variety of other programs. We are looking forward to a good year. In October, our school will undergo review and evaluation by the State Department of Education, the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, and the Independent Schools Association of the Central States. We welcome this process as a means of development and improvement and we welcome you, to what we are certain will be an exciting year at Morgan Park Academy. David A jones

board of trustees

Long Range Plan

New Trustees

The Academy Board ofTmstees is currently re\'iewing the text of a Long Range Plan for the School. Designed to provide a blueprint for the next five years, the Long Range Plan was de livered to the Board at its June meeting. The Plan was developed by a committee of tmstees, parents, alumni, faculty, administrators and community representatives. When the Plan is approved by the Board of Trustees, it will be published and will serve as a guide to the future of the Academy. Former faculty member and current school tmstee, Earle 'Win" Irwin , served as Chairman of the Long 'Range Planning Cmmittee. The Plan will be outlined in the next Academy magazine.

At the May meeting of the MFA Board of Trustees, two Academy alumni were elected trustees. Academy trustee and nominating committee chairman Dr. Leon Witkowski announced the election of Robert Scardon, class of 1946, and John Krichbaum, class of 1%1. Scardon attended Bradley University and is currently a manufacturer'S representative living in Princeton, Illinois. Krichbaum is an attorney employed by the American Medical Association. He attended Lake Forest College and the Loyola University School of law. Mr. Krichbaum lives in Western Springs, Illinois.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Trustees .. .... . .. . 3

Academy News ............ 4 Parents .... . . . ......... . ... 6

Faculty ..................... 7 Lower School .. .......... 10 Middle School . ..... . . . .. 11 Upper School ... . .. ... .. . 13 Alumni . . ... .. ...... .. .. . 17 Alumni Class Notes


MPA Calendar

of Events .. .. .. .. ...... 23 MORGAN PARK ACADEMY 2153 West. HUh Street

Chicago, Illinois 60643


New School Buses The Board of Tmstees has announced the replacement purchase of two school buses for use beginning in the 1985-86 school year. The buses are 21 -passenger units featuring the latest in safety equipment and fuel -efficient modifications. ,The new buses will be used on a daily basis and will be in service on the opening day of school. The Academy's bus fl eet currently consists of eleven buses.

Approximately o ne-third of our students use the bus transpo rtation service, according to John Norman, manager of school bus operations. Students are transported from as far as twenty miles from the campus. Current plans call for regular replacement of school buses in future years, thus assuring the safety and comfort of o ur students traveling to and from the campus. 3

Annual Giving Report

academy news

Under the leadership of trustee Roger Lis, the Annual Giving Campaign for 1984-85 surpassed its goal of $120,000. Funds raised through the Annual Giving Campaign are used to support capital expenses for equipment, furniture , building maintenance, and teaching aids. Without Annual Fund income, these needs would have to be met through higher tuition costs. Parent support of the Annual Giving Fund through the Mothers' and Fathers' Clubs, as well as individual contributions, totalled over $48,000. Individual parent contributions ranged from $25 to $2000. A highlight of the past year's Campaign was the benefit dinner at Midlothian Country Club. Almost $15,000 was raised as a result of that single event. The Mothers' Club Track-A-Thon and the Fathers' Club las Vegas Night were also successful fundraisers. Participation in the Annual Giving Campaign, though not mandatory, is viewed as an obligation of each parent. While some schools require a specific dollar amount per family or

student, MPA has elected to request that parents give as they are able. Each contribution is vital, and works to ensure the quality education MPA provides. Trustees contributed a total of more than $35,000 to Annual Giving. In addition, one trustee donated $25,000 to the school 's endowment fund. Alumni contributed more than $20,000 during the past year. In many schools, alumni constitute the major source of support through Annual Giving. We are constantly working to better inform alumni of the needs of MPA and to provide the opportunity to support the school through Annual Giving. The new Alumni Association Board is committed to increasing the levels of involvement and support of alumni, and much progress has been made toward that end. Businesses, friends, faculty and staff of MPA also supported the Annual Fund in the past year. Their combined gifts exceeded $15,000. The school's endowment fund grew by over $27,000 during 1984-85. Thank you for your support.

Acadellly Offers Halley's COlllet Study - Tour After an absence of seventy-six years, Halley's Comet makes its return visit to the sun. It is only at this time that the comet is visible from the earth. The best time to view the comet will be March and April , 1986, and the optimal viewing sites will be in the southern hemisphere. Academy faculty members Mr. Robert Stelton and Dr. larry Brown are planning a study-tour program for Academy students, parents, faculty and friends. We believe this to be the only program of its kind in the country, combining classroom study and a tour in a single package. The study course will be held two days a week before the regular 4

school day begins. There is no fee for this course and anyone interested is encouraged to attend. Academy students will receive academic credit for successful completion of the course. The course will cover introduction to the comet, astronomy, and archaeo-astronomy. The course will feature an optional tour to Arequipa, Peru to view the comet. The tour will fall within the Academy's spring recess, March 27 - April 6, 1986. For further information contact Mr. Stelton or Dr. Brown at the Academy. Remember, if you miss Halley's Comet in 1986, the next viewing from earth will be in 2062. Reservations are limited.

Track-A-Thon III Track-A-Thon III, sponsored by the Mothers' Club will be held on October 10, 1985. The T-shirt design contest is already underway. Contest forms were distributed to students on September 6 and must be returned by September 16th. An independent panel of judges will select the winning design , which will be used on the T-shirts awarded to all Lower and Middle School students who return a minimum of $35 , and to those Upper School students who turn in a minimum of $40. Lower School students will again use the track around the soccer field , while Middle School students will use a quarter-mile track that will be set up in the gym area. Upper School stu dents will use a lO-mile track that will

take them through the community. The Track-A-Thon is open to all students, faculty, staff, friends and alumni . Alumni are encouraged to participate. This is an opportunity to meet students and faculty members. If you are unable to actively participate, you might consider sponsoring a student. Pledges can be either fixed amounts or a specified amount per lap for Lower and Middle School runners , or by the mile for Upper School hikers. All money raised from the TrackA-Thon will be used to buy needed items for the school. Alumni interested in participating in this year's event should clip and complete this coupon, and return it to MPA.

Sixth Grade Tours Farm



Astudent ( Name) (Gradel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Faculty/ Staff Member


o $ ____ Fixed Amount o $ _ _ _ PerLap ( L& M School)

o $ _ _ _ Per Mile (Upper School)


Pho ne Yea r Graduat ed (ij a/llllllli) _ _ _ _ __

On Tuesday,June 4, members of Mrs. George's Sixth-grade class traveled to Bement, Tl linois for a day all the farm. The special field trip was the idea of Mr. Richard Ayers, member of the Board of Trustees and fom1er Academy Alumni Association president. The fun and in formation-packed day began with a tour of the Ayers' farm in rural Bement, and the adjacent farm belonging to Mr. Paul Iiunb.

After the farm tours, the class was given a tour of the Bement Grain Company, the local fertilizer plant, and Bryant House, site of the preparation of the famous IJncoln-Douglas debates. In addition, the students also heard a presentation about soil conservation, and also learned of the many uses of corn and soybeans. 5


Mothers' Club Dear Mothers, Our Opening Day Coffee, on September 3, welcomes parents to the 1985-86 school year. First VicePresident,Julie DeHaan and Social Teas Chairmen, Pat Jasinski and Joanne Cahnman , worked together to plan this event. Madonna Abdishi, Anna Marie Brodsky, linda Cuadros and Colleen Panos, Officers of the Mothers' Club and Davis Boyd and Charles Schmidt from the Fathers' Club will be present to introduce parents to one another and to explain the up-coming activities of each club. September 3 and 4 will see great activity in the school book store. Under the direction of Julie DeHaan and Cindy Seaman, Mothers' Club volunteers spend two full days helping students as they make their purchases in the store. Now that the new gym clothes and supplies have been purchased, we wish to remind parents to clearly label these items with their child's name. To assure that gym clothes are properly labeled, members of the Mothers' Club are spending a day in the gym checking gym clothing and labeling items that are not marked with a name. The Third Annual Track-A-Thon will take place on Thursday, October 10, 1985. Since this is our only fund raiSing activity, we ask your help in making this event a success. We still need lap counters, pacers, water station attendants and parents to cheer the children. Information and volunteer sheets will be forthcoming. Please join in and have fun with all the children. 6

Membership chairman, linda Cuadros, is in charge of 1985-86 Mothers' Club membership. Please send your $15.00 dues to her attention. If you are interested in receiving a summary of the Mothers' Club Board Meeting, please indicate so on your membership form. Information on the Adult Con tinuing Education Classes will be mailed late in September. Colleen Panos is in charge of this program and will be available to answer your questions. Sincerely, Judy Burke President

Mothers'Dub Of f icers: Cindy Seaman, J udy Burlle, M adonna Abdisbi, J ulie DeHaan, Colleen Panos, Helen King.

Dr. H irdm BroyIs, President, Fathers' Club.

Fathers' Club Dear MPA Friends, rc1like to take this opportunity to say "Hello" as we begin a new school year. Opening events of the Fathers' Club have already begun, having spent a day on campus - August 24th - for Parent's Work Day, our annual campus beautification project. This year will be a great one for our School and for the Fathers' Club. We sincerely hope that e/Jery MPA father will join the Fathers' Club, and will take an active part in supporting club activites. Our annual activites include the MPA Family Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, October 5th, and OUf [as Vegas Night, scheduled this year for Saturday, March 8. Regular monthly meetings are scheduled to take place the last Tuesday evening of each month. Come and meet other MPA fathers , talk with members of the faculty, and enjoy refreshments at "Fathers' GetTogether" meetings, at 8 p.m . on September 24th and November 26th in Alumni Hall. Also this year we look forward to another joint Mothers' and Fathers' Club meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7 :30 p.rn. Your involvement and active participation directly enhances MPA's outstanding educational programs, which are producing well -prepared , creative students. You will personally benefit, also, from closer contact and communication with the School and fellow parents. We know you 're busy and what a premium, time must be for you. And yet - it you can spare just a few hours during the school year, you can be an important part of the Fathers' Club. Your reward will be the knowl edge that you are doing a service for your children and their school and, of course, our thanks and gratitude. Best wishes for a wonderful year! Ilircun Broyls President

Welcotne NeW" Faculty

faculty James Kowalsky will return to Morgan Park Academy this fall as an instructor in mathematics and coach of the Varsity soccer team. Jim is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, spent two years with the Peace Corps in West Africa, and taught at Lake Forest Academy and North Shore Country Day School before coming to the Academy. After three years at MPA, Jim moved to Georgia where his wife completed her internship as a professional psychologist while Jim taught and coached soccer.

Kathleen Ryan will join the Academy fuculty as our pre路first grade teacher. Kathleen received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education from St. Xavier College where she also worked in the Child Care Center, and was active in the Early Childhood Organization. Following graduation, Kathleen worked as a day-to-day substitute for the Chicago Board of Education with extended assignments at the Clissold and Barnard Schools. Richard Hart received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California

at Santa Bamara and a Master of Fine Arts in Post-Studio Art from the California Institute of the Arts. In addition, he holds a Master of Science Degree from Northwestern University. He has worked as a teaching assistant at the University of California - Santa Barbara, and at the Green Bay Indian Community School in Wisconsin; was a co-teacher in art at the North Shore Country Day School; and was chosen as Visiting Artist-Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin and at Northwestern University. A sculptor, Richard has worked extenSively in the field of performance art, and over the past nine years has had numerous exhibitions in California, Wisconsin and Illinois. He will teach Humanities in the Upper School and Art classes in the Middle Sch<x>L

Ruth Hoff is a recent graduate ofSt. Olaf College where she majored in Spanish Education. An accomplished musician, Ruth was a member of the St. Olaf College Orchestra and has taught Suzuki violin to young children. Her studies included a semester of work in Costa Rica and a summer in Mexico. She has taught English as a second language to Hispanic adults and has tutored children in Spanish and math in Chicago. Her volunteer work has included translating "Esperanza-Unida", as a legal representative for the unemployed Hispanics in Milwaukee. Ruth will be a member of the Foreign Language Department teaching Spanish in the Middle and Upper Sch<x>is.

Sandra Jensen comes from the Chicago area and majored in Elementary Education and psychology at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota. Sandy was a member of the Women's Volleyball Team at Bethel. Her studies have included work in Sweden and an internship with an autistic childrenlbehavior modification program. For the past year, Sandy has worked as a substitute teacher, including two assignments at the sixth-grade level and pre-first grade level at Morgan Park Academy. She will teach a second grade class this full. Laura Adams is a native of Wayland, Massachusetts and a graduate of the University of Michigan where she majored in French language and literature, with a minor in Spanish. Laura spent her junior year at the Universite de Grenoble, France; has taken additional coursework at the University of Chicago; and has spent this past summer at Middlebury College in an intensive program conducted entirely in Spanish. While in college, Laura was a member of the Varsity Women's Crew and Cross Country Ski Club, and did volunteer work as a legal assistant in the Public Defender's Office. Since her graduation, she has worked for the Longman Group, USA Publishing Company in Chicago. Laura will teach classes in French and Spanish in both the Middie and Upper Schools.

Susan Cronin is a native of Chicago and attended Columbia College. She took additional coursework at the Cleveland Institute of Art and studied French and art in the south of France through Sarah Lawrence College. A member of Delta Kappa Pi (Educational Honor Society), Susan completed her training in education at Chicago State University, and her student teaching at Morgan Park Academy. She will teach third grade in the Lower School. 7

71 We e.hend 10

!l?emem ber .


... Graduation . . Dedication . . . Visitation . . . Celebration ;,0;,

COl lnferclocku 'lse, from top

Alumni Association President, Kenneth Saul '42 presents the Jean Landon Taylor Alumni Award to FellcUl Butman. The Class of 1985 bids fareweU.

Alumni MemorUd. Alumni Memorial dedication. Class of '47 with Arthur GumbreU, former fa(.-u/ty member. 8



~ Counterclockwise, from top left Academy Alumni and friends enjoy bruncb at Arlington Race TradI, Post and Paddock.

DavidJones, Headmaster, A. Richard Ayers '36, jockey Earlie FIres, JeJJ HeUman, Chairman - Board oj TM4Stees, Ken Saul '42, T. Hotebama, Horse Owner and Richard Ducbossols '40 await the winner oj the MPMA race. The Class oj 1965. Donald Canaer '35 (rt.) warmly greets Arthur GumbreU, Jormer MPMA Jaculty member. Arlington Parle Roce Tmck. The Class oj 1945.


lower school

Fifth grade class presents "Hotel Hollywood. "

FIrst and second grade students participate in the Annual


]be residents oj the Washington andJane Smith bome are entertained by Jourth grade students.

Second grade production, 'Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomers. " 10


"The Little Gingerbread Boy" is presented by tbe pre-first grade.

]be 0'm Show provides an opportunity for tblrd and fourth grade students to demonstrate their sldUs.


middle school


Closing Exercises The Middle School Closing Exercises, more commonly referred to as "Eighth Grade Graduation", were held on Friday, June 7 in the Beverly Art Center Theater. The eighth grade class sang the traditional songs, Try to Remember and The Way We Were and followed with Memories and We Are the World, which were chosen by the class. Eighth grade students displayed their musical talents with violin solos by Heather Black and Aras lapinskas, piano solos by Lisa Daniel, Michael Brcx:iyand Eric Payne, and a flute solo by Wendy Heilman. Honor Roll pins were presented to students in grades six, seven and eight. The charter members of the National Junior Honor Society Cecelia Baukus, Wendy Heilman, Sheila Rao and Ruth Ross - were recognized, and newly-elected members were presented certificates and pins. The newly-elected members are: Jason DeHaan, Iaresh Jayasanker, Anand Mehta, Atman Shah, Lisa Daniel, Sushrut Waikar, and Meredith Watkins. The follOWing awards were also presented:

Gene Chang journalism Award A plaque presented to an eighth grade student for outstanding work on the Middle School Newspaper.

SheilaRao Sushrut Waikar Student Council SenJice Awards Plaques awarded to an eighth grade boy and girl selected by their classmates for outstanding leadership, ~itizenship and activities. Wendy Heilman

Mark McFarland D.AR. Good Citizenship Awards A medal and pin awarded to the eighth grade boy and girl chosen by the school for their exemplary traits of character and citizenship.

Vijay Adusumilli Lareshjayasanker jamesLai

Shelonda Moore Richard Prosk D.AR. Essay Awards

Kenneth Torrez Lisa Daniel

Florence Roche, Art Wendy Heilman, Music Scott Rubin, Drama Mothers' Club Awards Silver plaques presented to eighth grade students selected by the fuculty for outstanding performance in art, music and drama.

Best Athlete Award Trophies awarded to the eighth grade boy and girl selected by the Physical Education Department as the best all-around athlete in the class.

Larajayasanker, Elisabeth Heard, Yvonne Chen,

Cecelia Baukus


ErlcPayne Science Award

Aras Lapinskas,

A savings bond presented to the eighth grade student whose project was chosen by the judges as the best in the Middle School Science Fair.

Eugene Chen, Fathers' Club Achievement Awards Gold and silver plaques presented to the students with the highest and second highest scholastic averages for the year. 11


Ruth Ross Stephen j. Kling Award

A cup and gold plaque presented to the student in the eighth grade whose distin guished record of scholarship, leadership and citizenship best exemplifies the program of Morgan Park Academy. Diplomas were presented to the graduating class by David A. Jones, Headmaster, assisted by Winnie Theodore, Principal of the Lower and Middle Schools.

Jeffrey Alton Courtney Armstrong Wael Asaad Cynthia Auburn Cecelia Baukus Heather Black Robert Blok Paul Brodsky Michael Brody Sherita Burt Bethany Cataldi Gene Lee Chang Eugene Chen Adele Cobbs DeJuana Daniel Rina Dave Marc Dumas Cynthia Edwards

Marlon Everett Bryan Gallagher Michael Gersack Kavita Gupta Jayshree Hamilton Wendy Heilman John Heintz Danielle House Cara Kean Michael Kelly Derrick King Aras lapinskas Paul Manno Mark McFarland Carrie Panagakis Michael Panos Eric Payne

Eighth grade graduating class.


Ginny Petreikis Nikhil Raj Sheila Rao Srikant Rao Catherine Reyes Jason Robb Jason Robinson Florence Roche Ruth Ross Scott Rubin Paul Sabol Bharti Sharma Joy Somerson Katherine Stopka Kenneth Torrez Sushrut Waikar Brian Wasowicz Meredith Watkins

upper school

Claire Concannon - Valedictorian.

Morgan Park Academy's 112th Commencement took place on Saturday, June 8,1985. The commencement address was given by Mr. James A. Fitch, President of South Chicago Savings Bank and former President of the Board of Trustees of the Academy. The Alumni Memorial was dedicated to those alumni who gave their lives in the service of their country. (see story) Class Valedictorian, Claire Concannon , was presented the Haydn E. Jones Cup and Plaque. Claire also gave the class oration. Susan Schmidt, Salutatorian, received the Harry D. Abells American Flag and Plaque. The following awards were also presented as part of the commencement program :

Susan Scbmldt - Salutatorian.

Hope Concanno n Academic Award

A silver medal to the student with the second highest academic standing in the Upper School throughout the school year. Hazim Ansari Academic Award

A gold medal to the student with the highest academic standing in the Upper School throughout the school year. Annen Hovanessian The Michael A. Lombard Award

Presented to a member of the junior class for faithfulness to the Academy's tradition of excellence in citizenship, scholarship, and dedication to the enhancement of the common good.

David Parker Claire Concannon

Michelle Toscas

Academic Award

American Legion Citizenship Awards

A bronze medal to the student with the third highest academic standing in the Upper School throughout the school year.

Presented to the senior boy and girl selected by the senior class on the basis of citizenship, character and service. 13

Felicia Hutman Kiwanis Key Club Distinguished Seroice Award A certificate and monetary scholarship presented to a Senior Key Club member, selection based on leadership, character and setvice.

Felicia Hutman Receives Jean landon Taylor AW"ard

Felicia Hutman Thejean Landon Taylor Alumni Award Presented to a senior in recognition of academic achievement, citizenship, and participation in school activities. Alexandra Grazys

The Fathers' Club Scholarship Award Presented to an outstanding senior in recognition of scholastic excellence, citizenship, and participation in school activities. Hazim Ansari, Roxanne Sylora,

Hope Concannon, Claire Concannon, Academic Awards Announcement of names of stu dents in the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senio r Classes with the highest acadmic averages throughout the school year. Names will be placed on the plaque in Alumni Hall.

Mr. Jeff Heilman, President of the Board of Trustees, assisted by Mr. David Jones, presented diplo mas of graduation to the Class of 1985.

Annen Hovanesslan 14

Felicia Hutman

The 1985 Jean 12ndon Taylor Alumni Award was presented to graduating senior, Felicia Hutman at the Academy's 112th Commencement. The award was presented by Ken Saul , President of the Alumni Association. Felicia was selected to receive the award by the Upper School faculty. She was chosen on the basis of academic achievement, citizenship, participation in extra curricular activities, and maintaining a class rank in the upper fifty percent. As an Upper School student, Felicia was active in cheerleading, golf, drama and Key Club. She se!\'ed as president of Key Club during her senior year. Felicia was also a member of the National Honor Society, and the Cum Laude Society. She was cited as an Illinois State Scholar and was also the reCipient of the Kiwanis Club Se!\'ice Award.

Upper School Awards Presented The annual Upper School Honors and Awards assembly was held on the Friday night prior to commencement. Honors and awards were presented in a relaxed atmosphere, a welcome respite from the anticipation and emotion of commencement. Master of Cere mo nies for the evening was Mr. Martin Wolf. Headmaster Jones, in his opening presentation, announced that Claire Concannon was the recipient of the prestigiOUS Valparaiso Uni versity Presidential Scholarship. In addition, the following awards were presented:

Armen Hovanessian Student Council Civic Achievement Award A gold plaque awarded to a student in grades 9-11 selected by the Student Council for o utstanding contributi on in school activities. Armen Hovanessian Kiwanis Service Award A monetary award and plaque presented to the student in grades 9-11 with the most o utstanding record o f service to the school and community.

Chris Wetzel, Art Tara Brlgham, Music Mothers' Club Achievement Award Gold plaques presented to the students in grades 9-11 with the highest achievement, based on academic achievement, activities, and perfonnance in the areas of art and music.

Philip Junker Senior Model U.N Award A medal presented for outstanding work in world affairs studies. Philip Junker Sonia Khan Alumni Association Best Athlete Award Trophies presented to the male and female with the most outstanding cumulative athletic records.

Claire Concannon Arthur Baer English Award A gold plaque for the highest cumulative academic average in English during four years. Claire Concannon Senior Social Studies Award A gold plaque for the highest cumulative academic average in Social Studies during four years. Roben Trlantis

Robert Trlantis Special Faculty "We'll Never Forget What 's His Name" Award A book presented to the senior, chosen by the faculty as the most unforgettable character in the class. Claire Concannon Bausch and Lomb Science Award A medallion for the highest cumulative academic average in science during four years.

Tina Mattera

Senior Foreign Language Award A gold plaque Jor the highest cumulative academic average in Foreign Language dllring Jouryea~.

Claire Concannon Senior Drama Award A medal presented for the most outstanding cumulative record in drama based on participation in drama activities and drama production.

Pbilip Junker

Priscilla Paris Senior Journalism Award A medal presented for the most outstanding record in journalism, based on journalistic endeavors.

Tina Mattera

Felicia Hutman Annie E. Heath Mathematics Award A gold plaque for the highest cumulative academic average in Mathematics during four years.

George Panagakis Chicago Medical Society Science Achievement Award A certificate and medal for outstanding academic accomplishment in the field of science. PrlsdIla Paris

Steve Akers SoniaKban

Robert Trlantis Senior.Art Award Presented for the most outstanding record in art, based on academic achievement and artistic activities and production. Kina G1"ay Senior Music Award

DanAblan Bryan Gersack Nikki Jones John Stopka Roy Moncada Headmaster's Book Awards Special book prizes awarded by the Headmaster to seniors whose unique contributions over a number of years deserve special recognition.

~~e Panagakts





Hope Concannon

Kimberly Gester Mr. Martin Wolf Master of Ceremonies

RaJiv Gael


-. Ani Hovanessian

Mimi Panagakis Marea Meuch

Rebecca Brown DavtdCobn

Rebecca Brown, English Ani Hovanessian, French Kimberly Gester, Spanish David Cohn, Mathematics Rajiv Goel, Biology Hope Concannon, Chemist!)' Ani Hovanessian, Social Studies Rebecca Brown, Humanities Fathers' Club Achievemen t Awards

Book Awards presented to the students in grades 9-11 with the highest academic average for the year. 16

Hope Concannon David Cohn St. john s College Book Awards Book awards presented to the students in the 11th grade who have excelled in responding mature~' and critically to literature.

Susan Schmidt Illinois Science Teachers Association Science Award A certificate for outstanding achievement in the field of science.

Rebecca Brown Paula Cuadros Peter Lee Quill and Scroll Society Presentation of membership pins awarded to selected students for outstanding journalistic endeavor. Hope Concannon Robert Triantis Thespian Awards Two "Best Thespian" awards presented to the underclassman and the senior who have contributed most to the MPA drama program during the school year.


Alumni Memorial Monument

Annual Meeting Report The annual meeting of the MPMA-MPA Alumni Association was held on June 8, ] 985. The following officers and diredors were elected: OFFICERS President: Kenneth Saul '42 First Vice President: Michael Rogers '69 Second Vice President: Carolyn Smith George '65 Third Vice President: Robert Rolfe '52 Secretary: John Montgomery '68 Treasurer: Robert Scardon '46 Sergeant at Arms: Henry Furmaniak '32

On Saturday, June 8 the alumni of Morgan Park dedicated a memorial to alumni of the school who died in service during World War I, World War n, Korea and Vietnam. The memorial was first discussed at an Alumni Board Meeting in 1982 and had been in the planning stages until the fu ll of ]984 when Dan Haigh '34 was appointed Chairman of the Memorial Comminee and authorized to proceed. Within weeks of Dan's appointment, plans were drawn and the foundation was poured. The original lintel from Blake Hall was chosen to be the stone for the mon ument and the Bevel Granite Company was selected to restore the stone. Alumni records were scoured to identify alumni who died in service and several mailings were made to insure an accurate listing.


Donald MacDonald '48 Robert Goss '63 Lee Montgomety '66 The following regional directors were appointed: Eric Spinazzola '75 Eugene Katz '59 Lt. Col. OJ Vogl '33 Col. C. Richard Glasebrook '4] Madonna Farmer Abdishi '63 Jerome Thrall '44 Board Advisor A. Richard Ayers '36 Dan Haigh '34 was appointed chairman of the committee to identi~r class agents (See article for details) . Discussion was held concerning the possibility of paving the area around the memorial marker and erecting a bench nearby. It was also suggested that the board consider other projects that might be supported by the Alumni Association. The meeting adjourned to the Annual Alumni Dinner.

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rJ~ Ii ~~. ¥~, Jason DeHaan, MPA Middle School '86 wears an MPMA Cadet uniform.

In iate May, a bronze plate bearing the names of the alumni was cast. That plate was mounted on the stone and the memo rial was permanently installed o n the day before commencement and the offici al dedication. A fining memorial to alumni of MPA, the monument stands tcx:iayon the grounds of the Academy. The entire alumni association is proud of this dignified monument to those who died for us. Be sure to view the memorial when you are on campus. It serves as a living reminder to all of us o f the price of freedom. 17

AlUlIlni Reunion Alumni Weekend '85 saw hundreds of alumni returning to the campus to renew old friendships, to enjoy fine food and fellowship, and to pay tribute to fellow alumni who gave their lives in service to our countrY. The weekend began with Saturdav's commencement exercises in Jo~es Bowl. During the ceremony the new alumni memorial monument was dedicated by association presi dent Dick Ayers. Participating in the dedication service were U. Dawne Rogers MPA class of 1981 and West Point graduate, class of 1985; Midshipman Alan Boyd MPA class of 1982 and Naval Academy class of 1986; and current Academy seventh grader Jason DeHaan. Following a bnmch in Alumni Hall , the annual meeting of the Alumni Association was held. Election results were announced and Kenneth Saul, class of 1942 was elected President of the A-;sociation for the coming year. It was voted that the current alumni dues schedule would continue for the future . In addition , there was discussion about the monument and possible future enhancement of the site. On Saturday following the annual meeting, the cocktail hour and Annual Dinner were held in the dining hall. The event was catered by Paul Djikas, class of 1960. During the evening individual anniversary classes were recognized, memorabilia was on display, and films of past graduations and alumni gatherings were shown. Former military academy faculty member Art Gumbrel was honored for his years of service to the school, and he shared his memories of MPMA with the gathering during the dinner. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of the first Distinguished Alumni Service Award to Dr. Leon Witkowski '66. Witkowski was 18

honored for his years of service on behalf of the alumni, and for his pioneering work to establish a working alumni association. The alumni board voted to name future awards after Dr. Witkowski as a tribute to his service. On Sunday morning the facilities of Arlington Park Racetrack's Post and Paddock Club were the site of an alumni brunch followed by a day at the races. Arriving by charter bus at the track, alumni were treated to the finest in accommodations and the gracious hospitality of major track owner Dick Duchossois, class of 1940. Dick named a race after our group, "The Morgan Park Military Academy Classic" and following the running, Dick Ayers, Ken Saul, Headmaster David Jones, Trustee Chairman Jeff Heilman, and Mr. Duchossois were pictured with the winning horse in the winner's circle. Note: (Plans were underway for another Day at the Races in 1986 when the word reached the school of the tragic fire that destroyed Arlington Park. We do hope to return to Arlington if and when it is rebuilt, and alumnus Duchossois has extended the invitation.) If you missed alumni reunion '85 , be sure to plan to come back to the Academy in June of 1986. Plans are already underway to make our next alumni reunion the biggest and the best to date.

Memorial Funds Established During the past school year, two new memorial funds were established in the names of deceased alumni. The Dr. Bruno Edwin Zubrick Memorial Fund was established in the name of Dr. Zubrick, MPMA class of 1957, and the Louis B. Gemeinhardt Memorial Fund was established in the name of alumnus Lou Gemeinhardt, class of 1942. Monies received in memory of deceased alumni are held in endowment funds by the school. In addition, a memorial plaque is placed in Alumni Hall in honor of the deceased. Memorial funds work to strengthen the financial position of the school, while providing ongoing remembrance of those whom they honor. Establishing a memorial fund at the Academy is a special method of providing lasting recognition of relatives, classmates or friends , while supporting the program of quality education Morgan Park Academy represents. If you are interested in the establishment of a fund to honor a loved one, please contact the Headmaster or the Development Director at the School.

Publish Reunion Handboo

Dr. Leon Wllllowsld, recipient oJ the first Annual Dlstlnguisbed Alumni Seroice Award.

The Alumni Office has recently published a guidebook for persons interested in organizing individual class reunions. The booklet outlines the steps to producing a successful reunion. Complete with sample letters and planning schedules, the Handbook is available to anyone considering a class reunion. If you would like to organize a reunion or would simply like a copy of the booklet contact the Alumni Office.

closs 33 notes

Maurice Vick writes, "Just returned from the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, 'Where I enjoyed five months of warm weather."


James C. MooreJr. is "Enjoying life of retirement after thirty years as Chief Operating Engineer of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago, which is the largest sewer treatment plant in the world. Gardening, travel and enjoying the six grandchildren keeps us busy."


Stanley G. Tylman DDS maintains a wholistic dental practice in Lombard, Illinois and serves as President of the Wholistic Dental Association.


Col. C. Richard (Rick) Glasebrook has logged 7,000 driving miles in a span of three months. During May and June he traveled to Mineola, New York to attend the Essington Air Service Group annual meeting, then south to Montgomery' Alabama, to the American Fighter Aces Association convention and on to Cocoa Beach, Florida for the Order of Daedalians annual meeting. Rick also reports the arrival of a grandson, Adam Richard Glasebrook. Congratulations.


James D. Hume is Chairman of the Geology Department of Tufts University.


RobertA. Whitfield is employed as the professional fleet manager for Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation in Louisville, Kentucky. He notes that he is responsible for all aspects of the management of over 1700 vehicles nationwide. Bob and his wife, the former Jerol Miessler, Morgan Park Junior College, class of 1945, reside in Louisville.


JR. Johnson served twenty-five years in the U.S. Army and fought in the Korean and Viet Nam wars. He was awarded a bronze star in Viet Nam. Johnson is now traffic manager for Wieboldt stores in Chicago. He is married and has one son who is a student at Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois.


WiOiam V Gaps is living near DePaul University. He is employed as General Manager of Pacer-Kelite Steam Cleaner Manufacturing Company, with offices in Glenview, Illinois and Los Angeles, California.


Richard Castellanos resides in Hobart, Indiana with his wife Sandy. They are the parents of five and have five grandchildren.


John Carlson writes, "I am currently Operations Manager of the Chicago plant, Borg & Beck Division, Borg Warner Corporation. We recently moved to Orland Park and have two sons, ages 1112 and 3112. I graduated from Monmouth College in 1974 and served four years as an Army officer."


Tom Daniels has been named Vice President in charge of daytime network and special projects for Paramount Television.


Deborah Lenchard spent five weeks in Singapore at the Singapore International Monetary Exchange, where she developed and coordinated educational programs and trained new staff members. She also reports that she wrote and directed the fifth annual Spring Sing at Moraine Valley Community College. Karen Nielsen Isaacs lives in lafayette, Indiana with her husband, Don and three-year-old son, Phillip. Karen graduated from Indiana University and is currently teaching violin.



Carol Yardley currently lives in Portland, Oregon where she is working parttime while going to school for her CPA. Suzanne Gibbs was pleasantly surprised when her classmates presented her with a birthday cake and a chorus of Happy Birthday at their 10th reunion in May. Pamela Russell Muller lives in Villa Park, Illinois and is working full time as a wife and mother. 19

路 Debora Weinfield is now Associate General Counsel for Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center. Debbie has also been actively involved in the Chicago Bar Association's Annual Christmas Spirits Show. Marguerite Lopez Burke is living in Boston, Massachusetts with her husband and two children. Lynne Fioretti of Blue Island, Illinois is working on her degree in Biology at St. Xavier. Paul Gurney is living in Kansas and employed as an attorney for the Kansas Department of Transportation. George Kurylak resides in Des Plaines, Illinois, and is a computer software programmer. He remains interested in photography and has added downhill and cross country skiing to his list of interests. Sharon Mizen McCarthy is a registered nurse, working as a Home Health Nurse, specializing in pediatrics.


laMonica Threet received the Clinton E. Stryker Distinguished Service Award from Illinois Institute of Technology, for notable contributions to campus life. laMonica serves as major concert director for the student's Union Board and is Vice-Chairman of the Student National Technical Association.


Sean Washak received a First Place Award for fiction writing at a recent competition held at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Fonner Faculty Dr. Mary O'Connor recently married Dr. Peter Hurst in Chicago.

Michael Butler and Kelley Fenn were married May 18, ] 985. Michael is employed by The Knickerbocker Hotel in Chicago.

of Events SEPfEMBER 29 Board Meeting

17 Board Meeting

DECEMBER RAN published 27 Alumni Basketball game

Debora Welnfleld '75

'77 '79



Jason Stickney is a mechanical engineer in Elmhurst, Illinois. Susan Harrod Vogel is employed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Georgia as an examiner. Susan and her hus band, Barry live in Norcross, Georgia with their daughter Melanie. Sherry Flanagan married Bradford S. Adams Jr. on June 1, 1985. Sherry is employed in the Bond Department at Northern Trust Co. in Chicago.


We'd like to hear from you! Tell us something about your life now so we can include your name in our next Class Notes column. (Please print)


Dale Richards received the Sales and Marketing Executives Award from the Business Administration Department, in recognition of academic excellence, at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Include your name, address, class year and a photograph, if available, and mail to: Alumni Office, Morgan Park Academy, 2153 W. Illth Street, O:Jicago, IL Eric Splna:zzola 75 20


Special Thanks To Dan Haigh for his dedication and drive in the Alumni Memorial Monument project. To Dick Ayers for his splendid leadership during his two year term as President. To Henry Funnaniak for his untiring efforts to reactivate Alumni from the 20's and 30's. To Robert Rolfe for his ongoing work attempting to locate former . faculty from the military era. To john Montgomery for his fai thful service as Secretary of the Association. To Madonna Abdishi for her help with the Alumni raffle. To Paula Endress for her service in the Alumni Office. To Lee Winter for the portraits of the new memorial monument. To Mike Rogers for the contribution of basketball shirts for the Annual Basketball Game. To Bob Scardon for the Bears tickets. To jean Landon Taylor for his Retired Academy News. To Ralph Hitz, for faithful service on the Alumni Board. To Henry Kennedy for the contribution of fans for the Lower School offices. To Win Irwin for his contribution of chairs. To john DeStejano for his work as Chairman of the Alumni Division of the Annual Fund. To BiD Gapsewicz, Tim Troy, Karen Butler, Donald MacDonald and john Krichbaum for their help in contacting classmates about the Annual Fund. To Dick Duchossois for use of his facilities at Arlington Park and for his continuing support of the Alumni Association:

A. Ricbard Ayers '36, Rlcbard Ducbossols '40, Kenneth Saul '42.

To jason DeHaan, Alan Boyd and Daume Rogers for their participation in the memorial dedication. To Paul pjikas for another excellent catering performance during the Alumni weekend. To joseph Grassi for his generous support of our Alumni Association. To The Hamars for their generous contribution to the Annual Fund. To Bob Goss for his help during the Reunion planning stages and his special efforts. To Chris Goes for his service on the Long Range Planning Committee and his significant contribution to MPA. To Ken Saul for his work in establishing the Gemeinhardt Fund. To Dr. Kenneth Zubrick for his help in establishing the Zubrick Fund. To Debbie Weinjield for her effort in organizing the Class of '75 reunion. To Carolyn and Tom George for their special help during the Reunion weekend. To all who paid their Alumni Dues and sent information for the newsletter and in countless ways helped make 1984-85 a record year for the Alumni Association.

Dan Haigb '34

Yearbooks Available Have you lost your yearbook? The Alumni Office has extra copies of the followi ng yearbooks: 1969,1970,1972,1973, and 1979. Simply contact the Alumni Office if you would like a copy. Arnold Erickson '42 has extra copies of 1938-42 yearbooks. Contact Arnold at 61 Indianwood Drive, Thornton, IL 60476 if interested. 21

Class of 1985



The Alumni Association extends a warm welcome to the Class of 1985: Daniel Ablan Stephen Akers Marci Bounds Carl Brody Claire Concannon Bryan Gersack Kina Gray Alexandra Grazys George Griffiths Julia Harris Mark Hofstetter Felicia Hutman Nicki Jones Philip Junker Maxine Karavites Sonia Khan Tina Mattera Marea Meuch Alex Moncada Roy Moncada Demetra Panagakis George Panagakis Priscilla Paris David Parker Renee Robinson Susan Schmidt D. Terry Stanton John Stopka Michelle Toscas Robert Triantis John Tsokolas

The entire Academv familv expresses sympathy to the family and friends of the following al umni who have passed away since publication of our last newsletter. William Harvev '16 William SheWard '27 Marshall Levy , 30 James Fosco '37 Alfred Ferra '39 Louis Gemeinhardt '42 Herbert Tucker III '53 Felipe Solana '59 Henry Lee - (former faculty member)

Wanted: Class Agents

.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,


The Board of Directors has begun an effort to enlist alumni to serve as class agents. A letter has been sent to selected members of each class year asking for volunteers to serve as agents. If you would be willing to serve as a class agent for your class year, please contact the school. Dan Haigh '34 is chairman of the class agent project. It is hoped that a network of agents will assist the Alumni Association in improving communications as well as increasing involvement. We are also hopeful that an agent system will help our efforts to locate lost alumni.


Name _ _~-------------- Class Year _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Enclosed is my check for $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 19H6 - _ _ the year graduated $

amOlU1t due (if the difference is more than 25 only $10.00 is due)

Send to: Morgan Park Academy - Alumni Office 2153 W. 111 th Street Chicago. Illinois 60643

J- _________ ---------------~----~~~~:.. .. 22

Missing The following alumni are among those for whom we do not have a current address or telephone number. If you have any information regarding these alumni please write or call the Alumni Office: Kenneth C. Anderson '36 James c. Baird '36 William H. Binder '36 Jay C. Blakeslee '36 John Freund '44 Arthur Aiello' 46 Hippolito Alfaro '46 Richard B. Allen '46 John H. Altshuler '46 William E. Beard '56 Robert L Bernauer '56 Raymond R. Bingen '56 Charles Blackmore '56 Donald Davis '56 William Bell '66 Paticia Bums '66 Keith Cunliffe '66 Sharon Bums Feyen '66 Richard Deslover '76 Carolyn Esters Davis '76 Laurel Miller '76 Kevin O'Donoghue '76

Heilman Joins Aaulemy Staff G. Tracy Heilman joined the Academy staff in July, replacing Paula Endress. Her years of volunteer service to the Alumni Association and her close involvement with the Academy qualify her well for her new position as Coordinator of Public Relations and Alumni Affairs. We are pleased to have Tracy return to the Alumni Association on a . full-time basis, and we look forward to working with her.

M.P.A. Calendar of Events SEPl'EMBER

10 Track-A-Thon III, 8:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m.

3 Opening Day of School Opening Day Coffee, Alumni Hall, 8: 15 a.m.

11 End of First Marking Pericx:i, Lower School

5 Student ID pictures

12 SAT Exams

11 Mothers: Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 9:30 a.m. 12 Instrumental Music Assembly, Gr. 4,5,6, BAC Theater, 12:45 p.m.

26 Fathers' Club Board Meeting,

14 Columbus Day - No Classes 18 Lower School Open House, 3:00-7:30 p.m. 21 End of First Marking Pericx:i, Middle and Upper School

14 Middle School Cycling 19 Upper School Stratford Trip

22 PSAT - NMSQT Seminar, Grades 9 and 12

thru 22

23 Middle School Candy Sale begins thru October 4

24 Fathers' Club Board Meeting,

30 Upper School Athletic Recognition Program, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a.m.

28 Middle School Cycling

OCTOBER 2 Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 9:30 a.m. Joint Meeting, Mothers' and Fathers' Clubs, Alumni Hall 5 Homecoming Fathers' Club Pancake Breakfast, Alumni Hall, 8:00 a.m.-l:00 p.m. Upper School Soccer Game vs. St. Vincent DePaul, 1:00 p.m.

27 End of the Second Marking Pericx:i, Lower School Thanksgiving Recess Begins, 12:00 Noon

DECEMBER 2 Classes Resume

9:30a.m. 7 SAT and ACT Exams

10 Fathers' Club Board Meeting, Alumni Hall, 8:00 p.m.

31 Middle School Party, Alumni Hall, 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Alumni Hall, 7:00 p.m. Fathers' Club "Get Together", Alumni Hall, 8:00 p.m. 27 Upper School Key Club Peanut Day

Alumni Hall, 7:00 p.m. Fathers' Club "Get Together", Alumni Hall, 8:00 p.m.

4 Mothers' Club Board Meeting, Middle School Work Day

20 Middle School Dance, Alumni Hall, 6:00-9:00 p.m.

23 Parent Benefit Dinner


11 MPA Christmas Program, Mothers' Club Dessert Buffet and Bazaar 12 End of Second Marking Pericx:i, Middle School

2 SAT and ACT Exams 6 Mothers' Club Board Meeting, BAC Lounge, 9:30 a.m. Middle and Upper School Open House, 3:15 - 7:30 p.m.

13 End of Second Marking Pericx:i, Upper School

16 Semester Exams, Middle and Upper School, thru 19

8 Roller Skating Party, 7th and 8th grade

18 Lower School Program, grades 2 & 3, BAC Theater, 2:00 p.m.

15 Middle School Party, Alumni

19 Middle School Christmas Party,

Hall, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.

19 Middle School Science Fair,

Alumni Hall, 12:00 noon Christmas Recess Begins, 3:00p.m.

thru 22

21 MPA Drama Production, BAC Theater, 8:00 p.m. thru 22


- MOVING? . Let us know too .

Each change of address returned to the Academy by the post office costs us. Everyone can make a worthwhile contribution simply by keeping his or her address current with our offi ce.


ADDRESS CITY _ _ _-'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 路STATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP _ _ _ __

Clip and mail to: Morgan Park Academy, 2153 W 111 th St., Chicago, II 60643


PAID Chlcogo. IL PERMIT NO. 2898


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