Academy Magazine - Fall 1992

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In I

ThIs Edition

• Academy Magazine Survey • Class Notes • Mock Presidential Debate • New Paculty/Board Member Information


fROM TK-KlE HlEADMASTlER TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------\David A..iones ==========9' Our school-wide evaluation was completed recently. Although we do not yet have the final report, we have been advised that the recommendation which will be made to the Independent Schools Association of the Central States will be for continuing full accreditation. In addition, the School Evaluation Specialist for the Illinois State Board of Education has advised us that we will continue our "Recognized" status with the state. Two other agencies were also involved in the evaluation process. The Chicago Board of Health gave us a 99th percentile rating. The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools will approve our evaluation report, but the NCA does not base accreditation on the evaluation visit. In the weeks ahead, we will advise our entire constituency of the various findings of these school evaluators. In the meantime, we have continued work on our physical plant and grounds so as to provide our students with an atmosphere conducive to academic success. Our new computer installation is virtually complete and operational, and progress on our library computerization continues. Curriculum changes, particularly Keyboarding/Word Processing and the elective course in Minority Literature have been well received. Space does not permit a full report on changes and developments which take place regularly, but be assured that we constantly strive to provide the finest education available to all of our students at all grade levels.



PresiclerL tial Debate: See who portrayed your favorite candidate.

12 15 17

Class N' otes: Catch the latest scoop about our alumni. .Alu..~rLi

Basketball Ga~e: Find out when and where ...... Don't Miss Out!!

路路s IJlt 'TI~ y .. Fill it out and send it back!

Homecoming 1992 These were some of the acti vi ties that took place Saturday, Oct. 3rd for M.P.A.'s Homecoming.

EDITOR: David G. Thieman In an effort to keep you up to date with MPA affairs, The Academy Magazine will be published three times annually.

M .P.A. PHONE: 312-881-6700 Morgan Park Academy admits students of any racc, religion, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities available at the schoo l.

The Academy Magazine/Falll992

The Board S. "Win" Irwin , President parents, alumni and friends of Morgan Park Academy, you have entrusted the school with the responsibility of educating young people. This task demands a dedicated faculty, stimulating environment and a phi losophy which promotes achievement and excellence. M.P.A. enjoys a reputation for adhering to this philosophy; the school's educational and moml traditions are well known throughout the community, and remain the strength of Morgan Park Academy. As a policy-making body of the school, the Board of Trustees assists M.P.A. in maint.aining the high standards for

which it is known, while also preparing for the capital expenditures demanded of a private school. We also are responsible for maintaining a balanced budget annually, and we strive to keep our aging facilities in good condition, properly compensate our dedicated faculty and staff, and at the same time keep our tuition and fee increases at affordable levels. Early in the new year we will begin a long range/strategic planning process. For that effon to be successful, we need your thoughts and ideas on how the Academy can successfully meet tomorrow's challenges. Just drop Dave Jones or me a note c/o the Academy. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank the numerous 1991-92 contributors and volunteers who helped the Academy to provide an excellent education for our children.

FroJD the

FroJD t:he

Mothers CI..J,

Fa.thers Clllb

Iarily .. Stavropoulos, PresIde .. t

lVIllJaIn Collins, PresIde ..t

The 1992-93 School Year is in full swing and so arc the MPA Mothers! First o f all , I wan llO recognize Doreen Silagy i for the outstanding job she has done again this year with !.he Bookstore Vo lunteer Calendars and Directory. Also. many thanks to o ur corps of dedicated volunteers: Madonna Abdishi. Pal A itchison , Boz.cna Alv arc7.., Dcnita

The firsltwo Father's Club meetings this year were very well attended. We are always glad to see new faces and value the input they bring to the meetings. Any fathers who arc interested. please come on the first Wednesday of the month, check the calendar for time and place.

Baldi, Deborah BCrlolcni, Radha Bheapal. Rose Brown. Linda Cuadros. Diana Cuevas, Evelyn Currie. Julie Del-laan. Candace DiCola. Syd Dobrowolski. Mary Kay Driscoll, Wendy Drynan. Donna Freeman, Gayle Greenwald. Shirley Heale, Jobcy Hendel, Georgette Hopkins, Anna Ingles, Deborah Lathon, Diana Long, Sharad Madhav, Susan Matz, Bernadene Merritt. Marlene Mesleh. Karin Nelson-Rogers, Peggy O'B rien-B remer. Violette O'Young, Donna Robinson. Sharon Rosenbard, Arlene Schmidt. Varsha Shah, Debbie Silvennan, Lorie Soso. Gerry Strasser, Mary Ellen TatTo-M endoza, Valerie Taylor-Harvey. Debbie Thonnann , Josette Trevil, Laura Webb, Regina Wells, and Jeri Wiegel. The whole MPA Community is very grateful to you, aitho ugh sometimes we forget 10 thank you often and loud enough. Please note Ihat we could usc a couple o f additional volunteers, particularly on the second Friday of each month. lL's not too late to sign up . PLEASE call if you can help.

Thi s year the Pancake Breakfast Homecoming Carnival was very successful. We were fortunate to have good weather which made the carnival games more enjoyable and increased the turnout. The participation of the volunteer fathers and the s tudent wa iters and waitresses was outstand ing. This is our main event of the year and it runs much more smoo thly when there is plenty of help. The Father's Club would like to thank all who helped with thi s year's event.

This year the Father's Club will be involved with the Salute to Excellence dinner. The Salute committee has asked US to have fathers participate by hosting a game s imilar La las t year's Treasure Chest. We hope thi s will help increase revenue for this year's Salute. During the last few meetings we have di scussed different activities in which we might parti cipate. One ide a is a Career night for On Sunday, October 25 th, the Mothers' Club arranged a reception high school students with fathers representing various professions. for the Visiting Evaluation Team, the Board of Trustees. facu lty and s laff. Hope full y this wi ll happen later this school year. Another possibility is Madunna Abdishi, Jeri Wiegel, Wendy Drynan, Salli Kernaghan and Peggy a baseball card trading show, including an appearance by a O'Brien-Bremer did an excellent job in arranging, serv ing , and cleaning up professional baseball player. Anyone who has an interest in either of after this affair. I was very proud of how beautifully the reception was these areas is welcome to contact the Father's Club. presented and want to thank these seIness volunteers for their dedication to our schoo l. Spe aking of basebal l, we will have our annual baseball game outing in May, the date and place will be publicized later. Finally. I can report that the Lower and Middle School Halloween celebrations were great. thanks to the Room Mothers whose Congratulations to everyone at M.P.A. who worked on the creativity and nair for entertaining never ceases to amaze me. self-evaluation. We arc proud o f your accomplishments. We'll see you around - watch your schoo l calendars and your mail so that you do not miss any o f our activities.

The Academy MagaZine/Fail 1992


------------------Academy News-----------------PBONE-A-TBON: l\..EY CLUB REACHES OUT TO ALUMS On October fifth and sixth more than twenty members of the Key Club volunteered to call the 2,000 Morgan Park Military Academy/ Morgan Park Academy alumni. The e vent was a grea t success, raising over $3,500 in the first two nights. The callers said the responses received were overall very positive. Training of the students bega n at 4:30 p.m. each night with pi zza and pop. Calls began a t approxima tely 5:45 and things were rapped-up by 9:00 p.m.

_ ____ I"w ge/a Jesik (9th grade) smiles after getting a $50.00 pledge from an alum of the class of 1972 .

Shannon lets her do the walking tlte first night of the Phon e-A-Than. SPrJ1{)f

~_~ Silverman

Darrel L. Van Kirk, Key Club Advisor, has announced the introduction of three new projects which involve the entire school population. First, the club will collect Campbell Soup Labels throughout the year. Upper School Key Club members may receive one Key Club credit per 20 labels collected. The second project is the accepting of used eyeglasses which go to South and Central America for donation to an organization in Oak Lawn. 4

Finally, during the week of Nov. 16-20 the Academy will sponsor an annual food drive for the Maple/Morgan Park Food Pantry. The Club has been very successful in their endeavors and we wish them well with all of their projects.

Darrel Van Kirk (Key Club Faculty Advisor) was awarded Honorable Mention in Alllway Corporation's "Earth Teacher" Awards program. Congratulations Dario! The Academy Magazine/Fall 1992

........................................-AcademyNews ......................................- -

M.P.A. Welcomes New Board Members

Ian Aitken, (Frankfort) is the

John Kitch Jr., (Centerville, OH)

Executive Director of The Rock Creek Center in Lemont. He holds a BS in Finance from Northern Illinois University and is currently working on his Public Administration degree from NIU. Ian has two children who attend M.P.A., Amanda and Charlie.

Greg Lochow, (Blue Island) is

is retired from the United States Air Force after 28 years of service. John holds several degrees including BS, MA, and PhD in English from the University of Illinois. He is currently active in church affairs, as well as a tutor in the Miami Valley Literacy Program. John is a 1951 alumnus.

the Director of Sales at Bob's Speedy Print. He holds a BS in Finance from the University of Illinois. Greg is active in a wide variety of organizations including the Blue Island Historical Society, The Blue Island Chamber of Commerce, and Blue Cap C.O.R.E.

Maurice Rhodes, (Chicago) is the Assistant General Manager at Carl Fischer of Chicago. He has been there for the past 22 years. Maurice has a Bachelor'S degree in Music Education. His wife Ruth is the Assistant to the President and a faculty member at Vandercook College. Their son Benjamin is an Upper School student at the Academy.

Phillip Vasquez, (Chicago) is

Dr. Youngzin Chang, (Schererville, IN) is a physician

The Academy Magazine/Fall 1992

the Director of Hand Therapy, Ltd. He has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Illinois and has two children attending M.P.A., Phillip and Benjamin. He is a State Board Member of the American Guild of Patient Accounts Management.

and the Business Manager of I. W. Chang, M.D. She has two children currently attending M.P.A., Elizabeth and David. Dr. Chang is a Board Member of the Korean Medical Association and her husband IIwoong is also a physician.


......................................路AcademyNews ..................................... .

M.P.A. Presidential Campaign Very Presidential By Jerry Moo re (Courtesy of The Beverly Review, Oct. 28th)

One didn't have to travel to Missouri, Virginia or Michigan to hear fiery campaig n rhetoric from the three presidential candidates last week. President George Bush, Democrat Bill Clinton and Independent H. Ross Perot held a debate before an enthusiastic crowd of Morgan Park Academy studen ts in the Beverly Art Center aud itorium Oc t. 21. And unbeknownst to the national media, the three candidates have waged a major campaign battle on MPA's campus for several weeks. "It all started with a group of teachers in the Upper School," said David Hibbs, the Engli sh department chairman in the Upper School. "They began crea ting their own campaigns. Each camp had a teacher who served as the campaign manager. They wanted to simulate the real presidential election. It started about three weeks ago. " Students of political science teacher Tom Drahoza l, Uni ted Sta tes his tory teacher Chris Freiler and journalism teac her jackie Bernard quickly took up the political call to arms. They asked for volun teers to serve as Bush and Clinton and began planning de tailed

campaign stra tegies culminating in the Oct. 21 debate. Sanjay Pand ya portrayed Bush, Shaz Rasul portrayed Perot and johnie jo hnson portrayed Bill Clinton. ''The whole project was, I believe, incredibly successful," Hibbs said. ''There was far more enthusiasm on the part of the s tud ents than I ever dreamed there would be. I think this shows tha t students are concerned with the future of our country, and this really helped them understand how the political process works."

New JFacuhy Knfo From left 10 right

Vivian Diaz began teaching here in April and will Alba Blondis holds bo th a Bachelors and a Masters degree assume full time du ties as instructor in Spanish in grades in Education from the University of Missouri. She taught at the American School and another private school in PF-7. She holds a B.A. degree from Mundelein Co llege and has attended the Language School of Ivan lIIich in Monterey, Mexico for four years. teaches Spanish in grades PFCuernavaca, Mexico. Carol Holl ack er holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in elementary Education and Psychology from Nor th Central in Naperville. In add ition to day camp and tutoring experience, she ha s wo rked r-,__-_ as a substi tu te teacher for the Midlothian School District. Carol w ill teach math, science and computer in grade 6. Ton i Albright has a Bachelo r of Science degree in Art Education from Indiana Wesleyan University and taught in a public school in South Whitley in Indiana. She teaches art in grades 6-8. 6

holds a B.A . degree French from St. Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana, has studied at the Centre IInterinatinr,ale d'E tudes in Nice, France. Her teachi ng experience includes ~~,"--= in a public high in florida as well as in South Bend, She will teach French in grades PF-7. ""'''''-''--'='''-'''-'''


Faith Gonsalyes is a graduate of Goshen College with a B.A. in Spanish and Secondary Education. She taught for three years at the secondary level in Na ppanee and Goshen, Indiana . Faith will teach Spanish in grades 6-8 . The Academy Magazine/Fall 1992

Annual Fund Honor Ro]] of Donors


FRIENDS ($1 - $100) Anonymous - 4

19th A"ard Democratic Organization :irs. :fadonna F. Abdishi Acupuncture Therapy :1r. Ronald \'. Aitchison HI. and }Irs. Ian Aitken :fr. and :1rs. Donald Akers ~1r. and ~lrs. Robert G. Al exander .m Sen'ice Lock &~ttal Supply :is. Adrienne C. Al ton Ms. }Iary ATXlersen Sf. Charles C. Amerson ~s. Becky Amos Dr. Ke\'in Ashby Hr. John P. Bacino :fr. Asa :tel Bacon ~Ir. Charles F. Bacon :ir. Robert Barnett ~Is. Nanc), Barth Dr. Joseph H. Bartush :ir. ~icholas Bathas Hr. and Hrs. Ed\lard Bechtel :Ir. and :1r5. Henry Becker Dr. Peter J. Beinar Bennett Auto Rebuilders Inc. Bergman Trucking Company :fr. Jehn E. Berkery Hr. Richard L. Berl iner ~r. Lester C. Bern B€\'erl)' Hills Gallery Biros Real tors Blackman & Sons JeKelers ~Is. Karen Blasingame :irs. Jill L. Blaylock Mr. Robert D. Bl eli :ir. Robert C. Boehm Mr. ~illiaJll C. Boehm :ir. Harold A. Boex Mr. Wilbur H. Boies !ir. Charles P. Bolles Mrs. Kathryn Lyon Bond :irs. Lisa Bourke Mr. Frank A. BOaes Mr. John C. BOll1an Mr. Robert E. Bo'1'er Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Boyd Brach's Auto Center Brack's Toaing fu:. Aill iam P. Braker Dr. Bradley P. Bransky !fr. and Hrs !fichael C. Breen Ms. Tara BrighaJD ~. Joseph F. Brilando Mr. and }Irs. Robert Brodsky ~s. G\\endol yll Brooks !if. David C. Broin Hs. Rebecca L. Brown I

Brett A. Brrant Burbank :1anor Apartments !-Is. }larguerit€ :1. Burke k :1aria T. Burnett ~r. and :1rs. Charles Busbe}' Dr. and :1rs. Hector O. Bustamante Mrs. Delores Butler :fr. James J. Butler ~r. ~ichael Butler Mr. Ernest L. Byfield C& ~I I:nion 76 Mr. Robert L. Cain :1r. John A. Cairo Caleo Plating Calumet Sere. ~1achine Products. Inc. Mr. David CaJlIpbell ;·Ir. Arthur J. Canfield Carl ins & ~oss ~s. Piill!Ela Carlson :ir. Robert R. Carpenter }Ir. Xi ck W. Carperos Dr. and :irs. Cesar .t Carranza Col. and fu's. franklin J. Casey !ir. Richard J. Castellanos Hr. John B. Catch :1s. Claudia Chaney Hr. Antonio Chararria Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Chuquimia :lr. Ed.ard J. Cihak Mr. Gary R. Cinotto The Cleaning Comapany Coca· Cola Bottling Company :1r. Donald Colby ~r. Donald r. Coleman :Irs. Ann Yardley Coller ~s. Debora Stern Coller :if. and ;irs. Donald Coller Hr. and Mrs. Douglas Coller Dr. Robert E. Collir.s Hr. Earle H. Combs ~s. Claire Concannon Hs. Hope Concannon :ir. James Consentino Jr. Consul tants in Radiation Oncology }Is. Karen T. Cook Mrs. Paula lJognwn Corbin Mr. James C. Correll :if. E. Frank Correll III Mr. John E. Corrigan County Fair Foods Hs. Catherine Covert :Is. Jennifer CO}lle Mrs. Virginia Cracco Mrs. Ruth D. Crane Creati\'e Cakes, Inc. Mr. Philip R. Cree ~·Ir.

:'Is. Amy L. Danidn;icz :1r. Thomas ',;. Dani£le~iicz Hr. Haw' J. Darabaris

Dare' 5 RoS€\:ood i:€st Restaurant Dtlaney HEald Cleaners :·Irs. E\'el ~lle Delgado·Xorris :·lr5. Laura Correll Demkoski DEsmond &Ahan :·Ir. :Hlton 1. DEutsch Br. JOSEph F. Dixon Mr. Paul John Djikas :1r. fred L. Dodd :1r. George Domato Doris Bro\\n Inc. Realtor :1s. Jean 1 Dode lis. Joan Driscoll Drs. Gersack, Ddarco. Hoyme &Assoc. ~·Ir. Ronald D. Dr)llan Jr. :·Irs. Killiberh' K. Duffek :1r. Gregory .\ra Dumanian Dr. and ~rs. R. Martin Earles :1r. c. J. (Gus) Economos :·Ir. ~arne ~. Eden Eilers Hair Designs ~r. and ~Irs. Ronald R. Elmore :lr. John Scott Erickson !ir. and ~rs. Steren Erickson }Ir. Charles F. Everett E\'€[gr€en Plaza :lerchant' s Council Erers Office Suppl~' :tr. John T. Fehlandt HI. and Hrs. Don L. Ferro :ir. Xonnan B. fleming Hr. fleming ~. Flott :ir. Frederick ~. Flott Mr. francis (frank) Fl)1ln :tr. Frank J. Fonsino HI. Mil ton S. Frank :lr. George H. Froemke }Ir. and Hrs. Roy Fry :lr. Henry Furmaniak ~r. Kumar Gaddipati :ts. ~athalie Gamet !if. A. Gausselin ~r. Donn r. Gear }Ir. Gregor J. Gentleman Mr. Lloyd L. George Dr. C:':. (Bill) Ge tz Hr. ~i1liam L. GlEares Mr. ~lilliam B. Goble ~Ir. Ra ji \' God :ir. and :irs. Charles Gees Hr. George ~. Goes lir. Robert L. Goes Hr. ~al ter A. Goes Mr. Albert Goetz


Stephen Goosby :1r. and :·Irs. Robert Goss :·Ir. John A. Graham ]r. :1el1'in B. CraM ~rs. Sara E. Grassi :15. Alexandra S. Grazys Great Central Steel Company ~s. Dana I. Green ~r. Donald Grice Hr. and Hrs. l~illiaJll ~. Griswold Mrs. Diane Lacopulos Groene;:old ~r. Harr\' ~1. Gustafson :fr. Carl ton L. and Dr. Danille Guthrie }Ir. James Haggard :irs. SUE EllEn Hale }Ir. BruCE C. Hamper ]r. ~icholas Harris ~Ir. Dem€ trius Ha,'kins ~Ir. Donald A. Ha}ller :1r. and :Irs. Eugene S. Heale Hr. John Hendricks :is. Barbara Hennell)' ~r. Ronald Herbst Heritage Bank & Trust Co. Heritage Pullman Bank ~r. and :irs. Henn' Hill ~r. Janes H. Himl Mrs. Jeanette Hobson !is. Barbara Hoffman ~r. John A. Hoffstadt Dr. ~:alter S. Hofman Hr. Mark Holzrichter ;is. Sara :t Holzrichter Mr. Darid M. Honor :·Ir. John Hooks HI. Joseph S. Hooyer :ir. John E. Horn ~\r. Darid C. Ho\'es !.\r. Otto Charles Huber HI. Stuart ~. Huck :1r. James D. HUIlle HI. John Kerin Hunt Ms. :fary Anne Hunter :ir. Carleton B. Hutchins HI. ~illiaJll 3. Hutchins !if. and ~rs. ~ichael Jacobs James L. Cunningham Co. Jani -King Comrcial Cleaning Serrices Mr. Jack T. Jaycox ~r. James R. Johnson }\r. Wilbur H. Johnson Js. Paula Jones He. Edwin C. Juneman ~r. Philip E. Junker Mr. CharlES A. Junk'UIlC Me. John Soody Kahoun

HI. Michael E. Kalis !lr. Peter Kanaris !lr. Eugene J. Katz Kean Brothers, Inc. Colonel Robert J. Keefer !irs. Debbie S. Kelecich Mr. Robert H. Kelly !ir. and Mrs. George Kemp !is. Kristin A. Keop !ir. Jay E. Kennedy Ms. Martha-Marie Kleinhans Hr. Paul T. Klenk Mrs. Darsi L. Kling Ifr. Ed1iard C. Ko! e :irs. Patricia A. Kominiarek Hr. Charles G. Kozel Ms. Jennifer R. Kraft Hr. Thomas L. Krasin Mr. Ya)lle Krueger Hr. Robert J. Kuchar lis. Diane KWJarich HI. Gus KUDis lir. Robert C. Kuss Mr. Jaaes K. Kutill Mr. George L. La!!parter Hr. Aras Lapinskas Dr. and !irs. Julio Lara Hr. Vernon O. Larson Mr. John F. Lasser Capt. R. J. Larery USN (Ret.) Hs. Cynthia Layer Ms. Sidonie A. Lee Ms. Susan L. Lee Hr. Richard Leonard HI. Jerome S. Levin Hr. Jerone H. Le"it Mrs. Susan A. Lichtman Hr. Kevin L. Lietz Ifr. ~illiam A. Lindmark Hr. Harvey B. Lucas Ms. Joan E. Lynch Mr. Donald MacDonald Hs. Darlene J. Mackaye Hr. Alexander J. MacKim Hr. Heh'in Maclin Magna Surgical Center Mrs. Ruth Davis Haki Hr. Lawrence Halysa Mrs. Patricia Mamone Hr. Lucian D. Hanford Mrs. Stacey Hanos Toscas Dr. Janes H. Haragos Marc Alan Hair and Skin Care Harcus Jewelers and Gemologists Markland - Hubbard Hr. H. Illin Hartin HI. Arnold T. Marzullo Hr. John C. Hateer Hr. Joseph licurey Hr. lewis B. Mayhew

McBride Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McCann Hr. Robert D. McClenathan Dr. Ronald R. McCormick Hs. Patty McGuire Mrs. Sandra ~fcInt}'re McNeIl is & Co.. Inc. Mrs. Karen S. ~eersman Mr. Martin Mehan Mr. Jolm B. Helin Ms. Maril}ll Meunier Dr. John E. Heyer Heyer Medical Group, S.C. Hr. Robert G. Hiner Mrs. Kari Hisulonas Hr. and Hrs. Da\id D. Hi tcbell Hr. Russell L. Moline Hr. fred H. Hontgomery Mr. John P. Montgomery Hr. Robert W. Hontgomery Mr. Don A. Moore Hr. James C. Moore Morgan Park Auto Service, Inc. Hr. and Mrs. Dsnnis Hoster !it. Green.ood Hardware &Suppl)' Hr. Timothy H. Murnane !is. !iichelle l Murphy Hrs. Janet ~. Muzatko Mr. Paul R. ~apleton Napleton Lincolnj!iErcury Hrs. Ellen Nedzel Hrs. Debra R. Seiger Hr. LaitenCe Nelson Hr. Arthur C. Nicholas Mr. AlanG. Nicholson Hs. Hargie Nicholson Hr. Som Sillson Hr. Patrick J. Noonan Noral Distributors, Inc. Northwest Ani!aal Hospital Hr. and Mrs. Don Norton Mr. Don W. Sorton, Sr. Nu ~ay Drapery Service Mr. Richard H. Nugent Ms. Peggy O'Brien-Broi'D Hr. and Mrs. Michael P. 0' Shea Ms. Mary B. O'Toole Occupational & Environlllental Heal th Cons Mr. Warren F. Opitz Mrs. Judith H. Orzechowski HI. william B. (Nens HI. Walter H. Page HI. Charles Pagels HI. Henry B. PaiGer Hs. Christine Panos Mrs. Susanne Panovich The Party Room Hr. Ron Pearce Pediatric Associates HI. John f. Pendexter

Hr. and Mrs. Donald D. Perkins lir. Steve Petso Hr. Richard S. Phillips lir. William B. Pillsbury Dr. and Mrs. Pedro A. Poma lir. Raymond L. POlJOrski Hr. Richard F. Poss Mr. Leslie M. Price lir. Jolm Prid jian Hr. Richard Prosk Radiology Center - South Surburban Hosp. Dr. Luis J. Redondo Ms. Maria C. Reyes Hr. Bruce L. Rhoads lir. E<Mn L. Richard Hr. ~illian C. Richards Hr. and Mrs. Terrance Riha Hs. Ellen Weiss Rissman Ms. Barbara Rolfe Hr. James V. Rosenbaum Dr. David R. Rosi Mr. Robert L. Rosi lir. Hugh Ross Hrs. Janet A. Rorersi Dr. and lirs. George Rudawsky Mrs. Nancr L. Runyon Ms. Kimberly A. Russo Mr. Bentley Rutherford Hr. Ronald Sabath Hs. Tina Sacks Dr. and Hrs. John R. Sadd Ms. Kaarina Salovaara Sashe' Boutique Hr. Michael W. Scanlon Mr. Ralph D. Schiller Hr. Ralph E. Schran Mrs. Barbara D. Schrirer Hr. Leo H. Schroeder H!. John E. Schulze HI. Ronald E. Seavoy Mr. frank R. Sebek Mr. and Mrs. John P. Seg\'ich Hr. Hatthei Seg\'ich Dr. and Mrs. Aram Selllerdjian Serrice Electric Company HI. Aaron H. Shaver Mr. Kevin Shaw Hr. and Hrs. James Sheahan Hr. and Hrs. Jolm H. Sheely Mr. and Dr. Rafiq Sheriff Mr. George L. Simios Dr. Steven A. SilJOn Ms. Verneta J. Simon Mrs. Charlotte Y. Singer Hr. Joseph J. Siuciak Hr. Joseph SlJith Mr. Kevin Sllith Mrs. Mary Allison Smi th Hr. Wellington S. Smith Hr. Hare D. Sokol

South Central Bank Southwest Neurosurgical Specialists, Ltd Hr. David E. Speaban St. Patrick and Teresa School Hr. Joseph A. Stary State Faro Insurance Mr. George L. StemDler Stickney lWnshp Regular Democratic Org. Mr. Le Moine D. Stitt Hiss Charmaine M. Stopka Mrs. Nancy Jolmson Stout Hr. and Hrs. Richard H. StOi HI. Richard Y. Stow Mrs. Eileen H. Strenk lir. Spencer Stuart Dr. and Hrs. Kannan Sundar Mrs. Henry R. Swade Hr. Carl G. Swanson Ms. Carrie A. Swearingen Hr. Samuel Tan Mr. Rud)' C. Tanasi je\'ich Hr. Charles H. Teman Mr. Robert J. Theodore Hr. Thomas L. Theodore Hr. ~illian J. Theodore Mr. Da,id G. Thieman !is. Laurene ThOIJaS Hr. John G. Threlkeld Mr. Thomas L. Tiernan Hr. Edward J. Tobin Hr. Joel Tornabeni Ms. Michelle Toscas Hs. Stacey Toscas Mrs. Tania Tour-Sarkissian Mr. Richard H. Treckelo Hr. Timothy N. Troy lfr. and Mrs. John Tubutis Hr. Harry D. Tully !is. Lisa H. Usher Hr. Leandro Valdes HI. Hobart C. Van De\'enter HI. J. Settich and Mrs. Janet Venable Hr. Kenneth H. Vinje lir. Theodore D. Vlahos Lt. Col. O. J. VogI (Ret.) Hs. Suzanne VonBehren Ms. JelUlifer Vullo Hr. Willian B. Wahlgren Mrs. Sara D. Walker Hr. John T. Washburne Mr. John A. Wass The Waxler Company HI. Howard F. Weckel Dr. Rayoond P. Weiss Hr. Peter Welton Hr. Robert D. Ilheeler Ms. Elizabeth L. Yhite HI. George B. Whitfield Hr. Robert A. Yhitfield Hr. Charles H. Wieman

Harold A. ~iersema David Wilkinson Vinson Williams Chandler T. Winkless Hr. and Mrs. Leon G. Winter !". John L. Wirth Dr. and Mrs. Robert Witkowski Dr. Robert C. ~i tkowski Hs. Stacy D. ~ood Worth Bank &Trust Dr. Hichael A. Yearsich Mr. George N. Zafer Hr. ~arren E. Zander Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

CENTURY CLUB ($100 - $499) Anonymous - 5 HI. John F. Aberson Dr. and !irs. MohanrJad A. AI路 Khudari Me. and Mrs. James Allison Ms. Harriet Arnold He. and .'frs. Samlel Aseh Mr. A. Richard Ayers

Mr. Stanley Balzekas Mrs. Wendell Barclay Dr. Julian I. Barish !". ~ichael Bauer Mr. and Mrs. James B. Bay Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Beatty !if. Tom Beck Bednar' s ~leats Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bertoletti Beverly Art Center Bever! y Bank Dr. and Mrs. Vasireddy Bhoopal Bob's Speedy Print Mr. Jerry Bowden Mr. and Mrs. James C. Breiller Mr. Charles A. Brickman Mr. Rayllond S. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Brown Hs. Thelma Bryson !if. Robert X. Burchinal Hr. Frank A. Burd Me. James Burgess He. and Mrs. Dean A. Cappozzo lir. Donald C. Carner Mr. R. Paul Cassabon Hr. and Mrs. Hatias R. Castro !{r. and Mrs. Charles Chandler Chesterfield Savings &Loan Chesterfield Sen'ice Corporation Clarence Davids &Sons Mr. John J. Coffey Hr. Da\'id Cohn Mrs. Alice Coller Hr. Robert W. Coll ins Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Condon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Conn 011 y Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conliay

He. and Mrs. Thomas J. Convell Cook County Hospital Cook County Hospital Electric Cook County Hospital Employees Hr. and Hrs. LeRoy M. Corradino Mrs. Carol Coulas-Lucysh}lI Mr. Robert A. Crandall Hr. Charles D. Cresap Hr. David Cuadros Ms. Rachel Cuadros Hr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuevas lir. and Mrs. Da\路id Cummings Hs. Lillian D'Angelo Mr. EdI!llIld K. Dargis Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Del Castillo Dr. Steven L. Dela\'eris ~r. Allen D. DeXorl!lc'indie Ms. Karen DeRon-Head Dr. and Mrs. Ashok G. Dholakia Hr. and Mrs. Salvador Z. Diaz Ms. Candace DiCola Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dobrowolski Don-Bar Freight Hr. and Mrs. Henry E. Doner Dr. and Mrs. Mayank Doshi Hr. Konstantinos Dourdourekas Ms. Tanya S. DO\'Oer Driftriood Steak House Drs. Hopkins. Hesleh, Hopkins ~.D.S.C. Ed Siebert Trucking Mr. and Hr s. Joseph X. Einoder Judge Saul A. Epton Evergreen Plaza Ms. Roxarme Fahrenwald Ks. Geraldine Fields Mrs. Carol Klein &~r. Tom Finnegan First National Bank of Blue Island Mr. and Mrs. James Fitch. Jr. Mr. Karion J. Fitzpatrick ~. and :irs. William Flagler Hr. and ~rs. Jon Freeman Hr. Will iam V. Gaps ~. Russell R. Gardner Mr. Gerard E. Gausselin Garin &Associates - GDS Enterprises,Ltd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. George ~r. Richard J. Gerdy Mrs. Arm ~rie Gerfilla Mr. and Mrs. Mamon Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giglio Mr. John R. Gilbert Dr. Ral ph 1~. Gil bert Mr. John R. Gislason Dr. Lee Gladstone Ms. Dorothy K. Goes ~s. Janet Olsen- Goldberg Mr. Richard Golz Dr. and Mrs. A),oola K. Gomh Gould-Kelly Trare!, Inc. Hr. and Mrs. Brian 1. Gramberg

Mr. Mr. Dr. !ir. Ms. !iT.

Hr. Mr. Mr. Dr.

Joseph X. Grassi and Mrs. Bermett Gray and Mrs. Richard Green Stephen T. Grice Gina Griffiths Lewis G. Groebe and lirs. Antonio Guill en Arthur J. Gambrell Robert A. Gunst Nestor G. Guzman

Mrs. Irna C. Hamer

Hr. Michael S. Hammond Mr. Chari es G. Hart He. Tom HaYES Mr. David B. Hechler Hiss ~end}' Heilman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heintz Hrs. Lauren K. Heller Dr. and Mrs. Kurt K. Hendel Hs. AlUlemarie Hennelly Mr. william I. Herriott He. and Mrs. David J. Hibbs Hr. and Mrs. ~;illiam M. Hickey Hr. walter C. Hilger Mr. Ralph 1. Hitz Mr. Alfred Hoffman Holiday Inn of Oak La'll l{r. and Mrs. All en 1. Hopkins Hopkins foods Mr. Harold H. Horton Hs. Ani Ho\'anessian Me. Armen Ho\'anessian Col. WilliaJll B. Hugill Hr. Rudolph Hundch Dr. S. and Dr Saro ja Ilangovan Dr. Michel N. Ilbawi }lr. and Mrs. Chari es D. Ingl es In-in Seating Company Jack Freeman Trucking Compan)" Inc. !ir. and !irs. Claudell Jackson He. and Hrs. Thomas (Ray) Jackson He. and Mrs. Thomas A. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Jolumie M. Johnson Hr. and Hrs. Chauncey 1. Jones Dr. '~illiam A. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Leopoldo Jurado Mrs. Laverne Kalinoliski Mr. M.A. Kalinowski Mr. Michael A. Kalinowski Mr. and Mrs. George Kartsounis Hr. Michael Kartsounis Mrs. liary Arslan Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. RalEigh Kean Ms. Mary Kate Kearney Mr. and Hrs. ~illiam W. Keefer Mr. ;:illiam R. Kelly Kell Y' Kean Sissan Dealership Dr. and :irs. Dennis Kern Me. ~illiam T. Kettering ~r. and Mrs. Fred D. Kitch

Dr. John I. Kitch Kiwanis Club of Southwest Chicago He. and Mrs. Richard Klarich Mr. Mark C. Klein Mr. ~ayne C. Knudson :tr. Frederick W. Kohfrna Mrs. Emily wilton Kobilca !". Louis J. Kole Mrs. Donna Kosinski Hr. James and Dr. Vicki T~. Kotialsky Hr. and Mrs. Norman E. Kozacik Mr. Arthur J. Kralorec, Jr. Mr. George G. Kri rsky Hr. killiatl H. Krueger Mr. Greg Kuhl Mr. and Mrs. La1l1enCe Kuhn He. George 1. KWlis Mr. WilliaJll T. Y. K1I'an Dr. and Mrs. Tai Min Lai Dr. Anil and Dr. Indu Lamba Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lamerand Mr. and Mrs. Janes Lathon Laurel ~otors Mrs. Ell en LeClaire Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. LeRose Mr. Leonard J. LeRose, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Le\'ee Mr. Burton V. LeVee He. J .R. Lindahl ~r. and Mrs. Mark Linnerud Dr. Michael &Dr. Bernadette Linton :ir. iill iam F. Liptak Hr. Patrick Lonergan ~r. and Mrs. Douglas Long Mrs. ~rjorie Lubanko Mr. Kenneth R. Mack Dr. and Mrs. Gopal Madhav :if. George .t Mahon He .and Mrs. Larry Maisel ~. Thoms Malcolm ~larina Cartage. Inc. Mr. C.C. Martin ~. and ~rs. Victor P. ~artinka Hr. and ~rs. Alan ~lasters Mr. Peter C. ~atson Mr. and Mrs. Janes D. Matz !ir. Lark McCarthy He. and Mrs. Michael D. ~cClure Mrs. Jane McCollum Mr. Butch ~cGuire Meadowbrook Egg Co. ~r. and ~rs. Mark A. ~el yon ~r. and Mrs. Manfred Merer ~eyer Brothers Sca\'enger Sen'ice Ms. Lisa ~. Michet :ir. James J. :ii tche 11 ~Ir. PE ter Monzures :ir. and :irs ..~lbert F. ~oore Dr. and Mrs. James E. Moore 11:. and Mrs. Michael ~oran

HPA - Student Council ~A fathers' Club HPA Key Club ~A Middle School SPA Mothers' Club ~t. Greenlood Bank Hr. Pete Nativo Mrs. Claudia Nazarian Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Nichols Mr. Robert and Mrs. Daryce Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John Nonikos Mr. and Hrs. Anthony Noonan Hr. and Mrs. mick O'Sullivan .lfr. Patrick l O'Toole Oak Lawn Trust & Savings Bank Kr. Yellisi O. and Dr. Mary A. Onayeoi Hr. Don Ott Dr. Araando &Dr. Yilhemna Pacis HI. Joseph A. Pala Sr. Dr. Baku! and Dr. Kiran Pandya Hr. George J. Pappas Hr. and Mrs. Dilip C. Parikh Parkview Orthopaedic Group, S.C. Dr. Jadish and Dr. Kalpna Patel Mr. and Mrs. Hahendra Patel Mr. Carl Eugene Phillips Hr, Tony Pociask Mr. Dennis G. Podlesak Dr. aoo Mrs. Supachai S. Pongched Mr. William Preuss Dr. and Hrs. Leon Que Mr. Arnt G. Quist R.W. Collins Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jom D. Ramey Hr. and Hrs. Rodd Rasmussen !irs. Margaret H. Rawles Hr. Janes and Dr, Lisa Rayoond Red Barrel Restaurant Hr. and Hrs. Robert Reidy Major Price O. Reinert (Ret.) Ms. Hary Rita ResDan Mr. Albert C. Richard Hr. and Hrs. Jerry Riedinger Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riggenbach Hr. Guy Doug Rohe Mr. Robert E. Rolfe Hr. and Mrs. Glenn Rosiak Dr. and Mrs. David E. Ross, Jr. Hr. Jack W. Rouse HI. Gilbert Y. Rubenstein Hr. Edward A. Rund He. and Mrs. Michael A. Salim Hr. ltikael Salo\'aara Mrs. Marilyn Coursen Sandberg Dr. and Mrs. Shankar Sanwalani Hr. aOO Mrs. Kenneth H. Saul Mr. Robert L. Scardon Hrs. Sue Tuthill Schiess Mr. S. ROiard Schiller Hr. Walter J. Schissler

Kr. and Mrs. Hans-Dieter Sclmidt Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Sclmur Hr. Roy H. Schoenbrod Mr. Fred H. Schuber Mr. Joe Schuch Hr. ~~illiam B. Semer Dr. and Mrs. Samir K. Shah Dr. and Mrs. Suresh C. Shah Hs. Laura Shallo\' Hr. Joseph B. Simon Dr. Gene R. Simonson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sise Dr. Ste\'en f. Soltes South Chicago Savings Bank South Suburban Hospital Southwest Cardiology Associates South.est Financial Bank Mr. William F. Springer Dr. and Hrs. Chidambaram Srini\'asan Hr. John M. Stack Standard Rank &Trust Company Hr. and Hrs. Robert J. Stel ton Mr. and Mrs. Thoaas Strasser Ms. Laura B. Sian Hr. and Mrs. John S. Tadanier Mr. and Mrs. Cruz Tatro-Mendoza Hr. and Mrs. Curtis Taylor Hr. William A. Taylor Hr. Arthur C. Teichner Hr. and Mrs. Tholll8.s Tempel Hr. Martin Lee Tew Mr. and Mrs. David F. Thieman Hr. and Mrs. Eugene Thomas lIT. and Mrs. Robert Thormann Ms. Tracy Thorsen Mr. Robert P. Tieman Hr. Duane P. Timmons Toyota on Western Hr. John Trybula Mr. C. Robert Tully Hr. Janes G, (Jay) Tuthill Hr. Joe Tuzikor:ski Dr. Stanley G. TyllJ3ll Hr. Ricard Ugarte Dr. Jeff Unger Mr. Tony Vacco Dr. Prakash and Dr. Nikunj Vaishnav Mr. Darrel Van Kirk Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vander Weele Hr. and Mrs. Phillip Vasquez Hr. and Mrs. H. Lincoln Velmeyer, Jr. Hr. !iaurice R. Vick Hr. Harry L. Viezens Vincent L. Braband Insurance, Co. Mrs. Victoria Vlasis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Von Fischer Mr. Peter W. Voss Mrs. Wendy Wagner-Dabe Mr. and Mrs. Willian Watson Weigel &Kilgallen Sales Company

Dr. Sr. Hr. Hr. Kr. Mr. Dr. Lt. Mr.

Linda H. We infield and Mrs. James Wethers Douglas V.and Dr. Sharon Wheeler George E. Wiegel, Jr. Pearson F. WilliaDS and Mrs. Scott J. ~illiams Leon J. Witkowski Col. Robert B. ~oolson and Mrs. Wal ter J. Wozniak !if. and Mrs. George Yaksic Dr. Allan B. Zelinger Dr. Kenneth J. Zubrick

GUARDIAN CLUB ($500 - $999) Anonymous - 1 Dr. and Mrs. Ani! K. Aga~al Dr. and Mrs. Juan Angelats Dr. and Hrs. SubramaniaD Arumugam Dr. and Mrs. Sunday O. Asa ju Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cainkar Dr. Benjamin R. Coglianese Mr .and Mrs. William H. Collins Dr. and Hrs. Bruce C. COIlin Dr. La\'erne and Dr. Evelyn Currie ~r. and Mrs. Fred Daniel Hr. and Hrs. Fred P. Danielewicz 1fr. and Mrs. Hichael E. DeHaan Hr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty !ir. and Mrs. Gerald Dugan Ms. Barbara J. Fuss Hr. and Mrs. James Griffin Mr. Ediard R. Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Heilman Hr. Gerald Himmel Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. HoI ben Mr. and Hrs. John A. KrichbaUlll Dr. and Mrs. Danilo J. Martinez Mrs. Charl yne KeFarland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horan Dr. and Mrs. Richard O/Young Hr. and Mrs. Narender Reddy Hr. and Mrs. Norris Reed Mr. Donald H. Robb Hr. and Mrs, Michael H. Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Ernesto Tan Dr. and Hrs. Frank K. Thorp Mr. Jerone A. Thrall Trilla Steel Druo Corporation Hr. and Mrs. Robert H. Winter

Dr. and Krs. David Chube First National Bank of E\'ergreen Park Fom\, Inc. Mr. Theodore K. Friedt Hr. and Mrs. Frank M. Gasior Mr. and Hrs. Joseph N. Hosteny Mr. and Mrs. Borys B. Jarymo~)'cz Dr. and Mrs. James A. Jones Hr. and Mrs. David A. Jones, Jr. Dr. Vithal and Dr. Ajita Kasbekar Hr. Robert Kenp Hr. and Hrs. Roger D. Lis Dr. and Mrs. George Hesleh Hr. Kenneth Mortenson Mr. Kenneth Ozinga Hr. and Hrs. K. A. Prid jian Dr. K. Ward and Dr. H. Reiter Mr. Glen Richards Mr. and Hrs. Ed.ard Y. Robinson Hr. and Hrs. Steve Stavropoulos Mrs. winnie Theodore Dr. Luis and Dr. Alicia S. Ugarte Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Dan K. webb ~rs. AlUle M. Wiegel Dr. and Mrs. Ara K. Yeretsian

THE ACADEMY ASSOC. ($2500 and More) Dr. Jose and Dr. Christine Aruguete Dr. aoo Hrs. Janes B. Boscardin Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis Boyd Hr. and Hrs. Shawn Concannon Mr. and Hrs. Janes J. Coulas, Jr. Dr. and Hrs. Hugo Cuadros Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Driscoll Edward E. Ford Foundation Dr. Jayant an Dr. Sunita Ginde Hr. Hartin Grenzebach Dr. and Mrs. Raffy Hovanessian Hr. and Hrs. Earle S. Inin Mr. and Hrs, David A. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Prabodh Shah Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tadio

HEADMASTER'S SOCIETY ($1000 - $2499) Dr. and Mrs. Rafiq Ahoed Arlington International Racecourse Hr. and Mrs. Rayuond Baldi Dr. W. and Mrs. M. Benz Kr. and Mrs. Frank R. Caravette Dr. Il Voong and Dr. Young Chang Dr. and Mrs. Arturo Chavarria

Total contributions August 1, 1992 to July 31, 1992



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AcademyNews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

"Salute to

National Merit Scholarship Corporation Recognizes M.P.A. Students

ExceUence '93" Underway

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation has recognized several M.P.A. seniors in their annual merit competition. The National Merit Scholarship Program honors individual students who show exceptional academic ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies. Some 15,000 seniors in the U.s. have been named semifinalists for the 1993 National Merit Scholarship Program - these students represent half of one percent of each state's graduating class. Congratulations to Geraldine A. Strasser who has been named a semifinalist in the 1993 competition! Two M.P.A. seniors were honored with Commended Student status in the scholarship competition . Congratulations to Jodi A. Kapjon and Vishal S. Sanwalani. In the 1993 National Achievement Scholarship Program for Outstanding Negro Students, senior Tiffany C. Woodie, has attained semifinalist status. Another senior, Latania K. Broyls was honored as Commended Student. Tiffany was one of 1,500 semifinalists named from over 90,000 black americans who entered the Achievement program, and Latania is one of 3,000 students in the United States who scored in the upper six percent of the 90,000 who entered the prog ram.

Dear Friends, Plans are underway for

"Salute to Excellence '93" to be held on Saturday, March 6, 1993. Please plan to joi n us for a gala evening at the Drake Hotel. Salute committee members are feverishly working to make it an evening you will long remember. In honoring 120 years of academic excellence at Morgan Park Academy, we want to involve as many members of the school community as possible. To end, you may elect to participate in a variety of ways. There is something for everyone in "Salute '93". So watch your mail for yo ur invitation to "Salute '93". We look forward to seeing you a t the Drake on March 6th. Sincerely,

/l)J)~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ned Robinson

M.P.M.A./M.P.A. Alrunni Association Offers ····Opportllnities to Get Involved···· Dear Alwnni: The Alumni Association is still ac tive, however it is not as strong as it could be. As Lhe Director of Alumni Relations I urge you to become fe-involved with the Academy. There arc many ways of becoming fe -connected: • TIle Alumni Association holds a bi-annual All-Class Reunion. which is usually held in the Dining Hall. Volunteers arc always needed to help plan and recru it alums. • If you would like to help coordinate your classmates, consider being a Class Agent for u ~oming activities. The Alumni Office will be working to develop a Class Agent system in the near future, so if you are interested please let me know. • On December 30lh at 6:00p.m, the Annual Alumni Basketball Game will take place. We always are looking for players. so if you would like to lend a hand please cal l or write. r hope you will take a stroll around the Academy soon. If being a pan of lhe Academy family was a meaningful part of your life, lhen your involvement in Lhe Alumni Association will prove a rewarding experience today. Keep in touch. Sincere1y·c • Jl

Ii? '

~~::.'"2.~ David G. Thieman Director. Alumni Relations

The Academy Magazine/Fal11992



Saul A. Epton retired Cook County Circuit judge wants all his buddies to know that he is ali ve and well and working as counsel to the law firm of Shefsky & Froelich, Ltd.


Lee Gladstone continues, at age 78, to practice general psychia try and problems dealing with substance abuse. Keeps in touch wi th Capt. Taylor and would love to hear from anyone from his class. Charles Kozel was saddened to learn that Henry Swade, class of '33 passed away. Has fond memories and would love to share them with fellow classmates.


Ray Kim and his lovely wife Ruth stopped by to visit the Academy in October. He wishes all of his classmates the best and hopes they too have the opportunity to visit the campus. Kenn Vinje named "Shriner of the Year" for 1991 in Elkhart, Indiana. Congratulations!


Daniel Roberts has a life time involveme nt in the always challenging field of law.


Russell Craig Russell's wife, Shirley, passed away in March of '92. We extend o ur sympathy. He spends his time flying in his Bellanca Viking. Robert C. Boehm retired in 1986 and is now enjoying life in a small city in San joaquin Valley, California. Fellow grads, give him a call.


Robert McClenathan still resides in Arkansas and enjoys wood working as a hobby.


c.w. "Bill" Getz started an active commercial flying career at age 64. In May he flew the world's last flying WW-II, B-24 bomber from Sacramento to San jose. 12


Charles Everett enjoys winters in Redwing, MN. and 5 months in Hayward, WI at Moose Lake in the summer.


Dave Brittain retired in May of 1991, after 40 years of research and college training. Is enjoying retirement and keeps busy with workshops within the community of Brandon, WI. Richard R. Price Congratulations on your recent marriage on April 18, 1992! Richard plans to relocate to Ari zona in '93.


Ralph Schiller has fond memories of the Academy, especially in the years '41 - '43.


j.R. johnson is presently working at the Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce in AZ. j .R. tells us that Prescott Valley is the fastest growing town in AZ. He is also the "Leading Knight" for the oldest Elks Lodge in Az.


Wayne Eden is enjoying his retirement.. . hunting, fishing, etc. Classma tes, give him a call if you're inte rested in a turkey hunt!


Ronald Seavoy took early retirement from his job as History Professor at Bowling Green Sta te University, in Bowling Green, OH. He has since moved to Bloomington, IN and is in the process of w riting his fourth book. Leo Schroeder and his wife Mary stopped by to visit the campus on August 4,1992.


Walter Hofman practices d entistry at Humana Hospi tal in Hoffman Estates, IL. Edwin juneman is happy to report that all four of his children are college graduates. Is curre ntly employed at General Stores and, as luck would have it, is working with a fellow grad, Cal Bouma!


Bill Gaps is a Rep for Hanna Car Wash Systems. Hope your business prospers!


Mark Klein now owns his own computer dealership in Mountain View, CA, after 30 years affiliated with computers. He just celebrated his 34th wedding anniversary on 9/13/92. Congrats! Philip Rosi is a proud grandfather to Philip Rinaldo Rosi III. Would love to hear from anyone in class of '55.


Kenneth Mack We were saddened to hear that Ken lost his o nly son, john, in a motorcycle accident on 7/25/92. We extend our deepest sympathies.


john Stack has moved his insurance business to Greenwood, IN., near his home. His wife is curre ntly in England on a grant for Shakespea rian s tudies. L. David Manford Congratulations on your copyright in December of 1991, from the US Copyright Office, Library o f Cong ress, on your new invention.


Chris Barker Chris' 10 year old son, Clayton, boasts of taking sailing lessons in the summer of '92. Pete Matson Is wo nde ring if any of his classmates arc interested in havi ng a 25th year reunion. If so, please contact David Thieman a t the Alumni Office.

The Academy Magazine/Fall 1992


Henry Palmer works for Computer Sciences Corp. on combat system for Seawolf Submarine. On weekends, he is Commanding Officer of a naval reserve intelligence unit at NAS Willow Grove, PA. Robert Beatty Congratulations on your recent marriage to wife, Iona this year. The happy couple now reside in Burr Ridge,IL.


Steven Delaveris participated in and completed a marathon in Greece. Steve has his house for sale, is expecting his 5th child and is contemplating changing careers. Good Luck! Robert Cain is employed as a registered architect for the firm of John Kropcho and Associates in Towanda, PA. He is finishing up his second year as President of the local Kiwanis Club.


Paul Holzman Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Neena Ellora Holzman, on july 8, 1992! Both Paul and his wife, Mira, are film makers. Bet your daughter is a pretty as a picture! Lauri Mikael Salovaara Congratulations on the new addition to your family, Mikko, born February 28,1992. Mikael started his own business, Greycliff Partners, LTD in December, 1991. Good Luck!


Christina Nelson After 9 years in Boston, Christina and family are moving to Chapel Hills, NC. The are looking forward to a peaceful life ahead.


Steven Weiss is a general partner in the law firm of Martin, Craig, Chester & Sonnenschein in Chicago. His son, Daniel, just celebrated his first birthday on june 29th!


Kenneth Holmes has been named Medical Director of Neurology Services at South Suburban Hospital. He directs the hospital's neurological diagnostic services. His office is in Hazel Crest, IL The Academy Magazine/Fa111992


Bill Branit just sold his business and is now semi-retired. He provides management consulting services part time. Robert Behrns left active duty in the US Army and has returned to reserve status. He is currently working for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, as a Civil Engineer. Anthony Kavouris is enjoying life with his wife, Katherine, and two sons, johnny (31/2) and Peter (10 months).


Dave jones jr. recently became a partner in the law firm of Boyer, Ewing & Fasio in Houston, TX. in january. Dave was elected to be the firm's Chief Financial Officer in August. Also, Dave and his wife, Socorro, just celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary in the Cayman Islands! Doreen Stel ton was featured this summer in a play, "Lu nch" by Steven Berkoff, pu t on by the Powerhouse Thea tre Repertory Company in Santa Monica, CA.


Robyne Robinson now resides in Twin Cities, MN. , and has signed a 4 year contract at KMSPTV, (channel 9) as the first AfricanAmerican prime-time news anchor in the history of the television market. She would love to hear from others in class of '79. Gregory Dumanian moved to PittSburgh, PA. for three years on a fellowship in plastic surgery.


Sharon Koskey Brashears is an elementary school teacher in Arkansas, where she resides with her family; husband, Clay and daughters, Chelsea (3) and Courtney (1).


Mary Andersen is currently working at Lifeline as a psychotherapist with patients who have drug and alcohol addictions. Mary also gave birth to a son on june 26, 1992, Arthur Andersen V. Congra tula tions!

Scott Lee is a pilot for the Great Lakes Airlines/United Express and is based in Springfield, IL.


Charles Hamper is teaching an Animation course at Columbia College, as well as working in the Animation Department.


David Parker visited the Academy campus over the summer and told us of his marriage in 1990. He is working for the Prudential Company as a Financial Service Rep in the Worth, IL. office and lives in Chicago. Priscilla Paris is pursuing her Masters in Theatre Arts at Montclair State College, N), while working full time at Community High School as the Drama Director and Cheerleading Coach.


Ad rienne Alton is currently working with a research group at Tsukuba Research Laboratory, Nippon Sheet Glass Co., LTD. Will be living in Japan until June of 1994.


Stacey Wood resides in Oakland, CA. and is a counselor for group teen foster care. She has plans to get her license in social work and extends her best wishes for fellow classmates of '87.


laMonica Threet is a member of the Board of Directors and Officers at the Chicago Tribune. Carrie Swearingen is glad to report that the "Class of '82 Ten Year Reunion" held at her home was a great success.

laMonica Threet



Rebecca L. Brown Phinney was married on August 1, 1992 in Palos Heights, IL. Lisa Spinazzola '88 was maid of honor and David Brown '92 was an usher. Rebecca and her husband reside in

Marion, IN .


Annemarie Hennelly gradua ted from Eckerd College in May, 1992 with highest honors. She is presently attending her first yea r of law school a t the University of Ari zona .


Nicholas Harris spent five weeks in the Soviet Union last summer as a missionary in the Russian and Lithuanian Republics. He graduated one year ahead of schedule from Cornell College with a B.A. in political science.


Amy Danielewicz attends McKendree College in Lebanon,IL and is a resident assistant in a

dorm. She will graduate in May, 1993 (after only three years) with a B.A. in '-,._ _-=l.u.._ Psychology. On June 26,1993 she will be married. Jennifer Coyne is a junior at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. and is majoring in psychology and english. Carlos Bravo is taking classes at South Suburban College to earn a d egree in Hotel Management and possibly biology. Tina Sacks is a sophomore at DePaul University, in the Honors Program and a student athlete.


Michael Kartsounis is a sophomore at the University of Illinois in Champaign, IL. Kevin Shaw enjoys being a reporter for the Michigan State school newspaper, "TI,e State News". 14

Saul 142 Dedicates Abells Field On October 3, 1992, during the Homecoming festivities, Ken Saul '42 unveiled the beautiful plaque that named the Soutlr Field as "ABEUS FIELD". Here is tire wondeiful speech that he gave to the Homecoming crowd. Members of the Faculty, Alumni, Students, and Friends, may I say it is a privilege to be here today. It's always great to return to the Academy. But today is a very special day; for we are honoring one of the grea t men of this institution ... namely, Col. Harry D. Abells. Let me take a few moments to tell you a little bit about our school and this individual. This school was founded in 1873, some 119 years ago. At that time, it shared the campus with The Baptist Theological Seminary from 1873 to 1892. From then until 1907 the school was known as Morgan Park Academy. It was during this period that Col. Abells arrived on the scene as a teacher of physics and chemistry. During this time the school was helped by the University of Chicago. From 1907-1914 Col. Abells took charge of the operation of the school and established it as a military school. In 1914 the State of Illinois granted it a charter to conduct it as a not-far-profit educational institution. From 18981945 Col. Abells worked relentlessly to build the school and offer a strong academic program. He had one objecti ve: to provide the finest college preparatory education possible for the studen ts enrolled at Morgan Park Academy. Without question, the school is doing an excellent job of living up to its educational philosophy. In 1959, the school was converted back to a co-educational institutional as we know it today. All during these years, the area north of 111th Street was used by the Academy to play their football games and hold their track meets and this area was known as Abells Field. In 1964, the property was sold and in 1967 a proposal was made to the Board of Trustees by the Alumni Association that the memory of Col. Harry D. Abells represents a major part of the early history of the Academy, therefore, we propose the establishment of the South Field to be named in his honor and henceforth to be called Abells Field. In passing, I would like to quote from one of his speeches, "It has been a privilege for forty seven years to share in the service Morgan Park Military Academy has rendered to its boys and through them to our country." On behalf of the Board of Trustees, The Alumni Association, and myself I present to you this plaque designating this field as Abells Field .

The Academy MagaZine/Fail 1992

'"take adval'\tage of M.P.A.: leavl'\ how to -thil'\k al'\d expvess ~ot-\vself By Jeremy Vanderweele, Class of 1992

Congratulations Alumni for your record response towards Alumni dues. So far you have already purchased 90 tickets for "Salute to Excellence" which will be held at the Drake Hotel on March 6, 1993. I highly recommend that you attend this wonderful first class affair. It is truly an evening to remember. Our annual Alumni Basketba ll Game will be held on Wednesday, December 30th at 6:00 PM. Refreshments will be served after the game in the upper gym. So come bac k and mingle or watch your old classmates. Also, please read the article from recent graduate Jeremy Vanderweele (on this page), it is excellent! Mike Rogers '69

The Academy Magazine/Fall 1992

I recently had the chance to visit some of the best, and some of th e most innovative coll eges in the country. This opportunity (unfortunately?) took me away from school for six days, bu t I have never had six days that in creased my appreciation for Mo rga n Park Academy more. I visited St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, first. They have a four-yea r core of sem inar the tutori al courses. I had the chance to sit in on one se min ar. They were discu ss ing "Othello", wh ich we Tmd Sophomore year. But v isitors werc not allowed to talk, rega rdless of their experience with th e play. I ca n't co unt the times when I wanted to correct some cra zy ideas that were thrown into cen ter ring. I think I wou ld have found m ore intelligent a rg um ents in one of MPA's Eng lish courses. I visited Harva rd and Yale last. (Yes, th ey are in co rrect order. Harvard ALWAYS prccedes Ya le.) Agai n, the strengths that I saw in their programs were also st rengths tha t I have experienced at MPA. At Yale, I attended a wonde rful class tau ght by a Russian dissident. I3ut, the class, History of World Government, rem inded me of nothing if not last yC1.r's American History course. At Harvard, I sa t in on a section of a Freshman governme nt course. The debate remind ed me of my polit ical sc ien ce course, except there were about twi ce as many students and about ha lf as much interest in the Harvard class. Again, th e class, minus th e future presidential candidates, offered the same opportunities that are so important at MPA. In case you haven't noticed, I am telling you th at you'd better learn to appreciatc MPA's strength s. They will come in handy for the rest of you r li fe. In all my dealings with students from all over the country, I don't think I have met anyone from a high schoo l tha t I wou ld rather attend. Granted, MPA docs have weaknesses, but its strengths arc overwhelming. I have never heard of a hig h school with a lower average class size, and I do not

know many stud e nts who had the opportun ity to partici pate in seminar style cou rses fo r a ll fo ur years o f high school. Yes, that word I just used was SEMINAR, a dread cd word in most MPA student s'vocabula ri es. I am referring to our English courses, which, as I hope you have noticed, are organ ized in a circle and are focused upon di scussion and class participation. This, as many studen ts wi ll vouch for, gives one no opportunity to hid e and encourages interest and participa ti on. Our Eng lish Departm ent is not ou r on ly st rength, however. Nea rly every class is under twenty students, with most classes under ten by Junior year. Th is ensu res ind ivid ualized attent ion and makes sure no stud ent gets lost in the shuffle. In fa ct, overall, MPA's curriculum is very s imilar to the seminar and tutorial curriculum ofSt. John's College, which costs upwards of $23,000 per year and is heralded as a wonderful a lternative to education of the mass-production va riety. So, next time you find yourself silen t in a n English course, or any course, remember that the cou rses at MPA offer learning opportunities that you may not even fin d at this nation' s lead ing universit ies. Oops, 1 forgot to explain something about se minar a nd tutorial courses. They teach you something that you may never have the opportunity to lea rn aga in. They teach you how to think and how to express your thought intelligently. Most colleges ncglec t thi s arca. Thcy try to givc you knowled gc through fo rced in gestion, while MPA teac hes you how to digest a ll of this knowl edge. While you have the chance, learn how to think cri tically. Don't just learn how to get good bTf<l.des, lea rn how to th in k. Lots of k ids can get A's. Lots of kids can memor ize. Lots of kids can make the honor roll. And, those things are all importa nt, but very few of those kids ever learn how to think. So, lea rn how to think whi le you can. It will not only help you in college and in crease your ea rning potential, but it will in crease your ability to live a good life as a human as well.

This article appea red in the May 22, 1992 edilioll of the Upper Schoo l newspaper.


Winnie Theodore, Carol Riha, Elaine Gillies and Donna Kos inski share thoughts about the outfits they will model in the "Fashion Affair" fashion show.

Middle School students work together to master the new computer network M.P.A. adopted this summer.

Dr. wrry Brown and Michael Wojtyla spent the entire summer months linking the Development Office into the school-wide network. Great Job!! The Class of '82 Clan gathers for a picture at their 10 year reu nion. The group is proud to report that a $400 collection will go t~ward the Martin Wolf Memorial Fund.

Ruth stopped a visit in IVICWU",. He extends a "Hello" to all of classmates and

(from rea r, left to right) Stafford Jacues, Anthoula Siakoto s, Kelly Stevens, Stephanie (Slavrakos) Sigolas, Phyllis Stopka, Tracy Thorsen, Bob Si nickas, Rudy Tanasijevich, Bill Cla rk, Nate Freeman, Bruce Rolfe (middle row, left YO right) Mary Rita Resman, Craig Lenz, Kari (Higginson) Misulonas, Rob Hug hes, Ron Herbst (kllee lillg ill fro II t from left) Andy Merrick, Terry Waitkus, Carrie Swearingen


The Academy Magazine /Fall 1992



OVERALL RESPONSE 1. About how much of The Academy Magazine do you usually read? Most




About half






2. How has reading The Academy Magazine affected your feelings about Morgan Park Academy? More Positive

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Stin Neutral




Stin Negative


More Negative


3. How often would you like receive this publication?





4. Overall, how do you rate The Academy Magazine? Excellent










I need to know your feelings about The Academy Magazille. I know that you are busy and value your time, so in developing this anonymous survey I·strove to balance brevity withotu' need to have feedback that has enough detail to be useful. Before completing this survey, please read this issue of The Academy Magazine. After reading it, please take a few minutes to complete, fold and seal as indicated()n the back of this page. Thank you in advance for helping· me evaluate ·and improve your Academ.y Magazine! Sincerely,

LJJ~ iFtI2'»G_ David G.Thieman Directoro£ > Relations


5. In the current issue of The Academy Magazine, did you find any article to be especially interesting to you? If so, please write the title, or titles and why you found them interesting in the space below.

6. Can you recall any articles or topics from past issues of The Academy Magazine that were particularly interesting to you? If so, please write the title below, or a few words describing the article or topic.

7. Please evaluate the relative emphasis placed on the following topics in The Academy Magazine:

Too Much

... G)


-.... u


Education/Instruction Current student news/issues Faculty news/ awards Alumni Association news Buildings and Grounds Sports Fundraising news, needs, activities -

Just Right

0 --------------- 0 0 o 0 D D D D o D o D o

Not Enough




STYLE RESPONSE Please rate the following aspects of the Academy Magazine: 8. Overall Writing:

o o o

9. Use of Photographs:


Clear and engaging Unremarkable Unclear and boring

0 0

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o o o

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Attractive and engaging Cluttered and confusing Reduces readability

11. How do you rate the overall quality of the education Morgan Park Academy students receive? Excellent






Don't know /No opinion






If you have any suggestions or ideas that were not covered in this survey, please use this space to explain your thoughts. Your feedback will allow me to contour your magazine to your liking.




UJ ~

~~UJUJ~ I-'(/):I:(/) (/)(/)c{~o

12. What is your relationship 13. What is your age? _ _ with M.P.A.?

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M. p.A. Lower School students model their outfi ts at "A Fashion Affair. " The elegant fash ion show was held Oct. 10, and netled over $7,000. Facu ity, staff, students, parents and professionals modeled fo r the show.



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t~~~~,~ Susan Bertoletli

(Grade 2)

~~~!~~ enjoys a ride


on a pony at this year's Homecoming Festivities.



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Richard J. Stillman '34 visited the Academy Nov. 4th. Here he explains how to use his patented Dow jones chart.


Donna and Ned Robinson (Sa lute Chainllan) say, "We Need You!" to attend "Salute to Excellence '93. "


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Milton I. Deutsch '18 Herbert W. Booth '19 Ralph R. Leatzow '29 · Elmer J. Saunders '32 John L. Dennis '33 Paul 'Ted' Klenk Jr. '37 Morton L. Wax '37 George "Pete" Howell '40 Theodore C. Argiris '41 John B. Tipton '52 The Academy Magazine/ Fall 1992

ma g~iirie.

Arlen G. Widen '57 Steven McFarland Emerson '63 Gerald Gorman (Alumni Parent) William Leo Steinbarth (Alumni Parent) Jackie Schropshire (Alumni Parent) Ernestine Hoessier Duchossois (Alumni Parent) Warren Jones (Former Faculty) Ashley Owen (Former Principal) 19

Graduation Day 1992

Morgan Park Academy 2153 W. 111th St. Chicago, IL 60643

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