11 August 2015

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Morni ngton

11 August

All that jazz


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Your guide to what’s on this weekend for peninsula families

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Pier sails into history PARKS Victoria gave Mornington’s “new” pier a soft launch on Saturday with an open invitation to the public to inspect the $15.3 million rebuild and enjoy a range of activities, including a fr4ee sausage sizzle. Lending weigh to the historic event was the schooner Enterprize, a replica of the ship built in Hobart in 1830 and used five years later by John Pascoe Fawkner to bring settlers and provisions to what is now Melbourne. The Enterprize entered the Yarra River on 15 August 1835 and moored at what is now William St. The original ship was wrecked in 1847 on a sand bar off the Richmond River in northern New South Wales. On Saturday passengers embarked on hour-long trips on the replica Enterprize as an admiring public, and their dogs, once again promenaded along Mornington pier. By late afternoon, the pier was again populated by anglers re-establishing the best spots to cast their lines. See “Barbs on eve of pier opening” Page 7 All aboard: Maya and Lily Crowhurst from Mt Martha with Annabelle Smythe from Mornington on board the Enterprize. Picture: Yanni

Mum’s brave ice forum story Mike Hast mike@mpnews.com.au ONE of the speakers at the ice forum in Mornington last Tuesday was cheered and clapped long and hard for her bravery in telling a difficult story. The forum – “What’s the real story with ice” – was organised by the churches and community group alliance Peninsula Voice, which has been

running a series of forums to tackle difficult topics such as family violence. Peninsula Voice chair Peter Orton said Kerrie Knight, the Mornington mother of a 21-year-old daughter with an ice addiction who told her family’s harrowing story to more than 370 strangers, was a hero in the same vein as the peninsula’s family violence campaigner Rosie Batty, who had bared all in the national spotlight about

the death of her son Luke to make a change. “Kerrie spoke for just four minutes but what she said had a profound effect on audience members with a very powerful speech,” he said. Ms Knight was the only “civilian” speaker of four, joining Victorian Police Assistant Commissioner Stephen Fontana, Peninsula Health’s alcohol and other drugs manager Stephen

Bright, and Julie Rae of the Australian Drug Foundation. Ms Knight told the audience she and her partner Mark had raised four children in Mornington. “My daughter Indya has battled with ice addiction for five years. My story is not unique; in fact it is far too common. “I would like to share my story in the hope that it may help other families learn from my experience, to help

families cope better with addiction,” she said. Ms Knight said her daughter tried ice at age 16. “From that point, our family has endured suffering, anguish and sheer frustration. Indya is now 21 and is in a government-funded rehabilitation facility in Darwin. This is the second time she has been in a rehabilitation facility.” Continued Page 11



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