15 December
Your guide to what’s on this weekend for peninsula families
Amazing grace > Page 3
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Mayor to ‘explain’ Paris trip
Keith Platt
Skylift takes a bough (or two) at summit TREE clearing has started to make way for the Skylift and its string of gondolas running up to the summit of Arthurs Seat. The first trees to go were near the summit, opening up the vista and removing what has previously been seen as natural foreground for scenic snapshots. While there is no doubt the $16 million project will proceed, unresolved
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matters include the bushfire emergency plan and the final number of trees to be removed. The Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) gave permission for 26 trees to be removed, lopped or pruned. Mornington Peninsula Shire councillors were advised by their officers that Skylift’s “Arboricultural inspection report” identified 82 trees that
may require removal or modifying. The report said 39 trees required removal but the rest would need to be inspected again when the pylons and cables had been built. Councillors were told that “the plan as presented represents a reasonable and practical approach” to corridor clearing “in order to maintain the integrity and safety of the gondola line”. Picture: Yanni
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MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire mayor Graham Pittock has invited the public to attend an “open presentation” about the recent Paris climate talks. The invitation posted on the Mornington Peninsula New Group’s Facebook page comes after 17 mostly critical and derisive comments about the shire paying for the mayor to attend the international talks. However, with the page having more than 29,500 followers, the post could have seriously embarrassing results, with thousands potentially turning up either to hear the mayor discuss a serious topic or to be involved with the “drinks after” part of the invite. The Paris trip has also inflamed already strained relationships between councillors, with Cr Andrew Dixon entering the Facebook fray with a comment under his online persona, “Billy Dixon”. The mayor’s planned presentation with the added “drinks after”, “explains why the councillors’ lounge has suddenly upgraded from Red Label to Black Label scotch”, according to Billy Dixon. “But hey, at least we’re sharing it with the public - see, we’ve gotta butter you up with expensive free booze (that your rates paid for) so that you’ll believe our Paris journey was totally hip and worth it. I’m sure we had a phenomenal impact on global energy policies, but you’ll hear all about it at
our cute little slideshow,” Billy Dixon’s post states. Cr Pittock was accompanied to Paris by Cr Hugh Fraser and council staffer Jessica Wingad after the shire was among 10 Australian municipalities invited to attend the United Nations climate change conference (COP21). Ms Wingad, the shire’s renewable resources team leader, was at the conference to “learn of latest global trends and their potential application locally”. The cost of sending her to Paris was about $6000. The climate summit is aimed at getting international agreement to keep global warming to below two degrees. Top of the list attending the summit were national leaders and government ministers, including Australia’s Environment Minister Greg Hunt, who is also the MP for Flinders, the electorate that covers much of the peninsula. Cr Pittock, while still in Paris, issued a news release backing Australia’s stand on tackling climate change as outlined by Mr Hunt (“Mayor backs climate plan at Paris peace talks”, The News 8/12/15). The news release included a description of the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy supplied by Mr Hunt’s office (see letters Page 22). It also stressed the importance of the talks’ outcome to the shire, which includes 10 per cent of Victoria’s coastline. Cr Pittock used the news release to take a swipe at the state Labor government’s decision to lease the Port of Melbourne and jeopardise the “future port of Hastings”. Continued Page 7
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