19 January 2016

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19 January 2016

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Special Promotion - 19 January 2016

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David Harris on david@ mpnews.co m.au will almost LAWYERS LWV DLP RI EHLcertainly be unable ance team and an interna Keeping QJ ÂłFDUERQ QHXWUDO´to meet the helped draw l govern its waste counci advertisemen - could also up a newsp to contra l was in a positio be embar on the penins t which aper RI WKH VKLUH E tradict a ct, contin n ula rassing Mornington appears to gent on to proceed shire HLQJ QDPHG D in the wake RI WKH (2, >H con- Austra cil decisio the outcom policy to n to close Peninsula Coun- WHUQDWL lian municipalitie V RQH RI WZR FHVV DV VSHFLÂż[SUHVVLRQ RI LQWHUHV e achieve 2018. Rye tip carbon s to sign W@ SUR- ity as quickly as mendation,â€? HG LQ WKH FRX by 30 June, HIIRUWV RQDO &RPSDF neutralpossible. QFLO UH Retain renew The advert LQ PLQLPLVLQ W RI 0D\RUV an in- leader The adverti Jess Winga able resources FRP- sula at ing shire waste isemen 7KH RIÂżFLDO H J FOLPDWH FKDIRU LWV 28 Octob Tyabb will on team WKH UHTXLUH sement does d said. The decisio er, stated t, published [SODQDWLRQ IR QJH VSHFLÂż possible make it the penin- penins not mentio PHQW WR “strongly on F ZRUGLQ that the to virtually U WKH QRQ overturned n to close Rye consid J RI WKH im- RI D OD ula, stating PRYH ZDVWH RII n 7KH JLVW achieve carbon at counci Âą FHUWDLQO\ QR eringâ€? closingshire was states that “strong tip was DGYHUWLVHPHQ meetin neutrality. RI l’s QGÂżOO´ ZRXOGonly that “provi WKH ly consid the site ing the tip W pendin g with a 5-4 vote 14 December PHHWLQJ ZDV GLVFXVVLRQ DW the counci W DQ DFFXUDWH EH UHTXLUHG Âł sion WR PRY WKH ÂżUVW UHFHLSW DQG GL g an alterna to retain llors’ decisio UHĂ€HFWLRQ RI RI WKH was consistent eringâ€? closWKH VKL Without YHUWLVLQ FRXQFLOÂśV UHVROXW with the status ogy solutio tive waste the tip OD´ DS UH 7KH SKUDV H ZDVWH DZD\ IURP Ms Winga VSRVDO RI PXQLFLSDO ZIRU WKH n. H ÂłRII WKH SH d accom SHDUHG J IRU H LRQ LQJ LWV ZDVWHclosing the tip ing waste n and to investi technolDVWH´ panied QLQVX- Cr Graham waste carrier [SUHVVLRQV R ZKHQ DGat gate dump- report presen VL[ WLPHV LQ W RII WKH SHQLQ and export I LQWHUHVW E\ But that Tyabb. KH RIÂżFHUÂśV DV SDUW RI WKPittock and Cr the mayor s. ted VXOD WKH VKLUHto “This wordin Hugh Fraser The Octob that H VKLUH \RQG WKLV decision may the Paris SURYLG er advert meeting. g was agreed mention not climate ÂśV GHOHJDWLRQ WR WKH isement HG WKH January, \HDUÂśV ÂżUVW PHHWLQstand betalks this. The on PDUNHW J RQ TXLUHPHQW WR Ms Wingad: did not talks shire said Ms in December. FRQÂżGHQFH as it a motion when counci Winga “The llors GLVSRV to Penins “learn WKDW decisio to rescind will debate d was re- and H RI Z ula’ the 14 their potent the latest global at the n, which lution as is implied througDVWH ÂľRII WKH threw into December Ratepayers ial application trends h the reso>VLF@ OD there are disarray locallyâ€?. bore the the insula QGÂżOOV RQ WK no other licence FRVW IRU H 0RU d estima that can take munic QLQJWRQ 3HQ- councillors say WKH WKUHH 7KH ted expenditure they will ipal waste. WZR â€? DOORZHG HDFKover the $16,00 repay any WHA T’S ON Home IRXU \HDU WHU 0 they are Brew Supplie *CROWN AT NEPT Table CASINO s P


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