1 December 2015

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Tuesday 1 December 2015

5973 6424 or email: team@mpnews.com.au www.mpnews.com.au Bienvenue: Kunyung Primary School students got into the spirit of French Day last week. Picture: Yanni

French is fun, n'est-ce pas? FRENCH Day at Kunyung Primary School, Wednesday, culminated in a French-inspired lunch for all with students enjoying chicken baguettes or ham and cheese croissants, palmiers or meringues. Another highlight was watching the movie Ratatouille in French and singing French songs. The day is held each year to celebrate the students’ and teacher Madame Alexandra Montana’s hard work throughout the year. “It’s an exciting day for the students to have fun and is a chance for the Kunyung community to celebrate the diversity of people around the world,” she said. “We want our pupils to be global citizens who are internationally minded and work together to achieve peace. “Exploring a variety of cultures develops an appreciation of individuals and their similarities and differences while having fun with each other at the same time.” Students participated in a parade, played pétanque, and created stained glass windows and Christmas cards. The school says it aims to develop in its students a desire to form opinions, discuss and share thinking with others, and learn to accept and value other people and their culture. Vive La difference!

Nets ban snares fishermen Stephen Taylor steve@mpnews.com.au THE lost campaign to continue commercial fish netting in Port Phillip has had a devastating impact on established participants. One Rye fisherman of long standing was too upset to talk last week with his livelihood – and way of life – coming to an end. Seafood Industry Victoria CEO


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Johnathon Davey said many bay fishermen, after fighting the impending ban for five or even 10 years, had “developed mental health issues which have not been thought through” by decision-makers. The Fisheries Amendment Bill 2015 passed in state parliament last week specifies that net fishing will be phased out by 2022, with Corio Bay closed to all netting from 1 April 2018. This was a key commitment of the

state government’s Target One Million plan for recreational fishing, which aims to get more people fishing, more often, and increasing participation to one million by 2020. Proponents of the ban say it will increase recreational catch rates and the size of fish available for anglers over the next seven years. But commercial netters, including those at the southern end of the bay, point out that they have sustainably


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netted quality table fish for generations alongside recreational anglers. They feel hard hit by the ban which they say will deny buyers access to fresh fish at the Melbourne markets, and that compensation packages are inadequate. The most popular species sought are flathead, whiting, bream, snapper, gummy shark, squid, garfish, trevally, flathead, barracouta and slimly mackerel. The legislation also specifies how compensation will be determined for

the 43 commercial licence holders and provides for a non-netting fishery – such as long-lining – of up to eight licence holders from 1 April 2022. Seafood Industry Victoria’s Davey said the “vast majority of the community does not understand what the ban will mean. By April, when the licences are bought out, about 500-600 tonnes of fresh fish annually will no longer be available to consumers,” he said. Continued Page 8


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