7 July 2015

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7 July 2015

Your guide to what’s on this weekend for peninsula families

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Tuesday 7 July 2015

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Unionists stake pay claim TRANSFIELD workers who look after Mornington Peninsula Shire’s buildings, furniture, signs, parks and roadsides downed tools last week over stalled EBA negotiations. About 30 workers set up what is nowadays called a “protest assembly” outside Transfield’s depot in Mornington to register their disapproval. Their Transfield bosses called it a day-long meeting. Most people would call it a picket but no vehicles were stopped from entering or leaving the depot. Transfield has a 10-year contract with the shire worth $190 million. The workers want a 3.5 per cent pay rise but the company has offered 3 per cent. Two other elements of the EBA are in dispute. Transfield expects to generate earnings in the range of $240-260 million in 2015-16. The shire said the stop work did not affect services. See full story Page 3. Not happy: Transfield workers protest outside the company’s Mornington depot last week after EBA negotiations broke down. Picture: Yanni

Children attack senior scholars Stephen Taylor steve@mpnews.com.au AGGRESSIVE and threatening behaviour by out-of-control children is upsetting members of University of the Third Age at Currawong Community Centre in Mornington. The boys – aged 10 to 12 – reportedly bang on doors and windows while U3A members are inside attending classes, ride their bikes threateningly at elderly members, turn off the power, and harass members walking to their cars.

U3A Mornington president Tom Jeavons took photographs of damage to trees at the rear of the centre he said was caused by the boys. “One of our members saw two boys aged 10 or 11 behind the portable building smoking and attempting to set fire to branches near the building,” he said. “The incidents are part of a long series of vandalism at Currawong. We are being threatened and do not feel safe here. This is a serious, ongoing problem.” U3A members say they have repeatedly contacted Mornington police but,


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so far, no trouble-makers have been intercepted. “On Friday 15 May I reported [to police] that three to five upper primary aged boys were showing aggressive and threatening behaviour towards us,” Dr Jeavons said in an email to members. “[They] said they had received two other reports and that [they] had a good idea of the identity of the boys. The following week, further problems occurred but the promised police presence did not occur.” U3A member Jan Oliver confirmed

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there was “no sign of police” during the raids even though she rang 000. “[This was at] at 4.30pm when the gang of boys was constantly banging on the doors, and twice rushing in and turning the power off at the switchboard. I was using the digital projector, which means that, if the globe blows, it is $100 to replace it. “Two of our larger men went out the glass doors and stood watching the kids but the leaders on their bikes were not there.” Ms Oliver said it seemed the 000 op-

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erator “thought the matter was not serious because no one had been injured and no one appeared to be drunk or on ice”. “I couldn't get across the idea that we were a group of seniors and felt threatened,” she said. “I said we had an arrangement with Mornington police to come at 5pm and that we were to call them if we experienced any aggression. No reaction, though. The boys all ran away and were not seen by the time I left. Continued Page 11

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