Frankly Frankston October 2018

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October 2018


everything we love about frankston, fresh mid month


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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so now’s the time to find out as much as you can about breast awareness and share it with friends and family. Don a pink ribbon to show your support and to honour those who have survived the disease and those who weren’t so lucky. Whether you’re taking part in the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s pink ribbon breakfast to raise money, joining in with the McGrath Foundation in encouraging everyone to ‘pink up’ their towns in the quest to place more breast care nurses in communities, or just remembering someone you miss, October gives you the chance to look after your own breast health and encourage others to do the same. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women other than non-melanoma skin cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness Month puts women’s health at the forefront and encourages us to remember it’s not rocket science, girls! Checking for changes in your breasts regularly and being aware of any signs of unusual pain that doesn’t go away improves survival rates because early detection does matter. Log on to, or to find out more and to ensure you’re putting your breast health first. Today and tomorrow.

Nursing in the ‘70s gone but not forgotten BY LIZ ROGERS

Tyabb resident Clare Donovan’s book was never meant to be a best-seller but it has achieved what she set out to do. It gives readers an insight into what nursing was like in the 1970s and beyond and will remain as a chronicle on nursing long after this holistic-first generation of care-givers has passed on. Gone Nursing is about a time when things were done differently. It is also about a time when patients stayed in hospital for up to two weeks instead of two days, and each nurse looked after their patient one to one. Times have changed and so has the way in which care is delivered in hospital, which makes this read a ripper. Clare explains. “We were hospitaltrained, not university-trained. I did my HSC at Frankston High in 1970 and was going to be a teacher. ( 4 Frankly Frankston

Everybody in my family were teachers, but I didn’t want to go to university and my parents didn’t have the funds to keep me there anyway. A friend had ‘gone nursing’ and the stories she told made it sound interesting, plus it was a paid position, which I thought was fabulous! I went to live in the nurses’ quarters near Prince Henry’s Hospital in the city after growing up in Mount Eliza, then went on to Williamstown Hospital to finish my training. It was the ideal way to get out of home, and the work was challenging too. I still catch up frequently with those nurses. We have a very strong bond.” She continues. “It took me a couple of years to finally put pen to paper because I wanted to cover other nurses’ experiences as well as my own. I had been working in the pharmaceutical industry after leaving nursing and was working full-time. I didn’t really have the space to write it until I retired, and it has been very rewarding because the response from other nurses has been huge. I’ve also had nurses of this generation tell me

how interesting it is to see how it used to be done.” Clare printed 250 copies of her self-published tome this year and has only a few copies left and will need a reprint. Dedicated to “nurses everywhere” for their “dedication and compassion”, Gone Nursing takes you through the ward rounds, exam time, nurses’ home, children’s ward, night duty, death and dying, and emergency codes for starters. But that’s only a snapshot. “It was only when I had a friend as a patient that the penny dropped. I realised that everybody belongs to someone and you never deal with a person in isolation. Nursing is about getting the whole picture and connecting. We never had any formal debriefing when something challenging happened. We relied on each other and that built real comradeship. I still have many of those friendships today.”

prescribe medicine, but Gone Nursing brings a refreshing understanding of what it was like to work alongside other student nurses who always had your back. It also highlights the importance of human connection. If you’d like to read more, email gone. to order a copy.

It’s true that advancements in diagnosis have brought about better outcomes for patients and many nurses are now nurse practitioners who have special training and can Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Photo by James Pyne Photography.

with Vikki Petraitis BY YAZMINE LOMAX

Former Seaford resident Vikki Petraitis is the author of over a dozen true-crime stories, including The Frankston Murders. More than two decades after the release of her debut novel, she’s still as passionate as ever about tales of justice and human perseverance. Where did your interest in crime writing begin? It came from being in Year 7 and finding Agatha Christie’s Sparkling Cyanide, plucking that off the shelf and then reading every single Agatha Christie book. When I was 18 or 19 I bought a book called Inside The Mind Of A Murderess, about Myra Hindley, and once you read true crime the ‘body in the library with the 12 suspects’ just doesn’t cut it. The heart of it is that it’s about real people. August was the 25th anniversary of the Frankston Murders. How do you feel this event still affects the community today? When I did the talk for the 20th anniversary, I had an hour-long book signing line where everyone who came forward had a story and a connection to it. About 150 people showed up to the memorial this year and all of them had a story. Everyone was so moved to see Baby Jake there — he was 12 days old when his mother was murdered — and everyone just hugged him. When you take three women out of a close-knit community, years and years later so many people are still going to feel that connection. Why do you love this area and how does it inspire your work? I lived in Seaford when the Frankston Murders happened and there’s a connection that will never be broken. If anything shows the strength of this community it’s the way they’ve embraced Baby Jake and turned up to give Brian and Carmel Russel a hug. As a writer, that’s what you want to connect with.


Frankly Frankston

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month


Design your perfect diamond ring online with Anny’s Anny’s Manufacturing Jewellers has specialised in designing quality custom-made jewellery for more than 28 years. Now Anny’s has taken things to a whole new level with a website that lets you view 30,000 GIA-certified diamonds online from all over the world so you can hand-pick the perfect diamond for your perfect ring. Choose the shape, colour, carat, cut, price and clarity of the diamond you want, and all the diamonds in Anny’s system that match your search criteria appear with their details and corresponding prices. You can even zoom in on your choice for a 360-degree close-up view. Then proceed to the design stage to choose your preferred metal and style for your wedding ring band and put them together with your diamond. Your very own design then appears

on screen. Happy with it? Add to cart. Not happy? Head back to the drawing board. If you’re still not sure, simply speak to one of Anny’s master jewellers, who will help you design a gorgeous quality piece that will last a lifetime and bring you endless joy, working with you every step of the way. Jewellery is very personal, which is why they stand by their promise “You Imagine — We Create”, and that’s exactly what these master jewellers do. ANNY’S MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS A: 92 Young St, Frankston T: 9783 6226 W: INSTA: annysjewellers FB: AnnysManufacturingJewellers E:

OUR SERVICES bespoke custom made jewellery


remodelling repairs & servicing 92 Young St, Frankston

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Lisa Fisher receives her Certificate of Appreciation from Cr Sandra Mayer and Mayor Colin Hampton.

Photo Steve Brown

Lisa shows Frankston in a positive light If positivity was a person, it would be Lisa Fisher. Frankly Frankston has previously praised her selfless efforts as the founder of the Positively Frankston Facebook group and now her tireless work has been officially recognised. Lisa was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by Frankston Mayor Colin Hampton for all her hard work and the countless hours that she dedicates to creating a better Frankston via her Positively Frankston brand. When Lisa started the Facebook group she had no expectation of how the public would receive it. Now she’s also established a linked Facebook page and website which also showcase everything positive about Frankston.

BY KATE SEARS “I first heard about the Certificate of Appreciation from Cr Sandra Mayer, who told me she had nominated me,” said Lisa. “I was really surprised and of course very excited. It was quite unexpected and it is great recognition for our group.” In the group you can expect to discover local unknown treasures to visit, hidden walking trails that may have been forgotten, tips on how to thoroughly explore our town, information on events happening, or simply photographs that have been shared of spectacular sunsets by members at Frankston pier. It’s a page that helps to remind people of everything that can be found in Frankston — potential friends included, as Lisa has organised six successful meet-ups and the first Ladies’ Night and Children’s Catch Up events. Lisa is continually praised for creating a group that had Frankston’s best interests at heart and for providing a safe place for people to converse, make connections and get to know each other, both online and out in the community. Her role as administrator requires plenty of hours to maintain the smooth running of her social media accounts

to make sure that the content remains positive and relevant to Frankston. Updating the website, being out in the community, meeting people and discovering new places to tell her members about has become a passion. “I guess it was about testing the water to see how many like-minded people there were in our community, and it has come at a time when there is so much great development and investment happening in our town. People are wanting to feel proud about where we live and certainly a fresh approach on social media was needed.” Come November, Positively Frankston is hosting Mission 100 in collaboration with 3199 Beach Patrol because Lisa’s group thrives on working with other community groups to raise awareness and support each other. “What started simply as a Facebook group has now become a popular campaign.” To be part of the Positively Frankston movement and gain a sense of belonging, join the Facebook group, like the Facebook page and visit OCTOBER 2018


Don’t skimp on bicycle safety While cheaper bikes from department stores might seem like a great way to save money, they often end up costing you more than from specialist bicycle shop.

and unnecessary wear, resulting in additional costs to rectify. “You wouldn’t go to a department store to get your brakes or your transmission serviced on your car by the person who stocks the shelves, so why would you trust your child’s or even your own safety on a bicycle to the same person?” said Peninsula Star Cycles manager John Billing. “Bicycles are our sole business. We build every bike to the same high standard we would expect ourselves.”

Most bikes come partially assembled, but there are many items that require a skilled and experienced bicycle mechanic with the correct tools and knowledge to complete With Christmas just around the the build properly and give you corner, many parents will be looking a bike that is safe to ride. This is to find a bike for their children. especially important when you Peninsula Star Cycles has built a consider your life or that of a family reputation over its 72-year history for member is in the hands of the quality, professionally built bicycles person who assembles the bike, and offers 12 months after-sales particularly with items such as service with every new bike. steering and brakes. An incorrectly fitted or over-tensioned handlebar PENINSULA STAR CYCLES or brake assembly could result in A: 48 Playne St, Frankston failure at a time when it is most T: 9783 2266 needed, such as having to swerve or FB: PeninsulaStarCycles stop to avoid an accident. Similarly, INSTA: peninsulastarcycles poorly adjusted items such as gears TWITTER: CyclePeninsula or brake pads can lead to premature Photo: Melissa Bernard Photography

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BEFORE YOU BUY A BIKE... ...ASK THESE QUESTIONS! 1. Does the bike come in various sizes to fit you? 2. Does it come built by an experienced bicycle mechanic? 3. Does it come with free, after sales servicing?

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with Irene Crusca BY YAZMINE LOMAX

While Hampton East artist Irene Crusca specialises in painting portraits of others, the woman behind the easel is just as fascinating as her subjects.

Where did your love for creating art begin? It began as a child when I attempted to draw for the first time and my creative parents both encouraged me to do so. My main love quickly became depicting people and I somehow seemed to capture people’s character or spirit. Where do you draw inspiration from? My strongest influences are drawn from my Sicilian

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background, especially my parents, their love of music, and their garden. The villages in Syracuse are rich with community and culture and helped me to fully comprehend the displacement of my migrant parents. This greatly influences my compositions as I incorporate the idea of a fractured identity in my works. I have also been influenced by artists such as Francisco Goya, Rembrandt van Rijn, Giorgio Morandi, Lucien Freud, Clarice Beckett, and Nusra Latif Qureshi — their honest, sad, and sometimes extremely dark portrayals of the human condition have given me permission to express myself in similar ways. What does the day-to-day life of an artist look like? Initially, my routine was based on a 9-to-5 model, but I realised that although you can paint all day, there are only a few hours when the best outcomes are realised. I may have only three or four quality painting hours in the day, usually in the morning when I’m recharged and have clarity and maximum energy. Why do you love where you live and how does it inspire your work? I’m very privileged to enjoy stability and peace in Australia, which enables inspiration, but my inspiration also derives from an inner place. My sense of place is one which includes my Italian background and so both my physical location and bicultural identity inspire me.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Snapper and summer keep flotilla busy Patterson River is a mecca for snapper fishing and is home to one of the state’s busiest flotillas, Coast Guard Carrum, which performs more than 100 rescues annually. With many keen anglers heading to Carrum this month for the snapper season, this marks the beginning of the flotilla’s busiest period, with threequarters of its rescues carried out between now and the end of summer. Deputy flotilla commander Deanne Semmens advises boaties to make sure their vessels are serviced, the fuel they’re using is fresh and that they’ve checked their batteries. “Always check the weather, wear a life jacket and make sure that the bungs are in,” Deanne says. “We’ve seen boats taking on water, becoming serious incidents.” If you’re able-bodied and over 18, you can join the crew and learn radio operations, first aid, and search and rescue operations, all while taking in the sights of Port Phillip Bay from the flotilla’s $400,000 Stabicraft cruiser. “It’s like driving a Lamborghini on the water among lots of action,” says deputy squadron commodore Matt Semmens. “We have made life-long friends, and qualifications received are nationally recognised.” From wild rescues retrieving patients from the water to attending to stranded boats, the crew certainly at times experiences an adrenaline rush. Camaraderie is a core value, highlighted in the group’s popular Patterson River fun run, helping to support its running costs. Operating for more than 50 years, the flotilla welcomes new members who can participate in training later this year. To come on board, email au CAMERON HOWE


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Sanctuary provides space for children to thrive Next year promises to be an exciting time for our youngsters with the opening of Frankston House Sanctuary of Early Learning. Frankston House will be a 78-place boutique centre with a government-registered kindergarten, and it is committed to providing a home-like environment where each individual child can thrive.

and four inviting rooms, the children will spend their days exploring their world, creating positive friendships and developing empathy and respect. Frankston House’s curriculum reinforces connections with nature and encourages self-reliance, problem solving and creativity.

Frankston House is a family owned and operated long day care provider and currently runs Mt Eliza House Sanctuary of Early Learning at 41 Baden Powell Place, Mount Eliza. It believes that all children have the right to grow and learn in their own way and at their own pace, allowing them to gently unfold to reach their full potential.

Frankston House Sanctuary of Early Learning is expected to open in early January. To stay informed on progress, go to frankstonhouse., and for further information, email

With natural outdoor play spaces

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Frankly Frankston

Frankston House’s learning environments are provided to assist young ones to become curious, confident and caring decisionmakers. Frankston House highly values family input and works collaboratively within its team and the community to provide best practice and continual improvement.

FRANKSTON HOUSE SANCTUARY OF EARLY LEARNING A: 1-3 Vera St, Frankston South T: 9783 1117 W: Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Committed to continuous quality care and improvement to ensure a full balanced development for each child in our expansive, natural learning environment.

1-3 Vera St, Frankston South

9783 1117

Opening Early 2019 Now accepting enrolments

Get out and see Your World Your World of Travel is dedicated to ensuring every one of its guests experience the best when it comes to both their holiday and the service they receive while planning it. With more than 50 years’ combined experience, the staff at Your World of Travel have travelled throughout Europe, South-East Asia, the US, Russia, Africa, The Maldives, New Zealand, the South Pacific and Australia. ( 16

Frankly Frankston

With their extensive knowledge and experience in cruising, they are also qualified to put together the perfect holiday at sea for you and your loved ones. From intimate small ships to boundary-pushing megaships, from romantic escapes to family adventures, they can help you choose the perfect fit. They are also ATAS accredited and a member of Cruise Lines International Association, which means you can safely put your travel planning in their hands. If you are interested in a holiday that is not too far from home but that will make you feel like you are a million miles away, a Princess Cruises trip to New Zealand or the South Pacific could be just right for you, and Your World of Travel is ready to get you there. Princess Cruises has so much to offer every

type of traveller, with delicious dining options, freshwater pools and hot tubs, a Vegas-style casino and activities to keep the little ones entertained for hours. Every moment will be pure bliss — and that’s just while you’re on board. We haven’t even gotten started on the beautiful ports you will visit along the way! Talk to Your World of Travel about booking your 2019 Princess Cruises holiday today on 9787 3344. For more information about Your World of Travel, visit YOUR WORLD OF TRAVEL A: 105C Fleetwood Cres, Frankston South T: 9787 3344 W: FB: YourWorldOfTravelVIC

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month




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Travel *Conditions apply: Prices are per person twin share ex MEL cruise only in AUD unless otherwise specified. Prices are correct as at 15 Aug 18 & are subject to change without notice & availability at time of booking. Seasonal surcharges & single supplements may apply, & prices may vary due to currency fluctuations & changes to taxes & surcharges. Offer valid for a limited time only, unless sold out prior. Valid for new bookings only & not combinable with any other offers. ^Onboard spending money is non-refundable, not transferrable, not redeemable for cash & may not be used in the medical centre or casino. Further conditions may apply. Booking, credit card & cancellation fees may apply. ATAS No. A10697.


News & Interviews Arts, Events, Leisure Ask The Experts Health, Beauty, Fashion The Business Halloween Eats & Drinks Property Garden Decor

3-25 26-39 40-41 42-47 48-52 53-55 56-60 61-76

Out around 15th of each month, 25,000 copies delivered throughout greater Frankston Publisher: Lisa Walton Editor & Social Media: Kate Sears Writers: Liz Rogers, Yazmine Lomax, Cameron Howe, Ad & Web Designer: Jasmine Ward Photographers: Tanya Fry / Kate Sears / Steve Brown Sales Executives: Anna Georgiou 0401 598 613 Molly Mitchell 0407 225 261 Chendelle Kolasa 0412 030 802 Distribution: Archie Published by Morn Pen Mag Pty Ltd 11/1140 Nepean Highway, Mornington

Ph: 9708 8222



OUR COVER Left: FAC has the amazing Tamara Kuldin see this page; Centre: Stunning home for sale through Harcourts Central see page 61; Right: Anny’s can design your perfect diamond ring see page 7.

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Frankly Frankston

The B# Big Band will take you on A Sentimental Journey The B# Big Band presents an unforgettable show of swinging classics led by the sassy and sultry vocals of acclaimed Melbourne jazz songstress, Tamara Kuldin. This sentimental musical spectacular of song features melodies from the ‘30s and ‘40s made famous by the likes of Benny Goodman, Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra and Doris Day. Immerse yourself in the golden era of jazz as Tamara and Melbourne’s own B# Big Band present this toe-tapping affair of song right here in the heart of Frankston!

The performance is on Friday, November 9, at 10.30am and 1.30pm. Book in for lunch to catch up with friends and make a day of it. Tickets to the show are $21 and lunch at noon is an additional $22. FRANKSTON ARTS CENTRE A: 27-37 Davey St, Frankston T: 9784 1060 W: FB: FrankstonArtsCentre INSTA: the_fac

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

1800 794 838

Celebrants in demand on the Peninsula The Mornington Peninsula has some of the best venues for marriage ceremonies and there is an increasing demand for marriage celebrants. If you enjoy meeting people and being part of their special day, then perhaps you have what it takes to become a celebrant.

ceremony, but to also make couples feel at ease throughout the entire process.” Anna’s motto is “Do what you love, love what you do” and this is 100 per cent the case for her.

Nepean Industry Edge Training offers training in the Certificate IV in Celebrancy. Students completing a celebrancy course at NIET have the opportunity to learn directly from dynamic trainers who are celebrants themselves. Anna Smale (pictured) is an NIET trainer and brings the passion she has for being a celebrant into the classroom.

NIET CEO Sharyn Bellingham says: “Students gain so much from this course as we give them lots of examples of wedding ceremonies, so that after completing the course our students are able to confidently work with couples to design a personalised ceremony.”

“I absolutely love my job,” Anna says. “For me the best part is getting to know couples and hear all about their vision for their wedding and being creative with their ceremony. My aim is to not only design and deliver a meaningful and personalised

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The celebrancy course can be completed online, but NIET finds classroom-based learning gives students the opportunity to interact and learn from a face-to-face trainer. All NIET trainers make the course fun and enjoyable while supporting students as they learn about the complex legal requirements.

NEPEAN INDUSTRY EDGE TRAINING A: 405 Nepean Highway, Frankston T: 9770 1633 W: E: ANNA SMALE CELEBRANT T: 0438 006 937 W:

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Be engaged, inspired & motivated to learn from the best Enrolling at NIET provides you with a supportive learning environment, where your individual needs are looked after and you are provided with the best trainers, who are industry experts. Learn from the best! Our trainers are the most dynamic facilitators you will find! NIET ensures your experience with us is positive by offering flexibility, up to date industry information, support, and above all - quality!

Courses available: •

Certificate III in Early Childhood, Education and Care (CHC30113)

• Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) (CHC33015) • Certificate IV in Ageing Support (CHC43015) • Certificate IV in Leisure and Health (CHC43415) • Certificate IV in Disability (CHC43115) • Certificate IV in Celebrancy (CHC41015) • Diploma in Early Childhood, Education and Care (CHC50113) • Diploma of Training Design and Development (TAE50216)

This training is delivered with Victorian Commonwealth funding. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to access training subsided through the Skills First Program. Student tuition fee’s published at RTO: 22214

GET IN TOUCH - We’re here to help! 9770 1633 • •

Project’s on hand when you’re ready for change It’s never easy to make significant change, and even harder without guidance and encouragement. Whether it is changing unhealthy habits or becoming more mindful, it takes time, commitment and, most importantly, support. This is why the Women’s Spirit Project has been developed — to support women from the Frankston area who are doing it tough and are ready for change. The program is free for all participants. And support begins with the very first step — filling out the application form.

The Mornington Yacht Club was buzzing with girl power on Saturday, September 15, at the launch the Women’s Spirit Project. Photos by Liz Rogers.

“We get it,” said Project founder Jodie Belyea. “Filling in forms can be daunting, but we don’t want this to stop women from applying, so we are here to help. Just ask!” Successful applicants will participate in weekly exercise sessions and workshops covering a wide range of topics, including communication skills, goal-setting and mental health. They will finish the 16-week program with a four-day trek through the Mornington Peninsula. Each participant will have a ‘buddy’ who will be there for extra support during the course and on the trek. “The activities and support are intended to encourage women to move safely out of their comfort zone and to find the confidence and courage they need to write a new chapter in their life,” Jodie said. “Many of us involved in this project have experienced challenges too, so we understand how hard it can be to make changes. We are now in a position where we can use our experience and our learning to help others.” For more information or to apply for the program, visit or email womensspiritproject@ You can also find the Women’s Spirit Project on Facebook.

“You feel fierce, fit and tough. The rush is awesome.”

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Frankly Frankston

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Birth Tree project continues to grow Every year, Rotary Peninsula 2.0 plants a tree to commemorate the births of children in our community. The Birth Tree project in Montague Park, Kars St, is now in its fourth year and all money received from registrations this year will go to the Frankston Hospital Special Care Nursery. Children’s names are placed on a plaque at the base of the tree of the year of their birth, ready for the annual unveiling ceremony, which next year takes place on Sunday, March 17. During a full day of family fun, children will be given a certificate and their own tree to take home and plant. Rotary Peninsula 2.0 saw a need also for families that

may have missed out registering in previous years for the Birth Tree and has worked with Frankston City councillor Steve Toms to establish the Birth Tree Family Garden. This garden it is creating next to the Birth Trees will enable families to register all members of their families and their names will be placed on a plaque with the year of their birth. Â Registrations for the 2018 Birth Tree and The Family Garden are $50 each with a reduction of $5 each for any additional family members registered for the Family Garden plaque. All registrations close on January 31 next year. For more information or to register, visit Fraser points out his name on the 2015 Birth Tree plaque.

New to the Birth Tree


We welcome the Family Garden For enquiries Carmen - 0413 911 049

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Bodgy Creek scores a win in Rosebud September 17 saw Rosebud Cinemas swing open its doors to three cast members of the ‘feel good think more’ movie The Merger, and people were excited. Lovers of authentic Aussie stories dropped by to say hi and support Australian movie-making at its best with the down-to-earth flick that brings love, grief, assimilation and small-town politics to the big screen. Punters didn’t want to miss the chance to quiz the movie’s writer and actor Damian Callinan, who plays Troy Carrington, and his co-actors Michelle Brasier (Gretchen) and Sahil Saluja (Suresh). Here’s some of what they asked. Where does the story come from and is there a book? Damian: There’s everything except a book! I’ve been doing The Merger as a one-man show playing all the characters for years after being commissioned to write a show that subtly tackled the issues of racism in regional communities by Arts Victoria and VicHealth in 2009. I also do the Bodgy

Creek Football Club podcast.

Aussie story.

Do you have a football background? Damian: Just a bit. I played footy until I was about 30 in country Queensland. We used to travel 350km for a game. I’ve also played in Japan on a five-storey building where the footy kept going over the edge because the barrier wasn’t high enough.

Sahil: I had gone back to India to try to do some Bollywood after feeling like nothing was happening for me. It was great to be part of this when I returned to Australia.

Is the movie going to be released overseas? Damian: Well, not sure. It’s tricky when you’re competing with big-budget movies that get released everywhere. We are what’s called a lowbudget film with limited release. It’s a wait-and-see thing. Is social media used much to promote movies? Damian, Michelle: Sure is. Some movies have millions of dollars to spend on social media campaigns. We had $100,000. You can see the difference. What was it like working on the film? Michelle: It was life-changing, and everyone was so easy to get along with. It’s such an important

It’s a fantastic movie. It reminds me of The Castle. Michelle: Well, people really relate and connect to great storytelling. Damian: It’s set in an Aussie town where people live everyday lives with family and friends, and it’s a comedy even though there are some very heartfelt moments too. Lots of people have told me they’ve laughed and cried — like when Sayyid (Fayssal Bazzi) is waiting at the bus stop for his wife and child to arrive after not seeing them for years. Composer David Bridie worked with Kurdish asylum seeker and musician Farhad Bandesh, who’s been detained on Manus Island, to compose music for this moment. That’s special. Get along to see The Merger at Sorrento and Rosebud Cinemas before it’s too late. Film-lovers were seeing stars when Rosebud Cinemas screened the Australian film The Merger on Monday, September 17. On hand to answer questions from the audience were the film’s writer Damian Callinan, who plays Troy Carrington, and his coactors Michelle Brasier (Gretchen) and Sahil Saluja (Suresh). Photos: Liz Rogers


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arts events leisure

The Home Innovations Home and Lifestyle Expo is the premier home and lifestyle event on the Peninsula calendar. Local, regional and national businesses will showcase everything you need to fit your budget. Whether you are building, renovating, landscaping, decorating or furnishing, you don’t want to miss out on this one-day-only expo. With more than 100 products and services packed with ideas, advice, fantastic “show-only” specials, DIY demos and free seminars, door prizes and entertainment all in one location, Home Innovations is your onestop shop for turning your home and lifestyle dreams into reality. Frankston and the Peninsula have gone through spectacular growth over the past few years as Melbourne extends along the coast. As our population grows, so too does the expectation for quality products and suppliers in the home and lifestyle fields. We are lucky enough to have many incredible businesses right on our doorstep here in the Bayside and Peninsula area, thereby reducing the need to go farther afield to have work completed or find the latest and most up-to-date new products or trends. ( 26 Frankly Frankston

So bring your questions and get answers from knowledgeable industry professionals, compare the products and services on offer and take advantage of this jam-packed expo where there is something for everyone no matter what your budget and taste may be!

The Home Innovations Home and Lifestyle Expo will be held at Home Innovations, Frankston Power Centre, 111 Cranbourne Rd, Frankston, on Saturday, October 27, from 10am-4pm. Entry is free.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

arts events leisure

Life has a habit of sneaking up on us — or rather, sneaking away from us — while we’re busy earning money, paying bills, doing the shopping, the washing, the cooking. That ticking you’re hearing isn’t just the kitchen clock! For the ladies in Frankston Theatre Group’s next production Exit Laughing, the highlight of their week — indeed, their lives — is the weekly card night, and when Mary, one of this close-knit group, dies, what can they do? They decide to have one last game at their traditional venue — Connie’s house. Then Millie — sweet, but not terribly worldly — steals their friend’s ashes from the funeral home to join this last game and things get complicated. Add to this mix Connie’s university-age daughter who’s been stood up on a first date and a policeman with a secret, and you have a recipe for a great night full of laughs and one or two tender tears.

Directed by FTG life member Keith Gledhill and featuring Kerry Hollier, Sophie Daddo-Langlois, Heather JeanKing, Grace Painter, and Jack Ellis-Barr, Exit Laughing is a great night out for your Christmas break-up.

This is FTG’s final production for 2018 and will be held at the Mount Eliza Community Centre in cabaret style. So grab your friends, a bottle or two and some tasty nibbles and book yourself a table.

FRANKSTON THEATRE GROUP W: FB: frankstontheatreinc


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Stunning showcase of sensational art 26-28 OCT 2018 Billy Nye



7.30 FRIDAY 26TH OCT0 at the door $3 Tickets $25 online (strictly limited)


om/415921 www.trybooking.c

Nick Psomiadis

Saturday 27 Oct 10am to 5pm Sunday 28 Oct 10am to 4pm Entrance $5 for adults Children free Tickets are available at the door the little brick studio

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Frankly Frankston

Forty years ago, the organisers of the first Mount Eliza Art & Design Show could scarcely have imagined what a massive success the annual show would become. It is now entrenched as one of the highlights on the Peninsula arts calendar, and the 40th anniversary show on the weekend of October 2628 at Mount Eliza North Primary School promises to build on that reputation for variety and excellence. Artists, designers, sculptors and jewellers from around the Peninsula and beyond will have their stunning works on display and for sale. The feature exhibitors for this year’s show

are artist Billy Nye, photographer Nick Psomiadis, jeweller Pam Mujica (PAMDesigned) and pottery artist Manuela Ferstl. The Grand Opening Gala Night on Friday, October 26, from 7.30-10pm offers art-lovers the opportunity to experience the exhibition with live music, wine from Foxeys Hangout, beers from Jetty Road Brewery, delicacies from the Edible Art Co and the live auction. Over the weekend, Café D’art will be serving refreshments and light lunches, as well as a barbecue. There will also be a scavenger hunt to keep the children happy while you enjoy the exhibition at your own pace. Tickets for opening night are available on, while tickets for the weekend will be available at the door on Saturday, October 27, from 10am-5pm and Sunday, October 28, from 10am4pm. See for further details.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

McClelland Sculpture Park+Gallery, celebrated as the home of Australian sculpture, is located 45 minutes from Melbourne at the gateway to the Mornington Peninsula. With a wide-ranging collection of more than 100 sculptures, the park comprises 8ha of designed landscape and vast areas of indigenous bushland. McClelland’s light-filled café overlooks the gardens and serves innovative dishes with delicious local produce from the Mornington Peninsula. The exhibition program focuses on the development of modern sculpture and various forms of spatial practice, and encourages contemporary artists to develop and address challenging issues current in Australia and a global context. The exhibition Black Paintings, by Karingalbased artist Sanné Mestrom, presents a series of

arts events leisure

Craft traditions reflected in woollen tapestries free-standing woollen tapestries on steel frames accompanied by a suite of gouache paintings. The works celebrate the textural qualities of the painting surface while referencing art history and craft traditions. Also showing is the exhibition Atlas of Memory: (re)visualising Gordon Ford’s natural Australian garden, which presents research by Annette Warner, School of Ecosystems & Forest Sciences, University of Melbourne. The exhibition comprises diverse archival material relating to the influential practice of mid to late-20th century landscape designer Gordon Ford. Both exhibitions are on until November 11. MCCLELLAND SCULPTURE PARK+GALLERY A: 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin T: 9789 1671 W:

Sanné Mestrom’s Black Paintings 2014-18, installation view. Photography by Christian Capurro.


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MAIN STREET MORNINGTON FESTIVAL Sunday 21 October 2018 11am to 5pm Main Street Mornington

Get your tastebuds ready! Mornington Main Street Festival is bringing you a huge range of food vendors and wineries this October. With seven performance areas, stages, roving entertainment and children’s activities, it is a fun day out for all ages. Quarry Mountain Dead Rats have joined the line-up with Malcura, SugaTree, The Midweyers, Joel Reed and Them Blues Cats, Super Saloon, Diddy Reyes 59’ Rockers, The Vibraphonic Orchestra, Sam O’Connell, Mat Katsis and Eric Parker, to name just a few. Spend the day or just a couple of hours enjoying treats from across the Peninsula and beyond. Indulge in some old favourites, including The Flying Calamari Bros, DOC, Nica Tacos, and The Rocks Mornington, as well as new ones such as The Avocado Hut or Far Out Falafels. Don’t forget to save room for dessert with lots of treats for you in store. Browse a wide range of handcraft stalls, including OMG SeaGlass Designs, Tenae Lily or Whimsical By Nature, and pick up something unique to take home.


Brought to you by

Platinum Sponsor

Enjoy the Gloriana Pin-Up Queen 2018 competition, face painting, animal farm, Little Shop of Horrors characters and mascots, Casey Grammar School, Osbourne Primary, Mornington Secondary, the animals from Magical Mountain, Dudlee Djembe, J Step Dance, and Mornington Peninsula Libraries craft-making. Some of the Peninsula’s top wineries, including Bittern Estate, Chirping Bird Wines, Dromana Estate, Elan Vineyard & Winery, Rebello Wines, Stumpy Gully Vineyard, T’Gallant Winemakers, Underground Winemakers and Yabby Lake, will showcase their vintages, which you’ll be able to taste, buy by the glass or take home. Ten Sixty One ciders will also be available. This not-for-profit community event is only able to take place due to the support of Mornington Peninsula Shire Council and generous sponsors such as The Grand Mornington, EastLink, Mornington Peninsula Magazine and others that all help either financially or in kind to make the festival such a success. Mornington Main Street Festival will be held on Sunday, October 21, from 11am-5pm. For more details, visit

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Frankly Frankston

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

arts events leisure Frankston Arts Centre offers regular daytime concerts to those who enjoy professional music and quality theatre experiences in one of the best performing arts venues in outer metropolitan Melbourne. These shows are aimed at more mature audiences, delivering quality performances at an affordable $21 a show, along with great service, complimentary morning or afternoon tea and an optional lunch for those wanting to make a day of it to catch up with friends. The 2019 Series 1 is launching on October 12 and will include a diverse program perfect for enjoying with friends every month. Marina Prior will open the series with an intimate performance during which she will sing some of her favourite songs from her career. This will be followed by Pirates to Pinafore, a fast-paced, hilarious and beautifully sung

production that will feature hit songs and scene highlights from Gilbert & Sullivan musicals. The Syncopators along with Yvette Johansson will be paying tribute to jazz greats Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. Hook Turn Orchestra, featuring TV star Alinta Chidzey, will bring the jazz classics from the silver screen to the stage. You’re My World: The Cilla Black Story will finish off the season along with the very popular Christmas in June lunch. Visit or phone 9784 1060 to book tickets to the shows. Tickets on sale from Tuesday, October 30. FRANKSTON ARTS CENTRE A: 27-37 Davey St, Frankston T: 9784 1060 W: FB: FrankstonArtsCentre INSTA: the_fac

Add a two-course lunch for


B# BIG BAND: A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY Friday 9 November, 10.30am & 1.30pm A musical spectacular featuring melodies from the 30s and 40s made famous by the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Frank Sinatra and Doris Day.


03 9784 1060 @the_fac | #thefac


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November 16th –18th

There’ll be hot bands, cool cars, dancing, pin-ups and way more to get you all shook up.

THE FUN STARTS ON FRIDAY EVENING Stay up to date, follow us on @ForeshoreRockFest Tickets are essential for many events and will sell out quickly, so to BOOK NOW go to:

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Frankly Frankston

Rosebud’s long history as a great place to enjoy summer-lovin’ holidays makes it the perfect place to revive the fun-filled ‘50s and ‘60s lifestyle with Rosebud Foreshore RockFest, from November 16-18. It starts on Friday evening at Rosebud Primary School with the first of many dances featuring Who Was That Cat. On Saturday morning the Rosebud town centre comes alive with ‘50s bands and street jiving, hot rods, muscle cars cruising along Point Nepean Rd and vintage caravans on display on the Village Green. At the school there’s a ‘50s and ‘60s market with retro clothing, DJs, live bands and dance demonstrations with Rockhouse.

During the afternoon the Rosebud Hotel presents Diddy Reyes ‘59 Rockers and on Saturday evening there’s more rock ‘n’ roll with Shane Magro Combo, Fender Benders, Honey B and the Stingers and The Jackson Four. Sunday sees the pre-1970s Hot Rod and Classic Car Show on the Village Green, with hundreds of cars and vintage caravans on show. For fashionistas there’s vintage clothing and the Pin Up contest in the Memorial Hall. The market continues at Rosebud Primary School from 10am with great music from Who Was That Cat and Fender Benders. All events will conclude by 5pm. Tickets are essential for many events and will sell out quickly, so go to, where you can also get all the details, and like the Facebook page ForeshoreRockFest for all the latest news.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

On at McClelland Sculpture Park+Gallery, 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin, from November 8-13 and with free entry, the exhibition

arts events leisure

The Peninsula Woodturners Guild’s Woodturning in the Park exhibition is not just an opportunity to pick up a gorgeous early Christmas present or two, it’s also your chance to gain a firsthand insight into this fascinating age-old craft.

will include demonstrations of woodturning at the guild’s studio and workshop in the park grounds. You’ll see woodturners in action and be able to get your hands on a handcrafted item. In an age filled with cheap, disposable and machine-made items, a craft that goes back centuries is definitely something to behold. If you’d like to join the guild to have a go yourself, download the application form at

WOODTURNING IN THE PARK Thursday November 8 until Tuesday November 13

FREE ENTRY! McClelland Gallery and Sculpture Park, 390 McClelland Drv, Langwarrin


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arts events leisure

Help support survivors of child abuse 29 OCTOBER 2018


Leading events company Agency83 is hosting a charitable luncheon at the Cranbourne Turf Club from noon on Monday, October 29, with all profits going directly to support Blue Knot Day 2018. Raising awareness of the estimated five million Australian survivors of childhood neglect, trauma abuse and domestic violence, the luncheon will feature a guest speaker who has lived a life most of us could not imagine yet has broken the cycle and is now an active mother and businesswoman.

The event will include a two-course lunch, drinks and entertainment including auctions, door prizes and gift bags to all those attending. Agency83, as part of its passion projects, aims to raise $5000 that will provide a survivor the access to attend a Blue Knot Foundation workshop,

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provide funds to continue the trauma phone support services and enable Blue Knot Foundation to continue its well-respected advocacy work in the area of childhood trauma. Agency83 director Rhiannon Pilton said: “Providing awareness for this critical access point to survivors and not-for-profit agencies is one of the most rewarding projects I work on. Knowing the money raised will be used to increase the accessibility of recovery programs and advocacy for survivors is a small step in support that I can offer Blue Knot Foundation. While the event and day itself presents challenges to those survivors and their support networks, the luncheon will focus on a positive message of recovery and strength.� To support Agency83 and its initiative, please visit agency83.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

‘Cultural Diversity’ is the theme of this year’s annual Langwarrin Primary School Art Show. Students explored the premise that art is universal and has been a way to communicate beliefs and express ideas throughout the ages. Their artwork will be showcased celebrating past and existing cultures. Photo by Jamica Photography.

The show will be held at the school, 90 Warrandyte Rd, Langwarrin, on Sunday,

October 21, from 10am-2pm, and everyone is invited to come along, celebrate cultural diversity and enjoy the exhibition as much as the students have enjoyed putting it together. The school gratefully acknowledges the show’s sponsors, whose interest and support reflects the strong community links that the school is extremely proud of.

Third year for popular Mount Eliza Festival Be sure to mark Sunday, March 17, on your calendars for the 2019 MY Mount Eliza Run & Fun Festival. Festival director Geoff Nyssen and his volunteer committee are proud to host the annual event for the third time to celebrate the importance of health and wellness, while raising awareness of the blood cancer multiple myeloma.

“More than 1000 people came to the festival last year, with over 600 people taking part in the 5km and 10km trail run/walk,” Geoff said. “It was a fantastic event that thrives on community spirit and raises much-needed funds for Myeloma Australia.” The festival has generated more than $30,000 annually for Myeloma Australia, ensuring the annual employment of a part-time nurse to provide direct information and support services to myeloma patients, carers and their families. “We continue to be so well supported by our generous sponsors and local community,” Geoff said. “In 2019 we will also work with expert trail run/walk organisers to ensure both the professional and amateur competitors have a great experience on the day. We are also planning a host of entertainment, family-fun activities and delicious food and beverages.” If you wish to support the 2019 MY Mount Eliza Run & Fun Festival, please contact Geoff for a sponsorship prospectus at geoffnyssen@ or on 0423 838 374. You can read more about Geoff’s personal journey with multiple myeloma at


Sunday 21st October 10am - 2pm


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Art show celebrates cultural diversity

arts events leisure

WHAT’S ON FREE LISTINGS Every week listings are on our website. UNTIL SUNDAY NOVEMBER 11 Sanné Mestrom: Black Paintings continues until November 11; McClelland Sculpture Park+Gallery, 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin;

Atlas of Memory: (re)visualising Gordon Ford’s natural Australian garden; McClelland Sculpture Park+Gallery, 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin; UNTIL SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17 Southern Buoy Studios presents Regional Women’s Exhibition: 1/19 Carbine Way, Mornington, TUESDAY OCTOBER 16 Woodleigh School Information Session: 7.30pm, 5971 6100,

Intro to Sketching with Irene Crusca: Frankston Library, 5.30-7.30pm, $12 bookings essential, library.frankston., 9784 1020

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 17 Peninsula Grammar Open Day: 9788 7753,

Cornish College Open Day: 6pm, 9781 9000, WED-FRIDAY OCTOBER 17-19 Woodleigh School Campus Tours: book via website THURSDAY OCTOBER 18 Louisa Deasey; A Letter from Paris: Frankston Library; 11am; free; bookings essential library.frankston.

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SUNDAY OCTOBER 21 Main Street Mornington Festival – 11am-5pm,

Student Art Show: Langwarrin Primary School: Celebrating Cultural Diversity; 10am-2pm; Walk for Our Bays: Western Port Marina Hastings, 9am onwards, 5979 7100,

THURSDAY OCTOBER 25 Super Brain Training with Maggie Flanagan: Frankston Library; 10amnoon; free; bookings essential library.

FRIDAY OCTOBER 26 Mount Eliza Art & Design Show Gala Opening Night: Mount Eliza North Primary School, 7.30-10pm, tix $25 online or $30 at the door, book online

SAT & SUNDAY OCTOBER 27-28 Mount Eliza Art & Design Show: Mount Eliza North Primary School, Sat 10am5pm & Sun 10am-4pm, $5 adults, children free, tix available at the door, SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 Sk8House Halloween Party: 6-9pm; $12 entry + $3 sk8 hire; prizes for best dressed; Sk8House, Carrum Downs Toorak College Open Day: Old Mornington Rd, Mount Eliza;

Home + Lifestyle Expo: Home Innovations Centre, Shop 10/111 Cranbourne Rd, Frankston, 10am-4pm,

Find more listings or upload your event at

free entry and showbags, free seminars, giveaways and sausage sizzle.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 28 Community Kinds Plus Family Fun Day: Mornington Park, Schnapper Point, Mornington, 10.30am-2.30pm, 9783 3931, MONDAY OCTOBER 29 Blue Knot Charity Luncheon Event: Cranbourne Turf Club; 11.30am2.30pm; 100% of profits go to the Blue Knot Foundation; register on – event no: 49635805029

TUESDAY OCTOBER 30 Intro to Sketching with Irene Crusca: Frankston Library, 5.30-7.30pm, $12 bookings essential, library.frankston., 9784 1020 SAT- TUESDAY NOVEMBER 3-6 Peninsula Arts Society Spring Art Show: 159 Overport Rd, Frankston; 10am-5pm; P: 9775 2640

SATURDAY NOVEMBER 3 Melbourne Symphony Orchestra: pre-show talk 6.30pm; show 8pm; Frankston Arts Centre, 27-37 Davey St, Frankston; tix $27 - $71; bookings 9784 1060 or

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6 Café Moto’s Melbourne Cup Day: with Brixton Bar Co; 611 Nepean Highway, Carrum;

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8 Oaks Day Luncheon: Mornington

Racecourse, Gunnamatta Room, noon4pm, tix

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9 B# Big Band: A Sentimental Journey: Frankston Arts Centre, 10.30am & 1.30pm,, 9784 1060

FRIDAY–SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9-10 Second Hand Book Sale – Fundraising for Save The Children Australia & Hopeworks: 9am-4pm; Books from $3; Hopeworks Op Shop, 36 Hartnett Dr, Seaford SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10 Bata’s Family Fun Day: 1158 Nepean Hwy, Mornington, 10am-3pm, bata., 5970 8535

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 13 Introduction to Volunteering Session: Impact Volunteering hosts Family Life, 10-11am, Frankston City Library long room, bookings essential info@ MPRG presents YOUNG AT ART The collected Works of Me – Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, 10-11am or 11.30am-12.30pm, $5 p/child,, 5950 1580 Intro to Sketching with Irene Crusca – Frankston Library, 5.30-7.30pm, $12 bookings essential, library.frankston., 9784 1020 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 14 Peninsula Field Naturalists’ Club meeting: guest speaker Nathalie Nunn, Frankston City Council’s Gardens for Wildlife Project, Uniting Church, 16 High St, Frankston, 8pm;

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 3 Favourite F Words -Fitness, Finance + Fashion: guest speakers; $49 pp; 7-11pm; Frankston Mechanics Institute, all profits go to 2BME Foundation; Paige 9781 4533 High Street Uniting Church November Food Fair: 5.30-8pm; live entertainment, prizes & handcraft stalls; 16-18 High St, Frankston

FRIDAY–SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16-18 Rosebud Foreshore RockFest; FRIDAY & SAT NOVEMBER 16-17 Exit Laughing; cabaret style seating: BYO drinks & nibbles; 8pm; Mt Eliza Community Centre, Canadian Bay Rd, Mount Eliza; 1300 665 377; trybooking/frankstontheatregroup SAT & SUNDAY NOVEMBER 17-18 Peninsula VineHop Festival: tix

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 18 Third Annual 2018 Kids Fun Run with K163: face painting, animal farm, food & more; profits go to Frankston Hospital; organised by Rotary Club of Mt Eliza; Moorooduc Station; TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20 Intro to Sketching with Irene Crusca: Frankston Library, 5.30-7.30pm, $12 bookings essential, library.frankston., 9784 1020 More Free Listings on our website

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Bonbeach Farmers’ Market: second Sunday of month, 8.30am-12.30pm, Bonbeach Primary Emu Plains Market: Saturday, October 20, 9am-2pm, Emu Plains Reserve, Balnarring Frankston Makers’ Market: Saturday, October 20, 2-7pm, Young St, Frankston Frankston Sunday Market: every Sunday 8am-1pm in Sherlock & Hay carpark, Young St, Frankston Karingal Uniting Church: Second Saturday of month, 8am-1pm, cnr Karingal Dve & Lindrum Rd, Frankston

Seaford Farmers’ Market: third Sunday of month, 8am-1pm Broughton St Reserve, Station St, Seaford Seaford Handmade Market: third Sunday of month, 9am-1pm, Seaford Scout Hall, Seaford The Little Flamingo Design Market: first Sunday of month, 9am1pm, Langwarrin Community Hall, Langwarrin

“The picturesque park really has an amazing energy and presence,” says organiser Vanessa Johnson. “We have been so thankful for the amazing support of the Bayside residents and love watching this stunning market become entwined into the community’s heart.” If you haven’t been before, then it’s a must this season. Little Beauty reopens for the spring/summer market season on October 27, showcasing 140 of Melbourne’s very best makers and designers hand-picked for their uniqueness, creativity and ethos. It

arts events leisure

Your Local Markets

The spring market season is upon us again and the team at Untold Events Co. can’t wait to be back among the beautiful surrounds of Beauty Park in Frankston.

also features amazing live music, food trucks, fresh produce and

mouthwatering gourmet food. For more details, check out LITTLE BEAUTY IN THE PARK A: Beauty Park, High St, Frankston E: W:












Little Beauty Market: Saturday, October 27, 10am-3pm, Beauty Park, Frankston Mount Eliza Farmers’ Market: fourth Sunday of month, 9am-1pm, Mount Eliza Village Green Pearcedale Farmers Market: third Saturday of month 8am-1pm at Pearcedale Community Centre, Baxter-Tooradin Rd, Pearcedale Plaza Palooza: every Thursday, 9am4pm, Langwarrin Plaza, Langwarrin






re- ope


20 9-2 PM

join us under the stringybarks EMU PLAINS RESERVE BALNARRING


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Ask the Experts Bokany Hair


Cody Bokany not only wants her clients to look fantastic, she wants them to feel fantastic too. That’s why, with her Bokany Hair salon, Cody places as much emphasis on what goes into the products she uses as she does on what effect they have on her clients’ hair.

Youthful You is dedicated to providing affordable cosmetic injectable treatments of the highest quality. Dr Bradley Hull and his team bring clinical knowledge, skills and experience in medical cosmetic treatments to enhance and maintain your natural and youthful appearance in a professional and ethical environment where you are always the highest priority.

Bokany Hair is a vegan salon and the hair care products Cody uses are made in Melbourne by Mr Smith. That’s a win-win for Cody — she is committed to supporting local manufacturers, and Mr Smith products are sulfate and parabenfree and are also approved by PETA. Cody also uses ZenzTherapy Alternative Color products, which are also vegan, include natural ingredients and contain neither ammonia nor PPD. Cody offers and recommends OLAPLEX with colour services or as a stand-alone rebonding treatment. While blondes are what she does the most and what she is more known for, Cody loves to use alternative colours and has plans to do more.

Dr Hull is an experienced GP who trained in the UK and has a passion for cosmetic medicine. His unique approach to anti-ageing means he prides himself in giving his clients a natural, fresh and youthful appearance. Safety is of course of the utmost importance and his excellent team ensures every procedure runs smoothly so that you make a quick recovery and start enjoying the new natural you.

“My focus is about maintaining the health of my clients’ hair while reaching their goals,” she says. If having beautiful healthy hair without all the environmental nasties is as important to you as it is to Cody, you know who to call.

Dr Hull’s ethos to skin rejuvenation and anti-ageing is that of subtlety with a philosophy of conservatism and ‘less is more’. The common practice of applying youthful facial features such as flattened, expressionless foreheads and large full lips to a mature face sometimes results in an unbalanced appearance. Therefore Dr Hull prides himself in adopting a holistic approach to facial rejuvenation, which restores a natural radiance and healthiness to the skin. With well-judged targeted use of cosmetic injectables, he rebalances the face, enabling you to achieve a ‘natural’ rejuvenation and a desirable outcome.

BOKANY HAIR A: 151 Beach St, Frankston T: 0434 408 814

YOUTHFUL YOU AT THE BEAUTY EMPORIUM A: 1/12 Ranelagh Drive, Mount Eliza T: 0450 013 496 W:

HAIR and beauty feature ROYALTY SOCIETY

Tiarna Robertson Makeup

Feel like royalty this summer with a golden, natural-looking tan from Royalty Society. Australian-made and owned, Royalty Society’s professional and DIY tanning products are made in a PETA-approved facility and are 100 per cent vegan, cruelty-free, contain no alcohol, paraben or PPD, and are suitable for sensitive or dry skin.

Tiarna Robertson’s passion for beauty started at a young age and she has now carved herself a successful career as a full-time make-up artist. Born in Queensland, Tiarna has worked around Australia and spent time overseas honing her craft. She now calls Seaford home and regularly travels around Victoria for her bookings.

Royalty Society also offers in-home luxury tanning appointments. With more than 10 years’ experience in the tanning industry, company director Jaide Hopwood guarantees a comfortable and professional experience with online booking and secure payment options available.

With more than 13 years in the industry, Tiarna has a well-rounded skill set, from make-up director for the Sydney Fashion Festival to bridal parties, education and empowering everyday women with make-up.

For exceptional natural results, Jaide recommends getting your tan one or two days before your event. Also, when you take your first shower after treatment, rubbing your skin gently to remove bronzers will prevent any lines or streaking. Finally, use pH-balanced or natural shower gels and moisturisers instead of acidic or fruit-based products, which can affect the longevity and appearance of your tan.

Tiarna is recognised for her ability to take current trends and adapt them into wearable make-up looks with exceptional attention to detail. Specialising in airbrush make-up, she is able to create flawless looks without the need for heavy application — no cake-face in sight!

For tanning bookings, visit and select “mobile appointments”, and email for further information.

Tiarna’s philosophy is to design a make-up look that complements her clients’ features and, more importantly, helps them to feel incredible about their natural beauty. Bringing out a woman’s confidence through make-up is a privilege she doesn’t take for granted.

ROYALTY SOCIETY T: 0406 499 606 W:

Due to her outstanding ethic and refinement of artistry, Tiarna is in high demand during the Spring Racing Carnival and for weddings across the Mornington Peninsula.


fashion health beauty

This is a question that the podiatrists at Southern Cross Podiatry often get asked. Your feet are incredibly complex structures, with many possible injuries, illnesses and complications that can arise. Luckily, there are some simple actions you can do at home to look after your feet. Here are a few of the most important self-care activities:

Look at your feet every day, including the bottom, top, sides, and in between each toe. This daily check can detect things like calluses, corns, cuts and ulcerations, along with new skin spots. Early detection is key when treating medical conditions. Apply moisturiser every day to your feet. Southern Cross Podiatry recommends avoiding in between your toes, though. Our skin is made of an elastic material and keeping the skin hydrated allows it to stretch rather than crack and spilt. Daily moisturiser is especially key coming up to the summer months. Wear shoes appropriate to the activity you are doing. For example, avoid wearing high-heel shoes if going on a shopping spree. A walking shoe or runner is more appropriate for this activity. If you have concerns about your feet, speak to your podiatrist. All the podiatrists at Southern Cross Podiatry have a wealth of knowledge regarding foot care, so they welcome all questions, no matter how simple they may seem. Sometimes that little bit of extra knowledge can make all the difference to your foot health. SOUTHERN CROSS PODIATRY A: 1 Ferndale Drive, Frankston T: 8759 6477 A: St Mary Medical, 1181 FrankstonDandenong Rd, Carrum Downs T: 8770 8888 W:

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Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

We can help with Treatment of nail & skin conditions Biochemical and orthotic therapy Heel and foot pain Paediatric foot assessment & management Sports podiatry Foot health assessments, covering podiatric surgeries

1 Ferndale Drive, Frankston 8759 6477 Book online!

fashion health beauty


Organic Perfumes

High heels a hi Women love their heels, but at what expense? The Sports Injury Clinic in Frankston explores the science behind wearing heels and the impact on your body.

good for you, good for the planet. #buylocal #vegan @kismybody

selected stockists

By wearing high heels we are raising the hindfoot to create unwanted force through our anatomically smaller metatarsal bones. Once the tissue can no longer tolerate the excessive forefoot loading, injury will likely ensue. This is why forefoot pathologies such as corns, neuromas and stress fractures are common in high heel wearers, especially around Spring Racing Carnival time. In heels, the ankle is placed in an unstable position. The base of the high heel is often narrowed and is the reason for many sprained ankles. High heels exaggerate the pelvis position, which not only over-activates your back

Because life is a playing field

Support for every body

365 Nepean Hwy, Frankston VIC 3199 ph 9783 9990 ( 44

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Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

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igh risk

muscles and hip flexors, but places increased stress and compression on your spinal joints, resulting in back pain. Email The Sports Injury Clinic at for any further information on high heels, alternative shoes or injury advice. THE SPORTS INJURY CLINIC A: 365-367 Nepean Highway, Frankston T: 9783 9990


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fashion health beauty

Creating beautiful smiles on the Peninsula for over 30 years Specialist orthodontic care for children, teens and adults. Highly experienced staff providing first class care, guidance and support to families and individuals on their orthodontic journey. Expertise in: braces, invisible braces, clear aligners, digital orthodontics, removable & fixed functional appliances No Referral Required - Interest free payment plans available! Enquire about your new smile today. 13 Beach St, Frankston 9783 4511

If you love adaptable, easy wearing, effortlessly fashionable knitwear that you’ll wear time and time again, Merino & Co is definitely for you.

Merino & Co houses three merino and natural fibre fashion brands — MerinoSnug, Hedrena and Only Merino, showcasing Australia’s best modern merino wool in everyday basics, apparel and accessories for women and men, as well as luxurious items for the home. Proudly Australian owned, Merino & Co contemporary designs are created with Australia’s

finest merino wool, loved for its natural breathability and softness.

Merino & Co is proudly owned by Australian Wool Network, Australia’s largest independent wool marketer, bringing woolgrowers, wool processors and consumers together. From bale to retail, Merino & Co is committed to connecting its customers and growers by highlighting the origin of each of its garments, providing customers with the opportunity to learn more about the provenance of garments. Each garment boasts a QR-enabled swing tag that showcases the woolgrowers who contributed to the

fashion health beauty

Finest merino fashion from bale to retail making of the garment, their sheep and the environment in which the wool was grown. The wool is then blended with other premium natural fibres and sustainably and ethically manufactured at a purpose-built factory outlet in Carrum Downs.

The Carrum Downs factory outlet is open to the public with a huge range of firsts, seconds and factory overrun discounted garments available for sale. MERINO & CO A: 140 Colemans Rd, Carrum Downs T: 1300 030 718 W:

FAC TORY OUTLET SALE Quality Australian made merino wool luxury knitwear. Purchase firsts, seconds and factory overrun discounted garments.

Visit our Factory Outlet at 140 Colemans Road, Carrum Downs VIC 3201 Open: Mon-Thu 10am-5pm, Fri 10am-3pm, Sat (May-Jul) 10am-2pm, 1300 030 718


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Legal advice built on experience As a Frankston resident, Kelvin Oldridge has situated his legal practice in Sandringham to provide accessibility for clients from the city, bayside and the Peninsula. With qualifications in building and law — B.Build (RMIT) and LL.B (Hons University of London) — Kelvin’s advice is complemented by his building experience and his understanding of the needs of clients from the building and construction industry. Kelvin is a key part of Melbourne’s projects and dispute resolution fraternity, a member of the Building Dispute Practitioners Society and editor of its newsletter for more than eight years, and a regular judge for the Master Builders Association’s annual Excellence in Construction Awards. Kelvin regularly provides a legal and advisory service to construction and project management businesses, property developers, contractors and insurance companies, including drafting and amending contracts, standard forms of construction and development contracts in Australia and including the Australia Standards suite of contracts. He also provides commercial advice and support to clients in arbitration, litigation and the defence of insurance claims. KO CONSTRUCTION LAW T: 9598 6444 W:

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Frankly Frankston

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

the business Priscilla Cutter’s passion for striking and strategic design has proven itself to be the perfect solution for two satisfied customers, both Frankly Frankston readers and business owners. The team at Tax On Time Accountants in Pearcedale said: “We really enjoyed our experience working with LogoLogix on our new corporate identity design! Priscilla provided a fantastically creative and efficient service as we were provided with impressive colour and design options that met our brief. We are very happy with the resulting design and subsequent collateral and signage. Thank you LogoLogix!”

Melanie Aldis, the managing director of CFM Air Conditioning in Hallam, said: “A big thank you to the LogoLogix team for the inspiration and very clever marketing insights provided in developing our Corporate Brochure. The wealth of information we received was first class, and worth every penny. The finished product was beyond our expectations, with colour, graphics, design and layout done to perfection.” If you too would like to be another satisfied customer, call Priscilla at Logo Logix today. LOGO LOGIX T: 9598 6995 E: W: OCTOBER 2018

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the business FREE Introduction to Volunteering Sessions 10 am – 11 am

FINAL SESSION FOR 2018! Tuesday 13th November Guest speaker: Family Life

Bookings Essential Long Room – Frankston City Library 60 Playne Street, Frankston T: 9770 6492 E: ( 50

Frankly Frankston

Annual awards honour selfless volunteers Long-time volunteer and former Frankston Senior Citizen of the Year Alan Quaife is Impact Volunteering’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year. Alan took out the Senior and Overall categories at Impact Volunteering’s recent annual awards, with Peter Talbot, from 3199 Beach Patrol, being named Community Services Volunteer of the Year and Bridie Keily, from Frankston Youth Council, named Youth Volunteer of the Year. Alan is the coach/manager of Frankston Peninsula Dolphin Sports, a mixed-ability sporting organisation that assists those within the community who may not otherwise have the opportunity to participate within a sports club. “Whether a coach, mentor or friend, there is not one facet of the organisation that Alan hasn’t been involved in over his six-plus years, sharing his passion and commitment with all involved with the

sports club,” a Frankston Peninsula Dolphin Sports spokesman said. The awards celebrate and recognise the valuable contributions that volunteers make in the community, often giving so much of their own time and resources. “Many outstanding nominations were received, making it a close decision,” an Impact Volunteering spokesman said. “We would like to thank all candidates who were nominated and for their great work in the community — you are all stars!” For more information about the benefits of volunteering in the community, email Impact Volunteering at info@ or phone 9770 6492. Pictured: Frankston Mayor Colin Hampton with Impact Volunteering treasurer Craig Stephens and awardwinners Alan Quaife, Peter Talbot and Bridie Keily. Photo by Steve Brown.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

the business

Graham’s a gem when it comes to fire safety Gem Fire Service managing director Graham Millard is passionate about fire protection. However, his career in the industry started by accident. Forty-eight years ago in Adelaide, his landlady set up an interview with a fire sprinkler company that was after young guys with an aptitude for mechanics to become trained as sprinkler fitters. To be polite and not embarrass her, Graham went along despite already working for a Holden dealer. Once the interviewer mentioned the pay, however, he was converted. Graham set about learning as much as he could about the fire prevention industry, gaining 15 years of valuable

experience in sprinkler systems, deluge systems, hydrant hose reels, CO2 systems and fire safety at power stations and industrial plants all over Australia. After this came a desire to provide a higher level of service, and in 1985 Gem Fire Service was born. Graham holds five qualifications and has employed and trained nearly 100 apprentices. A six-week stint at Wormald in 1974 gave Graham a taste of Melbourne and he’s been here ever since, loving life on the Peninsula with his wife, three children, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Specialising in the Design, Supply, Installation and Testing of Fire Protection Systems to Australian Standards.

1300 134 170 24 HOURS

GEM FIRE SERVICE A: 14 Jack St, Carrum Downs T: 1300 134 170 W: OCTOBER 2018

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the business

One Pear Tree in Frankston

celebrated its first birthday on Tuesday, September 4, by offering its customers free coffees from 7-8am in the new front area that was finished for the special day. Festivities continued with a night of fun, bubbles and speeches. Photo supplied by One Pear Tree.


The Greater Frankston Business Awards are here to celebrate business success The Greater Frankston Business Awards will recognise the many, impressive business success stories throughout the region, and provide exceptional networking events for the local business community throughout the year. The awards program will culminate in the major gala event held in February 2019, to be attended by more than 300 people from all corners of our business community.

Applications NOW OPEN

Apply or nominate via website Proudly sponsored by:

Do you have a will? If not, or if your Will needs reviewing, let me help you.

Standard Will $125.00 (plus GST) each. Power of Attorney $100.00 (plus GST) each. John D Crump - Solicitor 1 Davies Avenue, Mount Eliza Vic 3930 Tel. 9787 7222

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Frankly Frankston

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

BY KATE SEARS A hearse sits in the frontyard and it’s drawn by a horse that’s just a skeleton. If you’re brave enough to continue towards the house, an eerie butler will greet you at the front door. You’ll find a headless Victorian lady and her friend who follows you around while staring you down with her piercing red eyes. Follow the hallway to the end to discover a Bates Motel-style set-up complete with sign and deceased mother in the rocking chair. Or stop by the creepy clown or horrific zombie room before you get the absolute jitters in her backyard cemetery. Sk8house co-owner Vanessa Hammond transforms her whole home into a spooky house in preparation for her favourite day, October 31. More than two weeks of hard work among spider webs and skeletons is what it takes for the house to return from the dead and be ready to come alive at night in the lead-up to Halloween. Vanessa is not alone in her love of the scary season, with her daughter Brittany, mum Lorraine and her mum’s partner Dennis (or Jack the Ripper on stage) assisting in the festivities. These family members are

talented creatures who have a knack for creativity and bringing Vanessa’s crazy nightmares to life. “I show them my ideas and they create it,” said Vanessa. “Mum and her partner make the props, including hand-painting polystyrene to look like stone that we’ve then put on the walls. She’s helped with my clown room and hand-painted a clown’s face on to wood which is now the entrance to the room — you walk right through the mouth. It’s also decorated in fluorescent paint so everything glows with the UV lights.” You can expect to see a 2m pumpkin man, gargoyles guarding the driveway, coffins that open by themselves, a creepy dungeon, zombies that reach out at you, hanging skeletons that move, and of course lots of gore. It’s become an addiction that Vanessa looks forward to every year as she sources paraphernalia from overseas and online throughout the lead-up to make each year bigger than the last. With storage becoming a terrifying challenge, she’s moved some props to a storage facility and — fittingly — to her mother’s attic. Could you just imagine stumbling unsuspectingly into that room?

“Halloween is becoming popular in Australia. It is all about dressing up. It’s a chance to pretend to be someone else or something else. It’s a chance to do a different activity.” Vanessa’s even had Channel 9 News host its weather segment with presenter David Brown inside her haunted house. Now that’s different! Her kids look forward to it each year and plan their costumes well in advance as they follow in her eerie footsteps. For 15 years this tradition has attracted quite a following, with neighbourhood kids of all ages coming to have a look — supervised by an adult and invite-only — and to try their luck at trick or treating. OCTOBER 2018

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Frightfully good fun at Sk8house When ghouls and goblins come out to play, Sk8house puts on its biggest event of the year. Halloween festivities will be in full swing on Saturday, October 27, from 6-9pm. It’s a family affair, with everyone invited to dress up and compete in the Best Dressed Awards for the chance to win a Sk8house voucher and bragging rights. Wee trolls and cheeky fairies can try their hand at trick or treating if they’re brave enough to approach the Sk8house staff, who will be in full bloodcurdling costume handing out tiny treats, freebies and of course lollies to get everyone in the Halloween spirit. Scary sights will be set up around the rink as the decorations go to the next level for the most attended event on the Sk8house calendar. Cobwebs will adorn the walls as skeletons hang around for a scare. It’s time to dance around in your skates (or standard shoes) to a spooky playlist complete with the Ghostbusters theme and such graveyard smashes as the Monster Mash. If this doesn’t give you the creeps, how could we forget to mention that fake blood and gore will be around every corner. And don’t

forget to grab a photo in front of the elaborate props to complement your costumes and create lasting memories in case you don’t survive the night of frights. “There will be more decorations than ever before,” said co-owner Bernadine. “It’s going to be a great night of fun for all ages, from tots to grandparents.” Halloween-inspired non-alcoholic drinks will keep you hydrated between spooky games, while you feed your inner zombie with green ghoul soup and other fright bites. With three years of Halloween party experience behind them, this team is set to scare your socks off. “A lot of people say they don’t celebrate Halloween, but it’s not just about that. It’s a chance to dress up and pretend to be someone or something else for a night,” said Bernadine. “Regardless of your age, who doesn’t love dressing up?” Entry is $12 and it’s an additional $3 for skate hire. Now be warned, it’s best to be stealthy and get in early because bookings aren’t accepted. SK8HOUSE A: Unit 3/2 Amayla Cres, Carrum Downs T: 9773 6799 W: FB: sk8houseau OCTOBER 2018

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eats & drinks

Dainton’s world record worth drinking to BY KATE SEARS

Let’s raise a glass to our own Dainton Brewery and the crew of Tap’d Bar at the Prince Alfred Hotel in Booval, Queensland. Together they have set a Guinness World Record for the most individual beers on tap poured in one venue by one brewery. “We’re feeling pretty good,” said the Carrum Downs brewery’s founder, Dan Dainton. “We Googled the record and we discovered it was 130, so we thought we’d beat it.” There were a few beer-lovers who eagerly attempted to try every one of the 131 flavours on tap, including Wagon Wheel, Pina Colada and the Champagne Ale, which will receive a longer run thanks to their popularity.



Frankly Frankston

With 108 hard-plumbed taps at the venue, mini portable jockey boxes were acquired from breweries and home set-ups. Forty-one beers were brewed in Dainton’s larger system, leaving the remaining 90 to be brewed in single kegs. Dainton Brewery was truly humbled by the remarkable turnout of 1500 beerlovers for the attempt, and Dan paid special thanks to the Prince Alfred for its support and handling the piles of paperwork required to have the world record registered. In typical Dainton Brewery style, Dan and the brew crew donated a percentage of their profits to the charity Soldier On. “It’s not something I’d do again,” Dan said. “However, we love crazy antics and we’re brainstorming something new and exciting for next year.” DAINTON BREWERY A: 560 Frankston-Dandenong Rd, Carrum Downs W:


560 Frankston-Dandenong Rd, Carrum Downs Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

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eats & drinks

Sam serves up a new coffee blend BY KATE SEARS

With 25 years of experience making coffee, Sam’s expertise has led him to create a new unique coffee blend that uses the top six types of coffee beans in the world. And what’s even better news for coffee lovers is that Sam’s Café is the only place locally where you can find Wachiato coffee. Sam and his café have been a part of the Frankston community for a while now, and his staff have enjoyed serving up his famous coffee for more than 17 years. His hot schnitzel rolls and sandwiches are a big hit, as are the freshly cut sandwiches and rolls that are ready to go or can be made to order. If the day is calling for some hot comfort food, there’s crispy hot chips, burgers, soup, roast beef, pies, hotdogs, South Melbourne dim sims and of course the café staple — bacon and egg muffins. Gourmet focaccias and homemade

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falafel wraps hit the spot, and salads for summery days include quinoa, Greek, broccoli and cranberry, and mixed beans salad. But let’s not forget the most important meal — dessert! Sam’s created decadent muffins, fresh fruit salad, homemade rice pudding, glazed donuts and to-die-for cakes. The only issue is which one to pick. Whether you’re eating in or taking away you’ll discover the friendly staff and relaxed environment so inviting. You’re encouraged to call ahead for your breakfast or lunch takeaway order, and Sam’s super team also love the challenge of completing catering orders. You’ve just got to experience the sensational coffee and all the delicious treats that go with it at Sam’s Café — and you can Monday to Friday from 6.30am-6pm and Saturdays from 7am-3pm. SAM’S CAFÉ A: 49 Foot St, Frankston T: 9783 4364 FB: Sams Café Frankston Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Eat In Takeaway Catering

South Melbourne Dim Sims Wachiato Coffee

49 Foot St, Frankston 9783 4364 Open 6 days Mon - Fri 6.30am-6pm Sat 7am-3pm


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eats & drinks

A CHAT WITH OUR FOOD, WINE & DINING EXPERTS Leo Howard Barmah Park Restaurant, 945 Moorooduc Highway, Moorooduc What do you enjoy most about creating in the Barmah Park kitchen? The sense of freedom to be creative, and the support from the team at Barmah Park. I like to use the immediate surroundings of the restaurant to inspire ideas for dishes, whether it’s wild herbs growing around the vineyard or just the outlook from the restaurant. Please describe the style of food and flavours punters can expect at

Barmah Park Restaurant. I would call the style of food ‘contemporary’. There really isn’t a specific style or cuisine. I just cook using the best produce available and in season. There is inspiration from English food — where I am from originally — and techniques from traditional French cooking and elsewhere in Europe. I like to use some of the amazing amount of Asian produce available in this country, and of course I will try and use native

New Spring 6-Course Tasting Menu available for dinner on Friday and Saturday nights - only $69pp Matched wines also available

945 Moorooduc Hwy, Moorooduc Ph: 03 5978 8049 W: E:

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Australian produce when available. How long have you been cooking and how did your career begin? I’ve been cooking professionally now for almost eight years. I started my career when I was 19 back in the UK. I did my apprenticeship in a four-star hotel and country club in the Cheshire countryside. It was a good place to start because I got to experience lots of aspects of the cooking industry. Are you always cooking? What about at home after a hard day’s work? A large part of my life is spent cooking, and yes, I do cook a lot at home as well. But when I’m not working I spend time with my two amazing kids and my beautiful fiancé. Other passions of mine include football (soccer), going to the gym and foraging for wild herbs and mushrooms during the season. I also love to eat out at other restaurants and love a wine or beer. How is the menu at Barmah Park changing to welcome in the warmer weather? The spring menu is focused on the amazing produce starting to come into season on the Peninsula; lots of spring herbs and flowers. There will be more light and fresh seafood

dishes too. A few cold dishes and more fresh fruits will make an appearance on the dessert menu — think slow-poached quince, Peninsula honey cake and mascarpone. Where does your produce come from? I always try my best to work with local suppliers and growers. I like to support local businesses, and I find that it really pays off if you have good relationships direct with the actual producers. Does your menu cater for all tastes? Our menu is designed to give a good amount of choice to satisfy people’s varying tastes, whether you are a meat-eater, like a good fish dish, or are vegetarian. We also always try our best to accommodate specific dietary needs by modifying dishes where necessary. What do you enjoy most about the Peninsula? As a young chef living and working on the Mornington Peninsula I feel extremely lucky to be surrounded by some of the world’s best fresh produce. There is literally inspiration everywhere you look. I’m living the dream.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Rising above Mills Beach on prestigious Beleura Hill, this luxurious and modern fourbedroom residence at 16 Frontage Way, Mornington, incorporates remarkable finishes, exceptional privacy and luxury throughout. It features centuryold recycled timber accents salvaged from the Sydney wharf, imported Italian tiles, designer bathrooms with floor-to-ceiling Italian porcelain, a stone-topped kitchen and exquisite butler’s pantry, push-latch opening systems on cabinet doors and a luxe parents’ retreat. An entertaining hub on the upper level is devoted to enjoying the view. See the water from the living room, the kitchen, the master bedroom and the entertaining balcony. The piece-de-resistance downstairs is a bespoke gas and solar-heated

home garden decor

Mesmerising luxury and harbour views circular pool with a 12-seater infinity-edge spa expertly crafted by Neptune Pools. Step from here to a family room with a wet bar featuring a Miele wine fridge and a built-in wine rack. Other appointments include a remote double garage, a mud room, security, a double-sided gas log fire, double glazed windows throughout, an outdoor gas fireplace, and professionally landscaped gardens including a fabulous ¼-size basketball court and in-ground trampoline for the kids. Price by negotiation: $3.3-$3.5million. HARCOURTS CENTRAL A: 4/454 Nepean Highway, Frankston T: 1300 503 000 FB: harcourtscentral3199 INSTA: harcourts_central

Customer service is not a department, it’s our attitude. 5 star property management service

Alyce Cunial 0413 306 215

Nicola Mackinnon 0406 721 606 OCTOBER 2018

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If you’re on the lookout to update your window coverings, you can’t beat plantation shutters from Dollar Curtains + Blinds — and now is the time to order to ensure you have your shutters installed before the festive season. Dollar Curtains + Blinds shutters are an ideal choice for thermal insulation. Open the louvres to stream light into rooms and close to insulate, offering you a more energyefficient home through summer. Choose from the large range of timber and PVC shutters. DC+B’s PVC shutters have the added benefits of being UV, water and moisture-resistant, making them ideal for all high-use areas and wet areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and laundries. Extremely practical, you will have excellent control of light and airflow and also peace of mind with no cords, making the shutters child and pet-safe. Adding shutters across your home’s front windows can also make a huge impact to your home’s façade and kerb appeal. Along with these aesthetic benefits, shutters also add sound insulation from outside road and traffic noise. Ensure you opt for true custom-made shutters from Dollar Curtains + Blinds, which are designed and hand-crafted specifically to your windows’ dimensions for a perfect fit. Dollar Curtains + Blinds has specialised in manufacturing custom window coverings for more than 50 years. Make sure you book your free in-home measure and quote in October for pre-Christmas installation. Find Dollar Curtains + Blinds at Store 15, Kingston Central Plaza, 288 Centre Dandenong Rd, Moorabbin Airport. Call the team on 9566 8200 for your free in-home measure and quote or to arrange a complimentary in-store consultation to view the large range of indoor and outdoor window coverings. DOLLAR CURTAINS + BLINDS A: Store 15, Kingston Central Plaza, 288 Centre Dandenong Rd, Moorabbin Airport T: 9566 8200 FB: dollarcurtainsandblinds INSTA: dollarcurtainsandblinds

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Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

The largest range of custom made curtains+blinds+shutters+outdoor.

Order now for Pre-Christmas installation! Mornington Ph. 5975 3655 Moorabbin Airport Ph. 9566 8200

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Buying your first home made easy There are a multitude of questions when you decide to buy your first home. No doubt you will be thinking about how much deposit you will need, what the repayments will be and if you qualify for a loan. These are the most commonly asked questions at Yellow Brick Road Frankston. Fortunately, the expert and caring staff are passionate about helping first home buyers get into their own home. They have the combined experience of more than 50 years and access to many lenders, which means you’ll get the right advice and competitive rates. Trying to find the right bank and loan product yourself can be very daunting, so why not seek their professional services today and let them do all of the leg work for you. For the chance to be rewarded with up to $10,000 just for being inquisitive, enter the two Crunchy Competitions on the Yellow Brick Road Frankston Facebook page.what It’s a chance to ask about a better loan rate and ago Imagine you could do with thehome savings from into the running to win $10,000 or apply for a new loan for a chance to win $5000. better home loan. Let us help you find out.

Terms & Conditions apply *

YELLOW BRICK ROAD FRANKSTON A: 445 Nepean Highway, Frankston W: T: 9783 3300 Apply for a home loan before M: 0408 181 188 (Phil) 30 November 2018 and you could... FB: YBRFrankston INSTA: ybrfrankston

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* Full terms and conditions at Promoter is Yellow Brick Road Finance Pty Limited ABN 33 128 708 109 of Mezzanine 1 Chifley Square Sydney NSW 2000. Competition starts 6AM (AEST) 6/8/18 and closes 11.59PM (AEDT) 30/11/18. One entry per prize draw is permitted per person. Prize draw 1: entrants must register at to enter the draw for AUD$10,000. Prize draw 2: entrants must apply for a loan at a Yellow Brick Road branch to enter the draw for AUD$5,000. Entry is open to all Australian residents 18 years of age and over. Winners will be decided by computerised draw at 2PM (AEDT) 10/12/18. Winners will be notified by email and phone within 2 business days of the draw. Authorised under NSW Permit No. LTPS/18/26516; ACT TP18/01420 ; SA Licence No. T18/1310

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

Imagine what you could do with the savings from a better home loan. Let us help you ďŹ nd out.

Terms & Conditions apply *

Apply for a home loan before 30 November 2018 and you could... *

†Visit for full terms & conditions. Yellow Brick Road Finance Pty Limited ACN 128 708 109,

Contact us to book a one hour no-obligation consultation

Australian Credit Licence 393195. Yellow Brick Road Wealth Management Pty Limited ACN 128 650 037, AFSL 323825.

Yellow Brick Road Frankston 445 Nepean Hwy, Frankston VIC 3199 T 03 9783 3300

* Full terms and conditions at Promoter is Yellow Brick Road Finance Pty Limited ABN 33 128 708 109 of Mezzanine 1 Chifley Square Sydney NSW 2000. Competion starts 6AM (AEST) 6/8/18 and closes 11.59PM (AEDT) 30/11/18. One entry per prize draw is permitted per person. Prize draw 1: entrants must register at to enter the draw for AUD$10,000. Prize draw 2: entrants must apply for a loan at a Yellow Brick Road branch to enter the draw for AUD$5,000. Entry is open to all Australian residents 18 years of age and over. Winners will be decided by computerised draw at 2PM (AEDT) 10/12/18. Winners will be notified by email and phone within 2 business days of the draw. Authorised under NSW Permit No. LTPS/18/26516; ACT TP18/01420 ; SA Licence No. T18/1310

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Frank Walker’s voice on the radio is distinctive, angular and alive with a ‘wake up and take notice’ tone. In real time, it’s quiet and reflective with a tinge of selfdeprecating humour and an undeniable grit that has guaranteed his family’s financial and serendipitous success. We meet in Mount Martha, where the National Tiles founder and his “glue of the family” wife Rhonda are renovating their gloriously positioned house. All of their six adult daughters plus their kids (12 in total) have houses in the area. Kate (KWD) and Amy (another

Upgrade to LED Lights

bespoke interior designer) live there permanently. “You could throw a stone on the rooves of each other’s houses, I reckon. We all descend on Mount Martha for the holidays. We’ve been coming here for the past 15 years, had weddings in the garden, big dinners around the table. We think of Mount Martha as our spiritual home in every sense. I still catch my breath when I come down Coolangatta Rd and see the bay. Over the last six years since our only son (Nick) has taken over as CEO of National Tiles, Rhonda and I have had the freedom to move around. We originally had a house on the Bellarine Peninsula, then my sister bought in Mount Martha and that started the family’s migration.” For anyone who lives in Mount Martha, there’s nothing quite like South Beach and the connection the village across the road from it brings. Frank continues. over page

FREE with a local, trusted electrician

Huddo’s Electrical Services, a locally owned family business with over 30 years’ experience, can fit your LED lights for you at no cost – it is part of the Victorian Government rebate scheme. They can also change your dimmable halogen lights. You can save up to 88% on your electricity bill by making the switch. Contact Peter today for friendly, reliable and prompt service.

Accredited under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target.

Call Peter today 0411 316 180 or email


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Silicone seals replaced

Indoor & outdoor tile cleaning & sealing

Damaged tiles replaced

Pre-sale makeovers

Cracked acrylic shower bases & Bathtubs repaired

Mouldy showers re-grouted

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Bayssour Painting & Decorating


MOBILE 0414 741 203


67 )

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SERVICES INCLUDE: Leaking shower specialist

home garden decor

continued “It’s a delight to walk down to the shops and chat with the traders. We’re a tight family. We like being together and this is the perfect place to do it.” But things haven’t always been ideal for this family man who started out in his grandfather’s plaster and ceramic tiles business. “I was the black sheep of the family and went out on my own at 25. It was hard. We had three little kids and Rhonda was about eight months pregnant. We were living in the flat above the shop in Pakington St, Geelong West, which the landlord had given to us for free. We are both born-andbred Geelong people. Rhonda would bring the kids down the stairs, load up the Ford Cortina with tiles and do deliveries. I threw away a

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$25,000-a-year job in the family business to go it alone. I’d been washing trucks for five bucks each since I was 11 years old. I’ve always been entrepreneurial. I’m no oil painting, Liz. It’s a bloody miracle she’s stayed with me; she’s an absolute bottler.” Frank says luck, persistence and judgement all play a part in success. He used to get up at 4am just to get ahead of the game because he’s a “slow thinker”. He’s currently working with the Family Peace Foundation he and Rhonda founded in 2015, which deals with the impact of family violence. “We aim to make real social change in this area, and will. It’s time to put back into the community.” And feed the spirit Mount Martha-style.

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

After 29 years in wholesale manufacturing, we’re now open to the public.

Spring S pec 20% off ial! al products l ! Mention this ad! Valid u ntil 30/1 1


For a no obligation free measure & quote call 0437 742 150 or 9770 4099 or visit our stunning new showroom • • • • •

Roman Blinds Roller Blinds Plantation Shutters Panel Blinds Venetian Blinds

• • • • •

Honeycomb Blinds Curtains Upholstered Pelmets Upholstered Bed Heads Cushions

91 Brunel Road Seaford VIC 3198 p: 9770 4099 toll free: 1800 671 456 e:

home garden decor


It’s here! Makin Mattresses in Sandringham is open for business and the word on the street is that people are excited. Makin Mattresses is Australia’s largest independent mattress manufacturer and has been creating comfy-plus mattresses for more than 40 years. Now seaside folks have a fresh premium bedding option when searching for their slice of sleep tight heaven. Makin Mattresses sells direct to the public and allows clients to try before they buy. It is also the only bedding manufacturer in Australia to have a micro coil machine in its North Brisbane factory. This innovative technology maximises air flow to reduce heat and increase hygiene (sweat can cause foam to degrade and flatten over time) and all mattresses are double sided and designed to be flipped and rotated, ensuring an even sleep surface which in turn doubles the life of the mattress. Makin Mattresses has nine stores Australia-wide and six manufacturing sites. With a wide range of mattresses to suit every need — including the premium two-piece Bellissimo range, which provides a seven-zone support system that cradles the parts of your body that need it most — you’ll be snuggling up in comfort for years to come. MAKIN MATTRESSES A: 189 Bay Rd, Sandringham T: 9533 1113 W:

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Frankly Frankston

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month

There are two ways to make a mattress

1. Cheap

2. Superior

one piece

— inherently defective — no airflow

✓ two piece

— can be flipped, turned & rotated — maximum air circulation & breathability

single sided

— half the support — half the comfort — half the life

✓ double sided

— twice the support — twice the comfort — twice the life

attached foam pillow top

— hot & sweaty — flattens & collapses

✓ removable pillow top ✓ 5 year comfort promise

Yes Mr Harvey. They should be 50% off!

Melbourne Sandrignham VIC 03 9533 1113

Adelaide Croydon Park SA 08 8340 4888

— cooler, more hygienic sleep — free reconstruction, reconfigure for 5 years

Sorry Mr Harvey. We make them, you don’t!

Albury Lavington NSW 02 6040 1193

Brisbane North Nundah QLD 07 3266 7666

Brisbane South Parkinson QLD 07 3800 1822

Canberra Fyshwick ACT 02 6280 5445

Gold Coast Nerang QLD 07 5502 0022

Newcastle Sandgate NSW 02 4960 0999

Perth Victoria Park WA 08 9355 5111


Luduco Living has achieved yet another milestone with the introduction of superior German recliner brand Himolla to its beautiful range of luxurious living merchandise. This is a major achievement — Luduco Living is the only retailer ever to stock this amazing recliner manufacturer’s range in Australia, and as such can deliver exceptional quality recliners to its clients exclusively. Himolla is the largest recliner manufacturer in Europe, producing 50006000 seats a day and employing 3000 people. All its exquisite recliners are made in Munich and shipped to more than 70 countries. Himolla is recognised as one of the best recliner manufacturers in the world because of unsurpassed engineering and mechanism design and comfort that comes from using only the highest quality leather hides and fabric. Its many accolades include eco awards for environmentally friendly production and the Blue Angel Health Award for materials used, which stands testament to the quality of a premium product coming direct to you through Luduco Living. Himolla is an EMAS (Eco Management Audit Scheme) award-winning manufacturer that adheres to very strict German environment regulations. Merge this environmentally conscious intent with premium materials and construction and you have a recliner that will surround you in comfort for life. Luduco Living now has a purpose-built Himolla showroom on site that displays a wonderful range of manual and motorised recliner sofas and chairs in many of the six grades of leather and ‘easy care’ German Rohleder fabric, which carries a unique five-year guarantee. The Luduco Living sales team have been fully trained by Himolla too. Come in today to begin enjoying the supreme Himolla recliner way of life.


LUDUCO LIVING A: Peninsula Home, 1128-1132 Nepean Highway, Mornington T: 5973 4899 W: OCTOBER 2018

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home garden decor

German precision and premium comfort at Luduco Living

home garden decor

With more than 100,000 combinations available, the sofa specialists at Plush Frankston will help you create a sofa that is the perfect fit for your home. You can choose from the extensive Plush handcrafted sofa range, selecting your configuration in 100 per cent genuine cowhide leather or a premium fabric cover. Your sofa will be custom-built to suit your home and be as unique as you are.

At Plush the sofas are built to last and come with an amazing Plush 10-Year Peace of Mind WarrantyÂŽ which covers the entire sofa, not just the frame. Be inspired by the latest sofa collections, with design, theme and colour palette ideas for your home. Visit the Plush Frankston showroom to view the range. PLUSH FRANKSTON A: Frankston Power Centre, Shop 6, 111 Cranbourne Rd, Frankston T: 9770 2922 W: FB: plushsofas

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Frankly Frankston

Everything we love about Frankston, fresh every month


Your Sofa,

Your Way!

Create your ideal sofa at Plush from over 100,000 available combinations in style, configuration and cover.

Step 1. Find a style that suits you:

Step 2. Select a configuration that suits your space:

Step 3. Finally choose a cover that you’ll love:

Build your sofa today at

Need help choosing the right cover? Order some FREE leather or fabric swatches online to be delivered to your home at Pictured: Santa Monica Modular featuring Drift fabric in ‘Natural’

Frankston Power Centre, 111 Cranbourne Rd, Frankston (03) 9770 2922 |

off all

PILLOWS off RRP - while stocks last - offer Terms & Conditions Apply - See instore for details. OfferDiscount ends 31/08/2018. Applies to stocked itemsends only 30/04/2019

Mornington Mornington


Peninsula Homemaker Peninsula Homemaker Centre, Centre, Cnr Cnr Nepean Highway & Bungower Road, Nepean Highway & Bungower Road, Mornington VIC 3931 VIC 3931 Mornington (03) 5973 6333 (03) 5973 6333


Ph 9708 8222


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