Mornington Peninsula Magazine July 2024

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Tavi’s tale of cultures and cinematic dreams

From Frankston High School to Sydney, film student Tavishek Sharma speaks to Sarah Halfpenny about the making of his short film Maya the Illusion of Home, screening on SBS On Demand. What inspired you to create Maya the Illusion of Home?

The Australian Film Television & Radio School was given a brief by SBS, which called for short-form stories about under-represented parts of contemporary Australia, and I saw an opportunity to spotlight my FijiIndian heritage. My parents migrated from Fiji in 2000, and I was born in 2002. Many people are unaware of the Fiji-Indian community and its complex history with the British indentured labour system, let alone see it represented on screen. This motivated me to share our unique narrative.

Initially I wanted to explore how this historical context shaped my parents' journey to Australia. However, in February 2023 my grandfather’s passing and my grandmother’s subsequent move to Australia prompted a shift. Observing the cultural and societal expectations placed on women in my family, especially within the Fiji-Indian context, I felt compelled to focus on my grandmother's journey. Guided by my intuition, I decided to break away from the traditional migrant story seen on screens and use this opportunity not only to share my culture but also to critique it.

What challenges did you face during production?

Living and studying in Sydney while my family is in Melbourne posed a significant challenge. We had to get special permission to film in Melbourne earlier than the AFTRS-allocated shoot dates. Although we got permission, we weren’t allowed to take any gear from AFTRS. Additionally, because we were filming interstate, not everyone from my crew could travel, including Melika Azimi, my original cinematographer.

This is where Megan Gray came in as my cinematographer. I met Meg at Frankston High School through our media teacher, Annie Griffin. She was a year below me, but I was always inspired by her photography and cinematography. Meg had her own gear that met the required specs and she kindly agreed to help. Melika did all the pre-production work, which was then handed over to Meg, who filmed most of the film.

Working with Meg was wonderful. She is incredibly talented and patient, and she brought a calm and collected energy to the set. The perspective Meg offered as a woman filming another woman might not have been the same if a man had filmed it. I’m very grateful to her.

Your film explores themes of exploitation, resilience, and the concept of home. What message do you hope the audience takes away from it?

I want the audience to walk away with a sense of hope and admiration for the human spirit's ability to endure and adapt, even in the face of generational adversity.

I hope the film encourages viewers to consider how faith, family and cultural heritage shape different people’s understanding of home and identity.

How has your life evolved since graduating from Frankston High School and moving to Sydney to study at AFTRS?

Initially I was studying Fine Arts Photography at the Victorian College of the Arts in 2021. I took a documentary elective in my second semester and felt a strong calling towards film. I submitted the short film I made for that elective as part of my AFTRS application, and I got in. With no prior connections to the film industry, AFTRS has provided me with invaluable access and opportunities.

Another key moment in my journey was working as a script supervisor on an independent feature film called From All Sides, made by Bina Bhattacharya. Despite being a small, independent Australian production, it taught me everything I needed to know technically about film and how sets operate.

What does it mean to you to have Maya featured in AFTRS First Cut on SBS On Demand?

The opportunity to share my story authentically and see it reach a broader audience is immensely gratifying. It's also wonderful to showcase my language on screen. Fiji-Hindi is a distinct dialect, different from the Hindi spoken in mainland India, so knowing that it's being represented is really cool. My hope is that through this exposure more people will come to understand and appreciate the experiences of FijiIndians.

Tavi’s grandmother on set captures the essence of her journey for Maya the Illusion of Home.
Tavi Sharma is the creative mind behind Maya the Illusion of Home.

Christmas in July

With something as joyful and spectacular as Christmas, why not have it twice a year!?

Experience the magic of Christmas in July!

Join us for a food journey filled with delicious flavours like luscious scallops drizzled with truffle oil, melt-in- your mouth barramundi, and a perfect trio of roast. Save room for our wonderful Christmas cake served with creamy custard and ice cream!

Seniors menu available!

For our cherished seniors, we offer a specially curated menu that promises to evoke the warmth that captures the essence of Christmas.


Jebediah are back together on tour and ready to rock with their new album, Oiks. Photo: Taj O’Halloran

Jebediah’s latest jams mark a new era

It’s been more than a decade since Aussie alt-rock band Jebediah released an album. Lead singer Kevin Mitchell speaks to Sarah Halfpenny about their new album, Oiks, and upcoming tour with support act Magic Dirt, including a gig at HABA in Rye next month. What inspired the creation of Oiks?

We’d been thinking about getting back in the studio and making a new record. We made one attempt in 2014, but it didn’t produce anything. Then I read about how Blur had gone into a studio in Hong Kong when they had some days off and started creating a record from nothing. I thought maybe we could do something like that. I sold it to the other guys as “Let's just book a studio in Perth where we normally record, set up all our gear, mic everything and just jam and write songs”. Like we always do, but record everything we do, then the next day go through everything we've done from the night before and weed out the good stuff from the bad stuff. It was an idea of basically recording all our

jams and then coming back to them afterwards and piecing things together.

Did the extended break affect you all?

We were always playing shows, so the break didn’t affect our relationships. But yes, it was seven years between studio sessions. We were rolling the dice on our chemistry. We knew we were in a good place personally, but we hadn’t written together for a long time. Thankfully, it just happened to work this time.

A lot changed in your personal lives too. Yes, things are very different now. Two of us live in Victoria, two in WA. Three of us have children and families, and some have day jobs. Our lives are very different and spread out, but we find a way. What are you looking forward to most about touring?

Just the fact that we’re doing a tour of this size at all is a welcome relief. We haven’t been able to consider this since 2019. The pandemic wiped everything out for a few years. It’s only now that people are starting to put on these kinds of tours again. I’m just grateful that we’re doing it at all.

What are some of your favourite songs to play from this new album?

Motivation is definitely one of my favourites. I also really love Rubberman, which we hope to start playing live on this tour.

How did the name of the album come about?

Tim Rogers described us as a little gang of “oiks” when we first supported You Am I in 1996. I’d never heard the word before. It’s an old-fashioned term for an uncouth youth; a little troublemaker. It appeared in an episode of The Young Ones. I like the word because it continues Jebediah’s tradition of using wonky-sounding names for our records.

What have you got planned for the future?

This album tour takes us through to the end of September. After that, we’re doing more stuff, but I can’t announce it yet. It’s going to be a super busy and hopefully fun year.

For tickets and more information, visit

See page 88 for your chance to win one of two double passes to catch Jebediah at HABA in Rye on August 4.

Emily’s fast track to cycling success

Seventeen-year-old Emily Dixon, from Mount Eliza, speaks to Sarah Halfpenny about balancing school with cycling for the 99 Bikes Women’s Academy and her aspirations for a professional career in the sport.

What initially drew you to the world of cycling, and how did you get involved with the 99 Bikes Women’s Academy?

Bikes have always been a part of my life. My family and I really got into biking when we moved over to New Zealand for a few years when I was eight, and we used to head out on the mountain biking trails each weekend.

During Melbourne’s COVID lockdowns in 2021 I started riding inside on the static trainer on an old road bike two sizes too big, but I loved the thrill of pushing myself to ride as hard as I could for an hour every day in between my lunch breaks at online school. I eventually got to take my bike outside in the mornings with Dad and really enjoyed being able to explore the beautiful Mornington Peninsula by bike.

I got my first proper road bike soon after that and begged Dad to let me race until he finally gave in. I had my first race in November 2021 where I raced the

state championships and saw the 99 Bikes Women’s Academy team riders there. I absolutely loved their kit and they were so welcoming. They took me under their wing in their development team the next year and here I am today, fortunate enough to get to compete for their race team.

How has being part of the academy influenced your development as a cyclist?

(It has) opened my eyes to better see the steps to achieving my goals in cycling, which are too often unclear for young women in sport. The 99 Bikes Women’s Academy assists in bridging this gap between junior developing athletes and the elite sports scene. The funding we receive from sponsors assists me to attend more races, which means more development opportunities to improve my racing skills. I’ve met so many amazing teammates and made lasting friendships. I believe having these social connections – people to relate to and have a laugh with at races – is key to staying in sport.

What did you learn from racing on an international stage in Belgium recently?

Nothing could've really prepared me for European racing and the fields being around 160 riders for the international races. I found it really difficult mentally at the start, as it was so hectic and the Europeans are quite aggressive in races – unlike Australian racing – so

it required constant thinking about how to position well in the peloton, not to mention the many crashes during the races and descending down hills at 85km/h in a peloton. I learnt from this experience that the best growth comes when you throw yourself at new and unknown opportunities despite not knowing what’s ahead of you.

How do you balance your schoolwork with your cycling commitments?

I currently attend Padua College Mornington doing Year 12. It was initially really challenging to figure out a ‘perfect’ balance between my academic studies and training around 15-plus hours a week. My time management skills have been challenged through VCE, but I can gladly say now I can maximise my class time and have also learnt great ways to study more efficiently to get the most out of the hours I put in.

What are your short and long-term goals in cycling?

One of my big goals this year is to be selected to represent Australia for the under-19 women’s world championships in late September. For the future I am hoping to get back over to Europe next year to develop my skills as a rider in hope of eventually getting picked up by a European Continental team, with the ultimate dream being to sign a contract with a professional team and doing what I love as a career.

Emily, middle, shares a smile with fellow competitors, showcasing the camaraderie in the Australian cycling community.
Emily gears up for a race with focus and determination.
Emily Dixon pushes hard and leads the pack during a thrilling race.

The housing crisis: we don’t have enough homes

In the second of a series, Mornington Peninsula Magazine publisher Lisa Walton and freelance journalist Mike Hast look at the housing crisis affecting people across Australia and locally – and what governments are doing about it.

By now it’s well known house prices in Australia are among the most unaffordable in the developed world. Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney are in the top five of a new category –‘impossibly unaffordable’ – created by Chapman University in the US, which has been collating global housing statistics for 20 years.

In 1999, 25 years ago, the average house in Australia cost nine and a half years of the average household income. Now it’s 16 and a half years.

A perfect storm of rising cost of living and soaring rents has seen families and singles forced out. About 30 per cent of Australians rent – five million voters. Half of Australian homeowners are under mortgage stress due to interest and cost of living hikes.

About 11 million Australians own one house and 20 per cent own an investment property. Recent rental rises have changed attitudes among many homeowners. Those with investment properties and adult children can see that tax breaks – negative gearing and capital gains tax discount when selling a property – are denying their children the chance to buy a home. Investors are competing with first-home buyers, bidding up prices and locking more people out of the market.

Bottom line: we simply don’t have enough houses in Australia. We especially need more public housing for people who will never be able to afford a house. In our circulation area, a 10 per cent increase in housing supply – above that needed for population growth –could lower housing costs by 25 per cent, according to a Productivity Commission estimate.

Mornington Peninsula Shire has been active on the housing shortage front:

• It offered land for social housing in Rosebud but the

project met opposition and did not go ahead, and it sought money from the State Government’s $1 billion Regional Housing Fund – for 1300 new houses in regional Victoria – but was told it is not eligible, as the shire is part of metro Melbourne.

• It has made land in Hastings available to a community housing agency and this project is going ahead. Other projects are in the pipeline.

• The shire is the biggest financial supporter of the Peninsula’s three community support centres at Mornington, Hastings and Rosebud. They provide support, referral and emergency relief. The shire provides $200,000 each year to each centre; the State Government sends up to $10,000 and the Federal Government tips in $50,000.

• The shire’s long battle to strengthen local planning controls continues. It and a majority of residents want to preserve the “values and character” of many towns and reject three-storey apartment blocks, stating the Peninsula is not part of metro Melbourne (even though it is technically; in 1966, all of the Peninsula was included in the metropolitan statistical area).

In Frankston, the council wants to develop the CBD for residential use. A planning amendment before Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny will direct how the city centre grows in the next 20 years. High-rise towers such as the new nine-storey Horizon Apartments as well other towers on Nepean Highway currently being considered – plus outdoor dining and retail, pedestrian

malls and streetscape upgrades – will revitalise the centre, so the theory goes.

Social housing is not currently part of this equation, but Frankston (and Mornington Peninsula Shire) belong to the 13-member Regional Local Government Homelessness and Social Housing Charter. In 2020 the councils called for urgent action for more social housing to end homelessness. The work is ongoing.

Frankston’s housing strategy is due for release this year. It will guide growth of housing over the next 15 years. But overlaid on this is the recent State Government target of two million new dwellings in greater Melbourne by 2051 and half a million in the regions.

The government has set draft targets for each council area. Frankston currently has 59,800 dwellings (houses and flats) and its target is 36,000 new places. Mornington Peninsula Shire has 94,900 dwellings and its target is 31,000 new ones.

The shire said the draft target matched its own target of 1200 new homes a year, but the Peninsula would need better roads and public transport including electric rail; upgraded sport facilities, community halls and libraries; more social housing; and release of some of the locked up port-related land on the Western Port side “spanning from Somerville to Crib Point, all within the Urban Growth Boundary”.

Next issue:

Tackling the growing problem of homelessness


Left: Meet Dimity Shepherd, ignite your senses with Flinders Fringe’s Winter Warmer see page 65 Centre: Nothing beats the look of a timber floor, check out Southern Timber Floors on page 52-53.

Right: The Spike Bar at Peppers @ Moonah Links has stepped up the hospitality with warming winter specials see page 46.


Sales: Anna 0401 598 613

Sales: Matt 0416 328 938

Journalists & Feature writers: Sarah Halfpenny, Mike Hast, Danielle Davey, Amy Campion, Lisa Walton

Publishing Manager: Belinda Timmerman

Publisher, Editor: Lisa Walton

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@MornPenMag @eatdrinkMornPen

Mornington Peninsula Magazine EatDrink Mornington Peninsula

Ph: 9708 8222

14/1140 Nepean Highway, PO BOX 3554, Mornington 3931

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Our magazines are printed on paper that comes from sustainably managed forests using vegetable-based inks and can be composted or recycled with paper or cardboard waste.

We acknowledge and pay respect to the Bunurong people, the Traditional Custodians of these

and waters.

Empowering communities through early childhood education traineeships

Are you interested in a career in early childhood education? Chisholm Institute is making it easier to get there with the Victorian Early Childhood Traineeship Program.

Due to huge investment by the State Government, the early childhood education sector has been transformed. These changes have focused on giving children the best start, supporting families and strengthening communities. The reform has also generated job opportunities, with plans to open 50 new early learning centres across Victoria to support demand. As one of the program's initiatives, Chisholm connects students with local centres through a traineeship learning model, giving them handson experience. This benefits students while providing employers access to new talent with the latest training. It also ensures quality educators for the community and across Victoria. Through the earn-and-learn model, students work in early childhood centres while gaining a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care. The free program also offers students support services, including

interview preparation, workshops, and mentorships.

Traineeship student Josephine thrived in the program. "The training was good, and I received the support I needed," she said. "I was able to work in the industry while I trained. I loved the work, and the staff were very supportive."

Chisholm collaborates with and supports other TAFEs and universities to deliver the program, enabling students from various locations to take part. Belinda Hardens, from partner TAFE Victoria University, has seen the program's success firsthand. "I would encourage people to sign up for the traineeship," Belinda said. "You work at

centre near you and choose a local training provider. You graduate with a recognised qualification and handson experience. There are plenty of job opportunities in Victoria right now."

Discover more about the Victorian Early Childhood Traineeship Program at education


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T: 1300 244 746


FB: ChisholmInstitute

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Jimi’s rock-solid climb to victory

At just 17, Jimi Smyrk stood on the podium at the 2024 National Youth Climbing Championships in Brisbane, gold medal in hand. "Winning was something I had been training towards for months at a time," he said. "No other feeling or experience can compare to it." Representing Victoria and coming out on top in the Youth A Bouldering was the pinnacle of his climbing career so far.

Jimi's journey in climbing began a decade ago when his dad took him to Mt Arapiles. What started as a casual activity soon became a serious pursuit. "I began climbing every now and then for the first couple years, then after that I realised I would take it seriously around five years ago and pursue it as an actual sport," Jimi said. His passion for climbing and the desire to constantly improve motivated him to spend countless hours in the climbing gym, aiming to become stronger every day.

Training for the upcoming IFSC World Youth Climbing Championships in China, Jimi’s regimen is both intense and rewarding. "My training routine at the moment is extremely tiring and vigorous, but I enjoy it. I train between three to six hours a day, six days a week.” The discipline and obsession over his training have been key to his success.

Balancing schoolwork at Frankston High School with his demanding training schedule requires meticulous planning. Jimi manages by studying in the mornings and working out afterwards. "Balancing the two is never that difficult if you have the discipline and mindset to put in the hours of study and training," he said. Even when travelling for competitions, he ensures his schoolwork is completed diligently.

Looking ahead, Jimi’s goals are ambitious: “To win the world championships and become the best climber I can possibly be.” His biggest inspiration is his dad, who has taught him valuable lessons about mindset and resilience.

To young climbers aspiring to compete at national or international levels, Jimi offers straightforward advice: "Always aim for gold. If you aspire to be the best of the best, you can’t be thinking about anything else but winning." He emphasises the importance of learning from mistakes and using them as fuel for future success.

Managing nerves during high-stakes competitions is part of Jimi's strategy. "I think it’s good to channel those nerves, as most of the time I find it’s when I feel the strongest," he said. Reflecting on his past training helps him stay focused and confident.

With his sights set on the world championships, Jimi continues to climb higher, both literally and figuratively, and hopes to prove that with the right mindset even the loftiest goals are within reach.

Jimi also enjoys tackling natural cliffs, embracing the challenges and beauty of outdoor climbing.

Our common dolphins are a remarkable success story

Did you know that the waters near Mornington are home to some common dolphins that are global celebrities? The Dolphin Research Institute's unexpected encounter with a small group of these remarkable dolphins in 2005 sparked a journey of discovery. Two decades later, the institute’s Port Phillip Common Dolphin Project continues to unveil new insights every year.

You see, everywhere else in the world except Port Phillip, common dolphins live in the open ocean – and there are many hundreds in Bass Strait. Between 2005 and 2007, the institute’s researchers identified only eight individuals. Today, the Port Phillip Common Dolphin Catalogue has more than 150 known dolphins. Most of the individuals first seen in 2005 are still regularly sighted today.

Keeping track of these fascinating dolphins is no simple task. Subtle marks on dorsal fin images taken during boat surveys are used like ‘fin prints’ to identify individual dolphins. Thousands of hours of detective work revealed that many of the original females had reared more than one calf. Many of these youngsters thrived and now have their own calves, making the third generation. Some of the original dolphins we know as V-Nick, Esther and Jean are now grandmas.

At least six third-generation calves were confirmed in 2023. This is a remarkable success story for our dolphins and the bay itself, especially given the disastrous trends for coastal dolphin communities in Australia and globally.

In 2023, the institute’s researchers also confirmed the movement of common dolphins from near Mornington out to the Bass Strait waters near Wonthaggi.

These discoveries are part of the Port Phillip Common Dolphin Project, a long-term initiative to understand Port Phillip's unique dolphin community. This project is crucial for wildlife and ecosystem reporting and management, ensuring the continued protection of these remarkable animals.

The Dolphin Research Institute is a Peninsula forpurpose organisation working to achieve positive outcomes for dolphins and whales, their environment and the community for 33 years. The Port Phillip Common Dolphin Project, Two Bays Whale Project, and ‘i sea, i care’ ambassador program are proudly supported by donors and council partners (for ‘i sea, i care’).

You can help protect these remarkable dolphins by joining the Adopt-A-Dolphin program, reporting sightings, and committing to dolphin distancing –like Neighbourhood Watch for dolphins – at www.

ELLA HUTCHINSON, Williamson Research Fellow at The Dolphin Research Institute

Jean and her calf, Marinna, who in turn is the mother of two third-generation calves. Photo: The Dolphin Research Institute, taken under scientific permit
Tally’s calf is one of six third-generation calves in Port Phillip. Photo: The Dolphin Research Institute, taken under scientific permit

Pawsitively delicious treats for man’s best friend

Joel's Canine Cookie Co started more than three years ago with an unexpected encounter and a big heart. While most teens were busy with typical high school activities, Joel was dreaming up ways to make a difference for neglected animals. Inspired by a sad, abandoned cat he found under his school building, Joel turned his love for animals and knack for baking into a business that not only delights dogs but also supports animals in need.

Based on the Mornington Peninsula, Joel's Canine Cookie Co has become a beloved name among dog owners. "I have always had a love for animals, and I learnt how to bake dog biscuits at a program I attended,” Joel said. “I love being creative and I love business, so I put the two together and created my business for animals."

The treats from Joel’s Canine Cookie Co are crafted with health in mind, using core ingredients such as pumpkin, carrots, oats, and a small amount of peanut butter. These ingredients provide important health benefits for dogs of all shapes and sizes, making them suitable for daily enjoyment. The treats are available online and shipped nationally, and are also stocked by shops in Mount Eliza, Somerville and Tyabb, with Joel seeking new stockists to expand his reach.

Joel’s favourite part of his work is creating engaging content for his social media channels. "I love making cool content for my social media,” he said. “I have Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook, along with my website."

Balancing business with personal interests can be challenging, but Joel has found a system that works. "I have set days of the week that I work on my business and try to take weekends off.” Despite the challenges of time management and maintaining stock levels, Joel finds immense reward in connecting with customers who share his love for animals.

Joel doesn’t just bake for dogs, however. He also owns a golden retriever named Sandy, although his favourite dog breed is the chihuahua. He dreams of helping more animals in the community and hopes to one day be part of a dog centre that offers care, training, adoption, and a pet club. Living and working on the Peninsula provides a supportive community where Joel thrives, surrounded by friends and, of course, all his furry four-legged customers.

You can follow Joel’s small business adventures at

With his basket of dog treats in hand, Joel is ready to delight pups across the nation.

The good life awaits at The Bon Vivant’s Companion

It's moody, sleek and the epitome of a cocktail bar. It’s The Bon Vivant’s Companion, but what does the name mean?

The Bon Vivant’s Companion is the title of the original bartender’s handbook, which was first published in 1862. But it’s also the name of an uber-cool speak-easy and whisky bar in the heart of Main St, Mornington. Owner Tom Wicks has swapped a decade of working in bars to open his own, bringing premium spirits and cocktails to the table and providing an unforgettable experience for those who enjoy the finer things.

Expert bartenders serve up cocktail classics as well as unique handcrafted renditions with a New Age twist. The bar also features an impressive selection of wines and beers as well as non-alcoholic drinks to satisfy all tastes. Offerings to complement your drinks include amazing cheese platters, smoked trout rillettes with salmon roe, and housemade chips.

For those looking for something a little bit more exclusive, there is a Prohibition era-inspired speakeasy called Jane that’s accessible for the most discerning spirit enthusiasts. Sign up to the VIP list on the website to make sure you’re in the know.

“The Mornington Peninsula is already a great food and drink spot, and we want to add to what is already available by bringing a space that hones premium spirits and cocktails,” Tom said. “Set in an intimate space, it’s warm and inviting. The venue is a place to settle in for the night with your friends and loved ones, enjoying quality time and drinks.”

There’s more to this new cocktail and whisky haunt than meets the eye. More than a year in the making, it’s two bars in one. With its elegant Art Deco stylings and mirrored green and gold features, The Bon Vivant’s Companion, 150 Main St, Mornington, is open Wednesday to Sunday from 3pm ‘til late. Bookings:

Winter care for your boat

This winter, don’t just settle for any port in a storm. Trust the team at Yaringa Boat Harbour to store and keep your boat shipshape throughout the colder months. Your boat, like your home, is an important asset, and to maintain its value and usefulness it needs to be protected from the elements. Draining the water, stabilising the fuel, winterising the engine, inspecting and cleaning, storing and shielding the boat against the harsh climate – there’s much to be done. You’ve loved spending fun times with your boat in summer, but let’s face it, during winter it can become harder work. Relax. Yaringa Boat Harbour offers all the services required to keep your boat winterised throughout this chilly season. Store your vessel at Somerville and you can be confident the qualified yard team will look after it securely. You’re in professional hands, with on-site trades at Yaringa’s BoatWorks performing the routine checks needed to keep your boat operational.

Still hoping to take your boat out during winter? The launch and retrieval service at

Growing a more secure future for our koalas

The future of the Peninsula’s koala population is a little brighter after Padua College recently hosted an indigenous tree planting day.

Held in partnership with Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation, the event at the college’s Tyabb campus on May 27 attracted more than 150 students, families, staff and members of the wider community who gathered in the autumn sunshine to plant 1200 indigenous trees and shrubs to help provide the correct habitat and food needed to sustain a healthy koala population.

With only 18 per cent of native vegetation remaining on the Peninsula, habitat loss has been identified as a key threat to koala survival, the college said. “This is a wonderful opportunity for us all to have a positive impact on our environment, and it supports our college commitment to environmental and social stewardship

outlined in our education strategic plan,” said principal Kelly McGurn. For further information, visit and

Say hello to smooth skin and goodbye to unwanted hair! Your Brazilian, legs, back, chest, stomach, lip, chin and underarms, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss out on this offer to start your unwanted hair removal journey and this winter is the best time to take advantage.

treatment when booking with Tash at the Frankston salon! Limited time only

(Richard Goldsmith and Kassey Field)

Winter night viewing to warm the heart

In July, if you look towards the constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius on a clear night, you are looking in the direction of the very heart of our galaxy. Sagittarius, the Archer, is nestled within a mesmerisingly detailed part of the Milky Way. You can find it by first locating the Teapot asterism, which forms the constellation’s hub, close to a notably bright swathe of the Milky Way. A scan of Sagittarius with binoculars or a small telescope will reveal many rich star clusters and bright nebulae.

Scorpius is easy to find, sitting high in the sky and being one of the brightest constellations. Nearby is the slightly less prominent constellation Libra. This whole region is full of rich and beautiful star fields, which are a joy to explore using binoculars. If you turn to the constellation Libra, the Scales, look out for the second brightest star, which is called Zubenelgenubi – Arabic for “the Southern Claw” – and is the brighter component of the Alpha Librae system. It is a binary star system with the two stars in orbit around each other, and a pair of binoculars easily shows its two stars.

At this time of the year, Sagittarius offers some exceptional deep-sky objects. The globular cluster M22 is visible to the naked eye if you have good observing conditions. The Lagoon Nebula, or M8, lying above the spout of the Teapot, is a glowing cloud of gas. Other famous deep-sky objects in Sagittarius are visible through a telescope, including the Trifid Nebula, or M20. Beside Sagittarius, Scorpius contains the bright open clusters M6 and M7, which remain high in the sky this month. To the north in the constellation Serpens Cauda, the Tail of the Serpent, lies the open cluster M16 in the much fainter Eagle Nebula.

This month’s conjunctions, which is when two astronomical objects appear close to each other in the sky, include the moon and Jupiter on July 3, the moon and Saturn on July 25, the moon and Mars on July 30, and the moon and Jupiter again on July 31. Also, two meteor showers – the Alpha Capricornids and the Southern Delta Aquariids – will peak on July 29.

For further information about the Mornington Peninsula Astronomical Society, such as public stargazing nights, event bookings and membership, please visit the society’s Facebook page, or website at

The Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex and the Blue Horsehead Nebula – also known as IC 4592 – are both about 420 light-years away in the constellations Ophiuchus and Scorpius. Photo: MPAS member Hugh Coleman

Liz’s wit and wisdom

Elizabeth Hicklin, better known as Liz or Lizzy to her many friends, is shaking up the comedy scene at 93, proving you’re never too old to make people laugh. With a sharp wit and a cheeky sense of humour, Liz – who hails from Mornington – has transformed from a self-published author to what she calls a “stand-up sit-down comedian”, delighting Melbourne audiences with her hilarious takes on life.

Liz’s comedic journey started many years ago in the most unlikely of places: her reproduction doll studio business. During a doll show and dinner at the Camberwell Civic Centre, she decided to recite a couple of funny poems about buying and selling antique dolls. “The audience loved it so I thought ‘I’ve got them where they live’,” Liz said. Encouraged by this response, she wrote more humorous doll-related poems, eventually selling more than 1000 copies both here and in the US and becoming a popular after-dinner speaker at doll shows across the country.

Her big break into stand-up came at the Clunes Booktown Festival in 2023. During an author talk with ABC Radio’s Jacinta Parsons, Liz made a bold announcement about taking part in a slam poetry competition that evening, which she went on to win. “I am 92, and I am here, and I am going in the slam poetry competition tonight, and I am going to say a four-letter word,” she told the audience, securing their attention and admiration. This led to two ABC gigs where her quick wit and engaging stories captivated audiences. A listener even likened her to the legendary Maggie Smith, a compliment Liz treasures.

Liz’s first public performance as a comedian was at the Geelong Arts Centre, where she performed her winning slam poem. The poem, a humorous take on widowhood and old age, had the audience in stitches. “It went on to talk about men in their disability scooters, fuelled by the last drops of testosterone,” Liz said. “They loved that.” Her confident delivery and clever observations made her an instant hit.

Jacinta then arranged for Liz to perform at Local Laughs in St Kilda. Sharing the stage with comedians Claire Hooper and Lehmo, Liz’s seven-minute act was a resounding success. Her son humorously noted that his mother’s new career "makes one question one’s own decisions", highlighting the unexpected path Liz has taken.

Drawing inspiration from such iconic shows as Kath and Kim, Are You Being Served? and Fawlty Towers, Liz’s comedic style combines sharp observations with playful banter. “I get inspiration from Kath and Kim, especially when they do the couple in the homewares shop, Prue and Trude,” she said. “And of course I love the English comedies.”

Liz admits that while she’s new to the comedy scene, she’s been diligently studying comedy books from the library, learning the intricacies of timing and delivery. “It is almost a science. The books encourage you to do a lot of writing.” She recommends aspiring comedians take every opportunity that comes their way, try open mic events, and never be afraid to start something new no matter their age. “There are the odd open mic comedy events. Try anything; I do.”

Liz’s story isn’t just about comedy; it’s about embracing life with a sense of adventure and a willingness to try new things. Her journey from nurse to doll shop owner to author to stand-up comedian at 93 is a delightful reminder that age is just a number and there’s always time for a new beginning. Liz says it best: “I need a passion in life, a purpose, a challenge.”

Catch Liz’s next comedy gig at 2pm on Sunday, July 28, at Wickers Club, Elsternwick Park Sports Club, 170 Glen Huntly Rd, Brighton. For tickets and more information, contact Lawrence on 0414 832 700 or


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OAM for former Cornish College principal

Cornish College is celebrating former principal Kerry Bolger’s Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the King’s Birthday honours for services to education.

Mr Bolger was the founding principal of the college when it opened in 2012 until he retired at the end of 2015. Before this, he was head of Cornish campus at St Leonard’s College for more than 20 years and received numerous state and national awards for educational leadership.

Together with Dr Marcia Behrenbruch, he developed a visionary model of teaching and learning, linking education for a sustainable future with an inquiry-based pedagogy in the early 2000s. His groundbreaking leadership in that area continues to underpin and drive the ethos of Cornish College today.

“Although I am honoured to have been nominated and have received the award, I see it as a wonderful recognition of all that the Cornish team has achieved over many years,” Mr Bolger said. “I am just the lucky one privileged to work with an amazing team of people.”

The college said it was “absolutely delighted that he has been recognised with this prestigious award”.

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Wellbeing sanctuary supports our vulnerable children

Parents and grandparents, teachers and carers: if you’re struggling to support a young person overwhelmed by behavioural difficulties, anger, anxiety or depression, Jimmy’s Youth Wellbeing Sanctuary is the beacon of hope you’ve been searching for.

Operating from calming, light-filled premises in Rosebud, Jimmy’s is a purpose-built haven for children and youths aged 10-17, a place where trained, qualified staff, volunteers

and mentors provide access to a host of activities and services helping young members of our community deal with mental challenges arising between childhood and adulthood.

The connection between physical wellbeing and mental health is a key focus. During afterschool sessions and overnight residential retreats, attendees are educated on the impact of diet on mood and learn to cook their own healthy meals. Providing guidance for young people to manage self-care and wellness, it’s just one of the life skills learnt at the centre.

The point of difference that sets Jimmy’s apart from other youth groups, however, is its practitioner program. A unique therapeutic mental health model for young people struggling with early signs and symptoms of mental illness, behavioural and neurological challenges allows participants to benefit from therapies including acupuncture, naturopathy, nutritional counselling and reiki.

As a not-for-profit organisation, Jimmy’s receives no current money for the practitioner program and needs help to fund its innovative approach. Sponsoring a Peninsula child or youth in the program is one way to show support. A $1000

sponsorship provides access to the program for a disadvantaged young person. Sponsors are informed of the difference their contribution has made and kept updated on the progress of their sponsored participant.

Schools and community aid groups already know the value of Jimmy’s, with children and teens often being referred from these sources. Families likewise appreciate Jimmy’s role in helping young loved ones feel better about themselves.

The centre operates with a fairly low profile, and many on the Peninsula don’t know it exists, but the testimonials speak volumes: “Acupuncture helps me with anxiety.” “The naturopath helped me a lot. I don’t feel sad any longer.” “I sleep better and feel happier.”

Improving the mental health and wellbeing of our young people affects the entire Peninsula community, and early intervention is advantageous. To benefit from or to support the admirable work done by the team at Jimmy’s Youth Wellbeing Sanctuary, phone 0475 277 131 or email, and visit for more information.

Jimmy’s Youth Wellbeing Sanctuary provides space for young people to meet and relax. Photo: Tim Allen

BAM Arts film students reel in the applause

The lights dimmed and the buzz of anticipation filled Classic Cinemas in Elsternwick on a Sunday night in late May. The talented students of Frankston’s BAM Arts Rampage program prepared to premiere their groundbreaking short films. This wasn't just any film festival; it was a celebration of creativity, inclusivity, and the remarkable storytelling of filmmakers with disabilities. The red carpet was rolled out and the stage was set for a night that promised to challenge perceptions and showcase up-and-coming talent.

The students, dressed in their red carpet best, arrived in a stretch Hummer, singing and laughing all the way to the cinema. "Arriving at the cinema to family and friends waiting out the front was a real Hollywood moment," said Leah Wallace, the students' tutor.

The idea for this film festival emerged 18 months ago during a brainstorming session in class. Initially, the plan was to choose one concept to develop into a short film. However, the students' ideas were so compelling and reflective of their individual talents that Leah had a radical idea: "Let’s make them all." And so the journey began, leading to the premiere of nine short films each written and directed by the students.

Watching their films on the big screen for the first time was an emotional experience for the students. Despite having seen their films numerous times in class, nothing compared with the impact of a cinema screening. "The students were blown away, very emotional,” Leah said. “Some cried at a film they’d watched before without being so affected." Their reactions were heartfelt: "My dream come true." "Best feeling ever." "My imagination comes to life."

The audience's response was equally enthusiastic, with laughter, tears and spontaneous applause throughout the screening. Comments such as "I was really impressed" and "They really stack up against professional films” highlighted the high quality of the students' work.

Creating these films was a collaborative effort that significantly boosted the students' confidence and creativity. "It was really cool for me to see the moments when they really stepped up and took ownership of their work and vision, especially in the role of director," Leah said. The process wasn't without its challenges, but the students' support for one another ensured success. They learnt to manage all aspects of filmmaking, from setting up equipment to directing and editing, with minimal input from tutors.

The Rampage program and this film festival have affected perceptions about what people with disabilities can achieve. As Leah pointed out, it's not about tokenism but providing the appropriate support to allow these students to create something truly relevant, interesting, and highly creative. With this successful event, the students are eager and ready to embark on their next filmmaking adventure.

BAM Arts film students arrive in style outside Classic Cinemas, ready for their big premiere night. Photos: Phill Wall
A proud moment as BAM Arts students stand in front of the cinema screen after showcasing their work.
Anticipation builds as the audience settles in with BAM Arts students for a night of groundbreaking short films.

Don’t let hormonal imbalances knock you off your feet

Periods are just a part of life, we are told, something that many of us simply just have to put up with, they say. However, on top of the monthly inconvenience of nicking down the shops, padded up to the hilt with toilet paper on a pad quest, the ruining of a pair of knickers when you are caught short, and an inability to wear a favourite pair of white pants whenever you want, does it get any worse?

Well, for some, yes. Often the monthly cycle goes hand in hand with pain – sometimes excruciating pain – as well as flooding, frustration, high emotions, exhaustion, missed days away from school, then work, and even social activities. Once our periods are finally done and dusted, what's next to look forward to? Well, hold onto your bra straps, ladies. The next hormonal delight to grace us with its presence is menopause. Yep, it just keeps getting better. Many will be tortured by nights filled with hot sweats,

restlessness and poor sleep. Oh, and these sudden internal heat blasts also occur during the day too, hitting you at any time they deem appropriate, regardless of your plans. These hot flashes of ungodly heat can cause endless embarrassment, especially when carefully applied make-up begins to melt off the face while the back of the skull pours out so much fluid that freshly straightened hair becomes dripping wet, taking on a curled look that totally conflicts with the rest of the hairdo. Oh, and the libido. Yep, forget about sex. That is now the last thing on your mind.

But on a serious note, period-related disorders and hormonal balances can lead to a lot more than just pain, embarrassment and inconvenience. They can be related to anxiety, depression and fertility issues, even limiting a woman's chance of conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

Chinese medical theory looks at period-related disorders very differently to the Western medicine paradigm. From a Chinese perspective, painful periods are caused by stagnation of blood or qi (energy). This can lead to conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, dysmenorrhea (painful periods) and even flooding.

Another now seemingly common gynaecological disorder is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Chinese medical theory describes this condition as

being related to stagnation, phlegm and dampness. Often sufferers will experience longer cycles, where the follicular (pre-ovulatory) phase lasts way longer than 14 days while the luteal (post-ovulatory) phase remains shorter than 11 days (luteal phase defect). This condition can greatly affect a successful conception and pregnancy.

Often many of the period-related signs and symptoms signal that something internally is not quite in balance. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be implemented to address such internal disharmonies.

Having a hormonal regulation session can be sought at any age: for teenagers who suffer from painful periods, flooding, and hormonal acne; for women who suffer painful cycles or no cycles at all, and sadly infertility or recurrent miscarriage; and even those at the end of their fertility journey who are looking forward to throwing out their pads and birth control pills. Also, let's not forget about the amazing fellas in our lives. Their hormones can cause grief in their lives too. At any stage in life, hormone-related issues can present themselves, and acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine may be able to help. Contact a practitioner today. You do not have to suffer from hormonal imbalances.


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End of the road for the Dunloe

The barque Polly Woodside, from the painting by Richard Linton (used with permission).

The Dunloe and the Polly Woodside were very similar. Built towards the end of the 19th century with hulls of wrought iron, their rigs were almost the same.

Research shows that most social media users are under 30. Reach out to the entire population with print!

At the end of their lives, many fine sailing vessels had their upper masts and yards removed and became coal hulks. Converted to barges and towed by tugs, they filled the bunkers of the coal-fired steamers that had taken their trades from them. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries there were many such coal hulks in use in the Port of Melbourne. One old sailing ship’s captain recalled that there were in excess of 20 coal hulks that moored at Lower South Wharf on the Yarra, in the area known as Rotten Row, during the 1920s and 1930s.

The Polly Woodside, preserved at the former Duke and Orr’s dry dock near the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, was one of these, under the name of Rona. The Polly was restored and is now visited by large numbers of people interested in the great days of sail, but most of her contemporaries were either broken up or were scuttled when no longer required by their owners. One of these, the Dunloe, lies in the ships’ graveyard between Torquay and the Port Phillip Heads among the remains of about 40 other vessels.

The barque Dunloe was built in Glasgow in 1870 and was used in worldwide trading until 1903. During the next four years she traded between WA and Mauritius and the following two years in the Tasman Sea trade with the Rona (Polly). In 1908 a Melbourne owner bought her for conversion to a coal hulk. She was to have been towed from Sydney Heads to Melbourne by a steamer, but her captain set her sails and she outran the steamer, which caught up to her off Point Nepean. After nearly 40 years as a coal hulk, it was decided that she would be towed to the ships’ graveyard. Explosives were taken to blow a hole in her hull and sink her on arrival, but things did not go to plan. July 1, 1947, started as a beautiful calm winter day, but by the time the Dunloe and her tug were outside Port Phillip the weather had changed and in strong wind and high seas the towline parted. After a very anxious few hours for the two men aboard her, a line was secured and the Dunloe was brought back into Port Phillip. When the weather cleared the next day, the old lady joined the other ships in the graveyard.


President, Peninsula Ship Society

T: 9787 5780


The Peninsula Ship Society meets at Hastings Yacht Club at 10am on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except November and December). Visitors are welcome.

Clucking good company

Imagine a backyard in Mount Eliza filled with the delightful sounds of clucking chickens and you've got a glimpse into Tracey Gold's life with her beloved ISA Brown hens, Nuggets and Rosie. These charming chickens have taken over the garden – and the family’s hearts – with their unusual antics and affectionate natures.

Nuggets and Rosie were named by Tracey’s daughter, Grace, when she was just two, adding a touch of toddler charm to their identities. These two-and-a-halfyear-old hens were bought from Talking Hens in Merricks, and they’ve been ruling the roost ever since.

When it comes to snacks, these cluckers can’t get enough sunflower seeds and watermelon. They have free reign over the garden and even enjoy cosying up with Grace in her playhouse. “Our chickens purr when they get a cuddle, and they love to chase the dogs and photobomb our pictures,” Tracey said.

As far as quirks are concerned, Nuggets and Rosie have been known to make themselves comfortable on the humans’ beds – with a little help from Grace, of

course. And their habit of pooping on the doorsteps is a not-so-charming trait that many chicken owners will be familiar with. “The best thing about having chickens is the cuddles and fresh eggs daily,” Tracey said. And the funniest memory? Watching her toddler wrangle the chickens with the skill of a seasoned farmer. Tracey describes Nuggets and Rosie as cheeky and affectionate birds who probably think they’re dogs as they roam the back garden and enjoy their spacious chicken house.

For those considering adding a few feathered friends to their family, Tracey has some practical advice. “Use brown paper bags to line the chicken house floors with straw on top. It makes clean-up a breeze and it can all go into the green waste bins.”

If you’re in the market for some delightful backyard company and daily fresh eggs, Nuggets and Rosie might just be the inspiration you need to welcome some clucking good company into your life.

1. As a toddler, Grace loved cuddling her feathered friends.

2. A moment of joy and affection as Grace cosies up to Nuggets on the couch.

3. The chickens love a chance to photobomb, adding unexpected humour to Tracey’s photos.

Interested in pets?

education and parenting

Camp out so kids don’t miss out

The Portsea Camp is inviting community and industry leaders and CEOs to pitch a tent and sleep out on July 27 to help give Victorian kids a better future. Camp Out For Kids shines a light on the declining physical and mental health of children and teens and calls for action to reverse the trend and improve lives.

“More than 160,000 Victorian schoolchildren miss out on vital camp programs every year through financial and other disadvantage,” The Portsea Camp said in a statement. “Together we can close the gap to ensure kids have equal access to programs that improve confidence and resilience, programs that directly address key protective factors in reducing sadness, disconnection, depression, anxiety and suicide in our youth.

“We can all help one child, but together we can help

thousands. Camp out for kids with us and help break the cycle of disadvantage. Register, set a fundraising goal, gather your networks and join us at The Portsea Camp or host a camp out of your own in the spirit of fostering childhood joy and creating long-lasting resilience in children.”

Visit and register to make a difference in the life of a child.

Come soak up our warm winter vibes

Winter on the Mornington Peninsula is a wonderful time to go exploring. The fresh air and impressive scenery create the perfect backdrop for an exceptional experience. Whether you’re looking for relaxation or adventure, there are plenty of things to do. From truffle hunting to sampling the delights at one of our many Peninsula markets, there’s no shortage of attractions to entice you outside. If winter for you is more about comfort, good food and warmth, why not cosy up with a hearty meal in front of the open fire at Hickinbotham of Dromana, or meet some friends down at Jetty Road Brewery. We hear their Sunday roasts are awesome, and try a dark

winter brew while you’re there. Frankston Brewhouse is stepping up this winter with great brews and lashings of comedy, music and drag events on the side. This micro-brewery and restaurant specialises in seasonal share plates. La Cabra Mexican in Mornington will spice up your winter with tasty Mexican food and awesome cocktails. For something equally tasty and inviting, try Moonah Links’ Spike Bar, which is offering a variety of fabulous themed night specials to warm your cockles this winter including Sunday Roast night.

City friends will love the cosy accommodation at Glasshouse Villa in Merricks North.

Fill up your wardrobe with winter warmth and glamour at Detendu Lifestyle in Rosebud, and try one of the best brunches on the Peninsula at Elements Eatery at Rosebud’s Yawa Aquatic Centre. Other hot winter

haunts include Cptn Jacks at Yaringa and 360Q across at Queenscliff. You can also enjoy a great pub meal in the warmth of one of our fabulous local venues.

At the foothills of Red Hill you will find Dromana’s Trofeo Estate, which showcases local and seasonal produce that is designed to be paired with their awardwinning terracotta wines.

Don’t miss the 2024 International Cool Climate Wine Show at Rosebud Country Club on July 27. Find more details on page 47.

And don’t forget pastries and crusty bread from our brilliant bakers.

Immerse your senses in the magic and wonder of winter on the Mornington Peninsula.

Modern Mexican cuisine at its finest

Step inside and discover Mornington's hottest new Mexican restaurant in the heart of town. Just a five-minute walk from the main beach, La Cabra Mexican – Mornington is the perfect place to unwind and shake off the winter blues as you soak up the authentic and inviting atmosphere.

Here, your senses will be treated to the sounds and aromas of modern Mexican cuisine. Whether you're in the mood for a spicy salsa, a refreshing margarita or a hearty burrito, La Cabra Mexican – Mornington has got you covered.

The restaurant also offers a range of enticing themed days: Margarita Mondays, with $12 margaritas from 5pm; Taco Tuesdays, serving up $5 tacos from 5pm; Wing Wednesdays, when you can indulge in $1 chicken wings from 5pm; and Thirsty Thursdays, which are guaranteed to satisfy your thirst with half-price margarita jugs from 5pm.

And if all this wasn’t enough, every Saturday and Sunday there’s the Bottomless Lunch, with unlimited drinks from noon-1.30pm or 2-3.30pm.

Forget winter’s icy bite – there’s always a warm welcome at La Cabra Mexican – Mornington.


A: 111 Main St, Mornington T: 1300 522 227

W: FB: LaCabraMexican INSTA: lacabramexican








Get into the French festival spirit

Every year on July 14, France celebrates Bastille Day, also known as La Fête Nationale. This national holiday commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789, a turning point in the French Revolution. It is a day filled with parades, fireworks and, of course, delicious French cuisine, which can be enjoyed at the many French cafes, patisseries and restaurants on the Mornington Peninsula and in Frankston.

French cuisine is famous worldwide for its exquisite flavours, rich history and elegant presentation. From buttery croissants to decadent pastries, from hearty stews to delicate cheeses, French food offers a culinary experience like no other. So what better way to celebrate Bastille Day than by indulging in some mouth-watering must-try French dishes.

1. Croissants

Start your Bastille Day with a classic French breakfast staple: the buttery and flaky croissant. Pair it with a cup of strong coffee for the perfect morning treat.

2. Coq au vin

For a hearty and comforting meal, try coq au vin. This traditional French dish features chicken braised in red wine with mushrooms, onions and bacon. Serve it with crusty bread to soak up the delicious sauce.

3. Ratatouille

For a taste of Provence, whip up a batch of ratatouille. This vegetable stew is made with eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes and fragrant herbs. It's a colourful and flavourful dish that is sure to impress.

4. Crème brûlée

No French meal is complete without a decadent dessert. Crème brûlée, a creamy custard topped with a crisp caramelised sugar crust, is a classic choice. Break through the crunchy topping to reveal the luscious custard underneath.

Even if you're not in France, there are plenty of French restaurants and bakeries locally where you can indulge in authentic French cuisine to celebrate Bastille Day. From cosy bistros to upscale fine dining establishments, there is something for every palate and budget.

Celebrate July with a taste of France

Ouest France brings the authentic spirit of Bastille Day to Mornington on July 14 with an event not to be missed. Known in France as La Fête Nationale, Bastille Day is one of the liveliest festivals on the international calendar – a celebration of freedom, music, food and wine.

The party – or ‘fête’ – atmosphere at Ouest France kicks into high gear on this special day, coinciding with the bistro's own second birthday. Serenaded by accordion music performed live during lunch and dinner, guests will adore the menu’s genuine French fare, including winter warmers such as soupe a l’oignons – French onion soup – and crème brulee.

Select a French or local wine from Ouest France’s extensive drinks menu and raise a toast to Bastille Day. Vive la France!


A: 180 Main St, Mornington T: 0475 945 244 W:

FB: Ouest-Fran INSTA: ouestfrance_bistro

Bastille Day July 14



Treasures await on the ‘other’ side

There’s something going on in Mornington. There is a hip vibe awaiting you if you get off the beaten track and discover some of the new haunts that add to the fun of shopping and eating out. In Mornington, just over the Nepean Highway away from the hustle and bustle of Main St, you’ll find the hidden treasures of the Mornington industrial area to explore. These include awesome new businesses as well as many that have called this ‘side’ home for decades.

A discerning, creative crowd is evident in these back streets. Interest from business and retail outlets looking to set up shop in the area has grown considerably since the dreaded pandemic, and now there’s an eclectic mix of offerings drawing curious people to the location. You’ll discover everything from adult dance studios to perfect fit footwear. Check out one of our favourites, Locked In Escape Rooms, offering fun for all. Don’t forget this is also the home of Peninsula Curtains for all your window covering needs, perfect timber from Southern Timber Floors and that fabulous local eatery Zambrero Mexican. Mr Gasman can set you on the right path for all your heating and hot water unit needs.

Mornington Peninsula Magazine has dedicated this feature to some of the businesses making the Mornington industrial area the magnet it is for those who are looking for something a little different. You

won’t find fast fashion, mass-produced furniture or fast food here. Think artisan, original and crafted with intent, and you’re on the right track.

Invest in the timeless beauty of a timber floor

Warm, natural and inviting, nothing beats the look of a timber floor, and Southern Timber Floors specialises in the supply, installation and finishing of solid, engineered timber and hybrid flooring.

Southern Timber Floors has been servicing the Mornington Peninsula and surrounding areas for more than 18 years, specialising in high-quality timber floors and forging a reputation for quality, honesty and integrity. We have grown to become one of the true market leaders in all aspects of timber flooring, sourcing only quality timber products from proven suppliers who work with us to provide sustainably sourced timber that meets PEFC, AFS and FSC certification.

We can offer a supply-only service or deliver the complete flooring solution for our clients, and we pride ourselves on our first-class service and professionalism.


Southern Timber Floors was started by Keith Lawson and his sons, Ben and Toby. In early 2023 the family sold the business and it was taken over by Max Mascitti, who has been in the building and timber industry for more than 30 years in a variety of roles. Max was keen to preserve the solid reputation the Lawsons had built while also introducing some new products and ideas of his own, which he has done with great success.


Working closely with highly reputable and trusted suppliers, our updated showroom has the biggest range of timber floors on the Peninsula, so if you’re looking for a new floor, come and visit us.


A: 20 Virginia St, Mornington T: 5973 6936


FB: southerntimberfloors

INSTA: southern_timber_floors







SUN TO THUR: 11 - 8:30PM FRID & SAT: 11 - 9PM

Welcome to the second part of our special EOFY feature over the next five pages. As we mentioned in last month’s edition of Mornington Peninsula Magazine, the end of the financial year is upon us and that means it’s time to talk tax, whether you’re a business owner or an employee. It might be tempting to try to save a few dollars by working out your tax return on your own, but unless you’re a finance expert there’s every chance you’ll end up short-changing yourself. The Mornington Peninsula and Frankston are home to highly qualified men and women who eat, sleep and breathe finance and have spent years studying the complexities of our taxation system so they can maximise your return. Tax rules are constantly changing, so you need someone who understands how to navigate those changes to make sure you get the greatest return possible. So take a look through the following pages and find a tax expert close to you who will take the stress out of tax time.

Experience counts at Oak Audit & Assurance

As a dedicated audit and assurance firm, the focus at Oak Audit & Assurance is entirely on ensuring your business complies with the latest regulatory, legislative and reporting requirements. We view every engagement as an opportunity to help you better understand your business systems and processes, and where possible we offer insight into potential improvements.

Director Scott Cosgriff is a registered company auditor and has 20 years’ experience in the audit industry, starting his career as a graduate at Ernst & Young in Melbourne. Scott prides himself on his professionalism, loyalty, approachability and sound expertise across a

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A Mornington based audit practice, dedicated to exclusively providing audit and assurance services. Working closely with clients and accounting firms, building relationships based on integrity, trust and transparency.

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range of industries. Scott spends his spare time with his family, surfs various Peninsula beaches and is treasurer of a local community charity.

Oak Audit & Assurance proudly services audit clients both on the Peninsula and more widely in the city of Melbourne and regional Victoria.

You can be sure that your audit will be performed with care, in line with the applicable standards and legislation, giving your stakeholders and regulators absolute peace of mind.

We are passionate about compliance and regulatory style audits, with our services encompassing audits of trust accounts, registered charities, not-for-profits, clubs, associations, companies and more.

Reach out to us today.


A: Lvl 1, 311 Main St, Mornington T: 5923 0401



Deborah has over 20 years’ experience in financial services and superannuation and is a professional, qualified Financial Adviser, Authorised since 2008. Specialising in

strategy advice • Aged pension entitlements

Reach your business goals with Carroll Accounting

At Carroll Accounting, we specialise in providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of our valued business clients. From navigating complex tax obligations to optimising business strategies, our dedicated team is committed to delivering excellence at every step.

Led by James and John, our team of highlytrained professionals offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower your business success. Whether you require meticulous accounting and bookkeeping, strategic tax planning, personalised tax advice on property investment, or expert business consultations and discussions on appropriate structuring, we're here to guide you towards your goals with precision and insight.

For more than 16 years, Carroll Accounting has been a trusted fixture in the Rosebud community, serving clients across Victoria and beyond. Our commitment to personalised service extends beyond mere transactions – we

prioritise building meaningful relationships with each client. You are not a number to us; we take the time to understand your business aspirations and collaborate closely to achieve tangible results.

Convenience meets cutting-edge technology at our Rosebud office. Whether you prefer face-to-face meetings, virtual consultations via phone or video conferencing, our state-of-the-art meeting rooms ensure a seamless experience. With interactive displays and advanced audiovisual capabilities, every interaction is enhanced,

regardless of your location.

Join us at Carroll Accounting and experience the difference firsthand. Let us work together to turn your business vision into reality.


A: 867 Point Nepean Rd, Rosebud T: 5986 2189



Meet The Dream Team

Let us help transform your business.

At Smart Business Solutions, our expertise lies in elevating businesses. Our experienced team of Accounting and Tax Advisors work collaboratively with business owners to build better businesses. Whether you’re looking to streamline your financial processes, optimise tax strategies, or gain deeper insights into your financial performance, we provide the comprehensive support and strategic advice you need.

Let us help you transform your business and achieve your goals with confidence and clarity.

Let the Smart Dream Team help transform your business

Imagine having a business super-person by your side, helping you understand and achieve more with your business than ever before. At Smart Business Solutions, you have more than a superperson. Our Dream Team – a group of senior accountants, partners and directors, including newly appointed partner Daniel McCulloch – work collaboratively with our wider team to elevate your business to new heights. Our Dream Team goes beyond basic tax accounting. We delve deep into your financial landscape to provide comprehensive, personalised advice specific to your business. We streamline your financial processes, optimise your tax strategies, and offer invaluable insights into your business performance. Whether you're

stabilising a startup or propelling an established company to greater success, our expertise supports your unique journey.

Think of us as your trusted partners in business transformation. We help you navigate financial complexities, ensuring compliance and uncovering growth opportunities. Our proactive approach and personalised service give you the confidence and clarity to focus on what you do best: running your business.

With Smart Business Solutions by your side, your business possibilities are limitless. We go beyond accounting to maximise your financial potential. Join our many satisfied clients who have experienced the transformative power of our collaborative approach. Contact us for a free 30-minute Discovery Meeting.


A: Level 1/328 Main St, Mornington T: 5911 7000 W:

Keeping children safe from antisocial media

In my maiden speech to the Parliament in September 2022, I highlighted concerns about the impact that overuse of digital devices was having on our children.

Today, it is estimated that children spend roughly nine hours a day on devices, and that’s outside of their schooling. The OECD has told us one hour of entertainment screen time a day is good for learning outcomes. Any more than that and learning outcomes deteriorate.

Social media, in particular, has developed some particularly sharp edges and invisible rabbit holes. While providing an outlet for sociability, it’s also a vehicle for bullying, exploitation, radicalisation and extremism.

In November, the Coalition put a bill to the Parliament to test age verification technology, and has recently committed to restricting social media to those aged 16 or over within 100 days of winning government.

I was recently appointed to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society, a bipartisan committee that will investigate the regulatory future of social media in Australia. The committee will investigate ageverification mechanisms for social media and other important issues, such as the algorithms that present us and our children with content, the presence of harmful and illegal material, and the companies’ plans to ‘de-platform’ Australian news sites.

I am committed to working on behalf of all the families of the Mornington Peninsula. Please reach out to me with your views and (I see the irony) follow me on Facebook or LinkedIn for more details of the committee’s work.

ZOE McKENZIE, Flinders federal Liberal MP A: Unit 1/49 Eramosa Road West, Somerville T: 5977 9082


FB: ZoeMcKenzieFlinders

INSTA: zoemckenzieflinders

Zoe McKenzie MP

Zoe McKenzie with Frances Haugen, a Facebook whistleblower and advocate for accountability and transparency in social media on a visit to the Mornington Peninsula earlier this year.

arts events leisure

Big names confirmed for Peninsula music summit

The MP Music Summit has announced its first line-up of big industry names and professionals, including singersongwriter Katie Noonan, popular roots and blues performer Dallas Frasca, and Rye rockers Stiff Richards. Also confirmed for the conference panels are members of Frontier Touring, Oztix and Music Victoria as well as Something for Kate drummer and Peninsula venue owner Clint Hyndman and Legless Records label owner Arron Mawson.

The summit, to be held on Monday, August 12, is open to students, emerging and established artists, music venues and creatives and promises to be a transformative day of engagement. Organisers said it would be a chance for individuals across the music spectrum to come together, share insights and forge meaningful bonds with both the local and wider music industry.

It will include a program of keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, breakout sessions and live performances all geared towards inspiring those involved in the music community, as well as performances from an array of Peninsula talent.

Music journalist and broadcaster Jane Gazzo, who will be helping with many of the summit panels, said relationships were the currency of the music industry. “A lot of the time it’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” Jane said. “The idea of this year’s summit is to really foster support and strengthen bonds for both musicians and venues while offering invaluable advice and ideas to everyone, whether you’re an emerging artist or an established muso.

“It is a challenging time for many in the arts and becoming even more competitive for local artists to successfully break into the music scene. We need to cultivate Australia’s thriving live music culture and, as part of that, look for opportunities to nurture our upcoming talent.”

The summit is being organised by MP Music Industry, Mornington Peninsula Shire’s new initiative celebrating the Peninsula’s vibrant music scene. As part of its Mornington Peninsula Music Plan 2025, the shire is focusing on fostering connections, supporting a diverse musical culture and laying the groundwork for music investments on the Peninsula.

You can stay updated as the shire announces the program by subscribing to its Arts & Culture eNews and discovering ways to get involved at

Acclaimed play pays a visit to Frankston

A riveting and award-winning Sydney Theatre Company production heads to Frankston next month on a national tour directed by one of Australia’s most celebrated directors, Wesley Enoch.

On a sweltering day in January 1788, seven clan leaders gather on a sandstone escarpment overlooking the harbour. They catch up, laugh together, share a meal and compare notes. But beyond the friendly banter, protocols and hospitality, a momentous decision is waiting to be made. A mysterious fleet of giant nawi is amassing in the harbour and, as it creeps closer, these seven representatives must choose unanimously whether to send the strangers on their way or welcome them.

Awarded Best Mainstage Production and Best Ensemble at the 2023 Sydney Theatre Awards, playwright Jane Harrison’s The Visitors is at once a compelling and deeply researched insight into one of the most impactful and painful days in Australia’s history.

“We are surrounded by the need for

discussion and debate,” Enoch said. “We have friendly disagreements all the time, we clash over values and ideology, but as a society the key is finding some way forward rather than being paralysed by division.

“The Visitors simultaneously leads us to a past and a preferred future. It takes us back to the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove and asks what if that moment was different?”

Presented as part of the 2024 Season, The Visitors comes to Frankston Arts Centre on Tuesday, August 6, at 7.30pm. Tickets are available at or on 9784 1060.


A: 27-37 Davey St, Frankston T: 9784 1060


FB: FrankstonArtsCentre INSTA: the_fac

Djembe, Congas, Kinkini, Sangban, Dun, 6 key Marimba, various shakers/bells, and many more. $500 for a party of maximum 30 children.

something unique +$150 to include 7 hand pan drums, allow 30 minutes additional playing time.

Photo: Daniel Boud

Ignite your senses with Flinders Fringe’s Winter Warmer

After two successful summer festivals, Flinders Fringe is set to fire up the Mornington Peninsula’s creative arts calendar with its Winter Warmer program. This exciting new initiative promises to ignite the coastal village of Flinders from July 26-28. A combination of free and ticketed events are on offer across music, film, performance, art and fashion, showcasing celebrated local artists and talent from further afield.

Flinders Fringe encourages artists to create and present diverse, inclusive, interesting and experimental events not readily available to Peninsula audiences. It is a not-for-profit entity with a community-driven volunteer committee led by festival convenor Claire Thorn and artistic director Melissa Jackson. Together they have curated a cosy selection of 12 events around the village, with an emphasis on immersive, educational and interactive experiences. Not to be missed is Opera Closets, a world premiere made possible through Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Performing Arts Development grant, featuring Australian operatic star Dimity Shepherd accompanied by chamber trio The Persephone Project. Step through Dimity’s wardrobe into her imaginary, magical world where style and costume collide. In this unique show, every outfit tells a story and every outfit has a song. La Costumiére: a Forum on Fashion will have you in stitches as an expert industry panel unpicks the power of costume to shape emotion and identity. Other highlights include L’ Exposition:

a Static Catwalk, an artisan exhibition featuring award-winning designs from Marion Boyce; creative workshops with fine artists Helen Kennedy and Leyla Bulmer; and mask-making for the youngsters.

Meanwhile, Flinders Fringe, in partnership with The Music Industry, has sparked a Peninsula-wide talent search. Experience the hotbed of Peninsula talent and cast your vote in the people’s choice. The winner will take home the grand prize of $1000, generously donated by the Flinders General Store.

All tickets may be purchased at www.


A: Flinders


FB: FlindersFringeFestival

INSTA: flinders_fringe

Dimity Shepherd will feature in the world premiere of Opera Closets at Winter Warmer. Photo: Noa Smith Fletcher


Western Port Oysters & Sparkling

- The Untold Story: 6.30-10.30pm, Merricks Store, 3460 Frankston-Flinders Rd Merricks; A three-course meal and paired wine with renowned food & wine writers Richard Cornish and Max Allen, and the story of Western Port’s Angasi oyster. $140 (all inclusive). Contact:

au; Book Now:


WINTER SALON! Warm hues + Winter Lights: 2-4pm, EVERYWHEN ART, Whistlewood, 642 Tucks Road, Shoreham; Rich palettes, warm colours and soft hues of winter whites, blues, greens and purples in 40+ new works by First Nations artists from 6 regions. Featuring glowing paintings by senior and emerging artists from the APY Lands, the Western Desert, the Kimberley, Arnhem Land, Utopia and Bunurong artist Mark Brown. Opens Saturday July 13 and runs to August 25.



Red Hill Memorial Preschool Winter Festival: 3pm, Main Ridge Bowls Club, 455 Main Creek Rd, Main Ridge; Major fundraising event, all proceeds go directly to the kindergarten. A family celebration and Auction Night. This is a ticketed event. Please contact Carla Shallies, Fundraising Coordinator, Red Hill Memorial Preschool;

your event or activity


Vine Hop: 11am-7pm, 7 VineHop Venues on the Mornington Peninsula. The Festival Hub is @ The Briars, 450 Nepean Highway Mount Martha; Join us for VineHop 2024! Set across seven stunning Mornington Peninsula venues, VineHop showcases 30+ local craft beverage producers (wineries, breweries, cideries and distillers), all offering tastings of their favourite products. Add to that live music, DJs, food trucks and various transport options (which make getting around easy!), and you’ve got an epic day out! All tickets go on sale to VineHop VIPs12noon, Friday 5 July. Remaining tickets on sale - 12noon, Monday 8 July. PHONE: 1300 793 008, www.

Exhibition showcases our creatives and coastline

Hosted by Derinya Primary School in Frankston South, the Derinya Art + Craft Exhibition from July 19-21 is so much more than your everyday school market, attracting art-lovers and creatives from the Peninsula’s gateway to its tip.

In its 46th year, this much-loved event continues to wow with an ever-inspiring array of purchasable art and crafts – from unique and funky accessories to stunning conversation pieces for your home, often proudly depicting the breathtaking beauty of this region.

This year’s feature artist is Catherine de Boise, pictured, whose captivating acrylic paintings are inspired by the transformative power of light and the changes wrought by the shifting seasons and the tides of the Peninsula’s coastline, the traditional lands of the Boon Wurrung/Bunurong people that this self-taught artist lovingly calls home.

Catherine’s artistic journey is driven by her desire to translate the sense of peace and tranquillity that the natural elements of the region evoke in her. “I love to see the way my paintings can bring these feelings to the viewer,” she said.

If you don’t intend to take something home from the winter exhibition, you can simply spend an hour or two immersed in this imaginative wonderland, with a delicious Commonfolk coffee in hand while creative activities keep the kids amused.

Or for a truly special night out, DACE’s opening gala night takes the experience to another level with some of the best drinks, food and live entertainment the

region has to offer.

Get your DACE tickets at and check out Catherine’s work at


A: Derinya Primary School, cnr Overport Rd and Derinya Drive, Frankston South T: 9787 3633


FB: derinyaartcraftexhibition

INSTA: derinya_dace

health, beauty, fashion

Fixing teeth and changing lives

In the realm of dental innovation, All-on-4 dental implants stand as a beacon of hope for those grappling with tooth loss. At Casey Smiles, we're proud to offer this revolutionary solution, empowering patients to reclaim not just their smiles but their confidence and quality of life.

What sets Casey Smiles apart is our unwavering commitment to excellence and patient-centred care. From the moment a patient walks through our doors, they're greeted with warmth and empathy. Our team of skilled professionals takes the time to listen, educate, and tailor treatment plans to meet individual needs and goals.

Moreover, our state-of-the-art practice is equipped with the latest technology and amenities, ensuring precision, efficiency and comfort at every stage of the treatment journey. Whether it's digital imaging for precise implant placement or sedation options

for anxious patients, we spare no effort in ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.

But beyond technical prowess lies our passion for transforming lives. Witnessing the joy and gratitude of patients who emerge from treatment with renewed confidence and vitality is the ultimate testament to the profound impact of All-on-4 implants.

We're not just in the business of fixing teeth; we're in the business of changing lives. With All-on-4 dental implants, we're proud to be at the forefront of dental excellence, empowering our patients to smile brighter and live better, one transformation at a time.

Dr Mo is globally renowned and has been awarded the Centre of Excellence for his extensive experience and consistent delivery of high-quality care to more than 1000 patients.


A: Unit 2/14 Stawell St, Cranbourne

T: 5996 6273


FB: caseysmilesdentalclinic

INSTA: caseysmilesdental

What is All-on-4 Dentistry?

All-on-4 is a dental implant technique where the upper and lower set of teeth are replaced with just four implants!

Call today to book your FREE Consultation including a diagnostic CBCT scan valued at $250


General Dentistry

Crowns and Bridges

Dental Implants & Dental Veneers

Endodontics - Root Canal Treatment

Dr Mo has been awarded the centre of excellence, which recognises him for his extensive experience and consistent delivery of high-quality care to over 1000 patients.


Sleep Apnoea

Sleep Dentistry

All-on-4 dental implants

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Frankston nurse named Australia’s best

Cathy Halmarick, from Peninsula Health in Frankston, has been named Nurse of the Year at the Hesta Australian Nursing & Midwifery Awards.

Cathy was recognised for her work over 25 years as a nurse and midwife, during which she helped establish a sexual and reproductive health hub that ensured access to sexual health services for the community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. When she realised that many women were finding the IUD process painful, she initiated the use of a methoxyflurane inhaler – commonly known as the green whistle – to reduce their pain, achieving excellent results.

“Being recognised in the awards has been a lovely surprise,” she said. “I appreciate the acknowledgement and support from my colleagues and organisation.

“Sexual and reproductive health is an area of an individual’s health that is often overlooked for various reasons, including time and financial constraints, lack of knowledge, and clinic availability. Our service aims to guarantee that women from diverse backgrounds and age groups have choices regarding their sexual health. The service provides adequate time for consultations and after-hours clinics to help mitigate barriers.”

Cathy said she planned to use the prize money that accompanied her award for further study, focusing on pain management for people undergoing gynaecological procedures in the outpatient setting. The team will also use the money to buy an ultrasound machine.

Olieve & Olie put their best face forward for awards

Olieve & Olie are excited to announce that their new Face Oils have been named as finalists in the skincare category at the 2024 Clean + Conscious Awards.

Now in their sixth year, the awards celebrate products that perfectly harmonise with our bodies, environment and society. They accept products into the awards that are clean, ethical, sustainable and responsible. Olieve & Olie are honoured to have their new Face Oil Protect as a finalist for the Best Face Oil and the Restore blend as a finalist for the Best Night Serum. The local family-owned business eagerly awaits the final decision later in the year by the expert panel of judges.

With the Restore Face Oil used as a night oil and Protect ideal for a day oil, your skin will be glowing and nurtured all winter. Combined with their Body Butter is the ultimate all-over intense moisturiser to use during the cooler months when our skin can get dry and require a little extra nourishment. Olive oil is the hero ingredient in every product, as it includes vitamin E and antioxidants. It helps to restore skin smoothness and provides anti-ageing benefits. Given this, their everyday essentials like their Hand Cream, Lip Balm, Handmade Soap Bars, Hand & Body Wash and Hand & Body Cream should be a must-have in everyone’s skincare routine. With all products suitable for all skin types, their exfoliating scrubs, oil bars, Shave Gel, and Hand Sanitiser are perfect for those wanting to complete their organic skincare collection.

Shop in store or online today.

Nurse of the Year Cathy Halmarick, from Peninsula Health in Frankston, with her award.

Winter Offers

Package 1:

1/2 head foils, toner, treatment, cut & style $280

Package 2: full head foils, toner, treatment, cut & style $320 (Terms and conditions apply)

Our winter opening hours are:

Tuesday and Wednesday 9am-5pm Thursday 9am-9pm

Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-3pm closed Sunday & Monday

Leading dentists merge to deliver Peninsula-wide smiles

Healthy Smiles @ Mount Eliza is joining Barkly Street Dental Group to become Peninsula Smiles.

Barkly Street Dental Group has provided high-quality dental care to the Mornington Peninsula since 1988. In recent years it has become one of the Peninsula’s most progressive dental and orthodontics clinics, and over the past five years it has introduced:

• All On 4 Plus® dental implants

• Invisalign orthodontics for children and adults

• Zoom® teeth whitening using the Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed LED

• Digital Smile Design

• Single-visit restorative dentistry using CEREC® technology for porcelain veneers and crowns

• Affordable composite veneers

• 3D CBCT scanning on site

• At-home dental monitoring using the DentalMonitoring App & ScanBox

• Sleep dentistry for anxious patients and complex surgery

• Dental payment plans to help make services affordable for everyone.

Healthy Smiles @ Mount Eliza, a purpose-built practice that opened in

2011, has been a leader in technological innovation and unquestionable patient care. Since opening, it has introduced:

• State-of-the-art dental suites

• The Wand single tooth anaesthesia

• CJ Optik Dental Microscope for intricate surgery

• Kavo Pan Exam Digital OPG Unit

• Spectra Caries Detection Unit to detect issues even before X-rays

• QIP Certification.

Both practices are leaders in dental innovation and exceptional service quality, making them a natural fit. With two convenient locations, patients will have access to more appointment times and service options.

We are proud to introduce our new name, Peninsula Smiles. This name reflects our commitment to our local areas and signifies our dedication to the entire Mornington Peninsula. At Peninsula Smiles, we are more than just general dentists. Our focus is on bringing smiles to people of all ages and caring for their dental health throughout their lifetime.


A: 48 Barkly St, Mornington

A: 116 Mount Eliza Way, Mount Eliza T: 5975 5355



growing Just Better Care team

A career at Just Better Care Mornington Group is a wonderful way to make a difference in your local community.

Our employees assist customers to live in their own home, keeping them safe and connected to their local community. When you join Just Better Care, you become part of a successful, growing business that gives you training and support to develop your career.

If you would like to be part of a friendly, local team with flexible hours that suit you, find out more and apply at


T: 5972 1860


FB: jbc.mornington

INSTA: jbc_mornington

Find your purpose at PARC

Now that winter is well and truly upon us, it can be difficult to find the motivation needed to keep up with routines. In those moments when you’re struggling to leave your warm, cosy home, remembering your health and wellbeing goals and what it is you are working towards can go a long way to keeping you focused, motivated and consistent.

When creating healthy habits, having your motivation front of mind is the best way to set yourself up for success. Everyone’s purpose is personal. Whether you’re training for a marathon, wanting to increase your fitness, rehabbing an injury or simply wanting to get more movement in so you feel good, remembering your purpose will help you this winter.

The team at PARC are here to support you in keeping up consistency to reach your health and wellbeing goals by asking you: What is your purpose?

Whatever your purpose is, whatever your motivation is, PARC membership can help you on your health journey. PARC’s experienced and friendly team are all about improving lives through activity and connection, and are ready to help you be active, happy and connected.

Inquire now to join PARC.


A: 16N Cranbourne Rd, Frankston

T: 9781 8448


FB: parcfrankston

INSTA: parcfrankston


Aries: It is time to get your house in order. This could be a home maintenance or renovation project, or perhaps the purchase of a home or second property, or a rental situation. Your private life is highlighted with the planets urging you to shore up your personal foundation.

Taurus: Mars, the planet of action, is in your Zodiac Sign, pushing you forward out of your comfort zone. The good news is that you can achieve a lot at the start of July, particularly if you are involved in business or money matters, or even sport.

Gemini: Cross-pollination in your personal finances is this month’s theme. As a Gemini you are adept at flitting from one thing to another, multi-tasking, and from one person to another, networking. Now you need to diversify your personal income by taking on different approaches to earning money.

Cancer: At the start of July it is time to celebrate your achievements of the past year before setting new goals for your next trip around the Sun. Then self-development is your theme for the rest of the month. July sees you take steps to greater personal fulfilment.

Leo: The start of July is about personal reflection, taking time out to reflect and rejuvenate. You could take time

out to write in your journal, read an uplifting book, meditate, go camping in nature or on a retreat. As your birthday season approaches, then you are ready to celebrate.

Virgo: The social sector of your Solar Chart is highlighted now, indicating that your social calendar is full. This could be familiar small gatherings or attendance at larger ones. Even if you plan a quiet month, you are likely to bump into friends at your regular local venues.

Libra: Your diplomacy skills are required in your professional arena and your connections with people in high places bring rewards. It is your time to shine in public. So it is time to say “no” to sitting on the fence. Rather, you need to weigh up your options and then take decision action.

Scorpio: Overseas connections are highlighted. These could be links with people from foreign lands or your own plans to travel. A long journey is in the stars. You may also enjoy visiting cultural or arts venues that give you a fresh perspective. The idea is to nurture your dreams for a more expansive life.

Sagittarius: Key business and personal associates are the focus. It is time to nurture the unions that are fruitful

and make decisions regarding those that are not. This is about share resources: property, bank accounts, business, inheritances, tax bills and such like. Most likely money is at the centre of negotiations.

Capricorn: Partnerships are front and centre. Your nearest and dearest may need some tender loving care or they call on you to be more forthcoming with your feelings. The emphasis is on fostering key personal and business relationships. As usual you need to steer a steady course, providing shelter for your significant others.

Aquarius: Maintaining or fostering healthy habits is your goal. Daily demands may be extra challenging, or it is possible that someone near and dear needs support. You need to focus on boosting your own physical, emotional and mental health. A change of diet, a new activity or a medical check-up could be beneficial.

Pisces: July is your month for fun, creativity and youthful activities. Ask yourself: “What gives me joy?” and then take action to incorporate more of these activities into your daily life. You could spend more time with children who bring out your playful side. Or a creative project may inspire positive vibes.

and stillness

food wine produce


We try to confirm all markets with organisers before publication. However, we are not responsible for late changes.


Dromana Indoor Market: 80+ indoor stalls & hairdresser; 110 Nepean Highway (down from Aldi); 10am-5pm


Main St, Mornington: between Cromwell & Albert streets; 9am-3pm


Bittern Sunday Market: Bittern Railway Station, Frankston-Flinders Road, Bittern; 8am-1pm


Boneo Lions Club Sunday Market: First Sunday of month, Rosebud foreshore opp Fourth Ave; 7am-1pm


Crib Point Community Market: indoor & outdoor stalls, Cribby Koala treasure hunt for kids; Crib Point Community House, 7 Park Rd; second Saturday of month, 9am-1pm Rosebud Community School: 120+ stalls, handmade and new items, produce and plants, second Saturday of month, Nepean Highway (old carnival site on Rosebud foreshore opp 7-Eleven); 8am-1pm


Mornington Racecourse Craft Market: 300+ stalls, festive atmosphere, delicious eats; Racecourse Rd, 9am-2pm


Boneo Community Market: third Saturday of the month, cnr Boneo and Limestone roads, 8am- noon


Mt Eliza Farmers’: Mount Eliza Village Green; fourth Sunday of month, 9am-1pm

To view more markets, scan QR code or go to our website

IF YOU RUN A MARKET you can be listed online for free, go to website www.mpmag. or email bella@

Experience Flinders Truffles for a delightful winter treat

Flinders Truffles is offering some exciting new truffle experiences on the Mornington Peninsula. Behind the large gates on Mornington-Flinders Rd, 1150 French oak trees, carefully tended by owners Jane and Tony, have been planted to help grow one of chefs’ most coveted delicacies, the captivating black truffle or tuber melanosporum, also known as the Périgord truffle.

The Flinders truffle-hunting experience begins with a warm truffle-infused soup with fresh truffle shavings to whet your

appetite while you learn about how these mysterious gifts of nature grow and how to find them. Then join your guide in the fresh air among the beautiful trees with specially trained lagotto dogs sniffing the earth for the unique truffle aroma.

Once you have discovered some of these extraordinary specimens, return to the cosy barn with its warm fire to learn about how to use this highly prized ingredient in your own cooking. Jane explains that she wants people to feel comfortable using truffles, and she provides a range of recipes that you can use to maximise your experience of them and elevate your own culinary creations. As you learn, enjoy a 4 cheese and truffle toastie, or sample delicious products such as truffle-infused chilli oil, truffle butter and honey truffle butter.

If there’s no room in your itinerary for the full truffle-hunting experience, you can stop by for a quick visit to the new van, a farm

gate experience where you can buy a toastie or any of the products to take home. Linger by the fire while you enjoy the incredible tastes, aromas and the amazing view to Bass Strait across the truffiere, which is the name given to the land that produces truffles.

Black truffles are only available in winter, so this experience is available for a limited time and is not to be

missed. For information on farm gate opening times and markets, follow Flinders Truffles on Instagram @flinders_truffles


A: 1900 Mornington-Flinders Rd, Flinders

T: 0408 003 475


FB: flinderstruffles

INSTA: flinders_truffles

Book online now or stop by the farm gate van


Food-lover’s guide to winter on the Peninsula

Winter is a great time for food-lovers on the Mornington Peninsula, with some crops and produce reaching their flavoursome best in the cooler months. Winter vegetable crops such as cabbage, swede, brussels sprouts and carrots react to the cold by turning starch into sugar to protect themselves from frost. This makes them super-crisp and beautifully sweet. Being in season, they are also particularly good value, allowing home cooks to make healthy and nutritious dishes such as winter salads, roast veg dishes, vegetable curries and soups. Combined with budget cuts of beef or lamb, they also make hearty and healthy slow-cooked meals.

One of the Peninsula’s great environmental success stories is the revival of native angasi oysters. Beds of these large oysters once lined Port Phillip and Western Port but were fished to the edge of extinction during the colonial period. The Flinders Oyster Company discovered a remnant angasi colony and extracted some spat, or baby oysters. These were bred up in a high-tech hatchery and are being grown out in the cool, clean water off Flinders. Over winter the oysters fatten up and are at their very best. You can buy them direct at Flinders Pier.

Winter is also time for Red Hill Truffles’ famous black truffle hunt. As the earth chills, black truffles ripen under the soil, developing those rich, luscious aromas adored by food-lovers. The public are invited to join the McAuleys as they hunt for truffles with their trained truffle dogs among the oak and hazelnut trees searching for those big, fat, sexy-smelling fungus. Afterwards, truffle hunters can take home their own truffle and truffle products as well as enjoying a warming cheese and truffle toastie or a special truffle

brunch or lunch.

It’s the prospect of a steaming mug of spiced cider and a hot slice of freshly baked apple pie that gets many food-lovers heading up to Mock Red Hill. The Mock family have been growing apples for generations and their biodynamic orchard is famous for its truly excellent apples, pears and avocados. While the apple season finished a few months ago, carefully controlled atmosphere storage sees crisp and delicious apples on their shelves for months to come. The Mocks have truly diversified, making freeze-dried fruit, apple juice, apple cider and wild ferment apple cider vinegar. At this chilly

time of the year, however, it’s that sweet and spicy combo of pie and hot cider that’s warming the cockles of many foodies’ hearts.

For more information on Mornington Peninsula produce and where to find it, head to www.mpp.


T: 5950 1642


FB: morningtonpeninsulaproduce

INSTA: mornpenproduce

Photos: Richard Cornish

Nestled in the Karingal neighbourhood is a quaint row of shops bringing something a bit hip and funky to Kareela Rd. This strip includes Herbert’s Corner Store and Two Boys One Beagle and a Coffee Shop, as well as a beauty therapist, a hairdresser, a community café, an op shop, a health centre with chiropractor, and a pottery studio.

Two Boys One Beagle and a Coffee Shop lives up to its name, serving delicious Commonfolk Coffee and a fabulous all-day menu. As well as the “usual suspects”, like eggs on toast and smashed avo, they also offer a few unexpected and trendy brunch dishes. There are ever-changing croquettes, which are a staple on the seasonal menu, as well as a braised pork belly and maple drizzled homemade waffle.

Why not indulge further with one of their homemade cakes or mosey on and check out the new Frankstonthemed mural just around the corner. Follow the new sign to the end of the strip to find the recently

renovated Kareela Reserve, which the kids will love. Frankston City Council has really excelled.

Herbert’s Corner Store is the little brother of Two Boys One Beagle and a Coffee Shop, and takes its name from the owners’ newest dog, Herbert the bloodhound. As well as featuring products you know and love from Two Boys One Beagle, such as quality bacon, local sourdough and artisan crumpets, Herbert’s Corner Store is the perfect place to discover all the things you never knew you needed.

You’ll find art from the likes of the iconic David Shrigley, quirky international designs by Natali Koromoto,

works from Australian artists Rebecca Abbey and Kait James and so much more. Decorate your walls with the original Kit-Cat Klock, embellish your plants with magnetic Band-Aids, entertain the kids with enormous artist-drawn colouring sheets, beautify your keychains with quirky leather key fobs, or just grab a damn good hot sauce. Herbert’s has it all.

There are so many things to explore, so why not drop by, have lunch, shop, get your nails and hair done, let the kids run wild in the park and enjoy something completely different while you support local businesses.

Herbert's Corner Store is open Monday-Saturday from 9am-3pm and Sundays 9.30am-1.30pm; Two Boys One Beagle and a Coffee Shop is open daily from 7am-3pm. Phone 9785 9239.


A: 55 Kareela Rd, Frankston

FB: herbertscornerstore INSTA: herbertscornerstore


A: 59 Kareela Rd, Frankston FB: twoboysonebeagle INSTA: twoboysonebeagle

Creating moments of pure culinary joy

At Tadka Club Mornington, our menu is a vibrant tapestry of authentic Indian flavours. It's a culinary voyage, where we carefully craft dishes to delight your senses, just as we've been doing since our inception.

As you savour our dishes, you can also take in the breathtaking seaside views, making your dining experience truly unparalleled. Be it a romantic evening, a family gathering, or simply a moment of relaxation by the beach, Tadka Club Mornington offers the perfect setting for any occasion.

We are incredibly proud of our journey, having been recognised with the Menulog Award for Best Indian Restaurant in south-east Melbourne in 2020. In March 2023, we were humbled by the

recognition of having the ‘Best Butter Chicken’, according to the Herald Sun. This acknowledgment reinforces our commitment to crafting authentic, delicious dishes that leave a lasting impression.

Our devotion to delivering exceptional service and a warm, inviting atmosphere is what sets Tadka Club apart. We're dedicated to creating moments of pure culinary joy that you'll treasure.

Whether you're a local or a visitor, Tadka Club Mornington invites you to immerse yourself in an exceptional dining experience, where the beauty of the beach and the flavours of India come together in perfect harmony.


A: Shop 4/92 Main St, Mornington T: 5902 6552/0488 884 420 W:

INSTA: thetadkaclub

Organic artisan bakery dedicated to handcrafting sourdough bread. German flair with authentic pretzels, rye breads and cake.

Community leader celebrates five remarkable years

The success story in Seaford over the past five years has been 38 South, the all-day eatery and bar. Opening in the most difficult time pre-COVID, this family-owned business has led the way with an array of speciality offerings in house and what it has done for the community.

During the COVID-19 restrictions, 38 South ran many community events for families and individuals to have some fun and check in on their wellness during a period when the stresses of the pandemic revealed some very difficult times for people.

The Seaford Tiger Hunt had more than 500 families register for a weekend of cleverly planned fun that did not conflict with any social distancing restrictions. This event brought laughter and happiness to a community at a time it needed some real life experiences that are still talked about today.

It also ran a unique R U OK? campaign, giving away hundreds of coffees and cupcakes to get the conversation started. The result was individuals going to 38 South and opening up that they were lonely and in need of someone to talk to. Many of these people continue to be part of the 38 South family.

38 South’s story this year was the fundraising event it held for Mums Supporting Families In Need, raising more than $6500 for the organisation. It continues to raise money for MSFIN and will be looking to assist other causes in the near future. Happy fifth birthday, 38 South. You must be proud of your achievements to date, and we look forward to seeing what you deliver over the next five years.


A: 131 Nepean Highway, Seaford

T: 9024 0138


FB: 38southbarcafe

INSTA: 38southbarcafe





38 South owners Jim and Alena Derzekos.

property home garden

It’s time to talk about the time to sell

We are frequently asked how the market is going and if it is a good time to sell. In short, the right time to sell is very personal and should only be when you feel ready, independent of what the market is doing. Ideally, everyone would sell in a high market and buy in a low market, but few people get to time their real estate activity this way.

The Mornington Peninsula market has softened considerably since 2021 and is now considered a buyer’s market. In today’s market, to achieve a sale vendors must either be highly competitive in price or extraordinarily patient and wait for the perfect buyer. Buyers now often feel that they hold the power in negotiations and are spoilt for choice.

Many vendors wait until spring to sell. The weather is better, buyers are more active and Christmas or the beginning of the new school year creates an artificial deadline. This is a great time to sell but there is also a risk of there being many other properties on the market

at the same time, creating competition for the same buyers. As such, selling during winter when there are fewer properties for sale also holds merit.

In reality, if you intend to sell and buy in the same market, the swings and roundabouts of being both a vendor and then buyer tend to even out the net result. Even so, it is important to select an agent that you trust to protect you and your price through the selling process.

As with any major decision, before deciding on an agent to sell your biggest asset, hasten slowly, interview several, and do your research. With the Reserve Bank again holding interest rates in June, this is great news for anyone thinking of selling soon.


A: 50 Ranelagh Drive, Mount Eliza M: Liz, 0417 559 992

M: Meg, 0400 190 242 W:


The Munich Swivel Chair has a unique curvaceous on trend design. This tub style chair will be a hero piece in your living space, home office or bedroom.

OZ DESIGN FURNITURE MORNINGTON   HomeCo Peninsula, 1128-1132 Nepean Highway, Mornington P: 8560 1137

FB: OZDesignFurniture INSTA: ozdesignfurniture

The Aura Recliner Chair from himolla Germany with retractable headrest and zero gravity mechanism. Currently in the Luduco EOFY Clearance Sale with a 25% discount at a reduced price of $3749. Exclusive to Luduco Living.

LUDUCO LIVING HomeCo Peninsula, 1128-1132 Nepean Highway, Mornington P: 5973 4899

In July two lucky readers will each win a double pass to see Jebediah with special guests Magic Dirt on Sunday August 4 at Haba, Rye.


To enter, become a member of Mornington Peninsula Magazine at then check out @MornPenMag on Facebook and Instagram to complete all the entry steps on the competition post.

vacant property can make you money

With recently reported shrinkage in the holiday home market due to property owners selling, now is the time to make income from your holiday home.

If you have a vacant home on the Mornington Peninsula, consider short-term or holiday rental for extra income and to offset property costs.

The team at Holiday Rentals Australia can assist. Led by qualified and licensed real estate agents, Holiday Rentals Australia has partnered with major advertising channels such as Airbnb, Stayz, VRBO and others.

Using their significant short-term rental experience in the holiday property industry, the Holiday Rentals Australia team ensures your property performs for you at the highest level to maximise returns and minimise hassle while protecting your valuable asset and ensuring it is maintained to professional standards.

Remember, second homes are exempt from vacant residential land tax if the property is occupied by the owner for at least four weeks in a calendar year, according to the State Revenue Office website.

For more information, go to or call James on 0435 768 514.

Are you ready to upgrade your indoor/outdoor living this winter?

Well, the time has rolled around again to consider planting more bare root fruit trees in your home garden. Planting bare root, where trees are sold dormant with their roots exposed rather than in soil, is both costeffective and advantageous for root establishment. Be sure to choose species that will match your garden’s conditions in terms of sunlight and soil type. Most cool temperate varieties grow well here.

Winter is the ideal time for planting bare root fruit trees. Aim for planting between now and August. Before planting, choose a sunny spot in your garden with well-draining soil. Bare root trees are particularly sensitive to waterlogged conditions, which can cause root rot. Prepare the soil a few weeks before planting. Start by removing any weeds and debris from the area. Dig a hole twice the width and the same depth as the tree's root system. Loosen the soil at the bottom to encourage root penetration. If your soil is heavy clay,

consider mixing in compost or wellrotted manure to improve drainage and fertility.

Place the tree in the centre of the hole, spreading the roots out evenly. The point where the roots meet the trunk, known as the root collar, should be at ground level. Fill the hole with soil or compost blend, gently tamping down to eliminate air pockets. Water the tree thoroughly to settle the soil around the roots. You can then apply a thick layer of mulch around the base of the tree, keeping it away from the trunk.

Despite the cool, wet weather we usually get down here at this time of year, newly planted trees need regular watering to establish roots. Water deeply once a week, adjusting based on rainfall and soil moisture levels. It is better to not have strong-growing grasses around the base of the trees, as they will not only compete for food and water but you may also damage the tree when you maintain the grass around the trunk.

Shaping your new tree in the first few seasons is very important to establish a well-balanced structure. Essentially, you will want four to five main branches coming out in fairly even spacing from the main trunk. Each of these branches may then be pruned at about 500mm to two outward-facing buds in order to create a whorl of forking branches. If that sounds like gobbledygook to you, it is worth having a read of a fruit tree pruning book or watching a few

YouTube videos so you can familiarise yourself with this very important aspect of fruit tree care.

In early spring, apply a balanced fertiliser to support new growth, such as one of the many chook poo-based pellet products at your local garden centre. Avoid over-fertilising, as this can lead to excessive foliage at the expense of fruit production.

And as with your vegetable gardens, regularly inspect your trees for signs of pests or disease. Early detection and intervention are key to maintaining

healthy trees.

Planting bare root fruit trees in winter not only takes advantage of the trees' dormant state but also allows roots to establish before the growing season begins, so come summer you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh, homegrown fruit. This investment in your garden will yield delicious rewards for years to come, and the kids will love it!


Drew Cooper, Edible Gardens

Choosing the right wall art for your space

Deciding on the perfect artwork for your home can be daunting. However, the great thing about wall art is that there are countless possibilities available. You can choose from a variety of materials, such as wood, metal and canvas. There are also all sorts of designs, sizes and finishes to pick from.

Often people overthink this process and get overwhelmed with the thought of locking in one piece. However, wall art is interchangeable. It can easily be swapped out and replaced at any time to fit with your interior style.

Before selecting your wall art, look at your existing room and furniture pieces. Consider the colours, textures and overall theme. Be sure to take measurements of the wall so you can accurately determine the size of the artwork you need.

Once you assess your current look, it will dictate the type of art you’ll want to look for in terms of colour and design. This means researching will be a whole lot easier when it

comes to filtering for artwork that fits your vision.

For art to make a bold statement in your home, choose oversize designs that will fill two-thirds of your wall space. For homes with high ceilings, a bigger piece will elongate the wall to introduce a premium look and feel.

A rule of thumb is to hang art pieces 15-30cm above furniture. This will give enough breathing room and white space to not overcrowd the look and be pleasing to the eye.

Above all, it’s as simple as choosing art that you love and can enjoy for years to come.

Make your house feel like a home and discover furniture and homewares collections that will live with you through every moment. OZ Design. For Life.


A: Showroom D4, Peninsula Home, 1128-1132 Nepean Highway, Mornington T: 8560 1137


FB: OZDesignFurniture

INSTA: ozdesignfurniture

Staying active, living happier at Martha Cove Village

One of the most important points of difference between an RCA Village and others is our active health philosophy. We want our residents to enjoy living in our villages and we do everything we can to make sure everyone enjoys good health. Research has shown that socially engaged and physically active people lead healthier and happier lives. Every new resident is encouraged to enjoy their retirement living actively. Each village has an active living coordinator who will help find the most appropriate health and wellness programs for you. For some, that will mean advice on strength building. For others, it may involve physio or organising medical services. Others might just need advice on healthier lifestyle choices. Everyone can participate, everyone benefits.

It’s not just physical. Active health encompasses a range of activities designed to keep you engaged and involved, and promotes the overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of our residents. Yoga, meditation,

aqua aerobics, craft and walking groups – even happy hour – assists with wellbeing.

Martha Cove Village active living coordinator

Lisa Masey makes everyone feel welcome at a variety of weekly classes, including chair yoga; sit, stand and strong; and breathe, stretch, relax, which has been designed for residents who are wanting something a little more gentle. “We have been running both classes for over a year now,” Lisa said. “There is a wonderful energy in the group, and we all look forward to our Thursday mornings.”

If you are thinking of retirement living, why not make an appointment to take a tour of RCA's Martha Cove Village at Safety Beach or Martha Bay Village at Martha Bay, and meet the vibrant community and discover all that village life has to offer. Phone 1800 633 126 or visit www. to find out more.


A: 101 Pickings Rd, Safety Beach

T: 1800 633 126


A: 111 Craigie Rd, Mount Martha W:

FB: rcavillages

INSTA: rcavillages

Your innovative and energy-efficient window-covering solution

In today’s energy-conscious world, cellular blinds emerge as a premier window treatment option, boasting unparalleled insulation from their distinctive honeycomb structure. This results in substantial energy savings, potentially saving up to 32 per cent more than standard roller blinds. The unique cell construction acts as a barrier, hindering heat transfer and thereby enhancing yearround energy efficiency.

Available in blockout, translucent and sheer styles, cellular blinds cater to diverse needs, ensuring darkness and privacy in bedrooms with blockout options, while translucent filters natural light while maintaining privacy. Sheer cellular blinds offer a softer sunlight effect, preserving views. With sizes ranging from 10mm to 20mm and a double cell option, they adapt seamlessly to various spaces, blending elegance with superior insulation. Child and pet safety is also prioritised, with cordless operation options and minimal light gaps. Beyond energy efficiency and safety, cellular blinds also foster a quieter home by absorbing sound and

blocking exterior noise. Crafted from robust materials, they ensure longevity and easy maintenance. With their combination of efficiency, safety and aesthetic appeal, cellular blinds prove invaluable in any home. Their unique construction and dust-resistant fabrics guarantee enduring performance. They also enhance indoor air quality, meeting strict criteria set by the Green Building Council of Australia.

For a healthier, more energy-efficient home, cellular blinds represent a smart and stylish choice locally designed and custom-made for you. Contact our below stores for a free measure and quote today. Both stores are open Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm and Saturdays 9am-5pm.


A: Shop C4, Peninsula Home, 1128-1132 Nepean Highway, Mornington

T: 5975 3655


A: Shop 15, Kingston Central Plaza, 288 Centre Dandenong Rd, Moorabbin Airport

T: 9566 8200


FB: dollarcurtainsandblinds

INSTA: dollarcurtainsandblinds

Thinking of building?

A warm welcome awaits at Village Glen

The Mornington Peninsula is currently shivering its way through winter after a long cold snap that has had many retreating inside and rugging up. But at the Village Glen, hibernation is not in our vocabulary and our winter activities are busier than ever. We have recently had some rare availability come

up in our two-bedroom villas. Each has a large main bedroom, second bedroom or study, separate kitchen, detached garage, slab floor heating and your choice of appliances. Priced from $566,000, these villas reflect wonderful affordability on the Peninsula.

Being located near our main hub means it is only a short stroll from home to attend an event at the Palms Precinct, grab a coffee or cake at CJ’s lounge, see a movie in our cinema or get a fresh look from Jenny’s hairdresser. You can even avoid the winter wind by grabbing your everyday essentials from our residents’

Got wood rot?

Great service, workmanship and professionalism from Ben and his team!

Saved us thousands $$$ on replacement of concertina doors.

Special shout out to Zac who was a delight to have working in the house. Highly recommend.

shop, which is open daily until 11.30am.

For anyone looking to join our exceptional community, make lifelong friends, discover new hobbies or even rediscover old ones, visit au or call 5986 4455 for a brochure or to make an appointment and explore all that Village Glen has to offer.


A: 335 Eastbourne Rd, Capel Sound T: 5986 4455 W:

AJ Synthetic Grass Repairs

trades to you your guide to local tradespeople

Trades To You highlights the many talented tradies across the Peninsula and Greater Frankston area. This is now a regular part of Mornington Peninsula Magazine that has been received so well with the community coming together to support our local tradies. If your weekends consist of starting a DIY project, fixing a failed DIY project or perhaps styling your fresh, professionally installed garden, patio or bathroom, why not take time to plan your renovations and request quotes from the businesses showcased here month after month. Whatever the job may be, we’ll have the trade for it. Just keep your eye on our Trades To You section and together we’ll support small businesses while getting our own little corner of the

world looking more like a home than a house.

If you are a tradesperson looking to publicise your business to the Mornington Peninsula and Greater Frankston area, give us a call on 9708 8222. You will find we have super rates starting from $140 a month and editorial options for you to showcase what you offer to an engaged audience.

Book a winter clean-up for some sensational summer relaxation

Winter’s not always the most enjoyable time to spend outside, which means our gardens can quickly get away from us. That’s why you should give Crown Lawn & Garden Services a call.

This month, Greg and the team will be quoting and booking all services before spring, so get in early for the garden you’ve always wanted to enjoy in summer. They tailor all of their services across the Mornington Peninsula, from large acreage mowing of residential and commercial properties to vacant new build sites, rural paddocks and sporting association club areas. With a fleet of the latest Walker rideons, they can provide their premium cut services in wet or dry conditions.

Full-day backyard blitz packages can be booked for large and small scale clean-ups before any landscape installation or property sale. Removal of trees, large branches, hedge trimming, mulch and landscaping are all part of the work that can be undertaken.

Crown offer the best starting point to transform gardens and lawns with tailored and ongoing services, and they’ll work closely with you to discuss and provide the most economical means to attain your desired garden.

Contact Greg to change the way you live and love your garden this summer.


M: 0417 415 417



FB: Crown Lawn & Garden Services

Your garden deserves the Modern touch

Twenty-five years ago, Alister and Phil established Modern Gardens & Maintenance as a two-man maintenance business. Today they employ 25 staff who do everything from designing and constructing gardens for new homes to completing smaller landscaping projects such as decks, concreting, garden rejuvenation, turfing and fencing.

They also have three maintenance teams that regularly service the Peninsula; in fact, some of their staff fell in love with our region while working here and now call the Peninsula home.

Alister and Phil offer a complete one-stop service. That means one staff member can handle everything for you, from the initial quote to council permit applications to overseeing the whole project.

“We pride ourselves on our communication,” they said. “We like to sit down face to face with every client to fully understand their needs and wants. We can design or construct any job to your budget and we can do any job, no matter how small or how big. Our quotes and personal consultations are all free with no strings attached.”

They also take great pride in their before and after-sales service, which explains why some of their clients have been with them for more than 20 years and have entrusted Modern Gardens & Maintenance with landscaping multiple properties. So whether you’ve just completed your dream home and need the block landscaped from scratch, or you’re after some expert help to bring your garden back to life and maintain it, Modern Gardens & Maintenance can handle it all with maximum results and minimum fuss.


A: 5/57-59 Whiteside Rd, Clayton South T: 0411 017 082


FB: moderngardensandmaintenance/ INSTA: mod.gardens

Mt Eliza Gardens Aged Care is a brand new luxurious, 141 suite state-of-the-art aged care facility, located on the Mornington Peninsula and is now open for admissions.

The prestigious facility is part of the family-owned Australian Aged Care Group Pty Ltd (AACG), which prides itself on innovation in caring for the aged with a mission to excel in providing quality care services and accommodation.

Mt Eliza Gardens is architecturally designed with premium hotel-style accommodation that embraces older Australians in a place where they feel most comfortable, while still living in their local community.

Features include:

n Respite stay now available

n Single, spacious rooms/suites with ensuite bathrooms and comfortable living areas

n Ageing in place programs

n Larger suites with fully equipped kitchenettes and lounge area for premium style of living

n Spacious lounge, sitting and dining areas

n Individually controlled heating and air conditioning in every room/suite

n Telephone, Foxtel and Netflix connection points in every room/suite

n Expansive undercover car parking

n Courtyard and outdoor garden sitting areas

n Hairdressing & Beauty Salon

(After hours and weekend appointments also available)

The facility has been purposefully designed with careful attention to detail in the quality of the living environment and services provided. It will be staffed to meet the increasingly discerning standards demanded by our ageing population.

The multi level facility will provide care to residents with ageing in place programs offering all levels of care, as well as consulting suites for medical practitioners and allied health professionals. We also offer a dedicated Memory Support Unit.

The spacious and elegant facility consists of several separate wings, adjoining central lounges, café, bar, reception centre and provides an extensive range of services to assist residents in remaining active and engaged.

n Chapel (non-denominational)

n Gold Class Cinema

n Café and Bar

n Medical Suite incorporating G.P. Clinic, separate Physiotherapy treatment room and large fully equipped gym

n LED TV screens in every room/suite

n Dedicated bus for resident outings

n Wi-Fi

n Private Dining Room for special occasions

n End of Life Care

To discuss your individual requirements and experience the Mt Eliza Gardens Aged Care lifestyle firsthand, please phone (03) 8001 8000 or visit our website

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