GR APHIC L AYOU T Na taĹĄa Srebro PHOTOGR APHY A lessandro Pa der ni p. 11 -1 5, 1 7, 18, 20 - 61, 64 -8 6, 89, 92, 95 - 9 8, 101, 103, 104, 107 -112, 11 6-119, 124 -126, 129 -132, 134, 13 5, 139-142,144, 145, 149, 150, 152, 157, 1 59, 1 61, 164,167 -1 70, 1 72, 1 76, 1 78 A lessandro Furchino p. 19, 137, 145, 1 76, 183 Massimo Gardone p. 134, 1 54 -156, 164 -167, 1 75, 180, 182 A ndre a G aru ti p. 1 70, 1 7 1 Maria Gi ulia Giorgiani p. 120, 124, 134, 155, 1 74, 1 80 Achim Ha t zi us p. 1 6, 14 3, 15 8 Jo ĂŤl Ma t thias He n r y p. 1 5 7, 1 62, 1 70 Jeremias Morandell p. 119, 122, 123, 126, 127, 136, 138, 14 6, 1 52, 1 53, 155, 159, 160, 1 74, 181 G aia Musa c chio p. 128, 129, 133, 14 7, 14 8, 1 51, 1 7 3 S ascha O da p. 88, 91, 94, 99, 100, 102, 10 6, 114, 14 8 Mitch Pa yne p. 130, 1 56, 1 79 Sil via Puntino p. 130, 1 72, 1 7 7
SPECIAL T HANKS TO SEL E T T I for a c c essories MIR ABEL LO C ARR AR A for home line n FOSC ARINI for lighting MOROSO sp a via Naz ionale, 60 33010 Cvalic c o, Udine Ital y visit us a t w w w.moroso. it /diesel - c olle c tion / A ll rig ht reser ve d. No p ar t of this c a talog ue ma y b e reprinte d, repro duc e d or u tilize d in any for m or by any ele c t ronic , me chanic al or other me ans, withou t p er mission in writing from Moroso sp a.
PRIN T ED BY Grafiche F ila c orda 2 with H - UV Te ch nolog y 10 /201 7
[ DIE SEL L I VING WI T H MOROS O 20 08 /2017 ]
DIESEL L IVING — a colle c tion for successful living
Diesel L i ving — a shot of p ersonalit y for homes and interiors with Diesel’s distinc ti vel y fre ewhe eling appro a ch to design . Unex p e c te d and ironic influe nc es shap e a wor ld where c lassic and exp erime ntal st yles p air up to cre a te some thing e ntirel y new. An un bounde d ex plora tion of ic onography refle c ts the Diesel landsc ap e: a mi x of indust rial st yles, dar k and a dre nalize d ro ck & roll spirit and the bright- tone d, mischievous g le e of pop. T he vinta g e spirit shines, and a esthe tic c lashes a dd luster ; tex tures and sur fa c es hold sur prises, and fur niture and obje c ts c om m unic a te the ra c y and provo c a ti ve spirit of Diesel. Moroso and Diesel have cre a te d a indoor and ou tdoor fur niture c olle c tion with a rela xe d and c om for table moo d, taking the inspira tion from an infor mal lifest yle c onc ept and targ e ting c onsumers who like simple shap es y e t a t the same time se ek a “mo der n” st yle, ma de up of high qualit y c ombine d with a distinc ti ve design of pure lines. Here, vinta g e and me chanic al refere nc es c ombine to cre a te c lashing vo c abularies and a new a esthe tic .
Diesel L i ving — un to c c o di p ersonalità p er c ase e ambie nti inter ni c on il tipic o appro c cio a ruota lib era di Diesel al design . Influe n ze inasp e t ta te e ironiche for mano un mondo in cui lo stile classic o e quello sp erime ntale si abbinano p er cre are qualc osa di c omple tame nte nuovo. Un’esplorazione se n z a c onfini dell’ic onografia rifle t te il p anorama Diesel : un mi x di stile indust riale, di spirito dar k e ro ck & roll a dre nalinic o e di gioioso pop dai toni vi va ci e maliziosi. L o spirito vinta g e risple nde, me ntre i c ontrasti este tici a g gi ung ono lustro; le tex ture e le sup er fici riser vano sorprese, me ntre i mobili e g li og g e t ti c om unic ano lo spirito auda c e e provo c ante di Diesel. Moroso e Diesel hanno cre a to una c ollezione di mobili da inter ni e d ester ni c ara t teriz z a ta da uno spirito rilassa to e c omo do, che si ispira a un c onc e t to di lifest yle infor male e si ri vol g e ai c onsuma tori che pre dilig ono le for me semplici, ma che c erc ano al c ontempo uno stile “mo der no” di al ta qualità, abbina to a un design dalle line e pure, c ap a c e di disting uersi. Qui, il vinta g e e i riferime nti me c c anici si sposano p er cre are vo c abolari c ontrastanti e una nuova este tic a.
Diesel L i ving — p ersönliche A k ze nte für Woh nung e n und Inne n räume mit dem t ypische n , lässig e n D esignkonzept von Diesel. Uner war te te, ironische Einflüsse bilde n eine Wel t, in der sich klassischer und ex p erime nteller Stil zu e t was völlig Neuem ver binde n . Ein Auslote n ohne Gre n ze n von Bilder n und Sy mbole n ist charakteristisch für Diesel: ein Mix aus industrielle m S til, Esprit dar k und Ro ck’ n’Roll ex plosi v, aus fröhlichem Po p, lebhaf t und koke t t. Vinta g e-Stim m ung erst rahl t, die ästhe tische n Kont raste füg e n die Glan zlichter hin zu ; Tex ture n und Ob er flä che n hal te n Ü b er raschung e n b ereit und Möb el und G eg e nstände ver mit teln de n küh ne n , provokante n Stil von Diesel. Moroso und Diesel schufe n e ine Kollek tion von Möb eln für Inne n - und Au ß e n räume im e ntsp annte n und b e queme n S til für e ine lässig e Leb e nsweise, g e da cht für B e nu t zer, die schlichte For me n b evor zug e n , ab er g leich ze itig e ine n qualita ti v ho chwer tig e n , „ mo der ne n “ Stil suche n , ein D esig n der klare n L inie n , das sich je do ch von andere n abheb e n kann . Hier ver binde n sich Vinta g e und me chanische A nm u tung e n und lasse n g e g e nsä t z liche Ausdr ucks for me n und eine neue Ästhe tik e ntstehe n .
Diesel L i ving — une touche de p ersonnalité pour la maison e t les au t res esp a c es intérieurs reflé tant l’appro che t ypique e t sans re te nue de Diesel au desig n . D es influe nc es ina t te ndues e t ironiques for me nt un monde où le st yle c lassique e t le st yle ex p érime ntal se mêle nt pour cré er quelque chose d ’ absolume nt nouve au. Une explora tion sans limites de l’ ic onog raphie reflè te le p anorama Diesel: un mélang e de st yle industriel, d ’esprit dar k e t ro ck & roll charg é d ’ a dré naline e t d ’ un uni vers po p joy eu x au x tons vifs e t malicie ux. L’esprit vinta g e resple ndit, tandis que les c ont rastes esthé tiques ajou te nt du lust re. Les tex tures e t les sur fa c es réser ve nt des sur prises ; les meubles e t les obje ts c om m unique nt l’esprit auda cie u x e t provo c a teur de Diesel. Moroso e t Diesel ont cré é une c olle c tion de meubles pour l’ intérieur e t l’ex térieur c ara c térisé e p ar un esprit dé c ont ra c té e t c onfor table qui s ’ inspire d ’ un c onc ept de lifest yle infor mel e t s ’ a dresse aux c onsom ma te urs qui pri vilé gie nt les for mes simples tou t e n re cherchant un st yle « mo der ne » de hau te qualité, asso cié à un design au x lig nes pures, c ap able de se disting uer. Ici, le vinta g e e t les référe nc es mé c aniques se lie nt pour cré er un lexique c ont rasté e t une nouvelle esthé tique. 6
a pla c e to li ve/dre am/e njoy
a closer look
p. p. p. p. p. p.
p. p. p. p. p. p.
p. p. p.
8 6, 88, 89, 92, 103 61 59, 80, 9 7 19 16 22, 24, 25, 84, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96 99, 100, 101, 102 82, 8 6, 94 27 64, 66, 73 51, 52, 81, 92, 95 56, 5 8, 104, 106, 107 12, 18, 20, 43, 44, 54, 55, 5 8, 64 67, 90, 91, 92, 95, 102 44, 45 28, 30, 68, 112 11, 42, 43, 4 6, 4 8, 74, 92, 108
p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.
60 12, 14, 18, 20, 76, 7 7, 81, 82, 95 12, 20, 22, 76, 78 50, 51, 52 40, 41,49, 75, 111 65, 75, 111 31, 9 7, 98, 104 30, 31, 66, 70, 78, 104, 107 1 7, 36, 37, 38, 39 6 8, 7 1, 89, 112 34, 3 5
p. p. p. p. p. p. p.
32, 33, 83 26 57, 60, 15 14, 20, 69, 72,
p. 66, 67
34, 35, 109
61 21, 22, 110, 112 73, 83, 110
p. p. p. p. p.
14 8, 152, 136, 122, 134,
149 153 137 123 135
p. p. p. p. p. p.
150, 151 1 73 180 126, 127 124, 125, 142, 143 183
p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.
1 72 162, 163 132, 133 138, 139, 140, 141 128, 129 1 70, 181 1 70 118, 119, 120, 121 182 160, 161 160, 161 154, 155 164, 165 1 76, 1 7 7 171 156, 159, 168, 169 156, 157 15 8, 159 130, 131 144, 145 1 74, 1 75 1 78, 1 79 14 6, 147 14 6, 147 166, 167 167
a pla c e to:
LIVE p.10
DREAM p.63
ENJOY p.86
a closer lo ok p.116 9
[ apar tment ]
a place to LIVE
[ house ]
a place to DREAM
[ hotel ]
a place to ENJOY
a closer LOOK [ finishings and details ]
Ele me nts in st ress - resistant pol yure thane fo am in varie d de nsities and pol yester fib er on woo d frame. Fe e t are ash screwe d to st r uc ture. S e a t c ushions are pol yure thane fo am and pol yester fib er or in g oose down . Nebula Nine has re movable c overs.
Elementi in poliuretano espanso inde for mabile a de nsità dif fere n z ia te e fibra poliestere con struttura inter na in le g no. P ie di in frassino verniciato avvitati alla st r u t tura. Cuscini in poli ure tano esp anso e fibra poliestere o in pi uma d ' o c a. Nebula Nine è s fo derabile.
Un ver for mb arer Pol yure than schaum unterschie dlicher Dichte und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nst r uk tur aus Holz . Fü ße aus Esche nholz la ckier t, an der S t r uk tur verschraubt. Kisse n Pol yure thanschaum und Pol yester wa t te o der in Daune. Nebula Nine ist abz iehb ar.
Éléme nts e n pol y uré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable e t fibre pol y ester a ve c st ruc ture inter ne e n bois. P ie ds e n frê ne ver ni vissés à la st ruc ture. L es c oussins de l 'assise sont e n mousse de fibre pol y ester ou e n plume d'oie. Nebula Nine est déhoussable.
DL0 sofa cm. 220 x110 / 14 0 sofa cm. 280 x110 / 14 0 eleme nt cm.110 x110 eleme nt cm.110 x14 0 / 14 0 eleme nt cm. 90 x110 / 14 0 c or ner cm.110 x110 / 14 0 c or ner cm.14 0 x14 0 stool cm.110 x110
right side
lef t side
b a ck side
front side 120
C L O U D AT L A S DL2 sofa cm.180 x 90 sofa cm. 220 x110/ 140 sofa cm. 280 x110 / 140 c or ner cm.110 x110 c or ner cm.14 0 x14 0 c or ner cm.14 0 x110 ele me nt cm.110 x110 ele me nt cm.14 0 x110 ele me nt cm. 90 x110 / 14 0 ele me nt cm.110 x110 / 140 ele me nt cm.14 0 x110
Eleme nts in stress -resistant pol yure thane fo am in varie d de nsities and pol yester fib er on woo d frame. Fe e t are ash screwe d to struc ture. Se a t cushions are pol yure thane fo am and pol yester fib er or in g oose down. C loud Atlas has removable c overs. Eleme nti in poliure tano esp anso indefor mabile a de nsità differe nzia te e fibra poliestere c on stru t tura inter na in leg no. Pie di in frassino ver nicia to a v vita ti alla stru t tura. C uscini in poliure tano esp anso e fibra poliestere o in piuma d'o c a. C loud Atlas è s fo derabile. Un ver for mb arer Pol yure thanschaum unterschie dlicher Dichte und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nstruktur aus Holz. Füße aus Esche nholz la ckier t, an der Struktur verschraubt. Kisse n Pol yure thanschaum und Pol yester wa t te o der in Daune. C loud Atlas ist abziehb ar. Éléme nts e n pol yuré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable e t fibre pol yester a ve c struc ture inter ne e n bois. Pie ds e n frê ne ver ni vissés à la structure. Les coussins de l'assise sont en mousse de fibre polyester ou en plume. La collection Cloud Atlas est déhoussable.
DL 2 sofa c m.1 60x80 sofa c m.210x80 Inje c te d flame - re tardant fo am over inter nal ste el frame. T he b ase is in var nishe d ste el. Optional c ushions are in g oose down . T he Gim me Shel ter c olle c tion has re movable c overs with the exc eption of the Side Chair c o de H40. Ele me nti in esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ig nifug o c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. Basame nto in a c ciaio ver nicia to. I c uscini o pz ionali sono in pi uma d ' o c a. La c olle z ione Gim me Shel ter è s fo derabile a d e c c e z ione della Side Chair c o d. H40.
N AT UR AL ORGY ja c quard
Kal tschaum fe uerhe m me nd, mit Inne nst r uk tur aus S tahl. G estell aus S tahl la ckier t. Optionale Kisse n mit Daune nfüllung. Die Gim me Shel ter Familie ist abz iehb ar, mit Ausnahme vom Side Chair c o d. H40. stitche d le a ther
Élé me nts e n mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid, a ve c st r uc ture inter ne e n a cier. Le piè te me nt est e n a cier ver ni. Les c oussins e n o ption sont e n plume d ' oie. La c olle c tion Gim me Shel ter est déhoussable, sauf la Side Chair c o d. H40.
GIMME MORE DL4 sofa cm.160x100 sofa cm.240x100 chaise long ue ar mchair stool Eleme nts in stress -resistant pol yure thane fo am in varie d de nsities and pol yester fib er on woo d frame. Fe e t in ash or ste el var nishe d screwe d to struc ture. Se a t cushions are pol yure thane fo am and pol yester fib er or in g oose down. Gimme More c olle c tion has removable c overs. Eleme nti in poliure tano esp anso inde for mabile a de nsità differe nzia te e fibra poliestere c on stru t tura inter na in leg no. Pie di in a c ciaio o in frassino ver nicia ti a v vita ti alla st r u t tura. C uscini in poliure tano esp anso e fibra poliestere o in piuma d'o c a. La c olle z ione Gimme More è s fo derabile. Un ver for mb arer Pol yure thanschaum in unterschie dliche n Dichte und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nstruktur aus Holz . Füße aus Stahl o der Esche la ckier t, an der Struktur ver-schraubt. Kisse n Pol yure thanschaum und Pol yester wa t te o der in Daune. Die Kollektion Gimme More ist abziehb ar. Éléme nts e n pol yuré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable e t fibre pol yester a ve c struc ture inter ne e n bois. Pie ds e n frê ne ver ni vissés à la struc ture. Les c oussins de l'assise sont e n mousse de fibre pol yester ou e n plume. La c olle c tion Gimme More est déhoussable.
MORE BENCH DL 5 ele me nt c m.122 x 85 ele me nt c m.122 x 85 c or ner c m.11 7 x 85 S t ress - resistant pol y ure thane fo am with dif fere ntia te d de nsities and pol yester fibre on woo d frame. Fe e ts in var nishe d ash with chrome d g lides. Front fe e t : c onic al or shap e d. Ba ck fe e t : onl y c onic al. More Be nch c overs are removable. Ele me nti in poliure tano esp anso inde for mabile a de nsità dif fere n z ia te e fibra poliestere c on st ru t tura inter na in le g no. P ie di in frassino ver nicia to c on puntale finale croma to. P ie di anteriori: c onici o ppure sa g oma ti. P ie di posteriori: solo c onici. More Be nch è sfo derabile. Un ver for mb arer Pol yure thanschaum in unterschie dlicher Dichte und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nst ruk tur aus Holz . Fuesse in Esche la ckier t und Fussg le iterhuelle verchromt. Fuesse vor ne : konisch o der profilier t. Fuesse hinte n : nur konisch . More Be nch ist abz iehb ar. L ine n NU VOL A
Mousse de pol yuré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable e t fibre pol y ester a ve c st r uc ture inter ne e n bois. P ie d e n frê ne ver ni a ve c e mbou ts chromés. Pie d anterieur: conique ou moulé/profilé. P ie d postérieur: c onique seuleme nt. More Be nch est déhoussable.
S I S T E R R AY DL3 sofa cm.210/240x92 chaise long ue hig h chaise long ue low eleme nt 2p cm.1 75/195 Eleme nts in stress -resistant flame-re tardant pol yure thane fo am in varie d de nsities and pol yester fib er on woo d frame. Fe e t are ash var nishe d screwe d to struc ture. C ushions are in g oose down. Sister Ra y c overs are removable.
Vel ve t GR AFFI T I
Eleme nti in poliure tano esp anso ig nifug o indefor mabile a de nsità differe nzia te e fibra poliestere c on stru t tura inter na in leg no. Pie di in frassino ver nicia to a v vita ti alla stru t tura. C uscini in piuma d'o c a. Sister Ra y è s fo derabile. Un ver for mb arer Pol yure thanschaum unterschie dlicher Dichte und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nstruktur aus Holz. Füße aus Esche nholz la ckier t, an der Struktur verschraubt. Kisse n in Daune. Sister Ra y ist abziehb ar.
Mousse de pol yuré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable e t fibre pol yester a ve c struc ture inter ne e n bois. Pie ds e n frê ne ver ni vissés à la str uc ture. C oussins e n plume d'oie. Sister Ra y est déhoussable.
IRON MAIDEN DL 5 sofa c m.200x90/240x90 S t r uc ture in br ushe d stainless ste el and tig hte d pol yester /P VC ne t, ar m rests in var nishe d ste el. Cushions in st ress - resistant pol yure thane fo am and pol yester fibre. Versions : " Bahia Blu " and " Jordana /Rose Dust " . Iron Maide n has revomable c overs. S t r u t tura in a c ciaio inox sp az zola to e t ra verse bra c cioli in a c ciaio ver nicia to c on re te tesa ta in c omposito poliestere /P VC. Cuscini in poli ure tano esp anso e fibra poliestere. Versioni : " Bahia Blu " e " Jordana /Rose Dust " . Iron Maide n è s fo derabile. G estell in Edelstahl g ebuerste t und b esp annte m Pol yester /P VC Ne t z , Ar mlehne n in S tahl la ckier t. Kisse n in un ver for mb are m Pol yure thanschaum Dichte und Pol yester wa t te. Versione n : " Bahia Blu " und " Jordana /Rose Dust " . Iron Maide n ist abz iehb ar. S t r uc ture e n a cier brossé a ve c maille tissé e e n pol yester /P VC, a c c oudoirs e n a cier ver ni, c oussins e n pol yuré thane indé for mable e t fibre pol yester. Versions : " Bahia Blu " e t " Jordana /Rose Dust " . Iron Maide n est déhoussable.
DL 0 ar mchair Inje c te d flame - re tardant fo am over inter nal ste el frame. Base in ste el var nishe d finish. Cushions in pol yester fibre or in g oose down . Cloud sc ap e c overs are re movable. Esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ig nifug o c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. Base in a c ciaio ver nicia to. Cuscini in fibra poliestere o in pi uma d ' o c a. Cloud sc ap e è s fo derabile.
Kal tschaum fe uerhe m me nd, mit Inne nst r uk tur aus S tahl. S tahl g estell la ckier t. Kisse n aus Pol yester wa t te o der in Daune. Cloud sc ap e ist abziehb ar.
N AT UR AL ORGY ja c quard
front - right side 134
front - le f t side
b a ck side
Mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid, a ve c st r uc ture inter ne e n a cier. P iè te me nt e n a cier ver nir. Coussins e n fibre de pol yester ou e n plume d ' oie. Cloud sc ap e est déhoussable. 135
DL 0
DL 0
ar mchair
stool c m.Ø100xh.35 /Ø45xh.45
Inje c te d flame -re tardant fo am over inter nal ste el frame. Base in ste el var nishe d. Fe e t in p ainte d b e e ch . B el t in dar k brown le a ther.
Esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ignifug o c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. P ie di in fa g g io ver nicia to. B ase in a c ciaio ver nicia to. Cintura in cuoio mar rone sc uro.
Kal tschaum feuerhemme nd, mit Inne nstruktur aus Stahl. Füße aus Buche nholz la ckier t. Stahlg estell lakier t. L e derg ür tel dunkelbraun .
Mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid, a ve c struc ture inter ne e n a cier. Pie ds e n hê t re la qué. Piè teme nt e n a cier ver ni. C einture e n cuir brun fonc é.
S t ress - resistant pol yure thane fo am with differe ntia te d de nsities and pol yester fibre on woo d frame. Base in ther mofor me d and imp a c t - resistant bla ck plastic . Bel t /handle in dar k brown le a ther. Chubby Chic c overs are re movable.
Poli ure tano esp anso inde for mabile a de nsità dif fere n z ia te e fibra poliestere c on st r u t tura inter na in le g no. Base in plastic a anti ur to ter mofor ma ta di c olor nero. Cintura /manig lia in c uoio mar rone sc uro. Chubby Chic è s fo derabile.
Un ver for mb arer Pol yure than schaum unterschie dlicher Dichte und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nst r uk tur aus Holz . Unterg estell ther misch g e for m t, sto ßfest, aus Kunststof f schwar z . Gür tel/Grif f aus Le der dunkelbraun. Chubby Chic ist abz iehb ar.
Mousse de pol yuré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable e t fibre pol y ester a ve c st ruc ture inter ne e n bois. B ase e n plastique anticho c ther mo- for mé e de c ouleur noire. C einture/ poig né e e n cuir brun fonc é. C hubby C hic est déhoussable.
DL2 ar mchair stitche d swi vel ar mchair embroide d swi vel stool swi vel stool
stitche d le a ther
Inje c te d flame - re tardant fo am over inter nal ste el frame. Fe e t in var nishe d ash or still swi vel b ase var nishe d. LONGWAVE e mbroidere d : onl y a vailable in le a ther and Di vina MD, Di vina 3, Di vina Melang e. Esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ig nifug o c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. Gamb e in frassino ver nicia ti o b ase girevole in a c ciaio ver nicia to. LONGWAVE ric ama ta : disponibile solo in p elle e Di vina MD, Di vina 3, Di vina Melang e. Kal tschaum fe uerhe m me nd, mit Inne nst r uk tur aus S tahl. Be inche n in Holz la ckier t o der Drehg estell aus S tahl la ckier t. LONGWAVE g estick t :Nur in Le der, Di vina MD, Di vina 3, Di vina Melang e, erha el t lich.
N AT UR AL ORGY ja c quard
Mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid, a ve c st r uc ture inter ne e n a cier. P ie d s e n frê ne ver ni ou pié te me nt pi votant e n a cier ver ni. LONGWAVE bro dé : disponible se ule me nt e n c uir, Di vina MD, Di vina 3, Di vina Melang e.
DL 2 ar mchair Inje c te d flame - re tardant fo am over inter nal ste el frame. T he b ase is in var nishe d ste el. Not re movable c over. Esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ig nifug o c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. Base in a c ciaio ver nicia to. Non è s fo derabile. Kal tschaum fe uerhe m me nd, mit Inne nst r uk tur aus S tahl. G estell aus S tahl la ckier t. Nicht abziehb ar. Mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid, a ve c st r uc ture inter ne e n a cier. Le piè te me nt est e n a cier ver ni. Le fau te uil n ' est p as déhoussable.
DL4 ar mchair Base in ash var nishe d. S e a t, b a ck and ar ms in pol yester fibre. Strapp e d c overs are removable. Base in frassino ver nicia to. Se dile, schie nale e bra c cioli in fibra poliestere. St rap p e d è s fo derabile. G estell in Esche la ckier t. Sit z, Rücke n und Ar mlehne n in Pol yester wa t te. Strapp e d ist abziehb ar.
Base e n frê ne ver nis. Assise, dossier e t a c c oudoirs e n fibre pol yester. St rap p e d est déhoussable.
DL4 loung e chair low table side table LOUNGE CHAIR: S t ruc ture in var nishe d ste el. T he cushions are in pol y ure thane fo am c overe d in wa terproof fabrics suitable for ou tdoor. For indoor c overe d in fabric or le a ther. LOW/SIDE TABL E : In var nishe d ste el. LOUNGE CHAIR: S t ru t tura in a c ciaio ver nicia to. I cuscini sono in esp anso idrorep elle nte ri vestiti c on tessu ti imp er mebili a da t ti p er l 'ester no. Per inter no : ri vestiti in tessu to o in p elle. LOW/SIDE TABL E : In a c ciaio ver nicia to. LOUNGE CHAIR: S t ruk tur in S tahl la ckier t. Kisse n aus wasserabweise ndem Pol yure thanschaum mit O u tdoor g e eig ne t S tof fe n . Indoor in S tof f o der L e der üb er zog e n . LOW/SIDE TABL E : In la ckier t stahl. LOUNGE CHAIR: S t ruc ture e n a cier ver ni. Les c oussins sont e n mousse de pol yuré thane imp er mé able revê tus a ve c des tissus appro priés pour l 'ex térieur. Pour l' intérieur ils sont re c ouver ts de tissu ou de c uir. LOW/SIDE TABL E : En a cier ver ni. 146
A S S E MB LY DL 5 se t te e c m.133x79 s mall ar mchair s mall hollow ar mchair Inje c te d flame - re tardant fo am and pol y ester fibre over inter nal ste el frame. Bol ts z incke d or bla ck z incke d. Asse mbl y has not re movable c overs. Esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ig nifug o e fibra poliestere c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. B ulloni a vista z inc a ti o z inc a ti nero. Asse mbl y non è sfo derabile.
Kal tschaum fe uerhe m me nd und Pol y ester wa t te mit Inne nst r uk tur aus S tahl. B ol ze n ver z ink t o der ver z ink t schwar z . Asse mbl y ist nicht abz iehb ar. Mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid e t fibre pol y ester a ve c st r uc ture inter ne e n a cier. B oulons z ing ués ou z ing ués noir. Asse mbl y n ' est p as déhoussable. 148
DL 5 se t te e c m.1 56 x83 s mall ar mchair ar mchair stool
ARMCHAIR and S MALL ARMCHAIR : inje c te d flame - re tardant fo am and pol yester fibre over inter nal ste el frame. Fe e t in var nishe d ash or ash with shiny stainless ste el c o a ting. D e c ofu tura has not re movable c overs. SE T T EE and STOOL: stress-resistant polyurethane fo am with differe ntia te d de nsities and pol yester fibre on wood frame. Base in varnishe d fir or shiny stainless ste el c o a te d.
P OLT RONA e P OLT RONCINA : esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ig nifug o c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. P ie di in frassino ver nicia to o p pure ri vestiti in a c ciaio inox. D e c ofu tura non è s fo derabile. DIVANE T TO e P OUF : poli ure tano esp anso inde for mabile a de nsità dif fere n z ia te e fibra poliestere c on st r u t tura inter na in le g no. Base in ab e te ver nicia to oppure rivestita in acciaio inox.
SESSEL und KLEINER SESSEL: Kal tschaum fe uerhe m me nd und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nst r uk tur aus S tahl. Fuesse in Esche la ckier t o der b eschichte t Edelstahl. D e c ofu tura ist nicht abz iehb ar. SOFA und HOCKER : Un ver for mb arer Pol yure thanschaum in unterschie dlicher Dichte und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nst r uk tur aus Holz . Basis in F ichte la ckier t o der Edelstahlb eschichte t.
FAU T EUIL e t PE T I T FAU T EUIL : mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid e t fibre pol y ester a ve c st ruc ture inter ne e n a cier. P ie ds e n frê ne ver ni ou re c ouver t e n a cier inox. D e c ofu tura n 'est p as déhoussable. C AN APE ' e t P OUF: mousse de pol yuré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable e t fibre pol y ester a ve c st ruc ture inter ne e n bois. B ase e n sapin ver ni ou re c ouver t e n a cier inox.
BAR ST UD DL 0 hig h b ar stool low b ar stool Woo de n se a t with fire re tardant pol yure thane fo am onl y bla ck le a ther with brand, stud s, or both. B ase in ste el with Raw B la ck finish. Glides in pol ypropyle ne. S e dile in le g no ri vestito c on poli ure tano esp anso ignifug o solo in p elle nera c on marchio, borchie o e nt rambi. B asame nto in a c ciaio finitura Raw B la ck. S ot topie di in polipropile ne. Sit z aus Holz mit Pol y ure thanschaum fe uerhe mme nd und schwar ze m L e der mit Pra e g ung, Spikes o der b e ide. Unterg estell aus S tahl D ekor Raw B la ck. Fu ß g le iter aus Pol ypropyle n. Siè g e e n bois revê tue e n mousse ignifug é e de pol y uré thane disponible e n c uir noir ave c marques, c lous ou les de u x. P iè te me nt e n a cier finition Raw B la ck. E mbou ts e n pol ypropylè ne.
DL0 /DL2 side chair loung e chair relo a de d loung e chair
LOUNGE CHAIR and SIDE CHAIR: shell in aniline - dye d ash pl y woo d. Base in ste el var nishe d. RELOADED LOUNGE CHAIR : se a t, b a ck and ar ms in birch c overe d by flame - re tardant st ress - resistant pol yure thane fo am with varie d de nsities. Base in ste el var nishe d. Overdye d re alo a de d c overs are not re movable.
LOUNGE CHAIR e SIDE CHAIR : sc o c c a in m ul tist ra to di frassino tinto anilina. Base in a c ciaio ver nicia to. RELOADED LOUNGE CHAIR : se dile, schie nale e bra c cioli in b e tulla ri vestiti in poli ure tano esp anso ig nifug o a de nsità dif fere n z ia te. Base in a c ciaio ver nicia to. Overdye d re alo a de d non è s fo derabile.
LOUNGE CHAIR und SIDE CHAIR: S chale aus Sp er rholz in Esche A nilinfar b e. S tahl g estell la ckier t. RELOADED LOUNGE CHAIR : Sit z , Rücke n und Ar mlehne n in Bir ke mit Pol yure thanschaum fe uerhe m me nd unterschie dlicher Dichte. S tahlg estell lakier t. Overdye d re alo a de d ist nicht abz iehb ar.
LOUNGE CHAIR e t SIDE CHAIR: c o que e n mul tiplis de frê ne teinté aniline. P iè teme nt e n a cier ver ni. RELOADED LOUNGE CHAIR: assise, dos e t a c c oudoirs sont e n boule au revê tus e n mousse ig nifug é e de pol y uré thane indéfor mable à de nsité variable. P iè teme nt e n a cier ver ni. O verdy e d re alo a de d n'est p as déhoussable.
RO CK CHAIR DL0 chair Shell in struc tural pol yure thane, fe e t in b e e ch and g lides in nylon. Sc o c c a in poliure tano stru t turale, pie di in fa g g io e sot topie di in nylon. Schale aus Pol yure than -Har tschaum. Füße aus Buche nholz, Fußg leiter aus N ylon. C o que e n pol yuré thane struc turel, pie ds e n hê tre e t embou ts e n nylon.
S H O R T WAV E DL 2 chair S t r uc ture in ash var nishe d. S e a t and b a ck in birch c overe d by flame - re tardant st ress - resistant pol yure thane fo am with differe ntia te d de nsities. Shor t wa ve c over are not re movable. S t r u t tura in frassino ver nicia to. S e dile e schie nale in b e tulla ri vestiti in poli ure tano esp anso ig nifug o a de nsità dif fere n z ia te. Shor t wa ve non è s fo derabile. S t r uk tur in Esche la ckier t. Sit z und Rücke n in Bir ke mit Pol yure - thanschaum fe uerhe mme nd in unterschie dlicher Dichte. Shor t wa ve ist nicht abz iehb ar. S t r uc ture e n frê ne ver ni. Assise e t dos sont e n boule au revê tus e n mousse ig nifug é e de pol yuré thane indé for mable à de nsité variable. Shor t wa ve n ' est p as déhoussable.
NIZ Z A DL4 chair table c m.100x100x40 table c m.140x90x75 table c m. 75x75x75
CHAIR and STOOL: st r uc ture in var nishe d aluminum for ou tdoor use. TABLES : tables in var nishe d Co p p er ste el with bla ck fe e t. SEDIA e SG ABELLO: st r u t tura in alluminio ver nicia to p er ester no. TAVOLI: ta voli in a c ciaio ver nicia to Co p p er c on pie di neri. ST UHL und BARHOCKER : S t r uk tur in A lumini um la ckier t für O u tdoor. T ISCHE : T ische in S tahl la ckier t Co p p er und Fü ße la ckier t sch war z . CHAISE e t TABOURE T BAR : st r uc ture e n alumini um ver ni pour l 'ex térieur. TABLES : tables e n a cier ver ni Co p p er a ve c pie d s noir.
H UN GRY DL 5 chair Inje c te d flame - re tardant fo am over inter nal ste el frame. Var nishe d ste el b ase. Hung r y has not re movable c overs. Esp anso schi uma to a fre ddo ig nifug o c on st r u t tura inter na in a c ciaio. Basame nto in a c ciaio ver nicia to. Hung r y non è s fo derabile. Kal tschaum fe uerhe m me nd mit Inne nst r uk tur aus S tahl. G estell in S tahl la ckier t. Hung r y ist nicht abz iehb ar. Mousse ig nifug é e inje c té e à froid a ve c st r uc ture inter ne e n a cier. B ase e n a cier ver nis. Hung r y n ' est p as dehoussable.
ODERDYED DL 0 low table side table Top in MDF with aniline - dye d ash ve ne er. Base in ste el var nish. P iano in MDF impialla c cia to frassino tinto anilina. B ase in a c ciaio ver nicia to. P la t te aus MDF fur nier t Esche Anilin g e fär bt. Stahlg estell la ckier t. P la te au e n MDF pla qué frê ne te inté aniline. Piè te me nt e n a cier ver ni.
X R AY DI O disc + razza
DL 0 low table side table To p in pla te g lass with printe d film inser t and b ase in ste el with Raw Bla ck finish. P iano in cristallo c on p ellic ola stamp a ta inter posta e b asame nto in a c ciaio finitura Raw Bla ck. Glaspla t te mit b e dr uck ter Folie ne inla g e, Unterg estell aus S tahl, D ekor Raw Bla ck. P la te au e n ver re a ve c p ellic ule imprimé e interc alé e e t piè te me nt e n a cier finition Raw Bla ck.
PYLON P YLON BRONZ E : to p in pla te g lass Bron ze c olour, le gs in var nishe d ste el with Raw Bla ck finish and cross bra c e in ste el with chrome finish. Glides in pol ypro pyle ne. P YLON F UMÉ : to p in pla te g lass bla ck fu - mé c olour, le gs in var nishe d ste el with g rey Ral 7035 finish and cross bra c e in ste el with chrome finish. Glides in pol ypro pyle ne. P YLON GR ADIENT: bla ck or g ra y R AL 7035 g ra die nt t re a tme nt on o ak to p. Base var nishe d raw bla ck or g ra y R AL 7035. Glides in pol ypro pyle ne. P YLON BRONZ E : piano in cristallo c olor bron zo, g amb e in in a c ciaio ver nicia to finitura Raw Bla ck e cro ciera in a c ciaio croma to. S ot to pie di in polipro pile ne. P YLON F UMÉ : piano in cristallo c olor nero fumè, g amb e in a c ciaio ver nicia to g rig io Ral 7035 e cro ciera in a c ciaio croma to. S ot to pie di in polipro pile ne. P YLON GR ADIENT: piano in rovere ver nicia to na turale c on s fuma tura nera o g rig io chiaro R AL 7035. Base in a c ciaio ver nicia to Raw Bla ck o g rig io Ral 7035. S ot to pie di in polipro pile ne. P YLON BRONZ E : Glaspla t te Far b e Bron ze, D ekor Raw Bla ck und S tahlkre uz verchrom t. Fu ßg le iter aus Pol ypro pyle n . P YLON F UMÉ : Glaspla t te Far b e schwar z fumé, D ekor g rau Ral 7035 und S tahlkre uz verchrom t. Fu ßg le iter aus Pol ypro pyle n . P YLON GR ADIENT: T ischpla t te in Eiche Na tur mit S cha t tier ung e n in Raw Bla ck o der g rau R AL 7035. G estell in S tahl la ckier t Raw Bla ck o der g rau R AL 7035, Fu ßg le iter in Pol ypro pyle n .
DL0/DL2/DL4 table cm. Ø130 x h. 72 table cm. Ø130 x h. 72 bron ze table cm. 220 x100 x h. 72 bla ck smoke d
P YLON BRONZ E : pla te au e n cristal c oule ur Bron ze, pie d s e n a cier la qué finition Raw Bla ck e t t ra verse e n croi x e n a cier chromé. E mbou ts e n pol ypropylè ne. P YLON F UMÉ : pla te au e n cristal c oule ur noir fumé, pie d s e n a cier la qué ver ni Ral 7035 e t t ra verse e n croi x e n a cier chromé. E mbou ts e n pol ypropylè ne. P YLON GR ADIENT: pla te au e n chê ne na turel a ve c nuanc e noire or nuanc e g ris R AL 7035. Base e n a cier la qué Raw Bla ck or g ris R AL 7035. E mbou ts e n pol ypropylè ne.
low table cm. Ø100 x h. 29
side table c m.Ø5 0xh.5 0
Top are te mp ere d g lass mir ror sil ver y and printe d with photog raphic print. B ase are var nishe d ste el g lossy.
Ceramic table fille d with pol yure thane fo am and c oncre te finishing.
P iano in sp e c chio in ve t ro te mp era to, argentato e serigrafato con stampa fotografica. B ase in a c ciaio ver nicia to nero lucido. P la t te in Spie g el g las, versilb er t und fotographisch g e druck t. G estell in Stahl g län ze nd sch war z la ckier t.
T a volino in c eramic a rie mpito di poli ure tano esp anso c on finitura c e me nto. Keramik Couchtisch mit Pol yure than - S chaum Füllung und Be ton F inish. T able e n c éramique re mplie de mousse de pol yuré thane a ve c finition b é ton .
P la te au e n miroir e n ver re te mpré arg e nté e t sérig raphié ave c impression photog raphique. B ase e n a cier ver nì noir brillant.
DECOFU T URA DL3 side table
DL3 side table
TABLE " Jordana " version : table to p in MDF with prime d c la y c oloure d " Concre te " , rim and hexa g onal sup por t in shiny stainless ste el, b ase, le g and ring in var nishe d " Jordana " stainless ste el. TABLE Bla ck version : table to p in MDF c o a te d
TAVOLINO Versione " Jordana " : piano in MDF sp a tola to arg illa c olor " Concre te " c on bordo in a c ciaio inox, esa g ono sup por to piano in a c ciaio inox, stelo e b ase in a c ciaio ver nicia to " Jordana " . TAVOLINO Versione Nera : piano in MDF ri vestito in p elle
T ISCH Version " Jordana " : T ischpla t te in MDF mit Ob er fla e che in g esp a chtel te n Ton in Far b e " Concre te " , T isch- Kante und S e chskante nhal ter ung in Edelstahl, G estell in S tahl la ckier t " Jordana " . T ISCH Version S chwar z :
PE T I T TABL E Version " Jordana " : pla te au e n MDF finition Ă b ase d'arg ile c oleur " C oncre te" , bord e t suppor t hex a g onal inox , b ase a cier ver ni " Jordana " . PE T I T TABL E Version Noir: pla te au e n MDF revĂŞ tu e n cuir Indig o Trip B 01 84, bord
le a ther Indig o Trip B01 84 with rim and hexa g onal sup por t in stainless ste el, b ase and le g in var nishe d bla ck stainless ste el with bla ck mar ble ring.
Indig o Trip B01 84 c on bordo in a c ciaio inox, esa g ono sup por to piano in a c ciaio inox, stelo e b ase in a c ciaio ver nicia to nero c on anello in mar mo nero.
T ischpla t te in MDF mit Ob er fla e che in Le der Indig o Trip B01 84, T isch- Kante und S e chskante nhal terung in Edelstahl, G estell in S tahl schwar z la ckier t und Basis - Mar mor - Ring in schwar z .
e t suppor t hex a g onal inox , b ase ver ni noir + anne au e n mar bre noir.
Top in mar ble white Carrara or bla ck Marquina. Var nishe d ste el b ase. Piano in mar mo bianc o Carrara o nero Marquina. Base in a c ciaio ver nicia to. Pla t te in Mar mor Carrara weiss o der Marquina schwar z. Stahlg estell la ckier t. Pla te au e n mar bre blanc Carrara or noir Marquina. Base e n a cier ver ni.
DL0 sidebo ard cm.120x45xh. 72 cm.180x45xh. 72 Ex trude d aluminium se c tion b ar and lamina te d mul tistruc ture. Handles in ste el with chrome finish. Profilo estruso di alluminio e mul tistra to lamina to. Manig lie in a c ciaio croma to. Fließg epresstem Alumini umprofil und Mehrschicht-L amina t. Stahlg riffe, verchromt. Profil d'aluminium ex trudé e t mul tiplis stra tifié. Poig né es e n a cier chromé.
PERF DL3 sidebo ard cm.150x35xh.65 c abine t cm.80x29xh.1 70 Var nishe d ste el bla ck ma t, doors in var nishe d ste el: c opp er, bla ck g lossy or verdig ris. Top in var nishe d ste el bla ck ma t or lamina te d pl y woo d and in dar k o ak ve ne ere d. Optional door handles in re d c olor. Ac ciaio ver nicia to nero op a c o, ante in a c ciaio ver nicia to: rame, nero lucido o verderame. Piano in a c ciaio ver nicia to nero op a c o o in leg no nobilita to rovere scuro. Manig lie optional p er ante c olor rosso. Stahl la ckier t schwar z ma t t. Tuere n in S tahl la ckier t. Pla t te in Stahl la ckier t sch war z ma t t o der Lamina t Eiche dunkel. Türg rif fe optional in Far b e rot. Acier ver nis noir ma t, por tes e n a cier ver nis : c opp er, noir brillant ou ver t de g ris. Pla te au e n a cier ver ni noir ma t ou e n bois c ontrepla qué chaine fonc é. Poig né es pour por te optionnelles c ouleur roug e.
V O LTA IRE DL4 sidebo ard c m.180 sidebo ard c m. 24 0 c abine t c m.180 Cabine t in lamina te d pl y woo d. Top is MDF powder c o a t finish or o ak ve ne er with na tural finish. B ase is ste el powder c o a t or na tural finish. Mobile in le gno nobilita to. Top in MDF la c c a to op pure impialla c cia to rovere c on finitura na turale. B asame nto in a c ciaio ver nicia to o finitura na turale. Korpus in Kunststofflamina t la ckier t. Top /D e ckpla t te in MDF la ckier t o der in Eiche Na tur. G estell in Stahl la ckier t o der S tahl g ebürste t. Me uble e n bois mélaminé. Top e n MDF la qué ou bois pla qué chê ne ave c finition na turelle. B ase e n a cier ver nis ou finition na turelle.
mir ror
Wall mirror with mount in ste el with Raw B la ck finish and studde d bla ck le a ther with buckles.
Glass mir ror with safe t y film, sil ver y and printe d with photog raphic print.
Sp e c chio da p are te c on a t ta c c o in a c ciaio finitura Raw B la ck e p elle nera borchia ta c on fibbie. Wand spie g el mit Einfassung aus S tahl D ekor Raw B la ck und sch war ze m L e der mit Zier nie te n und Schnalle n .
Miroir mural ave c fi x a tion e n a cier finition Raw B la ck e t cuir noir clou té ave c bouc les.
Sp e c chio in ve t ro te mp era to, arg e nta to e serig rafa to c on stamp a fotog rafic a. Spie g elg las, versilb er t und fotog raphisch g e dr uck t. Miroir e n ver re te mpré arg e nté e t sérig raphié a ve c impression photog raphique.
DL 0 b e d c m.120 / 160 / 1 70 / 1 80 St ress - resistant pol y ure thane fo am and pol y ester fibre on woo d frame. Fe e t in ash aniline.
Poli ure tano esp anso indeformabile e fibra poliestere c on st r u t tura in le gno. P ie di in frassino tinto anilina.
Umver for mb arer Pol yure thanschaum und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nstruktur aus Holz. Füße in Esche Anilingefärbt.
Mousse de pol yuréthane indéformable à densité variable et fibre pol yester ave c struc ture interne en bois. Pie ds e n frê ne aniline.
DL 2 b e d c m.1 60/1 70/1 80/195 S t ress - resistant pol yure thane fo am and pol yester fibre on woo d frame. Fe e t in ste el with Raw Bla ck finish.
Poli ure tano esp anso inde for mabile e fibra poliestere c on st r u t tura in le g no. P ie di in a c ciaio Raw Bla ck.
Um ver for mb arer Pol yure thanschaum und Pol yester wa t te mit Inne nst r uk tur aus Holz . S tahlfü ße D ekor Raw Bla ck.
Mousse de pol yuréthane indéformable à densité variable et fibre polyester ave c struc ture interne en bois. P ie ds e n a cier finition Raw B la ck.
w w w . m o r o s o . i t /d i e s e l - c o l l e c t i o n /