1 minute read



Theone-linementionsabove do notdo enough justicetothosewho have used theirconsiderableskills andtalents to help producethis 132-page edition that yousee before you.

Starting, quiteliterally,from thefront andIcannot speakhighlyenough aboutthe superb work of coverartistJohnFox (www.design-phoenix.com). In all the research Ihaveundertaken for this volume, Ihaveseenfew better artistic depictions of theBattleofMidway. He has trulymanaged to bringthe past to life.

Imustalsothank theefforts of designers Craig Lamb (pages)and JustinBlackamore (cover), as well as production editor Dan

Sharp whohaveall been instrumental in bringing my chosenwords andimages together.AshavePaulFincham and Jonathan Schofield;workingwith75-yearold photographyisachallenging task for even themostskilled picture desk,and they have certainly done theincredible range of material availablethe justiceitdeserves. Anditwouldalsoberemissofmetonot mention thefriends, familyand lovedones whohaveencouragedand supportedthe researchand writing involved in thisproject. It’s been agreatprivilegetopresentthis fascinating story, butit’scertainly nota oneperson job. My thanks to everyone whohas played apart.

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