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14/11/2019 16:07:27
THIS HIS IS IT!! Clutch BGM PRO Superstrong 6 plate, 10 spring Lambretta LI, LI S, SX, TV (Series 2-3), DL/GP Race tested by Team Replay, CP and many others. CNC machined from billet in Germany it comes equipped with six racing red clutch plates, five 1.2 mm steel discs and three sets of springs. The springs handle a wide range of power and give best possible lever action. The clutch is a plug & play solution that fits without any spacers or fiddling. Together with it‘s massive surface of 6 plates and the ten spring set up it can easily handle power outputs of 50 hp and more. All parts are highly precision machined from 42CrMo4. BGM8011NR46 / BGM8011NR47 - 429 *the price in GBP may vary on exchange rate
€ / £ 370*
bgm is a Scooter Center GmbH trademark. +49 (0) 22 38. 30 74 30
Editor:DanClare Publisher:TimHartley PublishingDirector:DanSavage Designer:ChrisAbrams Picturedesk:PaulFincham , Jonathan Schofield ProductionEditor:MikeCowton Generalqueriesand back issues: Tel:0150752952924hranswerphone LinesopenMon-Fri8.30am-5pm k Archivist:JaneSkayman 01507529423 Email:jskayman@mortons Subscription:Fullsubscription rates(butseepage 30for offer):(12months12issues,incpostand packing)-UKÂŁ49.20.Exportratesarealsoavailable - seepage30for moredetails.UKsubscriptions are zero-rated for thepurposes of ValueAddedTax. SubscriptionManager:PaulDeacon CirculationManager:StevenO'Hara MarketingManager:CharlottePark CommercialDirector:NigelHole
Welcome to the December edition of Scootering
' m starting to get that feeling, that the year end is fast closing in on me. The national rallies are over, and the magazine is gearing up for the Christmas edition. It's been pleasing to dish out so many free supplements and goodies in the mag over the past few months. In Sep we had the free 32-page supplement ; Oct was our celebratory 400th edition; Nov had the free Trojan CD; this month is the free wall-planner; next month will be the free calendar; and in Feb we have another free TRADE ADVERTISING supplement! Hopefully, that leaves you GaryThomas - Tel(01507) 529417 feeling satisfied that the magazine represents StuartYule- syule@mortons just as great value today, as it ever has done. Tel(01507) 529468 Another 'year-end' landmark is the annual DivisionalAdvertisingManager: ZoeThurling 01507529412, EICMA trade show, which always brings a GroupAdvertisingManager:SueKeily variety of predictable options as well as some ADVERTISING DEADLINES welcome surprises. A number of brands still Theadvertisingdeadlinefor the want to be there to 'represent' themselves, next issueof Scootering(January2020) is Friday,December6, 2019 despite having nothing new to show us ... Onsale in newsagents that's when you see 'coming soon' prototypes, Friday,December27,2019 which are usually somewhat vague in detail SCDDTERING (USPS:020-245) is publishedmonthly byMorton s MediaGroupLtd, PDBox99,Horncastle, when manufacturers are drilled on spec.
Others push existing models in 'new colours' or with 'extra stripes' ... that's all a bit dull though, really. What I like are the brands with 'ready for market' machines, with new designs, spec and even full new engines. One such beast is the Royal Alloy TG300. Clearly based on the S2 style, it captures so many of the original design elements, and blends them nearly perfectly with modern manufacturing and safety requirements. Oh... and it has a proven basis to its 300 engine unit as well. Thankfully, the big names out there also don't forget about us classic enthusiasts either, and the high-end components still keep pouring into dealers' shelves from Polini , Pinasco, Parmakit, CASA, and many more besides. It's been a great Scootering year so far. It's not quite over just yet, but I reckon 2020 is shaping up to be an even better one. I'm ever the optimist. Anyway, that's enough of my ramblings , it's another belter this month ... enjoy the issue.
Lincolnshire LN96LZUSAsubscriptions are$60per yearfromMotorsportPublicationsLLC,7164Cty RdN #441.BancroftWI 54921.Periodical Postage is paidat Bancroft, WI andadditional entries. Postmaster:Sendaddress changesto SCOOTER ING, c/o Motorsport Publications LLC,7164CtyRdN #441,Bancroft WI 54921 . 715-572-4595. chris@ SCOOTERING is publishedby: MortonsScoot er Media.a divisionof Morton s Media GroupLtdŠ 2019All rightsreserved. Nopartof this magazine maybereproduced in anywaywithoutthe writtenpermission of thepublisher. ISSN02687194 Distribution:Marketforce UK Ltd,5 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf,London, E145HU. Tel:02037879001. & Sons , Wolverhampton Printedby:WilliamGibbons
ppa1::!; ;:=-
Paul Green
Vespa& Lambretta owner,scooter obsessive, amateur homemechanic,rally goer,Modsympathiser, musicloverand generalall roundgood egg.Hewritesyour rally reports,be nice to him.
Vespa& Lambretta , scooterenthusiast, BSSO professionaland ownerandscooter generalgoodegg.Our restorationexpertto Paulhasa longhistory boot. Scooterrider, of scooteringbothon rally-goer,restorer the roadandon the andauthor.Reaches the partsotherscooter track, withthe journalistsjust breakdownbills and crashscarsto proveit can't reach.
Dave Oakley
Ridingandbuilding scooterssince1983, Davehasbeena contributorto Scooteringsince the 90s. Hisbuildsinclude chops,cutdowns, street-racers,autos andthe mostinfamous customof the 80s!
Withoverfour decades of riding,rally-going andcompetingon both LambrettaandVespa scootersunderhis belt, this former Freddie Mercurylookalikeis still goingstrong. He's a top DJtoo, don'tchaknow.
letter 03 Welcome from the Editor
Poland: The 53Project Great Escape
A warm welcome to the December edition of Scootering.
What better way for Stan to bring project Poland to a close than to follow in the footsteps of Steve McQueen and ride the Quattrini to Zagan, site of 'The Great Escape'.
The upfront section with all the latest news, views and product reviews!
Scooter: 16 Feature Leicester Til I Die! Hardcore footy fan Darren Palfrey creates his dream machine, but it wasn't an easy ride doing it!
Report: 22Rally Southport Success It's been far too long since the northwest has hosted its own National Rally, but as Stan discovered, it was worth the wait.
Readers' letters, laughs, feedback and fury - get it off your chest, man!
30 Subscriptions
Get your mag delivered to the door, earlier than newsstands, and save money ... cool. Plus gain access to all the benefits of the 'Scootering Extra' subs-club.
us your 32 Show scoots! The best of our readers' rides as sent in by you.
Scooter: 38 Feature O'Fortuna - War Horse ... power Shane Hayter's full-blown Lammy is a very personal tribute to first-hand experiences in Basra 2004 when he was serving Queen and country.
Teenage pies right through the night ...
my true 63 Finding identity: The tale of Peter Daltrey For many, scooter ownership in the 1960s came by association with the modernist movement, working hand in hand to influence an individual's identity.
of Perception: 70 Doors Travelling in Time Occasionally a journey, road or place can offer a door to another place in time ... a different path of your life, or at least a new perspective. Christian knows where one such door is, and offers it humbly to our readers...
74 Club Do's
& Events
Your essential guide to the scene - What, Where & When!
Tech Torque: 88 Lambretta Preservation: Part 3 Cleaning the paintwork under the mainframe shell is the biggest challenge because of the dirt and oil created by the engine over the years.
Racing Season 98 BSS0 Finale: Lydden Hill For 2019 the BSSO took the opportunity to extend the season from the traditional end of September Cadwell finale to be part of the Lord of Lydden Meeting at the end of October.
Tech: 103 Targa Different Strokes With Project Poland completed, Stan's taken control of our Street Sleeper project, and he's already put progress back by several weeks.
DJ Gary Crowley raided his photo album to share his insta-magic memories of that golden, olden year when he was an 18-year-old London boy about town.
108 Scooter Trader
News 48 EICMA Report:
Ride: Ain't 120 Reader's Too Shabby
What's new in the world of scootering? We have the latest news from Lambretta, Piaggio, Royal Alloy, and more.
The story of Damion Field's MotoVespa bui Id started around 10 years ago when he used to help his mate Steve with some of his scooters.
The sales and classifieds
KICK START STUNNING SCOOTER LINE-UP ON DISPLAY AT SCOOTERWORLD It has now been confirmed that the Dave Dickinson Kustom (DDK) stand will take centre stage in the Scooter World/Retro Halls for the January 2020 event; the stand will be displaying a stunning selection of top-quality scooters from around the UK. There can't be many scooterists who haven't heard of, or come across the stunning artwork on a DDK airbrushed scooter, and what will be on display at the show will just be a small example of the quality of his work. All the bikes displaying on the DDK stand have won trophies or been featured in various magazines. Elsewhere, plans are already moving forward and include the expansion of the Scooter World Custom Show with more entry categories - plus a monetary prize to go with every single trophy! Here is a list of the entry categories all club/private entries are eligible for judging, but some will only fall into certain classes; monetary prize values are shown in brackets:
BESTSCOOTER IN SHOW(plus£100) BESTSCOOTER DISPLAY (plus£100) BESTLAMBRETTA (plus£50) BESTVESPA(plus£50) BESTSCOOTER STREET RACER (plus£50) BESTORIGINAL-LOOKING (plus£50) BESTENGINEERED (plus£50) BESTMOD-STYLE (plus£50) BESTRAT/RUSTO (plus£50) BESTNEWBUILDCUSTOM(plus£50) Thiswill be a recentlybuiltcustomscooterthat hasnotwonany showtrophies BESTOLDSKOOL CUSTOM(plus£50) Thiswill be a customscooterthat haspreviously wonshow trophies SCOOTER WORLD SPECIAL AWARD (plus£50) Anythingcatchingthe judges'attention 10 'HighlyCommended' rosettesalsoto be awarded
ENTER& GETA FREEPINBADGE! All private entrants and scooter club members will receive a free specially designed pin badge (this is not applicable to trade stalls displaying scooters). So if you want to enter, now is the time to do it. An online entry form can be found at the following links: Clubs:www.newarkc lassicbi ub-booki ng
GET YOURENTRYIN NOW! The Carole Nash sponsored Classic Bike Guide 'Winter Classic' event takes place at Newark County Showground over the weekend of January 11-12 , 2020, where the Scooter World Retro Halls now form a major part of the show.
PM TUNING FAT MAMBA EXHAUST FOR QUATTRINI 210cc Just released is the latest exhaust system, the PM3 l factory finish and the PM31C show chrome , based on the PM Fat Mamba cone set. Made in the UK from 1.2mm CR4 mild steel, the design dictated the mid-section to be 130mm in diameter, making it one of the fattest pipes available on the market. The layout was optimised in order to gain maximum ground clearance and as a result the first items to touch down on extreme cornering are centre stand then kick-start lever. Available with six muffler options with factory or show chrome finish.
LEGALO&A This information is provided by Stephen Hattersley of WildWood Legal, a firm of solicitors specialising in claims for injured scooterists. Stephen, a qualified solicitor for 25 years, has been riding scooters for over 30 years, and has acted for injured riders across the UK. He knows the tricks and pitfalls that insurers use and pulls no punches in his dealings with them. He rides to work every day and understands the challenges you face out there.
a. My solicitorhastold me he needsto startCourtproceedings.I've notbeento Courtbeforeand I'm a bit worriedaboutit. ShouldI be? A. Starting Court proceedings and actually going to Court are two very different things. If the claim is not getting anywhere, a solicitor will often issue (or
start) Court proceedings. This does not necessarily mean you will end up having to go to Court. It is just part and parcel of the process of pushing the claim along. By starting the proceedings, a timetable is put in place to move the case forward and this usually puts some pressure on the insurers to settle the case. You should take assurance from the fact that very few
cases actually end up in Court - less than 5% - so the chances of you having to turn up and be cross-examined are pretty slim .
If youneedadviceona scooter-related legal question, emailstephen@wildwoodlegal. bepublished in Scootering magazine inconfidence.
SCOOTOPIA LAMBRETrA HEAD AND FAN COWLINGS Scootopia have just launched a new range of Lambretta head and fan cowlings. Made from high-quality steel, they are an accurate copy and fit of the original Innocenti items. For years finding good second-hand
cowlings for use on a restoration or rebuild has been a real pain, the option being poorly manufactured Far East ones, which were the only other alternative until now. Both head and fan cowlings are
available in Li, SX, TV or GP variants, and are finished in white. Head cowlings retail at £35 and fan cowlings £28, and are available direct from Scootopia.
METEORPISTONS FOR CLASSICLAMBRETl'A SCOOTERS Traditional pistons with thick cast-iron rings have limits to how high they can rev before you risk breaking piston rings. On motors designed to rev high, thin wire rings are fitted as standard. Meteor have encompassed new technology into traditional Lambretta pistons, giving you thin 1mm wire drawn rings with a chrome-plated outer edge on pistons that can be used for traditional conversions and tuning on standard barrels. The 175cc Conversion piston (LE10123) and 200cc piston (LE101 24) are also available in oversize versions.
OOo 175cc Conversion Piston VE Part No - LE10123
200cc Piston VE Part No· LE10124
KICKSTART--------------------SCOOTER BOYS,EVOLUTION OF BSRA CHAMPIONSHIP 2019 THESPECIES(30THANNIVERSARY ¡ It's al I over for another year the loyalty (and mile EDfflON)- GARETH BROWN and what a fantastic rally munching) from all the riders The year 2019 has marked many landmark anniversaries: 50 years of the original Skinhead subculture as well as the golden jubilee of the Vespa 50 special, the machine that many scooterists started off riding. It's been 40 years since the launch of Quadrophenia (film), 79 Mod revival and the Two-tone explosion being among other anniversaries. 2019 also marks 30 years since the first edition of former Scootering magazine editor, Gareth Brown's iconic book Scooter Boys, The Evolution Of The Species, was published. Over the ensuing decades Scooter Boys has had several tweaks and updates, culminating in the latest and, I'm very reliably informed, the last edition, published in October 2019. Not only is the new edition the deluxe, hardback, 30th anniversary edition, it's also the 10th edition/version of the book, this time with some colour photographs as well as the black and white ones. Over the previous editions, the book sold an impressive 25,000 copies. A pictorial snapshot of the 80s scooter boy era, accompanied by first-hand overviews of the National scooter rallies of the 80s , it also traces the origins of the motor scooter, and the rise of British youth subcultures in the 50s and 60s, spotlighting the advent of the rally-going scooterboys from the 79 mod revival throughout the 80s. Subsequent updates included the influence of the scooter scene on the 90s Brit-pop music uprising. Also, during his tenure with Scootering magazine, Gareth was one of the British scooterists who pioneered the attendance at European rallies which, in more recent years, have become popular rally destinations for many. Martin 'Sticky' Round, another former Scootering editor and scribe, contributed a chapter in which he spotlighted European rallies. Recently, Gareth was interviewed for the 400th issue of Scootering. As an aside to the interview with his former editor's hat on, he also spoke about the then forthcoming 30th edition of his book. 'There's a new introduction, a couple of new chapters, one of which is the rose-tinted look back at significant and favourite UK rally destinations titled Remember When?, originally published in Scootering 15-20 years ago. I've deliberately not updated my book from the 90s cut-off; my book documents t he historical evolution of scooter culture through the original scooter boy years.' The 30th anniversary, 10th edition of Scooter Boys, The Evolution Of The Species, contains brand new chapters, making this hardback copy arguably the ultimate edition of Gareth's book, which was first compiled and published in 1989, at the absolute zenith of those crazy times. Sarge Buy online today:
season it's been! It was the biggest and most hotly contested championship yet with over 50 entrants. The BSRA crew are proud of
taking part, who showed their support for the national rally calendar. They asked us to convey a massive tha nk you to the riders, part icipants , and sponsors for all their support.
Vicki Swinge - PLC
BEST SUPPORTING MALE DeanGibbs- ModrapheniacsSC Billy - Thornaby Scott Southon- Medway SC M. Kendall- CreamTeaSC Col - Scarborough
BEST SUPPORTING CLUB NottinghamVespaClub Medway SC CambridgeInnocents LondonLambrettaClub
BEST SUPPORTING FEMALE Halen Rumsey- Medway SC KarenSoulsby- Durham
Winners get free entryto each BSRAevent on the 2020calendar
FAREWELL STEVE FOSTER Long-standing VFM front man, Steve Foster, will step down from the helm in 2020. He now plans to spend more time riding scooters, rather than organising events. The BSRA organisers , Scootering magazine and other scooter media representatives presented Steve with an etched crystal decanter and commemorative glasses during the meeting. We all wish Steve the very best for the future. His commitment and passion for the scene has contributed hugely to its longevity and success. All the best, Steve.
2020 BSRA NATIONAL SCOOTER RALLIES EasterApril 10-13:Whitby MaydayMay 8-10:Welsh NationalTenby Spring Bank HolidayMay 22-24:Kelso June 26-27: Big7 July 24-26:SWSCClubsWeymouth August Bank HolidayAugust28-31: Isle of Wight September25-28:Woolacombe October23-24:Southport
VESPA 300 HPE ABS PULSAR RING PM Tuning have developed a new performance ABS pulsar ring for the Vespa GTS 300 HPE. This corrects the issue of the standard ring causing the ecu/ rev limiter activating early, thus reducing the top
end due to the road speed being reported incorrectly, so instead of topping out at 74mph a true 80mph is achievable. More info: www.pmtuning. CO.Uk
KICKSTART--------------------FAR EAST FRAUD Despite warnings in this magazine and on various internet forums, scooterists are still falling prey to scammers from the Far East. One recent example has been Thai Classic Vespas, now closed, but who may well resurface under a new identity. Last year Stan visited Vietnam and produced a series of reports on the complex relationship between scooters and Far East suppliers. The summary of these reports was that before parting with any cash it was vital to do some research . "There are some very reputable suppliers in Vietnam," said Stan. "Top of that list is British owned and run Saigon Scooter
Centre. However, anyone in search of a bargain should be very wary. The internet has raised awareness of prices and anyone with a modem can check the value of a machine instantly. Although labour charges are lower than in the West, parts, particularly those imported from European suppliers, are actually more expensive. Savings on one are cancelled out by the other, and properly restored machines should inevitably be around the same price, whether it's sou reed in the Far East or closer to home." Alarm bells should ring if the seller is offering cheap machines, wants payment
via money transfer services such as Western Union, or asks for additional payments to fund 'export requirements' such as helmets to accompany the machine. Sadly, for those falling prey to such scams there are very few legal protections in place and in practical terms zero chance of ever recovering their cash. There really is no better method of buying a scooter than supporting your local dealer. It seems that no matter how many times we repeat this message, there are still those who convince themselves otherwise. If it looks too good to be true then it probably is.
There's no doubt that Vespa's GTS is a masterpiece of two-wheeled engineering, but sadly it's let down by the exhaust. With Stan's HPE silencer already showing signs of rust, he was first in the queue to sample TSR's new Odysseysystem. Right out of the box it's clear that this is a well finished, high-quality product. Manufactured in polished stainless steel, its proportions suit the GTS
perfectly. Fitting is straightforward, although unusually for an aftermarket supplier TSR has chosen to retain the gasket. Once in place, however, the Odyssey's pipe design gives much improved access to the oil filter and drain plug, both of which can be accessed without disturbing that pesky gasket. Our only criticism of the design is that the springs supplied with the test sample seemed to be around 5-8mm
short and were under life-limiting maximum tension from the outset. Anyone expecting a two-stroke style boost in horsepower simply by fitting an exhaust to their four stroke will be disappointed. Those gains come from engine mapping and modified variators. In use the Odysseyseems to have little effect on real-life performance; its benefits are in longevity, looks and weight saving. In respect of the latter, the Odysseysheds over 2kg whilst costing around ÂŁ100 less
than replacing a standard unit. A novel feature is the provision of two 'decibel kille rs' , one at the mid pipe and one at the end can. These can be mixed, matched or omitted to create different exhaust notes. With the Odyssey,four-stroke 'tuning' has taken on an entirely new meaning! At ÂŁ279.99, the Odyssey is both a stylish addition to a new machine and a competitively priced replacement for a rotten original.
Is it all
too easy.
These days, the prospect of having a powerful engine is simply achieved by buying a few components and bolting them together. Are we in danger of losing the knowledge?
echnology, regardless of its environment, is a continuous process that has no end . Making everyday things in life simpler than they were before. For years scooter owners have constantly tried to improve their machines in any way possible. Anything that makes them better than they were before can surely only be a good thing. As time goes by it becomes more difficult to improve these advances or, at best, the improvements are only incremental. Though it seems that as they are made better, the skill or knowledge to solve running issues have become less and less. After Innocenti stopped production of the Lambretta almost 50 years ago, so too did its development, since then placing it in the hands of clever individuals, who make what was already an aging design better wherever possible. It wasn't an easy task, most certainly when it came to tuning. There was no way someone could port a Lambretta barrel and make the next one come out identical when it came to power output. Perhaps close, but never the same. Not that it mattered too much , as out on the road a couple of 225cc engines could achieve 80mph so there would be no way of telling if one was slightly better than the other. When it comes to tuning, some of the problems simply come down to the number of man hours available. If a tuner is going to port 100 barrels, that will take a considerable amount of time so they're hardly going to flood the market. With thousands of Lambrettas on the road and many owners wanting to improve performance, there would be a huge waiting list. Then you have to think about the raw material in the first place, in this case, the cylinder. Getting hold of enough good ones has always been difficult, and even more so now. That's why the likes of AF produced the TSl in the first place, primarily to give more power, but also increase availability. Advances in CAD and CNC machining have made the idea of what was once deemed to be 'one off' or 'bespoke' parts, now a mass-produced reality. Even at the
turn of the millennium when this technology wasn't quite so readily available, simply producing an example was a costly exercise, meaning that something put into production would make it too expensive. Now we live in an age where if something needs improving on a Lambretta engine it can be drawn up and produced in a matter of months, and sometimes even weeks. This has allowed things to move on much further than just cylinder kits and smaller components . Now complete engine packages are available off the shelf by different manufacturers. Gone are the days of which cylinder kit was the best option, it's now a question of which engine is the best option. While modern production methods have made this a reality, a full engine can easily cost several thousand pounds, and in some cases perhaps even a five-figure sum. Unfortunately, although there are many Lambretta owners wanting kits or engines, compared to the automotive industry it still remains a cottage industry. No one is going to produce 20,000 kits in one batch, for example, because it would take
Is portingandsettingupa Lambretta topendslowly becoming a thingofthepast?
a lifetime to sell them. Even the TSl , the most popular Lambretta kit to date, has only ever been made in batches of several hundred. Here is where the problems start to occur. Because only small batches are made, reducing the cost of components is never really going to happen. Add it all together and you get an expensive Lambretta engine, whichever route you go down. If a person has bought an engine that has cost a large sum they expect it to run reliably, without it requiring much setting up and working perfectly from the outset. Who can blame them? After all, it's a big investment. You don't buy a car and expect to set it up yourself. The knock-on effect is that it stops people from learning the tradition of setting up a Lambretta and the basic principles of a two-stroke. I'm sure that even 20 years ago no one would have ever imagined buying kits or engines that were already done. Before that time many owners tuned their own cylinders, did their own top-end builds and jetting , and carburation settings. No one is saying it doesn't still happen, because it does, but it is becoming less and less, and in doing so that skill is slowly dying out. Perhaps the internet is also to blame. These days anyone with a problem simply asks a question online and usually receives several different answers. Before the internet and the TS 1, you had to work it all out for yourself, from tuning, making components and then setting it all up correctly. Yes, tuners would help you, or you learned off someone local with more knowledge until you were able to complete the job yourself. When a Lambretta cost a few hundred pounds and an old cylinder was easy to obtain, if it went wrong then you could write the experience off and start again. I can't imagine anyone that has parted with thousand of pounds for a Lambretta engine would then want to pull it apart and try and work the carburation out, for example. Unfortunately , by creating what we think is the dream for Lambretta owners, at the same time it's taking away the understanding of how to set them up correctly. Is it al I too easy?
We don’t chase ambulances. We chase idiots who knock people off scooters
Lots of firms will claim to be ‘specialists’ s. on bringing compensation claims for scooterists. But are they?
I have recovered several million pounds in compensation for scooterists.
I am a scooterist who has been riding for 30 years and qualified as a lawyer for 25 years.
I ride a scooter to work every day. ld I have first-hand, real world e experience of what it’s like to be out on two wheels.
I’ve been involved with scooters for years, including setting up and running a scooter helmet business, Carnaby Designs
I will guide you through every aspect of your claim and get you the compensation to which you’re entitled.
01423 788728
Stephen Hattersley Principal Wildwood Legal
Social Media ... It's not all doom and gloom! With Facebook becoming an ever-increasing cesspit of abuse, Paul Green seeks out a more positive digital arena.
he world of social media can lnstagram allows users to edit pictures be a lot of things in the with filters designed to enhance the visual modern age. It can be an appeal of their images. This is used to great incredible force for good, a effect by some people, and you will find terrible waste of hours of your some absolutely stunning scooter images. I don't intend to give you a full guide to time, or even suck you into arguing about politics with people you don't even know. lnstagram here, but it really is very worthwhile learning how to use it - it can But one area of social media which I have found to be a more buoyant place is the only be a good thing to fill your life with the world of lnstagram. Bought by Facebook a very best scooter images! In just 30 few years ago it (fortunately) hasn't minutes (which could easily have turned to lowered itself into the spreading of six hours), I purposefully looked a little misinformation and hatred, that seems so deeper and found some brilliant pages. prevalent on Facebook. I use lnstagram I found some great images depicting quite a lot for my business as well as Vespas in Taiwan, including full race personal use and it's great. It would seem P-ranges through to immaculately restored that the format of being image driven small frames, to show that not everything (rather than drivel text driven) equates to scooter-wise in that area has been it being a far happier place, where viewing badged or slapped together. great images (and lots of them) leaves you feeling uplifted and more positive than other forms of social media. So if you're into scooters, just search away for your preferred marques and get following. To get started, just search for the #hashtags you're interested in and you will soon find yourself in a world of discovery. The obvious ones, of course, are #vespa and â&#x20AC;˘ scooteringmag #lambretta, and a good place to start. But you need to think a Iittle deeper, and search not only for the hashtags, but also for the account names too, which will help you find everything from people like Piaggio as a manufacturer right through to individuals in India or Taiwan posting pictures of th eir scooters.
I found some great images depicting Vespas in Taiwan, including full race P-ranges through to immaculately restored small frames, to show that not everything scooter-wise in that area has been ,, badged or slapped together.
It was a real-eye opener (@taiwang.vespa) Showing some great UK engineering, I found pages of Lambretta Choppers (@lambrettachoppersownersclub) showing some great examples of these love/ hate machines. Searching for the hashtag #scooterracing finds almost 15 ,000 images and, of course, videos, although they are mainly modern automatics. Take care with your searches, for example if you key in #scooterporn. But if you get it right you'll find thousands of classic and modern scooters to look at. The secret to losing yourself in lnstagram is to just keep going ... search a word, click on the image you like, click the heart, then take a look at the user's other pictures and start building some people you are following , then within a few hours your feed can be fu 11 of scooter images that are a joy to view, or could be a huge source of new inspiration and ideas for your own scooter or project. It is also really easy to send messages to users to ask more about their images. I've become friends with people from all around the world as well as in the UK from lnstagram, and it is one of the most positive social media formats out there. You will soon build up your own list of favourite pages and if you aren't using lnstagram yet , then you will have hours of fun ahead of you. The search options and word combinations are virtually endless, so the only thing holding you back is your imagination. Be ready to potentially lose a good few hours, but click on loads of hearts to show what you like and you'll leave the app happy rather than depressed , angry and frustrated. To get you going, here are a few hashtags to search out: # customlambretta #scooterraci ng #retroscooter #lambrettagp #scooterrallies #vespapx And here are a few great users to search out and get you started: @vespa @vespamotorsport @vespapxnet @vespa_tv @lambretta _ innocenti @lambrettagarageital ia @st.moritzlambrettacollection @lambretta_lovers @mod-photographs ... and, of course, @scooteringmag
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001 CDB Cover_048.indd 1
02/08/2018 14:53:55
001 Cover_174.indd 1
03/09/2018 10:18:26
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