1st December 2013

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The Morung Express




Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 327

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By Sandemo Ngullie


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Live life to the fullest, for the future is scarce

‘AIDS-related illnesses killed 2.1 lakh children in 2012’ [ PAGE 08]

President of India to grace Hornbill Fest

Sunday, December 1, 2013 12+4 pages Rs. 4 –Nick Carter

Hornbill Festival 2013 features [ PAGE 11]

Unite for desired outcomes: Governor [ PAGE 05]

[ PAGE 02]

Test specialists may go early to South Africa [ PAGE 10]

nagaland state turns 50: nostalgia, introspection 1

Morung Express News Dimapur | November 30

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Accha! What are we celebrating today? State inauguration or Hornbill festival launching day?

NPCC calls for 12-hr bandh in Dimapur on December 3 KOHIMA, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee has called for a 12 hrs (6 AM-6 PM) bandh in Dimapur on December 3 in protest against “the retention of the tainted and charge sheeted” Health and Family Welfare Minister Imkong L. Imchen. NPCC Vice President, Nillo Rengma stated, “Unless the implicated member is removed from the ministerial berth earlier, the bandh will be held as scheduled. The next phase of bandh may be extended to 24-48 hrs and/or held in several major districts and then in Kohima during Hornbill Festival,” it was notified. Meanwhile, NPCC has called off the proposed boycott of the 50th Statehood Anniversary on December 1 “in compliance with the desire and request of the general public, in honour of the President of India as he comes to grace the occasion and in respect of Sunday.” For December 3, NPCC has appealed to the public to “give full cooperation to the party since the sole intention of the agitation is to fight against unabated criminalization of politics in the state and to allow the law of the land to deal with such crime deemed fit without potential exertion of influence over the due process of law.” Movement of Media, Military & Police personnel on duty, Magistrate on duty and Medical staff on duty are exempted from the purview of the bandh.

Diesel price hiked by 50 paise a litre


NEw DElHI, NOVEMBER 30 (IANS): The diesel price will go up by 50 paise a litre, excluding taxes, from midnight Saturday, state-run oil marketing company Indian Oil Corporation said. “Indian Oil Corporation has decided to increase the retail selling price of diesel by Rs.0.50 per litre, excluding state levies from midnight of Nov 30,” the largest oil marketing company (OMC) said in a statement. The petrol price remains unchanged. While the petrol price is marketlinked and revised periodically depending on the international crude oil price, the diesel price is subsidised and the OMCs are only allowed to hike it by a “small amount” every month.


In what will be reminiscence of the day when India’s philosopher-statesman, President Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan inaugurated Nagaland as the sixteenth State of the Indian Union from the rampart of equally known for his “intellectual and political prowess”, will be present as Nagaland and its people commemorate 50 years of Statehood. The coincidence of December 1, 1963 and 2013 could not be more striking— both happen to be a Sunday.

Statehood & inauguration To recall, it was during the third meeting of the Naga Peoples Convention (NPC) held at Mokokchung in October 1959 that the well-known-yet controversial16-point memorandum was drawn up. Later a delegation of the NPC reportedly met Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru sometime around July 1960 at Delhi. “As a result of this meeting, the (Government of India) GoI agreed to the demand for a separate State within the Indian Union”, states Hokishe Sema in his epic book ‘Emergence of Nagaland’. Late Hokishe, former Chief Minister of Nagaland who was also a member of the Interim Body leading to the formation of the State, writes in his book that in spite of great opposition within and outside Parliament, Nehru was convinced of the wisdom of offering a separate State to the Nagas and that “it was due to his efforts that the State of Nagaland with sufficient safeguards, came into being”.

(Left) Former President of India, Dr S Radhakrishnan delivering the inaugural address of Nagaland State on December 1, 1963. (Right) First Chief Minister of Nagaland state, P Shilu Ao introducing the President of India to members of the interim body. (Courtesy DIPR)

eventful day of December 1, 1963. “The spontaneous welcome given to Dr S. Radhakrishnan and his party, by the 16 tribal representatives of the Nagas, exceeded all expectations”. The book mentions that “over 10,000 Nagas in their colourful costumes, shining shields, glittering spears, flowing hornbill feathers and bright-shash, had lined up on the 3 mile route from the high school helipad to the Raj Bhavan”. “They expressed their happiness through songs, dances and shouts of joy. The speech of the President of India was received with great joy and shouts of acclamation. The Nagas did not use the conventional form of clapping hands to express their approval, they did it with full-throated shouts and long piercing cries of joy”, states the book. Public jubilations Wishing the brave people of NagaHokishe in his book describes that land a bright future, Dr Radhakrish-

nan famously said: “Let all past rancor and misunderstanding be forgotten and a new chapter of progress, prosperity and goodwill be written on the page which opens today”.

Prospects of a new State The State of Nagaland Act, 1962 provided for the formation of a separate State to be known as Nagaland. The Constitution (Thirteenth Amendment) Act, 1962 which was passed in the same year provided for special constitutional safeguards under Article 371 (A). While the common people had great expectations on the benefits that would accrue, nevertheless Statehood also brought with it the evils associated with electoral politics and the trappings of power. The sordid ambition of the newly established political class in Nagaland and their hankering after the loaves and

fishes of office, besides of course the tribal and regional politics involved, led to large scale defection and horse trading in Naga politics. As a result, instead of ushering in progress and development as was expected, the State was plagued by political instability.

Jockeying for power Since inauguration of Statehood, i.e. in the last fifty years, there have been a total of nineteen governments headed by different Chief Ministers. On average therefore, a government in Nagaland, during the last fifty years, lasts for around 2 years 6 months. In what will come as a shocking piece of statistics, from February 25, 1964 when P. Shilu Ao took over as the first Chief Minister to the period of April 2, 1992, only Hokishe Sema completed a full term in office from February 22,

1969 to February 26, 1974. Another depressing statistics is that from early 1974 when Vizol took over as CM to April 2, 1992 when Vamuzo relinquished office, there were a total of eleven governments in eighteen years headed by different people. A government in those days would probably last for one year or more on average. During this tumultuous period, JB Jasokie once became CM for ten days in 1975; SC Jamir also did likewise for a little less than two months in 1980 while KL Chishi took over as CM for one month in the year 1990. It was only in early 1993 when SC Jamir returned to power that Nagaland witnessed a semblance of political stability. Jamir stayed in office for two consecutive terms. After him Neiphiu Rio has completed two full terms in office and is the only one to have won a third successive election for the NPF-DAN Alliance and is now into his third term as CM. Jamir however remains the longest serving CM in the 50 years history of Nagaland. So what is it that went wrong along the way? In his book ‘Naga Politics: A Critical Account’, Chandrika Singh gives a powerful insight into the sordid state of affairs. He points out that “flow of financial funds for the development of the State and its people made Naga politics more interesting, lucrative and ludicrous”. “Wealth, power and prestige became the nuclei of Naga politics round which all the Naga politicians began to evolve…” As Nagaland and its people commemorate 50 years of Statehood, are we going to ‘learn’ anything from the experience of 50 years and ‘change’?

Nagaland govt to purchase more power from ‘naga Week’ to ‘Hornbill festival’ Pre-paid power meters for responsible consumption

DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): Parliamentary Secretary for Power, Kipili C. Sangtam has disclosed that the Power department will purchase additional power to make up for the downturn in supply from the regional grid during the lean season. Sangtam stated this while launching the pre-paid power meters at Marwari Patti, Dimapur on November 30. On the pre-paid metering system, he said, “Today, we’ve entered a new chapter in the history of the department.”

Stated to be a pilot project, Marwari Patti was selected to implement the first phase of the venture. With this the department seeks to restructure the often unpredictable billing system and plans to expand it phase-wise. Bridging the revenue-expenditure gap is also high on the department’s agenda. An important feature of the pre-paid system is its ‘pay-asyou-use’ principle with little room for pilferage – meaning the consumer will have to pay proportionate to the quantum

of units drawn. Once installed, the consumer will be provided a smart card to be used for reactivating the meter after the pre-paid quota runs out. Consumers can recharge the smart cards at vending booths set up, just like topping up SIM cards. Consumers control power usage making erratic bills, delay in billing and long queues at payment centres a thing of the past. However, supply will automatically stop once the pre-paid quota runs out and can resume only after recharging.

Curb impunity to men to tackle VAW Morung Express News Dimapur | November 30

“In Nagaland, violence against women (VAW) has become a daily dark reality,” said Alongla Aier, Director of Sisterhood Network, introducing the 16 days of activism (November 25-December 10) against gender-based violence, a global campaign being observed in Nagaland too through the initiative of her organization and the North East Network, Nagaland. This international campaign, she asserted, is organized to make a plea: “please stop hurting and exploiting women as women have equal human rights. Please respect our dignity.” At a Discussion and Film Screening held at the Sisterhood Network here today on the theme ‘From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Let’s Challenge Militarism and End Violence Against Women & Girls,’ more speakers reflected on Aier’s thoughts. “The Naga people have gone through a history of militarism and violence—it is not new to us,” said Dr. Dolly Kikon, an activist and post doctoral fellow with the Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University. Impunity is, for instance, an inherent part of how violence through militarism proliferates. “Yet we remain quiet about the impunity given to the male members of our family. We, as human rights activists and as a society, need to reflect on the cultural and traditional impunity

given to our boys and men. Chokra toh chokra-i asse argument will not work anymore,” she argued, adding that reducing the role of women to how the old and new testaments define women (as a bone) needs to stop. “We overuse culture to justify everything men do. Through a process of naturalization (e.g. tai la khoon-i biya asse), we come down from a position of hope to that of hopelessness. The naturalization of gender roles, thus, begins with us,” reflected Kikon, as she spoke on ‘Intersections between militarism and violence against women and girls.’ She iterated that these factors (impunity and naturalization) lead to the “normalization” of, say, rape—“impunity leads to normalization of violence against women in Naga society.” This, she said, can be changed by embracing compassion, as well as sharing it. Peace activist Niketu Iralu agreed. “We have to create a space to tackle the huge wrongs that are part of our society,” he noted in his talk on ‘Transcending barriers towards peace, justice and human rights,’ highlighting the importance of truth and selflessness. “Hurts and wounds not transformed are always transferred,” he said, quoting another peace activist, while commenting on the film, ‘Pray the Devil Back to Hell,’ screened at the program on the struggle of Liberian women to build peace in their conflict torn land.

ACAUT demands justice

DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): The Action Committee against Unabated Taxation has condemned the murder of a businessman on November 29, and called for severest punishment against the three NNC (Non-Accordist) cadres accused of kidnapping and murdering the victim. “It is really painful that Kishore is a victim of common thieves and murderers hiding behind the façade of ‘I’m a national worker’, which most of the time manage to keep them out of the reach of the law,” stated a statement from ACAUT. It urged the government to formulate “Zero-tolerance policy” as far as extortion and heinous crimes are concerned and demanded that the three accused be booked under NSA and transferred out of the State. It also requested High Courts to understand the prevailing milieu in Nagaland, the general lawlessness and treat NSA bookings as necessarily good. It further stated that despite the expiry of November 22 dead line served to the State government, the government is yet to institute the High-powered Committee demanded by the ACAUT. ACAUT cautioned it would take any action deemed fit at any point of time, including during the Hornbill Festival.

N Arhe Kohima | November 30

From its start in early 2000, as a grassroots festival showcasing and promoting the richness of Naga culture and heritage, the Hornbill festival has evolved into the most popular festival in the Northeast. This year, coinciding with the 50th Statehood celebration, the festival promises an explosion of added activities. The weeklong festival has been extended to 10days and aside from regular performances featuring delectable cuisines, folk dances and music; there are many other exciting events, expected to attract locals as well as tourists. However, a look back at the history of the festival reveals that its roots came from an older weeklong festival called ‘The Naga Week,’ initiated by the Naga People’s Movement for human rights (NPMHR) in collaboration with Naga Student Federation (NSF), exactly twenty years ago. ‘Naga Week’ was celebrated with the same concept as the Hornbill Festival - an exposition to revive, protect and promote the richness of Naga heritage and traditions - as one of the indigenous peoples of the world. In 1993, NPMHR collaborated with NSF and organized a yearlong calendar of events to mark the “International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples” declared by the United Nations. The then convener and now a senior member of NPMHR, Neingulo Krome reminisces that, “Naga week held in 1993 was a very significant and personal event.” “For the first time, all Naga tribes, including those from South and Eastern Naga areas came together in the spirit of shared culture & history.” Krome informed that the event was held at the Kohima local ground from December 1 to 5, 1993. Each tribe was asked to build its traditional Morung and altogether 27 Morungs were built. “NPMHR and NSF did not have financial back up and hence, resorted to different means to make the event a success. The then congress Government provided 7 to 8 trucks for transportation of materials for making Morungs from different villages, who donated thatch, bamboo and other housing materials. With the

Convener of the Naga Week, Neingulo Krome and Co Convener, Vikheho Swu. (File Photo)

building up of the event, Government officials took personal interests and on the eve of the festival, some senior government officials participated in completing the last Morung,” Krome added. Krome informed that in 1993, the Government was going through “terrible financial crunch and so getting financial assistance became almost impossible. “A first class contractor, whose bill was held up by the Government, gave us a business proposal. He informed that the Government owed him 25 Lakhs and that if the Naga week organizing committee could convince the then finance minster to release his bill, he would contribute 5 Lakhs towards the festival. The proposal worked, and the Rs. 5 Lakhs donation went towards logistics expenses.” The Naga week in 1993, was a community event as different individuals, groups and tribes united to celebrate Naga cultural heritage. Kohima village, considered the biggest Naga village, hosted all the delegates in different homes. 30 delegates from each tribe were invited, but some of them came in huge numbers. The monolith stone was brought from Wokha, donated by the Lotha community, which is still standing high at the solidarity park, the land for which was provided by the Government. Present Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio, who was then PWD Minister, contributed some money towards the festival and personally encouraged the organisers. However, since 1993, due to lack

of financial support, the NPMHR & NSF could not organize another such event and hence ‘Naga Week’ withered away. Vikheho Swu, Parliamentary Secretary, who was then NSF President and Co-convener, remembers how ‘Naga week’ shaped a “firm platform for understanding amongst Naga tribes.” He added, ‘before Naga week, no agencies - Government or Civil Society had ever piloted any such gathering of the Nagas. It was an eye opening event for many tribes - to know more and learn from each other’. Krome added, “Personally, I am happy with the way Hornbill festival has taken off. It has revitalized our traditions and culture, but on the flipside, it is sad to see the way everything has been commercialized.” “There is indeed, no active community participation in its processes unlike the ‘Naga Week’. Today, Hornbill festival has become synonymous with Nagaland Government, attracting thousands of attendees from different parts of the world. I can say on behalf of all the organizing committees of the ‘Naga week’ that we are thankful to the Government for trying their best to promote our culture, but, it would have been a nice gesture, had they acknowledged or involved some of the people who brought in the idea and implemented the concept,”’ yearned Krome. As for the rest of us we can only hope that the sanctity of the Naga cultural spirit prevail for the benefit of future generations.






Sunday 1 December 2013

into custody. According to DRBA members, the victim’s hands, limbs and neck were all found fractured and dangled freely leading to conclusions that he was inhumanely tortured before finally being killed. DRBA along with others had initiated retrieving the body from Dimapur District Hospital morgue on Saturday. Before being taken away for the final rites, the body of the victim was kept at one of his shops along Doyapur road where people came and paid their last respects. Talking to The Morung Express on the sidelines, DRBA president, Kughato Achumi said the family of Late Kishore, who was an advisor of DRBA, did not receive any ransom calls or letters. He described the victim as a “helpful

Dimapur to celebrate statehood day

and generous” businessman and conveyed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. He disclosed that the DRBA would be launching a Quick Response Team to tackle such situations in

Caution against bailing out accused

the future. He cautioned that any person, group or organization found collecting tax or donation of any kind within its jurisdiction would be doing so at their own risk. The DRBA said there should not be any room for loopholes in the

investigation and demanded capital punishment for all the culprits involved in the crime. Chekiye Village Council and its GBs sent out a stern caution against bailing out the accused by any individual or group. The two village authorities said the accused should not be bailed out even on medical ground and warned that any individual trying their bail out would be doing so at their own risk. They informed all groups and factions that the village authorities would not be held responsible for any situation arising out of their cadre’s involvement in collection of taxes and donation within the village jurisdiction. ACAUT secretary Solomon L. Awomi who was also present at the site, said the abduction and mur-

der of the businessman was an “indirect challenge” to the ACAUT movement since the case was related to taxation. He demanded immediate arrest of all the accused involved in the crime and demanded exemplary punishment as per provisions of the law. The ACAUT secretary also cautioned against bailing out the accused involved in such heinous crime. He urged organisations and groups involved not to harbour criminals in their fold but discharge them immediately. Solomon urged the organisations and communities to which the accused belong, to take action against them. He acknowledged the Chekiye Village Council and its youth for apprehending the accused leading to unearthing the case.


Kohima | November 30

Kohima, November 30 (mexN): “The Log Drummer Boy” authored by Easterine Kire will be released on December 2 at Fernwood School auditorium, Kohima at 9:00 AM. The book will be released by Fr. Sebastian HoD, English Department, Nagaland University.

Chakhesang consultative meet

Kohima, November 30 (mexN): The consultative meeting of Chakhesang Hoho, Kohima along with the legislators of Phek district and all the office bearers of frontal organizations of Chakhesang community will be held on December 5, 1:00 pm at Hotel Japfu. Therefore, all concerned have been requested to attend the same positively.

Kuda (Nagarjan) villagers repairing the roads in Dimapur. Adhering to the adage that “self help is the best help” the villagers of Kuda Village (erstwhile Nagarjan) on Friday took the task of repairing the road from (Nagarjan Junction till Assam Rifles Outpost) under its jurisdiction which connects to 3rd Mile and serves as a by-pass for the busy National Highway. This has been the 4th time that the villagers has taken in 3 years time to repair the road. The road is being repaired from contributions by the villagers who ply this road, the villagers has also thanked the Dimapur traffic police for manning the traffic and all concern for their efforts and contributions.

Miss Nagaland shows love and affection C M Y K

Miss Nagaland 2013 Imlibenla Jamir with Moamenla jamir, director of Mother’s Hope (2nd from left) and BASN members.


Dimapur, November 30 (mexN): The reigning Miss Nagaland, Imlibenla Jamir recently visited Mothers’ Hope, Dimapur along with Members of Beauty and Aesthetics Society of Nagaland (BASN) as part of the BASN goodwill mission which is held every now and then. It was the morning of November 23 that the beauty queen arrived at the home with much excitement, accompanied by BASN members - former Miss Nagaland Sentila Pongen, the first Miss Dimapur Nangshimenla Therie, Rongsenyangla Longchar Director Juvalia & You. She was indisputably the centre of attraction even as the adorable munchkins eyed her with curiosity as she passed by every crib. She picked them, one after the other, and was, each time, received warmly by a sweet smile even as Imlibenla showed immense affection for each one of them. So much so, when the time for goodbye came, some of the babies were reluctant to let her leave. A tear-jerking sight to see them part even as the beauty queen herself expressed, “…they are so adorable I don’t want to leave them.” Exchanging a few

words, Imlibenla expressed her gratitude to the Director of Mother’s Hope, Moamenla for giving her the opportunity to capture the innocence of the babies and hoped that God will continue to support and bless the home. Nangshimenla Therie on behalf of the BASN thanked Moamenla Jamir for giving them the opportunity to visit the Home while also appreciating her effort in providing a home for the babies and the mothers. BASN also donated a small token to Mothers Hope. It may be noted that Mother’s Hope was established in 2001 and today, it cares for pregnant girls undergoing crisis pregnancies and home to young girls, who are usually victims of sexual abuse. They provide and promote loving, nurturing care for newborn and infants needing permanent home. Currently, the mission is looking after nine babies. A day before, Imlibenla along with some of her friends had also visited the Ebenezer Orphanage Home in Dimapur, where she gave a gift to each child and encouraged them to fear God and study hard. During the visit Imlibenla was truly blessed by the children’s compassion to-


grace Hornbill Fest

Our Correspondent

‘The Log Drummer Boy’ to be released



President of India Pranab Mukherjee during a visit to 2nd World War Cemetery Kohima on November 30. Photo by Chizokho Vero

Dimapur, November 30 (mexN): Dimapur district will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Nagaland statehood on December 1 from 9:00 am onwards. The officiating DC Dimapur, K Tarep Imchen in a press release has requested the public, NGOs, GBs and all concerned are requested to witness this great moment filled with entertainment for both young and old by joining the historic celebration. Meanwhile, as directed by DC Dimapur, the GBs union Dimapur has informed all colony, sector, ward GBs under urban area to attend the Golden Jubilee celebration on December 1 with uniform at DDSC stadium at 8:00 am sharp. The union chairman MY Ngullie in a press release informed that ‘attendance will be recorded.’



Orgns demand strict penalty for businessman murder President of India to

Dimapur, November 30 (mexN): Doyapur Road Business Association (DRBA), Chekiye Village Council and GBs and Action Committee Against Unabated Taxation (ACAUT) have demanded the most strict punishment for all those involved in the abduction and murder of businessman, Kishore Shah Prasad. Kishore was abducted on November 28 and Police recovered his body wrapped in blanket below a road near Ghotovi village under Niuland on November 29. Police have arrested three NNC (NA) activists for their alleged involvement in the crime. The trio include, ‘Maj’ Lhozheto, Shikato and Chingkiu. One civilian, Kihoto whose vehicle Scorpio (NL-07- 4052) was used in the crime was also taken


The Morung Express

wards her as the cuddlebugs laid their tiny hands on the reigning queen and prayed for her wellbeing. “I was so touched when they prayed for me. I feel humbled by today’s experience and I’m thankful that I was able to do this. And it is my prayer that God would continue to bless these children,” Imlibenla said. Narrating the experience, Imlibenla said she always wanted to do charity works and have always admired people who are involved in doing such ventures. “Today God has let it happen and I feel blessed and happy.” To this, she also added, “… meeting the children was an enlightening experience for me. So many times we complain about our lives but today’s experience made me realize how fortunate we are and we ought to thank God for all that he has given us.” It may be mentioned here that Akum Amri is the founder and director of Ebenezer Orphanage Home. The home was established in 2005 with just three orphans but now it has 22 children. Further, the reigning Miss Nagaland and the BASN, along with the newly inducted members gave a courtesy visit to the Chief Secretary of Nagaland and his wife, Alemtemshi Jamir and Banuo Z. Jamir at their residence on the evening of November 24, 2013. The couple had been greatly instrumental in the establishment of the Beauty & Aesthetics Society of Nagaland apart from helping the society initiate the district level beauty pageants when it first began. Sharing a few thoughts during the visit, Reigning Miss Nagaland, Imlibenla Jamir expressed happiness to meet the chief secretary and the additional chief secretary while also putting across that she has been privileged to meet different people from all walks of life as Miss Nagaland.

President of India Pranab Mukherjee will grace the Hornbill Festival of Nagaland 2013 cum 50th Anniversary of Nagaland Statehood celebration on December 1 at Naga Heritage Village, Kisama at 10:30 am. The President will release Nagaland Coffee Table book and also a special stamp to commemorate the 50th years of the statehood of Nagaland. Angami Nagas (Jakhama village) will accord traditional reception while traditional blessing will be pronounced by Buwang Konyak, Chief Angh of Hongphoi village. Governor of Nagaland Dr. Ashwani Kumar will be chief host and chief minister Neiphiu Rio as host. All administrative heads of departments, heads of departments, officials and public have been

requested to be seated by 10:15 AM. Hornbill festival is an annual tourism promotional event to showcase the rich traditional and cultural heritage in all its ethnicity, diversity and grandeur. This Hornbill Festival is a cultural extravaganza to revive, protect and preserve the richness and uniqueness of the Naga heritage, while for the visitors to this event, its is a means for comprehensive understanding of the Naga people, their land and culture. Tourism department stated that the Hornbill festival is the coming together of all the elements that make up the total Nagaland. The Hornbill festival is a collaborative celebration of all Naga tribes at one venue and has been coined as “Festival of Festivals”. The Hornbill festival is a tribute to the great “Hornbill” which is the most admired

and revered bird for the Nagas, for its qualities of alertness and grandeur. The majestic bird is closely identified with the social and cultural life of the Nagas, as reflected in various tribal folklores, dances and songs. The awe and admiration for the bird is symbolically displayed on almost all tribal traditional headgears worn during the festival and is indicative of the commonness of the Nagas. The tourism department stated that over the years, this event has gained in stature and vision. It has now become a unique platform for the tourists to witness the cultural diversity not only for the Nagas but the seven other sister states of North East India in all its wonder and glory. Since 2007, International cultural troupes have been taking part in it and it is slowly turning out to be an international event.


Dimapur to observe 26th World AIDS Day

Dimapur, November 30 (mexN): The District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit (DAPCU) Dimapur in collaboration with District Level Network (DNP+) and Partner NGO’s of Dimapur will be observing the 26th World AIDS Day under the theme “Getting to Zero: Shared Responsibility – Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation” on December 1 at 12:00 p.m from Town Hall Dimapur with Joel Nilo Kath, Finance Secretary of Naga Council Dimapur as the guest speaker of the event. The program will be joined by the Motorcycle Club – The Naga Chiefs of Kohima and Dimapur, Partners and organizing committee of World AIDS Day from Kohima which will be flagged off by Parliamentary Secretary, Urban Development Zhaleo Rio. The Organizing Committee has invited all its Partners, Friends and well wishers With the recent inception of Crime Patrol Squad in Tuensang, DEF under the command of Z. in commemorating the 26th World AIDS Day, 2013.


James Sema, SDPO, Tuensang, intercepted 173 bottles of IMFL from Tuensang town area. According to the CPS a Maruti van B/R No. NL 03T 0350 tried to jump the mobile check post, who were later apprehended in a hot police pursuit by L/Nk Holechem Sangtam and C/N Lemba Chang . In this case connection two accuse person has been arrested /forwarded for judicial custody and a regular case has been registered vide C/No. P.S. (Tsg) 0029/13 U/s Kohima, November 30 (mexN): The Kohima Vil120(B) IPC R/W 44 (a)(e)(d) NLTP Act. In this image, the two defaulters along with the seized lage Youth Organization is organizing a Christmas bazaar at Kohima Local Ground. The Bazaar includes both first IMFL at Police station, Tuensang. (Morung Photo)

KVYO to organize Christmas bazaar

Statehood anniversary inaugural to be broadcast live

Kohima, November 30 (mexN): The inaugural function of the 50th anniversary of Statehood of Nagaland and Hornbill Festival, on December 1 which will be graced by the President of India Pranab Mukherjee, will get live broadcast national coverage with arrangement from All India Radio, Kohima Station. A press release issued

by Director AIR KK Rengma informed that AIR Kohima has made all arrangement to beam live coverage as well as commentary in English and Hindi from Naga Heritage Village, Kisama for the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Nagaland Statehood Day on Sunday. The live broadcast will be available on national hook-up from 10:15 am onwards and will be relayed by

all capital station of All India Radio throughout the country. The live programme will be originated by AIR, Kohima and broadcast by AIR, New Delhi on National Hook-up. Listeners in Nagaland can tune into 103 mhz of AIR, Kohima FM and 100.9 of AIR, Mokokchung. The same will be heard on 639 khz on AIR Kohima primary Medium Wave Channel.

hand and second hand garments, mela, trade fare and many more. Registration will be done on December 4 at 12:00 noon, Kohima Local Ground. For further information, contact 9856191329/ 9436437558.

WSBAK 55th annual conference on Dec 7 & 8

Dimapur, November 30 (mexN): The 55th annual conference of Western Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Küqhakulu (WSBAK) will be held at Toluvi Baptist Akukuhou on December 7 and 8, 2013 with the theme “Be reconciled with God”. The speakers will be Rev. Dr. Kavito Zhimo, Principal, Trinity Theological College and Rev. S. Vitoshe Swu, Executive Secretary, WSBAK. The Executive Secretary along with the WSBAK Staff and the host church warmly welcome all the churches under this association to come and be blessed.



The Morung express


1 December 2013



Education can help overcome moral challenges: Pranab Doimukh, November 30 (PTi): The people of the country need to make an extra effort to surmount the contemporary moral challenges, President Pranab Mukherjee on Saturday said, stressing the need to focus on education for India to be “truly developed”. “Educational institutions have a pivotal role to inculcate in our youth the core civilizational values of love for motherland, performance of duty, compassion for all, tolerance for pluralism, respect for women, honesty in life, self-restraint in conduct, responsibility in action and discipline,” the President said at the 12th convocation ceremony of Rajiv Gandhi University in Doimukh. Asserting that education is the bedrock of an enlightened society, he said a good education breeds tolerance for divergent views.

“Our country has done well in terms of economic development. Yet, we cannot claim to have evolved into a truly developed society,” he said. “Development is not only about factories, dams and roads. Development, to my mind, is about people, their values and their devotion to spiritual and cultural heritage of our nation.” “At a time when we, as a nation, have to make an extra effort to surmount the contemporary moral challenges, it is holistic education that must play a definitive role in shaping our values,” Mukherjee said. The President, who was on a two-day visit to the northeastern state, expressed concerns over the declining standard of country’s higher education and suggested its overhaul. “Today, our universities lag behind the best universities in the world. Accord-

ing to an international survey, an Indian university or an institution is missing from the top 200 ranks. Naturally, we feel shock,” he said. “India is poised to become a world power. Not merely physical expansion is enough, we must have quality expansion. There is no dearth of quality teachers and students, what we need is quality education and an atmosphere for that,” the President said. “Why should our students go to abroad? Why can’t we create reverse reaction? For that, we need to emphasise on education and research,” he said. Mukherjee said ancient universities in the country had excelled in providing education not only for one or two years but for 1,800 years, yet none of our institutes figures in list of world’s top 200 such centres. “Our ancient universities -- Tak-

shashila, Nalanda, Vikramashila, Valabhi, Somapura and Odantapuri -- were renowned seats of learning that attracted scholars from outside.” Mukherjee said country’s higher academic model must undergo significant changes from the traditional pattern of delivering education. He said every university has shortage of teachers but that cannot be overcome overnight. Technology can play an important role for it, he said. The President also laid emphasis on conducting research activities in universities across the country. Mukherjee asked students of the university to conduct innovative research on border trade opportunities and ways to integrate northeast economy with the national and global economies, among other, to help in the region’s development. “Arunachal Pradesh is

Gospel music rules over rock in Mizoram

NeW DeLhi, November 30 (iANS): It is tough to sell rock albums in Mizoram because of the dominance of gospel music in the northeastern state, says Atea, vocalist of Boomarang, a rock band from the state that is trying to meander its way into the country's mainstream music scene. Boomarang, which also consists of Boom (guitar), Joshua (bass) and RS aka Rosangliana (drums), was formed in 2005 but has only now come up with its debut album "Home". "We have a number of rock bands in Aizawl (capital of Mizoram). But the general music scene is dominated by artists who sing church songs. Not hymns, but gos-

pel songs. Rock songs don't sell that good. Gospel artists' CDs sell more," Atea, who performed with band members in the capital earlier this week, told IANS. He believes religion plays a role in the success of gospel music in the state. "Most of us are Christians (nearly 90 percent of its one million population); so a major part of the population listens to gospel songs," he said. Bands or artists in his hometown also have limited ways to make their music reach out to the masses. "If people want to come up with an independent album, they need to sell it themselves. Usually 10,000 copies are sold for Rs.100 or

Rs.200 each. There are a few NGOs like the Young Mizo Association that help in selling CDs. They distribute to the community by visiting houses," said the singer. The band, which has also been named 'Top ten bands to watch out for' in India by the Rolling Stone magazine, had to start off by singing covers. Now, the members are glad they don't have to take the difficult route to make their music known. Their three-year association with Contrabands, a joint venture between record label Universal Music India, entertainment channel Vh1 and live music venue Hard Rock Café has given them the right platform.

"Contrabands has helped us a lot. We got a chance to frequently play our video on a channel like Vh1. For bands like us, it's the perfect platform. We are able to play more live shows and we finally got a chance to share our music with the country," said Atea, who is on a multi-city tour with his bandmates. As part of the contract, they will get to play in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad. They have also played alongside international acts like Korn, Lamb of God, Aurora Jane, Fire house, Tribal Tech and Enslaved. But for them, the capital turned out to be the most exciting place to perform in.

Operation Smile: Spreading joy in North East

GuWAhATi, November 30 (TNN): After successfully conducting over 10,000 cleft lip and palate correctional surgeries in Assam, the Comprehensive Cleft Care Centre of Operation Smile is now planning to extend its services to other parts of the northeast. The centre will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Tripura government in December for conducting similar surgeries and camps there. According to a survey carried out by the centre, there are around 4,000 backlog cases in Tripura. The director of the Comprehensive Cleft Care Centre of Operation Smile, Mahesh Deori, said, "Our aim is to reach

out to those suffering from cleft lip and palate across the northeast and hence the foray into Tripura. We now intend to sign an MoU with the Tripura government to facilitate correctional surgeries. After the final approval, an outreach centre will also be inaugurated for patient recruitment, screening and treatment. We can also treat patients from Bangladesh because of its proximity to Tripura. In Assam, we have already completed more than 10,000 surgeries and only around 5,000 cases remain in which surgeries are required, according to our survey. These will be completed in the next year or two." He added that the first mission,

lasting five days, will start in January at Agartala Government Medical College. Around 50 surgeries will be conducted in this phase. "We have submitted a proposal to the Tripura government, requesting funds to execute the mission and are awaiting the final approval. There will be no surgeons from abroad, with the team comprising only local surgeons, nutritional experts and speech therapists. Complicated cases will be handled at this centre," Deori said. Earlier, the centre had signed an MoU with the Meghalaya government where 330 surgeries have been conducted so far.

AFSPA extended for LOST NOTICE a year in Manipur I, Benrithung W Mozhui have lost my imPhAL, November 30 (PTi): Barring seven Assembly constituencies within Imphal Municipal area, the controversial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act 1958 will be extended for another year in insurgency-hit Manipur from Sunday. The Act will be enforced in all the districts of the State except seven Assembly constituencies of Wangkhei, Yaiskul, Thangmeiband, Uripok, Sagolband, Shingjamei and Khurai, all in Imphal municipal areas. The decision to extend the Act was taken in a Cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh, government spokesman M. Okendro said. The Act has been enforced in the state for more than two decades after it was extended annually. The duration of the last extension expires this evening. The Act was removed from the seven Assembly constituencies about a year ago following intense agitation demanding its withdrawal from the entire State. Social activist Irom Chanu Sharmila has been on fast unto death for more than 13 years demanding repeal of the Act after killing of 10 civilians by Assam Rifles near Imphal airport on November 2, 2000. The Act gives extra powers to security forces

to deal with insurgents and if anyone wants to fight against the forces for any violation of human rights, he or she has to get permission from the Union government.

purse which contained my ATM Card, Grocery Card, Cheque, Passport etc & Cash of Rs. 5000/- today in an auto rickshaw while coming from Dhobinalah to Duncan Basti. So finder may kindly contact @ 9612962325/9401307718.

on the threshold of a major transformation. Economic sectors, especially hydroelectric power and tourism, have immense potential to drive the economic development of this state and which can be an engine of growth in this beautiful state. Education has to be a facilitator to this change,” Mukherjee said in his address. He said there is scope for conducting innovative research in northeast India, a region rich in natural resources and biodiversity, and this (Rajiv Gandhi) university must prioritizethefieldsofresearch that it wishes to undertake. “You must carry out inter-disciplinary research on natural resource management. “You must conduct research on challenges to hill economy, conflict between traditional and modern institutions, border trade opportunities and integration of the northeast economy with the national

andglobaleconomies,”hesaid addressing the students. Mukherjee, who had arrived in Doimukh on his maiden visit to the state after be-

ADVENTUROUS DURING HORNBILL FESTIVAL Date: 1st -10th December 2013 Sunrise View & Telescope View of capital city of Kohima at Mt.Puliebadze All local, National & International tourists are invited. Taxi/Guide will be provided. Timing: 4:00 am -5:00 pm. (Indigenous food available)

Organised by:-

Jotsoma Eco-Tourism Committee Contact No. -9436000530(Chairman) -9089102953(Secretary) -8014678916(Info. Secy)

coming the President, praised Arunachal Pradesh for its natural beauty. The President congratulated the students who were awarded degrees

and gold medals for their meritoriousperformanceand asked them to help less fortunate brethren of the society by educating them.

CHRISTMAS BOOK FAIR DATE : 2-14 December 2013-11-30 VENUE : Books, City Tower Junction Circular Road, DIMAPUR TIME : 9:00 am -5:00 pm (Closed on Sunday) CONTACT : Ph.03862-229370 Cell.9862008081



Regd.No: 524 Date: 29th Nov ’13 I, Mr. HAIWANGBE ZEME S/o Lt.Isuaneing declare before 1st Class Magistrate on this day 29th Nov.2013, that Shri. Mr.Haiwangbe Zeliang is the same person and my documents name is Mr.Haiwangbe Zeme as official used. Declaration is made in sound mind and health. Deponent

Solemnly signed and declared by the deponent before me on this day the 29th Nov ’2013 1st Class Magistrate Jalukie, Nagaland


S/ No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76


Christmas is One Month


M/s Kewekhro MPCS Enhelumi Village, Phek M/s Treasure Cove, Toili Jimo Thahekhu village M/s Lehnon Traditional Society Mon Town M/s Ayoklar ( Asangla) Aoyimti, Dimapur M/s Ngopkai Konyak Mon Town M/s Inaholi Zhimo Satakha village M/s Zhetoli Handloom Unit Mishikito village M/s Jemima Handloom Unit Half Nagarjan, Dimapur M/s Nilimi SHG Handloom Unit Burma Camp, Dimapur M/s Zhetoli N. Sumi (Hono Welfare) Thilixu village M/s Akokla Weaving Unit Changtonya town M/s Amongla Weaving Unit Signal Angami, Dimapur M/s Narola, Weaving Unit, Signal Angami, Dimapur M/s M. Sazha, H/loom & H/craft Model colony P/Bazar M/s A. Ozha, H/loom & Weaving Kuda C, Dimapur M/s Avikali, Handloom Unit Doyapur M/s Viholi Zhimo, W/ Unit Thahekhu BL- 7 M/s Aza Sana SHG Thahekhu BL- 7 M/s Kitoshi Zhimo W/ Unit Thahekhu village M/s Adanee, Handloom Unit Purana Bazar M/s Akala Handloom Unit Full Nagarjan, Dimapur M/s Ajung Handloom Unit Dimapur town M/s Marang Handicrafts Unit Full Nagarjan M/s Hukali Handloom Unit Mishikito village M/s Laye SHG Mishikito village M/s Dithun Jalukie M/s Witan Jalukie M/s Akali Sumi, Handloom Unit Mishikito village M/s Tokali Sumi, Handloom Unit Thilixu village M/s Inatoli Sumi Handloom Unit Mishikito village M/s Bendilar Handloom Unit Purana Bazar M/s K. Nitoli Sumi Handloom Unit Thilixu village M/s H. Kashini Sumi Handloom Unit Mishikito village M/s Ao Temolung SHG Mokokchung M/s Sungro SHG Mokokchung M/s Priscika Yamchunghor Diphupar M/s Nikiqa SHG Kuhoboto M/s Limuqho SHG Sewak colony Dimapur M/s Mhabemo SHG Wokha M/s Nuraja Begum Titabar Jorhat M/s Laila Begum Kathalguri Golaghat M/s Raja Ali Kathalguri Golaghat M/s Nazim Begum Golaghat M/s Taslima begum Golaghat M/s Neck Hussain Golaghat M/s Surida Begum Golaghat M/s Lengkemlar SHG Changtonya town M/s Athui Newmai Ruby SHG Mhainamtsi village M/s Ayianu SHG, ( Amongla) Nagarjan Dimapur M/s Handloom Centre Dimapur town M/s Eshah Konyak Mon Town M/s Kuputi Handloom Unit Yeshuluto village M/s Akitoli, Handloom Unit Shukhuvi village M/s Phongla Phom Handloom Unit Signal Angami, Dimapur M/s Mendi INC Dimapur town M/s Pelhoutuou Handloom Unit Tenyiphe village M/s Avi Z. Dailiam Hope SHG Dimapur town M/s K. Baishem Phom Longkhum Longleng town M/s R.K. Ranjana Devi, Wangkhei Imphal East M/s O. Tombi Devi Kongba, Imphal west M/s Ng. I Devi Imphal west M/s Kh. Renubala Devi Imphal west M/s S. Usharani Devi Khurai Ahongei Leikai M/s K. Premobori Devi Konthoujam Mayai Leikai M/s Zangna SHG Mhainamtsi village M/s Khutoni Handloom Unit Burma Camp, Dimapur M/s Hokheni Burma Camp, Dimapur M/s Kainali Assumi Thahekhu village M/s Likina Chophy Mishikito village M/s Philimi SHG,H/loom Unit Thilixu village M/s Tozheli Handloom Unit Mishikito village M/s Viholi Handloom Unit Thilixu village M/s Kavili Zhimo Toluvi village M/s Azanogo Kughakulu SHG Thilixu village M/s Soyim Society Padampukhuri, Dimapur M/s Alemla Handloom & Weav- Signal Bosti, Dimapur ing Unit 77 M/s Livi Sumi Handloom Unit Surumi village 78 M/s Atula Ao Weaving Unit Signal Angami, Dimapur 79 M/s Tovili, Handloom Unit Thilixu village 80 M/s Chayulila Lemtur Signal Angami, Dimapur 1 The selected participants are hereby directed to report to the Exhibition Ground, Urban Haat, Dimapur on 4th December, 2013 at 6:00 A.M. 2 The participants are hereby directed to bring their banner/synage for display in their respective stall. 3 The participants are also hereby directed to keep their exhibits in their respective stall under lock & key.The office shall not be held responsible in case of any losses/theft. Sd/Hokiye Yeputhomi Managing Director

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public discoursE



1 Decebmer 2013

Dr. Imkongliba Ao, a Freedom Fighter of a different kind

(Dr. Imkongliba Ao, 1903-1961)


he celebration of the 50th year of the creation of the State of Nagaland nostalgically reminds me of the unforgettable memories of those adolescent days when I dreamt, laughed and cried under the cuddle of my parents. I vividly remember that eventful night when death almost snatched away our lives. It was then a normal night. The arrival of summer had just broken the hot and dry season under which my home town Mokokchung had slogged for quite sometime. The town looked refreshed and resilient after the long winter spell. As for me and my sister Amenla, it was a normal night for study and in the next room, my father along with some of his


close associates, N.I. Jamir and Pangerkumba were locked in a serious conversation on the prevalent political situation of the then Naga Hills. Then all of a sudden, heaven broke loose when bullets were sprayed indiscriminately at our home. Our study room that faced the jungle from where the bullets came received the maximum shrapnel.It was only by providence that our lives were spared except a slight injury sustained by my sister on her left arm. She carries that scar till today. This incident happened more than fifty years ago, yet, I still carry that memory on my chest with a touch of emotion and often with anger. Those were the defining days, perhaps one of the bleakest chapters in the annals of Naga history when our society was churning through a conflict of fear, suspicion, bloodshed and an uncertain future as both the Indian Army and Police and also the Undergrounds had committed their own share of excesses in the name of justice and freedom. Such tale of events where the common people received the maximum beat-

he Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee extends its warm greetings to the people of Nagaland on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of statehood. While the people and the state revels on this landmark occasion, the NPCC proudly acknowledges and honours the pioneers of statehood who made innumerable sacrifices while steadfastly remaining committed to the idea of statehood which gave the Naga’s an identity and platform to be heard by the civilized world for the first time. While todays generation reap the fruits of statehood bequeathed by the founding pioneers, the present state of sordid affairs that has become synonymous with the functioning of the state and its people was never envisaged by our founding pioneers when they first took the step for establishing a state born out of immense political conflict where the people paid a heavy price to protect the Naga identity against the onslaught of forces which were then deemed to be different from our way of life. The NPCC therefore calls upon the people of the state to rededicate themselves on this momentous occasion with renewed vision and commitment and gear up to face new challenges particularly in demanding clean governance for

welfare of the people and development of the state. Unresolved Political Problem hampers the state In retrospect, the state has no worthwhile achievement to showcase its journey as the 16th State of the Indian Union for the past fifty years. The people are still yearning for a permanent solution after decades of armed conflicts culminating into the ongoing Indo Naga political peace talks that have dragged on for the past 16 years without any signs of breakthrough. The protracted political problem has severely stunted the growth and development of the state and for which an early political solution to bring the decades old peace talks to a logical conclusion is eagerly anticipated by the people. NPF Govt’s Golden Gift to State on 50th Anniversary; No Works Programme for 2013-14 The NPF led DAN govt after decade of its misrule has aptly gifted the state on its 50th Anniversary an occasion to celebrate without Works Programme for 2013-14. Misgovernance and massive corruptions perpetrated by the NPF led DAN govt for the past decade has emptied the state treasury with the deficit figures hovering

Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box co ntains the digits 1 through 9.”

Game Number # 2722


ChelseA PlAyers.









De Bryune


















above 1500 crores, an unmanageable situation for a small and resource crunch state like Nagaland. Thousands of crores sanctioned by the central govt through various flagship schemes gets siphoned off while the work remains only on paper. Since the state govt has failed to bring out the works programme for 2013-14, entire developmental work has come to a grinding halt. NPF has nothing to offer in 11 Years of its Misrule The state in its fiftieth year is yet to witness a well developed infrastructure to support the growth and development. Countless numbers of potholed ridden roads both on national and state highways adorn the landscape of the state. First time visitors will be subjected to backbreaking journeys with clouds of dust storm kicked up by plying vehicles in dry seasons and monsoon seasons resembling more of dirt mud track for off roading enthusiasts. Power supply plays hide and seek with every passing season and large areas of the state goes gets blacked out for months and years. Clean drinking water supply is a rare commodity. Govt Schools continues to be plagued by ghost teachers while the students are subjected to brave




ways and means to restore peace and stability in a strife torn society. Thus, for this cause, the heaviest responsibilities in drawing up a road map towards restoration of stability was placed under the leadership of my father during one of the most crucial and uncertain periods when none were prepared to shoulder such awesome but thankless responsibilities that were fraught with dire risks to the safety of his life and family as life then, was only a bullet away. My father was basically a family man, who loved his family so dearly. It was nevertheless his innate passion of his attachment to his family that moved him so profoundly when he saw the cry and anguish of his people. Thus, consequently from the home comfort, he found himself roped into the centre stage of the Naga political arena. Under his leadership, the Naga Delegation negotiated with the Government of India following which the historic 16 Point Agreement was signed. The 16 point demands submitted by the Naga Delegation to the Government of India were fully deliberated by the Naga People’s Conven-

tion before it was presented. The Agreement that contained the main provision for the creation of the State of Nagaland as the 16th State of the Indian Union and this agreement that has been so much debated, criticized or appreciated, loved or hated was perhaps the only logical and practical agreement made between two identical parties at that moment of time in containing a precarious situation that was going out of hand.This agreement that also contains provision in protecting the State’s future interest, continues to remain the one workable agreement that has survived the test of time. My father was a person who fought for the freedom of his people but freedom of a different kind. He never owned an air-conditioned luxury car nor stayed in an air-conditioned room. He had no bodyguards following him nor had fat bank accounts. I still recall an occasion when my father could not pay for my further studies. After spending few days of anxieties, my father could barrow a sum of Rs. 2000 from the then Deputy Commissioner, Mokokchung in

NPCC on 50 Years of Statehood



ing were either interpreted or misinterpreted according to one`s taste and understanding even till today. Amidst such an abnormal situation,where hope for stability was running out of people`s minds and only despair, frustrations and hopelessness were the only available topics that were either discussed or argued upon; the first historic Naga People`s Convention was held at Kohima from the 22nd till the 26th of August 1957. It was a convention of a different kind attended on record by 1,760 delegates drawn from all the Naga tribes of the then Naga Hills and more than 2000 other participants from various professions including bureaucrats, educationists, social workers from Naga Hills and outside. In this Covention my father, Dr. Imkongliba Ao was elected as the President of the Naga People’s Convention. It was an assembly of the Nagas not necessarily convened to specifically decide on the issue of Independence, but rather it was an assemblage of people to deliberate on the then political turmoil and to consciously explore

the rain, heat and cold since the shelters have long worned out. Mid day meals for school children land up elsewhere while fortunes of officials keep multiplying year by year. Health care still remains inaccessible for majority of the populace. Chief Minister and his cronies have become businessmen and contractors themselves to consolidate their ever increasing wealth and business empire which will even put the MNCs in pale comparison when it comes to overnight growth. Law and order situation continues to deteriorate. Writ of the state hijacked by nefarious elements that have established a parallel govt and continues to mushroom under the patronage of the NPF govt, where lives of people are burdened and threatened from all ends with the govt remaining a hapless spectator. State govt hosting all major official meetings on Sundays while remaining unseen and unheard on other days of the week thereby reduces the significance of Sunday among the majority of the populace who professes to be Christians. Dimapur Bandh on 3rd Dec While the state celebrates its 50th Anniversary, the NPF govt continued shielding of Imkong L Imchen and its refusal to drop

Tali Longkumer

meeting my needs. He often walked in jungles to meet the undergrounds and also drove a second hand jeep through dusty and bumpy roads in moving to various destinations. Even for sending messages to Kohima, I often saw him running to the Assam Rifles Camp at Mokokchung where the generator was found most of the time out of order. He had only the courage and his faith in God in pursuing his vision. He thus waged a war for the freedom of his people, but freedom of a different kind – a freedom from fear and uncertainties, a freedom from conflicts and a freedom from bloodshed. His tragic death which was mourned by the entire nation was poignantly expressed in the late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s condolence message in Parliament that reads, “Dr. Ao was a patriot with a great vision who truly served his people and endeavoured courageously to restore peace in Nagaland. He stood by his principles despite threatand constant danger to his life. He died a martyr’s death in the service of his people and his country.”

him from the cabinet for being chargesheeted by the Wokha Police for getting caught red handed with crores of unaccounted money, illegal arms and banned liquor in his possession at Wokha during the state assembly elections in Feb 2013 has once again proved that the NPF govt protects and rewards criminal elements masquerading as leaders of people. The series of agitations launched by the NPCC starting with poster campaign in all districts on 27th Nov, Dharna at Nagaland Civil Sectt on 29 Nov has failed to prick the conscience of the Chief Minister who is more concerned with hosting festivals and proudly showcasing the deplorable state infrastructure to outside world. The NPCC has therefore decided to start its next phase of agitation by calling for a 12 hour Bandh on 3rd Dec at Dimapur which will later on be called in other districts if the NPF govt continues to protect Imkong L Imchen who has been chargesheeted for his criminal conduct. The continuation of Imkong L Imchen as minister has put an indelible blots on the state 50th Anniversary celebrations, which will long be remembered as the NPF legacy of protecting and rewarding criminal elements. Issued by: Media Cell, NPCC



Answer Number # 2721





















ACROSS 1. Metal 6. Hairdo 10. Soft drink 14. Robust 15. Bearing 16. Burden 17. To begin with 19. Notch 20. Ancient ascetic 21. Levy 22. Achy 23. Agile Old World viverrine 25. Delineated 26. A female domestic 30. Greek god of darkness 32. Experience 35. A despicable coward 39. Burgled 40. Record player 41. Spiral 43. Timidity 44. A flammable gas 46. Makes lace 47. Birch relative 50. Requires 53. Happy cat sound 54. Snagged 55. Narcotic

60. Dwarf buffalo 61. To a complete degree 63. Deliver a tirade 64. Not tame 65. Fruit of the oak tree 66. Tall woody plant 67. Leg joint 68. Verse

DOWN 1. Sneaker or pump 2. Sailors 3. Twin sister of Ares 4. Border 5. Prevaricating 6. Doctor’s group 7. Air cleaner 8. Connected by kinship 9. Chalcedony 10. Coherent 11. Scallion 12. Ill-gotten gains 13. Requested 18. Born as 24. Prefix meaning “Modern” 25. Vigorously passionate 26. Pulp 27. Initial wager 28. False god 29. Careful 31. Hit hard

33. Happen again 34. Annoying insect 36. Region 37. A musical pause 38. Sleep in a convenient place 42. Ointment ingredient 43. Behold 45. Urticate 47. Not together 48. Pertaining to the moon 49. Pilotless plane 51. Man’s best friend 52. Lance 54. Rubberneck 56. Skin irritation 57. Greeting at sea 58. School session 59. Sea eagle 62. Lyric poem

Ans to CrossWord 2733

The Morung Express

The Horn Bill Festival: What Are We Celebrating Anyway? Kaka D. Iralu

I am not against the celebration of the horn Bill festival which is celebrated every year beginning from December 1 in order to commemorate the State inauguration day. This year specially, we are celebrating it for 10 days in commemoration of 50 years of Nagaland’s Statehood. The Hornbill festival is a festival that looks like a beautiful flower showcasing the vibrant and varied culture of the Nagas. Hence, it cannot, but be appreciated for its beauty. However, like any other flower, the Hornbill festival flower too is perched on some branches stem and roots. I would therefore like to draw the attention of the reader to the whole tree on which the flower is perched rather than just looking at the flower in isolation. 1. THE ROOT: The root of the Hornbill Festival is of course the 16 point Agreement which led to the formation of the State of Nagaland on Dec. 1, 1963. This demand for statehood was engineered by the Naga people’s Convention (NPC). The NPC was in turn, formed under the patronage of Indian Government agents like S.M. Dutt. The original purpose of the NPC was to form a mediating committee for bringing the Government of India and the Federal Government of Naga land (FGN) to a meeting place in order to resolve the conflict between the two nations. However, this mediating body completely by-passed the FGN and negotiated a settlement with the Indian Government on July 26, 1960. The mediator thus became the negotiator and negotiated an agreement with only one party of the conflict. 2. THE STEM: The stem of the Hornbill Festival is of course Article 371 A of the Constitution of India. This special article laid the legal and Constitutional foundation for the creation of the Nagaland state as the 24th state of the Indian union of 1947. This special provision for the state of Nagaland was done through the 13th amendment of the Constitution of India. 3. THE BRANCHES OF ARTICLE 371 A: Article 371A of the Constitution of India has two special branches. These special branches are Article 371 A (a) and (b).Article 371A (a)begins with the words: “ Notwithstanding anything in this Constitutionno acts of parliament in respect of religious or social practices of the Nagas; Naga customary law and procedure; administration of civil and criminal justice involving decisions according to Naga customary laws; ownership and transfer of land and its resources, shall apply to the State of Nagaland unless the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland by a resolution so decides.” 4. Article 371A (b) also begins with the words: “Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution-The Governor of Nagaland shall have special responsibility with respect to law and order in the state of Nagaland…” The powers of the Governor went on to state: “Provided that if any question arises whether any matter is or is not a matter as respects which the Governor is under this sub-clause required to act in the exercise of his individual judgment, the decision of the Governor in his discretion shall be final, and the validity of anything done by the Governor shall not be called into question on

the ground that he ought or ought not to have acted in the exercise of his individual judgment.” In this context, “Notwithstanding” means, in spite of anything written in the Constitution of India. Therefore, it can be legitimately stated that in the context of Nagaland, the Governor of Nagaland is placed in a position that is higher than the Parliament of India or even the Constitution of India. The Governor of Nagaland is also empowered with both Legislative and Executive powers. Now, the first branch of Article 371A (a) gives an extraordinary special status for the state of Nagaland which is not enjoyed by any other states in the Indian union. This status provides that besides religion, customary laws and criminal justice, even land and its resources shall belong to the people of Nagaland. However, the second branch which is Article 371 A (b) takes away all these extraordinary rights by giving law and order responsibility to the Governor with indisputable and unlimited powers. After all what more dictatorial powers can be given to an individual than words like, “ the decision of the Governor in his discretion shall be final, and the validity of anything done by the Governor shall not be called in question on the ground that he ought or ought not to have acted in the exercise of his individual judgment.” When all these different aspects of the Hornbill tree is taken into consideration, the final picture that emerges is like this: On the one hand, under Article 271 A, we Naga have been given a status unprecedented and unsurpassed in the annals of democratic constitutional history. However, on the other hand, under the same article, an unprecedented and unsurpassed dictatorial rule of a Governor has been imposed on the Nagas for the past 50 years. As for details of how the Governor can uproot and relocate entire villages from one place to another and other sweeping powers, refer to The Nagaland Security Regulation Act 1962, The Assam Maintenance of public Order Act 1953, the Assam Disturbed area act 1955. AFSPA 1958etc. (To our favor and gratitude, neither the present Governor of Nagaland or his two predecessors have ever arbitrarily exercised their powers to our detriment). In the final analysis, the Hornbill Festival flower that celebrates the formation of the state of Nagaland, is sitting on rather precarious branches! But more alarming is the stem that has been slowly rotting away because of the corrupted white ants eating away the tree from the very trunk. These white ants made their way to the trunk from the roots because the roots of the tree are planted in the soil of the political and geographical lie that Nagas are Indians and Nagaland is Indian Territory. In conclusion, after the granting of Article 371A, we received much financial and economic assistance from the Government of India. But politically, we did not get anything from either the 16 Point Agreement or Article 371A. In fact politically, everything that we had was taken away by these two acts. In the end it left us floating in the air with nothing but a Hornbill Festival to celebrate all our past glory and culture.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Unite for desired outcomes: Governor

KOHIMA, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): On the occasion of Nagaland’s 50th statehood anniversary, Nagaland Governor, Ashwani Kumar has called upon the people of the state to unitedly formulate plans and implement policies to achieve desired outcomes. The Governor in a statement stressed on the need for rapid economic development and creation of employment opportunities for the youth. He further called for “total improvement” in the educational system, quality of life and advocated for a “horizontal expansion of infrastructure and healthcare.” The Governor encouraged the youth, women, religious organizations, civil society and the political/bureaucratic leaders to join hands and launch programmes with effect from January 1 2014 to make Members of the international band “Biuret” from Korea at Niathu Resort, Dimapur after a meet held with press personnel. The band will be performing for the Hornbill Music Festival 2013 on December 1, at Naga Solidarity Park, Kohima. (Morung Photo)

Governor delivers Nagaland Statehood Anniversary message. (DIPR Photo)

Nagaland the “most happening and the happiest state before 2020.” Stating that Nagaland “enjoys a unique and special position in the comity of Indian States,” the Governor said “there are specific provisions in the Constitution of India to protect our customs and culture.” “These have helped us, over the years, to preserve and

promote tribal traditions and have given us exclusive rights over our land and its resources,” he added. He asserted that in the five decades of Nagaland state’s existence, “we have taken several measures to forge and foster unity among all the people and tribes living in our State.” The Governor added that “Democracy has taken deep roots in the psyche of individuals and has strongly embedded itself in all our social and political structures.” “Our Village Councils are mini Republics. Our Customary Courts, laws and procedures are protected. Religious Institutions enjoy complete freedom. The District Planning & Development Boards are fully empowered to take decisions for the common good,” he stated. The Governor asserted that these are “great

finished “technical formalities”, work on the project has been delayed. The committee did not specify what formalities it included. It however set a tentative December date, during which work is slated to begin. In this regard, the NFRCC said that it will be meeting with the PWD (Roads & Bridges) engineers at the earliest. The NFHRCC at the meeting further resolved to disallow members from bidding for ‘contract works’ related to the project on

achievements and symbolize the fulfillment of our long cherished dream of being masters of our own destiny.” He further congratulated erstwhile leaders, elders, successive governments and the people of the State for these achievements. He opined that Nagaland state has “surpassed many States of the Indian Union in these areas of social, religious and political development.” “The performance of our State in these areas is a matter of pride and a source of satisfaction for all of us,” he added. He further expressed appreciation for the contributions made by “leaders, social organizations, religious institutions and societies in maintaining peace and harmony and taking our State forward on the road to progress and development.”


1 December 2013

KOHIMA, NOVEMBER 30 (DIPR): The seven surviving members of the Interim Body met after 50 years at the residence of Governor of Odissa, Dr SC Jamir at Forest Colony, Kohima on November 30. The seven surviving members, namely, Dr SC Jamir (83), Hepong Phom (96), Lothi Rengma (93), T Kikon (81),

Khupan Yimchunger (86), Lutjakae (82), Tokheho Sema (82) appealed for the people of Nagaland to unite in order to bring a political solution. “The State of Nagaland has been purchased by the blood, tears and life of the people and it is very dear to our heart and mind,” Jamir said. He also said that the

Vertical Poly Cultivation: Naga farmer’s innovation

grounds of ethics. It was stated that under no circumstances will any member be allowed to bid for contracts. The NFHRCC and its members would rather standby as watchdogs, mainly to monitor quality and to supervise progress of work, it was declared. Furthermore, work contracts awarded for the project must be distributed on the principle of “sharing” among the ten member tribes of the committee, it stated.

some flowers too using this Vertical Poly Cultivation technique,” he added. The director noted that land has become a limited factor for cultivation of different food crops especially in the urban areas. Sustainable agriculture has become the mandate of the

present decade because the need to feed the ever increasing population needs to be solved through scientific farming as well as new innovations. For this, he said, farmers of Nagaland are also putting all efforts so as to bring sustainable food production.

Falcons which were satellite tagged at Pangti roosting site in Doyang before they took off have arrived at the coasts of Africa and are continuing their journey towards South/SouthEast of Africa. The falcons tagged as Pangti, Wokha and Naga were deployed with PTTs on November 7. A press release issued by M. Lokeswara Rao, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Head of Forest Force informed that the behaviour of the birds changed markedly over the journey period - the long non-stop flights turned to a slower movement with regular night roosting. Wokha even interrupted the migration for some days, probably to re-

in food this time of the year and provide suitable conditions for the migration of the birds. On November 29, Naga was spending its time in Tsavo National Park East in Kenya for the past two days; Pangti was in Tanzania; Wokha had crossed Somalia and entered Kenya. People of Nagaland, this year, came together and facilitated the safe passage of Amur Falcons during their migration to South Africa, where they spend their summer. Acknowledging the support of the people, M. Lokeswara Rao stated, “This was not possible without the help of many stake holders and NGOs like Natural Nagas and Wildlife Trust of India, Nagaland

dents of Pangti village, fishermen community, Village Councils.” The real heroes, he said, were the people of three villages - Pangti, Sungro and Asha who showed the world how communities can help in protecting and conserving wildlife. According to the note, these people sacrificed their livelihoods and protected the Amur Falcons in collaboration with forest department. This model of community conservation by people within a short period should be replicated in other parts of the world, he suggested. “The people once hunters have become conservationists.” He further stated that churches played major

culture among the people. Many churches in Wokha district participated in the programme. It was one of the “unique” conservation movements in the world where the church was involved, he added. Forest department had organised awareness programmes in schools and villagers. Meetings, workshops, seminars and Amur Falcon Marathon were also conducted. The forest protection force patrolled the roosting site round the clock and all the forest officers contributed towards protection of the Amur Falcon. Media also played a major role in publishing the conservation activities, Lokeswara Rao stated.

Vertical Poly Cultivation of garlic displayed at Heritage Village, Kisama.

Alovika K Assumi, winner of Kids For Fame 4th Edition at the grand finale held at Dimapur Club this evening. (Morung Photo) Morung Express News Club, Midland, Dimapur.

There was nothing ‘kiddish’ about this year’s edition of Kids For Fame singing competition. Clearly making much needed improvements, the organizers of the promotional event, Pheto Music Association (PMA), had done an excellent job of selecting talented children between the ages of 10 and 15 years and provide a platform to display their talents. The grand finale of the 4th edition Kids For Fame show was packed with powerful and polished performances by the contestants, held at Dimapur

thankful to the Almighty for enabling us to see the Golden Jubilee,” Jamir said. Jamir further informed that a book titled ‘Nagaland 50 years and beyond,’ written by him, will be released at Kisama on December 1, and that the first copy will be presented to the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee.


BAN condemns murder

MUD advent Christmas today

Folk music album by Lidi Krotho released

The six finalists making it to the final, after a series of elimination rounds were Sharon Kiba, Nisheli Yepthomi, Sevi Khruomo, Nungtilong Longkumer, Akhrole Keyho, Alovika K Assumi. However, the ultimate winner chosen through a public voting system winning the grand prize money of Rs 2 lakhs was Alovika K Assumi (1,54, 330 votes). The winner also received proficiency award certificate, and one-year career contract with PMA. The first and second runners-up were Akhrole Keyho (1,20,824 votes), and Sevi Khruomo (98,644 votes).

distinct Naga identity has to be protected and preserved by all means and at all cost, which he said was their common objective. Jamir further expressed that at present, the face of Nagaland is completely different, with many developments in various sectors. “The 7 surviving members of the Interim Body are

DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): BAN (Business Association of Nagas) has strongly condemned the “heinous” murder of sand dealer Kishore, whose body was found near Ghotovi village area. BAN in a press release appended by Mar Longkumer has appealed to the authority concerned to thoroughly investigate and leave no stone unturned in bringing all the culprits to book and give severest punishment under the law. Thungbemo Murry, chairman (BAN) on behalf of the association further extended condolences to the family members of the victim.

Alovika K Assumi takes home Amur Falcons reach Kenya and Tanzania NOVEMBER fuel her stocks. The eastern Biodiversity and Wildlife role in spreading awareKids For Fame 2013 title WOKHA, 30 (MExN): The Amur African savannas are rich Conservation Trust, stu- ness, inculcating green

Dimapur | November 30


The seven surviving members of the Interim Body met after fifty years at the residence of Odisha Governor, Dr SC Jamir in Kohima on November 30. (DIPR Photo)

DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): A successful farmer Chipen Patton from Akuk village of Wokha district has come out with a novel innovation for growing garlic in poly bags which is now being exhibited at the Hortiscape under the State Level Exhibiton Cum Competition at the Heritage Village, Kisama. The novel innovation work has been adopted by the department of Horticulture and is now being under technical trials at the State Horticulture Nursery, Dimapur. Director of Horticulture informed that different annuals can be grown in this Vertical Poly Cultivation at any place because it occupies very less area. Water use is very precise and the unit area occupied is in a vertical plane therefore, the technique can be very useful for the urban dwellers. “Now our Naga women can grow annuals like garlic, onion, leek, coriander and

Foothill Road still in the pipeline DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): The dream Foothill Road Connectivity Project is yet to take off, four months after the Nagaland government in a declaration made in July, set an October date for commencing work on the road. Unfinished “technical formalities” was attributed as the reason for the delay. The Nagaland Foothill Road Construction Committee (NFHRCC) stated on November 30 during a meeting in Dimapur that due to un-

5 Surviving members of interim body meet


The Morung Express

DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): The Maram Union Dimapur (MUD) advent Christmas cum annual meeting will be held on December 1 from 7:00 am onwards at the Maram Union site at United Village, Dimapur. MUD, president, James in a press release has invited all family members of Maram residing in and around Dimapur to attend the celebration.

Guidelines for taxi drivers during festive season

KOHIMA, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): All Nagaland Taxi Association (ANTA) has informed all its members to follow the following guidelines during the festive season: Keep the vehicles neat and tidy; Drivers should wear shoes and dress properly; Drivers must not charge extra fare from any person, be it tourist or local, more than the rate fixed by ANTA; Driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited; Taxi driver should be available till 9:00 pm for the ongoing night bazaar. ANTA in a press release cautioned that any driver found not following the guidelines will be punished as per the rules and regulations set by All Nagaland Taxi Association. If passengers find any driver violating the guidelines, they can contact ANTA Action Committee Convenor Menuovilie Suohu – 9774649602; Action Committee Secretary Chuba Jamir – 8974249646; Anga Khromo – 9856249757.

WYWO condemns

TUENsANg, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): Western Yimchungru Women Organization (WYWO) has expressed that the “uncivilized” attack on Rhakila Lakiumong at Helipong junction Tuensang on November 22, reportedly by NSCN (K) is “questionable” and “shameful”. Questioning the motive behind the attack, WYWO in a press release said, “When the Naga political process was looking forward with strong initiatives by Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) and Naga civil societies as well, such heinous act and targeting on innocent leaders has ghastly impact on Naga society.” WYWO, while condemning the incident has apprised the collective leaders of NSCN (K) to trace the offenders at the earliest and reward befitting punishment as per the law.

Former DGM, NSCB Ltd passes away

DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): Former Deputy General Manager, Nagaland State Cooperative Bank Limited (NSCB Ltd), Kanteswar Kalita, passed away yesterday, November 29 at a private nursing home in Guwahati. He was 75. He was cremated on November 30 at Nabagraha Cremetion Ground, Guwahati. Late Kanteswar Kalita was a founding member of Dimapur Namghar. He was once the vice president of Namghar Comittee. Late Kalita was also the Secretary, Dimapur Sahitya Sabha till 2012. President, Sahitya Sabha has expressed grief over the sudden death. The president stated that late Kalita was a man of principle and always stood for truth, while extending condolences to the family members.

Excise personnel Kohima seize liquor

KOHIMA, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): The excise personnel under the Superintendent of Excise & Prohibition, Kohima conducted a raid at AG and Old Ministers Hill colonies on November 28 and 29 and seized a total of 95 beer cans, 71 bottles of IMFL and six bottles of beer. A press release issued by Superintendent of Excise, Kohima informed that the duty was performed under the command of Deputy Superintendent of Excise. According to the note, the accused have been penalized for violation of NLTP Act ’89 and the seized articles have been deposited at the Superintendent of Excise Malkhana, Kohima.

PDEF mourns Azu Newmai’s death Members of Lidi Krotho with Khriehu Liezietsu during the release of the album on November 30.

KOHIMA, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): Chairman DPDB, NRE & Advisor MTF Khriehu Liezietsu released a music album entitled "Tenyimia Pfhekru iiko" at his residence in Kohima this morning. The music album comprises of folk songs

sung by Lidi Krotho, Kohima Village. Speaking at the release, Khriehu lauded the women on their efforts in bringing up the album. He expressed delight at their dedication to preserve their beautiful culture, which would

further help the younger generation to relive the traditions of their elders in the past. The advisor also hinted about a folksong competition during next year's Sekrenyi Festival in a bid to promote folk culture, which, he said is losing mo-

mentum in the State. Members of the group expressed their gratitude to Richard Belho, who helped bring out the album in the form of a Music CD. The album CDs will be made available in the markets, the group added.

PEREN, NOVEMBER 30 (MExN): Peren District ExParliamentarian’s Forum (PDEF) has mourned the sudden death of Azu Newmai, ex deputy minister on November 26. In a condolence note, the Forum secretary Bangdi Iheilung stated that late Azu was a man of integrity, great courage, true leader and dedicated social worker. His demise has created a vacuum which is difficult to fill, and is a great loss not only for Zeliang community but for the Nagas in general, he added. The Secretary on behalf of his wife and Forum further conveyed condolences to the bereaved family members.

Sunday 1 december 2013





NagalaNd at 50


Abraham Lotha

here are many positive aspects of the Naga society during the last 50 years, but I like best the fact that Nagas have made great strides in education. Among the many stakeholders, the Catholic Church in particular is to be thanked for its commitment to promoting quality education for the Naga people. Education is the backbone of any society, and it is a good sign that Nagas have an increasing appreciation of its importance. Congratulations to the many parents who make numerous sacrifices to educate their children. Of late, there is a new breed of young people in Nagaland who are providing reasons for optimism about the future of the Naga society. For example, at the recent Job Oriented Skill Development Mela at the Agri Expo Complex, Dimapur, it was a promising sight to see many young people signing up for job oriented skill development courses. There is also an interest in sustaining professionalism coming in at different levels of society, particularly among the young generation. For instance, on 8th Oct, Inoto Khulu, a young entrepreneur and co-founder of ‘Design Stash’ was selected as the Best Young Entrepreneur. He won a cash award of Rs.5 lakhs sponsored by MP Rajeev Chandrashekhar. The recent Naga Chef competition is another example of an initiative that encourages new generation of Nagas to prepare for a career and seek a livelihood. The emergence of new civil society organizations such as the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR), Action Committee Against Unabated Taxation (ACAUT), and Naga Tribal Council (NTC) exemplify other developments wherein people are beginning to exercise their democratic voices in positive ways, championing the rights of all Naga peoples. These organizations are leading the way to educate people about their rights, whether it is regarding political voice, or rightful taxation, or participatory governance. All of these issues have to be appropriately confronted and addressed. In the midst of these positive developments, it is hard not to be critical when we look at the present state of affairs and find that so much is yet to be done. At the Best Young Entrepreneur Award ceremony, Ms. Hekhani of Youth Net, representing the many young entrepreneurs in the state, requested Mr. Rio, the Chief Minister, to help provide basic infrastructures such as steady electricity, good roads, and a secure, efficient finance system. Poor electricity, dangerous roads, lack of water supply, and bottlenecks in the financial industry continue to create roadblocks for entrepreneurs in the state. Dependable communication and transportation, connectivity and networking are essential services needed by today’s generation, and yet these areas of concern have been

sorely neglected. In particular, we have failed to assure that road connectivity in the state is sustained, safe and properly maintained. In all honesty, Rio’s Road Shows have become Bad Road Shows. If it were an equation, one would say, RRS = RBRS (Rio’s Road Shows = Real Bad Road Shows). Bad roads are the public face of Rio. Instead of Nagaland, Land of Festivals, what we have is Nagaland, Land of Bad Roads. The bad roads get worse as one travels from one district to another. As one of the students at St. Joseph’s College commented, it is dangerous to take pregnant women on our roads; babies will be bumped out before they reach the hospital. There is not one stretch of road in Nagaland that is worth its name. There is a lot of patchwork repair being done on the roads in Kohima this week. But it is mostly cosmetic. Road repair works should be undertaken not merely to impress tourists for the Hornbill Festival. When repairs are needed, they should be thorough and done immediately, throughout the year to assure safe travel. The roads to many villages in the state have not been blacktopped even once. One such glaring example is the road to Lakhuti, the second largest village in Wokha district. The road from Sanis to Lakhuti was constructed in 1966 and till today it still has not been paved. It is not surprising, then, that there is an increasing whisper among the Lothas to demand for a Union Territory status. The people in the district are tired of being sidelined and of being treated as if they were poor stepchildren who did not require attention. The former President of East Timor and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate José Ramos Horta recounts an incident in which he went to villages promoting peace in the country: "Mr. President,” someone said to him, “we really like your road to peace, but we prefer a road to our village.” Perhaps, Nagas in every nook and corner could say something similar. “Mr. Rio, we like your Road Shows and Festivals, but we prefer a road to our village.” As a solution to the bad road conditions, Mr. Rio has proposed that Nagas settle in the plain areas along the border. But what guarantee is there that life would be better there? Consider Dimapur or any of the border towns in Nagaland. Where are the good roads in any of these townships? There seems to be a lack of imagination and thoughtful analysis in finding creative approaches to our problems like this one. After 50 years of statehood, what have we really achieved? As someone has said, “Growing old is unavoidable, but growing up, is an option.” Nagaland is 50 years old, but has Nagaland grown up? I would like to suggest several other areas of ongoing concern. The Indo-Naga political impasse has made it conducive for the production of selfstyled organizations. Civil organizations such as the Naga Hoho and nationalist organizations such as NNC and NSCNs started

out well keeping the greater interests of the Naga people as a central focus, yet these organizations are increasingly becoming Self Help Groups, now seeming to function more to help themselves. The recent tension within the Lotha (Kyong) Hoho is an example wherein some officials in the civil organizations have used their current positions as essentially a means of earning a livelihood. Thus, self-styled appointments in many of the civil society organizations are not a surprise. The original charisma and the common good of the Naga people have to be restored as the focus within these organizations. Secondly, in considering the use and prohibition of alcohol, church organizations such as the NBCC have become similar to the nationalists in not wanting to face the reality. For example, it is either a matter of false pride or vested interest that the NBCC is against ending the prohibition. The citations from the Bible employed to support the prohibition are often pulled out of context and misinterpreted. Prohibition has not and will not be successful in Nagaland. There are significant historical examples throughout the world suggesting that prohibition is not the best way to respond to the social problem of alcoholism. Sometimes it is in public interest to accept defeat and move on. In terms of governance, choosing the right leaders is important. Nagas need statesmen and visionaries. Milwida Guevara’s story of Mayor Jesse Robredo about good governance can be an example. One night, in his dream, a young engineer was sent to slay four dragons in Naga city: “poverty, corruption, inefficient public service, and the gambling dragon called jueteng. “How will I do it”, he asked? “I do not have a magic sword. I am not invincible! But the voice told him, “Do not be afraid. You have stronger weapons of honour, vision, sincerity, and competence.” Naga society needs more leaders with these qualities. As Frank Herbert says in Children of Dune, “Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern.” When it comes to governance, there has to be more accountability. In Nagaland, for instance, we might create incentives for a good governance award similar to the Mo Ibrahim Foundation prize in Africa. Naga tradition has many stories of what happens when people are neglected. One Lotha folktale tells of a man who took children to work in his field. They worked hard but the man refused to give lunch to the children. The children went to bathe in the river and said, “He will not give us rice in time so we will become catfish. We are catfish.” As we prepare to enter the next fifty years of Nagaland’s future, we do well to remind ourselves that if we neglect Naga people’s rightful demands and do not care for them, either the worst in them may surface or perhaps they may become something else, something over which no one is able to take control.


Voice of the people once life, trying to fulfill what one Iingndreams may not do it completely dura short span of one’s life, Every nook

and corner has partially developed. Yet, our Nagaland is lagging behind others in terms of road construction, considerable peace is seen and freedom is not up to the mark. Therefore first phase is communication, second education and then development. Yet, development against the will of others is not mandated by all. In order to make complete 50, one should think how we lived through those years. Kiutsumong

ots have changed in the world in these fifty years of Nagaland. Starting from L the premiere of first 3D Movie, “Bwana

Devil”, in 1953, to the latest of launching the ‘Mars Orbiter Mission” successfully. So has Nagaland been able to cope up with the gigantic leap and changes that the world has undertaken? Well, it will be wrong to say Nagaland has not witness some changes. But has it been able to develop? I doubt, as “Changes” can be indicated to bad thing as well. Example: As people are urging for industries to be set up in their state or area, the lone Paper mill in Tuli, Nagaland is sadly rusting away. That is the trend of “Change” happening in Nagaland.

In general, Nagaland in these fifty years has been overshadowed by lot of hardships and struggles rather than the success. The determination and the hardworking seeds sown by our great leaders and achievers like P. Shilu Ao, Dr. T. Ao, A. Kevichusa, Dr. K.K. Angami and so on has brought us the laurels and given us the pride and joy. But we the present generation has mostly failed to go beyond what they have done. I should say “The Great Achievements” have been on the lower rate in every aspect. But in saying that, it does not undermine the some progresses that have been made. It is rather sad that most of fifty years has been dominated by killings and corruptions. Living style, fashion, needs and wants have all evolved, but it is disheartening to see the Hardworking genes of our forefathers getting disappeared in us. Sometimes it seems we have moved backward rather than moving forward. Yet we still hope to see the ever welcoming, smiling and Happy Nagaland as we project to the world sooner than later. Nagaland has lot to offer in terms of talent, beauty and resources. The only thing we have to do is to nurture and find out ways to sustain it. Moa Nochet

Pros: Our perspective has widened and we have become more receptive to changes. We are evolving as a fast paced society in terms of adeptness, education, talents etc. Cons: Blending our culture to the changes around us and balancing between the two is creating chaos & confusion amongst our young generation. Akivili Ovi Yeptho he truth is there is that the cons weigh more than the pros. Look around and see the difference between privilege & T unprivileged, increasing divide between the rich & the poor, ‘isms’ like tribalism, favouritism seems to be in the blood, corruption becoming the accepted norm, respect for humanity fast degrading, increasing social problems emerging because of unsolved problems, priorities misplaced, selfish interest, hatred etc.. and the list goes on. PHEW! It is too heavy and painful...If only everyone would do our bit to lighten this weight. Gracy Sumi

Why Nagaland? Why not Naga Pradesh or Naga Province?

Vaprümu Demo | Kohima Good Morning Nagaland! (I am just a year older than you but I must sound like one today. Summing up all the remarkable achievement and recognition you have earned for us in 50 years time, I praise the Almighty God you rightfully deserve on this very auspicious day of your birth the highest salutation from your offspring. Like many others I was too young to comprehend how it all started from the beginning but when it actually started on 1st December 1963, you and I grew up together from toddling to maturing although the pace you picked up was incomparably much ahead of us and our God given time. For all I know unlike the extra-cared human child born like me your unusual birth was smeared with sneer and not smile, rejection not reception, condemnation not celebration because your origin was challenged as illegitimate not legitimate, bastard and not even foster child. Then people had miserably died and people had mercilessly killed beside unaccountable agony caused. Even the name given to you was not only objected but derided even by persons of high responsibility in august gathering. Yet by virtue of the celebration of your 50th Birth Anniversary today, I take this opportunity to introduce your name especially to those who may be wondering or unaware of how ‘NAGALAND’ actually came into being (not into use). Why Nagaland? Why not Naga Pradesh or Naga State or Naga Province? This was the immediate reaction of several opposition MPs when Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India announced the imminent statehood of Nagaland to the august house of Lok Sabha on August 1, 1960 as the heated debate begun by 13:42 hrsDr. Ram Subhag Singh, MP: “... I do not clearly understand the meaning of the word ‘Nagaland’. I, therefore, request the Prime Minister and the Government to carefully name that area. It may be named Naga State or Naga Pradesh; Nagaland is something bigger.” Nehru replied: “It is true, but that word was accepted because of the strong desire of the Naga leaders to have it.” Still the other members continued to objectC.K. Battacharya, MP: “Do they want to have an outlandish name? Nagaland is outlandish.” Raghunath Singh, MP: “It should be something like Naga State or Naga Province.” Two years twenty seven days later on August 28, 1962 when the debate resumed

at 4500 hrs the same objection remainedIn reply to Dahyabhai Patel MP, Nehru stated: “Frankly I would have preferrednot that I have any objection to NagalandNaga Pradesh. We did suggest that but they have strong sentimental attachment to Nagaland. They have been calling it this way for some years past and sometimes, as hon. Members will realise, sentiment is a strong thing and we did not think that we should by-pass or come in the way of that sentiment...” At another time in a meeting between the Prime Minister and the Home Minister, Pandit Pant, someone objected to the name ‘Nagaland’ as it “did not sound very Indian”. Nehru instantly shot back: “Damn it! They want it, don’t they? If the Thais can have a “Thailand’, why should the Nagas not have a ‘Nagaland’. They want it. Let them have it.” In similar manner there are many non-Nagas who feel that the name sounds too foreign or foreign instigated. Even Nehru initially suggested a purely Naga name but since the Naga delegation insisted on ‘Nagaland’ he willingly accepted it. NAGALAND, as we are now integrally attached and identified with, was officially recognized in the approved document of the 16 Point Memorandum of the Naga People’s Convention concluded at Mokokchung on October 26, 1959. When the 16 Point ended in Agreement on July 28, 1960 and thereafter adoption of Article 371(A) with Special Provisions, Nagaland became a dream come true in the given situation. It was as Nehru said: “Our discussions for four days have led to a happy conclusion.” Someone covetously commented; “Here was autonomy within autonomy, further privileges over and above the special privileges.” Nagaland thereupon became a reality envied by many, an identity of its own and a status above others. Rightly commented by an opposition, “Nagaland is something bigger”. However, it would be unhistorical and unrealistic if we do not go back to the original source and give the due recognition to the ones whose ingenuity and wisdom had (perhaps for the first time although unofficially) christened ‘NAGALAND’ for the anticipated status being initiated then. On February 1, 1956 some Naga public leaderssome say liberals, some say alternate leadership- led by Jasokie and Sillie Haralu met at Kohima and decided to submit a memorandum to Nehru, the PM wherein the name ‘Nagaland’ was categorically mentioned in their memorandum. I quote the bottom lines of the Memorandum: “In short, we want a Nagaland within the Indian Union

free to develop according to our own heritage and way of life and administered by men who will treat us as equals with friendship and trust and who believe that in the end it is only Naga Indians who can build an Indian Nagaland.” Certainly at that point of time when political movement was at the zenith we would have strongly felt uncomfortable with this kind of proposition but now in the 50 years of reality we cannot but only value the farsighted vision of those departed leaders who saw our today. Why, only 10 years ago almost everyone dumped The Bedrock of Naga Society with indescribable contempt but today almost every one of those is celebrating the 50 years of Statehood within the Indian Union as the biggest ever held ‘state mela’ in the history of the Nagas. Not that we shouldn’t celebrate; we must. But we also must appreciate and accept what we celebrate for. No less, we must unpretentiously acknowledge and recognize all those leaders/members that made this life time celebration possible, whether they are alive or death. Someone had explained it so well somewhere there is no need to do it again. I can only mimic the immortal words of the British War Heroes- “When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today” - for the unspoken of and rather forgotten State Heroes. We must know and appreciate why the State founding members insisted on a name resisted by others as outlandish, un-Indian, non-local, foreign etc. Naga tribal are very meticulous in giving befitting name to a person, place or situation with relevant meaning. For instance my name, if translated to English: “Nobody will deprive me of what is rightfully mine” was given in relevance to a certain situation. So is the capital city Kohima, which is related to the natives and the land of Kewhimia. On the contrary a tribal will certainly wonder why India is called India when it sounds full English than Hindi or Uttar Pradesh when the meaning of Uttar is not related to the inhabitant. For that matter South America when no one is American down there or not everyone is American either in North America. To the Naga tribal culture this is weird and irrelevant. For them everything, from the simplest to the most complex the name given is definitely correlated with certain identity or situation. Names are not picked up randomly or used carelessly. One cannot deny the long association of the Nagas with the British so the possible attraction of names like England, Scotland or Ireland could have influenced the Naga leaders as well. However, the fact remains on record that the Nagas declared war

against first the British, then India for a separate political identity because they did not want to be dominated by the Indians or assimilated into a giant Hindu dominated nation. Reason for this and the intense opposition and threat from within, the Naga leaders would not accept or opt for an Indian term like Pradesh or a British colonialist term like Province. Also in the Naga tribal culture the land is regarded equally important as the people and they are identified as one or together. This is the reason why most village names/places are appended with ‘ma’ or ‘mi’ (meaning people) like Kohima, Kisama, Chizami, Chishilimi etc. This way, whichever term is used- Pradesh/Desh in Hindi or Land in English it would carry the same meaning to the Nagas but at a very critical point of time when they were wriggling under the severe atrocities and excess committed by the Indian Armed Forces, the Nagas definitely would not welcome unfamiliar, unfriendly term for his/her land. Nehru was fully aware of this strong sentiment and attachment. The special protection given not only to the people but even to the land and its resources by Art 371(A) is due recognition given to the land-people relationship and its importance in Nagaland. Moreover, the leaders’ successful exertion upon Nehru for a special status for the new state was not an ordinary achievement and therefore, their firm decision to have a grand name ‘NAGALAND’ was considered most befitting to the reality and situation of the Naga people. Therefore, Nagaland came into being with its own history, sentiment, affiliation and relevance with the people and the land of the Nagas. Any alternative name will sever all these connections. Rightly said in the present situation: “History repeats itself”. Even as we are celebrating the 50 years of statehood today history is once more repeating itself. We are celebrating the same statehood- Nagaland; same placeKohima; same day- Sunday; almost same time-10 AM; same program; same President of India (in different person) as Chief Guest; same Chief Minister of Nagaland (in different person) to welcome the President of India; same cameras flashing and rolling; same enthusiastic crowd of people and horde of guest as it exactly happened 50 years ago on December 1, 1963. Only this time the speech of the President of India and that of the Chief Minister of Nagaland will be different. 50 years ago the prevalent situation was much different and much difficult too. The median speech of the President and also the speech of the 1st State Chief Minister on the 1st Statehood Day in 1963 were both focused on things to come

in 50 years time or so. In reverse order today the President and also the Chief Minister will deliver their respective speech on things happened during the 50 years time. It will be of much interest to listen to their speeches because the people are watching with curiosity and hope. Definitely the response of the sensitized people of 50 years statehood in 2013 will not and cannot be the same with the expectation of the curious people when statehood was introduced in 1963. Past 50 years appear too brief in our memory today but another 50 years appear too far away for many as they may not live that long to see the light of that day. So many people have not made it even today. It is a pity when the good escapes but the bad lingers, when the desirable melts but the undesirable accumulates. At time like this we cannot help feeling that when something is started the days ahead appears more important (as it did in 1963) but when something has started (during 50 years) the immediate present becomes more important than the distant future (another 50 years). Looking back is not a solution either. Sadly, Nagaland, as it is now, is weighed down with more problems than the actual problem for which statehood was created. Looking at the otherwise beautiful State but manifold problems within it, I am reminded of a Hindi film song: “Duniya, duniya very good, very good. Duniyawale, very bad, very bad”. Who will own the responsibility; GOI, GON, factions or collectively? How many more years are required to demand or to deprive or to deny even an acceptable solution? Can we at least try to learn from the meaningful teaching“A stitch in time saves nine”. The cry of the common people remains unheeded. Else it will be the rarest of the rare opportunity if our distant voice is seriously listened at least on this auspicious today when the President, who holds the highest position in the country and the Chief Minister of Nagaland share the same dais on the soil of Nagaland to celebrate with the people the 50 years of statehood. Unfortunately, this time the President (we were told by the authority) has come only to grace the program and not to address the problem(s) from any group. In 1953 when Nehru came to Kohima the people did not meet him because the authority bungled the situation. It was a missed opportunity. Final word- Indeed Statehood was a desire granted but NAGALAND, as it is called is our own call. Our calling therefore is to protect it and promote it. Together, hand in hand we can maintain it as beautiful as somebody compared- “Switzerland of the east”. God bless you Nagaland.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.



THE MORUNG EXPRESS 1 December 2013






Kedo Peseyie

hristians are supposed to be nice people. Polite people. Saints. And that’s exactly our problem. We are often too nice and saintly to make a difference; too polite to speak the truth; too patient to be angry. Anger is not a sin. In fact, living in a society like ours, if you are not angry then there is something wrong with you. I am not referring to personal anger over some personal issues. But anger at injustice; anger at controversial government spending (like this week!), systems that does not work, etc. All these deserve our wrath and perhaps even violent reaction like Jesus at the Temple. But who has time to be angry? It’s a shame that these days to be angry seems a luxury of the rich and privileged. Common people have better things to do, like, for example, standing in the queue for hours waiting to book a gas cylinder, then another day to pay for that cylinder; or waiting for the electricity for hours so that we can put up an angry post on facebook only to find that the anger is forgotten when the electricity actually comes (because majority don’t run on

inverters); or busy arranging alternate water supply, surviving the roads, dodging army and VVIP escorts and the city dust, etc, etc. I cannot count the number of hours I have spent on these activities. They are far too many. So you see, who has time to be angry. In fact I should be counted among the rich and privileged because I have the time and luxury to write this article which people may not even read. Height of leisure and luxury. But all is not lost. There was a time when we would paint and decorate our houses and shops, clean our compound and colony just for the sheer pleasure and joy it gives us, but today we are required to do all of these by order, and many of us do it out of frustration and anger, because the government wants to woo a higher and richer visiting power and not the people. Talk about the unfaithful husband. We are like the forgotten wife. So you see, people like me can also find time be angry after all. And thank God for that, because I believe anger is a positive force for change if we can learn to channelize it properly. If this is true, then we have a gigantic reserve of this force in Kohima alone. Although anger is not a virtue in itself, it is linked to other key virtues like love, justice,

“If you can mobilise the energy that comes from your anger rather than letting it control you, it gives you energizing fire.” –Rosalyn Williams

concern and truth. William Sloane Coffin writes, “A capacity for anger is very important because it you don’t have anger, you will begin to tolerate the intolerable. If you are not angry, you are probably a cynic. And if you lower your quotient of anger at oppression, you lower your quotient of compassion for the oppressed. I see anger and love as very related.” The Bible does not say that love is never provoked or angered, but it says, “Love is not easily provoked or angered”. And when it is provoked and angered, may God have mercy on those who provoke it. So if you are not angry today, may God have mercy on you. If you are angry, you definitely need God’s intervention more than you realise because you are standing on holy ground. Jesus once walked into the Temple and threw out those who were selling and buying, overturning their tables and benches. The Bible does not explicitly say he was angry. But he was. Not only was he angry, he expressed that anger in very concrete termsalmost violent. What is fascinating about this incident is that Jesus seems to have the luxury to be violent without condoning it or making it the norm. He had the right because he bore the most violent outburst of anger

against sin on the Cross. But not us. This event showed be classified, “Never try this at home.” But perhaps there is a time for everything, as Ecclesiastes says. Allow me to suggest a few thoughts on dealing with this kind of anger.

Channelizing our anger to something constructive. Anger is dangerous because it gives a wonderful opportunity to the Devil to gain a foothold in our inner lives. But it also gives a great opportunity for good to come out. Part of the meaning behind Paul’s instruction, “Do not let the Sun go done while you are still angry” can also mean, “Do not let the Sun go down without deciding to do something about it.” Anger can be a motivation to positive social action. A few months back I met a young man who once worked as a history professor in a college. After suffering three ethnic violence (Naga-Kuki conflict in the 90s) where his family lost everything they had, he was bitterly angry. More violence was not an option. As he prayed about it, he felt God leading him to go to a Seminary and prepare for Church ministry. He said if peace is to come, we have to lead the way. As he told me his



Dean, ScePTre, Kolkata

pittance with little work guarantee or satisfaction, but much alienation. As staff or sellers of arts and crafts, they are perceived as a means to a ‘nice’ holiday. Culture is recycled and presented as something to watch without its deeper moorings. People and whole nations are depicted, commodified, and marketed with simplistic labels and slogans, and not as a society with culture, history and values. Nature too is an object rather than God’s creative act. To satisfy the tourists’ gaze, nature is commodified as scenery and ‘must see’ destinations. Assessed in such a light, mass commercial tourism exhibiting a subject-object structure is individualistic, hedonistic, and materialistic. Driven by a formula with predictable elements, it is not designed to seek the unexpected or the holy, to search for discovery, meaning and learning, to facilitate of a journey into the limitless unknown. The benefit for the visitor is fleeting as there is little opportunity for those who meet each other as strangers to develop true friendships, but this is arrogantly dismissed as unimportant. As a result, the myths and preconceived notions remain unquestioned and block a sincere experience of another culture, and the reality of the hosts. Considered as an escape from home, work and the mores of one’s own place, its objectives are limited to instant gratification, physical relaxation, and superficial leisure. It invades the other culture and requires it to be reshaped on its terms. It is inherent, then, in such tourism, visitors are assumed to gain subjecthood and fulfillment through interaction with objects. This is obvious when almost all tourism advertising focuses on the enjoyment of the tourist with little reference to the local people. Interaction with objects cannot be the basis for fostering between the visitors and the visited a sense of community and belonging to the one human race. In the absence of a subject to subject relationship, the local people are deprived of human dignity. Objectification is irreconcilable with the creation by God who sees us as created in His image. The Bible testifies that in the scheme of God’s creative plan, creation belongs to all, shared by all. It is entrusted to humanity to be governed responsibly, nurtured carefully, and loved gratefully. People and the rest of creation are not meant to be exploited nor destroyed. Its fruits are a repository bequethed for the benefit of all humanity. However, today, inequality is the order of the day. A relatively few have seized a disproportionately large share of the world’s resources, consigning a vast majority, especially in the South, to poverty and

Projection. We have to be very careful about projecting our anger on other people. Many people are angry for the right reasons, but they make the situation worse by reacting wrongly and projecting it on innocent people. Here is where the Devil gains more than a foothold in our lives.

Bitterness. And finally the most common. Many people not angry, they are just bitter at others and the way things are. And here is where the Devil wins the total victory. Nothing good can come from bitterness. Bitterness is negative energy that burns itself out, and burns you out in the process. But anger can be a positive energy that fuels our passion for justice, equity, for love and truth to prevail. Are you angry at injustice and corruption? Say a prayer about it. Come up with an action plan. Resolve to live justly, love mercy and walk humbly. This itself is a powerful counter-cultural force. And do it before the Sun sets. Because the passion may also set with it.

History of St. Mary Church Anatongre


Wati Longchar he Bible in one sense is an account of people on the move. There is the constant travel of people – for better quality of life, refuge or sanctuary, missionary purposes, conquest, trade. Bible affirms that travel is essential, but gives a different view than modern tourism. There is a difference between travel in the Bible and modern tourism. Modern tourism in many cases is a human’s self seeking satisfaction or pleasure driven enterprise by objectifying others as commodity or means of one’s satisfaction. For instance, a study conducted in Goa by a group of Jesuit priests shows that majority of the tourists in Goa are military personals and industrial workers. Israeli tourist behavior and patterns in Goa has revealed that the Government of Israel provides travel package incentive to all the soldiers after the completion of compulsory military service as incentive. The intention is to release stress and appease the soldiers after stressful work and training. Similarly, industrial workers are given travel package bonus by the companies to release their accumulated feelings of oppression in alienating and health hazard working conditions. Tour packages are consciously organized by the ruling and owning class to avoid unrest, protest and rebellion. Tourists who travel under these circumstances arrive at the destinations merely for enjoyment, relaxation and pleasure. They objectify everything as commodity for enjoyment and pleasure. Tourism would be a force for good if undertaken in a spirit of humility, equality, sensitivity, and respectfulness for the other culture, and the individual and community moulded by it. But tourism has evolved to be a movement of the relatively few rich to the lands and regions of the predominantly poor for the purpose of self-gratification. It is known for its escapism stoked by myths, fantasy, and superficial notions, openly or subliminally communicated, of ‘bliss’ and ‘a taste of paradise’ involving the sun, sand, sea, and sex, and ‘unspoilt’ nature at the core of its advertising. Such make-believe messages appeal to the escapist and hedonistic drives of people eager ‘to get away from it all’ and flee the tensions and frustrations of stressful, fast-paced, modern, industrial, urban life when most of the South are facing the challenge of survival, even physical, themselves. The Bible challenge objectification and commodifization of people, their culture and God’s creation for creed and personal gratification. All human beings, females and males, are created in God’s image, and hence are the subjects and not objects of creation. Any concept that pictures human beings as objects for enjoyment by commodifying them is a travesty of human values, and an insult to human beings. But modern tourism is configured around such an approach. With their myths and demands, and the financial power of the tourists, people in host countries come to be regarded as instruments and means of service and entertainment. They are not perceived as human beings with their own dignity and autonomy. Sex tourism provides an unfortunately clear example of this. It devalues sex that, as God designed it, is an expression of a loving relationship between two equal human beings created in his image, and acting within the context of the sacredness of marriage. In sex tourism, the other is consigned to the status of an object of pleasure for the powerful enjoying a superior economic position through a power imbalance. The commodification of women’s bodies is replicated in the abuse of children victimised in a world of paedophilia. The local people are objectified when they are valued as no more than servants at the beck and call of the tourist for a

story, I was often in tears. We could say his angry led him to the church, and I find that thought very attractive.

subsistence level existence. Such principalities and powers, who exist at all levels of human society, determine the structure and priorities of the economy that is fundamentally unequal to most. Tourism is a profits-driven industry that exploits what it does not own. It thrives by marketing nature – the sun, sea, mountains, rivers, landscapes – icons from Genesis, and a legacy for all. However, governments and the tourism industry implement a capitalistic model that benefits a few at the expense of the many. While tourism has the potential to do much good, one only has to see some of its impact as it has grown: devastating overcrowding at resort areas, beaches, and significant sites; increased pollution in streams, rivers, and seas, and other areas of attraction to tourists; increased deforestation and the use of land to make room for resorts, airports, and other facilities that affect the livelihood of people as arable land decreases. All of this destroys the biodiversity that is a hallmark of creation. While bodies such as the UNWTO and the Convention on Biological Diversity may urge sustainable planning and management of tourism as a way to conserve biodiversity, the reality is that a heavy human presence from traditional forms of tourism, including aviation and cruise shipping, accommodation and operations with high use of fossil fuels-based energy is destructive to biodiversity. In the same act of impacting on biodiversity, tourism contributes to the injustice of people in the South through increasing global warming and climate change from carbon emissions, while leaving the community with the task of coping with its negative social, economic, cultural, and environmental effects. This is the new face of the poor, cherished by God. (Deut. 10:17-18) Is this the creation that God intended for His people? Tourism, a dominant industry, needs to be prophetically challenged to understand that the earth and all its gifts are created by God, and belong to all, not just to the investors of the industry, the tourists, the world’s affluent, or those who promote a kind of ‘development’ that does not benefit the poor. As Christians, we have the duty and the task to provide leadership through our ideas and practice. When creation is under threat and when people are commodified, we are called to speak out and act in the pursuit of life, justice and peace, for the stewardship and integrity of creation. Churches are called and entrusted to demonstrate prophetic witness to announce God’s love for all and denounce the ethic of domination.

he beginning of the Catholic faith in Anatongre can be traced back to the year 1967 when Late. Rev. Fr. Mathew Manianchira stationed at St. Thomas Church at Tuensang. It was in 1967, T Khongjumong from Anatongre village went to St. John’s School Tuensang for his studies. He stayed with the fathers and studied and also learned Catholic faith and catechism under Late Rev. Fr. Miranda and Late. Rev. Fr. Mathew Manianchira. In the evenings of those days Khonjgjumong would learn Catholic catechism, though at first he was hesitant to learn but after having known the true faith he wanted to bring the faith to his village. In the year 1969 Late Rev. T J Chako made his maiden visit to Khongjumon’s village and stayed in his house and met the village council. Anatongre village council whole heartedly welcomed father and told if anyone wants to embrace Catholic Faith there is no objection from the village authorities’ side. But after two years when Late. Rev. Fr. T J Chacko made his second visit people were reluctant even to welcome him to their houses. But as the scripture says “No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” Luke 9:62. Fr. Chacko did not turn back but trusted in the providence of God and Mr. K T Tsangli who later became a Catholic gave Fr. Chako and his three companions’ shelter and food for four days. And in 1972 in the presence of the village council Late Rev. Fr. T J Chacko celebrated the Holy Mass in Anathongre village for the first time. It was after a decade fathers from Kiphire under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Mathew Thunampral and Abraham Ramji visited Anatongre village a number of times. Though people had expressed the desire not to divide the village with another church, but to those seekers the treasure cannot be hidden. It was on 3rd June 2001 seven families were received to the Catholic faith from Anathongre for the first time. Among them the families of Peter Pensu and Bosco Kinlang remained steadfast. It was on 2nd September 2001 Rev. Fr. Mathew Mhabemo along with church leaders visited the Catholic community but there was objection from the village council saying to wait for some more time for the people to join the Catholic Church. God’s ways are different from men. On 23rd September 2001 another 12 families were received into the catholic faith. As the scripture says “The believers praised God enjoying favor with all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved” Acts 2:47. The seeds of faith which was sown in the hearts of few began to sprout and the community began to take shape. There were people who understood the missionary command of Jesus “Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Mathew 28:19 Therefore to proclaim Christ and form communities is the primary duty of Catholic Church. It was during the time of Rev. Fr. Alex Vizo the then parish priest eight families embraced the Catholic faith. This small community began building a small church but nearing completion the structure was pull down on 9th July 2010. The community remembered the words of the Gospel “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up” John 2:19. Yes, true to its message the people remained steadfast even in the midst of trials and tribulations and today after three years they are able to have a place for worship. Many were the meetings, memorandums, orders, which were issued during these three years. May heated arguments were exchanged. Many misfortunes took place. But the community and the public understood their mistakes and by the administration in whose intervention and wisdom and in the sight of law the matter for the construction of Catholic Church was settled. On 5th April, 2013 the present site for the church was blessed in the presence of fathers, sisters, delegates from Kohima, Kiphire and community members of Anatongre. 26th November 2013 is a new beginning. A day of rejoicing, a day when people of the village were able to sit down together and reflect together, pray together and forgive each another. St. Mary Catholic Church at Anatongre village will continue to remain as a symbol of unity and love. We thank Shri John Tulise ADC, Aboi who inaugurated the Church. We thank Most. Rev. Dr. James Thoppil the shepherd of the Diocese of Kohima for blessing the church on this day. There are many who stood by in moments of misfortunes, there are many who helped us in difficulty, many who encouraged and sustained the faith community. At this moments I thank all who helped materially and spiritually to make this dream a reality. A special note of thanks to the Public Administration led by Kesonyu Yhome and his predecessors who stood by the law and acted judiciously in settling this issue, may the good Lord bless them all. Bless their work. We continue to pray and follow the command of the Lord: “love one another” John 15:17.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Rev. Fr. Benny Varghese Parish Priest St. Peter’s Parish Kiphire




Sunday 1 December 2013

The Morung Express

JAPAneSe IMPerIAl CouPle ArrIve In InDIA on gooDwIll trIP

Japanese Emperor Akihito, left, and Empress Michiko, second left, stand for a photograph with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, right, and his wife Gursharan Kaur upon their arrival at the airport in New Delhi, India on November 30. The Japanese imperial couple are on a weeklong visit to India, where they last visited in 1960. (AP Photo)

New Delhi, November 30 (AGeNcieS): Japan’s imperial couple arrived in India on Saturday on their first ever official visit, billed by New Delhi as a symbol of goodwill towards Asia’s biggest democracy. Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko will meet the Indian premier and other dignitaries during their six-day visit, the first by any Japanese emperor to India. The royal couple, who had visited India in early 1960s as crown prince and princess, were received by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the airport tarmac in New Delhi. The Indian foreign ministry said the

government was according “utmost importance” to the visit to ensure the royal couple have a memorable trip. The visit “is a symbol of the goodwill of the emperor and the Japanese people towards India”, a top Indian foreign ministry official told reporters in New Delhi ahead of their arrival. “We are very honoured to be able to accept this goodwill gesture from the Japanese side,” East Asia affairs director Shambhu Kumaran said. Japan’s emperor is the nominal head of state and does not enjoy political powers. But customarily, the emperor’s visit to any country is highly significant and sig-

postmortem. The injured GRP jawans are Md Imtiyaz and Vinay Kumar, the SP said adding that arrangements were being made to rush them to a hospital. Besides five automatic rifles, unspecified number of cartridges were also looted by the Maoists from

the GRP jawans, he said. The five GRP jawans belonged to the Bihar Military Police (BMP)’s 12th unit at Bhagalpur and were escorting the train on way to Danapur, Das said. Meanwhile, the Sahebganj-Danapur InterCity Express has reached Jamalpur railway station.

3 GRP jawans killed as Maoists attack train in Bihar

mUNGer, November 30 (PTi): In a daring attack, armed Maoists on Saturday shot dead three GRP jawans and injured two others, besides looting five rifles from them in Sahebganj-Patna Inter-City Express in Bihar’s Munger district, police said. The incident took place in

the running train near a tunnel between Jamalpur and Ashikpur railway stations on Saturday evening, Jamalpur’s railway superintendent of police Amitabh Kumar Das said. Two other GRP jawans sustained bullet injuries, he said. The Maoists loot-

‘AIDS-related illnesses killed 2.1 lakh children in 2012’ New Delhi, November 30 (iANS): At least 2,10,000 children died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2012, according to a report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The 2013 Stocktaking Report on Children and AIDS states that only 34 percent of the children living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in low and middle income countries received treatment in 2012, compared to 64 percent of adults. “This report reminds us that an AIDS-free generation is one in which all children are born free of HIV and remain so. This means access to treatment for all children living with HIV,” Michel Sidibe, executive director, UNAIDS said. “It also reminds us that women’s health and well being should be at the centre of the AIDS response,” he added. According to the report, the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)related deaths among adolescents between the age group of 10 and 19 increased by 50 percent between 2005 and 2012 globally, rising from 71,000 to 1.1 lakh. It highlights the need for increased global and national efforts to address HIV and AIDS among adolescents. As per the report, the estimated HIV prevalence

among adults, aged between 15 and 49 in 2012 was 0.3 percent with 49,000 pregnant women living with it in India. “If high impact interventions are scaled up using an integrated approach, we can halve the number of new infections among adolescents by 2020,” Anthony Lake, executive director, UNICEF said. “It’s a matter of reaching the most vulnerable adolescents with effective programmes,” he added. The high impact interventions mentioned in the report include condoms, anti-retroviral treatment, prevention from mother-to-child transmission, voluntary medical male circumcision, communications for behaviour change and targeted approaches for at-risk and marginalised populations. These are in addition to investments in other sectors such as education, social protection and welfare and strengthening health systems. However, the report also states in contrast to adolescents, more than 8.5 lakh new childhood infections were averted between 2005 and 2012, showing progress in preventing motherto-child transmission of the virus. “Some 2.6 lakh children were newly infected with HIV in 2012, compared to 5.4 lakh in 2005,” the report says.

New Delhi, November 30 (PTi): Storming the capital with a whirlwind campaign, Narendra Modi on Saturday attacked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and finance minister P Chidambaram, saying they have ruined the country with their “bookish knowledge”. Addressing a series of election rallies here ahead of the December four Delhi assembly polls, Modi said he does not question the knowledge or qualifications of Singh and Chidambaram but with their “intelligence and bookish knowledge, the two leaders have destroyed the country”. “They (Singh and Chidambaram) say we don’t want to learn economics from Modi, but you should have at least learnt from Narsimha Rao and Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Then you would have understood how to run the country. Both were not considered as economists, but the two great leaders were aware of country’s problems,” Modi said. Sparring between

Modi and Chidambaram has been on for sometime. Modi had alleged at a rally in Jodhpur on Friday that Chidambaram feels buying gold causes inflation. The finance minister responded by saying that BJP’s prime ministerial candidate is giving his “first lesson in economy” and rejected his contention. An undeterred Modi continued the onslaught against Chidambaram and Singh at his rallies in Delhi. Taking a dig at the top leadership of the Congress, Modi said, “Our PM is a big economist. We never questioned that. finance minister is also very educated. We never challenged that.” “A top ranking Minister in the central government, who considers himself to be all-intelligent, thinks he has got all the brains in the world and that the others are brainless ... The same minister said prices are rising because poor, who were earlier only eating dry breads, are now eating two vegetables. Tell me, are prices rising due to this?” he asked.

PM, Chidambaram destroyed India with their ‘bookish knowledge’, Modi says

ed five rifles from the GRP jawans before making good their escape. The deceased GRP jawans have been identified as Hawaldar Ashok Kumar, constables Bhola Thakur and Uday Singh, Das said adding that the bodies were being sent for

NAGALAND UNIVERSITY (A Central University Estd.by the Act of Parliament No.35 of 1989) HEADQUARTERS- LUMAMI


Dated: 22nd Nov, 2013

NOTIFICATION The Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University is pleased to declare the under mentioned candidate to be provisionally qualified for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Plant Pathology of this University. This is subject to ratification by the Academic and Executive Council of the University. The topic of the thesis and the name of the Supervisor are as under: Candidate's Name of the Department Regd. No Topic of Thesis Name Supervisor Mr.Dipaki Plant Pathology 263/2007 “Studies on blast Dis- Dr.D.N.Upadhyay Kumar Chetri ease of Rice in Land Dr.L.Daiho Races of N.E.H. Re- (Joint Supervisor) gion (India) and its Management.” Sd/(Prof.P.Lal) Controller of Examinations (i/c)




Dated Kohima, the 30th Nov’13

ADVERTISEMENT This is for information to all the applicants for on the job training at Nagaland Pulp and Paper Company Ltd. Tuli, as published in the local papers on 19/11/2013 vide adv. No.DET¬8/6/2006 dated 14/11/2013, an interview for selection of candidates will be held on 06/12/2013 at the Directorate of Employment & Craftsmen Training, Nagaland, Kohima. All the candidates should bring their original documents in support of their candidature without which they will not be allowed to sit for the interview. No separate calling letter will be issued to the candidates. Sd/(MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM) Director, Employment & Craftsmen Training, Nagaland, Kohima

nals a high point in ties. Japan has said the visit reflected the “very strong” relationship the two countries have forged in the last few years. “The visit is a recognition of the very robust relationship and long historical ties between Japan and India,” a Japanese embassy official said earlier this week. The couple will take part in a host of official pro-

grammes and private engagements in Delhi before flying to the southern city of Chennai on Wednesday. Ties between the two countries are on the upswing with Dr Singh visiting Japan in May during which both sides agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation. Before embarking on the India tour, the couple said they hoped their visit

would contribute to deepening the friendship between the two countries. Japan has warm commercial ties with India which is an attractive market due to its growing middle class, although its activities in South Asia are only a fraction of its investment in China. Tokyo is also keen to forge regional partnerships to offset Beijing’s growing might.

Nagaland Board of School Education Kohima

NOTIFICATION Dated Kohima, the 30th November 2013

NO.NBE-3/EX-Misc(10)/2013-14/2370:: The examination routine of the following examinations are hereby notified for information of all concerned. A. HSSLC Examination 2014 Date Day 7th February 2014 10th February 2014 12th February 2014

Friday Monday Wednesday

14th February 2014 17th February 2014 19th February 2014 21th February 2014

Friday Monday Wednesday Friday

24th February 2014 26th February 2014 28th February 2014 1st March 2014

Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday

Subject (Time 9 am to 12 noon) English History/Business Studies/Chemistry Alternative English/ Hindi/ Bengali/ Tenyidie/ Sumi/ Ao/ Lotha Geography/ Entrepreneurship Political Science/ Accountancy/ Physics Sociology Education/Psychology/ Fundamental of Business Mathematics/Biology Economics Philosophy /Mathematics Computer Science/Informatics Practices Music/Biotechnology

B. Class 11 Promotion Examination 2014 Date Subject (Time 1 pm to 4 pm) Day 7th February 2014 10th February 2014 12th February 2014 14th February 2014 17th February 2014 19th February 2014 21st February 2014 24th February 2014 26th February 2014 28th February 2014 1st March 2014

Alternative English/Hindi/Bengali/ Tenyidie/Sumi/Ao/Lotha Political Science/Accountancy/Physics Monday Wednesday Sociology Education/Psychology/Fundamentals of Friday Business Mathematics/Biology History/Business Studies/Chemistry Monday Wednesday English Economics Friday Environmental Education Monday Wednesday Philosophy/Mathematics Geography/Entrepreneurship/Music Friday Computer Science/Informatics Practices Saturday Friday

C. HSLC Examination 2014 Day Date 11 February 2014 13th February 2014 18th February 2014 20th February 2014 th

Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday

22nd February 2014


25th February 2014


Subject (Time 9 am to 12 noon) English Social Sciences Science (a) Second Language Tenyidie/Ao/Sumi/Lotha/Hindi/Bengali (b) Alternative English Sixth Subjects: IIT*/Music*/Agriculture*/Home Science *B.K. & Accountancy*/Environmental Education Mathematics

* The duration of the examination for Agriculture, Home Science, Book Keeping & Accountancy is 21/2 hours i.e. 9 am to 11.30 am. For IIT and Music it is 11/2 hours i.e. 9 am to 10.30 am. (Mrs. Asano Sekhose ) Chairman

Note: Examination routine shall not be altered in the event of any unexpected holiday. However, in case of cancellation or postponement of the date(s) of examination, it shall be notified through the media.


The Morung Express

Sunday 1 December 2013



Nagaland State completes Child trafficking & labour campaign at Sanis 50 years without a Medical or Engineering or Technical College


Oken Jeet Sandham

n few hours from now, the State is going to witness the historic celebration of the 50th year of Nagaland Statehood with the President of India Pranab Mukherjee inaugurating it. The State of Nagaland was formally inaugurated by the 2nd President of India Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan as the 16th State of the Indian Union on the 1st of December, 1963 at the Kohima Local Ground. While commemorating this “Historic Event” on 1st of December, 2013 in the State, one cannot help but fondly remembers those who made the Statehood happened 50 years ago. These Naga leaders who had formed the Naga People’s Convention (NPC) in late 50s had sacrificed, toiled and even risked their precious lives during that turbulent period and finally could succeed to convince the Union Government under the first Prime Minister Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru to create a separate State of Naga people on the basis of a “16-Point Memorandum” which finally became the “16-Point Agreement.” This “Agreement” was signed between the Government of India and the NPC in 1960 and that led finally to the formation of the State of Nagaland in 1963. The State was born out of “Political Agreement” between the Government of India and the NPC and some of the salient features of this “Agreement” are the incorporation of certain points such as --- 1. Religious and social practices of the Nagas, 2. Naga customary laws and procedures, 3. Administration of civil and criminal justice involving Naga customary laws and 4. Ownership and transfer of land and its resources--- in the Article 371 (A) of the Constitution. This makes the State and its people “unique.” Some of the signatories of the “16-Point Agreement” became Chief Ministers in the post-Statehood periods. They were late P Shilu Ao, late JB Jasokie and Dr SC Jamir. Vizol was one of the signatories in the 16-Point Memorandum but was not a signatory when the “16-Point Agreement” was inked between the Government of India and the NPC. It is so poignant at this junction to say that Dr SC Jamir is still alive and keeping well. He is presently Governor of Odisha. He will have a lot to tell the moving history of the pre and post-Statehood eras. It is also equally emotional to note that seven who served as Members of the Interim Body of Nagaland are still alive. It is really a momentous for these grand Naga leaders and they should be well-honored. 50 years is a long journey in human history. The State has produced nine Chief Ministers since 1964 till date (this is not included in the Chief Ministers’ multiple tenures). They are late P Shillu Ao, late TN Angami, late Dr Hokishe Sema, late Vizol, late JB Jasokie, Dr SC Jamir, KL Chishi, late Vamuzo, and Neiphiu Rio. It may be mentioned that late Dr Hokishe Sema was the first Naga who became Governor of Himachal Pradesh from 1983 to 1986. They were all “unique” leaders in their times and also many of those who served in the Interim Body Period became successful politicians in later part of their lives. They all are now “history.” This writer was privileged to have interviewed late Dr Hokishe Sema, late JB Jasokie, late Vizol and late Vamuzo while they were alive. These leaders had visions for the Nagas. They had done their parts in shaping the destiny of the Nagas. While remembering these leaders, we can flash back a little bit of what the State was in 1963. The population of the newly created Nagaland State was 3.69 lakh. Literacy was at the nadir with little over sixty thousand Nagas were literate. Not a single college was there when the State was created, except two Government High Schools. Only 11 Government

Middle Schools and 180 Government Primary Schools were there. There were only two civil hospitals and smaller hospitals and dispensaries in the whole of the newly created State of Nagaland in 1963. Road communication was horrible as blackedtopped roads totaling about 168 kilometers at that point of time. Basic necessities such as water supply, electricity, were nil. Today, the State has about one lakh Government employees in a population of nearly two millions. It has now 28 Government Higher Secondary schools, 273 Government High Schools, 878 Government Middle Schools and 1794 Government Primary Schools. On top it, nearly 900 private schools are there. The State’s road stretch altogether is now 10176 kilometers. Today the State is proud of having 58 Colleges when it did not have even a single College in 1963. In Health Sectors too, the State has progressed immensely. There are many departments now. The State has progressed a lot in many areas in the last 50 years and successive Government under various Chief Ministers had contributed their shares in shaping the State. It is a process and it has to go on and there is no limit in the journey of development and progression. While saying so, some very pertinent issues remain critical till today and these need paying immediate attention. That unlike other states, the State of Nagaland does not have any source on its own to generate income and it had to depend solely on the Center for the overall wellbeing of the State. Earlier the State had two Mills namely Sugar Mill and Paper Mill. Unfortunately, both of these Mills miserably failed in spite of several attempts to revive by the successive Governments in the State. Somehow, a ray of hope has come this time, when the Center has approved the revival of the sick Paper Mill at Tuli under Mokokchung district with the releasing of Rs 100 crore as first installment. We can write many things of what had happen in Nagaland in the last 50 years but it is not possible to narrate stories of 50 years in just 1000 words or so. But the fact is many things are yet to be done. Today’s Naga youth are more informed, educated and well-versed. They cannot be easily fooled by some dramatic gestures of politicians. They know where they are headed to. The State has the highest literacy in the country, but the “employable factors” used to come in from time to time. Our educational systems are not up to the mark. The saddest part is the State does not have even a single Engineering College or a single Medical College or a single Technical College ever after 50 years of its Statehood. And we are expecting our educated youth to compete with their counterparts who have been brought up and educated in an environment of modern educational facilities. This writer has been persistently highlighting about the pathetic condition of the State particularly with regard to not having any single Medical College or Engineering College or Technical College even to the extent of discussing the matters with various union Ministers and high profile officials of the Center. They listened to and even sometimes made emotional apologies that the State of Nagaland underwent in such a way without such facilities till date. They also assured that they would look into the matters and see that things were happening on the ground. We should also admit at the same time that the State seemed lacking political will as well as bureaucratic bargaining skills. Nevertheless, the President while inaugurating the “Golden Jubilee Celebration” of the Nagaland Statehood should think for a moment whether it is right that the people of Nagaland deserve this kind of treatment even after 50 years of Statehood which they got through series of “political negotiations and bloodsheds.”

Wokha, November 30 (mexN): District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) Wokha, under the Department of Social Welfare held Block Level Sensitization Training programme with community leaders on Child Rights and Integrated Child Protection Scheme and its components (ICPS) at Sanis Town on November 28 at Sanis Town hall. The participants were District Administration, Police, Village Council Chaiman, Anganwadi workers, Gaonburas, Dobashis and leaders of NGOs. The SDO (Civil) Sanis block Phuleshe Sema in his keynote address, urged the trainees that their responsibility is not just to sit and listen to the resource person but to carry back the message to their respective villages and work collectively with their people to ensure that ICPS is successfully implemented in the state of Nagaland. The resource person Neinguvotuo Krose Legal Cum Probation Officer spoke on the topic Integrated Child protection Scheme (ICPS)

and its components. He highlighted that the objective of organising the training was to raise public awareness about the reality of child rights situation and protection in India where ICPS is contributing to the improvement in the well being of children in difficult circumstances, as well as to the reduction of vulnerabilities to situations and actions that lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children from parents. The target groups of ICPS is Children in conflict with law, Missing and found children, Orphaned abandoned destitute children, differently able children, Children from families at risk, Engaged in

merapaNi, November 30 (mexN): Farm School on Soil Erosion Control Measures was inaugurated on November 28 in Merapani by ATMA, Bhandari Block, under Wokha district with Lungheising, ADC Bhandari, as the chief guest. Khyothungo Ezung BTM, Bhandari chaired the programme, which commenced with Chopabeni Kikon, SMS, delivering the welcome address. Lidemo Murry, SDO, Soil & Water Conservation, gave a brief

introduction of the farm school. The Chief Guest in his speech mentioned this project as an eye opener and first of its kind in the area. Chiposao Yanthan, (Farm Teacher) then led a demonstration on construction of contour farming by using ‘A’ frame; the purpose of which is to prevent soil erosion and retain water to maintain soil moisture and fertility. The programme concluded Diphupar Village Council under the Chairmanship of Vitoshe Kinimi in tandem with the with vote of thanks by Wo- Diphupar Naga Students’ Union headed by President Sakulemba Jamir conducted a chumo, AFA, BTT member. social work. Potholes at Central Jail area, Diphupar Village were filled on the day.

Phuleshe Sema, SDO (Civil) Sanis block speaking during the training programme held on November 28.

Farm school on soil erosion control opens in Merapani

End nor the Beginning of the Road” and “Career Motivation (You can, You can’t)”. At the end of the workshop, the resource persons had an interactive session with the students at the Career Questions Analysis. The Principal of the college Dr. Watijungshi Jamir in his welcome address, gave an introduction on career and encouraged the students on what they can do and want to become in life. Parliamentary Secretary of Higher Education and SCERT, Govt. of Nagaland Deo Nukhu gave the keynote address. He mentioned that the Higher Education Department has organized this workshop having the concern for the future career of the students. He encouraged the students to identify their gifts and abilities and put more time and effort so they can excel in life as time

is running out and no room for regrets should be left. He also encouraged the students to take up vocational courses apart from the syllabus provided by the board and university which will help them in the future. Medozu Mero, Asst Professor and HOD, Political Science, Pfutsero College gave vote of thanks. The workshop was participated by schools from Chizami, GM Government High School and Sacred Heart Higher Secondary School and from Pfutsero, Union Christian School, TMT School, Government High School and the Higher Secondary section of Pfutsero Government College. Altogether 267 students participated in the workshop. This was stated in a press release issued by Assistant Professor Neiko Ritse, Pfutsero Government College.

Phuleto Sema, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Wokha highlighted about free and compulsory education of children below 14 years of age. He stated that a school exerts great influence on the child as the child spends most of his /her time in school. The school should act as a second family providing care and protection to the child and make learning interesting and enjoyable and importantly refrain from corporal punishment. He also highlighted about child trafficking and child labour prohibition Act that the period of work on each day shall be so fixed that it does not exceed three hours and a child gets interval for

at least one hour. Overall working period in a day cannot exceed six hours including the period of interval for rest and including the time spent in waiting for work on any day. No child shall be permitted to work between 7:00 PM & 8:00 AM and no child shall be made to work overtime. The child shall be entitled to one whole day holiday which has to be specified by a notice permanently exhibited at conspicuous place in the establishment. The training was chaired by Arhomo Lotha, Data Entry Operator DCPU, Wokha and invocation was pronounced by Thepusa Keyho, Data Analyst DCPU, Wokha respectively.

Mithun farmers, rural youth and VFAs attend training

Wokha, November 30 (mexN): A three-day training programme was organised on basic aspects of first aid, treatment and vaccination strategies for Mithun farmers, rural educated youth and Veterinary Field Assistants of various districts of Nagaland at NRC on Mithun from November 27 to 29. A total of 23 numbers of participants (15 farmer and 8 VFAs) from Kohima, Phek, Longleng, Kiphire, Zunheboto and Mon districts of Nagaland attended the training programme. The programme was inaugurated by Prof. Alemenla Ao, Dean, SASRD as chief guest and Dr C. Rajkhowa, Director, NRC on Mithun. Prof. Alemenla opined that such training programmes will armour farmers, rural youth and VFAs in the area of basic health care practices for Mithun and oth-

er livestock. This will enable the farmers to get health care for their animals in remotely located areas. Dr. Rajkhowa explained about the overview of Institute’s activities, its vision, Mission, mandate and farmers friendly technologies developed by the Institute. During the 3 days period, the trainees were given exposure to practical learning of various farm worthy techniques like restraining, casting, dentition for determining age, silage and hay preparation, feed block preparation, traditional and scientific method of identification (ear tags and electronic microchip), vaccination, various route of medication, castration and other primary health care practices including wound management, fracture repair etc. They were also explained about Artificial insemi-

nation and its potential, various diseases (bacterial, viral, parasitic) and their management, deworming and vaccination schedules, mineral supplementation and its role, colostrum feeding and its importance etc. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Akhilesh Kumar (Scientist, Vet. Medicine), Dr. R. K. Singh (PC, KVK , Phek) and Dr. Vidya Singh (Scientist, Vet. Pathology). All the trainees were given a manual containing information on basic aspects of first aid and common farm worthy practices which was prepared by contribution of Dr. K.K. Baruah, Dr, N. Haque, Dr. A. Mukherjee and Dr. M. H. Khan, Dr. J. K. Chamuah, Dr. Perumal P and Dr. K. Khate all the scientists of NRC on Mithun. The training programme was concluded with the valedictory

function in the afternoon of 29th November, 2013. All the trainees were distributed certificate for the training programme. The farmers and VFAs expressed sincere thanks to the Institute for organising the training programme, which could provide them an opportunity to take health care of their animals. They further expressed that more number of such training programmes should be organised for the benefit of the farming community. The Director, NRC on Mithun has extended his sincere thanks to Dr. Timothy (Director, veterinary &A.H, Government of Nagaland) for sending the VFAs and farmers for above training and expressed his willingness to organise such programmes in future for providing improved package of knowledge and practices to the farmers.

President of India visits Ex-UG khellers of IVR resolve to check encroachers Novem- vowed to protect their al- ment or any other agency Kohima War Cemetery Dimapur, ber 30 (mexN): The Ex- lotted land from the hand till date. “We shall not alUG Khellers of Industrial of encroachers at any mo- low anyone to take away

Career motivation workshop at Pfutsero Govt College held pfutsero, November 30 (mexN): Pfutsero Government College organized a career motivation workshop, sponsored by Higher Education Department, Government of Nagaland at the College auditorium on November 30. Jasmine Yambem, Career Head, Manipur Operation, Career Cliniq and Dr. Anirban Choudhury, Career Architect, Career Cliniq, Gauhati were the resource persons. Jasmine spoke on the topic “The Need of Career Planning”. She presented a video clip on what Career Cliniq is and introduced to the students the CQ (Career Cliniq) Test where students are diagnosed on their Personality, Interest, Skills and Career Values Assessments. Dr. Anirban, in his session “I Can and I Will”, motivated the students on “Transforming of Career”, “Results- not the

substance abuse, HIV/AIDS infected/affected children, Affected by arms conflict and disaster, Street children, Working Children, Trafficked Children and Abused children. He also highlighted about the crucial role of Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) and Child Welfare Committee (CWC) in the entire rehabilitation process of children and the functions of State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA) which has been set up to streamline and check illegal adoptions as well as programmes available under SARA like sponsorship, Foster care, Adoption and After-care programmes for children who are in need of care and protection.

President of India, Pranab Mukherjee paying his respects after laying a wreath at the Kohima War Cemetery on November 30. (DIPR Photo)

kohima, November 30 (Dipr): President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, after his arrival in Kohima on November 30 visited the Kohima war cemetery and laid a wreath at the memorial. The President is in the State to grace the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Statehood of Nagaland which will be held at Kisama on December 1, 2013 coinciding with the annual Hornbill Festival celebrations. The Governor also laid a wreath at the war cemetery memorial. During a short homage ceremony, a two minutes silence was observed

Village Razhüphe (IVR) held an emergency meeting on November 23 at the residence of TL Angami, Chairman and Head GB of IVR, Dimapur. The sessional secretary Theja Angami in a press release stated, the house unanimously resolved they would not allow the encroachers to take up any development activities in their allotted land and check “illegal” development activities going on in their land by violation of Court order dated 11/10/10. The house

ment until the pending case is finalized from the Court. It also resolved to send a women group along with some widows from Ex-UG families of the khel at IVR to approach the authority concerned in order to obtain their allotted land in time for early settlement. The house authorized the women group to check the encroachers from any kinds of development in their allotted land. It further resolved that land allotted to Ex-UG within IVR has not been acquired by the Govern-

our allotted rehabilitation land from our hand without any procedure of law,” the house asserted. The press release noted that “by violation of various Government standing order and Naga traditional landowner rights,” Industries Department/NIDC have managed to obtain a jamabandi/patta from the Revenue Branch, DC Office Dimapur for the said suit land. However, the house resolved it “can never be accepted by the Ex-UG Khellers as well as the Village Council of IVR.”

at the spot. Remarking on the Visitors Book, the President noted, “It is an honour to have been able to visit the Kohima war cemeterybuilt on the very site where hundreds of gallant British and Indian soldiers fought and achieved martyrdom. There is no mistaking the meaning, significance and the enormity of this hallowed site where lie the mortal remains of those who distinguished themselves through their acts of conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his Azo Nienu, Minister of Roads & Bridges along with Diphupar Village Council members life above and beyond the inspecting the road construction between National Highway and Christian Institute of call of duty.” Health Sciences & Research (CIHSR) on November 28. (Photo by Aosenla Lkr)



Sunday 1 December 2013

Pacers improve to 15-1, beat Wizards

Indiana Pacers' Roy Hibbert, top, dunks against Washington Wizards' John Wall (2) during the second half of an NBA basketball game Friday, Nov. 29 in Indianapolis. (AP Photo)

INDIANAPOLIS, NO VEMBER 30 (AP): Indiana extended its best season start in franchise history with a 93-73 win over injury-hit Washington on Friday, with Paul George scoring 23 points to lead the way for the Pacers. While Indiana leads the way in the Eastern Conference, San Antonio is on top out West following a convincing win over Orlando, while other key games saw Oklahoma City win an overtime thriller against Golden State and Miami extend its winning streak to nine by beating Toronto. Indiana's Roy Hibbert added 13 points and eight rebounds as the Pacers won their sixth straight and extended their

record start to 15-1, thanks chiefly to its defensive efforts, forcing 18 turnover and restricting Washington to 40 percent shooting. The Wizards trailed by as much as 25 in the fourth quarter and lost their 11th straight game in Indianapolis. Oklahoma City's Russell Westbrook sank a 3-pointer with 0.1 seconds left in overtime to give the Thunder a 113-112 victory over Golden State. The Thunder had plenty of chances to tie or take the lead in the final seconds but needed Westbrook's buzzer-beater from the corner to claim victory. Westbrook scored a season-high 34 points on 10-of-25 shooting while Kevin Durant added 25

as the Thunder won their sixth consecutive game overall and ninth straight at home to start the season. Stephen Curry scored 32 for Golden State. San Antonio's Tim Duncan scored 17 of his 19 points in the first half to set up the Spurs for a 10991 win at Orlando. Marco Belinelli also had 19 points for San Antonio, which scored 17 straight points in the second quarter to turn a one-point edge into a 58-40 lead, and was able to rest Duncan for much of the second half. Both teams were without their starting guards, as Tony Parker and Jameer Nelson were both injured in games on Wednesday. Arron Afflalo scored 17 points for Orlando, who now heads for a six-game, 12-day road trip. Miami's LeBron James scored 27 points to once again lead the Heat to a 90-83 win over Toronto. Dwyane Wade had 22 for the Heat, who have won 13 straight over the Raptors and seven straight in Toronto. DeMar DeRozan scored 25 points for the Raptors. Atlanta's Al Horford made the go-ahead shot with 4.2 seconds left to complete the Hawks' rally from a 17-point second-half deficit to an 88-87 win over Dallas. Jeff Teague scored 25 points for the Hawks, while Horford finished with 17 points and 12 rebounds. The Mavericks were up 70-55 when point guard Jose Calderon went out late in the third quarter with a sprained ankle, and they lost their way from there. Dallas hit just 38 percent, with Vince Carter missing badly on the final shot of the game. Houston's Chandler Parsons scored 21 points, making six 3-pointers, as the Rockets beat Brooklyn 114-95, easily winning a fourth-straight game. The Rockets led by 26 points at halftime and Brooklyn coach Jason Kidd benched all his starters except Brook Lopez for the entire second half.

Marseille beats Montpellier


Test specialists may go early to South Africa MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 30 (PTI): The BCCI is keen to send Test specialists, including seasoned fast bowler Zaheer Khan, to South Africa earlier than scheduled for acclimatization if logistics work out in its favour. "We are trying to send not only Zaheer but all others in the Test squad too who are not part of the ODI team early to South Africa. The issue is logistics over the number of available hotel rooms," BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel said on Saturday. Zaheer Khan, opener Murali Vijay, one-down batsman Cheteshwar Pujara, reserve wicket keeper Wridhiman Saha and left arm spinner Pragyan Ojha are part of only the Test squad picked by the selection committee on November 25. "Zaheer will leave one or two days later," informed Mumbai Cricket Association's secretary Nitin Dalal, making it clear that the left arm pace bowler would not be available for champions Mumbai's subsequent league games in Ranji Trophy. The ODI squad comprises 16 members, including limited overs specialists Yuvraj Singh, Suresh Raina, Mohit Sharma and Amit Mishra, while the Test team is made up of 17 players. The ODI squad is set to depart from here on December 1 night. The ODI series commences on December 5 ends with the third and final game on December 11 followed by the two-Test series from December 18 to 30.

Match-fixing can never disappear: Wenger

MARSEILLE, NOVEMBER 30 (AP): Florian Thauvin and Saber Khalifa scored as Marseille beat Montpellier 2-0 Friday to pull within two points of third-place Monaco in the French league. Marseille bounced back from a 2-0 loss to Arsenal in the Champions League on Tuesday by earning a third straight victory in the French league. Thauvin, who led France to the Under-20 World Cup title this summer, capitalized on a miscued clearance from Montpellier defender Daniel Congre to score from close range in the 36th minute. The 20-year-old forward has scored three goals in his last three league matches. Substitute Khalifa sealed the win in the last minute of stoppage time. "We could have played better but the most important thing for our confidence is the victory," Marseille centerback Sou-

leymane Diawara said. Montpellier still has not won an away game this season. Things did not start well for Montpellier, whose striker Djamel Bakar picked up a knee injury in the opening minute and was replaced by Victor Hugo Montano. The Montpellier defense was quite shaky in the first half as a poor first touch from Vitorino Hilton gave Thauvin his first chance of the match in the 20th but he was denied by goalkeeper Geoffrey Jourdren. A weak backpass from Montpellier winger Morgan Sanson then forced Jourdren to rush off his line and knock the ball away in the 23rd. Marseille could have reached halftime with a bigger lead but Jourdren parried free kicks from playmaker Mathieu Valbuena in the 34th and striker Andre-Pierre Gignac in the 39th before getting the better of Thauvin

in the 42nd. The hosts had no trouble to protect their lead in a lackluster second half despite a wide effort from Montpellier midfielder Remy Cabella in the 69th. Gignac had a curling shot palmed away by Jourdren in the 71st. In the third minute of stoppage time, Thauvin led a counterattack and found Khalifa, who fired through the legs of Congre to beat Jourdren. "We're starting to feel the pressure from behind," Montpellier midfielder Benjamin Stambouli said. "We'll have to hang tough." Montpellier remained in 16th place, five points above the relegation zone. On Saturday, it's: Monaco vs. Rennes; Guingamp vs. Nantes; Lorient vs. Nice; Saint-Etienne vs. Rennes; Toulouse vs. Sochaux; and Valenciennes vs. Lille. On Sunday, leader Paris Saint-Germain hosts Lyon, Ajaccio visits Bordeaux and Bastia faces Evian.

LONDON, NOVEMBER 30 (IANS): Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger says that match-fixing can never be eradicated completely. Wenger's comments came Friday, a day after two men suspected of involvement in fixing English lower league matches were charged and appeared at Cannock Magistrates Court this morning, according to National Crime Agency (NCA), reports Xinhua. The duo, alleged to be members of an international illegal betting syndicate based in Singapore, were among seven people arrested this week as part of an NCA investigation. "Can it (fixing) be eradicated completely? I am not sure. It is not only a concern for me, it is a shame," Wenger said. Wenger knew the damage of match-fixing during his early time in coaching Monaco when French champions Marseille, also the 1993 Champions League winners, were found to have been involved in a match-fixing scandal and were relegated to Division 2 and banned from European football for the following season. "Once you don't know if everyone is genuine out there any more, that is something absolutely disastrous," the French head coach added. "I think we absolutely have to fight against that with the strongest severity to get that out of the game." Wenger, who started his Arsenal time in 1996, showed his belief that English football is clean. "I don't believe that in England people fix matches, but we live in an international world and you cannot just stop it at the border any more. It is a new problem that we all face." "I still think that 99.9 per cent, the English game is completely clean."

Tom Powell of England, lifted by Phil Burgess, left, and James Rodwell, claims the line-out ball in a quarterfinal against Wales during the second day of the Sevens World Series rugby tournament in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Saturday, November 30. (AP Photo)

Scott leads Australian Open by 4 shots

SYDNEY, NOVEMBER 30 (AP): Adam Scott shot a 4-under 68 on Saturday to take a four-shot lead over Rory McIlroy heading into the final round of the Australian Open and move closer to a rare Australian triple crown. Scott is trying to match Robert Allenby's 2005 accomplishment of winning the Open, Australian Masters and Australian PGA in quick succession. Scott followed his course record 62 on the first day with a second round 70 and Saturday's round which comprised six birdies and four bogeys, moving to 16-under 200 for the tournament. McIlroy started the day two shots behind Scott but lost ground with a bogey and double-bogey against five

birdies, finishing with a round of 70. Australians Richard Green, Matthew Jones and Max McCardle shared third place at 8-under, eight shots off the pace. Scott's round on Saturday means he is now 51 under par for his three tournaments in Australia this summer. "To win my national championship tomorrow and then also win the three events down here is an unbelievable spot to be in," Scott said. "If you'd told me that a month ago, I wouldn't have believed you. "Before this month started, I hadn't won two tournaments in a row ever," the US Masters champion told reporters. "So to have this opportunity is a bit unreal." Scott said he would

WCup stadiums: Sao Paulo only one of the problems

Marseille's Tunisian forward Saber Khalifa, center, reacts with Marseille's French forward Andre-Pierre Gignac, third left, and his teammates, after scoring against Montpellier, during their League One soccer match, at the Velodrome Stadium, in Marseille, southern France, Friday, Nov. 29. (AP Photo)

The Morung Express

SAO PAULO, NOVEMBER 30 (AP): From the moment a crane dramatically collapsed at the Sao Paulo stadium, it was clear World Cup organizers would have their hands full trying to deliver all 12 venues by FIFA's end-ofDecember deadline. The giant crane buckled when hoisting a 500-ton metal structure that came crushing on top of the stadium, clipping part of the roof and cutting through a huge LED panel that runs across the venue's outer facade. The ravaged crane was seen resting on the ground outside the stadium, while the enormous metal roofing piece stayed atop part of the stands. Clearly it wasn't just a minor setback for the venue that will host the 2014 World Cup opener on June 12. Two workers died in Wednesday's accident, which immediately raised doubts about Brazil's preparedness to host football's showcase event. The timing could not have been worse, putting the country under even more pressure just days before the international footballing community begins arriving for a high-profile World Cup draw. But as bad as the tragedy was at the Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo is not the only problem for World Cup organizers just weeks before all stadiums must be delivered. Actually, work in Sao Paulo was almost finished when the accident happened. It was one of the most advanced venues

among the six that must be delivered this year. The story is different in Curitiba, Cuiaba and the jungle city of Manaus, where there are signs they might not make it in time despite claims by local organizers that all three venues will be ready as expected. FIFA says it will have a better idea of what will be delivered next week, just ahead of Friday's World Cup draw in Costa do Sauipe. "Next week the preliminary updates on the operations of the 2014 FIFA World Cup will be provided for all operational and infrastructural areas," football's governing body said. "Following these assessments and presentations FIFA will provide an update." Skepticism about Brazil's ability to deliver the stadiums intensified after organizers failed to keep their promise ahead of the Confederations Cup, when only two of the six venues were completed by the original FIFA deadline. FIFA made it clear it would not tolerate the same delays that plagued the warmup tournament and, with about 1 million tickets already sold, football's governing body says there is no Plan B for the World Cup. "Further inspections and assessments will occur in December and January to assess the stadiums, along with the months leading up to the FIFA World Cup," FIFA said. Workers are running against time in venues across the country.

sleep easier afer holing a six-foot biride putt on the last Saturday, then watching McIlroy miss a birdie putt from closer range, producing a two-stroke swing that gave the local a pronounced advantage. "One round away and a lot can happen," he said. "(There's) a phenomenon behind me as well so I'm sure he's going to throw plenty at me tomorrow. "I'm going to have to do a couple of things better than I did today. But as long as the eye stays in with the putter, I should be able to hang on. To finish it off tomorrow would be an incredible way to end the year." McIlroy said his missed birdie chance on 18 had been costly. "It was big," he said.

German players to get $408,000 each for World Cup triumph

BERLIN, NOVEMBER 30 (IANS): The German Football Federation unveiled its incentive scheme for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil saying that each player would get a payout of $408,000 if the country wins the tournament. Team captain Philipp Lahm and the rest of the players quickly agreed to keep the same incentive scheme that was in place for last year's European Championship in Poland and Ukraine, reports Xinhua. The scheme only kicks in after the second round with each player receiving $68,000 for reaching the quarterfinals, $136,000 for reaching the semifinals and $204,000 for the final.
















The Morung Express C M Y K

Hornbill Festival 2013 features





stone pulling ceremony: The department of tourism and the people of Viswema extended invitation to the general public to the traditional stone pulling ceremony in commemoration of the dual golden jubilee celebration of the statehood of Nagaland and the Viswema Students’ Union on December 2 at 11:30 AM at Viswema. Exhibition of horticultural produces: The inaugural function of the exhibition cum competition of horticultural produces will take place on December 1 at 9:30 AM at Horti-Scape, Naga Heritage Village. Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio will grace the inaugural function as the chief guest. 3rd Hornbill Marathon: The 3rd Hornbill Marathon organized by Elite Entertainment Enterprise (3Es) will be flagged off at New Secretariat Junction, Kohima at 7:00 AM on December 1 and Great Hornbill Run flags off at 7:15 AM on the same day. Naga chilli eating contest: Naga Chilli eating competition organized by XL and sponsored by horticulture department will take place on December 1 (Afternoon). A total cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh has been set for the winners. Hornbill night carnival: Hornbill Night Carnival by Kohima Chamber of Commerce and Industries (KCCI) will be launched on December 1 at Y Junction to Razhu Point, Mao Market to SP Point, High School Junction. Hornbill International music festival: Opening night of Hornbill International music festival by XL Nagaland will take place at Naga Solidarity Park, Below New Secretariat Kohima at 5:00 PM on December 1. It will feature achieving musicians of Nagaland with a special performance from Biuret Band, Republic of Korea. Photo contest: A photo contest as part of the Hornbill Kids Carni-

val 2013 will take on December 1 at Kisama. The competition will start from 12:30 PM. Adventurous during hornbill fest: The Jotsoma Eco-Tourism Committee is organizing sunrise view & telescope view of the state capital Kohima at Mt. Puliebadze from December 1-10. All local, national and international tourists have been invited. Taxi/ guide will be provided. The time stands 4:00 AM to 5:00 PM. State archives exhibition: The Nagaland state archives under the department of art & culture will be holding the state archives exhibition from December 1 to 10 in coinciding with the Hornbill festival of Nagaland at Kisama. All the interested students, research scholars and prominent readers have been invited to avail the opportunity by way of reading the records as facilities has been arranged. Culturally yours: The department of art & culture will be organizing daily cultural programmes in the Hornbill festival at Kisama from 10:00 AM- 12:00 noon and 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM.

Sunday 1 December 2013





Dr. (Mrs.) L. Rolte Kire and Dr. Neikiesalie Kire, the Hon’ble Parliamentary Secretary, Justice & Law, Labour & Employment and Land Revenue, Nagaland, Kohima request the pleasure of your company to a dinner hosted in honour of the Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.M. Sapre, Chief Justice, Gauhati High Court, Guwahati and his Lady wife Mrs. Ashlesha Sapre on Tuesday, the 3rd (third) December 2013 at 1900 hours at Hotel Japfu, Kohima.







1ST - 10TH DECEMBER, 2013
















World AIDS Day December 1, 2013

“Why wouldn’t you want to share my chocolate?” C M

This World AIDS Day let us resolve to understand HIV/AIDS and stand up against stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV, enabling them to access treatment, care, and support services.


Understand HIV/AIDS End Discrimination



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