July 10th, 2017

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DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 187• 12 PAGes • 5


MonDAY • JulY 10 • 2017

T H e

ESTD. 2005

Prayer is a great antidote to the illusion that we are self-made

P o W e R

o F

T R u T H

— Walter Brueggemann

nPf leadershiP crisis in turmoil dr shurhozelie axes 4 ministers, 10 Parliamentary secretaries Morung Express News Dimapur | July 9

After former Chief Minister TR Zeliang, in an unprecedented move, staked claim to form a new NPF led DAN government in Nagaland on Saturday, the crisis in the NPF got more animated on Sunday with beleaguered Chief Minister, Dr Shurhozelie Liezietsu terminating four Ministers and 10 Parliamentary Secretaries. Nagaland Governor P.B Acharya, who is currently out of station, accepted the recommendation of the Chief Minister to remove Home Minister Y Patton, Power Minister Kipili Sangtam, National Highways & Political Affairs Minister G Kaito Aye and Minister for Environment & Forest, Climate Change, Imkong L Imchen. The Chief Minister also terminated the appointment of ten Parliamentary Secretaries - four from the NPF party and six Independents namely S Chuba Longkumer, Naiba Konyak, BS Nganglang, Deo Nukhu, Shetoyi, Amenba Yaden, Er Picto Shohe, YM Yolow, Er Levi Rengma and Toyang Changkong Chang. The Chief Minister on Saturday had terminated the appointment of Zeliang as Advisor (Finance) and Nuklotoshi as Advisor to Chief Minister. Apart from the termination of the ministers and parliamentary secretaries, the NPF Disciplinary Ac-


By Sandemo Ngullie

You think Gods going to select our leader? look, God is not on our voting list ok? it’s for you and me to pick the right leader not God!!!

The Morung Express Poll QuEsTioN

Vote on www.morungexpress.com sMs your answer to 9862574165 Do you agree the present legislators are so blinded by political power and vested interests that they have lost the moral authority to lead? Why? Yes



Do you believe the 18-point pledge signed between NBCC and the political parties will make an impact on the Clean Election Campaign? Why? Yes 37% No


45% 18%

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tion Committee which met on Saturday also suspended 10 legislators from the party’s primary and active membership. The suspended members include TR Zeliang, Y Patton, C Kipili Sangtam, G Kaito Aye, Imkong L Imchen, Shetoyi, Nuklutoshi, Deo Nukhu, Naiba Konyak and Dr Benjongliba Aier. NPF working presidents Huska Yepthomi and Apong Pongner, in the suspension order stated that the listed members involved in anti-party activities and “revolted against the party Chief Minister by going against the party government to destabilize the NPF led DAN government in the meeting held on July 8, 2017.” It stated that the suspended members had “indulged in activities against the by-election by demanding the resignation of Dr Shurhozelie Lieziestu as the Chief Minister of Nagaland.” While the listed members of the NPF would cease to be primary and active members, the suspension order pointed out that “they would however continue to be bound by the whip of the NPF on the floor of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly as per the judicial decisions of the apex court.” Zeliang on Saturday had claimed the support of 33 NPF MLAs and 7 Independents out of the 59 legislators and is presently camping at a resort in Kaziranga,

Assam. This latest upheaval ministers sacked from council of ministers has come at a time when the sn. name of ministers Portfolios Y. Patton Home incumbent Chief Minister is 1 G. Kaito Aye National Highways, Political Affairs gearing up for the July 29 by- 2 lmkong L. lmchen Environment & Forest, Climate Change election from the Northern 3 C. Kipili Sangtam Power Angami-I Assembly Con- 4 Sd/- Addl. Chief Secretary stituency which his son had sacked Parliamentary secretaries vacated. Portfolio In a new development, sn name source from Kaziranga 1 S. Chuba Longkumer Parliamentary Secretary, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Parliamentary Secretary, Geology & Mining, NBDA & NePED informed that Er Vikho 2 Naiba Konyak Parliamentary Secretary, Land Resource Development, Excise Yhoshu, who is also an NPF 3 B.S Nganglang Parliamentary Secretary, Higher & Technical Education MLA, joined the Zeliang 4 Deo Nukhu 5 Shetoyi Parliamentary Secretary, Fisheries, Printing & Stationary group on Sunday. This puts Parliamentary Secretary, Industries & Commerce the tally of NPF legislators 6 Amenba Yaden Parliamentary Secretary, Justice & Law, SIRD camping at Kaziranga at 35 7 Er. Picto Shohe 8 Y.M. Yolow Parliamentary Secretary, Agriculture (including Zeliang). Parliamentary Secretary, Housing The source also in- 9 Er. Levi Rengma 10 Toyang Changkong Chang Parliamentary Secretary, NRE, Fire & Emergency Srevices formed that the MLAs Sd/- Cabinet Secretary would continue to camp at Kaziranga for the next few er and maintain status quo and not to flock around for Constituencies on Sunday days, apparently to wait for on the current issue until power alone. It extended requested Dr Shurhozefull support to the decision lie Lieziestu to “gracefully the Governor, who is out of further orders. of the Disciplinary Action pave way for the leader of station, to reach Kohima. NPF central office bear- Committee in recommend- the NPF Legislature Party ers appeal for ‘amnesty’ to ing the suspension of the and Chairman, DAN, TR Not party to any Zeliang to form a new govNPF legislators led astray ten party legislators. camp, says BJP MLAs While expressing deep ernment in the State.” The Central Office Meanwhile, reacting to A joint press commuthe speculations doing the Bearers of the NPF has ap- resentment over the atround that legislators from pealed to the party presi- tempt to destabilize the gov- niqué issued by the presithe BJP party were also dent Dr Shurhozelie Liezi- ernment when the centre dents of NPF Peren Divicamping with the Zeliang etsu to grant amnesty to the was trying its best to resolve sion, 7 Peren A/C and 6 group at Kaziranga, a BJP legislators led stray by few the Naga political issue Tening A/C stated that MLA on Sunday clarified vested interests and to let without delay, the NPF cen- “opting for suspensions that “they are not a party to them come back to the par- tral office bearers has ex- and expulsions will not any camp nor involved in ty-fold in the larger interest pressed apprehension that have consequences neiany such divisive process.” of the party and party-led this latest political move will ther on the membership only sabotage the sincere of the legislators in the as“We are in our respec- Government. This was resolved dur- attempts of the government sembly nor on the formative homes and have no role whatsoever in the out- ing an emergency meeting to bring a lasting settlement tion of a new government” “Unflinching support to come of the internal dis- of the Central Office Bear- which is the ardent desire of the leadership of TR Zeliang pute of the NPF and will ers held at the Chief Minis- the Naga people. is far beyond the 2/3 majorirespect the inner party de- ter’s Banquet Hall, Kohima ty benchmark and it is in the mocracy of the NPF,” the on Sunday afternoon, a NPF Peren wants Dr press statement informed. Shurhozelie to gracefully best interest of the current BJP MLA clarified. Chief Minister to pave way The NPF central office pave way for TR Zeliang BJP State president, In an indication of the in accordance with parliaVisasolie Lhoungu also bearers called upon the informed The Morung Ex- party legislators to respect growing division in the NPF mentary conventions and press that the directive of the trust of the electorates party fold, the NPF Peren norms for a peaceful transithe central BJP leaders is to who elected them to look Division along with 6 Ten- tion at the earliest, the comremain as a neutral observ- after the needs of the people ing and 7 Peren Assembly muniqué stated.

Behave like responsible leaders, and not like “political prostitutes”: JCC to Nagaland legislators JCC convenes meeting on July 11 DimaPur, July 9 (mExN): The Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) on Sunday chastised the Nagaland legislators for undermining the essence of democracy and inviting shame and disgrace to the entire Nagaland State with their undisciplined action. Expressing shame that the Naga legislators were “wandering and loitering like gypsies” forgetting the mandate of the public which exhibits their shallow political will, the JCC urged the law makers to act like responsible leaders instead of behaving like “political prostitutes.” The JCC stated that after close scrutiny of their activities, it has become crystal clear that the present Naga legislators are found to be immature and more conscious of their personal interest and hunger for power and position. In view of the political crisis, the JCC said it has convened a meeting on July 11 at Western Chakhesang Hoho building. It also informed that the apex Hohos would be consulted on the issue. The JCC also informed that the Phom People Council would be invited to the meeting to discuss on the issue of payment of compensation to those injured at Longleng on January 31 ULB related incident.

TR Zeliang leaves for Delhi Guwahati, July 9 (hiNDustaN timEs): A day after staking claim to form the next Nagaland government with 34 of the 47 MLAs in the ruling Naga People’s Front (NPF), former chief minister TR Zeliang left for the national capital to meet governor PB Acharya on Sunday. The two are expected to meet on Monday, after Acharya returns to Delhi from Mumbai. Zeliang said he would also try and meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union home minister Rajnath Singh. “The political crisis in Nagaland today is caused by the undemocratic style of functioning of (chief minister) Shurhozelie Liezietsu in both the party and the government,” Zeliang said before leaving a high-end resort in Assam’s Kaziranga.

Now 41 NLA Legislators hurl Road connectivity affected by mudslides in Mkg ‘nepotism’ charge at Nagaland CM

DimaPur, July 9 (mExN): Justifying their latest revolt, 41 legislators of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly today accused Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu of “forcefully clinging to the chair of the Chief Minister with the support of just 10 MLAs in a house of 60.” He is not an elected representative of the house but was made the Chief Minister for a period of only six months “graciously” by members of 12th NLA; the legislators said in a statement received here. Calling it a “massacre” of democratic institution, the statement appended by 41 dissident legislators, further accused the incumbent Chief Minister of “power mongering and nepotism” in total contravention to the very concept of the Indian democracy.

By virtue of being the President of the ruling NPF Party, he has resorted to all “undemocratic and inconceivable methods” by suspending Party MLAs and dropping Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries in the Government “who have been duly mandated by the people of Nagaland to govern them,” it said. Stating that “Our sole aim and objective is to deliver to the people’s needs” the legislators have demanded the resignation of Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu from the chair of the Chief Minister with “immediate effect” as he has lost the democratic mandate of the elected Earth movers and PWD workers assisted by the Nagaland state Disaster Management personnel seen clearing the road stretch of Yajang A village under Japukong range in Mokokchung district on sunday. representatives of the 12th NLA. We therefore tender our regret for Morung Express News nel were able to clear the road chinery. “Some minors ones quarters is also blocked. In this the inconveniences and anxiety that is till Yajang A village as on Sun- the villagers have managed to 15km road linking Longchem Dimapur | July 9 being caused during this short interday. Landslides in as many as clear,” he added. with Mariani in Assam via Sarvening period, the statement added. The Japukong range road ing border village, the ADC Unrelenting rainfall contin- 47 spots, including minor ones, ued to hamper road clearing occurred in various spots along is regarded as very crucial be- informed that multiple landworks on July 9 at the Yajang A the entire 48 km stretch of the cause of its proximity to the slides have occurred, while a - Yajang C stretch of the Japu- Japukong road between Japu disputed border belt with As- bridge was washed away. Shortage of earth-movkong range road falling under village and Yajang ‘C’ over the sam. It links Mangkolemba Mangkolemba sub-division past 2 weeks affecting essential ADC headquarters with Tuli ing machinery is slowing the with over 10 villages, including progress as only 2 excavators in Mokokchung district. Mul- supplies to villages. Work is still ongoing to Longchem EAC headquarters are in operation – one for the tiple landslides, which started mapur will be restricted till the occurring since June 24 along clear mudslides between Ya- in between. Longchem-Saring link road washed off stretch/section of the the Japukong range road had jang A and Yajang ‘C’ the ADC This road was stated to have and the other for the entire highway is restored. cut-off over 10 villages in the informed, adding that 19 mud- been last tarred in the early stretch Japukong range road. Meanwhile, an NHIDCL official range from the rest of the state. slides occurred in that stretch 1980s and was under the care The ADC further expressed today said that a “severe” landslide According to the ADC, alone. One in particular out of the BRO before it was taken apprehension that if the rainand sinking in Peducha Village area Mangkolemba, the PWD as- of the 19, as per the ADC, was over by the state PWD in 2004. fall continues more mudslides of the NH 29, has made the road “in- sisted by the Nagaland State “very big” and would require An alternate route to As- would occur in the areas alaccessible” for all types of vehicles. Disaster Management person- additional and heavier ma- sam via Longchem EAC head- ready cleared. The restoration of affected site will begin from July 10 onwards on top priority, informed NHIDCL General Manager, AK Gupta in a press release, who along with the Deputy Commissioner of Kohima, the Chief Engineer (NH), NPWD and Contractors inspected the afNaiNital, July 9 be contributing to the econ- included certain embedded to Union Finance Minister fected site today. It is anticipated that the road (iaNs): Union Minister Ji- omy of the lesser developed taxes on raw material, which Arun Jaitley for working out restoration will take approximately tendra Singh on Sunday said or predominantly consumer were not visible, but now an amicable formula wherethe GST system has a special states,” the Minister of State the only difference was that in the manufacturing states 15 days, he said. NHIDCL has also requested the significance for Jammu and in the Prime Minister’s Office the GST was a visible tax, al- would be compensated from though the final cost of the the central share of funds Government of Nagaland for di- Kashmir and the north-east- told media persons here. He said that, ahead of the product would almost be the and thus would not have the version and regulation of traffic, it ern states as it promises to chance to hold any grudge provide a level playing field GST rollout from July 1, he re- same,” he said. added. alised there were certain loThe Minister said the GST against non-manufacturing The National Highways & Infra- to all. “The Goods and Services cal products in the north-east decision had made a huge states being brought at par structure Development Corporation Ltd (NHIDCL), under Ministry Tax promises to provide a lev- which would be taxable after long-lasting impact on self- with them. “The GST is important in the of Road Transport and Highways, is el playing field to all the states. GST implementation, though esteem and participation of the states in the economic world today. No single country the implementing agency oversee- This equitable fair deal has these were tax-free earlier. “It was explained to trad- and social growth of India as or state can hope to operate in ing the Four-lane project undertak- been worked out to such an isolation and yet progress ecoen by M/S Gayatri Projects Limited extent that several developed ers concerned that earlier the a whole. He said he gave full credit nomically,” he said. and manufacturing states will price of these products also in Kohima jurisdiction.

nh 29: Kohima Police issues Traffic Advisory

• Rain virtually cuts off lifeline to State Capital, Manipur • Restoration will take approximately 15 days, says NHIDCL

DimaPur, July 9 (mExN): Incessant rain for the last few days has completely washed away the stretch of National Highway 29 in Kiruphema (Milestone-163), virtually cutting-off the lifeline to State Capital Kohima as well as Manipur. In this connection, the Superintendent of Police, Kohima has issued the following traffic advisory. • Only light vehicles will be allowed to proceed towards Dimapur from Kohima via Zubza road. • All light vehicles coming from Dimapur and proceeding towards Kohima and beyond will be diverted towards Peducha-Tsiesema road. No vehicle coming from Dimapur will be allowed towards Kohima via Zubza road. • Plying of all heavy vehicles on NH 29 to and fro Kohima and Di-

GST holds special significance for J&K, and North East states: Minister


Monday 10•07•2017



YOCW: 51 people from With faith in God, young Dimapur trained as mason

achiever dreams big Morung Express News Mokokchung | July 9

Trainees of the YOCW training held at Government Women ITI, Dimapur with officials. (DIPR Photo)

Dimapur, July 9 (Dipr): Valedictory programme of ‘assistant mason training’ held under ‘Year of Construction Workers (YOCW) 2016-2017’ for Dimapur district was held on July 8 at Government Women ITI, Dimapur. Altogether 51 people from Dimapur district were trained under the programme, which is organized and sponsored by the Directorate of Employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship with the YouthNet taking charge of publicity and Zynorique as training partner. Labour, Employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Commissioner Secretary Bendangkokba (IAS) in his speech congratulated and encouraged the young youths to work hard and not be lazy. He also mentioned that the department will look into giving such training to

the young youths in the future also. In the training, the trainees were divided into four teams - Red, Blue, Black and Green. Each team shared their experiences at the valedictory programme. Certificate was awarded to all the trainees. A small gift for the best team and best trainer was also given. The best team was the Red team, while the best trainer was Kidongmeren Longkumer. Earlier, vote of thanks was delivered by chairman Zynorique Initiatives, Richard Belho and closing prayer was pronounced by UDA, Women ITI Tsarang. It may be mentioned that the training has so far covered seven districts, including Dimapur. The training is also scheduled to be held in the remaining districts of Mon, Zunheboto, Longleng, and Kohima.

For achievers, perhaps, the sky can be the only limit; and for young achievers life can be nothing short of hope and opportunity and be an asset for the society. Meet Imtilong Jamir, the top 5 ranker at the HSSLC exams who cleared the JEE Advanced examinations and is now poised to join the prestigious IIT Kharagpur. His life is one of humility, hard work and complete faith in God. Eldest among three siblings, Imlilong Jamir is the son of I Imkong Jamir (an advocate) and Takaienla (a theologian) hailing from Chungtia village under Mokokchung district. He was born on March 31, 1999 and did his high school at Edith Douglas Higher Sec. School, Mokokchung. He secured the top 16 rank in the HSLC exams and improved his ranking at the HSSLC exams by securing the top 5 rank from Holy Cross Hr Sec. School in the science stream. Now, he has cleared the JEE exams and

Rotary Club Mkg 44th installation ceremony held

Dr Takosunep Ao and Dr Ayangla installed as new president and secretary respectively

ticipation. Academic wise, Imlilong gave credit to his teachers for their teachings and also his parents who were always being supportive towards him. Being born and brought up in Mokokchung town, he feels strongly for the Mokokchung society and expressed his hope that the youngsters who are in schools would study hard, remember God in their

Mokokchung | July 9

Dr Takosunep Ao, the new president of Rotary Club Mokokchung being formally installed at the 44th installation ceremony at Black & White Lounge, Mokokchung Town on July 8. (Morung Photo)

Red Cross Society, Mokokchung. Besides his medical profession, he is an avid angler and also has a passion for preservation of biodiversity in the State. Moreover, he actively participates in different social activities in Mokokchung Town and also outside the district.

While highlighting some of the focus areas of the RCM, Dr Takosunep Ao said that the Rotary Club Mokokchung will be focusing mostly on literacy programs, awards to deserving students and also on biodiversity through planting of trees in the society.

lives and lead the society. In this connection, he defined life as “inspiring the people round you and leaving a legacy behind you”. On being asked how he sees himself four years from now, Imlilong Jamir humbly replied that ‘if everything goes well, and if God willing, then he sees himself as a research scientist’ contributing to the society in the field of biotechnology.

More Sumi students’ bodies condemn NSF action

Demands public apology or mass resignation of entire NSF team

Morung Express News

Rotary Club of Mokokchung conducted its 44th installation ceremony on Saturday evening at Mokokchung Town. Dr Takosunep Ao was installed as the new president and Dr Ayangla as the secretary at a grand programme at Black & White Lounge, Mokokchung Town. The new office bearers were formally inducted by Assistant Governor Zone IX – 3240, RS Panesar in the presence of other Rotarian members, their families and friends. Two new members – Allen Mark and Er Yanger Pongen – were also formally inducted into the Rotary Club Mokokchung during the ceremony. Dr Takosunep Ao, the new RCM president, is a medical doctor by profession and is the medical officer of Chest and TB Hospital Mokokchung. He is also an active social worker and is currently the secretary of Indian

The achiever Imlilong Jamir along with his parents at his residence on July 8. (Morung Photo)

IIT Kharagpur beckons him for his further studies in Biotechnology and Biochemical engineering. In a brief interaction with The Morung Express at his residence, the eighteen year old boy said that there is no alternative to hard work and also faith in God. He attributed his deep faith in God to his parents and also his church in which he takes active par-

Dimapur, July 9 (mExN): More Sumi students’ bodies have condemned the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) for hosting felicitation programme for HSLC toppers on the day of Tuluni, the premier festival of the Sumi Nagas. Eastern Sumi Students' Union: The Eastern Sumi Students' Union (ESSU) in a statement condemned the NSF for its “deliberative and insensitive decision to host the HSLC toppers felicitation programme coinciding with the date of Tuluni.” ESSU questioned the NSF “whether it has any knowledge and respect towards the importance of culture and traditions of the Nagas and whether the NSF upholds its Constitution which clearly mentioned about ‘preserve our cultures, customs and traditional heritages’.” The statement issued by ESSU president, Hutopu Yeptho and general secretary, Tovi Kiba further mentioned that despite All Sumi Students' Union’s (SKK) written request for postponement of the said programme, the NSF went ahead anyway and held the programme as sched-

uled. This, it stated, is very unbecoming of the apex students’ organization. The ESSU therefore demanded a public apology from the NSF to the Sumi community or resignation of its entire executives for violation of their own constitution. VK Range Students’ Union: In a separate statement, the VK Range Students’ Union (RSU) also condemned the “self styled, narrow and immature decision of the NSF by the latter going against the very preamble of its constitution.” The union has drawn the attention of all Naga civil societies and organizations in the issue, and appealed the same to stand together to protect, promote and respect the unique cultural ethnic and identity of any and all sections of Naga society. The union further voiced displeasure over what it called “the narrow outlook of the NSF executives, their decisions chalked with hidden and unhealthy agendas.” Meanwhile, it declared to stand firm to support the decision of the All Sumi Students’ Union regarding the matter. “The present executives o NSF should step down immediately as they have not only failed the constitution, but gone against it too,” demanded the statement issued by VK RSU president, Toino K Wokhami and general secretary, Abito K Sumi.

Learning Science: Students experience hands-on training

Dimapur, July 9 (mExN): Feeling the need to teach and learn science in schools by questioning and understanding the concept and not just memorizing notes and writing in answer sheets, the Department of Science, Unity Christian Hr Sec School Diphupar, Dimapur with the coordination of Wekhem Zeliang organized a three-day summer training on basic learning of science. It began on July 6 at the school campus. The main objective of the event was to give hands-on training to the students on different aspects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. It aimed to stimulate the students to observe, explore, discover and carry out the experiments by themselves at school and at home, have fun with science subject and experience science with right concept in a different and a unique way, informed a press release. Experimental lecture and demonstration was conducted by the Science Teachers of the school, where students were encouraged to perform the experiments and activities by themselves, ask questions and take part in the group discussions. A presentation on ‘Art in Science’ was given by Lhicheü Khutso. The training also focused on centripetal force, gravity, light and magnetism, study of plants cell and stomata, traffic light reaction, surface tension and diffusion followed by hands-on activity by the students and quiz, solving puzzles and drawing. The final day witnessed all the students wearing self designed T-Shirts colourfully imprinted ‘BaZnGa’ signifying Barium, Zinc, Gallium. It also had the presence and participation of the parents in the different activities of the day. The training culminated with feedback by the students and parents. Students from classes VIII and above as well as from neighboring schools joined in this three days event. The programme was initiated as a result of the school students’ participation in the North-East Students’ Summer Training on Basic Sciences (NESST-BASE) at Darjeeling from May 22 to June 3. Bose Institute Mayapuri, Darjeeling hosed the NESSTBASE and the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India provided full sponsorship. The release further mentioned that Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Nagaland under the initiative of Telaknaro, Senior Technical Officer enabled the school students to participate in the training.

‘Addiction to social media, internet & online games’

Way2kingdom Media Ministry conduct workshopcum-seminar

Dimapur, July 9 (mExN): A workshopcum-seminar on ‘addiction to social media, internet & online games’ was organized by Way2kingdom Media Ministry (W2K) for the students of MGM College, Dimapur on July 7. A total of 53 students along with teachers participated in the seminar, where Dilip Kujur, Director of W2K was the resource person. Dilip emphasized on addiction to Facebook, Instagram and online

games, how these addictions are destroying their academics, self-values and relationships, according to a press release. Speaking on addiction, the resource person said that according to the dictionary it means “the state of being addicted to habit, as to the taking of drugs, etc.” There are different types of addiction ranging from everyday use of drugs like alcohol, smoking, tobacco and cocaine to behaviors like gambling and stealing. “Behavioral addictions are those not involving a substance. This type of addiction can be an impulse control disorder here is the list of three stages of,” he added.

“Students are addicted because they want to skip study, to kill time, and there are many youths in a competition to get more likes and comments,” Dilip said while encouraging the students be a transparent as you are also be in the social sides, don’t let their status and updates be a stumbling stone in their near future use it for a good cause. Dilip also encouraged the students as many of us are font and focus for new mobile, facebook and online games, ask the students to have the same desire and determination for studies and for their future career. He also added that daily overuse of these social networking sites tends to

Dilip Kujur, Director of W2K (center) with others during the workshop-cum-seminar on ‘addiction to social media, internet & online games’ for MGM College students on July 7.

have a negative effect on the health of all students as it makes them more susceptible to various health problems in the future. “This is where peers, teach-

ers and parents need to play a major role by making the students aware of what they are missing out while spending too much time on these social media sites,”

stated the resource person. It also informed that W2K is planning to reach out every schools and collages with a “social media awareness” message.

KhriMto VillaGe celebrateS tuluNi FeStiVal ZuNhEboto, July 9 (mExN): Khrimto Village celebrated Tuluni festival, one of the most important festivals of the Sumi tribe, with grandeur and cultural exuberance on July 8 at the village church premise. The festival is a celebration to rejoice the most abundant and fruitful season of the year. Clad in their colorful and finest traditional attires, the celebration witnessed an enthusiastic participation of its citizen from young and old including the town settlers. The grand festival was organized by the village council. Toniho Chisho, Jt. Director, Border Affairs, Government of Nagaland,

Khrimto villagers during the celebration of Tuluni festival on July 8 at the village church premise.

graced the occasion as Tuluni ‘Papuh’ (Father of the Festival). While extending Tuluni greetings, he encouraged his fellow village people to uphold and celebrate the festival in its true sense and spirit. He

called upon the younger generations to take the occasion as an opportunity to sincerely learn and imbibe the rich culture and traditions passed down by forefathers and to keep the traditions alive. He also

opined that this significant festival should be given due importance and to continue organizing it even in the coming years so that our cultures and traditions remain intact and do not get lost or forgotten.

Luhovi Shohe, Ex. VCC recounted and narrated the significance of the festival. The colorful celebration was marked with various cultural presentations like Aphilo kuwo, Aghughu, Tixa-luxa lee, Yeh-hu

lee, Angu kupsu, Shelupah kichhe and many other more. An exciting competition, inter alia, for the best maintained Dao and Spear was held, whereby Zhevito Yeptho and Kahoto Assumi walked away with the much anticipated prizes respectively. Khrimto Village Council, Chairman, Vishito Assumi, in a press release stated that the programme chaired by Vishito Assumi, VCC and recorded by Henito Chophy, Council Secretary, began with an invocation prayer by Khehuto Rochill, Pastor, Khrimto Baptist Church; while the welcome address was delivered by Kanito, Akukau, Khrimto Village.

monday 10•07•2017



Sporadic violence in Darjeeling hills, funeral rallies held amid tight security Darjeeling, july 9 (ianS): Sporadic incidents of violence and funeral rallies by pro-Gorkhaland protesters marked the 25th day of the GJM-sponsored indefinite shutdown in the north West Bengal hills on Sunday after a fresh flareup following the death of three activists allegedly in police firing. The Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) leadership claimed that three of their activists were shot dead by police on Saturday. "Three of our men were killed by police yesterday. Two died in Darjeeling town while another supporter was shot in Sonada (nearly 17 km away from Darjeeling)," GJM Assistant General Secretary Bi-

nay Tamang told IANS. Amid tight security arrangements by police and other security forces, the GJM supporters on Sunday afternoon brought out three funeral rallies with the bodies of the deceased. "We took out two funeral rallies in Darjeeling bazar area and one more rally in Sonada to pay out last tribute to the three Gorkha brothers who were killed yesterday. "We do not have any arms with us. The arms are with police. So it is obvious that the shots were fired by them," said Tamang. Police denied it was to blame. Earlier in the day, police accused the agitators of setting the Sub-divisional of-

Heavy rains trigger landslides in Manipur, rivers in spate iMphal, july 9 (ianS): Continuous heavy downpour in Manipur has triggered landslides along the mountainous national highways, suspending vehicular movement in the state, officials said on Sunday. Two landslides at Sinam village in Tamenglog district have dislocated traffic along NH 37 as Border Roads Task Force labourers are trying to clear the debris. Hundreds of loaded trucks and oil tankers are stranded on the either side of the damaged National Highway. District officials said that as torrential rains continue to lash Manipur and other northeastern states, there may be more landslides along the highways. Meghen Kongkham, a government official, told IANS that residential areas Ningthem Pukhri Mapal, Wangkhei Angom Leikai, among others, have been under water for over one week. "The government has done nothing to drain away the stagnant and running flood waters. No steps have been taken to check the outbreak of water borne diseases in these areas," a resident said. The water levels of major rivers are running above the danger mark. Manipur has been experiencing heavy downpour for the last four days and all low lying areas are inundated as flood waters are flowing across state and national highways at several places. Meanwhile, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh visited some of the flood affected areas in Imphal's east and west districts and assured that money would be given for the reconstruction of houses destroyed in the floods. He also promised relief material for the residents of relief camps. Some relief camp residents said that no minister or official has visited them to inquire about their condition. "No relief materials have been given to us all these days," said Ibopishak Laishram, a resident of the camp. The Centre is yet to send a team to assess the damages to declare the floods as state calamity. All commodities which are brought from other states have become costlier while heavy demand items are in low supply as a result of landslides along the roads. Biren said he is in talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Rajnath Singh about the situation.

fice in Kurseong on fire, resulting in the building getting partially burnt. The pro-Gorkhaland activists also torched the Pokhribing Panchayat office and vandalised a police outpost in Darjeeling's Pokhari on Sunday. State Education Minister Partha Chatterjee strongly criticised the vandalism in the hills and claimed that "some foreign countries" close to GJM are fueling the ongoing agitation. "What they are doing is undemocratic and condemnable. It is obvious that some forigen countries close to GJM are influencing the agitation," Chatterjee alleged. Two columns of army

were deployed in the region on Saturday after three persons died and a policeman sustained injuries in a sudden escalation of violence with pro-Gorkhaland activists engaging in widespread arson and vandalism targeting a railway station, police outposts and government offices. Two prominent political parties in the hills -- the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and the Gorkha National Liberation Front -- claimed that one of the deceased, Tashi Bhutia was their active party member. A police complaint lodged at Sonada police outpost by the victim's family alleged that Bhutia was shot by police while he was on his way to buy

medicines. The incident triggered a fresh flare up on Saturday as GJM and GNLF activists torched the Sonada railway station and a traffic police booth and attacked the Sonada police outpost. One policeman was injured. Protest demonstrations and blockades were on at several places and the offices of the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Town and the Food and Supply Department were vandalised in Darjeeling. The picturesque Darjeeling hills have been on the boil since last one month over a demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland with the GJM calling for an indefinite shutdown till the demand is fulfilled.

Manipur CM says no rollback on new districts iMphal, july 9 (ianS): The Manipur government is not considering any reversal of the decision, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh said on Sunday in reply to the United Naga Council's demand for rollback of the creation of the seven new districts in the state. Meanwhile, the scheduled talks on Monday between representatives of the central and state governments, and the UNC on the inflammatory issue have been put off. Official sources told IANS on Sunday that the central government representatives cannot make it due to "unavoidable circumstances" and so the talks have been deferred.

The previous Congress government in December 2016 created seven new districts in the state, which already had nine. The Nagas claimed that the new districts had encroached upon the "lands of the Nagas", which were left to them by their forefathers. The government denied the charge, saying that there is no land belonging to any community and that the new districts were created for better administration and more equitable development. In protest against the creation of the new districts, the UNC had imposed an indefinite economic blockade lasting nearly four months. It was lifted only after the BJP-led

government took office in Manipur. Soon after being released from prison, UNC President Gaidon Kamei said: "The demand for the rollback of the new districts is very much on our agenda. If this is not honoured, we will go back to the people for consultation on the next campaign." The proposed talks were deferred as the government and the UNC do not see eye to eye on the issue. Officials fear that the Nagas have on their mind the re-imposition of the economic blockade. The blockade was lifted in March on the understanding that the creation of the districts will be rolled back through negotiations.

RNSU appeals for good road, political representative in KAAC Karbi anglong, july 9 (Mexn): The Rengma Naga Students' Union (RNSU) held its Executive Committee meeting on July 8 at AG School Silonijan, Karbi Anglong, Assam. The meeting, chaired by Phenpiga H Rengma, president RNSU, was attended by most of the RNSU unit presidents and secretaries. The meeting decided to organize the union’s Annual Sports' Meet 2017. For funds and sports materials, the union decided to approach the KAAC authority as well to go for free will donation, according to a press release from Thangshi J Rengma, RNSU general secretary. As per the RNSU constitutional provision under Article 15 (i), the present office bearers’ tenure will be over in December, 2018. Therefore, the Committee resolved to hold its 56th gen-

eral conference at Tekrong Kong (area). In line with the RNSU motto ‘March towards Unity, Peace & Prosperity’, the union reaffirmed to work for unity, peace and development among the Rengmas in particular and Karbi Anglong, Assam in general “whatever may be the cost/ situation.” Appeal for ‘all weather roads’ Meanwhile, RNSU appealed to the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC) authority and the Government of Assam for “all weather road” from Bogamati to Rechangari village and from Nilip block office to Nakoi Tisso village. It also asked for up-gradation and proper maintenance of educational institution in the area, electricity, mobile tower. Further, an appeal was made for 20 bedded Primary Health Centre at

Phentsero (Phangcherop) village and at Sarihuti village respectively. The students’ union also asked for job opportunities for the Rengma students and youths under the KAAC sector, and political representative from the Rengma tribe in the 30-member KAAC. Meanwhile, RNSU congratulated the Chief Executive Member, KAAC Tuliram Ronghang for being elected as the CEM for the second consecutive term and also congratulated Chairman KAAC Horensing Bey and all the elected MACs of KAAC 2017. It further informed the authority concerned that many of the students/ youth could not cast their “valuable” vote in the recent MAC KAAC 2017 election due to pathetic road conditions and flooded rivers without bridge to reach the poll station.

Rajnath assures Sikkim CM of security on NH-10 new Delhi, july 9 (ianS): Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday spoke to Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling and assured him of all support to ensure safety and security on National Highway-10 in the wake of the Gorkhaland stir in neighbouring West Bengal. The Home Minister also assured the Chief Minister of ensuring availability of essential supplies to Sikkim. "Spoke to the Sikkim Chief Minister regarding security in the state and areas neighbouring West Bengal. I assured him that the Centre will ensure safety and security of NH-10 and do everything possible to save the state's people from any misery," Rajnath Singh said in a series of tweet. The national highway is Sikkim's only road link with the rest of the country. Last week, Sikkim-registered vehicles were

vandalised in West Bengal during the ongoing Gorkhaland stir in the northern hills of West Bengal. The incidents took place after Chamling supported the Gorkhaland demand. During the conversation, Chamling apprised Rajnath Singh that Sikkim is facing an acute shortage of supplies, especially essential commodities like medicines, powder milk for babies, vegetables and petrol/diesel, due to closure of the national highway. Rajnath Singh said he had directed Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi to coordinate with the West Bengal administration and ensure safety, security and smooth traffic on NH-10. He also urged the West Bengal government to ensure that the road link to Sikkim remains open.

IPFT calls for indefinite agitation Tailin Lyngdoh to depose in Tripura for separate state before women panel Assam's TB control best in country agartala, july 9 (pti): Security was beefed up in Tripura in view of the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) call for an indefinite blockade of the national highway number eight from Monday, to demand for a separate state, police said on Sunday. "Security was enhanced on the national highway and Tripura State Rifles was engaged in patrolling to ensure peace and calm so that no untoward incident can take place during the proposed agitation," SP, police control, Dilip Roy told reporters. National highway 8 runs from Karimganj in Assam to Khayerpur in Tripura. The IPFT has demanded that a separate state be carved out for the Tripura

Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) areas, which constitutes two third of the state territory and is the home to the tribals, who form one third of the population. The state government in a statement had on Saturday appealed to the IPFT to withdraw the agitation as the people would suffer due to the blockade. The ruling CPI-M has opposed the blockade call and said the demand for separate state is "divisive and aimed at disrupting communal harmony and peace in the state". BJP Tripura unit president Biplab Deb told reporters that "the demand for separate state is improbable and it is not physically possible. The BJP opposes the demand".

Shillong, july 9 (pti): Tailin Lyngdoh, the Khasi governess who was forced out of a posh Delhi club because of her traditional attire last month, will depose before Meghalaya State Women Commission on July 10. "We will depose before the State Women Commission at Shillong tomorrow," Tailins employer Dr Nivedita Barthakur Sondhi told PTI. She said the Commission sought their deposition as both Lyngdoh and Barthakur have lodged a complaint with it. On June 25, staffers of posh Delhi Golf Club had asked Lyndoh, an invited guest, to leave a dining room because her traditional Khasi attire looked like a "maids uniform". Since then, Lyngdoh said, she had to deal with the post incident trauma and is not keeping well with her health too. "I had to deal with such an embarrassing situation... The trauma of being ill treated. We (tribals) are not used to ill treat or look down upon people," Lyngdoh told PTI over phone.

guwahati, july 9 (tnn): The ongoing tuberculosis control programme in Assam got a shot in the arm recently by being certified as the best performer among all other states in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme from 2015-16 to 2016-17 by the ministry of health and family welfare. Assam was certified with the special recognition at the 4th National Summit on Good, Replicable Practices and Innovation in Public Healthcare Systems in India held between July 6 and 8 at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. The state's innovative and different programmes that were undertaken in the past few years in com-

bating the disease, reporting cases, introducing new drugs and other measures to prevent infections, drew attention. Officials at the TB control programme told TOI on Saturday that a slew of measures were put into action and some of them were the first of their kind in the country. In 2015, Assam became the first state in the country to launch Bedaquiline and DST Guided Treatment in the country. "There were collaborative activities with tea gardens and collaboration of Doctors For You (an NGO) for providing nutritional support for all DR-TB patients under the Drug Resistant TB centre in Guwahati, nutritional support programme in

Jorhat district and others that all need special mention," said Bhaktimay Bhattacharyya, district TB officer, Jorhat. Other measures included collaborative activities with private healthcare providers, and active-case finding activities.

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PM calls Sonowal to take stock of Assam flood situation guwahati, july 9 (ianS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal over phone from New Delhi on Sunday and took stock of the prevailing flood situation in the state. Modi enquired about measures taken by the Assam government to provide succour to the marooned people, damage caused by flood and status of relief and rescue operations. He said the central government is taking flood and erosion in Assam very seriously and assured the Chief Minister that the Union government would extend all support to the state government in mitigating the situation. Sonowal informed Modi about the government's effective and expeditious measures to reach out to the affected people. He said that ministers of his Cabinet have already been directed to rush to affected areas to take stock of flood situation and step up relief and rescue operations, ensuring proper arrangement of facilities for the flood-affected and relief camp residents. He said the MPs and MLAs of concerned areas

Kaziranga using drones to monitor flood-affected animals guwahati, july 9 (ianS): With over 50 per cent of the Kaziranga National Park in Assam submerged by flood waters, the park authorities have flown in drones to ensure security of animals in the park, particularly the famed onehorned rhinoceros. Two drones have been engaged to enhance the vigil and monitor the movement of animals, most of whom are now migrating to the nearby hills in Karbi Anglong district, park director Satyendra Prasad Singh told IANS on Sunday. "The two drones can fly up to the elevation of 2,000 feet and can capture visuals of five km radius. They can fly for half-an-hour at a stretch. We are using the drones to track the movement of animals due to the current floods in the park...and take precautionary measures for their have also been asked to remain in their constituencies and supervise rescue and relief operations. Informing the Prime Minister that all district administrations have been alerted to fully prepare themselves for tackling the current wave of floods, the Chief Minister also spoke about regular review meetings held by him to monitor the situation. Sonowal also said that relief camps have been

safety," he said. Singh said that the drones have been hired from police administration of Golaghat district. "As of now about 50% of the park areas have been submerged. It is not a high flood situation and there is no food crisis for the animals inside the park," Prasad said. He said that some animals, however, have started to migrate towards the Karbi Anglong Hills crossing the National Highway-37. "It is a routine migration process. There are some highlands inside the Kaziranga National Park where the animals take shelter during floods. However, some animals like the deer and elephants migrate to the higher grounds in Karbi Anglong during floods," he said. The annual floods assume significance for the ecology of the na-

opened for marooned people and relief materials have been distributed to the inmates. He also said that ex gratia relief to the next of kin of those killed in the current spate of flood have been disbursed within 48 hours. Sonowal said the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, along with State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF), have been carrying out joint operations to rescue the

tional park. Although it causes woes for the animals, the park needs to be flooded every year as floods wash away the unwanted weeds and it is very vital for the ecosystem of the park, say experts. "We have also put a speed restriction on vehicles plying on National Highway-37 that bifurcates the park, particularly during night, so that the distressed animals who try to cross the highway in order to get to the neighbouring Karbi Anglong Hills are not knocked down by speeding vehicles," the park director said. "The speed limit is restricted to 40 km per hour on this stretch of the national highway. The forest guards give time-cards to vehicles upon entry and those are checked on exit and violators are fined up to Rs 5,000 if they are found to have violated the speed limit," Singh said.

marooned animals and fodder for cattle has been made adequately available in flood-hit areas. Sonowal also informed that the Agriculture Department is taking measures to ensure the supply of superior quality seeds to the farmers whose crops have been devastated. He also explained to the Prime Minister about steps taken by the state Public Works Department to repair dam-

aged roads and all necessary steps taken by state Water Resources Department to tackle erosion, including ensuring availability of anti-erosion materials for prompt action at affected sites. The Chief Minister also informed about the state government's decision to procure a dredger for excavation of river bed apart from preparing an antierosion plan adopting latest technology.

F. No. NRCM(S)393/2017

e-Procurement Tender Notice


The Director, ICA R-NRC on Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland invites online bid under two bids system through e-procurement from the registered/well established/reputed firms for hiring of vehicle on Annual Rate Contract basis. The e-tender forms, details terms and conditions and instructions to the bidders can be downloaded from www.nrcmithun.res.in or https:// eprocure.gov.in. Online bids complete in all aspects should be submitted online only through_ CPP portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocurdapp on or before 2:30 P.M. of 07.08.2017 Administrative Officer For and on behalf of the Director


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AI break-up an option as Modi pushes for quick sale NEW DELHI, JuLy 9 (REutERs): India is considering selling stateowned Air India in parts to make it attractive to potential buyers, as it reviews options to divest the lossmaking flagship carrier, several government officials familiar with the situation said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet gave the go-ahead last month for the government to try to sell the airline, after successive governments spent billions of dollars in recent years to keep the airline going. Air India - founded in the 1930s and known to generations of Indians for its Maharajah mascot - is saddled with a debt burden of $8.5 billion and a bloated cost structure. The government has injected $3.6 billion since 2012 to bail out the airline.

Once the nation’s largest carrier, its market share in the booming domestic market has slumped to 13 percent as private carriers such as InterGlobe Aviation’s IndiGo and Jet Airways have grown. Previous attempts to offload the airline have been unsuccessful. If Modi can pull this off, it will buttress his credentials as a reformer brave enough to wade into some of the country’s most intractable problems. His office has set a deadline of early next year to get the sale process underway, the officials said, declining to be named as they were not authorized to speak publicly about the plans. The timeline is ambitious and the process fraught, with opinion divided on the best way forward: should the govern-

ment retain a stake or exit completely, and should it risk being left with the unprofitable pieces while buyers pick off the better businesses, officials said. Already, a labour union that represents 2,500 of the airline’s 40,000 employees has opposed the idea of a sale even though it is ideologically aligned to Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party. Officials who have to make it happen are grappling with the sheer scale of the exercise. Air India has six subsidiaries – three of which are loss-making – with assets worth about $4.6 billion. It has an estimated $1.24 billion worth of real estate, including two hotels, where ownership is split among various government entities. No one has properly valued the company’s various businesses and assets before, two officials

with direct knowledge of the process said. Earlier this month, about $30 million worth of art, including paintings by artist M. F. Husain, went missing from its Mumbai offices, chairman Ashwani Lohani said. “The exercise is complex and there is no easy way out,” said Jitendra Bhargava, operational head of Air India in 19972010. “At this juncture, selling even part of Air India is far from certain.” Lohani declined to comment on the sale process. The prime minister’s office and the civil aviation ministry also declined to comment. BACK TO TATA? A committee of five senior federal ministers, led by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, is expected to meet this month and begin ironing out the finer details of

the plan. Besides deciding about the size of the stake sale, the panel will set the bidding norms. It will also take a call on the carrier’s debt, demerger and divestment of its three profit-making subsidiaries. Modi’s office has said the government has no business being in hospitality and travel, suggesting the prime minister wants to sell as much of Air India as possible, the officials said. Analysts say the government may prefer to keep the airline in Indian hands. At least two potential Indian suitors – the Tata Sons conglomerate and IndiGo - have shown early interest. In recent weeks, officials in Modi’s office and from the civil aviation ministry met Ratan Tata, the patriarch of the $100 billion-a-year Tata Sons, to gauge the company’s inter-

est in a deal, a close aide to Modi said. Tata would be an attractive buyer for the government. The company founded and operated Air India before it was nationalised in 1953. Tata, however, already has two other airline joint ventures in India, and it’s not clear what parts of Air India it would be interested in. A Tata spokeswoman declined to comment. IndiGo said on Thursday it was interested in the international operations and in Air India Express, a low-cost carrier. Modi’s office has told officials to work out exactly how much each of Air India’s subsidiaries are worth to make it easier to break up the carrier if needed, two of the officials said. The government is expected to appoint outside consultants to help with the exercise.

RBI amends order on bankruptcy E-way bill system in GST to come from Oct DELHI, JuLy 9 (PtI): km) and 10 days (500-less than GST Council decided to rope action on twelve large NPAs NEW in NIC to develop it since it The GST provision, requiring 1,000 km). MuMbaI, JuLy 9 (IaNs): The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has amended its earlier order asking banks to initiate bankruptcy proceedings against 12 companies which have outstanding loans amounting to over Rs 5,000 crore as on March 2016. The amendment, made through a notification late on Saturday, comes after the Gujarat High Court asked the RBI to remove the stipulation on its order last month that the 12 non-performing assets (NPAs), or bad loans, would be granted priority at the National Company Law Tribunal. “The third line of paragraph No. 5 of the press release on June 13, 2017, titled RBI identifies Accounts for Reference by Banks under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), which reads as follows: ‘5. ...Such cases will be accorded priority by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT).... stands deleted,” an RBI release here said. Essar Steel, one of the 12 large NPAs identified by the RBI, had approached the Gujarat High Court for the RBI proceedings to be put on hold, contending that it was arbitrary. Making the insolvency proceedings against Essar inoperative until July 12, the court had asked the RBI to amend its order that the NCLT would

give priority to the cases identified. In June, the RBI identified 12 accounts totaling 25 per cent of the NPAs of the banking system for insolvency proceedings. “The IAC (Internal Advisory Committee) noted that under the recommended criterion, 12 accounts totaling about 25 per cent of the current gross NPAs of the banking system would qualify for immediate reference under IBC (Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016),” the RBI said in a statement following the IAC’s first meeting here. “The IAC recommended for IBC reference all accounts with fund and non-fund based outstanding amount greater than Rs 5,000 crore, with 60 per cent or more classified as non-performing by banks as of March 31, 2016,” it said. The IAC has been constituted under the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017, passed by the government in May, that allowed more power to the RBI to tackle the NPAs issue. It has been empowered to issue directions to commercial banks to initiate insolvency proceedings for recovering bad loans. The NPAs of state-run banks at the end of last September rose to Rs 6.3 lakh crore (almost $100 billion), as compared to Rs 5.5 lakh crore at the end of June 2016.

any good more than Rs 50,000 in value to be pre-registered online before it can be moved, is likely to kick in from October after a centralised software platform is ready, a top official said. The provision, called the e-way bill, would be implemented after infrastructure for smooth generation of registration and its verification through hand-held devices with tax officials is ready. The information technology platform for the e-way bill system is being developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) along with GST-Network — the company which has developed the IT backbone for the new indirect tax regime. The Centre has also decided to relax the timeline provision under which the eway bill generated by GSTN for 20 days for goods travelling more than 1,000 km. Earlier, this was 15 days. As per the provision, GSTN would generate e-way bills that will be valid for 1-20 days, depending on distance to be travelled — one day for 100 km, 3 days (100 to less than 300 km), 5 days (300-less than 500




Answer Number # 3994

was felt that in the initial days of GST roll out, GSTN would be busy with other works like solving issues like registration and invoice generation. The draft e-way bill rules, which was made public in April, provide that the person in-charge of conveyance will be required to carry the invoice or bill of supply or delivery challan, and a copy of the e-way bill or the e-way bill number, either physically or mapped to a Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) embedded on to the conveyance. The rules authorise the tax commissioner or an officer empowered by him on his behalf to intercept any conveyance to verify the e-way bill or the number in physical form for all inter-state and intra-state movement of goods. Physical verification of conveyances can be carried out on specific information of evasion of tax, as per the rules. The officer will be required to submit a summary report of every inspection of goods in transit within 24 hours and the final report within three days of inspection std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. Liabilities 6. Footnote note 10. Jump up and down 14. Panache 15. Connecting point 16. Utilized 17. French school 18. Swill 19. Peel 20. Indiscretion 22. Rind 23. Spanish lady 24. Flashy 26. Copied 30. Pelt 31. Dawn goddess 32. Thorny flower 33. Disappear gradually 35. Relaxes 39. Dispute 41. Aluminum foil 43. Piece of paper 44. Reflected sound 46. Forearm bone 47. Unhappy 49. Ancient unit of measure 50. In order to prevent 51. Cave 54. Corrosive 56. Emanation 57. Fastidious 63. Flaccid body fat 64. Midmonth date 65. Medical professional 66. Tumbled 67. Tidy 68. Master of ceremonies 69. Being 70. Burden 71. Flash DOWN 1. Very intense 2. Behold, in old Rome 3. Coalition 4. After-bath powder

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3995

The GST Commissioner may extend the validity period of e-way bill for certain categories of goods. “We hope the e-way bill can be implemented in three months time as by then, we hope to develop the infrastructure for consolidated e-way bill,” a top official said. Although the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been rolled out from July 1, a centralised e-way bill could not be implemented as the rules and forms were not ready. “The e-way bill rules may be taken up in the next meeting of the GST Council on August 5. After the rules are in place, the NIC and GSTN would develop an all India platform for a consolidated system,” another official said. Since states like West Bengal, Kerala, Bihar, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh already had a robust e-way bill system, the GST Council in its meeting last month has allowed the states having e-way bill rules to continue with the existing form till a central format is built. Originally, GSTN was to develop the e-way bill platform, but last month only the

5. Place 6. Suggest 7. A strong post 8. False god 9. Force out 10. Meaningful 11. Willow 12. Agile Old World viverrine 13. Strangely 21. Takes off 25. Smut 26. Circle fragments 27. Milne bear 28. Feudal worker 29. Abhorrent 34. Philosophers 36. Only 37. Cans 38. Thin strip 40. French for “State” 42. Classical Greek 45. Impressive country house 48. Mask 51. Blooper 52. Governs 53. Not written exams 55. Ridges of sand 58. Biblical garden 59. Chunk 60. Killer whale 61. End ___ 62. Search

Answer to Crossword 3997





































GuWaHatI, JuLy 9 (PtI): Vodafone India, which has invested over Rs 700 crore in the North East in the last one year, has said it will further ramp up investment in the region as the telecom major aims a healthy double-digit growth this fiscal. “The North East is an important and one of the fastest growing markets for us. Last year, we invested Rs 706 crore in this region to expand our base. We will continue to expand and invest in this market,” Vodafone India Business Head (Assam and North East) Nidhi Lauria told PTI here. She, however, declined to put a number on the proposed investment for the North East for the current fiscal. “The investment we put in last fiscal was for expanding our 3G and 4G networks. We also invested on spectrum and modernising our operations,” Lauria said. The company has expanded its SuperNet 4G network to more than 253 towns and over 1,365 villages across all seven states in the region during the last few months, she added. Talking about business, the first woman business head of the company said Vodafone enjoyed a “good doubledigit” growth during the last financial year. Without specifying, Lauria said: “I do not see the growth slowing down. We will continue with the same growth in the current fiscal too.” Vodafone currently has a customer base of 55 lakh in the North East, of which 40 lakh are from Assam alone. Stating that the company is now focussing more on data usage, Lauria said: “Currently, 24% of our revenue is from data. This is a strongly growing segment. Last year, it grew by 70% on year-on-year basis. People here are very data savvy.” Talking about its manpower in the North East, she informed that the company has created over 70,000 direct and indirect employment opportunities. “Out of this number, around 15,000 are our exclusive dealer associates. In the region, we have around 500 employees on companys rolls and 24 per cent of them are women. This is a big achievement for us in terms of women representation in the workforce,” Lauria said. Vodafone commenced its journey in the North East in 2008 and has invested more than Rs 2,200 crore so far in the region to expand, modernise and develop technology for customers. Presently, Vodafone has over 5,300 cell sites, more than 300 retail touch points and over 67,000 distribution touch points across the North East. Recently, the company announced offering a 50-minute free talk time to its customers in flood-affected areas to contact anyone in case of emergencies. This one-time service is being offered in affected regions like Kamrup, Karimganj and Bongaigaon in Assam, Ukhrool and Bishnupur in Manipur, and in North Tripura at present.

BIRTHDAY GREETING Dear Sashi For your special day we tried to find the right words to show you how we feel about our friendship. We could only think of one: AMAZING. To us you are an amazing friend, more special than anyone we have ever known. As friends goes, you’re not one of the best .You are THE BEST! May this year’s birthday be the best ever for you. Happy birthday! From Imdang and Amen TaHaMZaM

std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)

Civil hospital



229529 229474

mh hospital

227930 231081

fire brigade


faith hospital


naga hospital


shamrock hospital


oking hospital


Zion hospital

231864 224117 227337

bethel nursing home


northeast shuttles


police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east police station


west police station


Cihsr (referral hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur hospital

police station fire brigade

222246 222491



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 Zubza ps

224041 248011


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Apollo hospital info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway


Airport indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 khuzama ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

kezocha ps

nagaland multispecialty health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

kohimA ps/oCs Contact numbers north ps

Chumukedima fire brigade 282777


Voda plans more investment in NE, aims double-digit growth



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


kohimA south: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) kohimA north: 7085924114 (O) dimApur: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) ChumukedimA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) wokhA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) mokokChung: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) phek: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) Zunheboto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tuensAng: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) longleng: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 women helpline 08822911011 WOMEN helpline 181 CHiLD welfAre Committee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

police station 1 police station 2 police station kobulong police station tuli police station Changtongya police station mangkolemba Civil hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing home


hotel metsüpen (tourist lodge) 2226373/ 2229343

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63.04 80.26 7.82 47.88 45.38 47.6 56.12 70.86 1.79 0.0537 16.61 8.91

65.88 84.14 8.71 50.22 47.60 49.91 59.28 74.29 2.00 0.0598 18.50 9.92

monday 10•07•2017


Ncc cadets learn about weapons at ongoing training

MEx FILE Sumi students' body declares non-cooperation to NSF Dimapur, July 9 (mExN): The Northern Sumi Students' Union (NSSU) has condemned the Naga Students' Federation (NSF) for “failing to uphold its preamble which clearly indicates ‘Preserve our Culture, Customs and Traditional Heritages’ and going ahead with felicitation programme as scheduled which coincided with Sumi festival Tuluni despite repeated appeal of postponing the event from the office of the Sumi Kiphimi Kuqhakulu (SKK).” NSU president Kitoyi Yeptho and general secretary Bokali Sumi in a press statement said, “It is insulting and cruel to know that NSF chose to hurt the sentiment of a whole Sumi community in particular and Nagas in general by giving more importance to their programme schedules.” It maintained that until further notice or directive from the office of SKK, the NSSU will “never accept or consider NSF as mandated students' body and declare non-cooperation to NSF in any form.”

Air Sqn, NCC, Dimapur cadets at the weapon display programme on July 8.

Kohima, July 9 (mExN): 155 Battalion CRPF Bokajan carried out a weapon display for the cadets at the ongoing 10-day Combined Annual Training Camp of Air Sqn, NCC, Dimapur on July 8. A total of 550 NCC cadets (both boys and girls) from various institutions

are taking part in the camp, which began on July 4 at Pilgrim School, Dimapur under the guidance of NCC Group Headquarter Kohima. According to a press release from Col C Konwer, PRO (Defence), the weapon instructors of the CRPF battalion displayed all the hand

operated, semi-automatic and automatic weapons and demonstrated the correct handling, operating, all the safety precautions to be adopted and maintenance of the weapons. Also the cadets were told about the history of weapons from primitive age to renaissance, it added.

Mukesh Kumar Tyagi, Commandant of 155 Bn CRPF also addressed the cadets about the motto of the weapon training, its implementation to counter insurgency and self protection. He maintained that the training on weapon is an important facet of NCC training.

NSCN (R) informs on Crime Control Cell Cornerstone College celebrated its 3rd annual Fresher’s Day on July 4. Angukavi Swu and Banglem Konyak, both from economics department, were adjudged the Mr & Miss Fresher respectively, while Lemdimong and Tiajungla won the runners up titles. Earlier, Asst Administrator Apong Longchar exhorted the students on how dedication and hard work bring success to one’s life citing examples of KFC and Alibaba company.

Passion Crusade 2017 in Dimapur O-Physio: Centre for physiotherapy Kohima, July 9 (mExN): O-Physio, a centre for physiotherapy was dedicated on Saturday by Rev. Fr. Neisalhou Carlus, Vicar General, Diocese of Kohima at BOC area as Annexee to Online Pharmacy. The proprietor Vizovono Janet did her Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the reputed Hosmat College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore. The dedication programme was also graced Family members and friends of Vizovono Janet, proprietor by her grandmother Viker- O-Physio, which was dedicated on July 8. Some of the organisers during the press conference held on July 8 for the forthcoming ile, who is about 90 years of members and close friends. prietor gave free service to all Passion Crusade 2017. Being the first day, the pro- patients and interested visitors. age, along with other family Dimapur, July 9 (mExN): The Pas- is Coming.’ Pathways Church pastor Olem Jamir insion Crusade 2017 organized by Pathways Church in association with Nagaland formed that not only singers and artists but Christian Ministries Fellowship (NCMF) the organisers are also bringing a powerful will be held on July 15 and 16 at Urban Haat, prayer warrior team from the US. “The team Dimapur from 5:30 pm onwards. This was of eight prayer warrior and counsellors at disclosed during a press conference held at the Passion Crusade will hear personally the spiritual needs of people of this city and Pathways Church, Dimapur on July 8. moKoKchuNg, July 9 A press release on the press conference pray for the sick people, broken hearted, (mExN): The command of 25 Nainformed that the speaker will be Jeremy those who are in need of prayers, believgaland (I) Coy NCC, Mokokchung Williamson from Fort Collins, USA, while ing for the mighty touch of God's healing was handed over to Col Vijay Ahlfront man of Relentless Worship Band Joe hand be upon their life and to experience awat on July 7, 2017 by the present and Lindsay Shuman will lead praise and the miracle of God,” he added. Commanding Officer Col V SriniMeanwhile, the Crusade organizers worship and America’s renowned Chrisvas. The 25 Nagaland (I) Coy NCC, tian Electronic/Hiphop artist Nate Dezzy have appealed to all the people of DimaMokokchung was raised on Octowill perform his original song like ‘Hope pur and others to attend the crusade. ber 25, 1964 at Fazl Ali College, Mokokchung. It is the first NCC unit of Nagaland state. At present, the NCC unit has 33 schools and 4 colleges under its wings spread over five districts catering to trainmoKoKchuNg, July organised by Assam Rifles ering and emphasised that ing of 200 Senior Division and to extend an opportunity sports develop physical, 9 (mExN): 44 Assam 1800 Junior Division cadets. At the Rifles under the aegis of to the locals to showcase mental and social abilichange of command programme HQ IGAR (North) organ- their talent in sports and ties of an individual, team on July 7, the achievements of the ised a friendly volleyball interact with troops, stat- spirit and sense of belongunit were highlighted and scope match between local play- ed a press release from ingness. He also extended of further improvements were ers of Longtho village and PRO, HQ IGAR (N). Major his gratitude to all present dwelled upon after carrying out troops of 44 Assam Rifles B Mayur Raj of 44 Assam for their trust and support inspection of the unit. Officials of 25 Nagaland (I) Coy NCC, Mokokchung. on July 7. The match was Rifles addressed the gath- to Assam Rifles.

Col Vijay Ahlawat takes over command of 25 Nagaland (I) Coy NCC, Mokokchung

44 AR organise volleyball match

Dimapur, July 9 (mExN): The NSCN (Reformation) through its MIP has informed that the Crime Control Cell (CCC) will be supervised by the Military (Naga Army) in order to tackle the crime rate in the State. Therefore, the general public have been asked to co-operate with the military authority for any related crime cases and its activities.

Children’s Meet held at Raj Bhavan Kohima, July 9 (Dipr): The Staff Welfare Society of the Governor’s Secretariat and household staff of Raj Bhavan, Kohima organised a Children’s Meet at the Recreation Hall, Ura Bhavan on July 7 for the children of its members. Cash prizes were distributed to students who passed the recently conducted HSLC and HSSLC examinations. Gifts were also given the students who achieved first position or A1 grade in school. The children played games and interacted with the Raj Bhavan staff. The meet is usually held during the summer vacation period of the children and aims to bring the Raj Bhavan family closer together. This activity also acts as an encouragement for the students to study harder and do better in their academics.

Meetings & AppointMents DUCCF meeting reminder Dimapur Urban Council Chairmen Federation (DUCCF) has reminded all that a meeting of the Federation has been scheduled for July 10, 3:30 pm at Forest Colony Council Hall, Dimapur. All the council chairmen have been requested to attend the meeting positively.

Meeting of Sainik School Class XII students, parents An emergency meeting of the cadets of Class XII, Sainik School Punglwa, Nagaland and their parents has been convened on July 11 in the Training Hall of Green Park, SHN, 4th Mile, Dimapur at 11:00 am. Therefore, all concerned have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

PACSU presidential meeting The Pungro Area College Students’ Union (PACSU) has convened a presidential meeting on July 12, 10:00 am at its treasurer’s residence in Pungro Town. All the presidents of its federating units have been requested to attend the meeting positively. Further, the union extended invitation to its advisors and former officials to attend the meeting.

Public SPace Grandma’s Precious Love

book review on 'a village called Nbena'

Zashebonu Savi Class – VIII, The Vineyard School Kohima

(First Death Anniversary of late Neikedou Tacu – July 10, 2016) The person who has inspired or influenced me may not be famous at all, She is none other than my great grandmother I happen to be one of her fondest granddaughters She has inspired me so much through her affectionate love. The way she cared for me, made me feel very important; It remains in my heart happily as ever. I consider her to be my super grandmother. I am very fortunate to receive the greatest love of a grandmother by a grand-daughter. A memorable incident I often spent with my grandma while sleeping together in my bed. Whenever she comes and spends the night with us and those were the precious time. Then, she shared her words of wisdom and profuse out her elderly advices for the good upbringing of a young daughters before we retire to sleep with prayer. Her love for me remains in my heart a fresh at all times. It is very difficult for me to accept the fact my grandmother breathing her last; not going to be with us all of a sudden. I console myself strongly believing that my grandma is with the Lord. The beautiful things that I learned from her Good Heart, Peaceful Mind and Simplicity. Yes! I have received so much of an encouragement to live a good life for her.

Anna Sireiliu Charenamei, the author of the book 'A village called Nbena'. Newmai News Network


village called Nbena’ is an interesting book presented with lucidity about a typical Liangmai Naga village. This small and yet remarkable book contains so much of everything that provides important insights to social dynamism and the characters of the Liangmai village. In other words, the book contains so many threads, which blend the social practices of the villagers and challenges of the day with vision for the community welfare. The author of the book, Anna Sireiliu Charenamei harps on the vulnerable and the source of strength of a progressing village. At the same time, the author makes it loud and clear that tradition, culture and belief system were strictly

adhered to by the villagers in those days. They are these lucidity, rich insights and aliveness of the villagers which make this small book so remarkable. Another unique aspect of the book is that, the aliveness of the presentation by the author makes readers feel as though a lived experience as the author traces the root of the village. The author of the book also captures rich natural resources of Nbena village. In fact, the book takes readers on a journey of various stages of Nbena village from ancient to modern, too. Nbena village is now put under Kangpokpi district of Manipur. The book foreword is done by Dr Kamei Aphun, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. The author of the book, Anna Sireiliu Charenamai beautifully presents so many aspects of the general ways of life of the villagers, and in the same time, she also throws light on the villagers’ belief system, situation of their surroundings, food habits and their social engagements. In the book introduction, the author says, “This book is a humble endeavour to record oral history of her village in a literary form.” Anna Sireiliu Charenamei, a product of

Lady Shri Ram College (Delhi University), also says, “The interest was culminated through the stories told to me by my father and grandfather with much passion and nostalgia, and subsequently the need and desire to have a written history was realized…” The author further says that her “main aim in writing this book is to encourage people to write or make effort, small yet significant, for preservation of our culture…” The book gives important insights on why the people of Makuilongdi village had to desert their grand village of 7777 (seven thousand, seven hundred and seventy seven) households. The book then dwells extensively on how Nbena village was founded by a group of people after coming out from Makuilongdi. The group was led by one Nbebou, and thus, the village was named after him. The book based on the narratives of the elders claims that Nbena village is about 1000 years now. The village is located along the present IT Road. The book gives important information to the readers on how “some Kukis came in search of land in the Liangmai territories”. According to the book, some of the Kuki people were “permitted” to settle in “Nbena territories”.The book also heavily presents ‘mysteries’ surrounding the early life of Nbena village. The book dwells

on the myth of Chingpui, the goddess of wealth. “Every creek, stream, hillock, valley, meadow, cliff, monolith, range and ridges are not without names. Some of the mysterious natural monuments are the Charapa Chakuipa, meaning the footprint of man, god and tiger imprinted on a stone…” mentions the book. Somewhere in the middle of the book, the author narrates about the heroic or legendary figures and their activities in one of the chapters. One notable story the book cites is about two orphan brothers---Namphung and his younger brother Marinang who went on to become symbols of admiration and savior. One interesting story in the book was about the adventure of Chakungbou of Nagaonamai clan who travelled to a far off place bordering non-tribals. “The people of Nbena believed that the location could be somewhere beyond Mizoram and bordering Bangladesh,” says the book, adding, “It is also told that on his expedition in search of the border Chakungbou went on erecting monoliths and setting up villages in the western horizon beyond the hill ranges of Manipur and Mizoram.” The book also narrates about mysticism surrounding the birth of Prince Khewang by an aged and widowed queen of Nbena.

In the other half of the book, the author presents readers the rich life of flora and fauna that was found in Nbena area. The author passionately describes it complete with names of animals, birds and the types of vegetation/forest. The book also talks of food and festivals of Nbena village. In the later parts of the book, the author highlights on the coming of Christianity and its impact in the life of Nbena villagers. The author then presents us about the mystic Zaimeng Lake of Nbena. “The most unique character of the lake is that, not a single leaf (dry or otherwise) is found floating on the lake as there is a bird (not identified yet) which always swoop down to remove any floating leaf,” the book claims. According to the book, a greater part of Zaimeng lake is a “marshy mass” of thick grass-like weeds, combined with reeds and green mosses. Literally translated into English from Liangmai, Zaimeng means “lake puzzle” or “lake perplex”. The book narrates that the name of the lake was believed to have been given by forefathers of Nbena village who passed by the lake but they could not find their way out as they kept returning to the same spot around the lake. ‘A village called Nbena’ is one book that is many-in-one. The book is an unmissable read of the time.

The Morung Express “Public Space” is to provide space for diverse opinions to be expressed and heard. The opinions in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper nor the editor.


Monday 10•07•2017



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express



volume XII Issue 187 By moa Jamir

Yesterday, once more

Phil Vernon openDemocracy

Half of all peace deals fail within five years. This is how you make them work

Will the 11, 38,215 electorates stand up?


s another political drama unfolds in Nagaland, one is reminded of the classic 1973 hit ‘Yesterday Once More,’ by The Carpenters. But the similarity stops here. While hit-sibling ‘nostalgically transported the listener’ back in times in an aptly titled album ‘Now & Then,’ no such respite in offing in the present situation. One is neither nostalgic nor under any illusion, but is acutely aware of our faddishness and wretched political affliction as the perpetual power struggle continues to unravel in our midst. The intricacies, antics and moves in the recurring crisis in Naga political arena has had been discussed ad nauseam. However, the modus operandi is simple. The bone of contention is always the ‘leadership’ while subsequent hopping of affinities becomes a calculated political gamble for each participant as they indulge in the real life version of ‘the game of thrones.’ In each political maelstrom, the concerned actor(s) throw tantrums, form camps, and play out their intrigue game safely ensconced away in a resort – usually far from the maddening crowd outside the state. Kaziranga National Park seems to be the favourite haunting place where one’s fortune is decided, depending on the outcome of this zero-sum game, in which ‘one gain is equivalent to the loss of the other.’ Even the Rhinos and Elephants are wary and running away from their ‘uninvited guests’ is the latest jokes doing the round in the state. As confirmed, the latest upheaval was engineered by present DAN Chairman and former Chief Minister TR Zeliang, still smarting from a casual ‘swapping’ of chair late February, right after the election to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) crisis. Consequently, the incumbent Chief Minister and Nagaland People’s Front Supremo Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu took office as the 17th Chief Minister of Nagaland on February 22. Zeliang staked his claim for the Chief Minister’s chair on July 8. Reports indicated that his bête noire, but strange bedfellow – Neiphiu Rio, the lone Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) from Nagaland, is providing him ample company. Despite a resounding mandate to govern the State in 2013, the hallmark of the current NPF-led Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) tenure, mostly engineered internally by the dominant partner in the coalition. Swamping with fidgety politicians, devoid of any ideology and constantly bidding for an opportune moment to board the ‘gravy train’ of politics, the State is now, ironically, without a formal opposition party. ‘Checks and balances’ of internal power politics do the trick. Anyone observing the state political drama is befuddled by the shifting loyalties in each episode. The allegory is frighteningly Orwellian. “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” Will the incessant antics cause the implosion of the NPF party or other political actors? The answer is resounded no. Self-interest is the single largest motivator of economic activity, argued Adam Smith. Naga politicians, the electorates have conveniently appropriated the same in politics, in ways, that would make Smith, regarded as the father of Modern economics, to roll in his grave in despair. It is the manifestation of the toxic electoral politics that plague every corner of the state. With added urgency, the Nagas should adopt the maxim of choosing one’s leader wisely. Devoid of such action, the charade will persist in future, and will transport us unpleasant yesteryears. Will the 11, 38,215 electorates stop this farce and raise to the occasion? For any comment, drop a line to moajamir@live.com


Prof. G.T. Thong Nagaland University

Musical Chairs & Police Department Scams


he political situation is ever as fluid in Nagaland this last tenure of the NPF-led DAN Government. It is really interesting how affiliations change with the drop of a hat. Sworn best friends became worst enemies, who have now come together, ‘never to part again’. Perhaps a number of them have visited Kaziranga this time as well (Nagaland’s favorite destination where our developmental policies are made and packaged). May be, a competent leader is needed to put a halt to the probable investigations into the numerous scams that have recently surfaced, particularly in the police department under the stewardship of ‘Sir’ Pillai. Imkong Imchen was peeved by the term ‘Chor’ used by a certain group recently. It is for sure the term was not meant for all the politicians. It was for the select few of an exclusive club who robbed them off their jobs by appointing their khandan/ supporters/highest bidders through the back door. The ‘offensive’ term was also for an ‘honorable’ politician whose escapades with some Police Departments, in India and abroad, is legendary. That ‘irritating’ term was also for that small bunch of politicians and bureaucrats who have looted Nagaland dry with impunity, leaving no future whatsoever, for the thousands of unemployed youth. The Congress should stop screaming their lungs off accusing the Chief Minister of nepotism. If my memory has not failed me, one Chief Minister had his own brother, including a heavy dose of, you know who, in his cabinet once. There was not a whimper out of anyone in the Congress camp then. Please let the matter rest and let us get along with more important issues at hand. Of utmost importance is the multi-thousand crore rupee scam in the Police Department, that great Institution, ‘the Upholder of our Sacred Laws’. There are vested interests that would not like the proceedings to continue and will do their level best, by bribing, intimidating, etc., etc., to stop all investigations; even toppling the government if necessary. Here, all responsible people with a conscience have to get together and start the ball rolling. Perhaps, the ACAUT can take the lead and arrange for a public rally to discuss the unimaginable rot in the system. We look upon the other Civil Societies of Nagaland as well (NTC, CNTC, ENPO, Senior Citizens’ Forum, NSF, ENSF, ANCSU, etc.) to lead the rally. It really is every ones concern. The agenda (ONLY Police Department scam) may include the course of action to be adopted, filing PILs, a delegation to meet the Governor and Prime Minister, etc. All the big-time crooks involved should be thrown behind, you know where. However, all this requires financial support. The ACAUT and others have no resources of their own, so during the rally these matters can be discussed openly and free-will contributions encouraged. It is high time for decisive actions. The task is arduous, though this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, but we have to persevere now. A few notorious elements will use money and guns to try to dissuade us, but if we public are united, we sure as hell can overcome all odds. Mighty empires were brought down in recent years. The comparatively small rot


iolent conflict is on the rise. According to the Global Peace Index 2017 published last month, the last decade has seen the highest decline in world peace since the Cold War. The World Bank has also noted that two billion people live in ‘fragile states.’ That’s more than a fifth of the world’s population. By contrast, only one comprehensive, major peace agreement was signed in 2016, between the Colombian government and FARC rebels. This was an inspiring example of diplomacy, compromise and determination in action, but less than a year later, some commentators are already casting doubt on whether the deal has sufficient support in Colombia to survive. Sadly, history shows that half of all peace agreements collapse very quickly, roughly within five years of signing. Why is this, and how can countries like Colombia avoid the same fate? The problem with many peace deals is that they seldom if ever address the underlying causes of the conflict. In reality, every peace agreement is no more than a ceasefire, designed to stop the fighting for now. Important though such agreements are, what really matters is what happens afterwards. After a lid has been put on the fighting, peace needs to be carefully nurtured and encouraged to evolve in subsequent years to deal with the issues that caused the conflict in the first place—such as inequality, poverty and historical grievances—and slowly building trust between the different sides. But the mechanisms and support required to do this are often lacking, especially on the most sensi-

tive and hardest issues—the ‘higher hanging fruit.’ Peace deals also often result from external pressures rather than from a genuine coming together of opponents whose own analysis tells them that now is the time to seek a non-military solution. Such externally brokered peace deals can be particularly tenuous. A big risk to peace also comes from third-party ‘spoilers’—leaders or parties who feel that the emerging peace threatens their interests or excludes them. Meanwhile, geopolitical factors such as changes in policy by major players like the USA can shift the circumstances and render the agreement no longer valid. Current discussions around whether the Northern Ireland Peace Agreement will be undermined by Brexit or the recent UK general election is one example of how susceptible peace can be to apparently unconnected events. The peace that was brought by the 1998 Good Friday Agreement is now widely accepted, but as the Irish scholar Eunan O’Halpin has said, there are still unresolved tensions and bitterness. This is why peace deals must, first and foremost, be won and sustained locally. Among countries where agreements did not hold is South Sudan, where dissatisfaction among elites over access to political and economic power led to the resurgence of rivalries and violence soon after the country’s independence in 2011. And in Rwanda, spoilers played a part when some Hutu leaders rejected the Arusha Peace Accords in 1994, less than two years after signing, fearing that returning Tutsi rebels would

have too much power, and contributing to the genocide that killed hundreds of thousands of people in less than three months. In all of these cases, the peace agreement did not resolve the underlying political and economic grievances that pre-dated it, resulting in renewed violence. What could have been done differently? Agreements that have stood the test of time thus far include South Africa’s National Peace Accord (NPA) of 1991, which supported the peaceful transition from apartheid rule and brought an end to the long-term conflict between the ANC and the state. While not perfect, this process created structures that helped to contain violence, address injustices and create mechanisms for peace, including local conflict monitoring and mediation. This was partly achieved by establishing local and regional peace committees, which brought together religious and political leaders, business people, security forces, and others. And, while encouraged by outsiders, the accord was the result of political calculations made by the South African parties themselves. Stronger peace deals like this one are developed over a period of years. They are hard to achieve, and usually have mechanisms built in to monitor the peace by interested international parties, helping to ensure that the process delivers real peace dividends and continues to evolve. Examples include Nepal, which last year celebrated a decade since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. It has taken a long time and much discussion to deliver key el-

ements of this agreement, particularly the much disputed new constitution that sets out a new, federal state. Much remains to be done, but so far the fact that the process has not been rushed is probably an advantage. Or take Lebanon, where the Taif Agreement ending the long-lasting sectarian conflict was signed in 1989 and has held ever since. A crucial element in this case was the inclusion of a mechanism to ensure that all sectarian groups are represented in governance—essentially reserving parliamentary seats and ministerial positions for particular groups. Nevertheless, no peace agreement is foolproof, and the Lebanese and Nepalese still have to manage their peace every day. In Nepal, the complex new constitution is yet to be fully implemented. And in Lebanon, the political system will no doubt need to evolve to be able to deal with new tensions and realities such as changes in demography and regional conflict dynamics—for example, the refugee crisis emerging from the war in neighbouring Syria, which is putting pressures on the Lebanese population and public services. The contexts vary, but the need to continue the work of peacebuilding after a deal is signed is universal. In Colombia today, the challenge is to ensure that every party fulfils their commitments and that all Colombians see advantages in the peace process, and get behind it. For a peace deal to last, it must be achieved and maintained by people right across society. These efforts must continue long after the ink on a peace agreement has dried.

Nagaland Government in crisis yet again Khekiye K. Sema IAS (Retd) Upper Forest Colony, Kohima


agas are being given an opportunity yet again to see our so-called 'leaders' (who purchased their leadership) effortlessly changing their colour in broad daylight more efficiently than even a chameleon can. They are all amply displaying their core intent of only wanting to recuperate their past election investments by shifting loyalty to ensure better lucrative returns to make up their loses faster. This has nothing to do with governance. This has everything to do with treacherous power mongering. The often touted phrase “welfare of the people” is but a mere lip service because the people are furthest from the minds of all these power mongers. The audacity of it all is that our socalled leaders are no longer ashamed or afraid to behave irresponsibly and selfishly because we the people do not hold them accountable for their atrocious commissions over and over

again. Even if they do not have an honourable character to feel ashamed of their despicable behaviours, we the people should feel ashamed that we are being represented by cheap stakes like them and prove it comprehensively when the next election comes by voting them out beyond the boundary of the State of Nagaland...leave aside our Legislative Assembly. TR Zeliang was forced to resign for his overall inapt handling of corruptive governance capped by the ULB election fiasco. If he wants to regain the Chair of Chief Minister, he should seek a fresh mandate of the people. On a matter of principle, JCC and NTAC did not intend that TRZ give up the Chair of Chief Minister for a few hours...days...or months. In as far as the people are concerned the clear verdict was that he no longer qualifies to be the Chief Minister within this term unless he is re-elected for the next term. He must seek the people's mandate afresh if he wishes to retrieve the Chair.

Therefore, it would be within the rights of the people to revive the movement to throw him out yet again. How long do the people of Nagaland want to be treated with such indifferent arrogance by so-called leaders shamelessly searching for money and their comfort zones at the cost of the common man? The Government of Nagaland has been converted to sheer mockery by the socalled elected jokers to the Assembly. This must stop. We the people must rise up in unison and determinedly terminate this tomfoolery once for all if we have any selfrespect left in us! Judging by the exodus of MLAs and Ministers to the Ali Baba camp at Kaziranga the present incumbent Chief Minister must have streamlined and restricted some of the excess routes of blatant corruption thus causing disgruntled reaction. With the kind of company he has no choice but to keep, the Chief Minister ought to have been a little more sensitive to his sur-


roundings and not ripple the waters by appointing his son as an Advisor to the Chief Minister. Politically and ethically, this can be classified as a pure nepotism. It is more questionable from the customary and traditional perspective for a son to be advising the father. This has never happened before. Therefore, if he is an honourable man he should rethink this action of his and make positive amends and also spare himself the trouble of not provide ammunition to his detractors to continue muddying the waters. This is just an honest sentiment being suggested by those who wish him well. Finally...however indifferent we Nagas may be...we do not deserve to be treated so dishonourably in this manner. The Chief Minister and his Cabinet must consider dissolving the present House and recommend a President's Rule for the remaining period of this irresponsible Assembly. The continuation of this selfish madness does not serve the people in any way other than the few rats desperately looking for cheese.

Letters to the Editor should be sent to: The morung express, House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur - 797112, Or –email: morung@gmail.com All letters (including those via email) should have the full name and Postal address of the sender.

MonDAY 10•07•2017




The Morung Express POLL RESULTS

Do you believe the 18-point pledge signed between NBCC and the political parties will make an impact on the Clean Election Campaign? Why?

Some of those who voted YES had this to say: • Yes. If implemented in letter and in true Christian spirit by all the stakeholders. • Yes. Many young people are tired of the wrong way politics is being played in Nagaland. Many are already working hard to educate the grassroots through the churches and on personal levels too. So am positive it will bring about a positive change. • Every journey begins with the first step. This clean election campaign is being done in many areas by multiple organisations following the clarion call of the NBCC since the previous election and is gaining momentum. We the people are becoming aware of the need and benefit of it. This arrangement should be imbibed as a habit in everyone and net necessarily forced fed during election. Younger generation needs better environment. Yes it will work • I believe Clean Election will show positive impacts wherever public respond in obedience to the resolutions, teachings and preaching of the movement. And wherever people refuse to do anything but expect ONLY the Church, NGOs and Government to do it, the endless blame games, disbelief and pessimism will continue. It is sad to note that many proponents of positive change who shouts loudly in various platforms against dirty politics and corruptions are also up against the Clean Election Campaign. There are people who will go all out to oppose anything NBCC initiates. As for me I will choose to move on if it is for the common good. Some individuals, families, villages and groups are going to surely practice clean election this time. Whereas some others will remain the same or even get worse. May God Almighty help and bless us to see this great mission of our times to fruition sooner or later. • Absolutely yes... Rome wasn't built in a day... This is a very good initiative by NBCC along with the political organisations... It must be appreciated by all... At the same time, we must realised that the change does not happen instantly and we cannot wiped out the messy things completely at once ... So let’s have patience and at the same time every individual are equally responsibly to let this change happen... • Yes... There is every possibility of making a positive impact... But it's the people... If people want corruption then clean election is a far cry...

issue is dubious and highly practicability. Several points we talked about, but politics in questionable as they have not are very good though. One imNagaland is deeply infected with come clean with a logical deportant point missing is purithe diseases of corruption! Yes, all cision in this more than 25yrs fying and filtering of electoral of them want to gamble. The winalcohol ban. NBCC is answerrolls. Proxy and bogus can be ner stack is power to corruption able for the many people who cleaned by the church by providwhich is illegal! The answer again died or who felt sick after coning church membership data. It’s is very simple – Stop Corruption suming spurious liquors supa tough job but if we really have and the question of dirty election plied by countless bootleggers the will, we can do not arise. Democratic election in and around Dimapur. Leave means volunteering yourself to • What or who is NBCC anyways? alone the thousand crores of ruIsn't it all the members under represent the people by presentpees Nagaland lost in revenues. this banner? So those who are ing the best of you in contest. If Therefore, NBCC has no right to under this banner are NBCC not the winning candidate tries or initiate for 'clean election' unjust the officials. The officials do his best to corrupt his repreless they come clean from the represent every individual memsentation power than the people above mentioned issue pending ber. I am from a different church he represents have the ultimate for quite long time! and never take money for vote. power to impeach and penalize Speak for yourself not what some • NBCC is becoming joke factory, him for the mis-representation! instead of winning souls, it is tryare going to do. Les us cure the disease of coring to involve in all political matruption because as long as the • People, who preach, should ters of the state is just like a hypofirst practice. And then they can power to corrupt is accepted by crite prayer praying out loud just preach. We have seen enough us, dishonesty in politics will alto show its political power and of hypocrites. Everyone wants ways exist! influence in the state. NBCC is clean elections. But why? Let's defaming the word Christianfirst wipe off d dirt in our eyes n ity. It seems lots of false prophets then tell others to wipe off their are its members who wish only to eye dirt. visit foreign countries with politi• Nagaland is a dry state in a letcian sponsorship. Clean election ter but the wettest state in whole of India; we want to make our is not a child game first convince the people on dry state which you state a dry state just because we claim to be 99% Christian. Now as have already given up. we continue clean election with • NBCC need not stretch their muscles in politics... They should signing by all Political parties lead by the church... This is no better instead pray, preach, teach and practice what they teach... than a ‘Dry State’ again. WHAT A CHRISTIAN WE ARE? ALL WE • AMUSING FACTS OF NAGAS! 1. NBCC said stop drinking and ONE IS A TAG. Dry State but free selling of intoxicated drinks beflow of liquor everywhere in the YES NO OTHERS cause it is destroying and even state and NBCC convention Hall killing people, families and sosurrounding is a hot spot. SO I ciety. People will not obey and DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW FAITHFUL WE ARE TO OURkeep drinking and selling and alize that risking of their looted Some of those who conveniently blame the NBCC. SELVES AND TO OUR GOD. wealth in election will be a waste. voted OTHERS had this to say: 2. NBCC started Clean Election Ultimately every election will be- • Doesn't matter whether all will fol- • Do you remember all the Campaign because dirty elecChurches supplied a Consent/ low or not, but as for me and my come a “Clean Selection.” tions like selling & buying of pledge card, asking all its memhouse I will stay true to Christian Unless it reaches the grassroots votes, proxy voting, etc are stealbers to sign the pledge CLEAN principle no matter how insignifilevel, the pledge will remain as ing our development projects, ELECTION but the result was cant my vote can be. a theory. All the stake holders destroying & stealing our very even worst and the post election should come out and uphold the • Politician and most of the Nagas We all know. birthrights, and have become are no different from fox in sheep vision clean election for a new the root cause of most corrupclothing. In fact, we are oppor- • Whose candidate helped the VotNagaland. NBCC should come tions. We the public refuse to ers, that candidate will get pubtunist. "If the root is rotten why out with effective strategy to make lic’s votes. Especially working for take heed and continue to do not the leaves, and if the leaves it a people's movement all these vices and again put the grassroots level is must. Motto of, are rotten, why not the root". It's No, do they follow what they whole blame on NBCC. If we will Single vote, followed single cana vicious cycle. So clean election? preach? not change and take action on didate, No double games. PubImpossible! Ratio? 95:5. No. Whether its 18 point or 100 our parts, people, we also should lic and even amongst the leadpoint pledge it can never have • I know the initiative has been ers played double games during stop complaining about broken done with the best of intention impact. Both NBCC and political homes, street fights, bad roads, election taking huge money on the part of NBCC. I also know parties are doing all this just for from two, three candidates this lack of opportunities, lack of fathat the political parties cannot SHOW. In reality they have some cilities in our schools, offices, led to spending of huge money refuse NBCC, but whether they unholy nexus to benefit each othby the candidates. It’s my obserhospitals, good football grounds really mean it is what remains to er. Church and politics are same etc. Very sadly, even in the 2018 vation only. be seen. Unless the public hold in Nagaland. Assembly Elections, hundreds the political leaders accountable • NBCC is from the Religious body No, NBCC... Now we Nagas want and thousands of Nagas seems so in my opinion, it will be good to it, I am afraid that the political Naga solution not your Indianif they don’t involve here in polito be already looking forward parties and politicians will only ized propaganda politics- Electo selling themselves, thereby tics as a clean election campaign ignore this pledge. tion. It’s time to change your noselling in advance our roads, inbecause the word campaign itself • Positive impact will take place if menclature. frastructure, hospital & school usually refer to political point of only political chameleon is taken 1000% No! The logic is very simfacilities, water, power, job opview... Instead, why don’t they try into serious consideration till the ple: honest people don’t contest to pray and teach the Gospel to portunities, etc. For a change, let end. election anymore. Political party us give development and clean their people... as a whole is absolutely dishonest. • It’s not a matter of believing or governance a chance!! unbelieving. Some points lack • Role of NBCC in the liquor ban Prevention before disease is what

• If the power of politician is sub- • It will not have impact, because NBCC will not be able to act if dued and bureaucrat’s power is the political party or candidate improved... do not follows the clean elec• Yes... Only if all the campaigners tion campaign. I feel it should be seek God. Just with our knowlsome NGO who can implement edge and might things goes hayor even go to court if need arises. wire, I think. But NBCC cannot go to court. • Yes & the NBCC should visit each and every church and spread the • Hahaha...futile! Dreams too come true but castles can't be built in agreement made & convince the the air in reality... church leaders since each one of us belong to one church or the • No, politicians have no conscience. They will always play other church. I firmly believe evdirty to win. They want to enjoy ery true believer will agree & folpower. Politicians should realize low Christian principal. that Democracy has it limits for • Yes, not fully, but to some extent. politicians to rule. Many famous • Yes, it will if you and I want it to politicians of mainland India happen. Clean Election Camhad land up in jail for misuse of paign is to better our society. As democracy. I think it’s high time a voter if we choose to do what is for some of our politicians to be right then perhaps, the pledge is jailed for abuse of power and cornot needed. Don't always blame ruption only than they will reothers for the mess. I think it's high time to support one another in areas where it will benefit our society. • Yes and I mainly request the youth who are above 18 to follow it. • I am from Manipur yet I have high regard for NBCC and Nagaland in general. Because Nagaland is a Christian state and seems very spiritual as well as respect the Christian leadership. And the candidates are too are going to be good Christian. Therefore, NBCC on clean Election will be successful.



Some of those who voted NO had this to say: • No. Unless people are educated on Clean Election, it'll have less or no impact. Money has the power and will. • No. From what we hear, none of the candidates or sitting legislative assembly has signed the pledge directly. Rather they have sent representative to sign the same. If it true, what does it imply? • No, it's a piece of papers only. No implementation & action...? • No, it will be like declaring our state as dry state. • I can't believe that this will happen because everyone I meet and discuss about candidates for the forthcoming election, I get only one reply ... Whosoever have big money can win a seat! So, I am dismayed. • No, as the political parties were not represented by its President's, but their representatives. • Nope... This is politics, not some kind of fairy tale. • No, it’s easier to believe in God’s Miracle than on those NBCC and politicians points. • No, because even those who advocate CEC, will be tempted by money.

• •


How Photography shapes our view of the Native Americans

Using an early photographic process, one photographer hopes to draw a line connecting what happened to the Dakota people in Mankato, Minnesota, 155 years ago and what is happening today to the Dakota/Lakota standing up to a $3.7 billion crude oil pipeline Jacqueline Keeler


Yes! Magazine

hotographer Shane Balkowitsch’s warehouse is large and dark, except for a few windows filtering the natural light. His studio, in the industrial building where he also runs a medical supplies business near the Bismarck, North Dakota, airport, is lit by lamps that beckon like a bright jewel box. Workers shift merchandise around his photo lab and racks of period clothing as we enter. In his office, Balkowitsch, 47, shows us the glass plate images he creates through an antique technique called ambrotype photography. Image-makers in the 19th century used the wet plate method to capture a ghostly negative on glass. Balkowitsch uses the same tools today. “I don’t consider myself a photographer,” he says, “I consider myself an image-maker. I never took the classes, I read from historic manuals. I’m completely self-taught.” Balkowitsch used this antique process to document Standing Rock Sioux tribal members and other Native “water protectors” fighting the Dakota Access pipeline. By building on a relationship of trust, he captured these modern Dakota/Lakota warriors in portraits that echo those taken of their ancestors and honor the historic battle for their homelands in the 19th century that continues to this day. He hopes that by sharing these images, he can inspire understanding and healing between Native Americans and all Americans. He offers to demonstrate the ambrotype process by taking a photo of

Vanessa Dundon was shot in the face by a tear gas canister in late November, causing her to lose vision in one eye. Balkowitsch captured her resilience in an ambrotype months later during her recovery. Ambrotype by Shane Balkowitsch.

my 13-year old son, Joneya Matoska (White Bear Born at Dawn). Taking a photo with an iPhone takes about one-sixtieth of a second, Balkowitsch says. But with ambrotype photography, which requires the subject to hold a pose for as long as 30 seconds, you are taking a short movie of someone’s life. He places my son’s neck in a metal brace to hold his head still. He assures him that even Abraham Lincoln had to sit with a neck brace like this for his portraits. Then Balkowitsch mixes a silver colloidal solution on a counter in a dark corner of his studio. He returns to load the camera with a light-sensitive glass plate coated in the wet silver. Under the black fabric that drapes the

viewfinder, he invites me to see my son’s image upside down. “That’s what it looks like on your retina, too. Our brains turn the image back the right way,” he says. As my son holds the pose, I think of the antique photos of our family. One shows Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) at my great-great-grandparent’s farmhouse on the Yankton Sioux Reservation where he was held as a prisoner at Fort Randall from 1881 to 1883. According to our family stories, Sitting Bull persuaded the Army to allow him to stay with his niece, my great-greatgrandmother, during his house arrest. In the photo, Sitting Bull and his wives are seated in front of the house, tipis just off camera. Based on the date, the image was probably taken using a similar technique. Balkowitsch pulls the plate out of the camera and slips it into a tub of chemicals at my feet. As the image develops, my son’s face appears— darker, more enigmatic than in real life, and his eyes burn like fire, revealing his soul. “This image of your son will last 1,000 years,” Balkowitsch tells me. The iconic first portraits of Chief Sitting Bull were ambrotypes, taken by photographer Orlando Scott Goff in Bismark. Inspired by the local historical connection, Balkowitsch asked Sitting Bull’s great-grandson, Ernie LaPointe, to sit for a session. Balkowitsch has since done a series of 60 Northern Plains Native Americans, including Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault II and Dale “Happy” American Horse Jr., who locked himself to Dakota Access pipeline machinery in the August 2016 standoff against the pipe-

line. Balkowitsch was also the first photographer allowed to take a photo of the protest camp at Standing Rock. He said he was greatly honored that the camp leaders trusted him with this. Recently, the Library of Congress acquired Balkowitsch’s stark glass negative of Darren Thompson, an Ojibwe flutist and journalist covering the DAPL protests at Standing Rock. In the ambrotype, titled “Death by Oil,” Thompson wears a noose around his neck, and black oil drips down his shoulder. As I hold the negative of the powerful image in the studio, I am struck by the fragility of the glass in my hands. “Death by Oil” is initially shocking, but the noose and its intimations of death give way to the eagle feather in his hair, a note of grace. “When I was putting that rope around Darren’s neck, it wasn’t easy,” Balkowitsch said. “He had tears in his eyes during the shoot.” “I had to sit there for an hour,” Thompson said. “I felt I was involved enough that I could articulate the meaning from his [Balkowitsch’s] standpoint and all the people we know mutually and how they feel about the Dakota Access pipeline. I think it’s a pretty powerful statement and powerful experience imagining how the Dakota 38 felt.” During the winter of 1862 in Mankato, Minnesota, the U.S. government hanged 38 Dakota men, the largest mass execution in American history. The men—memorialized as the Dakota 38—were convicted of taking part in the Dakota Sioux Uprising, which was prompted by the theft of treaty supplies and the subsequent starvation. After the

hanging, Dakota people were driven from the state of Minnesota and $200 bounties placed on their scalps by the U.S. government. When he learned about the hangings, Balkowitsch was forced to confront the profound amnesia that Americans have of atrocities their government has done to Native people. And for those who survived, painful memories like this one, personally reviewed and ordered by President Lincoln less than a week before the Emancipation Proclamation declaring an end to slavery took effect, can be a difficult history to pass on to the next generation. Thompson, who grew up in Wisconsin, was “confused, upset, and enraged” when he learned about the Dakota 38 in college. “I consider myself a history buff, and every first-grader learns about Lincoln, but no one teaches about the Dakota 38 and what Lincoln did,” Balkowitsch said. To memorialize the execution, Dakotan riders participate in the annual Dakota 38 + 2 horseback ride to Mankato, a yearly 330-mile ride from their reservation in South Dakota to the site of the hangings. The riders and their horses annually brave freezing temperatures to arrive at Mankato the day after Christmas. “After I heard about [the] Dakota 38,” Balkowitsch said, “I knew these images [of the hangings] would haunt me until I got them on glass.” In 1863, the Dakota were driven from their homelands, and bounties were offered for any “Redskin” who returned. This year, with help from social media video, peaceful Dakota/Lakota demonstrators and their

allies could be seen defending their sacred sites and water to the rallying cry “Mni Wiconi” (Water is Life) and peacefully facing off against heavily militarized police who spray demonstrators with water cannons in subfreezing temperatures, pummel them with rubber bullets and concussion grenades, and bathe them in pepper spray. This all happened with the support of the government of North Dakota. “I saw a local woman’s Facebook post saying, I feel sorry for the police officers because they have to sit in the same car with those stinking Indians when they arrest them,’” Balkowitsch told me. “And it was that mentality that allowed the [execution of the] Dakota 38. [Native people] are still here and [Americans] still doing the same things … It scares you to the bone.” At Balkowitsch’s studio, I stare at the glass plate developing on the floor and think about my son, young and beautiful, staring at the world for generations to come. I think of all of the things that will be remembered and forgotten in those 1,000 years. And I share the hope of Balkowitsch and Thompson that by creating, viewing, and understanding these images and memories, that our two peoples, the Dakota/ Lakota and the Americans, can find a peace that is just and good, and one that will give us all a better life. Certainly, one that is better than the one we have endured for 150plus years. Jacqueline is Diné/Ihanktonwan Dakota and editor of The Edge of Morning: Native Voices Speak for the Bears Ears


MonDAY 10•07•2017



J&K: Pakistan violates Prez launches India’s most-awaited ceasefire, Army retaliates digital learning platform ‘Swayam’ More than 438 courses will be available for consumer digitally

NEW DELHI, JuLy 9 (uNI): President Pranab Mukherjee today called upon the society to ignite the quest for education as it is an important tool to take the society forward. On the occasion of Guru Purnima, the President launched digital initiatives in the field of higher education titled ‘Swayam’, ‘Swayam Prabha’ and ‘National Academic Depository’ (NAD) in the presence of Prakash Javadekar, Minister of Human Resource Development. “It is necessary to improve quality of teaching and these digital initiatives will help in making education available to everyone”, said Mukherjee at a national convention function on digital initiatives for higher education, which was held at Vigyan Bhawan here. The President also called upon teachers to make most of the use of these digital pro-

NEW DELHI, JuLy 9 (agENcIEs): In yet another incident of ceasefire violation, the Pakistan army fired indiscriminately at Indian Army forward posts and villages along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district on Sunday evening. The Army retaliated strongly to Pakistan's unprovoked firing. Giving details about the exchange of fire, Defence Ministry spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Manish Mehta said, "Pakistan army initiated indiscriminate firing and shelling on our positions on the LoC in Poonch district's Digwar and Khaari Karmara." "Unprovoked firing from Pakistan's side started at around 6.40pm," he added. He also said that the Pakistan army fired at the Indian posts with small arms, automatics and mortars and the gunfight is still underway. On Saturday, Army destroyed Pakistani post close to the LoC+ in the same area. The Army action came after an Army jawan and his wife were killed and four persons injured when the Pakistani army violated ceasefire by shelling and firing at forward posts and hamlets along the LoC in Poonch. The deceased were identified as Sepoy Mohmmad Shaukat of Territorial Army and his wife Safia Bi. Their three daughters identified as Zaida Kouser (6), Robina Kouser (12) and Nazia Bi were in-

grammes which have been aimed to bridge the digital divide. Javadekar quoting the importance of teachers said learning is an ongoing process and to make it accessible to all, its expansion is must. Digital revolution is a new dimension in this direction which makes education programmes available 24X7. “These digital programs will make learning anytime and anywhere”, said Javadekar and added that accessibility, quality, equity, accountability and affordability are the main pillars of a good education system. “Education is empowerment and has become a ‘soft power’ to make country progress and prosper”, said the HRD minister adding that the technology will make the education available to the remotest part of the country through these digital initiatives. Under Swayam, four segments have been pre-

jured as was another person. Following the ceasefire violation, Indian troops had retaliated. There have been 23 incidents of ceasefire violation, one BAT attack and two infiltration bids by Pakistan in June this year in which 4 people including 3 jawans were killed and 12 injured, officials said. On June 29, two Indian Army jawans were injured when Pakistani troops fired from small arms and shelled mortars on forward posts and civilian areas along the LoC in Poonch. On June 26, the occasion of Eid-ul Fitr, the Pakistani army fired small arms and automatic weapons and shelled mortars along the LoC in Bhimbher Gali sector of Rajouri. On June 22+ , in the third such attack this year, a team of Pakistani special forces sneaked 600 metres across the LoC into the Poonch sector and killed two Indian jawans and lost one Border Action Team (BAT) member in retaliatory action. The attack by the Pakistani special forces team had taken place at around 2 PM on an Army patrol party in the Gulpur belt of Poonch under heavy cover fire by troops from across the LoC. In the attack, two Indian soldiers 34-year-old Naik Jadhav Sandip of Aurangabad and 24-year-old Sepoy Mane PatNa, JuLy 9 (IaNs): After spending three days in Savan Balku of Kolhapur - were martyred. Rajgir, away from the Bihar capital where the political cli(with PTI inputs) mate has heated up following CBI raids on RJD chief Lalu Prasad and his family, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Sunday returned to his official residence here, officials said. "Nitish Kumar is back in Patna after spending three days in Rajgir in Nalanda district," an official of the Chief Minister's Office here said. With Nitish Kumar back in Patna, now all eyes are on him to see when he will break his silence over the CBI raids on RJD chief Lalu Prasad and his family. So far Nitish Kumar, who is also president of JD-U, has maintained a studied silence on the CBI raids on Lalu Prasad. "He may break his silence soon," a JD-U leader considered close to Nitish Kumar said. The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) along with the Janata Dal-United (JD-U) and Congress is part of the Bihar ruling alliance, headed by Nitish Kumar. In the last two days, opposition BJP leaders have repeatedly demanded Nitish Kumar break his silence and take action against Lalu's two sons - Tejashwi Yadav, who is Deputy Chief Minister and Tej Pratap Yadav, who is Health Minister -- for their alleged involvement in corruption. Some BJP leaders have demanded that Nitish Kumar should end his party's alliance with the RJD. According to JD-U leaders, during his stay in Rajgir, about 100 km from here, Nitish Kumar visited different Members of a non-governmental organization ‘Youth Forum for Kashmir’ chant anti Indian tourist places. "On Saturday Nitish Kumar visited Ghora slogans during a rally to mark 1st anniversary of the death of a young rebel leader Burhan Katora and on Friday he visited another tourist place," a Wani, who was killed by Indian troops last year, in Lahore, Pakistan on July 8. (AP Photo) party official said. It is expected that the JD-U will react to the incident as NEW DELHI, JuLy 9 (IaNs): India day to rake up the Kashmir issue. Army chief General Qamar Javed Ba- per directives of Nitish Kumar. on Sunday said the Pakistan government JD-U spokespersons are also keeping a distance was "reading" from Lashkar-e-Taiba's jwa said on Saturday that Kashmiris had terror script in hailing Kashmiri militant the right to self-determination. Bajwa said from the media and have not reacted to the raids. "JDBurhan Wani whose death on July 8 last Hizbul Mujahideen militant Wani's "sacri- U spokespersons are following instructions from Nitish year sparked months long deadly unrest fice" was "testimony" of his and his genera- Kumar and not saying anything on the issue," the party tion's "resolve" against "Indian atrocities." official said. in Jammu and Kashmir. Even Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz External Affairs Ministry spokesperThe CBI on Friday carried out raids at 12 places in Patson Gopal Baglay condemned in a tweet Sharif paid tributes to Wani, saying his na, Delhi, Ranchi, Puri and Gurugram in connection with the praises showered upon Wani and death had "infused a new spirit in the strug- the case involving Lalu Prasad and his family members. other Kashmiri militants by the Pakistan gle for freedom" in Jammu and Kashmir. The CBI has registered the case against Lalu Prasad, government and its army on his first death "The blood rendered by Burhan Wani has his wife and former Chief Minister Rabri Devi, Tejashwi infused a new spirit in the freedom moveanniversary. "First @ForeignOfficePk (Pakistan ment. The Kashmiri people are steadfast to Yadav, former Indian Railway Catering and Tourism CorForeign Office) read from banned LeT's take their movement to logical conclusion," poration (IRCTC) Managing Director P.K. Goyal, and Lalu script. Now Pak COAS (Chief of Army Sharif said. The Pakistan Foreign Office in Prasad's confidante Prem Chand Gupta's wife on allegaStaff ) glorifies Burhan Wani. Pakistan's Islamabad said in its tweet on Saturday that tions of awarding the tender for development, mainteterror support and sponsorship need to be it condemned "India's deliberate targeting nance and operation of hotels in Ranchi and Puri in 2006. In the same year, the hotels were transferred to the condemned by one and all," Baglay tweet- of civilians (in Kashmir) that is contrary to ed. The tweet was in response to Pakistan human dignity, international human rights IRCTC. Lalu Prasad was the Railways Minister between using Wani's death anniversary on Satur- and humanitarian laws". 2004-09.

Nitish back in Patna, his reaction to CBI raids on Lalu Prasad awaited

Pak reading from Lashkar script to hail Burhan: India

The President, Pranab Mukherjee launching the SWAYAM, 32 SWAYAM Prabha DTH Channels and National Academic Depository, at the National Convention on Digital Initiatives, organised by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, in New Delhi on July 09. The Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Prakash Javadekar and the Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey are also seen. (PIB Photo)

pared - e-Tutorial, e-Text, Discussion Forum and Assignment. Subjects like engineering, science, management, commerce, language, mathematics have been included. More than 438 courses will be available. Foreign students will also be able to make its use and mobile users can download the App too. 'Swayam Prabha' provides

free DTH channel for education. A group of 32 DTH channels will provide highquality educational programmes on 24X7 basis using GSAT-15 satellite. Every day, there will be new content for four hours which would be repeated five more times in a day. The NAD programme will help students to upload their certificates online.

There will be no issue of theft and spoilage. Privacy will be protected. Anyone from anywhere can access their certificates. Javadekar also presented special memento to the President on the occasion. Other dignitaries including MN Pandey, MoS, Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser also graced the occasion.

GST: Naidu charges Cong with adopting double standards

cHENNaI, JuLy 9 (PtI): Claiming a "massive support" for the "very very simple" Goods and Services Tax (GST) Union minister M Venkaiah Naidu accused the Congress of "adopting double standards" on the new tax regime. He also assured that any doubts on the new taxation regime could be addressed, including discussing it in GST Council. "There is massive support for GST and people are happy," Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Naidu said in his address at a GST conference here. "Because the other day (US President) Donald Trump acknowledged it and told (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi you are taking the country on the right path with regard to the economy," Naidu said. GST was a "consensus-based" tax law and "it all started in 2003 during the A B Vajpayee government" before being discussed in the Manmohan Singh regime and finally rolled out now under the NDA dispensation headed by Modi, he said. "Chidambaram had introduced the GST and Pranab Mukherjee (both as Finance Ministers in UPA) also made some changes and then finally it was discussed by the standing committee of Parliament," before being passed later, he said. The minister denied that GST was "forced" on states and said consultations were held for 17 years and states, including Jammu and Kashmir, had approved it. "So the credit goes to all political parties and the responsibility is also there with all political parties. And now unfortunately some people like Congress party ... they don't know whether they are supporting GST or opposing it," he said. He said Congress initially said GST was "our initiative" and had accused BJP of delaying it and "now they are saying why there was haste and why not delay for some more time." Congress leader Veerappa Moily had spoken in Parliament of a "Rs 12 lakh crore loss due to the delay" in the rollout of GST even as Chidambaram had backed the bill saying it was introduced by his party, Naidu said. Chidambaram had earlier said "there was nothing called perfect," vis-a-vis GST,

but was calling the present bill "imperfect," he said. "Now this is nothing but adopting double standards and taking political positions. This country has accepted GST overwhelmingly. People are in favour of it. I am happy that most of the state governments, including Tamil Nadu, are making efforts to implement GST," Naidu said. Any initial problem in the "transformation" can be discussed and resolved through the GST Council, he said. On demands from some quarters to lower the rates, he said "Nothing is perfect, nothing is final. Definitely we can make changes," he added. To back his statement, he said that the 18th meeting of the GST Council had lowered the tax rate on fertilisers, revising the rate arrived upon at its previous meeting. "There is problem for regional cinema, Tamil Nadu (theatres) also agitated, there are problems for textile and beedi (industries). Everybody will be asking for lower slabs," he said. But these things were not unsurmountable and could be discussed and disposed of by the GST council 'which is dynamic' and which would meet from time to time, he said, adding that doubts on GST were also being addressed. Ministers were fanning out across the country even as 600 training classes had been held for officers, he said. Further, the GST Council with representatives from both the Centre and states, would discuss various issues, he said. Whatever decisions the GST council has to take has to be unanimous or by consensus or by two third majority, he said. "GST is a very very simple legislation and the prime minister doesn't want any discretion to be given to anybody, whether an officer or minister," he said. "He wants everything to be transparent, everybody to be (held) accountable. If you do discretion, then you will be hearing stories like 2G, 3G and or some other Gs. Some G will come," he said alluding to the 2G spectrum allocation scam. Modi has launched a "war" against corruption, black money and tax evasion, Naidu said.

Diabetes epidemic shifting to urban poor: Noted diabetologist Dr Mohan By Vipul Vivek

IANS | IndiaSpend


iabetes, once a disease of the affluent, is now rampant among the urban poor too and preventive measures and free screening services are urgently required to control its impact. This is the recommendation of pioneering diabetologist Dr. V. Mohan, one of the authors of a 15-state study on diabetes funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Ministry of Health. The study was published in The Lancet last month. At 16.7 per cent, India had the highest share of the worlds diabetics in 2015 after China (26 per cent). Mohan, 63, who heads the Dr Mohan's Diabetes Specialties Centre in Chennai, is a graduate of Madras Medical College and a fellow of all the four Royal College of Physicians in Glasgow, Edinburgh, London and Dublin, the American College of Endocrinology and all the three science academies of India. He was awarded the Padma Shri in 2012. In an interview with IndiaSpend, Mohan discusses the reasons for the spread of diabetes across classes and the need to tweak public health policy to deal with the epidemic. Excerpts:

Q: Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus -- onset of diabetes during pregnancy -- has been increasing as much as impaired glucose tolerance in India. Did you notice this in your study? A: This study did not look at the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus. However, from earlier studies, we have shown that the prevalence of gestational diabetes is also increasing in our country. Q: The study argues that mainland states see more cases of diabetes than the northeast (prevalence in the sample's eight mainland states is 8•3 per cent but only 5.9 per cent in six northeastern ones). What makes the mainland population more vulnerable to diabetes? A: The differences between diabetes in the mainland and northeastern states could be due to several factors. Of course, it could be due to ethnic differences or even genetic differences but also it could be related to lifestyle, for example, the cereal type consumed. Even more importantly, it could be related to physical activity, which is much higher in the northeastern states that have a hilly terrain. Perhaps the combination of these factors have contributed and the lesson to be learnt is that by lifestyle modification, diabetes prevalence can be reduced.

example of allowing tax deduction for diabetic expenses? A: Tax deduction for diabetes expenses could be one solution. The other is to provide widespread insurance which can also pay for outpatient treatment. Better control of diabetes will result in lower rates of complications that are more expensive to treat than diabetes itself.

Q: The study says the "main factors driving the diabetes epidemic in both urban and rural areas are obesity, age, and family history of diabetes". It also points out that in urban areas "less affluent individuals have a higher prevalence of diabetes than their more affluent counterparts". Do the same factors affect the rich and the poor in urban India -- obesity, age and family history? A: Further analysis has to be done to answer these questions and such analyses are now going on.

demiological transition from the affluent to the urban poor "is worrying because it suggests that the diabetes epidemic is spreading to those individuals who can least afford to pay for its management". What sort of change in focus would you like to see in government health programmes for diabetes? A: The government should provide free treatment for those who cannot afford to pay. Public-private partnerships would also help.

Q: The study admits that being "crosssectional [it cannot make] inferences of causality". Have you made any presentations to the authorities for supporting longitudinal studies in the future? A: There are some longitudinal studies going on in India. One of them has already been published, that is, the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study. There are other studies like the CARRS [Centre for Cardiometabolic Risk Reduction in South-Asia Surveillance] study, which is also ongoing now.

Q: Diabetes accounts for 2.4 per cent of the disability adjusted life years lost in India. It also leads to other major complications such as stroke, kidney failure and vision loss. How should public health programmes be restructured to include such ailments? A: We need massive awareness Q: Indians remain one of the biggest out-of-pocket health spenders. Do programmes. We have to teach peoQ: The study points out that this epi- you think India should follow the US ple about the importance of diabetes

and its good control. We should also convey the message that good control of diabetes and related co-morbidities like blood pressure and lipid disorders can prevent diabetic complications. Finally, there should be facilities for screening not only for diabetes but also for its complications. Q: You have pointed out earlier that rising diabetes incidence among urban Indians is partly because they are aping the food habits of the West. So is this factor now applicable to the urban poor as well? A: What happens is that as the epidemic of diabetes matures, the more affluent and educated classes of society begin to take care of themselves because knowledge and awareness levels are better. They also have the facilities to look after their health. Hence, the diabetes rates begin to level off in the upper classes. However, by this time the standard of living among the urban poor begins to improve. When this happens, they start changing their lifestyle. Their physical activity goes down. They get mechanised transport, their eating habits change. They start eating unhealthy foods and the brunt of the diabetes epidemic now shifts to the poor. So, in this sense, behavioural change cuts across all classes.

mondaY 10 •07•2017




In 2015, China crushed rights lawyers but rights activists are still organising

BEIJING, July 9 (REutERs): This Sunday is the second anniversary of a major Chinese government crackdown that led to the detention of hundreds of rights lawyers. But while that has taken a lot of lawyers who previously could represent people seeking redress from the Communist Party system out of circulation, it is not preventing activists from communicating, and in particular seeking to lobby foreign governments to take a stance against rights abuses in China, activists and diplomats say. On July 9, 2015, the authorities launched what rights groups say was a coordinated attempt to quash China’s rights movement, in what is known as the “709” crackdown because of the date of the event. The core members of the movement were described by the official paper of the ruling Communist Party, the People’s Daily, as “a major criminal gang that has seriously damaged social order.” Two years on, most of the detained have been sentenced and are in prison or under house arrest; many made public confessions and were sentenced in what their families say were either secret or scripted trials. They weren’t allowed independent representation and were defended by governmentappointed lawyers. Other activists and lawyers were picked up in the months before and after that date. Beijing’s campaign did not spell the end of rights ac-

Foreign doctors say sick Liu can be taken overseas

A protester holds a candle next to a portrait of Chinese Nobel rights activist Liu Xiaobo demanding his release, during Chinese President Xi Jinping visiting, ahead of 20th anniversary of the city’s handover from British to Chinese rule, in Hong Kong, China on June 29. (REUTERS File Photo)

tivism in China, according to Western diplomats, who say their embassies are meeting activists on an almost daily basis. They did, though, say that the campaign has pushed activism further outside the system, limiting avenues of redress within China’s courts, and leaving international pressure as a main focus for the activists. The government has made reforms to professionalize the legal system and improve the average person’s ability to settle disputes in court, but the party has rejected a separation of powers in China and few lawyers work to active-

ly find and defend people who are alleging there have been abuses of government power, as rights lawyers do. “They burned the field but the roots remain and new shoots are constantly appearing,” one Western diplomat said, declining to be named. Feng Chongyi, an Australia-based expert on China’s rights activists at the University of Technology Sydney, said that President Xi Jinping had aimed to “eliminate” the rights lawyers and other forms of organised resistance with the crackdown. Feng was himself prevented from leaving China for a week

in March and was subjected to daily interrogations during that time. Those detained did get financial and moral support from other lawyers, said Feng, who is an Australian permanent resident with a Chinese passport. China has rejected international criticism of the crackdown and defends its detention and persecution of rights lawyers saying that they are criminals who pose a threat to China’s national security and social order. The Ministry of Public Security did not respond to a fax seeking comment on the crackdown.

BEIJING, July 9 (REutERs): Ailing Chinese Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo wants to go to either Germany or the United States for treatment and can be moved safely but it needs to happen soon, two foreign doctors who visited him said on Sunday. Liu, 61, was jailed for 11 years in 2009 for “inciting subversion of state power” after he helped write a petition known as “Charter 08” calling for sweeping political reforms. He was recently moved from jail to a hospital in the city of Shenyang to be treated for latestage liver cancer. On Saturday, two doctors from the United States and Germany visited him to assess his condition and consult on his treatment, after being invited by the hospital. “Liu Xiaobo and his family have requested that the remainder of his care be provided in Germany or the United States,” Joseph M. Herman of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Markus Büchler of the University of Heidelberg said in a joint statement. “While a degree of risk always exists in the movement of any patient, both physicians believe Mr Liu can be safely transported with appropriate medical evacuation care and support. However, the medical evacuation would

FATHER FIGHTING FOR SON Born three months before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Xu Xiaoshun did not choose to become an activist, but when the authorities detained his son in the summer of 2015, the then 66-year-old decided he had little choice. “When he first got started, I said to him: ‘If you really want to work defending rights, then when you are locked up, I will come save you’,” Xu told Reuters, speaking of his son, Wu Gan, an online blogger and activist. Xu has not seen his son since he was detained in

May 2015 – two months before the big crackdown, Wu, who is better known by his screen-name “Super Vulgar Butcher,” was later charged with “subversion of state power”. His trial date has not been announced. Xu is one of many family members, friends and colleagues of those detained in recent years who have taken up activism in response to Beijing’s hardline campaign. Shortly after detaining his son, the authorities also came for Xu. “A month after Wu Gan was locked up, I was approached by the local police and asked to write a

have to take place as quickly as possible.” The doctors acknowledged the quality of care he has received and said they agreed with the diagnosis of primary liver cancer.”The physicians have recommended Mr Liu receive palliative supportive care. Additional options may exist, including interventional procedures and radiotherapy,” they said. The University of Heidelberg and MD Anderson have both agreed to accept Liu for treatment and both are prepared to offer him the best care possible, they said. China’s Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether Liu would be allowed to leave. The hospital said on Saturday moving him would not be safe. It is not clear if the foreign doctors are still in Shenyang. Calls have grown from rights groups and western governments for China to allow Liu to travel with his wife, Liu Xia, to be treated overseas. A source with knowledge of the consultation and friend of the family told Reuters late on Saturday that Liu had told the foreign doctors he hoped to go abroad for treatment, but the government had been very clear they would not allow this.

letter saying that Wu Gan was guilty,” Xu said. “He’s not guilty,’ I told them. ‘Guilty or not you should still write it,” they told me. When I refused they detained me, too,” he recounts. The authorities held Xu for 19 months on fraud charges before a court found him innocent and released him. Xu says the case against him was fabricated. Reuters was unable to independently verify Xu’s claims. The Public Security Bureau did not respond to a request for comment on the matter. Since his release, Xu has spent most of his time on the road, meet-

ing with diplomats, activists and the family members in similar cases, as well as friends of his son. He also uses encrypted messaging applications. Xi has differed from other recent Chinese leaders in making repression of rights activism much more public, according to Eva Pils, an expert on civil society in China at King’s College London. The repression can scare some people but with others it can lead to radicalisation, Pils said: “What was once seen as purely legal advocacy has become political rights advocacy,” she adds.

Iraqi PM lands in liberated Mosul, Death toll rises to 20 in rain-pummeled southwest Japan The weather agency urged toKyo, July 9 (XINHuA): claims victory against Islamic State Two more people were con- residents in affected areas to

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi (third from left) walking alongside police and army officers upon his arrival in Mosul. (AFP Photo)

Mosul, July 9 (IANs): Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi arrived in Mosul on Sunday and congratulated the armed forces for their victory over the Islamic State after 266 days of fierce battles, which finally liberated Mosul from the IS and ended its three-year rule. Iraqi soldiers and civilians in Mosul cheered and jumped for joy on Sunday over their historic victory over the

Islamic State and hailed the liberation of the city, Xinhua reported. Liberating Mosul from the occupation of the Islamic State is seen as a great victory for Iraq’s anti-terror war, though the war-torn country will face grave challenges of national reconstruction and reconciliation. Mosul, the capital city of Iraq’s northern province of Nineveh and the second largest city, had been taken as the de facto capital of the Islamic State. It was in Mosul that IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared in 2014 the establishment of the Islamic State, a caliphate in Iraq and Syria. The victory opened doors for the much-needed reconstruction and national reconciliation, as desired by most Iraqis after suffering from wars and conflicts for so long. The liberation of Mosul is a great victory in the anti-terrorism war. It broke the backbone of the terrorist groups and demolished the self-declared Islamic State in Iraq, civilians in Mosul said.

firmed dead in Fukuoka on Sunday, bringing the total death toll in rain-pummeled Fukuoka and Oita prefectures in southwestern Japan to 20, according to local authorities. Meanwhile, over 20 people were still unaccounted for in the two prefectures as search operations continue, and some 250 people remained stranded. Torrential rain has devastated Fukuoka prefecture and neighboring Oita prefecture on the main island Kyushu since Wednesday, causing extensive flooding and mudslides. The Japan Meteorological Agency warned that heavy rain is expected to continue in parts of southwestern Japan through Sunday as a seasonal rain front was lingering near the region.

Trump keeps it friendly with Xi at G20 on N. Korea threat HAMBuRG, July 9 (REutERs): U.S. President Donald Trump took a conciliatory tone on Saturday at a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping where the leaders agreed to keep working on two pressing issues: the nuclear threat posed by North Korea and bilateral trade irritants. Trump campaigned in last year’s presidential election on cracking down on China for its trade practices, but he softened his rhetoric after taking office, saying he wanted to work with China on the nuclear issue. When the 2 leaders first met in April at Trump’s Florida resort, they appeared to hit it off. Trump called Xi a “good man” as he urged him to use Beijing’s economic clout to force North Korea to curb its nuclear weapons program. Lately, Trump has expressed some impatience on China’s role in North Korea - particularly after Pyongyang launched an intercontinental ballistic missile that some experts believe could have the range to reach Alaska, and parts of the U.S. West Coast. His administration made new arms sales to Taiwan, imposed sanctions on two Chinese citizens and a shipping company and put China on a global human trafficking list. It also accused a Chinese bank of laundering money for Pyongyang. The White House is also debating trade actions against Beijing, including tariffs on its steel exports and a few days before the G20 talks, Trump complained that trade between China and North Korea had grown.

But he showed none of that impatience on Saturday, when the leaders met at the invitation of Xi at the tail end of the G20 in Germany. “It’s an honor to have you as a friend,” Trump told Xi, telling him he appreciated actions he had already taken on North Korea. “As far as North Korea is concerned, we will have, eventually, success. It may take longer than I’d like. It may take longer than you’d like. But there will be success in the end one way or the other,” Trump said. Speaking to reporters later on Air Force One, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the Trump-Xi meeting lasted over an hour-and-ahalf, and they had “substantive discussions” about how to deal with North Korea together. “In regards to China, we had very direct discussions about North Korea. We had very direct discussions about military and security cooperation,” Mnuchin said. “I think that President Trump made very clear to President Xi that he is focused on this issue, and wants to move forward and make progress. And I think President Xi gave a very interesting perspective from their standpoint,” he added. ‘CONTROL THE SITUATION’ For his part, Xi told Trump that stronger China-U.S. ties were conducive to stability and prosperity amid global conflicts, and had made “new progress” in some areas “despite some sensitive issues”, Xi said, according to state news agency Xinhua.

Xi stressed the importance of talks with North Korea, and said China’s navy will join next year’s U.S.-led Pacific Rim military exercises. Xinhua said Xi stressed to Trump China’s position that it adheres to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and maintaining peace and stability there. While China has been angered by North Korea’s repeated nuclear and missile tests, it also blames the United States and South Korea for worsening tension with their military exercises. “China has many times talked about its principled position, namely that at the same time as the international community making necessary responses to North Korean acts that go against U.N. Security Council resolutions, they must step up efforts to promote talks and manage and control the situation,” Xinhua said, citing Xi. Xi also reiterated China’s opposition to the U.S. deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in South Korea, Xinhua said. China says THAAD threatens its security, despite U.S. and South Korean assurances it is aimed only at defending against North Korea. Both leaders agreed to maintain close communication and coordination on the Korean peninsula nuclear issue, Xinhua said. In a statement released on Sunday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Xi and Trump had “enhanced mutual understanding” about the North Korea issue and “confirmed the broad direction of using peaceful means to resolve this issue”.

stay vigilant for further flooding and mudslides, and over 300 residents in Asakura, Fukuoka prefecture, were given a fresh order to evacuate on Sunday. A total of some 1,700 people were still taking shelter outside their homes in Fukuoka and Oita prefectures by Sunday night. Search and rescue operations continued on Sunday, with 12,000 members from Japan’s Self-Defense Force (SDF), local police and firefighters deployed. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Sunday during a visit to Sweden that he will cut short his European Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers conduct search and rescue operation trip and return to Japan due to near houses damaged by a heavy rain in Asakura, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan the disaster. on July 9. (REUTERS Photo)


EMPLOYMENT IN INDIAN NAVY- BEWARE OF AGENTS/ CHEATS It has come to the notice that some agents/touts/unsocial elements on pretext to provide employment in the Indian Navy, make upbeat promises about chances of employment and virtually all of them ask innocent candidates to pay for their services. To achieve their end, they use dubious advertisements depicting Indian Navy address, website details, false certificate and email etc. to deceive unsuspecting job seekers. It is informed that recruitment of sailors is undertaken by Directorate of Manpower Planning and Recruitment (DMPR) of the Indian Navy whereas adequate publicity is undertaken by way of recruitment advertisement published in Employment News/ leading newspapers across the country. All the details are also put on DMPR official website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in as per the schedule. It is reiterated that there is no requirement for anyone to pay any money at any stage of recruitment including filling of application form, written test, physical fitness test, medical examination and merit list. davp 10701/11/0022/1718


MonDAY 10•07•2017



Federer, Djokovic enter last 16 at Wimbledon

London, JuLy 9 (IAnS): Seven-time champion Roger Federer and three-time winner Novak Djokovic were in imperious form as they both posted convincing Centre Court victories in the third round of the Wimbledon Championships here. Second seed Djokovic was too strong for former world number 10 Ernests Gulbis of Latvia on Saturday. The Serb prevailed 6-4, 6-1, 7-6(2) to set a fourth-round meeting with unseeded Adrian Mannarino who upset fellow Frenchman and number 15 Gael Monfils 7-6 (3), 4-6, 5-7, 6-2, 6-2, Xinhua news agency reported. "I'm delighted with what I achieved today," Djokovic said. "I raised the level of tennis. Comparing to the first couple of matches and the last couple of

(Left) Switzerland's Roger Federer celebrates winning the third round match against Germany's Mischa Zverev. (Right) Serbia's Novak Djokovic celebrates winning the third round match against Latvia's Ernests Gulbis (Reuters Photo)

weeks, I think this was the most focused I was on the court and obviously at the right time because Gulbis, he is a great challenge. "He is very unpredictable and he's got a huge serve. The average is around 125, 140 mph. He

started very well, he was a break up but then I managed to win seven or eight games in a row and that gave me a lot of confidence. Just in general, I'm very pleased with the way I felt and the way I played." Third seed Federer be-

came the last man to book a berth in the last 16 with a 7-6(3), 6-4, 6-4 victory over German number 27 Mischa Zverev. The 18-time Grand Slam winner finished with 58 winners and just seven unforced errors. He will

take on former semifinalist No. 13 seed Grigor Dimitrov of Bulgaria, who outclassed Dudi Sela before the Israeli retired hurt while trailing 6-1, 6-1. "It's important to get through the first week with a good feeling and I think I got that," said Federer. "The first match with the walkover saved me a lot of energy, crucial energy. We go one round at a time. "The first goal is to get through to the second week and I am happy to sit back and relax and then come back on Monday." Eighth seed Dominic Thiem progressed to the second week for the first time with a 7-5, 6-4, 6-2 result over American Jared Donaldson. The Austrian next faces former finalist Tomas Berdych. The Czech number 11 seed easily defeated David Ferrer of Spain 6-3, 6-4, 6-3.

Sania advances in women, mixed events

London, JuLy 9 (PTI): Capping off a great day for India, Sania Mirza advanced to the third round of both the women’s and mixed doubles events, while Rohan Bopanna and Purav Raja also won their respective mixed doubles matches at the Wimbledon here. Mirza and Croatia’s Ivan Dodig, who are seeded fourth, needed an hour and 18 minutes to see off the Japanese duo of Yusuke Watanuki and Makoto Ninomiya 7-6 (5), 6-2 to enter the mixed doubles third round. The Indo-Croatian duo finished its second round match with six aces and four double

faults. They next face the defending champions Henri Kontinen and Heather Watson for a spot in the quarterfinals. In the women’s doubles event, Sania and her Belgian partner Kirsten Flipkens beat the British pair of Naomi Broady and Heather Watson in a hard-fought encounter to enter the third round. Mirza and Flipkens scripted a 6-3, 3-6, 6-4 victory in one hour and 45 minutes. The 13th seeded pair will next take on third seeds Martina Hingis of Switzerland and Yung-Jan Chan of Chinese Taipei for a place in the quarterfinals.

Partnering Japan’s Eri Hozumi, Raja carved out a win in his first round mixed doubles match over the American-Czech pair of James Cerretani and Renata Voracava 5-7, 6-4, 6-2. They will next lock horns with 11th seeds Daniel Nestor and Andreja Klepac. A month after winning the French Open, Rohan Bopanna and Gabriela Dabrowski continued their winning run in mixed doubles. The 10th seeded IndoCanadian duo eked out a 7-6(2), 7-5 victory over the French-Romanian combine of Fabrice Martin and Raluca Olaru for a place in the third round.

Time to forget 2014 World Cup heartache: Neymar NFA informs Harden signs extension, giving him richest NBA contract ever

RIo dE JAnEIRo, JuLy 9 (IAnS): Neymar has urged his Brazil teammates to bury the harrowing memory of the last FIFA World Cup and write a new chapter in the country's storied football history in Russia next year. Saddled with the pressure of hosting their first World Cup in 64 years, Brazil's hopes of winning a fairytale sixth title in 2014 collapsed spectacularly with a 7-1 semifinal defeat to Germany.

Speaking to the media after participating in a five-aside match in Brazil on Saturday, Neymar admitted the scars of the loss in Belo Horizonte are yet to heal, Xinhua news agency reported. "We can't erase what happened. It's in the history books," the Barcelona forward said. "But people always remember it, as if it were the only thing that ever happened (to Brazilian football). Let's start talking about our victories and

other positive things. "The upcoming season promises a lot and I hope that it's the best one of my life. My dream of winning the World Cup could be just around the corner." Brazil, who secured a World Cup berth in March, currently holds a ninepoint lead over secondplaced Colombia at the top of the South American zone qualifying standings. The 2018 World Cup will be played in 11 Russian cities from June 14 to July 15.

KohImA, JuLy 9 (mExn): The Nagaland Football Association (NFA) will conduct a All India Football Federation (AIFF) D Certificate course for football coaches from July 13 to 17 at Kohima. Interested candidates may contact the following persons for course details - Nzan- 9856770090 and Chon-9402019851. Seats will be based on first come first basis.

Shastri top contender, six to be interviewed

mumbAI, JuL 9 (PTI): Former team director Ravi Shastri will be the frontrunner when the threemember Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) meets here on Monday to scrutinise candidates for the high-profile job of Indian men's cricket team coach. For the record, BCCI received 10 CVs -- Shastri, Virender Sehwag, Tom Moody, Richard Pybus, Dodda Ganesh, Lalchand Rajput, Lance Klusener, Rakesh Sharma (Oman national team coach), Phil Simmons and Upendranath Bramhachari (engineer with no cricketing background). It is learnt that the CAC will interview six of the 10 candidates. As per sources, the six likely candidates are Shastri, Sehwag, Moody, Simmons, Pybus and Rajput. Klusener, as of now, may be kept on stand-by but has very little or no chance of getting the job. The position had fallen vacant after former head coach and legendary spinner Anil Kumble resigned from the post before the

West Indies series due to differences with skipper Virat Kohli. After the Kumble-Kohli saga, the CAC will have to be prudent in its choice as the new coach will be given a two- year contract. Shastri had initially not applied for the post but when the BCCI extended the deadline for acceptance of applications till July 9 (today), the former skipper jumped into the fray and suddenly became the hot favourite. Given his cordial equation with Virat, Shastri, who had a successful tenure as team director with India reaching the 50 over World Cup semifinal, is the favourite. However, it is still not

clear what would be the view point of Sourav Ganguly, with whom Shastri had a very public spat with both taking potshots at each other. Shastri had then alleged that Ganguly wasn't present when he was being interviewed via Skype. Ganguly had responded that had Shastri been serious, he should have appeared in person for the interview. The other notable candidate is flamboyant opener Sehwag. Sehwag was a genius in his own rights, but his coaching credentials are yet to be proved. A two-year stint as Kings XI Punjab mentor has not yielded the desired results.

Manchester United bound Lukaku says joining 'biggest club in the world' London, JuLy 9 (REuTERS): Romelu Lukaku said he was delighted to be moving to "the biggest club in the world" after Manchester United agreed a fee to sign the Belgium international striker from Everton. British media reported that the fee for the 24-yearold would be around 75 million pounds ($96.68 million), making him the club's second most expensive signing after last year's world record deal for French midfielder Paul Pogba. "Who would say no to the biggest club in the world?", Lukaku told ESPN. "When (Manchester United) came calling, I didn't have to think twice. So I'm really delighted to hopefully be part of their history. "Best stadium in England. The best fans. This is the perfect opportunity. I always said I wanted to play for a team that's challenging for every trophy that there is."

Belgium's team player Romelu Lukaku attends a training session. (Reuters File Photo)

Lukaku scored 25 Premier League goals last season, attracting interest from United and his former club Chelsea.

United are hoping to confirm the deal before they depart for a preseason tour to the United States on Sunday.

Moody can't be totally ruled out because of his rich credentials as an international and franchise coach. He had coached Sri Lanka to the 2011 World Cup final and guided Sunrisers Hyderabad to an IPL triumph. Moody had also appeared last year for an interview but lost out to Kumble, who was too big a name to be ignored. What works for Moody is his calm demeanour and ability to work from behind the scenes. In case Moody comes in, McDermott could be a good choice as bowling coach, though both are from the same country. If Shastri is picked, then Bharath Arun will be back as bowling coach of the team. Klusener has also applied for the post with some experience of coaching provincial sides in domestic leagues in South Africa. Simmons has been a good coach for smaller teams like Afghanistan and Ireland. He had a stormy stint with the West Indies team as he had issues with regards to team selection.

LAS VEGAS, JuLy 9 (AP): James Harden became a star in Houston, and now he’s ready to call the city home. Harden signed a fouryear, “supermax” extension Saturday, a whopper of a deal that guarantees Harden about $228 million over the next six seasons and makes it the richest contract in league history. The extension alone tacks another $170 million or so — depending on how the salary cap escalates — on to a contract that still had two more years and nearly $60 million remaining. It’s a mammoth deal befitting one of the league’s brightest stars, which is exactly what the Beard has become in five seasons with the Rockets. “Since he arrived in Houston, James has exhibited the incredible work ethic, desire to win, and passion to be the best that has made him one of the most unique and talented superstars in the history of the game,” Rockets owner Leslie Alexander said in a statement issued by the team. “Additionally, the commitment he has shown to our organization, the city of Houston, and Rockets fans all over the world makes him a perfect leader in our pursuit of another championship.” The deal keeps Harden under contract through the 2022-23 season, a lifetime in the modern NBA financial landscape in which so many superstars take short-term deals to maximize their earning potential. While anything can happen, this is about as much security as a player can get. Harden is coming off of his finest season. Moving to

point guard for new coach Mike D’Antoni, Harden averaged 29.1 points, an NBAleading 11.2 assists and 8.1 rebounds and finished second in the MVP race to former Oklahoma City teammate Russell Westbrook. “Houston is home for me,” Harden said. “Mr. Alexander has shown he is fully committed to winning and my teammates and I are going to keep putting in the work to get better and compete for the title.” Most importantly for the Rockets in the immediate future is that the extension will not affect Houston’s aggressive pursuit of free agents this summer as the Rockets try to make a run at the Golden State Warriors. The Rockets finished third in the Western Conference regular season last year but know they have plenty of ground to make up if they hope to truly challenge the defending champions.

ESPN first reported the contract details. Harden’s do-it-all season helped the Rockets bounce back from a massively disappointing 2015-16 season that collapsed under the weight of chemistry issues with the All-Star guard and big man Dwight Howard. With Howard gone, the Rockets put Harden at the center of everything they do on offense, and it paid off in a major way. Houston went 55-27 in the regular season and beat Westbrook and the Thunder in the first round of the Western Conference semifinals. Harden seemed to run out of gas a bit in their semifinals loss to the San Antonio Spurs, and GM Daryl Morey has worked quickly to get him some help this summer. Morey traded for AllStar point guard Chris Paul, a bold move that gives the

Rockets as talented a backcourt as any team in the league. Morey also signed rugged forward P.J. Tucker to boost the defense and brought Nene back as well. And he’s not done yet. This mechanics for this extension are new to the NBA in the latest version of the collective bargaining agreement. Harden was named first team All-NBA, making him eligible for a lucrative, four-year extension that also sends a message to the rest of the league that the Rockets are committed to stability as they try to challenge the Warriors in the West. Morey has never been bashful about hunting big game and Alexander has shown time and again that he will give his general manager the financial resources to go for it. With Harden locked up for the next six years, it’s time to go hunting again.

State cricket at risk if revenue share is scrapped, Steve Smith warns Cricket Australia London, JuLy 9 (AGEncIES): Australian captain Steve Smith has warned Cricket Australia the health of the country's domestic cricket is at risk if the revenue share model is abandoned. In his strongest statement on the bitter pay dispute that has left Australian cricket in turmoil, Smith claimed he would not be the player he is today if the domestic game was not strong. Smith has been criticised for not taking a stronger stand against CA but took to social media on Sunday morning in support for the more than 200 players out of contract. While average payments to domestic cricketers were currently $199,000, having climbed 53 per cent in the past five years, players say that figure is misleading. NSW batsman Ed Cowan said 70 per cent of the NSW squad would be paid

"within 20 grand of the base contract", currently $87,000. Under CA's offer, state players will need to play in the Big Bash League in order to increase their pay. However, may players believe the increased empha-

sis on the BBL will be at the detriment of the Test side. "I'll say what we as players have been saying for some time now: we are not giving up the revenue sharing model for all players," Smith wrote on Instagram. "But, through the ACA

we are willing to make important changes to modernise the existing model for the good of the game. "We are and have always been willing to make those changes. Changes for how the model can be adapted for the even greater benefit of grassroots cricket, which is after all where we all started. "We are determined to keep revenue sharing for all because we must take care of domestic players in Australia. "As leaders that's what David, Meg, Alex and I have been fighting for: a fair share for state players who are also partners in cricket." Smith, one of the best players in the world, said having a healthy state system had been pivotal in him returning to the national team. "I know from my career that when I was dropped in 2011 if I didn't have a strong domestic competition to go

back to, I certainly wouldn't be in the position that I'm in today," Smith said. "State players need to be taken care of financially so the domestic competition will always be strong, which in turn keeps us strong at the International level." Australia's female cricketers are being included in the same pay deal for the first time. "Also as women's cricket gets bigger and bigger in Australia women players must also be able to share in what they will be earning," Smith wrote. "They must have the same chances and incentives to grow the game as the men have had since revenue sharing started. "And I know I speak for all of the men that we want women cricketers in the one deal with the men as well. "It's time to get a deal done. It should be and can be an exciting time for the game."

Monday 10•07•2017


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Ranveer, Rajkummar among 50 Most Influential Young Indians ‘True Blood’ actor Nelsan Ellis dead at 39



ctor Nelsan Ellis, best known for playing the character of Lafayette Reynolds on “True Blood,” has died at the age of 39. Ellis’ manager Emily Gerson Saines confirmed the actor’s death in an email Saturday. The Hollywood Reporter, which was first to report Ellis’ death, quoted her as saying the actor died from complications of heart failure. The Illinois-born actor, who

ollywood star Ranveer Singh, acclaimed actor Rajkummar Rao, badminton ace P.V. Sindhu and Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma have been named in a list of the 50 Most Influential Young Indians of 2017 by GQ India magazine. The GQ Power List was celebrated here on Friday evening with the announcement of 50 most influential Indians under the age of 40 from a diverse range of backgrounds and professions - business and entrepreneurship, politics, fashion, design, media, food and drink, entertainment, sports, and real estate to name a few. “This year, our list includes individuals who have built companies and assembled fortunes - and none of them is older than 40,” said Che Kurrien, Editor, GQ India. Some of the Other names to feature in the list include Akash Ambani, Alankrita Shrivastava, Amrita Pandey, Nitesh Kripalani, Aneeth Arora, Prabhas, Prabhat Choudhary, Radhika Apte, Diljit Dosanjh, Sanjay Garg, Kanan Gill, Vir Das and Zorawar Kalra. Source: IANS

Dearest Imchalong,


Four young fashion designers from Nagaland called the ‘Fab Four’ showcased their creative autumn winter couture show at Hotel Vivor, Kohima on July 8 with Ketholeno Kense as the showstopper. The Fab Four, designers from NIFT was formed in 2016 and they had their first show on April 9, 2016 at Dimapur under the theme ‘Breeza Vivace’ a spring summer collection.

Have COURAGE and be KIND and most of all, have a HEART OF GOLD. These are our wishes for you as you turn nine. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you From all of us here at The Morung Express

studied at Juilliard, played the role of Lafayette on the HBO drama from 2008 to 2014, and more recently appeared in the CBS detective series “Elementary.” He was also a playwright and a director. Ellis also appeared as Martin Luther King, Jr. in Lee Daniels’ “The Butler,” and his film resume also included “The Help” and the James Brown biopic “Get On Up.” Source: AP


Monday 10•07•2017



UFC 213: Whittaker edges Bottas holds off Vettel in Austrian cliffhanger Romero, grabs interim belt


LAS VEGAS, JuLy 9 (AP): Robert Whittaker won the UFC interim middleweight title Saturday night, surging in the late rounds to earn a unanimous decision over Yoel Romero at UFC 213. Whittaker (20-4) recovered from a hyperextended knee in the first round with a strong striking performance, peppering Romero (12-2) with punches and kicks over the final three rounds. The Australian won his eighth consecutive fight, earning the victory 48-47 on all three judges’ scorecards at T-Mobile Arena. “It’s a moment I’ve always dreamed of,” Whittaker said. “My knee was definitely hurt. I injured it in camp, and Romero’s kick set it back weeks. I know that Romero will capitalize on any weakness he sees, so I had to play it off. That’s just what champions are made of.” The main event of the UFC’s traditional July showcase in its hometown was canceled earlier in the day when bantamweight champion Amanda Nunes was hospitalized. She was scratched from her second title defense against Valentina Shevchenko, who criticized the champion’s preparation for the bout. Alistair Overeem also beat Fabricio Werdum by narrow majority decision in the third career meeting of two veteran heavyweights, and former lightweight champion Anthony Pettis also returned to the division with a unanimous decision victory over Jim Miller. Whittaker took advantage of his bout’s promotion to the main event by claiming the belt in front of a pay-per-view audience. He earned the chance to fight for the full 185-pound title held for the past year by Michael Bisping, who is injured. Bisping stepped into

Robert Whittaker, left, celebrates after defeating Yoel Romero in a middleweight championship mixed martial arts bout at UFC 213, Saturday, July 8, 2017, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo)

the cage afterward and congratulated Whittaker in his own irascible style. “The fact that you’re standing there with a belt on makes me sick,” the Englishman said, throwing his own belt on the canvas. “Take that belt. Fight for it.” Romero’s Olympiclevel wrestling skills kept Whittaker on the defensive for much of the first two rounds. Whittaker increased his striking output while Romero sat back in the third and fourth, with Whittaker also defending Romero’s takedowns more adroitly. Romero was cut on his left eyebrow while Whittaker had a bloody nose and mouth in the final round, which looked even until

Romero slipped onto his back with 90 seconds left after failing to land a strike. Whittaker jumped on top to rain down blows to the final horn. All three judges saw the fight identically, scoring the first two rounds for Romero and the final three for Whittaker. The 40-year-old Romero was gracious after his eight-fight winning streak ended, praising his opponent. Whittaker will get the chance to remove the interim designation from his belt when Bisping returns from injury, although it might not happen this year. The middleweight division has been in limbo ever since Bisping shockingly

beat champion Luke Rockhold last summer and then fought old rival Dan Henderson instead of Romero, Whittaker or another top contender. For the third straight year, the UFC had to change the main event of its July show in Vegas at short notice. Last year, Jon Jones was sidelined by a violation of the promotion’s anti-doping policy three days before UFC 200. Shevchenko still showed up at T-Mobile Arena after being denied her long-awaited title shot when Nunes fell ill in the hours before their rematch. Shevchenko was furious with Nunes, claiming the champion’s drastic weight cut was responsi-

ble for her illness. She also echoed UFC President Dana White’s statement that Nunes was medically cleared to fight, but declined to go from the hospital to the cage. “You can’t just say, ’I don’t want to fight,’” Shevchenko said. “I couldn’t believe at the very last moment that this would happen to me. Of course I am upset. ... I understand what she wanted. She wanted to cut (weight) in a very short time. You cannot do this. Our bodies need more time to recover.” Shevchenko was greeted with loud cheers when she was shown on the arena’s video boards before the main event. Overeem (43-15) and Werdum (21-7-1) finished a trilogy of fights between two of the most accomplished mixed martial artists of their generation. Werdum won their first meeting in the Pride promotion in 2006, and Overeem won their Strikeforce heavyweight rematch in 2011. Overeem was slightly better during the first two rounds, and he survived the third after Werdum floored him with a knee to the head. Pettis (20-6) returned to form in his return to 155 pounds, dominating the veteran Miller with flair and force. Pettis lost his title belt in March 2015 to start a 1-4 skid that included a twofight stint at featherweight, but he looked sharp while carving up Miller (28-10), who bled copiously. Before the pay-per-view portion of the card, heavyweight Travis Browne took his fourth consecutive loss in a second-round submission to 40-year-old Russian grappler Aleksei Oleinik. Browne (18-7-1), Ronda Rousey’s fiancé, lost for the sixth time in his last eight fights despite dropping Oleinik with punches in the first round.

Mercedes' Valtteri Bottas celebrates his win on the podium with Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel and Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo. (Reuters Photo)

SPIELBERG, AuStRIA, JuLy 9 (REutERS): Valtteri Bottas won a cliffhanger Austrian Grand Prix for Mercedes on Sunday with Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel finishing a mere 0.6 of a second behind to increase his lead over Lewis Hamilton to 20 points after nine races. Hamilton, Bottas's team mate, started in eighth place after a grid penalty triggered by an unscheduled gearbox change and finished fourth. Vettel now has 171 points to Hamilton's 151. Bottas is third overall on 136. "I had a bit of deja-vu in the end from Russia," said Bottas, referring to his first Formula One win at Sochi in April when Vettel again almost reeled him in at the finish and also crossed the line 0.6 behind. "At the beginning I could control the race but it was trickier towards the end." Australian Daniel Ricciardo finished third for Red Bull, at a circuit owned by the energy drink brand, for his fifth successive po-

Rooney rejoins Everton after 13 years at Manchester United

LIVERPOOL, EnGLAnd (AP): Wayne Rooney rejoined boyhood club Everton on Sunday after 13 years at Manchester United, leaving English soccer’s biggest club as its record scorer having won every major trophy. Th e 3 1 - ye a r- o l d Rooney, the most recognized and scrutinized English soccer player, has been getting accustomed to a reduced status after losing his starting place in the United team and dropping out of the national team squad. A return to Everton, where he made his name as a dynamic teenager, signals a fresh start. “It is some time since I said that the only Premier League club I would play for other than Manchester United was Everton, so I am delighted that the move has happened,” Rooney said after signing a two-year contract. “Thirteen years ago I went to United with the intention of winning trophies and I have been fortunate to be a part of one of the most successful periods in the club’s history.” The striker will now be a central figure once again in a team that is looking to break the Premier League’s elite under coach Ronald Koeman. “I have come back to Everton because I believe Ronald Koeman is building a team that can win something,” Rooney said, “and I look forward

dium finish with Hamilton pushing him hard to the chequered flag. The victory from pole position was the second of the season and of his career for Bottas, who joined Mercedes in January as a replacement for retired 2016 world champion Nico Rosberg. Apart from the closing laps, with Vettel reeling in the Mercedes in a nail-biting finish and Bottas looking anxiously in his mirrors as he wrestled with blistered tyres, the Finn's biggest scare came at the start. Bottas reacted with split-second precision, his getaway so blindingly quick that Vettel alongside immediately questioned whether the Mercedes had jumped the lights. Stewards investigated and took no further action. "I think that was the start of my life. I was really on it today," he said. "I was pretty sure he jumped it," said Vettel, who felt he would have won with one more lap. "How would you feel if

you were just shy of half a second behind the winner? It was very close." As Bottas led away, bits of bodywork went flying behind him in a three-car coming together that drew a groan from some 10,000 orange-shirted Dutch fans around the circuit as Ricciardo's teenage team mate Max Verstappen was shunted off. It was the 19-year-old Dutch driver's fifth retirement of the season. Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen finished fifth with Frenchman Romain Grosjean sixth for Haas and Force India drivers Sergio Perez and Esteban Ocon following behind. The Williams pairing of Felipe Massa and Lance Stroll completed the points places after starting 17th and 18th. McLaren's Fernando Alonso joined Verstappen in retiring without completing a lap, the Spaniard hit from behind by Toro Rosso's Daniil Kvyat and pushed into the Dutch driver. Kvyat was given a drive-through penalty.

Kohima District Inter-School Football Tournament 2017 July 10: 2:00 PM, Kohima Local Ground Pool ‘A’ Finals Mt. Sinai HSS vs G. Rio School

Manchester United record goalscorer Wayne Rooney has rejoined Everton on a free transfer, 13 years after leaving the Merseyside club

Rohit Sharma, Hardik Pandya back for Sri Lanka Tests series nEW dELHI, JuLy 9 (AGEncIES): India's selectors have recalled middle-order batsman Rohit Sharma and uncapped allrounder Hardik Pandya to the Test squad for the upcoming tour of Sri Lanka, while retaining Abhinav Mukund as the reserve opener. Kuldeep Yadav retains his place as the third spinner behind R Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja, having claimed four wickets on debut in Dharamsala in March, and KL Rahul is slated to play his first international match since the fourth Test against Australia in late March, having completed his rehabilitation from injury. The series comprises three Tests, five ODIs and one T20I. The first Test starts in Galle on July 26, followed by matches at the SSC in Colombo from August 3 and Pallekele from August 12. The ODIs will be played on August 20, 24, 27, 31 and September 3, and the T20I on September 6. The third Test will be India's first in Pallekele. The last time India toured Sri Lanka was two years ago, when Kohli's team won the Test series 2-1 after losing the first match in Galle. India are No 1 in Tests, and Sri Lanka ranked seventh. India Test squad: Virat Kohli (captain), Kuldeep Yadav, Rohit Sharma, R Ashwin, Ravindra Jadeja, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Mohammed Shami, Cheteshwar Pujara, Ajinkya Rahane, KL Rahul, Wriddhiman Saha (wk), Ishant Sharma, Murali Vijay, Umesh Yadav, Abhinav Mukund, Hardik Pandya.

to playing my part in making that a reality for the club I have supported since a boy.” Everton is on the verge of selling Romelu Lukaku to United but has signed goalkeeper Jordan Pickford, center back Michael Keane, midfielder Davy Klaassen and striker Sandro Ramirez this offseason. Everton’s majority shareholder since February 2016, IranianBritish businessman Farhad Moshiri, wants to take the team higher than last

season’s sixth place. “Wayne has shown me that ambition that we need and that winning mentality - he knows how to win titles and I’m really happy he’s decided to come home,” Koeman said. “He loves Everton and he was desperate to come back. He is still only 31 and I don’t have any doubts about his qualities. It’s fantastic he’s here.” Rooney scored a record 253 goals for United after moving from Everton

for 27 million pounds as an 18-year-old in 2004, winning the Premier League title five times, the FA Cup once, the League Cup three times, the Champions League once and the Europa League last season. He is also England’s record scorer with 53 goals. He was a peripheral figure at United last season in Jose Mourinho’s first year in charge, starting only 15 league games, and wasn’t included in the national team’s most recent squad.

“He has been a model professional throughout his time at the club and will remain in the history books for many years to come,” Mourinho said. “It is never easy to see a great player playing less football than he would like and I could not stand in his way when he asked to go back to Everton. His experience, focus and determination will be missed and I wish him well for the future.” Rooney will go down as one of the greatest United players of the

modern era, although many will argue he hasn’t quite reached the heights expected of him when he was arguably at the top of his game in the 2009-10 season, at that time playing at a level comparable to Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. His stint at United was tarnished for some when Rooney sought to leave the club firstly in 2010 and again at the end of the 2012-13 season, clashing with then-manager Alex Ferguson both times.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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