July 7th, 2017

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FriDAY • JulY 07 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 184• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

Every experience proves that the real problem of our existence lies in the fact that we ought to love one another, but do not Xi, Modi unlikely to meet at G20 due to border row

Call to usher in economic revolution in Tuli area



By Sandemo Ngullie


Morung Express News Dimapur | July 6

CMFG meets CFMC, CFSBs Morung Express News Dimapur | July 6

The Ceasefire Monitoring Group (CFMG) met in Dimapur on July 6. CFMG chairman, DK Pathak held separate meetings with the Ceasefire Supervisory Boards of the GPRN/NSCN and NSCN-R and also with the NSCN (IM)’s Ceasefire Monitoring Cell at the NAPTC, Chumukedima. Unlike earlier CFMG meetings when the Chairman often briefed the media, today’s meeting was bereft of post-meeting media briefing. Pathak chose not to comment about the meeting. He only informed that the implementation of the Ceasefire Ground Rules was discussed with the 3 Naga Political Groups in ceasefire with the Government of India. Stating that it was routine meeting, Pathak when prodded further said, “The idea of such meetings is to resolve differences, not to create controversy.” Supervisor of the CFSB, GPRN/NSCN, Jack Jimomi declined to make any comments. The CFSB, NSCN (R) also maintained a similar stance while terming the day’s talks as regular with some internal matter discussed. It was the CFMG’s 74th meeting with the CFMC of NSCN (IM), 13th with the CFSB of GPRN/ NSCN and the 3rd with CFSB of NSCN (R). DGP, Nagaland LL Doungel, Commissioner Nagaland, Sentiyanger Imchen and IGAR (North) Sanjay Gupta also attended the meetings.

This summer, 33 students of Oriental Theological Seminary (OTS) are on a unique mission. Perhaps, one of their biggest challenges– spiritually, emotionally as well as physically. On a mission to spread the message of “Clean Election” as a part of their summer internship, the students are traversing through two constituencies of Nagaland. The journey that kickstarted on June 20 will culminate on July 20. By then, the students, divided into 5 groups, would have covered more than 35 villages and towns in Tseminyu and Pughoboto areas. Rev. Dr. Chekrovei ChoO, Associate Professor of Applied Theology in OTS said the mission objective is about “conscientising people” and spiritualizing with the Churches. The mission briefing also involves meeting people from various walks of life and analysing the ground realities, observing practical challenges and findings ways out of it.

For instance, Dr. Choo opined that until there is clean e-roll, the idea of clean election does not hold waters. “This is beyond the jurisdiction of the church and needs people involvement at ground level.” Prior to their mission, the students were given one-week total orientation especially on interpersonal relationship and group dynamics at the mission centre in OTS. While, six faculties dropped them to start their mission on June 20, they have been left on their own since then. A mid-way assessment was done by two faculties on July 5 at their respective locations. The Council of Rengma Baptist Churches (CRBC) and Sumi Aphuyemi Baptist Akukuhou Kuqhakulu (SABAK) are actively endorsing the mission. Blame game, information deficiency When The Morung Express contacted the students on July 4, one group was in Tseminyu village. We have covered around six villages so far, informed Ajung T Aier, a Master of Di-

A group of students and others during their stoppage in Kandinu Village.

vinity (M.Div) student. Besides door-to-door education of households and church services, they hold interactions with various stakeholders, including Gaon Buras (GBs), Village Councils, members of Rengma Hoho; and other ‘important person’ including party political agents, youth and women. While the response has been positive, many were skeptical. “It will take time,” was a common refrain. At the ground level, people are still lost. The NBCC campaign is yet to have an impact in the interiors. It is quite a surprise, Aier noted. Election is viewed as a “One-time opportunity” for the people

Our Correspondent Kohima | July 6

2385, Mokokchung- 483, Zunheboto- 351, Wokha- 458, Dimapur- 1109, Phek- 6420, Tuensang- 460, Longleng- 800, Kiphire14, Kohima- 617, Peren- 492. Of the total 4765 private proprietary establishments engaged in handloom and handicraft activity, Mon district has the highest in private proprietary ownership with 1264 (26.52%) establishments and Kiphire with the lowest with 7 (.14%) establishments. Out of 13, 589 persons engaged in handloom/handicraft establishment, private proprietary establishments employs the maximum number of workers with 13, 335 (98.13%). Phek district employs the highest number of persons in the handloom/ handicraft establishments with 6424 persons in the state. In the rural areas, out of the total establishments of 4140, male proprietary ownership was 2374 (57.34%) and female proprietary ownership was 1766 (42.65%). Mon district has the maximum number of establishments under proprietary ownership with 1264 (26.52%) establishments while Kiphire had the lowest with 7 (.14%) establishments under proprietary ownership.

No-detention policy to go from next academic session: Minister


Prices of non-branded Petrol across state capitals (Rs./Litre) 62.05

Prices of non-branded Diesel across state capitals (Rs./Litre) 52.42

Applicable from 6:00 a.m. on 07th July 2017.

to get back at politicians, who seldom visit them after election. In some cases, people considered OTS’ visit as another political party and assumed that the team “were coming with lot of money,” Aier added. Youth involvement in politics was also a common concern. “If flow of alcohol is stopped, clean election is possible,” a group of women told the team. One common trait was the “blame game.” As Aier pointed out “the church blames the public, who in turn blame the politicians, who return the favor equally.” However, the CEC effort is definitely bearing fruits. In Tseminyu village, for the next election, various NGOs

and people will collaborate and among others, stop door-to-door campaigns and provide a common platform for the candidates. In Tseminyu Town, we had a positive interaction with members of influential youthgroup(club)andhopefully, their involvement in the process will have a deep impact, Aier further stated. The group will be covering another 4-5 villages besides meeting different stakeholders before the mission ends. ‘Outside factors’ Another group - covering Asukiqa and Puhuboto areas under Pughoboto was camping in Lazami Village, their sixth village.

“Almost all the people agree that one of the most common problems is the involvement of villagers residing outside, during election,” said Vitoka Chopi, another MDiv student of OTS. Besides regular activities as the first group, another strategy is holding separate open discussion with women, youth, and men. Most people are skeptical and reluctant to share, but once a person breaks the ice, it opens a floodgate, observed Chopi. In many villages, the involvement of non-state actors was a crucial concern and their influences, especially during election, were very high. The Sumi Students Union (SKK)’s ‘Amikucho Kikishe’ (Clean Election) campaign launched in April is also making an impact. Most of the attendees have an idea about the concept, Chopi informed. However, many are still ignorant and everything is not in black and white. For instance, in one meeting, a young man opined that ‘backdoor appointment is positive’ as most could not get through the competitive exam. It was seconded by another. The team will be covering 5 more villages and towns, besides holding fellowship with SABAK, Kohima on July 20.

‘It is loss for us if it is done only in our areas or by us’ A group, covering the Northern Rengma area, was in Shisunu Village, their fourth stoppage. Incidentally, Shisunu already has a Clean Election Sub-Committee while in Ehunu Village there was a Clean Election Monitoring Action Committee. Kandinu, a candidate village since 1964 is not fielding anyone from the village next election, but has affirmed for clean election. Sharing his experience, Shozenlo Thyug, another M.Div student said: “People were most interested with the Youthnet analysis of election expenditure in 2008 &13.” A 60 plus old man during a meeting confided to the team that he had never allowed his wife to vote barring once or twice. The election commission is faulted too. “They are sending security, but they never do anything when malpractices or other activities occur.” In all the areas the teams visited, there is a common refrain perhaps felt across Nagaland. “It is loss for us if it is done only in our areas or by us.” Finding solution to this predicament would be a key factor for the success of the CEC.

Handloom & Handicraft establishments Interlocutor meets Naga civil societies employing 13, 589 workers in Nagaland • ‘Framework Agreement Nagaland media’s one minute with RN Ravi may be implemented

There are 4813 establishment engaged in handloom and handicraft activity, employing 13, 589 workers in Nagaland. Out of these 4813 establishment, 637 (13.23%) establishments are in the urban areas and 4176 (86.76%) establishments are in rural areas, according to the latest publication of Sixth Economic Census, Nagaland, brought out by Directorate of Economics & Statistics. Mon district has the highest number of establishments engaged in handloom/ handicraft with 1265 establishments employing 2385 workers. Kiphire district has the lowest number of establishments and workers with nine establishment and 617 workers. Handloom and handicraft establishment in other districts stand as follows: Mokokchung- 340, Zunheboto- 241, Wokha- 183, Dimapur- 606, Phek- 265, Tuensang-320, Longleng- 733, Kohima- 440 and Peren- 411. District wise total number of persons DIMAPUR, JULY 6 (MExN): The Dimapur employed in handloom an handicraft District GB’s Association establishments stand as follows: Mon(DDGBA) called on the Nagaland Chief Minister, Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsu at his office chamber on July 6 and presented before him pertinent issue for establishment of a separate Commissioner (West Zone) for civil adminis- AGARTALA, JULY 6 (IANS): Union tration in line with Police Minister of State for Human Resource Commissioner of Dimapur Development Mahendra Nath Pandey for all the foothill areas in on Thursday said the no-detention policy the border district of As- will be removed from the next academic sam. The DDGBA said that session as almost all states are opposed to Dimapur is the “most pro- this policy. gressive district and is rap“No-detention policy will be removed idly growing at a very fast from next academic session as almost all pace with the ever increas- states have expressed their concern over the ing population, thus need- falling quality of education since the introing a more comprehensive duction of policy under the Right to Educaassistance in the admin- tion Act,” he told reporters here. Under the istrative needs.” It men- no-detention policy, students in schools are tioned that Dimapur dis- promoted automatically to higher classes trict which is surrounded by adjoining areas of Peren, every year till the eighth grade. After a two-day visit to the northeastWokha, Mokokchung and ern state of Tripura, the minister who is in Mon districts, needs more comprehensive overhaul- charge of higher education said: “There is a ing in its civil administra- unanimous view of almost all states across tion machineries. The CM the country to remove the no-detention on his part assured of “giv- policy from the Right to Education Act.” No-detention policy was statutorily ining his best in meeting the demand of the associa- troduced through the historic Right of Chiltion,” a press note from the dren to Free and Compulsory Education DDGBA informed. Act, 2009 (RTE Act). A key component of the

DDGBA for separate civil admin commissioner

— Reinhold Niebuhr

Mission clean election: Ground realities & challenges

33 OTS students currently on a 1-month internship tour on clean election share their midway experiences and findings

If the price of Petrol is down by 75paisa, and price of dal and alu are up by 60 Rs, blame Modi’s math, not me.

T R u T H

RTE Act, the no-detention policy unveiled by the previous UPA (United Progressive Alliance) government, came into force on April 1, 2010, with the intention of ensuring that every child aged between six and 14 received school education. However, for the past many years, concerns have been raised about the negative impact of the policy on the academic performance of students. The Minister also said that a probe was going on into the massive irregularities in the Tripura University, a central varsity. Teaching and non-teaching staff of the Tripura University have been agitating for several months against alleged irregularities in the central varsity. The Tripura assembly also recently unanimously adopted a resolution, urging the HRD Ministry to take action on the complaints. The University Grants Commission (UGC) recently directed a special audit of the university to check complaints of financial, administrative and academic irregularities. The UGC order follows an HRD Ministry directive.

this year itself’ • Settlement should be inclusive, including all Naga political groups, Naga civil societies tell Ravi Morung Express News Dimapur | July 6

Interlocutor to the Naga Peace Talks, RN Ravi today held consultations with various Naga civil societies in Kohima regarding the settlement of the Naga political issue with the Government of India. The closed door consultative meeting which went late into the night was reportedly held separately with the Naga Mothers Association (NMA), Naga Students Federation (NSF), Senior Citizens Forum, Rengma Hoho, Nagaland Gorkha Association, Angami Public Organization, Chakhesang Public Organization, Nagaland Tribes Council and Western Angami Public Organization. The local media was not made privy to the meetings despite requests. It is learnt that almost all the Naga civil societies attending the meeting reportedly made their feelings clear - that the settlement should be inclusive, including all the Naga political groups. Sources from the civil societies quoting the words of the Interlocutor, disclosed that this may well be the last meeting before initiating the implementation of the Framework Agreement, which possibly could take place this year itself. “We were told that settlement to the Naga peace talks is coming soon and that the Framework Agreement is likely to be implemented by this year itself,” a participant of the meeting who did not wished to be named stated. This could however not be independently confirmed. Naga Mothers Association (NMA) Advisor Dr Rosemary Dzuvichu said RN Ravi appeared more positive this time, on the context of an early settlement being reached between the NSCN (IM) and the Government of India on the Naga peace talks. The NMA during the meeting also raised concerns on the ongoing ban against the NSCN (K) and urged for a peaceful dialogue between the GoI and the NSCN (K). “We also stressed

KOHIMA, JULY 6 (MExN): On July 6, the Government of India’s Interlocutor for Naga Peace Talks, RN Ravi reached Nagaland to hold a two-day consultation with Naga civil societies. Today, he held a series of meeting at de Oriental, Kohima and will be holding another round of consultation on July 7 at the Police Complex, Chumukedima. The closed door ‘consultative’ meet did not include the media. After repeated requests and a two hour wait at De Oriental, media persons were given a “good one minute” with the Interlocutor, where he said, “We are close to a solution and we wanted to have one more round of consultation with the Naga civil society.” According to Ravi, the consultations with the civil society are being held to get their views, perceptions, and their positions. “If they have something to say, we will take it,” said Ravi quickly stated. Asked whether the Government of India plans to

on our continued support to the peace process, for an inclusive settlement for peace, while taking cognisance of all stakeholders, one which is also gender sensitive,” Dr Rosemary stated. Nearly two years after the Framework Agreement was signed between the NSCN (IM) and the Government of India (GoI), the contents have been shrouded in secrecy, with both the parties refusing to divulge details, despite demands from state and nonstate actors that the finer points be made public. WAPO not to be a party to piece meal settlement Western Angami Public Organization (WAPO), which was one of the Naga civil societies that attended the meeting said it shall never be a party to “piece meal settlement” and declared that whosoever “harbours such venture shall be held exclusively responsible if any bloodshed takes place out of the consequences of such half- baked factional settlement.” A copy of the statement submitted to RN Ravi, Interlocutor for the Naga Peace Talks pointed out that a settlement which did not include all the major Naga National Political Groups was extremely dangerous and not acceptable to the Nagas in any way.

Interlocutor for Naga Peace Talks, RN Ravi

persuade the Myanmar government towards abrogating ceasefire with NSCN (K), Ravi said: “No, not at all.” Ravi called on Chief Minister Dr Shurhozelie and talked to him on the issue before interacting with civil societies, official sources said. Ravi is also the Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee. “Everyone, including your honour (RN Ravi) is well aware that not a single Naga National Political faction of Nagaland today in reality represents the Nagas as a community and a people. Therefore factional settlement in piece meal, without broad base, inclusive of all major Naga National Political Groups is extremely dangerous and not acceptable to the Nagas in any way,” WAPO, which was one of the Naga Civil Societies which met RN Ravi at Kohima on Thursday stated. It said the heavy price of fratricidal killings, confusion and division the Nagas have paid because of settlements in the past with questionable antecedents must not be repeated again. WAPO also reaffirmed its resolve to stand by the plebiscite of 1951 at all cost and always by democratic and non-violent means. “No Naga political movement can become unique or historical if the plebiscite of 1951 is to be subtracted, which is the only mandated stand of the Nagas for all till date,” it maintained. On Friday, the Interlocutor will continue the consultative meetings with different NGOs including ACAUT Nagaland, CNTC, UNC, Naga Council, Dimapur, Naga Hoho, TirapChanglang-Longdin Peoples Forum, GBs Association Nagaland etc.

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