July 8th, 2017

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DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 185• 12 PAGes • 5


SaturDaY • JulY 08 • 2017

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

Nothing is harder to direct than a man in prosperity; nothing more easily managed that one is adversity The Greensight Project garners support of ‘Green Theology’

Xi Jinping calls for ‘peaceful settlement’ of regional disputes PaGE 08


By Sandemo Ngullie


— Plutarch

Prices of non-branded Petrol across state capitals (Rs./Litre) Kohima 62.18

Prices of non-branded Diesel across state capitals (Rs./Litre) Kohima 52.65

Applicable from 6:00 a.m. on 08th July 2017

‘Resolve Naga political issue before next state election’ Morung Express News Dimapur | July 7

While the ongoing political talks have been between the NSCN (IM) and the GoI, the aspiration of almost all the Naga civil societies as conveyed to the Interlocutor was to bring all the NPGs together to the same table before any settlement is finalised. One source, who was part of the series of meetings today, speaking on condition of anonymity, disclosed that Ravi made it clear that the intent to the consultations was to get the pulse of the civil society and the possibility of using the inputs while hammering out a solution. The source said that Ravi described the Framework Agreement as “a broad roadmap, by which the GoI have recognised the sovereign right of the Naga people and based on that recognition they have narrowed down to the possibility of shared sovereignty.” As per the source, Ravi maintained that the dialogue with the NSCN-IM will continue and added that it does not mean the other groups will be ignored. On that note, the source said, “He was honest enough to say that the NSCN-IM should also understand the ground reality.”

tribes of Nagaland and all Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) while arriving at a final solution to the Naga peace process. Ravi is reported to have responded that he had come to garner opinions of the people and how the best inclusive solution could be brought about. ACAUT members also suggested that NSCN (K) be brought to the negotiating table to which Ravi said he had sent feelers for the same. Meanwhile, Ravi denied media reports that the Government of India (GoI) had approached Myanmar to abrogate ceasefire with NSCN (K) and flush out the cadres from their territory. ACAUT members said they requested Ravi to convey to the GoI to immediately repeal AFSPA. “There is an ongoing peace talks and why cannot the GoI trust the Naga people and immediately repeal AFSPA?” an ACAUT member queried. On the demand for repeal of the AFSPA, Ravi agreed but made it clear that it was not within his power. They also raised the issue of taxation and syndicate system of various commodities in the state and the need to arrive at a final solution at the earliest. “Solution should not be a piece meal one just to appease some groups but it should be inclusive,” another member of ACAUT said. ACAUT members said Ravi confided in them that most of the civil societies meeting him did not highlight

Urging for settlement of the Naga political issue at the earliest, the Naga Hoho on Friday urged the Interlocutor to the Naga peace talks, RN Ravi that solution to the Naga issue should be brought out before the next State Assembly General Election. Nagaland State is scheduled to go for assembly polls in early 2018. “We strongly appealed to the Government of India during our interaction with RN Ravi today that the Govyour names not on the vot- ernment of India and the political ing list? looks like they re- negotiators to bring out a solution before the next general solution,” Naga ally mean business. Hoho president Chuba Ozukum told The Morung Express. RN Ravi, Interlocutor for the ongoAll press statements, ing peace talks between Government memorandums, arti- of India and NSCN (IM) on Friday met Naga civil societies at Nagaland cles, reports and news with Police Officers’ Mess, Chumukedima related documents with the objective of hearing the views should be sent to the of the people. official email address: Ozukum said the Naga Hoho would morung@gmail.com be compelled to ask the GoI to “either Press releases will be postpone the general election or abrothe Ceasefire if no tangible solution accepted only till 8:00 pm gate emerges before the election.” The Naga Hoho president said the Inclusiveness first, then Editor, The Morung Express Naga people have waited for so long only solution: ACAUT Briefing media persons after and their patience is running out. During the interaction, the Naga meeting Ravi, members of Against Hoho also discussed on the possibility Corruption and Unabated Taxation of bringing all the Naga Political Groups (ACAUT) informed that they had aptogether while settling the Naga politi- prised the interlocutor on the need to include apex tribal bodies of the 16 cal issue, Ozukum informed. DIMAPUR, JULY 7 (MExN): The Department of Power has informed that the there will be no power supply in Kezo Town and its adjoining areas due to coordinator,” informed the NPA in a the Chief Secretary has “directed the breakdown of power Trans- Cross-check and verify press statement. concern department to look into the former 1.6 MVA 33/11 KV credential before NPA further clarified that none of memorandum,” the Association said sub - station at Chakha- officially entertaining the functional newspapers in Naga- that it was “equally shocked that the bama on July 5. A press note land are aware of “this recent initia- office of the Governor, Chief Secretary from Sub-Divisional Of- any entities, says NPA tive of the NAI” and it has been veri- and DIPR did not find it worthwhile to ficer (E) No. III, Kohima A DIMAPUR, JULY 7 (MExN): The fied that none of the “office bearers of cross-check and verify with the EdiRitachu Thurr said that the Nagaland Press Association (NPA) to- its Nagaland Chapter” is affiliated to tors and Publishers of newspapers department is doing all out day expressed shock over the forma- any of the local newspapers. in Nagaland.” “Instead showing utter effort to restore the power tion of Nagaland Chapter of the NewsNo matter the concern or good in- neglect and ignorance, the governsupply at the earliest pos- papers Association of India (NIA) and tention it may have, the Association ment has gone to the extent of entersible time and urged the af- meeting the head of State without said it simply cannot accept the man- taining such organizations who come fected consumers to bear even bothering to “inform and coor- ner in which the NAI has taken such through the backdoor and whose repwith the inconvenience. dinate with the existing Newspapers a step to connect with the Nagaland resentatives have no connection at all government “through backdoor” with the local media,” it maintained. published from Nagaland.” In this connection, the NPA urged “The Association is surprised and “more disturbingly engaging to learn about the submission of a with local youths who have no cred- the state government to carefully scrumemorandum to Governor of Na- ibility or authority to represent the tinize the genuineness and credibility of any organization like the one in galand, PB Acharya by the NAI led existing newspapers.” Further informing that the memo- question before “it entertains officially by one Monojit Singha, Convener DIMAPUR, JULY 7 Northeast Zonal Committee and ac- randum was personally received by and clarify the matter in order to pro(MExN): The ACAUT Na- companied by Thungchamo Humt- the Governor himself on April 18, at tect the image and credentials of the galand today said it has soe claiming to be its Nagaland State Raj Bhavan, Kohima and the office of genuine media persons in Nagaland.” filed a police FIR against the concerned BDO/BDO Office, Chumukedima Block, and Rural Development Department for alleged illegal “deduction MANGKOLEMBA, JULY 7 lackadaisical attitude toward duty at NEW DELHI, JULY 7 (IANS): of 80% MGNREGA Funds (MExN): After waiting ‘patiently’ for 9 Mangkolemba.” “The concerned Head of the De- Heavy to very heavy rains will occur from the beneficiary Chu- months, the Mangkolemba Ao Lanur mukedima village council.” Telongjem (MALT) has served an ul- partment (HOD) failed to heed to our across several states in eastern and The FIR was based on press timatum to the Chief Engineer, PHED reasonable demand and continued north-eastern India by July 11, the statement issued on July 4 to replace the incumbent SDO, PHED with retention of Tinu Longchar as India Meteorological Department by the Chumukedima Area Mangkolemba by a ‘responsible and SDO, PHED at Mangkolemba till to- (IMD) said on Friday. “Heavy to very heavy rains are very likely in Assam and day,” MALT informed. GBs’ Association (CAG- sincere’ officer on or before July 31. His continuous absence from Meghalaya from July 8 to 11, apart from The MALT will initiate appropriBA) alleging that “80% of MGNREGA funds were ate actions to release its objective if duty, the MALT said, has given rise to Uttarakhand, eastern Uttar Pradesh, deducted as Convergence the PHED department does not re- many grievances in the smooth func- Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, subFund by Rural Develop- spond with any positive action by tioning of the department at Mang- Himalayan West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, kolemba and the sub division. ment Department officials then, the Union said in a press note. In this regard, MALT informed Manipur, Mizoram, and Tripura,” IMD The MALT, on August 24 last year, of Chumukedima Block,” the ACUAT said in a press had also served an ultimatum to the the Chief Engineer, PHED to replace said. Additionally, downpour has been release received here. “In Chief Engineer, PHED, Nagaland to the SDO by a responsible and sincere predicted for Kerala on July 10, and this regard the alleged mo- replace the concern SDO latest by officer on or before July 31 “failing Konkan, Goa, and coastal Karnataka dus operandi of the depart- 30 September 2016 “for his failure to which the MALT will initiate appro- on July 11. The national capital will have ment was to first put the attend office and irresponsible and priate actions to release its objective.” to wait for the rains till July 11, IMD said. funds meant for works programme under MNREGA schemes into the account of each VDB, then the VDB secretaries were made to Minister, Narendra Singh withdraw the money and Morung Express News Tomar; BJP National Gen. hand over 80% of the total Kohima | July 7 Secy, Ram Madhav; Lok amount as convergence Sabha MP, Rakesh Singh; fund to the BDO’s Office, Nagaland Chief Minister Rajya Sabha MP, Ram VichChumukedima, after sign- Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu ar Netam; NEDA National ing the receipt of the mon- today received NDA PresiConvenor, Himanta Biswa ey meant for MNREGA dential nominee Ram Nath Sarma and a host of Minprogrammes,” it added. Kovind at Dimapur, who isters and dignitaries from According to ACAUT, the arrived by special flight various States. action of the concerned of- from Imphal. It must be mentioned ficer/BDO or the departLater in a closed door here that the Naga People’s ment, as alleged by the GBs meeting held with Nagaland Front (NPF), on June 21, Association, is prima facie legislators at IMC Hall Dimahad already announced “extortion” and their action pur, the Democratic Alliance chief minister Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu receivthat it will support the NDA is “clear-cut case of corrup- of Nagaland (DAN) under Nagaland ing NDA Presidential nominee Ram Nath Kovind at Dimapur tion.” In this regard, main- the leadership of Chairman where the latter arrived by special flight from Imphal on July 7. nominee Ram Nath Kovind in the forthcoming Presitaining that the police have DAN and former Chief Mindential election scheduled no option but to register the ister, TR Zeliang extended by Zeliang while welcome Biswa Sarma. case, the ACAUT submit- unanimous support to NDA address was delivered by While extending sup- to be held on July 17. NPF Party President ted the FIR complaint letter nominee for the upcoming Chief Minister. port on behalf of the DAN, for “immediate registra- presidential election to be Apart from Ram Nath Zeliang pressed upon Kov- and Chief Minister Dr tion of the case and action held on 17 July. Kovind; short speeches ind to remember the State S Liezietsu recently inthereupon.” However, the A press statement from were delivered by BJP Na- of Nagaland when he be- formed that “NPF is a perrelease did not mention the Press Secretary to DAN tional Gen. Secy, Ram come the President of In- manent ally of the BJP and whether the police regis- Chairman informed that Madhav and NEDA Na- dia, it added. Kovind was NDA, and considering that tered the FIR. the meeting was chaired tional Convenor, Himanta accompanied by Union the NPF is also a principal

Public Information

T R u T H

No power supply to Kezo Town, nearby villages

any concrete suggestions on the Naga political issue but talked only in general terms. They said Ravi seriously took note of ACAUT’s suggestions and that he himself was talking about inclusiveness but under the purview of the Indian Constitution.

Restore traditional Naga lands: UNTABA United Naga Tribes Association on Border Areas (UNTABA) during its interaction with RN Ravi reiterated their demand on the restoration of the traditional and historical Naga lands that are still under Assam administration. According to a press statement from the UNTABA, the team explained to RN Ravi that the inordinate delay in transferring back these lands to its rightful owner has been the major cause of the Naga national movement in the late 40s and the early 50s. It therefore laid emphasis to the Interlocutor that all these Naga lands should be brought back to Nagaland at the time of political settlement and that political settlement without boundary settlement on the historical basis of erstwhile Ahom kingdom and Naga people would be meaningless. The team also explained its opposition in the formation of any Boundary Commission if so initiated by the GoI in due course of time owing to the fact of history that no Boundary Commission had ever respected the traditional and historical facts of Naga people over its land and resources.

No quick-fix solution: CNTC The Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) during its interaction with the Interlocutor to the Naga peace talks RN Ravi asserted that any solution should be inclusive of all groups and all stakeholders taken into account. According to a press statement, the CNTC maintained its stand that for any permanent peace and settlement, “all factions/groups should be taken into consideration without which it will only be a futile exercise as in the past.” “Any quick-fix solution will bring only bigger problems like in the past which history has taught us very well,” it further asserted. The Naga Council Dimapur delegation who was supposed to meet RN Ravi at 2:20 pm were left disappointed after their meeting was rescheduled to a later timing. The Naga Council decided not to take part in the consultative meeting scheduled for them on Saturday. “However, our stand on the ongoing Naga political talks is clear. All Naga political parties should be taken aboard before any solution is hammered out,” Naga Council president, Bangerloba said. Meanwhile, the United Naga Council team led by its president Gaidon Kamei held the consultation from 2 pm with RN Ravi. The meeting lasted for more than an hour. The participants declined to reveal what transpired in the consultation meeting. RN Ravi is also scheduled to meet more civil societies on Saturday.

NPA on formation of NAI Nagaland Chapter Te-I Khukhu, festival for girls celebrated

ACAUT files FIR against alleged deduction of funds

Replace absentee SDO by July 31: MALT to PHED

MD warns of heavy rains in NE, other places

Our Correspondent Viswema | July 7

Clad in traditional attires, young girls below 15 years of age today celebrated Te-I Khukhu festival here at R. Khel, Viswema village. Te-I Khukhu is a festival solely dedicated for girls. The celebration was held under the aegis of Rachii Youth Organization (RYO). Speaking on the occasion, Tebiil Neikha, an elder of Viswema village called upon the young girls to dedicate themselves to God to have healthy and progressive life. He also asked them to reason together and strive towards living a dignified life. The celebration was chaired by RYO president Meyiekiil Noswe. Te-l Khukhu is a festival that falls on the 13th of Chünyi (July) and it is dedicated and celebrated only by girls below 15 years, by shaving off their hair. It is also a time of giving and sharing of food with one

DAN extends unanimous support to NDA presidential nominee


component of the NEDA, the NPF-led DAN Government will vote without any hesitation in favour of the candidate proposed by the NDA to be the next President of India.” He stated that the Naga People’s Front party has always been an ally of the “non-Congress national party” since the late 1970s and that this alliance was renewed and strengthened in the early part of 2003 when the non-Congress political parties came together and formed the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland. Therefore the NPF-led DAN government will vote without any hesitation in favour of the proposed NDA candidate in the coming Presidential election, Dr. Liezietsu had stated.

another. This is the only festival dedicated for girls. For the celebration, young girls prepare for the Te-I Khukhu festival by collecting flowers in advance to decorate the chokrwu (eaves) at the entrance of the house. The flowers are put on the eaves and roof opening and roof including the kika (a ‘V’ shaped wooden board). During preparation of Te-I Khukhu, the men folk cut phsü (Oak) trees and collect olo (carpenter worms), womenfolk start grinding othsü (millet) and catch kona (edible snails) for the fest. The cooked foods are served in nakawu (type of peepal leaf) rolled into the shape of cone and pinned with small bamboo sticks. However, since the advent of Christianity, the act of shaving the hair of the girls is not practiced and no rituals are performed. Yet the significance of Te-l Khukhu is revisited every year to keep the spirit of the tradition alive.


Saturday 08•07•2017



Landslide destroy paddy The Greensight Project garners fields at Kiruphema Village support of ‘Green Theology’

View of paddy fields destroyed by landslide at Kiruphema village.

DimaPuR, July 7 (mExN): With four lane NH.29 earth cutting between Dimapur and Kohima, major landslide occurred at Kiruphema village due to incessant rainfall and the mindless dumping of soil at unsta-

ble areas by the four laning construction company (Gayatri). For the last few months has caused massive landslide under Kiruphema village jurisdiction mostly destroying paddy fields and cutting down road con-

nections, reported a press release received here. Dzüvi-u Zhünyü on behalf informed that incidents occurred at Merü area at Kiruphema village under state capital Kohima district, 16 paddy fields , many tree plantations and

reserved forest worth crore were destroyed. On behalf of the badly affected paddy fields, irrigational channel, tree plantation and fishery owners, appeal to the district authority, authority concerned and responsible Firm/Contractor to take stock of the situation for immediate redressal. Zhünyü also added in the press note that along with rainfall, the landslides were caused due to negligence and haphazard dumping of earth by the said Firm/Contractor who in the process of four lane road development has dumped earth in an unsecured area without proper consultation/permission from the village authority. As such, consequent upon this a manmade disaster, the affected owners are now left in high distress needing immediate help, said Zhünyü while appealing the responsible authorities to make immediate intervention for relief measures.

Volunteers of The Greensight Project and Mopungchuket Theological Fellowship are seen here during the aftercare of roadside tree plantations along Mopungchuket-Milak road. (Morung Photo) Morung Express News Mokokchung | July 7

In its continued effort to realize the dream of a “beautiful village,” volunteers of The Greensight Project undertook an aftercare exercise of roadside tree plantations along the Mopungchuket-Milak road today, covering a distance of 6 kilometers where weeding, mulching and staking of tree saplings planted last season were done.

The Greensight Project is a 5-year “scenic enhancement programme” of Mopungchuket village under Mokokchung district initiated by the Mopungchuket students’ union (MALT) launched last year. The Greensight Project volunteers were assisted by the Mopungchuket Theological Fellowship (MTF) who sponsored the day’s refreshment and assisting in the volunteers’ conveyance as well as lending

Students from Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh join plantation prog in Maharashtra

Footpaths and drain covers being repaired outside the Naga Council Office under the initiative of the new DMC CEO, Moa Sangtam. Most of the footpaths were in dilapidated conditions and posed danger to the pedestrians which are now finally repaired or replaced.

Kohima, July 7 (DiPR): The Government of Maharashtra has under taken a mission to plant four crore tree saplings in the ensuing Van Mahotsav celebration. Involving themselves and joining the people of Maharashtra in the mission, students from Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh took part in a plantation programme at Dahisar West, Mumbai on July 7. The Governor of Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, PB Acharya, who is on an official tour to Maharashtra, initiated the programme to strengthen

emotional and national integration amongst the people of North Eastern India and denizens of Maharashtra. Such involvement of the people of North East in government initiatives and programmes of the host State will go a long way in blending themselves with the rest of country, thereby reinforcing the spirit of unity in diversity. Exhorting the participants, Governor Acharya urged the youth from NE region to learn about other people and at the same time showcase their rich

cultural heritage in order to create strong bonds and unity. The Governor also enjoined upon them to preserve nature. Climate change involving global warming and natural disasters, such as floods are results of indiscriminate and reckless destruction of the natural environment. Concerted efforts are required to maintain and improve the existing natural resources. Initiate contribution at individual and community levels and non-dependence on the Government is the need of the hour to address the is-

sue of preservation of our environment as enshrined in the fundamental duties of the citizens, the Governor emphasized. Large number of students from Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh volunteered at the call of the Governor and enthusiastically participated in the programme. The Local MLA Manisha Chaudhary and large number of students from Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland volunteered at the call of the Governor and enthusiastically participated in the programme.

PwD attend legal awareness cum medical camp

PhEK, July 7 (mExN): Altogether 323 Persons with Disabilities (PwD) attended two days legal awareness cum medical camp organized by Nagaland Parent’s Association for the Disabled (NAPAD) and Phek District Legal Services Authority (PDLSA) at District Hospital, Phek on July 5 and 6. District Administration Phek, Social Welfare Department, Health and Family Welfare Department and State Commission for Disability were active partners of the two day programme. Delivering short speech, Dr. Atha Vizol, State Commissioner for the Disability stressed on the recently amended Disability Act 2016 and pointed out that under the new amendment act, new types of disabilities

has been excluded. Stressing on the use of the term PwD rather than differently abled persons, the Commissioner appraised that the State Commission for Disability is a new statutory body. Nino Iralu, NJS Member Secretary NSLSA highlighted on the significance of Article 41 of the Constitution which provides that the state shall within the limits of its economic capacity and developments make effective provisions for securing the rights towork, education and public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement. She also informed that all Fundamental Rights available to a citizen are also available to the PwD so they can use the law to protect their interest. Iralu further highlight-

ed on the Persons with Disabilities (equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act 1995, the National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disability Act 1999, Mental Health Act 1987 and National Policy for Persons With Disabilities Act 2006. Atula Kikon, District Welfare Officer Phek also highlighted on certain schemes entitled to the disabled under the social welfare department. She lamented that due to lack of fund the department is unable to reach out to all the beneficiaries. The medical team at the camp comprised of Dr. Temsulong Pongener, MD Psychiatry, Dr. S. Yingnei Konya, MS ENT, Dr. Reyosalu Lase Vizo, Senior Den-

Dr. Benthungo Ngullie

MTF’s participation today was a “token of appreciation” to The Greensight Project and added that MTF would continue to render support in the future too. The MopungchuketMilak road covering a distance of 11 kilometers is one of the “flag ship programmes” of The Greensight Project which the aspiration of developing it into “the best scenic route” in Nagaland.

Applications invited for National Awards to Children for bravery

Kohima, July 7 (DiPR): Applications are invited for National Awards to Children for bravery Applications are invited for National Awards to Children for bravery, the main objective of which is to give due recognition to the children who perform acts of bravery with a view to inspire other children to follow their example. The deed should be "an act of spontaneous selfless service in the face of risk to life or threat of physical injury and or an act of courage and daring against a social evil crime". Nominations have been invited through State/U.T. Councils of ICCW, various departments of the State Government including Director Generals and Commissioners of Police of all States and Union Territories. The child should not be below 6 years and above 18 years of age on the date of the incident. The application must be recommended by any two of the following: 1. Principal/Headmaster of school in which the applicant is studying or Head of Panchayat/ZilaParishad 2. General Secretary or President of the State Council for Child Welfare. 3. Collector/DM/Govt. Official of equivalent rank 4. Supdt. of Police of the area or Police Official of higher rank. Incidents which have occurred between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 will be considered for the 2017 awards. The Selection Committee, may at its discretion, relax the date by a maximum period of three months prior to July 1, 2016 if it so deems fit. Last date of submission of application is September 30, 2017.

Government orders transfers and postings of IAS officers

Participants during the legal awareness cum medical camp held at District Hospital, Phek on July 5 and 6.

tal Specialist and DNO, NICP, Dr. Albert T. Pochury, MD Medicine, Dr. Wethselo Tsuhah, Senior Specialist Pediatrics, Dr. Ruokuohelie, Dr. Selhounyu Touhu, MO Phek. They were as-

sisted by technicians AK Shataranjan, Audiometerist and Kuhusalu Khosoh, Ophthalmic Assistant. The press release also informed that Disability Certificate will be issued to

the examined PwD during the two days medical camp by the Para Legal Volunteers from Phek District Legal Services Authority (PDLSA) office from July 10 onwards.

Summer Camp at Tuluni: Celebration of solidarity, sharing and oneness Bamunpukhuri Village

DimaPuR, July 7 (mExN): The Summer Camp 2017 organised by Dimasa Students’ Union Bamunpukhuri Village under the theme ‘Bloom where you are planted’ commenced on July 7. The inaugural function was graced by Dr. Benthungo Ngullie, Proprietor of Rapha Clinic, Samaguri Village. While addressing the gathering, he advised the student to be the best not only in school but in everything. “Sincerity is important as it leads to successful life not only to himself but for the whole community. Students are like seeds, nurturing at the young age is the beginning of one’s life success,” he stated. A press release received here informed that the programme started with prayer by Head Priest, Uttom Difoe, welcome and keynote address by Tezu Difoe, Vice President DSUB, and vote of thanks by Khaham Hojai, Treasurer and it was chaired by Jyoti Dimasa.

physical participation in the aftercare exercise. President of MTF and Home Evangelist, Lender Jamir said that the182member strong MTF had in its conference resolved to support The Greensight Project basing on the Biblical perspective of conservation and stewardship of God’s creation and contextual “green theology.” Pastor of Mopungchuket Baptist Church, Jongpong Jamir also said that the

Kohima, July 7 (mExN): Extending warmest greetings to the Sumi Community on the occasion of Tuluni Festival 2017, the Governor of Nagaland PB Acharya said that Tuluni is a festival of great significance and is marked with feasts as the occasion occurs in the bountiful season of the year. This midyear festival is a time of communal harmony and merry-making for the Sumi’s through dance, songs and food and thanks giving to the deities for good fortune and blessings. “Let us take time to thank Almighty for His unwavering love and blessing. Tuluni also celebrates solidarity, sharing and oneness,” the Governor summed up in his message issued through the PRO. While saying that ‘Alukichimqo’ (kisans) are the ‘annadata’ (food providers) who work hard to provide for us, the Governor said, “Let us also remember and thank them for their hard work. The Central and State Governments have wonderful welfare projects for them including soil testing, Kisan credit card, National Food Security Mission etc to help in production and productivity. It should be our responsibility that these welfare projects are made

known to them and motivate them to avail the services for their benefit.” “Let us also continue to safeguard and promote the rich culture and traditions through our festivals and come together and rededicate ourselves to make the atmosphere conducive in our towns and villages for peaceful coexistence and for all round development in the State,” he added. Conveying the greeting along with his wife Kavita Acharya, the Governor wish that “May the festival of Tuluni bring peace, unity and prosperity to the Sumi’s in particular and Nagas in general.” Sumis urged to promote solidarity and fraternity The state Chief Minister, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu also wished the Sumi community a happy and fruitful Tuluni celebration, the most significant festival celebrated by the Sumi Naga. “This important festival is a special time for them as they get to rest and celebrate the completion of a farming season of hard work in their paddy fields,” the CM conveyed. The Chief Minister said that Tuluni is the most significant festival celebrated by the Sumi Naga tribe. This festival is celebrated to rejoice the most abun-

dant and fruitful season of the year. The practice of working together in groups is common for the Sumi agriculture farmers. The Chief Minister has urged all the Sumis to continue to work together and be the torch bearer in promoting solidarity and fraternity among the Nagas in order to bring peace and prosperity to all the Nagas.

Appeal for unity and brotherhood The Democratic Progressive Party has also extended greetings on the occasion of Tuluni which is celebrated by the Sumi community. “We wish joyous success to all the programmes, functions and festivities that have been planned to commemorate the celebrations within and outside the State,” the DPP Communications & Media Wing in a press note. While extending greetings, Democratic Progressive Party has appealed for unity and brotherhood under a spirit of oneness. “We hope that celebration of the festival in a unified manner will bring the Naga family closer to each other contributing towards strengthening of age old bonds and friendship and shorten our journey towards genuine peace,” the Party added.

Kohima, July 7 (DiPR): The Government has ordered transfer & posting of the following IAS officers with immediate effect as under:1. R. Binchilo Thong, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary and Development Commissioner shall hold additional charge of Justice & Law Department. 2. M. Patton, IAS, Commissioner & Secretary, Municipal Affairs shall hold additional charge of Planning & Co-ordination Department vice E. M. Patton, IA&AS repatriated. 3. R Asenla Keitzar, IAS, Director ATI and Secretary, Planning & Co-ordination is relieved of Planning & Co-ordination Department. Handing/taking over charge should be completed on or before 10/7/17.

DC Kohima issue directives on rampant construction works

Kohima, July 7 (DiPR): Deputy Commissioner Kohima Rajesh Soundararajan, IAS has informed that in view of the random and rampant construction works happening in and around Kohima town causing numerous problems to the general public such as blocking of drainages, encroachments on roads and footpaths and non-adherence to disaster management guidelines amongst others, there is a need to urgently regulate these construction works. Therefore, in order to put a check on such uncontrolled constructions and to stop dumping of earth and waste materials on the roads, footpaths and drainages within file jurisdiction of Kohima Municipality: all concerned have been informed to hereupon mandatorily obtain permit from the Kohima Municipal Council for construction of new buildings and renovation and extension of existing buildings. Failure to adhere to this order shall invite necessary punitive actions against the defaulters as per provisions of the Law. Furthermore, the Administrator, Kohima Municipal Council is directed to implement the following provisions and other relevant rules of the Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001 to put into effect this order: 1. Rule 264-Building etc not to be erected or constructed without permission. 2. Rule 278- Cleaning of streets and removal of solid waste 3. Rule 287- Removal of solid waste accumulation on non-residential premises 4. Rule 288- Prohibition against accumulation of rubbish. 5. Rule 470- Punishment for certain offences in contravention to any provision of the Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001 6. Rule 471- Fine which may extend to Rs. 2000/-. The Order also added that the permission for construction of new buildings may be issued only after verification of patta issued by the Deputy Commissioner, Kohima. This order comes into immediate effect.

saturday 08•07•2017



NCC should be made mandatory for Assam CM sends 8 ministers to flood zones as toll reaches 22 national intergration: Manipur Guv imPhAl, July 7 (NNN): Manipur Governor Dr. Najma Heptulla, on July 7, said that National Cadet Corps (NCC) should be made mandatory for every student as it instill the feeling of nationhood needed for national integration. Dr. Heptulla said this while visiting the NCC Group Headquarter, DM College Campus, Thangmeiband, Imphal where she interacted with the cadets taking part in the 10-Days NCC Combined Annual Training Camp of 65th Manipur Girls Independent Company, NCC, Imphal. Addressing the cadets, Dr. Heptulla said that the NCC is an institute where youths learn discipline and the value of life. “All the school and college going children should join NCC to know each other, to know the country, to live with different culture and language, different way of life as the State has different tribes, different

guwAhATi, July 7 (iANS): With the flood situation worsening across the state, Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Friday asked eight of his Cabinet colleagues to visit the flood affected areas immediately and take stock of the situation. With reports of three more deaths, the total death toll in this year's floods reached 22 across the state on Friday. The Chief Minister reviewed the flood situation with his Cabinet colleagues and directed them to immediately rush to the affected areas and step up relief and rescue operations ensuring proper facilities

Manipur Governor Dr. Najma Heptulla during her visit to the NCC Group Headquarter, DM College Campus, Imphal on July 7.

culture, different language and different living style,” she added. The Manipur Govenor cited the example of Israel, which she visited in 200, where the national service was compulsory for everybody She will talk to the State and also the Central

Government, in particular, the Defence Ministry, to improve the area, she added. Dr. Heptulla handed over the Cadet Welfare Society Scholarship to the meritorious cadets of the three wings i.e., 14th Manipur Battalion NCC, Imphal, 65th Ma-

nipur Girls (I) COY NCC and No. 1 (Manipur) Air Squadron NCC, Imphal. Brigadier Vivek Sharma, VSM, Group Commander, NCC Group, Imphal, Instructors and cadets also attended in the programme. A total of 367 girl cadets are taking part in the training.

for flood affected and relief camp inmates. While Agriculture Minister Atul Bora will visit Sivasagar, Golaghat and Jorhat, Environment and Forest Minister Pramila Rani Brahma will go to South Salmara and Goalpara. Water Resouces Minister Keshav Mahanta was directed to visit Nagaon, Morigaon and Hojai, Public Works Department Minister Parimal Suklabaidya will visit all districts of Barak valley, Irrigation Minister Ranjit Dutta and Cultural Affairs Minister Naba Kumar Doley will visit Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Sonitpur, Biswanath and Majuli, Public Health Engineering Minister Rihon Daimari

and Revenue Minister Pallab Lochan Das will visit all the districts of lower Assam. The Chief Minister directed the ministers to assess the damage caused by the floods and erosion, interact with the affected people and take stock of their needs and grievances. He referred to the difficulties faced by the people due to potholes on the roads and directed the PWD minister to complete repairs of all roads in the state by this month end. In view of the damage caused by erosion during floods, Sonowal directed Water Resources Minister Mahanta to take necessary steps, including ensuring

Taxation check gates denotified in Meghalaya

Train mows down elephant in Assam TezPur, July 7 (PTi): A speeding train today mowed down a wild elephant while it was trying to cross a railway track in north Lakhimpur district of Assam, a forest official said. A herd of elephants from the nearby Dulung

reserve forest was crossing the railway track at Pathalipam area, when the train hit the jumbo, killing it on the spot. Veterinarians have reached the accident site, located behind the reserve forest, for carrying out postmortem, the official said.

ShilloNg, July 7 (PTi): Meghalaya government today denotified all taxation check gates to allow movement of goods across country under the GST regime. Meghalaya has three major taxation gates at Byrnihat in Ri Bhoi District, Dainadubi in North Garo Hills district and Umkiang in Jaintia Hills District. There are also nine other minor gates set up in seven districts of the the state. The Government of Meghalaya denotified the check gates under provision of the repealed Meghalaya Value Added Tax Act, 2003, and subsumation of the same under

'Important to quieten situation on Manipur NCST notice to Delhi Golf Club India-China border' Ram Madhav CS resigns in north-east woman's case

umiAm, July 7 (iANS): BJP General Secretary Ram Madhav on Friday said it is "important to quieten" the situation on the India-China border, where the armies of the two nations are in a stand-off for the past three weeks. "Right now, it is important to quieten the situation. Subsequently, through diplomatic means, all problems can be resolved," Madhav said when IANS asked him to comment on the stand-off between India and China in Doklam region in the Sikkim sector. However, the BJP leader refused to comment further on the matter. While China has been upping the ante on the border row, with daily briefings where it has accused India of transgressing into Chinese territory and demanded that Indian troops withdraw before any dialogue can take place, New Delhi has remained largely silent. China on Thursday also said that a bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping was unlikely in Hamburg, on the sidelines of the G20, as the "atmosphere"

Regd. No: 257/17

was not good. But on Friday Prime Minister Modi and Chinese President Xi met in Hamburg, and both smiled, shook hands and "had a conversation on a range of issues", possibly on the border row, on the sidelines of a BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) leaders meeting. India has said Beijing's action to "unilaterally determine tri-junction points" violated a 2012 India-China pact which says the boundary would be decided by consulting all the concerned parties. The two countries, which fought a brief but bitter war in 1962, share a little over 200 km of border in the Sikkim sector.

imPhAl, July 7 (iANS): Manipur Chief Secretary Oinam Nabakishore tendered his resignation on Friday after being transferred as Director General of the Officers Training Academy. Another IAS officer R.R. Rashmi was appointed the new CS. Protests are being held and women activists blocked the highway at Ningthoukhong in Bishnupur district, his hometown for 2nd day on Friday in protest. An IAS officer of the 1984 batch, he was appointed as the first CS among the majority Meiteis community on September 30, 2015. Citing "personal reasons" he said that he was taking voluntary retirement effective from October 9 this year. He also appealed to the people to maintain peace and not launch protests, adding that he would chalk out his future plans soon.


Regd. No: 1555/17

Date: 19/06/2017

I, Smti. Itwakumle Meru Zeme @ Itwakumle, D/o Shri. Longbe Meru Zeme, of Dimapur: Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oath as under:1. That in my Aadhaar Card, Service ID Card and SBI Bank Passbook my name is entered as Itwakumle but in my educational documents my name is entered as Itwakumle Meru Zeme. 2. That Itwakumle and Itwakumle Meru Zeme refer to one and the same person only i.e. me. 3. That, from the date of this declaration, my name Smti. Itwakumle will be used in my entire Official documents and Legal purposes and at all times and occasions. Deponent

Solemnly affirm and declared before me by the deponent

1 Class Judicial Magistrate, Govt. of Nagaland st


Date: 19/04/2017

I, Smti. Merenchila Phom @ I Merenchila Phom, D/o Shri. Imkong @ Imkongnungba, R/o. H. No.- 358 Kacharigaon (Phevima), Dimapur: Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oath as under:1. That I am known by both the names i.e. Smti. Merenchila Phom and Smti. I Merenchila Phom and my father as Shri. Imkong and Imkongnungba. 2. That Smti. Merenchila Phom and Smti. I Merenchila Phom refer to one and the same person and my father Shri. Imkong and Imkongnungba also refer to one and the same person. 3. That, from the date of this declaration, my name Smti. Merenchila Phom and my father's name Shri. Imkong will be used for all Official and Legal purposes and at all times and occasions. Solemnly affirm and declared before me by the deponent


Notary Public, Nagaland



Date, Kohima, the 7th July, 2017


NO. DTE/ESTT-2/12/2017/10193: This is for information of all concerned that the result of NEET-2017 (as declared by CBSE) in respect of candidates of Nagaland State is available on the Department website www.dtenagaland.org.in and notice board of the Directorate of Technical Education, Kohima. Sd/- (ER. ARJUN SINGH), Director


Regd.No: 1369/17 Date: 7/7/17 I, Smti. CUSINA NAKHRO w/o Shri Kekhrielhoutuo Nakhro, permanent resident of Tsiepama village, Dimapur, Nagaland, presently residing at mission compound, Kohima: Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and declare as under: 1. I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That for and behalf of myself, for the purpose of evidencing and declaration that I Smti. CUSINA NAKHRO and CUSINA MERU are the same person and refers to one. 3. That after my marriage I have changed my name from Smti. CUSINA MERU to Smti. CUSINA NAKHRO however it is the same person. 4. That, hereinafter in all records, deeds, documentation and transactions, private as well as upon all occasions whatsoever use and signed the name Smti. CUSINANAKHRO shall be used. 5. That the statements made in this declaration are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material is concealed thereof. In witness whereof, I sign this declaration on the 07th day of July 2017 at Dimapur. DECLARANT Sworn before me NOTARY PUBLIC

New Delhi, July 7 (iANS): The National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) on Friday issued notice to the Delhi Golf Club following a complaint of discrimination by a tribal woman from the north-east. Tailin Lyngdoh, a Khasi tribal, had complained that she was thrown out of the elite club in the national capital for wearing a traditional jainsem a fortnight ago. The NCST asked the club to submit its reply, facts and information in the matter and action taken by it on the allegation

to the commission within seven days. The tribal panel said if a reply from the club was not received within the stipulated period, it may exercise the powers of civil courts conferred on it under Article 338A of the Constitution and issue summons for appearance in person to club office-bearers. The commission has also decided to investigate the matter in pursuance of powers conferred upon it under Article 338A of the Constitution of India. The action follows representation from the


DIMAPUR : NAGALAND S/C No. 118/117 NOTICE INVITING CLAIMS/OBJECTIONS OF OTHER CLAIMANT (S) FOR ISSUE OF SUCCESSION CERTIFICATE UNDER PART-I OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925 Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/pension benefits of Late Moamanen Ao has been applied by Smti. Awamenla (Wife) R/o. H. No.- 14 IVR, Industrial Village, Razhuphe, Dimapur, Nagaland for possession of: 1. State Bank of India A/c No. 11361039355 2. Nagaland State Co-operative Bank A/c No: 102510006002520 3. Pension benefits. 4. GPF. 5. Gratuity and all other service benefits. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 21/07/2017 Given under the hand and seal of the court on this the 07/07/2017 Sd/- PRINCIPAL DISTRICT & SESSIONS JUDGE DIMAPUR: NAGALAND


Principal and the Staff of GHSS Longkhim would like to acknowledge and thank all the well wishers and especially Mr. Kethousie Khamo for donating Plastic Chairs for the school Auditorium.

Sd/- Principal, GHSS, Longkhim

availability of anti-erosion material for prompt action at affected sites. He asked Mahanta to procure dredgers for excavation of river beds apart from preparing a plan to check erosion by adopting the latest technology. The current floods have affected 49 revenue circles and 993 revenue villages covering 17 districts and affected more than 4,25,000 people in Lakhimpur, Jorhat, Golaghat, Cachar, Dhemaji, Biswanath, Karimganj, Sonitpur, Majuli, Barpeta, Nagaon, Nalbari, Sivasagar and Morigaon where the government has opened 84 relief camps for 22,641 inmates.

Meghalaya State Commission for Women Chairperson and civil society of Assam. On June 25, Lyngdoh, a governess, had gone to the club along with her employer Nivedita Barthakur as they were invited for lunch by a club member. Some 15-20 minutes into the lunch, two club officials asked Lyngdoh to leave the table and the club premises, saying her dress was a "maid's uniform" and also allegedly hurled racial abuses. Later, the club said it had apologised to the member who invited them.

the Meghalaya Goods and Services Tax Act, Additional Chief Secretary in charge of taxation, P W Ingty, said. The order comes into effect from today. Abolition of these gates is expected to allow seamless movement of goods across the inter-state borders as there will be no waiting time for transport vehicles at these gates. As far as petrol and diesel are concerned, monitoring will be done as per C forms and lifting reports while India Made Foreign Liquor will be monitored by import pass fees and checking in bonded warehouses, Taxation Commissioner A Bhagotia said.



Dated, Kohima, the 7th July 2017


In continuation of this Department letter of even No.DTE/ESTT-2/12/2017 dated 30/6/17. That all the selected candidates through NSEE 2017 under the following courses:1. B.V.S.C. & A.H. 2. B. PHARMACY 3. B. SC. HOME SCIENCE 4. B. SC. NURSING 5. B. SC. FORESTRY 6. B. SC. FISHERY 7. B. SC. HORTI. 8. B. SC. AGRICULTURAL The counselling for exercising placemen/ posting options will be held on 10th July 2017 in the Conference Hall of Directorate of Technical Education Kohima at 1:00 P.M. All selected candidates are therefore requested to attend the counselling on the specified date.

LAND FOR SALE Measuring Approximately 4 Bighas Burma Camp, Jasokie Colony (Municipal Area) Rs.350/- per sq.ft. Negotiable for Genuine Customer No Broker Please

Contact No.


Sd/- (ER. ARJUN SINGH), Director


E-mail: ceo_nagaland@eci.gov.in / Fax- 0370- 2290460 No.ELE-SVEEP-GEN/19/2017/


Dated : 7th July, 2017

A Special Drive under the theme 'No Voter to be left behind' to enroll the left out voters with extra focus on newly eligible Indian citizens in the age group of 18-21 years vide Election Commission of India letter No. 23/ LET/ ECI/ FUNC/ ERDER/ 2017 dated 17th April, 2017 got begun on 1st July, 2017 and shall continue upto 31st July, 2017. Special Campaign dates will be held on 8th July and 22nd July, 2017 across the State. On these dates, camps shall be held at each polling station where Booth Level Officers will sit with adequate number of Form-6, to receive Forms from the applicants. On the day of camp, entire final electoral roll, 2017, along with its supplements, if any, shall be pasted on the wall of the polling stations so that citizens can easily check their names in the existing electoral rolls. The rolls shall also be read out publicly by the BLO on that date. The left out eligible citizens will fill Form-6 and give to the BLO at the polling station itself, or submit through any other available means during the Special Drive. Two Special Campaign dates have also been fixed on two working days in all the Educational Institutions (colleges and schools/ vocational training institutes like B. Ed colleges, training institutions and Polytechnic colleges) on 14th and 28th July, 2017. On those days, the Heads/ Nodal Officers/ Campus Ambassadors (where appointed) shall interact with members of staff and students to create awareness on enrollment/ modification/ deletion of entries in the Electoral Roll. Heads of the Institutes shall then send separate report of each campaign date to the District Election Officer. Also, vide ECI letter No. 49/ ECl/ LET/ FUNC/ SVEEP-I/ SR/ 2017 dated 5th May, 2017, among many others, directs following actions as well: (a) Second phase of 'Interactive School Engagement' to be integrated in July with this Special Drive. For this, the District Election Officers have been instructed to take steps with selected schools in the district. (b) All eligible Persons with Disabilities who have been left out shall be sought to be enrolled by the District Election Officers and EROs through initiatives of District Nodal Officers of PwDs and BLOs in the district. (c) BLOs shall share Form-6A with families having a member who is temporarily staying abroad for registration in their native polling stations in Nagaland. It is illegal for them to remain registered as general electors and hence, if such violations are noticed, BLO shall report to Electoral Registration Officer of the district for deletion. In view of above, all Stakeholders such as political parties, NGOs, churches, media and all the citizens at large are requested to extend cooperation/ participation for maximization of registration of eligible electors and removing the impurities in the rolls. Sd/- (N. MOA AIER) Chief Electoral Officer (O) Nagaland: Kohima


saturdaY 08•07•2017



Centre notifies 7 pay panel recommendations on allowances th

New Delhi, July 7 (iANS): The government has notified the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission on allowances with 34 modifications, with a total financial implication of Rs 30,748.23 crore per annum, the Finance Ministry said on Friday. “Ministries concerned have now been advised to issue their orders on allowances governed by them immediately so that the revised allowances get reflected in the current month’s salary of government employees,” a ministry statement said here. The move will benefit 48 lakh government employees. The notification was published in the Gazette of India on Thursday, and comes into effect from July 1. Based on the Report of Committee on Allowances and the recommendation of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries, the Cabinet had approved modifications in 34 allowances at its meeting on June 28. No raise was given in fully Dearness Allowance-indexed allowances such as Transport Allowance. Allowances not indexed to DA were raised by a factor of 2.25 and the partially indexed ones by a factor of 1.5. The quantum of allowances paid as a percentage of pay was rationalised by a factor of 0.8. House Rent Allowance is currently paid at 30 per cent for X (population of 50 lakh and above), 20 per cent for Y (5 to 50 lakh) and 10 per cent for Z (below 5 lakh) category cities.

Under the revised notification, there is reduction in the existing rates to 24% for X, 16% for Y and 8% for Z category cities. As the HRA at the reduced rates may not be sufficient for employees falling in the lower pay bracket, it has been decided that HRA shall not be less than Rs 5,400, Rs 3,600 and Rs 1,800 for X, Y and Z category of cities respectively. This floor rate has been calculated at the rate of 30 per cent, 20% and 10%t of the minimum pay of Rs 18,000. “This will benefit more than 7.5 lakh employees,” it said. Keeping in view the current inflation trends, the government has decided that these rates will be revised upwards when the DA crosses 25 per cent and 50 per cent respectively. Other major allowances are: • Rate of Siachen allowance for soldiers has increased from Rs 14,000 to Rs 30,000 and for officers from Rs 21,000 to Rs 42,500 per month for extreme risk and hardship. • Flying allowance paid to uniformed services has been increased from Rs 10,500Rs 15,750 per month to Rs 17,300-Rs 25,000 per month, which has also been extended to the Border Security Force Air Wing. • The rate of nursing allowance has gone up from Rs 4,800 to Rs 7,200 per month. • Fixed medical allowance for pensioners has been increased from Rs 500 to Rs 1,000 per month.

HERE’S A LIST OF 34 (THIRTy FOuR) MODIFICATIONS: 1. Number of allowances recommended to be abolished and subsumed • Government decided not to abolish 12 allowances in view of specific functional requirements. 3 of 37 subsumed allowances will continue as separate identities due to unique nature of these allowances. 2. House Rent Allowance (HRA) • HRA will be paid @24%, 16% & 8% for X, Y & Z cities respectively • HRA not to be less than Rs 5400, 3600 & 1800 for X,Y&Z cities, calculated @30,20,&10% of min pay of Rs 18000 - to benefit >7.5 lakh employee • 7th CPC recommended revision of HRA when DA reaches 50% & 100%, Govt decided to revise rates when DA crosses 25% and 50% respectively. 3. Siachen Allowance: • Rates of Siachen Allowance increased from Rs 14000 pm (Soldiers) to Rs 30000 & Rs 21000 pm (Officers) to Rs 42500 for extreme risk & hardship. 4. Dress Allowance: • Government decided to pay Dress Allowance to Nurses on monthly basis due to high maintenance and hygiene requirements. • Higher rate of Dress Allowance for Special Protection Group accepted by Govt. 5. Tough Location Allowance: • 7th CPC recommended-TLA not to be granted with SDA-Govt decided to give option of SCLRA at pre-revised rates with SDA at revised rates 6. Recommendations in respect of some important allowances paid to all categories: • Children Education Allowance increased from Rs 1500 pm/child (max.2) to Rs 2250/child and Hostel Subsidy increased from Rs 4500 pm

to Rs 6750 pm. • Special Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities doubled from Rs 1500 pm to Rs 3000 pm • HigherQualificationIncentiveforCivilians increased from Rs 2000 - Rs 10000 (Grant) to Rs 10000 – Rs 30000 (Grant) 7. Recommendations in respect of some important allowances paid to Uniformed Services: Defence, CAPFs, Police, Indian Coast Guard and Security Agencies: • Abolition of Ration Money Allowance and free ration to Defence officers in peace areas not accepted, RMA to be credited in bank account • Technical Allowance (Tier-II) not to be merged, Govt. decided to continue Technical Allowance (Tier-II) @ Rs 4500 pm-courses to be reviewed • Aeronautical Allowance increased Rs 300 pm to Rs 450 pm and extended to Indian Coast Guard also. • Counter Insurgency Ops (CI Ops) Allowance for counter – insurgency ops increased from Rs 3000 - Rs 11700 pm to Rs 6000 – Rs 16900 pm • MARCOS and Chariot Allowance paid to marine commandos increased from Rs 10500 - Rs 15750 pm to Rs 17300 – Rs 25000 pm • Conditionality of 12 hrs reduced to 4 hrs for Sea Going Allowance and rates increased from Rs 3000 - Rs 7800 pm to Rs 6000 – Rs 10500 pm • COBRA Allowance granted to CRPF personnel in Naxal hit areas increased from Rs 8400 - Rs 16800 pm to Rs 17300 – Rs 25000 pm • Modified Field, Field & Highly Active Field Area Allowances increased from Rs 1200 - Rs 12600 pm to Rs 6000 – Rs 16900 pm. • Flying Allowance increased from

Rs 10500 - Rs 15750 pm to Rs 17300 – Rs25000 pm and extended to BSF Air Wing also • High Altitude Allowance increased from Rs 810 - Rs 16800 pm to Rs 2700 – Rs 25000 pm. • Higher Qualification Incentive for Defence Personnel increased from Rs 9000 – Rs 30000 (Grant) to Rs 10000 – Rs 30000 (Grant). • Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer Allowance increased from Rs 1500 / 3000 pm to Rs 4100 / 5300 pm. • Additional Free Railway Warrant (Leave Travel Concession) extended to CAPFs. • Territorial Army Allowance increased from Rs 175 - Rs 450 pm to Rs 1000 –Rs 2000 pm. • Ceilings of Deputation (Duty) Allowance for Defence Personnel increased from Rs 2000 - Rs 4500 pm to Rs 4500 - Rs 9000 pm. • Detachment Allowance increased Rs 165 - Rs 780 per day to Rs 405 – Rs 1170 per day. • Para Jump Instructor Allowance increased from Rs 2700/3600 pm to Rs 6000/10500 pm. • Govt. increased Special Security Allowance for Special Protection Group to 55% and 27.5% of BP for ops and non – ops duties. • Housing provisions for PBORs and their families residing at other stations significantly improved and linked to HRA, process simplified. 8. Allowances paid to Indian Railways • Additional Allowance increased from Rs 500 / 1000 pm to Rs 1125 / 2250 pm and extended to Loco Pilot Goods and Senior Passenger Guards @Rs 750 pm • Special Train Controller’s Allow-

ance @5000 pm introduced for Train Controllers of Railways 9. Allowances paid to Nurses & Ministerial Staffs of Hospital • Govt increased rate of Nursing Allowance from Rs 4800 pm to Rs 7200 pm • Operation Theatre Allowance not abolished and rates increased from Rs 360 pm to Rs 540 pm • Hospital Patient Care Allowance/ Patient Care Allowance increased from Rs 2070 - Rs 2100 pm to Rs 4100 – Rs 5300 pm. • 7th CPC recommendations modified and HPCA / PCA to continue for Ministerial staff 10. Allowances to Pensioners • Fixed Medical Allowance for Pensioners increased from Rs 500 pm to Rs 1000 pm • Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablement increased from Rs 4500 pm to Rs 6750 pm. 11. Allowances to Scientific Departments: • 7th CPC recommendations to abolish Launch Campaign Allowance and Space Technology Allowance not accepted – rates revised from Rs 7500 pa to Rs 11250 pa • Professional Update Allowance for non-gazetted staff of DAE will continue at enhanced rate of Rs 11250 p.a. • Antarctica Allowance – Summer rates revised from Rs 1125 per day to Rs 1500 per day, Winter rates from Rs 1688 per day to Rs 2000 per day. 12. Allowance paid to D/o Posts & Railways • Cycle Allowance not abolished rates doubled from Rs 90 to Rs 180 pm for functional requirements of Postmen in Posts and Trackmen in Railways

Oracle opens its first ‘Digital Hub’ in Bengaluru Microsoft confirms it will ‘eliminate positions’, could cut thousands of jobs BeNgAluru, July 7 (iANS): To provide small and midsize businesses (SMBs) access to the Cloud solutions and resources, Cloud major Oracle on Friday opened its first ‘Digital Hub’ in Bengaluru. The facility is first of the five ‘Digital Hubs,’ to be opened in Asia Pacific which will help SMBs leverage Oracle Cloud solutions to streamline operations, boost innovation and gain a platform for growth. “The Cloud is democratising IT and you just need a web-browser or a mobile phone app to take advantage of it,” said Francois Lancon, senior Vice-President, Oracle Japan and Asia Pacific, in a statement. “We are simplifying the buying process to help the smaller organ-

isations as well as branch offices and line of business departments, digitally transform their business,” Lancon added. The hub will house Oracle’s new digital sales team and focus on helping mid-size organisations transition to the Cloud easily. It will provide a complete suite of Cloud applications, platform and infrastructure services as both stand-alone services and as bundles. “There are over 51 million SMBs in India, many of whom haven’t worked with Oracle or used cloud before. They now have access to the most modern solutions in the market, available online, direct via the hub and through our expanded end-to-end ecosystem, working with the vast network

in India” noted Shailender Kumar, Vice-President and Regional Managing Director, Oracle India. Following the pilot programme in Bengaluru, Oracle recently expanded its locations in India by opening two new centres in DelhiNCR and Mumbai. Oracle’s Digital Hubs will provide a complete suite of cloud applications, platform and infrastructure services as both stand-alone services and as bundles. “The Oracle HCM cloud solution has completely transformed our HR engine to match our fast growth and has given us the freedom to do more with less,” said Vivek Vinayak Purekar, Vice President and Global HR Head, Simeio Solutions.




Answer Number # 3992

ate our business on a regular basis. This can result in increased investment in some places and, from time-totime, re- deployment in others,” the spokesperson told PTI in an emailed statement. While the spokesperson declined to confirm any specifics, a report in the New York Times said the overhauling of technology giant led by India-born Satya Nadella will cut 3,000 to 4,000 jobs, mostly outside the US. The report said the possible total of job cuts was described by a person familiar with Microsoft’s plans, who was not authorised to speak on the record about them. std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. . Perpendicular 6. Prune 10. Hats 14. Not inner 15. Wash 16. Death notice 17. Give a speech 18. Food thickener 19. List of options 20. Practices 22. Implored 23. Catnap (British) 24. Lubricated 26. Not awake 30. Tubular pasta 32. Tired to the point of exhaustion 33. European wolf spider 37. Teller of untruths 38. Smidgens 39. Weightlifters pump this 40. Void 42. Dot 43. _____ fit 44. Household 45. Extent 47. Tavern 48. Margarine 49. Container 56. A Maori club 57. End ___ 58. French for “Love” 59. So be it 60. Actors in a show 61. Insect stage 62. A titled peer of the realm 63. Backside 64. Jottings DOWN 1.. Impoverished 2. Attraction 3. Salt Lake state 4. Distribute 5. Surf 6. Fastener

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3993

New york, July 7 (PTi): Technology giant Microsoft is undertaking a major reorganisation in its sales and marketing units that will likely see the company cutting about 4,000 jobs from its workforce, mostly outside the US. A Microsoft spokesperson said in an email on Thursday that the company is implementing changes to better serve its customers and partners. “Today, we are taking steps to notify some employees that their jobs are under consideration or that their positions will be eliminated. Like all companies, we evalu-

7. Indian music 8. Egg-shaped 9. Characters 10. Culmination 11. Poplar tree 12. Yearned 13. An upright in a wall 21. Tear 25. Hotel 26. Competent 27. Slender 28. Jump 29. Lacking wit or imagination 30. Fall guy 31. Historical periods 33. Foot digits 34. Murres 35. Not short 36. Kitty (poker) 38. Teach 41. 3 in Roman numerals 42. Relate 44. Chart 45. San Antonio fort 46. Gauge 47. A bed on a ship 48. Iridescent gem 50. Brother of Jacob 51. To tax or access 52. Ammunition 53. Jacket 54. Olympic sled 55. God of love







































std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)



229529 229474

mh hospital

227930 231081

fire brigade


faith hospital


naga hospital


shamrock hospital


oking hospital


Zion hospital

231864 224117 227337

bethel nursing home


northeast shuttles


police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east police station


west police station


Cihsr (referral hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur hospital

224041 248011

police station fire brigade

222246 222491



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 Zubza ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Apollo hospital info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway


Airport indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 khuzama ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

kezocha ps

nagaland multispecialty health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

kohimA ps/oCs Contact numbers north ps

Chumukedima fire brigade 282777



“an enormous $4.5 trillion market opportunity” for Microsoft in the coming years”. Althoff had said the sales and marketing changes were intended to “enable us to align the right resources for the right customer at the right time”. He had identified expanding Microsoft’s cloud offerings in data analysis and artificial intelligence, and helping companies in every industry to become digital businesses, using Microsoft tools as key areas of opportunity. Microsoft has 71,000 employees in the US and 121,000 employees around the globe.

Civil hospital

Answer to Crossword 3995


It added that Microsoft workers were notified on Thursday if their current job was affected. Some of the workers will get other jobs within the software company. “This is being done mainly to evolve the skill sets we need,” Frank Shaw, a Microsoft spokesperson told NYT. Last week, Microsoft had described a realignment of its sales and marketing arm, which employs about 50,000 people worldwide. In an internal email last week, Judson Althoff, a Microsoft executive vice-president, described the reorganisation and its rationale. He wrote that there was



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


kohimA south: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) kohimA north: 7085924114 (O) dimApur: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) ChumukedimA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) wokhA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) mokokChung: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) phek: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) Zunheboto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tuensAng: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) longleng: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 women helpline 08822911011 WOMEN helpline 181 CHiLD welfAre Committee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

police station 1 police station 2 police station kobulong police station tuli police station Changtongya police station mangkolemba Civil hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing home


hotel metsüpen (tourist lodge) 2226373/ 2229343

CURRENCY NOTES buy (rs) sell (rs)

us dollars sterling pound hong kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese yen euro thai baht korean won uAe dirham (Aed) Chinese yuan

63.04 80.26 7.82 47.88 45.38 47.6 56.12 70.86 1.79 0.0537 16.61 8.91

65.88 84.14 8.71 50.22 47.60 49.91 59.28 74.29 2.00 0.0598 18.50 9.92

saturday 08•07•2017


Training on masonry receives overwhelming response Morung Express News Dimapur | July 7

The masonry training programme under the Re-skilling and Skill Upgradation scheme of the Nagaland state government is receiving unprecedented response with as many as 300 trainees having enrolled so far. The programme has set a target of training at least 550 people by covering all the 11 districts with Zynorique as the training partner and YouthNet taking charge of publicity. The Employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship department is the nodal government agency. It has so far covered 6 districts with the 7th currently underway in Dimapur at the Women ITI, Seithiekima ‘C’ village. According to the Zynorique training team, 51 men were selected from Dimapur district for the oneweek ‘Assistant Mason

Trainees during a segment of the practical session at the Women ITI, Seithiekima ‘C’ village, Dimapur on July 7.

Training’ programme, which will conclude on July 8. The Zynorique team said that the training curriculum is as per the standard laid down by the Construction Skill Development Council of India, which is under the aegis of the National Skill Development Corporation. While 50 was set as the maximum number of train-

ee intake per district, team Zynorique said that the overwhelming response from applicants for the training has had the team training more than the stipulated number of trainees. A total of 14 women, 4 in Mokokchung and 10 in Longleng, have so far participated. In Mokokchung, the team received requests for conducting the training

again. The training is scheduled for Mon district from July 17-22, Zunheboto – July 31-August 5, Longleng – August 21-August 26 and in Kohima – September 4-9. The Dimapur leg of the training had a few trainees with engineering diplomas, school and college dropouts and some already

working in the construction sector. Atoho Shohe (35 years) of Thahekhu village, who said, he hardly attended school, applied for the programme after he was advised to give a shot at the training. Working in the construction sector for 15 years now, Shohe said that he started out as an apprentice learning the tricks of the trade under non-Naga construction workers. Describing the training as a defining learning curve for him, he said, “What I have learned here is very different to what I have been doing.” Another trainee, Paul Shikhu (32) said that he enrolled to further his dream of real estate development. While the professional construction techniques imparted have been one, he added that the focus on personal safety and the specified material and construction standard to build

safer structures was enlightening. Kidongmeren Longkumer (22 years), a college dropout, said that he joined the construction sector as soon as he left college. His interest was architecture but he could not muster the required marks to pursue his dream. Still, he said that he has somehow realised that dream albeit without a formal degree. According to him, he helps out his uncle, an architect, as an on-site assistant and it on his uncle’s advice that he joined the training programme. While stating the one-week training has been an eye-opening experience, he added, “I’d wish the training continues for some more weeks.” Shikhu echoed a similar view by stating that while the training has been educative, he would certainly want to have more of such training sessions.

UT-I, NSCN (IM) condemns Children of police personnel felicitated raid by 39 Assam Rifles DimaPuR, July 7 (mExN): The UT-I, NSCN (IM) has condemned what it called “unwarranted raid” carried out by 39th Assam Rifles at the private residences of the Union Territory-I (UT-I) staffs, who were all unarmed, on July 7 in the wee hours. Disrespecting the agreed ground rules, the AR apprehended the four staffs without any rhyme or reason, a press release from Ghokuto Chishi, Secretary UT-I, NSCN (IM) alleged. “They were blindfolded and extreme physical torture was meted out during interrogation which was purely against the agreed ground rules by the two parties,” it claimed. The 39th Assam Rifles, the UT-I stated, also provoked the staffs by demanding to surrender arms and ammunitions immediately and also enquired about the details of NSCN leaders and threatened to raid their private residences. “To the utter surprise they also wanted to know the reason behind the arrival of RN Ravi, Interlocutor of Indo-Naga peace talks, his maiden visit to Naga-

land they were forced to disclose the agendas and meeting places,” the release added It was further alleged that the 39th AR also "snatched away some mobile phones worth Rs.50,000/-, extorted cash to the tune of Rs. 15,000/-, grasped wrist watch and did not spare even the cosmetic items.” In this regard, the NSCN (IM) “sternly warned” the 39th AR not to advocate differences among the two entities at this fragile stage of peace process, while accusing that the intention of 39th AR is to disrupt the ongoing smooth peace process. The release also informed that an emergency meeting was held with UT-I authorities under the initiative of Steering Executive member, NSCN Kihoto Yeptho and seriously viewed the prevailing situation at this stage of talks. In the event of any untoward incident, the 39th Assam Rifles will be held solely responsible, it warned. Meanwhile, the NSCN (IM) asserted it will not remain a silent spectator but “act accordingly that deem fit come what may.”

MEx FILE DPRO Kohima informs Kohima, July 7 (mExN): In view of the by-election to the 10th Northern Angami - 1 Assembly Constituency in Kohima district on July 29, the District Public Relations Officer of Kohima Ketarutmakbo has informed all his office staff to regularly attend the office from July 10. The DPRO also notified that no one is allowed to apply for any leave till the election process is complete. He further cautioned that serious action will be taken against those who contravene the order.

Kohima, July 7 (DiPR): The Directorate of School Education has notified that the government has proposed to name Government School, Changki, Mokokchung after Dr. T. Ao, the legendary footballer to commemorate his 100th birth anniversary. Therefore, objections, if any, have been invited from the public Some police officials and toppers along with parents at the felicitation programme held at PHQ on July 7. within one month from the date of publication of this Kohima, July 7 (mExN): Hr. Sec. School, Kohima; Him- gwapang, DEF Mokokchung – notification. Children of police personnel loi Phom, son of THC K. Mo- 10th Rank (HSSLC (Science)), St. who secured Top Ranks (90% lim Phom, DEF Kohima – 11th John Hr. Sec. Residential School, Excise conducts raids; seize liquor and above marks) in HSLC and Rank (HSLC), Holy Cross Hr. Sec. Dimapur. The programme was chaired HSSLC Examinations, 2017 were School, Dimapur; Roseline Pojar, DimaPuR, July 7 (mExN): The Excise Mobile felicitated at PHQ conference hall daughter of Hav. Kevechi Pojar, by Kewetso Mero, IPS, IGP (Trg DEF Kohima – 3rd Rank (HSSLC & Bdr), Nagaland, invocation Squad Special Surveillance Team conducted raids in here on July 7. A total of five toppers were (Arts)), Ministers’ Hill Baptist Hr. prayer by Neiphizo Metha, As- various locations of Dimapur town area on July 6 and felicitated with a certificate and Sec. School, Kohima; Loktimen, sociate Pastor, PUBC, New Re- seized a total of 732 bottles of assorted liquor. The accash reward of Rs. 30,000/- each, son of UBSI Limatsung, DEF serve, Phesama and a short cused persons have been booked under relevant secinformed a press release. They are Mon – 6th Rank (HSSLC (Sci- speech & presentation of certif- tion of the NLTP Act and the seized articles kept at the Nemdeingah Singson, daugh- ence)), Pranab Vidyapath Hr. Sec. icates/cash rewards was given unit's Malkhana, informed a press release from Katoho ter of NK Letmang, MT Branch, School, Dimapur; Noktichung B. by L. Singsit, IPS, ADGP (ADM), Sumi, Superintendent of Excise & Prohibition (MS). PHQ – 8th Rank (HSLC), Mezhur Ozukum, son of UBC Bendan- Nagaland.

Rev. Megovotuo Kuotsu unveiling the donation box on July 7 at CHC Medziphema.

CHC Medziphema being on the National Highway receives certain cases of accidents and poor patients from neighbouring areas. In cases of emergencies, it added, staffs on duty are compelled to go for collection amongst themselves to buy medicines and hand gloves

for patients in need. Knowing these cases, the CPO in its executive meeting resolved to place a donation box at the CHC as ‘Poor Patient Welfare Fund’, it was informed. The box will be maintained by the Indoor Nursing Staffs of CHC Medziphema.

Population Stabilization Fortnight from July 11 to 24 moKoKchuNg, July 7 (mExN): Orientation programme for World Population Day and Population Stabilization Fortnight under the slogan ‘New Wave, New Believe-Family Development through Complete Responsibility’ was held at DPO (RCH&UIP) office here on July 7. Dr. Temsuyanger, DPO (RCH & UIP) explained about the advocacy and awareness campaign which has to be carried out in all the blocks and villages of Mokokchung district. The Population Stabilization Fortnight will be from July 11 to 24; it will be called as Family Health Mela fortnight. During the fortnight, awareness generation like Family Planning methods, delaying age at marriage, spacing at births, post partum family

planning etc should reach the people. IEC activities of Inter personal communication, Focus group discussion will also be carried out. Basket of Family Planning services to be provided during World Population Day and Population Stabilization Fortnight are distribution of IEC materials, counselling and motivation, distribution of OCP and condoms, IUCD insertions, Tubectomy and Vasectomy. Dr. SS Akaba Longchar, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) also in his short speech encouraged the health workers to work efficiently and in co-ordination for the success and the welfare of the district. The programme was attended by Dy. CMO, Medical officers, DCM, ASHA Co-ordinators, BPMs and health workers.

Planning and Development Board AR organize medical camps, other activities July 7 (mExN): tients along with their rela- mukedima, aimed to spread meetings held in Pughoboto, Wokha DimaPuR, Assam Rifles under the aegis of tives and civil administration awareness about drug abuse

Pughoboto/WoKha, July 7 (mExN): The monthly Sub-Divisional Planning & Development Board meeting of Pughoboto was held at the ADC office on July 7. The house deliberated on picking of SK oil from Zunheboto HQ, which is inconvenient in terms of transportation. Therefore, it decided to write to the Department to allow the consignment transfer of SK oil agency from Zunheboto to Dimapur. Opening of SBI in Pughoboto Town, which was approved by the board earlier, was also discussed and a decision was made to pursue the matter again. Other agenda discussed included repairing badminton stadium & membership fee which is collected from the members annually. The house distributed the work assignments to the departments for smooth conduct of the forthcoming Independence Day celebration and also agreed to organize social work on August 13. Earlier, the house welcomed two

DimaPuR, July 7 (mExN): A Joint Action Committee comprising of members from villages bordering Selophe Village today demanded de-recognition of Selophe Village for its failure to obtain No Objection Certificate from them. The villages are Rangapahar S. Hukavi Zhimomi Colony, Sangtamtila Village, Muruse Village, Thahekhu Village, and Thahekhu Block-7. Stating that the basic minimum requirement for recognition of a village is to obtain NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the adjoining/neighbouring villages duly forwarded by the competent authority (Deputy Commissioner through proper channel), the JAC said such procedures were not followed in the case of Selophe. “It has come to light that Selophe village, adjacent to Rangapahar Zoological Park has been established and recognized by the Government without fulfilling any norms/formalities, setting very bad precedence,” the JAC maintained in a press releases issued by its Convenor Hetokhu Awomi. The entire neighbouring villages have boundary issues with Selophe village and in the interest of social harmony and peaceful co-existence, the JAC strongly appeal the government to immediately de-recognise the village so as to overcome any untoward incident, it said. “The matter should not be even entertained by the honourable court till such time the village obtains NOC from the existing villages. Failing which, JAC shall deem it necessary to take its own course of action,” it added.

Proposal to name school after Dr. T Ao

CPO places donation box for poor patients DimaPuR, July 7 (mExN): The Chakhroma Public Organisation (CPO) placed a donation box for ‘Poor Patient Welfare Fund’ at Community Health Centre (CHC) Medziphema on July 7 in the presence of Medziphema area leaders and the medical staff of the CHC. In a brief programme, introductory speech was given by the President CPO, Vichütuolie Mere. Amen Secü and Dr. Tali (Paed), who spoke on behalf of the nurses and doctors respectively, thanked the CPO for its good gestures to help the poor patients and needy through the donation box, informed a press release from CPO. Meanwhile, Dosau Kuotsu, Chairman, CHC Medziphema highlighted the activities and proposal of the centre to the leaders present. Rev. Megovotuo Kuotsu, President of Pastors’ Fellowship Medziphema dedicated the donation box. The release mentioned that

De-recognise Selophe Village, JAC demands

new members, EAC Ghathashi Nuhu- HQ IGAR (North) conducted ta and SDO (R&B) Akumyanger. medical camps, counselingcum-interactive session, and Wokha DPDB approves lecture in different locations of LADP schemes Nagaland recently. The monthly Wokha District Plan9 Assam Rifles organised a ning and Development Board meet- medical camp at Chakabama ing was also held on 7 at Deputy Com- village on July 5 with an aim missioner’s conference hall, Wokha. to provide free health check Finalization of LADP 2017-18 and up to the ailing patients and Common Pool scheme for the four emphasize on preventive Assembly Constituencies of Wokha measures against all diseases. district was approved during the A team of medical staff unmeeting. The Board also approved to der 2IC C Satyaranjan, CMO take up development and beautificaprovided medical assistance tion of Tsumang Lake under Urban and medicines to 49 men, 42 Development Department. Department of Excise present- women, and 38 children of ed the activities of the department. the area and distributed free Principal of Mt. Tiyi College, GHSS medicine to the ailing, inand Taxes Department were asked formed a press release from to present their activities in the next Lt Col Amitabh Sharma, PRO, HQ IGAR (North). A lecture meeting. At the meeting, two new mem- on common ailments and bers were introduced – District Hor- prevention was also organticulture Officer Medemshiba and EE ised by the medical staff. In Wokha, a total of 30 pa(R&B) Baghty, Chenithung Ngullie.

authorities attended a medical camp organised by 28 Assam Rifles at De-addiction Centre, Civil Hospital, Wokha on July 5. The unit Regimental Medical Officer Captain Satya Prakash and a team of paramedical staff from the unit provided medical assistance to the patients. A press release from PRO, HQ IGAR (North) further informed that the audience was educated on the ill effects of drug addiction and the ailing people were exhorted to take the challenge of de-addiction with their self belief. Meanwhile, 41 Assam Rifles conducted counseling cum interactive session with former drug addicts at Chumukedima on July 5. The programme, conducted in association with Shalom Rehabilitation Centre, Chu-

among students, informed a separate press release from the PRO. Dr PK Dutta and Joya Peziyal, Counsellor of drug addicts from Shalom Rehabilitation Centre educated the audience on substance abuse and ill effects of alcohol and narcotics. A total of 32 people from adjoining areas of Chumukedima participated in the counseling. 35 Assam Rifles organised a lecture cum awareness programme on HIV & AIDS at Government Higher Secondary School, Naginimora on July 6. 2IC (Dr) Kamlesh Kumar, who delivered the lecture, emphasized on preventive measures against HIV & AIDS. He also informed of the free HIV tests and medication available in government hospitals. 165 students and 12 teachers attended the lecture.

Financial assistance to destitute women of Peren dist

PEREN, July 7 (DiPR): The Zeme Mipui Maadi (ZMM), Peren in collaboration with the Department of Women Resource Development, Government of Nagaland in a programme handed over financial assistance to the destitute women of Peren district on July 5. President, ZMM, Apeuna Iheilung in her speech enlightened the gathering on how the government is trying to help women even in the smallest of ways. She encouraged the women of the district to be positive in their outlook, including availing the privilege of the financial assistance.

NCSU Mkg unit informs members moKoKchuNg, July 7 (mExN): As per the directive of the Nagaland Contractors and Suppliers Union (NCSU) head office, Kohima, the NCSU Mokokchung unit has directed all the members to update/renew their NCSU identity card at the head office Kohima before July 20, 2017.

Meetings & AppointMents DUCCF meet postponed Dimapur Urban Council Chairmen Federation (DUCCF) emergency general meeting scheduled for July 8 (Saturday) at Forest Colony Council Hall has been postponed to July 10 on account of Tuluni. All the Chairmen have been requested to positively attend the meeting, which will be held at 3:30 pm.

NRDSA meeting The Nagaland Rural Development Service Association (NRDSA) will hold a meeting on July 14 at RD Directorate conference hall. NRDSA president, K. Neibou Sekhose in a press release has requested all office bearers, executive members, district representatives and advisors to attend the same positively.

CANSSEA general meeting Confederation of All Nagaland State Services Employees' Association (CANSSEA) has convened its general meeting on July 21, 11:00 am in the conference hall of CANSSEA office. Therefore, at least 2 (two) office bearers of district CANSSEAs and all State Service Employees Associations have been requested to attend the meeting positively. A press release from CANSSEA president, Takatuba Aier informed that there will be selection/nomination of new team of office bearers of central CANSSEA for 2017-2020 through the search committee and discussion of certain major issues related to service matters. The district CANSSEAs were also requested to collect annual membership fees for 2017 and pending fees if any. The district CANSSEAs and Service Associations may also bring agendas.


saturDaY 08•07•2017

PeoPle, life, etc...


Singing a Revolution: Pop, Politics, and the Umbrella Movement

The genre of Canto-pop has exceeded expectations, becoming more than just a popular music genre. It has provoked thought, sung for the people of Hong Kong, and time and time again has held a mirror to the SAR’s socio-political sentiments and local identity Dr Ivy Man | The News Lens


he Umbrella Movement, also known as the Umbrella Revolution, was a 79-day pro-democracy street occupation protest in Hong Kong. In the run-up to the protests, Beijing had stipulated that Hong Kong’s universal suffrage would be on Beijing’s terms, allowing only Communist Party approved candidates to run for office in the chief executive election. The Hong Kong people sensed that their calls for true universal suffrage would most likely be in vain. Many realized that the Special Administrative Region (SAR) would not have the expected degree of autonomy and democracy negotiated before the handover, and it would not be allowed to freely elect its chief executive by 2017 as promised. Led by Battlefront groups including Occupy Central with Love and Peace and the Hong Kong Federation of Students and Scholars — tens of thousands of people gathered together to occupy major shopping districts and business centers across the city. After several months of bitter confrontations, the occupations were cleared by the Hong Kong Police in December 2014. Large numbers of protester were arrested. And

among that group were several wellknown Canto-pop singers, artists who had actively participated in the pro-democracy movement. Cantonese popular song, also commonly known as Canto-pop, is a popular music genre originating in Hong Kong. While the origins of Cantonese pop music can be traced back as far as the 1950s, it was not until the 1970s that Cantopop became truly popular, first in

Hong Kong but later in many overseas markets. During crucial sociopolitical moments, the genre has been used to express the feelings of Hong Kong’s people, particularly its young people. Many of Hong Kong’s key historical moments have been immortalized in Canto-pop. It has addressed the Sino-British talks in the Eighties, the June Fourth movement, the transfer of sovereignty negotiations in the Nineties, and of

course the pro-democracy Umbrella Movement. The Umbrella Movement, in fact, created something of a vogue for political Canto-pop songs. In response to widespread feelings of patriotic dedication and political awareness, these Canto-pop songs were written to communicate hope, harmony, and unity for the future. Amongst the songs recorded and released during the protests, Upholding an Umbrel-

la is probably the most well-known. Sung by several prominent Cantopop singers in Hong Kong, the song explicitly encouraged the protesters to persevere in times of darkness. The lyrics were co-written by Pan, the composer, and Lin Xi, one of Hong Kong’s most prominent Canto-pop lyricists. The song was performed by a large group of Hong Kong singers, including Anthony Wong, Denise Ho, Jay Tse, and national awardwinning actress Deanie Ip. To avoid delay, the song was recorded and released within 48 hours. As is typical of many Canto-pop songs, the song is a ballad. The lyrics of the song address the protest directly, and employ a rhyme scheme. In verse two, the rhyme "an" is used to close the first, second and fourth lines, a feature reminiscent of Chinese classical poetry. As rhyme is not an obligatory feature of Canto-pop lyrics, this poetic idea perhaps adds to the songs lyrical power, invoking traditional Chinese culture behind fiercely political lyrics. The song certainly aroused a sense of solidarity among the Movement’s protesters and supporters. Recognized as the theme song for the Umbrella Movement, the song was not only sung numerous times by the protestors during the Movement, it was also played

and shared widely on social media sites. The copyright of the song was not reserved, allowing the piece to be widely transmitted. Blanket censorship made it impossible for those on the Chinese mainland to listen to the song. But Upholding an Umbrella was wellreceived in Hong Kong. Aside from the high click rate online, the song was also nominated by the public and voted for as the ‘most liked’ song of 2014 during the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation 2015. Two and a half years after the Umbrella Movement ended, protesters still find themselves at risk of prosecution and the song continues to play on social media. There has been a question mark hanging over Canto-pop in recent years. Its relevance has been questioned. And some have claimed that the genre is simply dying out. What happens in the coming years is uncertain, but Canto-pop’s role in Hong Kong’s history is clear. The genre has exceeded expectations, becoming more than just a popular music genre. It has provoked thought, sung for the people of Hong Kong, and time and time again has held a mirror to the SAR’s socio-political sentiments and local identity.

The Scream on cream: Korean barista wows fans with latte art This one simple trick will make your strawberries last longer

Creamarts, what South Korean barista Lee Kang-bin calls his latte arts, are seen at his coffee shop in Seoul, South Korea, June 30, 2017.



outh Korean barista Lee Kang-bin is taking coffee art to the next level, creating miniature imitations of famous paintings on foamy cups of java at his central Seoul cafe. With meticulous strokes of tiny brushes and spoons, Lee, 26, recreates the likes of Vincent van Gogh's "The Starry Night" and Edvard Munch's "The Scream" using thick cream stained with food coloring

atop a cup of coffee. The result of the painstaking 15-minute process is a 10,000 won ($8.71) cup of cold coffee that has won Lee thousands of fans at his cafe and online. "One time I drew 'The Starry Night' and it looked so special as the famous painting placed on top of coffee. After that, lots of people ordered that coffee," Lee said, as he copied the painting off an image on his smartphone. "Customers usually ask me to

draw their favorite art works," he added. On his Instagram profile where he regularly posts images and videos of his so-called "creamart," Lee says he has never learned to draw. He started brewing coffee at age 17, during his mandatory military service and enjoyed it so much that he bought a coffee machine and opened his first cafe for fellow soldiers in his camp near the border with North Korea. Customers at his cafe are delighted with Lee's art, which ranges from intricate paintings to cheeky recreations of Disney cartoon characters like Aladdin and Bambi. "I heard (on TV) that this barista draws these kinds of famous paintings. I think he has very talented hands," said Kim Su-Kyung, a 24-year-old university student who recently visited Lee's store, named "Cafe C. Through." South Korea's per capita coffee consumption has nearly doubled since 1990 to 2.3 kg (5 lb) per person, according to the International Coffee Organization - still roughly half the 4.5 kg that Americans consume.

Hate Being Called A Millennial? Here's Why Xennials Are Way More Cool

Brooke Nelson | Reader’s Digest


is the (strawberry) season! That’s right, folks—summer has arrived, which means we now have an excuse to chow on those red delights for every meal, like, ever. And why not? They’re the best guilt-free snack, after all. These tasty berries are jam-packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and magnesium. All of those vitamins and minerals have loads of benefits, too, including improving eyesight, reducing high blood pressure, boosting the immune system, and preventing certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases. (Plus, these aphrodisiac wonders can even spark a bit of romance.) And the list doesn’t stop there. No wonder they’re one of the healthiest fruits you can eat! There’s only one downside to these sweet treats. Strawberries spoil quickly, which is as annoying as it is a waste. Nobody wants to find their strawberries growing mushy and moldy in the fridge after purchasing them only a few days earlier. What is a strawberry lover to do?

Thanks to Hip2Save, an online coupon website, we have the perfect hack for keeping your strawberries fresh WAY longer. All you need is a bit of vinegar, water, and a colander or salad spinner. To start off, pour about ½ cup of white vinegar and 2 ½ cups of water into a large bowl, and soak your berries in the mixture for a few minutes. The vinegar will get rid of mold spores and bacteria, which make your strawberries spoil quicker. (And don’t worry—your strawberries won’t taste like vinegar afterward!) To thoroughly dry the strawberries, place some paper towels in a salad spinner or let them air dry in

a colander. Be sure to remove all of the moisture, since that will prevent them from getting moldy. Then, you can safely place them in the refrigerator on top of a paper towel. Voila! You now have fresh strawberries to last for days and days. Plus, this method works for blackberries and raspberries, too! If that still doesn’t do the trick, The Kitchen recommends keeping the stems of your strawberries on for as long as possible in order to extend their shelf life. And if you notice any spoiled or moldy berries in your bunch, remove them ASAP to prevent the mold from spreading to the rest.

Help your roses through heat of summer


Dan Gill | Daily Comet

ummer heat stresses many plants in our landscapes. Along with other plants, most roses are not especially happy during the extreme heat of mid- to late summer. (Come to think of it, neither are most gardeners.) Proper care is important as roses enter this most stressful time of the year. Regular watering, mulching, deadheading and insect, disease and weed control are the major issues we deal with.


Katie O'malley | Elle UK

ike the Varsity Jocks, Preps, Sexually Active Band Geeks, and the Plastics in Mean Girls, it appears society is still unable to shed its desperate need to label and group certain individuals and generations into subsections of society. Unfortunately, for those of us aged between 13 to 35 (born between the years 1982 and 2004), we've been lumped with the titles 'Generation Y' and 'Millenials': a group synonymous with social media, selfies, Tinder and Love Island (although, we're totally fine with the latter). However, with a generation spanning 22 years, we're not quite sure how well we fit into a group with youngsters old enough to be, well, our children. Think about it – the youngest segment of Generation Y will have grown up on Wizards of Waverley Place, Minecraft, Moshi Monsters and Little Mix. Meanwhile, us elders of Generation Y trudged through our formative teenage years using shockproof Walkmans, playing Snake on the latest Nokia 3310, Tamagotchis, Playstation's 'Dance Mat' and listening to Hear'Say. As a result of such an expansive void in age and experience, many millenials are finding it hard to identify with the perceived persona most common among the younger members of our cohort. And, that's why we're somewhat jealous of the Xennials – a new term being used to described people born between 1977 and 1983. Sitting midway between Generation

X (beginning in 1961 and ending in 1981) and Generation Y, the Xennials have all the admirable qualities of being able to remember a time before MSN and Facebook, but equally, all the savviness when it comes to the digital world. Dan Woodman, Associate Professor of Sociology at The University of Melbourne, explained the term to Australian lifestyle site Mamamia, revealing: 'The idea is there's this micro or in-between generation between the Gen X group – who we think of as the depressed flannelette shirtwearing, grunge-listening children that came after the Baby Boomers - and the Millennials – who get described as optimistic, tech savvy and maybe a little bit too sure of themselves and too confident. Woodman added that while the majority of millennials have been born into a technological world of social media and wanting the latest iPhone, Xennials have learned, with time, how to embrace technology and enjoy it. 'It was a particularly unique experience. You have a childhood, youth and adolescence free of having to worry about social media posts and mobile phones... We learned to consume media and came of age before there was Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat and all these things where you still watch the evening news or read the newspaper,' he added. And while we might not quite fit into the Xennial category (believe us, we wish we could), we're liking the sound of fluidity when it comes to defining a generation, as oppose to the rigid and wide-ranging ages of Generation X and Y.

Pruning June is a good month to prune onceblooming roses. These roses, which bloom heavily in the spring and early summer and then not at all the rest of the year, will bloom next year on growth they make this summer. Prune appropriately now, if needed. Repeat-flowering roses will continue to bloom through the summer. Cut the stem back to just above the first five-leaflet leaf when pruning off faded flowers (deadheading). Cuts may be made lower on the stem of more vigorous roses to control their size. The next major pruning of repeat-flowering roses will be in late August.

as soon as they open. Many gardeners interpret the lower vigor and poor quality flowers to mean that the roses need more fertilizer. Because heat is the issue, however, roses actually need less fertilizer in late June, July and early August. So be moderate in fertilization if you do any Watering The intense heat this time of year can dry at all now. out beds surprisingly fast. Roses planted this Planting and transplanting year need a regular deep watering whenever Mid- to late summer is absolutely the we go five to seven days without a good rain. worst time to transplant roses. If you need to A “good” rain means receiving one-half to 1 move a rose, wait at least until late November inch of rain, not counting brief rain showers. if you can. Established roses are remarkably Planting new roses during intense heat drought-tolerant and generally do not re- is also not a great idea, although containerquire a great deal of supplemental irrigation. grown roses can be planted this time of the These roses may need to be watered every 10 year if needed. to 14 days during long dry periods. Avoid wetting the foliage, if possible, by Pest control For roses highly susceptible to black using drip irrigation, soaker hoses or an irrigation system that sprays water below the spot, a weekly spray program is important foliage. If you must wet the foliage, irrigate through the summer months. Fungicides laduring the morning or when the foliage will beled to control black spot must be used regularly. This is not a disease you can spray for dry rapidly to reduce disease problems. as needed. Use products labeled to control black spot on roses, carefully following the Fertilizing Daytime highs in the mid-90s and night- label recommendations. Even with persistent efforts, black spot time lows in the mid- to upper 70s actually lower the vigor of roses. Despite your best ef- can show up when we get regular afternoon forts at proper care, you will notice that the rainfall. Still, spraying will generally help. To flowers your rose bushes produce in mid- to avoid spraying, choose roses that are more late summer are often smaller with less vivid tolerant of or resistant to black spot. Various insects will chew on the foliage colors. And the flowers seem to fade almost

or even the flower petals on occasion, but damage is generally minor. For caterpillars, spray the bushes with Bt, spinosad, Sevin, cyfluthrin, bifenthrin or permethrin. The last four will also control beetles and a variety of other insects. Leaf cutter bees chew round pieces about the size of a nickel or dime from the edges of leaves. Damage is generally not bad enough to warrant control. And these native bees are excellent pollinators. Weeds Keep beds well mulched to minimize weeds. A preemergence herbicide labeled for use around ornamentals, such as Preen or Amaze, can also help prevent weeds. For growing weeds, selectively spraying them with glyphosate (KillzAll, Eraser, Grass and Weed Killer, Roundup) will kill them. It is critical that none of the spray or drift contacts the foliage or green stems of the roses. Spray on a calm day, and, if necessary, place a barrier between a rose bush and what you are spraying. As the outstanding spring and early summer bloom season draws to a close, don’t despair. With good care through the summer, the fall rose-blooming season in October and November can be just as or even more spectacular for the everblooming roses. Dan Gill is an LSU AgCenter horticulturist.

SaturDaY 08•07•2017

Morung Youth Express



Birth certificates and such

finally got my birth certificate on Thursday. I thought it was worth celebrating. Now I could be considered officially born and registered and become part of the whole business of living. In his book, “A House for Mr Biswas” V.S.Naipaul has a character who sits by the wayside and calls out all day, “Birth certificate” to passers-by. He also procured other certificates depending on the customer’s need. When a woman with four young children walks by, he shouts louder and the family who dearly desire to have a legitimate identity quickly register their names with him, pay a sum of money and walk off with the precious papers. Migrant populations understand the importance of certificates and official identities much better than us natives. I hear that the underworld is quite cunning at forging these papers for illegal entrants. But for us ordinary citizens, it is a maze of seeking after other evidences of Naga identity in order to register for the birth certificate. I asked my 85-year-old retired teacher mother why she had not both-

ered to register the births of her children. Mother’s answer was, “It was not required at that time.” Naga logic. Looking back in an effort to recall if any educational institution had ever demanded for a birth certificate, I find that I cannot think of any such incident. I clearly remember my first day at school. Mother knew the headmistress of the school. For her, it was just a matter of depositing me in her office, which was quite imposing for a four-year-old, and getting my name entered into the register. No mention of a BC. “Is this child number three or four?” the headmistress asked. Mother gave the necessary response, and that was it. The headmistress decided that my mother should go to work and leave me behind to attend classes. I was dismayed that Mother could take the headmistress at her word, and abandon me with a couple of sweets, oblivious to the fact that I wanted to bawl like all my other classmates were actively and consistently

doing. But I could not, now that it was clear the headmistress was a friend of my mother and could report on my activities in the school. And that is the story of how I became a student of the school and remained there for the next ten years of my life. (Afterwards, the grown-ups asked if I had cried on my first day of school, and when I said I had not, they said what a good girl etc. But the feeling that either I had denied myself or others had denied me a good cry stayed with me a long time. I think children should be allowed to cry when they are scared. But we can talk about that another day). None of our teachers ever asked us for a birth certificate, or pan card or adhaar card, not once. Even when we were going to sit our matriculation examination, all we had to do was to fill up some forms stating Father’s name and student’s date of birth. After that, the Matriculation certificate became our birth certifi-

cate. For people in my generation, it is proof of our official identity. It is laminated and kept carefully in the never-lose-these-papers box. For late-comers to the birth certificate, an affidavit is mandatory, stating that indeed you were born into this world on a certain day of a certain year, at a particular place. To make things a bit more complicated than necessary, my grandfather’s house which was entered as place of birth, had gone down in the big landslide of 1974-75. So, I had to clarify to the official that the address no longer exists. Fortuitously, there was a permanent address box as well. All the historical details had to be submitted like who attended the birth, was it a hospital delivery, or a home delivery assisted by a certified practitioner or relatives and helpers. In all, it was a highly enlightening experience and I feel confident now that I could easily set up a little business, like Naipaul’s character selling BCs to those in need. Since there are quite a number in our generation lacking a BC, no doubt it might prove to be a profitable venture for a few weeks.

Weather based integrated agro Math and more: 5 apps advisory for the month of July students must check out


otal rainfall received in Dimapur district during June month was 278.7 mm which was 27% more than the normal, with the highest rainfall of 56.8 mm recorded on 17th June. Total number of rainy day was 14. According the India Meteorological Department southwest monsoon has set over Kerala on 30th May 2017. Crop Advisories Transplanting of kharif rice should be done with appropriate crop management practices Sowing of soybean, groundnut should be done in upland condition Butachlor @1.0ai/ha as pre-emergence herbicide may apply for weed control Short duration crops like moong, urd, cowpea should be sown in those area which remain unsown For fruit trees, prune trees immediately after harvesting. Grow seasonal crops in inter spaces. Daily monitoring should be done for soft rot of ginger. Water logging in the field should be completely avoided since stagnation of water predisposes the plant to infection. Provide proper drainage and keep land free from weeds at all times. Collect the diseased material as and when the disease is noticed and burn them. In case some transplanted rice plants are washed away due to heavy rainfall, immediate gap filling can be undertaken. However, in case nurseries are not available, the farmers may go for direct sowing of rice using zero Till. Livestock Advisories Flood affected areas generally experience out-break of human and animal diseases. Vaccination of animals should be done against out-break of major diseases. Poultry: Trees should be planted near shed to provide shade as well as cool breeze. Prevent water logging near poultry sheds to prevent mosquito breeding. Make sure that the birds stay warm and cool. On very sunny and humid days provide electrolytes to replenish their lost nutrients. Piggery: Deworm piglets and adult animals on time Vaccinate against FMD and CSF (Classical Swine Fever) Provide multivitamins and minerals during stress periods (hot periods, farrowing periods etc) During this season, stay ready to combat diarrhoea with medication Fisheries Conduct inspection every morning, noon and evening to check fish activities, fish appetite, whether there is residual fìsh feed in the pond, whether the fìsh come to the surface to breathe and whether there are unusual changes caused by sudden weather changes. By keeping watch, problems can be detected early and prompt remedial actions can be taken Agro Met Field Unit ICAR, Jharnapani, Medziphema


Hindustan Times

one are the days when a student had to look through 1,000 pages for a 400-word assignment or spend hours deciphering a math problem. This era of smartphones and high-tech information dissemination, has brought the world at our fingertips. A student can decode an X of a hellish algebraic equation in micro seconds with the use of a mobile phone. Seems impractical? Find out more about apps that young people are using to manage their studies. Khan Academy India: Ratan Tata-led Tata Trusts, along with Khan Academy, one of the largest open access online educators, laid the foundation for free world-class education for the Indian Market in the online space. Khan Academy India is a simple learning app that is very easy to use for students, teachers, parents and mentors. With over 10,000 free videos organised like mini lessons and 150,000 common core aligned practice questions for students from Class 3 to Class 12 in Indian languages, one has enough resources to improve his or her performance in tough subjects. Two useful features of the app are: the possibility to download the videos to watch them offline and the login function that allows you to access your profile and track your progress. Exercises aligned to Indian curricula are also available now. BYJU’S: Think and Learn Pvt Ltd devised a key to unlock all educational queries for ICSE and CBSE students in math and science (physics, chemistry and biology) from Class 4 to 12. With engaging video lessons and chapter wise tests designed by India’s best teachers, good grades are inevitable. BYJU’s ensures improved performance with comprehensive analysis of the student’s performance and progress. My Study Life: Just graduating from secondary school, Jamie Clark devised this application in 2010 to keep track of his classes and assignments, ulti-

mately replacing the need for a paper planner. My Study Life serves as a cross platform planner for students, teachers and lecturers designed to make study life easier to manage. Managing schedules was never this easy until My Study Life introduced its clear and concise user interface. With the facility of cloud, storing documents, homework and exams couldn’t be easier. Cloud is accessible on varied devices a student uses. Sharing of documents among peers as well as teacher-student is also secured. Photomath: Guidance to isolate x in algebra homework is now easy with math buddy – PhotoMath. Step by step breakdown of the solution of a math problem either hand written or typed shared through a snap with the app can now be delivered in a matter of seconds. Also, PhotoMath is world’s first camera calculator. With PhotoMath’s appealing and friendly interface, math homework is no more a nightmare. Evernote: We have said this before and we’re saying it again, evernote is the world’s leading repository of unstructured data, serving 200 million users around the world. Helps to write, collect and capture ideas as searchable notes, notebooks, checklists and to-do lists. With Evernote, taking notes is also possible in sketches, photos, audio, video, PDFs, web clippings and a lot more. Availability of auto–sync across computers, phones and tablets ensures productive collaborations, discussions and sharing of documents. No need to hunt for scraps of paper as EverNote’s responsive and easy to use interface helps put all your notes together. These educational apps are tailored for high-school students, some for soon-to-be college graduates, and others still, are more apt for those who provide an education or those who still pine for knowledge long after school lets out for summer. If available 15 years ago, life would have been easier. Isn’t it?

Don’t just eat it. Apply chocolate on skin to slow down ageing




ot only is eating chocolates good for your body, applying it to your skin, face or body can provide a lot of benefits as well for better and smoother skin tone, suggest experts. So what can be a better day than World Chocolate Day -that is being celebrated on Friday -- to start adding this delicacy in your diet religiously. Aakriti Kochar, Beauty and Makeup Expert, Oriflame India, and Mehar Rajput, Nutritionist and Dietitian from FITPASS, share tips on how chocolates can provide fruitful benefits for your skin. * Chocolates are rich in anti-oxidants * Dark Chocolate helps in improvprove skin hydration. which helps in reversing the signs of ing skin texture, giving you a more * Flavanols are phytonutrients that ageing. smooth and moisturised skin. help in reducing blood pressure, * They have anti-inflammatory prop- * Chocolates contain flavanols, anticholesterol level, reducing the risk erties which makes it extremely suitoxidants that protect your skin from of heart diseases, controlling blood able for very sensitive and dry skin. UV damage, free radicals and imsugar level and moisturising & soft-

ening of the skin. * Chocolate when combined with caffeine, which is an excellent antiinflammatory product, is ideal for treating water retention. * Chocolate facial is a new fad introduced in the beauty and personal care industry. It not only can improve the skin tone, but is also great in reducing wrinkles and fine lines. * Mix 1/3rd cup of cocoa powder with 2-3 tablespoon of honey and add a few lemon drops to it. Apply this chocolate face mask on your face evenly and leave it for about 15-20 minutes before washing. This will give your skin a smoother and clearer tone along with a radiant glow. * It can slow down the process of ageing by stopping or slowing down the action of free radicals.

The Naga Blog is a forum on Facebook where Naga’s from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Naga’s every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day. www.facebook.com/groups/thenagablog

NO MORE CHECK POSTS in other States Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Finance 03-July-2017 20:15 IST With The Roll-Out of GST, Check Posts Get Abolished Across 22 States in India The Goods and Services Tax (GST) was rolled out on 1st July 2017. With the roll-out of GST, 22 states in India have abolished their check posts. The details are as under1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3. Bihar 4. Gujarat 5. Karnataka 6. Kerala 7. Madhya Pradesh 8. Maharashtra 9. Sikkim 10. Tamil Nadu 11. West Bengal 12. Chhattisgarh 13. Delhi 14. Goa 15. Haryana 16. jharkhand 17. Odisha 18. Puducherry 19. Rajasthan 20. Telangana 21. Uttar Pradesh 22. Uttarakhand States where check posts are in the process of being abolished 1. Assam 2. Himachal Pradesh 3. Manipur 4. Meghalaya 5. Nagaland 6. Punjab 7. Mizoram 8. Tripura Yanpvuo Yanfo Kikon: But for Nagaland? Narcotics, Police, Forest, Excise, Underground factions and all the countless associations extorting money at check posts will continue? Or what do we the people and businesses want in our State? Nobody wants to do business in Nagaland or pass through Nagaland (Eg. Manipur businesses). The infamous Nagaland check gate in Dimapur, unless the Government wipes out the begging & extortion business we are going to repeat HISTORY, History that happened around the 13th Century and culminated in 1453 with the fall of Constantinople. Rich Europeans used to trade with India and the East via land on camels which passed through Turkey. But after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 the land trade route was occupied by the Ottamans who levied very high trade taxes on the transit European goods to the east. Hence Europeans went on the quest of finding a sea route to Asia. The rich royals and traders funded the explorer Vasco da Gama who ultimately succeeded in finding a new sea route to India, thus bypassing the land route and the greedy Ottomans who by then were facepalming and had become 'Sukha Maas' because these traders by-passed their land & started trading via Sea route. Our narrow minded corrupted Govt officials, police & undergrounds combined, their greed for extorting from Traders who pass through our land will make History repeat itself wherein 1. The Manipur traders who contribute to 70% of business transactions in Dimapur will no longer pass through Dimapur (They already started preferring via Silchar & their rail route is coming soon). 2. The Look/Act East Policy which will connect Indian subcontinent with South-East Asia thereby unleashing a ECONOMIC BOOM in NorthEast India will by-pass Nagaland if our small minded extortionists & political leaders cannot see the bigger picture and vision today! Temong Tikhir: Collecting few amounts from the truckers, and other business commuters by the factions or Polices is only for their pockets. If they continue that extortion, like Sir Yanpvuo has stated, the commuters especially the Manipuris may take other route totally ignoring Naga-land. As a result the wayside hotels/motels/markets along the National Highway who earns 100/day will decrease to 45/day. I think this will badly impact the Naga small scale businesses. Check Posts should not be to collect illegal taxes. Do good dear Nagaland Government. Peter Rutsa: Check gates being operated by government agencies are not serving their purposes. GST or not. Checkgates need to be removed. Especially police, narcotic and excise. Nagaland has been too fake for too long! Government approved checkgates also attract underground and overground NGOs like a magnet. The highway stretching from Nagaland Assam border to Nagaland Manipur border holds the Current world record for most checkgates/checkpost. The sum total of government servants from various departments, undergrounds cadre's, individuals representating communities, organisations and associations engaged in taxation, extortion and other illegal criminal activities along this highway could be well over 200. That will be 20 parasites for every 10 kilometre. Rupin Sharma: Bang on! Can anyone say whether, if they were or are still required, what has been their contribution. Or their achievements. Are there any targets fixed for these check posts? Are these ever achieved or reviewed? How much manpower is deployed at these places, which could potentially be deployed more constructively. On another plane, are these not restricting the free movement of goods and services and people - a violation of Fundamental Rights.


SaturDaY 08•07•2017



At BRICS meetIng

Xi Jinping calls for 'peaceful settlement' of regional disputes

Gravest threat: Modi presents action agenda at G20 to counter terrorism

• China and India have been engaged in a stand-off in the Dokalam area near the Bhutan tri-junction for the past three weeks • China is also engaged in hotly contested territorial disputes in both the South China Sea and the East China Sea

HAMBURG, JUly 7 (PTI): Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday urged the BRICS countries to push for "peaceful settlement" of regional disputes, amid a stand-off between India and China in Sikkim and Beijing's growing assertiveness in the disputed South and East China seas. Xi made the remarks at an informal leaders' meeting of the BRICS, which groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, ahead of a Group of 20 summit in the German port city of Hamburg, China's staterun Xinhua news agency reported. He pressed the BRICS members to unswervingly build an open world economy, champion multilateralism and promote common development. The BRICS leaders exchanged views on the current international political and economic circumstances and the G20's priorities, and reached important agreements on strengthening BRICS unity and coordination, jointly improving global economic governance and promoting sustainable development, the report said. The Chinese leader, who presided over the meeting, also called on the BRICS countries to "push for peaceful

settlement of regional conflicts and disputes, and to consolidate the role of the G20 mechanism as the premier platform for international economic cooperation," the report said. The Xinhua report did not elaborate on what Xi meant by "regional disputes". Apart from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi, the meeting was attended by Brazilian President Michel Temer, Russian President Vladimir Putin and South African President Jacob Zuma. The leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, pledged to work together for positive results at the BRICS summit in the southeastern Chinese seaside city of Xiamen later this year. China and India have been engaged in a stand-off in the Dokalam

area near the Bhutan tri-junction for the past three weeks after a People's Liberation Army construction party attempted to build a road. Doka La is the Indian name for the region which Bhutan recognises as Dokalam while China claims it as part of its Donglang region. China is also engaged in hotly contested territorial disputes in both the South China Sea and the East China Sea. Beijing has built up artificial islands and militarised many of them. Both the South China Sea and the East China Sea areas are stated to be rich in minerals, oil and other natural resources. They are also vital to global trade. China claims sovereignty over all of South China Sea. Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan have counter claims. China also lays claim to tiny is-

lands in the East China Sea between Japan and the Korean peninsula, and between Japan and Taiwan. The US today said it has flown two bombers over East Asian waters, as tensions continue to run high in the region. The B-1B Lancers took part in joint military drills with Japan in the East China Sea, the US Air Force said in a statement. They bombers then flew over the highly contentious South China Sea. The US had also recently sent a navy warship near an artificial island in the South China Sea as part of the first "freedom of navigation" operation under President Donald Trump. China has previously termed the US' move as "irresponsible" and warned that America's deliberate provocations would have "extremely dangerous consequences" to regional stability.

HAMBURG, JUly 7 (AGencIes): Prime Minister Narendra Modi voiced concern over terrorism while making the lead statement at G20 Leaders' Retreat in Hamburg, Germany, on Friday. He also presented an 11-point action agenda for counter-terrorism even as he stated the need to strengthen inter-governmental cooperation among the G-20 nations. Modi termed terrorism as the gravest threat to humanity and said, "Terrorism is the biggest challenge that we are facing today. I thank German Chancellor Angela Merkel for choosing this topic." The prime minister was the lead speaker on the theme of 'Fighting Terrorism' at the Leaders' Retreat. He said that be it Daesh or al-Qaeda in the Middle East, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed or the Haqqani network in the South Asia or the Boko Haram in Nigeria, they are all guided by the same ideology hatred and manslaughter. Modi's 11-point action agenda included deterrent action against countries supporting terrorism and banning entry of leaders of such countries to the G20 nations; exchange of suspected terrorist list among the G20 nations and joint action against them and to simplify and expedite extradition and other legal processes. The list further included adoption of comprehensive convention on international terrorism, implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions and other international process, joint efforts for

best practices in de-radicalisation programmes by G20 nations and closure of terrorist financing sources through FATF (Financial Action Task Force). He also called for the creation of an Explosive Action Task Force in the lines of FATF that could crackdown on the sources of supply of arms and ammunitions to terror outfits. Other points included in the list were G20 cooperation in cyber-security and to establish a mechanism for National Security Advisors on counter-terrorism in G20 nations. The G20 Summit began on Friday in the port city as world leaders assembled to discuss fight against terrorism and ways to improve open trade. Earlier on Friday, Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping had a conversation on a "range of issues" during the BRICS leaders' informal meeting amid a standoff between the armies of the two countries in the Sikkim section. Xi also praised India’s strong resolve against terrorism and momentum in BRICS, introduced under India's Chairmanship. Modi on the other, said, "there has been positive momentum in BRICS under chairmanship of President Xi Jinping, best wishes to him for upcoming BRICS Summit". "BRICS has been a strong voice and needs to show leadership on terrorism and global economy," Modi said. He emphasised that the G20 should collectively oppose terrorism financing, franchises, safe havens, support and sponsors.

CBI raids Lalu and family, Education won't become expensive under GST: Govt files fresh corruption case

new DelHI, JUl 7 (PTI): The CBI today conducted raids across four cities in connection with a fresh corruption case filed against RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav, his wife Rabri Devi, son Tejashwi Yadav and others. The case, for which Lalu Yadav and his wife and son, who is Bihar deputy chief minister, have been booked, dates back to when he was Union railway minister in the UPA government. The searches, which started at 7 am and included Rabri Devis Circular Road residence in Patna, were spread across 12 locations in Patna, Ranchi, Gurgaon and Bhubaneswar. The raids included the premises of the Yadav family as well as those of his confidant Prem Chand Gupta, whose wife Sarla Gupta is listed as an accused in the FIR. Others named in the FIR include Vijay Kochhar, Vinay Kochhar (both directors of Sujata Hotels), Delight Marketing company, now known as Lara Projects, and then IRCTC managing director P K Goel. It is alleged that Lalu Yadav as railway minister handed over the maintenance of two railway hotels to a company after receiving a bribe in the form of prime land in Patna through a benami company owned by Sarla Gupta. The FIR was registered on July 5 in connection with alleged favours extended to Sujata Hotels in awarding a contract for the upkeep of the hotels in Ranchi and Puri and receiving premium land as a "quid pro quo", the CBI has alleged. Briefing the media on the case, CBI Additional Director Rakesh Asthana said the criminal conspiracy spanned 200414 during which the tender process was "rigged" in favour of Sujata Hotels. "In return, the owners of Sujata Hotel gave three acres of land in western Patna to Delight Marketing which is known to the family of Lalu Yadav at a very low cost. Subsequently, between 2010 to 2014, this land was further transferred to another company Lara Projects owned by family members of Lalu Yadav," he said. Asthana, second in command in the CBI who had supervised the fodder scam probe in the CBI as DIG in which Lalu Yadav was convicted, said the case was

registered under IPC sections related to cheating and criminal conspiracy and provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. Ironically, Lalu Yadav was today in Ranchi to appear in a CBI court in connection with a case related to the multi-crore fodder scam. The RJD termed the raids, which prompted speculation on the future of the JD(U)-RJD-Congress coalition government in Bihar, political vendetta. The Centre began tightening its noose around Lalu Yadav ever since he "announced a massive Desh bachao, Bhajpa hatao rally on August 27 in Patna", RJDs Bihar unit president Ramchandra Purbey said in Patna. Back in Delhi, Union minister M Venkaiah Naidu rebutted the charge and said the CBI was doing its duty and the BJP or the government had no role in it. "... After our government came there is no interference and that is why CBI is free and acting as per the mandate given to it...," he told reporters. The roots of the current case go back to the 2001 decision of the then NDA government to hand over management of catering services of railway hotels to IRCTC. When Lalu Yadav became railway minister in 2004, he allegedly entered into a criminal conspiracy with Kochhars (owners of Sujata Hotel) and Sarla Gupta and unidentified IRCTC officials to earn "undue pecuniary" advantage for himself, the CBI FIR claimed. Vinay Kochhar is alleged to have sold three acres of premium land in Patna for Rs 1.47 crore to Delight Marketing on February 25, 2005 which was way below the circle rate. After the sale deed was executed in favour of Delight Marketing, the Railway Board, on the same day, informed IRCTC about its decision to transfer BNR (railway) hotels to IRCTC on "as is where is basis", the FIR alleged. The upkeep of the two BNR hotels were transferred by the IRCTC to Sujata Hotels through a tender process allegedly manipulated by P K Goel, then MD IRCTC, the CBI said. The conditions were further tweaked to make Sujata Hotel the sole contender for the bid, the agency alleged. According to the CBI, Lalu Yadav, as railway minister, kept track of the tender proceedings. While over 15 bid documents were received for both the hotels, IRCTC has no records of bidders other than Sujata Hotel. Between 2010 and 2014, the ownership of Delight Marketing also changed hands from Sarla Gupta to Lara Projects owned by Rabri Devi and Tejashwi Yadav when Lalu Yadav was no longer minister. By this time, the value of the Patna land had also spiralled to Rs 32.5 crore as per the circle rate, the CBI claimed. "The shares of a company having a net worth of Rs 32.5 crore was transferred by the family member of P C Gupta to the family members of Lalu Prasad Yadav for a nominal amount of Rs 64 lakh," it alleged. PTI ABS SKL ABS MIN

new DelHI, JUly 7 (IAns): Dismissing conjectures that education will become expensive under the Goods and Services Tax, the central government on Friday said services provided by an educational institution to students, faculty and staff were exempt under GST. "Such reports that education will become expensive under GST are completely unsubstantiated. In fact, there is no change made in any subject relating to education in the GST era, except to reduce tax rate on certain items of education such as school bags," the Finance Ministry said here in a statement. Pre-school education and ed-

Aadhaar-linked issues to be decided by constitution bench: Supreme Court

KolKATA, JUly 7 (AGencIes): The Supreme Court on Friday asked the concerned parties in Aadhaar matter to urge Chief Justice of India Jagdish Singh Khehar to set up Constitution bench to finally decide on all related issues. A three-judge bench, headed by Justice J Chelameswar, asked the parties to urge the Chief Justice to set up a Constitution bench to decide the issues relating to Aadhaar. The SC bench said this while hearing petitions challenging several government notifications mandating Aadhaar for availing government social benefit schemes. "We suggest both of you (petitioners and the Centre) to request Chief Justice to constitute a larger bench so that these matters can be decided finally," the bench, also comprising Justices A M Khanwilkar and Navin Sinha, said. On June 10, the Supreme Court had ruled that from July 1 onward, every person eligible to obtain Aadhaar must quote their Aadhaar number or their Aadhaar Enrolment ID number for filing of Income Tax Returns as well as for applications for Permanent Account Number (PAN). The petitioners have challenged a series of 17 notifications making Aadhaar mandatory for availing benefits including mid-day meal, disability pensions as well as for victims of Bhopal gas tragedy.

ucation up to higher secondary school or equivalent education as part of a curriculum for obtaining a qualification recognised by any law for the time being in force and approved vocational education courses, are exempt under GST. Some of the input services like transport and canteen provided by private players to educational institutions were subject to service tax in pre-GST era and the same is continued in the GST regime. "Transportation of students, faculty and staff services provided to an educational institution (providing pre-school education and education up to higher secondary school

or equivalent) are exempt from GST. Similarly, catering, including any mid-day meals scheme sponsored by the central government, state government or union territory, to an educational institution providing education up to higher secondary school or equivalent, are also exempt from GST," it said. "Further, security or cleaning or housekeeping services performed in such educational institutions are also exempt from GST. Services relating to admission to, or conducting of examination by, such institutions, up to higher secondary, too are exempt from GST," it added. The Ministry said that edu-

cation up to higher secondary school level does not attract GST on output services and also on most of the important input services. Further, services by charitable registered entities relating to advancement of educational programmes or skill development for abandoned, orphaned or homeless children, physically or mentally abused and traumatised persons, prisoners or persons over the age of 65 years residing in a rural area are also exempt from GST. "Hence, there has been no change in taxability of educational and other services on account of GST," it said.

'One nation, one law' becomes reality after Kashmir implements GST

sRInAGAR, JUly 7 (IAns): The Jammu and Kashmir Assembly on Friday passed the state Goods and Services Tax (GST) bill after receiving President Pranab Mukherjee's order "safeguarding" Kashmir's special constitutional status and its exclusive taxation powers -- bringing to implementation the pan-India indirect tax regime in the state. Jammu and Kashmir, the only state that enjoys a special status under Article 370 and has its own Constitu-

tion, became the last in the country to adopt the new taxation law, making "one nation, one tax" a reality. The legislation -- the Jammu and Kashmir Goods and Services Tax Bill 2017 -- was passed by a voice vote amid protests and boycott by the opposition that accused the government of compromising the special status by seeking a presidential order for extending the new tax regime in the state. However, Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu, who moved the bill in

the assembly, said the government had sought the presidential order to assure Kashmir's special status was safeguarded and that there was no impingement in the Article 370 or the state's constitutions. "Although there is no tradition of tabling a presidential order in the assembly, we are starting a new tradition in the democracy of the state by tabling this order in the House," he said. Drabu said the new tax regime would roll out in Jammu and Kashmir at midnight on Friday.

SC halts counselling, admissions CJI, governors should come under RTI: SC to IIts under Jee-Advanced new DelHI, JUly 7 (AGen-

new DelHI, JUly 7 (IAns): The Supreme Court on Friday ordered a halt to further counselling and admissions to IITs in respect of entrance tests under JEE-Advanced across the country. "No counselling or admission to the seats in ITT JEE-Advanced shall take place until further orders," said the bench of Justice Dipak Misra and Justice A.M.Khanwilkar as it directed the further hearing of the matter on July 10. The court's order came on petitions by two candidates who have challenged the grant of seven marks to all the candidates for errors in two questions - one in chemistry and other in maths - in the Hindi version of the paper. While the chemistry question carried three marks, the maths question was of four marks. The bench also ordered that no high court will entertain any petition in respect of the JEE-IIT -Advanced from now onwards. It further directed the Registrar Generals of the High Courts to inform them by Saturday of the nature of cases and the number of petitioners involved in respect of JEE-IIT-Advanced pending before them. The court directed that the copy of its order be communicated to all the registrar generals. Observing that the uniform application of seven marks strikes at the root of Article 14 (equality before law), the bench indicated that it may opt for the "re-evaluation" of the answer sheets. The court also indicated the option that those who have

not attempted these two questions would be left out but those who have attempted it, right or wrong, will get the marks. Appearing for the Central government, Attorney General K.K. Venugopal told the bench that the "problem will have to be solved and it was impossible to identify who answered in Hindi papers". He informed the bench that as of now the counselling of 33,000 students has already taken place and they have been admitted. In all there are about 36,000 seats. Venugopal told the court that of the two petitioners before it, one has already got admission in IIT Bombay. The court was told the "one petition secured 185 marks out of total of 366 and the second petitioner has already taken admission in IIT Bombay". Appearing for the petitioners' candidates, senior counsel Vikas Singh said that bonus marks can't be given to someone who has not attempt two questions which suffered from error. He said that there are thousands of students who have secured same marks in the merit list. About 2.35 lakh students appeared in IIT JEE-Advanced examination. Last Friday, the Supreme Court had sought the government's response to a petition challenging the grant of seven extra marks to all candidates who had appeared for the entrance examination. However, the vacation bench had refused to interfere with the counselling. The IIT JEE-Advanced had 10 set of papers, with the same questions but changed order.

cIes): Shedding judiciary's reluctance to come within the ambit of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the Supreme Court for the first time on Thursday favoured bringing the office of the chief justice within the domain of the transparency law. A bench of Justices Arun Mishra and Amitava Roy said offices of all constitutional functionaries should be made amenable to the RTI law to bring transparency and accountability in their functioning. The court specifically pointed out that the offices of governors and the Chief Justice of India should be brought under the ambit of RTI Act. It was hearing a batch of petitions challenging a Bombay high court order declaring the governor's office as public authority and directing the Goa Raj Bhavan to make public the governor's report sent to the President on the political situation in the state during July-August 2007. The information was sought under RTI by Manohar Parrikar, who was then the leader of the opposition in the Goa assembly. Solicitor general Ranjit Kumar, appearing for the Centre, contended that another case pertaining to the CJI's office was pending before the Constitution bench and the government's appeal should be tagged along with those cases. He said constitutional authorities discharge sovereign functions and they should be exempted from coming under the RTI Act.

saturdaY 08 •07•2017




US military strike on North Korea is unlikely WASHINGTON, July 7 (AP): A pre-emptive military strike may be among the “pretty severe things” President Donald Trump says he is considering for North Korea, but it’s a step so fraught with risk that it ranks as among the unlikeliest options. Even a so-called surgical strike aimed at the North’s partially hidden nuclear and missile force is unlikely to destroy the arsenal or stop its leader, Kim Jong Un, from swiftly retaliating with long-range artillery that could kill stunning numbers in South Korea within minutes. An all-out conflict could then ensue. And while Trump’s Pentagon chief, Jim Mattis, says the U.S. would prevail, he believes it would be “a catastrophic war.” In Poland on Thursday, Trump said the time has arrived to confront North Korea. “I don’t like to talk about what I have planned, but I have some pretty severe things that we’re thinking about,” the president said. “That doesn’t mean we’re going to do them.” Trump didn’t mention which “severe” options he is weighing following North Korea’s July 4 test-launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. The admin-

Soldiers gather in Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea on July 6, to celebrate the test launch of North Korea’s first intercontinental ballistic missile two days earlier. The North’s ICBM launch, its most successful missile test to date, has stoked security worries in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo as it showed the country could eventually perfect a reliable nuclear missile capable of reaching anywhere in the United States. Analysts say the missile tested Tuesday could reach Alaska if launched at a normal trajectory. (AP Photo)

istration has been reviewing its overall North Korea policy for months, having declared earlier attempts at “strategic patience” with the North to have failed. The administration has spoken about starving North Korea of cash for its nuclear program and get-

ting other countries to add diplomatic and economic pressure. But Trump and his aides have not have ruled out the possibility of war with an adversary that is openly defying U.N. Security Council resolutions and threatening the United States.

“It’s a shame that they’re behaving this way,” Trump said, “but they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner and something will have to be done about it.” Trump was referring to North Korea’s test-launch Tuesday of an unarmed

ballistic missile that for the first time demonstrated the range needed to reach U.S. soil. The ICBM was launched on a lofted trajectory so that it fell short of Japan. U.S. analysts calculated that if it is launched on a standard attack trajectory, the missile could

reach Alaska. With further testing, they say, North Korea will achieve even longer ranges. The missile launch created a new reality for the U.S. and its South Korean and Japanese allies, which already are in range of the North’s missiles. With a population of more than 20 million, Seoul is in easy range of North Korea’s massive array of artillery guns north of the Demilitarized Zone that forms a buffer between North and South. Japan could also be a target. Beyond the nuclear threat, the North also is believed to have chemical and biological weapons. The U.S. has about 28,000 troops in South Korea, and Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says about 300,000 U.S. citizens are in Seoul alone. Dunford predicted in June 12 that war casualties would be heavy — “and many of those casualties will be in the first three, five, seven days of the war where all those people in the greater Seoul area (are) exposed to the North Korean threat that we will not be able to mitigate initially.” Mattis told a House committee last month that if it came to a fight, the U.S. and its allies would prevail, but at a cost that is difficult to imagine.

“It will be a war more serious in terms of human suffering than anything we’ve seen since 1953,” he said, referring to the final year of the Korean War. Then, U.S. forces siding with South Korea fought North Korea to a stalemate. It was an era when the North had no nuclear or chemical weapons. Trump has said he will not allow North Korea to achieve what it calls its ultimate objective: a nucleararmed missile capable of reaching the United States. Although the North has now shown it can reach U.S. soil, it probably isn’t capable yet of arming such a missile with a nuclear warhead. If allowed to stay on its current course, analysts say, the North probably will reach its goal within a few years. In an impromptu encounter at the Pentagon on Thursday, Mattis told reporters that this week’s missile launch didn’t threaten the U.S. He said it doesn’t change the administration’s determination to pursue diplomacy to resolve the nuclear threat, but he suggested North Korea might eventually push too hard. “Any effort by North Korea to start a war would lead to severe consequences” for that country, he said.

Mattis said the North’s intercontinental missile capability doesn’t “in itself bring us closer to war.” Trump, he said, has been clear “we are leading with diplomatic and economic efforts.” As of Thursday there were no outward signs of U.S. moves to put more air, ground or naval forces in South Korea. Bruce Bennett, a North Korea expert at the Rand Corp., a federally funded think tank, said a fully effective U.S.-led bombing campaign would require precise intelligence about the locations of the North’s nuclear and missile storage and launch sites, a number of which are dug into mountainsides. “We don’t know where they all are,” he said. “Even if you knew where they all are, you’re going to take potentially weeks of bombing to take those things all down.” In the meantime, the North would certainly respond with its large and well-armed military, he said. “North Korea has been very clear that if you (attacked) even one of those facilities, they are going to significantly escalate in response,” Bennett said. “They have threatened to turn Seoul into a sea of fire.”

Japan rescuers dig through Merkel calls for G20 compromise as crunch climate talks start rubble as freak rain goes on

Local residents walk at an area hit by heavy rain at Haki district in Asakura, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan on July 7. (REUTERS Photo)

ASAKuRA, July 7 (ReuTeRS): Thousands of Japanese rescuers searched on Friday for victims of freak rains that have killed at least 11 people and left hundreds cut off from the outside world by landslides. Torrential rain hit southwest Japan on Wednesday and was still moving north on Friday. According to the latest figure, more than 140,000 people were under orders to evacuate their homes while authorities issued new warnings of landslides

across the island of Kyushu. Parts of Fukuoka prefecture were hit by 600.5 mm (24 inches) of rain in the 48 hours to 10:40 a.m. on Friday (0140 GMT), more than 1.5 times the usual rain for the month, the meteorological agency said. Eleven people had been killed while 14 were unaccounted for, public broadcaster NHK said. “It came in from the back,” one man told NHK as he gazed at his house, shattered by a surge of mud and wood.

Russia could be behind election meddling: Trump WARSAW, July 7 (IANS): US President Donald Trump said that he thinks Russia was behind 2016 election meddling, but added he feels “it could have been other people in other countries” and that “nobody really knows for sure”. “I think it very well could be Russia but I think it could very well have been other countries,” Trump said on Thursday during a news conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda in which he also slammed the news media, including CNN and NBC. “I think a lot of people interfere.” Trump, asked about the fact the United States intelligence community has said it was Russia, compared that assessment to the eventually debunked claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in the lead-up to the Iraq War, CNN reported. “I think it was Russia but I think it was probably other people and or countries. I see nothing wrong with that statement,” Trump said. “Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows for sure.” He added, “I remember when I was sitting back listening about Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, how everybody was 100 per cent certain that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Guess what? That led to one big mess. They were wrong and it led to a mess.”

The intelligence community assessment spans both Obama and Trump administrations, however. Intelligence officials nominated by Trump have publicly said they have no doubt that Russia was behind the election meddling. Russian meddling in the 2016 election is the subject of numerous investigations in Washington, casting a pall over the White House. The swirl of Russia investigations -- and possible connections between Trump’s orbit and Russian officials -- has caused friction on Capitol Hill, hampering Trump’s ability to score a number of legislative victories. Trump slammed former President Barack Obama’s handling of Russian interference as he stood next to Duda, arguing that the former president “did nothing” to combat the interference. “Why did he do nothing about it? He was told it was Russia by the CIA ... and he did nothing about it,” Trump said. “They said he choked. I don’t think he choked. Well, I don’t think he choked. I think what happened was he thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the election and he said let’s not do anything about it. Had he thought the other way, he would have done something about it.”

“The whole area has been buried. There aren’t any words for this,” the man said in a quivering voice. About 12,300 soldiers, policemen and firemen clambered across expanses of debris of splintered wood and mud hoping to reach about 500 people cut off by landslides, NHK reported. Large boulders and uprooted trees blocked streets as residents with heavy bags picked their way carefully through their neighbourhoods. “At first, it wasn’t raining that much,” said Sumie Umeyo, a resident of Asakura city. “But they spoke of recordbreaking rain and it started raining heavily, then they began closing the roads. We looked outside and the roads were like rivers,” Umeyo said. Fukuoka and neighbouring Oita, the hardest hit areas, are both largely rural but rivers were also rising in the city of Kitakyushu, which has a population of some 950,000 and issued evacuation orders for several districts. The rain was caused by a low pressure area over the Pacific that fed warm, moist air into Japan’s seasonal rainy front.

HAMBuRG, July 7 (ReuTeRS): German Chancellor Angela Merkel pressed fellow Group of 20 leaders to compromise at the start of talks on climate and trade that have pitted U.S. President Donald Trump against virtually every other country in the club of leading economies. The host of the G20 summit addressed her counterparts on Friday in a hall at the Hamburg convention centre, after video footage showed Trump shaking hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the first faceto-face encounter between the two men. Merkel was shown talking casually with Putin as the leaders entered the hall, then joining French President Emmanuel Macron in a three-way discussion with Trump, who was seated between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Britain’s Theresa May. “We all know the big global challenges and we know that time is pressing,” Merkel told the group. “And so solutions can only be found if we are ready for compromise and move towards each other, but without - and I stress this - bending too much, because of course we can also

state clearly when there are differences.” Trump later held bilateral talks with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Putin. The meeting with the Russian leader is drawing intense scrutiny because of Trump’s election campaign pledge to seek a rapprochement with Moscow. So far he has been unable to deliver on that promise amid accusations from U.S. intelligence services that Russia meddled in last year’s presidential election and investigations into the Trump campaign’s links to the country. Merkel, who is gearing up for a parliamentary election in September, faces the daunting task of steering the G20 towards a consensus on trade, climate change and migration - all issues that have become more contentious since Trump entered the White House half a year ago promising an “America First” approach. Last month he pulled the United States out of a landmark international agreement aimed at combating climate change. And he is threatening to take punitive trade measures in the steel sector which would hit China, Germany, Canada and a host of other countries. The latest draft communi-

All eyes on Trump-Putin dynamics as they meet for first time at G20. (REUTERS Photo)

que sticks with language about the Paris climate accord being “irreversible” but removes a reference from an earlier version to a “global approach” that some countries felt could suggest there was a parallel track to Paris. REiNFORcEmENTs TO cOpE wiTh ThOusANDs pROTEsTERs As the leaders met, police said they were sending reinforcements from other parts of Germany to cope with thousands of anti-capitalist protesters who set fire to cars, rubbish bins and wooden pallets in vio-

lence that Hamburg’s interior minister called “frightening”. Police said 160 officers had been injured, 45 protestors temporarily detained and another 15 taken into custody. Merkel chose Hamburg, the port city where she was born, to send a signal about Germany’s openness to the world, including its tolerance of peaceful protests. The summit is being held only a few hundred metres from one of Germany’s most potent symbols of left-wing resistance, a former theatre called the “Rote Flora” which was taken over by anti-capitalist squatters nearly three decades ago.

Cyprus reunification talks collapse CRANS-MONTANA, July 7 (ReuTeRS): Talks to reunify the divided island of Cyprus collapsed amid anger and recriminations in the early hours of Friday, marking the end of a process seen as the most promising in generations to heal decades of conflict. “I’m very sorry to tell you that despite the very strong commitment and engagement of all the delegations and different parties ... the conference on Cyprus was closed without an agreement being reached,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told a news conference after a stormy last session. The collapse marked a dramatic culmination to more than two years of a process that had been widely thought of as the best chance at reunification since the island was split between its Greek and Turkish Cypriot populations in 1974. Guterres had flown in on Thursday to press Greek Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci to seal a deal reuniting the east Mediterranean island, while U.S. Vice President Mike Pence had phoned to urge them to “seize this historic opportunity”. Diplomatic efforts to reunite Cyprus have failed since the island was riven in a 1974 Turkish army invasion trig-

A girl holds a placard during a demonstration in favour of a peace settlement between Greek and Turkish Cypriots on divided Cyprus, at Ledra’s checkpoint of the UN-patrolled “green line” in Nicosia, Cyprus on July 6. (REUTERS Photo)

gered by a coup by Greek Cypriots seeking union with Greece. The week of talks in the Swiss Alps, which the United Nations said was the “the best chance” for a deal, ground to a halt as the two sides failed to overcome final obstacles. Diplomats said Turkey had appeared to be offering little to Greek Cypriots wanting a full withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island, although the Greek Cypriots had indicated

readiness to make concessions on Turkish Cypriot demands for a rotating presidency, the other key issue. Guterres finally called a halt at 2 a.m. after a session marred by yelling and drama, a source close to the negotiations said. NOT ‘END OF ROAD’ “Unfortunately... an agreement was not possible, and the conference was closed without the possibility to bring a solu-

tion to this dramatic and longlasting problem,” Guterres said. “That doesn’t mean that other initiatives cannot be developed in order to address the Cyprus problem,” he added. Guterres declined to elaborate on what exactly had caused the collapse, but said there was still a wide gap between the two delegations on a number of questions. Without a fallback option, it was unclear what, if any, peace

process could continue. Reunification attempts have always been under the umbrella of the United Nations, which has one of its longest-serving peacekeeping forces on the island. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who with his Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias had been attending the peace talks at the Swiss Alpine resort of Crans-Montana for a week, spoke of different options. “This outcome shows the impossibility of reaching a settlement within the parameters of the Good Offices Mission,” Cavusoglu wrote on his twitter feed, using a term referring to the UN. “No use in insisting on them.” Greek Cypriots, due to launch gas drilling off the island in coming weeks that Turkey opposes, pointed the finger of blame at the Turkish side. Nicos Christodoulides, spokesman for the Greek Cypriot government, said Turkey had refused to relinquish its intervention rights on Cyprus or the presence of troops on the island. “Tonight’s development is in no way positive, but it is not the end of the road either,” he said, without elaborating. Guterres, who began his role in January by announcing a “surge of diplomacy for peace”, is known for his energy and drive.


SaturDaY 08•07•2017



5th ODI: Kohli stars as India beat West Indies by eight wickets Cricket: Sri Lanka announce home series against India

Kingston (Jamaica), July 7 (ians): Riding on skipper Virat Kohli's unbeaten century, India defeated West Indies by eight wickets in the fifth and final One-Day International (ODI) at the Sabina Park Stadium here. Kohli (111 not out) and middle-order batsman Dinesh Karthik (50 not out) helped India on Thursday to outplay the hosts and clinched the five match ODI series 3-1. Chasing 206, India started on a poor note as opener Shikhar Dhawan (4) was sent back to the pavilion in the first over by pacer Alzarri Joseph. Incoming batsman Kohli and opener Ajinkya Rahane (39) then added 79 runs for the second wicket

to stabilise the Indian innings. But, just when things seemed to be in control, Rahane was adjudged leg before wicket off Devendra Bishoo in the 19th over. Unperturbed by the fall of Rahane's wicket, Kohli displayed his class and waited for the bad balls. Soon, Kohli along with Karthik, started thrashing West Indies bowlers all around the park and chased down the total with 79 balls remaining. Kohli slammed 12 boundaries and two sixes in his 115 ball knock while Karthik's 52-ball knock was comprised of five boundaries. For West Indies, Joseph and Bishoo chipped in with one wicket each.

Earlier, Mohammed Shami bagged a four-wicket haul as India restricted West Indies to 205/9. The Bengal pacer decimated the hosts' lowermiddle order to return figures of 4/48 in his 10 overs. Fellow pacer Umesh Yadav also did well to return figures of 3/53. Shai Hope was the most successful among the West Indies batsmen with 51 runs of 98 balls. Shai waged a lone battle along with opener Kyle Hope who scored a breezy 46 off 50 deliveries before being sent back by Umesh Yadav. The hosts were off to a slow start with openers Evan Lewis and Kyle struggling to find the gaps. Lewis crawled his way

to nine runs off 20 deliveries before a mistimed attempt to hit pacer Hardik Pandya over mid-off saw him hand an easy catch to Indian skipper Virat Kohli. Kyle and Shai joined forces and was building up what seemed to be a potentially promising partnership before the former pulled a Yadav delivery into the hands of Shikhar Dhawan at midwicket. Yadav tasted success with his very next delivery when he trapped Roston Chase leg before. The twin blows prompted the hosts to become extra cautious and the run rate crawled along at snails pace as Shai and Jason Mohammed added just 39 runs between them over the next 14.3 overs.

colomBo, July 7 (ReuteRs): India will tour Sri Lanka for a full series beginning with a test match at Galle from July 26, Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) announced on Friday. The number one test team in the official rankings, Virat Kohli-led India will play three tests, five one-dayers and one Twenty20 International against their neighbours. Colombo will host the second test from Aug. 3, while Kandy is the venue for the third match nine days later, the SLC said. Beginning on Aug. 20 at Dambulla, the teams will play five one-dayers before Following Moham- India wrap up their tour with the Sept. 6 med's dismissal, Jason Twenty20 match in Colombo. India, currently in West Indies for a Holder tried to up the ante with 36 runs off 34 deliveries before being sent back by Shami. Shai followed him back to the pavilion Kingston (Jamaica), July 7 soon after. However, Rovman (ians): Indian skipper Virat Kohli has Powell seemed set to end backed veteran wicket-keeper batsman the West Indies innings on Mahendra Singh Dhoni who attracted a high note with a 32-ball sharp criticism for his slow innings in the 31. But he did not too much fourth One Day International (ODI) match support at the other end as against the West Indies which India lost by the Indians picked up wick- 11 runs. "He is striking the ball beautifully, you ets at regular intervals. don't need to tell him anything in terms of how to play a situation, how to build an inBrief scores: West Indies: 205/9 in nings," Kohli told reporters on Thursday. India won the series 3-1, only losing 50 overs (Shai Hope 51, Kyle Hope 46; Mohammed the fourth ODI on Sunday. Dhoni played a Shami 4/48, Umesh Yadav failed 114-ball 54-run innings which led to 3/53) vs India: 206/2 (Virat India losing to the West Indies. The Ranchi Kohli 111 not out, Dinesh stumper only managed to hit one boundary. "You have to figure out what kind of Karthik 50 not out; Alzzari wickets you are playing on as well. I was Joseph 1/39).

limited-overs series, remain without a coach after Anil Kumble stepped down last month citing a breakdown of relationship with Kohli. India last toured Sri Lanka in 2015 when they won the three-test series 2-1. Itinerary: July 26-30: 1st test, Galle Aug 3-7 : 2nd test, Colombo Aug 12-16 : 3rd test, Kandy Aug 20 : 1st ODI, Dambulla Aug 24 : 2nd ODI, Kandy Aug 27 : 3rd ODI, Kandy Aug 31 : 4th ODI, Colombo Sept 3 : 5th ODI, Colombo Sept 6 : Only T20I, Colombo

You don't need to tell Dhoni how to play: Kohli trying to hit the spinners a couple of days in practice and I couldn't because the wickets were not that great to play strokes, the wicket in the centre was much better," Kohli said. "You can't really judge a guy's batting form at practice because you don't know what kind of wickets you are going to get," he added. Kohli also mentioned that it was ideal for Dhoni to play a slow innings keeping in mind that the ball was not coming on the bat. "If the bounce is not ideal then obviously you have to keep defending the ball and keep rotating strike. I think it was only in the last game he couldn't rotate the strike and before that he got a brilliant 70 or 80-odd not out," Kohli said.

Federer, Djokovic enter third round at Wimbledon Eight Mizo racers eye glory at london, July 7 (ians) Seven-time champion Roger Federer and three-time winner Novak Djokovic registered straight set victories to enter the third round of the Wimbledon tennis tournament here. Federer, who turns 36 next month, won 7-6 (0), 6-3, 6-2 at Centre Court while Djokovic eased past Adam Pavlasek of the Czech Republic 6-2, 6-2, 6-1 on Thursday night, reports Xinhua news agency. Lajovic, ranked 79th in the world, broke Federer first to take a 2-0 lead. But Federer broke back soon and the pair then headed to the tie-break, which Federer dominated 7-0. He kept up the pressure in the second set, bullying the 27-year-old and eventually breaking him to take a 3-1 lead. The 18-time Grand Slam champion did not look back and took the win easily. "I struggled early on. I couldn't get rid of the nerves. It was a pity I couldn't hold my serve. Even though I got back into the game after that because I broke him, I just struggled in that first set," Federer said.

"After that I was happy to Federer will next face get rid of the nerves, just to 27th seed Mischa Zverev of play some free tennis, more Germany. inspired and at the end it was Djokovic and Federer actually pretty good." both won their opening

The burst of associations

Rev. Fr. G. L. Khing



ny formation of association is to fulfill certain aims and objectives with some vested interests for the good of few people or the public in general. All associations and organizations contribute towards the growth of the society. The birth of association in Naga society shows that much is still to be done for the betterment of Nagaland. Initiatives from various stages of life have produced its fruits to a great extent. All the same, there can be a growing clash between different organizations or associations. The struggle can be internal or external. The breakdown of Naga Hoho and Naga Mothers Association few months back is a great lesson for Nagas. Difference in opinion swept them away from each other. One to the North Pole, another to the South Pole. They spent some days and months in the darkness of their rights and pretended not to meet each other again for the rest of their life. I hope they had truly reconciled for the common good of the Nagas. The Naga Hoho and NMA

have achieved its height and made remarkable impact in Naga society. Likewise, the standing position of Naga Tribes Council (NTC),Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) and Naga Apex Body gave some valuable inputs for Nagas. All these groups have in fact done their best to raise Nagaland a bit higher and greater. There are other numerous groups who dream of peace and stability in Nagaland. This has led to the birth of several and numerous groups. Many associations are born in the cesarean section of the Naga society. They are afraid to go through normal delivery. At present, the bursting forth of associations has become uncontrollable in Naga society. It has overtaken the number of illegal Bangladeshis in Nagaland. A collection of few individuals become organization the next hour and form an association the next day. Every small group seeks recognition in the society. It has therefore come to an extent where clash of interests and benefits become prerogative. All claim to be higher than the other in every aspect. Therefore, the common people are tossed in confusion as to which association is the

highest body in Nagaland. There must be an association which stands as a conglomeration or opus of all associations and organizations in Nagaland. Which is the highest body in Nagaland? Is it Naga Hoho, NTC, NMA, JCC, Naga Apex Body or some other association? I am confused like any other common man. Just take a walk in the town. Ask any passerby, “Which is the highest body (association) in Nagaland?” The reply will be, “Ahhh, I am not sure because there are many associations.” Ask the same question to teachers and students in the school. You will get different answers. This indicates that we are still not clear about the standing position of the existing associations. Yes, they all occupy the highest place in their own field of work, but whom do they pay their highest respect? This will bring out the answer to the existing confusion. It will be kind enough to clarify such confusion so that we all know whom to trust and depend on. If not there can be many associations and organizations in sheep’s clothing eating away the green pastures of Nagaland.

matches after their opponents retired with an injury. Second-seeded Djokovic, who won the Wimbledon title in 2011, 2014 and 2015,

is bidding to win his first Grand Slam title since the 2016 French Open. "It's perfect. Exactly what I want. I don't want to have any five-set matches in there," Djokovic said. Djokovic will next face Ernests Gulbis of Latvia, who shocked Juan Martin del Potro of Argentina 6-4, 6-4, 7-6 (3). Sixth seed Milos Raonic of Germany, eighth seed Dominic Thiem of Austria, 10th seed Alexander Zverev of Germany and Spanish veteran David Ferrer also reached the third round. Among the women, third-seeded Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic suffered a shock defeat to Slovakia's Magdalena Rybarikova 3-6, 7-5, 6-2. "That's tennis, you know. That's my case today," Pliskova said Top-seeded Angelique Kerber of Germany advanced to the third round, along with seventh-seeded Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia, ninth-seeded Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland and 14th-seeded Garbine Muguruza of Spain.

JK Tyre National Racing meet

aizawl, July 7 (ians): A couple of months after the Aizawl FC created waves by clinching their maiden I-League football tournament, now a group of eight budding racers from Mizoram are all set to etch their name in the countrys racing circuit and earn a chance to represent India at the Red Bull Rookie Cup-Road To Moto GP in Spain. A total of 15 racers were selected in the Rookie Cup category of the Suzuki Gixxer Cup (12-16 years) with eight being from Aizawl. The youngsters will be seen in action in the JK Tyre FMSCI National Racing Championship 2017, that begins at the Kari Motor Speedway at Coimbatore this weekend, This is the first time in the history of the Indian motorsports that more than 50 percent of the grid in any racing event will be filled by racers from Aizawl. This goes on to show the immense

untapped quality hiding in the North Eastern part of the country and their potential could never be realised due to absence of a proper platform. And in order to select racers from every nook and corner of the country, JK Tyre held four selection camps across the country -- Bengaluru in the South, Aizwal in the East, Pune in the West and the National Capital Region (NCR) in the North. "It is indeed a great turn of events that more than 50 percent of the racers in the Rookie Cup are from Aizawl," Sanjay Sharma, head of JK Tyre Motor Sports, said. "We always knew that this part of the country has lot of talent and this is the reason we host so many events in this part of the country. This is very encouraging and I believe with time and platform like these, we will see a lot more talent coming up from the North-East," he added.

NFA informs

dimapuR, July 7 (mexn): The Nagaland Football Association (NFA) will conduct an All India Football Federation (AIFF) D Certificate course for football coaches from July 13 to 17 at Ko-

hima. Interested candidates may contact the following persons for course details, seats will be based on first come first basis. Contact the following Nzan9856770090 and Chon-9402019851

The role of young Naga generation in nation building Dr.Anthony Yanthan

Deputy Kilonser, Health NSCN/GPRN


s the saying goes "Freedom is a costly price where few dare to sacrifice selflessly; it is through those who gave their best yesterday that we got our precious today". Sacrifice is sacred and divine; it is also the fulfillment of one’s sheer dedication and commitment for the love of people, nation and almighty God. Indeed, the amount and quality of sacrifices determines the fate of the future. Without sacrifice, revolutionary concept would be meaningless because Civilizations continue to evolve upon the foundation of Sacrifices. The Naga national movement is a true revolutionary movement, fighting for the legitimate and inherited rights of its people, land and nation and NSCN continues to shoulder the duties and responsibilities assigned with undeniable distinction. It is through the sacrifices of the unnsung heroes and the people’s contributions that it continues to solidify the Naga history and its uniqueness. Despite an uneasy uphill task, many dedicated ones are still continuing the journey in the hope of our aspirations and

dreams. Their guardians’ role model need to be appreciated and acknowledged. Time for reasoning and Realization has come, No one is perfect and the same goes out to everything. The presence of vested, pseudo and uncommitted individual continues to pose great challenges everywhere and Naga political movement too is not spared. It is a fact that, one cannot straighten a grown up tree yet as long as moral and ethics runs in the society, it will refine and shape up in due process. Sharing one’s care and concern in promoting peace and harmony in the society is the beginning of any civilization. Yes, we have all seen it, Suppressive individuals are responsible for hindering the objectives and one need not be easily deceived or influenced by such elements wearing masks, for they are reluctant for positive outcome. We need to differentiate between the good and bad elements. Trailing behind those contributors and productive people is an effective way of grooming one’s commitment to serve. Not all initiative or pursual in our lives is rewarding but with the right attitude and conviction, investments won’t be a waste. I don’t think the government of

India is going to offer solution or settlement to every organization or to each and every one of us. Solution in real sense lies with us if we utilize the given opportunities to empower ourselves. The weeds of egotism are slowly infesting our nerves that, if we ignore this hideous development every effort of ours, would showcase paralystic syndrome, the current state of affairs is just the beginning. We need to root it out, and it starts from you and me. Unless, selfexamination is done urgently to re-organize our state of mind and heart for transformation, we might end up regretting when an age licks our bones and skins. Let us all finish where we have failed to address our responsibilities and duties once and for all, in the interest of the future generations. Now at this transitional era, the Naga political settlement would soon come to its logical conclusion. This is where the lines would be drawn for opening the new chapter in Naga history, the youth of our generations especially the educated ones should start preparing for the great mission of Nation building. Six decades old conflict issue have Confiscated our surroundings into unproductive dependent condition. Reviving

with spadework of your productive and constructive ideologies will groom the road to civilization. Every one of you will be given the role and initiative yet the spirit of sacrifice would determine who you are. History shall witness and honor contributors. Remember that a good seed sown is worth harvesting and at the end of the road, the future of Naga nation rest on the present young generation. The shift of time is here and the Countdown has begun. Let us break down the barrier of our possessive and conservative attitudes like the great Berlin wall; meanwhile picturize and prioritize the rich legacy left behind by our ancestors and leaders. Let the spirit of sacrifice run in our blood to revolutionize our lives and march as committed people harnessing this golden time, space and energy. Soon the task and responsibility shall be shouldered upon you, and every one of you will be counted upon. It’s time to express and transform our dreams into action. Let the Millennial young Naga generation ignite the transformation process and take the role of building the Naga Nation. Kuknalim

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

saturday 08•07•2017


02:00 PM

Children film bonanza at Nagaland C hildren’s Film Society, India (CFSI) – an autonomous body under Information & Broadcasting Ministry, Govt. of India with its outreach partner Cinedarbaar with support of Nagaland Board of School Education is organizing the exciting CFSI film bonanza for the children of Nagaland in the month of July 2017. In a constant endeavour to provide children of North East India a wholesome entertainment and to strengthen the children’s film movement in the region, CFSI Bonanza is all set

to kick-start its film screenings in Nagaland covering schools in the districts - Tuensang, Mokokchung, Kohima and Phek from July 14 to 21. The films will be curated from the catalogue of CFSI. Over the years some of the brightest talents of Indian Cinema- Mrinal Sen, Satyen Bose, Shyam Benegal etc. have directed films for CFSI. CFSI promotes films that provide healthy and wholesome entertainment for children to broaden their perspective and encourage them

to reflect on the world around. With an enviable catalogue of 250 films in 10 different languages, CFSI remains the prime producer of children’s films in South Asia. They organize film screenings across the country, reaching out to approximately four million children annually. CFSI is committed to strengthening the children’s film movement within India and promoting Indian produced children’s films across the globe. Cinedarbaar- a think tank for cinema, has devoted itself

to explore moving images. They are interested in running programmes at a very grassroot level and have been mainly involved in film curatorial practices, programming film festivals, film criticism, research and education campaigns. The Children Film Bonanza will have its first screening at Tuensang on July 14 and 15 followed by Mokokchung on July 17 and 18 and Kohima on July 19 and 20. The screening will culminate at Pfütsero on July 21. The following films will be showcased during the CFSI film

EXO reportedly sets comeback stage date


fter previously confirming a July comeback, reports claim that EXO has set a comeback stage date. The group will reportedly making their comeback stage on KBS2’s

Salman Khan to pay distributors Rs 55 crores C M Y K

“Music Bank” on July 21. A source from SM Entertainment spoke up about the reports and said, “We are still adjusting EXO’s music show appearances to coincide with

their July comeback plans.” EXO will be making a comeback this month without member Lay. Their new album comes approximately a year after their last repackaged album “Lot-

to” and approximately six months after their winter special album “For Life.” Previously, fans have speculated that their title track is titled “The War.” Source: Soompi

Matt Reeves says Batman movie will be emotional, grown-up


nlike his previous Eid releases – ‘Ek Tha Tiger’, ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ and ‘Sultan’ – Salman Khan’s ‘Tubelight’ failed to impress moviegoers and as a result proved to be a poor performer at the Box Office. The Kabir Khan directorial couldn’t appreciation from critics and even the audiences alike. And if the latest buzz is anything to go by, Salman may pay a sum of Rs 55 crores to the distributers who suffered losses because of the film’s disappointing show at the Box Office. According to a report in Bollywoodlife.com, “Distributors will meet Salim Khan today to discuss the matter. Salim saab and Salman are contemplating returning nearly Rs 50-55 crore to them so that they don’t bear the brunt much.” ‘Tubelight’ set in the backdrop of the Indo-Sino war of 1962 also stars Salman’s real-life brother Sohail Khan, Chinese actress Zhu Zhu, child artiste Matin Rey Tangu from Arunachal Pradesh, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayub besides late actor Om Puri. The film also saw Shah Rukh Khan making a cameo appearance. Source: Zee News


irector Matt Reeves says his Batman movie is going to be emotional, grown-up and ambitious. Reeves is taking on the superhero standalone movie for DC, after Ben Affleck departed from the director’s chair. In an interview to Digital Spy, Reeves, who is gearing up for his upcoming directorial War for the Planet of the Apes, discusses his vision for the Batman movie. “(The studio) came to me and said, ‘Would you be interested?’ That’s kind of like what happened here with Apes, they said, ‘Would you be interested?’ and I was like, ‘Well, I would be interested but for me I have to find a personal way in,’“he explained how he came on board. “It gives you the freedom to smuggle into a movie that is otherwise grand summer entertainment... There’s a bleakness to it, there’s a re-

ality to it, there’s a roundedness to it. We’re holding a mirror up to ourselves, we’re looking at ourselves in these apes’ faces and I feel the same potential in Batman.” Drawing comparisons between the Dark Knight and Caesar, the lead character in the Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy, Reeves says, “As Caesar is part of the Apes franchise, the Apes franchise was a huge part of my childhood, and Batman was a huge part of my childhood too, yet weirdly both of them have the potential of speaking not down to an audience but being ambitious. “I think the thing that I’m excited about is the idea of trying to tell a very point-of-view-driven, emotional story from that perspective in the same way that I tried to do with Caesar. I think there’s a way to tell his story that could be very emotional.” Source: Hindustan Times

11:00 AM | 05:00 PM

'Game of Thrones' set for worldwide exhibition tour

bonanza: Nokpokliba, Maa, Kima’s Lod, Jeeyo Aur Jeeney Do, Adventure of Sugar, Summer with Ghost, Raju and Tinku (A Boy and a Mouse), Happy Mother’s Day, Touching Wild Horses, Katputli. To promote child Protection Rights, short animated fun films made by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights will also be screened before every film. The festival will also organize quiz competition based on the films screened for children. Each correct answer will win special gifts.


Harry Styles reveals 'Two Ghosts' will be his second single


08:00 PM

he 23-year-old singer’s track – following “Sign of the Times” – will hit radio stations on July 25, according to Headline Planet. “Two Ghosts” is the fourth song on Harry‘s debut studio album, and fans are pretty sure it’s about his ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift. “Same lips, red / Same eyes, blue / Same white shirt, couple more tattoos / But it’s not you and it’s not me / Tastes so sweet,

looks so real / Sounds like something that I used to feel / But I can’t touch what I see / We’re not who we used to be / We’re not who we used to be / We’re just two ghosts singing in the…” Harry‘s lyrics read. (Taylor‘s song “Style” also mentions red lips and white t-shirts.) Harry has performed “Two Ghosts” twice on The Late Late Show with James Corden. Source: Just Jared

worldwide exhibition tour, inspired by the American fantasy drama television series "Game of Thrones", is set to begin in the fall of 2017 in Europe. HBO and global events provider GES announced on Thursday their collaboration on the first ever "Game of Thrones: Exhibition Tour", reports variety.com. More details regarding cities and dates were expected to be announced soon. The exhibition will take fans into the world of the Seven Kingdoms for a look at authentic props, costumes and set decorations from the show. The 10,000 sq ft interactive experience with multimedia content includes a look into the mythical lands of Westeros and Essos. The "Game of Thrones" exhibit will include themed settings including the wintry

landscapes of the North, the tree-lined pathway of the King's Road, and the regal settings of King's Landing. The centrepiece will be the Iron Throne room, variety.com quoted a statement."Game of Thrones' has truly become a worldwide phenomenon, with fans avidly watching the show throughout all corners of the globe," said Jeff Peters, HBO's director of global licensing. "Based on the stellar work GES has done with previous entertainment partners, we think this exhibition is going to be something fans will love, regardless of which part of the world they call home, and we're excited to give them the opportunity to visit and celebrate the incredible craftsmanship of the talented ‘Game of Thrones' production team." Source: IANS


Saturday 08•07•2017



Dist Inter-School 'Mayweather vs McGregor is great for boxing' Kohima Football Tournament


MUMBAI, JUly 7 (ReUteRs): Amir Khan spent years trying to nail down a showdown with Floyd Mayweather Jr yet the Briton is more than happy to see the undefeated multidivision world champion come out of retirement to face a man who has never had a single professional bout. Mayweather hung up his gloves in 2015 with a 49-0 record but the 40-year-old American will return to the ring for a lucrative 12-round boxing match against Irish mixed martial arts champion Conor McGregor in Las Vegas next month. Reports of a fight between former world light-welterweight champion Khan and Mayweather often surfaced in the media

but the bout never materialised as neither camp came close to the negotiating table. Despite plenty of criticism within boxing, the 30-year-old Khan feels the crossover fight between Mayweather and McGregor will be positive for the sport, which he feels has lost ground to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) MMA promotion. "It's a business fight, one," Khan told Reuters. "Two, what's going to happen now is it's between boxing and MMA. "At the moment, MMA and UFC is doing so many great numbers on TV, on pay-perview. Boxing is doing OK but it took little bit of a dip. We are not getting the good pay-per-view

numbers we used to. "For now to combine both sports together is going to be great for the sport of boxing (more) than MMA. "We hit a wall and we didn't really do anything. Boxing never moved forward around the world, whereas MMA kept moving forward and got bigger and bigger and bigger. Boxing kind of stalled in my opinion and we needed something like this." Undefeated middleweight world champion Gennady Golovkin has dismissed the bout as a 'circus show' but Khan disagrees with the Kazakh fighter. "You have to respect everybody that goes into the ring, you have to respect everybody who puts the gloves on. You have to

fight in front of millions... not easy," the Briton said in an interview. Khan, who won a silver medal as a lightweight at the 2004 Athens Olympics, is also hopeful that Mayweather's return could ultimately lead to a longawaited showdown between the two men. "When he beats McGregor, which I think he will, that fight can still be there. It really can happen," Khan (31-4) said. "There's still some big fights out there for me, Mayweather, (Manny) Pacquiao..." 'PACQUIAO DIDN'T LOSE' Khan was slated to fight eightdivision world champion Pacquiao in the United Arab Emir-

ates earlier this year but that deal fell through over money problems. The Filipino instead took on little-regarded Australian Jeff Horn in Brisbane last weekend and suffered a stunning controversial points loss to the former schoolteacher. "I don't think Pacquiao lost, he lost on paper," Khan said. "This is boxing, it's happened to me, it's happened to many fighters. You can't sulk about it. You just have to go back, have the rematch and beat him. "We all know Manny is the better fighter. I just think he should have gone in there and knocked him out. Because sometimes fighting somebody in their own backyard is quite difficult to win with the advantages he has." Khan also did not rule out securing a bout against Pacquiao in the future. "Maybe the Pacquiao fight will happen later, it's all about timing," he said. "Maybe Manny Pacquiao didn't feel confident to take the fight with me this time, maybe he will take it next time." Khan has not fought since May 2016, when he moved up two divisions to take on middleweight Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez, a sixth-round knockout loss that he admits was a mistake he would not be repeating any time soon. "It's now all about making the right choices for me, making sure I don't take fights that I don't need... like going up two weight categories," he said. "It was a mistake. But if you have to do something which is not ordinary, you have to go do something crazy. That would have taken me to a different level. So you have to take big risks. But it can be damaging for your career." Khan was in Mumbai to promote the franchise-based Super Boxing League which runs from July 7 to Aug. 12, will be televised live by Sony ESPN and is backed by the World Boxing Council (WBC).

Match in action between G.Rio School and St.Mary's HSS on July 7. (Morung Photo)

G.Rio School move to Pool A finals Our Correspondent Kohima | July 7

In the closely contested match, G.Rio School edged out St.Mary's Higher Secondary School with a solitary goal to enter into Pool A finals of the ongoing Ist Kohima district interschool football tournament 2017 here at Khuochiezie. In the first half, both teams demonstrated equal strength and made some few chances at both ends but remained goal-

less draw. However, after the lemon break, G.Rio School came stronger as Angba headed the only and winning goal into the net in 79th minute after receiving a clean pass from a freekick. After the final whistle, the goal line stood 1-0 and ended in favour of G.Rio School. With this win, G.Rio will play with Mt. Sinai HSS on July 10 in Pool - A finals. LAST QUARTER FINAL MATCH July 7: 2:00 PM Mt. Hermon HSS vs Riizhiikhrie GHSS

Messi prison sentence lifted in exchange for fine

WBO says it will re-score Pacquiao fight, result stands

BRIsBANe, JUly 7 (AP): The World Boxing Organization will re-score the Manny PacquiaoJeff Horn welterweight title fight because of the contentious unanimous decision awarded to the Australian challenger, but there is no plan to change the result. The WBO was responding to a Philippines government department’s request to review the fight after Pacquiao said the decision against him Sunday was unfair. The Philippines Games and Amusements Board (GAB) said it based the request on protect-

ing boxing’s integrity, citing possible miscalls by the referee and judges. But the WBO reiterated its only hope of revoking the fight judges’ decision rests on proving fraud in match officiating. “I would be very grateful if the GAB can provide any evidence indicating fraud or violation of law,” WBO President Francisco Valcarcel said in a letter to the GAB dated Thursday. “The purpose of this review is to be able to give the fans certainty of who was the winner of the bout, even though we do not

have the power to reverse the decision of the judges.” The fight at Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium was scored 117-111 by Waleksa Roldan and 115-113 each by Chris Flores and Ramon Cerdan, with Roldan’s score coming in for most criticism. In Manila, Philippines, GAB chairman Abraham Kahlil Mitra welcomed the WBO’s decision to carry out a review, saying that even if that won’t change the outcome of the contentious bout, it will send a strong signal that any sign of leniency, abuse of authority or wrongdoing

would not be tolerated. “We’re happy with that,” Mitra told The Associated Press. “Our feeling is, if you’re quiet, you’ll get abused but if you complain, they’ll be careful ... Manny is a senator, a champion, but was like wrestled there, abused by them. If it can be done to him, it can be done to any other Filipino boxer.” Valcarcel said five anonymous judges will review the bout, assigning their own scores to rounds. “Then, we will tabulate the results to ascertain clearly which

rounds each fighter won using an average scale based on 60, 80 and 100 percent,” Valcarcel said. “This means that three of the five officials have to agree to determine which fighter won the round.” Valcarcel supported the judges, who have each scored hundreds of fights. “The officials who participated in this fight are all professional, distinguished, honest and honorable human beings,” he said. The 38-year-old Pacquiao and 29-year-old Horn have a rematch clause in their contract.

PowerComm beats Falcon 7-4 to Ace shuttler PV Sindhu is emerge as MPL 2017 Champion 'Sportsperson of the Year'

MADRID, JUly 7 (ReUteRs): A Spanish court said on Friday it has exchanged a 21-month prison sentence handed to Soccer player Lionel Messi for tax fraud last July for a quarter-of-a-million-euro fine. The Barcelona player and his father were found guilty by a Catalan court last year of three counts of tax fraud to the tune of 4.1 million euros ($4.68 mil-

lion) over income earned from image rights. The father also had his 15-month sentence exchanged for a fine of 180,000 euros, the court said. Neither Messi or his father would have served time in jail following the original ruling as defendants without a previous conviction are permitted to serve any sentence of under two years on probation.

Sindhu’s coach P Gopichand received the Coach of the Year award while Milkha Singh was given the Living Legend of the Year award.

Morung Express News Kohima | July 7

Maintaining its strong form till the last moment, the PowerComm today emerged as the Champion of Morning Premier League 2017, beating Amur Falcon FC 7-4 during the last match the season here today at D Khel ground here. With the title at stake, PowerComm players produced a dazzling performance, besides a little help from an own first goal by the Falcon in the 17th minute. Taking advantage of the opportunity offered in a platter, PowerComm scored their second goal through

Gum in the 36th minute. Mele from Falcon managed pulled one for the team in the 42nd minute to end the first half 1-2. When the match resumed after the break, the PowerComm player were in a attacking mood scalping 5 more goals in the second half with two goals from Benjamin and one each from Gum, Hethanglo and Sahovi. While Falcon managed to scored three more goals in the second half, courtesy of Mele, Benlo and Chipang, it was too little too late, and could not halt the rampaging PowerComm. With today’s victory, PowerComm dislodged

the temporary reign of Medical XI, who took the pole position on July 6 with a thumping 8-0 victory over MRH Sunrisers. While the final tally of both the team stand at 41 points from 18 matches, PowerComm with a superior goal difference topped the MPL’s League table to emerged as the 2017 champions. Meanwhile, the closing ceremony programme of the MPL 2017 will be held on July 8, 10 AM onwards at the Unit Ground, 4th NAP Battalion, Thizama. It will also feature an exhibition match between Morning Premier League XI and CASE Premier League XI (Dimapur).

New DelhI, JUly 7 (AgeNcIes): Rio Olympics silver medallist P V Sindhu was bestowed with the Sportsperson of the Year award during the 'Maruti Suzuki Sportsperson of the Year' Charity Gala Awards on Thursday night. Sindhu’s coach P Gopichand received the Coach of the Year award while Milkha Singh was given the Living Legend of the Year award. However, Milkha could not attend the function. Cricketer K L Rahul, who made a mark in India's Test series against Australia earlier this year, was awarded with Gamechanger of the Year award. Rahul was not at the function but his video message was shown. The 2008 Beijing Olympics gold medallist and the country’s sole gold medal winner in individual events at Olympics, Abhinav Bindra was given the Lifetime Achievement Award. "As a 12-year-old boy, I hated sports. I had one talent that is to work hard," said the ace shooter.

Para athletes Devendra Jhajaria, Mariappan Thangavelu, Varun Bharti and Deepa Malik also received awards. Badminton player Jwala Gutta, football great Bhaichung Bhutia, boxer Amir Khan and cricketer Pragyan Ojha were present in the ceremony. Here is the complete list of the winners: Special award for service to Sports: Jayant Rastogi, CEO, Magic Bus. Team of the year: Junjor Men’s Hockey Team received by Captain Harjeet Singh. Coach of the year: Pullela Gopichand. Editor’s Award for ex-

cellence: Devendra Jhajharia, MariyappanThangavelu, Varun Bhati. Contribution to sports: K Arumugam. Athlete of the year: Gaurav Gill. Gamechanger of the year: K.L Rahul Extreme Performer of the year: Shiva Keshavan Lifetime Achievement Award: Abhinav Bindra Community Development through sports: Milind Soman (Received by his mother Usha Soman). Inspirational athlete of the year: Deepa Malik Living Legend: Milkha Singh Sportsperson Of The Year: P V Sindhu.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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