The Morung Express
Dimapur VOL. X ISSUE 111
Saturday, April 25, 2015 12 Pages Rs. 4
Where there is great love there are always miracles
RS passes private member’s bill on transgenders
—Willa Cather
To prevent radicalisation Roach’s dream: A of youth, stop ‘hate master plan for Pacquiao speech’ on social media to beat Mayweather
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‘impunity and Millitarism has been institutionalised in ne’ Morung Express News Dimapur | April 24
Militarization has been internalized as a part of the system and daily lives of indigenous peoples in the North East region. This was observed by the Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Foundation in its report titled ‘Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Challenges North East India 2015.’ Nearly seventy years of military and paramilitary presence in the North East has “escalated discontentment and institutionalized impunity and militarism,” A woman shouts anti-government slogans as she sits in front of riot police blocking the road to protect thousands antisays the report. government policy protesters from marching after their rally in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, April 24, 2015. Thousands The report makes speof anti-government protesters marched in cities across South Korea denouncing the labor policies of the increasingly cific reference to the “quesunpopular President Park Geun-hye. (AP Photo) tionable power” enabled to security forces by the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and its effects on By Sandemo Ngullie peoples in the region.
ACAUT asks NPSC to publish CTE answer keys after interview
DimapUr, april 24 (mExN): The Against Corruption and Unabated Taxation (ACAUT) Nagaland today proposed that the Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) publish answer keys for the Combined Technical Examination (CTE) after the interview process is over but before the final merit list is published. This fresh proposal was made, after the NPSC had
Baki? I can`t, your government never pays you on time.
stated that it cannot publish the answer keys for the CTE, citing fears that this may “lead to lobbying and ultimately to a possibility of corruption.” The ACAUT stated that publishing the answer keys after the interview process “discourages and possibly eliminates the intent of sinister play, either by the board members, the NPSC establishment or even the lobbying candidates in
Kohima, april 24 (Dipr): The results of the HSLC & HSSLC Examinations 2015 conducted by the Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima is tentatively fixed to be declared on April 30. The results shall be made available on the following websites: www. nbsenagaland.com; www. indiaresults.com; www.examresults.net; www.exametc.com and www.scliools9. com. It will also be available at the NBSE office premises and via SMS/IVRS. Details of SMS/IVRS will be provided at a later date, it was informed. The NBSE informed that HSLC examination 2015 will contain only the top 20 toppers list instead of the top 50. School-wise statistics showing the number of students securing 80% and above in aggregate at the HSLC Examination will be a new feature of the result gazette. The Board will also be conducting compartmental examination for students who appeared the HSLC Examination 2015 and failed in three or less subjects. Successful candidates of this compartmental examination will enter the higher secondary level this year itself, thus, saving a year. Heads of institutions are informed to collect the marksheets/certificates from May 1 to 7.
from freely exercising their strategy, paradigm and approach, after ceasefires right to associate. were signed between variViolence from inadeous armed groups in the requate arrangements gion and the Government Growing inadequa- of India. “The counter incies of autonomy arrange- surgency operations carments for indigenous com- ried out under the AFSPA munities in the region have have ranged from perpebeen further exposed re- tration of direct violence cently, observed the AIPP. to psychological warfare It pointed to violence in called the Military Civic Acthe Bodoland Territorial tion (MCA).” Autonomous Districts and The MCA involves community projects, including Karbi Anglong. The AIPP informed that solar lighting, small water a combination of resource supply schemes, distribuconflicts between different tion of commodities, medcommunities, unstable po- ical camps and construclitical and fiscal guarantees tion projects, which are of autonomy and a growing funded by the Ministry of desire for political repre- Home Affairs and the Minsentation have resulted in istry of Defense. violence and displacement Repeal AFSPA, of thousands of peoples. It further expressed ensure justice The AIPP report urged concern that the national media in India and “well that the AFSPA be repealed meaning actors” from gov- and that imposition of the ernment and civil society Disturbed Areas Act be have compounded the is- withdrawn. It also called sue by viewing the violence for an end to militarization in communitarian and of the region and justice be communal light. This con- provided to victims of sexuflict, it stated has its roots in al violence by military and the political economy of the para military forces as per impoverishment of indig- the guidelines of the UN enous groups, rather than Security Council Resoluthe “supposed primordial tion 1325. The AIPP further antipathy between com- called for effective access to justice for victims of humunities.” man rights violations and facilitating a process for A shift in strategy The AIPP report mean- peaceful resolution of rewhile noted that there has source and political conbeen a shift in military flicts in the NE.
EKUUM censures Restructuring of Education Our dream to make the NLA AR highhandedness Department cadre in progress Congress free: BJP Nagaland ‘We have suffered enough. We need peaceful development’
HSLC, HSSLC results to be declared on April 30
the intervening period between written exam and interview.” It further urged that a sufficient time of 1 week should be given to the students to check for any anomalies, such as publication of wrong answers, or to register complaints, if any, etc. The final merit list, tallied from written and interview performances, it added, can be published after this 1 week period is over.
Lawless Laws Citing the human rights abuses carried out by security forces under AFSPA over the years, the AIPP report expressed concern that even the Supreme Court of India has upheld the Draconian law. This has been done despite the Act’s constitutionality being questioned through sustained campaigns by several sectors not only in the North East but among human rights defenders elsewhere.
It made specific reference to several extreme human rights violations committed by security forces under AFSPA in Nagaland and Manipur states. The AIPP cites a previous report released by the Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) entitled ‘The AFSPA: Lawless law enforcement according to the law,’ wherein it observes that the Act has “failed to contain, let alone resolve any insurgency in the North East.” The AFSPA, its states, has not contained insurgent groups but has rather “led to further militarization and violence while more and more non state actors have been born in the region.” The AIPP also expressed concern over the amended Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), which expands the sections on definitions to include terrorist offences, and adds three new chapters dealing with punishment for terrorist activities. AIPP informed that 11 organisations of various ethnic minority groups from the NE are banned under the UAPA. It stated that the Act provides the state with broad powers to ban associations and may “unreasonably hinder” the legitimacy of the right to associate and invite abuse. Such powers, it cautioned may instill fear of detention and deter people
DimapUr, april 24 (mExN): The Eastern Konyak Union Unit (EKUUM) has condemned the high handedness of Assam Rifles personnel, who have been alleged of preventing road works from Chen Moho to Nyanching via Throilu under the Indian Myanmar Friendship Project Scheme. A press note from the EEKUM alleged that on April 7, personnel of the 33 AR, 5th Battalion “blocked” construction of a 15 meter stretch of the road and seized goods from members of the public. It further stated that the AR personnel had “forbidden” people from travelling across the road from one village to another. The EKUUM has appealed to both the Assam Rifles and the Naga political groups for a peaceful atmosphere in the area. “We are not in favour of any group. We need peaceful development only.” The said road project, construc-
tion for which began on 2013-14 is yet to be completed. On the other side of the border, the EKUUM informed that the road from Monyakshu to Nyanching via Chen Hoyat had also been left incomplete without any notification on October 2013, with only a few kilometers completed. The EKUUM asserted that the road is not only for people in the border areas but is a link to connect Eastern and Western Nagas. It reminded that the significance of the road project had also been stressed on by Nagaland MP and former Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio and the former R&B Minister as well. The EKUUM questioned as to “who has been prohibiting the workers or contractors to stop immediately before the road is completed.” It urged the concerned authority to complete the road construction as per the agreement. The people on the border areas, the EKUUM, lamented have lived in a stateofconstantstruggle.Peoplehere, it recalled have not been able to live freelyduetocontinuousturmoilinthe area beginning in the 1950s. “We have suffered enough as human beings and we want justice on humanitarian grounds,” appealed the EKUUM.
Our Correspondent Dimapur | April 24
Parliamentary Secretary for School Education, Yitachu today informed that restructuring of cadre in the School Education Department is in progress. Speaking at the 12th NSEAOA general conference in Dimapur today, he said unless restructuring is taken up, the problem confronting the department will continue. There is urgent need of officers in the directorate but it cannot just happen unless there is a system, Yitachu added. Expressing concern on casual employees serving for 25 years and fixed pay employees for 29 years, he called for adopting a system to address this. On communitization of elementary schools in the state, he expressed regret that instead of improving the system some are trying to do the opposite thing. He said that wrong actions of the VECs should be brought to the authority and action should be taken. He further urged to do away with the claim of majority decision. VECs cannot bring out their
own law, he said adding that they have to abide by the norms and conditions set by the government. “From now on, officers should be more alert,” he said. Informing that 25% of the state exchequer goes to the education department, Yitachu called upon the officers to bring about a transformation in the education sector. The Parliamentary Secretary further censured the issue of random appointments and cautioned that manipulation of documents is a crime. He also asked the officers to maintain a clean record and keep updating the authority concerned. On the Mid Day Meal, Yitachu said that the government is planning to provide vehicles to each SDEO. He also said that inspection will be carried out twice a year. Revealing that the Ministry entitles only Rs. 400 to each student for two pairs of school uniform, he said parents have to be requested to bear stitching costs. The Parliamentary Secretary also informed that that there has been little improvement with regard to free text book distribution this year.
Malaria kills over 1,200 children a day: UNICEF
UNitED NatioNs, april 24 (iaNs): The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said that malaria kills more than 1,200 children a day across the world, despite a 40 percent drop in child deaths from the disease since 2000. The UN agency released its “Facts about Malaria and Children” ahead of World Malaria Day to show the extensive impact of the disease on children and on pregnant women around the world. “With a 40 percent reduction in child deaths from malaria since 2000, this year’s World Malaria Day is an important marker in how far we have come,” said Mickey Cho-
pra, UNICEF’s associate director for programmes, and chief of health. “However, the deaths of close to half a million children a year are a sobering reminder that without increased efforts and investments this disease will remain a challenge to us all for a long time to come,” Xinhua quoted Chopra as saying. According to the latest report by the World Health Organisation (WHO), malaria mortality rates have decreased by 47 percent worldwide and 54 percent in Africa alone since 2000. Since 2001, it is estimated that more than four million malariarelated deaths have been averted, approximately 97 percent of which
have been children under five. Some 584,000 people died worldwide in 2013 from malaria, with 90 percent of these deaths occurring in Africa. In all there were approximately 198 million cases of malaria worldwide. Although child deaths from malaria dropped significantly since 2000, children under five still represent 78 percent of global malaria deaths, or 456,000 per year. This means more than 1,200 children die every day from malaria, about 50 children every hour. Between 2001 and 2013, 4.3 million lives were saved by improved access to malaria prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Of these, 92
percent (3.9 million) were children under five in sub-Saharan Africa. Protecting pregnant women is crucial in the fight against malaria. Malaria in pregnancy contributes significantly to deaths of mothers and young children, estimated to amount each year to 10, 000 women and up to 200,000 infants. Eliminating malaria could save economies $270 billion in sub-Saharan Africa alone. World Malaria Day is commemorated every year on April 25 and recognises global efforts to control malaria. Globally, 3.3 billion people in 106 countries are at risk of malaria.
DimapUr, april 24 (mExN): With reports circulating that the Congress in Nagaland could join the ruling government in the state, the Nagaland BJP unit today made it clear that there “could not be any meeting point for Congress and BJP.” A press note from the Nagaland BJP President, M Chuba Ao found it “amusing” that the Congress “is claiming its right to join the government on the basis of the floor test in which they had voted for the motion…” Referring to the Floor test held on February 5, the BJP revealed that its strategy was to “confuse the Congress.” It claimed that the Congress in turn “fell for it.” It further affirmed that the BJP had voted in order to strengthen the only NDA government in the North East. If the Congress joins the DAN government, the BJP stated that the former “will be joining the NDA government.” This is because, BJP being the pre-poll alliance of DAN, the alliance and the government are inseparable. They are the two sides of the same coin, it reasoned. Affirming that the spirit of the alliance between BJP and NPF are inseparable, it said that the Congress has to reconcile to that reality. “For Congress to join the government; there is no other way than to disown its own identity first.” If Congress wants to join the government and work along the line of DAN’s common minimum program, the BJP stated that the Congress needs to
be committed to bear true allegiance to NDA. However, it alleged that the Congress’ “hidden agenda to reinvigorate itself by entering the government through the backdoor is all too transparent.” The BJP further stated it aims to make the NLA house “Congress free.” So long as that objective is fulfilled, it won’t matter whether it is done overtly by BJP or covertly by our partner, it added.
BJP says Congress would have to disown its identity to join the DAN There would be “no problem” it stated, if the present Congress leaders decide to join the government as a “non Congress entity.” This it claimed would fulfill the “political dream of BJP and NPF.” The BJP further opined that a party-less government would be “unworkable because unlike Congress, other parties will not like to lose their own identities.” It added that an all party government for the sake of Naga political solution “won’t make any difference now because NDA government had already announced a time-bound solution and the process is underway.” Stating that Congress joining the government would be immaterial now, the BJP called upon all parties to “support the NDA government’s efforts to bring about solution irrespective of whether or not, they are in the government.”
25 April 2015
The Morung Express C
Special E-Roll Observer holds meeting with Mkg dist admin
Mokokchung, April 24 (Dipr): Special Electoral Roll Observer for Mokokchung and Longleng districts and Secretary, New & Renewable Energy, Wopen Lotha held a meeting with the Administrative Officers of Mokokchung and leaders of political parties in the district with regard to the ongoing National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication (NERPAP) 2015. The Administrative Officers and leaders of political parties from BJP and INC attended the meeting. Addressing the meetChildren at Yakshu Village- a small village located in Mopong Circle of Mon district with total 577 families residing as per Population Census 2011. In Yakshu village population of children with age, 0-6 is 214, which makes up 4.96 % of total population of village. Yakshu village has lower literacy rate compared to ing Wopen Lotha said the ongoing nationwide NERNagaland. In 2011, literacy rate of Yakshu village was 32.13 % compared to 79.55 % of Nagaland. (Photo by Longsakumba Longkumer)
PAP was to authenticate every voter in the Electoral roll with Aadhar and to eradicate double and bogus voters from the Erolls. He said the ongoing project could not achieve its target unless full cooperation was extended by political parties, public, NGOs and district administration. He therefore, appealed to all concern to join hands with administration so as to make it this exercise successfully. The observer said that he had a great expectation from Mokokchung district to undertake the NERPAP in right direction which would make an impact on
other districts. DC and DEO Sushil Kumar said Mokokchung district has little over 1,35,000 voters out of which about 79,000 biometric had been captured in the district and 25,000 individuals have so far received their Aadhar card. The meeting also took note of voluntary disclosure made by a few individual voters by voluntarily surrendering themselves double EPIC cards to the BLOs and administration. The meeting observed that it was a very encouraging trend towards authentication and purification of E-roll.
Yitachu graces NSEAOA Workshop on gender sensitization underway Violence general conference 2015 Theme: against Women & New Laws for Change
Morung Express News Kohima | April 24
Parliamentary secretary for school education Yitachu releases a handbook on school management written by N. Thungchio Shitire, AHM GHS Singrijan. (Morung Photo) Our Correspondent C
Dimapur | April 24
Parliamentary secretary for school education Yitachu today graced the 12th general conference 2015 of Nagaland School Education Administrative Officers’ Association (NSEAOA) here at Agri Expo site. Speaking on the occasion, Yitachu wanted to see that the school education department sails smoothly and properly for the benefit of the state. He urged upon the administrative officers of the school department to work in unison and at the same to correct the system where it goes wrong and improve the system for better. He said appropriate system must be adopted in the department, adding that having appropriate system will help position in the right track and lead the people in the right direction. We need to develop a system that would help us, Yitachu said and stressed on the need to draw rules and regulations so that nobody is deprived of its rights. “We need to look things at the positive side,”
he said adding that the officers need to develop better understanding. He also called upon the officers to have a positive outlook in their approach. Stating that one as an officer is not for a particular district or a particular community alone, he said, “Your attitude has to be for the entire state.” Yitachu also released a handbook on school management written by N. Thungchio Shitire, AHM GHS Singrijan. School education additional secretary Neposo Theluo in his address said, “We should not neglect our bounden duty and responsibility.” He urged upon the officers to know their role and be strict and firm and ensure that their subordinates maintain efficiency and dedication. He also called upon them to have a good understanding among themselves and at the same time asked them to be impartial in their dealings. Stating that education department is dealing with human resource development, he it termed it as a noble job as the offi-
cers and teachers are shaping and building the future generation. Lamenting over the practice of proxy teacher in many areas of the state, he said “We have to do away with this evil practice.” He also urged upon the officers to be innovative and bring new idea and system to make education more attractive and pleasant learning. Narola Chuba, Asst. Professor, Nagaland University Kohima acted as the resource person and spoke on the topic “Inspired educational leadership.” School education director Zaveyi Nyekha chaired the inaugural function while NSEAOA president R. Ekonthung Lotha delivered welcome address. Earlier, Khetoi Shikhu, associate pastor Sumi Baptist Church Purana Bazar Dimapur pronounced invocation prayed while Zuponi & Chonben presented special number. Senthang, school education additional director, chaired the second session while NSEAOA general secretary K. Mary Dziivichii proposed vote of thanks.
A workshop on gender sensitization on violence against women & new laws for change started today at the SP Office Conference hall Kohima. The workshop will conclude on April 25. Organized by the Nagaland Police (DEF Kohima) in collaboration with North East Network (NEN), the objective of the workshop is to broaden the understanding of violence against women in India from a gender and women’s rights perspective, working with the new laws for change and the role of police i.e sexual harassment of women at workplace, domestic violence act, criminal law amendment act and POSCO.
Community forest resting shed at Phek village
p h e k , A p r i l 24 (Dipr): A Community Resting Shed constructed at Khaboru Community Reserved Forests located at Phek village was inaugurated on April 23. Presently Khaboru Forests is covered under Biodiversity Project sponsored by Forest Department. The Department appreciated the village community for their conservation effort and stressed on strict on-field implementation of the forest resolution passed by the Council. DFO Phek, Rongsenlemla Imchen, Assistant Conservator of Forests in –charge Phek Range, Enyiwekha Wezah, Forest executive staffs and village council members were present in the programme.
Rally against malaria in Kohima today
kohiMA, April 24 (Mexn): The Development Association of Nagaland (DAN), the social work unit of the Catholic Churches in Nagaland in association with Caritas India and NVBDCP, GoI is commemorating the World Malaria Day with the rest of the world on April 25. To mark the occasion, a rally against malaria will take place at 7:00 AM from PHQ junction, PR Hill to old MLA Hostel Junction at Kohima. The occasion will be held under the theme “Invest in the future, defeat malaria.” Kohima deputy commissioner Rovilato Mor will address the rally as the chief guest.
Join us at our Book Fair today on 25th April at Stepping Stones Adjacent to Rama Khrisna Society House No. 74, Duncan Bosti, Time:10am to 2pm Everyone can come!
Akheto Sema, IPS, ADG (Law & Order) as the chief guest, graced the inaugural session and chaired by Puzoto Khatso, Dey. SP (E). Short speeches were delivered by Joseph Hesso, Sr. Superintendent of Police and Dr. Anungla Aier, Principal, Science College Jotsoma and member, Governing board NEN and the closing remarks by Atu Zumvii, SDPO, Kohima. Dr. Anungla Aier gave a brief introduction about the NEN, which has been working in Nagaland for the last 20 years not only advocating for gender equality but on livelihood issues. Aier was of the view that natural resource management, livelihood issues are connected to gender issues. Further stating how Naga women and outsiders tend to think that women in Nagaland are the most privileged women in the country, which externally appears to be true but so much of patriarchal values are
incorporated in the everyday life of the Naga society that Nagas do not realize the inequality and discrimination. Both genders are equally responsible, stated Aier who also added, “Culture conditions our entire thinking process. In the name of protecting our culture, lots of human rights violations are committed.” “Why do we have to sensitize ourselves?” questioned Akheto Sema to the participants who further answered, “We forget that we are actually dealing with the people who are most stigmatized by society.” Pointing out that the police tend to become insensitive in their everyday dealings, Sema urged the officers to put themselves into the shoes of the victims, to be sensible and try to act as per the situation and circumstances. “We have to have a zeal- the burning desire to do justice,” said Sema who admitted that there is often an inbuilt biasness that Nagas have towards
women and that everyone has all exercised it at one point of time. Further focusing on respect and sensibility, Sema stated that unless one has respect for the other gender, one cannot become sensitive towards them. In conclusion, Sema outlined that sensibility must come with sensitization and added, “Sensibility is to understand and to act on it. “ The participants of the workshop comprised of Sub-inspectors and Inspectors of Nagaland Police with Mezivolu T Therieh, Chief Judicial Magistrate and Civil Judge, Anurita P Hazarika, Program Manager NEN and Ashipri Zho, Advocate as the resource team. The workshop will engage the participants on understanding women’s rights and equality, on gender, patriarchy and violence against women, new laws and responsibilities of police, protection of children from sexual offences etc.
Five Naga youth crack Indian Army selection exam
peren,April24(Dipr): In a major breakthrough and true to the Naga Martial legacy, four Naga Youth hailing from Peren district and one from Wokha, who got pre-recruitment training conducted by 18 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ 6 Sector Assam Rifles, cleared Indian Army Selection Exam. The pre-recruitment camp enabled Naga Youth to emerge triumphant in the recruitment rally. Felicitation ceremony to this effect was organized at New DC Complex, Peren, which was attended by the civil administrative officials headed by DC Peren, Peter Lichamo, 18 Assam Rifles pre-recruitment team headed by Commandant 18 Assam Rifles, five selected youth along with their parents, family members and prominent personalities from their villages. Ilungpet resident of
Deputy Commissioner Peren, Peter Lichamo with AR officials and successful candidates of Indian Army Selection Exam. (DIPR Photo)
Samziuram, one of the successful candidates expressed his gratitude to 18 Assam Rifles saying that without the support of Security Force his success would not have been possible and he would always remain indebted to 18 Assam Rifles for making his career.
Rampui father of Williambo was literally in tears while witnessing the felicitation ceremony and expressed that he never dreamed that he would be part of this august gathering. Locals in conjunction with Security Forces were elated by this achievement
as it clearly showed that the Naga youth are putting their heart and soul to join the Indian Army so as to become the role model for the upcoming youngsters. Thereafter, these five heroes gave a motivational talk in various local Schools at Peren, Jalukie and Athibung.
Phek-Thuvopisu road blocked
The offices of ACP 'B' Division and ACP Traffic Zone II was formally inaugurated on April 24. The offices are located at 3rd Mile (NH 29) opposite Chekiye village gate. Seen in the picture are Commissioner of Police, Dimapur alongwith ACP 'B' Division K. Khalo and ACP Traffic Zone II Kilemtoshi, headmen and village council chairmen of the surrounding area. Diphupar Police Station and Medziphema Police Station will come under the 'B' division, while the area east of the Dhansiri River will come under the Traffic Zone II.
Urban ASHAs undergo training on module 6 & 7
DiMApur, April 24 (Mexn): First round ASHA induction training-module 6 & 7 for newly selected Urban ASHAs under National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) concluded on April 24, which was conducted at Chief Medical Officer’s Conference Hall, Dimapur. The training was conducted from April 20 to 24. The training module focused on the role & responsibilities of ASHAs and home based new-born care where basic skills such as care of pregnant women and birth preparedness were imparted. The ASHAs were also oriented on home visits for the
care of newborn and postpartum mother, importance of breastfeeding, keeping the newborn warm, infant, and young child feeding to address malnutrition. On the third day, the training sessions were focused on the identification and management of childhood illness in which ASHAs were trained to assessing a sick child, classifying and managing Diarrhoea, Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) and assessment and management of high risk new born. The ASHAs were also evaluated after every session on the learning outcome. Demon-
strations on the use of Mucus Extractor, how to keep an infant warm, how to use a pregnancy test kit etc were also done to give hands-on training to the ASHAs. The resource persons for the training were Puni Kokho, State Facilitator, Rajesh Khartu Monsang, Consultant Community Mobilizer, Chubala Pongener, State ASHA Programme Officer, Aotemsu Ozukum, State Programme Manager, NUHM. Dr. Kika Longkumer, Dy. Director and Nodal Officer NUHM also visited to monitor and observe the training.
phek, April 24 (Mexn): The public are informed that Phek-Thuvopisu road has been blocked due to massive landslide. Efforts are been made to clear the blocked at the earliest. However, it may take time. While informing this, Deputy Commissioner, Phek in a press release has advised travelers coming to Phek HQ from Chozuba/Chetheba to take Ruzazho-Kutsapo route for time being.
Meeting on cable TV digitisation kohiMA, April 24 (Dipr): The Additional Secretary Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in a letter No. 9/100/2014BP&L dated 21st April 2015, has requested to nominate one Local Cable Operators’ Association from the State to attend the meeting for the Sub-group of LCOs constituted for implementation of cable TV digitisation in phase III & IV which is scheduled to be held under the chairpersonship of Joint Secretary (B) on April 28 at 3.00 pm in Committee Room (Room No 654), A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110 015.
The Morung Express
Nine militant groups of North East form united front
New Delhi, April 24 (hT): Nine militant groups of the northeast, including the NSCN-Khaplang and the ULFA faction led by Paresh Baruah, have come together to form a new unified front during a meeting held recently in Myanmar, security sources said. The move to form the “United National Liberation Front of West South East Asia” comes close on the heels of S S Khaplang, chairman of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang, abrogating a 14-year-old ceasefire agreement with the Centre last month. Khaplang, a Hemi Naga from Myanmar, played a key role in organising the meeting of militant groups where the decision to form the new grouping was made, security sources told Hindustan Times. Though Khaplang will
be the nominal head of the new grouping, a key role will be played by Paresh Baruah, the chief of the United Liberation Front of Asom-Independent who has consistently opposed peace talks with the Central government, the sources said. Both Khaplang and Baruah are currently based in Myanmar. Baruah moved to Myanmar after authorities in Bangladesh launched a crackdown on his group, the sources said. Besides the NSCNKhaplang and ULFA-Independent, other groups that participated in the meeting held at Taga in Sagaing division of Myanmar earlier this month were the Kangleipak Communist Party, Kanglei Yawol Kunna Lup, People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak, People’s Liberation Army, United National Liberation Front and National Demo-
cratic Front of Bodoland (Songbijit faction). The new grouping is dominated by militant organisations from Manipur, which refer to the northeastern region as “West South East Asia”. The security sources said Chinese intelligence played an active role in encouraging the northeastern groups to come together on a common platform. Chinese intelligence operatives are active in the Sagaing region and weapons are often shipped to the northeastern groups through the ChinaMyanmar border. “The Chinese have promised to provide weapons and logistics to the new grouping as they want to keep things boiling in the northeast in view of their claim on the state of Arunachal Pradesh,” a source said. Earlier, the Chinese in-
telligence had played a role in bringing together several militant groups from the Manipur Valley in an umbrella organisation called CorCom. Most of these groups have now joined the new grouping. Several groups from India’s northeastern states have training camps in Sagaing division. After the NSCN-Khaplang signed a truce with Myanmarese authorities in 2012, it has consolidated its position in the neighbouring country. The NSCN-Khaplang split in late March after Khaplang abrogated the ceasefire signed with the Central government in 2001 and wound up the ceasefire supervisory board. The group had at the time accused the Central government of not being serious about discussing the issue of “sovereignty” for Nagas.
from an army base in Assam's Tinsukia district when it came under attack in Toip area in Tirap district. Since the 1990s, three districts of Arunachal Pradesh, Tirap, Changlang and Longding, have been entirely covered by AFSPA while nine other districts have a 20-kilometer corridor covered under AFSPA which borders Assam. In a notification issued on March 27, the Home Ministry extended AFSPA to these nine districts in their entirety. This prompted angry protests by the state Chief Minister, Nabam Tuki, who said AFSPA was being extended to his "peaceful state without any consultations." The Union Home Ministry is now willing to raise the AFSPA belt in these nine districts from 20 to 30 kilometers only.
Ag A rTA l A / A i z Aw l / imphAl, April 24 (iANS): Seasonal cyclonic rains and thunderstorms have hit northeastern states damaging houses and disrupting power supply and transport, officials said on Friday. The storms, accompanied by rains, damaged power supply system in different parts of Tripura, Power Minister Manik Dey told the media in Agartala. "Over 2,500 electric poles were damaged, over 1,500 km of power transmission lines were brought down and more than 100 power distribution stations were affected," he said. He estimated the total damage at Rs.8 crore. At least 50 people were injured in Tripura, Mizoram and Manipur in the storms and lightning that accompanied heavy rains in recent days. Numerous trees, telephone and electric poles were uprooted, affecting the movement of vehicles in the cyclone-hit areas of the northeastern states. The weather has hit health and
banking services, water supply and telecommunication in Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur and southern Assam because the power supply became unsteady. Severe storms along with rains lashed most parts of Manipur, destroying a large number of homes and snapping power lines, specially in the mountainous regions. The most affected areas were Imphal East, Imphal West and Thoubal districts. An engineer of the Manipur electricity department said the storm snapped power supply lines in many places. Engineers and workers worked round-the-clock to restore power supply. At least 15 people were hurt in the storm in the states. In Mizoram, a senior official, P.C. Lallawmsanga, said over 1,200 houses were badly damaged in the storms. Eight people who were injured were treated in hospitals. The four-month-long (JuneSeptember) southwest monsoon normally hits the northeast region during the first week of June.
Seven killed, 13 injured in road accident in Assam TiNSukiA, April 24 (pTi): Seven members of a Bihu dance performing troupe were killed and 13 others seriously injured when a mini-bus in which they were travelling collided with a dumper in upper Assam's Tinsukia district today. The troupe were returning after performing at a Bihu cultural function when their mini-bus collided with the dumper at the entry point of Digboi town killing five on the spot, while two others succumbed to their injuries in the hospital, district administration officials said. The injured were admitted to Tinsukia Civil Hospital and Assam Medical College Hospital in neighbouring Dibrugarh district, police sources said.
Imphal | April 24
cates, he informed. “Disability certificates are now issued in a broad way by Chief Medical Officers, Community Health Centres and Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS),” he informed. Earlier, the certificates were issued only by the Social Welfare Department. Nabakishwor promised to ensure all benefits given under various schemes to all differently-abled persons of the State. Deputy Speaker Preshow Shimray, who was also attending the event, said a commission for the persons with disabilities has been set up recently by the State government after the Cabinet gave the approval.
Shimray, however, said the commission still needs manpower as it has been established newly. On the occasion, two copies of a memorandum were submitted to Deputy Speaker Preshow Shimray and Nabakishwor by SPDPO urging them to formulate a state policy for differently-abled people. Providing health insurance to all persons with disabilities and allotment of proper budget for them are some other key demands of the organization mentioned in the memorandum. SPDPO is the apex body of all disabled organizations of Manipur. It aims to bring all persons with disabilities to a common platform irrespective of caste, creed and class.
Manipur State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities L Nabakishwor said on Friday that 60 percent of the total population of differentlyabled persons in the State is yet to receive disability certificates. Nabakishwor was participating in the 4th anniversary celebration of State Platform of Disabled People’s Organisation (SPDPO) at the press club here. He said the number of persons with disabilities in Manipur has increased to 81,000 now against the previous figure of 54,000 eas," he said. C category people. These as recorded in 2011. But 60 The official, however, people probably who got percent of this population cautioned that the health the lower lung infection are is yet to get disability certifiauthorities would have more susceptible to the vito be vigilant and at the rus. Or they were having TB same time strengthen or diabetes. The increase surveillance. level of blood sugar which On the isolation of pa- allows living organism to tients, Kumar said, "every grow very fast and healing patient needs not be isolat- doesn't take place," he said. MOKOKCHUNG NAGALAND ed. What we need is early While 2600 patients in detection. If the patient has the country have died due gone into category B, start to the H1N1 virus, Kumar the drug and as long as the said, "The deaths indicate FACULTY MEMBERS FOR drug is taken there is no that there has been delay in ENGLISH suspecting, detecting and need to be afraid." POLITICAL SCIENCE "We need to admit only testing the patients.” SOCIOLOGY HISTORY ECONOMICS Applications are invited from interested candidates for the above positions at OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL Jubilee Memorial College, Mokokchung (a new College being set up by the Mokokchung Town Baptist Church). Jotsoma, Nagaland Qualifications 1. Consistently good academic career Important Information and Dates for Admission 2. PG degree in the relevant subject from a recognised University & satisfying UGC norms Class-11 Issue of forms & prospectus - 02/05/2015 (Saturday) 3. Preference for NET-qualified candidates Last date of submission of application forms - 08/05/2015 4. Good command of the English language (Friday) Salary : UGC Scale (Basic) Entrance Test i) Date - 09/05/2015 (Saturday) ii) Time - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Last Date for receiving applications : 27th April 2015 Declaration of result of entrance test - 11/05/2015 Interested candidates are informed to send their bio-data/career profile (Monday) immediately to jubileememorialcollege@gmail.com. All correspondences and Admission for selected candidates-12/05/2015(Tuesday) information shall be conveyed through email only.
‘Little chance of spread of swine flu in NE’ ShilloNg, April 24 (pTi): There is little chance of spread of swine flu in the north-eastern region as the air-borne H1N1 virus usually moves faster in overcrowded and more polluted metro cities, Additional DG of Union Health Ministry Dr Ashok Kumar said today. "It is a myth that swine flu will spread in North East where there is good air exchange. In the North East, the air is relatively clean and there are lesser people," Kumar told PTI at the sideline of a twoday regional consultative seminar cum workshop on swine-flu and other infectious diseases here. Kumar, who had led at least three central teams to Telengana, Maharashtra and Karnataka, said 80 per cent of the cases were detected in overcrowded Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bengaluru but none in interior villages where his team had gone. "In North East I do not think we need to worry. The good advantages are that in NE there is less pollution and there is great air exchange in hilly ar-
Our Correspondent
Dr. I. Anungla Aier Principal Kohima Science College Jotsoma, Nagaland
Important Information and Dates for Admission B. Sc. I Issue of forms & prospectus - 02/05/2015 (Saturday) Last date of submission of application forms - 08/05/2015 (Friday) Entrance Test i) Date - 15/05/2015 (Friday) ii) Time - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Declaration of result of entrance test - 16/05/2015 (Saturday) Admission for selected candidates - 22/05/2015(Friday) [10:00 am to 4:00 pm] Admission for candidates in the waiting list - 23/05/2015 (Saturday) [10:00 am sharp] Orientation
- 01/07/2015 (Wednesday) [10:00 am]
Commencement of classes
- 02/07/2015 (Thursday) Dr. I. Anungla Aier Principal Kohima Science College Jotsoma, Nagaland
Convenor Jubilee Memorial College Committee
by September 30
AizAwl, April 24 (pTi): The Centre has given September 30, 2015 deadline to the Mizoram govt for implementing the Food Security Act, an official of the state Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs department said today. Deputy Director John Tanpuia, however, said that there has been no replies from the Centre on many queries and explanations sought by the state government including profit margin for the retailers, cost of transportation and other modalities in implementing the scheme. The Food Security Act, if implemented in the state would cover 64.30 per cent of the population of Mizoram as per the 2011 census, Tanpuia said, adding that only 7,06,296 people would be benefited by the new scheme. The Centre had given several deadlines for implementation of the Food Security Act by the states, but this would be the last deadline, according to the instruction from the Government of India. Earlier, state Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs minister John Rotluangliana informed the state assembly that implementation of the FSA would lift the burden of the state govt to provide rice for all the people of the state.
Registration Forms for Class 11 (Arts) for the academic session 2015 can be collected from the school during office hours Sd/Principal
Mount Sinai HigHer Secondary ScHool Old Ministers’ Hill Kohima SITUATION VACANT For Higher Secondary Level 1. Chemistry Teacher M. Sc/ B.Sc (H) Chemistry 2. Physics M. Sc/ B.Sc (H) Physics 3. Math M. Sc/ B.Sc (H) Math Candidates may submit a handwritten application with resume during office hours or mail to zango_m@yahoo.com.
eden HigHer Secondary ScHool, diMaPur Churches Colony Circular Road, Dimapur, Nagaland (Sponsored By Lotha Baptist Churches, Dimapur)
ADMISSION NOTICE Admission to Class XI (Arts) will start as soon as HSLC result is declared. Admission will be on first come first basis. For Admission Forms and other detail information contact school office between 9:00 am – 1:30 pm on any working days. Sd/Principal Eden Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur: Nagaland
[10:00 am to 4:00 pm] & 13/05/2015(Wednesday) [10:00 am to 12:00 noon] Admission for candidates in the waiting list - 13/05/2015 (Wednesday) [1:00 pm sharp] Orientation - 16/05/2015 (Saturday) [10:00 am] Commencement of classes - 18/05/2015 (Monday)
Rainstorms hit NE Centre tells Mizoram states, normal life to implement FSA
Home Ministry to shift Arunachal 60 % of differently-abled persons yet army attack case to NIA to get disability certificates in Manipur New Delhi, April 24 (eT): The Home Ministry will be shifting the case of an attack on an army convoy in Arunachal Pradesh to the National Investigation Agency (NIA), officials in the Ministry said. Three Army personnel of the 4 Rajput Regiment were killed and four injured when suspected NSCN insurgents had ambushed an army vehicle in Arunachal Pradesh's Tirap district on April 2. The spot is close to the Arunachal-Nagaland border. "This is a serious case and will be shifted to NIA soon. There was heavy firing from the other side," a home ministry official said. The army convoy was on its way to Longding district in Arunachal Pradesh
25 April 2015
CORRIGENDUM IN ORDER OF MERIT FOR GT (MATHS) Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Due to technical error some names were missed out in the publication on 22.4.2015, Hence, corrected result for selected candidates for GT(Maths) is hereby declared. Sd/ZAVEYI NYEKHA DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL EDUCATION
Saturday 25 April 2015
The Morung Express
Sowing the seed for holistic farming M. Rajaque Rahman IANS
he diktat to make it mandatory for domestic fertiliser producers to ‘neem-coat’ at least 75 percent of their urea production would qualify as one of the most holistic decisions ever taken by any Indian government. Beyond the economic calculations of a Rs.6,500-crore saving in subsidy outgo and checking pilferage, the move will have far-reaching ramifications, the biggest of it all being its impact on the soil health and environment. Since the Green Revolution in the 60s, India resorted to heavy use of chemical-based fertiliser. This is not only ruining the soil but also creating major health and environmen-
tal hazards. Only 30-40 percent of nitrogen from urea is absorbed by crops. The rest gets degraded into the environment as the soil fails to retain it because of certain bacteria. Scientific research has proved that some constituents of neem can inhibit this premature nitrogen release. Traditionally, Indian farmers have used neem to good effect by mixing it with urea in some form or the other. The new regime will check the excessive use of fertiliser as higher retention will mean that less (around 20 percent) neemcoated urea is required as compared to ordinary urea. Neemcoated urea will also work as insecticide. It is estimated that the shift will boost the yield by about 20 percent as crop will get sufficient supply of nitro-
gen, which is vital for the development of plants. It’s a win-win proposition. Interestingly, previous governments had adopted a diametrically opposite stance. Instead of encouraging it, there was a cap of 35 percent on the production of neem-coated urea against the wishes of the industry. No logic, apart from cartelisation and vested calculations, justifies such a blinkered policy. The Narendra Modi government has shown a holistic vision by not only removing the cap but also making it mandatory to neem-coat at least 75 percent of total production. It’s expected that by next year, the entire domestic production will be neem-coated. More than the specifics, the move signals a vision towards
organic farming, which is the need of the hour. Excessive use of chemicals is not only killing the soil and adversely affecting food security but also slowpoisoning the population. Because of chemical farming, food production of the country has become fatally contaminated. This is responsible for the alarming rise in incidences of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Food which is supposed to be the source of sustenance and promotes wellness has today become the main source of illness. This is the reason behind spiritual gurus like Sri Sri Ravi Shankar putting their intense focus on chemical-free farming. The Art of Living, for example, organises innovative agricultural workshops aimed at reviving and promoting an-
cient agricultural techniques. It has pioneered the concept of ‘Zero Budget Natural Farming’ which promotes indigenous techniques that ensure higher yields with lesser investment. Like neem, there are numerous other indigenous and proven options for natural farming and chemical-free farming. The farmers who have turned to indigenous knowledge of natural farming are not only witnessing tremendous improvement in soil fertility but also prospering economically. Higher income is supplemented by lesser investment, thus helping them beat the debt trap of high-interest loans. That’s why this low-profile move of the government is a powerful manure to propel the overall health of the nation!
Over Rs 5,000 crore for Audi starts production of water-based e-diesel 1. Water is heated up to form steam is broken Panchayati Raj schemes down into hydrogen and oxygen by means of hightemperature electrolysis. remains unspent he toll that conventional fuels take on the envi2. In two further steps, the hydrogen reacts with Kritika Sethi NDTV Auto
New Delhi, April 24 (pTi) Over Rs 5,000 crore for schemes, especially the Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF), under the Ministry of Panchayati Raj remains unspent, a parliamentary panel said today. The Standing Committee on Rural Development, whose report was tabled in Parliament today, said it was constrained to note that a huge amount of funds was lying unspent in the schemes of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj during 2014-15, especially under BRGF. “In this regard, the Committee notes that as on 31.12.2014, Rs. 5129.48 crore was lying unspent, which includes Rs.4524.94 crore under BRGF,” the report said. In turn, the ministry apprised the committee that it would write to the states about the unspent money for already approved projects and issue advisory to ensure that they are completed so that there is no infructuous expenditure. Meanwhile, the Committee also expressed its dismay over the drastic budgetary reduction for the Ministry of Panchayati Raj this fiscal, saying that there has been a substantial cut of about 98.65 per cent in the Plan outlay allocated for 2015-16 when compared to the previous year of 2014-15. “The Committee is astonished to note that the funds proposed by the ministry for the plan schemes for the plan schemes for 2015-16 is Rs. 10,150 crore, but the funds provided to the Ministry is a very meager amount of Rs.94 crore,” the report said. Noting that the allocated funds were inadequate, the committee strongly recommended the ministry to vigorously pursue the matter with the Ministry of Finance and Niti Ayog and request them to consider enhanced budgetary allocation of funds for the capacity building and strengthening of Panchayati Raj institutions across the country. The Committee also noted that the ministry should support states in completion of already approved projects that are underway and persuade states in strengthening of Panchayati Raj institutions.
ronment has been the subject of several discussions all over the world and rightly so. Taking another step in this direction, Audi has come up with a synthetic fuel that could contribute significantly to climate protection - Audi e-diesel. A part of its project to develop new, CO2-neutral fuels, a plant in Dresden, Germany, has started its production. The facility in Dresden operates according to the power-to-liquid (PtL) principle and uses green power to produce a liquid fuel. The only raw materials needed are water and carbon dioxide. The CO2 used is currently supplied by a biogas facility. Additionally, initially a portion of the CO2 needed is extracted from the ambient air by means of direct air capturing. How it is made:
For expats, Singapore becoming cheaper to call home SiNGApore, April 24 (reuTerS): When Ritika Verma relocated to Singapore with her husband three years ago, she settled for an apartment much smaller than she wanted. “Having lived in France, finding out how much landlords were asking for rent was quite a shock,” she said. Singapore was ranked the world’s most expensive city for the second consecutive year by the Economist Intelligence Unit recently. Expats have voiced concerns about high living expenses, tightening foreign labour policies and daunting education costs for their children at international schools. But life might just be getting a little easier. Government data on Friday showed an index measuring rentals dropped to its
lowest in January-to-March since the first quarter of 2011. The level of rents is expected to decline further as more housing projects are completed. Prime residential areas, including the financial district and around the central Orchard Road shopping stretch, have seen the steepest drop in rentals. In the fourth quarter of 2014, the average monthly rent of high-end condominiums tracked by Savills Research and Consultancy fell 5.8 percent on year to S$4.57 ($3) per square foot. Rents are easing in step with plateauing property values, particularly in the luxury segment, which had soared in recent years due to Singapore’s popularity as an investment destination for wealthy
Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”
SUDOKU Game Number # 3205
the CO2 in synthesis reactors, again under pressure and at high temperature. The reaction product is a liquid made from long-chain hydrocarbon compounds, known as blue crude. The process’s overall efficiency is about 70 per cent. Similarly to a fossil crude oil, blue crude can be refined to yield the end product Audi e-diesel. This synthetic fuel is free from sulphur and aromatic hydrocarbons, and its high cetane number means it is readily ignitable. Audi conducted tests to conclude that this product can either be admixed with fossil diesel or, as a fuel in its own right. Furthermore, the company is also developing synthetic petrol Audi e-gasoline.
Asians. The government has put in measures since 2009 to cool one of the world’s most expensive real estate markets. Singaporeans have been largely shielded from the drama, as most of them own and live in so-called Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats built by the government. As the outlook for the private homes market cools, vacancy rates for sold and unsold completed units in the segment is likely to hit 10 percent by end of next year from 7.2 percent in the first quarter, said Christine Li, director of research at Cushman & Wakefield in Singapore. That will give prospective and existing tenants more bargaining power over lease lengths and rents. “It’s definitely a tenants’ market,” Li said.
Apple phones most satisfying for US customers: Study New York, April 24 (iANS): Apple ranks highest in overall satisfaction among wireless customers of T-Mobile (844) and Verizon Wireless (837) in the US, according to a study. Highly satisfied owners spend on average, $6 more per month on wireless services than owners with lower satisfaction, the study found. Additionally, brand repurchase intent among highly satisfied owners is 20 percent higher than among owners with low smartphone satisfaction (ratings of 7 or lower). Although smartphone owners continue to cite features as the primary reason for selecting a device, the rate has declined significantly to 32 percent from 38 percent in the 2013 study. Now in its 9th year, the J.D. Power U.S. Wireless Smartphone Satisfaction Study measures customer satisfaction based on four factors (listed in order of importance): performance (29%); features (26%); physical design (23%); and ease of operation (22%). The study measures customer satisfaction with wireless OEMs across Tier 11 wireless carriers. Satisfaction is calculated on a 1,000-point scale. The study found that a brand’s ranking is closely related to the performance satisfaction with its latest smartphone models, which often feature the newest technology and features and services. “Satisfaction with performance differs by smartphone brand across carriers,” said Kirk Parsons, senior director and practice leader of telecommunications at J.D. Power. “When launching a new smartphone device, carriers should be mindful how they position the device features and services. “This can influence model selection and a customer’s experience with the device. When customers are satisfied with their smartphone model selection, the OEM and carrier can benefit through customer loyalty and repurchase intent,” he added. When the smartphone performs well, it increases the likelihood of model loyalty and customer satisfaction with the brand, the study said. For example, advance performance and technology such as facial recognition, finger print security identification and latest OS platforms have helped drive satisfaction up with the latest device launches for the Apple iPhone 6 series, HTC One Max series and Samsung Galaxy 5 and Note 4 series.
‘Unmarried employees can now travel anywhere in country on LTC’ New Delhi, April 24 (pTi): Unmarried central government employees can now avail benefits of Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for visiting any part of the country, as per a relaxation in the rule, which earlier restricted them to use the facility for going to their hometown only. “It has been decided that the facility of conversion of home town LTC to allow travel to different parts of the country, under the special dispensation scheme, will also apply to an unmarried central government servant, who is eligible to avail the benefit of LTC to visit hometown every year,” a fresh order issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), said. The facility may be availed by converting one occasion of hometown LTC out of the block of four years, it said. As per norms, an eligible government employee gets to and fro journey reimbursement after availing LTC. However, employees are supposed to undertake the visit from the place of their posting to their hometown. The DoPT has been allowing special dispensation to the government servants for taking LTC from time to time by relaxing rules. Presently, one such dispensation in operation is the relaxation for the government servants to travel by air to visit North East region, Jammu and Kashmir or to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands by converting one block of hometown LTC available to them. The DoPT has received references seeking clarification on the admissibility of conversion of hometown LTC facility into travel to different parts of the country, which is permissible under special dispensation, to such unmarried government servants. The matter was examined in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it has been decided to allow unmarried government employees to visit any other part of the country under the LTC scheme, it said.
Answer Number # 3204
DIMAPUR Civil Hospital:
STD CODE: 03862 232224; Emergency229529, 229474
Metro Hospital:
227930, 231081
Faith Hospital:
Shamrock Hospital
Zion Hospital:
231864, 224117, 227337
Police Control Room
Police Traffic Control
East Police Station West Police Station
227607 232181
CIHSR (Referral Hospital)
242555/ 242533
Dimapur hospital
224041, 248011
Apollo Hospital Info Centre:
230695/ 9402435652
Indian Airlines
Nagaland Multispe- 248302, cialty Health & 09856006026 Research Centre
1. Box 5. Vexations 10. Jail (British) 14. Back of the neck 15. 3-banded armadillo 16. Jittery 17. Untenanted 19. Stubborn beast 20. What we sleep on 21. Watchful 22. Units of distance 23. Lithesome 25. Not back 27. Arrive (abbrev.) 28. Insurgent 31. Task 34. Gown fabric 35. 3 in Roman numerals 36. Delicate 37. Tarnish 38. Barely managed 39. Altitude (abbrev.) 40. Roam 41. Overweight 42. Depluming 44. Tavern 45. Layers 46. A communication 50. Grain storage buildings
52. Corrupt 54. Precious stone 55. Poems 56. A language of India 58. Distribute 59. Communion table 60. Leave out 61. Where the sun rises 62. Untidy 63. Desserts
1. . Spurns 2. Discussion group 3. Any animal with no feet 4. Record (abbrev.) 5. Trucker 6. Not lower 7. Reasonable 8. In a fidgety manner 9. Unhappy 10. Third sign of the zodiac 11. Like a grown up 12. Leer at 13. Caustics 18. Close-knit group 22. Not less 24. Not 26. Depend 28. Internment camp 29. Untruths
30. Assistant 31. Applaud 32. Corridor 33. Like triplets, except 8 34. Gate 37. Anagram of “Ties” 38. Wanes 40. Slaloms 41. Kicks out 43. Wardrobe 44. A state of extreme poverty 46. King with a golden touch 47. A long-legged bird 48. Wish granter 49. Gives forth 50. A few 51. Bright thought 53. Picnic insects 56. An unskilled actor 57. Not bottom Ans to CrossWord 3214
Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home: Northeast Shuttles
STD CODE: 0370 100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923
DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/ 101 (O) 9436017479 (OC) CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC)
MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/ 101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC) ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) TUENSANG: 8414853766 (O) 8414853519 MON: 03869 251222/ 101 (O) 9436208480 (OC) KipHire: 8414853767 (O) 8974304572 (OC)
CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEE Toll free No. 1098 childline
KOHIMA: 0370 2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC)
WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC)
Chumukedima Fire 282777 Brigade Nikos Hospital and 232032, 231031 Research Centre
STD CODE: 0369
Police Station 1:
Police Station 2 :
Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home:
2226216 2226263
Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):
TAHAMZAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade
222246 222491
US Dollars Sterling Pound Hong Kong Dollar Australian Dollar Singapore Dollar Canadian Dollar Japanese Yen
61.78 92.39 7.71 47.70 45.82 50.36 51.19
64.60 96.92 8.60 50.08 48.07 52.85 54.53
Thai Baht Korean Won New Zealand Dollar Chinese Yuan
The Morung Express
Saturday 25 April 2015
'Young generation must aspire & be self-reliant' KOhima, april 24 (mExN): Parliamentary Secretary for Irrigation, Floods Control and Election, Y. Vikheho Swu, has urged the younger generation to aspire and be self reliant and not rely on government jobs alone. The Parliamentary Secretary said this while meeting a 5 member student delegation of the Department of Political Science, St. Joseph’s College Jakhama led by the General Secretary of its Students’ Union, K. Chumseli Anar, at his residence on April 24. A press release received here informed. The release added that the delegation had a productive interaction session. According to Swu, government service is not the only answer. Out of a pop-
Parliamentary Secretary Y. Vikheho Swu with the student delegates of St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama.
ulation of 19 lakhs, only 70,000 are enrolled as government employees, he reasons. He opines that the various student bodies, organ-
isations, departments etc., are too function-oriented, which is not helping; they should instead be resultoriented. Swu also opined that
self-reliance is the need of the hour in the state. He advised the student delegation to start generating self-sufficiency by rearing and producing livestock
20th Watsu General Conference concludes Morung Express News Mokokchung|April 24
The 20th Watsu General Conference which commenced on April 23 at Town Hall Mokokchung concluded today with two storming sessions. Prof. Lanunungsang, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Mereima Campus, Nagaland University was the main speaker at the second session of the conference where he spoke on “A Binding Polity Encompassing Socio- Cultural Ethos.” He stated that Ao Naga men and women have achieved many milestones in education and in other fields but are lacking
Prof. Lanunungsang, ProVice Chancellor, Nagaland University speaking at the 20th Watsu General Conference at Town Hall Mokokchung.
behind when it comes to common binding polity and culture that encompasses the entire society. He said, “For a stronger
socio-cultural strata woman must play a vital role without which a society will not achieve holistic development. Men and women needs to work together hand in hand”. He encouraged the Ao people to give up on “outdated social and cultural practices” and further urged them to “evolve” with the changing time. Bendanglila, ADC Mokokchung, Imolemba, President Ao Senden also spoke at the second session of the conference. The third session of the conference was a retrospection of the last conference resolution and the induc-
tion of new office bearers and executive members for a tenure of two years. Moachila (Sungratsu village) was elected as the new President, Maonginla Longchar (Waromong village) – VicePresident, Toshimenla Walling (Lirmen village) – Gen. Secretary and Moanaro (Mangmetong Village) – Asst. Gen. Secretary. The closing ceremony of the conference was presented by Chumukedima Watsu unit and the conference concluded with a mass feast and music where young and talented Ao women enthralled the delegates and participants with songs and music.
here in Nagaland; as 70% of the state’s daily livestock consumption are brought from outside. On the present Naga political crises, Swu strongly felt that reconciliation is possible “if the wrong doers admit their mistakes and make amends.” As far as reconciliation goes, it must be done on a basis notwithstanding the fact that a third-party cannot reconcile the matter, he stated. Maintaining that he joined politics to develop his constituency and department in particular and Nagaland at large, Swu asserted that “election means development” and urged people to follow this very concept. Emphasising on sports as a vital co-curricular activity, Swu maintained that
sports is one area where we can excel, “because we have many gifted athletes in the states.” Further, Swu expressed his wish to see women step out of their comfort zones and make their own opportunities and not only see reservation as an opportunity. Making his vision of the future known, Swu informs that he envisions Naga youths being more optimistic, not too casual, honest sincere and disciplined. He asserts that Nagas are second to none and says, “All Nagas should believe.” Swu believes that success and failures are gifts from God. “Every failures is a chance to do better and beneath a success, a greater success awaits,” Swu remarks.
Transfer and posting of NCS and NSS officers KOhima, april 24 (Dipr): Governor of Nagaland has in a notification No. PAR-4/24/2009 (CSB) dated Kohima, the 23rd April, 2015 transferred and posted the following NCS and NSS officers with immediate effect: Keyirangding Hegui, NCS, SDO (C), Mon is transferred and posted as Under Secretary, Tourism Department. M. S. Thangpong, NCS, SDO(C), Changtongya is transferred and posted as SDO(C), Mon. Chumlamo Humtsoe, NCS, SDO (C), Suruhoto
is transferred as posted as SDO (C), Changtongya. Warren Hollohon Yepthomi, NCS, SDO (C), Zunheboto is transferred and posted as SDO (C), Suruhoto. M. Yashei Konyak, NSS, Under Secretary, Social Welfare is transferred and posted as Under Secretary, Horticulture Department. Zakabo V. Rotokha, NCS, SDO(C);, Tuensang (designate) is retained as SDO(C), Kuhuboto. C. Phuniang, NCS, EAC, Meluri is transferred and posted as EAC, Noklak.
Awareness programme on Child Rights held Non-Local Registration Card in Wokha Our Correspondent Kohima | April 24
To sensitize and create awareness on child rights, the District Child Protection Unit, Kohima organised a one day awareness programme at district level and block level on child rights and street to school campaign here today at LCS Building. The programme was sponsored by the State Child Protection Society- Nagaland (SCPS). Resource person, Raitale Zeliang, programme officer SCPS, said every child has certain rights, but children at a tender age will not be able to defend or speak for their rights. She therefore urged the participants to take responsibility to safeguard their rights all the time. She informed that there are several schemes and programmes that promote child protection which are being implemented by the government of India for example Juvenile Justice,
Integrated Programme for Street Children and others. Also saying that there are four basic rights of children – Right to Survival, Right to Development, Right to Protection and Right to Participation, she stated that under these rights, every child born in India has right to citizenship of India, education, expression, information, thought and religion. Right to Protection entails that all children be nurtured and protected from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation in any form. Renchumi Imti, programme officer, State Resource Agency (SARA)
WOKha, april 24 Union’s Office: two pass- in a press release stated (mExN): The Kyong Stu- port size photos; Inner that this exercise is being dents’ Union (KSU) will Line Permit (ILP); Perma- carried out so as to ascerconduct the renewal/issue nent Residence Certificate tain the numbers of Nonof Non-Local Registration (PRC)/Domicile Certifi- Locals residing within Card (NLRC) from April cate and Electoral ID from Wokha District and also 27 to May 2 at the union’s their respective domiciled to keep a check and conoffice from 10 AM to 3 PM. state/territory; and Regis- trol on the influx of illeA press release informing tration/membership Card gal immigrants. Failing to this directed all non-locals from their respective Com- comply with the directive Raitale Zeliang of the Union shall lead to residing within Wokha munity Union at Wokha. KSU General Secre- its own course of action, shared the activities of District to produce the SARA-Nagaland. Some of following documents at tary T. Phyobemo Kikon KSU warned. the activities of SARA-Nagaland include Promotion of legal adoption, restoration of children to their families, preventing child abuse, preventing child trafficking and repatriation, keeping check on adoption through customary, law-village legal child protection committee, giving care and protection to victim rape and domestic violence. School teachers, children and representative from Western Angami The Area wise Church Administration Seminar (Phase I) organized by Association of Students Union, Northern Gorkha Baptist Churches Nagaland was held from April 17 to 19 at Gorkha Baptist Church Mon. Delegates from Gorkha Baptist Churches under Mon and Longleng DisAngami Students Union trict attended the seminar. and Southern Angami Students Union attended the programme.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Modern College conducted a one-day seminar on ‘The Art of Counselling and Mentoring’ on April 24. The resource speaker was, Dr. Zavise Rume, Associate Professor, SCERT. In his address, Dr. Rume gave an insight on the conceptual idea of counselling and mentoring and its importance in educational institutions. He discussed on points like techniques and skills of counselling and mentoring, qualities of a counsellor, professional ethics code of conduct. An interaction between the speaker and the audience was also held, where queries were raised and doubts clarified.
Representive of 164 TA (H&H) (Naga) with villagers following the construction of a Water Storage Tank under Operation Sadhbhavana MCA tank at Changlu village, Mon.
MEx FILE DC Dimapur directs gas agencies Dimapur, april 24 (mExN): The Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur, Kesonyu Yhome, directed all gas agencies to make spot delivery of LPG cylinders to customers through concerned colony Chairmen/GBs with immediate effect. A press release from the Dimapur DC informed that the directive is in compliance with a meeting held in connection with streamlining the distribution of Domestic LPG cylinders under Dimapur District. The DC Dimapur further informed that Counter Delivery will be allowed twice a week i.e., every Friday and Saturday for the convenience of all consumers.
SDEO Dimapur informs head teachers Dimapur, april 24 (mExN): The Sub-Divisional Education Officer, Dimapur has directed all the Head Teacher/Teacher-in-charge under the district to submit personal Bank A/C and contact number of Teachers and staff under their schools on or before April 25 to the office of the SDEO Dimapur. A press release from the SDEO Dimapur, S. Atomi Swu, warned that failure to comply with the directive would result in holding up of staff salary for the month of April and onwards.
Purana Bazar ‘B’ VC meeting Dimapur, april 24 (mExN): The Purana Bazar ‘B’ (Bokajan) Village has convened a public meeting on April 25 at 10 AM at the residence of the Head GB Khagen Mech. A press release from the Village Council has requested the public to attend the meeting.
Arrests have eased tensions: DC Mon mON, april 24 (mExN): In connection with the arrests of 5 persons involved in the murder of Arpan Das on April 20 at Phuktong village, Mon, the Deputy Commissioner, Mon, W. Honje Konyak, has stated that the “prompt and swift response” from the authorities has “led to easing of tension” at the interstate borders and also “prevented occurrence of any further untoward incidents.” A statement from the DC Mon received here further lauded the authorities and agencies for the arrest of the 5 accused involved in the murder.
BJP Dimapur directs units Dimapur, april 24 (mExN): The BJP Dimapur unit has informed all the Mandals, Mahila Morcha, Kishan Morcha, BJYM, ST Morcha and the individuals of BJP Dimapur unit to submit the completed counter foils of the manual primary membership enrollment booklets on or before April 27 at its district office at Super Market Complex.
CAJC meeting on May 6 Dimapur, april 24 (mExN): The Coco Area Joint Council (CAJC) EAC headquarter, Akuhaito is convening a meeting of all Heads of Departments, officers and all other government servants in Akuhaito on May 6 at 9 am. A press release received here informed that the meeting is necessitated in view of dismal attendance in government offices resulting in hampering the progress of the area. Office bearers of Coco Area Sports Association are also invited to the meeting. The CAJC will take appropriate action as deemed fit to those to who fail to attend the meeting.
NPF Pungro directs members KiphirE, april 24 (mExN): The NPF 60 A/C Pungro – Kiphire has directed its active members to attend a meeting on April 28 at 8 AM at the residence of its President Thritongse Sangtam. A press release received here informed that the meeting will deliberate on the impending NPF party Convention.
Vaccination camp for dogs held ZuNhEbOtO, april 24 (mExN): Vaccination camp for dogs was organised at Lumami in Akuluto block of Zunheboto district. SMS (Animal Science) Dr. Z. Nongothung Ezung and his team conducted the vaccination camp for dogs against Rabies. KVK Zunheboto Programme Coordinator in a press release said that a total of 33 dogs were vaccinated in the day long programme.
Holy Cross launches golden jubilee celebrations
Dimapur , april 24 (mExN): Holy Cross Higher Secondary School, Dimapur launched its yearlong golden jubilee celebration on April 24 with Vicar General, Diocese of Kohima, Rev Fr Carolus inaugurating a ‘Cross’ in the school building. With this, the yearlong celebration of the completion of 50 years of the school is underway. The celebrations will be marked by various activities throughout the year. Rev Fr Carolus, who graced the occasion as chief guest, said jubilee is not only a year of jubilation but also a year of liberation, a year of restoration and a year of reconciliation. Emphasizing on the four words—jubilation, liberation, restoration and reconciliation, the Vicar General said one has to remember these words whenever they celebrate jubilee. As the school entered into the year of Golden jubilee, Rev Fr Carolus, who is also an Alumni of the school, proposed to everyone present to see whether they can do something for themselves, for the society and the state while taking into consideration “liberation, restoration and reconcili-
ation.” Explaining that the word liberation may not be of physical liberation, he said everyone is very much aware that today’s society is enslaved to many things. “We are enslaved to emotional, psychological or other areas in our life that we need to liberate ourselves in order to celebrate the jubilee meaningfully,” he said. He said, “When people see their personal lives, they would discover the areas where they need to liberate themselves, may be from bad habits or attitudes that would lead to change. Therefore, jubilee should be a moral for each one’s lives to look into the society and people and see what kind of step can be taken in order to liberate oneself and the society." About restoration, he said in Naga society there are so many values that
the forefathers and parents practiced in the past such as honesty, sincerity, hard work etc. However, he lamented that at present many of us have lost those values, which Nagas were once known for. He said in order to restore or bring back some of these values that have been lost, one has to understand the society. He said the Naga society is fragmented, broken and divided in many ways based on tribalism, factionalism and many other factors where one needs to reconcile and here the word ‘reconciliation’ becomes important. He challenged and proposed to all, both the pres-
ent and past pupils of the institution, the present and past teachers of the institution to take a small step towards this and do something for the society as they enter the jubilee year so that there is a meaningful and joyful celebration. Speaking on behalf of the Alumni, the first school leader, Tsenthungo Lotha recalled the days he was in the school and shared his experiences being a student of Holy Cross School, which has now grown from strength to strength. He recalled how the classrooms were filled with only few students in the 1970s but today, there are hundreds of students in each class besides
being divided into sections. HCHSS Golden Jubilee Committee Media & Publicity In-charge Dilip Sharma in a press release said that Tsenthungo also recalled the former Principals and Headmistresses, besides teachers of the school during his time. The former school leader also took the podium to command the students, both present and the past, after a gap of 39 years. A word of welcome was shared by Fr Philip Magh, Principal, while Sister Carol, Vice Principal delivered the vote of thanks. On the occasion, school children presented dances while the School Band presented a musical piece.
People, life, etc... Saturday | 25 april, 2015
do you Wonder Why Star Wars: The Nostalgia Awakens The publicity rollout for the franchise's newest installment confirms you are Overeating?
Dr Libby Weaver
he lure of the fridge late at night can result in even the most healthconscious person’s downfall. So why is that despite our good intentions, we demolish a block of chocolate after swearing we’d only have two pieces or head to the fridge late at night in search of that delicious and magical snack that will fix all, despite knowing we haven’t replenished the fridge in a week. Overeating is more common than you think, often regarded as a lack of will power; the desire to eat more food than is needed to satisfy hunger or nourish your body can be driven by numerous factors. Are You Missing Nourishment Or Looking For Flavor? Sometimes we overeat in search of nourishment. Nourishing foods typically have a satiating effect on appetite. Over the last few years, the western diet has moved steadily towards more processed and refined foods. Processed foods tend to be lacking in fibre and of course essential to our very being, vitamins and minerals. I believe many people over consume these foods, as they provide little to no nourishment and don’t engage the satiety signal in the brain. Or in the busyness of life, it may be a reliance on takeaway foods, which have an emphasis on flavor as opposed to nutrition and unfortunately often use ingredients, which take away from our health. It is also common to overeat in search of flavor. Pay special attention to simple ways of adding more flavor to food. Use good quality oil, fresh herbs and spices and fresh chili for a bit of spiciness if you can enjoy it. Try This: Make and store nourishing condiments in the fridge to accompany meals A delicious example is a quick green sauce you can spread over vegetables, salad or meat options. Blend in an avocado, some lemon juice, fresh flat leaf parsley or coriander and a dash of olive oil. Season to taste, adding lemon juice and olive oil to reach desired consistency. If snacking is your downfall, take the time to arrange a vegetable platter. Cut up your favorite vegetables and serve with a dip such as hummus, an interactive way of increasing the nourishment of your diet.
Are You Eating To Satisfy Your Soul? 'Once I start I cannot stop', is a phrase I have heard countless times. The wording gives you a clue. If you were truly eating in order to nourish your body, there would be a point you would feel comfortable and nourished. Many people eat to find what I call “soul food.” It’s actually not about the food at all, despite what they would like you to believe. Food has been used to replace a feeling in their lives. Food is reliable, consistent and you know it will taste a particular way, there are not many things in life that do that. Eating for comfort or eating to feel lit up is common and it is just one way you may have learned to cope. To shift your focus away from eating to fill your soul, bring more of the things that truly nourish your soul into your life. Read more often, dance, sing, move, or rest whatever it is for you may be completely different for someone else. Food can never truly replace the role of soul food in your life. Try This: Schedule activities for the times you feel most vulnerable to overeating Engage in an evening yoga or meditation class. Or utilize what is abundant and around you, watch the sun go down or observe your partner as they sleep with their book resting on their lap, filling your heart with gratitude will help you anchor in the now. Are You Looking For Something Sweet? Craving sugar can have a psychological or biochemical
basis. Many people don’t feel satisfied unless they have had something sweet after lunch or dinner. This may be because they were brought up having desserts or sweets after meals and so it has become routine in their psychology that after savory comes sweet. Others may have formed an emotional connection with sugar. Are you looking for joy? Are you looking for sweetness in your life? More often than not, people crave sweet foods during periods of stress, as the production of adrenaline encourages your body to burn glucose as its fuel as opposed to fat. When you are burning glucose, you will crave it to replenish your stores. Sugar in its refined form provides no nutritional benefit to the human body, so opt for sweet choices as close to their natural state as possible. Try this: If you want something sweet choose sweet food that supports your health. Rather than sweet food that takes away from your health. Dark chocolate or seed and nut truffles can also be a satisfying solution, that doesn’t take away from your health. Are You Serving Yourself Too Much? It is no secret in the west that we serve ourselves too much. Your stomach is roughly the size of your closed fist and so this provides a good indication for portion sizes of concentrated foods such as carbohydrates and protein. The majority of your plate should be water-based vegetables. There are many ways of transitioning to smaller portion sizes and using smaller plates is a great way of making the meal appear larger than it is. Or take a tip from Asian cultures and use chopsticks. Chopsticks will slow you down, it takes the brain approximately 30 minutes to sense there is food in the stomach and for a lot of people they do not allow this time for the feeling of satiety to set in.
JJ Abrams' greatest skill: harnessing the power of cinematic reminiscence
David Sims
.J. Abrams, the director tasked with bringing Star Wars back to the top of the crowded franchise heap, has always been happy to borrow. When he set out to make a new Star Trek and drag that moribund cinematic franchise back into blockbuster territory, he cheerfully swapped in some very familiar visual language to help it over the hill. Early on in the film, James Kirk (Chris Pine), nursing a desire to transcend his farmboy life, rides a motorcycle to see the U.S.S. Enterprise being built at a shipyard, and gazes up at it longingly. Star Warsfans would connect the scene to one at the beginning of the first 1977 film, when Luke Skywalker wistfully watches the dual suns of his home planet set; Star Trek's producers even called the scene "our Tatooine moment." Abrams has never exactly been a visionary artist, but he's a master of elevating the familiar—a fact made clear in the previews of his new Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. In those twin scenes of Kirk and Luke looking out into the unknown, the visuals and the swelling music behind them tell the whole story. In turning Star Trek into an egocentric hero's journey about Kirk's origins in the captain's chair, Abrams upended many a traditional Trek fan's conception of the franchise, and his films have never been fully embraced by that fan base. But 2009's Star Trek also made $385 million at the worldwide box office, compared with $67 million for its predecessor, 2002's Star Trek: Nemesis. Star Trek's first trailer also ends with a glimpse at a dynamic space battle, the likes of which one might find in, well, a certain George Lucas film. Now, Abrams has the reins
to those films, and he got a rapturous reception at last week's "Star Wars Celebration" convention, where he premiered the second teaser to The Force Awakens, the series' seventh "episode." It might be too much to call the Star Wars franchise moribund, but after Lucas' prequel trilogy, its future seemed dire. Lucasfilm's surprise sale to Disney in 2012, which placedStar Wars in the hands of producer Kathleen Kennedy, set it up as a moneymaker for years to come, but it had been hard to know what the Lucasless sequels would look like until Kennedy hired Abrams to spearhead them. Kennedy, a longtime collaborator with Steven Spielberg, has known Abrams since he was 14 years old and doing a young movie nerd's dream job—watching and restoring the Super 8 films Spielberg made as a child. With a background like that, it's no wonder Abrams taps into the classic Hollywood moviemaking of that era, nor is it surprising that Kennedy saw him as the perfect candidate for The Force Awakens, persuading him to leave the Trek franchise and numerous other projects for what Abrams called "the first movie that blew my mind." The Force Awakens is looking to blow audience's minds in the same way. As my colleague Spencer Kornhaber noted of the film's most recent trailer, there's nothing going on here that audiences haven't seen before. Familiar faces, stormtroopers, XWings swooping around, all set to John Williams' score; this is the stuff of nostalgia, not the breath of fresh air the original Star Wars offered in 1977. Whatever new formula Abrams might be adding, it's certainly not apparent from the advertising, which is in-
stead designed to remind everyone of the first time they saw Han and Chewie in the Millennium Falcon. But there are indeed hints that Abrams is going to do more than just recycle Star Wars' greatest hits. When George Lucas made his maligned prequels, one of his biggest challenges was the great leaps in movie technology that took place between Return of the Jedi in 1983 and The Phantom Menace in 1999. How could that be reconciled with the fact that Phantom was set before the original trilogy? Lucas, to the dismay of critics, doubled down and used CGI and green screen for everything, embracing the fact that he could make the "Old Republic" look like an unblemished jewel, primed for the great downfall audiences knew would come. Abrams has wisely gone the other way, returning to the
practical effects of the original films. When the Millennium Falcon loop-de-loops at the end of The Force Awakens' first teaser, the real thrill is the feeling that the camera is actuallymoving with it, rather than mimicking that feeling with the programmed virtual cinematography Lucas eventually leaned on. With the second teaser's bravura opening shot, Abrams is communicating everything viewers need to know about his Star Wars world with the same tactical, brilliant economy of his Star Trek. Here's the Star Destroyer fans remember, but crumpled on a planet's surface; Darth Vader's mask, burned and disfigured; Luke Skywalker's artificial hand, its fake skin gone after all these years. Most importantly of all, there's the first lightsaber audiences ever saw in aStar Wars film, seemingly being put in Leia's hands, a small but pow-
erful piece of imagery that signals an upending of the longstanding gender dynamics of the original series, as Salon's Sonia Saraiya noted. It's as if the blessed artifacts of the original films have been recovered by Abrams, an intrepid Hollywood archeologist who understands their power. By the time Harrison Ford delivers his one line ("Chewie, we're home"), Star Warsfans can't help but feel moved, even if the emotional manipulation at work is obvious. It's ridiculous to assume a film will succeed based on just two minutes of expertly edited footage. But Abrams has always understood the difference between nostalgia and tackiness. It's not just that you have to remind an audience of something they once loved—you have to make sure they still love it. With Star Wars, the deck is stacked in Abrams' favor.
Mortal Kombat X: The Most Violent Video Game Ever?
Try this: Serve your meal in numerous small bowls. Alec Meyer Also, make the meal interacith its gruesome tive so it is less about consumsymphony of spineing your allocated portion sizes, ripping fatalities, many cultures eat like this espethe tenth (!) installment in cially at night to avoid overeating. theMortal Kombat video Hormones Play A Vital Role In game franchise is gory as hell—but is it any good? Hunger Regulation Jax grabs his opponent’s A typical pattern of food inarms, holds them up over take that I witness regularly is their head, and then—with to inhale a processed breakfast cereal and race out the door to asquish—he jams them all the work. Your blood glucose soars way into their body so only and your pancreas subsequent- the hands are visible. He takes ly releases a surge of insulin. If a moment to light a cigar. He you continue to choose options grabs his opponent’s mouth that make your blood glucose and rips the head in half. soar (typically refined or pro- He puts out his cigar on the cessed foods), insulin will be tongue as blood gurgles out. Jax wins. Fatality. released again and you will conEven if you haven’t heard tinue to feel hungry. of the Entertainment Software Insulin moves glucose out of the blood and into the muscles Rating Board (ESRB), you’ve and fat cells. If insulin levels are seen their work. Before every high another hormone called game commercial, a big letter Leptin should be initiated to tell comes up “Rated E for Everyyour brain you’ve eaten. Leptin one,” “T for Teen,” or “M for is produced by adipose cells Mature.” Their ratings can be (fat), and it circulates through found on every single game the blood and binds to receptors box in the lower righthand in the hypothalamus, the area corner. When the original supposed to turn off the desire Mortal Kombat was released to eat. Insulin can interfere with back in 1992, the ESRB had Leptins ability to signal to the not yet been created. Its release was one of the reasons brain to stop eating. it was. Mortal Kombat is one of Try this: Add plant fat to your the most infamous game franmeals for example, raw nuts, chises of all time. It’s pretty seeds, tahini, avocado and simple, really: Two characextra virgin olive oil. Fat slows gastric emptying ters hit each other until one and the speed at which glucose of them dies. Rinse, repeat. is released into the blood, this is Fighting games don’t get particularly important if you are much simpler than that. But prone to fluctuating blood glu- what made Mortal Kombat stick out was its “realistic” decose levels. There will always be occa- piction of violence. The charsions where there is tempta- acters were digitized versions tion to over-do it and some- of real actors so each punch times that may be just what your looked, sort of, like one persoul needs, put a full stop at the son actually punching anend of the sentence and begin other one. It wasn’t a cartoon, the next day as a completely and censors were not pleased. But what really stuck out, new day. Where you can make then as now, was the “Fatalichoices that will nourish your ty” system. When a player has body, but truly addressing why truly beaten his opponent, you consistently overeat is only going to have positive effects on the victor has the chance to make the victory just a little your mind, body and soul.
With its gruesome symphony of spine-ripping fatalities, the tenth installment in the Mortal Kombat video game franchise is extremely gory —but is it any good?
bit sweeter. And by sweeter, I mean bloodier. “FINISH HIM!” the announcer booms. Press the right combination of buttons and you’ll be treated to a jaw-dropping display of virtual violence. Sub-Zero freezes his opponent’s torso with a frozen punch. He follows it up with a regular punch—one that leaves a gaping hole in their body. Only its spine remains, but not for long. He reaches in and snaps the spine in two. Then he lifts the body up, rips it in half, and drops the pieces to the ground. Sub-Zero wins. Fatality. Though Mortal Kombat X is the tenth official iteration in a series with many more spinoffs and side projects, the “X” is a letter, not a number. Mortal Kombat 9 was just called “Mortal Kombat,” one of those reboots that’s so popular with games these days. Mortal Kombat was a step forward for the series,
and many critics and fans hailed it as such. I didn’t play Mortal Kombat. Not the 2011 one, anyway. I did play Mortal Kombat in the arcades when I was young, though. It wasn’t a good game, really, but it was definitely fun to punch off my friend’s digital head. But as gruesome as it was for the time, there was an innocence to the violence. It was all so absurd, and the digitized, grainy people stuck out against the “horrific” injuries they would endure (and inflict). Since then, the games have kept pace with technology, looking “better” with each volume. And with improved visual fidelity comes increasingly disturbing visuals. They don’t necessarily look real, but they don’t look so fake anymore either. There are two ways that this could have gone: Either they could have played up the humor (see: Babality), or they could have gone all-in and made a game
for people who relish the violence. Guess which way they went? Mileena pulls out two blades and sticks them into her opponent’s head. She yanks, and it rips right off. And then you see what that mask of hers is hiding: an enormous mouth with enormous teeth. She goes to town on the face. And with only four bites, all the flesh is gone. She throws the head back down beside its still-bleeding body and walks away. Mileena wins. Fatality. Even outside of the fatalities, the game seems designed to elicit a degree of sympathypain. Particularly powerful attacks will cause the screen to zoom in and show an X-ray of a character’s body. You’ll see a series of bones snap in vivid detail. I witnessed a character’s testicles literally pop under the pressure of an uppercut—and that was in only my second fight. Blood flows freely. Nearly every strike triggers a geyser of blood from… somewhere. When I booted up the game for the first time I was forced to fight in a snowy forest. The blood stays on the ground, so by the end of the fight there were many pools of it sitting in the snow. It would have been far more compelling imagery if it had meant something. But in Mortal Kombat, nothing means anything. There’s a story. I don’t know why, but it’s there. There’s a story mode, too, and it consists of lots and lots of fights that you wish you were playing occasionally broken up by fights that you are playing. It’s hard to know when one will become the other,
Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
and it’s even harder to understand why you’re supposed to care. There might be a competent fighting game underneath the violence, but Mortal Kombat X knows that you’re only there for the show. The minds behind it know that if you spent $60, you’ll probably spend a few more to just see everything. And so the game offers you three skull chips. It doesn’t actually tell you what they’re for, but when you look at the character’s moveset, you see them next to the list of “Easy Fatalities.” On the other side is a simple button press. Rather than a series of movements you could easily mess up, you can get instant satisfaction. But once you’ve used the three freebies, poof. If you want more, you’ve got to cough up some dough—99 cents will get you 5, and for $5, you can get 30. Cool, right? No. Not really. It’s gaming cynicism at its finest. “You don’t want to put in the work?” the game says. “Fine. Pay for the privilege.” You can avoid it. You can go into the training mode and practice, though you don’t immediately have access to the second tier of fatalities (far more elaborate and brutal than their first-tier counterparts). You have to play the game to unlock those. It’s a cash grab. And for what? To experience the disgusting imagery that the good people at NetherRealm Studios came up with. Mortal Kombat X is the kind of game that keeps overly protective parents up at night, convinced it will turn their children into heartless killers. And it revels in the guaranteed controversy. It knows exactly what it is, and it shoves your face in it. But you don’t have to give in. If you want to see the show, you can just watch it on YouTube.
Morung Youth Express
25 april, 2015
Mrs Khrielieviü Mari O’Leary – an Obituary
n the 22nd April 2015, at 1.30 pm, Khrielieviü Mari O’Leary breathed her last in her home in Gurgaon. She leaves behind two daughters, four grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. To many of us, she was Anyie Viü or Azuo Viü. She was born on the 20th February. In some records her year of birth is 1927 and in others 1925; the family is using the latter date. Azuo grew up in Mission Compound, Kohima and attended the Mission school. Her parents were Rev. Pehielie Sekhose and Medono Sekhose. She was sister to Samuel Mezhür, Visatuoü Savino and Khrienguü Kire. Both Samuel and Visatuoü have gone before her. Azuo was a survivor of the Second World War which broke up their close-knit family life and ended in deep personal tragedy for her. After the war, she studied nursing at the Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and did a course in Obstetrics at Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi. In January 1956 she went to work in the Digboi Assam Oil Company Hospital. On the 15th February 1957, she married Patrick Kenneth O’Leary. After a few months, she gave up her job at the hospital and devoted herself to her home and family. In 1988, she and her husband came back to set-
tle in Nagaland in a house that they had lovingly built in Bayavü. In 1998, Azuo lost her husband of nearly 42 years when he died of cancer. Her last years were spent in Gurgaon with her daughter Marion Sircar and son-in-law, Ronojoy Sircar. She lived a quiet life in the DLF residential colony, where she would go out for regular walks. Death came peacefully in the afternoon of the 22nd April, without struggle or pain. In life, she was a generous hostess who opened her house to many guests, both Naga and non-Naga. They were treated to her culinary skills and hospitable ways. Azuo was a person whose spirit rejoiced in the beauty of the outdoors. In her house the flower vases were never empty; they often held a nosegay of wild flowers she had picked on a walk. In 2010, in spite of a broken thighbone, she came by wheelchair to attend the release of her book, MARI. There has been such an outpouring of love and sympathy over her death from people who say they got to know her through her book. One reader wrote, “Though I never met you in person, your spirit I do know and have loved.” Other readers wrote: “She will live on in our hearts and minds and many young Naga
men and women will meet “Mari” and her courage to keep her spirit alive despite the war raging around her and the personal tragedies that dotted her life.” “I grieve with her family who became mine.” “She is part of our lives.” For those of us who knew her well, her family and loved ones
(Source: IANS)
Valay Singh
were very dear to her. Even though far from home, Azuo longed to return to her beloved Nagaland. In death the family will be honouring her wishes as Azuo is being brought home to her final resting place beside her husband amongst the hills she loved so well. Easterine Kire
n Wednesday, overruling the recommendations of a parliamentary review committee, the Union cabinet gave its approval to proposed amendments to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act that will allow children between the ages of 16 and 18 who commit grave crimes to be tried as adults. The Bill is likely to be introduced before Parliament during the current session. Here are some things you should know about it. 1. If a 16-year-old boy, and a girl aged between 16 and 18 are in love and happen to express it through more than texts, calls and flowers, the boy could be booked under charges ranging from molestation to rape under the Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012. 2. After the 10th board exams, some friends organise a party, just like in the movies, with music, booze and some of those so-called happy drugs. The police decide to visit because of the loud music. All the teenagers at the party could be sent to an adult jail for seven years or more for violating the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. 3. If a bunch of boys get wild and get involved in a fight that result in blood and broken bones, an admonition from their parents or suspension from school won’t be the only consequences. The new Juvenile Justice Bill will seek put the boys in an adult jail for assault and causing injury. Depending on the severity of the fight, they could be in for 12 years.
4. If a student brings his father's weapon to school on a dare and gets found out, there's more than suspension waiting for him. He could do to an adult prison under the Arms Act. 5. Violating privacy, sending lewd messages, obscene photos, texts and videos are crimes covered under the Information Technology Act, and are punishable with imprisonment of up to two years. This is another route to an adult prison for those young people who engage in cyber bullying and harassment. 6. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill is being proposed as the one-stop solution to deterring juveniles from committing serious crimes. It proposes to send juvenile offenders (16-18 age group) to adult prisons when convicted of such crimes. However, studies, data and recent developments in other countries show clearly that sending children to adult prisons actually results in more crime and criminals. In the US, studies have shown that lowering the age at which a child can be tried as an adult is actually counter-productive. After all, adults prisons are nothing but crime schools for children. 7. India’s existing Juvenile Justice Act is being changed in the aftermath of the 2012 Delhi gangrape and murder case because the media reported endlessly the lie that the juvenile involved in the case was the "most brutal" even though the investigating officer of the case Anil Sharma insists that this was not so. Later in 2013, the Juvenile Justice Board also recorded that there was nothing in the statements of the victim or her friend that suggested that the juvenile was the most brutal.
6 easy yoga poses that'll solve your digestion troubles Aashmita Nayar
HuffPost India
or those chained to their desks for nine hours every day, diet is a major problem. Indigestion, leading to an uncomfortable bloated feeling, and acid reflux are pretty common and unfortunate side effects of eating at the desk and at all hours of the day. Yoga has a simple and natural cure for this. Bengaluru-based foundation The Art of Living, established by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1981 to provide natural cures for a holistic lifestyle, illustrated six moves that will not only relieve the discomfort, but will also give you an excellent 20-minute workout to blast belly fat. With International Yoga Day on June 21 a couple of months away, here's how you can incorporate these simple asanas into your daily life. Your stomach will thank you for it. 1. Pawanmuktasana
Excellent in releasing gas, this
pose shall massage the intestine and other abdominal organs to strengthen them. Exhale and while inhaling, lift your legs at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Bend your knees to press your thighs against the abdomen. Grasp your legs with hands, and rest your chin on the knees. 2. Trikonasana
This yoga asana also known as Camel Pose stretches and strengthens your abdominal organs. Additionally, it also relieve back pain, and overcome menstrual cramping. 4. Paschimottanasana
A fatigue-reducing move, this asana is also known as Cobra Pose - as it resembles a snake with its hood raised. It helps open the shoulders and neck and tones the abdomen, and is useful for people with respiratory disorders. Lie flat on the ground, with your forehead, stomach and toes (feet together) touching the floor, and palms downward. Breathe in, and lift your torso off the floor using your hands. On breathing out, return back to the floor. 6. Kapal Bhati Pranayama
Also known as the triangle pose, this move helps improves digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs. It also tones the belly and burns fat. 3. Ustrasana
The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day. www.facebook.com/groups/ thenagablog
The Fault-Lines And Plight Of The Nagas
Seven things about the new 'Pocket' sharks are world's rarest find Juvenile Justice Bill you should know E ver heard of a five-inch-long shark? That's a very rare species discovered recently -- and if you ever spotted one, you'd only be the third person to ever do so. The common name of this species is the "pocket shark", though its scientific name is Mollisquama sp, said a new study. While it is small enough to fit in your pocket, it's dubbed "pocket" because of the distinctive orifice behind its pectoral fin -- one of many physiological features scientists hope to better understand. "The pocket shark we found was only five-and-half inches long, and was a recently born male," said lead author Mark Grace from the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (NOAA), Mississippi. Grace noted that the shark had an unhealed umbilical scar. "The only other known specimen was found very far away, off Peru, 36 years ago," Grace said. Interestingly, the specimen Grace discovered wasn't found in the ocean, but in the holdings of NOAA's lab in Pascagoula. It was collected in the deep sea about 190 miles offshore Louisiana during a 2010 mission by the NOAA Ship Pisces to study sperm whale feeding.
An excellent hamstring stretch, this move will also tone your shoulders as well as massage your abdominal and pelvic organs. Stretch your feet straight out, keeping your toes flexed towards you. Breathe in, raise your arms and stretch up. On breathing out, bend from your hip joints and focus on moving towards the toes with your chin. Keep your back straight, place your This asana works wonders: hands on your legs and focus on not only does it improve your moving forward. blood circulation, it'll assist digestive tract functioning, ab5. Bhujangasana sorption and assimilation of nutrients, and also help you lose weight. According to Dr Sejal Shah, an Art of Living yoga teacher: “80 per cent of the toxins in our body are released through the outgoing breath. Regular practice of Kapal Bhati pranayama detoxifies all the systems in our body.
Salouno Zhaivei Kh The governing system of Nagas since time immemorial and Nagas lived as free man and independent. Nagas were never subjugated to any state or power until the British colonial rule. Even under the British, Nagas were never under the complete control of the British nor independent India. In my opinion, the history of Naga nation will always be reflected by the people and its tradition and not by the governing type of any government. However, Nagas in the quest for sovereignty has encountered many challenges within and without, which creates social imbalances and threatens to break the social fabric of the Nagas as one entity. The divisions based on region, tribes, economics and social disparities are larger and more alarming today than ever. The causative factors are complex and webbed down to the nadir. Dubious policy of the government of India Let us reflect the policy of Independent India then, now and foresee our future through its spectrum. The political leaders of the then Independent India were never keen and sincere to give a favourable solution to the Naga representatives and leaders after the British left India. Though they despised the colonial rule, they learnt and adopted the same policy of ‘divide and rule’ from the British and applied the same technique to the Nagas. They continued the ‘divide and rule’ policy to rule the Nagas by dividing the Nagas into four states within the Indian Union and ceded some part outside to the then Burma (Myanmar). To contain the Naga national Movement, the government of India (GOI) introduced militarization and consequently enforced the draconian act, AFSPA (1958). As long as AFSPA remains, militarization will continue. Money power was used and would be continued in an unabated way to entice and influence policy makers to further divide the people. Ceasefire agreement on the part of GOI is nothing but a farce – an agreement of convenience, a paper work and delay tactics to save manpower and material loss, to study and find a way to counter and wear out the spirit of revolution and provoke the patience of the common masses who are the victims of such vile policies. Impediments and irony within Our founding fathers who started the freedom struggle at the cost of their life would be lamenting for the thousands who gave their precious life and shed their blood for the one and only cause – the sovereignty of the Nagas. The predicament of the present situation - the uncertainty and disunity among the leaders, factional/groups clashes are enough to wipe out the very foundation of the Naga identity. The activities of those who claim to follow their great ideal and vision would have killed the very soul of the founding fathers and they would have died a thousand deaths. Precious lives are lost not in defense of Naga nationhood, but in factional killings. This brings out two glaring realities: one, the larger interest of the common goal of freedom is a forgotten history. Two, vested personal/factional interests weight above national cause. Who control which areas for tax benefits seems to be the main motives while the general public is wedge between the two-edge swords. We often hear of the insincerity of the government of India (GOI) on peace talks and honourable settlement of Naga political problem. I fully agree, GOI is insincere and lack commitment. But are we to accept our leaders are the torch bearers of sincerity and probity? Should we accept that Nagas are subjugated people by tradition and the common masses have no voice or rights to speak or know the outcome of the peace talks? Should we have no rights to have a fair contribution in the negotiating process? Why is it that the common masses are left at large and eminent and intellectuals do not play an important role in the negotiating process? Should the common masses accept that factional conflicts and killings of our own brethren as fighting against the enemies and they are the patriots, who fought and died for the cause of the nation? Should we accept that a divided house would bring peace, prosperity and a progressive society, state or country? Dictatorship and authoritarianism are not congenial when the general public live with the democratic system. Greed and clamour for positions and nepotism within the factions are the root cause of disunity and rise of rebellion. Factional conflicts are a sign of weakening principle and it does not in any way serve the larger Naga national movement. Tribalism comes to the fore with the growth of factions rooted to specific region and tribalism as it stands today are worsening with the meddling of different factions in every issue. From land disputes to noisy squabble in the street corners and neighbourhoods, wherever the national workers try to be the judge and the arbitrator, problems always arises whenever the judgment comes with a tint of self gratifying motives or favouritism towards their kin and tribesmen. More often than not, it is the illegal migrants and businessmen from outside who find succour from the so called, the guardian (at least that is what they called themselves) of the Naga nation and not the poor Naga common man. Remember how a young Naga youth was thrashed to death for a pair of sandals. They would be called angels if they do it with humanitarian reasons, but alas, our poor brethrens are overlooked just because they find the other human, as more resourceful and are an instant source to scoop a mouthful/handful (You know what I meant). These self-centered and self gratifying antics are the causal factors of mistrust and abhorrence by the common masses on the national workers, who otherwise command respect and love in the past decades. The most ironic part is the common public leaders and uncommon man amongst the common masses hobnobbing around the powerful few (mostly powerful by default, not merit) paying rich tributes and accolades to them despite all the venoms of hate for them deep within. For without their nefarious links; things don’t move in their favour in this present land. They smile and greet each other with flair, for they both know ‘a gun is mightier than a pen’ and ‘a rupee in hand is worth more than two for public welfare’. Most social leaders in the guise of carrying the plight of the masses on their shoulders are way too cowed down to highlight the real problems of the society, while being so brazenly brave to share the table and droppings of the few powerful masters. Their sheep’s clothing is growing too thick to live with the common herds. The masses are languishing and their presence rubs salt into the wounds of common man. The general masses are scared or are too fearful of losing the pittance they get from their leaders’ droppings that they dare not question them either. You may dub me as a cynic and a pessimist, some may even tag me an anti-national, and anti-Naga as it is the practice today. For many true patriotic Nagas are given the tag for their stand against injustice and for defending the basic rights of the common masses. I am an ordinary Naga citizen with the same patriotic blood and dreams of freedom. However, I would rather believe the real scenario unfolding before my eyes than forced to accept the imaginary and delusionary promises and contrived perception some few tries to thrust upon our heads. For I know, I am not alone and that majority of the educated people with genuine love for the Nagas share the same anguish. Should we continue to pretend and put all the blame on GOI, National workers, politicians and public leaders for all the ills that have befallen on us? When the self gratifying leaders with their well organized nexus are too busy filling up their coffers to point fingers at the masses, it does not bring us any absolutions of our crimes against the ignorant and innocent masses. The famous quote of Napoleon, “The world suffers a lot, Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people”, should be a reminder to all educated and concern Naga citizens, if we wish to see the light of freedom, equality, peace and prosperity. To this end, I bet the readers agree with my views in private, but still agree to disagree in public. For they also sense, ‘gun is mightier than pen’ and a rupee in hand is worth more than two for public welfare’. Courage; fellow concern citizens, courage; used in the right channel is the only hope that will save the future of our people. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Naga Blog.
Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
Saturday 25 April 2015
RS passes private member's bill on transgenders: A first in 45 yrs
neW Delhi, april 24 (ians): For the first time in 45 years, the Rajya Sabha on Friday unanimously passed a private member's bill to accord equal rights on transgenders. "It is a unanimous decision of the house... This is a rare thing," Deputy Chairman P.J. Kurien announced after the bill was passed by voice vote. The government, however, said it will bring an improved bill as DMK member Tiruchi Shiva's bill has some practical difficulties. The Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014, moved by Shiva, calls for equal rights and reservation to transgenders and envisages creation of a national commission and state level commissions for transgender communities. "We all have human rights, whatever our gender identity. The bill I have presented is for an act which will create an equal society as it recognises and protects transgender persons, in all spheres of life," Shiva said while moving the bill. "Different countries have taken steps, why not India?" he questioned. Talking to IANS later, the DMK member said: "Transgenders are as efficient as any one else. One transgender person asked me I pay my taxes, why don't I have the rights?"
Members of the transgender community celebrate the passage of a bill seeking equal rights for transgenders in the countryâ₏™s upper house, in Bhubaneswar on Friday, April 24. The bill, when it comes to force, is expected to bring strong legal provisions to prevent the abuse and violence towards transgender community members. (AP Photo)
"Imagine they have gender written as female in their I-cards, but they cannot enter women's compartment in trains," he said. In the Rajya Sabha, as Shiva pushed for putting the bill to vote, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Thawar Chand Gehlot said the government was in consultation with several departments to formulate a law for the
transgenders and urged him to withdraw the bill. "Emotionally, I agree with Shiva's bill, but there are some technical problems... There is some impracticality in the bill," he said. Shiva, however, remained adamant to put the bill to vote. While an initial voice vote led to the deputy chairman believing the votes were against the bill, Shiva
demanded a division for electronic voting. Leader of House Arun Jaitley intervened and said the house should be unanimous on such issues. "I don't think the house should be divided on this issue... This is one segment of society we all should be concerned with," Jaitley said. The finance minister said either Shiva should have faith in the social jus-
tice and empowerment minister and withdraw the bill, or the house should unanimously support the private member's bill. "My appeal to all sections would be come to a conclusion that should be a general consensus. The house should not be divided on this issue," he said. The bill was then put to vote and adopted unanimously through voice vote.
The Morung Express
Kejriwal apologizes, AAP reaches out to farmer's family Dausa/neW Delhi, april 24 (ians): Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said he erred by not stopping his speech at a party rally in the national capital where a Rajasthani farmer killed himself, even as he and the AAP reached out to the distraught family. The Wednesday suicide, which has pitted Kejriwal's government and Delhi Police against one another, sparked national outrage after Gajendra Singh dramatically hanged himself from a tree at an AAP rally against the land ordinance. Gajendra Singh's family demanded a CBI probe into the death. "We want a CBI probe... a fair probe. We have conveyed it to Rajasthan Health Minister Rajendra Singh Rathore," Gopal Singh, the victim's uncle, told IANS. Rathore visited Nangal Jhamarwara village and handed them a cheque of Rs.4 lakh on behalf of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The family demanded that Gajendra Singh's daughter Megha, a Class 12 student, be given admission to the Maharani College in Jaipur after she clears her board exam. And in a bid to dilute the attacks on the Aam Aadmi Party, Kejriwal telephoned Gajendra Singh's uncle and promised "best possible help" to the distraught family. Senior AAP leader Sanjay Singh meanwhile called on the grieving family a day after Gajendra Singh was cremated and handed a Rs.10 lakh cheque from the party. Emerging after meeting the family members at Dausa, Sanjay Singh told journalists that they demanded a "martyr's status" for Gajendra Singh and employment to a member of his family from the Delhi government. "I will convey these to Kejriwal. The matter will be considered most sympathetically by the Delhi government," Sanjay Singh said. It was the first meeting between AAP leaders and the victim's family who had over the preceding two days bitterly at-
tacked the party for not doing enough to save Gajendra Singh. Gajendra Singh hanged himself in front of some 4,000 people. He left behind what police first said was a suicide note but his family said the handwriting was not his. Delhi Police has accused AAP activists of instigating the farmer to commit suicide and of preventing the police from coming to his help. The AAP denied the charges, and instead accused Delhi Police of not acting quickly to save the man who was rushed to hospital by AAP activists. Delhi Police, which reports to the union home ministry, has also refused to join a magisterial inquiry ordered by the Delhi government. Kejriwal admitted that he should not have continued with his speech against the land ordinance after the incident but pointed out that he was to originally speak for an hour but spoke only for 1015 minutes. "I think that was my mistake. Probably I should not have spoken. If that has hurt anyone's sentiments, I would like to apologize," the AAP founder leader told ANI. "I am guilty. Blame me," he said. "But please focus on the real issue of the farmers and desist from politicking." Other political par ties still slammed him. BJP leader and Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar said: "An apology isn't enough. Can't make the farmer a spectacle, can't dramatize a suicide scene." Congress leader Anand Sharma said: "An apology is not enough. He (chief minister) did not do what he should have done." Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati said: "By apologizing, the farmer will not come back to life." Kejriwal insisted that the "real truth" behind the episode would be known only after an inquiry. "I don't think anybody present would have thought that a person would commit suicide. When (he was brought) down, he was still alive."
Three Mumbai cops Woman's brain tumour turns out to be 'evil twin' 4 get death penalty for april 24 (ians): probably taken out 7,000 or 8,000 brain tic in your case. And I'm like, could Kashmir gangrape, murder held for raping model Washington, An Indian computer science PhD stu- tumours," said Dr. Hrayr Shahinian at someone be educated about this?"
MuMBai, april 24 (tnn): Two assistant police inspectors and a police constable at the Saki Naka police station were arrested on Thursday for rape after a 29-yearold model complained to Mumbai police commissioner Rakesh Maria that the three cops had illegally kidnapped her, sexually molested her in a police chowky and extorted around Rs 5 lakh from her. After he got her complaint on Monday, Maria on Thursday directed the MIDC police to immediately register an FIR for illegal detention, molestation, rape and extortion against the three policemen and handed over the investigation to the crime branch. The three policemen have been identified as API Khatape, Suryavanshi and constable Kode. According to police, the model had, on April 3, gone along with her boyfriend to a joint which is within the jurisdiction of Saki Naka police station. "The three policemen have told us that they received wrong information regarding the model and hence brought her and her boyfriend to the Sangharsh Nagar chowky in Saki Naka and allegedly detained them," said deputy commissioner of police (crime) Dhananjay Kulkarni. The model has alleged that after she and her friend were detained for nearly three to four hours, the accused policemen allegedly threatened to arrest them in a case under the Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act (PITA) and asked her friend to get Rs 5 lakh if they wanted to avoid the case. The model also alleged that the accused policemen forced her to pay a fine of Rs 1,200 under the Bombay Police Act. The complainant has said that her friend in the middle of the night went to his residence and even withdrew cash from different ATMs and managed to get Rs 4.35 lakh. While the victim was alone in the custody, the accused policemen allegedly molested her and even forced her to take off her gold ring, chain, bangles and cash, totally worth Rs 80,000. After they paid the policemen, the couple were let off. "I have asked the crime branch to take over the investigation. As the victim has come forward with such serious allegations, we have on our own registered an FIR and started investigation," Maria said."
Indian family goes missing in Pakistan islaMaBaD/ChanDigarh, april 24 (ians): Pakistani authorities are trying to trace an Indian family, including two minor children, which went missing in Pakistan earlier this month. The government of India has taken up the matter with Pakistan, Punjab Police sources said on Friday. The family, which hailed from Sandhawala village in Faridkot district, 260 km from Chandigarh, had gone to Pakistani with a 'jatha' (group) of Sikh pilgrims for Baisakhi celebrations. While the rest of the 1,718 pilgrims returned, the Sikh family comprising Sunil Singh, 38, his wife Sunita, 27, and children Umer Singh, 10 and daughter Huma Kaur, 9, did not return. Members of the 'jatha' told police that the family was last seen at the Panja Sahib shrine near Rawalpindi on April 12. The jatha of pilgrims had left for Pakistan by train on April 11 and returned after a 10-day trip. It is the first incident of its kind in Pakistan, The Express Tribune newspaper of Pakistan reported. The Evacuee Trust Property Board in Pakistan - a government body responsible for arranging accommodation and security for Sikh pilgrims, confirmed that the family of four was missing, the newspaper said. The missing family, coming from a poor rural background, had gone as part of a group of 384 pilgrims who were taken to Pakistan by the Bhai Mardana Yaadgar Kirtan Darbar Society of Ferozepur. Society president Harpal Singh Bhullar said the passports, other documents and some belongings of the family were found in a room in Gurdwara Dehra Sahib in Pakistan.
dent from Hyderabad underwent brain surgery to find what she jokingly called her "evil twin sister who's been torturing me for the past 26 years." Doctors who performed brain surgery on Yamini Karanam, 26, in Los Angeles were shocked to find that instead of a tumour, she had an embryonic twin in her head, according to NBC. Karanam, who was studying at Indiana University, was unaware of what was happening in her head until she underwent a procedure designed to reach deep into the brain to extract the tumour. After waking up from the surgery, Karanam was surprised to learn of the "teratoma"-her embryonic twin, a rarity in modern medicine, complete with bone, hair and teeth. "This is my second one, and I've
the Skullbase Institute in Los Angeles, who performed the operation. It was only last September that Karanam realised something wasn't registering in her mind as she was experiencing trouble comprehending things she read. "Problems with reading comprehension, listening comprehension. If a couple people were talking in a room, I wouldn't understand what was happening," she was quoted as saying. What became more frustrating for Karanam was that her doctors would contradict each other regarding the source of the problem, NBC said. "The neurologist would say the neurosurgeon is not being practical in your case," Karanam said. "And the neurosurgeon would say the neurologist is not being optimis-
Her own research led her to Shahinian who has developed a minimallyinvasive way of reaching deep into the brain to extract tumours. "Unlike traditional brain surgery where you open the skull and use metal retractors and you bring a microscope to see in the depths of the brain, what we're doing is keyhole surgery," he was quoted as saying. The method uses fibre-optic technology with digital imagery. A half-inch incision into the brain allows for an endoscope to reach in and slowly and very delicately chisel away at the tumour. Shahinian said before he invented his technique, the only option to remove this type of tumour would have been surgery that included removing half of the skull.
srinagar, april 24 (ians): A trial court in the Kupwara border district of Jammu and Kashmir on Friday sentenced four people to death in a 2007 gang rape and murder of a 13 year-old girl. Principal District and Sessions Judge Kupwara, Muhammad Ibrahim Wani, announced the sentence on Friday. He pronounced all the four accused as guilty, awarding them death penalty. On July 20, 2007, Tabinda Gani, of Batpora Langate, was found dead in an orchard in Kupwara. The body of Tabinda, a class eight student, was found with her throat slit. Medical reports confirmed that the girl had been raped before being murdered. The four convicts are Sadiq Mir and Azhar Mir of Langate Kupwara and two non-locals, Jehangir Ansari of West Bengal and Suresh Kumar of Rajasthan. The family of the victim and the civil society hailed the court verdict. The incident had rocked Kashmir with large scale protests demanding severe punishment for the culprits.
Hit by beef ban, Indian butchers eye Jersey cows MuMBai, april 24 (reuters): Battling a beef ban that has threatened their livelihoods, Muslim traders in India are seeking permission to slaughter foreign-origin Jersey cows they think will not be as sacred to the country's majority Hindus as locally bred cattle. Several states led by the BJP have either brought new laws to ban beef or tightened curbs on killing cattle. India is the world's largest beef exporter and fifth biggest consumer, with the trade dominated by the minority Muslim community who have protested against the latest restrictions with little success. The All India Milli Council, a platform for Muslims in the country, now says it supports the beef ban but would like the government to find them alternatives. They hope Jerseys, a dairy cow originally bred in the Channel Island of Jersey, could be an option. "We demand the government to allow us kill Jersey cows, which are of foreign origin and religious sentiments are not attached to them," said M.A. Khalid, general secretary of the council's unit in Ma-
harashtra. Maharashtra is home to India's largest abattoir, Deonar, and the state in February extended a ban on killing of cows to bulls and bullocks. On Friday, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis shot down the idea of allowing the killing of Jersey cows. "There are no exceptions," he told Reuters. Since the ban in Maharashtra, slaughtering of big cattle in Deonar has nearly halved to 200-250 animals, mostly buffalo. Several workers have been left jobless and Fadnavis said his government was considering a rehabilitation plan for the worst affected Qureshi community. He gave no details. Hindu groups, meanwhile, are working on the wellbeing of cattle that are likely to be stranded due to the beef ban. Vyankatesh Abdeo, All India Secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, said they would protect any breed of cow and increase the number of cow shelters in the state by eight times to 5,000 this year. "Every cow is sacred to us regardless of its breed," Workers walk through a shed past empty meat hooks during a strike against a ban on the slaughter of bulls and bullocks at an abattoir in Mumbai March 23, 2015. Abdeo said. (REUTERS Photo)
India slips on World Happiness Index: UN report Washington, april 24 (ians): Indians are fast losing on the happiness front, says the UN World Happiness Report 2015, adding that the country has significantly lost six places in the well-being rankings of 158 countries since the last report that was released two years ago. India is placed at 117th position with a score of 4.565 on scale of zero to 10. In 2013, the country was ranked 111th with a score of 4.772. For other South Asian countries, Pakistan has maintained its position at 81 with a score of 5.194 out of 10 while Bangladesh is at 109th spot with a score of 4.694. Nepal grabbed 121st position with a score of 4.514 while Sri Lanka is at 132nd spot in the rankings that is led by Switzerland and followed by Iceland and Denmark to fill the top three positions.
"As the science of happiness advances, we are getting to the heart of what factors define quality of life for citizens. We are encouraged that more and more governments around the world are responding with policies that put well-being first," explained lead author professor John F Helliwell from the University of British Columbia and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. "Countries with strong social and institutional capital not only support greater well-being, but are more resilient to social and economic crises," he added. On a scale running from 0 to 10, people in over 150 countries, surveyed by Gallup over the period 2012-15, reveal an average score of 5.1 (out of 10). Six key variables explain three-quarters of the variation in annual national average scores
over time and among countries. They are real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices, freedom from corruption and generosity. "This year, for the first time
ever, the report breaks down the data by gender, age and region and finds striking differences, some much larger than have previously been found," the authors noted. The first World Happiness Report, released in 2012 ahead of the UN high-level meeting on Happiness and Well-being, drew international attention as a landmark first survey of the state of global happiness. The latest report digs even deeper into the data looking at country trends since the first report, regional indicators, factors in gender and age and the importance of investing in social capital. "It demonstrates that wellbeing and happiness are critical indicators of a nation's economic and social development and should be a key aim of policy," Helliwell emphasised.
The report gives evidence on how to achieve societal well-being. It is not by money alone but also by fairness, honesty, trust and good health. "The evidence here will be useful to all countries as they pursue the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," the team pointed out. "As we consider the value of happiness in this report, we must invest early on in the lives of our children so that they grow to become independent, productive and happy adults, contributing both socially and economically," the authors concluded. The report also demonstrates that a key national challenge is to ensure that policies are designed and delivered in ways that enrich the social fabric, and teach the power of empathy to current and future generations.
the Morung express
Saturday 25 April 2015
‘For asylum seekers, a novel (and odd) solution’ Todd Pitman Associated Press
till haunted by the Vietnam War next door and the 1970s genocide that followed, Cambodia is not exactly the place that the world’s refugees dream of reaching. Plagued by poverty, corruption and human rights abuses, it has been run by a strongman prime minister who has held power for 30 years. It’s a nation where medical care outside main cities is nonexistent, where decent jobs are so scarce that more than 800,000 of its own people have left to find work abroad. Yet when it comes to 700 asylum seekers detained on the remote Pacific Island nation of Nauru, Australia is hard-selling Cambodia as something unexpected: their new promised land of opportunity. In a video message aired this week to asylum seekers on Nauru, Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton — whose nation has said it will never take the migrants — touted Cambodia as “a fast-paced and vibrant country with a stable economy and varied employment opportunities ... a diverse nation with a blend of many nationalities, cultures and religions.” “An opportunity for a new life is now before you,”
In this January 28, 1974 file photo, Cambodians flee Khmer Rouge insurgents during artillery shelling of Phnom Penh. Still haunted by the Vietnam War next door and the 1970s genocide, the Southeast Asian country is not exactly the place that the world’s refugees dream of reaching. Plagued by poverty, corruption and human rights abuses, it has been run by a strongman prime minister who has held power for 30 years. It’s a nation where medical care outside main cities is nonexistent, where decent jobs are so scarce that more than 800,000 of its own people have left to find work abroad. (AP File Photo)
Dutton said. “While it’s not Australia, Cambodia offers you safety, security and opportunity.” Two recent shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea that killed as many as 1,300 people have thrown a new spotlight on the global movement of asylum seekers and migrants seeking a better life, and the struggle by other, often wealthier nations to push them back.
The 700 asylum seekers on Nauru, many from as far away as Iran, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, have been stuck there since 2013. Australia funds a detention center there similar to another on Papua New Guinea that temporarily houses intercepted migrants who attempted dangerous journeys across the open sea. In a bid to settle their fates, Australia offered
Cambodia US$31 million to take the refugees in deal agreed last year. Critics say the country is extraordinarily ill-equipped to host refugees, and they accuse Australia of exploiting poorer nations in a bid to rid itself of unwanted migrants. “Australia is basically paying blood money to a much poorer, less developed state with a shoddy record of refugee protec-
tion to take people that Canberra doesn’t want,” said Phil Robertson, deputy director for Asia at Human Rights Watch. “When they get there, the refugees will find huge hurdles to integrate, jobs that are few and far between, and a resentful local population wondering why this group should get a time-limited year of Australian assistance when
ordinary Cambodians do not,” Robertson said. Hundreds of thousands of people fled Cambodia in the 1970s, when the country was bombed by American forces during the Vietnam War, then ruled by the fanatical Khmer Rouge, an ultra-communist movement that oversaw the death of about 2 million people before being ousted by Vietnamese forces. Australia says it is a generous supporter of refugees and is working hard to find durable solutions to the crisis. In a letter to his country’s Parliament last year, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen defended his government’s decision to take in those on Nauru, calling it a “humanitarian” gesture. He said Cambodia is already home to refugees — just 85 to be exact — from countries including Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Congo and Somalia. Son Chhay, a Cambodian lawmaker, said Hun Sen’s humanitarian claim was disingenuous. He cited the fact that Cambodia has deported Vietnamese and Chinese minorities over the last decade, and questioned why it would now take in “unwanted refugees from Australia” instead. In March, Cambodian police hunted down 42 Montagnard asylum seekers from Vietnam and forced them home, Robert-
son said. The Montagnard are an ethnic minority; many of them sided with the U.S. during the Vietnam War and attend Protestant churches not recognized by the government. So far, Cambodia says only one person on Nauru has taken up the resettlement offer — an ethnic Rohingya Muslim from Myanmar, two countries away. Kem Sarin, who heads the refugee office at Cambodia’s Interior Ministry, said the case was under review and there is no word on when the man might arrive in Phnom Penh. Dutton told Sky News television on Tuesday that “ringleaders” among the Nauru refugees “have been telling their fellow travelers there not to accept the deal and they are being spurred on by refugee advocates in Australia.” Such actions, he says, are “prolonging the difficulties for these people” because it is futile for them to hold onto hope of ever reaching Australia. An Australian fact sheet endorsing Cambodia was distributed on Nauru this month. It promised free health insurance and cash, and described Cambodia as a place where people “enjoy all the freedoms of a democratic society, including freedom of religion and freedom of speech.” The handout fails to mention that Cambodia’s government has a history
of brutally cracking down on dissent, most recently against opponents who accused the ruling party of rigging 2013 elections. It also appears at odds with Australia’s own travel advisory for Cambodia, which warns of the potential for violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators, says robberies occur frequently and cautions that medical care “may be limited or nonexistent” in some places while infectious diseases like dengue fever and typhoid are common. “The reality is that refugees under Australia’s care who are sent to Cambodia are likely in the long term to lead lives of danger, destitution and despair on the margins,” said David Manne, a human rights lawyer who is executive director of Australia’s Refugee and Immigration Legal Center. Cambodia, he said, “can barely look after the needs and safety of its own population, let alone those of refugees.” Theary Seng, a Phnom Penh-based lawyer, expressed similar sentiments. When it comes to statistics for human development, corruption, education, social welfare and security, “Cambodia ranks at the very bottom tier,” she said. “These refugees,” she said, “will be dumped into a sea of human-rights abuses.”
‘Greater appetite’ now for Security Council reform To prevent radicalisation of youth, United nations, april 24 (ians): UN General Assembly President Sam Kahamba Kutesa says there is “greater appetite” among member nations for reforming the Security Council, a process in which India is heavily invested, and he expects a breakthrough in the decade-long stalemate by the end of the Assembly’s current session. Speaking to reporters Thursday, he said the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN), as the process for reforms is known, has made significant progress towards producing a negotiating document, which has been the main stumbling block on the way to reforms. He said that responses have come in for a framework document that was circulated by Jamaican Ambassador Courtenay Rattray, the IGN chair, in March and they are being collated. He will “present it back to the members to show them this is what they submitted.” Kutesa said. “And it is after that we will come out with a text which can then be the basis for negotiations. “ Kutesa, who kick-start-
ed the reform efforts by appointing Rattray as the IGN chair, is personally pushing the current round of the initiative that began at the world leaders’ summit in 2005 but has been mired by some countries blocking a negotiating text to be the basis of discussions on reforms. “I see greater appetite for people to want to come up with text with which they can begin to negotiate,” Kutesa said. “And the idea that they should first have consensus on one document, I think, has sort of slipped away. They are saying if there was consensus what is there to negotiate. So they are going ahead.” Some countries, notably a group known as Uniting for Consensus that is led by Italy and includes Pakistan, had stalled the reform process by insisting that there has to be a consensus before a negotiating document is produced. “With regard to the appetite for reform, I have seen it is palpable,” Kutesa said. “In the first meeting (on reforms) there were about 80 contributions from member states, and over 60 were talking about
Extra sleep may help restore memory Washington, april 24 (ians): An extra three to four hours of sleep daily over as little as two days has been found to restore memories in fruit flies with Alzheimer’slike condition. The findings have implications for humans as according to the researchers brain mechanisms that control sleep in fruit flies are similar to those seen in people. Studying three groups of flies, the scientists interfered with their ability to remember by disabling a different critical memory gene in each group. In one group, the disabled gene led the flies to develop a condition with similarities to Alzheimer’s disease. In another group, the disabled gene made it difficult for fly brain cells to reinforce new connections that encode memories. In the third group, the disrupted gene left the flies with too many of these connections. “Our data showed that extra sleep can handle any of these problems,” said senior author Paul Shaw, associate professor of neurobiology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “It has to be the right kind of sleep, and we are not sure how to induce this kind of slumber in the human brain yet, but our research suggests that if we can learn how, it could have significant therapeutic potential,” Shaw pointed out. As part of the new study, the scientists restored memory in each group of flies by using one of three techniques to increase sleep. They stimulated a cluster of key brain cells, boosted the production of a protein linked to sleep or gave the flies a drug that mimicked the activity of an important chemical messenger. Regardless of the technique used to increase sleep, the added slumber -- an extra three to four hours of sleep daily over as little as two days -- restored the flies’ ability to make memories. Sleep helps the brain reinforce connections between brain cells that encode important memories and cut back connections that encode useless information, the researchers said.
having a negotiating text.” India is considered a front-runner for a permanent seat if the Security Council is expanded. Kutesa said that since the UN was formed 70 years ago in the aftermath of World War II here have been momentous changes, with UN membership growing from 51 to 193. “Democratising the Council and (ensuring) representation by different regions, I think, is important.,” he said. “And it would help us achieve the objectives why the Security Council was set up, which is largely to largely to maintain peace and security in the world.” After an IGN meeting in late March, Rattray circulated the framework document, which is in the form of a five-point questionnaire. It asks for members’ opinions on various scenarios like expanding permanent membership of the Council and adding more non-permanent members and/or other categories of members. It also seeks their opinion on regional representation, the veto powers now wielded by the five permanent members, the working of the
Council and its relationship to the General Assembly. Rattray has set out a threephase program that Kutesa has endorsed. The first phase of getting reactions to the framework document, which has ended, is to be followed by a week-long “dialogue sessions” avoiding an “adversarial” attitude. The third phase is the creation of a text that will be “concise, workable and represent a solid foundation for negotiations.” At the closed meeting of the IGN in March, Pakistan and China vehemently opposed Rattray’s efforts to move towards text-based document according to sources familiar with the proceedings. But a broad spectrum of nations as diverse as Security Council permanent members United States, Britain and France and the 42-member proreform group known as L69 said they would go along with the process leading to text-based negotiations. The 52-member Small Island Developing States group that includes Singapore and the 15-member Caribbean Community, CARICOM, also backed Rattray, the sources said.
stop ‘hate speech’ on social media
United nations, april 24 (ians): To stop youth from turning to violent radicalism, nations should ensure that social media did not promote hate speech, India has told the Security Council. Participating in a Security Council debate Thursday on the “Role of Youth in Countering Violent Extremism,” Deputy Permanent Representative Bhagwant Singh Bishnoi said religious fanaticism fueled the flames of violent extremism that consumed youth. It was the responsibility of nations to counter terrorism, he said,
stressing the role education in steering youth away from violent extremism. Education should promote tolerance, he said citing the example of Indian textbooks that reflected the nation’s rich diversity. Symbolically, the session devoted to youth was presided over by 20-year-old Crown Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II of Jordan, who is the youngest person ever to lead a Council session. “Swift measures should be taken to stop feeding the fires of terrorism with the blood of our youth, who are the primary target of recruitment, both voluntary and forced,
by armies and extremist terrorist groups,” he said. Young people had to be provided tools to address their generation through the communications technologies that were now being used to lure them to extremism, Abdullah said. This could enable them to form intellectual networks and alliances that could lead the youth’s public opinion to adopt values of coexistence, respect for diversity and rejection of violence. “Over and over, we see young people bearing the brunt of violent extremism,” Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said.
American, Italian hostages killed in US drone strikes Washington, april 24 (ap): President Barack Obama revealed Thursday that U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan inadvertently killed an American and an Italian, two hostages held by al-Qaida, as well as two other Americans who had leadership roles with the terror network. Obama somberly said he took full responsibility for the January CIA strikes and regretted the deaths of hostages Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto, an Italian aid worker. The president cast the incident as a tragic consequence of the special difficulties of the fight against terrorists. The incident is likely to spark fresh scrutiny of Obama’s frequent use of drones to target terrorists and his pledge to strike only when there is “near certainty” that no civilians will be harmed.
Weinstein, who was captured as he neared the end of a contract assignment with the U.S. Agency for International Development, and Lo Porto were killed during a drone strike against an al-Qaida compound in Pakistan, near the Afghan border. U.S. officials said the compound was targeted because intelligence showed it was frequented by al-Qaida leaders. That same intelligence offered no indication the hostages were there, the officials said. Ahmed Farouq, a dual U.S.-Pakistani national who was an al-Qaida operations leader in Pakistan, was killed in the strike, along with a small number of members of the terror organization, the officials said. Adam Gadahn, an American who served as an al-Qaida spokesman, was killed in a separate strike on a second compound.
Malaria vaccine is a letdown but it could still reduce cases Maria Cheng AP Medical Writer
he world’s leading malaria vaccine candidate appears to be a disappointment, with final study results showing it doesn’t work very well and that initial protection fades over time. Despite the dismal results — it protects about one-third of children vaccinated — developers are moving ahead to get it approved because it could still help protect some children from getting the mosquito-spread disease. GlaxoSmithKline has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the vaccine, which is likely to be the world’s first licensed shot for malaria. A decision from the European Medicines Agency is expected later this year. The World Health Organization had previously set a target of 2015 for having a malaria vaccine that was at least 50 percent effective with protection lasting longer than a year. According to a study published Friday in the journal The Lancet, those goals have been missed with the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine, though scientists say the shot isn’t a complete waste.
“Everyone accepts that this is not the perfect or the last malaria vaccine,” said Brian Greenwood of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the study’s lead author. “It’s not good enough to stop transmission but it will cut the huge burden of disease.” He noted there are about 200 million cases of malaria every year, with many children infected multiple times. “Preventing some of those attacks is not insignificant,” he said. The vaccine study involved about 15,500 babies and toddlers in Africa; one group got three doses; a second group also got a booster shot and a third group got dummy shots. All of the children used a mosquito bed net and they were followed for up to four years. Overall, the vaccine was about 30 percent effective in those who got three doses and a booster shot but the protection waned over time. It worked a little better — about 36 percent — in those 5 months to 17 months. But it was only 26 percent effective in babies and vaccination made no difference in the rates of severe malaria or deaths. More commonly used vaccines, like those for measles and
polio, work more than 90 percent of the time. Researchers reported side effects including pain, fever and convulsions. There were also 22 cases of meningitis in babies and toddlers who were immunized compared to one case in the group that didn’t, but the researchers couldn’t explain why. Greenwood said the vaccine would likely be made available at cost and that major funders have already expressed interest in paying for immunization campaigns. Other experimental malaria vaccines are being developed but are at least several years behind. WHO estimates malaria killed more than 580,000 people in 2013, mostly children in Africa under age 5. Officials mostly try to slow the mosquito-spread disease using bed nets, insecticide spraying, and giving out malaria medications to entire villages in areas with high levels of the disease. “This vaccine could mean children will have only two bouts of malaria a year instead of five,” said Dr. Martin De Smet, a malaria expert at Doctors Without Borders, who was not connected to the study. He said convincing parents to get their children vaccinated sev-
In this Oct. 30, 2009 file photo, a mother holds her baby as she receives a new malaria vaccine as part of a trial at the Walter Reed Project Research Center in Kombewa in Western Kenya. (AP File Photo)
eral times might be a tough sell. “They know their child will probably get some malaria despite the vaccination, so how enthusiastic are they going to be?” Adrian Hill of Oxford University, who is working on a rival malaria vaccine, said it was worrying that children who got three doses in the study but no booster, appeared to be more vulnerable to malaria afterward. “The vaccine stops them from building up natural immunity to malaria, so then when the protec-
tion wears off, they may be more susceptible,” he said. He agreed the vaccine would likely be useful in certain situations and said some other scientists, including his own team, are adding other components to the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine, known as RTS,S, to improve its potency. WHO said it expects to make a recommendation about the vaccine in October if the European Medicines Agency has issued its assessment by then.
Saturday 25 April 2015
1st Along Memorial Trophy
DImAPuR, APRIL 24 (mExN): Jonathan Rongsen Longkumer led ISAH XI to a 9 wicket over Flamingoz in the final of the 1st Along Memorial T20 Running Trophy 2015 at the NCA Ground on April 21. Jonathan picked 2 wickets while bowling and then went on to score a matchwinning knock of 61 runs in the run chase. He was awarded the man of the fiBest Disciplined Team Best Wicketkeeper Best Batsman Best Bowler Man of the tournament
nal for his effort. Flamingoz, winning the toss, had elected to bat and were restricted to 84 runs. Tejosel Yeithun top scored for Flamingoz with 32 runs. ISAH XI easily chased down the target losing a single wicket. The champions, ISAH XI, pocketed a sum of Rs 50,000 along with trophy and citation while Flamingoz walked away with Rs 25,000
and a runners-up trophy. The organisers have acknowledged the family of Late Along Longkumer for sponsoring the tournament. The organisers have also acknowledged the participation of Jonathan Rongsen Longkumer, a current player of Indian Railways, and stated that his participation has been a great inspiration for the youngsters.
: Dimapur Royals : Rahul, Bluestar : Jonathan R Longkumer, ISAH : Along Pongen, ISAH (10 wickets) : Jonathan R Longkumer, ISAH (213 runs & 2 wickets)
Chelsea to tour Australia for first time in 50 yrs
SyDNEy, APRIL 24 (IANS): English football club Chelsea will tour Australia for the first time in 50 years after reportedly agreeing to play Sydney FC in June. ThePremierLeagueleaders are expected to play the ALeague team in a friendly on June 2 at the 83,000-capacity Stadium Australia here, reports Xinhua. The post-season match would take place just four days after fellow Premier League club Tottenham meets Sydney FC at the same venue, adding to an already congested schedule of European giants
touring Australia. Liverpool and Villareal will also play friendlies against local clubs in the fortnight after the European season conclude. Real Madrid, AS Roma and Manchester City will commence their pre-season in July at the International Champions Cup at the 100,000-capacity Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). A deal with Chelsea executives had been agreed to in principle but would not be confirmed until at least next week. The match will be the last commitment for the Premier League players before the
team breaks for the offseason and international matches including the Euro 2016. Chelsea currently hold a commanding lead in Premier League while Sydney FC remain in the hunt for a third A-League title in second place on the A-League ladder ahead of the finals series beginning next week. If the London club are crowned champions, they will be the second Premier League champions in three years to visit Sydney as title-holders after Manchester United met an A-League all-stars team in 2012.
The Morung Express
sevilla, Fiorentina, dnipro, Napoli make europa semis
KIEV, APRIL 24 (AP): Substitute Kevin Gameiro scored late to give titleholder Sevilla a 2-2 draw at Zenit St. Petersburg for a place in the Europa League semifinals on Thursday. Napoli advanced by easing past Wolfsburg 6-3 on aggregate after a 2-2 draw at home; Fiorentina beat 10man Dynamo Kiev 2-0 to advance; and Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk ended Brugge's 15-match unbeaten run with a 1-0 win that was enough for the Ukrainian team to make its first semifinal in the competition. Brugge was the only unbeaten side left in the competition, with 11 wins and four draws since entering the competition in the third qualifying round. The Belgian team set a competition record by going 11 games unbeaten from the start of the group stage. But substitute Yevhen Shakhov cut inside and scored with a deflected shot in the 82nd minute to end Brugge's hopes following a 0-0 draw in Belgium. The draw for the semifinals is on Friday. In St. Petersburg, Carlos Bacca converted a sixthminute penalty for Sevilla,
after Luis Neto brought down Vitolo. Danny hit Sevilla's post before the Russian side equalized in the 48th. Goalkeeper Beto fumbled a cross from Oleg Shatov, and Jose Rondon tapped the ball home from close range. Zenit stepped up the pressure and dominated until Hulk fired a spectacular 40-meter(-yard) shot as Beto stood off the line, with the ball hitting the underside of the crossbar and bouncing over the line. That leveled the tie 3-3 on aggregate. Zenit looked closer to overall victory but, in the 85th, Vitolo used a quick counterattack to pass to Gameiro, who slotted into the far corner from just inside the penalty area. In Florence, Mario Gomez scored in the first half and substitute Juan Manuel Vargas sealed Fiorentina's win deep into stoppage time. The Italian team progressed 3-1 on aggregate as Kiev's Jeremain Lens was sent off in the 40th for a second yellow card for diving. Gomez knocked in the first goal three minutes later. Napoli, already holding a 4-1 lead from the away
Fiorentina’s Mario Gomez celebrates after scoring during an Europa League Quarterfinal, second leg soccer match between Fiorentina and Dynamo Kyiv at the Artemio Franchi stadium in Florence, Italy, Thursday, April 23. (AP Photo)
leg in Wolfsburg, went up 2-0 before the German side struck back with two goals in quick succession to level. Jose Callejon opened the scoring soon after halftime when he fired from just outside the area, The
shot took a deflection off Ricardo Rodriguez and left goalkeeper Diego Benaglio helpless. Gonzalo Higuain set up the second in the 65th, and Dries Mertens used his pass to shoot on the target.
Benaglio parried with his leg, but Mertens followed through to put it in the back of the net from close range. Wolfsburg pulled level on headers from Timm Klose in the 71st and Ivan Perisic in the 73rd.
I'm best man to lead Liverpool, says Rodgers Champions League: Barca to meet
LONDON, APRIL 24 (REuTERS): Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers has dismissed speculation about his job by saying he is the best man to lead the club and that he expects to be in charge next season. The Northern Irishman came out fighting on Thursday after defeat by Aston Villa in Sunday's FA Cup semi-final ensured he became the first Liverpool manager since the 1950s not to win silverware in his first three seasons in charge. The club are currently out of the Champions League qualification places
and have developed a reputation for stumbling on the big occasion. Rodgers has also come in for criticism for last season's recruitment policy that saw several players arrive in the wake of striker Luis Suarez's departure to Barcelona. He does not feel, however, that his job is under any immediate threat. "Do I expect to be manager next season? Very much so, yes. I don't think there's anyone better," Rodgers told reporters. "That's the reality of how I see it. Three months ago I was a tactical
genius, performing to a good level. "We lost a couple of games, some important games, and now you're not so good. But that is football, that's what will happen, people will speculate." Outgoing Borussia Dortmund manager Juergen Klopp, who announced last week that he was quitting the German club at the end of the season, has been linked by British media with a move to Anfield. "There will always be people linked with this job because it's such a great club," Rodgers added.
"In my time alone there have been lots of names mentioned. This is a club that's worldwide so there's absolutely no problem, it's something that happens all the time if you lose a couple of games. "We've had former managers linked here with the job before and that will continue for however long I'm here -- whether you're doing good, bad or indifferent." Liverpool, who are fifth in the Premier League and seven points behind fourth-placed Manchester City, visit West Bromwich Albion on Saturday.
Intensity of IPL leaves me more stretched out: Kirsten
NEw DELhI, APRIL 24 (IANS): He may have coached India to the World Cup title four years back outsmarting several great opponents, but Gary Kirsten feels the intensity of the Indian Premier League leaves him more stretched out, though he enjoys the "fantastic" tournament. "It (IPL) is intense. I was with the Indian team. Zaheer Khan and Yuvraj Singh, who had seen me as coach of the Indian team,
said they have never seen me so stretched out. I think it's the competition that does it to you. But it's fantastic Event and there is great intensity throughout," said the Delhi Daredevils coach and former South African batsman. Having brought in spinner Shahbaz Nadim instead of batsman Manoj Tiwary in the playing eleven as they defeated the Mumbai Indians at home, Kirsten said in t20 cricket striking the right
balance and team combination was a 50-50 affair. "It is always a 50-50 call. You can either strengthen your batting or bowling. You know you may probably find that six batters with a power hitter at seven might be enough. But in t20 it is 50-50. "So you can try take the decision which is best for the team and best in the playing conditions against a certain opposition. We did what we need to do right today, which was
important," Kirsten said. He said the Daredevils did well in all the departments of the game on way to the 37-run win. "We played well. We had a good outing today, with bat and ball. We got all the components of our game together, which we have wanting to do for a while." Asked to mention one factor which has changed the DD's fortunes this year, Kirsten said, "I think the problem we had last year, is probably we
did not have enough depth in our bowling." "I think you need good backup. It gives you a variety of options and combinations that you can go for. So in our recruitment this year we made sure we had some quality leg spinner in our team, and some good spinners," he added. "Unfortunately we lost (Mohammed) Shami to injury. But we just hope we try and maintain the form we have displayed so far," Kirsten said.
public discourse
Love your land, love your people, dear leaders
t compels me to jot down a few words and share some thoughts on the present condition of our land that has gone wrong everywhere. Everything around us is in total chaos and division only .Be it in our government, in our national movement, in our civil organisations, in our student bodies, in our churches, in our communities, in our work places and even in our homes. None seems to be least bothered about what’s happening today and where we are heading to. Everybody seems to be more concerned about only buying latest luxurious cars, building big mansions, owning expensive
mobile sets or accessories and earning the easy way to get only some momentary pleasures. But none seems to be bothered about what’s really going to happen in our land tomorrow and our future generations. I wonder about this and feel very sad on what’s going to happen to me tomorrow and my children with total chaos and disorder all around. The ones who boldly stand and speak out against these wrongs and injustice are now termed as law-breakers, rebels or trouble makers. But worry not, my dear brothers! In every part of the history and world it was the righteous and the courageous people who work for a better tomorrow who
were trampled and trodden. They are made to face the consequences just because they spoke for their land they care and love. The recent initiatives taken up by our brave young minds like ACAUT and Survival Nagaland should be appreciated by everyone if he or she thinks they are real Naga. These people have come to the fore-front sacrificing their time, energy, earnings and everything just because they care for our land and its people. Just because some want to remain in our comfort zones they cannot accuse others for everything or anything. Even Jesus was crucified a week later by the same crowd that cheered and welcomed him a
week before in Jerusalem. Instead of lending our support and solidarity we are like those Jews and Pharisees who stoned the prophets just because they gave their all. But remember, God is going to judge everyone of us irrespective of the chair and status we enjoy today. Some of our leaders keep on saying so many good things for our land but their action seems just the opposite .Please love your people and your land, it is the only one we have. Or else it is going to be in some other illegal aliens’ hands and that day is not very far away. And you are going to be responsible for it if you don’t love your land and people. Jeh Wotsa, Dimapur
Public debate needed on Zubza Railway Line
he proposed Zubza Railway connectivity seems to be of much joyous heralding for our gullible Nagas, as such an occasion seems to be a very positive sign of progress and development for our land and people. But together with all this, have we ever given a thought about the dangers and the harsh reality that is about to come with the proposed railway line which was delayed is now again going to pick up in a short while? The issue of the illegal immigrants, especially of the Bangladeshi origin, is of some serious
thing to really ponder upon by all Nagas irrespective of our backgrounds. Many will be thinking of only land compensation and reimbursement but what they fail to give a thought is about our Naga race being swallowed by the immigrant population within a decade or so. The money compensated and reimbursed to you will be gone forever after some few months but your land will be gone forever .And what about your children and grandchildren’s future? We have seen some of our neighbouring states being over-shadowed by the migrant population where their lo-
cal people have become a minority in their own homeland. Ours isn’t going to be any different if we Nagas do not change our complacent attitude and doesn’t bother for tomorrow’s reality. Railway travel sounds a better option than taxi ride across our mountainous back breaking journey on pot-holed roads which is much cheaper but here again many of our local Naga taxi drivers will be left unemployed again. It is come to known that to embark for a railway journey to Kohima from Dimapur,one has to go up to Dhansiripar again which is full one complete round journey
which itself is much harrowing. With our state government’s lackadaisical regarding the ILP issue, even when it is in force, the implementation has been a complete failure. With the introduction of railway line up to Zubza, the Nagas only have to prepare for the worst. Nagas need to think properly before any serious conclusion is arrived. With our apex bodies and concerned authorities thinking only about today’s bread ,our children’s dreams and hopes are going to be dashed very cruelly,yes very cruelly. Kuholi Chishi, Churches colony, Dimapur.
Bayern, Juve gets Real in semis
NyON, APRIL 24 (AP): Barcelona will play Bayern Munich in the Champions League semifinals, pairing coach Pep Guardiola's past and current teams. Guardiola, who spent four trophyfilled years at Barcelona, took over at Bayern in 2013. In the other semifinal, defending champion Real Madrid will face Juventus, with the Italian champions playing at home first. Twotime champion Juventus is back in the semifinals after a 12-year absence. The four teams have combined to win the European Cup or Champions League 21 times, with 16 runner-up finishes, in the competition's 60-year history. The first legs will be played on May 5-6, with the return matches on May 1213. The final will be played on June 6 at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin. Guardiola will face his former team for the first time since leaving Barce-
Real Madrid's Institutional Relations Director Emilio Butragueno, right, with Juventus' club ambassador Pavel Nedved, left, in front of the Champions League soccer Trophy after the draw of the semifinals of the Champions League at the UEFA Headquarters in Nyon, Switzerland on April 24. (AP Photo)
lona in 2012 after winning two Champions League titles. Guardiola also played on Barcelona's 1992 European Cup-winning team. The two teams also met in the 2013 semifinals while Guardiola was on his one-year sabbatical. Back then, Bayern humiliated Barcelona, winning 7-0 on aggregate before claiming its fifth European title.
Ten-time champion Real Madrid is aiming to become the first team to win back-to-back titles since the Champions League format began in 1992. And Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti, a former Juventus and AC Milan coach, is looking to become the first man to lead teams to club football's most coveted trophy for a fourth time.
Anti-defection law
loor-crossing for pecuniary benefits by the elected representatives of the people’s is a shameful affairs. But for those politicians, who want to earn money by many cheap method, for whom politics is only business, who want to become filthy rich as soon as possible have no value system, defections are golden opportunities. The defecting members been segregated and taken to luxurious spots to stay, and the stories of crores of rupees changing hands to persuade “people’s representatives” to change sides (which are never challenged by these dishonorable leaders) have reduced the standard of the democracy in India and the state. If two-third of the party’s members come out and form a group, it is considered as a ‘split’ and is not deemed as defection leading to disqualification. Our electorates in dissident camp recently have not done their homework. They are totally ignoring the anti-defection law which says that the support of two-thirds member of legislature party is a must to formalize a split. What constitute as “voluntary” resigning from a party? Various judgments orders indicate that a member who publicly opposes the party or states his support for another party could be deemed to have resigned from his party. News reports maybe used as evidence for this purpose. A member could incur a disqualification under paragraph 2(1) (a) when he “voluntarily gives up his membership of a party “. The Supreme Court, in the Ravi Naik vs. Union of India case, has interpreted the Phrase ‘Voluntarily given up his membership’. It says: “The words ‘voluntary give up his membership are not synonymous
with resignation’ and have a wider connotation. A person may voluntarily give up his membership of a political party even though he has not tendered his resignation from the membership of the party to which he belongs”. In another judgement in the case of Ragendra Singh Rana vs. Swami Prasad Maurya and others, the Supreme Court held that the act of given a letter requesting the governor to call upon the leader of the other side to form a government itself would amount to an act of voluntarily given up membership, of the party on whose ticket the said members had got elected. The Supreme Court of India ruled that any citizen of India can seek disqualification of a member of state assemblies by invoking the anti-defection law for switching loyalty. The apex court ruled that the speaker of the house under the Tenth Schedule of the constitution can hear anti-defection proceedings imitated by any citizen of India against a members of the House and give an appropriate ruling on the motion. As for the Speaker when a member of parliament/assembly is elected as the Speaker, by convention he is assumed to have lost his party affiliations and is expected to act in a fair, non-partisan manner. Even in the case of a tie on a bill in the parliament/assembly, the Speaker gets to cast the deciding vote. He can even cast a vote with the opposition and will not be liable for defection. But this situation will never arise. You can see the logic why here “The Speaker’s elected position is due to the vote given by the ruling party . Voting against his own party, will eventually lead to the speaker been unseated. Zeneisiile Ate Loucii AGurgaon, Haryana
Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
The Morung Express C M Y K
Facebook officially becomes World's largest Country N F
25 April 2015
Nagaland musical training camp from May 12-26
acebook has finally crossed the final threshold of absolute world domination. The company knows exactly what it needs to do to grow, and you better believe that plan is in action: In its first call reporting on 2015 earnings, Facebook confirmed that with 1.44 billion monthly active users, Facebook is bigger than China. Our collective virtual vice has at last become the largest nation in the world—on or off the Internet. While the social network has its claws in well over half of Americans (a number that includes nonInternet users), it has plenty of room to stretch its arms in countries with high population density and low-tomoderate Facebook adoption rates (iStrategyLabs has a good breakdown of
these numbers). Facebook's Internet. org initiative should help that process along, and in some parts of the world, Facebook is already synonymous with the Internet itself. As one study puts it, "...it seemed that in their minds, the Internet did not exist; only Facebook." While countries like India, Indonesia, and Pakistan pose major growth opportunities for Facebook, the
social giant is sinking its claws deeper at home too. As Mark Zuckerberg observed on the call, Facebook is seeing massive growth in video, and the platform now boasts over four billion video views on a daily basis. Facebook's strategy of teasing its features apart into individual
Cinematography Internship launched in memory of Sarah Jones
ilmmakers and Union Workers have joined forces to establish a Cinematography Internship and Training Programme in Honour of Sarah Jones, the Camera Assistant killed on the Set of Midnight Rider Last Year (14). The 27 year old was hit by a train while shooting footage on railroad tracks on the Georgia set of the Allman Brothers biopic, and now an annual internship for aspiring cinematographers, called the Sarah Jones Opportunity, has been launched as a tribute to her.
Bosses at Warner Bros. Television Group have teamed up with the International Cinematographers Guild (IATSE Local 600) for the project, with support from local Atlanta film guilds and the cast and crew of The Vampire Diaries, the show which once featured Jones as a crew member. The paid internship will give Georgiabased filmmakers camera training on Warner Bros. TV series such as The Vampire Diaries and The Originals based in Atlanta.
mobile products is paying off too. "Messaging is a big priority for us," Zuckerberg said. "Facebook has evolved from a single blue app on your phone into a family of apps." That family includes WhatsApp's 800 million users, Messenger's 600 million, and Instagram's 300
million. Among Americans, combined Facebook and Instagram use accounts for one out of every five minutes spent on mobile—an insane engagement rate that the social network is keen to boost even higher in established markets.
agaland Musical Training Camp organized by Withee Bible College and sponsored by North East Zone Cultural Centre will be held at the College Campus from May 12 to 26. The Nagaland artists will be the resource teachers. Seats are limited we will treat first come first basis. Withee Bible College, Dimapur Founder and President, Rev. Dr. Vikheshe Chishi in a press release said, “Nagaland is partially westernized in its dressing, language and in way of living. Unlike the rest of the Indians, Naga people have embraced Christianity in the late 19th century. Fortunately Naga people came out from darkness to light and accepted Christ as our living God whereby we got
the eternal life. As we have received the living Christ that brought lot of changes in our lifestyle, in our economic life and in our social life. The great change which Christ brought to us inspired us to sing praises to Him all the times.” He also added, “Why Nagas are lover of Music? Because Music is a part in the Christian life, as the Lord put song in our mouth to praise Him all the times. After we die there will be no more preaching, prayer but only Music, so Music is eternal. Those who have eternal life give praises to the eternal living God here on earth and continue to praise Him with all eternity.” It further informed that Withee Bible College gives Nagaland Musical Training Camp time to time in order
to produce many Musicians. Some youths have natural gift of Music may be in singing or in playing different instruments, but no chance to break through. There is a song, “You have a talent use it for the Lord, if you do not use it you will surely lose it, you have a talent you use for the Lord.” The intention behind this NMTC is to instill desire to know Music then break through the veil whereby discover the talent (natural gift) and eventually with hard labor equipped and use it for the Lord. Therefore, the NMTC will teach only basic, preliminary in order to break through just to instill the desire to know Music especially who withhold the talent though they possessed the gift (natural gift) from the living God.
Illustration by Max Fleishman
Sawyer Sweeten, ‘everybody Loves rumer willis admits it raymond’ star, dead at 19 of suicide
was ‘weird’ seeing Demi date her crush ashton
A spokesman for The Vampire Diaries says, "Sarah was a beloved member of our camera crew. Her vivid, delightful personality, extraordinary work ethic, and deep love for the creative and technical aspects of her job made her the kind of artist any production would be lucky to have on the team. "Her family at The Vampire Diaries is excited to honour her memory by providing opportunities and opening doors for more people like her."
amily dynamics certainly changed when Rumer Willis learned that her teenage crush, Ashton Kutcher, was dating (and eventually married) her mother, Demi Moore. “It was definitely weird for a minute, but you know I have to commend him,” the 26-year-old actress detailed. “He was a really great stepfather and the perspective shifted very quickly.” Moore and Kutcher, who is 15 years her junior, famously began dating in 2003, tied the knot in 2005 and split in 2011. The “Dancing with the Stars” contestant admits that she had a Kutcher poster on her wall as a kid, but says there came a moment when she replaced it with a photo of another Hollywood hunk. Willis also says she never told her mom how attractive she thought Kutcher was, but confessed her feelings to one of her sisters. “I feel like I told my sister that at some point, ‘Man! Alright, well, gotta cross him off,’” she quipped about giving up a fantasy. Despite her initial thoughts about Kutcher, Willis says she never mistrusted her mother’s relationship. “I was kind of
impressed,” she admitted of her mom landing the younger actor. “I was like, ‘Yeah, girl! Get it!’”
former child star from “Everybody Loves Raymond” is dead of an apparent suicide, according to reports. Sawyer Sweeten, 19, was visiting family on Thursday in Texas when he shot himself on the front porch, Radar Online reported, citing a source. The young actor and his twin brother Sullivan played Geoffrey and Michael Barone alongside their older sister Madylin on the popular sitcom.
"Sawyer Sweeten was a funny and exceptionally bright young man. He is gone from us far too soon," tweeted actress Patricia Heaton, his on-screen mother. The three siblings starred as the children of characters played by comedy veterans Ray Romano and Heaton. Sweeten and his twin brother faded from the lime light after "Raymond," and they've lived in relative obscurity since the
show ended in 2005. Their heartbroken sister, who has continued to act since her days as Ally Barone, responded to the sad news with a Facebook post. "At this time I would like to encourage everyone to reach out to the ones you love, "Madylin Sweeten said. "Let them have no doubt of what they mean to you." Sawyer Sweeten’s manager has confirmed the death. C M Y K
Sharmila tagore urges Khloe Kardashian to women Panchayat leaders to release book about help end domestic violence 'Power of Strength'
tressing on the importance of eradicating domestic violence from grass root level, veteran actress Sharmila Tagore on April 24 appealed to the women Panchayat leaders to take serious steps to put an end to the problem. The 70-year-old actress was the guest of honour at inaugural ceremony of Institute of Social Sciences' two-day event to celebrate Women's Political Empowerment Day. When the 73rd Constitutional Amendment with the provision of not less than one-third seats reserved for women became Part IX of the Constitution on April 24, 1993, the Institute took the initiative to celebrate this historic day as Women's Political Empowerment Day at the national level every year. Addressing the audience which comprised Panchayat leaders from as many as 20 Indian states, Sharmila said, "Today, I appeal to you to take up another important issue which is plaguing us and that is domestic violence. You must put an end to domestic violence. You play an important role here. For all the women in your panchayat, you are a ray of hope. "It is very important to give them the message that whenever they face violence you will stand by them. You have to tell them that tolerating violence is
not a solution to their problems. You have to help them get justice," the actress added. Sharmila felicitated two Panchayat leaders - Tapaswini Nayak, sarpanch of Udala block Mayurbhanj, Odisha and Priyanka Kumari, mukhia of Katkamdag block Hazaribag, Jharkhand, during the ceremony. Lauding the work of the Panchayat leaders, Sharmila said these women are in this position today as they are hard-working and full of self-confidence. "They have done good job and silenced their critics with their dazzling work. They have done a lot - be it opening schools, installing hand pumps or fighting for girl's education. Their hard work and good-leadership skills teamed with self- confidence and intelligence are the reason behind their success," she said. The opening ceremony was also attended by Dr Ash Narain Roy, Director ISS, Dr George Mathew, Chairman, ISS and other members of the institute.
eality TV star Khloe Kardashian is penning a book ''about the power of strength''. The currently untitled work which offers advice and lifestyle tips will go on sale in November. The 30-year-old reality TV star will release the work through Regan Arts in November and will mark the launch with a signing at BookCon in New York City on May 31. The brunette beauty hopes the currently untitled book will inspire its readers to be beautiful ''inside and out''. She said in a statement yesterday: ''I am so excited about sharing my philosophy on how I live and the power of strength. ''I hope to be an inspiration to readers everywhere on how they can create their own true strength and beauty inside and out.'' According to the publisher, Khloe - who is known for her curvaceous figure - offers advice and lifestyle tips for both men and women. They said in a statement: ''In a culture that worships skinny, Khloe writes with passion about the power of strength. ''With inspired how-to advice and lifestyle tips, she teaches readers how to create strength and true beauty in every area of their lives by building a strong body, mind, heart, and spirit. '' [It will] surely inspire women and men everywhere. It's time for us to embrace the fact that strong, as opposed to skinny, is a healthier goal.'' The busy 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star is also the co-founder of clothing boutique DASH, which she launched with her sisters Kourtney and Kim. The siblings recently released their new Kardashian Kids collection and a debut hair range for their Kardashian Beauty line.
Saturday, 25th April 2015
Mumbai Indians VS Sunrisers Hyderabad
4:00 PM IST
Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai
Saturday, 25th April 2015
Chennai Super Kings VS Kings XI Punjab
8:00 PM IST
Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai
Roach's dream: A master plan for Pacquiao to beat Mayweather
Sachin celebrates birthday with debut on Instagram
Greg Beacham
AP Sports Writer
WuhAn, ApriL 24 (iAnS): The Indian challenge at the $200,000 Badminton Asia Championships came to an end following the women's singles quarterfinal losses of Saina Nehwal and P.V. Sindhu here on Friday. World No.1 Saina lost to Chinese Taipei's Tzu Ying Tai in three tough games, and eighth seed Sindhu went down to reigning Olympic champion Li Xuerui of China in like manner at the Wuhan Sports Center Gymnasium. Fifth seed Tzu defeated World No.1 Saina 16-21, 21-13, 21-18. Later, Sindhu, who is making a return to the circuit following a threemonth injury-layoff, took off brilliantly to take the first game 21-11. However, the Olympic champion fought back to take the next two sets 21-19, 21-8.
nal pre-fight press conference, the weigh-in and the fight itself. "We're not gonna stay there any more than we have to, because we know the way they've been acting we're not welcome," Arum said. Pacquiao will head to Las Vegas on Monday after a final four-round sparring session at the Wild Card gym in Hollywood, driving to the fight capital in a car alongside a bus carrying his supporters. He will stay at the Delano at Mandalay Bay, where he almost always stays for his fights. The feud escalated in recent weeks as Arum believed MGM ex-
ecutives were conspiring with Mayweather's camp to give Mayweather more tickets to the fight than allowed under contract. Those ticket rights are worth millions of dollars even at list prices, with the house scaled to some $72 million. The dispute was finally resolved this week and about 500 tickets went on sale to the public Thursday. They were quickly snatched up, and tickets on the secondary ticket market were being listed at 3-4 times face value for the cheapest $1,500 nosebleed seats to more than $100,000 for the $10,000 ringside floor seats.
Pacquiao-Mayweather weigh-in tickets to cost $10
LoS AnGELES, ApriL 24 (AFp): Promoters of the Manny PacquiaoFloyd Mayweather mega fight have taken the unusual step of charging for the weigh-in after a limited number of tickets for the fight were snapped up almost immediately on Thursday. Tickets for the May 1 weigh-in, also at the Grand Garden Arena inside the MGM Hotel in Las Vegas, will go on sale Friday and cost $10 each. Pacquiao's promoter Bob Arum said Thursday the money from the in sports for its consistency and loyalty. Roach wants it more than he can say, but he can tell Pacquiao wants it even more. "I know he doesn't like Mayweather a little bit, because sometimes when we're doing mitts and I'm catching, he turns into Mayweather and does his shoulder roll a little bit," Roach said, pantomiming Mayweather's signature defensive move. "He says, 'I'll kill that.' He makes fun of him a little bit, and he doesn't make fun of too many people. "He's not like
sale of weigh-in tickets will go to charity. "The charge of $10 for the weighin will benefit two great charities. All proceeds will go right to them. This is a win-win situation for all," said Arum. Under Arizona law, weigh-ins are supposed to be free to the public. But promoters are hoping that by charging $10 they will discourage thousands of boxing fans from camping out overnight at the MGM to try and snag a ticket. A limited number of tickets for the
that. I am, but not him." Roach knows the Mayweather family makes fun of him. Roger Mayweather, Floyd's uncle, has spent years denigrating Roach and his mentor, Eddie Futch, while Floyd's father has trashed Roach repeatedly in the media leading up to this bout. Yet personal insults don't bother Roach when he's immersed in the daily grind of training his fighters. He doesn't use social media, so he said he doesn't hear most of the static. He also has bigger con-
richest fight in boxing history went on sale Thursday and sold out quickly. The Los Angeles Times reported that just 500 tickets in the 16,800 seat arena were made available to the general public. The tickets for the public were priced as high as $7,500 with the cheapest going for $1,500. The release of tickets for the May 2 fight was held up for weeks because of a contract dispute between Pacquiao's camp, Mayweather Promotions and the MGM Hotel.
cerns: Roach's girlfriend, a doctor, left him last month. He says it was because he didn't consult her first about one of his injuries, although he also says he "can't blame her" given his lifestyle. He is still winning his fight with Parkinson's disease, although his medications occasionally create dark moments that he discusses only peripherally. That's when he is grateful for the constant hum of the Wild Card, where life never slows for quiet contemplation.
Roach hasn't slowed down, either. He still has his breakfast at 5 a.m. and arrives at the Wild Card in time to prepare for a 7 a.m. training session with Miguel Cotto, whose career was revitalized by his decision to join Roach two years ago. When Pacquiao goes off on vacation in May, Roach will go right back to work with Cotto. That's because beating Mayweather won't really change life for Roach, who is already rich and famous and respected by everyone outside Mayweather's gym.
Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School
Saina, Sindhu ousted from Asia Championships
Pacquiao planning to skip MGM arrival in sign of displeasure
LAS VEGAS, ApriL 24 (Ap): Manny Pacquiao isn't feeling much love for the hotel where he will fight Floyd Mayweather Jr. in boxing's richest fight ever. Pacquiao plans to skip a Tuesday ceremony at the MGM Grand marking formal fighter arrivals, an event that has been standard at the hotel for major championship fights. Pacquiao is staying at another hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, and will have his after fight party at yet another hotel, the Wynn. Promoter Bob Arum — who has been embroiled in a dispute with the hotel over tickets — said Pacquiao will only go to the MGM for the fi-
whelming number of wishes with several current and former cricketers tweeting their messages for him. Even as the likes of Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma joined Anil Kumble in wishing Tendulkar on his birthday, the ex batsman opened his official account on Instagram - an immensely popular mobile photo and video sharing social platform. He, however, did not forget to thank his fans on Twitter - a platform where he has over 9 million followers.
MuMbAi, ApriL 24 (nDTV): Sachin Tendulkar turned 42 on Friday and celebrated the occasion by making his debut on Instagram with a photo of his family. His account had 26 thousand followers in little over an hour of being created. Tendulkar posted a photo of him with son Arjun, daughter Sarah and wife Anjali FILE - In this Wednesday, April 15, 2015, file photo, boxer Manny Pacquiao, left, of the Philippines, trains with Freddie Roach on his account and said that he enjoyed during a media workout at Wild Card Boxing Club in Los Angeles. Roach's latest dream is to concoct a masterpiece game having a birthday lunch with his family. plan that would allow Pacquiao to take down the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr.. (AP Photo) The former cricketer received an over-
Freddie Roach's hip is killing him, and his sternum feels like somebody dropped an anvil on his chest. He took a shot to the chin the other day, and it knocked him across the ring onto the far ropes. Roach knows he doesn't have to take this anymore. He is the most prominent trainer in boxing. His assistants could be in the Wild Card gym's ring with Manny Pacquiao, absorbing the punishment that's inevitable when you work the mitts with an eight-division champion preparing for the biggest fight of his life. "Everyone says I should take a break, let someone else do it," Roach said. "He wants me to do it. Manny don't want some other guy. When he hits me, he says he's sorry sometimes." Roach has guided Pacquiao to the pinnacle of their sport over the past decade, fighting off the effects of Parkinson's disease and a lifetime in this brutal business. Yet he still hasn't done everything in boxing, and that knowledge still gets him up before dawn each day. Roach has spent the spring working on the ultimate puzzle for any modern trainer: A master plan to take down the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. on May 2 in Las Vegas. "That would be about the greatest thing you could accomplish in this job, right?" he asks. "The way Manny is training right now, he can do anything I can put in front of him. He knows exactly what we want to do and how to do it. He wants this more than anything in the world, but you know what? So do I." Roach thinks he has the plan, and he thinks Pacquiao will be able to implement it at the MGM Grand Garden. Until then, they spend almost every day in Hollywood going over the details — even watching Mayweather on film, something Pacquiao is notoriously uninterested in doing. "They ask me why I'm not letting anyone into the gym to film sparring or mitts, and I say it's because our game plan is vital," Roach said. "I used to be more lenient, but this fight is so big, the adjustments we made need to be a little bit more of a surprise. We've got stuff he hasn't seen before." Roach knows a victory would be a valediction for himself and Pacquiao — a culmination of a 14-year partnership that stands out
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