Dimapur VOL. IX ISSUE 212
The Morung Express “
Monday, August 4, 2014 12 pages Rs. 4
Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things
KOSI FLOODS: Bihar govt orders forcible evacuation [ PAGE 8]
–Byron Dorgan
Megan Fox not ‘ashamed’ of body baring roles
Expired goods seized from shops in Pungro [ PAGE 2]
Kashyap strikes gold, JwalaAshwini lose it
[ PAGE 11]
[ PAGE 9]
[ PAGE 12]
New Gaza fighting amidst truce efforts
CAG: “Serious flaws” in ICDS implementation in Nagaland
By Sandemo Ngullie
Morung Express news
It`s a jobor jost crash course in Hindi. They want to impress Modi when he comes to nagaland.
CAG says department recorded “excess receipt” for 22255.92 quintals of two food items and suggests “further investigation”
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Wokha bandh on August 7 DIMAPUR, AUGUST 3 (MExN): The Kyong Students’ Union (KSU) has informed that it will impose a “total bandh” in Wokha district from 6:00am to 6:00pm August 7. The bandh is being called as part of the KSU’s first phase agitation due to the non response of the government to the former’s representation submitted on June 26 and the 15 day ultimatum submitted on July 18 to the Chairman, Nagaland Petroleum and Natural Gas Board, on matters pertaining to oil exploration by Metropolitan Oil & Gas Pvt. Ltd. (MO&GPL). The KSU, in a press note, urged all civil societies, the district chamber of commerce, taxi union etc to extend their support. It further called upon all concerned students’ organizations to participate in the agitation.
Can tiny ants save us from global warming?
WAShINGToN, AUGUST 3 (IANS): Ants may be one of earth’s most powerful biological climate brokers, a study claims. The sheer biological mass of ants working in rhythm could remove significant quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere since the insects expanded their numbers starting 65 million years ago. On an average, an ant lives and dies in less than a year, but the long-term impact of the ants on soil is significant as they cool the earth’s climate as their numbers grow. “Ants are changing the environment,” says Ronald Dorn, a geologist at Arizona State University in Tempe city. When ants make limestone, the process traps and removes carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere. The ants were found to be powerful weathering agents by tracking the breakdown of basalt sand. “The ants may be extracting calcium and magnesium from the minerals and using them to make limestone. In the process, the insects may trap carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the rock,” Dorn explained.
tals of two food items, which the CAG said rendered the “transactions doubtful” and Dimapur | August 3 which needs “further investigation.” In addition, the CAG informed that The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ending March against the supply of 484144.27 Kgs of 31, 2013 has detected “serious flaws” in the Surho rice cereal valued at Rs 7.11 Crores, implementation of the Integrated Child 478065 Kgs of weaning food of a “lower Development Scheme (ICDS) by the Na- cost” valued at Rs 5.27 Crores was supgaland Social Welfare Department. The plied and accepted by the department. ICDS is a scheme that aims at enhancing This resulted in an excess payment of Rs the nutritional and health status of chil- 1.84 Crores. The re p o r t dren below 6 years, fur ther stated pregnant women, that fourteen test lactating mothers checked projects, and of late adoleswhich required cent girls. foodstuff valued The CAG report at Rs 70.28 Crores, revealed that data received foodstuff on the number of worth only Rs 37.95 beneficiaries were Crores. This, it con“not reliable as there cluded, resulted in was marked differshort distribution of ence in the report foodstuff valued at furnished to the Rs 32.33 Crores. Ministry vis-a-vis Another factor the monthly progress reports submit- • Data on the number of beneficiaries which impeded the needs to be updated based on reports successful impleted by the CDPOs.” furnished by Anganwadi workers. mentation of the It informed that the department “inflat- • Reports furnished to the Ministry scheme, according should be strictly monitored. to the CAG, was the ed” the beneficiary • Establish proper monitoring and failure to adhere to list by 273384 and accounting mechanisms to ensure the revised feed“sent it to the Minthat payments to suppliers are re- ing norms under istry and obtained leased only after receipt of material. the scheme. It inexcess funds of Rs • Regularly provide the required formed that against 34.53 Crores.” quantity and quality of food stud the Ministry’s deciIt further stated as prescribed in the guidelines of sion to provide 80 that despite receivthe scheme. grams ready to eat ing 25364.30 quintals • Closely monitor distribution of energy per day, only of food items valued foodstuff to AWCs to ensure that 12 grams of fortified at Rs 36.25 Crores, beneficiaries are regularly provided food was provided. the department paid the scale of nutrition. While conductRs 75.11 Crores for ing physical verifisupply of 48991.66 quintals of food items. This resulted in an ex- cation of 62 Anganwadi Centers in 14 secess payment of Rs 38.86 Crores for 23627.36 lected CDPSs, the CAG report detected quintels of food. Based on this, the CAG con- that 54 AWCs did not have kitchen sheds. cluded that “the possibility of misappropria- This it stated had “defeated” the objection of Rs 38.86 Crores cannot be ruled out.” tive of providing hot cooked meals. It It added that the department also paid was further detected that none of the 52 Rs 40.70 Crores “without actual receipt AWCs had drinking water facilities and of materials.” The department further re- sanitation as envisaged in the scheme corded “excess receipt” of 22255.92 quin- guidelines.
A house in Kohima was swept away by landslides below the Helipad, Assam Rifles Camp on August 3. According to an eyewitness, the disaster occurred early in morning at around 2:00am. no casualties were reported as the inhabitants of the house had been evacuated days before the incident. Officials from the Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority and Irrigation Department were seen early morning surveying the site of the incident. (Photo by Rendemo Shitio)
NBCC affirms to uphold prohibition
DIMAPUR, AUGUST 3 (MExN): The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) today stated that lifting the prohibition on alcohol in Nagaland state “would amount to complete madness and detrimental to the well being of our society, which is already reeling under many social upheavals at present.” The NBCC, in a press note, stated that the Act has been a “partial failure not because it is a wrong Act, but because it has not been implemented in letter and in spirit.” It appealed for the Nagaland state government to implement the Act by providing the needed support to the department concerned and the Law enforcing agencies. The NBCC claimed that the NLTP Act is “one of the few brakes keeping our moral standard and social fabric intact to some extent.” It opined that
the “behavior of our people during the general elections portrays how immature and corrupt our people have become leading to moral degradation of our society in general.” “Many people around the world also drink, however, they know the limit and there is not much overt wanton acts of drunkenness. Our people in general have no discipline, we respect no authority. We have no limits,” it added. While acknowledging that prohibition “is short of perfection,” the NBCC however asserted that the “general well being of our society, particularly for the weaker sections of societies including women and children is safeguarded.” Terming itself as the “moral voice of the state,” the NBCC affirmed that it remains committed to uphold the prohibition. It stated that “most of
the root causes of evils, accidents, crimes, lawlessness and corruptions are found in alcoholism in our society.” NBCC further said that the issue of lifting the Prohibition Act will bring “further division and destruction in an already morally corrupted society.” It pointed out that “at the centre there are moves to ban liquor and tobacco products at the national level.” “Then why are we at the state level opposing the prohibition law which although imperfectly implemented has done much in improving the general well being of our society?” the NBCC questioned. The NBCC called upon the Nagaland state government to strengthen its “commitment to uphold the prohibition in the past” by amending the loopholes in the NLTP Act 1989 instead of lifting it. Full text on page on Page 7
CAG reCommeNDS
ACAUT condemns ‘Border issue is a relic of historical injustice’ action of GPrN/NSCN UNTABA to hold ‘People’s dialogue’ on August 9
DIMAPUR, AUGUST 3 (MExN): The Against Corruption and Unabated Taxation (ACAUT) Nagaland has condemned what it termed as the “inhuman act meted out” to its Secretary, Solomon L Awomi by the GPRN/NSCN at Khehoi Designated Camp. A press note from the ACAUT which was signed by 16 members informed that Solomon was “invited to Khehoi Camp and in good faith he compiled accordingly.” However, it alleged that he was “illegally confined in ‘jail’ like a common criminal and interrogated with his hands tied and eyes blind folded.” It further stated that the “the GPRN/NSCN has not given any reasons for his arrest, except that he was arrested on public complaint which is totally unacceptable.” As such, ACAUT stated that the “bond agreement signed by its Secretary cannot be accepted by the Naga people since it was signed under tremendous mental stress and stands null and void. “Nor is his release by GPRN/ NSCN an act of grace since Solomon’s detention was illegal, arbitrary and bombastic,” it added. ACAUT stated that the “bond is designed to ensure that Solomon ceases to be an active member of ACAUT. The agreement’ which was produced after tremendous mental and psychological pressure applied upon its member is totally unacceptable and stands null and void for the ACAUT Nagaland and Naga people.” Terming the incident as a “kidnapping,” the ACAUT questioned the Nagaland state government as to what remedial steps it took to ensure Solomon’s release. It further questioned the GPRN/NSCN
‘Voluntary lightning shutter down’ today from 6am to 12noon
CAUT Nagaland has called for a “voluntary lightning shutter down” of all business establishments all over Nagaland from 6 AM to 12 Noon on August 4. The shutdown is being called to “show resentment against GPRN/NSCN for inhuman treatment meted out to ACAUT Nagaland Secretary, Solomon L. Awomi…” informed a press note from the ACAUT media cell. It appealed to the business community represented by all district chambers of commerce- Kohima, Wokha, Dimapur, Peren, Tuensang, Kiphire, Mon, Zunheboto, Mokokchung, Longleng, Phek- to down their shutters in protest. It further urged business establishments “who support ACAUT to cooperate and voluntarily close their business establishments.” ACAUT while apologizing for the inconvenience stated that “it is in the interest of the public whose safety is at stake due to the high handedness of the NPGs.” It further informed that volunteers will not be deployed and that schools, colleges, offices and “all normal activities” will not be affected. as to “whether kidnapping is allowed in the cease-fire clauses.” The ACAUT further stated “that it’s a matter of concern for every Naga that such arbitrary and barbaric action of the NPGs as has beenpracticedbytheNPGsagainst the Naga people for over sixty years in the name of national movement is anti-people to say the least.” Full text on page 4
DIMAPUR, AUGUST 3 (MExN): United Naga Tribes Association of Border Areas (UNTABA) today stated that border issue between Assam and Nagaland is a “relic of historical injustices starting from the British colonial policy of divide and rule and the India Government’s unwillingness to address the issue.” Reiterating that the contentious border issue can only be resolved based on the “historical perspective”, UNTABA informed that it will be organizing a “People’ Dialogue” on the issue on August 9 at Town Hall, Dimapur. UNTABA viewed that only a peoples’ dialogue based on historical facts, namely British survey reports, pre-Independence records, 9-Point and 16-Point agreements and boundary agreements signed between the Assam and Nagaland governments from time to time, can help resolve the border dispute. Announcing this at a press conference on Sunday evening at Hotel Saramati, UNTABA president, Hukavi T Yepthomi, expressed optimism that the “brainstorming” dialogue would bring about much needed tangible propositions towards amicable resolution of the issue. Hukavi informed the objective of the dialogue was to create mass awareness on the historical reality of the border issue. He stated that the dialogue would come up with suitable recommendations on peaceful resolution of the
KLH condemn attack on Chandalashung B KohIMA, AUGUST 3 (MExN): The Kohima Lotha Hoho (KLH) has condemned what it termed as an “attack” on Chandalashung B village under Wokha district. The KLU alleged that the village was “attacked with bows and arrows by migrant laborers from Assam supported by Maoist groups and the Adivasi Liberation National Army (ANLA).” It stated that the western Nagaland border at Ralan sector “lies exposed and at the mercy of the Maoist and the Assam Police in the absence of any Nagaland Police force to defend it.” It further condemned the “blatant open backing by the Assam Police and that the incident happened under the very nose of the CRPF, stationed there as a neutral force to maintain peace along the border.” “This is the usual condemnable behavior of the CRPF ever since they were stationed by 1972 Nagaland-Assam Border Agreement,” it added. The KLH also censured the Assam government for “never honoring the past agreements signed between Assam and Nagaland” which it stated “is the main reason for the escalation of border tension and its nefarious design of using migrant workers as human shield to encroach Naga’s land.” border issue, which would be forwarded to the Union Home Ministry and both Assam and Nagaland state governments. UNTABA legal advisor, Pius Lotha, said that the Nagaland state government is also to blame for its lack of concern to resolve the issue. Pointing to the recent clashes in border villages like Dikoi, Rilan and Indisen, Pius lamented that the Nagaland government despite granting recognition to these villages, had failed to protect villagers from the atrocities of Assam Police. UNTABA general secretary, Ejanthung Ngullie hoped that the lone Lok Sabha MP from Nagaland would pressurize the Centre to expedite the
Assam-Nagaland border case lying in the Supreme Court. A concept paper on the proposed dialogue stated that almost all North East states have border disputes with each other, mostly with Assam, having adverse effects on development, the Look East Policy and inter-communal harmony and gives rise to ethnic strife, hostilities and loss of precious lives. “The most tragic fallout of these border disputes is the poisoning of relationships between the dominant communities of these states, an issue which has been hijacked by vested interest groups and the Government of Assam giving rise to jingoistic fervour much
detrimental to the growth of Northeast communities as a whole vis-à-vis Indian mainland”, the concept note stated. It further said that the whole stretch of Assam-Nagaland border starting from Dimapur-Peren districts in the southwest to Mon district in the north is an “imposed artificial boundary not based on reality.” “To make matters worse, the insidious policy of Assam Government to settle illegal immigrants in these areas bordering Nagaland has created an atmosphere of hostility and is an attempt to create a buffer zone which not only violates the spirit of the Supreme Court case on Assam-Nagaland border row now pending before it but a conspiracy to negate the age-old relations between Nagas and Ahoms”, the concept note added. On August 9 people’s dialogue, former Nagaland Additional Chief Secretary, TN Manen will be the resource person and the panelists will include former bureaucrats K Khekiye Sema and TC Kithan; Principal of Tetso College, Dr. PS Lorin; Principal of City Law College, Dr. P Leonard Aier and Editor of Tir Yimyim, K Temjen. The dialogue will have two sessions where representatives from Naga Hoho, Nagaland Tribes Council, Eastern Nagaland Peoples Union Dimapur and other tribal hohos will also share their views and suggestions.
The Morung Express LocaL Bambusa opens third outlet 45 students inducted into NEISSR, Nagaland University's first MSW institute Dimapur
4 August 2014
Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): Bambusa, a Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency’s (NBDA) initiative, launched its third outlet in 4th Mile, Dimapur on August 2 under the name Café Bambusa. Bambusa was started by Medo Putsure with the support of NBDA to promote bamboo as a means of livelihood through providing employment to the local youth, said a press release received here. The release informed
RSU cautions irregular employees
tsEmiNyu, august 3 (mExN): The Rengma Students’ Union (RSU) has informed that during its “surprise checking” of offices in its jurisdiction on July 28, most of the offices were found closed the whole day. The closed offices on that day included Post Office, BDO office, Educational Block Resource Centre (SSA), Fishery Inspector Office, Soil and Water Conservation Office, and Information & Public Relation Office, stated a press statement issued by RSU vice president. Besides, RSU alleged, many employees are not attending offices and most of them are residing in Kohima or Dimapur. “RSU wonders if so many employees were irregular and office shut down for indefinite period, how many official works and files would be pending.” RSU has asked all the respective department heads to maintain attendance register of every employee without any bias. It also said that it will visit the offices at regular intervals. If any employees are found irregular/ office closed, the union shall take stern action against any employee, it cautioned. The union also appealed to all the higher authorities to visit their respective offices to oversee the ground reality and how the offices are functioning in Tseminyu Sub-Division.
New printing press at PWD Kohima
Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): A new printing press called “Unique Printing Press” was inaugurated on August 2 at ICSC Complex, PWD colony Kohima by Neibulie Kiewhuo, Chairman, PWD Panchayat Kohima. A press release informed that Neibulie Kiewhuo encouraged entrepreneurship and congratulated the proprietors for coming up with such project for the people of Nagaland in general and the citizens of the colony. He also stressed that the new project will be of great use for the people. Ketosül Pusa, Manager, UPP gave a brief report on the run up and shared the vision of the press. He assured that all the church programmes and PWD colony Panchayat programmes will be printed at subsidised rates at the press. Earlier, the program chaired by Neithono Sothu started with invocation by Tebul Neikha.
Café Bambusa at 4th Mile Dimapur which opened on August 2.
that Café Bambusa started with the idea of providing customers whole experience of ‘Bamboo as a lifestyle’. The café has been infused with wide variety of bamboo products that can be used by people in their everyday lives. The furniture set-up and designs were done-up by BAMTRIBE, a local brand headed by John Rupreo, another entrepreneur supported by NBDA, it added. Café Bambusa with its punch line “Feel it. Like it.
Own it” intends to not just be a place where people can come and enjoy a good meal, but can also experience the different usages of bamboo and choose bamboo as an alternative to design their homes. The release quoted Medo Putsure as saying, “The concept is simple - you like it, we deliver it.” Elika Zhimomi, EAC Chumukedima, inaugurated the café in the presence of officers of NBDA and well wishes. She acknowl-
edged that the cafe was a great initiative and wished best of luck to the local entrepreneur. With this latest venture, Bambusa has employed over 25 youths and plans to impact more lives by creating more employment opportunities. Bambusa has extended gratitude to Khreinuo Metha, Team Leader, NBDA, “without whose vision and dedication this project would have remained a dream unfulfilled.”
Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): North East Institute of Social Sciences & Research (NEISSR) inducted its 45 Master of Social Work (MSW) students on August 1 at Bishop's House here. Delivering the keynote address, Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima, who is also, the Chairman of NEISSR Governing Body applauded that NEISSR is the first MSW College and first post graduate college outside the University Campus in Nagaland. He termed the college as a need-based and hope-filled initiative of the Diocese of Kohima, informed a press release. The institute is not a duplication of another MSW college, he asserted, adding the three streams offered in the institute are the most felt need in Nagaland. He also urged the 45 students inducted into the MSW course to be people with sparks who can initiate changes in the lives of the people by setting realistic and achievable goals in the course of their studies. Having a professional career alone is not enough, but one needs a balanced successful life, he stated. “Thus competitions and
The students inducted into the MSW programme of NEISSR.
earnestness to achieve must not be at the cost of health, relationships, and mental peace.” The institute has chosen Gandhiji as the patron. “Education of the head, heart and hand will be stressed on with sharing and experiential learning,” said Fr. C. P. Anto, the principal of the institute in his welcome address. The granting of permission by the University to start a post graduate institute outside the Nagaland University Campus is a milestone in itself and he invited all the students and parents to walk hand in hand and be the trend setters for the Naga Society. He also presented the road map for the institute. The 45 students inducted are from 11 differ-
ent Naga tribes. The institute offers specialization in Community Development, Youth Development and Peace & Conflict Transformation studies. The release further stated that Diocese of Kohima has been playing a very important role in promoting education, health and overall development in Nagaland. The mission primarily focuses on education. It has 5 colleges functioning at full strength and over 100 schools catering to over seventy thousand students across the state every year. These institutions have produced alumni who are today capable leaders, social workers, bureaucrats, entrepreneurs, educationists, etc. spread across the State as well as the country, it added. Vo-
cational training centres along with skill building and entrepreneurship development programmes are also being taken up to address the need of the drop out and unemployed youth in the state. “Over the recent years, the Dioceses of Kohima also felt that the professional education scenario in the state needed more urgent attention. Even with the job opportunities in the government and private sector, students from the general educational background are not in as good position as the specialized students to get job. The starting of North East Institute of Social Sciences & Research is a step towards achieving the long felt needs,” the release added.
Dental health campaign at Agape School Kiphire Expired goods seized from shops in Pungro
Students of Agape School during the dental health awareness campaign on August 2. Our Correspondent Kiphire | August 3
The Indian Dental Association, Nagaland state branch on August 2 organized oral and dental health awareness campaign at Agape School in Kiphire. Dr. Wekhrou Mero, Dentist, District Hospital Kiphire
speaking as resource person informed that tooth not only helps in chewing and crushing food, but also plays an important role in facial appearance and asked the students and teachers to take good care of it. Describing the details of dental functions, she also said, if one does not take care of tooth,
it will lead to tooth decay and diseases like gingivitis. Thus, she asked the participants to know how to take care of one’s oral health. She also told the students to use tooth paste which contains fluoride and encouraged to visit dentist every six months so oral health is maintained. Demonstrating the
technique to use tooth brush, the resource person also asked the students to brush twice a day and asserted on brushing at night. She also asked the students to avoid having too much of carbonated foods, chocolate, tobacco products, and junks foods as they give problem to oral health. Administrator of the school welcomed the visiting doctor and expressed gratitude for choosing the school for the said campaign. He also said, students are exposed to health talks, but oral and dental health talks are done rarely and added the dental camp will benefit students a lot. The students and teachers of the school also had a healthy discussion with the resource person after the dental health talk.
The expired goods seized from Pungro Town on August 1.
puNgro, august 3 (mExN): Pungro Town Students’ Union (PTSU) along with the town administration on August 1 seized expired goods worth around Rs. 50,000 from shops in Pungro town. PTSU in a
press release issued by its vice president Rasuka Jacob S has warned the shopkeepers to restrain from selling expired goods which is hazardous to health. It also stated that such activities shall not be tolerated in
near future and stern actions will be taken against the defaulters. Meanwhile, the union extended gratitude to the town administration, police and public for their cooperation during the checking of shops.
meeting SAAYOD defends member Kushe Humanity Foundation Review with PNGOs and
Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): Suruhuto Asuto Area Youth Organization Dimapur (SAAYOD) has condemned the July 29 incident claiming that “false allegation had been pondered upon” its Spokesman Solomon L. Awomi, who is also the president of East Dimapur Business Association (EDBA) and general secretary of ACAUT. Referring to news items, SAAYOD in a press statement said that Solomon’s name had been “dragged” in the incident, in which his brother allegedly gun fired at someone’s residence. The organization viewed the mention of accused as Solomon’s brother an “angle” to hit the latter. “Any organization taking de-
cision on any issue should deliver proper justice without partiality.” Further, SAAYOD general secretary Ikato Y. Kiho said that Solomon was “falsely alleged” for collecting tax in the name of EDBA “as it had been made clear to the public that the collection is just a membership willingly paid by the business community of East Dimapur, but not a collection of tax as others do; which has also been deliberated before EAC of that jurisdiction and is justified.” It also condemned the detention of Solomon by GPRN/ NSCN “as he was detained with no clear allegation, or can be understood as false allegation.” Stating that
according to a news item, to some, it was told he was detained for involving in taxation and to some for being general secretary of ACAUT, SAAYOD asserted, “If the allegation is about collection of tax under EDBA it is justified and is clear to all that, Solomon L. Awomi is of no guilty and if he being a General Secretary of ACAUT, why point pick Solomon L. Awomi in all the matter?” SAAYOD acknowledged that Solomon L. Awomi had been an efficient social worker and had been efficient and helpful in the functioning of SAAYOD. “SAAYOD appreciates him for being an exemplary and efficient social worker youth among Nagas.”
Kohima, august 3 (mExN): Parliamentary Secretary for irrigation & flood control and election Y. Vikheho Swu recently stated that Kushe Humanity Foundation (KHF), a nonprofit organization has been tirelessly working for humanity since its inception. The main activities of the organization have been economic development, documentation and church building, he said during the launch of “A glimpse of long ago”, a collection of poems in Kohima. On the economic front, Swu said, KHF has been facilitating training, workshop and seminar on piggery, fishery, poultry, and masonry under the theme "Skilling Pughoboto." It also facilitates high school dropouts to take up training in various sectors and give placement outside the State, he added. The sale of the book "A glimpse of
long ago," which was sponsored by KHF will go to the "Kushe Memorial Scholarship Fund," to sponsor deserving candidates for higher theological studies, he added. He further said the foundation has already sponsored publication of two books, "Asu Kushe biography" and "Generation to generation", both written by Isak Chishi Swu. Swu informed that KHF was founded in 2005 by the children of late Kushe. The foundation was named after late Kushe, “who was a man of God.” Late Kushe Swu was instrumental in setting up many churches in Sümi areas. His evangelistic work extended to the neighboring tribes of Yimchunger, Sangtam, Chakhesang, Angami and Rengma areas. In his memory, the family of Asu Kushe has set up the "Kushe Memorial Scholarship Fund" for higher theological studies, which will be supervised by SABAK Pughoboto.
‘Couples for Christ' movement launched
Kohima, august 3 (mExN): “Couples for Christ” (CFC) movement was inaugurated at the Cathedral Parish, during the two weekends of July 26-27 and August 3-4. Inaugurating the movement, Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima, stressed on the need to build up good Christian families, which is the need of the hour, stated a press release. “The problems facing the Church and Society can ultimately trace back to dysfunctional families and extreme secularization that values everything in terms of utility and consumerism,” he said. Asserting that marriage is a permanent bond willed by God himself, he hoped that the movement will fortify and strength marriage bonds and bring about exemplary Christian life.
Hector and Garnet Poppen, the Country Head for CFC in India, based in Bangalore, organized the program. Hector highlighted
the CFC movement that began in Philippines in 1981, which is in 106 countries today. CFC is a private Lay Association duly
approved by the Church. There are also other movements, like Kids for Christ (KFC), Youth for Christ (YFC), Singles for Christ
(SFC) Servants of the Lord (SOLD) and Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD) to include every member of the family. The three stages of
growth are individual renewal, family renewal and parish renewal, he stated. The first weekend was animated by Biju and Sheeba Thomas, from Dubai, besides Hector and Garnet. The second weekend program was animated by Danilo and Annabelle Abutas from Philippines. Fr. Carolus Neisalhou, Parish Priest of the Cathedral Church and Fr. Johnny P.K., Assistant Priest and Principal, organized and hosted the program. 41 members from different parishes in Kohima region participated in the program. Bishop James and Fr. Carolus Neisalhou, on the concluding day, expressed hope that the CFC movement will bring about radical changes in the society by holding fast to the Christian values and principles on marriage.
Kohima, august 3 (mExN): Directorate of Women Resource Development is convening a review meeting with PNGOs and Sub-PNGOs on August 7, 10:00 am in the conference hall of Directorate of Women Resource Development. N. Thomas Lotha, Parliamentary Secretary for Women Resource Development & Border Affairs will grace the inaugural session as chief guest, informed a press release issued by Director Neilavou Keditsu. All the PNGOs & SubPNGOs have been requested to bring the detailed list of their affiliated units in all the villages (Village Name, No of Female Population in the Village, Unit Office Bearers list etc.). They have also been asked to come prepared for review and discussions on the activities and progress of the various programmes/ schemes that are under implementation in their respective district by the Department. A preliminary meeting to discuss the functional strategy for implementation and role of PNGOs in the proposed Constitution of a Village Women Development Agency (VWDA) in every recognised village, which is presently under consideration of the State government, will also be held on the same day. All the PNGOs & Sub-PNGOs have been requested to attend the meeting positively.
The Morung Express
4 August 2014
Zeliangrong orgs decry incident of woman giving birth in jungle and assault of student Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): The Zeliangrong Baudi (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland) and Zeliangrong Baudi (Manipur) has vehemently condemned the Maram student assault and also condemned the state machineries and authorities on the incident of a woman giving birth in the jungles. A statement from ZB (AMN) Information & Publicity Secretary, Gainithoi Gonmei, and ZB (M) General Secretary, Poudin Riamei, condemning the incidents informed that on the incident of the pregnant woman giving birth in the jungles, the woman, of Tousem village, in making a journey of 45 kms across jungles on foot to access a hospital, “gave birth in the jungles unattended.” “It is fortunate that the women survived even after profuse bleeding,” the two bodies stated. Charging the state government of “crime against humankind,” for the apathetic treatment of Tousem villagers and the general populace of the hills, the
Zeliangrong bodies stated, “the sub-division has been reeling under pathetic conditions with no facilities of electricity, Health Care Center transport and communication system and other statutory daily necessities which have been relatively deprived due to government’s apathy.” The bodies further demanded immediate installation of proper health clinic with sufficient infrastructure and staffs so as to maintain and facilitate the dire medical needs of Tousem Sub-Division. “The unfortunate incident of treating human being as wild animals should not be repeated by the government,” the bodies stated. The statement from ZB (AMN) and ZB (M) also condemned the July 28 Maram student assault where one Ringsanbou Newmai of Langmai Village of Tamei, Tamenglong District and a BA student at Don Bosco, Maram was severely beaten up. The victim suffered se-
16 NE youths 'expelled' from BPO cry bias
vere internal injuries damage liver, intestine, broken jaw and cuts in his entire body, the Zeliangrong bodies informed and further alleged that the victim was beaten up with iron rod after having his hands and legs tied, “which,” the bodies charged, “amounts to murder.” The victim is now in the ICU at JNIMS Imphal, it informed. ZB (AM&N) and ZB (M) asserted that it would not remain a mute spectator and would take its own course of action if anything “on the victim’s health” goes wrong. “If the attack on the Zeliangrong students continues, then situation may compel the students belonging to Zeliangrong community to be called back and be transferred from Don Bosco Maram,” the bodies stated. Further, calling for proper compensation along with victim’s expenditures on medical expenses, the Zeliangrong bodies made it plain that the culprit should be given befitting punishment.
A Karbi woman carries her grandson on her back and walks past a paddy field on the outskirts of Gauhati, on July 30. Paddy transplantation has been delayed this year in Assam state due to insufficient rainfall. (AP Photo/Anupam Nath)
Centre moots corporation to develop roads in NE
agartala, august 3 (iaNs): The central government is considering to set up a corporation to develop roads and improve connectivity in the northeastern states, a Tripura minister said Sunday. "Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari told me that the central government is considering to form a corporation to develop and expand road connectivity in northeast," Tripura PWD and Revenue Minister Badal Choudhury told reporters here. Choudhury met Gadkari and officials of the ministry of road transport and highways (MoRTH) in New Delhi last week and discussed the problems of national highways and other
roads in northeast. He said: "Gadkari did not elaborate the role of the northeastern states in the proposed corporation. I have requested him to convene a meeting of the PWD ministers of all the northeastern states to discuss the proposed corporation." Gadkari told the Tripura minister that non-availability of agency to construct new roads and maintain existing roads in the northeast and various other technical problems prompted the central government to consider constituting the corporation. Choudhury said in order to expand road infrastructure in the border areas and to connect all two-lane highways of the border towns with national highways and other roads, a two-day meeting
was held by the MoRTH in April 2009, but no progress has been made in this regard yet. Responding to the state government's demand to declare another national highway (310 km) connecting Tripura's Sabroom border town and Assam's small township Kukital, the MoRTH in May declared 157 km portion of the Sabroom-Kukital road as National Highway-208. The Tripura minister said he urged Gadkari to declare the entire SabroomKukital road as the national highway to get access to the Chittagong international port as the sea port is only 72 km from Sabroom. Choudhury also requested Gadkari to take urgent steps to develop Tripura's only National Highway-44 with at least two-lane category.
gurgaoN, august 3 (tNN): Sixteen employees of a BPO based in Udyog Vihar, all of them from states in the northeast, have lodged a complaint with the police, accusing their employers of bias and not paying them salaries. In the complaint filed at Udyog Vihar police station, the employees have alleged that they were "illegally terminated" by the company. They also alleged they were asked to leave even before they could complete a month and their dues denied even though they had worked for almost the full 30 days. "These young children have all been illegally terminated," said Alana Golmei, general secretary of the North East Support Center and Helpline (NESCH). "Because even before they could complete 30 days, most of them were asked to leave on 27th or the 28th day of their work citing various reasons. They were not even given any written notice before being terminated."
Six hand-raised Asiatic black ATSUM on Manipur University admission bear cubs released back to wild impHal, august 3 (NNN): On the reservation in admission in Manipur University, the All Tribal Students' Union, Manipur (ATSUM - Tombing) stated that the Parliament received the assent of the President on June 19, 2012 for amendment of the central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission), Amendment Act 2012. Certain clauses were inserted, such as “Specified NorthEastern Region” which means the area comprising of the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura and the Tribal areas of Assam referred to in the Sixth Scheduled to the constitution, ATSUM state and added that the Act so amended neither specifies Manipur as a Tribal state nor state anything of Manipur to be under the sixth schedule. "Therefore, the statement of the convenor of Joint Students’ Co-ordinating Committee in some local daily under the caption “Students’ challenge inclusion of Manipur as Tribal
Bear collaring by the IFAW-WTI team is on process near the enclosure at Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary near Tiwari Gaon in Roing, Arunachal Pradesh on 2nd August 2014. (Photo:IFAW-WTI)
roiNg, august 3 (mExN): Six Asiatic black bear cubs, hand-reared by IFAW-WTI team, were released back to the wild in Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary. Two of the cubs were radio-collared to facilitate post-release monitoring before the release on Saturday, August 2. The cubs rescued from various parts of northeast India were hand-reared at the Arunachal Pradesh Forest Department and International Fund for Animal Welfare - Wildlife Trust of India (IFAW-WTI) run Centre for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation in Pakke TR. The cubs were later moved to Mehao to begin their acclimatization in the wild, late last year. The cubs were walked daily into the forest, accompanied by IFAW-WTI animal keepers, to help them learn skills necessary for survival. Over the past few months, the cubs had become increasingly independent of the keepers. The radio-collaring was done by the IFAW-
WTI team in the presence of Ipra Mekola, member of the State Wildlife Advisory Board,Arunachal Pradesh. Kenjum Rina, DFO, Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary Division of ArunachalPradesh Forest Department had appreciated the effort of IFAWWTI towards wildlife conservation in the state. G B Pulu, senior wildlife activist of the region has congratulated the team for this effort. Sunil Kyarong, Regional Head IFAW-WTI emphasized, "Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary is identified as one of the best habitat for Asiatic black bears. By releasing the displaced bears inside this sanctuary, we are adding to the richness of the bio-diversity of this sanctuary." The IFAW-WTI team headed by Soumya Dasgupta with animal keepers Rama and Chotu will now monitor the cubs, tracking radio-signals emitted by the radio transmitters attached to the collars. The signal will be received by a high frequency receiver. The collars were fitted by IFAW-WTI veterinarian Dr
Malaria claims 76 lives in Tripura agartala, august 3 (pti): At least 76 people have died of malaria in the state during the past one and a half months, the state government on Sunday said. The deaths occurred mostly in the tribal dominated areas since mid-June till date, Health and Family Welfare Minister Badal Chowdhury told reporters here. "Insurgency has ravaged the state for about three decades and the impact of the militancy was acute in the remote and tribal compact areas. As a result adequate infrastructures could not be made in those areas. Now peace has restored in the state, so we have planned to set up 15 Primary Health Centres (PHC) in those areas," he said. During his recent vis-
it to Delhi he met Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and submitted a memorandum seeking help to improve the health infrastructure in the state, Chowdhury said. He also demanded setting up a hospital like All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) so that people could avail the modern facilities without rushing to the metro cities, the minister said. "I reminded the union minister about his announcement of setting up AIIMS in all states. He said that 200 acres of land near the capital city with good connectivity is required for setting up such a hospital and assured that the demand would be considered positively if the required conditions are fulfilled," he said.
Nupur Ranjan Buragohain. Dr Kuladeep Roy, the Assistant Manager of IFAW-WTI's Dibang Valley Conservation project said that monitoring the two collared bear cubs, will provide vital data not just on the bears but also on their habitat. In the past decade, IFAW-WTI has rehabilitated 29 bear cubs in northeast India.
'Jscc challenging inclusion of Manipur as Tribal state in reservation Act misleading and unfounded'
tion quantum as per the latest amendment, ATSUM further said. "In the interest of the tribals, concerned authorities including the Government of Manipur may do the needful to materialise reservation of seats in adState in reservation Act” is mission in Manipur Univermisleading and unfound- sity as per the latest amended," ATSUM stated. It is a ment," ATSUM added. proven fact that reservation in a central University is 50% for general, 15% for SC and 27.5% for OBC and a mere 7.5% for Schedule Tribes, ATSUM added. Regd.No: 2577/14 Dated: 02/08/14 "However, under the latest amendment of June By this deed I, the undersigned Lolen Temjen Ao (new name) previously called Temijen 20, 2012, tribal students Ao L & L.Temjen Ao (old name), doing Farmer (give profession or vocation) and resident will be privileged to enjoy of H/No.112, Mokokchung Village, Nagaland (address) solemnly declare:the reservation quantum of 1. That for and on behalf of myself and my wife, children and remitter issue, I wholly 31% in admission in Manirenounce/relinquish and abandon the use of my former name/surname of Temijen Ao pur University from the acL & L.Temjen Ao and in place thereof, I do hereby assume from this date the name/surname Lolen Temjen Ao so that I and my wife, children and remitter issue may hereafter ademic session 2014-15," be called, known and distinguished not by my former name/surname, but assumed it said. Whereas, considername/surname of Lolen Temjen Ao. ing the asymmetric popu2. That for the purpose of evidencing such my determination declare that I shall at all times lation growth between the hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transacHill and Valley of Manipur tions, private as well as upon all occasions whatsoever, use and sign the name Lolen as reflected in 2011 report Temjen Ao as my name/surname in place and in substitution of my former name/surname. stands at 25,70,390 out of 3. That I expressly authorize and request all persons in general and relatives and friends which 17,36,236 people in particular, at all times hereafter to designate and address me, my wife, my children and lives in the rural areas and a remitter issue by such assumed name /surname of Lolen Temjen Ao. mere 8,34,158 settles in the 4. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my former and adopted name/ surname of Temijen Ao L & L. Temjen Ao and affix my signature and seal, if any, this urban area comprising the 2nd day of August 2014. valley portion of the state. Deponent Given this fact, the tribal Signed sealed and delivered before me by deserve to get the reservand
To, The Deputy Commissioner Mokokchung, Nagaland
The Village Council Changki would like to thank your benign authority for your genuine concern shown towards the welfare of the citizens of Changki village and for your unbiased administrative intervention taken in order to solve the problems plaguing our village today and also, for giving a patient hearing to the chronological incidents and events leading to the present issue. That Sir, Village Council Changki in strict accordance with our age-old and timehonored customs and practices of Changki people have been imposing several restrictions on any member of the village who does not comply with the unanimous decisions of the Village Council Changki. And accordingly, the same standard of penalty was imposed against certain rebellious members of the Emremchangki clan who are refusing to pay their village membership fees under their bona fide clan's name. However, in the good hope that this rebellious persons will mend their erring ways, we have time and again, been relaxing many of the original restrictions imposed on them and your intervention has given a much needed impetus to our efforts to amicably solve the issue for once and for the good of all. Therefore Sir, reposing complete faith in your leadership, wisdom and judicious administration and in order to create a conducive environment to pave way for those defaulting members to avail the opportunity to be again within the good fold the Changki village as provisioned under the prevalent order of customs and traditions, we, the Village Council Changki, would like to inform you that we are unconditionally revoking without any exception, all those restrictions which might have deprived an individual of his human rights and liberties, especially of the aforementioned group, i.e., the rebellious members of Emremchangki clan. This decision is taken today, the 1st of August 2014 in compliance with your verbal order pronounced on 30th of July, 2014 in Mokokchung. We pray that you will continue to judiciously exercise your authority to ensure that justice and truth prevails for all concerned.
(LENDIMENBA AMRI) Chairman Village Council Changki Mokokchung : Nagaland
the deponent on this the 2 August 2014. Notary Public Nagaland
LIMA Secretary Village Council Changki Mokokchung : Nagaland
Date: 02.08.2014
Sealed tenders are invited from the concerned for Hiring Vehicle and Water supply for the session 2014-15 in respect of JNV Kiphire, Nagaland. Tender form containing details alongwith term and conditions can be obtained directly from Office of the Principal, JNV Kiphire on any working day from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm w.e.f. 04-08-14 by paying a sum of Rs:500/-. The last date of submission of sealed tender is 14/08/14 (upto 4.00 pm) and must be submitted to the Office of the Principal, JNV Kiphire, Nagaland. Tender will be opened at 11.00 AM on 16/08/14 at the Vidyalaya premises only by the Vidyalaya Purchase Coommittee. Sd/Principal, JNV Kiphire, Nagaland.
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public discoursE
Monday 4 August 2014
The Morung Express
Uplifting the NLPT Act 1989
ACAUT condemns action of GPRN/NSCN
GAINST CORRUPTION AND UNABATED TAXATION (ACAUT) once again strongly condemns the inhuman act meted out to its Secretary, Solomon. L. Awomi, who was illegally jailed by GPRN/NSCN on 31st July till 2nd August. ACAUT demands of GPRN/NSCN if it is working for the Naga movement or is it an instrument of certain individuals and organisations to settle scores. The fact of the matter is that Solomon. L. Awomi was invited to Kehoi Camp and in good faith he complied accordingly. However, on reaching the camp, he was illegally confined in ‘jail’ like a common criminal and interrogated with his hands tied and eyes blind folded. This is a most condemnable episode, a serious breach of trust and cannot be justified under any circumstances. To make
this issue all the more unjustifiable, the GPRN/ NSCN has not given any reasons for his arrest, except that he was arrested on “Public complaint” which is totally unacceptable. Therefore, the Bond/ Agreement signed by Solomon L Awomi for his release cannot be accepted by the Naga people since it was signed under tremendous mental stress and stands null and void. Nor is his release by GPRN/ NSCN an act of grace since Solomon’s detention was illegal, arbitrary and bombastic. The so-called release bond is designed to ensure that Solomon ceases to be an active member of ACAUT. Therefore, taking advantage of EDBA/Purana Bazaar Village Council tussle, the GPRN/NSCN took advantage and embarked on a deep-rooted conspiracy to derail a people’s movement. Go-
ing strictly by legal definition, Solomon’s detention was an act of kidnapping and questions the state government as to what remedial steps did it take to ensure Solomon’s release since the fact of the matter is the ACAUT Secretary was released though the untiring efforts of Naga Women Hoho Dimapur (NWHD), Sumi Totimi Hoho (STH) and the village councils of Darogapather, Naharbari and Padumpukhuri. ACAUT demands that the State Government take a very strong stand on such issues. ACAUT also questions GPRN/NSCN as to whether kidnapping is allowed in the cease-fire clauses. It is any secretary’s duty of any organisation/movement, including Solomon, to append their signature/s on any decision/s taken. Therefore, to somehow con-
clude that Solomon or the Co-convenor of ACAUT are solely responsible for the decision appealing to the HODs not to deduct 24% of Government employees for the NPGs is reprehensible and a conspiracy to single out the leaders of the ACAUT and crush the movement. Therefore, the agreement produced by GPRN/ NSCN on Ist August- carried in all local papers, 2nd August- signed between Kilo Secretary, G. Jimo and Solomon blaming Joel Nillo Kath, the Co-Convenor of ACAUT Nagaland for the said letter to HODs was done under duress. Once again, the ‘agreement’ which was produced after tremendous mental and psychological pressure applied upon its member is totally unacceptable and stands null and void for the ACAUT Nagaland and Naga people. The ACAUT members
has taken a pledge of “One for All and All for One” and any threat against its members shall be construed as threats against all ACAUT members. The ACAUT has taken serious note of this illegal agreement since it suspects that GPRN/NSCN is making a case against its Co-Convenor Joel Nillo Kath and all the ACAUT leaders possibly intending to reproduce the same treatment meted out to its Secretary. Therefore, if any leader/s of the movement is harmed, the GPRN/NSCN shall be held solely responsible. It is left to the wisdom of the Naga people to decide if “Release Bond” or any agreement signed between the captor and victim is justifiable. It is clear to the Naga people that the real motive of the GPRN/ NSCN is to derail this people’s movement. ACAUT states that it’s a matter of concern for every
Naga that such arbitrary and barbaric action of the NPGs as has been practiced by the NPGs against the Naga people for over sixty years in the name of national movement is anti-people to say the least. Therefore, the Naga public shall be forced to question the credibility of GPRN/NSCN. Issued by ACAUT Nagaland 1. L Supong AO 2. Joel Nillo Kath 3. Tia Longchar 4. Dr. Khekugha Muru 5. Simon Kelio 6. Hokivi Chishi 7. Dr. Aotoshi 8. Monalisa Changkija 9. Pastor Yanbemo 10. Hetoi Chishi 11. Yehoto Zhimomi 12. Hukiye Yepthomi 13. Zhalie Chuzho 14. James Kin 15. Bohoto Achumi 16. Mar Longkumer
No To Alcoholism; Yes To “Scrap The NLTP Act 1989”
his might sound self-conthe law; no exception. Offendseemingly were not too entradictory to those who ers must be booked and punthusiastic. Subsequently, the believe the Act was meant ished. Not only this, the law other important parts of any to curb the menace of alcoholmust entail provisions for corlegislation: interpretation, imism. There are others who think rectional measures, in the abplementation and monitoring otherwise: this defective, dyssence of which mere deterrent were left unattended. With functional and cumbersome measures become redundant the Act thus remaining headAct has been there indolently for such delicate problem as less and tailless, the prohibifor too long, and it’s about time alcoholism. tion law could hardly be recit goes in order to pave way for 2. Since its inception, the Act ognized, forget about obeying more effective measures to take has been lying there nonit. The bureaucrats aptly chose charge. Much has been debated chalantly, but without any to remain indifferent. The civil on this issue, on papers as well aspired result. The only vissociety leaders could just give as across tables. It’s ‘easier said ible achievement, if it can be pressures, they are not lawthan done’, as the saying goes, called so, is the absence of makers; neither could they and everyone appears a chamneon signboards that read: take the role of law enforcing pion when it comes to jibes and “Wine shop”. Of course, we agency. Thus, unleashed a viretorts. While trying not to be don’t find such signboards cious blame game; the buck rude, I must point out why I conon the streets of Dimapur or has never stopped since then. sider the Act must go: Kohima but who does not Nagaland Legislative As1. It is defective because it leaves know hotels and restaurants sembly made a mockery of special provision for military and paan shops are abound legislation by enacting such a and medical purposes which with the prohibited liquid? cumbersome law in 1989 that can easily turn into other purWine business has been remained in the shelf. Now, poses, infringing the law itself. blooming in Nagaland at the after 25 years, the Act comes VVIPs and state officials have very nose of the so called law- alive, this time though, to bury been taking advantage of this makers and law enforcers, it. And the supposedly protagolaxity on the part of the Act. despite the prohibition Act. nists start crying “wolf!” So, for Then, for whom was the law 3. The Act was brought up at the the sake of argument, let us ask: made? To be fair and practiinstance of church and civil What has the successive governcal, no one should be above society leaders. The legislators ment of Nagaland, empowered
with such extra ordinary legislation as the NLTP ACT 1989, achieved in combating alcoholism? A more precise question is: What new promises does the Act hold that the people should still cling to it? Let’s hear them. At the same breadth, it can also be asked: Will the lifting of the ban do any better? My assessment is “Yes, from the state economy point of view”. But the problem of alcoholism may go from bad to worse. Let us imagine a wet Nagaland in the near future: The picture is grim. The first 10 years could be an era of chaos, with frequent street brawling and gang fights. This culture may not confine to the suburb of Dimapur and Kohima. Pubs and dens would mushroom up in towns and highway junctions. However, perhaps in the 2nd decade, our people too will slowly get used to the idea of ‘drink and be sensible’. Liquor will be just a common commodity, like food stuff, or coffee and people no longer consider it special. This could be the be-
ginning of sobriety. There could be many people who drink but hopefully less alcoholics, and by the middle of the 3rd decade, i.e. 25 years hence, we can hope for a far more refined society. This is how I could foresee the scenario, focusing objectively on alcoholism sans prohibition. Brute laws are required to tame savage people. With or without such laws, problems will always be there in human society. As such, more laws are becoming unnecessary and obsolete in civilized societies. We all agree alcoholism is a social evil, that it should be dealt concertedly and that alcoholics are more of victims than culprits, and they need help. No matter how long it takes let common sense prevail in our society. As such, I do not see the relevance of the prohibition act, under the existing form. At best, I am of the opinion that the state can issue as directive principles on such matters as ethical values and social obligations. Yurkhan Kapai
aga people’s attention is once again drawn to the much debated issue of prohibition. Going through several opinions during the past week, it is pertinent that individuals, organizations and churches raise views for public consumption and action thereof. The foremost thing that comes in our mind is- why did our people and the NLA in 1989 passed this NLPT Act? Secondly, why is the present NLA necessitating a special sitting for discussing of this Act? Reading between the lines, this special NLA session is ostensibly on the pretext of lifting the NLPT Act 1989! Our leaders in 1989 and prior to this saw the everyday realities of our society and also foresaw the terrible impact upon the posterities and took this drastic step of prohibition. All Nagas pre-NLPT Act knew the condition of our homes and streets and so the passing of the Act. Then, why should Nagas post-NLPT Act argue for lifting this said Act? Instead, can we discuss on why and how this Act was passed and how can we strengthen and implement this in letter and spirit? Those who are for lifting this Act, their top two agenda are spurious/adulterated liquor and the revenue. It is a plain fact that, “drinking of liquor is injurious to health.” This is labeled vividly on every liquor bottle or containers. This is not a church label or an emotional statement, but medically proven all over the world. Whether spurious or not, consumption of liquor/alcohol is harmful for our body and there is no condition(s) or optional positive effects. One doesn’t require rocket science to prove this simple logic. You are not normal when you drink liquor, and this is the bottom line for any stretch of imagination. If drinking spurious liquor kills a person in couple of years, where is the guarantee that drinking unadulterated liquor will not kill the drinker? Re-read the label on the bottle and let it speak for all. By chance, the special
NLA session decides to lift the NLPT Act, it will infamously go down in the annals of world history that, Nagaland (for Christ) lifted the prohibition Act at a time when the state coffers were empty, not just being empty but on huge deficit. This will be like auctioning of our Biblical values and Christian principles under the hammer of Satan! “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit (lose) his soul”—Mark 8:36. If Gujarat is a dry state, and still the nation talks of Gujarat model of development and progress, where are we heading to? Revenue? There are so many instances where vehicle accidents take place, and the top reason for these accidents is drunk driving. Calculate the revenue earned vis-à-vis the precious innocent lives lost, cost of treatments incurred, lifetime wound/effect one carries, lost of properties and also the ex-gratia that the government pays. Like the proverbial rhyme “For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail,” let us not lost Nagaland for want of revenue. Let the special session of NLA on NLPT Act be truly a special one to uplift the wellbeing of Nagas by reinforcing the Act, strategizing the implementation policy and increasing the manpower of the Excise Department. If salary is the issue in increasing manpower, terminate all the bogus and extra appointments in other departments. This also calls for the churches and organizations to be more proactive and “consistent” in our commitment to fight against the social evils confronting our society. Not ‘lifting’ but let the ‘uplifting’ of the 1989 Act be the 25th anniversary gift to the Naga Christians. Executive Secretary, YBBA On Behalf of Yimchungrü Churches
Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”
SUDOKU Game Number # 2955
Answer Number # 2954
Civil Hospital:
STD CODE: 03862
Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital: Shamrock Hospital Zion Hospital: Police Control Room Police Traffic Control East Police Station West Police Station CIHSR (Referral Hospital) Dimapur hospital Apollo Hospital Info Centre: Railway: Indian Airlines Chumukedima Fire Brigade Nikos Hospital and Research Centre Nagaland Multispecialty Health & Research Centre
Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home:
232224; Emergency229529, 229474 227930, 231081 228846 228254 231864, 224117, 227337 228400 232106 227607 232181 242555/ 242533 224041, 248011 230695/9402435652 131/228404 229366 282777 232032, 231031 248302, 09856006026
STD CODE: 0370
Northeast Shuttles
100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202
ACROSS 1. Accumulate 6. Told 10. As well 14. Lawful 15. Beige 16. Thrust with a knife 17. Sporting venue 18. God of love 19. Clothing 20. Rancor 22. Feudal worker 23. A city in western Russia 24. Turmoil 26. Piecrust ingredient 30. A tree fruit 31. Church bench 32. Wings 33. 3 in a yard 35. Lustrous fabric 39. Outdo 41. A dais 43. Besmirch 44. Not this 46. Sketched 47. Thorax protector 49. “Eureka!” 50. Oceans 51. Personification 54. Jump up and down
56. Standard 57. Depict 63. Workbench attachment 64. Accomplishes 65. Small drum 66. Computer symbol 67. Backside 68. Colonic 69. Gave temporarily 70. Not more 71. Angers
DOWN 1. Winglike 2. No more than 3. How old we are 4. Rational 5. Tilt 6. Most proper 7. Land 8. Weightlifters pump this 9. Altercation 10. Subsequently 11. Not tight 12. Indications 13. Beginning 21. Rocks of compacted ash 25. Where a bird lives 26. Young girl 27. Astringent
28. Unusual 29. Division 34. Types of restaurants (British) 36. Container weight 37. Notion 38. Recent events 40. Operatic solo 42. Bucks 45. Pitiable 48. Pertaining to a bride 51. Blacksmith’s block 52. Vocalization 53. Malicious burning 55. Aquatic mammal 58. Old stories 59. Hindu princess 60. Cain’s brother 61. Hefty volume 62. Historical periods Ans to CrossWord 2960
CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC) WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC) MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC) ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/101 (O) 9856156876 (OC)
KIPHIRE: 8414853767 (O) 8974304572 (OC)
Toll free No. 1098 childline
DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/101 (O) 9436017479 (OC)
MON: 03869 251222/101 (O) 9436208480 (OC)
KOHIMA: 0370 2222952/101 (O) 9402003086 (OC)
TUENSANG: 8414853766 (O) 8414853519
STD CODE: 0369
Police Station 1: Police Station 2 :
2226241 2226214
Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home: Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):
2226216 2226263 2226373/2229343
TAHAMzAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade
222246 222491
For details & Test drive Contact: Urban Station, Near NSC Petrol Pump, 6th Mile Dimapur. Ph No : 240994 CURRENCY EXCHANGE CURRENCY NOTES BUY(Rs) SELL(Rs) US Dollars Sterling Pound Hong Kong Dollar Australian Dollar Singapore Dollar Canadian Dollar Japanese Yen Euro
59.81 100.99 7.7 55.72 47.95 54.88 58.31
60.23 102.13 7.78 56.51 48.52 55.54 59.02
The Morung Express
Monday 4 August 2014
TR Zeliang meets Union Finance Minister Discusses deficit issue, appeals release of Centre’s share of funding
NEw DElhi, august 3 (mExN): Chief Minister of Nagaland TR Zeliang briefed the Union Finance Minister about Nagaland’s deficit issue and special one-time grant of Rs 1234.44 crores on August 3. The chief minister met Arun Jaitley at his official residence in New Delhi. A press release from Media Cell, Chief Minister’s Office informed that Zeliang highlighted that the main cause of deficit was due to “adverse recommendation” of the 13th Finance Commission. He stated that the short assessments made by the 13th Finance Commission brought a deficit in salary and pension amounting to Rs 5765.60 crores. He further said that the 13th FC did not assess the loss of power and road Chief Minister TR Zeliang with Union Minister Arun Jaitley at transport amounting to Rs his official residence in New Delhi on August 3.
St. Xavier College welcomes new students
JaluKiE, august 3 (mExN): Tsalobe Denis and Justina Ventila were judged the Mr & Miss Fresher 2014 of St. Xavier College, Jalukie on July 30. The college held its graduation cum freshers’ day at the Seminary Auditorium. Peter Lichamo, Deputy Commissioner, Peren, was the chief guest. Speaking on behalf of the graduates, Sanbile who was assessed as the best graduate of the year appreciated and thanked the Principal and teaching faculty for their sincere services.
In his welcome speech, Fr. Jose Lukose, the principal welcomed the chief guest and other dignitaries. He congratulated the graduates and appreciated the hard work of the teachers with whose support the college produces very good result each year, stated a press release received here. “In spite of the limited facilities available in the college, the Catholic Church keeps on supporting the growth of the college in order to render higher education to the less fortunate students of this backward area,” the principal added.
1369.03 crores. “Hypothetically, the cause of interest drop down of the 13th Planning Commission amounting to 227.71 crores and also including the Additional Resource Mobilization (ARM) of Rs 101.87 crores by the Planning Commission in the SOF (Scheme of Financial) remain attributed to deficits,” the chief minister said, according to the release . TR Zeliang further informed that Finance Commission has not provided the Special Centre Assistant (united) under BCR gap for the last four years during 13th financial period, amounting to Rs 1964.15 crores, due to which, the Centre is not able to pay 10% of State share to CHS, NEC, NNCPR and other flagship programmes. He stated there is more than Rs 246 crores State share pending for
various projects/ programmes due to which Nagaland is not getting Centre’s share funding. He requested the Finance Commission to release the Centre’s share of funding even without providing 10% State share as the State does not have any resources. He shared that for last 53 years (1951-2013), the State has received only Rs 15753.63 crores from the Plan fund for development activities. He also underscored that after 51 years of Statehood, there is not even a single national or regional institute in the State. TR Zeliang also requested the Union Finance Minister to give direction to Planning Commission to protect the DCR gap of the State which is coming to minus Rs 2069.00 crores during 20142015 and to provide SCA (U)
as per the DCR gap. He also requested for the SPA grant, in order to complete the ongoing projects especially construction of Nagaland house in R.K. Puram and Dwarka in New Delhi, New Airport in Dimapur etc. He also appealed to the Union Finance Minister for consideration of special package for Eastern Nagaland amounting to Rs 300 crores which was promised during 2012-2013. According to the release, the Union Finance Minister responded to look into the matters raised by Zeliang. The Chief Minister was accompanied by Y.Patton, Home Minister, Kipili Sangtam, Power Minister, Y. Kikheto Sema, Secretary Finance, and Jyoti Kalash, Resident Commissioner, New Delhi.
Youth leadership & community development training
Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): Nehru Yuva Kendra, in collaboration with Prodigal’s Home Dimapur and village based youth clubs organized training on youth leadership and community development at Bade Community Hall, from August 1 to 3. A press release from DYC, NYK, Dimapur John Makhabo informed that the programme was conducted with a view to equip youth with basic qualities of leadership to assume responsibility and take lead in addressing village situations and also act as agents for development of their village communities. The programme also provided rural youth an opportunity to come together, share expe-
Participants of the youth leadership and community development training organized by NYK.
riences, exchange ideas and take up community welfare and development activities, it added. With this premise, NYK intends to focus on enhancing capacities of young people to take leadership to
help others live a meaningful life and contribute towards nation building. The topics covered were self awareness, personality development, communication skills, problem solving, and decision making.
MEx FILE Voice of Nagaland organizers appeal
Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): The organizers of Voice of Nagaland (VON) have informed that the grand finale which was scheduled to be held on July 31 was postponed due to some inconveniences and tight schedules. They have appealed to all the contestants and public in general to bear with the inconvenience. It further stated that, due information will be given to all the contestants and public prior to the show.
BJYM Dimapur adhoc president appointed
Dimapur, august 3 (mExN): BJYM Nagaland State unit president K. Kahoto Chishi has appointed Hokoto as adhoc president of BJYM Dimapur district with immediate effect. Hence, it has been informed that the party mobilization should be taken up as per the party manual.
BJP 11 Northern Angami II A/C youth officials
Kohima, august 3 (mExN): The BJP Mandal 11 Northern Angami II Assembly Constituency held a meeting on July 30 and constituted its youth mandal office bearers for the tenure of three years from August 1, 2014. Following are the names: Khotuo Vitho – President; Duokuolie Kense – Vice President; Neipfhelie Zatsu – Vice President; Neingusalie Khubve – Vice President; Vingutuo Rutsa – General Secretary (Adm); Aba-u Kense – General Secretary (Org); Keduokho Metha – Secretary; Ruovisie Yashu – Secretary; Ruokuovituo Rio – Joint Secretary; Kevilhoutuo Theunuo – Joint Secretary; Keduolhoulie Khro – Joint Secretary; Sede-u Rupreo – Finance; YK Angami – Treasurer; Keneiselhoulie Shuya – Asst. Treasurer; Sedevilie Chietsu – Publicity Secretary; Zhovilie Miario – Asst. Publicity Secretary; Mezhuvonuo Chatsu – Women Coordinator; Khrielanuo Metha – Asst. Women Coordinator.
Hindi as Compulsory Medium : Our Highway to Armageddon and ultimate doom
he Recent Weekly Poll, by the Morung Express, Nagaland, on “Do You Support Indian Govt Directive To Use Hindi In All Departments And Social Media”?, shows 8% saying “Yes”, 86% saying “No” and the remaining 6% undecided. Well, I write this because I see the Govt Of India Policy on this matter, as affecting our future and likely to doom our whole identity and gist for living, as a people for all posterity to come. Yes, to say it is the highway to Armageddon and to ultimate doom. Here the reader may kindly note that we touch different aspects, such as human, social, political, even history etc; because we are not to merely analyse the Hindi literature, as a language; but to mainly highlight the consequences/ramifications for us, by use of Hindi, as a Compulsory Medium. I do not know if those who have supported the proposition to say “YES”; did so emotionally or with due understanding and after perceiving its long term consequences. They have said “Yes, ya bharat hai”, and “Modi has taken the right decision, because Hindi is an important language, English is foreign language”, “this will end racism” etc. Well, Racism is a part of nature’s law; and adopting Hindi as a Compulsory Medium cannot eliminate racism. In fact racism is what we unconsciously term as “one’s dignity or identity” and will remain as part of human tradition and ethnicity, as long as the human races remain. So was this “Yes” polling done by Non Nagas or by Nagas? I wonder, because a Naga may not even have the motivation to say “Yes” on this matter. Those who polled others or undecided; or to say either way is ok or to say flow with the water, meaning they do not care, or to be irresponsible. Those who polled “NO” are certainly the more logical lot. Of course those who polled “NO” might have also done so, without much to perceive Hindi as a language; but at least they have the attitude for living with identity and pride, as a distinct people. Here the definition of “PRIDE” must be taken as “dignity, esteem, honour, recognition, respect etc“, not as the commonly understood “arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, smugness”. Did not the almighty God command that the Israelites do not mingle with other people; but to maintain their uniqueness? Let us
refer Exodus 33:16/Lev 20:26/ Num 27:9/Deut 7:2/Josh 23:7/ Judges 2:2/Ezra 9:12/Jer 15:19. I am neither a theologian nor am I trying to preach; but we want to examine our substance from all possible perspectives. Let us hear what God told the Israelites at Exodus 34:12: “take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, where you are going, lest it be for a snare in your midst”. Is this not relevant to us Nagas too? Of what use is knowing a language; if one has to lose dignity, esteem, honour, recognition, respect etc etc? Instead better not live at all; for what use is life in captivity! The confusion on Petroleum and Natural Gas (PNG) and Nagaland Special Development (Disaster?) Zone (NSDZ), all making our heads gloomy; but before sorting out these problems, another messy task of Hindi, as Compulsory Medium, is looming over our heads for decision. Let us also examine the precedent examples of those who have perished. Let us not follow them. Take the case of the Red Indians of America, the aboriginal inhabitants of mostly North America. Do we hear anything about them? Traces of them may still be there; but I am told that they have lost even their original dialects. Take the case of Maoris of New Zealand. They have also vanished like the Red Indians. The Incas of South America have done no better. Take also the case of Tibet, which the Chinese have annexed and the Tibetans have become strangers in their own aboriginal and inherited land. And although the happenings in the above drawn cases are similar to our likely fortune, the root causes are quite different. Whereas for these precedent cases things happened by forced circumstances, by conquest, in which the victims may not have much to blame themselves. But in our case if such things happen, we are going to let them happen by our own choice. It is so because we have Article 371(A), clearly protecting us by the provision “No Act of parliament (on religion, social practices, Naga customary laws, administration of criminal and social justice, ownership and transfer of land) shall be applicable to the state of Nagaland, unless the State Legislative Assembly consent to its application”. This is to also say that all the mess, created in Nagaland, have mostly been created
by our elected leaders, by way of giving assent to the Acts; which are not suitable for us. Now, to be practical let us also do basic analysis of what Hindi is like. We cannot know a person by merely shaking hands with that person. At first sight, s/he may appear very cordial and loving, just as Hindi seems to be attracting us, Nagas, superficially. We have to live with a person for at least a month to know what kind of a person s/he is. Let us do that and see. Let me first remind the reader that I did most of my schooling in Sainik School. I am not boasting of my schooling background; but to let the reader know that my views are based on practical experience and perceived analysis. In Sainik Schools, one has to study Hindi as more or less the first language, with two papers of Hindi and one paper of Sanskrit in every class. Even with that intensive study I could only manage to score pass mark, in these two (Hindi and Sanskrit) subjects. But in English I could top the score, in my class, by scoring 98 out of 100, for which the prizes given to me, are still kept by me as souvenir. This I mean to put forth that Hindi is a very, very complicated and difficult language. Let not our children and posterity be fooled by our hasty decisions, for the sake of a cup of tea, today. When most of us, Nagas, are unable to understand and make proper use of the letters “B” and “P’ and the “D” and “T”, we should never even imagine to learn the Hindi language, much more horrifying to adopt it as a Compulsory Medium. Yes, of course, as a broken/kutcha medium, we may sometimes use it to communicate to those who cannot understand any other language. You see, Hindi has many vocally/phonetically very similar letters, such as “KA, KHA, GA, GHA” – four of them. Then the letters “ JA, JHA, CHA, CHAA”- also four of them. Then the most difficult letters, “DA, DAA, DHA, DHAA, TA,TAA, THA, THAA” – eight of them. Then come the four “BA, BHA, PA, PHA”. We cannot project here the full analysis in detail and I cannot do that myself, but we can just get a bird’s eye view of what Hindi alphabets are like. In the English language, the use of verbs, e.g. the verb “DO” is taken as “DOES” when the noun or pronoun is singular, e.g, “S/HE GOES/ DOES/ WORKS/ READS” or “RAM/ SITA GOES/ DOES/WORKS/
READS” etc. Here let us clearly note the variation of the verb, “DO” to “DOES” or “GO” to “GOES” irrespective of the gender of the noun or pronoun. The verbs “DO” or “DOES” and “GO” or “GOES” do not change with the gender of the noun or pronoun. But in Hindi the verb, in addition to the singularity/ plurality of the noun/ pronoun, varies also according to the gender (Puling or Striling) of the noun/pronoun (in Hindi Masculine is called “Puling” and Feminine is “Striling”). For example in Hindi; the verb “GOES” for “HE GOES” is different from “SHE GOES”, because the verb varies with the gender. Also the verb “GOES” for “RAM GOES” is different from “SITA GOES”, because RAM and SITA have different genders. Note that the English “GOES” holds good for “RAM”, “SITA”, “HE” and “SHE”, but in Hindi “HE GOES” is said as “WA JADA HAI” and ”SHE GOES” is said as “WI JADI HAI” , so also “RAM GOES” is said as “RAM JADA HAI” and ”SITA GOES” is said as “SITA JADI HAI” - note the difference between “WA/ WI” and “JADA/ JADI”. So we see that even the proper nouns “RAM” and “SITA”, have different verbs, for the verb “GO”, because they have different genders. Also in English or our dialects, the verb “GO” for ‘THEY GO” holds correct for both genders. But in Hindi; the masculine “THEY GO” is different from the feminine “THEY GO”. The Masculine “THEY GO” is said as “WEE JADEE HEIN”; and the feminine “THEY GO” is “WII JADII HEIN” - note the difference between “WEE” and “WII”, also “JADEE/ JADII”. These cited examples are the simplest examples to depict the complexity of the Hindi grammar. Let us also see a few examples of how we, Nagas, usually speak Hindi: for example, for “I GO” we tend to say “HAM JADA HAI” which can be translated as “WE GOES” (instead of the intended “I GO”), the correct version being “MEIN JADA HOIN” for Masculine and “MEIN JADI HOIN” for Feminine (In Hindi the pronoun “I” is “MEIN” and not “HAM” which we are yet to pick up; “HAM” is “WE” and not “I”). Another usual Naga Hindi, for “WE ARE GOING” is “HAM LOK JA RAHA HAI” which can again be translated as “WE PEOPLE IS GOING” (HAM = WE, LOK = PEOPLE, JA RAHA HAI = IS GOING, - no explicit indication of “IS”, but it is implied by the nature of the
verb used). The correct version for Masculine subject is ‘HAM JA RAHEE HEIN” and the correct Feminine version is “HAM JA RAHII HEIN”. To make Hindi Grammar more complicated is the very confusing part of identifying the gender of inanimate objects. To identify the gender of an animate noun/pronoun, may not be that difficult normally, but in Hindi inanimate objects also have different genders and the verb varies according to, not only the singularity/plurality, but also with the gender of the noun or pronoun. Note the "WA/WI“ and JADA/JADI” as highlighted in the foregoing examples. So, it is very confusing as to which verb is to be used unless one has the memory of the genders of all the inanimate objects. Yes, so very Complicated and yet Intriguing is the Hindi Grammar. These are just a few of what we are liable to think that we can speak Hindi and still remain broken/kutcha. If Nagas find Mathematics or Physics difficult, I presume, we should never even attempt to take up Hindi language, much more horrendous to adopt it as Compulsory Medium! We can, at the most, continue to learn and use the broken Hindi, as we are doing now – after all who can blame us for not knowing another language. Rather it is more disgraceful if one does not know his/her mother tongue. Well, I am not teaching Hindi to the reader; but just trying to project the herculean and formidable task of learning Hindi. So do we still want to learn Hindi and then adopt it as Compulsory Medium? I am not very sure if our Naga Hindi teachers are able to really teach Hindi in its proper perspectives; but they surely know very well how formidable and horrifying it is to master the Hindi language. Yes, as an optional language, we can continue to teach and learn Hindi, as we are doing now in schools and some colleges. But to adopt Hindi as a Compulsory Medium is next to impossible, especially for us Nagas, who cannot even properly differentiate the letters “B” and “P”. or “D” and “T”. Our South Indian friends, with similarity in their phonetics or alphabets (I do not know, but they are certainly better in phonetics), could have done Hindi much earlier and with much more ease. However they also continue to remain allergic to the said Hindi, because perhaps, they have tried and they know how formidable it
is. Just read Nagaland Post July 20th 2014 ( page 7) and note “Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalitha opposes Sanskrit Week and writes to PM Modi saying ‘it would be more appropriate to organize a Classical Language Week in each state’ “. That is the level of pride they have (please refer definition of “pride” explained elsewhere, in this write up). Well, leaving aside other more complicated aspects of the Hindi language, let us sum up and conclude, that English is much more easier for us, Nagas. For us to take up Hindi, as a Compulsory Medium, is definitely going to be a big SNARE; and yes, the highway to ultimate doom. Many follies we have committed and by which we have suffered and are still suffering. Were we right when we submitted a Memorandum to the British Royalty to leave us alone? The members of the Simon Commission visited the Naga Hills in 1929 and the Naga Club reminded the Commission that the Nagas must be left alone to decide their own future. Then came the Plebiscite of 1951 and we affirmed our choice to remain independent and not with India or as a British Colony. Did we know what we meant, because even after World War II, we were still unable to even make the crudest muscle loading gun? Remember, by the end of World War I, Japan could build its own fleet of Aircraft Carriers, the Mitsubishi Zero fighter aircraft, which at that time, was much superior to any such thing the USA had, and with which they attacked Pearl harbor in 1941. Could we, Nagas, then make even the safety match or the candle? If that was our state of living, were we justified in saying that we wanted to be independent. Had we chosen to instead remain a British Colony, things could have been much different! If remaining a British Colony could be thought of, by our elders, by now Nagaland would be like Hongkong. In addition, by now Britain would, by its own volition, let us become independent, or even otherwise certainly better than what we are now with India. Of course our elders did what they thought was best for us; and we need not blame them. Was it then to say that it was lack of vision? The Bible says at Proverbs 29:18 “where there is no vision the people perish”. Do we lack the required vision; so as to adopt Hindi as Compulsory Medium or to create Special Development Zone by way of selling our precious land to outside inves-
tors or let Oil be extracted from our soil without even installing any refinery? This is what exactly the holy Bible cautions us about lack of vision. Of course vision is God-given and we cannot have by ourselves; but if any among us, have that visionary wisdom; let us pay heed to such advice; and let not our posterity become victims in our (their) own land. Well, by projecting the problems and our limitations, we want to convey to our leaders, especially the elected leaders, that they represent us, the electorate. Hence we expect them to work and think for our welfare. We also want to remind them that today they are there, in the seats of the mandated leaders. But tomorrow some of them will not be there and what decisions they take today will also affect them, their children, clan, village, community, all Nagas. Hence every decision has to be taken with care and only after considering the long term consequences, advantages and disadvantages. Of course, every initiative will have both advantages and disadvantages; but the advantages must far out-weight the disadvantages, in the long run. Wrong decisions are bound to be made by anyone, either deliberately or by oversight. But the not-sofar-reaching follies, for example; if a junior is favoured, and given promotion by superseding a senior or a contract work is allotted to a less competitive contractor, these are both corruptions, no doubt. But in these cases the long term ramifications are limited and the after effects are felt only within a limited circle, and the long term social ramifications may not be that serious. But policy decisions on political or social matters are the most delicate and needs wisdom, consultations, precedent references and related consequences, expressed views and opinions of the masses etc, before making the final decision. Yes, our dear elected leaders; let not your decisions be dictated by emotion or temporary benefits, so as to be a Snare, that your people curse you. Instead let your decisions be noble and honourable, so that your people honour and bless you, perhaps even winning more votes. Yes, please do not forget that Nagas are also becoming more aware and more conscious and are watching. Mhondamo Ovung Chief Engineer, PHED, Nagaland (Retired), Wokha, Nagaland
The Morung Express is introducing “Public Space” as part of our intention to provide deliberate space for the opinions of the people to be expressed and heard through this newspaper. Nonetheless, The Morung Express points out that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.
The Power of Truth
The Morung Express MonDAy 4 AuGusT 2014 voluME IX IssuE 212
Along Longkumer Consulting Editor
Grand Plans
rand plans of the Nagaland government to extract oil, construct a 4-lane superhighway or undertake the ambitious Special Development Zones along the foothills, these have all turned out to be controversial with strong opposition from all quarters. Government policy unlike in other places does not seem to find acceptability in the eyes of the people here in Nagaland. In the process, the governments own position is discredited, which is also not a good thing because at the end of the day decisions have to be taken by those who run and govern the State. But why is there so much of disaffection between the government and the people? Are there any valid reasons why more and more people have started to distrust their own government and are not willing to listen to those who govern them? Perhaps policy making is faulty or that people are also sometimes too sensitive especially when it comes to land and its resources. And if this so, should policy making in the context of the Nagas become more participatory, involving the people so that their viewpoints are considered before coming out with grand designs. Also it seems to be the case that while policy making is projected as a mantra of the ‘common good’ or ‘for people’s welfare’, there is always something wrong and corrupt about the motive, i.e by the powerful who want to personally benefit from such exercise. Worse of all, whenever there is any form of opposition, instead of trying to resolve the particular matter, the government will resort to the tried and tested method of ‘divide and rule’. This is not a healthy way of governing and will only lead to more conflicts within. Any policy, no matter how good it may be, will never succeed if people’s goodwill and support is not there. And so what is the way out. On the recent grand plans and schemes that has been announced, a rethink is required on how best some of these can be undertaken without compromising on the basic and fundamental tenet of our rights as currently derived out of Article 371 (A). Clear safeguard measures must be guaranteed by the government. While rights are important to us, the Naga public must also understand on the need for taking up development that will benefit the common people and the State as a whole such as having good road connectivity and electricity. We also need to tap our resources and not let it remain idle. Economically Nagaland is a poor state dependent on aid from Delhi although we claim to be rich in natural resources, which is something we have not been able to use for our benefit. But for all this to happen we also need a government and leaders who will speak and work for the people. And therefore, before we embark on grand projects we need to do the basic things rights such as giving priority to basic infrastructure, improving governance, proper utilization of funds, ensuring transparency and accountability besides strengthening the rule of law. In our current context, there is also the need to restore the relationship between the government and people so that both can work together in an environment of trust and goodwill. For this our leaders must earn the trust and confidence of the people while the latter must show respect for authority and have faith that the government will do the right thing. Clearly we need to get back to basics. If we can get this right, greater things can be accomplished. (Feedback can be sent to consultingeditormex@gmail.com)
Gaurav Sharma IANS
Preparing a blueprint to Indianise education
fter getting American scholar Wendy Doniger's book on Hinduism pulped, retired 85-year-old teacher and educationist Dinanath Batra, an admirer of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has a new mission: preparing a “blueprint” for “Indianising” the country's education system and liberating it from the clutches of western education. Emboldened by the Gujarat government's move to make his books supplementary reading in state-run schools, in one of which he has mentioned that modernisation of education should not mean westernisation but Indianisation and has asked students to take pride in their religion and its symbols, Batra said some “like-minded” academicians are already working on the blueprint. “We have set up a commission Bharatiya Shiksha Niti Aayog which is preparing the blueprint for the Indianisation of the education system,” Batra, who has been in news lately, told IANS in an interview. “It will take us three years to complete it and we will circulate it among people. Till now we have eight academicians in the commission and more will be included,” said Batra, who has courted controversy with his professed aim to “saffronise” the Indian education system, an initiative that has been praised by the RSS. His books eulogize Indian culture and at the same time are dismissive of western culture. He had earlier hit the headlines in March when Doniger’s academically acclaimed book on Hinduism was withdrawn after Batra filed a civil suit against it. Talking to IANS at the office of Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas in West Delhi’s Naraina Vihar, a non-government organisation in the education sector, Batra said: “Whatever is there in the NCERT book is not good. If the students read these books, they will go astray.” “Filthy language, abuses, and most depressingly unconstitutional words like Chamar and Bhangi have been used in the Hindi books of the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training). Is it not distortion of Hindi language,” Batra asked. “English poems (in Devanagri script) and Persian couplets in Hindi are there in the school books. It is a distortion of Hindi language,” said the mild-mannered octogenarian who seems oblivious of the debate he has generated. Asked why India has been described as Akhand Bharat (United India) comprising Bhutan, Pakistan and Myanmar, among others, in one of his books, he flatly denied this and said: “This is not part of my book.” “I am sending a rejoinder to the newspapers that have spread canards,” Batra told IANS. "My books have teachings imbibed from Mahabharata and Ramayana which great historians like Romila Thapar describe as epics. The fact is that some portions of Ramayana are there (finally) in NCERT books," Batra said. Batra said it was the Gujarat government under the then stewardship of Modi that approached him for the translation of his books. “I never asked Gujarat government to include my books in schools curriculum. They sought my permission to translate my books which I approved.” Asked whether he was trying to please the Modi dispensation by showing his commitment to "Indianise" education, he said: “I have never met Modi nor Smriti Irani (Human Resource Development Minister).” “What would I do by pleasing Narendra Modi? I have everything in life. My children are well settled and my daughter lives in Toronto in Canada,” Batra said. However, Batra seems to be in awe of Modi. “(Lal Krishna) Advani's age is over and it is Modi, who seems to be promising a better future.” Asked about his association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), with which the Bharatiya Janata Party has close ideological and organisational links, he said: “When I was 10 years old, I participated in some of the activities of the RSS. It does not mean that I am part of the RSS.” RSS spokesman Ram Madhav has defended Batra's work and praised him for ensuring that "Indian values are taught to our children".
Jill Lawless Associated Press
Haggis a potent symbol as Scotland decides its future
t's not much of an exaggeration to say that Jo Macsween has haggis in her blood. The business founded by her butcher grandfather is a leading purveyor of Scotland's national dish: a blend of offal, oats and spices, traditionally served in a sheep's stomach. Macsween is all too aware how unappetizing that might sound. She has dedicated her life to transforming the image of haggis for the 21st century. "I describe it as the food that hugs you from inside," said Macsween, a passionate advocate for her product. "I feel loved after I've eaten haggis." She says this while scooping crumbly nuggets of haggis onto a plate of nachos, along with cheese, sour cream and guacamole. Food purists might wince, but others may see haggis nachos as a symbol of modern Scotland, comfortable with both tradition and change — themes that run through Scotland's independence debate. Haggis, Macsween said, "goes to the very identity of what makes Scotland Scotland." Like millions of other Scots, she has been thinking a lot recently about what that means. On Sept. 18, Scottish voters will decide whether to break up Britain by dissolving a 307-year-old union with England to become an independent country. The outcome will be decided partly by economic arguments: Would independence make individual Scots, and businesses like Macsween's, better or worse off? But questions of identity and national image also loom large. The independence debate has made Scots think deeply about the story Scotland tells itself. Do images of bagpipes, tartan and warrior heroes like William "Braveheart" Wallace still speak to a modern, multicultural society? Does Scotland need to shake off the yoke of a domineering neighbor, or is it comfortable clubbing together with England, Wales and Northern Ireland inside the United Kingdom? Macsween, who runs the family firm with her brother James, has a complicated relationship with national myths, and especially with Robert Burns, Scotland's 18th-century national poet. His "Address to a Haggis" — "Great chieftain o' the pudding race!" — is recited at Burns Night suppers every January. That is how most people first encounter haggis, liberally doused in whiskey and tradition, and Macsween thinks the "hullaballoo" can be alienating for newcomers. At Macsween's tidy modern factory near Edinburgh, workers stuff a blend of sheep lung, beef fat, oatmeal and spices into an intestinal casing to make traditional haggis, as round and solid as gray cannonballs. But the company also produces a popular vegetarian version, as well as canapé-sized mini haggis balls and microwaveable patties that can be used in everything from tacos to lasagna. "Scotland is not about old white men in kilts stirring pots to make haggis," she said. "My team is multicultural. We use state-of-the-art equipment." A NEW NATIONALISM? If Macsween is something of a haggis pioneer — bringing tradition into today's world — the pro-independence campaign has been engaged in a similar modernization effort. For decades the nationalist cause was associated with "Braveheart"-style images of woad-smeared Scottish warriors battling English oppressors — and never managed to gain the support of more than a third of Scots. But the pro-independence "Yes Scotland" campaign led by Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond has stressed a more modern brand of civic and economic nationalism, far removed from Burns Night romanticism. The campaign argues that Scots should have control over their own taxes and resources — especially the oil and gas below the North Sea. Salmond says an independent Scotland would build a strong social safety net for the country's 5.3 million people, an approach he contrasts with the budget-cutting, Conservative-led British government in London.
hen director Jonathan Demme was approached to show support for all victims of the conflict in Gaza, he didn't hesitate to sign on. Actor Wallace Shawn is willing to put up with jeers on the street for his opinions about the violence. And Mark Ruffalo is determined to air his views about the fighting on Twitter, no matter the cost to his social media numbers. The Israel-Palestinian debate was once considered so delicate a topic, it was pretty much off-limits to celebrities. But in another sign that social media is intensifying how we wrestle with sensitive global issues, stars of all stripes are taking to the Internet to openly discuss the conflict that has killed more than 1,300 people. The result is a high-profile divide rarely seen within the predominantly liberal entertainment community. "I don't see this as being politics or statehood for Palestine or Hamas," Demme said. "I think it's about taking innocent lives and the destruction of a culture. ... I've never been ashamed of my pacifist point of view of things at any time since I became a cardcarrying hippie back in the '60s." Demme is among dozens of musicians, actors, filmmakers, authors and sports figures who have chosen to speak out about the conflict. Yet some, like pop star Rihanna and Houston Rockets center Dwight Howard, had second thoughts and erased their messages of support for Palestinians soon after they were posted. And Penelope Cruz and husband Javier Bardem quickly clarified their
ening to leave you, you would want them to say 'I love you and respect you, I'm committed to you and I want you to stay' — rather than, 'You'll never survive on your own and you'll be poor,'" Stewart said. "The modern world is about diversity, it's about scale, it's about embracing many different nations, as we do in the United Kingdom. We show — we were almost the first to show — that four nations can coexist." The English have even acquired a taste for haggis. Macsween now sells 60 percent of its product south of the border.
A woman browses haggis products at a souvenir shop in central Edinburgh, Scotland on Monday, July 28, 2014. The Scottish national dish is a blend of offal, oats and spices - traditionally served up in a sheep's stomach. (AP Photo/ Jill Lawless)
That vision of Scotland as a sort of Celtic Scandinavia has won over some voters wary of nationalist stereotypes. "I like to think that we're a country that will look out for each other," said Roz Currie, a psychologist from Edinburgh who will be voting for independence. "Making a fairer place to live, and a place where everyone feels welcome. "I think it should be about politics and ideals, rather than 'I'm voting yes because I'm a true Scot.'" The Yes campaign's call for a more equal society has strong support in areas like the poor quarters of Glasgow, which have some of Britain's worst poverty and unemployment rates. "I don't think it would be a bad thing to say yes, I really don't," said John Doran, a retired oil rig worker from Glasgow's gritty Gorbals area. "All the moneymen are down in England. The rich are down in England." That is an often-heard sentiment. There is a strong strain of social egalitarianism in Scotland's self-image, fostered in part by its Presbyterian traditions, and by the poems of Burns, whose work includes the liberal anthem "A Man's a Man for a' That," as well as his ode to the humble haggis. "Scotland is essentially an egalitarian society," said Stuart Delves, a playwright commissioned by Macsween to write a play about haggis that is running at August's Edinburgh Fringe Festival. "And the food that (Burns) chose to address and to celebrate was the common man's food. That's why it is so rightly Scottish." THE UNION FOREVER? The case against independence is succinctly summed up by voter Gillian MacKay, a marine biologist from Falkirk in central Scotland: "Why try and fix something that's not broken?" Prudence is another component of Scotland's self-image — after all, its national dish, made from oats and offal scraps, is a model of frugality. Scotland already has considerable autonomy, with its own parliament, established in 1999, and separate legal and educational systems. The anti-independence "Better Together" campaign has focused on the economic uncertainties full independence would bring, arguing that Scotland would not automatically be entitled to keep the pound currency or European Union membership, as Salmond has promised. Some campaigners want the No side to make a more passionate and positive case for Britain. Rory Stewart, a Conservative lawmaker who represents a constituency on the English side of the border, regrets the failure "to make the positive argument about Britain and British identity." "If your partner was threat-
ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY As a small country, Scotland relies on doing business with others. Its food and drink industry — which includes meat, smoked salmon, Scotch whisky, and, of course, haggis — is a major source of exports, worth 13 billion pounds ($22 billion) a year and rising. After conquering England, where haggis is even sold in the tony Selfridges and Harrods department stores, it has its eye on Europe and South Africa. Everyone agrees independence would have a big impact on Scotland's economy — but there's heated debate about what form it would take. Many details are contested or unknown, including what share Scotland would get of North Sea oil revenue, what portion it would take of Britain's national debt, whether it can continue to use the British pound, and how international markets would react to independence. The Yes campaign argues that independence will unleash the creative energy of Scotland's economy; the No side says it will limit it, by complicating relations with the rest of Britain. "It's only in the next two years that any of us will truly understand," said Macsween. "How can you possibly know, because there are so many details to work out." The British government recently promised to use its clout to press the cause of haggis in the United States, where British beef and lamb have been banned since the 1980s' mad cow disease outbreak. Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said the government would use "its considerable influence ... to reintroduce our produce where markets have been closed." Not to be outdone, the pro-independence Scottish administration stressed that it "had been pushing this development for years." Despite their efforts, the ban remains in place. A CONFIDENT COUNTRY Polls have put the No side ahead throughout the campaign, but shown that as many as a million of the country's 4 million voters are undecided. Recent polling suggests some of the undecideds are moving to the Yes camp — but not enough to ensure victory. With six weeks until referendum day, Scotland is feeling confident. Glasgow, Scotland's biggest city, is buzzing with thousands of visitors to the Commonwealth Games sports tournament. There has been a very un-Scottish heat wave. And English athletes have been cheered almost as loudly as Scottish competitors — a welcome that has even surprised some Scots, steeped in rivalry with their neighbor. Many Scots now seem happy to laugh at their national icons. The Games' colorful opening ceremony featured dancing teacakes, shortbread, a giant Loch Ness monster, bagpipers, Scottish terriers — and a giant haggis. Some Scottish viewers cringed at the parade of stereotypes, but others looked with a dash of pride at their icons — including the haggis Macsween calls "Scottish charcuterie at its finest," a delicacy to stand alongside European treats such as salami or serrano ham. The positive mood may give voters the confidence to vote yes to independence. Or it may encourage them to say no, happy to forge a distinct national identity within the United Kingdom. "I think whatever the (referendum) result is, Scotland should enjoy the debate about itself," Macsween said. "I think it shows that Scotland is in a more confident place that it can even have the debate."
Stars willing to risk opinions on Gaza clash Chris Talbott AP Music Writer stand on the issue after they joined 100 Spanish signees of an open letter calling the Israeli attacks genocide. Later, more participants sought to tone down the rhetoric. Others, though, haven't backed away from their commentary. Demme, Shawn, Chuck D and dozens more, including Nobel Peace Prize winners, participated in a Jewish Voice For Peace video in which each held up a sign with the name and age of a conflict casualty. The video attracted 100,000 views in two days on the Web. Shawn, who is Jewish, narrates the video and said he's been criticized on the street in New York because of it. He said he understands the Jewish community's need for Israel to exist, but he would like to persuade those who support Israel's actions — including such notables as Scarlett Johansson, Joan Rivers, Howard Stern and Bill Maher — that violence is unnecessary. "We're involved as American taxpayers, so, you know, I'm involved," Shawn said in an interview. "I'm actually paying for these cruel assaults on innocent civilians. So I am balancing out my own crimes to some very
small extent by lending my voice and my face to a video protesting what I myself am doing." Celebrities airing views on social or political issues is nothing new, said "Reinventing Yourself" author and former presidential campaign spokeswoman Dorie Clark. "But there are some issues that are far more controversial than others." Wiping out hunger or eradicating disease are issues most people, including celebrities, can get behind, she noted. But Israel is a topic that's very personal to many people, and one that almost always causes friction — and in the case of the current Mideast clash, an unusually sharp difference of opinion among entertainers. "If I were a publicist advising Hollywood celebrities, if your conscience absolutely compels you to speak out, then do it," Clark said. "But there are serious risks and people have been trying to figure out this situation for millennia and your voice or support one way or another may not be helpful to the overall debate." In some ways it may be harmful, said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder
and dean at the pro-Israel Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. Hier, who has close ties to the Hollywood community, sees celebrities misinterpreting events and journalists ignoring history when describing the current conflict. He believes comments like those first issued by the 100 Spanish luminaries are irresponsible. Hier believes some condemning Israel are doing it to gain fans in a climate of growing anti-Semitism in Europe. "I think they think they're going to be more popular," Hier said. "Look around the world. I'm not talking about the United States; in the United States polls show two to one that people understand how the war started and they back Israel. But it's not so around the world." How each star chooses to broach the issue has varied. Many acts have canceled concerts in Israel. Some cite safety concerns. Others are actively calling for a boycott, such as Pink Floyd's Roger Waters. And some try to distance themselves from the political debate, staying with a message of peace. Ruffalo has tweeted on the issue frequently and said he's seen his following fluctuate because of it. But he's committed to using his social media voice for more than just laughs. "When you're talking to a million people, even in 140 characters, if you get 5 percent or 2 percent or 1 percent that actually think differently for a moment or see something differently for a moment, I think you've done an enormously positive thing," he said.
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4 August 2014
INTRODUCTION The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) would like to respond to the queries of the general public and the arguments of certain civil societies and individuals in the light of the present debate on the Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act 1989(NLTP). The Prohibition Movement was launched in 1974 spearheaded by the Church, Women and Youth organizations. As a result, Mon District was declared Dry in 1988, Mokokchung District Dry declaration was in January 1989, and Nagaland Dry State was declared in June 1989. FOUNDATION The Bible warns of alcohol; Constitution of India enshrines prohibition of alcohol (Article 47). Accordingly Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act 1989 was enacted by the State Government. NBCC’s RESPONSE: Some people are of the opinion:1. That the Act is a total failure. 2. That the Government is losing revenue. 3. That there has been an upsurge in the usage of illegal drugs in the state because the sale and consumption of liquor has been prohibited, and which is assumed to have led to the AIDS epidemic in the state. 4. That individual freedom/choice should be given. The NBCC would like to refute the veracity of the above statements and to assert that the Prohibition Act is good for our people, as may be observed from the following arguments. 1. ON THE QUESTION THAT THE ACT IS A TOTAL FAILURE. a. The Act has been a partial failure not because it is a wrong Act, but because it has not been implemented in letter and in spirit. Therefore, NBCC has appealed to the State Government time and again to implement the Act by providing all the needed support to the department concerned and the Law enforcing agencies. b. We would like to state that if it is determined to, the Government can in a short stipulated time see that most bootlegging in the state is stopped. The law enforcing agencies know almost every major bootleggers and outlets. Non implementation of the Act in letter and spirit makes us come to the conclusion that many in the system benefit from this trade. c. We would like to point out that many times the lawmakers become lawbreakers and different agencies are made to be involved in making a mockery of the system. d. We would like to state that the Act is not a total failure. - Both Excise Department and Police sources agree that with the Prohibition in force, crime rates and road accidents have decreased, general law and order improved, more peace and tranquility prevails at night, regular fights in families or in our streets reduced and women feel safer now than it was prior to prohibition days. Moreover, our young boys and girls have performed better in their studies and feel secured due to family integration. - Any Doctor in Nagaland, particularly the Medical Superintendents of any Civil Hospital can prove that accidents and diseases related to Alcohol consumption in the state has drastically been reduced after the Act. - Village and town authorities and honest Excise and Police officials are enforcing the law with considerable success.
e. Any failure in the past reflects the level of non-performance which should not be the guiding principle nor the basis for a decision that is going to have far-reaching effect on many more generations to come. We must look beyond the present. 2. ON THE QUESTION THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS LOSING REVENUE It has come to our knowledge that the Government is losing about 10-30 crores rupees per year because of the Prohibition Act. a. We would like to apprise our Government that in countries where studies were performed to see if Government really gained or lost revenue because they allowed Alcohol and tobacco to be sold. They were surprised by the fact that these Governments had lost much because it wanted some revenue. We would like to quote two studies to support this fact. i) The Government of France in a study showed that the revenues earned by allowing alcoholic beverages were 53 billion francs. In contrast, 132 billion francs were spent in trying to pay for damages alcoholism produced on the country. Further the loss of productivity caused by alcoholism was estimated at 325 billion francs. That year the government of France lost more than 400 billion francs because it wanted to gain 53 billion francs in revenue. ii) Closer home, research in tobacco revenues has revealed that the Indian Government received Rs.1551 crores in a year. That same year the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) estimated that the cost of treating cancer patients alone, arising from the abuse of tobacco was around Rs.2365 crores annually. In addition Rs.3000 crores will be lost from disability and inefficiency caused by tobacco consumption. (The Hindustan times, Nov.’95). Apparently, governments all over the world are “penny wise and pound foolish”. b. The NBCC would, in all humbleness like to convey that other avenues of earning income have not been properly explored by the government in the past. We would like to cite one example for the government to contemplate on. i) We estimate that in a day around 5 crores worth on consumer goods are sold in the state. If proper taxation of those goods are enforced the government would get almost 8% of this amount i.e. Rs.40 Lacs in a day. In one year the government would garner revenues close to Rs.125 crores just by proper taxation. Compared to this Rs.10-30 crores of revenue that is not added due to liquor prohibition to the state treasury is a very small figure. ii) How can any government really count the cost of what drugs, tobacco and alcohol abuse has done to our society in terms of money and revenue lost; lives lost from suicides, homicides, accidents, overdose, broken families, abused wives and children, lost jobs and shattered dreams? iii) Responsible governance, proper utilization of funds and emphasis on transparency will be what saves the state from financial bankruptcy. iv) People are well aware that it is corruption at every level in our state that has resulted in the sad financial state, but not because of revenue loss through prohibition. 3. THAT THE ACT HAS LED TO AN INCREASE OF DRUG ABUSE AND HIV/AIDS. On the question that the prohibition had led to an in-
crease of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS is not based on facts. a. That the state has been badly affected by drugs is a fact we agree with. However the argument that it is because of the prohibition of Alcohol, although very convincing and the conclusion of most people, is not supported by scientific fact. b. Nagaland, like the rest of the world has been caught in the pandemic of drug abuse. It has touched every country, community and people on the planet. c. In countries where free sale of alcohol is allowed, the rates of drug abuse have never been lower. Examples are the free western European countries and America. d. 12 to 20 million Americans are regular users of marijuana, 20 to 25% of all High school students have made marijuana an accepted way of life, 6 to 8 million are hooked on to cocaine and heroin. An un-estimated number running into millions are on to amphetamines. This is happening in countries where alcohol is freely sold and society is more ordered. e. Tamil Nadu State was the highest number of HIV/ AIDS patients in India. This was happening in a state where the sale of liquor is free and legalized. In no country free sale of alcohol has brought the rates of drug abuse down. We agree that AIDS poses a serious danger to our society. We also agree that it was drug abuse and HIV mainlining and sharing of syringe and needles that was responsible for the initial spread of AIDS in our society. However, every study has shown that this is the regular pattern of spread in any community. Later after the initial stage the main means of spread is sexual promiscuity in any society. Do not blame the spread of HIV/AIDS on our society on prohibition of Alcohol in the state. Today the main cause of spread of HIV/AIDS is the low moral lifestyle of our people not prohibition. In fact in lifting of prohibition the spread would be faster. 4. THAT INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM/CHOICE SHOULD BE GIVEN: 1. No Government can exist without the enactment of law; otherwise there will be disorder and chaos. Laws are made for the betterment of every individual and the people as a whole. So the Government has the right to enact law to protect its citizens. 2. In countries like Malaysia and Singapore death penalty is given to the drug users and traffickers. Why such a law? Because of this law, these countries are free from drug abuses and related problems. Undoubtedly, such law is helping the people and the governments to maintain peace and tranquility in the land. 3. We have in our State and country (also everywhere in the world) restrictions for smoking in offices and public places. Why? Is it not because of the health hazard it causes to the general public? What will be the consequences if the individual’s freedom is exercised in such case and let everyone do as he/she likes? We believe that the law is necessary for the good of the people as a whole. The individuals who are restrained from such a freedom are also benefitted. 4. Some sections of the society in our State argue saying that other advanced countries do not have such a law and so why should we have this Prohibition Act? One should remember that those countries have thousand years of civilization and more than two hundred years of independence. They know what to do, how to behave and where they are going. In our State, out of approximately a population of 2 million, less than 1%
The Morung Express
will fall within the so called “elite” group and even the employed population will fall within 5% or less. So more than 95% of our people are common people who should be protected by the Government and the leaders of our societies from such destructive substance. Every right thinking leader must think for the welfare of these common people. Therefore, in this matter individual freedom or privilege is subject to the law of the land. 5. When we talk about individual’s freedom, it is about doing good to ourselves and to others but not otherwise. Can the Government and Societies grant freedom to individuals to kill anybody? The use and sale of alcohol are destructive for the people and so the Prohibition Act is to protect the people from this destruction. NBCC’s STAND 1. The Nagaland Liquor Total prohibition Act has been passed by the State Government as per the provision of the Constitution of India for the interest and welfare of the people in order to safeguard public health, public morality and public peace. Liquor Prohibition is one of the few brakes that is keeping our moral standard and social fabric intact to some extent. 2. The NBCC would like to state that we know the mentality and nature of our people. The behavior of our people during the general elections portrays how immature and corrupt our people have become leading to moral degradation of our society in general. Many people around the world also drink, however, they know the limit and there is not much overt wanton acts of drunkenness. Our people in general have no discipline, we respect no authority. We have no limits. Lifting of prohibition would amount to complete madness and detrimental to the well being of our society which is already reeling under many social upheavals at present. Although this prohibition is short of perfection the general well being of our society, particularly for the weaker sections of societies including women and children is safeguarded. 3. The Church as the moral voice of the State would like to affirm that we are against lifting of prohibition which is detrimental for our people; we won’t allow it to destroy the already fragile social fabric of our society. Most of the root causes of evils, accidents, crimes, lawlessness and corruptions are found in alcoholism in our society. Precious souls, promising youth and the cream of our society will be wiped out in no time and our streets will be unsafe by multiplying brawling drunkards and other violent elements if prohibition is lifted. We feel that the issue of lifting the Prohibition Act will bring further division and destruction in an already morally corrupted society. 4. The NBCC would like to highlight the fact that at the centre there are moves to ban liquor and tobacco products at the national level. We are happy and proud of our State Government’s decision of prohibition that had preceded the national awareness. Then why are we at the state level opposing the prohibition law which although imperfectly implemented has done much in improving the general well being of our society? In conclusion we would like to state that the Government of Nagaland had already committed to uphold the prohibition in the past. NBCC appeals to the Government to strengthen its position by amending the loopholes in the NLTP Act 1989 instead of lifting. The NBCC will remain committed to uphold the Prohibition for the general well being of the people of the state. May the Lord Almighty protect and bless the people of Nagaland. Nagaland Baptist Church Council
Is there a pressIng need for a publIc debate on the nagaland lIquor total prohIbItIon act?
Some of those who voted YES had this to say: • Yes, how can you stop a river? They dammed it and it flows. Only the crooks get rich, those who will want liquor will get it any way. prohibition only severs the crooks • Yes, one of the most pressing need. • Yes, Masses must understand both the side of the coin. • Yes because prohibition has become a disgrace to the Nagas and Nagaland. NBCC should rather concentrate on the Churches and its flock instead of interfering in politics and policies of the government. • Yes because liquor stores are everywhere in Nagaland. • Yes, it is warning us of its final stages. Let me propose a solution, although i am sure some right thinking people in Nagaland are already implementing to control the abuse of alcohol and putting it in practice. Alcoholic Anonymous, also known as “AA” are great achievements created by people from other countries. Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. Their dedication to such principals and strategy has spread across the world in a tremendous light. A.A has literature, traditions, books, rules, awareness, etc and such diverse policies which proved efficient over the many years in their community. The best part is that they are an independent group, but also works hand in hand with the government system. So, for example, instead of going to jail for an accident due to driving under the influence, the court sends him/ her to such programs for an amount of time to recover. A just and a worthy decision i should say, because it benefits both parties. I think Nagaland has one of the highest drinking problems in the world. One can prove it by the condition of the economy, health, lifestyle and so forth. Educating the old and the young, making awareness in schools, towns, advertising it within and outside the system will be a good idea and a fresh start. • Yes, because it is doing more harm than helping people. Some of those who voted no had this to say: • No. Enough is enough. It is now time to make strategic plans on how manage alcohol sell and supply once it is lifted so that quality of the alcohol is checked; sell to minors is banned; responsible drinking is promoted; DUI is severely punished; everyone knows the harms of alcohol abuse and the age permitted to drink alcohol is determined. Law enforcement agencies must be equipped to manage alcohol related offenses promptly with resources. Or, are the boot legging syndicate so powerful they have those powerful org opposing the lifting of the Act in their payroll? PS: the State should invest in rehabilitation centres ...treatment works. • Why another public debate when the government is not serious about it. Instead they should just lift prohibition. It was the state government that enacted the Prohibition and it has to be the government that should lift it. • No. A state is supreme in all its manifestation. It is the State’s prerogative and their boundful duty to decide all pressing issues. Nothing is above State, even religion for that matter.
• No the solution is to remove prohibition therefore there should be no discussion. • The time for debate has passed. The recent statement of • the NPF government saying that they are open to debate and review of the Prohibition Act shows that they are not willing to lift the Dry State status. Instead they are trying to pass the buck to the public. As a government, the Chief Minister should show his leadership by taking a clear and decisive stand rather than passing the blame to others. • My answer is a big ‘NOOOO’ There will be no solution by debate. Better cast vote or straight fight, one day match • between “NBCC and supporters versus Alcoholic and Fans of Nagaland. • No. There is no need for further debates...all energy has been drained out of this topic. For better or for worse lift the NLTP • There is no need for Public debate because no right thinking Public supports the prohibition. So Naga Public wont be their for the motion except for against and NBCC might get disgraced. • There is no need for a debate because we all know what the whole mass of Nagaland wants. This prohibition has been shamefully very unsuccessful, so there is no need for a debate, the prohibition must be lifted without further delay. • Fighting a losing battle' is what we termed this act. why another debate? everybody knows the pros n cons of this act so there is no need to talk about it again. we just need to discuss, find ways on how to run the state after lifting the prohibition. leave the NBCC behind....its non of their busiYES ness. it is better for NBCC not no to poke their nose as doing so will further damage their already disfigured image or expose more of their failures.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: • I will support total prohibition as long as the Nagas don't realize what moderation means. • It should be lifted without any debate. Both NBCC and government of Nagaland are in no way able to control prohibition. It is helping the liquor baron to flourish their business; any time any brand any quantity is available anywhere in Nagaland at the very nose of police and other agencies. It’s a mockery to the legislation. • Nagaland has been misled by wrong leaders at the
wrong time. change of leadership in all spheres, the need of the hour. Why public debate when liquor is freely available? Some hypocrites will speak for total prohibition on behalf of the bootleggers or just to create a Mr. Good image (sic). Why can't our legislators debate? Reality is prohibition cannot be employment ed. Also forget about licensing because it will only enrich a few. Let anyone who wants to sell open a store and got. Impose sales tax. Otherwise the few rich will control while the got will be left high and dry. I feel it is against the norms of the church to support lifting of prohibition. So knowing this, it is best not to include or involve them in the debate. It is our prayers that parents educate their children and the church take up the challenge to persuade the people to give up or at least limit the intake of alcohol. Taking the debate to the people will be a lengthy process and may not bear the desired results as there will be too many diverse opinions. Won’t it be best for the elected members, as they are supposed to be the conglomeration of the people’s mandate to discuss in the floor of the assembly and do the necessity boldly. No matter how strict the enforcement is, liquor will always find a way in but in the process it will increase the cost manifold and the drinkers will always buy no matter what the price. It is said that a bottle of beer cost more than Rs. 600/- during Christmas season in Mokokchung, yet they are always sold out. Because of demand, I won’t be surprised if the entire forest in Nagaland one day becomes filled with illegal breweries, if that is to happen then Nagaland will be full of spurious liquor. We also don’t have OTHERS enough forces to guard the entire boundaries with Assam and Myanmar to check the inflow. Unless the entire world goes totally dry, bootlegging will exist as it involves big money and huge profit. I for one would want total prohibition but seeing it’s failure in total implementation, making crorepatis of every wine stores in Lahorijan, Katkoti, Mariani etc including the bootleggers in Nagaland who are selling them 24 hours and fleecing money from drinkers, people particularly youngsters consuming spurious drinks etc. I feel it is best to lift prohibition so that liquor will be sold legally with strict rules and regulations as it will also increase the govt’s revenue from excise duties. Makes sense because as of now, liquor is flow-
ing even after Nagaland became a dry state. No wonder others poke and make fun and say that Nagaland is the wettest dry state in the world! The mission of the church is not simply talking about the gospel. It has social, political, economic and environmental responsibilities too. Alcoholism is a social evil and hence the church must step in. Demanding the lifting of prohibition, I would say is talking in forked tongues. We have been much concerned with students going to bars and night clubs and involving in immoral activities. It all seem some people want them to do as they please in legal bars and discos. Finding out the loopholes and the reasons for failure to implement the act by the enforcing agencies will go a long way in implementing the act of total prohibition. And do remember, NBCC and NMA are not the implementing agencies. I do firmly believe that the NBCC and NMA may not be the implementing agencies but they should consider themselves as a partner in educating the people in the right perspective...I also do assume that the all powerful NMA have already back off from the rigidity of enforcing total prohibition in the state...? It’s unfortunate that the NLTP issue has been misunderstood badly and opinions expressed against it are mostly premature and one-sided. It is also shocking and sad to observe the defeated attitude of many leaders on this burning issue from the very inception of the Act. That Prohibition has failed in America and elsewhere and therefore, it is bound to fail in Nagaland itself is totally contrary to Naga spirit and Christian faith. The Bill was opposed tooth and nail by the then political leaders as some of them were connected to breweries/distilleries where they get their resources to exploit people and stay in power. Moreover, most of the legislators and bureaucrats being lovers of alcohol had aggravated the situation. In spite of the Act being in place for over two decades, the authority has lost all moral and political will to implement the Act in letter and spirit. Later on, after the ceasefire, many unscrupulous opportunists both underground and overground became black marketers in collaboration with the concerned authority. All these factors have contributed to the failure of the NLTP Act. The Act has not failed but responsible people have failed the Act. Therefore, it is time to review the Act and amend it in such a way that legal provision for sale of alcohol be made in a controlled manner so as to contain black marketers and abuse and misuse of alcohol in the land. Simply shouting for lifting of NLTP Act without proper scrutiny and strict regulation will be suicidal like jumping into the fire from frying pan. We don't want a Liquor Tsunami. I think low quality liquor that is coming in to the state is causing more harm. as others said before, educate the people to the harmful effects of drinking too much alcohol. Also if there were recreational activities available in Nagaland people wouldn't drink so much. Is there a public park? children's play area in a central location? public library? After school activities, holiday activity open to all regardless of their faith and church affiliation?
Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
Monday 4 August 2014
PM Modi offers Nepal $1 billion loan in regional diplomacy push Modi promises Nepal non-interference
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, second right, receives flowers from his Nepalese counterpart Sushil Koirala, after he arrived at the Tribhuwan International Airport in Katmandu, Nepal, Sunday, Aug. 3, 2014. Modi flew to the neighboring Himalayan nation Sunday to meet top leaders, offer prayers at a revered Hindu temple and address the parliament. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)
KAthMANDu, August 3 (ReuteRs): Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered Nepal $1 billion in concessional loans to help build power plants and roads during a visit on Sunday aimed at shoring up support in a region where China is making inroads. Both India and China are vying for political influence in South Asia, home to more than 1.5 billion people, by offering closer integration with their giant economies. India has long been the dominant force in the region. But in recent years as its economy slowed and it struggled with policy paralysis, China has stolen a march, building ports from Sri Lanka to Bangladesh and power plants in Nepal. Modi is on a two-day visit to Kathmandu to help speed up negotiations on a power trade pact that is at the centre of his new diplomatic drive. “Nepal needs highways, information ways and transmission ways. India will support you in all these,” he said in an address to the Nepali parliament where he announced the $1 billion credit line for the landlocked nation. “Nepal can use this on hydropower and infrastructure projects of its
choice,” he said to thunderous applause in a parliament chamber where politicians in the past have often targeted India as a “big brother” meddling in its affairs. Since becoming prime minister in May, Modi has reached out to neighbours after years of neglect, in a policy top advisers say is key to his plans to make India a military and economic power. “The government’s real challenge in Nepal is not China. It is the tragic failure of Delhi’s own engagement with Kathmandu,” said C.Raja Mohan, a top Indian foreign policy expert. “Despite geographical proximity, cultural intimacy, economic interdependence and shared political values, India has stumbled in Nepal.” This is the first bilateral visit to Nepal by an Indian prime minister in 17 years, though Indian leaders have routinely attended regional summits in Kathmandu. Power Pact Indian and Nepali negotiators were trying to narrow down differences over a power pact aimed at harnessing Nepal’s estimated 42,000 MW hydroelectric potential to meet domestic needs and also supply India’s giant energystarved economy.
The Himalayan nation currently has an installed capacity of just 600 MW because its development has been held back by years of political instability. It is still struggling with the transition to a constitutional republic after the abolition of the monarchy in 2008. Nepal’s politicians are at odds over the proposed energy pact. Opponents say it would give Indian firms a stranglehold over Nepal’s energy resources and bar other countries, like China, from investment in the sector. Modi sought to allay those concerns. “Nepal can become a prosperous nation by selling electricity to India. We want to join you in your journey to prosperity,” Modi, dressed in skin tight trousers, knee-long loose shirt and a waist coat, said in a speech in Hindi. During the two-day trip, Modi plans to meet politicians across the spectrum, including the Maoists who have accused India of meddling in Nepal’s internal affairs in the past. On Monday, he will offer special prayers at Lord Pashupatinath temple, a major Hindu landmark in Kathmandu, stressing the religious bonds with majority-Hindu Nepal, a country of 27 million people.
KAthMANDu, August 3 (iANs): Making the first bilateral visit by an Indian prime minister in 17 years, Narendra Modi Sunday pledged not to interfere in Nepal’s internal affairs, announced a $1-billion line of credit and said New Delhi was determined to forge a new relationship with the Himalayan nation. After wide-ranging talks with his Nepalese counterpart Sushil Koirala soon after arriving here on a two-day visit, Modi won millions of hearts by speaking in Nepali briefly during his 50-minute address to parliament where MPs repeatedly applauded him. The Indian leader covered a range of subjects in his parliament speech, from religion to politics, from diplomacy to herbal medicines, and from information technology to infrastructure. “We have always believed that it is not our task to interfere in what you do
but to support you in the path you decide to take,” he said while addressing Nepal’s parliament, the first foreign leader to do so after the restoration of democracy in this South Asian nation in 1990. In his speech, Modi appreciated the warm reception he was accorded after landing in Kathmandu earlier in the day on a two-day official visit. “The respect that I have got is not for Narendra Modi or the prime minister of India. It is respect for the people of India,” he said. “Our relations with Nepal are as old as the Himalayas and the Ganga,” he said. In his speech, Modi made frequent references to the Hindu religion to underscore the ancient ties between the two countries. “I come from Somnath’s land... I started my parliamentary journey from Kashi. Today I am standing at the feet of Pashupatinath,” he said referring to
his home state Gujarat, his parliamentary seat Varanasi and the famed Shiva temple in Nepal. “There is a temple in Kashi where the priest is from Nepal, and the priest of Pashupatinath is from India.” He said that not only people of Nepal, but also those who believe in the power of democracy are looking at Nepal and this assembly. He also hailed Nepal’s constitution drafting process during his speech in Hindi which was applauded by the parliamentarians of Nepal more than 20 times. “A constitution is not merely a book. It integrates the past, present and the future,” the Indian prime minister stated. He appreciated all those in Nepal who gave up the path of war and joined the democratic process. He touched a chord by paying homage to the Gorkha soldiers who became martyrs uin India’s wars against China and Pakistan.
Nepalese youth reunited with parents after 16 years
KAthMANDu, August 3 (Pti): It seemed to be a scene taken out from a Bollywood movie but the only thing was that it was real — the story of lost and found. It was an emotional reunion of 26-year-old Jeet Bahadur, a Nepalese youth, with his family after about 16 years of separation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has had a key role in this reunion. Bahadur had got lost in India and Modi found him in Ahmedabad. Since then he played the role of a guardian to him, looking after him and ensuring his education and well-being. He also made the special effort of ensuring that Bahadur’s family is located in Nepal and he is reunited with them.
Soon after arriving here for a two-day visit, Modi handed over Bahadur to his mother Khagisara and brother Dasharath Sarumagar and younger sister. Dasharath’s wife and children were also present at the emotional reunion. “How happy are you now? You should be happy after seeing your lost son after so many years,” Modi told Bahadur’s mother during the reunion. The grateful mother expressed thanks to Modi for looking after her son and educating him like his “dharma putra”. The poor family, which lives in a slum colony of Nawaalparas district of Nepal, had concluded that Jeet Bahadur had got lost for ever
after Dasharath failed to locate him about 16 years ago. “He (Modi) looked after me like his younger brother ever since I came in contact with him at the age of about 8-10 years. I don’t think even my mother would have done so much for me,” said Jeet Bahadur while talking to PTI. “It is my good luck that I lived with a VIP but I never felt that I was living with a VIP,” said Jeet, who was a huge attraction here. The second year student of BBA plans to continue his studies in India despite his family being located after so long. He now cannot speak his mother tongue Nepali although he understands it but is fluent with Hindi.
Delhi to join cyber police network to curb crime
New Delhi, August 3 (iANs): Delhi Police are all set to join the Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS), a cyber highway of criminal records data, along with other states that would enhance their crime-fighting prowess. According to a report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Delhi along with West Bengal, Jharkhand and Maharashtra are in the ‘initial stage’ to implement the project. The NCRB is the nodal agency handling the project, which was started in 2009 by the central gov-
ernment to facilitate collection, storage, retrieval, analysis, transfer and sharing of data and information among police stations, state headquarters and the central police organisations across the country. Explaining how the CCTNS works, Director General of NCRB Rajiv Ranjan Verma told IANS that each police officer’s General Diary (GD), which records the movement of the state police, and the First Information Reports would be uploaded on the network so that it can be accessed by all police sta-
tions, via a password. “So, it not only helps in catching criminals easily even if they shift base to another city or state but also ensures that a strong case is built against the criminals as their past record is available in a jiffy,” Verma told IANS. The CCTNS creates an integrated system for enhancing the efficiency of policing through e-governance and creation of a nationwide network infrastructure. It also reduces the need to manually perform monotonous tasks, improves police communication and e-mail system,
said Verma. So far, 16 states and union territories - Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Assam, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Odisha, Tripura and Uttarakhand - have become part of the project. “While Kerala was the first state to adopt the project starting in five districts, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka have emerged on top with the maximum
number of connected police stations,” he said. On the challenges faced by the project, Verma said training police personnel to handle the vast e-networking based application is the biggest uphill task, but added that the network connectivity was going on ‘full swing’. “A total of 14,485 police station sites out of 21,502 in 16 states and three new states have been connected by BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited), and the remaining 3,961 are ready to be connected,” he said. NCRB is coordinating with
BSNL and other internet service providers to establish connectivity between the national data centre to the state data centre. The CCTNS has been taken up as a mission mode project as part of the government’s National eGovernance plan (NeGP) under the supervision and guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs. For implementing the project, a total of Rs.540.61 crore has been released to states and union territories till March 31, 2014, of which Rs.334.81 crore has been utilized (62 percent of the funds).
KOSI FLOODS: Bihar govt orders forcible evacuation
PAtNA, August 3 (Pti): With the danger of flood looming large in the Kosi belt along Bihar-Nepal border, the Bihar government on Sunday ordered forcible evacuation of people living in the space between the river and its embankments in nine districts of the state. The move follows the discharge of 1.25 lakh cusecs of water after the Nepalese Army conducted two low-intensity blasts to partially remove the landslide debris blocking Bhote Kosi, one of the tributaries of Kosi. The release of water has raised the water level in the river in Bihar. “We have invoked the provisions of the Disaster Management Act to initiate forcible evacuation of population living in the danger zone of Kosi. So far we have evacuated 16,800 people, but over 60,000 are still present between the river and its embankment,” Disaster Management Department (DMD) Special
Secretary Anirudh Kumar told reporters. “Our latest estimates show 4.25 lakh persons living around Kosi in the state could be affected if the river swells drastically. We are trying to move all of them,” added Kumar. The landslide and the ensuing damming of Bhote Kosi, a major tributary of Kosi has occurred at Jure in Sindhupalchok district of Nepal. The place is located north of Kathmandu and around 260 km from the Bihar-Nepal border. Supaul has been made the headquarters of the evacuation, relief and rescue operations. The state government has opened 120 relief camps for human and 17 camps for cattle to accommodate the people being moved. The displaced persons are also being provided shelter in schools and colleges located on high ground. All the camps and shelters have food, sanitation and medical facilities. “The situation is under
control so far and there is no need to panic. We are prepared to face any eventuality. Four Air Force helicopters have been kept ready at Bihta airbase to launch evacuation operations,” Kumar said. “Another 17 helicopters belonging to various armed and paramilitary forces are on standby in the neighbouring states,” Kumar added. The Bhote Kosi was blocked on Friday after a massive landslide cut loose huge portions of mountains which fell on the river. Around 25 lakh cusec of water has accumulated there as a result and the Nepal government is trying to blast it since then. The Bihar government had issued a high alert on Saturday and ordered evacuation of people living in the low-lying areas close to Kosi, saying a 10-metre high wall of water could sweep down the river after the accumulated water becomes free. The DMD Special Sec-
retary said Indian experts are helping Nepal Army in blasting away the landslide debris in a step-bystep manner so that the accumulated water is discharged slowly. “If the entire blockage is blown away at one go and 25 lakh cusecs of water is discharged all of a sudden, it will bring a deluge in north Bihar,” he added. Meanwhile, NDRF Director General (DG) Mehboob Alam has arrived in Bihar. He is stationed at the force’s state headquarters at Bihta, around 40 kilometres from the state capital to monitor and supervise the situation. NDRF Deputy Inspector General S S Guleria said five more companies of the force will be flown to Bihar from Bhatinda in Punjab to bolster the evacuation and relief operations going on in the Kosi region. Guleria said all NDRF teams working on the ground are highly trained in flood rescue work and providing pre-
Indian rescuers move villagers living along the Kosi River to safer places in Supaul disrict of Bihar state, India on August 3. A massive landslide in northern Nepal, early Saturday blocked a mountain river, causing the water to form a lake that was threatening to burst and sweep several villages. Because of the risk of flash floods coming from Nepal, thousands of villagers have been evacuated in neighboring India's Bihar state. (AP Photo)
hospital medical services to the people. He also added that 25 satellite phones have been provided to various forces engaged in the evacuation and relief work for facilitating smooth communication between them. The state government is keeping its fingers crossed that a repeat of the Kosi disaster 2008 does not happens.
A breach in Kosi embankment at Kushaha in Nepal on August 18, 2008 had brought one of the most disastrous floods in Bihar. The river changed its course, killing hundreds of people and displacing around 30 lakh people. The incident also brought wide scale destruction of over 8 lakh acres of agriculture land.
The Morung Express
India faces complex challenges of terrorism, Maoism, says Rijiju hyDeRAbAD, August 3 (iANs): India faces complex and manifold challenges in its way to achieving its rightful place in the world with problems like terrorism and Left wing extremism persistently threatening to disrupt development and progress, union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju said Sunday. Rijiju was addressing the passing out parade at National Industrial Security Academy (NISA), the premier training institute of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) at Hakimpet on the outskirts of Hyderabad. Lauding the role being played by the CISF, the minister said with the changing security scenario of the country, the responsibility assigned to CISF had increased manifold. He noted that CISF is deployed in many terrorist and Maoist-affected areas and the force personnel are providing effective security to the undertakings located in these areas. “By providing security and protection to industries, CISF is acting as a catalyst for economic growth of the country,” he said.
Rijiju pointed out that the multi-skilled paramilitary force is providing security to major industrial undertakings, airports, monuments, museums, government buildings, metros, atomic energy installations and private sector units. It is also entrusted with VIP security and disaster management. In view of escalating threats to security, the government has been reposing its trust and faith on CISF to contribute to the peace, growth and prosperity of the nation, he added. Terming CISF as one of the best central armed police forces of the country, he said it was doing a commendable job in protecting the most vulnerable and critical assets of the country. The NISA was declared as centre of excellence in the field of industrial security management in 1999. He said the academy lived up to its mission to produce professionals in the field of industrial security, aviation security and disaster management. CISF Director general Arvind Ranjan and NISA director Anil Kumar were also present on the occasion.
Despite their pleas to build a bridge, these kids swim daily to reach school VADoDRA, August 3 (AgeNcies): Every morning, Geeta Baria reaches the banks of the Hiran at 7 am sharp, carrying her school books in a plastic bag. The Class IX girl from Sajanpura village in the tribal-dominated Chhota Udepur district of Gujarat also carries a Gohri, a 20-litre brass pot. The pot is precious as without it she and her five friends — all girls — can’t reach their school. They hold on to the pot to stay afloat and cross the 600 metre-wide river. Every day, the father of one of the girls volunteers to swim with them across the river. It takes them 30 minutes to cross the river — and reach Sewada village. They then have to walk 5 km to their school, the Utavadi Prathmik and Uchh Prathmik Shala in Utavadi village. Drenched, the girls wring their churidaar-kurta uniforms before reaching out for their slippers, safely brought inside the pot. About 125 children from 16 tribal villages of Sankheda taluka — Sajanpura, Chamarwada, Vasan, Angadi, Kashipura, Kukreli, Doodhpur, Nandpur, Sitaphali, Devla, Surajgola, Hatgol and Dharmapura among others — cross the raging Hiran every day to get to the school. The students then sit through classes, in their drenched uniform, and make the journey back home in Sankheda at 5 pm, taking the same water route. This ritual of swimming to school is not out of choice, but the lack of it. For the past seven years, the villagers have been petitioning authorities to construct a bridge to connect the villages of Narmada district with Chhota Udepur across the Hiran. According to Ramsinh Kanti Vasava, the sarpanch of Sewada, locals had given a petition to current Chief Minister Anandi Patel, who visited Narmada three years ago as the state revenue and urban development Minister. “The authorities are telling us that the bridge has been approved and it will be constructed to connect Kareli village in Tilakwada taluka in Narmada district with Chamarwada in Sankheda taluka of Chhota Udepur so that the children can cross safely. However, nothing has taken off despite our pleas
nor have we received any communication in reply to our petitions,” says Vasava says. “We are worried that the currents will take away some child one day. A group of villagers stand on both sides to watch them cross and we immediately scream to alert the children if the river swells or something is spotted in the waters,” he says. Chhota Udepur Collector Jenu Devan says, “We are looking into the progress of the proposed bridge now that it has come to our notice.” Narpatsinh Chauhan of Sewada village says sometimes crocodiles are spotted in the river, but none has harmed the children so far. “The Gohri is critical because there have been cases of children being washed away by the strong currents. However, since we have always escorted them, we have managed to save them. Thankfully, we haven’t been attacked by crocodiles yet,” says Nagin Baria, Geeta’s father. The boys carry dry clothes inside the brass vessel and change on reaching the other side. Geeta says, “We girls cannot swim without uniforms. So we get wet. During the summers, the clothes dry by the time we reach school but in winters and monsoon, our clothes remain wet through the day.” However, the boys do not think it is easy to swim without clothes on either. “It is embarrassing to take off clothes every day near the banks and wear them again at the other end while we are still wet. Ultimately, the clothes do get wet. Plus, many of the younger boys do not know swimming and the older ones must take care of them,” says Dipak Baria of Sajanpura village. According to locals, the river never runs dry but during summers the water level is low enough to slowly walk in groups. Chauhan says he had drawn the attention of then Chief Minister Narendra Modi to expedite the construction of the bridge in 2009, during a ceremony in Rajpipla to felicitate Chauhan’s freedom fighter father Punjabhai Kabhai Chauhan. “Modiji had promised that bridge would be ready soon. But in spite of numerous promises, the elusive bridge is stuck in red tape,” he says.
the Morung express
Monday 4 August 2014
New Gaza fighting amidst truce efforts
gAZA/JERUsALEM, AUgUsT 3 (REUTERs): An Israeli air strike killed 10 people and wounded about 30 others on Sunday in a U.N.-run school in the southern Gaza Strip, a Palestinian official said, as dozens died in Israeli shelling of the enclave and Hamas fired rockets at Israel. The Israeli military said it was looking into the reported attack, the second to hit a school in less than a week. Israeli media, on the 27th day of the fighting, reported that most Israeli troops had pulled out of Gaza, and Reuters TV footage showed a column of Israeli tanks and dozens of infantrymen leaving the enclave. An Israeli military spokesman stopped short of calling the move a withdrawal, but said residents from some evacuated Palestinian neighbourhoods had been told by the army they could return. “The troops are in the midst of a redeployment to other parts of the border,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner. “Indeed we are releasing troops from the front line but the mission is ongoing. Ground forces are operating. Air forces are operating.” In the town of Rafah, where the military has been battling militants, a missile from an Israeli aircraft struck the entrance to the school, where Palestinians who had fled their homes were sheltering, witnesses and medics said. Ashraf AlQidra, spokesman for the Gaza health ministry, said 10 people were killed and 30 wounded. Robert Serry, U.N. Middle East Special Coordina-
tor, said he was dismayed at reports of a strike in the immediate vicinity of a school in Rafah sheltering 3,000 displaced persons, causing multiple deaths and injuries. “It is simply intolerable that another school has come under fire while designated to provide shelter for civilians fleeing the hostilities,” he said. Last Wednesday, at least 15 Palestinians who sought refuge in a U.N.-run school in Jabalya refugee camp were killed during fighting, and the U.N. said it appeared that Israeli artillery had hit the building. The Israeli military said gunmen had fired mortar bombs from near the school and it shot back in response. Pressure Earlier on Sunday, Israeli shelling killed at least 30 people in Gaza, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to keep up pressure on Hamas even after the army completes its core mission of destroying a tunnel network that extends into Israel. Netanyahu says Gaza’s dominant Hamas faction bears ultimate responsibility for civilian casualties, accusing gunmen and rocket-launching squads of using residents in densely populated areas as “human shields”. In Rafah, Fatah faction leader and local resident Ashraf Goma said Israeli forces were bombarding the town from air, ground and sea and locals were unable to deal with the wounded and the dead. “Bodies of the wounded are bleeding in the streets and other corpses are laid on the road with no one able to recover them.
Palestinians evacuate a survivor of an Israeli air strike that hit the Al Ghoul family building in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip on August 3. At least 40 people were inside the Al Ghoul family building in Rafah Camp when it was targeted by Israeli jet fighters, according to the Red Crescent and Gaza health official Ashraf al-Kidra. Many have been confirmed dead and over two dozen have been wounded. (AP Photo)
“I saw a man on a donkey are being kept in ice-cream told Reuters. Sunday at least 13 rockets cart bringing seven bodies refrigerators, in flower and An Israeli army spokes- were fired from Gaza at Isinto the hospital. Bodies vegetable coolers,” Goma woman said that so far on rael. One was intercepted
by Israel’s anti-missile sys- other guerrillas, later estem and the rest landed in calating the operation into ground incursions. open areas. The fighting on Sunday pushed the Gaza death Truce Efforts In Cairo, efforts to find toll given by Palestinian a new truce were due to officials to 1,766, most of resume on Sunday. A del- them civilians. Israel has egation from Palestinian confirmed that 64 soldiers militant groups Hamas have died in combat, while and Islamic Jihad arrived Palestinian rockets have in the Egyptian capital, also killed three civilians in but a quick breakthrough Israel. At least 30 Palestinseemed unlikely in the ab- ians in Rafah were killed sence of Israeli representa- by Israeli fire on Sunday, including nine from the tives. After accusing Hamas same family, hospital offiof breaching a U.S.- and cials said. U.N.-brokered ceasefire on Friday, Israel said it would Cairo Talks The talks in Cairo, withnot send envoys as scheduled. In Gaza, Israel inten- out Israeli participation, sified attacks in the area were unlikely to produce of Rafah along the border any breakthrough, as Israel with Egypt, where 23-year- and Hamas’ positions reold officer Hadar Goldin main far apart. Israel says it wants Gaza was feared captured there on Friday shortly after what demilitarized under any was to have been a 72-hour long-term arrangement. Hamas, sworn to Israel’s truce began. The military later said destruction, demands IsraGoldin, who was dragged el withdraw its troops and by militants into a tunnel a lifting of Israeli and Egypafter two of his comrades tian blockades that have were killed by a suicide choked Gaza’s economy. Israeli Justice Minisbomber, had also died in action. Defence Minister ter Tzipi Livni, a member Moshe Yaalon said Goldin of Netanyahu’s decisionwas a relative of his. “He making security cabinet, and other soldiers who said any agreement on the fell embarked on the cam- issue was still far off. “You paign to restore quiet and want to talk about lifting the blockade? Not with us, and security to Israel.” More than 30 tunnels not now,” she told the news and dozens of access shafts website Ynet. Crowded Gazan towns have been unearthed and were being blown up. Isra- close to the Israeli borel expected to complete its der have seen destructive mission to eliminate tun- clashes and the flight of nels “probably within the tens of thousands of Palesnext 24 hours or so”, Lerner, tinians as tanks and troops the military spokesman, swept in to confront dug-in said. Israel began its air guerrillas. The United Naand naval offensive against tions said 460,000 people Gaza on July 8 following a had been displaced by the surge of cross-border rock- fighting - nearly a quarter of et salvoes by Hamas and Gaza’s population.
Islamic State captures Americans want to move on from 2 wars Earthquake kills at least 175 in southern China WAsHINgTON, AU- have consumed the nation that shattered security in BEIJINg, AUgUsT 3 were still trying to reach oil field, defeat Kurds gUsT 3 (AP): Three in for more than a decade and Iraq. victims in more remote (AP): A strong earthquake The rapid advance by in southern China’s Yunfour Americans think his- claimed the lives of 6,800 towns Sunday night.
BAgHDAD, AUgUsT 3 (REUTERs): Islamic State Sunni insurgents have captured the northern Iraqi town of Zumar and a nearby oil field in their first major defeat of Kurdish fighters, witnesses said on Sunday. The alQaeda offshoot, which swept through northern Iraq in June almost unopposed by the U.S.-trained army, poses the biggest challenge to the stability of Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003. After thousands of Iraqi soldiers fled the Islamic State offensive, Shi’ite militias and Kurdish fighters emerged as a key line of defence against the militants, who have threatened to march on Baghdad. Kurdish forces had poured in reinforcements, including special forces, to Zumar, where they battled Islamic State fighters who had arrived from three directions on pickup trucks mounted with weapons, residents said. Militants hoisted the Islamic State’s black flag on buildings, a ritual that has in the past been followed by the mass execution of captured opponents and the violent imposition of an ideology that even al-Qaeda finds excessive. Islamic State has stalled in its drive to reach Baghdad, halting just north of the town of Samarra, 100 km (62 miles) north of the capital. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) changed its name earlier this year and declared a caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria. The group has already seized four oil fields, which help fund its operations. It has been trying to consolidate its gains, setting its sights on strategic towns near oil fields, as well as border crossings with Syria so that it can move easily back and forth and transport supplies. The group has capitalized on sectarian tensions and disenchantment with Iraq’s Shi’ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Critics describe Maliki as an authoritarian leader who has put allies from the Shi’ite majority in key military and government positions at the expense of Sunnis, driving a growing number of the minority to support the Islamic State and other insurgents. He is also at odds with the Kurds. Independent State The Kurds have long dreamed of their own independent state, an aspiration that angers Maliki, who has frequently clashed with the non-Arabs over budgets, land and oil. After the Islamic State arrived, Kurdish forces seized two oil fields in northern Iraq and took over operations from a state-run oil company. In July, the Kurdish political bloc ended participation in Iraq’s national government in protest over Maliki’s accusation that Kurds were allowing “terrorists” to stay in Arbil, capital of their semi-autonomous region known as Kurdistan. In another move certain to infuriate the government, the Kurdish region is pressing Washington for sophisticated weapons it says Kurdish fighters need to push back Islamist militants, Kurdish and U.S. officials said. But Maliki needs the Kurds to defend his government against Sunni insurgents. Maliki is currently ruling in a caretaker capacity, having won a parliamentary election in April but failing to win enough support from the Kurdish and Arab Sunni minorities as well as fellow Shi’ites to form a new government. He has rejected calls by Sunnis, Kurds and Shi’ites to step aside so a less polarising figure can form a power-sharing government capable of easing sectarian tension and countering the insurgency. An official in the Northern Oil Company said Islamic State fighters had taken control of the Ain Zalah oil field and two other undeveloped fields - Batma and Sufaiya. In a statement on its website, Islamic State said its fighters killed scores of Kurdish fighters in a 24-hour battle and then took over Zumar and 12 villages. “Hundreds fled leaving vehicles and a huge number of weapons and munitions and the brothers control many areas,” Islamic State said. “The fighters arrived in the border triangle between Iraq, Syria and Turkey,” it said.Islamic State’s ambitions have alarmed other Arab states who fear their success could embolden militants in their countries.
tory will judge the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as failures, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that shows that about the same percentage think it was right to pull forces from the two countries. Americans surveyed in last month’s poll were not optimistic about the chance that a stable democratic government will be established in either country. Seventy-eight percent said it was either not too likely or not at all likely in Afghanistan and 80 percent said the same about Iraq. Roughly three out of four Americans polled think that in hindsight, each war will be deemed as an outright “complete failure” or “more of a failure than success.” A majority of those polled, or 70 percent, said the United States was right to withdraw American troops from Iraq in 2011 and pull most U.S. forces out of Afghanistan by December. The two conflicts
U.S. troops. The situations in Afghanistan and Iraq are distinct. But in each, the U.S. has spent more than a decade trying to set up democratic governments that could effectively police their own territories and stamp out threats to the American homeland. And in both countries that objective is in peril — their futures threatened by a combination of poor leadership, weak institutions, interethnic rivalry, insurgencies and extremist rebellions. Americans surveyed in the poll think more bad news is on the horizon. Fifty percent — up 18 points in the past seven months — think the situation in Afghanistan will get worse. Fifty-eight percent — up from 16 percent in December 2009 — expect conditions in Iraq will worsen. The poll was conducted shortly after Sunni extremists conducted an offensive
the extremist Islamic State group, which captured Iraq’s second-largest city, Mosul, and overran much of northern and western Iraq, has plunged the country into its worst crisis since the withdrawal of U.S. troops at the end of 2011. The AP-GfK Poll was conducted July 24-28, 2014 using KnowledgePanel, GfK’s probability-based online panel designed to be representative of the U.S. population. It involved online interviews with 1,044 adults, and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points for all respondents. It is larger for subgroups. Respondents were first selected randomly using phone or mail survey methods, and were later interviewed online. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn’t otherwise have access to the Internet were provided with the ability to access the Internet at no cost to them.
Photos on the Chinan province toppled nese social media site thousands of homes on Weibo showed rescuers Sunday, killing at least 175 searching through flatpeople and injuring more tened buildings and peothan 1,400. About 12,000 ple injured amid toppled homes collapsed in Ludibricks. The mountainous an, a densely populated region abutting Sichuan county of 429,000 people province is largely agrilocated around 366 kilocultural, with farming meters (277 miles) northand mining the top ineast of Yunnan province’s dustries. capital, Kunming, ChiChinese state broadna’s official Xinhua News caster CCTV said the Agency reported. In this photo taken by cellphone The magnitude-6.1 and released by China's Xinhua quake was the stronquake struck at 4:30 p.m. News Agency, men at rubbles of gest to hit Yunnan in 14 at a depth of 10 kilometers buildings look for survivors after years. It reported that the (6 miles), according to the an earthquake in Ludian County quake loosened rocks U.S. Geological Survey. Its of Zhaotong City in southwest that blocked a road near China's Yunnan Province on the city of Zhaotong and epicenter was in Long- August 3. (AP Photo) broadcast an image of a toushan township, 23 kiin the quake, with 181 misscar apparently damaged lometers (14 miles) southby debris from the temblor. west of the city of Zhaotong, ing and 1,402 injured. At least 122 of the dead In 1970, a magnitude-7.7 the Ludian county seat. Ma Liya, a resident of were in Ludian, with an- earthquake in Yunnan Zhaotong, told Xinhua that other 1,300 people injured killed at least 15,000 people, the streets there were like a there, Xinhua reported. and a magnitude-7.1 quake “battlefield after bombard- It said another 49 people in the province killed more ment.” She added that her died, one was missing than 1,400 in 1974. In Sepneighbor’s house, a new and 102 were injured in tember 2012, 81 people died two-story building, had Qiaojia county, which has and 821 were injured in a setoppled. Xinhua said at a population of 580,000. ries of quakes in the Yunnan least 175 people were killed News reports said rescuers region.
Nepal Landslide: ‘No chance’ of finding survivors
Damaged vehicles lie among the debris after a massive landslide in village Mankha, about 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of Katmandu, Nepal on August 3. Nepalese officials say there is no chance of finding any of the more than 150 people, who are believed to have been buried by the early Saturday landslide in northern Nepal. (AP Photo)
KATMANDU, AUgUsT 3 (AP): There is no chance of finding any of the more than 150 people who are believed to have been buried by a massive landslide in northern Nepal, an official said Sunday, as rescuers struggled to dig through
piles of rock, mud and trees. Rescuers have so far recovered only eight bodies since the landslide early Saturday blocked a mountain river, causing the water to form a lake that was threatening to burst and sweep several villages.
Fresh rainfall on Sunday hampered search attempts. “We have no chance of finding any of the missing people alive under this pile of debris,” said Yadav Prasad Koirala, who heads the government’s Department of Natural Disaster
Management. “We have names of 159 people who are believed to be missing and buried, but there could be even more people.” Koirala said it was even difficult for bulldozers and heavy equipment to move the debris that crushed dozens of houses in the village of Mankha, about 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of Katmandu, Nepal’s capital. Gopal Parajuli, the chief government administrator in the area, said the water level and mud was making the rescue work very difficult, and that army troops used explosives to try to alleviate a dangerous buildup of water. The controlled explosions managed to knock down part of an earth wall that had blocked a river and created a temporary dam, allowing some water to flow out, but much of it still remained trapped, posing an immediate threat to downstream villages as far away as India, Parajuli said. He said the amount of water flowing out of the dam
and pouring in was almost the same Sunday morning as the previous day, keeping the water level stable. A Mankha resident who was among the dozens of people injured by the landslide said he feared his entire village had been wiped out. “There are nearly 100 people in the 60 houses in my village and 20 more people in the neighboring village who were buried by the landslide. All of them are likely dead,” Durga Lal Shrestha said Saturday from his hospital bed in Katmandu, where he was flown by helicopter. Shrestha, who suffered bruises on his face and arms, said he and his family heard a rumbling sound and the ground shook like an earthquake. “The walls in my house caved in, but the roof was fine and that is how we were able to survive,” he said. “When we came out, it was dark and muddy. Everyone was screaming and it was a chaotic situation.”
About 40 people were injured. Besides Shrestha, 10 others were flown to Katmandu for hospital treatment, including a Belgian man. The Arniko highway, which connects Nepal to Tibet, remained closed on Sunday. In neighboring India’s Bihar state, authorities evacuated thousands of villagers after flood warnings were issued in eight districts at risk of flash floods. Indian army soldiers and air force helicopters and jets were being readied to launch relief and rescue operations, said Anirudh Prasad, a top official in Patna, Bihar’s capital. Landslides are common in mostly mountainous Nepal during the rainy season, which runs from June through September. A landslide in May 2012 killed at least 26 people when an avalanche blocked the Seti river in northwestern Nepal. The walls burst, causing a flash flood that swept several downstream villages.
Monday 4 August 2014
Pest management training held in Tuensang
TUENSANG, AUGUST 3 (mExN): The Department of Agriculture, Tuensang, conducted Integrated Pest Management (IPM) training in Farmers Field School under Balak Project on July 29. The farmers were imparted training on lifecycle, damage symptoms and management related to rice caseworm, rice leaf folder and rice grasshoppers by resource persons W. Chingmak, Agricultural Officer, Menungchetba (AO), and Moameren (AFA) respectively. The resource persons stressed on
Sanogo scores 4 as Arsenal beat Benfica
LONDON, AUGUST 3 (AGENCIES): A new face stole the pre-match attention and sold the shirts, but by the end not many here had words about Alexis Sanchez. The thoughts, no matter how fleeting they might be, were all about the reserve striker who suddenly, unexpectedly struck gold and hit Benfica for four. Yaya Sanogo was his name as he stuck 4 goals for Arsenal to beat Benfica 5-1 at the Emirates Cup on Saturday. This is a 21-year-old who last season, his first in English football, played 14 games across the competitions and scored none. He was often off the pace. Cut to this fixture and he opened with two poor misses. By the end he had upstaged Sanchez, who appeared after 75 minutes, and had typified a strange result with a delightfully unexpected performance. For Arsenal, only so much can be drawn from a preseason match, particularly when the opposition, not matter how gilded, roll over like Benfica did. But quite aside from the sight of their new £30million striker making his non-competitive debut, they had a number of positive performances to consider. Of the established guard, Aaron Ramsey was superb while the game was still up for grabs; next to him Tomas Rosicky also looked sharp and Joel Campbell, a first-half scorer and provider, likewise. It was Gaitan who rattled Arsenal within the first 10 minutes yesterday. Maxi Pereira had overlapped from right-back and pulled back a cross from the byline to Gaitan, who connected cleanly but saw his half-volley hit the bar. That was about as good as it got for the Portuguese in an abysmal first half. Ramsey scooped the most exquisite of passes into Sanogo's path after 15 minutes, only for the 21-yearold, goalless in 14 games last season, to slide and make a hash of the finish. Moments later he stabbed wide a cross from Bellerin. His breakthrough was nice, though, coming from a backheel flick after Ramsey tricked and then outpaced two down the right before firing a low cross. Campbell initially struggled on the right to draw possession, but after switching to the left he showed his knack for finding space. It was from the left that he scored Arsenal’s second, arriving late to volley another excellent delivery from Bellerin. Campbell missed a chance for a quick second when he shot wide after a delightful passing move, sweeping the pitch from right to left, but he played a key role in Arsenal’s third. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain’s shot was saved and Sanogo scuffed the rebound, before Ramsey chipped to Campbell on the left. The forward had space and a sight of goal but instead played a lovely, controlled volley across the six-yard box to Sanogo. It was a tap-in at the end of a nice move. Sanogo’s hat-trick goal, which like his second was scored in first-half stoppage time, was scrapped in after yet another Benfica defensive error. Sanogo got his fourth shortly after the restart, pouncing when Moraes Artur, poor old Moraes Artur, spilled Ramsey’s shot into his path. He tripped while celebrating. Benfica did pull one back when Gaitan bundled in after Arsenal failed to deal with a long throw. By that point Bebe, the former Manchester United flop, was on the pitch and drawing sarcastic applause; when Sanchez came on he drew a huge roar. He didn’t score, but he didn’t need to.
2nd Altrura Open Football Tourney grand finale today
ChUmUkEDImA, AUGUST 3 (mExN): The 2nd Altrura Open Football Tournament which kicked off on July 26 at Chumukedima Local Ground Dimapur under the theme “All for one” will conclude on August 4 with Kevithuto Sophie as the guest of honour for the final ceremony. Semi final results: Emporia FC 3 - 1 Rural Legend Medziphema Hq. IGAR 5 - 1 CVYS Final: Aug 4 , 2 pm - Emporia FC vs Hq. IGAR
Penalty shootout c'ship at St. Joseph’s College
JAkhAmA, AUGUST 3 (mExN): The Department of Political Science, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama organized penalty shootout championship on August 2 for upgrading the Department library. Josephite Politicians beat Spartans Super Five in the final, informed a press release. Teams from various departments, hostels, associations, and tribal unions had participated. Encouraging the players, General Secretary of the department Chumseli Anar told the players, “Nothing stops a man who tries hard to achieve. Today we are students but pillars of the society tomorrow.” Meanwhile, President Nungsangtoshi Aier congratulated the champions and all the participating teams. He also conveyed gratitude to the college authorities, staff members, and students’ council for their support and encouragement.
The Morung Express
implementation of IPM system in paddy field, especially on field sanitation, setting of light traps, clipping of leaf tips and burning, preservation of predators, handpicking etc for pest control, informed a press release. Bangbe AFA also trained the farmer on rodent management. He stressed on rodent characteristics, management of rodents using local traps, Roban etc. The programme was chaired by Menungchetba (AO) and vote of thanks was delivered by Tongchingsangla AFA. Altogether 30 farmers attended the training programme.
Public medical health camp & training held
kOhImA, AUGUST 3 (mExN): The package and practices of Naga King Chilly. During the camp, a large number of villagers were examined and free medicines district conducted a public medical health were distributed. The villagers responded camp and training on package and prac- very positively and expressed gratitude to tices of Naga King Chilly at Phekerükriema the Team for conducting such programme and expressed their hope that such camps village on August 1. Dr. Petevihu Dzüvichü was the re- would be conducted even in the days to source person for the Health camp and Dr. come. The team comprised of Vitholie Menuosietuo Tseikha, DPO, Kohima Dis- Kire, LSRO, Lhoulabeituo, DSO, C. Latam trict, as the resource person for the train- Chang, REO and Dr. Menuosietuo Tsing gave a PowerPoint presentation on eikha, DPO, Kohima.
Volunteers of Gloria Patri continued their mission by feeding around 100 homeless children in District Planning Development Board Dimapur. The meal was sponsored by 'The Garden', a ministry based restaurant at S uper Market. (DPDB), Team Phekerükriema, Kohima
New Bible College opens up in Wokha
WOkhA, AUGUST 3 (DIPR): Parliamentary Secretary for Women Development & Border Affairs, N. Thomas Lotha Womenfolk from Aliba village pose after celebrating 25 years of Cultural Club of Aliba on inaugurated Living Faith Bible College August 1. (Photo by Toshi Kichu) & Seminary at Blue Hill Colony, Wokha on August 2. Speaking as the chief guest, Thomas lauded the effort of Rev. Dr. Motsuo Ngullie, President LFBC & Seminary for his initiative in establishing the Bible College in the district. He also expressed hope that through the opening of the college, people of the district and state will benefit. According to Rev. Dr. Motsuo Ngullie, the college which is accredited to the University of North America is sponsored by Living
Faith Evangelistic Association of Canada, North America. The following courses will be offered: Bachelor of Theology in Pastoral Ministries, Master of Theology, B.A in Administration, Discipleship and Mentoring, Bible Major, Diploma in Theology, Bachelor of Theology, Certificate in Theology, Leadership of Theology. Besides, music programs like Music history & Theory, Voice lessons, Piano, Guitar and Drums lesson will be offered. He also informed that visiting professors from England, Mexico, Germany and Netherlands will be assisting in teaching the students of the institution from the next academic session.
SHGs trained on passion fruit squash and mushroom packaging
Leo Club of Dimapur successfully completed Kanwar Yatra Project on July 27 at Rangapahar WOkhA, AUGUST 3 (mExN): A day age concentrate prepared from fully ripe Shiv Mandir. Packets of 'prasad' and packaged drinking water were served to around 550 long workshop on packaging of passion passion fruit variety called ‘Naga Purple’ devotees under the program. fruit squash and mushroom was conduct- which is grown organically in Wokha area.
ed at Horticulture Demonstration farm Wokha on July 30. A press note received here stated that the workshop which was organized by District Horticulture Office Wokha was attended by 35 participants from five Women SHG groups. During the workshop, the participants processed 30 kilos of passion fruit producing 58 bottles of finished products. The note mentioned that a "very delicious" passion fruit beverage (squash) has been standardized at Horticulture demonstration Farm Wokha. It is a bever-
The shelf life of the product at room temperature is six months and at refrigerator 12 months. The beverage needs to be diluted in the ratio of 1:3 at the time of serving with chilled water, it added. The technical session was conducted by Meyasashi, DHO Wokha and vote of thanks on behalf of the Women SHG groups was delivered by Nzano Kikon, General Secretary, Lotha Eloe Hoho. The department distributed mushroom spawn, polybags, squash making kits and TA/DA to all the participants.
Prism Club, Peren honours essay competition winners Mid-day meal provided to the students at Government Middle School Usutomi Village under PEREN, AUGUST 3 (mExN): Prism delivered the welcome address and gave a SDEO Zunheboto District. Club, Peren felicitated the winners of in- brief introduction of the Club. He said that
ter-school and college essay competition which was held on July 28 at All Saint’s Higher Secondary School on July 29. The competition held under the theme “Empowerment of Youth and Children” was divided into two categories - High School level and College level. Apele, administrator of Baptist High School, Peren graced the occasion as guest of honour. She spoke on the two main issues faced by the youths and children of today. She said that youths are losing their dignity of labour and that “we” need to bring about a sense of self-reliance, informed a press release received here. Whether one gets a job or not, she asserted, one must know how to earn his/her livelihood by sweat. The The Eco-Club of Stella Higher Secondary School, Kohima undertook a cleanliness drive cum other issue, she pointed out, was the effect of media on children. “Of all the consumtrekking to Puliebadze on July 26, 2014. ers, children are most vulnerable to the effects of media which affects their attitudes,” she stated. So helping them to make critical evaluation of its effects is also important, she added. Further, lauding the Prism Club for organizing such a competition where students get to express their creative skills, she encouraged the Club to take up responsibilities to create awareness on various issues, give more platforms to the students and to uplift them. Prism Club President Ramhia Zeliang
the main aim of the Club is to accelerate the positive growth of children through various activities and to sustain their interest in acquiring many other skills and to encourage parents and students to live positively and proactively, Meanwhile Keyizieteing Ndang, the general secretary proposed the vote of thanks. The competition was judged by Petekrie-o.
Winners of the competition: High School Category: First : Igwaheung, Barail Valley School, Jalukie. Second: Nsimbamle, Government Higher School, Peren Town. Third: Pepauyile, Ibaung Thou Memorial School, Jalukie. Consolation: Chunwiliu, Barail Valley School, Jalukie; Ichilule, All Saint’s Higher Secondary School, Peren Town. College Category: First: Gloxinia Yanthan, St. Xavier Higher Secondary School, Jalukie. Second: H James Shanshi, St. Xavier Higher Secondary School, Jalukie. Third: Rinki, Peren Government College, Peren Town. Consolation: Raikedo Ndang, Saint’s Higher Secondary School, Peren Town; K. Ahukiu, St. Xavier Higher Secondary School, Jalukie.
KROS College celebrates Fresher’s Day
kOhImA, AUGUST 3 (mExN): KROS College held its Fresher’s Day on August 2 with C. Khalong Ao, Director, Higher Education, as chief guest. Addressing the gathering, Khalong cited examples from his service in Phek Government College and Kohima College as principal. He underlined the mindset of students, indulging in immoral activities, WRDOs Nzanthung and Zhoto at Menguleno's (PWIEP Beneficiary) Emu Farm in Kohima. stated a press release received here. He also Department of Women Resource Development had extended interest free loan to 38 Naga encouraged the students to work hard as women entrepreneurs under Promotion of Women in Innovative Enterprises Programme. nothing can substitute hard work.
The director also pointed out that as per UGC guidelines, the intake of students in a class is 30, but many colleges in Nagaland have failed to fulfil the guideline. He lauded the college authority for the intake of students facilitating quality education, the release added. Earlier, Mimi Suoho, Chaplain, KROS College invoked God’s blessing followed by principal’s address from Imsuinla Imti. The programme was chaired by Ilovitoli Sumi and vote of thanks by Chingshei.
Seminar and medical camp at Kezo Town
As part of observation of Anti Dengue Month, District Vector Borne Officer (NVBDCP) organized a programme at Kezo Town in Kohima district on July 29.
Scouts & Guides executive meeting held
kOhImA, AUGUST 3 (mExN): Nagaland State Bharat Scouts & Guides, State Executive Committee meeting was held on July 31 at Life Members Building Conference Hall, State Headquarters, Bayavu Hill, Kohima. The meeting was conducted and chaired by State Chief Commissioner Khyomo Lotha, former MP. The The Youth Initiative for Development (YIFD) organized a tree planta- chairman presented the agenda for discussion, tion drive in and around its office building, Notun Bosti, Dimapur informed Vimezhonu, State Organising Comon August 1. The organization planted around 200 trees with the missioner (G) in a press release. SOC(S) cum Officiating State Secretary support of 8 volunteers.
John Tochimong Yimchunger presented State Annual Report, while Neibou Sekhose, State Treasurer, tabled the Annual Budget proposal for 2014-2015 for approval, which the members agreed with some few changes. According to the press release, Officiating State Secretary urged all the members to renew their promise and re-dedicate to keep working for the uniformed youth movement in producing good character and disciplined boys and girls to contribute positively to the society.
kOhImA, AUGUST 3 (mExN): The Viswema Gazetted Officers' Krotho (VGOK) organized a one day seminar on "Quality Education" for the students of Lower Kezo Range villages of Sakhaba, Kezo Town and Kezo Basa on July 29 at Kezo Town. A press release from VGOK president Those Kraho informed that the concept of the seminar was to impart quality education to the students of the villages who have less officers representing their villages in the government set up. Altogether 200 members from pre-university and above participated. The resource persons were Dr. Hovithal Sothu, State Co-ordinator, DMC, ATI, Chozüle Kikhi, Dy Director, Horticulture and Medolenü Rhetso, Vice Principal, G. Rio Higher Secondary School.
Senior members of the Krotho also participated, namely Viketol Sakhrie, C&S, RD, Menukhol John, C&S, LRD, and Dr. Atha Vizol, Commissioner, Disability Commission. The inaugural session was attended by Brig Polash Choudhary, SM, Commander, 122, Infantry Brigade. The VGOK also organized a free medical camp at Kezo Town for the villagers of Kizocha range. Doctors and para-medics headed by Dr. Sweyievisa John, Jt. Director, H & FW conducted the health camp where 120 patients were treated. The Krotho has appreciated all the participants, resource persons, senior officers, Brig Polash Choudhary, Dr. Benny Akum, doctors, medical team members and villagers for extending all cooperation.
American Idol contestant dies at 35
ter suffering a ‘blood clot in his ankle’ American Idol contest Michael Johns has died, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He was 35. The publication reports that the cause of death is understood to be a blood clot in his ankle after he had twisted it. Michael leaves behind a wife, Stacy Vuduris, whom he married back in 2007. The singer, who was born in Perth, Western Australia, competed in the seventh season of American Idol in 2008. According to TMZ, Michael was in a ‘great amount of pain’ after injuring his ankle. He apparently visited a doctor on Thursday after the ‘swelling and bruising had made their way up his leg.’ The singer allegedly was cleared to go home, but was found dead the following afternoon on his friend’s couch. He reportedly died in his sleep. He is the first American Idol finalist to have died, and had planned to release new album later this year called Reckless. During his time on the show, Michael got the chance to rehearse with legendary singer Dolly Parton. The administer of his website, tweeted on Saturday: ‘It is with a heavy heart and inconsolable sadness that we confirm the passing of our friend Michael Johns. No other details will b avail at this time. ‘Please respect the privacy of Mike’s family and friends as we know u will.Members and admin of @mjohnsonline pass on their prayers’. His family also released a statement: ‘Our family is devastated by the passing of our beloved Michael, a wonderful husband, son, brother, uncle, and friend. We appreciate the outpouring of love and support we have received from all corners of the globe.’ American Idol, Fox and two of the series’
producers, FremantleMedia North America and 19 Entertainment, said they were ‘deeply saddened by the news of his passing,’ calling him an ‘incredible talent.’ ‘He was a part of our American Idol family and he will be truly missed. Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and friends during this difficult time,’ they said in a statement. Former American Idol judge Simon Cowell paid tribute to the singer in a tweet on Saturday, calling him a ‘truly great guy.’ He was born as Michael John Lee in Perth, Western Australia on October 20, 1978. He lived in Perth until the age of 18, when he moved to the United States. Whilst in Perth, he sang in bands and was active in the musical theatre community, performing at Regal Theatre and His Majesty’s Theatre. In a 2004 interview, Mr Johns thanked an encounter with You Am I at Australian music festival, Big Day Out for inspiring his move to the United States. ‘I snuck backstage and approached You Am I lead singer, Tim Rogers for advice. He told me if I wanted to make something happen, I had to go to the States.’ Fellow American Idol contestant Melinda Doolittle paid tribute to Michael, posting on Instagram: ‘I can’t express how sad I am right now. Michael Johns, rest in sweet peace, my friend. You will be greatly missed.’ After his success in the show, the singer
ducted by British Film Institute magazine every decade to find the best film, BBC reported. When the most recent poll was conducted in 2012, Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’ took the top spot and ‘Man with a Movie Camera’ turned up out of the blue in eighth place, prompting the decision to run a separate best documentary poll. Nick Bradshaw, Sight and Sound’s web edi-
4 August 2014
Megan Fox
11 C M Y K
not ‘ashamed’ of body baring roles Megan Fox admits she doesn’t mind baring her body for movie roles because it’s ‘’part of ’’ being an actress.
took part in the American Idols LIVE! Tour in 2008, before releasing his own material. He released his original song Another Christmas in December that year, and in 2009 he released his debut album Hold Back My Heart, which went on to sell 20,000 copies.
‘Man with a Movie Camera’ voted as ‘ greatest ever’ documentary an with a Movie Camera’ directed by Dziga Vertov has been declared as the greatest ever documentary in the inaugural Sight and Sound poll. A 1929 silent film was picked up by more than 100 cineastes in the survey con-
The Morung Express
tor, said that the film was about the city, society, and the world; it’s also a film about cinema and what cinema adds to the world, so the movie was part of a genre that was very popular in the 1920s. Sophie Fiennes said that the poll showed that just how far the medium could be pushed, and how by getting outside of the formulas of television people could say things a different way.
e 28-year-old actress is no stranger to flashing the flesh onscreen but she admits she doesn’t mind showing off her figure because it’s ‘’part of’’ the job. Speaking at the ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’ press conference in Los Angeles, she is quoted by toofab.com as saying: ‹›I don›t mind doing that stuff, I think that›s been a part of being an actress in Hollywood since the beginning. ‹›I don›t feel ashamed or like I can›t be taken seriously while also wearing a tank top. If you don›t take me seriously when I›m wearing a tank top, that›s your f**king problem.›› Meanwhile, the brunette beauty - who has two children 22-month-old son Noah and Bodhi, five months, with husband Brian Austin Green - admits she›s had to cut out bread to help her get back to her pre-baby figure. She explained: ‹›Well, let me tell you, the first time [I gave birth] I didn›t do anything, I was just lucky and I was younger, and then the second time it wasn›t coming off the same way and I had to eliminate bread from my diet. It›s typical but I›m on that high-protein, low-carbohydrate, very low-sugar diet. ‹›It›s kind of awful but it›s what I›m doing.››
The Chronicles Band release first video single Th e Chronicles Band, a Gorkha Christian Rock Band from Dimapur released their first single video titled “Chaheko”. The video was directed by Onnen (Lil Star Entertainment, Mokokchung) and the song was recorded at the Crystal Sound Studio, Dimapur. The song describes the wants and needs in human life which is never ending. “Chaheko” also relates human’s life which is just a short span and a short journey. The band initially started as a worship band in 2009 with a group of passionate musicians from different Gorkha/ Nepali Churches to encourage
the youths to live a committed life for the Lord. In the beginning of 2014 they decided to form a Christian Rock Band. The man behind the band is Robert Aley (Lead guitarists) who started with a vision to sing for the Lord and bring people to Christ through their music. The band members are Raj Gurung on Vocals, Ezra Sunar on Drums, Suresh Bardewa on Bass, Cornelios Gurung on Guitars and Robert Aley on Guitars. Chaheko is available on Reverbnation, Sound Cloud, My Space and Youtube for free downloads.
Fans consider me ‘hero’ post brawl with Justin Bieber, says Orlando Bloom
lando Bloom says that people have been praising and calling him “hero” for getting into a brawl with Justin Bieber. The 37-year-old star had recently lost his temper in an Ibiza restaurant following the 20-yearold pop brat’s alleged comment about a hook-up with the actor’s former wife and model Miranda Kerr, the Mirror reported. Spanish model Anastasia Skolkova, who filmed the incident, said that the brawl was cheered on by stars like Lindsay Lohan and Leonardo DiCaprio, who sided with Bloom.
Miranda Kerr ‘very embarrassed’ over Bloom-Bieber brawl Miranda Kerr is reportedly very embarrassed ex-husband Orlando Bloom tried to punch Justin Bieber in Ibiza. According to the sources, the model is very embarrassed by the whole ordeal and thinks that the 37-yearold actor shouldn’t have taken a swipe at the popstar, the Mirror reported. Insiders also revealed that Kerr is in Spain and Europe now and is vacationing with the family and relaxing and wants all of this behind her. The sources added that she just wants to move on from this and go about her life, as she is very embarrassed about everything that has gone on.
Kashyap strikes gold, Bolt steals the show to take CWG gold Jwala-Ashwini lose it
India's Kashyap Parupalli celebrates his victory over Singapore's Derek Wong at the end of their men's single's Badminton match at the Emirates Arena during the Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014, in Glasgow, Scotland, Sunday, Aug. 3. (AP Photo)
GLASGOW, AuGuSt 3 (IANS): Rewriting Commonwealth Games' badminton history, Parupalli Kashyap won India's third men's singles gold here Sunday but Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa failed to defend their women's doubles title they won four years ago at home. Second seed Kashyap emulated former champions Prakash Padukone (1978) and Syed Modi (1982) to clinch his first major championship by defeating Singaporean sixth seed Zi Liang Derek Wong to turn the bronze he won four years ago in New Delhi into a gold. The 27-year-old won 21-14, 11-21, 21-19 in just over an hour at the Emirates Arena. Much was expected from Jwala and Ashwini but they could not replicate their gold medal-winning performance of 2010 and had to settle for the silver, losing the final 17-21, 2123 in 41 minutes to Malaysian second seeds Vivian Kah Mun Hoo and Khe Wei Woon. Earlier, World No.22 Kashyap took off well with a 5-2 lead which he comfortably extended to 11-7 at the first-game break. Wong
was no match for Kashyap whose speed and agility was too hot to handle as he raced away to seal the game in just 15 minutes. However, the World No.40 upped the ante in the second game and immediately took a 6-2 lead which he extended to 11-6 by the mid-game break. Wong was so dominant in the second game that he won 10 of the next 15 points to level the match. It was neck-and-neck in the decider but that did not stop both shuttlers from playing aggressively. It remained extremely close until Kashyap took the lead for the first time in the game (15-14) since leading 4-3 at the start. Buoyed by a large Indian support base who were cheering for Kashyap with shouts of "India jeetega", the former World No.6 gained momentum and extended the lead to 19-16. The Hyderabadi displayed some nervy moments when he lost three consecutive points to make it 19-all but he stuck it out to win the next two points and clinch the gold. Earlier, Indian fifth seed R.M.V. Gurusaidutt had
claimed the bronze Saturday in a playoff by overcoming England's third seed Rajiv Ouseph. Hyderabadi P.V. Sindhu had also won the women's singles bronze after winning her playoff Saturday. Next up, it was a close contest between the Indian third seeds and Malaysian seconds seeds in the doubles final. The pairs exchanged serves almost on every point but at 17all, World No.18 Vivian and Khe showed nerves of steel to pull out the next four points and seal the game. The second game was as close as the first with neither pair giving too big an advantage to the other. But after making a couple of errors, the defending champions remarkably won seven straight points to go into a 18-15 lead which they soon converted into 20-16. Undeterred, the Malaysian youngsters saved five match points -- four on the trot -- to turn the tie on its head win on their first match-point. India brought home four medals from the discipline at the Glasgow Games -- 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze.
GLASGOW, AuGuSt 3 (ReuteRS): Six-times Olympic champion Usain Bolt stole the show to give the Commonwealth Games the moment it had been waiting for by leading Jamaica to gold in the 4x100 metres relay on Saturday. After weeks of buildup, anticipation and controversy, eight-times world champion Bolt delighted the Hampden Park crowd as he raced down the home straight to give Jamaica victory in a Games record time of 37.58 seconds. In doing so the towering sprinter also claimed the first Commonwealth medal of his illustrious career. “I’m happy for the fans and I’m happy to get my Commonwealth gold medal,” Bolt told reporters. “It (the Commonwealth Games) was always on my to-do list. “I always wanted to go to the Commonwealths. I wanted to run an individual event here but I got injured so I decided to run the 4x100.” Having been the shining light in a Games where big names have been few and far between, the Jamaican dealt with the weight of expectation in his usual charismatic manner. After anchoring the Jamaica team of Jason Livermore, Kemar Bailey-Cole and Nickel Ashmeade to victory on a puddle-strewn track, Bolt charmed the crowd by performing his ‘lightning bolt’ celebration, posing for selfies and donning a tartan hat. “Other than the weather it’s been brilliant,” Bolt said of Glasgow.
Bolt again says could run until 2017 worlds
Jamaica's Usain Bolt crosses the finish line to anchor the Jamaican team to the gold medal in the Men's 4x100m relay at Hampden Park Stadium during the Commonwealth Games 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland, Saturday Aug. 2. (AP Photo)
“It felt like any other championship. I got to watch a lot more sports and see a lot more athletes competing. “It’s always great to have fun with the fans. They made the Games what it was. They are so warm, even when I was cold they were always warm. “I want to say that this new thing about selfies, they are really making these laps of honour really, really long,” he joked.
MORE GOLDS Jamaica picked up further gold medals on the final day of athletics as Shelley-Ann Fraser-Pryce anchored the women's 4x100 team to victory, while Stephanie McPherson, who won the 400 gold on Tuesday, helped the Jamaicans clinch the 4x400 relay title. Kenya also left Hampden with three golds as James Kiplagat Magut
Indian sports officials arrested in Glasgow
NeW DeLhI, AuGuSt 3 (IANS): India were left red-faced after Indian Olympic Association (IOA) secretary general Rajeev Mehta and senior international wrestling referee Virender Malik were arrested in Glasgow on separate charges late Saturday night. Mehta was arrested on charges of alleged drunken driving and Malik for alleged sexual assault. Sources here told IANS that both Mehta and Malik were not part of the Indian contingent but went to Glasgow in their respective official capacities. Mehta was an invitee of the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) and presented medals to winners. Malik had officiated in the wrestling competitions in the Commonwealth Games. The two will be presented in court Monday. A Scotland Yard spokeswoman confirmed the arrests of the two Indian officials but refused to divulge any details. "On August 2, a 49-year-old man was arrested following reports of alleged drunken driving in City Centre of Glasgow. On August 2, a 45-year-old man was arrested
made a late surge to win the men’s 1,500, while Mercy Cherono claimed the women’s 5,000 and Julius Kiplagat Yego threw 83.87 metres in tricky conditions to scoop the men’s javelin. Matthew HudsonSmith anchored England to gold in a thrilling men’s 4x400 final while Australia’s Alana Boyd cleared 4.50 in the women’s pole vault to retain her title.
GLASGOW, AuGuSt 3 (ReuteRS): Six-times Olympic champion Usain Bolt has repeated his intention to continue competing until the world championships in 2017 after winning relay gold at the Commonwealth Games on Saturday. The world’s fastest man had planned to retire after the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games but has reiterated comments made in September that he could delay those plans for another year. “I’ve always said that after Rio I wanted to retire but they keep saying I should go on till 2017, so I think I might just do that and that will be my last championships,” Bolt said. He was speaking to reporters after anchoring Jamaica to gold in the 4x100 metres relay, his first Commonwealth Games medal. “This training thing is not so easy so I‘m just so happy I’ve been able to do what I wanted in this sport,” he added. The 27-year-old Bolt is an eight-time world champion and holds the 100 and 200 metres world records.He believes the worlds in London, where he won treble gold at the 2012 Olympics, in three years' time could be the place to retire and has consulted a former Olympic champion and current 400 metres world record holder about his plans.
following reports of an alleged assault in the west of Glasgow," said the spokeswoman. Asian Lite, a London newspaper, reported that Mehta was allegedly driving without a licence at Glasgow city centre and was above the legal alcohol limit and Malik was allegedly involved in sexual assault in a hotel in the west of Glasgow. The Indian High Commission in London, in a statement, said they are closely monitoring the case. "We have learnt about the detention of two members of the Commonwealth games contingent (sic) by the local (Glasgow) police. Our consulate in Edinburgh has deputed an official to Glasgow to keep in close touch with the police authorities to ascertain full factual details of the case. We are also close in touch with the team," the High Commission said in a statement. IOA President N. Ramachandran said it was unfair to jump to any early conclusion. "I have seen the media reports about the Glasgow incidents. At the moment, the details are rather sketchy and it is unfair to jump to conclusions at the moment.
ManU beat Real in International Champions Cup
ANN ARBOR, AuGuSt 3 (AP): Ashley Young scored twice in the first half, and Manchester United beat Real Madrid 3-1 on Saturday in front of the largest crowd to watch a football game in the United States. United remained unbeaten in this year's International Champions Cup, advancing to the final of the preseason tournament under new manager Louis van Gaal. Javier Hernandez added a goal in the second half for United. The crowd of 109,318 at Michigan Stadium broke the previous U.S. mark of 101,799, set at the Rose Bowl for the 1984 Olympic final. Gareth Bale scored for Real Madrid, but the European champions finished winless in three matches at this event. Reigning world player of the year Cristiano Ronaldo, who has been recovering from the left leg injury that limited him in the World Cup, came on surprisingly as a 74th-minute substitute, although he didn't have much impact. "His condition is improving," manager Carlo Ancelotti said. "I think that he needs another week to train with the teammates, and then I think he will be ready for the first game of the season." United remained unbeaten this year in the International Champions Cup,
Ancelotti calm after Real's third defeat
Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney, right, dribbles ahead of Real Madrid defender Alvaro Arbeloa (17) during a Guinness International Champions Cup soccer match at Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor, Mich. on Aug. 2. (AP Photo)
advancing to the final of the preseason tournament under new manager Louis van Gaal. Javier Hernandez added a goal in the second half for United. Gareth Bale scored for Real Madrid, but the European champions finished winless in three matches in the event. Although United will
play in Monday night's final in Miami, this was probably the tournament's marquee match, with two of the game's most storied clubs playing at one of the largest and most iconic venues in the U.S. "That was incredible," United's Michael Keane said. "Obviously, it is the biggest crowd I've ever
MADRID, AuGuSt 3 (ReuteRS): Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti is not concerned by his side's three friendly defeats in the United States and is confident his players will be on top form for the European Super Cup against Sevilla on Aug. 12. Real were beaten 3-1 by English Premier League side Manchester United in an International Champions Cup match in Michigan on Saturday following reverses to Italian Serie A clubs AS Roma and Inter Milan. "We are not happy with the defeat," Ancelotti told a news conference at the University of Michigan stadium in Ann Arbor. "But I am sure we are going to play with a different spirit in the European Super Cup," added the Italian, who led Real to the 2014 Champions League title in his debut season. "These are preparation matches. We didn't do things well but everything will change next week." There was at least some good news for Real as Portugal forward and World Player of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo, who is recovering from a knee injury, came on with around 20 minutes left to surprise the crowd of 109,318, a record attendance for a soccer match in the United States. Ancelotti, who had said before the game Ronaldo would be unable to participate, predicted that once Real's top scorer was back to full fitness and new signings James Rodriguez and Toni Kroos had joined up with the squad the team would be ready for the new season. played in front of, and it is for a friendly in the States. I've always heard they don't care for our football, but there were 109,000 people out there. That's pretty crazy anywhere in the world." Young's first goal was the highlight. Wayne Rooney flicked a clever back-heel to Darren Fletch-
er, who found Danny Welbeck in the middle, near the edge of the penalty area. Welbeck played Young in on the left, and his low shot beat goalkeeper Iker Casillas. "It was a fantastic goal," van Gaal said. "All the team has touched the ball, I think. Only for that goal, you come to the stadium."
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