December 18th, 2016

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SunDAY • December 18 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 347 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

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Painting is the passage from the chaos of the emotions to the order of the possible Demonetisation: BJP keeps pitching virtues, Mamata, Kejriwal slam ‘selective notebandi’ PAGE 09


By Sandemo Ngullie

Vote on SMS your anSwer to 9862574165 Do you think that reservation for women in local urban bodies will affect Naga customary practices? Yes



Public Information

All press statements, memorandums, articles, reports and news related documents should be sent to the official email address:

Press releases will be accepted only till 8:00 pm Editor, The Morung Express

Vehicle parking at CHSS compound DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 17 (MExN): In order to aid traffic regulation during the festive rush, Christian Higher Secondary School (CHSS) compound is made available for parking of vehicles from 9am to 6pm with effect from December 19 -31, 2016. A press note issued by Dimapur Traffic Police said volunteers of the Baptist Youth Fellowship Dimapur will man the parking area and a nominal parking fee will be levied.

ACAUT Nagaland issues corrigendum DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 17 (MExN): ACAUT Nagaland has issued a corrigendum to its December 16 press statement where in the name mentioned, as R. Zumomo Tsanglao should be spelt R. Zomomo Tsanglao and not as rendered.

Schumacher’s health to remain private matter PAGE 12

A naga pedagogy of transformation Need for inclusive mechanism mooted at Heritage panel discussion

Dimapur | December 17

The Morung Express Poll QuEsTion

— Balthus


Morung Express news

Due to the festivals, Carnivals, night Baazar and weddings alcohol is scarce. But don’t worry i managed to get a peg or two for the preChristmas celebration.

Govt does not have capacity to provide jobs for all: Dr Kire

T R u T H

The basis for a revolution is transformation. If Naga society wants its movement(s) for justice to get support from the grassroots, then a ‘pedagogy of transformation’ must be adopted wherein an ‘inclusive mechanism’ and community participation become the working principles of ecclesial (church based) and education institutions—this will be necessary to break the present unjust systems at work. The pedagogy, of emancipation, must begin with the intellectual. Dr. Wati Aier, Principal of the Oriental Theological Seminary, espoused this thought in his concluding remarks at a panel talk and discussion organized by the Heritage Publishing House on ‘Systemic Dynamics in Naga Society and Politics,’ aimed to create people-to-people dialogue on Naga socio-political systems. Naga people must pursue a system which fills the gap of “unmade demands” at the grassroots—thus the prelude to action from the “have-nots” is intellectual analysis that must fuel transformation, Dr. Wati maintained. The panel, moderated by Panger Kechu, heard talks from Toshi Wongtong, Khekiye K Sema, Mmhonlumo Kikon and Dr. Walunir, and was held at the DABA’s Elim Hall here today. The program was introduced by Dr. Lanusangla Tzüdir, Chief Editor at Heritage Publishing House.

Dr. lanusangla Tzüdir, Chief Editor at Heritage Publishing House (HPH), introduces the panel talk and discussion hosted by HPH at DABA’s Elim Hall on saturday, December 17, as panelists (l-R) Dr. Walunir, Khekiye K sema, Mmhonlumo Kikon and Toshi Wongtong look on. (Morung Photo)

activist and senior research fellow at Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Toshi Wongtong noted that too much emphasis on ‘packages’ rather than ‘capacity building’ and infrastructure development has led to lopsided development and gross mismanagement in Nagaland State. “Human Resource development is negligent in Nagaland. Due to lopsided planning, we have education here that is devoid of enlightenment,” noted Wongtong in his talk. An emphasis on good primary education would have injected a sense of responsibility in people towards governance. As education, democracy and development are interlinked, the social activist postulated that the lack of one has led to the lack of the rest in the State. In voting patterns or policy making in Nagaland State, for Developmental Democracy in instance, tribal affiliation and the Grassroots of Naga Society favouritism influence decisions Speaking on the topic, social rather than requirement, re-

sulting in an overall imbalance. Justice and equality, Wontong observed, is central to good democracy, and for these to happen people must elect responsible leaders who are transparent and accountable to the people leading to inclusive and participatory governance. Regulatory Mechanisms in Democratic Systems: Moving beyond RTI The basics of a State set up in India are the legislature, executive and judiciary—but when the legislature becomes irresponsible, it bears down on the executive as well. In this scenario, the judiciary is left with the task of husking out the just from unjust. Senior ACAUT Nagaland activist and retired IAS officer Khekiye K Sema was explaining this as one of the panelists here today. He maintained that the first crop of legislators and executives (bureaucrats) of Nagaland State were honest and abiding

Christians which helped them remain transparent and accountable to the people. The best infrastructure in the State was built during their time. Things went downhill thereon with corruption seeping into every branch of governance. The lack of a value system and shared responsibility towards the community has led to a “total sell out of the system” of governance in Nagaland State wherein the bureaucracy has given up its task to guide the people, or make the system more accountable. Thus, all responsibility lies with the judiciary to decide legal from illegal, said Sema. However, the judiciary has also come under immense pressure today. The senior activist noted that unless we go beyond the RTI and judiciary, justice will not be done, which is why ACAUT Nagaland is trying to raise the conscience of the people about their rights and the need to stand up for them.

Good governance and Inclusive development in Nagaland Member of Nagaland State Legislative Assembly, Mmhonlumo Kikon, brought focus on the subject by stating that democratic institutions in Nagaland are in place but democratic processes are found wanting. Equitable justice, he maintained, is central to a healthy democracy. While this has not been the trajectory of development in the State, the “problem of insularity” has made corruption “endemic” while lapses in decision making have become “systemic”. This means that policy decisions are made without referring to informed knowledge, but influenced by such factors as tribe or personal benefit leading to governance problems that are peculiar to Nagaland State, which have in turn become embedded in the system, thus depriving the Naga people of equitable distribution of available resources. To address the issues of injustice, thus, it is important for the civil society to understand how decisions are made and actively engage the legislature, executive and the judiciary, explained Kikon. Problems cannot be addressed only at one level, and a level of engagement must be maintained with the constituency or grassroots who can pressurize their leaders into action. Relationship between Representative Bodies and People Dr. Walunir, who teaches at Amity University in Noida, questioned the current relationship between representative bodies and the people today when systemic failure is a key feature amidst apparent normalcy in Nagaland State. Noting that there is clear

“disintegration and fragmentation” of Apex Naga civil society organizations, he wondered if the emergence of new “Naga sectarian blocs” is in the interest of the people? Further, he explained that internal mechanisms within the State have led to the establishment of corruption within the system leading to a systemic failure of democracy. This is normalized by “narratives of legitimization of discursive and abusive acts and universalization of corruption.” Dr. Walunir also questioned the NSCN (IM) Collective Leadership by asking why, in a “democratic movement,” do the people not know what is being discussed and decided behind closed doors? In all these unfolding scenarios, people of Nagaland State have now moved from the culture of fear and silence to the culture of corruption that has been internalized and normalized, he stated, thereby concluding that the time is not yet ripe for a revolution for the Naga people—it is, however, time to evolve peopleto-people dialogues. Going beyond the State In the public discussion that followed, Dr. Aküm Longchari, Editor of The Morung Express, pointed out that we are deploying the language of ‘reformation’ as long as we stick to the Nagaland State as point of reference. As Nagaland State was created as a ‘security apparatus’, a response to a so-perceived law and order situation, we cannot discuss issues of justice, rights or equality within its parameters. Revolution will take place when these issues are discussed beyond the Nagaland State.

KTC opposed to border security NNPGs coming together is a sign of hope: NGBF fencing in Khiamniungan area Morung Express news Dimapur | December 17

The Khiamniungan Tribal Council (KTC) has beseeched the Government of India and Myanmar not to divide their people living on both sides of the international border by way of construction of border security fencing. In a memorandum submitted to the Prime Minister of the Government of India and the President of the Union of Republic, the KTC through its president P Mongchua and general secretary Puchai PM expressed astonishment to learn that its territory had been divided by drawing imaginary lines from B/pillar No-139 to

146 for construction of border security fencing between the Government of India and Myanmar. It also resented that the indigenous people and the rightful owner have been kept under the dark on this matter. “Our land and people cannot be divided by any external forces and aggressors by putting up fencings and drawing imaginary lines under the guise and pretext of national security and defenses as there are no land disputes among the people of Khiamniungan though living under two different country and political entity,” the memorandum read. Maintaining that since time immemorial the Khiam-

niungan people had its own territory, tradition, culture and customary usages and practices and has been living as one people, the Council asserted that the tribe though divided and living separately under imaginary boundary between India and Myanmar, there has been no land dispute and encroachment because they were descendants of the same ancestors. “We have been living and will continue to live as one people with one aspiration and is opposed to the policy of constructing border security fencing within our jurisdiction/area at any cost and eventuality,” the memorandum vowed.

Why is State govt not objecting to Good Governance Day? The representation maintained that However, declaring it as the GovernChurches, Tribe Hohos, NGOs disappointed with the Nagaland this amounts to total disregard, neglect, ment’s Good Governance Day knowing and denial of our funda- full well that it happens to be Christmas Government for its silence on the issue discrimination mental constitutional rights to religious Day and is observed as the most reMorung Express news Dimapur | December 17

Christian leaders of different denominations, leaders of different Tribal Hohos, NGOs and concerned citizens on Saturday expressed disappointment with the Nagaland Government for not raising its voiceoverthedecisionoftheGovernment of India to observe December 25 as Good Governance Day. A representation addressed to Nagaland Chief Minister stated that the GoI declaring the “Good Friday” as Judges’ Day, “Fathers Day” as Yoga Day and “Christmas Day” as Good Governance Day was adopted without much thought and sensitivity which infringed upon the Christian calendared days observed over the years hurting the beliefs, sentiments, sensitivity and peace of mind of the peace loving Christian community.

practices. Despite this, the representation said Nagaland, as a Christian majority state should have been the first State to raise objection. It pointed out that all over the country different Church denominations and organizations have raised their voices against fixing the Good Governance Day on Christmas Day, including different political parties. While some North Eastern State governments have voiced their objections and the BJP of Meghalaya is observingtheGoodGovernanceDayonDecember 23, the Government of Mizoram has announced that it shall not observe the same on Christmas Day. The representation maintained that the Christian community understands that a great liberal Indian in the stature of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who was born on Christmas Day and the nation paying homage to him on his birthday during his lifetime is appreciated.

vered, worship and celebration day for the last two millennia by the Christians has hurt the minds and sentiments of the Christians of the State and the country, it observed. Stating that it is not too late for the State Government, the representation has appealed to the Chief Minister to raise objection to the Christmas Day as Good Governance Day and observed the same on any day other that the Christmas Day. The representation was appended by representatives from Nagaland Tribes Council, Nagaland Baptist Council of Churches, Nagaland Senior Citizen Association, Sumi Hoho, Salvation Army Churches, Kuki Baptist Church, Garo Baptist Church, Nepali Baptist Church, CentralChristianRevivalChurch,Konyak Baptist Bumeinok Bangjum, Khedi BaptistChurch,SumiBaptistChurchKohima, Zeme Baptist Church Kohima and Police Union Baptist Church.

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 17 (MExN): The Nagaland GB Federation (NGBF) said the coming together of six Naga National Political Groups namely GPRN/NSCN; FGN, NNC (parent body), NPGN/ NNC (NA), NSCN (R) and NNC/ GDRN to form a committee in the name of working group has shown a “Sign of Hope.” “The GB Federation has been appealing for reconciliation among Naga political groups so that to have

one voice and avoid further factional upheaval in future and the Nagas desire from the grass root level was to stop bloodshed amongst our Naga brothers. In the light of our aspiration, the six NNPGs merging together in forming a committee in the name of “working group” have shown a sign of hope,” the press statement read. Appreciating the leaders of the groups who have agreed upon the will of the Nagas, the GB Fed-

eration said it is a gesture of understanding, conviction and selfsacrifice to the call of the people. It also appreciated the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) for taking the initiative in bringing the groups to common platform for a common goal. It further appealed the “Working Group” to make an effort in fulfilling their resolution to welcome other NNPGs, particularly who are in confrontation with Government of India.

Village should be centre of culture & good tradition: TR Kuda village celebrates platinum jubilee Morung Express news Dimapur | December 17

Kuda Village (formerly called Nagarjan village), one of the oldest Naga villages in the plains of Dimapur district, remembered its pioneers as the village celebrated its platinum jubilee on Saturday here at Kuda Village Baptist Church ground. Nagaland Chief Minister, TR Zeliang, who graced the celebration as chief guest, in his address said every village should be the centre of culture and good tradition, which is progressive and democratic. The chief minister said in olden times, the village was a refuge to the people, protection for the strangers and support to the neighbours in need. “Nowadays, in villages youths are not very familiar with the customary laws and practices. The tradition of respect for elders and their wisdom must not be ignored in any village and the age-old Naga customs of hospitality and goodwill must continue to flourish,” Zeliang said. Stating that the village council of elders was a circle of democra-

cy and wisdom, Zeliang called for preservation of these ideals within the village where every citizen, rich or poor, will get justice. He also said in the changing scenario, the Village Council plays a much bigger role today - the balancing between protecting our customs and at the same time following the modern rules of accountability, democracy as enshrined in the Village Council Act. “The VDB is the lifeline of the village. If funds are used judiciously, the village can develop and see great changes. Progressive changes have happened in the village working system through the VDB model rules which have been mandatory to have 25% seats reserved for women members and the same percentage of funds kept aside for women in the village for development programmes. These funds are to be managed by women themselves”, the chief minister said. Coming to the celebration, Zeliang said like the Israelites in the Old Testament, jubilees should be occasions for forgiving the wrongs of the past, restoring forfeited lands to the original landowners, and to free slaves. “All these were done with the

objective to restore broken relationships and to build new relationships based on forgiveness and reconciliation,” he said. DC Dimapur, Kesonyu Yhome, the guest of honour, said while celebrating jubilees of establishment of villages, one area of concern was how to strike a fine balance between the glories of the past and challenges of a fast changing world. The DC stressed on the need to revive the institution of the Morung, which would not only increase dialogue between the elders and youth but also broaden the outlook of citizens and help shed off the parochial attitude of Naga society. Earlier, the chief minister unveiled the jubilee monolith and inaugurated the village council multi-purpose building. Zeliang also released the jubilee souvenir. Minister for Social Welfare & Parliamentary Affairs, Kiyaneilie Peseyie, also addressed the celebration. A host of ministers, parliamentary secretaries and MLAs accompanied the chief minister. Chairman, Kuda Village Council, Achubu Meruno, who chaired the programme also delivered the welcome address; convenor, souvenir committee Savi Liegise, gave a report of ‘Kuda Village journey to 75 years’.


SunDAY 18•12•2016



Govt does not have capacity Governor suggests weekly carnival to provide jobs for all: Dr Kire Morung Express News Dimapur | December 17

Morung Express News Rüsoma | December 17

“One should not only depend on Government job but should make use of one's creativity to have an equal living in the society,” said Dr. Neikesalie Nicky Kire, Minister for Forest, Environment and Climate Change during the inaugural session of the 44th Biennial General Conference of Northern Angami Students' Union (NASU) held at Rüsoma Village. The Conference which began on December 16 and culminates on December 18 is being hosted by Rüsoma Village Students' Union. Lamenting over the reality of today's Naga youth and their dependency on Government jobs, Dr. Kire mentioned that the Naga youth does not want to labour hard but simply expect government jobs. While the Government does not have the capacity to provide gov-

Minister Dr. Neikesalie Nicky Kire addressing the 44th Biennial General Conference of Northern Angami Students' Union (NASU) held at Rüsoma Village.

ernment jobs for all, Dr. Kire urged the students that if they want to work under the government one should have the competitive spirit. If not, then one must make the best use of one's own skills and develop oneself and become someone someday. Stressing on social networking, Dr. Nicky said to-

day's generation is not using it in positive ways but are more negative in their approach. In order to achieve success in life, one must seek knowledge and imitate the positive and productive values of any culture of influence, emphasised the chief guest who also suggested for more events on

career guidance. The importance of discipline and honing one's skill was highlighted. Dr. Kire also stressed on the need for imparting skill development to drop outs for earning their livelihood. Further challenging the students to learn and make use of their creativity and skills, Dr. Kire hoped that each of the students will achieve success and bring great change in the society. The programme was chaired by Selabeituo Theünuo and prayer was invoked by Rev. Kiezotuo Zhale. The Presidential address was delivered by Ruokuovizo Chiese. Greetings were also given by Neiyalie, Northern Angami Public Organization, Zeneivi Chase, head GB Rüsoma Village and Dievi Yano, President ASU. Special songs were presented by Zhadima Students' Union and Gariphema Village Students' Union.

Impressed by the wellorganized Dimapur Night Carnival (DNC) and the platform it was providing to artists and entrepreneurs, Governor of Nagaland, PB Acharya suggested that such kind of events should be held every weekend. Speaking as the special guest on the fourth day of DNC at Naga Shopping Arcade, Dimapur, Acharya lauded the participants of the programme adding, “Every weekend this type of programme should be held.” He said the youth needed this kind of platform. Observing the song and dance performances by the youngsters, Acharya said such acts reflect that art was not related or confined to one place alone but to the entire globe. According to the Governor, Nagaland sleeps after 4:00 pm and urged, “Let us wake up and give opportunity to young talents. Let

Governor visiting one of the stalls at Dimapur Night Carnival on Saturday. (Morung Photo)

us not confine in our small homes but come out.” He said one would not know the beauty of Nagaland unless one comes out and sees how beautiful it is. Wishing good tidings to the people during the festive season, Acharya

also expressed optimism for early resolution of the peace talks between the Government of India and NSCN (IM) and that peace becomes permanent in the state. Later, the Governor picked the raffle draw to

announce the daily lucky winner. Lottery ticket number 001157 walked away with a Suzuki Bike. On the final day of the Carnival on Sunday, Advisor, Urban Development, S.I. Jamir will be the special guest.

Governor initiates celebration of Dr. T Ao birth centenary St. Peter’s Church new building inaugurated Kohima, December 17 (mexN): Governor of Nagaland PB Acharya has taken initiative to celebrate birth centenary of great Indian Olympic footballer Dr. Talimeren Ao, popularly known as Dr. T Ao in a befitting manner. The contribution of late Dr.T Ao to the Nation as a whole and Nagas in particular needs to be acknowledged appropriately, Governor said. He has made nation proud and proved that Nagas are second to none.

A portrait of late football legend and Olympic captain has already been put in Raj Bhavan along with other prominent personalities. Moreover, Governor has already instituted several awards in various colleges and schools in Nagaland in honour of and in the name of late Dr. T. Ao. Born on January 28, 1918, late Dr. Ao joined Mohan Bagan Football Club in 1943 and led the Indian team to London in the Summer

Info on State helicopter service Dimapur, December 17 (mexN): The State helicopter service will not be available for regular and chartering in view of Christmas and New Year and for technical maintenance of the helicopter from December 23 to 25, 2016 and December 30 and 31, 2016. While informing this in a press release, the General Manager of NST Dimapur has expressed regret for the inconvenience caused.

Olympics and in 1950 he captained Bagan in the Durand Cup. After retiring from football, he graduated with medical degree from R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital, Calcutta and in 1963 he has become the Assistant Civil Surgeon and was later appointed as the Director of Health Services from which he retired in 1978. The Governor has written to the State Government to take up the proposal with Government of

India to chalk out a year-long programme to observe the birth centenary celebration which may include bringing out a Postal stamp, commemorative coin etc. The PRO Raj Bhavan in a press release stated that Shyamal Datta, former Governor of Nagaland has also requested to the Hon’ble Governor Shri P.B. Acharya to take initiatives to commemorate late Dr. T.Ao’s birth centenary as a mark of permanent symbolic acknowledgement.

Cultural Day-cum-Voice of Unity held Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima, Francis Pelevituo Solo, Commissioner & Secretary of School Education, Nagaland with others during the inauguration of newly built St. Peter’s Church at Lower AG colony on December 17.

NBSE notifies on issuing of transfer certificates Kohima, December 17 (mexN): The Nagaland Board of school education has notified once again that registered schools should not issue Transfer Certificates to students who have not qualified the Class IX Final Examination. It was stated in a press release that the unhealthy practice of the schools denying readmission to those students in their respective schools is against the interest of the students. Therefore, the NBSE has informed and directed all registered schools to avoid such practices. Schools should take positive steps to help the students and see that the interest of the student is given priority. Appropriate departmental action shall be initiated against schools adopting such unhealthy practices.

The winners of Unity Voice Hunt (Second Edition) with others.

Dimapur, December 17 (mexN): Unity College Students’ Council in collaboration with IQAC (Internal Quality Assessment Cell) of Unity College organised Cultural Day-cumUnity Voice Hunt (Second Edition) in the college premises. In celebration of the students belonging to diverse cultures, all the students, well-wishers and Members of Alumni Association attended the function in traditional attires. There were presentations of cultural songs and dances, followed by felicitation of student achievers, mainly Vilokali, winner of Miss Naga-

land Contest, Elizabeth, First Runner up of Miss Dimapur contest, and Moang, Bassist of SNF band that won the recently concluded Hornbill International Rock Contest. The cultural event was followed by Unity Voice Hunt featuring eight contestants who were selected from an audition held in November. The panel of judges was members of AVANCER Rock Band. Meyisanen was adjudged the Winner, and Iuli Z Sumi was adjudged the Runner Up. AVANCER announced that they will be collaborating with both the winners on a Music Video.

Kohima, December 17 (mexN): The newly built St. Peter’s Church at Lower AG colony was blessed by Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima and inaugurated by Francis Pelevituo Solo, Commissioner & Secretary of School Education, Nagaland on December 17. The monolith to mark the occasion was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Linus, Rector, Oriens Theological College, Shillong. Bishop while speaking on the occasion said that building the material or the physical Church is not that difficult, provided one has sufficient money and man power. But one must remember that the exter-

nal and material church is only the manifestation of the real, true and living Church, i.e., Christians. “We are the living Church of God. We must build this church every day. God must dwell within us. This of course is not easy and yet it is our prime duty. We must become Christopher’s or Christ bearers with our life” proclaimed the Bishop. In the short felicitation programme, John Makhabo said that it was in 29th June, 2008, on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul, Bishop Jose Mukala laid the foundation for the Church and today it is inaugurated by Bishop James Thoppil. It is the Lord’s doing. We only

marvel at it. John said that it was a tedious journey of nine years of sweat and struggle. He thanked the listed names who helped to complete the magnificent Church. These were given mementos and presentation fitting to the occasion. Fr. Thomas Toretkiu, Bishop’s Secretary, Kohima in a press release stated that Dominic Mao, Catechist, P.Lolia Susan & Ella Mary moderated the programme. Folk songs, Choir piece, Action song by catechism students, were the special item of the day. Rev. Fr. Carolus, Parish priest released the Jubilee Souvenir. Rev. Fr. Johnny Asst. Priests, Mary Help of Christians, Cathedral Kohima graced the meal.

Hope Academy presents musical drama ‘Gift of life’ KEC distributes wheel barrows to affiliated clubs Morung Express News Dimapur | December 17

Representatives of different clubs affiliated with the Kumlong Environment Committee along with KEC officials after formally handing over the wheel barrows at Kumlong Ward on December 16. (Photo Courtesy/KEC)

moKoKchuNg, December 17 (mexN): As part of its year ending programme, Kumlong Environment Committee (KEC) distributed wheel barrows to the seven affiliated clubs on December 16 in order to facilitate them in their cleanliness works. The KEC is a self-sustaining and autonomous committee under the patronage of the Kumlong Ward Council. The committee conducts a cleanliness drive on every last Saturday of the month. Besides, the committee creates awareness among the

public through hoarding of banners and actively participates in other cleanliness drive in the town. As part of its activities, KEC has put dustbins in all the major locations, especially on the roadsides, so as to discourage the public not to litter the colony. The distribution of the wheel barrows is another major initiative of the Kumlong Environment Committee so that the clubs can use the wheel barrows while clearing the clogged drains and garbage dumps. The wheel barrows were procured by the commit-

tee with its own fund and distributed free of cost to the clubs. The committee has more plans in the years to come keeping in mind that the Kumlong Ward will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in the year 2019. Meanwhile, KE C , Chairman, Kilangsashi in a press release has expressed gratitude to the KEC for distributing the wheel barrows and the public also appreciated the committee for its yearlong activities and initiatives to keep the ward as one of the cleanest in the town.

After weeks of practice and rehearsal, the students of Hope Academy presented the musical drama ‘Gift of life’ on December 17 at Agri Expo, Dimapur. Tali Angh, musician and songwriter graced the event as special guest. ‘Gift of life’ is an adaptation of Frank Capra’s movie “It’s a wonderful life”. The play which runs close to about 60 minutes winds up all the important aspects of life, “family, friendship, faith and love” and takes the viewers into a serene yet enchanting experience keeping them on their toes at all time. With a massive cast of more than 60 students including the main characters, choir and dancers, the play begins on the night of Christmas Eve, with the prayers of seven individuals who pray for the well being of a certain man named George Bailey. Their prayers reach heaven where God assigns Clarence; a second class angel without wings; to go down to earth and stop George from committing the worst mistake of his life ‘suicide’. The narrative tells of Clarence preparation for his task. Clarence is shown glimpses of George's life

Students of Hope Academy performs the musical drama ‘Gift of life’ at Agri Expo, Dimapur on December 17. (Photo by Manen Aier)

Tali Angh, musician and songwriter performs a song with his wife Jungtina at Agri Expo, Dimapur on December 17. (Photo by Manen Aier)

from his childhood till his adulthood. Clarence witness how 12 year old George saves his younger brother Harry from drowning, and how as a teenager while working part time at a drug store intervenes and stops Mr Grower from poisoning a child. God then takes Clarence to meet George and his family. George, in his late thirties is married to Mary. They have two daughters- Janie and Zuzu. God tells Clar-

ence how George had sacrificed all his dreams and ambitions to keep his late father's construction company running. Together with his uncle; Mr. Billy; he had not only kept the company alive, but had also helped many people get back up from slums. Potter, the antagonist and George's business rival; a very rich yet cruel man; is frustrated at losing control of the housing market and attempts to lure George

into becoming his assistant, but George refuses knowing that Potter always do things for his personal gain. Everything seems to go in George's favour until Mr. Billy misplaces the money that is supposed to clear all the company's debt. George realises that he would be held responsible and terrified of the prospect of going to jail, he contemplates suicide. That's when Clarence appears in front of George to persuade him not to

throw away God's greatest gift 'Life' but George does not believe him. Instead, he wishes that he was never even born, Clarence grants his wish. Clarence shows him how. The musical drama was directed by Wapangmeren and Lanutemsu; dance choreography by Toshimeren, music by Purkumzuk with Maong Aier on drum, Ayangla on keyboard, Chuba Lemtur on lead and Nuksung Jamir on Acoustic.

Sunday 18•12•2016



Manipur: Normal life takes a hit, mob attacks MBC Church IMPHAL, DeceMber 17 (NNN): Life was completely thrown out of gear during the 24-hour Manipur wide bandh on Saturday called by women vendors of four Ima markets of Khwairamband Keithel in protest against the fatal ambush by suspected militants killing three cops and injuring several others two days ago. During the bandh from 7 pm of December 16 to 7 pm of December 17, normal life was affected in most parts of the state and stray incidents were also reported. All districts in the valley were shut off totally. Vehicles were off the road. All important roads including highways witnessed almost total bandh. Local clubs and other organisations also enforced the strike in every street. Protestors piled up burning tyres, tree branches and other objects in the middle of roads everywhere to block traffic. In Jiribam district, some four passenger vehicles were damaged by strike supporters for defying the bandh. The Manipur Baptist Convention (MBC) Church located at Chingmeirong in Imphal was also attacked by a mob at around 2 pm today. Numbering over a hundred, the mob attempted to barge into the MBC Church compound before resorting to pelting stones breaking glass shields of the church. The mob also attempted to break open the gate before police intervened lead-

IMPHAL, DeceMber 17 (IANS): In a surprise attack, a large group of tribal militants overran a paramilitary camp in Manipur's Noney district and fled with about 20 assorted automatic guns, official sources said. The incident occurred

around 11.30 a.m in the camp manned by personnel of India Reserve Battalion and Manipur Rifles at Nungkao in the newlycarved out district. "About 70 militants raided the camp. They were in combat fatigue and carried highly sophisticated

weapons," an official said, adding that there was no firing from any sides and noc casualties. Reinforcements had been despatched to the area while officials at the spot said that they are making inventory of the arms and ammunition lost.

UNC condemns church attacks

MR personnel open fire at protestors

IMPHAL, DeceMber 17 (IANS): Two Manipur Rifles personnel opened fire at the women who were blocking the Tiddim road in Imphal, but fortunately no casualties were reported. The incident took place during ing to a brief confrontation between the police and the mob in front of the church, the sources informed. According to sources, the bandh supporters pasted a big poster at the gate of the church warning people not to go to the church without the consent of the Chingmeirong locals. Today's protestors accused the NSCN-IM of the coordinated attacks on state police. Quickly reacting against the violence, the Manipur government has written to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)

Hit by speeding train engine, 3 elephants die GUwAHATI, DeceMber 17 (PTI): Three elephants were killed after a speeding train engine rammed into them in Assam's Nagaon district today following which the Forest Department was directed to file an FIR against the railways. The engine hit the elephants, including a pregnant one, who were crossing tracks in Potiyapam area of Kampur killing two of them on the spot. The third jumbo succumbed to its injuries later, a district administration official said. Forest Minister Pramila Rani Brahma directed the Forest Department to file an FIR against the railways alleging that they have failed to take the issue of elephants crossing train tracks seriously. "Strong action will be taken against the railways as they have not taken the issue seriously. I have ordered an inquiry into the incident and directed the Forest Department to lodge an FIR," she said. The forest minister also directed the railways to limit speed of trains to 15 km/hour. Train services were affected following the incident as DibrugarhDelhi Rajdhani Express, D i b r u ga rh - Ba nga l o re Express and DibrugarhHowrah Kamrup Express and Delhi-Dibrugarh Brahmaputra Mail were halted at several places. The trains resumed their journeys after the tracks were cleared, a North East Frontier Railway spokesman said. "The railways maintains speed restrictions of 40 km/hour in areas earmarked as elephant corridors but this particular area between Jamunamukh and Kampur railway stations is not earmarked as a notified elephant corridor by the Forest Department," the spokesman added. The issue is being monitored at the highest level

Militants overrun security camp in Manipur

by the Forest Department and railways and coordinating mechanisms have been in place, he said. Forest Department and wildlife NGOs have been asked to provide details of movement of elephant herds and in addition to lowering of speed limit of trains from sunset to sunrise, railway staff were also being sensitised, the spokesman added. Eleven elephants have been killed by trains during the month with seven in the same district, others in neighbouring Karbi Anglong and one in Bongaigaon district.

the 24-hour general strike called by womenfolk to protest killings of three policemen and attacks on security personnel. "The personnel are the house guards of Congress MLA Phungzathang Tonsing. After opening fire,

pointing fingers at the Naga outfit over the attacks. Before announcement of the general strike, Khwairamband Keithel women vendors’ organisations took out a protest rally in the streets of Imphal yesterday to condemn the NSCN (IM) and the UNC. Heavily armed unidentified persons ambushed two different police teams on Road Opening Party (ROP) duty at two spots on Imphal-Moreh highway on December 15, killing three personnel and injuring about a dozen. On

they rushed inside the residence of the MLA," a women protestor said. However, police reached the spot and brought them out. The two were allowed to go after they tendered an unqualified apology to the protestors.

the same day, three other cops were injured when militants attacked them at Noney near the ImphalJiribam highway. The bandh was also in protest against the protracted indefinite economic blockade imposed by the United Naga Council (UNC), according to the vendors’ bodies of the historic Ima Keithels (mothers’ markets) located in the heart of Imphal. Spearheaded by the UNC, the Nagas are resisting the Manipur Government’s move to create new

districts by carving out Naga areas. Meanwhile, militants attacked three residents with explosives at Fairyland and Nagaram in Imphal on Thursday night. The three blasts occurred between 7:30 pm to 8 pm. There was no casualty however. Owning responsibility for the attacks, Manipur Naga Peoples Front (MNPF) in a press release said that the three residents hail from Somdal village of Ukhrul, the native village of NSCN (IM) General Secretary Th Muivah.

Hmar Inpui lauds creation of Manipur's new Pherzawl district DIMAPUr, DeceMber 17 (MexN): The Hmar Inpui has welcomed the Manipur government’s December 8 order to create Pherzawl district. “While some sections of the people view the order with apprehension and in some areas, even with hostility, the Hmar Inpui, on behalf of its people, have nothing but appreciation and rejuvenated hopes at the creation of Pherzawl district,” the Hmar Supreme House stated in a press release. The Inpui conveyed

“profoundest gratitude” to members of the Pherzawl District Demand Committee – both past and present, Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi, and all others who have been instrumental in the creation of the new district. The Hmar Inpui expressed confidence that this step will be a “harbinger” of a brighter future in all walks of life – “a catalyst for a more vibrant, encouraged, participative and active populace”. Stating that it was “pained and hurt at the anathema and reluctance

of certain communities to be a part of the new district for reasons best known to them”, the Hmar Supreme House expressed hope that the diverse communities of Pherzawl district will come together “to set a standard” in tribal unity and “peaceful co-existence and collaboration”. In this regard, the Hmar Inpui pledged its “full collective support and assistance” and urged all others to follow suit “so that Pherzawl district is a haven for all – irrespective of tribe, community or religion.”

SeNAPATI, DeceMber 17 (NNN): The United Naga Council (UNC) has condemned the attack on the Manipur Baptist Convention (MBC) Centre Church and a Tangkhul Church in Imphal. It also ridiculed the Manipur Government for not arresting those behind the attacks. The UNC argued that UNC leaders were arrested for carrying out a democratic movement "but the Manipur Government could tolerate mob attacking churches right under its nose." According to the UNC, the mob was attacking the churches using communal language but the Manipur Government

did nothing to contain the violence. The Naga body also expressed ‘wonder’ as to how there could be serial bomb attacks in a high security zone like Fairyland, Imphal. "There is no doubt that the Manipur Government allowed the miscreants to attack the residents," the Council accused, further leveling allegations that the Manipur Government was collaborating with the mob who attacked the churches and those behind the bomb blasts. The Council also questioned the role of the Government of India accusing the latter of remaining mute.

Repeal AFSPA: Angela Davis urges Indian Prez MUMbAI, DeceMber 17 (MexN): African-American feminist and human rights defender, Angela Davis today released an appeal to the President of India to repeal Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) which has been in force in most of the North East and Kashmir. At an exclusive “meetthe-press” in Mumbai, Angela termed AFSPA an instrument of oppression on the people, in addition to being a symbol of state power and militarisation that one is increasingly witnessing in different parts of the world. “Feminist voices, analyses and solidarities are the only real challenge to such militarisation, and need to be strengthened,” she asserted. Angela’s appeal is part of a campaign against AFSPA initiated by Indian feminists, which has been

signed by more than 1500 women from all over the world, including Angela herself. A press release informed that Angela particularly saluted the historic struggle of Irom Chanu Sharmila, whose 16 years long fast against AFSPA helped foreground the issue both nationally and internationally, saying “I am utterly inspired by Irom Sharmila’s strength and perseverance.” Supporting and widening the campaign against AFSPA, eminent historian and feminist, Uma Chakravarti also said, “No one should be above the law, no acts of the state should be above judicial scrutiny and no woman in any part of the country should be denied the right to justice which the Constitution of India grants to her. That’s why we stand


for the repeal of AFSPA and are taking the global women’s campaign to the President.” Meanwhile, Vrinda Grover, human rights lawyer and feminist, asserted, “The prolonged application of AFSPA has not only institutionalized militarism and a climate of impunity but has also alienated the public and fuelled a cycle of violence, increasing insurgency rather than dampening it.” Those who have endorsed the campaign include prominent international as well as Indian feminists, human rights activists, academicians, students, media persons, lawyers, development professionals and activists. The campaign has urged the President of India to respond to the international call for justice, peace and accountability.


BOOK FAIR Venue: O.M. Books 12 – 24 City Tower Junction, Circular Road December 2016 Dimapur, Nagaland Ph.: 03862-229370/9862008081

9aM – 5PM

ICAR - NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE ON MITHUN Medziphema, Dimapur-797106, Nagaland (India)

F. No. NRCM(S) 374/2016

Date: 17.12.2016

TENDER ENQUIRY Sealed Bids (in two bid system) for supply of "CGI Sheet and Barbed Wire" are invited from licensed vendors/manufacturers in the prescribed format. The format, detailed specifications, Annexures, terms & conditions etc, can be downloaded from the institute website: Last date for receipt of quotation is 10.01.2017 upto 14:30 hours. Administrative Officer For and on behalf of Director


SunDAY 18•12•2016



National Food Security Act, 2013 What is Food security? It is an act to provide for food and nutritional security in human life cycle approach , by ensuring access to adequate quantity of quality food at affordable prices to people to live a life with dignity and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The ‘National Food Security Act, 2013’ was introduced by the Government to provide quality and nutritious food to the common people, poor and pregnant women. The main aim of this Act is – to provide food and nutritional security in human life cycle approach, by ensuring access to essential and adequate quantity of quality food at affordable prices to people to live a life with dignity and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The related provisions and mechanism for providing food and nutritional security to common men of this country are laid down in the Act, which are as follows: • Fair Price Shop • Foodgrains • Food Security • Rural Area • Targeted Public Distri-

bution System Sections/Rules Section – 3 provides the right to receive 5 (five) kg of food grains per person per month at subsidized prices from the State Government under the Targeted Public Distribution System. Section – 4, 5 and 6 provides the provisions relating to providing food to pregnant and lactating women and nutritional support to children and malnutrition prevention. Section – 12 relates to reforms in Targeted Public Distribution System. Section – 13 relates to provisions regarding issue of ration cards to women of the age of 18 (eighteen) years or above to be the head of the household. Legal Provisions Nutritional support to pregnant and lactating women. As per the Act, entitled persons have the right to receive food security allowances in the case of non-supply of the entitled quantities of food grains or meals.

Public Distribution System, priority households to be covered under ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ shall receive 35 (thirty five) kg of food grains per month at subsidized prices. Every pregnant and lactating mothers are eligible to receive the following benefits: During pregnancy and 6 (six) months after the child birth through local anganwadi, meals, free of cost will be provided so as to meet the nutritional standards. Children below the age of 6 (six) years, exclusive breast feeding shall be promoted. Pregnant women are entitled to receive maternity benefit of not less than Rs. 6,000 (Rupees Six Thousand only) in installments as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

RIGHTS For children up to Class VIII or within the age group of 6 (six) to 14 (fourteen) years, to meet the nutritional standards, the followingrights will be available: For children in the age group of 6 (six) months to 6(six) years, age appropriRIGHTS According to Targeted ate meals will be provided

free of charge to meet the nutritional standards. For children below the age of 6 (six) months, exclusive breast feeding shall be promoted. The State Government shall, through established anganwadi, identify and provide meals, free of charge, to children who suffer from malnutrition.

redressal of grievances of the aggrieved persons in matters relating to distribution of entitled food grains or meals and to enforce the entitlements under this Act. According to this Act, there is a provision that any complainant can file an appeal with the District / State Food Commission.

AUTHORITY According to Targeted Public Distribution System of the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, Fair Price Shops will be provided licence to distribute commodities to the ration card holders under Public Distribution System.

POWERS RELATING TO INQUIRIES OF STATE FOOD COMMISSION The State Food Commission, while inquiring into any matter, will have all the powers of a civil court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and in particular, in respect of the following matters: Summon and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath. Discovery and production of any documents. Receiving evidence on affidavits. Requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any court or office. Issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents. Every State Govern-

GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM Every State Government shall put in place an internal grievance redressal mechanism which may include call centres, help lines, designation of nodal officers, or such other mechanism as may be prescribed. The State Government shall appoint or designate, for each district, an officer to be the District Grievance Redressal Officer for expeditious and effective

ment shall constitute a State Food Commission for the purpose of monitoring and review of implementation of this Act. PENALTIES As per the provisions of this Act, any public servant or authority found guilty at the time of deciding any complaint or appeal, of failing to provide the relief recommended by the district grievance redressal officer, without reasonable cause or wilfully ignoring such recommendation, shall be liable to penalty not exceeding Rs.5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) after providing such person reasonable chances of hearings. NAGALAND Three years after adoption of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) in 2013, the state of Nagaland is finally set to implement the Act after much bargaining with the Centre on the financial aspect. The Act will be implemented in Dimapur and Kohima districts with effect from 1st of July, 2016 and by August next, the NFSA will cover the remaining 9 districts.

BSNL offers free data and unlimited RBI to issue Rs. 500 notes in new series soon DeceMber 17 voice calling starting at Rs. 99 per month MuMbai, (PTi): The Reserve Bank today New Delhi, DeceMber 17 (PTi): State-run BSNL on Friday announced unlimited calling offer for its prepaid customers along with limited free data usage amid free call offers from

private competitors like Reliance Jio. “BSNL has introduced unlimited local and STD BSNL to BSNL with 300MB data for only Rs. 99 with validity of 28 days for its prepaid

BIRTHDAY GREETING Hi Lemren (Alemrenba Kichu)

You have been filling our lives with laughter and love for three years. Happy birthday to the most adorable three year old in the world! Stay cute and adorable! Love you! From all your loved ones FiRe StatiOnS

KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC)

we4 woMen HeLPLIne

std code: 03862

DiMaPUR Civil Hospital emergency-

232224 229529 229474 MH Hospital 227930 231081 Faith Hospital 228846 shamrock Hospital 228254 Zion Hospital 231864 224117 227337 Police Control room 228400 Police Traffic Control 232106 east Police station 227607 west Police station 232181 CIHsr (referral Hospital) 242555 242533 dimapur Hospital 224041 248011 Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway 131/228404 Airport 229366 Indian Airlines 242441 225212 Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777 nikos Hospital and 232032, research Centre 231031 nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

eden Medical Centre


W ArGUMent

mobile customers,” the company said in a statement. The rate will be applicable in Kolkata TD, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, Gujrat, MP, Chhattisgarh, and Maharashtra & Rajasthan for within network calls. In other circles the same offer will vary from Rs. 119 to 149. “BSNL has also introduced new combo STV with Unlimited local and STD BSNL to any network with 1GB data for only Rs 339 with validity of 28 days on pan-India basis,” the statement said. BSNL is already offering unlimited 3G service for Rs. 1099 with 30 day validity. “Tariff offered by BSNL are most competitive and is committed to provide affordable and excellent services to our esteemed customers,” BSNL Director for Consumer Mobility RK Mittal said.






08822911011 WOMen HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline

said it will shortly issue Rs. 500 notes in Mahatma Gandhi (New) series with the inset letter E in both the number panels. The notes will have Swachh Bharat logo printed on the reverse of the banknote. “Some of the captioned banknotes will have an additional character * (star) in the number panel in the space between the prefix and the number,” the RBI said. Packets containing these notes will have 100 pieces as usual but not in serial order. To facilitate easy identification of note packets containing ‘star’ notes, the bands on such packets will clearly indicate the presence of these notes in the packet, the central bank said. ‘Star’ banknotes in Rs. 500 denomination are being issued for the first time. ‘Star’ banknotes in the denomination of Rs. 10, 20, 50 and 100 are already in circulation, it added. In a serially numbered packet, banknotes with any defect, detected at the printing stage, are replaced at the note printing presses by banknotes having the taHaMZaM (formerly senapati) Police station Fire Brigade




222246 222491

KOHiMa Fire Brigade naga Hospital oking Hospital Bethel nursing Home northeast shuttles

north Ps Officer-in-Charge south Ps Officer-in-Charge Zubza Ps Officer-in-Charge Chiephobozou Ps Officer-in-Charge tseminyu Ps Officer-in-Charge Khuzama Ps Officer-in-Charge Kezocha Ps Officer-in-Charge women Cell Officer-in-Charge Control room


stdcode: 03871

std code: 0370 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923

INCLUSION CRITERIA: Households having an annual family income of Rs. 1.5 lakh or less and falling under the following category will be considered for inclusion under priority households. Vulnerable and marginalised section of the people infected with HIV+ and duly registered by NagalandState Aids Control Society (NSACS). Households with a disable person as head of the households (as defined in

same number so that the sequence of the packet is maintained. As part of its efforts to benchmark procedures against international best practices as also for cost effectiveness at printing presses, RBI had adopted ‘star’ series numbering system for replacement of the defectively printed banknotes. Meanwhile, the RBI said foreign citizens will be allowed to exchange foreign exchange for Indian currency notes up to a limit of Rs. 5,000 per week till December 31. Earlier, the facility was available till December 15, 2016. MOKOKCHUnG

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home



































EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Any member of a households possessing a four wheeler. Households receiving Ration/Food subsidy under any other schemes. Any member of the household who is an employee of Central/State Govt. With an annual income of more than Rs.1.5 lakh The Director of F&CS also informed that allocation of food grains would be made online by uploading everything related on public domain so one can easily check out by logging into the department website www.fcs.nagaland., which is also linked to the national portal. Compiled By: Limasenla, Advocate & Legal Aid Counsel, Nagaland State Legal Services Authority.

Course Qualification duration Male/Female Beauty Therapist 8 Pass 2 months Female Bakery & Confectionery 12 pass 2 months Both BPO 10 pass 3 months Male Retailing 8 pass 3 months Male

In Noida, Delhi. under Govt. Scheme PMKVY Free Traveling, Lodging & Fooding 100% Job Assistance after Training

saloni Agency

Bank Colony, A.G. Hr. sec. school Junction, dimapur 9774351136/9615454002

Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

BUY (rs) 66.00 83.41 8.23 49.34 46.2 50.16 56.98 70.11 1.8 0.0547 17.39 9.22

seLL (rs) 68.97 87.46 9.17 51.77 48.46 52.64 60.22 73.49 2.00 0.061 19.36 10.27

leisure CROSSWORD # 3807




persons with Disabilities Act ‘1995) subjected to submission of prescribed certified by a competent medical Authority. Single women (including widows, unmarried, divorced and deserted women). Homeless and destitute households. Occupationally vulnerable groups like Casual Domestic workers, Unskilled workers, Casual Labourers, Rickshaw and Cart-pullers, Marginal Farmers, Vegetables Vendors, Rag-pickers etc. Will also be included under Priority Households. He/She should be a bonafide citizen of India and apermanent resident of Nagaland. Salaried employees (Public/Private Sectors) falling below the income bar as mentioned above.


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

Contact numbers

8575045501 8575045510 8575045502 8575045520 8575045508 8575045518 8575045506 8575045516 8575045507 8575045517 8575045505 8575045515 8575045549 8575045538 8575045509 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)

In pursuance of National Food Security Act 2013, the Govt. Of Nagaland has approved for the implementation of the NFSA,2013 in the state. The eligible priority households shall be entitled to recieve 5(five) kgs of Foodgrains per person per month either @Rs.3/- per kg of rice or Rs.2/- per kg of wheat. The implementation shall commence only after completion of identification of eligible households in the state. There will be no more ABL/BPL beneficiaries under NFSA only PRIORITY HOUSEHOLDS. The AAY (Antyodaya Anna Yojana) beneficiaries will continue to receive their monthly allocation as per the scheme. The District Administration, local bodies and village Councils are requested to assist the Department of F&CS to identify eligible priority beneficiaries. Any false declarations by applicants will be automatically rejected and no further appeal will be considered. THE CRITERIA FOR IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITY HOUSEHOLDS UNDER THE NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY ACT, 2013 ARE AS UNDER:


Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3802

Answer Number # 3801

ACROSS 1. Lock 6. A box or chest 10. Telephoned 14. Eagle’s nest 15. Dull pain 16. False god 17. Angry 18. Drudgery 19. Anagram of “Tine” 20. Funny woman 22. Pierce 23. To and ___ 24. Throb 26. A light skiff 30. Gain points in a game 32. Be in trouble with 33. Deceiver 37. Nurse shark 38. In the sky 39. Accomplished 40. Destroy completely 42. 100 to a dollar 43. Wanders 44. Girdle 45. Rise 47. Hit on the head 48. Soon 49. Having a job 56. Not short 57. Pout 58. Stogie 59. Cain’s brother 60. Ailments 61. A kind of macaw 62. Being 63. C C C C 64. Woman’s undergarment DOWN 1. Nonclerical 2. Relating to aircraft 3. Streetcar 4. Give as an example 5. Attentive 6. Anaglyph

7. Computer symbol 8. Tibia 9. Futuristic transport 10. Instigator 11. “Bye” 12. French for “Our” 13. Delight 21. Fury 25. Website address 26. An enclosure 27. At a distance 28. Greek letter 29. A rectangular area 30. Immunizations 31. Eatery 33. Burrowing marine mollusk 34. A large amount 35. Blind (poker) 36. Where a bird lives 38. Moot 41. Charged particle 42. Imitator 44. Loving murmur 45. Prigs 46. Notes 47. Consecrate 48. Wings 50. Infiltrator 51. Whimper 52. Bog 53. Quaint outburst 54. An aromatic ointment 55. Found in a cafeteria Answer to Crossword 3806

SUNday 18•12•2016


CNTC appeals for Gov’s intervention Dimapur, December 17 (mexN): The Central Nagaland Tribes Council (CNTC) today appealed to the Governor of Nagaland, PB Acharya to immediately intervene in the series of scandals that have rocked the State, especially the recent allegation of PDS rice scam besides the fuel adulteration scam, before things go out of control. “The Governor who has been vehemently opposing and crusading against the massive corruption in this chronic corruptridden state should play a pivot role in weeding out all the elements that have been responsible for these acts and make our state a better place,” stated a press release from Media Cell, CNTC. The CNTC also denounced the action of Dimapur Police under the

DDCF condemns police action Dimapur, December 17 (mexN): The Dimapur District Citizens Forum (DDCF) today condemned the action of police at the ACAUT public rally in Dimapur on December 15, where water cannons, tear gas and even lathi charge were used upon the citizens of Dimapur. DDCF president, Joseph Lemtur in a press release observed that of late, the government has been following a procedure of using water cannons and tear gas, “which is not the solution for any issue.” Citizens, he asserted, "have the right to protest for any grievances peacefully and the government of the day should try to find an amicable way to deal with the directive of the State government in using brute force on the peaceful protesters during the ACAUT rally on December 15. “It was a gross misuse of power and abuse of 144 CrPc on the flimsiest of excuse

peace loving citizens, who should not be treated as criminals." The DDCF demanded a logical conclusion of the issue, which is connected with corruption. “The rights of the citizens should not be forcefully suppressed just to protect the interest of the few corruption individuals,” it added. Meanwhile, DDCF appreciated the ACAUT Nagaland for unearthing a major scam which it said was overlooked by the State government for more than a decade. The forum also requested the Dimapur Police to act more responsibly and not to give unnecessary harassment to the citizens of Dimapur in future.

by saying it was a festive season. Our Fundamental Rights enshrined in the constitution of India gives the freedom to assemble peacefully and to democratically address the rights and grievances of the peo-

ple, whereas the state government and the police have acted beyond like in a militarily ruled state,” the Council stated. “Instead of using force on innocent citizens it must prove its worth by arresting

those culprits responsible in the scams without any fear or favor,” it further demanded. Expressing sadness at women and innocent participants getting injured and thrown around by water cannon and tear gas during the rally, CNTC added, “By using such excessive brute force on a peaceful protest, it has sent only a wrong signal that they (government) are protecting the criminals. Today for the sake of our young coming generations, every Nagas must voice out against corruption without any bias or partiality.” The CNTC also lauded the “selfless sacrifices” made by the ACAUT Nagaland “for our better tomorrow” and supported its demand for CBI inquiry to be initiated at the earliest in the scams.

A view of Christmas Bazaar organized by Kohima Village Youth Organization (KVYO) at Kohima local ground. (Morung Photo)

Returning Officers for Kohima, Tseminyu appointed kohima, December 17 (Dipr): In pursuance of the Nagaland Municipal Election Rules, 2003 and as per the direction of the Election Commission of Nagaland, Deputy Commissioner of Kohima and Appellate Authority Kohima, Rovilatuo Mor (IAS) has designated and appointed ADC Kohima, Lithrongla Tongpi and

JSU golden jubilee to be Certificate course on nursery management of horti crops ends Decemcelebrated on Dec 27-28 Dimapur, ber 17 (mexN): Central Jakhama, December 17 (mexN): The Jakhama Students’ Union (JSU) will be celebrating its golden jubilee on December 27 and 28 with Niketu Iralu, Trustee, Centre for North East Studies & Policy Research, New Delhi as guest speaker. He will also unveil the jubilee monolith. Koko Vizotha, Managing Director, Fernwood Higher Secondary School Kohima will be the speaker for inaugural session on ‘Education & its impact in the present context’. Er. Khupi Natso Engineer-in-Chief, NPWD Kohima will be the speaker for closing session on ‘50 years and beyond’ and also launch JSU Educational Trust. Ar. Zavishio Khieya, Convenor, JSU Golden Jubilee Planning Committee will highlight about the Trust. K. Ashi Khieya, Addl. Director General, National Academy of Customs Excise & Narcotic, Shil-

long will release the jubilee souvenir. Jubilee choir will be from Jakhama churches i.e. Baptist, Catholic and Christian Revival. Hoisting of flags in commemoration of 50 years of JSU will be led Dr. Nolesel Zhotso Chairman, Jakhama Village Council. Dr. Khotole Khieya Asst. Professor Nagaland University will be the critic for debate on ‘Educational institutions at Jakhama have been a boon for its people’. Jubilee Nite would showcase JSU talents. Students securing 90% and above (Class A to IX) and 75% and above (Class X and above) in their academic sessions will be awarded. The closing remark will be given by Kezhokhoto Savi, Co-Convenor, JSU Golden Jubilee Planning Committee. This was informed in a press release issued by JSU Golden Jubilee Planning Committee.

Institute of Horticulture, Nagaland successfully conducted three months certificate course on Modern Nursery Management Practices of Horticulture Crops. The course started on September 14 and concluded on December 14. A total of 19 trainees from 5 states of North East (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland) completed the certificate course. A brief certificate distribution programme was organized on December 16, where Dr. Lallan Ram, Director, CIH encouraged the trainees to utilize their skills for nursery development in North East region. He appreciated the efforts of the trainers of the institute and re-

Director, CIH with staffs and trainees of certificate course on Modern Nursery Management Practices of Horticulture Crops conducted by Central Institute of Horticulture, Nagaland.

source persons from SASRD/ ICAR/ State Horticulture Department/ NHB and private organizations in making the course successful. Feedbacks were given by the trainees during the programme. The programme was led by Prabin, i/c Certificate

Course and brief remark was presented by AK Singh, Course Coordinator. The course had 48 theory classes and 48 practical sessions. A 15 days internship programme was also organized at Daffodil Nursery where hands on training on all aspects of

nursery management were given to the trainees. Meanwhile, it was informed that one month Skill Development courses accredited by Agriculture Skill Council of India would commence from January 16, 2017.

SDO (C) Kethosituo Sekhose as Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officer respectively of Kohima Municipal Council. ADC Tseminyu, Vikhweno Meratsu and EAC Tseminyu, Shelley Katiry were also appointed as Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officer respectively of Tseminyu Town Council.

Meetings & AppointMents

ZSU general session The 57th general session of Zhavame Students’ Union (ZSU) will be held on December 27 and 28 at Amphithreatre, Pame Tsüdu, Zhavame village under the theme ‘Engendering culture through Education’. Deo Nukhu, Parliamentary Secretary for Higher & Technical Education, Kekhwengulo Lea, President, Chakhesang Public Organisation and Vikuo Rhi, Youth Secretary, NBCC will be the Chief Guest, Cultural Guest and Introductory Speaker respectively. The union in a press release has requested all the seniors, public leaders, students and well wishers to grace the occasion positively.

ERKSU silver jubilee The Eastern Region Khiamniungan Students’ Union (ERKSU) will celebrate its silver jubilee on January 6-8 at Tsonniu with Daw, Sandar Minn MP of Yangon Region and Kongkhao, General Secretary KGOA as chief guest and guest of honour respectively. The organizing committee has invited the Khiamniungan people of both India and Myanmar to the event.

Women leaders to carry out village CCYA convention level IPC campaign on HIV and AIDS from January 6 to 8 Dimapur, December 17 (mexN): With an aim of capacitating women leaders on HIV and AIDS issues, the Nagaland State AIDS Control Society (NSACS) conducted a one day re-orientation programme on December 14 for Master Trainers of Inter-Personal Communication Campaign (IPC) comprising 19 women leaders of Dimapur district at CMO’s conference hall, Dimapur. A press release informed that the women leaders from four women organizations will further carry out village level IPC campaign in 70 villages, colonies and wards in Dimapur district. The main Chief Minister TR Zeliang, his cabinet colleagues and parliamentary secretaries along objectives of the village level with elders of Kuda village after unveiling the monolith of platinum jubilee celebration of Kuda Village on December 17. (Morung Photo)

AR apprehend 2 Assam Rifles organise NSCN (K) cadres goodwill football match phek, December 17 (mexN): 46 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ 5 Sector AR apprehended two NSCN (K) cadres during an operation conducted at Clock Tower, Phek area along with police representative on December 15. The cadres were identified as Capt Neilie Vero (36) and Sgt Nipaka Awomi (22), according to a press release from Assam Rifles. The cadres, the release alleged, had come to Phek for “extortion of money from the business community.” The apprehended cadres were subsequently handed over to Police Station Phek.

pereN, December 17 (mexN): 36 Assam Rifles under the aegis of Headquarters, 6 Sector Assam Rifles conducted a ‘Goodwill Football Match’ at Peren Football Ground on December 16. The match, played between troops of Assam Rifles and Peren Town football team, was witnessed by representatives of civil administration, students and approximately 300 locals of the town. S Tainu, ADC, Peren presented prizes and trophy to the winning team – Peren Town football team, a press release from Assam Rifles informed. A display of posters/paintings made by students of Government High School, Peren as part of poster/ painting competition held on December 15 was also organised by 36 Assam Rifles.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kohima organized Rabi campaign ‘sammelan’ on December 15 at Chiephobozou Badminton Hall. Khunyu Rino, PA to DC Kohima was the guest of honour. He highlighted the importance of crops grown during the Rabi season and their benefits as additional crop harvest. Other highlights of the programme were technological exhibits and farmers scientist interaction. It was attended by farmers from Chiephobozou, Nerhema, Nachama, Nerhe Model and Chichama village.

IPC Campaign are to create awareness on basics of HIV and AIDS, promote safe behavior, reduce stigma and discrimination of PLHIV and encourage linkages and access to free services available. The women leaders who were earlier trained as Master Trainers had carried out village level IPC campaign covering 60 villages, colonies and wards in Dimapur district during 2015-16. The Master Trainers are from the Naga Women Hoho Dimapur, Western Sumi Totimi Hoho, Chakhroma Women Organization, and All Dimasa Women Welfare Society. Welcoming the participants to the re-orientation

programme, Dr. Vikato Kinimi, CMO, Dimapur encouraged the women leaders to continue their efforts in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The topics for the sessions included HIV and AIDS services available in Dimapur, discussion and experience sharing of IPC campaign 2015-16 by the women groups, and identification of villages for IPC campaign 2016-17. The resource persons included Dr. Vikato Kinimi, CMO Dimapur, Dr. Hotoka Hesso, SMO, ART Plus Centre, DH Dimapur, Metevinuo Sakhrie, Joint Director (IEC), NSACS and Chongkoi Khaming, Asst. Director (MM), NSACS.

Zhavame, December 17 (mexN): The Chakhesang Catholic Youth Association (CCYA) will hold its convention coinciding with the Zhavame CYA Golden Jubilee cum Glory Day Silver Jubilee from January 6 to 8, 2017 at St. Xavier’s Catholic Church, Zhavame, under the theme ‘As the father sent me, so I send you’ (Jn 20:21). Rev. Fr. Carolus Neisalhou, Vicar General, Diocese of Kohima will celebrate High Mass on the occasion. Rev. Fr. Anthony Rozü Dukru, Vice Principal, St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama; Rev. Fr. Vemedo Joseph Kezo, Director, St. Joseph’s Men’s Hostel, Jakhama; Wetshete Joseph Thopi, Assistant Professor, Patkai Christian College (Autonomous); and Jonas Yanthan, Senior News Reader, All India Radio Kohima will be the resource speakers during the convention. The Association in a press release has requested all the clergy, nuns, church leaders, youth members, seniors and well wishers to come and grace the occasion positively. It also requested all concerned to pray for the success of the convention.

St. Joseph Church in Thizama celebrates silver jubilee kohima, December 17 (mexN): St. Joseph Church, 4th NAP Bn Thizama celebrated silver jubilee with Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima as chief celebrant on December 16 under the theme ‘Worship Him Continually’ (1Chro. 16:11). Rev. Fr. Salew Peter SDB, Parish Priest, Christ King Parish, Kohima unveiled the jubilee monolith, while priests from Kohima, concelebrated the Holy Eucharist with the Bishop during which 15 received the first Holy Communion and 11 faithful received the Sacrament of the Confirmation. Bishop expressed gratitude to God for inspiring and guiding every step of the pioneers of the St. Joseph Church community who ventured out to live the universality of the Catholic Church by gathering together Catholics irrespective of their tribal affiliation. “With courage they set to live the Catholic faith despite strong individual and institutional opposition and antagonism against it, trusting in God who inspired and called them,” the Bishop added, according to a press release from his secretary, Fr. Thomas Toretkiu. Most Rev. Dr. James further pointed out that Catholic faith united the members of different tribes in Thizama. “Faith was a cementing and uniting factor and not a differentiating and divisive factor.”

Bishop of Kohima with others during the silver jubilee of St. Joseph Church, 4th NAP Bn Thizama on December 16.

“We know from the history of the Church in Thizama that there was united and institutional opposition to Catholic faith saying that there must be only one church in the Battalion campus. But the courage and conviction of the Catholic could not deter them from building a Church for themselves and the timely help from Christ King Parish members from Kohima village gave them courage and strength to go ahead with their plan to build the Church,” he recounted. The Bishop expressed gratefulness to the pioneers of the church for their courage and commitment, while also reminding that

jubilee becomes an occasion to remember the past with gratitude. “Jubilee is also the time to live the present with passion and commitment. The question we have to ask ourselves as we celebrate the jubilee is if and how are we open to being challenged by the Gospel; whether the Gospel is truly the “manual” for our daily living and the decisions we are called to make,” he added. Most Rev. Dr. James further mentioned the second reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Colossians where St. Paul told the community to put to death what is earthly: fornication, impurity, pas-

sion, evil desire and covetousness which is idolatry. “The Christian faith is demanding and difficult. Yet Jesus asks us to practice it and live it. Looking around us, in our home, in our village, in our state, can we say that the Christian values are lived and they permeate and determine the decision and choices we make daily,” he asked. Secular and materialistic ideologies, he maintained, are at its height. “People are trying to build up a life without God, a life based on earthly values and pleasures. But it is precisely amid these difficulties and uncertainties, which we share with so many of our contemporaries, that we are called to live the Christian faith.” Meanwhile, the Bishop told the congregation that the celebration of the jubilee should challenge one to examine their fidelity to the Christ and to the Gospel and the tradition set by the pioneers. “The gospel or Christianity itself will not work any miracles in our lives or change our lives, unless we live it in our lives. Live your present life with deep commitment. Change and mend your old sinful ways and start anew a new life, and gospel filled life,” he urged. The jubilee was attended by Fathers and Sisters, Catechists, president and members of DAN, NCWA, NCYM, dignitaries, invited guests and faithful.


The Chalkboard

SunDAY 18•12•2016


_____________________________ Because Children Matters



elcome to take this first step in learning the English grammar, which is essential if you want to learn the language and use it correctly. Traditionally, grammar is often taught in a boring and monotonous manner, which discourages students. However, grammar can be learnt in a fun way. Here are lessons and exercises on nouns, that will help you learn through fun. What are Nouns? Nouns are naming words. They are the names of people, places, animals and things. Human qualities, emotions and feelings also are nouns. Look at the sentences below. 1. I have a pen There is a noun in this sentence. It is ‘pen’. It is a noun because it is the name of a thing. 2. Our teacher is very good at teaching us. In this sentence there is a noun. It is ‘teacher’. It is a noun because it is the name of the person who is giving you lessons. 3. We are going to the park. There is a noun in this sentence. It is ‘park’. It is a noun because it is the name of the place we are going to.


Do You


Facts Corner

• Every year, lightning strikes kill over a thou4. That dog is very ferocious. sand people. In this sentence, there is a noun. It is ‘dog’. It is a • The dinosaurs had been noun because it is the name of that animal. wiped out much before the Alps or Rock5. I was full of happiness to see her. ies were created. There is a noun in this sentence. It is ‘happiness’. It is • In 1986, the biggest ever a noun because it is the name of the emotion that I felt.

hailstone, fell in Banare born and until they gladesh and weighed die. In 1953, it was over 1 kg. Watson and Crick who • In 1999, an iceberg broke determined the mofrom the Antarctic ice lecular structure of the ridge and it was the DNA. size of London. • It was the Swiss scientist • The air at the summit of Friedrich Mieschler, Everest is only onewho discovered DNA third that of the air at in 1869. sea level. • However, the first artifi• The tallest tree ever meacial DNA was first cresured was 435 feet tall ated by US researchers and was an Australian in 1997. eucalyptus. • While the crayfish has 200 • Each individual sheds chromosomes, humans over 40 pounds of skin have only 46 chromofrom their time they somes.

Being Special

To the child nobody claps for

Amy Aves Challenger Writer, artist, special needs mom


o the child nobody claps for, I know you. Yo u m i g h t be finishing the year, completing a grade, but you feel invisible. There’s no ceremony for you. No award presented. You know about trophies and plaques and certificates and diplomas. You’ve heard about dreams of the next year, of “moving-up.” You’re the kid with ADHD, autism, mental illness, a medical condition, a handicap or a learning disability. Or you’re just considered average. Maybe you’re shy. You’re the one with miles of potential, you’re bright, but you’re poor, your school district is lagging, you live in a dangerous neighborhood. Or your family is in crisis. You can’t be like the kids on stage, on TV. You feel frozen, like you’ll never “move-up.” Child, I don’t know much, but I know this— if your breath moves in and out of you, then you’re

moving up. If your eyes see the light and life moving around you, then you’re moving up. If these words make you wonder about your identity, your potential, then you’re moving up. If you’re suffering, angry, sad, tired then you’re alive. You’re growing. You’re learning. You’re moving-up. Today I sat at a small school two of my children attend, in a privileged suburb, where grownups were perched in rows of white chairs. We wore cot-

ton dresses and blue blazers. We clapped for eighth graders receiving awards. We grinned at touching testimonials about accomplishments. We heard words like achievement, determination, beauty, and courage. We shed tears because, for a moment, we grasped the miracles of children before us, born tiny, growing, through sweat and joy and complicated families. We saw kids standing on stage, flickering candles of young life on a platform, lighting our crowd with hope.

But while I clapped, I thought of you. I imagined vacant seats surrounding mine. I pictured your innocent faces pressed in time, waiting for grownups like me to dare to look your way. I wanted spots reserved for boys and girls and communities with less. I wanted safe, healthy, loving spaces for every child to learn and move-up according to his or her needs. I wanted all parents to feel proud and supported, to have the opportunity to applaud for you, for every child. I thought of my boy at

home with special needs, recovering from depression, homeschooled by special teachers because we haven’t found a school where he can thrive. I wished he could feel the applause for his ten incredible years. I wanted him to hear hands clapping for heart surgery, for school after school after school. I imagined hands together, slapping togetherness for a child who found his smile again, for a boy who persevered despite ridiculous obstacles. I thought of the challenges he has lived through and the plaques, the ceremonies he’s missed. Child, we adults have to create a new kind of moving-up for YOU. We’ve got to embrace one another— young and old, rich and poor, broken, disorganized, imperfect, of every race and faith and sexual orientation and background. We must all move-up together by opening our eyes to the gifts sown in the souls of each of you, waiting for the thunder of our applause. We must insist on graduating and surviving together, every seat full of you, and you, and you. We’ve got to do this. To love each other. To clap for each other. Or, I fear, none of us will truly move-up, anyway.

Dot to dot


SunDAY 18•12•2016




Walking in the favor Mary had with God Christmas in all shapes and sizes F. Dean Hackett

Charisma Magazine


hen a person takes their walk with Jesus seriously and truly begins to believe, "I am a son or daughter of God and I am going to live like it", they set themselves against the powers of darkness, and they set themselves apart from everyone around them except those who have made the same choice. At that point, you have set yourself apart exclusively for God's use. That is what the Apostle Paul was describing when he wrote to the believers in Rome. "I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service of worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Rom. 12:1-2). Mary of Nazareth had a similar experience when God asked her dedicate her body exclusively for His use. The angel Gabriel was "sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth" (Luke 1:26b). Gabriel's greeting startled Mary, just as it would you and me. "Greetings, you who are highly favored. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women" (Luke 1:28b). She had found favor with God. Mary was just an ordinary young woman living in a small village on the side of a mountain, in Galilee, overlooking the Jezreel Valley. There was nothing she did to earn or to deserve this honor. God chose Mary and gave her favor, the same as He chose the patriarch Abraham and gave him favor. Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness. God chose Mary and gave her favor. She believed God and it was counted to her for righteousness. God has chosen you and given you favor. "Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, to be holy

and blameless before Him in love; He predestined us to adoption as sons to Himself through Jesus Christ according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace which He graciously bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace" (Eph. 1:4-7). Why would God choose you?

The Scripture explains, "according to the good pleasure of His will." You didn't earn it. You certainly don't deserve it. God chose you because He loves you and because He wanted to choose you. He chose you to be holy, without condemnation and to be in a face-toface relationship with Him. He made you acceptable and gave you favor by redeeming you from the slave market of sin and adopting you into His family as a son or daughter. "Greetings, you who are highly favored. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you ..." (Luke 1:28b). Mary and Joseph had to wrestle with many things when they began walking this out. Just like you have to wrestle with many things when you make the decision in your life to live authentically sold out as a child of God. If Gabriel's greeting startled Mary, his message must have flooded her with anxiety. "But the angel said to her, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Listen, you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son and shall call His name JESUS'" (Luke 1:30-31 NKJV). "That's not possible," she responded, "I am a good girl. I am still pure and have never been immoral." God knew that, Gabriel assured her. This would not be a natural conception. Gabriel continued, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you. Therefore the Holy One who will be born will be called the Son of God" (Luke 1:35). That sounds amazing, but "with God nothing will be impossible" (Luke 1:37).

months, every place she went, every conversation she had, God was within her. Imagine, placing her hands on her tummy and feeling God move within her. It is challenging to grasp when you are born again that God, Himself, takes up residence within your body. When you repent and ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sin and make you a new creation, the Holy Spirit comes upon you, the power of the Highest overshadows you and you are born again "through the washing of rebirth and the renewal of the Holy Spirit" (Titus 3:5; Rom. 8:9-11). Every day you live, every place you go, every conversation you have, God is in you. It may seem impossible for you to live that kind of life. Maybe you come from a narcotics addiction or alcoholic background. Maybe you have not Christian background and it just seems impossible.

Remember, "With God nothing will be impossible." When Mary said, "'I am the servant of the Lord. May it be unto me according to your word'" (Luke 1:38b), she could not take it back, no matter how difficult it became. Four months into it, she could not say, "This is much harder than I ever dreamed; I don't want to do this anymore." She may have felt hat way emotionally, and those thoughts may go through her mind, but she would have to learn how to make quality choices to deal with the challenges that came her way. There were choices she would make because she loved God and was sold out to Him for a lifetime. Imagine her conversation with Joseph, explaining her condition. How do you tell your mother, father and siblings you're expecting a child, it is a miracle and you are still a virgin? How do you tell your best friends, "In a few weeks, it will look as though I've gained weight; I am expecting a child, and it is by the power of Almighty God. I've not been with Joseph or any other man." She would face the ridicule and Mary would literally rejection of her closest friends and carry God in her womb. Every day she lived for nine the neighbors of that small commu-

nity. They would not understand.

There are other aspects that would require loving obedience. The marriage covenant with Joseph could not be consummated for more than nine months after their wedding. They would have to face being ostracized by the synagogue and by relatives who did not understand and would not accept the truth. Walking out authentic discipleship, living a holy life as a son or daughter who carries God where ever you go and in every conversation will require loving choices that many will not understand and may bring ridicule and even rejection. God wants you to make a commitment to keep your body exclusively for Him until He brings that man or that woman with whom you will make the covenant of marriage, and then not until the wedding night when the covenant has been made. God wants you to have eyes only for your covenant partner, and that will limit the magazines you read, the websites you visit, the movies you watch and the music selection to which you listen. Relatives, best friends and coworkers will not understand the change in your behavior. Your boyfriend, girlfriend or fiancé may not accept the change. You will suffer ridicule and maybe even rejection. There is no turning back, no quit, just because it gets rough and difficult. This is where you learn to find joy in suffering for Christ's sake. Do not fear, child of God. Strengthen your faith in the One who chose you. You can live this out by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within you. You have found favor with God. You have been chosen to be His son or His daughter. He has redeemed you and adopted you into His family. He lives in you and has blessed you with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places. It is the best way to live. Dr. F. Dean Hackett has served in full-time Christian ministry since October 1971. He has ministered throughout the United States, Canada and Europe, serving as pastor, conference speaker and mentor.


Easterine Kire

n many metropolitan cities in India, as well as around the world, gift shops have Christmas goodies on display by the beginning of November. Airport shops brilliantly display their Christmas offers. Santas are available in all shapes and sizes, and the interiors of shops are covered in Christmas paraphernalia such as tinsel, cards, reindeer, stars of Bethlehem and rolls of green and red wrapping paper. Battery-operated Santas climb up and down ladders or do some other Santalike activity all day. At all these shops, shoppers continued to arrive in a long and steady stream. Christmas carols played on the shop’s music system draws customers like bees to a jar of nectar. They come and come. It is the same scene whether you picture it in Bangkok, or London, or Delhi, Dimapur or Kohima. The commercialization of Christmas is complete and undiluted. Sunday services at this time find preachers railing against this heathen practice, and the merrymaking using the birthday of Christ as an excuse. But can we think this one out properly? Should we complain that everyone is making Christmas a celebration? True, it appears as though they missed out on the significance of the birth of Christ, but on the other hand, the Christian minority of India could rethink the commercial approach and be grateful instead that non-believers are also joining in celebrating the most important element of their faith. Saint Paul would have said, “Don’t stop them; whichever way they approach it and even exploit it, Christ’s birth is still being acknowledged and celebrated.” Much rather that than a governmental order banning the celebration and declaring the 25th of December into something else totally unrelated. Because Christmas is being made so visible in shops, the question, “What is Christmas?” will be generated more than once by young children, and it will be followed by other questions like, “Who is the Christ-child? Why celebrate his birth?” Good, healthy

questions that can hopefully lead to the right answers. The lighted churches, the coloured lights on rooftops and the red bamboo stars are our way of welcoming the season. These are visually so attractive as well and set the atmosphere for Christmas for both believers and non-believers. As well, this is the only time that used clothes are sold so cheap and in such abundance to the local populace. It is all good. Celebration is good, trade is good, even crass commercialization is tolerable: they create different levels of joy and anything that has joy as a side effect is good. Where evangelization has failed, perhaps celebration and giving will do the job. And we can all be part of that in ingenious ways. What better way to share the message of love than by using the opportunity to gift love to neighbours, colleagues at work and to the vegetable sellers and the daily wage earner? This Christmas, a young mother in Delhi is making eggless cakes for her non-Christian, vegetarian friends. The cakes say, “For God so loved the world” so much more effectively than using mere words. Those of us back at home, bewailing our inability to draw out our savings to help us celebrate Christmas, why not do something different? We all have used clothes and blankets in our homes. We may not think these are worth anything. But as the cold approaches, there are many people in need of an extra blanket for their families. The BRO workers are one section of our neglected population who could do with such a Christmas gift. Their children could do with warm socks and leggings, while the women would welcome a good woolly sweater. Likewise for the men. Surely someone has a cake or two to spare. These workers even work on Christmas eve, while sounds of celebration are echoing from hill to hill. Forget about the sermons against all the wrong ways in which Christmas is being observed. Just catch the spirit, put others first, warm a heart and a hearth, you won’t regret it.

What John Maxwell taught me When Darkness Falls at Christmas about building relationships Jon Bloom

Paul Sohn Church Leaders


“Good relationships are the foundation for achievement.”

Bob has problems with Sam, then Bob is usually the problem. Every problem starter is like a fire lighter. And each of us is like a person carrying two buckets. One is filled with water and the other with gasoline. When we see a problem fire being lit, we can choose to douse it with water and put it out, or we can throw gasoline on it and make it worse. Use the other person to THINK before he speaks, using the acronym: – T Is it true? – H Is it helpful? – I Is it inspiring? – N Is it necessary? – K Is it kind? If he can answer yes to all of these questions, then it’s appropriate for him to proceed.

n John Maxwell’s Winning With People, he says good relationships are the foundation for achievement. Relationships are more than just the icing on the cake in life: They are the cake—the very substance we need to live successful and fulfilling lives. One of the key skills leaders need to learn is how to build trust. Maxwell shares five key principles that will help you improve your trust-ability with your direct reports, col- The Approachability Principle leagues and bosses. Being at ease with ourselves helps others be at ease with us. People miss incredible opThe Bedrock Principle portunities to connect with others because Developing trust is like constructing a they do not make themselves approachable. building. It takes time, and it must be done Here are seven characteristics of an approachone piece at a time. As in construction, it’s able leader: much quicker and easier to tear something – Personal warmth. Approachable people down than it is to build it up. But if the foundatruly like people and generate personal warmth tion is strong, there is a good chance that what toward the people they meet. is built upon it will stand. – Appreciation for the differences in people. If you desire to build your trust-ability—and Approachable people appreciate people for who as a result, your relationships—remember: they are and what they have to offer. – Trust Begins With Yourself. If you are not – Consistency of mood. Approachable peohonest with yourself, you will not be capable of ple are even-keeled and predictable. You know honesty with others. Self-deception is the enemy what you’ll get because they are basically the of relationships. same every time you seen them. – Trust Cannot Be Compartmentalized. – Sensitivity toward people’s feelings. They Many people today try to compartmentalize tune in to the moods and feelings of others, and their lives. They believe they can cut corners or then adjust how they relate to them. compromise their values in one area of life and it – Understanding of human weaknesses and won’t affect another area. But character doesn’t exposure of their own. Approachable people are work that way. And neither does trust. honest about their abilities and shortcomings. – Trust Works Like a Bank Account: Mike – Ability to forgive easily and quickly ask for Abrashoff, author of It’s Your Ship, states, “Trust forgiveness. is like a bank account—you have got to keep – Authenticity. Approachable people are making deposits if you want it to grow. On oc- real. They engage with others on a genuine level. casion, things will go wrong, and you will have to make a withdrawal. Meanwhile, it is sitting in The Foxhole Principle We face many kinds of battles in life, and the the bank earning interest.” “foxholes” we sometimes inhabit come in many The Situation Principle shapes and sizes. These foxholes can include Never let the situation mean more than the the home, a business, a small group a platoon relationship. It is more rewarding to resolve a sit- or something else. When preparing for a battle, uation than to dissolve a relationship. Whenever dig a hole big enough for a friend. The foxhole we experience a rough time in a relationship, we is for you and a friend, not a friend alone. You need to remind ourselves of why that relation- can ask a friend to fight with you, but you should ship is significant to us in the first place. Also, we never send someone else to fight your battles. must keep in mind that there is a big difference You might have friends, but not all of them will between a situation that occurs once and one be foxhole friends. Foxhole friends are special, that occurs again and again. and even before the battle, simply knowing that someone believes in you and will fight for you is The Bob Principle If Bob has problems with Bill, and Bob has uplifting. Paul Sohn is a Korean-Canadian/American. In Sohn’s own problems with Fred, and Bob has problems words, “I am leadership junkie, purpose weaver, and catalyst. I with Sue, and Bob has problems with Jane, and empower leaders to rise to the top of every sphere of influence.”


ethlehem, at the time of Jesus’s birth, was a little town with a population of only about three hundred. Yet within a period of just a few months, it saw the gloriously humble entrance of God the Son into the world, as well as the brutal deaths of baby boys by the command of Herod the Great, who tried to kill the Son. It’s not unlikely that a few inhabitants witnessed both events firsthand. In the fictional scene below, Lemuel, a shepherd who witnessed the angels, visits his brother-in-law Jacob, the innkeeper who had provided the Holy Family the only available place he had at the time. Nine weeks have passed since the Slaughter of the Innocents, where Lemuel suffered the loss of his own boy, Zabdi. Jacob had lost his wife Rachel, his sons, Joseph and Benjamin, and most of his right arm (their story is told in John Piper’s fictional work, The Innkeeper). Both are trying to come to grips with the incomprehensible grace and grief they experienced when caught in the cosmic crossfire that ensued that first Christmas. “How’s the arm?” asked Lemuel. “Oh, the pain’s getting better every day now,” replied Jacob, holding out the bandaged stump of his right arm. “The strangest thing is that sometimes I can feel my fingers, as if they’re still there.” Then he squeezed his eyes tight as he choked back a sob. “It’s like that with Rachel and the boys, too.” Both men wept, as they often had over the past two months. When the convulsions of grief passed, Jacob said, “Sometimes I can hear their voices. I find myself looking for them in the next room or out the window.” Lemuel nodded, wiping his nose. “I know. Me too.” Lemuel had been out in the fields the day the soldiers came. When the sound of women wailing reached his ears, he had come running. But it was too late. He found his wife, Deborah, on her knees outside their door clutching their lifeless son to her breast and rocking in silent agony. Zabdi’s blood covered them both. He was only sixteen months old. Miriam walked in the room with water for the two friends. “My sister, what a mercy from God!” said Jacob. “She’s kept me alive, and kept the inn in business these nine weeks. Fresh bandages for my arm, cool cloths for my fevered head, hot food for the guests, clean straw for the beasts, and who knows how many trips to the well!” Miriam smiled. “You can’t count

that high,” she said, “Can I get you anything?” “I should be asking you that!” said Jacob. “Your time is coming,” she said, leaving with the depleted fruit plate. “How’s Deborah?” asked Jacob. “That’s hard to say,” said Lemuel, “She’s still not talking much. But I think she’s doing as well as anyone could whose baby and best friend were murdered on the same day. Your Rachel was my sister, but she was much closer to Deborah than to me.” “And how are you doing?” asked Jacob. Lemuel gently swished his water bowl in circles. “It’s hard to imagine this dark sadness ever lifting,” he said. “It’s like a heavy blanket covering everything.” Jacob nodded and said, “But someday it will. The psalmist says, ‘Light dawns in the darkness for the upright’ (Psalm 112:4).” This tapped into a deep well of frustration for Lemuel, and he blurted out, “But why did the darkness come in the first place? Four months ago I was so full of joy. The angel flooded us with light when he announced the Messiah had come. And then I saw him, the Messiah — in your stable! We danced together because of this ‘good news’ of ‘peace on earth.’” “But two months later: darkness. We got violence, not peace. Zabdi and Rachel and Joseph and Benjamin, all killed by that devil, Herod, because he was trying to kill the Messiah. Why? Why would God allow such wonderful light to be swallowed up by such horrible darkness?” “I don’t know why that evil was allowed,” replied Jacob. “I’m no theologian, but I don’t think God ever answers those kind of ‘why’ questions, at least not in the way we want him to. “Since Rachel, Joey, and Ben died, Job has become my familiar friend. I’ve thought a lot about Job, about his losses and grief. When his pain raged he asked lots of why questions too, and God didn’t answer any of them. One thing’s clear from Job’s story, though: there was a lot more going on than Job could have understood. And that’s been helping me. How much more true must that be about the Messiah’s coming? “What happened to our precious ones was evil. It was wrong, just like what happened to Job was wrong. Satan afflicted him and killed his children. I think Satan killed ours too. But God wasn’t out of control when evil struck Job and he wasn’t out of control when evil struck our families.” Lemuel was quiet for a moment,

then said, “So God is in control, but that doesn’t change the fact that your wife and our children are still dead.” “I know,” said Jacob. “And as long as we live we’ll feel the pain of their deaths, and their empty places — like missing limbs that are supposed to be there. “But the reason this seems so dark to us now is because we don’t yet understand why God allowed it. All the great stories of God’s salvation in the Tanakh contain moments of terrible evil and darkness like this. Part of what makes them great is how God overcomes the darkness with light. His sovereign goodness is so powerful that the worst evil cannot overthrow it, even though sometimes generations pass before God’s victory becomes clear.” “But it’s so sad that our dead will never know the Messiah’s peace on earth,” said Lemuel, tearing up again. “You don’t know that,” said Jacob, gently. “You and I might not even live to see this peace in our lifetimes. That’s why Job’s hope has to be ours. He believed he would live to see his Redeemer even after he had died (Job 19:25–26). He believed in the Resurrection. That’s our only hope too. The angel said this good news is for all the people, didn’t he (Luke 2:10)? God’s Messiah will overcome all darkness for all his children for all time. All his saints will know the blessing of his peace, Rachel, Joey, Ben, and Zabdi, and everyone who didn’t live to see it come.” We too are caught in the cosmic crossfire of Christmas. We experience both “joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory” (1 Peter 1:8), as well as burdens so great we despair of life itself (2 Corinthians 1:8). Both are beyond our powers to comprehend because there is so much more going on in reality than we can yet understand. When the deep darkness falls and never seems like it will ever lift again, that’s when we must pray for strength to comprehend what is beyond us (Ephesians 3:18), and trust in the Lord’s promises, not the way things appear to us (Proverbs 3:5). For this is what Christmas is all about: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). No matter how dark the current chapter, all our stories in this age will end in everlasting joy in the omnipotent Light that shone first from the little town of Bethlehem. Jon Bloom (@Bloom_Jon) serves as author, board chair, and co-founder of Desiring God. He is author of three books, Not by Sight, Things Not Seen, and Don’t Follow Your Heart. He and his wife live in the Twin Cities with their five children.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


sunDAY 18•12•2016



Demonetisation: BJP keeps pitching virtues, Mamata, Kejriwal slam 'selective notebandi' New DelhI, December 17 (IaNS): The BJP on Saturday continued to pitch the virtues of demonetisation and the gains that would accrue after the initial pain, but opposition parties kept up their attack while some cried foul over exempting political parties depositing scrapped notes from the tax net. Addressing a 'parivartan rally at Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh, BJP President Amit Shah said that people are facing inconvenience, but the 50 days of hardship will provide relief from black money for the coming 50 years. Attacking political critics, he said: "Congress, SP, BSP, (AAP chief Arvind) Kejriwal are all just speaking of demonetisation. I cannot understand why they are so worried, what harm has demonetisation done them?" The Congress also was not in the least impressed by Shah's statement. Addressing a gathering at Karnataka's Belagavi, party Vice President Rahul Gandhi said that people's woes are not going to end in 50 days, and that the move would only damage the economy. "I am telling you, noth-

Mamata Banerjee (File Photo)

ing would improve in 50 days. I can give it to you in writing. You money would be locked in the bank coffers for 4-5 months. The economy would be destroyed," he said, adding that the real intention of the government was "to park the poor people's money in bank coffers" for months. "Inki mansha hai gareeb se kheencho, ameer ko seencho (Their intention is to extort money from the poor to give it to the rich)," he said. He said that the government deliberately did not print sufficient currency lest people should withdraw their money. "If the common people

New Army, IAF, IB, R&AW chiefs

New DelhI, December 17 (ageNcIeS): The Government, on Saturday, announced new chiefs for Army, IAF, IB and R&AW. According to the announcement, Lt Gen Bipin Rawat will be the new Army Chief and Air Marshal B.S. Dhanoa, the new IAF chief. They will succeed incumbents Gen Dalbir Singh and Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha. Meanwhile, senior IPS officer Rajiv Jain will be the next chief of the Intelligence Bureau (IB), while Anil Dhasmana will be the next head of the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), Home Ministry sources said. Jain, a 1980-batch IPS officer was serving as Special Director in the Intelligence Bureau, while Dhasmana, a 1981-batch IPS officer was Special Secretary in the Cabinet Secretariat.

IAF ex-chief moves bail plea, remanded to judicial custody

New DelhI, December 17 (IaNS): A court here on Wednesday sent former the Indian Air Force chief, Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi, to judicial custody till Dec 30. Tyagi who has been arrested in Agusta Westland chopper deal case has moved a bail application that a Patiala House Court listed for December 21. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Special Judge Arvind Kumar remanded Tyagi, his cousin Sanjiv Tyagi and Gautam Khaitan, a Delhi-based lawyer, to judicial custody. Tyagi -- the first chief of any wing of the armed forces to be arrested in the country -- and the others were allegedly involved in irregularities in the procurement of 12 AW-101 VVIP helicopters from Britain-based AgustaWestland.

3 soldiers killed in Kashmir attack

SrINagar, December 17 (IaNS): Three soldiers were killed after gunmen opened fire on an army convoy in south Kashmir's Pulwana district, the army said on Saturday. According to security officials, militants fired incessantly at the vehicles carrying army men near the Kadlabal area of Pampore. The militants then fled from the spot, but a massive search operation was underway. It was the second attack in Pampore this year. Army convoys have been attacked several times along this stretch of the highway that connects Srinagar and Jammu and is used to carry supplies to the Srinagar-based 15 Corps that acts as nerve centre to battle militancy in the valley. The attack comes just days after two militants were killed on in separate encounters with security forces in Anantnag and Baramulla districts.

11 suspended from Telangana Assembly

hyDerabaD, December 17 (PtI): Nearly a dozen members of the Congress and TDP were today suspended from the Telangana Assembly over their demand for debate on defection of Opposition MLAs into ruling TRS. The suspension of nine Congress and two TDP MLAs for the day came as the Opposition members entered the well of the House. Talking to reporters after suspension, Congress MLA M Bhatti Vikramarka said their suspension and alleged defection of Opposition members into TRS was against principles of democracy. The ruling TRS MLA G Suneetha told reporters that the Congress members tried to stall the House as they did not want the "good work being done by the government to be discussed in the House". It was decided to take up any adjournment motion after Question Hour but Congress members tried to stall the proceedings, she said.

Two killed in Kolkata slum fire

KolKata, December 17 (IaNS): Two charred bodies were recovered after a fire in a north Kolkata slum on Saturday, an official from the fire department said. The fire gutted at least 10 shanties in Patipukur. "The charred bodies of Priya Adhikari, 16, a student of Class 10 and her uncle Nimai Adhikari, 23, were recovered from their home," a North Kolkata Fire Control official said. According to fire officials on the spot, the incident was caused by an LPG cylinder blast. As many as 16 fire tenders were pressed into service to put out the blaze that raged for several hours. Sovan Chatterjee, West Bengal Minister of Fire & Engineering, Housing, Environment said the state government is closely monitoring the situation. "The standard compensation would be processed shortly," he added.

Kejriwal (File Photo)

had withdrawn their money, it would have defeated his real intentions and purpose," Gandhi said as he accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of constantly shifting goalposts vis-a-vis the objectives of demonetisation. Threatening to launch a protest against the antipeople decision along with like-minded parties including ruling Janata Dal-United in Bihar after the 50-day deadline fixed by Modi, Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad said that Modi's "notebandi" would meet the same fate as Congress' "nasbandi" (forced sterilisation) unleashed during the Emergency in the 1970s. Meanwhile, West Bengal

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and her Delhi counterpart Kejriwal questioned the Union government's move to exempt political parties from paying any taxes over the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes they deposited in their accounts post-demonetisation. "If Rs 500/1000 are illegal tender, then how are they trying to show that there is a division between common people and political parties," Banerjee posed on Twitter. Banerjee, also the Trinamool Congress supremo, alleged an ulterior motive in the exemption. "Is there a motive? Are they trying to give a hidden

message to cadre of one political party?...Even the timing of these statements show that there may be an ulterior motive. "They need to clarify that #DeMonetisation means it is #DeMonetisation for all. Same rules for everyone," she said in a series of tweets. Joining the chorus of Mamata, Kejriwal claimed that most of the black money is in the hands of political parties. "We demand that an independent commission should be set up and the account details of all the political parties over the last five years should be probed to investigate their source of funding," Kejriwal said at a press conference in Delhi. He also sought an "independent commission" to probe the accounts and source of funding of all political parties. "You (Modi) talk of investigating the source of money if a common man deposits Rs 2.5 lakh individually but you exempt political parties from income tax on depositing crores of demonetised cur-

rency. This is not fair."

Two RBI officials arrested Meanwhile, the CBI has arrested two Reserve Bank of India (RBI) officials in Bengaluru allegedly involved in an illegal exchange of nearly Rs 2 crore in spiked currency notes, officials said on Saturday. A CBI official said a senior special assistant and a special assistant of the RBI's cash department were held after they were found exchanging scrapped banknotes with Rs 100 and new Rs 2,000 bills. This was being done in violation of exchange limits imposed by the central bank. The accused had given away new notes amounting to Rs 1.99 crore to some people, the official said. The Central Bureau of Investigation suspects that more people, including some RBI officials, may be involved in the criminal conspiracy. Criminal charges have been slapped against the accused, who were taken into four day custody of the premier probe agency.

Lalu says will launch protest

PatNa, December 17 (IaNS): Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav on Saturday announced that his party will launch a protest against Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision of demonetisation. "RJD will stage protest against demonetisation at all the district headquarters on December 28," Lalu told RJD legislators and workers, called here to chalk out a strategy to launch the protest. Lalu also said his party would hold a huge rally against demonetisation in Patna early next year. "We have not decided the date but decided to organise a rally against demonetisation." He said he would invite leaders of all like-minded parties from across the country to the rally against demonetisation. "It will pave the way for unity of opposition parties to take on the BJP and Modi-led government ahead of assembly polls in some states." Earlier, he targeted Modi's decision of demonetisation, saying it has failed and would meet the same fate as the Congress' forced sterilisation in the mid-70s during the Emergency. "'Notebandi' ka wahi haal hoga jo Congress ke 'nasbandi' ka hua tha (Demonetisation will meet the same fate as forced sterilisation)," the RJD chief said. "It is not 'notebandi', it is 'farzibandi' that has put common people in deep trouble," Lalu said, adding that Modi has cheated people. He reminded Modi of his promise made during the Lok Sabha polls of bringing back black money stashed abroad. "Black money has not been brought back and the Rs 15 lakh, which Narendra Modi promised, has not been deposited in anyone's bank account yet," he said. Lalu has been opposing demonetisation ever since its announcement on November 8, unlike Janata Dal-United President and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who is supporting it.

Jammu & Kashmir has no vestige of Pak not to accept alteration in IWT sovereignty outside Constitution: SC India forms special task force New DelhI, December 17 (PtI): Jammu and Kashmir has "no vestige" of sovereignty outside the Indian Constitution and its own, while the citizens of the state are "first and foremost" citizens of India, the Supreme Court has held. The apex court observed this while terming as "wholly incorrect" the conclusion arrived at by Jammu and Kashmir High Court which had held that the state has "absolute sovereign power" to legislate laws touching the rights of its permanent residents regarding their immovable properties. "The State of Jammu & Kashmir has no vestige of sovereignty outside the Constitution of India and its own Constitution, which is subordinate to the Constitution of India," a bench of Justices Kurian Joseph and R F Nariman said. "It is therefore wholly incorrect to describe it as being sovereign in the sense of its residents constituting a separate and distinct class in themselves. The residents

of Jammu & Kashmir, we need to remind the High Court, are first and foremost citizens of India," it said. The apex court said this while holding that provisions of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) are within the legislative competence of Parliament and can be enforced in Jammu and Kashmir. The bench set aside the verdict of Jammu and Kashmir High Court that had held that any law made by Parliament, which affects the laws made by state legislature, cannot be extended to Jammu and Kashmir. "The High Court judgment begins from the wrong end and therefore reaches the wrong conclusion. It states that in terms of Section 5 of the Constitution of Jammu & Kashmir, the State has absolute sovereign power to legislate in respect of laws touching the rights of its permanent residents qua their immovable properties," the apex court said.

'Modi can't run away from accountability'

belagavI, December 17 (IaNS): Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Saturday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi cannot run away from his accountability on demonetisation and that the Congress would "extract an answer" from him. "Modiji, you can't run away from accountability (on demonetisation), you will have to answer some day. The Congress party would make you answer," Gandhi said while addressing a gathering here. Attacking Modi over demonetisation, Gandhi said that the real intention of the Prime Minister was "to park the poor people's money in bank coffers" for months. "Inki mansha hai gareeb se kheencho, ameer ko seencho (His intention is to extort money from the poor to give it to the rich)," the Gandhi scion said. He said that the Prime Minister's claim that things would improve after 50 days is a hoax.

"I am telling you, nothing would improve in 50 days. I can give it to you in writing. You money would be locked in the bank coffers for 4-5 months. The economy would be destroyed," he said. He said that the government deliberately did not print sufficient currency lest people should withdraw their money. "If the common people had withdrawn their money, it would have defeated his real intentions and purpose," Gandhi said. The Congress Vice President said that Modi was constantly shifting the goalposts over demonetisation's real objective. The Congress has accused Prime Minister Modi of running away from Parliament throughout the Winter Session where the Opposition demanded his presence during the discussion over scrapping of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes with effect from November 9.

ISlamabaD, December 17 (IaNS): Fearing that India is buying time to complete two disputed water projects, Pakistan made it clear that it would not accept any modifications or changes to the Indus Waters Treaty after New Delhi said on Friday it was ready to bilaterally resolve its differences with Islamabad over the pact's implementation. The treaty, signed in 1960, gives India control over the three eastern rivers of the Indus basin - the Beas, the Ravi and the Sutlej - while Pakistan has the three western rivers- the Indus, the Chenab and the Jhelum. The IWT also sets up a mechanism, the Permanent Indus Commission, which includes a commissioner from each country. Talking to Dawn here on Friday, Special Assistant to Prime Minister Tariq Fatemi said: "Pakistan will not accept any modifications or changes to the provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty. Our position is based on the principles enshrined in the treaty. And the treaty must be honoured in...letter and spirit". Earlier, a spokesman for the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vikas Swarup, told reporters in New Delhi that the resolution process required more time. "India has always believed that the implementation of the Indus Waters Treaty, which includes the redressal of the technical questions and differences, should be done bilaterally between India and Pakistan," he said. "We believe that these consultations should be given adequate time." India's request for more time, however, alarmed Pakistan. Islamabad argued that India used the same strategy on previous occasions, completing a project during the dispute and then insisting that since the project was already complete, it could not be modified. The current dispute revolves around the Kishanganga (330 megawatts) and Ratle (850 megawatts) hydroelectric plants. India is building the plants on the Kishanganga and Chenab Rivers, which Pakistan says violate the IWT. Tensions over the water dispute increased late last month when Indian

New DelhI, December 17 (PtI): Government has formed an inter- ministerial task force, to be headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Principal Secretary Nripendra Mishra, to look into all the strategic aspects of Indus Water Treaty (IWT) with Pakistan. A formal notification to this effect was issued yesterday, a top government functionary said today, adding other members of the team include NSA Ajit Doval, Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar and Secretaries in ministries of Finance, Environment, Power and Water Resource. Besides, Chief Secretaries of Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab, the states from where the six Indus system rivers flow, will be "invitees" in the task force. "The task force is mandated with taking all important strategic and policy decisions. It is an all-powerful body which will take decisions regarding the treaty," he added. The committee has been formed nearly three months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a review meeting on the 56- year-old water distribution pact with Pakistan in the aftermath of series of crossborder terror strikes including Uri attack. In that meeting, it was also decided that India would exploit to the maximum water of Pakistan-controlled rivers including Jhelum Prime Minister Narendra Modi threatened to block the flow of water into Pakistan. International experts fear that the threat, if implemented, could lead to armed clashes between the two sides. New Delhi sought the appointment of a "neutral expert" while Islamabad asked the World Bank to appoint the chairman of the Court of Arbitration. The IWT recognises the World Bank as an arbitrator. The disagreement persuaded the World Bank to announce earlier this week that it was temporarily "pausing" its arbitration and it was doing so to protect the treaty.

Colleges boost junk journals in India: Study KolKata, December 17 (IaNS): Over 50 per cent of publications in predatory journals come from researchers affiliated to private/government colleges within India, says a study which also sheds light on the contribution of national institutes to such poor quality open access (OA) junk journals. The assessment highlights the "publication pressure" among researchers and the "lack of monitoring of the research being conducted" as the major factors contributing to articles published in poor-quality predatory open access journals from India. "It was found that private/ government colleges contribute to about 51 per cent of predatory publications, followed by private universities, state universities, national institutes, central universities and industries, for research articles published from September 2015 to mid-February 2016," said corresponding author G.S. Seethapathy in a study pub-

lished in Current Science. "This suggests that research conducted at these educational institutes is not critically monitored either by the respective university or by UGC," said Seethapathy from the School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, at the University of Oslo, Norway. The co-authors of the analysis are J.U. Santhosh Kumar, Department of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Biotechnology, Jnanasahyadri, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga (also in GKVK, Bengaluru) and A.S. Hareesha, in the School of Ecology and Conservation, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru. Culled from 3,300 articles from randomly chosen 350 journals, the data shows well-ranked private universities contribute 18 per cent in predatory publications while state and central universities were responsible for 15 and three per cent, respectively, of the junk publications.

About 11 per cent of papers in such bogus journals are ascribed to researchers from national institutes of India. Distribution of corresponding authors in predatory journals from various national institutes of India shows that out of the 11 per cent publications from national institutes, ICAR labs lead with 17 per cent, closely followed by CSIR at 15 per cent, NITs and IITs (11 and nine per cent, respectively) and ICMR at six per cent. Other national institutes clocked in their contributions at 42 per cent. Jeffrey Beall -- a library scientist at the University of Colorado, at Denver, in the US -- coined the term 'predatory publishers' to describe publishers in the scholarly publishing business who collect article processing charges and provide rapid publishing without a proper peer-review process. The term 'predatory journal', or 'pseudo-journal', is used for publications brought out by such publishers. The authors also impress

upon the duality in scientific publishing in India. Though the Nature Index analysis 2014 rates India at the 13th place for its high-quality scientific publications, several studies have revealed that India is also among the major contributors of articles published in poor-quality predatory open access journals, they say. "Therefore, the objective of the present study was to estimate which category of educational and research institutes predominately publishes in predatory open access journals in India and to understand whether academicians in India are aware of predatory journals," the authors said. They say that at present a large section of the country's public research is concentrated in national research centres as well as in a few central and state universities. "These major government academic institutions are capable of producing high-quality scientific research and publications. India is also home to a large number of private universities, private deemed

universities and private and government colleges affiliated to central or state universities. These second-level academic institutes have published more in poor-quality OA predatory journals, which in turn makes India among the biggest contributors of predatory articles," the study said. Muthu Madan of DST Centre for Policy Research, Archives and Publication Cell, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, said the world looks at India as "an epicentre of predatory publishing". "The authors of the study have handled the data very well and they have put forward their arguments very logically. There is a rule which says that you have to publish a paper in a journal to get through your M.Tech or Masters degree in engineering. This rule is being exploited by these publishers. Academic institutes and funding agencies should act on this problem immediately. This has already brought a bad name to Indian science and scholarship," Madan told IANS.

sundAY 18•12•2016




Duterte says 'bye-bye America' China & US 'appropriately and we don't need your money handling' seizure of drone

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte arrives for an orchid naming ceremony at Singapore Botanic Gardens, Singapore. (Reuters Photo)

mANILA, December 17 (reuterS): Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told the United States on Saturday to prepare for repeal of an agreement on deployment of troops and equipment for exercises, declaring that America's money

could be replaced. Duterte, however, suggested relations could improve under President-elect Donald Trump. "I like your mouth, it's like mine, yes Mr. President. We are similar and people with the same feathers flock together."

But returning his focus to the present U.S. administration, which has criticised Duterte over reports of extra-judicial killings in his campaign against drugs, he delivered a different message. "We do not need you," Duterte said in a news confer-

ence after arriving from visits to Cambodia and Singapore. "Prepare to leave the Philippines. Prepare for the eventual repeal or abrogation of the VFA." The Visiting Forces Agreement, signed in 1998, accorded legal status to thousands of U.S. troops who were rotated in the country for military exercises and humanitarian assistance operations. "Bye, bye America and work on the protocols that will eventually move you out of the Philippines," he said, adding that his decision would come "any day soon" after reviewing another military deal, Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement. A U.S. State Department spokesman, Justin Higgins, said officials had seen Duterte's statements, but the United States had "not received any official requests from Philippine officials to alter any of our many issues of bilateral cooperation." Duterte was visibly upset and vented his anger on Washington because of a decision by the board of the Millennium Challenge Corp, a U.S. poverty reduction agency, to defer a vote on the re-selection of Manila for compact development due to human rights issues. "We do not need the money. China said they will provide so many," he said. "The politics here in Southeast Asia is changing."

HIV treatment may take a toll on the brain: Study New York, December 17 (IANS): Antiretroviral drugs have been life-changing therapies for HIV patients, but they can have significant side effects including neuronal degeneration, which can be manifested as forgetfulness, confusion and behavioural and motor changes, says a study. Certain protease inhibitors, among the most effective HIV drugs, lead to the production of the peptide beta amyloid, often associated with Alzheimer's disease, the study found. "Protease inhibitors are very effective antiviral therapies, but they do have inher-

ent toxicities," said senior author on the study Kelly Jordan-Sciutto, Professor at University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in the US. The drugs prompt an increase in levels of the enzyme that cleaves the amyloid precursor protein, APP, to produce beta amyloid, which is responsible for the damage to neurons. Notably, inhibiting that enzyme, called BACE1, protected human and rodent brain cells from harm, suggesting that targetting this mechanism with a new drug could minimise damage to neurons in patients on

antiretroviral therapies. "Our findings may cause us to rethink how we're using these drugs and even consider developing an adjunctive therapy to reduce some of these negative effects," Jordan-Sciutto noted. To determine whether and how neuronal damage arises from drug treatment and to ascertain the enzyme BACE1's role, the team investigated the effects of protease inhibitors in two animal models, then probed the mechanism of action in cells in culture. The findings appeared in the American Journal of Pathology.

The oceanographic survey ship, USNS Bowditch, is shown September 20, 2002, which deployed an underwater drone seized by a Chinese Navy warship in international waters in South China Sea. (Reuters Photo)

beIJING, December 17 (reuterS): China and the United States are using military channels to "appropriately handle" the seizure by the Chinese navy of a U.S. underwater drone in the South China Sea, China said on Saturday, and a Chinese state-run newspaper said it expected a smooth resolution. The drone was taken on Thursday, the first seizure of its kind in recent memory, about 50 nautical miles northwest of Subic Bay off the Philippines, just as the USNS Bowditch was about to retrieve the unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), U.S. officials said. "It is understood that China and the United States are using military channels to appropriately handle this issue," China's Foreign Ministry said in a brief statement sent to Reuters, without elaborating. The Global Times, published by the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily, said a Chinese naval vessel had discovered "unidentified equipment" and checked it to prevent any navigational safety issues. It cited an un-

identified Chinese source. "This person said China has already received a claim request for the equipment from the U.S. side. Relevant parties from both sides have maintained smooth communication channels and believe this issue will be smoothly resolved," the paper said. Defence Ministry has yet to comment publicly on the issue. "The UUV was lawfully conducting a military survey in the waters of the South China Sea," a U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It's a sovereign immune vessel, clearly marked in English not to be removed from the water - that it was U.S. property," the official said. The Pentagon confirmed the incident at a news briefing on Friday, and said the drone used commercially available technology and sold for about $150,000. Still, the Pentagon viewed China's seizure seriously since it had effectively taken U.S. military property. "It is ours, and it is clearly marked as ours and we would like it back. And we would like this not to happen again," Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said.

HEIGHTENED CONCERNS The seizure will add to concerns about China's increased military presence and aggressive posture in the disputed South China Sea, including its militarization of maritime outposts. A U.S. research group said this week that new satellite imagery indicated China has installed weapons, including anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems, on all seven artificial islands it has built in the South China Sea. The drone seizure coincided with sabre-rattling from Chinese state media and some in its military establishment after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump cast doubt on whether Washington would stick to its nearly four-decades-old policy of recognising that Taiwan is part of "one China." President Barack Obama said on Friday it was appropriate for Trump to take a fresh look at U.S. policy toward Taiwan, but he cautioned that a shift could lead to significant consequences in the U.S. relationship with Beijing, as the notion that Taiwan is part of "one China" is central to China's view of itself as a nation.



W.P.(C).NO.202(K)2016 To

All Nagaland Pre-Service Teachers Association …Petitioners

Sl. ResponName of Primary Teacher No. dent No. 1 7 Smti. Waisenla 2 8 Smti. G.Lydia Yeptho 3 9 Smti. Alito V.Awomi 4 10 Shri. Rokokholie Seyie 5 11 Shri. Lettinkhup Doungel 6 12 Shri. K.Botovi Aye 7 13 Smti. Neilabeinuo 8 14 Shri. Nungtoksunep 9 15 Smti. Keneitsiu Keyho 10 16 Smti. Marina Ayemi 11 17 Shri Vitopu P.Chishi 12 18 Shri L.Rishilong 13 19 Smti. I.Chipen Imlong 14 20 Shri Puloto I.Aye 15 21 Smti. Lopilo Shitiri 16 22 Shri N.Kuluka Chishi 17 23 Smti. Sendongkala 18 24 Smti. Ngangshimongla 19 25 Smti. Aghatoli P.Sumi 20 26 Shri. Senenlo Kath 21 27 Smti. S.Toli 22 28 Smti. Visielhouno Chase 23 29 Smti. Juvika Z.Shohe 24 30 Shri. Kejingse Yimchunger 25 31 Shri Amento Sumi 26 32 Shri. Tokishe T.Yeptho 27 33 Smti. Veswuvolu Dawhuo 28 34 Smti. Inatoli H.Yepthomi 29 35 Shri Hitoka Yeptho 30 36 Smti. Livi K Kiba, 31 37 Shri Chiphachu Trakha 32 38 Shri Hinoka A. Zhimomi 33 39 Shri Kiyeto Z.Tuccu 34 40 Smti. Hanenli Kez 35 41 Smti. D.Kalivi Swu 36 42 Smti. Limanaro 37 43 Shri Tokato K. 38 44 Shri Akumtoshi 39 45 Shri H.Khetoho Aye 40 46 Shri John Sema 41 47 Smti. Akatoli Tuccu 42 48 Smti. Alito Swu 43 49 Smti. Kikali R.Chishi 44 50 Smti. P.Litoli Shohe 45 51 Smti. Kavitoli H.Assumi 46 52 Shri Tohuto A.Yeptho 47 53 Smti. Kaviholi Aye 48 54 Shri. Vechosu Rakhon 49 55 Smti. Mudosalu Rakho 50 56 Shri. Vezoto Lohe 51 57 Shri. Sezokho 52 58 Shri. Thepuzo Keyho 53 59 Smti. Khruvotalu 54 60 Smti. Titikuli Tahe 55 61 Shri. Vikeyi Koza 56 62 Smti.Teisovino 57 63 Smti.Tavi Sekhamo, 58 64 Shri. Terho Letro 59 65 Shri. Vekhrolo Koza 60 66 Shri. Kewekhe Lashu 61 67 Smti. Kuthoselu Nakhro 62 68 Shri. Jacob Domeh 63 69 Shri. Zekotso Khape 64 70 Smti.Akhole Ritse 65 71 Shri.Medo K.Thirah 66 72 Shri. Kutsho Kreo 67 73 Shri. Zasheto Chizo 68 74 Shri. Thupukhruyi Lohe 69 75 Shri. Kewekhape 70 76 Shri. Kuzhoyi Vese 71 77 Smti. Bedusulu Lohe 72 78 Shri. Keneingulo Koza 73 79 Shri. Faithson 74 80 Smti. Tafi

Place of Posting GPS Diphupar ‘Ao’ GMS Sarbura, GPS Toluvi GPS Medziphema GPS Phaipijang GPS Pukhato GMS Bamunpukhuri‘B’ GPS Aoyim GPS Piphema GPS Khekiho GPS Khehokhu GPS Sarbura GMS Chekiye GMS Kushiabill GMS Nahabari GPS Nihoto GPS Town Primary GPS Indisen (Ao Kashiram) GPS Darogajan GMS Dubagaon GPS Doshehe GMS Tsuuma GPS Shitovi GMS Showuba GPS Pimla GPS Aghunato village GPS Lingrijan GMS Rangapahar GPS Bamunpukuri GPS Padumpukhuri GPS Burma Camp GMS Kiyeto GPS Yeveto GPS Tenyiphe-I GPS Pihekhu, GPS Tohoi GPS Zuheshe GPS Hezulho GPS Hovishe GMS Zukihe GMS Hovishe GPS Nikhekhu GPS Nikihe GPS Hezulho GPS Luhevi GPS Zutoi GMS Vishiyi GPS Thipuzu GPS Phuhgi GPS Yoruba GPS Dzulha GPS Chozuba‘A’ village GPS Thevopisu Sector ‘B’ GPS Sumi GPS Khezhakeno GMS Chizami Old Town GPS Tsupfume GPS Lawouza GPS Komuno GPS Chizami GPS Phola Bawe GPS Razeba village GPS Kami village GPS Pfutseromi GPS R.D. Block Kikruma GPS Lasumi GPS Tezatse GMS Khuza, GPS Losa Basa GPS Lozaphuhu village GPS K.Khuno GPS Losami Tephe GPS Kanjan GPS Kuzatu

SDEO Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Nuiland Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Nuiland Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Dimapur Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Nuiland Chozuba, Phek Chozuba, Phek Chozuba, Phek Chozuba, Phek Chozuba, Phek Chozuba, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Pfutsero, Phek Phek Phek Phek Phek Phek Phek Meluri, Phek Meluri, Phek

Sl. ResponName of Primary Teacher No. dent No. 75 81 Smti. Luchhu 76 82 Shri. Rhosatho Nyuwi 77 83 Smti.Mercy 78 84 Shri. Yiluchu 79 85 Smti. Cusuni 80 86 Smti. T.Lily 81 87 Smti. Lusi Fithu 82 88 Smti. Akou Huozha 83 89 Smti.Neilhoutseiu Khoubve 84 90 Shri. Kevilesa Rupre-o 85 91 Shri. Kekhriesetuo 86 92 Smti. Ketseie 87 93 Smti. Neihenuo Chadi 88 94 Smti. Zhanuo Thevo 89 95 Shri. Kejvuyhun Seb 90 96 Shri. Lot Semy 91 97 Smti. Seketonu Kweho 92 98 Smti. Vizovole Noho, 93 99 Smti. Neivonuo 94 100 Shri. Tepukevi Thapru 95 101 Smti. Puleno Sothu 96 102 Smti. Zekhovinuo Yietsu 97 103 Smti. Vakhrakrole Teresa 98 104 Smti. Kevihienuo Sophie 99 105 Shri. Neivilhou Kuotsu, 100 106 Smti. Keneilhouvonuo Mepfhuo 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119

107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125

Shri. Chusiviko Chusi Smti. Keviyienuo Rose Theyo Smti. Vimetsinu Shri. Kevilhoupra Linyu Smti. Yavilhoukhonuo Smti. Keviseyienuo Solo Smti. Neikethono Kruse Smti. Olika Chishi Shri. Khetoho Sumi Shri. Kaviho Kakuho Smti. Kiyetoli S.Zhimo Shri. Yeloka H.Sumi Shri. Kinito Ayemi Smti. Rubika T. Shri. Kavi K.Chishi Shri. Aloto Zhimo Smti. Lito V. Shri. Khevuto H. Shri. Aketo Z.Sema

120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147

126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153

Smti. Ikali K. Smti. Grace H.Yeptho Smti. Liza Chishi Shri. Tokhuye Z Wotsa Shri. Daniel Smti. Shikatoli Y. Kibami Smti. Anatoli Chishi Smti. N. Kaholi Sema Shri. Kakuto Sumi Smti. Lovitoli Sumi Shri. Aboka H.Achumi Shri. Inaghu N. Shri. Bovito T.Tucca Smti. Yevili Kinimi Shri. Ngukavi Assumi Shri. Toshika Shri. K.Ilonto Sumi Shri. Lungba Pame Shri. Meliamgging Nchang Shri. Lalminlum Singsit Shri. Paotinngam Shri. Caleb Chuilo Smti. Aguina Shri. Jhangthang Singson Shri. Kepualung Smti. Namridinliu Smti. Lhingneilhai Thomsong Shri. Haiamhing Pame


The State of Nagaland & 216 Ors.

Place of Posting GPS Upper Phor GPS Meluri GPS Matikhru GPS Hutsu Village GPS Shatuza GPS Phokhungri GPS Kukegwo GPS Meriema GPS Ziezou GPS Nachama GPS Phekerkriema Bawe GPS Zhadi Kimho GPS Chiecha Basa GPS Seiyhama Village GPS Tseminyu Town GPS Khenyu GPS Kezieke GPS Kezoma Village GPS Mezoma GPS Khuzama GPS R.Khel Viswema GPS Mitelephe GPS P.Khel Viswema GMS Bayavu GPS Sechü (Zubza) GPS High School Area Kohima GMS Mezoma GPS Mezo Phetsu GPS Kidima GMS Daklane GPS Mezoma GPS Kigwema ‘B’ GPS Thekrejuma GHS Shovishe Memorial GPS Satoi GMS Aghuito GPS Shoto GPS New Town Satakha GPS Satakha Old Town GPS Yehemi GPS Lotisa New GPS Tsutoho GPS New Colony Zunheboto GPS Yemishe Project Govt. High School Zunheboto Project GPS Lizu Old GPS Alahuto GPS Apukito GPS Baimho GPS Laghilato GPS Alahuto GPS Litsami GPS Aotsakili GPS Hekiye GPS Viyilho GPS Akhakhu GPS Lukhuyi GPS Asuto Village GPS Awohumi GPS Awohumi GMS Kichilimi GPS Ghathashi GMS New Beisumpui GPS Nchangram GMS Saijang GPS Old Soget GPS Poilwa GPS Old Tesen GPS Ahithibung GPS Beisumpuikam GPS Tening Christian Village GMS Saijang Village GMS Mhaikam

SDEO Meluri, Phek Meluri, Phek Meluri, Phek Meluri, Phek Meluri, Phek Meluri, Phek Meluri, Phek Chiephobozou Chiephobozou Chiephobozou Chiephobozou Chiephobozou Chiephobozou Chiephobozou Tseminyu Tseminyu Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Kohima Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Zunheboto Aghunato Aghunato Aghunato Aghunato Pughoboto Pughoboto Pughoboto Pughoboto Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren

… Respondents

Sl. ResponName of Primary Teacher No. dent No. 148 154 Shri. Haisuiteulung Newme 149 155 Shri. Diswangbo Nchang 150 156 Smti. Rosaling 151 157 Shri. John Sitlhou 152 158 Smti. Wilamthun Nchang 153 159 Smti. Iluchule Disuang 154 160 Shri. Kiedirie 155 161 Shri. Haokholen 156 162 Smti. M.Vonchano Ezung 157 163 Smti. R.Mhonyani Patton 158 164 Shri. Y.Chonben Murry 159 165 Shri. Achumthung 160 166 Shri. Lidemo T.Odyuo 161 167 Smti. Arhoni N.Tsopoe 162 168 Shri. N.Libenthung Ovung 163 169 Smti. Emilo Ezung 164 170 Smti. Chibeni Kithan 165 171 Smti. Rose Mary Tungoe 166 172 Smti. Sorenbeni N.Odyuo 167 173 Shri. Chonben Humtsoe 168 174 Shri. R.Myanthung Murry 169 175 Smti. Achumi Ngullie 170 176 Shri. Yanpo Odyuo 171 177 Smti. Emilo Jami 172 178 Shri. Y.Joseph Tungoe 173 179 Smti. Nsungbeni L.Yanthan 174 180 Shri. Mhonthung 175 181 Shri. Opongthung Yanthan 176 182 Smti. Mhonbeni Patton 177 183 Shri. Ajanthung Odyuo 178 184 Shri. Nungshisosang 179 185 Shri. Taliwati Longchar 180 186 Shri. Aoshilu Muzur 181 187 Smti. Tiamongla 182 188 Shri. Imijangba 183 189 Shri. Samaner 184 190 Shri. Imtiyongdang Longkumer 185 191 Smti.Kileminla 186 192 Smti. Songsonginla 187 193 Shri. Sangtilong Kichu 188 194 Smti. Imnasenla I.Aier 189 195 Shri. Lanutushi 190 196 Shri. Pangersosang 191 197 Shri. Watimaong 192 198 Smti. Aochila Pongen 193 199 Smti. Nukshienla 194 200 Shri. Kikatemsu 195 201 Smti. Tiamongla 196 202 Smti. Toshinaro 197 203 Smti. Bendangtula Ao 198 204 Shri. Arenmongba Aier 199 205 Smti. Imlirenla 200 206 Smti. Tiasongla 201 207 Smti. Satemkala 202 208 Smti. Temsuinla 203 209 Smti. Rongsenkala Longkumer 204 210 Smti. Imnasangla Tzudir 205 211 Smti. Merenyangla 206 212 Smti. Menangkumla 207 213 Shri. Imnangangin 208 214 Shri. Tianukshi 209 215 Smti. Repalila 210 216 Shri. S.Limasangwa 211 217 Shri. Wapangtemjen

Place of Posting GPS Nzauna GPS Jalukie ‘B’ GPS Kipeujang Peren GPS New Chalkot GPS Nchangram GMS Peren GMS DC Colony GPS Pellhang GMS Wokha Town ‘A’ GPS G.H.S.S. Ward GPS N.Longidang GPS Pyochu GPS Phiro ‘B’ GPS Aree Old GPS Lotsu GPS Meriyan GPS Wokha Town ‘B’ GPS Old Riphyim Sector ‘A’ GPS Sunglup GPS Riphyim old-A GPS N/Longidang GPS Chudi GPS Marakjo GPS Upper NST Ward GPS Wokha Village ‘B’ GMS Wokha Town-C GPS Tsuchanphen GPS Lakhuti GMS Lio-Longidang GPS Longayim GMS Kumlong GPS Chungtia ‘B’ GPS Chakpa ‘A’ Govt.School Kobulong GPS Liden Ungma GPSMopungchuket ‘A’ GPS Mongda Chuchuyimlang GPS Mopungchuket GPS Alongchen Sungratsu GPS Khensa Old GPS Longpha Govt. High School Longsa GPS Resongkong Longmisa GPS Jangjang Longmisa GMS Sabangya GPS Tongpangriju Longkum GPS Waromong Compound GPS Tsurmen GPS Mangkolemba GPS Longtho GPS Longphayimsen GPS Luyong GPS Yimchenkimong GPS Tekongkulem GPS Yimsenkiong Waromong GMS Puneboto GPS Yimjenkiong GPS Lirmen GMS Yaongyimsen GPS Dongdong Asangma GPS Asangma GPS Ongjina Asangma GMS Yaongyimsen GPS Pongentenem

SDEO Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Peren Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Wokha Bhandari Bhandari Bhandari Bhandari Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mokokchung Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Mangkolemba Changtongya Changtongya Changtongya Changtongya Changtongya Changtongya

NOTICE UNDER ORDER V RULE 20 OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, 1980. Take notice that the above noted writ petition has been filed by the above name Petitioners before the Hon’ble Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, where you have been impleaded as respondents No. 7-217. The Hon’ble High Court, vide order dated: 07-12-2016 issued notice to you to appear before the Hon’ble High Court on 31.01.2017 at 10:30 A.M either personally through pleader to act on your behalf and show cause, if any. If you fail to appear on the date so fixed i.e. 31.01.2017, the matter shall be heard and decided ex-parte in your absence. Given under my hand and seal of this court on this the 16th day of December 2016 at Kohima. Deputy Registrar (Judl.), Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench


sundAY 18•12•2016



Hood's three-point dagger lifts Jazz past Mavericks Los AngeLes, December 17 (AFP): Rodney Hood nailed the game-winning basket with 0.8 seconds remaining to lift the Utah Jazz to a 103100 victory over the Dallas Mavericks on Friday. Hood finished with 15 points as his clutch three pointer came after the Mavericks tied it 100-100 on a fadeaway jumper from Harrison Barnes with 45 seconds remaining to close out a 14-3 run. "It is the best feeling in the world. You dream of hitting a shot like that," said Hood. "I am glad we pulled out this win." Rudy Gobert finished with 16 points and 10 rebounds for his sixth straight double-double for host Utah, who improved to 1710. Gordon Hayward and Trey Lyles added 13 points apiece for the Jazz, which won for the 10th time in the last 12 games. Barnes scored 21 points and Williams added 18 to lead Dallas. Wesley Matthews and Seth Curry chipped in 13 apiece for the Mavericks who dropped to 6-20 on the season. Utah took a 50-47 lead on a Dante Exum threepointer. Hayward finished off a dunk and scored on a three-pointer on back-toback possessions to put the Jazz up 62-53 with 66 sec-

Utah Jazz guard Rodney Hood, left, shoots as Dallas Mavericks guard Seth Curry (30) defends in the first half during an NBA basketball game on December 16, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo)

onds remaining in the half. The Mavericks rallied again in the third quarter. Wesley Matthews drained a three-pointer to cap a 10-2 run and tie the score 70-70. Utah did not let Dallas actually take the lead. The Jazz answered with a 17-5 run, going up 87-75

with 1:07 left in the third quarter on back-to-back layups from Shelvin Mack and Trey Lyles. Hood and Hayward got the run going when they each buried critical three-pointers. Elsewhere, Isaiah Thomas returned to the lineup with a bang as the

Boston Celtics ended its three-game losing streak with a fourth-quarter explosion en route to a 9688 win over the Charlotte Hornets. Thomas, who missed four games with a groin strain, scored 26 points and Al Horford added 18 to lead the Celtics. Kemba Walker, Charlotte's leading scorer, missed the game because of a personal issue and will rejoin the team Saturday in Atlanta. The Hornets missed him, shooting just 32.7 percent from the floor in their fourth straight loss. In Orlando, Evan Fournier scored 21 points, including 11 points in the final 2:20, to spark the Orlando Magic to a 118-111 victory over the Brooklyn Nets at Amway Arena. The Nets lost their eight consecutive game on the road. Reserve center Nikola Vucevic, returning from a three-game absence, had 21 points and 10 rebounds for the Magic, who snapped a six game home losing skid. Serge Ibaka contributed 18 points and 10 rebounds. In Washington, John Wall had 29 points and 10 assists, and Bradley Beal scored 25 points as the Washington Wizards dominated the Detroit Pistons 122-108.

Australia edge closer to victory as Pak battle brisbAne, December 17 (reuters): Australia moved inexorably toward an emphatic victory in the first day-night test against Pakistan on Saturday as the tourists battled to the close on day three in Brisbane with two wickets down and 420 runs short of victory. Pakistan were 70 for two, with Azhar Ali unbeaten on 41 and a desperately out-of-form Younus Khan yet to score from 19 balls at stumps on another steamy day at the Gabba. After declaring Australia's second innings closed at dinner, captain Steve Smith was disappointed his team were unable to make further inroads but they have plenty of time to grab the remaining eight wickets. "It would have been nice to have one or two more (wickets) but I thought we worked hard today and got ourselves out in front of the

game," he said. "Hopefully, we can exploit (the wicket) tomorrow." The highest successful fourth-innings run chase is 418, set by West Indies at home against Australia in 2003 and only three other teams have won pursuing more than 400. Ominously for Pakistan, the pitch began to show acute turn and bounce for spinner Nathan Lyon, who got Babar Azam out for 14 when he nicked to Smith at slip. Mitchell Starc made the first breakthrough, removing Sami Aslam for 15 when he edged behind to first slip Peter Handscomb. Smith declared at 202 for five, setting 490 for victory, having earlier declined to make Pakistan follow on though they were 88 runs short of the required target. Australia lost two early wickets but Smith and Usman Khawaja wrested back the momentum with

a swashbuckling partnership of 111. Khawaja scored 74 and Smith, who top-scored with 130 in the first innings, smashed 63 off 70 balls as the home side all but batted Pakistan out of the game. Smith was eventually dismissed by leg-spinner Yasir Shah after slogging to Rahat Ali at long-on. Pakistan captain Misbah-ul-Haq took a fine running catch to remove Khawaja off the bowling of Rahat. Handscomb was unbeaten on 35 at the declaration. Routed by Australia's seamers late on day two, Pakistan were dismissed for 142 before tea, 287 runs short of Australia's first-innings 429. Josh Hazlewood was the pick of Australia's bowlers with 3-22 off a miserly 14 overs while fellow seamers Mitchell Starc and Jackson Bird also grabbed three wickets each.

WBC title fight called off after Povetkin fails drug test failed a drug test. Povetkin's promoter Andrei Ryabinsky wrote on Twitter that the Russian boxer had tested positive for the banned muscle-building substance ostarine. Povetkin was to fight Stiverne for the World Box-

Alexander Povetkin (L) and Bermane Stiverne (R) at an official weigh-in ceremony for the now cancelled interim WBC heavyweight title fight. (TASS Photo)

eKAterinburg, December 17 (reuters): A super heavyweight title fight between Russian boxer Alexander

Povetkin and Haitianborn Canadian Bermane Stiverne that was scheduled for Saturday has been canceled after Povetkin

ing Council (WBC) interim world title in the Russian city of Ekaterinburg. WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman said on Twitter the WBC was officially withdrawing recognition of the Povetkin-Stiverne fight due to Povetkin's drug test.

CORRIGENDUM Apropos the news item “35th GYO Sports Meet Underway” published on December 17, para 2 should have read “Kuzholuyi of Upper Khel and Kudusulu of DBK Khel were declared individual champions in the men and women categories respectively”. The inadvertent error is regretted.

public discourse

letter to christians on christmas Vebu Khamo


Seoul Christian University

faintly remember a sermon years ago preached by a guest preacher in our college on pre-Christmas celebration. He narrated an incident that took place as he travelled to the Northern part of India to preach the gospel. It was a Christmas season with full of light decorations and Christmas trees. He got into a conversation with a Hindu devotee who told him that Christians are no more different from Hindus because they too have their own way of celebrating, decorating and idolising a tree with lights and cartooning the image of a Christmas Father. The evangelist tried hard to explain that Christians are not worshipping those paraphernalia but only that it’s a form of decoration in celebrating the birth of Christ. But the Hindu devotee was not in for the argument. The evangelist left with a change of mind in place of his counterpart. With the advent of Christmas, many Christians do know that the 25th of December is not the actual date of our Saviour’s birth. However the day has been set apart Zaleo Chakhesang



ooking at Naga history we find that Nagas lived in village state form of Government having complete authority over its own affairs and territory even in the head hunting days. Union of villages or tribes under one authority or head did not exist. In essence, Nagas are disunited unintentionally prior to the emergence of the Naga National Council, (NNC) in 1946 which brought the Nagas together under one political institution. At that time Naga youth movement (NYM) the Youth Wing of the NNC functioned as the security and defense force. When the Federal Government of Nagaland was proclaimed on the 22nd March, 1956 merging the NNC and the Hongking Government of the then NEFA, the need for a standing National Army arose. It was commissioned in the form and style of Naga Safe Guards with Gen. Thungti Chang as the first C-in-C. The force was raised on the principle of equal representation throughout Nagaland where every 9th (ninth) households sponsor one army who will be of the 10th (tenth) household.

to commemorate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Conversely, Christians shouldn’t be more concerned about the precise date and times of Christ’ birth because it’s not necessarily about the date but the event that we celebrate. What is more important is the message of Christmas which Christ has brought to this human world. Legions among Christians still do not celebrate this season as the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ because of the misconception that Christmas originates from a pagan sun-god called “Sol Invictus” or “Mithras” in conjunction with the concluding of the winter festival called the “Saturnalia.” It was a popular pagan festival. Possibly, with good intentions, the Church fathers of Rome tried to blend in the day with the birth of Christ, the Son of God. But they undesirably made the celebration muddied with pagan elements. It is indeed not pleasant to bring these issues to readers after a long peaceful history of celebrating Christmas. But Christians need to be reminded that our understanding of what we call ‘adorning’ or ‘decoration’ may be interpreted by outsiders as completely different from

our viewpoint. I, in no sense, call Christmas tree as something ‘abominable’ or ‘idolatrous.’ But, if today, we were to tell the Churches that Christmas tree or Santa Claus is a form of idolatry. Many would out rightly sneer or laughed at the preacher for being a completely out-dated traditional orthodox fanatic. But it’s true! How many Churches today do not have a Christmas tree or supposedly call “Christmas Father” (Santa Claus) placed and decorated in it? Pastor John Macarthur, in his sermon on “Why do so many people miss the real meaning of Christmas?” brings out a brief glimpse on how the Christmas celebration came about. It is said that the first Christmas tree was initiated by Boniface, an English missionary to Germany in the eighth century. He supposedly replaced sacrifices to the god Odin's sacred oak with a fir tree adorned in tribute to Christ. Certain accounts claim that Martin Luther introduced the Christmas tree lighted with candles. Although, there are accounts where Christmas tree is equated with the worshipping of trees in the ancient pagan religion, I do not wish to

bring that in view. Nonetheless, these are mere traditions of men and not of God. And at times, traditions of men can blur people from the real thing. Now the idea of "Santa Claus" is a subtraction of St. Nicholas, a Greek bishop in Asia Minor (4th century). Saint Nicholas was known for his extravagant generosity. He was later associated with giving gifts at the end of the yearand was adopted by the Netherlands as the donor saint of children. Now, it should be clear that the legendary figure of the Western culture of Santa is purely a myth and an invention of human. It has nothing or little to do with the saint or the traditions of the Church (forget the Bible). Therefore, it’s a masquerading figure of all that is true about Christ and God! And as a Bible-based Christian, I wish the tradition of men be clearly disassociated from the Church of Christ. Post script: The Christian faith is not dictated by norms and traditions of men. This paraphernalia is not evil in and of itself but it can turn into a hindrance for the true gospel to be known to the community of other faiths. That’s where the root of the problem lies!

Complementing Dr. Chuba’s appeal for amnesty to Nikki Sumi & other NSCN leaders


he unintended political overtone to a layman may appear harmless in a particular situation however when taken out of context become our nemesis in the long run. On the appeal to the Nagaland Governor for amnesty to Nikki Sumi and other NSCN leaders, spectrum of ramifications emerges that which may undermine the very purpose of the Naga struggle. Amnesty is relevant to political exile and criminals convicted for war crimes, crimes against humanity etc. seeking for pardon or reprieve on humanitarian ground. Whereas in our context the colonising power India is the perpetuator responsible for nearly 70 years militarism upon the Nagas causing irreparable physical and psychological trauma, miming and scarring thousands of innocent Naga civil population and large scale destruction of properties and assets over decades of violent repressions. In a more systematic and dubious manner each atrocities continues in our land today under the draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Acts (AFSPA) and the government of India allows her Army to freely engage in numerous cross violation of Human Rights. The Indian political leaders and army commanders responsible for ordering such despicable inhuman atrocities on the Naga people should be the one

to seek political pardon/amnesty from the Naga people and must also be tried before International Tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The International Court of Justice and UNHRC must also set up investigation to ascertain many custodial deaths in the hands of Indian security forces. The question for appealing for amnesty on the part of NSCN/GPRN leaders therefore does not arise. The NSCN/GPRN is a hierarchically established government headed by the President SS Khaplang, vice president Lieutenant General Retired Khangao Konyak, General Kumchop Pangmei Army Chief, Lieutenant General Nikki Sumi deputy Army Chief and host of senior Army commanders, cabinet kilonsers, bureaucracy and regional authorities. NSCN/GPRN derives its strength from illustrious leaders and commanders but do not encourage or practice personal cult leadership system and therefore suggesting to engage in a dialogue with a certain individual leader or commander on the basis of citizenship to a particular area, region or state may only be interpreted as divisive in nature no matter how well intentioned the writer could have been. Issued by MIP, NSCN/GPRN

Naga unity and final settlement At this period every Naga had a sense and feeling of responsibility and participation in the National Movement and in the heated wave of unabated armed conflicts, it reached peak moments of achievement. The Bi-lateral Ceasefire of 5th Sept. 1964 was signed by the FGN and the GOI just 1(One) year after granting Statehood of Nagaland. In a sense, the Ceasefire agreement is a negation of the 16 Point Agreement signed by the NPC and GOI. The 6 (six) round peace talks started, yet, all along the ugly element of tribalism which is the main factor of Naga disunity was taking its toll on the main national movement. The peace talks ended in a dead lock and final settlement eluded us. The Revolutionary Govt. was formed by a splinter group of national workers but surrendered shortly in 1972. In the aftermath of the Indian national emergency and imposition of President Rule in Nagaland, the Shillong ACCORD ON 11TH Nov. 1975 was signed by the Representatives of Underground Organization and the Govt. of India. This added fuel to

disunity element and it became the main factor in further splits in Naga movement whether the claims and counter claims, the accusations and counter accusations can be justified or not. An issuer which is the responsibility of the GOI and the Nagas to solve was made and internal issue by we Nagas ourselves to champion disunity which is to the advantage of India in her delaying and time prolonging game plan and policy in respect of final settlement. In the present Naga Political scenario there are independent identities like NNC Transit Camp Group (a by-product of Shillong Accord), NNC/FGN-without Shillong Accord Group, NNC, Non-Accordists who even induct Kilonsers in their fold which is unusual and other NNC individual entities. So also there is NSCN (IM), NSCN (K), NSCN(R), GPRN/NSCN and so on. Are these entire genuine groups and enjoy the mandate of the Nagas? If so when and where did they get the mandate and if not why the Naga people as a whole do not check it. Some seek settlement without Sovereignty, some by the

Nagas of Nagaland alone and some groups trying to exclude some other groups. Where can we find unity of principle and purpose in all these instances? Only the stand of the NNC/ FGN is clear as of today. NNC upholds sovereignty as was made in the Independence declaration of 14th August, 1947 and endorsed in the historic Plebiscite of the 16th May 1956. This is the mandate of the Nagas and remains intact as it is. NNC is the stake holder in solving Indo-Naga issue. Naga Nation is inclusive of all the Nagas irrespective of the arbitrary division of Naga territory into Myanmar (Burma) and India by Nehru and Unu in 1953. To our understanding, the NNC did not acknowledge it in any form at any point of time in Naga history. Universally, is there any validity for any outsider to apportion the territory and property of another person at will without the consent or even the notice of the owner for the matter? This is exactly what the Naga case is today. The conflict of contention is that Indian claims Nagaland to be a part of it and so became

the 16th State of India in 1963. On the other hand, Naga never joined the Indian Union. The will and the stand of the Nagas to be a free people and nation was made amply clear to Simon Commission even in 1929 and subsequently Nagaland was treated as an excluded area at that time also by the British India Govt. We can make history but cannot change history and therefore, ignoring historical facts and the right of the Nagas, settlement of the Indo-Naga problem in any form will be impossible. The 16th Points Agreement signed by the GOI and Naga People’s Convention (NPC) which was a composition of the negligible first few educated and semi educated Nagas at that time lacked consensus, so it could not succeed according to the envisaged plan of the signatories. The Naga stand and issue remains the same as ever. The much publicized framework agreement of 3rd August 2015 between GOI and NSCN (IM) also lacked consensus which is the most vital necessity. In the joint statement of likeminded NNC groups on

the 7th Dec. 2015 they declared in no uncertain terms that the NNC have nothing to do with the agreement and that it is purely a matter of concern for the GOI and the NSCN (IM). So then, where will the needed consensus come and settlement made. Political thinkers rightly said that sovereignty lies with the people. In fact, true political power lies in the hands of the people and therefore this is what the Nagas need to exercise today. The present situation in Nagaland may be likened to a time where Nagas are fighting among themselves for ownership rights today over the fruit of a tree which is yet not planted. Today when we speak of Peace, Unity and Settlement what do we find? Nagas, be it social, political and religious leaders, the intelligentsia and the public tend to be indifferent. It seems as if our people think that peace, unity and settlement is the concern and responsibility of the few national workers only who are in the field presently. It seems we forget that the public is the owner and the National Workers

are servants of the people. Nagas utterly fail to exercise even the inherent advisory role and authority and calm succumb to the dictates of the very few national workers whether it is right or wrong. Adding to all these again, our people heap blames and accusations on the nation. This is in fact accusing and blaming ourselves. This trend of existence only indicate nation destruction and not nation building. For how long will the Nagas grope in darkness without a clear goal and direction? Now, then, Nagas, what shall we do? 1. Shall we be masters of our own destiny? 2. Shall we be ready to stand up for own rights both within and without and defend it at any cost? 3. Can we readily fulfill our responsibilities and commitments towards the society and the nation? 4. Shall we take initiative first or wait upon others to do it first? 5. Can we check and contain all elements that are “ANTI” in our land so that we will build a brighter and more honorable Nagaland to live in? “Ask what you can do for Nagaland; Ask not what Nagaland can do for you”

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

sunday 18•12•2016


NSACS Life Now Solo Competition

A woman in one of the stalls prepares chicken for barbeque at the Dimapur Night Carnival. Besides food and games stall, the other features of the carnival are the entertainment which includes open stage, song, dance, standup comedy, fashion show, bands. (Morung Photo)

Two girls singing at a karaoke booth as the onlookers revel in their music during the ongoing Dimapur Night Carnival 2016 at Naga shopping Arcade (NsA), super Market, Dimapur. (Morung Photo)

The prize items at display for the Bumper Prize Raffle Draw. The closing day, December 18, sI Jamir, Advisor urban Development will be the special guest. The Pipers The kid’s zone is another major attraction especially for Band retreat will be presented by Nagaland Police Training Bike stunt show at the fourth edition of Dimapur Night Carthe families visiting the much happening Dimapur Night school. Convenor of the organising Committee, DNC will nival which is going on from December 14 and will conclude on to December 18. (Mongsen Phom Photo) Carnival. (Morung Photo) conduct the prize distribution. (Morung Photo)

Selena Gomez named brand ambassador for fashion label


ashion label Coach has named singer Selena Gomez as its new face for fall 2017. She has reportedly received $10 million to be its brand ambassador. Gomez will appear on the brand’s ad and social media campaigns, reports Gomez is also set to team up with Coach’s executive creative director Stuart Vevers to co-design a special piece for fall 2017. Additionally, she will team up with Coach Foundation for its work on Step Up, a national organisation aiming at empowering teenage girls from underserved communities. “I am so excited to work with Coach and love the clothes and accessories designed by Stuart Vevers,” Gomez said in a statement. “I am especially looking for-


“the worst restaurant in America”. Vanity Fair capitalised on Trump’s tweet by putting up a banner on its website saying: “The magazine Trump doesn’t want you to read. Subscribe Now!” This pattern of benefitting from Trump’s apparent negative tweets has been repeated on other media publications. The New York Times, which repeatedly appeared in Trump’s twitter as “the failing New York Times”, reported a 41,000 subscription increase in the week after the election, a “dramatic rate of growth”. Jeff Zucker, the head of CNN, another punchbag of Trump’s, admitted in a forum on November 30 that this year was the networks’s best year in history, across the board.

revIseD TICKeT rATes (silver) : `.120 (Gold) : `. 200 (recliner) : `. 400

ROgue One a STaR WaRS (engliSh)

(10:00 AM) (03:00 PM) (05:30 PM)

Wajah Tum hO (hindi)

source: IANs

source: IANs

Govinda launches restaurant ‘Hero No.1’ in Delhi


ollywood’s evergreen comedian Govinda on Wednesday launched here a restaurant named after his popular 1997 film “Hero No. 1”. The restaurant is in Rajouri Garden area of west Delhi. “I have a special connect with the capital and liking for its people and culture. My friends always suggested me that Delhi needs a place that is No.1 and blends right music, right food and right ambience. So, Hero No.1 had to be here,” Govinda said in a statement. His wife Sunita and daughter Teena were also part of the event, with hosts of the evening and restaurateurs Amit Dua and Mann Dua. “We are proud to open a hub of fine dining lounge in the heart of west Delhi. The place will offer a lavish gourmet experience to food connoisseurs. Guests can enjoy food from a multi-cuisine menu with live music. Food and party lovers will now have a chic new place to hang out and chill with friends and family in West Delhi,” said the directors of the restaurant.


Now ShowiNg

Vanity Fair magazine hit recordbreaking subscriptions after proclaimed ‘dead’ by Trump tweet

he US magazine Vanity Fair said on Friday it saw a record-breaking subscription after US Presidentelect Donald Trump tweeted that the publication is “dead”. Xinhua news agency quoted the magazine’s parent company Conde Nest as saying that more people had signed up for Vanity Fair on Thursday than they did on any single day for all of the group’s publications, which includes Vogue, the New Yorker and GQ. Trump on Thursday tweeted: “Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of Vanity Fair Magazine. Way down, big trouble, dead!” The harsh remarks came after Vanity Fair ran an article that described a restaurant in the Trump Tower as possibly

ward to getting to know the Coach team as well as becoming involved in the foundation’s support of Step Up,” Gomez added. Stuart Vevers said he was inspired and excited by the idea of working with a woman he felt he “could really identify with at the end of the day.” He added: “The woman I design for is authentic, honest and possesses a romantic charm mixed with cool, confident attitude. Selena embodies all of these qualities perfectlybut the fact that she has always loved Coach, and believed so strongly in our philanthropic mission, made her a true Coach Girl.”

Winner of NSACS LIFE NOW singing competition Sevi Khruomo and consolation prize winners Nini Moro and Viputo V. Swu are seen here with Metevinuo Sakhrie Joint Director (IEC) NSACS. The event was organised by Naga Musicians Group and coordinated by Dream Corp.

source: IANs

Pitt undergoing extensive plastic surgery post-divorce

(12:25 PM) (08:00 PM) 03862-237226 Ticket Counter (09:00 AM - 09:00 PM)


Don’t Drink & DrIvE DIMAPUR TRAFFIC POLICE in collaboration with THE MORUNG EXPRESS

Ward 5 (6) Burma Camp, Landmark - Near J.K Hospital Dimapur. Power House.

Hillstar NOW SHOWING ROgue One a STaR WaRS [3d] (engliSh)

Swee� Tiding� Basket of Goodies 11:00 am | 05:00 PM

Wajah Tum hO (hindi)


ctor Brad Pitt is reportedly undergoing extensive plastic surgery to help him cope with his divorce and custody battle against actress Angelina Jolie. According to a source, Pitt has taken to cosmetic procedures in an effort to bring him out of his bad mood, reports “(Pitt’s) done fillers, Botox, and peels, plus had his eyes tweaked,” National Enquirer quoted the source as saying. “He feels like death inside, but he’ll be damned if he’ll look like anything but a million bucks on the outside,” the source added. Pitt also reportedly had a facelift, but his “relatives are worried over the surgery” and “telling him, ‘Stop messing with your face’.” source: IANs


02:00 PM | 08:00 PM


SUNDAY 18•12•2016



Schumacher's health India off to good start after to remain private matter Dawson impresses on debut


bErLIN, DECEmbEr 17 (AP): The condition of Michael Schumacher's health will remain closely guarded among family and close associates, the former Formula One champion's manager said Saturday. “Michael's health is not a public issue, and so we will continue to make no comment in that regard,” Sabine Kehm said in a statement. “We have to protect his intimate sphere. Legally seen and in the longer term, every statement related to his health would

diminish the extent of his intimate sphere.” Schumacher sustained severe head injuries in a skiing accident in France on Dec. 29, 2013 and has been cared for at his home in Switzerland since September 2014. Kehm said the Schumacher family was aware that fans were hoping for news of the 47-year-old German's condition, “but we do this with full commitment to Michael's guidelines and can only thank people for their understanding.”

Kehm announced that the family was launching a “Keep Fighting Initiative” as a sign of gratitude to fans and to encourage people inspired by Schumacher's career “to keep fighting and never give up.” Schumacher's accident happened on a family vacation as he was skiing with his son at the Meribel ski resort in the French Alps. The avid skier hit the right side of his head on a rock, cracking his helmet. Doctors operated to remove blood clots from his brain, but some were left because they were too deeply embedded. Schumacher's condition stabilized after he was placed in a drug-induced coma, from which he later emerged. “Michael has always been very protective of his privacy, even during the most successful times of his career. He has always made sure there is a clear and distinct line between his public persona and his private one,” Kehm said. Schumacher, who made his name with Benetton before joining Ferrari in 1996, won a record seven F1 titles and 91 races.

Sanchez puts onus on club to end contract stand-off LoNDoN, DECEmbEr 17 (rEutErs): Alexis Sanchez has said he is very happy at Arsenal but the Chile winger has put the onus on the north London club to put an end to the protracted contract negotiations to keep him at the Emirates Stadium. Arsenal have offered Sanchez, who has 18 months on his current contract, a new deal but fear negotiations could drag on as they are struggling to match the Chilean's 250,000 pounds-a-week wage demands, according to British media reports. "I'm focused more on winning football matches -- I'm staying concentrated

on that," Sanchez told Sky Sports. "It really doesn't depend on me -- if they want to show confidence in me. I'm very happy at the club. "It depends on Arsenal. I enjoy the relationship with the fans. I want to achieve more for them. I want to win the Premier League and the Champions League. "I've told my agent I don't want to speak about this too much when all the rumours are going around -- it can distract a player." Sanchez has been in good form this season, scoring 14 goals in 22 appearances so far.

CHENNAI, DECEmbEr 17 (rEutErs): India made a strong reply to England's first-innings total of 477 after half-centuries by debutant Liam Dawson and number nine Adil Rashid underlined the tourists' batting depth in the fifth and final test on Saturday. India claimed three wickets on the second morning but the 108-run partnership between Dawson and Rashid in a productive second session for the touring side frustrated the hosts. India's Murali Vijay hurt his shoulder while fielding and could not come out to bat but the makeshift opening pair of Lokesh Rahul and Parthiv Patel did a decent job, adding 60 runs without being separated. Rahul was unbeaten on 30 at stumps and the righthander will be eager to

England's Liam Dawson plays a shot. (Reuters Photo)

make amends with the bat having dropped centurion Moeen Ali before he had scored on Friday. Patel was on 29 at the other end with India, who have an unassailable 3-0 lead in the series, 417 runs behind on a pitch which

has grown easier to bat on. Earlier, resuming on 284-4, England got an early jolt when Ravichandran Ashwin struck with the day's fifth delivery at the MA Chidambaram Stadium. The leading wickettaker in the series had en-

dured a rare wicketless day on Friday but he lured Ben Stokes on to the front foot to edge a fuller delivery which Parthiv Patel caught behind the stumps. Paceman Ishant Sharma trapped Jos Buttler lbw for five while Moeen, who

resumed on 120, looked ill at ease against the shortpitched deliveries. The left-hander virtually walked into a trap when Umesh Yadav forced him into playing a pull shot, which the batsman mistimed to find Ravindra Jadeja at deep mid-wicket. Moeen faced 262 balls for his 146, hitting 13 fours and a six. Dawson endured a tough test initiation, the second ball he faced from Sharma smacking him on his helmet but the 26-yearold grew in confidence as he and Rashid shared the second century-plus stand of the English innings. Rashid hit eight fours before edging Yadav to Patel for 60. Dawson was stranded on 66 not out, including five fours and a six, when Amit Mishra bowled Jake Ball with a googly.

Costa earns Chelsea 11th straight win LoNDoN, DECEmbEr 17 (AFP): Diego Costa struck as Chelsea won 1-0 at Crystal Palace on Saturday, a club record-equalling 11th straight victory that sent them nine points clear at the Premier League summit. Costa's 43rd-minute header was the striker's sixth goal in his last eight games, his 50th Chelsea goal in total and gave Antonio Conte's side a third successive 1-0 win. Chelsea once again delivered a controlled, effective performance, giving struggling Palace little chance of getting back into the game. "The run is fantastic,"

said Chelsea manager Conte. "Congratulations to my players, not me. I am pleased for them because they deserve this. "We can improve though." Chelsea matched their record of 11 consecutive wins from April to September 2009, achieving the feat within the same season for the first time, and remain on course to break Arsenal's all-time record of 14. The only blemishes were yellow cards for Costa and N'Golo Kante meaning both players will be suspended for next week's home game Diego Costa watches his header go past the goalkeeper to give Chelsea the lead. (Reuters Photo) against Bournemouth.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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