June 28th, 2015

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The Morung Express

Dimapur VOL. X ISSUE 175


Sunday, June 28, 2015 12 Pages Rs. 4

Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be

More than 200 injured in explosion at Taiwan Water Park


—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Argentina beat Integrated Watershed projects booming in Mon Colombia on penalties to reach semifinals

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BACKDOOR APPOINTMENT: Subverting rules? Morung Express News Dimapur | June 27



The recent disclosure made by Against Corruption and Unabated Taxation (ACAUT) on alleged ‘backdoor’ appointment in the Rural Development department, which has so far been neither denied nor admitted by the concerned department, has raised questions on what constitutes ‘backdoor appointment.’ Backdoor entry to public service is an open secret decried by many, covertly pursued by government job seekers and exploited by people in power. Yet the precise classification of ‘backdoor’ as per the State civil services recruitment rules, the Indian Constitution, its legal facets has been subjected to various interpretations. Shedding light over aspects of backdoor, a former member of Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) categorized backdoor appointment into two broad spectrums. Gazetted officers (1st and 2nd class) appointed on ad-hoc or contract basis, initially for one year, without any advertisement or inviting applications to eligible candidates is backdoor appointment, informed a former NPSC member who didn’t wish to be named. Besides, appointments of gazetted officers are done on ad-hoc basis only and requisitioned only through NPSC and not by departments, he said. Correspondingly, when vacant posts-gazetted or nongazetted, are filled up with candidates by departments or any other means without advertisement or holding of selection by a body of experts or a specially constituted committee whose members are fair and impartial, through a written examination or interview, it also amounts to backdoor, the former NPSC member maintained.

There are also cases, according to clause 15 of the Public Service Commission (chairman, members & staff ) Regulations, 2008 when it is not deemed necessary to consult the Commission in an appointment made by “an authority other than the Governor to a post on a scale of pay the minimum of which is less than 520020200 per month with the grade pay of 2800 per month.” This means an appointment to a post, technical/nontechnical, on a scale of pay the minimum grade pay of 2800 per month are to be requisitioned to the NPSC by the respective department for direct recruitment. On the other hand, in recruitment to post of stenographers, police, including police under vigilance commission and school teachers, the departments concerned are authorized to follow their respective recruitment rules/ procedures, says an office memorandum of the Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department. Further, appointment to class III and class IV posts does not necessarily have to come under the purview of the NPSC, but it should go through proper recruitment procedures- advertisement, invitation of eligible candidates, exams and interviews. There are also some exigencies/emergencies under which the department may fill up some post without conducting procedures, the former NPSC member stated. Another regulation states that some appointment may not require consultation of the Commission. Such as, “When an officiating appointment is to be made by direct recruitment to a permanent/ temporary post, if it is necessary in the public interest and reference to the Commission would cause undue delay,

Myanmar to launch joint ops against insurgents C M Y K

new Delhi, June 27 (Dna): National security advisor Ajit Doval’s strategic visit to Nay Pyi Taw last week seemed to have paid off well to pacify military junta and make them agree for joint Army action against Indian insurgent groups that are using Myanmar as a base to prepare and launch attacks on Indian soil. A high level military delegation from Myanmar is expected to visit New Delhi and work out a joint strategy against insurgents groups that are operating from Sagaing division of Myanmar hitting out at Indian interests and security forces. India had launched surgical strikes on June 9 inside Myanmar to avenge the loss of 18 of its soldiers killed by an amalgam of insurgent groups on June 4 in Chandel district of Manipur. However, a subsequent faux pas by a couple of Indian ministers who made the sensitive operation details public forced Myanmar to take posture against any strikes involving transgression of its territory. The delegation led by Doval that included foreign secretary S Jaishankar and Eastern Army Commander Lt Gen M M S Rai, however, managed to settle down the dust, said official sources. According to sources, following these developments NSCN (K) along with some other insurgent outfits have also decided to lie low.

In 2014, a Supreme Court ruling held that in the absence of any advertisement or selection process, the appointment of the person is not protected and could be validly terminated

Illustration by Sandemo Ngullie

ACAUT petition to the Chief Secretary


gainst Corruption And Unabated Taxatees to the posts of BDOs/RDOs/APO is gross tion (ACAUT) in a petition to the Chief manipulation. Secretary on June 26 has demanded • Authorities should see to it that although termination of the 36 BDOs /RDOs/APO apthese appointees have been regularized, pointed by the Rural Development department their services are terminated so as to assuage between the years 2011 and 2015 by-passing the injustices meted out to all those deservNPSC despite repeated notifications to send ing candidates over the years cheating the requisitions for the concerned posts for conNaga people. duct of examinations. • RD department should immediately requisition the 18 posts to the NPSC and NPSC hold Following are the demands made to the Chief open competitive examination for the posts Secretary: within 3 months. • That Government terminate the service of the • Officials or authorities guilty of backdoor ap18 (eighteen) yet-to-be regularized appoinpointmentbeprosecutedandmadeexampleof. tees in the posts of BDO/RDO/APO appointed • That by a Government notification, all the debetween the years 2011-14 within 20 days. partments should compulsorily reveal their • Those on deputations be immediately revertvacancies every year and the NPSC compuled back to their parent department. sorily conduct exams for such. • The vacant BDO/RDO/APO posts should be • That necessary amendment be made to filled up through NPSC competitive examiP&AR memorandum/service rule so that nation and chance given to deserving stucontract appointment is not extendable bedents. Open competitive examination for the yond 1 year and the contract post (s) requiposts should be held within 3 months. sitioned to the NPSC within the year for con• Regularization of the 18 backdoor appoinduct of exams.


Morung Express News Dimapur | June 27


In a differing statement, the Degree/Diploma Nurses of Nagaland (DDNN) on Saturday termed the statement made by the Nagaland Staff Nurses Association (NSNA) on June 22 as ‘totally misguiding’ to the general public and the nursing fraternity. A statement issued by Khevile Shohe and Margaret on behalf of DDNN clarified that Registered Nurse Registered Midwife (RNRM) was ‘not a qualification’ as conceived and stated by NSNA. “RNRM means a nurse who is certified by the state nursing council that she/he has undergone and



CSS draft report reflects the Two dead in tragic blast sentiment of Nagaland: Zeliang Morung Express News Dimapur | June 27

Two persons lost their lives in a bomb blast which occurred within the Christian Institute of Health Sciences & Research (CIHSR) complex, 4th Mile, Dimapur on Saturday. The incident occurred at around 4:45 pm. The deceased were identified as Prakash Vishwakarma (47 years) and his daughter Ruth Gurung (20 years). Prakash’s 8-year old son, Robin; and sonin-law, Deepak Gurung (30 years), who works as a plumber for the Hospital, were injured in the blast. However, both are said to be out of danger. Hospital sources informed that Prakash had been working as a garbage collector of the Hospital for the past 2 to 3 months and had been allotted a living quarter recently. His family was making preparations to relocate to the house on Saturday evening. His daughter Ruth, re-

portedly pregnant, was at her father’s new quarter along with her husband when an explosive device accidentally went off killing Prakash on the spot, while Ruth was declared brought dead by the hospital. According to Dimapur police, the deceased Prakash returned from work at around 1:30 pm. At around the time of the blast, he was reportedly seen in the room “handling an object, description of which appears to be a grenade,” police stated. Deepak Gurung, Ruth and Robin were also in the room. Quoting the statement of Prakash’s wife, the police said, “The wife stated that as she went out, the blast took place…” The injured were admitted to CIHSR, while the two dead bodies were taken to the morgue for post mortem. The police added that splinters were collected to ascertain the type of explosive, while stating that the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad has “sanitised” the area. Further investigation is on to ascertain the source of the explosive.

NSNA agitation questioned by DDNN


evidently because ‘nobody can challenge them.’ “The public need to seek justice, file PIL instead of waiting for opportunities to exact favors from them, a practice which is reflected in the present Naga mentality,” he said. The debate also boils down To seek justice, public to whether the Government can bring about reforms in should file PIL: former the process of recruitment at NPSC member With loop holes and side- the level of Services Selection stepping gaps aplenty in the Boards. State civil service regulations Supreme Court on and rules, various depart- backdoor appointment ments, with pressure from poIn 2011, the Supreme Court liticos, have been able to subvert the recruitment rules and passing judgment on a backoverride requisition made by a door appointment case in Orissa held that no person can hapless Commission. To ensure appointment be appointed even on a temonly through proper channel of porary or ad hoc basis without public service commission and inviting applications from all to stop appointment through eligible candidates. “If any apbackdoor entries, ACAUT had pointment is made by merely only recently suggested that inviting names from the emdepartments should be barred ployment exchange or putting from advertising vacant posts, a note on the notice board, etc. new posts, etc., with immedi- that will not meet the requireate effect and all requisition for ment of Articles 14 and 16 of the new posts/vacant posts should Constitution.” In 2014, the SC ruling in a be forwarded to the NPSC insimilar case in Bihar held that stead. According to the former in the absence of any advertiseNPSC member, the appoint- ment or selection process, the ment of BDOS/APOs/RDOs in appointment of the person is the Rural Department as high- not protected and could be vallighted by ACAUT amounts to idly terminated. A Bench consisting of Jusclear backdoor appointment. He predicted that the day is tices GP Mathur and Dalveer not far when even gazetted post Bhandari in 2006 cautioned like EAC and DSP would be ap- High Courts that it is improper pointed without any notifica- for them to give directions for regularisation of services of the tions. “Today they appoint BDOS person who is working either and APOs on their own whims. as daily-wager, ad hoc employNagas should not be surprised ee, probationer, temporary or if the government starts ap- contractual employee, not appointing EACs and DSPs with- pointed following the proceout following any procedural dure laid down under Articles rules. Such possibility is there,” 14 (equality before law), 16 (equality of opportunity in mathe stated. The former NPSC mem- ters of public employment) and ber also said blatant actions 309 (recruitment and condiby departments and others in tions of service of persons servpower in recruitment has been ing the Union or a State) of the festering for quite some time, Constitution. provided that if the vacancy is for a period actual or probable of six months or more, the Commission shall as soon as possible be consulted in all matters as mentioned in clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution.”

completed the prescribed course in GNM/B.Sc nursing from a school/college of nursing recognized by the Indian Nursing Council,” the rejoinder informed. The DDNN further stated that as per the existing Nagaland Nursing Service Rules, 1988, for any qualified nurse, the entry point in the government nursing service is staff nurse irrespective of B.Sc Nursing/diploma or GNM. The criteria for promotion to nursing sister from staff nurse should be a RNRM, having experience as staff nurse for three years, pass ward sister course of not less than 3 month duration. For promotion from staff nurse to nursing tutor, one should be a

RNRM, diploma in nursing education and administrative/B.Sc or post basic B.Sc in nursing, experience as staff nurse for three years/two years. Further, while referring to NSNA’s statement that the duration of years for promotion to the next level is 20 to 28 years, the rejoinder stated this stands the same for the degree/diploma holders. “So the question of giving promotion only to B.Sc nursing/diploma holders does not arise,” the DDNN argued. It clarified that the strength of existing staff nurse is 317 and not 500 as claimed by the staff nurse association. It informed the general public not to hesitate in availing health services as the ANMs/ LHVs/Degree/Diploma holders/

nurses under NHM/NSACS and nursing students will be performing their duties. At the same time, it requested the government to justifiably look into the matter.

Staff nurses & nursing sisters to continue agitation Staff Nurses & Nursing Sisters of Phek, Tuensang, Mon and Peren unit said it will continue participating in the ongoing phase 1 agitation of Nagaland Staff Nurse Association (NSNA) by wearing black badge during routine duty. The four district units also resolved to continue agitation till all the demands with regard to service rules and promotion are implemented by the State government.


TR Zeliang with other States chief ministers after the NITI Aayog sub-group meeting on CSS in New Delhi on Saturday.

Dimapur, June 27 (mexn): Attending the 4th meeting of NITI Aayog sub-group of chief ministers on rationalization of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) at New Delhi on Saturday, Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang said the CSS draft report has, to a large extent, reflected the sentiments of the States including Nagaland. According to media cell, CMO, Zeliang, at the meeting reiterated that the special needs of North Eastern and hilly States must be taken into account while deciding the transparent criteria for inter State allocation of fund for CSS in addition to development needs, population and potential of the State. The chief minister rued that discontinuation of block grants such as NCA; SCA & SPA will be difficult for Special Category States since most of the States would be in deficit even after post 14th Finance Commission. Zeliang also advocated that the structure and funding pattern of CSS should be simple so as to ensure easier implementation, reduce red tapism and better monitoring. The chief minister further appealed that the existing funding pattern should continue for all schemes for the current year 2015-16 till rationalization is completed. He urged the sub-group to recommend for continuation of funding ICDS;

NHM, RMSA etc. He also appealed the NITI Aayog and the Finance Ministry to issue clear cut direction to the line ministries to maintain status quo. Zeliang also reiterated that for Special Category States, the funding pattern for core CSS should be 100%. “Schemes like NLCPR and NEC which are meant for NE States should be 100% funded by the Government of India as providing 10% of the project cost was extremely difficult for the States,” he pointed out. In addition to the funding of ongoing works under CSS, Zeliang said funds for incomplete projects implemented under Block Grants for Special Category States should also be provided. He urged the sub-group to strongly reflect in their recommendation; the memorandum submitted by chief ministers of eight NE States that the present Special Category State status be continued. NITI Aayog Committee announced that they will be sending the final draft report to all the Chief Minister’s by July 5 for final approval of Sub-group and then submit the recommendation to Prime Minister for final decision. Parliamentary secretaries- Er Levi Rengma, Dr Imtiwapang Aier and Lalthara, advisor to CM accompanied Zeliang to the meeting.







28 June 2015

Integrated Watershed projects booming in Mon

The Morung Express C

Rotary Club Dimapur free heart check up camp Morung Express News Dimapur | June 27

As part of Rotary International’s flagship project “Heart to Heart”, Rotary Club Dimapur on Saturday organized a free heart check up camp for children with congenital heart disease (CHD) at the club premise. Super-specialist Dr. Hemanta Nayek, a pediatric cardiologist from Durgapur Mission Hospital, conducted the camp. According to chairperson “Heart to heart project” Rotary Club Dimapur, Pradeep Jain, the free heart camp witnessed registration of 12 new cases while 10 old cases were reviewed. Pradeep said under the flagship programme, Rotary Club organizes free heart check up and provides sur-

Morung Express News

rector also said, “Am happy that the mindset of the people has changed. EarIn a surprise visit to oversee lier even if the government the project activities and bring programmes and to evaluate and monitor projects it was difficult to the Integrated Watershed Management Programme projects taken up in the district, Director of Land Resources, Mhathung Yanthan visited 11 villages both from lower and upper implement but today lookKonyak areas in Mon dis- ing at your activities, am so trict from June 22 to 26. impressed.” During the one-week The director advised the visit, the director appreciat- villagers to be united in any ed the villagers for coming activities or programmes forward to work with the that they take up adding, department and for show- “If you are not united, any ing the desire to take up the good programmes and activities voluntarily. project that is implementExpressing satisfaction ed will not be successful.” in the entire IWMP project While appreciating the areas in the villages, the Di- staffs in the district, the diMon | June 27

rector appealed to the villagers to give all possible support to the staffs that are doing a successful work to implement IWMP programme in spite of hostile

LRD Director visits IWMP project areas in Mon district


environment and difficult terrain. He also asked the villagers to acknowledge their work. In all the villages, healthy interaction were conducted where villagers and the farmers ask and clear their doubts. Jt director Renben Lotha who also address the villagers ask to implement IWMP sincerely as this is one of the best

programme in the state. In many Villages, elders of the villages in their address said that this is the first time that the director has visited the village personally and interacted with them. Village leaders also express gratitude to the visiting director for travelling to the village personally to oversee the activities that are taking up in the IWMP programme. The director inaugurated ATMA farm school at Choknyu village on June 26, and initiated plantation around the department office Mon. Jt director Renben Lotha, Puvil DPO and Beren Chetri DPO, and staffs from directorate and the district accompanied director.


gical operations of children born with CHD free of cost. He said last year, more than 5000 CHD operations were conducted throughout India, sponsored by Rotary Club. “In the last five years Rotary Club sponsored around CHD operations in Nagaland including Kohima and Mokokchung,” he added. Patients needing operation will be referred to Durgapur Mission Hospital. The chairperson said the main objective of the free heart check up camp was to create more awareness about CHD.

Dr. Hemanta Nayek, a pediatric cardiologist from Durgapur Mission Hospital, examining a child at the free heart check up organized by Rotary Club Dimapur, Saturday. (Morung Photo)

Call for gender equality in education Director of Land Resources, Mhathung Yanthan with others during their visit to Integrated Watershed Management Programme project areas in Mon district. (Morung Photo)


Peren, June 27 (Mexn): Speaking at the felicitation programme of the Zeliangrong Students’ Union, Nagaland, Angau I. Thou IAS Secretary Tourism, Art and Culture said, “Equality of educational opportunity of both boys and girls should be encouraged. It is our collective responsibility to make Zeliangrong people move ahead, economically and educationally.” Reminding the gathering while addressing at Baudi Hall Jalukie, Thou said that, “Zeliangrong Tribe became the first Chief Secretary, first MBBS, and first IAS etc among the Naga tribes.” She encouraged the students to promote culture and traditions said, “We can change friends but not blood.” Mongjeung Mpom, Pastor Local Baptsist Church Jalukie, pronounced invocation and special prayer for the toppers, Joshua Pame delivered welcome note, greetings by Bangdi Chawang senior member, speech on behalf of merit students by Ashuiliu Chawang, solidarity message from Maijiang, G/S ZBN, Special song was presented by Maningdinliu and Binthu Newmai and act of felicitation by Amonbo, President ZSUN. Deusoyi Rangkau chaired the programme.

Mon Users’ Network submits memorandum

Mon, June 27 (Mexn): On World Drugs Day, Mon Users’ Network submitted a memorandum to W. Honje Konyak, Deputy Commissioner, Mon. While making a request for Detoxification and Rehabilitation Center in Mon District, the Mon Users’ Network President Awok and general secretary Sashimeren states, “having inherited opium consumption culture from our ancestor, our district has an alarming rate of opium/drugs addicts.” “However, knowing that for every problem there is a solution,” Mon Users’ Network stated, “it is more than high time that Mon district has a well-managed detoxification/rehabilitation centre to cater to this need.” Therefore, in order to open new horizon for people who wish to mend their bad habits and join the productive force in the society, the Mon Users’ Network feel that establishing a detoxification and rehabilitation center in the district with the

DC’s direct initiative is a necessity and a matter of great urgency. On Oral Substitution Therapy (OST) centers in all ADC Hq and Sub-division of Mon district, the Mon Users’ Network said that the lone OST centre, which is under Mon district Hospital is doing a commendable job. “It is not an exaggeration to say that ever since the opening of OST centre in Mon town, the rate of petty thefts and minor troublemakers has reduced considerably. Therefore, in order to provide this life changing facility to the users and make them see the difference for themselves opening of OST centre in all ADC Hq. and sub divisions of Mon district is of permanent importance,” the memorandum stated. While urging the DC Mon to take a concerned and urgent action, the Mon Users’ Network requested him to consider the request made as crucial for the “survival of misguided youths and overall growth of human resources of our district.”


Naga youths trained on masonry and construction KoHIMA, June 27 (Mexn): More youths are now equipping themselves with skills in various sectors, enabling them to earn a livelihood. In order to further the zeal, a Training on Masonry and Building Construction initiated under the BADP skill development programme 2014‘15 through the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Border Management, Government of India was organized by the Department of Under Developed Areas (DUDA), Government of Nagaland with Zynorique Initiatives. A press note stated that the three months training and absorption began with two months on practical held at Skilled Training Resource Centre, IIDC Kiruphema with Zynorique Initiatives from April 23 to June 23. The trainees were taught hands on instructions on RCC construction and the-



Trainees with DUDA officials, officials from Zynorique Initiatives and Vibeizo Khamo of M/S Vilelie & Sons during the start of the live site training.

oretical training on estimation, project management and site supervision. 28 youths had enrolled for the training. The trainees are now starting the succeeding one month live site training under M/S Vilelie & Sons. The organizers have appreciated M/S Vilelie & Sons

for their support and agreeing to absorb the entire batch for a period of one month in their live site project and offering employment to some to continue at the work site. Trained youths need to be given such kinds of opportunity so that, the workforce will be manned by locals in

the days to come and the problem of unemployment and lack of avenues will be mitigated largely. According to organizers, the purpose of the training is to change the mindset of local youth in terms of government job dependency and more

importantly, to promote the concept of dignity of labour. Producing highly skilled workers willing to work or be employed at competitive rates would surely boost the economy of the State and also diminish reliance on workers from outside for such jobs.

Patkai Christian College holds third Convocation Morung Express News Dimapur | June 27 Members of Wokha Ao Baptist Church participate in social work conducted on June 27. Around 24 volunteers of the Wokha Ao Baptist Church youth ministry contributed labour for cleaning the department fishery, whitewashing and planting flowers at the government fishery area in Wokha Town. The cleanliness drive was conducted as part of the Church’s social service ministry programme.


Continuing the journey of ‘Worship Revolution’, singers and musicians from different churches and ministries leads in song and prayer during Gloria Parti held at IMC Hall on June 27. Through the act of cleanliness drive and also worship, the Gloria Patrians hope to bring positive progress in society, especially among the young generation.

Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) held its third convocation for Class of 2013, 2014 and 2015 at the Bundrock Chapel – Auditorium in the College premises today. Chief Guest on the occasion, Prof. Bolin Kumar Konwar, Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University, conferred the degrees and gave away certificates to the graduating students. Total 197 students were conferred Under Graduate (Bachelor) degrees from the batch of 2015 while a further 53 were conferred Post Graduate (Master’s) degree. The post graduates comprised the first MA/ MSc batch of the college. Gold medals were awarded to 15 students for topping their respective classes/departments for the year 2015. Apart from receiving felicitations from the College, the 15 were also felicitated by the Alumni Association of the college who awarded them with cash and certificates. Rev. Dr. Tuisem A.

A student receives the Alumni Association's award from the Principal Emeritus Rev. Dr. T.A. Shishak during Patkai Christian College's 3rd Convocation at the Bundrock Chapel - Auditorium on June 27. (Photo - Soreipam Jagoi)

Shishak, Founder Principal Emeritus, gave away the Alumni Association’s awards and observing that women had taken most of the prizes remarked, “We men have to wake-up.” “We ought to do better,” he added. In a short exhortation, the Principal Emeritus lamented that the pass percentage for students clearing in their first attempt was not high enough and stated, “Too many students are neglecting their studies and this is embarrassing.” Further saying that his greatest satisfaction in life is his graduates, Rev. Shishak went on to challenge the ju-

niors and expressed hope that they would erase such poor testimony come 2016. Commenting on the founding of the college, the Principal Emeritus stated, “Let everyone present today know that the God of the Bible is the Author of this College.” He further prayed that the present and future College Principals and the Board of Trustees will never compromise with the motto, “Light and Truth,” as found in the Bible. “It is my ardent prayer that the College will do everything it can to create an environment where in the life of the mind and the life of the spirit may grow side

by side,” Rev. Shishak stated. “Thus may our graduates leave the corridors of Patkai with minds developed and hearts open to God,” he added. The Principal Emeritus also charged the graduating students and the alumni to consider themselves as partners and co-workers in the future of the College. “Remember your alma mater with your pockets,” he urged. “Let us invest so our posterity can inherit.” In his convocation address, Vice Chancellor Prof. Konwar, spoke on the theme “Higher Education at a Cross Road.” Mentioning that the responsibility

of higher education institutions is to produce critical thinkers, Prof. Konwar stated that a good college must be able to support the learning process. He presented the education scenario in the state and the country and made it known that the literacy level of the state at 80.11% is much higher than the national average. Alarmingly though, Prof. Konwar revealed that between the age group of 18 to 23, which comprise 12% of the State’s population, a huge number of students drop out of school. On the status of colleges in the state, the vice chancellor disclosed that some of the colleges lack necessary infrastructure in the form of classrooms, laboratories, library with sufficient books and journals, basic amenities, connectivity etc. Prof. Konwar further maintained that along with socio-economic development, the state has to give emphasis on school level science education and to create tertiary education institutions like polytechnics, community colleges etc.



The Morung Express


28 June 2015



ITBP or AR may be deployed Village in Ukhrul submerges due to dam water ingress to man border with Myanmar Iboyaima Laithangbam The Hindu

New Delhi, JuNe 27 (PTi): In the wake of the killing of 18 army men in Manipur, government plans to deploy either Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) or Assam Rifles for manning the 389-km-long Indo-Myanmar border in the state. Talking about recent breakdown of ceasefire with Naga insurgent group NSCN-K, highly-placed sources in the Home Ministry said that there are "external angles to it as well." The remarks came in response to a question whether Pakistan's ISI has got active in the area and influenced the Khaplang faction of NSCN into withdrawing from the ceasefire agreement with the Centre. The ceasefire had never been followed up by dialogue, following cessation of armed clashes because of "compulsions" of NSCNK group, the sources said. The sources said that government is now planning to place NSCN-K under the banned list of terrorist organisation after

the June four killing of 18 Armymen in Chandel area of Manipur. Referring to recent visit of National Security Advisor Ajit Doval to Myanmar, the sources said he had been assured by Myanmarese side that its soil will not be used for any anti-India activities. They said there was a need for augmenting forces along the Indo-Myanmar border in Manipur and a committee, which will look into the issue, had been formed. The committee is expected to give its report next week and there was a possibility that the manning of the border will either be entrusted to ITBP, border guarding force along Sino-India border, or Assam Rifles. The sources said Myanmarese army has come closer to the Indian border in a bid to choke the supply route of insurgents after surgical strikes by Indian forces earlier this month. The presence of Myanmmar's forces has

helped increase vigil along the border with Indian forces already keeping a hawk's eye on the movement of insurgents in hilly areas, they said. The coming of the two forces closer to each other on either side of the border will also increase the understanding between them which will further facilitate smooth carrying out of operations against the insurgents, they said. In an attack claimed to be surgical strikes, Indian army commandos had hit two camps of insurgents at two locations along Nagaland and Manipur borders with Myanmmar, inflicting serious damage on insurgents. However, there was no clarity on the number of insurgents killed in the attack carried out by the army. NSCN(K), which reneged from a ceasefire in March, has been involved in a series of attacks in tandem with some other militant groups under the banner of 'United Liberation Front of South East Asia'.

A tribal hamlet in the border district of Ukhrul with about 800 inhabitants has virtually gone under water. However, the village chieftain, Rungnao Ayo, said that the villagers were not moving out partly for sentimental reasons and partly because the government has failed to provide an alternative settlement for them. Dam being built The government has been constructing the Mapithel dam as a part of a multi-purpose project in

neighbouring Thoubal district. From January 10 this year, the project authority had shut the dam with the result that the dam waters had started entering the village. Pregnant women, students and sick persons are in dire straits. Besides, the suspension bridge, the only link of this village to other parts of Manipur, had submerged long ago. The only means of going out of the village is using canoes which residents are not adept at. Besides, there is always the possibility of getting drowned.

of people have been visiting the village and nearby areas just to see the slow inundation of the village as if it were a picnic. A visitor has to pay Rs. 10 for a canoe ride to the village. Besides kiosks selling snacks, tea and other delicacies have mushroomed to cater to the increasing number of persons who are on pleasure trips while the villagers are struggling for survival. The village chieftain had signed an agreement in 1993 with the Manipur government, which stipulated that they would be Picnic for them moved to another village in Meanwhile, hundreds 1996. The government has

High turnout in Tripura assembly by-elections

NAGA STUDENTS’ FEDERATION Felicitation Programme for HSLC Naga Toppers 2015

Date : 30 June 2015 Time : 11:00 am Venue : Zonal Council Hall, Kohima th

Leader Chief Guest

: Eno Kesesul Christopher Ltu. Ass.General Secretary, NSF : Eno Yitachu Hon’ble Minister School Education, Govt. of Nagaland

: Dr. Vetso Koza Asst. Pastor, CBCK Welcome Note : Eno. Boveio Poukai Duo General Secretary, NSF Introduction : Eno Menang Longchar Sec. Info.& Publicity ,NSF Greeting/Felicitation Note : Eno Subenthung Kithan President, NSF Speech on behalf of the Toppers : Enoli Chentisangla Longkumer Top-2 NBSE 2015 Felicitation : Eno Imtiyapang Secretary Education, NSF Speech : Chief Guest Vote of Thanks : Eno Shikavi Achumi Vice President, NSF


Summing Up

A white elephant Meanwhile, the ambitious Mapithel dam project had become a white elephant for the government. Because of the inordinate delay, the government had to pump in money many times more than the original estimated amount. When the government refused to pay land compen-

sation and neglected the plight of the villagers, some armed groups raided the project two times. In the first attack, project officials were beaten up. In the second raid, three officials were killed and some other workers shot at and wounded. Besides costly machineries were torched following which the officials and labourers fled. The raids occured despite the presence of police officials and the Assam Rifles camping near the project. Once commissioned, the project would irrigate paddy fields, provide potable water and generate power.

Landslide 'Government to pursue case for Itanagar airport' Delhi, JuNe 27 ter's office for personnel, that he realised the prime part of the year when the snaps Siliguri- New (iANS): Union Minister public grievances, pen- need of having an airport rainy season has set in but for Development sions, atomic energy and at Arunachal Pradesh, the road connectivity reGangtok road ofof State North Eastern Region space said. particularly around this mains poor.

"The proposal had got Siliguri, JuNe 27 Jitendra Singh on Saturdelayed due to several day said the government (PTi): Landslides near Rambhi, in the outskirts of will "seriously pursue" factors including the deSiliguri on way to the hills the case of a civilian air- cision regarding its exact location. Initially, Banhave disrupted the road port for Itanagar. The announcement dardawa/Karsingsa had traffic between Gangtok and the North Bengal hub. was made after Singh met been proposed but later An official of Border Arunachal Pradesh Chief the state government was Road Organisation (BRO), Minister Nabam Tuki here. of the opinion to have it at which maintains roads in "Government will seriously Hollangi, which is on the the hilly terrain of Sikkim pursue the case of a civilian outskirts of Itanagar, close and Darjeeling district of airport for Itanagar," Singh, to the Arunachal-Assam ShilloNg, JuNe 27 (iANS): Ballot- tions well before voting began at 7 a.m. West Bengal, said the rain- who is also the minister of border," he added. ing in the assembly by-election in Megha- despite a spell of heavy rain, Naik said. triggered landslides at SwaSingh further said Fearing violence, the state election ti Jhora spot near the hill state in the prime minislaya's Chokpot constituency passed off peacefully on Saturday, with 75 percent department deployed eight companies village blocked the arterial of the total 24,244 electorate casting their of central forces to ensure smooth con- NH 10 on June 25. duct of the by-election. The Border Secuvotes, an election official said. BRO personnel man"The latest voter turnout recorded till rity Force sealed the India-Bangladesh aged to open one side of the 5 p.m. was 75 percent. We are expecting border along the South Garo Hills district. road for passage of small "There was no poll-related incident cars yesterday morning but the turnout to cross 80 percent," Chief Electoral Officer Prashant Naik told IANS and the election was conducted in a free boulders fell on that stretch and fair manner," Naik said. over phone. soon after totally blocking Clifford Marak's wife Kalpana D. the road again, the BRO ofThe by-election was necessitated following the death of Garo National Coun- Sangma is contesting on the party sym- ficial said. cil legislator Clifford R. Marak early this bol 'Battery Torch' for the Garo National The calamities caused Council. She faces Congress candidate a major traffic snarl-up as year. Polling started at 8 a.m. and ended at Bluebell R. Sangma, National People's passenger and tourist vehi5 p.m. No untoward incident was report- Party candidate Phillipole D. Marak and cles lined up on both ends. The vehicular traffic ed despite apprehensions of violence in independent candidate Tinkerwin R. movement to DarjeelMarak. the constituency, the official said. Political observers say the main fight ing town, however, reMen and women in large numbers mained unaffected as the queued up in front of the 46 polling sta- is between the Congress and the NPP. Siliguri-Darjeeling route falls through a different stretch. Kalimpong, being on the same route to Sikkim upto certain distance, was observers, around a 100 also cut off from the plains. AgArTAlA, JuNe 27 seats," Modak said. He said there was no micro-observers and sev(iANS): Despite inclement weather, over 83 percent of complaint of electoral eral hundred polling perthe 92,146 voters on Satur- misconduct raised by any sonnel for the by-polls. Counting of ballots for day cast their vote in the by- political party. "Voters, inelections to two assembly cluding women, were seen the assembly seats, both constituencies in Tripura, queuing up to exercise reserved for the Scheduled their franchise in most of Castes, will be held on June officials said. The balloting, which the 115 polling stations in 30. The by-elections were started at 8 a.m., in Pratap- both assembly constituen- necessitated after the death of ruling CPI-M (Commugarh and Surma assembly cies," the official said. Modak said : "Central nist Party of India-Marxist) segments was absolutely UNITY VILLAGE SBA CONGrATULATES rEV. YECUTO ChOPhY peaceful. This is for the para-military force and Tri- stalwart and former minisfirst time candidates' pho- pura State Rifles personnel ter Anil Sarkar (Pratapgarh) The Unity Village Sümi Baptist Akukuhou would like to congratulate Yecuto tographs have been dis- were deployed for smooth and former minister Sudhir Chophy for being conferred as reverend by the Western Sümi Baptist played in Electronic Voting polling." Inspector general Das (Surma). Akukuhou Küqhakulu under the aegis of Sümi Baptist Convention on 14th Sarkar represented his Machines (EVMs) to avoid of police (police control) confusion among the vot- Nepal Das told IANS that constituency eight times June 2015 at Diphupar Sümi Baptist Church. Rev. Chophy is associated ers. "Over 83 percent voters no untoward incident was in a row since 1978 while with Friends Prayer Missionary Band (FMPB) for more than a decade have cast their ballot in the reported during the polling. Das won the Surma seat on and serves as the NEI Mission Secretary. The pastor and members of the According to the offi- five consecutive occasions by-election of Pratapgarh church wishes him best and pray that with this ordination Rev. Chophy and Surma. The election cials, 50,004 voters in Prata- since 1993. Besides CPIis further equipped to serve the Lord with renewed strengthen. As he was absolutely peaceful pgarh and 42,142 in Surma M, the main opposition reaffirms to serve the Lord through this new responsibility, may God grant and smooth," additional assembly constituencies Congress and the Bharatichief electoral officer De- were eligible to cast their ya Janata Party and other him strength and guide him all the way. bashish Modak told IANS. votes to choose their rep- smaller parties put up canIn Christ, (rev. S. Luhevi Jimomi) "There was no report of resentative from the nine didates in Pratapgarh (in Sr. Pastor, Unity Village SBA western Tripura) and Surany incident, except mal- candidates in the fray. The Election Commis- ma (in northern Tripura) functioning of two EVMs, reported from the two sion had appointed four assembly constituencies.

Massive turnout in Meghalaya bypoll

so far failed to implement its commitment. Requests to make a spot assessment of the drowning village had fallen on deaf ears. Since there is no alternative accommodation, the villagers have been forced to stay put.


The Dibuia Students’ Union, Dimapur unit would like to appreciate Dibuia Planning Board – Education Committee for organising a programme on career guidance and personal development on the 27th of June, 2015. The DSUD further extends its wholehearted gratitude to the resource persons, Mr. Senka Yaden, vice principal, St. John College and Mr. Meren Walling. The DSUD is optimistic that their guidance and words of inspiration would act as a beacon for the students, who attended the seminar.


“Unity and Fraternity”

NOTIFICATION Oking: Kohima the 1st June 2015

This is to notify that, the 2nd Federal Assembly of the Naga Hoho (20132018) has been convened on the 1st of July 2015 at 11:00AM at the Conference Hall, Heritage (Old DC Bungalow) Kohima; Nagaland. Therefore, all the Federating Units, Sub-ordinate Bodies and Committees of Naga Hoho are requested to attend the Assembly without fail. Further, any important agenda from the tribe Hohos may be submitted in written to the Speaker F/A on or before 30th June 2015. Sd/(Medoselhou Keretsu) Speaker, F/A.

(K.Elu Ndang) Assembly Secretary Naga Hoho




Sunday 28 June 2015

Volvo S60's petrol model launching in India on July 3 New Delhi, JuNe 27 (NDtV auto): Volvo Auto India that has already launched 3 new products this year - V40 Cross Country petrol, new-generation XC90 and the V40 hatchback - is now also planning to bring in the petrol model of the S60 - the T6. This is the same variant that was on sale earlier, but with the old model and a different engine. Set to launch on 3rd July, the S60 T6 will take on the petrol versions of BMW 3-Series and MercedesBenz C-Class. While the old model had a 3.0-litre, 6-cylinder (304bhp, 440Nm)

unit, the upcoming model will derive its power from a 2.0-litre 4-cylinder turbocharged engine that churns out a maximum power output of 304bhp and 400Nm. Transmitting power to the front wheels of the car will be an eight-speed automatic gearbox. Capable of reaching 100Km/h from standstill in a mere 5.9 seconds, the new model is claimed to be faster as well than before. The new engine helps the vehicle go up to 230Km/h. Since it will just be a petrol model of the car, there will be no design or feature changes.

UN Secretary General welcomes growing engagement of China, India

uNiteD NatioNs, JuNe 27 (pti): UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said he welcomes the “growing global prominence and engagement” of the UN’s “close partners” China and India, as the Asia-Pacific region rises as a centre of dynamism and influence. “The engines of growth and economic power continue to shift with the rise of the AsiaPacific region as a centre of dynamism and influence,” Ban said. “I welcome the growing global prominence and engagement of China and India, key Member States and close partners of the United Nations on many of the organizational priority areas,” he gold and silver was unpro- said in his address to Stanductive as it was not leading ford University. to the growth of capital markets. He also said the $600 million investment could create 15 million new jobs every year over a period of seven years. "Job creation will remain a challenge for India. And to address it, simply 'skilling' up the labour New Delhi, JuNe force will not be enough. We 27 (FiNaNcial exneed entrepreneurs in the press): To facilitate country who will create new gainful re-employment job avenues," he said. Chau- of workers retrenched by han said BSE needs to work firms, the government is not just towards trading but considering helping them ensuring raising of funds for acquire new skills by partbudding businesses. "BSE funding the training. Achas to work towards ensur- cording to a proposal that ing $150 million each year is likely to be included in can be availed of by the enthe draft code on industritrepreneurs," he said. al relations being prepared by the labour ministry, in addition to an enhanced 45 days’ severance pay from the employer, a retrenched worker would get up to 15 days’ wage For travel between July 1 – from the government for September 30, 2016 undergoing a skill develThe budget carrier opment course provided GoAir also offers cheap airfare for various cities in he too makes a matching India, all meant for a travel or higher contribution. Currently, the severperiod between Jun 23 – Oct 31, 2015. Here are they: ance package for workers * Lucknow – New Delhi in Rs is 15 days’ pay for every completed year of service 1940 * Kolkata – Guwahati in Rs and the draft code also includes a proposal to raise 2411 this to 45 days’ pay. The * Mumbai – Goa in Rs 2206 * Bengaluru – Pune in Rs 2398 government’s contribuEarlier this week, AirA- tion to skill development sia offered discounted air- of a retrenched worker fare for various destina- would be 15 day’s pay for tions in India and abroad. every completed year of

Indian entrepreneurs require indigenous investment: BSE KolKata, JuNe 27 (iaNs): Citing availability of funds for entrepreneurs as a key concern for India, a senior official with the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) said productive investment from resident Indians would be enough to fund start-ups and expansion projects of businesses. "If investment worth $600 million is done in capital markets, banks, investment funds and others over a period of seven years, Indian entrepreneurs will not have to look for foreign investment," said Ashish Chauhan, managing director and CEO of BSE, at an event organised by CII here. He said investment in

Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”

SUDOKU Game Number # 3269







ganised crime and terrorism, he added. He also stressed that he has consistently called on all parties

to resolve their disputes in the South China Sea in a peaceful and amicable manner, through dialogue

Chakraborty, co-founder and senior vice-president at recruitment company TeamLease. However, workers at establishments where less than 50 people are employed on a permanent basis would not stand to benefit from the labour ministry’s new proposal. Also, it may not apply to workers in industrial establishments that takes up economic activities of a seasonal nature and employ people on a temporary basis. No compensation would be paid if a worker refuses to accept any alternative employment in the same establishment from which he has been laid off. Analysts are of the view that the government should mandate the industry to pay the retrenched workers a part of the compensation amount in hand and the balance through a voucher which could be redeemed in a skill development institution for taking up a professional course.

New Delhi, JuNe 27 (NDtV auto): Maruti Suzuki has been working hard as the S-Cross's July launch inches closer, and it looks like everything is coming along rather well for this highly-anticipated car. ASEAN NCAP released the crash-test results of the Suzuki S-Cross yesterday, and the car has scored well on the test. The agency used an SCross manufactured at Suzuki's manufacturing facility in Hungary, and the car in question sported specifications for the Malaysian and Singaporean market. Its list of standard safety



Answer Number # 3268



service. Official sources told FE the move is aimed at encouraging workers to invest in self-development and improve their employability rather than spend the entire compensation money received from employers for consumption. The sources added that the proposal was now in the “discussion stage” only but could find its way into the draft code. The new code on industrial relations would amalgamate three extant labour laws — the Trade Unions Act, 1926, the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, and the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. “If a move of this sort is being contemplated by the government, it would incentivise the youth to invest in their skill development. The job crisis that stares at us doesn’t simply need more rights or resources, it needs a paradigm which helps the people adopt the skills necessary for getting decent jobs,” said Rituparna




Ban Ki-Moon was in San Francisco yesterday to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter. In his address to the university, Ban said the year 2015 is a “key year” for efforts to establish the ASEAN Community. “I look forward to seeing regional economic integration, including free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labour and a freer flow of capital,” he said. He said Asia also faces challenges that could put at risk global goals of prosperity, stability and dignity for all. These include competing territorial or maritime claims, political and communal tensions, and nontraditional security threats such as transnational or-

and in conformity with international law, including the UN Charter. “It is now more important than ever to avoid actions that would provoke or exacerbate tensions,” he said. On the migration crisis in Southeast Asia, Ban said people in search of asylum are being left trapped at sea and saving lives must be the number one priority. “Resolving this complex situation also requires addressing the root causes of migration, which include human rights violations and lack of economic opportunities,” he said. On the Rohingya Muslim community in Myanmar, Ban said three years after the inter-communal violence in western Rakhine state, some 130,000 still

remain in camps requiring urgent humanitarian assistance. “The United Nations has, through various channels, strongly urged the government of Myanmar to ensure that the human rights of the Rohingya and other Muslim populations are fully respected and that the longer-term issues of citizenship, identity permits, work permits, and birth registration are properly addressed,” he said. He voiced regret that relations between North and South Korea remain at a low ebb, saying that improved relations would benefit both nations and the region as a whole. “That is why I offered to visit the Kaesong Industrial Complex,” but North Korea cancelled that trip, he said.

Centre considering to pay 15 Suzuki S-Cross receives 5-star days’ wages for reskilling course safety rating under ASEAN NCAP

GoAir offers discounted air tickets; book till June 30 New Delhi, JuNe 27 (FeoNliNe): oAir offers discounted air tickets starting at Rs 999. The company announced on Friday a 4-day ‘Go Smart, Book Now’ sale under which they are offering air tickets at Rs 999 and Rs 1,299 for various destinations in India. The four-day GoAir sale ends on June 30 and has made two offers for the customers: 1) Air ticket at Rs 999: For travel between January 27 – April 14, 2016 2) Air ticket at Rs 1,299:

The Morung Express















DIMAPUR Civil Hospital:


en the Indian consumer's confidence after its Swift failed the NCAP test last year. The hatchback received a 0-star rating in the 64Km/h frontal collision test. As far as the car's specs go, Maruti Suzuki's first crossover will initially be offered with a choice of 2 diesel engines sourced from Fiat - a 1.3-litre multijet and 1.6-litre multijet. While the 1.3-litre motor develops 89bhp and 200Nm of peak torque, the latter produces 118bhp and 320Nm. Its cabin will take cues from the Swift, and will get the same allblack dashboard.

STD CODE: 03862 232224; Emergency229529, 229474

Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital:

227930, 231081 228846

Shamrock Hospital


Zion Hospital:

231864, 224117, 227337

Police Control Room


Police Traffic Control


East Police Station West Police Station

227607 232181

CIHSR (Referral Hospital)

242555/ 242533

Dimapur hospital

224041, 248011

Apollo Hospital Info Centre:

230695/ 9402435652



Indian Airlines



1. Storehouse 6. Goddess of discord 10. Close violently 14. Cognizant 15. Story 16. Hourly pay 17. Abhorrent 19. Modify 20. Ring around the nipple 21. Writing liquid 22. If not 23. Concur 25. List components 26. Doorpost 30. Ancient ascetic 32. Without a weapon 35. Unhappiness 39. Brook 40. Afternoon nap 41. Historic ship 43. Continuing forever 44. Leash 46. Arid 47. Housemaids 50. Winged 53. Whimper 54. Ribonucleic acid 55. Judge 60. Scottish hillside 61. Apparent


1. Early 20th-century art movement 2. Pitcher 3. Head 4. Chocolate cookie 5. Electrical pioneer 6. Estimated time of arrival 7. Hydrophobia 8. Sickness 9. Search 10. Enticements 11. Soup server 12. Discrimination against the elderly 13. Dishes out 18. Children’s game 24. Scarlet 25. An independent film company 26. Barely 27. Against 28. Shopping place 29. Gasping 31. Where the sun rises

33. Flowing tresses 34. Send forth 36. Feudal worker 37. Sun 38. An exchange involving money 42. A song 43. Historic period 45. Jubilant 47. Extent 48. European blackbird 49. Conscious 51. Buff 52. S S S S 54. Learning method 56. Audible exhale 57. River of Spain 58. Killed 59. Collections 62. S Ans to CrossWord 3279

KOHIMA: 0370 2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/ 101 (O) 9436017479 (OC)

CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC) WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC)

MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/ 101 (O) 9436012949 (OC)

Nagaland Multispe- 248302, cialty Health & 09856006026 Research Centre

PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC)


ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC)

STD CODE: 0370 100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923

TUENSANG: 8414853766 (O) 8414853519 MON: 03869 251222/ 101 (O) 9436208480 (OC)

CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEE 63. Varieties 64. Foot digits 65. Everglades bird 66. T T T T 67. Terminates 68. Displays


Chumukedima Fire 282777 Brigade Nikos Hospital and 232032, 231031 Research Centre

Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home: Northeast Shuttles



provisions comprises 7 airbags, including that for the driver and front passenger, and ESC. The S-Cross received a 5-star rating for Adult Occupant Protection (AOP), and a 4-star rating for Child Occupant Protection (COP) i.e. 81% compliance. The test, referred to as the frontal off-set crash test, involved crashing the car into a crushable aluminium barrier at 63Km/h. The Suzuki S-Cross's performance in the test means it is now the 'leading scorer for the SUV category under ASEAN NCAP'. This crash test rating will help Maruti Suzuki strength-

Toll free No. 1098 childline

KipHire: 8414853767 (O) 8974304572 (OC)


MOKOKCHUNG: Police Station 1:

STD CODE: 0369


Police Station 2 :


Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home:

2226216 2226263

Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):


TAHAMZAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade


222246 222491



62.22 97.82 7.77 48.04 46.29 50.4 49.95

65.04 102.57 8.65 50.42 48.55 52.88 52.78




Thai Baht









US Dollars Sterling Pound Hong Kong Dollar Australian Dollar Singapore Dollar Canadian Dollar Japanese Yen

Korean Won New Zealand Dollar Chinese Yuan


The Morung Express

Sunday 28 June 2015

Mao-SaPO dispute: orgs appeal for amicable solution Kohima, June 27 (mexn): Expressing deep concerns over the prevailing tense situation arising out the land dispute between SAPO and Mao community, the Naga Mothers’ Association (NMA) and Angami Baptist Church Council (ABCC) appealed for an ‘amicable solution’ to the conflict. In a press note, the NMA expressed its “deep anguish and concern” over the ongoing situation and made a “fervent appeal” to TPO to take up the issue. It appealed both SAPO and Mao council to let the matter be settled through TPO “in the true spirit of naga traditions so as to bring back peace and tranquillity amongst the two communities for peaceful co-existence.” NMA further requested the Mao council to “show sincerity” and withdraw the memorandum submitted to Manipur government and pave the way for dialogue. It also appealed to SAPO & SAYO to withdraw the “eviction notice” served on June 5 and give free passage for public movement and to avoid undue harassment. “It has a far reaching affect on the lives of women and children,” NMA maintained adding that the closure of all institutions should be lifted to prevent its effect on the students’ career. “We call on both the commu-

nities to refrain from taking up any violent and forceful actions so that escalation and tension do not occur but to take urgent steps in the positive direction to meliorate the situation” NMA added. Meanwhile, reiterating its earlier appeal, the ABCC today requested SAPO to refrain from further violence. “The issue between SAPO and Mao Council is understandably complex already but it will only further complicate the matter once violence takes the greater of it,” ABCC Executive Director, V Atsi Dolie stated in a press note received here. Arguing that ‘mature thinking, complete honesty and openness’ are needed in such situation instead “provocation and violence to vent out one’s anger,” ABCC expressed its hope and prayers that “something good will emerge from the present imbroglio.” “ABCC is pained by recent vandalizing of shops belonging to Mao community, and sincerely appeal to SAPO and SAYO that such things must not be repeated. Meanwhile, it also hopes that Mao Council will refrain from any reprisal,” it added. The ABCC also appealed all the churches to continuously pray for an understanding between the two parties and to grant “God’s wisdom” to the leaders to bring the matter to an amicable solution soon.

mWaD & mSuD: The Mao Welfare Association, Delhi (MWAD) and the Mao Students’ Union, Delhi (MSUD) have expressed their anguish over the “series of developments” arising out of the dispute between the Mao Council and Southern Angami Public Organization (SAPO) over Koziiri and Dziiko land. In a joint press note, MWAD president S Pfokrohrii Peter Khrasi and MSUD president, Koliikho Kriibvii stated that the violence “unleashed” by the SAPO and its youth wing, the Southern Angami Youth Organization (SAYO), against the Mao community “goes beyond condemnation.” “We are pained by the action of SAPO/SAYO in blatant violation of all civilized laws and norms,” the press note maintained adding that economic blockade; physical assault on Mao travelers; and destroying goods & vehicles; evacuation order; and vandalizing of shops and assault on the president of Mao Union were instances of such "blatant" acts. “While the Mao community has shown utmost restraint throughout in dealing with the issue and the Mao Council has appealed for intervention for a peaceful settlement of the dispute, the belligerent attitude and action of SAPO in violating the

rights of the Mao community, both statutory and customary, has compelled the MWAD and MSUD to condemn the acts of SAPO/SAYO in very vehement terms”, the press note added. Questioning the indifferent attitude and inaction of the concerned district administration and the state government, it maintianed that, "State authorities/agencies have the primary responsibility in preventing or containing such violence, but it was virtually absent." “We question whether violence – physical assault, riot, vandalism, arson, etc – are sanctioned by customary law in the settlement of a dispute… [and] the concept of jurisdiction by one group of people is implicit in the idea of Naga customary law vis-a-vis law enforcement by the government in public spaces like national/state highways,” the press note further posed. MWAD and MSUD also welcomed the initiative of several Naga organizations in appealing for a peaceful settlement as a welcome step, but argued that unless the environment is made conducive for a settlement - through mediation as well as dispassionate and impartial intervention to stop the unilateral action of one party - it will not be possible for any settlement. In this context, it further ap-

pealed to the State government and all right thinking Nagas for timely intervention in condemning violent atrocities and to actively and impartially facilitate the resolution of the dispute before the matter goes out of hand with far-reaching consequences. NPC: The Nagaland Peace Centre (NPC), Kohima today expressed its concern regarding the land dispute between the Southern Angamis and Mao communities hoped that both tribes have good leaders who could find the “right way” for solution at the earliest without resorting to violence. “Since the land in dispute collectively belongs to the villagers of both the tribes, Government forces like Rifle, Police should not come to the site to aggravate the situation”, NPC stated in a press note issued by its chairman, N Theyo and Executive Director, Lhusi Haralu It further stated the land in dispute collectively belongs to these two tribes from time immemorial and reminded with the words of God in Lev. 25: 17 and 23 which says, “Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am the LORD your God” and “The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants.

BSNL service collapses in Nagaland LFHSS educational tour to IIT Bombay Kohima, June 27 (uni): Amid resentment among all sections of people, all the internet and mobile service of the telecom giant BSNL have totally collapsed in Nagaland. The BSNL officials are waiting for new equipment to serve the people. According to BSNL officials, the main reason of service failure is the outdated equipment, which were not replaced by the officials of Union Communication Ministry despite repeated request letters. One of the officials said Prime Minister Narendra Modi had instructed all Ministries to give special attention to the North Eastern states, but the bureaucratic attitude still continued. Nagaland Lok Sabha member Neiphiu Rio also met Union Com-

munications and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on April 27 in New Delhi and took up the overall status of BSNL services in Nagaland and north eastern region. Accordingly, a team of TRAI visited Dimapur on May 20 and held talks with BSNL officials and the BSNL customers, but nothing has come so far. Meanwhile, concerned over the poor and inconsistent BSNL and CellOne services both landline and mobile connectivity, a joint team of Sumi Hoho (SH), Sumi Kukami Hoho, Gaon Burhas Hoho (SKH) and Zunheboto Town Youth Organization (ZTYO) visited the Telecom office on Friday. The team members were surprised to see that the offices, including the

technical and control rooms, were locked. The team could not obtain any feedback as all the employees were on mass leave. Meantime, in an "open letter" to the general manager, BSNL, Nagaland, ZYTO sought his intervention in restoring the services in Zunheboto. ZTYO pointed out that BSNL office based in the district headquarters which controls the network traffic of telecommunication in and around Zunheboto has denied total service to its network subscribers since May 22. It said that BSNL office, when contacted by ZTYO, stated that machinery 6G micro has broken down between Wokha and Zunheboto district which needs trained technicians to repair.

Organisations condemn Kohima blast Kohima, June 27 (mexn): The Angami Students' Union expressed its utmost condemnation and anger over the act of “cowardice” and “cheap” means adopted by the miscreants on June 26 by planting bombs in a populated locality. In a press note issued by its president Dievi Yano and general secretary Visako Rino, the union stated that it was a “pure act of terrorism,” to disrupt the peace and security of the citizens and putting the lives of innocent passerby in jeopardy. “Such act within our jurisdiction is unacceptable and intolerable,” it added. ASU further appealed the concerned authorities to immediately apprehend the perpetrators “who are trying to induce anarchy to our state and take the stringiest course of action.”

CBOUK: The City Bus Owners Union Kohima (CBOUK) strongly condemned the June 26 incident in which an IED bomb was “purposefully” fixed inside a city bus belonging to one of its member, Medozeu Chiese of Gareiphema village. The CBOUK in a press note from its president Vikeyielie Miachieo, general secretary Thepfulhou Theunuo, and Acation Committee convener, Ame Yiese further requested the concerned Authority to give effort to nab the culprit at the earliest and award befitting punishment. Meanwhile, CBOUK also informed that any buses painted in City Bus colour but plying without 2015-16 sticker will not be allowed to lined-up in any City Bus designated

parking in Kohima with immediate effect. The defaulters will be dealt with stern disciplinary action, it added. NPC: Nagaland Peace Centre (NPC) has also expressed its “shock” and serious concern about the bomb explosion inside a mini bus in Kohima stating that it has created “terror” against peace loving and innocent people. “This kind of meaningless and senseless activities through destructive materials brought from foreign country to be used in Nagaland to destroy property and to create fear psychosis in the minds of the people deserves to be condemned” ”, NPC stated in a press note issued by its chairman, N Theyo and Executive Director, Lhusi Haralu

Dimapur, June 27 (mexn): Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur got a rare opportunity to represent Nagaland for an exposure and educational tour to IIT Bombay in Mumbai, Maharashtra. A press note stated that this opportunity came in the form of the Ishan Vikas Programme, which is a pilot project of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The programme aims to comprehensively plan and bring selected schoolchildren from the Northeastern states into close contact with the IITs and IISERs. As a part of this programme, 12 students from LFHSS were selected and sent along with two guide teachers. 8 students from Delhi Public School, Dimapur also accompanied the team on special invitation from LFHSS. The visit to IIT Bombay started from June 7 to 22. Prof. Madhu Belur from


news article has appeared in the “Times of India” and some local dailies in Nagaland, on 26.06.2015 under the caption “Newly-formed Naga insurgent outfit set for split”. The media report stated that, the NSCN-REFORMATION could be heading for another split. The NSCNREFORMATION strongly refutes the claim made by the newspaper. It is completely false, fabricated and baseless. The two leaders formed the NSCNREFORMATION not to make any personal gains nor to grab any political

the Electrical Engineering Department of IIT Bombay was the Co-Ordinator of the Ishan Vikas visit of the students from North- East to IIT Bombay. During the course of the visit, the students received knowledge and information regarding numerous aspects of technology including informatics and nanotechnology from renowned Professors and Researchers in various fields like Electrical Engineering. The main part of the exposure tour however was the daily dose of training sessions that the students received on the various packages of Spoken Tutorial Classes based on Linux Operating System. The sessions included packages like Inkscape, Sci Lab, Geogebra, Gchem Paint, J-Mol and Libre Office Draw. The Computer Science Department of IIT Bombay has developed all the above packages. During the course of the training sessions, the students were

made to use the special Net Books, Vidyut, which were also developed by IT Bombay. These Netbooks runs on the Linux Operating System. Apart from the Spoken Tutorial Classes, the students also attended two special seminars conducted by two eminent statesmen of IIT Bombay, Prof. Harihar Narayanan and Prof. V. Ram Gopal Rao. Both the seminars were conducted at the G. Gaikonde Lecture Hall of IIT Bombay. Prof Harihar Narayan who is the Retired Head of Electrical Engineering Department, gave a lecture on Career Opportunities and Counseling. He encouraged the students from the NE studying outside to go back with the acquired knowledge and try to develop their region instead of remaining outside. Another important seminar was the one on the importance of Nanotechnology and its relevance in our day-to-day life conducted by Prof. V. Ram Gopal Rao.



MEx FILE Dimapur UTNA unit extends support Dimapur, June 27 (mexn): The Dimapur UTNA unit in a press note issued by its president, Asungwati has extended its full support Unemployed Trained Nurses Association (UTNA) fight against the lackadaisical attitude of the Government and failure to meet their “just demands.”

9th National Statistics Day at Kohima Kohima, June 27 (Dipr): The Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Nagaland is observing the 9th National Statistics Day on June 29 with the rest of the country on the theme “Environmental Impact on Socio Economic Development” at Directorate’s conference hall at 1 p.m. Parliamentary Secretary for Economics and Statistics and Municipal Affairs, R. Tohanba will be the chief guest and Executive Director Sustainable Development Forum Nagaland, Amba Jamir will be the theme speaker.

NSNA informs Dimapur, June 27 (mexn): The Nagaland Staff Nurses Association along with all the district representatives had a meeting on June 27 where the attendees were informed that the ongoing agitation by the association includes all the Nursing Sisters (RNRM) in Nagaland without post/ Diploma/Degree. A press note from NSNA president Catherine and General Secretary, Tovili informed all the nurses involved in the agitation to stay at their respective working places.

Farm school on Cotton plantation inaugurated Dimapur, June 27 (mexn): Farm school on Cotton plantation was inaugurated on June 4 at Pathso Nokeng under Noklak block, ATMA Tuensang. In the inaugural speech, Project Director ATMA and District Horticultural Officer Tuensang, Mishento Ghap encouraged the farmers to take all the advantages of inputs in the form of trainings and demonstrations provided by the ATMA. L Butang DAO and AMC member highlighted the concept and importance of farm schools. Myansao Ezung DSCO Tuensang briefed about the importance of soil and water management for economic and quality production. Around 350 farmers attended the programme.

NERPAP exercise at Jalukie JaluKie, June 27 (Dipr): All the Booth Level Officers (BLOs) under Jalukie have been informed that a review meeting on the ongoing NERPAP exercises will be held on June 29 (Monday) at 12 noon at SDO (Civil) Office Jalukie. Therefore, all the BLOs concerned have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

NH&DC Ltd loan beneficiaries informed Dimapur, June 27 (mexn): All the loan beneficiaries of Nagaland Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd, under National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation are informed that the Corporation has huge liabilities towards NMDFC loan, due to non-recovery by the beneficiaries and the Department is under pressure to settle the outstanding due without further delay. Therefore, loan beneficiaries are requested to come forward and recover their loan overdues to the Managing Director, NHHDC Ltd, Dimapur immediately from the date of issue. This was informed by Managing Director, Mhabeni Merry.

Public SPace NSCN-R responds to news item power or to make any political space. Right from the day one of their joining the Naga political movement it was a selfless sacrifice only to see that, the aspiration of the long cherished desire of the Naga people is achieved and it is achieved through peaceful means as desired by the people. Reformation is a platform for individuals who want to serve for the cause of the Naga people with full dedication. It is an opportunity for all the like-minded people who want to sacrifice for the just and genuine cause of the Nagas. The NSCN-REFORMATION

will also work towards bridging the gap among the national workers and even among the civil societies that has develop differences because of the commission or omission during the course of our political struggle. These differences have not only ridicule our political position but it has also given ample opportunity for our adversaries to exploit it. It has also complicated the Naga political issue and devoid us from focusing into resolving it. Therefore, a difference among the leaders of NSCN-REFORMATION is absolutely out

of question when our intention is only and only for the good and welfare of the Nagas and we know that, it is possible only if we speak in one voice and with full strength. German scholar Bismark has rightly said that, “One can talk about peace but should keep the gun powder dry.” Nagas need to be on guard since the adversaries are always at work. They are ready to pounce on any given opportunity and play divisive politics but I wish to assure the Naga people that, we will never allow such elements to divide and destroy the Naga soci-

ety. Some people may seriously feel threatened at the slowly but gradually swelling members and cadres of NSCN-REFORMATION and therefore, trying to play every possible cards to defame the NSCN-REFORMATION but, however strong the water current may be NSCN-REFORMATION will still stand unshakably united. I appeal to all rumormongers to desist from floating such unwarranted news article, which may not do well for anyone of us. Secretary, Ministry of Information and Publicity, NSCN-REFORMATION

TGOUN to research on Archaeology studies NH from Wokha to Kohima in dilapidated condition Vice Chancellor Dr. HN or collection.

Dimapur, June 27 (mexn): Viewing the urgent need for the study of human activities especially of the people of North-East in the past, The Global Open University Nagaland, at its Dimapur Headquarters, has decided to research on archaeological methods, field surveys, excavation and related studies. The studies will be done primarily through the recovery and analysis of the material culture and environmental data that has been left behind by the past human populations like artifacts, architecture, biofacts, eco-facts and cultural landscapes. A press release received here informed that this was announced jointly by the

Dutta and the Registrar Dr. Imotemsu Ao. Appreciating the decision, TGOUN Chancellor TN Mannen stated that all support will be provided for studying the theory and practice of building and curating archives which are collections of recordings and data storage devices. Alternative methodology for improving the appraising, storing, preserving and cataloging recorded materials will also be a priority area, the Chancellor stated. He further opined that there is an urgent need for provenance in archival science referring to the origin of everything; information regarding, origins, custody and ownership of an item

ST Yapang Lkr, Kohima

The Registrar Dr. ational Highway Imotemsu Ao assured that from Wokha to Koadequate facilities will be provided for surveying, ex- hima is in a very bad concavation and eventually dition and the authority analysis of data related to archaeology collected to learn more about the past relying on cross disciplinary research drawing upon anthropology, history, linguistics, physics, chemistry etc. TGOUN Vice Chancellor Dr. H. N. Dutta stressed Few feet before on the need for a deeper Chiephobozou police gate study and research of archaeology and allied subjects at the University and elaborated on the purposes of archaeology. The idea is to learn more about past societies and the development of the human race, he said. 19 -18 kms before Kohima


responsible doesn’t seem to show any concern for many years. So, for convenience and safe drive for commuters, here are

some not so pleasant places to be aware from Chiephobozou to some point before reaching Kohima by 12 KM. Except

Mokokchung to Wokha road, Wokha Longsa gate to Chiephobozou road in reality is no better than the photo. Road conditions in

the pictures are not damaged overnight, but have been neglected over years. These pictures have been shot on June 22, 2015:-

24 km before Kohima

24 -21 kms before Kohima

21 - 20 kms before Kohima

20 -19 kms before Kohima

18 - 17 km before Kohima

17-15 km before Kohima

15-14 kms before Kohima

13 -12 kms before Kohima

The Morung Express states that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.

Sunday 28 June 2015






An RAP on Butterflies in Nagaland

Naga Azure Sapphire


luttering flights on brightly coloured wings are synonymous with butterflies that are such a beautiful and intrinsic part of our eco-system. Considered as one of the significant creatures of nature, butterflies play a huge role in continuing the life cycle on this planet. They also form as an important food source for many insects, birds, spiders, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, among others. Like all other creatures, these vibrant beings are witnessing a drastic drop in their numbers owing to increasing anthropogenic activities in their natural habitats. A dwindling population of butterflies could create a huge imbalance in our ecosystem which

Naga Nawab

would be difficult to reverse. Well aware of these repercussions, Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) in association with Charities Aid Foundation has implemented a Rapid Action Project (RAP) with W Oponthung Jami, a local resident of Wokha, around Doyang Reservoir under Sungro Range in Nagaland. This area boasts of a high concentration of different species of butterflies and such initiatives to document them are a great resource for those trying to understand the area and its rich biodiversity. A first of its kind, this RAP focused on sensitizing locals on butterflies that inhabit the Doyang Reservoir and urged them to protect and conserve them. Moreover, awareness

Naga Tailed Redbreast

campaigns targeting students were initiated for conservation of wildlife and their habitat. Famously known as the Amur falcon capital of India, this area also has a substantial number of elephants which makes this exercise even more crucial. Butterflies are bio-indicators and a study to document them was crucial to assess the habitat and understand their interrelationship with the surrounding environment. “The role that insects, especially butterflies, play in the eco-system hardly comes into the limelight. It is high time, the concerned stakeholders should initiate protection and conservation measures to sustain their population in the area,” says WO Jami. Moreover, an awareness campaign that

focused on butterfly conservation near Pangti village in Wokha district was initiated by directly engaging the young. Awareness camp was held with the NCC (National Cadet Corps) in October 2014 with nearly 50 cadets from Government High School, Sungro. These students were from the fringe villages of the Doyang Reservoir. An awareness camp was held for a small Women Self Help Group from Aasha Village in November 2014 wherein conservation of butterflies and related species were discussed in great detail. Such awareness campaigns ensure round the year protection to these sites and not only during the months when Amur falcons come here to roost. Direct involvement

of people in conservation activities ensure that they become stakeholders in protecting the flora and fauna of the area. This RAP also involved photo-identification of different species of butterflies so that the actual number of various species can be documented. “One of the very first interactions children may have with wild animals in life is with butterflies, which is why we ensured that this project involved creating awareness amongst children. It is up to us as adults to instil wonder, curiosity and respect among children for wildlife so they understand how intrinsically we are all linked together in nature,” says Radhika Bhagat, Head, Wild Aid. Wild Life Trust of India

The 'Ooh-Aah' Butterflies Do butterflies hold the answer to life's mysteries? Sanjay Sondhi n the second week of October (2014), I made a short visit to Nagaland as part of a natural history training session that I was conducting for the local youth. I try to make my natural history training session fun for the participants. It is my belief that if I can get people to appreciate nature, it will be easier to convince them about the necessity to conserve and protect our natural history. In the State of Nagaland, hunting is prevalent in every village. It is part of the local culture to hunt. At every location you visit, you’ll see the youth carrying air guns or catapults to hunt birds, squirrels and almost anything else that moves in the forest. With this background, getting the youth to fall in love with nature is a difficult task. Despite the fact that the youth in the area have grown up with nature, it is still necessary to get them to look at their surroundings with fresh eyes. Fortunately, I have friends in nature to assist me in my difficult task. Among my best friends in the forests are the winged fairies — butterflies. Butterflies are easy to see, pretty to look at, and I know a lot of stories about them that I can relate! On this trip, I spotted an orange awlet, a marvellous orange butterfly that is a very fast flier. I informed the youth with me that the easiest place to see this butterfly was near kitchens on forest edges, early in the morning.



ho doesn’t love butterflies? While most people won’t think twice about destroying a wasp nest on the side of the house, spraying a swarm of ants in the driveway, or zapping pesky flies at an outdoor barbecue, few would intentionally kill a butterfly. Perhaps because of their beautiful colors and intricate patterns, or the grace of their flight, butterflies tend to get a lot more love than other types of insects. As a caretaker of one of the world’s largest collections of preserved butterflies and moths, and as a very active field researcher, I spend a lot of time explaining why we still need to collect specimens. All these cases of dead butterflies contribute greatly to our understanding of their still-living brothers and sisters. Collections are vitally important—not only for documenting biodiversity, but also for conservation. Museums are storehouses for information generated by everyone who studies the natural world. Natural history collections constitute the single largest source of information on Earth’s biological diversity. Most of what we know about what lives where and when is derived from museum collections, accumulated over the past 2½ centuries. Methods of field collecting have changed little since butterfly collecting became popular in Victorian times. The butterfly net remains the primary tool of the trade. Most butterflies are attracted to flowers, although bait traps—with fermenting fruit, putrid liquefied fish, mammal dung, or even carrion—are used to attract certain species. Butterflies live pretty much everywhere that has native plants. Many species are highly seasonal in occurrence, some only on the wing for a couple of weeks each year. Since most butterflies stay close to their

The lads with me thought I was loco until I explained that this butterfly is active early in the morning or at dusk. And that it loves to feed on waste food on the soil near the kitchens. On this occasion however, the orange awlet was feeding on the metalled road that we were on. As we watched it feed, we could not figure out what attracted the butterfly to that spot, but it kept returning to the same spot to feed. As we watched, the butterfly extruded a drop of water from its abdomen onto the road. From the wet spot, it began to feed on the minerals on the dry road. The youth with me watched the butterfly repeat this neat trick and were enthralled! The fun did not stop here. A little further on, we spotted another butterfly. It was the common gem and is on my list of ‘ooh-aah’ butterflies. The common gem is so pretty that the “oohs” and “aahs” from the audience just don’t seem to stop. Watching the pretty common gem, one of the local lads commented, “We have never seen this butterfly in our village before!” And I responded, “Not just this butterfly, but many other pretty creatures live in your area — if only you care to look. If you protect them, they will continue to visit!” The nods of the youth with me lead me to believe that I had won the first battle. I had got the local youth interested and intrigued by the beautiful creatures that nature had to offer!


utterflies seem to distil out of warm summer air. Their fleeting, fragile appearance has inspired poets, authors and musicians through time. They were "flowers that fly and all but sing" to the American poet Robert Frost, but took on a more tragic hue for Victor Hugo. In his poem, The Genesis of Butterflies, they "Are but torn love-letters, that through the skies / Flutter, and float, and change to butterflies." Bitter or sweet, ethereal or sinister, the delicate wings of butterflies have borne the burden of our hopes and fears for centuries. In his new book, Rainbow Dust: Three Centuries of Delight in British Butterflies, Peter Marren traces the many beliefs that have been held about these creatures. He believes their journey from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to winged beauty has evoked stories that resonate with the mysteries of the soul, life and death. For some, these transitions are symbols of hope, a sign that the human soul can break from earthly ties, darkness and confinement to fly into the light. The ancient Greeks were transfixed by this notion, identifying the butterfly with the essence of our being - and Psyche, the goddess of the soul, is often depicted with butterfly wings. For the ancient Greeks, "The butterfly was telling us about our own lives," says Peter Marren. Through time, some butterflies took on different meanings. The bright fire-colours of the red admiral, with its velvet black wings slashed with crimson, inspired images of an inferno. "This became the butterfly from hell," says Marren. The imagery was used by 17th Century Dutch artist Jan van Huysum - in one of his paintings a white butterfly, a sign of hope, feeds on a vase of full flowers - but sitting on a sickly bloom

Throughout history, butterflies have been seen as symbols of many things - not only transformation and purity, but also death and sin. Today though, scientists study them to see what they can tell us about our changing planet, writes Mary Colwell.

Nepalese Tawny Mime

in the shadows is a red admiral. Death and sin are ever present - a painted lady can be seen in Durer's Madonna with the Iris, where it symbolises the crucifixion. The white butterflies on the other hand represent purity and hope. Less colourful, even dowdy, butterflies are also used in art to reflect our fears. In Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights, butterflies, or at least devils with the wings of meadow browns and small tortoiseshells, are part of the throngs of hell, involved in all kinds of unpleasantness towards people. These are far from fluttering beauties from an ethereal realm. Eyespots on a butterfly's wings were not always seen as a deterrent designed to scare off hungry predators, but a means of watching our

behaviour from the hedgerow. Butterflies became moral spies, sent by God, to a world where it is all too easy to slip up. They watched us, not the other way round. But today we are watching them - intensely, as modern portents of doom, already affected by climate change. In the UK, some butterflies have had to find new habitats. The comma, for example, has moved 137 miles northwards from central England to Edinburgh in two decades. Over the same period the mountain ringlet has moved 490ft higher, becoming extinct at lower altitudes. The brown argus has widened the area in which it lives and can now be found not only in most of southern and eastern England but as far north as Yorkshire too. The speckled wood has been spreading northwards since 1940. We look to the sensitive butterfly for visible effects of a warming world - what we find is a world in flux and our interest in what butterflies are telling us increases. In the Americas there has been a precipitous decline in the population of the monarch butterfly. This beauty, often described as shards of stained glass falling through sunlight, can be found along a 2,500-mile (4,000km) migration route between Canada and Mexico. In 2004 an estimated 550 million arrived at their usual wintering ground. But 10 years later, in 2014 there were just 50 million - a decline of about 90%. Today, butterflies' flutterings make us sit up and take notice of what is happening around us - they are both harbingers and victims of climate change and we are studying them for what they can tell us about the future prospects of life on earth.

The Most Favored Insect

Butterfly collecting is more important than ever before caterpillar foodplants, even as adults, the best way to find a particular butterfly is to search out an area where its favorite plant grows in abundance. Upon arriving home, collected specimens are pinned, with a single pin through the body (thorax). We position the open wings on a flat board so they’ll remain in the spread position once the butterfly has dried. Then we stick a label to the pin, indicating exactly where the specimen was collected, when and by whom. Dried specimens are extremely fragile and need to be protected from pests, light, and humidity; if this is done successfully, specimens may last indefinitely—the oldest known pinned butterfly specimen was collected in 1702. It’s these collected specimens that enable detailed studies of anatomy. These studies in turn contribute to taxonomy, the science of classification, which provides a basis for communication about organisms across all disciplines. As genetic technologies continue to advance, museum collections are increasingly important resources for DNAbased studies on taxonomy, climate change, and conservation genetics. Despite their status as most-favored insects, there are still many undiscovered, unnamed butterflies, all over the world. Every year, we discover new butterfly species. Just like flies, beetles, and wasps, a significant percentage of butterfly species remains to be formally identified, named, and classified. This is especially true in tropical areas around the world, where new butterfly species are dis-

Andrew Warren The Conversation covered on a monthly or even weekly basis; eight new tropical butterfly species have already been named in 2015 in just one journal. Discoveries aren’t exclusively made in exotic, hard-to-reach locations, though. New species are frequently found within existing museum collections. When specimens are closely examined (or re-examined) by experts, it’s not unusual to find multiple species among what was previously considered just one. Such discoveries are made through traditional anatomical studies, as well as through newer DNA-based technologies, which can detect multiple species among specimens that appear, to our eyes, to be identical. New species’ names become officially available for use once the formal description is published in a journal. There are rules that researchers must follow for their names to be considered valid, dictated by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Even so, debates over the rank of a particular name are common, and what is originally described as a new species might be considered to be merely a subspecies of an existing species by other scientists. In most cases, over time and through independent investigations, consensus on the appropriate rank for each name is usually established. Even though dozens of books and

guides to the butterflies of the United States have been written, surprising new discoveries continue to be made here. New species are even being discovered among our largest and showiest butterflies, the swallowtails. In 2002, the Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail (Pterourus appalachiensis) was described as a new species, based mainly on differences observed in recently collected specimens. Subsequent ecological and molecular studies, resulting from the collection of specimens in all parts of its range (as well as throughout the ranges of related species), coupled with the study of museum specimens, have supported the species-level status of this large and conspicuous southern Appalachian butterfly, which appears to have evolved through hybridization between Canadian and Eastern tiger swallowtails. Last year, another new species of swallowtail butterfly was described from the United States, the Western Giant Swallowtail (Heraclides rumiko). This butterfly was “split off” from the Eastern Giant Swallowtail (Heraclides cresphontes) based on subtle but consistent differences in wing markings and in the form of the male and female genitalia, as well as in the DNA barcodes, small snippets of DNA taken from the same gene and compared across many species. This cryptic diversity was revealed through the study of numerous mu-

seum specimens, as well as through recent collections in areas where the two species meet in Texas. Late in 2013, the Intricate Satyr (Hermeuptychia intricata) was described from the southeastern United States. It was first detected when specimens from a faunal survey of a Texas state park were DNA barcoded, and two distinct barcode groups were identified in what had been called the Carolina Satyr (Hermeuptychia sosybius). Upon closer examination, consistent differences were also observed in the genitalia of the two groups. A subsequent review of specimens in museum collections showed that the Intricate Satyr ranges broadly across eight southeastern states, and that, most of the time, adults can usually (but not always) be identified based on wing markings. These examples are striking reminders that new species remain to be discovered even among the best-studied faunas, and that ongoing collecting coupled with the study of museum collections continues to play an important role in revealing biodiversity. While specimens of all three of these new butterfly species existed in museum collections before they were formally recognized as new, all of them were initially revealed as unique through differences found in recently collected material. Genetic data are widely used in management plans for rare and endangered species, and butterflies are no exception. Due to their generally small size and the current

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

limitations of technology, studies of butterfly population genetics almost always include the collection of specimens. DNA quality rapidly deteriorates in museum specimens, so for detailed genetic information, fresh specimens almost always need to be collected from the wild. One of the rarest butterflies in eastern North America is an as yet undescribed species, widely known as the Crystal Skipper (Atrytonopsis sp.). This species is found only in a small part of coastal North Carolina, and is of considerable conservation concern. Genetic studies resulting from samples taken at all known sites where the butterfly lives have shown that three distinct genetic groups exist across its limited range. Thus, if we aim to preserve the genetic diversity of this species, multiple sites will need to be maintained as suitable habitat across its range, not just one or two adjacent areas. A recent paper suggested that collecting for scientific studies can contribute to the extinction of species. However, scientists studying various animal and plant groups widely contested this notion. Due to their population dynamics, with a single female often laying hundreds of eggs, collecting a few butterfly specimens, even in a small population, would be unlikely to have a detrimental effect. The only proven method for driving a butterfly to extinction is habitat destruction and fragmentation. Sadly, there are many examples of butterflies that have been exterminated in this manner—the most famous in the United States being the Xerces Blue. Now, these extinct species can only be seen and studied in one place—a museum collection. Andrew Warren is the senior collections manager at McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity at Florida Museum of Natural History at University of Florida.







Rough Journey, are Sights for the physically The we making it tougher! and the spiritually blinds “G Scripture reading: Mark 10:46-52 (NIV) Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (that is, the Son of Timaeus), was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.” So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He's calling you.” Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. (The parallel account is found in Matthew 20:29-34 and Luke 18:35-43) The City of Perfumes: This last of the healing miracles in Mark's gospel takes place near Jericho, a city located five miles west of the Jordan and about fifteen miles northeast of Jerusalem. Jericho is probably the oldest city of the world. There are three Jerichos, the Old Testament Jericho, the New Testament Jericho and the modern Jericho. All the three Jerichos are located near each other. The scattered ruins of the Old Testament Jericho destroyed by Joshua (Joshua 6) lay about a mile to the north. The city was excavated by John Garstang and Kathleen Kenyon. In the days of Jesus, Jericho was one of the most beautiful cities in all of Palestine. All around, spreading across the lush plain, there were date palm groves, balsam and rose gardens, orchards of almond, citron, cherry, orange and pomegranate. Beyond were fields of wheat and maize. Due to the climatic condition the wheat and the maize ripened much earlier than anywhere else in Palestine. Sometimes it even produced double harvest. Mark Anthony chose this “city of perfumes” as a gift to Cleopatra the queen of Egypt. Herod the Great too desired to have this city to make it his winter capital and he tried to buy it back from Cleopatra. Lying astride the main road from the Jordan crossing to Jerusalem, Jericho was an important caravan city. Along this highway came traders and travelers from Galilee and Perea, from the Nabatean kingdom to the south, and from Arabia and beyond. At the time of Jewish feasts

the road was thronged with pilgrims going up to Jerusalem to worship. In addition to being a lovely resort and a great commercial city, Jericho was also one of the priestly cities of Judea. Hundreds of priests lived in Jericho between their periods of duty in the temple at Jerusalem.

Bartimaeus had heard about the wonderful miracles Jesus had wrought. He must have also heard the title used of him. So, as the crowd drew near, he began to shout as loudly as he could, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” When the other blind man heard Bartimaeus calling out to Jesus he also joined in vigorously, anxious that Jesus should heal him also. Thinking that Jesus would not have time for two poor beggars, those nearest roughly told them to stop their shouting. But the two beggars kept on shouting louder all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus had heard their first cry, and it was only to test their faith that he did not call them at once. Their continued cries assured him of their ardent desire, and as he came near he stopped and bade the people to bring the blind men to him. Addressing himself to Bartimaeus Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” Of course, Jesus knew that this blind man wanted to receive back his sight, but he wished Bartimaeus to voice his request for his own benefit. Immediately Bartimaeus replied, “Rabbi, I want to see.” Never did Jesus turn away from any poor sufferer who came to him in faith for succor. Stretching forth his hand he touched the blind eyes, saying as he did so, “Your faith has healed you.” Jesus then did the same for the other beggar, and both saw clearly. So happy were the two men to have their sight perfectly restored that they at once determined to go up with the other worshippers to the Passover Feast. Glorifying God they followed Jesus as he went on his way. And all the people who saw the miracle gave praise to God also.

Two blind beggars received sight: The large population and the wealth of Jericho attracted a multitude of beggars who, at all times, could be found sitting in the gates and along the roads entering into and leaving the city. Like the hundreds of other travelers on this great highway, Jesus and his disciples rested overnight in Jericho, on the seventh of the Jewish month Nisan which is the time for the Passover Feast. News of the presence of Jesus quickly spread from mouth to mouth, and when he set out the next morning a great crowd of people accompanied him. Just outside the gate sat two blind beggars, companions in distress. One of them is not named, but the other was Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus had not been born blind, but he had lost his sight a long time ago. He probably occupied this particular spot for years.

Sights for the spiritually blinds: The healing of Bartimaeus and his companion by Jesus is a wonderful story, but it is also more than that. It is a parable of the healing of every sin-blinded soul. Jesus referred to sinners as having eyes, yet not being able to see. Isaiah prophetically declared that one of the purposes for which Jesus would come would be to open spiritually blind eyes as well as those bereft of physical sight. Isaiah 35:5 & 6 “Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” As Jesus touched the blind eyes of Bartimaeus and his companion, so he touches the lives of the spiritually blind who in faith seek his aid and they come forth out of darkness to walk as Christ-illuminated children of light.

Selie Visa

Why it's crucial to make GOD'S WORD a priority in life Kathy Degraw question I recently have pondered is how can people label themselves as a 'MATURE' Christian and not be reading their Bible. The Bible is the bread of life, the authoritative Word of God. We can't simply choose when to pick it up and read it and when to set it down for months at a time. Yes, months at a time and even up to a year is what I am hearing from Christians as I travel the U.S. These are leaders, volunteers, evangelists and some of them the very people that are teaching and instructing our youth, but not in the word themselves. I am continually surprised by the number of Christians I speak to that are not reading their Bibles. The excuses are just that, excuses! I invite them to think about how much they read in a day. You read the newspaper, magazine headlines as you stand in the grocery checkout, the texts on your phone and Yahoo news every time you fire up the internet which is several times a day. Your favorite book is often read before your Bible and devotions at the breakfast table are often counted as Bible reading and are being used as a substitute to truly get into the Word of God. God never meant for devotions and Christian books to be a substitute to the Word of God. They are supposed to enhance it, co-labor with it. In the day of internet mania our social media posts could be the only Bible someone reads. How concerning is that? The Bible instructs us in end times many false teachers will arise and lead us astray. How easily we can be led astray if we are relying on social media to be the only Bible we read. How do we know the scripture was typed right or interpreted correctly?


Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”


ich Froning has earned the title of “Fittest Man in the World” for four consecutive years. And, he’s the only competitor to ever accomplish that feat in the CrossFit Championships. But, Rich will tell you that his road to first, started with a fall. Rich was raised in a large Catholic family and had 24 male cousins. In his family, competition was the name of the game. “There's a lot of boys in that group there, so there’s a lot of testosterone at family gettogethers and it was always a competition,” Rich said. Religion was also part of his family’s tradition. While Rich believed in God, he says it never felt personal. “I knew religion from an early age,” Rich said. “I prayed every night but it was more of a ‘What can you give me God?’ instead of ‘What can I do for you?’” In college, Rich’s love of sports and fitness led him to a degree in exercise science. In 2009, he discovered CrossFit. “It changed completely how I was working out,” Rich said. “I kind of went from the, you know, muscle groups, to actually doing functional movement--lifting things off the ground to full range of motion pull-ups, that type of stuff.

Bible reading is imperative. We are so entirely blessed that we live in the U.S. a country where we can freely open our Bibles every day and read the written word of God. Yet so many Christians seldom open up the word of God. Is the Bible always easy to understand? No, it's not. However, as a believer desiring to live a life worthy of the King we must attempt to read the word of God. To make no attempt to read what the Holy Spirit has inspired to be put on paper is simply complacency and laziness. The devil loves it when Christians are complacent and lazy. I know there are days that the excuse are we are too busy to read our bibles, but really, were you too busy to eat, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, comb your hair and shower? It needs to be a priority and a desire. If it is not a desire why not pray and ask the Heavenly Father to make it a desire, to stir up the desire within you. What we do in a day is where our heart is or is not. It is our choice. Did you have time to check email, social media, but cannot check the word of God? It is all a choice. The choice I want to make is to follow God. To saturate my soul and spirit with the authoritative word of God every chance I get. Why not make that Bible app on your phone a priority? To read and understand the Bible takes effort, but we studied for a college exam and we research on the internet what is important to us. What can be more important than taking in the word of God? When we studied for college we got out our books laid them out on the table and studied and cross referenced. We too must cross reference our Bibles. We must study, dig in deep and

pull the understanding out of it. A great way to do this is by trying a new or difference Bible or have two or three together side by side. I love the new MEV Bible by Charisma. It takes something you have read several times before and makes it come to life inside of you, it really brings the meaning and interpretation home to you. We can't simply read the Bible to gain understanding, we must study it! If people are going to rely on you and social media to get their word do you have enough in you to sustain them? If all our Bibles and phone apps were taken away or if you were stranded on an island do you have enough of the word of God in you to sustain you? When are we going to start living the very Bible we read and when are we going to make reading it a priority? Times are coming to a close quickly where Jesus will be returning. Darkness is invading the earth and we need to know what the word of God says to live in these perilous times. We need to know what it says about false teachers, righteous living and everything else. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and instructor. The Bible is full of hope for your situation, answers to your problems, comfort for your broken lonely heart. What is holding you back from making Bible reading a priority in your life? Whatever is holding you back, realize it's an excuse. You make time for what is important to you. Today I pray you will make time to read your Bible and then go out and apply it to your circumstance. You just may discover you are on the way to the victory that you had been hoping for.

od, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference,” the famous American theologian and ethicist Reinhold Niebuhr’s moving statement which the Narcotic Anonymous/Alcoholic Anonymous (AA/ NA) adapted as Serenity Prayer reverberates everyday from the substance abuser’s mouths who come to Prodigals’ Home, After Care Centre for rehabilitation. I sensed, through my experiences of working with and among Drug users and Alcoholics for several years in Prodigals’ Home, that Niebuhr’s statement resounds genuinely the pain and agony they go through in life. Accepting their unmanageability towards whole aspects of life processes caused due to their addiction. I have seen whole lot of people who wants to change genuinely but they were so hooked with the substance for years which makes them liable for relapse. If we have to deliberate some questions from our Naga context: why do people start abusing drugs in the first place? What are the causes of drug abuse among young people? The most common reasons we come across over the years were: Curiosity, Peer Pressure, Company, Environment, for pain relief, frustration/ depression, stress, for fun, boredom, enjoyment etc. However, out of these the most common reason was curiosity: to try out the taste, to feel the kick/ high, to experience what their friends or mates talks about. Also a whole lot of people got hooked to drugs and alcohol just to fit in with their peer groups. The commonly abuse substance in Nagaland are Alcohol, Opium, Brown sugar, Spasmo Proxyvon, Nitrosun, Codeine (Cough Syrups) but mostly poly users (Both drugs and alcohol). Very interestingly, most of the Drug users happen to be the youngest in the family, only son in the family or only child in the family. Thus, it gives us a glimpse of the reality of family and the need for well-informed and high-quality parenting in our Naga society. Do we then, need to retune the family values and relearn/learn the role of parenting? Are the churches ready to appropriately reinterpret and teach the biblical concept of parenting relevant to our present Naga context? Or do we still continue with the same old preaching with orthodox mindset? If we are to think seriously, you would agree with me that, we assume or view the addicts as sinners/cursed, mentally ill, criminals, and self inflicted/black sheep of the family while ignoring the fact that they are actually ‘sick’. It is vital to note that the conception of addiction as a disease was propagated by American Medical Association in the year 1956. Following this, treatment efforts were initiated worldwide. Drug abusers are now accepted as a sick person who needs help and Treatment. Finally in the year 1958 World Health Organization (WHO) agreed that addiction is a disease. Majority of people carries misconceptions toward those substance abusers; unbelievably so much more among those who are assumed by the society as the ‘bearer of morality’. It’s been a rough and challenging effort we endeavor as we work with them, especially when so much misconception and negative outlook is carried by the general society towards drug abusers and alcoholics. Agree that hell-like situation and crisis continues within the family of an addict due to his/her misbehavior and multi-faceted predicament he/she creates. Then, how do we respond/deal to that? It’s not an easy task and indeed gigantic in nature. Listening to heartbreaking traumatic accounts from the addicts’ parents, wife, and relatives motivates us to persevere and push us to give relentless dedication to help. Why don’t we give a space for Drug abusers and alcoholics to change by not being judgmental? In fact, it would be worth to revisit the striking quote, “Don’t judge others because they sin differently than you.” How will it be possible to care if the society, Church leaders, Christians, NGOs, individuals holds prejudices before even lending hand to love and care? In the midst of this critical moral degradation the spark of change we try to do might seem so insignificant, however in those corners of unseen world there are families restored back. I have often observed the progress the Drug users and Alcoholics made in their ways of life, though not in giant leap but in small-little steps. Varying from individuals, they showed prompt improvements in communicating with people, standing among the crowd to share, acknowledging the importance of little things in life. Every little things that did not matter before become the most valued in their life. However, the biggest challenge is the alienation they face even after their recovery. Reintegrating them with their family, community, church and society remains the greatest task. I feel that Church can play the loving and caring role with ‘informed and updated’ skill to genuinely help for an inclusive community. The heartiness to serve must be our priority and to strive towards the commitment to serve and not to be served. As rightly themed: “Lets Develop, Our Lives, Our Communities, Our Identities, Without Drugs” for this year’s International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking which is observed on 26th June every year. We can develop our lives, communities and our identity without drugs only when we keep aside our prejudices and endeavor for an inclusive community.

Kathy DeGraw is the founder of DeGraw Ministries a ministry releasing the love and power of God.

Fittest man in the world owes his success to a fall Before long, Rich was hooked and decided to enter the CrossFit Open- a five week, five workout competition. In 2010, on his first attempt, Rich qualified for the national championships. “We showed up that first day at sectionals and I was like looking at some of these giant guys, I was like, ‘There's no chance that I’m going to, you know, even qualify,’” Rich said. “I end up winning my region and then went to the CrossFit games. (The) goal there was to not get last place.” But Rich continued to dominate at the national level. By the end of the weekend, with one event left, Rich was in first place. His last event was a rope climb. “I jumped up on the rope in the final event and uh went to try and pull and I was like, ‘Oh, this isn't good,’” Rich said. “My arms are shot, there's no –don't know what I'm doing with the legs." Guys are just flying up and down the rope. The guy that's in second at the time, Graham Holmberg, was just – climbed

Robert Hull The 700 Club

Rich Froning

the rope like it's nothing. I climbed the rope one time, hit the cross bar, started coming down and then fell from the top.” His fall came as a crushing blow—to his first place standing and his identity. Al-

though he finished second overall, Rich left the games feeling defeated. “I'd made CrossFit uh an idol, you know, it was – I'd let it define who I was as a person and put my self-worth into CrossFit,” Rich said. “I didn't enjoy what I used to love to do is work out. I hated it.” Looking for hope, Rich joined a Bible study called “CrossFit Faith.” After meeting one night, one of the members challenged his beliefs. “We were riding home in the car and he asked me a question, he said, ‘If you were to die today, would you go to heaven?’” Rich said. “And I was like, ‘of course, I would.’ You know? I'd, you know, I'd believed in God my whole life. And then started thinking about it. I was like, ‘Am I living like - this stuff I’m reading – am living like we are called to live; to put Christ first, and to live for Christ? Maybe I’m not living like I'm supposed to.’" Rich started studying the Bible and in May 2010, he re-dedicated his life to Jesus Christ

M. Tiaakum Ozukum United Theological College, Bangalore.

and was baptized. “Everything that I was reading the New Testament - everything was applicable to daily life - trials and stuff I was going through, everything matched up,” Rich said. “It was like, you know, the Living Word. We talk about the Bible's living and it was cool to see that for the first time instead of just reading words on a page.” Rich says immediately all of his priorities changed. “My priorities went from, ‘what can God do for me?’ to ‘What can I do for Him?’” Rich said, “’How can I change people's lives? How can I lead people to Him?’” In 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 Rich entered the Games again, and walked away a champion of the CrossFit Games and a champion of the faith. He has written about his journey in an autobiography called “First.” “Galatians 6:14 is ‘May I never boast at anything except for the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been crucified to me and I to the world,’” Rich said. “It's whatever I do means nothing. It’s not about me. The CrossFit games, the four-time Fittest Man on Earth isn't about me. It's about Him and the talents that I've been given. It's my way to glorify Him through what I do.”

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.




Sunday 28 June 2015

Raje comes to Delhi but no audience with Modi, Shah

JAipur/New Delhi, JuNe 27 (iANS): Amid vociferous demands for her resignation over her help to former IPL chief Lalit Modi, Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on Saturday attended a NITI Aayog meeting in the capital but returned to Jaipur without getting an audience with either Prime Minister Narendra Modi or BJP chief Amit Shah. The Congress continued to mount pressure for Raje's resignation and asked the prime minister to follow "raj dharma" and not "Raje dharma". Lalit Modi, who had on Friday tweeted the names of some Congress personalities he had "met", on Saturday praised the prime minister. "Our PM is most savvy man. He does not need my advise. When he bats he will hit the ball out of the park.#respect only," said Lalit Modi, who is facing cases of alleged tax evasion. Raje is facing demands for her resignation over her testifying in writing in favour of Lalit Modi for a British immigration application with the Congress also accusing her of having "financial dealings" with the former Indian Premier League (IPL) chief. Raje reached Delhi around 9.30 a.m. and spent close to four hours in the national capital. She also spent some time at her house in Delhi before flying back to Jaipur, sources said. BJP sources said Raje had sought an appointment with Shah on Saturday to present her views on the controversy dogging her but was advised against doing so. The sources said it was conveyed to Raje by Shah's office that her meeting party leaders and the prime minister at this juncture will lead to speculation that she was offering explana-

tions and also to interpretation in the media that her fate still hangs in the balance. However, political analysts and some news channels viewed her not meeting the Bharatiya Janata Party's top leaders as a snub. Raje's office swiftly reacted to reports that she failed to meet the party's top leaders, saying she went to Delhi only to attend a NITI Aayog meeting and that nothing else was scheduled in the national capital. "These reports are completely untrue and baseless. These are far away from truth. Verify before running or publishing reports," said the statement from the chief minister's media advisor. A BJP functionary said Raje's meeting with the central leadership could take place over the next few days. BJP sources said the prime minister and Shah met late on Friday in the wake of Raje facing mounting pressure to resign and decided to back her. They also decided that she would attend the NITI Aayog meeting. A BJP functionary said it was decided to get an Interpol red corner notice issued against Lalit Modi which will entail his being detained in any country. Congress spokesman Ajoy Kumar attacked the prime minister on Saturday over Raje not resigning and advised him to follow the path of "raj dharma". "We want to advise the prime minister to follow the path of raj dharma and shed Raje-dharma and Modi-dharma," Ajoy Kumar told reporters here. "Modi ji's response on corruption, black money is very disappointing. He made jumlas (sarcastic re-

Lalit Modi names three cricketers who were bribed

New Delhi, JuNe 27 (pTi): Controversial former IPL Commissioner Lalit Modi has alleged that two leading Indian cricketers and a West Indian player had been bribed by an Indian real estate tycoon, who is also a bookmaker. London-based Modi tweeted a letter he claims to have written to International Cricket Council (ICC) CEO Dave Richardson in June 2013, passing on "some information that I have just got." He told Richardson that he could pass the same to the

anti-corruption and security unit of the ICC if he thought so fit. Modi then went on to name the three players, who he claims were in close contact with the real estate tycoon who was also named in the letter. Modi stated that he had been informed by "reliable sources" that the tycoon had paid in cash and kind to the three players. He concluded by saying that "I hope this is not true but if true it could mean more are involved."

Modi praises Modi: Ex-IPL chief seeks to mend fences with PM New Delhi, JuNe 27 (iANS): The man who is instrumental in inviting the wrath of the opposition on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its leader Narendra Modi now appears to be seeking to make amends, after the party said it would seek an interpol 'red corner notice' against him. Lalit Modi, sitting in London, tweeted on Saturday that Prime Minister Modi was a "most savy (sic) man". The former chief of the Indian Premier League, embroiled in several controversies and whose passport was revoked by the Indian government, said that "when he (Modi) bats, he will hit the ball out of the park". Lalit Modi, who has been putting out reams of information through tweets and other media, was apparently helped by External Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj and Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhra Raje, at a time when he was being sought by the Enforcement Directorate during the previous United Progressive Alliance regime. Modi's tweet praising the prime minister came on the day Raje was in Delhi, for an official meeting, but was planning to meet the BJP brass to give her side of the story. According to sources, she was expected to meet the prime minister, but marks) on these subjects during polls," he added. Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal also sought the resignation of Raje along

latest reports said that the meeting had not come through. Raje has accepted that she had signed a document supporting the application of Lalit Modi for a residence visa in Britain. The opposition parties say that at best this points to an impropriety by a leading BJP leader when the IPL chief was wanted by the authorities in India. Lalit Modi, who has been staying in London for several years, is sought by the Enforcement Directorate for alleged financial irregularities when he was the IPL head. He has been tweeting regularly, often implying nothing more than a meeting with political figures. On Friday he said that he and senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal had chatted over three days during a wedding in Istanbul. Earlier the same day, Modi tweeted that he "bumped into" Congress president Sonia Gandhi's daughter Priyanka and her husband Robert Vadra in a London restaurant last year. He did not imply any wrongdoing or impropriety on their part. But the BJP, under attack for "supporting a fugitive", immediately reacted asking the Congress president to explain what the meeting between the three was all about.

with that of External Affaris Minister Sushma Swaraj and Human Resource Minister Smriti Irani. While Sushma Swaraj has been in the eye of a

storm for facilitating British travel documents on "humanitarian grounds" for Lalit Modi, Irani is facing accusations over her educational qualifications.

The Morung Express

News in Brief

Insecurity plaguing minorities: Goa Archbishop pANAJi, JuNe 27 (iANS): Goa Archbishop Filile Neri Ferrao on Saturday said "clouds of fear and insecurity" were looming large over the minorities in the country while expressing solidarity with a 48-year-old Catholic nun from Raipur who was gang raped on June 19. In a statement issued here, Ferrao also said it was disappointing that

the culprits responsible for the sexual assault were not nabbed as yet. "We also pray that the clouds of fear and insecurity looming large on the minority communities throughout our country may be dispelled and that we may soon live in an atmosphere of freedom, peace and justice," said Ferrao. "This dastardly act causes revulsion all the

more as it was carried out on a person who was dedicated to the service of the poor and the lower middle class people. We are disappointed that the culprits were not yet nabbed," Ferrao said. Ferrao heads the Roman Catholic Church in Goa, an influential religious institution considering that nearly 26 percent of the state's population is Catholic.

Infant dies after receiving polio injection hAJipur ,JuNe 27 (pTi): A seven-monthold girl died while six other children are undergoing treatment at a government hospital after being administered anti-polio injections at Shahpur village in Bihar's Vaishali district. Civil Surgeon (CS) of Vaishali Ramashish Kumar said that sevenmonth-old girl Sonali Kumari died at her home late

last night after she was administered the anti-polio injection during the day. Six other children of the village under Ganga bridge police station have been admitted to Sadar hospital for similar reason (been administered injection), he said. Sadar Hospital doctor B N Jha, who is treating children at the hospital, said that the children complained of vomiting

and shivering among others. The CS said a team under Executive Director of state Health department Rahul Kumar has gone to the village to probe the matter. He said that till now anti-polio drop used to be given to children and this was the first time that vaccination centre of the district went for anti-polio injection.

PM to launch Digital India Week on July 1 New Delhi, JuNe 27 (iANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the Digital India Week on July 1 here aiming to encourage involvement and creating awareness about the field, Communications and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said on Saturday.

"Many dignitaries will join us on that with their investment plans for the sector. We expect investments of billions of dollars from them. These investments will also result in employment to several lakhs of people," the minister said at a press meet. The Digital India pro-

gramme is meant to gave an impetus to the progress of e-governance and would promote inclusive growth in areas of electronic services, products, devices and manufacturing. Talking about the event on July 1, the minister said around 10,000 participants are expected at that meeting.

Snake venom worth Rs.100 crore seized KolKATA, JuNe 27 (iANS): Snake venom valued at Rs.100 crore in the international market was seized and six people were arrested at Belakoba in West Bengal's Jalpaiguri district on Saturday, officials said.

Acting on a tip off, forest guards stopped six people on motorcycles and recovered the venom from their possession after a search, said Baikunthapur forest division ranger Sanjoy Datta.

"They were carrying school bags. After we searched the school bags, we found the venom storied in containers," he said. Datta said probably they were smuggling the venom to Bhutan.

English teachers in Punjab flunk English test Police busts job racket, At the meeting, each "Student mental level are ChANDigArh, JuNe 27 (iANS): English school teacher was given a profor- not well in these syllabus." 6 arrested for cheating

Kashmiri Muslim protesters pose for photographs as they take a break from a protest in Srinagar on Saturday, June 27. Security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets Saturday to disperse angry protesters during a strike called by separatist party supporters to protest the use of excessive force by police and the alleged desecration of Jamia Masjid or Grand Mosque. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

Shocking! 35-year-old marries 6-year-old girl in Rajasthan JAipur, JuNe 27 (pTi): In a shocking incident, a 35year- old elected representative of Gangrar Panchayat Samiti allegedly married a 6-year-old girl earlier this week, officials of Chittorgarh district said on Saturday. District Collector Ved Prakash and SP Chittorgarh Prasanna Kumar Khamesara said the administration came to know about the incident, which prima facie appears to be a case of child marriage, when a picture of the wedding began circulating on WhatsApp yesterday. "Ratan Jat, the Ward Panch of Gangrar Panchayat, had allegedly solemnised marriage with the 6-yearold girl secretly at Pandoli or Soniana village earlier this week," Khamesara said, add-

ing, both the families fled the area soon after the ceremony. Yesterday, a team of district officials from medical and health, Child Development Office led by SubDivision Officer prepared a report on the basis of which an FIR would soon be filed with Gangarar police station against the accused Ward Panch and family of the minor girl, the SP said. The case would be lodged under provisions of Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, he said. District Collector Ved Prakash said a case would also be filed in the local court on Monday to declare the marriage null and void.The SP said that since Jat is an elected representative of the Panchayat Samiti, he would be traced soon.

teachers in Punjab have flunked the English language test. From tenses to spellings, every thing they wrote was wrong, resulting in a rap on their knuckles from Education Minister Dalit Singh Cheema. They may now find themselves back in schools to unlearn the wrong. Sample these: "Leak of interest", "Staff of our school was vacant" and "Our school has situated remote area". These are some of the shocking errors that came to light in the written replies of 220 teachers of government schools who were asked by the Punjab School Education Board to explain the poor results of Class 10 students in English. The board called these teachers for a meeting in Mohali town to know why more than 80,000 of the 3.5 lakh students of Class 10 failed to clear the English exam.

ma to explain the reasons for the poor results -- and suggestions to improve the learning levels. When asked to speak in English, most teachers left the minister fuming. One teacher explained the reason for the poor performance by saying: "The main reason is our school has situated remote area." The teacher's idea of improving the results was starting "fresh periods before recess". "English are international language," another teacher remarked. When the minister pointed out the glaring mistakes in the four-word sentence, the teacher argued that he forgot to bring his reading glasses. A frustrated Cheema asked: "What is relation between the spectacles and the grammar?" Another teacher wrote:

Yet another wrote: "It class was very weak from 6 by chance." "My sentence formation was wrong because I got nervous," a teacher later told the minister. There were howlers in spellings: practical was spelt as "precticls", should as "shoud", lack as "leak" and vacant as "vacent". The stunned minister told the teachers: "Now I realise that the students are not at fault. In fact, teachers are responsible. Those being taught by such teachers should not even dream of passing the exams." Concerned over the declining standards of education at the primary and secondary levels, Cheema told IANS that after meeting the teachers he has constituted a committee comprising educationists to chalk out a long-term plan to improve their language skills.

New Delhi, JuNe 27 (iANS): Six people have been arrested for cheating several job seekers across India on the pretext of providing them government jobs under the "Rajiv Awas Yojana" scheme run by the ministry of housing and urban poverty alleviation, police said on Saturday. Sulabh Gulati, 23, Samar Malik, 26, Manoj Sharma, 26, Abhishek Sharma, 29, Mohinder Kumar, 29 and Javed Khan, 32 -- all residents of Meerut in Uttar Pradesh-were arrested from different locations in Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR) within the last fifteen days. "They used to entice people to deposit huge amounts in different banks as training fee and other expenses for joining duty by impersonating as senior officers, secretaries and government executives," Joint Commissioner of Police

(Crime Branch) Ravindra Yadav said.With their arrest, Yadav claimed to have busted a pan India network. "A reference was received from PMO regarding cheating of innocent youths all over India in the name of providing government jobs with Rajiv Awas Yojana," Yadav said. "The accused were cheating youths all over India by publishing advertisements regarding government jobs in leading newspapers across India, conducting fake interviews of the vulnerable candidates over phones, sending forged appointment letters to such candidates and then inducing them to deposit huge amounts" he said. He said that Govind and Gautam, who are yet to be arrested, are the masterminds of the gang who had been cheating people for many years in the name of mobile tower installations and government jobs.

How to wean children away from Maggi & other noodles

New Delhi, JuNe 27 (iANS): So what do you do if your child hankers for noodles, now that Maggi and other brands are under a cloud? Experts say one should go for the generic varieties or make alternatives more interesting. It's difficult to stop children from eating their favourite noodles or fast food, so put in extra effort, suggests Aarchie Bhatnagar, dietician at BLK Super Speciality Hospital here. “Mothers can buy plain raw noodles and cook, adding vegetables to make the dish healthy. Momos or burgers can be also made at home by replacing maida with rice floor,” says Bhatnagar. But what about pesticides, contaminants and germs in raw food bought

locally. From the farm to the table, our food passes through different processes and different hands. Experts advise that vegetables and fruits should be washed well. Peeling fruits will cut down surface pesticide content. The water-soluble compound potassium permanganate may also come to your aid. “Mix enough of the per-

manganate in water to give it a light pink colour. Soak fruits and vegetables and rinse them well. This will effectively remove pesticides, bacteria and other pests,” advises Kanika Malhotra, senior clinical nutritionist from HealthCare at Home (India), a global venture offering home health care services. Too much of the per-

manganate, though, can be harmful so ensure that the water colour is light pink and not dark, she adds. Sonia Bajaj, an acclaimed nutritionist and fitness expert advises that suma tablets (chlorine-based sanitising tablets) may be used to clean or sanitise vegetables and salads. Even vinegar can help, she adds. Another option for healthy food at home is to look for a good ultrasonic food washer. This washer uses the principle of ultrasonic and reactive oxygen to remove most of agricultural chemicals from fruits and vegetables. It also removes fungicides, pesticides and contaminants and has been found to be quite effective, says Ritika Samaddar, head

(dietetics) at Max Super Speciality Hospital in Delhi. "The cost, however, is an issue and cannot be a solution for the masses,” explains Samaddar. The price of a washer starts at around Rs 7,000. But should vegetables and other food items be bought only from reputed grocery stores? According to Bhatnagar, one should only buy food items from reputed stores as they have certain basic hygienic standards in place. "This will ensure certain purity but adulteration-free food cannot be guaranteed,” she maintains. For Samaddar, “buying even from a local vender is fine provided the fruits or vegetables are washed properly before consumption”.Organic food is another

choice. An organic product is considered truly organic when it is duly certified and contains 95% or more organic ingredients. “Organic foods will mostly be without pesticides and more nutritious per serving. But these are more expensive, hence not an option for the public, Samaddar says. What are the other ways to ensure that healthy food items reach our table? Read food labels carefully and do not get fooled by gimmicks. “Check how much fat or sugar is there in the food. Just saying 'contains oats' and actually 'containing four percent per 100 gms' is not justified," Malhotra points out. As a rule, the more processed the food is, the more toxic it is likely to be.


the Morung express

Sunday 28 June 2015

Obama sings hymn of hope in eulogy CHARLESTON, JuNE 27 (AP): President Barack Obama sang a hymn of hope and spoke with the fervor of a preacher as he eulogized a pastor and eight parishioners gunned down at a historic black church in an apparent hate crime — and he minced no words in calling for an end to racial injustice and gun violence in the United States. In his eulogy for the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Obama suddenly began singing "Amazing Grace," quickly joined by ministers and some of the thousands who packed into the arena at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. The nation's first black president called for gun control and efforts to eliminate poverty and job discrimination, and said the Confederate battle flag — long a symbol of Southern U.S. pride — must be removed from places of honor. "For many — black and white — that flag was a reminder of systemic oppression and racial subjugation. We see that now," he said. The president came to eulogize the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, a state senator and pastor of Emanuel, a church founded by the leader of a failed slave revolt and burned to the ground by angry whites in 1822. After the American Civil War, the church led efforts to expand equal rights in the South, hosting civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. during campaigns in South Carolina. The church will be the site of two more funerals for three other victims on Saturday. "We do not know whether the killer of Rev. Pinckney and eight others knew all of this history,"

President Barack Obama sings “Amazing Grace” during services honoring the life of Rev. Clementa Pinckney on Friday, June 26, 2015, at the College of Charleston TD Arena in Charleston, S.C.. Pinckney was one of the nine people killed in the shooting at Emanuel AME Church last week in Charleston. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

the president said. "But he surely sensed the meaning of his violent act. It was an act that drew on a long history of bombs and arsons and shots fired at churches; not random, but as a means of control, a way to terrorize and oppress." "An act that he imagined would incite fear, and incrimination, violence and suspicion. An act he presumed would deepen divisions that trace back to our nation's original sin," Obama continued, his voice rising in the cadence of the preachers who preceded him. Obama spoke plainly about the ugliness of America's racial history — from slavery to the many ways minorities have been deprived of equal rights in more recent times. Tak-

ing down the Confederate flag is a righteous step, "but God doesn't want us to stop there," he said. Americans should want to fight poverty with as much effort as they fight hate, and realize that hate isn't always obvious, he said, "so that we're guarding against not just racial slurs, but we're guarding against the subtle impulse to call Johnny back for a job interview, but not Jamal." The president wrapped up the four-hour funeral in song, belting out the first words of "Amazing Grace" all by himself. Ministers behind him quickly stood up and began singing, too, and the choir and organist and many in the audience of thousands joined in. Slain along with Pinck-

ney were Cynthia Hurd, 54; Tywanza Sanders, 26; Sharonda Singleton, 45; Myra Thompson, 59; Ethel Lance, 70; Susie Jackson, 87; and the Revs. Daniel Simmons Sr., 74, and DePayne Middleton-Doctor, 49. Obama named them one by one, shouting that each "found that grace!" America's first black president sang the hymn less than a mile from where thousands of slaves were sold and where South Carolina signed its pact to leave the union a century and a half earlier. Throughout the ceremony, the "Mother Emanuel" choir, hundreds strong, led roughly 6,000 people through rousing gospel standards between speakers. A banner alongside Pinckney's closed coffin de-

clared that the killer picked the "Wrong Church! Wrong People! Wrong Day!" Another 5,000 people were turned away, and had to watch on television, as the funeral was broadcast live across South Carolina. Justice Department officials broadly agree the shootings meet the legal requirements for a hate crime, meaning federal charges are likely, a federal law enforcement source told The Associated Press on Thursday, speaking anonymously because the investigation is ongoing. Dylann Storm Roof, now charged with nine murders, embraced Confederate symbols before the attack, posing with the rebel battle flag and burning the U.S. flag in photos.

Their appearance online prompted this week's stunning political reversals, despite the outsized role such symbols have played in Southern identity. Obama praised Gov. Nikki Haley for moving first by asking lawmakers Monday to bring down the flag outside South Carolina's Statehouse. Other politicians then came out saying historic but divisive symbols no longer deserve places of honor. "It's true a flag did not cause these murders," Obama said. "But as people from all walks of life, Republicans and Democrats, now acknowledge — including, Gov. Haley whose recent eloquence on the subject is worthy of praise — as we all have to

acknowledge, the flag has always represented more than just ancestral pride." "Removing the flag from this state's capitol would not be an act of political correctness. It would not be an insult to the valor of Confederate soldiers. It would simply be an acknowledgment that the cause for which they fought — the cause of slavery — was wrong. The imposition of Jim Crow after the Civil War, the resistance to civil rights for all people, was wrong." "It would be one step in an honest accounting of America's history, a modest but meaningful balm for so many unhealed wounds," he said. "It would be an expression of the amazing changes that have transformed this state and this country for the better."

More than 200 injured in explosion at Taiwan Water Park Python dies after eating giant porcupine

A man carries an injured victim from an accidental explosion during a music concert at the Formosa Water Park in New Taipei City, Taiwan on Saturday, June 27. (Central News Agency via AP)

TAiPEi, JuNE 27 (AFP): More than 200 people were injured, over 80 of them seriously, in an explosion at a water park outside Taiwan's capital Taipei Saturday after coloured powder being sprayed onto a crowd ignited, officials said. "Our initial under-

standing is this explosion and fire... was caused by the powder spray. It could have been due to the heat of the lights on the stage," said a spokesman for the New Taipei City fire department, adding that 205 had been hospitalised including 81 who are seriously injured.

The blast happened as hundreds were reported to have gathered for an event at the coastal Formosa Fun Coast waterpark, just outside the capital Taipei. Television images showed the stage on fire and crowds running away some of them only dressed

in swimwear and covered in coloured powder. The fire was quickly extinguished, officials said. One male witness told local news channel CTI: "It started on the left side of the stage. At the beginning I thought it was part of the special effects of the party but then I realised there was something wrong and people started screaming and running." Media reports said some victims had suffered burns to more than 40 percent of their bodies. Fire agency officials said it had been difficult for ambulances to access the site with many having to be carried away on stretchers. "We feel sad and regretful about the accident," New Taipei Mayor Eric Chu told reporters. "I've ordered the park to shut down immediately and be placed under a rigorous investigation."

JOHANNESBuRG, JuNE 27 (AFP): An African rock python died in unusual circumstances after swallowing a giant 13.8 kilogram porcupine at a private game park in South Africa, the manager said on Friday. The 3.9 metre snake should have been able to cope with the porcupine no matter how prickly the quills, Lake Eland Game Reserve's Jennifer Fuller told AFP. But she suspects the python became stressed from being watched by visitors fascinated by the bulge in its body -- and died when the quills got stuck as it tried to regurgitate the animal. "It's not unusual for pythons to eat porcupines, it's part of their diet," Fuller said. "We think that maybe with so many people viewing it, (that) put it under stress and when a snake is under stress it normally

regurgitates and brings up its meal so that it can get away," she said. "Sadly it did die, which is unusual because it should have been fine," said Fuller. The snake died last Sat-

urday, six days after it was found to have swallowed the porcupine. Rock pythons are Africa's largest snakes and known to swallow and digest much larger animals, such as antelope.



New compound could terminate pancreatic tumours

LONDON, JuNE 27 (iANS): An effective therapy for pancreatic cancer could soon be a reality as researchers have discovered a chemical compound that reduces the growth of cancerous tumours in the pancreas by 80 percent in treated mice. The compound -MM41 -- was designed to block faulty genes. It appears to do this by targeting little knots in their DNA called quadruplexes, especially found in faulty genes. "This research provides a potentially very powerful alternative approach to the way that conventional drugs tackle pancreatic cancer -- by targeting a very specific area of the DNA of faulty genes," said led researcher Stephen Neidle, professor at University College London. Neidle said that although these results are exciting, MM41 is not ideal for trialling in humans and further refinements are needed. "We are now working to optimise this class of compounds, but it is clearly worthy of further investigation for potential use in treating pancreatic cancer in people," he said. Pancreatic cancer is the most lethal of any common cancer. Researchers have estimated that only three in every 100 people diagnosed will live for five years or more and this survival rate has barely improved in the last 40 years. The majority of patients are diagnosed too late for surgery -- currently the only potentially curative treatment -- and 80 percent of those who have surgery will witness the cancer return, the study noted. For the study, the researchers conducted a small-scale trial, treating two groups of eight mice with pancreatic tumours with different doses of MM41 twice a week for 40 days (12 doses). A control group received no treatment. The tumours, in the group given the larger dose, decreased by an average of 80 percent during the treatment period. Analysis of the mice tumours showed that the MM41 compound had been taken up into the nucleus of the cancer cells, showing that it was able to effectively target the pancreatic cancer tumour. The team also saw no significant side effects on the mice during the study: there was no damage to other tissue or organs, and none of the mice showed any significant weight loss. The study was published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports.

Coordinated or not, attacks show ISIS growing reach Why June 30 will be a bit longer

LONDON, JuNE 27 (REuTERS): The attacks came one after the other in the space of a few hours. In France, a decapitated body covered in Arabic writing was found after an attacker rammed his car into a gas container, triggering an explosion. In Kuwait, a suicide bomber blew himself up in a packed Shi'ite mosque during Friday prayers, killing more than two dozen. And in Tunisia, at least 37 people died when a gunman opened fire at a popular tourist hotel. There is no evidence the three attacks were deliberately coordinated. But coming so close together on the same day on three different continents, they underscored the far-reaching and fast-growing influence of Islamist group Islamic State, western politicians said. The ultra-radical group, which has claimed direct responsibility for the Kuwait attack, clearly now poses a threat far beyond its heartland in Syria and Iraq. It urged its followers this

week to escalate attacks against Christians, as well as Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims fighting with a U.S.-led coalition. On June 23, Islamic State spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani urged jihadists to turn the holy month of Ramadan into a time of "calamity for the infidels ... Shi'ites and apostate Muslims". "Be keen to conquer in this holy month and to become exposed to martyrdom." The Pentagon was looking into "whether or not these various and far flung attacks were coordinated centrally or whether or not they were coincidental," spokesman Col. Steve Warren said, noting Islamic State had claimed responsibility for one attack. The U.S. State Department said later there was no indication they were coordinated on a tactical level but were clearly all "terrorist attacks". U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said police should be vigilant and prepared, especially ahead of the U.S.

This image taken from a militant website associated with Islamic State extremists, posted on Saturday, June 27, 2015, purports to show Tunisian gunman Seifeddine Rezgui who killed tens of people in the Tunisian beach resort of Sousse on Friday. (Militant photo via AP)

Independence Day holiday on July 4. Britain, which said at least five of its nationals were among those killed in Tunisia, summoned its emergency committee to discuss that attack and the one in France. "This is a threat that faces all of us, these events that have taken place today in Tunisia and France, but they can happen anywhere - we all face this threat," British Prime Minister David Cameron told reporters.

"JUST ACT" Two sources familiar with the thinking of U.S. intelligence agencies said that even if the attacks were not coordinated, they were likely to have been inspired by Islamic State's call to jihad or, possibly, the one year anniversary on Monday of the group's declaration of an Islamic caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,

said the attacks made clear that Islamic State's "ability to inspire and radicalize followers is a global threat and no nation is beyond its insidious reach". Ed Royce, Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said the attacks showed that the ISIS threat was spreading well beyond Iraq and Syria and called for better regional coordination in the fight against the militants and more targeted air strikes. "We must aggressively deny ISIS an area from which to unfurl their black banners of hate and death and plot their attacks," he said in a statement. U.S. Republicans have been extremely critical of President Barack Obama's response to the threat posed by Islamic State. Peter Neumann, director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, based in London, also said it was unlikely the attacks were directly coordinated. "I don't think that they talked to each

other, knew of each other, or that there was a central command that told them to do that," he said. "There is zero evidence that they were coordinated." At the same time, the French attack, which Neumann likened to other lone wolf attacks in the past year including in Sydney, Ottawa and Copenhagen, could have been inspired by Islamic State. "In the case of the French attack, it's exactly the kind of attack that Islamic State wants people to do on their own without any prior consultation, coordination or whatever." While Islamic State has claimed direct responsibility for only the Kuwait attack, one Islamic State fighter told Reuters that in a general sense the assaults in both Kuwait and Tunisia had the blessing of the Islamic State caliphate. "The speech of (IS spokesman Abu Muhammad) al-Adnani, may God protect him, he ordered soldiers and Amirs to make the month of Ramadan, the month of conquests and so it will be."

WASHiNGTON, JuNE 27 (iANS): Strictly speaking, a day lasts 86,400 seconds. On June 30, the day will officially be a bit longer than usual because an extra second or "leap" second will be added and NASA has an explanation for this. "The Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down a bit, so leap seconds are a way to account for that," said Daniel MacMillan, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. This is the case according to the time standard that people use in their daily lives - Coordinated Universal Time or UTC. UTC is "atomic time" -the duration of one second is based on extremely predictable electromagnetic transitions in atoms of cesium. These transitions are so reliable that the cesium clock is accurate to one second in 1,400,000 years. However, the mean solar day -the average length of a day, based on how long it takes the Earth to rotate -- is about 86,400.002 seconds long. "That is because the

Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down a bit owing to a kind of braking force caused by the gravitational tug of war between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun," the US space agency said in a statement. Scientists estimate that the mean solar day has not been 86,400 seconds long since the year 1820 or so. This difference of two milliseconds, or two thousandths of a second -- far less than the blink of an eye -- hardly seems noticeable at first. But if this small discrepancy were repeated every day for an entire year, it would add up to almost a second. Typically, a leap second is inserted either on June 30 or December 31. Normally, the clock would move from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 the next day. But with the leap second on June 30, UTC will move from 23:59:59 to 23:59:60, and then to 00:00:00 on July 1. In practice, many systems are instead turned off for one second.




Sunday 28 June 2015

The Morung Express

blatter: 'liberating' to leave FiFA' Sangakkara to retire during India series

GENEVA, JuNE 27 (AP): Sepp Blatter says his decision to leave FIFA was "liberating" and he expects the election to replace him will be in early 2016. In an interview published Saturday, Blatter explained why on June 2 he announced his planned FIFA exit amid American and Swiss investigations of corruption in world soccer. "It was the only way to take away the pressure from FIFA and my employees, including (pressure) from the sponsors," Blatter told his local Walliser Bote newspaper. "To remove FIFA and me personally from the line of fire." Blatter was asked "hand on heart" if he would renege on his promise to go. "I am not a candidate, but the elected president," Blatter said in an interview given several days ago. "And I want to hand over FIFA in good condition." That is likely to be next year, he suggested, at a special election congress of FIFA's 209 member federations in Zurich.

Blatter said the "realistic" date was the beginning of 2016, to prepare a fourmonth election campaign required by FIFA rules and avoid a clash with the Club World Cup. That tournament in Japan is scheduled Dec. 10-20. In his most frank comments yet since his stunning June 2 speech, the 79-year-old Blatter reflected on the approaching end of his four decades at FIFA and what lies ahead. "I am not yet having many thoughts about this, and am not worrying," he said. "The decision to go is definitely liberating. For FIFA and for myself." He suggested that his final months will be busy, despite many descriptions of him as a lameduck leader. "I am still president of FIFA and fully capable of acting. FIFA and football have been the most important part of my life for 40 years," Blatter said. "So I will use all my strength and inspiration up to my last working day to steer the ship back into

the safe harbor." Blatter has pledged to drive through modernizing reforms which could be approved at the election congress. "The key to this is strengthening democracy in the 'FIFA government'," he said. "There should not be a redistribution of the places on the executive committee, but an appropriate expansion of the body." Blatter said Asia and Africa were not democratically represented on the executive committee he has chaired as president since 1998. The two conti-

nents combine for 100 FIFA members yet have only nine of 25 voting seats on the ruling panel. Further FIFA vs. UEFA tensions are likely with Europe's traditional influence in world soccer under attack. Blatter won re-election last month despite UEFA President Michel Platini, his former protege turned adversary, urging him to resign. Their face-to-face meeting followed the day after American and Swiss federal cases hit FIFA and top officials with raids in Zurich for separate investigations of alleged corruption. The events of May 27 were an "earthquake" for football, Blatter acknowledged. The Swiss probe focuses on possible money laundering and criminal mismanagement at FIFA, mainly in the bidding contests which awarded the 2018 World Cup to Russia and 2022 tournament to Qatar. Switzerland's attorney general, Michael Lauber, has said Blatter is not under suspicion but could

be questioned. The American case alleges bribery in the 2010 World Cup hosting vote and widespread bribery and racketeering implicating senior FIFA officials in organizing competitions in North and South America. Seven men among 14 indicted have been detained in Zurich and face extradition to the United States. Blatter is a part of the widening investigation, American law enforcement officials have confirmed. Saturday's interview did not address if Blatter is avoiding travel to countries where he risks arrest at the request of American authorities. The Women's World Cup final is played next weekend in Vancouver, Canada. Blatter offered one piece of advice to his successor: That he should continue with FIFA development programs which 130 members depend on. Asked if he expected Platini to seek the presidency, Blatter replied: "I'm not a prophet. You'll have to ask him. "

COLOMBO, JuNE 27 (AP): Sri Lanka's star batsman Kumar Sangakkara says he will retire from international cricket during the home series against India in August. The 37-year-old left-hander said Saturday he will retire after the second of the three test matches in the series. He is currently playing in the second test match against Pakistan in Colombo and has opted out of the third and final match. Sangakkara said he had originally decided to quit international cricket after the World Cup earlier this year but agreed to prolong his career at the request of the selectors. Already retired from limited-over internationals, Sangakkara is playing in his 132nd test match and has scored 12,271 runs at an average of 54 runs per innings.

Jackson martinez to join Atletico

VINA DEL MAR, JuNE 27 (REuTERS): Colombia striker Jackson Martinez is joining Atletico Madrid from Porto. “It’s done, I can confirm that everything’s ready,” Martinez told reporters after Colombia lost on penalties to Argentina in the Copa America quarter-finals on Friday. “I’m really excited about this move to Atletico Madrid, I take it as a new challenge in my career and hope things work out well for me there,” the 28-year-old said. Coach Diego Simeone’s Atletico side were short of a striker after Croatian Mario Mandzukic moved to Juventus. Martinez had signed a contract with Porto until the end of the 2016-17 season but Spanish sports daily As reported this week that Atletico had agreed to pay his buyout clause worth 35 million euros ($39.1 million). A versatile player who is adept at shooting with either foot and is strong in the air, he has been the leading scorer in Portugal's top flight in each of his three seasons, netting 26 goals in 2012-13, 20 in 2013-14 and 21 in 2014-15.

public discourse

backdoor appointment and promotion by pick and choose


hen the President of India appoints 'All India Service Officers', the wording of the Notification says: "……….., the President is pleased to appoint the following Candidates who competed successfully at the ……Service Examination held on ….., to the..….. Service", and the names of the candidates, the Cadre to which allotted, is serially mentioned in the Notification. The first dotted line in the above Notification, mentions the 'Clause Number of the Service Rule' that provided the Authority to the President for the appointment. It is only on the Authority of that Service Rule that the President appoints the Officers. The President has no Executive Power to appoint any Officer by 'Backdoor Appointment' or by 'Pick and Choose'' as he pleases.

Only an authorized Authority of the Government can appoint Government Servant to a Government Post in an inviolable Seniority relative to his/her other colleagues in the Grade in that Cadre. This Seniority -the positional Status- of the Officer in his/her Cadre is an inviolable Right to all Government Servants, male or female. There are Rules for withholding Promotions, there are Rules for Reduction in Pay and there are other punishments for wrongful actions by a Government Servant, but barring due process of law, no Government Servant can be deprived of his/her Seniority. Christian Ministers and Christian Officers in Nagaland Government do not seem to take violation of the Service Rule a serious Evil. Intentionally and purposefully violating the Service Rules of the Government, in Self Interest

Nil Result of HSLC in Govt. High Schools


he Nil Result or poor result of HSLC in the Govt schools should not be a surprise or a mystery. To find the reasons behind such result is very simple. The department of School Education should not try to shift the responsibility or blame anybody by citing so many factors, reasons and excuses. Rather the department should accept the reality and apply remedial measures with immediate effect. I firmly believe that if the following points are strictly enforced improvement is not too long to wait:1 Full Classes should resume on the very next day of school reopening day (i.e. 15th Jan in plain areas and 21st Jan in hilly areas as scheduled by the Department) starting from Primary to High Schools. 2 Free Text book should be kept ready 5 days ahead of reopening of school and full set of text book should be given to every child as soon as he/she get enrolled in the school. 3 Excess teachers in any school should be redeployed to the schools where there is shortage of teachers. 4 Transfer of the teachers should be strictly banned during the period from 20th Jan to 5th Dec under any circumstances. 5 All the teachers attached to the offices of DoSE/DEO/SDEO/SSA/RMSA should be redeployed to the schools where there is shortage of teachers. 6 Surprise checking’s on teachers attendance should be carried out regularly by the level of Minister down to the SIS and suspend teachers, if any teacher/teachers found absent unauthorised or irregular in punctuality (coming late for classes, leaving early, etc.). 7 Strict checking should be exercised on substitute teachers and bogus/proxy teachers (substitute or proxy teachers arranged by the VECs on the basis of sharing salary at

the ratio of 75:25 etc). 8 Service Rules, Leave Rules should be applied without any hesitation or excuses. 9 Enforce teacher’s children to study in the Govt. schools so that the teachers realise that his/her own child’s education should not be compromised. 10 Immediate action should be taken against defaulting teachers/Headmasters/staff of department. If one were to continue counting the factors behind the failure it would be endless. Let us instead apply these simple remedial steps cited above. If the department sincerely have concern for the Govt schools, these few suggestions may be taken into consideration and surely improvement will be visible from the beginning year itself ultimately overruling private schools within 5 to 7 years. However, if the govt. schools in the state are to continue in the same pathetic condition as if there is no solution to the problem, mass resignation from the level of Minister down to the level of SIS may be forced on moral ground. Is it not a shame that the dept. has become a mere salary disbursing department? Why are the dept. officers simply remaining confined in their office or somewhere in and around the state capital and Dimapur and defensive that no complaint has been received from any quarter etc, instead of visiting schools and ascertaining the facts themselves? Dear Sirs, do not shed anymore crocodile tears, be honest and serve. How long will the honest poor citizens wait for quality education from the Government of Nagaland? Why I say all these is because the citizens are not getting their due benefit from the department, rather, the department is ruining our society which is totally wrong without any justification under the sky. E. Stephen Rikha Kohima Town

sexism in colleges

1. Sexism will prevail as long as men are consistently Group/Team Leaders and women are Assistant Leaders. 2. Sexism will prevail as long as men are consistently Class Representatives and women are Assistant Representatives. 3. Sexism will prevail as long as men are consistently elected Presidents and women are elected Secretaries. 4. Sexism will prevail as long as men faculty are consistently addressed as “Sir” and women faculty are addressed as “Miss” (Even marital status is not relevant in this regard – college is not preschool and to think unmarried women are “Miss” is childish knowledge. Also to think that a woman faculty looks too young to be “Madam” is outright sexist - colonial legacy is another issue). 5. Sexism will prevail as long as men consistently sit and listen to lectures while women run about to serve “refreshment” to those seated. 6. Sexism will prevail as long as men are consistently assigned to initiate intellectual discourses and women to spiritual matters. 7. Sexism will prevail as long as men consistent-

ly sit in the library with their laptops while women are in the classroom with brooms. 8. Sexism will prevail as long as men are consistently admired for their oratory skills and women for their silence. 9. Sexism will prevail as long as men’s football is consistently the most important event of the Sport’s meet and the biggest trophy is reserved for it. 10. Sexism will prevail as long as sexism is consistently equated with chivalry; viewing women as objects of male charity. BUT…. Sexism defeats itself when women blossom like roses out of thick bushes emanating a fragrance so strong that none can refuse noticing. This they do when they excel in their exams, when they climb unprecedented heights on sheer merit, when they reflect contentment in mundane things, and most of all when they epitomize Christian humility that thinks the other gender better than their own – should not the other gender think likewise? Dr Eyingbeni Hümtsoe-Nienu Faculty@Clark Theological College

and Self Service are not only a serious Evil; they are serious violation of the Government Rules. If the Ministers and the Officers themselves violate the Government Rules intentionally and purposefully in Self Interest, then how can they maintain Law and Order in the State? Surely, if Belzebub violates his own Rules, how can his Dominion stand? The Ministers also have their own Interse Seniority and if it is disturbed, grand Government sometimes falls down like Humpty Dumpy. Recently, some Senior Ministers have their Seniority disturbed; some other junior Ministers were elevated to important positions. This brought the whole of the State of Nagaland into a Dark political Age of most unfortunate type of recent times. The Government became moribund and nobody could do anything. Finally, like the Chinese Doll which al-

ways rises up to a Standing Position from whatever fallen positions it is placed, the honorable Members, finally realizing collective and personal losses, themselves came together again 99.99%. The Violation of Service Rules by the Authorities themselves destroys the sense of Rule of Law in the Government and in the Government Service. It puts the Government in poor light in the esteem of the People and the government Servants. When the Servant no longer esteems its Master; when the House Members do not observe the Rule of Law, then a very serious matter befalls the House. And if the Minister in charge, the Chief Secretary, -the Secretary of the Cabinet- of the Government or the Administrative Head of the Department fails to read the Script on the wall of the Hall, the

enemy Army against Good Governance may have already reached the City Gates! If a large Section of the Staff of a Department raises in Agitation of Grievances against the Department, and the HoD and the Secretary fail to satisfactorily pacify the Agitation for 3 years, then entries in the Annual Confidential Report of the Officers may be called for with Remarks of just simple "Good" for 3 years. The failure to relieve, even partly, the Agitation of Grievances of a majority Member Association of a Department, for more than 3 years, is a clear sign of inefficiency of the concerned controlling and managing Officers of the Department and therefore recordings of low performances is called for in their ACRs! Thepfulhouvi Solo. IFS Retd(RR-68) Retd. Principal Secretary Government of Nagaland

Top Five Threats to Nagas Revealed


ery recently, we feel the wave of ACAUT everywhere fighting honestly for dear Nagas to derail corruption. ACAUT receive massive support from every nook and corner for their efforts to curb corruption getting support from citizens in a way communicating through social media. Thousands of likes and comments shouting against corruption when ever scam is revealed but what I presume is that we never know how much those ACAUT members had faced hardship to enlighten us with all kind of illegal activities going on. We are united digitally but with no physical cooperation when called for. This is the BIGGEST NO 1 threat that we Nagas are facing. No one dares to risk their time and wealth, no physical cooperation when called for. In fact we are digitally addicted tugged inside our roof. Even in the past the Leaders are threatened, pressured from our very owned organizations, even the matured Association tend to compromise leaving ACAUT as though like Gospel the Peter who denied Jesus thrice.. Technological revolution has already started and it will never end, but we should be cautious about its impact. The idea of communality coming together goes back to the book of Genesis when mankind came together to build tower for its own glory and status, but the bible says that the languages were made CONFUSED and people could not communicate with each other. Today our social media is the new Tower of BABEL. Even the past Jail Breaker incident happens in such a way ‘’Where destruction is motive, unity is dangerous’’ when goodness is motive, unity is phenomenal’. I believe ACAUT stands for good motives therefore unity will be tremendous impact if we walk the street when called for. The next threat that Nagas faced is ‘Too Many fighters that creates fight among the fighters’. (Under Grounds) Sovereignty, political solution the biggest shelter for undergrounds. At present the ACAUT are doing commendable job to ban all kind of illegal taxation. On the other side, the freedom fighters blame ACAUT for sabotaging the long walk of freedom and sacrifices of the past. Nagas are too generous to give everything even our own life and blood if the real situation arises. So sorry to say but some of our freedom fighters have more concern on taxation than sovereignty. By way of courtesy and customary traditions, illiterates were given opportunity to lead the people where little knowledge turns dangerous. Organizations’ interferes in every matter to gain publicity. But at times on taxation issue which ACAUT is effortlessly working to curb illegal activities we see less support from unions, associations, forums etc. We are divided by too many goals and principles. Where are all the intellectual Student Federation at this time of crises? The Nagas

had already lost trust and confidence even on the so called divided Freedom Fighters. It has bounce up to its limit where intellectuals and youths will no longer have interest for independence. We cannot compromise or ignore the past sacrifices for the nation but at the same time we cannot compromise our future. Before the tremendous outburst the National workers better realize the need of unity and clean revolution. The Third threat faced by Nagas at present situation is viruses so called the ‘Artificial Christians’. The very word artificial expensive Christian may sound heavy blow because the word doesn’t seem familiar at all. We always talk about the corruption everywhere created by politicians, undergrounds, bureaucrats so and so .Literally no person wants to talk ill about church or Christians. This is so because people fear God and sadly religious leaders take advantage of this as they are always respected by all. Painstakingly no church in our land be it at village, towns, cost not less than 10 million (one crore). Churches in Nagaland incurred massive expenditure more than any other social institution. There are around 1143 churches in Nagaland and approximately it cost an average of (at least) fifty lakh to built one church keeping aside town churches that cost as more as 20 million (2 crores) Being the poorest State the huge amount of money is vested for constructions and church activities amounting to millions and millions. Thousands of vehicles bearing name Baptist Church, are seen everywhere anywhere anytime. Beautiful church, poverty stricken members, lost soul inside elegant structure will only produce too many Customers to Hell. The writer is not against the construction of beautiful church but the economy of the people and amount of construction should be at par with each other. Church leaders should formulate a policy to make the best use of ten tithes, free will and free offerings instead of life time staunch budget system. Factions are not only extorting here in Nagaland but the white extortion door to door, from churches all in the name of Jesus are visible everywhere..Today Christians are becoming so expensive that some believers keep away from church for the fear of collecting money which they can't effort. Remember “corruption of truth” is worse than committing a sin. The broken economy is the next worst threat to Nagas. Nagaland is infested with rebels fearing no death, poverty everywhere, with unstable government. 70% of our economy exchanges are owned and managed by outsiders who drain our wealth with less effort. Simple and humble are their only tools which can fool the Nagas so easily. We are yet to know the value of money because we spent more than we earn.

Our expectation will always be high but we don’t have even a single source to progress. What is the cause of all these reality? Unemployment is the roots of all corruptions, addiction, extortion, illegal activities, and mass murder of our economy. We Nagas believe in a conception that if a person doesn’t find Govt. Job then he or she will be tagged as unemployed. Amazingly we even have so called Educated Unemployed youth Forum. How can a person be call Educated if he doesn’t know how to earn a living irrespective of what degree he posses? It’s a right time that we Nagas keep our pride aside and involve more with the mindset the more tastier the more hardworking. Some important facts of my beloved people including the poor writer, we don’t want to work as barber but choose stone quarry, we don’t want to be a vegetable vendors but we choose to go to someone’s field to earn money as daily wage. We don’t want to work as machinist in garage but we choose to be a driver earning just few in a month. We don’t want to be a waiter but we choose Proxy teacher not knowing that it’s worst then the house maid job. We don’t want to sell fast food in the street but we choose to be a rebel begging from shop to shop. We always want to stay happy by making some one sad. One of the worst threats of all is unemployment and the presence of IBI. To bring back unity, peaceful co-existent environment, to have acceptable standard of living is to drive out all ILLIGAL BANGLADESH IMMIGRANTS. Those Saikmal Zhhimo,Mailiak Longkumarrr,Gulzal Kirre, Mustafa Odoyouuu,Jamal Sumii(instances) all should be chased out NOW and NOW and NOW. These IBI is spreading in most part of our State but the highest part of concentration is in Dimapur District. Why don’t the respectable Sumi’s lead the Nagas in driving out those illegal immigrants as majority of these people are the tenant in our land. As long as we allow these people in our land the FUTURE will be doomed. It’s not that far, the generation will curse you and me for letting them fall far behind others which can never be redeveloped. Our daily States newspaper appear with all full of felicitation, acknowledgement, appreciation, condemnation messages from every Union and organizations. Let’s keep our finger cross to see which intellectual organization will be the first to publicize an open support to ACAUT against taxation and corruption. If at all our NGOs can declare their solemn support to derail corruption, if at all the NGOs can declare the Names of illegal immigrants driven out from their Area in the State newspaper just as they do with those acknowledgement and felicitation then within a year our State will be free from chained corruptions. (This article is dedicated to ACAUT the real Emancipator) Izuto Jimo, Satakha Town

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


The Morung Express

Sunday 28 June 2015



Ben Affleck, Matt Damon to produce FIFA scandal movie


ollywood stars Ben Affleck and Matt Damon have teamed up to produce a movie inspired by the FIFA scandal. The film is based on "Houses of Deceit", a book by BuzzFeed's reporter Ken Bensinger, reported Ace Showbiz. The film will revolve around FIFA executive Chuck Blazer and his role in the largest sports and public corruption scandal in history.

Karishma Tanna and Upen Patel sign their first film together


pen Patel and Karishma Tanna, who are currently contesting in Star Plus' dance reality show Nach Baliye 7, have reportedly signed a film with Chinese filmmaker Edd Liu. Upen tweeted that he is looking forward to traveling to China with Karishma soon. Reports say Karishma and Upen's stint on Nach Baliye has impressed Chinese director Edd Liu, who has signed a film with these Bigg Boss 8 fame couple. Karishma Tanna confirmed the news by tweeting, "Super excited about signing up with Chinese director @DirectorEddLiu #NewAdventure." Upen too tweeted about how excited he is by tweeting, "Thank God. Looking fwd 2China trip wit @karishma_tanna 4this project @DirectorEddLiu." Karishma Tanna and Upen Patel signed the celebrity dance reality show, Nach Baliye 7 as a couple, after they fell in love while living together for Bigg Boss 8. The couple got engaged on the stage during their performance recently. All the drama that surrounds them managed to acquire attention of the viewers and, evidently, the Chinese director, landing them a Chinese film. Despite the couple being called fake, the couple seem to be going strong with their courtship. Let's wait and watch how the Chinese film turns out for the couple.

Freida Pinto launches World's First Global

Cinema ad CampaiGn C M Y K


ndian-origin Hollywood actress Freida Pinto alongwith actor Chiwetel Ejiofor and filmmaker Richard Curtis yesterday launched the world's first global cinema ad campaign, aimed at raising awareness of the United Nations' goals for sustainable development. It is a part of the Global Goals campaign, "Project Everyone", founded by Curtis. The ad #WEHAVEAPLAN will be screened in more than 30 countries across the world including India. Pinto, 30, and Ejiofor, 37, joined Curtis and creator of the ad Sir John Hegarty on stage at a seminar, Cannes Lions, to share their views on how cinema

can be a powerful medium in driving social change. Curtis called on the media community in Cannes to join the founding team to promote the new global goals for sustainable development. "I would love everyone to get behind the mission to make the goals famous. We are targeting every website and billboard, every TV and radio station, every cinema, every community, every school and every mobile phone network with the task of carrying a simple message about the goals for the 7 days after they are launched," Curtis said. The campaign is backed by Sawa, the global cinema advertising association.

Gavin O'Connor, who directed Affleck in "The Accountant", is attached at the helm while Anthony Tambakis is on board to write the script. No casting has been announced yet but Bensinger would love to see someone like John Goodman to bring "fury and comedy to the role." No release date is set for the film either but the book is expected to hit bookstores in 2017.


eteran singer Asha Bhosle has been declared the greatest Bollywood playback artist of all times by the U.K. based Eastern Eye newspaper. The 81-year-old singer beat off her elder sister Lata Mangeshkar in a first of its kind list that takes into account factors including number of songs, honours, international impact, versatility, fan base and popularity amongst fellow music industry professionals.

The singer was surprised with the news of her topping the list. “I thought being called the greatest was the prerogative of boxer Muhammad Ali. I thank Eastern Eye and everyone for tolerating me all these years,” Asha said. Whilst Lata Mangeshkar came second in the list of talented singers, Mohd Rafi came third and Kishore Kumar was fourth. Other names who

featured in the top 20 included Mukesh (5), current Bollywood music queen Shreya Ghoshal (7), Geeta Dutt (10), Sonu Nigam (14), Kumar Sanu (17) and Kavita Krishnamurthy (19). Eastern Eye entertainment editor Asjad Nazir, who compiled the list said, “Asha was a deserved choice to top the list. Apart from being the most prolific singer the world has ever known,

Audrey Hepburn hated herself for surviving at the hands of Nazis


udrey Hepburn felt guilty to have survived from Nazis, as she was haunted by the story of Anne Frank. The late Hollywood icon's son, Luca Dotti, revealed that since both she and Frank, were born in 1929, she felt they were 'twins' due to their shared experiences in Holland during WWII, the Daily Mail reported. While Frank had died at 13 at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in dreadful circumstances, Hepburn had went on to have a successful career as an actress. In his new memoir 'Audrey At Home,' Dotti said his mother had barely discussed the torment faced as a young girl

in Velp, during the Nazi occupation of Holland, which began in 1944. He adds that the 'Breakfast at Tiffany's star figure was so thin because between the age of nine and 16 she was "extremely malnourished," and by the time the war ended, her weight had dropped down to just 40 kgs even though she was 5'6 ft tall. However, she found her own way to act against the Nazis and occasionally was the courier for the Dutch resistance and raised money for them by dancing. Hepburn had died in 1993 from cancer and was offered many chances to play Frank, but turned them down saying it would be very painful to relive her past.

Asha’s versatility has given her the widest body of work. “An incredible career stretching across eight decades has seen the recordbreaking singer take Bollywood music across new frontiers and with Brimful Of Asha had a globally successful chart-topping song dedicated to her.” The full list of the greatest 20 Bollywood playback singers is published in Eastern Eye newspaper on June 26, 2015.

Argentina beat Colombia on penalties to reach semifinals

A vehicle navigates its way through a water-logged stretch during the Offroad Maestro 2015 being held at the State Stadium, Dimapur on June 27. (Photo: Lanu Pongen)

Rossi takes tight duel to win Assen MotoGP

Argentina's Carlos Tevez, left, scores the winning goal past Colombia goalkeeper David Ospina during a penalty shoot out at the end of a Copa America quarterfinal soccer match against Colombia at the Sausalito Stadium in Vina del Mar, Chile, Friday, June 26. (AP Photo)



VINA DEL MAR, JuNE 27 (AP): Carlos Tevez converted the winning penalty as Argentina defeated Colombia 5-4 in a shootout following a 0-0 draw on Friday, progressing to the semifinals of the Copa America. After a scoreless draw over 90 minutes, the game moved immediately to penalties after regulation time with no extra time. Extra time can be played only in the July 4 final. In a nervous climax to the shootout, Argentina twice spurned chances to win it, as Lucas Biglia shot wide and Marcos Rojo hit the crossbar before Tevez cashed in. "Incredible," said Argentina star Lionel Messi. "It was the best match we played in the Copa America." Argentina dominated play, particularly in the first half, with Colombia content to defend and take its chances with penalties. Argentina had 75 percent of the first-half possession, and only goalkeeper David Ospina kept Colombia in the match as Argentina struggled to finish off its attack. Arsenal's Ospina came up with two of the best saves of the tourna-

ment in the 26th minute. He sprawled and used his feet to stop Sergio Aguero on a point-blank shot. The ball bounced to Lionel Messi, who headed the ball toward an open net but Ospina scrambled to his right to knock the shot away. "We were up against a great team," Ospina said. "You have to acknowledge this. We tried to shut them down tactically." He called the penalties a "lottery" and said "unfortunately, today we had the losing ticket." Argentina has struggled to score throughout the tournament with only four goals in its three group games. Colombia scored only one goal in three group games. Colombia slowed Argentina's attack in the second half and took away space. Argentina goalkeeper Sergio Romero made his first save of the match in the 67th. Argentina pressed in the final minutes and had three chances before penalties. Ever Banega hit the crossbar in the 78th, and two minutes later Ospina tipped Nicolas Otamendi's shot off the post with the ball cleared off the line by a Colombia player. In the 88th, Tevez raced into the

area and collided with Ospina. The ball was rolling into an open net until Jeison Murillo cleared the ball off the line. In the shootout, Colombia shot first and both teams converted their first three kicks. Colombia substitute Luis Muriel was the first to miss when he shot high, and Argentina substitute Ezequiel Lavezzi converted off a post to give his team the advantage. Needing to score to keep his team alive, another Colombia substitute Edwin Cardona found the net to put pressure on Biglia, whose miss made it 4-4. Colombia's Juan Zuniga had his shot blocked by Romero, handing Rojo another opportunity to win it, but he too missed his chance. Colombia center back Murillo fired his spot kick well over the bar, and Tevez finally took the opportunity to seal victory. Argentina faces the winner of Saturday's last quarterfinal between Brazil and Paraguay. The winners play Tuesday in one semifinal. The other semifinal is Monday with host Chile against Peru. Argentina, which lost last year's World Cup final 1-0 to Germany, is trying to win it first major title since in 22 years.

ASSEN, JuNE 27 (AP): Valentino Rossi won a tight duel with reigning world champion Marco Marquez to win Saturday's Motul TT Assen and stretch his lead atop the MotoGP standings. It was the Italian ninetime world champion's seventh MotoGP victory on the Assen track in the northern Netherlands. Marquez tried to overtake the Italian nine-time champion on the final chicane of the race and the pair appeared to touch, forcing Marquez to slow down and sending Rossi through the gravel before he crossed the line in 40 minutes, 54.037 seconds, 1.242 seconds ahead of Marquez. Rossi's Yamaha teammate Jorge Lorenzo, who had won four straight MotoGP races coming into Assen, settled for third place after starting from eighth on the grid. It was Rossi's third victory of the season and took him 10 points clear of Lorenzo in the season


Winner Valentino Rossi of Italy, center, celebrates on the podium with second placed Marc Marquez of Spain, left, and third placed Jorge Lorenzo of Spain during the podium ceremony of the Dutch MotoGP Grand Prix, in Assen, northern Netherlands on June 27. (AP Photo)

standings. Marquez is now fourth, behind Andrea Iannone, but with 89 points to Rossi's 163, Marquez's grip on the world title appears tenuous even with 10 races of the season to go. Rossi started from pole and the race quickly developed into a two-rider tussle. Lorenzo swiftly made

up five places from his disappointing grid position, but then appeared satisfied to settle for third place. Marquez overtook Rossi with seven laps to go, but four laps later the veteran Italian got past Marquez and managed to hold on to his lead. Earlier, championship leader Johann Zarco

of France won the Moto2 race on his Kalex, ahead of Spaniard Tito Rabat. Sam Lowes of Britain was third. In the Moto 3 class, Miguel Oliveira of Portugal won on his KTM, edging Fabio Quartararo of France into second. Rankings leader Danny Kent of Britain was third on his Honda.


US defeats China, to play Germany in WC semifinals Batting powerplays gone from ODIs

OTTAWA, JuNE 27 (AP): Carli Lloyd scored the sole goal in the 51st minute to give the United States a 1-0 win over China on Friday and a place in the semifinals of the Women's World Cup. "These are the moments I live for," she said. "Having the freedom to attack and do what I do best enabled me to create some chances." The United States has reached the final four of all seven Women's World Cups but has not won since beating China on penalties at home in 1999. Seeking their third championship, the Americans have not allowed a goal in 423 minutes since the tournament opener against Australia. The U.S. plays top-ranked Germany, the 2003 and '07 champion, on Tuesday in Montreal. The U.S. managed a more attacking attitude and extended its unbeaten streak against China to 25 matches dating to 2003. Wearing the captain's armband, Lloyd got the breakthrough with her 65th goal in 200 international appearances. Julie Johnston lofted a long ball into the penalty area and Lloyd met it with her head 10 yards from the goal line and bounced the ball off the artificial turf and past goalkeeper Fei Wang. Lloyd scored the winning goal in overtime to beat Brazil for the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics and scored both U.S. goals in the 2012 London final over Japan. Brian had a chance to double the lead in the 73rd, but her long strike hit a post, and Lloyd missed high on the rebound. The U.S. had a 17-6 advantage in shots and 56 percent possession. In Saturday's quarterfinals, host Canada faces England and Australia plays defending champion Japan.

MELBOuRNE, JuNE 27 (REuTERS): Batting powerplays have been scrapped from one-day international cricket and field restrictions relaxed to provide some relief to bowlers who were set upon mercilessly at the World Cup. At its annual conference in Barbados, the International Cricket Council (ICC) ratified a number of proposed changes to the 50-over format, which come into effect from July 5. Among them, the requirement to post catching fielders within the 30-yard circle in the first 10 overs has



MONTREAL, JuNE 27 (REuTERS): Germany beat France in a penalty shootout after their thrilling Women’s World Cup quarter-final ended 1-1 after extra-time on Friday. The Germans triumphed 5-4 in the shootout after Claire Levogez, chosen as the fifth kicker for France, saw her low shot saved by Germany goalkeeper Nadine Angerer. Louisa Necib had put France ahead in the 64th minute but Germany equalised in the 84th when Celia Sasic converted a penalty after Amel Majri handled inside the box. The clash between the top-ranked Germans and a French team placed third in the world was expected to be a memorable encounter and it more than lived up to the billing. With the quality of the two teams it could easily

boundary ropes for six. Richardson also said the ICC might "tamper" with the seam on balls to see if bowlers could garner any additional aid. "There is a view if we sanction or look at some change to the thickness or the depth of seam it might actually be what we are looking forward to give the seam bowlers a little bit more help, also aid swing and to enable the spinners to get more grip and to spin the ball more if we tamper with the seam," Richardson said in comments posted on espncricinfo.com.

Jwala-Ashwini enter Canada Open semis

China's Lou Jiahui (16) and Ren Guixin (23) go up with United States' Carli Lloyd (10) for a header as United States' Morgan Brian (14) watches during the first half of a quarterfinal match in the FIFA Women's World Cup soccer tournament, Friday, June 26 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press via AP)

Germany triumphs to break French hearts


been dropped and five fielders will be allowed outside of it in the last 10 overs, rather than the previous maximum of four. "We have thoroughly reviewed the ODI format after a very successful ICC Cricket World Cup," ICC Chief Executive David Richardson said in a statement. In another notable change, all noballs by bowlers will hand a free hit to batters, as opposed to just foot-faults. The ICC is looking at the size and build of bats which have sometimes compounded bowlers' misery by sending mis-hits sailing over

have been the tournament final and the French will head home feeling they have missed out on a real chance to win their first World Cup. They certainly looked like champions during a first half in which they dominated large sections of play, with some flowing attacking football that produced several good openings. Germany coach Silvia Neid made a key switch at the break bringing in Dsenifer Marozsan for Anja Mittag and the move paid off significantly. Marozsan brought the German attack to life, forcing a good save out of Sarah Bouhaddi shortly after Sasic had tested her with a low drive. But it was the French who grabbed the lead when Necib pounced on a poor clearance and her shot deflected off

German defender Annike Krahn and curled into the corner. France looked to be on their way into the last four but with six minutes of normal time remaining, Leonie Majer drove a cross into the box which struck Majri on the upper-arm and Sasic confidently slotted home her sixth goal of the tournament. Both teams tired in extra-time and there were few chances created until three minutes from the end of the second period when Gaetane Thiney was found unmarked at the back-post but she somehow put the ball wide from close range. The Germans scored all five of their spotkicks before goalkeeper Angerer got down well to keep out Lavogez’s weak attempt.

CALgARy, JuNE 27 (IANS): India's most successful badminton pair Jwala Gutta and Ashwini Ponnappa earned a straight games win to enter the women's doubles semi-finals of the $50,000 Canada Open Grand Prix at the Markin MacPhail Centre here. The third seeds moved past Hong Kong combine of Chan Kaka Tsz Ka and Yuen Sin Ying 21-19, 21-13 on Friday. The Indian pair will next take on the Japanese combination of Shiho Tanaka and Koharu Yonemoto. However, it was the end of the road for the other Indian shuttlers -- Ajay Jayaram, B. Sai Praneeth and women's doubles pair of Pradnya Gadre and N. Sikki Reddy -- all of whom lost their respective quarter-final matches. Men's singles top seed Marc Zwiebler of Germany accounted for ninth seeded Jayaram, who lost 16-21, 15-21. Tenth seed Sai followed his compatriot as he went down to former World No.1 Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia 13-21, 21-18, 11-21. Then, Hong Kong pair Poon Lok Yan and Tse Ying Suet defeated Pradnya and Sikki 21-18, 23-25, 21-15.



Published, Printed and Edited by Aküm Longchari on behalf of Morung for Indigenous Affairs and JustPeace from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Telecommunications, Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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