June 3rd, 2017

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SaturDaY • June 03 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 150• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

T R u T H

The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays — Søren Kierkegaard ‘Govt in no position to accommodate all qualified students’

Gunman torches Philippine casino, killing dozens PaGe 09


‘Let the Mithun have a meaningful existence’ Chizokho Vero

Medziphema | June 2

Minister for School Education & SCERT, Yitachu today called for the conservation and “meaningful existence of the Mithun” in Nagaland. The animal, which has become synonymous with Nagaland, plays an important role in the social, cultural and economic life of the local tribal population and is now getting international recognition. Once the Act East Policy is put in place, Yitachu said that the Mithun culture can be passed on to Southeast Asian countries to boost the state’s economy. Speaking at the 29th Foundation Day of the National Research Centre on Mithun (NRCM) here today, the Minister lauded the centre for its efforts and said that the NRCM has gained wide recognition. On the Mithun’s significance in Naga culture, Yitachu said that in his village at Meluri sub division of Phek district, the status and wealth of persons in the village was based on the number of Mithuns one had. Even disputes were settled based on the same account, he said. The Minister however expressed concern that despite funds being provided by the government, the scale of benefit being derived by the actual farmers has been less. He attributed this to a culture of personal incentive based motives.


DiMAPuR, JuNe 2 (MexN): The Nagaland State Unit of the BJP today issued a clarification regarding the suspension of three of its members “with a view to rectify any misconceptions on the party’s issues and procedures that may have been caused.” Responding to an earlier statement by the three suspended members, the BJP stated that the party’s seniority is determined by the years and contribution to the party’s development, growth and expansion and not by any achievements or age outside the party. A press note from the party’s General Secretary (Media) further claimed that the suspension of the three party members was according to the party’s constitutional provision “under Rules Articles XXV : Disciplinary Action clause 3 wherein, it states that the State President may suspend an undisciplined member and issue a show cause notice within a week. Disciplinary actions could be initiated under ‘Rules Breach of Discipline’ for carrying propaganda against any party unit or its office bearers.” Regarding the appointment of the unit’s Advisor by the centre, the party stated that IK Sema was “appointed by the State President following a State Office Bearers meeting and he was bound to serve at the pleasure of the State President.” All the party officials in the State unit are appointed by the State President except that of the State President and the General Secretary (Organisation), it informed. Meanwhile, the BJP Nagaland also claimed that “as far as office records are concerned, the BJP State Office had not suspended 9 office bearers but had only issued show cause notices or relievedthemfromtheirofficial assignments and reallocated them other responsibilities.”

Minister for School Education & SCERT, Yitachu and others during a visit to the Mithun Farm at Medziphema on June 2. (Morung Photo)

“Whatever subsidy and help is extended by the government are being received by those who don’t actually do farming. The true farmers have no time to visit the office as they think that if they do visit office and take a day or two day out then their chicks, cows and pigs will die.” In this, Yitachu wanted the NRCM not to focus on giving incentives but to be a centre of giving information and helping farmers to grow on their own. “Then the purpose of this institution will last. But if we give incentive to the villagers as prior objective then the purpose of this institution may be diluted. We have to read the minds

of the citizens. We have to understand the minds of our citizens,” he added. The Minister was optimistic that the NRCM will prosper and assured that the state government would extend its support to them and also raise issues on their behalf with the Government of India as and when required. NRCM Director, Dr Abhijit Mitra meanwhile informed that the centre was working towards a bankable scheme for Mithun rearing in Nagaland, by keeping in touch with NABARD. He further said that Mithun rearing has ecotourism potentials as well. He also

informed that the centre was in touch with the Airport Authority of India to install a Mithun statue at the arrival entrance of Dimapur Airport. An MoU for this has already been signed. Dr. Chandan Rajkhowa, former Director, ICAR-NRCM said that mithun has a tremendous potential to transform the lives of the tribal population in the North east region. He expressed satisfaction at the progress made by the institute is past years and gave credit to the staff there who he said have worked with sincerity & zeal. The NRCM was established in June 1988 under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research to provide impetus on the research work on Mithuns. It has been playing a key role in conservation, breeding, nutrition and health management of Mithuns. The scientists of NRCM in the past 25 years have generated information in all aspects of Mithun production and have developed many farmer friendly technologies to make Mithun husbandry an economically successful venture. According to the Livestock Census 2012, the total Mithun population in India stands 2,98, 264. Out of this; 2, 49000 are available in Arunachal Pradesh; followed by 34, 871 in Nagaland; 10,131 in Manipur and 3, 287 in Mizoram. Apart from this, a small number of Mithuns were also reported from Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.


As US pulls out of Paris Deal, India commits to fight climate change

ST PeTeRSbuRG, JuNe 2 (PTi): India is committed to protecting the climate, irrespective of the Paris agreement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said here on Friday but avoided a direct reference to the US withdrawing from the international deal. Addressing the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) here in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said India has traditionally been respecting nature and desisted from exploiting it. “Paris or no Paris, our commitment to preserving the climate is for the sake of future generations,” Modi said while responding to a question about US President Donald Trump announcing withdrawal of the USA from the Climate Change deal. He said he had made the same comment in Germany three days back when “nobody’s comment had come”, an apparent reference to Trump’s announcement on Friday. “I said it in then, I say it now,” he added. Trump earlier in the day said the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate

change deal, agreed by more than 190 nations. He said it unfairly benefited countries like India and China. Asked by the moderator whether India would side with the US or others on the Paris climate change deal, Modi replied, “it is not a question of which way I go. I will go with the future generations.” He underlined, “we must leave for our future generations a climate wherein they can breathe clean air and have a healthy life.” Earlier, addressing the event, the prime minister said, “India is a responsible nation with regard to climate change...We can milk the nature... Exploitation of nature is not acceptable to us,” he said. He said India had been working to protect the environment even before the Paris deal reached in 2015. “For the last 5000 years, even when I was not born, it has been the tradition in India to protect the environment,” Modi said. He recalled that when he was the chief minister of Gujarat before 2014, the state had created a separate department for environment protection.

‘100% penalty against cash transaction of over Rs 2 lakh’

New Delhi, JuNe 2 (iANS): The Income Tax Department on Friday warned of a 100 per cent penalty against receiver of cash of Rs 2 lakh or above. “Cash transaction of Rs 2 lakh or more is prohibited with effect from April 1. Contravention of Section 269ST (of the Income Tax Act of 1961) will entail a levy of 100 per cent penalty on the receiver of the amount,” the department said in an advertisement in leading dailies here. Section 269ST has been inserted in the Act with effect from April 1 to restrict ac-

ceptance of cash of Rs 2 lakh or more by any person. It disallows cash transaction of Rs 2 lakh or more by a person in a day in respect of a single transaction or in respect of transactions relating to one event or occasion from a person, otherwise than by an account payee cheque or account payee bank draft or use of electronic clearing system through a bank account. The restriction shall not apply to any receipt by the government or any receipt by or from any banking company, post office savings bank or cooperative bank.

Nagas in Arunachal press for Shared sovereignty will create ‘Patkai Autonomous Council’ larger opportunities: NSCN (IM)

New Delhi, JuNe 2 (iANS): The Arunachal Pradesh government can’t brush aside the need to establish an autonomous district council in the Nagadominated areas of Tirap, Changlang and Longding, said various bodies associated with the movement for a Patkai Autonomous Council for the three areas. They said a Patkai Autonomous Council for Tirap, Changlang and Longding (TCL) is the only solution for the region, alleging it has been ignored by the state government and the Centre for decades in terms of its socio-economic development. The proposal to form an autonomous council to develop the Naga-inhabited areas was cleared by the Cabinet in 2013 and has been pending with the Home Ministry since 2014. Various bodies associated with the movement such as Patkai Autonomous Demand District Council and the TCL Students Federation have threatened to hold an indefinite bandh in the three districts if the Centre and the state continue to pay no heed to the matter. “The successive Chief Ministers of Arunanchal Pradesh hardly have any knowledge about the people of the Patkai region which has Tirap, Changlang and Longding districts. They neither know the way of life nor do they have any basic knowledge about the topography of the region. Based on these historical reasons, people of the three districts have demanded Patkai Autonomous Council,” said a statement issued by TCL Students Federation. Earlier, the bodies had also sought the intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

on formation of the autonomous council. Patkai hills is also known as the home of Wancho, Nocte, Tangsa, Tutsa Ollo recognised as Naga by the Constitution. In 1914 they were part of North East Frontier Tract, which was later renamed North East Frontier Agency. The Arunachal Pradesh government data states that areas falling under Patkai region are the most resource-rich but not even one per cent has been tapped. “In the absence of any proper infrastructure we have also failed to develop the human resources. This has led to many unemployed youths taking to drugs, insurgency and many anti-social activities. Even after 30 years of association with the state we have not seen any tangible change in the Patkai region,” said the statement. According to records, the demand for formation of Patkai Autonomous Council was passed by the Assembly in 2004 and 2007 and the Cabinet approved it in 2013. The proposal was then sent to the Union Home Ministry and a committee headed by Joint Secretary (North East), Ministry of Home Affairs, was constituted by the then UPA government, which visited the three districts in February 2014. Since then, there has been no communication from the Home Ministry. Stating that while “brothers in Nagaland” are enjoying a full-fledged state with special status, the TCL groups said: “We have been left in the lurch to fend for ourselves. We feel dejected because of the lackadaisical attitude of the government towards our grievances.”

DiMAPuR, JuNe 2 (MexN): The NSCN (IM) today stated that the Framework Agreement has “restored” the sovereign rights of the Nagas, and claimed that “after decades of prolonged selfless struggles, Sovereignty has dawned upon the Nagas.” A press note from the MIP of the NSCN (IM) said that credit for this “historic achievement goes to the different Naga mass based organizations, Civil Societies, Tribal Organizations, Churches and the scores of individuals who had relentlessly and fearlessly worked for the last many decades for Nagas common cause.” It further stated that a road map towards a developed bright future along with India will create larger opportunities especially for the younger Naga generations. The “acceptance to have shared sovereignty,” the NSCN (IM) stated, would “take the Nagas much further forward along with the advancement pace of great India…”

NSCN (IM) states Steering Committee member killed

DiMAPuR, JuNe 2 (MexN): Steering Committee member of the NSCN (IM), Khailun Haokip has been killed, according to a press release issued by the NSCN (IM)’s MIP. It alleged that Haokip was “kidnapped by the KNF (N) at Shijang Kuki village,” subsequent to which the NSCN (IM) appealed for his immediate release. “But the appeal of NSCN and the civil societies from Nagas and Kuki communities were not even respected. Subsequently he was tortured and killed in cold blood,” the NSCN (IM) stated. It meanwhile said that the murder would be “befittingly responded.” HaIt meanwhile cautioned against the emergence of “…treacherous game plans to sabotage and undo what has been collectively achieved by the Nagas.” “The Nagas and the future generations should not be doomed by their schemes of vested interests which are totally against the Nagas national interests,” the NSCN (IM) said. While stating that Nagas are of

okip, Steering Committee Member, NSCN/GPRN of KTU was enrolled on March 18, 2008 and served in certain capacities. “True to his dedication, he was trustworthy and unswerving compatriot to the sacred cause. He was a man of untiring courage with staunch nationalism in all his duty to the nation. The void created by his loss will be difficult to fill in times to come, which is not only a loss to the family and Kuki community alone but also to the Nagas in general,” the NSCN (IM) said. It conveyed condolences to the bereaved family and also appreciated both Naga and Kuki civil society organisations that helped in retrieving the deceased’s body.

one Nation and that the GoI cannot provide “numerous solutions in piece meals for the Nagas,” the NSCN (IM) said it would be “suicidal to make attempts to highjack the Indo-Naga political talks at this final stage by those people who still worship the treacherous and deceitful Accords and Agreements of the past decades.” It further informed that

the NSCN (IM) has kept its door “wide open all along as the ongoing political negotiations progresses to find a final settlement…” and appealed to the people to “continue with your unflinching support towards the political negotiations to reach the final solution in the common interest of the Nagas and Naga Nation.” Full text on Page 5

ICSI Fee Waiver Scheme for North East students Morung Express News Dimapur | June 2

In line with the policy of Government of India for inclusive growth of all parts of the country, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) today formally announced a ‘Fee Waiver Scheme’ for students from the North East who want to enroll in Company Secretary (CS) foundation/executive programmes. The announcement was made by President, ICSI, Dr. Shyam Agarwal, at a press conference held here at Unity College. Agarwal said the waiver is expected to provide a window of opportunity to the youth of NE states to come

to the mainstream and fulfill their dreams. The scheme will cover all students belonging to NE states and J&K who have passed class XII or bachelor’s degree or equivalent, irrespective of the percentage of marks, while registering for the foundation or executive programmes. The ICSI President informed that ICSI is a professional institute set up under an Act of Parliament (Company Secretaries Act, 1980) for regulation and development of the profession of company secretaries in India. The institute, which functions under the jurisdiction of the Union Ministry of Corporate Af-

fairs, has over 50,000 members and more than 4 lakh students on its roll. However, of the 4 lakh students currently pursuing CS course programmes, the number of students from the NE is negligible, as apart from Assam with around 5000 students, the number of students from other NE states who have enrolled for CS programmes is hardly 400-500, Agarwal said. He said the scheme for NE students pursuing the profession of Company Secretaries would not only offer a level playing field for such students who are not able to catch up with their counterparts in the

mainstream but also propel economic growth in the region. The ICSI President also informed that this year ICSI would be organizing the 18th National conference of Practicing Company Secretaries on the theme ‘Enterprising India: Role of professionals in New Age India’ from June 24-27 in Shillong. He further informed that as part of the golden jubilee celebrations of ICSI and crossing 50,000 membership mark, ICSI has adopted ‘Satyam Vada, Dharam Chara’ (Speak the truth, abide by the law) as its motto. Earlier in the day, ICSI in collaboration with

Unity College organized a ‘Mega career awareness programme’ and also launched the first ICSI study centre in Nagaland here at Unity College, which was graced by ViceChancellor, Nagaland University, Prof. Pardeshi Lal as chief guest and ICSI President as guest of honour. The Vice Chancellor in his address said the launching of the scheme is a unique opportunity for NE students to forge a career as Company Secretaries and join the mainstream. He also urged the students not to harbor any inferiority complex but to try to develop their full potential.

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daCunha/ T/04/17/NER

Nagaland BJP clarifies on suspension of members

NBA Finals: Curry & Durant power Warriors past Cavaliers in Game 1


Saturday 03•06•2017



‘Govt in no position to accommodate all qualified students’

NUSU KC 25th Annual Parting Social held Morung Express News Kohima | June 2

The Nagaland University Students’ Union (NUSU), Kohima Campus (KC): Meriema held its 25th annual parting social on Friday at RCEMPA, Jotsoma with Secretary, Land Resources, Y. Kikheto Sema IAS as the chief guest and Er Yanpvuo Kikon, IT, Software Consultant & Entrepreneur as the guest of honour. Addressing a jampacked hall, Kikheto told

the outgoing student that passing out was not a finished product but was only a raw material and that they were going to face different situations. “You are entering another part of life where you will face many problems and everyday would be a learning process,” he told them. Stating that the State Government has the highest number of employees in the country totalling to 1, 26, 000 approximately, Kikheto said the government was not in a position to accommodate all qualified students passing out each year. He discouraged the culture of depending upon

Secretary, Land Resources, Kikheto Y. Sema IAS (left) addresses the gathering at RCEMPA, Jotsoma on Friday. (Morung Photo)

parents, politicians and the government for providing white-collared jobs but to stand on their own by exploring different avenues.

“Don’t confine yourself to home state but venture out for new opportunities and come back to give something to your society,” he

advised. Kikheto stressed on the need to keep on moving forward in every endeavour and adjust to different situations. He pointed out the current state of affairs in the state where there was mistrust between the government and the NGOs, politicians and bureaucrats and emphasized on the need to come together as one and work towards progress and development of the state. Kikheto appealed all to be a part of the solution rather than being submerged in the problem. He also spoke about maintaining good neighbourly relations and in the region since the people were interdependent.

Also addressing the gathering, Kikon talked about the importance of skill for employment opportunities and urged the youngsters to keep themselves updated. “Always try to keep yourself engaged not only for the purpose of salary but for experience,” he said. He said dependence on the government was enough and that people need to explore the array of opportunities available. The parting social programme was marked by special songs, poem recitals, speeches from the juniors and outgoing students and entertainment session.

Peace Centre School at onlybafo announce online purchase, delivery service Sakraba Village inaugurated Morung Express News

phek, June 2 (mexn): The newly built Peace Centre School at Sakraba Village was inaugurated on June 2 by Rev. Dr. Philip SJ, Principal of Nazareth School, Pfutsero and blessed by Most Rev Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Nagaland in the presence of Rev Fr. Gabriel SJ, Principal, Peace Centre School, Sakraba, Z Lohe, ex-speaker Government of Nagaland and a large gathering of leaders of the area and parents. The Bishop clarified that the Church is not a merely social agency for education, but fundamentally the religious who continue the mission of Jesus. It is not a government that has plenty of money, but its wealth is its committed priests and religious who have committed their life and make great sacrifice in order to proclaim the message and values of Jesus by their lives. He also referred to the newly established St. Joseph University in Dimapur as another mile stone in the effort of the Catholic Church to enhance higher education in Nagaland. The guest of honour, Rev. Fr. Philip Abraham SJ appealed to the gathering “to look into the commonalities for the growth of the mind and moral conscience.” Z. Lohe in his exhortation highlighted the Catholic Education he received and wished that many more people may receive such value based education that would transform the Naga society for a better future. A felicitation programme was organized by the school management during which a variety of items, dances, choreography, songs, dances, action songs and skits were presented. Rev Fr. Gabriel SJ, Principal, Peace Centre School delivered the welcome address and Vesavo D Vadeo, the Headmaster proposed the words of gratitude. The Village Chairman of Sakraba village also addressed the gathering and appreciated and thanked the Jesuits Fathers for building such a beautiful school from their own resources. The village council provided common meal to all invited guests, parents and students.


Yakor, BPO Shamator, District- Tuensang: Nagaland

Kihoto Theological College (KTC) has recently received accreditation from GATA (Global Association for Theological Accreditation) through the National Co-ordinator of GATA Rev. Dr. S. Gangte. KTC has over 100 students and is being managed by YBBA. The Principal of KTC Mr. T Wongtokiu Yimchunger on behalf of the college extends warm gratitude to GATA for the accreditation of the college.

Dimapur | June 2

onlybafo.com – a Dimapur based e-commerce and information website announced its online purchase and delivery services on June 2. The website was launched in March 2017. Its basic business model is to provide information about businesses and facilitate independent shops to sale products online. Wati Imsong, the brain behind the website, informed during the launch today at The Institute for Music Education (TIME), Duncan Basti that currently approximately 50 stores from Mokokchung and Dimapur are registered with onlybafo.

(From left) Yanger, Managing Director, TIME (The Institute for Music Education); Wati Imsong, owner of onlybafo.com; Yanpo, Academy Director, TIME and Putinungla, Proprietor, Gethsemane Eatery during the launch.

While online shopping portals sell products directly, in the case of onlybafo, it acts as the facilitator with each of the registered shops running and managing its own

respective webpage. Beginning June 2, 6 of the shops registered with the website have begun selling their products, Imsong said. The stores - Little Store, P.23,

Dimapur, June 2 (mexn): The newly appointed 5th Vice Chancellor of Nagaland University, Prof. Pradeshi Lal visited SASRD Campus on June 1. He was accompanied by the Registrar, Nagaland University, Prof. T. Lanusosang and Finance Officer, Nagaland University, Prof. M.K. Sinha. The Vice Chancellor inaugurated the Sales Counter organized by Experiential Learning students of the B. Sc. (Hons) Ag, IV year SASRD. The Vice Chancellor and his team also visited the departments and interacted with the faculty. A felicitation programme was organized to welcome the 5th Vice Chancellor of Nagaland University, Prof. Pradeshi Lal in the School Auditorium. Prof. R C Gupta, Dean of SASRD chaired the programme. Welcome address on behalf of teachers was delivered by Prof. M. Aleminla Ao, while Salhu, spoke on behalf of non teaching staff and Kihika G spoke on behalf of students. Prof. M.K. Sinha exhorted the gathering and said that all stakeholders of the University (teachers, non teaching staff and students) can contribute much through discipline, decorum and dedication. He emphasized on the importance of money management and most importantly productivity in each unit of investment in the university

New Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University Prof. Pradeshi Lal addresses the faculty, non teaching staff and students of SASRD.

because only then development can take place. Prof. Pradeshi Lal, Vice Chancellor, Nagaland University in his exhortation said that a vibrant university can come about only by taking responsibilities sincerely and with dedication. In order to produce a dynamic generation of students who are citizens of the global market, he said that all stakeholders must come up with a vision and with a clear perception of reality. He said that Nagaland University is our house and it is up to us whether we make it shine like a holy place for wisdom or whether we make a mess of it. The Vice Chancellor ended his speech with a call to dream a dream of making Nagaland University the way it should be; one which can be achieved only if all adhere to the motto ‘Reform, Perform & Transform.’

Seminar for Konyak VCC & VDB Secretaries held

mon, June 2 (mexn): KBBB organized a seminar for Konyak VCC and VDB Secretaries on May 29 and 30 under the theme ‘Authorities are from God’ at Mission Centre Mon. Dr. Achan Mungleng and Rev. Dr. Chingmak were the resource persons. Rev. M. Tonlong Pastor KBCD, Mr. Peihwang Literature Secy KBBB, and Rev. Dr. PongMinister for School Education & SCERT Yitachu and others during the 29th Foundation Day cel- sing were the speakers of ebration of ICAR- National Research Centre on Mithun, Medziphema held on June 2. (Morung Photo)

the Seminar. Rev. T. Honlong Principal MTC and Mrs. Ashim District Chaplain also led the morning devotion during Seminar. W. Honje Konyak DC Mon and Manlip KU President also addressed the gathering. Former, while speaking in the seminar said that Social change begin at home. Therefore he encourages the VCC and VDB Secretaries to work

with sincerity and dedication at their respective village. All together more than 200 people attended the seminar. It was stated here in a press release that the purpose of this seminar is to enlighten the thoughts of Konyak VCC and VDB Secretaries towards the better future by doing their job with sincerity and dedication.

Book on gender and politics in India released at ICFAI University Nagaland

Plight of commuters along Peducha landslide area on NH 29 between Kohima and Dimapur continues as machinery and manpower are placed round the clock to ease the problem. (Morung Photo by Chizokho Vero) Prof. C.P Alexander, Vice-Chancellor with others during the book release function held at ICFAI University Nagaland.


TEMJEN PETER Former Director A.I.R (All India Radio) Born on: 18/01/1951 - Died on: 19/05/2017 “Whenever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories.” Ronald Reagan We the bereaved family members of LATE TEMJEN PETER, would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the relatives, friends, churches, unions, neighbours and well wishers who stood by us and supported us physically, materially, financially and most importantly in prayers during the bring illness and at the sad demise of our beloved LT. TEMJEN PETER on 19.5.2017. We would like to convey our special thanks to: 1. Doctors and nurses of Bethel Hospital, Kohima 2. Doctors and nurses of Dispur Hospital, Guwahati 3. Kohima Ao Baptist Arogo 4. Molungyimsen Senso Telongjem, Kohima 5. Molungyimsen Senso Telongjem, Dimapur 6. Lower Chandmari Panchayat, Kohima 7. Lower Chandmari Youth Organisation, Kohima 8. Innovations, Bayavü, Kohima 9. Deputy Resident Commissioner, Guwahati 10. Ao Church Pastor, Guwahati 11. All India Radio, Kohima We regret our inability to thank and mention each one of you personally but pray that our Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving wife, son, daughter, daughter-in-law and grand daughter

Delicacies of Nagaland, Imchen’s Kitchen, Crescendo and Unique Bakery – specialise in kids clothing, fashion, food and music instruments. Onlybafo will take care of the delivery of purchased items, Imsong said, while adding that shipping charge will be deducted at the time of order. As of now, there is no ‘cash on delivery’ with only debit card or internet banking facility available. Delivery of purchased items will reach buyers in Dimapur within 2 days, while delivery to Mokokchung should not exceed a week, he informed. It has plans to extend its services beyond Nagaland with Imsong stating that onlybafo will soon deliver to other parts of India.

NU Vice Chancellor & team visits SASRD Campus

Outgoing and incoming NSF office bearers along with other NSF senior leaders and executives, organizing committee, sub-committee members pose for one last photo shoot on the last day of the 27th NSF General Conference at Tzürang valley on June 2,. The 27th NSF General Conference, which was hosted by the Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) on the theme - Amelioration - concluded successfully and is regarded as one of the most successful NSF conferences. (Photo Courtesy: Media Team)

Dimapur, June 2 (mexn): The Department of Political Science, ICFAI University Nagaland organised a function on June 2 to release the book titled “Gender and Politics in India: Experiences from the NorthEast.” The book is edited by Kaini Lokho, Head of the department of Political Science. Prof. C.P Alexander, Vice-Chancellor, expressed joy in releasing the book and said that it has come at the right time when debate on gender is becoming a very important issue in the State. He opined that the scenario of women’s status in the North-East is much better than that of other parts of the country, but there are certain gaps that need to be addressed very carefully. He pointed out that the book gives out valuable information on gen-

der sensitivity, and that the book can give a good reading to the students of politics, culture, and literature and so on. Kaini Lokho said that debates on gender is not a new thing in the North-East, but has been overshadowed by discussions on nationalism, peace and conflict, etc. But, discussion on gender has taken a new turn with the events that has ensued with regard to the question of reservation in local bodies. A press release from the University informed that the book brings together various scholars from different institutions and academic orientation which has attempted to discuss on how gender sensitisation should be disseminated at various levels of the society and different social institutions.


The bereaved family members would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the ext ended f am ilies, Churches, Organizations, relatives, neighbors and friends, who showed and helped us financially, materially, physically and prayer support during the sudden demise of Lt. Y. Sekiu who left his heavenly abode on 21st May 2017.

As it will be imposable to thank all those concerned individually, please do accept this press acknowledgment as a token of our heartfelt appreciation. May the God of abundance bless you all. Loving Wife, Children, grand Children & relatives.

Wokha Town Baptist Church Youth Ministry successfully conducted Youth Camp 2017 from May 26 to 28 on the theme “Remember your Creator”- Eccl 12:1. The speaker for the camp was Rev J. Thungjamo Lotha and Bible study for each day by Dr Eyingbeni Humtsoe Nienu. The programme included practical session on the topic: Christian marriage given by Rev Dr L.L. Kikon and Lichilo Odyuo. A seminar on health care: The harmful effect of tobacco was delivered by Dr Meribeni Odyuo. WTBC Youth Director Y Chumbenthung Murry informed that altogether 140 campers and 30 youth leaders attended the youth camp.

saturday 03•06•2017



Chakma-Hajong refugee row in Assam's Cotton College becomes Cotton University Arunachal threatens to spill over Guwahati, June 2 (tnn): The Centre's plan to grant citizenship to migrants from Bangladesh has triggered strong resentment among different organizations across the northeast. Organizations in Assam are already up in arms against any such move. When the Centre announced in May that it is considering citizenship for Chakmas and Hajongs in Arunachal Pradesh, the plan met with strong opposition. The snowballing discontent over the decision is set to put the central and the state governments in a difficult situation. The All Arunachal Pradesh Students' Union (Aapsu), the state's apex student body, has demanded an all-party meeting on the issue by June 10. It wants all 60 MLAs, three MPs and all political party representatives to be present at the proposed meeting. If the state govern-

ment fails to convene this meeting, the student body has warned it will launch an agitation against the Centre's decision. "We cannot accept any decision which is going to hamper the integrity, dignity and security of the indigenous people of the state. Without adequate safeguards for the indigenous people, citizenship for Chakma and Hajong refugees would be a threat," said Nepha Wangsa, deputy spokesperson of Aapsu. Wangsa said the refugees had been allowed to settle in Arunachal Pradesh between 1964 and 1969, when the state was known as the North East Frontier Agency (Nefa), without the knowledge of the indigenous people. Aapsu has said the government's priority should be identifying the Chakmas and Hajongs who came to Nefa during this period before

they initiate any move to grant citizenship to them in Arunachal Pradesh. The Chakmas and Hajongs were displaced from the Chittagong Hills Tract of Bangladesh in the 1960s after the waters of the Kaptai Dam submerged their lands. They entered India through the Lushai Hills. While some Chakmas stayed back in Mizoram, others moved ahead to Arunachal Pradesh. Since then, the status of the refugees has been a bone of contention. In one of the memoranda submitted to the Centre in 1969, the people of Nampong in Arunachal Pradesh said they were afraid the "continuous" settlement of refugees in the Miao and Vijaynagar areas (of what is now Tirap district) would lead to the indigenous people being outnumbered. In 1995, during a public rally on the refugee issue,

political leaders including the then chief minister Gegong Apang passed a resolution to resign en bloc if the refugees were not deported. They set a December 7 deadline that year for deportation. In September 2015, the Supreme Court asked the Centre to grant citizenship to the Chakmas and Hajongs within three months and not "discriminate" against them, which evoked strong opposition in the state. In 2016, the Centre's introduced the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, which seeks to grant citizenship to religious minorities from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan who had to leave their countries of origin because of persecution. Social activists said Chakma and Hajong refugees would also fall within the ambit of persecuted religious minorities.

Journalist’s residence Two Manipur villages hit raided in Meghalaya as dam spillway collapses ShillonG, June 2 (Pti): Meghalaya police today raided the residence of a senior journalist here allegedly without a warrant while hewasawayathisworkplace. The Shillong Press Club has condemned the raid at the residence of P Sohkhlet, also their general secretary, and termed it as "unprofessional behaviour" by the police, who entered all rooms without any warrant from the court of law. Defending the raid, city police SP Vivek Syiem said, "We acted on a specific information that a wanted person was hiding there. How do we know it is a residence of a journalist?" Asked if there was any warrant for the raid, Syiem said the raid was conducted as soon as the information was received. A team was sent to the location. Sohkhlet’s nephew is a Khasi Students Union (KSU) activist and was away in his native village

when the raid took place. KSU had led an attack at a railway construction site in Ri-Bhoi district last month after which six of its leaders were arrested in connection with it. Sohkhlet said the raid was "inappropriate" as there was no formal warrant issued to his nephew to appear in a police station in any case. "How can they enter rooms occupied by women and even barge into the toilets? My entire family was shaken as I was not there," Sohkhlet said. Shillong Press Club President D O Laitphlang demanded action against those involved in the raid. "The Shillong Press Club takes strong exception to this uncouth and unprofessional behaviour by the law keepers and demands stringent action against the concerned personnel with immediate effect," Laitphlang said in a statement.


Courses offered Eligibility Duration FHW(Female Health Worker)/ANM 10th Passed 2 years 1 year DHAI/Nursing Assistant 8th Passed For details contact: Centre-I Centre-II Dhobinalla Culvert, Near ICICI 4th Mile, Near Agri. Expo Bank. Mob. No:9856125245/ Junction. Mob. No:8974507931/ 9615694009 9862639134 (Hostel Facility Available)

imPhal, June 2 (ianS): The spillway of the multi-crore Mapithel dam in Manipur collapsed on Thursday night, leading to cracks in several houses in two villages. The state government on Friday said the problem will be resolved soon. State Irrigation and Flood Control Minister Lenpao Haokip said, "Officials are elevating the depressed areas of the two villages. The problem will be resolved soon." Villagers of Maphou Kuki village and Loukhong Tangkhul villages fled to safer places on Friday. The villagers near the dam have been in perpetual fear as there were recent reports of leakage. Under

the influence of Cyclone Mora there has also been heavy rains in the past four days in the northeast. Haokip said the destruction of the dam spillway is being looked into, adding that officials are working round the clock to address the flash floods and overflowing river waters. A spillway is a structure used to provide for the controlled release of water from a dam. L. Holkhomang, village chief of Maphou Kuki village, said: "The cracks and depression have damaged 25 houses." Ramthar Shaiza of Tangkhul village said that eight houses have been damaged.

Guwahati, June 1 (Pti): The 117-year-old historic Cotton College in Guwahati today merged with Cotton College State University to form Cotton University. Assam Education Minister Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma unveiled the new identity of the institute during a renaming ceremony. Though the renaming ceremony was held amid protests by Cottonians, the Cotton College Teachers Association (CCTA) welcomed the decision and announcement of the state government to upgrade Cotton College to a university with effect from today. Sarma at the ceremony said he wanted the new university to be not only a centre of excellence of the North East region but a front ranking university of South East Asia.

Newmai News Network Imphal | June 2

Manipur today introduced the Goods and Services Tax Bill in the assembly. Manipur Deputy Chief Minister who is also incharge of Finance portfolio Yumnam Joykumar Singh today introduced Government Bill “The Manipur Goods and Services Tax Bill, 2017” for consideration and passing during the assembly session.

In collaboration with

The Anglers’ Association Mokokchung Time Venue

: 7:00 AM Onwards : Nanüng, Mongsenyimti


: RS. 10,000/: RS. 5,000/-

NB: 1. 5th June Angling Festival Competition entry fee will be Rs.700/2. Two (2) fishing rods will be allowed per ticket 3. 1st and 2nd biggest catches award prizes will be given as one entry ticket one prize 4. From 6th June, 2017 Angling Festival will commence as usual with Rs.500/- as entry fee per Angler 5. For details, contact 9856699423 / 9436436281


(Correction of Name, Father’s Name & Mother’s Name) Regd. No: 759 Date: 15.05.2017 I, Mr. Tepueyo Thuphre, son of Shri. Sakhahe Thuphre and Smti. Abune Thuphre, permanent resident of Kezoma Village, District-Kohima, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oath as follows: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India hailing from the Angami Naga Tribe. 2. That in my Class-X High School Leaving Certificate Examination bearing Roll No. 10375 my name has been entered and recorded as Tepueyo Thuphre my father’s name as Shri. Sakhahe Thuphre and my mother’s name as Smti. Abune Thuphre. 3. That this affidavit is made to declare that in my Class-XI Admission Card bearing Roll No. 1690 from the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur inadvertently and by oversight my name has been entered and recorded as Kriiche Chachie instead of Tepueyo Thuphre, my fathers’ name has been entered and recorded as Neil Khazhuo instead of Sakhahe Thuphre and my mother’s name has been entered and recorded as Abune instead of Abune Thuphre. 4. That the above mentioned name Tepueyo Thuphre and Kriiche Chachie is refers to one and the same person i.e. me and it is indistinguishable and synonymous. 5. That the above mentioned name Neil Khazhou and Sakhahe Thuphre is refers to one and the same person i.e. my father and it is indistinguishable and synonymous. 6. That the above mentioned name Abune and Abune Thuphre is refers to one and the same person i.e. my mother and it is indistinguishable and synonymous. 7. That this affidavit shall stand as a piece of evidence for any ratification/ clarification if any complication that may arise with regard to the correction/ Change of my name, Father’s name and my Mother’s in my Class-XI records. 8. That this affidavit is signed and sworn before the competent authority declaring that henceforth my correct official name is ‘Tepuevo Thuphre’, my Father’s correct official name is ‘Sakhahe Thuphre’ and my Mother’s correct official name is ‘Abune Thuphre’ herein it shall be used for all my academic recorded, official records, future references and future correspondence. That the above statements made in Pare1-8 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed herein and I signed this affidavit before the Competent Authority on 15th May, 2017 at Kohima.

While introducing the Bill, the Deputy Chief Minister in-charge of Finance also highlighted the objectives/ merits of the bill and said that the short coming of the tax structure are multiplicity of Central and State tax and prevailing of uniformity of tax. The Deputy Chief Minister further said that passing the GST bill is essential and urged all members of the house to study minutely before passing the bill.

outskirts of Aizawl on Thursday, cutting off the Mizoram capital from the rest of the country. Incessant rains due to the cyclone since Tuesday has disrupted power supply and telecommunication across the state, officials said.More than 120 houses across the state were damaged by the rains. The landslide caused disruption of traffic on the highway, traffic police department officials said. The Hunthar area where the landslide took place has been sinking for the last few years, forcing about 50 families to abandon their homes. Over 20 houses were dismantled by local volunteers.


Sd/- Principal District & Sessions Judge Dimapur: Nagaland


Ref. No: GAB-1/com/189/2009

Dated: 01/06/2017

PUBLIC NOTICE The Toulazouma Village Council have expelled Mr. Veto Swuro, Son of Mrs. Veselu Swuro for a period of 3 (three) years w.e.f. 5th June 2017. Mr. Veto Swuro (a habitual offender) with mischievous behavior committed guilty many times, had again physically assaulted our innocent citizen on 13th May 2017 without any reasons, which is unacceptable and cowardice Act. He will be held responsible for any harm happen to villager/victims in the near future. Further, the Toulazouma Village Council shall seized Mr. Veto's family plot if found entering the village jurisdiction during 3(three) years served on him, and would not held responsible whatsoever harm happens to him. Sd/- Chairman Toulazouma Village Council

JUBILEE MEMORIAL SCHOOL (Affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi) Salangtem Ward, Mokokchung, Nagaland


1. PRT (Lower K.G.): 1 Post (Qualification : B.A., B. Ed / TTC /Montessori Trained) Scale of Pay : 8000 – 240 – 12800/- P.M. Plus D.A 80%, HRA, M.A. etc. Perks : CPF, LTC, Gratuity, etc (EXPERIENCED HANDSAND ICSE & ISC BACKGROUND PREFERRED) DATE OF INTERVIEW: 16th of June 2017 at J.M. School Complex. Interested candidates may report at J.M. School office along with all original documents and 2 Passport size photo latest by 8:00 A.M. on the same day. Please note that NO CALLING LETTERS WILL BE ISSUED separately. Candidates can send their Bio-data (personal information) throughE-mail: jmschoolna001@gmail.com, Ph. No. 0369-3336319 Sd/- S.K. Maiti Principal, J.M. School

sam, the records state. In a meeting, the public here had decided to name the newly established college after the then Chief Commissioner Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton. He had formally declared Cotton College open under Calcutta University at a public meeting here on May 27, 1901. Prof Fredrick William Sudmersen then arrived at Guwahati on that day to take charge as the first principal of the college. After establishment of Gauhahi University in 1948 as the first university of the province, the affiliation of Cotton College was transferred from Calcutta University to Gauhati University in the same year. All departments of Cotton College were offering post raduate courses since 1994.

Whereas application under PART-1 OF SECTION 375 OF INDIAN SUCCESSION ACT 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate/debts/securities of late Mrs. Asenuo Solo has been filed by Neilhousielie Solo relation-husband, R/o. Tenyiphe –I Village ‘A’ Khel, Dimapur: Nagaland, to draw her: Pension P.P.O. who expired on 1/04/2017 Notice is hereby given that any Claims and Objections having interest in the administration of the estate /debts/ securities of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 3rd of July 2017 Given under the hand and seal of the court on this 2nd day of June 2017



Sd/- Head GB Toulazouma Village Council

The journey of higher education in the north eastern region had begun in 1901 with prominent public figure of the state Manick Chandra Barooah strongly advocating for setting up of a college in Guwahati with suitable boarding facilities. Students of the province had to go to Kolkata (Calcutta) for higher studies then. According to historical records, Manick Chandra in his letter (1899) to the British government had stated that Assam was the only province without a college and it would be cheaper for people of Upper Assam to stay at Guwahati than in Calcutta (Kolkata). On November 3, 1899 in Guwahati, the then Assam province Chief Commissioner Sir Henry Cotton made the announcement to establish a college in As-

GST Bill introduced Landslides in Mizoram, Aizawl cut off June 2 (Pti): Heavy rains triggered by in Manipur assembly Guwahati, Cyclone Mora caused a massive landslide on NH 54 in the

ANGLING FESTIVAL SITUATION VACANT Organized By: Meyilenden Dam Fishing Welfare Society

The Cotton College had observed its last foundation day on May 27. It marked the end of the journey in the north eastern region of India that began 117 years ago in 1901. The Assam government had proclaimed Cotton College, the premier college of Assam and eastern India, as a full-fledged university under the name Cotton University in January 2017 by an Act and merged Cotton College and Cotton College State University together. The year 2011 saw the declaration of the historic Act of the Government of Assam whereby the institution was upgraded to Cotton College State University (CCSU) with Cotton College as its sole constituent college. Cotton College was also declared as a Special Heritage College in 2015.

Sd/- Chairman BOG, J.M. School

The Kuki Christian Church, Midland, Kohima have the pleasure to acknowledge all the well-wishers who have generously contributed toward this church while celebrating its Golden Jubilee on 22-10-2016. Words are limited to say thanks to all of them but we wished through this column that Almighty God may bless them abundantly both physical and spiritually in days to come for His glory. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Present received from Nu Titing Hangsing, Dimapur, Nagaland Molvom Village, Christian Church Rev. H. Singson, Moderator, KCC N/S & family Ng. Lalam Doungel, KCC, Dimapur Mrs. Tingkho, Christian Church, Dimapur Mrs. Veihat Hangshing & family, Dimapur Mr.& Mrs. J. Lunkim & family, KCC, Dimapur Mrs. Deilhing Doungel & family, Dimapur Mr. M. Thenkhomang Haokip, AIR, Kohima Rev. P. Limsong & family, Molvom Mr. & Mrs. Sehlal Chongloi & family, Kohima Mrs. Naong Thomson & Children, Kohima Mrs. Angangla Jamir, Kohima KCC Medziphema (Ghaspani) Town Maova Village, Christian Church Chairman, MGKCC NSTDC Member Kuki Baptist Church, Kohima Phanjang Village, Christian Church Mr. Thangminlen Lilen Village, Christian Church Ahthibung Town, Christian Church Phaijol Village, Christian Church Vongkithem Village, Christian Church Chalkot Village, Christian Church New Chalkot Christian Church Mr. Neihuthie & Children, Kohima Midland Baprist Church, Kohima Mr. Khaimang Thangeo & family, Kohima Mr. Roland & family, Kohima Dimapur Christian Church, Dimapur Mr. L. L. Kuki & family, Dimapur Mrs. Chongboi Singson & family, Kohima Mrs. Lhingjanem Singson, Kohima Mrs. Themlhing Hangsing, Phaipijang Kuki Baptist Church, Sirhima Mr. Luna S. Singsit & family, Kohima Pochury Baptist Church, Midland, Kohima Mr. Ngulho Mepfuo, VCC Midland Panchayat Mr. Chungkhosat Lenthang & family, Kohima Mrs. Chulo-o Koza Lower Midland, Kohima Mr. Pausei Hengna & family Mrs. Neidonuo Angami, Midland, Kohima Miss Hatneilhing Misao, Molvom KCK of Christian Church, Dimapur Nu Kimmy Khongsai Miss Chingboi Vaiphei Bungsang Christian Church Mr. Asong, Bungsang Phaipijang Christian Church Mrs. Asing, Middle Midland, Kohima Mrs. Medo, Middle Midland, Kohima Mr. Lamkhohen Hangsing, Medziphema Mr. & Mrs. Chitoru Voja, Midland, Kohima Mr. & Mrs. Zaremo Kikon, Kohima Mr. D. Thomas Khasi Makhan Mr. & Mrs. H. Kholhou, Phaipijang Mr. Letkhongul Changsan, Ahthibung Mr. Jamkholun Haokip. AIR, Kohima Mr. Tonglen Chongloi, AIR, Kohima Mr. Mrs. T. Limsong, Dimapur Mr. Lovejoy & family, Kohima

Received Items Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Holy Bible, Rs.500.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 1000,00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1000.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Belpi khat Rs. 100.00 Rs. 100.00 Belpi khat Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,500.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 1,100.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 200.00 Rs. 5,000.00 Rs.1,000.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 100.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs.10,000.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 200.00 Rs. 200.00 2 Nos. of Vase Rs. 500.00 Rs. 1000.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 100.00 12 steel plate with Tea Tray Bawl 1 set Ajanta Digital wall clock 1 Rs. 300.00 Rs. 200.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 200.00 Rs. 300.00 Rs. 1000.00 Rs. 500.00 Rs. 500.00 Saipikhup 1 Rs. 1000.00 Chairman, Jubilee Committee


SaturdaY 03•06•2017



‘Youth Alive’: Animation prog at Don Bosco College Kohima, June 2 (mexn): The 5th semester students of Don Bosco College, Kohima had a threeday ‘Youth Alive’ animation programme from May 29 to 31 at the college premises. The animation was done by Francis and Thelespore of Bosco Youth Care (BYC), Don Bosco College Itanagar. A press release informed that the programme was initiated to educate, engage and empower the young minds to become the stakeholders of their own growth and development. The programmes offered were: Citizen Café, 5th Space, Gender equality, Design thinking, and Constitution connect. Duchifi of History Department termed the

resource persons, faculty and students of don Bosco College, Kohima.

workshop “wonderful and awesome event.” All the three days, Duchifi said, were filled with useful information for the growth and development of the

knowledge and skills of the students. “The 5th Space was an innovative and creative topic. It allowed the students to discover his/her own talent and ca-

pacities without interference from outside force. It is a space where a person knows and understands his or her talents and gifts. Another topic ‘Design think-

ing’ provides for the creation of distinct things and useful items which will be relevant for the society and country at large.” Meanwhile, Chu-

bamenla Ao of Department of English said, “We were very fortunate to be part of the three day session. We learned a lot.” She also thanked the resource persons for sharing their knowledge and experiences, helping them become more aware of their inner talent and certain ideas that can change the country one day or may be even the world. Further, Sitilo Magh of Department of English said, “The three days were very fruitful and it has really opened our mind into positive perspective. An important topic we discussed was the Gender equality. Gender inequality shouldn’t be practiced, but rather equal opportunity is to be provided to all.”

Parliamentary secretary for CAwd & taxes, dr Benjongliba Aier along with watiyim village council members, 30 Alongaki A/C nPF leaders and others after inaugurating the watiyim village gate on May 30 at tzürang Valley.

Consultation on Reproductive Rights held Applications invited for induction Kohima, June 2 (mexn): A two-day statelevel consultation on ‘Using the Law to ensure reproductive and sexual health rights’ was organised by Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) on May 30 and 31 at the Jubilee Memorial Centre, Kohima. HRLN, a network of lawyers, researchers, and social activists working against human rights violations in India, provided this platform to discuss and deliberate on Reproductive Rights, Maternal Health Care, and Family Planning programs in the state with over hundred participants from various tribal student bodies, women’s associations, NGOs, and final year students from Kohima Law College. Advocate Kezhosano Kikhi in her opening remarks stated the objectives of the consultation and explained how HRLN has been working in the state. Sarita Barpanda, Director for Reproductive Rights Initiative, spoke about Maternal Health and the need for respectful and dignified care. She highlighted key schemes, benefits and entitlements introduced by the government, and emphasized how the healthcare system was failing women

in Nagaland, resulting in avoidable maternal and infant deaths and the appalling treatment of pregnant women. Special appraisal was also given on health care services provided at the Sub-Centres, PHCs, CHCs and the district hospitals in the state as per Indian Public Health Standards, noting the acute lack of suitable facilities. Zahra Wynne, a researcher based in the Delhi office of HRLN, provided a situational analysis of reproductive and sexual health in Nagaland, and evaluated the state’s National Health Mission. She noted that Nagaland’s high maternal mortality rate, unmet need for contraceptive information and services, and declining awareness of HIV, as a justification to improve public health services in the state. Kezhokhoto Savi, Assistant Professor at Kohima Law College and President of Nagaland Voluntary Consumers Organisation apprised the Maternal Benefits Schemes under National Food Security Act, 2013 and its implementation in the state of Nagaland. The need for the setting up of a Food Commission was emphasized as a way forward for the prop-

er implementation of the Food Security Act and as a means to address numerous discrepancies existing in the public distribution system in Nagaland. Notable issues of contraceptive information and services under the family planning program and highlights from Supreme Court petitions and judgments on unethical sterilization camps conducted in various parts of Indian states were presented by Zahra Wynne and Sarita Barpanda respectively Other important health and social issues featured were the problems and challenges faced by People Living with HIV (PLHIV) by Lanu, President of NNP+. He highlighted the levels of social and personal stigma attached to PLHIV, and its visible implications in contemporary society. Yanpvuo Kikon outlined the use of social media and the Internet as a tool for social activism. Also deliberation on topics under the remit of sexual and reproductive rights, benefit entitlements, gaps and challenges, and plans of action to address them were all part of groups of exercise where participants actively contributed.




Answer Number # 3958

Kohima, June 2 (DiPR): Applications have been invited for induction into IAS of Nagaland Cadre from the eligible officers serving under the Government of Nagaland other than State Civil Service to fill up l(one) post of IAS for the Select List 2016. Application along with Service Biodata and ACR/APARs for last 10(ten) years duly recommended by the Administrative Head of Department may be submitted to the Secretary, Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department, Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima on or before June 15, 2017.

Eligibility criteria: Officers not belonging to State Civil Service but serving in connection with the affairs of the State who; Is of outstanding merit and ability; and Holds a gazetted post in a substantive capacity; and has completed not less than 8(eight) years of continuous service under the State Government on the first day of January 2016 in which case the post has been declared equivalent to the post of Deputy Collector in the State Civil Service. The upper age limit will be 56 years as on 01.01.2016 i.e. the date of determination for the Select list 2016.

Cornerstone, Zunheboto observed world no- tobacco day where students from the school's 'no- tobacco' Club along with the teachers rallied from old town Colony to BoC, south Point-east with placards, banners and students dressed up in costumes stitched out of empty talab, Gul and Cigarette packets, all displaying the harmful effects of tobacco and signifying the importance of the day.

std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. Aqualung 6. Stigma 10. Affirm 14. November birthstone 15. Sea eagle 16. Agreeable 17. Convex molding 18. Found on rotary phones 19. Tall woody plant 20. Capable of being penetrated 22. Pile 23. Female chicken 24. Moses’ brother 26. Eyetooth 30. Civet-like mammal 32. Prank 33. Hairy 37. Mangle 38. Dog-___ 39. Notion 40. Bitterly or sharply 42. Drive 43. Praises 44. Charisma 45. Not black 47. Witch 48. Space 49. Sore throat 56. Killer whale 57. Double-reed woodwind 58. Swelling under the skin 59. Self-satisfied 60. Scheme 61. Napped 62. Being 63. Tropical American wildcat 64. Anxious DOWN 1. Cease 2. Sheltered nook 3. Atop 4. Cotton bundle 5. Nitric 6. 4-door car 7. Baby’s bed

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3959

into IAS from non-SCS/other service

8. A Freudian stage 9. Let go 10. Hard coal 11. An small olive-grey bird 12. Sea 13. Cry 21. Scarlet 25. Donkey 26. Temporary living quarters 27. Two-toed sloth 28. Render unconscious 29. Journey 30. Rolls up 31. Comply with 33. Head 34. Biblical garden 35. Require 36. Container weight 38. Letter container 41. Consume 42. Hint 44. A tribe of Israel 45. Nematodes 46. To deceive or cheat 47. Doglike nocturnal mammal 48. Thorny flower 50. With competence 51. Lion sound 52. Doing nothing 53. Adolescent 54. Rapscallions 55. Satisfy

ACtIon AddItIonAL AsCot BeACH BrIGHt CLAss CLoUdY CLUtCH CoVer deAtH deFeAt deMAnd dInner drAt entAIL FIGHt FoCUs GrAnt GrAsP LAUGH MAMMotH MontH



229529 229474

MH Hospital

227930 231081

Fire Brigade


Faith Hospital


naga Hospital


shamrock Hospital


oking Hospital


Zion Hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing Home


northeast shuttles


Police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east Police station


west Police station


CIHsr (referral Hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur Hospital

Police station Fire Brigade

nerVe onLIne orGAn PAtIent sAMe sArI sCene sCrAG serF sHAwL sHort sMoKe snoUt sUet tooL trot VAGUe Vent VItAL worLd worse



222246 222491



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 Zubza Ps

224041 248011


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway


Airport Indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou Ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos Hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha Ps

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden Medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

KoHIMA Ps/oCs Contact numbers north Ps

Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777


std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)

Civil Hospital

Answer to Crossword 3961





Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 woMen HeLPLIne 08822911011 WOMEN HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

63.1 80.79 7.83 46.89 45.51 46.8 56.36 70.37 1.79 0.0545 16.62 8.96

95.94 84.68 8.72 49.17 47.72 49.08 59.53 73.76 2.00 0.0608 18.52 9.98

saturday 03•06•2017


Governor stresses on building industry and human resource

DIMAPUR, JUne 2 (Mexn): Nagaland State Governor PB Acharya addressing the recently held 66th Plenary of North Eastern Council (NEC) in New Delhi stressed on the need to develop industry and human resource in the North East, while also pointing to specific development projects. As per press note from the PRO to the Governor, he briefed the gathering on the initiatives undertaken by him towards preservation and protection of indigenous tribal culture, tribal scripts, rituals and identity. The Governor urged the members present to consider the proposal of renaming the council

as NAMASTE, as the acronym includes the names of all the North Eastern States. Informing the meeting on the setting up of the Medical College in Nagaland, Acharya said that the Nagaland government has acquired 40.251 acres of land at Phriebagie, Kohima and the project comprises of Administrative block, Academic, Hostel complex for students and residential complex of faculty. He said the Ministry of Health & FW under the scheme for up-gradation of District Hospital to New Medical College approved to provide one time grant of Rs 189.00 crores. The GoI has already released Rs 52.50 crore and construction works have

started. 500 bedded hospital alongwith staff quarters and equipment are proposed under NEC with an estimated cost of Rs 500 crore. Presenting the breakup of the project cost, the Governor said Rs 233.76 crore was for the 500 bedded Teaching Hospital along with staff quarters and Rs 266.24 crore for equipments. Stating that Private Public Partnership has to be encouraged for positive participation in the field of Education, Health, Agriculture Sector etc, the Governor informed that the Medical Science University of Mangalore, Nitte University have offered their full support to be partner under Private Public Part-

dividend provided there is focused policy action. The Governor further requested NEC to bring into its ambit the role for promotion of organic farming in the region and brand “Make in Northeast”. In this regard, he suggested that NEC draw up a suitable scheme to emulate the success of Sikkim in the field of organic farming. Acharya also felt that to put in practice the Act East Policy, the Regional Plan of NEC has identified only flight connectivity and stated that besides air connectivity, road and rail connection between India and South East Asian countries are equally important. He also called on to take op-

nership for the State’s new Medical College. Meanwhile, the Governor appreciated the GoI for allowing Air India and Indigo flights from Dimapur to Delhi via Kolkata. However, he urged Air India to operate flights 7 days a week from Dimapur to Delhi from the present 6 days a week. He also said that currently, there were no flights from Dimapur connecting to Guwahati/Imphal and requested NEC to take up with the Ministry of Civil Aviation to include Dimapur in the Guwahati-Imphal route. He also spoke on the importance of skill development in the region, stating there is huge potential to reap the demographic

MEx FILE NU Undergraduate result declared

LUMAMI, JUne 2 (Mexn): The Provisional Results for Nagaland University Undergraduate BA, B.Sc, B.Com, BBA, BCA Examinations conducted during portunity of the India-Ja- April 2017 has been declared. The result details may be pan strategic partnership. seen on the university website www.nagalanduniversiRegarding sports, Acha- ty.ac.in. This was informed in a press release by Dr. Aberya informed that on the ba- mo, Controller of Examinations, Nagaland University. sis of NEC’s Regional Plan, Nagaland proposes for setChief Secretary cautions against ting up of Dr. T Ao Football Academy to tap the football sharing documents without approval talents in the region. He also stressed on the need to har- KohIMA, JUne 2 (Mexn): Chief Secretary of Naganess the state’s skills in han- land Pankaj Kumar has in a circular warned all governdlooms, handicrafts and ment officials that disclosure of important government textile products, so that these documents without approval from competent authority shall invite initiation of disciplinary proceedings for products can be exported. He mentioned that the violation of Rule 21 of Nagaland Government Servants State has submitted several Conduct Rules 1968. He stated important documents / proposals under various file notings are being circulated through electronic meschemes of the Ministry of dia even before approval by competent authority hamTextiles, GoI. However, the pering decision making. proposals have not been considered due to fund conAbhijit Sinha appointed as straint. The NEC was asked Chief Electoral Officer Nagaland to assist the State in securing the funds from the Ministry. KohIMA, JUne 2 (DIPR): Abhijit Sinha, IAS, has been appointed as the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) for the State of Nagaland with effect from the date he takes over charge and until further orders. This was notified by the Election Department. in the family of 4, including his widowed mother. NSCN (IM) apprehends WSH: The Western alleged arms smuggler Sumi Hoho termed the bomb attack a “cowardly act which has no place in DIMAPUR, JUne 2 (Mexn): The Crime SuppresNaga society.” In a press sion Department (CSD) of NSCN (IM) apprehended statement issued by its one alleged arms smuggler identified as Norudin of President Zheshito Swu and Assam, presently residing in Dimapur, on May 25 and General Secretary Vikato K recovered two arms from his possession - one .22 with Achumi, the WSH further 11 live ammunition and .32 with 6 live ammunition, appealed to all sections of informed a press release from M Daniel Lotha, Secsociety to condemn such retary, Ministry of Kilo Affairs, GPRN. He was charge heinous crime that creates sheeted under arm smuggling case, extortion and kidfear psychosis in the minds napping, the release stated. The Kilo Affairs Secretary of the peace loving citizens alleged that smuggling of arms, extortion, abduction, and distort the peaceful at- murder, etc. are perpetrated in and around Dimapur mosphere of the society. It by non locals with the help of local people. In this realso urged the law enforcing gard, the GPRN warned of befitting punishment to agency to do its” best to ar- anyone caught. rest the culprits at the earliest possible time.” NRBPS Kohima informs students The above organizations also expressed condolences to the fam- DIMAPUR, JUne 2 (Mexn): The BA (H) Degree ily of the person who suc- Convocation program for the students who have cumbed to injuries, while passed Ratna (BA Hindi) Exam under RPS Wardha in also expressing solidarity the year 2015 (April & September) or prior to that will to the store’s proprietor and be held on June 11 in Guwahati. In this regard, Nagawishing speedy recovery to land Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti (Hindi Uchchatar the injured. Vidhyalaya) Kohima has informed the students who are eligible for the convocation to contact the School authority (8413818142) immediately on or before June 3 for further necessary action. NRBPS Kohima, Dr. BP Philip Dzüvichu in a press note said that those stupur and had been involved dents falling to do the same will not be awarded cerin different social activities in tificate this time. the town over the years. “In his death the Sumis in parTangkhul Hoho Nagaland ticular and the Dimapurians Education Meritorious Award in general have lost a senior statesman and the void created will be difficult to fill,” DIMAPUR, JUne 2 (Mexn):Award distribution it stated. The Sumi Council, function of Tangkhul Hoho Nagaland Education MeriDimapur prayed for the eter- torious Award 2017 will be held on June 4 at Darogajan nal peace of the departed Tangkhul Baptist Church, Dimapur at 3:00 pm. All stusoul and also to give strength dents and well wishers have been invited to attend the to the family members to function. overcome the grief.

BJP claims to bring corruption Condemnation continues for Dimapur blast free government in Nagaland D2(Mexn): IMAPUR, J U n e lators will be penalized as note from Ministry of Rali Wali Affairs/MIP, NNC/ Denunciation resolved. ZUnheboto/DIMAPUR, JUne 2 (Mexn): The BJP Secretary (Organisation) Nagaland incharge, Ananta Narayan Mishra has stated, “BJP is not a religious party. It is a political party and has nothing to target the Christians or any other minorities.” Mishra clarified “this is totally false rumor and fabricated by other political rivals. The BJP government in the centre has appointed many state Governors from Muslim and Christian community, those are the living examples.” Addressing party workers at the 5th district executive meeting of BJP in Zunheboto on May 30, Mishra maintained Nagas need change and BJP is the only alternative party to bring corruption free government in the State, according to a press release from Shikuto Sema, president, BJP Zunheboto district. He challenged the party workers that under his supervision Nagaland will form BJP government during 2018 election. BJP State Executive Member, I. Kheto encouraged the Mandal Presidents to work hard beginning from the grassroots level to face the 2018 State assembly election. Alleging that NPF government in the state has failed to deliver the developmental works judiciously, he said, “The 15 years of NPF government in the state has failed the expectation of our

Naga people.” He added people should not be fooled by false rumor that BJP is anti Christian or anti minorities. “...Ban of cow slaughter is a state subject which will never affect the Nagaland state.” Mishra also attended the 5th executive meeting of BJP Dimapur district unit on June 2, where he stated that BJP stands for development and is focused on empowering the minority sections of the society. He also mentioned that after touring all the districts of Nagaland he was bemused to find that the State is still at a natal stage while the rest of the states in the country have marched ahead. Nagaland, he asserted, is not 100% but 200% corrupt, making it the most corrupt state in the country, according to a press release. “Only BJP can bring 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas' (Collective efforts, Inclusive Growth) that forms the cornerstone of Narendra Modi's model of governance in Nagaland,” he claimed. He also highlighted the upcoming programmes of the party and asked the party workers to work diligently in the grassroots level and to ensure that the party comes to power in the 2018 assembly election. He further encouraged the party workers to focus on digital media to publicize the central government developments, achievements and schemes for the people.

for the bomb blast at a medical store in Dimapur on May 29 continues to pour in. CCCTA: The Chumukedima Chambers of Commerce and Trade Association (CCCTA) appealed to the security force to seriously put their heads together and bring to book the persons responsible for the blast to restore back public confidence that, "good will always over rule evils". In a press release, CCCTA also notified to all the shops/enterprises in Chumukedima Town that severe penalty will be imposed if uniform rate or MRP are not strictly maintained. All shop/enterprises were also reminded that the public resolution at Saturday Bazaar on February 13, 2014 – ‘One Government One Tax’ – remains in effect and vio-

KCCI: Kohima Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) denounced the act, which it said created fear psychosis among the peace loving business community, “who serves the society mutely, but are always at the receiving end from myriads of organizations in the society.” The KCCI in a press release appealed to the law enforcing agencies to apprehend the “anti social elements” at the earliest to establish the rule of law in our land. FGN: The Federal Government of Nagaland (Singnya-Zhopra) condemning the incident asserted one should not indulge in such “dastard act” when the Naga people as a whole are longing to bring peace in “our” land. “This kind of undesirable act should be condemned by one and all,” added a press

FGN. Stating its firm belief in “policy of non-violence,” the MIP release said act of violence cannot solve any problem. “Therefore, all should adhere to it by avoiding social unrest in our own homeland.” NSPC: The Nagaland State Pharmacy Council (NSPC) also asked the law enforcing agencies to act swiftly to nab the culprits soon and punish as per the law. RBC Burma Camp: Condemning the blast, Rongmei Baptist Church (RBC) Burma Camp informed that one of the persons injured in the incident, Iheilung (22) Newme, has been referred to Gauhati for further treatment. He is a member of Rongmei Baptist Church Burma Camp, Dimapur. Pastor of the church, Gaidim Kamei in a press release said that Iheilung is the only one earning

Tovihoto, Sumi Council Dimapur offer condolences

DIMAPUR, JUne 2 (Mexn): Parliamentary Secretary for Economics & Statistics, Nagaland Tovihoto Ayemi today expressed grief over the death of Vikiye Zhimomi on June 1 in Dimapur. “Hailing for Satakha village, Vikiye’s prominence was not only confined to his native area but among the Sumi community and Naga people,” Tovihoto stated in a condo-

lence note. He mentioned that Vikiye’s entry into government service dated back to as early as 1957 when he joined the NEFA service as base Superintendent before Nagaland attained statehood. He went on to the Government of Nagaland in various capacities till the time he took voluntary retirement as Deputy Secretary, Home in 1986, it added. “Vikiye was one of

the pioneers of Dimapur and his visionary leadership contributed to the town in numerous areas.” The Parliamentary Secretary along with his family further extended condolences to the bereaved family. In a separate condolence note, the Sumi Council, Dimapur expressed sadness at the demise of Vikiye Zhimomi. The Council said Vikiye was an early settler of Dima-

Public SPace

The August 3 Framework Agreement has restored lost Sovereignty



he God given sovereign rights of the Nagas have been restored with the signing of the historic August 3, 2015 Framework Agreement between the Nagas and the Govt. of India. The Govt. of India had recognized the sovereign rights of the Nagas and had agreed to co-exist with shared sovereignty. The Nagas aspirations for sovereignty was considered doomed with the signing of the treacherous Shillong Accord and the 16 Point agreement in November, 1975 and in July 1960 respectively, whereby, the signatories embraced the Indian Constitution at their own volitions. It was a serious political ploy of India to keep the Nagas under bondage and oppressions. The acts of betrayals had deprived the Nagas of their unchallengeable sovereign birth rights to exist as a free Nation and as free people. However, through the selfless sacrifices of the Nagas under the God anointed dynamic and visionary Collective Leaderships of former Yaruiwo, Isak Chishi Swu and Ato Kilonser, Th. Muivah, the GOI and Nagas had finally agreed to co-exist with shared sovereignty. The GOI had also recognized and had accepted the Nagas as a different entity having equal status, meaning, India is not above the Nagas nor Nagas are above India and to live as two different friendly Nations with absolute ownerships rights over their own lands and its resources both beneath and above the earth’s surface. The framework agreement is political in nature which is the preamble of the detailed final political agreement expected to be completed and signed

very soon by the two different entities. It is without any unilateral powers unlike the Shillong accord and the 16 point agreement which were totally under the provisions of the Indian laws and Indian Constitution. After more than 50 years of arms resistance and struggles, the Nagas accepted the invitation of the Govt. of India for political negotiation after India admitted that, solution is not possible through the barrels of the Guns except by peaceful negotiations across the table as the Nagas issue is political in nature. After series of political negotiations stretching about 20 years, under successive six Prime Ministers of India, both India and the Nagas have come closer to understand each other’s problems and had reached a milestone in the signing of the historic framework agreement. Govt. of India has finally recognized and had accepted that, Nagas are not Indians but a different entity with equal status, having separate and distinct identity, with unique history and Cultures. The yearning to restore our rights to live as a sovereign Nation free from India’s atrocious Army rule and its oppressions is in the blood of the Nagas. Every Naga is a freedom fighter by blood and had contributed in one way or the other towards Naga struggles for freedom. All the different political organizations have also equivocally advocated and had stood for Nagas sovereignty without exclusions or any disparity within the Nagas. In the course of our selfless struggles for our rights, many thousands and lakhs of Nagas have sacrificed their lives for the Nation. Finally, after decades of prolong selfless struggles, Sovereignty has dawned upon the Nagas.

The credits of this historic achievement goes to the different Naga mass based organizations, Civil Societies, Tribal Organizations, Churches and the scores of individuals who had relentlessly and fearlessly worked for the last many decades for Nagas common cause. Their immense contributions in the midst of Indian Army atrocities have made it possible to reach to this day while we anxiously awaits the inking of the final settlement with India. They have made supreme sacrifices of their lives and families and through thick and thin they had steered the Nagas political issue up to this highest level of political negotiations. At this juncture, when the Nagas are economically so poor and unsustainable, it will be wise to partner with India for larger economic growths, infrastructural and all round developments of Nagalim. To provide the road map towards a developed bright future along with India will create larger opportunities especially for the younger Naga generations. The acceptance to have shared sovereignty will surely take the Nagas much further forward along with the advancement pace of great India which is rapidly becoming one of the economic superpowers of the World. When the Nagas have achieved the recognition of our sovereign rights from India, after more than 70 years of political turmoil and bloody war fares, some forces have emerged with their treacherous game plans to sabotage and undo what have been collectively achieved by the Nagas. The advocacy and heinous agendas of those organizations and individuals are similar to the builders of the Babel Tower. They have now started uttering in different

tongues by leaving aside the Nagas common aspirations and slogans for Sovereignty. God is unfailing to the Nagas and He has led us up to this historic moment of political negotiations. It is saddening that, at this juncture some Pharaohs led organizations are working overnights to lure back the Israelites back to Egypt even after reaching the shores of Canaan. The Nagas and the future generations should not be doomed by their schemes of vested interests which are totally against the Nagas national interests. The Nagas are of one Nation and it is clearly understandable that, GOI cannot have numerous solutions in piece meals for the Nagas except one Solution which is honourable and acceptable to the Nagas. The Nagas need to appreciate the Govt. of India in recognizing our sovereign rights. Therefore, it will be suicidal to make attempts to highjack the Indo-Naga political talks at this final stage by those people who still worship the treacherous and deceitful Accords and Agreements of the past decades. This is totally against the Nagas national interests as well as against the initiatives of the Govt. of India which is committed to usher in permanent peace and developments in the Northeast and Nagalim in particular. The NSCN/GPRN had kept its door wide open all along as the ongoing political negotiations progresses to find a final settlement and appeal to the people not to be misled by the builders of Babel Tower and the Pharaohs of Egypt but to continue with your unflinching supports towards the political negotiations to reach the Final Solution in the common interests of the Nagas and Naga Nation.

June 3 is World Clubfoot Day CURE International India


lubfoot, one of the world’s most common physical deformities by birth (congenital deformity) that severely twists the foot downward and inward, makes walking difficult or impossible. Clubfoot can be corrected with serial cast/plaster and a special shoe. Many children born with clubfoot deformity are misunderstood as polio affected children. Majority of them grow up with clubfoot deformity and live physically challenged all their life. Untreated clubfoot children can’t walk, run or play and many of them never get an opportunity of education. From our experience we learn that there is very less awareness among the public that clubfoot can be treated. Many children undergo expensive surgery that result is life time painful and non-shoeable foot. CURE International India is providing free treatment for Clubfoot children. The Ponseti Method has been recognized by the WHO, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of India as the preferred method of correction and is ideally suited for any developing country because of its inexpensive, nonsurgical approach Two out of every thousand children born in every country in the world regardless of race or geographical region suffers from clubfoot. Every 10 minutes a child is born with clubfoot in India, ie., over 50,000 children are born with Clubfoot deformity every year (2 per 1000 birth). The good news is that clubfoot is curable and the treat-

ment is less expensive comparing to other disability. CURE International India began its service from April 2009 with a goal to eradicate disability caused by clubfoot in India. At present more than 35000 children are enrolled in this program nationwide in 29 states. Ponseti International Association (PIA) has designated June 3 as World Clubfoot Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the birth date of Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, (1914 2009) the developer of the Ponseti Method to treat Clubfoot (a birth deformity). Theme for the World Clubfoot Day is “World free of Clubfoot Deformity.” The goal of World Clubfoot Day is to raise awareness about clubfoot disability and its prevention using the Ponseti Method, a non-surgical treatment that includes gentle manipulation of the feet followed by the application of plaster/ casts and temporary bracing/ shoe. CURE Clubfoot Nagaland Helpline – 9615606161 CURE Clubfoot Nagaland program started in September 2012 at Naga Hospital Authority Kohima on every Tuesday (weekly). Till date 57 children have been enrolled in Nagaland for free clubfoot treatment. It is estimated that over 60-70 children are born with clubfoot in Nagaland every year. This program is attached with Orthopaedic Department. With the help of NHM, Health and Family Welfare, Government of Nagaland and great support from the doctors and Hospital authority we can serve the treatment free of cost.

saturDaY 03•06•2017

PeoPle, life, etc...



3 hypertension misconception Dr KezhawetuoMiachie-o MBBS MD(General Medicine), Department of Medicine, CIHSR


ypertension is one of the most common disease prevalent in our society. However,the main concern for we doctors about hypertension today is not the disease but the many misconception our people has about hypertension which has drawn our attention towards clarifying exactly what is true and what is not true about hypertension. Misconception about hypertension has been a huge concern for us as it has played a major role in in the increased incidence of deaths and hospitalization in hypertensive patients. Here are some of the most common misconceptions and questions I get to hear from patients in the hospital: 1. How long should I take medicines for high bp? I hope I don’t have to take lifelong as I hear from people that it will effect my health in the long run.  Yes,once you are diagnosed with hypertension,you have to take medicines for life(except

some conditions where high bp is due to some other secondary cause). It is not uncommon to see that patients stops taking their bp medicines once it comes down to normal. Remember,yourbp medicines is doin its job in keeping your bp under control. Once you stop taking your medicines your bp will shoot up again. One should also know that as you grow older,yourbp will have a tendency to go higher as it is a natural process of ageing. Never stop medications on your own unless advised by a doctor. 2. I take my bp medicines only when I feel dizzy because I know I feel dizzy when my bp is high.  Feeling dizzy doesnt always mean that your bp is high!!! There are multiple causes of dizziness other than high BP. Don’t wait for dizziness to warn you that your BP is high. A hypertensive patient with high BP can have a sudden stroke without any warning sign or symptoms. On the other hand,a patient with very high BP can be happily carrying his daily duties without any signs or symptoms of high BP. Its not surprising that many hypertensive patients comes to the hospital with complain of diziness, the cause of which is not due to high BP but some other cause. 3. Taking BP medicines will damage your kidney . How far is this true?  Another surprising misconception we come across very of-

ten. The most common organs damaged due to high BP is the kidney and heart. A healthy kidney will keep your BP under control. An uncontrolled BP will slowly destroy your kidney and ultimately lead to what we call chronic kidney disease, leaving you only with the choice of dialysis or kidney transplantation. Protect your kidneys by keeping your blood pressure under control. 4. Are there any side effects of BP medicines?  Yes,every medicine will have its own side effects. As far as BP medicines are concern,most common side effects are leg swelling,dizziness,persistentc ough,severe weakness etc. But these side effects doesn’t mean you have to stop controlling your high bp. In case you have any side effect, inform your doctor, and alternate medicines can be given in place of those medicines causing the side effects. Meet your doctor on appointed days so that development of any side effects can be monitored and alterations in medications can be done if required. 5. My BP shot up because I had too much meat for last few days/months.  What about your daily salt intake? Salt is the main culprit in your diet for causing high BP. Minimize the amount of salt in your food. Meat of course is not good for health if taken in excess but as far as BP is concern,watch out for the amount of salt you

take everyday. 6. Does taking alcohol help in reducing blood pressure?  Studies have shown that moderate consumption of alcohol helps in reducing high BP. This may be true in some parts of the world but in a society like ours where we are plaqued with the problem of alcohol addiction,it is a big NO. From a small amount of drinking each day,a person will not realize when he becomes dependent on alcohol. it is almost always too late when a person who is alcohol dependent becomes a full blown alcoholic. Keeping in mind this truth,it is always wise to stay away from alcohol,because alcohol itself will cause high BP when taken beyond limit. 7. Does lifestyle have anything to do with your high BP?  Yes, live a healthy lifestyle. Four points noteworthy of mentioning are: a) Diet – as mentioned earlier,decrease the amount of salt you take everyday. As far as possible avoid red meat(beef,pork). b) Stress- stress plays a major role in increasing your BP. Avoid stress,learn how to tackle with it. c) Physical exercise- very important in keeping your BP under control. Go for jogging everyday in the morning and evening. d) No smoking/drinking alcohol.

According to news items some annoying people are often useful Nury Vittachi



have an ethics issue. What do you do when you're having an argument on Facebook and an incredibly stupid, annoying person joins in, but they're on your side? It's shocking that society has no answers for the huge moral dilemmas of today. It's an odd truth that annoying people often turns out to be useful. A case in point was sent to me by reader Ann Chin recently. A daring robber raided a bank in the US state of Vermont and got away. Elsewhere in the same town, a woman who was the sort of annoying person who gets called an "eco-Nazi" (my family is full of them) was throwing away a piece of garbage in her bin. She noticed someone had thrown away a paper coffee cup in the LITTERBIN instead of THE PAPER RECYCLING bin. Outraged, she retrieved it and found it contained a crumpled piece of a paper with writing on it: "This is a robbery give me the money and no one will get hurt." Police guessed it was the robber's practice note and immediately set off in pursuit of the woman's housecleaner's boyfriend. The moral of this story? Always put draft copies of criminal threats you write in the correct bin. You can even make money being annoying. I remember the Inland Revenue Service in Karachi hiring hijras, persons of non-standard gender, to stand outside the homes of non-taxpayers and be as annoying as possible until people paid up. A Spanish debt collection agency em-

ployed a dog with an annoying yap and a bagpiper for similar purposes. More recently, the Minnesota police department in the US announced that arrested people may be subjected to a really annoying Justin Bieber video "all the way to the jail". There was no follow-up report on whether the crime rate fell, but I worry that there may have been an unexpected boom in crimes committed by teenage girls. Now the last time I mentioned this sort of thing, someone pointed out that there's a United Nations convention which specifically bans the repeated playing of unwanted music as torture. But apparently it only applies in war situations. My local police are running a "war on bad parking" but I don't think that counts. The one group of Annoying People who I find Not Useful are folk who are Excessively Politically Correct. The British Medical Association recently issued a guidance document telling doctors and nurses they could refer to mamas-to-be as "pregnant people" to include "transmen who might become pregnant". This is a bit much. Of course it is possible that I may be swamped with angry letters from pregnant "transmen" but I will take that risk. It would be annoying to lose the word "mama", a term you find in almost every language around the world. (The exception is Buckingham Palace in London, where the Queen's babies have to address her as "ma'am" or find themselves on the "to be beheaded" list.) One day the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody will go: "Parent-Person, just killed a Person." Just not the same.

KEEPING IT QUEER — A THE GOOD SHOT: Vaccinating your pet podcast hoping to change lives



Soumya Mathew

am gay.” As liberating saying these words out loud may seem, if you are from a country like India, the social dogma associated with them can be downright brutal. Where godmen and prominent personalities have denounced a non-conforming sexual orientation as a bonafide ‘disease that has spread from the west’ or as a ‘curable illness’, the conversations around and about LGBTQ are usually hushed. There is a sense of immediacy, a tone of guilt and even fear underlying such conversations. Which is why it is important that there are discussions about the various perspectives of the LGBTQ community in India. Keeping It Queer, a podcast hosted by Navin Noronha, an openly gay comedian, has been striving to contribute to this dialogue. “There’s nothing wrong with us. You don’t have to demonise people because they are gay,” he said, speaking to indianexpress.com. The 25-year-old realises the importance of bringing forth the stories of pioneers, supporters and members of the LGBTQ community in India. “Such discussions are important because, as a 17-year-old anxious person coming out, if I had somebody around who had told me that it’s all okay, then I would have been much calmer,” he said. And when people like Harish Iyer; a journalist and an openly gay equal rights activist, Urmi Jadhav, Gauri Sawant — both transgender activists, come forward and assure those struggling with their sexual identities through spoken word, it becomes easier to accept oneself, he further explains. It is essential to spread the message that there are people who have gone through the same hell as closeted homosexuals, transgenders and trans-sexuals go through now, so that they know there are those who have come out of them just fine, Noronha said. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean acceptance by the ones around. “The idea is to accept yourselves first and talk about this integral part of your identity freely, before you expect the world to accept you,” he said. It’s imperative they know that slipping into depression or ending their lives aren’t the only options. Noronha realised he wasn’t attracted to women at the age of 14. And as a child growing up in the early 2000s, his selfdoubt and fear of backlash did not allow him to confide his ‘secret’ with anybody, until three years later, he came out to his best friend. “I want every youngster who

is dealing with the angst of not being able to come out, like I did, to listen to people of the community talk, and feel inspired to follow their heart.” He agreed it is easier said than done. But after the Delhi High Court struck down Section 377 that criminalised homosexuality in 2009, Noronha believes, the rigidity of people’s mindsets softened to some extent. Although the judgement was repealed by the apex court, the efforts to bring those with non-conforming sexual identities from the peripheries to the mainstream have only increased. As a stand-up comedian, the Mumbai resident was inclined towards keeping the conversations light and funny, but couldn’t, because of the stoic nature of the subjects. Instead, ‘Keeping It Queer’ became a diary of the people who opened up, he said. “For instance when Harish Iyer came on board for the first episode, although he is a fun person, he talked about surviving child sexual abuse, which was a painful experience for him.” Hence, the tone of the dialogue had to be modified through the course of the show. He understands podcasts are a “niche medium”, especially when comedy groups like All India Bakchod, East India Comedy and popular stand-up comedians are making Web series and sketches to find a connect with the youth. But he also asserts that podcasts are more intimate in nature than video formats, because you hear people talking about their own stories of struggles, which is the same limitation he faces during his stand-up acts. “I cannot go on for thirty minutes talking about being gay and coming out, on stage,” unlike in podcasts, where he and the others can delve deeper, instead of just “skimming the surface”. However, he recently released two of his stand-up comedy acts wherein he talks about being gay, homophobia and the ‘ultra support’ that certain people offer. “Their idea of being supportive is: ‘You are gay! I have a gay best friend. You’ll be perfect together,'” he says in his stand-up act video, amidst laughter from the audience. Because he grew up in a traditional Roman Catholic family, coming out to his family was difficult for Noronha. He wants to change the experience for others, though. As he plans to take a sabbatical now that the first season of the podcast has ended, his idea is to take the discussion beyond LGBTQ members and get parents of people in the community involved in the conversations. “Oh, and also get Ellen DeGeneres on board!” he said.

here is nothing happier than a healthy pet. Vaccinating them annually against life threatening diseases is a step in that direction. The science of the shot Vaccination involves administering an antigen that mimics the disease-causing organism, tricking the immune system into releasing antibodies that fight the invaders. The immune system is a fast learner and never forgets how to defeat old rivals. So if your pet is exposed to the real disease later, their immune system will recognize and fight it. Types of vaccines Vaccines are of two types-core vaccines (an absolute must) and non-core ones that are given as per the risk of exposure. To maintain the required antibody (titers) levels in the blood, booster shots are essential after the initial vaccination. Recent studies show that the

levels of antibodies against core vaccines are high for three years post vaccination. That is why, in some countries, the rabies vaccine is administered once every three years. In a dog's world Vaccines for canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis and rabies are core vaccines; rabies, especially, as it can be transmitted to humans via a bite from an infected dog. Non-core vaccines include those against Bordetella bronchiseptica (kennel cough), Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease) and Leptospira bacteria (leptospirosis). Watch out for: Kennel cough results in respiratory disease (sneezing, coughing, runny nose) and all dogs coming in regular contact with other dogs are susceptible to it, especially those going to boarding kennels. Leptospirosis affects both dogs and people, mostly from sharing the same environment. It is transmit-

ted by rat urine and can be life threatening, if untreated. In a cat's world Vaccines for feline distemper (panleukopenia), feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus type I (rhinotracheitis) and rabies are core vaccines. Cats are more susceptible to rabies than dogs. Non-core vaccines include vaccines against feline leukemia virus, Bordetella, Chlamydophila felis and feline immunodeficiency virus. Watch out for: Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a common infectious disease and weakens the immune system, making your pet vulnerable to other infections, including cancer and blood disorders. FeLV is carried in saliva, nasal secretions, urine, faeces and blood of infected cats. It is commonly transmitted through cat bites and is usually seen in nonneutered males. Vaccinate all cats that come in regular contact with other felines.

Caring for the little ones Puppies and kittens receive antibodies in the mother's milk. Their vaccinations should begin at six to eight weeks, with the final dose at 16 weeks. Many pups develop fatal diseases like canine distemper and parvovirus if this schedule is ignored. Managing side effects Mild symptoms like soreness at the injection site, fever and allergic reactions can be managed with fomentation, and anti-allergic and oral antipyretics. Other side effects like injection-site tumours are more common among cats. If a pet has an adverse reaction to a vaccine, one must weigh the benefits of administering it versus its potential threat. In most cases, the risk of the disease is greater. For instance, we no longer have rinderpest, a deadly disease of bovines, because of an aggressive vaccination programme by veterinarians. Rabies has also seen a sharp decline recently.

India's 70,000+ public libraries and its untapped potential



meagre total of 75 public libraries are serving the over 200 million population of Uttar Pradesh. Compare this to 4,028 public libraries in Tamil Nadu that serve its 67.8 million population and a study in contrast emerges. To add to its woes, Uttar Pradesh spends just about Rs 22 crore on its libraries while the amount spent by states like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka run into hundreds of crores. Even from the Rs 22 crore that it spends on its public libraries, about Rs 20 crore goes into maintenance and salaries. Sad as it may sound, the state spends just about Rs 2 crore on outreach activities and on new books. Why such disparity in the first place? One reason may be the delay in passing the library legislation by some states. For instance, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka passed their library legislation in 1948 and 1965, respectively, while Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan passed their legislation in 2006; followed by Lakshadweep in 2007, Bihar in 2008, and Chhattisgarh and Arunachal Pradesh in 2009. Several states still do not have a library legislation in place. The public libraries in states that have had their "library legislations" in place for a long time have naturally benefited over the years and are better equipped today than their counterparts. But is that the sole reason? Perhaps no, when you look at the range of sources from which funds are available for public libraries, and the disinterest of several states in seeking these funds. The Raja Rammohun Roy

Library Foundation (RRRLF), which is the nodal agency of the government of India to support public library services and systems, has been supporting public as well as private libraries since its inception in 1972. Its budget runs into a thousand million rupees and it supports approximately 34,000 out of the 70,000 public libraries in India under its various schemes. The irony is that despite the availability of funds, all states do not send in proposals. "We can only grant funds if we receive a proposal and are satisfied by it, but so many states, despite repeated letters, do not send their proposals in the first place," Arun Kumar Chakraborty, Director General, RRRLF, told IANS on the sidelines of an All Stakeholders' Meeting organised by the Indian Public Library Movement (IPLM) in the capital. But why do many states fail to utilise available resources to boost their public libraries? Experts say it is because the librarians and policymakers in several states are not trained in the field. They do not possess the wherewithal to improve the functioning of their libraries and

merely continue with a "Chalta Hai" attitude. IPLM's recent meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Culture (MoC) and the National Mission on Libraries (NML), RRRLF officials, IPLM partners and directors of Public Library Department/Directorate, their deputies and chief librarians, among others. Pankaj Rag, Joint Secretary, MoC, encouraged the state governments to utilise the services and funds provided under several initiatives and also enhance their own budget for public libraries. In his presentation on RRRLF Schemes and Fund Utilisation, Soumen Sarkar, Deputy Director, RRRLF, mentioned that due to poor fund appropriation by the state governments, they are not able to show utilisation of all the funds received from the Central government which leads to reduction in their proposed budget the next year. The bottom line that emerges from conversations with these stakeholders is the immense potential of 70,000 public libraries in the country that is yet untapped. Shubhangi Sharma, Executive Director, IPLM Secretariat,

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

says that there is a need for coordinated efforts by all and support to librarians to tap into available schemes and resources from within the system -- in addition to building partnerships and alliances. "What is required is to build capacities of the human resources available in these institutions to be able to better engage with the community, the surrounding ecosystem; to understand the changing knowledge needs and envision their role as a knowledge partner. Libraries also need to initiate new services, new programmes on the basis of emerging needs and developmental challenges which will help in increasing footfalls," Sharma said. While movements like IPLM are working towards helping libraries to become new age knowledge institutions, a concerted effort is needed by the states to improve the condition of libraries in India. For now, MoC and NML representatives, and the RRRLF appear more than interested in transforming the image of illmaintained public libraries. To what extent they will succeed remains to be seen.

SaturDaY 03•06•2017

Morung Youth Express



Meet Ummul Kher who battled bone disorder, unsupportive parents, lived in a slum and cracked UPSC 2016 exam Abhinav Rajput


Hindustan Times

s someone living with fragile bone disorder since she was a kid, odds were always against Ummul Kher. When she was 14, her parents disowned her because she wanted to study beyond Class 8. What took her ahead was sheer merit and determination as she went on to get admission in a prestigious Delhi University college and later entered JNU for her master’s. This week she cracked the civil services exam in her first attempt. Ummul Kher, 28, got all India rank 420. She now hopes to get IAS under disability quota. Kher, who has received 16 fractures and eight surgeries due to her disease, came to Delhi from Rajasthan when she was in Class 5. Her father then worked as street vendor selling clothes near Hazrat Nizamuddin while the family lived in a nearby slum. Kher took admission in Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute for The Physically Handicapped, where she completed Class 5. She later went to Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust where she studied till Class 8. “It was a charitable organisation run by the government and I didn’t have to pay anything. Though getting one square meal was difficult, I was satisfied that I could at least study,” she said. Life was difficult, but what came after that was “both difficult and painful” as Kher puts it.

Ummul Kher, 28, got All India Rank 420, and hopes to get IAS under disability quota. (Photo: Sourced)

“I wanted to study at Arwachin Bharti Bhawan senior secondary school as it had better infrastructure and I had got a scholarship,” she said. But her parents were against it. They said that if she studied any further they will sever ties with her. “I was abused. My intentions were questioned because I wanted to study. It was the worst time. They said you have now got more education than a girl should,” she said. She left home and took up a place in Jhuggi Jhopri (JJ) Cluster, Trilokpuri, for which she paid out of the money she earned from tuitions — a decision she feels was more difficult than cracking the civil services exam. “I had started taking tuitions but living independently meant I had to earn more money. From few children the tuitions expanded to four batches — 3pm to 5pm, then from 5pm to 7pm, 7pm to 9pm and 9pm

to 11 in the night. These were mostly children from slum areas and I got between Rs 50-100 from each student. I couldn’t have expected more as these were children of labourers, iron smith, rickshaw-pullers etc,” she added. “Besides, for a girl to live alone in a jhuggi was sometimes traumatic. It was never safe but I had no choice,” she said. Sehnag Begum, who lives in Trilokpuri where Kher lived for around three years said, “She is a brave child. She lived alone but my daughter used to sleep with her because it is not safe for a girl to live alone.” In return, Kher gave her free tuitions, Begum said. After Class 8, Kher’s education was backed by Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust. They helped her as and when required and also financed her tuition for Class 9 and 10. Kher scored 91% in Class 12

The ghost who writes: Thriving business of anonymous authorship


Saket Suman | IANS

hat if you were told that many of the books that you have read of late have actually not been written by the authors who find mention on their cov-

ers? Difficult to believe -- but true. An anonymous world of ghostwriters lies hidden behind the glitz and glamour of the books business and literature festivals that most readers are unaware of. Sample this: "Don't have time to write a book, but still want to be a published author? Go for our world-famous book ghostwriting option." Absurd as it may sound, it is the tagline of Power Publishers, who, in their own words, are the world leaders when it comes to ghostwriting. And they are not alone, the internet is full of platforms that provide ghostwriters to those who cannot write but still want to be writers. A ghostwriter is an anonymous figure, who, by contract, agrees to write a given book for somebody else. The ghostwriter is paid a fairly good sum of money but has no claim over the copyright of the book or its royalties. When the book hits the stands, it carries someone else's name -- the perceived author for its readers. And, as a breed, ghostwriters are gaining prominence in the publishing industry. Forget self-publishing platforms or smaller publishers, many of the leading publishing houses too have, at some point or the other, sought the help of ghostwriters. Nirmal Kanti Bhattacharjee, former Director of the National Book Trust (NBT) and former Editor of "Indian Literature", Sahitya Akademi's bimonthly journal, explains why. "Successful people are gradually becoming more and more ambitious and want to talk about themselves -- and that they do through autobiographies and memoirs. But they do not have wherewithal to write books. So they employ ghostwriters. "Most autobiographies and memoirs of popular figures in the past 20-25 years have been written, partially or wholly, by ghostwriters," Bhattacharjee, who is currently spearheading the editorial works of Niyogi Books, told IANS. Poulomi Chatterjee, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Hachette India, which has many bestsell-

ers to its credit, said that there are "certain segments" for which ghostwriters are used. "You wouldn't find ghostwriters, I hope, for fiction because you are actually looking for the author's art and craft and voice and story. "But for non-fiction, there might be experts in various subjects that you want information from. They could be entrepreneurs, business professors or academic historians and you would want them to collaborate with a ghostwriter when they have a lack of time or... don't necessarily have the skill to (write)," said Chatterjee, who had a long stint at Penguin India before Hachette. For Udayan Mitra, Publisher-Literary of HarperCollins India, ghostwriting has become much more prevalent and organised than it was before and this, he felt, benefits the publishing industry in the long run. "It has become a lot more professional... it used to be that the author or an editor knew a particular person who was capable of the task. But now there are many more people who are doing it, who have the experience of doing it, and they know how to turn an idea into a book," Mitra told IANS. Sharing an interesting anecdote about working with a ghostwriter (before he joined HarperCollins), Mitra said that some five years ago, a big industry leader wished to do a memoir on himself and his corporation -- and so they had this hunt for a ghostwriter, which ended with a foreign journalist. "The person landed up in India for ghostwriting the proposed book, but the first day in Delhi he was struck by Delhi Belly and every time he recovered, it would strike again. The corporate leader was getting worried because he had flown him to India and was paying a lot of money for the project. He had also put aside a lot of time from his hectic schedule. Eventually, the book happened -- but it was a funny as well as tragic experience," recalled Mitra. Ghostwriters as well as several online platforms suggest that they are paid decently. Ghostwriters are available at about Rs 700 per page (containing 250 words) for fiction books on several online platforms. Of course, the amount of money that many well-to-do are willing to pay ghostwriters for writing a book on their lives or their business is astonishing -- sometimes running into several lakhs of rupees.

Quick and effective ways to treat sunburn


Lisa Niven | Vogue

e all know sunburn is bad. We know it fast-tracks the signs of ageing and can increase our risk of skin cancer – plus it looks ridiculous – but the truth is, it happens. And when it happens, the only thing you want is to get rid of it – and fast. Discover Vogue‘s guide to soothing your poor, sun-ravaged skin fast. Get out of the sun The first thing to do once you realise your skin is burned is to get out of the sun. We repeat: get out of the sun. Ideally cover the affected area – if it’s your face, wear a wide-brimmed hat – and head into the shade immediately to prevent further damage. Giving any exposed area a good coating of SPF 50 will also help. Wash carefully Avoid a hot shower at all costs – high temperatures will dry out the skin and do nothing to reduce the heat of the affected area. The pressure of a very powerful shower may also cause discomfort, so opt instead for a bath or gentle shower with cool or lukewarm water to soothe the skin. And as far as products are concerned, avoid scrubbing or shaving the area and instead opt for a gentle cleansing gel or cream which you can smooth over the area before rinsing off gently.

Drink plenty of water Staying hydrated is always important, but it can make a real difference when you’re suffering from sunburn. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to cool you down and prevent dehydration, and carry a bottle or flask with you when you go out into the heat, too. Embrace after-sun products A highly hydrating and soothing after-sun product does wonders when it comes to replenishing moisture and helping skin to heal. Aloe can help with reducing inflammation, whilst ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil will help skin to stay hydrated. For your face, consider a healing mask like Skinceuticals’s Phyto Corrective Masque or an after-sun product designed specifically for this more delicate area. Consider storing in the fridge – the cooling effect is all the better. Don’t rush back into the sun Even if your sunburn looks like it’s improving, it’s important to keep the area protected while the skin heals. Wear loose clothing – this will also prove more comfortable than tight straps and waistbands against red-raw skin – and be the cool girl who embraces the shade in a floppy hat and great sunglasses. Your skin will thank you.

and got admission in Gargi College where she continued to fund her education through tuitions. Kher’s friend from DU, Abhishek Ranjan, recalls her difficult college days, “She funded her education through the money she won at debates in DU colleges. You can earn decent money as the prize amount is high in some of the college festivals. But here too, she could not participate in debates that were organised in evening as she had to take tuitions,” he said. In 2012, she met a small accident and was confined to a wheelchair for a year due to her bone disorder. After finishing her graduation, Kher cleared JNU entrance exam for master’s in International Studies. She was now getting Rs 2,000 means-cum-merit scholarship and did not have to give tuitions. In 2013, she cracked the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) under which she started getting Rs 25,000 per month. Archna Upadhyay, a faculty member at JNU’s School of International Studies said the result was not surprising. “Despite her physical challenges she was always at a par with other students and excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities,” Upadhyay said. Will she forgive her family for leaving her midway? “I don’t blame them. They were brought up in an environment that shaped their thinking. It is not their fault,” she said. “I will visit them soon.” Her parents are now back in Rajasthan where her brother runs a small bangle shop.

Parents didn’t have electricity or enough money to send me to school: UPSC rank 3 Srinivasa Rao Apparasu Hindustan Times


ow did a farmer’s son from a remote village in Andhra Pradesh make it to rank three, all-India level, in the Union Public Service Commission’s civil services 2016 examination? There was a time when 30-year-old Gopala Krishna Ronanki’s parents, Ronanki Appa Rao and Rukminamma, an agricultural labourer often out in the fields, did not even have electricity at home or enough money to send him to a private school. Ronanki has been a teacher in a primary school for the last 11 years. His family belongs to Parasamba village of Palasa block in Srikakulam district. His parents were so poor that they could not afford to send him to private schools. He managed to somehow get admitted to a government school and completed his intermediate course with maths, physics and chemistry at the Government Junior College, Palasa. “Then I did a two-year teachers’ training course at Dubacharla in west Godavari district and was selected as a government teacher in 2006. Getting a job was my priority as I had to earn my own livelihood,” Ronanki told the media. As a secondary grade school teacher, Ronanki appeared for his graduation privately from Andhra

University, Visakhapatnam, and completed his B Sc (MPC). His dream, however, “was to make it to the IAS. I had been preparing for it for almost a decade. Finally, I could achieve my goal in my fourth attempt,” he said. As he had done schooling and intermediate course in the Telugu medium, Ronanki chose Telugu literature as his optional in the civils (mains). Interestingly, he was also allowed by UPSC to appear for the personality test in Telugu. “With the help of the Telugu interpreter, I could face the interview boldly,” he said. Ronanki’s parents were not aware of their son’s dream and his efforts. “We didn’t even have electricity at home till I completed my Intermediate. All that my parents knew was that I was a teacher. I broke the news today to them that I had been selected to the IAS and would soon become a collector,” he said. His success, Ronanki said, could be attributed to the hard work of his parents. Dr Gopalakrishna, director of Brain Tree India coaching centre in Hyderabad, said the third ranker was a brilliant candidate from the most backward area of Andhra Pradesh. “He appeared for mock interview sessions at our institute and was very bright,” Gopalakrishna said.

Books to read When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife Meena Kandasamy Meena Kandasamy has a sharp antenna for injustice. In her debut novel, Gypsy Goddess (2014), she wrote about the exploitation of Dalits, anchoring it in a Christmas day massacre at Kilvenmani village in 1968, her rage about inequalities evident. Her books of poems (Touch, Ms. Militancy) are searing commentaries on caste, class, love, sex, life. In 2012, in an emotional piece on her broken marriage with an abusive husband, Kandasamy wondered if she could overcome the nightmare. Five years on, Kandasamy has taken “responsibility over my own life;” she has written her story. Gandhi: An Impossible Possibility Sudhir Chandra Structured in four sections, this study—of mainly the last years of Gandhi—revolves around the identifiable themes of public ethics, nationalism, truth, ahimsa, empathy, civic life, and the semiotics of private-public moral acts. But to one reviewer, the striking axis of the book

consists of the attempt to understand the formation and sustenance of moral leadership and its requirement and therein its difficulties, or rather impossibility, of creating its political constituency. Nobody Killed Her Sabyn Javeri In a manner more crude, but equally effective, was the bomber really the Jack Ruby who killed the gunman Lee Harvey Oswald who killed JFK? For that’s what leads to the perfect crime, one where all evidence of the assassin is wiped out almost as soon as his bullet left his gun, and allows for the title of Pakistani author Sabyn Javeri’s riveting novel Nobody Killed Her. The Other Man Shashank Kela It is a thick choreography of police, judiciary, administration, politicians, priests, corporates, parties, informers, lawyers, media, activists—all emerging from the shadows and returning to the shadows even as they dance the charade of a barely functional state. Shashank Kela’s is a brave effort to write

fiction in the face of facts. Fairy Tales for the Disillusioned: Enchanted Stories from the French Decadent Tradition Edited by Gretchen Schultz and Lewis Seifert This collection is the result of a long fascination with the genre of fairy tales known in France as the conte de fées and written in times of crisis and transition. The end of the 19th century saw revolutions and regime changes in France, which gave rise to a cynical reaction against the decadence of the years 1870 to 1914. The Color of Our Sky Amita Trasi Amita Trasi’s debut novel The Color of Our Sky oscillates between being a bildungsroman of sorts and a commentary on society. It is an ambitious book that tries very hard to take on a number of things: the devadasi system, child trafficking, life in a brothel, HIV/AIDS, the Mumbai terror attacks, dysfunctional families, complicated love. (Source: The Hindu)

The truth behind these 9 commonly-held beliefs about drinking milk Sonam Joshi | Huffington Post


ll of us have memories of being forced to drink milk as kids. Milk occupies the prime place of importance in most Indian kitchens, and is considered to be the panacea for a lot of health problems. Yet, milk has also been getting a lot of bad press, with controversial links to heart disease, obesity and even cancer. We speak to a few leading nutritionists to sift fact from fiction. 1. Milk is a complete food. Milk is a high-nutrient food — it provides us with protein, calcium, vitamins A, B12, and riboflavin, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Yet, it lacks two vital nutrients — vitamin C and iron. Substituting food with milk in the long term can lead to anaemia and iron deficiency. "Often, if a child misses a meal, parents think that milk is a substitute," Dr Divya Chaudhary, Head of Nutrition, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, told HuffPost India. "In the long term, these children can have anemia. Due to lack of calories, the child is not able to grow. Milk can be a part of a proper balanced meal but thinking that you will be getting all the nutrients from it is not true." 2. It's okay to have a glass of milk in the morning instead of breakfast. Being the first meal of the day, your breakfast should have a mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fruits. According to Dr Chaudhary, about 40 percent of the breakfast should be in the form of carbohydrates, 25-30 percent should be proteins and the rest in the form of fruits. "Milk in itself is not bad but taking only milk for breakfast won't be a good start to the day," she said. While milk is a good source of protein, our brains also require a supply of glucose in the morning after fasting for 8-10 hours in the night. That can only happen with a proper breakfast. 3. Milk is the best source of calcium. While milk is a good source of calci-

um, it is neither the only source of calcium nor the best. Some foods which are better sources of calcium include white sesame seeds (til), ragi, rajma and soyabean. For instance, white sesame seeds have 1,300-1,400 mg of calcium per 100 grams, as compared to just 280-300 mg per 100 ml of milk. Moreover, it is important to have a good level of vitamin D in your system for the calcium to be properly absorbed. 4. Everyone, irrespective of their age, should drink milk. "After the age of 12, milk should be an optional not mandatory item," Dr Shikha Sharma of NutriHealth told HuffPost India. "Even as a food group, milk does not compete as well with nuts and sesame seeds." For instance, while nuts are a purer form of protein than milk, sesame seeds and ragi flour are better sources of calcium. "In the cities, due to the use of antibiotics, pesticides and stress, we don't have healthy guts and immune systems," Dr. Ishi Khosla of The Weight Monitor said. "If milk causes inflammation in the gut, it can prevent the absorption of calcium." Khosla recommends anywhere between 2 to 3 servings of milk for adults. 5. Milk makes your bones stronger. Milk's role in promoting bone health among adults is still debatable. In fact, Dr Khosla points out that a study demonstrated that high-dairy eating nations such as the US have much higher rates of osteoperosis as compared to countries that don't consume a lot of milk, such as Japan, Thailand and other east Asian nations. Drinking milk also does not offer any additional protection against fractures. Moreover, lactose intolerance or an allergy to milk protein may prevent the absorption of calcium. 6. Drinking milk before bedtime can help you sleep better. According to a popular theory, a glass of warm milk can help you sleep because milk contains a good amino

acid called tryptophan, which when released into the brain produces a feelgood hormone called serotonin, which is in turn gets converted to the 'sleep' hormone melatonin. However, a recent study has shown that the level of tryptophan in milk is too low to have any significant effect. However, warm milk may have psychological associations that remind us of childhood and our mothers, and help us relax. 7. Even infants should be given milk. If you introduce cow's milk to a child before 1 year of age, it can lead to type-1 diabetes and auto immune diseases. "It is preferable to give infants breast milk or formula milk instead," Dr Khosla advised. 8. Milk causes digestive problems as you grow older. Some people develop an allergy known as lactose intolerance as they grow older, where the consumption of milk can cause gas and abdominal distension. "A lot of the times, people don't relate their problems to drinking milk. Everything is related to the gut. If there is inflammation in the gut, it can manifest as joint issues, skin problems and mental health issues," Dr. Khosla said. "It is only when people give up milk that they realise that problems have been resolved." 9. Drinking milk is good for your skin. Milk contains a large quantity of water and is good for hydrating skim, but its benefits do not go beyond this. In fact, some dieticians think that dairy can lead to skin breakouts and acne. Most nutritionists agree that this is because milk can be quite easily adulterated. "A lot of milk is simply rice powder or potato starch mixed with oil and milk powder," Dr Sharma explained. "The milk industry is not regulated at all, as a result of which hormones are often used." The consumption of milk from cows which have been injected with oxytocin to increase milk production and antibiotics, can lead to other health problems.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


SaturDaY 03•06•2017



Modi hardsells India at 'Davos of the East' St PeterSburg, June 2 (IAnS): Hardselling 'ease of doing business' as India's USP, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday invited global businesses to exploit the tremendous opportunities available and invest in the expanding infrastructure, manufacturing, defence and service sectors, making use of the vibrant judicial system and the country's felicity with English. "Sky is the limit for economic development in India. There is a great scope for building of infrastructure. I invite all of you, the whole world to come and invest in India in whatever sector you want to come," he said addressing global investors in the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has floated SPIEF as "Davos of the East" and Modi as a special guest this year, was present when he addressed the forum. Listing the various sectors including food processing, medical devices, tourism and entertainment industry, Modi

said, "I invite you all to join in India's defence equipment manufacturing because India is a big market". In defence equipment manufacture, Modi said there are several areas where licensing norms have been abolished and investors could step in. Elaborating on the advantages of investing in India, the prime minister said investors only come where there is security because they take risk. "India has a vibrant judicial system and security is in built for investors. The wide use of English helps the world easily understand our legal system. There is a large English-speaking world out there. "Judicial interpretation is easy. So you can take decisions. For Foreign Direct Investment there is security. It will be a big boost to FDI investors." Claiming that ease of doing business in India has improved vastly, Modi said top international institutions like the World Bank and IMF, the World Economic Forum and all rating agencies agree that India is among the top three favoured

CBSE Class X results to be declared online on Saturday new DelhI, June 2 (IAnS): The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Friday said it will declare the Class X exam results on Saturday and the same will be put online. The results can be checked on www.results.nic.in, www.cbseresults.nic.in, and www.cbse.nic.in. The results will be sent to schools on their respective email addresses registered with the board, the CBSE said. Students and parents were advised not to visit its office for knowing the results. "The result will not be available on CBSE premises and the public are advised not to visit the Board's office for collection of results," a CBSE statement said. It said like previous years, there will be no official press conference on the occasion.

Centre may consider new law on cattle trade, Minister says AgArtAlA, June 2 (IAnS): The Centre may consider any vital proposal on the new law on cattle trade and slaughter, Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan has said. "If we get any acceptable and vital proposal, we might consider the new law on cattle trade and slaughter," the Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change told reporters here on Thursday night. Vardhan, who also holds the Science and Technology and Earth Sciences portfolios, said that there were some information gaps and misunderstanding on the issue. The Minister came here on Thursday night to attend a programme in connection with the third anniversary of Prime Minister Narendra Modiled government at the Centre. The Environment Ministry had earlier notified the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of Livestock Markets) Rules, 2017, banning sale and purchase of cattle from animal markets for slaughter. Tripura's Left Front government has already announced that it would not implement the new rules as it is against the interest of the people. "The new cattle trade and slaughter rules framed by the central government are against the interest of the people. We will not carry out the new rules," Tripura's Agriculture and Animal Resource Development Minister Aghore Debbarma had told IANS. The ruling Communist Party of India-Marxist also vehemently criticised the Bharatiya Janata Party-led central government for promulgating the new law on cattle trade and slaughter. "A large section of people, especially those from the Dalit community, are engaged in the business of cattle skin. Farmers engaged with cattle business; minorities depend on cattle for their source of protein would be directly affected," CPI-M's Tripura state Secretary Bijan Dhar had told reporters. "We have a federal democracy in our country. The central government cannot do many things without involving the states. The BJP government unilaterally framed this important cattle trade and slaughter rules," he said.

Civil servants should act independently, Jitendra Singh tells 2016 UPSC toppers new DelhI, June 2 (IAnS): Union Minister of State in the PMO, Jitendra Singh, on Friday asked civil servants to work "independently" and "not perform under pressure". "Civil servants contribute to the continuation in the government set-up and play a critical role. They should always act independent and not perform anything under pressure, as their acts are always open to scrutiny," the Minister said while felicitating the toppers of the 2016 civil services examinations here. On the event, Singh said it has become a great challenge for the civil servants to optimally learn and perform as per the expectations of the people, given the high hopes these days, but assured that the civil servants who passed in the 2016 examination shall serve the nation to their best and act as a messenger of the general public. The Minister invited the civil servants to enter the service to correlate to the aspirations of the general public. "It is the right time for the civil servants to enter the service as they can better correlate to the aspirations of general public because more than 65 per cent of India's population is under 40 years of age." Wishing all the candidates a great success in future, he gave them the success mantra of four Cs - Clarity, Conviction, Courage and Consistency - which according to him dictate the performance of civil servants. Secretary (Department of Personnel) and Training B.P. Sharma and Secretary (Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances) C. Vishwanath also congratulated the toppers. Senior officers of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions were also present on the occasion.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivers a speech during a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Russia, June 2. (REUTERS)

destinations for FDI. He said while 1,200 laws which had no utility had been scrapped, the Central government alone had initiated 7,000 new reforms in a short period of three years. "If we add the

reforms of the states, the number will go up much higher," he said. "We have done many reforms to improve the competitiveness and the ranking. For the first time, we have been able

to invite a big amount of FDI in the last three years," he said. Explaining the philosophy of his government, the prime minister said in accordance with the idea of 'minimum government, maximum gov-

ernance', a motivated bureaucracy in tune with the decision making body, ensures 'reform, perform and transform'. Again listing the areas where foreign investors could step in, Modi said India needed infrastructure to transform 500 cities, expand, modernise and safety upgrade of the railways as well as technical intervention in agriculture to raise productivity. Giving his government's concept of developing India by equally apportioning share to agriculture, manufacture and service sector, he said the biggest advantage is 800 million people in India who were below the age of 35, and who had a wealth of talent, especially in technology. Organic farming and food processing, where great value addition prospects are there, were the other areas where businessmen could come in, he said. He also referred to the Ganga cleaning project and said there was a blueprint ready for investors to come and invest. Speaking about the digitial era, he cautioned against allow-

ing a digital divide in society as that could lead to a very big crisis. "We have to ensure that there is no digital divide in society and so we have started this Digital India programme," he said. The Prime Minister also touched upon the 'Jam Trinity' of Jan Dhan, Aadhar and Mobile technology and said financial inclusion has been given a special emphasis. He said India was the first country to reach Mars in its first attempt and the cost of that project was cheaper than even a Hollywood movie. "That is because of the huge talent of our youth . In Skill India we are creating job creators and not job seekers." On the environment, he said India encouraged 'Zero Defect, Zero Effect' norm to avoid destruction of nature, which he said was against the Indian ethos and had been stressed in one of the Vedas 5000 years ago. He also said that in renewable energy sector an ambitious target of 175 GW of green energy by 2022 has been set in which solar and biomass will play a big role.

A campaign that bats for two-child norm in country

new DelhI, June 2 (IAnS): As India's population continues to grow and threatens to overtake that of China, a campaign started by a group called Taxpayers' Association of Bharat wants every state in the country to execute a twochild policy so that the resources and taxpayers' money can be utilised properly. But critics wonder if that's the right path to tread. The two-year-old campaign, which now has over two lakh members -- including celebrities such as Ajay Devgan, Suniel Shetty, Priyanka Chopra and Virendra Sehwag -- has also written to all the chief ministers to come up with a population control policy on the lines of Assam. Assam in April announced a draft population policy, which suggested denial of government jobs to people with more than two children and making educa-

tion up to university level free for all girls. According to the campaign, since independence citizens have been paying tax so that the country could be developed in a poverty-free and crime-free environment, but over the years, both the crime rate and poverty have only increased. The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) -- the number of children who would be born per woman during childbearing age -- instead of decreasing, has gone up. "Over the years, governments have done nothing to control the population, instead they did only caste-based politics. In 1961, the population below poverty line was 19 crore while in 2011 it rose to 36 crore. Why the increase? Is this why the citizens are paying tax for," questioned Manu Gaur, National President of the cam-

paign, also known as Taxab. Stating that it was important for every state to have a two-child norm to make the country prosperous, Gaur told IANS that with the continuity in same TFR, India's population would hit 200 crore in the near future. "Are we ready for such a situation," he asked. For a stable population, a country needs a TFR of 2.1, whereas Indian states have a TFR as high as 3-3.2. "It is quite evident that with such a TFR, India cannot grow. Today, every well-off nation has a TFR of 2.1 or below," said Gaur, adding that in India government jobs and welfare schemes should always be for the families having two children. According to the campaign, India has invested a considerable amount of resources in the name of family planning but no

significant breakthrough has been made towards population control. "Such policies cannot yield results. Until we educate the couple and let them realise that more children is indeed a problem, the problem can't be solved. We have to make contraceptives available in the rural areas, whose absence is one of the biggest reasons for population growth," Suneeta Mittal, Head of Gynaecology at Fortis Healthcare, told IANS. Mittal, formerly the Head of Gynaecology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, said that couples needed to be informed about other family planning methods, such as spacing and permanent contraceptives, instead of implementing the two-child policy. Population Foundation of India (PFI), an NGO involved in

various family planning policies of the country, in its recent letter to Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, also raised its reservations against its draft population policy. "We sincerely request you not to go ahead with the two-child norm. China, where a one-child policy was state law for 35 years, till the country was forced to lift it in 2015. The country now finds itself in the midst of a population crisis," said the PFI letter to Sarma. According to PFI, it was observed that China's dramatic post-1978 economic boom and the profound social changes unleashed by rising incomes and levels of education and rapid urbanisation would have driven down the birth rates even in the absence of a state birth planning campaigns.

Kerala govt liberalises liquor policy, draws flak India continues to be hotbed

thIruvAnAnthAPu rAm, June 2 (IAnS): The Kerala government on Friday liberalised its liquor policy by taking away the powers of local bodies to regulate the setting up of liquor outlets, drawing sharp criticism from the AntiLiquor Public Front that has announced a day-long hunger protest before the Kerala Assembly on June 8. Governor P. Sathasivam signed an ordinance making necessary amendments in the Kerala Municipality Act and Kerala Panchayat Raj Act. Upset with the Governor for signing the ordinance, the Anti-Liquor Public Front led by Archbishop M. Susaipakiam on Friday alleged he was "acting under government pressure". "We are going to stage a day-long hunger protest before the Kerala Assembly on June 8 against the injustice done by the government. We will also meet all the political parties explain-

ing what this law would mean to the people," said eminent poet and writer Sugathakumari, who is a member of the Front. The Front, which called on the Governor on Friday to request him not to sign the Pinarayi Vijayan government's Ordinance removing the earlier rules with regard to opening any liquor outlet, felt "cheated" when they realised he had already inked it. "We feel we have been cheated by the Left government over the liquor policy. We never expected this to have happened and we are upset because through this new Ordinance, the right now vests with the Excise Department," Susaipakiam told reporters after calling on the Governor. The previous Oommen Chandy government had given the final say regarding opening of any liquor outlet, be it a bar or wine shop or a retail outlet, to the local bodies.

The Vijayan government has brought in changes to the UDF's liquor policy by allowing the reopening of bars in tourist destinations besides scrapping the decision to shut down 10 per cent liquor outlets annually. There are currently only two dozen bars in five star hotels in Kerala, as the previous government had closed down around 700 bars that operated from various three and four -star hotels. Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition, Ramesh Chennithala, went hammer and tongs against the Vijayan government for coming out with an Ordinance. "They always speak so high of decentralisation, but through this ordinance they have plugged the move through which local bodies could have made the decision on whether they approve of a liquor outlet in their area. But now, it would be the Excise Department that will take the call, and it clearly shows what the Left is up to," he said.

of diarrhoeal deaths: Lancet

lonDon, June 2 (IAnS): With more than 100,000 under-five deaths due to diarrhoea in 2015, India continues to be a hotbed of diarrhoeal deaths in the world, suggests new research. India and Nigeria combined had 42 per cent of the 499,000 global under-five deaths due to diarrhoea in 2015, the study published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases showed. Diarrhoea caused more than 1•3 million deaths globally in 2015 and was the fourth leading cause of death among children younger than five years. "Globally, in 2015, we estimate that diarrhoea was a leading cause of death among all ages," said the researchers who analysed data from the Global Burden of Diseases study. This study assessed cases, deaths, and etiologies spanning the past 25 years. The study also revealed that at the global level, deaths due to di-

arrhoeal diseases have decreased substantially in the past 25 years, although progress has been faster in some countries than others. Between 2005 and 2015, the number of deaths due to diarrhoea decreased by 34•3 per cent among children younger than 5 years and decreased by 20•8 per cent among all ages. Under-five mortality from diarrhoea was highest in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. The researchers estimated diarrhoeal mortality by age, sex, geography, and year using the Cause of Death Ensemble Model (CODEm), a modelling platform shared across most causes of death in the GBD 2015 study. "Diarrhoea remains a largely preventable disease and cause of death, and continued efforts to improve access to safe water, sanitation, and childhood nutrition will be important in reducing the global burden of diarrhoea," the researchers said.

India will develop if Not supporting GST in present villages develop: President form, says Mamata Banerjee

gurugrAm, June 2 (IAnS): Pointing out that a majority of people in India still lived in its villages, President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday said he believed our country will develop only when the villages develop. "Even today, 68 per cent of our population lives in the villages. If we want that our villages should prosper, we will have to improve our economy's structure," President Mukherjee said at Daulha village in Gurugram district of Haryana. The President said the Indian villages not only have the capacity to develop but are also eager for development. "If we keep moving ahead in this manner, the day is not far off when our youth will need not leave villages for cities in search of better avenues," Mukherjee said. "It will also be possible to complete education of girls in nearby villages. Good and affordable health services will be available to all and the youth will get training and employment in the vicinity of villages itself." He was speaking after laying

the foundation stone of a driver's training institute and a school under the SMARTGRAM Initiative of Rashtrapati Bhavan. He also e-inaugurated new Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras at Mahendragarh, Ambala and Palwal. The President said that when the SMARTGRAM Initiative was started on July 2, last year, he was sure the work done to make President's Estate in the national capital a Smart Township could be replicated in villages as well. With the help of the Haryana government, Rashtrapati Bhavan had selected five villages in the state, including Daulha, and taken a number of initiatives for their development. In view of the success achieved in these five Haryana villages, the programme has since been extended to 100 villages. He said the success in SMARTGRAM Initiative is possible only when the government and private sectors, academic institutions, non-governmental organisations and villagers come together for the development of their villages.

KolKAtA, June 2 (IAnS): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday claimed financial emergency is still on in India and reiterated that the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill is not acceptable to the state government in its present form. "Amit Mitra (State Finance Minister) is very annoyed. Our state Chief Secretary will also discuss in details. We have decided to send a strong letter to Union Finance Minister (Arun Jaitley)," Banerjee said while chairing an administrative review meeting at Pailan in South 24 Parganas. "We will not support the GST Bill in its present form where the unorganised sector and poor people would face a lot of problems. They will be in acute crisis. The (Centre) will have to rectify," she said. The Trinamool Congress supremo's comments came a day after she threatened that Mitra would resign as Chairman of the Empowered Committee on the GST if it continued to "ignore" him. "The Centre is not listening to us. They are taking unilateral

decisions. We know that the unorganised sector and the small scale industry here would face a lot of problems. The film and the book industry would also be in trouble after the bill is implemented," Banerjee alleged. "We have given a strong letter to the Centre about this. Our Chief Secretary (Basudeb Banerjee) is also writing a letter to them as he understands these issues well," Banerjee said while interacting with businessmen during an administrative meeting in Hooghly district on Thursday. While the Centre has decided to roll out the GST regime on July 1, the state government has argued that it was not ready and that small and medium-scale industries were not equipped to handle the new tax regime. Banerjee also announced that the state will consider January-December as financial year from now. Referring to the Income Tax Department warning people against indulging in cash transaction of Rs 2 lakh or more, Banerjee said: "I saw the adver-

tisement today (on Friday). That means financial emergency is still on. Nobody has any freedom... even if you earn, you can't do anything. You can't withdraw money (as per your will)." Banerjee's Trinamool Congress has been on the warpath with the Centre over demonetisation. On Thursday, she criticised the Centre for the decline in GDP growth, saying her apprehension of "drastic decline in productivity" due to demonetisation has proven true. She also stated that the West Bengal government will write a "strong letter" to the Centre to protest against the latter's "saffronisation and religious divisiveness" in education and slashing of funds to the sector. "We are writing a strong letter because issues pertaining to NEET (National Eligibility-cumEntrance Test) scholarships etc. are very important. We have taken a strong stand against these issues. I am against divisiveness on the basis of religion in education," Banerjee said.

SaturdaY 03•06•2017




Gunman torches Philippine casino, killing dozens

MANILA, JuNe 2 (ReuteRs): A gunman stormed a casino in the Philippine capital on Friday, setting gaming tables alight and killing at least 36 people who mostly suffocated in thick smoke, in an attack claimed by Islamic State but which officials insist was a botched robbery. The gunman killed himself in a hotel room after being shot and wounded by security officers at the Resorts World Manila entertainment complex, police said. A second “person of interest” who was in the casino at the time was cooperating with the investigation, police said. Most of the dead suffocated in the chaos. Many guests and staff had tried to hide from the gunfire rather than leave the building when the attack began shortly after midnight (1600 GMT) and fell victim to the smoke, the fire bureau said. “Islamic State fighters carried out the Manila attack in the Philippines,” the militant group’s Amaq news agency said. But that was quickly rejected by National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon, who said all the evidence pointed to an attempt to steal casino chips. Police said they were not looking at other motives, although security in the capital had been beefed up. “This is plain and simple propaganda,” Esperon told Reuters. “If the lone gunman was really an IS terrorist, why did he not shoot and kill people in the casino? He only went for the casino chips.” The IS claim, which came nearly 24 hours after the attack, also contradicted a statement from Ernesto Abella, a spokesman for President Rodrigo Duterte, who said there was no evidence linking it to fighting between government troops and Islamist militants in the country’s south.

“All indications point to a criminal act by an apparently emotionally disturbed individual,” Abella told a news conference. “Although the perpetrator gave warning shots, there apparently was no indication that he wanted to do harm or shoot anyone.” Oscar Albayalde, chief of the capital’s police office, said those who died were in the casino’s main gaming area. “What caused their deaths is the thick smoke,” he told reporters. “The room was carpeted and of course the tables, highly combustible.” A Resorts World official said the dead included 22 guests. DEATH IN ROOM 510 At dawn, the body of the suspected gunman was found in a hotel room in the smouldering complex, which is close to Manila’s airport and an air force base, police said. “He burned himself inside hotel room 510,” national police chief Ronald dela Rosa told a news conference. “He lay down on the bed, covered himself in a thick blanket and apparently doused himself in gasoline.” Resorts World Chief Operating Officer Stephen Reilly said casino guards had shot and wounded the gunman - armed with what authorities described as a “baby armalite” - during the attack. “Severe loss of blood from the gunshot wound significantly slowed down the assailant and resulted to his holing up in the room where he took his own life,” Reilly said. Officials said at least 54 people were hurt, some seriously, as they rushed to escape what was at first believed to have been a militant attack. Survivor Magdalena Ramos, who was a guest at the hotel, said people began shouting “ISIS! ISIS!” when the gunfire began.

The 57-year-old said she hid in a kitchen and then fled when the smoke became too thick. But police quickly said they did not believe the attacker had any militant connections. “We cannot attribute this to terrorism,” national police chief dela Rosa told DZMM radio.

GUNSHOTS, PANIC Videos posted on social media showed people fleeing as several loud bangs went off. “Even the security personnel panicked,” casino guest Jeff Santos told a radio station. “Definitely, us patrons, we did not expect that, everyone ran away.” Jeri Ann Santiago, who works in the emergency room at the San Juan de Dios hospital, said patients were suffering from smoke inhalation and some had fractures. None had gunshot wounds, she said. The Philippines has been on heightened alert amid a crisis in the south of the country, where troops have been battling Islamist rebels since May 23. Duterte declared martial law on the southern island of Mindanao last week and has warned it could become a haven for Islamic State supporters fleeing Iraq and Syria. Security was tightened around the presidential palace on Friday, with armoured personnel carriers stationed on approach roads and river ferries barred from passing close by. Taiwan’s foreign ministry said four people from Taiwan were among those killed, and South Korea said one of its citizens had died, apparently after a heart attack. Shares in resort owner Travellers International Hotel Group Inc, a joint venture of the Philippines’ Alliance Global Group Inc and Genting Hong Kong Ltd, fell 7 percent.

IS claims responsibility for World Manila attack CAIRO (ReuteRs): Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack on a casino in the Philippine capital Manila that killed at least 36 people on Friday, the group’s Amaq news agency said, after officials said there was no evidence of militant involvement. A gunman burst into the Resorts World Manila entertainment complex on Friday, firing shots, setting gaming tables alight and killing at least 36 people, all suffocating in thick smoke, in what officials have believed was a botched robbery. “Islamic State fighters carried out the Manila attack in the Philippines,” the news agency said.

A security guard stops photographers from entering the vicinity of Resorts World Manila after gunshots and explosions were heard in Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines June 2. (REUTERS)

General leading Philippine battle with Islamic militants relieved of command MARAWI CItY, JuNe 2 (ReuteRs): The general leading an offensive against pro-Islamic State militants holed up in a southern Philippine town has been relieved of his command, an army spokesman said on Friday, the 11th day of the country’s biggest security crisis in years. The removal of Brigadier-General Nixon Fortes as commander of the army brigade in Marawi City and his replacement by his deputy, Colonel Generoso Ponio, was not related to the battle that has raged in the city, the spokesman said. “That’s not the reason,” spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Ray Tiongson said when asked if Fortes’ replacement was triggered by the course of the conflict. Fortes was appointed commander of the army’s 103rd Brigade in January and oversaw a series of operations on the island of Mindanao to disrupt the Maute, a group that has sworn allegiance to Islamic State which later laid siege to Marawi City. A military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Fortes was dismissed because not

all his forces were in the city when the rebels began their rampage, even though military intelligence had indicated that Islamist militants, including foreign fighters, were amassing there. The source said that some of Fortes’ forces were busy fighting a small band of communist insurgents in a nearby town when some 400 militants overran Marawi City on May 23 after a botched military raid to capture their leader, Isnilon Hapilon. Thirty-nine members of the security forces have been killed in the Marawi City battles, as well as 19 civilians and 120 rebel fighters. DEADLINE MISSED In fighting on Friday, Philippine planes dropped bombs and helicopters delivered rockets on militant positions. Several buildings were set alight as the military tried to flush out about 100 fighters to meet a deadline set by Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana to re-take the city of 200,000 people by the end of the day. “I don’t think we can meet the deadline to completely free Marawi of every single armed

element on every street,” military spokesman Restituto Padilla told reporters. “We’re working and doing our best to accomplish this mission.” Padilla said operations were slow because militants had taken civilians as hostages, using women and children as human shields in fortified commercial buildings in the city centre. SNIPERS While civilians are endangered by the air strikes, the military believes they are essential to a quick victory, with at least 2,000 people trapped by the fighting and fast running out of food and water. Militant snipers on top of buildings have complicated the use of ground troops and forced the military to rely on air power, Lieutenant Colonel Jo-Ar Herrera, the military’s spokesman in Marawi, said on Thursday. “A sniper on a building can pin down all the troops, so one way to neutralise that is to use precision air strikes,” he said. Resident Alan Ampaso said 50 houses in his neighbourhood burned down after being hit by a rocket fired by a helicopter on Fri-

day. “We just ran and I can’t find my wife, my son, my daughter,” he said, distraught and weeping. “I have lost every single thing. I have no money, no home, no family. Please help me.” On Friday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) raised the problem of decomposing bodies with the provincial government, noting only 19 bodies of the dead had been recovered since the conflict began. “There are a lot of dogs hunting around town. They are starving. They are eating the bodies,” Roberto Petronio, head of the ICRC’s Mindanao sub-delegation told Reuters. “We warned the authorities that there is a risk of an outbreak of rabies.” In another part of insurgency-plagued Mindanao, President Rodrigo Duterte told soldiers he had received a letter from a negotiator for a Maoist-led guerrilla group offering “fight alongside with us against terrorism”. “Maybe, they realised if the ISIS will prevail in Mindanao or even part of Mindanao, they will be not part of any new government,” he said, referring to Islamic State.

Abdication of Japan’s emperor moves a step closer ‘I kneW theM all’ tOKYO, JuNe 2 (ReuteRs): Japanese Emperor Akihito’s abdication moved a step closer on Friday when the lower house of parliament approved a bill paving the way for the first such abdication in nearly two centuries. Akihito, 83, who has had heart surgery and treatment for prostate cancer, said in rare public remarks last year he feared age might make it hard for him to fulfil his duties. Akihito, the first Japanese emperor who was never considered divine, has worked for decades to soothe the wounds at home and abroad of World War Two, fought in his father Hirohito’s name. He will be succeeded by Crown Prince Naruhito, 57. The law passed the more powerful lower house with just a handful of dissenting votes and now goes to the upper house, with the intention of getting it passed before the current session of parliament ends in several weeks. “I hope that the lower house today, and the upper house in days to come, will take this up in such a fashion that we can expect

it to pass speedily,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference prior to the vote. While no definite plan for an abdication has been confirmed, media have said it will likely take place in late 2018, which would mark nearly 30 full years on the throne for the emperor. The last time an emperor stepped down was in 1817. The bill is one-off legislation that would allow only Akihito to step down, with no provisions for future emperors. In a move to deal with a shortage of male heirs and the shrinking number of imperial family members, the bill also included a resolution calling for debate on allowing women to stay in the Imperial family even after their marriage. Current law mandates that they leave. Both allowing them to stay and the controversial issue of changing the system to allow female inheritance have been suggested as a way of dealing with the shrinking pool of royals, an issue highlighted last month with the announcement that Japan’s Emperor Akihito declares the opening of the exthe Emperor’s oldest granddaughter will traordinary session of parliament in Tokyo September 13, 2011. (REUTERS/File Photo) marry a commoner.

Trump pulls US from global warming accord

WAsHINGtON, JuNe 2 (AP): President Donald Trump declared Thursday he was pulling the U.S. from the landmark Paris climate agreement, striking a major blow to worldwide efforts to combat global warming and distancing the country from its closest allies abroad. Framing his decision as “a reassertion of America’s sovereignty,” Trump said he was “elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.” He said the U.S. could try to re-enter the deal under more favorable terms or work to establish “an entirely new transaction.” But he indicated that was hardly a priority. “If we can, great. If we can’t, that’s fine,” he said. Scientists say Earth is likely to reach more dangerous levels of warming sooner as a result of the president’s decision because America’s pollution contributes so much to rising temperatures. Calculations suggest withdrawal could result in emissions of up to 3 billion tons of additional carbon dioxide a year — enough to melt ice sheets faster, raise seas higher and trigger more extreme weather. By abandoning the world’s chief effort to slow the tide of planetary warming, Trump was fulfill-

President Donald Trump speaks about the U.S. role in the Paris climate change accord, Thursday, June 1, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo)

ing a top campaign pledge after weeks of building up suspense over his decision. The White House indicated it would follow the lengthy exit process outlined in the deal. That means the U.S. would remain in the agreement, at least formally, for another three-and-a-half years, ensuring the issue remains alive in the next presidential election. However, Trump declared, emphasizing every word: “As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris accord.” He is breaking from

many of America’s staunchest allies, who have expressed alarm about the decision. Several of his top aides also opposed the action, including his daughter Ivanka Trump. Under former President Barack Obama, the U.S. had agreed under the accord to reduce polluting emissions by more than a quarter below 2005 levels by 2025. But the national targets are voluntary, leaving room for the U.S. and the nearly 200 other countries in the agreement to alter their commitments. The leaders of France, Germany and Italy joined to “note with

regret” the Trump decision and express doubts about any change in the accord. “We deem the momentum generated in Paris in December 2015 irreversible, and we firmly believe that the Paris Agreement cannot be renegotiated, since it is a vital instrument for our planet, societies and economies,” wrote French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Premier Paolo Gentiloni. The White House said Trump spoke with the leaders of Germany, France, Canada and Britain Thursday to explain his decision and reassured them that the U.S. is committed to the trans-Atlantic alliance and “robust efforts to protect the environment.” At home, the U.S. Conference of Mayors strongly opposed the decision and said the nation’s mayors will continue efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming. Responding to Trump’s pointing to his city, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto called the decision “disastrous for our planet, for cities such as Pittsburgh,” and a step that “has made America weaker and the world less safe.”

Confident Ananya Vinay wins spelling bee

OXON HILL, JuNe 2 (AP): Ananya Vinay showed little emotion as she plowed through word after mystifying word in the final rounds of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Later, as she stood beside the confetti-covered stage, the newly crowned champion flashed a toothy grin as she inadvertently revealed how much confidence she’d brought to the competition. A Scripps representative told Ananya she’d have to deliver a speech during Friday’s closing ceremonies. That wouldn’t be a problem, Ananya said. She’d written the speech before she arrived at the bee. “In the last few weeks,” the 12-year-old from Fresno, California, said. “Just to motivate me to study more.” Ananya didn’t come into the bee as the most heralded speller, but she outclassed her betterknown competitors and survived a long duel with 14-year-old Rohan Rajeev to win the 90th Scripps bee on Thursday. She’ll take home more than $40,000 in cash and prizes. Ananya never looked all that impressed by the words she was given. She rarely took even half her allotted 2 minutes to spell. Sometimes she would blurt out questions in a near-monotone — “Part of speech?” Language of origin?” — and sometimes she didn’t even bother. “I knew them all,” Ananya said. She seized the opportunity when Rohan flubbed a simple-looking but obscure Scandinavianderived word, “marram,” which means a beach grass. She calmly nailed two words in a row, ending on “marocain,” which means a type of dress fabric of ribbed crepe. Ananya’s parents and brother stormed onto the stage to embrace her as the confetti fell. She took time to console Rohan, who re-

Ananya Vinay, 12, from Fresno, Calif., holds the trophy after being declared the winner of the 90th Scripps National Spelling Bee, in Oxon Hill, Md., on June 1. (AP Photo)

mained in his seat, wiping tears from his eyes. It was the first time since 2013 that the bee declared a sole champion. After three straight years of ties, the bee added a tiebreaker test this year, and it looked like it might come into play as Ananya and Rohan dueled for 21 of the allotted 25 championship rounds. Last year, Ananya fared well enough on the bee’s written spelling and vocabulary test to make the top 50, but she flubbed a relatively easy word, “multivalent,” on stage. “She panicked. It was not a hard word,” said her father, Vinay Sreekumar. “I think she learned from that and she consciously worked on it, how you shouldn’t panic, just focus on the word.” Paul Loeffler, a former speller and ESPN commentator who also lives in Fresno, was one of a few who expected big things from Ananya in her return. “I knew how driven she was and determined to get here, and she’s obviously shown the mental capacity to pull this off,” Loeffler said. As a sixth-grader, she could have come back for two more years, had she fallen short. Now, she’ll return only in a ceremonial role to help present the trophy to next year’s winner. And she’ll

have to find time to watch her beloved Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals while enjoying the champion’s whirlwind media tour. For Rohan, a 14-yearold eighth-grader from Edmond, Oklahoma, it was his first and only time on the national stage, but he’s competed for years in other bees and he sought tutelage from another Oklahoman, Cole Shafer-Ray, who finished third two years ago. Rohan’s close call was even more heartbreaking. “He’s unbelievable, probably a much better speller than I ever was. He got so many incredible words right,” Cole said. “I’m sure he’s not going to sleep that much tonight and he’s going to be disappointed in himself like I was, but ultimately he’s going to realize that he made everybody proud.” Ananya is the 13th consecutive Indian-American to win the bee and the 18th of the past 22 winners with Indian heritage, a run that began in 1999 with Nupur Lala’s victory, which was featured in the documentary “Spellbound.” Like most of her predecessors, she honed her craft in highly competitive national bees that are limited to Indian-Americans, the North South Foundation and the South Asian Spelling Bee, although she did not win either.

SaturDaY 03•06•2017




Ton-up root leads england to victory in champions Trophy opener London, June 2 (AFP): Joe Root's career-best unbeaten 133 saw England to an eightwicket win over Bangladesh in the opening match of the 2017 Champions Trophy at the Oval on Thursday. England, set 306 for victory, finished on 308 for two with 16 balls to spare. Root's innings was his highest in one-day internationals, surpassing his 125 against South Africa at Centurion last year. England's total was also the highest score by a team batting second to win a Champions Trophy match, topping Sri Lanka's 297 for three against them at the Oval four years ago. Root put on 159 with opener Alex Hales (95) and an unbroken 143 for the third wicket with skipper Eoin Morgan (75 not out). But worryingly for England, bidding to win their first major International Cricket Council ODI trophy, paceman Chris Woakes bowled just two overs before suffering a potentially tournament-ending left side strain. And Jason Roy, a day after

Morgan guaranteed his tournament place, fell for just one -- his fifth single figure score in his last six ODI innings. Meanwhile Root suffered a calf injury while batting. "Hopefully it is more cramp and me being a bit wet," said Root, the man-of-the-match, at the presentation ceremony. England were rarely troubled during their run-chase and Root, England's recentlyappointed Test captain, said: "We are a (one-day) side that are getting better at it (chasing totals in excess of 300). "Alex Hales isn't going to score slowly. We knew if one of the top four were not out we would be in a good position." Bangladesh captain Mashrafe Mortaza added: "In the middle patches we couldn't get any wickets and Root and Morgan took the game away from us. "We need more variety in England's Joe Root celebrates after hitting the winning runs during their ICC Champions Trophy match against Bangladesh, at The Oval in London, on June 1, 2017. (AFP Photo) our attack." Tamim received excellent Asia, surpassing the 141 put on in successive balls from Liam support from Mushfiqur Rahim by Mushfiqur and Mahmudul- Plunkett to leave Bangladesh - Tamim century Earlier Tamim Iqbal's 128 (79) in a third-wicket partner- lah when they knocked Eng- 261 for four in the 45th over. land out of the 2015 World Cup Fast bowler Plunkett took was the centrepiece of Bangla- ship of 166. That was Bangladesh's with a 15-run win in Adelaide. four wickets for 59 runs from desh's 305 for six after they lost highest ODI stand outside of Both batsmen, however, fell his maximum 10 overs. the toss.

England came into this tournament, featuring the world's top eight ODI sides, having made huge strides in white-ball cricket in the past two years. But Bangladesh, skittled out for just 84 by Champions Trophy holders India in a warm-up match at the Oval on Tuesday, gave them some nervy moments in the field. All-rounder Ben Stokes despite a knee problem that had previously hampered him in his delivery stride, made the breakthrough when, with the last ball of his first over, Soumya Sarkar uppercut him straight to deep cover. But as the runs kept coming, an increasingly frustrated Stokes exchanged words with Tamim and mockingly patted him on the shoulder at the end of the 32nd over, with umpires Rod Tucker and S Ravi intervening to calm tempers. Meanwhile a single against off-spinner Moeen Ali saw Tamim to his ninth ODI century in 124 balls, including 11 fours and a six. The 28-year-old, who drove

Ali for another soaring straight six, fell when wicket-keeper Jos Buttler held a skyed pull off Plunkett. The batsmen had crossed and next ball Mushfiqur carelessly holed out to long-off, with Bangladesh only managing a modest 43 off the last five overs. Roy, on his Surrey home ground, saw an attempted scoop off Mortaza brilliantly caught by a leaping Mustafizur Rahman at short fine leg. Hales, rarely troubled by a Bangladesh attack lacking a genuine fast bowler, struck a four and a six off successive Sabbir Rahman balls only to hole out off the leg-spinner's next delivery. Bangladesh thought they had Morgan out for 22 when Tamim, running in from long-on, claimed a low catch but third umpire Bruce Oxenford ruled the ball had touched the turf." Root's two off Mortaza took him to a 10th ODI hundred in 115 balls with six fours. Not known as a big-hitter, Root later lofted Rubel Hossain for a straight six and ended the match with a four off Mossadek Hossain.

public discourse

Subhas Chandra Bose and the Trail of INA in Naga Hills during the Battle of Kohima Literate Nagaland - Hooray Zhokusheyi Rhakho


Phek town

hen Subhas Chandra Bose reached Singapore on July 2, 1943, he was received with a tumultuous welcome. His presence not only revitalized the Indian National Army (INA) but galvanised the whole Indian community in the South East Asia. Renye Mutaguchi’s dream of victory in the offensive over India was encouraged by the lobbying of Bose who assured both Mutaguchi and Japanese Prime Minister Tojo that India would rise in rebellion once his men planted their flag on Indian soil. On 7th March 1944, Tokyo radio informed that attack of India had begun by the Japanese 15th Army under the code name U-Go operation commanded by Lieut. Gen. Renya Mutaguchi divided into three Divisions viz; 15th, 31st and 33rd, of 15,000 troops each. Marching across the Naga Hills was the 31st Division under the command of Lieut. Gen. Kotuku Sato divided into three columns, viz; first, via Homalin-Ukhrul-Maram-Kohima, second, via Somra-Kharasom(here some went to Jessami)-Mao-Kohima, third, via Tamanthi-Layshi-Jessami-Phek-Kohima. Contingents of INA advanced along with them on its historic march “On to Delhi.” The INA was given independent charge by the Japanese Generals to proceed on to Kohima with instruction that with the fall of Imphal “to advance rapidly and cross the Brahmaputra into the heart of Bengal” (Pol. Hist. Of Assam, Vol. III, Govt. Of Assam, Dispur, 1980). An understanding was made between General Kawebe and Bose wherein it was decided that the Japanese Army and the INA would share equal status and would work on common strategy and under common command. The INA would also function under its own military law. Lastly, the Indian tricolour alone would fly over liberated Indian territory (N.G Jog, In Freedom Quest, New Delhi, 1969, p.251). After the main issue was settled, Bose decided in consultation with the military officers that a new Brigade, known as No.1 Guerrilla Regiment should be raised by selecting soldiers from the other three Brigades, i.e., Gandhi, Azad and Nehru and that this Brigade should go into action first. Shah Nawaz Khan was appointed its commander. The soldiers themselves gave it the name Subhas Brigade. This Brigade was properly organised and an intensive spiritual and military training was given to the soldiers (R.C Majumdar, History of Freedom Movement in India, Vol. II, Kolkota, 1977, p.591). A special operation group was also to be set up called the Bahadur group to operate behind the enemy line. Not surprisingly, the INA was disappointed that instead of being placed on the vanguard of the main Japanese army attacking India as it was mutually agreed upon- it was side-tracked to comparatively minor task. To this the Japanese General said the INA was put in the sole charge of a sector in order to test its efficiency and if it passed the test it would be placed in front of the main Japanese army attacking India (Majumdar, ibid. p.597). The INA men proved themselves battle-worthy in the offensive they carried out in the Haka-Falam region. The Japanese were satisfied with the military skill and efficiency of the INA and issued instructions that the main body of the Brigade should proceed to Kohima. Accordingly, about 150 and 300 men of the INA were left respectively at Haka and Falam and the rest marched towards Kohima (Shah Nawaz Khan, INA and Its Netaji, Delhi, 1964, p.134). In the weeks before they first arrived in the villages in force, Japanese-INA reconnaissance patrols had moved extensively across the Naga Hills, identifying tracks and sources of food. Writing of his memoir on 3rd April 1944, Lieut. M.G. Mulkar wrote, “We were passing through Naga Hills. Here and there we found a peculiar type of cultivation, i.e., terrace cultivation on the sides of hills. Naga village is on the top of a hill.” He fur-

ther wrote on 7th April, “Kohima town was besieged by us. The fighting is severe and on it depends our future success (Lieut. M.G. Mulkar, INA Soldier’s Dairy, pp.128-132). Khumbo Angami, recollecting the event at Kohima said that he encountered several Indians in military dress who were officers of INA where they showed the people the Indian national flag and some badges (Fergal keane, Road of Bones, 2010, p.237). Initially, fighting on Imphal-Kohima sector was mainly done by the Japanese with the INA playing the auxiliary role. But when the Japanese were pressed hard, they asked for the services of the Subhas Brigade (N.G Jog, op.cit., p.253). Apparently, this could be the reason why no specific mention of INA independently attacking a sector in Kohima was not highlighted in many accounts. The INA’s own strategy was to avoid set-piece battles for which it lacked arms and armament as well as man-power. The general operation plan envisaged the INA units pushing to Kohima and Imphal with Japanese forces and as the latter fell, the INA was to cross the Brahmaputra and enter Bengal. At phek, a villager said, “Indian officers led the Japanese into our village and when they spoke to our elders, they did not sound threatening” (Robert Laymen, End of Empire, 2014, p.79). Sipohu Venuh of the same village said, “I saw men of Black race (INA) who came with the Japanese (Laymen, ibid., p.112). When the battle of Jessami was raging, Sato, Bose and phizo were reported to have camped at Lanye river valley for few days wherein villagers who went to meet them said Phizo met them with his palm covering the side of his chin apparently to hide his distort chin. Stories are abounding embedded in oral narrative of the natives that Phizo reached Kohima, though this has been found to be lacking in British reports. Bose himself was reported to have been few miles away from Kohima during the battle (Gordon Graham, Trees are All Young on Garrison Hill, 2005, p. 53) Women soldiers probably from the INA’s Jhansi Regiment accompanied the large body of soldiers who came (Laymen, op.cit.,p.112). Yet, whether these women were comfort women or from both still lies in obscurity. The Japanese troops were frequently accompanied by the detachment of INA who prowled and howled using loud-hailer in English and Urdu to seduce the Indians in British Army to forego their allegiance (Lucas Phillips, Springboard to Victory, 1966, p.41). As a measure of psychological warfare, the British christened the INA as Jiff (Japanese Inspired Fifth Columnists or Japanese Indian fighting force) so as to defang the nationalist image of Bose Army (keane, op.cit., p.87). By the end of May when regular INA troops arrived at Kohima, the military position of the Japanese forces in this area had changed for the worse (Esther Kathar, Naga Response to INA movement, 1991, p.47). INA men at Kohima held their post most gallantly though and beat back attack after attack (Majumdar, op.cit., p.598). Before withdrawal, the commander of the INA Brigade was occupying approximately 200 sq. Miles of Indian territory which was administered by the Azad Hind Dal. The commander was reluctant to withdraw from those liberated area and in a conference of the local Naga chiefs, he explain the whole situation (Majumdar, ibid., p.601), wherein the Nagas implored them not to go back (Shah Nawaz Khan, op.cit., p.155). But the Japanese troops withdrew to Tamu and the INA much against its will, had to withdraw to the same place. The INA suffered the same fate as the Japanese at Kohima and there were heavy casualties on the retreat where troops complained bitterly of being used as porters by the Japanese (keane, op.cit., p.230). The climax of suffering for the INA was reached when they were at Kohima. Rations and medicine were completely exhausted.

Referring to this withdrawing, Shah Nawaz Khan wrote, “This retreat from Kohima was perhaps one of the most difficult retreats that any army in the world had to face. Torrential rains had washed away all tracts, men-made fresh tracks soon became almost knee deep, men eating horses death for four days, death bodies of Japanese and Indian soldiers lying on either side of the road due to exhaustion, starvation, disease, etc. (Shah Nawaz Khan, op.cit., p. 137). Lieut. M.G Mulkar wrote in his memoir that on 25th June 1944, they retreat from Kohima area. The rain came and they were forced to leave Kohima-Imphal road (Mulkar, op.cit., p.138). But as War intensified and the condition of the Japanese-INA soldiers worsen as no supplies reached them, lax of discipline began to wrought large antagonising many Nagas though this was more a breakdown of order and not a policy. There were cases of rape, murder and maltreatment (Govt. of India, Confidential Dept, file No.496, pp.4 & 5, NSA). This action was said to have been committed more by INA which earned the resentment of the Nagas and the villagers who had initially welcomed the JapaneseINA, watched them silently in their pitiful retreat (Graham, op.cit., p.137). This traumatic experience had a deep mental and psychological impact upon the native populace where a totally new socio-economic and political order emerged in the course of the War and after in the Naga Hills. Mutaguchi, the Commander of the Japanese 15th Army, had underestimated his enemy’s defensive skills. Likewise he misjudged the Allies’ ability to bring up reinforcements. The Japanese were defeated because of lack of supply, bickering of the commanders and inability to provide Air support. The Japanese 15th Army, 85,000-strong, eventually lost 53,000 dead and missing in this U-Go operation and the British sustained 16,564 casualties. During the Battle of Kohima alone, the British and Indian forces had lost 4,064 men, dead, missing and wounded, and against this, the Japanese had lost 5,764 as battle casualties in the Kohima area and many of the 31st Division subsequently died of disease or starvation (Allen, Louis, Burma- The Longest War (1941-1945), London, 1984, p.643). Half the participating INA perished. In the course of the War, Nagas gave a mixed reaction where it participated on both sides of the camps. They did not participate in the War collectively or with common objective and co-ordination. They were dragged into the War unknowingly and individually. Especially those Nagas living in proximity with the administrative centre of the British government had greater involvement with the British and those farther from the administrative seat who felt lesser influence of the British were drawn more towards or had developed stronger intimacy and relationship with the Japanese-INA. Many villages managed to establish immediate bonhomie with the Japanese-INA and welcomed them as they marched across their villages. Schools though rudimentary were also set up at few villages by the Japanese. For instance, at Lozaphuhu, the Japanese commanding officer was so impressed by the hospitality of the villagers that he scribbled them a note (seized by Indian civil agent after the War) saying never to lose it but showed it to any Japanese who comes to the village promising to meet up again even after the war. It was said Phizo who was in Burma, joined the Japanese on their march to India, apparently in return for the promise of Naga independence should they succeed in winning their War against the British (Nirmal Nibedon, Nagaland; the Night of the Guerrillas, 1978, pp.24-25). Phizo was reported to have guided them through the Naga Hills (K.R Singh, The Nagas of Nagaland, Desperadoes and Heroes of Peace, 1997, p.69). The British were alert to the political and

intelligence danger posed by the INA (Keane, op.cit., p.86). Bose as shrewd as he was knows very well how he would be the centre of target if the Allied got wind of his presence, thus, might have kept his presence as covert as possible in his marches while in the hills. The Congress movement being unaffected in the Naga Hills, simple villagers not aware of persona grata of Bose might not have elicited that much excitement to amplify his presence in the vicinity before or soon after the war. After the war, Pawsey the then D.C of the Naga Hills too never have the leisure and time to be enquiring about things apart from relief measure works being heavily preoccupied with post war rehabilitations and the fledging Naga nationalism that soon came to dominate the scene. Also taking the obsessive patriotic zeal of Bose and his constant insistence to let the INA be at the very tip of Japanese advance into Indian plain, it may not be possible for Bose to laze at the safe haven of Maymyo or Rangoon or Manipur fringes alone for 64 days battle of Kohima, when his troops were at the forefront fighting a fierce battle especially when there were no more obstruction on the 150 miles stretch to Naga hills after British outpost were overran at Sanshak, Kharasom and Jessami. But much ado about Bose or Phizo, very less has been written about the whole event and the Allied 14th Army that fought in this War considered itself as the forgotten Army. Thus, when very little is written about the whole event, information written so far alone can’t be limited to be taken as the sole source or authentic. Of the British 2nd Division who fought in the Battle of Kohima, Commanding officer Lieut. Gen. Grover said, “We were insignificant in the Swept of history” (Graham, op.cit, p.73). Though the natives have information of women in the Japanese-INA advances yet even this information is scanty or hardly highlighted in British accounts. The exact organisation of the INA and its precise troops’ strength is not known since its records were destroyed by the withdrawing Azad Hind Govt. before Rangoon was recaptured by Commonwealth forces in 1945. Vast treasure trove of Japanese reminiscences remains locked out of view of international scholars because they have not been translated into English and at the same times reluctance of Japanese themselves to recount the event until recently where they seems to be opening up. For this reason, most sources of information fed to us has been Anglo-American bearing mostly one side story written by victors in their own light. In the midst of whom the battle took place, places are awash with stories which still lies embedded in the local narrative forming and important piece of oral history. For a long time, hardly local authors have written anything comprehensive on the event bearing the local perspective. Only lately the lacunae is getting filled with the works of local researchers and authors. For example, the presence of Phizo and Bose in Naga Hills has been simmering in local narrative for a long time where some writers mentioned about their presence in their works in early 1990s and before though nothing elaborative. Mostly the available works have been Kohima centred and very less about the more distant places. For instance, little or no mention has been made about the battle or skirmishes at Chozuba, phusachodu, straffing of Phek, or even Pansha in Tuensang for this matter. Similarly, not just from one or two accounts but numerous accounts from different locations are cohering with information about the presence of Bose in Naga Hills though this has to be subjected to further methodological test and scientific analysis. Conclusion is rift and further investigation and research simmers where continual possibilities and if remains. With the central govt. consenting to declassify Bose file and hopefully more accounts of the Japanese coming to public domain, it may add succour to the whole narration and hypothesis.

Prof. G.T. Thong


Nagaland University

udos to all our Tall Visionary leaders who have given Nagaland a Literacy Rate higher than that of the National. And where does the stupid vision of the morons end? With the qualifications of many of our dear teachers. Under-Matriculates! Are you serious? Is this a cruel joke of the Tall Visionaries? It was so shocking to see the news on the front pages of the dailies (1st June 2017). Of course, the ruling dispensation will dispute the figures, which hardly matters as we all know that our State is in a very pathetic state. The river beds, oops.... streets of ‘The Mirror of Nagaland’ (Kohima), is pockmarked testimony. The main concern of the Legislature and Bureaucracy is everything else except the welfare of the people. A small bunch of Tall Visionaries have siphoned off many tens of thousands of crores of rupees (many billion dollars), just within the last 15 years or so, and left a trail of devastation behind. There was extensive corruption before that as well, but not of this magnitude; perhaps less money in that bygone era! And to add salt to our wounds these Tall Visionaries talk against CORRUPTION and the importance of UNITY, which is the only word missing in their dictionaries. We have GHOST teachers, PROXY teachers and BOGUS teachers. We also have BACKDOOR-APPOINTED teachers. Added to this growing list we now know that we also have UNDER-MATRIC teachers. This does not bode well for our state. A few rogue elements have held the whole state to ransom. The common man hoped that, once unearthed, these dubious characters (teachers) would be removed, but the government is least bothered. These elements are thriving with the blessings of their political masters, both overground and underground. Good teachers will help build a strong and resilient society and help us advance rapidly. That is why advanced nations have invested in the best Teachers because of the simple fact that though ‘Good Teachers are costly, Bad Teachers cost more’ (Bob Talbert). But for us, it is a government job for the voter / post buyer (qualified or not) - to hell with the future generation. It really is a pity that we do not see the importance of education. An appropriately educated society only can take us forward. Advanced societies have highly trained professionals (educators) right from the grassroots. In Nagaland, it is a totally different atmosphere. Many of the Government school teachers are appropriately qualified (some of them not getting paid for months on end are an entirely different matter). Some of them are just too lethargic or find it beneath their dignity to enter a classroom regularly or on time. Many of them have unqualified Proxies doing their jobs for a pittance while they are onto other lucrative ventures (contracts, supplies, etc.). Then we have a whole load of the Bogus category, whom none dare touch for their links with Tall Visionaries and/or notorious elements. The non-existent Ghost teachers also regularly draw their salaries from Non-Ghost establishments. On the other hand we have a vast sea of unqualified teachers (apologies to the few qualified ones) in the private schools who are forced to produce good HSLC/HSSLC results or face getting sacked. Though these people are ensuring the students pass the above exams, the children are not developed to take on the challenges of the modern world. There are too many inadequacies; these teachers are just not qualified for the job. Who will check this discrepancy? Do we have a Government? The vision of these Tall Visionaries has managed to drag Nagaland deep into the muck. Just a small bunch of self-centered, greedy and selfish individuals are the reason for this. NAGALAND IS RIPE FOR A REVOLUTION. But... Future Generation, you who have lost your jobs in the Education and other departments to the back-door appointees, where art thou?

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Saturday 03•06•2017


Nagaland Fashion Week 2017 Harvard university to offer first edition announced

H Organisers during the announcement of first edition of Nagaland Fashion Week (NFW) in New Delhi during a press conference held on June 1.


elhi Fashion Club with the support of Nagaland Government has announced the official first edition of Nagaland Fashion Week (NFW) in New Delhi which will be held around August and September 2017 at Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, Delhi. The announcement was made on Thursday at press conference at Nagaland House in New Delhi in presence of Jyoti Kalash, Principle Resident Commissioner of Nagaland House in Delhi. A press note stated that the motive of this show is to celebrate culture, textile and tourism internationally with participation of not only designers from Naga-


land but whole nation and world. It will also promote handlooms and handicraft industry of Nagaland for which association is done with Nagaland Handloom and Handicraft Corporation Ltd. Founder of NFW, Harshit Dhingaun, Delhi based is a known personality among youth as Chairman of Delhi Fashion Club and Online Bollywood VJ. Associate Creative Director, Delhi Fashion Club and Co- Founders are Ethiel Konyak, former super model is Regional Head in Nagaland and Esther Arenla Jamir, women entrepreneur and social worker will take care of Delhi operation as Delhi Regional Head. Harshit Dhingaun

said that NFW will be Nagaland’s and North-east India’s first Premier International Fashion week. This 3 days event will be hosted in The Fashion Capital Delhi, giving it a National and International appeal. Esther Arenla Jamir, Delhi Regional Head, NFW said NFW in Delhi is an initiative to create employment hubs for job, weaning away the misguided youths, bridging and giving opportunity to the North East of India and to empower women. Senior Member of Delhi Fashion Club and advisor for NFW, Ratnadeep Lal, Chairman, IIFT (International Institute of Fashion Technology) made an announcement that to de-

velop the youth resource of Nagaland, they will sponsor 10 and more deserving and eligible students from Nagaland in field of fashion designing and this scheme will be valid all across India.“We will give 10-15% discount to all the students from Nagaland so that they can contribute in nation’s growth,” he added. The event was highly appreciated by nationally acclaimed FDCI Designer Sonia Jetleey and Linda Newmai, Member of Central Board of Film Cooperation (CBFC) who were also present at press conference. Applications are now open and forms will be out offline and online on www.nagalandfashionweek.com

arvard University has announced that it will offer a medieval history course inspired by the epic fantasy drama "Game of Thrones". To be introduced in autumn, the course will be titled "The Real Game of Thrones: From Modern Myths to Medieval Models", reported TIME magazine. The folklore and mythology course will study the HBO TV show based on George R R Martin's books that "echoes and adapts, as well as distorts the history and culture of the 'medieval world' of Eurasia from c. 400 to 1500 CE". Sean Gilsdorf, a medieval historian and Administrative Director and Lecturer on Medieval Studies at the varsity described the course to the

history course magazine as one which will explore "a set of archetypal characters at the heart of Game of Thrones the king, the good wife, the second son, the adventurer, and so on with distinct analogues in medieval history, literature, religion, and legend". Along with Gilsdorf, Racha Kirakosian, who is an assistant professor of German and the Study of Religion, will also teach the newly-designed paper at Harvard. Talking about the course, Kirakosian said, "'Game of Thrones' does dramatise nicely some fundamental things going on in medieval courts. Tensions between a queen and the younger women who marry their sons are some 'Real Housewives of 10th-century Germany' kind of stuff, where you see these women going af-

ter each other." The course is being offered at the introductory 100-level and she hopes it will be a "recruitment tool" for medieval studies and humanities courses in general, at a time when students are less interested in majoring in those fields. "When I read medieval verse epics with my students, they'd say, 'Oh, that's like in 'Game of Thrones'. No, if anything at all, it's the other way around. Source: PTI


Saturday 03•06•2017



NBA Finals: Curry & Durant power MPL: Power Comm climb atop league table Warriors past Cavaliers in Game 1


OAKLAND, JuNe 2 (AP): Kevin Durant drove through the lane untouched for dazzling dunks. He dished off even when he could have slammed it home, and did it all on defense. Oh, he hit from long range, too. What a dominant NBA Finals opener with the Warriors. Durant finished with 38 points, eight rebounds and eight assists to lead Golden State past LeBron James and the defending champion Cleveland Cavaliers, 113-91 on Thursday night in Game 1. As this highly anticipated rematch tipped off at last, the biggest difference from last year was clear. “KD,” James said. Stephen Curry did his share by scoring 28 points with six 3-pointers and 10 assists as this sure-to-be thrilling trilogy began, a long-expected, spectacular grand finale envisioned ever since that July day Durant left Oklahoma City to join the loaded Warriors. “We could be a lot better than we were tonight but in the Finals you get a

‘W,’ we’ll take it,” Durant said. James wound up with 28 points, 15 rebounds and eight assists a day after dealing with bigotry far away from basketball. Someone painted a racial slur — the N-word — on the gate of his Los Angeles home, leaving James to address racism rather than his seventh straight Finals appearance or stopping KD. James said he would do his best to be ready for the series opener when his mind was elsewhere, concerned for his wife and children back in Ohio. “We did a great job of covering the 3-point line but other than that they played a hell of a game,” James said. Du ra nt pu n i s h e d Cleveland for leaving him free, taking the ball to the hoop for emphatic dunks as a man on a mission to deliver what he came for: a championship. He had six slams in the first half alone for the Warriors, who at 13-0 are already the first team to go this far in a postseason unblemished. “They’re the best I’ve ever seen,” Cavs coach Ty-

Golden State Warriors forward Kevin Durant (35) dunks. (AP Photo)

ronn Lue said. “They’re 130. They’re constantly breaking records every year.” Game 2 in the series is Sunday night back at Oracle Arena with its deafening sellout crowd. Kyrie Irving, who hit

the deciding 3-pointer with Curry’s hand in his face last June as Cleveland rallied from a 3-1 series deficit to win its first championship, scored 24 points on 10-of-22 shooting. Kevin Love grabbed 21 rebounds

and scored 15 points, while Tristan Thompson was held scoreless and to four boards. Curry sported a fresh haircut for the occasion and the two-time reigning MVP initially wore a black sleeve on his shooting arm to protect a tender elbow that still had some swelling, but he quickly removed it and found his stroke. He shot 11 for 22, 6 of 11 on 3s. The sleeve didn’t feel right, but Curry joked of his arm wear, “As a little kid I always wanted to be like Allen Iverson and that was the only way I could really come close.” This marks the first time in NBA history the same two teams played in three straight Finals and just the fourth time it has happened in the four major sports leagues. Warriors starting center Zaza Pachulia returned after missing the final two games at San Antonio with a bruised right heel and contributed eight points and six rebounds. Golden State’s four turnovers tied an NBA Finals low.

KOhimA, JuNe 2 (mexN): A hat-trick from Viposa and a brace from Hethanglo helped Power Comm climb atop the Morning Premier League table with a hard fought win over Silver White on Friday. Following All Blacks shock defeat to eightplaced Morning FC on Thursday, Power Comm needed a win to take top spot and win they did as they managed to scrape a win over the bottom of the league side. Power Comm now lead the leaderboard with a superior goal difference of +23 goal difference as against +12 for Medical XI and +11 for All Blacks. All three sides have 28 points from their 13 games.

Friday’s encounter at the Local Ground, Kohima, saw a teetering contest as the two teams combined to score 9 goals. Viposa opened the scoring for Power Comm in the 8th minute and teammate Hethanglo made it 2-0 in the 26th minute. Tesa then halved the deficit scoring in the 33rd minute. But five minutes later, Viposa got his second as he restored the two goal lead. Silver White then got a lifeline when they were awarded a penalty in the dying minutes of the first half. John stepped up to take the penalty and made no mistake in slotting the ball home. With the match delicately poised at 3-2, Power

Comm powered into the second half in much the same way as they started scoring an early goal as Viposa completed his hattrick two minutes after the restart. Silver White’s Tesa then found the net as the score read 4-3 in the 65th minute. Ten minutes later, Power Comm scored again with Hethanglo getting his second to make it 5-3. Silver White responded two minutes later with Tesa completing his hat-trick but his efforts were in vain as Power Comm held on to win 5-4. The loss meant Silver White continue to languish at the bottom of the table with a point from their 13 games.

Badminton coaching camp underway in Dimapur DimAPur, JuNe 2 (mexN): To tap the potentials of young badminton players and train them for competitions, a month long badminton coaching camp organized by the Dimapur District Badminton Association (DDBA) for the upcoming players got underway at DDBA Indoor stadium, United Colony, Nagarjan on Thursday, June 1. Over 30 players from Di-

mapur district are attending the intensive coaching conducted by retired national badminton umpire C. Tinu Pongen and assisted by former state players, a press release from the DDBA informed. The camp is being conducted for all categories and for both men and women. Through the camp, DDBA aims to train and groom the young talents

for participating in district, state and national level competitions. In this regard, the association has informed interested players to come and join the camp. The camp is also a preparation for the district team for the forthcoming 41st Inter District and State Open Badminton Championship 2017 to be held from July 11-14 at Chumukedima, the release added.

Record £150m pay-out for Nadal merciless, Muguruza sails through at French Open JuNe 2 (AFP): Nine-time English champions Chelsea PAris, champion Rafael Nadal lost just one

LONDON, JuNe 2 (AFP): English champions Chelsea received a record Premier League pay-out of more than £150 million ($190 million, 172 million euros) this season, nearly £60 million more than their predecessors Leicester, after new TV deals came into force. The broadcast deals, including a bumper domestic contract, ensured generous end-of-season payments for all 20 Premier League clubs who shared a total of £2.4 billion. Figures on the league's website showed Leicester, who earned £93 million after their stunning title success last year, received £116 million this season, when they finished 12th. Second-placed Tottenham Hotspur earned about £145 million -- slightly less than Manchester City and Liverpool owing to the difference in their "facility fees", awarded for appearances on TV. Domestic rights to broadcast the Premier League were sold for £5.1 billion over three seasons, dwarfing the previous deal. The league shares money from its central commercial deals and overseas broadcast rights on

an equal basis, which means all 20 clubs got nearly £5 million each for the former and £39 million for the latter. Even the three clubs who were relegated leave with large payments, including bottomplaced Sunderland who received just over £93m. The Premier League also paid out nearly £220 million in "parachute payments" to eight teams relegated in recent seasons: Aston Villa, Cardiff, Fulham, Newcastle, Norwich, QPR, Reading and Wigan. Villa, Newcastle and Norwich, who were relegated last year, got almost £41 million each, QPR £31 million and the other four more than £16 million. Overall, the ratio between the highest and the lowest earning clubs in the Premier League was 1.61 to 1, the lowest among Europe's top leagues. The Premier League's appeal to broadcasters at home and abroad has also permitted it to increase the money it distributes to grassroots facilities and projects. In the last financial year, the league spent £200 million in this area, about seven percent of its total broadcast income.

game in a ruthless display to reach the French Open last 16 on Thursday, while Garbine Muguruza gained further momentum in the defence of her title. Nadal demonstrated why he is once more considered the overwhelming favourite at Roland Garros with a brutal demolition of Georgia's Nikoloz Basilashvili. The Spaniard romped to a 6-0, 6-1, 6-0 win, narrowly missing out on becoming just the sixth man in the Open era to record a "triple bagel". "Perfection? I don't know about that," said Nadal, who plans to celebrate his 31st birthday on Saturday by watching Real Madrid play Juventus in the Champions League final. "I think I played very well today. The most important thing is to be through and I played my best match in a while. "Tomorrow at 8.45 I'm going to be in front of the TV for sure supporting my team, hoping that Real Madrid will win another time." Nadal will meet compatriot Roberto Bautista Agut for a spot in the quarter-finals. Reigning champion Novak Djokovic faces Argentina's Diego Schwartzman later, with the world number 41 through to the third round of a major for the first time. Djokovic has encountered few problems this week at Roland Garros

Rafael Nadal (Reuters Photo)

Garbine Muguruza (Reuters Photo)

and hopes his fledgling partnership with American great Andre Agassi will inject a much-needed boost. "I think I reached the stage of my life where I just need to find always new ways of motivating myself, inspiring myself, and having Agassi on board and doing some changes is definitely bringing me that," said the Serb. - Goffin suffers freak injury Canadian fifth seed Milos Raonic advanced to the last 16 when Guillermo Garcia-Lopez retired with a thigh injury in the second set. Raonic, a quarter-finalist in Paris in 2014, led 6-1, 1-0 before the veteran Spaniard, ranked 153, quit after just 28

minutes. He will play Spanish 20th seed Pablo Carreno Busta, who dumped out Bulgaria's Grigor Dimitrov in straight sets, 7-5, 6-3, 6-4. Belgian 10th seed David Goffin suffered a nasty ankle injury when he got caught up in court covers, forcing him to abandon his third-round tie with Horacio Zeballos of Argentina. Goffin was leading 5-4 when he chased down the ball towards the back of the Suzanne Lenglen court. However, his right foot got horribly jammed beneath the rolled-up tarpaulins before he tumbled into the wall and a linesman's chair. The 26-year-old was helped from the court by two officials and retired in

the locker room. Muguruza swept into round four of the women's draw with a 7-5, 6-2 win over Kazakh 27th seed Yulia Putintseva. The Spaniard closed out victory with an ace in a match that featured 11 breaks of serve in 20 games played. "I think the more matches I play and the toughest victories I think gives you self-confidence, successful feeling out there," said Muguruza. "I think it's important with all the three matches that I played that are not easy at all." Muguruza plays either French 13th seed Kristina Mladenovic or American Shelby Rogers, who she beat in last year's quarter-finals, for a place in the last eight.

India cricket tension mounts after resignation No 'showdown', coach Kumble gives Kohli throwdowns

mumbAi, JuNe 2 (AFP): Tension over the future of India's head coach Anil Kumble grew Friday after a top cricket administrator resigned slamming the Indian board for its handling of the controversy. Amid a reported battle between team captain Virat Kohli and Kumble, a deadline for applications to become head coach passed this week without any announcement by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). Top names like Virender Sehwag and Australia's Tom Moody have reportedly applied for the job which comes vacant when Kumble's one-year term expires after the Champions Trophy. Kumble is also in the running. Ramachandra Guha, who quit a Supreme Courtappointed four-member committee overseeing the BCCI, backed Kumble to be given an extension.

birmiNghAm, JuNe 2 (PTi): The rumoured differences, drama and intrigue seemed to have taken a backseat as coach Anil Kumble gave skipper Virat Kohli throwdowns during the Indian cricket team's indoor net session here today. The alleged rift between the two most influential figures in the Indian dressing room has dominated headlines over the last few days. In this context, it was a welcome sight to see the two men doing their job at the Edgbaston, together. With inclement weather denying the team a chance of outdoor nets, most of the top batsmen were seen taking throwdowns for a considerable period of time. Guha, in a letter written to the committee of administrators (COA) chairman Vinod Rai, criticised the BCCI as he gave reasons for quitting the post that he only took on January 30. Guha confirmed to AFP the contents of the letter published by Indian website Scroll.in. "The Indian team's record this past season has been excellent; and even if the players garner the bulk of the credit, surely the head coach and his support staff also get some," Guha wrote. Kumble helped India win all five Test series since his appointment in June last year, but the BCCI has insist-

With four nets adjacent to each other, the focus of attention was the first one where skipper Kohli was a picture of concentration. However, the snap of the session was Kumble giving throwdowns to the captain. Kohli initially was doing some conventional knocking, trying to get a feel of the ball. Even if there was any discomfort between the reportedly 'warring duo', it was not evident in their body language during the session. After playing some drives, Kohli tried to play some shots square off the wicket. Kumble spent close to a good 20 minutes before he went to the second net.

ed it has followed routine procedure by inviting applicants for the coach's job. "In a system based on justice and merit, the head coach's term would have been extended. Instead, Kumble was left hanging, and then told the post would be readvertised afresh. "Clearly, the issue has been handled in an extremely insensitive and unprofessional manner by the BCCI CEO and the BCCI office-bearers, with the COA, by its silence and inaction, unfortunately being complicit in this regard," said Guha. "Due process had to be followed since Kumble's original appointment was

only for one year, why was this not done during April and May, when the IPL was on?" he added. With India starting their defence of the Champions Trophy against Pakistan on Sunday, Guha's resignation has reinforced the reports of a rift between Kumble and Kohli over tactics and training. "If indeed the captain and the Head Coach were not getting along, why was this not attended to as soon as the Australia series was over in late March? "Why was it left until the last minute, when a major international tournament was imminent, and when the uncertainty would un-

dermine the morale and ability to focus of the coach, the captain and the team?" said Guha.

- 'Superstar Syndrome' The 59-year-old academic came down heavily on Indian stars including Sunil Gavaskar and Mahendra Singh Dhoni as well as the preferential treatment accorded to them by the BCCI. Guha slammed Gavaskar's role in heading a company involving Indian cricketers and commentating on them as a BCCI TV analyst. He blamed the COA for not taking action on such matters. He also criticised the Grade A contract given to Dhoni despite the former captain having left Test cricket, saying the "superstar syndrome" is sending the "wrong message". Guha alongwith Rai, banker Vikram Limaye and former Indian women's captain Diana Edulji were appointed to run the BCCI after the Supreme Court sacked its top officials for failing to implement reforms. Guha has said former Indian paceman and ICC match referee Javagal Srinath or any respected male cricketer should replace him on the panel.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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