June 8th, 2017

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ThursDAY • June 08 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 155• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

The gospel is not a truth among other truths. Rather, it sets a question mark against all truths Leaked NSA doc highlights deep flaws in the US election system

NSDMA stresses on Incident Response System to face disasters in Nagaland

PAGe 09


By Sandemo Ngullie

Morung Express News

Mon | June 7

NEw DElhI, JUNE 7 (IANS): The election to elect 14th President of India will be held on July 17 with counting of votes slated for July 20, the Election Commission announced on Wednesday. Announcing the schedule, CEC Nasim Zaidi told reporters here that the last date of filing nominations is June 28, scrutiny of nominations will take place on June 29 and the last date for withdrawal of candidature is July 1. "The date on which polling will be held, if required, is July 17. Counting, if required, will be done on July 20," Zaidi said. Elected members of the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and state assemblies including assemblies of Delhi and Puducherry are eligible to take part in the election.

Myanmar military plane with 104 on board crashes YANgoN, JUNE 7 (IANS): A Myanmar military aircraft with 104 people on board went missing on Wednesday and its wreckage was found on the sea off the country's Dawei township, authorities reported. The military said the tragedy may have occurred due to bad weather but this could be confirmed only after the black box was found. The Air Force plane lost contact with the ground and went missing in the afternoon on its flight from the southern Tanintharyi region's Myeik to Yangon. The 104 on board included 90 members of soldiers' families and 14 crew.

French Open: Djokovic stunned by Thiem in quarters PAGE 12

five dead in tizit encounter Dimapur reels under heat-wave Morung Express News

Presidential election on July 17

T R u T H

— Karl Barth


Casualties include a Territorial Army Major, 3 ULFA cadres and one civilian

Meanwhile the heat wave continues in Dimapur!!

o F

Five people were killed in an encounter between a combined group of ULFA (I) and NSCN (K) cadres and the 164 Territorial Army and 12 para commando unit in a location between Lapa Lampong and Lapa village under Tizit sub division of Mon District. The encounter occurred on Tuesday night at around 10:30pm. The incident took place after the security forces received information on presence of the ULFA cadres in the area and began a combing operation. OC, Tizit police station said the police received information from nearby villages of hearing gun fire, after which police went to investigate. However, upon reaching the place, the OC said the police were not allowed to enter the operation area by security forces. Only the next morning, the bodies of four people were handed over to the police, the OC informed. Police sources said suspected ULFA cadres were reportedly moving in two auto rickshaws when the security forces gave chase. In the ensuring exchange of fire, four occupants of the rear auto rickshaw were killed while the other auto rickshaw along with its occupants managed to escape in the cover of darkness. Casualties during the encounter include a Major from the 164 TA (Naga), three ULFA cadres and reportedly a civil-

(LEFT) An aerial view of the site where the encounter occured. (RIGHT) Weapons, ammunition and gear recovered by the security forces. Photo Courtesy IGAR (N)

ian. The deceased officer has been confirmed as Major David Manlun of the Naga Territorial Army (NTA). Three commandos of the elite 12 Para commando unit were also reported to have been injured in the gun battle and were evacuated to a military hospital in Jorhat, Assam. Kohima-based Defense PRO Colonel Chiranjeet Konwer told IANS that the “militants hurled a grenade and fired at the operational team that led to heavy exchange of fire and subsequent deaths.” Mon Police identified the killed ULFA cadres as Bhonenpro, Bipul Asom and Dikram Konwar. The civilian, who was with the ULFA cadres during the incident, was identified as Rajendra Gupta, an auto rickshaw driver. Police said arms and ammunition recovered from

the ULFA cadres include AK47, two M69, 271 round of 7.62mm ammunition 5.6mm and 2 grenades. Following the incident, situation was reported to be tense in Tizit area with people staying indoors out of fear, even as security forces continued their combing operation. DGP Nagaland LL Doungel said the Mon SP has been coordinating with the Assam Rifles on the state of affairs and assured that the situation was under control. PRO IGAR North, Kohima in a separate press statement said security forces under the aegis of HQ IGAR (North) “eliminated three hardcore underground cadres of a joint group of NSCN (K) and ULFA (I) in general area of Tizit, Mon district of Nagaland.” According to the press statement, the incident occurred on June 6 evening

when security forces based on an input launched an operation. The security forces were in the process of establishing a mobile check post when the “armed terrorists travelling in an auto rickshaw sped past and on being pursued opened fire on security forces.” In the ensuing firefight which took place on a pitch dark night three terrorists were neutralized and the auto rickshaw driver also succumbed, it stated. While confirming Major David Manlun’s death, the PRO informed that three jawans also sustained splinter injuries, but are now in stable condition. Operations are in progress, the statement further informed. Major Manlun’s body was flown to Shillong where it was received by Army officers and family members at the Gorkha Training Centre helipad.

Dimapur | June 7

People continued to suffer under severe heat wave conditions in Dimapur for the second day, with temperatures reeling between 34-37 degrees Celsius, making normal life uncomfortable. One of the worst hit was the Police, especially those doing Traffic duties. Traffic policemen are known to stand for prolonged hours at busy traffic intersections whether rain or sunshine comes and are being exposed to scorching heat, noise and air pollution. Unlike in the metros where traffic signal lights are installed, traffic personnel in the State manually regulate traffic under the sweltering heat with risks of dehydration. There are about 280-290 traffic personnel including mahilla and attachments from Homeguard personnel engaged in manning various junctions of the city. At several junctions, there is no proper traffic island and they have to stand in the middle of the road to manage the traffic. Police booths being set up at various places offer some relief under the shed and fan but do not help much owing to erratic power supply caused by load shedding. To beat the heat, the Police Department has been distributing cold drinking water to personnel on duty. It was learnt that an air conditioner has been installed at one of the police booths though power supply comes in the way of its intended usage. They work in two shifts, making them stand on the road from 6:30 am to 2:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 8 pm. Besides, there is the recently launched Medical First Responder Team doing round the clock duty for attending to road accidents. Performing duties under the scorching sun, the traffic personnel are also faced with regular alter-

cation from the public, especially two-wheeler riders who do not wear helmets for their own safety. Such working conditions had led to severe stress among the traffic constables. Educational institutions were also hit as the students reported of unbearable heat inside fully packed classrooms compounded with erratic power supply. In one school, the students were let out in the premises on Wednesday to get some air when there was no power supply. Business was also reported to have been slightly affected during daytime as people preferred to stay indoors. However, restaurateurs said their business was normal like any other day, as some of them disclosed that customers came in more numbers both during daytime and evening to cool themselves from the blazing heat. ‘Coolies’ were also among the worst hit, as there were less people in the market thus having no baggage or shopping articles to carry. Some government employees on conditions on anonymity said they chose to stay indoors by calling in sick in order to avoid the scorching heat. A resident of Notun Bosti who wished to identify himself only as Imchen said he had to splash the tinned roof of his house and the compound with water from bore-well several times on Wednesday to beat the unbearable heat. Another resident of the same area said she was splashing water in the pig-sty from time to time lest the five pigs she was rearing die in the hot weather. Some farmers expressed apprehensions about decline in crop harvest if the heat continued. In some localities, people reported about being huddled into the homes of neighbours who have air conditioners but without much comfort owing to the fluctuating power supply.

NPCC for changing ‘corrupt environment’ NSCN (IM) cautions against ‘anti peace agents’ DIMAPUR , JUNE 7 (MExN): The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) today called for efforts towards changing the “corrupt environment” in Naga society and working towards bring honesty back. A statement from the NPCC President, K Therie said that the people of Nagaland must realise that “religion and administration must work together as it was in the past.” “In the past leaders were self-content and worked hard. They fed people and gave them shelter in difficult times. They protected society and the village from enemies. Today our leaders are well dressed but without a source of income. They live with big designations and name plates but depend on others for their style and

livelihood. We have to realise that beggars are not leaders,” the NPCC President added. He further pointed to four focus elements order to make clean election a reality. They include Village/Urban Local bodies, ward and polling station wise administrators, government employees and security forces. “Religion and Administration must go together. Village Councils and Urban bodies must now function with religion as a moral guide,” Therie opined. He called upon government employees not to fail society any more in enforcing election law. “We want them to be strong. It is they who allow corrupt electoral practices like proxy voting, booth capturing, unidentified voters, underage voters, etc.”

He further stated that presiding officers have magisterial power and can arrest any wrong doers on the spot or detain any voter if so deemed. “They can cancel election. Security is provided to enforce and protect the law.” The NPCC President further urged deployed security to “stop allowing booth capturing and proxy voters to jump the queue which disables genuine voters from voting. They should identify that the person in the perimeter is a genuine voter possessing Voter Photo ID and does not have dangerous weapons that may distort peaceful polling,” he asserted. He meanwhile observed that the “corrupt environment that covers Nagaland is a silent war that is killing the souls and future of Nagaland.”

DIMAPUR, JUNE 7 (MExN): The NSCN (IM) today stated that while Nagas are confronted by highly sensitive political activities and issues, both within the home front and at the national levels, there are “unfortunately some elements which are going against all governments.” These elements, a press note from the MIP of the NSCN (IM) said “are moving with tangible momentum to create nuisance which is serious in nature and absolutely counter-productive and non beneficial to the present Society.” It called upon these organizations to “exhibit stronger sense of discipline and positive attitudes to enable the peaceful existence of the common people.” Claiming that the Framework Agreement has provided a “new era for the Nagas,” it lamented that “some elements are hell bent

and actively working sleeplessly aiming to trigger maximum collateral damages to the historic political achievements and even to the extent of treacherous hijack and sabotage.” The NSCN (IM) cautioned that it would be very unfortunate if the ongoing political process gets derailed due to some “anti peace and anti framework agents.” “In such circumstances, it will be interpreted as a sheer wilful act against the peaceful interests of both the Government of India and the Naga nation,” it added. Acknowledging that in any democratic country and nation, to raise one’s voices against the Governments, on issues of anomalies and corruptions is acceptable, the NSCN (IM) however stated that “of late, some organizations are rushing against the

national interests to fulfil their master’s desires of reopening old Political Pandora Box at the cost of the Nagas.” “It is strange that, some organizations are apparently trying to overtake other leading organizations and Governments in full throttle and in panic by realizing the reality that, the decades old Indo – Naga Political problem is expected to be completed sooner than expected. They need to pre visualize the true pictures of the futilities and related consequences of their treacherous and destructive designs against the Governments,” it said. The NSCN (IM) appealed to the people and all organizations to come forward in safeguarding the prevailing peace and to strengthen the path of the peace process towards an honourable political settlement.

30 birds set free from mini zoo in Kohima Time for Nagas to end internal conflicts: NTC Our Correspondent Kohima | June 7


Thirty birds from the Mini Zoo in Kohima were been set free today under the theme ‘In act of love for our beautiful animals.’ They were set free by retired IAS officer KK Sema, officials of Tsütuonuomia Youth Organisation (TYO), Kohima Village and Ruvuotuo Belho, proprietor of Mini Zoo. This is part of the annual releasing programme of birds from this zoo. The zoo is located at Gasie, below CRPF Camp, High School area, Kohima. Riivuotuo Belho started this mini zoo with a deer in 2004 and today it is home to 37 species of birds and animals. Among the many animals include deer, porcupine, monkey, tortoise, civet cat, eagle owl, pond heron, sparrow, barbet, hornbill, green pigeon, royal pigeon, bulbul, collard pigmy owl, jungle crow etc. Spreading over 5 acres, the zoo is open for visitors on Saturday and Sunday. 62 years old Belho plans

30 birds were set free from the mini zoo in Kohima on June 7 under the theme ‘In act of love for our beautiful animals.’

to expand the area of this zoo. KK Sema lauded the efforts of Ruvuotuo Belho for not only taking care of the birds and animals but also preserving them. He said that it was a moment of happiness to see that Belho has taken his voluntary instinctive nature of wanting to preserve wildlife, the best he can in his own limited capacity and sustaining this set up. Challenging others to engage in preservation of animals and birds, he also urged all try to

preserve rather than destroy. Expressing that Nagas are in the habit of eating any kind of animals and birds, he urged the people to learn to conserve and maintain ecological balance. He also urged the state government to take cognizance and extend possible support to such individuals who are engaged in preservation of almost extinct birds and animals in the state. He further wished the establishment to grow into a meaningful one.

DIMAPUR, JUNE 7 (MExN): The Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) today stated that it is time for the Nagas to end “internal conflicts” and to “find answers to our disputes.” A press note from the NTC called upon the Naga people to prepare ground for sustainable settlement to the protracted political issue and towards this end, it stated that “one of the principal methods for mitigating the acrimonies amongst ourselves is to talk honestly, to be honest to oneself and to one another.” While acknowledging that the NSCN (IM) is “one of the influential groups,” it however lamented that “unfortunately, the golden opportunity was missed when this group opted for isolation with superiority colour.” “As desired, the group has dis-

tanced itself from the rest of others and in all probability the dividing line will remain,” it claimed. It further viewed that “at that opportune time, had NSCN (IM) taken all the Nagas into confidence without the modus operandi of pick and choose, all the consequences of conflicts, paper duels and acrimonies would have been avoided.” The “hide and seek game,” it noted, “has compelled the general public and other NNPGs to continue contesting those points raised by NSCN (IM) from time to time which are found immature and unconvincing.” Such reactions are not for mere debates, but for the cause of political aspiration and therefore the reactions are natural, the NTC stated. It meanwhile stated that the 16-points agreement of

NPC in 1960 and the Shillong Accord of 1975 were under the constitution of India and “any further debate is futile.” “A part from the contents, the August 3, 2015 ‘Framework’ was also in the same category as it is natural and obvious that the presence of the Prime Minister of India with his Home Minister in the signing ceremony would ever allow the leaders of the country to be witnesses to an agreement that supersedes the supremacy of Indian constitution,” the NTC claimed. It therefore termed the claim that the ‘Framework’ has restored the sovereignty of the Nagas as “definitely incoherent, immature and deceptive.” “Also, the natural and international tradition goes that two sovereign nations do not co-own a single constitution or can co-habit an exclusive demarcated ter-

ritory,” it said. It further stated that in contemporary Naga politics, realistic perception and practical approaches can better bridge the gaps amongst our people rather than illusive rhetoric. “What NTC appreciates is the admission of NSCN (IM) that the Nagas are economically poor and unsustainable without the generosity of India. That is the hard fact and such humility can fetch dividends,” it said. Observing that “certain sections of Nagas are fond of wasting time on non-issues which are irrelevant and anti-thesis to common interests,” the NTC questioned: “what substance those people can contribute to common good when they refused to uphold the quintessence of truth but preferred to subscribe to pseudoism and skirmish politics.”


Thursday 08•06•2017



NSDMA stresses on Incident Response Hepatitis C infection rate System to face disasters in Nagaland significantly high in Phek Our Correspondent Kohima | June 7

The need to effectively deal with the disaster related incidents in Nagaland through Incident Response System (IRS) was stressed today in Kohima at the two day training programme on IRS organized by Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA) in collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). IRS is an effective mechanism for reducing the scope for ad-hoc measures in response. It is required to be kept in place for effective response during massive disasters, where different departments and stakeholders may be involved. In this regard, the NSD-

MA has identified suitable officers for the IRS system to organize orientation for all the officers involved in the IRS. The IRS incorporates all tasks that may be performed during disaster response and management irrespective of the level of complexity. Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar said the state has a peculiar weather circle with April to September as rainy season and dry season from October to March. Both the seasons are associated with different kinds of risk to disasters. During raining season, the state faces the problem of landslides and flashfloods while in dry season (October to March), it witnesses the problem of drought in the agriculture areas and also fire incidents.

In recent years, the state has been experiencing changes in climate patterns, with increasing frequent and severity. There have also been incidents of lightning damaging property and even leading to fatalities. The Chief Secretary said that another big challenge is earthquakes, which can come anytime as the state is in a vulnerable zone. He informed that serious efforts are being made to increase the capacity of those persons dealing with disaster related incidents. A few years ago, training was imparted to the Village Guards to act as responders in the event of disasters. Certain companies of the armed forces were also trained and more recently a permanent set up of State Disaster Response Force

Tata Trust for enhancing quality of life

Workers engaged in putting up fencing in the conserved community forest for Mithun in Fakim, Salomi, Pungro and Pinkim villages.

Kohima, June 7 (mexn): The North East Initiative Development Agency (NEIDA), Kohima is implementing an integrated project with the objective of sustainably enhancing the quality of lives, particularly in 23 villages of Pungro and Khonsa blocks under Kiphire district. It is also working with farmers to increase their agriculture, horticulture and piggery production through improved management and cultivation practices informed a press release issued by NEIDA Kohima. In order to support the communities conservation efforts, after discus-

sions with various Villages Councils four villages, namely Fakim, Salomi, Pungro and Pinkim villages were selected for putting up barbed wire fencing. In all four villages Mithuns are reared in the conserved community forest. Altogether, the current Mithun population stands at 274 (valued at Rs 1.5 Crores taking current market value for an adult Mithun). The fencing of combined 6 kilometer took 4 weeks to complete in the month of May 2017 and was a collaborative effort whereby the Tata Trust supported the purchase of fencing materials and under the leadership of the

Village Councils of the four villages, the community members contributed 3746 Man days (Rs. 7.4 Lakhs) for putting up the fencing. Additionally, the Village Councils also took the initiative to provide food and refreshment for the entire duration of the fencing work. “The impacts we expect to see through the fencing is continuation of the conservation efforts of the villages as well as enable farmers to rear more number of Mithuns thereby supplementing their income from the sale of Mithuns,” NEIDA Kohima added. The entire project is funded by the Tata Trust, Mumbai.

(SDRF) was created in all the districts. Further, training on youth in the villages has commenced so as to enable them to become responders in their respective areas. Brigadier Kuldip Singh, consultant (ME & IRS) NDMA said the regions vulnerability with disaster is compounded by an expanded demographic, socio-economic conditions, unplanned urbanization, lack of stringent building norms, environment degradation, climate change etc. He further stated that all future infrastructure constructions should be disaster resilient. NSDMA, Commissioner & Secretary, Khrienuo Metha said the IRS was developed by the National

PheK, June 7 (mexn): a discussion session with Taking into consideration them on how to make the existing data for Phek some plans for addressing district, Ketho, President, the burden of Hepatitis C. ARK Foundation stated To this point, it was agreed that “the infection rate of that the NGO will conduct a hepatitis C is significantconsultation meeting with ly high in the district and the drug users and bastherefore, it needs urgent ing on their feedback will intervention.” further discuss with ARK Foundation, and take it Speaking at a meeting forward. on viral hepatitis C conARK Foundation in a ducted at the office of the press release stated that Lightway Society at Pfutthrough this meeting, the sero, Phek on June 7, the ARK Foundation President He said, “Presum- expected outcome was that briefed the participants ably the infection will be NGOs and other stakeholdabout the national chal- spreading and those al- ers will start taking ownerlenge and the state chal- ready infected may not be ship of the disease, while lenge such as not having aware of their status due to acknowledging the emergany data leading to com- lack of testing and diagnos- ing need to tackle this pubplete absence of any pro- tic facilities.” He also men- lic health threat. The meeting ended gramme initiative. tioned about the process The meeting attended of how hepatitis C is tested with ARK Foundation president, urging the NGO and by chief functionary, proj- and diagnosed. On the present treat- Espoir Society to include ect staff and representative from Espoir Society was ment aspect, he talked the topic of Hepatitis C in held with the main objec- about the availability of bet- their day to day activities tive to empower them with ter, cheaper, friendly drugs and to refer their peers and knowledge on the develop- with more responsive rate clients for testing, diagnose ments happening around of cure as compared to the and treatment to which hepatitis C in the state, par- earlier standard of treat- ARK will provide its techticularly in the context of ment with weekly inject- nical support in facilitating able. Ketho also facilitated the process. the Government of India treatment. through NeGPA is exploring all possibilities to promote agriculture product by using latest state of art technology. He said that any application through mobile phone will have enormous impact as the mobile penetration in the state is fairly good, and said that the department of Agriculture has chosen a right platform to promote agriculture related activities through mobile apps. Vizo mentioned that based on the MoU signed between Department of Agriculture and Information Technology & Communication on Anaki Phom Theologians held its 4th Theological Fellowship on June 3 and 4 at Anaki VilMay 16 they will be devel- lage Phom Khel. On June 4, the fellowship celebrated World Environment Day by planting oping 5 Mobile Apps and around 100 saplings. the work has already been started. The function was chaired by T Imkonglemba Ao, IAS, APC and Commissioner & Secretary who welcomed the gathering and briefed about NeGPA in general. Vote of thanks was proposed by Helie Rupre-o, Director of Agriculture. The programme was attended by Officers from Agriculture and Allied department and from department of IT&C. This was stated in a The first ever DEF Tuensang Thanksgiving Service on the occasion of the Establishment press release issued by Let- of Superintendent of Police Office Tuensang was held on June 4 at Police Baptist Church kholal Hangshing, Jt. Direc- DEF Tuensang. RV Ezung, S.P exhorted the gathering and Rev. N. Somba Pastor delivered tor of Agriculture, Kohima. the living word of God. Disaster Management Authority (NSDA) in 2010 with a goal to handle disaster related incidents. Maintaining that IRS has proven to be a very effective mechanism, she said that after the training, the NSDMA hope to take it forward to a stage, where it would also develop IRS and work effectively throughout the state. Additional Chief Secretary (Home), Temjen Toy said the NSDMA in its present form has been around with us for the past six years, during which a lot has happened. There has been increase in inventory equipments as well as in the capacity of the officers and workers. In the process, it has had to deal with several disasters, mostly flashfloods and landslides.

NeGPA to develop 5 mobile apps for Nagaland farmers Kohima, June 7 (mexn): The inaugural function for development of mobile apps under National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGPA) was held in the APC Conference Hall on June 7 with Y.M Yolow, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture as the chief guest. The chief guest during the event declared the project for development of mobile apps under NeGPA open and affirmed that five mobile apps for Agriculture and Allied Department which was identified and recommended by the committee is officially awarded to the department of Information technology & Communication w.e.f from the day the MOU was signed, May 16, 2017. The chief guest during his speech said the recent advancement of technology have brought us all closer, however he said that it has both merit and demerit, and called upon the Agriculture and Allied department to take advantage of the mobile apps that will be develop. Delivering the keynote address, Er KD Vizo, ITS, Commissioner & Secretary he said that Nagaland is basically agriculture based economy and society and

Bridge over Dadi River inaugurated Team verifies water supply to ZPGC

DimaPur, June 7 (mexn): The Project Director of Dimapur District Rural Development Agency, Alemla Chishi inaugurated the bridge constructed over Dadi River at Hovukhu village on June 6. The bridge connects neighboring villages of Zuheshe and Hezulho under RD Block Niuland. Speaking at the function, the Project Director lauded the efforts of the village elders in constructing the bridge – the lifeline of the village. Terming the construction of the bridge an achievement, Alemla also emphasized on judicious usage of the fund that comes to the village for development. A press release informed that the Project Di-

KiPhire, June 7 (DiPr): The verification team for connection of water supply to newly constructed Zisaji Presidency Government College (ZPGC) conducted a spot verification at Phakroki River on June 1. The committee comprise of Inakhu Sema Laison Officer, Higher Education Kohima, Lisepi Sangtam, OSD (inspection) Higher Education, Kohima, Helen Jamir Principal ZPGC, Benjamin Longkap Project Director Alemla Chishi inaugurating the bridge constructed over Dadi River at Hovukhu village on June 6.

rector was accompanied by Programme Officer Moakaba, Deputy Project Officer Zitho Nyuthe and

block officials Akumenla Aier, BDO and K. Alem Jamir JE. The programme was chaired by H. Viniho,

Head GB, Hovukhu Village, and short speech delivered by Hozheto Chophi, Head GB, Zuheshe Village.

Kiphire DPDB monthly meeting conducted Morung Express News Kiphire | June 7

The monthly District Planning & Development Board (DPDB) meeting for Kiphire, held at Deputy Commissioner’s conference hall with Sedevikho Khro, Vice Chairmen and DC Kiphire as chairperson, was attended by officers and HODs of the district. Addressing the meeting, Khro reviewed the last meeting minutes and informed the house that the agendas discussed have sent to the government for necessary action. The DC Kiphire acknowledged Meren, the cable contractor from Kiphire for clearing the drainage and road affected by landslide along NH 202 Kiphire-Tuensang road on his free will, much to the relief of the general public. The DC asked the depart-

ment concerned make sure that the landslide and debris caused by the monsoon has been cleared. The District Education Officer were asked to submit merit students list of the recent declared NBSC examination, if there is any in the district, so that they will be felicitated in the next DPDB meeting. It was also informed the house that KVK in the district may be inaugurated sometime during June by minister from the central government and asked the HODs to be present during such time. Benjamin Longkap, SDO (C) highlighted the non-availability of water facility in GHSS to which the District Education Officer replied that the EE, PHED has assured to get the water connection by this month. The SDO (C) asked the PWD R&

B Department to maintain the road blocked between Lukhami and Kisetong as the road is not ply able even for small vehicles. He also said that under disaster management project, retaining wall has been constructed but it has been affected by the recent monsoon. It was informed that, Agri & Allied Department had a meeting on the Jhum Resource Management Committee (JRMC) headed by the Deputy Commissioner and the committee and subcommittee members were constituted for the implementation. The board also welcomed Azungba EAC Sitimi- Seyochung. Meanwhile, Forest Department has been assigned to give PowerPoint presentation of the department activities in the next DPDB meeting.

Verification team for connection of water supply to newly constructed Zisaji Presidency Government College conducted a spot verification at Phakroki River on June 1. (DIPR Photo)

SDO(C) HQ Kiphire along with Hd. GB of Singrep Village and land owner. The team found that

the water is available in all seasons and moreover the land is stable and free from soil erosion. The team has

assured for recommendation of the matter to the higher authority for early approval of the same.

thursday 08•06•2017



Probe on supply of 'Separate state only solution for Darjeeling hills' poor quality belts to Manipur Police Newmai News Network Imphal | June 7

The State Government of Manipur has constituted an inquiry committee to probe supply of poor quality belts to Manipur Police Department. Addressing a press conference at Chief Minister's Secretariat today, Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh said that the committee would be headed by Additional Chief Secretary Dr. Suhel Akhtar, and would have Special Secretary R. Sudhan and IGP (Admn) Dr. S. Ibocha as the members. The committee has been given one month’s time to submit its report. The Chief Minister said that after he received complaints on social networking sites, he directed the Government’s Monitoring Cell headed by Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Dr. J. Suresh Babu to investigate the alleged supply of substandard belts to the State Police Department. Dr. Suresh Babu and DGP L.M. Khaute along with two teams of Monitoring Cell conducted verification of the stocks of the central store located in 1st Bn. Manipur Rifles campus and district store located in Imphal West SP’s office complex. The Chief Minister said that he also personally visited these stores later after the team informed him that there was need for a thorough probe as the supplied belts were of very poor quality and inferior to the

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samples produced at the time of tender. Stating that the belts, recovered from these stores, were of very poor quality, the Chief Minister said that it could be easily torn by hands without much effort. As an act of validation, Biren tore a sample of the belt before the media during the press conference. He termed it “unfortunate” that such irregularities were detected at a time when the State Government is putting in efforts to boost the morale of the State security personnel who have been rendering service to the society day and night. Disclosing that M/s Md Gani Khan was the firm which had supplied such sub-standard belts to the Manipur Police Department, the Chief Minister said that the firm had been blacklisted and a thorough investigation would be done against the firm. He said that the police headquarters had ascertained that the supply was made during the year 2013-14. Maintaining that the State Government would never tolerate such irregularities, the Chief Minister asserted that befitting action would be taken against those who are found involved without any leniency. He further clarified that the present Government has no ill-feeling or enmity against anybody but it is simply trying to penalise the wrongdoers.


KolKata, June 7 (IanS): Accusing the West Bengal government of interfering in the working of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration - the development body in the north Bengal hills, Gorkha Janmukti Morcha General Secretary Roshan Giri on Wednesday said a separate state was now the only solution for the Darjeeling hills. "A separate state is the only solution for the development of our people," Giri told IANS after his meeting with state BJP president Dilip Ghosh here. "Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has not let the GTA run smoothly. The board faced a lot of interference from the state government since the time of t's inception," he alleged. Expressing discontent at the powers given to the GTA, Giri claimed there were still a host of major issues in the hills that is needed to addressed. "The GTA hasn't changed anything there. There is a constant issue with electricity in the hills. We are also not able to constitute the boards for school service com-

Rajnath to hold meeting of NE CMs aIzawl, June 7 (PtI): Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh will hold a meeting of chief ministers of north east states bordering Myanmar here on Monday. Union Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju and top officials of the ministry would be present at the meeting, officials said.Chief Ministers of Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh are expected to attend the meeting, they said. Singh would be visiting Myanmar border areas by helicopter on Tuesday, state protocol department officials said.

NEUROLOGIST FOR CONSULTATION Dr. AMIT RANJAN BARUAH MBBS MD DNB (Neurology) consultant Neurologist from GNRC Hospitals, Guwahati will be available for consultation on 15th June 2017 (Thursday, 3:00 pm onwards) & 16th June 2017 (Friday, 9:00 am onwards).

For Registration, please contact: 03862- 231864, 227337, 224117

Dated: 05/06/2017

I, Smt. Martha Malangmei wife of Lt. Peijaichung Thomas Malangmei alias P.M. Thomas aged about 60 years, resident of H. No. 70, F-Khel, Diphupar Village, 4th Mile, Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows: 1. That the name of my late husband is P.M. Thomas but at the time of opening a bank account with SBI the name of my said husband was entered as Peijaichung Thomas Malangmei. 2. That Peijaichung Thomas Malangmei and P.M. Thomas refers to the name of my said late husband and of one and same person only. That henceforth my said late husband shall be known a Thomas for all purposes and intents.

Notary Public, Dimapur: Nagaland

St. Xavier College Jalukie Welcomes all to the

Graduation and Fresher’s Day Celebration 2017

Date : 10th June 2017 Time : 10:00 am Venue : St. Xavier College Auditorium

- -

A powerful bomb suspected to be Improvised Explosive Device (IED) exploded near Kasturi Bridge in the heart of Imphal around 7 pm today. However, there was no report of any casualty. The impact of the blast had damaged some portion of Mahavir Medico (Pharmacy). Police have started investigating the incident as seen in the photo. No group has claimed responsibility so far. (NNN Photo)

Blockade of NH 54 enters second day aIzawl, June 7 (PtI): The supply of essential commodities in Mizoram has been hit as the blockade of NH 54 by NGOs and student groups in Mizoram-Assam border district of Kolasib entered its second day today. The protest is against the transfer of a surgeon from a government hospital without a replacement. The state government issued an order to all the filling stations to ration oil to the vehicles and prohibited purchase of petrol with containers. Long queues of vehicles were seen at various filling stations in Aizawl as the vehicle owners and drivers anticipated shortage of fuel due to the blockade.


Managed by: Diocese of Kohima

COURSES OFFERED: Master of Social Work (MSW) in Youth Development (YD), Peace & Conflict Transformation Studies (PCTS), Community Development (CD). ELIGIBILITY: Graduation in any stream (50 % marks for General and 45 % for ST/SC candidates). Application forms are available at NEISSR, P.B. No. 03, Bishop’s House, Circular Road, Dimapur, Nagaland, India—797112 and Catholic Publication Centre (CPC), Kohima and St. Joseph College, Jakhama from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. Contact Nos. : 03862-233435, 03862—237305, +91-8416068129, +91-9426260435. Website: www.neissr.com. Email: contact.neissr@gmail.com. ENTRANCE EXAM & INTERVIEW IS SCHEDULED TO BE HELD AT 9.00 A.M. ON 13th, JUNE, 2017.


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sues, with the latest trigger being the state's alleged 'imposition' of Bengali in hill schools. However, Banerjee has accused the GTAAof "spreading falsehood" about "imposition" of Bengali language and said Bengali would not be compulsory at schools in the Darjeeling hills and in certain areas of the Dooars and the Terai. On Tuesday, hundreds of GJM supporters led by Gurung waved black flags and burnt Banerjee's effigy at a protest in Darjeeling. They demanded the state government come up with a written circular about not making Bengali compulsory in the hills. Banerjee has also announced a special audit to check how GTA has utilised the government aids and warned of punitive measures if any discrepancies are found. In the recent civic polls in the hills, the GJM managed to retain its top spot, but the Trinamool also made substantial gains by winning the Mirik Notified area, and picking up seats in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong.




Solemnly sworn before me by the deponent on this the 5th June, 2017

mission, college service commission and subordinate service commission board in the hills," he said. On July 18, 2011, a tripartite agreement was signed between the GJM, and the state and central governments for setting up a new autonomous, elected GTA, a hill council armed with more powers than its predecessor, the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) formed in the late 1980s. The GJM won the first GTA elections held in 2012, and is running the board since then. However, the senior GJM leader sidestepped the issue of resigning from the semi-autonomous administrative body stating that nothing can be said till party chief Bimal Gurung makes any official announcement. "Let Gurung make the announcement first. None of us have resigned from the GTA yet. We will let the people know once a decision is taken," he said. The GJM has been on the warpath with the Mamata Banerjee dispensation over a host of is-

Nongthymmai, Nongashiliang-793014 Near Rani Motors, Jelly Shop, Shillong Secure and Clean Environment. Common T.V. Lounge. Spacious Rooms. Free Wi-fi. 2 (Two) Minutes walkable distance from main road (Rani Motors). Purified Drinking water and Hygienic mess foods. 24 Hours running water and Power back-up. CALL- 9856120340/9485045742










Principal, Rev. Fr. Dr. Pappusamy 9436016253








PATKAI CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (Autonomous) Chümoukedima Seithekema B.P.O. Patkai - 797 103, Dimapur, Nagaland (Affiliated to the Nagaland University)

Recognised by UGC under 2(f) & 12B of UGC Act A College with Potential for Excellence by the UGC NAAC Re-accreditation: 'A'


With immense pride and honour the Tsumang A Colony Union, Wokha along with the Tsumang A Youth Organisation convey our heartiest congratulations to Miss. Y. Janbeni Ezung D/o. Er. Yanpvuo Ezung for securing 81.3% in the AISSCE_2017 class 12 science stream. The colony union further congratulates all the successful students of HSLC, HSSLC & CBSE Exam 2017. And wishes them success in their future endeavours. W. Alanthung Humtsoe Jt. Secy. Tsumang A Colony Union, Wokha Tssozathung M Levi Mozhui President. TAYO

Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Patkai Christian College. Requirements: Honours, A minimum of 55% marks at the Master's, M. Sc. in Applied Mathematics or Exposure in MATLAB PROGRAMMING Preference: Ph. D. / M. Phil. / or NET Applications attached with self-attested documents from matriculation must reach Principal's Office on or before 22 June. Originals must be produced at the time of interview for the purpose of verification. Interview will be there on 27 June commencing at 10:00 A. M. Candidates will take the interview in own expense. Patkai 7 June 2017



ThursdAY 08•06•2017



the students of Alder College commemorated the world environment day on June 5 by organising a campus cleanup programme. the eco Club members along with the 78th Battalion of CrPF observed world environment day teachers in charge Kevingunuo Angami and Kholi Lorhu on June 5 at its Zubza Head Quarters with Unit Commandant Neeraj Yadav along with his team of officers and men took the initiative for the programme. planting more than 200 trees in the camp area to supplement the already existing lush green landscape of the camp.

Youths under the aegis of KABA CAre participated in a marathon race to spread awareness on cleanliness and on the importance of being environment friendly in Kohima on June 5. this marathon race, organized by the KABA Youth Ministry with the theme ‘Connecting Gods people to nature,’ was flagged off from PHQ junction and culminated at Civil secretariat junction. over 70 youth from 7 fellowships under KABA and 2 from other churches joined the run early morning as a mark to stride for a cleaner and greener Kohima.

Dimapur Forest Division in collaboration with Aqahuto Area students’ Union observed the world environment day for the first time in Aqahuto area at Government High School Aqahuto. Dimapur Forest Division distributed around Thirty thousand (30000) saplings from May 2017 onwards to various schools, Colleges, student Unions, Army Camps/Military stations, Government departments and nGos.

In observation of world environment day June 5, dUCCF carried out mass social work in all the respective colonies under dimapur municipal area. And all the dUCCF members along with some volunteers cleaned the DC office complex. A painting competition on world environment day was held at AtI Complex. About 40 school children from GMs Keyake, GMs P. Khel, Kohima Village and GPs Garüzou participated in the competition on the theme – ‘Connecting People to nature’. Fine Arts Club of don Bosco College, Kohima officiated the competition and Yodang Jamir, Addl. director AtI delivered a short message. the painting com- deputy director of school education st nokdang plants a petition is sponsored and organised by nePed. sapling during the observation of world environment day at Chuchuyimlang. Chairman of the village council and pastor of the church planted trees and also Chuchuyimlang Baptist Church distributed 100 tree saplings each to all the wards for planting.

eco club of Bethel Baptist school observed world environment day on June 5 on the theme ‘Connecting people to nature’. A mass social work was conducted at old showuba village junction area and a programme was conducted at the school campus where resource person for the occasion, toshi Yimchunger, sdo (PHed) enlightened the school community on the significance of coexisting with Chümoukedima Village student’s Union (CVsU) observed nature in this modernized world. the world environment day by organizing a poster campaign and plantation of trees in schools under its jurisdiction. A total of 100 saplings (Gooseberry, sandalwood and rain tree) provided by the Horticulture department were planted in four schools under Chümoukedima village jurisdiction.

Bethesda Higher secondary school, walford, dimapur observed world environment day–2017 on the theme – Connecting People to nature. Various activities, for students of different levels, like quiz, painting, cleanliness drive and plantations, marked the observation of wed – 2017. Before the commencement of activities, the students of higher classes were briefed on the theme of wed.

deu-Yong Club, tobu village in collaboration with sP, Mon, dFo, Mon and tobu Village students Union observed world environment day on June 5 under the theme ‘Connecting People to nature’. A plantation drive at tobu was also carried out and also saplings were distributed to various schools and government offices at Tobu headquarter. (DIPR Photo)




ACROSS 1. Engineering school 5. Laugh 9. Of higher order 13. Comply with 14. Redress 16. Affirm 17. Daughter of Zeus and Demeter 18. Testicle 19. Scrabble piece 20. Peal 22. Mounds 24. Bearing 26. Ancient empire 27. Feeling 30. Garden building 33. A certain sports official 35. It makes dough rise 37. Japanese apricot 38. A light informal meal 41. Spy agency 42. Serpentine 45. Mobster 48. Detective 51. Employees 52. Anagram of “Tutor” 54. Layer 55. Breaks 59. Inhabited 62. Every single one 63. Grille 65. Arab chieftain 66. Beige 67. Seraglio 68. Type of cereal grass 69. Very intense 70. Hoopla 71. Rice beer DOWN 1. Clock sound 2. Black, in poetry 3. A formal event 4. Muller’s glass 5. Crone 6. “Smallest” particle

Answer Number # 3963

GHss Pfutsero observed the world environment day by participating in the cleanliness drive at Pfutsero town. About 690 students participated along with the teachers. the school participated along with the KALOS and 9 Assam Rifles.

7. Show respect towards 8. Not digital 9. Daytime performance 10. Wicked 11. Fee 12. Amazes 15. Swelling under the skin 21. Wreaths 23. Indistinct 25. French for “Names” 27. Shade trees 28. Comportments 29. Indian bread 31. Germs in the blood 32. Willow 34. Henpeck 36. Sailors 39. Bird call 40. Clove hitch or figure eight 43. Tomato sauce 44. Mongol hut 46. Electrical or crossword 47. Spits 49. Bully 50. Yay! 53. Weepy 55. Provide nourishment 56. Dash 57. Unit of land 58. Stair 60. Pass the tongue over 61. Tall woody plant 64. An uncle

std code: 03862




































std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)


229529 229474

MH Hospital

227930 231081

Fire Brigade


Faith Hospital


naga Hospital


shamrock Hospital


oking Hospital


Zion Hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing Home


northeast shuttles


Police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east Police station


west Police station


CIHsr (referral Hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur Hospital

Police station Fire Brigade

north Ps south Ps

Officer-in-Charge 8575045520

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou Ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos Hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha Ps

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

248722 /248288, 9615945510



Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Airport Indian Airlines



Zubza Ps




Officer-in-Charge 8575045510



std code: 0370

KoHIMA Ps/oCs Contact numbers

Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652


222246 222491


224041 248011

eden Medical Centre




Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777


Khonoma students’ Union in collaboration with Khonoma Youth organisation observed world environment day on June 5. students from Christian welfare school, John Bosco school, GHs, three Lower Primary schools, village leaders and representative from various organisations in the village participated in the programme. over 1,200 saplings were planted in and around the village jurisdiction. the plantation programme was followed by a movie show in order to educate and spread awareness on environmental issues.

Civil Hospital

Answer to Crossword 3966


the students of delhi Public school, dimapur preformed road shows beyond the school campus reaching out to people with the message of positive environment action. the road shows were hels at City tower and super Market area.

Govt High school Khaghaboto and Khaghaboto Area students Union jointly organise world environment day at the the nss unit of GHss Bhandari organized save environ- school premise. students and teachers brought a sapling ment Campaign as a part of celebrating world environment each of trees and medicinal plants and with the initiative of day. the nss volunteers along with their Principal, nss KAsU around 50 saplings were brought from Forest departProgramme Officer and Teachers visited Offices, Shops and ment and planted around the school compound. residences and distributed eco Friendly shopping Bags to the public free of cost. the campaign was followed by tree Plantation and Campus Beautification of the school premises by the nss volunteers.


Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3964

nePed organised a tree plantation programme with school children to commemorate world environment day on June 5. About 200 school children and teachers from GMs Keyake, GMs P. Khel, Kohima Village and GPs Garüzou participated in the campaign. A total number of 600 tree saplings supplied by the department of Forest, environment and Climate Change were planted along Gazie-tseizie Agri-link road. other highlights of the day included pep talk on human-nature relationship, painting competition and screening of documentary films on nature.



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 Control room

8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 woMen HeLPLIne 08822911011 WOMEN HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

63.02 81.18 7.83 47.41 45.55 46.78 57.26 70.91 1.79 0.0542 16.60 9.01

65.86 85.1 8.71 49.75 47.8 49.06 60.48 74.34 2 0.0605 18.49 10.04

Thursday 08•06•2017


Several people arrested in Dimapur Dimapur, June 7 (mexn): Dimapur Police arrested several people on charges of extortion, transporting drugs, and lifting car over the last fortnight in Dimapur. 15 arrested for extortion One Vino Awomi, resident of Purana Bazaar, Dimapur was arrested on charges of extortion after he was caught collecting illegal taxes from the commercial vehicles at Bamunpukhuri area on behalf of the GPRN/NSCN on May 26, according to a press release from Addl. Deputy Commissioner of Police/PRO, Dimapur. On the same day, the AET of Dimapur Police arrested one Inato Assumi, resident of Thilixu village, while he was collecting illegal taxes from business establishments at Dhobinallah area, the release said. He is reportedly a Section Officer of the NSCN (IM). The AET also arrested one person identified as Wongkiuba Sangtam, resident of Khermahal for collecting illegal taxes from auto rickshaws on behalf of the NSCN (IM) on May 27. One Mughalu Aye, resident of Hoito village, Dimapur was also apprehended by the AET on May 28 while collecting illegal taxes on behalf of the GDRN/NNC (NA). Meanwhile, the AET arrested four persons from Urra Village, Dimapur on charges of extortion

on May 29. The arrested persons are Rhontho Halflongpar, Khapur of NSCN (IM); Paru Halflongpar, Khapur of NSCN (IM); Dethar Longthasa, Khapur of NSCN (IM); Metseyi Tetseo, Rajapeyu of NSCN (IM). Another two persons were arrested on the same day from NL Road on charges of extortion after information was received from the public. The two have been identified as Athsu Yimchunger, Finance Secretary of GDRN/NNC (NA) and Apong @ Moses Tikhir, Leacy of GDRN/ NNC (NA). The release further informed that on May 30, one Pitovi Shohe, resident of Nagarjan was arrested on charges of extortion after he was found issuing work permits

The Kewhimia Union Dimapur (KUD) has convened a general body meeting at Kudawhi guest house, Bank colony, Dimapur on June 9, 4:00 pm. All KUD members have been requested to attend the meeting, where agenda, draft constitution of KUD will be placed before the house for deliberation and approval.

Car lifters arrested One Maruti Swift brought on reportedly an Office Assistant of NSCN (IM) and Medemtiba Ki- hire by two unknown persons chu, reportedly an Assistant Sec- from Hojai to Dimapur was stolen after the driver was drugged tion Officer of NSCN (IM). and abandoned unconscious near Purana Bazaar on May 31, Contraband ganja the release further informed. and drugs seized The Dimapur Police on May The AVTS of the Dimapur Police 27 seized around 110 kg of con- was immediately activated, and traband ganja from a Maruti along with staffs of East Police Gypsy at Chumukedima area. Station raided a location at ToluIn this connection, one person zuma where the stolen vehicle identified as Neikhrope Mero of was recovered, it added. The PoElyinimi village, Phek has been lice team also found various registration plates of vehicles, tires, arrested, the PRO informed. On June 6, the personnel of 9 vehicle parts and implements for NAP(IR) detailed under Dima- vehicle lifting from the location. pur Police seized 10 kg of gan- Two persons have been arrested ja, which was detected during so far. They are Zhoveo Tungam MVCP. One person identified and Shiba Tungam, both present as Sonatam Gorain of Banskuli, residents of Toluzuma village, DiJharkhand has been arrested in mapur.

Dimapur Pangti Ekhung combined fellowship

hacking and also monetary losses due to unauthorized uses by unknown people,” it stated. The release requested anyone who comes across such unsecured networks in the locality or while moving about the town to note the location and network name, and e-mail the details to dimapurpolice@gmail.com. “If found true after verification, he/she will be contacted and rewarded accordingly. The reward of Rs.500/- is per unsecured network detected. In case of persons reporting of the same network, the person who reported the first shall be rewarded,” the release added.

to the business establishments on behalf of the NSCN (IM). On June 3, one Atovi Awomi, resident of Netaji Colony was arrested on charges of extortion after he was apprehended while collecting illegal taxes at Railway Bazaar, Dimapur. Meanwhile, one Akinoto Yepthomi, resident of Riverbelt Colony was arrested by the AET after he was found issuing work permits to business establishments on behalf of NSCN (IM) on June 6. On the same day, the AET arrested two persons on charges of extortion after they were found collecting illegal taxes from the auto rickshaws. The arrested persons are Sentiyanger Aier, resident of 5th Mile, Dimapur,

Emphasis on Clean Election campaign at BJYM meet

A Life Member and a former President of Nagaland Bharat Scouts & Guides (NBS&G), Nagaland Chief Minister Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu was inducted as the Patron of NBS&G at the Chief Minister's Office, Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima on June 7.

MEx FILE Dimapur schools’ summer vacation from July 3-27 Dimapur, June 7 (mexn): The Deputy District Education Officer of Dimapur, R Amongla Jamir has in order to maintain uniformity declared that the summer vacation for schools in hot region like Dimapur will be from July 3 till 27. In a press release, the DDEO stated the order is for strict compliance by all concerned. All the schools under Dimapur district were further reminded to strictly follow the school calendar issued by the Directorate of School Education, Nagaland. The department shall carry out all official programmes and engagements as per the yearly academic calendar, she stated, while pointing out that schools have been found declaring holidays according to their own convenient dates.

New scheme for students with disabilities Dimapur, June 7 (mexn): The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) has introduced a new Central Sector, Plan Scheme for free coaching for students with disabilities in order to provide coaching for economically disadvantaged students with disabilities, having minimum 40% or more disability to enable them to appear in competitive examinations for job in the government sector as well as for admission in technical/professional courses. The detailed guidelines containing the quantum of financial assistance, conditions are uploaded on the web-site www.disabilityaffairs. gov.in. Interested and eligible coaching institutions can submit their proposals through State Government with an advance copy to the Department of Persons with Disabilities. This was informed in a press note from the Deputy Director, Director of Social Welfare.

AR apprehend GPRN/NSCN cadres Dimapur, June 7 (mexn): Troops of 32 Assam Rifles along with police representative launched an operation in Dimapur on June 6, in which two individuals identified as Major Khuhevi Awomi (44) and Under Secretary Kuwoto Yesca (40) of GPRN/NSCN were apprehended. One AK-56 Rifle with magazine and five live rounds of AK-56 were recovered from the two, a press release from Assam Rifles alleged. The apprehended persons along with the recovered items were handed over to Diphupar Police Station, Dimapur for further investigation, it added.

NCP Mon officials, members resign; to join DPP mon, June 7 (mexn): The officials and members of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Mon district have decided to resign from active and primary membership of NCP and join the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), according to a resignation letter written to the Nagaland In-charge, NCP by T Tingsen Wangsa, former president and Ünok SN, former general secretary of NCP Mon district. The letter mentioned that considering the non-functioning and non-cooperation of the NCP Nagaland State Unit, the officials and members of NCP Mon district held a meeting at Tizit Town on May 31 and decided to resign from active and primary membership of the party.

Dimapur, June 7 (mexn): The Nagaland Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) held its State Executive Meeting on June 7 at Bookmarc, Dimapur with the theme ‘I am new India’. Vikuho Dominic, President, State BJYM emphasized on Clean Election campaign and asked everyone to work for anti-corruption, good governance, and development, informed a press release from Vice President, BJYM. Along Longkumer, State Executive Member asked the youth to believe in the theme ‘I am new India’ from the heart. “We as youth should change the foundation of Nagaland by standing as Nagas and doing away with tribalism. We as a youth are responsible for the outcome of election so we have to change the mindset and bring about the development in the State by fighting against corruption and not selling our votes,” he asserted. Meanwhile, Ananta Narayan Mishra (Organisation), Secretary for Nagaland encouraged the youths to reach out to the people and initiate door to door campaign. He also stressed on strengthening the party at grassroots level and to promote women participation in the party and

KUD calls general body meeting

this connection. Further on June 7, the Mobile Units under Dimapur Police in the wee hours intercepted one West Bengal registered Maruti Swift at 7th Mile area, Dimapur. In the car, a huge consignment of illegal drugs was found concealed cleverly inside packets meant to appear as Father’s Day gifts, the release said. Around 23,800 capsules of Spasmo Proxovon and 1500 tablets of Nitrogen were seized. Two persons identified as Besil Ozhi of Makhil village, Senapati and Deepak Meiti of Topawanglika, Imphal East have been arrested in this regard.

Dimapur Police announce reward for reporting unsecured wireless networks Dimapur, June 7 (mexn): Dimapur Police has announced a reward of Rs. 500 to any person who detects unsecured wireless networks other than free public Wi-Fi hotspots around Dimapur Town. Addl. Deputy Commissioner of Police/PRO, Dimapur in a press release stated Dimapur Police is concerned over the availability of unsecured private Wi-Fi networks across Dimapur Town, which are accessible by any person with a Wi-Fi enabled device. “Ignorance and carelessness of the subscribers leaving their network without password protection makes them vulnerable to

Meetings & AppointMents

Phek DPDB meet postponed The monthly meeting of Phek DPDB has been postponed to June 9 “due to unavoidable circumstances.” The venue will remain the same. Chairman of the DPDB has invited all the board members to lunch at 10:30 am at the Rest House, Phek and thereafter proceed to the meeting venue, informed the DC and Vice Chairman Phek, Kovi Meyase (NCS). All the members have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

Dimapur Pangti Ekhung combined fellowship will be held on June 10, 10:00 am at Lotha Baptist Church Bor Lengri. Bijamo Yanthan, Associate Pastor, Pangti Baptist Church will be the main speaker. All the members have been requested to attend the fellowship.

Litsami Local Planning Board meet The Litsami Local Planning Board for 5th triennial general conference of SBAK, Aizuto has convened a general meeting on June 10, 3:00 pm at Litsami Church compound. All the Litsami Kuposhuklu units and individuals have been requested to attend the meeting positively.

DPDB Wokha defers meeting Vice Chairman, DPDB, Wokha and Deputy Commissioner, Wezope Kenye has informed that the monthly District Planning and Development Board meeting for the month of June 2017 has been deferred to June 13. All members have been requested to note the change of date and attend the meeting without fail.

DPDB Zunheboto postpones meet The monthly Zunheboto District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) meeting for the month of June has been postponed to June 15. The meeting will be held at the DC's conference hall. All members have been asked to note the change and attend the meeting.

Nagaland BJYM members with other party officials on June 7 in Dimapur.

in politics in general. Arvind Damani, National office bearer and co-incharge Northeast Connect Programme highlighted how BJP under the leadership of Narendra Modi is focusing on the people of North East and how various schemes of the Central government are benefitting the people, the release said. The meeting also adopted a seven-point resolution. “In order to safeguard the basic Fundamental Rights of every citizen in Nagaland, our BJYM team shall remain resilient to uphold every voice that needs to be heard and shall respond proactively to any suggestions that may promote peace and harmony among all our fellow brethrens,” read the first resolution. The team also affirmed to always remain as one driving force that will fight for a democratic, secular,

and humane party. The BJYM further assured the people of Nagaland that they will never be neglected in any way, and that the unit will always uphold the indigenous rich Naga heritage and cultural orientations. Meanwhile, it asserted it will be an integral part of the party’s movement to set an example across all boundaries and address critical issues which need nurturing and care. The youth wing also decided to focus and guide all its members to educate, lead, not only the youths but also all the well wishers on the importance and relevance of Clean Election campaigns. Keeping in mind the upcoming assembly elections in Nagaland, the BJYM also resolved to hold extensive district wise campaigns to ensure that the BJP “positively lead the next people's government.”

DPP president informs on organizational structure Dimapur, June 7 (mexn): The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has informed the general public that until the official establishment of the party’s organizational structure in the regions, any meeting of the party’s members are not officially endorsed by the DPP. A press release from Chingwang Konyak, DPP President said the party is undergoing the process of establishing its headquarters and the Central Executive Board (CEB) is undertaking extensive deliberations for the establishment of the party organization in all the regions. The party’s organizational structure will be officially established after officials from the CEB are deputized to coordinate with the regions for appointment to various party posts and responsibilities, it added. After its official formation on May 17, 2017, the party submitted all necessary documents for registration with the Election Commission of India on May 25, according to the release. Chingwang further mentioned that the DPP has been receiving overwhelming response from the leaders and masses at all levels.

Public SPace God’s blessings: commemorating 50th year since the spark of Revival Fire at longsa Longsa Baptist Church



n solemn thanksgiving to the Almighty God for His everlasting mercies, grace and faithfulness, the Longsa Baptist Church will be commemorating the 50th year since the great revival at Longsa village (Mokokchung) from June 9-11, 2017 to give thanks to God, to invoke God’s blessings once again and to renew our commitment to the Lord till His second coming. The Longsa Baptist Church since the first coming of the gospel in the year 1916 has undergone a lot of trials and tribulations but the Lord has always been merciful towards the faithful. But the biggest trial came during the year 1956 when the Longsa villagers were living at Ungma village during the ‘Grouping’ period at the heights of the Naga political movement. The Longsa people, who deeply missed their native village, prayed intently to God and made a promise that; ‘if God allowed them to return home, then they would give up all their sinful ways and do His will’. On their return to the Longsa village, the villagers did not forget their promise to God while at Ungma village. They rebuilt the church, and womenfolk started a prayer group and God deeply spoke and moved the hearts of the villagers. During such a time, in 1965, the Longsa Baptist Church attained its 50th year, and in 1966 a missionary, Rev. Riküm (Mangmetong) arrived at Longsa and conducted a Bible study during which the reverend preached to the villagers to move away from the path

of evil, to give up taking harmful substances and to be born again and also preached about the heaven and hell. The next year, in 1967, group of women while working in their fields, recollected the preaching of Rev. Riküm, and resolved to walk in the path of God; also a group of men resolved to give up taking harmful substances, and reformed their lives. This was the beginning of the revival movement at Longsa village. But, there were many who did not accept the revival movement; however, by the power of the Holy Spirit slowly everyone came to accept the revival movement and renewed their faith in God. After the revival movement in 1967, the Longsa Baptist Church understood that it should spread the blessings of the revival movement to other places and tribes also. Therefore, the LBC started to reach out to other tribes like Sangtam, Chang, Phom, Konyak, Yimchunger, Khaimungan etc so that others can also renew their faith in God and live as bornagain Christians. However, there were criticisms from many other Ao Churches, but the Longsa Kosasanger Putu Menden, the church leaders and whole Longsa villagers in 1971 proclaimed in God’s name that ‘Longsa is a missionary land and a church dedicated to mission works’. Thereafter, on November 18, 1971, the Longsa Baptist Church Missionary movement was started and a fund of Rs 14,807.20p was created which was used to sponsor a missionary at Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang (ABAM) Tirap Mission (Arunachal) in 1974. The sponsorship through the Longsa Baptist Church Missionary Movement opened

the eyes of other churches, touched their hearts and the Holy Spirit made them realize that the LBC revival is real and the work of God only. After that, lots of believers from other villages came to Longsa Baptist Church, got healing through the revival fire and went back to their respective villages to start their own revival movement. From 1976 onward, there were revivals in many Ao churches and slowly it spread to all the Naga areas like a spiritual wildfire. Many people were blessed by the Holy Spirit, many repented their sins to God and resolved to give their life to God and serve Him only. Now, 50 year since the first revival movement, and while introspecting and in retrospection, the Longsa Baptist Church has come to understand that the almighty God had anointed Longsa church to be a ‘spiritual pedestal, a nest for spiritual revival and a missionary church’ and give all glory to God. As we venerate this 50th anniversary, the Longsa Baptist Church is conducting house to house counseling from June 6, 2017 and renowned missionaries Rev. Dr. Imchayanger and IEF president Tsüknung will be the main speakers at the three days revival programme which will be held on the theme: Oh Lord! Revive us again’. The Longsa Baptist Church prays to God to bless the Naga people and bring out more missionaries like He did during the past fifty years. The Longsa Baptist Church also asks all the churches to join us in our prayer for a new revival so that we can all receive God’s abundant blessings and live as God’s children for the Glory of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Government and PoorPerformance Schools Prof. G.T. Thong


Nagaland University

itish Kumar, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Bihar has decided to sack all the teachers of schools that have produced zero percent (0%) results in the last Higher Secondary examination; that too with the shadow of Lalu Prasad looming in the background. The simple reason is that these teachers have portrayed Bihar in very poor light. It is not only the bad image to the state, but these teachers have also destroyed many generations. Now that is what leadership in the true sense is all about. Kudos to that truly Great Chief Minister and his Government! Many government schools of Nagaland too have produced NIL results in successive HSLC examinations. But no action has ever been dreamt of so far, except for the nonsensical threats issued by successive impotent Governments for the past many years. We are truly Paper Tigers of the highest order. There are a few good and dedicated teachers also in those schools, but a good majority being rotten, the good deeds of these few individuals have drowned. Are we going to allow the ruination of more generations? Perhaps the time is most opportune for the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Nagaland to shift gears and cause the pressing changes required. Let’s take a cue from that one-ina-million individual (Nitish Kumar) and his conscientious government, who has kept society before himself. Please do something positive for posterity, without fear or favour. It is time that non-productive teachers and employees are shown the door.

The Morung Express “Public Space” is to provide space for diverse opinions to be expressed and heard. The opinions in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper nor the editor.


Thursday 08•06 •2017



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xii issue 155 By A. sentiyula

Beyond Peacemaking: A New Thinking on Naga Women’s Role


he Angel in the House, a long, narrative poem by English poet, Coventry Patmore was published in mid 19 century. Modelled on his first wife, Emily, the titular “Angel” was the epitome of the Victorian feminine ideal whose sole purpose in life was to keep the man of the house happy. This poem, celebrating domestic bliss while holding up the angel wife as a model for all women, was very popular. In 1931, Virginia Woolf, a celebrated writer, gave a speech, an abbreviated form of which has been called Professions for Women. Addressed to a group of women venturing out into different forms of employment, Woolf tears into this image by saying that in order for her to succeed as a writer; she needs to kill the angel in the house. This conventional, phantom-like image of women painted by men was hindering her quest for truth and constricting her freedom as a writer, you see. How is this relevant to the women in the Naga context? In the earlier days, Naga women and men divided their work on practical considerations. A senior Naga educationist, Dr. Chubatola Aier, in her Ph.D thesis writes, “The household chores belonged to the domain of the woman and it was the duty of the man to see that the larder was stocked with game and fish.” They worked and ate together in the fields and it was the women who generally carried the loads of produce from the fields while the men walked light and free. This arrangement was not seen as exploitation or domination, but necessary as the men needed to be ready with weapons to defend the women and children, who could be attacked by head-hunters along the way. The only domains that remained exclusive to the men folk were politics, war and hunting. R.R Shimray, in his book, Origin and Culture of Nagas writes that the Naga woman was like an ambassador and a mediator. She was called the Peacemaker (Phukhareila in Tangkhul) and she enjoyed full diplomatic immunity in times of war. With Naga society, along with the rest of the world, facing the onslaught of modernity, there is a need to think and do things with pragmatism. With few working in the fields, most of us work in other professions. Both men and women have to work in order to stock the larder and keep the home fires burning. Women have ventured into domains earlier exclusive to men (Naga Mahila battalion being a case in point). Offices, especially educational institutions are packed with women. We educate our daughters with the hope that they will one day become active contributing members of society. We have accepted all these changes with alacrity. We especially celebrate the Naga woman as a peacemaker, partly because of the halo that comes attached to being a “neutral lady.” But the Naga woman has more to offer than just peacemaking. And common sense dictates so. We need to start viewing the Naga woman as a resource to be tapped, whose input is a necessity for our society to rise up from the quagmire we find ourselves in. Politics is just another profession, to be executed with integrity and character. Raging against women or being dismissive towards them for wanting to have a decent shot at politics will take us nowhere. Let us apply the principle of the Golden Mean here, a desirable middle between two extremes. And this can be achieved when we stop deifying the Naga Woman as an “Angel” (submissive to the point of having no mind of her own); and not by “killing her” (where we deny our femininity in order to appear strong) nor demonising her but by accepting her personhood and utilizing her vast potential. This is part of a series of ‘Guest Editorials’ run by The Morung Express. The writer is an Assistant Professor at Dimapur Government College. Feedback and comments can be sent to sentiyula9@gmail.com



'One third of world food produced is thrown away'


ne third of the food produced in the world is thrown away, said Janez Potocnik, co-chair of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) International Resource Panel here on Monday. He made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the first World Forum of circular economy (WCEF2017) which convened in Helsinki and attracted some 1,700 experts from 90 countries, Xinhua reported. Potocnik also said that nearly 800 million people are hungry in the world, while over 2 billion people are obese, calling for public policy and political will to solve the problem. He said migration problem is one of the repercussions caused by the imbalance of resources. "We should refocus from addressing the consequences to the reasons that lead to economic and social imbalance", he said. The forum hosted by the Finnish innovation fund Sitra aims to promote circular economy as a model for economic growth. Sergei Ivanov, representative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said circular economy will be of major importance to Russia. He mentioned plans to offer tax incentives to producers that involve recycling. Matti Vanhanen, Finland's former prime minister and the chairman of the supervisors of Sitra, noted that over half of the participants were business people. He told them to proceed "even when politicians make wrong decisions". Mikko Kosonen, CEO of Sitra, said the global business has realised that sustainable development is in their interest. He could not see tangible political opposition either, but he added at the press briefing that "he did not know about the US". Kosonen predicted circular economy will be a new achievement Finland will be known for, along with the basic income scheme now being worked on. He recalled the welfare state and general free education as earlier milestones. Mari Panzar, director of the carbon neutral circular economy at Sitra, said the fund first started the project with encouraging the sale of surplus school food in a Finnish town. Finland offers free school lunches but the unused food had customarily been thrown away. The system later widened to hundreds of schools. Sitra has also acted a catalyst in creating sustainable mining norms in Finland. "It was difficult at the start as the mining industry was concerned about its interests," she said. A total of 130 speakers will be heard during the two-day conference.


Ronny Kareni New Internationalist

The drumbeat of West Papuan resistance

A new Melanesian cultural movement is pushing back against Indonesian oppression. Ronny Kareni, a West Papuan musician and part of the ‘Rize of the Morning Star’ arts collective, explains why music is his weapon of choice in the fight for freedom


ur drums build to a crescendo, filling the Melbourne Arts Centre with their rapid rhythms. In front of a cheering crowd, a troupe of dancers steps into the space before the stage, wearing traditional headdresses and body paint, and holding aloft the West Papuan flag. It is February 2017, and this is the Rebel Musik tour, bringing Melanesian culture and the cry for West Papuan freedom to audiences across Australia. The recent reawakening of Melanesian culture and identity is deeply entwined with the movement for West Papuan independence. Like many First Nation peoples around the world, Melanesians had lived as a sovereign people on their islands for tens of thousands of years prior to European colonization. We are people with dark skin and curly hair from a number of Pacific-island nations, including West Papua and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Many Melanesian nations have successfully fought for, and won, their independence – but the people of West Papua are still suffering under Indonesian occupation, and awareness of this injustice is spreading rapidly through the rest of Melanesia. The Rebel Musik tour featured performers from West Papua, the Torres Straits and PNG, fusing traditional and modern musical styles, and bearing a powerful message about the fight for West Papuan independence. But Melanesian music is more than just a way to carry a message (effective though that is). It is part of our culture and tradition, and is deeply connected to our identity, our land and our struggle. The land, the sea and the peoples of Melanesia are profoundly linked through family kinship and communal ceremonies of music and dance called sing-sings. The traditional instruments of our different peoples create a recognizable cultural soundscape that echoes in harmony with the mystical sounds of nature, from the kundu drums of Tok Pisin in PNG, to the tifa drums of Bahasa Melayu in West Papua, to the warup drums of the Torres Strait Islands in Australia. In Papua, the voice of the tifa sends messages of connection and togetherness between village societies. Each ancestral group creates music specific to its culture and values, which also chimes with the shared cultural traditions (or kastom) of our peoples and of contemporary life. Rhythm of the revolution In West Papua, our culture and identity as Melanesians are under threat, so it is no coincidence that we are seeing a resurgence in these traditions. The impact of neo-colonialism and imperialism has brought Melanesians to a crossroads between kastom and Western ideals. Arts and culture have a vital role to play, to fight back against the colonization of the minds of the Melanesian people. Prominent Papuan music producer and drummer Airileke Ingram

The Rebel Musik tour, featuring Ronny Kareni (right)

led the Rebel Musik tour. He treasures the sound of the kundu, his musical weapon of choice. ‘The kundu sends a message of unity, community and identity for Melanesian people,’ he explains. Ingram is seen by many artists as a leading ambassador for Melanesian culture. Through Rebel Musik, he brought together rising stars from Port Moresby’s urban music scene, traditional Melanesian dancers and Australian artists to create ‘urgent, political, in-your-face musik from one of the harshest urban environments on the planet’. Kwakumba flutes and garamut slit-drums fuse with rapping and dubstep in a powerful celebration of Melanesian culture. Renowned bassist, singer and songwriter Richard Mogu is a leading light in the contemporary PNG music scene. He explains that while the kundu drum has different names across the region, when it speaks it is always ‘the extension of the Melanesian voice’. As he puts it: ‘The kundu drum speaks louder, as it carries the voice of the people.’ He believes that art can be a vital vehicle for addressing the issues facing Melanesia: ‘Art serves its divine purpose when it talks about the important things that affect people’s livelihoods’, which is why ‘we’ve been advocating for West Papua’s fight for freedom’. The roots run deep West Papuan musicians have long understood the power of their traditional music as a vehicle for dissent and protest. The independence movement owes much to the legacy of hugely popular musicians such as folk-music pioneer Arnold Ap. As well as being a musician himself, Ap was a musicologist and anthropologist and, in the late 1960s, he travelled across West Papua recording

songs sung by different tribes in their own languages, at ceremonial singsings and other traditional events. He understood the power of music to unite people, and to counter Indonesia’s neo-colonial tactics of divide and rule. The songs he wrote and archived promoted West Papuan identity and helped foster a sense of national pride among his people. Many of the songs called on the Papuan people to use their own languages and to revive their own culture. Although Ap was murdered in jail in 1984, he is still an icon and an inspiration for West Papuans, and music continues to be an important rallying point. Artists from around the world, including First Nations artists from Australia and Aotearoa, have written songs in solidarity with West Papua, many under the banner of the ‘Rize of the Morning Star’ cultural movement. Airileke Ingram, himself a leading figure in that movement, explains that ‘music does not create political change, but acts as a conduit for change that stirs people into action and calls attention to oppression, and bridges the divide between people of diverse cultures’.

role in building a new sense of solidarity among Melanesian people of different nations, particularly over the last few years. Following increased calls for action from their populations, the governments of Melanesian countries such as Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands have started speaking up at the UN against Indonesia’s repression of West Papuans. In 2015, the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), an important regional grouping of Pacific nations, welcomed the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) as an Observer member, despite fierce opposition from Indonesia. This gives the ULMWP – the political leaders of the independence movement – a boost to their credibility as a serious government-in-waiting. The role of music in West Papua’s struggle to maintain Melanesian culture continues to rise above Indonesia’s tyranny. It amplifies every part of the resistance movement. Spiritual awakening through music is inspiring Melanesians into action. It is not just about West Papuan independence: I believe that the sound of Melanesian tifa music will play a key role in every other political and social struggle that our people face. From the US civil rights movement’s ‘We Shall Overcome’ to the ‘Rockers’ music of Jamaica, it is rare to find a resistance movement that did not utilize the power of music. For, as Arnold Ap once said, ‘The struggle is in the song, and the song is in the struggle.’

The sound of solidarity The Black Sistaz are a musical trio formed by three daughters of the late Agust Rumwaropen of the legendary West Papuan group the Black Brothers. In the words of lead singer Lea Rumwaropen: ‘Women play a pivotal role in the West Papuan struggle… I want the women in West Papua to know that, through us, they have a voice that Ronny Kareni is a Papuan is finding ways to reach the world and advocate with Rize of the Morning gain support – I want them to know Star, a movement that engages artists that their work doesn’t go unnoticed and musicians to highlight the West outside of West Papua and their lives Papuan independence struggle. He are worth more than gold.’ came to Australia as a student in 2003 Music and arts have played a vital and now lives in Canberra.

Tale of a Jewish community torn between Israel & India

Novelist Sethu mixes fact, fiction, myth and legend to create a compelling narrative about a community unsure of whether to uproot itself E Jaya Kumar


Asia Times

or centuries, Jews lived peacefully alongside people of all faiths in southern India’s Kerala. Then came the call of the Promised Land. Hundreds of Jews sold all their assets and began migrating to Israel in the mid-1950s. Novelist Sethu’s Aliyah: The Last Jew in the Village, admirably translated into English from Malayalam by Catherine Thankamma, tells the story of this migration through the complex and textured relationships between Jews and gentiles alike in Chendamangalam village. “Aliyah is close to my heart since I have a first-hand experience of this migration as a youngster,” Sethu said in an interview. “When our intimate friends in the school departed, there were emotional scenes in the village as we were sure we were not going to see them again.” But, over the years, many made sporadic visits back to their ancestral village as tourists, and Sethu said he cherished the chance to rekindle the association whenever he got an opportunity to meet them. Do you regret the decision to leave the land?,” he would ask them. Their reply: “No, never! But we do

want to visit the land of our birth occasionally with our kin, since this is our motherland and Israel is our fatherland.” One migrant, Eliahu Bezallel, 84, even bought a plot where his ancestral home stood and built a new house there. “It is for my next generation… This is the soil under which our forefathers sleep,” he said. Aliyah opens with a dream of a ship surrounded by sea crows that disturbs the young and sensitive protagonist Salamon. The dream may be the creation of his agitated mind, still undecided about the journey to the Holy Land and worried over what awaits Jewish families from his village there. But his 70-year-old grandmother Eshumma sees it as a divine sign pointing to the unseen world they are set to enter. The novel draws on the conflicting emotions of Salamon and especially his attachment to his mother Rebecca, his grandmother, aunt Esther, and Elsie. Salaman is especially anguished over the thought of leaving Elsie, his childhood friend. Nor can he bear the thought of leaving people like the book binder Daveed Chettan, an elderly Jew on whom his grandmother had a crush

in her teens; Varuthutty, the master who changed his name from Solomon to Salamon; comrade Pavithran, who spoke to him about class struggle; and his classmate Ramanandan, who wants to settle in Israel despite being a Hindu. Other questions disturb Daveed Chettan too. Isn’t there a world outside of being Jewish? Is “Aliyah” – the migration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel – truly a “return”? In a telling detail, when Eshumma is preparing to leave for Israel, she takes some soil from the ancestral village to be placed on her eyes when she dies. Some of the family are destined to never make the journey. Salamon’s mother, Rebecca, a progressive and educated woman from the sophisticated city of Kochi who rides a Hercules bicycle, easily makes friends with the villagers after her marriage to Eshumma’s middle son Evron. Salamon inherits this personable trait from his mother, despite being a taciturn dreamer. Eshumma regards Rebecca as if she were her own daughter. When Rebecca sacrifices her life to save the chronically ill Salamon, Eshumma becomes his proxy mother. Having struggled to raise


her own sons – Menahem, Evron and Elias – after the death of her husband, she spoils Salamon with her love. It is only when his chronic indecision and inability to commit leads Elsie to attempt suicide, tainting the family, that his grandmother gets angry with him. Elsie loses hope in Salamon because of his indecisiveness and lack of courage to declare his love for her. When she leaves hospital after her suicide attempt, she asks Salamon’s closest friend Ouso to tell him to leave the village if he wants to make his name as an artist. This shows her true love for him. Aliyah’s emotional currents are further whipped up when the vivacious, passionate and beautiful Esther, married to Salamon’s uncle Menahem, is shocked to find her husband is no longer the man she fell for in Mumbai. His transformation from a lover of art to someone obsessed with religion bewilders her. Ailing, lovelorn and childless, Esther seduces Salamon only in order to get even with her husband and relieve her frustration. Torn by guilt and a storm of conflicting emotions, will Salamon join his family’s exodus to Israel? Therein lies the tale. As Sethu puts it, Aliyah is a healthy mix of fact, fiction, myth and legend woven into a compelling narrative.

Letters to the Editor should be sent to: The morung express, House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur - 797112, Or –email: morung@gmail.com All letters (including those via email) should have the full name and Postal address of the sender. Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

thursday 08•06•2017



Sino-Indian Nuclear Rivalry: GLACIALLY DECLASSIFIED

Official documents from a 1966 Air India crash on Mont Blanc could shed light on a key time in India’s modern history Jayita Sarkar


The Diplomat

n January 24, 1966, at about 7:02 in the morning, Air India 101 ‘Kanchenjanga’– a Boeing 707 airliner– crashed on Mont Blanc near the Franco-Italian border. All 117 people on board were killed, including Homi Jehangir Bhabha, hailed as the father of the Indian nuclear program. His remains were never recovered from the Alps: Vikram Sarabhai delivered his condolences in Bombay (present-day Mumbai) on January 25, and became Bhabha’s successor as the chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission. In summer 2016, over half a century later, the Bossons glacier in Chamonix, in the French Alps, elicited a series of treasures: not rubies or sapphires but documents marked “Top Secret,” originating from the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and on board the ill-fated Air India flight of 1966. What do these documents tell us? Do they warrant a trip to the Alps for the archive-hungry historian? Two Crashes, One Location Climate change and the resultant evanescence of the Alpine glacier have been spewing surprises to the inhabitants and mountaineers that visit this certain area in the Alps. According to Françoise Rey, a long-time inhabitant of Chamonix, both human curiosity and avarice have a role to play. “People dig around hoping for jewels from the plane,” and sometimes, “just for cadavers,” she told me during our meeting in Geneva in May 2017. Rey is a novelist, who has authored several books including the 2015 Crashs au Mont Blanc: La Fin des Secrets? (The Crashes on Mont Blanc: The End of Secrets?) She thinks that a lot can be done about the incessant surprises that the glacier is offering, if only the people who run into jewels, trinkets, government documents, and sometimes human body parts on the glacier, could deposit those into a recognized repository, like, perhaps an “Archive of Mont Blanc Crashes.” The 1966 plane was not the first Indian airliner to meet its tragic end on the glacier. It crashed into the Bosson glacier exactly in the same area as Air India Flight 245, called the “Malabar Princess,” which had perished in November 1950 with all 48 passengers and crew on board. This 1950 crash inspired renowned French author Henri Troyat’s novel La neige en deuil (literally translated as “The Mourning Cloud”), which was later adapted into the 1956 American film, The Mountain. The black box from the 1966 crash was never recovered, and rescue operations were halted the day after the crash owing to severe weather conditions around Mont Blanc. Investigation resumed in September 1966, and the French inquiry commission completed its report in March 1967, concluding that severe “white-out” conditions near the summit of the mountain, together with miscommunication over “phraseology” between the air traffic controller in Geneva, and the pilot Captain J.T. D’Souza led to the crash. The French line of reasoning was accepted by the Indian government, and included in its annual report, Accidents to Aircraft Registered in India 1966, produced by the Air Safety Directorate of In-

dia’s Civil Aviation Department. Although the French report noted that the largest parts of the debris from the crash were on the Italian Alps near Courmayeur, it is unclear why Italy did not participate in the inquiry commission. Eyewitness accounts of Italian individuals were, however, incorporated into the French report. These included accounts by Alitalia pilot Agostino Ferrari (AZ 234), Italian Air Force pilot colonel Aldo Sirtori, and pilot Patron (6029), who were flying near the crash site around that time. According to the transcript of communication of the air traffic controller in Geneva included in the French report, Flight 6029 was scheduled to fly over Geneva around the same time as Air India 101 was to make its descent on the Swiss city. As a result, when the latter suddenly disappeared from the radar, the controller asked flight 6029 around 7:04 am to report on what it saw around Mont Blanc. The pilot remarked in Italian that he saw, “a black cloud around 16,000 feet, different from the other clouds,” and he thought that the black cloud was possibly due to an “explosion.” The 1966 crash has engendered numerous conspiracy theories that have titillated generations of Chamoniards and visitors but are beyond the scope of this essay. Homi Bhabha and India’s Nuclear Latency The 1966 crash resulted in the death of the man known as the father of India’s nuclear program. The Guardian called Homi Bhabha’s death a loss not just for India but also for the world, which had lost a “scientific diplomat and emissary.” Prior to his death in January 1966, Bhabha played a pivotal role in India’s nuclear program, and often exaggerated India’s ability to develop a nuclear device. In late 1964, after the first Chinese nuclear test, Bhabha claimed that India could explode a nuclear device within 18 months, and for a cost of $10 million. During his meeting with U.S. officials at the State Department in February 1965, he claimed that “India needed to make some dramatic ‘peaceful’ achievement to offset the prestige gained by communist China among Africans and Asians.” Referring to India’s indigenously built plutonium reprocessing plant, Bhabha told bewildered U.S. officials the plant was “large enough to process all of the plutonium from the reactors India is now building,” and that within five years, “India could produce hundred nuclear bombs per year.” In other words, Bhabha was “hedging” for India given New Delhi’s nuclear latency, manifest in its fissile material production capability at the time. The latter half of the 1960s was a pivotal phase in the trajectory of India’s nuclear program, as I have argued elsewhere. It is no surprise, therefore, that in its obituary for Bhabha, the London-based Times remarked on India’s nuclear weapons potential: “The Indian government has therefore, provided itself with the option of producing plutonium bombs if it so desires in the future.” At the memorial lecture in Bhabha’s honor at the Royal Institution in London, a year later, Sir John D. Cockcroft, former director of the U.K. Atomic Energy Research Establishment, and Bhabha’s colleague from the Caven-

dish laboratory in Cambridge, stated: In later years, Homi Bhabha became a central figure in the discussions on proliferation of nuclear weapons, and on the issue as to whether India should develop such weapons. At this time, it was a declared policy of the government of India not to develop nuclear weapons, and Homi Bhabha of course in his official pronouncements followed the policy of his government. However, I always thought, from private discussions, that his attitude was somewhat ambivalent. After the Chinese nuclear bomb test, he certainly wished to put India into the position of being able to make plutonium bombs, if the government so desired. At the same meeting of the Royal Institution, M.G.K. Menon, who had become the new director of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, argued that Bhabha’s decision to set up the plutonium reprocessing plant in India “has sometimes been misunderstood,” and that the matter ought to be put in the “right historical perspective.” Menon argued that because New Delhi’s decision to build the reprocessing plant was made prior to the 1962 Sino-Indian war, the plant was for reprocessing fuel rods and not nuclear bombs. However, Menon did not mention that mistrust between India and China had been public since Beijing’s 1950 occupation of Tibet, and that border tensions existed between the two countries prior to the 1962 war. More importantly, India knew of the fast advancing Chinese nuclear weapons program before its war with China in October 1962. In any case, Bhabha’s untimely death on Mont Blanc came at a complex time for India: the country was mourning the death of Prime Minister Shastri, who had recently passed away while visiting Tashkent to sign a peace treaty with Pakistan in the wake of the 1965 war, and a young and relatively inexperienced Indira Gandhi took the reins of an economically struggling country. Documents “Declassified” by the Glacier Official Indian documents from early 1966, if properly recovered from the Bosson glacier, could shed light on a series of issues concerning India’s foreign policy, diplomacy, and nuclear program at the time. According to Rey, the documents found in summer 2016 are of classification “A” (top secret) and “B” (official communication). Some of the documents that she showed me during our meeting in Geneva were indeed marked “Top Secret.” Some originated from the East Asia Division of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, and concerned Indian assessments of Chinese defense production, missile development, and nuclear weapons program. Some documents were meant for the Indian Ambassador Khub Chand in Stockholm, while others were for Indian embassies and high commissions more generally. One such Indian document from January 20, 1966 on China’s military assessment noted with frustration, “While every attempt has been made to make the estimates as objective and as accurate as possible, it has not been possible to leave out the speculative element completely

because of the total absence of official statistics.” Another assessment document on Chinese nuclear delivery capability stated: “By the end of 1966, the size of the bomb could be reduced so that it becomes deliverable by an IL-28 light bomber. By the middle of 1967, China could have a nuclear-armed missile with a range of 1,000 miles.” One document marked “Secret” was an analysis entitled “China and the West,” which argued that Beijing was aware “that she is no longer treated as a sick giant but commands a healthy respect and a welcome fear from Western Europe.” It is likely that the French recognition of China in 1964, and low-level meetings between West German and Chinese officials in Geneva exploring the possibility of diplomatic relations, along with the muted criticism of Chinese nuclear test, enhanced Indian anxieties of losing to China’s rising significance in the international system. A French historian has herself recently seen some of these official documents from under the glacier, and described her experience here. In August 2012, rescue worker Arnaud Christmann found a bag containing diplomatic mail from the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, which he turned over to the police in Chamonix. The jute bag, weighing about 9 kilograms (19.8 pounds), contained newspaper reports from January 1966 that were found largely intact, and was promptly returned to the Indian Embassy in Paris. Not every item obtained from the crash site is, however, returned. Unfortunately, these official documents from Air India 101 are scattered in residential homes in Chamonix and elsewhere. The documents scavenged from the melting glacier in Chamonix could be a treasure trove of archival evidence for the Cold War historian. At the same time, these could also constitute a disappointing mirage. Most of these documents are in bits and pieces. They are not in proper sequence, and the exact identities of the individuals who carried these documents on the fated Air India 101 “Kanchenjunga” are impossible to establish. Rey only has a handful of these documents. The rest are buried under the glacier, and some are with other Chamonix dwellers, treasure-hunters, and Alpine climbers, who have stumbled upon these archival materials by sheer chance. Rey regrets the lack of awareness of the historical significance of the documents among some of her fellow residents. People dig for jewelry, and when they find documents, they often discard them. Treasures did emerge from the crash site in the past, as in 2013 and 2014, therefore attracting those largely motivated by greed. Yet, at the same time, many of these documents, which are over 50 years old, are in remarkably good shape, as if deliberately preserved by the glacier. In other words, the Bossons glacier holds at least some promise for historians. A people’s repository— an “Archive of Mont Blanc Crashes”— might be the right step forward from here. Jayita Sarkar is a historian, and will join Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies as assistant professor of international relations in August 2017.

Behavioural concept of education Okram Sunder Singh, Headmaster Public School Dzuvuru Kohima, Nagaland

Dynamic process: It is a common experience that for who is having a heavy work with a laptop complains for not being able to function some of his programme in his laptop. There is nothing wrong with his programming because these are his needs, he has to do. The problem is with the laptop because it has no facility to work with that programming. In technical term, the psychological programming is known as software and the physical laptop is known as hardware. The cause of facing the problem comes from the hardware because it has not been developed by its technology to suit the present situation. There is something in the system to be changed to meet the needs of ever changing world. A series of continuous change forms a process called dynamic process. Education is also a dynamic process which is similar to technology that requires continuous improvement. Whereas instructional part, students and the concept of education are respectively analogues to software, hardware and technology. Traditional and modern systems: Let s consider the educational system before 2000 as traditional system and the system after it as modern system. One of the differences is that in traditional system and the system after it as modern system. One of the differences is that in traditional system, learning outcome is measured from the work of pen and paper but in modern system, measurement is done from the behavioural change of the student. Question is how to bring a desirable change? A change by an effort is considered as development. Development of hardware is by its technology. So development of student will be by the concept of education.

New Concept: Teaching is an act of command by learning is an act of demand. So, the concept is to replace teaching by learning. According to law of readiness by Thorndike “if the learner is ready to act of lean, he will learn more quickly, effectively and easily”. Now what we have to do is to make the student to be ready to learn in place of teaching. Area to be developed: (a). Intelligent quotient (IQ): It is an inborn quality but according to Adams “knowledge or thought that may be of practical use in life may be termed as intelligence”. (I will not take much time in this part as it is not a new topic). (b). Emotional quotient (EQ): Everybody accepts that higher IQ means higher skill and higher skill means better work. But can we accept that higher IQ means more sincerity? Or a person with higher IQ is sure to sacrifice for his service, society or nations? According to Emli Durkheim “Education is socialization of younger generation”. Now, can we say every educated person is a socialized person? If we thank of today’s crimes-production of nuclear weapons, drugs, synthetic food adulteration, cyber crimes (massive global attacks) we would realize that these are the works of high-IQ persons but not of a layman. By our intelligence, we invent machines and devices to help us. Now the problem is, these machines and devices make man useless in work places like factories, office etc. Our creative mind becomes the cause of a war between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Then how do the works of high IQ persons become anti social elements? The main reason is the traditional system helps the students to develop only in IQ. Home and social environment takes the responsibility for the developing other required traits. Even though co-scholastics area in school co-curriculum tries to mea-

sure at least some of the required other traits. We have seen different acts and attitudes of people. Some are crying, some are singing happily, some are shouting etc. All these are the responds of his/her emotion. So man is a faithful servant of his emotion. It shows that man is controlled by EQ rather than IQ. (c). Spiritual quotient (SQ): Everything or everybody in our environment is not under our control. Many things in nature are beyond human conscience. Everybody has his/her own authority. Relation between our mind and external world keeps on changing our emotion. That is why many a time we have negative emotion such as fear, pain, loss of interest, anxiety, stress etc. For handling a matter which is beyond human limit we are better to be with something which extends beyond human boundary. UNESCO has given more concern to world peace, international understanding and unity of mankind. ‘Peace’ which is the ultimate aim of education for which one has to sacrifice for the first 20 years of his/her life span in learning. If we look at today’s scenario of unemployment problem, after completing their education who is getting peace of mind? If the whole part of education is occupied by the area of IQ, nothing on the earth will be more dangerous than human being. Spirituality is all about peace and purity. One should not get confuse spirituality with religion. Spirituality is all about peace and purity. One should not get confuse spirituality with religion. Spirituality is universal and it does not have any reference to religion. But a religion may give its reference to spirituality. It leads us to offer an attribution to the beauties and abilities beyond the creation of human. That is why Mahatma Gandhi stated as by Education, I mean an all round drawing out the best in child and man, body, mind and spirit”. I think this one sentence statement explains everything and will remain forever.

(d). Mind Orientation: in traditional system students borrow experience from books. That is why every student carries a very heavy school bag. After completing their education they become the owners of pen and paper only. This is one of the reasons that India is facing unemployment problem. In new approach every student creates knowledge and earns understanding with work experience (concept of constructivism). So learning becomes a child centred. Every child centre learning is an activity based learning. Nowadays, throughout the country, students are very busy in carrying out school project (Pragmatic method). Question is how far the system is effective or reliable to the work of students? Effectiveness or reliability is a matter of moral responsibility. Responsibility is the first lesson and also lifelong lesson one has to learn. But it cannot be learnt from books or cannot be taught by somebody. Of course they make us to understand. It is a sense to be felt by motivation of understanding. Everybody understands by everybody is not always a responsible person. Every child centred learning should have a regular training class for mind to develop self motivation in which the quality of mind is controlled by logical, psychological and sociological approaches and the quantity of the mind is controlled by mind concentration an physio-brain exercise. No one can use even 5% of his brain. But most of us think that we have poor memory and low concentration. It is not by the quality of brain but it is by the way of how we use it. For example, student who cannot remember any poem learnt in class can sing more that 100 songs, student who cannot concentrate in class can give full concentration to movies. Such inabilities are because of improper coordination between left and right parts of brain. By training we can increase the ability of brain.


Lessons from Gandhi: Turning dictatorships into democracies Tej Parikh New Internationalist

Nurturing the authority of an approved centralized, omnipresent government can exacerbate instability through mistrust and unfitting policy


he West’s latest statebuilding experiments are showing little sign of progress. In Afghanistan, the Taliban are at their strongest since the USled invasion in 2001; in Iraq, the Islamic State group – which sprouted in the post-Saddam power vacuum – remains, among other reasons, a blight upon effective governance; while in Libya, partisan divides are undermining the UN-backed unity government. But the misfortunes are no longer surprising. The traditional approach of rapidly attempting to transform once dictatorial states into stable democracies, by nurturing the authority of an approved centralized government, has been decried as insufficient, unrealistic, and, ultimately, flawed. Sectarian divide, the legacy of war, and unique geopolitics are all impediments to creating a legitimate, capable, and sufficiently resilient administration, from the outside. What’s more, when opening surgery on fragile states, international policymakers often suffer from shorttermism, high public expectations, and – particularly in post-conflict environments – low implementation capacity, notes Sir Paul Collier, an eminent economist. An alternate approach to gung-ho external interventionism is what some are calling ‘Islands of Stability.’ It is a long-term, localized strategy which aims to create and build upon existing pockets of legitimized governance inside fragile states, which may usually correspond to areas of distinct clan, ethnic, language, and religious background. The logic goes that it makes more sense to grow-out these ‘islands’ rather than attempting to manufacture an overarching state to govern over a geography of diverse, competing, and often hostile, political identities. The state itself should rather delegate the role of governing to local rulers who are more legitimate in the eyes of a regionalist public. Otherwise, an omnipresent state can exacerbate instability through mistrust, identity-based animosity, and unfitting policy. The weak governance resulting from which only drives deprivation and harbors insurgency – as experiences in parts of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya can attest. The concept is not too dissimilar from Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of ‘Gram Swaraj’, or village self-governance, for an independent India. Gandhi advocated a decentralized form of rulership in which each village would oversee its own decision-making, and displace the centralized institutions of the British Raj. ‘Panchayati Raj’, panchayat meaning assembly of five and raj meaning rule, would form the foundation of Gandhi’s national political system – that is, each village serving as its own mini state managed by five annually elected leaders. For Gandhi, the structure had three key advantages; it avoided overbearing state leadership, it taught self-sufficiency, and above all, it made democracy more responsive to its citizens. Each village unit would have minimal essential institutions, with a primary focus on agriculture and education. While voluntary roles would help coordinate public services and external relations to ensure villagers had a stake in community politics: ‘Democracy is an impossible thing until power is shared by all…’ believed Gandhi. Today, in some rural areas, village panchayats have been formally integrated into the Indian governance system as the basic unit of local administration, and as part of a wider decentralization effort. Otherwise, India has adopted a largely centralized political system. Gandhi’s ideal of an entirely stateless nation and volunteer-led administration is largely unfeasible in fragile states where the central pooling and coordination of public services, natural resources, and external relations is critical to national welfare. What’s more, decentralization to create greater autonomy must be weighed up against entrenching divisions and encouraging secessionism. Nonetheless, the broader values of Gram Swaraj – and its ties to the ‘Islands of Stability’ approach – hold key lessons for statebuilders today. The first is the importance of self-reliance. Over US $113 billion has been pumped into Afghanistan for the US’ reconstruction effort. A significant portion of that has fallen into the wrong hands, feeding corruption and bypassing real development. Moreover, continuous aid flows into developing nations also drive dependence, and become an obstacle to organic growth. Gandhi stressed the importance of self-sufficiency to drive sustainable long-term development. Secondly, giving civilians a vested interest in their own success through active roles in their local communities can better incentivize them to invest in the welfare of their societies. Moreover, villagers – with a better understanding of local dynamics – can more effectively implement programs that suit them. Ceding power to a centralized government might otherwise eliminate the need for locals to sustainably manage their villages, and lead to ineffective policies. And finally, as state interventionists are learning, democracy cannot be forced in developing nations unless the seeds for it exist. ‘The distinguishing mark of a universal value is not that it already enjoys universal acceptance,’ said development economist Amartya Sen. ‘But that people everywhere have reason to see it as valuable.’ Gandhi was quick to realize that a powerful state would lack the legitimacy and capacity to deliver democracy at a localized level, particularly in diverse new nations. And so, villagers would see no value in it. Ultimately, Gandhi’s model and the ‘Islands of Stability’ approach both stress the importance of bottom-up development. The idea, in practice, is that humanitarian support and technical assistance to build self-sustaining and democratic geographic units can subsequently be joined to encompass broader portions of a nation, which can help to nurture statebuilding from the inside-out. It addresses some of Collier’s key concerns for operating in weak states. It takes a long-term view, avoids the grand expectations of powerful new regimes, and empowers citizens to take control above operationally, and informationally, challenged external interveners. And it needn’t replace efforts to build an effective top-down national bureaucracy; rather it can help to better support it. And so, Gandhi’s emphasis on grass-roots development holds valuable insights not only for statebuilding policy, but also for troubled state-society relationships in the western world today. ‘[T]rue democracy cannot be worked by 20 men sitting at the center,’ he once said. ‘It has to be worked from below, by the people of every village.’ Tej Parikh is a global policy analyst and journalist. He received his master’s degree from Yale University, with a focus on international development. His worked is archived at The Global Prism.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


thursDAY 08•06•2017



Fresh violence in MP, farmers say eight killed

Mandsaur/Indore, June 7 (Ians): Fresh violence broke out on Wednesday in Madhya Pradesh, a day after security forces fired at protesting farmers killing up to eight of them and sparking tensions across the state. Defying curfew, hundreds of farmers took to the streets in Mandsaur district where police opened fire on Tuesday at a mob of peasants, leaving five dead according to official count and eight according to farmer outfits. And some 200 km away, a group of farmers marched to a police station in Dewas district and set fire to an unspecified number of vehicles parked there on Wednesday. The farmers then stopped two buses and 10 other vehicles plying on the Indore-Bhopal highway and torched them. But none of the occupants were hurt. Officials in Bhopal said Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan was keeping Prime Minister Narendra Modi informed about the situation. He also held a meeting with his senior ministers to discuss ways to restore peace. Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Bhupendra Singh had on Tuesday denied the police opened fire but he did not reiterate this on Wednesday as he met senior police officials. Hundreds of angry farmers on Wednesday continued to block roads and also attacked two senior officials at Mandsaur. Mandsaur District Magis-

Mandsaur incident cold-blooded murder of farmers by BJP: Cong

Police detain NCP farmers during a protest as part of their Maharashtra bandh over various demands, in Nagpur on Monday. (PTI Photo)

trate Swatantra Kumar Singh and Indore Superintendent of Police O.P. Tripathi were roughed up when they reached Barkheda Pant where the farmers were squatting on a road with the body of one of those killed on Tuesday. Singh and Tripathi wanted to persuade the farmers to end their protest but the attempt backfired. Singh was chased by the farmers, with some repeatedly hitting him on the head. Tripathi had a tough time too. Police reinforcements which rushed to the spot rescued both the officials. "The situation is tense but under control," a senior official said on Wednesday. The administration in Mandsaur on Wednesday barred poli-

ticians, including those from the Congress and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, from visiting the troubled areas, saying this would only fuel more unrest. The farmers allege that the Madhya Pradesh Police and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) deliberately opened fire at them on Tuesday when they were protesting demanding that their loans be written off and their produce be bought by the government at a fair price. At least seven farmers were also wounded in the police firing. Police said it were the farmers who triggered the violence. The farmers retaliated by torching more than 30 vehicles. In a bid to control the situation, authorities imposed curfew late

on Tuesday in parts of Mandsaur. An official said the curfew would remain in force until further orders. Leaders of three farmers' organisations alleged in Indore that the number of people killed in police firing was eight and not five. One of the dead was a college student. Representative of the Rashtriya Kisan Mazdoor Sangh, Aam Kisan Union and Bharatiya Kisan Union accused the government of spreading lies about the farmers. Aam Kisan Union founder Kedar Sirohi said: "By branding us anti-social elements, the government is adding fuel to the fire. On the one hand the government has unleashed repression on us,

and on the other it is trying to defame us." Sirohi warned that if the situation did not change immediately, the farmers would resort to a "jail bharo" campaign across the state. "And in all the 53,000 villages of the state we will take out a mock funeral of the Chief Minister." The Congress extended support to a shutdown called by farmers in Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday. Reports reaching Bhopal said the strike evoked varying response in Bhopal, Jhabua, Ujjain and Neemuch. Farmers in Madhya Pradesh have been on strike from June 1 to June 10 in support of their demands.

new delhI, June 7 (Ians): Describing the killing of five agitating farmers in Mandsaur of Madhya Pradesh, allegedly in firing by state police, as cold-blooded murder, the Congress on Wednesday questioned the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the issue. Speaking to the media here, Congress spokesperson and Rajya Sabha member Abhishek Manu Singhvi also trashed as "shameless" the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) allegation that the Congress instigated the Mandsaur violence. Describing the Mandsaur incident as tragic, Singhvi said that while farmers were demanding fair price for their produce, the BJP shot them. "They were seeking loan waivers and right price, but BJP killed them by bullets. This is the sad reality of Mandsaur," Singhvi added. Farmers in Madhya Pradesh are on strike from June 1 to June 10 to demand waiver of their loans and that their produce be bought at a fair price. "BJP has almost been acting like the curse of death for Indian farmers -- literally, not figuratively. Distressed farmers are looked upon by the heartless BJP virtually as objects for authorities to fire upon," said the Congress spokesperson. "What was insulting and sad was the complete denial of the Madhya Pradesh government, which intially said there was no firing," he added. Singhvi also questioned the silence of Prime Minister Modi, ban on the internet and denial of permission to Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi to meet the farmers in Mandsaur. "Prime Minister Modi speaks of development (Utthan), but has instead in last 24 hours only tweeted about 'Uttana-Mandukasana' (a yoga posture)," Singhvi said. Singhvi said those who wanted to go and express solidarity with the farmers, including Rahul Gandhi, were denied permission and instead rumours and canards were spread that he wanted to go there to participate in the protest.

Cattle trade order PCPNDT Act implementation poor Babri Case: Advani, Joshi & Bharti challenged in SC in several states, says govt report exempted from personal appearance new delhI, June 7 (PTI): The controversial central notification banning sale and purchase of cattle at animal markets for slaughter was today challenged in the Supreme Court which said it would hear the matter on June 15. The matter was mentioned before a vacation bench of Justices Ashok Bhushan and Deepak Gupta for an early hearing. The petitioner contended that the provisions in the notification were unconstitutional as they violated the fundamental rights including freedom of conscience and religion and right to livelihood. The plea claimed that the government notification issued last month was "against the freedom of religious practice to sacrifice the animals" and imposing a ban on slaughter of animals for food violates the right to food, privacy and personal liberty guaranteed to a citizen under the Constitution. It claimed that states like Kerala, West Bengal, Tripura and Karnataka have said that they would not implement the Centre's ban as it would impact the livelihood of those involved in this business. "It is also to be noted that slaughtering of animals for food, the foods and culinary made out of such animal flesh and offering sacrifice of animals is a part of cultural identity of such communities, which is protected from any legislative or executive encroachment under Article 29 of the Constitution of India which is not been subjected to any restriction by the framers of the Constitution...," the petitioner, Hyderabad- based Mohammed Abdul Faheem Qureshi, said in his plea. Complete ban of sale or purchase or re-sale of animals would cast a huge economic burden on the farmers, cattle traders who find it difficult to feed their children today, it said. They would be also required to feed the cattle as it was an offence under Act of 1960 (Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act) to starve an animal or failure to maintain it and would also "give way for cow vigilantes to harass farmers and cattle traders under the blessing of the impugned regulations", said the petition filed through advocate Sanobar Ali Qureshi.

new delhI, June 7 (PTI): The implementation of the Pre- Conception, Pre Natal Diagnostic Technique (PCPNDT) Act, which criminalises the use of ultrasound machines to determine the sex of an unborn child, is poor in most states, a government report has said. Factors such as lack of witnesses, insufficient evidence and out-of-court settlements, were cited as major reasons for low conviction rates under the act, said the 10th Common Review Mission (CRM) report of the National Health Mission (NHM) released recently. According to the report, despite the NHM's augmentation of human resources in states, shortage of service providers exists in most of the states reviewed. This cuts across all cadres but is especially acute for specialists below the districtlevel hospital. Also, vacancies in administrative posts in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra and shortage of programmespecific human resources in Bihar and Gujarat were seen as bottlenecks in the smooth implementation of national health programmes in these states, the report said. A significant shortage of health centres was reported from Bihar (41 per cent

shortage in Student Health and Counseling Services and 51 per cent shortage in additional primary health centres) and Nagaland (13 per cent shortage in SHCS). However, the number of health facilities functioning out of rented buildings were found to have reduced significantly. The report highlighted that the 'time to care' approach is yet to be institutionalised in most hilly states largely due to poor road connectivity and challenges related to inclement weather conditions. Jammu and Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Tripura and Madhya Pradesh have initiated the process of strengthening of district hospitals to develop them as training centers. However, many other states like Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Kerala, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh have not reported any progress in this regard, the report said. Though availability of blood services have seen an improvement in most states, there is a concern about the same in six states--Nagaland, Gujarat, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Bihar--particularly at the sub- district level.

These states also reported limited functioning of the Blood Storage Units either due to lack of trained human resources or non-linkage with a mother blood bank. All states except Delhi reported utilisation of Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) for outreach services. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Kerala and Tamil Nadu have reported better utilisation of MMUs to provide healthcare services to tribal and marginalised population. States like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Chandigarh and Gujarat were found to have relatively better mechanisms of maternal death review, the report said. Mortality rate in special newborn care units (SNCUs) ranged from as low as 1-3 per cent in Tamil Nadu to as high as 27 per cent in Uttar Pradesh (Gonda district). Birth asphyxia, pre-maturity and neonatal sepsis have emerged as major reasons for admissions to SNCUs in various states. States like Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala (District Idukki), Nagaland and Tripura were found to have shortages of new-born care facilities (particularly NBSUs and SNCUs).

NPPA wants medical devices added to price control list

A woman walks past a chemist shop in Mumbai. (REUTERS File Photo)

new delhI, June 7 (reuTers): India's drug-pricing regulator has asked the health ministry to add four more medical devices to a list of products eligible for price controls to reduce costs to patients, which if agreed could be another blow to the country's $5 billion-ayear medical-technology industry. The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) had said it did not plan further measures after prices of some heart stents were cut in February by 75%, part of a government push to make life-

saving drugs and devices more affordable. But a letter to the health ministry sent in March, which has not previously been made public, shows the regulator pushed to get four more devices on the "essential medicines" list that would allow the government to impose price caps if and when it was ready to do so. After the February move, Medtronic PLC and Abbott Laboratories tried to withdraw some of their stents - wire mesh structures

used to treat blocked arteries - but their request was rejected. Boston Scientific Corp sought to have the price cap raised, but a government panel turned down their plea. According to the March letter seen by Reuters, NPPA Chairman Bhupendra Singh said the essential medicines list - comprised of more than 350 items, most of them drugs - should include balloons, cardiac catheters, and covered as well as peripheral stents, "as soon as possible". These devices are used in the treatment of heart ailments or to open blocked blood vessels elsewhere in the body. Singh said that hospitals appeared to be compensating for the lower stent prices by charging more for other procedures and devices. "It has been found that after the price control of cardiac stents several hospitals have increased the various 'procedure charges' in order to compensate for their losses," Singh said in the letter, without elaborating on how the discovery was made. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration has pushed to make healthcare more affordable in India by trying to curb prices on drugs used to treat critical ailments such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and dia-

betes. "I would request you to kindly consider on this issue and take necessary actions so that government's intention of passing on the benefit to the poor is not frustrated by the hospitals/doctors," Singh wrote in his letter. A health ministry official who asked not to be named confirmed the regulator had made the request but played down its significance on the grounds the list of essential medicines was unlikely to be reviewed in the next 1-2 years. After the stent price move, Boston Scientific asked the government for the price cap on its highend Synergy stents, which was set at $450, to be raised to around $1,160, down from its earlier cost of around $3,000 but still well above the $750 it costs to import the device. The medical industry has argued that price control measures hamper innovation and would affect future investment plans in India. Boston Scientific, for example, uses India as a research base to develop products for emerging markets. The domestic medical device market in India is expected to grow by 15 percent annually between 2014 and 2020 to $8.6 billion, according to a joint report by consultants Deloitte and Healthcare Federation of India.

lucknow, Jun 7 (PTI): BJP stalwarts L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi and Union minister Uma Bharti will not have to attend the day-to-day trial in the 1992 Babri Masjid demolition case, with a CBI special court today exempting them from personal appearance. CBI special judge S K Yadav passed the order on applications moved by former deputy prime minister Advani (89), ex-Union minister Joshi (83) and Bharti (58) seeking exemption from personal appearance on different grounds. Allowing the plea, the court, however, said the trio would have to appear before it as and when directed. Counsel for the BJP leaders had cited old age of Advani and Joshi, and extensive travel by Bharti as reasons for their inability to appear before the court daily during the trial. They had been granted a similar relief during the trial proceedings in the case in Raebareli. The Supreme Court had on April 19 transferred to Lucknow the Raebareli case for a joint trial in the two cases relating to the demolition. There are 34 accused in the case and the CBI court is conducting the day-to-day trial on the direction of the apex court. During todays proceedings, the CBI

got a prosecution witness, Ramakant Dubey, discharged on the ground that it did not require him for recording of evidence. The special court had on May 30 framed the serious criminal conspiracy charge against Advani, Joshi, Bharti and nine others and allowed the prosecution to begin the trial. Their application for discharge from the offence was rejected by judge Yadav. The court had also granted them bail on a personal bond of Rs 50,000 each. The Supreme Court had on April 19 also directed that the trial in the demolition case be completed within two years. It had ordered the restoration of the conspiracy charge against the three leaders. This charge against them had been dropped by a trial court in 2001 and the verdict had been upheld by the Allahabad High Court in 2010. Besides the three senior BJP leaders, party MP Vinay Katiyar, one-time Hindutva firebrand Sadhvi Rithambara, VHPs Vishnu Hari Dalmiya, Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, Mahant Dharam Das Maharaj, Ram Vilas Vedanti, Champat Rai Bansal, Baikunth Lal Sharma and Shiv Sena leader Satish Pradhan are the other accused against whom charges have been framed by the special court.

THURsdAY 08•06•2017




Scientists begin trial of Leaked NSA doc highlights deep radiation injections for cancers flaws in the US election system

This Oct. 14, 2016 photo shows Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s names printed on a ballot on a voting machine to be used in the upcoming election, in Philadelphia. A newly leaked NSA document outlining alleged attempts by Russian military intelligence to hack into U.S. election systems is the latest piece of evidence suggesting a broad, sophisticated foreign attack on the integrity of U.S. elections. (AP File Photo)

real possibility.” Computer scientists have proven in the lab that once sophisticated attackers are inside an election network, they could manipulate pre-election programming of its systems and alter results without leaving a trace. Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, said Tuesday that hacking into state voting systems ahead of the Nov. 8 vote was more widespread than has been disclosed. Attempts by Russia to “break into a number of our state voting processes” was “broad-based,” he

said, without offering details. In Moscow, a Kremlin spokesman categorically denied Tuesday that Moscow had tried to hack the U.S. elections. Warner did not directly address the classified intelligence report published Monday by The Intercept, an online news outlet. The Associated Press has not independently verified the authenticity of the report, although its apparent leaker, an NSA contract worker, was arrested last weekend in Georgia. The NSA document says Russian military intelligence first targeted employees of a Florida voting systems supplier in August.

Apparently exploiting technical data obtained in that operation, the cyber spies later sent phishing emails to more than 100 local U.S. election officials just days ahead of the Nov. 8 vote, intent on stealing their login credentials and breaking into the their systems, the document says. The emails packed malware into Microsoft Word documents and were forged to give the appearance of being sent by the system vendor, VR Systems of Tallahassee, Florida. The Department of Homeland Security knew in September that hackers believed to be Russian agents had targeted the

voter registration systems of more than 20 states. To date, no evidence of tampering with vote tallies or registration rolls has emerged. The U.S. elections system is a patchwork of more than 3,000 jurisdictions overseen by the states with almost no federal oversight or standards. The attack sketched out in the NSA document appears designed specifically to cope with that sprawl. The NSA document did not name any of the states where local officials were targeted by the emails masquerading as being from VR Systems. But in September, the FBI held a conference call with all 67 county elections supervisors in the battleground state of Florida to inform them of infiltration of VR Systems without naming the company. Ion Sancho, who retired as Leon County supervisor in December, said he later learned from industry contacts that it was VR Systems. VR Systems officials did not respond directly to questions emailed by the AP. In a statement, the company said it only knows of a “handful” of customers who received the fraudulent email, adding that it had “no indication” that anyone had clicked on the malware. The NSA document says at least one account was likely compromised. The company makes software for on-site voter

registration at polling stations and backend systems for voting management, according to its website, which says it has customers in California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. VR Systems’ electronic poll books — electronic systems used to verify registered voters at polling places — experienced problems on Nov. 8 in Durham County, North Carolina. The issue forced officials to abandon the system, issue paper ballots and extend voting hours. North Carolina’s state elections director said Tuesday that officials would investigate to see if officials in Durham County were targeted and possibly compromised. Iowa University’s Douglas Jones is among computer scientists who say voter registration systems are particularly vulnerable to tampering, in part because they are on the internet. Someone trying to cause chaos and discredit an election could delete names from registration rolls prior to voting — or request absentee ballots en masse. In the latter case, a voter showing up at the polls on Election Day would be recorded as having already cast their ballot. That could force voters to file provisional ballots, and provoke long lines. There is no evidence any of that happened last Election Day.

IS-claimed attacks on Iran’s US reports China likely to build more overseas bases JuNE 7 (REuTERS): that it would become another of China’s Parliament and shrine kill 12 wASHINGTON, A Pentagon report released on Tuesday sin- ‘string of pearls’ of military alliances and

gled out Pakistan as a possible location for assets ringing India, including Banglaa future Chinese military base, as it forecast desh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The report that Beijing would likely build more bases did not address India’s potential reaction overseas after establishing a facility in the to a Chinese base in Pakistan. But Pakistan, the US report noted, was African nation of Djibouti. The prediction came in a 97-page annual report to Congress already the primary market in the Asian-Pathat saw advances throughout the Chinese cific region for Chinese arms exports. That military in 2016, funded by robust defense region accounted for $9 bn of the more than spending that the Pentagon estimated ex- $20 bn in Chinese arms exports from 2011 to 2015. Last year, China signed an agreement ceeded $180 billion. That is higher than China’s official de- with Pakistan for the sale of 8 submarines. fense budget figure of 954.35 billion yuan ($140.4 billion). Chinese leaders, the U.S. QUANTUM SATELLITE, CYBER HACKS The Pentagon report flagged Chinese report said, appeared committed to defense spending hikes for the “foreseeable military advances, including in space and at sea. It cited China’s 2016 launch of the future,” even as economic growth slows. The report repeatedly cited China’s first experimental quantum communicaconstruction of its first overseas naval base tions satellite, acknowledging that it reprein Djibouti, which is already home to a key sented a “notable advance in cryptography U.S. military base and is strategically locat- research.” As in past years, the Pentagon A man hands a child to a security guard from Iran’s parliament building after an assault ed at the southern entrance to the Red Sea renewed its concerns about cyber spying, of several attackers, in Tehran, Iran on June 7. (AP Photo) on the route to the Suez Canal. Djibouti’s saying U.S. government-owned computers TEHRAN, JuNE 7 (AP): Gunmen and the streets below. position on the northwestern edge of the were again targeted by China-based intru“I was passing by one of the streets. I Indian Ocean has fueled worries in India sions through 2016. suicide bombers attacked Iran’s parliament and the shrine of its revolutionary thought that children were playing with leader on Wednesday, killing at least 12 fireworks, but I realized people are hiding people, wounding dozens and igniting and lying down on the streets,” Ebrahim ADMISSION NOTICE an hours-long siege at the legislature that Ghanimi, who was around the parliament LOST NOTICE building when the assailants stormed in, ended with four attackers dead. I’m applying for a Mountain View Christian College, Kohima The Islamic State group claimed the told The Associated Press. “With the help AFFILIATED TO NAGALAND UNIVERSITY duplicate marksheet as attacks, marking the first time the Sunni of a taxi driver, I reached a nearby alley.” Near BSF Camp. Below ATI Office: Kohima I’ve lost it. Police helicopters circled over the parextremists have taken responsibility for Name: Tsothong Meya ARTS AND COMMERCE an assault in Shiite-majority Iran. The liament building and all mobile phone F/Name: Yentsumong Contact No: 0370-2280071/9856974717 militants are at war with Iranian-backed lines from inside were disconnected. The Meya Classes Admission Install(quarterly) forces in Syria and Iraq, and view Shiites semi-official ISNA news agency said all B.Com II Year (Gen) 11&12 5500 3000 entrance and exit gates at parliament were as apostates. Roll No: D 06099 B.A (Gen) 6500 3100 closed and that lawmakers and reporters The attacks began midmorning when Regd No: 31043390 assailants armed with Kalashnikov rifles were ordered to remain in place inside the B.A (Hons) 6800 3200 DoB: 26 February 1986 stormed the parliament building. One of the chamber during the siege. Hostel Monthly fee 3500 Year of Passing: 2007 Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Lariattackers later blew himself up inside, where a session had been in progress, according to jani called the attack a cowardly act. “Iran is an active and effective pillar in a statement carried by Iran’s state TV. GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND Deputy Interior Minister Mohammad the fight against terrorists and they want to OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS Hossein Zolfaghari told Iran’s state TV the damage it,” he said. Soon after the parliament attack, a suiapparently male attackers wore women’s & HEAD OF FOREST FORCE attire. The semi-official Tasnim news cide bomber and other assailants targeted NAGALAND: KOHIMA agency later reported the siege had ended the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini located just outside the capital, Tehran, with four of the attackers killed. Mizan Online, an Iranian state-run according to Iran’s official state broadcastThe World Environment Day was observed in Nagaland along with the rest of news website, said 12 people were killed er. It said a security guard was killed and the World on 5th June 2017. The theme for this year World Environment Day and 42 wounded in the two attacks. It that one of the attackers was killed by sewas “Connecting People with Nature”. I am deeply satisfied and appreciative quoted Pirhossein Kolivand, the head of curity guards. A woman was also arrested. of the observing of World Environment Day all over the State. The department Khomeini, who died in 1989, is a towIran’s emergency department. had organized the World Environment Day 2017 celebration at the town hall The IS group’s Aamaq news agency re- ering figure in Iran. He led the 1979 IsMokokchung which witnessed a massive public response with participation from leased a 24-second video purportedly shot lamic revolution that toppled the Westas many as 60 villages and town ward representatives. I take this opportunity to inside the parliament building during the ern-backed shah and became Iran’s first sincerely thank and tender my deepest appreciation to all dignitaries, resource siege. The video, circulated online, shows supreme leader. persons and participants who graced the occasion and to each and every officer An Associated Press reporter saw secua gunman and a bloody, lifeless body of a and staff of the Department of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Nagaland rity forces, some uniformed and others in man lying on the ground next to a desk. for their great effort and active participation in making the World Environment A voice on the video praises God and plainclothes, around the large and ornate Day 2017 celebration a great success. Most importantly it is very heartening and says in Arabic: “Do you think we will leave? shrine. noteworthy to see and learn that many NGO’s, Schools, Colleges, Villages, Clubs, The IS group often claims attacks We will remain, God willing.” Another Churches, Organizations, Eco-clubs, NSS, Town Committees, Municipalities, voice repeats the same words. The two ap- around the world, even when links to the Wards, Associations and many others have diligently participated and observed peared to be parroting a slogan used by IS group cannot be confirmed and appear the World Environment Day. For this noble works and good gesture, I being the spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, dubious. Iranian security officials have Head of Forest Force cannot be a silent spectator and would be failing on my part not said who they suspect is behind the if I do not thank each and everyone who have joined and participated in celebrating who was killed in Syria last year. the World Environment day this year. I wish and hope that this positive trend will An Associated Press reporter saw attacks, though state media has referred continue in the near future so as to save our fragile ecosystem and our environment. several police snipers on the rooftops of to the attackers as “terrorists.” The unusual attacks prompted the Inbuildings around the parliament. Shops With best Wishes and regards. in the area were shuttered, and gunfire terior Ministry to call for an urgent secuI. PANGER JAMIR, IFS could be heard. Witnesses said the attack- rity meeting. Officials at one point urged Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force ers were shooting from the fourth floor of people to avoid using public transportaNagaland: Kohima the parliament building down at people in tion until further notice.


‘Mars astronauts at increased risk of cancer’ NEw YORk, JuNE 7 (IANS): Astronauts travelling to Mars or on long-term missions outside the protection of the Earth’s magnetic field would face much higher cancer risk than conventional risk models suggest, a study says. “Exploring Mars will require missions of 900 days or longer and include more than one year in deep space where exposures to all energies of galactic cosmic ray heavy ions are unavoidable,” said one of the researchers, Francis Cucinotta, scientist at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “Galactic cosmic ray exposure can devastate a cell’s nucleus and cause mutations that can result in cancers,” Cucinotta explained. In these new findings a non-targetted effect model -- where cancer risk arises in bystander cells close to heavily damaged cells -- was shown to lead to a two-fold or more increase in cancer risk compared to the conventional risk model for a Mars mission. “We learned the damaged cells send signals to the surrounding, unaffected cells and likely modify the tissues’ microenvironments. Those signals seem to inspire the healthy cells to mutate, thereby causing additional tumours or cancers,” Cucinotta said. Previous studies have shown the health risks from galactic cosmic ray exposure to astronauts include cancer, central nervous system effects, cataracts, circulatory diseases and acute radiation syndromes. Cosmic rays, such as iron and titanium atoms, heavily damage the cells they traverse because of their very high rates of ionisation. “Current levels of radiation shielding would, at best, modestly decrease the exposure risks,” Cucinotta said. NASA plans to send humans to Mars in the 2030s.

52 years on, book finds way back to the library wEST HARTfORd (uS), JuNE 7 (IANS): A book originally borrowed from a library in West Hartford in the US 52 years ago has finally found its way back to the library. Staff members of the Noah Webster Library in West Hartford told The Associated Press that they did not know who returned the copy of W.O. Mitchell’s “Who Has Seen The Wind”. The book was returned on Monday with a yellow sticky note reading, “Sorry it has taken so long.” It originally was due back on September 29, 1965. Library director Martha Church said she doesn’t know how much the fine would be for keeping the book so long. Currently, library fines 15 cents each day a book is delayed. The library, however, doesn’t plan to fine the person who returned this book.

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HOuSTON, JuNE 7 (AP): A leaked intelligence document outlining alleged attempts by Russian military intelligence to hack into U.S. election systems is the latest evidence suggesting a broad and sophisticated foreign attack on the integrity of the nation’s elections. And it underscores the contention of security experts and computer scientists that the highly decentralized, often ramshackle U.S. election system remains profoundly vulnerable to trickery or sabotage . The document, purportedly produced by the U.S. National Security Agency, does not indicate whether actual vote-tampering occurred. But it adds significant new detail to previous U.S. intelligence assessments that alleged Russia-backed hackers had compromised elements of America’s electoral machinery. It also suggests that attackers may also have been laying groundwork for future subversive activity. The operation described in the document could have given attackers “a foothold into the IT systems of elections offices around the country that they could use to infect machines and launch a votestealing attack,” said J. Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer scientist. “We don’t have evidence that that happened,” he said, “but that’s a very

MElbOuRNE, JuNE 7 (IANS): Australian scientists began a clinical trial of injecting radiotherapy to combat aggressive breast cancer, media reported on Wednesday. Women suffering from the most aggressive types of breast cancer will undergo treatment combining radiation with immunotherapy in an attempt to “reawaken” the immune system to fight the disease, Xinhua news agency said. “The trial was approved after promising studies on animals where radiation was used to prepare the immune system to fight cancer,” Sherene Loi, head of translational breast cancer research at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, said. She said using radiation and immunotherapy in conjunction was an “emerging idea.” Primary cancer in the breast is usually curable, but if it comes back it is “incurable”, Loi was quoted as saying. “We think that’s because it outwits the immune system. Once you develop cancer, your immune system has failed. It can’t see the cancer any more, and it also actively suppresses the immune system.” Loi’s study was the first in the world to trial both immunotherapy and gene therapy together. Breast cancer is the biggest killer of young and middle-aged Australian women.


ThursDAY 08•06•2017



Er. Petehetuo Miasalhou, Principal NTTC Dimapur with stuPro Rural observed World Environment Day with Cosmodents and others during the World Environment Day compolitan School, Chumoukedima Town and distributed 35 memoration. Nagaland Tool Room & Training Centre (NTTC), The Traders' Union Jalukie Town observed World Environ- saplings. Dimapur on June 5 on account of planted saplings. ment Day cum Swachh Bharat on June 5 by cleaning the main town area.

Under the theme, ‘Connecting People to Nature’ the Government Higher School Secondary, Jalukie observed World Environment Day on June 5 on the school premises. Initiated by its Eco-club, the students participated in planting variety of environmental- friendly tree saplings inside the school compound provided by the Forest Department, Jalukie.

PHED Kiphire District Division celebrates World Environment Day with NEIDA at Tethuyo Village under Kiphire District. Household waste bins under SLWM SBM-G were also distributed to every households of this village by the PHED and 100 saplings contributed by the Town Union of Tethuyo Mass social work conducted at State Stadium Dimapur on Village were also planted in and around this Village. World Environment Day by youths from Ao Yimküm Youth Organisation, Senjum Village Youth Organisation, Kashiram Youth Organisation, Kacharigaon Phevima Youth Organisation, Industrial Estate Colony Youth Organisation, Indisen North East Initiative Development Agency (NEIDA) along Youth Organisation and Rilan Youth Organisation. (Photo with members of 16 self help groups and school students courtesy/The Philanthro Artist) observed the World Environment Day at Pungro Town on June 5. The day started with a cleanliness drive around Pungro town followed by a formal programme at Police point, Pungro town basing on the theme ‘Connecting people with nature.’ Fr. Sajimon, Principal of Little Flower School, Pungro was the theme speaker. Street play competition was organized whereby four schools viz., Little Flower School, Around Saramati Mountain High School, Christian High School and Mt. Horeb School participated.

The 44 Assam Rifles under the aegis of Headquarters 7 Sector Assam Rifles launched a wide-spread campaign to arouse St Xavier Hr Sec School, Jalukie Peren, observed World Enawareness among its own troops and locals in the districts vironment Day with the students and the staff jointly planting of Mokokchung and Longleng on the occasion of ‘World trees and cleaning the school campus. Environment Day’ on June 5. The Battalion Headquarter of 44 Assam Rifles at Mokokchung organised a massive treeplantation drive along with the whole-hearted cleanliness of the surroundings, following the footprints of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. AR in a press note stated that the troops were also shown a movie on the theme of ‘Environment’ to make them realise the importance of the cause.

OST Tobu Clients under ‘Substitution Survival Association’ observed World Environment Day by planting trees at all the departmental office premises and around the road side in Tobu Town. More than 60 recovering addicts actively participated in the programme.

Modern College Kohima celebrated World Environment Day on June 5 by planting tree saplings and conducting cleanliness drive in the College campus and its surroundings. It Shamator College observed World Environment Day on was jointly organised by the NSS and NCC girls wing of the June 5 at Shamator Subdivision. The college faculty along college. with the students went around the town cleaning the street and even planted sapling.

Based on the theme ‘Connecting people to nature’, Balijan Youth Club observed World Environment Day at BYC office on June 5. The club members planted plant sapling in Balijan.

The State Agricultural Research Station Yisemyong in collaboration with the Yisemyong Baptist Church celebrated World environment day on June 5 under the Theme ‘connect with Nature.’

District Planning & Development Board and Lotha Officers Association in collaboration with Forest Department, Wokha organized Plantation drive at Mt. Tiyi forest, on the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5. A short programme was held at Basketball court, Ganga Post Assam Rifles, before the commencement of the plantation drive. Around 3500 sibling of different varieties of trees were planted covering an area of about 2.5 hectares. The plantation drive was led by Commissioner & Secretary Industries & Commerce Hushile Sema (IAS), Secretary, Fisheries and Team Leader, Honey Mission, Mhabemo Yanthan, DC Wokha Wezope Kenye, all DPDB members and host of government employees and volunteers. (DIPR Photo)

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Phek jointly with Bethel School, Porba celebrated World environment day 2017 in Porba village. Around 195 students participated during the programme. Various competitions such as singing, drawing and essay writing were held.

Rusoma Students Union, Kohima along with the youths and members of Village Vision cell observed World Environment Day (WED) on June 5. Participants planted more than 1000 tree saplings along road side from village site to Dzu-u River. A formal programme was organized by RSU which was attended by youth, village leaders and school students, and a talk on WED 2017 theme ‘Connecting people to nature’ was delivered by Kethoneilhou Vimera (AO & ATMA Chiephobozou block Convener). The day long programme was organized by RSU and supported by ATMA Kohima, Department of Agriculture and Department of Forest, Ecology, Environment and Wildlife.

RD Block of Noksen Tuensang observed World Environment Day under the theme ‘Go Green with MGNREGA’ at Longtang village on June 5. Green Village Committee under village Development Board (VDB) Longtang planted 1000 tree saplings along the approach road leading to the village. BDO Noksen, C. Ebou Chang attended the programme as the speaker.

Observing the World Environment Day, Khulazu Basa Student’s Union conducted a massive social work in an around the premises of the village and planted nearly 100 additional evergreen plants by the side of the approach road. The day concluded with a get together of its members.

Kalos Society and 9th Assam Rifles Pfutsero Town of Phek district organised a voluntary cleanliness drive on World Environment Day. The 9 Assam Rifles under the leadership of Maj Rahul, A Coy Cdr donated 60 dustbins to the town. Kalos Society, Pfutsero Town Youth Forum along with likeminded voluntary youths of all the 11 wards, the army jawans, traffic police and hundreds of students from the Tewelhi Medo MGM HSS Pre Primary students celebrated Green Day as Tyrannus Higher Secondary School took part in some major part of world environment day celebration. Green Day was drainage cleaning. celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in the Pre Primary wing. The main motto behind celebrating Green Day is to introduce Green color to kids and give awareness about environment.

World Environment Day was observed in Medziphema by members of the popular Facebook group, ‘Medziphema Echoes’ where they planted around 300 saplings of trees in school compounds, hospital and roadsides. Schools in the vicinity also organised cleanliness drive around the town where hundreds of students took part in commemoration of the day.

Immanuel College celebrated World Environment Day under the banner ‘Save environment please, Save Yourself’ on June 5. The event was graced by two resource persons Imliwabang (NCS, EAC) and Yitachu (NCS, EAC).

Dr. Imtiwapang Aier, Speaker, Nagaland Legislative Assembly flanked by Dr. Bejongliba Aier, Parliamentary Secretary, CAWD, Merentoshi R Jamir, MLA & DPDB Chairman, Mokokchung and other visitors at The Greensight Project pavilion during the celebration of World Environment Day at Town Hall, Mokokchung, June 5 organized by the Department of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Nagaland. Slogan Contest was held under the theme ‘Connection people to nature’ on the World Environment Day at Model Christian College.

Razeba Students’ Union (RSU) in collaboration with Razeba dwellers organised a plantation drive on the occasion of World Environment Day and planted hundreds of rhododendron, plum and alder trees in the Razeba area. Razeba locally known as “Dupazhu” meaning “a land of Rhododendron” was previously filled with Rhododendron trees. The plantation drive was initiated to revive the once beautiful place. Towards this end, a Rhododendron (Dupa) Committee has also been formed with the view to celebrate “Rhododendron FesVB Infants’ Digital Home organized Children Science pro- tival” in the near future. Rtd. Additional Secretary, Vechisalü gramme on the occasion of World Environment day with Nukhu sponsored the Rhododendron saplings with some children, guardians and well-wishers. The guardians also from the Zelome Students’ Union while Tsupfume Students’ planted plants with their children in the campus of VB Infants’ Union contributed 60 plum saplings and Zhavame Students’ Union contributed over 100 alder saplings. Longsa Eagle Club, Mokokchung District, which is celebratDigital Home. ing its Golden Jubilee this year, observed the World Environment Day 2017 by planting trees along the village road. The Club members planted around 200 Mountain-ebony trees (Orchid tree) along with nearly 100 other trees such as Gulmohar, Golden rain, Pink shower etc. They also repainted the flower pots which the club donated to the village the previous year.

World Environment Day, 2017 was observed at Unity College, Dimapur. Standing firm on the theme of ‘World Environment Day, 2017- Connecting People to Nature’, students were encouraged to appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature and to take steps to protect it. Plantation drive was carried out within the college premises.

Government Primary School D-Block Kohima observed World Environment Day on June 5 where teachers and students organised a social work at the school compound and later planted tree saplings in and around the school compound. The tree saplings were provided by the chairman of Ward Education Committee (WEC), Robert Wazha.

Phek Town Chakhesang Students' Union in collaboration with the Para Legal Volunteers, Phek District Legal Service Authority, observed World Environment Day at GHSS, Phek under the theme ‘Connecting people to nature.’ The programme culminated with tree plantation in around Phek Town. Students of Government Middle School, Botsa participates in the social work held in the school campus.

Thursday 08•06•2017


Meet the Craft Maker from

Akangchila Longchar


Craft making need brains and hard work to come up with a lot of ideas every time and it requires immense patience.

Morung Express News

rowing up in a time when handwritten letters and handmade gifts were common and much valued, Aien Jamir learned to love the art of craft making. “Since a very young age, I’ve been into craft making and I thank my mother for it because she used to make handmade gifts for my friend’s birthdays and special occasions. I use to watch and help her and eventually started making handmade gifts on my own,” she shared. She is the artist behind “Rustique Edge”, a local brand from Nagaland which specializes in rustic and vintage customized handmade products. Home decors, jewelry boxes, contemporary Naga jewelry, wedding decor, bridal accessories, customized packaging, clothes, accessories, customized journals- name it and she’s ready to make it! She is also the cofounder and coordinator for “Tinted Light Studio”, a photography and videography venture with three other friends. This is where

There are stories behind every small handmade gift and it’s made with love.

Aien Jamir

her talent for craft making ing, she decided to create interns working with me at be able to afford Rustique Edge products if they like it, and not walk away because it’s overpriced.” pouring in. it has to be consistent. Also, On craft making ethics, She revealed that this I’m very bad at pricing my she opined, “I check a lot of is how Rustique Edge was products and currently I work online, not to copy but born. “I still write letters first ask my clients budget to make sure I don’t create and make cards and hand- and then work according- the same work. I also know made gifts for my friends ly. I feel that people should that somebody can always but I had no plans to start a business. I went through a lot of trials and errors before I started taking orders. My signature style is making rustique crafts but with a slight edge! I’m inspired by our Naga heritage and culture so I try and incorporate this influence into my crafts,” she stated. For now, Rustique Edge is home based and even though a few stores have asked her to supply, Aien says she’s not ready yet. She explained, “I’ve to train Inspired by Naga heritage and culture, the creator of Rustique Edge’s signature style is making rustique crafts but and employ more people for Rustique Edge. I’ve two with a slight edge.

Detailing and trademark really came handy. When handmade ones of her own the moment. I’m very fussy creative style is how people distinguish Rustique Edge clients started requesting which people really loved about detailing and finishfor customized packag- and slowly orders started ing on every item and I feel products.

copy what I’m making, but things like detailing and trademark creative style is how people distinguish my products and I’m happy with that.” Aien is also an excellent singer and well-known in the Nagaland music circuit. “I started singing at a very young age and without music I can’t work! All the work I’m involved in currently is all fulltime so I’m trying to juggle my best. I don’t get to perform as much as I used to but music will always be a part of me and that’s what keeps me going,” she said. “Seeing the love and

positive response for Rustique Edge, now I have plans to grow my business. I want to also generate employment because there are so many people who are into crafts but don’t know what to do,” she added. “But do not be fooled into thinking that this is a part-time or easy job. In craft making you need brains and hard work to come up with a lot of ideas every time and it requires immense patience. When I start a project, I barely get enough sleep. I do everything on my own, except for a few materials bought from store. I’ve even started carpentry work. And I’m always a mess with glue and threads stuck on my face, hands, knees” she laughed. Aien leaves us with the feeling that all the slow laborious work she puts in every piece is worth it! She concluded with this thought, “I really believe in handmade gifts. There are stories behind every small handmade gift and it’s made with love and keeping that particular person in mind. So support your local craft makers and women entrepreneurs.”

ITTN Confluence in Mokokchung Beatles back


onfluence by ITTN an event featuring music, fashion, comedy, dance and cuisine will be held on June 16 at Town Hall Mokokchung from 6:00pm onwards Confluence: An evening presenting the best of Naga talents and artistes to Mokokchung aims to bring all the artistes together in one platform and entertain the people of Mokokchung for


the evening at the same time it aims to provide opportunity and platform to the young upcoming talents in Mokokchung town to share the stage with the accomplished artistes in the state. The featuring artistes are Alobo Naga, Moanungsang, Samaro, Hopong Naga, Wapang Longkumer, Tiameren Jamir, Limayanger, Ramokla Pongen, Soul Sisters and Popcorn

Dance Crew. The ITTN is made up of young professionals in Mokokchung. The members have been associated with different events in the their own individual capacities in the past, and this is the first time they are coming together to organized this mammoth event, a first of its kind in Mokokchung. Tickets will be available at the venue entrance.

on Billboard with 'Sgt. Pepper' 50th anniversary release

T Sara Ali Khan to star opposite Sushant in romantic drama

Kids Worship Centre, awarded Jungdinaro Sanglir, Kitokali Zhimomi,Wendy Humtsoe, Kichano Humtsoe and Hiketo Aye the “Outstanding Leadership Award.”


aif Ali Khan's daughter Sara Ali Khan is all set to make her acting debut opposite Sushant Singh Rajput in "Kedarnath". The film will be helmed by Abhishek Kapoor, who has directed Sushant in his debut movie "Kai Po Che". "Sara has been roped in to play love interest to Sushant in the film, to be directed by Abhishek Kapoor. The modalities regarding the project are being worked out at the moment," sources told PTI. Balaji Motion Pictures is expected to join hands with KriArj Entertainment for the romantic drama. The film is expected to go on floors by this year end. However, officials from Balaji Motion Pictures neither confirmed nor denied it. Earlier, Sara's name had cropped up for "Agneepath" fame director Karan Malhotra's next with Hrithik Roshan and a Salman Khan production featuring his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma. Source: PTI

he Beatles returned to the Billboard 200 album charts with the 50th anniversary reissue of classic "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," according to data from Nielsen SoundScan on Monday. The remastered version of the "Sgt. Pepper" 1967 album sold more than 75,000 units for the week to take the No. 3 spot on the Billboard 200. It was the highest Billboard 200 ranking for the British rock quartet in some 16 years, when its greatest hits album "1" spent several weeks at or near the top of the chart, Billboard said. Still, The Beatles were not big enough to steal the thunder of Kentucky rapper Bryson Tiller, 24, whose "True to Self" sold 106,000 units in its first week and took the No. 1 spot. Kendrick Lamar's

"Damn." held onto second place with another 84,000 units sold in its seventh week of release. The Billboard 200 album chart tallies units from album sales, song sales (10 songs equal one album) and streaming activity (1,500 streams equal one album). On the digital songs chart, which measures online single sales, Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi's "Despacito" featuring Justin Bieber held onto the top spot for a fourth week with another 148,0000 copies sold. Source: Reuters

George & Amal welcome twins Ella and Alexander


mal Clooney on Tuesday gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, the first children for the international human rights lawyer and her movie star spouse. "This morning Amal and George welcomed Ella and Alexander Clooney into their lives. Ella, Alexander and Amal are all healthy, happy and doing fine," George Clooney's publicist Stan Rosenfield said in an email. He added cheekily, "George is sedated and should recover in a few days." Amal Clooney, 39, and the 56-year-old Oscar-winning star of films like Ocean's Eleven and Three Kings married in Italy in

2014, making them one of the world's biggest celebrity couples. Rosenfield did not say where the twins were born but the couple appear to have been spending much of their time recently in England, where they have one of several homes. The couple adopted a low profile during the pregnancy, keeping the news private for months before it was confirmed in February by the actor's close friend, Matt Damon. Amal Clooney largely continued her work as a human rights lawyer, addressing the United Nations in March and urging the international com-

munity to investigate crimes committed by Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Nevertheless, celebrity news media speculated for months about the sex of the twins, where they would be born and in which country they will be raised. On Tuesday, social media lit up with congratulatory messages and "Ella and Alexander" was among the top trending topics on Twitter in the United States. Many contributors praised the choice of names as a refreshingly normal departure from a trend that has seen celebrity babies given names like Apple, Audio, Bronx, North West and

Rocket. "Good lord, the Clooneys have given their twins lovely ordinary names. Shocking. And they call themselves celebrities...," wrote British journalist Nicola Jane Swinney on Twitter. Comedian Ellen DeGeneres posted a Twitter message saying, "Congratulations, George and Amal, or as I’m now calling you, Ocean’s Four." Congratulations also came from actress Mia Farrow and US journalist Katie Couric. People magazine reported on Tuesday that former US President Barack Obama paid a long, private visit with the Clooneys at their home in the coun-

tryside west of London on 27 May. George Clooney canceled a visit to Armenia for a humanitarian event this past weekend, saying in a message to organizers that "if I came there and my wife had twins while I was there, I could never come home." Source: Reuters


Thursday 08•06•2017



French Open: Djokovic stunned by Thiem in quarters

PARIS, June 7 (AP): Novak Djokovic’s French Open title defense ended with a surprisingly lopsided 7-6 (5), 6-3, 6-0 quarterfinal loss to sixth-seeded Dominic Thiem of Austria on Wednesday. A year ago, Djokovic became the first man in nearly a half-century to claim a fourth consecutive major championship and completed a career Grand Slam at Roland Garros. But his form has dipped considerably since then, and now he has gone four majors in a row without claiming a trophy. Against Thiem, Djokovic was out of sorts in so many ways. He wasted two set points in the opener. He wound up with nearly twice as many unforced errors, 35, as winners, 18. His backhand was particularly problematic. Known for tremendous footwork and court coverage, the No. 2-seeded Serb even stumbled and tumbled to the court, his racket flying out of his hands, early in the second set. Djokovic

Austria's Dominic Thiem (left) and Serbia's Novak Djokovic. (AFP Photo)

was left on his knees, and soon he would be out of the tournament entirely. How unlikely was this result? Djokovic entered the day having won all five previous match-

es — and 11 of 12 sets — against Thiem, including in the French Open semifinals a year ago. “It’s amazing for me,” Thiem said. “To beat him for the first time in the quarters of the French

Open is a dream.” Plus, Djokovic had appeared in a record six consecutive semifinals in Paris. Now the 23-year-old Thiem will face nine-time French Open champion Rafael Nadal next. “You have to play the best guys round after round,” Thiem said. “It’s not getting easier on Friday.” Thiem is a talented, up-andcoming player, to be sure, and he is the only man to beat Nadal in the Spaniard’s 23 matches on clay in 2017. That came in the quarterfinals of the Italian Open last month. Earlier Wednesday, Nadal reached his record 10th French Open semifinal when No. 20 Pablo Carreno Busta of Spain retired from their match early in the second set because of an injured abdominal muscle. Nadal led 6-2, 2-0 when Carreno Busta stopped. Nadal has dropped only 22 games so far in the tournament, the fewest he has lost on the way to any of his 26 Grand Slam semifinal berths.

Halep to clash with Pliskova in semis

PARIS, June 7 (ReuTeRS): Former French Open runner-up Simona Halep staged a remarkable fightback and saved a match point to reached the semifinals with a 3-6 7-6(6) 6-0 win over Elina Svitolina on Wednesday. Romanian third seed Halep trailed by a set and 5-1 against the fifth seed but somehow dug herself out of a hole before storming to victory. Ukrainian Svitolina saved four set points at 5-6 in the second and then had a match point in the tiebreak which Halep saved with a brave backhand winner that kissed the sideline. Halep clinched the second set with a forehand winner and swept through the decider as Svitolina's spirit sagged, sealing victory with an ace.

Simona Halep. (Reuters)

Halep will play secondseeded Czech Karolina Pliskova in the semi-finals, while in the other half of the draw Latvian teenager Jelena Ostapenko will take on Swiss Timea Bacsinszky. All four players are seeking a first grand slam title. World number three Pliskova reached the French

Open semi-finals with a 7-6(3) 6-4 victory against Caroline Garcia, ending the French presence in the main draw. The second-seeded Czech, who had never got past the second round here before, mastered windy conditions to set up a meeting with either Halep.

MPL: Amur Falcon crush Silver White FA bans two England fans for Real reject United’s £52m KohImA, June 7 (mexn): Five goals place from Merhulietsa FC. Both teams life after Dortmund incidents bid for forward Morata from the tournament’s leading goal scorer are on 27 points from 14 games however C M Y K

Mele helped Amur Falcon deliver a crushing 8-0 win over Silver White in the ongoing Morning Premier League here at the Local Ground Kohima on Wednesday. The five goals took Mele’s league goal count to 23. Teammates Roko, Seyie and Benlo scored one each to complete the rout as Amur Falcons reclaimed fourth

the Falcons have a better goal difference of +27 as opposed to Merhulietsa’s +5. Silver White continue to languish at the bottom of the table with just one point from 14 games.

June 8 Fixture

Morung United vs MRH Sunrisers

Archer Kilenmeren to represent India at Asia Cup KohImA, June 7 (mexn): Archer Kilenmeren from Nagaland Archery Academy, I.G. Stadium, Kohima recently got selected at the All India Selection that was held at Rohtak, Haryana from June 2 to 5. He will be representing India at the Asia Cup Archery to be held in the month of July at Chinese Taipei. The young promising archer Kilenmeren, aged 18 years, is from Mopungchuket village under Mokokchung district. He was inducted into the Academy through the programme of SSA Scheme by the Department of School Education. Archery Coach, Hunezo Thisa, who himself was an international Archery medalist, is optimistic that he can go beyond the Asia level and is capable of competing in the world arena. Hunezo said his passion and performances towards his career is incredible in the last 6 years of stay in the academy. Through the medals he got at the national level in different categories, Kilenmeren got an opportunity to train at Korea recently, sponsored by the Government of India. Further, the academy thanked and appreciated the Department of Youth Resources & Sports and Nagaland Ar-

Manchester United have replaced European champions Real Madrid as the world's most valuable football team, according to the annual list published by Forbes on Tuesday. United were valued at $3.69 billion, an 11 percent jump compared to last year. That was a testament to the team's powerful brand and marketing acumen, Forbes said

Kilenmeren with Archery Coach, Hunezo Thisa.

chery Association for their constant support for nurturing & sponsoring the academy throughout the training and tournaments.

in a statement. Barcelona were second on the list with a value of $3.64 billion while Real Madrid, who held top spot for the last four years, fell to third place with a value of $3.58 billion. Rounding out the top five were Bayern Munich ($2.71 billion) and Manchester City (2.08 billion). Six Premier League teams featured in the top 10, with United and City

joined by Arsenal ($1.93 billion), Chelsea ($1.85 billion) Liverpool ($1.49 billion) and Tottenham Hotspur ($1.06 billion). German champions Bayern Munich ($2.71 billion) were ranked fourth while Serie A champions Juventus ($1.26 billion) were ninth. Forbes also said the average value of the top 20 teams rose 3 percent over last year to $1.48 billion.

Lochte reveals he thought about suicide after Rio fiasco

LoS AngeLeS, June 7 (AFP): US swimmer Ryan Lochte has revealed he considered suicide after the drunken escapade at the Rio Olympics which triggered an international scandal. "After Rio, I was probably the most hated person in the world," Lochte told ESPN.com. "There were a couple of points where I was crying, thinking, 'If I go to bed and never wake up, fine.'" Asked if that meant he considered killing himself, Lochte nodded and add-

ceived lifetime bans from the England Supporters Travel Club (ESTC), the official organisation for away support, the FA confirmed on Wednesday. The ESTC is the exclusive provider of tickets for the away end at England matches and tickets must be picked up in person in the foreign city. One of the banned fans was seen making a Nazi salute towards German sup-

porters while another was viewed imitating an Adolf Hitler moustache and cutthroat gestures. Another 25 supporters have been given bans and suspension of various lengths due to their behaviour in Dortmund. The behaviour of England fans during the March game, where they taunted German supporters about World War Two, was widely criticised by British media.

Warne clears air on Indian coaching rumours

Manchester United top Forbes' most valuable football teams list REUTERS

mAnCheSTeR, June 7 (ReuTeRS): England's Football Association has handed two supporters life bans from attending away games following incidents during March's friendly match against Germany in Dortmund. The bans come ahead of Saturday's World Cup qualifier in Glasgow where England will travel to face old rivals Scotland. The two fans have re-

ed: "I was about to hang up my entire life." Lochte has spoken previously of the depression that followed the scandal, in which he said he and two US swimming teammates had been mugged at gunpoint at gas station. Brazilian police determined he had largely fabricated the story, and Brazilian authorities were furious. Lochte was banned from swimming for 10 months -- a suspension that ends on June 30.

During his supension he has competed in a meet not sanctioned by USA Swimming and says he plans to try to make the 2020 Olympic team. The 12-time Olympic medalist will turn 36 during the Tokyo Games.

LonDon, June 7 (IAnS): Australian spin legend Shane Warne on Wednesday took a dig at Indian media for blowing out of proportion his comments about being approached for the role of India coach. Warne was quoted by a section of media as saying he was "too expensive" for the Board of Control of Cricket in India (BCCI) to afford. "I am very expensive, I don't think they can afford me," Warne was quoted as saying by a leading news-

paper. "Virat Kohli and me can have a good partnership, but as I said, I am very, very expensive." Lashing out at such remarks, Warne tweeted: "Indian coaching position. I was in a lift & was asked if I would put my hat in the ring I said: "India can't afford me" tongue in cheek!" Warne also denied he had said anything about his partnership with India captain Virat Kohli. "@imVkohli & I would work well together as a quote, this is totally made

up. I never said that to anyone, very disappointing journalism," the 47-yearold further added. Current India coach Anil Kumble's contract expires at the end of this month, and the BCCI advertised the post ahead of the ongoing ICC Champions Trophy. Virender Sehwag, Tom Moody, Craig McDermott, Richard Pybus, Lalchand Rajput, and Dodda Ganesh are in line for the job along with Kumble who reapplied.

mADRID, June 7 (IAnS): English football giants Manchester United's bid of 52 million pounds ($67.6 million) for Real Madrid forward Alvaro Morata has been rejected, a media report said on Wednesday. Sky Sports reported that United goalkeeper David de Gea was not included in the offer, while Real Madrid are thought to want in the region of 78 million pound ($100.66 million) for the 24-year-old Morata. The Spain international has scored 20 goals in all competitions for Real last season, as the club clinched La Liga and the Champions League. Morata progressed through the Real Madrid academy to make his first team debut in December 2010, before exiting for Juventus in the summer of 2014. Morata has won two Serie A titles, two Coppa Italia titles and was part of a run to the 2015 Champions League final, scoring as Juventus lost 1-3 to Barcelona in his two seasons with the record Serie A champions. Later in June 2016, Real

Madrid exercised on a buyback clause to bring Morata back from Juventus for around $34 million. From then the Spamish forward has emerged as a key player of Zinedine Zidane's La Liga squad. It is learnt that if Manchester United fail to agree a deal for Morata they will try to sign Italian striker Andrea Belotti from Torino, who has a 100 million euro ($112.66m) release clause in his contract.

Kubica back in an F1 car for first time since 2011

LonDon, June 7 (ReuTeRS): Polish driver Robert Kubica tested a Formula One car in Spain on Tuesday for the first time since a 2011 rallying accident that partially severed his forearm. The Renault team posted a teasing picture on Twitter of the 32-year-old removing his helmet after driving the 2012 Lotus E20 car at Valencia's Ricardo Tormo circuit. "So guys...we need to come clean about some-

thing," the caption said. "It's true. It really is Robert Kubica," the team added in a later post. "Back in one of our cars after six years." The test took place amid considerable secrecy, with

no advance notice given to the media and little information provided about the reasons for the private test. "So why did we keep it quiet? It was a private test, for Robert," the team said, adding that the Pole had completed 115 laps with "the biggest smile" afterwards. Kubica, who in 2008 became the first Pole to win a Formula One race when he triumphed with BMWSauber in Canada, last drove a Formula One car with Renault in pre-season

testing at the same circuit in February 2011. Renault have left and returned to the sport with their own team since then, with a current line-up of Germany's Nico Hulkenberg and Britain's Jolyon Palmer. The latter has yet to score a point in six races this season with increasing media speculation about his future ahead of this weekend's Canadian Grand Prix. Kubica's F1 career ended in the same month as

his last test when he suffered severe arm, leg and hand injuries in a near-fatal crash during a minor rally in northern Italy that he had entered for fun. He had been one of the sport's brightest prospects before his accident, with a likely move to Ferrari on the horizon. Since his recovery he has competed in the world rally championship and tested other cars, including those used in Formula E and GP3.

Indian football stakeholders' meet at AFC headquarters

KuALA LumPuR, June 7 (IAnS): A meeting here of Indian football's stakeholders has emerged with a consensus on working together to find the way forward for the development of Indian club football, the Asian Fotball Confederation (AFC), which facilitated the deliberations, said on Wednesday. Chaired by AFC General Secretary Dato Windsor John, the meeting included representatives of the All India Football Federation (AIFF), the Sports Ministry of India, the I-League and Indian Super League (ISL) clubs, besides officials of Football Players Association of India (FPAI) as well as from the game's world governing body FIFA. However, several ISL franchises skipped the conference as they did not deem it to be important, it was learnt. Although no final decision was taken on whether an AFC Cup slot will be awarded to the

ISL, John averred that the meeting had a positive outcome. "There was a desire by people, who are extremely passionate about the game, to marry the strengths of both the traditional and the new, which helped in delivering the objectives of the meeting in which the AFC listened to the key stakeholders. "The objectives were clear -- to help provide a road map for the future development of Indian football by reaching a consensus on the way forward. It was a significant step forward that there was unanimous agreement that the right structure for the game should be paramount," John said after the meeting. "The stated vision of the AFC is to make football the number one sport in Asia, and so to achieve that aim Indian football and its development is extremely important. There is no doubt that Indian football has huge potential, and

the meeting was convened so that the potential could be realised. "There is a need to find solutions which ensure that Indian football is protected and that there are opportunities for young players, who must not be lost to our game," he added. AIFF General Secretary Kushal Das expressed his gratitude to the AFC for facilitating the meeting to break the deadlock. "We are grateful to the AFC for facilitating the meeting which is crucial to the development of football in India. We must go through this process to create the best future for the game in our country. In the meantime, we have to decide on the short-term future of the game as soon as possible," Das said. The ball is now firmly in the AIFF's court to chart the next course of action as Kolkata clubs East Bengal and Mohun Bagan have refused to pay the franchise fee of Rs 15

crore and also want their share from the central revenue pool. Other I-League clubs had also expressed their displeasure at AIFF's volte-face after AIFF President Praful Patel had stated that the I-League would remain the top league in the country but later mooted the idea of running ISL and I-League simultaneously. In the meeting, it was agreed that the AIFF will decide the format for the short-term and there was an agreement around a roadmap to deliver medium- and long-term plans for the game in India through a detailed process. The AFC statement also said that independent research would be commissioned and analysed before being evaluated by the AIFF and the stakeholders, with the decisions on the medium- and long-term pathway being taken as soon as possible after the FIFA U-17 World Cup, starting from October 6 across six cities in India.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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