June 9th, 2016

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DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 157 • 12 PAGes • 5


ThursDAY • june 09 • 2016

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

T R u T H

Our moral, religious, and political traditions are united in their respect for the dignity of human life— Robert Casey Declaring a historic victory, Hillary Clinton turns fire on Trump in her White House bid

Thanamir becomes second complete LED village

PAGe 09


By Sandemo Ngullie

new Delhi | June 8 IANS and IndiaSpend

As many as 18.3 million Indians live in conditions listed as “modern slavery” in 2016, equivalent to the population of Netherlands, a rise of 4.1 million since 2014, according to a new global report. In other words, 5,616 Indians were enslaved every day over these two years. On an average, 51 out of every 100 people are vulnerable to modern slavery - bonded labour, forced begging, forced marriage, domestic services and commercial sex work - in India, according to the Global Slavery Index 2016 compiled by the Walk Free Foundation, an advocacy based in Australia. India has the fourthhighest proportion of people living under enslaved conditions, after North Korea, Uzbekistan and Cambodia. India was at fifth position in modern slavery in 2014, changing place with Qatar, the report said. “The term modern slavery refers to situations where one person has taken away another person’s freedom - to control their body, their freedom to choose, to refuse certain work or to stop working - so that they can be exploited. Freedom is taken away by threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power and deception,” the Global Slavery Index 2016 report said. The Asia-Pacific region has the highest number of people living under conditions of modern slavery; almost 46 per cent of human trafficking is reported from the region. While 83 per cent victims are male, around 17 percent are female. Full story on Page 8



Global violence worsens naga society faced with

LONDON, JUNE 8 (ThOmsON REUTERs FOUNDaTiON): The world has become increasingly violent with deaths from conflict at a 25-year high, terrorist attacks at an all-time high and more people displaced than at any time since World War Two, the 2016 Global Peace Index showed on Wednesday. The annual index, which measures 23 indicators including incidents of violent crime, countries’ levels of let us all keep ourselves pre- militarisation and weapons pared for the final solution!! imports, said intensifying conflicts in the Middle East The Morung Express were mostly to blame. beyond the Middle Poll QuEsTion East,Butthe world was actuVote on www.morungexpress.com ally becoming more peacesMs your answer to 9862574165 ful, researchers behind the Given the chance, do you index said. believe young people can “Quite often, in the bring about a positive mayhem which is happendifference in Naga ing in the Middle East cursociety? Why and How? rently, we lose sight of the other positive trends,” said Yes no others Steve Killelea, founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), which Dear Subscribers, produces the index. “If we look in the last We make this sincere year, if we took out the Midrequest seeking your dle East ... the world would active cooperation and have become more peaceful,” Killelea told the Thomsupport towards enson Reuters Foundation. suring that the monthMore than 100,000 were ly newspaper subkilled in conflict in 2014, up scription fees are paid from nearly 20,000 in 2008. promptly and regularly. Syria, where nearly 67,000 This will greatly contribpeople were killed in 2014, ute towards sustaining accounted for the bulk of the livelihood and welthe increase, according to fare of the newspaper the index. delivery distributors The United Nations and in helping us to has said the number of disserve you better. placed people is likely to We thank you for your have “far surpassed” a recontinued understandcord 60 million last year. ing and cooperation. The index showed that The Morung Express most attacks it classed as terrorist were concentrated in five countries - Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The economic

5,616 Indians turned slaves every day over 2 years

Ivory Coast Defender Bailly signs for Man Utd

teenagers into ‘satanism’ Part I

Morung Express news Dimapur | June 8

A civil defence member carries an injured girl at a site hit by airstrikes in the rebel-controlled area of Maaret al-numan town in idlib province, syria June 2. (REUTERS)

cost of violence over the past decade was $137 trillion greater than the global GDP in 2015, the IEP showed. The indicator which improved the most in the last year was funding for U.N. peacekeeping operations, which reached record highs in 2016, IEP said. “However, peacebuilding and peacekeeping spending remains proportionately small compared to the economic impact of violence, representing just 2 percent of global losses from armed conflict,” Killelea said in a statement. More than 120,000 U.N. peacekeepers are currently deployed in 16 operations worldwide. The largest are in Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan’s Darfur region, South Sudan, Mali, Central African Republic and Lebanon.

Another improvement in peace, is a 10 percent fall in global military spending in the last three years, IEP said. BUILDING LASTING PEACE Europe is the most peaceful region in the world, although the region’s peace score dropped in the wake of attacks in Paris and Brussels. Deaths from such attacks in Europe have more than doubled over the last five years. Last year, world leaders agreed to “significantly reduce all forms of violence” by 2030 and find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity, as part of a set of Sustainable Development Goals to fight inequality and extreme poverty. Building lasting peace takes more than just improving security, Killelea said. “Quite often as an in-

ternational community we lose sight of that and try and have a one shoe fits all (approach),” he said. “For me the most profound thing about the index is the ability to use it ... to better understand the qualities ... which create peaceful societies,” Killelea said. Iceland is the world’s most peaceful country listed in the index, followed by Denmark, Austria, New Zealand and Portugal. The least peaceful country is Syria, followed by South Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. (Reporting by Alex Whiting, Editing by Katie Nguyen.; Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women’s rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change.

Reports of young people, mostly in their teens, seeking spiritual expressions and identity through ‘satanism’ continue to haunt Christ believers in the Christian dominant state of Nagaland. Although there are different understandings of the ‘devil’ in different religions and cultures of the world, this particular allegation of devil worshipping in the State among a section of the teens appear to be pointed towards the biblical Satan, the fallen angel. Spine chilling stories of alleged ‘Satan’ followers’ performing blood-sucking rituals, self-mutilations, midnight worship in graveyards, or paranormal activities like flying or walking in the air, have permeated the Church congregation and homes. Since 2012, reports of ‘hundreds’ of teenagers submitting themselves at the devil’s altar have been putting the spooks on the family, community and Church. Battle lines were drawn; crusades and revivals were organized in the dozens by churches and Christian groups alike in a renewed zeal to fight against, what they perceived it to be as the rising influence of Satan in Naga society. As the scale of this ‘Satan’ worshipping phenomenon among teenagers continue to tilt high, worried parents ever increasingly turn their faith to the innumerable prayer centers, ‘prayer warriors’ and ‘spiritual counselors’ dotting Nagaland’s landscape to drive off the influence of the dark spirits from their kith and kin. Chathe Christian Prayer Centre, a renowned prayer centre located outskirt of Dimapur, have been receiving hordes of teenagers, the usual Satan worshipper suspects, escorted by terrified parents since 2012. Once inside the prayer center, ‘spiritual counselors’ there said they are usually locked-up in rooms with hands handcuffed and legs in chains, depending on the aggressiveness exhibited by those possessed by the devil. “The bondage is unavoidable and for their own good because they (Satan worshippers) turn violent and tend to self-mutilate themselves,” a woman ‘prayer war-

rior’ and counselor at the prayer centre said while defending the action. Accounts of her experience in dealing with cases of ‘Satan’ worshippers brought to the prayer centre for healing sound incredible, and of the supernatural realm. Stories of witchcraft, prophecy tellers and invisible thieves among the followers, superhuman deeds of breaking handcuffs and chains, ‘Satan’ worshippers coming to the prayer center to commune with their ‘gods’ for power, slitting wrist and drinking blood during their communion are some of the unbelievable reports the counselor had to say. She is also quick to point out. “It is neither a gossip nor rumors. Such things are happening around here.” Most of the worshippers are aged between 18-22 years and studying in classes between IX to XII, the counselor revealed. The yarn in the account of ‘Satan’ worship is similar elsewhere in the State. In Mokokchung district, multitudes of alleged ‘Satan’ worshippers were recently taken to the Kodak prayer center, Longjang Village, for ‘healing and counseling.’ According to the Longjang village pastor, most of the worshippers, aged between 13-18 years, reportedly worshipped their entity in the graveyard. There are more than 200 followers of Satan in Mokokchung, a confession from the worshippers claimed. In 2013, pastor of Koinonia Baptist Church claimed there were more than 3,000 Satan worshippers in Kohima alone and the cult was spreading like “wildfire.” He stated that teenagers and youths were easily influenced by the alien culture through social websites and friends, adding several parents had approached him to rescue their children from such practices. The practice of ‘Satan’ worshipping or the semblance of it are recurrently reported from different parts of the State, fuelling more alarm. Recently, in Duncan Bosti, Dimapur, a shopkeeper narrated how half a dozen people- all attired in black clothing, with faces masked, walked past by his shop in the late evening. According to the shopkeeper who was in the process of closing his shop, the apparent leader of the pack who was leading the strange march sported a black knape, long black coat and holding a large lighted candle.

24-hour shut down in Education sector in a dismal state in tribal areas of Manipur India: Vice President ansari laments newmai news network Imphal | June 8

A 24-hour bandh has been announced by the Joint Action Committee Against Anti-Tribal Bills (JAC) in “tribal areas of Manipur” to start from June 8 midnight in protest against the alleged high-handedness and brutality exhibited by the Delhi Police as well as the Manipur Rifles personnel posted at Manipur Bhawan, Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi. The Joint Action Committee Against Anti-Tribal Bills (JAC) had an emergency meeting with the Outer Manipur Tribals’ Forum (OMTF), an apex body of the Hmar Inpui, Mizo People Convention, Thadou Inpi, United Naga Council and Zomi Council this morning and took this decision. “Our fight against the nexus between the communal Manipur Government, the proscribed Meitei militant groups and the Meitei civil society organizations continues; putting a united fight for our cause gains importance with each passing day. Hence, it is our humble request to the tribals of Manipur, both at home and elsewhere, to start preparing ourselves for any eventuality as we embark on a new phase of the tribal movement that has the potential to change our history forever,” the JAC made a clarion call through a statement this afternoon.

“We humbly request all tribal people of Manipur to kindly observe the shutdown to show our solidarity and support for our tribal brothers and sisters in Delhi. With these new developments, the daily sitin protest at Salphate Pumbuk, Hiangtam Lamka that was earlier slated to begin on June 9, 2016 has been rescheduled for a later date; details of the same shall be made known to the public soon,” the JAC said. Medical services and emergencies, airport pickup and drop, electricity department (including prepaid recharge outlets), telecom service, water supply, ongoing school/college exams, pre-planned conferences/seminars and weddings will be exempted from the purview of the “total sutdown”, said the JAC statement. According to the JAC, the peaceful protest outside the Manipur Bhawan took a violent turn on Tuesday night after the Manipur Rifles personnel posted there started assaulting the protestors physically. This was followed by an unexpected ambush of lathi charge from the Delhi Police personnel without prior warning, in gross violation of the standard operating procedures, resulting in a number of tribal civilian casualties, with cuts and bruises from head to toe, without any differentiation being made between men and women protes-

tors, the statement alleged. The JAC then alleged that many tribal women including four young mothers were indiscriminately thrashed, beaten, slapped, kicked and pulled by their hairs; two young women were even groped and molested by the Delhi Police. Many men were picked up and beaten by the Police even as they were leaving the protest area peacefully, the JAC further alleged. “It is shocking to further receive news that Chanakyapuri Police Station had detained around 60 individuals including 21 women since last night, and more than 12 hours had passed since then. On what grounds can women be arrested after dark and held for a full night in a police station/custody is something that remains to be clarified at the earliest by the concerned authority. The injured were not spared either, as they were dragged back to police custody from the hospitals without giving them a much needed rest,” alleged the statement. The JAC then questioned as to why democratic and peaceful protestors were dealt with such extreme violence. “Let not the Union government be swayed and misled by the dirty communal politics of Manipur; and let the tribals no longer be seen as second class citizens with lesser human rights or easy victims of filthy political violence…” the JAC appealed.

NEW DELhi, JUNE 8 (iaNs): Lamenting that the educational sector in India presented a “dismal” picture, Vice-President M. Hamid Ansari on Wednesday called for an effective and transparent regulatory mechanism to ensure quality education by private higher education institutions. “... the educational scene in our country today -- primary, secondary and university or professional -- presents a dismal picture as it suffers from the tyranny of numbers; the folly of seeking quick fixes, and indifference to quality,” Ansari said after releasing a book titled ‘The Education President.’ The book, published by the Institute for Higher Education Research and Capacity Building at the O.P. Jindal Global University, talks about the important steps President Pranab Mukherjee took in the field of higher education. Ansari said higher education

institutions had a role to play in imparting knowledge and training the minds of the new generation. He said education sector had witnessed “tremendous” growth, especially with the participation of private players in the last 25 years, though some of the private institutions are merely “degree-granting portals.” “Almost 59 per cent of students in higher education are enrolled in private institutions. While some of these maintain high standards, a majority are lucrative degree-granting portals where infrastructure is not adequate and admission procedure is not transparent,” the Vice-President said. He also expressed concern over the lack of research orientation and the growing financial burden in the form of educational loans. “The cost of higher education in private institutions constitutes a substantial financial burden, thereby

making it increasingly more difficult for economically weaker segments to use education as an opportunity equaliser. This becomes a cause of concern since opportunities for gainful employment are not getting enhanced,” he said. According to the finance ministry data, by December 2014, some 30 lakh students availed of educational loans totaling Rs. 70, 475 crore. Ansari said the growth of private institutions offering professional courses is another issue of concern. He said: “Most private institutions offer education in only a few disciplines -- engineering, medicine and management. They are not concerned about social sciences, fine arts etc. that are essential for allround development of citizens.” The private institutions as a whole lack research orientation in higher education, Ansari added.

Proposed NH-2 bandh temporarily suspended

DimaPUR, JUNE 8 (mExN): The Lotha Hoho and the Rengma Hoho have temporarily suspended the proposed bandh on National Highway (NH) 2. A joint press statement from the two Hohos informed that this decision has been taken following a written assurance provided by the Commissioner and Secretary, and as per the outcome of deliberations with the National Highways Authorities of Nagaland (NHAN), led by the Commissioner and Secretary, W&H and the Chief Engineer, NH. The officials had assured that the works on NH-2, Tseminyu and

Wokha sectors would be started at the earliest date. The two Hohos expressed hope that sanction for the work in question will be obtained within a period of one month (30 days), and copies of the sanction order be made available to the Hohos, as assured during the Tseminyu meeting. The agitation will resume, if the NHAN fails to fulfil its assurance, they cautioned. Earlier the Hohos had resolved not to respond to any call on the matter, except by way of negotiation at Tseminyu or Wokha. The statement informed that accordingly, the Hohos did not respond to a call by the Minister in charge

of NH. However authorities from the NHAN had travelled to Tseminyu on June 7 and deliberated on the issue. It informed that both the Commissioner and Secretary and the Chief Engineer had explained the various aspects and verbally assured the Hohos that the work would be taken up on top priority. “But because of numerous assurances, without practical response, in the past, the Hoho members refused to accept any verbal assurance,” it added. The meeting remained inconclusive, following which the Commissioner and Secretary travelled back to Kohima, and dis-

patched a written assurance to the Hohos through the Deputy Commissioner, Wokha and the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Tseminyu, on the June 8. It may be noted that the Lotha Hoho and the Rengma Hoho has been demanding widening works at NH2, covering Tseminyu and Wokha sectors, from 40 km to Doyang Bridge. “But the work which was subjudiced is from 40 km to 72 km only. Hence unless the works covering the entire sectors are taken up the agitation will resume and continue, till the works covering the entire stretch are taken up,” the statement cautioned.


thursDAY 09•06•2016



Thanamir becomes second complete LED village “In order to become a complete LED light village, the villagers gave up every single tungsten bulb for that of a15 watt LED bulb” Kiphire, June 8 (Mexn): June 7, 2016 will go down the history books as it will mark the day another village under Pungro Sub Division became the second complete LED Light lit village. The benefits of neighboring Fakim Village going complete LED light a couple of months ago have become eminent and Thanamir village soon followed suit. Now the base of Mt. Saramati, the highest peak in Nagaland, will shine brighter as the Apple Village of Nagaland gears itself to go energy efficient. Kamdi Hemant Bhaskar, Wildlife Warden Kip-

hire Division in a press release said that the villagers pledged to make use of natural light, paint interior white to reduce need for lighting, use energy efficient CFL, LED and solar charged lights instead of tungsten bulb, switch off lights when not in use and spread this message to family, friends and relatives. In order to become a complete LED light village, the villagers gave up every single tungsten bulb for that of a15 watt LED bulb. Although far off in the interiors of Nagaland, the villagers of Thanamir has re-

Officials with the GBs of Thanamir Village under Pungro Sub Division, which was officially declared as second complete LED village on June 7.

alized the need to conserve energy thereby protecting our fragile environment. They showed their dedication by contributing one

third of the cost of the LED bulbs. These LED bulbs has a long lifetime of about 20 years with 8 hrs/day use, very energy efficient (80-

90%), eco-friendly (no mercury, 100% recyclable) and withstand rough conditions. They are also workable even during low and

fluctuating voltage which is a huge problem in the area. The initiative was taken up by the Department of Environment, Forest and

DLSU 2nd Academic Excellency Award

DiMapur, June 8 (Mexn): The Dimapur Lotha Students’ Union (DLSU) will be organizing its 2nd edition of Academic Excellency Award to commemorate the outstanding performance of the students of X and XII standards from all streams, including NBSE and CBSE. A press release from Yanthanthung Yanthan, President and Steve Yanthan, Finance Secretary of the DLSU informed that the Union initially organized the Academic Excellency Award in honour of Late Nyamo Lotha, Late Sanchisao Lotha and Late Rhanlamo Lotha, who were the first occupants and pioneers among the Lothas in Dimapur. The mentioned pioneers were known to be major contributors concerning the development of Dimapur town and the awards that follow will be issued in their names, the release said. Students from the Lotha community scoring above 80% are required to submit their names and a photo copy of their mark sheet Maple Tree School celebrated World Oceans Day to build and create awareness among children on the importance of taking at the DSLU office, Lotha Hoho Ki located near DC Court care of oceans and planet. The entire school community of students, teachers and support team came to school dressed in junction, Dimpaur on or before July 25, 2016. For more inthe colour BLUE with the theme “Go Blue”. World Oceans Day – June 8 - is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration formation, contact Yiben Lotha, Educational & Statistical for a better future. This year, people all over our blue planet are celebrating with the theme ‘Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet.’ Secretary - 9862130474, 9862530532, 8730875218.

GHSS Zunheboto facing shortage of teachers

National Health Mission official visits Dimapur

DiMapur, June 8 (Mexn): CK Mishra, Additional Secretary and Mission Director, National Health Mission, Ministry of Health & Family, Government of India visited Dimapur district on June 8. CK Mishra visited the District Hospital Dimapur and had an interactive session with the Dr. K. Vikato Kinimi, Chief Medical Officer, Dr. CW Tungoe, Medical Superintendent and all Medical Officers under Chief Medical Officer and Medical Superintendent and interacted with different Programme Officers. He also visited the Blood

Bank, Labour rooms, wards and the new construction of DH building. During the interactive session, he urged the concerned authority to complete the new DH building on priority basis as Dimapur District caters to the highest patient in-take in the State and also provide health services to patients from all over the State as well as the neighbouring States. CK Mishra also visited Medziphema CHC en route to Kohima district. He will be visiting other Health facilities and will also hold CK Mishra, Additional Secretary and Mission Director, Nameeting with the State Of- tional Health Mission during his visit to District Hospital Dimapur on June 8. ficials during his visit.

All Sumi Students Union (SKK) team with others during the surprise visit to GHSS Zunheboto on June 7.

Zunheboto, June 8 (Mexn): The All Sumi Students Union (SKK) paid a surprise visit at GHSS Zunheboto on June 7 where they interacted with the students and teaching faculty. It was learnt during the interaction that GHSS Zunheboto was facing shortage of teachers for MIL science and Maths subjects. SKK appealed to the students to be sincere in their studies since highly qualified

teachers were being appointed for the students. The Union appealed to the teaching faculty to be sincere and to work as a family for the welfare of the student and school. Therefore, Vikai Yeptho General Secretary, SKK requested to the concerned department to address the problem at the earliest and also informed that surprise checking would continue time to time in order to Executive Secretary, Rev. Hukugha Zhimo along with the programme officials, resource persons, staff and trainees during the new church leaders orientation held from June 6 to 8 at Mission Centre, Nito Mount Zunheboto.(Photo: Nugukato Chishi) curb proxy system.

Governor’s Award presented to toppers

KohiMa, June 8 (Dipr): Governor of Nagaland & Assam PB Acharya presented Governor’s Award to toppers and felicitated rank holders of the HSLC and HSSLC examinations 2016 at Raj Bhavan Kohima on June 8. Acharya exhorted the student that as we are in a changing world where development and advancement of human civilization is at its peak and we should also catch up with the rest of the world. He appealed to all the stakeholders, school managements, institutions and parents to be empowered by education as a responsibility to make our Nagaland a golden state. “Our students empowered by education should not be self centered but for equal development for all our society. We should have a hunger for development,” he said. The Governor also said, “The strength of the chain lies in the weakest link. Our Government Schools are the weakest link in the education link.” While encouraging for making our educational system a joboriented, the Governor said that getting a degree by itself is not the ultimate goal. It is just the begin-

Governor PB Acharya, his wife and others with toppers and rank holders of the HSLC and HSSLC examinations 2016 at Raj Bhavan Kohima on June 8. (DIPR Photo)

ning of a career and added that “Employment and Education” are the two main ‘E’s’ for revolutionary progress of our State. Acharya said educationally empowered people should be a job givers and not job seekers. Governor also advised the students that before they enter into their next stage of life in colleges and universities they should develop their talents, skills and intellect to solve out the challenges and march towards prosperity

and development. Commissioner & Secretary School Education & SCERT, FP Solo in his short speech said that Governor and his wife have genuine care and concern for the Nagas, especially for young people like the students community. They visited places interacting with the ordinary villagers and young people. It is a great encouragement and source of inspiration to many of our children, when they shared mid-day meal

with the students during one of their numerous visits to one Government Primary School. Solo, urged the gathering to pray for their good health, wisdom and long life. Commissioner said today we are here to honour young achievers who, through sheer hard work, have secured top positions in the HSLC & HSSLC examinations. Their results have also demonstrated the kind of potential they have. Therefore, they

must not forget that securing top positions is not the end. It is only the beginning of the journey to realizing their full potential in life, Solo added. He encouraged saying that young people should seize the moment, widen the horizon of their imagination and explore the world of possibilities as everything is within their reach. Solo said, “We are living in a smart age where surviving is not enough.” They need to be very smart in the way they think, do things and live their life and above all they need to have a Smart goal. Their goal should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and testable. Chairman, NBSE Asano Sekhose in her welcome address expressed hope that that more students will emulate their remarkable achievements and excel in their studies and added that beauty of competition is that there is no limit to their dreams and aspirations as long as they continue to work hard with a determined will and application. Words on road to success were delivered by three topers Kikali Achumi, Gulabsa Khatum and Metisivile Seyie.

Climate Change with the help of Department of Land Resources and Mumbai based NGO EcoSolutions, Power Department and District Administration. Ahozhe Sumi, District Project Officer, Department of Land Resources, Kiphire officially declared the Thanamir as second complete LED village of Nagaland and probably Northeast as well. He apprised the villagers that their village is a tourist hotspot and becoming a complete LED Light lit village makes it even more admirable and a move towards a commendable model village. He thanked Kamdi Hemant Bhaskar, Wildlife Warden Kiphire Division for taking the initiative for the noble cause. Wenyei Konyak, ADC Pungro, who was also present emphasized on the far

reaching advantages of LED light bulbs and to continue initiating certain development activities themselves so they can benefit more. Pledge to save electricity was read by the villagers led by K. Kiusang Yim, Range Forest Officer, Kiphire Wildlife Division. Others who were present at the event were Chonpenthung Ezung, EAC Khongsa, Samuel, EAC Kuisam and M. Daniel, JE (Electrical), Pungro. Lansothung Lotha, Range Forest Officer, Kiphire Wildlife Division, acknowledged the gesture of Ahozhe Sumi, District Project Officer, Department of Land Resources, Kiphire and Yatendra Agarval, Trustee of EcoSolutions, Mumbai for assisting Thanamir Village Council in achieving this new landmark.

MEx File

CEO and team to visit Mkg & Zbto MoKoKchung, June 8 (Dipr): The Chief Electoral Officer and senior officials of the Election Department is scheduled to visit Wokha, Mokokchung and Zunheboto on June 15 and 16 in connection with the ongoing National Electoral Roll Purification (NERP) programme 2016 and the Systematic Voters’ Education & Electoral Participation (SVEEP) campaign. In this regard, the concerned district administrative officers, supervisors and specified BLOs are requested to attend the meeting without fail.

Chang Union Kohima general meeting held KohiMa, June 8 (Mexn): Chang Union Kohima held its general meeting on June 28 at State Academy Hall, Kohima, where the house nominated a new team of office bearers and Executive Council for the year 2016 to 2019. The new team will be led by Tiameren Chang as President, Zungkum Chang as V/President, WB Mongko as General Secretary, and Sendi Chongshen as Joint Secretary. The Executive Council will be headed by Lotem Chang and Imtitongpang Chang as Chairman and Secretary.

DVC constitutes new team DiMapur, July 8 (Mexn): As per the directive of the Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur, Diphupar Village Council (DVC) has constituted a new team of the village council for the tenure 2016-2021. Lanutoshi and E Philip Lotha were selected as the Chairman and Secretary of the council respectively, informed a press release from DVC Secretary.

DNRE informs on solar street light KohiMa, June 8 (Mexn): The Directorate of New & Renewable Energy informed all the VDB/VC/GB’s who have applied for solar street light to the Directorate from 2011-2014 to meet the DNRE officer in-charge or see the beneficiary list in DNRE office notice board and accordingly deposit the beneficiary’s share of Rs. 9000 per solar street light on or before June 30 failing which, the allotted nos, will be re-allotted to other VDB/VC/GBs from the waiting list. The beneficiary villages have also been requested to furnish the village map, marking the spot where solar street light are to be installed. The same should be handed over to the DNRE office by hand post on or before July 31. This was stated in a release issued by Er. T.S. Angami, director new & renewable energy.

KLC gets Moot Court Room–cum–Library KohiMa, June 8 (Mexn): The Kohima Law College conducted a brief dedication service of its Moot Court Room–cum–Library at Jail colony, Kohima on June 3. Dedicatory prayer was done by Kedo Peseyie, Pastor, City Church Kohima, while the service was led by Professorin-Charge for the conduct of Moot Courts, Kezhokhoto Savi. Principal, Visevonuo Pienyu delivered the welcome address and Administrator & former Principal, Akang Ao exhorted the students.

Kohima College informs KohiMa, June 8 (Mexn): The Kohima College Kohima informed all the Ist, 3rd and 5th (Odd) semester students of the college that there will be an orientation programme at the college on June 13 at 9:30 AM. All the students have been asked to attend the same positively.

Midland Panchayat elects new team KohiMa, June 8 (Mexn): The Midland Panchayat, Kohima has elected a new team of office bearers for the tenure 2016-2019. President- Visa Meru, vice chairmanNgulho Mepfhuo and Hokuto Swu, general secretaryVihu Meyase, joint secretary- Kopelo Krome and Thejazelie Tase, treasurer- Dr. Keduvizo Visa, information & publicity incharge- youth organization, president youth organization- Tsoto Sale, president women organizationAmeü Kire, advisor- P. Atuo Mezhür, Imkonglemba, IAS and Kedozolie Nihu.

Water supply to Thahekhu disrupted DiMapur, June 8 (Mexn): The water supply to Thahekhu Village has been disrupted due to damage of main pipe line near Thahekhu Village gate. Sub-divisional officer PHED, M Merentoshi Walling in a press release informed that the damage has been occurred due to earth digging by JCB for ongoing road construction. Therefore, the department has appealed to the concerned water supply consumer to bear with the department for the inconvenience.

ThursDAY 09•06•2016 18




JCILPS shutdown affects NIA convicts UNLF chairman Meghen normal life in Manipur Newmai News Network Imphal | June 8

Imphal, June 8 (IanS): A dawn-to-dusk general strike called by the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System (JCILPS), to protect the indigenous people of the state, paralysed normal life in Manipur on Wednesday. All educational institutes, shops and commercial establishments and public facilities were shut down. No vehicle except those exempt by the JCILPS plied on the streets. Attendance in hospitals and essential services was low. The protests come a day after it was officially conveyed that President Pranab Mukherjee has refused assent to the three contentious bills. The bills are the Manipur Land Reforms and Land Revenue (7th Amendment) Bill, 2015, the Manipur Shops and Establishment (2nd Amendment) Bill, 2015 and the Manipur Protection of Peoples Bill, 2015. B.K. Moirangcha, convener in charge of the JCILPS said: "It is in protest

Two migrant workers shot in Manipur Imphal, June 8 (IanS): Two migrant workers from Uttar Pradesh have been shot and wounded in the Manipur capital, police said on Wednesday. Ramu Patel, 34, and Surender Patel, 36, both masons, had settled down in Manipur over a year ago. They were targeted on Tuesday night. The two were buying consumer items at Thangmeiband in Imphal when a man against refusal by the central government to give assent to the three bills intended to regularise the entry of migrant workers and protect the indigenous people. The motive of the central government in refusing to give the assent is questionable. There are 39 ethnic tribes and communities in Manipur and these bills are for their protection." Meanwhile tribal organisations have announced the imposition of a 10-day economic blockade along the national highways from Thursday midnight. In practical terms it will hit the entire state since nothing can be brought to

emerged from the dark and shot at them. "They sustained life threatening injuries. The gunman fled," a police officer said. Gun attacks on migrant workers in Manipur have resumed after a long gap. The earlier attacks on and quit notices to migrants halted after Manipuri students and professionals staying in other states protested that they will be at the receiving end if there were reprisals.

Manipur as the highways snake through tribal villages. Besides seriously ill persons, candidates for various job interviews and students cannot leave Imphal during this siege. All work in national projects like laying down rail lines will be banned during the blockade. A statement said: "The tribals in Manipur have been ill treated and the three bills are just one instance. We shall take nothing short of a permanent and sustainable solution." The tribal organisations maintain that this is not the end of the problems of tribals. "There are other plans like commissions on pop-

ulation and land reforms which will be against the interest of the tribals. Besides there is a growing demand to make the valley dwellers, the Meiteis, the majority community - Scheduled Tribe. The tribals seem to fear that if the educationally and otherwise advanced communities become tribals they will usurp the job reservations and other benefits. Meanwhile, students and women have been launching various forms of agitation. The roadmap has changed from Wednesday following the refusal by the President to give assent to the three bills passed by the Manipur Assembly on August 31, 2015.

One of Manipur’s top rebel leader was today convicted by a special court of NIA, Guwahati. According to an Imphal-based newspaper, the NIA court verdict, announced on Wednesday, convicted Chairman of the banned United National Liberation Front (UNLF) RK Meghen to 10 years rig-

year at a public function in Dibrugarh town. The 50,000-tonne a year wax plant was commissioned in March last year at a cost of Rs 676 crore. The country's largest wax producing unit has indigenous technology developed by the Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP) Dehradun, Engineers India Ltd (EIL) and NRL. Since its wax plant was commissioned, the NRL has emerged as the largest manufacturer and marketer of wax in the country with a market share of more

than 52 per cent. Leveraging on the inherent properties of waxrich crude oil from Assam's oil fields, the plant is designed to produce superior quality paraffin and microcrystalline wax. It is a worthy manifestation of the "Make in India" campaign of the central government. Till now, a major part of the country's annual demand for paraffin wax along with the entire demand for micro-crystalline wax was being met through imports. NRL's wax plant has minimised the sup-

Lumding-Silchar train services resume SIlchar, June 8 (Tnn): Goods trains chugged along the 210-km Lumding-Silchar hill section of Northeast Frontier Railway(NFR) on Tuesday after 21 days, once the route was restored. Train services in the section had been cancelled since May 16 because of landslide triggered by heavy rainfall in many places that falls in the Barail Hills range. Mud, soil, boulders and debris came down the Barail Hills on the railway tracks in between Faiding and Mahur, Migrendisa and Mahur and New Haflong and Migrendisa stations. Soil under the tracks was washed away in some places. Engineers and workers

had a tough time working to repair the route and resume train services over the past three weeks. An NFR official said empty goods trains were made to run through the route on Tuesday successfully. The railways are hopeful that loaded goods trains and passenger trains will also run soon. People of this region have been suffering a lot because of the disruption in the train services for the past three weeks as the route is considered a lifeline for the people of southern Assam, Tripura, Mizoram and parts of Manipur. This has also increased the prices of essential commodities in the region's markets.


It is regretted to inform that Pfutsero power transformer 2.5 MVA developed defective on 7th June 2016. The power department are trying their level best to restore at the earliest. Public are requested to bear the inconvenience. Informed by SDO JUDICIAL MISC CASE NO. 20 OF 2006 ARISING OUT OF EXECUTION CASE NO. 21/93/5/2000 IN COURT OF CIVIL JUDGE SR DIV-II MANIPUR EAST, CA NO: CDR/25TF/02/87-88 AND CA NO :- CDR/25TF/03/87-88 1. It is brought out in the kind notice of the general public that M/S SM Construction Company/Partner of the firms earlier working as Handling and Conveyance Contractor with Border Roads Organisation (GREF) are not traceable on their following address known to the Govt:(a) M/S SM Construction CO.(Engineer & Contractor) Station Feed Road,Siliguri-734405 (b) Shri. Bijaya Kumar Agarwal, S/o Shri Ram Gopal Agarwal. Branch Office: 724, Shrimantha Market, AT Road, Guwahati (c) Shri. Shawarmal Agarwal, S/o Late Radha Krishan Agarwal. Branch Office: 724, Shrimantha Market, AT Road, Guwahati (d) Offices at different locations (i) C/o Steel Craft Industries, Golaghat Road, Dimapur (Nagaland) (ii) C/o Jaju Saw Mill, Kendururi AT Road, Jorhat (Assam) (iii) C/o Ram Nandan Roay, Mantripukhri, Imphal (Manipur) (iv) C/o Hotel King Pagla Sthan, Bongaigaon (Assam) 2. It is therefore requested that where about the above mentioned persons if known to anyone be intimated on under mentioned address :HQ 25 BRTF (GREF) C/o 99 APO (Imphal) Pin-930025 Phone No:- 0388-2414703; Fax No:- 0385-2412422 Email www.bro.nic.In Davp: 37102/11/0153/1617

conflict is plebiscite.” The 70-year-old, a member of Manipur’s erstwhile Royal family, is a graduate of International Relations from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He was arrested by a team of NIA from Dhaka in 2011. Since then, he had been detained in the custody of NIA, Guwahati. Before his arrest, 11 UNLF activists were arrested and then more were

further arrested after investigation by NIA. UNLF claims that Meghen was arrested from Dhaka by a combined team of Indian intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and its Bangladeshi counterparts before being handed over to India. The former chairman of UNLF was charged for “waging war” against India by the NIA.

Mizoram to start Bru repatriation from Nov aIzawl, June 8 (Tnn): The Mizoram government has announced that it will start the process of repatriating 3,445 Bru families from six relief camps in North Tripura district from November this year, in accordance with the Road Map-V prepared by the home department. However, Bru leaders in the relief camps have made certain demands before returning to Mizoram. A senior home department official told TOI on Tuesday that the Union ministry of home affairs had given a verbal nod to the Road Map-V, which was submitted to it on May 17, but the state government was yet to be intimated about it. Joint secretary (northeast), ministry of home affairs Satyendra Garg visited Naisingpara relief camp in Kanchanpur subdivision of North

NRL sends 1st consignment of paraffin wax to Kenya GuwahaTI, June 8 (IanS): Assam's Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) has sent its first consignment of Type-II paraffin wax to the Rok Industries in Kenya from its marketing terminal in Golaghat, the refinery said on Wednesday. The 60-tonne consignment was flagged off by the refinery's Technical Director S.R. Medhi on Tuesday evening. The NRL's wax plant was dedicated to the nation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in February this

orous imprisonment. The court also announced imprisonment of 7 to 10 years for 17 other members of the UNLF. Meghen, also known as Sanayaima, has been fighting for nearly 35 years since he left his home in Imphal to lead an armed fight for Manipur sovereignty. He believes that Manipur is “under Martial Law and that the "most democratic means to resolve

ply deficit in the domestic market substantially, thus reducing imports. Paraffin wax is used in making candles, tarpaulin sheets, food grade wrappers and in PVC pipe manufacturing industries while micro-crystalline Wax finds widespread application in the manufacture of tyres, rubber products, paints and polishes, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Tripura district on last Friday and appealed to the Brus to return to Mizoram en masse during the repatriation process to be undertaken by the state government. The home department officials said the proposed expenditure for the repatriation process was estimated at over Rs68 crore while the state government still had left aside Rs8 crore unspent because of its failed attempt to repatriate the Brus last year. Mizoram Bru Displaced People's Forum (MBDPF) president A Sawibunga has said he is not sure if the Brus will be at all willing to return to Mizoram this time, unless the authorities met a series of demands made by them. Sawibunga said their demands included resettlement of at least 500 families in one place, increase of re-



habilitation package from Rs85,000 to Rs1.5 lakh, allocation of plots for the repatriated families, conferment of Kashmiri pundit status and security cover in the Bru areas by deployment of central military forces. Thousands of Brus migrated to neighbouring Tripura after Bru National Liberation Front (BNLF) militants gunned down Lalzawmliana, a game watcher working under the Mizoram Environment and Forests department, inside the Dampa Tiger Reserve along the MizoramTripura-Bangladesh border on October 21, 1997. Another wave of exodus was triggered by the murder of Zarzokima, a young boy near Bungthuam village on November 13, 2009, three days before the commencement of the first proposed repatriation.




Dt. Dimapur the, 8th June ‘2016

NO.REV-1/90-D/7285/ Notice is hereby given that Smti. B. Abenla Jamir resident of Dimapur who has apply for issue of mortgage clearance concerning to Patta No. 1754, Dag No. 6817 measuring an area 02-03-12 located at Block No/ Village Nagagaon, Mouza No. 03 which has been mortgage in the SBI Bank. Claims & Objection if any on the aforesaid land may be submitted in written in the Court of the undersigned on or before 16-06-16 Sd/- Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur: Nagaland

Dated Pfro, the 24th May' 2016

NOTICE Whereas Smti. Vekhotsolu Kezo W/o Late Zuvepra Kezo, D/ Runner Forest Department, Kikruma village has applied for Issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act 1925 to draw the service benefit and family pension etc, belonging to Late Zuvepra Kezo, D/Runner Forest Department , Kikruma village, who expired on the 17-02-2016. Therefore, notice is hereby issued inviting any claims and objections from the public pertaining to above mentioned property and to submit the same to the office of the Additional Deputy Commissioner Pfutsero within a period of 30 days from issue of this notice. In the event of this office not receiving any claims and objections within the stipulated time, Succession Certificate mill be issued to the applicant as prayed for. (SANGMAI C. IMLONG) Additional Deputy Commissioner, Pfutsero

LIBRA CONSULTANCY By INTCW SOCIETY Regd.No H/Rs.3935/2004, Govt of Nagaland

STUDY IN- BANGALORE, CHENNAI, HYDERABAD, RAJASTHAN, KOLKATA ETC MBBS, BDS, B.SC. NURSING, GNM, ENGINEERING, AGRI, HORTI, FORESTRY MBA, MCA, M.COM, MSc, MSW, MA, BCA, BBA, BHM, LLB, BA, B.PHARM, BHA etc DIPLOMA in Engg *Lateral Entry in Engg All college are inspected and recognised. Admission as per University rules. (Counseling also for drop outs & failed students in relevant course) www.intsociety,org – Notun Basti Dimapur #9612160086, 9774587927, 9862370317 (Information Center) = Time 10.00 am – 2.00 pm Kohima – Tibetian Market 1st Floor Shop No. 18 Phoolbari Mokokchung – Lily Shop below old town hall Dilong Ward Advertise sponsored by SVIET College, Punjab.



Ref. No. NPF/CYW/PRESS/2015-20

Date : 8th June 2016


Dated 8th June 2016 The NPF Central Youth Wing is once again compelled to issue Press Rejoinder against the statement issue by one A.C. Kharingpam which appears in the local dailies on 8th June 2016 under the caption “ Neiphiu Rio held meeting to deliberate on-going Naga Issue”. As for the NPF Central Youth Wing, we do not feel it necessary to engage ourselves to debate with one A.C. Kharingpam who is claiming himself to be the Convenor of the said meeting held on 3rd June 2016 at New Delhi. However, to clear the confusion created by him and his group, it is necessary to reproduce the meeting circulation in social media on dated 2nd June 2016, Quote “ Dear Nagas in Delhi, Our Honourable Lok Sabha MP Shri Neiphiu Rio would like to interact with the elders, student leaders and well wishers of the Nagas living in Delhi, in connection with the ongoing fiasco of the NPF back home. Please come and be part of the interaction. When: 3/6/2016 at 6:30 PM Sharp. Where : 5 Balwant Rai Mehta Lane, New Delhi-110001 (Kasturba Gandhi Marg). Light dinner will be served. So for the convenience of preparation, please confirm participation at the earliest by watsapp/sms to any of the nos. : 1. Anthony- 9711036321, 2. Cornelius- 9999591339 and 3. Kharingpam – 9999156001. Thank you.” Unquote. From the above circulation, it is confirmed beyond doubt that the said meeting held at the proposed venue was called specifically to discuss on the suspension issue of Neiphiu Rio. As such it is totally misleading on the part of the organizers to say that, the said meeting was called to deliberate on the on-going Naga political issue. It is also too narrow on the part of the organizer to allege the NPF Central Youth Wing, that it has delegated/assigned some moles into their meeting. The Youth Wing denies delegating any person to the said meeting as we do not recognize such meeting or gathering to discuss NPF party affairs. Since the said gathering claims to be an intellectual gathering, they are expected to know that, in this advance technology world- nothing can be kept hidden, even if discussions are made within four walls. The organizers should not twist their invitation message, which is circulated widely in social media. Therefore, the organizers of the said meeting on 3rd June 2016 at Delhi should not suspect the NPF Central Youth Wing in sending any mole in their private gathering where NPF Party has nothing to interfere in their private affairs. The Central Youth Wing in this last rejoinder on this particular issue, however re-iterates that any member of the party, who has any grievances with the party, should raise the issue within the party forum and not anywhere else. Issued by : Media Cell, NPF Central Youth Wing, HQ. Kohima : Nagaland.


DIRECTORATE OF INDUSTRIES & COMMERCE ADMISSION NOTICE Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for Admission to ‘Diploma in Tool & Die Making’ Course (4 years specialization course in tool design and manufacturing) at Nagaland Tool Room & Training Centre, Dimapur. Hands on Machines at NTTC, Dimapur

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20th June 2016.

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ThursDAY 09•06•2016



India, US to enhance cooperation in cyber-security Amazon to invest $3 bn in India time basis, when practiWashington, June cal and consistent with 8 (ians): India and the US existing bilateral arstressed on cooperation rangements, about maon cyber issues, including licious cyber-security to promote closer coopthreats, attacks and aceration between their law tivities, and establishenforcement agencies to ing appropriate mechacombat cybercrime and nisms to improve such also to share information information sharing; on a real time on malicious cyber-security threats • Developing joint mechanisms for practical coand establish appropriate operation to mitigate mechanisms to improve cyber threats to the sesuch information sharing. curity of ICT infrastrucA fact sheet on the ture and information framework for the US-India contained therein conCyber Relationship, issued sistent with their respecduring the visit of Prime tive obligations under Minister Narendra Modi in domestic and internaWashington on Tuesday, tional law; says that cooperation on cyber issues is a key com- • Promoting cooperation in the fields of cyber-seponent of the bilateral recurity-related research lationship between India and development, cyand the US. ber-security standards and security testing in• Both sides recognise the cluding accreditation value of enhancing and process, and cyber-sefurther institutionalizcurity product developing their broad-based ment, including further cooperation on cyber isconsultations on such sues, and in that respect, issues; intend to complete a framework based on the • Elaborating and implementing practical meafollowing shared princisures that contribute to ples and intended forms the security of ICT infraof cooperation. structure on a voluntary • Sharing information on and mutual basis; a real time or near real

• Continuing to promote cooperation between law enforcement agencies to combat cybercrime including through training workshops, enhancing dialogue and processes and procedures, and setting up consultations as needed; • Improving the capacity of law enforcement agencies through joint training programs, including equipping them to draft appropriate requests for electronic evidence in accordance with the respective laws and regulations of the United States and India; • Undertaking skill development and capacity building programs jointly in the fields of cyber-security, efforts to combat cybercrime, digital forensics, and legal frameworks; • Promoting the applicability of international law to state conduct in cyberspace and further exploring how it applies to state conduct in cyberspace. • Promoting voluntary norms of responsible state behavior in peace-

idence and mitigating time, including the malicious cyber activity norms identified by the emanating from its terriUN Group of Governtory. mental Experts in the Field of Information and • A state should not conduct or knowingly supTelecommunications in port ICT-enabled theft the Context of Internaof intellectual property, tional Security including trade secrets or other confidential Committing to voluntary business information, norms under which with the intent of pro• A state should not conviding competitive adduct or knowingly supvantages to companies port online activity that or commercial sectors; intentionally damages critical infrastructure or • Cooperating mutually on telecom security reotherwise impairs the lated issues such as teleuse of critical infrastructure to provide services com equipment security standards and testing, to the public, including accreditation • A state should not conduct or knowingly supof entities; port activity intended to • Developing a common and shared understandprevent national CSIRTs ing of international cyfrom responding to cyber stability, and destaber incidents. States bilizing cyber activity; should also not use CSIRTs to enable online • Discussing and sharing strategies to promote activity that is intended the integrity of the supto do harm, ply chain to enhance • A state should coopuser’s confidence in the erate, in a manner consistent with its dosecurity of ICT products and services. mestic law and international obligations, with • Continuing to promote requests for assistance dialogue on incident response best practices; from other States in investigating cybercrimes, • Facilitating joint tablecollecting electronic evtop exercises covering

priority cyber-security scenarios to advance specific cooperation. • Supporting the multistakeholder model of Internet governance; • Continuing our dialogue and engagement in Internet governance fora, including Icann, IGF and other venues, and to support active participation by all stakeholders of the two countries in these fora; • Holding consultations and taking steps towards improving the effectiveness of transnational cybercrime cooperation; • Strengthening critical Internet infrastructure in India; • Working to ensure shared understanding of technology access policy, including dual use technologies sought to be controlled by either country, including through such mechanisms as the bilateral High Technology Cooperation Group. The complete Framework for the US-India Cyber Relationship, is expected to be signed within 60 days.

India to add 25 new 4 Indian on Forbes’ 100 most-powerful women list York, June 8 (Pti): Four crisscrossing the globe to broker in- ence magazine. airstrips this year: Jaitley neW Bhartia is ranked 93rd on the list Indian women, including SBI Manag- ternational agreements and provide neW Delhi, June 8 (Pti): Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today said India needs airports of global quality and 25 regional airstrips will be added this year. “Logically there is no reason that airports and airlines in India should not do well. We have amongst largest number of people in the world, we have a large number of expatriate, we have economy which can legitimately claim being the fastest growing economy of the world,” he said. Jaitley said there is a very large section of people who use airports as a hub for their activity and its “obvious that India needs airport of global quality”. In this year alone, the Finance Minister said, the government has ambitious target of adding 25 regional airports to the already functional 70 airports. “Time is not very far off when India will be one of the few countries in the world with functional airports in literally three digits,” he said at a function organised by the Delhi Airport. Decision on this will be taken soon, says Jaitley. The Public Private Partnership (PPP) of Delhi Airport has completed 10 years and it has been a learning experience, he said, adding that it also shows India’s gradual progress story. Citing examples of airports in Gulf countries, he said airports play a significant role in globalisation, connecting cities and countries encouraging international commerce and tourism. Government will not hesitate to provide capital beyond the Rs 25,000 crore budgeted for the current fiscal, says Jaitley.

ing director Arundhati Bhattacharya and ICICI Bank Managing director Chanda Kochhar, are in the new list of Forbes’ world’s 100 most powerful women who are building billion-dollar brands and calling the shots in the financial markets. The Forbes ‘100 Most Powerful Women’ in the world list 2016, topped by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, includes PepsiCo Chief Indra Nooyi, Biocon Founder Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw and HT Media head Shobhana Bhartia. Forbes said this year’s most powerful women are the “smartest and toughest female business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, philanthropists and CEOs making their mark in the world today. “They’re women who are building billion-dollar brands, calling the shots in the financial markets, and

aid,” the magazine said. Bhattacharya, 60, ranked 25th on the list, is facing her “most challenging test” yet with State Bank of India facing mounting bad loans, which stood at $11 billion in December, Forbes said. Kochhar comes in on the 40th spot and Forbes said as boss of the country’s largest privatesector lender, Kochhar, 54 has to contend with the “current bane of India’s banking system: bad loans.” In a bid to retain female staff, Kochhar launched ‘iWork@home’, which allows employees to work from home for a year. Mazumdar-Shaw is ranked 77th on the list. The 63-year old “selfmade” business leader positioned Biocon as a large player in insulin and her company is the only Asian firm ranked among the top 20 biotech employers worldwide by Sci-


Daily Cross WorD ACROSS 1. Short sleeps 5. An act of gracious kindness 10. Cold-shoulder 14. With competence 15. Pee 16. Not a single one 17. Consider 18. Reliable 20. City on San Francisco Bay 22. A type of hormone 23. L 24. Homes for birds 25. Gossips 32. Utilizers 33. Angry 34. “Eureka!” 37. Small 38. Parish land 39. A long way off 40. Unhappy 41. Slogan 42. A firm open-weave fabric 43. Star-gazing place 45. Fastener 49. French for “Friend” 50. Stewardess 53. Cleft 57. Enteric 59. False god 60. Vice President 61. Practical 62. School session 63. Makes a mistake 64. Dutch pottery city 65. Wild Tibetan oxen DOWN 1. . zero 2. Cain’s brother 3. Urgent request 4. Isotropy 5. Jumble 6. Region 7. Very Important Person 8. 1 1 1 1 9. Lease


Global smartphone sales to slow but not in India


Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”

Game Number # 3603

Answer Number # 3602

People listen and take pictures as U.S. President Barack Obama speaks on the economy at Florida Atlantic University on April 10, 2012 in Boca Raton, Florida. (Getty Images)

neW Delhi, June 8 (ians): Global smartphone sales will continue to slow down and will no longer grow in double digits, a new report has said. But India still has the highest growth potential. Sales internationally are expected to grow 7% in 2016, to reach 1.5 billion units, according to the report from market research firm Gartner. The expected growth in 2016 is down from 14.4% growth in 2015. “The smartphone market will no longer grow at the levels it has reached over the last 7 years. Smartphone sales recorded their highest growth in 2010, reaching 73%,” said Anshul Gupta, research director at Gartner. The report said the smartphone market had reached 90 per cent penetration in the mature markets of North America, Western Europe, Japan and the Asia Pacific region, slowing future growth. Also, the users in these regions were not replacing or upgrading their smartphone as often as in previous years. “In the mature markets, premium phone users are extending life cycles to 2.5 years, which is not going to change drastically over the next 5 years,” Gupta added. Communications Service Providers (CSPs) have moved away from subsidies providing a free smartphone every two years, which had led to more varied upgrade cycles. Since mature markets are saturated, the focus for many vendors is on India and China. “India has the highest growth potential. Sales of feature phones totalled 167 million units in 2015, 61% of total mobile phone sales (are) in India,” Gupta noted. Smartphones are expensive for users in India. But with the average selling prices of low-end models falling, Gartner said 139 million smartphones would be sold in India in 2016, growing 29.5% year over year.


and the 59-year-old media baroness serves as chairperson and editorial director for India’s largest listed media company, HT Media. Nooyi is ranked 14th on the list and Forbes said in May 2016, she successfully sidestepped a proxy war with activist investor Nelson Peltz’s Trian Fund, which had pressured the company to split, by adding another board member. The list also includes Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on the second spot, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (3), Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (7), US First Lady Michelle Obama (13), Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi (26), Queen Elizabeth II (29), Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina (36), Nepalese President Bidya Devi Bhandari (52) and UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova (89).








10. Type of drum 11. Vagabonds 12. Dim 13. Requires 19. Compacted 21. L L L L 25. Sounds of reproof 26. Largest continent 27. Care for 28. Leans 29. Mountain crest 30. Work hard 31. French for “Summer” 34. Hairdo 35. Found on most heads 36. Troops 38. Mouth (British slang) 39. Action 41. Broods 42. Identical 44. Rapscallion 45. A herb 46. Hermit 47. Daisylike bloom 48. Stairs 51. An upright in a wall 52. Location 53. Young cow 54. Notion 55. Stopper 56. Shade trees 58. zero

Washington, June 8 (Pti): American e-commerce giant Amazon will invest USD 3 billion more in India to tap the growth of online shopping in the fast growing economy, the company’s founder and CEO Jeff Bezos said today. “Amazon will invest USD 3 billion more in India. This is in addition to the USD 2 billion announced in 2014,” Bezos said at the annual gala of US India Business Council (USIBC) which was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “We have already created some 45,000 jobs in India and continue to see huge potential in the Indian economy,” Bezos said. Amazon, which en-

tered the Indian market in 2013, faces stiff competition from domestic rivals Snapdeal and Flipkart. “Our Amazon.in team is surpassing even our most ambitious planned milestones...,” Bezos said after receiving USIBC’s Global Leadership Awards. Star India, a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox, also said it will invest an additional USD 5 billion over the next 3 years.

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ThursdAY 09•06•2016


Rationalization of PETs will be taken up: Education Minister Conference of Physical Education Teachers underway Our Correspondent Kohima | June 8

A three-day training cum conference of Physical Education Teachers (PETs) on newly printed Handbook on Physical Education organized by Directorate of School Education got underway here today at Ura Academy Hall with Minister for School Education and SCERT, Yitachu as the chief guest. Yitachu, while dwelling on the importance of Physical Education, said mind is the most powerful part of human body and one needs to have a very positive mind. But, he said it is only when the person is physically healthy and strong that the mind will be fit and strong, which can be achieved only through Physical Education.

Minister Yitachu addressing inaugural session of the three-day training cum conference of PET at Ura Academy Hall in Kohima on June 8. (Morung Photo)

Physical Education is a very important segment of education system as good physical health is more important than wealth or property, but Nagas are fond of owning property more than physical fitness, he said, stressing on the requirement

Naga Hoho condemns police brutality KohiMa, JuNe 8 (MexN): The Naga Hoho has condemned the “excessive force” allegedly used by the Delhi Police and Manipur Rifles on the peaceful protesters outside the Manipur Bhavan, New Delhi on June 7. A press release from the Secretary of Naga Hoho (Administration) mentioned that the members of Manipur Tribals' Forum, Delhi (MTFD) were gathered outside Manipur Bhavan to register their resentment against the infamous three “Antitribal Bills” and the “All Manipur political party” delegates. The tribal political party, like the NPF, was not part of the delegation or even part of the discussion about the delegation, the Hoho said. The press release also mentioned that the “so called All Political Party was a farcical representation led by Manipur Chief Minister,

Ibobi Singh.” According to the release, it was reported that the act of the Manipur Rifles manning the gate and throwing stones upon the peaceful protesters from the Manipur Bhavan’s terrace created a chaotic situation. “The brutality displayed by both the Delhi Police and the Manipur Rifles, caused serious injuries leading to assaults and even the molestation of two female protesters,” it alleged. The Hoho further said that “improper execution of authority during the given situation was said to have been witnessed through the assaults on the peaceful protestors even inside the PCR van.” The Naga Hoho pledged for a thorough investigation of the lathi charge that was carried out and the immediate release of the peaceful protestors along with their medical expenses taken care of.

for change. Pointing out that many schools are without PET while some have 2-3, he said rationalizing of teachers will be taken up so that schools with extra PET can be transferred to schools not having any. In this, he suggested that PETs can opt to join neighbouring schools without PET. On departmental cadre review, the Minister said the process has been hampered because of too many interference by stakeholders within the department. He therefore appealed to all the stakeholders to allow the department to come out with the structure of cadre review and if need be, changes can be made as per requirement. He also suggested having a common Additional Director for all the different branches within the Department, inclusive of Physical Education, Planning, Language and Hindi. Reiterating his call to those employed in 2-3 departments, other than School Education, to sincerely work only in one department, he cautioned that after the

grace period is over, stern action would be initiated as such acts are depriving opportunities for thousands of educated unemployed youths. He said June 30, 2016 has been fixed as grace period for such employees. The minister further expressed hope that the three-day conference will come out with practical and genuine recommendations viable for implementation in the schools. On the occasion, the Minister also released newly printed Handbook for Physical Education Teachers and students of Nagaland from Classes 6-10. Additional Director, School Education, Pollem Tep exhorting the gathering said learning cannot be confined to class-room alone but it should go along with physical education, which is a very important supplement to other learning process. Further, he said that sports have become very important. Expressing that PETs have very important role to play in schools, he called upon the PETs to come forward and build the career of students.

NPRAAF urges govt to cancel all ‘backdoor’ appointments

DiMapur, JuNe 8 (MexN): The Nagaland Public Rights Awareness and Action Forum (NPRAAF) has welcomed the move of the State government in banning all ad-hoc/ casual/ temporary/ work-charged appointments as notified by the P&AR department through an Office Memorandum (OM) dated June 6. NPRAAF in a press note issued by its Information & Publicity Cell stated that it is a huge relief for thousands of educated unemployed youth who are struggling hard to get government jobs through a fair and impartial system of open competition. However, the Forum stat-

ed that the OM banning contractual appointments aims to serve only as a “prevention/ vaccination against outbreak of further destructive disease of backdoor appointments.” The Office Memorandum, it said, does in no way “cure the disease which has already afflicted the society very deeply. Hence, it is important that while preventive measures are taken, the cure to existing diseases is extremely important and the government must evolve with another step to cleanse the government of all backdoor appointments which has deprived immense job opportunities to qualified people,” the note stated. It added, “Even if the ban on

contractual appointments is to be 100% successful, yet if all sorts and classes of existing backdoor appointments in the government are not rooted out thoroughly, the disease of corruption shall remain entrenched.” Therefore, NPRAAF has called upon the government to take a bold step to cancel all backdoor appointments in the government system and let justice be made available to all bonafide citizens. Meantime, NPRAAF extended its support and cooperation to the Nagaland Voluntary Consumers’ Organization in their fight for the rights of the consumers and against backdoor appointments.

Akuluto Town to be upgraded to ADC (HQ) Gangpong Konyak visits Ponghong ZuNheboto, JuNe 8 boto and decided to forward spoke on the need of Under (Dipr): The District Plan- the same to the department Trial Prisoners (UTP) Cell as NSCN (Reformation) designated camp ning & Development Board (DPDB) of Zunheboto has approved the up-gradation of Akuluto Town from SDO (C) to ADC (HQ). In its monthly meeting held at the DC conference hall here on June 8, the board also approved the construction of college gate at Zunheboto Government College. Opening of HSLC Examination Centre at Aghunato Town, construction of retaining wall between NST and AOC, Zunheboto were also approved during the meeting. Meanwhile, the meeting discussed the construction of Multi Purpose Hall cum Cultural Complex in Zunhe-

concerned for approval. Parliamentary Secretary for Soil and Water Conservation, Pukhayi Assumi, who is the new Chairman of the board, in his welcome address, encouraged all the HoDs to remain sincere and support him in taking the district forward. He also urged all HoDs to attend the DPDB meeting regularly. Parliamentary Secretary, IPR, Khekaho Assumi encouraged for PowerPoint presentation in every meeting so as to check the functioning and activities of all departments visually. Superintendent of Police, Zunheboto, Krodi Rhetso

Zunheboto is the only district without the facility. General Secretary, SKK, Vikai stressed on the dilapidated Government High Schools in the district and sought more help from the government for infrastructure and shortage of teachers. The DPDB Chairman in his concluding remark asked every officer to value oneself and be honest in their duties and responsibilities. Department of Forest, Environment and Climate Change and Education Department will present a PowerPoint presentation in the next meeting.

DPDB Dimapur approves schemes under LADP DiMapur, JuNe 8 (Dipr): Parliamentary Secretary for Irrigation & Flood Control and Chairman, DPDB Dimapur, Jacob Zhimomi briefed the DPDB members on the reallocation of convergence fund under LADP during 2015 to 2016 in the monthly meeting of the board held at DC’s conference hall here on June 6. He informed that during 2015-2016, an amount of Rs. 600.00 lakh @ Rs. 10 lakh per constituency was set aside from LADP fund for taking up convergence activities under MGNREGA Act. Regretting that the convergence of LADP and MGNREGA could not ma-

terialise due to technical reasons, Jacob informed that the fund has been reverted to LADP for taking up schemes/projects as per LADP guidelines. In this respect, the Board after examining the schemes submitted by the five Assembly Constituencies approved the schemes amounting to Rs.10 lakh for each Assembly Constituency against the reallocation of convergence fund under LADP during 2015 -2016. The meeting further recommended up-gradation of Springfield School, Ruzaphema Block III based on the records and inspection reports given by the administrative officer con-

cerned and also the Education department. The house also approved grant in aid to the following eight schools - St. John Hr. Sec Residential School, Dimapur; Woodstock School, Padumpukhuri, Dimapur; Dovecot Christian School, Chumukedima; Assemblies of God English School, Diphupar B; St. Joseph Hr Sec. School, Chumukedima; St. Anthony School Tenyiphe; St. Teresas Little Kingdom School; and Nazareth High School, Purana Bazaar. Industries department and Sericulture department will give their departmental presentation in the next DPDB meeting.

Pughoboto SDPDB meeting held pughoboto, JuNe 8 (Dipr): The monthly Pughoboto Sub-Division Planning & Development Board (SDPDB) meeting was held at the customary court hall on June 7. ADC & Vice Chairman of the SDPDB, Avelu Ruho reviewed the last meeting minutes and thanked all the officers who had actively participated during the tree plantation drive. Sumi Aphuyemi Hoho (SAH) President, Inavi Swu

apprised the house on the need for the newly formed Hoho to have government registration. In this regard, the ADC said that the Hoho’s aims and objective will be verified and the same will be recommended to Deputy Commissioner after obtaining the necessary form from the Home department. The SAH President further assured the Hoho’s co-operation to the administration. SDO (Civil) Er. Namang

Chang, who was a member of the badminton stadium managing committee, read out the suggestions made by the committee and thereon the house agreed to collect a certain fixed amount from the monthly salary and voluntary donation from the SDPDB members and sports lovers for the maintenance and electricity of the indoor stadium. He also said that coaching camp for under the age of 14 will be organized in 2017.

Naga student drowns in Mysore New Delhi, JuNe 8 (MexN): A Naga engineering student has drowned at Kaveri river in Mysore, Karnataka. The student (name withheld) was swept away by a strong current while on college picnic on June 8 and his body has been recovered, according to a post on the Facebook page Delhi Police for North East Folks. IGP Robin Hibu (IPS), Nodal Officer for North East People, Delhi in the post said that financial help is being sought to transport the body of the victim to Nagaland. The post further appealed to the Nagaland NGOs, students leaders in Karnataka, especially in Mysore, to extend helping hand in bringing the body to his parents in Dimapur. For assistance and information, one may call the number of the person who is coordinating in Mysore - +919035165158.

Assault on pastor solved: Dimapur Police DiMapur, JuNe 8 (MexN):The Dimapur Police today claimed that the West Police Station has solved the case of assault on pastor of Dimapur Rongmei Baptist Church and apprehended all the persons involved in the attack. “As all other efforts were proving futile, the team relied on technical evidence which provided solid leads that ultimately solved this puzzling case,” a social media update by Dimapur Police informed. Further details are awaited. Meanwhile, Lotha Baptist Ekhümkho Sanrhyutsü (LBES) has condemned the assault. In a condemnation note, LBES Executive Secretary, Rev. Nyanchumo Lotha stated that the unprovoked assault on a servant of God even after identifying himself as a pastor needs to be seriously pondered upon by all the Christians and peace loving citizens of Nagaland. He also prayed for the victim and wished him a speedy recovery.

Assam Rifles seize ganja DiMapur, JuNe 8 (MexN): Assam Rifles seized 310 kg of ganja worth Rs 3.15 lakh in the international market near Pedi in Peren district. According to a press release from Assam Rifles, the contraband was being smuggled from Senapati in Manipur to Dimapur. Two persons identified as Povgoalou and Jaju, both 19 years of age and residents of Leii Kadyiiphema village in Senapati, Manipur were apprehended in this regard. They were carrying the illicit ganja in a gypsy bearing registration number NL- 01P – 0926, which was intercepted by Assam Rifles troops by establishing a mobile vehicle check post between Pedi and Benreu.

BJP Nagaland welcomes DoNER Minister DiMapur, JuNe 8 (MexN): The BJP Nagaland State President, Visasolie Lhoungu and members of the party have welcomed to Dimapur Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister, Development of North East Region (DoNER) (IC), PMO Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension, Dept of Atomic Energy, Dept of Space and Ram Muivah (IAS), Secretary, North East Council, Shillong on the occasion of “Vikas Parv” public meeting scheduled at Agri Expo site, Dimapur on June 9, 3:00 pm. The ‘Vikas Parv’ programme has been initiated to celebrate the 2ndanniversary of the BJP-led NDA government under the leadership of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The BJP Nagaland has welcomed all the people and leaders of various social, business and political sectors to attend the meeting and participate in the deliberation of issues concerning the development of the state.

Meetings & AppointMents Royal Club Kohima

The Deputy Kilonser for Defense Affairs, NSCN (Reformation), Gangpong Konyak along with the Naga Army at GHQ Ponghong designated camp of NSCN (R) on June 7.

DiMapur, JuNe 8 (MexN): The Deputy Kilonser for Defense Affairs, NSCN (Reformation), Gangpong Konyak visited the GHQ Ponghong designated camp of NSCN (R) on June 7 on behalf of the government. A press release issued by the Secretary of MIP, NSCN (R) informed that during the visit, Gangpong held a series of meeting and interacted with the

military supervisor, camp commander and military officers of the Naga Army and discussed all the issues and difficulties being faced by the Naga Army at Ponghong. The Deputy Kilonser further assured all possible help from the government for development and maintenance of the camp and its surroundings. He also urged the Naga

women Army to be vigilant and alert all the time of any situation. At the meeting with all the Naga Army, he emphasized on the importance of maintaining “discipline and duty” and further asserted that “even though the NSCN (R) government may be new and infant but its lacks nothing to stand and fight for the Naga Sovereignty and defend the Naga Nation.”

Kiphire: MI third round to cover 22 session sites

Kiphire, JuNe 8 (MexN): The third round of Mission Indradhanush in Kiphire will cover 22 session sites in the district selected on the basis of immunization coverage with focus on places where there are no health centres and areas where migratory population is present. This was informed during the District Task Force meeting held on account of Mission Indradhanush Phase-3 third round at DC's office here on June 7. The agenda of the meeting, as stated by Dr. Rebecca Y Sema (DPO RCH-UIP), was to review the performance of the second round held in May and discuss on

the activities to be carried out in the third round. She recapitulated on the objectives of Mission Indradhanush stating that the goal is to immunize all pregnant mothers and ‘fully immunize’ all children. The target beneficiaries of Mission Indradhanush are 0-2 years, 5 years and pregnant mothers. Dr. Rebecca stated that both the first and second round met the target and stressed on the need to achieve 100% immunization coverage for the remaining two rounds. During the meeting, the importance of the role of the other departments was also highlighted.

Sedevikho Khro (DC Kiphire) brought forward the importance of awareness among the community, especially among the parents. He stressed on the role of the Education Department to sensitize and create awareness on the importance of immunization. He also thanked the members for rendering their service in aiding the health department to achieve maximum coverage. Other attendees of the meeting were Rezulule (Addl. SP), Z. Tsangkhuchu (CDPO), L. Kipotong (SIS), Thomas Thonger (SS), Dr. Khelito (DTO), and Imnasenla Pongener (Media Officer, NHM).

The Royal Club Kohima (RCK) is holding its general body meeting-cum-picnic on June 11, 12:00 noon at Pelevituo’s farm at 10 Mile, Wokha road, Kohima. The meeting will have presentation of reports from the Search Committee for election of new office bearers, audit reports and formulation of year plan. All the members have been asked to come with innovative ideas, opinions, and suggestion towards the activities of the Club.

ANHTU Dimapur Unit All Nagaland Hindi Teachers’ Union (ANHTU), Dimapur Unit has convened a general meeting on June 11, 10:00 am at Government Middle School, Half Nagarjan, Dimapur. Therefore, all the Hindi Teachers under Dimapur district have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

Committee on Estimates NLA Members of the Committee on Estimates (2016-2017), Nagaland Legislative Assembly have been reminded that the first meeting of the Committee has been fixed on June 10 at 11:00 am in the committee room of Assembly Secretariat, Kohima to take stock of works and to chalk out the work programme for 2016-2017.

ANRMSATA 2015 batch All Nagaland RMSA Teachers’ Association (ANRMSATA) 2015 batch has convened a combined district convenors’ meeting on June 10, 10:30 am at NSF conference hall, Kohima. Renbemo L Patton (Convenor, Wokha) and Kezho (Administrator) have instructed to depute two representatives from each district if the convenors are unable to attend the meeting. For any related information, contact 8732040650/ 9615064759.

Tyrannus Boys Hostel Jakhama Tyrannus Boys Hostel Jakhama (TBHJ) is launching its 10th Academic Session along with celebration of Freshers’ Social on June 11 at the hostel premises. The Professor-in-Charge BCI Practical & Training Papers of Kohima Law College, Kezhokhoto Savi with a team of speakers from LLB final year students will participate in the event. Savi will present a talk on the theme “Personality Development”. TBHJ with the motto – “Personality Development” is one of the private hostels located below St. Joseph’s College Jakhama exclusively for the students of St. Josephs’ College (boys). This was informed in a press release issued by Thorhu, Warden, TBHJ.


Thursday 09•06•2016



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xi issue 157 By Abokali Jimomi

SOS for Nagaland’s Wildlife


t’s killed anyway, might as well eat it” is a typical responseto the dilemma of whether or not to eat wildmeat in Nagaland. Saying “give it to someone who eats” eases the conscience perhaps, for‘educated’ people who cannot stand up against killing. “It’s medicinal --cures coughs, kidney stones, gastritis…” is a strong superstition behind wild meat consumption all over Nagaland. Also, buyers buy for the “thrill” of relishing a rare treat definitelynot for protein or vitamin options; wild meat is expensive and only those with higher disposable incomes (who also have enough protein sources) can buy it. As recent as February 2016, in exchange of certain favours a villager gifted a hornbill (dead) to someone influential in Dimapur, while in a separate incident another group of people gleefully distributed Hoolock Gibbon meat, shot during a “Shikari”.Nothing seemed amiss for givers, takers or shooters. In such situations any attempt to raise concern about wildlife conservation becomes futile since it is brushedoff as “posh talk”. None of these incidents gets reported. Travel across Nagaland now and observe what is going on. It is common to see hunters with guns going for an all-nighterShikariin the jungle. Countless birds and practically anything that moves in the forest are targets. One need not even go to remote areas, look out of the window while traveling the Kohima-Dimapur stretch, sellers will try to stop speeding vehicles waving bunches of dead birds tied together, squirrels, even live owls and assortment of wild animals. Airgun and rifle bullets are easily available in the market, unregulated, as many as you want: weapons of mass destruction of our wildlife. Poverty and starvation are hardly the reasons for killing wild life in Nagaland. One can understand if there were no other food available, but rice and variety of vegetables and fruit grow well in the region. So far, chicken and pigs too have had no complaintsthriving in our climatic conditions. It is alsolame to attribute killing of wild animals to Naga traditional practice; all humans once depended on wild meat for survival, in Palaeolithic times that was. Nagaland State is unable to protect its rich wildlife; try and find a hornbill in the land of Hornbill Festival. While trekking around Nagaland can you spot a Sambar Deer, the Tragopan or Leopard Cat or other wild animals and birds endemic to this region? The killing continues and many people including conservation authorities and leaders do not truly understand the repercussions ofmindless wildlife destruction. The threat of extinction and endangerment of species and irreparable ecological damage, biodiversity loss due to anthropogenic causes such as hunting, habitat destruction and pollution is real and happening to us. The UNEP’s WED theme “Go Wild for Life” encourages zero-tolerance for illegal wildlife trade; what we need is ZeroTolerance for killing, buying and eating wild meat in Nagaland. Nagaland has successfully stopped Amur Falcons massacre with help from international media and organizations. If Amur Falcons could be saved, why aren’t we using similar strategies, publicity and rigour for the rest of the wildlife in Nagaland? Don’t our non-migratory animals need as much compassion and help? Just as head-hunting is no longer the best activity to show our bravery, so is hunting wildlife no longer a cool sport for us to showcase to the world that is battling global climate crisis. To comment, please write to abokali.sumi@gmail.com

lEfT wiNg |

Nivedita IANS

Social media has changed culinary scene globally: Chef Gary Mehigan


nglish-Australian chef, restaurateur and judge of the “MasterChef Australia” Gary Mehigan, who loves using some Indian spices to cook delectable treats back home in Australia, says social media has played a huge role in giving a fusion touch to the food sector globally, including in India. Mehigan was in India to be part of a Knorr masterclass session where IANS spoke to him about his observation of the Indian food sector and global culinary trends. “I think people are experimenting," Mehigan said. "I feel the good stuff stays and the bad stuff goes away. What changed the industry around the world is social media, for example, Instagram and Facebook. We can see constantly that what restaurants in Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong or Delhi are serving." “That fusion of ideas and sharing of ideas is really important to how the professional world develops their own sense of self. In India, people are increasingly interested in food and that interest draws change,” elucidated the 49-year-old, who held 'The KNORR Masterclass' along with Masterchef India 2010 winner Pankaj Bhadouria before a live audience here. This was not Mehigan's first visit to India. He featured the country along with other places like Vietnam, Laos, Hong Kong and South Korea in his TV series called “Far Flung with Gary Mehigan”. In the show, the Australian gastronomy king was seen learning local cooking techniques and recipes, which he used as inspiration for a recipe he demonstrated at the end of each episode. Mehigan says he was completely fascinated with the Indian spice market in old Delhi during his last visit to the country. And he made use of them to prepare food for his wife and daughter back home. “It was a thrilling thing for a food tourist (like me) to go to a spice market in Delhi. I have never seen anything like that in my life, so that was a unique experience. You have to see the way vendors with big trolleys roam here and there." "I have never seen such a quality of home spices and nuts like in Delhi. In fact, I took some home and luckily, the Australian government has let me through with pretty much 95 per cent of it which is amazing. I used that for three to four months and it was amazing," he said, and added that while he doesn’t "push too many boundaries" at his restaurant, he is "quite adventurous" at home. And his adventure also sometimes includes south Indian dishes. “I play with spices. My spice boxes are massive at home. My daughter and wife love spices. I make south Indian dishes at home that I learnt from my trip to Chennai,” said Mehigan, who even gorged on sambar, vada, coconut chutney and dosa on this trip. Mehigan, trained at The Connaught and Le Souffle in London before moving to Melbourne in 1991, has headed the kitchen in some of Melbourne's most prominent restaurants, including Browns, Burnham Beeches Country House and Hotel Sofitel, before opening the award-winning Italian restaurant Fenix in 2000. He was selected as one of the entrants to the Who's Who in Australia 2012 edition. With over 15 years' experience in the culinary field, he has some pearls of wisdom for aspiring chefs. “There is going to be lot of hard work. My whole life is about food until I die, and it's a pleasure for me. I love it. If you feel that way, you are going to be a successful chef and if you don’t feel like that, then you have to see.”


Aruna Dutt Inter Press Service

Can Poor Countries Combat Big Tobacco Too?


his year for World No Tobacco Day on May 31 the World Health Organization has recommended that countries adopt plain packaging as a way to reduce tobacco use, however so far mostly only rich countries have been able to afford to implement the changes. Around the world, a number of effective interventions are being used to reduce tobacco use, including taxation, age restrictions, smoke-free public spaces, marketing bans, and counter marketing, and “plain packaging” where Australia has led the way. The plain packaging theme of this year’s World No Tobacco Day takes a page out of Australia’s successful legislation of 2011, the momentum from which is continuing – with the United Kingdom, France, Canada and New Zealand, all committing to plain packaging. “We know that the pack is designed to be appealing, often targeted for a specific audience such as women or youth,” Nicole Hughes, who works in tobacco control research at the Nossal Institute for Global Health, told IPS. “Therefore, reducing the packs capacity to attract and be used as an advertising agent is incredibly important in combating tobacco consumption,” she added. However while tobacco use has declined in many high-income countries – such as Australia, where tobacco use has halved since 1991 – smoking has persisted in poorer countries, where regulations also tend to be weaker. According to the WHO poorer countries have almost twice as much tobacco advertising as richer ones, and the poorer the country, the more shops in that country are allowed to sell cigarettes. “Half of the people who smoke will most likely suffer from a tobacco related illness, while the other half will die from them,” Edouard Tursan D’Espaignet, coordinator of the WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative, told Inter Press Service. “This is a matter of a few people making millions of dollars off the deteriorating health and death of the people around the world,” D’Espaignet said. The move towards plain packaging, which can also involve printing health warnings on cigarettes, is one way to help combat this problem, has not come without a fight from the tobacco industry. Back in 1993, long before policies requiring plain packaging were researched or considered by governments, the tobacco industry set up a task force to find out what would happen if plain packaging was put in place, said D’Espaignet. They found that it would be detrimental to their profits because it significantly reduced the appeal of smoking. Armed with the knowledge of the repercussions from plain packaging, this industry embarked on tactics to prevent governments from legislating such strictures, including going to court. Just this month, the high court in the U.K. rejected an appeal from tobacco companies against plain packaging. All 17 charges against the government were defeated but at the cost of millions of dollars spent on the legal battle and trials. “With the legal information available now from these cases, other countries can use this past experience to help when the tobacco industry tries to make claims against them,” D’Espaignet emphasized. “The fear that Big Tobacco has about plain packaging and its potential impacts is huge, and their scaremongering behavior demonstrates this clearly” said Hughes. “They are terrified that plain packaging works and want to do everything to prevent it.” However, as these tobacco control policies are increasingly introduced and fought for by the governments of high-income countries, the tobacco indus-


ustus Opiyo lives in one of around 50 polystyrene houses in a new development in Kajiado County, southeast of Nairobi, and says it has a major advantage over his previous homes. "Its temperature remains constant, even in extreme weather, unlike the houses I have lived in before," he said. It is a real refuge from the heat of the Kenyan summer from January through March, he added. This relatively new construction technology, using polystyrene, is gaining a foothold in Kenya's fastexpanding housing sector. The panels for building are made of a light cellular plastic, a by-product of oil refining, which consists of mini spherical particles containing about 98 percent air. To make houses, polystyrene foam is sandwiched between two slabs of steel wire mesh. Once these have been joined together, they are sprayed with cement to support and strengthen the walls. The tiny air bubbles trapped in the foam mean polystyrene houses can control climatic conditions better than buildings made of timber or concrete. Because air is a poor conductor of heat, the house stays cool when external temperatures are high and warm when it is cold outside. Romanus Otieno, an urban planning lecturer at the University of Nairobi, said construction with polystyrene is ecologically friendly as it uses very little water. That advantage outweighs the negative of polystyrene being derived from crude oil, he believes, especially in water-scarce urban and semiarid areas. For Dennis Muli, an architect with

A cigarette vendor in Manila sells a pack of 20 sticks for less than a dollar.

try, dominated by Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, Imperial, and Japan Tobacco International, have been shifting their target market to low to middle income countries. About 80 percent of the world’s smokers live in low- and middle-income countries, and the World bank predicts that by the year 2030, these countries will experience 7 million tobacco-related deaths a year – 70 percent of the global total. According to the WHO, 92 percent of the world’s population lives in countries where taxes are below the WHO recommended level. And sadly, although tobacco use continues to be the second leading cause of death worldwide, only $68 million of the $31.4 billion in development assistance for global health in 2011, went to tobacco control. “We know that the poorer the country, the more unrestricted the tobacco industry’s marketing schemes are,” said D’Espaignet. Chris Bostic, deputy director of policy at Action for Smoking & Health, a Washington, D.C. based advocacy organization, sees the lawsuits by Big Tobacco as a good sign. His organization, he said, has been partnering with others to push for changes in trade agreements to prevent tobacco industry lawsuits. And not all tobacco measures are subject to trade jurisdiction, so governments can move forward confidently on most measures, he contended. “In one way these lawsuits are a good sign. The tobacco industry is worried that Plain Packaging will seriously erode their sales. This is the whole point.”

Bostic told IPS. Hughes hoped the lawsuits would spread awareness, and the current global focus through WHO on the issue of packaging, would yield positive results. “At this stage more research and preparation is required given the legal and financial complexities associated with developing and defending such laws,” she said. “However, the publicity and discussion which will be associated with WHO focus on plain packaging will hopefully lead to opportunities for further research in the LMIC context.” Poor nations like Uruguay, Togo, and Namibia have found it difficult to defeat multinational tobacco companies which have used trade and investment lawsuits to block or delay implementation of laws governing cigarette advertising and labeling. Problems of implementation are compounded by issues of governmental corruption, economic dependence on the tobacco industry, or the lack of resources to combats threats of litigation from Big Tobacco. “The WHO’s push for plain packaging is equally relevant in LMICs, however for most LMICs it may take some time,” Hughes noted. The World Bank Group’s Tobacco Control Program helps implement tobacco tax reforms in Philippines, Indonesia, Senegal, Colombia, Botswana, Ethiopia, Armenia and Georgia. Research has shown that raising taxes on tobacco products has been very effective in reducing consumption, and subsequently, reducing healthcare costs.

COOL, CHEAP AND grEEN: Polystyrene homes catch on Benson Rioba

Thomson reuters Foundation Gem Archplans in Nairobi, the most important green benefit of polystyrene is its lightness, meaning less wood is needed to support the building. That could help reduce deforestation, he said. LIGHT BUT STRONG Otieno said a standard two-bedroom polystyrene house costs about $6,700, while one made of bricks can cost twice as much. The difference is mainly due to lower labour costs, as polystyrene is easier to move around and put in place, he noted. Polystyrene homes are also quicker to build, which could play a key part in reducing housing deficits, he added. In Ole Kasasi, a few kilometres from Kandisi where Opiyo lives in the privately owned housing development, is another polystyrene building, comprising 20 apartments on five floors. They are among a raft of polystyrene construction projects started in Kenya by different companies, including apartments in the western city of Kisumu built by Malaysian firm Koto Corp. But the technology has yet to be fully embraced by homeowners, tenants and other housing developers who re-

main sceptical about the strength of polystyrene panels. Taib Ali, a mason at the Ole Kasasi project, is often asked, "When are you completing this paper house?" People believe the homes are fragile because polystyrene can be broken with bare hands, he added. Mary Nkatha, who lives in a concrete home near the new building in Ole Kasasi, has yet to be convinced that polystyrene can hold the weight of a house for long. She fears it could fall down, and plans to wait and see how sustainable the buildings are before she would consider moving into one. But architect Muli said polystyrene homes are just as durable as concrete ones, provided the correct procedure is followed during construction. Polystyrene has been a major success in countries like Japan, where it has been used in small dome-shaped homes, he added.


SAFETY FIRST Muli urged government and nonprofit organisations to lead the way in advocating for polystyrene housing projects because they are cost-effective and relatively green.

But, as the technology is still new, there is a need for better workmanship to avert potential problems such as the collapse of poorly constructed buildings, he said. And there must also be a focus on how to recycle polystyrene waste from building sites and demolition, he added. Koto spokesman Hillary Wesonga said his company had set up a recycling plant for waste polystyrene. It is not yet a major problem, as polystyrene construction is only just taking off in Kenya, but that could change in the future, he added. Otieno said the cost of building needs to be reduced if polystyrene construction is to become a popular building method in Kenya. The polystyrene panels currently cost $21 per square metre, but the price should be halved to entice more home owners and developers, he said. "The essence of affordable housing is to make sure the poor get basic shelter and there is decongestion (of urban areas) - what is the point of building more houses that are economically out of reach for the poor?" he asked. In addition, building policies in general should be reviewed so that contractors are obliged to incorporate green features such as rain-harvesting and harnessing natural light, he said. And they must ensure the security and safety of buildings, especially at a time when natural disasters are increasing in line with more extreme weather linked to climate change, Otieno said. In late April, during a heavy downpour, around 50 people died in the collapse of a residential building in Nairobi, which had already been condemned but was still occupied.

Letters to the Editor should be sent to: The morung express, House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur - 797112, Or –email: morung@gmail.com All letters (including those via email) should have the full name and Postal address of the sender. Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

thursday 09•06•2016




The Silencing of Japan’s Free Press

A man watches a big screen showing a live broadcast of Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe as he delivers his WWII Anniversary Statement on August 14, 2015 in Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Prime Minister Abe delivered a war anniversary statement ahead of the anniversary of Japan's defeat in the second world war. The statement included such keywords as "apology from the heart," "colonial rule," and "aggression." (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Under the heavy hand of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan’s media is being forced to toe the government line. Or else. Martin Fackler


Foreign Policy

s the leaders of the G-7 liberal democracies convened in the Japanese shrine town of Ise-Shima, host Prime Minister Shinzo Abe used the event to showcase his nation as a regional beacon of democratic values and a counterweight to authoritarian China. However, recent events have raised doubts about his commitment to at least one of those values — freedom of the press. There have been alarming signs of deteriorating media freedoms in Japan. In March, three of the country’s most outspoken television anchors were removed almost simultaneously by three different networks. While the networks were acting on their own, the dismissals were widely seen as orchestrated by the Abe government: The three were some of the last high-profile media critics of its agenda, which includes restarting Japan’s nuclear power industry and rolling back its postwar pacifism. The sacked anchors joined a growing list of critical media voices that have been muted since Abe took office in December 2012. And their ouster came just weeks after the country’s communications minister, Sanae Takaichi, declared in Japan’s parliament, the Diet, that the government had the legal power to shut down TV broadcasters that it deemed to be politically biased. That announcement capped a difficult year-anda-half for independent media that saw the largest liberal newspaper, the Asahi Shimbun, subdued and other critical commentators removed from the airwaves. The taming of Japan’s media watchdogs has attracted growing attention from overseas. On April 19, David Kaye, the U.N. special rapporteur on freedom of expression, wrapped up a weeklong fact-finding mission to Japan by expressing “deep and genuine concern” about declining media independence in Asia’s richest democracy. The following day, the Paris-based media advocacy group Reporters Without Borders lowered Japan’s place in its annual ranking of world press freedom to 72nd out of 180 nations, between Tanzania and Lesotho — down from 61st the previous year. “The Abe administration’s threats to media independence, the turnover in media personnel in recent months and the increase in self-censorship within leading media outlets are endangering the underpinnings of democracy in Japan,” the group said. According to one Japanese news source, the Abe government’s efforts to suppress critics may have taken a more ominous turn. In its June edition, Facta, a monthly business magazine noted for its scoops, reported that the administration had used Japan’s spy agency, the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, to keep tabs on a Japanese lawyer who helped Kaye during his visit. (On her blog, the lawyer, Kazuko Ito, proclaimed she would never yield even if the government monitored her.) The allegations of surveillance conjured the same heavy-handed tactics that Reporters Without Borders and other international media watchdogs have warned might follow Japan’s passage in late 2013 of a new state secrecy law. They say the vagueness of the law, and the draconian prison terms of up to 10 years for revealing secrets, will put a damper on journalists, as well as the whistleblowers within government who may try to help them. Japan’s mainstream media have never been noted for hard-hitting, independent coverage, instead emphasizing cozy relations with power and a brand of access journalism that can seem extreme even by the standards of the Washington press corps. The Japanese press’s symbiotic relationship with the government is institutionalized in the so-called press clubs, monopolistic arrangements that give reporters from the big national newspapers and broadcasters privileged access to officials, whose perspectives they end up sharing. But press watchers now warn that Japan is losing even that limited press independence. Consider the case of the Asahi Shimbun, the world’s second-largest newspaper with a daily circulation of 6.8 million. The Asahi, the intellectual flagship of Japan’s political left, had been endeavoring to beef up its investigative coverage following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, when it and other Japanese mainstream media lost public trust for dutifully repeating the official line that all were safe — even as reactor buildings exploded. What it lacked in investigative prowess, the liberal Asahi had tried to make up for in editorial spunk, opposing the revisionist right’s efforts to whitewash sordid aspects of Japan’s World War II-era history like the “com-

fort women” forced to work in military brothels. But in August 2014, the Asahi pulled back from both its comfort women coverage and its investigations into Fukushima following harsh right-wing attacks, led by Abe himself, on missteps in some of its articles. On Oct. 3, 2014, Abe attacked the Asahi for damaging Japan’s reputation after the newspaper belatedly admitted that more than a dozen stories published a quarter-century ago about comfort women had been based on the sourcing of a discredited Japanese army veteran. “It is a fact that its misreporting has caused numerous people to feel hurt, sorrow, suffering, and outrage,” Abe told the lower house budget committee. “It has caused great damage to Japan’s image.” Japanese government officials and other journalists have pushed back against the criticism of Japan’s press freedoms, calling the pessimistic assessments unfairly harsh. In an April 27 article on Yahoo Japan, journalist Shoko Egawa said “it didn’t make sense” for Reporters Without Borders to rank Japan below places like Hong Kong and South Korea, where there are much more real pressures on journalists. “While it is okay to take as a reference the evaluation of a foreign NGO, there is no need to get all worked up about the low ranking,” she wrote. There are also few in Japan who believe Takaichi would ever actually try to close down broadcasters. Takaichi raised alarms on Feb. 8, when she told the Diet that the 1950 Broadcast Law, which regulates the nation’s airwaves, allowed the government to shut down broadcasters that fail to remain “politically neutral” by highlighting “only one aspect of a polarizing political issue.” However, when questioned by legislators a day later, she seemed to back down a bit. “I don’t think I would resort to such measures myself,” she said, “but there is no guarantee that future [communications] ministers won’t.” Japanese and foreign media observers agree that the pressures visibly placed on journalists in Japan can seem quite tepid by international standards. After all, there have been no arrests of journalists or forced closures of media outlets. Nor has the new secrecy law been used to pursue journalists, as the George W. Bush and Obama administrations have done by subpoenaing investigative reporter James Risen of the New York Times in an attempt to force him to reveal his sources of classified information. What has been worrying, however, is the willingness of major Japanese media to silence themselves in response to a level of behind-the-scenes chiding by Abe administration officials that most U.S. journalists would probably just laugh off. A dramatic example of this was exposed in March 2015, when one of Japan’s biggest networks, TV Asahi, removed Shigeaki Koga, an ex-Trade Ministry official turned sharp-tongued TV commentator, from its Hodo Station evening news program. Koga drew the administration’s ire when he protested its ineffective handling of a hostage crisis in Syria on air by holding up a placard in January 2015 that read “I’m not Abe.” Before the Abe era, such antics would not have raised eyebrows on Hodo Station, which was known for its feisty commentary. However, the government’s top media handler, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, told reporters at a background briefing how unhappy he was with the “completely mistaken” comments of an unnamed commentator at an unspecified network, according to an internal memo of the conversation recorded by a TV Asahi reporter who was present. That internal memo was passed back to network executives. Koga says this was enough to convince TV Asahi to remove both himself and a highly regarded producer on the show, Fumie Matsubara. Their departure was followed a year later by TV Asahi’s decision in March to remove the host of Hodo Station, Ichiro Furutachi, who was one of the three anchors ousted this spring. Other journalists relay similar stories, saying that TV executives quickly take the hint to avoid an actual confrontation with the administration. “It’s not that the media have cowered in the face of some obvious pressure, but this all takes place out of sight, until you suddenly notice that they have retreated,” Shuntaro Torigoe, a veteran TV newscaster, said at a March 2016 press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, where he and four other top TV journalists warned of growing efforts to intimidate the press. “The administration’s will is passed along to the media executives, becoming part of the atmosphere inside the newsroom that leads to self-censorship and restrained coverage.” According to Torigoe, the result has been a form of self-censorship that Japanese journalists call sontaku, a term with no exact English translation but that refers to a Japanese social strategy of trying to please others, usually superiors, by preemptively acting in accordance with their perceived whims. Journalists say that while conformity has always been prevalent within Japan’s homogeneous society, the feeling has grown more intense recent-

ly as anxieties about the rise of neighboring China have increased the pressure to toe the line. This conformity has been enforced by the verbal attacks and intimidation from the so-called Net Right, a loose-knit community of shrilly nationalistic netizens whom some members of the Abe government have openly embraced. “Recently, I feel a growing pressure for conformity,” Hiroko Kuniya, another of the three TV anchors ousted in late March, wrote in the May edition of the magazine Sekai, a highly regarded liberal opinion magazine. “This is a pressure that says you must conform to the majority without resisting, that such conformity is normal and expected. It seems even the media have become a party in exerting this pressure.” Besides the Sekai article, Kuniya has said nothing else about her removal after 23 years at the helm of Close-Up Gendai, the prime-time showcase for investigative journalism on national broadcaster NHK. (She has also declined interview requests.) However, other NHK reporters say they have come under blatant pressure to tamp down criticism of the administration from the broadcaster’s president, Katsuto Momii, a conservative businessman whom Abe installed at the helm in December 2013. Momii has made no secret of his desire for NHK to toe the government line. After April’s deadly earthquake in the southern city of Kumamoto, when there were concerns about damage at a nearby nuclear plant, Momii told his journalists that their coverage must be “based on official government announcements,” not independent reporting. At private broadcasters, where the government cannot just appoint executives, the administration has found other means of pressure, say journalists and media scholars. They say it has done this by skillfully exploiting structural weaknesses in the media. One of the biggest weaknesses is the extreme emphasis on access to inside information via the press clubs. This results in an intense competition for scoops, in which news agencies vie to be the first to report on the future intentions of government officials or agencies. Reporters’ careers can be made or broken based on their ability to curry enough favor with officials to be tipped off ahead of rival journalists. Toshio Hara, a former reporter with the Japanese wire service Kyodo News who now writes on media issues, says the Abe administration has manipulated this exaggerated version of access journalism by limiting the prime minister’s press conferences and group interactions with the press gaggle in favor of exclusive interviews. These are bestowed upon only cooperative reporters, who are also favored with advanced leaks about future actions by the administration. News organizations deemed critical are excluded and cut off from the flow of scoops given to other journalists. This preferential access can also take the form of private dinners with the prime minister himself: The Tokyo Shimbun newspaper reported that Abe dined with top political journalists and media executives more than 40 times during his first two years in office alone. Hara says the administration has made an unprecedented use of access to reward friendly journalists and punish critics. He notes that this has been part of an aggressive push to control media messages — a lesson of Abe’s first stint as prime minister in 2007, when he resigned after only 12 months following intense criticism from the press regarding scandals in his administration. “The power relationship between the prime minister’s office press corps and the prime minister has been completely changed,” Hara wrote in the 2015 book How Ready Is Journalism for the Abe Government? “With a few exceptions, the media have become supplicants.” Selective granting of access has also allowed the administration to pursue a divide-and-conquer strategy, in which media organizations try to stay in Abe’s good graces by turning on each other. This is what happened to the Asahi, which lost the will to fight after finding that every other major media outlet had ganged up against it, say journalists in the newspaper. “We found ourselves standing all alone,” said Ryuichi Kitano, a senior Asahi reporter. “The administration didn’t even have to criticize us because the media did it for them.” Shigetada Kishii, another of the three anchors removed this year, says media infighting prevented them from presenting a united front against the threat by Takaichi. The outspokenly liberal Kishii left the TBS network’s News 23, a highly regarded nightly news program, after crossing the Abe government by criticizing the 2015 passage of new laws to expand the role of Japan’s military. “There is something structural in the Japanese media, when it comes to why they couldn’t object as a group” to Takaichi’s comments, said Kishii, who also spoke at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club press conference in March. “Rivalry between newspapers and TV stations prevents them from even thinking about coordinating.” Lack of solidarity among news companies was also one of the factors cited by Kaye, the U.N. special rapporteur, to explain the Japanese media’s apparent inability to resist political pressure. He linked this to a broader lack of shared professional identity among Japanese journalists, who spend entire careers at the same newspaper or broadcaster, unlike their more peripatetic Western counterparts. This made them more loyal to company than profession, preventing them from taking a united stand, or forming some sort of effective union or lobby group to defend their interests. Kaye also faulted Tokyo for failing to create a political environment that tolerates the expression of diverse opinions, including dissenting ones. This was all too apparent in his own visit to Japan, which ran into problems created by an administration that appears overly thinskinned to criticism regardless of its high approval ratings. Originally scheduled for December, Kaye’s trip to Japan was abruptly canceled just weeks before when Tokyo said it was “unable to arrange meetings.” Even after he managed to make the visit in April, Kaye received a cold shoulder from the Abe government. Despite repeated requests, Takaichi refused to meet him, as did other top officials and media executives — including NHK’s Momii. The highestranking member of the administration who agreed to talk with him was a vice minister of communications, who gave him just 15 minutes. Kaye said the vice minister just repeated what Takaichi had said — without elaborating or even trying to explain her comments. Political experts say that such undiplomatic behavior only further damages Japan’s credibility as a purveyor of democratic values. “Japan’s slide down the global rankings for press freedom and its skewering by the U.N. rapporteur on his recent visit are a black eye for Abe and the nation,” said Jeff Kingston, the director of Asian studies at Temple University in Tokyo. “They undermine Japan’s democratic identity and its constitutional freedoms.” Kingston and others say that Japan needs a vigorous democracy, including robust media freedoms, to compete for influence with a larger and richer China. But with the press either suppressed or in submission, one wonders whether that important warning is even reaching Abe — or likely to appear on the nightly news anytime soon.

Skills and Tools are Critical to Your Financial Success


he old saying about “A” students working for “B” students and the “C” students owning the company is often a fact in the real world. This is because work skills trump over mere head knowledge. Most of our colleges are failing to prepare our young people for the workforce. Many college graduates today are not ready for jobs. They lack critical skills, especially in math and science. They often come short in their ability to connect their education to practical application. Even what they have learned in colleges are mostly an accumulation of facts and information, not development of skills. Simply put, it’s not the degree that counts. Today, our young people need skills that are aligned with the needs of industries in the economy of the State or the world at large. They must have skills that meet the present and future needs of the labor market. Employers basically hire skilled workers who can helpimprove their productivity and competitiveness in the market place. So, what are some important skills that can propel us ahead? Language Skills: In my opinion, the Nagas’ inability to communicate with each other in one common mother-tongue is a blessing in disguise because this problem forces us to look for an outside-the-box solution. The first option is an easy one: adopt Nagamese as our official language. But the question we must ask ourselves is, how far can Nagamese take us forward? The other option is to use English, which has become the international medium for conducting all kinds of business. This being the case, every Naga who is serious about international trade and further advancement would benefit immensely if he or she becomes proficient in the English language. Computer Skills: To be able to compete and succeed in this age of high technology, you need to have at least a mobile phone and a computer with Internet access. In many ways, these items (tools) are your means of production because they connect you to all other elements of wealth building. Having these tools and knowing how to use them (the skills) is absolutely critical to your success. No wonder we are seeing a lot of young people becoming ultra-rich today simply because they are technologically savvy. Financial Skills: In the words of Robert Kiyosaki, “The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is that people learn to work for money … but never learned to have money work for them.” Financial skills simply mean knowing how to solve financial problems and create wealth. For example, just like a tiny acorn contains the power to grow into a mighty oak tree, a financially skilled person knows how to grow each rupee into a hundred rupees. He values each rupee as a money seed. He makes sure that they are invested wisely by choosing different investment options. He knows how to create multiple streams of income outside his job. By the way, many of today’s financial problems exist because we didn’t solve the problems when they first arose. Rather than increasing the financial skills of the population, we expect the government to solve their personal problems by giving them more money. We fail to understand that we cannot solve the money problem with money. We can only solve money problems byhelping people learn financial skills. Marketing Skills: Another very important thing needed for financial success is skills in sales and marketing. Your ability to sell--to communicate to another human being, be it a customer, an employer, or anybody else---is crucial to your success. If you can master the skill of persuasion, you can evoke any response you want and sell almost anything. Management consultant Marshall Thurber says the three secrets to persuasion are brightness, darkness, and frequency. According to him, here’s how this works: First, paint bright word pictures that describe the positive, exciting future that awaits a person who follows your recommended course of action. Next, paint dark word pictures that describe the gloomy and frightening future that awaits if he doesn’t follow your recommendations. You, then, repeat the message (like advertising companies do … again and again) until your audience gets it and automatically does what you have suggested. Life Skills:Most accomplished people would tell us that 85% of the things you do account for only 15% of your results. And vice versa. As such, financially successful people are known to know how to manage their time wisely and focus on things that produces the most results. That is, they put off the 85% and tackle the 15% first, unlike losers who do just the opposite. So, why do some people make a lot more money than the rest of us? Is it because they are more academically sharp and advanced? Of course not. It’s because they have the needed tools as well as the appropriate skills.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


ThursDAY 09•06•2016



Modi, Obama hit one for the road, partners in defence

WashIngton, June 8 (Ians): Call it President Barack Obama's desire to seal his legacy or the Trump effect, as some pundits would have it, he and Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated his fourth visit to the US in two years with a flurry of agreements, including one in which the US commits itself to sharing defence technology with India "to a level commensurate with that of its closest allies and partners". These ranged from climate change to the vexed civil nuclear deal to US recognition of India as a major defence partner to a call on Pakistan to bring the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai and 2016 Pathankot terrorist attacks to justice. Marking a big upswing in India-US relations in the last two years, the upshot of Modi's tête-à-tête with "my friend Barack" at the White House Tuesday was that the "good story continues" in the words of Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar. Some icing on the cake came ahead of the third major Modi-Obama summit with reports that none of the 34 current members of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

Pakistan senators call for steps to counter India’s ‘aggressive foreign policy’ Islamabad, June 8 (Ians): Upset over India's "aggressive" foreign policy moves, especially in the wake of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visits to Afghanistan, Iran, the UAE and Qatar, Pakistani senators have asked the government to immediately "rectify its diplomatic failings". The senators highlighted the recent visits of Modi to various countries which were considered to be friends of Pakistan, including Saudi Arabia, and expressed concern over India's growing relations with these Islamic Republic countries, it was reported on Wednesday. The concern of the Senators comes as Modi is on the fourth leg of a five-nation visit that took him to the Afghanistan, Qatar, Switzerland, US and Mexico. Replying to a discussion on an adjournment motion moved by Pakistan Muslim League (PML)-N's Javed Abbasi on the "recent test of an intercept missile had objected to India's entry to the exclusive club by Monday's deadline. Jaishankar would not go beyond saying that India had indeed applied for entry into MTCR, but the joint statement noted "the leaders looked forward to India's imminent entry" into the club. Beijing is not a member

Deoband fatwa against female foeticide lucknoW, June 8 (ptI): Darul Uloom of Deoband, the largest seminary in the country, has issued a fatwa (edict) against female foeticide, calling the act unlawful and against Islam. Darul Ifta, the department which issues edicts, made its stand clear on what Islam/Quran/Hadith had to say about sex-selective abortions. Its response came in the light of queries and media reports on skewed sex ratio among Muslims as the number of girls up to six years old per 1,000 boys in the same age group among Indian Muslims slipped from 950 in 2001 to 943 in 2011. To a query as to what Islam/Quran/Hadith had to say about duties of a parent towards daughters and if there was any punishment for those who ill-treat their daughters whether in the womb or in real life, Darul Ifta said aborting a female foetus due to its sex is unlawful and "haram" (forbidden). "During ignorance era, people used to bury their daughters alive which the Holy Quran condemned severely. It is totally unlawful and haram to abort the foetus when it is four months old without severe compulsion," it said.

Bihar school board chief quits, seven held for toppers' muddle patna, June 8 (Ians): Sensing trouble over ongoing investigation into Class 12 merit list muddle, Bihar School Examination Board Chairman Lalkeshwar Prasad Singh resigned on Wednesday, officials said. "Under pressure to quit, Singh has resigned," an official of the education department said. According to reports, a special investigation team of Bihar Police probing the case after an FIR was lodged, is likely to detain Singh for interrogation. "Some evidences suggest Singh's involvement into the merit list muddle that defamed the state like never before," an SIT official told IANS here. Raids are being conducted to detain Singh but he is missing now, the official said. Meanwhile, the SIT on Wednesday detained 7 persons, including 4 staff members of two high schools, in connection with the case. The team began an investigation soon after a police complaint or an FIR was lodged against those declared as toppers in the board's Class 12 exams. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who held a high-level meeting with top officials on Monday, expressed disappointment over the results and directed the officials to lodge an FIR and probe the matter as a criminal case.

by India contributing to an unhealthy arms race in the region", Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Tuesday asserted that Pakistan would take all possible measures to augment its defence capabilities. "Pakistan is not oblivious to its defence requirements and upgrading its capabilities through suitable technologies without entering into an arms race," he said, adding that "our efforts for peace and friendship must not be interpreted as our weakness. We are fully capable to defend our people and territory". The advisor said Pakistan was planning to highlight the "dangerous implications" of India's plan to nuclearise the Indian Ocean at all the relevant international forums. He said Pakistan was also considering the option of moving a resolution in the UN General Assembly, seeking to declare the Indian Ocean as nuclear-free.

of MTCR, but it is standing in the way of India's entry into another exclusive club, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), at the behest of Pakistan. And though the membership of the two clubs is not directly linked, if India was found good for entry into one non-proliferation regime, it should be good

for the other too, Jaishankar suggested. Fresh from garnering support for India's membership of NSG from Switzerland ahead of a meeting of the Group later this month, Modi thanked Obama for backing New Delhi's bid for both the MTCR and NSG clubs. On climate change, the

joint statement said "both countries are committed to working together and with others" for the ratification and full implementation of the Paris Agreement "as early as possible." US officials suggested that like the US, India had agreed to join the Paris agreement "this year." But the Indian side stuck to the formulation in the joint statement saying, "India similarly has begun its processes to work toward this shared objective." The New York Times suggested that wouldbe Republican nominee "Donald J. Trump can claim at least some of the credit" for the Modi-Obama understanding on the Paris climate agreement. Since Trump has vowed to "cancel" the Paris agreement if elected, Obama is working hard to ensure that it becomes binding before he leaves office next January. Once the accord enters into legal force with at least 55 countries representing 55 percent of global emissions formally joining, no nation can legally withdraw for four years, it said. On his part, "Modi wants to get as much as he can out of Obama's

last months in office," the Times cited Ashley J. Tellis, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, as saying. The announcement that India will buy six nuclear reactors from Westinghouse by June 2017 under the stalled India-US civil nuclear deal signed in 2005 also removes another irritant in India-US relations. And US recognition of India as a Major Defence Partner to facilitate "technology sharing with India to a level commensurate with that of its closest allies and partners" marked another milestone in the growing US-India defence relationship. The understanding would give India "licensefree access to a wide range of dual-use technologies in conjunction with steps that India has committed to take to advance its export control objectives. But another important dimension of Modi's June 6-8 visit would unfold Wednesday with an address to a joint meeting of the US Congress eleven years after Washington revoked his visa under a law passed by that very body.

Muslim Mukt Row: Ruckus in J&K house, complaint filed sRInagaR, June 8 (agencIes): Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Council today witnessed a ruckus over the controversial statement of VHP leader Sadhvi Prachi that "it is time to make India free of Muslims", even as the state government termed the remarks as wrong, PTI reported. Sadhvi had yesterday claimed that the mission of a Congress-free India has already been "accomplished" and it is now time to rid the country of Muslims. As soon as the House met this morning, opposition National Conference (NC) MLC Shehnaz Ganai raised the issue, demanding that the Council condemn Prachi's statement. Ganai was supported by her party colleagues and members from Congress. The members from the treasury benches belonging to Jammu region entered into an argument with the opposition legislators, even as Legislative Council chairman Anayat Ali asked the members to calm down and raise the issue during Zero Hour. As the pandemonium continued, Minister for Education Naeem Akhtar stood up and said the country was incomplete without Muslims. Meanwhile, the Times of India Reported that a Nawanshahar based RTI activist has lodged a complaint with the concerned police seeking registration of a case against BJP leader Sadhvi Prachi for her latest provocative statement that while India was already getting "Congress Mukt now it should be made Muslim Mukt". Providing link of the video clip of her statement along with the complaint submitted to SHO Police Station City Nawanshahr, activist Parvinder Singh Kitna in the complaint said that this statement can vitiate the atmosphere of the country and this can hurt the religious sentiments of lakhs of people. Demanding that a case be registered against her under IPC provisions 153 (wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot), 153 A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc., and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony) and 153 B (Imputations, assertions prejudicial to national-integration). When contacted, Nawanshahr City SHO Raj Kumar said that they were looking into the complaint, it added.

BJP raising communal tensions in UP: CPI-M Monsoon hits Kerala, 1 dead due to heavy rains neW delhI, June 8 (Ians): The CPI-M on Wednesday accused the BJP and "Hindutva elements" of trying to raise communal tensions over a "so-called beef consumption" issue in Uttar Pradesh. "The killing of Mohammad Akhlaq and the attack on his family (at Dadri in Uttar Pradesh in September 2015) is now sought to be diverted to the issue of cow slaughter and beef consumption," the CPI-M said. Utilising an alleged report of a forensic lab in Mathura that a piece of meat found, that too not in Akhlaq's house, was beef, a meeting in the village has demanded that cases be

registered against the family members of Akhlaq, the Communist Party of IndiaMarxist said in a statement. "A 20-day ultimatum has been given to the administration to act in the matter with the warning that failure to so do will lead to 'public anger'. "A minister in the Modi government, Sanjeev Balyan, who was implicated in cases connected with the (earlier) Muzaffarnagar riots, has made a provocative statement demanding a probe to find out who all had consumed beef besides Akhlaq," the CPI-M statement said. "Other BJP leaders have demanded action against Akhlaq's family members.

"All these statements are being made with the intention of stoking communal tensions and is part of the wider gameplan of the BJP to create a communal polarization in Uttar Pradesh before assembly elections next year," it said. The CPI-M urged the Uttar Pradesh administration to file cases against Balyan and others for inciting communal hatred. "The Uttar Pradesh government should deal firmly with all those elements who are trying to incite communal passions and provoke violence. "There should be no laxity in prosecuting all those accused in the Akhlaq murder case.”

thIRuvanathapuRam, June 8 (ptI): After a delay of almost seven days, Southwest Monsoon today finally hit Kerala, marking the official commencement of rainy season in the country, as heavy showers in the southern state left one person dead. "Southwest monsoon has set in over Kerala and Lakshadweep," said K Santosh, head of India Meteorological Department's (IMD) Thiruvananthapuram regional centre.It has also advanced into most parts of Tamil Nadu, some parts of south interior Karnataka and remaining parts of south Bay of Bengal, according to IMD. Several parts of Kerala have been receiving heavy rains since last night which left a 36-year-old man dead due to landslip in Idukki district of Kerala. Jobi John, former SFI Idukki district president, died and his mother was seriously injured when mounds of earth and rocks fell on their home following heavy rains at Vazhavara early today, police said.

To declare the onset of monsoon over Kerala, the IMD has three important parameters. The 14 stations at which the rainfall is being monitored for declaring the Monsoon onset over Kerala have reported widespread rainfall for the last 48 hours with more than 60 per cent of stations recording rainfall on June 7 and 8. The Westerly/ West-southwesterly winds of the order of 30-40 kmph were observed upto 600 hPa (approximately upto 4.5 km) over the south Arabian Sea. "All these three conditions got fulfilled for the first time today i.e. June 8 since the monitoring was started by IMD from May 10. As a result, the Southwest Monsoon has set in over Kerala, today, the 8 th June 2016. TThe usual date for onset of monsoon is June 1. The season is also expected to witness "above normal" rainfall after two consecutive seasons of weak monsoon.

5,616 Indians turned slaves every day over 2 years: Report neW delhI, June 8 (Ians/ IndIaspend): As many as 18.3 million Indians live in conditions listed as "modern slavery" in 2016, equivalent to the population of Netherlands, a rise of 4.1 million since 2014, according to a new global report. In other words, 5,616 Indians were enslaved every day over these two years. On an average, 51 out of every 100 people are vulnerable to modern slavery - bonded labour, forced begging, forced marriage, domestic services and commercial sex work - in India, according to the Global Slavery Index 2016 compiled by the Walk Free Foundation, an advocacy based in Australia. India has the 4th highest proportion of people living under

enslaved conditions, after North Korea, Uzbekistan and Cambodia. India was at fifth position in modern slavery in 2014, changing place with Qatar, the report said. These are the ways in which Indians find themselves in modern-day slavery: Bonded labour: This practice persists in India, mainly because of debt, and the entire family is exposed to the risks of physical violence. People are forced to work under unhealthy conditions, and physical violence is meted out, if they refuse to work. More than 300,000 people were identified as bonded labour, with the largest - official -number in Uttar Pradesh (896,301), followed by Maharashtra (496,916), according to an answer given in the Lok Sabha in December 2015.

Domestic services: As many as 4.2 million people, including men, women and children, work as gardeners, cleaners, drivers, cooks and caregivers across the entire country. This kind of human slavery is prone to overtime working hours, withholding wages, insufficient remuneration and sometimes even physical and sexual violence, according to 2004 data published by US-based Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO). Forced begging: Many Indian beggars are under criminal pressure. A primary survey conducted by the Walk Free Foundation suggests that beggars are deprived of basic needs of survival and continuously threatened by their employers. The leading source of in-

come for children living on streets is rag-picking, practiced by 16 per cent of homeless children, according to a five-city study by Save the Children, an advocacy. Commercial sexual exploitation: The estimated number of sex workers in India is three million, of whom 1.2 million are below 18 years of age, according to a 2013 report by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Forced marriage: About half of women are forced to marry in India before the legal age of 18 and then made to work as unpaid labourers. More than 9,000 married women were bought from the states of Assam and West Bengal to Haryana, according to a May 2013 study by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Human trafficking cases up 92 per cent in six years About 5,500 cases were registered across India under existing human slavery laws in 2014, according to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data. Human trafficking rose 92 per cent over six years to 2014, IndiaSpend reported in August 2015. The government has drafted a National Policy for Domestic Workers that is currently awaiting Cabinet approval.If enacted, the policy would ensure a minimum salary of Rs 9,000 ($135) to skilled domestic help, paidand maternity-leaves, social security and the right to bargain collectively. It will also include provisions against sexual harassment and bonded labour for domestic workers.

'Indian govt's plan to tackle disasters neglects women, disabled and lower castes' neW delhI, June 8 (thomson ReuteRs FoundatIon): India's new plan to tackle disasters fails to address the needs of vulnerable groups, which could lead to millions of women, children, disabled and elderly people as well as lower caste and tribal communities being put at further risk, aid workers said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled India's first National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) last week. The plan aims to boost resilience to earthquakes, cyclones and floods and reduce deaths by focusing on early warning, response and recovery. While the United Nations and relief agencies have generally welcomed the plan, some aid groups say there are serious gaps. "The NDMP docu-

ing menstruation to sexual violence in camps and poor healthcare for expectant mothers. As a result, maternal and infant mortality rates, infectious diseases fuelled by poor sanitation, sexual abuse and unsafe abortions tend to rise in the chaos following a disaster. Disabled people are also disproportionately affected by disasters, say aid workers. Many cannot physically access buildings or transport, relief camps or aid distribution points.

A woman carries her child and milk packets as she wades through a flooded street in Chennai. (REUTERS File Photo)

ment should have included guidelines and systems to ensure that the government's disaster response, mitigation and recovery especially target most vulnerable sections amongst

the disaster-impacted population," said Sandeep Chachra, ActionAid India's executive director. Disasters affect people to varying degrees, and the government should identi-

fy the specific needs of different groups to respond effectively, aid workers say. For example, adolescent girls and women face many problems - from a lack of sanitary towels dur-

EXCLUDED Another vulnerable group are people from lower-caste communities, or Dalits, who often live on the outskirts of settlements, in poor quality housing with little protection against natural hazards. A 2013 report found many Dalits do not get the

same access to emergency aid such as clean water, dry food rations or shelter as their higher-caste neighbours. It said lower-caste communities were refused food at a relief camp in Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami, while during the same disaster in India, Dalits were exploited for their labour to remove corpses and debris. "We are disappointed with the National Disaster Management Plan, as it fails to consider the specific needs of Dalits and other vulnerable groups," said Rikke Nöhrlind, Executive Director of the International Dalit Solidarity Network. "The Indian government is undoubtedly aware of this, and it seems incomprehensible to us that it fails to address the issue. The fact that more attention is paid to animals than vulnerable humans in this

important plan is very tell- information dissemination, provision of medical ing indeed." care, fuel and transportation, search and rescue and "ONE OF THE FIRST" India is likely to be hit evacuations. The United Nations said hard by climate change. It is already one of the most India was one of the first disaster-prone nations in countries to present a plan the world and many of its to implement the four pri1.3 billion people live in ar- orities for action of the Seneas vulnerable to hazards dai Framework, a U.N. plan such as floods, cyclones, agreed in Japan in 2015 to earthquakes and droughts. reduce disaster losses. "The challenges of reducFloods - like those sparked by unprecedent- ing disaster risk in a country ed rainfall in the financial the size of India are formicapital Mumbai in 2005, or dable but the Indian governin the Himalayan city of Sri- ment is demonstrating that nagar in 2014 – will become where there is a will there is commonplace, experts say. a way," said Robert Glasser, The NDMP covers all head of the U.N. Office for aspects of disaster man- Disaster Risk Reduction (UNagement - prevention, SIDR), in a statement. "The country faces a mitigation, response and recovery - and provides for formidable range of both better coordination among man-made and natural government agencies and hazards as evidenced by the drought which is curdepartments. The plan also identifies rently affecting over 300 tasks such as early warning, million people."

THURsDAY 09•06•2016




Declaring a historic victory, Hillary Clinton turns fire on Trump in her White House bid SANTA MONICA, JuNe 8 (ReuTeRS): Hillary Clinton celebrated her triumph as the first woman to lead a major party in a race for the White House, scoring big wins in California and New Jersey to cement her grip on the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. The former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state spoke to supporters at a raucous event in Brooklyn, New York, and placed her achievement in the context of the women’s rights movement. “Thanks to you, we have reached a milestone,” Clinton said in a speech. “We all owe so much to who came before.” Clinton appealed to supporters of party rival Bernie Sanders. She said Democrats had been bolstered by his campaign for eradicating income inequality, which has commanded huge crowds and galvanized younger voters. Not yet ready to concede, Sanders vowed to fight on. Clinton also harshly attacked Donald Trump, her presumptive Republican rival in the Nov. 8 presidential election, for using divisive rhetoric that belittled women, Muslims and immigrants. She took specific

aim at his condemnation of an Indiana-born judge of Mexican heritage. “The stakes in this election are high and the choice is clear. Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander in chief,” Clinton said. “When Donald Trump says a distinguished judge born in Indiana can’t do his job because of his Mexican heritage, or he mocks a reporter with disabilities, or calls women pigs, it goes against everything we stand for,” she said. A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday showed Clinton leading Trump by 10 percentage points nationally as they launch their general election battle, little changed from a week earlier. OBAMA, SANDERS TO MEET Clinton edged Sanders out in a rough-and-tumble battle that stretched over four months and 50 states. She won support, especially among older voters, with a more pragmatic campaign focused on building on the policies of her fellow Democrat, President Barack Obama. Obama called both Clinton and Sanders on

Tuesday. The White House said he congratulated her on securing the delegates necessary to clinch the nomination and would meet Sanders on Thursday at Sanders’ request. The Associated Press called the race in California for Clinton early on Wednesday. Clinton won 56 percent to Sanders’ 43 percent, avoiding what would have been an embarrassing loss in America’s most populous state. The California win came on the heels of a decisive win in New Jersey and narrower victories in New Mexico and South Dakota in Tuesday’s nominating contests. Sanders won Montana and North Dakota. A defeat in California would have reinforced doubts about Clinton’s candidacy. Now, she can turn her attention to healing her fractured party and drawing in Sanders’ passionate supporters. Clinton’s credentials for office have not been a serious issue, but a scandal stemming from her use of a private email account while at the State Department hangs over her head as she enters the general election campaign. Clinton, 68, will also be running against the current

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reacts before speaking to supporters at her California primary night rally held in the Brooklyn borough of New York on June 7. (REUTERS Photo)

of this election season, one that has favored outsiders like Trump and Sanders. In Trump, 69, she has an unpredictable opponent who shreds the standard campaign rule book on an almost daily basis.

tions left. Democratic Party elites are lined up squarely behind Clinton, including most likely Obama, who may endorse his former secretary of state as early as this week. Pressure will mount on Sanders to exit graciously and throw his FEW OPTIONS support to Clinton. For his part, Sanders, Eight years ago in June 74, seems to have few op- 2008, Clinton did exactly that

when she ended her bitter primary fight with Obama. At the time, it appeared unclear whether Obama would be able to garner the support of Clinton’s most ardent backers, but that election drew the highest voter turnout in generations. At a rally in Santa Monica on Tuesday, Sanders showed no interest in end-

ing his upstart candidacy, telling cheering supporters he would go on campaigning through next Tuesday’s primary in the District of Columbia and carry his political mission - although not necessarily his campaign - to the party convention in Philadelphia next month. “We are going to fight

hard to win the primary in Washington, D.C.,” he said. “And then we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” Prominent Democrats say that unifying the party now is the highest priority, and that if Sanders maintains his challenge to Clinton through the July 25-28 convention, Trump will benefit. “We have our work cut out for us,” said U.S. Representative Alan Lowenthal, a Democrat from Long Beach, California. “My overriding fear is that we get divided, and Donald Trump could win the election.” Even if Sanders does concede, his supporters may not go quietly. Several told Reuters in recent days that they would have trouble supporting Clinton in a matchup against Trump, saying they either would not vote or would support a third-party candidate. “People right now are talking if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, they are deregistering as Democrats,” said Susan Hartley, 71, a lawyer from Northern California, who was part of the noisy throng of thousands at a Sanders rally in an aircraft hangar in Santa Monica. “People are really upset.”

First in Asia, Thailand eliminates Long-term marijuana use disrupts brain’s reward process mother-to child transmission of HIV B A N G KO K , J u N e 8 (ThOMSON ReuTeRS FOuNdATION): When Anya Nopalit became pregnant with her first son, 16 years ago, she learned she had HIV and worried she would pass the virus on to him. Fortunately, Thailand had launched a programme that year to provide antiretroviral (ARV) treatment and counselling for pregnant women with HIV, and her son was born free of the virus. A decade later, she had a second son - this time, armed with knowledge about how to monitor the amount of HIV in her blood - her viral load - and the CD4 cells protecting her from infection. She was confident that he would not get sick. “With my first child, I was scared, but with my second, I was not scared at all because I knew what my viral load and CD4 levels were, and he wouldn’t contract it,” Anya said by telephone while at sea fishing in eastern Chanthaburi province. The World Health Organization announced on Wednesday that Thailand has become the first Asian country to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis. Elimination of transmission is defined as a reduction of

transmission to such a low level that it no longer constitutes a public health problem. Last year, Cuba was the world’s first country to receive WHO validation for eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV. But Thailand, which is home to about 450,000 people living with HIV, is “the first with a large HIV epidemic to ensure an AIDS-free generation,” the WHO said in a statement. “This is a remarkable achievement for a country where thousands of people live with HIV,” Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, the head of WHO for Southeast Asia, said in a statement. “Thailand has demonstrated to the world that HIV can be defeated,” she added. UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé called the achievement an important milestone in efforts to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. BETTER COVERAGE In the 1980s and 1990s, Thailand struggled with a huge HIV epidemic, with an estimated 143,000 new infections in 1991. Over the decades, it has conducted awareness and condom use campaigns, and provided free antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for all Thais, cutting the

estimated number of new infections to 8,100 in 2013. Thailand’s decision to provide all pregnant women - including undocumented migrant workers - free antenatal care, delivery and services for HIV and syphilis, pushed treatment coverage rates up, culminating in the validation of elimination of mother-to-child transmission, WHO said. Mother-to-child transmission has dropped to 85 children infected with HIV in 2015, from about 1,000 children infected in 2000, it said. According to Thai health authorities, the number of women newly infected with HIV fell to 1,900 in 2014, from 15,000 in 2000. Untreated, women living with HIV have a 15 percent to 45 percent chance of transmitting the virus to their children during pregnancy, labour, delivery or breastfeeding, WHO said. That risk drops to just over 1 percent if ARVs are given to mothers and children throughout the stages when infection can occur. According to the Thai Ministry of Public Health, 98 percent of all pregnant women living with HIV have access to ARVs, and the rate of mother-to-child transmission of HIV has been reduced to less than 2 percent.

NeW YORK, JuNe 8 (IANS): Researchers have demonstrated that long-term marijuana use can disrupt the brain’s natural reward processes. “This study shows that marijuana disrupts the natural reward circuitry of the brain, making marijuana highly salient to those who use it heavily,” said one of the researchers Francesca Filbey from Centre for Brain Health at The University of Texas at Dallas.

The researchers found that marijuana users had more activity in the brain’s reward processes when presented with cannabis cues than with natural reward cues. “In essence, these brain alterations could be a marker of transition from recreational marijuana use to problematic use,” Filbey said. The findings appeared in the journal Human Brain Mapping. The researchers studied

59 adult marijuana users and 70 nonusers, accounting for potential biases such as traumatic brain injury and other drug use. Study participants rated their urge to use marijuana after looking at various visual cannabis cues, such as a pipe, bong, joint or blunt, and selfselected images of preferred fruit, such as a banana, an apple, grapes or an orange. When presented with marijuana cues compared to

fruit, marijuana users showed enhanced response in the brain regions associated with reward, such as the orbitofrontal cortex, striatum, anterior cingulate gyrus, precuneus and the ventral tegmental area. “We found that this disruption of the reward system correlates with the number of problems, such as family issues, individuals have because of their marijuana use,” Filbey said.

Human trafficking kingpin extradited from Sudan to Italy PALeRMO, JuNe 8 (ReuTeRS): An Eritrean man suspected of running a human trafficking network that sent thousands of migrants to Europe, leaving many to die on the way, was extradited from Sudan to Italy overnight, officials said. Medhane Yehdego Mered, 35, was flown to Italy during the night after his arrest in Khartoum, Sudan on May 24, Italian and British officials said. It is the first time a suspected kingpin has been tracked down in Africa, where many of the smuggling networks are based, and brought to face justice in Italy since Europe’s immigration crisis started almost three years ago. “Mered is accused of being the advocate and boss of one of the most important criminal groups operating in central Africa and Libya that smuggles people first across the Sahara desert and then the Mediterranean Sea,” the court led by prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi said in a statement.

Mered is suspected of working with an Ethiopian, Ghermay Ermias, who is still at large. Between them, they are accused of raking in huge sums by bringing migrants from Libya to Italy across the Mediterranean on overcrowded and often unseaworthy boats, the prosecutor added. Britain’s National Crime Agency said it had helped Italian investigators track Mered to Sudan and held him responsible for the deaths of 359 migrants when a vessel sank off the southern Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013. A statement said he was known as “The General” because he had styled himself on the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Sicilian prosecutor Calogero Ferrara told Reuters last year that the two controlled an operation that was “much larger, more complex and more structured than originally imagined”. Ferrara said they were opportunis-

tic, purchasing kidnapped migrants from other criminals in Africa. By his calculations, each boat trip of 600 people made the smugglers between $800,000 and $1 million before costs. The smuggling networks have mostly eluded international law enforcement agencies because they are based on anonymous cells spread across many countries. Italy has been on the frontline of the immigration crisis. About 170,000 migrants reached Italy by sea in 2014 and 153,800 in 2015, according to the International Organization for Migration. So far this year, just more than 40,000 migrants have arrived. More than 8,000 people are also believed to have died in the Mediterranean since the start of 2014, some off the Italian coast and others seeking to reach Greece. Medecins san Frontieres estimated that 900 died last week alone.

North Korea restarts plutonium production for nuke bombs WAShINGTON, JuNe 8 (ReuTeRS): North Korea has restarted production of plutonium fuel, a senior U.S. State Department official said on Tuesday, showing that it plans to pursue its nuclear weapons program in defiance of international sanctions. The U.S. assessment came a day after the U.N. nuclear watchdog said it had “indications” that Pyongyang has reactivated a plant to recover plutonium from spent reactor fuel at Yongbyon, its main nuclear complex. The latest developments suggest North Korea’s reclusive regime is working to ensure a steady supply of materials for its drive to build warheads, despite tightened international sanctions after its fourth nuclear test in January. The U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Washington is worried by the new

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un looks from the balcony as he presides over a mass rally and parade in the capital’s main ceremonial square in Pyongyang, North Korea May 10, 2016. REUTERS

plutonium reprocessing effort, but he offered no explicit word on any U.S. response. “Everything in North Korea is a cause for concern,” the official told Reuters.

“They take the spent fuel from the 5 megawatt reactor at Yongbyon and let it cool and then take it to the reprocessing facility, and that’s where they’ve

obtained the plutonium for their previous nuclear tests. So they are repeating that process,” the official said. “That’s what they’re doing.” North Korea, which conducted its fourth nuclear test in January, vowed in 2013 to restart all nuclear facilities, including the main reactor and the smaller plant at Yongbyon, which was shut down in 2007 as part of an international disarmament-for-aid deal that later collapsed. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which has no access to North Korea and mainly monitors its activities by satellite, said last year it had seen signs of a resumption of activity at Yongbyon. IAEA chief Yukiya Amano told a news conference in Vienna on Monday that there have been indications of renewed plutonium reprocessing activities at Yongbyon. Reprocessing

involves extracting plutonium from spent reactor fuel, one route to obtaining bomb fuel other than uranium enrichment. “I would agree that there are indications,” the U.S. official said. The official declined to confirm whether this determination was made from satellite imagery or intelligence sources, or to say how much plutonium North Korea could produce by this method. South Korea’s Unification Ministry spokesman Cheong Joon-hee said Seoul was closely watching movements related to the North’s nuclear facility “with grave concern” but declined to comment directly on plutonium production. A spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry said China, North Korea’s lone major ally, has always promoted the denuclearization of the Korean penin-

sula and a resolution of the issue via talks. “We hope all parties can work hard together to put the nuclear issue back on the track of dialogue and negotiations,” spokesman Hong Lei told reporters. SHROUDED IN SECRECY North Korea announced at a rare congress of its ruling Workers’ Party last month that it would strengthen its defensive nuclear weapons capability. It had already declared itself “a responsible nuclear weapons state” and disavowed the use of nuclear weapons unless its sovereignty is first infringed by others with nuclear arms. While North Korea in the past has often obtained key components for its nuclear program from other countries despite international sanctions, there was no sign of any recent outside procurement involved in reactivating its plutoni-

um reprocessing, the U.S. official said. There is little proven knowledge about the quantities of weaponsgrade uranium or plutonium that North Korea possesses, or its ability to produce either, though plutonium from spent fuel at Yongbyon is widely believed to have been used in its nuclear bombs. South Korean Defense Minister Han Min-koo said last month the North probably had about 40 kg (88 lb) of plutonium. That would be enough to make eight to 10 bombs, according to experts. Operating the 5 megawatt reactor could yield about 5-6 kg of plutonium a year, they said. Experts at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies in Washington predicted last year that North Korea’s nuclear weapons

stockpile could grow to 20, 50 or 100 bombs within five years, from an estimated 10 to 16 weapons at that time. North Korea has come under tightening international pressure over its nuclear weapons program, including tougher U.N. sanctions adopted in March backed by China, following its most recent nuclear blast and ballistic missile tests. The website 38 North reported last week, based on commercial satellite imagery, that exhaust plumes had been detected twice in May from the thermal plant at Yongbyon’s Radiochemical Laboratory, the site’s main reprocessing installation. The Institute for Science and International Security also reported exhaust emissions from a chimney at the plant, which it said was often associated with reprocessing activities there.


thursDAY 09•06•2016



Tree plantation drive organized by Zsu

KOHIMA, JUNE 8 (MExN): In commemoration of World Environment Day, Zhavame Students’ Union (ZSU) organized a tree plantation drive on June 4 at Kapamodzü Peak, Zhavame village, wherein hundreds of tree saplings were planted by about 40 people comprising students, youths, teachers and concerned citizens of the village. Zhavame Village Council Chairman, Vivotso Domeh lauded the initiative of the students’ union, while stating his observation that the students’ body has been actively involved in planting trees even in the past. He urged them to continue with their efThe Eco-Club of Schola ‘Lojes’ Dzüvürü, Kohima organized tree plantation drive on June forts in preserving the environment 4 to commemorate World Environment Day in collaborating with Forest Department and while dwelling on the importance of Phesama Village Council on NH-29 till Kigwema village. About 200 tree saplings were planted trees, without which, the lives of both in and around NH-29. humans and animals are at threat. He stated that with maximum tree plantation, there will be clean air, good health and that riches will follow.

Participants of the plantation drive organized by Zhavame Students’ Union.

‘Protect environment every day’ KLC observes World Environment Day

DIMApUr, JUNE 8 (MExN): ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Jharnapani, Medziphema observed World Environment Day on June 5. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. D.J. Rajkhowa, Joint Director, Nagaland Centre stated how human activities are increasingly having a major effect on the interactive global systems driven by climate, land, water and vegetation. Increase in emissions of Green House Gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are causing changes in the composition of the atmosphere, he stated, adding every person has a role to play in protecting the environment not just on World Environment Day but every day. To mark the occasion, S.D. Jain Higher Secondary School observed the World Environment Day in the school with tree sapling of various species were also planted. different activities to create awareness among young children on the importance of protecting the environment. A poster making competition was organized on the theme One World One Environment. Students took a pledge to plant and nurture at least one tree in their surroundings. They also promised to abstain from using plastic bags as far as possible. Another highlight was a poster exhibition by students on different environmental issues.

Younger generations asked to be concerned for environment

JAlUKIE, JUNE 8 (MExN): World Environment Day 2016 was observed at Benreu village in Peren district, jointly organized by Peren Forest Division, Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) Guwahati, and Community Conservation Area Committee (CCA) Benreu village. The resource persons were C. Villalhuolie, DFO, Peren Division and Alakesh Baruah from FES Guwahati. C. Villalhuolie enlightened the participants on the significance of the day and emphasized on the obligations that everyone is vested with for helping attain a healthy environment. He also encouraged the younger generations to be conscious and live up to the expectations and demands of the day, not only in academics but also in having concern for the environment. Alakesh Baruah emphasized on the various aspects of community conservation, especially in Nagaland, sharing his experiences in the State. He also stressed on the importance of having good knowledge of the benefits and economics of conservation, need based assessment, and utilization of resources and the need for continuity. The event was also marked by declaration of the CCA Benreu by DFO Peren, documentary presenUnity College, Dimapur, observed World Environment Day as well as launched ‘Eco Club’ tation by FES Guwahati, and planting activities in and on June 4. To commemorate the day, N. M. Ovung, Chairman of the college, in the presence of the Managing board and students, planted tree saplings. This was followed by the around the village.

KOHIMA, JUNE 8 (MExN): Kohima Law College observed World Environment Day with the theme, ‘Fight against the illegal trade in wild’ at the college premises on June 6. LL.B Final Year students presented on different topics related to environmental issues. The significance of the day was presented by Principal of the College, Visevonuo Pienyu. Professor-in-Charge for

B.C.I Practical Training Papers, Kezhokhoto Savi moderated the session. He presented a closing remark with an appeal to the State Government, particularly the Deputy Commissioner, Kohima to ban opening of septic tank in the state capital and ban rearing of pigs in Kohima Town as a single pig sty burdens not less than 15-25 houses in a colony.

Trinity school observes Wed

KOHIMA, JUNE 8 (MExN): Trinity School, Kohima observed World Environment Day on June 4 at the school premises and T. Khel Market, Sokhriezie. Zakie Kiso, Superintendent, Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) exhorted the students on various environmental issues, solid waste management and also the functioning of KMC. Stating that solid waste management has become a herculean task, he urged every individual to sensibly play their part. He cited the example of a group in South Africa called ‘Pick Angels’, which formed a “Waste Bank” whereby recyclable wastes are collected for generation of funds and the acquired amount are used for helping under-privileged students and for any other charitable purposes. He further informed that KMC is

spending more than 100 crores for waste management annually and this to a large extent is due to the negligence and irresponsible actions of the citizens. Therefore, he called upon every section of the society to be more civilized in disposing their wastes so that the amount spent on waste management can be utilized in other developmental activities. He also expressed that the segregation of dry and wet waste is an important factor that has to be learnt and practiced. The programme was jointly organized by Trinity School, Kohima, Tsütuonuomia Youth Organization (TYO), Tsütuonuomia Students’ Union, and the Fire & Emergency Services. A joint cleaning and tree plantation drives were also carried out at T. Khel Market, Sokhriezie.

formal launch of ‘Eco Club’, under the convenor VandanaLadha, Asst. Prof., Department of Commerce. Dr. Vivolhonu Punyu, Asst. Prof., Department of History, highlighted the initiative taken by Khonoma Village, Kohima District, to preserve and maintain ecological balance of the environment.

The NSS unit together with the Mission Green members of C-Edge College observed World Environment Day on June 6 by planting tree saplings around the campus. The saplings were donated by the Forest department.

TMT Hr. Sec. School, Pfütsero celebrated World Environment Day on June 6 with the theme “Zero tolerance for the illegal wild trade”. A skit on the theme was performed by the students of Class XII. The celebration also included flower plantation by the students of Classes VII TMT Hr.and Sec.mass School, Pfütsero World Environment Day on June 6 with the theme “Zero and VII social workcelebrated around the school.

NSS Club of Model Christian College, Kohima observed World Environment Day by organizing a painting competition among its students (Arts & Science stream) on June 5. The event was held under the theme “Go Wild for Life.” Yaoreiso M.K Shimrah of B.Sc 5th semester tolerance for the illegal wild trade”. A skit on the theme was performed by the students of Class XII. The Ruzhükhrie Government Higher Secondary School un- and Akhriezo Shüya of B.Sc. 1st semester were adjudged first and second in the competition celebration also included flower plantation by the students of Classes VII and VII and mass social work dertaking cleanliness drive and planting 270 saplings Ruzhükhrie Government Higher Secondary School undertaking cleanliness while Kelevi Angami of B.A 5th semester and Vitseituo Talie of B.Sc 5th semester bagged the around the school. in its during observance of World Endrive andschool planting campus 270 saplings in its school campus during observance of third prize. The event was conducted under the supervision of Vikhoho, NSS Programme Officer, MCC and Meyibenla Tzudir, NSS Asst. Programme Officer, MCC. vironment Day. Day. World Environment

public discourse

AFspA: does anyone care to raise its existence

A The Department of Youth Resources & Sports organised tree plantation at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima to observe World Environment Day. Cleanliness drive as part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was also carried out with participation of National Service Scheme (NSS), Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), Indira Gandhi Stadium Academy students, officers and staff of the department.

Caption: The Department of Youth Resources & Sports organised tree plantation at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima to observe World Environment Day. Cleanliness drive as part of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was also carried out with participation of National Service Scheme (NSS), Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), Indira Gandhi Stadium Academy students, officers and staff of the department.

Livingstone Foundation Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur observed World Environment Day 2016 at its Senior Block on June 6 during the Morning Assembly. Seen in the picture are students of GradeXII performing a skit on the of conserving forests and World wildlifeEnvironment resources forDay a better Livingstone Foundation Hr.theme Sec. School, Dimapur observed 2016future. at its Senior Block on June 6 during the Morning Assembly. Seen in the picture are students of GradeXII performing a skit on the theme of conserving forests and wildlife resources for a better future.

FSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Acts) the draconian Law was implemented in 1958 by the Central Government and its brutality has been experienced by our parents physically some 40-50 years back and it continues to haunt the present generation psyche to a large extent that paralyses the vision of us, and listening to the stories of our parents makes one fear and fill our heart with anger and hatred. Records has it all if one aspires to know more on how this Law functions and how it really did made a horrific attempt to inflict us. Looking at the records of our people at the mercy of the Jawans(s) under the shadow of the AFSPA one cannot think of keeping oneself shying away from the issue but stirs our soul to avenge in whatsoever possibly way it may be. Our mothers and sisters were raped inside the Church and in front of our father and brothers, our father and brothers were shot any-

where/anytime and were chased down like wild animals, Churches knocked down to dust, fields and barns burnt to ashes, villages burnt down, villagers grouped and regrouped in different places just to get torture and harassment, children died due to hunger and thirst, properties worth crores were destroyed and the list goes on. We became refugees in our own land with nowhere to hide or seek help, we were counted as but animals by the armies. We lived a life of abject misery and all these were caused by the so called AFSPA under the pretext of flushing out unwanted elements functioning in the areas they operated with zero mercy even to the sick and old people. We cannot hide and should not forget our history, our present generation may not experience it and many does not even know the history that our parents underwent and we may live peacefully without being bothered about the EXISTENCE of AFSPA but let

us be reminded and be sure that we are still guided by it and we are still under the bondage of it though with lesser or no effect (as of now), but it does not mean that we are free of it rather we ought to be aware of it and make this time a platform to prepare ourself to fight against it (I am encouraging a violent fight, but from a proper approach) and let it revoke for eternity. One cannot expect it to be over/done from the government or different organizations alone but every individual has their own share to fight against it and the Churches cannot be passive on this. Being silence knowing the fact that something is not right itself is injustice, hence our Churches should not remain just a mere spectator on this crucial issue. Liberation theology was born in Latin America in 1960’s with the fact of peoples’ resistance to economic and political injustice, therefore it clearly indicates that Church responsibility is not just to

win over the lost soul but to give human a dignity and wholeness of life. Thus, it necessitates for the government, organizations, Churches and every individuals to participate in the fight for our life, a life honoured living. At a time when Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the central Government tries to instigate the AFSPA to further in NorthEast India (probably with hidden political and religious motives) and continues its horrific acts among our people, how can a right thinking citizen stay still and flow with the time as if nothing is happening? Our lukewarmish and lameness approach to this AFSPA may and will result a bitter and regrettable tomorrow. Every individual/ church/organizations and government with a unified voice will make a difference in the lives of many. Let that voice be yours/me and us and say END to this draconian Law once and for all. Imtitoshi Longkumer, Ungma

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Thursday 09•06•2016


Ellie Goulding stays silent R on Prince Harry romance

Neil Zaza to visit Nagaland for the second time


llie Goulding has been linked to Prince Harry after the pair was reported to have got close at a recent polo game. But the blonde beauty didn't look like she'd been giving her side of the story anytime soon as she posed for a moody selfie on Wednesday morning. The Burn songstress, who previously dated McFly's Dougie Poynter and Radio 1 DJ Greg James, is used to speculation about her private life - but a royal is a whole other level. Harry and Ellie have been longtime pals ever since the star sang at the 2011 wedding of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, but according to reports things could have turned romantic between them. A source said: “Harry and Ellie only had eyes for each other all night – they

spent a lot of time sitting together under blankets. “They were seen having a kiss before Harry had to go because he was playing polo the next day. Ellie left about five minutes later.

“Harry was overheard on the way out telling some friends how much he liked her.” A source said about the polo at Coworth Park, Berks : “Everyone was having a good time.” The event

is a must in celebrity circles and is described as a “riot of fun” in Tatler magazine. Ellie has been a favourite with the young royals for a number of years and previously said of

the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: “I’m friends with them, so it’s not like it’s awkward because I don’t know them. So that’s fine.” Ellie, 29, also supported Harry in his Invictus Games, performing at the closing ceremony of the inaugural Games in 2014 and she was reportedly asked to perform at Harry’s 30th birthday last Harry, 31, has recently spoken about being single and moaned that when he is seen talking to a girl: “That person is then suddenly my wife.” Asked at the time if she hoped to rekindle the relationship she said: “We have something I know is special and I think other people see it - my friends see it, my family see it...” Neither Kensington Palace nor representatives for Ellie responded for comment.

enowned American instrumental guitarist Neil Zaza will be visiting Nagaland for the second time on June 20 and 21 for a workshop and concert consecutively. On June 20, Neil Zaza will be the resource person at a guitar workshop organized by The Institute for Music Education (T.I.M.E) at hotel Acacia, Dimapur starting from 4 p.m. Various topics including composition, audio production, musicianship, tips on gadgets, touring and live performance will be covered during the workshop.


cottish DJ Calvin Harris reportedly "struggled" with his former girlfriend Taylor Swift's "regimented" life and the pressure of dating one of the world's biggest pop stars. Harris recently called time on his 15-month romance with Swift and insiders adSource: Mirror.Co.uk mit the "Summer" hitmaker struggled with the relationship, reports femalefirst. co.uk. "Taylor is an empire in her own right and, as such, her life is very controlled," a source told Britain's Grazia magazine. "At the end of the day, Calvin is still a smalltown boy from Dumfries (Scotland) and I think he struggled with living in such regimented conditions where his every


escendants of the Sun” across Asia, rumors of a second season seem unyielding despite previous reports saying that a second installment is unlikely. South Korean Descendants of the Sun has been big a hit among the Asian viewers. In an interview with local South Korean news

Source: Contactmusic

sued by woman she mocked on TV

outlet, Naver, as reported by Soompi, KBS Drama Department Head Jung Sung-ho said that they are in talks with the network with regard to production plans for a season 2 of the hit military-themed drama. He said that creation of season 2 will be a way for them to thank the viewers and fans. He added, “KBS will strive to produce a sec-






move was speculated on," the insider added. Harris, who cancelled a number of shows last month after being involved in a car accident, was said to feel increasingly "suffocated" by Swift's attention, while she often felt "pushed away" by him. "There were a few times when Taylor wanted Cal-

vin's support and he bailed but she would dismiss her doubts and tell herself it was because he was always so career-focussed," the source said. "Then, after his crash, she dropped everything to be with him and was ready to prove her commitment," added the insider. Source: IANS

Descendants of the Sun—Plans on for season 2



guys did as well as anyone on TV as far as that kind of role'." The pair's Chairman's Award prize comes just weeks after it was announced Brad and Carrie would be returning to co-host the 2016 ceremony. "So excited I am returning to host The 50th Annual CMA Awards w/ (with) Brad Paisley Nov. 2 on @ abcnetwork! #CMAawards50," Underwood, 33, captioned an Instagram photo of herself and Paisley. The Celebrity singer added: "Last year they let me pull my pants down on national tv, wonder what they will let me do this year, Carrie?" The old friends have become known for their funny opening monologues and segments over the years, but nothing will top 2014's event, when Paisley accidentally let it slip the then-pregnant beauty's first child would be a boy - news she ended up confirming live onstage.

kum, Gold Planet, GCKA band. Besides the musical concert, a video tribute to renowned Naga female powerhouse and front-lady of the band Purple Fusion late Lamtsala H Sangtam will be aired during the event. The World Music Day 2016 is organized and managed by The Institute of Music Education while the sound and light partner for the event will be Crescendo Nagaland. The organizers have invited musicians, music lovers and people from all walks of life to come and be part of the momentous event.

Harris ‘struggled’ with Swift’s ‘regimented’ life

Underwood & Paisley land prestigious CMA Chairman’s Award

he two friends and artists were recognised for their "dedication, integrity and creativity" to the CMA organisation during a ceremony in Nashville, Tennessee on Monday (06Jun16). Carrie and Brad have been teaming up to co-host the annual CMA Awards for the past few years, and they will return for their ninth joint presenting gig in November (16). Paisley admits taking charge of the prizegiving is always an exciting time for the pair as they really do their best to deliver a great show. He admits they always ask themselves, "Did we tear the room apart? Did they go nuts?" after each show, adding, "I know that we really want that to be something that, at the end of the year, you point to as something that was something done right. It's good for country music. I love it when somebody says, 'You

Neil Zaza, who is well known all over the world for his will be the guest artist during the World Music Day 2016 concert on June 21 at Agri Expo starting from 6 p.m. He will be joined on the stage by band of local musicians including Toshimoa Jamir, Yanpo Humtsoe, Akihito Zhimomi, Mangyang Kichu and Moang Aier. The host of artistes sharing the stage with Neil Zaza during the World Music Day concert included Mengu Suokhrie, Moajungla Jamir, Jano Nyekha, Viputoli Achumi, The Gluttones, Brainstorm Island, Wangyat Wangsu band, Imtia-

Sovima, 6th Mile, dimapur, 797112, nagaland

duration: 6 Months

ond ‘Descendants of the Sun’ to meet expectations and repay viewers. We plan to launch a ‘Descendants of the Sun’ project for broadcast in 2017 through negotiations with the cast and production team.” On the other hand, “Descendants of the Sun” co-writer Kim Won-suk previously said, in a separate interview with Naver as reported via Soompi, “I have no plans for a second season. I’ve already told the story I wanted to tell. I hope that Yoo Si-jin will lead a happy life in the future without any more trouble.” He further revealed that should there be a season 2, it will not be a sequel to the first installment but an entirely different show with an original story. He penned the script with Kim Eun-sook. Source: Asia Times



he comedienne, who promotes kindness on her daytime U.S. talk show, upset Titi Pierce by name checking her on the programme and making a joke. Now the real estate agent has filed a defamation lawsuit, claiming Ellen's mockery led to a significant loss of privacy. Pierce states DeGeneres mangled her name on air

back in February (16), calling her "Titty" instead of "Teetee" - the given pronunciation of her name, and then to make matters worse producers of The Ellen Degeneres Show failed to properly blur out her cell phone number. The plaintiff alleges hundreds of people called to make fun of her while she was at a funeral. As well as defamation and invasion of privacy, Titi

is also suing Ellen for misappropriation of likeness and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Pierce also claims she alerted show producers about censoring the phone number and correcting the pronunciation of her name in repeats of the programme, but when it reaired in April (16), she was still the butt of Ellen's jokes. Source: Contactmusic

Ranbir Kapoor furious over rumours of link up with Kangana Ranaut


fter Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut controversy died down, the actress has found herself linked to Ranbir Kapoor. Last evening, their pairing was trending on Twitter, #now-

ranbirkangana. A source close to Ranbir, told DNA, "He is wondering where these rumours originated as there is no truth to it. Ranbir, who is shooting for Jagga Jasoos in Mumbai, since he has come back from Morocco, is in a state of shock over the spate of stories that have sprung out of nowhere in the last few months. He is upset that people are taking advantage of the fact that he doesn’t issue clarifications. There is no truth in the stories of Ranbir and Kangana’s affair, yet in a very systematic manner this is being spread in media. He knows who is behind these rumours and if this continues, he is considering issuing a strong de-

nial this time.” There were rumours of Ranbir and Kangana bonding off late. Ironically, both of them recently went through a lot of turbulence in their respective relationships. While Ranbir broke up with his longtime girlfriend Katrina Kaif, Kangana's secret affair came out in the open after a lot of public mud-slinging. On work front, Ranbir is currently shooting for Anurag Basu's 'Jagga Jasoos' and will soon start prepping up for Sanjay Dutt's biopic. On the other hand, Kangana is gearing up for the release of 'Rangoon' opposite Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Source: Deccan Chronicle

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thursDAY 09•06•2016



Man Utd sign Ivory Coast defender Bailly

Manchester, June 8 (reuters): Central defender Eric Bailly has joined Manchester United from Spanish side Villarreal on a four-year contract with the option to extend for a further two years, the Premier League club said on Wednesday. Bailly, who has 15 caps for Ivory Coast, made 47 appearances for Villarreal after joining in 2015. The 22-year-old becomes the first signing for manager Jose Mourinho at Old Trafford. "I want to progress to be the best that I can be and I believe working with Jose Mourinho will help me develop in the right way and at the right club," Bailly said. "I am looking forward In this image released by Manchester United, Ivory Coast to meeting my new teamdefender Eric Bailly holds up the club's home jersey during mates and to starting this his unveiling at Old Trafford on June 8. new chapter of my life."

Francesco Totti renews Roma contract


In this image released by AS Roma on June 7, club captain Francesco Totti signs a contract extension as owner James Pallotta looks on. Totti signed a one year extension that will keep him at the club for the 25th season of his career.

roMe, June 8 (Ians): Italian soccer legend Francesco Totti, 39, has renewed his contract with Roma for one more year before he ends his career at the capital side. The club's official website wrote "Roma confirm Totti will play on for one final season" on Tuesday, reports Efe. Thus, Totti's wish has finally come true

by playing in Roma until he is 40 years of age. "I really wanted this contract; it represents the realization of my dream. I always wanted to end my career having only worn one shirt -- the Roma one," Totti said. Totti played 758 official games with Roma since he joined in in 1992, in which he scored 304 times.

Sharapova banned for 2 years by ITF

London, June 8 (reuters): Russian former world number one Maria Sharapova was handed a two-year ban by the International Tennis Federation on Wednesday following her positive test for banned drug meldonium at this year's Australian Open. In a statement the ITF said the 29-yearold five-times grand slam champion's ban would be back-dated to Jan. 26 this year, meaning her results from the Australian Open where she reached the quarter-finals, would be disqualified. "An Independent Tribunal appointed under Article 8.1 of the 2016 Tennis AntiDoping Programme has found that Maria Sharapova committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation under Article 2.1 of the Programme and as a consequence has disqualified the affected results and imposed a period of ineligibility of two years, commencing on 26 January 2016," the ITF said in a statement. Sharapova, the world's highest-paid

female athlete, stunned the sporting world in March when she announced that she had tested positive for meldonium, a drug she said she had been taking for a decade to treat diabetes and low magnesium. Meldonium was added to the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) list of banned substances at the start of the year after evidence that it boosted blood flow and enhanced athletic performance. After her admission, Swiss watchmaker TAG Heuer cut its ties with Sharapova while other brands such as Nike and Porsche distanced themselves from her. The ban means she will miss this year's Wimbledon championships, the title she won as a teenager to launch her career into orbit in 2004, and the Rio Olympics. At the time Sharapova, the highestprofile tennis player to fail an anti-doping test, insisted she had made "a huge mistake" blaming her failure to read an email sent by the ITF that meldonium had been added to the WADA list.

Colombia into Copa America last eight, US bounce back Pasadena, June 8 (aFP): Colombia became the first side to reach the quarter-finals of the Copa America Centenario, while the United States thumped Costa Rica 4-0 to get their campaign back on track. Goals from AC Milan's Carlos Bacca and Real Madrid star James Rodriguez on Tuesday secured a 2-1 win for Colombia over Paraguay in front of a vocal crowd at the Pasadena Rose Bowl in California. Victor Ayala gave Paraguay hope after pulling a goal back on 71 minutes but Colombia held on for three points which means they are assured of a top two finish in Group A and a place in the last eight. Colombia need only to draw against Costa Rica on Saturday to assure themselves of first place, leaving them a potentially easier quarter-final against the runner-up from Group B, which contains Brazil, Ecuador, Haiti and Peru. In Tuesday's other game, US striker Clint Dempsey scored his 50th international goal as the host nation bounced back from their 2-0 loss to Colombia on Friday with a convincing rout of Costa Rica. Dempsey opened the scoring from the penalty spot after nine minutes before Jermaine Jones and Bobby Wood struck just before half-time to effectively settle the contest. Substitute Graham Zusi added a fourth goal three minutes from time, which could prove crucial if goal difference comes into play.

Colombia’s James Rodriguez celebrates his goal against Paraguay during the first half of a Copa America Centenario Group A match at the Rose Bowl, Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in Pasadena , California. (AP Photo)

- Klinsmann relief The win came as a welcome relief for US coach Jurgen Klinsmann, whose tenure has faced mounting criticism over the past 18 months after a series of disappointing performances in competitive matches. United States Soccer Federation chief Sunil Gulati had fueled fresh speculation about Klinsmann's position only hours before kickoff, telling journalists: "No one has iron-clad job security." Klinsmann meanwhile showed he was in no mood to cede ground to his critics, picking the same starting line-up to face Costa

Rica that had disappointed in the 2-0 defeat to Colombia. Klinsmann's faith was rewarded with a superb first half display from his team. "I think it was, overall, a very pleasant performance," Klinsmann said. "It confirms the spirit of the group. They are all there for each other, the whole bench is jumping up and down when we score. Everybody wants the others to do well. It's a good group of guys that we have together. "They deserve a huge, huge compliment for tonight's performance. "We were eager to get

on the field, eager to get our first three points of the tournament. "We took a bit to get into the game. But when the first goal came we kept pushing for the next one and the next one." Klinsmann's team now faces Paraguay in its final Group A game in Philadelphia on Saturday, where a draw will probably be enough to advance to the knockout rounds. "We wanted to put ourselves in the driving seat against Paraguay and that's what we did," Klinsmann said. "We are right there to get through a difficult

group, and this is the most difficult group in the Copa America. It's encouraging to see this group of players has the extreme hunger to make things happen." On Wednesday, Peru could join Colombia in the quarter-finals if they manage to defeat Ecuador in Glendale, Arizona in Group B. In Wednesday's other game, five-time world champions Brazil face an intriguing matchup against Caribbean minnows Haiti in Orlando, Florida. "If we win it will be the greatest miracle that God has produced in football," Haiti midfielder Jean-Marc Alexandre said Tuesday.

Brilliant bowling lifts South Africa to win over Australia

GeorGetown, June 8 (reuters): Paceman Kagiso Rabada led a brilliant South Africa bowling display that lifted the Proteas to a 47-run win over Australia in the triangular one-day international series in Guyana on Tuesday. After winning the toss and making 189 for nine off their 50 overs, South Africa's bowlers had a field day on a low, slow turning pitch at Providence Stadium in Georgetown as Australia crumbled to be all out for 142 off 34.2 overs. Australia made heavy weather of the run-chase

right from the start, with the quick departure of dynamic opener David Warner (1), beaten by the pace of Wayne Parnell and trapped leg before. South Africa were rewarded for playing three specialist spinners but it was 21-year-old Rabada who led the way, using his genuine pace to claim 3 for 13 from seven overs. He was backed by fellow quick Parnell (2/23), while spinners Imran Tahir (2/39), Aaron Phangiso (2/26) and debutant Tabraiz Shamsi (1/36) collected the other five wickets.

Middle-order batsman Farhaan Behardien top-scored for South Africa with 62 off 82 balls, a man of the match performance, and captain AB de Villiers said his display had given the side momentum. “I thought we had a fantastic game today,” de Villiers said in an interview. “That innings that Behardien played got a bit of momentum on our side and then we started (bowling) really well with the two seamers and then the spinners did a fantastic job.” The only sour note for South Africa was the news

Rilee Rossouw incurred a suspected dislocated shoulder when he landed on the boundary rope diving to prevent a four. Opening batsman Aaron Finch was the only Australian to offer significant resistance, compiling 72 off 103 balls before being caught at extra cover off Phangiso, the ninth wicket to fall. Paceman Josh Hazlewood was the pick of the Australian bowlers with 2/20. Australian captain Steve Smith lamented his team’s inability to adapt to the conditions.

"We’ve got to adapt better on wickets like this that are a bit slower and take a bit of spin," he said. The result leaves the series delicately balanced with all three teams – South Africa, Australia and West Indies – on one win and one loss at the end of the Georgetown segment of the tournament, which now moves to the Caribbean island of St Kitts for the next three matches. South Africa and Australia have five points, after each picking up a bonus point, while West Indies have four.

2nd JK Tyre DMSC Autocross from Jun 23 dIMaPur, June 8 (Mexn): The Dimapur Motorsports Club has announced that the 2nd JK Tyre DMSC Autocross will be held from June 23 to 25 at State Agri Expo premises. The event will give away a total prize money of Rs 1,90,000, a press release from the Motorsports Club informed.

3rd All Nagaland veteran badminton tourney KohIMa, June 8 (Mexn): The Evening Club Kohima will be organizing the 3rd All Nagaland Veteran Badminton Tournament under the theme “Inspire a new generation” from June 24 to 25 at the Indoor Stadium, Officers Hill Kohima. The tournament will be held under five categories of 35 plus, 40 plus, 45 plus, 50 plus and 55 plus. It also informed to the participants that no two present state players can team up for the said tournament. However ex or present district players are eligible to participate. Entry forms available at: Kohima- Sports World & Inventory, Opposite Indoor Stadium, Dimapur- United Sports Agency, Mokokchung- MDBA members and WokhaHumri Bakers, Police Point. For more information, participants can contact 9346000486, 9436830111, 9774035643.

Georgia defeat Spain ahead of Euros MadrId, June 8 (aFP): European champions Spain suffered a shock first defeat since March 2015 losing 1-0 at home to Georgia in their final warm-up friendly before Euro 2016 in Madrid on Tuesday. Georgia, ranked 137 in the world, hadn't won a game since defeating minnows Gibraltar in Euro qualifying in October. However, they defended resolutely and took full advantage of their one real attack when Tornike Okriashvili tapped home at the far post six minutes before half-time. Spain begin their quest for a third consecutive European Championship against the Czech Republic on June 13 in Toulouse. Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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