May 22nd, 2017

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MOnDAY • MAY 22 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 138• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself Church should lead to be agent of change for clean election: Patton

We will find permanent solution to Kashmir issue: Rajnath Singh PAGE 08

o F

T R u T H

— Leo Tolstoy

Chelsea’s Kante claims hat-trick of individual honours



is nagaland state’s development model sustainable?

A discussion at Kerünyü Ki unwraps Nagaland’s situation Morung Express news Kohima | May 21

Development is a word so often used in Nagaland, it has almost become a Naga word. This was Niketu Iralu’s way of pointing out the obsession with ‘development’ in Nagaland State. Hills have disappeared and biodiversity lost as the word ‘sustainable’ remains missing from Nagaland’s development process. A prominent Naga elder, Iralu was hosting a discussion at Kerünyü Ki—House of Listening—on ‘Sustainable Development – The future we want to see’ in Sechu, Zubza, on Saturday, May 20. Organized by the North East Network, Nagaland, the discussion theme was modeled around the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 2030. As sustainable development practitioners of the State presented challenges and achievements in their regions, a parallel presentation unfurled on the Government of Nagaland’s Vision 2030. Voices from the ground Natural resources in Nagaland State are being rapidly used up to fuel a burgeoning urban populace. In the lack of alternative models that could meet growing pressure on the environment, or even replenish natural resources, development


By Sandemo Ngullie

is now creating scarcity which could trigger future conflict. In Dimapur, for instance, 50% of the households were using groundwater (by digging wells) to meet their water needs in 2005, informed Liangsi John, Director of C-CERP. Her organization has been working with people on environmentally sustainable development projects. “By now, more than 70% are probably using groundwater,” she guessed. While this could lead to the depletion of aquifers that contain the groundwater, Dimapur citizens face another challenge. “In some parts of the city, the water contains high levels of iron,” Liangsi stated, quoting a report from the Nagaland State Pollution Board. While other harmful chemicals could also show up given proper tests, using contaminated groundwater could lead to several diseases, particularly in children. Kohima city’s people face similar risks. Without a proper drainage system to connect the expanding hill town, sewage threatens to contaminate water sources in an already scarce environment. Dr. Nesatalu Hiese, Scientist D at Nagaland Science & Technology Council (NASTEC) revealed disturbing data. Tube wells in Kohima are drying up even as “rapid and unplanned urbanization” is creating a hazardous atmosphere. “50% of Kohima city is built on high risk, landslide prone, areas,” she informed. Houses are built by individual landowners without respect for engineering, ignoring sewage systems and in-

sero town struggles to meet its water demands, more afforestation efforts have been instated in cooperation with the local community. Churches are partnering on these missions. Villages in Phek district are also taking up green methods for economic growth, he said.

Participants at the discussion on ‘Sustainable Development—the future we want to see’ seen here at Kerünyü Ki in sechu, Zubza, on saturday, May 20. (Photo courtesy NEN)

surance against landslide. Improper waste management is also common to both cities. In the rural areas, meanwhile, similar problems are cropping up and environment degradation has become synonymous with ‘advancement’. Longleng district, for instance, has fallen victim to the government’s development projects. Large swathes of the hills were cut down for a four lane highway that was to pass through the district. As the hills and forests disappeared, so did the contractors, leaving a muddy river for a road in its trail. The same company has now been given the contract to ‘four-lane’ the Dimapur-Kohima road, informed Rev. Amop Noklang, Di-

rector of the NBCC’s Nagaland Development Outreach. Like the much-anticipated Foothills Road, many such projects meet a similar fate in Nagaland. It not only destroys the traditional environment that has sustained the people, it also feeds poverty, pushing people into logging and coal mining, he lamented. Here, profits for the locals remain marginal. Kiphire district has similar woes. Globalization has become more of a boon than bane here, with people importing such technology as chain saws from Myanmar. Timber logging in Kiphire’s dense forests has increased manifold—the heavy burden of poverty leads people to sell Nagaland’s timber off at “dirt prices” to outsiders, noted

ANTAM condemns AR action against its President

DIMAPUR, MAY 21 (MExN): The All Nagaland Taxi Association Mokokchung (ANTAM) expressed concern at the actions of the 44 Assam Rifles which, it alleged, had apprehended the Association’s President, I Tali Jamir on May 20 morning. A press note from the ANTAM informed that its President was on his way to collect a “demand letter” issued by one of the Naga Political Groups at the Alino bus counter when some Assam Rifles personnel in civilian dress “simply forced him into a car and drove him away to the 44th AR Camp for ‘questioning’ before subsequently handing him over to the Mokokchung Police Station–I.” However, on failing to find any substantial wrong doing on the part of the ANTAM President, he was released, it added. “However, this unwarranted action of the 44th Assam Going to Church at Rifles has caused a lot of mental ha100kmph? oh, you’re the rassment on the respected ANTAM pastor running late...

president and also a fear psychosis among the taxi drivers in Mokokchung district,” it said. “Despite of the fact that the ANTAM has selflessly dedicated to the cause of the people, the association has from time to time face a lot of hardships while delivering their services to the public,” it stated. Like all organizations and business communities, the Association noted that “we also receive demand letter from different groups especially the Naga Political Groups (NPGs) from time to time, and when such demand letters come, it is the responsibility of the office bearers to deal with such demand letters.” It therefore reasoned that “abducting” the ANTAM President simply because of a letter sent in his ‘care of’ is “uncalled for, unwarranted, and utterly brutish.” “Their action has caused a fear psychosis among the association members simply because this action,

if not addressed carefully, would leave a bad precedent which would compromise the security and dignity of our service not only in Mokokchung but also in the whole of Nagaland,” the ANTAM stated. It further called upon citizens of Mokokchung to “seriously ponder upon the unwarranted action and to condemn it in the strongest term,” and appealed to security agencies to understand the hardships of the ANTAM members and also understand that “we are also responsible citizens trying to serve the public in our own humble way.” It meanwhile acknowledged the ANTAM members who shouldered this incident from the beginning till the end, including the Mokokchung District Trucks’ Association and Mokokchung District Pick-Up Union for their solidarity. The Association also appreciated the ANTAM legal advisor and its lawyer.

Nagaland observes Int’l AIDS candlelight memorial our Correspondent Kohima | May 21

The Morung Express Poll QuEsTion

Vote on sMs your answer to 9862574165 Do you think Nagaland government is willing to take measures against illegal logging taking place in the state? Why?


Yes no others Is it time for Nagaland University and colleges to introduce a Department on Naga Studies? Why? Yes 75% no


10% 16%

Details on page 7

Journalist and Conservationist, Lipichem Sangtam. Binocular fitted air guns have led to overenthusiastic hunting of species that are endogenous to the region, and perhaps even endangered, he highlighted. With forests and species disappearing at an alarming level, there is no detailed documentation yet of what exists and what will be forever gone. In Phek district, however, community efforts are underway to reverse the malpractices that have led to environment degradation. The Baptist Theological College (BTC) in Pfutsero planted 1500 trees last year as well as made their college surroundings a “plastics free zone,” informed Rev. Dr. Yiepetso Wezah, Principal of BTC. As Pfut-

Vision 2030 In responding to development challenges in the State, the Government of Nagaland released a document termed ‘Nagaland Vision 2030’. Former chief secretary to Nagaland State, Alemtemshi Jamir, IAS (Retd.), led the efforts to prepare this ambitious document within a span of two months in 2016. Giving an overview of Vision 2030 at the discussion on May 20, Jamir found peace to be a “pre-requisite” to the envisaged purpose: to create an “urban industrialized” Nagaland. As peace is negotiated in Delhi, Nagaland State moves on. In 2011, the former bureaucrat informed, Nagaland State witnessed “urbanization” at the rate of 69% but without the corresponding growth in infrastructure required to support an urban lifestyle. In rural areas, infrastructure related to power, education or health remains in extremely poor condition and for development to move, these must be overhauled. So in the case of health, for example, Vision 2030 suggests privatization as a way forward. While government educational institutions need to be physically re-built all over, Vision 2030 recommends (among others) the present Brit-

ish system of education to be replaced by an American one. Taking the Act East Policy as the benchmark for development, Vision 2030 sees skill development of about 20,000 persons per year in line with the Policy’s requirements—this would include “skilling for industrial requirement, as also in trade and commerce.” Wider highways, learning Hindi, diversifying higher education, bridging regional disparity, gender “mainstreaming”, developing industrial zones in the valley and plains, enhancing communitisation and a range of suggestions meant to be a “future roadmap” for the State are made in the Vision 2030 document. “Only 7 percent of the State’s expenditure is generated locally through taxes. At this rate, Nagaland may become a failed state,” observed Jamir at the discussion. Isn’t it already? Some may ask. People, however, have a different story of sustaining themselves even without Stateprovided infrastructure. To ‘Act East’, thus, the State’s policyshapers may need to look within rather than in the direction of Delhi. The State needs to find a way to work with the people; design contextual, sensitive and workable policies that do not respond to, say, problems of urbanization with more urbanization. Sustainability—small is beautiful—needs to become a mantra in the collective outlook of the State and the people for a healthy future to unfold. The discussion highlighted this in conclusion.

Nagaland along with the rest of the world today observed 34th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial under the theme “Ending AIDS Together.” In the state capital Kohima, the Network of Naga People Living with HIV/AIDS observed the day here at the Naga Hospital Authority Kohima in the presence of officials from Nagaland State AIDS Control Society, FBOs and medical fraternity. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Thorhusie Katiri, Medical Superintendent NHAK said one can have a normal life like any other persons once the treatment is started. “Once the treatment is started right in time, he/she can have a positive life,” he said. He also challenged that whoever has not entered into enrollment of the treatment protocol should start immediately. Dr. Katiri also challenged each and every individual that unless we come together, breaking the social stigma and discrimination would be very difficult. “It is not a one man job. Un-

As the four laning of the national highway (nH 29) between Dimapur and Kohima progresses, landslides have become a common occurrence holding traffic up for hours. Alternate routes have been provided but they too lie in various stages of dilapidation. (Photo by Zhoto Tunyi)

Woman murdered, suspect absconding Morung Express news Dimapur | May 21

The candle light memorial held in Kohima today.

less we join hand together, unless we cooperate with each other it is not so easy. Only NGOs or government organizations cannot succeed in achieving whatever we want to do,” he said. NNP+ President, Lanu meanwhile said International AIDS candlelight memorial is a global event implemented by an active network of people involved in HIV response, including people living with HIV and key population, to raise social consciousness about HIV and AIDS, break down barriers of stigma and discrimination and giving hope to new generations. The mission of the International AIDS candlelight memo-

rial is to honour, support, and advocate for those who have been affected by the global HIV epidemic through mobilizing communities for a world where people do not die of HIV/AIDS and people living with HIV can live a healthy life and with dignity. Referring to the theme, Lanu said “When we work together it will reduce stigma and discrimination and promote the involvement of people living with HIV in the society. Only together we can advocate for universal access to quality health and social services.” Later, a minute of silence was observed in memory of those who lost their lives.

In a gruesome incident, one woman was hacked to death in Dimapur. The incident occurred at New Chumukedima village on the night of May 20. As per the police, the victim succumbed at a hospital in Chumukedima where she was brought with grievous cut wounds on the side of the face suspected to have been inflicted by a ‘dao’. Quoting preliminary inquiry, the police said that the incident occurred at her home at New Chumukedima village, where she was staying with her husband and their 8-month old toddler. Stating that the motive was unclear, the police said that the husband identified as one Longsa Chetri has absconded since the incident occurred. A case has been registered and investigation is on, the police added.

Handloom, handicraft potential for generation of employment our Correspondent Kohima | May 21

Handloom and handicraft, being a traditional activity has potential for employment generation and to provide livelihood to rural masses. To promote and develop the vibrant traditional handloom and handicraft products, the Nagaland Handloom and Handicraft Development Corporation Ltd (NHHDC) was set up in the year 1979. NHHDC engages in the production promotion and marketing of handloom and handicraft products. According to Nagaland Economic Survey 2016-17, NHHDC invested an amount of Rs 0.06 crore for procurement of raw materials for its production centre with total turnover of Rs 0.13 crore lakhs during 2015-16. The Corporation also invested in procuring finished products from registered production units, the sale proceeds of which was Rs 0.36 crore during 2015-16. The survey report stated that under the National Handloom De-

velopment Programme (NHDP), the Government of India has sanctioned Rs. 3.21 crore for five blocks level cluster development. Common work shed has been constructed in all five blocks with complete set of 20 looms each in three clusters during 2016-17. An Apparel and Garment Making Centre has also been established at Dimapur. The centre has three units where 100 machines each are installed for manufacturing and skilling. Two units have already started production and skilling activities. Further, to promote and develop the age old practice of cane, bamboo and wood based handicraft products, the state government with support from GoI under North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS) is implementing cluster based development in six clusters. It include: Pfutsero (Phek district), Lungwa (Mon district), Ghathashi (Zunheboto district), Longleng (Longleng district), Jalukie (Peren district) and Tuli (Mokokchung district).


Monday 22•05•2017


Church should lead to be agent of change for clean election: Patton Our Correspondent Kohima | May 21

Church should play an active role in changing the election scenario in the State, said Home Minister Y Patton during the dedication of Yimkha Baptist Church under Wokha district. Church, he added, should be the first to be an agent of change for clean election in Nagaland, where 90 percent of the population is Christians. The Home Minister also said church should not only focus on religious activities but also take up social issues, which are corrupting the society. Patton also called upon the citizens to unite and come together for developmental aspects, keeping aside differences in political party. He further urged them

Home Minister Y Patton speaking at the dedication of Yimkha Baptist Church.

not to create enemies because of different political parties, while stressing that election is just a norm of democracy. Earlier, the church was dedicated by Rev. Nyanchumo Lotha, Executive Secretary, LBES, while the sermon was delivered by Rev. R Lotha, Tsungiki Baptist Church. Short message was also delivered by ExMLA Yankithung Yanthan


Students given career guidance

Dimapur, may 21 (mExN): In view of the need of career guidance owing to mushrooming of educational and technical institutions across the country, Ao Students’ Conference (AKM), Ao Students’ Union, Kohima, and Ao Students’ Union, Dimapur in collaboration with the Divine Bridge Ministries, New Delhi organized a series of career guidance seminar in Mokokchung on May 17, Kohima on May 19, and Dimapur on May 20. Under the theme ‘Building on Excellence’, various resource persons from varied fields spoke and guided the young aspirants, informed a press release from Supongchiten, Founder Director, Divine Bridge Ministries, New Delhi. Hundreds of students, mostly those who have

cleared HSLC and HSSLC exams, attended the seminar and were given counselling in their field of interest. Along with the students even parents who attended the seminar were enlightened on how to build career for their children, it said. While encouraging the parents, Supongchiten, Director of Divine Bridge Ministries said the greatest stumbling-block for students to choose their career will be their parents who want their children to fulfil the parents’ dreams. The resource persons for the seminars were Dr. Jamedi Lkr, Associate Professor, Dimapur Govt. College, Aotula T Imchen, IPS, Er. Yanger Pongen, Er. Asangba Pongen, Dr SK Chauhan, Director, Alpine Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun, and Supongchiten.

They gave technical assistance to the students from their respective fields ranging from career planning, selection of field of interest, selection of institute etc. Direct admissions were also given to those who have chosen their field of interest, the release informed. Dr Chauhan encouraged the students in the field of aeronautical engineering and also invited them to come and enroll in his institute and promised spot admission. Aotula Imchen, who herself is an IPS officer, spoke on how to start preparing for Civil Service from tender age. Preparing mentally and educationally is the key to success in Civil Service, she stated. The release informed that EduAide Career and Counselling under Divine Bridge Ministries, a Delhi

Participants and speakers in one of the seminars.

based NGO, was set up to give free counselling to students who want to pursue higher studies like MBBS, BDS, B.Sc in various fields, Hotel Management, B. Pharma, etc. According to the Founder Director Supongchiten, he undertook

this initiative after having come across and seen the exploitation of students by middlemen who charge undue fees after giving wrong information. “Many times they are also enrolled in institute which is not recognized by the UGC,” he

noted. “Therefore, the Divine Bridge Ministries tries to give counselling right from choosing subject of interest to appropriate institution. They also help in availing scholarship and concession/discount for financially weaker section.”

Mobel Furniture launches Thanksgiving Mass for Rev Sister Sulahele Teresa Kintso first store in Nagaland

Kohima, may 21 (mExN): Thanksgiving Holy Mass was offered for Reverend Sister Sulahele Teresa Kintso, who received final profession on May 1, 2017 – the first ever from Kidima village Catholic community to receive so – on May 21 at Kidima Council Hall. She is part of the congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany (BS), North East Province, Guwahati. Reverend Father Raymond D’Souza SJ, Director of Eden Garden and Children’s Home, Khuzama was the main celebrant along with Rev. Fr Thomas Muttathil, Parish Priest. Rev. Fr Raymond D’Souza SJ in the introductory note stated Rev. Sr KintTeam Mobel at the launch of the new store in Dimapur on May 20. so said yes to the Lord and Dimapur, may 21 ports, he termed it a great display of home furniture now it is time for the faithful (mExN): Franchisee K’s initiative to create employ- both in modern and classiHome Reflections Dima- ment opportunities for the cal designs. The home furpur has opened a mega locals and will also help in niture collection has bedMobel Furniture store with cost rationalization for the room sets, sofa sets, dining 4000 sq. ft. space along consumers. Asangba also sets, modular kitchen. The NH-29, next to Sovima vil- pointed out that with the display includes a com- moKoKchuNg, may lage gate, Dimapur. The new GST regime sched- plete range of office furni- 21 (mExN): ATMA Ongstore was inaugurated on uled to take effect from July ture, including executive pangkong South Block May 20 by Asangba Chuba this year, the new business tables, executive chairs, conducted a demonstraAo, IAS, Commissioner enterprises need to gear modern desking systems, tion on oyster mushroom of Taxes, Nagaland as the themselves to assimilate office chairs and storage cultivation at District Seriinto the new tax system option. culture Office, Mokokcchief guest. Mobel offers complete hung on May 20. The inaugural func- and offered support of his Merenjungla Pongen, tion started with welcome Department for any kind of range of factory made modular kitchens and modular Assistant Technology Manaddress and dedication training services. Manish Biyani, Director wardrobes in vibrant colors ager, ATMA, Ongpangkong prayer followed by felicitation of the Mobel Furniture and Co-Founder of Mobel and modern designs, it was South Block, who was the rein his brief speech men- informed. “The designs source person, emphasized team from Kolkata. A press release in- tioned that Mobel Naga- are functional and afford- the importance of mushformed that the chief guest land is the 24th store in In- able and the display offers room cultivation as a potenmentioned how impressed dia and 2nd store in North customers various options tial remunerative enterprise. he was with the state of the East. He lauded the Naga- to choose. It also provides She gave the participants a art infrastructures devel- land team for organizing services of qualified Inte- method demonstration on the package and practices oping in the State, espe- one of the best openings till rior Designers.” Mobel promised to of mushroom cultivation. cially in Dimapur. Talking date in the history of Mobel about Mobel Nagaland and wished the team good delight all people living The resource person furand its future plan to set luck and success, the re- in and around Dimapur, ther motivated the farmers and to provide easy access to take up mushroom cultiup local manufacturing lease said. The store, according to to quality and world class vation which can help them and production unit for its products as opposed to im- the release, has a tasteful home furnishing products. in generating additional in-

Priests, nuns, and guests at the thanksgiving Holy Mass in Kidima on May 21.

to give thanks to God and let continue her service with inspiration, knowledge, wisdom and understanding, informed a press release from P. Tepekrovi Kiso. Father D’Souza SJ in his homily said it was a day of

gratitude to God. He called upon the large gathering to do good work for the needy people and glorify God and inherit eternal life. He further recalled Jesus’ commandment to love one another, while asking the faithful to

Farmers encouraged to cultivate oyster mushroom

offer generous response and enjoy the joyful heart. The priest also asked the parents not to prevent their children from God’s call. Rev. Sr (Dr) Harsha, Superior of BS cum Principal of St Joseph’s Hr Sec.

School, Viswema highlighted the history of the congregation. Meanwhile, Rev. Sr Kintso shared her journey on how she joined the congregation with her family being Baptist. Prayer of the faithful was offered by Methasü Ezekiel, Assistant Catechist, while brief introduction of Reverend Sister Sulahele Teresa Kintso was given by Vitsu Martin, former Catechist. Rev. Fr Charles D’ Souza SJ, Parish Priest of Mary Help of Christians, Rev. Fr Victor D’Mello SJ, Principal of Loyola Higher Secondary School, Jakhama and Catholic community from Southern Angami villages and well-wishers joined the sacred ceremony, the release informed.

1st Quasar Cycling Competition Kohima, may 21 (mExN): Quasar Club Kohima is organizing the 1st Quasar Cycling Competition on World Environment Day, June 5, with the theme ‘Cycling towards a Green Future’ at Jotsoma Village. The contest will be held in collaboration with Forest Department, Kohima and XTB Cycling Club, co-sponsored by Krank Hub with Richa Productions on the lens. Forms will be available at Krank Hub, near Raj Bhavan, Kohima. For further queries, contact: 9612341682, 8575217667.

‘Ending AIDS Together’

Participants with resource person of the oyster mushroom cultivation demonstration held at District Sericulture Office, Mokokchung on May 20.

come for their families, informed a press release from Nungsangkaba, District Agriculture Officer & PD ATMA Mokokchung. Women farmers from two

Commodity Interest Groups (CIGSs)fromKinungervillage attended the programme. Mushroom spawns and polybags were also distributed to all the participants.

KiphirE, may 21 (mExN): Network of Kiphire District People Living with HIV/AIDS (KpNP+) organized the 34th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Service on the theme ‘Ending AIDS Together’ on May 21 at KpNP+ office. Setongpi, Project Coordinator (Vihaan CSC) highlighted the significance of the event, while Positive sharing was done by Aven, KpNP+ member. Attended by members of KpNP+ and supporting project staffs, the programme was chaired by Khupai, Peer Counselor and vote of thanks was delivered by Tsaliba, KpNP+ member. The programme was followed by minutes of silence for those who have lost their lives to the epidemic, informed a press release from General Secretary, KpNP+.

PTA meeting eVIN: Nagaland views live temperature in State vaccine store Kohima, may 21 (mExN): The of- gramme (UNDP) Nagaland Kingson State Vaccine Store on May 19, while at MGMHSS ficial Nexleaf- TERI technicians’ training inauguration to view ‘Live’ tem- K Shimray and MO-UIP Dr. GR Rio.

Dimapur, may 21 (mExN): MGM Higher Secondary School organized a PTA meeting for high school and higher secondary students recently, where Principal Fr. PS Varghese reminded the parents about the importance of such meetings in teaching learning process. A press release informed that parents along with their wards met class teachers as well as subject teachers and assessed the academic and co-curricular achievements of the wards. Maintaining there is no short cut to success and that hard work is the key to success, the principal stated students with well discipline, regular attendance and regular study habits will never fail in the exams. He also informed that after first term exams, to motivate students, MGOS Church & St. Thomas Mission Society will be giving cash awards to toppers of classes Nursery to higher secondary. The term exam toppers’ award is called KV Ponnan Memorial Meritorious Award.

perature of the Walk in Cooler (WIC), Ice Line Refrigerator (ILR) and Deep Freezer (DF) in the State Vaccine Store was done by Dr. Megousielie Kire, Director, Family Welfare, Government of Nagaland on May 20. He was accompanied by the Senior Project Officer, United Nations Development Pro-

Nagaland is officially one of the 13 electronic vaccine intelligence network (eVIN) pilot project states in India to go ‘Live’ to view both status of the vaccine and temperature, informed a press release received here. Temperature loggers were installed in the WIC, ILR, and DF of the

was held on May 18. eVIN, which was launched in Nagaland last year, aims to support the Government of India’s Universal Immunization Programme by providing real-time information on vaccine stocks and flows, and storage temperatures across all cold chain points.

St. Mary’s Hr. Sec. School honours students

Dimapur, may 21 (mExN): St. Mary’s Hr. Sec. School had a prayer meet for late PK Dutta Founder Administrator on May 20, after which successful candidates of HSLC & HSSLC (Arts & Com) exams from the school were honoured. Trophy, gold medal, and certificate were given to the rank holders and trophies & certificate were awarded to all the successful candidates, informed a press release from Neena Dutta, principal of the school. The release informed that Arenkala Walling (Arts), Santana Goyla (Com), and Nagma Nisha (Com) secured 5 years scholarship from the Board for being placed within the top 20 of HSSLC 2017 exam. It was also conveyed that orientation programme for Class-11 will be held on May 25 at 10:00 am, while admission for Class-11 Arts & Commerce (Girls) is going on Students and teachers during the felicitation programme at St. Mary’s Hr. Sec. School. with few seats available.

Tsumang A Youth Organisation in Wokha Town organized a cleanliness drive in collaboration with the colony union’s officials on May 19. The drive started with cleaning all the garbage bins at Tsumang daily market area. Thanking all who supported the drive, the organization has urged the public and business establishments in Tsumang A colony to maintain cleanliness for a safe environment. The union through a press release issued by its press secretary, Alan Humtsoe further cautioned all not to throw wastes/garbage in public places, adding stern action will be taken against defaulters.

With vehicles being diverted between Dimapur and state capital Kohima due to major landslide at Peducha NH 29 adversely affecting movement of vehicles and causing hardship to travellers compounded by the earth cutting work for four-lane construction, Kiruphema Youth Organisation (KYO) in collaboration with the four-lane construction company started first phase road restoration works under its jurisdiction from Peducha to Kiruphema (Basa/Bawe) on May 21.

monday 22 •05•2017



Japan to build war museum in Manipur Imphal, may 21 (IaNS): Japan's Ambassador to India Kenji Hiramatsu said that Japan will build a war museum at Maibam Lokpa Ching in Manipur's Bishenpur district. Maibam Lokpa Ching is a historical place where the British and the Japanese fought during the Second World War. About 70,000 Japanese soldiers laid down their lives in the Imphal and Kohima battles, which are regarded as the fiercest, from March to June 1944. Welcoming the plan, Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh said, "Many of the Japanese who came and fought in Imphal and Kohima could not return home. The government shall extend all possible help to Japan in this regard."

The Japanese ambassador sought cooperation from the people in locating the mortal remains of about 70,000 Japanese soldiers in Imphal and Nagaland. In the past, some bones have been retrieved to perform last rites of the soldiers. However, Hiramatsu feels that many more can be found. He also announced that a seminar will be held in November for Indian students who are desirous of studying in Japan. "The Japanese government is inviting 25 persons from Manipur and Nagaland to visit Japan," Hiramatsu said. On special occasions, relatives of the Japanese soldiers who died Kenji Hiramatsu, Ambassador of Japan to India and others called on Maniduring the war, come to Manipur in pur Chief Minister, N Biren Singh at the latter's office in Imphal on Sunday, memory of their loved ones. May 21.

Barak Spring Festival all set to kick off Newmai News Network Senapati | May 21

Senapati district is all set to witness a two-day festival from May 22 at the district headquarters (54 km north of Imphal) with large number of visitors and tourists expected to participate. The Barak Spring Festival, organised by the Naga People’s Organisation (NPO), will be laced with festoons, fanfare and showcasing of tradition and culture. Thousands of young and old from various parts of Senapati district will participate in the spirit of promoting values under the theme “Reclaiming Re-

Tripura polls will be a Waterloo for BJP: Yechury agartala, may 21 (IaNS): The BJP might think it is unstoppable in Indian polls, but the assembly elections in Leftruled Tripura in February next year would be a Waterloo for it, CPI-M General Secretary Sitaram Yechury said here on Sunday. "BJP recently formed governments in Manipur and Goa by using money power and illegal means... they would use all methods to win in Tripura as they declared that Left-ruled states including Kerala are their main targets," he said after attending two-day meeting of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) state committee along with politburo member Prakash Karat. "BJP would be stopped in its continuing election victory in Tripura and it would be the Waterloo for BJP like Napoleon Bonaparte," he said, referring to the French Emperor's final defeat at the hands of the British and the Prussians in 1815. The Left leader said that the Tripura assembly elections would be very significant for the national perspective and this would be the Bharatiya Janata Party's retreat from power in India. "Tripura has 60 assembly seats. CPI-M would win 60 wars giving a fitting electoral disaster to BJP. They (BJP) would apply all means - money, machinery, unethical and unconstitutional - to win the Tripura polls as their main objective to defeat the Left in India. The CPIM is, however, determined to win in Tripura," he said. Claiming that the the BJP spent Rs 500 crore in Manipur elections held in March, Yechury said: "BJP secured less votes in the recent Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand elections than what it got in 2014 Lok Sabha polls in these two states. BJP wants to win Indian elections through falsehood and big money power." He said that due to the Left Front government's tremendous and sincere efforts, Tripura now is topmost in literacy, human index, ethnic harmony and establishment of peace.

sponsibilities”. According to the organising committee of the festival, the festival will rejuvenate and revive the cultural heritage and values of the people and also instill spirit of cultural tolerance and respect for each other’s culture, particularly in the minds and hearts of the youth. It will also celebrate the manifold blessings of the benevolent river and in gratefulness move spiritedly for conservation and protection of environment of the river valley and the district as a whole. The Barak Festival is celebrated during December 11-13 every year as a

district event under the aegis of the NPO, the apex civil society organization of the district. In 2016, due to “unfavourable” situation, a decision was made to organize a car rally from Senapati district headquarters to Liyai, the Barak source village on December 11, 2016 to uphold the sanctity of the Festival Calendar and to follow up with the other festival activities in the spring of 2017. The inaugural function will be held at the Senapati Mini Stadium, the main venue of the festival; Chief Minister of Manipur, N Biren Singh will be the chief guest.

ICFAI University Nagaland

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Meghalaya Chief Secretary to contest conviction in coal scam case New DelhI, may 21 (IaNS): Meghalaya Chief Secretary KS Kropha, who was convicted in a coal block allocation case, on Sunday said he would file an appeal in a higher court. "I am waiting for the copy of the judgment and will decide accordingly to appeal in the higher court," Kropha told IANS over phone. On Friday, a special CBI court convicted former Coal Secretary H.C. Gupta and coal ministry officials K.C. Samria and Kropha in the allocation of Thesgora

CHANGE OF NAME My daughter has changed her name from Esther Liegise to Esther Chathaseno Liegise by an Affidavit No-1036/17 Dated: 05/05/17 Lhusavikho Liegise

B/Rudrapuri coal block in Madhya Pradesh to Kamal Sponge Steel and Power Ltd (KSSPL). The KSSPL and its Managing Director Pawan Kumar Ahluwalia were among those convicted for criminal conspiracy and cheating under the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act. Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar, who has held the trio guilty in the case, will pronounce the

quantum of punishment on May 22. M e a n w h i l e, o f f i cial sources said that the Meghalaya government is waiting for the copy of the special court judgment before taking a decision on whether to remove Kropha as Chief Secretary in view of the special court's verdict. Kropha who is due to superannuate on December 19 has taken a twoweek leave.

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NO.HED/SCH0-1/2016 Dated, Kohima, May2017 NOTIFICATION TO ALL THE FOLLOWING HEAD OF INSTITUTIONS MOST IMMEDIATE The undermentioned institutions are hereby informed to immediately contact the Department of Higher Education for finalization of duplicate Post Matric scholarship applications failing which all such cases shall be withheld as per the directive given by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI and the respective Institutions shall be held responsible for any lapses as initial verification of scholarship applications are done at the institution level. The following Institutions are requested to contact the officials of the Directorate during the office hour on or before 10th June 2017 after which no calls shall be entertained. (Ph.No.9612948820, 9856713022 and 9612444549) Colleges & University Patkai Coll Dimapur Mission HSS Little Star Schl Dmpr Living Stone Schl Alder Coll People’s Coll Mkg Don Bosco HSS Kma Dmpr Bailey Baptist Coll Pranabananda women Coll Don Bosco Wokha Loyala Jakhama Baptist Coll Public Coll of Com DPS Dmpr Mezhur HSS Bosco Coll of Teacher Edu Sakus Coll Fernwood Schl Kma MGM Dmpr C-Edge Coll Salesian Coll G. Rio Minister’s Hill HSS Chartered Financial Salt Christian Coll GHS Thangjam Tsg Model HSS Kma Analyst of India Salt Christian Coll of City Law Coll Dmpr GHSS Aboi Model HSS Mkg Teacher Edu Mount Mary HSS Dimapur Govt. Coll Sao Chang Coll Tsg GHSS Dmpr Dmpr Don Bosco Coll SASRD GHSS Jalukie Mt. Carmel Schl Kma Easter Christian Coll Sazolie Coll GHSS Jotsoma Mt. Hermon Kma Global Open Univ. Dmpr. SD Jain Coll GHSS Kiphire Mt. Sinai HSS Kma Health Sc. Research Dmpr St. Joseph Coll GHSS Mayangnokcha North Field Immanuel Coll Teacher’s Edu Dmp. GHSS Mon Patkai Schl Dmpr Japfu Coll Tetso Coll GHSS Mon Town-D Pranab Vidyapith HSS JN Aier Coll. Tuli Coll GHSS Seikhazou Ram Janak HSS Kohima Coll Unity Coll GHSS Tsg RGHSS Kma Kohima Sc. Coll Ura Coll of Teacher Edu GHSS Tuli S.D. Jain HSS Dmpr St. Mary Cathedral Model Christian Coll Wangkhao Coll GHSS Wokha HSS Kma Modern Coll Yingli Coll GHSS Znbt St. Mary’s HSS Dmpr Mt. Tiyi Coll Zunheboto Coll Grace HSS kma St. Paul Schl Dmpr Higher Secondary Great Comm. Kids St. Xavier HSS Mt. Olive Coll Schools Academy Peren Mt. View Christian Coll Carmel HSS Dmpr Greenwood Dmpr St. John Schl Dmpr Nagaland Rashtra Chandmari HSS JNV Dmpr Stella HSS Bhasha Prachar Samiti John GHSS NCTE, Kma CHSS Dmpr T.M. GHSS Viswema Corner Stone Unity Christian NU Lumami Konjong Schl Mon Foundation Schl Znbt HS Dmpr NU Meriema Corner Stone HSS Dmpr. Lima Aier Memorial Vision Home HSS Oriental Coll Dainty Buds Schl Little Flower HSS Woodland schl Znbt (KUHOLI CHISHI) Director, Higher Education,Nagaland: Kohima Issued by: DIPR


MondAY 22•05•2017



India’s ‘new Silk Road’ snub highlights gulf with China NEW DELHI, May 21 (REUTERS): China invited Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and six cabinet colleagues to its “new Silk Road” summit this month, even offering to rename a flagship Pakistani project running through disputed territory to persuade them to attend, a top official in Modi’s ruling group and diplomats said. But New Delhi rebuffed Beijing’s diplomatic push, incensed that a key project in its massive initiative to open land and sea corridors linking China with the rest of Asia and beyond runs through Pakistani controlled Kashmir. The failure of China’s efforts to bring India on board, details of which have not been previously reported, shows the depths to which relations between

the two countries have fallen over territorial disputes and Beijing’s support of Pakistan. India’s snub to the “Belt and Road” project was the strongest move yet by Modi to stand up to China. But it risks leaving India isolated at a time when it may no longer be able to count on the United States to back it as a counterweight to China’s growing influence in Asia, Chinese commentators and some Indian experts have said. Representatives of 60 countries, including the United States and Japan, travelled to Beijing for the May 14-15 summit on President Xi Jinping’s signature project. But Ram Madhav, an influential leader of Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) involved in shaping foreign policy,

said India could not sign up so long as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) - a large part of the “Belt and Road” enterprise - ran through parts of Pakistan-administered Kashmir that India considers its own territory. “China routinely threatens countries when it finds issues even remotely connected to its own sovereignty question being violated,” Madhav said. “No country compromises with its sovereignty for the sake of trade and commerce interests.” ECONOMIC POTENTIAL India, due to the size and pace of expansion of its economy, could potentially be the biggest recipient of Chinese investment from the plan to spur trade by building infrastructure linking Asia with Europe, the Middle East and Africa,

according to a Credit Suisse report released before the summit. Chinese investments into India could be anything from $84 billion to $126 billion between 2017 to 2021, far higher than Russia, Indonesia and Pakistan, countries that have signed off on the initiative, it said. China has not offered any specific projects to India, but many existing schemes, such as a Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor that has been planned for years, have now been wrapped into the Belt and Road enterprise. China is also conducting feasibility studies for high-speed rail networks linking Delhi with Chennai in southern India that would eventually connect to the modern day “Silk Road” it is seeking to create.

But if India continues to hold back from joining China’s regional connectivity plans the commercial viability of those plans will be called into question, analysts say. China has held talks with Nepal to build an $8 billion railway line from Tibet to Kathmandu, but it ultimately wants the network to reach the Indian border to allow goods to reach the huge Indian market. STRATEGIC FEARS India has other worries over China’s growing presence in the region, fearing strategic encirclement by a “string of pearls” around the India Ocean and on land as China builds ports, railways and power stations in country such as Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Ashok Kantha, who

was India’s ambassador to China until 2016, said India had repeatedly conveyed its concerns to China, especially about the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor and the need to have open discussions about it. “Where is the economic rational for CPEC?” he said. “There is no major economic driver, the drivers are essentially political and strategic in character.” Just a week before the summit, China’s ambassador to India, Luo Zhaohui, offered to change the name of CPEC to placate New Delhi and ensure it didn’t boycott the Beijing conference. Luo did no elaborate on the proposal, made during a speech at an Indian military think-tank, according to people who attended the meeting and local media reports. A transcript released later by the Chinese

embassy did not include a reference to changing the project’s name. But Chinese officials in the past have suggested this could mean adding India to the name to make it the “China-Pakistan-India Economic Corridor”. A Chinese diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, suggested India could build infrastructure on its side of Kashmir which could eventually be linked to the roads and power lines China planned to build in Pakistani Kashmir. Indian experts said another proposal explored in meetings between former diplomats and academics from the two sides was renaming the project the “Indus Corridor” to overcome India’s objection that the “China-Pakistan” name endorses Pakistan’s claim to Kashmir. Pakistan and

Railways widen sanitation drive, to carry out cleanliness survey of tracks

GST to be best achievement of Indian economy to improve in Modi government: Assocham Q1, funds’ cost may rise: CII-IBA NEW DELHI, May 21 (IaNS): Progress towards realising the pan-India single tax system, the Goods and Services Tax (GST), will be the biggest achievement of the Narendra Modi-led government, industry organisation Assocham said on Sunday. As the NDA government completes three years in office, besides the GST that was nearing a roll-out, its other achievements on the economic front would be financial inclusion, digitisation and public investment on infrastructure -- railways and power distribution, the Assocham said in a release here. “The implementation of the GST in the next few weeks would cap other major initiatives of the government,” said Assocham President Sandeep Jajodia. Perceived as another credible step for structural changes in the economy was the focus on improving ease of doing business through measures like the GST and other taxation reforms, he added. The GST Council at its 14th meeting held in Srinagar on Friday announced the fitment of services, as well as of 1,211 goods in the GST tax rates, heading towards the proposed July 1 roll-out. The next meeting of the Council to decide on the rates of the remaining six goods items, including gold and beedi, was slated to be held here on June 3. Assocham said the “clean-up” of the subsidy disbursal process was yet another big plus of the government, which

is pursuing to link Aadhaar ID with every bank account holder. Helped by favourable fall in the crude oil prices, elimination of subsidy on petrol and diesel and significant reduction in other fuels, including cooking gas, have brought a great improvement in the balance sheets of state-run oil marketing companies, it said. India’s foreign exchange reserves have touched an impressive high of $372 billion, boosting the rupee value, which is helping tame inflation further, it added. Following several measures to open up foreign direct investment (FDI) in key areas like defence, insurance, infrastructure, the country has received record net FDI of $100 billion in the last three years, while foreign funds are pumping in huge liquidity into the stock market. “Riding on ample liquidity and confidence of the global fund managers, India’s market capitalisation has crossed a massive $2 trillion, so much so that some kind of caution is needed to handle such inflows,” Assocham said. “While, a high level of banks’ nonperforming assets (NPAs) remains an area of concern, the government has taken some decisive measures like empowering the Reserve Bank of India to set up Oversight Committees and refer the toxic assets for insolvency and all these should help resolution of the nagging problem,” it added.




NEW DELHI, May 21 (IaNS): The Indian economy is poised to experience improvement in overall conditions during the ongoing first quarter owing to better external financial linkages, and growth in both funds available as well as domestic economic activity, industry chamber CII said on Sunday citing its survey. “The CII-IBA Financial Conditions Index at 56.9 for Q1 (April-June) FY 2017-18 reflects positive outlook in the overall financial condition in the Indian economy as compared to the previous quarter (48) owing to the expectation of improvement in the overall financial conditions in the economy on account of growth of External Financial Linkages, Funding Liquidity Index and Economic Activity Index,” a statement here said. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)-Indian Banks Association (IBA) joint survey of 31 banks and financial institutions, however, also anticipates the cost of funds to rise due to tightening of liquidity in the near future. “The Cost of Funds Index with a standing at 40.3 witnessed deterioration from 66 in the pre-

Answer Number # 3946

seen minimal reduction across banks even though there is surplus liquidity in the market and rate cuts on deposits. The external financial linkages index was recorded at 59.3, the second highest value among the sub-indices, registering significant improvement from the previous quarter (35.3), that shows the Indian financial sector remained “unperturbed” from the effects of the US Federal Reserve’s latest interest rate hike, CII said. The funding liquidity index was recorded at 72.2, third highest value among the subindices, recording improvement from the previous quarter (59.3), it added. The number is significantly higher than the 50 mark, signalling a strong expectation of improvement in the funding liquidity in the Indian financial system. “Funding liquidity index has shown the maximum upward movement indicating the liquidity position would be comfortable and banks are in a position to meet the credit demands of the productive and needy sectors,” Indian Banks Association Chairman Rajeev Rishi said in the statement. std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. . Sleighs 6. Colored part of an eye 10. Mongrels 14. Reasonable judgment 15. A noble gas 16. Death notice 17. Less friendly 18. Information 19. Style 20. Unalike 22. Use a beeper 23. Wise men 24. Jubilant 26. Arab chieftain 30. Explosive 31. To make a fool of (archaic) 32. A few 33. Hello 35. Washing machine cycle 39. An ancient Greek philosopher 41. Flaxseed 43. S S S S 44. Scream 46. Chocolate cookie 47. Alien Life Form 49. Japanese apricot 50. Standard 51. Edict 54. Egg-shaped 56. Makes a mistake 57. Fastidious 63. Dwarf buffalo 64. Diva’s solo 65. Chip dip 66. Loyal (archaic) 67. Plunder 68. Sound from a nest 69. Sounds of disapproval 70. Feudal worker 71. A loud sleeping sound DOWN 1. Skidded 2. Hubs 3. Auspices 4. Perishes

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3947

vious quarter. Majority of the respondents expected increase in the interest rate,” CII said. “The improvement of Financial Conditions Index projects overall optimism in the Indian financial sector on the back of increase in consumption, infrastructure spending amplified by slew of landmark reforms as evidenced by roll out of GST and formulation of the stressed loans resolution package through an ordinance by amending the Banking Regulation Act,” CII Director General Chandrajit Banerjee said. The Reserve Bank of India has recently been empowered to issue directions to commercial banks to initiate insolvency proceedings for recovering bad loans. The non-performing assets (NPAs), or bad loans, of staterun banks at the end of last September rose to Rs 6.3 lakh crore (almost $100 billion), as compared to Rs 5.5 lakh crore at the end of June 2016. The 31 major banks and financial institutions surveyed have combined total assets of more than Rs 60 lakh crore. The industry body’s survey said the marginal cost of funds lending rates (MCLR) have

5. A firm open-weave fabric 6. Affront 7. Anagram of “Irately” 8. Greek letter 9. Caught 10. Similitude 11. Submarine 12. Chain of hills 13. Horse 21. Applied mathematics (British) 25. Forsaken 26. Being 27. Cow sounds 28. Rapscallions 29. Practices 34. Assuage 36. Roman emperor 37. Clairvoyant 38. Biblical kingdom 40. Small island 42. Of a pelvic bone 45. Feeling 48. Pertaining to women 51. Gave out 52. Sea eagles 53. Frog sound 55. Craves 58. God of love 59. A field of grass 60. Margarine 61. End ___ 62. Satisfy

Answer to Crossword 3949



reGret rIde roUstABoUt sAId sHeeP sHorts sLAVe sPACe sPoKe sPoon stAVe tArrY tAUt terse tHAt tHIeF toAdY trAY woUnd YoUnG



std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)



229529 229474

MH Hospital

227930 231081

Fire Brigade


Faith Hospital


naga Hospital


shamrock Hospital


oking Hospital


Zion Hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing Home


northeast shuttles


Police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east Police station


west Police station


CIHsr (referral Hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur Hospital

224041 248011

Police station Fire Brigade

north Ps south Ps Zubza Ps

Chiephobozou Ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos Hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha Ps

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

248722 /248288, 9615945510



Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

229366 242441 225212



Officer-in-Charge 8575045520

Airport Indian Airlines



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510



std code: 0370

KoHIMA Ps/oCs Contact numbers



222246 222491


Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652

eden Medical Centre


NEW DELHI, May 21 (PTI): Widening its sanitation drive, the railways will now carry out a cleanliness survey of tracks on busy routes by an independent organisation and rank its 16 zones based on their performance. The railways has recently released results of a similar survey of 407 stations, carried out by the Quality Council of India. All-out efforts will be made to keep the tracks clean as well as part of the government’s ongoing cleanliness campaign, said a senior railway ministry official. Railway tracks at many stretches resemble garbage dump with leftover food, plastic bottles and paper boxes strewn all over. Discharge of human waste from trains is also a cause for concern. The official said accumulation of garbage and human waste from open-discharge toilets were damaging the tracks. Several railway divisions have pressed into service mechanised system for cleaning of tracks near stations. Besides, installation of bio-toilets in several trains have reduced the discharge of human waste on the tracks. The Indian Railways is the third largest rail network in the world, covering 66,000 km and having more than 8,000 stations. Consequent to the launch of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on October 2, 2014 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the railways launched ‘Swachh Rail, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. TheaimoftheSwachhBharatAbhiyanistoachieve the vision of a ‘Clean India’ by October 2, 2019, the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. The railways has also made operational a ‘Swachh Rail’ portal to showcase cleanliness rankings of various stations and the methodology adopted for rankings. This web portal will also be used to seek passenger feedback on cleanliness. The feedback from passengers will help identify unclean spots and to improve cleanliness standards.

Civil Hospital

Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777


India have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, which they both claim in full. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying did not comment directly on any offer to change the name of CPEC, but drew attention to President Xi’s remarks during the summit that China would follow the principle of peaceful co-existence and that New Delhi need not worry. “I think the concerns from the India side should be able to be resolved,” she said. Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Gopal Baglay said New Delhi had not received any suggestions through proper channels and that India wanted a meaningful discussion with China on the whole project.



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 Control room

8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 woMen HeLPLIne 08822911011 WOMEN HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

62.66 80.71 7.79 46.29 44.75 45.83 54.86 69.18 1.76 0.0542 16.51 8.8

65.48 84.62 8.67 48.57 46.93 48.07 57.94 72.53 1.96 0.0604 18.39 9.81

Monday 22•05•2017


Mao, Senapati taxi unions call for ‘mutual understanding’ Senapati, May 21 (Mexn): The Mao Tata Sumo Union (MTSWU) and Senapati District Taxi Welfare Union (SDTWU) has called for “mutual understanding” to solve the continuing imbroglio between the Southern Angami Tata Sumo Union (SATSU) and taxi drivers of Mao and Senapati. “The MTSWU and SDTWU would like to state that Maos and Southern Angamis being blood brothers and would be neighbours for all times, it would be in the best interest of all the parties to come to a mutual understanding,” a press statement from the two unions stated. Making a stand in this regard, the two unions urged that those with taxi permits should be allowed to ply their taxis. The release informed that the two unions held an emergency meeting

at Mao Town Hall to deliberate on the claims put forward by SATSU in their press release on the restriction of taxis coming from Manipur. The meeting unanimously resolved to clarify the matter to the public “by bringing out the factual truth”, the release stated. It clarified that the “socalled July 2010 Agreement” came about due to an “unfortunate incident” involving two individual taxi drivers from Nagaland and another from Manipur. “Therefore, in order to prevent such incident in the future, an agreement called the 2010 Agreement, was reached between the then Southern Drivers Union and Mao Drivers Union,” the two unions stated while revealing that the agreement makes no mention of “any condition whatsoever to suggest that Mao taxis will not ply from

Kohima to Mao Gate”. While stating that Kohima to Mao Gate route is vital for Mao Taxis Drivers, the two unions insisted that they have not deprived the Southern Angamis off their livelihood by imposing restrictions on their taxis to ply from Mao Gate. Countering SATSU’s claims that Mao Taxi Drivers took advantage of the Koziirii-Dziikou conflict that occurred during the summer of 2015 and started plying from Kohima to Mao, the MTSWU and the SDTWU clarified, “It should be pointed out that, taking note of the passengers' woes the president of the then called ANTA (Mao Unit) wrote a letter to the president of SATSU requesting the resumption of plying their taxis from Mao Gate which was not acknowledged.” On the claims that "the Southern Angamis

Unidentified man found dead Morung Express News

NPCB conducts workshop on paper recycling resources can be saved through Recycling. After the lectures, the students were given hands on training in the processes involved in paper recycling by Mhasizonuo Angami, Assistant Program Officer, while Akangmeren Imchen, Scientist B, took the students on a tour around the Board’s Air & Water laboratories.

jor M. Longthung Kikon, In-charge of Lotha Region. One Hand Grenade, one fake identity card of Nagaland Police Department, number of tax collection notebooks for trucks, villagers, employees and other incriminating documents were recovered from their possession, the release stated. “Captain Mughato Sema

and Major M Longthung Kikon had been operating in Zunheboto district and were involved in planning operations against Security Forces, collection of illegal taxes and extortion of money from public,” it added. The two were later handed over to Zunheboto Police Station along with the recovered items for further investigation.

meeting on 17th May 2017 at Bviingho (between Mao gate and Khuzama gate). But SATSU failed to attend the meeting,” the unions disclosed and added, “The Mao and Senapati Units thereby volunteered to go to SATSU to resolve the matter but SATSU walked out of the meeting failing to reach any agreement.” Also countering SATSU's statement that "the complication arose because many of the Mao Private Vehicles are used as Taxis, which also led them to restrict all private vehicles carrying passengers," the two unions argued that SATSU allowed their private Vehicles to ferry passengers from Khuzama to Mao and Mao to Khuzama “without any restriction”. This, the two unions insisted, “shows that no restrictions have been imposed Nursing students of Naga Hospital Authority Kohima presents a special number duron anyone by MTSWU and ing the marking of the 34th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial which was held SDTWU”. under the theme “Ending AIDS Together” in Kohima on May 21. Morung Photo

Tovihoto encourages art among students Dimapur | May 21

An unidentified man was found dead in Dimapur on May 20. As per the police, the body of the deceased man was found near the GHSS playground, Kuda village at around 2:30 pm today. Stating that no personal credential was found as to determine the deceased man’s identity, the police said that he bore Mongoloid features and believed to have been around 35-40 years of age. Stating that the cause of death was yet to be ascertained, the police said that the body bore no visible signs of trauma. The body was taken to the District Hospital morgue for post-mortem.

dents and discussed the key environmental issues faced today such as Global Warming and Climate Change and how best to bring about changes. A presentation was also given by Khriehunuo Rutsa, Junior Research Fellow, who spoke on the benefits of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling and highlighted facts about how much of energy and

ZUnHeBOtO, May 21 (Mexn): The Assam Rifles has claimed that it busted a hideout of the NSCN (K) in Zungti Forest Area, Zunheboto on May 19. According to a press release, troops of 5 Assam Rifles "busted" the NSCN (K) hideout and apprehended Captain Mughato Sema, Finance In-charge of Sema Region, and Ma-

Morung Express News

Dimapur | May 21

DiMapUr, May 21 (Mexn): The Eco Club students of Highland Hall School, Naga United Village attended a workshop on paper recycling and its benefits conducted by the Nagaland Pollution Control Board (NPCB) on May 20. The participants comprised of 40 students. Meyipokyim Aier, IFS, Chairman of NPCB interacted with the stu-

Taxis had stopped plying in the route for months", the MTSWU clarified that the service from Kohima to Mao Gate has been disrupted for years now i.e., since June 2015 till date. “However the SATSU did ply Kohima to Mao line in between on the basis of first come first similar to Mao-Dimapur line for a short period but later ceased to operate on their own,” the two unions stated. With regard to the meeting convened by SATSU on April 27, the Mao and Senapati units acknowledged that the presidents of Mao and Senapati Units failed to attend the meeting “on account of some unavoidable circumstances but did send their representatives to the said meeting”. “Having failed to reach an agreement due to the absence of the units Presidents, the Mao and Senapati Units requested another

NSCN (K) hideout busted, claims AR

Parliamentary Secretary for Economics & Statistics, Tovihoto Ayemi has encouraged art/drawing among students especially school going children in their formative years stating that art was important in developing and improving their skills at the crucial stage of growing up. He was speaking as the chief guest during the prize distribution ceremony of the 4th Open Drawing Competition cum Felicitation Programme organized by Hindu Yuva Sanga at Pranab Jubilee Auditorium, Dimapur on Sunday. Stating that art is an important part of a learning process rather than a learning product, Tovihoto said that the skills pupils learn in art contributes to their academic achievement besides developing a child’s creativity. “Drawing is a visual language learnt by many students even before beginning schools,” he said and added that parents and teachers need to be aware that children learn a lot more from visual sources now than in the past. He also asserted the need to revive art even among the public in order to

Secretary, Tovihoto Ayemi addressing the gathering in Dimapur on Sunday. (Morung photo)

develop a positive nature and appreciate natural beauty. He said the society today lacked in aesthetic approaches in every work, which was very important to develop a balanced, sensitive and creative mind with latent talent. He lauded the meritorious students of HSLC & HSSLC students for their hard work which was being recognized. The chief guest also encouraged the organizers to let their motto, “Culture of Peace” be truly reflected in all your endeavours. The programme was attended by a host of invitees and dignitaries.

KUD members urged to participate in union’s affairs DiMapUr, May 21 (Mexn): The Kewhimia Union Dimapur (KUD) had an office bearers’ meeting at its former President Veheilie Sekhose’s residence at Burma Camp on May 20, where files and registers were officially handed over to the new team for the tenure 2017-2020. The new team of KUD officials will be led by K James Vizo as the president. While acknowledging the KUD members for posing faith on the new team, K James Vizo said KUD’s priority will be to safeguard and promote the interest of its members’ welfare in particular and to maintain goodwill and harmony with all sections of people in general. He further appealed to all the members not to shy away like in the past but to come forward and participate in the union’s affairs in order to secure and promote unity and co-operation among the members, informed a press release from Apeo Kire, General Secretary, KUD. Meanwhile, former KUD President Viheilie Sekhose extended congratulation to the new team members and wished them all the best in the future endeavours of the KUD works. “Our elders who had settled in Dimapur in the earlier days had set many good examples for the society and today the younger generation should continue to uphold the good records and march forward,” he stated. “In every system there is an authority, so KUD should be law abiding and work under the system then only others will regard us.”

ADTAFAE awards SET Parting Social: Students Green Gariphema Plantation Drive toppers of HSLC/HSSLC encouraged to be job creators KOHiMa, May 21 (Mexn): The Gariphema Village Vision Cell and NCRC Gariphema Fathers' Association organised a Green Gariphema Plantation Drive at Gariphema Village on May 20. Sangmai C. Imlong, NCS, Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Chiephobozou graced the Plantation Drive as the Chief Guest and started off the drive by planting the first fruit tree sapling of the day, a press release informed. The Pantation drive covered a 5 km stretch of the Village approach road. Locally available fruit

bearing tree and shade providing evergreen tree saplings among others was planted along the road sides. Various decorative flowering plants donated by the women folks of the Village were also planted in between the planted tree saplings. Exhorting the participants, Vibeilietuo Kets, Convenor, Village Vision Cell, said the plantation drive will beautify the country road and also contribute in a small way towards checking and reversing the ever menacing ill effects of Global warming.

KOHiMa, May 21 (Mexn): The Ashikho Daili Trust Award for Academic Excellence (ADTAFAE) 2017 organized by Mao Union Kohima (MUK) and Mao Students Union Kohima (MSUK) for toppers of the HSLC/HSSLC was held on Sunday at Model Christian College Lower AG, Kohima with around 200 people in attendance. According to a press release, Rev. Fr. (Dr) Peter Salew while exhorting the students quoted Nelson Mandela and stated “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” and that one must put one’s trust in God. Lophro Krichena, SDC (MPS), also exhorted the students and stated, “The Harder you work the luckier you get”. Chief patron of the ADTAFAE, A. Daili also exhorted the students and later gave away the awards to the toppers and the successful students present on the occasion. Earlier, L. Athikho, President MUK, in (Left) Sentilong Ozukum (NCS) EAC, Medziphema and (right) Dr. his welcome address, congratulated and urged students to opt for careers in the InUpasana Bora Sinha. sity, Lumami spoke on the topic the students participated active- dian Civil Services. “Setting One’s Goal and Choos- ly with Dr. Chubatila, Asst. Prof, ing the Right Career Basing on Political Science and Imsunaro, One’s Personality”. Asst. Prof. Functional English as Interactive sessions were moderators. 250 students parheld in both the sessions where ticipated in the seminar.

Career guidance seminar at Fazl Ali College Faculty and students of School of Engineering and Technology, NU at the 7th Parting Social on May 20.

DiMapUr, May 21 (Mexn): The School of Engineering and Technology (SET), NU organized its 7th Parting Social on May 20 in the NU Residential Complex, Landmark colony, Dimapur. A press release informed that Prof. SK Sharma, Dean of SET, in his speech expressed that the students completed their 4 years stay without creating any problems proving how they were all raised in a good home environment. He wished all the out-

going students a grand success in their future endeavours. The in-charge of Students Welfare, Er. Shanchamo Yanthan exhorted the students to be creator of jobs instead of being job seeker. He reminded the students to hone their skills in addition to their B. Tech degree. Hosted by Nzanthung Patton and Libo Kinny, several students presented special songs and speeches during the programme.

MOKOKcHUng, May 21 (Mexn): Fazl Ali College organised a one day career guidance seminar on the theme ‘Career Track’ on May 19 for the B.A/B.Sc. 5th Semester students. Resource person Sentilong Ozukum (NCS) EAC, Medziphema, Alumnus of Fazl Ali College, discussed on the topic “How to Prepare for Civil Services and How to Come Out of One’s Comfort Zone.” In the second session, Dr. Upasana Bora Sinha, Ph.D (Chemistry), M.Phil (Socio), Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Nagaland Univer-

Army recruitment rally for Naga youths held

KOHiMa, May 21 (Mexn): An army recruitment rally was conducted in Kohima at IG Stadium from May 18 to 20 exclusively for the youths of Nagaland. The dates for rally of re-

spective districts were May 18 for (Tuensang, Mon, Mokokchung, Longleng, Khipre & Peren), May 19 for (Zunheboto, Wokha & Dimapur) and May 20 for (Kohima & Phek). “An overwhelming re-

sponse from youth who had registered from all districts including remote areas of Nagaland to be recruited in Army was a warm welcome this year. The wave of surge in candidates to join the elite

profession of valour and pride from the Eastern most State of the Country will go a long way in bringing about rapid socioeconomic development of Naga Hill Tribes,” Col C Konwer, PRO (Defence) stated in a press release. The participants were tested for 1.6 Km run, 9 feet ditch jump, Pull ups and Zig Zag Balance. Later medical tests were conducted for all the successful candidates. These candidates would be now called for written tests at Dimapur on July 30 and 31. The rally was flagged off by Brigadier Sanjeev Nagpal, Deputy Director General of Recruiting for the Northeast India.

Golden Eagles Club visit children’s home

Cleanliness drive at Tening village peren, May 21 (Mexn): 36 Assam Rifles under the aegis of Headquarters IGAR (N) conducted a cleanliness drive as part of Swacch Bharat Abhiyan at Tening village, Peren district on May 19. During the drive, various issues were addressed including use of sanitary materials, waste management, central placing of garbage bins and ill effects of open defecation, informed a press release from AR. This was followed by a mass cleaning of roadside areas, cleaning of bus stops, public places, etc by the troops of Assam Rifles along with locals. The event was attended by around 90 locals and youths of Tening village, it added. ATMA Zunheboto (Suruhoto block) conducted demonstration activities on May 13 at Tichipami village on application of Trichoderma viride fungicide and making of dish washer. The resource person was Moa Jamir, ATM. Altogether 29 farmers were benefited through this programme.

KOHiMa, May 21 (Mexn): The Golden Eagles Club of Phesama village spent a day with the children of Eden Gardens Children’s Home, Khuzama recently. Keeping to their vision of being agents of change in society, the members of the club along with their animator, Rev. Dr. Anand Pereira, SJ, visited the children of the home, said a press release received here. The day began with a number of fun games conducted for the children by the members of the club. It was followed by a short variety entertainment program performed by the members, during which, Fr. Raymond D’Souza SJ, Director of Eden Gardens, handed out prizes to the winners of the games. Reflecting on the activity, Sedekho Zashumo, Vice-President of the club, expressed tremendous joy that he and others witnessed in the children of the home. “They have so little, yet they are so happy,” he said. Meanwhile, Ruopfiivi Zashumo, President of the club, thanked the members of the club for their wholehearted cooperation in making the programme a grand success.


IN FOCUS The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume XII Issue 138 By Dr Asangba Tsüdir



acta non Verba, a latin for “Deed not words” is the motto of the latest political party in Nagaland – Democratic Progressive Party, a party which was formed, as reported in their press release, in response to the “feelings of the masses, who strongly desire for formation of a new political organization.” Though the new party seeks to stand on deeds and not words, a lot has been said during their first general meeting. As such, the question remains whether their ‘objective’ rhetoric can get translated into action. Considering the currency of issue, it seems to have been their unanimous decision to “strengthen the peace process and contribute towards realization of early, honorable and wholesome resolution of the Naga Political Problem." Yet, the objective message fails to heighten and generate the desired interest on this issue that is plagued by trust deficit and one that is in need of transparency. Nagas need something concrete and talk of a solution without having a roadmap or a process of real peace will be like just another ritualistic message and one that fails to create a genuine appeal. Also, highlighting on the need for strengthening democratic principles, the DPP stated that it will “stand for transparency, strive for respect of human rights and dignity, protect freedom of speech and expression, work for upliftment of weaker and marginalized sections of society, uphold gender equality and endeavor to protect our rich cultural heritage.” These are the most challenging issues that are not only close to the heart but also appeals to the conscience of the masses, yet these issues have not been deliberated to its merit nor applied in context simply because of the existing corrupt system that has fashioned a vicious cycle. Herein lies the real test because it concerns the question of the ‘will’ and the will to be ‘moral.’ Lastly, the party has pledged to “continuously strive for emergence of the people’s voice, the realization of the people’s aspirations and to reflect the desire and will of the masses.” The problem with our society is that we have failed to create a platform where people can come together as a people with intent and purpose. In the pursuit of bringing together people’s voices, the only way is through inclusion and make the masses a part of the change process from the very beginning. This calls for a change from the culture of delivering rhetorics to a culture that seeks the ‘will’ and ‘aspirations’ of the masses towards finding common good. It cannot get simpler than creating an all inclusive democratic process by reaching out to the people and asking what they need as well as seek their opinions on the various issues, and thereby take the confidence of the people on board and work towards achieving the ‘will’ and ‘aspirations’ together. DPP has highlighted so many integral needs of the Nagas today but the most challenging aspect of it is yet to be touched. The task at hand is how to go about doing it. Therein lies their credibility. If DPP wants to be true to their motto, then their actions should speak louder than their high sounding ‘patriotic’ words in such a way that it gets the confidence of the masses. The current ‘opposition-less’ government has created such a mess in their pursuit of ‘power’ that one can only hope that we are not looking at the birth of another such ‘offspring.’ (Dr. Asangba Tzüdir writes a weekly guest editorial for The Morung Express. Comments can be mailed to


Andrew M. Seaman Reuters Health

Does the weather influence risk for pregnancy diabetes?


Monday 22•05•2017

et another reason to worry about global warming may be an increase in the number of women who develop diabetes during pregnancy, suggests a new study that found seasonal higher temperatures are tied to an increased risk for what's known as gestational diabetes. Researchers found Canadian women were more likely to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes if they were exposed to higher average outdoor temperatures during pregnancy, compared to women who were pregnant in cooler periods. "It’s compelling evidence that air temperature is tied with increasing gestational risk," said lead author Dr. Gillian Booth, of St. Michael’s Hospital and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Toronto. Booth and colleagues write in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that research suggests exposure to the cold increases people's sensitivity to the hormone insulin. People with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes don't respond to or don't produce enough of the hormone, which helps the body convert sugar into energy. Nearly one in 10 mothers-to-be may develop gestational diabetes, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The condition increases the risk of women having gestational and type II diabetes in the future. Also, it increases the risk of women having larger-than-normal babies that may result in delivery complications or C-sections. For the new study, the researchers analyzed data from 396,828 women and their 555,911 deliveries in the Greater Toronto Area from 2002 to 2014. The researchers compared the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy among women exposed to an average outdoor temperature of at most -10 degrees Celsius (C), or 14 degrees Fahrenheit (F), during the 30 days before their gestational diabetes test to women exposed to at least 24 degrees C, about 75 degrees F, before their tests. The prevalence of gestational diabetes among women exposed to colder outdoor temperatures was 4.6 percent, compared to 7.7 percent among women exposed to warmer temperatures. Every 10 degree C increase in average outdoor temperature was tied to a 6 percent increase in the risk of women developing gestational diabetes, the researchers found. When they restricted the analyses to women who had more than one birth during the study period, the results were similar. The increased risk may be important as global temperatures are expected to rise 1 to 2 degrees C by 2050, Booth told Reuters Health. The new study can't prove that warmer temperatures cause women to have gestational diabetes, said Dr. Kathryn Drennan, a maternal fetal medicine physician at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York. For example, there may be other seasonal factors influencing the risk of gestational diabetes like fluctuating vitamin D levels, said Drennan, who wasn't involved with the new study. "I think for the average pregnant women, they shouldn’t be concerned about this," she told Reuters Health. "I think from a systems-wide level, it’s a bigger concern especially with the warming climate." The study gives researchers a reason to investigate the rela-



David Scott Mathieson Asia Times

Drug trade obscures Rakhine state violence

Myanmar's western border conflict risks morphing into a volatile mix of armed resistance and criminal activity, a situation that will further jeopardize the persecuted ethnic Rohingya minority


he mountainous road between Maungtaw and Buthitaung towns in Myanmar’s restive western Rakhine state is dotted with several police checkpoints and the occasional sign warning of wild elephant attacks. heavy security force presence is explained in part by tight restrictions on movement imposed by the government against the long persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority. Following raids on Border Guard Police (BGP) camps by suspected Rohingya militants last October 9, the Myanmar military, or Tatmadaw, staged a brutal ‘area clearance’ operation. The military sweeps were nominally staged to apprehend militants but also exacted collective punishment on the civilian population amid widespread reports of arrests, torture, extrajudicial killings and sexual violence. But a less understood dimension to Rakhine state’s security situation is a burgeoning trade in methamphetamine, also known as yaba. Seizures of the drug have mounted in recent years, with 980 million pills seized nationwide in 2016, almost double the 500 million tablets captured in previous years, according to Myanmar police records. The players behind and true extent of the trade are elusive. What’s clear, though, is that the methamphetamine trade is becoming more visible in Rakhine state through an uptick in seizures, with certain hints of official complicity. In early May, for example, over 400,000 pills were confiscated from two Myanmar army personnel on the Buthitaung-Maungtaw road, according to reports. In February, a Buddhist monk and accomplices from the Shwe Baho monastery in Maungtaw were arrested with more than four million tablets. In September 2016, a fisherman reportedly found two million pills floating off the Rakhine coast in nine packages. Hundreds of thousands of more pills have been seized in subsequent raids of villagers’ houses. The area’s reported biggest seizure came days later when police discovered over seven million tabs buried in packages near a factory along the main road in Maungtaw. The people behind Rakhine’s record haul have not been identified or apprehended. The recent huge seizures have raised speculation among analysts of Rakhine’s conflict that the October 9 border guard attacks could have been in retaliation by an unknown crime syndicate over the huge September seizure of the drug. This now appears unlikely with the Rohingya exile group Harakah al-Yaqin (Faith Movement), now renamed the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), publicly declaring responsibility for the police attacks and subsequent violence against security forces. ARSA was formed by Rohingya from Saudi Arabia and Gulf States that formed in the Bangladesh-Myanmar borderlands in response to their ethnic brethren’s persecution. The militant group is believed to receive financial support from the large number of Rohingya living and working in the Middle East.

To be sure, the flourishing yaba trade along the Myanmar-Bangladesh border predates the group’s recent emergence. It is not clear what involvement, if any, it may have in the drug trade. Official Myanmar government sources have accused ARSA with the extrajudicial executions of suspected government informants. But given the opacity and complication of violence in the region those killings could possibly be a connected to the growing drug trade. Drug trade analysts say the pills almost certainly originate from production facilities in Myanmar’s northeast. The lawless area has long served as a hub of mainland Southeast Asia’s yaba production and where the distinctively stamped WY brand is produced. The well-established trade is facilitated by armed groups situated along Myanmar’s China and Thailand borders. The analysts suspect the drugs are moved by road from the northeastern Shan state through the former capital Yangon to Rakhine state’s capital of Sittwe. They are then reportedly transported by boat and road through the northern Rakhine state town of Maungtaw and across either the Mayu mountain range or Naf River into Bangladesh. The methamphetamine trade in Bangladesh has exploded in recent

years, with increased smuggling and dramatically expanded consumption among manual laborers and recreational users, according to reports. State-run Myanmar media and de facto national leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s social media pages carry almost daily news of yaba seizures, an apparent bid to bolster her government’s law and order credentials. On May 8, for instance, state media reported that a man was apprehended with 12,000 pills in Maungtaw’s Shwezarmyauk village. Official scapegoating of Rohingya as drug traffickers, however, is belied by recent arrests of large-scale suspected traffickers from the border police, military, Buddhist monkhood and local ethnic Rakhine business community. Rohingya tend to be low-level smugglers, based on arrest reports in local media and as witnessed in the Myanmar Navy’s arrests of four men in March with 180,000 yaba pills on the Naf River bordering Bangladesh. Another poorly understood facet of the trade is the possible involvement of the insurgent Arakan Army, which was formed in 2009 in northern Myanmar. The small army is allied with other armed groups of the so-called Northern Alliance fighting against government forces. Formed in 2009 and trained by the insurgent Kachin Independence Army

(KIA) in the country’s north, Arakan Army has recently extended its attacks on the Myanmar Army from Kachin state to neighboring northern Shan state in conjunction with other nonstate armed groups. Since 2015, Arakan Army has opened an insurgent front in the Rakhine and Chin state borderlands, staging irregular ambush-style attacks on Myanmar army units. State media has claimed that alleged seizures of Arakan Army arms shipments funneled through Yangon have turned up hauls of methamphetamine. One bleak scenario for Rakhine state is that it morphs into a complex interplay of armed resistance and criminal activity, reminiscent of the lethal conflict in southern Thailand, where militant activity is often linked to smuggling and other illicit businesses, as well as competition between security agencies for spoils of the illegal trades. The rising cross-border yaba trade at Rakhine state’s Maungtaw will further obscure the emerging conflict’s shadow play, and only further imperil the repressed and already desperate Rohingya minority not only in the name of national security, but also drug trade-related crime suppression. David Scott Mathieson is a Yangon-based independent analyst

Is Nehru-Gandhi family no longer above the law?

Members of India's most famous political dynasty are in trouble after a court allowed tax officials to initiate proceedings against Young Indian and its directors Sonia and Rahul Gandhi e Jaya Kumar


Asia Times

he powerful Nehru-Gandhi family of India are untouchable… Or are they? The Delhi High Court’s refusal last week to stay income tax (IT) proceedings against Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi says loud and clear that the Gandhi family are not above the law despite the power they still wield and the privileges they have enjoyed for decades. The IT proceedings are linked to a money laundering case involving three entities: Associated Journals Ltd (AJL), which owned the now-defunct Congress-run newspaper National Herald; Young Indian Pvt Ltd (YIL), which acquired AJL in 2010 and in which Sonia and Rahul hold 83.3% shares; and All India Congress Committee (AICC), which the Gandhis lead and which constitutes the central decision-making assembly of the Indian National Congress party. Subramanian Swamy, the stormy petrel of India’s incumbent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), filed a complaint in 2012 after the Herald, which was

founded by India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, in 1938, ceased operations in April 2008. Swamy alleged that YIL was set up by the Gandhis to acquire immovable assets from the National Herald worth millions of dollars. AJL had bought the paper at a concessional rate and at a prime location in Delhi. In a notice to YIL early this year, the income tax department said Sonia and Rahul were the real beneficiaries of this transaction. The notice also claimed that Sonia’s daughter, Priyanka Gandhi – along with Rahul – bought additional shares of AJL to ensure the family obtained full control over the company. AICC had granted an interest-free loan of Rs902 million (US$14 million) to AJL to keep the National Herald running. When AJL was shut in 2008, it owed Congress Rs902 million. Swamy, in his complaint, said YIL later paid a paltry Rs5 million to secure the right to recover the debt. This was easy because two of YIL’s shareholders, Motilal Vora and Oscar Fernandes, are also directors of AJL. In fact, Motilal

Vora is chairman of AJL. The court observed that all those involved in the “sham” transactions were linked to Congress, AJL and YIL. Congress denies any wrongdoing and accuses federal agencies of distorting facts. YIL has real estate assets at prime locations in many state capitals in northern India. And this brings into the picture another family member – Sonia’s son-in-law, Robert Vadra, who also happens to be in a spot of bother over shady real estate deals in the state of Haryana. People familiar with a confidential inquiry report told a daily newspaper recently that Vadra’s company, Skylight Hospitality, made illegal profits of Rs500 million (US$7 million) by buying property from one real estate developer and selling it to another at a skyhigh price after obtaining a licence to change land use in 2008. Haryana was then ruled by a Congress government led by Bhupinder Singh Hooda. A property bought by Vadra’s wife, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, in February 2010 is also said to have come under


the radar of Justice SN Dhingra’s Commission, which prepared the report. Vadra denies any wrongdoing and alleges a witch-hunt against him. When a reporter sought his comments on the land deals, Vadra shoved his microphone away and shouted at him. Documents accessed by a television news channel recently showed that Vadra’s mother, Maureen Vadra, had been enjoying VIP security, at taxpayers’ expense, for the past 13 years at her Delhi home. The round-the-clock security involved six police personnel. Denouncing that report, Vadra said his mother should be left alone and that the government could remove his own security as well. The Congress party put the ball in the federal government’s court by seeking an explanation as to why such security measures had been allowed to continue for Vadra’s mother. Earlier, stung by criticism over the “no-frisking” privilege he enjoyed at airports, Vadra had asked the ministry of civil aviation to remove him from the no-frisk list. The privilege is given to top political leaders and dignitaries. Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka also enjoy this privilege.

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MonDAY 22•05•2017




Why the moral argument for nonviolence matters Kazu Haga

Waging Nonviolence


ernard? Oh yeah, he’s great. He was always the principles guy.” That was what an old Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, or SNCC, organizer told me when I mentioned that I had been trained by Bernard Lafayette, co-author of the Kingian Nonviolence curriculum and a legend of the civil rights era. “I was always a strategies guy,” this elder went on to tell me. “I believed in nonviolence as an effective strategy, but Bernard was always talking about nonviolence as a principle.” I let out a little laugh. In that moment, I was proud to have been trained by “the principles guy.” When people talk about nonviolence in the context of social change, they’re typically talking about nonviolent organizing, nonviolent direct action, nonviolent civil resistance; arenas where the word “nonviolence” is only an adjective describing the absence of physical violence within a set of tactics and strategies. The philosophy of nonviolence and the moral question of violence are often considered too messy or complicated, even by those who do believe it to be a principle. The civil rights movement was led largely by leaders who believed in nonviolence as a moral imperative. It was not only the most effective thing, but also the right thing. While Martin Luther King Jr. and his closest allies held to this belief, some other movement leaders — as well as the vast majority of people who mobilized for the movement — only understood nonviolence as a strategy. Most of the movements I have participated in, even those that had a strict policy of nonviolence, tend to shy away from the moral question — possibly for fear of turning away potential participants. And I get that. Making the argument that nonviolence should be seen as a way of life is a much harder sell than convincing people that it is the most effective strategy to accomplish a goal. Convincing people to remain nonviolent during a demonstration is a lot easier than convincing people to look at how to practice nonviolence in all areas of our life. We find ourselves in an urgent moment in history. From climate change to the Trump agenda, we do not have the luxury to wait until tomorrow. We need a movement today. So maybe trying to make the moral argument is not the most strategic thing. But King taught us that it is never the wrong time to do the right thing. And so, I believe the time is right to make the argument that violence itself is our biggest enemy. Honoring violence Making the moral argument for nonviolence does not mean placing a moral judgment on those who use or advocate for violence, especially as a means for self-defense. As an advocate for nonviolence,

I have learned a great deal from the likes of the Black Panther Party, the Zapatistas, the Deacons for Defense and the anarchists in the Spanish Civil War, among others. Their struggles and sacrifices should never be discounted, nor should we ignore the many lessons from their movements. We should also never judge those who have used violence for self-defense in interpersonal relationships — abusive relationships, robberies, assaults, etc. If people felt like that was their only means of protecting themselves, I only pray that they were okay. Finally, we need to acknowledge the extreme levels of violence that many people are born into because of systemic injustice. We put people into generations of poverty and invest in a culture of violence, then judge them for reacting with violence? As inarticulate as it may be, even riots are typically a cry for peace from a people who have never had it. So violence can be an effective tool to protect yourself and others against a threat, and it can be used to express outrage about injustice. There is great value in both. Yet violence is also limited in one very important way, and that is that violence can never create relationships. Violence can never get you closer to reconciliation, closer to King’s “beloved community,” the reconciled world with justice for all people. And that is perhaps the most significant difference between a principled nonviolent approach and an approach using violence or nonviolence that is strictly strategic. The goals are different. Resolution vs. reconciliation In movements that are violent or simply use nonviolent tactics, the goal is victory, where victory is defined as “your” people beating “those” people to win your demands. The victory is over your opponents. But in a principled approach, there is no victory until you’ve won your opponents over. In a principled nonviolent approach, the goal is always reconciliation and steps toward beloved community. The goal is always to build and strengthen relationships and to bring people and communities together, not separate them. If we are not able to find ways to bring communities together, we will always have

separation, violence and injustice. Even if you are able to achieve short-term gains, if relationships between people were harmed in the conflict and you are further away from each other as a result, then it is not a victory at all. If only your tactics are nonviolent and not your worldview, whatever issue you’re working on may get resolved, but the relationships don’t get repaired. It was a team of incarcerated Kingian Nonviolence trainers in Soledad Prison that taught me this during a conversation we were having about the difference between conflict resolution and conflict reconciliation. Resolution is about fixing issues. Conflict reconciliation is about repairing relationships. Resolving an issue is about the mind. It’s about policies, structures, laws — the causes of violence. Reconciling a relationship is about the heart. It’s about the people, the stories, the history — the human impact of violence. The levels of violence today are so heightened that there will be times when movements will need to use assertive and militant nonviolent tactics to stop the immediate harm and demand change. As Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of nonviolent communication, says, we need to, “use the minimum amount of force necessary to stop the immediate harm.” And we never think about what the “minimum amount” looks like. That is the realm of nonviolent strategies and tactics like noncooperation and civil disobedience. Tactics that could stop the construction of a pipeline, pass voter protection laws or even lead to a political revolution. But if we stop there, the relationships between the communities are still divided, and there could still be fear, mistrust and resentment. If the human relationships are not healed, the conflict will resurface again on some other issue. Any peace gained through political revolution but not a revolution of relationships is short-lived. Reconciliation is what a principled nonviolent approach demands. The need for healing The very nature of violence is unjust. As Rev. James Lawson, one of the

lead trainers for the civil rights movement, has said, “Violence has a very simple dynamic. I make you suffer more than I suffer. I make you suffer until you cry uncle.” It is the very idea that we can use force, fear and intimidation to get what we want that is our enemy. Because violence hurts. Period. We all know that. We’ve all experienced it — physical, emotional and spiritual. It hurts to get punched, but it hurts more to feel abandoned, alone, ashamed, hopeless, desperate, unworthy, afraid, used. And too often, we are made to feel those things by people in our own families, in our own movements, in our own communities. Being committed to a principled approach to nonviolence requires us to look at the pain that we carry ourselves, and the pain that we inflict on each other within our communities. It is easy to point the finger and say that the violence is “over there.” I have talked to too many people who shared that the traumas they carry were only re-triggered and made worse by the violence they witnessed within movements. When we say that we are committed to nonviolence, we are not only saying that we want to stop the violence “over there” that “those people” are committing. We also try to work on the ways we ourselves perpetuate harm as a result of our own unhealed traumas. We are working to heal our own selves as much as anyone we perceive as our enemies. We are working to change how we relate to each other in own communities as much as we are working to change any policy. Whether you live in an impoverished community or work in law enforcement where your job is to dehumanize people all day, we are not a healthy society. It hurts to witness violence, it hurts to experience violence, and it hurts to inflict violence. Each causes trauma. Yes, we need to fight. But only so that we can create spaces to heal and to build. Beloved community “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny,” King wrote in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail. “Whatever affects one directly, af-

fects all indirectly.” This universal truth comes out in many cultures and traditions throughout the world. The aboriginal peoples in Australia teach us, “If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” That is the vision of beloved community. A world where we acknowledge our interdependence — our “inter-being,” as Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh says. My liberation is bound up in yours. That is a beautiful concept, and a popular quote in many progressive circles. But to what extent do we really believe it? Is our liberation bound up with the liberation of some and not others? How about people who voted for Donald Trump or people who have hurt us personally? Who draws that line? Do some people fall out of the “network of mutuality” that King talked about? What does it look like to work together to “liberate” those who commit harm? What does it mean to acknowledge that being oppressed hurts, but being an oppressor also destroys your soul? The privileges of being an oppressor doesn’t take away the violence that gets internalized when you hurt someone. Beloved community is not about loving the people who are easy to love. It is about cultivating “agape” — a Greek word for unconditional love for all of humanity, including those who are difficult to love. King said that the civil rights movement was a movement for the bodies of black folks and the souls of white folks. He acknowledged that being a white supremacist destroys your soul. To have so much judgment and hatred in your heart is an act of violence you do to yourself, and part of the goal of the movement was to help them. To bring them back into the network of mutuality and to remind them that they are part of beloved community. Because our liberation depends on it. Faith in people The core of the theory of nonviolence for me has become an unwavering faith in the nature of humanity. That at our core, we are a species that wants to live in peace and wants to be in service and relationship; that we have the resiliency to heal no matter how hurt we are, and we have the ability to transform no matter how much harm we’ve caused. We get asked all the time in our workshops, “Well, isn’t violence just part of human nature?” And I used to struggle responding to it, because it was hard to argue. It has always been part of our history. Then several years ago, I met Paul Chappell, a graduate of West Point turned peace activist. During his presentation at a conference, he said that every study that has ever been conducted shows that violence is traumatic. It can cause PTSD, depression, anxiety and permanent damage to our

brain. And yet not a single person has ever been traumatized by an act of love. He then asked, “If violence is part of our nature, then why does it shortcircuit our brain?” Shouldn’t we be able to engage in it and not have it cause permanent damage? That to him was evidence that violence isn’t in our nature, that at the core of human nature are the things that fulfill us: love, joy, community, peace. And that is what we need today: a determined and dogged belief in the goodness of people. We need the fierce tactics of nonviolence to stop the immediate harm, and the principles of nonviolence to transform the pain. Without one or the other, we are always going to be spinning our wheels, fighting the next injustice or addressing the next hurt. I’ve been very privileged in my life. I’ve gotten to see so many people transformed from the most violent circumstances, that it might be easier for me to have faith in people. It is the greatest honor being able to work with incarcerated communities. Everyday, I get to learn from people who have survived so much violence and in many cases have inflicted so much harm, yet have transformed to become some of the greatest peacemakers I’ve ever met. It gives me faith in the resiliency of people and in the core of human nature. And if I can have faith in their core and their ability to transform, why not the prison guards? Why not the politician who passed the laws that filled the prison? Or the corporate lobbyist who pushed for that legislation? Or the conservative voter who put those lawmakers into office? It may take seven generations, but if we are not working for a world that works for all of us, then what exactly are we working for? If we are working to change laws and policies, but the hearts and minds of the people are still corrupt and we still see each other as exactly that — “others” — will we ever know peace? We are in need of a truly nonviolent revolution, not just of systems and policies, but also of worldviews and relationships. We need to understand that people are never the enemy, that violence and injustice itself is what we need to defeat, and that the goal of every conflict must be reconciliation. Each conflict we face has to be seen as an opportunity to strengthen understanding between members of a human family that have grown so far apart that we have forgotten our dependence on each other. That is why we need a principled nonviolent approach to society’s ills. Because it is not just laws and systems that have poisoned us. It is a worldview that has made us forget that our liberation is bound up in the liberation of all people. And only a holistic nonviolent approach — one that involves both strategies and principles — can muster the force to stop injustice in its tracks while bringing communities towards reconciliation.

Morung Express Chronicling the world's most famous journalist The Is it not time for Nagaland University and colleges POLL RESULTS

Vikas Datta



he adventures of this author's ageless boy-journalist around, and even out of, our world are not only among the most-read cartoon capers but had fans as varied as Satyajit Ray, Steven Spielberg and Charles de Gaulle. The boy-journalist also made a "discovery" that would only be validated by India's Chandrayaan half a century later. But in Tintin, Herge also drew from his own life -- and found some peace too. The two dozen adventures of Tintin were not the only creations of Herge, whose 110th birth anniversary is on Monday (May 22), but are his most famous with hundreds of millions of copies sold in the over 70 languages they have been translated into. The reason is not difficult to ascertain. Herge's trademark "ligne claire" (clear line) drawing style, creating a most realistic feel, is complemented by engrossing, wellresearched stories. Usually based on real-life events, these address -quite unobtrusively -- serious social and political themes: Crime, wars, drug and slave trade, racism, political subversion and regime change, fuel crises and so on. And then there is the array of colourful characters (Captain Haddock, Thomson and Thompson, etc.), both slapstick and satire, and cliff-hangers galore. But what sort of a man was Herge and what inspired him? The latter's answer may be found on the series' official site describing Tintin as "created from Herge's subconscious desire to be perfect, to be a hero..." Asked once what would happen to the boy-journalist after him, Herge said: "Tintin is me and we will disappear together." Born in a lower-middle class

Walloon-Flemish family in Brussels, George Remi "Herge" (190783) began drawing right from his primary school years. Fond of films, especially those of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, he also adored the works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Mark Twain and Alexandre Dumas and was also a fan of Sherlock Holmes. All these would be key influences, as would be other familiar elements -- Tintin's quiff was based on his younger brother Paul, Milou (whom we know as Snowy) was named after his girlfriend, and loud opera singer Bianca Castafiore based on an aunt whose arias he was forced to listen as a child. Another vital influence was the scouting troop Herge joined in secondary school. His drawings also began regularly appearing in the Scouts journal and it was here his first serial character -- Totor the Scout -- appeared. After his schooling and mandatory military service, Remi, who began signing his work as Herge (the French pronunciation of his reversed initials), finally found a job as a cartoonist in a staunchly conservative Catholic newspaper. In 1928, he was made in-charge of the children supplement, and Tintin debuted here in January 1929. But Herge was not yet master of his work, with the first two stories being rather crude propaganda -- "Tintin in the Land of the Soviets" was anti-communist and "Tintin in the Congo" pro-colonialist, slightly racist as well as cruel to wildlife. The third, "Tintin in America", has a rather dated though satirical view of the country, while the next, "Cigars of the Pharaoah", has a stereotypical portrayal of Raj-era India but is spot-on in depicting some embryonic "gau-rakshaks". It was, however, with "The Blue Lotus" that Herge hit his stride. Like most of his countrymen, he had a

stereotyped view of China but he sought help from unbiased experts, as well as Chinese art student Zhang Chongren (who would figure in it as Chang) to faithfully depict contemporary China. And in a remarkable scene, Tintin and Chang tell each other of ingrained stereotypes of each other. It also showed the depredations of the Japanese military -- leading to a complaint from the Japanese mission in Brussels. This attention to detail and fairness in depicting cultures around the world became a hallmark of Tintin (who is once even shown practising yoga), and explains his popularity, to the extent de Gaulle considered him his only rival; Topshe, the narrator of Ray's Feluda stories was a fan (several of Ray's films also showed a set of the comics) while Vikram Seth also dwelt on the reasons for his fame in "The Golden Gate". In some respects, Herge was ahead of his times -- and not only in fairness. In "Explorers on the Moon", he showed ice on the moon and was "corrected" by scientists, but has been proved right by Indian scientists. But Tintin also had a therapeutic effect on Herge. Having been "forced" to marry co-worker Germaine Kieckens in 1932 by his conservative editor despite both being unhappy about it, Herge had numerous affairs. This caused him to feel guilty and have recurrent nightmares of what he described as "the beauty and cruelty of white" -- visions of white and snow. He even consulted a psychologist and was counselled to leave his art, but rejected the advice and found expiation of sorts in drawing the desolate landscapes of "Tintin in Tibet". But while this again has a small Indian interlude, it largely features a "holy cow" -- Herge could be quite prescient.

to introduce a Department on Naga Studies? Why? Some of those who voted YES had this to say: • Yes it is high time. When Nagaland University has the audacity to introduce a Department on Hindi, which by the way has not had any students since its inception, the University should have introduced a Department on Naga studies. Unless there is a department on Naga studies how do you expect people to know about Naga history and politics. It is high time for Naga studies to be introduced not only in the University but also in colleges. I think it is high time that NSF and ANCSU take up this issue. • Yes, it is high time! • Yes, it's going to be too late. In St Joseph's College Jakhama Kohima, there is a subject offering for political science honours called' Naga Politics' It studies about Naga history and politics. • Yes by all means. The tragedy is when Nagas can study about India history, American history, European history but not Naga history, what kind of negative impact will it have. It is high time for the university to have a Department on Naga studies. • Yes. Why not. “If you don't know where you've come from, how will you appreciate where you're going.” • Yes...but I am afraid everyone or every tribe will come up with different version of same history and will fight over it. • Yes having a department specially dedicated to Naga studies will yield positive results. It will contribute in having an intelligent discourse on many of the Naga issues and will provide information and knowledge that can help in solving problems. • Yes. We need to introduce a dept on

sity and colleges are not sensiNaga studies as it will educate the tive to our Naga history. These youngster of this generations about are people who are actually here Naga culture and to preserve it. For to see that Naga studies don’t see am afraid, if we don't take an initiathe day of light. They will only end tives we see bleak future for Nagaup distorting it. land with mixed culture, no identity. Can't imagine how Nagas will be 10 • No, not at this time. When situation is more favourable we should. Right yrs from now. now we should the homework. • Yes. But Naga studies as a department may need some time. But as sections • No. The Naga studies would be good as long as it is an optional subject within existing subjects is feasible. It and not as a department since Nawill boil down to curriculum content gas are divided into 16 major tribes and how consciously the curricuand many more sub-tribes totallum designers integrate Naga studing up to 37 tribes where customs ies into the regular subjects. and tradition varies from village to 75% village (there are 1454 villages just in Nagaland). An independent research on PhD level on all the Naga tribes as a whole would be better for restoration of our roots and history of the Nagas. YES





• Yes we need to our children to grow up learning about our own history, culture, language, tradition and so on. Our future lies in learning about our past. • Yes, a department of Naga studies would be very good. The idea of the department should be confined to doing studies on customs and laws and the anthropological elements of the Naga villages, but the department should focus on broader issues like Naga economy, Naga political issue, Modernity and Nagas and so on. This would be more productive. Some of those who voted NO had this to say: • No because the time is not right. The kind of people who are now manning our Nagaland Univer-

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: • Hope the studies will not be a reenactment of the story of Lot's wife by the scholars. Better convince... first the " guardians our tradition and history" and HOHOs on the need and its importance. • We all know that we need a Department on Naga Studies. Unfortunately the Nagaland University does not seem bothered at all, they are busy wasting the resources on non-important things. NSF, ANCSU and the Students Union in Nagaland University campuses and the NUTA should join hands to see that a department on Naga studies is formed. Secondly a group of Naga scholars should be brought together to form the syllabus and curriculum. • NSF instead of focusing on non-issues should be the one leading for the creation of a department on Naga studies.


MOnDAY 22•05•2017



‘Transgenders must raise their voice, demand their rights’

New Delhi, May 21 (iaNS): Their identity in society is largely limited to being termed "hijras" (eunuchs), they are often ridiculed for their appearance, their profession has been reduced to begging and their rights are routinely suppressed. But Manobi Bandopadhyay, India's first transgender principal, believes that their status can only improve when the third gender itself raises its voice and demands their rights. "In most of the cases, they remain ignorant of their rights because of lack of education. A transgender can only be recognised when an individual raises her voice and comes into the limelight," Manobi Bandopadhyay told IANS in a telephonic interview from West Bengal. The Supreme Court in 2014 may have given third gender status to the transgenders, but Bandopadhyay sees little hope for their betterment. "When the government cannot protect women, how can we expect more for our better future? We cannot expect the government to take the initiative and add rights to the community. Better status can only be achieved after we become more vocal," the 53-year-old maintained. Bandopadhyay is currently the Vice Chairperson

of the West Bengal Transgender Development Board under the state government and executive council member of Kalyani University. She recently released a candid biography, "A Gift of Goddess Lakshmi" (Penguin, Rs 399, pp 187), written by Jhimli Mukherjee Pandey. The biography compresses her journey from being Somnath to Manobi, her struggle -from winning a war of selfidentity within family and society to her becoming of India's first transgender principal. The writing in the book is bold, raw, barefaced and brings to fore the darker side of child sexual abuse, of which Manobi too was a victim. "Sharing my personal life can save lives of many others. Sexual abuse of children happens a lot in India but people don't disclose it or raise their voices; they like to keep them buried. Truth needs to be spoken and exposed," Bandopadhyay responded on thoughts that evoked her to encourage the book. "I showed the courage to come (out) with this and share my story with society. My purpose is to remove the evil notions that persist in the society and writing the book is my effort to do this," she said. She maintained that

she did not have any second thoughts about her biography and that she was not worried about how it would be perceived by readers. "Why should I hesitate to write about when I had to face sexual abuse? What I wrote may have happened to many others. I want people to be more aware and alert about sexual exploitation," Bandopadhyay said. "People enjoy reading about the scandals of others. My book says it all, from my childhood days to becoming principal of a college. And if people like reading about my 'scandalous' life then I don't have any problem," she added. Though the book is a biography, she dreams of writing an autobiography in her own language, which won't be in any chronological order and will be a collection of scattered memories. She thinks the pages (of the biography) are soulless as her ideologies and philosophies are not a part of it. "My feelings and emotions can be best described by me and cannot be penned by anyone else. The philosophies that I follow cannot be described through translation. There is more beyond the book, all cannot be captured in a book," she concluded.

‘Kashmir problem centered around just 5 valley districts’ New Delhi, May 21 (iaNS): BJP President Amit Shah on Sunday said the problem in Jammu and Kashmir was not widespread but centered around just "three and a half districts", and the central government was formulating a "course of action" to resolve the situation. Shah also said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had "made more efforts to improve relations with Pakistan than any other government". Addressing an Aaj Tak Editors round-table on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's completion of three years in office, Shah said the BJP government was making every effort to bring peace to Kashmir Valley, which has been on the boil for the past many weeks. Shah also said the ruling alliance has not yet zeroed upon any candidate for the Presidential election, and expressed confidence on forming government in West Bengal soon. "We are maintaining strict vigil on Kashmir. Don't see the past six months, you have to see Kashmir from 1989 to 2017. There are many such spells of three months, six months, one year, where such incidents have occurred, security forces have got the situation in control," he said. "The problem in Kashmir is a problem of three and a half districts," Shah said, apparently referring to two south Kashmir districts and Srinagar where violent anti-government protests have been rampant. "We are formulating a course of action, give us some time," he said, expressing confidence that

We will find permanent solution to Kashmir issue: Rajnath Singh

security forces will bring the situation under control. The situation has worsened due to protests by college and school students in Srinagar and parts of south Kashmir. He said the Modi government had "made more efforts to improve relations with Pakistan than any other government". "The Narendra Modi government did more than anyone else to have good relations with Pakistan. But the efforts for good relations should be from both sides. The Prime Minister made efforts, but we did not get results. We have to protect the interests of our country and we are doing that," he said. "We want good relations with all neighbours, but only after making our borders safe." Commenting on the work of the BJP government in three years, he said they spent most of the time "rectifying" the situation created by the previous Congressled United Progressive Alliance (UPA) regime.

"We are fighting with Naxals. Can there be a fight which will have bullets being fired from only one side? But the BJP government has been tough on the Naxals," he said. Asked about the Presidential election, he said "We have not decided on a presidential candidate. Even if I have something in my mind I cannot say it. Discussion with (alliance) partners is also due." On actor Rajinikanth's hint at joining politics, Shah refused to comment on the possibility of his joining the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), but said all "good people" are welcome to join politics. Responding to a question on whether the BJP has been soft on Janata Dal-United leader and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, and if he was likely to join the BJPled National Democratic Alliance (NDA) again, Shah said there was no criticism because there were no allegations against Kumar, unlike Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad and his family.

PelliNg (SikkiM), May 21 (iaNS): Blaming Pakistan for trying to destabilise and weaken India through violence in Kashmir, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday said the BJP-led central government will find a permanent solution to the issues bedevilling the Valley. Rajnath, who is on a three-day visit to Sikkim since Friday, said the neighbouring country was trying to destabilise India despite the latter's efforts to maintain cordial bilateral relations. "I want to assure you that our government will find a permanent solution to the Kashmir issue," the Minister said at a public meeting here in western Sikkim. "The truth is that Kashmir belongs to us, Kashmiris belong to us, and Kashmiriyat also belongs to us...." Rajnath asserted that India wants cordial relations with all its neighbours, including Pakistan. "We invited leaders of neighbouring countries, including Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, to the oath-taking ceremony (of Prime Minister Narendra Modi) in May 2014. "But, perhaps, they (Pakistan) couldn't understand the initiative we took; even today, they are trying to destabilise, weaken and break India through the Kashmir issue," Rajnath Singh, a senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader, said.

Rahul Gandhi can 'match' Modi: Jyotiraditya Child slavery down in India

New Delhi, May 21 (iaNS): Congress leader Jyotiraditya Scindia on Sunday said that party Vice President Rahul Gandhi "can definitely match" Prime Minister Narendra Modi and is perfectly capable of leading both the party and the nation. Speaking at the Aaj Tak Editors Round-table, Scindia said: "Rahul Gandhi has tremendous capability, he has a deep core understanding of grassroot

issues..." He added: "I personally believe Rahul Gandhi is well equipped to lead this party and lead the nation. Just give him some time." "Rahul Gandhi can definitely match Modi. He will challenge Modi and the Congress will go to people with the blueprint that the party and Rahul Gandhi are working on... I feel that we should move ahead under his leadership. We will form government in 2019 under

his leadership." In response to a question on Scindia taking over as Leader of Congress in the Lok Sabha, replacing Mallikarjun Kharge, he said: "What fate has in store..., what strategy the party has, is something I am not privy to." Recounting his experience in politics in the past 15 years, the Congress leader said: "I am a worker of the Congress party, I have always had that belief."

He did admit that his party required a new blueprint, and there was a need to focus on states where Congress can bounce back. "We need to go back to the drawing board, there are a lot of good things we did in last ten years, but obviously not enough to regain the trust of the people. We need to go back with a new blueprint," he said. Scindia also said that unlike in the past, when a strong Centre built strong

states, the situation has reversed. "Earlier, you had a strong Centre which would build strong states. Now you need strong states to build a strong Centre. I think that is the recalibration of strategy that must take place in the Congress," he said. Asked about the opposition's choice of candidate for the Presidential poll in July, Scindia said Congress was trying to evolve a con-

sensus among all opposition parties on a common candidate. "We want to get one consensus candidate from all opposition parties. Discussions are on, Congress cannot take the decision alone," he said. Asked if President Pranab Mukherjee can be their candidate, he said: "The President has made it clear, he will contest only if all parties arrive at a consensus."

American climber dies on Manas, Derek, Shanta among Trinamool's RS candidates Everest, Indian missing

kathMaNDU, May 21 (ReUteRS): An American climber on Mount Everest died on Sunday, officials said, the third death on the world's highest mountain in the past month and raising safety concerns for climbers. Roland Yearwood, 50, from Alabama, perished at an altitude of about 8,400 metres (27,500 feet) in an area called "death zone" which is known for thin air, Murari Sharma of the Everest Parivas trekking company that sponsored his climb said. "We have confirmation of his death but no other details are known," Sharma told Reuters in Kathmandu. "It is also unclear if he was on his way up or down from the summit," he said. Yearwood was part of a 16-member team led by American climber Dan Mazur that is climbing the normal Southeast Ridge route from the Nepali side of the mountain. Year wood's death

comes a day after 26-yearold Indian climber Ravi Kumar went missing in the same area during his descent from the peak. Kumar got separated from his guide near a place called Balcony on Saturday, Thupden Sherpa of the Arun Treks and Expedition company that sponsored Kumar's team said in Kathmandu on Sunday. "Three sherpa rescuers have been sent to search for Kumar," Thupden said, adding the climber had been out of contact. On April 30, a famed Swiss climber fell to his death near Mount Everest during preparations to climb the world's highest mountain, while an 85-year-old Nepali man died at the base camp earlier this month while trying to set a record for the oldest climber. Nepal has cleared 371 mountaineers to climb Mount Everest during the current season ending this month.

kolkata, May 21 (iaNS): Throwing twin surprises, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday named former state Congress chief Manas Bhunia and an ex-legislator from the hills Shanta Chhetri as Trinamool Congress candidates for the coming Rajya Sabha polls in the state. Trinamool leader in the Rajya Sabha Derek O'Brien, and two other sitting members Sukhendu Sekhar Roy and Dola Sen also figured in the list of five candidates announced by Banerjee, who is also the party chief. "The following are All India Trinamool Congress candidates for forthcoming Rajya Sabha election: Derek O'Brien, Sukhendu Sekhar Roy, Dola Sen, Manas Bhunia and Shanta Chhetri," she said in a Facebook post. Bhunia, who switched over to the Trinamool last September, is officially still a Congress legislator from Sabong in West Midnapore district. With the Congress

moving the judiciary and also knocking on the doors of the Speaker pleading for the cancellation of Bhunia's membership under the Anti-Defection act, the senior leader is in an embarrassing situation. Banerjee had earlier promised Bhunia that she would accommodate her in the party keeping in mind his stature and seniority. Besides, the arithmetic of the house could also have prompted Banerjee's decision to opt for Bhunia. The Trinamool has 211 members in the 294-strong assembly, and as such is in a position to win five of the six seats that have fallen vacant. A candidate needs 42 first preference votes to make it to the upper house from the state. The Congress and the Left Front, which fought the previous polls as allies and secured 44 and 32 seats respectively, can win the sixth seat easily if they put up a joint candidate, despite losing some of their legislators to the Trinamool

over the past one year. Banerjee has already made overtures to the Congress not to tie up with the LF, and instead promised support if it names a candidate acceptable to the Trinamool. In this context, longtime Congress leader Bhunia's candidature could be a ploy to cause division in the Congress ranks and ensure cross-voting in his favour if talks fail with the Congress. After announcing the candidates, Banerjee said she was yet to decide on nominating a sixth candidate. "We will decide later on whether to put up another candidate," she said, apparently hinting at talks with the Congress. Chhetri, a three-time Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) legislator from Kurseong in the northern Bengal hills, unsuccessfully contested from the same constituency on a Trinamool ticket in last year's assembly polls. Her nomination is being interpreted in political

circles as Banerjee's message to the people of the hills, a few days after the municipal polls where Trinamool won in Mirik Notified Area, and picked up seats in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong. With the Trinamool now emerging as the main challenger to the BJPbacked dominant hill party Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, Banerjee may be hoping to establish a greater emotive connect with the people there following Chhetri's nomination. "I am very happy. I have seen the hills being exploited, but nobody gives anything to the hills in return. I am happy that I could give something in return to the hills," said Banerjee. An elated Chhetri said her candidature was a "matter of great pride", and expressed her gratitude to Banerjee. "I will be devoted to the Trinamool Congress as long as I live and would keep working as a faithful soldier of the party," she said.

but child abuse up: Satyarthi New Delhi, May 21 (iaNS): The number of child workers in India has fallen considerably but incidents of sexual violence against children has gone up, Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi has said. Satyarthi also being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 had greatly helped him in his longrunning campaign against child labour and child abuse not just in India but across the world. Speaking to IANS journalists, the 63-year-old said that problems cannot be just left to the government to resolve and that the young will have to use social media to spread awareness about the suffering of bonded children. Satyarthi said the number of child workers in India had fallen from 12.5 million in 2001 to 10 million in 2011 and further to 4.2 million now. "I cannot verify the accuracy of this data but I can say there is improvement (in the situation)." But Satyarthi, who heads the NGO Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA), pointed out that there was a steep hike in incidents of child abuse and rape in both India and beyond. "Also, violence against children is on the rise, which is dangerous," he said, and blamed pornography as one of the causes. Satyarthi put the strength of full-time child workers around the world at 160 million. "Almost half of them are victims of the worst form of child labour. They are in a very dangerous situation.

About five million of them are slaves who do not have any kind of freedom. They are traded." Satyarthi spoke to IANS hours after he and his colleagues raided an obscure workshop in a narrow lane in Old Delhi and rescued nine children who were producing exportable decoration gifts for the next Christmas season. The owner of the illegal factory fled from the spot but police sealed the premises. The Nobel Prize winner underlined the strong connection between child labour and joblessness among adults around the world. He said while about 160 million children were engaged in work, about 210 million adults were without work. "Most of these jobless are the very parents of the child labourers. That is the irony." He underlined that violence against children cannot be curbed by traditional ways "as the situation has changed now". "Why can't India be the leader of globalisation of compassion?" he asked. "Conventional methods are not going to protect children." He said that unlike earlier perceptions that neither humanitarian nor developmental issues can be solved without government help, "things have changed now". Satyarthi said the role of corporates had increased manifold, and so was the case with civil society. " Now t h e y have emerged as constructive and critical partners in the entire narrative on both development and human rights."

India to have science infrastructure sharing policy soon

kolkata, May 21 (iaNS): India is formulating a policy on maintaining and sharing science infrastructure so that R&D facilities do not remain limited to academia but are also accessed by industry, according to a senior bureaucrat of the Union Ministry of Science and Technology. "The idea is to create infrastructure which becomes shareable, which becomes sustainable and is also accessible to our industry. A whole lot of scientific infrastructure is not available to our industry. We are going to come up with a policy this year, about

maintaining, sustaining and effectively using scientific infrastructure in a shared way," Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, told IANS in an interview on the sidelines of a DST Conclave here. A web portal is being envisaged to implement the policy, Sharma said. "Indian institutes have R&D labs. We will tell people about the models by which they can share the infrastructure in a transparent way. So in a website, anybody can book a slot and put in a request to access instruments in different

labs," he explained. Talking about broad contours of the policy, he said it would also aim to reduce redundancy and duplication of scientific equipment in institutions. "Since it's a policy, not a law, the challenge lies in implementation. We have to make people aware of the idea contained in the policy, let them see the value for themselves. That's the only way," he said. One example of such infrastructure sharing is the EU-funded PAERIP project to share resources between Europe and Africa. PAERIP cre-

ated the first-ever inventory of research infrastructure in the two continents. At the DST Conclave, where the ministry took stock of the R&D situation across institutes, Sharma also flagged a key issue: The lack of coordination among institutions. "One issue is coordination among institutions where they are doing similar things. So it makes sense for them to do it together. The new policy on sharing infrastructure will also help in that direction," he said. In addition to the science infrastructure policy, a major thrust this year would be on the

Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System (CPS) programme. CPS is a mechanism controlled or monitored by computer-based algorithms, tightly integrated with internet and its users. Computing and communication system bridges with the physical world are referred to as Cyber Physical Systems. CPS are physical and engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core. "This year we will start a new programme in cyber physical

systems which includes deep learning, smart machines, machine intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things), etc. We have to start making preparations for it now in terms of generating capacity, human resources and infrastructure," he said. In addition, Sharma said, India has initiated collaboration on cyberspace with Israel, IoT & BigData with Japan, robotics and advanced materials with South Korea. "Much more is in the pipeline in emerging areas of research," he said. To shore up the number of women in IITs, Sharma said

50,000 girls in high schools will be prepared for admission in technical training institutes. "We are targeting 50,000 girls in high schools, a certain percentile from the top, to prepare them for leadership positions in IITs, especially in those institutes where representation is low. It's not only technical training but also looking at the cultural aspect. "Often, women are thinking maths is not really for them while their parents don't want to send them away from home and there are the expenses involved. So we have to look into all these aspects," he added.

mondAY 22•05•2017




North Korea’s Unit 180, the cyber warfare cell that worries the West

SEOUL, May 21 (REUtERS): North Korea’s main spy agency has a special cell called Unit 180 that is likely to have launched some of its most daring and successful cyber attacks, according to defectors, officials and internet security experts. North Korea has been blamed in recent years for a series of online attacks, mostly on financial networks, in the United States, South Korea and over a dozen other countries. Cyber security researchers have also said they have found technical evidence that could link North Korea with the global WannaCry “ransomware” cyber attack that infected more than 300,000 computers in 150 countries this month. Pyongyang has called the allegation “ridiculous”. The crux of the allegations against North Korea is its connection to a hacking group called Lazarus that is linked to last year’s $81 million cyber heist at the Bangladesh central bank and the 2014 attack on Sony’s Hollywood studio. The U.S. government has blamed North Korea for the Sony hack and some U.S. officials have said prosecutors are building a case against Pyongyang in the Bangladesh Bank theft. No conclusive proof has been provided and no criminal charges have yet been filed. North Korea has also denied being behind the Sony and banking attacks. North Korea is one of the most closed countries in the world and any details of its clandestine operations are difficult to obtain.

NKorea fires missile into waters off east coast

Military trucks carry soldiers through central Pyongyang, North Korea. (REUTERS File Photo)

But experts who study the reclusive country and defectors who have ended up in South Korea or the West have provided some clues. Kim Heung-kwang, a former computer science professor in North Korea who defected to the South in 2004 and still has sources inside North Korea, said Pyongyang’s cyber attacks aimed at raising cash are likely organised by Unit 180, a part of the Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB), its main overseas intelligence agency. “Unit 180 is engaged in hacking financial institutions (by) breaching and withdrawing money out of bank accounts,” Kim told Reuters. He has previously said that some of his former students have joined North Korea’s Strategic Cyber Command, its cyber-army.

“The hackers go overseas to find somewhere with better internet services than North Korea so as not to leave a trace,” Kim added. He said it was likely they went under the cover of being employees of trading firms, overseas branches of North Korean companies, or joint ventures in China or Southeast Asia. James Lewis, a North Korea expert at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Pyongyang first used hacking as a tool for espionage and then political harassment against South Korean and U.S. targets. “They changed after Sony by using hacking to support criminal activities to generate hard currency for the regime,” he said. “So far, it’s worked as well or better as drugs,

SEOUL, May 21 (REUtERS): North Korea fired a ballistic missile into waters off its east coast on Sunday, South Korea and Japan said, a week after it tested an intermediate-range missile which experts saw as an advancement in the reclusive state’s weapons programme. The missile was launched at 0759 GMT from a location near Pukchang, 60 km northeast of the capital Pyongyang, an area where North Korea attempted to test-launch another missile last month but failed, South Korea’s Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. The missile flew about 500 km (310 miles), it said. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the missile landed outside Japan’s exclusive eco-

counterfeiting, smuggling – using their information and all their usual tricks,” Lewis communication technology said. infrastructure,” Ahn Chongghee, South Korea’s vice forCOST-EFFECTIVE, eign minister, told Reuters in DENIABLE written comments. The U.S. Department Besides the Bangladesh of Defense said in a report Bank heist, he said Pyongsubmitted to Congress last yang was also suspected year that North Korea likely in attacks on banks in the “views cyber as a cost-ef- Philippines, Vietnam and fective, asymmetric, deni- Poland. able tool that it can employ In June last year, police with little risk from reprisal said the North hacked into attacks, in part because its more than 140,000 comnetworks are largely sepa- puters at 160 South Korean rated from the Internet”. companies and govern“It is likely to use Internet ment agencies, planting infrastructure from third- malicious code as part of party nations,” the report a long-term plan to lay the said. South Korean officials groundwork for a massive say they have considerable cyber attack on its rival. evidence of North Korea’s North Korea was also cyber warfare operations. suspected of staging cyber “North Korea is carrying attacks against the South out cyber attacks through Korean nuclear reactor opthird countries to cover up erator in 2014, although it the origin of the attacks and denied any involvement.

nomic zone and no damage to ships or airplanes was reported. An official traveling with U.S. President Donald Trump in Saudi Arabia said the White House was aware of the launch and noted that the missile had a shorter range than the three previous tested by North Korea. China had no immediate comment while both South Korea and Japan called emergency meetings of top officials. “The flight range was 500 km and South Korea and the United States are closely analysing additional information,” South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said. It was the second missile test by North Korea since South Korean President Moon Jae-in took office 11 days ago. The two sides remain technically at war de-

That attack was conducted from a base in China, according to Simon Choi, a senior security researcher at Seoul-based anti-virus company Hauri Inc. “They operate there so that regardless of what kind of project they do, they have Chinese IP addresses,” said Choi, who has conducted extensive research into North Korea’s hacking capabilities. MALAYSIA LINK Malaysia has also been a base for North Korean cyber operations, according to Yoo Dong-ryul, a former South Korean police researcher who studied North Korean espionage techniques for 25 years. “They work in trading or IT programming companies on the surface,” Yoo told Reuters. “Some of them

spite a truce ending their 19501953 conflict. Last Sunday, the North testedfired an intermediate range missile that flew further and higher than those previously tested. Moon won this month’s election on a platform of a moderate approach to North Korea and has said he would be willing to go to Pyongyang under the right circumstances, arguing dialogue must be used in parallel with sanctions. North Korea has defied all calls to rein in its nuclear and missile programmes, even from China, its lone major ally, calling them legitimate self-defence. It has been working to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the U.S. mainland.

run websites and sell game and gambling programs”. Two IT firms in Malaysia have links to North Korea’s RGB spy agency, according to a Reuters investigation this year, although there was no suggestion either of them was involved in hacking. Michael Madden, a U.S.-based expert on the North Korean leadership, said Unit 180 was one of many elite cyber warfare groups in the North Korean intelligence community. “The personnel are recruited from senior middle schools and receive advanced training at some elite training institutions,” Madden told Reuters. “They have a certain amount of autonomy in their missions and tasking as well,” he said, adding that they could be operat-

ing from hotels in China or Eastern Europe. In the United States, officials said there was no conclusive evidence that North Korea was behind the WannaCry ransomware, but that was no reason to be complacent. “Whether or not they are directly involved with ransomware doesn’t change the fact that they are a real cyber threat,” said a senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Dmitri Alperovitch, cofounder of prominent U.S. security firm CrowdStrike Inc, added: “Their capabilities have improved steadily over time, and we consider them to be a threat actor that is capable of inflicting significant damage on U.S. private or government networks.”

Hezbollah calls US administration Pope names five new cardinals, At least Twenty Afghan police ‘mentally impeded and crazy’ officials killed in Taliban ambushes all from outside Italy & Vatican

BEIRUt, May 21 (REUtERS): A senior Hezbollah official recently blacklisted by Washington and Riyadh called the U.S. administration “mentally impeded and crazy” on Sunday as President Donald Trump visited Saudi Arabia, in the group’s latest verbal attack on the United States. Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, president of the Iranbacked Shi’ite group’s executive council, said Washington would not be able to do any real harm to Hezbollah. “America’s contempt and blockading that targets our region, countries and communities are proof that it is much weaker than it was in past decades, especially since Trump continues to lead,” he said, according to a statement. “This mentally impeded, crazy U.S. administration headed by Trump will not be able (to harm) the resistance (Hezbollah) and will achieve nothing more than further media clamour,” he said, adding that Hezbollah would have “stronger resolve than before”, without elaborating. Saudi Arabia, Iran’s arch foe, said on Friday it had blacklisted Safieddine. The United States Treasury Department also added him to its counter-terrorism blacklist, before Trump travelled to Riyadh and sealed a $110 billion arms deal with the Sunni Arab kingdom. Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in February called Trump an “idiot”. Tensions between old enemies Hezbollah and Israel, which fought a war in 2006, have ramped up since Trump took office this year adopting an aggressive posture towards Iran. Israel and the United States both regard Hezbollah, which dominates Lebanese politics and maintains an armed militia that has had a significant part in fighting for President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, as a terrorist organisation.

Taliban says attacks were part of ‘Operation Mansouri’

KaNDaHaR, May 21 (REUtERS): At least 20 Afghan policemen were killed in Taliban ambushes in south central Afghanistan, officials said on Sunday, the latest in a string of insurgent attacks that come as the NATO-led military mission considers sending thousands of additional troops to the war-torn nation. Fighting is ongoing in Zabul province, where the police were attacked in Shah Joi district, provincial governor Bismullah Afghanmal said. He said the Taliban had ambushed police in the areas of Chino and Ghulam Rabat. “The report we have right now indicates that 20 policemen are martyred and 10 others are wounded. The number may increase,” Afghanmal told Reuters.

Dozens of Taliban fighters were also reported killed and wounded, Afghanmal said. The attacks were part of “Operation Mansouri,” the Taliban spring offensive announced at the end of April, the group said in a statement. “So far several enemy posts have been overrun, inflicting heavy tolls on [the] enemy as well as seizing a good deal of ammunition,” the statement said, adding that fighters had also overrun a government checkpoint in Zabul’s Qalat district. Reinforcements sent to the area where the police had been ambushed were also attacked, said Gul Islam Seyal, a spokesman for the Zabul governor. Fighting was also ongoing in Zabul’s Dai Chopan district, but the extent of casualties was unknown, Afghanmal said. In neighboring Ghazni province, Taliban fighters launched a three-pronged attack on parts of the provincial capital on Friday, driving a Humvee packed with

explosives into the entrance of a district governor’s compound during the assault. Separately on Sunday, Taliban claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on Saturday on a bank in Paktia province, which left at least six people dead, including three attackers. The Taliban offensives come as American and allied officials are considering whether to send 3,000 to 5,000 more military advisers to help train and assist the Afghan security forces battling a 16-year-long insurgency led by the Taliban. So far, U.S. President Donald Trump, who took office in January, has offered little clarity about whether he might approve more forces for Afghanistan, where some 8,400 U.S. troops remain despite the declared end of combat operations at the end of 2014. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday he had not yet made a recommendation on troop levels, but would be presenting his plan to Trump soon.

Shut out of the UN forum, Taiwan slams China’s ‘coercion and threats’ GENEVa, May 21 (REUtERS): Taiwan hopes its allies will stand up to China’s “coercion and threats” that have shut it out of the U.N.’s annual World Health Assembly (WHA), Taiwanese Health Minister Chen Shih-chung told Reuters on Saturday. Thousands of delegates from the World Health Organization’s 194 members will attend the Geneva meeting this week, but Chen’s delegation and Taiwanese media are barred from entry. “I have to call on China to realise the traditional wisdom of Chinese culture, which is that people are won over by goodwill instead of coercion and threats. That is how a big country should present itself to the world,” Chen said. China views democratic Taiwan as a renegade province

to be retaken with the use of force if necessary, and says other countries and international organisations should not recognise or treat it as a separate country. Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations, which recognises the “one China” policy centred on Beijing, and it never formally takes part in U.N. meetings. Since 2009 it has been given observer status at the WHA with Beijing’s acquiescence. But President Tsai Ing-wen has angered Beijing by refusing to recognise the “1992 consensus”, as the previous China-friendly Nationalist government did. The “1992 consensus” acknowledges Taiwan and China are part of a single China but allows both to interpret who is the ruler. WHO chief Margaret Chan,

a Hong Kong national whose replacement will be elected on Tuesday, has the right to invite Taiwan as an observer. “I’m not very willing to focus criticism on an individual and I believe she must be under great pressure but I believe that as the most important leader of the WHO she should be able to make judgements and uphold the principle of global health,” Chen said. Chan’s successor will be one of three candidates - from Pakistan, Ethiopia or Britain. “Our expectations are high and we believe that the next candidate will do better and we will give them our full support,” Chen said. “You can’t afford to exclude 23 million people from the global health network.” Taiwan wants to be at the WHA to share its experience in national health insurance,

disease prevention, and knowhow in areas such as hepatitis-C treatment, AIDS, organ transplants, and craniofacial treatment, Chen said. The WHO is also the global coordinator of responses to disease outbreaks such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which hit Asia in 2002. “After the SARS pandemic Taiwanese people are highly concerned with the incomplete disease prevention system and the untransparent information channels of mainland China,” Chen said. Taiwan contributes to the system, Chen said, having shared information on a mutating strain of bird flu imported from China earlier this year. “We don’t know when things will get worse, therefore the first to see this trend has to report in time so that the world

will have better and faster action in developing vaccines and medicines.” Exclusion from the WHA follows a similar refusal from the U.N. aviation agency’s conference in Canada last September. “I believe that the continuation of such incidents will only show that some parties of the world care more about politics and their own desires than about basic human rights,” Chen said. He said he would be willing to take any opportunity to meet and make contact with health officials from mainland China. “It is a must for all countries to cooperate with each other on the health of their citizens. And I also believe it is the responsibility of the world to make sure that Taiwan is not excluded from the global health system.”

Pope Francis waves as he leads the Wednesday General Audience in Saint Peter’s square at the Vatican on May 17. (REUTERS Photo)

VatICaN CIty, May 21 (REUtERS): Pope Francis is to elevate five Roman Catholic prelates from outside Italy and the Vatican to the rank of cardinal, the elite group of churchmen who are his closest advisers and can enter a conclave to choose his successor. The pope, making the surprise announcement during his weekly Sunday address, said the men came from Mali, Spain, Sweden, Laos and El Salvador. The ceremony to elevate them, known as a consistory, would take place on June 28. The fact that none of the five are Italian and none hold Vatican positions underscores Francis’ conviction that the Church is a global institution that should become increasingly less Italiancentric. Naming new cardinals is one of the most significant powers of the papacy, allowing a pontiff to put his stamp on the future of the 1.2 billion-member Roman Catholic Church. The new cardinals were named as Archbishop Jean Zerbo, 73, of Bamako, Mali, Archbishop Juan José Omella, 71, of Barcelona, Spain, Bishop Anders Arborelius, 67, of Stockholm, Bishop LouisMarie Ling Mangkhanekhoun, 73, of Pakse, Laos, and Bishop Gregorio Rosa Chávez, 74, of San Salvador. Since only cardinals aged under 80 can enter a secret conclave to choose a new pope from their own ranks after Francis dies or resigns, the new members will join the ranks of prelates known as “cardinal electors”. Francis, the former cardinal-archbishop of Buenos Aires, was elected in such a conclave on March 13, 2013 as the first non-European pontiff in 1,300 years. It will be Francis’s fourth consistory and he has used each occasion to show support for the Church where Catholics are in a minority, in this case Sweden, Mali and Laos. The naming of a cardinal for Sweden was significant because Sweden is where the Lutheran World Federation was founded in 1947 and because this year marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Reformation. Francis, who visited Sweden last year, is keen to further Catholic dialogue with Protestant churches. Sweden is also one of the world’s most secular countries and the naming of a cardinal there will boost the morale of the tiny Catholic population. Including the current batch, Francis has named nearly 50 cardinal-electors, or about 40 percent of the total of 120 allowed by Church law. Francis, like some of his predecessors, bent the rules. With the latest appointments, there will be 121 cardinal electors until February, when one Vatican-based Italian cardinal turns 80.


MonDAY 22•05•2017



bayern lift title, dortmund defend third place in German bundesliga

Badminton: India braces up for tough test at Sudirman Cup Gold CoaST, May 21 (ianS): P.V. Sindhu-spearheaded India face a tough test as they begin their campaign in the Sudirman Cup mixed badminton team championship with a match against Denmark at the Carrara Indoor Sports Stadium here on Monday. Placed in Group 1D, India have a huge task at hand to advance to the next round, as both Denmark, two-time runners-up, and former champions Indonesia boast of strong all-

round teams. While Sindhu is a guarantee in the women's singles given that Saina Nehwal has pulled out of the tournament, the management will have to pick one between Ajay Jayaram, Parupalli Kashyap and H.S. Prannoy for the men's singles. Doubles pairs have been putting underwhelming performances and that will be a cause of concern. B. Sumeeth Reddy and Manu Attri are

expected to combine for the men's doubles, while the women's doubles pair may see Ashwini Ponnappa and N. Sikki Reddy. Sikki is expected to pair with Pranaav Jerry Chopra for the mixed doubles. India have managed to reach the knockout stage of the tournament only once during the 2011 edition, while in the last two editions they even failed to cross the group stage. Denmark have two world class singles talents

in Viktor Axelsen and Jan O Jorgensen, apart from high-class men's doubles specialists like Mathias Boe, Joachim Fischer Nielsen and Carsten Mogensen. Kamilla Rytter Juhl and Christinna Pedersen have a superb proven track record in women's doubles which gives the team a great balance. Group 1 has 12 teams fighting it out for the title. The top two teams of the four sub-groups will qualify for the quarter-finals.

Negotiations on India-Pak cricket Former MotoGP champion Hayden series expected during CT remains in critical condition

Berlin, May 21 (ianS): Bayern Munich crushed Freiburg 4-1 in Philipp Lahm's and Xabi Alonso's farewell game while PierreEmerick Aubameyang helped Dortmund to beat Werder Bremen 4-3 in the last round of the Bundesliga season. The "Bavarians", who have already sealed their 27th Bundesliga title on April 29, rounded off the end of the season with a 4-1 victory over Freiburg as Philipp Lahm and Xabi Alonso cap off their careers here on Saturday, reports Efe. Freiburg were still in the race for a berth in the Europa League but Bayern destroyed the hopes with an early goal as retiring Alonso passed into the path of Arjen Robben, who overcame goalkeeper Alexander Schwolow into the far post corner with four minutes played. Bayern controlled the proceedings on the pitch but lacked in penetration to extend the lead before

the break. Freiburg almost punished the hosts before the break but Janik Haberer failed to slot home from promising position. The German record champions continued powerful play after the restart. They yet had to wait until the 73rd minute before Arturo Vidal capitalised on Robben's square pass to tap home the 2-0 lead. Freiburg responded and reduced the arrears through Nils Petersen, who made the most of Vincenzo Grifo's build-up work three minutes later. Carlo Ancelotti's men remained unimpressed and piled on the pressure to score two more goals in the closing period to leave no doubt. Robben initiated a counter-attack and passed to Franck Ribery, whose effort from sharp angle made it 3-1. Bayern weren't done with the scoring as Joshua Kimmich headed home the 4-1 final score in the dying

minutes of the game. With the result, Bayern reaped their fourth straight win and fifth consecutive Bundesliga title while Freiburg missed the chance to play in Europe next season. Borussia Dortmund overpowered Werder Bremen in a seven-goal thriller to book their direct UEFA Champions League ticket as Aubameyang provided a brace to smooth the way for the win. Bremen ensured a fairy tale start on the road as Zlatko Junuzovic poked home Ulisses Garcia's rebound from close rang with seven minutes into the game. Dortmund increased the pressure and levelled the scores at the half-hour mark when Marco Reus benefited on Shinji Kagawa's through ball to beat goalie Felix Wiedwald. The "BVB" gained momentum and grabbed the lead before the break as Aubameyang volleyed home Ousmane Dembele's lob

into the box to shock the "Green-Whites" . Bremen stood firm and restored parity only seconds after the restart when Max Kruse teed up for Fin Bartels, who hammered home from inside the box. Kruse remained in the thick of things as he turned the tides after a solo run to make it 3-2 on the scoreboards in the 68th minute. It was a short-lived joy for Bremen as Dortmund responded seven minutes later through Reus, who converted a foul-play penalty to make it a three-all draw. Thomas Tuchel's men remained in control and put the result beyond doubt when Aubameyang provided his 31st goal of the season to snatch the Bundesliga top scorer trophy. With the 18th win of the campaign Dortmund wrap up their automatic Champions League qualification. Meanwhile, Bremen will have to burry their Europa League hopes.

public discourse

A plea to review Retirement Act 2009 K Petelavi Angami Retired State Govt. Employee, Kohima


he writer been a sincere retired Employee of Nagaland Government has sought a review of the Nagaland Retirement from Public Employment Act 2009, by asking the state government to remove the 35-year length of service keeping 60 years age for superannuation like other states in India for the interest and benefits of the government and its employees in general which is the need of the hour, while the present government still exist, consisting of all the political parties forming the DAN government, ie. NPF, Congress, BJP etc. No dough ,the state government has notified that the Nagaland Retirement Act from Public Employment (Second Amendment) Act, 2009, issued by the government on October 30 and of which thousands of government employees were affected thinking that it would clear the opportunities for the unemployed youth of the state, but unfortunately that was not solve till date. This very formula was just a one-time stop gap filling as we have seen. Despite it has affected lots of experience and able senior employees as well as administration and its functionaries in almost all the departments for almost a decade now. At this juncture the worst affected are the Directorates, where from Director down to the Assistant Directors are getting retire on the same day within these two to three years time. So there might be a crisis in the Government machineries if 35 years length of service is not lifted in due time. Even large number of NCS officers appointed on the same day which will be effected very shortly. In short at this point of time the Government should see that regarding situations in the State which are in between the lines, Nagaland Government needs respectable elderly and well experience people to govern the various Departments (HODs) in the state and here wisdom is a must which is an abstract and is well known by our young educated unemployed youths. The same cannot be explain here in

details since it might hurt some sections of people but I hope the readers understand what I mean to say in between the lines. So here I as an employee of the state government having experiences for years have come across various situations that cannot be settled by High status or knowledge (how highly educated you are) but only by age and wisdom which no one can denied instead respected, so is the present situation in Nagaland face in our day today life. We should not under estimate our elders or senior employees saying they are less educated instead their advice and guidance is very much required. My Ernest desire was to let Nagaland be one of the best governing Government with all those senior employees of 58 or 60 years of age who had knowledge, experiences as well as wisdom to be the most respectable head of departments. As a matter of fact It doesn’t mean that all educated unemployed youths should get a government job. So my plea is that the government should not drop its employees during the best years of service, who are already well experience, job oriented and well trained by investing lots for years. Let government see that whoever is already employed should be preserved, well trained and to solely use their knowledge, experiences and wisdom for a good governance for the government and the people. FIXING RETIREMENT AGE IS SOLE DISCRETION OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT : SUPREME COURT 31st December 2010. Age of superannuation can be reduced or increased unilaterally at the discretion of the State government and courts cannot interfere with such decisions, the Supreme Court has ruled. Henceforth the employees are directly under the mercy of the State Government. Therefore my earnest plea to the present State Government is to review Nagaland Retirement from Public Employment Act 2009, and to adopt only one that will be best for both employees, future of educated unemployed youths and the public in general of State Naga-

land in context. As per the present implementation of retirement of an employee in the State, 35 yrs length of service or superannuation age 60 yrs whichever is earlier. Just a simple example. 1) Employee born in 1962. Complete education at the age of 28years (average)ie 1990 Got the job on January 1990+ 35 yrs length of service = retirement 2025 but gets retired on January 2022 by superannuation of age 60 years which is earlier losing 3 yrs of 35 yrs length of service which does not have much meaning. 2) Employee born in the same year 1962. Complete education at the age of 28 years (average)ie 1990 Got the job on January 1990+60yrs superannuation of age = retirement 2022 Gets retired on January 2022 by superannuation of age 60 years. (no loss, no gain shown) In these regard it is an honest appeal to the present State Government to review the Nagaland Retirement Act from Public Employment (Second Amendment) Act, 2009, before the next coming General Assembly Election 2018, with joint effort and wisdom of all the present elected members of the people, by the people and for the people, for once and all for the benefits of both the present and future employees of State Nagaland for an employee to successfully complete its tenure of service. As been Stated the change depends on the Government as required since it is clearly stated, “the Supreme Court of India has ruled, that it is solely under the discretion of the State Government whether to increase or decrease the retirement age of its employees as per required by the State, where courts cannot interfere.” In this regard the CANSEA Nagaland is also requested to go forward and have mutual discussion on the issue with the State Government leaving aside court at an early date for the welfare of its members and the Government, as time is running short.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

K a r a C h i , M ay 2 1 (ianS): Amidst bleak chances of an India-Pakistan bilateral cricket series in the near future, a top Pakistani official on Sunday said the two countries are likely to hold talks during a Champions Trophy match in England in June. Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Shahryar Khan said he would discuss the matter once again with the Indian cricket board officials during the June 4 ICC Champions Trophy match between the two at Edgbaston, Dunya News reported.

Khan also admitted that the chances of a bilateral series with India remain bleak. On May 3, the PCB sent a legal notice to the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) for not honouring an MOU, signed in 2014, to play six bilateral series between 2015 and 2023. Alleging a loss of $200-300 million, the PCB asked for a $60 million compensation for losses faced due to India's refusal to play the series. The BCCI has maintained that no legal document was signed regarding the series and that cricket with Pakistan was subject to government approval.

CeSena, May 21 (aP): Four days after being hit by a car while training on his bicycle, American motorcycle racer Nicky Hayden remains in "extremely serious" condition in an Italian hospital. The Maurizio Bufalini Hospital in Cesena, where Hayden is being treated, says on Sunday that Hayden's condition "remains unchanged." The hospital said earlier in the week that Hayden has severe cerebral damage and multiple traumatic injuries. Hayden, who was in Italy following a race at nearby Imola, was transported to the Bufalini facility following the incident on the Rimini coast. The 35-year-old Hayden won the MotoGP title in 2006. He is 13th in this season's Superbike standings. Several family members have flown in from the United States, including his mother and brother. Hayden's father is too ill to travel.

Both Manchester City, United in race to sign Neymar london, May 21 (ianS): English Premier League (EPL) clubs Manchester United and Manchester City are in the race to sign Brazilian superstar and FC Barcelona forward Neymar. According to the report, either United or City would have to part with a world record fee of around £100m ($130.3 million) to do a deal. Neymar's father wants him to leave Barcelona and nation. said to be a long-term adsees the English Premier Manchester United mirer of Neymar and now League as his ideal desti- coach Jose Mourinho is faces competition from ri-

vals Manchester City for the wiry magician's signature. Neymar had previously expressed his desire to play under Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola, who was also in charge of Barcelona. "Guardiola is a guy that I really admire and who I would love to work with," Neymar, who still has four years left to run on his contract, said last year. Neymar has so far netted 104 goals in 184 appearances for Barcelona since his arrival from Santos in 2013.

Gatlin claims 100 metres victory at Japan Golden Prix ToKyo, May 21 (reUTerS): Veteran American sprinter Justin Gatlin fended off the challenge of a host of Japanese hopes when he won the men's 100 metres at the Golden Grand Prix in Kawasaki on Sunday, crossing the line first in 10.28 seconds. The Rio Olympic silver

medallist started slowly but rallied to dip ahead of Asuka Cambridge, who finished .03 seconds behind the American, while another Japanese, Shuhei Tada, came third in 10.35. Any hopes of clocking a fast time were scuppered by a 1.2-metre headwind at the Todoroki Stadium, although Gatlin said he

was pleased with his performance in testing conditions. "It was a tough wind, but the competition was even tougher going against some of the future stars of Japan," the 35-year-old was quoted as saying by Kyodo. "They put together a good race, and they're going to be formidable opponents.

"I've been a little bit injured, not being able to train as hard as I want to, but I've been working on my finish and it helped out today." Canada's Aaron Brown won the men's 200m in a time of 20.62, while Bulgaria's Ivet Lalova-Collio doubled up to claim the women's 100 and 200m.

Turkish NBA star denied entry to Romania

Milwaukee Bucks center Greg Monroe (15) fouls Oklahoma City Thunder center Enes Kanter (11) during the fourth quarter at Chesapeake Energy Arena. (USA TODAY Sports file Photo)

iSTanBUl, May 21 (reUTerS): US based Turkish basketball star Enes Kanter was refused entry into Romania on Saturday because his Turkish passport had been cancelled, Romanian border police said. Kanter, who plays in the NBA for Oklahoma City Thunder, is a long-time supporter of Pennsylvaniabased preacher Fethullah Gulen, whose extradition Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan is seeking in relation to a failed coup last July. Kanter said on his Twitter account that he would hold a news conference in New York on Sunday to dis-

cuss his situation. "Got lots of things to say with lots of crazy stories, Be ready!!!" he said. Kanter had tweeted earlier that Romanian police had detained him at Bucharest airport. "I'm being held at Romanian airport by police," Kanter wrote, along with a photo of him with his arms around two police officers and a video describing what he said was his situation. "We are in Romania and they said they cancelled my passport by Turkish embassy," he said in the video, speaking in English. "You know because the reason behind it is just of course my political views."

Neither the National Basketball Association nor the Oklahoma City Thunder were immediately available for comment on Kanter. Kanter's agent, Melvut Cilnar, told Oklahoma media that the player was safe. He said he and Kanter expected to return to the U.S. from London "very soon" but did not elaborate. Romanian border police said in a statement that Kanter had come from the United States and made a stop in Frankfurt. "At the border checkpoint it was discovered that his passport is not valid, his travel document being annulled by the issuing state," the statement said, adding

he then flew on to London. Turkish officials were not immediately available to comment. Kanter said last year he had severed ties with his family and pledged allegiance to Gulen after Turkish media published a letter signed by Kanter's father, disowning his son. During the coup attempt, rogue soldiers in warplanes and tanks tried to seize power in Turkey in a putsch that killed more than 240 people. Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile since 1999, has denied involvement. ar denied entry to Romania after passport cancelled - police

Monday 22•05•2017

Val Kilmer claims PRAYER healed his cancer


al Kilmer claims love and prayer cured his cancer. The 57-year-old actor, a devout Christian Scientist, was diagnosed with throat cancer in 2015, a battle he kept under-wraps until last month. Now in remission, Kilmer answered fans questions on Reddit on Tuesday - and insisted prayers from friends, family and fans defeated the incurable disease. However, the star was pictured in December 2015 with a tracheostomy tube around his neck, which is given to patients after surgery to remove throat tumors. Nonetheless, Kilmer attributes his healing solely to prayer. His astounding claim came in response to the question, ‘What would you want fans to know about having, and beating, the Big C?’ He replied: ‘I am very grateful for all the prayers and good thoughts from around the world. ‘People that know I am a Christian Scientist make the assumption that I have somehow endangered myself. ‘But many many people have been healed by prayer throughout recorded history. And many many people have died by whatever was modern medicine.’ He added that all the doctors in his hospital told him they prayed for him. And he claims he met Dr Bernard Lown, who invented the defibrillator, and that Dr Lown said love is the most powerful treatment available. Recounting the exchange, Kilmer said: ‘He started to weep without his voice wavering and he leaned into me and said, “Fluff their pillow. That what I tell all the interns. LOVE. Love heals. More than any other skills, I urge them to LOVE the life they are entrusted to save.” ‘Well that’s what is at the heart of Mrs. Eddy’s understanding of the teachings of Jesus.’ Source: Mail Online


Nicki Minaj funds Indian village for development

Maybe it’s time to join social media: Aishwarya


ctress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who has so far stayed away from social media, is considering joining the celebrity bandwagon on the platform. “I think the time has come to join social media as everyone is asking me. Thank you for your enthusiasm and I will surely consider the suggestion,” Aishwarya said during a video call with the media here from Cannes. The actress’s father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan and husband Abhishek Bachchan are quite active on social networking platforms, and keep in touch with their fans through them. Source: IANS

A Dwayne Johnson: We’ll see on potential 2020 Presidential run


ecently, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson made headlines by sharing that he is considering to run for President in year 2020 and now he has created more hype to the possibility. The 45-year-old-actor, while talking on the same with host Jimmy Fallon said he is amazed by ‘surge’ and the ‘groundswell’ of attention he has got after mentioning he would consider running. The ‘Fate of the Furious’ star got really shocked when he saw a national poll that said he would beat Presi-

dent Donald Trump in an election held today. He shared, “I’ve really been blown away. It’s so flattering. I think it’s because, you know, a lot of people want to see a different leadership today, I’m sorry, not a different, but a better leadership today.” He added, “I have become a person that many people can relate to. I get up early in the morning at a ridiculous hour, I go to work, and spend time with the troops, I take care of my family, I love taking care of people. I think that kind of thing really resonates with people, especially today.”

Tiger Shroff as ‘Rambo’: Sylvester Stallone REACTS



he news of Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo being remade in India with Tiger Shroff as the protagonist took the internet by storm. A recent report on The Hollywood Reporter confirmed the developments, informing that the Indian remake is to be helmed by Siddharth Anand and co-produced by M! Capital Ventures, Original Entertainment, Impact Films and Siddharth Anand Pictures. Now, looks like the news has reached the original Rambo, i.e., Sylvester Stallone and apparently he’s a little apprehensive about the Indian remake. He took to his Instagram account and posted a still from the movie and wrote alongside, “I read recently they are remaking Rambo in India !! .. Great character..

hope they don’t wreck it.” Going by the history of Indian remakes of Hollywood hits, Stallone’s apprehension seems natural. Meanwhile, Tiger Shroff, who has been roped in to play the protagonist in the remake is pretty ex-

cited to step into the shoes of Stallone but he maintains that he can’t replace Stallone by any means. THR quoted him as saying, “Being a martial artist and a huge action movie buff since childhood, this all seems very surreal, and

I’m very grateful for this opportunity. By no means do I believe I can replace the legendary Sylvester Stallone; however, I do feel that somehow this is something I’ve been preparing for since childhood.” Source: DNA

But, whether the actor will run for Presidential elections in 2020, he just said that he is not ruling anything out. He said, “Three-and-a-half years is a long ways away, so we’ll see.” For Dwayne, the year 2017 started on a very good note as his movie ‘Fate of the Furious’ grossed over 1.197 billion USD at the global box-office. On a related note, Dwayne Johnson will be next seen in Seth Gordon’s ‘ Baywatch,’ alongside Zac Efron and Priyanka Chopra. The movie is slated to release on May 25 in the US. Source: ANI

merican rapper Nicki Minaj has been sending money to a village in India for the last couple of years for clean water, places where they can worship, learn technology and more. On Saturday, Minaj posted a video on Instagram where an Indian man, surrounded by villagers, can be seen showing a newly installed hand pump. Minaj wrote: “This is the kind of thing that makes me feel the most proud. The money I’ve sent to this village in India for the last couple years (via my Pastor Lydia Sloley), has gotten them a computer centre, a tailoring institute, a reading programme and two water wells.” “We complain about the most ridiculous little things when some people don’t even have clean water. Blessings to India. Our work is far from done. I’ll tell you guys more about my charity work in the near future in case you’d like to be a part of it. Love.” The location of the village is not mentioned. The “Anaconda” hitmaker also shared photos of a few Indian women. She captioned the images: “I’m so proud of our sisters in India. God is so good. Their desire was to have water wells and places where they can worship, places where they can learn technology, computers, reading, etc. We’re just getting started. These women are us and we are them.” Earlier this month, Minaj announced that she would soon set up a charity to pay off her fans’ student loans and tuition fees. Source: IANS


Monday 22•05•2017



Chelsea's Terry bows out of Stamford Bridge in style


London, May 21 (aFP): John Terry was given an emotional farewell by fans at Stamford Bridge on Sunday as record-breaking Chelsea beat Sunderland 5-1, including two goals from substitute Michy Batushuayi, on the day they were presented with the Premier League trophy. The champions had to come from behind on the last day of the league campaign after Javier Manquillo put relegated Sunderland ahead, but they did so in style with Willian, Eden Hazard and Pedro also on the scoresheet. This was Chelsea's 30th league victory of 2016/17 -- the most ever achieved by a club in the English top flight in a 38-game season. That is a remarkable statistic when you consider this same team finished 10th in the table the previous campaign in a season where manager Jose Mourinho was sacked and the west London club missed out on European qualification. But Chelsea have been transformed under new manager Antonio Conte, ending in top place with 93 points, seven clear of runners-up Tottenham Hotspur. No wonder there were constant chants of "Antonio, Antonio" echoing around Stamford Bridge; but this was also a huge day for Terry. The veteran centreback, the "captain, leader, legend" who has been at

Misery for Arsenal as Manchester City, Liverpool book Champions League berths

Chelsea's John Terry celebrates with the trophy after winning the Premier League. (Reuters Photo)

the heart of Chelsea’s success for the best part of two decades, was played from the start by Conte in his last ever appearance at the ground he has graced since 1998. - 'Thank you for everything' However, in a preplanned tribute, he was substituted and replaced by Gary Cahill in the 26th minute (reflecting his squad number) with teammates forming a guard of honour as he left the pitch. Fans in the Shed End also unfurled a banner

which said simply "Thank you for everything JT" and included images of the 15 major trophies Terry has won in a Chelsea shirt in a career that has spanned 717 games. For much of that time, and certainly since billionaire owner Roman Abramovich arrived, Terry has been the on-field figurehead for Chelsea Football Club, overcoming a series of off-field scandals to cement his place in the heart of every Blues fan. However, at the age of 35, his opportunities to

16th State Chess Championship KohIMa, May 21 (MExn): The Nagaland Chess Association is all set to conduct the 16th State Chess Championship from May 23 to May 26 at Indian Red Cross Society Conference Hall,

Kohima. A press release informing that the inaugural ceremony will be held at 10:00 am on May 23 has asked all participants to be at the venue ahead of the scheduled time.

Free football grassroots camp from today KohIMa, May 21 (MExn): The Nagaland Football Coaches Association (NFCA) will be conducting a five day long free football grassroots camp from May 22 to 26 at the Kohima Local Ground under the theme “Make Foot-

ball Happen.” This camp is designed for all the interested young upcoming footballers aged between 6 to12 years. They have been asked to register at the venue (Kohima Local Ground) at 2:45 pm sharp on May 22.

Juventus clinch sixth successive Serie A title MILan, May 21 (REUTERS): Juventus became the first team to win Serie A six times in a row when they beat Crotone 3-0 on Sunday to clinch the title with one game to spare. Mario Mandzukic, Paulo Dybala, with a stunning free kick, and Alex Sandro shared the goals as the Turin side also won a league and cup double for the third time in a row and stayed on course for a treble. Atalanta clinched fifth place and a spot in the Eu-

ropa League group stage by winning 1-0 at Empoli and AC Milan made sure of sixth place, and a place in the Europa League qualifiers, by beating Bologna 3-0. Juve's win over their relegation-threatened opponents, took them on to 88 points from 37 games, four clear of AS Roma who won 5-3 at Chievo on Saturday. Napoli are a further point behind in third, the Champions League playoff spot.

Juventus, who are Italy's most successful side in domestic terms with 33 league titles, will face Real Madrid in the Champions League final on June 3 when they will attempt to complete the treble. “The sixth consecutive title is something extremely significant,” said Juve's 39-year-old goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon, who has won eight Serie A titles at the club. “We have written indelible pages in the history of football.”

Kante claims hat-trick of individual honours

London, May 21 (REUTERS): Chelsea midfielder N'Golo Kante was named Player of the Year by the Premier League on Sunday, adding a third individual accolade to a list of achievements this season that includes winning a second consecutive Premier League title. T h e 2 6 - y e a r- o l d Frenchman, who joined

champions Chelsea from last year's title winners Leicester City in July, has already been named Player of the Year by the Football Writers Association and the Professional Footballers Association. Kante fended off competition from team mates Eden Hazard and Cesar Azpilicueta, Tottenham Hotspur trio Harry Kane,

Dele Alli and Jan Vertonghen, Everton's Romelu Lukaku, and Arsenal's Alexis Sanchez to win the award. "It's a huge honour to be named player of the year... and I want to thank everyone who voted for me," Kante said in a statement on the league's website. Kante has scored one league goal (against Manchester United) and provided one assist this season, but it is his ability to break up play, shield Chelsea's defence and launch attacks that has been key for the team. "I work hard in training, I try to give my best and I work with so many very good players; that's why we won the league two times," Kante added. "We played many good games but we won 5-0 against Everton, which was a very beautiful game, and also my goal against Manchester United (in a 4-0 win). It is always good to score and I am happy for these two games."

play have been limited this season –- he has made only six Premier League starts -and he has opted to extend his career elsewhere. Chelsea were presented with the Premier League trophy after fulltime, the sixth league title in the club’s history and their fifth of the Premier League era. Next season, however, they will have to cope without Terry, the man who lifted the trophy alongside defensive partner Cahill. It’s a new era all round at Stamford Bridge.

London, May 21 (aFP): Arsene Wenger's torrid year reached a calamitous climax as Arsenal failed to qualify for the Champions League for the first time in 20 years after Manchester City and Liverpool wrapped up the remaining top four places on the final day of the Premier League season. Wenger's side won 3-1 against Everton, but Liverpool's 3-0 victory over Middlesbrough and Manchester City's 5-0 demolition of Watford pushed Arsenal out of Europe's elite. After reaching the Champions League for the last 19 seasons, Arsenal will spend next term trekking around the unglamourous outposts of the Europa League. That indignity will cost Arsenal an estimated £50 million ($65 million) in revenue and increase the pressure on Gunners boss Wenger, who has endured a miserable season filled with fan protests and calls for his resignation. The Frenchman, who has yet to reveal if he will sign a new contract to extend his 21-year reign, could still finish the season with silverware as Arsenal face Chelsea in the FA Cup final next Saturday. But even that won't be enough to quell the mutinous atmosphere among Arsenal supporters who believe Wenger has lost his edge. Hector Bellerin put Arsenal ahead in the eighth minute, but when Laurent Koscielny was sent off six minutes later for a reckless challenge on Enner Valencia, Wenger must have feared the worst. Alexis Sanchez increased Arse-

nal's advantage in the 27th minute, but by the time Everton's Romelu Lukaku reduced the deficit with a 58th minute penalty, it was already clear results elsewhere had conspired against Wenger. Aaron Ramsey got Arsenal's third, but his team were condemned to finishing fifth because Liverpool crushed relegated Middlesbrough to reach the Champions League for the first time since 2014-15. Georginio Wijnaldum put Liverpool ahead in first half stoppagetime, Philippe Coutinho struck in the 51st minute and Adam Lallana kept the party mood going with the third five minutes later. Liverpool finish fourth and will enter the Champions League playoff round next season as they look to make the group stages. At Vicarage Road, City wrapped up third place and automatic entry into the Champions League group stages. Vincent Kompany headed home in the fifth minute and Sergio Aguero doubled the lead in the 23rd minute. - Astonishing Aguero scored his 33rd goal of the season in all competitions nine minutes before half-time. Fernandinho bagged City's fourth in the 41st minute before Gabriel Jesus made it five in the 58th minute. Harry Kane finished as the Premier League's leading scorer for the second successive year as the Tottenham striker's hat-trick took him to 29 goals and inspired a 7-1 win at Hull.

Kane fired home in the 11th minute and netted again two minutes later. Already guaranteed to finish second, Tottenham added further goals through Dele Alli and Victor Wanyama. Kane, who scored four in a 6-1 win at Leicester on Thursday, completed his treble in the 72nd minute and Tottenham made it an astonishing 13 goals in two games thanks to late efforts from Ben Davies and Toby Alderweireld. Jose Mourinho named Manchester United's youngest ever Premier League starting line-up, with an average age of 22 years and 284 days, and the kids rose to the occasion with a 2-0 win over Crystal Palace at Old Trafford. With United due to face Ajax in the Europa League final on Wednesday, Mourinho made no attempt to conceal his desire to keep his key players fresh for the Stockholm showpiece. United must win the Europa League to qualify for next season's Champions League. Josh Harrop showed no signs of being overawed as the 21-year-old English midfielder put United ahead with a solo effort in the 15th minute. Paul Pogba, back in the team after the death of his father, added United's second goal in the 19th minute. West Ham won 2-1 at Burnley, Leicester drew 1-1 with Bournemouth, Stoke won 1-0 at Southampton and Swansea won 2-1 against West Bromwich Albion.

Mumbai beat Pune by one run to win IPL

hydERabad, May 21 (aGEnCIES): Magnificent death bowling saw Mumbai Indians snatch an incredible one-run victory from the jaws of defeat against Rising Pune Supergiant in a thrilling grand finale of the Indian Premier League, here tonight. This was Mumbai Indians' third IPL trophy in 10 editions and more special for their skipper Rohit Sharma, who is the only captain to win a hat-trick of titles. Rohit has in fact ow won four IPL titles (one for Deccan Chargers in 2009). For Mahendra Singh Dhoni, it was yet another final that ended in a defeat -- fifth in seven summit clashes. In one of the closest finals during the 10 editions, the trio of Jasprit Bumrah (2/26 in 4 overs), Mitchell Johnson (3/26 in 4 overs) and Lasith Malinga (0/21 in 4 overs) were brilliant at the death defending a lowly total of 129/8 as Supergiant were restricted to 128 for 6 at the end.

It was Johnson, who kept his nerve during the final over where 11 runs were needed. Manoj Tiwary smacked the first one to mid-wicket boundary bringing the eqaution down to 7 from 5 balls. However the next two deliveries turned out to be disaster with both Tiwary and skipper Steve Smith (51, 50 balls) were caught in the deep. With four required off final ball and 3 for a Super Over, Dan Christian went

for an impossible 3rd run only to be run out as Mumbai players celebrated like never before. Credit should also be given to Bumrah and Malinga for giving away only 10 runs between them in the 17th and 18th over which suddenly increased the pressure. While the target was an easy one, it turned out to be tricky with 47 needed off the last five overs. With Mahendra Singh Dhoni (10) at the crease

in company of Smith, the Krunal Pandya over yielded 14 runs. Dhoni square cut Krunal and then Smith played a reverse pull for a six to get 14 runs off the over. But death overs specialist Jasprit Bumrah bowled a fuller delivery inducing a thickish edge from Dhoni to bring some cheer back in the MI camp. At the onset, Rahul Tripathi (3) got a debatable leg before decision off Bumrah's bowling but

Ajinkya Rahane (44, 38 balls) and skipper Smith added 54 runs for the second wicket. Earlier, Rising Pune Supergiant stifled Mumbai Indians to 129 for 8 riding on a commendable bowling effort. The two-time champions were completely offcolour with the willow as they played an astounding 54 dot balls (9 maiden overs) in 20 overs, a testimony to their plight. Save Krunal (47 off 38 balls), who watched helplessly from the other end, none of the MI batsmen showed judiciousness expected on the grand stage. It was because of Krunal's late hitting (three fours and two sixes) that MI managed to reach close to 130 after being reduced to 79 for 7. Jaydev Unadkat's (2/19 in 4 overs) dream edition just got better as he dealt twin blows in the third over removing both Parthiv Patel (4) and Lendl Simmons (3) within a space of three deliveries.

#WEAREUNITED: Man Utd fans hold get-together

Morung Express News Dimapur | May 21

Manchester United fans in Nagaland converged at the A1 PowerPlay, near Chekiye Gate in Dimapur on Sunday for the #WEAREUNITED get-together event. Proudly donning the red Manchester jerseys, the Red Devils – a term used to refer to supporters of the Mancunian side which has

won a record 20 English league titles – held interactive sessions and quiz competitions amongst the fans in attendance. All the while, an array of refreshments sponsored by the Lady Red Devils continually did the rounds with the ladies themselves graciously serving the delectable treats. A 5-a-side football contest was also held and saw the participation of 12 teams comprising entirely of Naga

Red Devils from Kohima, Mokokchung, and Mon, besides Dimapur. In the end, it was Kushi Team from Dimapur who emerged as winners edging United Trinity from Mokokchung 1-0 in the final – Agou squeezing in the winning goal. Aripong of United Trinity was adjudged best player and was awarded with a trophy. The event continued well into the night with live-screening

of United’s last Premier League match of the 2016/17 season against Crystal Palace and ended on a high with fans joyously celebrating as United won 2-0. The event was sponsored by Puma, Pedigree, Life Enterprise, Party Mania, House of Candy, 1 Outer, Kharu Design, Sapphire, A1 Powerplay, Barrel Snug, KAP Enterprise, besides several goodwill donations from fans all over Nagaland.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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