May 24th, 2017

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wednesdAY • MAY 24 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 140• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

T R u T H

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us — Ralph Waldo Emerson Indian Army strikes back, destroys Pakistani posts along LoC PAGe 08

Yitachu & officials inspect educational institutes in Meluri

Former MotoGP champion Hayden dies after cycling accident

PAGe 02

PAGe 12

Biodiversity conservation Area IS claims Manchester concert bombing, twenty two people killed comes under threat from hunters

Community efforts have led to increase in wildlife in Longleng Limasenla Jamir Yaongyimchen | May 23

A community biodiversity conservation area set up as an asylum for wildlife and aquatic species, under the guardianship of three environmentally conscious villages in Longleng district, is striving to survive in the face of threats from unscrupulous hunters and poachers of neighboring villages and beyond. The Yaongyimchen Community Biodiveristy Conservation Area (YCBCA) which was officially launched during its student’s golden jubilee in December, 2012 is currently maintained by the Yaongyimchen, Alayong and Sanglu Village Council under a committee set up by the name Lemsachenlok. Alayong and Sanglu are two new villages carved from Yaongyimchen. Since 2010, the Yaongyimchen villagers began conserving the YCBCA which covers the forest areas of Nyangchi, Owau, Awakung, Akching and Mangkoyo villages and the Dula, Duthet, Shiung and Okyong rivers. However, what comes as a threat to the wild species in the conserved area is the poaching and killing of wildlife by the bordering villages. “Though efforts are being


By Sandemo Ngullie

Image of a stag captured by one of the trap cameras installed in different areas of the YCBCA.

made to sentisize other villages regarding the conservation of forest and wildlife, without proper protection and fencing of the area, the problem will not be solved,” the guardians of the conservation area pointed out. “Wild animals and birds were abundant during the days of our forefathers. But the invention of guns has led to the decrease in the wild species in staggering numbers. We are working really hard in conserving the animals and birds; and to see them roam about even in the village areas, it gives us a sense of happiness. It is the fruit of our labour,” Masamokba, Council Chairman of Sanglu village said. Another major issue faced by the community is that most of

Increase in wildlife The YCBCA has been in the news particularly because of the roosting of Amur Falcons since 2012. However in the recent years the area has not only seen an increase in the roosting of the Amur Falcons but also an increase in other wildlife species.

Armed police work at Manchester Arena after reports of an explosion at the venue during an Ariana Grande gig in Manchester, England Monday, May 22. (AP Photo)

MANCHESTER, MAy 23 (AP): The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Tuesday for the suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester that left 22 people dead and sparked a stampede of young concertgoers, some still wearing the American pop star’s trademark kitten ears and holding pink balloons. Teenage screams filled Manchester Arena just after the explosion Monday night, and members of the audience tumbled over guardrails and each other to escape. An 8-year-old girl was among the dead — the youngest known victim — and the child’s mother and sister were among 59 people wounded in what British Prime Minister Theresa May called “a callous terrorist attack.” The wounded included 12 children under 16. “We struggle to comprehend the warped and twisted mind that sees a room packed with young children not as a scene to cherish but as an opportunity for carnage,” May said as campaigning for Britain’s June 8 national election was sus-

pended. May and police said the bomber died in the attack — something that went unmentioned in Islamic State’s claim of responsibility, which gave no name for the attacker. British police announced Tuesday they had arrested a 23-year-old man in connection with the bombing and raided two locations, carrying out a controlled explosion at one of them. The attack was the deadliest in Britain since four suicide bombers killed 52 London commuters on subway trains and a bus in July 2005. The attack sparked a nightlong search for loved-ones — parents for the children they had accompanied or had been waiting to pick up, and friends for each other after groups were scattered by the blast. Twitter and Facebook lit up with heartbreaking appeals for the missing. Grande, who was not injured in the blast, tweeted hours later: “broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don’t have words.”

Increase in malaria cases ‘Language has the power to bring souls together’ linked to deforestation 47th Tenyidie Pederüchü underway in Kohima

NEW yoRk, MAy 23 (IANS): Researchers have found a link between deforestation and increasing malaria rates across developing nations. Nearly 130 million hectares of forest - an area almost equivalent in size to South Africa -- have been lost since 1990, according to a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. Deforestation is not a natural phenomenon, but rather results If you are in a hurry, take predominantly from human activities, said lead researcher Kelly Austhat JCB! tin from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, US. “Human-induced changes to the natural environment can have a powerful impact on malaria rates,” she said. The new study of 67 less developed, malaria-endemic nations, published in the journal AIMS Environmental Science, builds upon evidence that patterns in climate change, deforestation and other human-induced changes to the natural environment are amplifying malaria


the forest area which is the main source of livelihood for the villagers has been given over for community development and now they have very limited land for their livelihood sustainability. This has put in a big challenge to Lemsachenlok committee to prove to the community that their strenuous initiative and labour is worth investing in.

The area is considered not only an asylum for wildlife and aquatic species, but also hosts a number of historical and monumental resources like a natural vegetation tunnel leading to the bio-diversity conserved area. This also makes it an eco-tourism hotspot. What stands out about this biodiversity area is that the YCBCA have not received any assistance from any NGOs, departments or the Nagaland State Government to facilitate their effort in maintaining the conserved area. The community has also constructed a local watch tower which provides a clean view of the conservation area as well as the Amur Falcon roosting sites. “If only the tower can be replaced by permanent structure, we will not have to work every year reconstructing the tower,” Yongpong wistfully stated. Nuklu Phom, Executive Secretary, Phom Baptist Christian Association (PBCA), who is also the chairman of Lemsachenlok, stated, “Even without any financial assistance from any sector, the community has been tirelessly working and undertaking bio-diversity initiatives. If only the community is empowered through some projects, the bio-diversity initiatives can be one of the best in the country.” PBCA is actively working towards a holistic development of the people and that churches can act as a platform towards bringing all round change and development including in environmental aspects in society, he added.

transmission. Deforestation can impact malaria prevalence by several mechanisms, including increasing the amount of sunlight and standing water in some areas. In general, increasing standing water and sunlight is favourable for most species of Anopheles mosquitoes which are the key vector of malaria transmission, the study said. The analytic research strategy used also allowed the authors to look at the causes of deforestation in order to have a broader focus on the upstream or human-induced causes of land-use change that impact malaria vulnerabilities. Results of the study suggest that rural population growth and specialisation in agriculture are two key influences on forest loss in develop- A traditional presentation during the opening day of the Tenyimia Pederüchü which began on May 23 in Kohima. (Morung Photo) ing nations. Deforestation from agriculture Morung Express News even in the time of conflict Universities in the country comes in part from food that is excontinued to work towards have departments of foreign Kohima | May 23 ported to more developed countries, the preservation and promo- languages, there are no coursAustin said. The 47th Tenyidie Pederüchü tion of Tenyidie, Liezietsu said es on tribal dialects. Therefore, began today, May 23 at Ura that there was progress of Te- the Governor stressed on the Academy Badi, Kohima and nyidie. “The efforts and contri- promotion of local dialects in will continue till May 25. Host- butions of our elders continue universities across the country, ed by the Tenyimi People’s Or- to guide us,” the CM said and besides the promotion of one’s ganisation, the inauguration urged the young generation to mother tongue in primary edwas graced by Nagaland Gov- work towards the progress of ucation. Tenyidie. He informed that the ernor P.B Acharya. our people” caused due to underThe welcome address was Ura Academy will be initiating We must remember we are a development of the TCL area. delivered by Rev. Tsolie Chase, projects to promote Tenyidie nation: Niketu Iralu According to the community, Ura academy and folk songs by providing classes and trainExhorting the gathertheir demand for an autonomous and special numbers were ing on folksongs and stories. ing during the Tenyidie Pedcouncil, which could focus on the presented by various groups. The Tenyimia People’s Or- erüchü, Niketu Iralu spoke development of TCL areas, is delibNagaland State Chief Min- ganisation in their greetings on the necessity for Nagas to erately being sidelined by the Pema ister, Shürhozelie Liezietsu expressed the contentment build stronger relationships Khandu government in Arunachal spoke on the history of the Te- of a shared language among with the Indian people, and Pradesh. nyidie Pederüchü which start- the Tenyimias, and also noted tell the Naga story to the rest The community has questioned ed in 1970. However the study that the Tenyidie Pederüchü is of the country. “Our Story has the state government’s intentions of Tenyidie can be traced back one of the biggest celebrations crossed difficult paths but toin view of lack of initiatives towards to 1939 during the time of the of the Tenyimias. day we must begin a new batprovision of basic facilities like edu- American Missionary TanCongratulating the Gov- tle and that is reaching out to cation, health and roads for TCL ar- quist. ernment of Nagaland on the the Indian public. In the past, eas. It was only in 1970 that a implementation of the three the talks and interactions have “While our brothers in Nagaland renewal study and research language policy to preserve been confined only to the Govare enjoying a full-fledged state with on Tenyidie took place, which and protect the local Naga lan- ernment of India, the Army a special status, we have been left in also led to the development guages, Governor PB Acharya and its agencies. And because the lurch to fend for ourselves. We of the language in academia. meanwhile impressed on the we are small and they are big, feel dejected because of the lacka- Liezietsu lamented that be- importance of one’s mother they have continuously hudaisical attitude of the government fore the 1970s, due to the con- tongue, which is one of the core miliated us. Many things have towards our grievances,” said the flict and national movement, basis of identity. “Language gone wrong. That happens in statement. the Tenyimia community has the power to bring souls history and its okay. Today we A new students’ wing has also could not focus on the devel- together,” he said, while how- must interact with the India been formed to push for the demand opment of Tenyidie. ever expressing regret that lo- public. Our new future will beof autonomous council for the NaHowever because of the cal languages are not empha- gin with this,” he stated. gas in Arunachal Pradesh. To begin a new future, we efforts of the few elders, who sized enough, and while most

NIA sentences 3 to life in Assam terror funding case

Nagas in Arunachal seek Centre’s Intervention to grant autonomous council in three districts

GuWAHATI, MAy 23 (IANS): A special NIA court here on Tuesday sentenced to life imprisonment 3 convicts of the Dima Hasao terror funding case and awarded 8 to 12 years’ imprisonment to 11 others. Those 3 sentenced to life are Niranjan Hojai, Commander-in-Chief of Dima Halam Daogah (J), the outfit’s Chairman Jewel Garlosa, and the then Chief Executive Member of the North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council, Mohet Hojai. The 3 have also been fined Rs 25,000 each. The 2 cases were registered in 2009 on allegation of money being siphoned off from development funds allotted to the NC Hills Council, in connivance with contractors and government servants and being sent to the DHD(J) for procurement of arms and ammunition.

NEW DElHI, MAy 23 (IANS): The Naga community in Arunachal Pradesh has urged the Centre to intervene in the long-delayed matter of granting autonomous council status to Tirap, Changlang and Longding (TCL) districts, so that these areas can see socio-economic development. Alleging that the Arunachal Pradesh government was denying the Nagas their genuine demand, the community said they had waited for too long to see development in the districts, and felt the area could develop only under an autonomous council. “The central government must immediately constitute a committee to find out the real problem faced by the Nagas and support the autonomous council demand,” a statement issued by the affected Nagas in TCL areas said. The Nagas hoped that intervention by Prime Minister Narendra Modi would “heal the sufferings of

must really understand our story and where we stand, viewed Iralu, who also cited the two conundrums that young Nagas faced today: ‘Was our struggle right? And have we covered any distance or achieved anything because of the sacrifices our people have made?’ Iralu maintained that to deny the Naga struggle would be a grave injustice. “What we struggled was right. We must not let this struggle and our history disappear. If we lose it then our story does not hold any foundation. Nagas are not anti-Indians. We told our positions as our history told. Nagas are India’s little neighbor and our story has just started,” affirmed Iralu, and urged organizations like the TPO to reach out to the rest of the tribes and communities. To the young generation, Iralu advised, “Your life, your personality, your dignity, your intelligence, your values must speak to the people of India. People who fight for your dignity, your self-respect, you will find it in Indian people.” Lamenting that Nagas have often narrowed down themselves on tribal lines, Iralu reminded Nagas, “We must remember we are a nation. We must admit the facts and let the facts win. Let the wrong be proclaimed and acknowledged. If the process is clean, the outcome will be right.” The Tenyimia Pederüchü is an annual conference of the Tenyimias especially focusing on Tenyidie students, where discussions and lectures are held besides the presentation of traditional songs, folklores. Some topics of discussions and lectures this year will focus on Tenyidie vocabularies and the essence of culture. The speakers for the conference are Dr. Mimi K. Ezung, Dr. Khrüvolü Keyho, Eno Keduolhoulie Belho, Zacivelü, Vizomenuo Yhome, Vimedo Keyho.


wednesday 24•05•2017



Yitachu & officials inspect educational institutes in Meluri

Meluri, May 23 (MexN): Nagaland Minister for School Education and SCERT, Yitachu and team of RMSA and SCERT officials today inspected the ongoing construction of government institutes at Meluri sub-division in Phek district. The Minister along with RMSA officials led by Joint Mission Directors Kevi Rio and Visiezolie Yashü inspected the new building construction of Government Higher Secondary School and new extension of rooms for Class IX and X at Government High School, Meluri. They interacted with the contractors, who revealed that due to February violence and bandh in the State the progress of the work was halted for sometime as materials could not be transported. After inspecting the work progress, Yitachu expressed happiness and asked the contractors to expedite the work. He also said the Department is undertaking GIS Mapping of all the government Minister for School Education and SCERT, Yitachu and his team during the inspection of schools from Primary to Higher Secondeducational institutes in Meluri on May 23. ary level which is expected to be complet-

ed within next two months. Thereafter, the department will undertake complete rationalisation of schools and deployment of teachers with a view to enhance the performance of government schools in general, the Minister added. Kevi Rio expressing happiness that the works are now going smoothly was hopeful that the next 2018 academic sessions would start in the new building. He revealed that the new GHSS Meluri building is being funded by Union Ministry of Human Resources Development, while room extension for Class IX and X at GHS is funded by Ministry of DoNER. Kevi also revealed that Union Ministry of DoNER is separately funding establishment of computer labs for GHSS Meluri and Medziphema. Subsequently, the Minister along with the team physically inspected the construction work of Blocks Institute of Teachers Education (BITE) Meluri under SCERT funded by Union MHRD and Tribal Boys Hostel funded by Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs.

New ENSF officials take charge Women farmers encouraged to grow mushroom

KohiMa, May 23 (MexN): The newly selected ENSF officials for the tenure 2017-20 took charge of office during a handing over programme held at the DUDA Guest House, Kohima on May 13. According to a press release, the outgoing President Shasha L Menhahü encouraged the new team to accept every challenges/obstacle and to overcome with possibilities. Incoming President acknowledged that the milestone success endowed by the predecessors for the federation will never go in vain. Presidents of the six federating units – CCSU, KSU, PSC, USCC, KSU and YAA – while congratulating the new officials, encouraged them to work hand in hand to uplift the

spirit of unity and peaceful coexistence of the student community. The newly selected ENSF officials will be headed by Sepili L Sangtam as President and Imti Choba Chang as General Secretary. The others are: Hamnyei Angh – Vice President, Khomo P Khiam – AGS, Z. Kumcho Yimchunger – AGS, Jong Lamthai Khiam – Finance Secretary, Tonen Chang – Asst. Finance Secretary, Kaibo Konyak – Edu. Secretary, Luntsuba Yimchunger – Social & Culture Secretary, Athriba Simon Sangtam – Information Secretary, Chulong Chang – Women Coordinator, Apong Yimchunger – Speaker, Lumtse Sangtam – Dy. Speaker, H. Chingling Phom – Assembly Secretary.

MoKoKchuNg, May 23 (MexN): As part of farmers’ needs and priorities programme, ATMA Ongpangkong South Block organised a method demonstration on oyster mushroom cultivation (Pleurotus spp.) for Telongjem CIG of Khensa village on May 22 at Khensa village. Assistant Technology Manager under ATMA, Ongpangkong South Block Merenchila Kichu gave hands on live demonstration while also briefing the farmers on the precautions and measures to be taken in mushroom cultivation, according to a press release. She further encouraged the CIG members to take up such activity to boost their economy. Mushroom spawns and polybags were distrib-

Meetings & Appointments AMRUT capacity building A training for Municipal Officers and Line Departments under capacity building programme of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) will be held from May 24 – 26 in the conference hall of the Directorate of Urban Development, Kohima. The training will be conducted with resource persons from Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies (RCUES), Hyderabad. The inaugural session will be held at 10:30 am on May 24.

Kidima Students’ Union Freshers’ Day Kidima Students’ Union (KSU) is organising its annual Freshers’ Day on May 27, 11:00 am at Village Council Hall, Kidima. The speaker for the event is Solesül Tholre, Urban Development Officer, Mokokchung. A press release from Vilapa Vitso, General Secretary, KSU informed that it is mandatory for all the successful HSLC candidates to attend the programme. All the bonafide members of the union as well as parents concerned have been requested to attend the programme. Bus service/transportation will be provided; Picking point - IOC (Teachers’ Building) at 8:30 am.

Nagaland Physiotherapist Association meet Nagaland Physiotherapist Association (NPA) will hold its second general meeting on May 27, 11:00 am at Hotel Acacia, Dimapur. Therefore, a press release from Dr. Avikuonuo, General Secretary and Dr. Tsukhumong, President has requested all the working & non working physiotherapists to attend the meeting without fail. On spot registration will be done at the venue. For more information, contact 8119000404/872993142.

Mass rabies vaccination camp There will be a free mass rabies vaccination camp at the office of the Principal, Veterinary Field Assistant Training Institute, Medziphema on May 27, 8:30 am with a nominal fee for certificate.

WCH general session Western Chakhesang Hoho has convened a general session on May 27 at Daeshin Academy auditorium, Diphupar B Village at 11:00 am. The Hoho has informed all the frontal organizations of WCH, WCWA, GBs’ Union, youth organizations, student officials and affiliated units to compulsorily attend the session with at least 10 members. It also invited public leaders, churches, and well wishers.

River Belt Colony public meeting River Belt Colony Council will hold its annual general

Resource person with participants of the demonstration on oyster mushroom cultivation public meeting on May 27, 2:30 pm at the treasurer’s resiheld at Khensa village on May 22.

dence. Therefore, all the households have been requested uted to the participants at sidering the potential of for farm women incurring to attend the meeting without fail. Fine will be imposed the end of the programme, mushroom cultivation as very low investments with on absentees, cautioned a press release from T Mepu Imchen, Chairman, RBC. which was organised con- a remunerative activity quick returns, method.

Workshop on Village Health Nutrition Day underway in Mon

MoN, May 23 (MexN): A district level orientation workshop on Village Health Nutrition Day (VHND) for the block leaders, village leaders, medical officers and nurses of Mon is underway. Organised by UNICEF in collaboration with District Health Society, Mon, the workshop started on May 22 and will continue till May 25 at Dobashi conference hall, Mon. On the first day, Chief Medical Officer, Mon, Dr UK Konyak outlined the purpose of the workshop and said the discussions will focus on matters concerning the future, informed a press release from Leeyan Chemshy, Media Officer, NHM, Mon. While declaring the workshop open, Relise Sangtam, SDO (Civil) Wakching Block advised the participants to use the effective means of communication, which is the ‘word of mouth’. He also encouraged the participants to disseminate and implement in the village level whatever knowledge, information they gain from the workshop. The objectives of the workshop were highlighted by Dr. Supongmenla Walling, DPO (UIP& RCH). The resources persons of the workshop are Narender Jangra, Regional RMNCH+A Consultant (Guwahati); Dr. Subhash Godara, Regional Routine Immunization Consultant (Guwahati); Dr Longri Kichu, State RMNCH+A Consultant (Kohima); Pairson, State RMNCH+A Consultant (Kohima); and Avikali, State Facilitator, RRC (Kohima). The inaugural programme was attended by the block administrators, medical officers, nurses, village chairmen, church leaders and the DPMU staffs.

Street play on adolescent health performed in Mkg

MoKoKchuNg, May 23 (MexN): Adolescent Club of Mokokchung district performed street play on ‘Adolescent Health’ in different blocks of the district on May 21 and 22. The club members under the guidance of DMEIO performed the street plays on different health topics like anaemia and dangers of early pregnancy, informed a press release received here. Asenla, one of the club members, gave a short presentation on anaemia, where she apprised that anaemia develops when blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin. She also highlighted the signs and symptoms of anaemia and dangers of early pregnancy. The street play was performed with an aim to

Members of Adolescent Club Mokokchung at one of the street plays.

create awareness and sen- healthy habits. sitise the adolescents on IEC leaflets on differtheir health, thus changing ent health topics were their behaviour towards distributed among the

participants during the programmes, which were attended by DMEIO, IEC personnel and DCM.

D block Panchayat fixes local pork rate

World Iron Folic Supplementation in Noklak

KohiMa, May 23 (MexN): The D block Panchayat in Kohima has informed its colony residents that the rate of local pork was fixed at Rs. 220 in the colony during its executive meeting held on May 20. The Panchayat in a press release warned that anyone found selling local pork in its jurisdiction above the prescribed rate would be penalized with a fine of Rs.

5,000 and the meat will be seized. It also reminded that no shop in the colony will be allowed to open on Sundays, adding defaulters will be penalised. The press release issued by chairman D block Panchayat Kevisatuo Yhome further warned that any drunken people creating nuisance and disturbing the colony will not be tolerated and if caught will be dealt with seriously.

TueNsaNg, May 23 (DiPr): World Iron Folic Supplementation (WIFS) was conducted in Noklak on May 23 by RBSK team from CMO office, Tuensang. Resource persons were Dr. Shika, Medical Officer, Noklak and CMO staff, while trainers were teachers from different schools of Noklak Town.

NVCO condemns selling spoilt food

KohiMa, May 23 (MexN): Nagaland Voluntary Consumers’ Organisation (NVCO) today alleged that a bakery in Kohima sold spoilt chicken bun to a customer. A press release from the Press & Media Cell, NVCO informed that the customer took his grievance to the Department of Food Safety and further brought it to the notice of the NVCO. Condemning the act of the food operator, President of NVCO Kezhokhoto Savi asserted the case is to be dealt with very seriously as it concerns “seriously causing harm to our citizens’ health especially the innocent and ignorant consumers which may lead to food poisoning,” the release said. He added that similar problem is becoming more and more common in the market. The release informed that the Government of Nagaland has already implemented the Food Safety & Standard Act 2006 in the State and the Chief Medical

Officer Kohima has informed the food business operators, including hotels, restaurants, provisions, bakeries, groceries, home based canteens of schools/colleges, office, tea stall, street food vendors, etc. to obtain food safety license/registration. As per the Act, it said, the Food Safety Officer should check all the mentioned food business operators. The Food Safety & Standard Act 2006, NVCO stated, aims to consolidate the law relating to food and to establish the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availability of sale and wholesome food for human consumption in the country. Food safety refers to the condition and practices that preserve the quality of food to prevent contamination of food borne illness, it added.

wednesday 24•05•2017



Bodies of Manipur activists killed IAF Sukhoi fighter jet with two pilots in 2015 violence to be buried May 24 goes missing near Indo-China border Imphal, may 23 (IaNS): Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh on Tuesday said the bodies of eight tribal activists killed in mob violence in September 2015 in the state's Churachandpur district will be buried on Wednesday. Singh has been invited to the burial of the bodies of the activists which had been preserved in the morgue since September 2015. The officials, however, said that owing to security concerns, the Chief Minister may not go to Churachandpur district. The activists were killed

in the violence that took place after the Manipur assembly passed three Inner Line Permit Bills on August 31, 2015. The tribals in Churachandpur district, however, had protested from the next day and called the bills 'anti-tribal'. On Tuesday, the memorial huts of the bodies were set afire by some unknown persons. The All Tribal Women's Union and the All Tribal Movement Lamka have also opposed the MoU signed between the Manipur government and the Joint Action Committee against the

'anti-tribal Bills'. Under the MoU, the government agreed to pay Rs 5 lakh each as ex-gratia, provide a job to a member from each of the bereaved families and probe police excesses, if any. Earlier, the tribal activists had demanded a new district, and extension of the 6th schedule of the Constitution. However the government refused to consider them saying that these demands have nothing to do with the talks to dispose of the bodies. Meanwhile, the Manipur Tribals’ Forum Delhi

(MTFD) has stated that it will not be able to attend the burial program on May 24 since the invitation letter was received late. The body conveyed its regret for not being able to attend to the JACAATB through a ‘public intimation’ note from its Information & Publicity. It stated that the MTFD will organize a condolencecum-prayer meeting in remembrance of the sacrifices made by the ‘tribal martyrs’ and payers for the bereaved families, at MTFD Camp site, Jantar Mantar on Wednesday, 6:00 pm onwards.

Assam tribal king arrested for raping mother of four Harsing Ronghang, the titular king of Assam’s Karbi people, was arrested on Tuesday morning based on a FIR lodged by the woman Utpal Parashar Hindustan Times

A 53-year-old tribal king was arrested in Assam on charges of raping a 33-yearold mother of four children. Harsing Ronghang, the titular king of the Karbi people, one of the predominant tribes in Assam, was arrested on Tuesday morning based on a FIR lodged by the woman. Ronghang has been charged with rape and house trespass. “He was summoned to the police station and arrested. Report of the medi-

police station in West Karbi Anglong district in central Assam told HT. According to the FIR, the accused went to the woman’s house last Wednesday and allegedly raped her at night. “He left early the next morning threatening the woman not to disclose the incident. But, after couple of days she told her neighbours and the news spread in the area,” Bora said. A meeting of the local cal examination of the elders and residents was victim is awaited,” Kamal called on Monday where Bora, in-charge of Hamren the accused reportedly ad-

mitted to his crime. Subsequently, the woman lodged an FIR in Hamren police station. The administrative affairs in Karbi Anglong region, where the Karbi people mainly reside, fall under the jurisdiction of the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC). But the tribal king, who manages his affairs from Ronghang Rongbong, 16 km from Hamren, the district head quarters, enjoys lot of influence on the socio-cultural life of the Karbis.

Tezpur/GuwahaTI, may 23 (pTI):A Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter jet of the Indian Air Force with two pilots on board went missing after taking off from the Tezpur IAF base in Assam during a routine training sortie today, defence and state government officials said. A massive search operation, also involving helicopter recce, has been launched to trace the plane and the pilots, aged between 25 and 30, Defence spokesman Lt. Col. Sombit Ghosh of the Armys 4 Corps told PTI. The identity of the two pilots has not been disclosed. The fighter jet had taken off from the IAF station on the outskirts of Tezpur town at 10.30 am and it lost

radar and radio contact around 60 km north of the airbase, the officer, whose Corps is based in Tezpur, said. Sonitpur Deputy Commissioner Manoj Kumar Deka told reporters that the airforce station had informed him that the last radar and radio contact with the plane was made when it it was 60 km from Dubia in Gohpur subdivision of Biswanath district, adjacent to Sonitpur district. The Air Force after making a thorough search on its network informed the deputy commissioner about the aircraft going missing. He then alerted Biswanath district authorities. He said he has asked all sub-divisions in his district and requested of-

ficials in Biswanath district, bordering Arunachal Pradesh, besides village headmen to provide information about the missing aircraft. At present, two squadrons -- around 36 aircraft -- are deployed at Tezpur for guarding the frontiers in Arunachal Pradesh with China. The planes were stationed at the airbase on June 15, 2009. A Sukhoi aircraft had touched down at an advanced landing ground at Pasighat in eastern Arunachal Pradesh last year. The Sukhoi-30 is a Russian-made, twin-engine fighter jet meant for allweather, air-to-air and airto-surface missions. The first batch of the planes was inducted by the IAF in the

late 1990s. A frontline aircraft of the IAF, Su-30 has several versions. Su-30 MKI is being built under licence by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for the Air Force. Since their induction, seven crashes have taken place. An inquiry into the plane accidents has primarily indicated technical failure as their cause. The last Sukhoi accident occurred on March 15 when a Su- 30 MKI had crashed in Rajasthans Barmer, hours after a Chetak helicopter crash landed and toppled in Kaushambi near Allahabad. On May 19, 2015, a SU30 had crashed in a paddy field in Nagaon district in Assam during a routine training mission but the two pilots had ejected safely.

Lightning injures 9 in Laii Village including pregnant woman Newmai News Network Senapati, May 23

Nine persons including one pregnant woman were reportedly injured when a bolt of lightning struck near Laii (Vafiimai) village under Paomata sub-division in Senapati district this afternoon. Laii village is located some 95 km east of the district headquarters. Till the filling of this report, the victims were still on their way

to Senapati district headquarters for medical attention. According to the reports received, the victims include 8 women and a man. They have been identified as Atsole (34) w/o Jonathan, S. Kane (36) w/o Saloni (pregnant), S. Nitoho (44) w/o Sani, S. Kholio (43) w/o Lt. Sapunii, M. Monio (49) w/o Lt. Mateso, D. Kro (56) w/o Dai, S. Vahriine (21) d/o Sani,

Th. Deihrii (45) s/o Thohrii and D. Nahkho (45) w/o Deihrii. According to the reports, all the nine persons went for plantation of Elaichi plant on daily wages in a farm owned by one Th. Deihrii. The reports said that the incident happened around 3 pm when the nine persons rushed to a nearby paddy hut after a sudden cloud burst occurred accompanied by

lightning. Taking shelter under the hut, a bolt of lightning struck the roof of the hut wherein all the nine victims experienced 'total loss of sense' until four among the nine recovered with minor injuries and alarmed other villagers. The other five victims were reportedly ‘paralysed’ and mentally traumatized until they were rushed for some medical aid, the reports said.

Biren Singh launches CIS at Manipur High Court Escaping ethnic trouble, 280 Leakage of MBoSE results Newmai News Network Imphal | May 23

In an attempt to maintain transparency and accountability of the judiciary, Manipur Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh today launched the Case Information System (CIS) National Core Version 1.0 for the High Court of Manipur at the Auditorium of High Court of Manipur. Speaking at the occasion, Biren said, “Today is a remarkable day in the history of Administration of Justice in the State as anyone from anywhere can access every detail of cases before the courts through the new version of CIS National Core Version 1.0.” The Chief Minister also said that it is necessary that the Access to Justice to all should reach out to the hill districts of the State. He further assured that the government would not interfere in the work of Judiciary. Condemning the increasing number of cases of mob justice in the State, the Chief Minister said, “If we continue to allow mob justice, the Rule of Law has no meaning.” A collective effort is needed to curb mob justice, he added. Announcing that a Ju-

dicial Academy of Manipur would be established in Pangei, N. Biren Singh said that the government has also decided to open five full time Family Courts for Imphal East, Thoubal, Bishnupur, Churachandpur and Senapati Districts. He further mentioned that the State government would pursue the Central Government for infrastructural development and for increasing workers in the Courts. He said that new courts will be opened for which 40 posts have already been created. Addressing the gathering, Chief Justice of High Court of Manipur, Rakesh Ranjan Prasad said that the ideal goal of Case Information System (CIS) is to have a paperless court so that anybody and everybody can access through internet and get information on the orders passed, progress and status of the pending cases. He stressed that such step would enhance Access to Justice for all. During his speech, Judge, Supreme Court of India, Justice Madan B. Lokur said that such initiative would improve the services of judiciary such as transparency in the entire

functioning of the court, accountability of Judicial Officers and to know the case management. With the CIS National Judicial Data Grid, Judiciary could deliver faster and cheaper justice to the people, he added. Justice Madan B. Lokur further said that a mobile application will be launched soon so that people can easily access the status of the cases through their mobile phones. He added, “For Manipur, Rs 4.75 crores have been sanctioned for the purchase of necessary hardwares and to develop manpower to meet the local needs. He requested the Manipur Government to set up a Law Commission for Manipur. Minister for Law and Legislative Affairs, L. Jayantakumar Singh, Judge, High Court of Manipur, Justice N. Kotiswar Singh, Judge, High Court of Manipur, Justice Kh. Nobin Singh, Senior Advocates, members of Bar Council of Manipur and officials of High Court of Manipur attended the function. During the function, a demonstration on the usage of the CIS through the website of High Court of Manipur was presented.

Myanmar tribals seek shelter

aIzawl, may 23 (IaNS): At least 280 people, mostly women and children, from Myanmar have taken shelter in two villages in Mizoram allegedly fearing ethnic trouble at home, an official said here on Tuesday. "Around 280 people from Myanmar's Ralie village in Arakan area have taken shelter at Lungpuk and Khalkhy mountainous villages in Saiha district since late Friday," a Mizoram home department official said. Assam Rifles troopers posted along the Myanmar border areas and the Saiha district administration provided necessary aid and support, including food, to the refugees. "The local tribal villagers of the two villages also made arrangements for food and lodging for the hapless people," the official added. Senior Mizoram police and Assam Rifles officials have immediately rushed to the bordering areas and are supervising the situation. Assam Rifles sources said the refugees fled their

villages following imminent conflict between the outlawed Arakan Army militants and the Myanmar Army. The Assam Rifles officials had informed the Myanmar Army and requested them to ensure safety of the refugees in Myanmar. Arakan Army terror group, who held back male members of the fleeing refugees intermittently, engaged in skirmishes with the Myanmar Army. Mizoram Home Minister R. Lalzirliana said in Aizawl that the refugees are being taken care of by the state government and the matter has been conveyed to the Union Home Ministry. The refugees are now sheltered at community halls and a nearby school. Mizoram shares an unfenced 510-km border with Myanmar and 318 km with Bangladesh.

attributed to technical snag Newmai News Network Shillong | May 23

The leakage of the Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBoSE) SSLC results 2017 (top 20 merit list) which attracted criticisms from various quarters is owed to technical snag that occurred while sharing the results with NIC (National Informatics Centre) on Monday night. According to the MBoSE executive Chairman Pravin Bakshi, a meeting was held between the board and the state government Tuesday to discuss this serious issue. During the meeting, the state government has asked the Education secretary, Walpeelter Roy Lyngdoh to conduct an enquiry into the matter and to submit the report within 10 days. Bakshi also informed that according to the preliminary report, it was sug-

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Direct Admission going on. ChaNdel, may 23 (mexN): With the objective of preserving their rich culture and to ensure that age-old tradition permeates down to the younger generation, the Lamkangs, an indigenous Naga tribe of Manipur, observed ‘Lamkang Culture Day 2017’ on May 20 at P. Lalringkhu village, in Chandel district. The mega-cultural event was attended by Lamkang people residing in different parts of the country, including some senior Lamkang officers of the Government of India. While Shetvor Dilbung, a senior exponent of Lamkang literature unfurled the LNKK flag, the event

was declared open by Rev.Fr. Albert Leivon, Dean of St Thomas’s Seminary, Imphal. The main highlights of the event included Dance, Folk song singing and Drum beating competition, release of culture and literature related DVDs and Books, and showcasing of creative talent through fusion music by young and budding talents. Well above fourteen Cultural troopes took part in the competitions. As mark of revisiting the tradition, a refreshment of specially cooked rice and meat were served to the participants, while tea was served in traditional style bamboo cups.

Under Manipur State Legal Services Authority, Hon'ble Judge of High Court of Manipur Justice N. Koteshwar Singh, graced Little Angels English School, the first CBSE School to be set up in Ukhrul District, Manipur India on 20th May, 2017. Apart from highlighting the importance of accomplished educational system, Justice Singh emphasis the importance of Child Rights within the State.

 Sales Consultant (Field) Qualification: (10+2) Kohima, Mokokchung Back Office Executive: (12+3) Fresher and Experienced.

The Hindu

Tahamzam, may 23 (mexN): The Naga Women’s Union (NWU) in Manipur has elected new office bearers for the tenure 2017 – 2019. They were elected on May 4 at the Conference Hall, Namdunlong Baptist Church, Imphal. As per the declaration made by Election Commission of NWU, the names of the newly appointed executive officials are: President- Asha Wungnam (Tangkhul), Vice President- SK Tabitha (Poumai), General Secretary- PS Tonila (Anal), Assistant Secretary – Lajon (Thangal), Finance Secretary- A Lolia (Mao), Arts & Culture Secretary- P Kina (Maram), and Information & Publicity SecretaryBP Lungchui (Inpui).



Iboyaima Laithangbam

NWU declares names of new elected members

George School, Nongmynsong, Simon Joseph from which the topper in Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) emerged was of the view that the leak has cost them the charm of yester years by blowing the lid off the suspense that adds to the excitement before the official declaration of the results. “It is unfortunate that such a thing happened. I would always go to MBoSE office at 9 am for the result but this time around I got to know about it at 10.30 pm last (Monday) night,” said the Principal further adding, “This year’s result has lost its charm. The shine is taken away.”

Little Angels English School Director, Principal, and Staffs  (0)3870265787

AFSPA gets six-month Lamkang Culture Day celebrated in Manipur extension in Manipur The Manipur Cabinet on May 20 decided to extend the Disturbed Areas Act for another period of six months to facilitate the imposition of the AFSPA except in seven Assembly segments in Imphal. The government had lifted the AFSPA from these segments on August 12, 2004.

gested that a technical snag had occurred while sharing the results with other associated links. “However, we will wait for the final report to be submitted by the education secretary before we decide on any further action,” Bakshi said. It may be mentioned that the top 20 merit list of the SSLC results 2017 was leaked and went viral on social media causing much displeasure and embarrassment to MBoSE. Meanwhile, reactions have emerged from several quarters of the society on the goof up, who are all shocked and puzzled. The Principal of St

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wednesdAY 24•05•2017



RBI refuses to disclose list of loan defaulters

NEw DELHI, May 23 (PTI): The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has refused to make public the list of loan defaulters with public sector banks despite an order of the Supreme Court in 2015 to make this information public. The case relates to an RTI application filed by activist Subhash Agrawal who had sought to know the list of people who had defaulted in the loan of Rs one crore and above. According to the government, the gross non-performing assets (NPA) of the public sector banks stood at Rs 6.06 lakh crore as on December 31, 2016. The RBI had denied the information citing the clauses of economic interests of the state, the commercial confidence and the information held in fiduciary capacity. It had also cited the provisions of Section 45-E of the RBI Act, 1934 which prohibits disclosure of credit information. On December 16, 2015 the apex court had clearly rejected these arguments of the RBI, in a matter filed by another RTI appli-

cant, and ordered disclosure of defaulters’ list, upholding a Central Information Commission (CIC) order. Still, the Bankers’ Bank cited same arguments to deny information to Agrawal, who escalated the matter to the CIC. During the hearing, the RBI also said the Supreme Court is hearing a matter in which reports have been sought in a sealed envelop and hence any decision

a case was already decided by the Supreme Court in which clear directives have been given and is a law of land, and not a pending case. In 2015, the apex court had stated that the RBI is supposed to uphold public interest and not the interest of individual banks. The RBI is clearly not in any fiduciary relationship with any bank, it had said. “The RBI has a statutory duty to uphold the interest of the public at large, the depositors, the country’s economy and the banking sector,” it had said while directing the RBI to disclose the list of defaulters. The court had said that the RBI is duty bound to comply with the provisions of the RTI Act. “The baseless and unsubstantiated argument of the RBI that the disclosure would hurt the economic interest of the country is totally misconceived,” the court had said. The apex court had said that the facts reveal that banks were trying to cover up their underhand actions, they are even more liable to be subjected to public

should be avoided. A two-member CIC bench gave reprieve to the RBI as it agreed to not pass any order till the pending matter, where disclosure of defaulters having dues of over Rs 500 crore towards the banks, was decided by the apex court. The bench, comprising Information Commissioners Manjula Prasher and Sudhir Bhargava, did not accept Agarwal’s plea that

scrutiny. It had passed the order of disclosure after hearing the arguments of the RBI which had sought refuge under the Section 45E of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 which says disclosure of any information relating to credit information submitted by banking company is confidential. It had said the RTI Act, 2005 is a general provision which cannot override specific provisions relating to confidentiality in earlier legislation in accordance with the principle that where there are general words in a later statute it cannot be held that the earlier statutes are repealed altered or discarded. Rejecting these arguments, the apex court had ordered the disclosure of information relating to loan default and other such details sought by various applicants. Some of these arguments, rejected by the Supreme Court, were put by the RBI before the CIC during the hearing of Agrawal’s case.

20-25 lakh jobs will be created Paytm launches niche bank, to offer in IT sector in 4-5 yrs: Minister interest of 4% a year on savings accounts NEw DELHI, May 23 (IaNS): Denying the reports of a downturn in employment in the country’s IT industry, Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Tuesday said in the coming four to five years, almost 20-25 lakh additional jobs will be created in the sector. “I completely deny and refute that there is any downturn in the employment in the IT sector. It is robust. Once the digital economy is here, you will see how much it will progress,” the Minister said during an interaction with reporters at a press meet in the ministry. “Indian IT companies are spread across 200 cities and 80 countries around the world, which provide direct employment to 40 lakh people and indirect employment to almost 1.3 crore people. As the industry is moving forward, it is Nasscom’s assessment that in the coming four to five years, almost 20-25 lakh additional jobs will be created,” he added. The Minister said in the next 5 to 7 years, India’s digital economy will be of an estimated $1 trillion, which is almost Rs 600 lakh crore. “In the last three years, almost 6 lakh people have been employed in our IT sector. In 2016-17,

the number of people employed was around 1.7 lakh,” he said. “We have common service centres in about 2.5 lakh cities and almost 10 lakh people are employed there.” The Indian IT companies currently serve two-thirds of the Fortune 500 companies and have created 40 lakh direct jobs in India, the ministry said in a statement. The minister said the IT Ministry has taken note of projections by software industry organisation Nasscom to present an objective and realistic potential of the employment scenario. “Nasscom has confirmed that the industry continues to be a net hirer and reports that 2.5-3 million new jobs will be created by 2025. In 2016-17, the industry added 170,000 new jobs,” the release said. Speaking on the recent cyber attack by ransomware virus ‘WannaCrypt’, the Minister said India has been least affected by ransomware. “About 200 locations were there and they were all standalone computers, because we had taken proactive measures from March itself by having the Microsoft patch being installed, by sending advisories. We are constantly updating,” the Minister said.

MUMBaI, May 23 (REUTERS): Indian digital payments firm Paytm, which is backed by Asian technology giants SoftBank Corp and Alibaba Group Holding, launched a niche bank on Tuesday, part of a plan to more than double its customer base to 500 million in the next three years. PaytmPaymentsBankwillhelp the firm reach tens of millions of Indians who use mobile phones and cheap data services in the world’s fastest-growing internet services market but do not have access to the formal banking sector. The payments bank will open 31 branches and 3,000 customer points in its first year, the company said in a statement. A payments bank is an institution that can take deposits and remittances but cannot lend. Paytm became a household name across India after New Delhi’s shock move to ban highvalue currency notes late last year resulted in a cash crunch and boosted the use of its electronic wallet. Paytm says more than 220 million clients use its e-wallet. Its success has attracted deep-pocketed investors such as Japan’s SoftBank, which last




Answer Number # 3948

week invested $1.4 billion in Paytm parent One97 Communications. The firm’s digital wallets will fold into its payment bank. The bank will offer an interest of 4 percent a year on savings accounts and also provide current account facility to merchants. It will have no minimum balance requirements and all online transactions will be free, the company said. The bank accounts will initially be available only through an invite. Chairman Vijay Shekhar Sharma, who owns a major-

ity stake in the banking firm, said Paytm Payments Bank will invest its deposits in government bonds. “None of our deposits will be converted into risky assets,” Sharma said in the statement. In 2015, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) gave preliminary approval to 11 entities including Reliance Industries and the country’s top three telecom operators to set up payments banks. Bharti Airtel and the Indian government’s postal service have already launched payments banks. std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. . “Yippee!” 6. Stinging remark 10. Website addresses 14. Ancient Greek marketplace 15. Arab chieftain 16. Ark builder 17. Governs 18. Fit 19. Greek sandwich 20. A young unmarried woman (archaic) 22. Indian music 23. Smelting waste 24. Fanatic 26. Gull-like bird 30. American Dental Association 31. Eastern newt 32. Haughtiness 33. An indefinite period 35. Achievements 39. Gleam 41. Dud 43. Step 44. Lots 46. Component of urine 47. Destroy the inside of 49. Website address 50. Caustics 51. Bearing 54. Foot digits 56. Astringent 57. Tour of duty 63. On the left or right 64. Be agitated 65. Sexually assaults 66. Baking appliance 67. Great affection 68. Inuit boat 69. Where a bird lives 70. Barely managed 71. Sensitivities DOWN 1. A division of a hospital 2. Chills and fever 3. Low, flat land

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3949

Advertisement boards of Paytm, a digital wallet company, are seen placed at stalls of roadside vegetable vendors as they wait for customers in Mumbai. (REUTERS File Photo)

4. Chocolate cookie 5. Fertile area in a desert 6. Decapitation 7. Filling material 8. Small brook 9. A slight wind 10. Thankless 11. Imperial 12. Very slow in tempo 13. Young hog 21. Tablet 25. F F F F 26. Droops 27. A man’s skirt 28. Murres 29. Task 34. Dragged in 36. Breezy 37. Tall woody plant 38. Oceans 40. Not false 42. Small islands 45. Outlast 48. Triple 51. A worker of stone 52. Not dead 53. Naked models 55. Swagger 58. Cozy corner 59. Mother 60. Sweeping story 61. Tidy 62. Sounds of disapproval







































std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)


229529 229474

MH Hospital

227930 231081

Fire Brigade


Faith Hospital


naga Hospital


shamrock Hospital


oking Hospital


Zion Hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing Home


northeast shuttles


Police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east Police station


west Police station


CIHsr (referral Hospital)

242555 242533

Police station Fire Brigade

222246 222491



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 Zubza Ps

224041 248011


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518



Airport Indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou Ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos Hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha Ps

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden Medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

KoHIMA Ps/oCs Contact numbers north Ps

Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652


NEW BUSINESS DEAL Analysts were surprised by the relatively quick resolution, as they had feared a protracted legal dispute. “For Nokia, it’s good news they got this out of the way, but we still have to wait for details about the financial impact,” said OP Equities analyst Hannu Rauhala. “The previous annual rate was 150 million euros, so I assume this to be more, around 500 million euros.” Under the new business agreement, Nokia said it would provide network products and services to Apple while Apple would resume carrying Nokia’s digital health products in its retail and online stores. The firms will also look into further collaboration in digital health, Nokia said. Rauhala said Apple might have been willing to settle with Nokia as the U.S. company’s patent battle with chipmaker Qualcomm Inc has escalated. Inderes analyst Mikael Rautanen said Nokia’s aim to expand its sales of network equipment sales beyond telecom operators to global internet and technology giants may also have played a part in the resolution of the dispute. Patent royalties represent only a sliver of Nokia’s overall revenue, more than 90 percent of which comes from telecoms network equipment. But licensing payments are highly profitable and the network business is suffering an industry-wide slump. Nokia’s patents cover technology that reduces the need for hardware components in a phone, conserves battery life, increases radio reception, helps in recovering lost phones and enables voice recognition, among other features. Once the world’s dominant cellphone maker, Nokia sold its handset business to Microsoft in 2014 to focus on its network business and large portfolio of mobile device patents. Nokia’s total sales in 2016 were about 24 billion euros.


Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777


HELSINKI, May 23 (REUTERS): Nokia has settled its legal battle with Apple with a new patent licence agreement and also signed a business deal with the U.S. giant, surprising investors who had expected the dispute to drag on. The companies said on Tuesday that Nokia would receive an upfront cash payment and additional revenues from Apple starting from the current quarter, without giving details. Analysts said the revenue was likely to be far higher than a previous deal. Nokia shares, which fell in December when the patent dispute was announced, jumped as much as 8 percent to their highest since February 2016 and were 6.5 percent higher at 5.88 euros by 0848 GMT. “We are pleased with this resolution of our dispute and we look forward to expanding our business relationship with Nokia,” Apple Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams said in a joint statement from the companies. A previous patent licence contract between the companies expired last year, and both sides took legal action in December. Apple complained of being overcharged and Nokia responded by accusing Apple of violating technology patents. In the absence of a new deal, Nokia cut its annual runrate forecast in December for patent and brand licensing sales to 800 million euros ($900 million) from 950 million euros previously. In its latest quarterly report released in April, Nokia stopped giving an annual run-rate forecast altogether. “(The agreement) moves our relationship with Apple from being adversaries in court to business partners,” Nokia’s Chief Legal Officer Maria Varsellona said in a statement.

Civil Hospital

dimapur Hospital

Answer to Crossword 3951

Apple & Nokia settle patent dispute; sign new deal



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 woMen HeLPLIne 08822911011 WOMEN HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

62.66 80.71 7.79 46.29 44.75 45.83 54.86 69.18 1.76 0.0542 16.51 8.8

65.48 84.62 8.67 48.57 46.93 48.07 57.94 72.53 1.96 0.0604 18.39 9.81

wednesday 24•05•2017


‘Concerted efforts needed to bring prisoners to mainstream’ Morung Express News Dimapur | May 23

Parliamentary Secretary for Jails, Science & Technology, Hukavi Zhimomi, today said bringing prisoners lodged in various jails back into the mainstream poses a big challenge to the Prisons department and NGOs concerned. The Parliamentary Secretary underscored the need for concerted efforts on rehabilitation and transformative measures so that prisoners can start a new and better life once they have done their probation. Hukavi was speaking at the ‘Certification ceremony on prison reforms in cooking and culinary art’ for inmates of various jails in the state, prison wardens, Home Guard and Nagaland Police personnel held here at Central Jail. He said despite fund constraints the Prisons De-

Parliamentary Secretary for Jails, Science & Technology, Hukavi Zhimomi, DG Prisons, Rupin Sharma, along with trainees and others at the certification ceremony on prison reforms in cooking and culinary art, held at Dimapur Central Jail.

partment led by Director General, Prisons, Rupin Sharma, had done a commendable job in successfully conducting the 3-month training programme along with Pinnacle Skills, a skill development company. Hukavi said such trainings would not only help prisoners to imbibe work culture but also open avenues for gainful employment once they are released from jail.

The Parliamentary Secretary further urged the inmates and other trainees to make best use of the training and also impart what they have learned to other inmates and people. DG Prisons, Rupin Sharma, said the basic objective of the prisons reform programme was to impart skills to the inmates so that they can work independently and earn their own livelihood once they

come out from jail. Sharma said the department was planning to set up a restaurant or food cart just outside Central Jail and to sell food and other eatables prepared by inmates and jail staffers and to open bank accounts for all inmates so that the proceeds of the sale can be deposited in the respective accounts of the inmates. He also informed that the department would

soon be conducting cutting and tailoring training programmes for prisoners so that the inmates can stitch uniforms and dresses of Nagaland Police once they complete the training. Secretary, Prisons, C Kikon, said the training programmes are part of the MHA directives on prison reformation and welfare schemes. He urged all Prisons officials and staffs to lend support to such reform programmes. CEO, Pinnacle Skills, Dr. Yan Murry, said altogether 50 trainees including 18 inmates, 24 jail wardens, 3 Home Guards and 5 Nagaland Police personnel enrolled for the cooking and culinary training. Dr. Murry also expressed gratitude to Tata Trust for supporting the 3-month training programme. Later, the dignitaries and invitees were treated to lunch prepared by the trainees.

‘Need more social entrepreneurs to intervene and transform society’ DiMApur, MAy 23 (MExN): The North East Institute of Social Science and Research (NEISSR) held a farewell programme for the second batch of 43 social work professionals of the institute. During the programme, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Chhabra, Principal of Unity College, Dimapur pointed to the need for more and more social entrepreneurs to transform the society. As the Chief Guest of the function, Dr. Chhabra called on the social work professionals to be committed, sincere and hard working to wipe out all forms of injustices and corruptions from the face of the society. While lamenting on the different social problems, he also exhorted the outgoing social work professionals on the urgent

Awareness programme on tobacco and HIV & AIDS was held at St Paul Higher Secondary School in Lhomithi colony, Dimapur on May 23. A team comprising District Tobacco Control Cell and DAPCU conducted the programme with Dr. C Tetseo, NTCP and Lucy from DAPCU as the resource persons.

DMC to carry out measurement of stalls Two arrested with banned drugs DiMApur, MAy 23 (MExN): The Dimapur Municipal Council has informed all the allottees of DMC Stall in New Market (Eastern & Western Side)/ Hazi Park Market/ Millennium Market/ Old Market Surrounding Durga Mandir/ Old Beef Market, who

have been using their stalls as Go-down to keep their respective stall/go-down open for a period of 15 days w.e.f. May 25 so as to make necessary measurement of the stall for the purpose of assessment of House Rent being carried out by DMC officials. A press release

from the DMC Administrator, Moa Sangtam, directed all to cooperate with the DMC officials in carrying out the assessment works. Failure to comply with this order will initiate necessary action from the authority, the DMC Administrator warned.

TuENsANg, MAy 23 (MExN): Two persons were arrested for possession of the banned Spasmo Proxyvon (SP) near New Sangsumong area under Longkhim PS, Tuensang on Sunday. According to a press release, the two were travelling in a Mahindra Scorpio when they were intercepted at around 6:00 in the evening. Approximately 43000 capsules of the banned SP were recovered from the vehicle. The banned drugs were found neatly packed in different compartments i.e., under the seat, inside the

speakers, and inside the spare tyre, the release stated. The consignment belonged to one Limanungla alias Atoi Zeliang alias Akhala and was supposed to be delivered to an unidentified female at the Petrol Pump in Tuensang the same day. The driver of the vehicle, identified as Bendangtoshi Sangtam, along with Atula, reportedly the daughter of the owner of the consignment, was arrested and their vehicle seized. A case in this regard has been registered and investigation is on, the release stated.

We are a secular political party: State BJP

ATMA Mon block conducted training and demonstration programme on May 18 and 19 at Lampong Sheanghah and Mon village respectively with Moikam T. Phom ATM as the resource persons. It was organised with an aim to encourage the SHGs to take up activities that can be useful for both home use as well as for income generation. A total of 18 trainees from 2 SHGs attended. Dishwash gel and detergent kits were given away to the participating SHGs on both the days.

DiMApur, MAy 23 (MExN): The Bharatiya Janata Party of Nagaland has claimed that the BJP is “a secular political party” with the basic philosophy of “integral humanism”. The Nagaland unit of the BJP made this claim in a statement “clarifying its stand from the mind of confusion towards BJP Nagaland.” While expressing appreciation to the NBCC for acknowledging the Party resolution to safeguard the Christian faith and protect the interest of the minorities, the BJP Nagaland maintained that it will “continue to uphold the identity of the Christian faith”. “However, it also respects other religion as the India Constitution provides, protect and guaran-

tee to freedom of religion or faith to every citizen,” it added. On Good Governance Day, the state BJP unit insisted that former Prime Minister AB Vajpayee was born on December 25 and argued that the Government of India had declared Good governance day on his birthday which “coincides” with Christmas. “However, the Nagaland BJP and the State Government observe good governance day either before or after 25th December,” it contended. Also claiming that Prime Minister Modi is “against cow vigilantes”, the Nagaland BJP stated that Union Minister Smriti Irani reiterated BJP’s stance against cow vigilantes on May 21 at the Indian Today Editor round table event.

It also pointed to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s meeting with Christian Leaders organised by the India Christian Council on October 14, 2016 wherein the Home Minister had reportedly stated that “India is a secular country” and had assured that, “religious persecution will never be allowed and Christians will be protected”. “The party aims at establishing a democratic state which guarantees to all citizens irrespective of caste, creed or sex, political, social and economic justice, equality of opportunity and liberty of faith and expression,” the statement from the party’s Media Cell claimed. “It believes in the principle of justice, providing good governance and development for all.”

NIIT to hold seminar on ‘Future of IT & Banking’ DiMApur, MAy 23 (MExN): A seminar on ‘Digital Transformation: Future of IT & Banking’ for career aspirants will be held at Unity College, Dimapur on Thursday, May 25 from 2:00 pm onwards. The seminar is ATMA Zunheboto (Suruhoto block) with the initiation of BTT convenor Qhenito Yeptho, farmers of Kholeboto village were imparted training on role of bio agents in soil being organised by NIIT Limited. According to a press release, the semihealth management on May 12. Moa Jamir, ATM spoke on the advantages of using bio agent and its adverse effects. nar would highlight the different fields of IT & Banking for students, thereby helping them choose the right field based on their interest and aptitude, and enlight-

need of intervening in such areas to combat it effectively and resolve people’s problems with their learning. Fr. Dr. CP Anto, Principal NEISSR, while addressing the students said that the society needs more social doctors to find out the root causes of the various problems and the reasons for its existence in society. “Thus, NEISSR has trained 43 social doctors who are skilled and empowered to help the individuals, groups and communities,” Dr. Anto stated referring to his students as “social doctors”. He informed that around 60% percent of the youth have been placed in jobs even before their final exams and added that the institute is trying to give placements to all shortly.

ening them on the plethora of career opportunities available. The session will be addressed by Rahul Keshav Patwardhan, CEO, NIIT Limited. In this regard, NIIT has extended an invite to all the community leaders, administration, bureaucrats, Industry leaders, unemployed youth, NIITians, 10 students from each college and higher secondary school in Dimapur, institutional representatives and well-wishers to the seminar.

Meetings & AppointMents

NNC, FGN joint meeting A joint meeting of the Naga National Council (NNC) and the Federal Government of Nagaland will be held on May 29 at Transit Peace Camp, Kohima. The meeting will discuss the ongoing situation in Nagaland and the needs of the hour, a press release from Thihu Khamo, Secretary, FGN stated. In this regard, all the Central Authorities, Regional Authorities and high ranking Naga Army officers of the NNC/FGN have been earnestly requested to attend the meeting positively.

DMC consultative meeting In connection with the earlier notice on formation of Wardwise Committee under Swachh Bharat Mission, the Administrator of the Dimapur Municipal Council, Moa Sangtam, has informed all the Wardwise Committee Members under DMC Ward Jurisdiction that there will be a consultative meeting on May 26, 11:00 am at Town Hall, Dimapur for further taking up the assignment works. A press release from the DMC Administrator in this regard requested all Committee Members to attend the meeting positively.

DUCCF emergency meeting The Dimapur Urban Council Chairmen Federation (DUCCF) has convened an Emergency General Meeting on Thursday, May 25, 3:00 pm at Forest Colony Council Hall. A press release in this regard requested all the chairmen under Dimapur urban area to be present to discuss important matter.

DRSU emergency meeting The Dimapur Rengma Students' Union (DRSU) has convened an emergency meeting on May 26, 1:00 pm at Solekum Home, Naga Cemetry Road, Khermahal. A press release in this regard requested all the office bearers, Area Representatives, Advisors, Seniors to attend the meeting positively.

KPC informs members KOHiMA, MAy 23 (MExN): The Kohima Press Club (KPC) Executive Council has announced that the annual membership drive (new and renewal) of the Club for the year 2017-18 will be held from June 1 till June 30. “Those applying for new membership will have to fulfill the criteria as laid down in the KPC Constitution, and new applicants are required to produce a copy of ID card issued by the media house he/she is associated with,” a press release from the KPC stated. The Executive Council has also informed all concerned that the Club will not entertain any case pertaining to registration or renewal of membership after June 30.

WDLSA imparts legal awareness to Muslim community

15 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (N) inaugurated a shelter for village guards at Yakur village, Tuensang district on May 17. Colonel Vineet Jaiswal, Commandant, 15 Assam Rifles inaugurated the project in the presence of Chairman of Yakur village, GBs and local populace.

22 Assam Rifles held an interaction with the GBs, Chairman, Students’ Union and Secretaries of various villages in Akhen village area on May 18. The meeting focused on interaction between the locals and Assam Rifles to increase cooperation so that peace and development of the area can be achieved.

WOKHA, MAy 23 (MExN): Wokha District Legal Services Authority (WDLSA) conducted legal awareness programme with the Muslim community at Mosque, Tsumang (A) on May 23. Speaking on Consumer Protection Act, Renbonthung Tsanglao, Panel Lawyer WDLSA, said that the Consumer Protection Act 1986 ensures consumers protection from hazardous goods and services. He informed that there are Central Consumer Protection Council, State Consumer Protection Council and District Consumer Protection Council which are the consumer dispute redressal machineries under the act. Renbonthung informed that the pecuniary jurisdiction limits for district forums is not exceeding Rs. 20 lakh while the bracket for the State Commission exceeds Rs. 20 lakh but does not exceed Rs. 1 crore; amounts exceeding Rs. 1 crore is in the jurisdiction of the National Commission. He said that the time limit for filing complaint is within two years from the date on which the cause of

WDLSA team with Muslim community.

action arises, even when the time limit expires, the complaint can be taken up provided complainant is able to satisfy the forum or commission on the delay – the delay of every single day has to be explained. Speaking on Lok Adalat, Meribemo Lotha, Panel Lawyer WDLSA, apprised that Lok Adalat is one of the alternative dispute redressal mechanisms, where disputes or cases pending in the court of law or at pre-litigation stage are settled

or compromised amicably. He said that Lok Adalats have been given statutory status under the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987 and under the Act, the award (decision) made by Lok Adalat is deemed to be decree of a civil court and is final and binding on all parties and no appeal against such an award lies before any court of law. Meribemo pointed out that there is no court fee payable when a matter is filed in a Lok Adalat. He said that if a matter pend-

ing in the court of law is referred to the Lok Adalat and is settled subsequently, the court fee originally paid in the court on the complaints or petition is also refunded back to the parties. Meribemo further highlighted that there are Lok Adalats at the state authority level, at High Court Level, at District Level and at Taluk level. He also said that there are National Lok Adalat, permanent Lok Adalat and mobile Lok Adalat. Speaking on rights of accused, Gracy Ezung, Panel Lawyer WDLSA, said that under Section 12 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, all persons in custody are entitled to legal aid. She explained the role of District Legal Services in deputing remand advocate, legal services clinics in jails etc. Earlier, a brief overview on legal services authority was delivered by David Ezung, Panel Lawyer WDLSA, while welcome address was delivered by SK Maqsood, Muslim Union President. The programme was chaired by Kimeri Tungoe, PLV WDLSA.


wednesday 24•05 •2017



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xii issue 140 By moa Jamir

Unplanned urbanisation – Choking oneself?


n the eve of statehood in 1961, Dimapur had a population of 15,767 persons which galloped by over 166% to 42,002, a decade later in 1971. By 2011, at the total of 3, 78,811 persons, it was the most populated district in Nagaland. An upward trend is also seen in other districts and State’s average in the intervening period, apart from the demographic somersault between 2001 and 2011, which saw a decadal decline of -0.58. Nevertheless, districts with considerable urban centres like Dimapur and Kohima saw healthy population growth rate at 22.92% and 21.72% respectively. Overall, the urban population in the State increased from 19% in 2001 to 28% in 2011. Urbanisation can neither be avoided nor curtailed, as historical trajectories of development across the world have shown. Along with natural increase, the major driving force of rapid urbanisation are rural-urban migration motivated by the pull factors – such as better employment and education opportunities, better health etc and conversely the push factors the relative lack of such avenues in rural areas. The World Economic Forum (WEF), ‘The Global Risks 2015 Report’ stated that the world is experiencing a historically unprecedented transition from predominantly rural to urban; increasing from one-third of the world’s population in 1950 to one-half in the 2000s and projected to be two-thirds by 2050. Developing countries in Africa and Asia were estimated to be the fastest urbanising regions with the urban population projected to reach 56% in Africa and 64% in Asia by 2050. We are currently seeing its manifestation. If managed well, WEF said that urbanisation can bring important benefits for development through efficiency, civic engagement, innovation and create employment through exchange of new ideas. However, when it is rapid, poorly-planned and occurs in a context of widespread poverty, it would exacerbate risks and negative externalities ranging from incapacity to contain infectious disease to the challenges of building climate-resilient cities. Among others, it would create joblessness, homelessness, inadequate services and infrastructure, poor health and educational services and high levels of pollution and lack of proper sanitation, crime and other social vices. “As the urban sprawl of rapid urbanization expands outwards and upwards, it provides ready opportunities for hazards such as floods, storms and earthquakes to wreak havoc…” warned Margareta Wahlström, the erstwhile head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) in 2012. The WEF cited that 40% of the world’s urban expansion is taking place in slums, exacerbating socio-economic disparities and creating unsanitary conditions that facilitate the spread of disease. We are yet to witness such scenario but rapidly catching up. Visit any expanding outskirts in Dimapur, the posh houses and rapidly vanishing landscape will usually lack a proper drainage system or roads. We are slowly choking up in our own yard. It assumes a magnitude proportion in Nagaland as most of the urban centres are topographically precarious for future expansion. A concern highlighted by the Nagaland Vision 2030 document, but without any feasible solution. Kohima has clogged traffic and faces acute water shortage along with problems of garbage disposal amounting to 50 (fifty) tons a day at present, the Vision 2030 noted; while land in many places are beyond the reach of many, particularly the common man. Carefully considered urban planning, good governance with effective regulatory frameworks and the ability of governments to provide appropriate infrastructure and public services is at the core of meeting the challenges of urbanisation, WEF said. These factors also determine the city’s resilience to a number of global risks, in particular environmental, social and health-related risks, but also economic risks such as unemployment. We desperately need planning, not just urban development. For any comment, drop a line to


Somrita Ghosh IANS

‘Writing just happens’


henever I have a story, I write it." So says Nikita Singh, best-selling author in the romance genre. And one can well believe her: at 25, she has just launched her 10th novel. Singh, who started writing at 19 and is in India for the launch of "Every Time It Rains" (HarperCollins, Rs 199, pp 258) told IANS in an interview that writing, for her, "is just a process... I really don't over-think before or while writing. It just happens". Singh, who now lives in New York after a born-and-raised childhood that involved a string of small towns, debuted with "Love@Facebook" in 2011, but was noticed with the 2012 romance "If It's Not Forever... It's Not Love". After that, there was no looking back. "Six books in the first two years," she beamed. So, what's the secret of her prolific output? "No secret, just hard work," Singh laughs. "I don't have any five-year plan. I don't count the number of books I have written nor write while considering that. I take a book at a time, start writing, finish it and then... write another one," Singh said. Her life revolves around her two professions - Metropolitan magazine where she works, and her writing. Is it difficult to balance between the two lives? "Not at all," she claimed. "I have always been doing something else while writing. I used to write when I was a student and now the same continues as I am working. My aim was never to only write and do nothing," the author said. Singh's books sell, on average, over 20,000 copies and that makes them bestsellers in India. She draws a lot of inspiration from art, music, movies and her surroundings -- and likes "observing people a lot, watch their expressions and behaviour". Every time she writes a book, she tries to flesh out her characters first and then head towards story construction. "My characters are not real, they are all imaginary. I know them and can see them, but they don't hold any resemblance to people I know. The characters automatically and organically slip into their roles," the author noted. With every book, she has evolved as a more confident person, begun to trust her own preparations, put in hard work and bring out the best from her ideas. So, from spending most of her childhood in small towns to becoming a national bestselling author, how did she make a mark? "Prove your worth with work," she replied. As a young author, she just has one piece of advice for people who aspire to be an author some day, and that is - "finish your manuscript"."Many people tell me that they started working on a manuscript but couldn't complete it. Just finish it. There can be no excuse."


Bertil Lintner Asia Times

Peace process in pieces in Myanmar

When de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi opens the next round of her peace drive on May 24, the outcomes and upshots will be pivotal to her legacy


n May 24, when Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi opens the second round of her signature 21st Century Panglong peace conference, a highstakes initiative to end decades of debilitating and divisive civil war, the outcomes and upshots will be pivotal to her democratically elected administration. The meeting will aim to draw on the unifying symbolism of the original Panglong conference held by Suu Kyi’s national founder father, Aung San, who signed an agreement with ethnic Shan, Kachin and Chin representatives on February 12, 1947 at the small Shan state market town of Panglong. The agreement paved the way for the declaration of independence from British colonial rule the following year. Despite the historic parallels and Suu Kyi’s strong political clout, few observers believe the upcoming meeting will meaningfully advance national reconciliation without a significant change in tack. Suu Kyi’s insistence that all armed groups agree to an elaborate National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) before holding any political talks towards the creation of a federal union remains a major sticking point. So, too, are major battles underway between government forces and ethnic armed organizations in northern Kachin, northeastern Shan and western Rakhine states. While Suu Kyi speaks of peace and reconciliation, military commander Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has simultaneously ramped up lethal offensives that have led to the heaviest fighting since the conflict-ridden 1980s. Suu Kyi has made peacemaking a top policy priority, some say to the detriment of other pressing matters such as bureaucratic, economic and legal reforms. It is one of the few policy areas where she has appeared in public meeting representatives from across political and ethnic spectrums. But her failure to establish anything resembling peace in the country’s north and northeast, and ongoing communal violence in Rakhine state have severely tainted her previous image as a persecuted pro-democracy icon. The perception shift has been particularly damning as a former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for her non-violent struggle against military repression and advocacy for peaceful reconciliation. Ethnic group representatives who have attended meetings with a working committee preparing for the talks say they are appalled by what they liken more to bullying than negotiation, with the military giving them only two options: accept the 2008 constitution, which solidifies a powerful political role for the military over a highly centralized political system, or face annihilation on the battlefield. The 2008 constitution, drafted under military rule and promulgated after what most independent observers viewed as a rigged and fraudulent referendum, gives the military effective veto power over any bid to change important clauses in the charter. It also gives the

military autonomous control over crucial security related ministries, namely defense, border affairs and home. Ethnic representatives argue that without a new federal constitution that could be put to a genuinely free and fair referendum, prospects for ending the war will remain dim. All ethnic groups want “full autonomy in internal administration for the Frontier Areas,” as enshrined in the original 1947 Panglong Agreement brokered by Suu Kyi’s independence hero father. Myanmar’s federal constitution was abrogated and replaced by ironfisted rule after a 1962 military coup that ushered in nearly five decades of soldier-led governance. Myanmar’s ethnic wars represent some of the longest running conflicts in the world. Officially, eight armed groups signed the NCA in October 2015. Of those only three — Shan State Restoration Council, Karen National Union and Democratic Karen Benevolent Army — actually have armed forces. The remaining five are small groups, claiming to represent the interests of Karen, Pa-O, Chin and Rakhine (Arakanese) ethnic groups, may best be described as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). On March 30, Suu Kyi announced that five more key groups – New Mon State Party, Karenni National Progressive Party, Arakan National Congress, Lahu Democratic Union and Wa National Organization – were poised to sign the NCA. The groups have since denied they took any such decision. While the first two groups have armed wings, the other three could hardly be described as “key ethnic armed groups”, as most are even smaller than the five NGO-type groups that signed the 2015 agreement. But Suu Kyi appears concentrated on boosting the number of NCA signatories, even if they are largely insignificant to resolv-

ing the wars, in an apparent bid to conceal the policy’s underlying failure. Meanwhile, major groups that have not signed the NCA — Kachin Independence Army, United Wa State Army, Ta’ang National Liberation Army, Shan State Army/Shan State Progress Party, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State, and Arakan Army — account for more than 80% of the country’s armed rebels. Failed peace processes are nothing new in Myanmar, previously known as Burma. In 1958, a caretaker government led by General Ne Win offered an amnesty without political concessions to communists, army mutineers and ethnic rebels. Those who accepted were granted business concessions, similar to the terms offered to the few signatories of the current NCA. Peace talks were held in 1963 in which Ne Win’s coup-installed government demanded surrender and offered only “rehabilitation.” Groups that accepted were converted into “home guard units”, known as Ka Kwe Ye, which were allowed to conduct business, including opium trading, in their native areas. The deal ushered the rise of Myanmar’s most notorious drug lords, including Lo Hsing Han and Khun Sa. In 1980, the government announced a new amnesty for rebels and political prisoners. At that time, separate talks were held with the KIA and the Communist Party of Burma that eventually broke down on the government’s offer of only rehabilitation for unconditional surrender. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the government entered ceasefire agreements with about two dozen armed groups in exchange for lucrative business concessions, including a deal with the KIA that held for 17 years before faltering in 2011 when the group

started making fresh demands for federalism. The NCA’s only achievement so far appears to be creating rifts between signatories and non-signatories and internal divisions among those who have signed. Within Karen National Union, for example, there is deep disagreement among leaders and those who believe they have sold out their long struggle for autonomy for shortsighted business deals. Even the smallest of the signatories have been granted lucrative business concessions, including rights to sell imported used cars from neighboring Thailand. Bigger groups have invested heavily in real estate and palm oil plantations. The main difference between current and past talks is the heavy involvement of foreign peacemakers and lavish international funding in Suu Kyi’s initiative, interventions that have further skewed incentives and motivations. History shows central demands for ethnic groups’ unconditional surrender — now dubbed as ‘DDR’ for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration by authorities — in exchange for business concessions seldom hold and are not a long-term solution to what is at root a political problem. If Suu Kyi truly wants peace and reconciliation, she could take the moral high ground by announcing a unilateral government ceasefire rather than insisting ethnic armed groups sign an agreement many of them legitimately view as a military trap. But until the Noble Peace Prize laureate stands up to the military and offers ethnic groups genuine self-determination and autonomy, her signature initiative risks repeating past failed efforts and leaving behind a country more at war than when she was elected as a reconciliatory peacemaker.

A wealth of wisdom on human issues expected and unexpected Book Review: Wise Words - The Philosophy of Everyday Life; Author: Stephen Trombley; Publisher: Head of Zeus; Pages: 337; Price: Rs 599 Vikas Datta



ur perversity can sometimes be extreme. We look for guidance from every quarter -- leaders temporal and spiritual, self-help gurus, agony aunts, et al -- but ignore those who have selflessly devoted themselves to probing threadbare all facets of the human condition. And unlike perceptions, philosophers were not always ivory-tower residents engaged with abstract issues. "God is dead but my hair is beautiful," said a contemporary practitioner, several Greek and Roman scholars devoted their attention to identifying which food was best for humans, another recent one termed philosophy a combative sport and drew analogies between it and boxing, and a Marxist ended up writing one of the best books on cricket. With these and more, American filmmaker, musician and author Stephen Trombley provides a wide and varied look at over 25 centuries of West-

ern thought and its practitioners, weighing in on expected and unexpected topics and responding to them in their life. Thus views on issues like consciousness, dreams, happiness, God and truth rub shoulders with backbiting, day jobs, drugs, haircuts, nicknames, sex, sport and even walking (an activity several prominent philosophers adored). And all are presented in a retro look with a title page bearing the topic and having five or so, rather telling, quotations, before they are dealt with chronologically and contextually. "The aim of this little miscellany is both to amuse and to inform the reader as I have been amused and informed while writing it," says Trombley, who has edited "The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought" and previously written "A History of Western Thought" and "Fifty Thinkers Who Shaped the Modern World". Free to choose his topics, he notes that while there was some method to his approach, "whimsy was the chief criterion I employed in deciding what subjects to write about" and which philosophers to include. This, he says, accounts for the "topics that might be found in an agony column".

Trombley also goes to ascertain the reason for why philosophy has, down the ages, being transformed from something aimed at helping the people live their life to a rather academic discipline. With his sequence being Greeks, Romans, scholastic (Medieval era), Renaissance, Enlightenment, idealist, naturalist, empiricist, analytic, continental and other thinkers, he contends he begins with the Ancient Greeks, not only because they were first in the Western tradition to consider these topics but "they were usually clear in their definition of a problem and its solution". He also goes on to identify when it became woolly, unclear and remote, explained cogently in the section on obfuscation -- where the approach changed from Socrates, who "prided himself on making his arguments clear" and using ordinary language, to the German idealists "who started inventing new words and took to writing tortuous sentences that were longer than an Englishman's paragraph..." Examples are provided. But apart from this, there is much to interest even those who might not have been previously aware of any inclination towards the subject. Take the treat-


ment of "duty" where the pendulum swung from it being considered one of the key responsibilities of humans to being deemed a concept "dangerous to life", to a more nuanced approach which stressed on the absence of coercion and the requirement of fairness. Likewise, "freedom" was considered unsuitable in the political system (Plato), the purpose of enlightenment (Kant), a basic ingredient of social order but denied (Rousseau), possible only through communism (Marx), or subverted into "repressive tolerance" in liberal democracies which prided itself about it (Herbert Marcuse). It is a passage that will provide much food for thought for who those who remember our recent spell of "intolerance". And along with all these, there are a range of fascinating facts about philosophers, ranging from Plato's real name, those who were vain, obnoxious, ungrateful or even murderous -- in short, like the people they lived among. Never requiring full-time attention with readers free to peruse through a topic or two (inter-linked with related subjects) at random, this engaging work is not only an apt introduction but in its eclectic array of issues and views, likely to spur interest and stimulate thinking. What else is philosophy's purpose?

Letters to the Editor should be sent to: The morung express, House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur - 797112, Or –email: All letters (including those via email) should have the full name and Postal address of the sender. Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

WednesdAY 24•05•2017

Morung Express Learning


Vision 2030: Employment Scenario in Nagaland


he ‘Nagaland Vision 2030’ document outlines the broad contours of development which the State seeks to undertake over the next decades or so. In case of employment, the document argues that envisioning change in Nagaland’s economy is closely associated with generating employment opportunities to a fast growing young labour force. In continuation of the Morung Learning series on Vision 2030, the current scenario, areas of concern and recommendation of employment in Nagaland are given below. employment: current Status Nagaland has a Workforce Participation Rate of 49.24%. In other words of a population of about 19.78 lakhs (2011 Census), approximately 9.74 lakhs are workers. Normally the workers are engaged in different sectors of the economy – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary – depending on the nature of economic activity. Primary sector includes Agriculture allied sectors like Forestry & Logging, Fishing etc. The secondary sector includes Manufacturing (Registered & Unregistered), Electricity, Construction etc. Tertiary (or Services) sector includes trade, hotels, transport, communication and services related to broadcasting, financial, Public Administration, defence and other services etc. In Nagaland, agriculture still employs nearly 60% of the total employment but its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product is around 30%. In other words, the productivity of the sector is relatively lower than the other two sectors. estimation of educated Unemployment Assessing the magnitude of unemployment in the State, the following issues emerge according to the Vision 2030. • Taking the number of students as enrolled and passing out at the various stages of education namely at Class X, Class XII and at the graduate level, the number of educated persons looking for employment is around 12,909 annually. • Against this, there is a possibility of an intake of about 3000 to 3500 people in the Government annually calculated on the basis of an attrition rate of about 2.5-3% of Government employees by way of retirement, deaths and resignations etc out of the total Government employees of about 1, 20,000. It would roughly leave about 9500 educated unemployed without opportunities every year in addition to existing number 70,000 (approx) registeration in the Employment Exchanges. • Creating employing opportunities for these 9500 educated youth and the space to absorb the backlog of unemployed will be one of the main challenges for the Vision. • The 6th Economic Census for which provisional figures are available mentions that there are a total of 1.61 lakh persons employed in different enterprises in the State. With an overall employment elasticity of 0.58, for the 9500 educated to be absorbed in the enterprises the overall growth rate in the economy should be around 10%. waY FOrwarD As per the exercise, it is only the traditional sectors which seem to be providing the employment impetus. While the traditional sectors may be important in the short term, in the long run of 10 to 15 years, transformation of the urban economy towards modern service sectors is necessary. (i) Primary Sector: The ability of the agricultural sector to absorb the educated unemployed is limited. One reason could be the low productivity in the sector as cited above. However, adequate attention needs to be given to this sector as more than 70% of the State’s population live in rural areas and are dependent on agriculture. Policies to increase productivity in the agricultural sector will help ease the pressure on urban areas to create employment avenues as activities in rural areas become more lucrative.

The Vision 2030 envisages a two-fold strategy: Development of Intensive and Inclusive Agriculture Clusters (IIIACs) with the aim of increasing growth in the economy and spin-off activities like marketing and agro-processing that can absorb the urban educated. Simultaneously, it will increase productivity and incomes on account of focus on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, cardamom and coffee which will also help reduce the outflow of labour from rural areas. (ii) Secondary Sector: The manufacturing sector has potential in generating employment for the educated. It is imperative that a conscious strategy is developed to induce employment in the manufacturing sector. A new industrial policy of the State akin to “Make in India” needs to be formulated by the state government. Construction sub-sector has also potentiality to absorb labour. Skill upgradation of youth for employment in agro-processing industries and for increasing the skill basket in the construction sector will reduce the unemployment issue in the State. (iii) Tertiary Sector: In the tertiary sector skill upgradation of the youth with focus on the anticipated areas of growth like marketing for agrobased industries, repairing of machinery required for road construction activities, masonry and related activities will enhance the employment potential. It is necessary to focus on some of the modern service sectors like finance and communications as this is the areas where future employment will be the highest. Another Area which the State should focus on is exploitation and promotion of the pool of sporting talents available in the State. To realise this potential amongst the youth, state of the art sporting infrastructure should be in place in all the districts by 2030. This will not only boost the latent talents but also create employment opportunities. Major Thrust area for employment: Skill Development In a study conducted in 2015 by the National Skill Development Corporation, it was estimated that in the 2014-22 period, Nagaland will have an excess supply of minimally skilled people in the workforce. However, in the semi skilled and skilled labour category, there will be shortage of labour force. It is thus imperative to impart skills to the population with target towards improving the income earnings of the State. For this, it will be crucial for the State to skill the youth with basic schooling background in different trades such as construction, serving of automobile and electronics etc. to meet the anticipated demands. In turn they will be in a position to contribute economically to the growth and development of the State. Skill weighting The aggregate skilling requirement that the State should aim is estimated to be 1.76-2.19 lakhs in the next 6 years. The internal demand for skilled labour in the next 6 years would be 57,000 (calculated @9500 per year). This figure captures only the educated unemployed who graduate from the education system and who are to be internally absorbed within the State if the IIIACsled growth strategy is followed. The remaining 1.19-1.62 lakhs spread over 6 year period is the number of people who have to be skilled to enable them to find gainful employment in the rest of the country. About 19,800- 27,000 is the number youngsters who will require skills annually to enhance their earning potentials. On an average about 9000 students fail to enter class IX and about 11,000 students fail to pass Class X exams. This works out to approximately 20,000 people for whom one form of skill or the other has to be provided to ensure that these youth are engaged in economically productive activities. (Source – Nagaland Vision 2030, Government of Nagaland, 2016)

ParticiPate & win

2. what is the 2017 theme of international Day for Biodiversity (iDB)? a) Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism b) Invasive Alien Species c) Biodiversity and Agriculture d) Convention on Biological Diversity 3. who is the President of the newly launched Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in nagaland? a) Chingwang Konyak b) Nuzota Swuro c) Dr. Chumben Murry d) Neiphiu Rio 4. which indian personality has been named in the Forbes’s 2017 Global Game changers list? a) Cyrus Poonawalla b) Sunny Varkey c) Rahul Bhatia d) Mukesh Ambani 5. who has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of France? a) Emmanuel Macron b) Bernard Cazeneuve c) Edouard Philippe d) Michel Debre This contest is open ONLY for students. Cut and send in your answers along with your name, class and name of institution to The Morung Express Office (address given below). You can also email the answers to morunglearning@ or WhatsApp @ 8794005039 Answers to Quiz #60: 1- B, 2- A, 3- D, 4- A, 5- D This Week's Winner: Tütetngula Phom Rashtra Bhasha Hindi Training Institute, Padumphukuri Each week, one lucky winner will be given a prize of Rs. 500. The winner may collect the same from The Morung Express Office, H/No.4, Duncan Basti, Dimapur within two weeks. *Winner should bring along a valid ID to claim the prize.

Delhi University admissions 2017: Know the procedure


he registration process for highly sought undergraduate seats in the Delhi University kick started on May with the activation of its online admission portal for various courses offered in all its affiliated Colleges. The Merit Based Undergraduate Admissions (2017-18) Web Portal, https:// became operational at 6 pm, May 22. All together around 54,000 seats are up for grabs in 62 affiliated colleges and the registration process will continue till June 12. The first Cut-off list will be notified on June 20, though the closing date of admission is August 16. Classes will commence from July 20. Since last year, the admission process has been made completely online. As a centre of attraction among undergraduate students, colleges in Delhi are the offers courses in various are such as of humanities, sciences, commerce, business, engineering, medical, computers, IT, Biotechnology, mathematics, physics, English, social sciences and whole range of other study disciplines.

admission Web Portal URL: http:// to register themselves. According to a DU notification, the Portal is responsive (mobile/tab friendly). From there, the applicants will be guided to open a new account which is to be kept handy for all the future correspondence/ reference regarding admission process. Aspirants can apply also for multiple programmes/courses by choosing all the programmes/courses in which they wish to apply through a single online registration form. By filling the single online registration form they are eligible for admission to different colleges of the University of Delhi, provided they meet the specific cut-off in a particular college. After the payment of the online registration fee, the applicant can update information (except Name, email, gender, sports and ECA choices) already submitted till the last date of registration.

knowledgement slip. Go to the college you applied for along with the acknowledgement slip and relevant documents like Board certificates etc. The admission will be done within three days of the cutoff declaration. Once verification process is done in the relevant colleges, the student will receive admission slip signed by the college principal. An online payment link will be generated and the student has to submit the college fee through within 48 hours. Once the fee is submitted, a new acknowledgement slip will be generated and the admission of the candidate in the college will be confirmed.

The last date for registration is June 12.

eligibility criteria: Taking admission into Colleges in Delhi requires minimum 12 years of successful school education or Class XII passed. Students awaiting their Class XII result are also eligible for application. Student completing Class XII from NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) can get also get admission in regular college in a particular programme/course if one meets the cut-off criteria. Admission, unless entrance-based, is solely base one’s score in Class XII exam and student just has to meet the cut-off percentage provided by respective colleges. The Cut-off lists are usually announced 6-8 times. How to apply: Applicants seeking admission to UG merit based programmes/ courses must register on a centralized


cut-off list and Final admission: The University will release the first cut-off list on June 20. As of now, the University has announced six cut-off dates have with July 18 as last one. However, further cutoff lists may be announced depending on vacant seats in colleges. Last year, there were 8th Cut-Off list. Therefore, don’t lost hope if you don’t make in list initially. The cut-off list is decided by the college depending on the number of seats as well as applicants. Typically, for general candidates, it hovers above 90% for popular course reputed colleges till the 2nd -3rd cut-off list. For reserve category like ST/SC, a percentage above 85 is considered safe to make the cut in first three cut-off list. However, it comes down to 6070 in some colleges as the admission process continues. If the eligibility criteria are fulfilled, students have to login through their registered ID and select the colleges in which they wish to get admission. Remember to take a printout of the ac-

Visit for details (Morung Express Feature)

When and how to apply at St. Stephens College and JMC


t. Stephens College and Jesus & Mary College (JMC) are two prestigious colleges under DU conduct separate application process. JMC is exclusively for girls. Aspirants seeking admission to these colleges have to fill a separate form which is available on their official websites of these colleges. However, it is also mandatory for the students to register should themselves in the common DU admission portal as well. The application process in the two colleges will also end on June 12, reported NDTV. As both the colleges, known for their academic excellence, are Christian minority colleges, percent of their seats for the Christian minority students. These colleges have separate marks criteria for giving admission to Christian students and others. In additions, there are additional reservations 17 for SC/ST candidates, 3 per cent for PwD candidates. After the application, applicants are shortlisted applicants for an aptitude test and interview.

Know your English Weekly InternshIp lIst Human resources Stipend – Rs. 3,000-8,000/Month Tip one’s hand 1.(Hr) at OYO rooms Link –


his idiom has been part of the English language for several hundred years, and it is mostly used in informal contexts to mean to reveal one’s secret. When you tip your hand, you unintentionally reveal what you are planning to do; you blurt out your secret. The expression comes from the world of cards. When you play cards, you try to ensure that the other players do not see what cards you are holding. If you accidentally tip your hand, you let everyone know what you have — your secret is out. Kevi is being extra cautious. He hasn’t tipped his hand about where he is headed next. Let’s continue to keep the others guessing. Let’s not tip our hand.

Location –Kolkata, Bidhannagar Stipend – Rs. 5,000/Month Link – Deadline – 3rd June 2017

Deadline – 2nd June2017

5. Graphic Design at Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 3,000/Month 2. Business Development at roving Link – Solutions Deadline – 31st May 2017 Location – Guwahati, Shillong, Dar6. Online research at GoViral jeerling, Gangtok Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 5,000-10,000/month Stipend – Rs. 8,000-14,000/Month Link – Link – Deadline – 27th May 2017 Deadline – 4th June 2017 3. Sales at arthur’s Food company Location – Siliguri, Kolkata, Guwahati Courtesy & Disclaimer: Internshala ( – World’s largest Stipend – Rs. 10,000-12,000/Month internship platform. The Morung LearnLink – ing will be carrying content from internDeadline – 3rd June 2017 shala every week. All content are those 4. web Development at Flairtales Location – Work from Home

of Internshala. The Morung Express is not responsible or liable for any content in this article.

Road Rage & Road Woes

Quiz #61

1. anshu Jamsenpa, who become the world’s first woman to scale Mt everest twice within 5 days, hails from a) Mizoram b) Manipur c) Assam d) Arunachal Pradesh


Frustration hits a high when driving along the roughshod roads in Nagaland. Add to that the nonadherence to road rules and driving irresponsibly, and it turns to frustrated rage. It’s time we learnt how to follow basic rules and practices such as using signals while entering or exiting the highways, avoiding rash overtaking, creating double lanes, driving sober without the influence of alcohol or other abusive substances. Learning to drive is one thing but being civilized drivers is another.



agas are so modernised, and you people have the latest of everything. It must also be very exciting to enjoy the bumpy rollercoaster ride in those fancy cars, no?” said my friend sarcastically, who had come to visit Nagaland for the first time. I was at a loss for words and a little embarrassed too. She was referring to the long stretch of bumpy roads, which of course is not a new thing for us. Much has been discussed on the sorry state of roads in Nagaland and maybe it is making the government and the concerned authorities take notice in some way...or maybe not! Another concern besides the bad roads is rash driving and driving under the influence (DUI) which is becoming more common, especially among the younger generation. Drunk driving and driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal offence in India under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicle Act. In 2016, the Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi, gave its approval for the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill, where the penalty for

- tatongkala ao, HoD, History drunk driving was increased from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 10,000. That is a good start I believe, but the question remains: is it really effective in a state like Nagaland? There are cases of when a driver under the influence of alcohol is caught after causing damage and is taken to the police station, but instead of following the rules strictly, the culprit is let off lightly because the matters are settled amicably between the vehicle owners. It is sad because it only portrays the weakness of the police force. Strict measures must be taken so that it will set an example thereby making citizens to be more conscious about driving under influence. If we look at the latest report of National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) released in December 2016, Nagaland had the second highest percentage increase, 49.2%, in total accidental deaths in 2015 as compared to 2014. In a state like Nagaland which is legally a dry state, the cases for drunk driving must be zero, but according to the 2015 statistics, there were only 4 reported cases of drunk driving. Owning a car has become a necessity these days; however, the problem arises when we

shy away from being responsible while being seated behind the wheel. A good driver is not someone who can drive the fastest but someone who understands the rules of driving on the road. The Nagaland Road Safety Act 2013 is already put in place and though the Nagaland Road Safety Authority Committee has been formed, there are many instances of road accidents on the news. Of course, the accident rate in Nagaland is neither high nor alarming as compared to the rest of the country; nonetheless, we do have serious accidents every now and then, with images of such tragedies going viral on WhatsApp. Many school-going students are seen driving cars, and this makes me wonder if these juveniles even have a valid driving licence. And when youngsters violate traffic rules and cause accidents, the guardians or the parents are equally to be blamed. Underage driving should not be encouraged. Young drivers account for many cases of road accidents. This is because they are, most of the time carried away by the idea of ‘the fast and the furious’. Driving has its own share of responsibilities which we

continue to ignore. Perhaps, having poor road conditions in Nagaland is a blessing in disguise for us. Otherwise, one cannot imagine the speed with which the cars will be plying on the road. This includes not only four-wheelers but even bikes. In our state, the roads are very narrow and therefore we need to be more careful. However, we behave as if the rules are non-existent. Overtaking is a major concern in our roads today. Everybody is rushing to reach their destination and it doesn’t matter if that happens at the expense of causing harm to the other. Such is the attitude most of us have while on the road. We talk so much about being decent with regard to our dressing sense, our moral behaviour, and so on. So, how about we talk about being decent while driving? From my personal observation, most of the people do not have the decency to drive. For instance, the use of high beam lights while driving at night. One must understand that the glare distracts the driver’s coming in from the opposite direction and this could sometimes lead to accidents. Hundreds of lives are lost every year in road accidents

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

and in most cases, it could have been avoided. While the state government is taking a pledge to promote road safety, cases of road accidents due to rash driving are rapidly increasing. Just recently on 30th of April 2017, we saw the news on the local dailies about the hit- and- run case where three people were killed when a vehicle rammed into a twowheeler. In September 2016, a minor girl aged 9 was killed in a hit-and-run case. These are just two instances but there are still many cases which have been registered. And most of these accidents happen due to over speeding and careless driving. It is high time that we inject the fear of law among drivers who put the lives of pedestrians and other drivers in danger due to their reckless driving. Learning to drive is one thing but let us learn to become civilized drivers first. Degree of Thought is a weekly community column initiated by Tetso College in partnership with The Morung Express. Degree of Thought will delve into the social, cultural, political and educational issues around us. The views expressed here do not reflect the opinion of the institution. Tetso College is a NAAC Accredited UGC recognised Commerce and Arts College. The editors are Dr. Hewasa Lorin, Anjan Behera, Dr. Salikyu Sangtam, Nivibo Yiki, and Kvulo Lorin. For feedback or comments please email:


wednesdAY 24•05•2017



Amnesty frowns upon award to Major in 'human shield' incident

Srinagar, May 23 (ianS): Rights watchdog Amnesty International said on Tuesday awarding a soldier who tied a Kashmiri man to jeep shows disdain for human rights. In a statement Amnesty International India Executive Director Aakar Patel said: "The Indian Army's decision to present an award to a soldier suspected of having a man tied to a moving military jeep in Jammu and Kashmir last month gives the impression that it condones human rights abuses." "Rewarding an officer who is under investigation for a human rights violation suggests that the Army seems to be willing to not just overlook, but actually valorise an act of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment amounting to torture." According to media reports, an Army Major has been awarded the Army chief's Commendation Card for "sustained efforts in counter-insurgency operations". The officer is suspected of having ordered 24-year-old Farooq Ahmad Dhar to be tied to a jeep, had a sign reading "I am a stone pelter" pasted to his chest, and driven around for over five hours on April 9 in Budgam district. Some Army officials have claimed that Farooq Dar was used as a "human shield" to deter people from throwing stones at their convoy. However, in a video of the incident uploaded online on April 14, a voice over a loudspeaker can be heard saying, "This will be the fate of people who throw stones." According to media reports, an Army spokesperson on May 22 said that the commendation was given to the Major for "sustained efforts", but he refused to confirm if it was linked to the April 9 incident. The Army had ordered a military investigation into the incident. However, it was unclear if the investigation has been completed. The state police also are conducting a criminal investigation into the incident. Speaking to Amnesty International India, Farooq Ahmad Dhar said: "I want justice. I want the army men who used me as a human shield to be prosecuted. Neither the police nor the Army have approached to record my statement. I am not aware of the developments in the case other than what has been reported in the media."

I used human shield to save more lives: Major Gogoi

Major Nitin Leetul Gogoi, the Indian Army officer who used a Kashmiri man as human shield on his jeep to thwart a stone-pelting mob, on Tuesday said he did

that to "save more lives". "I did this (tie Farooq Dar on the bonnet of my jeep) to save more lives of the local people," the 53 Rashtriya Rifles Major told reporters, a day after he was given the Army Chief's Commendation Card for "sustained efforts" in counter insurgency operations. "If I had ordered firing then more casualties would have been there," Gogoi said, recalling the events of April 9 during the by-election in Srinagar. A video of Dar tied to an army jeep as human shield had gone viral on social media, and was widely condemned. Explaining the events of the polling day, Gogoi said, "I received a call from an ITBP (Indo-Tibetan Border Police) personnel that a crowd of 400-500 people had gathered outside the polling booth in Bandipora and were pelting stones and hurting the polling staff." "When we reached there in 30 minutes, me and my boys brought the situation under control, but then around 10.30 a.m. I again received a distress call that around 1,200 people were pelting stones and also hurling petrol bombs in Utligam," he said. "Without wasting time, we moved to Utligam which was 1.5 km from there," the Rashtriya Rifles officer said, adding that after reaching there they were unable to move out of their vehicles. Gogoi said he made repeated requests to the crowd, including women and children, to stop stone pelting but they didn't stop. "Then I noticed this man (Farooq Dar) just 30 meters away from my vehicle, he was the ring leader, and I asked my QRT (Quick Reaction Team) boys to get hold of him. After noticing my boys coming towards him he started running towards the crowd and took the bike to flee the spot," he said. Gogoi said that Dar was a resident of Kashmir's Budgam district. He said army personnel managed to capture Dar and took him inside the polling station. "But soon there was an announcement made from a mosque after which more people gathered outside the polling station and they even hurled petrol bombs at us," he said. "When we were unable to move out, I announced from my mega-mic to tie the captured man on the bonnet, after which the stone pelting stopped for sometime and we got time to come out and get into our vehicles," he said. The Jammu and Kashmir police, which has lodged an FIR against Gogoi, said that investigations will continue.

Indian Army strikes back destroys Pakistani posts along LoC

JaMMu, May 23 (PTi): The Indian Army on Tuesday said it launched “punitive fire assaults” on Pakistani positions across the Line of Control, inflicting “some damage”, days after two of its troopers were beheaded. It also released a video of the military action which showed some structures in a forested area crumbling in a heap under the impact of repeated shelling. Though the Indian Army did not give much operational details of the retributive assault across the Line of Control against Pakistan Army positions in Nowshera sector of Jammu and Kashmir which were “aiding” infiltration, sources in the force said the strike was carried out on May 9, nine days after two Indian security personnel were beheaded. “A recent action by our troops in the Nowshera sector has caused some damage to the Pak Army posts, which are supporting infiltrations. This is part of our overall strategy to counter terrorism,” Additional Director General of Public Information Maj Gen A K Narula said. The government supported the army’s action, with Defence Minister Arun Jaitley saying it was to ensure peace in Jammu and Kashmir. “Government supports the actions of Indian Army across LoC. Such actions are needed to ensure peace in J&K,” Jaitley tweeted. “Indian Army is taking pre-emptive and measured actions to counter terrorism in valley and disengage Pak posts across LoC supporting infiltration,” he said.

Sources also said the strike was a message to Pakistan that the army will take stronger action with increased frequency against any infiltration attempts from across the border. The 22-second video showed concrete structures being reduced to rubble amid plumes of smoke and balls of fire. However, the area of the operation was not clearly identifiable in the clipping. “As part of our counterterrorism strategy and to ensure that infiltration is curbed and initiative remains with us, the Indian Army proactively dominates Line of Control.

“While doing so, locations aiding infiltration of terrorists are being targeted and destroyed to deny advantage to terrorists thus curbing infiltration attempts,” said Maj Gen Narula. There was no official word on the casualty on the Pakistani side. The army sources said rocket launchers, anti-tank guided missiles and automatic grenade launchers and recoilless guns were used in the strike. He said as part of the army’s counter-terrorism operations, “punitive fire assaults” across line of control are being undertaken. “Pak Army has been providing support to armed

infiltrators by engaging our forward troops from their weapon emplacements and pill-boxes closer to the Line of Control. At times they have not even hesitated to target villages in the proximity of Line of Control,” he said. Maj Gen Narula said infiltrations are likely to increase with melting of snow and opening of passes, and referred to the recent incident in Naugam where four terrorists were neutralised on May 20-21. “This calls for even more proactive counterterrorism operations. “We want peace and tranquillity in the state of J-K. For this purpose, it is

essential that the infiltrations along Line of Control are controlled which is essential to bring down the numbers of terrorists in J&K so that youths of J-K are not adversely influenced by terrorists,” he said. Meanwhile, the Pakistan Army dismissed as “false” India’s assertion that it decimated a Pakistan army post. “Indian claims of destroying Pakistani post along LoC in Nowshera sector and firing by Pakistan army on civilians across LoC are false,” InterServices Public Relations Director General Major General Asif Ghafoor said in a tweet.

Three years of Modi government Economic development linked with a disaster in all spheres: CPI internal security: NITI Aayog CEO

new Delhi, May 23 (ianS): The CPI on Tuesday dubbed the three years of the Narendra Modi government as "disaster in all spheres", terming the regime a representation of corporate capital and the worst right-wing ideology. "The Narendra Modi government that represents the interests of corporate capital, worst right wing ideology and brutal communal and casteist forces, completed three years of its existence. "Three years of this government proved to be three years of disaster in all spheres of life," the Communist Party of India (CPI) said in a statement. "This government has shamelessly pushed through its agenda of economic neo-liberalism, hastening the process of communal and caste po-

larisation for narrow electoral gains and missed no opportunity to denigrate the established secular democratic norms. It even tried to subvert the Constitution of India and its basic ethos," it said. The CPI also accused the BJP led dispensation of showering sops to corporate houses of nearly Rs 50 lakh crores. "The corporates have been favoured with different financial moves that benefited them with about Rs 50 lakh crores. In the garb of promoting 'Make in India", all sorts of concessions have been given to foreign investors as well," the party said. It said the economy was on decline with the industrial, service and other sectors in "shambles". "The most disastrous move was demonetisation of the currency. Banks con-

tinue to be on the verge of bankruptcy. "Agriculture continues to be in the grip of worst crisis. Farmers continue to commit suicide. As for common people, they are really in distress. Prices of essential commodities are continuously rising, and essential services like education and public health are out of their reach," the party said. The CPI also claimed that educational institutions were being targeted for ideological reasons and syllabus being distorted. "There is attempt on re-writing the history and other sections of syllabus from the anti-national and unconstitutional angle of RSS, the chief patron of Modi government. "The RSS has taken over directly the reins of the regime. Attacks are being al-

lowed on minorities, Dalits and other weaker sections of the society in different garb," it said. The CPI also accused the government of having no regard for constitution and democratic norms. "It is destroying parliamentary democracy to promote its fascistic and authoritarian agenda," it said and blamed the government policies for the deteriorating situation in Kashmir. "In totality, the completion of three years of the Modi regime has made it necessary for all those who cherish secular democracy, self-reliant economic development and the parliamentary democratic setup to unite urgently to resist the fascistic onslaught and restrain the present regime from further damaging the country," the party added.

new Delhi, May 23 (ianS): NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant on Tuesday stressed the need to focus on economic development as well as internal security for the country's growth, saying both are closely linked with each other. "Economic development is closely linked with internal security. Actually they have a symbiotic relationship. You can't have economic development without internal security and you can't have internal security without economic development," Kant said while inaugurating the first National Conference of Micro Missions of National Police Mission. The two-day event was organised by the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D). Kant, a 1980 batch Indian Administrative Service officer of Kerala cadre, said

if police does not act as major agent in social change, it will be very difficult for India to rapidly grow. "We need to completely take a fresh look. My belief is that it will be very difficult for India to rapidly grow unless and until police does not act as a major agent of social change." "My belief is also that since police has very large presence on the ground, it can provide very valuable feedback to the states and the government in the functioning of many of the schemes in a very effective manner," Kant said. He said security scenario was rather tough once in India but among all those challenges he saw a great opportunity as well. "With every passing year, India has emerged stronger." Kant said that upgradation of internal security needs improvement in policing and it is not depend-

able on central money assistance. "Money is not the real limiting factor to delay improvement in policing, there are other issues." "There is need to strengthen police stations... The improvement of police stations in one hand will improve the prevention and detection of crime and other hand improve citizens' interface with the police and it will improve internal security," Kant said. "The second is to improve citizen policing. People want quick resolution to their problem. From the other prospective the people are a great resource to police because of willingness of helping the police." "The third," he said, "is an issue of court cases. Around three crore case are pending in various courts in India. According to one analysis, if the nation's judges close to 100 cases every hour without

eating or sleeping, it will take 35 years to catch up. Therefore we need to improve the judicial system." The event covered sessions on the eight micro missions working under the BPR&D on issues including proactive policing and visualizing future challenges -- extremism and Maoism, mob violence, cyber crime, money laundering, narco terrorism, human trafficking and others. Special Secretary (IS) Home Ministry Rina Mitram, BPR&D Director Meeran C. Borwankar, Director General of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) R.R. Bhatnagar, and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) chief Krishna Chaudhary were present on the occasion. Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi will be the chief guest during the valedictory session on May 24.

I am a "son of India", says Dalai Lama HC notice to Arvind Kejriwal on Bengaluru, May 23 (PTi): Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama today described himself as a "son of India" and the country a 'guru' for his people who are its 'chelas' (disciples). The 81-year-old Nobel Laureate, whose visit to Arunachal Pradesh last month had angered China, also called himself the messenger of ancient Indian values and knowledge. The Dalai Lama was speaking at the statelevel seminar on 'Social Justice and Dr B R Ambedkar' where he said deprivation from social justice in the name of caste was not from religion, but was due to feudal systems that existed in our societies. "India is a guru and we are chelas (disciples), we are reliable chelas, because we have preserved your ancient knowledge. "I also consider myself as the son of India as every part of my brain cells are filled with ancient Indian knowledge and my body is because of Indian rice and dal," he said. The religious leader has been in India since 1959. He crossed the border into India after an epic 15-day journey on foot from the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, over the Himalayan mountains. The Dalai Lama said even in the name of religion and religious systems, there were some feudal practices and "it should not be there." Stating that through education caste-related injustice could be wiped out, the Dalai Lama underlined the need for eliminating the feeling of inferiority in certain sections of the people. " that there is a sense of equality, so that

they can build self-confidence. Through selfconfidence, hard work and education one can achieve equality," he said. On ancient Indian values and knowledge, the Dalai Lama said it must be revived in the country, as "it is not ancient, but most relevant." He said ancient Indian knowledge and values along with modern technology can do great

for the country as one can attain mental comfort with ancient knowledge and physical comfort through modern knowledge. "...ancient knowledge and values side-byside with modern science is worthy for the society," he said. Noting that everybody wants to be happy and have that right, he said, "if we consider rest of the humanity as brothers and sisters, there is no chance for exploitation. "Buddha dharma is Indian dharma as most of its teachings and knowledge came from the country," he said, adding that ancient Indian values like karuna and ahimsa had reached millions of people across the world with the spread of Buddhism. He also pointed out out that like in many other religions, Buddhism had also different philosophies originating from different schools of thought. "We need different philosophical views. Wonderful people with great teachings have come form from diverse faith and philosophical backgrounds, but with a common message of love and compassion, as also good 'karma'. "Any activity which brings happiness is a positive karma and what makes uncomfortable is negative karma," he added. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and leader of Congress party in Lok Sabha Mallikarjuna Kharge participated in the seminar organised by the Social Justice Department of Karnataka government to commemorate Ambedkar's 125th birth anniversary.

Jaitley's fresh defamation suit

new Delhi, May 23 (ianS): The Delhi High Court on Tuesday issued notice to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a fresh Rs 10 crore defamation suit filed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley over his lawyer Ram Jethmalani using the word "crook". Joint Registrar Pankaj Gupta issued the notice to Kejriwal and posted the matter for July 26. Jaitley, in the second civil defamation suit against Kejriwal, claimed the objectionable words caused him "permanent harm and disrepute". This is a separate case from the ongoing Rs 10 crore Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) defamation suit against Kejriwal and five other Aam Aadmi Party leaders that Jaitley filed in 2015. On May 17, Jaitley and senior advocate Jethmalani clashed in the court with the Union Minister taking strong objection to the word "crook" that Jethmalani used while cross-examining the Minister. During the cross-examination conducted on behalf of Kejriwal, Jethmalani subjected Jaitley to "numerous questions, terminologies, statements that are exfacie abusive, malicious, offensive, irrelevant and slanderous", the Union Minister said in his new plea. Senior advocate Jethmalani had said: "I intend to show that this man (Jaitley) is a crook." It prompted strong objection from the Minister, who

furiously asked Jethmalani whether the word "crook" was used by him in his personal capacity or as per the instruction of Kejriwal. Jethmalani had said that it was used by him on instructions from his client; Jaitley then threatened to seek higher damages. "I will aggravate the charges against the defendants (Kejriwal)... There is a limit to personal malice," Jaitley had said. Jaitley's counsel had also objected to Jethmalani referring to the Minister as being "guilty of crime and crookery". The advocate-onrecord for Kejriwal though submitted that Jethmalani had no instructions from the client to use the word. But the fresh defamation suit said: "Jethmalani categorically stated that he used the word 'crook' on the instructions from his client (Kejriwal herein)." "He further categorically stated that he has received this instruction in his meeting with Kejriwal, and further stated that this meeting was held in absence of the advocate-on-record representing Kejriwal in the said prior suit," the suit said. It also added that "clearly, Kejriwal has brazenly and with a malafide intent to cause further prejudice, damage and loss to the name, reputation and credibility of Jaitley has deliberately used the terminology..."

wednesdAY 24•05•2017



Manchester attack prompts security rethinks worldwide


Myanmar army rejects UN findings of abuses in Rohingya crackdown

YANGON, MAY 23 (REuTERS): Myanmar’s army on Tuesday rejected allegations of human rights abuses during its crackdown on Rohingya Muslim last year, made by the United Nations in a report on the offensive that forced some 75,000 Rohingya to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh. ROME, MAY 23 (IANS/AKI): Sup- bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena The crackdown, in response to attacks by Rohingya porters of the Islamic State jihadist group at 10.35 p.m. local time after a concert by insurgents on border guard posts on Oct. 9, poses the bighave been using social media to praise US singer Ariana Grande, police said. gest challenge yet to Myanmar’s leader and Nobel laureIS supporters hailed the bombing as ate Aung San Suu Kyi, who took power more than a year the deadly suicide blast at the Manchester Arena on Monday, the US-based a victory against “the crusaders” of the ago. terrorism-tracking website SITE Intelli- West. In one video posted to Youtube a Myanmar’s security forces committed mass killings supporter of the group held up homegence said. and gang rapes of Rohingya in a campaign that “very like“No claim regarding blast in #Man- made sign with the word “Manchester” ly” amounted to crimes against humanity and possibly chester, but #ISIS accounts celebrating the and the date of the attack, with Arabic ethnic cleansing, the Office of the High Commissioner attack, disseminating media & threats,” words ‘”Allah Akbar” (God is great) writfor Human Rights (OHCHR) said in a report published ten beneath. tweeted SITE’s director Rita Katz. “This is only the beginning. The lions in February. “Pro-#ISIS forum users call #Man“Out of 18 accusations included in OHCHR’s report, chester attack ‘a successful and surpris- of Islamic State of Iraq and Sham are be12 were found to be incorrect, with the remaining six ing blow,’ to #Britain, frame attack as ginning to attack all the crusaders,” the found to be false and fabricated, based on lies and inretaliation for airstrikes,” Katz said in a masked man said in the short video, vented statements, ” the state-run Global New Light of speaking in English. further tweet. IS celebrations of the Manchester at- Myanmar newspaper said in an article on Tuesday that Pro-IS accounts have recently urged supporters to ‘hunt your prey’ in Britain, tack on social media were a “strong in- summed up the internal military inquiry. It said military investigators, among others, interproviding information on community dicator” that it may be linked to the exviewed nearly 3,000 villagers from 29 villages and “wrote centres, tourist areas and government tremist group, according to US-based down” testimony from 408 villagers, 184 military officers terrorism analyst Michael S. Smith II. buildings, according to Katz. “Growing celebrations of situation in and troops.Three low-ranking soldiers were jailed for miKatz said IS supporter have also used the encrypted Telegram messaging ser- #Manchester on key IS-linked Telegram nor offences, such as stealing a motorbike or beating up vice to re-circulate videos threatening channels. Strong indicator of IS linkage,” villagers in one incident, it added. Apart from the completed military inquiry, a national Britain and the West, since the Manches- Smith tweeted. panel set up by Suu Kyi in December and chaired by vice The Manchester attack has drawn ter attack late on Monday. Armed police officers stand next to a police cordon outside the Manchester Arena, At least 22 people died and around 60 condemnation from western and Mus- president Myint Swe, a former head of military intelliwhere U.S. singer Ariana Grande had been performing, in Manchester, northern Enggence, is also looking into the allegations. were injured when a lone male detonated a lim leaders alike. land, Britain on May 23. (REUTERS Photo) Besides the latter investigation, the ministry of home affairs, which is controlled by the army, is also carrying many armed guards we need. So Besides baggage inspection, “While the threat level in Vic- out an inquiry. Separately, the U.N. has ordered a factTOKYO/SINGAPORE, MAY security at public events. Japan said it had started gath- we work closely with them.” there will be metal detectors, it toria remains unchanged, and finding mission to examine allegations of human rights 23 (REuTERS): Countries from Singapore, which hosts a se- said in a statement, adding it was there is no known threat to the abuses. the United States to Japan and ering information. “We have Singapore are considering tight- strengthened our position by es- curity summit between June 2-4 also planning to introduce search MCG, we continue to receive advice from relevant authorities ening security ahead of major tablishing an information-gath- bringing together Asia-Pacif- dogs for any suspicious items. Hong Kong is already on high and together review our security theatre and sports events follow- ering unit dedicated to interna- ic defence and military chiefs, ing a suicide bomb attack in Brit- tional terrorism,” Chief Cabinet made amendments to the Public alert ahead of an expected visit processes accordingly,” the club’s by Chinese President Xi Jinping spokesman said, referring to the ain that killed at least 22 people. Secretary Yoshihide Suga told re- Order Act last month. It requires event organisers to to mark the 20th anniversary of state of which Melbourne is the Britain was on its second-high- porters. In Singapore, the organest alert level of “severe”, meaning iser of Britney Spears’ concerts in notify the police a month before- the city’s handover to Beijing on capital. SM investments Corp, whose BANGKOK, MAY 23 (REuTERS): Thailand’s foreign an attack by militants is consid- June said they were considering hand if they expect more than July 1 when the former British 5,000 people to attend. And po- colony’s new leader will also be Mall of Asia Arena in the Phil- ministry on Tuesday reassured the international communiered highly likely, after the suicide new measures. “We are definitely looking lice may refuse to allow a public sworn in. ippine capital will host Ariana ty that the country would increase security at sensitive locabomb blast at the end of a concert The Melbourne Cricket Grande in August, said it would tions a day after a bomb exploded at a hospital in the capital by U.S. singer Ariana Grande in at tightening security,” Yogesh gathering if it has a direct political Mehta, project manager at IME end or involves foreigners. Ground, Australia’s biggest sports take all precautions. Manchester on Monday. Bangkok wounding 24 people. Thailand has been ruled by a Hong Kong’s AsiaWorld Expo, arena, said it was reviewing pro“Our security is always junta since a May 2014 coup. The attack on Monday coincidThe U.S. Department of Entertainment Group, said. “All our events are licensed by where Ariana Grande is due to cedures. Prime Minister Mal- stepped up especially for big ed with the third anniversary of the takeover and the army Homeland Security said it was closely monitoring the situation the police. It is normally advised hold a concert in September, said colm Turnbull said the govern- crowds like this,” said SM invest- has blamed the incident on groups opposed to military rule. in Manchester and that the U.S. by the licensing department on it would enhance security mea- ment was working closely with ment relations chief Corazon No group has claimed responsibility for the attack Guidote. public may experience increased what precautions to take, how sures for all concerts and events. other countries on strategy. which happened at the military-owned Phramongkutklao Hospital. “Bombs will have an impact anywhere,” Thailand’s Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai told reporters on Tuesday. “Any action at a hospital violates human rights … I would like the foreigners to know that security forces are looking after this,” he said. BERLIN, MAY 23 (PTI): Humans now that the lineages diverged five to belong to the pre-human lineage. “We didn’t want this to happen. If we can catch those “We were surprised by our results, behind this even better,” he added. One of the most popumay have originated in Europe - and not seven million years ago and that the first JERuSALEM, MAY 23 (AP): President Donald in Africa - much earlier than previously pre-humans developed in Africa. as pre-humans were previously known lar holiday destinations in Southeast Asia, Thailand atTrump on Tuesday pushed for elusive peace be- thought, according to the study of a 7.2 According to the 1994 theory of only from sub-Saharan Africa,” said Jo- tracted 32.6 million visitors last year, a rise of nearly 9 pertween Israel and the Palestinians, calling on both million-year-old pre-human fossil that French researcher Yves Coppens, cli- chen Fuss, a PhD student at University cent from the previous year. The country’s beaches and sides to put aside the “pain and disagreements of could potentially rewrite the history of mate change in Eastern Africa could of Tubingen. city destinations continue to lure travelers with Chinese the past.” have played a crucial role. Graecopithecus is several hundred making up the largest group of tourists. evolution. Trump met with both Israeli Prime Minister The new research now outlines a thousand years older than the oldest According to an international reBut Thailand has been rocked by attacks, including a Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority search team, the common lineage of new scenario for the beginning of hu- potential pre-human from Africa, the series of explosions last year at popular beach locations, President Mahmoud Abbas during his quick stop great apes and humans split several man history. six to seven million year old Sahelan- which cast a shadow over Thailand’s safety credentials. in the region. Speaking at the Israel Museum, he hundred thousand years earlier than The team analysed the two known thropus from Chad. The beach attacks killed four people and wounded dozdeclared both sides ready to move forward, though assumed. specimens of the fossil hominid GraeThe research team dated the sedi- ens, a day after Thais voted overwhelmingly to accept a there were no tangible signs of the dormant peace The researchers, led by Madelaine copithecus freybergi - a lower jaw from mentary sequence of the Graecopithe- military-backed constitution that critics said would only process being revived. Bohme from the University of Tubingen Greece and an upper premolar from cus fossil sites in Greece and Bulgaria serve to entrench military power. “Palestinians are ready to reach for peace,” in Germany and Nikolai Spassov from Bulgaria. with physical methods and got a nearly Thailand’s military seized power on May 22, 2014 to Trump said. Turning to the prime minister, who the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Using computer tomography, they synchronous age for both fossils - 7.24 end months of street action aimed at overthrowing a popjoined him for the speech, Trump said, “Benjamin studied two fossils of Graecopithecus visualised the internal structures of the and 7.175 million years before present. Netanyahu wants peace.” “It is at the beginning of the Messin- ulist movement that had won several national elections freybergi with state-of-the-art methods fossils and demonstrated that the roots The president notably avoided all of the thorny and came to the conclusion that they of premolars are widely fused. ian, an age that ends with the complete since 2001. The coup was the 12th military takeover since issues that have stymied peace efforts for decades. belong to pre-humans. “While great apes typically have two desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea,” 1932 when Thailand saw the end of an absolute monarchy. Junta spokesman Winthai Suvaree said security would be He did not way in Israeli settlements, the status of The findings, published in the jour- or three separate and diverging roots, Bohme said. Jerusalem or even whether the U.S. would contin- nal PLOS ONE, further indicate that the the roots of Graecopithecus converge “This dating allows us to move the increased following Monday’s attack. “Any security measures ue to insist on a two-state solution giving the Pal- split of the human lineage occurred in and are partially fused - a feature that human-chimpanzee split into the Med- that are not working will need to change,” junta spokesman estinians sovereign territory. the Eastern Mediterranean and not - as is characteristic of modern humans, iterranean area,” said Professor David Winthai told reporters at Bangkok’s Government House. On May 15, a small bomb went off near the National Theatre in early humans and several pre-humans Begun, a University of Toronto. Still, Trump was enthusiastically received by customarily assumed - in Africa. Researchers demonstrated that the Bangkok’s old quarter, wounding two people. It was not clear Present-day chimpanzees are hu- including Ardipithecus and AustraloNetanyahu, who leapt to his feet when the presiNorth African Sahara desert originat- who was behind the bomb. An explosion outside a former dent declared that his administration “will always mans nearest living relatives. Where pithecus,” said Bohme. The lower jaw, nicknamed El Grae- ed more than 7 million years ago. The government lottery office on April 5 wounded two others. stand with Israel.” Netanyahu had a frosty relation- the last chimp-human common ancesco by the scientists, has additional den- team concluded this based on geologi- Army chief Chalermchai Sitthisat said on Monday that he betor lived is a central and highly debated ship with former U.S. President Barack Obama, but tal root features, suggesting that the cal analyses of the sediments in which lieved the two attacks were linked to the hospital attack, addhas lavished praise on Trump throughout his visit. issue. ing that the materials used to make the bombs were the same. Researchers have assumed up to species Graecopithecus freybergi might the two fossils were found.

IS supporters exalt Manchester bombing

Thailand reassures foreigners following Bangkok explosion

Trump pushes for Mideast peace, but avoids thorny details

Humans originated in Europe, not Africa: study

Corruption trial begins for ex-South Korean President Park SEOuL, MAY 23 (AP): Former President Park Geun-hye stared straight ahead and denied that she engaged in bribery and leaking government secrets at Tuesday’s start of the criminal trial that could send South Korea’s first female leader to prison for life if she is convicted. Police escorted Park, in handcuffs with her eyes downcast, into court for her first public appearance since she was jailed on March 31 based on the corruption allegations that also led to her removal from office. Cameras flashed as Park emerged from a bus, her inmate number 503 attached to her dark-colored jacket, and walked into the Seoul Central District Court. Her hands were then un-cuffed, and she entered the courtroom and sat before a three-judge panel while a throng of journalists captured images, often in extreme close up, of her somber face. When Judge Kim Se-yun asked Park, “What is your occupation?” she replied: “I don’t have any occupation.” Her longtime confidante and alleged co-conspirator, Choi Soon-sil, sat near Park. The two women had been

friends for four decades but did not acknowledge each other. Choi sobbed as she answered questions about her address and occupation. But Park stared straight ahead as prosecutors read out the charges. “The accused Park Geunhye, in collusion with her friend Choi Soon-sil, let Choi, who had no official position, intervene in state affairs ... and they abused power and pressured business companies to offer bribes, thus taking private gains,” said senior prosecutor Lee Won-seok. Park’s lawyer, Yoo Youngha, denied any wrongdoing. Asked whether she had anything to add, Park said in a calm, measured voice: “I will say afterward.” The judge also directly asked Park whether she denies all charges. “Yes,” Park replied, “I have the same position as the lawyers.” Choi, according to local media, said in court: “I am a sinner for forcing former President Park, who I have known and watched for 40 years, to appear in a courtroom.” She also said, “I hope this trial truly frees former President Park of fault and lets her be remembered as a presi-

dent who lived a life devoted to her country.” Kim, the judge, said the court decided to combine Park’s and Choi’s cases and that it will reach a “fair decision in accordance with the constitution and laws.” Park’s lawyers had demanded the cases to be split, saying that the combined hearings could create bias. The next hearing was set for Thursday. After the end of Tuesday’s hearing, Park, back in handcuffs, didn’t speak to reporters before being escorted into the bus that was to drive her back to the detention center near Seoul where she is being held. Prosecutors boast of having “overflowing” evidence proving her involvement in criminal activities. They say Park colluded with Choi to take about $26 million in bribes from Samsung and was promised tens of millions of dollars more from Samsung and other large companies. Park also allegedly allowed her friend to manipulate state affairs from the shadows. A spokesman from the presidential Blue House said the office has no official statement to make on Park’s trial. New liberal President Moon Jae-in took of-

Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye, center, arrives at a court in Seoul, South Korea on May 23 for the beginning of her corruption trial. (AP Photo)

fice this month after winning a special election to replace Park. The scandal has led to the indictments of dozens of people, including former Cabinet ministers, senior presidential

aides and billionaire Samsung scion Lee Jae-yong, who is accused of bribing Park and Choi in exchange for business favors. Lee faces a separate trial. Park has apologized for put-

ting trust in Choi but denied breaking any laws and accuses her opponents of framing her. Choi also denies wrongdoing. Park has spent the past weeks locked in a small cell

with a television, toilet, sink, table and mattress. She reportedly sees only a few visitors and her lawyers and mostly avoids television and newspapers. She avidly reads an English-Korean dictionary, according a report by a South Korean cable news channel, which cited an unnamed detention center source. Park, who won the 2012 presidential election over Moon by more than a million votes, enjoyed overwhelming support from conservatives who recalled her dictator father lifting the nation from poverty in the 1960-70s; critics recall his severe human rights abuses. As president, Park was criticized for what opponents saw as her imperial manner, her refusal to tolerate dissent, and her alleged mishandling of a 2014 ferry disaster that killed more than 300 people, mostly schoolchildren. The scandal involving Choi also destroyed Park’s carefully-crafted image as a selfless daughter of South Korea and inspired an angry public to push for her ouster and then elect Seoul’s first liberal government in a decade. Park’s trial is expected to take several months.


WednesdAY 24•05•2017



curry, durant shine as Warriors 16th Nagaland Chess Challenger underway sweep spurs to enter NbA Finals

Los AngeLes, MAy 23 (AFP): Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant led the way as the Golden State Warriors sealed a clean sweep of the San Antonio Spurs to reach their third consecutive NBA Finals berth on Monday. Curry scored 36 points and Durant weighed in with 29 as the Warriors powered to a 129-115 win to complete a 4-0 victory in the best-of-seven Western Conference finals series. It was the third consecutive series sweep of the 2017 postseason for the Warriors, who are now 12-0 in the playoffs heading into the finals. Durant, who attracted controversy after his blockbuster move from Oklahoma City Thunder last year to the Warriors, was delighted to be back in the NBA Finals once again. The 28-year-old forward, who also pulled down 12 rebounds and contributed four assists, admitted he and Curry had rediscovered their understanding following the mid-season injury that sidelined him for around 20 games. "Our chemistry is getting better and better and we're going to need it even more whoever we play in the finals," Durant told an interviewer. Curry meanwhile admitted he was relishing his partnership with Durant. "Things are flowing. It's a part of our identity to get that mojo going. I think

Golden State Warriors’ Kevin Durant, left, and Stephen Curry, right, stand on stage by the trophy after beating the San Antonio Spurs. (AP Photo)

we're prepared for pretty much anything. We're going to be confident and ready to go." Spurs fans meanwhile bade what looked like a farewell to 39-year-old Argentinian legend Manu

Ginobili, who was given a rousing ovation as he left the court. "He's somebody I grew up watching," Durant said. "An amazing competitor. I got nothing but love and respect for him."

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich meanwhile spoke admiringly of the Warriors. "They were fantastic. To all of them. From ownership, to the coaches, the players. They play a great brand of basketball. Hats off to them. Great job," said Popovich, who also saluted Ginobili in what might have been his final game. Popovich said Ginobili had been handed a starting berth "out of respect." "This is a hall of fame player who allowed me to play him off the bench for the last decade or something because it would make us a better team overall," Popovich said. "He's a big reason for our success. He deserved to have that night of respect so that he really feels that we appreciate everything he's done for us over the years. "If he decides he's going to play again that's up to him," said Popovich. "Manu is a grown man. He'll figure out what is best for him and his family." - Warriors dominate The depleted Spurs, missing the injured Kawhi Leonard and Tony Parker, were always chasing the game as the powerful Warriors offense dominated almost from first to last. The Warriors win keeps them on course for an unprecedented third consecutive NBA Finals meeting with the Cleveland Cavaliers, who lead their Eastern Conference finals series against Boston 2-1.

KohiMA, MAy 23 (Mexn): The 16th edition Nagaland Chess Challenger Tournament organised by Nagaland Chess Association (NCA) commenced at Red Cross Conference Hall here today. The NCA president K

Sekhamo said that 40 players from across the state and different schools are participating in the three day tournament. The tournament is being held under two categories including open category which has 25 players

and Under-17 category with 15 players mainly school children. Kedizhalhou Yano, aged 65, is the oldest challenger while Shekupu Awomi, aged 10, from Model Higher Seconday School is the youngest

challenger. The president also informed that the top 4 player among the open category will take part in the forthcoming National Open Chess championship, which is going to be held later this year.

9th Open Basketball Tourney gets underway today KohiMA, MAy 23 (Mexn): The much anticipated 9th Open Basketball Tournament (OBT) will commence of Wednesday, May 24 at Khouchiezie, Kohima Local Ground. 20 teams are taking part in the four-day tournament organized by the Nagaland Basketball Association (NBA) and Suncity Club Kohima, with 16 teams playing in the 1st round. The eight winning teams will join the other four in the 2nd round which will be play in league format with top four team (Group leaders) entering into semi-finals. The tournament opening ceremony will take place at 3:00 pm on May 24 and the organizers have requested all teams to report to the venue by 2:30 pm. Khekaho Assumi, Parliamentary Secretary, Youth Resources and Sports will be the chief guest. MLA & President, NBA, Zhaleo Rio will deliver the presidential address at 6:00 pm. On Tuesday, the NBA President also inspected the ongoing preparations at the Local Ground, Kohima. Official report states that the organizers reno-

MLA & President, NBA, Zhaleo Rio inspected the ongoing preparations at the Local Ground, Kohima on May 23. (DIPR Photo)

vated the basketball court at an estimated cost of Rs. 3 lakhs to hold the tournament. With a view to improve the standard of the game in the State, the tournament would also witness launching of the Nagaland basketball Referee's Association on the inaugural day. OBT theme song will be performed live by Table Three and Dexterains, while a special number will be presented by Rugks Ngouri. In order to create a platform for the youths, there would be street perfor-

mance in the form of streets performance. Pointing to the current weather situation, the organizers have informed that they reserve the right to change the match timings anytime without further any notice. Meanwhile, the organizers have cautioned that spectators under the influence of Alcohol /drugs will be evicted from the arena. It also informed that entry of vehicles will be from South Gate only with Car pass. On Friday there will be an exhibition match between the All Stars, while

veteran exhibition and a sub-junior exhibition match will be played before the grand final match on Saturday.

May 24 matches St. Joseph College, Jakhama vs S. Naga Trouncers @ 3:00 pm Team Orca vs Team Waxbill @ 4:00 pm Team Titans vs Team Highland Dazzlers @ 6:00 pm Team Buzzards vs team Skylark @ 7:30 pm Team Doberman vs Tiyi Hoopers @ 8:30 pm

public discourse


A concerned citizen


cademic session of the students studying in Governments schools is never complete without disruptions by strikes called by SSA/RMSA/HINDI teachers and ANSTA. Only Nagaland Government Higher Secondary Employee Association (NGHSSEA) is yet to open its account which was nipped from the bud by the Government through the show cause notice served to all the NGHSSEA members personally (to be replied personally) even before the historic strike began. NGHSSEA first ever shot misfired miserably. Education Department marred with water cannons, show cause notice, strikes by most respected teachers of different associations simply suggest that, ALL IS NOT WELL IN THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. The entire imbroglio is the creation of our ignorant and selfish politicians who has turned the entire teachers and students community into a sacrificial lamb for their political gain over the years. 1. Constant SSA/RMSA/ HINDI teachers agitation would have been avoided had the government of the day told them at the time of the appointment that their post are all co-terminus and keep them on a contract basis on a fixed pay instead of tricking the public into believing that the government is creating numerous jobs for the public. GovernGL Khing



t is so interesting to hear and read about some fear psychosis among Nagas with regard to the entry of political agendas of BJP in Nagaland. Many Nagas who claimed to be so Christianized fear that BJP would certainly destroy the spirit of Christian in Nagaland if voted to power. Such fear began to grow bigger when our neighbouring States were taken over by BJP Government. Many Christians sympathize with each other as though they are more Christians than others. We are used to speaking about the third person except ourselves. I would opine differently because the reason peo-

ment’s Nightmare will only begin when the centre government stops funding these flagship programmes. That will be a Doomsday. 2. Higher secondary section was introduced in schools without any additional infrastructure, adequate recruitment of PGTs, and without proper study of the local problems, feasibility and actual requirement and student enrollment thus creating innumerable hardships for both the students as well as the school authorities. Till date there are schools which are functioning without PGT in some department. Now who is responsible for the poor results. Unfortunately, our politicians have become so immune to the suffering of the commoners that nothing affects them as long as they get their pound of flesh. While there are 4 higher secondary schools in Kohima town, with some enrollment as low as 50 students in total why there is only 01 in Dimapur (Nagarjan) with total enrollment going up to more than 500 students and more denied due to lack of infrastructure and PGTs .Why can’t the government upgrade Burma Camp, Purana Bazaar and Diphuphar high schools into higher secondary for the sake of marginalized section of our society. 3. The recent demand of NGHSSEA for bifurcation seems to be justified looking at the way the department has been functioning FUNCTIONLESS. The motivation for any employee, be it government or a private sector,

to work harder and perform better are better pay and perk/privileges, timely increments, timely promotions, seniority list, etc. but when your profession becomes akin to walking in the minefiled, who survives? Who’s next? Total uncertainty. Then definitely revolt is bound to occur. I must say the NGHSSEA is as clueless as the department. It’s a sleeping giant not likely to wake up very soon. One definitely will want to know one’s seniority, timely incerements, promotions time zone and charter out the life plans accordingly. When the department fails you on all these fronts, what does it speak about the government/department? The department seems to have bitten more than it can chew by introducing higher secondary section. It is the prerogative of the government to delegate DDO to any Officer but under which department has it been withdrawn from HOD. If withdrawal of DDO power from 23 GHSS principal was a cost cutting exercise (I don’t see how) why only education dept? Why not in PWD, PHE depts. etc where the Executive Engineers can be a DDO for the entire districts and DC becomes DDO for all other smaller departments in the district. Remember the adage “With power comes responsibilities”. I doubt if the responsibilities will remain without power. The Department seems to be gravely concerned about money than the actual issues confronting them. The capability, efficiency and administrative acumen of the department is highly ques-

tionable. 4. As per the media report, the government plans to upgrade the existing 26 SDEO + 11 new SDEO + 11 assistant director all from secondary section to the rank of Deputy Director. By that logic the secondary second will have 48 deputy director rank officers in total with 37 of them as SDEO at the districts/subdivisions. 5. What one fails to understand is when the secondary cadres can become both SDEO and DEO, then why not vice versa for higher secondary cadres, this action of the government defies all logic and rationality, then why not the post of 11 DEO be reserved only for higher secondary cadres just as the way 48 SDEO is reserved only for the secondary section as higher secondary matters are all related to DEO only. 6. The department doesn’t seem to be on a clear state of mind to say that 40% of JEO/ AHM would be filled through examination from amongst senior GTs and graduate PTs and PGTs with 5 years of service. Please understand PGTs are young, fresh, and right out of the university, they are Class II gazetted officers qualified through NPSC... it’s HANDS DOWN WIN for the PGTs. It’s total injustice for senior GTs who have served the governments sincerely for so many years. And why add to the confusion by bringing in PGTs to secondary section? How many times will an employee of education department change their seniority in the course of their career? 7. The recent promotion table

published in the media by the department deserves the biggest laughter. Please understand that secondary and higher secondary cadres have different entry level. While the GTs enter their service as non-gazetted, the PGTs are class II gazatted officers recruited through NPSC so one cannot equate the two cadres under any circumstances. They have two different entry level, they both deserves equal opportunities and growth in service without one intruding into the area of another. The qualifying years set for the employees at all level of promotions is gross injustice and discriminatory. It should be vacancy plus seniority based. There are officers becoming ADC within 10 to 12 years of service and Executive Engineers within 15 years of service. The time bound method of promotion at all levels is unheard of except in INDIAN ARMY. How can one set 29 years service for both secondary and higher secondary cadres as qualifying years to become the Director when the entry level of the two cadres and rank at the time of the entry are different. The department has not done its research properly. What the government has done is simply an invitation of more court cases to its door steps. It’s high time the department start thinking from its head rather them from its Bank balance. If both EAC and SA have to become Deputy Commissioner at the same time, why study so hard to become EAC, study lesser, party harder and become SA as DC post is assured at the same

time as the one who start his career as an EAC. 8. There is an urgent requirement of cadre management in the education department to be implemented practically on ground not on paper only to be kept in cold storage. The government cannot keep on taking arbitrary decisions on service matters. The problems in the education departments definitely requires deeper and wider introspection and research vis-à-vis the central government guidelines and practice in other progressive states, short term measure like HPC reports are not an answer to departments like education which not only has one of the largest number of employees but have different cadres of employees so that justice is done to all primary, secondary and higher secondary cadres. At present, the government seems to be functioning on the method of trials and error which is costing the career of many senior officers dearly. For instance, a certain person was serving as a Head Master under one principal, within no time this HM became SDEO and later DEO while the principal remained stagnated at the rank of DDEO and started reporting to the officer who has served under him as HM. How does the department explain such promotion policy? Personally I feel the best solution will be to have two different directors for secondary and higher secondary section with principal director as HOD. That way 99% of the problems the department faces at this

Who said BJP is a threat to Nagaland? ple fear such agendas of BJP clearly shows some instability of one’s faith and its practice. Let us be politically ruled by BJP so as to test ourselves before God. Are we afraid to be Christians under BJP rule? Do we want to be Christians only in good times? As Christians, let us not always seek the path of happiness. Sometimes, we need to walk the journey of fire and thorns so that we could be purified from our artificial Christian life. I am sure there is no single Naga Christian who faced persecution or torture under the cruel hands of other religious groups in Nagaland. I have never faced such inci-

dents in my life (I only come across such incidents from some denominations in Nagaland. It can be called Christian vrs Christian). Absence of such experience can make us lukewarm and indifferent to our profession of faith. Let us allow ourselves to be trimmed or else we may grow as wild Christians. Nagaland has sufficient wild Christians; therefore, do not multiply the number with our solemn entry. Recently, NBCC has rightly marked the need “to safeguard the Christian faith.” It further speaks about its displeasure with regard to the suppression of faith and practice. Com-

ments of these types are easy because such incidents take place outside Nagaland. When other religious group persecutes Christians, we say it is injustice, it is against the law of India, and it is against secularism. But what about one denomination fighting against the other in Nagaland. Are we blind inside our own State and try to see only the outside life? There are numerous incidents where one denomination pulled and burned down the other Church. Furthermore, there are many villages even to this day where the right to religious freedom is curtailed. Where are the Holy Church

leaders during such ‘religious persecutions and misunderstandings’? Are they so ignorant about these facts because they think of God 24x7? We failed to be Christian inside Nagaland and blame those who are far away from us. (Many people wanted to be missionaries outside Nagaland whereas our land is soaked with violence and blood.) Likewise, NBCC has closed its holy eyes to the many realities of religious suppression in Nagaland. We need to heal our wounds before treating the sickness of others. I believe that such dreadful diseases be done away first so that we can

open the way to religious freedom and harmony as brothers and sisters. In other words, let us mean what we say and say what we mean. Keep aside the ‘trumpet culture’ and allow life to glow better. The ruling party of Nagaland is no less than BJP when it comes to corruption and numerous hidden agendas. And the Church also contributes its big share for the same cause using different routes under the guise of religion. Yet, we try to blame the external force without maintaining the life within. Our own political leaders together with many affiliated associations

juncture gets resolved in itself as each cadre will follow their line of seniority and will be confined to their own zone till the director. 9. All said and done, the flip flop orders of the department and its inability to solve professional issues confronting it has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the debacle of the education department is much beyond the mental caliber and solution of the present officers of the department, let alone the politicians, the lesser said the better about them. Our politicians will not be able to decipher such complex issues. 10. Best solution would be to set up a committee headed by a very competent officer with reasonably good knowledge about the department, be given adequate time to dissect, analyze and study in depth all the cases, flaws and issues confronting the department today. The committee should also hear out the grievances and contentions of all the stakeholders, understand the crux of the problem and bring out the most suitable recommendations to kill the issue once and for all. The present imbroglio of the department definitely merits a marathon brain storming session for a permanent solution as the problems have compounded over the years due to the inability of the government to dispense the right judgment. It cannot be solved by any bureaucrat within a short stint of their musical chair reshuffle. It will be a herculean task to salvage the education department from the gutter but somebody will have to bell the cat sooner or later.

(religious and secular) eat up the life of Nagas and here we are talking enthusiastically about external threats and fears. This may not add any sugar to our cup of tea. Every political party has its own strength and weakness. No party is too good to receive the fullest appreciation or too bad to be despised eternally. All share equal responsibility of success and failure. It is high time for Nagas to judge and act wisely with true Christian spirit. In this regard, the Church has better role to play instead of playing a double game. By this we can call Nagaland as Christian State. To go on shouting “Nagaland for Christ” is too early because we have not gone through the furnace of purification.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Wednesday 24•05•2017


Feminisim Ariana Grande 'broken' is not after Manchester attack men vs women:


op star Ariana Grande pop star was physically "okay" Poland and Germany in the said on Monday she following the blast, which Brit- coming weeks. It was not immewas "broken" five hours ish authorities say was being diately clear whether those conafter a bombing killed treated as a terrorist attack. Two certs would go forward following 19 people and wounded dozens U.S. officials have told Reuters Monday's attack. of others at her concert in Man- on condition of anonymity that Grande, who starred in the chester, England. Making her initial signs pointed to a suicide Broadway musical "13" and on first comment since an explosion bomber as being responsible for the Nickelodeon TV series Victodetonated just outside Manches- the bombing. rious before releasing her solo deter Arena at the end of her perGrande was performing in but album, is credited with havformance there, Grande said on Manchester during the Europe- ing an exceptionally broad vocal Twitter: "broken. from the bot- an leg of a concert tour to support range for a pop star. She is best tom of my heart, i am so so sorry. her latest album, "Dangerous known for her singles "Problem," ctress Gal Gadot says peo- i don't have words." Woman." She was scheduled to and "Break Free" from her sophople have misconception Representatives for Grande perform at London's O2 arena on more album, My Everything. about feminism and con- have said that the 23-year-old Thursday and then in Belgium, Source: Reuters sider it a battle between men and women. The actress, who is gearing up for the release of her suour own love and admiraperhero film "Wonder Woman", says tion will be magnified many her character in the film is definitely times over, across the world, a feminist, who is equal to men, reby people who knew him for ported Entertainment Weekly. his films, his television shows "I think people have a misconand his passionate work for ception about what feminism is. Unicef, which he considered People think hairy armpits and to be his greatest achievewomen who burn bras and hate ment. men. That's not it. For me, feminism “The affection our father is all about equality and freedom and felt whenever he walked on to (women) choosing what we want to a stage or in front of a camera do. If it's salaries, then we get paid buoyed him hugely and kept equal to men. It's not men vs. Womhim busy working into his 90th en or women vs. Men," Gadot says. Moore was the third actor to year, through to his last appearThe 32-year-old Israeli star's opinplay British secret agent James ance in November 2016 on ion on feminism helped her in brinBond, in seven feature films re- stage at London’s Royal Festival ing alive the iconic superhero on the leased between 1973 and 1985. Hall. screen. "It was important to me that He was one of the most suave “The capacity crowd my character would never come and actors to take on the iconic he- cheered him on and off stage, preach about how men should treat ormer “James Bond” “With the heaviest of hearts, ro’s role in “Live and Let Die”, shaking the very foundations women. Or how women should perstar Roger Moore, we must share the awful news “The Man with the Golden of the building just a short disceive themselves. It was more about known for his swashthat our father, Sir Roger Gun”, “The Spy Who Loved Me”, tance from where he was born.” playing oblivious to society's rules. There will be a private fubuckling looks and Moore, passed away today. “Moonraker”, “For Your Eyes 'What do you mean women can't go Only” , “Octopussy” and “A View neral in Monaco as per Moore’s piercing gaze, has died after a We are all devastated. The love into the Parliament? Why?'"she says. wish, the statement revealed, "It's just reminding everyone how short but brave battle with can- with which he was surrounded to a Kill”. He enjoyed worldwide pop- reported in his final days was so great it things should be. I wanted to play the cer, his family said. He was 89. The statement was signed Moore died on Tuesday in cannot be quantified in words ularity not just for his acting fish out of water, but I didn't want to play her too silly," she adds. "Wonder Switzerland, it was announced alone,” the message shared on filmography, but also philan- by his children Deborah, Geoffrey and Christian. Woman" will hit the theaters on June 2. by his family on social media, the actor’s official Twitter ac- thropic work. His family said: “We know reports count read. (Source:IANS) Source: PTI

Gal Gadot


'James Bond'

RogeR MooRe




Nise Meruno recently did a concert tour to Delhi and Kasauli with the Capital City Minstrels. Some of the venues were the Hungarian Embassy, Kamani Auditorium and The Lawrence School, Sanawar. Seen here with Meruno (2nd from right) are musicians from India, US and Germany.


Wednesday 24•05•2017



CM lays foundation for Indoor Tennis Stadium Former MotoGP champion Nicky


KohiMa, May 23 (Mexn): Citizens in Kohima will soon have an Indoor Tennis Stadium, the first in the State Capital. The foundation stone for the Indoor Tennis Stadium was laid on May 23 by Nagaland CM Shürhozelie Liezietsu at the IG Stadium Complex. Organised by the Nagaland Tennis Association (NLTA) and Youth Resources and Sports Department, the fund for the Stadium has been allotted by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. David Kire, General Secretary of NLTA informed that 2.3 crores have been allotted and the stadium is expected to be completed in six months. C. Apok Jamir, President of the Nagaland Tennis Association, in his welcome address mentioned that the NLTA was formed in 1988 and received its affiliation to the All India Tennis Association in 1999. Following the affiliation the Association sent a few boys to the National Tennis Academy in Gurgaon for in depth training, out of which two boys are now playing professionally while one is coaching in Delhi. At present, 30 boys and

girls are receiving regular coaching at the Tennis Complex, Dimapur. “In a short span of time, the players have improved so much so that during the Inter State National Tournament in Delhi, we were placed in the sixth position and again in 2016 at Chhattisgarh we got the bronze medal. This shows the immense potential of our boys and girls to compete at the highest level,” said Jamir who also informed that the NLTA team has left for Bhutan to participate in the IndoBhutan Friendship Tournament. Vila Khate and Keneisezotuo had won the tournament in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

The Indoor stadium in Kohima will be the second Indoor Tennis Stadium in the State and the first for the State Capital. “This will definitely benefit the young players and even the old players as Tennis is a game played by all age groups, and keep us fit and healthy. We need such facilities in other districts too. We would like to request the government to set up an Academy for Tennis so as to provide coaching to the youth right from when they are very young,” Jamir urged. Lauding the NLTA for setting up the first Tennis Stadium in Kohima, Chief Minister Shürhozelie Liezi-

etsu expressed hope that the stadium will enable the development of young talents. Sharing a brief history of the origin of Tennis, Liezietsu mentioned that the game was originated by the white people and ‘not by us’, where the game was played by royal families and aristocratic class of societies in the 12th and 13th Century. However with the sports gaining wide popularity and with professional players earning millions, Liezietsu also hoped that Nagas will catch up with the rest in the sport. “In Nagaland, I think we are still lacking facilities for young people. Because

of lack of facilities even if we have talent among the younger generation, we are not in a position to fully develop our talents in many ways but with this beginning here in Kohima, you have made a good beginning here,” Liezietsu noted. The CM also reminded that the first Tennis Court in Kohima was set up in the present Commonwealth graveyard during the Colonial period where British officers played in the court. “That tennis court is famous because it was marked as the turning point of Japanese invasion in the country. It is part of history now, but with this beginning I hope our young talents will be developed so that we can also gain positions in the national arena,” Liezietsu concluded with optimism. The Association has also initiated a new course called the School Tennis where the Association coach is sent to the schools to provide coaching at a reasonable rate of Rs. 500 for interested students. In Kohima, G.Rio Higher Secondary School and Mewi Abode Higher Secondary school will be introducing School Tennis.


ANKA bags two medals at National Karate C'ship DiMaPur, May 23 (Mexn): The All Nagaland Karate-Do Association (ANKA) representing Nagaland participated and bagged 2medals at the KAI Sub-Junior, Junior, Under-21 National Karate Championship which was held from May 10 to 13 at Talkotara Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. Tama Natam claimed Gold while Manav Gupta bagged Bronze. The Team was led by Sensei Thsathriba Sangtam as coach and Kavi K. Swu as team manager.

Ex-Barca prez arrested in money laundering probe

Barcelona, May 23 (aFP): Former Barcelona president Sandro Rosell was arrested on Tuesday in a money laundering investigation related to image rights in the Brazilian national football team, a police spokesman told AFP. The police operation was mainly carried out in the northeastern region of Catalonia and for the moment "there are four or five detainees, including the former president of Barca, Sandro Rosell, and his wife," the police spokesman said. The investigation focuses on "money laundering in companies linked to the image rights of the Bra-

zilian football team," police added. Officers were searching the homes of those arrested as part of the operation as well as at several company headquarters in Barcelona, Girona and Lleida in Catalonia and in Andorra, a tiny principality wedged between Spain and France, police said. Businessman Rosell, 53, was manager of sporting goods giants Nike in Brazil and oversaw the contract for the national team to wear the US brand, before taking over as president of Barcelona in 2010. He resigned as Barcelona president in 2014 after being charged

over alleged tax fraud relating to the club's signing of Brazil striker Neymar from Santos. He was later cleared of all charges in connection with the case following an agreement with prosecutors. Rosell will nevertheless be tried for fraud and corruption relating to a parallel complaint filed by Brazilian investment company DIS, which owned 40 percent of Neymar's sporting rights at the time of his transfer. DIS claim it was cheated out of its real share because part of the transfer fee was concealed by Barcelona, Santos and the Neymar family.

Hayden dies after cycling accident

Honda MotoGP rider Nicky Hayden of the U.S. is pictured during practice at the Le Mans circuit, in Le Mans, France May 16, 2015. (Reuters File Photo)

roMe, May 23 (reuters): Former MotoGP champion Nicky Hayden has died five days after the American was hit by a car while cycling in eastern Italy, his Honda World Superbike team said in a statement on Monday. "It is with great sadness that Red Bull Honda... has to announce that Nicky Hayden has succumbed to injuries suffered during an incident while riding his bicycle last Wednesday," the team said. "Nicky passed away at 19.09 (local time) this evening at Maurizio Bufalini hospital in Cesena. His fiancee Jackie, mother Rose and brother Tommy were at his side." The 35-year-old had been in intensive care with severe brain damage since he was struck by a car while training on his bicycle along Italy's Adriatic Coast. The force of the impact shattered the car wind-

screen. MotoGP promoters Dorna joined in tributes from across the world of motorsport for the 'Kentucky Kid' who won the 2006 world title for Honda. "A true Champion on and off track, Hayden will be deeply missed," they said. "Hayden will be deeply missed by the paddocks he has graced throughout an incredible career, his millions of fans around the world, and by all those closest to him." The last medical bulletin from the hospital, dated May 20, said Hayden remained in a critical condition. The hospital had previously said he had suffered serious brain damage in the accident. Hayden last raced in the MotoGP championship in Spain in September 2016 as a stand-in for injured Australian Jack Miller at the privately-run Marc VDS

Honda team. He started 216 races between 2003 and 2015, winning three. "Although this is obviously a sad time, we would like everyone to remember Nicky at his happiest - riding a motorcycle," said his brother Tommy in the team statement. "He dreamed as a kid of being a pro rider and not only achieved that but also managed to reach the pinnacle of his chosen sport in becoming world champion. We are all so proud of that." Italian newspapers reported on Monday that investigators had found video of the accident from a camera on a house overlooking the road. They said the images suggested Hayden had failed to stop at an intersection and was hit full on by the passing car. There was no immediate confirmation of the report from the investigators.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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