May 25th, 2017

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ThursDAY • MAY 25 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 141• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

T R u T H

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation Manchester bomber had ‘proven’ links to IS PAGE 09


By Sandemo Ngullie

Not an inch of government land should go to individual: L Khumo

— Oscar Wilde

Open Basketball Tournament underway



Mhankai Okho – An agent for change A newly formed society in Bhandari town is striving to bring in transformation to an otherwise depressing settlement

Morung Express News Bhandari | May 24

There are lots of hostels in Dimapur. Our colony alone has 56-70 hostels, and according to the ads none of them are bad, so just chuck him in any hostel!

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Bhandari is a small town with an ADC office under Wokha district, but little is know of it except for the reports of human-elephant conflicts every year. In this small town bordering Assam (Merapani), residents wistfully gaze towards the horizon to migrate and most government offices remain closed the year round. Here, Mhankai Okho- a newly formed Society with 21 likeminded members- is trying to usher in a transformation to the otherwise laidback and depressing settlement. Mhankai Okho was formed in 2016 and its members comprise of Church members, teachers, government servants, advocates, businesspersons and students. Transforming Bhandari “Our primary objective is to transform Bhandari into one of the cleanest towns in Wokha district, raise environment consciousness among the people, promote local entre-

preneurs and produce, and to make the town more economically independent,” Chomithung, a member of Mhanki Okho explained. This vision of the society actually sums up the prevailing scenario in Bhandari – a town ailing with lack of infrastructure, exploitation and despondency. “See, there is not even a tailor shop in this town, and we have just one haircutting saloon for a population which is reaching 10, 000,” Chomithung pointed out. Creating infrastructure and marketing avenues The lack of infrastruc-

ture is as stark as it can be with only a couple of shops to describe the town square. The residents are entirely dependent on Merapani, the nearest town in neighboring Assam, which is just 4 kilometers away, for supply of their daily needs. Which is ironic, as pointed out by a government teacher who was posted in the town, “Bhandari grows large amount of bananas every year, but we don’t get to buy them here. The businesspersons from Assam buy the bananas directly from the field and they sell it back to us at the

markets in Merapani.” According to Chomithung, due to lack of marketing avenues, Agri and Horti cultivators at Bhandari are constantly exploited by unscrupulous businesspersons from Assam- they buy the produce at dirt cheap rates. “The farmers are at their mercy. They even dictate the rate for the produce,” Chomithung alleged. Bhandari is not a dry land. Every year, hundreds of tons of betel nut are harvested. Broom sticks, banana, cabbage, ginger see an equally rich yield. However, with no system in place to monitor or con-

trol the monopoly in play by unscrupulous business people, all the produce goes at cheap rates, leaving the farmer at loss. In such depressing scenario, Chomithung said the Society has been breaking ground to provide more marketing avenues to the farmers. Last year, betel nut per kilo was a meager Rs 10, a rate dictated by a syndicate of businesspeoplefromAssam. To compete with this, members of the Mhankai Okho, bought the betel nuts produce from the local farmers for wholesale price of Rs 15 per kilo. “We are constantly trying to inden-

demands arrest of culprits

Morung Express News Kohima | May 24

An open house discussion on child protection mechanism with the VCCs, Ward Chairmen, JJB, SJPU, CCI’s and stakeholders was held on May 24 at The Heritage, organised by the District Child Protection Unit Kohima. Kohima Deputy Commissioner Rajesh Soudararanjan (IAS), who spoke at the discussion as the Guest Speaker, spoke on the necessity of the institutional mechanisms and how these inherent rights can be ensured to children. In any society, children continue to be the most vulnerable groups, stated Soudararanjan, because of their physical limitations, financial limitations and because of the various kinds of atmosphere they are exposed to. “That is why all these special mechanisms have to be in place otherwise this physical vulnerability can be exploited anytime. Children are exposed and vulnerable at almost all places of interaction they are in. That makes it necessary for all these mechanisms to be in place,” he said. The DC believed that the first and most basic concern to be prioritized is education

of the children because education is the bedrock of the child’s development. Denying education can be the biggest harassment or violation to the child, he stated. The Kohima DC also observed that many children from underdeveloped regions are taken as helpers in Naga homes without providing any education or even a healthy environment for such children to develop themselves. And the neglect on the part of government officers was also noticed, he said. He therefore urged all stakeholders to ensure the right to education and further keep in mind that violations often do not come in explicit forms but in subtle and disguised forms. Violation of a child’s right to education is not just about restricting him/her to go to school, according to Soudararanjan, but it can come in the form of non-performance of teachers, failure to impart quality education, proxy teachers and absentees, which can contribute to the lack of opportunities for all-round development of children. Therefore the need for a holistic approach in tackling the child’s right to education was also emphasized.

DIMAPUR, MAY 24 (MExN): A youth was shot at by unidentified miscreants in the wee hours this morning at circular road, near Holy Cross Higher Secondary School, Dimapur. According to reports, the victim identified as one Limitsung Sangtam, aged 30 years and s/o Late Horangse Sangtam was shot in the chest by two person-a male and a female from a moving car. The victim was returning home after dropping his friends and relieving himself when the incident took place. The victim has been admitted to Zion hospital and his condition is said to be stable at the time of filing this report. An FIR has also been lodged in connection with the incident. Meanwhile, the Mangakhi Union Dimapur (MUD) has vehemently condemned the life attempt on the victim, a bonafide member of MUD, which took place near HCHSS in the wee hours of May 24, 2017. MUD president, Sejungmong Sangtam while condemning the “cowardly and notorious act,” urged upon the investigating agency to immediately initiate action and DIMAPUR, MAY 24 arrest the culprit (s). (MExN): The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Kohima today asked consumers to be cautious while purchasing high risk foods (perishable foods), keeping in mind the onset of BEIjINg/NEw DElhI, MAY 24 (ThE gUARDthe summer season. A IAN): Claims that India press note from the CMO may already have overinformed that it had re- taken China as the world’s ceived a complaint on most populous nation have May 22 with regard to sale sparked consternation of Chicken Bun from M/S among demographers. Friends Bakery, MohoThe claims were made nkhola, Kohima. The said on Monday by Yi Fuxian, a food item was found to be University of Wisconsinstale. The Food Safety Of- Madison academic who has ficer was deputed on May spent years campaigning 23 for inspecting the estab- against Beijing’s draconian lishment and thereafter an family-planning laws, and improvement notice was picked up by newspapers in served to the Proprietor both China and India. under Section 32 of Food Speaking at a conferSafety & Standard Act, ence in Beijing, Yi said he 2006. was convinced that over the A shopkeeper sits on boxes as he waits for transportation at a busy wholesale market in “While purchasing food last 26 years Chinese statis- New Delhi. (AP Photo) items please check the ticians had overestimated ian. “I think the real number all such controls in order to with Chinese and Indian manufacturing date and the country’s population by is 1.29 billion but the govern- soften the blow of a loom- scholars expressing bewilbest before dates. In case about 90 million, partly by ment thinks it is 1.38 billion,” ing ageing crisis. He said he derment and scepticism at of any complaint in regard inflating rates of fertility. As Yi said. “India is maybe 1.32 hoped his controversial find- his claims. to food items, please lodge a result, China’s population billion right now.” Yi argued ings would prompt a debate Wang Feng, a leading your complain in writ- at the end of last year would that his findings showed that over China’s demographic demographer from the Uniing addressed to the Chief have been 1.29 billion. Beijing – which ditched its timebomb which he called versity of California, Irvine, Medical Officer (DesigThe academic repeated notorious one-child policy the country’s “number one dismissed Yi’s claims as sennated Officer),” the CMO his claims on Wednesday in for a two-child policy in 2015 problem”. Instead, however, sational, extremely sloppy an interview with the Guard- – should immediately scrap they have stirred up a storm and based on highly politiinformed.

CMO Kohima asks consumers to be cautious

Rampant logging a major issue Another issue that the Bhandari area has been grappling with is rampant destruction of forests carried out by timber merchants from Assam in collaboration with the local people. Zuchanthung Yanthan, Associate Pastor of Bhandari Town Baptist Church, who is also a member of the Society, said there are already 37 saw mills in the Bhandari area or lower range area out of which only one mill is authorized by the state government. Most of these saw mills are owned by non Nagas in collaboration with the local businesspersons, and 80% of the profit is pocketed by the businesspersons from outside, Yanthan, who did his Master of Theology thesis on the exploitation of natural resources in Bhandari area, said. Yanthan pointed out that due to the rampant felling of trees; all the big

trees are gone, now even the small trees are not spared. “Many tree species have become extinct in our area, deforestation is all over the range, Bhandari is already facing water scarcity, aquatic animals are disturbed, and there is soil erosion.” The Associate Pastor said the people of the area are ignorant of the consequence and they urgently need to be educated on protection of environment. “I have also been telling my congregation to stop cutting down trees or to plant five more trees for one in order to stop deforestation,” Yanthan said. Chomithung said the people of Bhandari town, which is 75 kilometers away from Wokha town, have so far not seen contribution of NGOs or organizations to educate or provide awareness on such crucial issues. “In our own little capacity, we are making efforts to bring some life to this town of ours,” Chomithung said of the initiatives of Mhankai Okho- which in English roughly translates to “A determined group.”

Naga youth shot at ‘Denying education biggest harassment to a child’ from a moving car

Khriehu Liezietsu resigns from NLA MUD condemns life attempt; KOhIMA, MAY 24 (DIPR): The Nagaland Legislative Assembly Secretariat has notified that the Speaker, NLA has accepted the resignation tendered by former Parliamentary Secretary, Khriehu Liezietsu from membership of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly with effect from May 24. Consequent upon his resignation, the Speaker, Nagaland Legislative Assembly declared the former’s seat of NPF from 10 Northern Angami-I (ST) as vacant.

tify markets to sell the produce of the farmers so that they are not exploited anymore,” Chomithung said.

A partial view of Bhandari Town. (Photo Courtesy: Libeno Ezung)

Because there are no specific mechanisms to deal with the subtle forms of violations, the Kohima DC appealed to the ward representatives and village authorities to strengthen the functioning of the education committee as they have enough power to deal with it and monitor the problems. If such issues are brought to the notice of the DC’s office, the DC assured that they will take action and not show any partiality or leniency.

Physical and sexual harassment “As stakeholders it is our job that we give them (children) the confidence that if something happen they can always report it. You have to educate them properly and give them the confidence that if something happens they can always report it to the parents or teachers. Explain it at their level because the child will not be able understand,” said Soudararanjan. “If that percolation of information does not happen to children, having these mechanisms is of no use,” he noted, and advocated a reformative approach for children and not punitive approach. Understanding that the child does not maintain the right

frame of mind, it is an incumbent duty for every adult to mould the child so that they develop a right frame of mind, he said. “All our actions have to be guided by this bedrock principle, because today’s children are going to be the next generation. We have the liberty to play with our generation but we do not have the right to play with the next generation,” he added. In this regard, he stressed on a holistic perspective of development of a child where there should be absolute synergy between coordinating departments, i.e. the government departments, village councils or children homes. “If this happens, definitely we will contribute towards not just protecting the children’s rights but also make sure that proper development of children happens thereby eliminating various cases of harassments and exploitation and neglect,” assured Soudararanjan. An open discussion was held where the representatives of the Wards, VCC, CWC, JJB, SJPU, CCPS discussed on the various means to implement the child protection mechanisms and to ensure a safe and healthy environment for each child in Kohima.

NMDA to join Nation wide India may be world’s most populous country chemist bandh on May 30


cised back-of-the-envelope calculations. “He’s a person with a political agenda and [who has been] a consistent critic of the Chinese government’s policy ... [so] his numbers should not be taken at face value.” Indian demographers also scotched the suggestion their country had already overtaken China. “China is still the most populated, but India will overtake them by 2025,” said Laushram Ladu Singh, a population researcher at Mumbai’s International Institute for Population Sciences. India’s population, currently around 1.3 billion, has quadrupled since the country became independent in 1947 but the speed of growth – still very high at around 17.7% in the decade to 2011 – is slowing significantly. The World Health Organisation projects India’s population will reach 1.7bn by 2050 and begin to decline.

DIMAPUR, MAY 24 (MExN): In compliance with the call given by the All India Organization of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) for a nationwide bandh of all wholesale/retail chemists throughout the country in protest against introduction of E-Marketing/ online Pharmacy by the Government of India, the Nagaland Medicine Dealers Association (NMDA) has also declared a bandh on May 30 from morning 6:00am to evening 6:00pm in public interest. The NMDA, in a press note today apprised all concerned that by introducing of online Pharmacies, “restricted drugs becomes easily accessible to anti social elements and drug addicts

by approaching different online outlets with same prescription. Even submission of duplicate prescription for procuring restricted drugs has come to the knowledge of the association.” “Information of delivery of inferior quality of medicines has also come to the notice of association which can result in death of patient also,” it stated. “Keeping in view all the above major problems besides financial losses faced by the chemist fraternity,” the NMDA has called upon all the chemists/ Pharmacies in different districts throughout Nagaland to keep their pharmacies closed in the larger interest of entire chemist fraternity.


thursday 25•05•2017



society vulnerable to human Not an inch of government land Naga trafficking, says NSCW Chairperson should go to individual: L Khumo

Land Records and Survey office inaugurated in Kiphire Morung Express News Kiphire | May 24

Parliamentary Secretary for Land Revenue, Village Guards & Women Resources Development L. Khumo today inaugurated the Land Records and Survey office in Kiphire. Khumo expressed concern that in Nagaland government lands are vanishing at a very fast rate and becoming personal land, which he said is unethical. “If government land is lost then where will development activities take place,” he questioned and appealed to the gathering to come forward and help the department and the district administration to protect government land. He also assured that though the department has less manpower in the

Parliamentary Secretary for Land Revenue, Village Guards & Women Resources Development L. Khumo at the inauguration of Land Records and Survey office in Kiphire on May 24.

district as of now, it will do its best to carry out the duties in collaboration with the district administration to protect government land. “Not an inch of gov-

ernment land should go to individual,” he warned. The Parliamentary Secretary further stated that the department though is in an initial stage in the

district today, it will always grow and it is up to the people of the district to nurture it so that it gives its best service to the citizens. He urged citizens to extend full co-operation to the departmental officers and staffs posted in the district. Reminding that government and staff may come and go but the office and the department will never go, Khumo asked the citizens to be guardian of the institution. He also appealed to the officers and leaders to serve the people with integrity. “When you are in power try to do good so that even if you are out of the service you will be able to look back and enjoy the things you have done and also live with clean and clear conscious.” Chubasangla Anar, IAS,

Secretary, Land Revenue department, who chaired the programme, assured that the objective of the department is to serve the need of the people in the district. He asked the staffs to be sincere in their duties. Er EN Kithan, Director, Land Records & Survey Nagaland, who also spoke on the occasion, said the department will send more manpower in the future and expressed gratitude to the Parliamentary Secretary for taking personal initiative to establish the office in the district. Phenrongwi Zeliang, LRSO, proposed vote of thanks. The inaugural programme was also attended by Deputy Commissioner, Kiphire, officers and civil societies in the district.

Shürhozelie acknowledges Cooperation dept discusses marketing American missionaries of State’s agri produces in New Delhi

Nagaland Chief Minister, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu with the American delegation on May 24.

kohiMa, May 24 (MexN): Nagaland Chief Minister, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu on Wednesday extended appreciation to the Americans, particularly the American missionaries for bringing Christianity to the Naga people. “Had the American missionaries not entered into our land and spread the gospel, the Naga people would not have been what we are now,” he said, according to a press release. The CM was interacting with eight-member delegation from Virginia Baptist Missions and Baptist Collegiate Ministry led by Rev Jeffrey S Buffkin, who called on the Chief Minister in his office chamber at Nagaland Civil Secretariat. Dr. Shürhozelie shared with the American delegates that Nagaland though is landlocked and

surrounded by mighty countries with various different religions, yet none of the Naga people were converted to other religions. Instead, Nagas preach and spread the gospel to other people, he added. He further expressed regrets that due to the Naga political problem, Nagaland could not be developed to the expectation. However, he said once permanent settlement comes, it is expected that development will take place at a faster pace. Rev. Buffkin extended his appreciation to the Naga people and stated Nagas are second to none and that the State is developing well in many fields. He was also encouraged to see that the Naga people are fighting and doing well against human trafficking, the release added.

kohiMa, May 24 (MexN): In an effort to identify market linkages for produces of its primary cooperatives, the Department of Cooperation had a meeting with the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) and the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. (TRIFED) on May 22 in New Delhi. The team of officials from Nagaland headed by Lithrongla G. Chishi IAS, Secretary Cooperation comprised of Wepe Ritse, Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Nagaland, (RCS), Dr. Aotoshi, Vice-Chairman, MARCOFED, Kathi Chishi, BoD, MARCOFED, and Victo Zhimo, MD, MARCOFED.

Minister for School Education & SCERT Yitachu today inaugurated Meluri Village Council Hall in the presence of huge gathering. The hall was constructed under the Department for Development of Underdeveloped Areas (DUDA) during 2013-14 & 2015-16. The minister expressed happiness over the completion of the building and at the same time acknowledged DUDA for extending developmental activities to the remote, backward and border areas of the state. DUDA, which was established to cater to the special needs of the un-

derdeveloped area, aspires and hopes to improve the condition of the backward areas and accelerate the pace of development, thereby bringing them at par with the rest of the state in the near future. Stressing on the need to deliver world class quality education to the school children in the government schools, Yitachu sought active support from the village councils and village education committees, saying that the government’s effort alone cannot make it happen. He said the first and foremost thing is to give time to education for the progress of the society. Active participation of

foremost priority, she said, adding “only then, such exploitation of our children by our own people can be checked.” Also encouraging the citizens to be bold enough to include such dislocation of children as a type of human trafficking and violation of human rights in the guise of charitable activities, committed either by individual families or social groups, she asserted that certain cases of abuse and ill-treatment of minors living in other’s home detected must be brought to the notice of the responsible

authorities for thorough investigation and redressal for the victims. In the programme, Akumla Longchari, Coordinator-cum-Master Trainer, NSLA also spoke on the awareness and preventive measure of ‘Human Trafficking’. Asangla Cholong, Member NSCW, chaired the programme, while Moze Nyekha, Associate Pastor, Phek Town Baptist Church invoked God’s blessing. Zaposhelu Venuh, President, Chakhesang Mothers’ Association delivered welcome address.

Lithrongla G. Chishi, IAS, Secretary Cooperation with the MD of NAFED Ltd. Sanjeev Kumar Chadha.

The team met Sanjeev Kumar Chadha (IFS), Managing Director of NAFED and had positive discussions on the possibility of coordinating in marketing the agri produces of the State, informed a press release from Bokato Hesso, Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Kohima. Chadha was

also grateful for the opportunity given to NAFED to be a part of the Board of Directors of MARCOFED. NAFED, a national level cooperative agri marketing agency with annual turnover of Rs. 544.18 crores promotes co-operative marketing of agricultural produce to benefit the farmers, the release said.

DiMaPur, May 24 (MexN): MGM Hr Sec School organized orientation for newly admitted class 11 Arts and Commerce students on May 23 and 24. Sandeep Jain, Principal, Euro Kids International was the resource person for Arts section, while Nimmi Varghese took special session for Commerce students. Both the resource persons emphasized on value oriented education. One has to set goals and as per the set goals, he/she should focus and relentlessly work for the fulfillment of their dreams, it was stressed.

Students of MGM Hr Sec School at the orientation.

They further noted that both curricular and co-curricular activities have great role in teaching learning process. Hence, they encouraged the students to give equal importance

to co-curricular activities along with studies, informed a press release. The Principal of the school informed that regular classes will begin from May 25 onwards.

Governor asks new NU Vice TNSA carries out customer awareness campaign Chancellor to be game changer TaNgshaNg, May jority of the people in the 24 (MexN): Tangshang area lacks English knowl-

kohiMa, May 24 (DiPr): Governor of Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, PB Acharya has congratulated Prof. Pardeshi Lal on his appointment as the new Vice-Chancellor of Nagaland University. The Governor in a message to Prof. Pardeshi Lal called on the Vice-Chancellor to make educated youths employable and an asset to the society, while pointing out that UGC has introduced guidelines making universities mandatory to introduce ‘skill education’ in sixth se-

Yitachu and others at the inauguration of Meluri village council hall on May 24. (Morung Photo) Meluri | May 24

Dr. Temsula Ao, Chairperson, NSCW speaking at the legal awareness programme on ‘Human Trafficking’ in Phek Town on May 24.

MGMHSS orient class 11 students

mester in conventional degree courses like B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, etc. He further encouraged Prof. Lal to be a game changer by involving students/faculty in the Central welfare projects/schemes launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi like Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (One Rupee Insurance Scheme), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, Kisan Crop Insurance Scheme, Kisan Credit Card, Midday Meal etc.

Naga Students’ Association (TNSA) conducted first ever customer awareness campaign across Nanyun Township in Naga Self-Administered Zone, Sagaing Region, Myanmar from May 18-21. The association carried out door to door campaign. They told the public to check expiry dates before they purchase food items, cosmetics and medicine etc, alleging the area merchants sell most of the food items such as biscuits, drinks and noodles and even medi-

Yitachu inaugurates Meluri village council hall DDLSA promotes free legal services

Our Correspondent

Phek, May 24 (MexN): Dr. Temsula Ao, Chairperson, Nagaland State Commission for Women (NSCW) today maintained that Naga society is vulnerable to human trafficking. “So, it is the responsibility of every parent and elder of every Naga village to keep a close vigil and maintain a proper record of its citizens, especially young boys and girls.” She was speaking at a legal awareness programme on ‘Human Trafficking’ held at Town Hall, Phek, organized by NSCW in association with the National Commission for Women, New Delhi. Dr. Temsula also said Nagas were very fortunate to have many unions and organizations which can help directly or indirectly and can also be informed to help in monitoring the progress and well-being of children living in different headquarters, towns and cities. In this regard, she asked not to think that unions are set up to do only politics. Rather they should make the youths’ welfare their

village councils and VECs, he added, is needed for smooth functioning of the government schools as well as overall growth of education in the state. The minister also said that a time has come to take personal commitment to speak the truth and take corrective steps to move forward in all spheres of life. Earlier, the function was chaired by Meluri Village Council chairman Lerhüsie, while VCM Rholetho Ngouri delivered welcome address. Officials from DUDA present on the occasion included Er. Imti Chang, SDO, Chingshen Phom, JE, and Lachem Yim, JE.

DiMaPur, May 24 (MexN): As part of its action plan, Dimapur District Legal Services Authority (DDLSA) conducted a legal literacy programme with the youth members of Dimapur Ao Baptist Arogo on May 24 at Elim Hall here. Headed by Ajongba Imchen, Secretary DDLSA and Chief Judicial Magistrate Dimapur, a team of Panel Lawyers spoke on various topics with special emphasis on the right to avail free legal services, informed a press release. Zuchumbeni Ngully, Panel Lawyer, spoke on the objectives of legal services and consumer rights, while

Sentimenla, Rokovitsu and Moatila spoke on women rights, cybercrime, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, and social welfare schemes initiated by the National Legal Services Authority. In his concluding remarks, Ajongba Imchen emphasised the need to not only know one’s rights but also to be aware of citizens’ duties for the betterment of society. At the programme, the participants were encouraged to spread awareness on free legal services provided by DDLSA which has its Front Office at District and Sessions Court, Dimapur.

Vipralhou appointed NPSC Member kohiMa, May 24 (DiPr): Governor of Nagaland, PB Acharya inducted Vipralhou Kesiezie as a Member of the Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) at a programme held at Raj Bhavan here on May 24. Acharya administered the oath taking ceremony which was attended by Chief Secretary of Nagaland, Pankaj Kumar, Chairman and Members of

NPSC. Vipralhou Kesiezie, who hails from Kohima Village, retired as Director, SCERT in 2016. He is the author of Education Sector, Nagaland Vision 2030 and is also an Advisory Member of APO. Vipralhou has an MA degree in Education from NEHU, Shillong and has done his PG Specialisation in Education & Vocational Guidance (NCERT, New Delhi).

TNSA members during their customer awareness campaign.

cines and cosmetics beyond their expiry dates. The innocent customers buy without checking the items and use them, said a press release from J. Mutu Muniak, President, TNSA.

It said that most of the customers did not know what MFG and EXP Dates were and came to know of them after the awareness campaign. The association pointed out that ma-

edge and the shopkeepers themselves were unaware of those things. TNSA informed it will continue its campaign in both Pangsau Township and Donghe Township next, after which TNSA will issue a letter to all merchants and dealers not to sell expired items. If they continue selling expired goods, TNSA will take action against them. There will be first warning, second warning with fine and in the third time, shops will be closed down, it warned.

thursday 25•05•2017



Bodies of 8 tribals finally laid to rest in Manipur Newmai News Network Lamka | May 24

The mortal remains of the eight persons, out of the nine who died during the agitation against the three controversial Manipur Bills in 2015 in Churachandpur district. were laid to rest today after 632 days. Thousands gathered at the Hiangtam Lamka Public Ground in Churachandpur where a public service was held before the bodies were finally laid to rest at a Memorial Ground at Mata Khuga Dam, Lamka, Churachandpur. This burial of the eight bodies came following the signing of a 9-point Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the State Government of Manipur and the Joint Action Committee Against Anti Tribal Bills (JAC-AATB) at Mizo People Convention Office, Churachandpur in South Manipur on May 10. On August 31, 2015, the Manipur Assembly had passed the three high-

People pay tributes to the dead bodies by laying wreaths.

ly contentious land bills which the tribal people termed as ‘anti-tribal.” Nine protesters were killed and many injured when violence broke in Churachandpur district following passing of the bills. Of the nine bodies, eight were lying unclaimed in the Churachandpur District Hospital mortuary till this morning. The public funeral was attended, among others, by Public Works, Rural Development and Panchayati

Raj, Commerce and Industries, Power, Information and Public Relations, Administrative Reforms and Training Minister Thongam Biswajit; Social Welfare and Cooperation Minister Nemcha Kipgen; PHE Minister Losii Dikho, Agriculture and Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Minister V Hangkhanlian; and Manipur Chief Secretary, Oinam Nabakishore. Addressing the gathering, Thongam Biswajit said, it is of "immense pleasure for the present government

that today we are able to bring an amicable understanding to all past mistakes through a concerted efforts of the people and government and that the last rites are performed". "Past governments may have acted in the best of interest, however, what is good or bad is to be decided by the people," he pointed out adding that the present government will act to deliver the people from all their grievances. The government will visit all the districts of the State and look into the grievances of the people, Biswajit further maintained expressing firm belief that the relation between the different communities can never be severed. Stating that misunderstandings may come up between the different communities at times, the Minister sought cooperation of all to avoid all such misunderstandings. The present government will never hurt the sentiments or interest of any community and con-

2 Army veterans back award to Major Leetul Gogoi, but ex-general flays act New Delhi, May 24 (PTi): Two senior former Army officers have backed the award of a commendation card to Major Leetul Gogoi, who had tied a man to a jeep in Kashmir as a shield against stone-pelters, but a retired general said the move was unbecoming of the force's traditions. Gogoi, a Major in the 53 Rashtriya Rifles, has been honoured with the Army Chief's commendation card for his "sustained efforts in counter-insurgency operations". Major Gen. (retd) Ramesh Chopra came out in support of Gogoi's action. "With his innovative thinking, he saved lives of people and that has to be appreciated. I give him full marks for his presence of mind," Chopra said. However, Lt. Gen. (retd) H S Panag, former GOC-in-C, North-

ern Command, criticised the move, saying Gogoi's action was unbecoming of the traditions of the Indian Army. "IA (Indian Army) traditions, ethos, rules & regulations swept away by the 'mood of the nation'! I stand by my views even if I am the last man standing!" Panag tweeted. Col. Anil Kaul (retd), who had served in the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka, said Gogoi deserved more than a commendation card because of his "out-of-the-box thinking". "He saved lives of people without even firing a bullet despite being attacked by stonepelters. His act should be applauded and he should be given a Shaurya Chakra," Kaul said. Gogoi, who hails from Assam, had yesterday said that about 1,200 stone-pelters had

surrounded a small group of security personnel at a polling booth in Utligam village of Budgam district on April 9. He claimed that if he had ordered firing, there could have been at least 12 casualties. The mob, which included women and children, was threatening to set ablaze the polling booth, he claimed. Amidst the mob, Gogoi claimed, he saw a man who appeared to be the "ring leader" as he was "instigating" the stonepelters at Utlgam on the day of bypoll to the Srinagar Lok Sabha constituency. He said the idea of tying the man, who was later identified as Farooq Ahmad Dar, to the jeep had struck him suddenly as a means to evacuate the polling staff and the paramilitary personnel, besides avoiding any casualties.

CRPF IG alleges fake encounter by security forces

New Delhi, May 24 (PTi): A CRPF Inspector General (IG), posted in the Northeast, has alleged that an encounter carried by a joint squad of security forces in Assam in March was fake and it killed two persons in cold blood claiming they were NDFB rebels. Rajnish Rai, a 1992-batch IPS officer of Gujarat cadre, said he has conducted a "discreet" inquiry on his own chronicling how a team of the Assam Police, the Army, the CRPF, its jungle warfare unit CoBRA and the border guarding force Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) conducted the encounter on March 2930 in Simlaguri area of Chirang district and killed what they called were two insurgents of the banned group NDFB (S). Rai, in his 13-page report, alleged that information about the incident and FIR filed by the joint squad of forces present a "fictitious account" of the operation to "conceal pre-planned murders of two persons in cus(With DIPR inputs) tody and present it as some

sult all stakeholders while making decisions which could affect the people, he also assured. Further seeking cooperation of all the communities to bring development in the State, Biswajit asserted that different ethnic groups reside in the State in both the hills and the valley and it cannot called a developed State if only the valley is developed while the hills lie neglected or vice-versa. The government is for the people and will certainly bring peace and communal harmony in the State, he added. Agriculture, Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Minister V Hangkhalian saluted the sacrifices of nine youths and also expressed grief for those injured in the 2015 agitations. He said let the bloodshed by the youth for the cause of the tribal rights unite us to work together for a better tomorrow.

aizawl, May 24 (NNN): Consumers will have now a little respite, if not all, as they do not need to make long queues in bill counter to pay water bills. They will now be able to pay water bills from their homes as the government for the first time in Mizoram has launched online bill payment system. Mizoram Public Health Engineer Minister Zodintlaunga on Tuesday launched the online bill payment to facilitate payment of water bills through internet. “Consumers can now pay water bills through online right from their homes instead of going to counter bill. I hope this facility would ease off public,’ the minister said while launching the online bill payment system. He praised the PHE department for making earnest effort for implementation of the online bill payment system and thanked Information & Communication Technology department for making payment gateway and the fi-

nance department for meeting all clearance for the online payment system. Water bills can be paid online by logging onto where consumer can submit payment by registering their consumer number. The payment details would be automatically sent to the consumer’s email ID. For those consumers using banking internet, Rs. 5 will be charged per transaction for bill amount below Rs. 500 and Rs. 7 per transaction will be charged for bill amount above Rs. 500. For those using credit card, one percent of the bill amount will be charged as service tax per transaction, while 0.75 per cent of bill amount below Rs. 2000 and one per cent of bill amount above Rs. 2000 will be charged as service tax for those using debit cards. Rs. 5 per transaction will be charged as service tax in payment via mobile wallet.

Daily wage-earner comes 4 in Manipur Class XII exams never expected. Meitei scored 346 marks out of a total of 500 in the examinations conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education Manipur, the results for which were announced yesterday. He was the sole student from a government institution - Churachand Higher Secondary School - to break the traditional grip of the Don Bosco school over the top five spots. "It does feel good," he responded calmly when asked about his achievement. However, he is not celebrating yet. Meitei wants to do his graduation in Commerce from Manipurs premier DM College but wonders how far can he go as he "has to face reality".

His father is a farm labourer and mother a housewife from Keibi Makha Leikai, nearly 20 kilometres away from state capital, Imphal. Unlike teenagers of his age, Meitei is regularly working at construction sites. He picked up the shovel when he was studying in a high school, to supplement the family income. He has also been teaching students from Class II to VIII. "It starts at 5 in the morning and continues till about 7.30 am, after which either I go for work or my school," he said. While he teaches all subjects for lower class students, he focuses only on mathematics for those in the VIIIth

class, a subject which is his favourite after Manipuri. The income from what he calls "side work", helped him to pay for his private tuition fees for Accounts and Mathematics -- the only subjects in which he felt the need for help. The third among four siblings, Meiteis childhood dream was becoming a civil

servant, but poverty is getting in his way. "While I was growing up, I wanted to appear for the UPSC exam but now I am aware what sort of effort is needed for that and what my situation is," Meitei said. That thought, however, is not foremost in his mind at the moment, nor a get


I, Shri. IMNAWAPANG of Changki Village residence of Angami Signal Village hereby tendering my due apology for not registering the name of Late YONGKONGSIPONG S/o Mr. SIMON of Sangtak Village to Chang Union Dimapur (CUD) who was under my guardianship. IMNAWAPANG




Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate of Late Hoshito Sema has been filed by Ellorina Zhimo(Wife) R/o H/No. 551, BL-V, (Aqasah) Chekiye village, Dimapur, Nagaland to draw his:1. GPF, Leave Encashment, Arrears, GIS 2. Medical Re-Imbursement, Family Pension etc. 3. SBI Bank A/C No. 11838955038 of SBI Zunheboto, Zunheboto: Nagaland who expired on 21/05/2017. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration estate of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on before the said day of 27th June 2017 Given under the hand and seal of the court on this 24th May 2017 Principal District & Sessions Judge Dimapur: Nagaland


Regd.No: LAW- 13/73(Pt-II) 42 I, Ellivy Chishi, aged about 23 years D/o. Hokivi Chum, resident of H/No. 85, Sematilla Colony, Ward-7, Dist. Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:1. That, I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That, my name is Ellivy Chishi however, in some of my documents my name was inadvertently/erroneously recorded as Ellivy. H. Chishi. 3. That, the name Ellivy Chishi and Ellivy. H. Chishi is one and same person, henceforth I shall be known and will be use my name as Ellivy Chishi for all purposes. Deponent Solemnly sworn and signed before me by the deponent. Notary Public, Nagaland


NO. HC (K) 01/2016/e-Courts Phase II/870-872

two persons killed as Lucas Nazary alias N Langfa and David Islary alias Dayud as he alleged that they were "already" in the custody of the security forces and the entire encounter operation is "very likely to be a case of premeditated custodial killing". The forces, the IG said, have mentioned in the FIR that the two were killed in an exchange of fire. He said as multiple security forces are involved in the incident, "it is necessary to entrust the investigation of this matter to an external independent agency for an unbiased, impartial and thorough investigation." "The security forces involved in the joint operation must truly reflect how systems and processes have weakened over a period of time, resulting in commission of such unlawful acts in a planned and coordinated manner. "It is absolutely necessary that urgent systemic reforms be initiated to prevent such wrongdoings in future," Rai said in his concluding remarks in the report.

Now Mizos can pay water bills online New AIIMS in Assam approved


New Delhi, May 24 (PTi): Thounaojam Loyangamba Meitei was washing stone chips at a construction site when he found out that he had come fourth in Manipurs class XII commerce stream examinations. The parttime daily wage earner was forced to take up work at an early age to help his family battle poverty. At first, couldnt quite believe his ears when his friend called him with the news. "All that I wanted in the XIIth exams was to do better than my matriculation, when I scored 70.2%," Meitei told PTI over the phone. Though he fell short of his target by a whisker - scoring 69.2% marks finding himself among the toppers was something he

brave act of professional achievement". The home ministry acknowledged receiving the report and said it is being studied and action on its content will be taken soon. "It is with the CRPF DG and he is examining it. The DG is expected to send the report to the home ministry in a day or two," advisor to the home ministry Ashok Prasad said. The IG, deputy chief of the CRPF formations in the northeastern states after the additional DG, has also sent the April 17 report to the Chief Secretary of Assam and chairperson of the Unified Command of security forces, the Central Reserve Police Force headquarters here, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the 4 Corps in Assam and the Director General of the SSB. Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal told PTI over phone from Guwahati that he has not received any report till now and his government will conduct an inquiry once it gets it. Rai has identified the

Dated Kohima, the 23rd May, 2017


Quotation are invited from interested parties for supply, installation and maintenance of Information KIOSK machine, Display Monitors, Extra Monitor with splitter, in various court complexes of Nagaland. Previous bidders may use the same EMD and processing fees for the same. Details may be downloaded from (MRS. Y. LONGKUMER) Registrar, - cum- Central Project Coordinator, Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench

together with friends to celebrate his achievement. "I have to be at the work site today on time," Meitei said.

New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved setting up of a new All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Kamrup district of Assam at a cost of Rs 1,123 crore under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) The announcement was made by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley af-

ter the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. With a capacity of 750 beds, it will be completed in 48 months from the zero date i.e. is the date of the approval of Central government. The hospital will also have 22 speciality or super-speciality departments, including 16 operation theaters.


Mountain View Christian College, Kohima AFFILIATED TO NAGALAND UNIVERSITY Near BSF Camp. Below ATI Office: Kohima ARTS AND COMMERCE Contact No: 0370-2280071/8256923734 Classes Admission Install (quarterly) 11&12 5500 3000 B.A (Gen) 6500 3100 B.A (Hons) 6800 3200 Hostel Monthly fee - 3500



Dt. Dimapur the 23rd May, 2017

For more information

NO.REV-12/2000-D/III/ 2096-97 / Notice is hereby given that SHRI. S.B.TUSHI AO resident of Landmark colony has reported that he has lost the Jamabandi/ Patta bearing Patta No.-139 under Dag No-945 measuring an area of 02B-01K-02Ls. at Block No-9. Seen FIR lodge vide GDE No.-05/17, dtd-05/5/17 in the West P.S, Dimapur on the said plot of land. The undersigned hereby invites claims/objections concerning to the said land and if any should be submitted to this Court in written within 1(one) month from the date of issue of this notice.

8014131497 / 974064295

Sd/- KESONYU YHOME, IAS Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur: Nagaland

LODGING AND RESTRO for sale in town at prime location. Contact:


5th Mile Model Village, Post Box. No. 150, Dimapur – 797112, Nagaland. Regd. Rs. No. 1880, Govt. Per. No. 7703, Recognized by Govt. of Nagaland Higher Education, Accredited by Asia Theological Association, India (ATAI), and Indian Institute of Inter- Cultural Studies (IIICS).

COURSES OFFERED Degree Eligibility Duration M. Div B. Th. /B.A. 2Yrs/3Yrs B. Th. 10+2 passed 3 Yrs Diploma in Mission Studies Class X passed 2 Yrs Certificate in Mission Studies. Class X 1Yrs Short Term Missionary Course Mission Interested Candidate Five months Entrance examination and interview for M. Div. will be on 6th June 2017 at 9:00 AM. New session begins from 23rd June 2017. Kindly address all inquiries to: Principal: 9436830739 Academic Dean: 9856145668 | Website:


ThursdAY 25•05•2017



New crop insurance scheme Microsoft announces new Surface Pro with 13.5 hours of battery life putting pressure on states New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): The central government’s ambitious crop insurance scheme for farmers -- Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana -- has put pressure on states even though it succeeded in expanding the farm insurance coverage 50 per cent in a year since its launch. A senior Agriculture Ministry official said some of the states have complained they have ended up paying up to half of their budgetary allocations for agriculture sector for premiums to insurance companies, creating a pressure on the coffers and existing infrastructure. Under PMFBY, launched in January 2016, farmers have to pay just 2 per cent of the sum insured for Kharif crops, 1.5 per cent for Rabi crops and 5 per

cent for horticulture and commercial crops, while the central and state government pay the remaining amount equally. “Last year, about 20 per cent of farmers in the country had opted for crop insurance. However, PMFBY has led to the coverage to increase to 30 per cent. The Centre paid Rs 13,500 this year. As states have to share 50 per cent of government share, they had to divert major share of agriculture funds to pay premium for PMFBY,” said the official, requesting anonymity. Also, India stood eighth till last year in terms of volume of crop insurance. However, the country jumped to third position after PMFBY. Another challenge according to the agriculture ministry officials is the irregularities in

crop cutting experiments. “Crop cutting experiments are being done since Independence but no one bothered how it is done, if done actually or just on paper. There is no clarity. Since launch of the new crop insurance scheme, huge vested interests have come up for assessment of crop cutting experiments,” the official said. While the scope of crop insurance widened substantially, the staff capacity and required machinery available with the states did not see any addition, putting the revenue departments under pressure. “We are facing problem some problems as the existing revenue staff is under pressure. However, we hope we will be able to arrange the required infrastructure in the next few

ShaNghai, May 24 (iaNS): Microsoft Corporation has unveiled the new Surface Pro that delivers up to 13.5 hours of battery life, making it more than 2.5 times faster than Surface Pro 3. A powerhouse laptop, Surface Pro is also a mobile creative studio with a 12.3inch PixelSense touch display that supports the new Surface Pen and Surface Dial both on and off-screen. Twice as accurate as the previous version and enhanced by PixelSense Accelerator custom silicon, the new Surface Pen and new Surface Pro together set the industry standard for faster, more fluid writing and drawing and now Surface Pen supports tilt for more natural shading. “With the introduction of the new Surface Pro we are

years. PMBFY can do good for farmers if implemented effectively and transparently,” said an official of Maharashtra’s Agriculture Department. According to Agriculture Ministry officials, the number of non-loanee farmers opting for crop insurance has gone from 5 per cent last year to 25 per cent this year due to the scheme. The scheme has also faced criticism for involving private companies. However, the government has defended its decision, saying that the system does not have the required amount of money, infrastructure, insurance support while the private companies bring efficiency, provide healthy environment for transparency.

once again advancing the category by delivering the versatility of a powerhouse laptop and a mobile creative studio in one thin, lightweight device,” Panos Panay, Corporate Vice Presi-

dent, Microsoft Devices, said in a statement on Tuesday. The new Surface Pro has been redesigned from the inside out to give people more performance and 50 per cent more battery life than the Surface Pro 4 and packs the power

of a 7th generation Intel Core processor into a new fanless and whisper-quiet design. The new Surface Pro Signature Type Cover delivers a highquality scissor mechanism and 1.3 mm of key travel for faster and more accurate typing. A full-size glass trackpad with five-finger multi-touch capabilities allows ultimate precision and the entire keyboard is wrapped in soft and durable Alcantara material. Starting at $799, the new Surface Pro will be launched on June 15 in 25 markets, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Britain and the US.

Tax burden likely to increase on ‘Existing laws on live broadcasts not applicable to internet’ More UDAN routes medical devices in GST regime New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): line raise serious question on understanding emerging social to be allocated by Aug On the heels of Facebook defend- how social media companies issues and the way they mani-

KolKata, May 24 (iaNS): The medical device industry expects the tax load in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime to increase, which will result in a higher cost burden on patients, an official said on Wednesday. “The medical device sector can expect a higher tax burden due to the proposed GST rates, subsequently resulting in a higher cost burden to the patients,” said Medical Technology Association of India’s (MTaI) Board Member Sanjay Bhutani. He said at the existing indirect tax regime, the embedded tax rate approximately comes to 7.5% and 10.7% after considering countervailing duty, central sales tax, value added tax

(VAT), Octroi, entry tax etc. In the GST regime, the rate was pegged at 12%. “The medical devices including surgical instruments, therefore, will roughly have an additional tax burden of 4.5% to 1.3%” he said. Countervailing duty is levied at the first point that is at the import price while central sales tax is imposed on the billing price from the company to the distributor. VAT is levied at the value at which the goods are finally sold to customers. According to Bhutani, it was earlier expected that the tax burden would ease with the introduction of GST as the uniform indirect tax regime would subsume all the taxes.

Google selects 6 Indian startups for accelerator programme New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): Google on Wednesday announced that it has shortlisted six Indian startups for the fourth class of Google Accelerator Programme that will kick-off from July 17 at the Google Developers Launchpad Space in San Francisco. With this batch, a total of 26 Indian startups have so far joined the launchpad accelerator programme from India. “These startups were shortlisted from hundreds which applied this

year, based on their unique value proposition and use of latest technologies like machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build high-impact solutions,” Paul Ravindranath G., Programme Manager, Google India, said in a statement on Wednesday. The programme will include two weeks of all-expense-paid mentorship bootcamp to dig deeper into machine learning and AI and help them leverage Google’s latest technologies.

ing its “Content Policy” after the leak of its content moderation guidelines, a research analyst has said that existing laws on live broadcasts don’t apply to the internet. “The social media companies have no liability towards online content like murder, rape, terrorism and suicide under intermediary laws around the world. Social media companies’ obligation is restricted to removing the illegal content on being informed of it,” said Shobhit Srivastava, Research Analyst, Mobile Devices and Ecosystems at market research firm Counterpoint Research. Earlier this week, Facebook’s several documents, included internal training manuals, spreadsheets and flowcharts, were leaked showing how the social media giant moderates issues such as hate speech, terrorism, pornography and self-harm on its platform. Citing the leaks, the Guardian said that Facebook’s moderators are overwhelmed with work and often have “just ten seconds” to make a decision on content posted on the platform. “The recent incidents where harmful videos were posted on-




Answer Number # 3949

fest themselves online, and being able to respond quickly to millions of reports a week from people all over the world,” she said. Bickert said it is difficult for the company reviewers to understand the context. “It’s hard to judge the intent behind one post or the risk implied in another,” she said. The company does not always get things right, Bickert explained, but it believes that a middle ground between freedom and safety is ultimately the best answer. She said that Facebook has to be “as objective as possible” in order to have consistent guidelines across every area it serves. Srivastava noted that “from social and business point of view social media companies like Facebook, etc. have to dedicate more resources for content moderating purposes which are inadequate now, otherwise we will see various governments restricting access to these players which will spell bad news for both users and these companies.” Last month, Facebook announced that it was hiring additional 3,000 reviewers to ensure the right support for users.

‘Social media companies have no liability towards online content’ “Facebook is also using a software to intercept content before it is posted online but it is still in early stages. This means that Facebook has to put a lot more effort to make the content safe,” he added. According to Monika Bickert, Head of Global Policy Management, Facebook, more than a billion people use Facebook on an average day and they share posts in dozens of languages. A very small percentage of those will be reported to the company for investigation and the range of issues is broad -- from bullying and hate speech to terrorism -- and complex. “Designing policies that both keep people safe and enable them to share freely means

std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. An amount of medicine 5. Against 9. Plateau 13. Rectum 14. Salamanders 16. Black, in poetry 17. An enclosed conduit 18. Perspiration 19. Gait faster than a walk 20. Academy award 22. Communications device 24. French for “State” 26. Crown 27. Armory 30. Medical building 33. Rumormonger 35. Style 37. Santa’s helper 38. Enlighten 41. Knave 42. Two 45. Hammering 48. Small in degree 51. Flattery 52. Rise rapidly 54. Type of sword 55. Ottoman 59. Our planet 62. Doing nothing 63. European currency (plural) 65. Have the nerve 66. French for “Black” 67. Expels 68. Decorative case 69. Press 70. Being 71. “Reed” backwards DOWN 1. Carpenter’s groove 2. Burden 3. Prospering 4. Demesnes 5. Autonomic nervous system 6. Colorful salamander 7. Sound from a nest

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3950

moderate online content. Facebook has a very large user base (nearly two billion monthly active users) and is expanding, and therefore moderating content with help of content moderators is a difficult task,” Srivastava told IANS.

8. Slanted font 9. Colorless odorless gas 10. River of Spain 11. Any day now 12. Kitty (poker) 15. Pilfer 21. Hindu princess 23. Snob 25. Adhesive strip 27. Matured 28. Parts portrayed 29. Directed 31. Burn 32. Large long-necked wading bird 34. Tear 36. Jittery 39. Watch chain 40. Christmas season 43. Well 44. Prima donna problems 46. Back of the neck 47. Feared 49. Despises 50. A company of performers 53. Open skin infections 55. French for Finished or Done 56. Smell 57. Hodgepodge 58. Not highs 60. Not false 61. Inheritor 64. South southeast

Answer to Crossword 3952

ACross Agent AntiCipAte behind blunt breAker bright bronze Center CloCks Cord Cover destroy dimension enjoy evAde flower mite money



musiC pAre quiCk rest rookie sewn solid speed stArt steAk swerve tACkle tent threAten tight title truth under young



std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)

Civil hospital



229529 229474

mh hospital

227930 231081

fire brigade


faith hospital


naga hospital


shamrock hospital


oking hospital


zion hospital

231864 224117 227337

bethel nursing home


northeast shuttles


police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east police station


west police station


Cihsr (referral hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur hospital

police station fire brigade

222246 222491



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 zubza ps

224041 248011


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Apollo hospital info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway


Airport indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 khuzama ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

kezocha ps

nagaland multispecialty health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

kohimA ps/oCs Contact numbers north ps

Chumukedima fire brigade 282777


New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): The central government on Wednesday said that it will allocate more air routes under its regional connectivity scheme -- UDAN (Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik) -through the second round of bidding by August. According to Civil Aviation Minister P. Ashok Gajapathi Raju, the government will soon launch the second round of bidding under RCS-UDAN after reciving stakeholders’ views on some proposed changes to the scheme which are intended to make it simpler and attractive for participation. The ministry will organise a stakeholder consultation meet on June 7 and will accept stakeholders’ comments on the proposed changes by June 9, 2017. At the same event, Civil Aviation Secretary R.N. Choubey pointed out that the ministry is planning to host an “interactive meet” between state governments and airlines for the second round of bidding for Udan routes on July 7, 2017. On April 27, 2017, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had flagged off the first Rs 2,500-an-hour flight between Shimla and New Delhi. The scheme is a key component of the National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP) which was released last year. On March 30, 2017, the central government under the first round of bidding for the scheme awarded contracts to five companies to operate flight services on 128 routes that will connect 70 airports. The airline companies chosen during the first round of bidding were Airline Allied Services (Alliance Air), SpiceJet, Turbo Megha Airways, Air Deccan and Air Odisha. The objective of RCS, christened as UDAN is to enhance air passenger traffic in the country by stimulating demand on regional routes.



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


kohimA south: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) kohimA north: 7085924114 (O) dimApur: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) ChumukedimA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) wokhA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) mokokChung: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) phek: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) zunheboto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tuensAng: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) longleng: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 women helpline 08822911011 WOMEN helpline 181 CHiLD welfAre Committee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

police station 1 police station 2 police station kobulong police station tuli police station Changtongya police station mangkolemba Civil hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing home


hotel metsüpen (tourist lodge) 2226373/ 2229343

CURRENCY NOTES buy (rs) sell (rs)

us dollars sterling pound hong kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar japanese yen euro thai baht korean won uAe dirham (Aed) Chinese yuan

63.41 82.17 7.88 47.17 45.54 46.78 56.38 70.84 1.78 0.0545 16.71 8.91

66.27 86.13 8.77 49.48 47.76 49.08 59.56 74.26 1.98 0.0607 18.61 9.93

thursday 25•05•2017


Nagaland cM meets bcS chairperson New Church inaugurated at Phisami DIMAPUR, MAY 24 (MExN): Nagaland State Chief Minister, Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsu today hosted lunch for Chairperson of the Burma Campaign Society (BCS), Akiko McDonald and held an interaction with her on ways to bring better reconciliation between the British and the Japanese along with the Naga people in whose land the Battle of Kohima took place. The aim of the BCS is “to encourage reconciliation and enhance mutual understanding and the spread and exchange of information about any aspect of Britain and Japan’s wartime encounter during the Second World War, and matters subsequently arising from it,” informed a press note from the CMO. The BCS aims to provide opportunities for the international public to access historical data, war memoirs of individual soldiers, diaries, photos, films, presentation of academics’ research by holding events, exhibitions, and discussion forums. It also aims to proactively participate in War Memorial Services in the UK, Japan, and India as well as in Burma, and broaden knowledge. McDonald became very interested in Lieutenant General Sato, because her father, Taiji Urayama, was a lieutenant (veterinary sur-

Nagaland State Chief Minister, Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsu with Chairperson of the Burma Campaign Society, Akiko McDonald at Hotel De Oriental Grand on Wednesday.

geon, 31st Regiment Mountain Artillery) in the 31st Division which was under the command of General Sato. Hirakubo, a previous chairman of the Burma Campaign Society, was also a lieutenant (supply officer, 31st Regiment Mountain Artillery) in the 31st Division. “I strongly believe that both

my father and Hirakubo owe their lives to the battlefield decisions taken by General Sato,” she had stated in an article published in Japan Times a few years back. This motivated her to look not just into the exploits of Lieutenant General Kotoku Sato but also his character and personality. “Lt General Sato, who was

once stigmatised as dishonourable and insane, made such a crucial decision to withdraw his men of the 31st Division of the 15th Army from the Kohima Battle, the front line of the Imphal Operation. During the battle Lt. General Sato disobeyed his General’s order to advance, and instead pulled his troops back to the nearest food and ammunition dump to save his men from starvation, deadly diseases and dying from their wounds. Not long after this the British-Indian army regained the Naga area completely, thus ending the Imphal operation,” she pointed out. “The catalyst for my realisation about the lingering animosity of some ex British soldiers was the visit to the UK by the Japanese Emperor in 1998, which brought about demonstrations and anti-Japanese sentiment. About this same time I met Hirakubo, who was chairman of the Burma Campaign Society (BCS), an organisation set up to bring about reconciliation between Japanese and British old soldiers who had fought in Burma,” she recalled. After, Hirakubo passed away in 2008, McDonald became chairwoman of BCS. She stated that her aim in the BCS is trying to bring about reconciliation between old foes.

KIPhIRE, MAY 24 (MExN): The newly built Church under the patronage of St. James at Phisami village in Kiphire District was blessed and dedicated by Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima on Wednesday, May 24. According to a press release, Bishop James congratulated Rev. Fr. Thomas Vayalayil, the Parish Priest, Sisters, and further expressed admiration at the small catholic community in the village for the team work by which they were able to build such a beautiful church within such a short time. The Bishop referred to the Acts of the Apostles and said that true worship is offered through listening to the teaching of the Apostles, prayer and fellowship.

Earlier Rev. Fr. Thomas, Parish Priest, St. Mary Church, Seyochung Town accorded the words of welcome to all. Vikato, Head GB, Phisama Village, cut the ribbon and the memorial stone was unveiled by Rev. Fr. George Parakal. 25 children received first Holy Communion. Presentations were also given to those who helped to build the church. Hoketo Daniel, the first Catholic from the village anchored the programme and also proposed the vote of thanks. “It was the spirit of God who led me to embrace the Catholic Faith,” Daniel stated. At the end of the Holy Eucharist, the entire community took part in the Eucharistic procession around the village.

Meetings & AppointMents

NLA Secretary informs Army Recruitment Rally in Shillong KohIMA, MAY 24 (MExN): The Commissioner & Secretary of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, N. Benjamin Newmai has informed that in view of the 16th (Special) Session of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly to be held on May 27, Car Passes and Official Gallery Passes will be issued from May 26 onwards as under: 1. Ministers/Advisers (Cabinet Status)/Parliamentary Secretaries and AHODs are to collect Car Passes and Gallery Passes from the Special Secretary (Home Department), Civil Secretariat, Kohima. 2. HODs/Media are to collect Car Passes from Reception Counter Gate No. 1, Nagaland Legislative Assembly Secretariat. The Operation Acceleration Dimapur Town (OADT) of the 3. MLAs/PS/PA and other departments are directed to NSCN (IM) seized contraband cocaine and few tablets collect Car Passes from Reception Counter Gate No. of Spasmo Proxyvon and Nitrogen worth Rs. 60,000 at II, Nagaland Legislative Assembly Secretariat. Naga Cemetery, Dimapur.

MoKoKchUNg, MAY 24 (DIPR): The Secretary, Zila Sainik Board, Mokokchung, Lt. Col. Joy Choudhury has informed that a Recruitment Rally is to be conducted by Assam Regimental Centre, at Happy Valley, Shillong from June 19 to 30. The Rally is being conducted under Unit HQ quota and is solely applicable to the following categories of candidates: Sons of war widow/widower, son of Service/ Ex-Servicemen, Real brother of Servicemen/Ex-Servicemen and wards of TA. For details, candidates have been informed to contact the welfare organizer, Zila Sainik Board, Mokokchung.

7 associations covered in AIDS Advocacy Programme KohIMA, MAY 24 (MExN): The Church Advocacy programme on HIV/AIDS for local area church leaders has so far, starting from September 2016, covered seven associations. According to a press release, the advocacy programmes have been con-

ducted at Athibung Town Baptist Church; Pughoboto Baptist Church; Nkio-B Baptist Church¬Nsong; USBLA (Sangtam) at Kiphire; Anaki Building at Khermahal, Dimapur; PBCC Mission Centre Yisisotha Meluri; and CBLT Conference Hall, Tuensang.

A joint initiative of the Legislators’ Forum on AIDS (LFA) in partnership with NBCC, the Advocacy Programme which was launched through Nagaland Development Outreach (NDO) will cover church leaders under 20 Baptist Associations. As an ongoing pro-

gramme which will go on till 2020, the other associations will also be covered in the coming days, the release from Dr. Vinito L. Chishi, State Consultant LFA Nagaland stated and further conveyed that they look forward for positive response and partnership.

AR apprehends Solar street lights launched in Tuensang alleged arms dealer TUENsANg, MAY 24 (DIPR): Deputy Director DNRE, Er. InaDIMAPUR, MAY 24 (MExN): Troops of 41 Assam Rifles along with police representatives launched an operation in Thahekhu, Dimapur on May 23 and apprehended an individual identified as one Levito Swu, 35 years, along with one .22 mm Pistol and magazine. “The individual revealed that he was involved in illegal procurement and smuggling of arms in Dimapur,” the AR claimed in a press release. The apprehended individual was later handed over to Sub Urban Police Station, Dimapur along with the recovered items for further investigation.

Solar street lights were launched at Phinjang Sector Community Hall, St. John A, Tuensang on May 24 with Deputy Commissioner, Tuensang, Alem Jongshi as the chief guest. Speaking at the function, the chief guest said that the solar street light is one of the many eco-friendly accessories, machineries, gadgets and appliances to check the menace of global warming. He advised the public to protect and preserve the community assets so that maximum benefits can be achieved.

ho P Awomi apprised on the usage and services of solar street light. He also highlighted the work activities of the department and ongoing projects in the state. The solar street light installation was sponsored by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and implemented by Directorate of New and Renewable Energy (DNRE), Government of Nagaland. The launching programme was attended by the officials of DNRE, other government officials and citizens of the sector.

Pichano Jami wins Nagaland StartUp 2017 contest KohIMA, MAY 24 (MExN): Pichano Jami, founder of Picha designs, a home based design bag company has been declared winner of Nagaland StartUp 2017 competition. Another entrepreneur, Ahulo Kemp was awarded the most promising startup business. A press release informed that top startup businesses across Nagaland were invited to the YouthNet’s Centre of Excellence for Entrepreneurship to make business pitches. 10 finalists were shortlisted and they competed to be awarded the top startup business idea for 2017. Ideas such as delivery services, sustainable furniture, cultural tourism and more were shared, it said. The young entrepreneurs were trained on basic business skills such as finance, marketing, branding and how to use a business canvas that will guide

them in their entrepreneurial journey at the boot camp. The winner, Pichano, acknowledged her father has been a constant support and the workshop has helped her upgrade her business skills. She also opined that the government should encourage young startups because unemployment is increasing each day and if the government does not take care of its young people, unemployed youth may use their youthful energy in negative ways. She also encouraged the young audience to start today be-

cause in the future even getting a private job or starting a business will be harder. Pichano is also a school teacher in a private school. “I go to school and in the evening I work at my unit. I work 12-14 hours a day. This award will motivate me to work harder,” she stated. Heiko Kent from Nagaland Startups shared at the programme, “We have many job seekers, we need to encourage entrepreneurs that will create jobs for the youths and build our economy.”

Yanpvuo Kikon of Naga Blog also had a session and shared how entrepreneurs can use social media to reach their audiences. Medo Putsure, Founder- Bambusa was the judge of the competition. The boot camp was conducted by YouthNet’s IMPACT 5000 by18 team and supported by Quest alliance, Bangalore. It was organized in collaboration with Nagaland Startups, which is led by Atohoto Kent, Akato Rochill, and Heiko Kent.

Chakhesang Cultural Organization The Chakhesang Cultural Organization is observing its General Session on May 27, 11:00 am at Tourist Lodge, Near NAP Camp, Pfutsero. Kuzholuzo Neinu, Deputy-Chairman-State Planning Board, Govt. of Nagaland will grace the Inaugural Session. All frontal organizations, viz. CPO, CMA, CWWS, CYF, CSU, CCRI, CWA, and Area Public Organizations, Public Leaders and concerned citizens are requested to attend to deliberate on important issues in regard to the heritage and culture of the Chakhesang people, a press release from Dr. Z. Venuh, Gen. Secretary, CCO stated.

Workshop on GST With the aim to provide needy students the opportunity to learn IT skills and enhance their employability, the 32 Assam Rifles provisioned three computers sets to Student Union, Nihokhu village, Dimapur District. The handing over ceremony was conducted on May 21 in presence of GBs, Teachers, students and locals from Nihokhu village.

The Finance Department (Revenue Branch) has notified that there will be a workshop on Goods & Services Tax (GST) for Members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly on May 26, 3:00 pm at the State Banquet Hall, Kohima.

Public SPace Scattering Plain Thought PY Vihoto Ato Area, Niuland

This scattering plain thought is so called because this is an assimilation and dissemination of hearing to the spreading news surrounding us and nothing the far and wide study and research exercise activities. This plain thought in plain words in plain truth is given to the needed rectifications and begins with – What is Nagaland? What is Article 371A? Historically, politically, the armed conflict and constitutionally Nagaland the 16th state of the India Federal Republic is the Article 371A and the Article 371A is the Nagaland and when the Article 371A is abrogated Nagaland is abrogated. Thanks to the framers of the constitution in the name of the Almighty Lord God JEHOVAH for the framers of the constitution who utilised their vast knowledge and wisdom and materialized the reality of Nagaland’s entity into the nation’s constitution; it is the sublimation of knowledge and wisdom with humanity. There is a saying that knowledge and wisdom without humanity is a terror (killing and destruction) to humanity and its soaring complex civilizations; the same view can also be construed as, “Knowledge and wisdom with the barrel of the guns devoid of humanity is a terror to a human life and terrorised the race to numbness”. In one’s own style, venting out the plain thought on the matter the Article 371A; it appears to have two parts-the first part and the latter part of which the first part is the political element and the latter part is the kind that is prone to bureaucratic law and order aspect. In this respect we have to be cautious enough not to slip into the latter part while protecting our assets-the traditional accepted laws

and customs, the oils, the minerals and the natural gas by resorting to violent exposes incurring the 144 upon us. In this respect no Chief Minister must not make himself all powerful while dealing those assets- the oil, the minerals and the natural gas by coming into agreement with the powerful and age old traditional experience Corporate Houses in the solitary clandestine manner along with him the kind, “the Nagaland Brigad 2016”. To deal those assets it has to be through the election and its manifesto either by a midterm pool or by a general election along with the concerned local people in a mutual knowledge and agreement, and not by any other man, wearing dark glasses and speaking profusely about the rapid things. From the Nagaland’s historical point of view it was the land of evolved democratic republic from one hill top to the other hill top or from village to village with traditional laws and customs and the language with slight variation from village to village in the same tribe and there was no known King or a Rani or a common leader over them all. It was once when a design was designed to present them a modern day common Rani through an infiltrated external power but that was outlandishly pernicious to the aboriginal Nagaland people and the unbearable design was trounce off. As for Nagaland there was no known large scale declared war, defeat and conquest by any king and not even by the Mughal kings who ruled the entire India for six generations. It was after the skirmishes, between the British despatched soldiers and Naga local forces followed by the establishment and expansion of British administrations in Nagaland and thus Nagaland came under a foreign administration for the first time. It is a presumption that this adminis-

tration extension to Nagaland was a pre-empt to keep Nagaland at bay protecting Assam the land of vast oil reserve and abundance tea. Whatever the matter, it is Nagaland who awed to British Empire for the transformation of the fraction of Nagaland from its existing primativities to the changed world and to the American missionaries for the Christianity and the education. As for Nagaland with regard to British Empire this was the first time recorded history which however came under the British extended administration it is an epitome of its unique historical identity. More over a mull over those of the Company’s and British’s Acts-the Regulating Act 1773, Pitts India Act 1784, the Permanent settlement Act 1793, the Ryotwari system etc these Acts were to tone up the male administrative systems and male-land revenues systems in India and not for this part of land because the then the Naga part of land laid separate from it and this is another example of its uniqueness and the same is given understanding as per the article. Therefore the Nagaland is the article 371A and the Article 371A is Nagaland; an invalidation of the Article is the invalidation of Nagaland. A look forward to an arrive political solution where there is the crystal clear that they crave for Naga integration is already discarded and the solution is encircling Nagaland alone, means exclusive Nagaland it is the political, social and racial and geographical mandatory that there has to be a massive involvement popular sanctions of the people of Nagaland and not the mere urban Nagaland majority and some others, without the massive involvement and its popular sanction it may become an unpredictable time capsule which is not good for Nagaland and India.

The Morung Express “Public Space” is to provide space for diverse opinions to be expressed and heard. The opinions in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper nor the editor.


Thursday 25•05 •2017



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xii issue 141 By Aheli moitra

Development – politics with other means?


t is a common sight—people selling exotic wild animals on the highway between Kohima and Dimapur. Everyone drools at them, and those who can afford to, buy them. There is always more to feed more; Nagaland’s forests somehow replenish themselves. This Saturday, a man held out something uncommon by its tail—a 3 to 4 foot long lizard like creature. Still alive and swaying for dear life, it was probably sold before the sun set. Wild meat has high status on the food menu given its ‘medicinal properties,’ as a colleague pointed out. Porcupine, wild rat, wild cat, wild boar, jungle fowl, snake, deer, bear; every animal has a ‘medicinal property’ and a special recipe to go with. In traditional lore, their hunting patterns came with norms that saved a total wipeout of all things wild. People like me do not have access to this ancestral knowledge. But we do have access to contemporary knowledge, particularly of how some villages have adapted to changing circumstances. With growing human population, technology, and unsustainable development practices, natural biodiversity is being pulled down at an alarming rate. Several villages in Nagaland have put local policies in place to curb hunting in order to conserve biological diversity for future generations. As local practices get streamlined, development has had its share of the biodiversity. Unlike local hunting, unrestrained development destroys wildlife habitat itself. This week saw the discussion on sustainable development and biodiversity conservation gain spotlight. May 22 was the International Day for Biological Diversity—government and non government entities spoke out in unison for taking up development processes in a way that respects Nagaland’s ecosystem and biological diversity. This is key to sustenance of indigenous communities. While individual commitment will be essential, local governance units pledging to stand by their natural heritage (connected to socio-cultural heritage) is an important step in a climate of destruction of local environment under the shadow of centrally sponsored ‘development’. Specific community rules should be made to reverse the process of environment degradation, perhaps even by Nagaland State through Article 371-A. Development in the Indian Union wears a securitizing lens today, not a reconciling or harmonious one. The NITI Aayog CEO said on Tuesday that the police will now become the major “agent of social change” to facilitate “rapid growth.” Violence in the name of state growth is being justified through the neo planning commission. Elsewhere, the Army has suggested digging up tunnels under rivers of the North East region. Imagine the cost of this on the ecology, and the people who share it. It is easy to make such remarks when your previous or future generations have no relationship with the land. For the people who inhabit this ecosystem though, it is a matter of life and death—of culture and identity. Such agendas should push us to wonder if State sponsored ‘development’ has become the new war alongside other means. War is, after all, continuation of politics (policy) with other means (Carl von Clausewitz). Other feral ideas may be sent to



Did Earth form from a donut -shaped planetary object?


arly in its history, our home planet was likely a huge, spinning, donut-shaped mass of hot, vaporised rock, now called a "synestia", according to a new study. In a paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, the researchers proposed that a synestia formed as planet-sized objects smashed into each other. For the study, planetary scientists Simon Lock at Harvard University and Sarah Stewart at the University of California - Davis explored how planets can form from a series of giant impacts. Current theories of planet formation hold that rocky planets such as the Earth, Mars and Venus formed early in the existence of our solar system as smaller objects collided with each other. These collisions were so violent that the resulting bodies melted and partially vaporised, eventually cooling and solidifying to the (nearly) spherical planets we know today. "We looked at the statistics of giant impacts, and we found that they can form a completely new structure," Stewart said. The researchers found that over a range of high temperatures and high angular momentum, planet-sized bodies could form a new, much larger structure, an indented disk rather like a red blood cell or a donut with the centre filled in. The object is mostly vaporised rock, with no solid or liquid surface. They dubbed the new object a "synestia," from "syn-," "together" and "Hestia," Greek goddess of architecture and structures. The key to synestia formation is that some of the structure's material actually goes into orbit. In a spinning solid sphere, every point from the core to the surface is rotating at the same rate. But in a giant impact, the material of the planet can become molten or gaseous and expands in volume. If it gets big enough and is moving fast enough, parts of the object pass the velocity needed to keep a satellite in orbit, and that is when it forms a huge, disk-shaped synestia, the researchers said. Most planets likely experience collisions that could form a synestia at some point during formation, Stewart said. No one has yet observed a synestia directly, but the researchers believe that they might be found in other solar systems once astronomers start looking for them alongside rocky planets and gas giants.


Graham Peebles openDemocracy

The rise of anxiety in the age of inequality

In a world so focused on mindless consumption and status acquisition, the developed world’s epidemic of anxiety and depression should come as no surprise


nxiety and depression are at unprecedented levels worldwide and the numbers are growing. The World Health Organization (WHO) describe it as an epidemic, and report that the period between 1990 and 2013 saw close to a 50% increase in the number of people suffering from one or both of these conditions, with the figure rising to 615 million people – almost 10% of the world’s population. Given that many developing countries have yet to be extensively polled, these figures, while staggering, provide in all likelihood only an indication of the depth of the problem. The weight of expectation What are the factors that create such a fear-inducing, hostile environment? Why do so many people regard the world as unkind, intolerant and life as something to be feared? In a recent programme broadcast on BBC Radio 4, listeners were invited to share their stories of anxiety. Parents rang in to tell of children – nineteen, twelve, nine years of age – who are living with the debilitating condition. Many callers spoke of being reduced to tears when listening to the accounts being related: children and teenagers unable to go to school; middle-aged men too anxious to face the world; and women unable to step out of their homes and engage with life for fear of ridicule. A recurring theme was a lack of self-confidence and an inability to live up to expectations – perceived or actual. These might be expectations constructed at school, where competition and conformity rule the classroom; within relationships where a list of qualities and attitudes are deemed to be required; and at work where the profit imperative rules, and those who maximise returns succeed. Debilitating feelings of inadequacy and inferiority flow from such negative, restrictive ideas of self, feeding anxiety and causing inhibition of all kinds – mental, emotional and physical. Such effects make it more difficult for people to step into unknown areas, be it to enquire, take risks, try something new, apply for work, dare to fail, raise their hand with an opinion or question, or challenge the authority of parents, teachers, employers, or the state. ‘Status anxiety’ and ‘image anxiety’ were repeatedly mentioned by the listening experts, as symptoms of our materialistic, image-conscious times. While this impacts us all, young people are particularly afflicted, with one in eight British children affected by anxiety disorders according to The Guardian. Research shows that children with untreated anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, and engage in substance abuse. And in the US, anxiety blights the lives of 25% of teenagers. In girls, this figure rises to 30%, no doubt as they are under pressure to meet unattainable physical, social and academic ideals. "It started when I was 15," Claire, an anxiety sufferer, told The Guardian, "when I realised that I wasn't pretty or intelligent, or as good as I thought I was." Image and status anxiety relate not only to physical appearance but the image of who and what we are – or what we think we are – in the context of a society that judges by looks, position, wealth and social background. In such a world,

status – the station attained or bestowed – conditions how we are seen by others, and is regarded as all-important. An identity is constructed by various factors, all of which carry an association and, as such, proclaim social position and affiliation, advertising more or less loudly the size of one’s bank account. In this shallow social environment, the accumulation of material riches is given undue emphasis, with factors such as one’s possessions or educational history taking precedent. The meeting of need—food, shelter, healthcare, education – is replaced with the fulfilment of desire: the cultivation of want. Sufficiency is laughed at, abundance encouraged, waste ignored and human dignity eroded. And if – as is the case for the majority – the means to consume, compete and dominate, are lacking, self-worth falters, anxiety envelops, depression threatens and suicide lies in wait. And for those able to shell out on all that is decreed desirable, the weight of expectation and comparison amongst peers brings about its own pressures. Economic inequality and anxiety One of the major causes of anxiety generally – and specifically of ‘status anxiety’ – is wealth and income inequality. Evidence published by Richard G Wilkinson, author of The Impact of Inequality, showed that in developed countries, mental illnesses “were three times as common in societies where there were bigger income differences between rich and poor.” This means that “an American is likely to know three times as many people with depression or anxiety problems as someone from countries such as in Japan and or Germany,” where inequality is not as extreme. The degree of worldwide inequality that now exists is staggering; with the gap between the stupendously rich and the rest greater than it has ever been. In January 2016, Oxfam UK reported that the equivalent wealth of the poorest half of the world's population – 3.6 billion people – is concentrated into the hands of a mere 62 individuals. And this number has been falling dramatically, from 388 as recently as 2010, and 80 last year, while the wealth of the poorer half has shrunk by a trillion USD since 2010. Inequality is a gross form of social injustice, a moral crime that creates divisions, feeds resentment and works against humanity’s essential unity. It feeds a range of negative social issues, translating into unequal education, health and employment opportunities, differing access to arts and culture, and division into gated worlds of privilege for the rich and run down ghettos or uniform housing estates for the poor. In our ‘age of inequality’, the un-

derstandable resentment that is fed by wealth disparity creates divisions and distrust of others. This, Wilkinson says, is “partly a reflection of the way status anxiety makes us all more worried about how we are valued” – or indeed devalued – ”by others.” The existence of extreme poverty and excessive wealth is a gross form of social injustice – and works against humanity’s essential unity. Under the current socio-economic model, ambition is promoted and people are encouraged to strive for status and dominance in a ‘dog eat dog world’ where ‘everyone’s out for themselves’. This cultivates notions of superiority and inferiority; dominance and subservience. In a study headed by Sheri Johnson at the University of California, Berkeley, it was found that conditions such as “mania and narcissism are related to our striving for status and dominance, while disorders such as anxiety and depression may involve responses to the experience of subordination.” As such, it may be likely that the epidemic of anxiety and depression is but one consequence of the selfish, violent environment created by our socio-economic system. This epidemic may be inevitable within a system that is inherently unjust – and by design. The ruling elite – a privileged coterie made up mainly of corporations and banks – do not want the masses to be economically secure, emotionally stable or psychologically content. A perpetual state of unease, insecurity and fear is cultivated to facilitate the greatest degree of control, allowing for the manipulation of behaviour, the exploitation of millions, and the erosion of human dignity. If we are to substantially tackle the worldwide mental health crisis, we need to replace such worn-out, destructive attitudes with values that unite people and encourage cooperation, sharing and mutual understanding. When such principles of goodness prevail, a healthy society with social justice at its heart will be able to evolve, diffusing tensions and making the realisation of peace a possibility. Overcoming fear In addition to social pressures, a variety of situations and emotional demands trigger anxiety: uncertainty, and the longing for security – emotional, romantic, economic, health – the reactions of others to what we say and do; anxiety that one may lose a loved one to death, to someone else, through a misunderstanding, a ‘falling out’. Anxiety is fear; it inhibits and conditions action. Freedom from anxiety will naturally follow the overcoming of fear. Fear is complex, of course, subtle and hard to reach, entwined with de-

sire and pleasure. Freedom from fear and its crippling effect is dependent on the release from desire and a life lived in the pursuit of pleasure, as the Buddha made clear in that treasure of truth, the Dhammapada: “From pleasure arises sorrow and from pleasure arises fear. If a man is free from pleasure, he is free from fear and sorrow.” The great teacher J. Krishnamurti, too, made clear the imperative of freeing oneself from the shackles of pleasure in order to combat anxiety: “Fear and pleasure are the two sides of a coin: you cannot be free of one without being free of the other also.” Psychological fear is a product of time – not chronological time, but time as thought. We experience anxiety not about what is actually taking place, but about what may happen in the future. This future could be moments, days or years ahead: the coming interview, making the next month’s rent, meeting a new person, and so on. We can begin to mitigate this psychological fear by placing ourselves firmly in the now – the ‘eternal now’ as it is called in esotericism. Total commitment to the activity of the moment—with no thought of its result, impact, or success – will help hold the mind steady, arrest its momentum. As the Buddha taught: “when you walk, just walk. When you eat, just eat.” This is, admittedly, easier said than done. Strategies that reclaim control often prove helpful. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is recommended by various mental health charities, and helped Claire to begin to manage her anxiety: “I had 10 sessions, which was all I could afford, and it changed everything. You have to commit to CBT; you have to put the time aside. But it does work. I still have bad days, but at least now I have a strategy." Whilst we all have the responsibility to change the way we individually respond to life as it impacts us, it is clear that the present socio-economic atmosphere encourages certain behaviour and creates the circumstances in which fear is highly probable, if not inevitable – certainly to those with a predisposition to worry. A new and just system is urgently needed to allow people to live healthy, harmonious lives that are free from anxiety. One that isn’t rooted in competition, and does not revolve around money or foster comparisons. A model that, instead of promoting a stifling blanket of greed and suspicion, encourages values arising out of a sense of unity and brotherhood: cooperation, tolerance, understanding and fairness. Our problems – individual, collective and environmental – are interconnected. Anxiety, like many other crises facing humanity, is part of the river of consequences flowing from a certain approach to life. We have allowed systems of governance and control to evolve that work against humanity’s inherent unity, are detrimental to our health and the well-being of the planet. Now it’s time for something new. Graham is an artist, writer and director of The Create Trust, an NGO he founded in 2006. He has run education projects and teacher training programs in Palestine, India and Ethiopia, where he spent two years working with local groups in Addis Ababa.

Cigarette filters may increase lung cancer risk


Will Boggs mD

igarette filters, introduced decades ago to reduce the amount of tar smokers inhale, also alter other properties of smoke and smoking in a way that raises the risk of lung cancer, researchers say. In a review of research on changes in lung cancer rates, and changes in the types of lung cancer that are most common, the study authors argue that tiny ventilation holes in virtually all cigarettes sold today are creating a new health risk. "The design of cigarette filters that have ventilation can make the cigarettes even more dangerous, because those holes can change how the tobacco burns, allow smokers to inhale more smoke and to think that the smoke is safer because it is smoother,” senior author Dr. Peter D. Shields from The Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center in Columbus told Reuters Health by email. “This applies to all cigarettes, because almost all the cigarettes on the market have the holes, not just the ones that used to be called lights and ultra-lights,” he noted. Although rates of lung cancer in the population have fallen with declines in smoking overall, rates of lung cancer among smokers have risen significantly,

the researchers point out. And the type of lung cancer associated with smoking has also shifted since the 1950s. Rates of adenocarcinoma of the lung, the lung cancer most associated with smoking, have more than quadrupled in men and increased eight-fold in women along with changes in the design and composition of cigarettes since the 1950s, the researchers write. Shields and his team review the evidence linking cigarette filter ventilation to these increased rates of lung cancer in a report online May 22nd in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Filter ventilation reduces the amount of tar in the cigarette smoke when tested on smoking machines, but the increased ventilation and slower tobacco burn result in more puffs per cigarette and more toxic cancercausing chemicals being inhaled by smokers, they write. “The use of the ventilation holes yields lower tar only on a machine,” Shields said. “Machines have nothing to do with actual exposures in humans. The holes let them actually inhale more smoke with more cancer-causing agents.” Because of the claims of lower tar

content, though, smokers develop the false belief that a lower tar cigarette is a healthier cigarette, Shields' team writes. Increased filter ventilation also results in smaller particle size, allowing more smoke to reach vulnerable parts of the lung. Moreover, even though machinemeasured tar and nicotine levels have decreased over time, there has been no appreciable change in daily nicotine intake among smokers over the past 25 years, they write. “ Th e e v i dence shows that more modern cigarettes are more risky for lung cancer,” Shields said. “There are reasons in addition to the holes that also can contribute to the increasing risk, but one does not preclude the other.” Cigarette designs could and should be regulated to address all the possible reasons, Shields said. “The holes have no health benefits; they serve no health purpose,” he explained. “They do not lower tar delivery to people. So, if they have the potential harm, the FDA can act, even if the science is not perfect. The FDA can require cigarette manufacturers to make filters without the holes. This


is easy and they are doing it for some brands already.” Having filters may indeed be safer, Shields clarified. “This study is about the holes on the filters. We are not saying to remove filters, only to change their designs by removing the holes on the filters.” “The FDA now has the authority to require the elimination of filter ventilation, as ventilation does not serve any public health purpose and instead provides a false promise of reduced risk,” the study team concludes. “This single action for banning filter ventilation by the FDA is scientifically justified, and within its mandate to improve the public health,” they write. There is some precedent for the ban Shields and colleagues propose, Jonathan M. Samet and Lilit Aladadyan, both from the Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science at the Keck School of Medicine of USC and the USC Institute for Global Health in Los Angeles, write in an accompanying editorial. The evidence gathered by Shields’ team seems strong enough to support FDA action, and “given a lack of evidence for countervailing harms, ending filter ventilation could be a ‘no regrets’ action that would benefit public health,” they write.

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thursday 25•05•2017




Chinese shadow over Myanmar’s wars

Myanmar's capacity to forge peace with ethnic armies will depend largely on whether the groups receive arms, ammunition and other support from Beijing Brian McCartan


Asia Times

hen the second 21st Century Panglong peace conference opens on May 24, government representatives will need to engage ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) from two distinct regional blocs. While all EAOs have similar grievances and political demands, their divergent security situations and negotiating leverages will complicate government efforts to forge a genuine Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). In Myanmar’s insurgency-prone north and northeast, China has powerful influence over armed groups fighting against Myanmar government forces. Politically and strategically, Beijing is known to view the groups as a strategic buffer and bargaining chip in negotiations with Naypyidaw, particularly over its significant trade and investment with the neighboring country. This translates into supportive relationships with Myanmar’s EAOs operating in the north and northeast, some of the most conflict-ridden areas of the country. Some of these groups, namely United Wa State Army (UWSA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), and National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), are successor organizations to the Beijing-backed Communist Party of Burma (BCP). They were established following the mutiny of ethnic rank and file against their largely Burman commanders and political leaders in 1989. China continues to support these organizations through commercial and cultural connections, development programs, and, more importantly to the civil war, through the provision of military hardware, ammunition and other supplies, and training. The UWSA, the largest and best equipped of Myanmar’s EAOs, has received heavy artillery, man-portable airdefense systems (MANPADS) surface-toair missiles and light armored vehicles, as well as training in how to use the equipment from China. The armed group also operates a small arms factory built with Chinese support from which it supplies weapons to other EAOs, particularly in the northeast. When the MNDAA and its leader, Peng Jiasheng, were forced out of the Shan State’s Kokang region of northeast Myanmar into China’s southwestern Yunnan province by a Myanmar army offensive in 2009, Beijing provided shelter to the fleeing rebels. When the MNDAA reentered Myanmar in 2015, it was markedly stronger and better armed than before, likely due to Chinese support.


ne inevitable outcome of the phenomenal violence we all suffer as children is that most of us live in a state of delusion throughout our lives. This makes it extraordinarily difficult for accurate information, including vital information about the endangered state of our world and how to respond appropriately, to penetrate the typical human mind. ‘Phenomenal violence?’ you might ask. ‘All of us?’ you wonder. Yes, although, tragically, most of this violence goes unrecognised because it is not usually identified as such. For most people, it is a straightforward task to identify the ‘visible’ violence that they have suffered and, perhaps, still suffer. However, virtually no-one is able to identify the profoundly more damaging impact of the ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence that is inflicted on us mercilessly from the day we are born. So what is this ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence?. ‘Invisible’ violence is the ‘little things’ that adults do to children every day, partly because they are just ‘too busy’. For example, when adults do not allow time to listen to, and value, a child’s thoughts and feelings, the child learns to not listen to themSelf thus destroying their internal communication system. When adults do not let a child say what they want (or ignore them when they do), the child develops communication and behavioural dysfunctionalities as they keep trying to meet their own needs (which, as a basic survival strategy, they are genetically programmed to do). When adults blame, condemn, insult, mock, embarrass, shame, humiliate, taunt, goad, guilt-trip, deceive, lie to, bribe, blackmail, moralize with and/or judge a child, they both undermine their sense of Self-worth and teach them to blame, condemn, insult, mock, embarrass, shame, humiliate, taunt, goad, guilttrip, deceive, lie, bribe, blackmail, moralize and/or judge. The fundamental outcome of being bombarded throughout their childhood by this ‘invisible’ violence is that the child is utterly overwhelmed by feelings of fear, pain, anger and sadness (among many others). However, parents, teachers, religious figures and other adults also actively interfere with the expression of these feelings and the behavioural responses that

A Chinese national flag flutters on the borderline of China's Yunnan and Myanmar's Kokang region in Nansan town, Lincang city, southwest China's Yunnan province. (AFP Forum)

The Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), traditionally wary of China, also benefits through trade ties and certain logistics support. Through the UWSA and KIO, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), Shan State Progress Party/ Shan State Army-North (SSPP/SSA-N), and Arakan Army (AA) have received weapons and training indirectly from China. Together, the northern EAOs represent the largest and best armed groups in the country. Thailand, the traditional backer of EAOs in Myanmar’s southeast, has over time shifted its view of the insurgent groups. Once viewed and used as a buffer against a traditional enemy, they are now seen as an impediment to cross-border trade and investment opportunities as Myanmar opens to the world. Previously a profitable conduit for black market weapons and ammunition facilitated by tacit support from elements in the government and military, Bangkok is now actively encouraging EAOs along its border to sign ceasefires and engage in the Myanmar government’s peace process. In addition to increased trade and investment, particularly in agriculture, natural resources and energy, Bangkok is aiming to further limit the narcotics trade out of Myanmar, control illegal immigration and encourage the repatriation of tens of thousands of refugees in camps that for decades have dotted its border. The main EAOs along the Thai-Myanmar border – Karen National Union (KNU), New Mon State Party (NMSP), and Karenni National Progress Party (KNPP) – lost their profitable tax gates for black market trade between Myanmar and Thailand in the 1980s and early 1990s. Since then, trade has largely shifted to

official border crossings at Mae Sot-Myawaddy and Sangkhlaburi-Pyathounzu, as well as smaller government controlled crossings. Losses in territory have further eroded the ability of EAOs to raise funds through the exploitation of natural resources from logging and mining. For instance, the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), another group opposed to the Myanmar government, has been intermittently blocked access to Thailand due to its alleged involvement in the narcotics trade. Though because it can still source weapons through Myanmar’s Shan state from the north, where China-supported groups are active, it is not totally reliant on Thailand for its survival. Moreover, stocks of Vietnam War-era weaponry have dried up and Thailand has recently become much less willing to turn a blind eye to illicit arms sales to these groups through its territory. Thailand’s government and military, while no doubt involved in the past, have never been a major source of arms and ammunition in the same way as China has provided support to EAOs in Myanmar’s north. In 1995, heavy Thai pressure was an important factor in the NMSP’s ceasefire that year. In the 2000s and up until the KNU’s ceasefire in 2012, Bangkok put pressure on the armed group to avoid destabilizing armed clashes along its border. In the 2000s, it also sporadically shut down Karen supply routes across the Moei and Salween Rivers to influence KNU policy. Chinese backing also allows the northern EAOs to negotiate with Naypyidaw from a position of greater strength than more isolated armed groups in the south. Brian McCartan is a They have been able to fight a war in which the Myanmar military has incurred Chiang Mai-based independent analyst

Truth or Delusion? Robert J. Burrowes Inter Press Service

are naturally generated by them and it is this ‘utterly invisible’ violence that explains why the dysfunctional behavioural outcomes actually occur. For example, by ignoring a child when they express their feelings, by comforting, reassuring or distracting a child when they express their feelings, by laughing at or ridiculing their feelings, by terrorizing a child into not expressing their feelings (e.g. by screaming at them when they cry or get angry), and/or by violently controlling a behaviour that is generated by their feelings (e.g. by hitting them, restraining them or locking them into a room), the child has no choice but to unconsciously suppress their awareness of these feelings. However, once a child has been terrorized into suppressing their awareness of their feelings (rather than being allowed to have their feelings and to act on them) the child has also unconsciously suppressed their awareness of the reality that caused these feelings. In brief, this means that the child now lives in a state of delusion. And because this state was caused by terrorizing the child, the child is unable to perceive the series of delusions in which they now live. Moreover, unless the child (or, later, adult) consciously feels their fear and terror, it will be extraordinarily difficult for them to perceive anything beyond the delusions that they acquired during childhood. This is simply because the various elements of the child’s delusional state (the ‘values’, beliefs, attitudes, prejudices, biases) were the ones approved by the key adults – parents, teachers, religious figures – in the child’s life. Needless to say, living in a delusional state has many outcomes that are disastrous for the individual, for society and for nature because the individual will now behave on the basis of their delusions rather than in response to an accurate assessment of all available information through appropriate sensory, emotional, intellectual and conscientious scrutiny. For a full explanation of this process, see ‘Why Violence?‘ and ‘Fearless Psychol-

significant casualties and the EAOs have been able to secure autonomous control over significant swaths of territory. Indeed, these groups’ ability to replenish their supplies of arms and ammunition from China allows them to continue the fight at an intensity not seen since the conflict-ridden 1980s. It also puts them in a stronger position at the negotiating table, especially if the UWSA-led Pangshang grouping of northern EAOs consolidate into a cohesive negotiating bloc. The Pangshang grouping, named after the Wa state’s capital, has already stated they will not sign the government’s NCA in its present form and that they aim to negotiate new more favorable terms. The main southern groups – KNU, NMSP, RCSS, KNPP and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) – face a much different situation. Without the political or economic backing of Thailand or access to weapons and ammunition, as well as the real possibility of a Thai blockade of cross-border supplies, there is little potential for rearming, raising substantial new recruits, or taking back lost territory as Chinabacked groups have done. The level of conflict in the north, including a particularly pitched battle between government forces and the KIO, would be impossible to replicate in the south without a dramatic shift in Thailand’s current position. That’s viewed as unlikely under either the current military regime and the possible comeback of Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra’s Peua Thai party at future polls, as both have eagerly sought business opportunities in Myanmar. The main armed groups – KNU, RCSS and DKBA – have already signed the NCA, while NMSP and KNPP are rumored to be amenable to signing but it is still uncertain if they will attend the upcoming conference on May 24. Other NCA signatories – Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army Peace Council (KNU/KNLAPC), Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), Chin National Front (CNF), and Arakan Liberation Party (ALP), and All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) – all have negligible soldiers under arms. The reality of Myanmar’s ethnic civil war is that while many groups share the same grievances, including calls for ethnic rights, self-determination and federalism, there are specific regional and political differences that will require a more nuanced government approach if Panglong is to have a chance at achieving genuine and lasting peace.

ogy and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice‘. In essence then, the typical human being lives in a delusional state and this state is held in place by enormous, but unconscious, terror: the unfelt and hence unreleased childhood terror of being endlessly threatened and punished (for not complying with parental or other adult ‘authority’ throughout childhood). And if you have ever tried to persuade someone, by argument of an intellectual nature, that a belief they hold is inaccurate and wondered why you couldn’t get anywhere, it is because you have run into their unconscious terror. And sheer terror beats the best argument in the world ‘hands down’. So when you listen to people like Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen, or ponder those politicians and military generals who conduct endless wars, or watch those people on the street protesting against Muslims and refugees, or watch police beating up another indigenous or black person, or hear someone else deny the climate science, remember that you are witness to a person or people living in a terrified and delusional state that prevents them from perceiving and responding intelligently to reality. And that, in the case of political and corporate leaders, they only have the support to do what they do because a great many other delusional individuals (including voters and employees) enable them. Equally importantly, however, it is also necessary to recognise that a delusional state afflicts many of those we like to regard as ‘on our side’. It is just that their delusions work differently, perhaps, for example, by making them believe that only token ‘make it up as you go along’ responses (rather than comprehensive strategies) are necessary if we are to work our way out of the multifaceted crisis in which human society now finds itself. This is why many ‘leaders’ of liberation struggles as well as activist movements concerned with ending war(s) and the climate catastrophe, for example, are so unable to articulate appropriately visionary and functional strategies.

But the problem afflicts many other ‘progressive’ social movements as well, which limp along making only occasional or marginal impact, if they have any impact at all. So what are we to do? Well, the most important thing you can do is to never consciously participate in a delusion, whether your own or that of anyone else. I say ‘consciously’ of course because unless you identify the delusion, you will not be able to avoid participating in it. And there are probably few humans in history who have avoided all of the delusions their culture threw at them. If they did, they were probably outcast or killed. Christ, Gandhi and King are reasonably good examples of people in this latter category. But, historically speaking, many activists have been killed for refusing to participate in elite-promoted delusions. And many others have been marginalised, one way or another, depending on the culture. The value of not participating in a delusion, whether someone’s personal delusion or a widespread social one, arises from the impact you have on those around you: some of these people will have the courage to reflect on your behaviour and reconsider their own. If you believe you are relatively free of delusion and are committed to taking serious steps to tackle one or more aspects of our multifaceted global crisis, then you are welcome to consider making ‘My Promise to Children‘, and to consider participating in ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth‘, signing the online pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World‘ and/or considering using the strategic framework on one or the other of these two websites for your campaign or liberation struggle: Nonviolent Campaign Strategy and Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy. Living the truth on a daily basis is a tough road. And it will never come without cost. But living in the comfort of delusion, rather than taking action, is the path of cowards. The author has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of 'Why Violence?'

Today’s Nagas Don’t Know How to be Angry Anymore


political revolution is about a forcible overthrow of an established government or social order by the governed. Of course, it is not enough to break an old political machine. It is also necessary to create a new state of affairs based on a new ideology and for it to be guided by an entirely new leadership. In other words, revolution is about bringing in a complete and pervasive transformation of an entire socio-political system. The revolutions in France in the latter half of the 1700s are often cited as examples for political revolutions. In those days, the king had no significant plan for reform and the National Assembly manned by nobles deteriorated into petty squabbles over power, thereby leaving the common people to suffer from lack of basic necessities. The authorities failed to provide bread, control inflation, improve working conditions, and create new jobs. Under these depressing circumstances, the people could not tolerate the unresponsiveness of their political leaders anymore. Eventually, the commoners or working-class began to rebel. An incident in April 1789, termed by some as the first significant outbreak of the French Revolution, triggered off an uncontrollable public anger. Hundreds of halfstarved, angry people gathered in Bastille. Then the mob, swelling in numbers, went on a two-day rampage, sacking shops and houses, standing up to the guards under direct fire and fighting back despite heavy losses. Leaders had simply risen spontaneously in the crowd as it mobilized in the streets and became catalysts to the action of others. As a result, the political leaders, driven by the fear of the growing rebellion, finally made some compromises: they promised to abolish the system of nobility, provide some exemption from taxation, reorganize local government, and open all employment in public service to all. But the sad truth of the Revolution was this: The leaders lost control and became puppets of the crowd so they were unable to create a new political system or develop any political ideology that could potentially put the common people to be in control of everything affecting their own lives. The Russian Revolution, in contrast, was neither without ideology nor crowd-led. Of course, the working class in Russia in the early 1900s wanted a kind of economic and social freedom because they were suppressed by the powerful czar, the corrupt nobles and the wealthy landowners. But these ordinary citizens could not act as a class on their own, or constitute themselves into a viable political party, to oppose the ruling class. And they couldn’t organize themselves to be a revolutionary group either. It was at such a time Nicolai Lenin, an intellectual, stepped in to mobilize the helpless masses and directed them for political action. The new ideology he offered was Marxist Communism which had to do with crushing capitalism and replacing it with a common ownership system. He showed genuine concern for the poor in the early years. But in the end, his actions revealed that he was not doing all these because he really cared for the common people or wanted to share power with them or to give them real land ownership. He acted like a dictator and along with his closest colleagues controlled the new political system, and they gave themselves the freedom to use the so-called “common properties” according to their own wishes. In the case of the American Revolution which took place between 1765 and 1783, there was no one-man leadership. The Thirteen American Colonies revolted against the British rule and thus theirs was a collective leadership. They also applied their best minds and fought for their independence in the name of certain universal principles such as rule of law, constitutional rights, and popular sovereignty. After their victory, they put together the various governmental institutions in place so as to support their revolutionary aspirations and values to be able to survive for generations to come. In regards to the Naga people, we had our political revolution between the 1940s and the 1960s. This revolution was for Naga Independence, which was declared on August 14, 1947 and was publicly reconfirmed in the form of a voluntary plebiscite on May 16, 1951. But unfortunately, our revolutionary movement has been unable to come to a successful conclusion till today. Instead, our revolutionary spirit has been time after time compromised by surrender on the part of certain groups or by the willingness of some others to accept a “shared-sovereignty” deal under the Indian Constitution. As such, many so-called Naga revolutionaries of today are possibly not worth their name because their actions often betray their high-sounding words. Now, what about our response towards our unresponsive state government? Frankly, we seem to be least concerned even if our government does nothing good for our suffering citizens. As a people, we have become accustomed to living in our miserable condition. Our conscience is undisturbed by all sorts of corruption taking place all around us. We seem perfectly content living with no good roads, frequent power cuts, no reliable water supply, no job opportunities, and crumbling school buildings. We don’t even care if the poor are getting poorer while the rich, richer. We are not bothered if our poor are suffering or we are being deprived of all the good things other people enjoy elsewhere. Indeed, we have become a conscienceless people who don’t know how to be angry anymore… which implies that we may no longer possess any revolutionary spirit within us. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not wishing for a people’s uprising against our unresponsive government and its corrupt leaders. That must be avoided if possible, because a revolution is a revolution, an act of violence whereby one class shatters the authority of another. But if our current pathetic state of affairs goes on much longer under their watch, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised if the young generation loses their patience and finally explodes in a bloody revolution. In such a case, who, then, is to be blamed?

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


thursDAY 25•05•2017



2.5 yrs on, Swachh Bharat’s claims remain unverified Swagata Yadavar IANS

Although Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has sent India on a toilet-construction spree, 51.6 per cent of households across the country did not use an improved sanitation facility -- a system that separates human excreta from human contact -- between January 2015 and December 2016. Household toilet availability has improved from 41.93 per cent in 2014 to 63.98 per cent in 2017, and Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Kerala have achieved 100% open defecation-free (ODF) status, data from the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation show (as of May 22, 2017). However, almost all the progress reported by the ministry has been through no third-party verification, due to which the World Bank is holding off a $1.5 billion loan it had promised. While Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin guidelines clearly envisage a yearly, country-wide, independent third-party assessment of the sanitation status of rural areas, there has been no independent monitoring so far. The World Bank, which

A file photo of Prime Minister Narendra Modi taking part in a Swacch Bharat drive. More than 2 years after the mission’s launch, claims made regarding its outcome remain unverified.

had promised a loan of $1.5 billion for Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin -- the rural arm of the mission -- has not released the first instalment which was due in July 2016 because India has not fulfilled the condition of conducting and announcing results of an independent verification survey. It has rated the overall implementation progress of the programme as "moderately unsatisfactory."

Since 2014, 40 million household latrines have been constructed. Between May 1 and May 21, 2017, 489,710 individual household latrines were constructed across the country, data accessed on May 22, 2017 from the Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin website show. That's an average of nearly 25,000 toilets constructed per day. Gram panchayats have self-declared 193,081 villages to be ODF, but 53.9

per cent of these have not been verified, according to the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, which is responsible for Swachh Bharat MissionGramin, which accounts for 85 per cent of Swachh Bharat Mission's budget. (Data accessed on May 22, 2017). Villages are considered "open defecation-free" when no faeces are openly visible and every household and public/commu-

nity institution uses safe technology to dispose of faeces in such a way that there is no contamination of surface soil, groundwater or surface water; excreta is inaccessible to flies or animals, with no manual handling of fresh excreta; and there are no odour and unsightly conditions. Usually, an "ODF village" declaration is made by the village or gram panchayat. The state government is supposed to carry

out a first verification within three months, and a second verification around six months after the self-declaration. As of 2016, 36.7 per cent of rural households and 70.3 per cent of urban households -- 48.4 per cent of households overall -- used improved sanitation facilities, data from the National Family Health Survey 4, which was conducted between January 2015 and December 2016, show. A majority, 51.6 per cent, did not. Improved sanitation facility means having a system that separates human excreta from human contact which includes piped sewer system, septic tank, pit latrine, etc. About 47 per cent of those who defecated in the open said they did so because it was pleasant, convenient and comfortable, a 2014 survey of 3,200 households in five states with the highest rates of open defecation found. Among households that had built a latrine, 40 per cent had at least one family member defecating in the open, the study conducted by the Research Institute for Compassionate Economics found.

"Programmes must concentrate on behaviour change and promoting latrine use, rather than building latrines. Although building latrines could be part of a successful policy package, little will be accomplished by planning to build latrines that will go unused," the authors noted. Indians' preference for open defecation has to do with the practice of untouchability and beliefs about purity, according to this 2017 study by the same institute. Through quantitative and qualitative studies, they found people considered having and using pit latrines impure and polluting. "Open defecation, in contrast, is seen as promoting purity and strength, particularly by men, who typically decide how money is spent in rural households," the study found. Since the focus of Swachh Bharat MissionGramin is on behaviour change, the guidelines require that eight per cent of the funds be allocated for information, education and communication (IEC) activities. During the 2016-17 financial year, one per cent

of the total expenditure had been made on IEC up to January 2017, according to Accountability Initiative's budget brief. In contrast, 98 per cent of the funds had been spent on construction of toilets in individual households. Duplicate entries, ghost beneficiaries and missing households were the first stumbling block that researchers from the Accountability Initiative of the Centre for Policy Research faced while tracking beneficiaries of the government's sanitation interventions across 7,500 households in 10 districts and five states in a December 2015 study. Eventually, they studied 1,500 households that they could identify from the list. They found that a third of the households that government records showed as having achieved "sanitation status" actually had toilets, while 36 per cent that had constructed toilets said these were unusable. Of the households with a latrine which had at least one member of the family defecating in the open, the most common reasons cited were absence of water and the pit being too small.

Cabinet decides to abolish Foreign Investment Promotion Board India's generics project can bring down He also said that in the case of the 11 medicine costs globally: WHO India head New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): In a major took the important decision of abolishing the decision aimed at further easing doing busi- FIPB," Jaitley told reporters after the cabinet sectors that need prior approval for FDI, ness in India, the Union cabinet on Wednesday abolished the 25-year-old Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), obviating the need for prior clearance for foreign direct investment in more than 90 per cent cases. Announcing the decision, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told reporters here that after Wednesday's move, only 11 sectors would require prior approval for foreign direct investments (FDI). "The cabinet today (Wednesday)

meeting. He said this was done to further ease doing of business in the country. Explaining the rationale behind the decision, the minister said that after the liberalisation of FDI rules, 91-95 per cent of FDI was coming in anyway through the "automatic" route, without needing FIPB clearance. The Union Budget 2017-18 presented in February had announced the proposal for abolition of FIPB.

these would now be given by the ministries concerned. Wherever there are security considerations, the Home Minister's approval would also be taken, he added. Asked about how long the process of abolition would take, Jaitley said this would be done expeditiously. Cases pending for approval with the FIPB would now be taken up by the respective ministries, the Finance Minister clarified.

Seven die in Patna hospital 'Search continues for missing Su-30 fighter jet' as junior doctors strike work GUwahati, May 24 (iaNS): A day after the Indian Air Force's Sukhoi-30 fighter aircraft with its two pilots went missing soon after take-off from Tezpur airbase in Assam, search and rescue operations continued on Wednesday but without any result and bad weather hampered the process, the IAF said. On Wednesday, an IAF C-130 aircraft with electro-optical payload, an Advanced Light Helicopter, and Chetak helicopters were tasked for the search operation. Su-30 aircraft with recce capability are also being utilised for locating the missing aircraft, the air force said. Apart from the aerial assets, four ground teams of IAF personnel, nine of the Indian Army and two of state administration were deployed on different axis to scour the area. "Marginal weather prevailing in the area being searched is hampering and impeding the operation," an IAF statement said. China, meanwhile, said it has "no information" about the missing Indian Air Force jet and warned India not to disturb peace in the border area while searching for it. The Su-30 jet with two pilots on board took off from the IAF Tezpur air base, located about 172 km from India-China border in Arunachal Pradesh around 9.30 a.m. on a routine training mission.

PatNa, May 24 (iaNS): At least seven patients at the Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) died on Wednesday due to lack of treatment following a flash strike by junior doctors that started after midnight, officials said. The doctors have threatened to stay away from work for 24 hours if action was not taken against police officials who lathicharged them a few days back injuring some of them. "Seven critical patients died due to lack of treatment following the strike by PMCH junior doctors on Wednesday morning which has badly hit emergency and Out Patient Department (OPD) services," an official said. Over 500 striking doctors left hundreds of patients unattended from early Wednesday morning despite a large number of them being referral cases by local doctors from across the state requiring urgent attention. "There is a panic-like situation among relatives of the patients," a PMCH official said adding, "particularly those who are lying in serious condition in emergency ward and those operated in different

'Rapid digitisation making India favourite cyber attack target' New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): Rapid digitisation in all sectors in India has made the country critically prone to targeted cyber attacks and 'WannaCry' ransomware attack is "just the tip of the iceberg", a cyber intelligence security company warned on Wednesday. "Owing to the government initiatives and efforts, coupled with booming penetration of smartphones, PCs and highspeed internet access, the challenges associated with such attacks amplify significantly -- making India one of the hot favourite destinations for a targeted cyber attack," Israel-based Vital Intelligence Group said in a statement. The firm also said 'WannaCry' ransomware, that exploited MS17-010 vulnerability in a Microsoft Windows operating system and hit nearly 200,000 systems in 150 countries, is the first wave of several upcoming cyber intrusions as digitisation spreads its footprint across the globe. "The recent attack strengthens the point that the biggest existential threat that is out there is cyber. It is evident that the world is already engaged in a 24x7 conflict with anonymous soldiers who are extremely difficult to trace," said Marc Kahlberg, CEO and MD of Vital Intelligence Group. The group noted that "one size fits all approach" can never be the solution to

curb the increasing cyber attacks and a constant vigil is the only solution to stay ahead in the race with the intruders. Soon after 'WannaCry' affected several systems, the same Windows vulnerability was again exploited to spread another type of malware that was quietly generating digital cash from machines it infected. Tens of thousands of computers globally were affected by the "Adylkuzz attack" that targets machines, let them operate and only slows those down to generate digital cash or "Monero" cryptocurrency in the background. "Monero" -- being popularised by North Korea-linked hackers -- is an opensource cryptocurrency created in April 2014 that focuses on privacy, decentralisation and scalability. It is an alternative to Bitcoin and is being used for trading in drugs, stolen credit cards and counterfeit goods. A few days later, Croatian security researchers identified a new strain of malware "EternalRocks" that was more dangerous than WannaCry and was potentially tougher to fight. According to the researchers, "EternalRocks" exploited the same vulnerability in Windows that helped 'WannaCry' spread to computers. It also used a NSA tool known as 'EternalBlue' for proliferation.

wards as junior doctors have not attended them." Junior doctors were adamant not to resume work unless action was taken against the police officials involved in the lathicharge during a counselling session. Rowdy incidents during the session had prompted the police action. The striking doctors have also demanded withdrawal of FIRs filed against innocent medical students. Meanwhile, hundreds of patients, mostly the poor, who arrived at the hospital from across the state, were worried over no medical facilities being provided to them. "We are the real victims of the strike because there is no doctor to attend to our patients," said Mahesh Kushwaha of Vaishali district, who came here two days ago to get his wife treated at the PMCH. Most patients were forced to shift to private nursing homes. Satender Yadav, a parent worried over his son's health, said: "There is no doctor to attend to the patients." "Those who cannot afford treatment outside have been left in the lurch," an official said.

New Delhi, May 24 (iaNS): As the government gears up to push generic medicines to bring down costs for patients, World Health Organisation (WHO) representative in India Henk Bekedam has stated that the move, if successfully implemented, will not only reduce the cost of medicines within the country but also globally. The 59-year old global health leader -- who previously served in a similar capacity in Egypt -- said that there were several "pre-qualified" generic medicine companies in India producing quality medicines. "Make in India is important as India will be able to produce a greater quantity of good quality generic medicines, which will bring down the cost of medicines globally and more people in India and globally will be able to afford quality medicines," Bekedam, who assumed his present job in November 2015, told IANS in an interview. Asked whether the foreign pharmaceutical companies, which are major suppliers of branded medicines, will be affected if India steps into the picture, Bekedam said that India is already the world's pharmacy, exporting quality generic medicines and vaccines. "And by bringing down the cost of normal medicines globally they will be accessible to every one," he maintained. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said on April 17 the

government will bring legislation mandating doctors to prescribe generic medicines which are cheaper than their equivalent branded drugs. Generic medicines are the cheaper versions of branded drugs and come into the market after the patent period of the branded medicines expires. Manufacturers then replicate the medicines and come up with the cheaper versions. Since generic drugs do not involve a repeat of the extensive clinical trials to prove their safety and efficacy, it costs less to develop them. According to Bekedam, out-of-pocket expenditure on medicines and other treatments by patients was a burning issue that had affected India's health system. Stating that generic medicines can help in increasing their accessibility, Bekedam said that currently in India, two-thirds of people's medical expenditure comes from their own pockets, which leads to hesitation among them to go for surgery and other treatment. In such a situation, generic medicines can provide relief to the patients. "If we compare India with other countries, the government's contribution to health is just over one per cent of the GDP which is low by international standards. It results in people spending out of their pockets. Two-third of all health expenditure comes from people's own pockets. It also leads

to hesitation among people to seek surgeries and other treatments," said Bekedam. He also urged a hike in India's health budget at a time other countries such as China, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh allocate at least three per cent of their GDP dedicated to the sector. The Union budget allocated Rs 47,352.51 crore for health in fiscal 2017-18, against Rs 37,061.55 crore in 2016-17. "India is a fascinating country and has similarity with other Asian countries and in terms of economic growth. When there is economic growth then there is more room for investment in health. I can see the potential in India that it can now put more money in terms of health and economic growth," said Bekedam. Noting that 60 million Indians are in poverty due to paying health bills, he said: "India should invest more in health." Having closely monitored India's health sector for almost two years, Bekedam said such investment will help the country become less vulnerable in terms of health calamities. Investing in a surveillance system that can detect and respond to diseases is crucial. Citing the example of three West African countries affected by Ebola, he said: "These countries lost 12 per cent of their GDP. Such countries are not able to detect the disease because of which they have to suffer the loss."

Despite cow vigilantism concern BJP makes a pan-India presence New Delhi, May 24 (UNi): Having installed its own Chief Ministers in Haryana, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Assam, Uttarakhand, Manipur, Goa and crucially Uttar Pradesh, in the last three years, the BJP victories after the 2014 Lok Sabha polls have helped build the perception that Prime Minister Narendra Modi continues to be country's most popular leader and also that his saffron party has made its presence felt across India. The victories -- more so with a massive mandate in Uttar Pradesh -have only brightened BJP's prospects for the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. Uttar Pradesh sends 80 MPs to the Lok Sabha and the northern State had played vital role -- by sending 71 BJP lawmakers -- in party's victory in the 2014 elections as well. According to some observers, the BJP seems to ride well with

the right-wing political wave both in India and overseas. Many see emergence of Donald Trump in the international scene as a testimony to this new global phenomenon. At a four-day conference of heads of Indian missions in foreign countries, it was strongly felt that the right wing politics is here to stay worldwide as it is a new global phenomenon and India is no exception to it. But the serving and retired diplomats also point out that the episodes like cow vigilante have certainly affected India's image. "These things (cow vigilante and right wing politics) figure at the deliberations from time to time. Nobody is saying that the Government of the day is supporting right wing activism but such rows like cow-vigilantism certainly affect India's image," a well informed source told UNI. Politically, the last three years, the BJP's rise has

been immense vis-a-vis chiefly at the cost of Congress -- which now has its Government left in fewer States -- with Karnataka being the only big state in its kitty. Congress, whose Lok Sabha tally had come down to all-time low 44 in 2014, now has power in Mizoram and poll-bound Meghalaya in Northeast and in Punjab besides Karnataka. By May 2016 -- Congress was in power in six States and in the meantime, it lost out to the BJP in Uttarakhand and also Goa. BJP leaders say that the victories in the States like Assam, Manipur and also in Uttar Pradesh have had a cascading impact on national politics and have given the party strategists neo-confidence to try capture power in other States. In the last one year -- especially last few months post UP election results -- the BJP has made its intent clear about mak-

ing a serious attempt for power in few States where regional parties are ruling the roost. The BJP held a national executive conclave in Bhubaneswar in April and has virtually thrown an open challenge to Naveen Patnaik-led Odisha. BJP President Amit Shah has been visiting states like Telangana and Tripura and have tried to gear up the workers to strive for ousting the TRS and Marxists regimes in these two states respectively. "The Assam victory was a turning point. It had immense impact on national politics. The UP polls results and installation of BJP Chief Ministers in Manipur and Goa have now energised the BJP workers for respective Assembly elections as well as 2019 polls," party leader Kailash Vijayvargiya told UNI. On the other hand, despite Punjab victory, the BJP leaders

say there is a debate now about the much needed corrective strategies in the Congress -- which ironically is hardly seen happening. "The isolation of Congress has brought the BJP to the centre-stage of national politics. The sheer opportunism displayed by regional parties like Trinamool Congress in dealing with the CPI (M) has weakened Mamata Banerjee's party in Tripura. All these are helping BJP cause," says Gautam Biswas, a BJP new entrant and a former Trinamool leader in Tripura. It is not only States like Tripura, which is otherwise fund-starved and is vulnerable to political manipulation of the ruling party at the Centre; even in Tamil Nadu, the BJP is serious about making its bid. PostJayalalithaa, eyeing the political vacuum, the BJP has tried to win over famous actor Rajnikanth.

thursdAY 25•05•2017




Manchester bomber had “proven” links to IS

MANCHesTeR, MAy 24 (ReUTeRs): The Manchester suicide bomber who killed 22 people at a concert venue packed with children had recently returned from Libya, a British minister said, and her French counterpart said he had links with Islamic State and had probably visited Syria too. Interior minister Amber Rudd said Salman Abedi had likely not acted alone, and troops were being deployed to key sites across Britain to help prevent further attacks after the official threat level was raised to “critical”. Police made three new arrests in South Manchester on Wednesday in connection with the concert bombing. They provided no details on the individuals held. Rudd said up to 3,800 soldiers could be deployed on Britain’s streets, taking on guard duties at places like Buckingham Palace and Downing Street to free up police to focus on patrols and investigation. An initial deployment of 984 had been ordered, initially in London, then elsewhere. The Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace, a draw for tourists, was cancelled because it requires support from police officers, which authorities decided was not a good use of police resources given the threat level. Rudd also scolded U.S. officials for leaking details about the investigation into the Manchester attack before British authorities were prepared to go public. British-born Abedi, 22, blew himself up on Monday night at the Manches-

“Irritating”: Britain scolds US officials who leaked name of suicide bomber LONDON, MAy 24 (ReUTeRs): Britain expressed irritation on Wednesday at leaks in the United States of details about a suicide bomber who killed 22 people at a packed pop concert, saying disclosures of that kind could hinder such investigations. The suicide bombing at a packed concert in Manchester was the deadliest attack in Britain since July 2005, when four British Muslim suicide bombers killed 52 people in coordinated attacks on London’s transport network. U.S broadcasters, drawing on U.S. sources, named the suspected killer as Salman Abedi hours before Manchester police revealed his identity. Non-U.S. media followed, again citing U.S. sources. “The British police have been very clear that they want to control the flow of information in order to protect operational integrity, the element of surprise, so it is irritating if it gets released from other sources,” British interior minister Amber Rudd said when asked about the U.S. leaks by the BBC. “I have been very clear with our

Women light candles following a vigil in central Manchester, Britain on May 23. (REUTERS Photo)

ter Arena indoor venue at the end of a concert by U.S. pop singer Ariana Grande, attended by thousands of children and teenagers. His 22 victims included an eight-year-old girl, several teenage girls, a 28-year-old man and a Polish couple who had come to collect their daughters. Greater Manchester Police said they were now confident they knew the identity of all the people who lost their lives and had made contact with all the families. They said they would formally name the victims after forensic postmortems, which would take four or five days. The bombing also left

64 people wounded, of whom 20 were receiving critical care for highly traumatic injuries to major organs and to limbs, a health official said. UNLIKELY ABEDI ACTED ALONE “It seems likely, possible, that he (Abedi) wasn’t doing this on his own,” Rudd said on BBC radio. She said Abedi had been known to security services before the bombing. The BBC reported that the security services thought Abedi may have been a “mule” for a bomb made by someone else, because they thought the device was too sophisticated

for him to have put together by himself. Asked about reports that Abedi had recently returned from Libya, Rudd said she believed that had now been confirmed. French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said British investigators had told French authorities Abedi had probably travelled to Syria as well. “Today we only know what British investigators have told us -- someone of British nationality, of Libyan origin, who suddenly after a trip to Libya, then probably to Syria, becomes radicalised and decides to carry out this attack,” Collomb told BFMTV.

Asked if he believed Abedi had the support of a network, Collomb said: “That is not known yet, but perhaps. In any case, (he had) links with Daesh (Islamic State) that are proven.” Islamic State, now being driven from territories in Syria and Iraq by Western-backed armed forces, claimed responsibility for the Manchester attack, but there were contradictions in its accounts of the action and a telling lack of detail. Prime Minister Theresa May announced late on Tuesday that the official threat level had been raised to its highest level for the first time in a decade, meaning an attack could

be imminent. The UK Independence Party was the first party to announce it would resume campaigning. It plans to unveil its policy pledges on Thursday. WASHINGTON REBUKED OVER LEAKS Abedi was born in Manchester in 1994 to parents of Libyan origin, according to U.S. sources citing British contacts. As Collomb was speaking in France, Rudd was asked by the BBC about the fact that information about Abedi, including his name, had come out from the United States and whether she would look again

friends that should not happen again,” Rudd said. A spokeswoman for Rudd declined to clarify her comments. As Rudd was speaking, the French interior minister was quoted as telling reporters that the attacker had proven links to Islamic State, and probably had travelled to Syria. British officials have declined to confirm the details released by French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb, who said the information had come from British investigators. Britain views the United States as its most important defence and security ally, and the two countries also share intelligence as part of the so called “Five Eyes” network which also includes Australia, Canada and New Zealand. After President Donald Trump defended his decision to discuss intelligence with the Russians during a White House meeting, Prime Minister Theresa May said last week that Britain would continue to share intelligence with the United States.

at how information was shared with other countries. “Yes, quite frankly. I mean the British police have been very clear that they want to control the flow of information in order to protect operational integrity, the element of surprise, so it is irritating if it gets released from other sources and I have been very clear with our friends that should not happen again.” Asked whether the U.S. leaks had compromised the investigation, she said: “I wouldn’t go that far but I can say that they are perfectly clear about the situation and that it shouldn’t

happen again.” France, which has repeatedly been hit by devastating militant attacks since 2015, extended emergency powers after the Manchester bombing. It was the deadliest attack in Britain since July 2005, when four British Muslim suicide bombers killed 52 people in coordinated attacks on London’s transport network. Attacks in cities including Paris, Nice, Brussels, St Petersburg, Berlin and London have shocked Europeans already anxious over security challenges from mass immigration and pockets of domestic Islamic radicalism.

Prachanda steps down as Nepal PM Aboriginal Australians meet at Uluru to discuss first chance of recognition KATHMANDU, MAy 24 (IANs): Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ on Wednesday announced his resignation, in keeping with his agreement with the Nepali Congress, which had propped up his coalition government since last August. Nepali Congress leader Sher Bahadur Deuba, who has also been the Prime Minister earlier, is likely to succeed him. Prachanda, who made the announcement of his resignation in a televised address to the nation from his office, said it would end “a long drought of trust in Nepali politics”. There were several examples in Nepal’s politics that leaders made commitments but never honoured them, he said. “But today I am going to set an example and as per the accord reached with Nepali Congress, I am going to announce my resignation,” he said. Prachanda had earlier decided to announce his resignation in Parliament but changed his mind after the main opposition Communist Party of Nepal-UnifiedMarxist-Leninist obstructed the house proceeding on Tuesday against the government decision to increase local units in various Tarai/Madhes districts. That would bring the Madhes-based parties in the local polls scheduled to take place in June 14. After approving the resignation, President Bidhya Devi Bhandari will call on po-

litical parties to form a new government on the basis of two-thirds majority as per the constitutional process. If parties fail to garner two-thirds votes, the President will call for formation of the new government on the basis of majority votes. It is likely that Deuba will contest for the Prime Minister’s post on the basis of majority votes on the support of Prachanda’s Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist Centre and take over probably by the end of next week. He is likely to hold the second round of local polls on June 14 and will stay in power in February until periodic elections take place. The agreement between Prachanda and Deuba was to run the government on a rotational basis until the next parliamentary elections in February 2018. Prachanda was to hold office till local polls are held and remaining two elections -- provincial and central -- were to be conducted under Deuba. In his address, Prachanda said he was leaving as a “successful Prime Minister”, highlighting the achievements of his government in ten months in office. The achievements included balancing ties with India and China, ending years’ long power outrage and some good beginning in the fields of economy, health, infrastructure, education and, most importantly, holding the local elections which was considered challenging and crucial.

Sherpas find four climbers dead in their tents on Mount Everest KATHMANDU, MAy 24 (ReUTeRs): Nepali sherpas have found four climbers dead in their tents on Mount Everest, officials said on Wednesday, with suspicion they died of carbon monoxide poisoning, taking the death toll on the world’s highest mountain to 10 in the past month. The four climbers were found in two tents at Camp Four, at 8,000 metres (26,246 feet), overnight, Mingma Sherpa of the Seven Summit Treks group, to which the sherpas belonged, said in Kathmandu. It was not clear how they died and their identities had not been established, Mingma said. The Himalayan Times reported that two of the dead were foreigners and rescuers believed they had suffocated. “It is most likely they died from carbon monoxide poisoning by using their stoves in the tent without proper ventilation,” U.S. climber Alan Arnette, who blogs on Everest, said in a post. The sherpas who discovered the bodies were on their way to retrieve the body of Vladimir Strba of Slovakia who died near the 8,850 metre (29,035 feet) summit on the weekend. Strba’s body has been brought down to Camp Two at 6,400 metres (21,000 feet) and was expected to be brought down to base camp later on Wednesday, Mingma

said. More than 5,000 climbers have scaled Mount Everest since it was first climbed by New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in 1953, and nearly 300 have died trying. Many of the victims remain on the mountain, entombed in snow, as it is too difficult to bring their bodies down. Exhaustion, exposure, frostbite, falls and altitude sickness are major causes of death on Everest. But the biggest killer in recent years has been avalanches. Eighteen people were killed in 2015 when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake triggered avalanches that smashed into the base camp. A year earlier, 16 sherpas hauling gear to higher camps for climbers were killed when they were hit by avalanche while they were crossing the treacherous Khumbu Icefall, just above base camp. Climbers can ascend Everest from the Nepal side and the Chinese side. One of the 10 deaths this has been on the Chinese side. Nepal has issued permits to 371 foreign climbers this season, up from last year’s 281, each of which cost $11,000. Permit fees are a major source of income for cash-strapped Nepal which earned more than $4 million this year from Everest permits, officials said.

syDNey, MAy 24 (ReUTeRs): Aboriginal Australian leaders are meeting at the sacred landmark of Uluru to decide how the country’s first inhabitants, who date back about 50,000 years before British colonisers arrived, should be recognised in the constitution for the first time. There are about 700,000 Aborigines in a population of 23 million but they suffer disproportionately high rates of suicide, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and imprisonment, tracking near the bottom in almost every economic and social indicator. Constitutional recognition of Aborigines is a complex issue in a country which previously administered its indigenous people under flora and fauna laws. This week’s conference comes before an anticipated national referendum on recognition. If successful, it would bring Australia into line with Canada, New Zealand and the United States

as formally recognising their indigenous populations. Senator Patrick Dodson, one of Australia’s most senior indigenous politicians, said the conference was about forming a clear view on what indigenous Australians wanted. “These talks have profound significance as a major chance for indigenous Australians to decide whether they want to be recognised in the constitution or not,” Dodson told Reuters. “If they do want to be recognised, they need to advise on how they want to be so.” Progress was made in 1967 when a referendum allowed Aborigines citizenship. But that was all. Aborigines face a 10-year gap in life expectancy compared with other Australians and make up 27 percent of the prison population, but are just three percent of the total population. After the three-day event at what was formerly called Ayers Rock,

Local performers dance during the opening ceremony for the National Indigenous Constitutional Convention, a three day conference designed to come up with a consensus response on how indigenous people should be recognised in Australia’s constitution, at Mutitjulu near Uluru in central Australia on May 23. (REUTERS Photo)

a report will be presented to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the opposition leader ahead of the proposed referendum as early as this year. A referendum is required to make changes to the constitution. “It is vitally important our first Australians consider and debate the models of rec-

ognition free of political interference and the diversity of views and opinions within the indigenous communities are discussed,” Turnbull told parliament on Wednesday. Academic Ha r r y Hobbs, who researches constitutional law and indigenous rights at the University of New South Wales,

said there were several models of recognition to consider. “It is quite a broad spectrum of what the referendum proposal might be: a statement of acknowledgement, modifying the law-making power over indigenous people, a racial non-discrimination clause and removing sections of the constitution,” he said.

Suu Kyi open new round peace talks Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi speaks at the opening ceremony of the 21st Century Panglong Conference in Naypyitaw, Myanmar on May 24. (REUTERS Photo)

yANGON, MAy 24 (ReUTeRs): Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi opened a new round of talks with some of the country’s myriad ethnic groups on Wednesday, looking to revive a stuttering peace process after a tough first year in power that saw the worst fighting with rebels in years. The conference comes amid continued tensions between ethnic armed groups, the military and Nobel Peace Prize winner Suu Kyi, and analysts said it was unlikely to see any new groups join a landmark ceasefire accord negotiated by the previous administration.

Ending decades of near-perpetual civil war is Suu Kyi’s stated No. 1 priority - a goal she sees as key to unlocking the resource-rich country’s potential and guaranteeing basic development for its more than 50 million people. In an opening speech, Suu Kyi urged the gathered rebel representatives to join the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) negotiated by a quasi-civilian transitional government that took office after the end of junta-rule in 2011. She said the NCA was not a goal in itself, but a first step towards deepening dialogue.

“We recognise that ceasefire negotiations can address surface problems, but only political dialogue can address underlying grievances,” Suu Kyi told the delegates gathered in the capital Naypyitaw. The 71-year-old de facto leader of the country said that the “door to dialogue” with groups that have not yet signed the peace deal remained open, pledging she would strive to bring them “under the NCA umbrella”. Some representatives of ethnic armed groups have complained in the past that Suu Kyi has taken a top-down approach to the process, unilaterally dictating the agenda, often ignoring their grievances and siding too closely with the military. While several groups that have recently clashed with government forces, and whose attendance had been in doubt, joined the negotiations, a handful of other important groups pulled out at the last minute, local media said. Among issues on the agenda are whether the states that make up Myanmar would be allowed to draft their own constitutions and the status of religion.

in Beijing that China supported all efforts to bring about peace and ethnic reconciliation in Myanmar and called for all sides to resolve their differences peacefully via talks. Several large rebel groups operate on the rugged Myanmar-China border and Beijing’s special envoy, Sun Guoxiang, has quietly urged them to attend the conference, amid a warming of relations between the two countries. Myanmar army chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing told the conference that signing up to the NCA did not amount to surrender by armed groups, and pledged the military would play its part in seeking solutions to end conflicts. But he also warned the groups against pushing for too much autonomy and going beyond the contours of the federal state. “Such acts go against the desires and interest of the people who have high expectations of the democracy cause and peace process,” he said, adding that the military would “have to face any organization committing destructive acts in line with its responsibility”. Several conflicts have reignite since Suu Kyi took power, displacing an estimated 160,000 people, CONFLICTS REKINDLED Chinese foreign ministry according to data from the United spokesman Lu Kang told reporters Nations.


ThursDAY 25•05•2017

public discourse


A message An open letter to Deputy Commissioner, Kohima to the youth of Nagaland – Pt.2 Ruovihulie Angami

B.A, B.Ed. Rtd. Jt. Director of School Education Nagaland Kohima


I Longkumer

e must ask ourselves: what has Nagaland achieved? Everywhere we look around, there is despair and helplessness. Basic necessities like road, water and electricity are a far cry from being realized. We have so many big and beautiful houses, all kinds of the latest cars and gadgets but once you step out of these, your life is nothing short of miserable. Oh yes! We curse the deplorable roads and the government, we curse our representatives and their families but ultimately, the fault lies in us, the public. In exchange for a few dimes, a couple of pegs of adulterated liquor and a plate of the quintessential ‘gahurimangso’, we sell our right to vote. If anyone is to be blamed, it should start with the public. We are solely responsible for the monster that we have created. However, all hope is not lost. I say that for the simple reason because the youth of Nagaland today are more aware of our rights and duties. We are well aware of the fact that there is an unrest among the youth, an uneasy calm ready to burst out anytime soon (for all the obvious reasons!). We are questioning why we cannot have basic facilities like our peers in other states. We are questioning why sportspersons from Nagaland are not making a mark outside, we are questioning why salaries remain unpaid for months, we are questioning why our educational system is deteriorating with each passing day, we are questioning why interior and remote areas of Nagaland are lacking medical facilities and designated doctors, we are questioning how it is that only a few in Nagaland own almost everything. The list is exhaustive. We seek the answer to these questions. Part of that answer will be realized when we start asserting our rights and stop selling our votes. Only then will we begin to see what we seek. It is not that difficult to say: I am responsible for my own future and, responsible towards my own land and people and hence, I shan’t sell my vote. We must break away from this uncultured practice because it is us who will be at the helms of power tomorrow, my brothers and sisters. If we do not safeguard our rights, then rest assured, our land and people will face extinction (No, it is not an exaggeration). We have a responsibility towards our land and people, especially those younger to us because it is us from whom they will learn about life and if we fail to guide them on the right path, we will have failed as a people. We must not be swayed by tribalism and its accompanying ugly colors. We must be that huge rock, unmoved by storm or wind- providing shelter and protection. My dear brothers and sisters, the world is moving forward at a rapid pace. While we, of course, seek to achieve our own personal targets and ambitions in life, we must think and do in such a manner that it does not harm the general interest. There are many around the world who have sold out their own people, lands and resources by using money and muscle power. We very well know that Nagaland is rich in natural and mineral resources, and we should exploit them to bring development and growth to our land but at the same time, we must be careful not to allow a few individuals or groups/organizations to take sole control of such a system. If that were to happen, we can only expect the worst. We must pursue that model of development in which all sections of society are equally represented and in which it is ensured that the benefits of development reach down to every single individual. Development is not only about tall buildings, skyscrapers or the latest vehicles. It has more to do with the general well-being of society. Development ought to be inclusive and positive. If one has been following the news lately, there are reports of the UAE seeking full flight access to the North East. Also, countries like Japan are eager to tie up with the North East states. Furthermore, the Act East Policy will soon be turning into reality. The North East will soon become the link between Southeast Asia and mainland India. Nagaland is not exempted from this and if we are not ready, that is to say, if we are to continue in this particular condition that we are in, we will be quickly overwhelmed and subdued by outsiders. It is imperative on our part that we start thinking and doing the right thing. We must pull up our socks. The people of Nagaland deserve so much more than this continuing misery. We know what we need- right from roads, water, electricity, a wellestablished educational system, medical institute, technological institute, proper sports infrastructure to, I suppose, just about everything. We cannot remain mute spectators. We are also faced with the enormous problem of IBIs. We must find a solution to this nuisance sooner than later. Our successive state governments have done nothing to find a solution to this IBI menace. The future remains dark. We are also faced with the problem of climate change and environmental degradation in Nagaland. Deforestation in Nagaland is happening on a large scale. Every village council and tribal council must see to it that depletion of forest and forest cover is restricted and regulated. We cannot deny that climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face in contemporary society. We must all make an effort to protect our environment. At least, we owe that much to Nature. Air pollution, especially in Dimapur, is wreaking havoc on the lives of the citizens. We have a multitude of problems confronting us and all of us must make concerted efforts to secure our land and future. The sooner we act, the better it will be. There are forces, within and outside, working each day and every night to destabilize our land and exploit our people. We must remain alert and steadfast at all times. In this regard, it would not be out of place to say that students’ unions have a very crucial role to play. Nagaland is in serious trouble but we must neither give up nor give in and I say so because I, like many, have faith in the youth of Nagaland. Change is coming. It is inevitable. With a little faith, hope and prayer, Nagaland will surely rise bright like the sun that sustains life on earth. God bless our Nagaland!

Proposal for Tree plantation in Kohima City; Traffic Point at High School Area, Kohima; No Parking of Vehicles on both sides of the Road, Kohima/School-timing for students transportation/office timing for Office-goers; Disposal of waste materials to the waste collection centres, by the shopkeepers/ pedestrians; Retail prices/ schools, colleges tuition fees/medical treatment fees at private clinic by taking round of the city once in a week to see public movement/ Taxi & Mini Bus stands/Market places; Prevention of over-loaded Lorry Trucks/six-wheeler Loktak project construction materials on NH-29, in collaboration with your counterpart DC Dimapur during rainy seasons.

With the subject cited above I for one humbly submit this proposal to your esteemed authority for your perusal and necessary action thereof for the welfare/interest of Kohima district in general and the Kohima in particular on common interest regarding the beautification of Kohima Town as a Smart City which is under contemplation as the first District of Nagaland State. 1. That Sir, way back in 2015, I brought forward such proposals to your previous predecessor for necessary action but could not be accepted due to his less initiative on this issue. I therefore hereby propose the same venture to be taken up by your high authority by giving a standing /strong order so that every resident of our city may kindly be instructed to plant at least 3 nos. of trees (a local species- one cherry, one bogonia (tego local dialect) one silver oack trees) within their residential areas (vicinity) where there are no electric wires which may block their growth in future, and also to nurture them for atleast 2 years so that the city may become flowering tree land (within 2-5 years to avoid a comment from foreign tourists that “Kohima is a beautiful girl without hair” because the old ornamental trees planted during the last 4-5 decades have been dying out and now no new plantation is taken place all these years. Also a particular tree by name (sopfüciekhrie in local dialect) may be planted in large number at the ma-

jor land-slide prone/sinking areas as a humble attempt to minimize the occurrence/prevent further as a precautionary measures as being done in China as reported. And once this project is taken up, Kohima Municipal Council (K.M.C) can implement such directives in letter and spirit with the help and co-operation of all the Panchayats in all the 19 Wards of the city but not just free distribution of tree saplings which was a failure venture in the past and also the defaulters may be noted seriously by the concerned authority(s) to be taken up in this ongoing plantation season. And for the success of this venture, the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest and the District Forest Officer, Kohima and his sub-ordinates may kindly be requested to arrange the tree saplings as and when a date is fixed for such major tree plantation day of Kohima City. 2. Provision of Traffic Points with traffic police from 6:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M at the tri-junction of High School Areas Kohima (i.e NH62 joined by Dzüzie link Road or Rüzhükhrie Govt. Higher Secondary School Playground and Road towards IG Stadium/Meriema Village which have become serious accident prone areas to both vehicles and the pedestrians (identification of such spots in the form of maps/ sketches are attached herewith for early verification and necessary action. This same proposal was given to your previous predecessor with an information to KMC & North Police Station but all those concerned authorities could not materialize their respective action for implementation in the past. This may be kept on top priority as an urgent need of the people in this Kohima City. 3. Kohima city streets even main town areas are narrow enough but parking of vehicles even light vehicles on both sides of the roads/ streets makes them narrower and free passage for vehicular movements cannot be done especially during fire hazards (fire brigades cannot pass through to reach their nearest /furthest destinations in delivering necessary services in times of need. And your kind authority may issue a order to all concerned even the VIPs/ Office-goers henceforth not to block the whole roads in the name of attending their scheduled office timings or functions/ programmes (they have to start early at home to maintain punctuality) and also not allowing any resident to block the

main roads even footpath of pedestrians by their building materials /machineries beyond 24 hours failing which the defaulters may be exposed/ penalized by the authority concerned and even by the public. Also the broken materials which are lying on the roadside of the main city after works are done to protect the footpath be immediately removed especially your kind authority may also see that no overloaded Lorry trucks. 4. To minimize traffic congestion in this city, let the students transportation timing be fixed from 7:30 am to 8:00 am and office-goers transportation timing be from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. 5. Exposing waste materialsloose papers, plastic waste materials, vegetables refuges, plastic bottles, cigarette bedi/biri waste pockets tobacco pockets used coughing syrup bottles, khaini dabas and even pan-chewing spitting marks in town/city areas are unwanted and therefore shopkeepers and even shoppers have to be warned not to indulge in such uncivilized manner and the waste dustbins or throwing away such waste materials here unhealthy habits for which especially the shopkeepers must strictly keep their respective shop adjacent areas at a certain radius even during day time from time to time. To implement this venture in toto, the KMC tax-collectors on parked-vehicles, police personnel in uniform, teachers and students community and even sanitation volunteers from local churches at certain reasons and even other religious groups may kindly take certain steps in the near future to keep the city clean and green against the label of keeping Kohima city as the last three clean city out of 420 cities in India surveyed recently conducted by the concerned agency. To this venture and implementation, the KMC CEO, The Angami Public organization (APO), the Angami Gazetted Officers’ Krotho (AGOK), the Angami Students Union (ASU) the Angami Youth Organization (AYO) and the Kohima based tribal organizations (NGOs) and Panchayats should give full cooperation towards the success of preparing Kohima as a “Smart city” as being initiated by Kohima Ao Baptist Arogo in painting all the footbridges and sanitation in the city and also the sanitation works being done by the Phom Baptist Church Kohima, even to the Naga Hospital premises from time to

time as prayer walks not just prayer walks. And in spite of exposing the dirtiest areas in the city in my last article published in early 2015, still Kohima Village Gate areas at Mission Compound road; Central Bank building to MK Market, Kohima Local Ground areas. To make the idea clear to all concerned, all the stake-holders- Urban Directorate, Roads & Bridges, BRO/PWD etc. play their respective role how best this city can be developed. To execute and implement this venture, may I request your kind authority to go round the city once in a week or even to the villages of the district alongwith your forces including KMCs, CEO, respective colony panchayats in city areas and with your sub-ordinates- respective ADCs/Civil SDOs/EACs as and when situation arises. 6. Local or Regional Taxis should not over-tax the passengers especially during festivals but at certain fixed rates and city buses should move on even with less passengers but not be kept in their stands/stoppages like train boggies in train stations or the NST Buses at their stations waiting for their departure timings but to attend urgent/emergency cases of their passengers rights are ignored or the way-side passengers/streets are denied of getting proper sitting facility especially the old-aged persons or the children because the more these buses move/ or travel on, the higher they can earn than to take rest for a long time in queue at one station even from economic or commercial point of view. Henceforth only 3 mini buses should be allowed to halt at one mini bus stand not forgetting utilization of minor children as mini bus conductors which is against international child labour law and also allow only ladies to seat on the left side of the Mini buses for their safety. Also unusual vehicle horns or smokes releasing from their vehicle smoke pipes be properly penalized. 7. Retail prices of essential commodities including reasonable school/college fees from the well-established private schools/ colleges and hostels fees as well as private clinics treatment fees i.e competition in low rate but not higher rate (unhealthy or negative competition in delivering services to the public on humanitarian ground but not for the sake of earning at the highest rate ignoring their customers’ interest or convenience who have no ability to pay

the same or those government doctors drawing their non-practicing allowances by giving their part-time service to their regular Govt. service in Govt. Hospitals/ pharmacies/ health care centers should be checked. In short, the unscrupulous private schools/colleges/private hostels proprietors who are taking highest bids of fees in Class-11 & B.A 1st year in their Admission season and private clinics are taxing parent/ public in another form like some so called unauthentic/unauthorized underground factions/national workers for which we blame them. Let the ACAUT, NVCO interfer here for the interest of students, parents, public and even patients and their families under the care and guidance of your esteemed authority in the district in general and the Kohima city in particular. All these expression for the district are being projected on the basis of freedom of expression as enshrined in the Fundamental Rights of a citizen towards the welfare and betterment of the district/ State against the recent statement/ directive of a certain so called Naga IAS Officer through the media after facing pressures from the elite NGOs and citizens who acted for the welfare and wishes of the public during the ULB protests in February, 2017 and the eligible citizens shall continue to do so even in the days to come till our Govt. realizes its mistakes committing against the will of the public in their right place. On the light of the given words stated above, I as a senior citizen of Kohima City would like to request your esteemed authority to function with a heavy hand to discipline the citizens of Kohima district in every field and if at all you come forward to implement the above suggestions, all like-minded people will give their best co-operation to your initiatives in letter and spirit for the betterment of all common cause. In future also, I may bring some more of such view, suggestions/proposals for your kind necessary action and the public may also raise more such views in the days to come, so that Kohima City and its dwellers may live in peace and unity as a corrupt free and good governance in the district as the first district of Nagaland State to set an example to other district to follow suit even by exposing those 43 IAS officers in Nagaland who are refusing to declare their assets as shown in recent media.

Nagaland Education System - A produce of quantity against quality education


Ketholeno Neihu

agaland has witnessed another great score of passed percentage of the recently declared HSLC and HSSLC examinations. Quantity has increased. The vicious cycle of securing high marks has become more competitive yet quality is still settled to mediocrity. A question to some students on their next plans of higher education. Most know only the basics as arts, science and commerce stream. When education system is only about listening, writing and grading instead of understanding and applying, then education has failed its mission in creating a niche for skilled and employable future. More than 80% of the passed out student are without knowledge of the course to pursue and ignorant of the needful information outside their academic curriculum. A similarity in their responses gathered, most students have zero knowledge about digital technology, accounts, e-books, e-paper, Google info or online application.

Classroom teaching, assignments has settled to traditional use of pen and paper. One student said, “I use all the social networking sites, apps and games but use only the textbook for notes and assignments. Teachers usually do not encourage”. “On special occasions some resource persons use PPT in the hall,” another said. Further it is not difficult for them to copy assignments or projects from the textbook itself as topics are simple and related. Many schools do not have a library or hardly use the library. A student said, “We are not allowed to freely access the library, or the computer on any common day.” Most of the HSSLC students choosing the arts stream chose their honour paper from the highest marks secured as it will be less baggage in their graduation course. The obsession for science stream is also no better, aiming to become engineers and doctors. A student securing two distinctions in the HSSLC exams said, he wants to pursue an engineering degree but had no idea

what specializations are. Career guidance is important to nurture students at a young age. The absence of effective career guidance in everyday learning by teachers, parents and elders is observed. Only one among ten teachers sensitize students of the outside knowledge and career opportunities in and outside the state. One student complained of teachers giving more attention to bright students in the class. From time to time, career guidance programmes are held in the school campus but has proved ineffective as in time there is no actual guidance taken place. One student has lauded the YouthNet for the career guidance programme that he indirectly sought direction for a professional course. One trend in the society is doing what everybody does. “The overload of one stream becomes the shortage of another,” Taking the opportunity, a broadminded student said he wanted to pursue a course in Business and e-commerce outside Nagaland more developed but shares a place

of similarity as Nagaland has the potential of building its market in the national and global platform. Unemployability is a bigger issue than unemployment which students of this batch does not feel pressured or are unaware. The ignorance of the students has given them a feeling that government and corruption alone is the cause. It is imperative that students have knowledge of practical aspects of the subjects taught. We cannot blame the education system solely for such acute problems. Tapping the grassroot activities of teaching, a teacher plays an instrumental role in building an individual. One school teacher who is in the teaching profession for more than 15 years shared that the present complexities of education system is unable to cope up with a huge number of class. For equipping quality education, her ability is confined to 10 students per class for which government schools have the upper hand currently if they are sincere enough on their part.

Twenty years talk is to be concluded Rev. L. Suohie Mhasi


nder the Framework Agreement, the separate entity of the Nagas is recognized which should be understood by the Naga people. Shared sovereignty is to be understood by the public of the GoI. It is enough to be understood by the people both sides. If some ones are opposed to it, it is only opposition for the sake of opposition because nobody or group can be expected to do better at this stage. If there is any problem over mineral resources in Nagaland, it is to be settled among the Nagas because it is under Article 371(A). So it is the hope that we may rest assured that signing of the settlement may be made before August 3, 2017 for the best of all. May God help the leaders of both sides.

My opinion on the Naga Political Issue and 2018 General Election in Nagaland Y. Phyosao Jami


Wokha Town

fter coming across different write ups with their own share of suggestions, opinions and criticisms in the local dailies, as a concerned Naga citizen, I also want to share my personal opinion in the context of present scenario of Naga society. With the ringing of 2018 General Election bell in Nagaland, the Naga people are anxiously waiting to welcome the ensuing election but nobody knows the people’s motive. But to me, solution of Naga Political Issue is more important than that of the State General Election because we have experienced enough with State Elections and its functions. So long Naga Political Is-

sue remains unsolved and the state affairs remains the same, I believe the Nagas will never give up selfdetermination at any cost. Let there be State General Election in its scheduled time in the state of Nagaland but Nagas need to be more serious about the Solution because the BJP Party holding an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha, maybe a blessing in disguise for the Naga Political Issue or it may be a curse for the Nagas in the future because they can pass the Bill for the Naga Political Issue easily provided a settlement arrives between the two entities, i.e. the Govt. of India and the NPG and they can also pass the Bill of Uniform Code of Conduct easily, as on when they will enjoy majority in the Rajya Sabha

too. And therefore, we better avail the opportunity within these five years term of the present Union Govt. for final settlement of the Naga Political Issue and the need of the hour is a united Naga on the principle of “united we stand, divided we fall.” Once Nagas are united, both the public and the NPGs, and move with one voice like that of the recent NGO movement against the Town Council and Municipal Election in the state of Nagaland, I believe Almighty God will work with the great Indian leaders and the great Naga leaders, to arrive at an early settlement. If we miss this opportunity, there is a chance that once the Uniform Code of Conduct Bill is passed, RSS Prajaraks may pen-

etrate our land to start charity schemes in the pretext of freedom of religion enshrined in the Indian Constitution and Naga people will not be able to stop them legally. And since we Nagas are very fond of money, many Naga people will be carried away by the money power offered in the guise of charities. Then Naga Christians may not be able to worship our God as we do now. Also, when the Uniform Code of Conduct will be enforced, the special rights that we are enjoying now under Article 371(A) may also be amended or deleted. Then what about Nagaland for Christ? Is it not that the Nagas will provoke the anger and wrath of our God? Ultimately, Nagas will fall and perish. Therefore my dear Naga people, let us surrender ourselves to

our Almighty God and pray for forgiveness of our sins, both young and old, men and women. Let us also pray to God for a clean election in Nagaland and for the great Indian leaders and the great Naga leaders, to grant wisdom and understanding to them so that we will have an amicable settlement of the Naga political Issue and peace talks as early as possible so that Nagas will be on the save side from impending many dangers, for the Christians in particular, in the days to come. This write-up is purely my personal opinion as a concerned Naga citizen and hope that it will not hurt the sentiments of any individual or organization. May God bless the Nagas as God blessed South Korea and Israel in the past.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Thursday 25•05•2017


to hit Mokokchung Town!

Zac Efron A

: ‘Baywatch’ is like ‘The Rihanna, Lupita to star in a movie Avengers’ on the beach

ctor Zac Efron has compared the cast of his upcoming movie 'Baywatch' to superheroes of the 'Avengers'. The 29-year-old actor, who plays Matt Brody; a young former Olympian who has been enlisted into the group as part of a kind of community service deal, said the characters bear much resemblance to comic book teams. "It is like 'The Avengers' on the beach. Everyone's got their own set of unique skills which is really cool and it's fun to explore." "Baywatch is a very specific group of lifeguards that watch Emerald Bay and they do a lot of saves," Efron said. The film also features Priyanka Chopra, Alexandra Daddario and Kelly Rohrbach, and cameos from the original stars of the 90s. David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson. It is set to release in the US on May 25.

Is the city of Rock N’ Roll ready to welcome the Lords of Rock?


inger Rihanna and actress Lupita Nyongo are set to costar in a buddy Source: PTI movie to be directed by Ava

DuVernay for Netflix. Issa Rae is writing the screenplay, reported Entertainment Weekly. The project began as an online meme when a photo that was taken in 2014 of the two women in the front row of a Miu Miu fashion show ? went viral, prompting calls to turn it into a movie. Twitter users went so far as to ask for DuVernay to direct, with Rae to write. Soon after, all four women pledged their support to the project on the social media platform. Sources say Rae is already working on the script and the studio is eyeing a production start of 2018 after DuVernay completes her current film. Source: PTI

Lords Of Rock (LOR) band performing at their debut gig at The Garden, Supermarket, Dimapur. The band will be performing at Town Hall Mokokchung on May 27 at 6:00 PM.


hen LOR put on their debut concert in Dimapur, music lovers were treated to a massive dose of good old classic rock! Guitar riffs, hardhitting drums, earsplitting vocals from this newly assembled band of exceptionally skilled and talented musicians proved that they are truly the embodiment of the spirit of a generation who just wants to rock! As a debut gig, the band and managing team had arranged for a modest show. However, supported by professionals from the Nagaland music industry, the concert turned out to be electrifying much to the delight and amazement of the crowd. Music aficionados from other districts of Nagaland and even from Shillong, on hearing about the debut gig- promising a blast from the past, travelled the distance to attend the show. With so much positive energy and feedback from fans, the band decided to

embark on an adventure and share their passion for Rock N’ Roll. Immediately, it was suggested that the next destination had to be the original town of Rock N’ Roll in Nagaland- Mokokchung. After an intense month of jamming, the Lords of Rock are ready to go Live! So, don’t miss out and be there at Town Hall, Mokokchung on 27th May from 6:00 PM onwards. The concert is in collaboration with Temulunger Telok, VMC, Audio Garage, Rain Drops Entertainment, Shiu Lights, and Note Grid. Tickets are available at Aria, Cosmos Entertainment at Rs 300 per head. Supported by guest bands Rag Dolls and Mannequin, be prepared for an amazing night of classic rock and lots more surprises. So, the question once again- Is the city of Rock N’ Roll ready to welcome the Lords of Rock?

Keneisedenuo Zatsu and friends presenting a song during the 47th Tenyidie Pederüchü being held at Ura Academy Badi, Kohima.

Brad Pitt in India to promote ‘War Machine’



ollywood superstar Brad Pitt, who enjoys global recognition, landed here on Wednesday morning on a surprise visit avoiding shutterbugs and paparazzi to promote his forthcoming Netflix film "War Machine". He will be in conversation with Indian superstar Shah Rukh Khan. "War Machine" is his co-production, which will stream on the USbased on-demand streaming website from Friday. With no big announcement about his arrival and no publicity around it -- unlike that of Vin Diesel, Justin Bieber or Jackie Chan in recent times, Pitt's India visit was a well-guarded secret. Even social media had no fodder for gossip around his visit. However, there were hints he may stop over in India after completing his Tokyo press tour.

Following the Tokyo premiere of the war satire on Tuesday night, Pitt landed in India on Wednesday morning for a press conference here. The select media invited to the event only knew that "War Machine" director David Michôd, along with Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner, Pitt's

partners in production house Plan B Entertainment, would be present. But Pitt has come as a pleasant surprise. He spent his afternoon posing for a photo shoot pool side at a five-star hotel here, before he made his way to get ready for the event. This is his second visit to the country. The Hollywood icon, who in an interview to IANS in the past had expressed his desire to work in the Indian entertainment industry, will be getting a dose of Bollywood too. He will be meeting Bollywood's 'Baadshah' Shah Rukh Khan for a conversation about the world of cinema later Wednesday evening. The India press event will also mark his third appearance following the death of his close friends singer Chris Cornell and former Paramount CEO

Brad Grey. It was being reported that he is "devastated" by their deaths. Rewinding back a little, Pitt was in India last in 2006 with Jolie, daughter Zahara and son Maddox. They were in the country for around one month for the filming of "A Mighty Heart". From taking an auto rickshaw ride to strolling around Gateway of India in Mumbai to exploring Elephanta Island, they took out time for some of the touristy things. This time, Pitt's trip to the country will be short as he will be flying out on Thursday morning. "War Machine" is a satirical comedy with Pitt essaying role of US General Glen McMahon, who is tough but overconfident with an only aim to lead his army towards victory in Afghanistan, and win the war. Source: IANS


Thursday 25•05•2017



Open Basketball Tournament underway MPL: Falcons ease past Mustang Thejangulie Mekhro selected to undergo training in Europe Basketball Academy, Barcelona

Kohima, may 24 (mExN): Amur Falcons eased past Mustang FC in the ongoing Morning Premier League on Tuesday to mount a challenge on leaders All Blacks. Displaying a slick performance, Amur Falcons struck early through Akhum in the 20th minute before Melee doubled the score five min-

utes before half time. Going into second half with a moral boosting 2-0 lead, Falcons were in an attacking mood and added two more goals with Akhum and Melee scoring again in the 51st and 57th minutes respectively. However, with a comfortable 4-0 lead, complacency crept in among the

Falcons which Mustang FC took advantage. Sume pulled one back in the 69th minute and ten minutes later, Imli halved the deficit. But by then, it was too late for Mustangs to salvage the game. May 25 Fixture Power Comm vs Morning FC

Chelsea cancel victory parade after Manchester bomb attack Morung Express News Kohima | May 24


The 9th Open Basketball Tournament (OBT) 2017 organised by the Nagaland Basketball Association (NBA) and Suncity Club, Kohima began on May 24 with twenty teams from the state vying for the championship. Gracing the inauguration as the Chief Guest was Khekaho Assumi, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth Resources and Sports (YRS) In his presidential address, Zhaleo Rio, Retd IAS, MLA and President of the NBA, updated the gathering on the history of NBA which was formed in 2001 registered under the Nagaland government where it received its affiliation with the Nagaland Olympic Association in 2011. Since its inception, the Association has been conducting trainings and tournaments in its own limited capacity. Conveying the need to promote basketball in Nagaland, Rio also urged the YRS department to build more infrastructures and facilities for the young Naga boys and girls. The lack of infrastructure, often lead to poor performances in sports, viewed Rio and appealed the government to construct more basketball courts. He also apprised

the department on the need to renovate and improvise the multi stadium at IG complex. Viewing that Naga players are performing well, Rio mentioned that today we have regional and zonal players. Rio also announced that Thejangulie Mekhro, a player from Mystic Ballers has been selected to undergo training in the Europe Basketball Academy in Barcelona. Mekhro along with another player from Hyderabad are the only two to be selected from India. Highlighting the pre-requisites to be successful i.e., determination, discipline and perseverance, Parliamentary Secretary Khekaho Assumi encouraged the gathering that despite one’s background, if one is determined, they can change their circumstances. The success of a player is not just for the money, asserted Assumi, but also to bring pride to one’s community and progress to the society. Focusing his speech on the youth, Assumi observed that despite the limitations of elders, the young Nagas today ‘are very forward looking’ and aspire ‘to live harmoniously’. Therefore he encouraged the young to uphold that aspiration and strengthen the unity among Nagas and foster better relationships among tribes.

Disconnect between the government and the people Admitting that there is ‘disconnect’ between the people and the government, Assumi hoped to build the connection by encouraging the young crowd to approach him and his department. “Please come and tell us what has to be done,” urged Assumi who mentioned that Nagas often do not assert their rights despite the corruption in society. Viewing that the government is for the people, and the money sent from the Centre are all public money, Assumi urged the youth especially the students to be pressure groups to ensure that the public money is implemented to the public. “It’s all public money and not for politician and bureaucrats, but for the development of the youth and sportspersons,” said Assumi while also suggesting that opportunities should be given to the sports players and coaches to travel and watch international sports events. Citing a recent Supreme Court order on the Lodha reforms which restrains politicians and bureaucrats to hold positions in sports associations in the country, Assumi hoped that such reforms are also implemented in the state. There

have been many incidences where politicians and bureaucrats hold tenures in Associations for decades without any improvements, said Assumi and urged that such trends be stopped in Nagaland. He assured that renovations at the multi stadium in IG Complex will start next week and also announced that the YRS will be setting up five basketball courts in Nagaland – two in Dimapur, two in Kohima and one in Mokokchung. Meanwhile, Assumi clarified that the government will be setting up 100 playfields and not specifically football fields (and not as reported in the media). These fields will be set up to play other sports too. Results: S. Naga Trouncer 42-36 St Joseph College Team Orca 56-27 Team Waxbill Team Titans 69-49 Highland Dazzelers MAy 25 FIxtuREs Team Doberman vs Tiyi Hoppers @ 10:00 am Team Dorains vs Team Airhoggs @ 11:00am Mission Giants vs Kohima Chiefs @ 12 noon Team Mystic Ballers “B” vs Team Stingray @ 1:00 pm

LoNDoN, may 24 (REutERs): Chelsea have cancelled a planned victory parade in London on Sunday in light of Monday's bomb attack in Manchester. Antonio Conte's side won the Premier League title and could claim the double by winning Saturday's FA Cup at Wembley. Thousands of fans were expected to turn out for the parade. "In light of these tragic events, we feel it is inappropriate to go ahead with the victory parade in London on Sunday," the club said in a statement. "Given the heightened security threat announced by the (British) government, and recognising that this is a developing situation, we have given this careful con-

Irving, James lead the Messi loses appeal in tax fraud trial way as Cavs down Celtics

Los aNgELEs, may 24 (aFP): Kyrie Irving and LeBron James combined for 76 points as the Cleveland Cavaliers battled to a 112-99 victory over the Boston Celtics on Tuesday to move within one game of a place in the NBA Finals. The win gives Cleveland a 3-1 lead in the bestof-seven series and leaves them firmly on track for a third consecutive NBA Finals showdown against the Golden State Warriors. Cleveland, stunned by Boston in Game 3 after romping two blowout wins in the opening two games of the Eastern Conference series, looked to be heading for another shock as the Celtics dominated the first half. Boston powered into a 29-19 first quarter lead and maintained their 10-point cushion through to halftime, leading 57-47 at the break. But as tension among Cleveland's home fans mounted at the Quicken Loans Arena, it was left to Irving to ride to the rescue with a sensational, momentum-changing display in the third quarter. Irving piled on 21 points in the third period as Cleveland turned their 10-point half-time deficit into an 87-80 lead at the end of the third quarter. Irving eventually finished with 42 points. "Coming out at halftime, I just wanted to be aggressive and lead my guys and leave it all out there on the floor," Irving said. James, determined to bounce back after a poor 11-point haul in Game 3, then steadied the Cleveland nerves in the fourth quarter, bringing the Cavaliers home for the win as Boston's brave effort came up short. James, who finished with 34 points, was joined in double figures by Kevin Love, who scored 17 points with 17 rebounds and five assists.

maDRiD, may 24 (REutERs): Spain's Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected an appeal by Barcelona soccer star Lionel Messi and stood by a Catalan regional court's 21-month prison sentence for tax fraud, court documents showed. The five-times World Player of the Year is unlikely to go to prison, however. Messi and his father Jorge were found guilty by a Catalan court last July on three counts of tax fraud between 2007 and 2009 to the tune of 4.1 million euros on image rights and were also fined 2 million euros ($2.24 million). The court reduced Jorge Messi's sentence from 21 months to 15, however, for returning the defrauded amount to Spain's tax authority. Neither Messi nor his father are expected to serve time in jail, as under Spanish law sentences under

two years can be served under probation. A court statement said Messi "unequivocally understood his obligation to pay tax on income obtained from exploiting his image rights...therefore it is not logical that he should ignore his duty to pay tax on them". The Supreme Court's ruling brings an end to a case which began in 2013. Messi, 29, and his father defrauded the Spanish tax office of 4.1 million euros between 2007 and 2009 by using a web of shell companies based in Belize, Switzerland and Uruguay to

evade taxes on income from the player's image rights. Messi, who has won eight La Liga titles, four King's Cups and four Champions League crowns with Barcelona, finished top scorer in Spain this season with 37 league goals. He is set to play in the King's Cup final next Saturday in Madrid, the last game of the domestic season. Messi is Barcelona's alltime top scorer and their highest paid player. He is expected to sign a new contract with the Catalan club later this summer, with his current deal expiring in June 2018. Messi's lawyer was not available for comment. Barcelona, who last year released a statement in support of Messi following his guilty sentence and launched a campaign in support of him on social media, have not yet commented on the Supreme Court's decision.

sideration," it said. "We strongly believe, in the interests of everyone, this is the correct course of action. We are sure our fans will understand this decision." The club said black armbands would be worn by the players in Saturday's final against Arsenal and that a donation would be made to a fund supporting the victims. An Islamist suicide bomber blew himself up and killed 22 people at a packed pop concert at Manchester Arena on Monday. On Tuesday Prime Minister Theresa May's government announced that the security threat level had been raised to "critical" as the bomber, Salman Abedi, had probably not acted alone.

F1 to hold minute's silence for Manchester victims moNaCo, may 24 (REutERs): Formula One organizers are planning to hold a minute's silence before Sunday's Monaco Grand Prix as a mark of respect for the victims of the Manchester bomb attack. A Formula One Management source told Reuters the 10 teams, a majority of them Britishbased, had also agreed to carry the #Manchester hashtag on their cars. A statement was expected later. Monday night's attack in the northern English city, claimed by the Islamic State militant group, killed 22 people at a concert venue packed w i t h c h i l d re n , a n d wounded dozens more. The Cannes Film Festival, under way just down the French Riviera

coast from Monaco, held a minute's silence on Tuesday for what organizers condemned as an "attack on culture, youth and joyfulness". An appearance by triple Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton to promote the Disney franchise "Cars" was also canceled "out of respect for the casualties and all of those impacted", according to the film's publicist. A deadly truck attack in the nearby Riviera city of Nice on July 14 last year killed 86 people who had gathered to watch the fireworks on Bastille Day. Ross Brawn, Formula One's managing director for motorsport, was born near Manchester and is a fervent supporter of the Manchester United soccer club.

Would you know what to do if your CHILD went MISSING? Cleveland Cavaliers’ Kyrie Irving (2) goes up for a shot. (AP Photo)

James, Irving and Love were the only three Cavs players to make double digits. - 'The kid is special' But it was Irving who was the undeniable star of the show for his spellbinding third quarter masterpiece that transformed the game. "The kid is special," James said. "He was just waiting for an opportunity to blossom. I'm just happy and blessed that when I decided to come back that I was able to help him blossom. "I'm just happy to be able to sit back, with four fouls, and see him do what he's always been built to do. He was born for these moments." Love meanwhile revealed that the Cavaliers had not panicked at halftime when they trailed by 10. "We've been in that

position before," Love said. "It's just an effort all around. We've got a lot of guys with a lot of playoff minutes who've been in situations like that before. "But while I can sit here and say that, Kyrie Irving was very special tonight." Boston, missing the injured Isaiah Thomas, had four players in double figures, with Avery Bradley scoring a leading 19 points. Game 5 takes place in Boston on Thursday. Asked to give a reason for Boston's second half problems, Celtics coach Brad Stevens had a simple answer: "Kyrie Irving and LeBron James. That's the answer. Kyrie Irving was incredible. "We played as well as we'd played in the entire playoffs in the first half and then for various reasons that didn't happen in the second half. But they deserve credit. They were incredible."

If a Child whereabouts are not known to parents, legal guardian or institution legally entrusted with the custody of the child, whatever may be the cause or circumstances of disappearance, the child shall be considered MISSING

NEVER wait 24 hours to report a MISSING CHILD. Report a Missing Child at the POLICE STATION/ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING UNIT /SPECIAL JUVENILE POLICE UNIT or Just DIAL CHILDLINE number 1098. Issued in public interest by the State Child Protection Society, Department of Social Welfare, Government of Nagaland

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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