May 26th, 2017

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FriDAY • MAY 26 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 142• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but they make a good excuse ‘Only logical’ for Trump to meet Dalai Lama: Tibetan leader says

T R u T H

— Thomas Szasz

New traffic regulation during NLA Session


o F

Manchester United defeats Ajax to win Europa League



nagaland explores synergy to address sanitation issue


By Sandemo Ngullie

Morung Express News Kohima | May 25

So with no funds, no big development projects, they’re reduced to inaugurating public latrines, waiting sheds and laying stones for Supporters of India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) try to break a police barricade during non existent projects. I re- a protest against what they call a breakdown of law and order in the state of West Bengal, in Kolkata on May 25. (REUTERS) ally feel sorry for them.

DSSU for additional GHSS & govt colleges in Dimapur

ANHTU asks govt to fulfill salary assurance DIMAPUR, MAY 25 (MExN): The All Nagaland Hindi Teachers Union (ANHTU) today asked the Nagaland State Government to fulfill its assurance and pay the pending salaries of CSS Hindi teachers in the state. A press note from the ANHTU reminded that the Chief Secretary had on March 17 assured payment within April based on release of funds by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. “As per information,” the ANHTU stated that the centre has “already released the fund and deposited it in the Nagaland State Government account.” The same demand was also echoed by the CSS Hindi Teachers, in a statement of their own.

May 27 declared working Saturday KOHIMA, MAY 25 (DIPR): The Home Department, Nagaland has informed that in view of the forthcoming Special Assembly Session, the Government of Nagaland has declared May 27 as a working day for all the offices located at Kohima. All administrative heads and heads of department have been directed to ensure attendance of their respective officers and staff.

No talks with separatists for now: Jaitley


NEw DElHI, MAY 25 (IANS): Defence Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday ruled out any talks with the separatists in Jammu and Kashmir, at least for now. “In this current atmosphere of violence, we will not hold talks with separatists who are instigating violence. Not for now,” he told TimesNow news channel. Jaitley said the government will definitely talk to the people of Kashmir and would like to address their grievances. Asked if this included Hurriyat, he said, “I am not saying that.”

DIMAPUR, MAY 25 (MExN): The Dimapur Sumi Students Union (DSSU) today appealed to the Nagaland State Government and the concerned department to establish additional government higher secondary schools and government colleges in Dimapur. In a press note, the DSSU noted that Dimapur serves as an educational hub for students from all districts of the state. “With only two existing government run institutions with limited intake capacity to accommodate thousands of students seeking admis-

sions,” the DSSU felt the need for establishing additional government run higher secondary schools and government colleges. It informed that the “trend to study in these two government run institutions has been increasing with each passing year.” “This year itself, the two institutions have had thousands students applying for admissions,” it informed and stated that the school had to conduct a lottery, while the government college opted for admission on merit basis in Arts stream, the cut-off marks being 60% to admit

students according to the intake capacity. Many people choose to migrate to Dimapur with their family and children in search of earning a living, thereby increasing the student population, it stated. The DSSU opined that government institutions, whose purpose is also to serve to the many needy students from poor financial backgrounds, “could not have accommodations for those sections of students even with aggregate pass percentage/marks.” It therefore urged the government to look into the issue with urgency.

A seminar on ‘Exploring Synergies between Government, Corporate and Community in Sanitation’ was held on May 25, jointly organised by the North East Initiative Development Agency (NEIDA), an initative of the Tata Trusts, and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the apex body of Chambers in India, and in collaboration with the Public Health Engineering (PHED), Government of Nagaland. The primary objective of the seminar was to make sensitization a ‘citizen’s movement,’ which will serve as a platform for cross learning from national and state level experiences. The programme agenda also targets bringing together the corporate, government organizations and the community towards the common vision and goal of making Nagaland an Open Defecation Free (ODF) State. With 88.6% households having access to sanitary toilets, Nagaland is one of the better placed states in India. With the limelight on sanitation, several agencies and corporations have started to synergize efforts for better sanitation in various states including Nagaland and sanitation has become one of the major areas of focus for their CSR initiatives. However, it is necessary

Hiranya Borah, Deputy Director, MoDWS addressing the seminar on ‘Exploring Synergies between Government, Corporate and Community in Sanitation’ held on May 25. (Morung Photo)

to boost the preparedness of governmental agencies to cope up with the other states of India and to cope up with the changing dynamics of the sanitation sector. In Nagaland, the challenge would be to engage communities to take owner ship of changing habits and lifestyle related issues in order to ensure an ODF Nagaland. Highlighting the activities of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in Nagaland, Maongwati Aier, IAS, Secretary, PHE also threw light on the community’s effort in the Mission. With the communitisation which started in 2003, all the communities have been working together in this mission. Maongwati also announced that by next month, six districts in Nagaland will be declared Open Defecation Free (ODF). The PHE Secretary also conveyed the need to trigger the minds of the people to change their behavior patterns and ensure proper sanitation in Nagaland. Emphasizing on the essence of effective

monitoring of the mission, Maongwati stated that monitoring of outcomes will be the focus, to be measured in terms of toilet usage as reflected in creation of ODF communities. Effective monitoring will ensure whether toilets have been constructed, whether these constructed toilets are being used and whether ODF communities have been created. The keynote address was delivered by Biswanath Sinha, Associate Director, Tata Trusts, who highlighted the activities, programs and projects that the Trust is conducting in Nagaland and the North East states. A major project is the Tata Water Mission (TWM)’s Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) – a four years pilot project in Nagaland to ensure availability of safe drinking water and sanitation in 700 households in the four villages in Noksen block of Tuensang. Working with its associate organisation NEIDA in Nagaland, in partnership

with Eleutheros Christian Society (ECS), the Trust has sponsored 5.8 crores, where the project will also include hydrogeology based Springshed management works. Another major objective of the Trust is to make the entire Nagaland Open Defecation Free (ODF). Hiranya Borah, Deputy Director, MoDWS, Government of India, meanwhile shared his experiences working in Nagaland and appealed the Nagas to continue to put their efforts in developing the State. The topics presented and discussed in the technical sessions were Role of Tata Trust in the success of SBM in India, role of community organizations, sharing of best practices from Assam and Mizoram on sanitation, experience sharing by the community from best Swachh villages in Nagaland, corporate initiatives, sanitation and prevention of infectious and communicable diseases, and priorities of WASH during crisis and emergencies.

Nagaland Health department naga youth can excel in it: niit ceo cautions food business operators Morung Express News

DIMAPUR, MAY 25 (MExN): The Nagaland State Department of Health and Family Welfare (DoHFW) issued a notice today prohibiting the sale of all forms of packed food items, beyond their ‘best before’ and ‘expiry date’ timeframe. The prohibition is in effect across the state. The notification stated that sale of food beyond ‘best before’ and after ‘expiry date’ may be considered as unsafe food and is prohibited under subclause (I) and (2) of the Section 26 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and sub-clause (a) clause (2) of Section 27 of the said Act. Offenders are liable to a penalty not exceeding Rs 25,000 under Section 50 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and punishable with imprisonment for a term of six months to seven years with fine of Rs

1,00,000 to Rs 10,00,000 under clause (I) (II) (Ill) and (IV) of Section 59 of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The department directed all food business operators in the state to comply with this notification, and cautioned that action shall be taken against defaulters under the appropriate provisions of the said Act. All designated officers (CMOs) and Food Safety Officers (FSOs) have also been asked to carry out inspection/ checking and sampling of food establishments under their jurisdiction and take necessary action against the defaulters. Further, the department also asked the public to inform the Chief Medical Officers/ Food Safety Officers of the districts or Directorate of Health & Family Welfare (Food Safety Cell) if anyone is found selling such food items.

Dimapur | May 25

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NIIT Limited, Rahul Keshav Patwardhan, who was in Dimapur today, said two major issues confronting the country today are –the growing rate of GDP but decreasing job opportunities and, the role and future of the IT sector in shaping the country’s economic destination. The NIIT chief said the rapid digital transformation taking place in almost all sectors has helped the country to achieve the GDP growth rate, but on the other hand, this has not resulted in corresponding growth of employment opportunities. Addressing a press conference on the theme ‘Digital transformation & future of IT & banking’ here at Hotel Europa Inn Friday evening, Rahul said Naga youths have the attributes and potential to excel in IT and other sectors. “Naga youths are good in spoken Eng-

CEO, NIIT, Rahul Keshav Patwardhan (left) addressing a press conference in Dimapur on May 25.

lish and are extroverts. They can be trained to be good workforce around the world. The youth talent in the state is highly marketable”,he remarked. He meanwhile stated that creating economic growth without new jobs is a serious social and economic issue that India needs to address. He said at present, India is the second leading country in the IT sector with 3.9 million workers in this sector. However, the IT sector in the country has reached maturation and saturation point and

that almost 35% of the 3.9 million workers are sitting on the bench as they have become outdated and are no longer productive. He also pointed out that profit margins of companies like automobile manufacturers have gone down due to various factors including outdated IT workforce. The CEO said for the country to build a vibrant economy and also create jobs, the need of the hour is not only to undertake massive re-skilling of outdated employees but also to recruit new talents from the youth force.

And this, he said needs a lot of effort, resources and change of focus. While re-skilling of outdated workforce is a big problem, recruitment of new workforce in the IT sector remains a huge challenge as the curriculum of most IT institutions in the country too are outdated, and it takes time to change curriculum, Rahul pointed out. Despite these challenges, the NIIT CEO said there also vast opportunities for new jobs in the IT and related sectors. He said with the present central government giving much focus towards providingbankingfacilitiestothevastmajority of the unreached population, there is immense potential for IT professionals in the banking sector. “Fintech as a sector is hot”, Rahul commented and added transformation in education sector is needed to skill students in digitization. In this regard, Rahul said NIIT with its whole new curriculum can give the cutting edge to institutions to equip students with the latest in IT.

Achungthung KiKon: DisAbility is not inAbility Inspiring! The lone haircutting salon of Bhandari town is run by a physically challenged individual Morung Express News Bhandari | May 25

At the age of 3, Achungthung Kikon’s limbs were paralyzed by Polio, but this disability did not deter him to inability. Now in his 28 years, he runs the lone haircutting saloon in Bhandari town, an ADC subdivision under Wokha district bordering Assam. A self taught barber, Achungthung cuts, trim and shape the hair of at least fifteen clients on a good day at his small improvised saloon. Not one to gripe over his fate or be morose, Achungthung, who hails from Bhandari village, said he started practicing the art of hair cutting from the young age of 15. “I had no training, I am self taught. Now I can cut any style demanded by my clients,” this barber,

who never had any formal instruction or training, proudly claims. Though constantly reminded of his disability because of the difficulty with mobility, the 28 year-old is not one to sit lying down and have become adept in using a crutch, stick or hands to support his legs as he move around to his daily chores. Achungthung is married and his wife lives in Bhandari village to look after her ailing father. He even dapples in carpentry- a skill which he learnt from observing the work of a carpenter like daily devotion at his village. “I also make furniture. But it is quite strenuous for me, so I don’t do commercial except for relatives and friends in my free time,” he says. At one time, Achungthung strug- Achungthung Kikon, who is physically gled with his hair cutting business, challenged is the lone barber of Bhandari which was his bread and butter be- town. Photo Courtesy Libeni Yanthan.

cause the dinghy saloon was too stuffy for customers and he had no proper equipments except for a few pieces of combs, scissors and razors. It was then that a newly formed society at Bhandari town- Mhankai Okho came to his rescue. Acknowledging the dignity of labor put in by Achungthung despite being physically challenged, the society pooled in money and renovated the shop, installed a proper shop sign board and bought him an electric hair cutting machine. “One of the main objectives of our society is to support local entrepreneurs and local produce. We want our local youth to grow and Achunghung is an inspiration to the young generation to pick up any tool and start earning despite all odds,” Chomithung, a member of Mhankai Okho said.

Members of the society have also been encouraging the residents of Bhandari town and nearby area to go to Achungthung’s saloon if they wanted a haircut instead of travelling all the way to Merapani town in Assam. Besides, the society has also been initiating a number of cleanliness drives around town and the surrounding villages, planting trees, refurbishing waiting sheds, spearheading awareness campaign etc as part of their mission. Achungthung says he is indeed grateful to the society for giving him a new leash of life. The lone barber of Bhandari has just one bit of advice for those who tend to stand and stare the day away- “What’s the use of sitting and remain idle? What will you get with that? We have to work- any work or else how can one survive?”


Friday 26•05•2017


New traffic regulation during NLA Session

Kohima, may 25 (mExN): In view of the 16th (Special) session of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly on May 27, the following traffic regulation will be enforced as part of the security arrangement. Only vehicles with appropriate car passes will be allowed entry to the Assembly Secretariat. No vehicle will be allowed to be parked by the roadside from 0600 Hrs onwards during Assembly sessions at the following routes: from BSNL Telephone Exchange till Classic Island; From Raj Bhavan till M.S Classic Island; from Classic Island till Assembly Secretariat via Razhü Point. Heavy vehicles will not be allowed to ply from High School junction to Assembly Secretariat via Sanuoru

subway during Assembly Sessions, except Govt. departmental buses. Heavy vehicles will not be allowed to ply in Kohima town during Assembly sessions, from 0700 hrs till the session is over. All loading and unloading of goods in Kohima town should be completed by 0700 hrs (morning) during Assembly sessions. Heavy vehicles will not be allowed to be parked along the “D” Block road. While anticipating positive co-operation from the public, the Police will tow away the defaulting vehicles and the charges will be borne by the vehicle owners. This was informed in a press release issued by Sr. Superintendent of Police, Kohima, Nagaland.


Immanuel students gets hands-on industry interface

Dimapur, may 25 (mExN): With the objective of inculcating and equipping students with both theoretical as well as practical knowledge in conjunction with their courses, the Economics Department of Immanuel College organised an exposure/field trip to a production unit on May 25. Under the supervision of two faculties, 30 students visited ‘Sweety Confectionery,’ located at Nahabari, Dimapur Nagaland. The unit manufactures various chips and sweets products which are sold both in Nagaland and also exported outside the State. Immanuel College, Head of Department, Economics Sungjemmongla Jamir in a press release stated that during the trip, the students learn actual hands-on experiences of production process by interacting with the workers as well as the management. The students also get acquainted with marketing aspects of production as the management explained various process of pro-

The students, faculty and the managements of ‘Sweety Confectionery’ pose for lens in the unit’s godown for finished products.

curement and processing of raw material, distribution channels; and the investment and expansion of the unit over the years. Later, they also witness handson production process of both chips and sweets division from

manufacturing to final packaging. The students further enquired about quality, hygiene and other related aspect connected with health. They also discussed with the management about adherence to labour law and other employ-

ment concerns. Organised with an objective to motivate and gain insight into the working of a production unit of an industry, the exposure/field trip was special and enjoyable learning experiences for the students.

NSF 27th general conference from May 30-June 2

Naga Students’ Federation officials addressing the press conference held at its office on May 25. (Morung Photo) Morung Express News Kohima | May 25

Under the theme ‘Amelioration’, the Naga Students’ Federation will be holding its 27th General Conference from May 30 to June 2 hosted by the Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) at Tsürangkong Range where delegates will be staying at the eight villages of the range and the conference will be held at Chungtia Yimsen village. Holding a press conference on May 25 at its office, the NSF team along with the Kelhouneizo Yhome Convenor of the Central Organizing Committee (COC) highlighted the various sessions and activities to be held at the conference. The key speakers and guests for the conference are Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Dr. Shürhozelie, Chief Minister of Nagaland, Dr. Benjongliba Aier, Parliamentary Secretary, CAWD & Taxes, Neiphiu Rio, Lok Sabha MP, Nagaland Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar IAS, Laisam Samai, Parliamentary Secretary, Legal Metrology & Consumer Affairs, Government of Arunachal and Y. Vikheho Swu, Minister PWD (R&B), Government. An interesting session at the conference will be the brainstorming session with panelists Dr. Aküm Longchari, Editor, The Morung Express, Inaka Assumi, Former General Secretary NSF, K. Elu Ndang, Former General Secretary NSF, TS Lotha, Former President of ANSCU, Subenthang Kithan, President NSF. The session will focus on the failures and achievements of the NSF and initiating suggestions to strengthen the organisation. “NSF has failed in some issues and has succeeded in the others and there are still many issues to be followed up. The session will be a time for reflection on both our glorious past as well failures,” asserted Yhome. “We came up with the theme ‘Amelioration’, keeping in mind the

need for progress and refinement in Naga society following the various social breakdowns and divisions in Naga society. NSF as an intellectual group wants to bring new changes in Naga society, build the society together,” said Yhome. Kiren Rijiju to speak at NSF Conference An important highlight of the 27th General Conference of the NSF is the presence of Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs who will be speaking on May 31. Stating that Rijiju’s presence is crucial, the NSF team mentioned that it will be an opportunity for Nagas to put up their grievances in the form of memorandums especially on border affairs. NSF shares about its achievements At the press conference, questions were raised on whether the NSF, as the apex body of activism for students’ rights, has achieved its goals, and its contribution to the student community in Nagaland and other Naga areas. Subenthang Kithan, NSF President replied that the NSF has contributed in stopping backdoor appointments in many government departments. Kithan claimed that NSF had filed RTI in 72 departments, whereby they held sit in protests in 2016. Memorandums were also served to restrict backdoor appointments and subsequently, the Chief Secretary has issued an order, according to Kithan, to reduce backdoor appointments. “To improvise the education system in Nagaland, we organised a seminar on the Education system in Nagaland where we invited resource persons to speak,” said Kithan who also mentioned the need for the Government to issue a fixed rate for fees in educational institution. “NSF being the only surviving mass based organizations needs your support. It is your duty and my duty to

strengthen it,” viewed Kithan. Conference highlights On May 30 in the introductory sessions, candidates contesting in the next NSF tenure will be given the opportunity to speak on the strategies and plans to strengthen NSF and contributions to the Student Community. The special guest for the introductory session will be Dr. Benjongliba Aier, Parliamentary Secretary, CAWD & Taxes The second day will witness the inaugural session graced by Kiren Rijiju, the Cultural Regale with Neiphiu Rio as the Special Guest and the literary session where Pankaj Kumar will be the special guest. In the literary session, a debate on the topic ‘Nagas are economically sustaining as a Nation’ will be held with a representative each from all the member units of NSF as participants and Neichüte Doulo as the debate critic. The third day will feature the theme session where Laisam Samai, Parliamentary Secretary, Legal Metrology & Consumer Affairs, Government of Arunachal will be the key speaker while Y. Vikheho Swu, Minister PWD (R&B), Government will grace the valedictory session. This will be followed by an entertainment night where students unions from various Naga tribes will perform along with a special appearance by Dreamz Unlimited. Reminding the President of his assurance during the taking over of his Presidency in the 26th NSF General conference held in Khonoma where he talked about reviving the Tuli Paper mill, Wazeho Cement Plant, media persons raised a question if the NSF team has resolved these assurances to which Kithan replied that the NSF had informed the concerned departments to look into the issue. On the case of the Tuli Paper, the responsibility was assigned to the AKM to bring out the grievances and plights of the Mill.

Volunteers of The Greensight Project pose for the lens after planting ornamental trees along the roadsides of Mopungchuket-Milak road today. The volunteers planted maple and royal poinciana trees along with indigenous wild fruit-bearing trees. They also undertook follow-up replacement, staking and mulching of trees planted last year. The Greensight Project is a 5-year scenic enhancement programme launched in July, 2016 initiated by the Mopungchuket Ait Laishir Telungjem (MALT), the village's students union. As part of the project, MALT envisages to develop the said road, stretching 11 kms in total, as a scenic route. (Morung Photo)

TuENsaNg, may 25 (mExN): The Action Plan Committee (APC) of Tuensang district had rued over the ongoing road construction under 3rd NAP sector area, Tuensang (83-93km). APC Tuensang in a press release issued by its Chairman Setsachem, Executive Chairman Kaimang Chang, General Secretary Singkhum, Press Secretary O. Tia Sangtam, Treasurer Kyukhum Yimchunger stated that despite of several appeals been made to the department as well as the contractor concerned, no any positive response had been made so far. “Owing to it, there is a public hue and cry complaining the negligible work undertaking by the contractor,” the APC stated. It further rued that “NH 202 is still lying in pathetic conditions as before due to the repairing works done for the name sake only. Therefore, the APC demands to use necessary machinery and equipments for this said road or else hand it over to the Action Plan Committee instead.” Therefore, the APC has resolved to wait for only 15 days to meet the demand w.e.f. the date of publication of this letter. “In failing to comply with this resolution, the committee shall not hesitate to take any course of action thereafter,” APC cautioned.

Pranab Vidyapith Hr Sec School fetes toppers

Dimapur, may 25 (mExN): Pranab Vidyapith Higher Secondary School (PVHSS), Dimapur performances in the recently declared HSLC and HSSLC 2017 result conducted by Nagaland Board of School Education were outstanding. There were 4 toppers in science, including the number one rank holder Piklu Paul while there were 7 toppers in commerce led by Rajdeep Nath in first position. In HSLC, Nandita Paul secured the 2nd position in the overall top 20 rank besides scoring the state’s highest marks in Bengali at 97%. Bibhu Prasad Saha also scored state highest marks in Maths with 100%. In science stream in Class 12, the other toppers were Ankit Kumar Gupta (3rd), Loktimen (6th), and Kusum Kumari (9th). Piklu Paul, the topper in science also scored the state’s highest marks in Physics, Chemistry and Bengali at 98, 99 and 95% respectively. An-

Nagaland takes part in Folk Fair 2017

The cultural troupe from Nagaland at the 15th Folk Fair 2017 held at Muktakash Rangamancha Puri, Odisha.

Kohima, may 25 (mExN): The Department of Art and Culture, Kohima led by two Department Officials and two cultural troupe of thirty members sponsored by the Government of Nagaland participated in the 15th Folk Fair 2017 with national level tribal, folk song and dance festival organized by Cultural Organization Shree Shrikshetra Soochana at Muktakash Rangamancha Puri, Odisha. The 5-days programme was inaugurated by Dr. Damodar Rout, Minister, Department of Agriculture & Farmers' Empowerment and Department of FARD, Government of Odisha. The Fair showcases Nations' cultural diversity through tribal art. Everyday 16 Teams representing their States showcase a

APC Tuensang rue over negligible road construction

special aspect of their folk culture. Fascinating performances by the artistes attracted the local connoisseurs as well as tourists. The festival encouraged the interaction between the tribal and folk culture giving the artistes from across the country a platform to showcase their unique indigenous folk art especially in dance and music. More than 22 states including Nagaland, Sikkim, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Manipur, Mizoram, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Bengal, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Odisha took part in the Fair. This was stated in a press release issued by Chubala Sangtam, Joint Director & HoD Art & Culture Nagaland.

Teachers and others with the students after the felicitation cum orientation programme held at Pranab Vidyapith Higher Secondary School, Dimapur.

tara Chakraborty at 92% marks topped biology subject while in Informatics Practices, Sarbash Biswas scored the highest mark with 95%. Reshab Banik (3rd), Debasish Dutta (5th), Rezina Begum (7th), Nabanita Das (8th), and Nabanita Das (10th) were the other toppers in Class XII Commerce Stream from PVHSS. Top 1 Rajdeep Nath, Resheb Banik and Seponglepla also scored the state’s highest mark in Entrepreneurship with 98% while top 7 Rezina Begum

took the mantle in Economics with 99%. In this regard, a felicitation of the successful candidates of HSLC and HSSLC 2017 as well as orientation programme of Class 11 students (2017) was held at Pranab Jubilee Auditorium on May 24. It was attended by students, parents, teachers and distinguished guests. In his introductory and welcome speech, the School Principal Monoj Bhattacharjee felicitated the successful candidates while also welcoming the

newly-admitted students of Class 11 and outlining the guidelines to be followed by them. Chinmayanandaji Maharaj, Secretary encouraged the students to strive hard for achieving success in their lives and showered his blessings on all of them. As a part of the orientation, subject teachers were also introduced to the students. The programme was conducted by Limanaro B Ao ended with a vote of thanks was delivered by Rahul Bhattacharjee, informed a press note from the PVHSS Principal.

Discussion on child protection mechanism in Zunheboto

ZuNhEboTo, may 25 (Dipr): A one day open house discussion on Child Protection Mechanism organized by District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), Zunheboto was held at Youth Hall, Zunheboto. The participants and various stakeholders had an open discussion and deliberated on various problems, challenges and best practices suited for protection of a child. Legal cum Probation Officer, DCPU, Khetoholi Yeptho highlighted on Child Rights. Earlier, keynote address was delivered by Society Director, SCPS, Nagaland, Z. Nyusiethe Nyuthe, welcome address was delivered by DCPO, ZCPU, Ruzonuo Rita Rutsa, and special number was presented by Children Home, Satakha.

Chairperson, Burma Campaign Society (BCS), Akiko McDonald called on the Governor at Raj Bhavan Kohima on May 25. Apprising the Governor, Akiko said that BCS aims to collect historical data, war memoirs, photos, films, etc and provide access to the international public. The society also aims to actively participate in war memorial services in Japan, India, Burma and UK.

North NSS youth festival

Kohima, may 25 (mExN): The North East NSS Youth Festival will be held from May 26 to 29 at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima. Parliamentary Secretary for Youth Resources & Sports Khekaho Assumi will grace the inaugural function as the chief guest while Anenla S. Longchari, Secretary Youth Resources & Sports will be the guest of honour. On the inaugural day on May 26, Sunil Kumar Basumatary, regional director, NSS North Eastern Region, Guwahati will deliver keynote address while welcome address will be delivered by C. Theyo, State NSS officer.

Friday 26•05•2017



Manipur: BJP wins lone Rajya Sabha seat India's longest bridge over Brahmaputra to bring Assam, Arunachal Pradesh closer Newmai News Network Imphal | May 25

Manipur unit of BJP President, Kshetrimayum Bhabananda Singh was elected as Rajya Sabha MP of Manipur by securing 39 votes in today’s bye-election by the elected members of the Legislative Assembly and the MPs. The seat became vacant after death of the sitting member, Congress’ Haji Abdul Salam. The bye–election was contested by two candidates namely, Kshetrimayum Bhabananda Singh of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Elangbam Dwijamani Singh of Indian National Congress (INC). The Congress candidate got 21 votes. Singh (67) who joined

Mizoram, Tripura approve GST bill DiMapur, May 25 (MExN): Mizoram and Tripura passed the Goods and Services Tax (GST) bill unanimously through special sessions their respective Legislative Assemblies on May 25. The Mizoram Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill, 2017 was introduced by State Taxation minister, Lalsawta and passed after prolonged deliberation involving eight members, according to Newmai News Network. The one day special session was summoned on Thursday by Mizoram Governor, Lt. Gen. (Rtd) Nirbhay Sharma to deliberate on a state law on GST. Cutting across party lines members of the state legislature supported the bill and hoped that the new law would be beneficial for both the state government and the people, it added. In left Left-ruled Tripura, a special assembly session approved the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill unanimously. The bill tabled by Tripura Finance Minister Bhanulal Saha on the first day of the three-day special assembly session on Tuesday was passed without any discussion, IANS reported. On April 6, Parliament passed four legislations, paving the way for the rollout of the GST from July 1. (With IANS, NNN inputs)

NEHU hosts College Principals' Conference DiMapur, May 25 (MExN): Under the theme, “Initiatives on Enhancing Quality in Higher Education,” a one day Principals' Conference was held in North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong on May 24. Organized by the IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) in collaboration with UGC-Human Resource Development Centre of NEHU, the conference was inaugurated by NEHU Vice-Chancellor, Prof. SK Srivastava. Welcoming the participants, Prof. N Srivastav, Director, IQAC spoke on the parameters and indicators relevant to the quality in higher education and also stressed on the importance of assessment and accreditation of colleges and universities. Director, Human Resource Development Centre, Prof. Rakesh Mohan, who chaired the programme informed that the main target of the conference was to assess and evaluate the recent initiatives taken to enhance the quality in higher education and its impact on the society. Special emphasis was laid on the purpose and prospects of these initiatives in the context of North-Eastern region in general and Meghalaya in particular. The conference was attended by 69 college Principals, Vice-Principals and IQAC Directors of affiliated colleges of NEHU, informed a press note from Director UGC-HRDC, NEHU

Rajya Sabha MP-elect Kshetrimayum Bhabananda Singh being accorded by his party members today.

BJP in 1995, graduated with English Honours from Hansraj College, Delhi in 1980. He is also a graduate in LLB from Manipur University and registered Advocate of the Bar

Council of India, NE region from 1999. Since joining BJP, he has served the Party under various capacities and was ultimately elevated as its president in 2016.

Guwahati, May 25 (iaNS): Bringing Assam and Arunachal Pradesh closer, the country's longest river bridge -- at 9.15 km - over the mighty Brahmaputra, is to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday. The bridge which links Dhola to Sadiya -- located near the AssamArunachal Pradesh border -- in Assam's Tinsukia district, will cut travel time from over six hours to just one hour. Sadiya is the birthplace of the legendary Assamese singer Bhupen Hazarika. The Dhola-Sadiya bridge is longer than the Bandra-Worli Sea Link (5.6 km) in Mumbai by nearly two-thirds. The bridge -- the fourth over Brahmaputra river after Saraighat, Kolia Bhomora and Bogibeel (nearing completion) -- is expected to boost communication across the eastern part of neighbouring Arunachal Pradesh.

Myanmarese refugees return home

Myanmarese refugees with the Assam Rifles before being reached them to the border. Newmai News Network Aizawl | May 25

Myanmarese refugees numbering about 340, who fled to Mizoram since last Friday, have returned to their village Ralie in Chin state of Myanmar bordering Mizoram on Wednesday. Official sources said that the refugees, mostly women and children were safely sent back home from International Boundary Pillar No. 15 of Indo-Myanmar border with the effort of Assam Rifles, Siaha district administration, Mizoram Police and Mara Autonomous District Council (MADC). They were received by leaders of Ralie village. Fearing the imminent conflict between Myanmar Army and Myanmar based ethnic insurgent group Arakan Army (AA) who are camping at Ralie village in Myanmar, about 340 refugees, mostly women and children belonging to the village crossed Mizoram border on last Friday and took shelter at Lungpuk and Khaikhy villages in the southernmost part of Siaha district of Mizoram. The Mizoram government and Assam

Rifles troopers posted along the Myanmar border areas provided necessary aid and support, including food to the refugees. The local tribal villagers also made arrangements for food and lodging for the refugees. Sources from Assam Rifles also said that the refugees were safely repatriated on Wednesday. The repatriation was organized at International boundary pillar No. 15 of IndoMyanmar border on Wednesday, wherein Chebei, the VCP of Ralie village himself came from Myanmar to receive and take back the villagers who had fled their village. The Assam Rifles personnel handed over all the refugees to the VCP of Ralie in presence of the representatives of Siaha district administration, Mizoram police and members of MADC, Assam Rifles sources said. A senior Assam Rifle officer quoted the village leaders who came from Myanmar as saying that the Arakan Army, who were camping at Ralie village and surrounding areas have moved away to undisclosed location towards Myanmar side and the village is now completely safe.

For details contact: 8794987931, 9774029975


Dated: 25.05.2017


The Director, ICAR-NRC on Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland invites online bids under two bid system through e-procurement from registered/well-established/reputed firms for providing manpower services for Annual Rate Contract. Details of the e-tender forms, terms & conditions and instructions to bidders can be downloaded from www. or Online bids complete in all respects should be submitted online only through CPP portal https:// on or before 04.07.2017 at : 2:30PM. Administrative Officer For and on behalf of the Director

"The bridge will also reduce the distance from Rupai on NH-37 in Assam to Meka/Roing on NH-52 in Arunachal Pradesh by 165 km," it added. "The travel time between the two places will come down from the current six hours to just one hour - a total five hour reduction," the Ministry said. This would lead to Rs 10 lakh worth saving of petrol and diesel per day. "This bridge will also give a major boost to overall economic development of the areas north of Brahmaputra in upper Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Built at a cost of Rs 2,056 crore, the total length of the Dhola-Sadiya Bridge project, including the approach roads on each side, is 28.50 km. The construction of Dhola-Sadiya bridge began in 2011 and the original target date for completion was December 2015.

Blast kills one ahead of Modi's visit to Assam

I, Ellivy Chishi, aged about 23 years D/o. Hokivi Chishi, resident of H/No. 85, Sematilla Colony, Ward-7, Dist. Dimapur, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:1. That, I am a bonafide citizen of India. 2. That, my name is Ellivy Chishi however, in some of my documents my name was inadvertently/erroneously recorded as Ellivy .H. Chishi. 3. That, the name Ellivy Chishi and Ellivy. H. Chishi is one and same person, henceforth I shall be known and would be using my name as Ellivy Chishi for all purposes. Deponent Solemnly sworn and signed before me by the deponent. Notary Public, Nagaland

ADVERTISEMENT FOR PRINCIPAL (PVT) Applications are invited to fill up the vacancy of Principal (Pvt) for Assam Rifles Public School High, C/o 36 Assam Rifles, Jalukie (Nagaland). Qualifications for the post of Principal (Pvt) is MA, B.Ed/ M.Sc, B.Ed degree and minimum of 03-05 years teaching experience. Candidate fulfilling the above criterion are required to submit their application along with qualification certificates to the above mentioned address by Post or through Email ID: thirtysixar@ by 01 Jun 2017. Candidates may also directly appear on the day of interview which will commence on 10 Jun 2017.



Regd.No: 501/2017 Date: 25/05/17 I, Shri. Aman Kumar Sethi, S/o. Anil Kumar Sethi, R/o. H/No. 440/A, C/o. Sethi Grains, G.S Road, Dist- Dimapur, 797112, Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm on oath and declare as under: 1. That I am a citizen of India and a resident of the above mentioned address. 2. That in my academic records my name has been mistakenly/ inadvertently mentioned as Aman Sethi where as my correct/ actual name is Aman Kumar Sethi. 3. That Aman Kumar Sethi and Aman Sethi are one and the same person. 4. That henceforth I shall be known as Aman Kumar Sethi for all purposes. 5. That my above mentioned address is used for my residential as well as correspondences purposes. 6. That this present affidavit is made to declare that henceforth I shall be own as Aman Kumar Sethi for all purposes. Deponent Solemnly affirm before me on this 25th day of May, 2017. Notary Public, Nagaland

S. Marchiten, Deponent


Mountain View Christian College, Kohima AFFILIATED TO NAGALAND UNIVERSITY Near BSF Camp. Below ATI Office: Kohima ARTS AND COMMERCE Contact No: 0370-2280071/8256923734 Classes Admission Install (quarterly) 11&12 5500 3000 B.A (Gen) 6500 3100 B.A (Hons) 6800 3200 Hostel Monthly fee - 3500



NAGALAND EX-CADRE DOBASHI UNION The Commissioner of Nagaland Kohima: Nagaland

Sub:- Representation against the Office Memorandum NO. CNE- I/GEN/ 2015/ 1311 Dated 03/11/2016 in respect of Recruitment of Dobashis. Respected Sir, The undersigned on behalf of the ex-cadre/contingency Dobashis in the state would like to bring to you notice our plight for kind necessary action. That sir, there are around 300 Ex-cadre/contingency Dobashis from respective district in state who are appointed against the vacancies arisen which is shown proven by their respective appointment order from competent authority from the Government except few through political packing. Sir, you may be aware that all these Ex - cadre Dobashis are loyally serving the government for many years for not less than 5 years to 20 years .They are being ordered on duties such as factional clashes, land disputes, inter-state border tensions, social upheavals, elections besides all other normal duties without any T/A or Ex-gratia. That Sir, your OM No. CNE-I/Gen/2015/1311 dated 03-11-2016 wherein "any vacancies arise shall be filled up on 50-50 basis between in- service and fresh candidates". This Memorandum is against the working system of Dobashis institution in Nagaland. By this OM, anyone without any experience may come and supersede the experienced working Dobashis. The junior superseding the senior is against the Naga Customary law and its practices and we cannot allow to continue this trend because we, the Dobashis are the Custodian of the Naga Culture, custom, tradition and its practices from time in memorial. That Sir, the undersigned respectfully put herewith our demand before your kind authority that:1) OM NO. CNE-I/Gen12015/1311 date 3.11.2016 of SL.NO. 8 be reviewed immediately particularly for Dobashis. 2) Staffing pattern of Dobashis of different headquarters and sub-divisions be immediately implemented as per the government notification of 2004. (Copy enclosed) 3) 4) 5)

All the existing serving ex-cadre/contingency Dobashis in the state be regularized who are serving the government for more than 5 years. Till such arrangement is made no fresh appointment/recruitment of Dobashis be made thereof. That Sir, the uniqueness of Dobashis institution in Nagaland is directly linked with the article 371 A of Indian Constitution which recognizes Naga custom, tradition and its practices and Dobashis are the custodian to this. Though Dobashis are paid government servant, their nature and working system is far different from other department employees therefore Dobashis should not be treated at par with others.

That Sir, the undersigned once again beseech your kind authority look into the Dobashis institution of Nagaland before anything undesirable things happens among the Dobashis which may have repercussions. Thank you.

Assam Rifles Public School (High) Dimapur 3 Mile ARTC & S Dimapur Nagaland rd

(Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi)

Affiliation No: 1480007


School Code: 32501


a) Class LKG to IX: Open for all category. b) Class X: For CBSE students only. For further details contact 03862-243147

Sd/- Principal ARPS (High) Dimapur


8014131497 / 974064295


Regd. No : 460/17 Dated : 25/05/17 I, Shri. S. Marchiten s/o late Subong, age about 55 years, permanent resident of Notun Basti, Ao Khel, Dimapur, Dist Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as follows:1. That despite my diligent care, guidance and advices my son Mr. Imlisanen has been imputes and defiled the hard earned image and esteem of my clan and village by indulging in various undesirable and illegal activities beyond my utmost tolerance and forbearance. 2. That I wash my hands clean of all his actions and bear no responsibility whatsoever, from here on. His actions shall be his individual and independent choosing and I will not be held responsible. 3. That this declaration is made in sound mind and health and true to my knowledge and nothing has been concealed. Sign and verify this the 24th day of May 2017 at Dimapur. Identified by Advocate

For more information

Regd.No: LAW- 13/73(Pt-II) 42

Guwahati, May 25 (iaNS): One person was killed in an explosion in the tea and oil rich Dibrugarh district of Assam on Thursday ahead of a visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to inaugurate a 9.15 kilometre-long bridge over the Brahmaputra river. The blast took place at a pipeline of Oil India Limited at Dikom in Dibrugarh district. Dikam is located about 80 km away from the Dhala-Sadiya bridge, which will be inaugurated by Modi on Friday. While the police claimed that the blast took place due to pressure in a pipeline and that there was no involvement of any militants, the anti-talk faction of ULFA militants reportedly claimed responsibility for the explosion. Assam's Special Director General of Police (DGP) Kula Saikia refuted the ULFA faction's claim. "We suspect that the explosion took place due to pressure in the pipeline. However, our investigation is on," Saikia said. The anti-talk faction, however, told a news channel from Assam that they had triggered the blast and added that one of their cadre, Bobby Dahotiya, was killed while planting the bomb on the pipeline.Security has been intensified.


Dimapur Hospital & Research Centre is pleased to announce that erstwhile Dimapur Hospital located at Landmark Colony is being moved to a new location at Purana Bazar. In this regard, the hospital shall suspend all the activities from 26th to 29th May 2017. Therefore all concerned esteem patients are requested to bear the inconvenience for the next few days. The new establishment will be fully functional from 30th May, 2017.

The bridge is also expected to transform and improve the road connectivity in the northeastern region, a government statement said. "The bridge will fill a huge connectivity gap that has existed in the region," a statement from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways said. The bridge will also benefit the army, with convoys requiring less time to journey from Assam to the posts along the India-China border in Arunachal Pradesh. The bridge is also expected to enhance India's defence capabilities in the northeastern region. Since northeast is in a high-seismic region, the bridge has been provided seismic buffers in all its 182 piers. Till now, the only means to cross the Brahmaputra in the location was through ferry only in day time, and even this was not possible during the floods, the Ministry statement said.

LODGING AND RESTRO for sale in town at prime location.

Yours faithfully, 1. Shri. ……………………on behalf of Tuensang Ex-Cadre D.B. 2. Shri. N. Bonshai DB Shri. N. Longchei


6. Shri. Samram Shri. Rokokholie


3. Shri. Vishito Shri. Hevito


7. Shri. Chichamo Kikon Shri. L. Mhathung Shitiri


4. Shri. Akangtemjen Shri. Thepfuthou Kense


8. Shri. Joseph Lohe Shri. Khosazo Dozo


5. Shri. Ikuto Yeptho


Copy to: 1. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Nagaland for necessary action. 2. The Parliamentary Secretary D.B.’ Affairs for information and necessary action. 3. All the respective Deputy Commissioners of the Districts in Nagaland for necessary action.


fridAY 26•05•2017



LTA 27th General Conference concludes DimaPuR, may 25 (mExN): The Liangmai Theological Aruang (LTA) held its 27th General Conference at Life Spring Corner, Dimapur from May 22 to 24 under the theme “Building Kingdom Stewards”. According to a press release, speaker of the conference P. Azon, Women Secretary (LBA) talked on the theme and challenged the participants to build Kingdom stewards. The resource persons Kairisi Chewang, Mission Cordinator, TVBC and S.P. Tunchapbo, Research Scholar (Kolkata) presented papers on “Witnessing Christ in the Changing World: A Missiological Response” and “Jesus’ Model of Transformation: A Missiological Response” respectively. The resource persons concentrated on the holistic approach in building kingdom stewards. Over 40 members attended the conference during which many pressing issues relating to church and its ministry were highlighted. The attendees also deliberating on ministerial concern within and outside but giving its priority to home based missions, the release stated. Spiritual decadency in our churches was another notable area discussed, the association informed and in this regard, urged the church to strive for active participation in restoring its health. The association also appealed everyone to uphold religious tolerance for harmonious existence. Meanwhile, Wichampou Nchang, Paramthonang, Kiziule Chewang and Chunsan Chewang were elected as president, Vice president, General Secretary and Joint Secretary of the association respectively.

AMRUT project: Training for municipal officials underway

Kohima, may 25 (DiPR): A three-day AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) training for municipal officials of Nagaland, organized by Department of Urban Development, Government of Nagaland in collaboration with Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies, Osmania University, Hyderabad began on May 24 at the conference hall of Department of Urban Development. Secretary, Urban Development, Mhotsuthung Lotha in his inaugural speech stressed on the need to focus on skill development, capacity building and human resource development for progress. Pointing out that many foreign investors are willing to invest in various sectors in the country, he lamented the lack of NPF Central Team tours Mon capacity building and human remoN, may 25 (mExN): A Central team of the Naga source, which he said are hinderPeople’s Front (NPF) led by Apong Pongener, Working President and Political Advisor to Chief Minister, visited all nine constituencies under Mon Division to consult with party workers during a month long tour which concluded on May 24. Honlei Konyak, Advisor 42 A/C NPF Wakching, urged party workers to be loyal and committed and further asked them to prepare for the forthcoming 2018 elections. Hanghuh, Gen. Secretary, Central and Party Incharge of Mon Division, Lanukaba, President Farmers wing Nagaland, Shingnyu, Vice President Central, and Aloh Konyak, Ex-MLA from Tizit A/C also spoke on different occasions. The press release issued by General Secretary (Administration) Wango Konyak, NPF Mon Division, also dismissed the newly formed Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) arguing that it was formed to “create disorder and confusion” on the masses.

ing the efforts to attract them to invest in the State. Earlier, awareness on programmes were imparted at the level of implementing agency or authority, but now the entire scenario is changing to mass participation, he said. Calling the trainees as agents for propagation of the programmes in their respective areas and circles, he urged them to put sincere efforts to skill, equip and build capacity of the people for success of the programme. He lamented the loopholes existing in the selection of beneficiaries, and called for creating a system to identify the needy core beneficiaries for any scheme. The inaugural programme was chaired by Director, RCUES, Hyderabad, Prof. Y. Pardhasaradhi, and Director, Urban Development delivered the welcome address.

The three-day training will have orientation on topics like Urban reforms: Challenges, significance of leadership, introduction to AMRUT mission, components and process, preparation and updation of SLIP’S and SAAP’S, service level benchmarks, reform oriented projects; E-Governance best practices: Strategies, accountability and transparency; Urban infrastructure projects: Water, sewerage; Context of AMRUT; PPP Model of Parks; PPP: Significance and potential, Pilot projects of PPP; Stakeholder participation: Opportunities for convergence with other schemes and missions; Best practices of Solid Waste Management: Preparation of DPR: Components, AMRUT; and Financing options for Urban Development; Concept of CSR and strategies to mobilize funds.

ATMA Dimapur conduct demo on maize cultivation

resource person along with the participants during the demonstration on maize cultivation held on April 29.

DimaPuR, may 25 (mExN): ATMA-Dimapur Kuhuboto Block conducted demonstration on maize cultivation at Phukato village, under Kuhuboto Block, Dimapur on April 29. Resource person for the programme was Akavi Holo BTM (ATMA), Kuhuboto Block, Dimapur. He illustrated on the importance of maize crop which ranks next to rice. Maize can be grown all over the state in the kharif season; some varieties can be successfully grown during rabi season. Maize plants are susceptible to water log-

ging and moisture stress condition. Adequate water holding capacity with good drainage is the ideal soil for maize. The best time for sowing kharif maize is March and April, and for rabi season maize it is best in September to October in plain areas. He also emphasized on the seed rate, manure, diseases control etc. He concluded the programme by a demonstrating on the field, which was followed by interaction. The programme was chaired by Ameto Yeptho, ATM (ATMA), Kuhuboto Block.

Demo on mushroom cultivation Farmers asked to vaccinate livestock Kohima, may 25 (mExN): Directorate and poultry disease like Ranikhet and Fowl held at Living Bible College of Animal Husbandry & Animal Services has Pox, Brucella Abortus vaccine, Raksha PPR

DCPU Mon calls for community based child protection mechanism

Trees planted in Meluri PhEK, may 25 (DiPR): Phek Forest Division, Department of Environment, Forests & Climate Change in Meluri in collaboration with Christian Education Centre, Meluri and the local community of Meluri Town organized a plantation drive on May 23. DFO, Phek Rongsenlemla Imchen appreciated the community for their cooperation and highlighted the importance of the role of local community and the churches in protecting and conserving wild life, forests and environment. She said the department aims to cover more areas; hence subsequent plantation programmes will be arranged for the remaining ranges and beats in the coming days till it culminates on June 5, World Environment Day. The participants and local community thanked DFO Phek, officers and staffs of Meluri Range and Phokhungri Beat for their initiatives in bringing about the plantation programme. They assured their continuous cooperation and support to the department for a safe, secure and a healthy environment.Many varieties of ornamental and fast growing species such as Carialiabrachita, GulMohor, Cryptomeria, Ashoka, Bogul etc. were planted during the programme. DFO Phek, officers and staffs of Forest department, CEC members, church workers, students, women members and local community of Meluri Town attended the programme.

DimaPuR, may 25 (mExN): ATMA Dimapur, Kuhuboto Block conducted a demonstration on mushroom cultivation held on May 20 at Living Bible College, Ayinato with Chumyani, AFA & BTT Member, Kuhuboto Block as the Resource person. Akavi Holo, BTM (ATMA) Kuhuboto Block presented a live video show in order to let the participants have the idea and knowledge about mushroom cultivation by seeing through the video. A brief introduction on the usefulness of Mushroom was illustrated by Chumyani. She explained the process of steps in the making of mushroom. She also illustrated that the spawned bags should be kept in a room away from direct sunlight for incubation and further elaborated on the time, tem-



Answer Number # 3950

perature and days to be kept before harvesting. The ideal temperature required is between 20 to 30ºC. She also encouraged the participants to take up mushroom cultivation as it is cultivable in the month of March/April and September/October in a year and can help them to boost up their livelihood economy. There can be three to four flushes during one cropping cycle after which the left over substrate can be used for production of manure. It also plays a great role in medicinal value such as in heart diseases, diabetic, kidney problem etc and she concluded by showing them the steps to make the oyster mushroom cultivation through a live demonstration. The programme was chaired by Akavi Holo, BTM (ATMA) Kuhuboto Block.

std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. School athletic centers 5. Sauce 10. Sly trick 14. Many millennia 15. Eagle’s nest 16. By mouth 17. Tropical tuber 18. Restart 20. Relating to heat 22. Pertaining to vivid recall 23. Beer barrel 24. Concerning (archaic) 25. Coarse cotton gauze 32. Corridors 33. Relative magnitudes 34. Legislation 37. “Oh my!” 38. Garrisons 39. Spindle 40. 2,000 pounds 41. Edge tool 42. False front 43. Mercantilism 45. Platform 49. Since 50. Creative persons 53. Defect 57. Penalty 59. Operatic solo 60. Send forth 61. A red fluorescent dye 62. Hue 63. Resorts 64. Sugary 65. Being DOWN 1. A certain trade agreement 2. “Sure” 3. Not less 4. Breathing devices for swimming 5. Carport 6. Bobbin 7. Genus of macaws 8. Frailty

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3951

moN, may 25 (mExN): District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) Mon organised a one day sensitization programme on ‘Community Based Child Protection Mechanism’ at DRDA conference hall, Mon Town on May 20. District Child Protection Officer (DCPO) Samuel Kapu spoke on the significance of community participation in bringing about care and protection of child. He further introduced the committees and institutions supporting the child protection mechanism. Deputy Commissioner Mon, Honje Konyak expressed the need to maintain the four basic rights of the child under UN CRC and urged the participants to

ATMA officials and participants with resource person during the demonstration on mushroom cultivation held on may 20 at living Bible College, Ayinato.


vaccine for sheep and goat etc. Vaccines have been sufficiently procured under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for the year 2016-17 and ready for implementation in the State. All officers in-charge of the Veterinary Health Centres and farms have been directed to keep vaccine ready without fail for convenience of the livestock and poultry farmers in the State.

informed all livestock and poultry farmers in Nagaland State to approach the nearest veterinary hospitals, dispensaries, health centres and veterinary farms to get their animals vaccinated for prevention of poultry and animal diseases like Foot and Mouth Disease, Block Quarter, Hemorrhegic Sepliceamis, Enterotoxeamia, Classical Swine Fever, canine rabies

9. Abominable Snowman 10. Interlaced 11. Angry 12. Language of ancient Rome 13. Choose by voting 19. Potato state 21. Untidyness 25. Gossip 26. Angel’s headwear 27. Dash 28. Spasmodic laryngitis 29. Very slow in tempo 30. Aquatic mammal 31. “___ the season to be jolly” 34. 62 in Roman numerals 35. As well 36. To fancy (archaic) 38. Vulpes velox 39. Convert to machine-only control 41. Ganders 42. A measuring instrument 44. Ability 45. Vaults 46. Clobber 47. Courtyards 48. Presents 51. Fastens 52. Put away 53. French cheese 54. Colored part of an eye 55. Transgressions 56. Despise 58. Utilize Answer to Crossword 3953





























fresh fundAmentAl indoor leAgue

think throw tint



protection, institutional care is available at SAA, Children Home and for children in conflict with law Observation Homes are there. She also mentioned that CHILDLINE 1098 is an emergency outreach service for children in need of care and protection. Participants from the village level, NGOs, World Vision and CWC members also spoke and shared their views during the open house discussion. The programme was chaired by Meziwang Zeliang, Superintendent, Observation Home Mon, welcome address was delivered by Wanloi Konyak, LPO, Mon and vote of thanks pronounced by Wangka, PO, Mon.

std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)

Civil hospital



229529 229474

mh hospital

227930 231081

fire Brigade


faith hospital


naga hospital


shamrock hospital


oking hospital


Zion hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing home


northeast shuttles


police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east police station


west police station


Cihsr (referral hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur hospital

police station fire Brigade

222246 222491



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 Zubza ps

224041 248011


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Apollo hospital info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway


Airport indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 khuzama ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

kezocha ps

nagaland multispecialty health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

kohimA ps/oCs Contact numbers north ps

Chumukedima fire Brigade 282777


make sure that every child is not denied the rights entitled to them. Further, he encouraged the participants to fight against abuse and discrimination happening to children and identify forms of abuse in domestic sphere and report to the committees at the village level. Raitale Zeliang, Programme Manager, SCPS, spoke on the mechanism of Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) and the roles of village level committees and the need to follow the norms of the law for processes related to children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law. She informed that for children in need of care and



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


kohimA south: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) kohimA north: 7085924114 (O) dimApur: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) ChumukedimA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) wokhA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) mokokChung: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) phek: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZunheBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tuensAng: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) longleng: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 women helpline 08822911011 WOMEN helpline 181 CHiLD welfAre Committee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

police station 1 police station 2 police station kobulong police station tuli police station Changtongya police station mangkolemba Civil hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing home


hotel metsüpen (tourist lodge) 2226373/ 2229343

CURRENCY NOTES Buy (rs) sell (rs)

us dollars sterling pound hong kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese yen euro thai Baht korean won uAe dirham (Aed) Chinese yuan

63.41 82.17 7.88 47.17 45.54 46.78 56.38 70.84 1.78 0.0545 16.71 8.91

66.27 86.13 8.77 49.48 47.76 49.08 59.56 74.26 1.98 0.0607 18.61 9.93

friday 26•05•2017

GVYO declares resolution for environment protection Kohima, may 25 (mExn): Gariphema Village Youth Organisation (GVYO) has extended total support and solidarity to Angami Youth Organization (AYO) in upholding the cause of protecting “our fragile environment, its natural biodiversity, flora and fauna”, while also lauding the “timely reiteration” of the August 7, 2010 AYO Presidential Council meeting declaration on the issue. In this context, GVYO declared a set of directives through a press release issued by Kezhangulie Kire, President and Samuel Kire, Press Secretary. It said forest burning is strictly prohibited in GVYO jurisdiction. Fishing in the rivers of Thimhi, Thurüü and Dzüü in the jurisdiction of Gariphema village without prior and proper approval from GVYO will invite strict penalty, it stated, adding usage of chemicals, machines and batteries in the rivers is banned for all time. GVYO also declared blanket ban on the use of Air Gun/rifle as per AYO directive. “Relaxation and Restrictions on hunting period/window and usage of fire arms in the jurisdiction of GVYO will be set as per the prerogative of the village authority,” the release said. It also asserted under aged (below 18 years) are not allowed the usage and handling of fire arms. “Only bona-fide Gariphema Village members will be allowed the usage of Guns/fire arms in the Village jurisdiction.” Further, GVYO strictly prohibited unauthorized picking, collecting, destruction etc of flora and fauna in the village jurisdiction. Ignorance of the above set of resolutions, it cautioned, will not be ground for excuses.


DU undergraduate admission: NSUD to set up help desk nEw DElhi, may 25 (mExn): The Naga Students’ Union, Delhi (NSUD) is setting up admission help desk for Nagas seeking assistance in Delhi University undergraduate admissions from June 1 to 12 at Nagaland House, Delhi. The Admission Committee will be available on the said dates (except Sunday) from 11:00 am till 6:00 pm, informed a press release from NSUD. Parents/candidates have been asked to contact the following Admission Committee members for any query: Convenor – Hinoto P Awomi (08130946202), Member – Chingriso (09873118216), Member – Thejasenuo Usou (09599861546), Member – Philapam Sareng (08745834822). NSUD will also be organising seminar cum career guidance and counselling immediately after the admission process is over for all the Naga students in Delhi. Therefore, all those aspiring

Meetings & AppointMents

NFHRCC emergency meet

to come over to Delhi for the same have been urged to keep in touch with their respective tribe student leaders as well as NSUD for any necessary assistance in Delhi. Also, any member facing any kind of problem while in Delhi has been suggested to contact the NSUD President Herangia Pame (08750478426) and General Secretary Luikang Bruce (09643867530). The University of Delhi commenced its undergraduate admissions for the academic session 2017-18 on May 22 and will continue till June 12. Like last year, the students will be allotted admission according to their percentage that meets the specific cut-off in a particular college. The candidates who wish to consider for admission for various undergraduate courses in different colleges of the Delhi University are required to register online at The candidates are allowed to fill only one online registration form.

Those who want to modify or make changes in their forms can do so by logging in to one’s registration account on the UG portal till the online registration is open. A single candidate can apply from only one account for UG admission. Therefore, it is imperative for one to remember one’s email account during the “sign up” process at the time of registration, the release said. Gap year(s) would be no bar for purposes of admission to the undergraduate course. There is no first come first served policy. Meanwhile, students planning to get admission through Sports/ECA quota have been advised to fill both common form as well as separate form while filling the online registration. For admission to St. Stephen College and Jesus & Mary College, aspirants must fill up online one single registration form as well as a concerned college online registration form.

Candidates are required to produce the following documents at the time of admission: 1. Caste/Tribe certificate in the name of the candidate issued by the competent authority. 2. Class X (ten) certificate. 3. Class X (ten) mark sheet. 4. Class XII (twelve) certificate/ provisional certificate. 5. Class XII (twelve) mark sheet. 6. Self attested copy of sport certificate (s) for last three years. 7. Self attested copy of extracurricular activities certificate. 8. Character Certificate (For students who have years gap should also produce the latest, they can get it from any gazetted officer). 9. Passport-size photographs of the applicant. 10. Transfer Certificate. 11. Migration Certificate. 12. Residential Certificate (Domicile).

Lords of Rock arrives in Mokokchung for gig Morung Express News Mokokchung | May 25

There will be an emergency meeting of the Nagaland Foothill Road Co-ordination Committee (NFHRCC) on May 26, 4:00 The Lords of Rock (LOR), a fivepm at its office. Therefore, all the members have been asked to member rock and roll band, is all attend the meeting without fail. set to go live and rock the original town of Rock N’ Roll – Mokokchung. The band is already in MoCareer guidance cum orientation kokchung and enthusiastically Zhavame Students’ Union (ZSU) will be organizing one day ca- looking forward to perform for the reer guidance cum orientation programme on May 27, 10:00 people of the town. In a press conference today, am onwards at Catholic Association Nagaland’s (CAN) conferClement Imsong, the lead vocalence hall, D. Block Kohima. Dr. Zavise Rume, Associate Professor, SCERT, Government of Nagaland will be the resource ist of the band, said that their gig in speaker for the first session, while Rekha Rose Dukru, entrepre- Mokokchung will be their first comneur and Tho-o Shupao, Advisor to Zhavame Students’ Union mercial gig. It is also their first perwill be the speakers in the second session. Therefore, the union formance after the band's debut in has requested all the student members from class 9 and above Dimapur. “We are really excited to be in Mokokchung, the place where to attend the programme positively. the music scene started in Nagaland,” he said. “We will be playing ANHTU Kohima unit meeting about twenty songs including some of our original. It will be about two All Nagaland Hindi Teachers’ Union (ANHTU), Kohima unit hours of pure rock and roll.” has informed all the Government Hindi teachers working in LOR will be belting out 80’s rock Kohima district that there will be a general meeting on May 27 numbers from bands like Mr. Big, at RBP School, Keziekie (near Koinonia Church) at 10:00 am. Guns and Roses, Extreme, to name “All the Hindi teachers are hereby requested to attend the meet- a few. The band and the managing ing; action will be taken against those failing to attend the meet- team hope that they will do justice ing,” stated a press release from ANHTU Kohima unit president, in reminding the people that Rock Kekhrieneilie Tsikhano and information & publicity secretary, N’ Roll is still alive. Nelson Yhokha. For more information, one can contact GenGuest bands, Rag Dolls and eral Secretary Vizothal @ 9089629973 and information & pub- Mannequin from Mokokchung licity secretary @ 9856171486. will also perform at the concert.

MEx FILE NLA special session provisional prog Kohima, may 25 (DiPR): The provisional programme of business for the 16th (Special) Session of the Twelfth Nagaland Legislative Assembly on May 27 (Saturday) will be: Obituary References; Assent to Bills; Introduction of Government Resolution, if any; Introduction of Government Bill; Laying of Reports/ Papers/ Rules; Laying of Annual Administrative Reports, if any; Adoption of Government Resolution, if any; Consideration and Passing of Government Bill; Unfinished Business, if any; Adjournment of the Session sine-die.

WeCs of Mokokchung town resolve moKoKchung, may 25 (mExn): Various Ward Education Committees (WECs) of Mokokchung Town on May 25 held a meeting and discussed the recent directive of the Sub-Divisional Education Officer’s (SDEO) office, Mokokchung to head teachers of Government Middle/Primary Schools to nominate and submit names of cook-cum-helper for the mid-day meal along with their details like Aadhaar No., Bank Account No., Bank IFSC etc. The committees said the directive was issued without the knowledge of the WECs. A press release from A. Bendang Jamir, Sessional Convener and Imlikumzuk, Sessional Secretary of WECs Mokokchung Town stated after lengthy deliberation on the said matter, it was decided that the WECs of Mokokchung Town “will not take any responsibilities concerning such unprecedented functioning of the SDEO office Mokokchung, and resolved to take necessary steps to pursue the issue.”

nsCn (iM) to initiate surprise checking DimaPuR, may 25 (mExn): D Daniel Lotha, Secretary, Ministry of Kilo Affairs, NSCN (IM) today stated the GPRN shall be compelled to initiate surprise checking to stop what it called “maladies”, adding stringent actions will be taken against defaulters. The “maladies” pointed out in a press release by the Kilo Affairs Secretary are rampant tampering/doubling of MRP of essential commodities; prevalence of expired manufactured goods; random sale of unlicensed medicine drugs outside the medical association concerned; fuel adulteration; unhygienic condition of internal kitchen of hotels/caterers causing food poisoning; unfulfilled government’s specification on the part of contractors/ builders endangering daily public usages etc; work/labour and identity card to check immigrants. It sought the attention of all concerned and expected full cooperation of the general public in this regard.

sBC organizes get together for staff ZunhEboto, may 25 (mExn): The Sumi Baptist Convention comprising three Sumi Baptist Associations (SBAK/SABAK/WSBAK) had its Center staff get together fellowship from May 22-23 at SBAK Nito Mount Mission Center, Zunheboto. Rev. Dr. Hevukhu Achumi, Executive Secretary, WSBAK and Rev. Dr. Khehovi Shohe, Director, Sumi Baptist Convention shared the words of God, while Atovi Sumi, Chairman, SBAK Council and Hosheto Achumi, President, SBC exhorted the staff, informed a press release. The highlights of the programme were prayer session and ministry progressing written reports by various departments under the Lords of Rock band members with their managing team and members of three associations. Temulunger Telok in Mokokchung on May 25. (Morung Photo)

LOR will perform live at Town DDMA training on CFR in noklak Hall, Mokokchung from 6:00pm onwards on May 27. Tickets to the tuEnsang, may 25 (mExn): Three-day training concert will be available at Aria and on Community First Responder (CFR) was held at Town Cosmos Entertainment. Hall, Noklak from May 23 to 25. Organised by the District Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with CD and HG, the training was supported by Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority. Trainees from Noklak village, Kusong village, Nokyan, Nokyan B and all sectors of Noklak Town participated in the training. information so that they get hassle-free admission in Delhi University and Panjab New PYO officials inducted University, Chandigarh, it added. The activists can be contacted for admission related information on the follow- DimaPuR, may 25 (mExn): The change of guard of ing numbers:Delhi Unit - 09205375857, Piphema Youth Organisation (PYO) office bearers for the tenure 2017-19 was held on May 20 at TL Park, New 09818689635, 07838983871; Assam Unit Chumukedima. Seyieneilhou Keyho will be the new – 09818689635, 8133866962; Nagaland president of Piphema Youth Organisation and DzieUnit – 08258061047; and Manipur Unit - sevilie Kimho the general secretary. Senior official of 07005696886, 07838983871. PYO, Seyielhouto Keyho in the programme wished the Helpline Nos. for Panjab Univer- new office bearers the very best while exhorting them to sity (PU) and Chandigarh Admission- unitedly work for the welfare of the youths. The outgoing Counselling Centre are 09646250254 and president Kevilelie Keyho and new president, Seyieneil08728842632 respectively. hou Keyho also delivered short speeches.

The concert is being held in collaboration with Temulunger Telok, MC, Audio Garage, Rain Drops Entertainment, Shilu Lights, and Note Grid.

MDLSA imparts legal awareness on NEFIS sets up admission counselling centres may 25 (mExn): The domestic violence, NALSA schemes DimaPuR, North-East Forum for International Solidarity (NEFIS) will be organizing Admission Counseling Centres across NorthEast as well as in Delhi and Chandigarh. Being an umbrella organization of North-East people, the Forum will provide admission counseling through Helpline numbers as students face a lot of problems during admission time, NEFIS Convenor Chinglen Khumukcham said in a press note received here. NEFIS activists will help aspiring students and provide them with necessary

Two suspected NSCN (K) cadres held Participants with members of Mokokchung District Legal Services Authority during the legal awareness programme at United Christian Fellowship Mokokchung held on May 25.

moKoKchung, may 25 (mExn): Mokokchung District Legal Services Authority (MDLSA) conducted legal awareness programme at United Christian Fellowship Mokokchung on May 25. Speaking as resource person on NALSA schemes on women and children and domestic violence, Phuleto Yeptho, JMFC and Secretary MDLSA informed that there are schemes for women and children such as NALSA (Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation) Scheme, 2015; NALSA (Legal Services to the Workers in the Unorganized Sector) Scheme, 2015; NALSA (Child Friendly Legal Services to Children and their Protection) Scheme, 2015; and NALSA (Legal Services to the Mentally Ill and Mentally Disabled Persons) Scheme, 2015. He also highlighted that there are schemes

such as NALSA (Effective Implementation of Poverty Alleviation Schemes) Schemes, 2015; NALSA (Protection and Enforcement of Tribal Rights) Scheme, 2015; and NALSA (Legal Services to the Victims of Drug Abuse and Eradication of Drug Menace) Scheme, 2015. Enlightening on Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, the Secretary pointed out that women are often subjected to violence by their husbands and in-laws and other family members, which causes them both mental and physical injury. Sometimes the harassment and violence compel the unfortunate women to commit suicide, he stated, adding in order to protect the rights of women, the parliament enacted the act aiming to prevent the harassment of women. Bendangsenla, PLV MDLSA spoke as resource

person on role of Para Legal Volunteers. She informed that Para-Legal Volunteers (PLVs) Scheme, 2009 was brought out with an aim to impart legal training to volunteers selected from different walks of life so as to ensure that legal aid reaches all sections of people through the process of the Scheme, ultimately removing the barriers to access to justice. She highlighted that PLVs are expected to act as intermediaries bridging the gap between the common people and the legal services institutions and also to reach out to people at their doorstep rather than people approaching such legal institutions. After the resource persons spoke, there was a question hour. Earlier, introduction of MDLSA team was initiated by Maongtula, Panel Lawyer MDLSA, while Sentinaro, Panel Lawyer MDLSA chaired the programme.

DimaPuR, may 25 (mExn): Based on specific information regarding presence of armed NSCN (K) cadres, 32 Assam Rifles along with police representatives launched a search operation at Duncan Basti in Dimapur on May 23 and arrested two suspected NSCN (K) cadres. The AR in a release identified the two as Sgt Maj T Rongsen Ao (37) and Under Secretary Wapang Ao (38). The individuals revealed that they were involved in extortion and subversive activities in Dimapur and its neighbouring areas, the release claimed. The duo was

EPFON gets new office bearers

DimaPuR, may 25 (mExn): The founder president handed over to West Police Dimapur along with the re- of Elite People Forum Organization of Nagaland, Er. Vikuotuolie Angami has appointed the following peoStation, Dimapur. covered items. ple to discharge their duties according to the aims and objectives of the organization with immediate effect: AR apprehend IMFL worth Dr. Ketholezo Sorunuo – General Secretary; Mohokiya alleged arms dealer Rs. 65 lakhs recovered Troops of 41 Assam Ri36 Assam Rifles recov- Ghaponza – Secretary Info., Press & Media; Vizotsu Anfles apprehended an indi- ered 1770 cases of Indi- gami – Treasurer cum Adviser, Vilasielie (Kobou) Solo vidual identified as Levito an Made Foreign Liquor – Adviser; Rev. Vichakielie Khruomo – Adviser; NounSwu (35) from Thahekhu (IMFL) worth around Rs selhou Kire – Adviser; Dr. Tseilhoutuo (Ato) Rhetso in Dimapur district on May 65 lakhs at Chekiye village – Adviser; Sabastian Humtsoe – Adviser; Vithongulie 23. One .22 mm pistol and in Dimapur on May 22. The (Azelie) Kire – Adviser. magazine were recovered recovery was made from a from the person, it was in- garage rented by Victo Yep- NGHSSEA announces new office bearers formed. “The individual re- thomi, an AR release invealed that he was involved formed, adding that the in- Kohima, may 25 (mExn): The Nagaland Governin illegal procurement and dividual is absconding and ment Higher Secondary School Employees Associasmuggling of arms in Di- his whereabouts remain tion (NGHSSEA) has announced the office bearers of mapur,” the AR claimed in unknown. The recovered the Association for the tenure 2017-19. President- R. a press release. The appre- liquor was handed over to Amongla Jamir, vice president- Vechikhoyi Lohe, genhended was handed over to Diphupar Police Station for eral secretary- Vilhoukholie James Vizo, joint secretaryHechulo Semy, finance secretary- Mughali Sema, press Sub Urban Police Station, further investigation. secretary- Mhathung Ezung, and treasurer- Sedengunou Mary Solo. This was stated in a release issued by the nomination committee convener Limadangit Jamir and secretary Liyalo Apon.

Golden Eagles Club visit children’s home Kohima, may 25 (mExn): The Golden Eagles Club of Phesama village spent a day with the children of Eden Gardens Children’s Home, Khuzama recently. Keeping to their vision of being agents of change in society, the members of the club along with their animator, Rev. Dr. Anand Pereira, SJ, visited the children of the home, said a press release received here. The day began with a number of fun games conducted for the children by the

members of the club. It was followed by a short variety entertainment program performed by the members, during which, Fr. Raymond D’Souza SJ, Director of Eden Gardens, handed out prizes to the winners of the games. Sedekho Zashumo, Vice-President of the club, expressed tremendous joy over what he and others witnessed in the children of the home. “They have so little, yet they are so happy,” he said.

Assam Rifles construct water storage tank at Kanjang PhEK, may 25 (mExn): 46 Assam Rifles constructed a water storage tank at Kanjang village in Phek district and inaugurated it in the presence of the villagers. The water storage tank will provide easy accessibility to water and will ease difficulty of locals due to long distance involved for collection of water, the AR said in a press release.


friday 26•05•2017



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume XII Issue 142 By Witoubou Newmai

The collective Naga mind


aga society needs discourses that lay emphasis on the moral crisis that society is currently passing through. Among other things, the dearth of positive stories in the society and the Naga dilemma are attributed to moral decay. Consequently, Nagas’ capacity to consider substance and harmony, amidst discord, is inhibited by this moral crisis. Many Nagas, as a result, consider a movement as genuine as that of the Naga campaign for dignity as another ‘cock and bull story’. At this critical moment the Naga society cannot afford to attach an ‘affair of monotony’ to such argument. Instead of seeking a diversion path, the society needs to nurture the ‘monotonous Naga conversation’ for transformation that promises the conversation of change and growth in terms of morality and integrity. For long it is the issue of integrity and morality that is smothering every chance of Naga peoples’ elation at honestly reasoning together over the common aspiration. It is not necessarily the dearth of strategies or resources today’s Naga society is cursed with. As commented often by many people, quite a good number of Naga leaders and organizations are piggy-backing on the Naga political issue to serve their individual interests. Expectedly, in a society filled with various elements masquerading as the ‘truth,’ and scavenging for opportunities with cock-eyed posture, every experience is hellish. The structure of Naga society, thus, becomes grubby with sordid lucre by the whole affair. In short, seized by the intoxicating craze to take credit for every little gain, if there is any, all bonds of responsibility have been cast off. As the Naga society continues to spiral downward into deeper moral crisis with rising hordes of ‘hollow men’ alarmingly overwhelming the few conscience keepers, it has become imperative for every concerned Naga to realise that the only way to come out of the present crisis, is to save the latter species from total extinction, however daunting a challenge or situation it might be. Now, there are no quick fixes or smart strategies to address the challenge of hypocrisy. The Naga tragedy is that, today’s Naga society considers ‘being morally sound’ as another clichéd slogan because it no longer stimulates the society. Such is the degree of moral crisis, Naga society is not in a position to appreciate someone’s progress propelled by talent and hard work. Or for that matter, instead of raising eye brows in disapproval on the exploits of the powers that be, the society rushes to applause them thereby a sort of an aura around these masquerading elements is created. This column, although harping on the obvious, attempts to bring back the relevance of morality and integrity in Naga society. As stressed above, smart strategies are no viable means to soothe the moral crisis. We may begin by introspecting why the deep understanding of distinction between right and wrong, fake and genuine, is fading from the collective Naga mind.

lEfT wiNg |

Somrita Ghosh IANS

These amazing hills bring you close to nature


ancy this: Snow-clad mountains dotted with pine trees, a topaz blue sheet spread across the sky and the churlish winter wind almost piercing through to the bones. The temperature was minus eight degree Celsius and there I was, standing in Chiktul, the last village on India's border with China in Himachal Pradesh. It was all white where I stood and there were no stains to be seen on the colour. Just across, the river Bapsa was flowing in its full spirit. Much like the "haunts of coot and hern" that Alfred Tennyson has immortalised in his poem "The Brook", the river created tinkling sounds as it crushed the stones "to make a sudden sally". The sun was basking in its full glory and its sharp reflections on the snow seemed too much for the eyes to take -- and yet I was freezing cold. Located in one of the remotest areas of Himachal Pradesh, Chitkul lies in Kinnaur district at a height of 11,320 feet above sea level. I was back on NH-22 -- perhaps one of the most dangerous roads in the world owing to its pathetic condition, sharp cuts and turns -- and yet it remains one of my favourite paths to travel. And this time the course of my journey was Sangla-Rakchham-Chitkul. As we diverted for Sangla from Karcham, the roads became rougher and narrower but it was the scenic bliss which kept my eyes glued at the hills. The weather suddenly turned cold, the dark clouds covered the snow-capped peaks and snow flakes greeted us as we entered the village. Sangla is a sheer token of mother nature's blessing, away from the cacophony of bustling city life. The serenity that the place offered was indeed the solace I had long been craving for. The tiny village is surrounded by hills and the Baspa flows through it. The sight looked no less than an artist's painting. As the temperature dropped to minus six in the evening, the streets wore a deserted look and I gulped down hot momos and clear soup to warm myself. Mornings are bliss in the hills; the pleasure of watching the sun rising from behind the peaks and the snow catching the first rays is a joyous experience. As I approached Chitkul from Sangla, the landscape turned whiter, the wind became extremely chilly, making the pine and bruce tree branches quiver. The Baspa and the rustling of the leaves accompanied me all the way. The roofs of the tiny huts I could see at a distance were covered with a thick layer of snow while the barren land remained buried deep beneath it. In between Sangla and Chitkul, there comes another tiny village -- Rakchham. Temples and houses built in pagoda style make it an interesting place to halt. The moment I reached Chitkul, I was awestruck by the beauty of the place -- raw, pristine, untouched. The mountain range stood erect, covered from tip to toe in snow and so were the village lanes. Adrenaline surged through me as I stood there. I occupied an empty bench and admired mother nature's creation that left me hypnotised and spellbound. It was only me and nature. I waited there till the blue sky faded away and the sun hid behind the peaks. The rays scattered across the sky, blushed and turned red, as if someone had spilled wine on a white canvas. The lines that came to mind immediately were Tagore's "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky". The nights in the hills can be strange and at times cause despair in the urban visitor. The silence is haunting. But a single glance towards the sky will lift the melancholic mood -- millions of stars, galaxies and constellations -- each so clear to identify, something rare in urban skyscapes. William Blake once wrote "Great things are done when men and mountains meet". My days at Sangla came to an end only to leave me craving for more.


Richard Javad Heydarian Asia Times

Did China threaten war against the Philippines? Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte claims Chinese leader Xi Jinping made the threat during recent private discussions in Beijing on the South China Sea


would insist that [part of the South China Sea] is ours and I will drill oil there,” Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte claimed he told his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping during his second official trip to China earlier this month. “[Xi] replied to me, ‘We are friends. We do not want to quarrel with you…We want to maintain the present warm relationship. But if you force the issue, we’ll go to war.’” Duterte said in comments to the local press. Duterte’s claim, which has yet to be categorically confirmed or denied by Beijing, has predictably provoked a new flurry of criticism and raised hard new questions about his diplomatic realignment away from the US towards China, a shift that has raised concerns within his powerful security establishment. The statement, whether true or false, has intensified local suspicions of the Asian powerhouse, which recently scored the lowest trust rating in the latest survey of Filipino public attitudes towards foreign powers. The US was viewed as the most trustworthy of countries surveyed in the opinion poll. The supposed war threat comes against the backdrop of rising Chinese assertiveness in the contested maritime area, including China’s interception last week of a US radiation-detecting aircraft on a routine maneuver in the East China Sea’s international air space. China claimed the US plane was on a surveillance mission and that it’s reaction was “professional and safe.” That followed reports that China has deployed for the first-time HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles on Hainan island in the northern reaches of the South China Sea, according to Israeli satellite imagery. Strategic analysts view the move as China’s next step in establishing a “no-fly” zone over the contested sea. Those moves have put the Scarborough shoal, administered and occupied by China since 2012 but contained within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ), in a new strategic light. Duterte has vacillated between conciliatory and tough talk about China’s intentions in the South China Sea. Duterte was instrumental as current chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) of watering down a recent joint statement after a summit held in Manila that some members apparently thought should have been more strongly worded on China’s militarization and massive islandbuilding in the maritime area. Duterte’s claim that China threatened war has predictably set off a political maelstrom at home. Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, a central figure behind the Philippines’ landmark international arbitration win last July that ruled against the legality of China’s sprawling maritime claims, suggested that if Duterte’s claim were true then China violated various of its international commitments. He says those could include both the United Nations Charter and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, as well as the Treaty of Amity (TAC) and Cooperation and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), which were signed by both China and the Philippines under the aegis of Asean. Both the TAC and the DOC expressly discourage parties from threatening the use or actual use of

force in settling territorial disputes. As such, Carpio called on Duterte’s administration to take China to the United Nations over the alleged war threat and stand up more firmly to its giant neighbor. “China’s threat of war against the Philippines over the [South China Sea disputes] reveals the aggressive design of China,” Carpio said before a largely sympathetic domestic media, most outlets of which have covered skeptically Duterte’s embrace of Beijing. “[Duterte] cannot simply do nothing, or worse acquiesce to China’s action – for inaction is the opposite of protecting the Philippines’ EEZ.” Duterte’s remarks also provided ammunition to members of the political opposition, many of whom have discouraged deeper cooperation with China, criticized Duterte’s rejection of European Union aid based on disagreements over human rights issues and openly favored maintaining strong strategic ties with America. Senator Paolo Benigno Aquino IV, a relative of Duterte’s presidential predecessor Benigno Aquino III, described China’s alleged threats as “troublesome” and called upon the government to explain its “independent” foreign policy. “We are refusing aid [from the EU] because of criticism on the human rights situation here, yet we accept war threats from other countries,” the minority senator said. “That really seems inconsistent.” Former foreign secretary Albert del Rosario, who oversaw stronger military cooperation with the US during the Aquino administration, called upon the government to restore immediately joint patrols and maritime security cooperation with Washington in the South China Sea in order to deter Chinese aggression and defend Philippine claims.

Newly installed Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano, Duterte’s vice presidential mate and a former senator, dismissed the mounting criticism as knee-jerk reactions which miss the full ‘context’ of Duterte’s private conversation with his Chinese counterpart. “It is but natural when you talk about peace and when you talk about conflict… the word ‘war’ may come up, may or may not come up…so I’m not confirming or denying,” explained Cayetano, clearly trying to downplay rising public uproar over Duterte’s latest off-the-cuff remarks. Duterte’s war threat remark is likely part of a deliberate political and geo-strategic calculus. Known for his fast and loose rhetoric on diplomatically delicate matters, Duterte has consistently tried to present relations with China in stark diametric terms: either the Philippines makes a deal with China, or risks a suicidal war. Duterte has hoped his China embrace would tap into a pragmatic streak within the Filipino public psyche that will allow him to continue his potentially profitable diplomatic pivot. China has offered as much as US$26 billion for infrastructure and other development projects, funds Duterte clearly hopes will spark an economic boom under his watch. Those promised investments, though not yet delivered, have also allowed him to dismiss his critics as warmongers who do not appreciate the asymmetry of power and geopolitical realities that overshadow China-Philippine relations. But what is increasingly clear from the latest uproar is that Duterte’s strategic rapprochement with China will continue to face strong opposition and suspicion, regardless of the economic gains.

The ‘Public’ in Public Health

The discourse must move beyond a top-down approach to listen to the people and formulate best insurance practices Vani S. Kulkarni Inter Press Service


uch ink has been spilled in documenting the inadequacy of budgetary allocations for public health insurance, specifically for the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), the world’s largest publicly-funded health insurance (PFHI) scheme. Though the 2017-18 budget allocation has marginally increased from last year’s revised estimates, it has declined relative to last year’s budgeted amount by about Rs500 crore. However, higher budgetary allocation can only constitute a small part of the solution to the scheme’s mixed, if not lacklustre, performance. Under the scheme, a Below Poverty Line (BPL) family of five is entitled to more than 700 treatments and procedures at government-set prices, for an annual enrolment fee of Rs. 30. However, even nine years after its implementation, it has failed to cover a large number of targeted families — almost three-fifths of them. Their exclusion has been due to factors like the prevalent discrimination against disadvantaged groups; a lack of mandate on insurance companies to achieve higher enrolment rates; and an absence of oversight by government agencies. Increase in hospitalisation True, there has been a substantial

increase in hospitalisation rates. However, it is unclear if it has enabled people to access the genuinely needed, and hitherto unaffordable, inpatient care. Often, doctors and hospitals have colluded in performing unnecessary surgical procedures on patients to claim insurance money. For instance, hospitals have claimed reimbursements worth millions of rupees for conducting hysterectomies on thousands of unsuspecting, poor women. Indeed, in the absence of regulations and standards, perverse incentives are created for empanelled hospitals to conduct surgeries. It is thus not surprising that there is no robust evidence of an improvement in health outcomes. Evidence on the financial protection front is conflicting as well. One study revealed that poorer households in districts exposed to the RSBY and other PFHIs recorded an increase in out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditures for hospital care, and a corresponding rise in incidence of catastrophic expenditure. There is near-consensus that the RSBY has resulted in higher OOP expenditures. Though it is a cashless scheme, many users are exploited by unscrupulous hospital staff. So, what is the solution? There is a need to bring the ‘public’ back into the discourse on public health to highlight its present culture. The conversation

needs to move beyond a top-down approach specifying budget allocation and administrative and technical efficiency. It needs to involve listening to the real public to deliberate on various health practices and policies. My ethnographic study of the RSBY in Kalaburagi and Mysuru districts between 2014 and 2016 brought to light that a top-down approach on allocation and coverage was important but, by itself, did not translate to expected outcomes. What mattered more was the existing culture of health insurance — how it was perceived, practised and experienced in the everyday, local worlds of the enrolled households. Though they valued aspects like the money available and the number of illnesses covered, they were more deeply affected by how other actors — doctors, local officials, neighbours and even relatives — related to health insurance.


Card not accepted The disillusionment of Savitri, one of the beneficiaries, after obtaining the plastic card said it all: “If public officials only give us the card without telling us how to use it, the card is just plastic material. Sometimes information is also not correct, making us feel that the card is of no real value if we do not know how to use it.” Further, many hospitals re-

fused to acknowledge the card’s value. Shivakumar’s observation summed it well: “We went to the hospital with the card. Not only could it not be used but also the doctors did not even acknowledge us as patients… We just brought the card home and tossed it to the shelf.” Many bemoaned the absence of public debate on health issues and the RSBY card. Deva’s pithy response was illustrative: “If it is not talked about and debated, we can only think that there is no big value that we should pay attention to.” Households clearly separated the economic value from social ones. A section saw health insurance as a bad omen, one that announced arrival of illness. Ramesh Kumar, among those in his neighbourhood who refused to enrol, explained: “This card is not a solution for illness, it is a cause of it. You see, when you people knock on our doors to give us the card, it feels like an illness is knocking on our doors. The farther away we are from the card, the further we are from health problems.” Overall, while the discourse on a greater allocation to RSBY and enhancement of cost-effectiveness are important, a shift of emphasis is needed, bringing the ‘public’ back into the sphere of public health. The oped first appeared in The Hindu. Vani S. Kulkarni teaches Sociology at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

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Friday 26•05•2017




Leading thinkers in India & Pakistan are trying to build a bridge to peace Beena Sarwar The Wire


ithout expecting overnight transformation, over 500 eminent signatories from both countries are hoping to create a ripple effect that changes how citizens and governments view each other A recent citizens’ resolution urging South Asian giants India and Pakistan “to take all steps possible towards improving relations” aims to counter the prevailing atmosphere of hostility between the two nuclear-armed neighbours. Is it possible that the endorsements from significant, leading thinkers will create a ripple effect of a “pebble thrown in a pond”, as one political leader said? The fact that he did not publicly endorse the statement while supporting it privately speaks to the reluctance of mainstream politicians to take positions perceived as unpopular in the public realm. Going against the tide created by political rhetoric and media hype requires courage, given the risk of being pilloried as a ‘traitor’. However, the 900 endorsements garnered in days by a loose coalition of activists and journalists – peacemongers – after the resolution was circulated privately shows that many are willing to take that risk. They include those who are not the ‘usual suspects’ – top ranking retired military personnel, parliamentarians and diplomats. In fact, the endorsements read like a who’s who of intellectuals, artists, journalists, filmmakers, lawyers, historians, physicians, businesspeople, economists and students in the region and beyond. Peppered through the alphabetically ordered list are names like Gulzar, Noam Chomsky, Shubha Mudgal, Aruna Roy, Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, Asma Jahangir, Mubarak Ali, Romila Thapar, Ayesha Jalal, Admiral L. Ramdas, General Talat Masood, General

Mahmud Durrani, Jean Dreze, Nayantara Sahgal, Mahesh Bhat, Nandita Das, Naseeruddin Shah, Salima Hashmi and Amin Hashwani, to name a few – there are far too many heavyweights to list them all. The endorsers include defence analyst Ahmad Quraishi, who is not known for his sympathetic stand towards peaceniks. The resolution does not mention specifics. However, it comes on the heels of a series of events over the past months that mark a new low in relations between the neighbours. These include a Pakistani military court sentencing to death captured Indian national Kulbhushan Jadhav soon after a retired Pakistan army colonel went missing in Nepal (who Pakistan believes is in Indian custody). Soon afterwards, an ostensibly private visit by Indian steel magnate Sajjan Jindal to Pakistan’s prime minister created a media hype that scuttled any hopes of a possible breakthrough. Then came the murder and beheading of Indian soldiers at the Kashmir border that India accused the Pakistan army of and used as a pretext to send back 50 Pakistani schoolchildren, 11-15 years old, who had arrived in Delhi on an exchange programme. The children’s original visit, originally planned in October 2016, was earlier cancelled following the Uri terror attack and India’s “surgical strikes” into Pakistan. Such developments illustrate the resolution’s comment that every time there is a move towards improving relations, “some form of disruption takes place ranging from jingoistic statements to militant attacks. The traditional response to such disruptions only strengthens those who want continued tensions between our two countries”. “In the 70 years since independence and Partition, the people of India and Pakistan have seen too many conflicts and the loss of many valuable lives. Enough of the distrust

and tensions. Those who suffer particularly are ordinary people denied visas and those in the conflict zones, especially women and children as well as fishermen who get routinely rounded up and arrested for violating the maritime boundary,” says the statement. Titled ‘Resolution for peaceful relations between India and Pakistan’, the statement’s subtitle, “Make dialogue uninterrupted and uninterruptible”, uses a phrase popularised by the veteran Indian politician Mani Shankar Aiyar, who is among the signatories. The over a dozen retired senior armed forces personnel from either side among the signatories include founding members of the India Pakistan Soldiers’ Initiative for Peace (IPSI) launched by the late Nirmala “Didi” Deshpande as well as IPSI’s current presidents in India and Pakistan,

General Tej Kaul and General Humayun Bangash respectively. The endorsement of Mohini Giri, chairperson, War Widows Association, India, speaks for the pain of soldiers’ families who face the brunt of unnecessary hostilities. Signatories include the college student Gurmehar Kaur who was two years old when her father, an Indian army captain, was killed in the aftermath of the Kargil “war-like situation”. Hypernationalists attacked Kaur for her courageous, thoughtprovoking assertion that it was “war and not Pakistan” that killed her father. Pakistan’s long-time denial of involvement in Kargil ended with General Pervez Musharraf’s 2006 memoir In the Line of Fire, in which he revealed that Pakistani battalions had participated in the transgression. Islamabad has since honoured many army

regulars who fought in Kargil. “We need to speak the truth, no matter how uncomfortable,” says Pakistan army Lieutenant General (retired) Mahmud Durrani, who has been lobbying for better relations between the two countries since 1999. Durrani has come under fire in Pakistan for publicly conceding that Mumbai attacker Ajmal Kasab was Pakistani. Many young activists have endorsed the resolution, especially on the Indian side. Praveen Singh has since 2013 led an annual cycle rally for India-Pakistan friendship across India; Devang Shah has organised college debates featuring visiting Pakistani students; Chintan Girish Modi runs an online platform, Friendships Across Borders: Aao Dosti Karein. Members of the cross-border youth group Aaghaz-e-Dosti (Start of Friendship) and the

Red Elephant Foundation are also signatories, as is young writer Anam Zakaria, author of Footprints of Partition. The resolution contains a pledge to “act responsibly and stop broadcasting hate speech and creating public hysteria aimed at the other country and/or vulnerable communities.” Signatories include dozens of top journalists, some of them household names, like Rajdeep Sardesai and Hamid Mir. Calling to implement the 2003 ceasefire agreement and recognising that “the Kashmir dispute above all concerns the lives and aspirations of the Kashmiri people”, the statement urges policy makers to “work to resolve it through uninterrupted dialogue between all parties concerned”. There really is no way forward except for dialogue, as the senior Indian journalist Prem Shankar Jha, also a signatory to the

statement, stressed while talking to Geo TV recently. Both countries must, as the resolution suggests, “develop an institutionalised framework to ensure that continuous and uninterrupted talks between India and Pakistan take place regularly no matter what” and renounce “all forms of proxy wars, state-sponsored terrorism, human rights violations, cross-border terrorism and subversive activities against each other, including through non-state actors or support of separatist movements in each other’s state”. The statement condemns “all forms of violence regardless of its objectives”. Highlighting the importance of people-to-people contact it urges Pakistan and India to “remove visa restrictions and discrimination faced by citizens of both countries”. They should in fact, go further, “to allow visa-free travel between India and Pakistan”. Pakistan and India, the region’s most populous and largest economies, should “increase trade and economic linkages and cultural exchanges” says the statement. The current bilateral trade, less than $2 billion a year, belies their enormous trade potential of about $20 billion and makes South Asia one of the world’s least-integrated regions. Endorsements by prominent signatories from countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Afghanistan underscore the impact of Indo-Pak relations on the region. The signatories’ list is being updated daily online by volunteers at various websites including Aman ki Asha. Signatories have no illusions that they will change policy overnight. Creating ripples in the pond is merely a step aimed at contributing to the eventual goal of attaining peaceful relations between India and Pakistan. Bridging this chasm is critical for sake of future generations in the region and beyond. Beena Sarwar is the editor of Aman ki Asha (Hope for Peace).

Controversial IVF doctor gives hope to older Indian women Muneeza Naqvi

Associated Press


o see Manjeet Kaur around her little daughter is to see joy at its purest. The 15-month-old toddles about the sprawling courtyard of her parents’ farm, her oily curls tied up in a top knot, her rubbersoled shoes squeaking. Kaur’s eyes don’t miss a thing, and they often mist up with tears. Gurjeet is the child Kaur yearned for desperately, after 40 years of being that thing which a rural Indian woman dreads more than almost anything else — barren. She gave birth at 58 years old, with help from a controversial IVF clinic in this corner of north India that specializes in fertility treatments for women over 50. Such treatments have become more common across the world, and they strike a cultural chord in India, where a woman is often defined by her ability to be a wife and mother. While there are no reliable statistics for how many Indian women undergo fertility treatments each year at what age, tens of thousands of IVF clinics have sprouted up in the country over the last decade. Fertility specialists say pregnancies like Kaur’s are troubling because of the potential health risks and the concern that the parents may not live long enough to raise their babies to adulthood. Legislation is pending in India’s Parliament setting 50 as the legal upper age cap. But Dr. Anurag Bishnoi, the driving force behind the National Fertility

and Test Tube Baby Centre in Hisar, harbors no such worries. His clinic’s website home page is dominated by photographs of patients who carried babies to term at ages well beyond what most other doctors anywhere in the world may permit. At least two of his patients gave birth at 70. For Kaur, it’s simple enough. Bishnoi made her belong. “You have no idea how I suffered,” she says of her life before her daughter. “The pain I lived with. I used to work all day, but my nights were spent in tears.” Kaur married her husband, Gurdev Singh, when she was 18 and he was just a little older than 20. She simply assumed that children would follow marriage, and there was no question of waiting. Her new relatives were relatively wealthy Sikh landowners in this corner of Haryana, and they had the means to raise a family and property to leave to their offspring. But no children came. She felt worthless. “I asked God why he had abandoned me. I had been a good Sikh, a good person. Then why?” she asks, as she nervously fidgets with the green scarf she uses to cover her almost entirely-grey hair. With each decade she felt the dream slip further away. The couple tried IVF twice in their 40s at two separate clinics in north India. It didn’t work. A woman in Kaur’s setting, without a child, is an inauspicious creature. Her very presence is often shunned at social gatherings, especially at weddings and birth cer-

In this Dec. 22, 2016 photo, framed newspaper clippings on patients are hung on a wall inside the National Fertility and Test Tube Baby Centre in Hisar, India. The packed waiting room at Dr. Anurag Bishnoi’s clinic bears witness to the fact that working-class families across the country are willing to spend their limited savings for a child of their own. The cost of IVF treatment in India is relatively low, even though many families have to pay on their own. At Bishnoi’s clinic, one cycle of IVF costs about 110,000 rupees ($1,700), compared to about $12,000 in the U.S. (AP Photo)

emonies which celebrate fecundity. “What I suffered you will not understand. People would turn their faces away from us,” she says, wiping away the tears that run down her cheeks, lined by age and years of working in the sun. For the vast majority of married Indian women, the inability to produce a child, preferably a son, can result in the taboo of divorce or abandonment by their husbands. For years Kaur begged her husband to take another wife. “I wanted to marry him off myself. I was willing to do anything for this family. I said to him, this property, this house needs an heir. I haven’t been able to give you a child,” she says, as she walks through the guava trees outside her house, plucking fresh fruit for her visitors. Singh refused. “I said I won’t do it,” says Singh, a short man with a smile constantly hidden behind his flowing white beard. “If it’s meant to be, God will give me a child with you. If I marry again, what will happen to

you?” They lived, like most rural Indians, with extended family, and Kaur showered all her love on the nephew and niece she helped raise. She says it is perhaps her unconditional love that made God and the Sikh gurus turn her fate around. It was Kaur’s nephew who first heard of Bishnoi, the doctor in the nearby town of Hisar, who had built a prosperous medical practice and tidy little business empire by helping aging women across north India have children through in-vitro fertilization. The couple was at first hesitant, thinking about all the problems of such a late pregnancy. But meeting the doctor changed all that. “He treated us with so much respect and love,” Singh says. “Doctor sahib was like a god to us.” Dr. Anurag Bishnoi is called many things. God and quack top the list. His harshest critics in the medical community accuse the embryologist of making money off the dreams of the desperate, and of taking wildly unnecessary risks with old-

er women. When Bishnoi helped a 70-year-old woman to give birth last April, Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, who heads a federation of Indian gynecologists and obstetricians, called him a “rogue doctor” and “repeat offender” who ignores the self-imposed guidelines that most other fertility specialists follow. Dr. Narendra Malhotra, who heads the Indian Society For Assisted Reproduction, says Bishnoi is driven by a quest for records and has been attempting to “play God.” “We don’t endorse making mothers out of grandmothers,” he says. “It’s too risky for the women. Their bodies are not designed to bear children after 50.” Malhotra notes that if a woman gets pregnant at age 70, her child may be an orphan before the age of 10. He says his association has requested that Bishnoi stop his extreme practice of working with significantly older women, with no success. “He’s not breaking any law because there is no law,” Malhotra says. “But

there are ethical and moral guidelines.” Most medical ethics guidelines around the world recommend a cutoff between 45 and 50 for treatments like IVF, and the Indian Medical Council sets 45 as the recommended age limit. Across the United States and most parts of western Europe, insurance companies usually stop paying for IVF treatment after 45. In the United Kingdom, the limit for fertility treatments under the National Health Service is 42. Every now and then, news reports pop up about women across the world giving birth in their 50s and 60s. A Spanish woman gave birth to healthy twins at age 64 earlier this year after fertility treatments at an undisclosed clinic in the United States. A British woman gave birth in 2008 at the age of 57 after treatment at a clinic in Russia. Many private clinics cap treatment at 50 or less, and most doctors offering assisted reproductive treatments to women over 50 do it on the down low. But Bishnoi, a boyish-looking 41-yearold, doesn’t hesitate to send a press release to promote his work, and lists at least 30 patients on his website who gave birth between the ages of 50 and 70. Bishnoi says he is a careful doctor who chooses his patients after a series of medical examinations to ascertain their ability to carry a pregnancy to term. He says age doesn’t matter to him; all he examines is whether a patient is physically, emotionally and financially able. He says he has turned away innumerable patients

because he wasn’t satisfied they were healthy enough, and has never had a patient die. He complains that the doctors who criticize him don’t ask about his clinic’s success rate, which is 30 percent for mothers above 50. It’s an average that is low when compared to IVF success rates for women under the age of 45. But for older women, it’s an average that Bishnoi considers “decent.” For older patients like Kaur, who make up 20 percent of his practice, Bishnoi harvests eggs from anonymous donors, but in a deeply patriarchal culture, what really matters is that the sperm belongs to the father. He calls reproduction a “fundamental right,” and likens his patients to the military. “They are soldiers of their family,” he says. “And of course the risks involved are there, but soldiers don’t care.” Bishnoi says he suggests adoption or surrogacy to most of his patients, including Kaur, but few are interested. Indian families had adopted only 2,210 children in 2016, partly because of daunting levels of bureaucratic hurdles. And the importance of caste and religion are major deterrents. When Bishnoi first suggested Kaur adopt a child, she didn’t say anything. “I just started crying,” she says. Then he asked her to think about using a surrogate. She remembers breaking down and weeping in his office. “I said, Doctor sahib, I have everything. I even have children around me. Grandchildren too. I play

with them, I carry them. Nobody has ever called me ‘mummy.’ Ever.” “If you can give me a child from my own body, then give me that child.” The packed waiting room at Bishnoi’s clinic bears witness to the fact that working-class families across the country are willing to spend their limited savings for a child of their own. The cost of IVF treatment in India is relatively low, even though many families have to pay on their own. At Bishnoi’s clinic, one cycle of IVF costs about 110,000 rupees ($1,700), compared to about $12,000 in the U.S. “This treatment costs as much as buying a buffalo,” says Bishnoi, whose patients are largely from farming families. Gurdev Singh says the money was nothing, as he playfully lets his daughter clamber all over him and coo into his cell phone. “What matters is that he gave us our little doll,” Singh says. Kaur and Singh say they feel no fear and anxiety about raising their child at an age when most people are grandparents. “This is all God’s will,” Singh says, as little Gurjeet shrieks “papa, papa,” with wild abandon. Kaur says she has no trouble at all taking care of her daughter. In fact, she is already thinking of trying IVF again to give Gurjeet a sibling. She waits, impatiently, for the day when she can talk to her child. “One day when she is older, she will share my joys and sorrows,” Kaur says. “She will ask me, ‘Mummy, how did you pass the days before I came?’”


FriDAY 26•05•2017



BJP workers, policemen injured in Kolkata protest

KolKata, May 25 (IanS): A number of BJP workers and policemen were injured and a police vehicle was torched as parts of central Kolkata resembled a war zone with security forces using water canons and batons and lobbying tear gas shells on the activists who also hurled bricks during a protest march here on Thursday. Senior BJP leader Kailash Vijayvargiya, state BJP chief Dilip Ghosh, party MP Rupa Ganguly and former Kolkata Deputy Mayor Meena Devi Purohit were arrested after the party workers led by them broke barricades while trying to march to the city police headquarters Lalbazar. The police used drones to keep a tab on the movement of the protesters. Actress-turned-BJP leader Ganguly fell ill after scuffling and jostling with the police personnel who faced a torrid time in reining in the rampaging Bharatiya Janata Party workers. A n o t h e r a c t re s s turned-political activist Locket Chatterjee had to be taken to the Kolkata Medical College for treatment. A police vehicle was torched and another government vehicle damaged on B.B. Ganguly Street close to Lalbazar. A substantial number of police personnel also sustained injuries from the missiles

hurled at them. There were allegations that the activists had thrown bombs which injured policemen, but BJP National Secretary Rahul Sinha denied it. "Police are trying to mislead everybody by claiming bombs were hurled, while actually it was only the sound of tear gas shells lobbed by the police," said Sinha, who also sustained injuries and was arrested. Shouting 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai', 'Jai Sri Ram' and 'Vande Mataram', the BJP supporters assembled in large numbers at three points -- Dharmatala Y channel in central Kolkata, Howrah station and College Square in the northern part of the city, where rallies began around 1 p.m. Ghosh, who led a large procession from Howrah, was arrested from Brabourne Road, where police used water canons, batons and tear gas to disperse the mob. However, even before the march formally started, a group of BJP workers surprised the police by suddenly arriving near Lalbazar in a private bus. Around 20 Bharatiya Janata Party activists from Nadia district's Haringhata, travelling in a private bus, reached B.B. Ganguly street crossing near Lalbazar. But they were immediately intercepted and detained. BJP state Vice President

A supporter of India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) smashes an overturned car during a A police officer uses a tear gas gun to disperse the supporters of India’s Bharatiya Janata protest against what the supporters call a breakdown of law and order in the state of West Party (BJP) during a protest against what the supporters call a breakdown of law and order Bengal, in Kolkata on May 25. (REUTERS) in the state of West Bengal, in Kolkata on May 25. (REUTERS)

Bengal BJP condemns police for attacking party headquarters

KolKata, May 25 (IanS): The West Bengal unit of the BJP on Thursday accused the police of forcibly entering its headquarters and "mercilessly beating up" the workers on a day when violence erupted here during a protest march organised by the party. Terming the incident as "shameful", West Bengal Bharatiya Janata Party Secretary Jay Prakash Majumdar alleged that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had lost control of the state administration and claimed the government was actually being run by the police.

Raju Banerjee charged the police with acting as cadres of the state's ruling Trinamool Congress. "It is a shameful day in the history of West Bengal's politics. Police have forcefully entered our party office and mercilessly beaten up the party workers present there," Mukherjee said. "Today's incident clearly proves that the state police actu-

"Banerjee has no control over law and order. Some senior police and IAS officers are running this government and Mamata is sitting at the helm without any power," Ma-

ally is an appendage of the Trinamool Congress. It seems there is a competition between the police and the Trinamool backed hooligans to show who are more faithful cadres of the ruling party," he alleged. The BJP leader also alleged police attacked their party activists without any provocation and used abusive language. "Police

jumdar said. "This government has no idea how to control a democratic movement." Lalbazar, situated in central Kolkata, was turned into a fortress since the

suddenly attacked us without any provocation. The party office was empty at that point as everyone was busy with the rallies. Only a few injured people were being treated inside. We have the video footage of how they attacked us and what kind of abusive language they used," he said. Kolkata resembled a war zone for much of Thursday after-

morning. Police personnel were deployed near three major interception points at Phears lane, Tea Board of India office and Bentinck Street connector to stop the rallies. Barricades,

Highway horror: Man killed, four women gang-raped in UP

noIda, May 25 (IanS): A scrap dealer was killed and his mother, wife, sister and sister-inlaw raped by a group of armed men who waylaid their car and also looted the family, near Jewar on the Yamuna Expressway in Uttar Pradesh early on Thursday, police said. The incident occurred some 60 km from here on Jewar at around 1.30 a.m. Eight members, including four women, of a Greater Noida-based family were headed to Bulandshahr to visit an ailing relative in a hospital there. According to the victims, six

armed men forced the car, an Eeco van, to stop by shooting at its tyres near Sabota village in Jewar. The armed men took turns to rape the women at gun point in a nearby field. When scrap dealer Shakeel Qureshi, 40, put up a resistance, the men shot him dead. The victims were also looted of their valuables, mobile phones and Rs 47,000 cash, police said. The Uttar Pradesh government has handed over probe in the matter to the Special Task Force (STF) of UP Police.

NDA term full of propaganda, demand White Paper on economy: Congress new delhI, May 25 (IanS): In a scathing attack, the Congress on Thursday said the Modi government's three years in power were full of "distractions, propaganda, falsification of facts, intoleranace, manufacturing of numbers and betrayal" and demanded a White Paper on the economy. "It is a struggling and gasping economy. Firstly, on the Gross Domestic Product numbers, they changed the old methodology and thus there is a difference of two per cent. There is no economic growth. It is a flat growth," Congress Spokesperson Anand Sharma told media. "We demand, and we challenge, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley -- as they celebrate the looting of the treasury to build a personality cult around one man -- to publish tomorrow GDP numbers for the last 10 years, both as per the old and the new methodology." Sharma said it will help reveal the truth and reveal that what they are saying is false.

"They raped the women and tied up the three other persons, including the driver, in the Eeco van. They escaped into a forested area after they saw a police vehicle moving on the road," Shafiq, one of the victims, said. "We have constituted teams, including four teams of Special Task Force (STF) of Uttar Pradesh police to nab the accused persons. The women have been sent for medical examination. The teams are trying to identify the accused," Senior Superintendent of police-Gautambudh Nagar,

Love Kumar told IANS. The officer said, the men first threw nails on the road but when it did not puncture the car tyres, they fired a bullet at the tyres. A police officer said they are trying to make sketches of the accused. Due to the darkness the victims managed to see the faces of only two of the accused clearly. A massive hunt has been launched in the forest area where the accused escaped. Police registered a case of dacoity with murder (396) and gang rape (376D) under IPC sections.

A similar incident had triggered protests in July 2016 when a mother and daughter were gang-raped in Bulandshar. Opposition parties, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), had then accused the ruling Samajwadi Party (SP) of completely failing to protect the honour of women and ensuring the safety and security of people. This time the ruling BJP spokesman and leaders are silent and trying to duck questions on the spiralling crime and failing law and order in the state in just two months of its rule.

Fadnavis, five others survive chopper crash in Maharashtra

latur (MaharaShtra), May 25 (IanS): Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and five others on Thursday had a providential escape when their chopper crash-landed after it got entangled in overhead electric cables in Latur district, officials said. The state government's Sikorsky helicopter VT-CMM took off from Nilanga town, near Latur, around noon with six persons, including Fadnavis, two crew members and three other officials. However, shortly after take-off, the pilot noticed variable wind patterns and decided to return to the helipad, a Director General of

Civil Aviation (DGCA) official said. But during the attempted landing, the chopper got entangled in some overhead electrical cables running near the helipad and crash-landed from a height of nearly 80 feet there -- a ten-storied building height -- even as hundreds of onlookers, police and security officials rushed to the site. All the persons on board, including Fadnavis, Principal Secretary Pravin Pardeshi, personal assistant Abhimanyu Pawar and PRO Ketan Pathak, besides the pilot and co-pilot, came out safely from the chopper which suffered extensive damage. An anxious Maharashtra

Governor C.V. Rao called up Fadnavis soon afterwards and enquired about his well-being as also that of the co-passengers and crew on board. He expressed happiness that all were safe and sound after the tragic incident. Later, Bharatiya Janata Party's ally and Shiv Sena President Uddhav Thackeray also spoke to Fadnavis and enquired about the accident and expressed happiness that nothing untoward had happened. Though shaken, Fadnavis himself made a quick reassuring tweet: "Our helicopter did meet with an accident in Latur, but me and my team are absolutely safe and ok. Nothing to worry."

Later, he told media persons that with the blessings of the 12 crore people of the state and Jai Bhavani, he and his teammates emerged unscathed out of what could have been a monumental tragedy. His family members, including wife Amruta, daughter and mother, also expressed their deep sense of relief after hearing that he was safe and unhurt. Fadnavis said "a high-level probe would be conducted into the incident" to ascertain whether there were any security lapses leading to the tragedy. He also said that in future he would remain more alert over such security issues.

After Bihar, Lalu out to play 'grand alliance' card in Delhi Patna, May 25 (IanS): Lalu Prasad Yadav -- a mass leader with rustic charm and a convict in the multimillion fodder scam -- is all set to embark on a rather difficult political mission: Bringing the non-BJP parties on one platform ahead of 2019 general elections. Lalu, also Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo, is scheduled to visit Delhi later this week to meet Congress President Sonia Gandhi and others to start the process of forging a grand alliance of non-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) political outfits. The exercise is aimed at forging an alliance on the lines of one in Bihar that succeeded in defeating the BJP in state assembly polls in 2015. Fully aware of the challenges involved in the arduous task of bringing together parties of all hues and views to counter the BJP, Lalu will call on Sonia Gandhi in Delhi on May 26 or 27 and personally extend her an invitation to join his party's rally here on August


According to insiders, he will request her to attend the rally to show off the "grand unity" of the opposition parties. The rally is likely to witness the attendance of the who's who of a number of non-BJP parties. "Laluji has been busy for last few days with his coterie at 10, Circular Road -- his official residence -to prepare a strategy for a grand alliance of non-BJP parties. "Since his proximity to Sonia Gandhi is well known and the Congress is still the second-most powerful national political party after the BJP, Laluji has decided to work for the unity of non-BJP parties by meeting her and taking her party along to ensure that the idea translates into reality," an RJD leader close to the party chief told IANS here. This is Lalu's first move to personally call on a top leader of a non-BJP party after the ruling party's massive victory in neighbour-

ing Uttar Pradesh, which has led to panic among regional parties as well as the Congress. Last week, Lalu had a telephonic interaction with Sonia Gandhi in connection with the unity plan. After that he had said the Congress was a national party and it should come forward to unite and lead non-BJP parties. Lalu has already called up West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee and invited her to his party's rally, apart from Bahujan SamajParty

(BSP) supremo Mayawati and Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav -- both former Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh. "Laluji is also in touch with DMK in Tamil Nadu, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and the leaders of Left parties to ensure unity of non-BJP parties," another RJD leader said. When asked about his proposed rally in Patna and his bid to exhibit opposition unity, Lalu said: "I have invited top leaders of all non-BJP parties for my rally in August. All of them will attend it." Keeping the 2019 Lok

Sabha elections in focus, he has been appealing to all non-BJP parties to come together to counter the "aggressive Hindutva agenda" of the BJP under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the party's President Amit Shah. Sensing a tough challenge, Lalu has also cautioned the non-BJP parties that a united opposition would be the only option to take on the BJP and Narendra Modi in the next general elections. "Unity among non-BJP parties is the only mantra now to defeat the BJP. If non-BJP parties remain divided and fail to unite as a political force, they will be finished," he said. Lalu's major ally and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has already said that a "Mahagathbandhan" (grand alliance) of non-BJP parties was needed at the national level to defeat the BJP in the next parliamentary polls. At a time when Lalu and his family, includ-

ing his two sons and elder daughter, are under attack for benami property worth Rs 1,000 crore by the IT Department, Lalu appears to be playing it cool. Refuting media reports about his and his family's involvement in the alleged benami property deals, he also vowed recently to "uproot" the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government at the Centre before it completes its fiveyear term. "Listen, you BJP and RSS people, Lalu will drag you off the seat of power in Delhi, no matter what happens to me. Get it straight... Don't you dare threaten me," he said. Does Lalu, a man known for pulling off surprises in the past, including enthroning his wife Rabri Devi as proxy Chief Minister of Bihar when he faced the fodder scam, have something up his sleeves again? Political watchers in the state don't rule out the possibility.

noon as the police and BJP supporters fought pitched battles on various city streets. While the activists hurled stones and tried to break barricades in a desperate attempt to reach the Kolkata police headquarters, the security forces used water canons, batons and tear gas shells to drive away the rallyists.

guard rails, and around 2,000 heavily armed personnel, including combat forces, Rapid Action Force and commandos, were deployed to check any untoward incident.

Thursday's protest came only three days after the Left peasant unions' "March to Nabanna" (state secretariat) that left nearly 200 -- protesters and police -- injured.

Babri Masjid case: CBI court summons Advani and Joshi lucKnow, May 25 (IanS): A special CBI court in Lucknow, conducting day-to-day hearing of the 1992 Babri demolition case, on Thursday asked BJP leaders L.K. Advani, Uma Bharti and Murli Manohar Joshi to appear personally before it on May 30. The court refused exemption from personal appearance to Advani and Union Water Resources Minister Bharti. The BJP leaders had moved court seeking exemption from personally appearing in court for the hearing of their role in the conspiracy to raze the Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992. While the conspiracy charges against the trio were dropped by a special CBI court in 2001, and later upheld by the Allahabad High Court (HC) in 2010, the apex court in April had ruled that the BJP leaders, and some Shiv Sena and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leaders will have to face trial for their alleged role in the conspiracy to demolish the mosque. The CBI had also pressed for the charges. The Supreme Court had asked the Lucknow-based special court to conduct day-to-day hearing, frame fresh charges within a month, and wrap up the case within two years. Five accused had surrendered before the court earlier this week while a Shiv Sena leader surrendered on Wednesday. All have since been granted bail.

Not in race for another term: President Mukherjee

new delhI, May 25 (IanS): President Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday probably gave enough hints that he may not be in the race for another term in Rashtrapati Bhavan. "I have exactly two months to go. July 25, a new President will assume office. I am sending back officials who have worked with me, back to their ministries and departments. One has gone to the Commerce Ministry, two to the Ministry of External Affairs," he said. The President was speaking at a farewell tea organised for the media by President's Secretary Omita Paul for his Press Secretary Venu Rajamony, a career diplomat who has been appointed the Ambassador to The Netherlands. Rajamony will assume his new office in The Hague early next month. Mukherjee's remarks assume significance in the context of the ongoing hectic political activities centred around a candidate for the President's election slated in July. The Congress-led Opposition has given enough indications that it will not be averse to a second term for Mukherjee if the government is acceptable to it. But the ruling dispensation has not given any hints about who it has in mind for the top post. Congress President Sonia Gandhi is hosting a lunch for Opposition leaders here on Friday as part

of efforts to arrive at a consensus over the Opposition candidate. Trinamool Congress, whose leader Mamata Banerjee has also been invited for the lunch and has met Gandhi recently, is known to be okay with another term for Mukherjee. In his remarks, Mukherjee said after a hectic political life he had been wondering whether he would fit into the President's post where the incumbent has to work under Constitutional rules. In her speech, Paul described Rajamony as an excellent communicator and complimented him for a good job of putting across the President and Rashtrapati Bhavan activities to the people through the media. Senior journalist Sachidananda Murthy praised Rajamony's role in the Rashtrapati Bhavan, saying he broke new grounds. Rajamony had also contributed to making the Rashtrapati Bhavan library one of the best in the city. Thanking the President for the opportunity provided to him, Rajamony said he had worked with Mukherjee for two years in the Finance Ministry before his election as President and nearly five years in the Rashtrapati Bhavan, and that had given him wonderful insight into Mukherjee as a public functionary, who the outside world called a "walking encylopedia".

fridAY 26•05•2017




Fighting corruption, Ukraine starts to judge its judges KIEV, May 25 (REutERs): Ukrainian judge Artur Yemelianov has acknowledged in an online declaration that he owns a Breguet watch worth nearly a third of his annual salary and keeps piles of cash. On Jan. 12 he was suspended for three months after prosecutors opened a criminal case against him related to how commercial law cases were allocated to judges, according to statements by the Ukrainian High Council of Justice and Yemelianov himself. They accused him of rigging the process, which is supposed to be random, by setting out rules establishing that only particular judges could hear particular cases, court documents show. The prosecutors also claim that Yemelianov nudged the judges to deliver his preferred verdicts and would take judges off cases if they refused to comply. Ukraine is trying to show its international supporters and lenders that it can tackle entrenched corruption, including in the judiciary. The next payment of a $17.5 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund will depend on Kiev showing progress on reforms including anti-graft measures. Yemelianov denies any wrongdoing and says his businesswoman ex-wife gave him money that helped to fund his lifestyle. He says the allegations that he rigged the case allocation process were trumped up by his enemies in revenge for his

The Ukrainian Supreme Court building is seen in central Kiev in Ukraine. (REUTERS File Photo)

attempts to stamp out bribetaking and to stop him securing a seat at a newly established Supreme Court. His application could not be considered because of the criminal case against him. “The main goal was achieved - as soon as I was taken out of the running in the competition (for the Supreme Court),” he said earlier this month. The case is still ongoing and until it is closed, he is unable to travel abroad and his 1.5 million hryvnia ($56,944) bail money stays with the court. The prosecutors, according to their publicly available statements, opened the Yemelianov case after tip-offs from other judges. The prosecution ser-

vice declined to comment on this story. The Ukrainian government, activists and anti-corruption officials have said the judiciary acts as a shield for corruption and distorts the business environment. The central bank complains that the judicial system has hampered its efforts to shut down banks it believes are engaged in nefarious practices such as money-laundering. It says that courts have given rulings that allowed 12 banks to say open when they should have been closed, according to several central bank statements, most recently on May 11. “We are all living in the real world and are well aware that the judicial system is not clean,

and bribery, and corruption and cronyism exist there,” Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko told Reuters in January. “The weakest link in our fight against corruption is the Ukrainian court,” Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said at a press conference in April. He was speaking shortly after Transparency International released figures showing that Ukraine ranked 131 out of 176 countries in the World Ranking of Corruption Perception. CASH AND PORSCHES The government launched a drive to fight corruption last year under which judges and other public sector workers are required to detail their wealth

in an online database. About 30 judges, with annual salaries ranging from $10,000-$13,000, own Porsches, according to their declaration for 2015 and others have big sums of cash. Yemelianov declared a 2015 salary of 226,181 hryvnias ($10,354), a watch costing 68000 hryvnias and Blaser Repetierbuchse R8 Carbine worth 113,000 hryvnias ($5,173), and cash in hryvnias, euros and dollars worth the equivalent of $383,000, according the 2015 average rate. In 2013, his family income included 930,000 hryvnias in presents, prizes and wins. The wealth declarations of some of Ukraine’s most famous politicians and public officials have been pored over by the media and anti-corruption activists. If the prosecutors are right, Yemelianov and others judges have a pernicious influence on Ukraine’s business climate. Yemelianov says the prosecutors accused him of rigging thousands of cases but have not produced any evidence. He submitted his grievances to the European Court of Human Rights in April, and hopes the Court will take up his case and vindicate him. He said he hopes the Court would “affirm the illegality of the conduct of Ukraine and Ukrainian bodies, including law enforcement, towards me and the violation of my rights as a citizen.”

tion drive, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAZK), which is responsible for checking the online declarations, is carrying out separate investigations into whether officials obtained the wealth they detailed honestly. An official at Ukraine’s anticorruption bureau NABU told Reuters it had also begun investigations into the declarations of judges but declined to name them or provide further details. The IMF has urged NAZK and NABU to work more closely together and said legislation must be passed by June to set up an anti-corruption court as a condition of its aid programme, according to an IMF country report released in April. As well as the online data base, the setting up of a Supreme Court and anti-corruption court, Ukraine has removed judges’ automatic immunity from prosecution and stripped lawmakers of the power to appoint judges. But Petrenko said it will be hard to reform the judiciary while judges have an interest in throwing out corruption cases against public officials to try and make sure other judges don’t eventually turn the focus on them. “Will that judge take an objective decision? I think he will not, because he understands that he will open Pandora’s box and this practice can be used against him,” he said. Reformist officials and ministers in the Ukrainian state “PANDORA’S BOX” have complained their efforts As part of the anti-corrup- to root out graft are resisted by

MPs, ministers and officials who profit from the current system. “We feel the resistance of the old, unreformed system,” Artem Sytnyk, the head of the NABU told Reuters. MONEY FROM HIS WIFE Yemelianov says the bulk of his recent income comes from his ex-wife, Svitlana Yemelianova, who is now in Vienna and gave him a 3 million hryvnia ($137,333) loan in 2015 to finance his travel expenses to see their three children. “She’s a wealthy woman, she has this money, she earns as she did before. In order to regularly fly to see my daughter, I need to have the necessary money. My salary is not enough for this,” he said. He says he was a successful lawyer until 2001. He says that his ex-wife became a wealthy businesswoman and psychologist in Donetsk, which has been under the control of Russianbacked separatists since an uprising erupted in 2014. She fled Donetsk as the fighting started and left behind most of the documents related to her firms, Yemelianov said. Efforts by Reuters to reach Svitlana Yemelianova in Vienna were unsuccessful. Yemelianov declined to pass on her contact details to Reuters. Yemelianov said he did not know any details of his wife’s current businesses. “I can’t tell you what kind of profits there were (at her businesses), but it’s a fact that none of them had zero income.”

Aboriginal leaders walk out ‘Only logical’ for Trump to meet Dalai Lama: Tibetan leader says of meeting on their future syDNEy, May 25 (REutERs): Dozens of Australian indigenous leaders walked out of a national meeting on their future on Thursday in protest against a plan to accept constitutional recognition, indigenous leader Geoff Clark said. Some 250 Aboriginal Australian leaders are meeting at the sacred landmark of Uluru to decide how the country’s first inhabitants, who date back about 50,000 years before British colonisers arrived, should be recognised. Clark said an emerging majority support for a change in the constitution had prompted about 50 to leave in protest. Some leaders want a treaty instead. A treaty would be a legal agreement between the government and indigenous people, which could form the basis of reparations

for past injustices. Constitutional recognition would remove the government’s ability to make different laws for indigenous and non-indigenous people. “We have agreed that there is a need for a voice of aboriginal society. We need to be able to control our own destiny and that (should) be formalised by some sort of treaty,” Clark told Reuters. “It is a disagreement about methodology in how we reach our destination,” Clark, former leader of the government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, said. The Torres Strait Islands are part of the state of Queensland. There are about 700,000 Aborigines in a population of 23 million but they suffer disproportionately high rates of suicide, alcohol abuse, domestic violence and imprisonment, track-

ing near the bottom in almost every economic and social indicator. Constitutional recognition of Aborigines is a complex issue in a country which previously administered them under flora and fauna laws. The government is supportive of recognition for Aborigines, but Prime Minister Turnbull has said that getting a constitutional change through parliament could be a challenge. A referendum, which is required to make changes to the constitution, could be called as early as this year. “I’m confident we’ve got enough good, smart, strong leaders in the room that we’ll get to a point and to an agreement that ensures there is a way forward for our people,” Sean Gordon, who heads the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council in New South Wales, told Sky News.

WasHINGtON, May 25 (REutERs): The head of Tibet’s government in exile said on Wednesday it would be “logical” for Donald Trump to meet the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, since the U.S. president has visited homes of the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions on his current international tour. The Dalai Lama has met the past four U.S. presidents, greatly angering China, which considers Tibet a renegade province and the spiritual leader a dangerous separatist. He has not yet been invited to meet Trump, who has been courting Beijing’s support over North Korea. “Donald Trump ... has been to all three major sacred places of three major traditions,” Lobsang Sangay, Tibet’s prime minister in exile, said referring to Trump’s visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vatican. “So what is left is Buddhism and his holiness the Dalai Lama is the most prominent Buddhist leaders in the world,” Sangay told the Heritage Foundation think

tank on a visit to Washington. “If he can meet with all leaders of major traditions, I think it’s just logical that he meet with the most prominent Buddhist leader,” he said. Sangay did not say whether he thought such a meeting likely, but said: “We are Tibetans. We are perennially optimistic.” Sangay told Reuters earlier this month that the Dalai Lama had planned to visit the United States in April but had delayed the trip until June because a hectic schedule had left him exhausted. He also said Washington was not part of the June itinerary. A U.S. administration official told Reuters this week it was premature to talk about a meeting between Trump and the Dalai Lama and that the administration’s priority was persuading China to do more to rein in North Korea’s increasingly threatening nuclear and missile program. On Wednesday, however, Washington risked Beijing’s anger when a U.S. warship sailed within 12 nautical miles (22 km)

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama arrives to attend a press conference after delivering teachings at Yiga Choezin, in Tawang, in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh on April 8. (REUTERS File Photo)

of an artificial island built up by China in the South China Sea, the first such challenge to Beijing in the strategic waterway since Trump took office. Last week China said it had complained to the United States after a U.S. congressional delegation visited the Dalai Lama at his

Philippines deploys top commandoes, attack helicopters to retake city from Islamist rebels

Government troops are seen during an assault on insurgents from the so-called Maute group, who have taken over large parts of Marawi City, in Marawi City, southern Philippines on May 25. (REUTERS Photo)

MaRaWI CIty, May 25 (REutERs): The Philippines deployed attack helicopters and special forces to drive out Islamic Statelinked rebels holed up in a besieged southern city on Thursday, as efforts to take back control met heavy resistance. Ground troops hid behind walls and armoured vehicles and exchanged volleys of gunfire with Maute

group fighters, firing into elevated positions occupied by militants who have held Marawi City on Mindanao island for two days. Helicopters circled the city, peppering Maute positions with machine gun fire to try to force them from a bridge vital to retaking Marawi, a mainly Muslim city of 200,000 where fighters had torched and seized a school, a jail, a cathedral,

and took more than a dozen hostages. “We’re confronting maybe 30 to 40 remaining from the local terrorist group,” said Jo-Ar Herrera, spokesman for the military’s First Infantry Regiment. “The military is conducting precise, surgical operations to flush them out ... The situation is very fluid and movements are

dynamic because we wanted to out-step and out-manoeuvre them.” The battles with the Maute group, which has pledged allegiance to Islamic State, started on Tuesday afternoon during a failed raid by security forces on one of the group’s hideouts, which spiralled into chaos. The turmoil was the final straw for President Rodrigo Duterte, who delivered on his threat to impose martial law on Mindanao, the country’s secondlargest island, to stop the spread of radical Islam. Islamic State claimed responsibility late on Wednesday for Maute’s activities via its Amaq news agency. At least 21 people - seven soldiers, 13 rebels and a civilian - have been killed and religious leaders say militants were using Christians taken hostage during the fighting as human shields. The White House condemned the Maute group as “cowardly terrorists” and said in a statement the United States was a proud ally of the Philippines and would continue to support its fight against extremism.

GETTING OUT Hundreds of civilians, including children, were sheltering in a military camp in Marawi City as troops helped clear the few remaining people from streets where smoke lingered in the air. “We’re leaving,” said a resident named Edith, walking along a rundown street carrying a small suitcase. “We can no longer take it and we need to save our children.” Sultan Haji Ismael Demasala said he was staying and would leave his fate in God’s hands. “If Allah wills it so, then we cannot stop it,” he said, pointing his finger in the air. Hostilities eased overnight but flared late on Thursday morning when troops started their clearing operations. A major obstacle was an armoured vehicle parked across a bridge, which Maute fighters were using for cover, a Reuters journalist said. Marawi is in Lanao del Sur province, a stronghold of the Maute, a fierce, but little-known group that has been a tricky opponent for the military. Tuesday’s raid was aimed at capturing Isnilon Hapilon, a leader of radical faction of another

militant group, the Abu Sayyaf. The government says Hapilon is a point man for Islamic State and has been collaborating with the Maute group. “Based on our intelligence, Isnilon Hapilon is still in the city,” Herrera said. The Maute group’s rise is a source of concern for Mindanao native Duterte, who is familiar with Muslim separatist unrest but alarmed by the prospect of rebels helping Islamic State to recruit and establish a presence in the volatile region of 22 million people. Duterte has threatened harsh measures and said martial law would remain be maintained for as long as it took to restore order. The president was due to hold a cabinet meeting on Thursday in Davao, his home city and the biggest on Mindanao. Security was stepped up in Davao, with more military checkpoints and some businesses sending staff home during daylight hours. Residents were urged to stay vigilant. In the city where Duterte was mayor for 22 years, and enjoys a cult-like following, residents were supportive of martial law.

headquarters in India to draw world attention to human rights in Tibet. The U.S. lawmakers delivered a blunt message to China that they would not relent in their campaign to protect rights in Tibet and would call for legislative and trade steps to press their point.

Your smartphone obsession may up bad behaviour in kids NEW yORK, May 25 (IaNs): Do you spend too much time on your smartphone during mealtime, playtime and routine activities or conversations with your kids? If so, it may lead to behavioural issues in your children, warned researchers. A new study suggests that even low or seemingly normal amounts of technology-related interruption were associated with greater child behaviour problems, such as over-sensitivity, hot temper, hyperactivity and whining. “Our findings contribute to growing evidence showing an association between greater digital technology use and potential relationship dysfunction between parents and their children,” said lead author Brandon T. McDaniel, Assistant Professor at Illinois State University in the US. When parents use mobile technology, their responsiveness to their kids changes and the device use causes less-than-ideal interactions with their children. “It’s really difficult to toggle attention between all of the important and attention-grabbing information contained in these devices, with social and emotional information from our children, and process them both effectively at the same time,” added Jenny Radesky, child behaviour expert and paediatrician at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. For the study, published in the journal Child Development, the team analysed surveys completed separately by both mothers and fathers from 170 two-parent households. Nearly half (48 per cent) of parents reported technology interruptions three or more times on a typical day while 17 per cent said it occurred once and 24 per cent said it happened twice a day. Only 11 per cent said no interruptions occurred. Reserving certain times of the day or locations as being technology-free -- such as mealtime or playtime right after work -- may help ease family tensions caused by the modern blurring of outside worlds with home life, the researchers said. “Setting boundaries on digital use can help parents keep smartphones and other mobile technology from interrupting quality time with their kids,” McDaniel noted.


public discourse

Resignation of Khriehu a wise decision for all


FriDAY 26•05•2017

T.L Angami


Ekakustha (Psoriasis) - Treatment & Diet by Ayurveda Dr. Imlikumba Health Naturally Clinic, Dimapur


soriasis is a complex, chronic, multifactorial, inflammatory disease which involves hyper proliferation of the keratinocytes in the epidermis, with an increase in the epidermal cell turnover rate. At present time, Psoriasis is one of the most common human skin diseases. Majority of the dermatological disorders have been described under the roof of Kushtha in Ayurveda. Eka kushtha is a type of kshudra kushtha described in different Ayurvedic classics. It is Vata-Kaphaj disorder. The classical symptoms of Eka kushtha described in Ayurveda resembles with Psoriasis. The clinical feature of Eka kushtha described by Acharya Kashyap represents remission, relapse and seasonal variation which are present in Psoriasis. Modern medical science treats Psoriasis with PUVA, corticosteroids etc. But these therapies give serious side effects like hepato and nephrotoxicity, bone marrow depression etc. Hence, it is the need of time to find out safe and effective treatment for Psoriasis and here Ayurveda plays an important role. The unique treatment modality of Ayurveda provides long lasting results and a better life to patients through its three basic principles i.e. Shodhana, Shamana and Nidan parivarjana. In Ayurveda, all skin diseases are grouped under a broad heading of Kushtha Roga. Eka kushtha is one of such diseases explained under the heading of Kshudra Kushtha (minor skin ailments). Even though, in terms of severity, incidence and prognosis, it is not a minor kind. Premonitory signs and symptoms: Psoriasis can go undetected its first occurrence or during its earlier stages; symptoms appear mild as small, faint, dry patches.

Clinical features: Common symptoms include: Plaques of red skin often covered with loose, silver scales. This is the symptom most commonly associated with psoriasis such lesions can be extensive, itchy and painful. Cracking and bleeding may occur. In the most severe cases, these patches merge with one another to cover entire surface areas of the body. Irritated patches of skin and dots, which are raised and thick, ranging from pink red salmon to red in colour. Often these skin patches or skin dots are, like noted in the afore mentioned, covered in silvery scales. Redness on elbows, knees, trunk and scalp. Though these are the main places in which psoriasis symptoms are seen, symptoms can occur anywhere on the body. Change and disfiguration of nails. Thickening, yellow-brown spots, dents and pits in the nail surface, separation of nail from base and crumbling of the actual nail may occur. Severe dandruff Plaques of silver scales or crust may develop as loose flakes constantly shed The classical symptoms of Ekakushtha described in Ayurveda resembles with Psoriasis. The clinical feature of Ekakushtha described by Acharya Kashyap represents remission, relapse and seasonal variation which are present in Psoriasis. Prodromal features of Psoriasis: Increased perspiration (Atiswedan), Reduced perspiration (Aswedan), Discolouration of the skin (Twak vaivarnya), Fatigue (Klama) etc. Horripilation (Lomaharsha), Numbness (Suptata), Pricking sensation (Nistoda), Itching (Kandu). Clinical features of EkakusthaScaling of skin similar to the scales of the fish (Matsya shakalopama), Extended skin lesions (Mahavastu), Reduced sweating (Asweda), Pink discolouration (Aruna varna). Blackening of the part (Krishna varna) etc. Line of Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis

would like to convey my appreciation to Khriehu Liezietsu MLA from 10th Northern Angami-I Assembly Constituency for taking a wise decision by stepping down from the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly on 24th May 2017. It may be recalled back that Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu the regionalist veteran took over the chair of Chief Minister on 22nd February 2017 after the Government was put into crisis resulted through Civic polls where the than Chief Minister T.R Zeliang had step down. It is been blessing and disguise as Dr. Shürhozelie hailing from the historic Kohima Village was also the sole Chief Minster from the village till date. Dr. Shürhozelie the veteran regionalist, during his assured short tenure as leader of the house is firm on his political view and believes and is pursuing hard for the final Naga political settlement which will be honorable to all. Therefore, in a crucial juncture like this, though Kohima Village is not only big in size but have numerous qualified leaders and expertise in different arena, I would like to call the people of Kohima Village irrespective of its status to exercise its magnanimity and preserve our respectable leaders who is not only a leader of his community and village but a leader for the whole Nagas in general so as to let him deliver justice to the people of the state without any favoritism or nepotism. Also welcoming the wisdom exercise by the sitting MLA Khriehu Liezietsu, I would like to maintain that the resignation was done in the right time for Mhathung Odyuo the advantage of all and further prayed that, this wisdom shall First response: not go in vain but bring a blessing Christian faith was born, and has flourupon his people as well as over ished, under regimes more barbarous as the his future leadership. murderous Herod (Matthew 2:16) and the Christian killing Nero (Tacitus, Annals xv.44); and they did not thwart the spread of a faith whose King and power and charter are not of this world (John 18:36).The movement that Jesus Christ unleased in the world, when he died and rose again, does not depend on qualified human government for its existence or power. God can restrain the pride and folly of secular leaders (Genesis 20:6). Just as with James Cükhamo the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah Chumukedima, Ward-1 25:9), and the Persian Cyrus, God makes the his is to bring to you kind rulers of the earth fulfil all his purpose (Isaiah attention and the con- 44:28). All the power and authority in heaven cerned authorities like and on earth has been given unto him (MatDC Office, District Administra- thew 28:18) and He will be with us till the end tion, DTO/DTA, DDADU etc, of the age (Matthew 28:20), and his kingdom that after the Dimapur Auto will reign forever and ever (Isaiah 9:6-7).DeDrivers are restricted/not al- claring the end from the beginning, his counlowed to carry passengers in sel shall stand, and he will accomplish it (Isathe front sit, many drivers has iah 46:10). The question of BJP a threat to Christian increased their fare and started NAGAS does not arise. demanding more like Rs. 30 to 4th Mile, and Rs. 40 to 7th Mile Second response: and Chumukedima etc. Uniqueness and supremacy of Jesus The concerned authorities Christare therefore requested to clarify He is the way and the truth and the life and whether auto fares in Dimapur no one comes to the father except through has been revised/increased or him (John 14:6).Salvation is found only in Jenot. If increased, it is requested sus Christ name (Acts 4:12).He is the one meto publish in the newspapers and diator between God and men ( 1 Timothy 2:5) other relevant Medias and made and who has Him has life (1 John 5:12). The the public aware on the revised very nature of the gospel makes it impossible fares. If not, the concerned Au- for a true Christian to be arrogant. Paul specifthorities are also requested to ically says that our means of salvation leaves clarify through media and also us with no ground of boasting (Ephesians reign in the unruly Auto Drivers 2:8-9;Titus 3:5-6). But they are so filled with and stern and strict warning and excitement that they are urgent in their deguideline be given. sires to share the gospel with others. We have After travelling in the City to adopt a lifestyle of loving servant-hood so Bumpy and bouncy roads, it has that the door may be opened to accepting the become a harrowing day to argue message of a unique Christ, whom the non and squabble with Auto Drivers beleivers now resent. We can show love, comevery day. If the fares are not in- passion to non believers as Jesus has shown creased by the concerned au- to us. Jesus said,” Let your light shine before thorities but are charged illegally men, that they may see your good deeds and by the drivers themselves, the praise your Father in heaven”(Matthew 5:16). public and the student’s com- Instead our solemn prayer as a Christian is to munity are the one who are be- let our Lord Jesus Christ show the light of the ing robbed every day. The Tribal gospel (2 corinthian 4:4,6) even in RSS Chief HOHO’s and students Union like Mohan Bhagwat heart; and he becoming our DNSU are also requested to look brother in Christ. We respect the feelings and into the matter as it affects the wishes of non-Christians, but we cannot be public and the student’s com- a part of their belief.Ram, Arjun and Vishnu their god are not one to JESUS.We can never munity in a large way. Looking forward for your compromise the uniqueness and supremacy prompt action. Thanking you in of Christ. BJP is a hindutva ideology based party anticipation.

– Ghritapana (Oral administration of medicated Ghee) Shodhana – Vamana (emesis), according recommended one after the other to the need Virechana(Purgation) can also be carried out or else both are also Shamana Aushadha (Medication) – Both external and internal medication is carried. Ayurvedic approach for all types of Psoriasis- Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatologic diseases and still stands as a challenge to different medical systems. Many research works have been done on psoriasis in Ayurveda and modern medical science but no drug has yet been claimed to cure psoriasis completely. Psoriasis can be better managed by the Ayurvedic principles of management namely: Nidana Parivarjana,Shodhana (Panchakarma therapy), Shamana Chikitsa Nidana Parivarjana This means avoidance of etiological factors like Mithya Ahara- Vihara & Viruddha Ahara. Nidana Parivarjana stops the further progression of the disease, by restricting vitiation of Doshas. Hence main objective of treatment is to improve metabolic activities in Dhatu level, to rectify Srotoavrodha and to provide nourishment to depleted Dhatus. Panchakarma Chikitsa as Ekakushtha is chronic & relapsing in nature and also there is an involvement of Tridosha & Twaka, Rakta, Mamsa, Lasika & Kleda, hence repeated Shodhana is required for treatment. Samshodhana is one of the important treatment of Ayurveda which deals mainly with elimination of the aggravated Doshas from the body. These Doshas (toxins and waste material) should be eliminated naturally as well as nearest root of the body. Shamana Chikitsa means internal medications. Superficially the elimination of toxins can be assisted by Moisturising the skin daily with a suitable, healing cream, Oleation or regular massage of the skin using suitable

oil internally, to assist in proper elimination of toxins; the most important advice is to restore the digestive fire to its optimum level. Reducing stress levels through meditation or leisure activity, Exposing the skin to sunlight for 30 minutes a day if possible, Gentle regular sweating to excrete toxins from the system If you choose to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner, some of the methods which can catalyse the detoxification process to eliminate Psoriasis include: Purgation or the use of specific herbal laxatives, Enemas using herbal medicated oil. Panchakarma therapy which is a last resort and deep, powerful detoxification Herbal Ayurvedic Psoriasis treatment originated in India and is considered as one of the oldest medical practice. Its use evolved for over thousands of years based on the principle of Ayurveda. It puts together the balance of the spirit, mind, and body. Hence, others see this as a holistic approach by treating the whole body and not the specific symptoms of the sickness. Basically, Ayurvedic medicine helps in the promotion of wellness and prevention of illness. Various techniques and products are used in restoring balance and cleansing of the body, making it essential that the methods should only be done by a trained Ayurvedic practitioner. This is important in order to avoid untoward side effects especially when used as psoriasis medicine. Pathyapathya (Do's and don'ts): To do this, simple adjustments to eating habits will make an enormous difference: Eat plenty of leafy, green vegetables, Eat cooked, warm food, Eat only when hungry, Avoid eating frequent, small meals or snacks , Drink water when you are thirsty and avoid flooding the body, Avoid acidic foods, red meat, red fish, tropical fruit, red wine, tomatoes, cold raw salads, nuts and seeds, Avoid sour foods such

as yoghurt, dairy products In addition, consciously incorporating these habits into your regular routine will have enormous benefits for your wellbeing and keep psoriasis away long term: Passing urine regularly whenever the body requires, Maintaining a diet which promotes regular, healthy bowel movements, Normal diet is indicated in all types of kushtha. Sour, salty, heat producing items like pepper etc.; curd, milk, jiggery, meat of marshy animals, sesame seeds, black gram are contraindicated; sexual intercourse and alcoholic drinks are to be avoided; Old rice, barley, green gram, bitter vegetables and meat of wild animals are wholesome. CONCLUSION: Psoriasis is a noninfectious chronic inflammatory disease of skin characterized by welldefined erythematous plaques with silvery scales having chronic fluctuatory course affecting both sex and different age groups. Kustha is described as one of the most chronic diseases in Ayurvedic literature. Under the roof of Kustha, Ayurveda described a wide range of dermatological disorders including its classification, etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, prevention and management. The disease courses and the treatment modalities mentioned for dermatological disorders as described in Ayurveda are highlighted here and the measures mentioned in classics are focused which provides management in natural way with no adverse effects. NOTE: Ayurvedic medicines and treatments should be taken under Qualified Ayurvedic Doctor/Physician. The drugs described in this article are for general information/educational purpose only. Anyone should not use these without consulting a qualified Ayurveda doctor/physician. Dr. Imlikumba is a registered ayurveda practitioner working as a Medical Officer (Ayur) in Bokajan Civil Hospital and the Chief Consultant of Health Naturally Clinic.

A response to ‘Christianly Yours’

Revised/ increased auto fares in Dimapur



o kill is easier than to save. Killing in the broad day light or calm midnight is no surprise to Nagas. We are getting used to such dramatic scenes. The climax of every problem is to kill. Are some Nagas trained to kill than to save? A big thanks to those whose hands are trained for battle, whose minds are pre-occupied with spilling of blood. Such

people are designing the future of Nagas wrongly. There are people who spend sleepless night planning and organizing to do away with the life of others. Such people must be awarded publicly (be it undergrounds or overgrounds). We can nominate them for Ashoka Chakra Award. There are some Nagas who are very fond of snapping others life. They get exuberant joy

and we Christian NAGAS cannot be a part of that party. Is it BJP(their belief, their ideology) comparable to Jesus Christ, that you have stoop so low to even thought to compare with the “King, The lord” of the Universe with it? It is not a threat but rather BJP is an object that is not even worth having a look at it. Honestly your comparison is no comparison and instead it is your naiveness and i pity that. Third response: Jesus did not come to established political governmentJesus was rejected when the very multitude who had clamoured to make him king became disenchanted at his refusal to become a political saviour(john 6:15-42).Jesus rebuked peter that he did not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men(mark 8:32-33).Instead everything is his (Isaiah 9:6-7) and in his authority it is govern (Matthew 28:18).This are all temporary and we should keep ourselves unstained from the world (James 1:27) and free from the corruption that is in the world (2 Peter 1:4) and deal with the world as though not dealing, for the present form of this world is passing away (1 corinthians 7:29-31). So the threat of BJP to Christian NAGAS; without being a part of it does not arise.And those individual who felt threatened by BJP are those who are a part of it; they took part in it because they love the darkness rather than the light; though the light has come(John 3:19-21;2 Corinthians 4:4,6).Christians Nagas are so captured by the power of the cross of Jesus that to give attention to BJP as a threat to Christians Nagas does not arise; it came to Christian NAGAS notice till you have mention and i pity you for the importance that you have given to BJP (their belief i.e hindutva ideology) and ready to compromise with that of the cross of Jesus. Fourth response: Denomination issue which you have raisedIn a family sometimes misunderstanding occurs; but still they remain a part of family irrespective of their differences. They have one Father ‘YAHWEH’ ‘THE LORD’ and Jesus Christ is the bond. Is it relevant to BJP? You are talking of being a part of Hindu family; it is their ideology. You are talking of sharing the one supreme office that belongs only to Jesus Christ with Ram, Arjun and Krishna. Your premises lead to one final conclusion, that all gods are equal. Your brethren Christians Nagas feel so sorry for you; Christian Nagas really pray for you that you may see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God ( 2 Corinthian 4:4,6).

Fifth response: Commenting on NBCCHonestly I feel very sorry for you regarding your take on NBCC. They are doing their best with whatever knowledge they had acquired and the resources available to them; utilizing to the optimum for the cause of Jesus Christ. They are our real leaders whom God has appointed to watch over our soul; and it is our duty to obey them as God commanded them to our advantage (Hebrew 13:17).And we should appreciate them for the role they are playing; and though cannot repay them materially; we should pray for them so that God will guard them and bless them with wisdom and to lead us safely to the final destination to be with Jesus Christ. Their duty is not in concerning worldly political government but concerning heavenly government where Jesus Christ is the King and ruler. They are also human, weak in flesh and to blame them blindly is not justiciable. Instead it is the responsibility of each and every individual Christian to live a Christ centred life. All this ungodliness is because of the individual love for the dark though the light has come (2 Corinthians 4:4,6;John 3:19-21). So the question of linking NBCC with BJP does not arise. Instead it is their prerogative right to safeguard the Christian Nagas from false belief and institutions that compromise the uniqueness and supremacy of Jesus Christ. Instead i pray that each and every Christians Nagas pray for you so that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God reveal in your heart(2 Corinthians 4:4,6); so that you will love the light and walk in the light(John3:19-21); and the question of BJP a threat to Christians Nagas will never arise again. An excerpt from the article that is available in their website; one can access. This information is sufficient and need no further effort to understand what really BJP is all about; since they themselves have made it crystal clear about who they really are. B H A R AT I YA JA NATA PA RT Y ( B JP WEBSITE):-THE le&id=369:hindutva-the-great-nationalistideology&Itemid=501 9 FEBRUARY 2009 HINDUTVA: THE GREAT NATIONALIST IDEOLOGY ...The future of Bharat is set. Hindutva is here to stay ..Hindutva ...will mean that the guiding principles of Bharat will come from two of the great teachings of the Vedas, the ancient Hindu and Indian scriptures, which so boldly proclaimed -

The JOY of killing in Nagaland G. L. Khing | Kohima

in killing. They walk about in all freedom. But the same can be done to them (culprit) by the public if they are causing injustice to the society. Specially trained groups who spent their entire life in illegal tax collections, extortions and threats can

be wiped out completely by the public. In other words, if they can kill in such a manner, the public can also kill them if they do not fit into the Naga society. This may hear so unchristian, unjust and strange, but the time will come when such people

will be slayed to fertilize Naga soil (my blood for the nation). The eruption of volcanoes by different groups will burn down the life of the innocent public beyond recognition. The cruel and just action implemented by the President of Philippine, Mr.

TRUTH IS ONE, SAGES CALL IT BY MANY NAMES - and - THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS ONE FAMILY.(DO YOU WANTED TO BE GUIDED BY THE TEACHING OF THE VEDAS) THE FOUNTAINHEAD: THE BJP AND THE RSS (BJP WEBSITE) http://www.bjp. org/en/about-the-party/history?u=bjp-history The Bharatiya Janata Party is today the most prominent member of the family of organisations known as the "Sangh Parivar" and nurtured by the Rashtria Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) (family of sangh parivar and nurtured by RSS-what does it mean? DO YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT FAMILY; COMPROMISING THE UNIQUENESS AND SUPREMACY OF CHRIST)..It has no doubt about Hindu identity and culture being the mainstay of the Indian nation and of Indian society. This identity and this culture informs all Indians, irrespective of religious or denominational faith.(IS REALLY A HINDU IDENTITY DEFINE “CHRISTIANITY” ; IS RAM, KRISHNA, AND ARJUN GREATER THAN “JESUS CHRIST” THAT THEY DEFINES WHO JESUS CHRIST REALLY IS? HINDUTVA IS THEIR IDEOLOGY; AND ALL THE WRONG LIES THERE). U.P. manifesto: BJP promises Ram temple uttar-pradesh-2017/U.P.-manifesto-BJPpromises-Ram-temple-1-GB-free-data/article17108508.ece .. it affirms the party’s core Hindutva ideology..The manifesto touched upon contentious issues such as the alleged communal exodus, cow slaughter, triple talaq and the Ram Mandir...( to appease one particular religious group) RSS Mission(RSS WEBSITE):- http://rss. org/Encyc/2015/4/7/1254694.aspx .. Our one supreme goal is to bring to life the all-round glory and greatness of our Hindu Rashtra. L.K. ADVANIJI'S LATEST BLOG "BJP, AND EASTER SUNDAY” http://www.bjp. org/media-resources/press-releases/shrilk-advanijis-latest-blog-qbjp-and-eastersundayq ..In the case of our party also, in 1980, on Good Friday we were crucified by the Janata Party resolution and on Easter Sunday we were resurrected. And if so, are you willing to compromise the uniqueness and supremacy of ‘Jesus Christ’ and say, “I do not see what I see”? Instead my conclusion is that their ideology is so radical and extremist in approach because their god is not unique and supreme; rather our lord Jesus Christ who is unique and supreme and whose message is love is a threat to BJP.

Rodrigo Duterte will one day reach our land and sweep dirty Nagas away. Young generation will face a type of civil war that will annihilate Nagaland for good/worse. To control such outburst, we need to refrain from destructive forces/actions. Nagas do not need another formation of outfit groups to randomly destroy and kill unjust people. Let each individual rectify his life to re-

create the face of Nagaland. The future of Nagaland depends on our present life style. Failure of good deeds can enthuse the young generation to imitate parents and elders in the same route. Let every parents and elders live honest life and pave the way for the young siblings to tread the path of Naga society in peace and harmony. Let us respect each other’s life because we can live and die only once.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Friday 26•05•2017



with Dr. Benny Prasad on Saturday


he Harvest Ministries International and Cornerstone Community Church Dimapur in collaboration with Chakhesang Baptist Church Diphupar is organizing a free gospel music concert with Dr. Benny Prasad (world renowned musician) at Chakhesang Baptist Church Diphupar on May 27 (Saturday) from 5:00 pm onwards. Rev. Dr. Suluveyi Rhakho, director of Harvest Min-

istries International said the main purpose of the gospel concert was to reach out to the present youths with the gospel based on life experience and walking with the Lord. Dr. Binny Prasad along with his wife are currently on northeast India tour in six states i.e Shillong, Imphal, Dimapur, Siliguri, Guwahati, and Aizwal. He will also be performing at Spirit of Faith, Dimapur on Sunday morning and Ao Baptist Chruch, Diphupar

opular social media group The Naga Blog (TNB) reached 100,000 members to become one of the largest and more influential social media platforms from Nagaland. Excerpts from The Naga Blog are published weekly in The Morung Express. This massive group is managed by a small team of seven administrators who take out time besides their professional careers to administer the blog: Yanpvuo Kikon, Software engineer, IT Consultant and Entrepreneur; Athong Makury, President of the Council of Naga Affairs Myanmar; Rozelle Mero, Interior designer and Social Entrepreneur. Founder & MD of The People Channel and SoLVSE; Atsung Imchen, Software Engineer & Cloud Dr. Benny Prasad with his wife Zanbeni Prasad Odyuo. Operations Engineer Anain the evening. terested persons can join lyst; Krocha Nk, Manager The organizers in- the concert. For further at Interglobe Technologies; formed that the entry for inquiries, one may contact Sangti Konyak, Founder of The Genesis Project; and the concert is free and in- 9615102414. Nokho Nyekha, Freelance Travel Writer and Secretary, Cultural Affairs at North East India Welfare Society. TNB is a group on facebook which was created on July 12, 2008 by Yanpvuo Kikon after sharing the idea

SUPPORT: METET and The Electric Cool Kid live in Kohima on May 27


rganized by a team of young professionals who have a knack in anything that is music, the ‘SUPPORT’ gig, a gig series, is set to hold their third edition at Rooftop, West Road Mall, Kohima on Saturday, May 27 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. This week’s edition will feature charismatic electronic ensemble METET and indie artist ‘The Electric Cool Kid.’ The overall vibe of the whole event set up is built on the essence of catering to raw underground club-culture like

experience for music enthusiasts and artists alike. The ‘Support Crew’ emphasizes on working with unexplored talents attain sustainability and build a platform accessible to all. The service staff managing the distribution system for the event informed that tickets for the concert can be home delivered on call once an order is placed through 082-589- 013-83 and confirmed. Passes will also be available at the venue i.e. Rooftop, West Road Mall. Gate at the venue opens at 07:00 PM this Saturday.

Magic Street debut single

‘Let Her Know’


nfluenced by the likes of Dream Theater, John Mayer, Cold Play etc, the band Magic Street is set to release their single debut ‘Let Her Know’ featuring Imlier Jamir (Incipit) on the bass. Magic Street is a poprock band from Dimapur. Formed by a group of young music enthusiast and music lovers with Makok Jamir on vocal, Nungshi Pongen with the guitar and Atsa Thonger on the drums, all the members are

professionalized from Hills Praise Music Academy. The song talks about the immense beauty of a women and how a man gets drawn towards her and strives to let her know the intimate attachment of his heart towards her beauty. Recorded at Basement Studio, mixing and editing is done by Nokrang Lkr. The debut single can be downloaded free at Indihut magic-street/

METET The band is named after its main lead, and with creative tunes that are backed by prearranged sound design, METET caters to a new generation of listeners inclined towards anything that is free spirit and bohemian. An artistic touch of synthpop harmonized by analog instruments, programmed synthesizers and intone melodic vocals completes the band`s unique finesse. The band includes Metet Jamir as Vocalist, Sunep Oz as the Programmer, Temjen Lemtur on Guitar, and Jungshi Aier playing the bass.

The Electric Cool Kid Already winning hearts with back to back indie hits, The Electric Cool Kid`s or TECK’s exceptional way of blending folk elements with fine acoustic fusion has positively been acknowledged by both critics and fans alike. Starting his pursuit from an early age, as the years progressed, TECK has created a niche in realizing his musical prowess. TECK is presently working on some fresh tunes which are expected to be out this summer. Catch both these acts in Kohima this weekend.


100,000 with like-minded friends with a vision to influence social enlightenment and bring together Nagas from across the globe into a single platform. The group has taken up several activism and charitable programs over the years including the online blood bank and free donation initiative where citizens requiring blood can log into the blog and avail free blood donation from bloggers who travel to the hospital or location where the patient is admitted and these bloggers

donate blood to help save lives. Other programs include the TNB Scholar fund where the revenue generated from advertisement through the blog is aimed at awarding and motivating scholars from economically poor backgrounds to pursue technical studies. The main vision and objective of the blog is to connect Nagas and others from across the globe and leverage the power of social media to create mass awareness which may one day lead to social enlight-

enment and contribute towards impacting our society positively through inclusiveness, selflessness, having a progressive outlook with strong local roots, promoting the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, honesty, integrity and most importantly being frank, transparent and open in amplifying the genuine voice and aspiration of the people. TNB also serves as a new-age ‘Morung’. ‘Morung’ is traditional Naga concept where the elders impart knowledge to the younger generation. The group has a post and member filtration process which enables the administrators to filter the posts and members as much as possible. The blog has maintained its consistency over the past 9 years and being not just the pioneer but among the top new age media leaders in the State.


Friday 26•05•2017



Manchester United defeats Ajax to win Europa League

STOCKHOLM, May 25 (ReuTeRS): Manchester United's Paul Pogba and Henrikh Mkhitaryan scored a goal in each half as their team comfortably outclassed Ajax Amsterdam to win an emotional Europa League final 2-0 and qualify for the group stages of the Champions League. A minute's silence held for the victims of Monday's suicide bombing at a pop concert in Manchester in which 22 people died turned into applause as chants of "Manchester" and "We'll Never Die" bellowed out from the English supporters before the match. World record signing Pogba opened the scoring in the 18th minute as United won the ball after an Ajax throw-in, the Frenchman's shot taking a wicked deflection to wrong-foot goalkeeper Andre Onana and fly into the net. Mkhitaryan then flicked the ball home early

in the second half following a corner and, with chants of "Manchester, Manchester" echoing around the stadium, United held on to win the one European trophy missing from the Old Trafford cabinet. "We know things like this are very sad all over the world," said Pogba referring to the attack. "We had to focus. Manchester - we won for them. We played for England, we played for Manchester and we played for them -- the people who died." "The goal was to win all the way through this season. We've done it, and we're proud," said Pogba. "People say we've had a bad season but the prize is great and we've done it now. We have three trophies so enjoy it now," he added. United's triumph followed success in the League Cup and the Community Shield in Jose Mourinho's first season in charge at Old Trafford with Champions League foot-

Manchester United's Wayne Rooney and team mates celebrate with the trophy after winning the Europa League. (Reuters)

way than finish fourth, third are back in the Champions ball secured after United League. could only manage a sixth"We preferred to reach or second," said Mourinho. League by winning a title, place finish in the Premier the Champions League this "We got the objective, we an important title. The club

Kohima inter school football tournament from June 23


NCC girl cadets from 1 Naga (G) Bn NCC L/Cpl Litina Aye of St. Joseph College Jakahama and Sgt Adaha Of Modern College Kohima got selected for East Zone Shooting Championship to be held at Asansol, West Bengal from May 24 to June 2. More than 50 girl cadets and 100 boy cadets from all the 7 states of the North East had participated for the trials which was conducted at NCC DTE Shillong from May 4 to May 20. Only 8 girl cadets and 8 boy cadets were selected to represent the North Eastern Region Directorate NCC at Asansol, West Bengal.

DIMaPuR, May 25 (MexN): The Royal Club, Kohima, in collaboration with the Department of School Education, Nagaland will be organising the first Kohima District InterSchool Football Tournament 2017 from June 23 to July 13. A press note informed that the tournament will be open to all government and private high schools and higher secondary schools in Kohima district. However, only bonafide regular students duly supported by photo copy of cumulative record and certified by the

head of the institution shall be eligible to participate. In addition to a match allowance of Rs 1000 per match per team, a prize money of Rs 70,000 for the champion team, Rs 50,000 for the runner up team and Rs 20,000 for each of the losing Semi-Finalists will be awarded. Interested schools can collect entry forms from Havells Centre, High School Junction; United Traders, Main Town; and Ura Hotel, adjacent to Red Cross Building, Near Indoor Stadium. Duly filled entry forms

with the list of players, coach and manager certified by the head of the institution may be submitted to the organisers through the establishment from where the entry forms are collected. The last date for receiving the entry is June 10. It was informed that no entry would be entertained after 4:00 pm on the scheduled date. No entry fee is required but each participating team will be required to submit a school flag measuring 3ftx6ft along with their respective entry forms.

now has every title in world out in celebration but the football. We fought hard for Portuguese stayed calm. this since the beginning." Ajax , fielding the youngest starting lineup IMPOSING START in a European final, were United, wearing all expected to make a quick blue as they did in win- start as they did in their ning the 1968 European 4-1 win over Olympique Cup final, made an im- Lyonnais in their semi-fiposing start, with Pogba nal first leg. whistling a shot wide of Instead the Dutch side the near post within the were fenced in by United, first minute. nullified by Marouane FelThe France midfielder laini and man of the match was all over the pitch, ap- Ander Herrera in the midpearing as a third centre dle and stretched by Rashback one moment to head ford's darting runs. the ball away from danThey were given no ger, channeling pinpoint time to settle in the second passes to striker Marcus half as Mkhitaryan leapt Rashford the next. to knock Chris Smalling's Pogba, who first came knockdown from a corner to United at the age of 16 into the roof of the net afbefore leaving for Juven- ter 48 minutes. tus, put his side ahead Ajax hogged the ball with a hopeful low shot for the rest of the match from the edge of the area but rarely looked like getthat was sent looping past ting past United, who saw Onana in the Ajax goal the game out to preserve thanks to a huge deflec- Mourinho's 100 percent tion from Davinson San- record in European finals chez. and deliver the continental Mourinho's coaching trophy missing from their staff flew out of the dug- collection.

Goods And Service Tax WORKSHOP ON GST

Date: 26th May 2017 Time: 3 PM Venue: State Banquet Hall, Kohima

ProGrAmme 1. Welcome

: Shri Pankaj Kumar, IAS Chief Secretary, Nagaland

2. Address

: Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsu Hon'ble Chief Minister, Nagaland

3. Presentation on GST

: Shri Asangba Chuba Ao, IAS Commissioner of Taxes, Nagaland

4. Question Answer Session and Discussions 5. Vote of thanks

: Shri Abhijit Sinha, IAS Finance Commissioner, Nagaland Refreshments

NB: All the Legislators have been requested to attend the workshop.

Issued by: DIPR

9th Open Basketball MPL 2016: Power Comm FC Tournament: Day 2 salvages draw against MFC

KOHIMa, May 25 (MexN): Day two of the 9th Open Basketball Tournament in Kohima saw Tiyi Hoppers beat Doberman 45-36; Dorians beat Airhoggs 48-36; Mission Giants beat Kohima Chiefs 43-42 and Mystic Ballers B beat Stingray 43-37. On Thursday, match patron Merentoshi Jamir, MLA, in his brief address appreciated the Nagaland Basketball Association and Suncity for organizing the basketball tournament and encouraged the young Nagas to take the game seriously, adding basketball is one of the fastest games which is played. He also assured to help the organiser in whatever possible way he could. Matches scheduled to be held on May 26 are: Titans vs Skyhooks, Mission Giants vs Orca, Dorian's vs Mission Ballers A, Taurus vs Tiyi Hoppers, Amplified vs Titans, Werewolves vs Mission Giants and Dorian's vs Mystic Ballers B. An all stars exhibition match is also scheduled to be played with one player from each participating team to be selected and divided into two teams.

KOHIMa, May 25 (MexN): Power Comm’s quest to take on league leader All Blacks in the ongoing Morning Premier League suffered a temporary setback today as it could managed only a tame 2-2 draw against Morning Football Club (MFC). Confidant with consecutive wins in three games, Power Comm could not hold the momentum against MFC, whom it has beaten 4-2 in their previous encounter. Instead MFC had upper hand leading 1-0 at the end of first half with a goal from Hoinato in the 40th minute before doubling it to 2-0 in the

53rd minute. Down with two goal deficit, Power Comm players reorganized themselves and netted their first goal in 58th minute through Schwen. As the match progress into last 20 minutes, Power Comm managed to salvage a tame draw, courtesy of Viposa in the 70th minute. With today’s draw, both Power Comm and MFC still retain same position as last week in the leader board, the former at 2nd and the latter at 8th position. May 26 Fixture All Blacks Vs Merhulietsa FC

I've struggled to stay motivated, says Murray PaRIS, May 25 (ReuTeRS): Britain's Andy Murray, who has suffered a dip in form this year, said on Wednesday it had been hard at times for him to stay motivated since he became world number one last year. Appearing at a promotional event in Paris with French Olympic judo champion Teddy Riner, who has dominated the men's +100kg category in his sport for years, Murray praised Riner's motivation to stay at the top for so long. "I got to number one in the world at the end of last year and there's been some times this year where it has been difficult to keep up the motivation and set new goals," Murray said. With the French Open starting on Sunday, threetimes grand slam winner Murray looks a pale imitation of the player who won his last 24 matches of 2016 to knock Novak Djokovic off his pedestal and seize power in men's tennis. Not since Pete Sampras in 1999 has a world number one had a worse start

to a year, with Murray's win percentage at a fairly modest 70.8 percent. The Scot said the last few months had been difficult and he had had some problems with his elbow early in the year. "But over the last seven, eight years of my career I always wanted to perform my best and play my best tennis at the grand slams and that's still the case now," he said. "I always feel extra motivation when I come to a slam even if I have been playing badly," added Murray, who said he hoped for a

good tournament in Paris. WORSE POSITIONS However, in response to a journalist's question, he said it was far from being the most difficult period of his career. "No, I am ranked number one in the world. I have been in worse positions than this. When I had my back surgery it was very difficult for me. There were times when I was younger when I was struggling a lot more than now," he said. "The last few months have been difficult but I believe I will turn it around

and I hope it starts here in Paris," added the Scot, who has never won the French Open but did reach last year's final where he lost to Djokovic in four sets. With Murray turning 30 earlier this month, the top five male tennis players in the world are now at that age or over. Murray said he was "a little bit" surprised that no younger players had broken through. "I think last year a lot of people were maybe expecting that to start happening because Roger (Federer) and Rafa (Nadal) both had quite serious injuries last year but both of them have come back extremely well this year," he said. "The way tennis has been going the last 10, 12 years or so, it has looked like players are starting to play better as they get older," he said. "I am sure the younger players will break through very shortly but, hopefully, I still have a few more years in the top few spots in the rankings," he said.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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